#i need to watch otaku no video again
greetingsfromuranus · 2 months
Do you think Double D is "moe"?
erm yessssss of course
ive caught a very bad case of adoration for this character its alot
Moe is the perfect description of what Double D is to me
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Otome Game ~ *Idia Shroud*
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Summary: It was Idia's idea to game with you. But when you ask him for help with your otome game, he can't help but notice some similarities between him and your favorite character...
Pairing: Idia Shroud X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 1004
Warning: Otome gaming
Taglist: @savanaclaw1996 @goseew
It was Idia's idea to game with you, although he only asked because you mentioned that you had a new game that you haven't gotten around to playing yet. You were sure he had ulterior motives when he asked you to hang out, but you didn't bring it up with him as you didn't want to scare him off. Instead, you simply grabbed your game and met him at his dorm.
Ortho was more than excited to see you. You always held a special affection to Idia's little brother that didn't go unnoticed by both parties. On more than one occasion when you weren't around, Ortho would beg his brother to finally ask you out. But Idia was far too terrified to approach you with a romantic relationship. So he simply settled for a friendship that he would never ever, ever, EVER take advantage of.
Idia made sure to clean his room before you arrived and you were pleasantly surprised. Whenever you crashed the Board Game Club meetings, Azul would go on and on about how filthy his room was. Still, you didn't point it out to him. You didn't want to make him feel any more self-conscious than he already was.
After exchanging some casual pleasantries, the two of you fell into your gaming. It was calm and relaxing. You found yourself enjoying your time with the dorm leader of Ignihyde more than you anticipated. He was considerate about your own gaming experience and kept his reactions to his game quiet. Every so often you would look up and watch what he was doing, asking questions when you felt it was appropriate. He answered all of your questions with ease and even reciprocated by asking questions about your game. All and all, it was the perfect afternoon with one of your favorite people.
Then you hit a rough patch in your game. Your sigh of frustration alerted Idia, who knew exactly what it meant: you needed help. Now, Idia doesn't like to boast about his exceptional skills when it comes to video games, but surely he could appear like your knight in shining armor and lend you a hand?
"What's wrong?" He softly asks, his gaze still trained on the game he was playing.
"I'm stuck. I don't know which boyfriend to choose." You mumble, flicking through the different options in your otome game.
Idia thought it was a good thing you weren't paying attention to him as his hair flickered pink for a brief moment. He fumbled with his control to pause his game before finally addressing your issue.
"What, what do you mean?"
You showed him the screen of your game console. "So my new game is an otome game. I have seven boys to choose from. I just completed the intro and now I have to pick one, but I don't know who to choose."
He frowned and looked at your options. "Why don't you just pick one that you like and then do the other routes later."
"That's the problem. You can only choose once. If I want to complete the other routes, I have to buy another game. It's a major capitalism scheme, but I thought the game looked fun." You shrug. "Any idea who I should choose?"
"Uh... why don't you tell me about them and then I'll help you decide."
You nod with a smile that makes the tips of his hair turn pink again. "Okay in order here you have: Ryushi, the strict student body president who just needs someone to soften his edges, Ietsuna, the lazy slacker who only cares about you, Amane, the bad boy who likes to tease and torment, Kobo, the golden retriever who is the fan favorite, Michinori, the cultured exchange student who is a little fruity in my opinion, Masanobu, the secret prince of the school who would do anything for you, and Ichibei, the otaku with a heart of gold."
"Wow." He's surprised with how typical the choices are like every other otome game. He would normally say pick the one you're most interested in as they're pretty average, but considering you can only make one choice, you have to be careful. "I guess I'd have to say the choice is up to you."
You give him a pout. "You're really going to make me make such a tough decision all on my own? You're so mean, Idia!"
He panics at your words, not meaning to make you upset with him. "Well I mean it's your game! You should pick the boy you feel is the most special to you! I can't really help you make that decision."
"I suppose you're right..."
"Who do you feel is special?"
You shrug and glance back at your choices. "Well, I first thought about Masanobu because who wouldn't want to be a princess? But I felt he was trying too hard in the prologue to try and gain your favor. So I went through the options again and I'm stuck on two: Amane and Ichibei."
He tried to not let you know how surprised and flustered he was. "Oh?"
You nod. "I mean, I'm so like other girls when I say I love a bad boy, but Ichibei... he seemed so sweet and shy. I couldn't help but be drawn to him. I think he might be my favorite."
Your explanation was not helping the poor boy's rapidly beating heart. Based on your little description about him, Idia couldn't help but see similarities between him and Ichibei. Was this your subtle way of saying he was your favorite too? Was it too much to hope that that was true?
"I think you should go with your favorite."
You beamed at his words and his heart skipped several beats. "I think you're absolutely correct! Thank you Idia!"
"You're welcome." He mumbled and tried to return to his game. But he was distracted. Your words and your choice hit him harder than he anticipated. Perhaps Ortho was right. He should ask you out…
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duhragonball · 5 months
Do you have any further opinions on Gendo and Shinji having some potentially not healthy views on women?
I'll see what I can come up with.
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Gendo uses multiple women throughout the story, but I'm not sure that indicates an unhealthy attitude toward women in particular. He exploits men, including his own son, just as readily.
I find his affairs with the Akagis hard to explain, because he seemed so laser-focused on his objectives, and so averse to forming any close relationships with anyone. Even if his relationships with the Akagis were purely physical for him, it still seems like the sort of thing he wouldn't indulge in... unless he thought it would bring him closer to what he actually wants.
I guess my personal theory is that he didn't seduce the Akagis, but they threw themselves at him, and he played along because he needed their talents too badly to risk pushing them away. Naoko was practically rooting for Yui to die in that accident, so it seems likely that she fell in love with Gendo while they worked together and made her move after Yui was out of the picture. Gendo might have rejected her, but he needed the Magi supercomputer that she was building.
Only after the Magi were completed did he turn against her, calling her a "useless old hag". I think he was counting on Rei to hear him saying it, and used her to provoke Naoko into doing something drastic. Although, considering how important Rei was to his plans, it seems odd that he'd put Rei in such a risky position.
In any event, Ritsuko watched the tail end of Naoko's relationship with Gendo and immediately decided she wanted next. This seems really foolish, considering Naoko's fate, but I get the impression that Gendo is this charismatic enigma, the sort who attracts people to his cause, in spite of his cold and repulsive personality. Maybe Ritsuko thought she could fix him, or she just found him fascinating and wanted a closer look. And so Gendo found himself in the same position all over again, playing along with a new lover to ensure her cooperation with his plans.
That doesn't make him blameless, of course. He saw these women offering themselves to him, and he used their infatuation to his advantage. I guess what I'm saying is that he didn't get entangled in those relationships because he was lonely or horny, or desperate to feel powerful. He just played along with them for as long as they were useful, and then discarded them when they ceased to be useful.
I'd say that probably explains his apparent closeness to Rei as well. They only get along well because he needs her for his plans, and she's willing to go along with literally anything he wants her to do.
But, again, I don't know that this has anything to do with their gender. If Rei were a boy, I don't think it would change much for him. If the Akagis were men, he'd probably still use their attraction to him to his advantage.
Regarding Shinji... man, I don't know.
Yesterday I watched a couple of old Folding Ideas videos about End of Evangelion. Dan Olson was talking about how the movie served as Hideaki Anno's "revenge" against obsessive fans who hated the original ending in Episodes 25 and 26. I think the "revenge" theory of EoE is still open to debate, but I still need to do more research into that. Anyway, Olson was pretty confident about it, since it explains how different Shinji is portrayed in each ending.
In EoTV, Anno used Shinji as a medium to explore his own psychological problems, and the ending is more positive. But in EoE, Anno uses Shinji to represent the emotionally stunted otaku he was so mad at. So in the movie, Shinji never "does anything" or "learns anything". He wallows in self-pity, demands Asuka's sympathy, and strangles her when he doesn't get it. He's a petulant child throughout the whole film, and the misogyny is on full display.
Olson explains that Shinji is useful for this sort of thing because he started out as the standard anime protagonist: a blank slate that the audience could project their own identities upon. By the end of the TV series, Anno could easily turn Shinji into his alter ego, and use him to express his own anxieties and fears. And when the otaku rejected this, it was like they wanted Shinji back the way he was so he could be their avatar instead, Anno granted their wish, making EoE-Shinji a representation of all of their worst qualities.
And that's an interesting interpretation, but what frustrates me is that it basically leaves no room for Shinji to be a character in his own right. He's just a vessel for whatever Hideaki Anno wants him to represent. If Anno is feeling introspective, he'll make Shinji in his own image. If he's mad at the otaku, he'll turn Shinji into a straw man.
And that makes it hard for me to really talk about Shinji's attitude towards women. Early in NGE, he basically behaved himself and seemed to prefer keeping his distance from girls, if only to avoid any awkwardness. Misato and Asuka kind of brought him out of his shell a bit, and then in EoTV he seems to rely on them to help him figure out his damage. In EoE he seems desperate for a woman-- any woman-- to make him feel happy, forever. If he can't have that, he'll either go limp or throw a fit.
I don't know what the throughline is with Shinji. If I understand commentators like Dan Olson correctly, there is no throughline with Shinji. He's just a placeholder for one psyche or another. Still, I suppose he's defined by the loss of his mother, and there's always this lingering temptation for him to think he can just retreat from his problems and take refuge in a woman's embrace. Early on, he's reluctant to accept Misato's hospitality and compassion, maybe because he can't believe it's genuine. Later, he starts to appreciate her more, and then he begins to take the women in his life for granted a bit. In EoTV, he pulls back from that mentality, but in EoE he sinks deeper into that false hope that a woman can make him safe and whole.
Am I making any sense here? I'm not sure.
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landofzero-archive · 1 year
Ibara Saegusa - Private Room Chapter 4
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Writer: Nishioka Maiko
Season: Autumn
(Location: Starmony Dorm Room (Ibara, Mitsuru, Midori, Tsumugi's Room))
Aira: Fuah, Aaaa…….. Good morning.
Ibara: Good morning.
Takamine-shi and Tenma-shi are both working today. I heard that they’ll be returning in the middle of the night.
Please feel free to spend time in this room as if it was your own. Though, it might be a bit difficult for you to be here with me, just the two of us. 
Aira: No no! That’s not the case at all……!
To be honest, it’s more like I’m the freeloader here. You should be the one carrying on without caring too much about me, Saegusa-senpai.
I’ll take up your offer on doing whatever I’d like in here too.
Ibara: Thank you very much. That’s what I’ll do.
Aira: (……And so I said, but being together with Saegusa-senpai, just the two of us is making me nervous……!)
This reminds me of when I first found out about dorming with Sakuma-senpai and Tenshouin-senpai. I was really nervous at that time too.
I’m curious about Saegusa-senpai’s day off……♪
Since Saegusa-senpai has the image of a workaholic.
Even though he revealed how he spends his days off in Eden’s interview article, it felt like it was just a safe response.
That’s why Saegusa-senpai’s private life is still a mystery.
Besides, I just can’t help being curious about the way idols in highly popular units spend their days off!)
Ibara: …… (Doing some reading)
Aira: (I see, I see. Heh……Saegusa-senpai likes to read. I wonder what book he’s reading?
If it’s a book I’m familiar with, maybe it could help broaden the topic of conversation.
Let’s see……”Working techniques to keep a step ahead”?
……Eh, what’s that? A business book, huh? That suits Saegusa-senpai well, but if that’s the case I won’t know about it.)
Ibara: ……… (Using his tablet)
Aira: (Mm? He stopped reading the book in his hand and started looking at his tablet.
I get it~ I do that a lot too. When I’m in the middle of watching TV or a movie in my room, somehow my hand would end up touching my smartphone.
He looks so serious…… I wonder what he’s looking at?
But I know more about the internet than about books, so it might be easier to find a common interest to talk about! Since this is Saegusa-senpai, maybe he’s looking up news on the internet?
Whaat? It doesn’t look like he’s looking up news.There seems to be a lot of graphs. It’s got to be stocks then?
I usually have no affinity to them, so I barely look at them.
Ah~ stocks, huh? The stocks don't seem like a topic that we can talk about together……A shame.
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Aira: (Ah, he’s back to reading again.
In that interview article I read back then……I thought he had just given a safe response.
It could be that the truth is not that he was making up the answers for the public, but he just answered as they really are.)
Ibara: ………
…… Could you please not stare so much? It’s quite uncomfortable.
Aira: Uhyaah! Y-you noticed!?
Ibara: You’ve been observing and scrutinizing me that much. I’m not that dull. If anything, I think it’s strange that you think you’ve been able to hide it.
Aira: I’m sorry~ It’s just that I thought I was going to get a glimpse of the surprising side of Saegusa-senpai’s private life, but it’s unexpectedly normal.
Ibara: I’m sorry for being an uninteresting person.
Aira: Eh!? No  no!! That’s not what I meant!
I just mean that reading business books and looking at stocks isn’t that much different from what you usually do.
Ibara: But I do a lot of different other things at my usual job. I just thought I should spend my day off working on something beneficial.
Aira: Hm~mm. Now that you’ve mentioned it, in a broader sense, my own hobbies might be similar. My idol otaku knowledge could be used in certain places in my idol activities too.
Alri~ght. Then I’ll spend some time watching videos of my favourite idols……♪ I need to prepare warm tea and snacks to go with my videos!
Ah, I’ll brew some tea for you too, Saegusa-senpai.
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Ibara: No, please don’t mind me.
Aira: Don’t be that way. I’ve troubled you so much. If I don’t do anything to make up for it, I won’t be able to calm down. So please don’t hesitate in accepting.
Ibara: Haa, well. In that case, I’ll be counting on you. If I remember correctly, the tea leaves are kept above that cupboard.
Aira: Got it. Please wait a moment.
On top of the cupboard……Ye~p—
( Uu……Even on my tip toes, I can’t reach it.
It’ll be so pathetic if I ask Saegusa-senpai for help because I suddenly couldn’t reach the tea leaves. After all that fuss I’ve made about it too.)
(Ah, There’s a small stepping stool here. The seat has a mascot character on it, how cute~ That’s perfect, I’ll borrow this. Heave ho—)
Heh!? It sounds like there was a snap coming from the stool……?
Uwaaaaa!? I’m falling……!?
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starrysharks · 6 months
seeing as magical girl ward revolves around the internet... which social media do you think each girl would be more active on? Or, are any of them in any fandoms?
(I said each girl, but you can pick only one of them too ofc :33 )
ooo i have lots of thoughts about this. generally i imagined the social media that they all talk on is a discord stand-in, but they're all super online kids and definitely use different socmeds different ways!!!
velvet is probably a constant bitter.com (twitter) and tiptop (tiktok) user. she's the sort of person who has only a handful of interests/hobbies, but what she is into is intensely loved by her - namely menhera subculture, j-fashion in general, and romance visual novels, all of which she has concerning amounts of knowledge on and constantly gets into argues about those topics on her aforementioned social medias.
lillith spends all her time girlblogging on bunblr (tumblr) and reposting aesthetic images. she also probably uses it as a diary, but only posts in a weird prosey cryptic poem type language. like, if she missed the bus that day, she'd write something like:
🐰 lago_lyre follow
my dearest disciples, the claw of the devil held me back from my routine yet again... the rain roared in ridicule as my transport disappeared into the foggy abyss - the abyss i so needed to enter... what ensued was waiting, arrival, punishment. such is the life of a pariah like myself, washed away by the wind and the whims of time.
#lillith's literature #diary #daily life
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momo, on the other hand, spends all her time on the discord stand in (maybe it's called blisscord or something? that'd be cool, don't really have a final name for it yet) talking to randoms and posting pictures of her various otaku collections. maybe she also posts on a private bitter account too?
izia is ABSOLUTELY a tiptop addict who destroyed her attention span watching funny little videos. she just likes whatever's popular or funny. however as the least terminally online of the six, she probably sticks to posting sports images on instaglam (instagram) from time to time.
calico spends all her time on bitter doomsrolling. she's one of the more nihilistic of the group, and is probably convinced that everyone's evil, there are no good people left on earth, etc... she only uses the app to scroll and rant about tiny things that annoy her. also probably posts on the random board of 4sham from time to time (using different IPs because she keeps getting banned for spamming).
poemu posts on multiple platforms - bitter, bunblr, instaglam, and art-focused websites to share her artworks. i think she'd probably be pretty popular, with around 5k followers on bitter for example. she talks normally to her followers and art mutuals but vents on a private bitter account and to the other girls in their chatroom.
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
What exactly makes you think that le sserafims target audience are otaku-coded men and what is the „wholesome porn“ category?
just to clarify, a target market is defined as a group of people that have been identified as the most likely potential customers for something due to shared characteristics such as age, income, gender, attitudes, interests, values and lifestyle. you cannot run a business or effectively promote a product without a target market.
it’s not a secret that young to middle aged men make up a huge chunk of consumers of kpop girl groups in general, and given that kpop is predominantly indulging in visible content (concerts, music videos, stages etc). i think it’s just common sense and experience of how the industry has worked that makes it obvious who le sserafim is targeted towards - since we can see it with our own eyes. they have racier and more “grown up” outfits than other groups, their choreos are more sexual, the way their videos are filmed have more suspicious angles etc.
le sserafim including two minors in their debut just makes this worse but the group was already not for me or not something i was comfortable with anyway. if i were to compare it to newjeans, which is also a girl group under hybe that debuted minors, the actual target market is already extremely different - newjeans seems to be the girl group hybe has chosen for the next biggest market, young girls who will be dedicated fans for years (they’re the “unnie” group for school aged girls and young teens). they’re given extra long safety shorts, childish and usually colourful styling, sillier choreo that’s easy to follow etc.
though to make it clear again, i don’t support the debut of young minors in the industry, but that’s why i implied le sserafim is the “worst” of the two to me.
tw for p*dophilia below:
the wholesome porn aspect of kpop is one of those secrets that isn’t really a secret. the industry has p*dpohilic, overly sexual undertones which has existed for years (and only calmed down more within the last 5 years or so despite still being present). that’s why there was an abundance of groups catered towards men (sexy concepts and sweet “i am ur gf” concepts) and even partly why they are literally called idols as opposed to singers, with an image that is supposed to be virginal. more specific examples include how tzuyu was mistreated as a minor, wonyoung dancing to side to side on a survival show, and seungri’s v.v.i.p music video in which it implies he literally sleeps with a little girl.
this is what someone who worked on produce 101, the survival show, had to say:
The PD answered, “If a program is solid and organized well, people regardless of gender watch. The issue is with quality. The reason why we did the female version first is, I don’t know how to express it. It was from the thought that we needed to create wholesome pornography for males. (laughs) If you look at the contestants, they look like your younger sister or niece but aren’t they cute? I wanted to make that style of pornography.
end of tw.
this is why i don’t “support” le sserafim or want to do readings on how the group itself is operating because we already know the answer: hybe is going to give these men want they want because it’s literally why this group was created.
i hope this makes sense to you and other people who may read this answer. it’s not an attack on the girls themselves or more normal fans of the group 💗
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aoyama-division · 11 months
Luis's Thoughts on Pixel Syndicate
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Anika Kiyozaki
"I'm not a racing fan like Karada is. I know some people are interested, but if I wanted to see people driving down dangerously on roads and such, I'd just head to Osaka and watch people driving on the Kanjo Loop. ...Now that I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised if people used that as some sort of underground racing track. I mean, it's certainly busy during the day, and at night. But I guess that adds to the certain level of recklessness and dangerousness...
"But anyway, if Karada hadn't told me about this woman, I'd not know anything about her. Apparently after an incident, she retired from racing and now works as some sort of therapist. Like Karada mentioned, that's certainly a step away from racing, but I guess she probably wanted something more... low-key. Still, it's good to know she's here if I ever need to talk to someone."
Shian Meizono
"After I spent a day of thinking about it, I finally remembered where I saw this woman before. She had just come in after the lunch rush and asked for a large meal since she apparently had been hunting a criminal that had alluded her for almost three days straight. Not to quote Tomi, but I'm glad she is around. The fewer criminals hanging around here, the better. We already have one or two criminal teams in the D.R.B. The last thing we need is another.
"But anyway, she ate nearly everything on the menu and left a large tip. I'm kind of surprised I didn't recognize her when she delivered my birthday gift. The only other person I've seen eat as much as her is Kanra-chan from Edogawa. ...But, at least I have an idea of what to get her for her birthday."
Makina Setsukura
"Like I mentioned with 'Nikki Yoshie', I'm not all that big on video games. I've played them and I like some more than others, but I'm not as big a fan as Karada is. But anyway, he told me about this young woman. Apparently, she uploads videos of herself playing video games, either speed running through them or posting walkthroughs. ...I guess I know who to look for whenever I get the nerve to play video games again and I need some assistance. But the odds of that are very slim..."
Pixel Syndicate
"Not to quote my teammates, but I have to say, I'm quite surprised that Chuohku actually let a third team represent another division. The first team to do so was the Daybreakers who relocated to Kawasaki. The second team is the current team, the Otaku Corps. And these women make up the third team. I wonder just how many teams Chuohku needs to form or create before they are satisfied. Forming new divisions isn't enough. Now, they even have teams forming in already created divisions. I'm starting to think they just enjoy the chaos that they spread...
"But other than that, I don't think Tomi or Karada were giving these women a fair shot. Just like any other team, they have the ability to succeed, regardless of how well-known they are or not. I'm not saying one team is better than another. Whichever team between them or the Otaku Corps wins, they'll have earned and deserved it. I wish them both the best of luck."
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currymuncherxxx0 · 9 months
Obey me demon brothers with a Chav! Mc
Okay so this hc is gonna be comedy lol. Its the obey me brothers with an mc who is such a chav. A chav is basically a very popular British girl in British schools or anywhere it doesn't have be in school lol. If you're British you'll understand lmao. #chav
As you arrived in devildom you had a very salty look on your face. Your fake lashes falling off, your face looking disgusted and your orange foundation and dark contour stands out.
Lucifer: Lucifer will obviously be very annoyed and irritated. This human causes more chaos than mammon himself. She's too loud and petty. And not to forget, the litres of Victoria's secret perfume sprayed on herself and in her room. It killed his airways. Lucifer comes to her to scold her about spraying too much perfume in the house of lamentation until she replies "Oh my god bruv, it actually bare stinks in this room yeah, you lot need to know what hygiene is." With that, Lucifer got frustrated. "MC! DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU CONTINUE TO SPRAY PERFUME IN THE HOUSE??! IT WILL DAMAGE THE AIR!!" "Okay and, I don't care fam. It still smells like clapped pussios." Lucifer gets more confused now. More and more confused. He don't know a single thing about British slang. But as time went on, the MC and lucifer did have a love hate relationship. In fact, Lucifer even wanted to visit London with MC.
Mammon: Being the second born tsundere, Mammon is obviously gonna be like, "Oi, I don't like ya, MC!" and then he blushes. But when the MC is like, "Okay and? You keep staring at me like a bare madman still. You're clapped anyways." Mammon got more confused. What is clapped? As soon as he finds out what it actually means, Mammon starts sobbing into his pillows every day and night. Although Mammon was an idiot, he was never insulted by someone he loved. Since all of his brothers treated him like shit and insulted him badly. He had to cope with that trauma. A few weeks later, the MC realises how much she's hurt his feelings. "Look bruv. I'm sorry, okay? Look, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings still. It's just that I grew up having to be a salty skept. Forgive me still." With that, Mammon is a bit skeptical but forgives mc. The next time any roadman try to shank MC up, Mammon is here with her in his demon form. And if any girl tries to steal Mammon away from the MC, MC will smoke them still.
Leviathan: Now we all know that Levi is always in his room, watching some random h3nt@1 shit or playing video games. And he probably didn't shower for weeks. And because of that, MC does laugh at him. "Oi you man. What the fuck did you do with your hair, why does it look like some purple bowl? Are you Justin Bieber on crack mate? You're butters! Take a shower as well, fam." With that, Levi was just like "w-well you're obviously not gonna l-like a-an o-otaku like m-me." I swear, this guy gives pick me boy vibes. But the second that Levi takes off his shirt and his toned, outlined 6 pack and chest is showing, the MC is more confused now and also intrigued. "O-oi, MC, s-stop l-looking at me!" "Alai, you're actually so fit icl. You're leng. Since when did you have a chocolate bar shaped body when you're in that prison all day just busting shit?? You're tasty, bruv." And with that, the two of them have hate love relationships again. Levi swears to protect the MC from the opps. And MC swears to scrap anyone who even steals her bf away.
Satan: Well, Satan does has anger and daddy issues. So don't fuck with him or else you'll get smoked by him innit. "Oi, you! Yeah you, you yeah! You look like Cat Noir from poundland still." With that, Satan gets angry. "Well at least I'm smarter than you, kid." He's a bit angry. "You're calling big man a kid?? Nah. I'm a big man, pussio. I'll chef you and your dad up, wait you have daddy issues lololol" Satan has turned intona green flash and then into his demon form. "WTF DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME, B***!! ILL FUCKNG BREAK YOUR NECK!!" Satan was destroying everything around him now. "Okay okay fam, calm down fam. No need to act mental and that, get a grip mate. Sorry fam. Geez, you're so sensitive blud." Throughout time, they're still enemies. Yeah.
Asmodeus: Asmo is gonna be the one that the MC hates the most. MC thinks that he's too feminine as a man. As Asmo applies a heavy amount of foundation, concealer, contour, blusher, face powder, glittery pink, orange and yellow eyeshadow, thick eyeliner, long long false lashes, highlighter, bronzer and purple lipstick, MC just looks at him, weirdly. "What the fuck are you doing, bruv? You look bare zesty." Asmo does not know a single thing about British slang so instead he says this. "Oh, sorry for stating the facts that I'm beautiful hun. You're just jealous that I can blend my contour and concealer better than you, you just look more orange than Donald trump, your crusty musty looking concealer lips." MC gets angry. "Oi, what the fuck did you just say to me, bruv?? Do you wanna scrap?? I'll smoke you fam, don't fuck with me innit." Asmo isn't scared at all. "Well try and do that, love. You won't be able to walk the next day, hun~~~ 😏" of course he's gonna be some horny ass mf.
Beelzebub: Tbh, I think MC would kind of get along with Beel. Yes, she would find it irritating that beel eats the whole fridge but still. I have a feeling tha MC would actually have a crush on Beel. "Oi, Ed Sheeran looking man! Yeah you! You're leng still! You look fit! Man eats the whole fridge and still has bare tits and biceps." And yeah, MC and beel just have a nice friendship. As time went on, Beel smoked more oops and roadmen who touched MC and MC scrapped any chav that would lay a finger on her bodybuilder bf.
Sorry I didn't add belphie, I'll try to do that in the next part 😭
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peridee · 1 year
Mae plays Return to Shironagasu Island
So, I've neglected this blog a little, not for any particular reason though. I've still been playing a lotta games, a wide variety of games lately. I was planning to write about the Parascientific Escape series. It's a cool mix of visual novel and escape room, but as fun as it was and as much as I enjoyed the series, it's simply too rough and unpolished to recommend. So, in the end I didnt write about it.
I guess that relates to the other reason I've neglected this blog, I play a lot of games, and I often enjoy them and thinking about them, but theres no great impetus or need to write about em. So, I guess thatss the purpose of this blog, to write down my thoughts abouf games and to recommend decent or interesstng oness.
That brings us to today's game, Return to Shironagasu Island. Its a visual novel horror game with mystery elements. It was developed by Hyogo Onimushi. You play Sen Ikeda, a private detectve working in New York. He is hired to investigate a suicide and goes to Shironagasu Island to investigate. He takes his friend/assistant Neneko with him. She's a weird otaku type girl, who looks and acts pretty similar to Kuroki from Watamote. i.e She's plagued with crippiliing social anxiety the entire time. Unlike Kuroki though she has a photographic memory and is often vital in the investigation.
The game's strongest draw is the central mystery of Shironagasu Island. It's satisfying to watch it unfold. There's a neat cast of characters with their own motivations and its fun to puzzle out.
There's not really much more I can say about the game without giving too much away.
Gameplay consists of advancing dialogue, choosing dialogue options and clicking on things of interest. Standard point n click stuff. There are a few unique areas of gameplay, but again that'd be spoiling it. Honestly, its impressive how much the developer manages to achieve with only text and a some nice cg's. It's worth checkiing out for sure, I even wrote this blog post about it afterall.
There are some things I'd change, its often necessary to click the same thing multiple times and its not always clear how to progress. There are also a few possible game-overs if you pick the wrong choice, but these don't really feel impactful nor do they affect the experience besides making you reload and try a different choice.
I'd really like to discuss it with people who have played it, that's one of the best parts of video games. So if this post interests you, you can find all the possiible places to get the game on its offiical websiite below
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Official Website
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meenatranslates · 2 years
[R] Citron | High Spirited LIVE!
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First and foremost, the key to dancing is to have fun! Everyone together now, dance dance dance ♪
quote taken from yaycupcake
Translation and notes under the cut!
Idol Live Research - Part 1
*Director's default name as Izumi
—Living Room (Night)—
Taichi: I gotta practise my dancing and singing in earnest for the live show!
Itaru: It has come once again... The days of dance practising that'll take almost every day...
Tsumugi: I'm also not particularly good at dancing, so let's do our best.
Taichi: Yeah! We can do this!
Tenma: We need to improve our live show to be even better than the previous ones to entertain our fans.
Citron: And for that, research and practice are needed!
Guy: What will you research of?
Citron: I'm planning to study on singing and dancing by watching lots of idol live videos!
Tsumugi: That's a good idea! By studying the actual live videos, we'll understand on how to use our body and make attractive movements.
Itaru: We can easily watch various kinds of videos since there're lots of them now.
Guy: I see... I'll watch one as well.
Tenma: True, they'll be a good reference.
Taichi: I'll try to find any good ones to watch!
Citron: I'm "beaming" with motivation! (1)
Tsumugi: "Brimming" with motivation, right?
Citron: Yes, that! Anyways, I'm gonna do my best to study for the live show!
—Practice Room (Day)—
Izumi: I see everyone has arrived. Wait, where's Citron-kun?
Guy: He still haven't come here yet.
Taichi: He mentioned that he'll showcase his dance as his research results, but I wonder what's it gonna be like?
Izumi: He said the dance is for the live show, so I'm sure the choreography's gonna be like one. But we don't really know the details.
Tenma: Didn't he say he planned to study on idol's dance?
Guy: Yes. He's been watching many videos of it ever since then.
Itaru: I think he can pull it off just fine since it's him we're talking about.
Guy: Quite possibly.
Tsumugi: Fufu, seems like we'll get to see Citron-kun's creative dance.
Taichi: I can't wait to see it!
Citron: Sorry that I'm late~! Everyone's really early, huh!
Izumi: You just came at the right time, so it's okay.
Taichi: What kind of dance are you gonna show us today?
Citron: You'll have to wait and see! Well then, I'll start now!
(1) やる気が吐いた (yaruki ga haita / throw up) → やる気が湧いた (yaruki ga waita / gush out)
Idol Live Research - Part 2
Citron: Ha! Ha! Ha! Fuh!
Izumi: (I-is this what idol's dance is...? What a weird movement...)
(The upper body moves so vigorously, but the lower body is just standing still...)
(What... exactly is this...?)
Itaru: Don't tell me, is that...?
Izumi: (Does Itaru-san know what this dance is?)
Citron: Phew... How was it!
Izumi: Oh, you're done already?
(I only see that he was repeating the same kind of movements though...)
Tsumugi: That was really intense, somehow.
Guy: However, only his upper half's doing the passionate moves, while the lower half doesn't move much.
Tenma: Hey, you sure that was an idol dance?
I've been to many idol concerts due to my work, but never have I seen this kind of dance in any of my visits.
Itaru: Of course you don't.
That wasn't an idol's dance, but rather a type of dance that fan moves along with the song. It's what you call Otaku Dance. (1)
Taichi: I knew it! I was thinking the same!
Citron: Amazing! You are correct!
Tsumugi: Otaku Dance...? It's my first time seeing that.
Guy: That was a very sharp and avant-garde dance.
So not only do we need to train our upper body, but also the muscles of the lower body to maintain that movement for a long period of time.
Citron: Exactly!
Also, doing this would get your neck hurt. You'd get a "wheatlash" if you're not used to it~. (2)
Itaru: You mean "whiplash"?
Citron: Yes, that!
Izumi: Still, doing that dance passionately from a seat is kinda amazing.
Itaru: No, that dance involves big moves, so a lot of places forbid fans from doing it recently.
Tsumugi: It'd be a big trouble if they hit a person while dancing, huh.
Itaru: Most people comply with the rules, but there are some among them that wants to make themselves standing out by making big movements.
Guy: I see, so it's a dance that fans show towards the idol.
Taichi: Uh, that's a bit wrong, Guy-san!
Citron: I'll show you the videos! This is what Otaku Dance looks like!
Tsumugi: They sure are synchronizing very nicely.
Guy: Their movements are quite precise. Is there a commander giving orders in the center?
Taichi: I don't think a commander is in there!
Citron: I was so moved when I first saw it! I want everyone to do this too!
Tsumugi: I'm not sure if I can do this quick and passionate dance...
Itaru: This seems painful for my shoulders and back...
Guy: How about we start off by training our torso and the whole-body muscles?
Taichi: We're not gonna do this dance for our live show though?!
Citron: Practice makes perfect, guys! Let's all start from the beginning!
One, two...! Ha! Ha! Ha! Fuh!
*Everyone follows*
Citron: Doing this with everyone is so much fun~!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Fuh!
Izumi: I don't think we can show this form of Citron-kun doing weird dance to the people in Zahra Kingdom...
(1) ヲタ芸 (Wotagei) - I'm sure some of y'all know what it's like, but just in case I'll share some gifs and a link about it
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(2) ムチムチ (muchimuchi / chubby) → 鞭打ち (muchi uchi / whiplash)
Story Clear!
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choshasan · 2 months
Having life goals when you're young is.. weird...
like... I'm 18, I've known I wanted to live in japan and be a mangaka since I was 12, hell, I knew I wanted to be an author when I was 8 bro.. and I was 100% sure of my dreams at 15. I started learning japanese, researching about japan learning the prefectures, cities, etc, learning the history, customs, and like.. it was all fun then, but nowdays I'm 18, still at the same place I was back then, still just learning about japan, sufferring and struggling learning japanese, and like, I'm coming closer and closer to the realisation that damn.. this dream may never happen.. because?
I'm a highschool drop out. I have ZERO diploma to speak of, I have a highschool 4th year education and even then my grades were shitty.
I have literally 8$ CAD in my bank account. I have a semi-stable "job" as a video editor, and I don't even make enough to apply for self employement. I don't even make enough where I could pay my cell phone bill every month. My 42$ CAD cell phone bill.
I am faced more and more everyday that no ammount of studying seems to be working on me for learning japanese. It's going in one ear and leaving out the other.
To live in japan it takes *at least*, the last time I checked, 5 years living there on a visa of sorts, before you MAYBE perhaps can get your citizenship, that's 5 years of needing to have and keep stable employment that is sustainable enough to pay rent, pay food, pay I would assume taxes, wifi, cell phone bill, utilities, etc... basic 21st century life. That's also 5 years of living away from my friends, my family, everyone I love. I have 1 japanese "friend" she's a grown ass adult with a job and a partner, who does cosplay in her free time when she can, I don't even think I know her real name, I'm pretty sure I only know her under her online name, I don't know her age, what she does for a living, what prefecture she lives in, I will never meet her. And I have social anxiety. I am not making new friends.. espetially not in a new country.. japanese friends? I'd be way too fucking scared to say anything that will offend them or their culture or accidentally say something wrong, make things weird.. other foreigners living in japan? Fuck no. I'm not leaving to another country to make friends with other people like me. People who like japan for it's culture? I have an inferiority complex, I'm gonna despise them for knowing 1 thing I don't. Other otaku? No. I know they're cringe as fuck. Even the calm ones. "I was watching this anime the other day"- nope. Do not speak to me. I do not wish to hear about your anime opinions. Fuck off.
The more time passes the more time I realise I'm leaving to another country to turn into a fucking shut in bruv...
Also, a ticket to japan where I live is two THOUSAND dollars CAD... that is a LOT. That's more than 2 months rent in most places in my city. That doesn't include the price of getting my pasport, packing, shipping my things overseas, insuring them, etc. Again, I currently have EIGHT dollars to my name.
And like.. I'm trynna be optimistic, be like
Well, you know.. hopefully, by the time I'm in my 30's but like??? I don't wanna waste my youth rotting away, studying in this barely a city I live in, I don't wanna get to japan and be like wow.. I've waisted my prime. The best years of my life.. gone. And now I'm here.. with nothing left to do..
Anyway, I could go on for hours but this is getting long..
To all the kids.. don't have dreams ✨️ /lh
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justbabyme · 5 months
I was tagged by @within-its-cave , thank you!
last song I listened to: this one!
currently watching: a backlog of YouTube videos
currently reading: nothing actually, though I have a few books I need to start
currently obsessed with: my own OCs, as ever...
favorite color: anything pastel, especially yellow!
I'll tag @chocolate-otaku and @illustrious-paladin-lesbian , thank you again for the tag!!!
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hailsvvanronson · 11 months
I was annoyed at the attack on titan ending at first, but it was for different reasons than everyone else (i thought he teased a sequel), and after the full chapter came out and i read it again, I was basically okay with it.
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Now, with the anime adaptation of the ending, I am MORE than okay with it.
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Dunno why I'm trying so hard not to be a spoiler...satute of limitations is about to expire...but hey, it's an ending for cynics of which I am one.
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MAPPA stuck the landing.
I don't know what anime I am watching until Steel Ball Run is greenlit. I DO kinda have to catch up on My Home Hero and SpyxFamily, but I got sidetracked by MONSTER.
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I was looking through Netflix one day over the summer, and saw that they got fuckin' MONSTER.
I always said I was gonna watch that show eventually, even with it being so bloody long but I forgot about it. Come to find out, up to now, if I would have gone to try and watch it it would have been a pain in the ass. The home video release was CANCELLED IN THE MIDDLE. THEY NEVER FINISHED RELEASING THE DAMN DVDS/BLU-RAYS! Even after running the entire show dubbed in English on cable! It was in license limbo, and even now Netfkix DOESN'T HAVE THE ENGLISH DUB! (Which is allegedly very good) HOW IN THE FUCK?!
You can find the english dub on random websites, but whatever, I watched it subtitled on Netflix and I actually BINGED that fucker. I can't remember the last time an anime captivated my attention like this. It might really be Psycho Pass 1. . . . No....Jojo 4. I finished MONSTER in 2 weeks. 74 episode show.
It is the WIRE of anime.
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(i had said True Detective, but that's Psycho Pass because everyone will tell you only the first season is good, but it's actually only the second season that's bad).
Not only that, the sadly recently departed Sakurai Atsushi of Buck-Tick could have totally played Kenzo Tenma (dammit I knew i forgot something that post the other day)
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This show has probably ruined anime for me now, because i know they'll never make a show like that again. It's not otaku pandering enough (it's not otaku pandering at all). They couldn't even get a decent studio to do My Home Hero. They should have pitched that to Netflix, Netflix would have tried and got Production IG or somebody like that. It gets compared to Breaking Bad for fucksake. You can't go wrong, Netflix!
I think Monster was after I saw Psycho Pass Providence in the theater. That movie was pretty fucking good........but man......i fucked up....I saw the announcement. I was basically waiting for streaming or whatever. I didn't look into anything about it really. Also, I haven't rewatched season 3. What I'm saying is, somehow I completely missed the fact this movie takes place BEFORE SEASON 3 🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
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I know, like, what?
So all lf that combined made the ending a big a shock, and i kinda enjoyed it more because of that. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
I guess I know what I'm watching next, season 3......which is now on Crunchyroll. Eventually they will do a dub since Amazon didn't 🤣😂.
(side note: I'm the guy who was always saying "why did they make Akane sound like Mila Kunis?" but I do tend to forget she's barely 21 when the show starts. 🤷🏿‍♂️)
Lastly, I loved Stone Ocean.
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I hope David Studio get the fuck away from Netflix though, eh?
I think that's all I gotta say. I could have a ball dragging the FLCL sequels, but what is there to say? FLCL should not be a franchise not everything needs to be a franchise. Not even Psycho Pass (that's right, it could have just been one season LIKE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US EXPECTED. Don't lie. That show is not otaku pandering enough, or they would have confirmed that stupid Akane/Shinya ship they keep teasing 😂🤣).
I guess I'm posting again now. Hi.
I am changing the username eventually.
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Can you do a headcanon post of the Obey Me boys (except Luke) do "Boyfriend Does My Make Up Challenge" with f!MC? I saw this on Youtube once and thought it would be an interesting scenario? Cheerio!
- trust him MC, he knows what he is doing.... maybe
- while lucifer isnt particulary skilled with makeup, he wont make you look like a clown... the final result will just look like you got a five year old do your makeup instead...
- not only that but if this idea is to be uploaded on youtube/deviltube, you can expect Lucifer to be a little more stiff and akward, to say he is a camera person would be like calling Asmo ugly, its just not true
- overall the result would look like this:
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- ah yes the great Mammon also... has no idea what he is doing
- dont point that out to him however, there is a camera on and his confidence is out of the roof. Add such confidence to the very shiny and pretty glitter palette you own and umm... yeah
- he wont realize the charming mistake he is doing on your face until he accidentally slips his hand with the glitter and lipstick, when he sees your face its pure silence and embarrassment, do understand he tried
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- why would you pick the stinky otaku man? To get an actual decent look? Have you lost it?
- levi is the second best option after Asmo and for obvious reasons, the main one is that he does cosplay, and in order to actually look like his characters he has has to master the art of makeup
- the final result is actually pretty good and the video results prove it, those who watch the video are quite impressed as well, please give him any sign of appretiation
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- he isnt the best, but he ain't the worst either, he knows enough to not make a disaster which is important
- spending enough time with Asmo has thought him a couple of tricks onto make one look nice with makeup
- the final result is pretty decent, not much color but it isnt all over the place unlike number 1 and 2
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- best option, this man knows everything about beauty and he knows how to make you look even more beautiful with makeup, not as beautiful as him however so dont get to excited
- while he'll try to push in some pink because its probably his favorite color, he'll make any color work on you, you'll look like those aesthetical pictures on devilgram by the time he is done with you
- no need to worry with Asmo, you can just relax and let him do all the beauty work
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- no beel you cant eat the makeup
- ok no but seriously, beel could easily get distracted so make sure to have some snacks with you and that his attention is at you while you two do this challenge, that and keep your hopes down
- he is so enchanted by the variety of colors your makeup has that your face could easily look like a rainbow, and you could even make the look work if it werent cause of the absolute mess everything looks like
- the colors are almost nice, but the execution is very messy
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- he started of decently but then got tired so he just drew a smile on your lips with the makeup
- the funniest thing is that he started nicely... he just got tired... why????
- then again this is the avatar of sloth we are talking about here, it was only a matter of time until he got tired doing your makeup, you're lucky he was even awake for when you started the video
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- as an individual of royalty you'd think he'd know what he is doing, however if you have read the rest of this post you can easily see that looks are tricky
- another victim of the colorful paletter, you become again a mess of a rainbow, and yet he is sure he did such a good job
- you have no other choice but to show some kind of appreciation to the prince, i mean come on that smile of his! You look like a shiny pretty rainbow! He loves it!!!
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- neutral and dark tones work for barb on you, and he manages to pull off a great look onto you
- it almost has a emo/goth look to it, if you wish you could add a bit more to it and actually fit such looks
- not what you were expecting, but its not horrible enough to hate, its pretty fitting to you as well...
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- simeon will try to keep the look as simple as posible, he'll also use more earthish tones since it makes your natural look pop out and he believes it fits you better
- he is surprisingly good as well and it looks very nice on you, these angels seem to know more than one could think
- the final result is simple but cute :)
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- solomon's look is so shocking you cant even get a picture of the final result ( and no it isnt cause i reached the limit of pictures why do you ask?)
- solomon has seen makeup throughout the ages of humanity, somehow he managed to combine them all but the strokes you felt on your face have scared you into looking into the mirror and checking the video
- the final result is a mistery for everyone, only Solomon knows what he did and seeing your expression of fear, he wont describe the final result to you, never, NEVER!!!!!!
- (i reached the limit of images sorry solomon fans :( )
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orionwynnter669 · 2 years
Obey Me SFW Head Cannons and Drabbles
I'm gonna be editing this as I come up with more ideas. There'll be sfw here and nsfw in a separate post. I don't have drabbles for all of them yet, but I will eventually.
Needs a f*cking break. Like, fr.
I didn't actually like him at first, until my psychology brain hit and I actually thought about why he is the way he is.
Isn't actually a major prick, he just needs to learn that he doesn't need to control everything for his brothers to be safe and happy.
MC walked into his office, frustrated with the eldest brother. They knew how hard Lucifer worked, but hated how often their dates were just spending time together while he filled out forms. They could see how exhausted he was, especially with how easy it was to set him on edge. They let out a sigh, able to see the dark circles under his eyes from the door. They stormed over to stand next to Lucifer behind the desk. "You're taking a nap with me. Right now. I'm not taking no for an answer." They pulled on Lucifer's arm, glaring at him at any minor hint of protest. They led him over to his couch, which they had asked to be put in, hoping it would encourage the demon to relax more. They took a seat with him getting pulled down next to them, and then pulled again, letting the raven hair fall on their lap. "You need a nap. Just let me do this." Their hand ran through the soft strands of his hair, coaxing him to relax until his breathing finally slowed. They'd be sure to chew out whoever gave him so much work to do that he couldn't even take care of himself. For the time being though, they just enjoyed being the one to take care of him.
Another one I didn't quite like until I learned more about. Now I just wanna hug his stupid self qwq
I feel like he'd definitely spoil his partner. Gives them nothing but the best.
Is definitely a cuddler. Has to always be hanging off you. Whether it's showing affection or possession, he's always got an arm or two wrapped around you somewhere.
For all his "Great Mammon" stuff, I get the feeling he's just as insecure as Levi. He just covers it up with his bravado
Is very easy to fluster. The slightest bit of reciprocated affection and he's done for.
It felt like mc had an extra heavy (and loud) growth lately. Wherever they went, Mammon was sure to be behind them with his arms crossing their chest, or next to them with his arm over their shoulder. Either way, he was sure to be leaning onto them. "Mammon, can you... back up a bit?" Mammon's expression quickly turned accusatory. "What, ya don't like being with me or something?" They shook their head, pulling away from him a bit. They made sure to grab his hand though, giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "I do, it's just easier to walk if we hold hands instead of you holding me." Mammon's face erupted in a blush as he felt their fingers intertwine with his, unable to protest as they continued leading him along.
I love this nerd so much I -
Curling up with him and watching anime together, going to conventions or concerts together, playing video games together, it's so good
Getting mad whenever he gets self deprecating, shutting him up with a kiss hehe
It was pretty often that mc went to hang out with their favorite otaku in his room. It didn't really matter to them what they did together, so long as it was with him. They were cuddled up, watching anime together, Levi resting his chin on their head as they laid against his chest. Levi held them closer, drawing their attention to him. "Do you... really like being with me? I'm just a shut in otaku, there's nothing good about me." MC shifted so they could face him, cupping his face between their hands. They were genuinely upset that Levi couldn't understand that they liked being with him. "If I wanted to hang out with someone else, I would. You're the one I want to spend time with. Or do you not like having me around?" Levi got all flustered, stuttering a bit. "O-Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?" MC kissed his forehead affectionately. "Exactly. I'll remind you as much as you need until you feel better about yourself. I like being with you, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
Ngl, I don't think about him too much. It's not that I don't like him, I just think about the others a lot more.
I do think that he'd be the only reason my mc would get through classes.
Most of their hangouts is them studying together.
I also imagine they go to a lot of animal themed cafe's together. Very cute
Self care parties to the max
When the two hang out, it's a lot of face masks and mani pedi's, they do each other's hair and Asmo helping them with fashion
If they have really low self esteem, I imagine that Asmo gives them huge confidence boosts
He's just really good at getting people to love themselves. I love him
My absolute favorite. I'd do anything for him. He's so sweet and gentle and I could go one about him for hours
I love the idea of making his favorite food and feeding it to him. I don't like to cook but I'd do it for him.
I think that he'd also encourage MC to eat more too. Them on a picnic or watching a movie and just feeding each other. Good stuff.
I'd give this man a million hugs. He's best boy.
My love for Beel extends to my love for Belphie
Cuddling together, napping together, making sure that he wakes up long enough to eat something
He makes me wanna take care of him
Comforting him if he has a nightmare or something, helping him feel loved. I love the twins more than life
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amistytown · 3 years
The Brothers Comfort a Bullied MC
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I started writing this thinking it would be something short and sweet I could finish in a day, and then it turned into this. MC remains gender neutral, and I currently don’t write for the dateables, but when I do I could always write a part II if people are interested. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it, anon, and thank you for the request! As always, I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors that may have gone unnoticed. Trigger warning for mentions of blood, violence, and physical and emotional bullying. Thank you to those who take the time to read my work; it’s greatly appreciated!
Immediately notices you’re quieter than usual, face sullen and void of the beautiful smile Lucifer has grown accustomed to. He’s determined to figure out what’s troubling you, undeniably concerned for your wellbeing; you’re the exchange student, though, more importantly, you’re his human, and your happiness is his own. That night he calls you to his study, always willing to make time in his busy schedule to accommodate you, especially when his human is in need. Your eyes are dark and swollen, and your head is bowed as you enter; you look exceptionally fragile, his heart aching at the sight. Behind closed doors he doesn’t hesitate to pull you into his embrace, pressing a light kiss to your forehead while he runs his fingers through your hair; he can feel you relax against him, hands twisting in his shirt as you bury your face in his chest.
Bursting into tears, you cry in his arms, and he holds you close, gaze soft as he consoles you, gently rubbing your back and whispering words of comfort. You’re his priority, his pride and joy, and he won’t rest until he knows you’re okay, wanting to soothe your aching heart. Flames dance in the fireplace, casting the room in their golden glow and emanating a heat that dries your tears and warms you both body and soul. Lucifer cradles you to him in one of the chairs situated before the hearth, watching over you as you curl up in his lap. Patiently he waits for you to speak what’s on your mind, unburdening yourself of your worries, his anger quiet and cold once he learns of the demons tormenting you. They are foolish to bully the one he loves, and to do so on school grounds; they will certainly be punished for their crimes—he will see to it personally.
Lucifer reassures you will no longer endure such harassment, encouraging you to confide in him; there’s little you can do or say to bother the Avatar of Pride, and he wants to help when able, providing his undying support. Your mood lifts significantly, and his heart swells as you cup his cheeks to draw him into a kiss, your lips smiling against his and sweetening the moment. He won’t allow you to leave his side the remainder of the night, and you’re eager to remain in his company, lounging in his study while you wait for him to finish his work. Though his focus is elsewhere, and he decides to turn in early, carrying you to his room where he tucks you in, hugging you to him beneath the blankets. The next morning, he excuses you from your duties, ordering a day of rest and relaxation; you deserve it, after all.
The Avatar of Greed is attending class when he overhears a low-level demon taunting you, throwing insult after insult while you try to focus on your studies; though the longer you ignore them, the more they push back, your face falling as their words leave their mark on your heart. Mammon’s blood is boiling, and he’s out of his seat, towering over the demon in an instant, a hand wrapped around their throat. Lucifer intervenes, putting an end to the chaos, but Mammon is unapologetic, his elder brother’s lecturing doing little to quell the fire still raging beneath the surface. He’s your protector, and he won’t hesitate to defend you—the consequences be damned.
To say he’s worried about you is an understatement, he refuses to leave your side, determined to protect you at all costs. A lowly demon is harassing you? The Great Mammon will deal with them personally, and once he’s finished, they won’t think twice about hurting his human. He loves you, although it’s difficult for him to admit at times, but you’re his world, and he hates to see you upset. Words do hurt, he knows all too well, so he’ll show you how loved you are by holding your hand and pulling you into his warm embrace, allowing you to cry on his shoulder—anything for you. Your tears wet his jacket, body shaking as you sob, finally breaking down from days of bullying. He wishes he noticed sooner, but he’s here now and will take care of you.
As soon as school is over for the day, he’ll make certain you’re comfortable and help you unwind in the peace and quiet of your room; tell him what you want and it’s yours, no questions asked. He’ll order your favorite food, which you enjoy while watching a movie, finding solace in one another’s presence. When you smile for the first time that day he’s elated, appreciating how beautiful you are—heart, body, and soul—if anyone deserves happiness, it’s you. His arms encircle your waist, drawing you close, and you kiss his cheek in thanks before resting your head on his chest. The soft touch of your lips renders him speechless, his heart pounding as he breathes in your scent, sweet and heavenly. Once he composes himself, he returns the kiss with fervor, promising to always protect you.
The downside to attending class online is he can’t see you throughout the day. After school he makes sure the two of you have plans, whether it’s playing videos games, watching anime, or simply enjoying each other’s company. He’s devastated when you cancel on him, but more concerned you’re feeling unwell; humans are fragile creatures, and he needs to take care of his Henry. Of course, those self-deprecating thoughts linger at the back of his mind, telling him you cancelled on purpose—who wants to waste their time on a gross otaku like him? However, he collects himself, dismissing them for your sake, and knocks on your bedroom door with trembling hands.
Light cascades from your room into the hall, his eyes widening when they meet yours, your gaze glassy and cheeks stained by your tears. For a moment he wonders if he is to blame, trying to recall everything he said and did since breakfast, to find an answer, only to confuse himself further. Yet you smile at him, anchoring him to reality, and he hates how it fails to reach your eyes. He can’t help enveloping you in his arms, forgetting how to breathe now that you’re so close, and he’s certain his heart is about to break as you begin to sob into his chest, clinging to him in desperation. Your cries hurt him dearly, and he wants to cry himself seeing you upset, but refrains, staying by your side to offer what support he can give.
In the privacy of his room, he’s extra attentive, hesitant but soft touches and worried glances in your direction while he wraps you up in his blankets, even allowing you to hold his Ruri-chan pillow for comfort. The tub is snug with the both of you inside, his face red and burning, though he’s glad you look much happier, safe and warm in his embrace. He puts on a lighthearted anime hoping it’ll lift your spirits further, the laugh that escapes you music to his ears. The episode ends, and you finally tell him the cause of your pain, opening your heart to him, his hold tightening when tears gather in your eyes once again. His insecurities are now forgotten, replaced by a wave of anger that consumes him, and he fights to keep his demonic aura at bay. A lowly demon dares to hurt you? He’ll make them rue the day they decided to torment his player 2. Until then he’ll let you know exactly how special you are, indulging you the rest of the night.
Satan is browsing the books in the RAD library when the comfortable silence is unceremoniously shattered, dissolving into chaos in a matter of seconds. Angry shouts reverberate off the walls, forcing their way beneath his skin—warm, uncomfortable, yet addicting—setting him alight. He can feel the intensity of every word, his heart pounding, pulsing in his ears with each syllable, the Avatar of Wrath unable to deny he appreciates the beauty of the heated exchange unfolding before him. Although he considers himself a demon of knowledge, making a name for himself in the Devildom for his intellect and held to high standards, he’s not impervious to his sin. He’s irritated, his concentration lost, but a part of him enjoys the pandemonium, wanting to tempt them further into madness. A scream interrupts his thoughts, a pitiful sound, and his blood runs cold. He knows you, your voice, and to hear you cry out is enough to break his resolve.
A hand firmly closes around your throat, blood welling beneath clawed fingers, as you’re forced into a corner. The panic in your eyes fills him with an uncontrollable rage, and he yearns to rip the heart from the demon who threatens you, the very person he holds dear to his own. Wrath overpowers all rationale, and he doesn’t mind, your life greater than the image he’s meticulously cultivated over centuries. He lunges at the demon without warning, grip bruising as he wrenches them away and drives them into the nearest bookshelf, watching it topple over in a cloud of dust and debris. An eerie hush falls over the library, curious gazes on the fourth born, but he’s indifferent, dragging the wretched creature from the wreckage; a grin spreading across his face at their desperate pleas—they only fuel the fire raging within. However, their life is spared due to Lucifer’s interference; Satan’s sure he’s instilled enough fear in the demon’s mind to last an eternity.
The resulting lecture from Lucifer leaves Satan with a headache. He’s unrepentant, his wrath reduced to an ember, but it still smolders, hot and heavy in his chest. When he enters the House of Lamentation, he finds you waiting to throw your arms around him, and despite his anger, he melts against you, calmed by your presence—so sweet and inviting he could lose himself in your very embrace. You’re his saving grace, and he’ll protect you as fiercely as he loves you, hating to see you scared and vulnerable, especially at the mercy of another. Even now he can see the remnants of fear and taste the salt of your tears as he kisses your cheek, fingers ghosting over the dark bruises on your neck. There’s a twinge of anger, but also dread knowing another hurt you and how quickly they could have taken you from him. The familiar smell of books is soothing, the large stacks scattered about his room bathed in moonlight. You’re curled up in his bed, listening to him read aloud with your head on his shoulder, his free hand stroking idly through your hair. At that moment, you look content, smiling at him, and he can’t help leaning over to capture your lips in a kiss, glad he can bring you comfort during the darkest of nights.
After school, Asmodeus sees the exhaustion in your eyes and the lack of color in your face, your natural glow seeming to fade throughout the day. Avoiding his gaze, you wilt in his arms when he pulls you into his embrace, his heart aching with desire when you are resistant to his charms. You don’t look at him in adoration or hug him back as tightly, basking in his beauty and praising him while he kisses your loving smile from your lips. Instead, you stare at the ground, body tensing when he cups your cheek, and although you lean into his touch, tears spring forth, hot beneath his fingertips. He can hardly stomach seeing you so distraught, his darling human, helplessly watching you fall to pieces in front of him.
The halls are silent aside from your sobs as you cry into his shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck while he carries you up the stairs to his room, whispering words of love and comfort in the hope they’ll soothe the pain that bleeds to the very depths of your soul. He’s grateful you allow him to hold and console you, trusting him to care for you in a moment of vulnerability, clinging to him without fear and seeking out all he’s able to offer. Your tears stain his blouse, and his makeup is mussed, yet he pays no mind, rocking and hushing you until you’re unable to shed another, chest heaving with each strangled breath that escapes you. Placing a tender kiss on your forehead, he hums sweetly, angelic voice lulling you to sleep. He watches over you after tucking you into his bed, affectionately stroking your face. For now, you rest your weary head, and once you awake, he’ll figure out what’s troubling his poor human, hoping he can put your mind at ease.
Dinner is your responsibility tonight, but Asmodeus doesn’t dare wake you, stepping in on your behalf. His brothers are well fed, and he makes sure to prepare an extravagant meal for his love, happy to serve you in the comfort of his bed. In fact, he feeds you himself, and you laugh as he cheerily extends a spoonful in your direction, blessing him with your beautiful smile for the first time that day. Beneath the silken sheets, he lays beside you, and you curl around him, glancing at him shyly before thanking him with a light but sweet kiss he savors long after you’ve parted. Yet you still look pained, and he encourages you to confide in him, cradling your head to his chest. Your voice is strained, barely above a whisper, but he hears every word, blinking tears from his own eyes. How long did you endure such harassment at the hands of those demons—on RAD grounds no less—suffering all on your lonesome. He’s appalled, wishing he could have protected you and sad he could not, however, he’ll make it up to you; anyone who hurts you is better off dead anyway. From here on out, he’ll take greater care of his human, keeping you safe in his arms.
Finally, lunchtime! Beelzebub is weighing his options as he makes a beeline for the cafeteria, the rumble of his stomach echoing loudly in the halls. Though all thoughts of food vanish when he turns the corner to find you on the ground, a group of low-level demons looming over your trembling form. They flee the second they notice the Avatar of Gluttony, reeking of fear. He considers following them, goaded by his anger, which rages within, hot and intense, pulling a feral growl from his throat. However, the sound of your cries reaches his ears, a somber melody that brings him to his knees. He kneels beside you, brows knit in concern, and gently wipes your tears away before catching you as you throw yourself into his embrace. The rest of the world no longer matters, only his human while he holds you in the now empty corridor, heart unbearably heavy.
Carefully, he lifts you off the floor into his arms, mindful of his strength as his holds you, your body feeling soft and warm and awfully fragile under his touch. Yet you lean against him, sighing into his shoulder and seeking comfort from him—a large, scary demon, one of the most powerful in the Devildom. He’s glad he’s able to protect you, but there are times he worries you’ll look at him differently, your eyes wide with worry like the demons’ who ran at the mere sight of him. Your gaze is loving, and you snuggle closer, thanking him; he feels a little lighter knowing you’re safe, and that you trust him to take care of you. The palms of your hands are scraped, blood drying to your skin—a reminder of what those demons did to you—and he presses a kiss to your fingers, vowing to teach them a lesson they surely won’t forget.
The emptiness of his stomach is agonizing, a pain that runs deep, but he desperately wants to stay with you, comforting his sweet human who needs him now more than ever. He’ll gladly miss lunch for you, putting you above his sin despite the influence it holds over him, and tending to your injuries. The school day passes by slowly, however, he keeps a watchful eye on you, your smile filling him with a happiness that helps him through the last of his classes. Afterwards, he offers to bring you to your favorite bakery; food always manages to cheer him up, and he thinks you deserve a treat. On the way home with bags of decadent desserts and pastries, he hums, reaching for your hand, which fits so perfectly in his own. Again, you smile at him, and he’s glad he’s found a place by your side, brightening your day and you his.
The Avatar of Sloth awakes from a dreamless sleep, hating how cold and empty his bed feels without you beside him. In a daze, he wanders into the hall—pillow in hand—the thought of holding you tightly against him, soaking up your warmth, tempting him down the stairs. Most nights he finds himself sneaking into your room and slipping into your bed, your body seeking his out in the darkness and welcoming him into your embrace. He’s thankful you’ve allowed him into your heart, Belphegor cherishing the intimacy between you, a love he once considered a mere fantasy. Though he pauses outside your door with bated breath, listening to the melancholy rise and fall of the cries echoing in the corridor—your cries. 
Throwing the door open, he peers into the darkness to find you huddled beneath your blankets, eyes wet with tears as you glance up at him, clearly startled. Adrenaline rushes through his veins, hands shaking, and he swallows against the panic, slightly reassured you’re safe in bed, but the miserable look on your face is more than he can bear. You whisper his name, voice rough and shaky, your pain tangible. The mattress dips beneath him, and he pulls you into his lap, cradling you to him. His gentle gaze sweeps over you—his human who deserves all the love in the three realms—and he kisses your tears away, wishing to free you of your burdens. Sleep can wait. You’re far too precious to him, and he’ll do anything to see you smile again, helping you piece your heart back together even if it takes the rest of the night.
Time is endless with you in his arms, your cries fading into quiet sobs as you lean into his touch, relaxing under the loving caress of his hand on your cheek. You regard him hesitantly, unspoken words on the tip of your tongue, and he’s nothing but encouraging as he kisses your forehead down to the tip of your nose, earning him a small yet beautiful smile that vanishes all too soon. Belphegor is eerily quiet while he listens to you, sad you felt the need to keep this a secret—alone with your worries—angry at himself for not noticing sooner, and livid at the demons who foolishly hurt you, instilling you with such fear you dreaded school each morning; they’ll regret laying a finger on his human, and he knows he’ll enjoy their agonized screams when he gets his hands on them. Until then, he promises to love and protect you, watching over you as you fall into a peaceful sleep at his side.
Tag list: @luminari-mc​ @yukihaie​
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