#poemu paracosman
starrysharks 6 months
seeing as magical girl ward revolves around the internet... which social media do you think each girl would be more active on? Or, are any of them in any fandoms?
(I said each girl, but you can pick only one of them too ofc :33 )
ooo i have lots of thoughts about this. generally i imagined the social media that they all talk on is a discord stand-in, but they're all super online kids and definitely use different socmeds different ways!!!
velvet is probably a constant bitter.com (twitter) and tiptop (tiktok) user. she's the sort of person who has only a handful of interests/hobbies, but what she is into is intensely loved by her - namely menhera subculture, j-fashion in general, and romance visual novels, all of which she has concerning amounts of knowledge on and constantly gets into argues about those topics on her aforementioned social medias.
lillith spends all her time girlblogging on bunblr (tumblr) and reposting aesthetic images. she also probably uses it as a diary, but only posts in a weird prosey cryptic poem type language. like, if she missed the bus that day, she'd write something like:
馃惏 lago_lyre follow
my dearest disciples, the claw of the devil held me back from my routine yet again... the rain roared in ridicule as my transport disappeared into the foggy abyss - the abyss i so needed to enter... what ensued was waiting, arrival, punishment. such is the life of a pariah like myself, washed away by the wind and the whims of time.
#lillith's literature #diary #daily life
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momo, on the other hand, spends all her time on the discord stand in (maybe it's called blisscord or something? that'd be cool, don't really have a final name for it yet) talking to randoms and posting pictures of her various otaku collections. maybe she also posts on a private bitter account too?
izia is ABSOLUTELY a tiptop addict who destroyed her attention span watching funny little videos. she just likes whatever's popular or funny. however as the least terminally online of the six, she probably sticks to posting sports images on instaglam (instagram) from time to time.
calico spends all her time on bitter doomsrolling. she's one of the more nihilistic of the group, and is probably convinced that everyone's evil, there are no good people left on earth, etc... she only uses the app to scroll and rant about tiny things that annoy her. also probably posts on the random board of 4sham from time to time (using different IPs because she keeps getting banned for spamming).
poemu posts on multiple platforms - bitter, bunblr, instaglam, and art-focused websites to share her artworks. i think she'd probably be pretty popular, with around 5k followers on bitter for example. she talks normally to her followers and art mutuals but vents on a private bitter account and to the other girls in their chatroom.
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starrysharks 6 months
can yew tell me abt magical girl ward!! ^_^ im v interested it sounds kewl
okiii i will tell you about magical girl ward!!! note that it's like very up in the air right now and a lot of stuff is susceptible to change. also TW for suicidal ideation, online suicide groups, teen suicide... basically everything to do with suicide.
so the story follows the lives of these girls who are all like mega depressed and suicidal for various reasons, who all meet on this chatroom website and start this tiny community for each of them to vent about their problems to each other. the "leader" of the group, lago_lyre, decides that all the girls should meet up and perform a group suicide because she wants to go out in a crazy, poetic way, and the other members oblige.
there are six members of the group (their usernames become their magical girl titles) -
velvet kuragari aka @bloodEbunnE - 14yr old who hates humanity and idolises lago_lyre for her pessimism. the protag and my PFP!
lillith lyremann aka @lago_lyre - 16yr old misanthrope and obsessive who believes everyone has horrible secrets, thus making them "impure"
momo momoka aka @b0n3ybun - 13yr old shut-in otaku, kind of cut-off from the rest of the world due to poor social skills
izia inuyama aka @jazzalope - 15yr old sports overachiever who's become overwhelmed by responsibilities, overly peppy and active
calico clandestein aka @calicottontail - 17yr old struggling with self-identity to a higher degree than the others, very self-defensive and openly suspicious of others
and poemu paracosman aka @painterpaws - 18yr old artist who's unsure of her future
the main thing is that each member doesn't know the other's identity at first. they all wear different rabbit masks under the instruction of lillith, who wants their deaths to be strange and inexplicable. unfortunately for her however the girls are saved by an unknown magical girl, who dies protecting them. the girls are turned into magical girls in turn, who travel into a cyberspace called the "ward" in order to help other girls on the social media. the girls' profile pictures manifest into "icons", which basically help them in battle - all different rabbits that poemu had drawn for them all.
anyway, the girls have to juggle their daily struggles, magical girl responsibilities, and most importantly keeping the secrets behind their suicidal ideation under wraps. the girls have a shared goal to fulfil the martyred girl's dying wish - one that they don't even know - but lilith is still dead set on her goal of becoming a poetic death and still tries to encourage the other girls by revealing their secrets to the others. um hopefully that makes sense also sorry for answering so late 馃槶 if anybody asks more questions i'll answer them also none of this is final i'm super tired thank you for the OC ask ^^
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starrysharks 6 months
whats your process for naming characters i think they all have very fun and whimsical names so im curious
i kinda just make stuff up on the spot based on words that i know will fit the character, search up names to find a good meaning (esp for non-european names), or make something up!
sometimes the name has nothing to do with the character and sometimes it does, but for the names that do mean something, typically that meaning is compressed in the last name. either a fancy sounding word that fits the character, a pun, or both - such as poemu paracosman, who's name is a pun on paracosm, which relates to the fact that she uses art and her original characters as an escape from the real world. poemu as a name has little relation to her character itself.
when the both the first and last name relate to the character, they're always almost relative to each other. take vivica de la crux and diane lodestar for example. vivica de la crux almost makes a phrase with a double meaning - either "war of the cross" or "alive of the cross". that relates to the fact that vivica both lives for the clear crucifix organisation, and also has her own inner conflict regarding her own trust and loyalty to the organisation.
diane lodestar is a similar layered name. diane means "divine" or "bright" - lodestar refers to a type of star that's used for navigation. so her name essentially means "bright navigation star", which refers to the fact that she's the president of a space exploration company and literally guides the company.
for characters who's names don't come from a actual word, name with deep meaning, or pun, usually it's just a fitting first name (occasionally a reference to something) with a fun last name that consists of two words slapped together.) take nova starbridge - nova relating to supernovae, and starbridge just sounding cool and catchy - and clyde blacktooth - clyde referring to bonnie and clyde (which also relates to his partners-in-crime relationship with DJ V-CON), and blacktooth being cool and catchy.
of course there are also characters who's names either have nothing to do with their character at all, and just "fit". like dr. "something" savory, octavia s., or weiss wallace. really naming conventions come more from a feeling than a necessity for me, and deeper name meanings don't necessarily mean more story relevance for a character!
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