#i need to start getting ready or im gonna end up being late for wORK
itsjaywalkers · 8 months
hi!!!!! i just wanted to say that i love nothing happens so much and i wanted to ask what does barty think about james and regulus’ relationship in the fic? sorry if you’ve answered this already !
aw thank you so much nonnie!! i'm so happy if a bit overwhelmed about how much love u guys have been showing to this series, i really didn't think ppl were gonna enjoy the story so much but !!! it makes my heart feel very warm <3
and that's such a great question!! don't worry, i haven't answered it just yet
barty dislikes james as much as james dislikes him. he was intrigued, if a bit jealous, to meet james since regulus never stopped talking about him, but he was . not impressed . when reg finally made them hang out together. they antagonise each other quite a lot, and unlike james, who does his best to keep things civil for reg's sake, barty has no issues with being openly hostile or trying to get a rise out of james
regarding the jegulus relationship.. he thinks they're a bit too close to be strictly platonic at first, but since pandora evan and reg are also kinda codependent in their own way, he doesn't think much of it. besides, sirius never seems bothered, and he's aware that he can be very protective when it comes to his brother, so he assumes that maybe he's reading too much into it
after a while tho, he realises that reg has quite the big crush on james (i.e. he's pathetically in love with him) and it doesn't take him long to connect the dots and realise that despite what regulus seems to believe, it IS requited, and james is simply oblivious to his own feelings. but he hates james, and he doesn't think he deserves reg, so he never says anything, or tries to intervene and make it happen
when it's clear that regulus is actively trying to move on, barty sees his chance and takes it, bc he likes him A Lot, and considering how close they are and how well they understand each other, he thinks he could make reg forget all about james. and if he gets to torture james in the process well.. then that's a very nice bonus
so basically, barty doesn't like their relationship, but not because he cares about how unhealthy or toxic it is, but simply bc he wants reg for himself + firmly believes james is undeserving of him and more of an asshole than ppl think
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serejae · 2 months
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pairing : idol!bnd x idol!reader
genre : fluff
WHAT ! - isac love with bnd (i apologize if the sports make no sense…im not athletic.)
ty anon !!
w.c: 1134
@onedoornet @miidorei @sol3chu @loserlvrss
(please dont ask me why sungho always gets hit with a basketball)
sungho swore his members had favorites, why when riwoo ask them to go front row with them to see his crush they go but when sungho ask they dont?? anyways, he sat front row ready to watch you play basketball
the match was intense, no sides have made a shot yet and everyone was anticipating for the first team to shoot. sungho held the edge of his seat as he leaned in watching you closely to see if youd make it, he wished on every star he knew and said every affirmation he could think of to hope youd make a shot. he watched you try to get the ball, chase the ball, dribble it, he just needed you to shoot the ball. just then you managed to get the ball in your hand and as you were about to shoot it you made eye contact with sungho and accidentally threw it towards him. but before he could react you managed to run out the court and grab it mid air as it was about to hit him. (you ladies alright?) sungho just stared at you as you apologized profusely and checked his face for any scars or damage. you were eliminated from the round but sungho took advantage of that. “i think i need ice for my face, can you show me where the ice is?”
(i actually cannot)
riwoo always loved dance but especially loved watching others dance. so when he heard that his idol crush was competing in dancesport he convinced bnd to move to the front for the stage so he can get a better view
as you walked past him to get on stage, riwoo pulled his knees to his chest and rested his chin and his knees smiling slightly excited to see your performance. so the music started and you and your partner got into formation, although he wished that one day you two would dance together he can work with this for now. he watched you move to the beats and melody of the music elegantly distinguishing the sounds of the crowd and just focusing on you. he was just wowed by your performance, how could someone be so perfect or do it all? when your dance ended and you walked to the exit of the stage, riwoo put his hand out for a high five with smile not expecting you to reciprocate it. but to his suprise as you walked past him he felt your hand on his
i feel like this mofo would think hes slick
boynextdoor came in late (ofc.). as jaehyun walk into the gym with his sunglasses on looking cool as he model walks until taesan taps his shoulder and tilts his head towards your direction letting jaehyun know youre there. and he’d get his act right so quick.
the glasses are off and hes serious leader mode. the whole isac hes acting so tough using his leader card to move the members around and make sure theyre not goofing off but secretly giggles to himself when he gets a glimpse of you. when jaehyun is finally up for archery hes so ready to impress you. he stretches his back a bit before holding up the bow and arrow aiming to shoot before completely missing. his ears goes red as he turns to peep at your reaction hoping youre not laughing at him (you are). jaehyun sat back down and started complaining to sungho about what just happened embarrassed, but when he felt a tap on his shoulder he expected it to be taesan but it was you giving him a water bottle as you let out a “you did great” with a smile that made him jelly. after a bit of courage hes gonna go off vibes and not logic anymore, hes walking up to you and talking to you.
(and as soon as you bring up how he held his bow and arrow upside down hes gonna start tweaking knowing he embarrassed himself like that infront of you)
my nonchalant king
taesan walked in clearly embarrassed at his group being late and especially knowing youre there. taesan finds a seat on the ground with boynextdoor and hides behind sungho while trying to spot you. he sees you about the run for the relay and gets nervous as if hes running (??) but he had no doubt that youd win (even if you didnt youre still the best in his eyes)
as he sees you cross the finish line he cheers loudly in his head but claps in real life. taesan sess you sit down with your group and peeks over sunghos shoulder slightly to get these sight of you smiling with your members making him subconsciously smile. what he didnt know is that his shield, sungho. moved from being infront of taesan to go do his sport giving you a full view of smiling taesan. you waved at him making him get out of his mind and realize what was going on, he looked around to make sure you were waving at him and once it clicks hes so embarrassed but waves back. you smile slightly before walking away causing him to put his head in his hands as jaehyun shakes him laughing at the situation
(lets pretend he was there)
leehan sat on the bleachers watching jaehyun about to compete, leehan wasnt competing in isac but was still invited to watch, and it just so happened that you had a small injury in your leg a while ago causing you to be unable to compete but like leehan you were still invited
he sat directly right next to you (yes there were other seats) deciding to keep you company. you both talked about the most randomest things before isac even started or when the crowd came in. when leehan found out about your injury he furrowed his brows and scolded you slightly that you should be at home resting insteaf of out here. just then jaehyuns name was called to start the archery match. leehan refocused his attention from you to jaehyun about to shoot until he heard you slightly move. he looked back over to you making you laugh a bit “my foot is just sore from sitting in this small area” you said making him laugh a bit. he helped you elevate your foot completely missing watching jaehyun shoot the arrow.
“wait! you didnt see jaehyun shoot the arrow” you realized he wasnt watching his member do their sport
“he missed didnt he?” leehan said calmly as he moved your foot up to help it relax
he really could care less about jaehyun and that arrow when youre next to him (yes he knows jaehyuns gonna complain when he sees the clip of leehan not gaf)
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luvyeni · 1 month
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genre fluff 𖹭 warning kisses pairing — boyfriend!jeno x fem reader | back to library .
request. i there’s this cute challenge going on tiktok where the girl was getting ready in the middle of the night while her partner is sleeping and eventually he woke up confused, started questioning her while the girl was in a hurry that made the partner gone mad looking out the window asking who and where she’s going out with, then at last they stay at home cause her partner was being too aggressive this scenario with Jeno??
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you don't know why you need to disturb your boyfriend— it wasn't even three am yet, but here the camera set up , smiling evilly as you made as much noise as you possibly could , to wake your boyfriend who could sleep through the end of the world if you allowed him.
First you made sure to turn on the lamp that sat on his side of the bed , just so he'd be even more disoriented when he finally awakened; you then went to your closet pulling out to a random shirt and skirt; they didn't even go together, but it don't matter cause you actually weren't going anywhere.
you then began shuffling around loudly again , this time he began to move around groaning, you knew he was getting up, you began frantically moving around around. “shit I'm gonna be late.” you forced yourself to not laugh. “shit , shit.”
jeno thought he was dreaming at first; but something told him to get up, so he opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a bright light; but not by the sun— it was the lamp. “baby?” he said barely asleep. “I'm late.” he heard you say. “late?” he questioned , “late for what?” you didn't respond, just kept making noise. He looked at the clock. “Baby it's 3 in the morning, where are you going?”
he looked outside, it wasn't even light out. “baby?” he said. “I'm late.” he sat up now. “Is she sleeping?” he said to himself, you had to bite back a laugh. “She doesn't sleepwalk,” he said, looking back out just to make sure he wasn't the one dreaming. “the sun isn't even up.” He finally got up , he didn't actually want you to leave if you actually really were really sleep walking. “babygirl.”
as you felt him get closer , you couldn't hold it anymore. “babe.” you let out a giggle; jeno thought he was going crazy right with you. “baby?” he grabbed your arm , you let out a laugh. “baby.” you finally looked him in the eyes. “good morning baby.”
jeno didn't know what to do with himself. “Is this a joke?” he asked, you pointed to the camera , and his shoulders slumped. “a prank?” he sighed. “baby it's three in the morning.” he whined , you laughed. “it had to be dark for it to work.” you grabbed his cheeks. “you were thinking about this all day yesterday weren't you?” you hummed , he smiled tiredly. “im sorry.” you pouted , he kissed your cheeks. “baby I thought you were going crazy , hell i thought I was going crazy.” he laughed , you took the skirt and shirt off.
“Come on.” He grabbed your phone , turning it off. “You can post that later.” he said, sitting it down. He laid back in the bed , yawning as he opened his arms. you smiled , crawling back into bed. “let's go back to sleep.” He kissed your cheek , then your forehead. “did you like your prank?” he hummed.
“just next time please do your pranks between 11 am and 10 pm baby , for my sake.”
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
A/N: okay wow, it's actually here, but let me say a ew things first: i am no it proessional so there are some made up stuff so don't come after me if there are untrue things in the story lmao. also, the ending... im not entirely in peace with it, but i've been sitting on this story for way too long so i just bit my tongue and finised it. don't come after me if you don't like it... but anyway! hope it didn't turn out as bad and you'll enjoy the story!
SUMMARY: You're up for the promotion you've always dreamt about, but right when you need to prove everything goes downhill. Lucky for you the cute, quiet IT guy, Harry, is there to help you out.
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There’s that feeling when you wake all by yourself, a moment of peace takes over you for not starting the day off with your one true enemy, the alarm, but then panic instantly stabs you in the chest when you realize it’s a weekday and there’s absolutely no way you just woke up before your alarm, feeling this rested. 
Your eyes pop open and you sit up in a frenzy looking around in the room, figuring out what happened and what should be done now. First you check the time on your phone and when you see that it reads 8:32 you almost start crying, but there’s no time for that, so you jump out of bed and sprint into the bathroom, stopping on the way when you spot Eric in the hallway, fully dressed, ready to leave.
“Eric?! Why didn’t you wake me up?!” you snap at him. He turns to you with innocence all over his face.
“I thought you were off today,” he simply says.
“Off?! We have the board meeting today, how could I be off!” you practically scream as you rush into the bathroom to get ready in less than two minutes hopefully.
“I’m sorry!” he calls out from outside. “I’ll see you in the office!”
And the next thing you hear is the front door opening and closing.
“Motherfu…” you mumble as you start washing your face like a crazy woman.
You leave in ten minutes, but you’re fifteen minutes late already, no matter how magically fast you got ready. You don’t have time to get a bagel for breakfast and you’re already halfway into the office when you realize you left your lunch at home too. You somehow shorten the route and win a few minutes on your way in, but you still arrive ten minutes late, looking like a hot mess, completely out of control as you make your way to the twentieth floor to your desk, pretending you haven’t just had the absolute worst morning of your life. 
The elevator almost closes right in front of you, but before you could smash against the sliding doors a hand sticks out and stops it, letting you slip in last minute.
“Ah, thank you,” you breathe out, your purse sliding off your shoulder and your folder almost falls from your hands.
“N-No problem,” a sweet and smooth voice answers, but your hair is such a mess, it covers your vision and you don’t see the kind man that saved you a few minutes with his move. The moment the elevator arrives to your floor you jump out and rush towards your desk.
“You alright, boss?” Zaya, your intern asks, who is more like a personal assistant at this point. She eyes you curiously from her desk as you gasp for air and try to soothe out the wrinkles on your blouse, though there’s absolutely no use in it. 
“Everything is perfectly fine,” you force a smile on your face as you start your computer, emails flowing in like crazy the moment you open your inbox. “Just had a rough morning.”
With Zaya’s help you go through everything at light speed, it’s one of your biggest strengths, being fast and productive, so in just about twenty minutes you reduce the thirty-seven unread emails to just two. 
You’ve cleared your schedule beforehand so you can have a practice run for your big presentation. Today’s board meeting is gonna be an important one. There’s a promotion at risk, one you’ve been working your ass off to get and now it’s so close, you can almost feel it between your fingertips. This presentation and what stands behind it all is what you’ve worked for night and day for the past month and you have never been more confident in yourself, though you can’t shake the general nervousness off.
You make your test run to Zaya who says her mind is blown and there’s no chance you won’t get the promotion. 
“You got it, boss,” she fist bumps you, something you’ve grown to like, it’s her form of appreciation. 
“I hope so,” you sigh. “Alright, I’ll grab a coffee quickly before the meeting.”
You head a few levels down to the main kitchen area that has the best coffee machine in the building. It’s already past the morning rush, so you’re delighted to see that there are just a few people lingering around. Including Eric.
“Hey!” you huff out a smile as you stand next to him at the coffee machine. He peeks at you, just a tiny smile on his lips, but it doesn’t reach his eyes like usual.
“If you’re curious, I was only just a bit late this morning,” you chuckle to yourself, grabbing a cup while Eric waits for his own coffee to get ready. 
“Mm, great. Sorry about… the morning.”
“It’s okay, are you nervous? About the presentation?”
Funny enough you’re running for the promotion against Eric, the guy you’ve been hooking up for the past few months. It’s nothing serious, no strings attached, mostly just sex, though you believe that if you spend at least three nights together every week and spend time outside of bed as well, that has to mean more than just a regular hook up.
“Not really,” he shrugs, but it doesn’t sound genuine.
“It’s okay, you’ll do good,” you smile at him warmly as you place your hand on his arm and give it a squeeze, but you’re surprised when he moves out of your touch, shooting you a look.
“Not… in the office, Y/N,” he grits through his teeth, looking around to check if anyone saw the tiny gesture while you’re just blinking at him dumbly.
Yes, you usually keep your… whatever it is out of the office, but he hasn’t been this distant to you before. Before you could ask his phone starts ringing and he mumbles an apology before running off.
You write it off as nerves, you know Eric to be highly competitive, it must be a new field for him as well, running against someone he is involved with. 
Your heart is racing when you enter the boardroom, welcoming the people that will decide your future at the company, the CEO, the CFO, the head of marketing and a few others you’re not that familiar with, but you know they have power.
For the promotion you had to come up with a plan to boost the numbers on the website that hasn’t been doing much lately. You worked up a plan for a marketing strategy that would reach the target audience in a better way, it’s pretty awesome, you’re quite proud of it and you’re convinced you’ll kick ass with your presentation.
There are a few more minutes left until the meeting, you pour yourself some water and go ahead to open your slides on your computer so you have it all ready when it’s your turn.
“What… Oh no,” you whisper, when your computer starts lagging and the cursor freezes. “No, no, no!”
“Everything alright, Miss?” the CFO notices your panic.
“Yes!” you force a smile on your face. “Everything is… perfect.”
He nods and turns back to his previous conversation while your panic intensifies. You keep pushing buttons and trying to move the cursor, but it looks pretty dead, so you decide to shut it down and try to restart it, hopefully it will come back from the dead. 
Eric strides into the room, but as he takes his seat he doesn’t even look at you, just sets out his own laptop and paper notes and stares ahead of him. No matter how you try to catch his attention, he ignores you fully and it’s just another punch in your stomach.
What the hell is happening?
“Alright, everyone ready?” Daniel, the CEO claps his hands together. “Eric, you’re up first,” he gestures at him and while you’re still desperately trying to revive your computer. 
Eric sets up and when his presentation appears behind him your stomach drops instantly. 
The title, the topic, the colors… everything. You know all of it, because… because you made it. It’s yours.
You forget about your computer as Eric starts talking and he presents your idea, everything you came up with and worked hard on, he hasn’t changed a bit about it and now he is making it look like it’s his own. If you were panicking before now you’re about to set on fire.
That would be probably nice, because you wouldn’t have to go up there and most likely embarrass yourself. 
How did he get your presentation? Why did he steal it? You can’t blame him just out of the blue, you need proof and right now the only device that could have it is dead in front of you. 
You are so screwed. 
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“ Holy fucking shit, oh my God!” you keep mumbling under your breath as you approach your desk, holding your dead computer to your chest, eyes wide from what you just went through.
“Boss? You alright?” Zaya’s eyes widen when she sees you all shocked and traumatized.
“No! I’m anything but alright!”
Luckily, the small meeting room near your desk is vacant so you’re quick to take it, Zaya following you right after, shutting the door closed so you can unleash fully.
“Oh my God I can’t fucking believe him! The asshole! How did he fucking do it?!” you snap, throwing everything to the table so you can anxiously start pacing the floor with your hands on your hips. “I cannot believe this, what the hell!”
“Y/N, what happened? You’re starting to scare me,” Zaya eyes you and she actually looks scared which is a new thing, the girl is fearless.
“Eric! He stole my… my whole fucking presentation!” you whisper-yell, throwing your hands up into the air. “Every slide! Every detail! It was all mine! And he sold it as his own!”
“W-what? But… how? And what did you present then?”
“I have no idea! He was up first, as we all knew ahead of time, he went up there, opened his presentation and it was mine! I thought I was about to fall off my seat, fucking hell,” you groan, rubbing your face with your hands. Thanks to your rushed morning you’re not wearing any makeup today so at least you can’t turn yourself into a panda bear. “My laptop died right before the meeting started so I could use it as an excuse and… fuck, I made up a whole other plan on the spot!” You’re about to start hyperventilating, maybe even crying which you’ve never ever done at work before.
“But… that’s good, right? That you came up with something new?” Zaya tries to see the bright side of it, but you shake your head violently.
“You know what I came up with? I said I’m planning to rebuild the whole fucking website! All of it!”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes! I basically set myself up for failure!”
Everyone knows a full makeover could easily be a death sentence, especially with such a short notice. You have no structure to it, no plan and most importantly no IT support to do the actual work. Because you can dream up any idea, but you cannot actually write the code for it. 
Zaya tries to cheer you up but you both know you’re not only knee high, but probably neck high in deep shit. She promises to take up extra hours to help you figure out what to do and though it’s nice, the situation still feels pretty much lost.
You’re on the verge of tears when you make your way to the IT department to have your computer checked out, which is still pretty much dead. You’re already dreading the interaction, Steven, the head of the IT department is a real pain in the ass, he never wants to actually help with anything so it’s always a fight to get things done with him. 
When you walk into their office he is the first one you see and you almost groan out loud, but manage to keep quiet as you approach him.
“Hi Steven, do you happen to have a moment?” you ask, as politely and nicely as you can in the light of what just happened, but apparently it’s not enough for him, because the look he gives you makes you want to turn around and run away.
“What’s the matter?” he grimaces, fixing his glasses as he leans back in his seat.
“My laptop just died,” you hold up the device. 
He stares at you, then at your laptop and then his eyes flicker back to you and he stays silent for what feels like forever before he speaks up.
“I have no time for this now,” he says, returning to his own computer and your shoulders fall forward in defeat, but then he speaks up again. “Go to the back and ask for Styles.”
“Thank you,” you breathe out and are already on your way away from his desk.
Maneuvering between the desks you’re trying to find out who’s Styles or who to even ask to tell you where to find him and you’re just about to stop at one of the desks when you see a big screen, a sticker on the back of it that says H. Styles, so you make your way over there.
As you’re approaching the desk a head full of chocolate curls appear and soon you spot the guy sitting behind the screen, peering up at you with curious, green eyes from behind his glasses.
“Are you… Styles?” you ask, feeling weird that you only know his family name. He stares at you for a second with wide eyes and you start to think you’ve got the wrong guy, but then he nods, the curls bouncing along with the movement.
“Y-yeah. I’m Harry Styles.”
“Great! Steven said you might be able to have a look at my computer, it’s completely dead.”
“Sure,” he clears his throat as he pushes back from the desk while you round it to give the laptop to him. “W-what happened?” he asks as he opens it up and tries to turn it on, but the screen remains black.
“Um, basically it froze right before the most important presentation of my life and then it died and hasn't turned on since then,” you summarize with a sad smile as you watch him grab some kind of cable to connect your laptop with his computer.
Harry hums as he opens some kind of program that has a long, complicated looking code running in front of him and he clicks and searches in it so easily as if he was reading a children’s book. 
“Is it fully dead?” you ask after a couple of minutes. 
“No, but you got a virus, it might take some time to restore everything and some files might not make it, I’m sorry.”
You let out a shaky breath, feeling like crying again, but you manage to swallow them back as you lean against the edge of Harry’s desk. He looks up at you like a frightened kid.
“I-I can try to get everything back, I promise, it’s just that–”
“No, I know it’s not up to you. Thank you though. I’m just on the verge of… would it be weird if I started screaming right now?” you ask rhetorically as you pinch the bridge of your nose. 
“I can set up another one for you to use with all the access cloned from yours, but you won’t have the files in the meantime.”
“That would be wonderful, thank you.”
“Is there any file in particular you want me to try to recover?”
“There’s this folder that would be nice if I had it, here, this is the name,” you say as you grab a post-it and a pen and scribble the name down with all the files in it. 
“Okay, I will try to restore it. Give me a few minutes to set your replacement computer up.”
Nodding sadly you wait by Harry’s desk, watching him work on his computer like it’s an instrument and he is pretty much a professional. You know nothing about programming, but Harry seems like a wizard, you have no idea why Steven makes him deal with all the tiny things when he could pretty much redeem the world. 
“Here, this is the password, everything is set up,” he hands you the new computer.
“Thank you.”
“I’ll give you an email when I have something about your old one.”
“Okay, my address is–”
“I know, I just… I literally just logged you into your account,” he reminds me with a shy smile and you realize he’s right.
“Oh. I forgot. Well, thank you so much, Harry. And I’m sorry you have to deal with it now.”
“It’s fine, I’m the newest on the team, this is how it goes. Rookies get to deal with all the device issues,” he chuckles shortly.
You nod with a sympathetic smile and pay one last look to your savior. He looks young, around your age, but he’s sporting a slight stubble that adds some harshness to his otherwise boyish face. He’s got kind eyes behind his glasses, the prettiest pink lips you’ve ever seen on a man and his curls are screaming to be touched, though you’re not sure HR would take it well if you were just walking around the office, touching people’s hair. Oddly, it wouldn’t be the first time they would have to deal with a situation like this. Bobby DeMarco was a weird dude who worked in sales and he had an even weirder obsession with playing with women’s hair randomly. He didn’t last too long at the company, luckily.
When you return to your desk it takes everything in you to focus on working and A, not find Eric to claw his eyes out and B, not anxiously wait to hear anything from the board about today’s meeting. They are supposed to give feedback today and approve if you can continue working on your project and they can easily just kick you out of the whole thing as well. If that happened Eric would still have to prove himself to be a good fit for the role, but you’d have no chance to ever step up at the company.
You’re a mess, to say the least. You’re panicking over having to do a full website makeover in just a month, you have no idea where you stand with Eric and honestly, you’re torn between never wanting to talk to him and also screaming at him until your lungs give up.
God, your sister will be so mad, she was right! Jeanie warned you. She said it right at the beginning when you started hooking up with Eric that it’s not gonna end well, but you thought she was talking about being dumped eventually, not getting your promotion stolen from you!
When Zaya comes up to you with a question later in the day you’re still so shaken up you can barely make out an answer for her.
“I think you should report it,” she suggests, holding her notebook to her chest.
“And what do I have as proof? My computer is totally dead with all the evidence I made the presentation,” you groan, leaning back in your seat.
“Let’s hope the hot IT guy can restore everything.”
“Hot?” you chuckle. “How do you know he’s hot?”
“You said it’s Harry doing it, right? Curly hair, glasses?” You nod. “I know him, he is definitely hot,” she shrugs smirking, shifting her weight to one leg. “You know what would be nice? Hooking up with him to get revenge on Eric!”
“H-Hooking up? Why would Eric care about who I hook up with?” you clear your throat, pretending like you haven’t had a thing going on with Eric these past months. Zaya gives you a look that clearly says you shouldn’t think she’s stupid and blind.
“Please, Y/N.”
Sighing you roll your eyes as you give up the act.
“Judging from the betrayal Eric gives absolutely no shit about me.”
“Maybe, maybe not,” she shrugs just when your computer pings, signaling two new emails in your inbox.
One from the board and one from Harry.
“Oh shit,” you gasp as you lean forward so fast you almost fall off your seat and Zaya runs behind your desk to see what’s happening as you open the email from the board.
Your eyes skim over the lines several times before you finally process what was written in it.
They approved your plan. You’re still up for the promotion.
“Congrats! You made it!” Zaya cheers.
“Fuck,” you whisper under your breath.
“What’s wrong? I thought this was what you wanted.”
“The chance and the promotion? Yes. But now I have to do a full website makeover in a month which is practically impossible.”
You’re still moping and silently panicking when you’re approaching Harry’s desk for the second time today. When he sees you he jumps to his feet and you almost break a smile because he looks like a puppy for a second, but then you see that he has taken his sweatshirt off, wearing only a simple black t-shirt that puts his tattoo littered arms on display.
Fuck, Zaya was right. He really is kinda hot.
“Hey,” he waves at you when you finally reach his desk.
“Hi, how did it go?” you ask with a deep breath.
“Actually kinda good, I could save most of your stuff,” he says as he sits back and you walk behind his desk, seeing your laptop still wired to his computer. “I saved the files onto a harddrive, but I don’t recommend you to keep using the laptop, it’s… it’s pretty fried,” he chuckles, pushing the glasses further up on the bridge of his nose and for a moment you just stare at his side profile instead of focusing on what he’s showing you on his screen.
“Uh, that’s okay, I’ll be fine with the files,” you clear your throat.
“So um… I don’t know if it matters or not, but I-I thought you might want to know that you didn’t just get the virus because you clicked on something, it was… well, someone put it on your computer and it started attacking the firmware.”
You blink a few times as you process his words and then it all starts to make sense.
“What do you mean someone put it on my computer?”
“Well, there was a malware hidden on your computer that basically attacked the firmware which made it impossible for you to use the laptop and it also attacked the files saved, I found an implanted code that was giving access to–”
“Harry, I don’t really understand what you’re saying,” you remind him, his words sounding absolutely foreign to you.
“Sorry,” he breathes out with a nod. “So basically, the virus stopped your computer from working and it also gave access to a third party to reach your files.”
“So someone could use my files?”
“Yeah, exactly.”
You feel like fainting again, because now it all makes sense. And you’re starting to see red.
“Can you see what files they messed with?”
“Actually, I’m glad you asked,” he smiles proudly. “I was able to find everything they duplicated and there’s a folder they tried to get rid of, but I restored it.”
“Is it by any chance the folder I gave the name to you?”
“It is,” he nods, his fingers starting to type on his keyboard at lightspeed. “Here. See these lines?” he asks, pointing at a code you understand nothing of, but you nod. “It’s basically something they should have paid attention to if they wanted to leave no trace, but I found it so now we know what they were trying to put their hands on. I even have time stamps too. The virus was on your computer for a while and then it was activated to attack the firmware today.”
This is all like a movie, it feels like you’re in Mission Impossible or James Bond, except it’s not a great villain who is working against you but the guy you trusted to let into your bed. The guy you considered your friend and even something more than just that lately.
You made a mistake, you see it now and you want to dwell on it but you know you have no time for that, you have to keep moving forward.
“Do you know who did it?”
“Unfortunately, no. I could only get proof if I had access to the other person’s computer who was hacking yours. I’m sorry.”
Harry seems genuinely sad, as if he failed, but he did so much for you already.
“It’s okay. Thank you so much, can you… like, make a record of all these? So we have all this as proof at least.”
“Already done,” he nods. “Do you want me to file a report?”
“No. No need for that,” you shake your head. “But… I want to ask a favor from you. I know we barely know each other and you probably have a lot of work, so feel free to say no.”
“What is it?”
“Do you want to help me redesign our whole website?”
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You’re anxiously chewing on your bottom lip as you wait for the Skype call to be answered, your sister’s name flashing on the screen until her pixelated face replaces it.
And she looks mad, just as you expected.
“Y/N, I told you so! I literally told you so!” she starts off, the voice cracks a bit as the call stabilizes.
“Can we skip the part where you tell me off like a child for hooking up with a coworker who ended up fucking me over?” you flash a smile, but she rolls her eyes at you, leaning back on her couch, her right side getting more illuminated by the lamp beside her couch. It’s past seven in the evening in Tokyo while it’s just six am for you. For the past six months this has been your usual, trying to call each other at a time that’s reasonable for the both of you with the insane thirteen hours of time difference. It’s definitely a hard task and sometimes you have to plan a call days, even weeks ahead.
“No, because I’m so mad!” she groans. “Mostly at the fucker, but you as well!”
“I really don’t need to hear how much I fucked up,” you mumble, looking down at your lap.
“Sorry,” she sighs, realizing she is making you feel even guiltier. “I’m just… you worked so hard for this and now he is ruining it.”
“I’m still up for the promotion,” you shrug.
“Yeah, but you said it’s almost impossible to do what you presented.”
“Well, things are looking a bit better now.”
She listens intently as you tell her about what Harry found on your computer and how you ended up asking him to help you out. You truly didn’t think he would say yes, but he didn’t even think about it before agreeing. So now you have the IT part covered by him, you just have to come up with all the rest.
“This Harry guy…” Sammy starts and you hold up your hand.
“Don’t give me the speech again, I learned my lesson.”
“No, actually I wanted to say that I like him.”
“For real?” you ask, raising your eyebrows. 
“I mean, he is willing to work an immense amount of extra time on your project and he basically has no benefit from it. I hope you do realize how big of a sacrifice he is making for your promotion.”
You knew how big of a deal it has been from Harry to help you out but now that Sammy said it out loud, realization hits. It’s not right he gets nothing out of it, so you note to yourself to go over it with him when you meet him in the morning for your first planning session.
“I’ll talk to him about it. Now let’s talk about something else.”
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Harry was afraid he wouldn’t be able to wake up so early in the morning and make it into the office for the meeting with you, but it turns out his excitement to be working with you is kicking him out of bed even before his alarm goes off. 
He does his usual morning routine, shower, get dressed, breakfast and checking he has everything he needs in his backpack for the day and then he’s on his way. When he walks into the café that’s two blocks away from his apartment the bell gently chimes above his head, catching the attention of the owner, Frida. 
“Harry! You’re up early today!” she greets him with a beaming smile, her grey hair is in her signature low bun, her blue eyes twinkling at the sight of him.
“I have an early meeting,” he mumbles with a shy smile, the tip of his ears turning red and she doesn’t miss it, but she knows how closed off he is so she doesn’t even try to tease her about it. 
“The usual?”
“Um, yeah, but can you make it two?”
“Of course,” she nods with a knowing smile, her suspicion is getting proven that this early meeting is with someone special. 
The two chat lightly while Friday makes the coffees to go, handing the paper cups to Harry once they’re done.
“Have a lovely day, Harry,” she waves after him and he nods back, pushing the door open with his hips, a cup in each of his hands.
He can’t deny there’s a pep in his step as he enters the building that’s eerily empty so early in the morning. He did not expect his day to take such an unexpected turn yesterday. He’s seen you around the office a few times before but he knew nothing about you, just that your laughter is ridiculously contagious. Then you jumped into the elevator with him in the morning, looking a bit messy but very pretty nevertheless. He could only blink as the elevator sped up and moments later you were out of sight.
But then you strolled into the IT department with your ruined computer and he finally learned your name. While he wanted to help with your laptop as much and fast as possible, he was also dreading the moment you’d pick the harddrive up with all your files and then never talk to him again. He felt silly, crushing on a woman he only officially met just a few hours before, but he couldn’t help it. Even when you were visibly stressed and worried he thought you were enchanting. 
He was not expecting you to ask for his help, but luckily his brain clicked instantly and agreed without hesitation. For one, he’s been dealing with boring projects as the rookie on the team and this seems like a great challenge for him. 
On the other hand, he would have said yes to anything you asked him, literally. 
So now as he walks into the meeting room where you’re supposed to meet his excitement is mixed with some anxiety, because as much as he is curious about this project he is nervous to spend so much time with you all of a sudden. He can only hope he won’t seem like a freak to you.
Thanks to the early Skype session with Sammy you’re on time too, arriving to the office building just minutes after Harry. He’s setting his laptop up when you arrive, his head snapping up when you approach the desk and take the seat next to him.
“Morning,” you smile at him warmly.
“Good morning,” he smiles back, fixing his glasses to sit straight before reaching for the extra cup of coffee. “Um, I brought you this. Actually, I realized too late that I don’t know how you like your coffee, so y-you don’t have to drink it…”
“Oh! That’s very kind, thank you! I drink coffee however I can,” you chuckle. “I just need the caffeine.”
You see a small smile flash across his face before he returns to his computer while you settle next to him. 
“Before we start, I wanted to go over something with you.” Harry turns to you curiously as you try to figure out what to even say. “This is a huge thing and I know it needs a lot of time and work. I don’t feel comfortable letting you do it without getting anything for the work you do.”
“Oh, I-I don’t need anything, I’m glad to help.”
“That’s very kind, but it still doesn’t feel fair. If there is anything I can do for you, literally anything, just feel free to ask. I would feel better if I knew you’re getting your reward for your work.”
Harry thinks about it for a few seconds before nodding to himself.
“Do I have to come up with something now?”
“No,” you chuckle. “Just promise me you’ll think of some way I can pay you back.”
In the next hour you learn two things. One, working with Harry is incredibly easy. He is efficient, communicates well and simply a great at teamwork, it’s like a breath of fresh air after some of the people you’ve previously worked with.
The other thing you learn is that he is incredibly smart and it makes him very… sexy.
God, you shouldn’t be having these thoughts after what happened with Eric, but you’re not immune to a good-looking man with so much knowledge, especially when it’s in IT. You know nothing about coding and when he pulls up his miles long codes, types quietly for a few minutes and then shows you what he did, explaining to you the science behind it… it’s making you feel things you shouldn’t be. It’s so attractive when someone knows so much about something and they’re passionate and devoted to the field. It’s clear that Harry’s field is programming and he is ridiculously good at it. 
You were afraid the task would turn out to be impossible and every time he spends just a little more time silently staring at his code you’re expecting him to give up and tell you he can’t do it.
But he comes up with something every time and by the time the meeting ends you feel oddly enthusiastic and optimistic about the whole makeover that was scaring you to death just yesterday.
“Harry, you are… truly a life saver,” you sigh contently as you lean back in your seat, a long list of tasks on your screen, but you can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel now. 
“I’m happy to help,” he smiles shyly, nodding to himself. 
“Do not forget about the payment, I really want to pay it all back to you.”
“I won’t, I promise,” he chuckles softly.
“Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“Tomorrow,” he confirms before packing up his stuff and leaving.
You stay in your seat for a little longer, just having a break before starting your actual work day. Opening up your calendar you check what meetings you have today and that’s when you face what you’ve been religiously ignoring since yesterday’s ordeal.
The weekly marketing sync where most of the time it’s just you and Eric, because Dominik, the third person who should be present likes to cancel last minute. 
It’s ridiculous that you still haven’t gotten into contact with him. Part of you was expecting him to come to you, to give you any kind of explanation though there is nothing he could have said that would have explained why he did all of that.
It’s been radio silence on his part and now you have to face him and talk to him.
You’d rather throw up in the middle of the office than do it, but you have to suck it up and deal with him.
He is there in the meeting room when you walk in, typing away on his computer like nothing happened, like he didn’t just try to ruin your career.
“Eric?” you call out, your voice sounds a lot more confident than you were expecting luckily.
He looks up, his face remains completely blank and it just angers you even more.
“Hey,” he nods without batting an eye.
“Hey?” you chuckle, as you close the door behind you, shutting you away from the rest of the people outside. “Don’t you have something to say to me?”
“Y/N, do you really want to do this?” he sighs, as if it was tiring to even think about the situation.
“Eric, you stole my whole presentation and sold it as yours!”
“Are you sure about that?”
You’re seeing red. And you’ve never been this close to actually punching someone in the face. 
“Of course I’m sure about it! That was my presentation! Are you fucking kidding me?!”
Eric stands from his seat, taking his sweet time as he walks closer, trying to intimidate you with the height difference, which used to work, you even found it hot when he towered over you, but now it’s like his existence is giving you the ick.
“You have no proof, Y/N. And you didn’t say a word at the meeting. That ship has sailed, now it’s time to move on.”
“It was all just a joke to you?”
“I told you at the beginning I didn’t want anything serious, that wasn’t a lie.”
“But did you do it just to fuck my presentation up? We literally started hooking up when the open position was announced.”
“Does it matter?”
“It does!” you laugh in disbelief, tears stinging your eyes, but you refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry because of him.
“Okay,” he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I just wanted to get to know you and see what you’d come up with for the presentation, but then one thing followed the other and… I went with it.” He shrugs and then goes back to his computer like you just discussed the weather and not how he used you and then threw you away.
You can’t hold yourself together any longer, so you turn around and get as far from him as possible as you try not to start sobbing in the middle of the office. Fuck, this shouldn’t hurt this much, but you really trusted him, you thought you could have something serious, you were hoping Sammy wouldn’t be right about him, but she was. Unfortunately.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you mumble under your breath as you approach your desk Zaya is not in today, so it’s pretty calm around your desk, but then you spot someone lingering there.
“Y/N?” Harry sees how shaken you look as you finally reach him at your desk. “A-Are you alright?”
“Hi Harry,” you force a smile out, but you can’t fool anyone with it. “Did we… Do we have a meeting or something?”
“No, I just wanted to show something… Y/N, are you about to cry?””
“N-No,” you shake your head, but your lips are already wobbling and you fail to prove your words right.
“Uh, come on, let’s have a break. Want to come up to the roof?” He gently circles an arm around your shoulders and you let him lead you back to the elevators.
“Roof? We can go out to the roof?” you ask, wiping your tears away.
He doesn’t reply, just makes sure to shield you from the curious eyes as you make your way up to the top of the building. You genuinely didn’t know the roof could be used and when you see Harry push the heavy door open that leads outside you’re guessing it’s not exactly a public spot, but you don’t question it.
It looks just like how a rooftop should look, it’s definitely not open for public use but when Harry leads you over the corner and you see a little bench there, facing the panoramic view, you know you have just found a secret spot.
“Is this where you hide from Steven?” you attempt to joke as you sit down with him. 
“Sometimes, yes,” he chuckles. “Not my spot though, I think the janitor comes up here to smoke, but I haven’t run into him yet.”
You sit in silence, Harry gives you time and space to pull yourself together, not rushing you to talk at all and you’re grateful for his patience. Staring ahead at the view you take a few deep breaths, telling yourself not to let Eric’s bullshit get to your head. 
“I’m sorry you had to… deal with my tantrum,” you chuckle sadly at last. 
“That wasn’t a tantrum,” he smiles softly. “And don’t be sorry, everyone could have a bad day. Want to talk about what happened?”
“I trusted the wrong person,” you purse your lips. “Um, the virus you found on my computer. Someone from the company put it there to fuck up my chances for a promotion I’ve been dreaming of for a long time.”
“What? Are you… are you serious?”
“Yeah and the worst part is that… god, don’t tell anyone, but I’ve been kind of… hooking up with him and he said it was all just to get closer to me.”
Harry opens his mouth to say something, but then ends up closing it, processing what you just told him. You don’t blame him for being lost and confused, it’s a shitshow, to say the least. 
“That’s… That’s awful, I’m sorry,” he clears his throat, gently shaking his head. 
“You have nothing to be sorry about,” you chuckle. “I trusted the wrong person. Learned my lesson,” you shrug, and you wish you could actually end it all in your head with that, but you know it will bother you for a while at least. 
“Can I ask who this person is?”
“Eric Sonders.”
“I think… I know him. Didn’t think he could be this… vile.”
“Me neither!” you laugh. 
“So… he stole your idea and presentation, so now you have to do something else? And that’s the makeover?”
Nodding you briefly tell him what happened at the meeting, he listens intently and then shakes his head in disapproval, probably just as upset and lost about Eric’s behavior as you are. 
“You should report him, this is incredibly unethical and unacceptable.”
“I have no proof. We can’t prove that he did it all to my computer, you said it yourself.”
“Shit, you’re right.”
While Harry is deep in his thoughts you just stare ahead of yourself, doing a short assessment of your current situation. This should have been an exciting, professionally challenging time in your life, working on something that would earn you your promotion, but now, you feel like it’s more out of your reach than ever.
“We’ll make it work,” Harry speaks up, as if he could read your mind. “We can do it.”
“You really think so?”
“Yeah. It’s gonna be a tight stretch, but… It’s not impossible.”
“You are truly a life saver for agreeing to do it, Harry. I have no idea what I would do without you.”
He turns to you with a sheepish smile and you notice the slight pink shade on his cheeks as he nods.
“I’m happy to help.”
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Part of you knew this would be deadly, but even after expecting the worst, it hits you like a train.
In the next two weeks you feel like you spend every waking moment working on the project with Harry. Sometimes you do it together, sharing ideas, discussing them, sometimes you’re together but work in silence and sometimes you do it apart. Whichever it is, you eat, drink and dream with the new website.
While Harry is taking care of the coding, you do everything else, that means content writing, planning, organizing and also designing. It’s been ages since the last time you designed anything, once upon a time you thought you’d end up in that field, but then somehow marketing came into the picture and now you have to combine your two passions. 
It’s destroying you absolutely, but slowly it’s starting to add up and you can see the progress. 
On a Friday evening you’re still in the office after seven, practically everyone has left by now, but you’re deep in work with Harry beside you. It's one of those quiet sessions, when you’re working together, but only speak when there’s an issue. Neither of you said anything for about an hour when the silence is interrupted by Harry’s ringing phone.
“Ah, sorry,” he mumbles, jumping in his seat at the sudden noise as he reaches for the phone, checking the caller ID before his eyes go wide. “Oh shit,” he mumbles and you look up at him as he answers the call. “Hey Mitch!”
You hear a voice from the phone, but it’s too muffled for you to make out what they are saying.
“Um, I’m kind of still at the office… No, I didn’t forget!” he protests, but the look on his face clearly tells you he did forget something. “I-I don’t know… Yeah, I’ve been just working with Y/N… No, I won’t– Mitch… No!... Uh, okay…”
He holds the phone away from his ear, covering the mic with a hand as he looks at you with anxious eyes, he looks like a reindeer caught in headlights. 
“Um, I forgot I was supposed to meet two of my friends for a few drinks. Is it okay if I leave now?”
“Oh God, of course! Harry, it’s so late, I shouldn’t have kept you here so long.”
“You didn’t keep me,” he chuckles, before the worried look returns to his face. “Actually, would you… I mean only if you want to–So do you maybe… want to come?”
It’s adorable how he stumbles over his own words and you see the familiar pink shade tinting his face again, it’s a color you’ve seen a lot lately and you’ve grown to quite like it. 
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude on your time with your friends.”
“You wouldn’t intrude, I mean, I’m asking because I want you to join, obviously.”
“I-I’ll just go home and work some more, it’s fine–”
“Y/N, we’ve been working all day,” he chuckles. “You deserve some free time as well.”
You think of his words, these two weeks has been so busy you didn’t even do anything else than working and sleeping practically. Some off time would be actually amazing for your fried brain.
“Only if you truly don’t mind,” you say at last.
“Let’s pack then,” he beams with a smile as he shuts his computer down.
Twenty minutes later you’re walking into a bar you’ve never been to, joining Harry’s friends for drinks and though you can’t put your finger on it, but for some reason you feel a bit anxious. 
“Hey guys,” Harry waves at a couple sitting in a dimly lit booth. The woman is the first one to look at you with a beaming, bright smile as she slides out and holds her hand out for you.
“Hi! You must be Y/N! I’m Sarah and this is my husband, Mitch,”
“It’s nice to meet you,” you breathe out as you shake hands with Mitch as well.
You’re instantly bombarded with questions from Sarah as you slip into the booth and don’t even notice that Harry leaves and then returns with two drinks.
“Oh, thank you,” you smile at him as he sits beside you.
“So how is the project going?” Mitch speaks up, lazily draping an arm to the back of the seat behind Sarah.
“It’s going good,” Harry hums with a small nod, very humble about how much he has gotten done in just the first week.
“Mostly because of Harry’s hard work,” you add, praising him the way he deserves and it brings back that pink shade to his cheeks.
Sarah and Mitch are very easy to talk to, they seem curious about the projects the two of you are working on and just you in general. You’re having a great time hanging out with them and you feel like you’ve known them for a long time even though you literally just met.
You don’t even notice how time flies by, only when Sarah checks the time and lets Mitch know that they need to be heading home so the babysitter can leave.
“It was really nice meeting you, Y/N. I hope we can do this some other time,” Sarah hugs you.
“If Harry doesn’t mind me interrupting his time with his friends, then I’m in,” you chuckle, looking at the man in question who just shakes his head with a shy smile, letting you know he definitely does not mind.
“Alright, then it’s settled!”
They say their goodbye to Harry as well and suddenly it’s just the two of you in the booth and Harry is noticeably more nervous than before.
“Um, w-we don’t have to stay, if you want to go home, you co–”
“I’m happy to stay, Harry,” you smile at him without hesitation. He seems surprised, but excited at your answer.
You order another round of drinks and with the previous ones already consumed, it seems like Harry is slowly opening up, leaving his shyness behind and you get to have a peek behind his walls. The more you find out about him the more sure you get that he is truly an amazing, brilliant person and you wish you had met him earlier.
Maybe then you wouldn’t have fallen for Eric’s bullshit. Maybe then you would have fallen for him.
The drinks you’ve had don’t actually let it register, but you’re already developing a crush on him. How could you not? He is sweet, caring, smart, very thoughtful, basically the polar opposite of Eric. It’s making you question what you even saw in that asshole, you really put the bar too low.
“Oh shit, it’s already three in the morning,” you chuckle, when you finally check the time. “I should head home, I can’t sleep all day tomorrow,” you sigh, rubbing your face with your hands, realizing just how tired you feel. 
“I’ll call an Uber, is it okay if we share one?”
“It’s more than okay,” you smile at him lazily.
Minutes later you’re out in front of the bar, waiting for the ride to arrive. It has gotten significantly chillier, you did not dress for a night out so you’re holding your blazer jacket tight on yourself. When Harry notices he shrugs off his jean jacket without a word and drapes it over your shoulders.
“No, you’ll be cold!” you try to protest, but he shakes his head.
“I have a hoodie in my backpack,” he shrugs and pulls out a black hoodie, putting it on right when a car pulls up in front of you.
“Thank you for inviting me out tonight,” you quietly speak up on the backseat of the Uber, staring at Harry’s dimly lit handsome face. His glasses slid down on the bridge of his nose and you had enough drinks to have the courage to reach out and push them back gently. The gesture seemingly surprised him, but he doesn’t protest, just keeps his eyes focused on you.
“It was nice hanging out with you outside of the office.”
“Now we know we have things to talk about outside of the project,” you chuckle, making him grin as well. “We’re a great duo, Harry.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah. I wasn’t sure about it at first, I have never had to work this closely together with an IT guy and I was afraid I might be too intense for you. But it all turned out so good, I like spending time with you.”
“Is it that surprising?” you chuckle, letting your head fall back and rest on the back of the seat. “You’re a cool guy, Harry Styles. And very handsome.”
The last comment rolls off your tongue before you could bite it back and though it’s too dark to see it, you just know he is all blushed. Before any of you could speak up, the car comes to a stop, you’ve arrived at your building. Harry gets out of the car with you and walks you up to the door. 
“See you on monday?” he shyly kicks the dust, hands in his pockets. 
“Yeah. Thanks for tonight,” you repeat yourself and there’s a heartbeat of silence where you feel that moment.
You probably should not be feeling this way, not after getting yourself burnt so bad, but you can’t help it. You want to kiss Harry and for a split second you believe he wants to do the same. His eyes flicker down to your lips and you move just a tiny bit closer to him, time stands still and just when you think he’ll do it, he clears his throat and steps back.
“Good night, Y/N,” he mumbles nodding before he walks back to the car. 
You stand there, feeling stupid as you blink after him before snapping out of your trance, forcing yourself to walk inside. As you take a quick shower and get ready to bed you get into a spiral. 
First of all you’re such a needy idiot for jumping from one man to the other. You should not be looking at men at all after Eric and yet here you are, crushing on yet another coworker of yours, what is wrong with you?! 
And second, why were you expecting him to kiss you? You’ve barely known each other for a few weeks and Harry is a reasonable man, he is probably not at all like you, he probably doesn’t want to get involved with a coworker especially not you. Some signs were giving you a feeling that he might have liked you more than just a friend, but you must have totally misread him. 
You have to control yourself and not scare him away, especially since he is doing you a huge favor, the last thing you want to do is to make him uncomfortable.
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Harry hasn’t stopped thinking about you all weekend. Specifically about that moment in front of your apartment building where he would have sworn he felt you were expecting him to kiss you, but he couldn’t do it. Not when you were clearly intoxicated.
He didn’t want you to think he would ever take advantage of you like that.
The next week starts oddly. He gets some extra tasks and you get involved in another project as well, so you can’t work together like last week. Monday and then Tuesday rushes by without the two of you meeting. By Wednesday Harry is craving to see you again and it seems like it’s finally happening, because you don’t cancel your morning meeting. He arrives in a good mood with coffee for you and him, excited to show you everything he finished in the past days.
But then he can feel the change in you when you walk in.
You seem off, but at first he can’t tell why. You’re not your bubbly self, you seem very closed off and oddly professional compared to the times the two of you met earlier. Harry tries to tell himself it’s nothing serious, but the more time you spend together the more obvious it’s getting and he can’t take it anymore.
“Y/N?” he quietly asks at the end of the meeting. “Is everything alright?”
“Sure,” you nod, but it’s like as if you didn’t even believe it yourself.
“Did… Did I do something that upset you?”
“Nope, I just…” You sigh, giving up the facade you’ve been trying hard to keep up. “Listen, about Friday, I’m very sorry, Harry.”
“Sorry? For what?”
“I feel like I overstepped a line and made you uncomfortable, I’m sorry about that. If I made you uncomfortable. I want us to work well together and my unfiltered mouth was not at all professional that night, so I’m really sorry about that.”
Harry is blinking at you, confused and lost about what you truly meant by all that. He did not see this coming and now he has no idea how to react other than just looking at you with a startled expression.
“Can we just go back to where we were before that?”
“Where… I don’t-I mean, um…”
“Let’s just forget about when we parted ways, please?”
“So… Uh, yeah,” he at last nods, trying his best to mask his disappointment. He thought there might be something more between the two of you, but this conversation is proof that you just had too many drinks and you didn’t mean any of it. 
“Thank you so much,” you breathe out in relief. “I wouldn’t want to ruin our work together.”
Harry nods silently and doesn’t ask more about it. 
He is trying hard to hide his disappointment and part of home wants to know if you felt even the slightest spark on Friday or it was all just the alcohol, but he is not one to dig into things that might end him up in an awkward situation. He just swallows it all down and pulls his walls up again.
You can feel a bitter taste in your mouth as well after your talk with Harry. Something felt off, but you can’t put your finger on it and soon you have something else to worry about. 
You’re surprised to see Eric chatting with Zaya when you return to your desk. Your intern, bless her heart, is trying to keep a straight and professional face but you can tell she wants to scream at the man who definitely thinks he is charming the young girl with his small talk. 
“Eric? What are you doing here?” you ask, biting your tongue so you don’t tell him to leave and fuck himself.
“Hey, can we talk? Privately?” 
You look at Zaya and her eyes tell you what she thinks: it’s the literal worst idea ever. And you want to say no to him, but judging from his antics lately he would somehow use it against you so you don’t have much of a choice.
“Sure,” you mumble and the two of you take an empty meeting room. “So?” 
“Look, I want to apologize.”
What? Is he for real? That was unexpected.
“My behavior was uncalled for and very unprofessional.”
“Do you mean the way you stole my idea and presentation or the way you talked to me when I confronted you about it?”
“Can you not attack me, please?” he gives you a look that would have put you in place before, but now it just annoys you. He is trying to make you be the one in the wrong and you want to snap at him for still being such an ass, but you want to be the bigger person and stay professional. No matter how much you hate him, you’re still colleagues. 
“Go on,” you sigh, folding your arms over your chest.
“I know I can’t change the past but I think it's best if we deal with it in a decent way.”
How noble of him, pulling the rug from underneath you and then acting like he is this decent, peaceful man who just wants to work together. You want to throw up, but you swallow it back and force a smile onto your face.
“Sure, of course,” you tell him.
Seemingly Eric is satisfied with the work he did, but he is so tone deaf it hurts. He smiles nodding and heads out of the room with you behind him.
“Great talk!” he enthuses before walking away.
Zaya turns to you with wide eyes and you just shake your head.
“He wanted to apologize, though he didn’t really succeed, but I feel like it doesn’t matter to him,” you shrug as you sit behind your desk.
“You’re not forgiving him, right?”
“Of course not,” you scoff. “But we’re still colleagues, I can’t keep up the beef, it’s too tiring. I’ll just ignore his existence.”
You don’t think much of Eric’s ridiculous attempt to make peace, you keep your focus on your own project. 
There’s a bit of awkwardness between you and Harry after your little talk, but you feel like with time it eases and you write it off as just him not fond of situations like the one you put him into on Friday. 
Thursday afternoon the two of you are having another session together, working on some details he’s been trying to figure out himself, but he needs your input to finish them as well. It turns into brainstorming which results in a bunch of new things you want to include, but it will also add more work to your plate.
“I’m really sorry I always just keep adding new stuff to your load,” you sigh, truly feeling like you’re constantly overstepping boundaries, but Harry just shakes his head.
“I’m excited about these all. These are great functions and I’m looking forward to writing the code.”
“That sounded so nerdy,” you chuckle, but notice that Harry’s smile has disappeared.
“Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that! It’s great, I love it when someone is so passionate about something. I love it when you get deep into the tech talk. I think it’s amazing how much you know about these stuff.”
“But you can always just tell me to shut up, I know a lot of people don’t like it when I talk like that,” he mumbles, noticeably avoiding looking you in the eyes.
“Has… someone told you not to talk about programming?”
“Um…” He shifts uncomfortably and you’re about to tell him he doesn’t need to answer, but then he speaks up. “My ex girlfriend hated it when I talked about IT stuff,” he shrugs, but you can tell it’s something he struggled with. 
You can’t imagine ever telling him to stop talking about something that brings him this much joy. It’s clear this is his element and any woman that would try to restrain it is an idiot and can’t appreciate how wonderful this man is. 
You watch him quietly finish up on his computer before he starts to shut it down and you know you have to say something.
“She did not deserve you.”
He blinks at you surprised so you continue.
“Anyone who wants you to stop talking about something that makes you happy is not a person you want in your life, Harry, I hope you know that.”
“Uh… thank you,” he mumbles, that lovely pink shade taking over his face once again.
“You can always talk tech with me. I like listening to it.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. It amazes me, because I know nothing about it.” And it’s really hot, you want to add, but then bite your tongue. 
There’s a tiny smile on his pink lips and you can tell this moment matters to him more than you could imagine and you’re glad you could make him happy like that.
“D-Do you want to grab something to eat?” he suggests as the two of you head out of the meeting room.
“That sounds great! I’m starving!” you groan. “Let me just grab my bag from my desk.
Harry nods and follows you, he already has his backpack with him. You’re musing about what you should have and Harry is telling you about this amazing bagel place he loves when you spot the familiar figure near your desk. 
“Eric, what are you doing here?” you ask, but you’re tempted to phrase your words differently, because it’s quite obvious he was snooping around your desk, not expecting you to show up after office hours.
“Y/N, hi! I was just… I thought I left some papers here the other day,” he clears his throat, stepping away from your desk. 
“You had no papers with you,” you simply say, knowing well something is off with him.
“Maybe I remembered wrong,” he chuckles. “Alright, see you later,” he waves and then leaves quickly before you could ask any more questions. 
“What was that about?” Harry asks as you launch at your desk, checking what might have changed.
“He was looking for something. He is trying to play me again,” you hiss through your teeth, frantically examining what he could have put his hands on, but you see nothing out of place. But then you realize that he must have thought you left your laptop, that’s what he was looking for. “Oh my God,” you gasp, quickly starting your laptop to see if there is anything wrong with it. 
“What? What’s going on?”
“Harry, can you, uhh—Can you check if there is anything wrong with my laptop?” you plead as he rounds your desk and sits nodding, though he is a tad bit lost about what’s happening.
“Like, check if there’s another virus, or something?”
“Yes. I think he was trying to tamper with it again, I can’t know for sure if he hasn’t touched it earlier.”
You knew his half-assed apology was tactic, but you didn’t think he would do it all over again. Eric really isn’t the person you thought him to be.
You watch Harry type away on your computer, anxiously waiting for him to say anything and in the meanwhile you’re planning how you’ll get rid of Eric the moment you finally get your well-deserved promotion. There’s no way you’re letting a snake like him work at the company. 
“I don’t see anything,” Harry finally leans back and you exhale in relief.
“I can’t let it out of my sight from now on,” you grumble, shaking your head. 
In this moment you feel like you’re running out of energy, all because you trusted the wrong person. Feeling defeated you collapse into Zaya’s chair, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Harry softly says, as if he could read your mind.
“I’m in this situation because I made all the worst choices. I can’t blame anyone else but myself.”
“You couldn’t have known this is how it would turn out to be.”
“I know, but…”
“No but. Just… You know what? I’ll install an extra security program on your laptop so only you can access it, alright?”
“Really?” you sit up straight.
“Yeah, just give me a few moments.”
He gets down to work, works his magic and a minute later he is explaining to you what he got set up on your laptop to secure it.
“Harry, I owe you so much at this point,” you sigh in relief when it sinks in that Eric will not get his hands on your things again. “I have no idea how I will be able to pay you back.”
You notice a slight shift in him as he clears his throat, looking at you nervously.
“About that… I-I think I know h-how–I mean I thought about what… you could…”
“You know what you want in return?” you perk up, happy to do something for Harry after everything he did for you. 
“Y-you can say no, it’s okay, I just–Um…”
“Harry, whatever it is, my answer is gonna be yes,” you chuckle, placing a gentle hand on his arm. He looks at your hand and then up to your eyes before finally speaking up.
“Go on a date… with me?”
Harry has been working up the courage to ask you all day, but he didn’t think he would have the balls to say it out loud. Sarah and Mitch urged him to shoot his shot, even after the kind of awkward conversation you had earlier. His friends were convinced you were into him regardless, but he’s been struggling to believe it himself.
It was kind of random he blurted it out, but now it’s been said and he is about to faint, waiting for your response. You’re staring back at him, eyebrows slightly raised, lips parted, but no words have left your mouth since his question.
“Y-You don’t have to, I-I understand–I mean, it’s–”
“Harry,” you cut him off. “I would love to go on a date with you,” you finally tell him and it feels like a stone has been lifted off his shoulders, his heart is about to jump out of his chest any moment.
“But I won’t take it as your payment,” you add and now it’s his turn to be surprised. 
“What?” he breathes out, not sure what to make of your words.
“I would never take it as a payment, because I would go on a date with you regardless, Harry. Think of something else and we will have the date as well.”
“Of course,” you chuckle. 
“Okay, alright, um… then… it’s a date!”
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Harry is late.
He promised to be there at the meeting room on time to support you and answer any tech related questions that might come up in connection with your presentation. Eric is now presenting his (your) idea, he has added some features to it since he stole the whole thing, but it’s still mainly yours. 
“Thank you very much for your attention,” he nods as he finishes his talk and the board claps shortly before it’s your turn to stand in front of them. 
You’re plugging your laptop together with the projector when the door of the meeting room opens and Harry’s head pops inside. Relief washes over you as you watch him apologize for his late arrival and take a seat. Your gaze meets his and he smiles at you sweetly, holding his thumb up for you as you load the presentation. Now you feel braver, knowing he is here to support you.
You desperately wish you could read minds as you go on with your presentation. You’re met with mostly blank faces, but they were the same during Eric’s presentation as well, so you can’t tell what they are thinking about. It’s going smoothly, you rehearsed it a million times instead of sleeping in the past few days and when it’s time for questions you ace all of them, even the few tech ones. You’ve spent so much time with Harry that you can easily give an answer to everything at this point.
“Thank you for your attention,” you nod smiling at the end and disconnect your laptop from the projector, walking back to Harry.
“You did amazing,” he smiles at you proudly and his approval means the most to you. 
“I’m sorry I was late, I had to take care of something.”
“It’s okay. I’m just happy you’re here.”
“Of course. I wouldn’t have missed it.” The CEO stands up and all heads turn in his direction.
“Thank you for the presentations, I would like to ask the candidates to leave the room so we can vote.”
You gather all your stuff and head out with Harry by your side. Eric ignores your existence, as if he didn’t lie and cheat his way to this moment, but you’re not stressing yourself anymore about it. 
You definitely believe in karma.
“You’ve got this,” Harry smiles at you softly and your heart melts at his expression. 
You’re planning to have your date tonight. It’s gonna be either a ‘you’ve got the promotion, now let’s celebrate with our date’ occasion or ‘you didn’t get the promotion so let’s cheer you up with a date’, you’re fine with both, truly. You know you put everything you had into this promotion and if they still decide not to choose you, that’s their loss and your sign to move on. 
You’re beyond excited about your date. There’s been an obvious change in your dynamic since Harry has asked you out, there are more glances, little touches, compliments and some very apparent sexual tension that’s still within the lines of comfort, it’s not too hard to control yourself, but you keep noticing more and more things about him that are pulling you towards him.
“I will miss our little work session,” you smile back at him shyly.
“Little? They usually lasted hours,” he chuckles, making you laugh too.
“Loved them all,” you shrug and the look on his face tells you he did too. 
The board takes some time to make their decision and when the door opens fifteen minutes later your heart skips a beat. The CEO asks you all to return to the room and you take your previous seat, Harry sitting next to you. His hand brushes against your knee shortly and you look at him, your gaze meeting his as he gives you an encouraging smile.
“Thank you all for these amazing presentations, we were very pleased with the plans and projects,” the CEO starts as he stands at the head of the table. “We had no doubt you two are the best applicants for the position and it’s been hard to decide who to choose, but at last we made a decision.”
Oh God, you’re about to throw up. Is it you? Is it Eric? You hope you won’t cry. That could happen in either case, but you really don’t want to cry in front of all these people. 
“The person we chose to fulfill the position is…” His eyes scan over the both of you as you hold your breath and then it finally lands on you. “Y/N Y/L/N. Congratulations.”
And just like that, your lungs fill with air again and it feels like a rock has been lifted off your shoulders. 
“I told you,” you hear Harry beside you and when you look at him you see pride all over his face and you can’t stop yourself from throwing your arms around his neck to hug him.
“Thank you, it wouldn’t have happened without you,” you mumble as you squeeze him tight before letting go of him, going up to the board to shake hands. 
At first you don’t even process it, but then Eric’s voice hits your ear and you realize he is turning red across the table, complaining nonstop about the outcome.
“...The whole thing was so fucking out of the blue! Redesigning the whole website? That’s like suicide!...”
You don’t even have the chance to react to his comments, the CEO speaks up for everyone.
“Y/N’s idea is daring, innovative and brave, just what we need. We don’t want to play it safe and your idea was definitely in the safe zone.”
“His idea,” you scoff under your breath.
“Actually, there is something I would like to show you, if you have a few more minutes,” Harry speaks up as he starts his laptop and moves over to where the board is. You’re watching him completely puzzled.
“There’s been an unfortunate incident about the presentations. Y/N’s original idea was stolen, a virus has been planted on her computer to cover up the deed, but I could not recover enough information about the perpetrator to make accusations, that was until a few days ago.”
You see Eric’s red face turn completely white as Harry types away on his computer and then shows something to the board. They curiously eye the alleged proof as Harry continues.
“Proof could be only found on the perpetrator’s device and a few days ago I had access to Eric’s computer when he brought it in for a check up, since it’s been working too slow. As expected and told, I make a full check on every device in these cases and found unquestionable proof that Eric stole Y/N’s presentation through the virus.”
Oh lord. 
You watch as everyone on the board processes what they see on Harry’s computer and you can feel the switch in them towards Eric.
“Eric, let’s have a chat in my office. Now,” the CEO says and it’s definitely an order and Eric doesn’t try to go against it, just nods and follows him out of the room.
“Harry, why didn’t you tell me you were planning to do this?!” you ask as you rush up to him. The board members are leaving the meeting room, leaving the two of you alone. 
“I uh– I wanted it to be a surprise. Eric showed up at the IT department the other day and I got his case without him knowing so I could snoop around. Found the evidence right away so I thought the board should know what he did.”
“Why did you wait until they announced who got the promotion? This could have kicked him out of the contest right away.”
“I knew you’d get it,” he smiles shyly. “I had no doubt they would choose you, I wanted you to experience defeating him after what he did to you.”
To say you’re touched is an understatement. He didn’t just help you immensely to get this promotion, but also went out of his way to serve you justice. He has done more for you than anyone ever. 
You just know you can’t let the moment pass and ignoring the fact that you’re still at work, though no one is around to see, you close the distance between the two of you and press your lips against his.
This kiss has been hanging there for a while and you’d be lying if you said you have never fantasized about what it would be like to kiss Harry, but reality is a thousand times more magical. His lips are soft and warm, go so well with yours and once his first wave of shock passes he finally returns it and you melt in his arms. 
You had a feeling Harry was a great kisser, but the way he claims your lips just blows your mind. He is sweet and gentle but also demanding at the same time and if only you weren’t in the office you’d pretty much jump into his arms and let him do whatever he wants to you. 
Somewhere in the distance a phone rings and it breaks the spell, making you realize that you shouldn’t get carried away. 
“Sorry,” you smile, your lips barely just an inch away from his still. “I got… I just–Thank you. For everything you did for me.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he returns your smile and pecks your lips shortly one more time. “And I will always be here to support you.”
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You might look like a lunatic as you watch the guy on the other side of the glass door of your office finish up the sign on the door.
Y/N Y/L/N, Head Of Digital Marketing.
God, you still can’t have enough of the sound of it even though you got the promotion two months ago. Okay, the first month you spent in your old job, teaching the ropes for your successor before you could start your transition into your new position.
Now it’s official and you couldn’t be happier about it.
Checking the time you sit back to your computer to finish up work for the day. It’s been one hell of a week, you’ve worked overtime three times so it’s great that today is finally Friday. You answer some more emails and check your calendar for the next week, making sure everything is settled.
There’s a soft knock on the door and when you look up your heart skips a beat, seeing Harry walk in, his backpack on one shoulder.
“Hey. Are you done?”
“Just one moment,” you smile and he nods, walking over to the window, patiently waiting for you to finish everything up. 
When you turn the computer off and look up at him, you notice that he is staring at you already.
“What?” you ask, packing up.
“Nothing, just… you look so pretty.”
You still haven’t gotten used to his compliments, though they always just keep on coming and coming. You love them.
And you love him.
Walking over to him you wrap your arms around his waist as you steal a kiss. Usually you try to keep the PDA out of the office, but sometimes he is just too hard to resist. Like now.
You’ve been officially a couple for two months, your first date after your big presentation was like a dream, Harry took you to all of his favorite spots in the city and then you just spent hours stargazing on the roof of his apartment’s building, he had a whole setup with a mattress, blankets and pillows, it was the sweetest thing ever, the best way to celebrate your win. Since then, it’s been endless dates, movie nights, trips on the weekend, you’ve been kind of inseparable. Well, outside of the office, because you try your best to stay professional at work. 
“What was that for?” he chuckles softly, his cheeks have that soft pink shade on them that you just want to kiss all over. 
“I’m just happy. That’s it.” Reaching up you fix his glasses before taking a step back and heading out.
Usually you just walk side by side to the elevator, but today you feel extra upbeat, so when you step into the elevator you gently take his hand and lace it together with yours and you can’t help but smile every time you’re in here with Harry.
Because he told you this is where he saw you for the very first time that day you overslept before your disastrous presentation. He was the one who held the elevator’s door for you. You were so disoriented that you didn’t notice him then and he likes to tease you about it, saying that he knew that moment he was into you, all while you didn’t even look at him. In return, you always bring up how you were the one kissing him for the first time. 
It’s crazy to think how much has happened between those two things or even between that morning and today. He was the quiet IT genius who you dragged into your madness. He is still a genius, but you’ve gotten to know the sides of him others can’t see and you love all of them, it just took you some time to open him up. To decode him.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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urhoneycombwitch · 6 months
im gonna be at work for high night 🙄 so save my self-indulgent idea for later lu
reader who keeps hitting the snooze button on their alarm and groans knowing they need to get up for work but they just really cannot find the motivation to. The bed is warm and they're so comfortable and what's the harm of calling out....
Eddie who notices they're still laying down, eyes closed and in that fighting off being awake state and he knows there's only so many snoozes they can hit before they're definitely going to be running late so he sneaks under the covers....
and he doesn't come back up again until reader is awake, a tired, but satisfied smile on their face as they blink up at the ceiling. He presses some kisses to their lips/cheek/neck, slick and smelling like them, going "Hi, pretty. Ready to get up now?"
nauuurrr anon 😞 we will miss you but hope u see this after ur shift 💖 eeeheeeeheeeheee I’m literally kicking my feet behind my back sleepover-style giggling at this. that ellipses is so sinister I gotta help it out
+18 mdni
cw: R receives oral + fingering while sleeping (has been previously discussed as a 👍), somno, Eddie’s a soft!dom
Eddie’s always so attentive to your needs and state of being- he’s naturally super empathetic. by no means a morning person himself, he learns quickly that the rhythm of your day is usually set by how you wake up.
he’s dealt with the consequences of you having been off to a bad start, before- it takes a huge amount of cajoling or kisses or swinging by the diner for waffles to shake you out of a grumpy funk. and based on the way you’ve been tossing and turning this morning, you’re about to have the most miserable work shift ever.
what he doesn’t have this morning, though, is a lot of time- waffles will have to be for another day. he’s got an even better idea for a sweet wakeup.
he moves slow, weight in his hands on either side of your sleeping frame, kissing as he moves down your body. first to your bare shoulder. then to the side of that pretty nightie’s strap. one for your pebble nipple, peaking through the silk.
Eddie trails his kisses down- one on your stomach, one for the bump of your cunt- pulling the sheets away as he goes.
with fingers nimble and dextrous, he feels for the band of your underwear while keeping his eyes on your face, careful to pause if your expression changes. the goal is to keep you pliant, for this next part…
he gets his head under the edge of your nightdress, pussy fully exposed to the eager lappings of his mouth. with one hand on your stomach to keep your center grounded, Eddie slips the middle two fingers of his other hand into your slippery cunt.
a soft shift of your hips, a whimper, and Eddie moves his hands with your pelvis, using the momentum to dip and catch your clit in his mouth.
he follows with his head as your hips sink back down into the mattress, sucking hard on your beating clit as he goes.
you must’ve been having a dirty dream, ‘cuz you’re already so tight around his fingers, slick pooling in his palm. he laps noisily into your cunt, wet squelch of his fingers bringing you to bleary consciousness.
“whuh- uh- oh fuck, Eddie-”
your legs jerk close on impulse, trapping his head between your thighs, and Eddie thinks he might’ve died and gone to heaven. fully clothed, about to cream his jeans from eating his girl out. sure, he’s down to meet god, but can it wait a second?
“was dreamin’ you- ah, yeah, there- dreamin’ of you doing this to me. fuck…” your voice ends in a hoarse rasp, your hands shooting into Eddie’s hair, tugging at the roots.
he ruts into the mattress, cock leaking steadily into the fabric of his briefs, humming with pleasure against your clit.
your back arches off the mattress, he hears that tell-tale, breathy little gasp, and you’re gone- clenching around his fingers like a vice, flooding against his pistoning fingers.
he’s gone just as soon as you, coming in hot spurts with each upstroke against the quilt below, moaning into your pussy.
he kisses a sticky trail back up your body, sliding your nightie strap into place, loving and firm- “morning, princess. go take a shower, and no complaining. as a thank you for the wake up gift- ‘kay?”
you wouldn’t dream of complaining, nodding easily to his command, sleepy and sated smile on your face. your arms reach to encircle his shoulders, and Eddie leans in for a kiss- he tastes like you.
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perfumejamal · 8 months
SECRET SANTA (h.r) 18+
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pairing: dom!renjun x f!reader
summary: when you are renjun’s secret santa and you choose to get him a silly present, but the night ends with him splitting you open on his couch.
genre: @jenoslutie ‘s christmas collab, smut, fluff
warnings: best friend!renjun, pocket pussy mentioned, unprotected (seems like all my fics.. but pls use protection!), cute renjun, softdom!rejun, creampie??
word count: 1.6k
a/n: YOOO yall don’t know how many time i had to scrap the damn fic. i was so close to ending this account that’s how bad it was fr.. also i am so sorry for how late this is i was trying my best to finish it with how many times i deleted it and tryna keep up all my course work ,, hope yall can enjoy and look past how late it is ………also listen to this song bc it was on repeat while i was writing this!!
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renjun was one of the hardest people to read, he was very quiet and kept to himself. unlike the rest of the guys, he didn’t hit on you or make sexual jokes around you. you were convinced he didn’t make any jokes of that sort at all.
you smile as you mentally read his name off the slip you just drew from a cup. you and your friends decided to do secret santa, following the usual tradition you had all followed.
you spotted renjun sitting at the kitchen counter, snacking on some chocolate covered pretzels. he would talk from time to time, but most conversations was held by you and the others. you sit on the counter facing him, staring down at him. “junnie?”
he hummed softly as a response, “are you not having fun?” you say with a sad tone to your voice.
he quickly straightens his posture before responding, “i-im having a lot of fun!” he says with a slight smile.
you smile back at him taking his hand and leading him to the living room, where everyone else was singing and dancing.
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you snickered to yourself as you wrapped up renjun’s gift. unsure of what to get him you thought you’d get him something silly and something he needed. your friend group was very open about hookups and lack there of. renjun, however didn’t really talk about any of that. so what better gift to get him than something he could use to pleasure himself?
you were getting ready to drop off his gift. he didn’t have a lecture today and he wasn’t working so it was the perfect time to swing by his apartment. you also didn’t want any of your friends to see the gift, they tend to make a big deal out of things.
you rung the doorbell to his apartment, quickly making your way in when he let you in.
“junnie!” you exclaim hugging him immediately. “i’m your secret santa,” you say with a bright smile to your face handing him the wrapped present.
he smiled and took the gift placing it under his small christmas tree. “take a seat, let me get you some hot chocolate,” he said heading to the kitchen.
you take off your jacket and place it on the hanger by his door. snuggling into his cozy couch, and covering yourself with the blanket you had crocheted for him. “junnie i’m gonna search for a movie to watch!” you yell from the couch, earning a small ‘mhm’ from him.
scrolling through the new releases you chose a random rom-com, and renjun came back just in time with your mug of hot chocolate and some cake. he sat down next to where you laid, getting under the blanket and letting your head rest on his lap.
the movie started with the main characters hating each other, and you were intrigued this trope being your favorite. your focus kept shifting as renjun kept playing with your hair, his slender fingers massaging your scalp.
you relaxed into his touch, your mind hazy at the softness of his fingers. “fuckk,” you moaned, accidentally. you cover your mouth quickly realizing what just happened. he chuckled, slowly pulling his hands out of your hair.
your face is reddening but you try to hide it by looking at the screen, focusing once more on the movie. which was probably not a good idea. you’re not even sure how long he was massaging your scalp, but by the time you looked back there was a sex scene.
you clear your throat awkwardly as you watch it, rubbing your legs together and shifting around. “are you okay, y/n?” you quickly look up at him from his lap and nod your head yes rapidly.
“yes!” you exclaim. “sorry if i was moving so much,” you say moving to sit next to him. focusing on the screen once more.
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you let out a sigh of relief as the movie came to an end. “you know,” you start, moving towards his tree. “you can open your present,”
he nodded walking towards his tree, grabbing the cutely wrapped present. “you’re right,” he said as he neatly ripped it apart. his eyebrows furrowing in question looking at the box under the pink wrapping paper. you sit back on the couch sipping on some water as his mouth forms an ‘o’. “you got me a fucking pocket pussy?”
you burst out into laughter, spitting out the water in your mouth. he walked towards the couch while holding the present in his hand. “y/n,” he started, lifting up your chin up to face him. your eyes wondering everywhere but to his own. “why’d you get me this?”
his tone was deep, with a serious undertone and it made you nervous. you had never seen him like this, you didn’t even think his voice could go that deep, dropping a few octaves from his normal voice. “i-im sorry.. i just wanted to give you something to help yourself!”
he looked down at you angrily, “what? you thought that just because i didn’t fuck you that i didn’t fuck anyone?” he leaned down closing the gap between you and him, “you’re right, though.”
you could feel his breath on yourself, making you even more nervous. “do you know why that is, y/n?” you nodded your head no as a response, unable to get any words out. “well, it’s because i want to fuck you, i always have.”
you gasped at the words, throat closing up at his words. “fuck it,” he said before closing the gap between you two, pushing his lips on yours. his hand sneaking around your body, one around your neck to deepen the kiss the other gripping your hips.
you moan into his mouth, he pulls away slowly. “i need you right now, y/n,” he says. “then fuck me, junnie!” you say in excitement awaiting his next move.
his eyes were full of lust and warmth, he kept steady eye contact with you as his he started getting on his knees between your thighs. he pressed the hot warmth of his mouth onto your clothed pussy. chuckling against you as your back arched from the friction. “baby, relax your body,”
you whine as his fingers grace your cunt, he plays with the waistband of your panties. “please! please do something renjun,” you pleaded him making him laugh at you before pulling your panties down and lapping at your pussy.
his hand grip at your thighs, and his tongue works your folds. he sucks on your clit like a madman, hungry and thirsty for you. “you’re so fucking wet, y/n,” he says while adding two fingers into your hole.
you gasp, throwing your head back, a scream ripping through your throat. “fuck, fuck!” you moan out, your hands making their way to his soft hair, grabbing a handful to guide him more into your pussy.
renjun looks up at you, seeing your pleased face, smiling to himself. “y/n, baby are you close?” he asks you in a sweet tone.
“mhm! fuck, yes i’m close junnie!” you moan out as a response. and just like that your body felt empty, your orgasm is quickly interrupted. a sadistic chuckle escaping him as he sees the sadness on your face. “why’d you stop?” you pout.
he smiles, cupping your face with his soft hands, caressing your hair before saying, “i want to feel you,” he says simply, kissing your swollen lips, “i wanna feel you come against my dick,”
you bite your lips, using your hands to pull his sweats down. letting his dick spring out against his abdomen. “can i ride you?” you ask, whispering into his ear as if you’d be ridiculed if you said it any louder.
“fuck, y/n, you can do whatever the fuck you want to me.”
you smile, climbing onto his hardened dick, using his arms as support. you both let out a pleased sigh as you sank down into his dick, slowly letting yourself adjust to his size.
you started to slowly bounce, but renjun had different plans. his hands rest on both sides of you, forcing himself into you fast, making your eyes roll back. he giggled bringing his head to rest on the nape of your shoulder as you rode him slowly.
the room was filled with the sound of your bodies slapping against each other, and your loud moans along with his quiet moans. you ran your nails over his toned back, biting his shoulder softly.
he uses his hands to lift you from bouncing, causing you to whine. “shh, baby,” he said pushing your head onto the soft couch in his dimly lit living room. you can feel yourself feeling hotter against his hard dick.
renjun aligned himself, hand resting on your lower abdomen, slowly entering you feeling himself against your lower stomach. “you alright y/n?” he asked earning a response from you almost immediately.
“yes, yes fuckkkk!” you scream into the cushion you were holding for support. “you’re fucking me so good, junnie.”
he smiled to himself, his thrusts becoming sloppier. he could feel himself getting closer and closer to coming undone. his hand worked its way to your clit rubbing circles, making your eyes roll back harder than before.
your legs were threatening to give up on you, and renjun gripped your hips to hold you up. “where do you want my cum?”
you moaned at the question, “in me please!”
he complied with your request, cumming in you. your body gave up on you, letting you fall down onto the couch. renjun let out a low chuckle. “you fucked me crazy, junnie!”
he smiled at you, pressing a kiss onto your lips, your eyes half closed. “yeah, i guess i did,” he laughed at your fucked out state. “do you still think i need that pocket pussy?”
you giggled, “definitely not, you probably think i’m the worse secret santa…”
he smiled, “this was the best gift i could ask for,” he said placing a soft kiss on your lips.
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chaithetics · 9 months
yes yes yes i wanna see the barbie fic!!! i know im gonna love itttt -barbie anon
Porcelain and the Shark: Barbie Hosseinis
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Pairing: Stewy Hosseini x f (Roy) reader
(reader has anxiety, no use of y/n, physical descriptions or other names but does have the nickname Porcelain/Porce - due to family viewing her that way not because of complexion)
Word count: 2.6K
Prompt: porce forcing stewy to take the day off to take her and the kids to see barbie… he buys the kids a new barbie toy each and buys porce some cute barbie merch… porce relates to barbie’s existential crisis…. and gets just a touch sad at the parts about mothers and their daughters… stew cheers her up by reminding her that she’s an incredible mom to the kids and she goes and sees oppenheimer with him the next day as a thank you. that’s all xo 🫶
Chapter/content warning: 18+ MINORS DNI, established relationship, wholesome fluff, existential crisis mention, some not great Roy dynamics are alluded to. Not beta read sorry!
Authors note: thank you so much for sending this through Nonnie and your patience, you're an angel! i really hope you enjoy this, please let me know what you think! There's a slight change, I actually don't think Stewy would be super into Oppenheimer for a few different reasons. I hope that's okay?! I hope you all enjoy this, I am sorry for the absence lately, enjoy and let me know what you think, I love engaging with you all via comments, reblogs, and asks! Live for them! Lots of love to all you tumblr hotties (you're all hotties) let's pretend the gif is a barbie reference lol.
You’re kneeling on the floor in Tillie’s room as you help your young daughter change into her outfit. It was cute but you hadn’t expected it to be so complicated to put on. Mainly because Tillie was so excited, wriggling and bouncing as she chatted, she couldn’t stay still for very long. After a couple of minutes you’d been able to finish up her outfit and kissed the top of her head as you finished putting her hair in the neat bun she’d asked for to match her new but beloved doll sitting next to her.
“Wow! You look amazing and you’re both matching! How cool!” You excitedly say to Tillie who giggles and nods.
“We’re both ready for space now!” Tillie exclaims as she grabs her astronaut Barbie doll.
“You can play with your toys now that you’re dressed, practice for space. I’m going to check on dad and Jonathan now, okay sweetie?” You place another kiss on top of her head and she nods, happily focusing on her toys again. It makes you chuckle how quickly she goes back to playing now that your interruption of dressing her is over.
You start to walk towards Jonathan’s room but pause when you hear Stewy’s voice coming from his home office, you think it’s odd that he’s in there as this was a day that he was meant to be completely offline from work and just for family. Changing the route to Jonathan’s room you walk to his office until you’re leaning against the door watching him. Stewy’s pacing back and fourth in his office as he continues his call with an earphone in. He looks at you and with a small smile before taking a sip from his morning cappuccino in a ridiculously tiny cup as he hums along to whatever is being said on the opposite end of the phone.
“Uh-huh, yeah, well yeah, we’ll just need to circle back to that later. Uh-huh, I’ve gotta go. Mmm, yeah, sure, bye.” He quickly ends the call, removing the earphone and placing it on his desk before turning to look at you as he carefully places his coffee cup down on the desk.
“You’re not in pink-” You start.
“Neither are you.” Stewy immediately quips back with a small teasing smile as he looks you up and down adoringly.
“Well no, I haven’t changed yet. I was getting the kids ready.”
“Okay, go get ready I’ll finish up whatever needs finishing up and then you can head out.” He says as he comes over giving you a kiss on the forehead.
“We head out.” You correct, emphasising the word as you’re already not a fan of the direction this was headed in.
“Honey…” Stewy says with a sigh and it’s clear that something has come up, he needs to cancel. The guilt is written all over his face like a ghost came up and tattooed it on as soon as you walked into the office.
“You promised.” You say rather bluntly. The work-life balance is important to you and after experiencing all that your childhood had to offer in terms of swinging between sheltered neglect and highly-criticised surveillance. You refuse the notion of having your children growing up without a father or experiencing the wonder and insult of what it’s like to have a father miss out on what’s meant to be memorable and special family days. You know Stewy isn’t like that, he’s just busy and he’s always there but you still can’t help but take it personally.
It almost feels like a childhood defense and you feel your lip quiver a little as you look at him, knowing he had promised this and now he was going to break the promise to you and your children.
“I know baby, but something’s come up at work and-” He continues with wide eyes, trying to diffuse the situation as he can see how upset it’s making you.
“I’m not happy about… I’m not happy about this Stew.” You admit quietly as you look down while leaning against the wall more.
“I know. I know. I’ll make it up to you and the kids, we’ll do something later on. I’ll buy them some more toys.” “You’re not becoming that father who uses money and presents to make it up to children.” You say softly.
“I won’t do that.” He chuckles and comes over to you and wraps his arms around you softly. “I love you and you’re so pretty, you know that right?” He presses a few soft kisses to your jaw and neck.
“You’ve said it before…” You whisper back, as he holds you in his arms.
“Mm… Good. I just wanted to remind you.” He whispers against your neck and you feel his breath and words tickle your neck.
“If you’re not coming, you’re the one who needs to break that news to their cute faces and you do owe them. And me.” You can’t help but sigh in his arms as you relax into him, finding comfort in his presence as you always do despite how you’re annoyed with him over this.
Stewy nods as he listens to your words, and caresses your back gently. “I’ll try…” He whispers, you know it’s less likely that he’ll actually end up working through the day and bailing on the much anticipated Hosseini family event of seeing the Barbie film with your young children.
Tillie then calls out for you and Stewy, you smile at him, squeezing his hand and walking with him, hand-in-hand into Tillie’s bedroom. Tillie jumps up when she sees her dearly loved parents walk into her bedroom and runs over with her doll. Some children had dinosaur phases, or princess phases but Tillie was one of those children who became obsessed with space as soon as her eyes could take in the moon and what it was. She had an astronaut Barbie in her hand which had become one of her most prized possessions since Stewy had recently brought it for her. It was in her hand at every playtime, bedtime, and seated next to her at each meal.
As Tillie jumps up to hug her parents, it is then that Stewy sees her outfit in full… Tillie is wearing an astronaut costume in pink. One that you’d spent a lot of time trying to find the right person to commission it and they had excelled. She was a cute little astronaut just as she wanted to be and it was perfectly in theme with the Barbie film that she was excited to see as well.
She ran over to her father and Stewy quickly picked her up, you could see his heart melting as he took in the sight of his precious daughter in her outfit, she looked adorable and Stewy loved how she was so young but already had dreams that were so out of this world.
Stewy swayed slightly while holding Matilda, he kissed the top of her head and smiled widely at her.
“Oh my God, look at you… this outfit is amazing….” Stewy said to Tillie with a smile. He pressed another kiss to her head and held her a bit tighter as he kept swaying with her. “Oh my…. Look at her! Look at her!” He said with the largest, most loving eyes to you and you couldn’t help but smile widely and nod. She was always cute and precious but this was an exceptionally cute look of Matilda’s. You also always appreciated seeing this moment between Stewy and Tillie, he was so in awe of her and she was in equal awe of her father as well. A polar opposite to what you and Shiv had known but it was what you wanted for your children, it was what every child deserved.
“How could you say no to that cutie, Stewy? You tease playfully, already seeing him mentally cave by her.
“I can’t… I can’t… I’ll make a call and then we’ll see Barbie, huh?” He says to Tillie and gives her a little nose bop which makes her giggle loudly and excitedly.
“Go change, dad Ken, not work Ken!” Tillie says with another giggle as she tries to boop her father on the nose in return. Stewy smirks and nods, kissing her forehead again as he swings her gently with a smile.
“What am I going to wear though? I need some pink, huh honey?” He asks Tillie and she smiles and nods.
“I brought you a pink turtleneck, it’s out in the room honey.” You say softly with a happy smile as you look at him, you couldn’t resist the chance to get him in theme and you always had a weak spot for Stewy in a turtleneck so this was just as much a treat for your family as it was for you. All just for different reasons.
“You’re a prize, babe. Thank you. Isn’t your mommy the best? I mean look at you and soon look at me and I’ll be just as cute huh?” Stewy kisses Tillie’s cheek and then puts her down and gives you a soft, loving, grateful kiss on the lips to say thank you for organizing that.
Stewy goes off to change and he looks so handsome in his pink turtleneck, you feel your cheeks immediately heat up as he comes back out. He kisses your cheek and whispers a sweet thank you.
You, Stewy and your little Hosseinis all watch Barbie, everybody dressed up in theme in pink and looking like charming Barbies, Kens, and Allens. The children are all thoroughly engaged in the film and its bright visuals, there’s plenty of humor as well that’s sneaked in to appeal to adults which gets genuine laughs from you and Stewy.
You’re not quite surprised but you struggle for a moment as you feel quite touched, sensitive and yet vulnerable throughout several scenes of the film. This concept of identity, and having an identity that is separate from the men in your life, along with one that is separate to your identities as a wife, a mother, a sister, and a daughter. You can’t help but get teary at many of these scenes and think about what something like this means for your children, especially sweet Tillie, and the relationship between mothers and daughters. You love Tillie with all of your being, is that enough you wonder? It certainly wasn’t with your parents but that wasn’t the right love and you know it’s different with your children, you don’t let the thoughts in that your parents probably felt the same at some stage in. You’re already getting teary-eyed in this film, surrounded by those dearest to you, you don’t think you can quite handle an existential crisis right now.
Stewy notices your eyes becoming glassy with tears during these scenes and he snuggles a bit closer to you, pulling you into him more to gently kiss your cheek and squeeze your shoulder and hand. He caresses your arm gently from the first scene that brings you to tears and then throughout the rest of the picture.
“Hey, you’re a great parent… They love you more than anything, I’m in awe of you. You’re such a great mom.” Stewy promises as he whispers into your ear. You smile at him and tilt your head to kiss him softly on the lips.
The children loved the film and it was a great family day that didn’t end in terms of quality time right after the movie finished. The children were all now tucked in bed and you were lying in bed now and Stewy had just finished brushing his teeth and was coming to lie in bed.
“Hi.” He whispered as he laid on the bed and looked up at you.
“Hey.” You smile back at him and can’t help but feel your cheeks heats up again, you loved him in the pink turtleneck but you also loved him out of it and any tops, just as much.
“And thoughts on the film that made all the men so angry?” He asks.
“I mean, it was a bit gentle on men, huh?” You say as you tilt your head to look at him.
“Uh-huh, far too gentle. It should’ve challenged my masculinity more than it did.” He says softly as he kisses your cheek and then your jaw gently with a smirk. “Ken did kinda feel like that incel-pipeline justification, right?” He says as he pulls away and looks at your face, Stewy starts to caress your arm gently as he leans back on the pillows.
You nod and smile. “Exactly! And you picked that up!” He chuckles at that and his cheeks heat up a bit as he continues to caress your forearm. “It still had some good stuff in it, Tillie really enjoyed it, ‘Yay space!’ Is going to be a new catchphrase for a while.” You say with a smile as you gently caress his cheek in return and giggle a little at the thought. That line alone and the acknowledgement of a Barbie in space was more than enough to make the day for Tillie and seal it as a classic for her.
“Astronaut Barbie was my favorite. Tillie and I have that in common now.” He says playfully and you can’t help but chuckle some more at that.
Stewy then leans back to grab his phone to do something that his mind has just thought of, you can’t help but feel curious.
“What are you doing?” You as with a smirk.
“I’m going to get one of those ‘I’m Kenough’ hoodies delivered to Kendall’s.” He says with a smirk as he taps away at his phone. You can’t help but laugh.
“That’s so thoughtful of you, he definitely needs it.” You laugh.
“Exactly, he really does.” Stewy says playfully, he finishes up, showing you an order confirmation email and then puts his phone down and kisses you softly on the lips.
“Since you’ve seen Barbie, does that mean I have to be your date to Oppenheimer now?” You ask as you look up at him. Stewy immediately scoffs and then laughs.
“No!” He laughs.
“No?” You ask with a small chuckle.
“I’m a dad, I’ve been exposed to the magic and art of Barbie and Bluey, why would I need to see Oppenheimer? Also it’s three hours long? It’s not for children, why would I go through those three hours?” He asks.
You smile and nod as you caress his cheek. “Very good points.” You whisper.
“How boring and convoluted must a film be to be three hours long? And if I have that much time for something shouldn’t I spend it with you and our angels?” You can’t help but smile widely at that.
“Isn’t it mandatory bro viewing now? What on earth will you talk about in the office on Monday?” You ask playfully before kissing him softly on the lips.
“I won’t watch a film because of peer pressure, if I felt insecure, I’d just read the Wikipedia plot and honey, I don’t get insecure.” He says proudly right before leaning over, closer to you in order to kiss your lips. The kiss starts off soft at first but Stewy quickly deepens it, he playfully nibbles on your lip as the kiss deepens on both your ends and Stewy steals a moan from your lips as you run your hands through his hair.
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gummie-cat · 1 year
Pizza and secrets.
Desc: Charlie finds you diary and reads what you wrote about him in it.
warnings: Kissing, making out, closeted feelings, fluff, crushes
After school you normally had Charlie over. it was a basic routine you've had in place since the 6th grade. And its now your senior year in high school and you're still doing the same practice. Today your guys agreement was to study. You both knew you wouldn't end up studying and you'd just get distracted but you enjoyed the company. Especially when its a guy you like.
You guys finally got out of school and were rushing to your car which was parked in the student lot off to the side of the school. You were so excited to get home. You absolutely HATED your school. "soooo what did you need help studying with again?" Charlie asked as soon as you guys sat down in the car. "just some homework shouldn't take long." You say as you start up your car and put some music on.
When you guys finally make it to your house the shut off the car and go inside. Both you and Charlie make a b-line to the kitchen to pig out. You see your mom sitting at the kitchen table doing some work (you assume) and say hi. "honey, me and your father are going out in a few for our anniversary. we probably wont be back until late can you please let out and feed the dog?" your mom said following slowly behind you guys as you made your way to the kitchen. "Yeah sure thing mom." You say opening the fridge and pulling out the lemonade. Charlie grabs 2 cups and slides them over to you. "Oh and by the way Charlie can stay over if you want because its a Friday." Your mom adds as she walks away going to her room to get ready.
You nod and you and Charlie walk up to your room with your stuff. "so what class is the homework for? or did you just fool me." Charlie says taking a seat at your desk and turning to face you. "I do actually have homework thank you very much. its for fucking geometry." you say sitting criss cross on your bed. "here lemme see if i can help." He says as he rolls your desk chair next to your bed. You pull out the paper and hand it to him and he takes one quick glance at it and says “yeah fuck no.” as rolls away back to your desk. “ughhhh” you exclaim as you toss the paper to the side. “ya know what. im gonna go order pizza. you stay here loser” You say as you get up and leave your room. “REMBER TO GET-“ you cut him off before he can finish “HALF PEPPERONI GOT IT.” you say marching down the stairs.
You pick up the phone and dial the local pizza place number and place your order. You then walk slowly upstairs and when you get to your bedroom door entrance you see Charlie flipping though and reading your diary. ‘SHIT. i left it out’ you think to yourself as you walk up and snatch it out of his hands. “Jesus y/n…” He says clutching his chest like you just scared him. “Stop snooping around in my room.” You tell him hitting him on the head with it. “Correction, i wasnt snooping. It just so happened to be on your desk.” He said puffing out his chest a little. You roll you eyes dramatically “are you done?” you say crossing your arms. “not yet… did you mean what you said about me? like all the ‘being jealous of kirby because im obsessed with her’?” He replies looking at you seriously. You blush and curse yourself for allowing you to leave your diary out and for this situation to happen. “Maybe…” you say nervously. Afraid of loosing a life long friendship. “So you meant what you said when you said you would kiss me?” He says. Now getting up from your desk chair and inching closer to you. “i- uhm… maybe?” You say obviously blushing even harder. You just wanted to die because of the embarrassment. If he told anyone you would never hear the end of if. “so would it be okay if i kissed you now?” He said slowly walking up to you and stroking your arm gently waiting for your response. But you’re dumbfounded. You can barely think. “y-yes…” you say growing redder and redder by the second.
He pulls you in by the jaw and kisses your lips passionately. Then he pulls back and smiles at you. “w-why’d you stop?” You say looking up into his eyes. “because i wanted to make sure you were okay and i didn’t want to assume you wanted to make out… which now im sensing was what you thought was going to happen.” He said smiling softly chuckling lightly. “I mean I did but like only if you wanted to because i want you to fee-“ you’re cut of by his mouth making contact with yours again. But a lot more aggressive this time. You quickly gather a rhythm and he starts to slip you his tongue. God you’re melting and your core is starting to become soaked just from getting touched the tiniest bit. He bites your lip and you whimper. He quickly swallows your whimpers and grins against your mouth. He starts to walk you back towards the bed and you fall on your back. He pins you to the bed and he starts kissing you. Slowly moving down to your jaw and then you neck to find your sweet spot. He knows he finds it because you whimper his name weakly. And once he finds it he abuses it. He starts sucking and nibbling quickly relieving the bite with his tongue. Meanwhile your whimpering his name as you become needy and sensitive. Suddenly you hear the doorbell. The pizza. He lifts his head from your neck and turns back around to face your bedroom door. “That must be the pizza huh?” He says looking back at you and grinning. “yeah uhm we should probably…” you say gesturing to your guys’s position. “Oh yeah right.” He says getting up and stumbling a little bit. Scratching the back of his next nervously he has a stupid look on his face. You cant help but give him a little smile before running down and paying for the pizza and bringing it back up to your room. You find charlie waiting on the bed for you. You bring the pizza box over and pop a movie on your tv. But its just background noise as you snuggle up into his arms. “ya know… im not obsessed with kirby.” He speaks up over the stupid show you guys are watching. “huh? what do you mean?” You say lifting your head to look at him. “I mean i wasn’t obsessed with kirby this whole time… i was obsessed with you. It was just a cover up. I love you” you snuggle up more into his side. “ I love you too Charlie.” You slowly close your eyes and fall asleep.
word count: 1200 words
A/N: okay so it wasnt really smut but this is what i wanted to start it off with. I’ll work on one thats a lil more smutty next time but yeah hope you enjoyed :) I know this is a bjt short but ive been having sum writers block so i hope you enjoyed!!
this was also posted to my wattpad @Alex66035
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jjmaybankssurfergf · 5 hours
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AN: Requested by a lovely lovely anon💕 just a cute little blurb about jj making you feel better when your tired and stressed from work
warnings: smut, cursing, fluff, lots and lots of comfort, bad pickup lines??? 🤔I think that’s it I dunno? Lemme know if I missed anything😘
You got home late from work, you were absolutely tired and exhausted. You walked through the door seeing jj making some food, and he saw how exhausted you looked so he turned the stove off coming over to you.
“Hey babydoll you alright” he says coming to wrap his arms around you while you collapse in his arms “I’m soooo tired and exhausted, works kicking my ass right now” you mumble into his chest
“I made some pizza if your hungry baby, do you need anything like a massage or anything?” JJ asks rubbing your back for you
You think for a moment, while leaning against jj “I do need a shower” you say looking up at him
jj looks down at you smiling “Alright baby let’s get you shower going babydoll”
JJ goes down the hall to the bathroom starting up the shower making sure it was warm for you “Y/N, babydoll your showers ready” he calls out after getting out the body wash and shampoo and conditioner out for you
“Ok! Im coming!” You say heading to the bathroom, once you get in jj comes over kissing your forehead softly “do you want me to help you get in baby” he says smirking. You giggle nodding your head “Yes please Daddy” and jj looks at you wiggling his eyebrows “alright Mommy” he says which causes you to laugh
JJ helps you get undressed and he strips down too, and you both get into the shower. It starts out with slow massages on your back and turns into soft kisses that turns into getting handsy which ends up with you both making passionate love. JJ had you up pressed against the wall holding you up fucking you slow and deep as he worships your gorgeous body. His cock kissing your cervix, as he thrusts in and out. JJ looked into your eyes admiring how beautiful your face looked when you were all fucked out. He felt himself getting closer and you moaned leaning your head back against the cold tile wall feeling yourself near your orgasm. “Come on baby, cum f’me, cum for daddy” he rasps, you moan loudly, feeling yourself fall apart. “Oh fuck I’m cumming, s-shit” you moaned and jj picked up his pace chasing his high, while reaching his hand down to rub your clit, which causes your body to shake and the knot in your belly to release as you cum hard around jj’s cock. JJ kept going rubbing your clit working you through your high, then he starts letting out little whimpers and moans burying his face in your neck picking up the pace of his thrusts. “O-Oh god, I’m-I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna fucking cum” he slams into you three more times, as his body tensed staying still inside of you for a moment
after about a couple minutes jj pulled out, kissing your forehead and holding you close. He turned the shower off getting out wrapping a towel around his waist, then getting one out for you wrapping you up. He carried you into the bedroom helping you get dressed and then he throws on a pair of boxers and sweatpants. “I love you so so much babydoll, and I’m sorry that works stressing you” he says holding you close to him “it’s ok, jayj I’m feeling better now, thank you baby” you say hugging him “anytime baby cakes” he says
After a little bit you both were sitting at the table eating pizza with fries and you and jj were being goofy telling each other funny pickup lines “ok, ok, ok, I got one” he says clearing his throat “are you a parking ticket, cause you got fineeeee written all over you” jj says, which causes you to bust out laughing “that’s the cheesiest pick up line I’ve ever heard!” You laugh, and jj chuckles “alright then you give me one tell me a pick up line, let’s see if you could do any better, huh?” He chuckles “alright ok, here’s mine, are you a beaver, cause damnnnnn” you say trying not to laugh “ok that’s definitely worse that’s way worse than mine!” JJ laughs, you lightly smack him on the shoulder gasping, pretending to be offended “no it’s not it’s way better than yours!” JJ shakes his head “no no no yours is worse” he says kissing your cheek, but you throw a French fry at him “ok wow, that’s real nice” he says laughing “don’t worry I still love you” you say and jj comes over kissing your cheek “you better, or else there’s gonna be consequences babygirl”
Taglist: @kraekat29 @chimindity @nemesyaaa @echo-at-the-pond @echobx @rafeslittleangel
@maybankskiss @th3eternalersi @nemesyaaa
Send me an ask if you want to be added to my tag list!!!!!🚌🪐🏄🏼‍♂️🚬🏄🏼‍♀️
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kingkennny10 · 1 year
Pink Picasso
Craig Tucker x gn!Reader
fluff/hurt/comfort cause im a sucker for his stoic ass, basically despite everything bad happening around yall you can depend on eachother and have eachother through everything, everything is pretty gn, i did put the prefix ‘mx’ in there once, feel free to read it with which ever prefix you prefer!!
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Today was a particularly draining day for you, stress from work and just overall just feeling upset. After work you came home and flopped into bed with a groan ready to sleep the day away. You drifted off for a couple hours until your phone ringing woke you up. It was your boyfriend Craig, you were shocked and began to panic. You had a date night planned tonight and you forgot all about it. You picked up the facetime call with a frown.
“Baby, I’m sorry, I fell asleep after work.” You said sadly into the phone. He had a little smile on his face as he heard your voice.
“That’s alright honey, I figured when you didnt text after an hour. Come let me in.” He said as he got out his car. You heard his door shut from out your window and smiled dragging yourself out of bed to your front door. He hung up the phone and knocked on the door. When you opened it he held out a bouquet of lavender for you to take. “Some relaxing flowers to start off out night of relaxation. How you feeling honey?” He asked as you let him walk in taking the flowers. You knew he could tell how tired you looked, you couldn’t do anything about it now.
“Tired and stressed, works been a lot lately.” You said with a sigh, he grabbed the flowers from you and placed them on a nearby counter and wrapped you up in a big hug. You finally let it all out as you wrapped your arms around him, you let your tears flow. “I’m sick of dealing with all these sucky people all the time. It sucks, it sucks real bad.” You sobbed muffled into his chest. He pet your head gently and rocked you side to side. Even though he wasn’t doing the most, it helped you so much knowing he was here for you.
“I know baby, I know.” He said quietly. You held onto him tightly, not wanting to let him go. Is this really all you needed to help your stress? Your body didn’t seem to ache as much as it did when you got into bed.
“Why do people think its okay to treat others like shit? Just because they don’t know me they think its alright, that it’s not gonna effect me! It’s bullshit, it’s all bullshit.” Craig placed a kiss on the top of your head and rested his chin there now rubbing soothing circles on your back. Despite his lack of response he’s helping you so much by just being there for you. His touch seemed to heal all your stress and anxiety. The tears slowly stopped as you began to let yourself be in this moment with him.
“Cmon, lets get you in the bath and I’ll order us some food.” He said after a couple minutes like this. You nodded pulling away from his chest. He grabbed your hand leading you to your room. “Grab some comfy clothes, I’m gonna start the water.” He said now making his way to the bathroom. You brought your clothes and towels with you to the bathroom and watched quietly and he glided his hand through the bubbly water.
“Thank you baby.” You said quietly making him jump. He turned and smiled at you holding his other hand out for you to come closer. You obliged standing next to him resting your head atop his. He was sat on the edge of the tub, one arm around you an the other in the bath water.
“What do you think about steak n shake?” He asked looking up at you as he stopped the water. You smiled and nodded.
“Do I get a milkshake?” You asked setting your clothes and towel down. He laughed at your question.
“Yea you’re gettin your own, cause I’m not sharing mine.” He said getting up and out of your way. You frowned at him for knowing you’d drink his.
“Can I at least try yours?” You asked with puppy eyes. He rolled his eyes with a laugh.
“Yea I guess, but you can’t have it if you end up liking it.” Craig said leading you to sigh. “Im gonna go put the flowers up and order the food. Shout if you need me.” He placed a kiss on your nose before he left the bathroom leaving the door cracked. You smiled to yourself as you undressed and got in the hot water. The whatever tension was left in your body left quickly as you sunk into the bubbly water. After about 15 minutes there was a knock at the bathroom door before Craig walked in.
“There you are, I was worried you got lost.” You teased and he rolled his eyes with a fake laugh. He had his keys in hand as he knelt down beside the tub.
“Im gonna go pick up the food, when you get out you wanna set up the room for a movie? Im thinking rom coms.” He said running a hand through your damp hair. He knew what he was doing suggesting rom coms.
“Ooo feeling cheesy today huh?” You teased making him laugh.
“Yeah yeah, it’s cause I love you and know Adam Sandler will make you feel better.” He said and poked your forehead. Now its your turn to laugh.
“You know me too well Mister Tucker. And yes I would love to set up movie night!” You said with a bright smile. Everything Craig has done for you today has made all the weight you felt earlier disappear, you have no worries with him around and he knows it.
“Alright Mx. Tucker, the next time you see me I’ll have a bunch of food and milkshakes. Don’t drown while I’m gone please!” He placed a kiss on your lips and left you red faced in your bath. You spent 5 more minutes in the warm water before getting out to dry off and get dressed. You cut on the fairy lights in your room as to keep it dim and set up the tv. You walked over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and noticed the lavender in a vase on the counter there.
“Not one for placement is he.” You said to yourself. You breathed in the fresh scent from the flowers before moving it to the coffee table in the living room. You went to go lay back down in the bed and wait for Craig who showed up 5 minutes later. “Welcome home honey!” You said happily from your spot on the bed. He placed 2 bags of food down on the bed and the shakes on the bedside table before he climbed in the bed and squished you into a hug.
“Thats something I’m gonna need to hear more often.” He said and peppered your face in kisses. “Let’s eat!” He said and brought the bags of food to your laps.
“Thank you for this Craig. I really needed it.” You said opening up your food. He leaned over placing a kiss at your temple and then nudged you with his shoulder before he spoke.
“If you’re not happy I’m not happy. You mean the everything to me and I don’t want you being so stressed out over work. No matter how everyone else treats you, I’m always gonna be here to wash it away. I need you to remember that whenever you’re upset.” He said and you rested your head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around you. “I wanna marry you one day, and if I can’t keep you happy, how am I gonna make that happen?” He asked rhetorically, you laughed at how cheesy he was being.
“You’re such a loser Craig.” You laughed and he could only scoff. “I love you.” You said and kissed his cheek.
“I love you too honey.” He replied and gave you a kiss on the lips.
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Yea yea, craig might be out of character, what about it!?!?!!! I just need sappy ol craig an milkshakes, thank you!! i had to fight every urge in my body to make him say sugar, i just really like sugar as a pet name i guess, but i kept it “canonical” by having him say honey, 😞
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thevirgodoll · 2 years
how does one stop being a yes man, i feel like my life is not my own, im always scared of upsetting people…
The biggest thing I need you to remember: You don't need others to be happy in order for YOU to be happy yourself. You don't need things to be perfect with others in order to live your life...people are going to be upset, people are going to disagree. Your need to control how others feel is rooted from your own personal avoidance of your own emotions. You're losing your sense of self in someone else, and that's torture and self sabotage.
Even in small ways, you can lose yourself.
Signs of People Pleasing:
Every time you apologize for simple things, like being late.
Every time you abandon your own needs to help others.
Every time you abandon your own values and morals for others.
Every time you change your opinion to fit someone else's.
Every time you silence yourself instead of saying no or disagreeing. These little habits build up to no sense of self over time.
What will go so wrong if you start putting yourself first? If you allow other people to have their OWN emotions and detach from that? Whatever someone else feels is their truth, and the same goes for YOU.
The only way out of chronic people pleasing is awareness and consciousness over your behaviors that dishonor the core of who you are.
Reflection Questions:
How can I start being more intentional with my interactions with others and the way I live my life?
Why do I need to control what others think so badly?
Before I react and send myself on this proverbial rabbit hole, is it really important?
Am I viewing this from an objective lens, or from a fear of abandonment?
When I get anxious about how other people feel, what am I missing? What are my needs in that current moment?
Why am I trying to convince people of my worth?
And to be very blunt: Do I REALLY care about what this person thinks?
Assertive Phrases to Practice Saying:
"I'll get back to you on that."
"I would like to finish what I was saying."
"I need to be listened to right now."
"I am not seeking feedback."
"I don't want to talk about (insert subject)."
"Will you meet me there at (insert time) instead?"
"This works best for me."
"I appreciate your help, but I am not looking for suggestions."
"I just need to vent right now."
"I know you're trying to help, but this is making me feel (insert feeling)."
"My situation is different than yours, but I do appreciate what you have to say."
"I am upset, and I don't want to discuss it as of right now."
"I'm mad."
"I am hurt."
"I love you, however, I don't like when you did (insert thing here)."
"My feelings are my feelings, and I deserve to feel this way."
"I know what your intentions were, but the impact was (insert feeling)."
"Thank you for your apology, but I cannot accept it right now."
"I'm not ready to share. Please respect that."
"This conversation will have to end."
"No." When all else fails learn to say NO! No is always a complete sentence, and you don't owe anyone anything beyond what is appropriate!
Now get yourself together! Cause no Doll here is gonna people please. Not on my watch. I know it's easier said than done, but I believe in you! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
they're wearing their raincoats so for me this is already a 10/10 episode. love when they wear their raincoats!!
not big bob and tina going on the toddler rides at amusement parks together. LESS THRILL MORE CHILL. truly two autistic peas in a pod <3
big bob is seventy five (at least according to louise) this is important lore. also this means bob's dad is the same age as his gayass old man landlord who flirts with him every other day FJDMDJDKSMS according to my caculations big bob would've been 29ish when he had bob which means he met lily when they were in their early twenties. that also means (assuming that lily was the same age as big bob) lily would have been around 43 when she died although the math doesn't add up 100% if you consider her being born in 1941 because it would mean this episode takes place in 2016 which it doesn't. am i overthinking this one-off line where louise guestimates big bob's age??? yes i am thank you VERY MUCH.
big bob making conversation while spending the day with his very young grandchildren: so have you considered that the world is terrible and people are awful and we should all kill ourselves? thoughts?
(im sure that isn't what bob meant its just funny to imagine big bob depression posting circa 2013 tumblr @ his grandkids all day)
ALSO this implies bob has been talking to big bob more regularly lately which is great. they're working on their relationship. a little bit :)
BIG BOB FOR REAL BEING A QANON TRUTHER EXCUSE ME???? THE FUCK. ohh he's literally a doomer he's watching videos about the upcoming apocolypse and how to ration food. HE'S A CLIMATE CHANGR DOOMER ITS SO OVERR im sorry thats so funny im obsessed w/ him
also our first time ever seeing (what im assuming is) bob's childhood home!! very cute. and he made them cookies
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why is big bob calling bob randomly to talk about how the world is ending and tigers are going extinct what is GOING on. at least he believes in climate change??
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"like he's getting ready to..... leave the party. so he doesn't feel bad about telling everyone how much the party stinks" DONT TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT if there's an episode where big bob dies its over for me. like its done <- there won't be but i would be very very sad IF THERE WAS. to be fair we gotta kill off linda's parents too though
aww they're texting regularly <3 i like how you can ALREADY see how much bob and big bob's relationship has improved since the start of the show where bob Literally thought his dad hated him and that he was a disappointment. see what actual open communication can do for you!! im happy bob has at least one parent he can talk to kinda sorta? HE SHARES HELPFUL TIPS SO THAT BOB CAN SAVE HIS FAMILIES LIFE HES TRYING TO HELPP :(
"and today its just gonna be him. and them. and the giant cloud of darkness that follows him wherever he goes" funnily enough thats also what people say when talking about me :3
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"pop pop how much cotton candy is TOO MUCH cotton candy" "i dont know. three??"
LMAO FOR SOME REASON THAT REMINDS ME OF THIS FUCKIGN QUOTE. big bob when gene comes out to him as genderfluid like
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wharf day with pop-pop!!! wharf day with pop-pop!!!!!
grandpa needs a little bench time. im ALWAYS saying this tbh
"don't get any tattoos that your parents can see" FUN GRANDPA he's definitely a better grandpa than he is a dad bcuz he was not doing this shit w/ bob when he was young i can tell you that much
OMG I LOVE TEDDYS RAINJACKET?? sorry i live in a rainforest its my god given right to comment on people's rainy day fashion. its like my one job
"i need to ask you guys A HUGE favor. can you try to take a good picture of me" teddy u are literally always hot this shouldn't be a problem. you're DRIPPING sex appeal. except this is for a handyman website so maybe less sexy?ANY PICTURE I TRY TO TAKE OF MYSELF I LOOK LIKE A MURDERER FJFMDNFJDKDNDJXHXH
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louise shows up whenever she goes and figured out the best way to Cause Problems and i respect that about her. that takes real talent and dedication
one thing about the belcher kids they WILL end up locked inside a fortune telling clam in wonder wharf
he's sooo baby
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everything is so okay bob dont even WORRY. big bob is asleep on a bench and the kids are stuck inside a giant clam they've done more dangerous stuff like twice this week already. at least they're inside??
"its fun when your dad shows up to. check on your grandpa"
do you not trust me with the kids :( noo big bob they literally (kinda) trusted GAYLE with the kids for AN ENTIRE WEEKEND u cant be worse than her at taking care of them. she was making them do some shit that Kids should not be doing. anyone remember the pretty paws
??? why was he just randomly like oohh we should win that gorilla for the kids. he loves them SO MUCH im gonna cry <3 he literally loves them and wants them to be happy. he SPOILS them. he's such a good grandpa and such a terrible dad lmfao
"are we being punished? for being helpful and delightful??"
if i was walking around an amusement park and i heard a robotic fortune telling clam SCREAMING for somebody to help it escape i would get the fuck outta there so fast sorry kids. you might be on your own w/ this one
i dont know why bob is acting like he doesn't lose the kids four times a week MINIMUM those mfs will run off anywhere if given half the chance. they live for the thrill
"we lose 'em and then we find them. that's our thing" ?? what did he mean by this
WHY ARE THEY LOOKING FOR "CUTE" TOOLS this subplot is so funny im kinda obsessed. mechanics for the girlies
teddy is scaring the hoes nooo. its okay teddy i would hire you maybe(??) well. yknow
IM A GENTLE PERSON :( teddy i will always be your biggest fan wtf he's literally so sweet. he wouldnt hurt a fly
silly <33
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LMAO not louise just lying there and saying help us. help us. help us into the microphone she's so cute and SOOO over this whole situation
he's a good grandpa :(
if you keep saying stuff like that around your grandkids they're gonna believe you.... and then it might actually come true. so maybe don't say horrible stuff about the future to people who will have to live in that future </3
IM NOT ALWAYS WORRIED ABOUT THE FUTURE AND THATS **BECAUSE** OF MY GRANDKIDS what if i cry right now. he literally loves them so much he's such a good grandpa!!! wtf Anyone else thinking about amelia right now. the ending
AAWWW THIS EPISODE WAS SO CUTE IM OBSESSED WITH BIG BOB he was such a terrible father but he's the best grandpa and he loves these kids SO MUCH. genuinely. and im so happy that his relationship w/ bob is getting better and that they're on better terms. also the subplot with teddy was adorable i always love teddy and linda subplots. they're BESTIES. maaaybe my favorite episode from this season so far but honestly they've all been so great that there's like five different episodes competing for that spot. and we're still only eight episodes in!!! absolutely everything i wanted from an episode with big bob (even if lily wasn't mentioned. SAD!! oh well there are other episodes) and i loved learning more abt his relationship with his grandkids and that dynamic ^_^ <33
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My two main mike ideas include fucking him in the car or at least sucking him off while keeping watch on someone orrrr reader forgets he asked mike over to his house to help with something and is fingering himself and mike catches him (but the reader doesn’t stop cause he always wanted mike to take what’s his)
OOOO both good ideas :3 im prolly gonna do smth w/ both eventualleigh but imma do the second one for now
can’t believe y’all are getting me mikepilled 😵‍💫
anatomical terms: pussy/cunt/hole, (t-)dick
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“hey mike can u come over tomorrow morning? :)”
To be fair, there probably should’ve been more details exchanged on both sides. A simple time check would’ve saved you from the awkwardness that fate had prescribed you.
For you, morning meant 10AM at the earliest. Having anything to do before 10AM was practically a human rights violation.
For Mike, morning started at 5AM. Always an early riser. Maybe old people were solar powered. Maybe they were up from sunrise to sunset to make sure they got a full charge. That’s the only explanation you could think of. Who the hell gets up at the crack of dawn recreationally?
Mike does.
And apparently, your dick does too.
Classic testosterone. Male puberty may have started late for you, but it came out the gate swinging. It had to make up for lost time.
You woke up at 8:30AM to your junk needing attention, t-dick puffed up and ready to go, hole leaking, practically crying for fulfillment. You looked at the time. Meh, you could make it work. After all, self care is important, right?
Mike thought he was being generous by coming over at 9AM. Surely any self-respecting individual would be up and on with their day by then. He knocked on your door and waited for you to answer him.
He knocked again, harder this time.
Of course, he thought as he rolled his eyes and dug in his pocket. He pulled out a key ring and flipped through all of the illicit keys he had made. One, two, three, there’s yours. He breached your front door and stepped inside. Once inside, he made his way toward your bedroom, figuring you were asleep at best, dead or missing at worst.
He did not figure that he’d come across your bedroom door wide open, nor did he expect to see you half naked on the bed with your legs spread. Your eyes were sewn shut; your back was arched; and, most damning of all, you were 2 knuckles deep in your own pussy, writhing and whining as you got yourself off. Evidently, the day didn’t start until you finished.
Mike was unfazed, blunt and succinct in his message to you. “I can come back later if you want.”
You screamed and yanked the blanket over your shame, as if that would somehow erase what he saw. Staring like a deer in the headlights, chest rising and falling as you hyperventilated, you scrambled to pluck a response from your overcrowded mind. You ended up with “How… how did you get in here?!”
“That’s not important,” Mike replied, “Now, do you wanna get dressed or do you wanna finish up and I’ll come back later?”
As the brainfog cleared, a revelation came through. You wanted something else. You stuttered, “I… I want…” and shirked the blanket off you, “I want you, Mike. Please…”
“No, you don’t,” He sighed, “I guess I’ll come back later when you’ve got your head on straight,” and turned to leave, “Noon work for you?”
Noon most certainly did not work for you. You called out to stop him. “No, wait!”
Mike stopped and looked back over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow at you. “What?”
You dragged your hand down to where it once was, spreading your lips apart with your fingers, hoping to entice him inside. “I-I’m serious, Mike. I want you. Please…”
Mike turned around fully. He hated that he was considering this, but he loved the sight of you even more. On display, begging for him, and a not insignificant wet spot on the sheets below your butt. He trudged across the room until he landed at your side. Your heart was racing. Your cunt and dick were dripping and throbbing. Your face was probably somewhere between excitement and desperation. He rested his hand atop yours, and took a deep breath before sneaking his fingers inside you.
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hellsgreatestfaggot · 3 months
Charlie fluff drabble for yall because im too lazy to write anything right now
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— Relax .:*☆ || Charlie x Reader
Summary: You drag Charlie to sleep after shed been working all day
Warnings: Not really any tbh just weird fluffy angst kinda?? Sfw
You were starting to get ready for bed, after a long day of working. Youd been out all day trying to help Charlie by advertising the hotel around town. By the time youd got home you were exhausted. It was getting late and youd realized you hadn’t seen Charlie at all since youd got home. Where had she been all day?
You found Charlie sitting in her office, papers sprawled out across the desk. by the way she was gripping her hair and mumbling insults under her breath you could tell shed been overworking herself again.
“Charlie, my love? Whats the matter?”
You asked, pulling up a chair next to her. Her jacket had been taken off and thrown carelessly onto the floor. She was practically ripping her hair out. It was messy, yet still trying to hold its formerly neat form in her hairties. Dried mascara ran down her cheeks, as she looked up at you with a half smile. You could tell that something was wrong.
“Its nothing, just working, as usual.”
“Youve been working all day. Its late, you look tired. Like youve been crying. Come to bed?”
“Not yet , im almost finished.”
“Youve been in here all day, You can’t keep burning the candle at both ends like this, Charlotte.”
“I have to. This hotel needs to work and we need sponsors or clients just— someting.”
“If you keep overworking yourself like this theirs no way itl work. Everyone needs a break sometimes no matter who they are or what their trying to acomplish. Your just gonna fall deeper into loneliness and stress if you keep it up. Please come to bed?”
She turned to face you entirely before falling back into her chair, relaxing her body. Looking up at your worried expression, she caved.
“Fine. Only because im really really really tired tonight though.”
You brought her upstairs to her room and watched as she changed into her favorite set of pajamas. They were made of soft red silk and hugged her slim figure comfortably, while still not being too show-y. With a loud yawn and a stretch she sat next to you im bed, and immediately ducked under the covers.
You laid down with her, pulling her closer. Normally Charlie would be the one holding you, she didn’t let up on it most of the time yet tonight she just curled up and let you hold her. She tried to cry as unnoticeably as possible as you played with her hair, but that didnt work. She clinged to you desperately, whincing as your hand moved across her waist to hold her better. You noticed immediately how bad it had gotten for her and responded by hugging her tightly and whispering sweet things inro her ears trying your best to lull her to sleep. You’d undoubtedly have to talk with her about it later.
Hellsgreatestlesbian doesnt write raunchy gay svex for once?? rare….
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shinyrhinestones · 1 year
A song, is what it takes.
Summary: Reader is Spencers twinsister and the team is trying to get Elle and Reader together, but Spencer doesn't know.
I lost the request but im still gonna write it. I hope its alright. Also english isn't my mother tongue, so there will probably be some mistakes.
Pairing: Elle Greenaway x Fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Category: Oneshot.
Warnings: Kissing.
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No matter what was going on, it seemed like something was drawing you and Elle together. Everytime you'd have a case, and had to be briefede you'd always seem to end up sitting next to the girl you couldnt be normal around. She's too beautiful. There was something about her, that drew you in. You had only known her for a couple of months, and still you were all over the place. Everytime you'd have to stay at a hotel while working on a case, or just finishing one, you'd be paired up with Elle.
Elle Greenaway, your colleague. Its not that you minded sharing a room with her, it just always made you stutter, hesitate and make your palms sweat just a little bit. You'd end up sitting together on the plane home. Or on the way over to where the case would take place. You two would always end up talking alot together, whenever this happened. It was like you never ran out of topics, words, themes or whatever, when you two were sat together. You two could talk together to the end of time. What you didn't notice was that when you were in a deep conversation with Elle, the rest of your coworkers would pair up and stare at you two in the background. They would whisper about you two, and their next moves. They'd smile at their small accomplishments even though you two weren't aware of your true feelings to each other yet. But that's what they were here for. To help you on the way.
Well, the only one on the team who was oblivious to the shipping of you two was Spencer. He wasn't included when the others got together to admire you two from afar. Normally you didn't really think anything of it. It was probably all just a coincidence that no matter what you were doing at work you somehow ended up talking or working with Elle somehow. The team wished to accomplish that one of you would finally ask the other out. But you never did. Then they tried to start mentioning how cute you two were, to maybe encourage you. Spencer even thought sometimes the team was mad at him or making him feel left out. For example that time where Spencer was about to sit next to you but then Derek shoved the chair away from him, giving him a knowing look. Trying to tell him why with his eyes, but Spencer didn't catch on. Instead he furrowed his eyebrows, and looked around confused. His hands in his pockets trying to understand what had just happened. He still didn't catch on when Elle came in and took the seat next to you, leaving Spencer with the chair on the other end of the table. He might've felt like the team liked you better than him. Even though the team never had a favorite. Well, maybe they had a favorite ship. Hopefully soon, a favorite couple.
There were of course some times where the team didn't have to do anything to get you two closer, or give you sweet moments. That's probably also why you fit so well together. You didn't need someone to force you together. You just needed a little reasurence.
Like that one time where you were on a case, during late fall:
You were shivering, from the cold breeze. The wind brushing your hair and shoving to the trees making their leafs rattle together. The leafs were dark brown and orange. The trees almost being dead, since winter was nearing. You tried hugging yourself and moving around to keep yourself warm. You started to regret not bringing a jacket or at least a warmer shirt, but you thought that You could handle the weather. It didn't seem that cold, when you got ready for the day. You could hear the wind swirl around your ears and the cold causing your ears and cheeks to go red. But then you saw her standing in front of you, and then your cheeks went red for a whole different reason. She was standing there with her jacket in her hands, holding it infront of her. She was looking at you with a small subtle smile and it was such a gentle caring expression she held. Her eyes studying your face for a moment before speaking up. "You seem cold" Her voice almost made your knees melt. But you couldt let yourself move. Being so close to her and having her full attention made butterflies erupt in your stomach. "I am" You answered, slowly stopping rubbing your arms. Her lips were slightly parted, her lips being a faint soft pinkish, redish color. "Here. Take my coat" She said softly. It wasn't a demand, nor was it a question. Your lips turned upward at her thoughtfulness.
"Thank you" You said, as she held out the coat for you to fully take. You took it calmly from her grip, brushing fingers as you did so. Eye contact didnt seem to be a problem betweent you two. Your eyes were glued to each other, not being able to look away, as you put it on. "Elle, Y/N!" Derek called, interrupting you and Elle. Elles head whipped around, and you walked up next to her, to see what Derek wanted. But you weren't paying attention. Your mind was still foggy from the way her eyes could shine so brightly, even if it was so gloomy outside. Oh, and the feeling her fingers quickly but softly touching yours.
Then there was the time where you were on a little vacation with Derek and Elle in Jamaica. It was night and the summer breeze was brushing against your legs, as Elle asked if you wanted to dance. There was music and that dance floor, where other couples and people were enjoying the night. You nodded at her, and she took your hands following you to the dance floor. You were both smiling at each other, and softly swaying to the sounds of the music. You could even feel the vibrations of the music under your feet. Her arms resting around your neck and yours resting around her form. Her skin was so soft, and having her touching you felt like heaven. It felt rare. Like you had to cherish this feeling and moment forever. As long as you possibly could.
Earlier that day you and Elle had played Volleyball with some guys at the beach. You had been laughing and enjoying the game together the whole time. You couldnt help but admire Elle during the whole game. You also felt a sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach, everytime one of the guys had flirted with Elle. Now you couldnt quite read if Elle was into it or not, but it still hurt. But it was like you could feel the bond between you and Elle getting stronger and closer. It's not easy to explain, it's something you feel.
But right now you were at a bar, with most of the team. Spencer had been persuaded, Hotch had agreed to go shortly, Gideon didn't go and the rest of you were quite enthusiastic. Penelope, Derek, Emily and JJ were on the dance floor. Then there was you, Spencer, Elle and Hotch sitting by a table just calmly chatting. Hotch had exused himself, getting his coat on. He had a family to go home to, so he didn't stay for that long.
While he was getting his things, Penelope had made her way over to all of you, but only with the intention of interacting with you and Elle. You were sitting next to her, leaning your head on the palm of your hand. You had placed your elbow quite close to Elle without noticing. Penelope dragged the two of you onto the little stage in the bar. Yes, she was actually making you two do karaoke. You'd have to be really brave and confident to do karaoke. Strangers gathered in a bar and amateur singers putting on a perfomance. You'd need to be secure in your singing and perfomance. Now, its not like you and Elle were bad at singing. But you could always be better. The whole time you both had been stuttering out words of rejection, and walking hesitantly. But then she shoved the microphone in your hand. "Come on, it'll be fun" She almost pleaded and gave you a small pouty look. The music had already started to play and when you looked behind Penelope you saw a bunch of people looking at you waiting for the small show to begin. Oh, right then you felt like you wanted to just run away and hide. Hide from the world, and make everyone forget about you and everything you've ever done. But then Elle sighed, and tool a hold of the microphone is shifting it lighty. Now you were both holding it, so you could both access it.
You had both started to sway to the music, trying to get comfortable. You both started singing and at first it was awkward. You weren't even looking at the audience, and your shoulders were tense. But just like music always does, it gets to you. Music can do so much to a person. Make them feel all kinds of different emotions and think a bunch of different things. It can even say things for you.
You were holding the microphone in your right hand, and Elle was holding it with her left. Since you had to hold it together to both participate as much as you could, you were close. Your bodies were so close to each other. You could almost feel her breath on your skin. You were subconsciously moving yourself closer to her, feeling the warmth of her body more and more. Elle herself felt her mind go blurry. She couldnt think straight. It was like, it was only you two in the world. In the moment. The words you were singing belonged to a sweet, soft love song. When you were singing those words to one another, looking into each others eyes getting more and more lost, you were singing words you'd longed to tell her for a long time. Words so she could understand how you feel about her. Elle even felt like her legs were going to betray her in that moment. Never had she been more infatuated with you in that moment. All of a sudden Elle understood her feelings for you completely. It all made sense. And you. You had just been waiting for a sign. A way. I think everyone knew what you were feeling for Elle, but yourself. It was complicated, really. You were aware of these feelings and emotions, but you had never actually thought: What if i asked her out? What if she was mine?
It was like you just weren't going to do anything. But in that moment, you wanted to. You wanted to try and see if maybe Elle wanted to too. Then the song ended. And everyone clapped, causing you to snap back to reality and out of the little spell you both had been under. You both smiled looking around to see the team smiling and clapping along. You had no idea, that the whole time while you and Elle were singing together, they had been gushing and whispering about you two at the table you had claimed for the night. Spencer was also clapping along, but he wasn't wearing that amusing look like the rest. He was more casual. You put the microphone back in it's place, and joining the rest of the group with Elle. Hotch had stayed, when he realized what Penelope had been doing.
"Not bad" Derek smiled, leaning on the table. "Thanks" You muttered, sitting back in your seat. You were both blushing crazily. You'd had to be absolutely blind not to be able to see it. It was so obvious. Everyone had noticed the romantic interest you two had in each other....well, all except for your brother, Spencer. You and Spencer could talk about alot of stuff together. Discussing things and topics, talking about childhood memories but you didn't really talk much about the others love life. And you definitely didn't want to talk about your interest in Elle, afraid of her finding out. "That was really cute!" Penelope commented, her voice full of excitement. Hotch decided to leave after having watched you and Elle's little moment. The others quickly made conversation again, but you and Elle were silent. Your knees brushing against the others once in a while. You couldnt think clearly. Your mind was too focused on Elle. Her long dark hair looked so elegant as it bounced around, and her chocolate brown eyes shining. She truly was captivating. You didn't even notice you'd been staring, until she turned to look at you. You made eye contact immediately. None of you looked away. You just sat there. Looking. It might've looked awkward in 3rd person, but it wasnt to either of you. You could feel the connection between you two. There was just something there. Something strong. For a moment you started to wonder if she even felt the same, or if it was just you.
But then she kissed you. All of a sudden her lips were on yours. Infront of everyone. Her lips were so soft, and feeling the warmth from her body again was something you'd never want to end. One of her hands ended up on the side of your face. You of course kissed her back. It took a few seconds to register what had just happened, but when you became aware, you immediately kissed her back. It felt so safe and secure. Your heart was beating so fast, you might've believed it would've beated all the way through your chest, like you were in a cartoon. Then you both pulled away, after some time to not only get some air but to see each others reactions. But then you looked around you to see your colleagues looking absolutely shocked but happy at the same time. Eyes wide, eyebrows raised and small smiles tugging at their lips. "Wow." JJ almost mumbled. "Argh! Finally!!" Penelope clapped her hands, and jumped in her seat. Through your whole life with your twinbrother Spencer, you had never seen him more confused before. He was absolutely shunned. Eyes wide and mouth agape. "What?" Spencer managed to say, even though he looked absolutely speechless. You bit your bottomlip to stop a smile forming on your face, and as your elbow rested on the table before you, you took your hand covered the top of your face so your eyes were hidden from the people around you. Elle snuck one of her hands into the one you held on your lap, to hold it softly but secure. "You two are so cute" JJ said sweetly to you two, so maybe you'd feel less embarrassed. You sneaked a glance over all of them and sighed. They seemed okay with the fact you were two girls. But then again that wasn't really your biggest question. The thing you wanted to know was what you and Elle were going to do now between the two of you. Go on a date and take it from there, or forget this thing? You just hoped Elle wanted the same as you. You giggled, feeling trapped. "Thank you" You said, answering JJ's recent remark. You looked at Spencer giving him a slight awkward smile. He took a breath before closing his mouth again. He looked down and then up again. "What is going on? Why do none of you seem so shocked?" Spencer questioned out of pure curiosity, pointing to you two. "Spencer, its been so obvious. We've all been pushing them together the last couple of months" Emily stated. "You have?" You then asked. Now Spencer was even more confused. How come you didn't even know? Elle didn't seemed that surprised, meaning she must've been well aware. "Yeah. Why do you think you always end up sitting together whenever we're at work or doing anything in general?" It sounded from Emily. She herself seemed surprised you hadn't noticed. "Yeah, or that one time in Jamaica. I invited both of you for a reason" Derek explained. You let out a breathy laugh. "Oh" Was all you managed. "Or today when Garcia forced you to sing" Emily mentioned. You then looked at Elle. "Why did i not know any of this?" Spencers high-pitched voice sounded. He was furrowing his eyebrows, and looking around pure baffled. You all let out a laugh, at the sound of your brother. You were sure he was happy for the both of you, but right now he just needed some answers. And you were just happy to finally have gotten closer to the girl you'd been dreaming of. Turns out that the whole time it had been the team who had been drawing you and Elle together.
Thank you for reading!
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aettuddae · 1 month
i think this my first time being late to an update omg…🕷️ anon washed
starting off with business matter first…would it be crazy if i said this was my fav update 😭😭 i loved chapter 92 specifically because it forces serim & rina to both face their feelings (& doubts), intimacy could only go so long as a form of communication b4 they both were left unsatisfied (more so serim) its rlly sad even now karina cant fully accept her feelings using ning as an excuse to let their bond go (not rlly an excuse but how she self sabotage b4 anything could rlly happen) it was such a good chapter and i just like angst (obvs by now)
im rlly worred about ningning in all this tho…whether serim & rina end up together or she ends up with serim (with the knowledge that she will never feel how she feels for jimin) its a lose lose situation for her…unless im reading too much into it and shes not taking her time with serim seriously/just having fun
them saying goodbye to eo was amazingly beautiful i dont even know what to say…bittersweet i guess
KYUIN GIRLFAILURE WE LOVE U ALREADY 🫶🫶 also adding another delulu jimin into my bag thank u 💋 i think i say this about all the friendgroups in ur stories but I LOVE novaHIVI DYNAMIC ALREADY THEY FAMILY (havent stopped thinking about this group either like u cooked so bad here)
the difference between how anthology!kazuha and hole in one!kazuha act dhsbshsnsn
minjeong n milf 👍👍
i just wanna say i liked minkwan…i probably didnt say anything tho cause my peasized brain zeros in on yuri 😕
SUCH A WASTE ON CHITTAPHON NOOOOO U SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I LEAVE, THE GAY BOYS NEED LOVE TOO 😭😭 (its also interactive too so the min i figure out how that works im getting my mean gay boy x loser gay girl both being down bad serve idc)
simon says is amazing…we just love father dem jointz over here and we thank god everyday sm passes him around like a groupie in that building
also so many anons are flirting with u now that means u made it…dont forget me when ur famous
- 🕷️
it's literally the end of the deal, it's so important, makes total sense !! and all of the events and circumstances make it more hard for them to be delusional about what they feel, serim couldn't hold it anymore. glad you enjoyed it, even if it was some sad episodes.
yeah, with the new update i just posted 😀 ningning's situation changes a little, since she's actually capable of trying and prioritizing her mental sanity, although it's probably gonna hurt for her in any scenario, she's more aware and ready than the other two
kyuin is a cutie that has barely learnt how to exist in society, we need to protect her 😭 i have already accepted i'm never writing a normal boring jimin, i always have to make her borderline schizophrenic 😔 so happy to hear you like novahivi's dynamic, you always focus on the things that matter to me 😅 i always prioritize the main character's friend groups a lot and i find particularly fun writing novahivi interacting with each other
shut up finally a kazuha that's not attempting to murder anyone (YET) (jokey joke)
minjeong and milf 🫴🏼
this blog is a woman's world i swear, readers don't even support gay men 😔 i will support any idea you have to get the gays thriving and vibing
father demjointz 😭 literally, i owe him so much, has given me my fav kpop songs
i will never forget you, spidey, you're literally my everything
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