#i need to sort out my tags tbh
salad-storm · 3 months
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This turned from me trying to do something serious to just having fun with it and I think that's great
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averlym · 9 months
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#close up!! because i firstly Did Not render them with such insanity in order for tumblr's lack of general resolution to make it blur#look at all the lines!!! teehee i still really really like this style of digital painting it's super super fun to do!!! and also secondly#because i went back and added a tag ramble and as i seem to often be doing??? lately?? reached the 30 tag limit and went 'hm ok how else..'#anyway the tag essay on that one is now up and talks about the artwork generally and miscellaneous thoughts!! that said. i need a space to#ramble about beatrix at Length because look you don't draw and paint etc a character for like ten hours without having a lot of thoughts#anyways ! i digress terrifically. tag rambles are more like trains of thoughts masquerading as subways and you get on and it's unfortunately#a rollercoaster track. but this is My Blog and i can do Whatever I Want as long as i don't hurt anyone <- affirmations!! also Harm Principle#lately it's been like *kicks up feet* *opens tumblr tags* *treats it as own personal journal* and tbh Good for me!! anyways back to beatrix#fun fact ! the thing that pushed me over the edge to go watch the musical after looking through the tumblr tag was a very specific poll.#and the fact that the winning option was blue hair and pronouns made me double over laughing so hard i had to go see the source material#mm i feel like lately the academic Context has been tossing me essentially into a blender HAHA ;-; so everyone in adamandi is to some extent#a Mood. but bea-specific (haha be specific)(sorry!)(wow this is the same reaction mechanism of my friend who points out innuendos)(...)#i think it's the wanting to prove herself. like from the whole abuela etc thing there's proof here she's got a Stable Support System of sort#and instead what beatrix continues to do is push themselves. 'i guess u could say i'm married to my work? god that's depressing' // no one#here to enforce that // abuela tells me to rest says i'm constantly stressed and i'll just get depressed like before but i still have to try#like. that shred of desperation that pushes you to the brink to neglect yourself (well i guess physically but also your morals..) and like!!#the whole 'lose half your soul thing' proves she's self aware!! like they know what they're doing is super dubious yknow! but they're still#they're still doing it even if it goes into conflict with their morality system in a way and then they justify it to themselves (see pt 1#of ghostwriter) and the whole wanting to achieve at all costs Despite the self awareness. (i think? this aspect also applied to quincy. but#thoughts on him will come later). more beatrix specific also is the fact that they genuinely adore their work.. 'i just love it here where#you know they'll be printing forever and you are just part of it' because that does kind of resonate with me. also the being behind in the#competition is real!!! i'm maybe talking about Art as a subject because that same drive for it exists on my good days i think. even#even when nothing seems to be going right and you've ended up at the back the intent passion inherent in what you do is still there!!!#the genuine. care she has for reporting. is so !!!!! to me... other beatrix thoughts include 'why reveal yourself at the end' aka vincent's#'u should have stayed silent u had a smart plan' like rip to them but i would not // it feels with bea's complex character i can't imagine h#her Not doing that. like the guilt is real i guess. and i am running out of tags but! smth also about her fervent hope or smth that she'll#eventually get to where she wants. and the resilient determination.. 'i won't let their deaths be pointless there's more good i'm gonna do'#they're so so real for that. i'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing; seeing myself reflected in aspects of characters like this.. but it's#it's there regardless. smth smth just make your peace with the person you are ig!! tldr beatrix campbell my beloved. hehe#adamandi
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pjlotrkwt · 1 month
it would be amazing if there were more reader insert that have a storyline about being family from your confort characters
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weaselshaped · 6 months
Hmm I need to make another embarrassing gender post but not right now I think
#Embarrassing in that like. I mean it's all embarrassing. It's embarrassing to have spent this long missing the point#And to talk about that in public. I am 27 years old and I have id'd as nonbinary for almost a decade and yet I could not refer to myself#as transmasc or incorporate that meaningfully into my self-concept until like. This year. Due to... REASONS???#I literally don't even know! There IS no reason! I just didn't want to deal with it because it seemed harder than resigning myself to being#mistaken for a woman for the rest of my life??? I guess???? Stupid and cowardly tbh#Meanwhile tying myself in knots over like. Disproportionately identifying with queer men in fiction and deciding this was some sort of Crim#'Here is a thing that transmascs often do. Not me though I'm doing it for some other reason' I wasted SO MUCH TIME on this#It's not even really important i just invested a lot of energy into repression for WHAT. and like also on the internet the way I have#described myself over time is like. I am probably revealing some embarrassing things about the way I have engaged with my relationship to#gender that were not apparent until I started getting over myself/moving on from that bullshit. So that's great#I don't know man I would like to feel unequivocally good about sorting my shit out and finally doing what needs to be done#but mostly I just feel like I took too long and now I'm making myself look like an idiot. Idk man. I suck actually!#Oh look I basically did make the post anyway but as tags. Extremely me behavior
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master-k0hga · 3 months
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| T A M I R A |
[ Category: The Promised Land ]
| This is Tamira, or Tammy for short before I actually gave her a full on name lmao- She's the partner of the chieftain of the Frostclaw Traders tribe, Takeshi. Tammy runs a Pharmacy with Andy as her assistant (a previous boy I introduced like a while ago); She is very good when it comes to medical diagnostics and even making her own healing and medicinal remedies too! Which are a very recommended source of keeping yourself safe from sickness and injuries in the harshest bone chilling winter of the Glacier Mountains Resort (and just in the cold mountains in general, it can get really ruthless out there!)
... Hoping I'll ever be able to actually draw the landscapes of this land someday cuz poorly putting it into words does it no justice and writing and describing environments is definitely NOT my strong suit whatsoever.. I draw for a fcking reason, words don't bode well for my struggling brain
... Fun fact, she is my second trans female OC that I have.... I'mean it's not rly a fun fact since nobody gives a damn but I love her very much and I really enjoy her design quite a lot here! Ofc like all my other OCs who are part of the Frostclaw, she was also a Yiga roughly during the time BotW first came out.. Still was trans then as she is now but just part of a personal project for me now-
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Name: Tamira Species: Ice Elf General Personality: Shy, timid, supportive, easy going, hardworking, friendly, empathetic Height: 7ft "2" Relationship Status: In a relationship
Extra Info:
Works and is in charge of the Pharmacy along with anything relating to medical and hospitality within the small town; And her staff mainly consist of not only average healthy lifestyles, but also those who have had history or a rough past of health complications or addictions
She's also a part time therapist and assistant for the leader of the town, who is also her partner; Takeshi. She files and deals with important phone calls and paperwork whilst he is better and more vocal with meetings with other outside leaders and such
She loves to sew in her free time, it soothes her and definitely helps with her stresses of life and her job, which is the burden of carrying everyone's problems and health; Which she believes she has to deal with herself, to which she really doesn't and has been told several times by her protective boyfriend. It's also thanks to Tammy for the productive and comfortable design and advantage the clothing that the Frostclaw wear
Her mother died from an illness when she was young and her father had eventually succumbed to his dementia when he got older, she never got the chance to tell her parents of her coming out as trans years ago. Not caring whether they would've accepted her or not since she would have Takeshi to support her, she personally believes there is now unfinished business with her parents
Enjoys hot baths, however needs to bathe by herself as she is still self conscious about her body
Has gotten angry, like full on angry on a couple of occasions; One time getting mad at her assistant at the Pharmacy she runs (Andy) for being rather discriminatory about one of her then clients at the time, safe to say he kept his mouth shut about judging others and overtime started being influenced by Tammy's empathic nature.. Even though he's still a dick
Is a vegetarian, she used to eat meat from time to time as a kid however became very off put by it one day when she was in her teens after accidentally witnessing someone from the outside walls disrespectfully mutilate a lamb. She has not eaten meat since and has gone for more animal free alternatives to most products like butter, milk and cheese
Her grandparents owned a farm just outside the town that she sometimes manages along with a couple other volunteers; She has at least two of some animals likes pigs, cows, sheep, chickens and goats along with a few other critters that are not known nor exist in our worlds. Her grandparents passed the rights to the farm to her in their will before they died.
Despite not doing it directly to hurt something or someone but in case she is in need of defending herself; She's actually rather skilled with a bow, even going so far as to shoot three arrows at a time. Only times she's ever "used" it however was to ward off potential trespassers or poachers trying to get close to her grandparent's farm; Especially as said farm is now under the protection of the Golden Palace
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
I think that's all I have for her right now, I didn't really have all that much for Tammy when I started re-purposing my former Yiga OCs back on DA, I was pretty much starting out on trying to figure out what I wanted to do for them at the time so... Pretty much this is her new purpose now, I think it kinda fits for someone such as her... She's free, but she also has morals that more people definitely need in this world..
Now I just need to finish off her boyfriend Takeshi since his re-design sketch has been sitting collecting dust in my files for literal months.. I think I made him before Tammy as well so like?? Weird tbh??
But he's just his stoic and kinda scary, while also being a very kind self so... Yeah Idk..
. Tamira, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
#MASTER-K0HGA#Ary / Kohga Chronicles#Ary / Kohga OCs and Works#Tammy#Tamira#OC#transfemale#trans#Ice Elf#Frosclaw#Frostclaw Traders#The Promised Land#Original Character#My OC#My Character#My Art#Fandomless#Just realized I don't rly need to use the re-post tags anymore cuz now I'm actually getting to new stuff now or new versions of my OC#drawings that I'm posting on this blog here.. So from here on out even if you recognize an OC of mine somewhat... I'm most likely re-drawin#them anyways cuz some old designs are kinda not good.... Like at all in my opinion so Idk... oh well don't matter#I feel like I'm actually almost close to done when it specifically comes to the Frostclaw tribe#Cuz as I said all of them were Yiga OCs one time before I decided to re-purpose them officially and stuff back on DA..#But I believe I just have the odd few to get on with then they'll be all done for now til I've completely finish off all my OC refs and stu#Then I can get on with proper like world building. lore and all that sorts afterwards!#Which I'm kinda looking forward to but also dreading at the same time cuz I am not rly good with stuff other than OCs and#Humanoid like designs and characters.... And tbh I'm doing this all by myself. I have no one helping me here so I know it's gonna be like..#Wonky... In some areas and whatnot... But anyways that's enough from me for tonight- I'm already tired and I just got on my laptop today#.... Not like this won't already be over a week or a month since the last art spam anyways.. And nobody looked at any of it last time...!#So... Yeah... Whatever... Not like I have anybody to speak to anyways so whatever who cares...-
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barredandromeda · 4 months
imsoo normal about guys byw
#sprry this is the start of my downfall im actually going to theow up and vomit and die#fronting daily actually sucks!and i have no restraint on my curiiusity and i have to figure shit out and i literally want to die#cause like i found out shit i didnt want to and its entirely my fault too bro i cant even be upset cause i went looking for it ughhh#i should be allowed to die afterschool so i dont have to feel anything else tbh thatd be a pleasure great thing whwatever#this is genuinelky the repeat of my downfall again literally september all over again and its just march jesus fucking fhrist bro need todi#the nervous system is so dumb what is ooottfvgvsh or whagevr i hate that dumbass acronym i hate healrhcare#serenity save me 🙏 save me serenity 🙏 come home#everyone keeps sayng that but qith donald trump#anyway back to me i need to scream and not just to serenity cause i feel bad🤭 no emojis are tood enougu anymore bro im going to kms#killing myself so fucking hard like a vampire driving a stake through his heart sort of shit ykwim like a siren drowning ro sokething poeti#save me sid 🙏 sid save me actually hed laugh at me for hthis lowkey which is soo deserved cause real bro why am i breaking down at midnight#on a dchool day too bro again and again i dont want to go to mf schooll and be obsessed w k. hes fine but i genuinely cant do my work#lowkey would iet be weird to talk to my ex ab my relationship with him cause like yea i miss him ykwim and i need closure but i got a crush#cause like on one hand its like i was the one who brokenup ykwim like even if the circumstances werewei4d whatever its like why would i hav#the right to even bring it up and i alr crushed on a new guy and like ignoring the uguult i do like him ughh broni want to kms#i love love i just dont love lvoe for myself cause ugh bro i hare one guy idc ab his crushes but he made me hear ab them lke idc idek him#sorry u had a bad experience w bi girls like idk what u want me to say ??? surprise me too ??? tff ugh i hate love girls#i need a gf but the thoigjt of liking a girl genuinely deeply scares me to my core cause i like girls but ppl dont like that i do ykwim#all mu friends are fucking gay bro idek why im so worried ab liking girls like who is there to disappoint but myself and my entire family#noo pressure qt all being oldest and queerest like ok yeah its midnight happy new years. i need this blanket tobsuffocste me#sleep wrappedup alr like a borito burito i dek and its not enoughh i need a soul crushing embrafe to sleep#ok im done i got post vent clarity i need to sleep#post#erics tag#delete later#serenity needs this as a ref in the morning#i beed my mom to cry to but j cant tell her any of this id rather be eaten alive by bugsbro and if i just cry to her without a reason#shell fs go througj my phone and fimd out why anyway so wjats the pointtt my god i tqlk too much and vent too much#gota flair forbthe dramatics ivguess mb
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honeydots · 10 months
What do you think Siegbert’s relationship with Laslow and Soleil’s relationship with Xander are like particularly as they get older/teenagers.
anon you're enabling me i LOVE their parent/child relationships as they get older!!! read more cause this got looooong
for laslow and siegbert--well first off, i think laslow always can provide a particular brand of emotionally-based support that develops more as siegbert gets older. siegbert has his Anxiety Issues, and where laslow and xander both struggle w sociality as well, i think laslow can relate in a more... empathetic way? dealing with some of the emotional aftermath and letting feelings be feelings (this isn't to say siegbert doesn't go to xander or that xander doesn't help, i just think they're good at different things). on a more lighthearted note, i think laslow's really good at getting a giggle out of siegbert, and good at finding ways to alleviate pressure. he's been doing this for years with xander. and yes, xander and siegbert need different things, but laslow's good at pinpointing those things
something i rly like abt their relationship is that i think that where siegbert more openly shows his idolization of xander (like we see in-game), he still does something really similar with laslow. looking up to him, taking inspiration from him. it just comes out in different ways. for example, siegbert probably trusts laslow's opinions... a lot. considers his sometimes more than his own. and he's just fascinated by the stories he tells. even after laslow's married to xander, i like to think he still travels (and drags xander with him as often as he can--and also drags their kids along as often as he can hahaha), and those stories in particular really entrap siegbert. which is good for a budding prince, i think something laslow (and eventually siegbert and soleil) has that xander lacks is some open mindedness, and not being so narrowly nohr-centric in his perspective--esp in upbringing, if that makes sense. this is also why i like laslow taking xander traveling, cause ultimately i think it would do him good.
ONTO!!! soleil and xander!! ive mentioned before how much i like the grumpy-dad and peppy-daughter dynamic, but. to reiterate: i really really like it gjsjfjsnf soleil, similarly to laslow but probably even more, tends to go to xander and ramble about her girl successes and failures. just barging into his office like i hope you're not busy cause i have things to SAY!! and i don't think xander dismisses her, but he does make her wait sometimes, hahaha. i also think xander will often tell soleil what she needs to hear, rather than what she wants, and ultimately for her that's better than the alternative. he's not entirely harsh (though he can be and that's something to work on), but honest. he also dotes on her more than he should by a xander-standard LOL
i think soleil provides to xander a lot of brightness--it is NOT lost on me that they named her soleil, sun, in a place like nohr. i think surrounding xander with bright people is a fantastic idea. and just like laslow's doing with the traveling thing, soleil probably gets xander to socialize a little more, haha. he isn't a brick wall that can't talk to anybody, but--he does strike me as the kind of guy who has coworkers, but not friends, ya feel me. soleil's confident and full of energy, and tbh i think she's the type to really want attention from her parents, so asking xander to come along with her is a frequent request. and that eventually, naturally, leads to xander getting out more. she doesn't have the same setback as laslow that if he gets shy enough he'll retreat entirely while they're out, hahaha
and one final note to round this off: i like to think!! that xander and soleil are both cat people (xander = cabbit, and soleil has lines about owning kitten posters), where laslow and siegbert are dog people (i have many aus where laslow has a pet dog so this is more of a 'because i said so' kinda thing) (also you might be inclined to think cat for siegbert also but i need you to look inward. deeper. i think he'd like the enthusiasm...!!! i have more i could say but i'll leave it at that)
there you go!! :D
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nerdie-faerie · 9 months
I have got to get worse at my job cus no way can keep letting them rely on me like this
#work tag#got on shift on Sunday and my manager pulled me aside when i clocked in to say thank god youre here i need you on front theyre an absolute#mess over there theyve got orders waiting nearly twenty minutes i need you to figure out whats going on and whip them into shape i know you#can just get all those order out right away just put them where you want them so you can clear that screen. and i did sort it in under 5#despite there having been 3 people on front before i got there which is more than enough people to deal with just 6 orders and yet#and today several people called in sick and one of my managers asked if i wanted some extra hours i said depends when she was like just#until ten tonight which is only an extra hour later than i finish but ive already expressed im not comfortable finishing at 9 for only a#8 hour shift cus its an hour walk back and thats far to go by myself in the dark but i agreed anyway one of my other managers then asked if#i was okay to get home if i stayed that late cus obviously there must be a reason i dont usually stay that late i was like im only walking#so it doesnt really matter but it is gonna be late to be walking back but its fine manager then comes back again and asks if i could stay#til 11 ive only done an 11 once before when they were understaffed again and she did the same but i was wary to agree to the 11 cus thats#reeeally late to be doing such a long walk by myself again other manager is like you dont have to agree to anything youre not comfortable#with then argued to the manager that ive got to walk home and i shouldnt stay however im thinking it over as i make my break and approach#the actual shift runner for this evening and suggest i stay until 12 instead cus thats when my work bestie is finishing and if we finish at#the same time i can then walk back with her instead of just doing the 10 and honestly i need the hours but i shouldnt be so relied on tbh
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ninjaliike · 9 months
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can't believe i missed our 6th birthday here! damn ... time flies, eh? ❤️
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butchdykeorpheus · 1 year
sometimes i wonder if many non-lesbians understand that Realising You're Into Women and Realising You're Not Into Men are often two completely different processes and, at least in my experience, the latter was a LOT harder to come to terms with than the former. like i realised when i was about 19 years old that i'm attracted to and interested in dating women, but it took me about five more years after that to very, very slowly disentangle myself from cisheteropatriarchal expectations that Women Should Be Available To Men to realise that i'm, like, not interested in dating or sex with men (or that i'm not a woman but that's a different can of worms). at all. and in a society like that, it's often not enough just to love and prioritise your relationships with women/other sapphics, you have to be firm about your boundaries and explicitly Not Want Men. like your lesbianism HAS to be, in part, about Not Being Available To Men. and even then the pressure is so often there to try to make you drop that boundary. of course not every lesbian experiences their sexuality in this way, but it's not uncommon
i always think about that when i see people claim that it's inherently "restrictive" to explicitly exclude men from your sexuality/romantic or sexual life. there's this increasingly prevalent attitude floating around which echoes traditional lesbophobic stereotypes that there's something inherently "bitter" and "man-hating" about making a point of not being available to men, as if any lesbian who makes a point about their sexuality, dating and sex lives not including men MUST be a Mean Radical Bitter Lesbian Separatist
which is just.......................not anywhere closer to my experience, and also A Hell Of A Leap. my not being sexually or romantically available to men doesn't mean i live in deliberate isolation from them, it means I Am Not Sexually Or Romantically Available To Men. if anything, it's improved my ability to relate to and connect to men!!! i've been able to better contextualise the discomfort i once felt around unfamiliar men, and to see men as potential friends rather than as people who i might be expected to cater to in my appearance or in intimacy, and to assert my boundaries without guilt if a man approaches me with that sort of intent; and if the man is shitty about those boundaries, i know i have no responsibility to placate him
and that's SO freeing to me!!!! THAT'S freedom!! it's so wild to me when people say that excluding men from your sexuality is "restrictive" when i used to feel trapped by expectations of cisheterosexuality and femininity for the male gaze. being able to say No Thanks, Not Men has given me so much freedom to explore dating, sex, fashion and gender expression in ways that feel authentic and good to me; i've been able to not care about whether men find me attractive and instead find joy in being GNC and butch and making myself attractive to other sapphics. i am genuinely so happy to not be interested in men and i'm not going to be apologetic about that. (let me stress this: It Is Not A Slight Against Men To Not Want To Date Them Or To Enjoy Not Wanting To Date Them. i don't have to want to fuck a man to see him as a human being or treat him with respect. unless you genuinely think we like, owe that to men for some reason, in which case i'd like to redirect you back to the Feminism Beginner's Course)
of course, none of this happened overnight — it took me a LONG time to unpack all of this and to internalise the idea that i really don't have to be attractive or available or appeasing to men at all, and tbh even now i find myself struggling with it sometimes, because a lifetime of patriarchal socialisation will do that to a bitch. it's only recently, after a lot of work, that i've started being able to show my body hair in public and not give a shit if a man (or straight woman tbh) finds it gross. it took many, many years of deliberately choosing, over and over and over again, to not give a fuck about what men think of me, to tell myself "No Thanks, Not Men". again, not an uncommon lesbian experience. the reason many lesbians enjoy not being attracted to, interested in or available to men is that we've so often struggled against shame for that aspect of our identity, so we choose to take joy in it instead, and that joy is hard-earned
and yes, i do get frustrated with men still. i DO sometimes make jokes about being a misandrist, express my frustration with cisheteropatriarchal expectations and with men who Don't Get The Memo. many lesbians do. many women who are into men do the same. it's how we cope with the lesbophobia/misogyny lmao. but to flatten us to those moments of frustration/venting as if they define our entire lesbian experience and refuse to consider the sociocultural context of our "mean misandrist dyke moments" strikes me as kinda obtuse, deliberately or not, and also lowkey reminiscent of Respectability Politics
i've also seen the take that lesbianism should be about "loving women, not rejecting men", as if my lesbianism can only be one thing. my lesbianism contains multitudes. my lesbianism IS about loving women. it's about community and relationships with other sapphics. it's about my gender identity and expression and connecting to other trans and nonbinary sapphics. it's about my connection to and place within the wider queer community. it's also about No Men, Thanks. lesbians are like onions we have layers etc etc please refer back to paragraph 1 of this thesis for more on the topic
of course there are many people out there who DO find freedom and joy in being attracted to / available to men - i know tone can be difficult to judge on the internet so believe me when i say that, sincerely, i'm happy for everyone who does. it's just not an experience i share. and that's fine!!! my joy at not being into men isn't a slight against your attraction to men, either (and if you have experienced shitty/biphobic/panphobic behaviour from a lesbian over your attraction to men, i'm sorry, and know you didn't deserve that). just because excluding men from your sexuality sounds restrictive to you doesn't mean that's the case for everyone else, no one's experience is universal, etc etc etc
idk at the end of the day i'm just one lone genderweird lesbian on the internet and i do not speak for, like, the Global Shadow Council Of Evil Lesbians or whatever. i'm also lucky enough to have far less trauma surrounding my interactions with men than many other lesbians do (which is why i cannot demonise any lesbian who does personally choose not to nurture any relationships with men, platonic or otherwise). i can only speak for my own experience and the trends and experiences i've personally observed from being in this community. it's just strange to repeatedly see my lack of availability to men characterised by people online as something that makes me Mean, Angry and Bitter. i'm actually much happier and more chill than i've ever been lol
(begone T3RFs this post isn't for you 🔪🔪🔪)
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nat-20s · 1 year
so uhh i think i am also taking May off from working. Teehee?
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sorry im still not over someone following me with men dni in bio. right next to terfs dni. why do you hate terfs. u r literally doing their work for them by hating men
anyway please don't follow me if you think men or minors dni is an ok thing to have on your blog
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akkivee · 2 years
My thought was that Nemu was already sympathetic to the party of words pre-brainwashing. She started voicing her distaste for Samatoki's violence after being kidnapped with Jiro and Saburo. I got the feeling she started researching and agreeing with party of words ideology during that time and that made the brainwashing way easier.
in a different timeline nemu just would have been radicalised rather than brainwashed and would have joined the party of words on her own instead of the true hypnosis mic putting her there and we would have seen a different form of the same conflict between samatoki and nemu pan out but whatever lol
so like it stuck better because the initial reason was one she agreed with unlike sasara and kuukou’s?? that’s not bad either!!! 🤔
#vee got an ask#radicalised nemu is my favourite nemu lol#like i think it would have been peak if nemu weary from her brother’s violence turns to the party of words#and becomes disillusioned by the sheer corruption in the government#but decides to be the change#hhhhhh like she knows samatoki is the way he is because he’s protecting her and she hates she’s weak that she needs it#so she takes that first step on her own to prove herself!!!! but chuuoku is corrupt asf!!!!!!#so after battling with herself she decided to change it all with all her might!!!!!#she wants to make a world where she doesn’t need to be protected and wants a world where her brother doesn’t have to be violent!!!!!!#lol i just wanted that sort of self journey for nemu from willingly radicalised to willingly being the change 😭#BUT ANYWAY LOL the way she snaps out of the hypnosis is very similar to sasara and kuukou#she says some very harsh things and gets questioned right where it hurts and that causes the hypnosis to waver#like the way sasara said some very mean things to samatoki that he did feel is the same as nemu trying to break samatoki’s spirit#and the way kuukou starts wavering because he’s asked what about ichiro doesn’t he like is on par with nemu being asked about the bracelet#and the way she struggled tbh did seem a lot more severe than kuukou’s and sasara’s but was pretty similar in the end#which makes me wanna say it was a lack of bonds issue rather than she was under the influence of something she believed in but x100#but maybe!!!!!! just maybe!!!!!!#it’s a combination of both lol yes that’s what she believed but she never wanted to leave her brother like that or hurt him 😭#lol these tags are a mess gomen 🙇‍♀️
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im-with-nasa · 1 year
why??? did almost everyone i knew from my high school turn to some sort of extremism when we graduated??? was it the pandemic??? being chronically online??? COLLEGE??? i just wanna know omg
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astrxealis · 2 years
hi i didn't actually sleep last night but i will nap for now until my next clsss 🥺
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trueloveandy · 16 days
i kinda want to 2 do a mountain dew base because i like mountain dew and also see it as a fairly neutral base. like u can put most flavors in it and have it turn out okay. but u cant put blue raspberry in pepsi/coca cola without that sounding weird ? i would say it's bad but i've never tried it idk it might be fine. but like. versatile
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