#i need to finish mamma mia 2 musical numbers
nonametis · 3 months
get to know me
Thank you for the tag @mikathemad <333333
Do you make your bed?
Hm, I kind of started to do it to try and get myself into the habit after new year's. One of my friends always makes her bed, and I feel like such a slacker next to her when we are on vacation together. and then sometimes when I made my bed it had a similar effect using it, like when it's freshly made with new sheets and stuff. And I also spend a lot of time on my bed. So right now I always fold up my blankets at least and throw a.. bedspread (?) on top, so i can chill on there even if i just got home or if I'm eating something on my bed.
Favourite number?
2, 7, 10, and 13. some of these are part of my birthdate, and the others I like... for fun? idk, but they're part of my favorite numbers now.
What's your job?
I'm a student, or I just graduated with a BA, but to kill he time until I can start my MA in the fall I am working as an ice cream... vendor? right now. basically i go and sell ice cream at an ice cream shop which is part of a bigger restaurant close to where I live for 2-3 times per week.
If you could go back to school, would you?
I like the student life. I wouldn't want to be going back to literal school, and at some point i need to finish studying, and I don't like the exam part of going to uni... but I like going to classes and learning new things. I will be doing a master's degree too, so uh yeah. I will go back to school.
Can you parallel park?
not that well anymore in teeny tiny spaces, but in a large space (like in front of my parents' or grandparent's house) yeah.
Do you think aliens are real?
I think space is big enough that it’s likely we’re not the only living creatures here
Can you drive a manual car?
Yes. I’d prefer it even, if only because I’m more used to it.
Guilty pleasure?
Nothing? Everything I enjoy? Eating a whole chocolate bar (or a package of chocolate sweets of some kind) on my own in one evening?
One, for now. In memory of my cat. I want at least one more, but I don’t know what yet, just the placement.
Favourite colour?
Yellow, and royal blue
Favourite type of music?
Rock? Like, Rock to Pop-Punk?
Do you like puzzles?
Im not the person people would gift a puzzle too, but they can be fun. Jigsaw puzzles I mean. I like logical puzzles slightly better
Any phobias?
Not that k know of. There are things in scared off, but not on a phobia level.
Favourite childhood sport?
Do you talk to yourself?
If I’m alone and trying to organise my next steps of action.
Tea or coffee?
Depends on the reason I want to drink something hot. Both are good.
First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
No idea anymore. I defintely remember wa ting to work in a zoo, but I don’t know if that was the first thing I wanted to be.
What movies do you adore?
The first mamma Mia movie. Can’t do anything wrong with that ever.
Thanks so much for tagging me!
And if you want: @caixxa @puckingdisaster @sregnarkroywen <3333
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lauraharricrs · 5 years
let me actually watch the new 47 meters down and ready or not so i can gif those and not overload everyone with dollface gifs
0 notes
bluesylveon2 · 4 years
My My, I Could Never Let You Go
Summary: Sasha Zoe just wants her dad to walk her down the aisle. There is only one problem: she doesn't know which one is her father. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairings: Levi x Hange, Sasha x Niccolo, and other background relationships
Disclaimer: This is a Levihan Mamma Mia au. This fanfic is inspired by Mamma Mia which is directed by Phyllida Loyd, written by Catherine Johnson, and uses music from the pop group ABBA. Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha
Author’s Note: Happy Valentine's Day! This chapter focuses more on Sasha's friends (more of a Galentine's tbh). I did add some scenes from the movie, but you'll find it towards the end. This is the last chapter where I go deep into everyone's backstory. Future chapters would briefly touch on it, but I won't go into too much details. Please note that I have only had 1 bf and the relationship was short, so my knowledge on love is purely based on fanfic and the media.
Speaking of looks, the dresses are the same as the movie. I usually don't add clothing descriptions unless it is necessary. I find it so random to write although you need it to build a scene 😅
Need to catch up? Catch up here!
Ch 2: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun 
“Sasha, who else knows about your fathers coming to your wedding?” 
Sasha turned to her left to face Historia. Sasha, Mikasa, and Historia were laying on Sasha’s bed waiting for the rest of the bridal party to arrive with their dresses. Sasha was in the middle, Mikasa was on her right, and Historia was on her left. 
“It’s just the girls in the group. I didn’t tell any of the guys.” Sasha replies
Mikasa sat up from Sasha’s right. She looks at Sasha and raises an eyebrow. 
“Did you at least tell Niccolo?” Mikasa asks
Sasha paused for a long time before letting out a quiet no. She knew she should tell her fiance, but she wanted all of it to be a surprise for everyone at the wedding (minus the people who already knew). She could tell by looking at Mikasa’s face that she was ready to start interrogating her. Luckily, Sasha was saved by someone knocking and opening the door to her room. 
“Knock knock” their friend, Hitch, enters Sasha’s room followed by the rest of the bridal party: Annie, Hanami, and Mina. All three girls were carrying dress bags (minus Sasha’s wedding dress because she got it yesterday) for the wedding. Mikasa and Historia stood up from the bed to help set the dresses down on Sasha’s bed. They proceeded to hug all of their friends after they finished.  
Sasha met Annie and Hitch while in high school. Both girls were friends before joining the group (although it initially looked one-sided. Annie wasn’t good at expressing her feelings yet). 
Annie Leonhart is Sasha’s Russian friend with blonde hair and ice-blue eyes and loves eating sweets. She dreams of becoming a patissier one day but did not pursue it because of her father. Her father wanted Annie to learn MMA and go pro. Annie’s dad sent Annie to Greece to learn pankration (a form of MMA), but Annie ran off to Kalokairi instead. She never contacted her father, and both had a falling out. Annie was found by Hitch’s parents who let her live in their home. Both girls grew close, and Hitch was the one who encouraged Annie to contact her father after years of silence. Annie eventually forgives her father after he apologizes for everything. Now Annie can pursue her dreams and stay in Kalokairi with Hitch’s parent’s permission. Now Annie attends L’Ecole Ducasse in France to be a patissier and is currently dating Armin Arlet. 
Hitch Dreyse was born in Kalokairi after her parents moved from the Netherlands. Hitch has an easygoing personality and loves teasing her friends, especially Annie. She is also Annie’s first friend as she was the one who was determined to be Annie’s friend after Annie moved to Kalokairi. Hitch also had several admirers in high school, one of them being her current boyfriend, Marlow. Marlow has always had a crush on Hitch for a long time, and they started dating after Marlow finished his first semester at King’s College in London. Marlow would tell Hitch his dreams of working as a politician and Hitch is always his number 1 supporter despite not telling him that explicitly. Hitch attends AAS College for Fashion Product and Promotion (she asks Historia to model for her when possible). Sasha remembers when Hitch’s visits, she would catch Hitch looking out the window as if expecting Marlow to appear. Hitch realized how much she missed Marlow because she cares for him deeply. Hitch knew she needed to tell him her feelings the day his ferry arrived. 
Hitch walks up to Sasha laying in her bed “Look who I found after my trip with Marlo?” She then turned to the rest of the girls who were hugging Mikasa and Historia. It has been years since they have seen one another. All of the girls (minus Sasha) decided to go their separate ways after graduating high school. Hitch was the only one who stayed within the country. She would visit Sasha every now and then during her free time. Sasha decided to stay in Kalokairi to take care of her mom. 
Sasha’s friend group started out with her, Connie (who moved to Kalokairi from Wales), and Marco. Jean joined the group because Marco is his best friend. Jean moved to Kalokairi with Marco and his parents from France. Jean and Marco now own their own house they currently use for visits. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin (who is orphaned and lives with Eren) joined next because Mikasa started hanging out with Sasha after Sasha constantly begged Mikasa to help her study. Eren and Armin followed Mikasa naturally. Annie joined next, followed by Hitch and Marlow after Sasha invited Annie to eat some sweets together at the hotel. Hitch was surprised Annie started making more friends, and Marlow followed because of his crush on Hitch. Hanami joined the group because she helped Sasha out in school. Hanami also covers for her in many situations (any situations involving food and sneaking). Niccolo joined the group after their first meeting and when he surprised Sasha in Kalokairi. He also grew close to Jean and Connie before visiting, and they came up with the idea. Mina is the recent friend to join the group. Marco went to Brown University in America to study education. Marco met Mina one day on campus, and the two often had classes together. The two eventually begin dating, and Marco often brings Mina on his visits to Kalokairi to meet his friends and go sightseeing.
Sasha looks at the group near the door. She was curious how Hitch convinced Annie to come since she should be on her date with Armin. 
“I was having a nice date with Armin until Hitch” Annie glares at Hitch “decided to end it and dragged me here.”
Hitch laughs and waves a hand in the air “I told you this morning we were meeting with the others at 10. It was 9:50 when I came by, and you were still eating breakfast with Armin. You left the hotel at 8:30. No one takes an hour and twenty minutes to eat breakfast.” Hitch turns to Annie with a mischievous smile on her face “Besides, Armin is not alone, and he’s very understanding with me stealing you. He has Marlow, and I’m sure they are preparing for the wedding as we speak.” 
Sasha turns to Mina and Hanami wanting to hear their explanations. Hanami spoke first “I left Jean so he could work on his Best Man duties. I ran into Mina and Marco on my way to the dress shop. Marco insisted for her to help me, and we ran into Hitch who already had Annie.” Sasha turns to Hitch and Annie. Annie was trying to defend herself while Hitch was laughing at Annie’s embarrassed face. Armin and Annie must have gone sightseeing or something and lost track of time. 
“Anyways” Hanami interrupts the two while Mina goes to Annie and holds her arm for Hitch’s safety. “We need to try on our dresses, and I already got them altered. I want to see if I need to make any more last-minute changes before the wedding.” She then walked over to the bag with her name on it and motioned for the others (minus Sasha) to follow and get changed.
“I’m so excited about the wedding! I really like the color of the dresses you picked Sasha” Mina says as Sasha helps her with her dress. She turns to Sasha and gives her a sweet smile. 
Sasha was glad to have someone like Mina in her friend group. She’s going to have to thank Marco for encouraging Mina to join later. 
“I agree,” Hitch says as she puts on her dress “the guys haven’t seen what we look like either. We are going to blow them away for sure” Hitch tossed her hair a bit for an effect and laughed. She turned to Annie with another mischievous smile.
“I know Armin would be over the moon after seeing you in your dress, Annie. You could accidentally spill some wine on your dress, and Armin would still think you’re beautiful” Annie’s face turned red and she jumped a bit because of Hitch’s words. Luckily, she didn’t move around too much or Sasha would have accidentally caught Annie’s skin when she was zipping up her dress. She finished zipping up Annie’s dress before moving towards Historia to help her with her dress. 
“Isn’t over the moon a bit much?” Annie sputters, her face was still red “I’m sure Marlow would be speechless after seeing you in your dress, Hitch. You haven’t seen each other for a while and only started dating recently. I wouldn’t be surprised if he faints after seeing you.” Annie says with a serious face
Hitch gushes and hugs Annie “You always know what to say” she cries. Annie only rolls her eyes while awkwardly patting Hitch on the back. Annie may not look like it, but she actually cares about Hitch.
Meanwhile, the other girls had their dresses on and were busy taking mirror selfies with Sasha’s mirror to send to their significant others (Mikasa and Hanami also took part; although they are both single). Hitch notices and lets go of Annie. She puts her hand on Annie’s back and pushes her to the rest of the girls to join in. 
“Ymir is going to love this,” Historia praises herself after Annie joins the group and takes more mirror selfies. She switches the camera to the front camera and raises her arm to take a few group selfies. “And send” Historia sends the pictures to Ymir and then to the rest of the girls to keep for themselves. 
“I wonder what Armin is gonna think?” Hitch says out loud and nudges Annie on the side. Annie rolls her eyes but still smiles because of Hitch. Hitch then looks up to find Sasha and Mina texting their significant others. She looks over to find Hanami walking around the room to check on the dresses. Mikasa is silently staring at the photos. She looked like she was in an internal conflict with herself to pick which one she would send to the receiving end. Hitch has a 99.9% guess it was Eren. It looks like Hitch is going to play matchmaker again. If it worked for Annie, then it would work for Mikasa. Sadly, Hitch is missing her partner in crime, Ymir, for this. 
“Hey, Mikasa. Are you thinking of sending those photos to I don’t know, a certain someone, perhaps? I don’t know. Eren? Hitch asks with a cat-like grin and wiggles her eyebrows. “You’re one of the only girls in the group who is still single, and everyone knows about your crush on Eren, except for Eren himself!”
All the girls in the room sighed. Eren cares about his friends and family, but he is also pretty oblivious about Mikasa’s feelings. Eren is so focused on passing med school to be a doctor like his father that everyone thought he would stay single forever. Nevertheless, Mikasa still fell for how passionate Eren is to achieve his goal.
Mikasa flushes with embarrassment. Hopefully, no one noticed the old scarf with her stuff. Mikasa likes to keep the scarf with her because Eren was her first friend after moving to Kalokairi. She chooses not to wear it now because of the heat. 
Mikasa quickly scans at the other girls in the room and spots Hitch’s next target. At least there’s someone who is also single to get Hitch off her chest. 
“Say, Hanami, do you have any potential boyfriends in mind?” Mikasa asks casually to divert Hitch’s attention away from her. She doesn’t want Hitch to pull an Armin and Annie with her and Eren. She prefers not to have others meddle with her love life. Mikasa prefers for it to happen naturally (who knows how long that would take?)
Hitch gasps and runs over to Hanami while she is smoothening out her dress. Hitch grabs Hanami’s shoulders and starts shaking her back and forth. “Well, do you?” Hitch asks while shaking her. Hanami is the only other girl in the group (other than Mikasa) who is currently single. 
“Nope. Definitely not me” she laughs and lightly pushes Hitch off of her “I’ve been busy too preparing for Sasha’s wedding and college. I mean I have talked to a few guys since I came back, but I was only flirting with them.” She pats Hitch’s shoulder and sits down on Sasha’s bed. She pulls her phone out of her bag and starts texting someone. Hanami occasionally flirts with guys every now and then. Dating would be nice, but it is not her biggest priority. Besides, she's been busy working alongside Jean for the wedding. 
Hitch only hums and decides to not press her further (for now). She walks towards Historia who is sitting on a chest near the door while texting Ymir. Hitch had a plan in mind, and she needed someone to help. She calls her to Historia quietly and leans down to subtly whisper to her ear. She didn’t need Hanami or Mikasa to hear what she had to say. 
Historia raises her eyebrow to let Hitch know she is listening.
“Normally I would ask Ymir to help me, but you’re my next best hope Historia” Hitch whispers to Historia. Hitch looks over the room and her eyes on the others to make sure they weren’t eavesdropping on their conversation.
Historia laughs quietly “I agree. What do you have in mind?”
“Well,” Hitch begins and looks at Mikasa who is now looking at herself in the mirror with Sasha and Mina. “We all know Mikasa and Eren should get together. It’s pretty obvious, and I’m positive I saw that old scarf sticking out of Mikasa’s luggage earlier.” 
She turns her attention towards Hanami who joins the other girls. “Now as for Hanami, she’s a different case. She may or may not have accidentally spilled a few secrets to me when we went drinking with the girls one night. Now I know the perfect guy for her, but she’s too focused on Maid of Honor duties to notice. We just have to give them both a nudge if you know what I mean?” 
Historia knew exactly what Hitch was implying and who the guy was. She had a suspicion about the two since high school, but she never pursued the idea. She leaned slightly towards Hitch while watching the others with her.
“If my guesses are correct. I’m going to assume it’s him right?” 
“I think we are on the same page, Historia.” Hitch smirks “We just can tell either him or Hanami. You in?” 
Historia holds out her hand for Hitch to shake. “Alright. I'm in.” They shake hands to confirm their agreement. It looks like this trip is going to get a lot more interesting than before. 
Meanwhile, during Hitch and Historia’s secret conversation, Sasha stood behind Mikasa, Mina, and Hanami as they looked at themselves in the mirror. They were in their own little bubble admiring themselves in the mirror while ignoring the upcoming plan on the other side of the room. 
“You did so well with these dresses, Sasha” Mina compliments Sasha for the second time that morning.
“We’re gonna look fabulous tomorrow,” Hanami says joyfully. Both Hanami and Mina caused Sasha to blush.
“Thank you. I just want the perfect wedding and I want my father to give me away.” Sasha leans down and lays her cheek on Mina’s head
“I hope you got yourself a wide aisle, Sasha” Mikasa smirks, causing Mina and Hanami to laugh. Sasha playfully slaps Mikasa’s back “I will know my father as soon as I see him.” 
A knock interrupted the girls, and Niccolo enters the room. All of the girls turn to him.
“Niccolo!” the girls (minus Annie and Mikasa) scream as they open their arms for a group hug. Hitch and Historia came up with an idea and pulled the group to fall on Sasha’s bed with Niccolo
“Hey put me down” Niccolo laughs as he falls “I’m about to get married tomorrow. Can someone help me?” Annie and Mikasa help loosen the girls' grip on Niccolo and help him stand back up. Meanwhile, Sasha was laughing at her friend’s silliness. The rest of the girls stand up from the bed and move to stand in front of Niccolo
“So what do you think about the dresses?” Historia asks
“Niccolo, tell Annie that Armin is going to faint after he sees her in this dress!” Hitch complains and points at Annie
Annie lightly slaps Hitch on the head. “Knock it off, Hitch,” she says with a red face. The others were laughing at their antics. 
“You all look beautiful” Niccolo laughs and compliments the girls “I’m sure Armin will faint after seeing you, Annie.” 
“See! At least Niccolo agrees with me!” Hitch walks over to Niccolo and hugs him. She doesn’t care if the pins on her dress poke her body. At least someone agreed with her statement. She knows Annie well enough to consider herself as Annie’s best friend. 
There was another knock on Sasha’s door and it opened again to reveal Jean and Eren. 
“Eren! Jean!” Historia screams and runs to Jean’s arms. Mikasa smiles and walks to Eren. 
“Hey Historia” Jean smiles and turns to Mikasa 
“Hey Mikasa” Mikasa turn to him in Eren’s arm and smiles at him as well
Jean coughs lightly into his fist. He also had a small red tint on his face. “The guys missed you all” 
“I was wondering what was taking you so long, Niccolo,” Eren states after hugging Mikasa. He noticed how her face was red, but didn’t want to push her by asking when everyone else is in the room. 
“Sorry, Eren. I was busy talking to the other girls. Can you grab some of the stuff for me?” Niccolo lets go of Hitch and walks towards Sasha. He walks behind her and hugs her from behind. He kisses her cheek and the other girls gush on how cute he and Sasha are.
“Sure, Niccolo. Eren looks down at Mikasa in his arms “Can you help me, Mikasa? Who knows how much Jean would get done?” Eren rolls his eyes and smirks. Mikasa glances at Eren. ‘Maybe he knows something?’ She thought and plans to ask Eren about it later. 
Niccolo looks down at Sasha “You have a good eye with the dress choice. bet you’ll look even more gorgeous in your wedding dress.”
“Well, I had Hitch help me too.” Sasha laughs “It’s nice to hear coming from the man who is also baking the wedding cake. I heard you let Annie help you as practice, right?” Sasha asks and raises an eyebrow 
“She insisted on helping as practice for patisserie school. She wanted it to be a surprise, but someone (most likely Hitch) told you too early. I’m sorry about that” Niccolo raises an arm and scratches the back of his neck. He had a nervous face too.
Sasha loops her arms around Niccolo’s neck and leans up to peck on the lips. She looked into Niccolo’s hazel eyes as she spoke, “What did I ever do to deserve you? I’m glad you are okay with letting my friends play bigger roles than just bridesmaids. I can tell how happy they are to help.” 
Niccolo grins like a boy in love “It helps us save money to go travel, and after-” Niccolo’s face contours to love “we can open a restaurant together”
Sasha smiles “Here?” she inquires
Niccolo kisses Sasha’s forehead and looks down at her “Wherever you want, Sasha. I love you too much that I would follow you to the ends of the Earth if you tell me too”
Now Sasha is smiling like a girl in love “I love you too, Niccolo.” 
Meanwhile, Jean picks up a cowboy hat after hugging Historia. He walks to Niccolo and Sasha (while they are in their little bubble) and places the hat on Niccolo’s head. Jean then walks over to Sasha’s bed where Hanami is standing while she is busy typing on her phone. She didn’t notice Jean heading her way. Most of the people in the room were too busy with their own thing to notice. Historia and Hitch were the only two people to notice.  
Jean stands next to Hanami and proceeds to rest his arm on top of her head. He slightly leans down to look at her, but he doesn’t look at her phone. Jean knows better than to look at someone’s business. 
“Jean, knock it off. Go do that to someone else like Mikasa” Hanami says with an irritated tone in her voice and a red face. She swats her arm up in an attempt to remove Jean’s arm off her head. Jean put his arm back no matter how many times Hanami tried to take it off. 
“Hmmm, I’d rather not. You’re short enough for me to be a good armrest ” Jean teases Hanami and puts his arm on her head again. The 11-inch difference is a fun thing for Jean to mess with Hanami with. It’s not his fault he had a huge growth spurt in high school. 
“There are girls here who are shorter than me!” Hanami grumbles and gives up after a few more failed attempts. She is still red from embarrassment. She didn’t understand why he didn’t do that to Mina and Historia (Annie is out of the question unless you want to end up on the floor). Hanami just crosses her arms instead and frowns as Jean instructs Eren to pick up what’s left for the bachelor party. Hanami didn’t notice Historia and Hitch laughing to themselves after watching the whole thing going on. Mina slightly breaks off her conversation with Annie and turns to Historia and Hitch. Looks like someone noticed after all. 
‘We’ll tell you about it later’ Historia whispers to Mina
“I got everything we need for the bachelor party Niccolo. We can go now.” Eren tells Niccolo and holds up the box of stuff. Sasha perks up and turns around in Niccolo’s arms to face him “Yes, you need to go. Us girls are very busy at the moment.”
Sasha proceeds to push Niccolo towards the doors. Jean (finally) takes his arm off of Hanami’s head and is still smirking at her irritated face as he leaves. Eren follows the two but turns around before heading out
“You look beautiful in that dress, Mikasa.” Eren compliments and gives the girls a two-finger salute before leaving. Mikasa blushes at his statement, and Sasha closes the door after all of the guys have left. The girls stood there, and their mouths were open with shock. 
Hitch claps her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Ok, now that we know how great Mikasa looks in these dresses, thanks to Eren, let’s change so we can go to the beach later.” Hitch turned to Mikasa and Historia. “You brought your swimsuits, right?” 
“Yes,” Historia says cheerfully. Mikasa was not as cheerful because she was still blushing after Eren’s compliment. Speaking of Eren, she is not letting Sasha run out without answering her question. 
“Sasha, you did not answer my question from last time. Did you tell Niccolo about your fathers?” Mikasa asks as she begins taking off her dress. The other girls, except Historia, look at each other while helping each other get out of their dresses. It seems like they already knew the answer.
Sasha puts her hands on her hips. “No, because Niccolo would tell me to tell my mom.”
Mikasa was not going to let it down. “Hange is going to kill you when she finds out” she argues.
“I doubt Hange would pull a Levi on her only daughter. The worse she could do is break a table with a kick” Hanami chimes in while putting her clothes back on. 
Of course, she must have read Hange’s journal too because she also found it with Sasha. All of the girls nodded in agreement. Hange loves Sasha too much to actually hurt her.
“Well it will be too late when Mom finds out,” Sasha says confidently and with a smile on her face
The others were already done changing, and they stared at Sasha again. They all had a worried look on their faces. Who knows what chaos would ensue when Sasha’s fathers arrive on the island?
Sasha, noticing the worry on her friend's faces, moves from her spot near the door and sits down on her bed. The others move to stand in front of Sasha. She looks up to her friends with a hopeful look on her face.
“All my life, I felt like something was missing, and when I finally met my father-” Sasha smiles at the thought of finally reuniting with her father. Sasha has never had an actual father in her life. The only person she can name who counts as a father-figure is Moblit, her mom’s assistant. He helped her Mom run the hotel and take care of Sasha since she was 2. Now, Sasha is going to finally meet her actual father “-everything will fall into place.” 
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©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish
Yes, I'm aware the title is not a song by ABBA. I plan on using older songs like 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' to chapters scenes where no one is singing in the movie. I hope you enjoyed this week's chapter! The plot will actually move in the next one, I promise. I may or may not have been smiling like an idiot when I wrote the Nicosasha scene lol. I kinda based it on how I want my future bf to be like. A girl can dream haha.
I’ve had that head as armrest thing happen to me before. I find it odd because I’m considered average height lol. 
Mikasa’s great aunt I mentioned last chapter is Kiyoomi. I never said her name because I didn’t want to spoil anything
I remember an ask from @fanmoose12​ blog asking about Jeankasa. The question is, is it endgame? 😏
Again, I hope y'all had a good Valentine's day. I hope you stay safe (if you are experiencing the winter storm)
Thank you so much for reading!
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hi ash!!! i was listening to the mamma mia 2 st and i thought of a hc for bts! i’m so sorry if the writing is bad english is my second language :(( this is just a little scenario that i thought of based off of one of the songs in the movie!
-so i imagine that when the movie was announced karl, naomi, and bug were super excited because they love to watch mamma mia together and when it would come out. they planned to all see it together!
-and finally, the day that the group planned on seeing it comes but, naomi is sick :(
-she she has too much of a headache and doesn’t want to go because the movie theaters are really loud :((((
- she still wants big and karl to have fun though!! so bugsy and karl go together!!
-even though naomi is kinda bummed she can’t go she is happy that her friends are having fun :)
-and of course bug and karl pick up on this because.... yannow besties?
-so they try to think of how to make it better, like the good friends they are!
-karl comes up with the genius idea that they should choose some dance numbers from the movie and perform it for naomi, to make her feel better!
-“it’s like we’re bringing the movie to her!”
-bugsy thinks it’s a great idea!! but to make it more realistic she decides to buy naomi some extra overpriced candy from the concessions stand
-after the movie is over bugsy and karl rush to the car so they can get home asap so they can learn some of the dances from the movie
-they even learn some of the song lyrics!
-when they get to the apartment naomi is fast asleep
-they go to bugsys room and pull up a youtube video on the iconic, “why did it have to be me?” dance and learn it as quietly as possible
- it takes them a good hour to get the basics the dance moves and lyrics
-they even learn some of the dialogue, too!
-it’s definitely not the best... far from it actually, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
- they venture to naomis room and find her awake! yay!
-naomi is very suspicious as to why the both of them are stifling their laughter as they go to stand at the edge of her bed
- they explain how they noticed how upset she was that she missed out on seeing the movie and how they wanted to bring the movie to her!
-karl presents her with the candy he was hiding behind his back and naomi secretly gets out her phone to record because she knows this is gonna be good....
-bugsy and karl preform their lines dramatically
- bugsy turns on the music and she and karl get into their respective positions and start singing and dancing with each other!!!
- karl and bug laugh through their whole performance clumsily working through the routine they just practiced
- naomi watches her friends, laughing with them!she is so happy to have such nice friends!
-bugsy and karl finish the song, they bow and naomi claps and ends the video
- for the rest of the night they do more mamma mia karaoke
-bugsy and karl promise that they will see the movie again! with naomi this time!!
- i imagine that naomi still watches the video to this day when she needs a laugh
-she eventually shows bugsy and karl the video and they love it so much that they make her send it to their groupchat!
- maybe, when bugsy does her face reveal, and if she’s comfortable with it, naomi will post the video in honor of national best friend day or something like that
- literally everyone sees the video
-it’s all over twitter and tiktok, too!
- the fans go absolutely crazy
-and maybe dream didn’t see the vid and he streams the next day
-someone in chat brings it up and he’s like “what? bugsy? dance?”
-he immediately looks at twitter and reacts on stream
-he thinks it’s so cute! seeing bugsy and karl dancing around
-and of course he’s a little jealous, because you know.. dream
-he texts bug about the video and he promises that he will learn the dance, too! so that they can do it together! :))
-wow this is kinda long... sorry
- this is the video of the dance i was talking about! https://youtu.be/Zo0d4xk3BXw
-this is also not pre read, sorry for any errors! :((
WAIT I LOVE MAMMA MIA AND MAMMA MIA 2!!! And also this song is one of my favorites so that's amazing. This is so cute!!!!!! Bugsy, Karl, and Naomi are such besties I can't they're so cute 🥺 I can totally see them trying to figure out a way to make Naomi feel more included like this! thank you for sharing this hc :]
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ragnarachael · 4 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 5 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
i’ve been meaning to do this for FOREVER when i saw this in my notifs!! i was tagged by @sdwolfpup! (i know a few others like Bee and Star have tagged me, but i CANNOT RECALL AND I AM TOO LAZY TO HUNT SO HERE WE ARE.)
Name/nickname: rach by most, slut by the lovely @shiningloki, princess and more by @frostbitten-written,  my love and probably more by @lokistan, and bean by @walkingaline!
Gender: female
Star sign: gemini!
Height: 5′7″
Birthday: June 20
Time: it is currently 4:06 am! (4:32 am by the time i finish! bijou is running around like crazy and is trying to type and say hello so—hi from my cat!)
Favorite bands: Hozier is an ever constant in my music rotation. other than him, Mother Mother. i listen to too much music to really check.
Favorite solo artists: uhhhh i THINK i just listen to bands more often than solo artists. does Hozier count for here?
Song stuck in my head: ZANZIBAR BY BILLY JOEL.
Last movie: The Mask! I watched it with Hayley a few nights ago.
Last show: that i can recall? Bridgerton!
When did I create this blog: wayy back in September 2013!
What do I post: i post my writing, tom hiddleston gifs (listen. look. sue me.), tidbits of my life, little jokes and stuff! i’m a storyteller, i love rambling about things! so primarily that!
Last thing googled: “can cats drink vanilla almond milk?” because my dad asked me if bijou could have some of the milk he used for his cereal.
Other blogs: i have a sideblog more “formal” than this one: rancheely. i also have an rp blog that i really need to get back into!
Do I get asks: as of late since i’ve been a bit inactive, no. but normally i certainly do! i currently have a bunch of mutuals who have sent me really sweet chain messages. i keep them in there to smile during the day! (i also have so, so many drabble reqs i still need to hit. don’t call me out)
Why I chose my url: well, the first two urls fit my likes then. this url (ragnarachael) is because of Thor: Ragnarok! Ragnarok really kicked me into my whole Marvel stage that i’ve been in since mid to late 2017! thank you tom hiddleston in a whole black suit!
Following: 496!
Followers: 1,098! (holy shit??? i love you guys???? also i love how i’ve been gaining followers while i’m inactive it’s so amusing??)
Average hours of sleep: hah. sleep? what’s that? (in reality: it varies. sometimes nothing. other nights? 2 to 10 hours. depends entirely on me and my brain.)
Lucky number: i don’t have one!
Instruments: ukulele that i haven’t picked up in a year, used to play the drums and a little piano! 
What am I wearing: black leggings, a thespian t-shirt, no socks! (should probs grab some though i cannot feel my toes)
Dream job: actress, or writer! maybe a journalist or something to do with english, if i ever decide to pursue an english degree!
Dream trip: oh god. paris. italy. ireland. london. i’m stopping here my list can and will grow.
Favorite food: at any restaurant if they have southwestern egg rolls, i legally have to order a serving of it. for me. for the table. whoever. so those. (also maybe those pot stickers from t.g.i friday’s i had the other week)
Nationality: american, usa??
Favorite song: this month it is crabwalk by party in the hills! Cana hates it, Hayley loves it. listen to it.
Last book read: the last book i touched to read was actually The Invisible Life Of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab! (we ignore how i started Midnight Sun and haven’t picked it up) however, haven’t done much reading unless it’s forms for work or my personal life! 
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: 1.) MCU! (preferably Asgard, if i can’t do that, shove me into New York around maybe say Spider-Man: Homecoming? or actually perhaps Doctor Strange—)
2.) Bridgerton! (blame my love period pieces, thank u mom) 
well. now i have to tag some people, but i honestly cannot think of any because i know mostly everything on this list about some of my mutuals i talk to. so if you’d like to do it, i tag you!
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ohmystarsy · 4 years
all the tag games I’ve been tagged in in the last few months
as the title says - I’ve finally found some quiet time to do all of them, thank you all for tagging me!!! it is always a pleasure and I LOVE those tag games, just life has been really busy recently, even more so during that whole pandemic thing.
I put all of them under read more, bc there’s  A LOT of text. the tag games include:
name ten favourite characters from ten different things, tagged by @majoris
name your seven comfort movies, tagged by @majoris and @natowe
quarantine Q&A, tagged by @ithilnarmo
20 questions about yourself, tagged by @jennyyfishh
I was tagged by @majoris​ for name ten favorite characters from ten different things (tv, movies, books, etc.), then tag ten people.
favourites are the worst! but I will try my best neverthless.
Eames from “Inception” (idk, he is flirty af but also has rly bad taste in clothes and I love that; it might be also Tom Hardy thing tho)
Thor from MCU (just. the kindest of Avengers? says women rights? struggles with what it means to be “worthy”? pls)
Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach from “The Witcher” (I just love evil blonds with redemptions arcs who suffer throughout the whole series bc they made some bad mistakes in the past; also yes I have always headcanoned him as blond, idk why)
Leia Organa from “Star Wars” (an Icon, what else should I add?)
James Flint from “Black Sails” (gay pirate disaster that we all deserved and it was given)
Clara Oswald from “Doctor Who” (idk I just always related to het the most from all companions that I’ve seen. I love her fearlessness, her bossy side and that she takes no bullshit from the Doctor)
Sansa Stark from “Game of Thrones” (I hate what the show did to her, but I always loved her in books; how she starts as this silly, annoying girl and then grows and grows and outgrows everyone else)
Phryne Fisher from “Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries” (I just love this show and this woman; I’ve never seen a characterisation as this one; at one side she is never serious and she often plays silly woman, but that is only a facade for the world??? and she never cares about what others think of her, I’d love to be like her when I grow up, if I wasn’t already a grown-up)
Roy Mustang from “Fullmetal Alchemist” (I mean. I’ve never knew a manga character could be so hot. Also he’s a snarky bastard, but that’s what we love about him don’t we.)
(Purple) Hawke from “Dragon Age” (idk I just like this sarcastic little shit)
I was tagged by @majoris and @natowe​ to name my seven comfort movies (and god it’s gonna be difficult bc I rarely watch movies but here we go)
King Arthur: A Legend of the Sword
Lord of The Rings: Two Towers
Brooklyn 99 (I know, not a movie, but this is actually what I usually watch for comfort - I think I’ve seen season one like 10 times at this point)
Thor Ragnarok
Mamma Mia!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
(generally when I’m in need of comfort movie I just look for some action movie this is how I roll, fighting on the screen makes me calm *shrug emoji*)
I was tagged by @ithilnarmo​ for quarantine Q&A
1.  Are you staying home from work/school? Yes, I am, although there was some battle with this (long story). Luckily the project I work on is on the final stage (it’s already being built), so it’s actually possible to do everything from home and also a team I’m on is super communicative and it all goes rather smoothly.
2.  If you are staying home, who is there with you? I live with my sister, who is now finishing her Master’s Degree, so we are in this together! (There is also occasionally a dog on our neighbours’ balcony just next to us and it’s always a highlight of a day.)
3.  Are you a homebody? Before this pandemic I thought I am, but now I think I just don’t like clubbing and partying lmao, bc I just ITCH to travel or just go outside and walk in the city and I CAN’T.
4. An event that you looked forward to that got cancelled? Well, not an event, but several of my plans for spring and holidays got cancelled. I was supposed to go the Baltic Sea and Gdańsk in spring (on seperate occassions) and then I and my friend had to cancel our holidays to Faroe Islands in May/June, because it will probably be still too early to travel.
5. What movie have you watched recently? I think it was “Escape from the ‘Liberty’ Cinema”, which is hella weird Polish movie from 1990, just after end of communism. It tells a story about a censor who starts to question his job bc suddenly the actors in the movie that is being shown in one of the cinemas rebel (inside a movie) and don’t want to play it anymore. Really weird. Really.
6. What shows are you watching? Brooklyn 99 for like tenth time.
7. What music are you listening to? Same as usual.
8. What are you reading? I’m reading “The Waves” by Virginia Woolf (my fav book ever), for a month now, bc 1) I don’t have much time now I just work all the time, 2) I read it in English and can only read like 10 pages at once. but it’s SO GOOD, guys. so good.
9. What are you doing for self care? lmao don’t have time for that. I try to take breaks from work, sometimes go outside or at least step outside to balcony (and stare at the neighbours’ dog), I cook dinner every two days and a NICE stuff, so at least food brings me joy, and I try to sleep regularly, although I do a poor job on that.
aaaaand I was tagged by @jennyyfishh for 20 questions about myself
1. Nickname: I actually don’t have any, it doesn’t work like that in Polish (Kasia is already what you’d call a nickname from my full name Katarzyna, but this is just how we call all Katarzynas) (sometimes I wonder what is the point of the full names if we never use it in speech lmao)
2. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio!
3. Height: around 170cm
4. Languages: Polish and English; I was kinda conversational in German some years ago but now forgot all of it, I’d probably understand some of Ukrainian and Russian if I really tried (was learning Russian for three years and Ukrainian is just similar enough to Polish) and learnt some Swedish too, but again, don’t remember anything rn
5. Nationality: Polish
6. Favourite season: spring
7. Favourite flower: daffodil and tulip
8. Favourite scent: verbena, petrichor, sea
9. Favourite color: yellow
10. Favourite animal: dog probably
11. Favourite fictional character: look at tag game number one on this long list : )
12. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee!
13. Average hours of sleep: 6-7, but my body wants 10
14. Dog or cat: both, actually; now I’d rather take cat than dog, but that’s only bc I live in small apartment and am out of it for too long
15. Number of blankets you sleep with: one??? second blanket is for really freezing winters only (like -10/-20 celcius degrees)
16. Dream tip: what does it mean even? idk man, sometimes if you wake up from rly good dream, if you think about it hard and fall asleep quickly you can still return to it
17. Blog established: probably somewhen in 2011? idk what is time anyway
18. Followers: 2051
19. Random fact: oh god idk, ok I will maybe say sth I’m rly proud of, which is that my short story was published in an anthology in year 2017. I still can’t believe my name is printed there.
(where is 20th question tho???)
ok, I am tagging for all of those above: @shirewalker @sorrydearie @natowe @cptnjaneway @iaskier @spectralarchers @majoris @jennyyfishh @ithilnarmo @ohhelga @marsza @stupidape just choose whichever of those above you’d like to do or just ignore it completely : )
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ainabaina · 5 years
I got tagged by @pingupengq​ to do this! Took about a week to actually do it but here I am, thank you! 
1. do you make your bed?
Uhhh... sometimes.. Lately? Nah. 
2. Favorite number?
3, 5 or 10. 
3. what’s your job?
Student, currently. 
4. If i could go back to school?
I’m in university, but hoping to finish as soon as frickin possible. But I’d redo history again so I can make my grades better. But I would also go to polytech and uni again for another major. 
5. can you parallel park?
Pfft no. 
6. a job people would be surprised I had?
Is any an acceptable answer? No but like it depends on the person and what I’m like around them? 
7. do you think aliens are real?
Yeah to an extent. Do I believe they’re green for example? No, but it’s always a possibility. 
8. can you drive a standard car?
No, I have this thing where I forget I can potentially kill myself or someone else so like- yeah, don’t really want to risk it. 
9. what’s your guilty pleasure?
Stationery stuff, but like for journalling that I want to do but haven’t gotten around to doing yet. 
10. Tattoos?
Almost. I just need the money I don’t have and to like go through consultation and shit about it but I’ve got a couple ideas of what I want incorporated with it but not the actual design (kind of) 
11. favorite color?
12. things people do that drive you crazy?
Ahh racism, sexism, just the blatant disregard for people’s privacy and own choices (unless they’re stupid and inflict malicious shit against others) - JUST LET PEOPLE LIVE PLEASE, THANK YOU - AND STOP FOR THE LIFE OF GOD HATING ON OTHER PEOPLE’S LIKES AND SHIT. 
13. any phobias?
Not quite a phobia but I hate talking to people when I’m not in a comfortable zone yet. Anything where I have to react angrily/confront because where people may find themselves most vulnerable when sad, I’m the most vulnerable when angry and my morals(?) shut down completely and I will hurt that person I’m angry with in a way that’s quite damaging whether physically or emotionally. I don’t want to do that. 
14. favorite childhood sport?
15. do you talk to yourself?
All the time. 
16. what movie do you adore?
Brooklyn. Saoirse Ronan, you see. Mamma Mia too. 
17. do you like doing puzzles?
18. favorite type of music?
Hmm, I listen to kpop frequently, especially lately. But reggae, pop, a couple of rock songs, like one punk song, classical music even, r&b, hip-hop, alternative are all music I listen to. It’s great. I love the eclectic mix of it all. 
19. tea or coffee?
Neither. I’d rather have water or milo but if someone’s made it for me, I’ll drink it. 
20. the first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a vet but then when I was about ten or something, I read about how many jobs Leonardo Da Vinci had and decided then and there that I wanted to be whatever I wanted or whatever I was curious about. So I want to be a polymath, like that’s not a job but it’s a dream, I think. I haven’t actually voiced it yet to anybody but here it is online. That’s a step, I think. 
I tag (if y'all want to): @ninibears-erigom @jinie @firebettercallnct ANYONE and EVERYONE
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cthwildflower · 5 years
RULES: answer 20 questions (+5) and then tag 20 people you wanna know better!
i never ever get tagged in these so thank you @easiersav for tagging me!!! 🥺💗
1. Name: hallie
2. Nickname: hal! or howlie lol
3. Zodiac: aries babyyy
4. Height: i think like 5’4” ??? 5’5” ???
5. Language: english
6. Nationality: american
7. Favorite Season: summer and fall <3
8. Favorite Flower: sunflowers!!! 🌻
9. Favorite Scent: anything lemon/ lemongrass
10. Favorite Animal: i’m such a dog person, but i luv hippos and elephants too :)
11. Favorite Fictional Character: this is a really hard one because i have so many. maybe samwise gamgee from lord of the rings or spencer reid from criminal minds lol
12. Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate: my main go-to is iced coffee. i love a good vanilla latte with soy milk. i like tea, but since i’m from the south, it has to be iced tea with a TON of sugar in it. and i really only drink hot chocolate when it’s the only hot drink being offered on a very cold day
13. Average Amount of Sleep: i usually go to sleep around 2-4am every day and i wake up around 9-10am for my classes whoops
14. Favorite Color: green!!! i loovvveeee like a nice emerald green.
15. Dog or Cat Person: dogs!!! i love cats too, but i’m really allergic to them :/
16. Number of Blankets: at least 4 or 5. i like my room to be super cold so i can be all cozy and warm under my blankets :)
17. Dream Trip: this is really hard because i want to travel EVERYWHERE. maybe italy or switzerland? or greece? or new zealand?
18. Blog Established: ummm i can’t really remember when this blog was created, but i’ve been on tumblr since 2012 and i think i’ve had about 3 different blogs since then lol
19. Follower Count: last time i checked it was 280 <3 i’m a small lil blog
20. Random Facts About Me: ok, let’s see. i’m finishing up my freshman year of college. i’m an english major. i’m lowkey tiktok famous (24k followers). my favorite show is that 70s show. my favorite song at the moment is die for the hype by yungblud :)
21. How Did You Become a Fan: i’ve been a fan of 5sos since 2012. i was (and still am) a huge one direction fan and when i found out that 5sos was opening for 1d during their take me home tour, i had to learn all their songs so i could be ready for the concert i was going to. so far i’ve seen 5sos open for 1d twice, went to the slfl tour, MET 3/4 RANDOMLY!!! AT VOODOO FEST THIS PAST YEAR!!!, and i have pit tickets for the no shame tour!!! :) love those guys forever and ever.
22. Age: 18! but i turn 19 in less than a month ;)
23. Favorite Books/ Movies: i’m really not much of a reader. i have a hard time focusing whenever i try to read. but my favorite movies are mamma mia, the hobbit, call me by your name, bohemian rhapsody, princess and the frog, stepbrothers, p.s. i love you, hairspray, any marvel movie, evan almighty- i could go on and on. i really love movies and i don’t really have like a favorite genre
24. Favorite Musical Artist: this one is actually really hard because i THRIVE in music. like i listen so many types of genres and so many different artists, so it’s hard to pick and choose. but here are just a few: 5sos, mumford and sons, one direction, yungblud, queen, the lumineers, hobo johnson, real estate, harry styles, niall horan, guns n’ roses, ac/dc, the vamps, the beatles, the beach boys, kendrick lamar, pitbull, cavetown, houndmouth, death cab for cutie, paramore, all time low, fall out boy, panic! at the disco, hoodie allen, childish gambino, tv girl, tame impala, ocean alley, caamp, the shins, the academic, john denver, fleetwood mac, james taylor, abba, simon & garfunkel, elton john, billy joel, and many many more :)
25. Why Did You Start This Blog: i started this blog mainly because i forgot all the passwords to my old blogs, but that’s okay, i needed a fresh start anyway. i started out reblogging and posting mostly 5sos stuff, but these days it’s pretty multifandom around here :)
i’m tagging: @darlinghemmo @talksopretty @unpredictablelyrics @ughashirwin @okbutluke @otpmalum @popecalum @prettyyyboyluke @fratcalum @glitterycalum @ghostsofhood @libracalum @lmaoluke @lukesaprince @clummyhood @vodkaclifford @valyntlne @notreallyluke @michaelcliffordgallery @boytoynamedcalum
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theherondaels · 5 years
Mamma Mia
Mamma Mia Au for @ac-ars. Or how many song references can I make. Hint: Too many. I regret nothing.
1.     Does Your Mother Know?
The reunion of Stella and Lola was probably heard by all of Sicily. “Lola, I can’t believe you’re finally here, there’s so much I have to tell you.” Stella gushed as she ran over the small beach pier. “I missed you too, chiquitita.” Lola grinned down at her. While Stella was excited seeing her best friend since their last summer in Argentina, she didn’t let that hated nickname mention slide, slapping her upper arm lightly as they hugged.
Lola looked at the reddening spot. “I used almost a full bottle of sun screen and you do this? I can’t look like a lobster on your wedding day!” Maybe a beach dress in a lighter colour would have done the trick too.
“And now the real reason I came here,” Lola had taken a hold of her hand, inspecting Stella’s engagement ring on her left finger. “It’s even prettier up close. And a ruby, no less. Andrés sure did his homework.” Lola said impressed. She still hadn’t let go of her hand, going on and on about the stone and cut of the ring.
“It looks so expensive. Really, I look at it and think money, money, money.” Stella laughed at that. “I would be appalled otherwise.” She had actually had yelled a chorus of several yes’ at Andrés before he even had the chance to show her the ring, or finish his speech, for that matter.
“How’s Argentina?” Stella asked, as she and Lola walked up to the house she was living with her mom. “Same old, same old,” Lola told her. “That’s why I’m here. It’s so boring back home since Ofelia and Luis moved out. I need someone I can annoy.”
“I’m the bride. I’m off limits.” Stella said immediately. “Yeah, yeah,” Lola waved her hand dismissively.
“What about you? Any other life changing events?”
Stella couldn’t hold it in any longer. “I’m inviting my dad to the wedding.” The words just had bursted out of her. “You what?” Lola asked shocked, “also, your mother told you? I always thought she didn’t know herself.”
To be fair, Luna Valente was all over the place, far away from organized, so it could be possible.
Stella’s excitement wavered, guilt slowly making it to the surface. “Well,” she began, finding the palm tree on their right way more interesting now. “Oh my god, what did you do?” Lola already asked.
“I found her diary while cleaning out the attic and there are actually three candidates,” Stella admitted. “Three?” Lola’s eyes were this close to falling out.
She quickly recovered though. “Better be a wide isle,” she said with a diabolical smile, earning herself another arm slap from Stella
 2.     I Have a Dream
"You're crazy," Lola announced, as Stella put a post stamp on the third, and last, sealed envelope.
“I know this is your dream, but it’s insane, and coming from me, that’s saying something.” Lola still wasn’t sold on the whole invite your potential dads to your wedding.
"As if randomly showing up in their front lawn would be a better idea," Stella muttered. This was her last resort. She wanted the fairytale wedding, so her father had to walk her down the isle. No ifs, ands, or buts!
"You thought about that, didn't you?" Lola realised, leaning back in the chair. "Maybe," Stella said with a little shrug, putting the envelopes into her bag.
Lola sighing heavily. "What if they don't show up?" she asked, truly concerned. The Argentinian doubted her friend would ever recover from that. "They will. I made it look like Mom wrote the letters," Stella said, having no doubt all three men would show up. It had been actually too easy, she and her mother shared the same messy handwriting, it had driven her school teachers crazy.
"Okay, what if they all show up?" Lola came up with another scenario, "do you think you'll just know when you see him? This can end really bad!”
"I'm going to send these letters," Stella hissed quite aggressively. Lola sighed in defeat, knowing it would be useless trying to change her mind.
“Google them before at least. One could be serial killer.”
Despite rolling her eyes, Stella did exactly that. “I knew that name seemed familiar,” Lola yelled when candidate number one turned out to be 1/3 of the Argentinian pop sensation Rollerband.
Simón had clearly been the most interesting one. Her mother had described him as her best friend during the first pages, then mused if she had feelings for him about 200 pages in, only to degrade him as a friend at the end again.
"Didn't you take singing lessons until you were like twelve?" Lola questioned. Stella was at loss for words. She had indeed taken a few lessons at her primary school, the teacher impressed with her voice.
It couldn’t be that easy, right? That the truth would had been right before her nose all these years.
“Hm, and he was already married with a kid when you were born. Would explain why your Mom fled to Sicily with you.” Lola had opened Wikipedia on her own phone.
Stella grimaced. She didn’t like the thought of having siblings.
“Okay, next,” Lola picked up another letter, eyes narrowing at the long name. “Didn’t google just suggest him too?”
“Go back,” Stella urged. “It did. Ah, he directed a music video for Rollerband. Maybe your mom was there on set,” Lola was at it with the theories again. “What is Villalobos for a surname though?” her friend wondered. “Says you, Perida!” Stella’s tone might have been a bit too venomous. “You’ll be Mrs Arias soon anyway,” Lola shrugged.
The older girl eyed the third letter then. “That’s not a Spanish name,” was the first thing Lola noticed.
Her mother had described Matteo Balsano as the epitome of a summer fling, but as soon as she had been in Buenos Aires again the calls and texts became less and less. The way she had written it, Luna had put an end to their very fresh relationship.
They didn’t find much about him, just that he was diplomat, who lived in Rome.
“Rome?” Stella’s felt her anger rise. “I can’t believe this. If this is the reason Mom didn’t let me go on the Rome trip in my last year of school…” She was too angry to finish her sentence. "I can't believe she lied to me," Stella suddenly continued. "Well, I can," Lola said unhelpfully. “Wouldn’t have been fun if you ran into him on accident.”
“Maybe he went on holiday or visited extended family in Sicily.” Lola then thought aloud, “and that’s why you life here. Mom never understood why your mother settled on this Italian island.” Growing up, Stella hadn’t really paid any mind it. Sure, it was sometimes annoying when she mixed up the languages, or worse, couldn’t remember a word in the language she currently spoke.
After a bit of digging, Stella had managed to find a photo on his Facebook page, showing it to Lola. “Okay, maybe, I’m hallucinating, but you do look alike. Like really, really alike.”
Her friend was right. Honestly, the other two letters were pretty much useless now.
3. I do
Stella removed her earbuds, turning around once again, making sure she wasn't being followed. She'd taken the ferry all to Naples, as mail on mainland was distributed much faster.
The matter was urgent.
She wanted her father to be present when she said ‘I do’, wanted to have the father daughter dance everyone would sob at.
Her big day was less than a month away, she needed the envelope to reach its addressee as soon as possible.
After Stella had handed the letter over at the postal office, she still had 2 hours until the ferry would sail back to Palermo. A grin appeared on her face as she grabbed a brochure about Naples.
It's been years since she had been on mainland.
4. SOS
It had been a normal morning for Matteo until he had collected his post. A letter from Sicily had caught his attention. He inspected the letter. The sender was nowhere to be found. Matteo reluctantly opened the letter.
His heart had already jumped at the messy handwriting. Luna had written him a letter. An invitation to be precise. To her daughter’s wedding.
Before he knew it, Matteo had booked a flight to Palermo.
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internetremix · 6 years
The crew’s favourite musicals?
Alex: Listen we all know there's one objective answer: Moose Murders. In which a mummy in a wheelchair gets up and kicks a man in a moose head in the dick. It lasted exactly one performance... nd isn't even a musical. Best objective answer
Phill: Ice wolf song - 10 hours
Jojo: The best (Jekyll and Hyde, Sweeney Todd, count of Monty Cresto, thoroughly modern Mommy, Milly, and Big Fish)
Juno: Ragtime, Les Mis, Catch Me If You Can, Allegiance, Spongebob Squarepants, Newsies, and—pointedly glances at the majority of IR, sweating—Undertale the Musical
Moon: Hamilton, Be More Chill, Newsies, Urinetown, Mary Poppins, Sweeney Todd, and SIGH I guess Shrek the Musical holds a special place in my heart
Juno: d o n k e y   p o t   p i e
Moon: NO
Scott: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, RENT, and Aida are definitely my top 3. They have gorgeous soundtracks. Go listen to them now. Do it.
Tex: Wicked, Heathers, Prince of Egypt (I'm counting movie musicals), High School Musical 2, Sunshine on Leith (I'm counting jukebox movie musicals too), Mamma Mia, Mulan, Hercules, Joseph and the technicolour long name, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, SHREK THE MUSICAL, like any of the barbie movies where they do musical numbers, Legally Blonde the musical, the sound of music, Chicago, A very potter musical, and Twisted. Those are the ones I've seen + liked. Or have just got some special place in my heart. There's a few I've heard the soundtrack of but never actually seen and some I thought were p mediocre so I didn't add them. OH I should probably add on The King and I! But specifically not the film
Brodingles: has seen and purposefully goes looking for bootlegs of Legally Blonde, Actively walked home to the entire soundtrack of Legally Blonde for months. Regularly references Legally Blonde "Idk 21 Chump Street?"
(Yes, 21 Chump Street. Also Heathers, Hamilton, and chunks of Dear Evan Hansen. Book of Mormon was also supremely enjoyable and I need to finish listening to Mean Girls)
Kristen: I’ve said it before but I really love RENT. It’s not good, the characters are mostly awful, but the music is really great and it’s got a special place in my heart. Also UTM still.
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It's the get to know me thing! I was tagged by @whonderstruck and @you-knew-what-it-was love yall
Nickname: katers but that was one person in high school. Katie is hard to make nicknames from
Zodiac libra
Height 5'9 I think (about 175cm)
Last movie I saw the spy who dumped me, on the plane on the way over
Song stuck in my head dancing with our hands tied acoustic specifically "oooh 25 years old"
Do I get asks mostly from hope bless her @amaryllis-daydream and occasionally from others and I love it
Other blogs @themothersmercy is my main but I use this one more @staff let me change it
Following I do not know how to find this on mobile but it us many
Amount of sleep right now like 5.5 because we had to get up to go to the airport but normally 10 if I can
Lucky numbers 11 but I see 13 as one now too
What I'm wearing my new Levi jeans and the grey rep tour top cause it never goes out of style
dream job being so well set up I don't have to work or work much at all and live in paris
Dream trip kind of already did it. I spent two and a half weeks in London, Paris, Venice, Florence, and Rome at the end of 2016 with my mum for finishing high school and it was an actual dream
Fave food my nanna's lasagne
Play any instruments I can teach myself piano but I need the sheet music and a long time to make it sound right
Fave song the masterpieces that are style and all too well and last kiss, but outside ts probably the Mamma Mia 2 cover of andante andante by abba
Random fact the host of the bachelor/ette/in paradise Australia, the one and only Osher Günsberg, was staying two hotels over from me here in Waikiki while I was here
Describe yourself as aesthetic things large latte, lazy mornings, late nights, wine, music playing at all times, girls nights in
I'm tagging @hopefulswiftie11 @enchxnted @xcleanx @typicaltuestaynight @ar3-you-r3ady-for-it @yohoooareinlove @winetaylor @littleblackdress-swift if yall have done it I'm sorry Wi-Fi has been limited this week
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emtheanxiousdragon · 6 years
Haven't You Noticed (You're All Liars) Chapter 2
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Dear Old Dad
The novelty of Deceit’s new power broke one day when he decided to steal one of Logan’s Crofter’s jars from the kitchen. He was too lazy to summon his own jar He was incapable of summoning his own jar, so the best course of action was to steal some of Logan’s. That and Deceit knew it would anger the Side to no end, which was always hilarious to see. Of course to do that, Deceit had to wait until there was no one in the living room to see him. He wasn’t in the mood for confrontation, and didn’t want Logan to suspect him of the theft. Finding an empty moment in the living room was difficult easy, to say the least. When Deceit first got the urge in the morning, Logan and Patton had been quietly chatting on the couch about Sherlock Holmes and the different incarnations of Watson in modern media. Just when he thought he could grab the goods, Roman had slinked into the living room to begin working with Logan on Thomas’s next video.
Deceit slipped back into his room by the fifth lie Roman told about his ideas. That Side was sometimes more of a liar honest person than Deceit was! On a bad day, Roman’s lies about his confidence and pride could outnumber the times he was truthful about his ego were far less in number than his truthful moments. No oneanyone could out-lie Deceit. It was not fine, things were not fine. The ‘Good Sides’, as Roman had once called them, still told each other the truth at times. The yellow Side wished he didn’t have to constantly hear their lies, yet enjoyed holding power over their secrets loved hearing their lies, but didn’t like the burden of responsibility they held. Huh?
Once safe in his room, he sat down on the couch, pulling off his yellow gloves and setting them on the coffee table. His hands were covered in a thick layer of green scales similar to the ones on his face. He hated how it felt when he grabbed something with his ungloved hands, the feeling of something besides the soft interior of his gloves rubbing against his scales making him shiver loved his scaly hands. He laid down across the couch, staring up at the dark ceiling. His bowler hat fell off his head, rolling to the floor. Deceit closed his eyes.
Thomas’s memories slithered through his head like snakes in the Amazon. As the embodiment of lies, Deceit remembered every lie Thomas had ever told. Yes, I read your story. Yes, I took out the trash. Yes, I read the Terms and Conditions (there were multiple incarnations of that lie). Each lie connected itself to an unspoken truth. Deceit could match a lie to it’s truth faster than a cobra could strike. It had always been one snake in his head, one person’s lies to keep and foster. That was his job. He loved, no, hated, no… He wasn’t sure what he thought of his job, but he knew it was important. Technically, he still only had one person’s lies to control. But now five snakes slithered around inside his skull, each one containing their own lies, four little snakes trailing after the biggest. I’m fine. I’m never sad! I don’t have emotions. I’m the Prince, I’m always right! Their voices rang out like bells, screaming, announcing each new lie. Deceit’s head was a church where the sinful went to confess their sins and he was the pastor sitting inside the confessional, remembering every word they told him. That was not his purpose. Or was it?
Deceit hissed softly, opening his eyes and sitting up. He rubbed the skin under his eyes- one eye presenting smooth skin, the other presenting rough scale. The lies needed to stop continue. He couldn’t care less what those fools did, he just wanted the bells to stop ringing . There was only one way to do that- he needed to expose them. He needed to expose each lie and secret until there was nothing left to say.
He stood up, grabbing his gloves and slipping them back over his scales. He walked over to his room’s version of the living room shelf, full of notebooks and lizard themed decor. He grabbed one of the notebooks and summoned a pen. He sat down at his table and flipped the notebook past the scribblings he made to organize Thomas’s lies when his head became too fullto a blank page. He tore four pages out of his notebook. On the top of each page, he wrote down a name.
Deceit would not let their secrets stay hidden. Good reactions or bad, their lies would not continue. They could keep their petty lies that put a smile on Deceit’s face and gave him chances to cause chaos and laugh for days , it was the important lies Deceit cared about.
He would start finish with Morality. Out of the four Sides, Patton would be the easiest most difficult to coax the truth from. The others already knew had no knowledge of the lies he told involving his current emotional state. However, there was an aspect of Patton that Deceit respected despised, one that already did hindered his job- he was trying hard to not to tell the truth. Since his little party in his room with the others, the fatherly Side definitely didn’t tell the others more often when he felt sad or angry or any emotion other than happy. But he was not perfect. Deceit could manipulate that. He just had to wait for the right moment to strike. Until then, he would need didn’t need to plan. He placed Patton’s paper in front of him and began writing.
His moment would not come for a while. Deceit had enough time to not only finish his plan for Patton (titled Operation Dear Old Dad), but the plan to confront another Side as well. Once he had everything planned out and he’d practiced the new skill needed for the task,Deceit began to spend more time hiding in the shadows of the Mindscape’s living room, waiting. It was incrediblyboring fun. The first day brought about nothingsomething, including the usual empty witty banter. The bells in his head were mostly silent screaming throughout that day. It gave him the chance to play sixabsolutely zero rounds of Solitaire, he was wasn’t a card playing nerd, what are you talking about?
Near the day’s end, the group settled down for a Family Movie Night. Patton actually wore his cat onesie in the normal way, while Roman pulled out fancy gold and red pajamas and Virgil- well he wore his normal outfit but had swapped his torn jeans for black sweatpants and thrown off his shoes. Patton managed to convince Logan to wear his unicorn onesie, and as the Side floated up from the ground, Roman let out a whoop and Virgil smirked.
“Work it, Logan!” Roman laughed.
“Hold on, I believe I have the appropriate vocabulary card for this moment,” Logan sighed, taking out his trusty note cards and flipping through them. “Yes, here it is. ‘Can it.’” Virgil let out a snort. Logan settled down next to Patton, who gave him a giant smile. It was apparently Roman’s turn to pick the movie, and he chose Mamma Mia! , earning a groan from Virgil.
“Excuse you,” Roman huffed. “ Mamma Mia! is a hilarious movie containing fun, lively music and beautiful relationships!”
“They couldn’t even bother to write their own songs,” Virgil muttered. “The plot’s not even that good. It’s all sunshine and dance moves. The one night I’d actually willingly watch one of your obnoxiously cheerful Disney movies and you choose a movie as dumb as this. ”
“He has a point,” Logan said. “The film only received an approximate approval rating of 50% on both Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic .”
“This time, you can can it, Mr. Spock,” Roman said. “It’s my turn to pick the movie, and I choose Mamma Mia! , so you all can leave if you don’t want to watch it.”
“I like the film!” Patton exclaimed.
“Thank you, padre!” Roman said.
“I never said I disliked the film,” Logan sighed, adjusting his glasses. “I simply stated the approval ratings of the film.”
“Talking Time is done, it’s Movie Time,” Roman said, starting the movie with a snap of his fingers. Deceit went back to his room, but after a few minutes, he remembered something. He still wanted that jar of Crofter’s, and he was still too lazy to summon his own . Deceit popped into the kitchen as quietly as he could. The attention of the four Sides was focused on the TV screen. Perfect terrible timing. 
“Virgil, you watching?” Roman stage-whispered. “Donna is about to rekindle her connection with Sophie! It’s a beautiful moment showing the love between mother and child!”
“Yep,” Virgil muttered. “ Yeah, no, I’d rather listen to my music, Taking Over Me is about to start playing. ” Deceit had an important unimportant choice to make. Take his Crofter’s and go, or expose Virgil’s lie? Expose Virgil’s lieleave the living room, definitely that. He sunk into the floor, picturing himself appearing just behind the couch where Virgil sat. The Side quickly appeared where he wanted, at first catching no one’s attention. He reached over the couch and grabbed Virgil’s hood, which he had flipped up. Virgil let out a scream as Deceit pulled off the hood and his headphones, throwing the headphones at Roman. The other three jumped at Virgil’s shout.
“Deceit!” Roman shouted as the headphones landed on his face. He grabbed them and gave Virgil a look of betrayal. “Virgil!” Virgil spun around to face Deceit, teeth bared like an angry cat.
“Why do you keep doing that?!” he roared. Deceit laughed maniacally, linking his fingertips together and sinking away. The day was not a waste after all.
The next day, Deceit thought he had something. Patton had been feeling down that morning, perhaps he could put his plan into action. But no, the Side actually decided to talk to the others for once . They spent the day with Thomas afterward, chatting away. After that disappointment success, Deceit decided to sleep in that night. If Thomas needed to lie for some reason, too bad.
That morning, Deceit flicked his eyes open, and the world felt wrong right . He wanted didn’t want to sleep longer, but something… something happened to Thomas. Something that required Deceit. The snake in his mind hissed wildly, finally awake.
It’s alright, I’m fine. I’m just gonna go home, rest for a bit, probably watch some of The Office . It’s fine. Oh. Deceit let out a long sigh. The day had not gone well for Thomas. It had been a mixture of different things- a bad dream that left a sour taste in Thomas’s mouth, corrupted files on his computer, fusing together into a rough argument with a friend. Things would be alright, but that day was ruined for Thomas. And when things were bad for Thomas, they were bad for the Sides . This was going to be painful fun. Deceit could only sense one Side in the Mindscape’s living room, so there was no point going there . No one was with Thomas, but there was no point going to talk to him, he had already told plenty of lies during Deceit’s nap. Did his nap help or hinder Thomas’s ability to lie, Deceit wondered? Help, it seemed, as Deceit’s dreams had not been so clear since Thomas learned of his existence.
For a while, Deceit stayed in his room. The older snake in his head hissed continuously as Thomas made lie after lie about his feelings towards those he came across on his way home. Deceit was grateful annoyed when his room transformed from the strange building and outdoor area he had awoken into the familiar living room as Thomas returned to the home- no more sitting on concrete for Deceit. Deceit could sense one of the Sides leaving the Mindscape and appearing with Thomas. Which one?
I know you feel crummy, kiddo, one of the snakes in his head hissed. I just wanna go off and cry, too. For the first time that day, Deceit smiled. Operation Dear Old Dad could finally begin.
The Sides were all in their rooms at the moment, making it the perfect worst moment for Deceit to set up his plan. He was n’t amazing at transforming into something besides a fellow Side yet , but when he closed his eyes and focused, his body transformed with a sound similar to a bubble popping. He’d found a picture of his new form while looking through Thomas’s memories, finding the image in a random internet search. The Pygmy Wolf Snake was the perfect worst form for sneaking around without anyone noticing. For the plan to work, he would have to physically be in the living room, not hiding like he usually did.
Deceit popped into the empty living room, now dark and empty. The furniture were skyscrapers around the tiny snake, the staircase a brown mountain, the kitchen bar a cliff to scale. The next step was to find a hiding spot. While Deceit’s form was inconspicuous extremely loud and gawky, the Sides would be suspicious calm and collected if they saw a tiny snake wearing a tiny bowler hat and a tiny yellow jacket. He slithered across the living room into the kitchen. The towering counters only made Deceit feel smaller larger. One of the lower cupboard doors was open slightly- the perfect worst hiding place. Deceit slithered into the darkness of the cupboard, nestled in the shadows.  The time passed by in a few blurred moments. He did n’t bother to keep track of the time, because it didn’t matter. Eventually, he heard the familiar whooshing sound of a Side entering the room. Footsteps padded towards the couch, a sigh flowing through the room.
“Feelings,” Logan muttered. “ I don’t understand them. I wish that I did. ” A similar whooshing sound echoed through the room, more sudden and jarring than Logan’s entrance.
“Hey,” Virgil said. “ This entire stupid day’s left me sick, I feel like I’m gonna crack any minute, I just want someone to talk to. ”
“Hello, Virgil,” Logan sighed. “Do you need something? Please do not ask for emotional assistance. ”
“ Yes no,” Virgil said. His footsteps clicked across the floor, sitting on the couch with a thud. He let out a long, loud, deep sigh. A third whoosh filled the air. “So it’s a party now?” The newcomer’s footsteps thudded towards the couch.
“Well today’s just been terrible great,” Roman huffed. Ah yes, the worst best part of hearing the lies of the Sides. Most uses of sarcasm were ruined saved.
“Thanks, Captain Obvious,” Virgil muttered.
“I don’t suppose that either of you have seen our bubbly father figure since…” Roman asked.
“No, I have not,” Logan sighed. “I believe he is with Thomas. It is best to let him be for now. He is the one best equipped to handle the situation out of all of us.” Silence filled the Mindscape.
“I for one am not going to sit around and wallow about the day,” Roman huffed. “I We need something to do. I mean, sure the day’s been a waste, but there’s always tomorrow, right?”
“Exactly, Roman,” Logan said. “I am quite impressed. There is no point in obsessing over the day, as it is now in the past. I have multiple ideas for activities that would help improve everyone’s collective moods and therefore assist Thomas.”
“I got an idea!” Patton’s voice rang through the room. “Let’s just sleep forever. ”
“Hey, Pat,” Roman said.
“How are you feeling, Patton?” Logan asked.
“ Terrible a little tired, but nothing a cat nap won’t fix,” Patton chuckled. Deceit could sense his fake smile from his hiding spot. It made him sick ecstatic.
“How’s Thomas?” Virgil asked.
“He’s taking it easy,” Patton sighed. “I convinced him to do a Steven Universe marathon.”
“Perfect idea!” Roman exclaimed. He snapped his fingers, and the sounds of the Steven Universe theme song blared through the room.
“Well, while you kiddos watch the show, I think I’m gonna bake something,” Patton said. “I think tonight calls for some banana bread. I need to do something or I might cry.” Patton’s footsteps moved closer to the kitchen. Perfect terrible. Everything nothing was going according to plan. Deceit inched forward in the cupboard to see Patton enter the kitchen, smile flickering. It was time.
“You can’t be sad,” Deceit whispered, barely audible to even himself. “That’s not your job. Look at Virgil, he looks sick with worry. He doesn’t need your problems on top of that.” Patton began peeling the bananas he summoned and slicing them. Logan walked into the kitchen, hand lingering on the counter.
“I can assist you if you would like,” Logan stated. “Cartoons are too childish not exactly my forte, and baking can serve as a great meditative tool and stimuli.”
“Oh, thank you, Logan!” Patton laughed. “But I need something to do alone you don’t have to do that! Go relax! I’m not fine on my own!”
Are you certain?” Logan asked. “ You are lying again. ”
“Go on, go on, relax, I’ll have some yummy banana bread for you soon,” Patton said, waving Logan off. Logan frowned slightly but walked back to the couch.
“What a liar,” Deceit whispered. “He’s angry at you for lying to him again. You’re always lying.” Patton chopped the last banana slice and moved on to mix the dry ingredients. Deceit could see his hands shaking. A voice in the back of his head told him to stop excitement ran down Deceit’s spine (which, at the moment, was one of the only bones in his body). Deceit kept whispering, narrow pupils watching Patton’s every move. Each whispered sentence made Patton’s smooth baking routine stutter and pause. They were almost finished with the Steven Universe episode when the first shaky breath floated out of Patton’s lungs. Time to pick up the pace.
“Don’t you dare cry,” Deceit hissed, forked tongue flicking out. “They’ll see. They’ll ask what’s wrong. Thomas will only feel worse. You’re his happy feelings, so be happy already!” Patton bent down to the cupboard where Deceit hid. Crap! Deceit slithered back behind a large pot, curling into a tight ball. Patton opened the cupboard, grabbing a pan to Deceit’s left. “Be happy!” Patton gripped the pan to his chest. He sat down on the tile, head leaning against the cabinet. His breathing was shaky, slightly choked. Deceit could hear the lies buzzing in Patton’s head. The snakes were screaming. A new episode of Steven Universe began in the living room.
“Patton?” Roman called at the episode’s halfway point. “You good, padre?” Patton sat straight, a soft gasp escaping his lips. He rubbed at his eyes like a child, glasses lying awkwardly on his hands. He forgot to adjust them when he stood up, pan in hand.
“I’m not ok, kiddo!” Patton laughed. “Just, uh, crying … just yelling at myself …” The Steven Universe episode stopped playing. One last push.
“Good job, Patton, you’ve upset them,” Deceit whispered. “What sort of father are you?” Patton let out a whimper cough, covering his mouth. Footsteps moved closer to the kitchen. Virgil’s face appeared in line of sight of the cupboard.
“It’s…” Virgil said. “It’s ok that you feel bad today. It’s been a bad day for everyone. Uh… come watch Steven Universe with us.” The two Sides stood frozen for seconds. Hesitantly, Virgil reached out his pale hand. Patton chuckled sadly, wiping his eyes. He took Virgil’s hand, leaving the pan in the kitchen and letting the anxious Side lead him to the couch. The show began playing. Deceit smiled grimaced, and dropped through the cupboard, reappearing back in his room as his regular self once more.
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bluesylveon2 · 4 years
My My, I Could Never Let You Go
Summary: Sasha Zoe just wants her dad to walk her down the aisle. There is only one problem: she doesn't know who her dad is! Sasha invites 3 men in hopes of finding out which one is her father. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairings: Levi x Hange, Sasha x Niccolo, and other background relationships
Disclaimer: This is a Levihan Mamma Mia au. This fanfic is inspired by Mamma Mia which is directed by Phyllida Loyd, written by Catherine Johnson, and uses music from the pop group ABBA. Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha
Author’s Note: NOW EDITED! This chapter and maybe the next few will include character background. I know the movie doesn’t include that, but I am! This story will have some added/deleted scenes from the movie. I hope you like it though! Also, the characters are in their Season 4 looks. The 104 group will be 20-21. Niccolo is 23. The adults:
Hange, Nanaba, Rico, and Mike - 43 | Levi - 45 | Erwin - 46 | Moblit - 40 | Pieck - 37 | Porco - 35
Yes, the adults are mostly in their 40′s, but look young. Let’s just go with it
I will try to keep a weekly or week and a half update depending on school. 
Now let’s move to the chapter where we meet a happy and engaged Sasha! 😁
Need to catch up? Catch up here!
Ch 1: Honey, Honey
Kalokairi, Greece
1 day before the wedding
Two passengers walk out of the docked ferry. Mikasa - the tall one with short jet black hair and dark brown eyes - was grabbing the rest of her stuff while her friend Historia - the shorter one with long blonde hair and blue eyes - searched for Sasha. It didn’t take Historia long to find her. Sasha wasn’t hard to find. Despite her wearing her brown hair in a ponytail and wearing casual clothes; she was running towards them at full speed. Sasha also held a small book with her. 
“OH MY GOSH! YOU ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!” Sasha screamed as she ran towards her friends on the dock. 
Mikasa Ackerman is half Japanese and half German. She originally lived in Rothenburg ob der Tauber in Germany but moved to Kalokairi after her parent’s death when she was a teenager. Mikasa’s parents dreamed of visiting the island one day when Mikasa was older. She used to sit on her mother’s lap as she told her about the island's beauty. After Mikasa’s parents died, her great aunt on her mother’s side reached out to her from Japan and provided Mikasa enough money to move to Kalokairi. Mikasa’s great aunt was unable to take care of Mikasa because of her old age, so Mikasa chose to live in Kalokairi to fulfill her parent’s dream. The only downside was that Mikasa lived alone. Her home is a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home. It’s enough for a person, but Mikasa felt alone without her parents. It was where she met Eren Jaeger's family. Eren’s mom, Carla, often invited Mikasa to eat so she wouldn’t get lonely. Eren gave Mikasa a red scarf as she was leaving the Jaeger household. He claimed it was a gift, so she didn’t feel lonely. Mikasa, touched by the gift, started visiting the Jaeger family more, and she even met Eren’s freind, Armin. The Jaeger home became Mikasa’s second home, and Mikasa was not alone anymore. It changed after Historia moved the island. 
Historia Reiss came from Munich and ran to Kalokairi to get away from her family. She felt confined in her home when all she wanted was freedom. She had also learned the ugly truth behind her family name a week after moving in with her father, Rod Reiss. Her uncle, Uri, was the CEO of the Fritz company, a conglomerate in Germany with other branches across Europe. The company also did some shady business orchestrated by Rod, but it was hidden from the public. The only plus for Historia staying home was seeing sister, Freida, more often. 
The only downside of running away to another country was not knowing the language. Historia was walking around the island when she accidentally bumped into Mikasa. Mikasa noticed how lost Historia looked, so she invited her into her home. Historia spills her entire life story (including her real name) to Mikasa the moment Mikasa sat down in the chair in front of her to eat dinner. Historia was horrified after she finished her story. She just told her story to a stranger who is most likely going to kick her out. Historia flinched when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to find Mikasa looking down at her with a smile. Mikasa understands what it is like to be alone, so she invites Historia to stay in her home. The girls eventually lived together as roommates until they had to leave for their modeling careers. Mikasa and Historia have even walked in Milan Fashion Week. 
The home is still under Mikasa’s name (originally it was under her great aunt, but it went to Mikasa after her passing). The girls (and everyone in their friend group), use it when they stay on the island. The current inhabitants are Hanami and Mina since they were the first to arrive. Mikasa, Annie, Hitch, and Historia are the only girls from the group staying at the hotel. 
Historia also started going by her real name after an incident with the company. Rod went to prison and Freida became the new CEO. She and Freida keep in touch often via mail to make up for the lost time and update each other of their lives. Historia told Freida about her freinds, her new maternal figure (Hange), and her girlfriend, Ymir.
Sasha met Mikasa and Historia on the island in high school. Mikasa was with her friends, Eren and Armin when Sasha met her. They were often paired up for projects and events that their friendship happened naturally over time. Sasha met Historia when she gave her some bread after Sasha was caught eating in class. Mr. Shadis, their teacher, is really a strict man. He made Sasha run laps around the whole school as punishment. Sasha wouldn’t stop thanking Historia after that. 
“SASHA!!!!!!” Historia shoved her stuff towards Mikasa and began running towards Sasha. 
“MIKASAAAAA!!!! HISTORIA!!!!!!!!!” Sasha continued yelling before glomping Historia. Luckily Historia caught herself without falling into the water.
“And where is my hug?” Sasha heard behind Historia before looking up to see Mikasa smirking at her. Sasha opened one arm out to initiate a group hug.
Mikasa briefly put both her’s and Historia’s stuff down and joined in on the hug. 
“Ugh, it’s been so long! I missed you both so much!” Sasha complained dramatically as she let go of the girls. Mikasa and Historia grab their things and start heading towards the beach with Sasha. 
Sasha looked at the group and noticed someone was missing.
“Is Ymir not coming, Historia?” Sasha asked while tilting her head to the side.
“No,” Historia says sadly, thinking about her girlfriend as she looks down as she walks. “She has caught up with work lately and won’t be able to attend your wedding.” Historia looked up and smiled “She wanted me to tell you congrats on your engagement though.”
“Well we would have been here earlier, but someone” Mikasa glared at Historia “insisted on being fashionably late” Mikasa grumbled. She gave air quotes on the words fashionably late with her free hand. 
“Well are we?” Historia giggled. She waved her hand innocently while ignoring Mikasa’s last statement 
“No” Sasha laughed “Aunt Nanaba and Aunt Rico will be here later on today, and Aunt Pieck will be here tomorrow.”
Aunt Pieck is Sasha’s only known family member from her mom’s side. 
(Sasha also heard about a grandmother, but her mom never talks about her)
According to Hange, Pieck is Hange’s younger cousin. Hange’s mom and Pieck’s mom are sisters, but they weren’t that close. Hange’s mom was more focused on her singing career, and Pieck’s mom wanted to focus on her daughter. As a result, Hange would often visit Pieck’s house in Santorini. Pieck would tell her stories about Kalokairi during one of Hange’s visits. Pieck’s stories of Kalokairi sparked Hange’s interest in the island. Pieck is currently a photographer who lives in Portugal after marrying Porco Galliard. She met Porco after a photoshoot in Spain. 
Porco is a veteran from Portugal. His brother, Marcel, is also a veteran and he was in the same unit as Porco. Both brothers began traveling around Europe after finishing their service before settling down. One day, the brothers were in Valencia, Spain after hearing of the La Tomatina Festival in Bunol. Porco met Pieck during the festival after she threw a squashed tomato straight at his face. Porco had to face her alone (Marcel was somewhere deep in the crowd) and decided to get back at her. It was a battle between speed (Porco) and stamina (Pieck, Porco had no idea how Pieck was not getting tired). According to Aunt Pieck, it was like the others in the crowd didn’t matter to them. It was her vs Porco. The two got to learn more about each other after the festival ended, and they exchanged numbers. 
Sasha has not seen her Aunt Pieck since her high school graduation. Her aunt had moved to left Greece after marrying Porco, so her visits were less frequent. Nevertheless, Sasha enjoyed looking at the postcard and photos her aunt sends every year. Seeing her aunt and uncle’s happy faces puts a smile on Sasha’s face. She wishes her mom had a similar experience. 
“I knew we should’ve waited longer,” Historia complained to Mikasa and threw her arms up for dramatic effect.
“Yeah me too,” Mikasa says sarcastically and rolls her eyes.
“Speaking of guests, are the other girls here already?” Historia asks Sasha and looks around the beach expecting the others to magically appear before them.
“The other girls are here,” Sasha replies “Mina is hanging out with Marco, Hitch is dragging Marlowe around the island, Annie is on a date with Armin, and Hanami is probably trying not to kill Jean. She has been here longer and is working together with Jean on the wedding”
Hanami is a sweet but oblivious girl they had all met in high school. She is known for making rash decisions, and it worried them. Jean usually reprimands her for being rash, and Hanami would fight back verbally. She and Jean used to not get along before, but their friendship has improved over the years. Nowadays, the both of them just like messing with one another. 
“Let’s hope that your wedding does not end in disaster,” Mikasa says with a hint of worry in her voice.
Their friend, Hanami Richter, is Sasha’s maid of honor. She was born in Greece after her parents moved from Cambridge. She is both Japanese and German like Mikasa, but looks more European. Hanami has short dark brown hair, dark brown eyes,  and wears glasses. She looks like she could be Sasha’s long lost sister. (The girls switched places once, but Hange figured out ‘Sasha’ was not Sasha. Luckily Hange didn’t get mad, but she was impressed).  Hanami is currently attending the University of Vienna to study International Business Administration. 
“Oh!” Historia exclaimed in an attempt to change the subject “Show us your ring!”
Sasha laughed before stopping their walk to extend her left hand. She showed Historia the beautiful ring on her ring finger. The ring consisted of a 2-carat diamond glistened from the sunlight. The ring was not too over the top. It was a white gold ring with a diamond placed in the center surrounded by smaller diamonds to form a halo. 
Historia let out a whistle “Niccolo did really well! Let me take a picture and send this to Ymir. She was expecting a big diamond”
Niccolo is a young chef with wavy blonde hair and green eyes. Niccolo dreams of working as an executive chef after traveling the world. However, no one appreciated his cooking despite working in a famous restaurant. Sasha met him when she and her girl friends went on a summer trip to Italy. During the trip, the group decided to eat dinner at a well-known restaurant in Rome. Everyone, especially Sasha, was enjoying their meal until Sasha started eating her lobster. The girls will never forget how Sasha couldn’t stop complimenting the lobster that she wanted to meet the chef who made it. Niccolo was shocked when his co-worker mentioned what was going on outside the kitchen. Someone was actually appreciating his cooking and he moved them to tears! Niccolo had no choice but to agree. He wanted to meet this person. Surprisingly to the girls, the restaurant let her meet the chef, but only after closing time. Sasha was in tears as she hugged Niccolo, and Niccolo was shocked to see how his food affected her. (Niccolo never told Sasha, but it was love at first sight for him). They met again months later when Jean invited Niccolo over to Kalokairi to surprise Sasha. Sasha and Niccolo eventually started dating, and Niccolo proposed to her after 2 years of dating.
As Historia took some pics on her phone, Mikasa remembered what Sasha mentioned in their group chat before they arrived.
“Sasha, what’s the big news you mentioned a few days ago?”
“Right!” Sasha exclaimed and covered her mouth with her unoccupied hand “I want you guys to guess before the big reveal.”
Historia was pocketing her phone and let Sasha drop her hand back to the side. Historia let out a gasp. She put one hand on Sasha’s shoulder and the other on her stomach. 
“You're pregnant?!?!?!” Historia yelled
“No no no! You're wrong Historia.” Sasha laughed and held up both of her hands in front of her body
(Historia was relieved. Mikasa considered Niccolo lucky because won’t be sporting a black eye on his wedding day. She didn’t say that out loud)
“So what is it then Sasha?” Mikasa after the girls started walking again.
“Weeeellllllll. I invited my dad to my wedding!” Sasha screams with glee
“What?!” “You finally found him” Mikasa and Historia shouted at the same time and looked at Sasha
“Not exactly,” Sasha replied before sitting down on a rock down the beach with the girls. Their spot at least gave them some privacy to talk.
Suddenly, Sasha’s happy expression turned serious. “You also cannot tell anyone what I'm about to say. You have to promise me that and do the salute to it too?” 
“Yes ma'am. We promise” Mikasa and Historia said before facing Sasha and doing their salute. They put both of their hands in a fist. They placed their right fist over their heart and their left fist behind their backs. It was the secret salute their friend group came up with in high school. Mikasa and Historia sat down on some rocks across from Sasha after they did the salute.
“You know what my mom says when I ask about my father. It was a summer romance, and he was gone before she realized she was pregnant with me. I would accept it and never ask more questions.”
Historia put a hand on Sasha’s shoulder and gave her an empathetic smile. She understood where Sasha is coming from. Historia didn’t know much about her family as a child since she grew up with only her mom. She met them after her first year in high school, but it was not a pleasant experience, and she would rather choose to forget it (except for Freida). 
Mikasa also gave Sasha a smile before motioning with her hand to continue.
Sasha smiled at both of her friends. “Well guess what Hanami and I found while looking through the attic for wedding decorations,” Sasha says before pulling out a leather journal. It was a brown journal that looked worn and had a leather strap to seal the book closed. 
“Is that-?” Mikasa asked
“No way-” Historia began
“Yes!” Sasha squealed “It is my mom’s old diary she kept while she was pregnant with me.”
Sasha set the diary on her lap and opened it to one of the bookmarked pages. She began to read a journal entry. 
July 17
What a night! Levi took me to a secluded beach here on the island. We danced on the beach. We kissed on the beach and-
“Dot dot dot,” Sasha said
“Dot dot dot?” Mikasa asked with a perplexed look on her face.
“What does that mean?” Historia asked Sasha confused
“Who knows?” Sasha replied with a shrug “It’s from the olden times. They had weird terminology back then. Now let me continue.”
Sasha stood up abruptly and walked off from Mikasa and Historia. The girls quickly grabbed their things as they stood up and followed Sasha.
Levi is such an amazing guy! Yeah, he may be short, is always scowling, has a funny way to drink tea, and tells poop jokes, but he is such a sweetheart. He never shows it to others, but only me. Me! I get dizzy looking at his charm and going on new adventures with him. Is he some sort of a love machine? He's practically everything I want in a guy! I really think he's the one.
“Your mom sounds like she’s really in love with this Levi guy.” Mikasa comments (she also starts questioning Hange’s tastes in men. A guy who scowls and tells poop jokes? That baffled Mikasa.)
“I think it’s cute,” Historia says with hearts in her eyes and turns to Sasha “Is Levi your father?” 
“Oh but wait” Sasha stops walking on a cliff that overlooks the sea. She gestures to Mikasa and Historia to sit down before continuing.
All this time Levi tells me he loves me, but I’m doubting that now. He’s been hiding things from me, and I found out about it this morning. He suddenly announced that he was engaged, and had to leave to get married. 
How dare he?! I was too blinded by anger to think rationally. I packed Levi’s stuff, dragged Levi out of my house, and threw his stuff (and Levi) to the nearest ferry while demanding him to leave. I didn’t want to see him again, and I didn’t want him to see how heartbroken I was. 
“Oh no. Poor Hange” Historia says sadly. Mikasa didn’t say anything, but she scowled instead. 
“The plot thickens,” Sasha says and continues reading
I texted Nanaba and Rico to do some snooping for me since the internet can be weak here on the island. I gave them the information I knew about Levi and let them do the rest. Rico managed to find some things about Levi.
How dare he? He lied to me this whole time about his last name, how he is the heir of Ackerman Bank, and possibly his love for me? No wonder he was acting mysterious when we first met. I just want to-
Sasha stops abruptly. She looked at the page again to be sure she was reading it right. The page had her mother’s writing, but there were some scribbles and small crinkles. Sasha knew right away that her mother must have cried while writing the entry.
“There are multiple tear marks and some scribbles here” Sasha comments with a solemn expression on her face.
Historia and Mikasa looked at Sasha with sorrow. It seemed as if her mom went through a lot before she was born.
There was a moment of silence until Historia spoke up in an attempt to lighten up the mood. 
“At least your mom didn’t damage the diary, or we wouldn’t have any clue who your father is. Remember that time Eren and Connie accidentally knocked over that old vase at the hotel?”
All 3 girls shivered at the memory
“Well, at least the journal didn’t meet your mom’s wrath. We got lucky there.” Mikasa says with a small smile on her face
“Yeah” Sasha laughed. It’s rare for her mom to get angry. She has only seen her mother really angry once, and it was after the incident. Luckily, her mom never got mad at her. She showered her with love and affection instead. 
Sasha turned the page to another bookmarked section and looked to her friends sitting nearby. Historia looked as if she was in deep thought. Her arm was propped up on her knee and she rested her head on her fist. 
“Something on your mind Historia?” Sasha asked
Historia perked up at Sasha’s question. She then glanced at Mikasa and then the journal. Historia looked at Sasha.
“You said Levi’s last name is Ackerman, right? What if Mikasa is related to him?”
Historia gasped and turned to Mikasa with a gleeful look on her face “You and Sasha could be related! Wouldn’t that be fun?”
“I would rather not be related to Mr. Poop Jokes. He hurt Hange and he sounds like an asshole.” Mikasa scoffed and dismissed the idea. It would be nice to be related to Sasha, but not through Levi. 
Meanwhile, Sasha laughed when Historia’s smile turned into a pout. She and Mikasa are really close friends. It would be nice to at least have one of her friends be blood-related to her.
“Wait until you hear this,” Sasha says before standing up and walking away from their spot on the beach. She started heading towards the stairs along a cliff while reading at the same time. Mikasa and Historia stood up and followed her. They don’t want to miss the rest of the story if they let Sasha walk away.
Both of them sweatdropped as they ran towards Sasha
“I don’t understand why she needs to walk off from us. I get that she needs to guide us to the hotel, but couldn’t we have heard the story all in one sitting?” Historia says to Mikasa
Mikasa shrugs before jogging (and dragging Historia behind her) to catch up to Sasha. Luckily Mikasa is still athletic from high school, so it didn't take her long to catch up. 
August 4
I met Erwin Smith - a tall man with blond hair, blue eyes, and the biggest eyebrows I’ve ever seen. He looks like the star of the latest superhero movie - out of the blue when I was walking around town. He looked lost, so I offered to show him around the island. He’s such a sweet and understanding guy. Although I’m still obsessed with Levi, one thing led to another and-
“Dot. Dot. Dot” Sasha says laughing
Mikasa and Historia gasped as the girls made it towards the entrance of Hange’s hotel (aka Sasha’s home)
August 11
Mike Zacharias - a tall man with blonde hair, light green eyes, and has a tendency to sniff people - took me to his yacht for our nightly yacht ride. We spent the night gazing at the stars and telling stories. 
The girls climbed up the steps towards the hotel. Once they made it to the top, Sasha stopped and turned around to face Mikasa and Historia before finishing up her story. 
Mike is so wild and such a funny guy. One thing led to another and-
“Dot! Dot! Dot!” Sasha and Historia squealed at the same time. Mikasa watched her friends excitement with a smile on her face
A door opens behind the girls. Hange Zoe comes in with her full glory wearing her signature white shirt with overalls while carrying a broom. She sets it off towards a nearby wall.
“Here come the bridesmaids” Hange sang with her arms open for a hug
“Hange!” Mikasa and Historia say with excitement and run to get a hug and a kiss on the cheek from Hange. Sasha quickly hides the diary behind her back. She is thankful that her mom was focused on her friends instead of her.
“Look at you! You’re both so beautiful and you need to start growing” Hange ruffled their hair and laughed
“You look like you’re having fun” Hange smiled and gave them the proud look only a mother would give towards her children
“I used to have fun” she added with some reminiscence in her voice. She thought of the 3 men who impacted her life as she turned around to pick up her broom. 
“Oh, we know.” Historia giggles before Mikasa discreetly elbowed her to tell her to shut up.
Hange looked at the girls suspiciously and Sasha smiled before motioning to her friends that they needed to go. Hange shrugged before going back to the door she came from, leaving Sasha and the others alone.
The girls let out a sigh of relief before heading to Sasha’s room. Hopefully, no one else runs into them or it would raise suspicion.
Sasha walked towards her bed and sat down once they made it to her room. Mikasa and Historia set their stuff off to the side and stood in front of Sasha.
“So, who is your dad? Levi, Erwin, or Mike?” Mikasa asked
“I don’t know!” Sasha exclaims 
“But which one did you invite?” Historia asked
Sasha didn’t answer and stayed silent. Historia and Mikasa picked up on her silence and immediately knew
“Oh. My. God.” they said while simultaneously stepping back and sitting down on a nearby chest
Sasha squealed as she stood up. A big smile grew on her face 
“Do they know?” Historia asked
“Well, would you write to a total stranger ‘Will you come to my wedding? You might be my father?’ No! They think mom sent the invites and no surprise with what’s in here-” 
Sasha picks up the diary from her bed
“They said yes!” Sasha squealed causing Historia and Mikasa to jump up with glee
The girls proceed to have an impromptu dance party in Sasha’s room to celebrate. They danced around for a bit but stopped after Sasha decided to head out to her balcony with her mom’s diary. Mikasa and Historia stayed behind and sat down on Sasha’s bed. They wanted to give her space to think about everything so far.
“I’ve heard so much about them, and I want to know more about them too,” Sasha says softly to herself. She glances down at the diary and smiles “Once I do, I can know how much they mean to me.”
Skiathos, Greece
1 day before the wedding
Two taxis were heading to the Skiathos port. Both taxis were trying to reach the ferry before it left for Kalokairi. 
Erwin sat calm and composed with his business suit, but he was nervous on the inside. How would Hange react to his sudden appearance? What would she say? Is she still with the other man? He can feel the timer to the meeting counting down in his head. “If only the taxi went a bit faster,” Erwin thought to himself. 
Meanwhile, in another taxi, sat Levi. He was starting to get impatient. Levi cursed his luck before putting his pocket watch back in his shirt pocket. He would have been on Kalokairi a lot earlier if the 1 stop of the flight didn’t take too long. Levi leaned forward to tell the driver to speed up, but it seemed as if the ride to the port was too slow (in Levi’s opinion). 
As Levi sat back, he dug into the pocket of his slacks for a small blue pouch. He untied the knot and dumped whatever was inside the pouch onto his palm. A simple yellow gold ring with a diamond fell out. Levi bought that ring weeks after coming back from Kalokairi and settling his family drama. It was kind of a dumb purchase if Levi thought really hard into it. He broke Hange’s heart and she kicked him out. It’s simple, really. Hange would not say yes if he had returned to Kalokairi and proposed to her. 
Nevertheless, Levi thought yellow gold would look good on Hange’s skin because it reminded him of the yellow shirt she wore when they met. He only kept it because of the memories they had, and Levi will always treasure it. Levi puts the ring back in the pouch and pockets it. He doesn’t see himself opening it again if Hange decides to kick him out for a second time. 
Both taxis make it to the port, and both Levi and Erwin run towards the ferry only to see it leaving.
“Damn it!” Levi yells
“I agree,” Erwin calmly says next to him
Levi looks up to find a tall man with blond hair and the biggest eyebrows he had ever seen, He didn’t notice Erwin’s presence until he spoke. Levi looked at him. He internally prayed to himself that he would make it to the wedding on time and see Hange. 
“When is the next ferry leaving?” Levi asks Erwin. Levi didn’t know much Greek since Hange was the one who helped him before. He hoped the blonde stranger at least knew something
Erwin walks towards the nearest sign and reads it using basic Greek he learned years prior 
“Monday,” Erwin says dejectedly and Levi groans in frustration
“Hey!” they hear from the sea and turn their heads
They both see a tall, blond-haired man with a mustache and a beard waving to them from a yacht. There was another man with him who looked like he was doing last-minute preparations before sailing. 
“Are you heading to Kalokairi?” the man asks Levi and Erwin
“How did you know?” Levi yells. The man is a good distance away from him after all.
The man laughs “I could practically smell the desperation off of you”  Erwin’s face turns red from embarrassment. Levi scowled
“You can come with me. The name’s Mike Zacharias by the way. That man over there” He points to a guy with brown hair styled in a pompadour “That’s Gelgar. He’s been taking care of my yacht since I was away. He can help bring us to the island.”
“Sure,” Erwin spoke up. “My name is Erwin Smith. He then raised a hand and gestured to Levi 
“This is-”
“Levi Ackerman” Levi finishes for Erwin. Levi revealed his last name to them unlike when he first met Hange. Luckily both men didn’t make any connections between him and his family business.
Mike turned to Erwin “Well then, Erwin.” He turned to Levi “and Levi. You better hurry up and board the yacht soon. We are heading to Kalokairi once you are settled.” Mike said and walked off to check on everything with Gelgar
Levi sighed. He had no choice. He might as well go with Erwin and Mike since Mike is his only hope of reaching Kalokairi on time. 
Meanwhile, Erwin recognized Mike after many years. He had some physical differences but didn’t look much different overall. Erwin knew that Mike was the man Hange was with when he came back to see her. 
There is only one question that kept playing in Erwin’s head. Is Mike still with Hange?
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©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish
References used/Notes:
Obviously the salute used in the military
Sasha having the girls salute is a nod to OVA 2 where she makes Reiner do it
Some inspiration from both Mikasa and Historia’s backstories
Hanami is my OC from AOT 2 FB (I posted what she looks like on my Tumblr bluesylveon2)
I added more characters because I want Sasha to have more friends in her bridal party
Levi being the heir of Ackerman Bank is based on list I found of big businesses in Germany. Two were based in Frankfurt and were only banking, hence the name
But Levi owns a cafe in the Prologue? Will be explained later
Sasha and Niccolo’s first meeting is from the recent episode
I decided for Porco to be Portuguese because Porco means pig in Portugese
I’ve heard of La Tomatina and it looks like fun
I base the character nationalities on names/some reddit posts. I saw one where Pieck was Greek so I added that to her character
I picked Santorini because it’s a city I want to visit one day. Also Sootopolis (from Pokemon) is based off of there
Hange’s diary is the same journal as the one seen in AOT (Ilse’s notebook and AOT 2 FB)
The ‘Erwin from a superhero movie’ is because of Chris Evans
Hange is canonically the scariest when mad. I tried to portray this with Levi’s backstory and the vase incident 
I added the ring scene with Levi for future purpose
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thatchick147 · 6 years
Movie Night The Musical (part 1/2)
Imagine: convincing Bucky and Steve to watch Mamma Mia 2 with you for the third time, and because you’ve played the soundtrack non-stop they can sing along with you
The boys took some convincing at first since you’d made everyone watch Mamma Mia 2 with you when you purchased the DVD
They had walked in on you and the girls watching it the second time and figured they had nothing else to do
This time it was just you three and the sing-a-long feature
As “I kissed the teacher” started you began your singing, the boys only rolling their eyes and watching you dance in your seat
You couldn’t help but sing and dance shamelessly, and with the song ‘Waterloo’ you had found out which character Steve had taken a liking to
Steve didn’t do more than hum the first verse, and when the first chorus came round he was saying the words in a regular voice at a normal volume and swaying in his seat while nodding his head but then the end of your verse came he started singing with you
“I feel like I win when I lose”
You look at him and continue to sing, grabbing Steve’s hands trying to get him to stand up and dance with you, which didn’t take much considering how happy you seemed that he was even singing in the first place and he wanted nothing more than to indulge you
Bucky meanwhile was barely containing himself watching Steve dancing with you, you making dramatic faces at him while you sang to him, him doing the same
You shimmying your chest at Steve and him going back, then you coming up and him shimmying towards you, then when you where tipped back he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close and looking you in the eyes singing his words “Waterloo- I was defended, you won the war, Waterloo- promise to love you forever more,” then he stood you up a held your hands spinning you around the room
You singing your words “Waterloo- couldn’t escape if I wanted to,”
Steve spinning you back in bringing your back into his chest and swaying then swinging you out once more and pulling you into his chest to finish the song off
“Waterloo- knowing my fate is to be with you, Waterloo- finally facing my Waterloo”
Your hands were placed on Steve’s chest and your chest was heaving due to the dancing and the crazy singing but god the smiles plastered on your faces as you looked at each other breathlessly
Only breaking out of your moment when Bucky started laughing uncontollably
“James Barnes are you laughing at mine and Steve’s passion?” You exclaimed with your hands now on your hips looking at him, barely able to remain serious.
“Yes, yes I am y/n, that was way better than the movie!” He was clutching his stomach, doubled over now and you couldn’t help but giggle when Steve said this
“Bucky, how could you laugh at my proclamation of love to y/n!”
And then you were falling on the couch laughing between Steve and Bucky, calming in time to listen to the next number, watching Lily James get on the boat you leaned on Bucky preparing yourself to sing her lines when you heard him start singing
“When you were lonely you needed a man, someone to lean on well I understand,” he looked down at you as he started to sit up forcing you to do the same, then he grabbed your hands “but why did it have to be me?”
He continued, “nights can be empty, and nights can be cold, so you were looking for someone to hold,” endinv on his knees in front of you, clutching your hands with another “it’s only natural but why did it have to be me?”
You put on a puppy dog look as you sang your words
“I was lonesome, I was blue, I couldn’t help it,” you leaned in close to his face “it had to be you,” tapping his nose with playfully and pulling away “and I always thought you knew the reason why,” you stood up and sauntered away swaying your hips, turning towards him you pointed your finger at him and gave him a ‘come hither’ gesture
The two of you getting to sing as he walked towards you “I only wanted a little love affair, now I can see you are beginning to care.”
He took you in his arms rocking you around in a tight circle “but baby, believe me,” he spins you out and you dance away “it’s better to forget me!”
Suddenly Steve is standing on the couch looking dramatically into the distance “men are the toys in the game that you play”
Then he looks sadly to you “when you get tired, you throw them away, that’s only natural,” he drops laying on the couch with the back of his hand against his head, as if he swooned “but why did it have to be me?”
Bucky came up behind you as you watched Steve, wrapping his arms around your stomach swaying you both to the music “falling in love with a woman like you,” he spun you around to look him in the eyes “happens so quickly, there’s nothing to do, it’s only natural”
He put his hand up to your cheek gently “but why did it have to be me,”
Then you sang, putting your hand on your heart dramatically and blinking up at him like a ‘damsel’ as he would say “I was lonesome, I was blue, I couldn’t help it, it had to be you,” you place your finger on his chest, and pointed to yourself with the words “and I, always thought you knew the reasons why,”
You walk your fingers up his chest seductively, “I only wanted a little love affair,” then you planted both hands firmly on his chest as you both sang “now I can see you are beginning to care, but baby, believe me” you were leaning in to him with each pause “it’s better to forget me,” and you pulled away at the last second, dancing back to the couch as the song ended.
Steve nearly pissing himself laughing on the couch, Bucky standing dumbfounded where you left him
Now pick how you want to finish the night: Boys Love The Musical (Part 2A) or Avengers The Musical (Part 2B)
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toastymuffin66 · 6 years
My Definitive Ranking of Musicals
25. Carrie the Musical
Honestly did not find this one very interesting I couldn’t finish watching it but the opening number is ICONIC
24. Mamma Mia
This is a nice sweet family movie but I didn’t like the music (the soundtrack is all ABBA songs) and not anything too special (side note: also why do people keep casting Meryl Streep in movie musicals I don’t really think she’s that good of a singer just sayin)
23. In the Heights
I know this ones pretty popular and obviously Lin is amazing but it’s not very memorable to me, honestly can’t remember the plot. Good songs my fav is sunrise❤️
22. The Addams Family
This ones pretty popular too, but I just didn’t like it. I love Krysta, but I didn’t really think any of the songs were that special, I may have to re-listen to this one...
21. Rocky Horror Picture Show
This one is really fun and kooky and I actually really like it a lot, but isn’t one that I consider my favorites. Fun story and GREAT characters but not great, you know? I feel like everyone loves it but no one considers it their favorite 🤷‍♀️
20. The Last 5 Years
Good songs and all, but not very special. Story’s a little bland. Also I feel like you get sick of it after a while
19. The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Michael Arden is great I love the songs and the set too really beautiful but just not one of my favs
18. Newsies
Really fun, Jeremy Jordan 😍 I feel like this is just a classic broadway show. A little overrated but still really impressive. Again, although it’s good nothing too special and not one of my favorites
17. Chicago
Another classic. FUN AND FIERCE. Also quite funny at times
NOTE: I still love all these musicals and think they’re all good, it’s just that some don’t touch me like others do
16. She Loves Me
This one is really underrated. Zachary Levi? YES! Really fun and amazing singers (i.e. Vanilla Ice Cream)
15. Sweeney Todd
Some really good songs and I love the vibe of the movie (kinda reminds me of a Tim Burton version of les mis haha) but Johnny Depp 👎 not a good singer, but he plays the character really well (all the young characters in the movie are good)
14. Shrek the Musical
I know this musical seems like a joke but it’s actually REALLY good. Surprisingly good songs and likable characters (also a few other bway references in the show)
13. Bonnie and Clyde
This one is also pretty underrated, I never hear anyone talking about it. Jeremy Jordan and Laura Osnes! Amazing songs, singers, story. Makes me like them, even though they were criminals
12. Into the Woods
A classic, really creative story. Good songs 👍
11. Next to Normal
Such a good musical. Touches on mental health, drug use and other such themes. Aaron Tveit, love. Alice Ripley is amazing. Just such a good musical
10. Waitress
We all know this one. Really quirky and fun, although it has its sad moments. Hopeful and uplifting, good good
9. Wicked*
Again, we all know this one. I actually haven’t listened to/seen it all, just act one but really good I don’t think I really need to elaborate
8. Phantom of the Opera
Another classic! I’m a sucker for operatic style so no wonder it’s in my top ten. Great, iconic songs. Again no need to elaborate
7. Heathers
Such a good musical (can’t believe it was never on bway!) great singers, really fun all the way through despite the story is actually pretty messed up haha
6. Rent
Both really fun and really heartbreaking. LGBT and POC characters! WOO! Just so great and so many talented singers!
5. Fun home
Such a great musical, and all completely surrounding gay characters. Also some really sad songs, which I love.
4. Dear Evan Hansen
We all know about this one. Relatable characters! Adressss mental health! Real sweet and also real sad but ends on a hopeful note
3. Les Misérable
This one started it all for me, so obviously it would be top 3. Pretty much singing all the way through (and can still have a really good complex story unlike cough the last 5 years cough no shade) also operatic-ish which i love
2. Hamilton
Iconic, we all know. This one also got me more into musicals and is just great so 👍
1. Spring Awakening
My favorite musical of all time! The most touching musical ever. Touches on so many things: domestic/sexual abuse, suicide, teen pregnancy, miscommunication between teens and parents, repressive society, lil bit of religion (and its repressive nature), and also gay characters! Although this musical is heartbreaking, it still manages to have its fun moments and some total bops like My Junk, Totally Fucked, Bitch of Living, etc. Ugh I cannot stress enough how much I love this damn musical. It is so timeless although it is set in the 1800s and has rock music to make it more modern. (Also the gay characters end up like fine in the end like they’re the two that end up happy sweet) I recommend it so much, especially the Deaf West revival because it adds so many more layers to the already complex themes LOVE LOVE LOVE (also Jon groff and Lea Michelle, and krysta Rodriguez is in the revival)
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stillkillinmehollis · 5 years
ya killin me Hollis... so for that 1-98
99 Gay-ish Asks [x]
1) how tall are you?
like 5ft 3in. not tall at all
2) what is your body type?
I’m not sure if i fall under the “husky” category? 
3) what is your favorite part about your body?
my legs are pretty solid and pretty brolic, so I guess we can go with that.
4) is your current hair color your natural hair color?
5) are you more outgoing or more shy?
Definitely shy. But at work, I can sometimes fake the “outgoing” pretty okay
6) are you more femme or butch?
…. uhh… butch..ish… i guess?
7) are you tol or smol?
hella smol
8) wine mom or vodka aunt?
i mean.. I don’t drink so… neither…
9) weird habit?
I crack my knees
10) favorite meme?
oh man, too many to decide
11) do you sing in the shower?
not really anymore.
12) ever used a bow and arrow?
Merida has shown me a thing or two
13) are/were you a theatre kid?
14) have you ever seen a broadway musical?
In no particular order, I’ve seen: Wicked, Beauty & The Beast, Grease, and Mamma Mia
15) do you think musicals are cheesy?
i’m neutral
16) have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
I did do the March For Life in high school (my stand on the situation has since changed).
17) favorite Cards Against Humanity Card?
it has been so long since I’ve last played CAH, that I don’t actually remember
18) last movie you watched?
19) behind the camera or in front of it?
i live behind a camera.
20) favorite tv show?
Bob’s Burgers is the show I currently watch most, so we’ll go with that. 
21) meaning behind your url
it’s line from Carmilla
22) reason you joined tumblr
I think an at the time Buddy of mine told me about it and I should sign up. and i was like “aiite”
23) who’s your closest tumblr friend?
Zach, Laura, Kelli, Sky
24) what’s something most people love that you hate?
being the center of attention
25) have you ever taken narcotics?
I’m not big on drugs to any capacity… and avoid taking any if I don’t need to… and idek what actually is considered “narcotics”… so i really have no idea ?
26) have you had sex?
I have not.
27) have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
nothing “bad”, I don’t think. idk, I was never that “bad” of a kid.
28) worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?
i’ve never told this story to anyone before, but i completely forgot about it until right now. So in college, I told a professor that my (i think it was a final?) had gotten ruined by rain that got in my bag, and I tossed the papers. In truth, either I hadn’t done it or i hadn’t finished it. 
29) describe your passion without mentioning it.
what am i even passionate about these days ?
30) describe your best friend.
His name is Zach, he was one of my college roommates. He’s the Felix to my Sarah, my baby brother in every way possible. He’s always there when I need him, and my personal cheerleader and biggest supporter. He’s also patiently impatient about me getting a girlfriend :p 
31) give us one thing about you that no one knows.
please refer to question 28.
32) how do you feel right now?
I’m getting kinda sleepy… It is 3:35am after all. and I’m only not even a full 1/3rd of the way through these questions 
33) what is your biggest fear?
Bees. Needles. Being Abandoned by people. Feelings.
34) what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Ocean Avenue, by Yellowcard. I have no idea why, but it gets me so hype while I’m driving, and gets me to pull my windows down and blast my music.
35) what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
applying for the Disney College Program one last time.
36) have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
haven’t we all at least once ?
37) something you fantasize about.
having an awesome girlfriend some day
38) last time you cried and why
a few days ago I cried out of frustration as I’m trying to figure out my living situation
39) what was the last thing that made you laugh?
the fact that you sent me as many questions as I sent you
40) do you really, truly miss someone right now?
it’s been five months since I lost my Pup, and I truly painfully miss her on the daily
41) who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
42) the last time you felt broken?
a few nights ago, due to something that was said in a one on one with my leader
43) are you starting to realize anything?
44) are you more dominant or more submissive?
I don’t think this applies?
45) i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
you can accept me, from my sarcasm to my mental health (or lack there of), everything in between and beyond
46) do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
I’m here more for your maturity level then your actual age
47) describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
I’m definitely not “in love” with anyone, and I avidly avoid the 5 letter C word. 
48) do you have any kinks?
getting a good night’s sleep
49) first thing you notice in a person?
between their smile and their eyes
50) how can someone win your heart?
51) been rejected by a crush?
ugh, i hate the C word but yes, yes I have.
52) have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
sure have !
53) would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
54) is trust a big issue for you?
55) did you hang out with the person you like recently?
56) is confidence cute?
57) what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
i wouldn’t say anything… like if someone else makes them happy, i’m not gonna come between that
58) would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
no way
59) does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?
………..moving on
60) ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
my entire existence is generally embarrassing to anyone, so .. yeah lol
61) do you want to get married?
I’d like to.
62) worst thing you’ve ever done?
i have no idea what the number one worst thing is… and honestly I don’t even want to know
63) three things that turn you on.
when someone can confidently take charge of the room, a cute laugh, and sarcasm. (also, just want it to be known, none of these are “sexual” turn ons, but things that can turn me on to a person)
64) who do you hate?
that’s a story for another day
65) favorite term of endearment?
Dude (thats an endearing term, right?)
66) who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
ohman… i’m not sure. Natalia Livingston (Emily Quartermaine, GH), maybe? Eva LaRue (Maria Santos, AMC)? Tamara Bruan (Carly Corinthos, GH)? 
The soap ladies were/are pretty, and I was a wee gay, okay ?
67) intimidating girls or kind girls?
in fairness… i feel like all girls are intimidating to some degree or another.
68) what do you look for in a possible partner?
someone who makes me smile and laugh, someone who keeps me on my toes, someone who pushes me to be better. someone i can have fun with, be sarcastic with, and someone who can be sarcastic and witty back at me.
69) do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
the personality behind the girl speaks volumes… also has a MAJOR affect on if i find her attractive or not.
70) are you good at flirting?
not even a little bit
71) who was the first person you came out to?
72) do you have any friends who are wlw?
thankfully, most of them are !
73) is your crush wlw?
i hate the C word, but every girl I’ve had my eye on for one reason or another has turned out to be WLW.
74) last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?
i’ve honestly always been ace, whether I knew it or not.
75) write a short love poem to your crush/self?
i’m as good of a poet as I am expressing my feelings
spoiler: I’m not.
76) do you fall in love easily?
Situation depending, I can fall in LIKE or INFATUATION easily. but definitely not love.
77) is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
what’s a gay without some past trauma
78) are you good at hiding your feelings?
depends on the person and the feelings (but mostly, yes, I think so.)
79) are you a forgiving person?
For the most part, no. but it also depends on how bad you messed up… I can be, for the right person and the right circumstances.
80) what is your “type?”
idk if i have a strict “type”. 
81) fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours?
the secret third option: play with her hair until she falls asleep in mine
82) tall girls or short girls?
83) hugs or kisses?
i’m not always the greatest at physical contact, and the idea of my first kiss scares the actual shit out of me … so i guess hug for now?
84) twirl her around or get twirled?
please just me play with your hair
85) tummy kisses or thigh kisses?
uhhh… tummy ? i guess ? like i’m not out here trying to get in your thighs
86) hairline kisses or neck kisses?
is a hairline kiss the same a forehead kiss ? 
87) play with her hair or stroke her tummy?
i refer you back to #84
88) making out or soft kisses?
89) hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?
i’d probs prefer waist… i guess?
90) how confident are you in your sexuality?
110% confident i’m not sexually attracted to anyone
91) when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?
my dude. Pal. Bro. your boii gets the whole damn zoo in a stampede-that-killed-Mufasa style, and it turns her stomach upside down, inside out, all around, and breaks it into a million pieces. 
92) have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?
yes I have, and yes I did.
93) how old were you when you realized you were into girls?
i was littttttle
94) most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?
95) do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?
Laura/Carmilla. and yes.
96) what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?
No One really has ever said anything too aggravating to me about asexuality. 
97) when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?
last night (Tuesday; July 23rd, ‘19)
98) what is love to you?
Love is… all the songs making sense (throwback reference, I couldn’t resist). Love is “whats mine can be ours”. Love is working together to give it your all.
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