kiwaway · 6 years
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kiwaway · 7 years
Some Inktober ideas that'll really help y'all!
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Preparing for Inktober 2017?
I am too! And to get inspired, I have put together 8x Inktober prompt lists, to help us create something really cohesive and cool this October
Prompt lists:
- Post Apocalyptic Wanderers
- Anthropomorphic People
- A Steampunk Adventure
- Space Travellers
- Super People
- Characters for a fairytale
- Characters for an urban fantasy
- Characters of the Forest
Enjoy and share!
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kiwaway · 7 years
Boy I sure am hungry
All I had today was a smol cupcake and the disapproving look from my mother as I tried to take another one
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kiwaway · 7 years
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a series of composition tips i’d been sharing on twitter!
and since some people had asked, i’ve put up a pdf version of this on gumroad along with a layered psd of one of the example images too
tips would be really appreciated, but it’s up for free!
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kiwaway · 7 years
got any tips for drawing baseball caps? I got a character that wears them and it's always a struggle.
@amacing3​I’m not the best with tutorials but I can try and show some of my shorthands for how I draw hats! I use a kind of figure 8 loop as a quick gesture whenever I’m doing hats to help me get down the curve of the bill.
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I have a tendency to make all my caps look more angular like trucker hats just because blocky shapes are easier for me personally haha.
Some other points I remind myself of whenever I draw hats!Draw through your figures to make sure it “fits” properly and follows the contour of the head/direction they’re looking. Typically, the bill meets the crown at a slight angle unless it’s a snapback or something.
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And my last super important helpful hat tip!!!!!!Get a hat irl and take pics of yourself wearing it for reference haha~
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kiwaway · 7 years
there’s now an AI that colors your sketches
https://paintschainer.preferred.tech/ here
RIP job
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kiwaway · 7 years
Daily practice tools for artists
It’s hard to find guided practice tools for artists, so here’s what I’ve been able to find. Feel free to add your own and build this list. Also click back to the source every so often because I add resources whenever I find ‘em!
Pixelovely's Figure Drawing Practice 
Pixelovely's Animal Drawing Practice
Pixelovely's Hands and Feet Practice 
Pixelovely's Faces and Expression Practice 
Wysp Practices (some of this needs payment, some is free)
Croquis Cafe (new!)
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kiwaway · 7 years
Hello! Do you have some tips about composition and compositive equilibrium in paintings? ( more pointedly in abstract art?)
Hey there @champagneshot​!
Composition Tips Masterpost
This post is relevant for all kinds of art, but I will try to focus for abstract in particular, where the rules are generally more flexible. There are several kinds of composition styles that are pretty aesthetically appealing. 
Rule of Thirds
Basically, you select a focal point off center, either slightly up or down from the horizontal midline of the piece. 
Golden Ratio – mathematical basis
The designer’s guide to the Golden Ratio
Golden ratio - Wikipedia (math aspect, pretty interesting)
Try to make your composition guide the viewer’s eye in a certain direction towards a focal point, then around the piece. 
Try not to make the composition too chaotic and without balance
Thumbnails are helpful for generating composition ideas
Slanted lines as a rhythm for composition can look pleasing (diagonals) 
Further reading: 
12 pro tips to improve your artistic composition
Composition and Art
Perspective + Composition Pt.1 by fox-orian on DeviantArt
Perspective + Composition Pt.2 by fox-orian
The Secret to Composition by Lulie on DeviantArt
Further Reading on Fundamentals [since composition links closely with perspective and other foundational topics of art] 
Masterposts by @art-res
PE: Power of Perspective by Astrikos
Nsio explains: Perspective
PE: Contrast in Digital Art by Riemea on DeviantArt
Please consider giving this post a reblog if you enjoyed it! It helps this reach more people @astrikos!
More Helpful links: Ask a Question/Request a Tut |Submit a Tutorial | Promote Your Art Commissions to +18 K Dashes | Art Blog Awards!!
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kiwaway · 7 years
I had a dream once...
It was Christmas and my mom opened up a surprise basket of like 20 candles and she seemed a little upset, so I just started grabbing a shit ton of them and sneaking them into my room like the grinch or something and it was magical
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kiwaway · 7 years
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Here you go! It’s small but hope it helps. Thank you!
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kiwaway · 7 years
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No time to type. Enjoy! :D -Paul
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kiwaway · 7 years
Here's a sad story
I used to be open about my problems and I'd try to open up to people when I was in 5th and 6th grade because I thought you were SUPPOSED to be open about stuff and all I remember is people saying "I don't care" "no one cares" in the rudest tone and then start insulting me. my feelings were always hurt because nobody cared. I stopped opening up to people and kept my insecurities to myself. A couple years later I started feeling close enough to start saying things and you know what I got? "Literally no one cares, it's fine" but it wasn't rude. It was good advice too but whenever people tell me that no one cares about all the things I'm insecure about all I can think of is that period of time before. so I can never hear that statement without feeling sad. No matter how true it is.
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kiwaway · 7 years
Looks like a firefly almost
how to glow: a tutorial
take this w a grain of salt
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pick a somewhat dark base color and layer on top of it up to white
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use that blur tool on that shit
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lightly airbrush the area around it with the base or mid color, whichever looks cooler
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kiwaway · 7 years
Character Design Tips
Some people have asked how I went about drawing the Overwatch cast, so I threw together a list of things I think about when designing characters: shapes, silhouettes, colors, and inspiration.
1. Shapes
There are three basic shapes in my toolbox: round, box, and triangle. If I follow my intuition, each shape conveys a personality. For example:
Round = charismatic, harmless, endearing
Box = reliable, uniform, traditional
Triangle = cunning, dynamic, competent (downward pointing more aggressive)
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Shapes can also be combined for more complex characters
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2. Silhouettes
Block in the character. If I can still recognize who it is, then it has a strong, readable silhouette.
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3. Color
Sometimes less is more. Limit the palette for unity and impact. When working with three colors, keep the 60-30-10 rule in mind. Pick one color to make up about 60% of the character, a second color to make up about 30%, and the last color is about 10%.
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When working with just two colors, use the 70-30 rule. One color is about 70%, the second is about 30%.
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4. Inspiration
Designs come to mind easier when I’m listening to music, or when I have a mental image of something in mind. For example, I was listening to Klezmer music when drawing Reaper, and I was thinking of a chicken when I was drawing Lucio. It can take a while to warm up, so a good source of inspiration is important to stay motivated.
Beyond that, it’s up to you! 
[If you want to see the specific artists I drew influence from, click here to see my influence map.]
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kiwaway · 7 years
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Waffle tutorial by BabyPippo
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kiwaway · 7 years
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a rough mix and match expression thing i did earlier today
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kiwaway · 7 years
I wanna draw her
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