#i need to figure out a colour scheme too because no way am i fully colouring all of this
shortbreadly · 1 year
what’s the animatic about?
this ask has made me realise that i haven’t actually said and am just being dead cryptic so sorry about that one lads
the moral orel animatic i’m making is to the song Rotten Apple by jack stauber and it’s mainly orel-centric. it basically focuses on how much clay and his actions have impacted orel’s life, and orel’s feelings towards his family and town.
and because i’m feeling generous here are some of the sketched frames i’ve done so far:
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A Timeline of Events in the Artemis Fowl Series
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If anyone's interested, I did do an actual analysis for where I pulled some of these dates from. But because I cannot type succinctly to save my life, it's 5,000 words long, so that's below the cut. I also put the timeline there again, but in three separate images, so hopefully they load well enough to be fully legible if the above isn't.
A thousand thanks to @sadbitchapologist and @zahnie for their help and advice with this, despite neither of them having any more than the barest interest in the series and therefore having no clue what I was on about. Thanks also to @orangerosebush for fielding completely out-of-the-blue questions about the French school system, so I didn't have to attempt to navigate web search results to figure out what mandatory gym classes were like for the sole purpose of plotting Luc's birthday on here.
An Analysis of the Timelines in the Artemis Fowl Series
A Brief Introduction
The Artemis Fowl series is made up of eight books covering a range of years and events. I wanted to see how accurate the timelines present in the books were, as well as try and plot out some other details implied in the novels but not explicitly stated, to have a better understanding of the overall world-building. To that end, I went through the series and made the above timeline. I colour-coded it based on the relevance of the specific items to certain categories, namely Humans, Fairies, Villains, and the Series itself. This does mean that some things could have fit into multiple categories. For instance, you will see some items involving Opal categorized as Fairy-Specific (such as her college years, as those are fairly neutral to the main plot or her villainy), Villain-Specific (such as her setting up her emergency fund, as that is mostly related to her schemes as opposed to relevant to her existence as a fairy, or part of the main plot of the series), and Plot-Specific (such as her opening the Berserker Gate, the primary plot point for the final book).
Before we really delve into things though, we should establish the baseline assumptions I was working with. Firstly, I am only using the original series. I have not used anything written in The Fowl Twins trilogy, given that those books seem to ret-con a considerable amount of the original information, and that is far too many headaches to give myself. Any supplemental series information, such as the short stories found in The Artemis Fowl Files, or anything from interviews is also not included. The premise here is: using just the original books, what is the event timeline of the world? The second thing we need to establish is that I am using the North American releases of the novels. I did make notes on where each bit of information comes from, but there isn’t really a citation style for this kind of thing, so I’m not sure how relevant that is. The third assumption is that the first book takes place the year it was originally published. According to my copy, the original publication was 2001, with the first American paperback edition coming out in 2002, and the first mass market paperback being released in 2003. This means our starting point is in 2001.
For sake of clarity, this analysis will start with setting the dates of the books and continue on from there.
The Basics of The Books
With that out of the way, let’s talk about the first book, Artemis Fowl (AF). It is actually not until the very end of the book that we get a solid answer for when it takes place. It’s only in the last few pages of the novel that Angeline Fowl leaves her attic room after all the plot points are tied up and announces that it is Christmas Day. This might be cause for concern – Angeline had not previously been established as a particularly reliable narrator – but given that we are asked to believe that Holly’s ‘feel better’ mood booster worked, and that neither Butler nor Artemis balk at or question the pronouncement that is Christmas Day, we’ll accept that it’s true and move on. This means that, with Butler’s earlier announcement that he was stuck doing four months of stakeout, we can say with a fair amount of certainty that Artemis obtained and translated the Fairy Book in September 2001, and managed to capture a fairy in December of the same year.
Moving on to Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident (TAI), we are given a decent chunk of information, albeit spread out a bit. The first is the announcement that the ransom drop for Artemis Fowl I is to be held on the fourteenth. The fourteenth of what, you might ask? Well, we are told that Artemis is currently thirteen years old. Clearly, things are past September 1, 2002 (we know Artemis’s birthday is September 1 based on information in both the fifth and seventh books). We are also told that Luc Carrere has been trading with the goblins for six months, starting in July. That puts us in either December or January, but we can narrow it down further since Artemis gives us another helpful clue. He mentions they are not expecting to see the dawn while attempting to rescue his father in the Arctic. There are only a few latitudes on Earth where polar night (of any type) occurs, and at Murmansk, polar twilight occurs between December 10 – January 2. Combining all of this, we learn that TAI takes place December 14, 2002, give or take a few days to either side.
This can be corroborated by information in Book 3, Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code (TEC). After Holly heals Artemis Senior, we are told that it takes over two months for him to wake up. Since we are specifically told two months, as opposed to two and a half or three, we can conclude that the events of TEC take place in March 2003. Mulch gives us some information that confirms this. He was living in LA “less than four months ago,” and since he was conscripted to help with the events of TAI in December, a March plotline fits the bill. We are given further confirmation as well: Spiro mentions that Artemis will be fourteen in six months. A specific date for Artemis & Co.’s attack on Spiro’s Needle can be pulled from the throw-away line that Pex and Chips are “burying” Mulch on the full moon. A quick web search tells us that the full moon in March of 2003 takes place on March 14, and the rest of the events in the novel take place roughly two days to either side of that.
In Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception (TOD), the fourth book in the series, we are given several very clear indications of when the events take place. Firstly, Artemis is contemplating that at fourteen years and three months old, he is the youngest person to successfully obtain The Fairy Thief. Based on previously noted details that his birthday is in September, the events of TOD must take place in December of 2003. Additionally, we are told that things are the middle of winter and Opal has been in a coma for eleven months and counting as of the end of TAI, another December plot.
Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony (TLC) requires the most math and interpretation so far to figure out when it takes place. We know Artemis is still fourteen, so the main events clearly happen sometime between January 2004 and September 2004. Beyond that, we are using a fair amount of context clues. Artemis and Butler have evidently been traveling for four months looking for demons, so we are dealing with events in at least May. But that still leaves us several summertime months to work with, so to establish a timeline here, we will need to look forward a bit. In the sixth book, Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox (TTP), it’s noted that Artemis is not yet fifteen, and has, on multiple occasions, spent the full moon in the study. Ergo, he’s spent at least a few months back from Hybras. If he has been back for two months and not yet turned fifteen, he would have had to have returned by July at the latest, and since he returns almost three years later than he leaves, we are looking at him returning in either May or June. This would have him disappearing to Hybras – and by extension, dealing with the earlier events in the book – in June, July, or August. After his conversation with Minerva, he notes to Butler that they “are planning a June wedding,” which wouldn’t make sense to say if they were currently in the month of June. From all of this, we can extrapolate that the first three-quarters of TLC take place in late July or early August 2004, with the triumphant return of our intrepid heroes occurring in June 2007.
As previously stated, TTP mentions that Artemis is still not fifteen, but is nearly there. He has also been home again for at least two months. This would put the events of the sixth book in August 2007. At least, the events set in the current time period. TTP does bring back time travel, and with it some problems. We are told that Artemis and Holly jump back nearly eight years to Artemis being ten and trying to fund searches for his missing father. This would put the events of the past in early 2000. However, other details presented regarding Artemis Senior’s disappearance, which we will discuss later, make that impossible. Artemis also admits, in TEC, that he was eleven when his father disappeared, not ten. If we take a bit of creative license with our interpretations and base the time-jump to the past on other presented information as opposed to the dates given in TTP, we can say that Holly and Artemis instead return to early 2001. This lines up with further details, such as the sinking of the Fowl Star (as calculated a few paragraphs down in this analysis) occurring in December of 2000, and the textual confirmation in TTP that it’s barely two months past that sinking when Artemis brokers the deal(s) regarding the silky sifaka lemur. Since, at the end of the day, the time jump impacts very little in the grand scheme of things, and the year 2001 actually fits in better with other textual evidence and events, that’s what I’m going with for this timeline.
The seventh book, Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex (TAC) gives us a very helpful base point! It takes place on Artemis’s fifteenth birthday, September 1. From our previous results on setting dates for book events, that would be September 1, 2007. The sections in which Butler and Juliet are fighting mesmerized wrestling fans and meeting up with Mulch are noted in the novel as happening “the day before,” which would fall on August 31, 2007.
Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian (TLG), the eighth and final book in the series, creates some problems. If we assume that Artemis starts receiving treatment for his Atlantis Complex immediately after diagnosis in TAC¸ that would put him receiving treatment in September 2007. We are told he is certified as cured after six months. Yet we are also told that the rest of the events of the book take place in the week or so leading up to the Christmas holidays. Everything so far has said that the Artemis Fowl series follows the current calendar, in which case there is no way that six months can fit between September 1, 2007 and December 25, 2007. However, the only reference to Christmas is in two lines noting that the Fowl parents were planning on holidaying with their children on a foreign beach. If we simply say that six months have passed, and they are instead planning on spending the Irish school system’s spring holidays in the French Riviera, everything else lines up much better. So that’s what I’ve done. This would also put the resurrection of Artemis, after the events of the book and a further six months have passed, at roughly September of 2008. There is a pleasing symmetry to Artemis being born and then re-born in September, though if you want to get really technical and say the events of TLG take place during the 2008 March full moon as Opal claims (as noted in another web search as March 28), a six-month wait time for the clone to grow would put the resurrection in October. Still, there is something to be said for having a boy’s ghost haunting a clone of himself close to All Hallows. Since it’s the last plot point of the series, you can choose which you’d like; it doesn’t have to lead to anything else after it.
Let’s Talk Timelines: The Beginning of the Line to The End of The 19th Century
Now that we have our baseline book time periods established, we can get into the math used to determine some of the events in the timeline above. Several events are easy; we are given specific dates for them. Turnball Root meets Leonor in 1938, Juliet wins the Miss Sugar Beet Fair beauty contest in 1999. Other things are based on some basic math, such as Artemis claiming his parents got married fourteen years prior to AF¸ putting that event in 1987.
The majority of the items on the above timeline, however, do take some mathematics, extrapolation, and interpretation to plot out. To try and keep everything organized, we’ll start at the far left of the timeline, and work our way forwards, looking at events oldest-to-newest to explain why they are where they are on the graph. I won’t be getting too in-depth on everything in the graph, since I’m not sure how relevant the notes on the very minor side characters such as Carla Frazetti are, but I’ll at least try to touch on some of the more relevant points.
To start with, the Battle of Taillte was noted in the 2000’s as being ten thousand years ago, putting that at 8000 BCE. Similarly, the last dome breach at Atlantis was apparently eight thousand years ago in the 2000’s, so that would be 6000 BCE. Troll sideshows were legal in the early middle ages, which implies they were not legal after that. A quick web search says the early middle ages ended around 1000. The first crusades were in 1096-1099, and as those crusades are the start point of the Butler-Fowl working relationship, a point for noting that comes next on the graph.
From there, we get into more modern – relatively speaking – events. Briar Cudgeon and Julius Root are noted as attending the LEP Academy together and being raised in the same tunnel, as well as having about 600 years of history together. If one assumes “being raised in the same tunnel” is similar to the human equivalent of “growing up in the same neighbourhood,” we can assume the two were born roughly 600 years ago, in the 1400’s. Vinyaya is portrayed as being of a similar age to Root, so her birth can also be put in the same general era. We are also told that Fowl Manor was originally a castle built in the fifteenth century, that in the early 2000’s the theories of timeline corruption were first introduced over five centuries ago, and that cloning has been banned for over five hundred years, so those three events are also tossed into the 1400’s.
Julius Root is noted as doing his LEP basic training 500 years ago in Ireland, so that would have to be in the 1500’s. He would have attended the Academy before then, putting that in the mid-to-late 1400’s. As previously stated, he was in the Academy with Cudgeon. Opal also met Cudgeon in college, and competed with Foaly for science prizes there, so they were all in school at the same time.
Mulch now enters the picture. We aren’t ever given a specific age range for him, but we are told about his career. He has, apparently, spent three centuries in and out of prison after a couple centuries of success as a thief. This would make him at least five hundred years old. There is a brief mention that he tried the athletic route at college before becoming a thief, so he would have to be an adult at that point, putting his age at roughly 550 years during the events of the series.
We then enter a period filled in from one-off lines throughout the series, presumably added to give some depth to the world. Things about the wine cellar at Fowl Manor being a seventeenth century addition, Captain Eusebius Fowl and his crew dying in the eighteenth century, and Mulch first faking his own death over two hundred years ago.
Time Marches On: The 20th Century
There is nothing of much relevance to linger on between the 1550’s and the 20th century, so we’ll jump ahead to the 1900’s, when we have Holly Short’s birthday. She is in her eighties during TLC, and her father died “over twenty years ago” when she was “barely sixty” as of TAI. Based on that, she would have been in her early eighties in 2002, putting her birthday sometime in the 1920’s. What a doll.
A few more birthdays now appear, and we’ll ignore, for the most part, some of the irrelevant ones. I don’t think we are at all concerned with Gaspard Paradizo’s birthday, or Mikhael Vassikin. We are, however, rather more interested in Jon Spiro, Domovoi Butler, and Artemis Fowl I.
Jon Spiro enters the series in TEC, as a middle-aged American. A quick search on the Internet says that middle age is generally noted as being between the ages of 40 to 60. We are told that Spiro has worked in three main industries over the past two and a half decades. Additionally, we are told that law enforcement has been “trying to put [him] away for thirty years.” If we assume he entered the working world at twenty, spent five years developing his professional self, and then started going down a path of questionable legality to get the police after him, that would put him at fifty-five in 2003, and born in the late 1940’s.
It was a bit easier to determine Domovoi Butler’s age, and we can get more specific with his actual birthday. We are told that he is forty at the start of TEC, and he is still forty during TOD. From that, we can assume his birthday is not between March – December, which means it has to be between January – March. Now, we can just leave things there, but contextually, Butler says in late March 2003 that “a lot of people know [him] as a forty-year old man.” Since I doubt he’s the kind of person who introduces himself by announcing that his birthday was last week, we can assume that his birthday is not in March. Since about half the books in the series take place in December, and there is never any mention of Butler’s birthday coming up soon, we can likely assume it isn’t in January. We can therefore conclude Butler was born in February, 40 years before 2003, which puts his birth year in 1963.
We then have Artemis Fowl I. This one took the most extrapolation to determine. We know he has run an ethical empire for a few years as of 2007, which coincides with his return to his family after being kidnapped by the Mafia. He apparently ran a successful criminal empire for two decades before that, though, so in 2007 he has been working for at least 25 years. Based on the interactions he had with his own son, I’ve assumed he was also taught to take over the family business from a young age. If he started working at his age of majority at 18 (as possible in the 1980’s in Ireland, based on a web search), we can assume he was born in roughly the mid 60’s.
Billy Kong, born Jonah Lee, is one to touch on. He plays a large role in TLC, during which we are given possibly the most backstory of any villain in the series. He was evidently born in the early 1970’s, and was eight years old in the early 1980’s. Mathematically, that can only lend itself to so many birth years, so it’s easy enough to put his birthdate somewhere in 1973, and his brother’s death date in 1981.
While we’re here, let’s talk about the 1980’s. A lot of things happen in the 80’s, so we’ll be here for a few paragraphs. Butler would have graduated Madam Ko’s Academy in the early ‘80s, Artemis I would have started working in his family’s business and stolen some warrior mummies (of note, the theft is only noted as being in Artemis Sr.’s “gangster days,” but if you are a young, rich criminal, you’d likely commit a wild theft in your early years as opposed to your thirties, which is why this is put in here). Additionally, in the mid 1980’s, Holly graduates the LEP Academy and her mother dies, as noted in TTP when she is contemplating missing three years of her friends lives.
Butler would have started his five-year stint in Russia with an espionage unit in the mid-to-late 80’s, and become a big brother in 1985. Juliet is noted at being four years older than Artemis in AF in 2001, and he is twelve then, making her sixteen at the time. We can extrapolate the month from TEC, wherein she is apparently eighteen when she is called regarding her brother’s apparent death. At the time, we are told what gifts she received for her birthday, implying it was fairly recent. Additionally, Artemis was only thirteen at that time, which would make Juliet five years older than Artemis. If, however, we trust that acolytes at Madam Ko’s start their training on their tenth birthday and get one chance to graduate per year, it would make sense for that one chance to be on their birthday, or within a day or two to allow for as much training time as possible. Since Juliet was in the midst of this one graduation evaluation when she gets the phone call and joins the crew for the March heist at Spiro’s Needle, she’d have to be born in March. (We can also corroborate this with some details from AF: if AF  takes place in mid-September, that would be just after Artemis’s birthday, which puts the 4-year age difference back into play.)
Spelltropy begins for the People in 1987, if it appeared 20 years ago from 2007. Artemis I and Angeline Fowl would get married in 1987. They would have their first child, Artemis Fowl II, in 1989, as calculated by Artemis being twelve during the initial siege of the Manor in December 2001. Artemis II’s grandfather was noted as having been dead for over ten years at that point, and it was mentioned in TEC that Angeline married her husband before he really took over the family business, so those events would likely happen when Artemis was but a baby in 1990.
The ‘90s are a period where a lot of things are happening, but few are particularly important. Spelltropy has a cure found, Minerva Paradizo is born, Juliet begins her bodyguard training and her brother refuses to let her shave her hair. These, and other events in the 90’s, are mostly calculated by math along the lines of “Event A happened X number of years ago,” but since the 90’s was mostly a time of worldbuilding events rather than plot events, we’ll just skim over the specific details.
‘You Are Here’: The 21st Century, and Where The Storytelling Begins
Welcome to the 2000’s! The kick-off point of not only the 2000’s, but also the entire series, is the sinking of the Fowl Star. We aren’t given a specific date for this, but we are given enough information to extrapolate the date. Specifically, in September 2001, in AF, we are told Fowl Sr. has been missing for almost a year. In TAI, in December, we are told he has been missing for almost two years. That does have the potential to have the ship go down in either December or January, so we need to use a bit more details from TAI to make a final determination. Mikhael Vassikin and Kamar were told to dump Fowl’s body in the Kola if he didn’t wake up in “another year,” so they’ve been looking after him for one at that point. Fowl Sr. wakes up two weeks before the deadline, and as noted earlier, the ransom drop for him takes place December 14, after he has been awake for perhaps a week. From that, we can tell that the deadline for “another year” was mid to late December, putting the initial sinking of the Fowl Star in late 2000.
The analysis gets a bit confusing at this point, because 2001 is when future Artemis and Holly join the party via time travel, as well as having their regular selves in the timestream. Essentially, we’ve established the timeline for the events of TTP above, so we know the whole lemur fiasco takes place in March 2001. Artemis wakes up at the end of that book thinking about fairies, which ties in rather neatly to him then dragging Butler across three continents for six false alarms (with an assumed approximate 3 weeks between each jaunt) before striking metaphorical gold in Ho Chi Minh City in September. During their time-traveling, Holly also gets a chance to talk to Root, who wonders why she isn’t in Hamburg, which was noted in AF as Holly’s first major failure as a Recon officer and was nearly preceding the events of AF. The time-traveling would also mean that Opal would have had to harvest her DNA for future diabolical plans before March 2001, when her younger self travels to the future. Since it takes up to two years to grow a clone to adulthood, and her clone has to be ready in September 2003, we are a few months off in the time requirements, but really, for a practice that’s been outlawed for 500 years, I can offer a bit of leeway.
We are now well and truly in the thick of the main events of the series. Most of this will be tied into the initial assessments we made way at the beginning of this essay, where we established when each book occurs. Because of this, we aren’t going to spend time on anything plot-related. However, a brief note on Turnball Root and Artemis’s Atlantis Complex is likely in order. Artemis was, as previously stated, dealing with his return from Hybras and the after-effects of stealing magic during July and August of 2007. His Atlantis Complex, and Turnball Root’s plan to escape the Deeps prison, are in full swing in September of that year. We have a brief note in TAC during the evacuation of Atlantis, that Turnball had, a month before, spied on Artemis and noted his Atlantis Complex developing. Therefore, Artemis’s Complex likely came into play in late July or early August 2007. This is close enough to Artemis’s magic theft to make sense for the deterioration of his mental health, and enough time for Butler to have started to notice something was wrong, as he did. We can therefore assume that Atlantis Complex, at least in the case of magic-stealing humans who have a propensity for time travel and getting involved in supremely complicated and improbable plots, develops relatively quickly.
This leaves just one major discussion point from the last few books: the age of Artemis’s twin brothers, Beckett and Myles. The twins are first introduced at the very end of TLC. They are written as being two during the events of TTP, three during the events of TAC, and four during the events of TLG. Regardless of the time-traveling shenanigans of their elder brother, it is impossible for the twins to age two years in the eight months between Artemis’s return from Hybras in June 2007 and the finale of the series in March of 2008, so we need to look at what makes sense.
Myles has already potty-trained himself, and done so at fourteen months, so they must be at least that old. Their other behaviours would make sense for them to be two in TTP. Diapers are still a part of their lives, and their language and vocabulary fit what a two-year-old would have, at least in Beckett’s case. Since Artemis was surprised by their existence, it doesn’t seem likely that  Angeline would have known she was pregnant, or at least not have told Artemis yet, when he went to Limbo. Ergo, they can’t be any older than two, since (one would hope) Artemis would have noticed his mother’s pregnancy if the twins were any older.
Additionally, in TLG, we know Artemis gave his brother a birthday present, so he had to have been around during the twin’s birthday at least once. With this fact, the twins cannot be born between March – June, which just leaves the question of when are the twins born?
 The most logical answer is February 2005. If Angeline was early on in her pregnancy, say six weeks (which is when most women start noticing symptoms), when Artemis disappeared in July 2004, she wouldn’t necessarily have told him yet. Then, if we assume that since most twin births occur around the 35-week mark, that would math out to having the twins be born in February of 2005. Fast forward, and they would turn one in February 2006, and two in February 2007, which puts them at the correct age for the events of TTP. [One could argue, of course, that a twin pregnancy in an older woman (unfortunately, there is nothing in the series to indicate Angeline’s age) and in a woman already dealing with significant stress could result in a very premature birth, thereby voiding any of this math and leaving the whole question of the twin’s birthday unanswered. However, since I’d rather not subject the Fowl parents to the strife and misery of having one son missing and presumed dead, and their younger children in the NICU with a low survival rate, I’m working with the assumption that the pregnancy was a healthy and normal one.]
The brief comment from Juliet in TAC about the twins being three can be passed off by them being a little over two-and-a-half and Juliet not being around as she is touring in Mexico. By the time TLG takes place, in March of 2008, the twins would have had their third birthday, allowing for Artemis to give Myles his chair as a birthday present, Beckett to be old enough to no longer need diapers, and the behaviours to act more like children than infants. While this doesn’t quite allow for the repeated textual confirmations in TLG that the twins are four, we’ll go with what mathematically makes sense.
That brings us to the end of the timeline! Not everything is touched on in the timeline, and not everything in the books is plotted (we are never given enough context to know Foaly’s or Opal’s birthdates, for instance). But the main events of the Artemis Fowl series are all analyzed, mathematically or logically or textually corroborated, and plotted out, for use or ignoring as personal preference dictates.
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izzy-b-hands · 8 months
Technically now for SFerguson Sunday vs Ferguson Friday, but! The fic I was working on is finally edited to my liking. Will go up on AO3 when I have the spoons for it, but wanted it on here for now at least! Fic is below the cut.
Stealing my description of it from last night bc it actually wasn't terrible lol:
Ferguson/Izzy, au that puts us in the time period of the former's show, with a vague plot that by fucking Ferguson maybe it'll help Jack out of a particularly bad charge that he may or may not have actually done. Also, additional ed/izzy with a final hint of ed/izzy/ferguson 👀.
“I mean, I'll fuck him,” Izzy shrugs. “He's not bad looking. Actually, he looks a bit like m-”
“Don't remind me,” Ed blushes, dropping his head into his hands. “He looks a lot like you. Enough that I asked if he knew you or was related to you.”
“While he was arresting you?”
“Was there going to be a better time?!”
Izzy sighs. “Maybe not. So, what exactly am I convincing him not to do?”
“They let me go because ultimately, they claimed they didn't have enough to prove I was working with Jack and I wasn't worth the paperwork,” Ed replies, lifting his head enough for Izzy to see how miserable he looks. “But Jack is-”
“Oh, Eddie-”
“Come on! You like Jack too! You fuck him nearly as often as I do, at least!”
“Yeah,” Izzy finds he's suddenly all tired sighs, a well of them, seemingly endless. He leans back in his chair, and studies the newspaper clipping photograph of the man. “So I'm meant to waltz into the station, ask for…whoever this is-”
“DCI Ferguson,” Ed interrupts as he raises his head fully and sits up in his chair. “Or Trevor.”
“You get his phone number too?” he smirks, knowing full well that if Ed managed to get a first name out of the man, then he surely got more. 
“Only his office number, but he blushed pretty hard over that, so I didn't want to push it,” Ed pulls a scrap of paper from his trouser pocket and gently moves it across the kitchen table to Izzy. “So actually, you'll call him, set up a meeting to discuss Jack's charges as his acting legal counsel-”
“Jackie is an actual lawyer,” Izzy interrupts as he takes the paper. “Why are we not calling her to deal with this?” 
“Because she'll get him something lesser,” Ed's eyes meet his, and the notes of teasing and flirting drop from his voice. “But we need to get him out. I don't care how, and I'll make sure he lays low or find him somewhere else to stay for a few months elsewhere if need be after, but he can't…”
Ed pauses, voice breaking, breath hitching in his throat. “He didn't do it.”
Izzy moves the paper aside so he can reach over and take Ed's hand. “What did he do?”
“I didn't see it either way, but I know he didn't. I wouldn't lie about this.”
And Ed probably wouldn't. And Izzy doesn't think he's lying now, but if he didn't see whatever happened…that hardly matters. “Ed. What's he charged with?”
“You don't look like legal counsel.”
“You don't look like you should be a cop,” Izzy replies as he strides into the yellow-tinged office. As much trendy colour scheme as effect from the cigarette smoke in the air and the nearly full ashtray on Ferguson's desk. Not that he can judge, and it might benefit him in this circus act he's enacting for Jack's sake.“Do you mind if I-”
Izzy slips his own pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his leather jacket, and gestures. 
Before Ferguson can reply, he's got two out, one held out to the detective in offering. 
“Wouldn't have said no even if you weren't sharing,” Ferguson takes it, his fingertips lingering briefly on Izzy's as he does. “I'm not counting this as a bribe.”
“Who said I was here to bribe you?” 
Ferguson crosses the room to his desk, motioning for Izzy to sit in the chair in front of it. “No one. But I think I've got you and your two friends figured out.”
“Have you?” Izzy settles into the chair, seemingly designed to be the exact opposite of comfortable or ergonomic. “And what have you figured out about us?”
“You're too nice.” There's a flash of flame as Ferguson lights his cigarette, a matchbox already out on the desk. “And that's a shame. You don't need to go down for this just because he's your friend.”
“I don't know that Jack's done anything,” Izzy shrugs, reaching for his own matches in his pocket. “He's an idiot, sure. Makes poor choices, yeah. But murder-”
“I know Mr. Teach claims he saw nothing,” Ferguson interrupts as he exhales smoke across the desk. “And that may well be the case. But even if he didn't see it, someone else may have-”
“May,” Izzy cuts him off, still fumbling for his suddenly hiding matchbook. “May have seen him? So what evidence exactly is he being held on?”
“The dead man's body, and being covered in blood for a start,” Ferguson replies as he walks back around the desk. He leans down, close enough to light Izzy's cigarette with the tip of his own. “And that he was the last person heard in the area per everyone living there that agreed to an interview.”
“You shouldn't be telling me half of this,” Izzy smirks. “Almost makes me think you don't think he did it.”
He takes a drag and watches Ferguson watching him. Leaning back against the desk now, cigarette balanced in his lips, looking entirely too tempting for a cop. 
“That's the bit I definitely can't tell you,” Ferguson smiles as he takes his cigarette from his mouth and walks back around the desk to sit. “But I can say that whatever you're planning to do here, to bribe or convince me to just let him go…you know I can't. And I'll let you walk out of here now, no trouble, no charges, nothing. I can't guarantee that if we start something though.”
“We?” Izzy leans back in his chair, legs stretched out. “Thought I was the troublemaker in this equation. Here to distract you from your…noble duties, to win your favour and-”
It's lucky that the blinds covering the office's internal windows are already pulled closed, and maybe that's why Ferguson moves so fast. Cigarette shoved into the ashtray, then around the desk to lean down and kiss him exactly as roughly as he likes. 
Not every day that someone gets that right on the first try, and it's enticing. “We indeed.”
Ferguson nods, stammering. “I'm not. I shouldn't be doing this. It's not going to get your friend out-”
“I know,” Izzy interrupts gently. “I told Mr. Teach, Ed rather, as much too, if you want to know. He still asked that I come and try.”
He stands up slowly, moving Ferguson with him until he's got him backed up against the edge of the desk. “I think he knows full well it won't work, but we wanted to see how far I'd get.”
“Go lock the door and I'll show you just how far.”
It's later in the day, and the station could be busier than it is. Even so, there's a wonderfully desperate thrill in knowing someone might hear them. 
A desperation that's hard to suppress when Ferguson slows things down, just a bit. Takes his sweet time stripping Izzy of his jacket, the borrowed dark purple t-shirt cut nearly too short by Ed. 
The entire time, seemingly just as desperate in every achingly slow kiss and hickey he presses to Izzy's lips, his neck, his chest-
“Mr. Teach said a lot about you,” Ferguson's voice cuts through the haze Izzy's fallen into. “Mentioned in particular how pretty you look on your kne-”
He doesn't let Ferguson finish the word before he shoves the chair back, and drops to his knees. Mouth open, tongue out, sitting back on his feet. 
“He wasn't lying,” Ferguson murmurs warmly, nodding when Izzy reaches for his belt. 
There's a twinge there, and it nearly throws him off his game for a moment. While he's in here letting a detective fuck his mouth (and more, if they can manage it without alerting anyone else), his cunt getting wetter and cock harder by the minute, Jack's locked up, presuming and hoping he'll be freed soon. 
“Look, if he really didn't do it,” Ferguson sighs softly, a hand reaching down to toy with the earring in Izzy's ear, flicking the silver hoop gently. “Then…it might all work out. I'm not making any promises-”
Izzy lets Ferguson's cock pop from his mouth. “I know, Trevor. I'm not asking you to. And I…I want to think he didn't. I really do.”
Ferguson's hand is cradling his face now, a thumb softly rubbing his cheek. “But you can't say for sure he wouldn't.”
Izzy nods. “Can I go back to sucking you off now? Far less depressing, that, in comparison-”
He's cut off as Trevor pushes his head down, not too roughly, but enough to make him moan. 
“I'll give you two whatever updates I can,” Ferguson murmurs, his fingers twining through Izzy's hair. “Whether I should or not. And I really fucking shouldn't-”
He moans around Ferguson's cock, and suddenly he's back on his feet. 
“I don't have,” Ferguson stammers, peering towards his desk. “I mean, why would I have anything for this in here, but-”
“I've got us covered,” Izzy steps away from him long enough to retrieve the small bottle of lube and the few condoms he'd hidden in his inner jacket pocket. “Figured we might want it.”
“Can I ask you something?” 
He cringes internally, but nods. “You want to know who did the surgery on my chest?”
Ferguson blinks. “I. I suppose I'd wondered, but I didn't mean. I meant to find out if you'd prefer ass or-”
“Oh!” The tension that had filled him deflates as he drops his trousers and leans over the desk. “That's different, kind of you to ask, actually. But any and all holes are up for it if you are. We might not get this chance again soon, so you might as well have most or all of them.”
It's one of the lines he's not had a single man refuse, and it doesn't fail him here. Trevor has him pressed down against the desk, hips moving against Izzy's ass, cock teasing his cunt and ass in turn. 
“That's mean,” he sighs happily as he lets himself lift up and lean back into Ferguson. “I like it.”
“I'd tease you longer,” Ferguson purrs into his ear, leaning close even though Izzy can hear his hands busy with a condom, the telltale crinkle of foil.“But I've another meeting, and she'll be here soon.”
“I'll make sure I don't tire you out completely then, for her sake.”
He chuckles as Ferguson finally slips inside his cunt, hard and warm and already twitching. “Is that really how it is between you and her? Who is she? Another ‘lawyer’ like myself-”
Ferguson thrusts hard, shoving him forward, but a hand reaches around to help hold him up. A mindful one, not messing too much with his top surgery scars, but still tracing gently there now and then as he leans into it. 
“Wouldn't you like to know,” and there's another thrust, paired with a slightly needy moan. “She isn't, as it happens. She has actual credentials-”
“Does she know you're meeting me?”
Izzy can't help but ask. It'll be ten times hotter (and he's already sweating as he fucks himself back on Trevor's cock, in rhythm with him) if it turns out she knows, and knows exactly what they're getting up to as well.
“She does, or she should,” Ferguson's other hand is between his legs, gently teasing Izzy's cock. “Was on our fucking schedule for the day, though not that I'd be doing this with you.”
“Work mates then? Work mates with benefits, rather.”
Ferguson moves a hand, then both, to hold Izzy on his cock, keeping him from moving. 
“Did I strike a nerve?” Izzy teases. “I'm not judging. I've wound up fucking plenty of the people I've worked with too. Nothing wrong with it, as long as everyone is on the same page about it.”
One hand is at Izzy's cock again, rubbing harder, Ferguson's hand slick with how wet Izzy is. He's relentless in it. 
“If I keep asking questions about her,” Izzy pants as he lays on the desk, still trying to fuck himself onto Ferguson’s cock, though he can feel that he's already in deep. “Will you keep doing that?”
“Why don't you find out?”
It's a teasing, warm challenge that has Izzy's thighs shaking. “I wonder if she would help with Jack's case, if she got to watch something like this.”
Trevor groans into his neck, still working Izzy's cock hard, his other hand gripping Izzy's hip tight. 
“Ed and I could come back together,” Izzy continues, trying to ignore his own cracking voice and gasps and moans as he feels himself dripping onto Ferguson’s cock. “As Jack's legal team. Meet up with you and-”
“Denise,” Izzy says softly. “She sounds lovely. You moving your hips would also be lovely.”
“Come for me first,” Trevor murmurs. “I know you're close. I can fucking feel it, jesus christ-”
Izzy nods, focusing on the fantasy taking on a clearer picture in his head. “We meet up with you two here, close the blinds and lock the door and then-”
That pushes him over the edge, coming hard on Ferguson’s cock, a hand hurriedly shoved over his own mouth for the moans he knows he can't quiet or stop. 
“More,” he gasps out when he's got a glimmer of his mind back and his legs under him again, shaky though they are. “Can we-”
“Hang on,” Ferguson slips out of him, and with a chuckle and a huff of breath, gets onto the floor on his back. “If your knees can take it-”
“I'll make them,” Izzy turns from the desk, and gets onto the floor, straddling Ferguson's hips. “Please. I don't even care if you could actually do anything for Jack, I just need-”
It's not that he minds tending towards topping with Ed. He's always joked he was happy to be an emergency top for the people he liked and/or loved best, and Ed is at the top of that list. But it's nice to take a turn on the other side of it, and to let himself be needy and subby on top of it all. 
“I've got you,” Ferguson's hands wander, helping hold Izzy steady as he settles onto his cock. “Good boy.”
“Say it again,” he's begging, and this is a bit pathetic, but at times like these it feels stupid good to grovel. 
“Good boy,” Ferguson mumbles happily, smiling as Izzy bounces and grinds on his cock. “Such a good boy, taking it so deep, making such a mess on me.”
He reaches back carefully, until he can feel the soft, velvety skin of Trevor's balls. “Yeah? Can I come on it again?”
He toys gently with them, adjusting his touch in tune with Ferguson's moans. “Hm? My come dripping down to your balls, making a mess of us both.”
There's the urge to tell him to pause long enough to take the condom off, but he knows better than to risk it. Even if he wants so badly that it makes him ache to feel Trevor coming bare inside of him. 
Coming inside while covered by the condom will have to do though, and at the very least the one they used is thin enough that he can feel most of the twitching and pulsing that feels as good as any thrusting. 
He switches from grinding to bouncing as one of Trevor's hands moves to tease his cock again. “Tell me. Tell me I can come on it.”
Trevor nods, then gasps it out. “Come for me.”
He lets himself go, hands on Ferguson's warm, hairy chest to ground himself as he fucks himself through his orgasm. He can feel Trevor pulsing inside him, though he's stifled his own moans with a hand clapped over his mouth. 
Izzy leans down to lay against him after a moment, whimpering desperately when he feels Trevor slip out of him. “Would I be too forward to ask for your number? Home number, not your office line, in case anyone can listen in on that. Just to keep in touch about Jack, of course.”
Trevor nods in between kisses, hands back at Izzy's hips, holding him close. “And to set up our next meeting. For any…in person updates we might want.”
He's already thinking of Ed in his cunt, and Trevor in his ass, laying across the desk. Utterly boneless and feeling cockdrunk, but happy to move as needed as Trevor rouses and moves about the office. 
There's not really anything to clean up with, but it's not the worst state he's left somewhere public in. And Trevor handles the majority of things: disposing of the condom, tossing Izzy his shirt and jacket, and most importantly, scribbling his phone number on a slip of paper.
“Home number?” Ed plucks the folded paper from Izzy's hand. 
He nods. “He'll be updating us whenever he can. But Jack's not getting out right n-”
“I know,” Ed bumps into him gently, the closest touch they can afford while standing on the sidewalk in front of the station. “But it was worth a try, and even if this one didn't get us anywhere, any future attempts might. Besides, seems like you enjoyed this quite a bit.”
“Next time, he suggested we might both come by to talk about Jack's options,” Izzy smirks as he motions Ed down the sidewalk and into the nearest alley, pondering exactly how well-fucked and messy he must look for Ed to comment on it. There, he can finally, potentially safely kiss him. “As his unorthodox-looking legal counsel-”
Ed smiles into the next kiss. “Think we could sneak the harnesses underneath our clothes without anyone noticing? Probably, almost definitely, yeah? I don't want to somehow make this worse for Jack-”
“I don't think it can get much worse for Jack,” Izzy interrupts. “Short of a conviction and prison. We'll see.”
“You don't think he did it,” Ed's eyes light up. “Wait. Does the detective think he didn't-”
“Tell you more when we get home,” Izzy can feel a set of eyes on them, and sure enough there stands a cop at the end of the alley. A woman, watching, but thankfully not making any moves towards them. Maybe she didn't see the kiss. “I can give you a reenactment of my valiant attempt to free Jack in there, if you're willing to put on a tie and button up to set the mood.”
“Do we own a tie between us?” Ed mutters. “Doesn't matter, I'll put on whatever we have that's closest.”
Izzy keeps an eye on the cop as they walk away, peering back to make sure she doesn't follow. 
She doesn't. But she doesn't turn away either. For a moment, he wonders…Denise? 
But Ed is getting ahead of him. He doesn't dare head back towards her.
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animeomegas · 4 years
Omega!Kaidou Headcanons
Anon:  Ooooh can you do omega kaido hcs?
(Aww, I love Kaidou, he is baby. I just finished all my uni work for the week so I jumped to write this! Enjoy!)
Warnings: N-sfw under cut, mpreg, talk of insecurities.
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Kaidou is quite an insecure omega. Especially as a teenager.
Honestly, he has probably tried to masquerade as a beta before, and wished many times that he was an alpha like his younger brother and sister.
A lot of his façade as the ‘Jet Black Wings’ is a defence mechanism because of his insecurities and him being an omega fuels that.
Kaidou can be wary around alphas he doesn’t know, so it’s likely that you were friends first and romantic a long time afterwards.
When you are finally mates/almost mates, you see a completely different side to Kaidou.
He is incredibly touch starved. He loves cuddles and pets. He’ll take any affection you dish out. He especially loves resting his head on your lap or on your shoulder.
Kaidou wants to be an author when he’s older, and he has never had anyone support his dream. When you offer your support for him, he falls in love with you right then and there. That’s when he knew he wanted you to be his alpha.
His scent is light and flowery, with a hint of citrus.
Kaidou purrs a lot without realising and it always embarrasses him when you point it out. He purrs everytime you scent him, croon, cuddle him, etc. 
Kaidou is a very sweet omega who is a dedicated and loving mate and parent. 
As a teenager, Kaidou never gets to the point where he likes his nest. 
He wants a super cool nest! A combo between a ‘secret lair’ style and a ‘pinterest’ style nest.
He wants a room dedicated to his nest, preferably with a hidden entrance. He wants a super powerful colour scheme with cool posters but he also wants fairy lights and pastel blankets.
Kaidou has lots of cuddly toys but he gets embarrassed about it and won’t admit it. 
In fact, cuddly toys are his favourite courting gifts to receive, but he will always pretend that he think toys are for little kids, but you can see how tightly he cradles the toy, and if you scent the teddy first, you can even hear him purring. 
As an adult, Kaidou really wants his dream nest, but he feels guilty spending so much money on it. It’s up to his alpha to encourage him. 
When he has pups, they think his nest is the coolest thing ever, and they tell all the other kids at school because it has a hidden door! And beanbags! And a mini fridge! And it’s way better than your omega parent’s nest!!
Kaidou is very protective of his nest. He only lets you and his pups inside. No one else. He doesn’t even like when someone figures out where it is in his home.
This causes some conflict because he would love to give birth in his nest, but he would never be able to invite a midwife or doctor inside. 
You clutched a small bat plushie in you hands as you walked into your classroom. You had bought it for Kaidou on a whim yesterday on your way home from school. This was hardly the first time you had given him a courting gift, but this was the first one that had your scent on it. 
“Holy shit.” You whispered to yourself. “You can do this, don’t be nervous.” 
You saw Kaidou immediately. He was sitting on top of his desk, chatting with Hairo and Nendou. You huffed. You would have preferred him to be alone but you guess that couldn’t be helped now.
“Hey, Shun...” You started, awkwardly sliding up beside him.
He startled slightly, a blush settling on his cheeks.
 “Oh! Hey... Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I, um.” You pulled the bat toy out of your pocket, shoving it vaguely in his direction. “This is for you.”
Kaidou gently took it from your hands, eyes wide. He turned it over, running a finger over the fake fangs. You saw the moment he realised you had scented it. He looked up at you in shock before turning and sniffing absentmindedly at the toy, purrs beginning to sneak out. 
You puffed up in pride. Watching your intended mate accept and enjoy your gift with such fervour filled your heart with joy. 
“HA HA!” Interrupted Nedou. “Kaidou’s purring!”
The purrs stopped immediately, Kaidou turned bright red, shoving the toy into his bag. 
“I AM NOT! Shut up!”
The two began to bicker, Nedou laughing over Kaidou’s agressive denial. 
You were vaguely embarrassed that Kaidou’s friends had seen you give him a courting gift, but mostly you were pleased by his acceptance of your first serious courting gift. Giving someone your scent to put in their nest was a big deal after all.
Family + pups
When you decide to court Kaidou, he will try and keep you as far away from his mother as he can. Unfortunately, this doesn’t last long, because his mother just orders him to bring you over and he can’t say no to his terrifying alpha mother.
Kaidou is unbelievably nervous throughout the whole meeting. He knows his mother will order him to end the courtship if she doesn’t approve.
His mother’s opinion depends a lot of how well spoken, intelligent and ambitious Kaidou’s intended alpha is.
If you have good grades, can match her successfully in conversation, and are preparing to apply to a good university, she will adore you. 
(it’s best just to lie if you aren’t those things).
Kaidou’s mother is a very hands on grandparent when the time comes. She always take your pup(s) when Kaidou is in heat and you in rut. She also helps pay for tutors and arranges academic help for all her grandchildren.
Kaidou wants at least one pup but no more than three pups. 
He is such a sweet parent. 
He never, ever makes fun of his pups. He always treats their problems seriously and loves them for who they are.
He’s the kind of parent who jumps at the opportunity to support his kids hobbies. Writing, martial arts, painting, cooking, whatever they love, he makes sure they can do it. 
Kaidou makes an excellent stay-at-home parent. He loves spending time with his pup(s) and working on writing the book he wants to write.
Family cuddles are a scheduled weekly event. He is distraught if, when his pups get older, they don’t partake in the family cuddles every week.
It took Kaidou quite a few tries to get pregnant, and he ended up getting very stressed about it, thinking something was wrong with him. Luckily, it eventually happened for you both. 
When he was pregnant, Kaidou didn’t have many symptoms, but he was very tired and hungry all the time. 
He needed help to do most things because he was so tired, but he felt like a burden, so didn’t ask for help. This changes in his second pregnancy (if he has one). He needs to have help with your other pup(s) when he’s pregnant because he’s too tired to look after them fulltime.
It would make more sense for you to wait until your first pup was in school before trying for a second one, just to take the pressure off of Kaidou somewhat.
The night’s peace was broken by a tentative knock at your bedroom door. You startled slightly, starting to sit up, Kaidou also stirring in your arms. The door handle turned slowly, the silhouette of you oldest son was revealed, along with the quiet sound of sniffling.
Before you could even process what you were seeing, Kaidou had yanked himself out of your arms and thrown himself towards your crying pup. 
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Kaidou panicked, hands flitting over your pup as if to check for injuries. 
“Nightmare.” Your pup whined, beginning to sob and he held his arms out for a hug. 
Kaidou whined with him, quickly and firmly pulling him into his embrace. Kaidou then stood up, cradling your pup in his arms, rocking him back and forth. 
“Why don’t you sleep with us tonight, pup?” You said, voice still heavy with sleep, gesturing for Kaidou to get back into bed. It was freezing after all.
Kaidou didn’t need any more prompting and slipped back under the covers you were holding up for him. As he settled down, your pup quickly grabbed at your shirt, holding it tightly in his fist. You brushed your hand over his tiny one before settling your hand on his back, rubbing up and down to help soothe him. You could no longer see his face (it was buried in your mate’s chest), but you could still hear his sniffling. 
“What was your nightmare about, sweetheart? Must have been scary, huh?” You asked as Kaidou began scenting the top of your son’s head. 
“Yeah. W’s scary.” Came the muffled voice of your pup. 
In lieu of a reply, you pulled both him and Kaidou more closely against your chest. 
“Nothing can happen while you’re here with us, okay. You’re safe.” You kept rubbing his back as he finally started to settle. Eventually, his breathing evened out and he relaxed fully against you and Kaidou, his grip on your shirt loosening. 
“I feel so useless when he has nightmares.” Kaidou admitted, breaking the hush. “I can’t protect him from them.”
You shifted slightly to look him in the eye. 
“You’re protecting him right now, my love. This is what he needs from you and you’re so good at it. You’re such a good parent, Shun.” Kaidou blushed faintly.  “I fall in love with you all over again everytime I see you with our pups.”
Kaidou smiled slightly, resting his head against your shoulder. 
“I just want him to be happy.” 
“I know.” You replied, placing a kiss on his head. “Me too.” 
You started to drift off to sleep as silence descended on the room. 
“Thanks.” Kaidou murmured. 
Too tired to reply, you squeezed him lightly with your arms. It saddened you that your amazing parent of a mate still felt insecure four years into parenthood, but you were just going to have to keep telling him otherwise until he started to see himself as you saw him. 
N-SFW under cut (ft. Slightly!Older!Kaidou)
Kaidou always, always needs after sex cuddles. It helps relax him, quiet his insecurities and is equally as enjoyable as the sex in his opinion.
Kaidou is a big subby baby, and he needs cuddles for his aftercare or he can feel very rejected.
Do you remember the episode where Kaidou came last in every event of the physical fitness test, but came first in flexibility? Kaidou is extremely flexible and he loves to show it off in bed. He’s very proud of all the positions he can bend into. 
Kaidou loves dressing up in lingerie. He feels pretty and confident when he’s wearing lace lingerie. He looks best in pastel blue (it matches his hair), but honestly, he pulls off all pastel shades very well.
Along a similar vein, Kaidou finds it very embarrasing but very hot to look at himself in the mirror while you have sex. It requires a lot of praise though, as he can be quite insecure.
In heat, Kaidou is absolutely shameless. He will beg and plead and whine and nuzzle you to get you into his nest with him. 
Kaidou is weak to hickeys on his neck, especially around his scent glands. He doesn’t give many hickeys, but he is prone to leaving scratch marks on your back and shoulders. 
This man is very sensitive in a lot of areas. His nipples and the inside of his thighs are very soft and particularly sensitive.
He hates pain though. He is neither a masochist nor a sadist and thinks that pain has no place in love making. 
Kaidou likes a little bit of roleplay but he’s way to embarrassed to bring it up. You have to wait until you’ve been in a relationship with him for years before he feels comfortable enough to bring it up. He is interested in teacher/student and master/slave style roleplays. He enjoys playing the part of someone else, because it makes him feel more comfortable in embracing his sexuality outside his heat. 
“I’m-I’m coming out now. Don’t laugh, okay?”
You shook you head fondly. 
“I’m not going to laugh at you, baby. You always look gorgeous, don’t forget that.”
The bathroom door opened and Kaidou shuffled out, clad in the new pastel blue lingerie set you had ordered for him last week. 
You lost your breath just looking at him. 
He was wearing sheer knee socks with little bows, held up by the garter belt sitting snugly on his waist. On top, he was wearing a lacy bralette, completely see through of course. Your favourite piece however, was undoubtedly the little blue panties. You could see the fabric bulging, straining against his erection. Looking a little closer, you noticed a small damp spot. You grinned. For all his complaining, he certainly enjoyed this a lot. You haven’t even touched him yet. 
Kaidou shifted under your hungry gaze, feeling a little like your prey. He shivered at the thought. 
You moved to kneel on the ground before him, pressing wet, open mouth kisses over his thighs and tummy. Kaidou steadied himself by gripping onto your shoulders. You could feel his nails making small grooves in your skin. 
When you reached his chest, you began to suck and bite at his nipples through the lacey fabric, delighting in his moans and whimpers. He was always so sensitive for you. 
“So beautiful.” You panted, breathing heavily against him. 
“M’ not. Not beautiful.” Kaidou denied, eyes clenched shut.
You growled in response, biting him lightly on the shoulder. 
“Don’t you dare. You’re breath-taking, Shun. Stunning. Gorgeous. Perfect.” You emphasised every word with a suck or a bit on his neck. You wouldn’t stop until he learnt to love himself as much as you loved him. 
“Okay, baby, get on the bed. We have a long night ahead.” You made a point to crash your hips into his.  “I’m going to show you how beautiful you are.”
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Mischief and Teaching
(or "teaching mischief"?)
Summary: You have a natural talent for Seidr, the magic of the nine-realms. When your powers grow out of every teacher's control, your parents seek help at the palace. Will you find a teacher?
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Word count: 1.7k (God, I was so worried I would end up with more than the word count allowed, but I thankfully managed. Phew)
Warnings: 18+ even though there's nothing for this. All my work and my blog is 18+, Minors dni. Apart from that, there's a lotta fluff and humor in this one.
Author's note: This is my first submission for @syntheticavenger's 5K Follower Celebration "How it started - How it's going" Challenge! It's a really cool drabble challenge. Find the post about it here and check it out.
The prompt I received was: "Loki/'Magician's' Assistant'"
Now, I admit that had a lot of smutty potential but for once in my life my brain decided to go down the funny, fluffy road instead of the angsty, smutty one. There's gotta be a first time for everything, huh?
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How it started:
“No, mother. I don't have the need for an assistant and neither do I want one. I work best alone,” Loki said, voice tight as he tried to keep his tone polite but firm.
But Frigga kept nagging. She wouldn't be the Queen of Asgard if she gave up simply because someone had told her no. Looping her arm through Loki's she pulled him close to her side as they walked through the corridors of the palace.
“She wouldn't be only your assistant. You would also be her teacher,” she replied and steered him down a wide hall, smiling politely at the Lords and Ladies passing them.
“I don't have the desire to teach anyone. I'm certain she can find someone to teach her elsewhere,” he dismissed.
“I'm not telling you to commit to anything just yet. I merely want you to meet her. She and her parents travelled all the way to the palace to request our help in this matter,” his mother said in an attempt to appeal to him.
Loki sighed, barely keeping his eyes from rolling back in his skull in annoyance.
This girl his mother kept talking about was the daughter of a lowly Lady and her wife. They came from the furthest branches of Yggdrasil all the way to the golden palace just for an audience with the queen.
Frigga was widely known for her magical powers, so she was the first person the family turned to. People rarely requested audiences with the Queen. Usually it was Odin who attended to any matters brought to him by the Asgardian citizens.
Loki felt a spark of satisfaction at the thought of Odin's irritation when someone asked specifically to see Frigga and not him. He was so entitled to his position of Allfather and King of the nine worlds, he couldn't wrap his head around the possiblity that he wasn't all-knowing and not fit for every task.
It was that brief moment of petty joy over his father's irritation that made Loki reconsider his options. Sure enough he was known for his magical powers, even if not as renowned as Frigga. But either way, it gave him something he could hold over Odin's head, something he was able to do neither the old man nor his golden haired brother could.
This opportunity might open up new doors for him in the future and help him build his reputation to, in the end, rise above Odin and his childish ploys or Thor and his brute strenght.
“Fine, I will agree to meeting her, nothing else,” Loki gave in. His lips twitched into a little smile when Frigga smiled up at him widely and squeezed his arm with hers.
“That is all I wanted to hear. I am certain you will like her,” his mother said cheerily and pulled him along into the direction of the potion room where she had told the girl to wait with Thor to keep her company.
“Tell me what I have to know about her, mother. I want to know who I am talking to before I face her,” Loki said just as they rounded another corner and drew closer to the room the girl and his brother were waiting in.
“The girl's mothers are Ladies of lower nobility. Their daughter always seemed to have an affinity for Seidr, but the last years her powers grew and became harder to control. They tried to find teachers to help her, but no one could handle the extent of her powers. They were at their wit's end and the last resort they could think of was the palace. They hoped to find help here, so they came and requested an audience to explain their situation,” Frigga informed him.
“So she's powerful? How powerful exactly?” Loki asked, diggign deeper to get all the information out of his mother he could.
“Powerful, yes. You'll see for yourself. But she's inexperienced. Not one of her teachers could keep her contained for long. She needs someone who is able to hold a candle to her and I daresay you are fit for the job,” his mother answered before finally stopping in front of the room the girl was waiting inside.
You heard voices outside the door and started to panic.
The room was a mess, potion ingredients strewn across the floor, broken vials and furniture scattered in the whole room. Your magic was nervously swirling around and inside you, waiting to be used, to help, but unable to because you didn't know how.
“My Lady!” Thor boomed in front of her, his voice nasally and laced with panic. He was sitting on a small stool, his huge frame curled on top of the tiny piece of furniture. “Fix this, quickly! Before they see and-”
His words were cut off by the creak of the double doors.
Silence filled the room and you turned around slowly, face growing hot as you saw the other Prince and the Queen taking in the mess. Their gazes simultaneously moved from their surroundings to you and you cleared you throat as you curtsied awkwardly.
“Your highness, my prince,” you greeted them and then continued to introduce yourself. Maybe you could salvage the situation with your more or less decent manners. But before you could set off to a lenghty apology, Queen Frigga tilted her head to the side and tried to get a look at her blonde son hiding behind you as much as his broad frame allowed it.
“Thor? What in Asgards name are you doing hiding behind our guest? Step up and explain what caused this chaos,” she demanded, her voice not allowing any protest.
You stiffened when you heard Thor get up from the stool and step next to you. You could see him in your periphery and had do bite your cheek to keep from breaking into laughter. Keeping your gaze carefully trained on the pair standing in front of you, you waited for someone to break the stretching silence.
What you saw as you watched the pair surprised you.
Frigga's lips curled up into a smile and she quickly reached up her hand to hide the curve of her mouth behind her palm. The Prince was staring at his blonde brother, lips slightly parted and eyes wide. Then his lips, too, curled up into a smirk, but unlike Frigga he didn't bother to hide it.
“I, uhm... I was just curious and wanted to see what she could do, so we...well,” Thor stuttered trailing off when Loki started chuckling and Frigga cleared her throat in an effort to conceal her laughter. She looked at you and nodded, giving you permission to talk.
“Well, your highness,” you started, laying out your words in a way that would shift most of the blame to Thor. “Prince Thor was curious about my magic, as he said himself and asked me to show him what I was able to do. I declined politely, knowing I am not fully the master of my Seidr but he kept nagging me and gave in. It would be rude to deny a Prince, I thought. So I tried my best, I really did, but... I didn't go that well.”
“Obviously,” Loki stated, gesturing vaguely at his brother whose head at this point had turned crimson. It clashed horribly with the bright purple trunk that grew where his nose was supposed to be and dangled down all the way to his navel. The gigantic elephant ears sprouting from his head not all too unsimilar to the wings of his helmet were of the same vibrant colour.
The raven-haired Prince eyed you closely, his eyes narrowing a fraction. You did your very best to keep the amusement off your features, because really, Thor was just asking for it. He kept nagging you, getting on your nerves until you gave in and gave him a little show of your powers. It's not your fault you couldn't fully control them.
Despite trying very hard to look apologetic, you were sure Loki saw through right your facade going by the almost imperceptible upturn of his lips. He turned to his mother and nodded.
“I'll do it,” he said firmly and unhooked his arm from hers to approach you. He bowed down a little and reached out to take your hand. Bringing it to his lips, he brushed a soft kiss to it and smiled charmingly.
“It is very nice to meet you, My Lady. I have heard of your search for a worthy teacher. I am all too happy to offer you my services as your teacher and master,” he said pompously and you suppressed the urgle to giggle bashfully.
“It would be my pleasure to be your student,” you replied with a smile.
Loki nodded, more to himself than you and said, “You will make for a fine student and an even better assistant. I am sure of it.”
How it is going:
“Quick now! We have to be ready when he appears,” Loki called to you from the other side of the corridor.
You ducked into an alcove and got into position, sticking your head around the corner to give Loki a signal that you were ready. He did the same and then mirrored your movement, silently molding back into the alcove and cloaking his figure with an invisibillity spell he had taught you early on.
The two of you waited, hearts beating faster as excitement took you over, mixed with gleeful anticipation. Your Seidr twisted and twirled under your skin, almost making you vibrate with the contained power. And this time, you knew how to use it to your advantage, how to make it obey your commands and aid you in your often mischievous schemes.
'He's coming' Loki's voice sounded in your head and mere moments later you, too, heard the loud stomp of Thor's steps followed by his entourage of warrior friends.
You smiled gleefully.
'Let's turn him into a real elephant this time'
Loki's chuckle echoed in your thoughts.
'Shall we make him green?'
And again, congrats on 5K! That is such a huge achievement and you definitely deserve it, seeing how hard you work for it through all that content and amazing stories <3
'I'll leave that to you. I am open for anything. A pretty pattern would hurt either' you replied and then shifted into a more alert stance when Thor came closer. Your Seidr spiked with your excitement and when Thor reached the mark you and Loki had agreed on, you got to work.
There you go, my first entry! I hope you like it @syntheticavenger, it was a delight to write, hehe. 
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speedypandaweasel · 3 years
Loki Angst (3.5K Words)
Ever since Loki Ep 4 came out, I've been having a strong Maladaptive daydream to the ending credits song. So in true fashion, I'm going to write it here. Enjoy.
When reading, this story is in no way accurate to whats happened in the series so far, this was purely out of my imagination.
Song Inspiration - If You Love Me by Brenda Lee
Asgard's golden walls glistened proudly with streamers and its pillars blossomed with decorative flowers and fruit. The floor must have been cleaned until someone's fingers bled because when you looked down from the higher floor, you couldn't make up your mind as to which side of the arriving guests was the reflection. The small congregation was accompanied by floating champagne glasses and flowing fabrics of satin and silk, their laughs and high-class conversations wafted through the halls as you watched on in awe.
You knew you weren't exactly a part of this society, let alone this world, but you wanted to at least experience something like this. Watching from afar, you still needed to get changed into your dress for tonight. As for Loki and Sylvie, you hadn't seen them, so you wandered through the long hallways on your own.
Whilst wandering past small fruit and nut bowls displayed in the marble corridors, you thought as to what was happening between your two friends. Things had subtly changed between the three of you and even though they did their best, you knew something had happened between them. They would hopefully tell you though since you had known Loki ever since you could remember, and the thought of him keeping you out in the cold on a secret sent shivers up your spine. Sure, people can keep things to themselves but this felt - different, it put a strain on your friendship and you had the thought that maybe it was your fault that they became distant from you. Did you say something or do something that they weren't a fan of? You didn't like to think like that but it felt like your only option.
You pushed open your door and closed it behind you, making sure to lock it. The cold summers breeze met your face as you drifted over to the small window overlooking the wonderful scene that was graciously displayed below you. Accompanied by the royal gardens, you breathed in a sigh, as your eyes settled on the stars that trickled over Asgard like glitter on a golden trophy, and made sure to capture every single feature the Realm happened to have. You felt like you were home, yet your brain knew that you weren't. The reminder: The Bifrost. It sat in the very distance, its attention gravitating towards you like a persistent magnet, propelling you to come back to your true home and yet, you continued to push back, making sure you stayed here a little longer, just to see things out.
All the while, your hands sneaked their way to your neck, fiddling with a necklace that Loki gave you from your younger years. It became a habit of yours when you were worried about something, and the mischievous scamp had caught you out on it a few times, which then lead you to spill every worry out in front of him. He practically knew everything that you were afraid of and you were secretly proud to say that you knew things about Loki even Thor didn't know about. You two had a lot of history together and you couldn't imagine it any other way, but it wasn't until later that the two of you became a trio. Sylvie was a nice person but the resemblance of her next to Loki was oddly similar, and you still hardly knew anything about her - even to this day. But Loki seemed comfortable around her and when he was happy, you were. The three of you had a lot of fun together and tonight was going to be one of them again, having fun and messing around with anything you could get your hands on. It would probably be the fruit or Odin's staff like last time.
Contemplation was caught short when you heard a knock at the door. You tucked the necklace in your shirt, slid the window shut and closed the curtain. Walking over to the door, you opened it to a smiling Sylvie. Her black outfit was muddy all over and her hair was frazzled, yet her face held the joy of a child which was a new look on her.
Inviting her in, she strode in and sat on your bed, the clean mattress became mucky as her boots trailed in mud from outside. Her stubborn demeanour had dropped and she was talking about something that you didn't quite understand. You stopped her mid-sentence as you calmed her down, telling her to breathe slowly in and out. This was completely new and unrehearsed between the two of you as she started to wind down.
"Is this what you're wearing tonight?" She asked, "It looks nice" stroking the gown carefully.
"Thanks" You replied "Are you going tonight?"
"Yes, I am."
"Awesome! We can get up to all sorts of things tonight! We can steal the fruit, tip some hard liquor into the drinks, or maybe we could-"
"Actually, I don't feel like doing that type of stuff tonight" Sylvie interrupted you this time. "Could we have just one normal night? Like civilly?"
You were taken back. She had never said no to mischief before. This became strangely scary for you. Is this the same Sylvie you knew? She seemed so... mature.
"Oh, oh ok. That's fine." You said. "You better go and get dressed! You definitely need to go and have a bath!" You laughed.
Leading her to the door again, you let Sylvie pass through. An uneasy feeling settled as you watched her float down the hallway, the same grin plastered on her face.
What was going on with her? And where was Loki? He should be in the Palace by now? He was probably with Odin, or Thor letting guests in.
You turned back to face your room and walked towards your long vanity. Its clean mirror and your makeup kit sat proudly upon it, eagerly ready to be used. Sitting down at the station, applying your makeup routine always made you feel like you were going to a grand ball. Well, you were, but the feeling of actually going made butterflies break that pit in your stomach. You gazed at your own reflection, one of a goddess staring back at you. It was one of those surreal moments when you felt like the baddest bitch of them all, feeling like no one could ever stop you from doing anything.
The gown you had picked out slipped off the hanger pricelessly as you delicately slipped it on. Its expensive fabric clasped your figure elegantly as you zipped up the back, making extra sure that it didn't snag on anything. The makeup was wonderfully done and the hair was styled on your head just so, but there was one thing missing.
You untucked the necklace and layed it on top. Perfect.
Doing a small twirl with your heels on, you stood in front of the closets' large mirror for a minute, taking in your gorgeous outfit for the night. Tonight was the night you felt like a princess.
You grabbed your clutch as you glided out of the, now dim hallway. The main light now coming from the grand hall as it coaxed you its way, making your gown glisten with its warm appeal.
Finally basking in its glory, you peered down at the fully decorated hall. So many people had gathered as you watched on again, spotting Odin and Thor right below you, yet no sign of the other God. You stayed up the higher floor, weaving through the bannisters to see if you could catch a glimpse of the green cape. The orchestra played beautiful symphonies as you swayed on from above, fiddling with the golden chain. You slowly got carried away by the addicting melody as you glided down the grand staircase, blending in with the Asgardian crowd. People were beginning to look at you with admiration and smiles started to appear in front of you. You embarrassingly smiled and nodded back, trying to fit in with the night greetings.
You reached your hand onto a passing wine glass tray as you stepped to the outskirts of the crowd, allowing your heated face to cool and your breathing to slow. It had only been a couple hours and you were already flustered. But where were Loki and Sylvie?
You squeezed your way back through the large assembly as you crept up the stairs once more, getting slightly worried as to where the two were.
"There she is!" A familiar face grinned.
You turned and met with the face of Loki, his hair gelled back and that all too familiar smirk brought a chuckle to your lips. He stood at the top of the staircase, dominating the space around him. People had started to notice the young God positioned above them and started to utter whispers and occasional glances.
Your eyes studied his features like a book. The Emerald and Gold colour scheme never seemed to fade on him and his cape shadowed behind his tall and broad shoulders courageously like it always did. The addicting cologne lulled you into a warm embrace, his arms wrapped around you shallowly. Loki never was one for hugs but he didn't mind breaking his "reputation" for you. The gesture ended too soon as Loki scanned the grand room, his daring eyes searching for something. He turned to you.
Mischief chuckled. his eyes filled with amusement. "I should think so, she should be fine this evening, however."
"Have you seen Sylvie? I need to speak with her?"
"Uh, no I don't sorry, but she was acting a little strange earlier today. She was all smiley and a little too happy. Is everything alright with her?"
You nodded, taking his words with a pinch of salt.
"Speak of the lady." You muttered.
Sylvie glided up behind him and suddenly, everything went mute. Nothing but the sounds of your heartbeat entered your ears as you stared. The crisp sound of the orchestra was now muffled and guests discussions became mute. Your breathing shallowed yet you continued to stare.
Eternity flew by in a matter of seconds as you looked at your two friends before you.
Both were wearing Gold and Emerald. Sylvie's long dress complimented Loki's cape and boots and around what was around her slender neck was the cherry on top of this momentous cake.
You looked down at your hands that went to a necklace. All of its meaning had now been transferred to the new owner.
Everything had slotted together. Why Sylvie was smiling so much, Loki's mysterious absences, his short discussion, their secretive behaviour.
The noise came flooding back into your ears once more, making your eyes water. The chattering and clinking of glasses recentered you.
"Is everything alright?" Loki questioned. His arm now linked with Sylvie's, her face displayed the same curiosity.
Your mouth uttered something, yet nothing tumbled out. Instead, your body forced you to turn around and walk.
You walked. Just walked. Walked as far away as you possibly could. Your shoes took you further and further away from the Hall and outside to the gardens. More tears started to fall as you stupidly peered through one of the Palace's windows.
Your stained eyes met with the crowd making room for the event you didn't want to witness, yet couldn't help but watch. It made way for your two friends starting the evening. The urge to pull your eyes away from the situation unfolding became numb. You stood still as Loki took the small of Sylvie's back proudly as they began to waltz, the cushioned sound of the strings and flutes echoed outside as they floated around the room, their eyes never left one another's. Your body became weighted but you knew that one final flick would send you crumbling. Your hands clenched into fists and you couldn't do anything about it.
Loki looked so happy. Still, you weren't. Perhaps it was better for this to happen. They didn't fully know how you came to be in Asgard and thinking it through thoroughly, you didn't want to tell them, not now.
The God of Mischief never looked so proud to be in the centre of the crowd like this, so to keep this secret from you made your heart ache with either pride or betrayal, you couldn't make up your foggy mind.
The Hall became absent of one guest as they slowly walked into the gardens. The stillness of the night's air felt nice against your bare skin and the flowers bloomed gloriously around you. The tall shrubbery loomed over you, blocking out nearly all of the Palaces' light, but you couldn't escape the moon's view.
You strolled in and out of the beds, touching every delicate bulb that you passed. Relishing in its dainty scents, your path came to end with a wooden bench. Its worn planks provided support as you perched on it, resting your killing feet.
Now, what do you do? It was clearly evident that they were fine without you and to be completely honest with yourself, you knew the time to leave this world was drawing nearer and nearer.
The thought of leaving everything behind caused you to break down properly this time, that awful feeling of disgust and hurt pounded at your stomach as your throat was caught on itself.
The night's sky helplessly observed as the air blew colder and colder, the moons light leaving as you trailed back slowly.
Silent sobs resounded off the Palaces back stairwell and to your guest door. Heavy footsteps sounded on the damp carpet as the priceless dress was shrugged off, flopping on the floor lifelessly. The smudged makeup was wiped off and the styled hair was ruffled once more. Silence.
A piece of scroll and a quill were picked up and written on, the scratches of ink were all that could be heard in the small bedroom. Still, no words could be mustered.
A luggage bag was lifted from the top of the closet as t-shirts, jeans and essentials were folded neatly and zipped up. A sniffle was collected.
The open letter was placed on the bed and with a tearful kiss, so was the necklace.
"Thank you for letting me stay, but now I need to leave." A weak voice was finally projected.
The hurt walked down the hallway and back into the Palaces Grand Ball. It walked through the marble pillars, passed the infamous throne and out of the doors.
"Would you like me to carry your bag?" A smooth voice asked.
You whipped your head around to see Heimdall. Of course, he knew what you were doing. The man positioned himself humbly, his uniform reflected the warm lighting come from inside.
"Go and have one more look, I shall meet you at the Bridge."
You gave him a small smile and walked back to the large doors. You lingered in the doorway, eyeing the many guests and savouring the memories that were fading fast.
The vision fell on the young couple that were at the very far end of the room, They were talking to some of the guests, actually socialising. They looked so happy together, his hand draped around her like it was always meant to do that. Her eyes beaming with pride as she glanced up at him only made you cement your choice.
You smiled.
You took yourself on a little tour around the public square, seeing the many beautiful pictures of people houses, lavish fountains and well-kept marble streets. Each of its precisely cracked lines etched in gold, eventually directed you to the edge of the idyllic city. You laughed as you spotted the overly known spots the three of you used to meet at. You walked over to the tree as you looked on fondly at the permanent markings on its trunk. Your head lifted up to prevent an emotional collapse, you didn't want to make this harder than it should be, yet you were all the same.
Hours became minutes and you spotted Heimdall at the bridge, your suitcase grasped in his hand. Just one more time.
You made your final view on Asgard, from the Palace at the back from the small houses and shops at the front. Everything looked so much larger than from your bedroom window.
"Are you ready?" Heimdall said and offered his arm.
You chucked as you accepted, grandly strolling down the bridge to the Bifrost. The array of colours danced below you as Heimdall unexpectedly spun you around politely. His chuckle filled the air as you joked around on your way, forming even more moments that your heart desperately wanted to cling to. The evening's glitter shone above the both of you, customising spotlights on the two trying to make this special night one to remember.
"I am going to miss you Mid- Guardian."
"I'm gonna miss you too Heimdall."
The Biofrost expanded bigger and bigger until it was practically on top of you both. Your dance ceased to a stop as the gatekeeper placed a soft kiss on the top of your hand.
Footsteps bounced off the hollow walls as the two of you walked inside the orb. The cold interior made you shiver as your infinite time was now mere seconds.
"After you Heimdall" you laughed, trying to hold back tears that were starting to erupt again.
"Thank you, but before I forget, may I request you do something." He said. "Do you mind turning around?"
Confused, you obliged. Turning around, Heimdall's cold hands came to the back of your neck and left just as swiftly.
You stared down, your tired eyes widening.
"Heimdall how do you have thi-"
You spun back around but didn't come face to face with Heimdall.
You froze, paralysed to the spot as your breathing sharpened.
Your bags thudded to the Bifrosts floor and you crashed into him, your hands grabbed at his cloak as you sobbed into his leathered outfit. He dropped to his knees and pulled you in closer, his face burrowed into the crook of your shoulders. The jet black hair was becoming ungelled as the two of you stayed in that hug for a long time. His breathing became shallow and your shoulder was becoming damp. You pulled the hug in, infinitely closer, desperately not wanting to let him go. Your mind was scraping back at the fleeting moments as your exit grew bigger and bigger, applying pressure on top of the emotional wreckage to part ways.
Alas, you sadly tore away from one another, looking directly into one another's eyes, his green ones pierced into yours, pleading you to stay. Nonetheless, you both knew that couldn't be the case.
"I could stay here with you, you know"
"You know that can't happen Mid-Guardian. It pains me that you must leave. We have caused a lot of mischief together and I am so proud of the person you have become, even if you were under my influence." He choked, tears forming in his eyes. Your hand cusped his jawline, your thumb dragged along his cheek and to his eyes. His skin was made of pale velvet. His yearning tears were smoothed away from his eyes as he breathed out a shaky sigh.
You both dragged back yourselves up to your feet, his taller shadow looking down on you. He slowly picked up and passed you your luggage as you both locked eye contact for one last time.
He knew he had to let you go but for once in his life, this was the hardest goodbye he had to be a part of. You meant so much to him and the way he behaved tonight finally made him realise that no matter what he did or who he met, no one would be able to make him feel or experience anything like this the way you did, not even Sylvie.
"Don't forget me Loki."
"Oh my Dear, I won't be forgetting you for a very long time." He gave you a grin before wiping his eyes once more. "Now go and make some more mischief down on Mid-Guard for me."
You placed a sensitive kiss on his cheek as you edged closer to the Bifrosts vacuum. You turned around to admire the God of Mischief once more, a small tear leaked from your red face again.
Loki gave you a wink and then soon he wasn't there anymore.
Loki stood there painfully as you were soon out of sight, his mind racing with everything he should have said that never escaped his mouth.
He peered at the Bifrost that had now shut, hoping that for some miraculous reason that you would return, as his hand ran through his tousled hair. His breath became ragged once more as his knees buckled, his white-knuckled fists slammed into the floor, the impact caused the portal to shake slightly. If he didn't behave like such an arse hole tonight, maybe things could have turned out differently. how long did you know that you had to leave him one day?
His unanswered questions marinated as he regrettably crawled back to his feet and trudged back towards the festivities, his cape dragged behind him heavily. His bottled emotions made his blood boil as he let out a singular scream, cascading into the dark void of the Realm.
But if he loved you, then he had to let this happen.
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shooting-starry · 3 years
Trust me. Love me. Shoot me.
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Atsumu Miya x female reader
Summary: Atsumu finds himself with a young woman who is more that what she seems.
A/n: I honestly don’t know how to write fight scenes but I tried my best! Please support me by giving my any suggestions on fight scenes cuz I low key suck :O( any who, please dont repost, but feel free to reblog or like!
Y/n= your name
L/n= Your last name
Warning: misgendering, blood, weapons, death, dead bodies. Honestly, if gore is a no-no for you, then DO NOT READ THIS!!!!
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For the next few days, Atsumu drifted in and out of consciousness. Each waking moment was met with someone new in his room. There was the mystery man, Akaashi, who was reading a book, a large dude with bi-coloured hair doing pushups on the ground, a small girl with long blonde hair with dark roots playing on a Nintendo switch, and a rooster head who was sitting in the corner writing something in his notebook. Of course there was L/n. Atsumu was nervous about her. He wasn’t sure if he heard you properly two nights ago, or maybe 3 nights. Astumu wasn’t sure, but he was still cautious. When he wasn’t awake, he would dream of his brother and his comrades and acquaintances. He was not sure how his gang, Inarizaki, could have lost. He was on their side and was in good shape. The lose could not possibly be his fault. He was in great shape and fought extremely well. It had to be their fault. But of course, if they were hurt then he would have to blame himself. For what even he did to end up in L/n Y/n’s home. What ever her plan was, he didn’t understand nor want to know. He just wanted to get out as soon as possible. Because wherever he was, everyone around him was in danger.
This time, he woke up feeling entirely lucid. The room was empty, excluding the pair of crutches resting on the bedside table. He pulled his pant-less self off of the bed and grabbed the crutches. He placed one crutch under each arm and balanced himself on his unharmed foot. He moved to the mirror and observed his damaged body. He was wearing a pair of boxers and bandages covering his thigh. The large bandages that were wrapped around his chest, were now gone, exposing most of his tattoos. His face looking better, the stiches were taken out of his face, leaving a long scar down his face. His swollen lip and black eye had healed tremendously as well. His arms were still covered in bandages, but showed more of his tattoos. His blond hair was still messy, but it looked cleaner and more organized.
Atsumu opened the door and headed down the hallway which lead to the stairs. He hobbled down the hallway and stairs into a sitting room to see the mystery man, rooster head, the bi-coloured hair man, who looked scarily like an owl, the girl, and L/n. The five people were sitting in the dark sitting room, which was illuminated by a few candles, all except the girl with mugs in hand. As he entered the room, all five pairs of eyes, save for the girl, who was very invested in his Nintendo switch, focused on him. He once agin felt like a poop-flinging monkey in his enclosure.
The silence in the room was deafening. The silence was broken by the owl man who got up and ran towards him. He swung and arm around his shoulder and proceeded to carry Atsumu to the couch. Owl dude was a large man. He had exceptionally broad shoulders and biceps as large as his face. He was wearing a black muscle shirt with nike workout shorts. But damn, who knew an owl could be so buff.
As Atsumu was placed down gently on the couch (Atsumu swear he felt like a princess), the rooster head started to talk to him.
“So you are yakuza, right, Atsumu?” Asked the rooster head. “How did a yakuza like you end up in our little Y/n’s care”. Atsumu swore he was being provoked, two could play that game.
“Well it was an ambush, Rooster head-kun.” Atsumu rebutted. The air wasn’t tense, but felt playful. As Rooster head-kun was hyena laughing at his response, Owl-man was fidgeting in his seat and repeatedly taping Akaashi on the shoulder, like at a game show, Akaashi, showed little interest to the Owl and just told him to calm down.
“I still don’t get why you are even here.” Said a n unknown, tenor voice. Atsumu turned around to look at the source. He was staring at the “girl” who was definitely not a girl. He had his long blond hair pulled half back. His hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets, along with his switch. There was not much which was notable about this character. He was about 170cm with brown eyes.
“He is here because he was hurt on the sidewalk, Kenma.” L/n interjects, “so be nice. He will be here until he is better”. That statement seemed really contradictory to what you said the last night about “taking care of it”.
“Wait who are these people L/n?” Atsumu asked, scanning the room.  He noticed the tall fire place in the room, along with the floor-to-ceiling windows which showed a yard. The room was elegant, yet modern. Shit. How much was this place?
“Well this is Bokuto, Akaashi, Kenma, and Kuroo. And please just call me Y/n. Only Akaashi calls me L/n ‘cause he is too formal.” Y/n laughs. The group seem very cozy in the large sitting room. “We are partners and room mates. Kuroo is technically a lawyer, Bokuto is a personal trainer and body builder, Akaashi is an author and editor, and Kenma is, well a lot of things”.
“Well thank ya all the help, but I have’ta go. I don’t wanna stay here.” Atsumu replied. “A don’t think I should stay so bye”.  He said as he attempted to stand up. The owl head, Bokuto, grabbed the crutches before Atsumu could grab them.
“Sorry Tsum-Tsum, we can’t let you go until you are fully healed. Y/n even said so.” Bokuto said, holding one crutch in each hand.
“No! I have to go! Now please give me the damn crutches so I can leave.” He refuted. Atsumu felt a feeling of dread take over his body. The knew that they were coming. He was not sure who, but he felt that they were being watched thought the tall glass windows.
“Miya-san, you need to stay here until you are fully healed. So please don’t fight us.” Akaashi said.  Atsumu knew he had to leave now. There was no way he would let these nice people get hurt, even the cold Akaashi, who really dislikes him.
“I am sorry, but I need to—” Atsumu started, only to be interrupted by the smashing of the tall glass windows and doors being kicked in. Atsumu froze, waiting for the intruders next move. He was virtually defenceless in his current state, but he could at least help the other people escape. The intruders flooded in with revolvers and knives from all angles. There were no escape routes, and he could not see their faces. He turned around to expect 5 frightened faces, but instead he was met with an exited Bokuto, a smirking Kuroo, an ever-stoic Akaashi, a scheming Kenma, and a determined Y/n, still sitting around the coffee table. In a blink of an eye, weapons are pulled from under the coffee table, under couch cushions, and behind pillows. Guns, knifes, tasers, swords and a frying pan were pulled out from obscure places.
As the group behind Atsumu stood up, weapons were in hand as fighting ensued. Bokuto had A large frying pan (why, Atsumu could figure out) and was using it as a shield from in coming knifes, and a weapon for hitting people upside the head. Akaashi and Kenma were gracefully dodging and stabbing people with black knifes (maybe it was an Eckhorn, Atsumu wasn’t sure). Kuroo was tazing the masked men left and right. As for Y/n, she had disappeared somewhere in the span of a few seconds.
As much as Atsumu was enjoying the fighting, he was stuck in the middle, utterly defenceless. Blood was everywhere as bodies hit the floor. One after another. The intruders were killed and left on the ground to be kicked on stepped on. He was so intrigued in the fight around him, that he did not notice the tall man stalking towards him. Right as Atsumu noticed, a gun was placed on his head as he heard threats of death if he called for help or moved. Paralyzed, he froze, his thoughts raced, and his heart was beating one thousand times a minute. Then suddenly Y/n appeared from the shadows and sliced the man with a tomahawk. Blood spattered along her dark cardigan and onto his back. She swung again and again until his body fell to the floor in a bloody mess. The masked men were almost completely all dead. The boys were mostly unscathed, except for a scrap on Kuroo’s forehead, but covered in blood. Atsumu was still in shock over the fighting skills of a doctor, lawyer, writer, body builder and whatever Kenma did.
“Wait what just happened?” he asked in shock.
“Well our safe house was found and we were attacked by masked-” started Bokuto, only to be cut off by Kenma.
“We saved your life and killed some people.” He interjected. The other 5 were stripping off all their bloodied clothes.
“No, who are you really, and how did you act so quickly?” Atsumu clarified.
“Well, Kuroo and Kenma are from the Nekoma Yakuza, and Akaashi and Bokuto are from the Fukorodani Yakuza.” Y/n replies, now stripped down to a simple black sports bra and black cargo pants.
“And I am a freelance assassin.”
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unholyeverything · 4 years
3 a.m. - Part 1/4
Hello, this is based on a conversation I had with @lord-diavolo. So don't you solely blame little me. Also don't ask how we got there, we didn't understand ourselves. She was also one of my main inspirations to start writing, I just love her stories! So thank you! In general I've been so eager to try and inspired by all the fics I've read coming from this fandom. I wanted to contribute to the best of my abilities.
This won't be what you expected. Or it will be exactly what you expected. I don't know what you are into, honestly. But this is what I'm into and what I want to create. I shall have no shame anymore and trandescent into becoming a higher being.
Also the last time I wrote something was in gradeschool, so this might sound horrible. And I have no coherent thought of thinking so the timeline won't make sense. Please bear with me. Be here for the content, not the grammar, vocabs or a good sentence structure. Because I'm capable of writing 10 line long sentences. Good luck trying to figure that out. See it as a brain exercise.
But all in all, I had to say I had fun writing this! And that’s my main goal with anything I do. It made me laugh at first so hopefully you will get a laugh out of it too. Reading through it 200 times destroyed that for me. This is also brought to you by a caffein high. Me on coffee. The me writing this also was 4 cups in. Watch me rip out trees with my bare hands today. YOLO. Am I right.
Pairing: DiavoloxLucifer Explicit: no, but mental images you will never forget Warning: none can save me from the brain damage I aquired during the creation of this, I went in there with -2. There are at least 5 more gone now. But sharing is caring am i right? Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: Let’s start the slow progression towards Lucifer’s ultimate death.
During the day he was the Demon Lord, feared and respected by everyone and everything, but after 3am he turned into the biggest human fanboy known to demonkind. Or not known, let's be honest. This was the peak of his day, the time where he could truly go hunt down his newest online purchase. The latest addition to his human-things-collection. One of the base layers  for all of Lucifer's frustration, because he was the first and mostly the only one being called in excitement after the order was made, expected to show up within minutes to listen to all the reasons as to why said item is the greatest invention of all time for multiple hours.
However, that wasn't the worst outcome, this was it being a good day. The worst this would come down to was Lucifer being pulled in and being expected to participate or joining him to try out his newest find.
Just thinking about him will summon the devil, right?! It proved to be the case today as well. His office was dark, only faintly being lit by a candle placed on his desk, silence surrounding him. Still going through stacks of paperwork needed for the student councils meeting tomorrow, tiredness slowly starting to overcome him, Lucifer found his mind wandering off to think about what Diavolo would be up to right now. Even though it was already long past midnight, tomorrow's meeting was important, so he must still be up, also working through mountains of paper trying to figure out all the topics needed to be discussed. At least that's what he hoped was going on when he heard his phone go off, the ringtone indicating it was him. Just a question regarding the meeting or to simply see if his right hand man was also starting to be done with preparations.
"Lucifer! I need you to come to my office immediately!" It sounded like an emergency, so just in the second it took Diavolo to speak out his words, Lucifer was already up on his feet, picking his coat off his chair to wrap it around his shoulders and leave through his doors. "I have just found the greatest piece of human ingenuity online and it was already delivered, you have to come look at it! I know it's 3 am but I beg you!" There it was, the thing he hoped would not happen. Not today, with such an important meeting awaiting them, actually, never again. Adding to the mess was Akuzons policy of just delivering within seconds upon seeing their Leaders address on an order. They wouldn't dare let him wait. The employee processing the orders would start screaming and everyone on the night shift would start running, trying to find the item their Lord wished for, running out right away to deliver it. Oh much Lucifer wished they would let him wait. At least for the next day, for his own sake. They really should start considering other people's feelings as well.
It seems like Lord Diavolo was browsing all sorts of websites again, spending his precious time, that could be used to prepare Devildom matters,  to look for human garbage that excited him more than having Lucifer present himself to him in the finest Lingerie. Well maybe that could at least give off a similar effect, let's not forget to give him some credit, though it still couldn't fully compare.
Anyway,  he had already left the house, might as well just get this whole ordeal over with. There was no way he could excuse himself either. It was his Lord giving orders, he had to go. Go off to another night listening to how great the human inventions were. Even if what Diavolo considered as 'a great piece of human ingenuity' ended up being the most ridiculous item of clothing Lucifer had to ever lay his eyes upon. Considering that was what happened the last time he was summoned to his castle at these unholy hours. These atrocities were apparently called  'onesie'. Furthermore they unfortunately seemed to come in the shape of all the different animals known to mankind. This not only led to Diavolo proudly picking one supposedly resembling a human dog-breed referred to as a "Welsh Corgi Pembroke". These dogs being the preferred breed of a human queen must only mean that they are fit for any of royal status. It also led to him picking out one resembling Lucifer's symbolic animal, the Peacock. Though one could debate if that 'thing' even closely resembled a proud peacock, it was just utterly ridiculous with these giant black eyes and this horrendous colour scheme of blue and green. Thinking about it, this is nothing to debate over. It was ridiculous. Making this past experience worse, was that,  on the following weekend, Lord Diavolo invited him and all of his brothers to his castle for a human tradition: a sleepover party. The nice and considerate person that he is, he also thought about everything and picked out a onesie for all of them. Expecting everyone to wear these to bed from now on or at least during the duration of the event. What would he otherwise do? Check on them. More likely than what you would want to admit, at least in Lucifer's case.
Shaking his head Lucifer trying to erase this traumatizing experience from his memories. At least this train of thought has kept him busy on his way to the Demon Lord's castle where he was let in by Barbatos, already expecting him. Standing in front of Diavolo's bedchamber he took a deep breath in to mentally prepare himself for the worst. Just about as he was to knock on the wooden doors they were nearly slammed into his face by the unstoppable force on the other side of them.
Barely being able to avoid having his nose broken, he was greeted with the biggest of smiles and a sparkling set of eyes. Was that an apology? "Lucifer! You are finally here! I've been waiting!" "My Lord it only took me five minutes to get to you." "Five minutes to long, my dear! You could have stayed overnight like I offered yesterday." "Yes of course. I apologize." Lucifer answered with a sigh. He was too tired to argument over something that superfluous. Judging Diavolo's expression while entering the room he knew he was in for a long night without any sleep.
  The meeting the next day was even more exhausting than usual, it also seem to drag on for eternity, the brothers never being able to find a consensus. At least that's what it felt to Lucifer, who truly did not get a minute of sleep the night prior. What was there so long to talk about human underwear designs. Oh yes, they depicted just the most amazing selection of fruits ranging from blue ones with little watermelons printed on them, over to the most stunning pair: pink one with green pears on it. Oh there was so much to discuss about the human depiction of fruits in general. Weren't they just the most stunning little icons, so bright and colourful. Diavolo didn't seem to be tired at all, he was still too excited about his newest purchase. Proudly deciding to wear them right away. Luckily, for Lucifer, he decided it was enough that he had seen them in all their glory and his Lord decided to put on pants before leaving the house.
Finally, the meeting was over. Lucifer decided to try go home as fast as possible to take a short nap before new orders could get to him. Still the first ones to leave where Mammon and Satan, saying they had things to do and hurrying to get out. The next to leave was Beelzebub, who got hungry, helpfully he decided to pick up the sleeping Belphegor and take him with him. Only leaving Leviathan, Asmodeus, Lucifer and Lord Diavolo back in the meeting room. Diavolo tried picking up the conversation from last night again. Though one look at Lucifer's face told him that the latter was not up for this again and he should really head home to get some well deserved rest. He was starting to get concerned with how dark his undereyes were starting to look.
"Lucifer, you  should really head home, shouldn't you?" he asked with a worrying undertone in his voice. "It was a long night yesterday, wasn't it?" Amodeus couldn't prevent a smirk from appearing on his face, which was immediately answered by a glare from Lucifer, making his little brother face away again. Just appreciating the concern for once, too tired to come up with a answer or to get angry even, Lucifer got up and started to collect his papers. "Well then if you allow My Lord, I'll excuse myself…" "Of course, Lucifer, I'll just wrap up and clean the room with Leviathan and Asmodeus over there."   There was a barely audible sigh and some complains coming from their direction that got louder after Lucifer has left the room.
"Now, don't complain you two!" Diavolo said with a smile. "Help your big brother a little, he had a rough night." There was nothing, better none, to keep Asmodeus curiosity in check now.
"Ohhhh ~ my Lord please tell me all the details ~" the strawberry blonde purred. "Oh I just found the most amazing pairs of underwear from the human world, I just had to present them to him!" the redhead replied proudly. "Oh what type of underwear are we talking about? Some red lace? Or black? Or did they come up with even more revealing items than nudity? I would not put it past them!" His mind wandered in a direction that it really shouldn't, all different types of lingerie induced situations popping up. "Oh they were the most wonderful things, they had little oranges and bananas and watermelons and all types of fruits on them!" Oh well, there was one thing keeping the Demon of Lust in check. And it was an oblivious Demon Lord, not picking up on the situation as well as the intent of the talk and instead daydreaming about boxer briefs with fruits on them. Of course, cute things are the priority. What to reply to that now.
"Oh, that sounds quiet wonderful! The humans and their unique fashion choices. Did you do a little fashion show for him?" Faking interest, a good choice for Asmodeus. This might just do the trick to at least lead this sad conversation in another direction. "Of course I did!" their Lord laughed out. "We had a great time picking out the most wonderful one!" Well, this wasn't a good choice after all. Was this something a couple should do that late at night? Selecting the greatest pair of fruity underwear? Surely this can't be it. There were better things on could do.
Finally putting an end to this was a loud sigh from Leviathan. "What is wrong, you seem to be quiet upset about something? Is there something I could do to help you?" Diavolo asked with genuine concern. "Oh. It's my parcel I ordered from Akuzon, it still hasn't arrived. I ordered three days ago, and I paid extra for next day delivery! And now I waited for THREE days. THREE. Still no word from them! I didn't even get an email saying it was shipped. It is a figurine from one of my favourite animes! A limited edition even. Only a couple of them were produced. They are really special. One of a kind! Maybe I should order another one if they still got them?" Starting his D.D.D. and furiously tapping on it. "I see they have two more in stock……." There Levi went off again, rambling about his shows. Weirdly he seemed to disclose the title this time. What would it be about? None shall find out, or should they? "Oh? What do you mean by that? Don't they deliver to everyone within a few seconds? When I order I get my little packets only minutes later, at most? It is a truly amazing delivery service! Though if they cause trouble for you should I go contact them?" Diavolo didn't quite understand his problems but tried offering help anyways.
  Hearing these words just about did it for Leviathan. His envy kicked in full force and without a single thought to whom he was in the room with. What was with this unfair treatment. He was a Prime Shipping member, promised next day delivery. He paid extra for this. He was one of Akuzons' best customers. He spend fortunes on there. WHY WOULDN'T HE GET HIS ITEMS WITHIN MINUTES.  He felt his demon form flare up. Even in the presence of his Lord. Asmodeus saw this as his chance of running away, a welcomed distraction. Truly not wanting to spend one more minute thinking about what went down between Lucifer and Lord Diavolo last night. The potential image of Diavolo walking down a carefully made runway in nothing but boxers with fruits on them and Lucifer watching that was too much, even for him. The thought will haunt him for centuries, that he was sure of.
"I won't stand for this." Horns already coming out of his head he faced Diavolo. "Leviathan, this is a little unnecessary, isn't it?" He got serious, straightening his back, standing there with his arms crossed. "I already offered to talk to them, we can find an easy solution for this." He would definitely not let him run loose and destroy their meeting hall. Leviathan's mind still screaming to fight, his body, luckily for him, knew better than to attack his Leader. Instead he furiously made his way towards the exit, continuously mumbling how unfair all of this was, what he did to deserve treatment like this. He would just hole himself up in his room again, trying to distract himself by ordering more figurines, because even if he can't get them the fastest, he would be the one owning the most.
Diavolo looked after him, now alone inside the room. What did he do wrong? He didn't quite understand what happened right now, but something must really have angered the third oldest. He would go ask Lucifer about it after cleaning up. They were separated for too long now, after all. A good excuse to go see him again.
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mcfanely · 4 years
Tumblr media
Sometimes, in order to get something done, a bit of force is needed. With Cole’s plan and Chamille already far too excited at the notion of it, it wasn’t like he could back out. No matter how nervous he was. 
Chapter 05 - I Don’t Dance, 1965 words
Cole spent a good few days in the monastery, waking up early for training, going to sleep like normal, rinse and repeat. All because he realised that lack of sleep and staying up for near enough two days straight probably wasn't the most healthiest habit to get into. Since spending a whole day awake, to just spend most of the night up too wasn’t the best idea.
That, and all the missed training, even if it had only been a couple times before; he didn't want to get on anyone's bad side. Everyone else pulled themselves out of bed as the sun rose in the distance and Cole not doing it just didn't seem fair. 
Falling behind on training regimes wasn't high upon his own list either, so Nightowls took a back-burner. 
Sort of. 
To say that Cole was putting off going back wasn't entirely true, but the mask that now laid finished and currently unused under his bed was an indicator that he could go back at any time, all he had to do was sneak out instead of sleeping. 
But he was still thinking. Thinking that if he showed up with that mask in hand, Chamille would be onto him in a second and there would be no turning back on his harebrained scheme of what he was planning to do. Though, if he showed up just as himself, nothing else?
He honestly would feel like he was letting himself down. 
How hard could it be? It wasn't like he hadn't danced in front of people before. Sure, winning the Fang-Blade cup had been a while back but he'd sort of danced then; amongst the fighting. 
Nerves, butterflies in his stomach, they were nothing new. They always happened, and if they weren't there then Cole probably would have been concerned. It didn't help that they fluttered every time he even thought about the Dance Studio. 
It was a stupid fear, something that was keeping him away from an activity that he did enjoy. He liked walking into the studio and seeing the crowd of people, he loved the feeling of music flowing through him as if the beat was a living and breathing entity that just… Took over. Cole had missed it. With the nights that passed by, sleeping like a regular person did, he missed it even more. 
Which was how he found himself climbing out his window that night, mask tied to his belt, and walking into Nightowls as the sky had officially started to darken to be hit with a wall of music and a sense of overall calm. 
Then he was promptly tackled in the side by a blur of neon and barely kept his feet beneath him. 
Cole did drag in a deep breath and bring a hand to his side, "Chamille! What the hell?" 
She grinned, brushing a piece of stray hair out from her face as she straightened up, "I'd thought you'd bailed, you haven't been here in like a week!" 
"Four days."
"Four whole days." Chamille amended, but she still had a wide smile on her face. 
He looked around the studio. Whilst music was playing, the lights were still on and there were a few people standing about. Some were casually dancing, some were talking, but it would probably be around an hour before things got underway. 
Cole was planning on sitting down, relaxing, trying to make an attempt not to get psyched up over something he hadn't even settled on doing. 
At least until he picked up on an undignified squeal, and the next second his mask was being pulled away from his waist and into the hands of Chamille who quickly turned it over in her grip. 
He didn't need to ask her what she was thinking, the way her eyes widened and her gaze flicked between the orange mask and Cole made it clear she knew that was going through his head. 
"Dude, this is so cool!" she said after an agonising minute of looking over the design, "Is this--" 
"Yep, yeah. It is." Cole quickly snatched it back, "Don't start jumping to conclusions. I'm probably not going to wear it," He looked around the room, at the steadily increasing amount of people; how could a mask even make dancing any easier when at the end of the day, he was still himself? 
Chamille, though, she was staring with her arms crossed and what was probably the most analytical expression Cole had ever seen on her face, as she seemed to now look over what he was wearing. 
"I mean, you can't go out dressed like that." she said simply. 
Cole balked, "I-- what?" 
She gestured to effectively all of him, "Like that. What, did you throw on your laundry basket or something?"
"... Is this insult a Ninja day?" He questioned, picking at a loose thread on his jacket before raising an eyebrow, "These are fresh on--" 
"They need more pizzazz."
Chamille nodded, and rocked on her toes as if she was excited about something, and Cole for the life of him couldn't figure it out. 
Until he felt a hand on his sleeve, and had no choice but to let himself be pulled through the crowd until he made it to the unused staging at the side of the room. 
Suddenly, Cole regretted bringing his mask that day. 
Since Chamille had clearly been in the middle of getting ready herself, open pots of neon paint dotted about the place and a few used brushes sitting on tissues to protect the surface below. 
"No way." He mumbled, shaking his head. The only problem was, there was a small smile on his lips, "Nope. I'm not doing that. I'm just going to head back home--"
There was a deep sigh, "No, come on, Cole! You're probably pretty nervous, I know I was the first time--" 
"I'm starting to realise I'm pretty terrified." He admitted, before clearing his throat lightly. What was he actually doing? He didn't even have a plan. This had all stemmed from a spur of the moment idea. 
"Cole." She raised an eyebrow, "I know you want to."
"Yeah, but--" 
"And I know if you leave here without putting that mask on, you'll feel worse."
She was talking from experience, she must have been, because her words were solidly hitting home. 
"I haven't danced in years."
"And that'll change tonight. So sit." Chamille pushed him towards the edge of the stage, where he dutifully hopped up onto it and sat down, staring down at the colours. 
Chamille sat down next to him, and passed over a pot of neon purple. "You've got more of an artist's eye than I do, you paint a design on my jacket, I'll do your arms."
"Does that mean you're going to have a nicer design than I am?" Cole questioned. 
He gained a shove in response, and a quick swipe of a paintbrush over his nose, "Hey!" 
"Just focus on painting, Earth-For-Brains, you'll feel better in no time."
He scoffed, rolled his eyes, and picked up a brush. Half-way between Chamille accidentally spilling some neon orange paint down his jeans, and him swapping purple paint to pink, Cole had to admit he was feeling calmer. 
At least until the lights dimmed down fully, and Chamille screwed the lid onto her paint pot and set it down. The black light that shone down, making her teeth glow a bright blue when she smiled, and she was smiling. 
Cole could only feel nausea rolling in his stomach. 
He decided to look down at his clothes, focus on something else. Chamille had favoured yellow, red and orange colours, most likely to coordinate to the colour scheme his mask had going on. There were careful swirls, along with some clearly abstract and unfinished shapes that were dotted about the place. Neither of them had any idea what they were doing when they painted, other than just filling up the space. But the design worked, it was all over the place but that just seemed to flow nicely. 
His arms were covered in a glowing sleeve design, and his hands hadn't been spared either. Splashes of paint dotting the skin, a calculated mess. 
It seemed that he had her physical stamp of approval. 
Cole pushed out a heavy breath. 
Chamille watched him carefully, "You know, I know I said earlier that you're going to dance today. But if you don't feel up for it then that's all good, you can just walk around looking epic." 
He couldn't help but smile at that idea. Though he shuffled off the side of the stage and nodded to the crowd. "No one's stepped into the circle yet." Cole said, and he couldn't believe the words were leaving his mouth, but he soldiered on. "Free reign," he shrugged and nodded to the floor, "Do you, you know--?" 
Chamille got up immediately, jumping from the raised platform down to his side, already ahead of Cole#s request, "I was thinking, a random song, set the bar high for everyone else tonight?” She first pinched the mask off his belt again and tossed it back into his hands. Cole pulled it on, getting it situated comfortably on the bridge of his nose.
Then she gripped his wrist and pulled him towards the centre of the crowd. 
"Ty doesn't have any set groups dancing tonight so it's just whoever feels like it."
They broke through the wall of people, into the empty centre of the group, and Cole could feel his heart racing in his chest. 
He couldn't help but look around, shifting between accidentally catching people's eyes and then looking away just as fast. 
What was he doing, what was he doing? 
What am I doing? He wondered silently, before he felt a light tap to his hand. Chamille had thankfully released him from her hold, and she must have signalled the DJ for some music because, like what sometimes happens between performances, a song that was part-way finished came to an abrupt halt in favour of starting something new. 
Cole came to expect it, it was one of the weirdly charming things about the studio. It was organised and slightly chaotic at the same time. 
There was another tap, and his gaze finally focused on Chamille's face. There was a smile there, and somehow her hair had grown into an even more wild mess under the lighting. In fact, it had definitely gotten a lot messier. Shorter, and choppier, as if she'd taken scissors to it herself that morning. Only, it had been long and up in a tight ponytail a few minutes ago. 
"Your hair-?" Cole questioned, his voice raised slightly over the building music. 
Chamille just gave a playful wink and rolled her eyes, "Master of Form, genius." She took a slight step back, giving herself more room to move. 
He mimicked the movement, before blowing a heavy breath from his nose. 
He was there, he'd gotten through the hard part without realising. People were already looking, already intrigued, or simply just staring with amusement. Dancing wasn't all that hard with experience. 
All Cole had to do was get a feel for the music. 
So he stopped, let his eyes slip closed, and listened. Listened for the beat, the tempo, the style which the song warranted. It was loud, slightly fast, probably a remix of something that was overplayed on the radio. 
Cole sighed quietly, felt the drone set deep into his body. 
The first time he danced, the first proper time in years, it was a freestyle with Chamille. It was fast and technical, and Cole loved every second of it. Any notion of the crowd around him, of people watching, it all just faded into the background.
From the beginning
Ch 04 > Ch 05 > Ch 06
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mrneighbourlove · 4 years
The Rising Sun: Ch 2. Taiyo Town
Malik and Asakonigei rode through the valley and into the desert for an additional three hours. They were exhausted, and every bump made the woman ache. True to his word, they fucked hard. However, Malik kept his wife close with a blanket around her the whole way, planting the odd kiss on her forehead. “Still awake my dear? We’re almost there. I’m sure you feel warm.”
Sore and tired, Asakonigei was grateful for the huge blanket of warmth. The desert at night was cold, and she was not a fan of the chilly temperatures. Yet, the constant bouncing on the horse was not doing her nether regions any favors. Malik was rough and she adored how he loved her, though the achiness she could deal without.
"Hmm-hmm." The Kovina snuggled closer to her husband. "I'm toasty as can be, love, though in-between my legs feels like I did too much on weight day."
“Hehehe, I’m sure. Just close your eyes and I’ll carry us in.”
Eventually they arrived at a massive gate. The guard was laxed tonight, with few on lookout for monster. Upon seeing Lord Malik they opened the gate to the town. It was much of a haze for Asa, but she next found herself being laid to rest in a the silkiest sheets of her life.
"Goodnight my metal Queen. I'll see you at the rise of the desert sun."
The next morning, Asa woke from a restful sleep. She was not expecting such a luxurious bedding in the middle of the desert. Then again, Malik had been working on this project for a long while. Who knew what else there was here?
Malik was still asleep, his naked body lying amongst the pillows and sleeping next to her. His muscles were at peak form, and he had matured newer battle scars over his new years of life. It was still only early morning, the sound of a wind chandelier blowing gently outside to slightly stir him.
Seeing this rare opportunity with her husband, Asakonigei slinked over his body, laying flat on top of him. Her chin rested on her hands atop his chest. As he slowly started to rouse, she had an impish grin on her face.
"Good morning, handsome..."
“Oh. Good morning my rose.” Malik nuzzled his beard to her neck, breathing her in. A hand ran down gently upon the scar on her back. “You sleep well?”
"Indeed I did," Asakonigei lounged on him like a cat, then kissed his lips gently. "It was nice to have you sleeping beside of me for once."
“It was. Do you like the silk?”
"I do like the silk." Asakonigei admitted as she traced a hand over the material. "Though, I think I like laying on top of you better. Much more comfortable, wouldn't you agree?"
“I do. Though, I think we should wait before wrestling around in these sheets.” Malik played with her hair gently.
"Would be a shame to rip such finery." Asakonigei sighed and closed her eyes for a moment, resting. "What all do you have to do today?"
“Train the guard more effectively and show you around. But first...” Malik rose up, his body on full display in the sunlight coming down through a window. “We should go wake our daughter. I’m sure she’ll be excited to see you here.”
"... sure we can't just stay in bed all day?" Asakonigei playfully smacked his ass as he got off the bed. "That's plenty of exercise in your 'training' book..."
“And have all the women in town, including Domana hear you scream to god all day? I don’t think so.” Malik smiled down at his perky wife. Carefully going through a cabinet, he selected some very light, but stylish clothing for her. “You’ll want to put these on to counter the heat.”
"They'd just be jealous... though, Donoma hearing us isn't exactly a good thought." Asakonigei walked over to her husband and took the clothes. This was very different than what she was used to wearing. It almost felt... fancy. This material, this chamber... she felt like he was spoiling her. "This feels so soft..."
“Vai clothing custom of my people. Shared the colour scheme of your dragon companion. Try it on.”
"You're doting on me, I know it." Asakonigei carefully dressed in the new clothing and then stared at herself in the mirror. The array of red, oranges, and gold were beautiful, floating through the fabric like a rising sun. She twirled around, watching it flow. "This is gorgeous material... I love it!"
“It’s only gorgeous because you are.” Malik got dressed into a light plate suit of red armour. It held material that helped with heat resistance. “Let’s go surprise our little girl.”
On the walk to Donoma’s residence, Malik nodded hello to some of the Gerudo women who kept upkeep on the palace. They looked Asakonigei up and down, giggling at her lightly.
When they reached Donoma’s room, she was sleeping in a bunk bed with another Gerudo girl sleeping on the bottom bunk. Looking to the top, Malik nudged his daughter awake. “Rise awake my little sunlight.”
"Five more minutes..." Donoma groaned, opening her eyes to see her father... and mother? "Mom?! What are you doing here?"
"Your father finally decided to bring me along for a visit." Asakonigei thought it was adorable how Donoma looked so surprised to see her... that, and her hair was so frazzled, going every which direction. "I missed you, sweetie."
The Gerudo bellow her, a girl named Sandra, took a stick a poked upwards, groggily snarling from lack of sleep. “Don. Shut. Up.”
"Sandra, my parents are here." Donoma said through gritted teeth. "Quit poking me."
"Sounds like you're not the only one who isn't a morning person, sweetheart." Asakonigei had to stifle a laugh.
Sandra jumped, hitting her head on the bunk when she saw Lord Malik. “Lord Ma- OW! Donoma! This is why I want the top bunk!”
"You lost it fair and square in an arm wrestling match, so stop being a sore loser." Donoma hopped off the top bunk and gave her mother a hug. "How long are you staying with us, Mom?"
"Well, I think I'm here until your father decides to return me home." Asakonigei smiled at her daughter. "I can't leave the forge unattended forever."
“You could if you moved here, but that’s another discussion.” Malik ruffled his daughters hair, addressing all the younger Gerudo in the room. “Everyone get changed and have your hair fixed. Time for a full day ahead in the greatest town in the world.”
“Yes Lord Malik!”
“You got it!”
Sandra decided to make Donoma angry, jumping up to kiss Malik on the cheek as she ran out to get changed. “On it my Lordship!”
Malik brushed his cheek, shrugging his shoulders. “Teenagers.”
"Hey!!! That was uncalled for, get back here!" Donoma chased after Sandra with an angry huff. "I told you, my father is off limits!!!"
Asakonigei, on the other hand, blinked and then crossed her arms with a quirked eyebrow. "What was that all about?"
“I suppose some of the girls have crushes on me. Nothing harmful my dear.”
"Crushes or not, I don't like them being too touchy with you." Asakonigei stated. "I rather you cease that kind of behavior."
"What? Does it make you jealous Asa?" Malik chuckled, patting her on the back as he lead her outside. "Trust me. You have nothing to fear."
Leading her out the palace, Asa was greeted to the site of a fully functioning market. Many Gerudo were trading and selling wears. Asakonigei could spot a few different races interacting with the Gerudo, all other women. Some Rito having flown in rather easily over the winds, a couple Vatra who dared the desert heat, a Hylian couple, and a single Goron selling ores. From the center, Gerudo were taking bucket of water from the well and carrying it back to their homes. "It's beautiful, isn't it Asa?"
"Don't have to be jealous when I know you're already mine." Asakonigei huffed at him. "Besides, you never know what these women might be thinking. Don't let them fool you." As Malik showed her the town, the Kovina was already making a metal list of possible improvements. There was a need for a plumbing system, a way to grow more crops, perhaps a school... and of course, ideas of how she could help the infrastructures. "It is lovely, Malik. Maybe you could bring Queen Zarazu out here sometime with her husband? I'm sure she'd love an introduction to Gerudo culture."
Malik brushed his beard, something obviously deep on his mind. "Eventually. I don't want to overwhelm the people too much with such figures. Perhaps Luimaya first. Ease them with someone younger." His cape blowing lightly, he took his wife through some the alleys that eventually led to a courtyard where a group of middle aged Gerudo women were waiting for him. He raised his arm to get them on their feet and saluting him on the spot.
"Lord Malik!"
"At ease. As you know, the attack Kissandra received concerned me. Once, long ago, their was an elite group of Gerudo warriors known as the Iron Knuckles. They were lost to the blades of an archaic Hyrule. Now, you will learn their ways." Malik set down instructions of old fighting styles and techniques. "Take these papers around and study them. I will then test you in a practical use. In time, you will learn to craft your own armour and fight with the weight of a tortoise on your back."
One of the Gerudo eyed Asakonigei, snickering to herself. "Oh? Who's this?"
"Luimaya is a little... hotheaded sometimes." Asakonigei knew the princess was notorious for being a touch reckless. Though, she was a sweet girl, and truly did have the best interest at heart. She had watched the young queen-to-be grow up into a fine young woman. As Malik instructed the new group of women training to be elites, the Kovina felt... very small. Why were Gerudos, both the men and women, so tall? So big? Covarog dwarfed his wife and Malik did the same to her, but being around these new women just confirmed exactly how strong these people were. When one of the women inquired as to who she was, the Kovina politely replied, "I am Asakonigei, Malik's wife. It is very nice to meet all of you."
"You're Lord Malik's wife? But you're so... tiny!" This particular woman, named Ellie, tapped her feet and laughed. She was standing tall at 6.4ft tall. No where near Lord Malik's height, but still enough to tower over his wife. "Why'd he want to marry a runt like you? Your hair is black, you're short, and you don't even have any real abs. You got less meat on your bones then a Stalfos."
"Yes, I am small compared to---" Asakonigei was interrupted by the barrage of insults thrown her way. She had to bite the inside of her jaw to keep from snapping at the woman. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin Malik's hard work. "... despite being 'tiny' as you so delicately put it, I am still able to hold my own and fight if necessary. Size isn't everything."
"HA! You have milk drinker written right here on your face." The armoured Gerudo tapped Asakonigei on the noggen. "How about we see if someone like you is really worth some as special as Lord Malik's time. Use any tool you can to knock me down. I know you can't."
Malik said nothing, going to let his wife teach the soldiers a lesson. Best they learned to be humbled now and to never judge by appearances.
"... very well." Asakonigei took a deep breath. The Kovina was not too happy about this type of welcome. She had dealt with enough bias in her life. A female forge master? Preposterous. A woman fighting in a war? Unlikely. Uncultured magical witch? Very much so, that's what the kingdom used to think of Lorleidians. Sometimes, the best way to win a fight was not by brute force, but simple humiliation. Malik taught her that long ago. So, she was going to use precisely that tactic. "I do not require a weapon." She stood opposite the woman, placing her feet into the correct position. "Are you ready?"
"Oh? Hand to hand eh? I promise I won't break anything, you milk drinking, twig legged, brimstone smelling, fancy dancing, tiny child looking, long haired hussy!"
The armor the woman wore was minimal. Yet, it was still attached to her body just like any other protective wear. There were traces of rust in it, a touch of iron, maybe a little copper. Metal was metal, and she could already feel the magic at her fingertips. Normally, this situation would be over with in a moment. All it would take is a simple movement to pin her to the ground. This time, however, Asakonigei had another idea.
Yanking her hand forward, her grip on the metal caused Ellie to trip over her own feet until she was being dragged by the unseen force. Forcing the woman to bow on her knees, Asakonigei had increased the weight tenfold on the metal with her magic and was holding her in place. Now eye-to-eye with Ellie, the Kovina bent down and hissed, "I can defeat an arrogant bitch like you easily with one stroke of my pinky finger. Want to watch what happens if I squeeze the armor around your midsection? Or perhaps, I could just drain you of all the iron in your body, leaving you unable to move. You really, really shouldn't piss off a Kovina when you're wearing metal."
"You can do WHAT TO MY BLOOD?" Ellie was in total shock. The other Gerudo gathered around were murmuring shocked observations to one another.
Malik clapped his hands together, getting their attention. "This is an example of magic. Some of our enemies will use it against you. There are ways to counter even a Kovina's magic, but like all combat situations, you must be prepared. Or you will die. Everyone thank Ellie and Asakonigei for this demonstration."
The other Gerudo immediately thanked Asa for humiliating Ellie.
Asakonigei pinned the woman to the ground before stepping over her like a defeated foe. With a flick of her black hair, the Kovina muttered as she returned to her husband's side. "Demonstration my ass, next time, I'll toss her halfway through the desert if she speaks to me like that."
Malik nodded to his wife as he addressed the other Gerudo. What Asakonigei didn't expect would be her hand suddenly being grabbed by Ellie's. The Gerudo was on her knee's looking up at the Kovina. "You were magnificent. Are you and Lord Malik going to be a swingers couple? I would be honoured to be made yours." The Gerudo woman went from salty insults to heart eyes for Asa within the span of a minute.
Asakonigei turned blood red in the cheeks, flabbergasted.
"WH-WHAT?!?!" She yanked her hand out of Ellie's grasp. "The hell you talking about?!" Her face was steaming, even her ears were burning. It was then she was able to put two and two together. A village of women. All women. There had to be some way to relieve sexual urges. Shaking her head furiously, Asakonigei exclaimed, embarrassed, "No, no, no, we certainly do not do this 'swing' thing!"
“But you’re so powerful. And cool. And hot~” Ellie stood up, playing with the pigtails in her hair. “I’d love to have you by my bed side. Maybe you could even use your magic on me again.”
"Malik, will you control your horny guards?!" Asakonigei hid behind her husband, gesturing for him to make Ellie go away. She kept inching out of sight. "That one is almost as bad as Kelly!"
Ellie went back to training, waving with fondness at Asakonigei. “Think about it.”
The Gerudo man didn’t catch a whiff of that exchange. For the next 6 hours, he tirelessly trained the guards in all matters of survival and combat. “Asa, you can explore the village if you like, find Donama perhaps. Should tell her about her brother’s tournament. I’ll be here a while.”
Asakonigei took her time to explore the village. Malik had done a lot of good work here. It would be a thriving place soon enough, and hopefully, the culture would start to rebuild itself. She wondered if Revan could learn here with his sister? Growing up, she had taught her children all she could about their Lorleidian heritage but Malik only had limited information to share about the Gerudo.
Amongst various Gerudo she saw, Gali was teaching Donoma and other girls ancient Gerudo history. “With the help of the hero, Nabooru became the Sage of Spirit. She’s one of the first examples of Gerudo heroism, having stood up to tyranny. Can anyone tell me what famous Gerudo figure had her brainwashed before being liberated by Link?”
Donoma loved to learn of her Gerudo side of the family. While there were texts in Castle Hyrule and stories her father had told her, there was something rare about learning from an actual Gerudo woman. She thought it silly, of course, knowing she was half Gerudo, though this seemed special to the girl.
"Was it Ganondorf?"
“Yes and no Donoma. While Ganondorf was the King of Evil and ultimately ruled over her, Nabooru was brainwashed by his witch mothers, Koume and Kotake, also known as Twinrova. What do you know of Twinrova?”
"One was of ice and one was of fire. They could fuse into one woman... and..." Donoma paused for a moment. "They... worshipped the twin sand and stone goddesses?"
“That they did. As do most Gerudo. Although they are incredibly rare in our people’s history, there have been a set of twins found in the country of Uskar that fit the description of Twinrova.”
"I wonder if there will be another Gerudo sage at some point?"
“There is always a possibility. Although you lack a sister of ice Donoma, you might be able to learn further Gerudo magic if you train further. I believe, just like the old hero Urbosa from the age of calamity, there is another Gerudo in Uskar who knows the magic of lightning. There is a possibility you might be able to meet these Gerudo women someday.” Gali saw Asakonigei peering in, giving her a nod. “Before we end class, can anyone give their opinions on boys and men, the topic of next class?”
"Every gal could use could deep dicking."
The comment from the back of the class earned a snicker from all the women, including Donoma.
“Felix. That’s not the exact term I’d use, but yes, reproduction is a strong reason. We also need to learn about the dangers of strangers and the history of how Gerudo have been sought after, some aspects terrible for our people. Class dismissed.”
One of the other Gerudo poked Donoma to get the twenty year old’s attention. “Donoma, you grew up in Hyrule. You get any “good dicking” there?”
"Um..." Donoma's face turned red. "There's plenty of men if that's what you're asking. But I don't have a Voe. Haven't really been looking for one, been focused on studies and improving my magic."
“Have you been with one before?” Sandra asked.
"No." Donoma was not going to lie. "I want to do like my parents did. Meet, fall in love, take things a little slow... get to know each other better. My mother waited on my father for nearly five years."
“Boooo. Hey, you have a brother right! Is he single?”
"Well, yes and no. He does have someone he likes." Donoma thought of Luimaya and then shrugged. "But I don't know how that will turn out."
“So, can I have your blessing to suck his di-”
"Ew, I don't want to think about my brother's dick." Donoma made a disgusted face. "You can try to pounce on him if you want. He's hard to catch."
“We’ll see~”
Some of the girls giggled with each other as all the younger Gerudo left Gali to clean up class. She tilted her head at Asa, curious about her behaviour in observing from afar. “Can I help you with something?”
Donoma left with the girls and did not realize her mother was listening in on the class.
When Gail approached Asakonigei, the Kovina said, "Oh... oh no, I was just interested in what you had to say about Gerudo culture."
“I’ve gathered a great deal of knowledge over my family’s generations. I work very closely with Malik on the prosperity of the town.”
"I'm glad that Donoma is learning from you. We could only tell her so much... and after a while, she grew tired of hearing the same stories." Asakonigei then asked, "Malik told me he had several very reliable friends to help him."
“He’s a handsome, intelligent, wise and powerful man. I think he’ll make a good king should he ever choose to take that role.” Gali finished gathering up old papers and rolling them into bags.
"... wait, what?" Asakonigei was not sure if she heard right. "King? We have a king. Covarog, the son of Ganondorf and Zelda."
“Yes. But Covarog is King of Hyrule.” Gali perked up; happier to speak history then address any concern in Asakonigei’s voice. “Long ago, even if there was a princess, queen, or king on the throne of Hyrule, there have been Gerudo Kings. Now this King usually turned out to be Ganondorf. The Gerudo of Hyrule have often been led by either a Chieftain or a Monarch. Kings in our society are mostly figure heads, but serve in the protection of the Gerudo people. Even the Termina Gerudo abid by this model, although being pirates, it’s usually a fleet captain. Take the ex pirate, Captain Adda, Queen of the seas. But she’s not important. What is important is that your husband has righter than anyone to be King of the Gerudo.”
Asakonigei then wondered if Malik had been rebuilding the entire community for the sole purpose of intending to rule it. He had never mentioned such an idea. She felt a little conflicted. Her loyalty was to the queen, the ruler of the Lorleidians. Zarazu's husband was Covarog, therefore she was also loyal to him. The Kovina currently was not fond of the idea of being a queen herself. She had no intention to rule, did not want to rule over anyone. All she wanted was for her children to mature, to find love, to have families of their own one day and grow old with her husband.
"That... may well be true, though I don't think..." Asakonigei chose her words carefully. "I'm not sure if that's his intention."
“Does it matter? He’s the man with a vision. He has more passion than any man I’ve ever met. People love him. They look up to him. This is your first day here, but if you stay longer, you’ll see it yourself.”
"I do agree with you, this is a wonderful place, but we have friends and family back in Hyrule." Asakonigei was not going to uproot her entire business and leave behind her uncles and cousins. Revan and Donoma were grown and could make their own decisions, though moving was never part of the plan. Not to mention, all her clients, her status as forge master, all of that work took years, and she would be a fool to leave it behind. Zarazu needed her, her family needed her... these were all strangers. "We couldn't leave them."
“You couldn’t you mean.” Gali leaned against her desk, crossing her arms gently. “You ever think Malik deserves to be king?”
"He has family there too." Asakonigei frowned at the woman. "Does he deserve to be treated like royalty? With all that has happened to him, I believe he deserves a good life. Yet, being a king, it would be too much. He already does enough and spends so much time away from his family."
“Asakonigei. That is your name right? Asakonigei, Gerudo have always been brought down by the central powers of Hyrule, because we are the biggest threat to their ruling ship. We have too much passion and independence. The Zora are too fanatic in serving the Hylian throne, the Goron are nearly indestructible, the Sheikah are bound to the will of the Zelda lineage, the Rito need trade desperately from Hyrule, and the Koroki are considered too weak to be a threat. Malik is a man who’s always served titles under Hyrule. Captain, Commander, Lord. To be king would to be his own title. He’s very happy here. You can see the light in his eyes being here. Tell me, are you happy with him? Could you be happy enough to follow him as a Queen when his heart travels here?” Gali raised a curious brow, her question pressing hard on the woman. She didn’t blow steam like the previous Gerudo that challenged Asa. The historian nearly wanted the truth out of Asa, calm and forwardly.
"... I am not Hylian. Whatever qualms you have with Hyrule, I am not a part of it." She clarified to Gail. "I am a Lorleidian, and I follow my queen. I cannot leave her and I won't leave her as long as she has need of me." Asakonigei told the woman. "There is nothing wrong with Malik wanting more. I want him to be happy. If he wishes to be king here, then that's him. I would support him because I love him. Yet, I would not want him to be king if it meant more strife between us. More tension. More loneliness." She then stated. "Malik deserves a good life. Yet a life here? ... being king here would mean more serving as you put it. For once, I'd like him to be free of such duties. Free... for once."
“I think he’s been freer here cultivating a new land then he has been all his life. Isn’t happiness and following your passion true freedom after all? I think he deserves to be the King of a free Gerudo people. And a man like him deserves a queen who’d stand by him here.” Gali gathered her lecture notes and gently made her way out. “If you excuse me, I need to lock up.”
"Freedom is not having chains. Hyrule or here, Malik will always have something or someone he believes he will have to save." Asakonigei retorted firmly. "He's done enough. If you truly want a leader that bad, then cast a vote with all the Gerudo women here. A king isn't needed for a realm ruled by women. Nominate a queen." She then watched as Gail exited the tent. "He's already my husband and I am his wife. Nothing will change that."
Gali lead Asa outside, and looking her in the eye, she shut the lock on the door. “The present is never hundred percent certain. But we’ll see, won’t we.”
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/622288999627833344/the-rising-sun-ch-1-dawn-of-the-gerudo
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/622482284480774144/the-rising-sun-ch-3-test-your-might
Crossover with @ridersoftheapocalypse. Also shares characters with @s-kinnaly
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Chapter one “Radio demons and frozen static.”
“Hmm….” Charlie hummed nervously. “What’s wrong?” Vaggie asked. “I don’t know...It feels like we’re missing something…” Charlie trailed off. “Well, I do have one more favor I could call on if you feel it necessary, dear~!” Alastor hummed. “Really?” Charlie bounced in place. Alastor nodded. “If you so wish~!” He beamed. Charlie nodded. “If it’s no trouble!” Charlie added. Alastor chuckled. “Of course not, dear~! You need all the help you can get~!” Alastor grinned, snapping his fingers. (Elsewhere)
A plush demon banged their head on the table before them, sighing exhaustedly. “Come on, sissy! We’re so close this time! We can’t give up now!” Sugar pleaded. “We’re Eighty down, Sug. We can’t pay rent.” Ebony sighed tiredly. “Maybe if you work another shift-” Sugar started. “IT WON’T WORK, SUGAR!!” Ebony snapped, lifting her head from the table. “Yipes!” Sugar yelped. “It won’t work. And it won’t work because I was a dumb-a and snapped at my boss!” Ebony snapped, exhaustion clear in her tone. “And I was a dumb-a for even THINKING of following in dad’s footsteps!! I CAN’T be a radio show host, performer, singer, voice actor-actress-whatever!!!! I DON’T have his talent, and I never WILL!!!! I’ll live eternally in his shadow, no matter what kinda magic happen-” Ebony started before being surrounded by a ribbon of red and being teleported elsewhere, along with Sugar. (At the hotel)
“Ta da~!” Alastor announced, gesturing grandly at Ebony and Sugar. “Meet my little compatriots; Ebony Agony and Sugar Agony~!” Alastor announced. Ebony slowly took in her surroundings after making sure Sugar was okay. “Hello~? Anyone home~?” Alastor sang cheerily, waving a hand in front of Ebony’s face. Ebony caught his hand, pushing it away. “I’m fine. Would have been better if I had SOME FORM OF WARNING.” Ebony growled. Alastor chuckled, laugh track not far behind him. “Ugh…What didja need?” Ebony asked begrudgingly. Alastor grabbed Ebony by the shoulders turning her towards Charlie. “Ebony, this is my friend, Charlie~! She needs help with her hotel~!” Alastor said. Charlie waved sheepishly while Ebony grew an unimpressed frown. “Well~?” Alastor asked, looking down at Ebony. “So, lemme get this straight; ya wanna rehabilitate sinners in this hotel so that the Extermination doesn’t affect too many people?” Ebony asked, clearly unimpressed. “Yes…?” Charlie said shakily. “Well that ain’t gonna happen.” Ebony said coldly. Charlie’s shoulders slumped. “Wait for it~!” Alastor sang. “-Not with THIS colour scheme! I mean, hello?! Red and purple?! NOT warm colours! Ya gotta have warm and inviting colours! Oranges, maybe a bitta yellows! Red? Red SCREAMS ‘DANGER, STAY OUT OR RISK PERISH’! Warm colours? They’ll give the place a nice welcoming atmosphere and instead say ‘hey there! We can be trusted! Come ‘ere pal!’, ya know?” Ebony ranted. Charlie was speechless. “How do you know so much about colors and how well they go together?” Charlie asked, flabbergasted. “Al didn’t tell ya?” Ebony asked, raising an eyebrow. Alastor cleared his throat nervously. “No, he didn’t, what didn’t he tell me?” Charlie asked. Ebony chuckled darkly under her breath. “Course he didn’t.” Ebony sighed. “What am I missing out on here?” Charlie asked. Ebony sighed, figuring she’d have to tell her. “Well, Charlie, the reason why I’m so well educated on colour combinations is because my dad...Is one of the most well known performers here in Hell right next to Al here.” Ebony said. “Wait, you mean-” Charlie started. “Yup. My dad is the one and only Ink Demon himself.” Ebony said, shrugging. “No way!” Charlie said. “Anyways, I could help ya make the place more welcoming if ya want, no pressure.” Ebony shrugged. Charlie shook her head. “It wouldn’t be too much trouble?” Charlie asked. “Nah. I’m always willing to help a friend.” Ebony said. “Okay! How long will ya need?” Charlie asked eagerly. “Meh, maybe like...An hour, hour and a half tops.” Ebony shrugged. “Really? That little time?” Charlie asked, now feeling worried about the short time span. “I work fast.” Ebony shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. Charlie gave a shaky thumbs up. “Don’t worry, nothing will catch fire.” Ebony sighed. “Besides, if something does, toon logic will sort it all out.” Ebony assured. “Toon logic…?” Charlie asked. “It’s her little quirk~! How do you think she can fit so much into her hoodie pockets~?” Alastor laughed. “Untrue! Well, maybe a little true.” Ebony said shoving a notebook back into her hoodie pocket. Alastor hummed, shrugging whimsically. “Anyways, I can get the stuff to help tomorrow and be done by about...2:00, 2:30, somewhere around there.” Ebony said. Charlie was surprised. “Are you sure you don’t need longer?” Charlie asked, worried. “Look, do ya want the help or not?” Ebony asked. Alastor could hear the irritation slipping into Ebony’s tone and he tapped her shoulder, gesturing into the kitchen. Ebony understood and followed him back.
“Are you okay?” Alastor asked. “Yeah, fine. Why?” Ebony asked. He gestured to her cabby cap. “You haven’t taken your hat off since arriving. Not to mention your demeanor towards others has been more hostile than normal.” Alastor explained. Ebony sighed. She hated when others cared about her. It made her feel fragile. It made her feel weak. It made her feel...Like a little kid again. “Hello~? Is this thing on?” Alastor smiled, tapping his cane’s head. “Arright, arright, fine. I’ll lighten up.” Ebony said. “Good, but you dodged one thing.” Alastor said. “What?” Ebony asked. He pointed at her cap. “That.” Alastor said. Ebony sighed, head bobbing. “It’s nothing, Al.” Ebony said, turning to leave. “Whenever you say that, it’s everything.” Alastor said flatly. “Just forget it. Okay Al?” Ebony asked. Alastor glowered disapprovingly at Ebony deflecting. “You do know I ask this because I care, right?” Alastor asked. “Caring about others only gets ya hurt, Al. Trust me. I would know. (It’s why I’m down here, for God’s sake.)” Ebony grumbled. “Ebony, Ebony, Ebony…” Alastor chuckled. Ebony raised an eyebrow, confused. “We all know that’s not the true reason you’re down here~!” Alastor grinned maliciously. “Al, listen, I know that I did some…..Questionable stuff while I was alive, but…Those things aren’t the reason I’m down here probably…” Ebony winced. Alastor put a hand on Ebony’s shoulder, ignoring that she tensed up. “Deerheart, listen, you and I both know that those things are exactly the reason you’re down here~!” Alastor hummed quietly. Ebony shifted uncomfortably. “W-Well I-” Ebony started before Alastor put a finger to her lips. “You weren’t exactly the cleanest person alive, remember~?” Alastor hummed. Ebony sighed. Whenever he dragged up old info on someone, it wasn’t without reason. “What do ya need, Al?” Ebony asked, exhaustion evident in her voice. Alastor chuckled. “Glad you asked~! You see, Charlie isn’t the only one who needs your help here~!” Alastor hummed. “Whaddaya mean, pal? Cut to the chase.” Ebony huffed. “My, my, my~! Someone is impatient~!” Alastor laughed, laugh track following close behind. “Guess ya don’t need my help after all.” Ebony said turning and leaving. Before she could make it fully out, Alastor grabbed her hoodie hood, dragging her back in effortlessly. “Listen my dear, I know we have a...Rocky relationship, but still, I do need your help~!” Alastor hummed. “What if I don’t wanna?” Ebony asked sarcastically. “Hmmm...How do I put this~?” Alastor hummed thoughtfully. Ebony rolled her eyes. “Ì̴̱̖̄̕ ̷̢̪̖̑͝W̶̗̒Į̷̘̂L̵̘̤̘͑͠L̶̢̤̜̓ ̴̡̼̠̐̍M̴̢̡͚͈̎͌͛͠Ả̷̬̺͌̐͘K̸͖̭̻̰̃͌͝E̶̤̹͚̒̊̈́̚ ̶̢̞̈́̅̅̕S̶̜̺̭̏́U̷̲̅̈͝R̸̙̭͕̀E̵̦̲̘̺͐ ̸̣̥̈́̏Y̴̩̻̎̉̍̎O̵͇̟̽̆U̴̥̓͐͋R̶̜̼͍̹͛ ̷͎̣̖̉͂F̷͖̭͎́͐̎͝A̶̦̮̾͛͛Ṁ̷̭͑̈̈́I̵̟̪̺͑͌̚̚L̶̺̻͓̲͊̋Y̶͇̻̊ͅ ̴̢̲͕͚̆͋̀T̸̪̾̕͜H̴͚͒̑͋Å̸̫͓̣͚Ṫ̵̮̜̃͌ͅ ̸͍̮̳̂͛̂̀Ȳ̶̹͎̟̒̿͝O̷̮͆Ű̷̢̓̂͝ ̶͉̪̳̆̓̾̂Ľ̶̡̰͙̙̓̊̀O̶̫͉̖͎̍Ṽ̴̮͇̞͎̒̑͝Ȩ̸͉͇̞̈́͛́̓ ̵̱̤̮͑͒͐I̸̞̼̎̇̃͜Ṣ̷̹͚͇͆̀́͊ ̸̧̙̪͗́̆̒T̶͓͕̭̀Ö̸͖̻́́̕R̶͚͎̼͊͝ͅT̵̨̛͝Ũ̶̻R̷̨̀͛E̴̢͔͖̤̔̋͠Ḑ̶̀̈̌ ̷̨̻̮̜̎͋͆͝Ą̶̤͒N̷̨̥͇͍͒̈́̉̄D̶̡̠̼̥̀̎ ̷̰̼̳͝ͅK̵̰̫͓̘̉̾͐̈́I̵̹̍͆L̸̤̓̌͝͝Ḷ̶͚͕̟̂͛Ę̵̧̨͆̉̍̊D̴͙̲̎̋ ̷̺͉̎̿Ĭ̷̧̥͔͇̍̓̑Ǹ̸̼ ̸̧̹͇̹͛F̵̠̮̘̽͒͋R̵̳̭̠͍̽̕O̴͔̅̆͐̒Ņ̴̠͓̓̿Ṯ̸̜͋̈̆̿ ̶̨̒O̵̗̙̞̭͒͂͊̚F̴͓̰̀͒ ̷̰̄̎̇Y̶̝̚Ǫ̸͉̼̳͗̇U̸̺̔͝ ̵̢̛̬͗W̷͔̒̑H̸̗̼̗͗͗̍̂Ỉ̶̙̠͉̍͑͘L̷̙̟͕̍͊̎́Ḛ̵̚ ̷̝̔̇̓Ÿ̴̨̻͜͝O̶̧̳͇͎͗̀̕͝Ư̸̤̰̫̺͝'̵̗̫̤̾̊̓̑R̸̗̝̭̙͐̈͐͆E̷͇̖͙̱͌͂́ ̴̫̗̰̬̈́͌̈͘H̸̬̦͕̆̎E̴̠̰͋̇L̶̙̭͌͆̑D̴͍̂ ̵̧̔̆͒̀B̴̥͓̕Ȁ̸͓͓̿̄͘C̴̦̊̕̚K̴̢͕͂ ̶̢̡͚́I̴̡͇̟̬̾F̸̭̑̓̿̀ ̷̮͕̤̯̏̎̒͘Ẏ̶̝̪̩̈́̽Ö̶̫̘̜͓̂͐̒U̴̱̥̭̖͊̎ ̴̫͖̰̂͆͠D̴̜̍E̵͙̼̖͑̿C̸̨͙̈́̈́̉̏I̶̼̔͗͝D̵̺͓̋̄̆͗E̷̫̮̠͈͗̿ ̸̝̩͌T̴̙͔̝̱̓̃O̴̯̒̂͑ ̵̡͖͖̐̂͋͑N̷͎̂Ő̶̺͈͙T̸̬̯͗́̂̕ ̵̯̪̇͠ͅH̵̹̲̪̓͝E̸̳̰̣͗L̷̰̟͛̋̄Ṕ̷̰͐̇ ̴̞̭͔̎̆͜M̵̙̳̮̬͗̅E̶͚̲͌̾͝” Alastor said darkly, eyes changing to his hostile ones. Ebony’s ears fell back. “Y-You wouldn’t…!” Ebony snapped. “W̷͓͎̟̍͝O̴̞͎͌͒͛̌U̸͖̙̙̲͆̏̌͛L̷͙̰̻̀̔̊͛D̶̳̲̮͊̚Ñ̸̛̝̾̈ͅ'̴͓͘T̵̥͓͇̠́͋̄ ̶̭͆͌̐Ḭ̵̔̒̚,̸̗̘̭̱̊ ̸͙̆D̷̪̠̈̆̿͝Ę̷̻̍ͅA̴̫̼͍͚̾R̴̫̅͘~̸̧̝̆?̴͎͎̓̀” Alastor chuckled. Ebony nodded nervously. Alastor held out a hand to shake, eyes returning to normal. “Splendid! Now let’s seal the deal, shall we~?” Alastor grinned. Ebony hesitated a moment. “Tick tock Ebony dearest, remember your family’s on the line~!” Alastor said in a sing-song voice. Ebony sighed, knowing there was no winning. She eventually gave in, shaking his hand. “My goodness, dearheart~! We simply MUST work on your handshaking abilities~!” Alastor laughed heartily. Ebony grumbled under her breath. “Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that, care to repeat~?” Alastor asked. “I said, I don’t care.” Ebony snapped. “We’ll see about that, sweetheart~!” Alastor said. “Now then, about what I needed you for~! What I needed you for was~” Alastor said, whispering what he needed her for.
Alastor went to leave the kitchen, gesturing for Ebony to follow.
“Charlie dearheart, after Ebony’s done helping make the place look the part, what job would you like her to partake~?” Alastor asked, gesturing to Ebony at his side. “Well...I don’t know, what are we missing?” Charlie asked. Alastor hummed, bringing a hand to his chin as he thought. “How about she takes the job of concierge~? I am lead to believe that Ebony’s demon skills leave much to be desired and this could be good practice~!” Alastor suggested. Ebony shook her head no violently. “I don’t think she likes that idea.” Charlie objected. “Well, we have a front desk manager, being Husk, a room attendant, being Niffty, what else is there~?” Alastor asked, clearly stumped. “Well I could always be janitor…” Ebony mumbled. Charlie brightened up. “What did you say?” Charlie asked. “Sorry, um uh, I *Kaff* I could be the janitor if ya want.” Ebony said. Alastor ruffled Ebony’s hair. “Brilliant, my dear~!! You were always quite the good cleaner~!!” Alastor complimented. “Oh hush you..!!” Ebony mumbled shyly. Angel raised a hand. “I got an idea..!” Angel said lazily. “Oh? What might that be?” Charlie asked. “She’s the janitor, but if we or any patrons need help, she gets t’ help ‘em too.” Angel said. The room was covered with a blanket of silence. “Look, if it’s that stupid I can-” Angel started. “No no no! I think you’re onto something!” Charlie said. Angel’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wait really?” Angel asked, starstruck. “Yeah! Angel’s got something there!” Charlie said excitedly. “WHAT?!?” Alastor and Angel gasped in unison. “YOU’RE surprised?! Imagine how I feel!!” Angel said nervously. “Charlie dearest you MUST be joking!!” Alastor said, typical sing-song tone gone with the wind. “No, he’s got a good idea. For once.” Vaggie added. “I don’t believe this!!” Alastor sighed. “Calm down, Mister Drama King.” Ebony scoffed. All eyes in the room fell on Ebony. “......What?” Ebony asked, shrugging. “Did...Did you just Sass the RADIO DEMON?!” Vaggie gasped, awestruck. “Well, yeah. What? Is that weird or some’n?” Ebony asked. “YES!!” Everyone but Alastor said. “Man!! This kid is braver than I thought!!” Angel laughed. “Nah. Not brave. I just know that he can’t hurt me because we-” Ebony started before Alastor rushed over, covering her mouth to prevent her from finishing her sentence. “Because we’re friends…~! Is what she was going to say…~! But I have a reputation to uphold, so that information can’t get out…~! You know how it goes..~!” Alastor said, grip remaining firm. “Ooooh! Okay! Got it!” Charlie said. “R-Right…!” Vaggie said nervous at how quick Alastor was to shut Ebony down. Ebony remembered one of the self-defense tips her dad gave her and put it into use. Alastor shivered, swiping his hand off at a swift speed. “DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND?!” Alastor gasped. “Self defense.” Ebony shrugged. “N-Now now, let’s not get testy…!” Charlie advised. Ebony shrugged, turtling inside her hoodie. “Wait-!” Charlie started. “Give her a moment, she’s just grabbing something~!” Alastor announced. A few minutes later, Ebony popped back out with a few decorating supplies. “Okay, so I have everything I need, so whenever ya guys need me to, I can get started!” Ebony said. “Really? Just like that?!” Charlie gasped. “Yup. Toon logic helps a lot.” Ebony smirked. “Okay, you just need to be alone for this?” Charlie asked. Ebony nodded. “Yeah, it works best if I’m alone.” Ebony reported. Charlie nodded. “Maybe you guys can go out and pick out bed sheets or something. Other...Hotel-y stuff..” Ebony trailed off. Charlie nodded and everyone headed out. As soon as they were gone, Ebony got started. After the wallpaper and everything else was laid out and drying, Ebony went to carry out a part of what Alastor needed her to do.
Hours passed while Ebony worked. Three hours later, A knock came on the door and Ebony rushed putting everything back correctly and unlocked and opened the door. “Wowie!!” Charlie gasped in amazement. “That looks...Not terrible.” Vaggie complimented. “Cozy~!” Angel smirked. “So clean…!” Niffty gasped in awe. “Looks passable.” Husk grunted. “I for one, think it looks darling~!” Alastor announced. Husk trudged back to the front desk to grab a new bottle of booze as he had just run out. Ebony smiled, cabbie cap askew. “Oh! Your cap’s a little crooked!” Charlie said. Ebony jumped, cap falling off and shadow disappearing from Ebony’s face, showing what was hiding underneath. “Oh my…!” Niffty gasped. “What in the world…?” Vaggie gasped. “What’s goin’ on? I can’t see!” Angel said, trying to get a look. Ebony scrambled to grab her hat, but it was snatched away before she could reach it. “What’s goin’ on ‘ere?” Husk asked, returning with a fresh bottle of booze. Ebony turned and waved to him. “HOLY-” Husk yelped, jumping back. “WHAT ‘APPENED TO YOU, YA LOOK DEAD ON YOUR FEET!! AGAIN!!!” Husk hissed. Ebony sighed heavily. “This is why I didn’t tell ya guys…” Ebony wheezed. “MY LUCIFER, YA SOUND EVEN WORSE!!” Husk exclaimed. “Dearheart, what happened~?” Alastor asked. “Don’t wanna talk about it.” Ebony scoffed. “Are you sure…?” Charlie asked worriedly. Ebony nodded no. “Listen, we’re here to talk if ya-” Angel started. “I SAID I DON’T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!” Ebony snapped, ink webs crawling over the walls. Alastor looked around in alarm. “Okay, that’s fine…~! No need to talk~! Just please calm down…~!!” Alastor hummed. Ebony calmed down, the ink webs slowly disappearing. “Whawazat?” Angel asked. “Another quirk of hers.” Alastor and Vaggie said in unison. “Please, ladies first~!” Alastor said. “Thanks, I guess. Anyways, she’s the daughter of Inky the ink demon. The webs of Ink are her way of showing that she’s reaching her limit.” Vaggie explained. “What if she reaches her limit?” Angel asked nervously. “Stay outta her way.” Vaggie shrugged. “Why?” Angel asked, fear creeping into his tone. “Trust Vaggie on this, Angel. She’s seen Inky reach his limits. It wasn’t pretty.” Alastor said. “Eh, she’s tiny, she couldn’t do any harm.” Angel shrugged. “I can still reach your huge moneymaker, Angel.” Ebony growled. “Ohohoho, trust me Angel my dear, she doesn’t let height get in her way.” Alastor laughed. “Whaddaya mean?” Angel asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. “Why do you think that she’s so well known~?” Alastor asked. “Uh...Cause she’s good at That?” Angel guessed. Alastor whacked Angel on the head with his cane. “GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER.” Alastor growled. “Ow!!” Angel winced. “Yeah, that’s not why she’s so well known, Angel.” Vaggie said. “Oh~! It looks like someone knows her history~!” Alastor announced. “I gotta. Gotta know who your enemies are so you know how to defend against them.” Vaggie said, narrowing her eyes. “Would you care to enlighten Angel~? Or shall I~?” Alastor hummed. “You seem to know why. Why don’t you?” Vaggie asked. “Well, if you insist~!” Alastor hummed. “Ebony may look defenseless, but she’s far from it~!” Alastor began. “Being the daughter of the Ink Demon, she possesses many powers~! Most of which are dangerous~!” Alastor said, putting dark emphasis on the dangerous part. Ebony’s head bowed in shame. “She was a scourge on any demons who crossed her path~!” Alastor continued. “It was messy~! It was messy and loud, but by Lucifer, I’ll be DEAD if I say I wasn’t impressed~!” Alastor hummed. Ebony’s face heated up. “She can’t have been that bad, right?” Charlie asked. Alastor laughed, shaking his head. “No, no, no, my dear~! She was that bad~! She made my little ‘hissy fits’ look like a joke~!” Alastor laughed heartily. Charlie’s shoulders sunk. “But, sadly, as the years went by, she started killing less and less and my entertainment ran dry…~! But, now that she’s here, maybe that metaphorical entertainment river will flow aplenty again~!” Alastor sang. “Mmm…” Charlie winced. “As long as she doesn’t kill anyone, she can stay.” Vaggie said. “Of course, my dear~! I wouldn’t DREAM of her doing anything sinful here~!” Alastor said crossing his fingers behind his back. “Good.” Vaggie huffed. Ebony’s gaze fell to the floor. Husk tapped Ebony’s shoulder. “You gonna be okay kid?” Husk asked. Ebony opened her mouth to speak, but closed it and nodded. “Couldja at least say it? It’s really friggin’ weird not hearin’ ya talk.” Husk said. “Right, yeah, I’ll be fine.” Ebony confirmed. Husk sighed. “Ya know, ya don’t suck as much as the others.” Husk admitted. “Awww…~! You’re softening up~!” Ebony teased. “Oh, shove it!!” Husk growled. “What~? I’m just saying that ya said something nice~!” Ebony teased. “Don’t make me take it back!!” Husk growled. “Wouldja really~?” Ebony teased. “I WOULD, AND THEN SOME, SO BACK OFF!!!” Husk hissed. Ebony winced, stepping back. “Now now, Husker, let’s not upset our new coworker, alright~?” Alastor smiled. Husk sighed heavily. “Fine.” Husk trudged back to the front desk.
Ebony smiled nervously. “Did you do as I asked~?” Alastor asked, leaning over. “Yeah. I almost didn’t clean up in time though.” Ebony said. Alastor grinned. “Excellent~!!” Alastor smiled, clapping happily. “By your tone I can tell that this wasn’t the, ah, only thing ya need me for?” Ebony asked exhaustedly. “Yes, but the rest can wait~! Now then, the other day, you weren’t at the theatre with your father, where were you~?” Alastor asked, closing the door as he walked Ebony to a private room. “W-Well...I got an animation opportunity and…” Ebony started. “And~?” Alastor asked. Ebony fell silent. Alastor grabbed her chin, tilting it upward so she’d make eye contact. “Eyes up here, sweetheart~! And speak your mind, I’m not a subtitle maker, you know~!” Alastor chuckled. Ebony frowned. “Well~? Speak up, dearest~! No need to be afraid of me~!” Alastor purred. “Well, with the guy who gave me the opportunity, yes, I do.” Ebony grumbled. “Dear, we’ve talked about your grumbling~!” Alastor said. “Who gave the opportunity, dearheart~?” Alastor asked. “Vox…” Ebony mumbled. “What was that~?” Alastor asked. “Vox…!” Ebony mumbled louder. “One more time for the audience, if you would please~?” Alastor asked, leaning his cane towards Ebony. Ebony growled. “VOX!!! VOX GAVE ME THE OPPORTUNITY, OKAY?!?” Ebony snapped. Alastor drew back as though he were just attacked. Ebony took a deep breath, collecting herself. “I...Took an animation opportunity with Vox.” Ebony said calmly. “Ebony, you know how-” Alastor started. “I know.” Ebony said. “You know how dangerous V-” Alastor started. “I. KNOW.” Ebony said cutting Alastor off again. “W-Well, did it go okay…~?” Alastor asked. Ebony sunk her head into her hoodie. “Ebony, did it go okay?” Alastor asked, melody gone from his tone. Ebony’s face heated up and tears started filling her eyes. Alastor scowled. “Was there ever any animating?” Alastor asked, voice going serious. Ebony shook her head no. Ebony went to open the door, but Alastor held the door shut. “Are you okay?” Alastor asked. Ebony was silent. “EBONY. WHAT. HAPPENED?” Alastor asked sternly. Ebony shook her head no. “Ebony. Talk to me.” Alastor said sternly. Ebony shook her head no violently. “Well, I suppose there’s no way to make you talk about it.” Alastor said flatly. Ebony sighed before Alastor hugged her tightly. Ebony was surprised at first, but eventually collapsed into the hug, bursting into tears. “No need to talk, just give thumbs up or down as a response, okay?” Alastor asked gently. Ebony shakily nodded. “Did you animate?” Alastor asked. Thumbs down. “Was there any animating equipment in there?” Alastor asked. Thumbs down. Alastor scowled, already jumping to conclusions. “Did...Did he, at any point, make you uncomfortable?” Alastor asked. Thumbs up. “Did you ever make physical contact at all?” Alastor asked. Dual thumbs up. BAD. SIGN. “Was it a hug?” Alastor asked, hoping that was all it was. Dual thumbs down. TERRIBLE. SIGN. “A boop?” Alastor asked. Dual thumbs down again. “...He didn’t.” Alastor growled. DUAL. THUMBS. UP. “HE DID.” Alastor growled. Ebony nodded sadly, hiccupping. “Worry not dear, he won’t get to you ever again.” Alastor promised. Ebony hugged him tightly. “I know, I know, it’s okay now. He won’t hurt you anymore. Not while I’m around.” Alastor promised. Alastor booped Ebony gently on the nose, smiling again. “Come now, my dear~! No use dwelling on the past~! How about we get that beautiful smile back on that beautiful face of yours again~? As I always say; you’re NEVER fully dressed without a smile~!” Alastor grinned. Ebony chuckled, smiling slightly. “Oh, there we go~! Beautiful smile for a beautiful demon~!” Alastor hummed, booping her again. Alastor opened the door, walking out with Ebony hopping behind.
(Timeskip to Sir Pentious arriving.)
“Well well well, look who’s harboring the sssstriped freak~!!! We meet again, Alassstor~!!” Sir Pentious grinned. Pentious’ gaze drifted to Ebony. “Oh, and he hasss a cute little ssssidekick now, too~!!” Pentious cackled. “I AIN’T NOBODY’S SIDEKICK!!!!” Ebony snapped. Alastor patted her shoulder gently, trying to calm her down. “Thisss time, I have the element of ssssurprise~!!!” Pentious cackled. Using his Radio Demon abilities, Alastor took Pentious down with minimal effort. A few moments passed before he shook his head, returning to his cheery self. “Well, I’m starved~! Who’s hungry for some Jambalaya~? My mother once taught me a recipe that was so good, it nearly KILLED her~!! Ohohoho!! It was almost like it was straight out of HELL~!!! Ohohoho!! I’m on a roll~!!” Alastor laughed as he and the others started walking back. Ebony smiled as she realized; with this new job and her new friends, for the first time ever, she’d be okay. Sure, she’d have bad days, but they’d probably be there if she needed them. And, for the first time in ages, she felt she could trust them if she needed help, mental or physical. And she was okay with that. Maybe one day she’ll work up the courage to talk to everyone about her whole family situation. She should tell them, they deserve to know, if not her actual family, about her future career path plan. Al was the only one who knows about it, but not the full thing. Something tugged at Ebony’s hoodie and Ebony looked down at Niffty. “Ya coming? Alastor’s making dinner and he’s a good cook!” Niffty asked. “Yeah, I’ll be along in a moment, tell them I’ll be a few.” Ebony smiled. Niffty smiled and ran back inside. Ebony looked at the part Niffty tugged on and winced. Good thing Niffty didn’t take too close of a look; that coulda landed her in some hot water. Maybe she’d tell them about that too. No. That was too private. So long as she wasn’t too frequent or go too deep, she’d be fine. Now to work up the courage to talk to them. Ebony spaced out for a few minutes. “-Ebony!?” Charlie called. “Oh! Uh, coming!” Ebony said, hopping back inside excitedly, grin spread across her face.
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satchaccuss · 5 years
SWJFO sure FEELS short at least.
This, like much of everything else I spew, is a rant. Sry.
Oh and there will be spoilers ahead for the game, so: sry.
Finished Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order yesterday (2019-12-01) and am now in the regular post-playthrough depression that always hits when finishing a game with no replay-value. Ooooh! Yeah I know some are gonna be mad at that, but it’s MY truth! The fact that the game doesn’t even have a new game or new game plus mode really drags. I bought it 2019-11-18, but because I was busy it wasn’t fully downloaded until 2019-11-22 and then I didn’t start playing until the next day and let’s say I then played maybe 3 hrs per day, let’s say everyday...then the game is around the 25 hrs mark, however: did I feel like it was time well spent? No. Did I feel satisfied with the ending? No.
Did I want to keep playing? For no reason? F*ck No! I mean I already got every secret and collectible before the final mission, so there is literally no reason to keep playing! This is the reason why dark souls has new game and new game plus modes, there is nothing to explore and do if you have already done it all! But if you get to play the game again, while keeping all outfits and weapons: you get some damn fine looking shots of your character looking awesome during boring-ass scenes you’ve already seen before! Honestly, the story was kind of meh in the end and the outfits were too few and the ponchos didn’t make any sense and the fact you don’t get to customize the colour of “you know what” until basically the end of the game just sucked all in all! Why wouldn’t you implement a “new game” mode in a game like this?! (I’m pretty sure the first one is just called “new game” and then the one after that is called “new game plus”, I think that was how dark souls did it at least, I can’t speak for the other games in the series tho it could have changed).
Seeing Cal wearing the outfit I chose and using the lightsaber I customized throughout the entire games cutscenes would be a much needed alleviation of a moderately boring story honestly... (But why can’t I change Cere’s saber piece on the other side?! I had to pick her piece for the other side too to make it look cohesive, and I didn’t like that, I didn’t want that, but it looks dumb otherwise!)
Yeah yeah, it isn’t as short as a usual indie-title, but it isn’t a Fallout game for sure, I mean I am still playing Fallout 4 every now and then because of all the shit you can do and all the different perks that can change your playstyle too... and because you can customize your character to look how you want and say kind of what you want and have it kind of matter and... *sigh*. 
Why is this Star Wars game so good but so bad at the same time?
I liked that you could change the buttons... I didn’t like that you couldn’t re-bind all things to new buttons. I mean having the shoulder button be block/parry only works in dark souls where the shield actually felt like it was there and oh it’s hard to explain, but it didn’t work for me in this game, so I re-bound it to the B-button and made dodge the Y-button. However, I didn’t know that the game f*cked itself and took away the “drop ledge”-button as well when I changed B. Luckily I, through my massive brain’s incredible problem-solving skills, managed to figure out I could manually re-bind the drop-button to my dodge-button (Y). I did google it first tho and got no useful information: instead I got a f*ck-ton of same-y sounding whining about pc-keybindings, which, for a console-user like myself: is f*cking useless! Apparently not a single other soul had had my issue! In the end, like I said, I figured it out, but still: The fact that the game didn’t warn me that I had consequently un-bound another command as well when changing the dodge-button was really shitty. Oh well. ...the game making X and B (because of my changed buttons no doubt, but still), the way to do double saber attacks was f*cking hilariously dumb tho and the fact that I couldn’t change that attack to other buttons really irked me let me tell you! I had to release the camera and steer sticks both during the fight that the game wants you to do it to push both X and B at the same time to perform the stupid attack! I literally could never do it again after because it was a hassle to let go of the left stick to awkwardly hold the controller somehow and push X and B down at the same time, my word! A useless attack since I could never do it smoothly. Not really the games fault, but still. Anyway...
...why was Cal a ginger?! You can’t have a ginger wear a red or pink outfit! It clashes! Couldn’t they at least have made his hair more of a brow-ish shade to ensure it would go with most colour-schemes. Ginger doesn’t go with red or orange because it is red-ish or orange! Then again: colour-wise most of the ponchos didn’t work with the under-outfits either so, gah! Who designed the cosmetics in this game!? It never quite looked right to me. 
...why was Anakin in it? I fail to imagine Anakin letting the empire murder children for no reason, yeah yeah: he murdered the kids in the temple that one time, but... he came back to his senses to rescue his son in the end tho right, so... Yeah ok, maybe not, but... I just don’t understand how torturing the kids make them inquisitors either, wouldn’t they just kill themselves right when they had the chance instead of actually doing the empires bidding after all they’d been through because of it? If Trilla was so angry at Cere for letting her get captured at all by giving up her potential location, why did she join and why did she stay? She could’ve killed her at practically any point, but didn’t and then she ended up dying in the end while kind of maybe kind of “forgiving” Cere anyway... I am confused as to how murdering force-users and kidnapping them and torturing them is even a viable plan at all, but then again I ain’t evil so... Sure sure, less potential jedi and all, but if one can turn to “the dark side” at any point then you can get off of it too at any point can’t ya? and if the kid was tortured to join you and stay, wouldn’t they be more likely to just f*ck off your “dark side”-shenanigans the moment you are out of earshot? Yeah, they make it sound hard, but I have no idea how this shit is supposed to work in the first place so what the heck do I know! Why is the “dark side” a thing in the first place? I thought the force was an all powerful omnipresent-kind-of-thing that moves through everyone and everything, why/how does it have a “dark side” if it is everywhere at all times? Technically, wouldn’t the ppl NOT force-sensitive and the ppl NOT using the force be the ones on the “dark side” of the force? They are the ones that don’t affiliate with it and can’t “feel” it after all... Technically the ppl on the “dark side” aren’t actually on a “side” of anything, they are just happening to use the force for evil. I can perhaps understand why the idiots in charge want something to blame, like our religious ppl inventing the devil, but the ppl that actually feel the force would know that there’s no such thing as a “dark side” of the force, right? And yet everyone, even Luke in that second new movie was all like “Oh my gawd Ray, you went immediately to the dark side, whine whine whine!” But the whole thing with you Luke was that you embraced balance, right? I mean you were all: green lightsaber but all black outfit and was so badass when ya rescued Han! It wasn’t Anakin that brought balance to the force like the prophecy Obi had had said: it was his son that managed it, right? Or was that retconned? ...anyway.
I feel like swjfo was so short and for the amount I paid for it, it sure as shit doesn’t feel worth it in the end. I mean, I was so shocked when I started up the game and was gonna load my save and saw that we were 54% or something through the game and the main story had barely picked up any pace!
This definitely felt more like a prequel to another, better, more story-rich and exploratory game. 
I hope that they are making the next installment where we as Cal explore balancing the force and get to use force-lightning! (I was so disappointed you never got to learn that in this game, it would have been cool... if the game was longer and there was more to do and more things to fight and such!) The fact that Merrin joined so late in the story was dumb, but a hope that they will make the next installment where we together with her and the other crew get a bigger cooler ship and get to explore the world to get rid of the empire together and learn about the force and such too together and maybe romance her or something too I guess, but a male option for the rest of us that don’t want to see that straight shit would be nice too of course. But if their story progresses nicely and their chemistry grows naturally, I wouldn’t necessarily mind in the end if they go steady with each other. 
Seriously tho, a warning from the game that there would be no more perks to be unlocked when I’d unlocked all of them would’ve been nice! At least an option to sink the extra points you could still get into health or force-meter or lightsaber attack strength, (kind of like in Asscreed Ori where ya could add points into increased arrow-damage or melee-damage of a small percentage indefinitely almost. I was literally expecting that to be the case with this game but nope!). Anyway, the second game should focus on us and the crew expanding our operation of defeating the empire by: gathering allies and tools and experience too I suppose and it should also focus on Cal beginning to research mastering all aspects of the force, maybe together with Merrin. Merrin herself should learn about the world and also learn it really wasn’t the jedi that were the cause of her loss and pain and grow as a person and grow closer to the og crew too. Not sure how to end that game tho.
The third and last installment should be one where we actually get to eradicate the empire and actually rebuild the world and potentially the order too. One where we get to actually find balance and get to use a red lightsaber and use force-lightning too without being evil! (That might be more of an end-game goal for the second game tho: Cal masters some of the many aspects of the force and gets to use force-lightning, but not enough to satisfy us maybe, so there’ll be a reason to play the third one or something lol). So: use a red lighsaber and more cool force powers including force-lightning and “master the force”, all the while also working to finish eradicate the empire. Maybe some world-building choices where we decide if or how the new jedi order should be and we become a council member and do council business and such. It could end with the entire world open too us, with little quests of minor significance but it’s something to do scattered around the planets and places on the planets, we get to “build bridges” with the ppl were are to protect as part of the new jedi order and heck, let me decide what should happen and then you just make the game for me yeah Respawn?
...anyway, final thoughts:
I am done with the game and have no reason to keep playing it. This makes me kind of sad, but in the end: the story was unsatisfyingly short and uninteresting and the ending left much to be desired. But! There is very minimal hope (knowing EA) that there will be more to come. Let us hope.
End of rant.
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Always Something There to Remind Me
For Carry On Countdown 2018 Nov. 26: Nostalgia prompt 
Baz wants to leave soon, to get to the city in time to question his aunt about Nicodemus.
I’m going to go with him, of course. I told him that, straight away, last night. I can’t stay here, not by myself, without him. The thought of staying here alone to wait for him, with his family, in this house, makes me ill.
But it’s more than that.
I won’t let him search for the vampires without me.
Baz didn’t argue when I said that. Just gave me a strange look and said “Well, of course you’re coming with me, Snow.”
I want to be right there with him. For once, strangely enough, it’s not because I think he’s plotting. I’m sure he’s plotting something but it’s got nothing to do with me this time.
All I know is that I don’t want him to confront the vampires alone. I think that would be a terrible idea.
I’ve been thinking about this, thinking about it a lot, now that I know more about Headmistress Pitch and her death.
I know Baz is a vampire, even if he won’t fully admit it. He came closer than ever to speaking about it yesterday.
I think he hates it, hates being one. I think he’s ashamed and conflicted about it. The things he said last night, when we were talking about Nicodemus, I think he believes them.
I don’t believe them. And I don’t want him to, either.
I’m worried about how he’ll be with other vampires, real vampires.
I know he’s a real vampire but he’s also a student at Watford, a bloody brilliant football player and a first-rate git. Not to mention top of our class.
He’s not like normal vampires.
I don’t know what normal vampires are like. I just know I’ve run into a fair number of dark creatures since I’ve come to Watford. They all have this aura they give off, a sense of not-rightness. I don’t know how to put it into words. It’s just a feeling I get.
But I don’t feel that with Baz. Never have.
He’s a right arse, don’t get me wrong. He’s vicious and cruel and not above intrigue and scheming. He’s exasperating, infuriating and downright nasty sometimes. But I don’t think he’s really out to harm anyone.
Not even me.
I say that knowing full well about Phillipa Stainton and the chimaera but even then. . . I think he meant to scare me, not kill me.
I don’t know. None of this makes sense.
I tug at my hair. I don’t know what I’m thinking. But I know he can’t go alone. I don’t know what it will be like for him, being around them. Thinking about them. Remembering his mum. Knowing he’s one of them, even though he doesn’t want to be.
Has he been around vampires before? I don’t know. I’m not sure I want to ask.
I don’t know if it will make it any better, having me there with him. It can’t make it worse, I suppose.
Scratch that. Things can always get worse when I’m involved.
But at least he’ll know he’s got someone in his corner.
Am I in Baz’s corner?
I haven’t really thought about what this truce means. I said I’d help him find his mum’s killers. Does that mean we’re on the same side now? Working together.
I don’t know. I can’t think about it, it ties me up in knots trying to figure out what this all means. Why I’m helping him.
Why he’s letting me help him.
Why I don’t mind being around him so much. Why he doesn’t make me as angry as he usually does.
I can’t think about this.
After breakfast he takes me up to his room again. So I can change into something other than my uniform. Which he says makes me look twelve.
“I can’t take you with me to a vampire lair if you’re wearing that outfit, Snow. It will look like I’m babysitting you. How can I come off as imperious and menacing with a child in tow? Come on, now. I’m sure I’ve got something that fits you.”
I stomp up the stairs after him. I don’t look like a child in my uniform. I love my uniform. It’s comforting and comfortable. I don’t want to wear his posh clothes. I’ll look right foolish in them, I will.
His first suggestion is a suit. There’s no bloody way I’m wearing a suit. Not one of Baz’s suits. They’re all tailored and sleek and I would look even more ridiculous in one of those than my uniform.
I also think the trousers would be too tight.
I can just see myself, fighting off a vampire in its lair and splitting my trousers. No, thank you.
“No way.”
Baz rolls his eyes and sorts through his shirts before handing me one. I don’t think that’ll fit either. He’s taller than me but I’m broader in the shoulders.
“That won’t fit me.” It’s a really nice shirt. I can tell by the way the fabric drapes over his arm.
“Snow. Take the shirt. I’ll step out while you try it on, to preserve your modesty.” His tone is laced with condescension but for once he’s not actually sneering at me.
I take it and he steps out, drawing the door nearly closed as he does. This is our unspoken rule. Eight years in the same room but we don’t change in front of each other. The thought of it always seemed to make me feel too vulnerable, defenceless if he chose to attack me while I was trying to shimmy out of my trousers.
It’s a bit stupid, now that I think about it. Why would he attack me while I was getting dressed and not while I was asleep? Anyway, our aggressions usually end up playing out far more publicly.
This shirt’s too tight across the shoulders. I can button it up to mid chest but any more ends up straining the fabric. I certainly can’t close it at the neck. I’ll choke if I do. I’ll likely tear this one by the time we get to the car. It’s fitted and tailored to him, not me.
The fabric is soft though. Smooth and silky.
“Too tight.” I call out to Baz.
He steps back in, eyebrow raised in question and just stops in the doorway. He blinks at me.
“I told you. It’s too tight. Can’t wear this. I’ll look like the Hulk, splitting my clothes if I raise my arms.”
He’s still blinking at me. It’s surprising to see him, speechless for once. Probably thinks I’ve already ruined it by stretching the seams.
“I should just wear my uniform jumper. It’ll be fine.”
“No.” Baz’s voice is raspy. He clears his throat and then continues. “I’ve a rack of jumpers right behind you, Snow. Surely you can find something there. Or in one of the boxes under the shoe rack. Those are ones I don’t wear as often.” He clears his throat again. “I’ll be downstairs. Don’t take all day.”
And then he sweeps out of the room, leaving me amidst the bounty of his wardrobe. It’s like being in a haberdasher, he’s got so much in here.
I take his shirt off and hang it up again. I think it’s in the right place.
Then I start poking about in his wardrobe. I’m a bit nervous about it actually. I’ve got no idea what all he’s got in here. Might be hiding something sinister.
His room is absurd, like it’s out of a film of what you’d expect for a vampire’s bedroom. All dark paneling and red lamps and plush curtains and his creepy bed.
And of course, he’s got a walk-in wardrobe. Typical. I can’t believe how many clothes he’s got. I mean, I knew he had a lot of clothes because I’ve seen his wardrobe at Watford. We wear uniforms five days a week but Baz still has all these posh togs for weekends.
But here at home he’s got even more. And jeans. I’d never seen Baz in jeans before coming here.
He looks good in jeans. He looks good in everything, which is really bloody tedious, honestly.
But he looks really good in jeans.
I can’t think about that either.
He said the jumpers were on the shelves and there were more in boxes at the back.
I find the shelf. These are too posh for me. Fucking cashmere, they are. In practically every colour. Baz is such a wanker. I touch the soft wool. There’s a wine-colored turtleneck one.
I wonder what Baz would look like in that.
What the fuck am I going on about? I shake my head and narrow my eyes. I can’t wear any of these. Maybe the ones in the box he mentioned aren’t as fancy.
I poke around the back of the closet. They’re a few boxes on the floor back there, tucked under some shelves that house an absolutely absurd number of shoes and boots.
I look around again. No hats.
That strikes me as odd until I really think about it. He was probably the only one of us who actually looked good in the boater we had to wear our first years at Watford but I know he hated it as much as I did. Maybe more.
Baz would look like even more of a villain in a fedora.
He must not like hats. He won’t even wear a beanie in winter, when it’s cold. Probably doesn’t want to muss his perfect hair, the wanker.
I think he’d look good in a beanie. Not one of the skullcap types, but the looser ones, the ones with the excess material that just flops to the side a bit.
I shake my head. What the hell am I doing? I banish the image of Baz in a beanie from my mind and focus on the task at hand. I need to find something to wear.
It’s certainly not going to be one of those cashmere jumpers.
I pull one of the boxes out from under the shoe racks and squat down to look at the contents.
It’s not full of jumpers.
I know I should put it back, put the lid right back on and look at another box. Or just put on one of those bloody cashmere jumpers and go downstairs to find Baz.
But I don’t. I stare down at the box in fascination. It’s large and deep, deep enough to hold an assortment of vinyl records, cassette tapes, what look like some photo albums and notebooks.
I can’t help myself. I flip through the vinyl. Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Bowie. Some more recent, if you can even call them recent—Elvis Costello, XTC, Police, Prince.
I’m surprised. I mean, I know Baz is musical. He plays the violin. But I guess I somehow thought all he listened to was classical music. Isn’t violin all classical? I don’t know. He never plays in our room.
I’ve heard him though. When I’ve followed him to his lessons. It sounds classical to me, the bits I managed to hear sitting in the gallery.
I don’t know why I never thought of him listening to other music.
Music is a huge part of magic. Lyrics and such. But the Mage won’t let us have electronic devices at Watford. Miss Possibelf has an iPod and speakers she brings in just for Magical Words.  She’s got special dispensation and it’s only for that class.
I pick up one of the photo albums. I really shouldn’t be doing this. I don’t know why I am. I just can’t help it.
It feels like I’m seeing a different side of Baz right now. Looking through this box. And I can’t stop myself.
I look at the photo album cover and that’s when I freeze. It’s got Natasha Pitch blazoned on it.
These aren’t Baz’s things. They’re his mother’s.
I’ve got no right to snoop in his things in the first place but it’s absolutely out of line to look at a box of his mother’s belongings.
I go to place the album gently back in the box.
“Snow? What the devil is taking you so long?” Baz steps into the wardrobe. I can’t push the box away from me fast enough.
I can’t pretend I’m not looking in it. The lid’s off and I’m sitting on the floor next to it.
Baz’s face is paler than I’ve ever seen it when I finally look up and meet his eyes.
I’m getting impatient. I want to catch Fiona before she recovers from the hangover she’s likely nursing this morning. It will be easier to pump her for information if she’s feeling fragile.
How long does it take Snow to find a jumper? He throws on the first thing he finds in front of him at Watford, whether it’s clean or not.
He’s probably just overwhelmed by the sheer number of options. I should have just stayed and found one for him myself.
But I really can’t be up there, in my wardrobe, searching through my clothes to find something for Snow to wear. It feels too intimate. Too much like something I’ve fantasized about.
Snow in my bedroom. Snow borrowing my clothes. Snow taking his jumper off and putting mine on.
The sight of him, in that shirt, half his chest on display and his broad shoulders straining at the fabric. I had to leave before I said something stupid.
Before I did something rash.
I have to stop thinking about that. It’s too much. I still haven’t gotten over the fact that he’s here. That he’s in my house. That he came to find me.
I look at my watch and end up stomping upstairs to find him. Really, it can’t be taking this long to find something that fits him. We’re not that far off in size. I’m taller and he’s broader in the shoulders. That’s it. A jumper should be just fine.
I sweep into my bedroom. No sign of Snow. The wardrobe light is on. Crowley, is he still in there?
He is still in there, seated on the floor next to a box.
Not my box of old jumpers.
The box that holds my mother’s things.
He looks absolutely unnerved at the sight of me.
I’m staring at him. I can’t speak.
He schools his features, swallows thickly. I’m gaping at him, I’m sure.
“Snow? What are you doing?” I’ve found my words again but my voice sounds hollow.
“I’m sorry, Baz. I was looking for a jumper and . . . and I thought you said there were some in a box. I guess . . . uh . . . I guess I opened the wrong box.” Snow stands, wipes his hands on his trousers and shuffles the lid back onto the box. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have looked at it.”
“You looked in the box?” Crowley, I’m just repeating what he said. “You looked through my mother’s things?” I’m almost too shocked to be angry. No one looks through my mother’s things.
Even I don’t go through them much anymore.
I used to. I used to go through them all the time, touched every record, pored over every photograph. The ones from her years at Watford. The pictures of her with Fiona.
The Pitch sisters. Unstoppable and irresistible. So cool, the two of them. Matching raised eyebrows, sardonic expressions on their faces.
Looking through her things wouldn’t bring her back. Nothing would bring her back and after a while it just hurt to see it all. The evidence of the music she’d never listen to again. The journals she’d never write in again.
The photos of her, strong and powerful, ageless now, because time stopped for her. Stopped in that nursery all those years ago.
I’m still staring and Simon is shuffling from one foot to the other looking acutely uncomfortable. I should say something but my mind is blank.
“I’m sorry.” He says it again and it shakes me back to the present. “I had no right.”
It’s my turn to swallow. I step in and walk past him to kneel down next to the box. The lid is askew and I pull it off for a moment and gaze into it.
It’s all there, just like it always has been. I put the lid on properly and push it back under the shoe rack, my grip lingering on it for just a moment.
I stand up and narrow my eyes at Snow. “I should have come back up and found something for you myself, Snow. I should have realized you’d get easily distracted with so many options.”
He frowns at me. I don’t want to talk about my mother’s things. I’m not prepared to have a conversation about them, not now. Not with Snow.
I pull out another box and toss the lid aside. Perfect. I pull out a cream-colored jumper with a Scandinavian design. “Here. Wear this. I’ve never been all that fond of it. I won’t matter if you stretch it out.”
I thrust it in his direction and he takes it. I briskly put the lid back on the box and stride out of the space. “Come along now, Snow. We haven’t got all day.”
I’m not angry at him. I don’t know why not. I should be. I would have been, a few weeks ago. By all rights I should be shouting at him right now. But I’m not. I don’t know what I’m feeling.
Exposed. Vulnerable.
I should hate that Snow has seen something so personal. But I don’t.
I don’t.
Snow’s here. He took a chance. He took me at my word, about coming to Hampshire. He let himself be vulnerable, coming here, to his enemy’s home.
But we’re not enemies now, are we? We’re not friends. We’re not allies. I don’t know what we are.
But it’s better than what we were.
I’ll take it. I’ll take this over fighting. I’ll take this look of confusion over the looks of suspicion he used to give me.
I’ll take anything Simon Snow gives me.
And I’d give anything to have this last. To have us stay this way.
I’ve been able to talk to him. About Mother. I’ve never done that with anyone before. Not anyone other than Father or Fiona.
I’m not angry about the box.
I don’t know why Baz didn’t shout at me. I expected him to be angry. To punch me, like he used to when we were younger.
To throw me out of the house.
But all he did was stare at me. Then he put the box away, found me a jumper and hasn’t said a word about it since.
I won’t bring it up. Baz doesn’t want to talk about it, that’s clear. I feel terrible about snooping around like that. I don’t know why I even did it.
I do know why I did it.
I want to know more about him. I want to know why he is the way he is. What he thinks about. What he’s like when the war and his mother’s death aren’t on his mind.
I follow him out of the house and we get in the car to look for vampires.
title from Naked Eyes song Always Something There to Remind Me
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eriseas · 6 years
Do you have any current projects? Or any story ideas to share?
Ooh! (beware for a long response)
Kind of -- my comic technically isn’t cancelled, but there is a LOT i need to rework. I’ve learned one of the big issues that comes along with waiting a long time to write a story and starting it rlly young is that you tend to grow a lot in the time you spend imagining it!!! And over time, what I liked about stories really changed and what I once thought might be brilliant plot elements started looking pretty bland. I think I once had a thesis in my mind about the direction I wanted to take it, but as life kinda caught up with me and I realized a lot of the old ideas I had weren’t quite as well put together as I thought... and the thesis became unclear and confusing and full of way too many elements... and, well, I sort of lost my sense of direction. I also really burned myself out from thinking 50+ pages per chapter with fully detailed drawings was a good idea!
Before I reattempt it, I need to do a few things: come up with a clear thesis for the story (why I am telling it), simplify the art (still using colours but with a colour scheme, not just whatever colours I feel like), and remove some of the additional plots I wanted to tackle. The more space I give myself to really think about it, the more I realize how MUCH plots + characters I wanted to shove into it, and telling such a story would take a very very long time and would be... a big mess. I need to figure out what is necessary for the story and the thesis I come up with, and then cut off the extra fat. though, starting it definitely helped me figure out what I DIDN’t like, as well as what I liked!
Not that I expect the story to be perfect, thinking that would be very arrogant of me, especially as I think every work of fiction is going to have some flaws in it, and as an inexperienced storyteller, there are bound to be lots of mistakes or just poor writing! But still, I really think I need to get a clearer state of mind before I jump back into it. I think THOA needs to be something I let go for a while so the characters feel a bit more new when I return to them, because rn cutting off the excess unnecessary details is hard ^^; I’ve been pretty embarrassed to share all this before, since I was pretty public about what I was working on for a while, but I guess being honest about it is the best way to go about it! anyways, THOA is still a project of mine, but for now it’s on the backburner. I hope that doesn’t disappoint anyone ^^’
As for other projects...
I don’t really have BIG projects in mind, because quite frankly I don’t have time to focus on them rn and I don’t want to get in over my head! But here are the smaller ideas I’ve been having for a few months to a year, and the things I’d like to make into short comics or perhaps longer stories further in the future. 
> ‘main’ project rn: a story i’m currently calling forests and sands: a vaguely medieval/low fantasy setting about a dead king leaving four treasures to four different leaders, including his biggest plot of land + main helping of his army... etc. he gives the lowest of these people his biggest treasure to protect, though, a genie which can grant almost any wish in exchange for some life. the other big houses compete to form an alliance with this house to get access to the genie, but something goes awfully wrong and the people protecting the genie are attacked and thus forced to flee. the story rn is about trying to find home, whether its finding the home you have been estranged from or finding a new one amongst beloved people. right now, it’s also largely about the good and bad things we do for love or desires... anyways, it’s mostly a concept right now, but it motivates me a lot!
smaller stories/projects:
> a story about mermaids + identity + insecurity; a lost princess named Maia is trying to figure out her identity and Who She Is when she learns that everything she thought true about her life was wrong. meanwhile, a boy named Jeremy who befriends her is also insecure about his identity, as he is not able to live up to his family’s expectations. 
> a slice of life story about relationships + love; a 20-year-old musician/university student nicknamed lemon is scared of commitment to anything, including relationships. however, a classmate of hers named poppy who regularly attends her bar gigs eventually starts pursuing her and things become more complicated!!! it’s more about simple aspects of life + relationships, and will probably be posted in short snippets.
> another project i’d love to start is to illustrate a bunch of old folk/fairy tales since they’re a lot of fun!
> start a dream journal bc my dreams are crazy
gosh i’m sorry that this response is SO MUCH longer than i intended it to be // you probably didn’t want the ramble at the start there but i felt like i had to put it there. here are my stories rn + projects i intend to start soon! the medieval story, dream journal, and fairy tale illustrations are my bigger goals rn!!
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reekierevelator · 5 years
On the Eve of the Wedding
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Finishing up at work on Friday nights was never easy.  There was always one last thing to do.  And then another last thing.  And another. It was never easy ensuring all the vans had returned from making deliveries and all next week’s orders were fully processed and ready to be loaded first thing Monday morning. And presentation was important. If the vans came back filthy a quick hose down was necessary.
Being loading bay supervisor was a reasonable job but I was hoping to make transport manager before I hit thirty.  After that I figured it might be time to settle down. But that Friday all I was thinking was at least it was the end of the week. So, at last, time for a pint at the local, the works’ crowd gathering in the Sheared Sheep, just to be sociable and wind down, reducing the week’s stresses and strains to old war stories, something to make each other laugh about.  
And Friday nights I liked a drink. Didn’t take the old jalopy in on Fridays. So later I’d generally pick up fish and chips or a pizza, or end up in an Indian restaurant with some of the gang.  If I got the early bus back to my little bachelor pad on the outskirts of town I’d maybe get something delivered. But this Friday night was different.
It was Rebecca Ralston, the red head from the marketing department. I seemed to have been bumping into her for the last few weeks. The main offices were at the opposite end of the site to the loading bay but somehow she’d felt the need to come over several times, wanting to talk to me about planning new adverts for the vans, different colour schemes, scheduling printing, application to the vehicles and so on. And this even though the current advertising contract still had almost a year to run.
Not that I minded. She was a bubbly sort of girl, an effervescent personality. Irregular teeth like pushed over tombstones but still easy on the eye. She brought a little brightness into the windowless little office in the dark cavern of the loading bay. She liked to talk with a hand on my arm or my shoulder, making sure she had my attention. And that day she hinted that after work on Fridays it wasn’t unusual for her to find her way to the Sheared Sheep. As it happened it suited her, she said, living close enough to just walk home if she happened to stay late.
Unfortunately, it was nearly eight when I finally got everything wrapped up and made that watering hole. The pub was already in that in-between phase where most of the early evening ‘couple of pints after work’ crowd had already been, drunk their quota, and gone off to catch buses and trains, while only one or two of the genuine locals had as yet made an appearance.  
But Rebecca was there, sitting on the edge of one of those leather sofas they’d refurbished the place with, the typical modern décor reflecting the changing functionality; more coffee shop or restaurant these days than the traditional beer-swillers’ second home.
The sofa was angled towards the door and as I entered she looked up at me under her curls and neatly shaped eyebrows and I could see she already had a glow on. She smiled that girlish crooked teeth smile and raised her hand in a nominal gesture of welcome. The black jacket of her office trouser suit was slung over the arm of the sofa. Her pretty powder blue blouse and black trousers looking fetching.
Two of the new young recruits to Accounts sat beside her. They noticed me as they followed Rebecca’s gaze.  She introduced them as Jerome and Melissa but as I joined them they both rose to leave, even refusing my offer of a round, insisting instead that they had other obligations and had to rush home. But they would be sure to see me around the office – sometime. People from the main office don’t mix much with the van loading fraternity.
Rebecca held out an empty glass saying she wouldn’t mind another double vodka tonic with lemon and ice, and when I returned from the bar the pub was even emptier.  Rebecca made a show of looking around all points of the compass, her short red curls bouncing, before she declared the Sheared Sheep mutton.
‘It’s really dead here, isn’t it?
I nodded and took another swallow before concluding the guest real ale, Crafty Brown Cow IPA was something less than acceptable. It seemed fermented from liquidised mince.
‘There’s another place up off the main road that’s livelier,’ Rebecca was saying, and I’d hardly had time to sit down before she’d grabbed my hand and we were on the move.  
The Hardened Artery wasn’t my usual kind of place but it was certainly busy. A three piece guitar band was playing 50s rock n roll on a tiny stage and there were even young trendy types trying to dance.  I rooted around and managed to scrounge a couple of stools and we proceeded to shout at each other, exchanging inane pleasantries over a medley of Johnny B Good and Hey Bo Diddley.
‘I like your shirt,’ she shouted, making me glance down at my red and blue striped button-down Ben Sherman.
‘I like your blouse Rebecca,’ I shouted back.
‘Call me Becky,’ she insisted.
‘Ok,’ I said, ‘call me Steve.’
 The band were roaring into Promised Land as Becky drew her stool much closer to mine saying she couldn’t hear, and I picked up floral notes from her eau de cologne as she pressed her legs up against mine. She waved her hand around ostentatiously like a fan in front of her face and undid the top buttons of her blouse as she complained about the heat. I felt myself definitely getting very warm too. I might not be quite God’s gift but I was sure I was picking up signals and the sap was rising. I wasn’t wearing a tie I could loosen but I took off my jacket and instead undid a few buttons of my shirt revealing the pecs and heading to the six pack.
Another few drinks in that sweaty room and the long working week was catching up with me. I was dreading the long cold bus journey home and found myself glancing down at Rebecca’s newly revealed cleavage with a certain amount of wishful thinking.
‘After a final couple of brandies we fell out into the cold dark street and, saying how late it was, Becky suggested, as even in my increasingly inebriated state I somehow thought she might, that I spend the night at her place and leave off travelling home until the morning.
After a twenty minute walk, or rather stagger, including various impromptu stops for clinches and kisses, her place turned out to be a bedsit in a big old converted house, part of a street of big old converted houses.  The furnishings were Spartan. A lack of chairs meant I had to sit on the bed while she retrieved a couple of bottles of beer from an otherwise suspiciously empty cupboard.  After she’d applied the bottle-opener and handed me mine she plonked herself down across my knees, draping her arm around my neck.  I only had time for one more sip of beer before her lips locked on mine and we toppled backwards on to the bed.
She was wildly enthusiastic and I wasn’t complaining, but that degree of gay abandon did engender a certain sort of ‘last time before the end of the world’ feeling. It was a long time before I was allowed to sleep.
Afterwards, in the morning, I commented that of the various women I’d known she was unusual in not living amid a clutter of clothes, shoes, accessories, and a jumble of make-up jars and bottles.
She said ‘Well, to be honest, that is usually me too, but I’ve already moved almost all of my stuff to Denis’s place.’
‘Denis?’ I queried cautiously.
‘My fiancé.  I’m moving in to his place after the wedding.’
For a moment I thought, hoped, I’d misheard. But Becky rambled on, unselfconscious and unconcerned. ‘The wedding’s at three o’clock tomorrow. Well, three o’clock today now, of course,’ she said peering at her little bedside alarm clock and giggling. ‘The dress – floor length, dazzling white and lacy - is laid out at my Mum’s, along with all the other stuff.  The cake’s a beauty – three tiers. I’ve got to get to HairWays at eleven. Full hairdo and manicure treatment. I’m going for cherry red nail-varnish to match my lipstick. The make-up will take forever. Sorry, it’s a bit late to send you an invite. But there are still one or two things no-one’s chosen yet on our gift list – I mean, only if you really wanted to…’
‘You’re… you’re… getting married - today?’ I managed to stammer.
She stretched her arm under the bed and brought forth a little box. ‘Yes, I am,’ she said, opening the little box and putting the ring on her finger. She held her arm up in the air to watch the diamond sparkle.
‘And Denis?’
‘Oh, he plays rugby, professional now. And he’s been working nights as a doorman, mainly the Jacaranda Club, - to help pay for the wedding.’
‘Ah... he sounds like a great guy.’
‘Yes, but I’m not married to him yet, am I Steve?  And you’ve got lovely blue eyes and you’re really quite firm and muscular too – it must be helping to load all those heavy boxes. You know the girls up at the office have been talking about you for a while. We like to see your hose on the forecourt. I thought, well, I might as well make use of my last legitimate opportunity. At least that’s what they all told me when we were out on my hen night last week.’
‘Oh really?’ was all I could find to say.
Maybe I looked a little disappointed or pensive because she peered into my apparently lovely blue eyes and bit her lip with her unusual teeth. ‘Oh dear, I hope I haven’t offended you.’ she said. ‘Steve, you don’t feel I’ve just been using you, do you?’ She burst into a big smile. ‘I mean, it was good fun, wasn’t it?’
‘Well, yes,’ I had to admit. ‘Really, it was great.  And no, I suppose… I mean, I was as keen as you were… It’s just…’
‘Oh, well that’s all right then, isn’t it?’  Her eyes shone brightly. ‘And it’s only nine o’clock. I won’t be Mrs Denis McGlone for another six hours. We’ve still got at least another hour before I have to be going.’
And as she fell into my arms I tried hard to clear all the frightening images of giant prop forwards and burly bouncers from my mind.    
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lalka-laski · 3 years
1 - What are some of your favourite scents/smells? Lavender, cedarwood, Glenn's body wash & deodorant, fresh laundry, rainy days
2 - Do you enjoy watching murder mystery/crime programmes? Do you prefer fictional shows or ones based on real-life cases? I admit I like Dateline (we call it "murder porn") but I find the whole true crime genre a little unsettling. Imagine one of your loved ones is brutally murdered and then generations to come pop some popcorn and put up their feet to watch the grisly details play out in a re-enactment. It's just weird.
3 - What was the last parcel you received in the mail? Was it something you ordered yourself or was it a gift? An Amazon package of some shoes that I'll be returning because (shocker) they were too small. Damn my Fred Flintstone feet!
4 - Is there anyone you send e-mails to on a regular basis? Outside of work, nah
5 - What’s your favourite colour combination? Are any rooms in your house decorated in that particular scheme? Pink & white I suppose. That's the color scheme of my bedroom & bathroom
6 - Do you prefer white, milk or dark chocolate? What about flavoured chocolate? Milk chocolate over everything. I don't trust people who "prefer" dark. I think they're lying to make themselves look better
7 - What was the last reason for you leaving the room you’re currently in? To go put some clothes in the dryer
8 - How many surveys have you taken so far today? Do you have any plans to take more after this one? This is my third of the morning and I'm showing no signs of stopping. Thursday shifts are very survey dense...
9 - If you eat it, what type of meat is your favourite? If you’re vegetarian/vegan, do you like meat substitutes like quorn or tofu? I like Quorn but my favorite brands are probably Morningstar and Impossible. I'm so impressed with how far veggie food has come!
10 - What was the last thing you looked up on Google? Histrionic personality disorder
11 - What’s the next major holiday coming up for you? Do you have any interesting plans? Halloween! I think my sister is throwing a party but I'm not entirely sure
12 - Do you live in an area where masks are compulsory in order to enter shops? They're advised in most places but not mandatory. I still wear mine everywhere though, for fear of looking like a Trumpster.
13 - Did you wear any kind of uniform to school? If so, describe it. If not, did you at least have some kind of dress code to follow? No uniforms but we did have some bogus & very misogynistic rules that I think are standard for most American schools.
14 - Is there anything unusual or out of the ordinary in the room you’re currently in? I work in a fertility clinic so I guess a lot of this stuff is "out of the ordinary" compared to most workplaces
15 - Who was the last person you spoke to via Messenger, if you have it? Glenn
16 - Have you ever been badly sunburned? What did you do in order to make it less painful afterwards? Story of my whole entire pasty life! I once had a sunburn so bad I had to stay home from school for a few days.
17 - When was the last time you went swimming in the sea? Do you prefer swimming in the sea or in a pool? I've never been in the sea, although I did swim in a lake last weekend
18 - What’s something you need to buy in the near future? Are you waiting until you get paid to buy it? I need to pay my electric bill that's loooong overdue...
19 - What have you eaten so far today? Do you have plans to eat anything else before you go to bed? Despite it only being 8 am, I've already had a slice of pizza, a piece of pita bread & hummus, and a glass of coke. (And I wonder why I have stomach issues??) And yes, I plan to eat plenty more before bedtime tonight.
20 - Do you parents still buy you Easter eggs even though you’re fully grown? Yes, I love Easter baskets! And the candy is by far the best of any holiday.
21 - The last time you were in a car, where were you going and what were you doing there? Driving home from my parents house (and a pit stop at Taco Bell). Glenn & I stopped by to have a chat with my mom & dad.
22 - Do your parents have any opinions that you consider to be old-fashioned or odd? My dad has quite a few but he's learned over the years of living in a house of 4 headstrong, liberal women, not to be very vocal about them. It works for all of us.
23 - What time did you get out of bed this morning? Is that normal for you? 5:45ish? That's actually a smidge earlier than usual for me but I couldn't sleep and I figured getting up and out of bed was better than going back to sleep and making myself groggy.
24 - What normal things do you miss the most since COVID hit? Eating out at a restaurant!!
25 - What style of jeans/trousers are your favourite? Skinny jeans. Hate all you want, Gen Zers (or whatever the fuck y'all are called)
26 - Does it bother you when you recognise an actor but can’t remember what else you’ve seen them in? YES! I have no idea how humanity survived before IMDB!
27 - Are you generally more introverted or extroverted? Does this have a negative impact on you in any way? I'm an introvert in the sense that I prefer being alone or in a small group doing quiet, calm activities.
28 - If you were on Mastermind (a UK quiz show where you need in-depth knowledge of a certain subject), what would your preferred topic be? The Killers discography, Hilary Duff movies
29 - What’s your favourite flavour of cookie? Have you ever tried those cookies that are stuffed with things like brownies or cheesecake? Oatmeal chocolate chip. And no, but sign me the hell up!
30 - When was the last time you tried out a new recipe? Did it work out as well as you hoped? Sadly it's been awhile. I LOVE cooking but I haven't made the time to prep and plan a good meal in awhile.
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