#i need to draw more mallows
galaxiar · 2 months
old whiteboard (tldraw) doodles!!
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i'll post actual art soon i swear!! just a bit lazy nowadays lols
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cali-kabi · 10 months
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~ Super Mario RPG Trio🌟💫🍄
wanted to paint a rock related to some Mario <3 and a piece of decoration for my desk🎉 :) I love how everything came out so much I was going for the chibi with my posca style hehe ;w;🍬🎨
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octopeachy · 5 months
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"The blonde looked on curiously as she reached under the collar of her dress with the ribbon in hand, and tied it up simply and neatly for her. Mallow looked satisfied; she hadn’t realised just how perfect Lillie’s dress was for this kind of thing!"
little gift for @plushyraptor based on her really cute little fic I'll Be Here For You! 💝
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overstuffd · 1 month
So, feedee werewolf won, obviously, because you're all a bunch of bottoms (loving).
So here are some more thoughts.
When I find you in the woods you're cold, scared - and hungry.
I bring you back to my cottage, offer you some clothes to replace your soaked rags. They're a few sizes too big but you're grateful.
Slowly, you piece together last night. The transformation - the gorging yourself on chickens from the farmer a few miles over.
I smile and offer you a firm, gentle hand. Don't worry - I'm here to help. You're so relieved you don't notice how deep my nails dig into the flesh of your arm.
First, I want you comfortable. I draw you a warm bath to shake off the night before. The fire is crackling, and the incense I light leaves you feeling dozy and calm.
After your bath there are more soft, large clothes - you wonder who they are for - and a proper meal, you look like you need one, poor thing!
You don't realise how late it's gotten, but I've prepared a King's supper. A roast ham and a whole cold chicken, a loaf of bread still warm from the oven, a huge tray of butter roasted potatoes, pumpkin and carrots, glazed in honey. There are soft fried eggs in a dish, and jars of cramy sauces and pickles. You set about making yourself a huge sandwhich, and you're almost done before you realise you didn't wait to be invited to eat.
You blush as you look up at at me, but I wave your concerns away. I set the table for you, enjoy it.
As you eat, I explain your condition, and the words are so distracting you barely notice how many brick sized sandwiches you're gulping down.
You're a werewolf, poor little lamb, I explain. The fellow with the dark eyes you let take you home from the bar a few weeks ago - those bite marks aren't the only thing he left with you.
Your curse is to transform every full moon into a creature controlled purely by desire and animal need - yourself in an unihinited, bestial form, with power to do as you will. I know, it must be scary sweet thing - here, try one of these custard buns.
The good news is, as you've probably guessed, I'm more than just familar with the arcane and supernatural. I'm quite a skilled practitioner of magics, and with your cooperation I can make the next full moon much less dangerous for everyone.
You're so grateful to hear - the memories of the night before that are flashning through your mind scare you, as much as they stir something else, deep at the root of your stomach.
I tell you to eat up and get some sleep, I'll begin your training - your instruction, that is - tomorrow.
You wake and breakfast is ready - cooked meats, more eggs and poetatoes, and pastries, fruit - you don't take it all in before you start eating, you're ravenous.
Your hair is longer, you notice as I idly play with it, and is spreading down you neck and across your shoulders. You shovel more eggs, another chocolate stuffed puff-pastry treat, not thinking it at all strange as I work out one of the stress knots in your shoulder.
After breakfast - the third plate of which you eat at my insistence - I start teaching you about herblore.
Your wolf form - I explain - is an extension of your self. Don't think of yourself and them as separate creatures, they are your needs and desires made flesh. The better state you are going into the full moon, the more docile your wolf form.
As I talk, you are distracted by my fingers rolling thumb-fat herbal cigarettes into tight cones. My voice watches ovr you as the repetitive movement makes you feel dozy.
Lavender, or course, and chamomile, for calm and stillness. Mallow root for dreaminess. Oatflower for - making you open to influence. My, postitive influence. Heather for appetite - you're going to need your strength. Mugwort to enhance sensation, to keep you in touch with your body. A few others from my garden - I'm passioante about creating potent cross strains.
I place one of the joints in your mouth and light the tip, flicking away the ash as your hungry mouth starts the cone before your conscious mind has time to realise what's happening. I pull the joint away and take a hit myself, you taking a moment to greedily gasp air, before I press my lips against yours and shotgun the herbal mixture directly into your neuro-cortex.
Your head swims, and your brain short circuits as I place a hand on your thigh. You stuggle to regain your composure, as a bell in the kitchen goes off.
Oh - lunch is ready!
As I sidle off to the kitchen, you realise how warm you feel between your thighs from the contact.
Lunch is a shepherds pie, and I make no move to serve a portion, just place the whole dish in front of you with a huge spoon breaking the crisp crust and fragrant steam spilling into the air.
You don't hesitate, you pick up the spoon and start digging in. The food smells delicious, and you're already ravenous despite the huge breakfast. You swallow mouthful after mouthful of rich, savoury food as I explain more to you, slowly and clearly like you've realise you need.
Fullness is important. I explain, gently. I'm across the table but my foot is playing with the inside fo your thigh. The hungrier you are, the more dangerous your wolf is. It's so important that you stay full. I'm going to do my best, okay, but you need to tell me as soon as there's any room in your belly, sweet thing.
You nod happily, barely looking up from you pie.
Good dog, I say, as I ruffle you hair.
Dinner comes, pinning you to you chair in the kitchen, and as you eat I explain how important it is that you indulge all your needs now, while you're still a soft, safe human.
You are barely listening, enjoying dragging more of the soft, fresh and heavily buttered bread through more of the delicious, spiced stew. It's one again full of my specially chosen herbs, but you don't need to know that. You've found yourself needing to know less and less all day.
You look a little pent up dear, I say, softly, walking round to your end of the table. No - you keep eating. I know just what to do.
I slide under the table and gently pull down the trousers I leant you. They're loose - for now - and come down easily so I can take you in mouth. I gently suck as you swallow more food.
I don't know if you realise how much you're moaning, but I suspect it has as much to do with the meal as it does with my fingers teasing your hole.
You finish your dinner before you finish in my mouth, already such a good pet. Tomorrow we'll have much more to do to make you safe, but for now I'll walk your heavy, drowsy form to the bed and rub your bloated belly till you sleep.
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violetlunette · 7 months
The Secret of the Tower
Summary: Malleus has a grandson who is curious about what his grandfather has hidden in the tall tower.
Mallow climbed the winding steps of the forbidden tower, cloaked in shadows from the sun outside.
The tiny dragon prince knew he wasn’t supposed to be here, but his curiosity had gotten the best of him.
What was his grandfather hiding within this old tower? Why did he come here every night? Was it a magic mirror that could see all? Enchanted slippers that led one to their dreams? A powerful lamp that grants wishes? A rose that counted down a kingdom’s final fate? The possibilities were endless!
Still, it wasn’t easy, even for someone like him who carried dragon blood within him. The tower was tall, reaching past the clouds. The steps were thin and close to the wall, meaning every step had to count.
‘If only I could teleport like grandfather,’ the little boy thought, huffing and puffing with every step. Flying would be nice, too. Alas, he didn’t have them. (Though he had hope for the future.)
Therefore, if young Mallow wanted to know the secret his grandfather kept closely guarded, he would have to do it the old-fashioned way—through tenacity.
Had Mallow the observation skills and knowledge, he would have noted that the stones seemed to have been repaired, mended, and even replaced in some spots.
The tower had been around for several thousand years, becoming a known sight in Briar Valley. Often, the roof, shaped like a spindle, was the first sight anyone saw while traveling. (Once, there was a threat of planes crashing into it until Mallow’s grandfather cast a spell to protect it.)
Many rumors and tales surrounded the tower, but no one knew the truth. Hence, Mallow was determined to be the first.
Finally, his efforts were rewarded, as Mallow, at long last, reached the top.
“Huff...huff! Finally! Puff…” Mallow’s face brightened even as he wheezed, delighted that it seemed his efforts would pay off.
Taking a moment to regain himself, Mallow hurried to the thick oak door decorated in gold vines and roses. When he touched it, the roses on the door momentarily glowed red. However, the boy missed them as he was already pulling the door open.
He was met with a room brightly lit by the setting sun outside the large, round windows. In the room was a collection of strange objects that reminded Mallow of something his mother would bring from her travels. There was a training sword hung on the wall with a baton.
However, the main draw was the four-poster bed in the center.
Blue curtains danced in the breeze as if to beacon the young prince forward. Mallow gulped but approached, his curiosity needing to be sated. He hesitated and swallowed once more as he stood at the end of the bed, anxious to see what he might find. Then—he pulled the curtain back.
Mallow’s breath caught in his throat, and his gaze grew.
Lying in a peaceful sleep was a young man with hair that shone like moonlight. His fair skin had a luminescent glow, making the teen appear ethereal. His expression was peaceful as if he were lost in a dream.
Mallow stumbled back in surprise but regained himself through pride.
“Hey...Hey! Who are you?” he demanded loudly. When the teen didn’t stir, Mallow became annoyed. 
Mallow Draconia was a prince! How dare this mere human ignore him and continue to sleep?
“HEY! Wake up! I asked you a question, human!” There was still no response from the sleeping beauty.
Mallow’s cheeks puffed. As a prince and one constantly adored by his family, the young child was not used to being unheeded by others, who often jumped at his word. His shoulders hunched up as his pudgy hands curled into balls. He then stomped, stomped his feet.
He bellowed, “HEY! Do you know who I am?”
He tugged on the blue sheets decorated in gold, demanding the attention he was entitled to as a prince and an adorable child.
Yet, no amount of yelling or whining made the human stir. The only movement from the other was the silver bangs that fluttered slightly in the wind and—if Mallow cared to look close enough—the faint rise and fall of his chest.
Mallow’s soft brow wrinkled in annoyance as tiny green flames blew out his flared nostrils, the corners of his mouth sinking lower. The short fuse of his patience was slowly meeting its end.
“Hey! If you don’t answer me, I’ll set you on fire--”
“He cannot hear you.”
Mallow jumped at the familiar voice. He turned, eyes wide.
King Malleus stepped from the doorway, his heels softly clicking against the marble floor as he dragged his cloak behind him.
Although Mallow called him grandfather, he did not look it. Rather, he appeared to be a young man, only a touch older than the one sleeping in the center.
His bright green gaze flicked to Mallow’s golden eyes, specks of Malleus’ emerald flame in them. His face became stern.
“Mallow. What are you doing here?” The little boy, subconsciously knowing he was protected by the fact that he was the baby of the family and therefore had no fear of harm, shrugged.
“I wanted to see what was here,” he said as he trotted over. He tugged at his grandfather’s robes. “Grandfather! That human isn’t paying me any respect!” Malleus closed his eyes, sighing in exasperation.
“This is a private place, Mallow,” the king told the baby prince, ignoring the complaint.
“But I wanted to see!” Malleus made a face.
“Your curiosity doesn’t excuse everything you do, Mallow." Even so, he lifted Mallow into his arms and held his grandson close. Any sense of annoyance he had with the boy vanished and was replaced with a warmth that flowed like a stream through the old dragon. Malleus would leave any scolding to be had to his daughter, he decided. It was his right as a grandfather to do so, after all.
After shifting a bit, Mallow peeked over back at the human.
“Who is that?” he asked, desiring to know who would dare to sleep in his presence.
As he looked at the form, Malleus’ content expression fell away, replacing it with regret.
“...That was my first knight and dear friend,” he stated, closing his eyes. “His father hatched and raised me from my egg alongside my own grandmother after my parents died.
“Then, years later, he found Silver and raised him as well.”
“Silver?” Mallow interrupted with a blink. “The one grandpa’s grandpa used to tell us about?” Malleus nodded, trying to keep the somberness down as he recalled the passing of his other knight, Sebek, centuries prior.
“Yes. This is he.” Malleus motioned to the sleeping figure.
Mallow’s face lit with intrigue. The young prince recalled the tales told to him of the Silver Knight, though there weren’t many. (Most of the tales he heard were of his ancestor Sebek and the bat warrior, Lilia, whom his mother was named.)
His head tilted.
“Why is he here?” The question brought shame to Malleus, who hid it well with centuries of practice.
“There...an accident occurred,” he stated after several long minutes. “Silver managed to save myself and everyone involved, but he—he never woke up. He couldn’t.”
“Couldn’t you wake him up?” Mallow said, not believing the possibility that his grandfather couldn’t. Malleus was the most powerful magician in the world, after all. The thought of him NOT being able to do something seemed impossible.
Malleus’ eyes closed before he shook his head.
“I’ve tried,” he said, pain seeping into his voice. “We all did. Lilia, his father, spent the rest of his life trying to find a way. But unfortunately…” The king trailed off, as there were no words he could find to explain his failures to the child.
Mallow glanced back at the sleeping knight, undisturbed by time. He shifted, knowing something was wrong but not understanding what.
“How long has he been asleep?” he asked, hoping asking questions would make the yucky feeling forming go away. Malleus sighed at the endless curiosity of children.
“At least...ten thousand years now,” he said, furrowing his brow, trying to recall if that was correct. Mallow’s eyes widen.
“Wow! That’s basically forever, huh?” The smile Malleus wore was hollow.
“You have no idea.” With that, the king shifted his grandson in his arms.
“Come now,” he said softly. “Lily is wondering where you wandered off to.” Mallow squeaked as Malleus turned.
“But! Grandfather,” he whined. “What about Silver? Will he ever wake up?” The Dragon King looked his age at this question.
“…I have no idea,” he admitted honestly. He hugged Mallow tighter to him. “But I have hope that maybe one day he will.” Then, with a half-hearted glance over his shoulder, he left.
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tsuutarr · 4 months
Could you please do a mini fic of the Alolan class with a reader who got her period in the middle of class? Like full on clutching her stomach and sobbing. Maybe a fire type (cough cough litten) decided that they'll allow themselves to be used as a heating pad. (I have heavy flow so I'm kinda projecting here lol) also I almost forgot to mention but reader is from galar and they have a quaxley and ponyta! :D
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(My first request!! I was very excited to get this, thank you sm for sending it <3 In terms of the Pokémon anime, I've only watched until Sinnoh, but I hope I got the Alolan characters right! I focused more on their game characterizations, though, I think... Also, the requester requested a Sobble instead of a Quaxly in a separate ask, so that's what you'll see. Anyway, sorry for the rambling!! Here's the fic!)
Word count: 1516
Contents: periods, female reader, everyone is just very sweet about it!
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The day had started like any ordinary day – Professor Kukui standing in front of the class, talking about how to use moves the most effectively. What wasn’t normal, however, was the sudden, sharp pain that cramped your abdomen. You winced a little at the pulsing pain, but thought nothing bad of it, preferring to pay attention to class. You’d just transferred to the Pokémon School in Alola from Galar about a week ago, so seeing a Litten, Rowlett, and Popplio was a new experience. Not wanting to miss looking at the new Pokémon, you decided to ignore your discomfort.
However, you soon come to regret that decision as another, much sharper, pain shoots through your abdomen and doesn’t leave, instead deciding to settle itself and linger. You clutch your stomach as you lean over your desk. Not wanting to embarrass or bother your new classmates, you try to keep your breathing easy and hold back any cries of pain.
Despite your best efforts, Kiawe, your seatmate, notices, reaching over a warm hand and placing it on your shoulder. He quietly calls your name, drawing your attention to him. “Are you okay?”
“’m fine,” you mumble, quietly, trying to steady your breathing. The pain doesn’t let up, however, causing a sob to leave your mouth. 
Lana, your other seatmate, leans over, whispering, “Do you need to go to the infirmary?”
You can’t respond because you’re in pain, trying to stifle your cries as much as possible. It’s hard, though, causing tears and sobs to escape you.
“Professor Kukui!” Mallow, from behind you, calls. “I think the transfer student’s feeling ill! Can we take her to the infirmary?”
Professor Kukui pauses the lesson immediately at that, opting instead to walk over to you, concern etched onto his face. “Hey, cousin, you feeling okay?”
You weakly shake your head, not trusting your voice to come out the way you want it to.
With a purse on his lips, Professor Kukui turns to Kiawe, “Kiawe, can you help her get to the infirmary– whoa, hey, Litten!”
Litten had followed Professor Kukui, deciding to settle itself on your stomach. The small kitten purrs as its warmth begins to soothe you like a heating pad.
“Sorry about that, cousin.” Sheepishly, Professor Kukui rubs the nape of his neck, unsure of how to extract Litten from you.
“It’s all right,” you respond finally, shaky hands cradling Litten closer. “It’s helping.”
Professor Kukui’s eyes soften at that. “Do you want to stay in class or would you like to rest a bit in the infirmary? I can call your guardian to come pick you up.”
You nod your head, trying to steady your breath and focus on Litten’s warmth.
At your agreement, Professor Kukui and Kiawe help you to your feet. Kiawe lets you lean on him as he helps you to the infirmary, Litten still cradled in your arms. Funnily enough, Kiawe was warm enough to rival a fire Pokémon himself.
After you arrive at the infirmary, the school nurse gives you some medication, a period pad, and allows you to occupy one of the empty beds. Using her Munna, she uses hypnosis on you to pull you into a nice, sweet rest, Litten still curled on your abdomen. Kiawe lingers for a bit, worried, but is soon shooed out by the nurse.
When you open your eyes, everything is blurry and bleary, but you’re feeling a bit better. The throbbing pain is still there, but the dozing Litten helps. You yelp a little when you feel something nuzzle your cheek – your Galarian Ponyta has somehow been released. Your Sobble, too, is besides you, crying its eyes out like you don’t experience these bad pains every month. You laugh lightly as both your Pokémon worry over you.
“Oh, are you awake?”
You blink, finally taking in the other figures in the room.
“We were all super worried!” Mallow says, looking relieved. “Man, and I thought my period was bad!”
“Are you feeling any better?” Lillie inquires. She was sitting next to you, her Alolan Vulpix on her lap as she read a book.
“I am,” you say, feeling a little sheepish. “Uh… What time is it?”
“It’s after school hours,” Lana supplements. “But we all wanted to check up on you before we went home… Especially since there’s actually a rumor about this infirmary about a ghost…”
“Give the poor girl a break!” with a laugh, Mallow nudges Lana. “Lana’s joking, there’s no infirmary ghost.”
Litten purrs from its spot on your abdomen, making you smile. “Even if there was, I’m sure my Pokémon and I can take them!”
“I wish we could battle,” Sophocles says, eying your Galarian Pokémon. Kiawe nods in agreement. “But I suppose you’re in no condition to fight.” Carefully, Sophocles approaches you, something in his hands. You peer at it curiously, not recognizing what it is. “Uhm… I heard chocolate helps when you’re having a period so… it’s from my personal stash.”
Your heart warms at your new classmates’ attentiveness to your pain, as well as how open they are about talking about periods. You’ve met plenty of people that were grossed out by the mere mention of periods that you hadn’t been too comfortable asking for help.
“If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask,” Lillie pipes up with a smile from beside you. “I know how nerve-wracking it can be to meet new people in a new environment, but we want to help you if we can.”
“Wow…” You can feel another burst of tears coming, but not from the pain. “Thanks, really. I appreciate it.”
Your new classmates all smile kindly at you as Professor Kukui barrels into the room with Professor Burnet in tow behind him.
“Ah, cousin! You’re awake! We were all worried about you,” he says, his previous worry gone from his face. “And look at that, Litten seems to have warmed up to you!”
“Aw, is this your new student? She’s a cutie!”
You smile bashfully at her. “Hello.”
“Hey there! I’m Professor Burnet, this handsome guy’s wife,” she laughs, pointing to Professor Kukui. It’s the first time you’re seeing Professor Kukui look so bashful, but you think it’s cute. “Anyway, we came to take you back home. Your guardian was a little preoccupied, but we wanted to make sure you got back safe.”
“Thank you,” you reply, hands gently petting Litten.
From the corner of your eye, you see Professor Burnet nudge Kukui, who clears his throat. “Well… That Litten seems to like you quite a bit. Why don’t you keep it?”
Your eyes widen. “Oh, I couldn’t possibly–”
Litten, at this very moment, decides to open its amber eyes, staring deep into your soul. It stands up from your abdomen, walking across your chest to headbutt your chin softly. Everyone in the room laughs at Litten’s affections as you blink in confusion.
“I think Litten chose you, cousin,” Kukui grins. “Why not let it be your first Alolan Pokémon? Think of it as a welcome gift!”
“I…” you murmur, staring at Litten as it stares back at you. The Litten places a paw on your nose, eyes narrowing. “...Okay,” you agree, finally, making the Litten nod in satisfaction before walking back to curl up on your stomach. You blink, “Am I going to be stuck in the infirmary until Litten decides it no longer wants to keep me hostage?”
Kukui laughs, walking over to hand you Litten’s Poké Ball. “Don’t worry about that. Litten, be a pal and go back to the Poké Ball?” 
Litten huffs, but obeys as you recall it.
“Now, let’s get you home.” Professor Kukui places a hand on your shoulder. “Ready to go?”
“We’ll go with you!” Mallow says brightly, making Kiawe nod.
“We’d hate it if you got accosted by some hoodlums,” Lana chimes in.
“Lana, stop joking– okay, this one is less of a joke,” Mallow murmurs as Lillie picks up your bag, which had been beside her chair.
“Shall we go?” she says, standing up with your bag in her hand.
“I can carry my bag–” you go to say, but everyone very strongly refuses. 
You didn’t expect your period to get your ragtag group of classmates to walk you home, but you can hardly complain with how warm and kind they all are. Sobble remains stuck on your shoulder as your Ponyta remains by your side, helping support you alongside Kiawe, who is designated your bag carrier. Your new Litten is curled up in your arms, peacefully dozing.
Your classmates and professors chatter and joke as they walk you home. There’s an existing bond there that might’ve made a regular person feel excluded, but somehow, everyone is so good at including you and making you feel welcome. You’re still in pain (thankfully, you got some more medicine before heading home), but your heart feels warm enough that you almost don’t mind it. Almost. Regardless, you’re excited for your future in Alola alongside these amazingly kind, welcoming people and your cute new Litten.
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alaydabug2 · 20 days
I don't think I posted this on here yet
If so oh well
(Keefe Pov)
Keefe slammed his door shut and locked it. He flopped onto the bed, grabbing Mrs. Stinkbottom and squeezing her tight.
Him and his dad had gotten into their fourth fight that week. It was only Tuesday. One in the morning. One after school. That wasn't even counting their small skirmishes.
On Monday morning, it was about him staying up all night drawing. After school, it was about him not cleaning his room. That morning, it was him not doing his empathy exercises.
Now, it was about his father saying he was just like his mother.
Keefe was able to handle a lot of his insults. But that hit too hard of a nerve.
Cassius called him useless, a burden, whiny, ungrateful, disrespectful, unworthy of love. He was able to slide off all of those things. He'd heard them millions of times.
But being told he was like his mother? Out off all them, that hurt the worst.
But...wasn't he, though?
He'd betrayed people he cared about. Done awful things.
He had her blood flowing through his vains. She was part of him, whether Keefe liked it or not.
That didn't stop him from finally snapping.
Keefe finally argued back. Tried to defend and stick up for himself. But his father knew exactly what to say to make him submiss.
He said he never wanted a kid in the first place. His mother managed to somehow convince him. He regrets ever letting her. That he never loved his son. He wished Keefe was never born.
The last one was the final nail in the coffin to make him flee to his room. Cassius taunted him along the way.
Keefe had screamed himself hoarse. That didn't stop him from pulling out his imparter.
"Sophie?" he murmured, his throat still raw.
"I'm here," she told him. "What's up?"
He sucked in a trembling breath. "I need you right now. My dad and I had another fight."
Sophie didn't need any more explanation. She simply said, "I'll be right over." And hung up.
Five minutes later, he heard a door slam open. Then, the sound of a lot of yelling. Particularly a female. Then stomping towards his door. But when he heard the knock, it was soft and gentle.
He got up. The comforter still tangled around himself, the green gulon in his hands. Slowly, he opened the door.
Sophie walked into the room. She placed a box on the desk. She quickly locked the door behind her and took his face in her hands.
She brushed the tears away from his eyes. "What happened?"
By the time he was done explaining, he was curled up on the bed, Sophie sitting beside him. She was gently running her hand through his hair, his head propped up on her knee.
As much as he complained about people messing with his hair, he had to admit, it felt good.
The box she had brought turned out to be Edaline's mallowment. After snacking on it and talking to Sophie, he felt a lot better.
But he still didn't want to stay there that night.
"I... think I'm going to ask Elwin and see if I can stay there for a night or two," Keefe thought aloud. "I know I've been there a lot, but I just can't stay here tonight."
Sophie nodded. "I'm sure he'd be ok with it. Do you want me to get your overnight bag?"
"I've got it. I need a couple more things anyway."
He got up and headed to his closet. He pulled out two uniforms and threw them into the overnight bag. He'd had one ready for the past two and a half months in case he ever needed to get away from his father for a break. And he used it a lot.
Most of the time, it was to Splendor Plains. Others, it was Havenfeild and occasionally Everglen.
Sophie handed him the imparter. He thanked her and spoke Elwin's name into the device.
Keefe glittered outside of Splendor Plains. He adjusted his bag on his shoulder and knocked on the door.
Elwin answered and hugged Keefe before bringing him inside. Nothing needed to be explained. He knew the drill. Keefe had gone there so many times in the past few months that he knew the reason.
Elwin just asked if he wanted to watch a movie as he pulled dinner out of the oven. (A/n pretend they have movies for this 😅)
They settled on the couch with the TV on. He wrapped an arm around Keefe. It felt nice. Why couldn't his father just be caring? Was it really that hard?
Elwin probably sensed something was wrong because he asked, "Everything alright?"
Keefe shrugged, taking another bite of food.
He didn't like that awnser, so he said, "You can tell me anything. You know that, right? I'm not gonna get upset."
"We just... really had it out tonight. No big deal."
By the emotions that got flung Keefe's way, Elwin wasn't buying it. But something else was in the mix, too. A combination of worry and concern and sympathy. Something he didn't know how to take in.
Elwin didn't say anything else, though, and they finished their movie and food in silence.
When it started to get late, Keefe got up and started to go to bed. He had Foxfire in the morning, unfortunately. He said goodnight to Elwin, got showered, ready to go to sleep, and into the bed.
By the time he was under the covers, Elwin cracked open the door. "Can I come in?" Keefe nodded. Elwin sat on the edge of the bed, smoothing the blanket a bit. "Are you sure you're ok? I can tell it was a pretty bad fight. Did something else happen than usual?"
"I guess you could say that. Umm... he said I was like my mom. I fought back for the first time, but he...," Keefe trailed off. He curled further into himself. "He said things. He wished I wasn't here. That I wasn't born. Turns out he never wanted a child, but thanks to my mom's 'legacy' stuff, she convinced him. So, here I am. Nothing that comes from them are good. It was inevitable anyhow."
"That's not completely true," Elwin whispered. "You did, and that's enough."
Elwin took his hand, squeezing it. Keefe scooted closer.
To his surprise, Elwin never left. At least not until he was asleep, because he stayed sitting on the bed. Not talking or waiting for any answers, just being there with him.
Yeah, definitely different than just several hours earlier. At some point, Keefe fell asleep.
"You should come over after school," Sophie prompted.
It'd been two weeks since Keefe's major fight with his dad. He'd had to go to Elwin's place three times in the short amount of time. The abuse just kept getting worse. So he had zero hesitation in agreeing.
He walked through the door, trailing behind Sophie. When he saw the living room, he got an uneasy feeling. All of his friends were there. Their parents. Elwin. Livy. Mr. Forkle.
That couldn't be good news.
"Is something going on?" He asked.
Sophie got a mischievous grin on her face. "We have a surprise for you."
"Uh oh. I don't like the sound of that."
"Calm down." She pushed him down to sit on the couch. "It's good."
Edaline snapped her fingers. A box about the size of a donut box appeared on the table in front of him. Everyone gathered around in a semicircle.
He pushed the box away. "This is something to get back at me for all of my pranks over the years, isn't it." He looked at Biana. "Is it glitter?" He looked at Dex. "Will it explode?" Linh. "Shoot water at me?"
"No, but we should do that," Tam suggested.
"I'm not going to trust Bangs Boy," Keefe told them.
"It's fine," Fitz said. "Just open it already."
Keefe eyed them all. "If this is a prank," he warned, "you are all going to regret every single decision in your life that led you to this point."
Everyone just stared expectantly at him. He pulled the box back to him. He slowly raised the lid. He braced himself. Nothing happened. Slightly more than confused, he opened it completely.
Inside, there were three items. He wasn't able to see what the other two were because his gaze fixated on the open scroll.
It read, 'The official and legal adoption of Keefe Sencen by Elwin Heslege has been approved. Keefe will now permanently reside at Splendor Plains. Lord Cassius Sencen has no legal rights over Keefe Sencen.'
Keefe gasped. He looked up at everyone. They had smiles on their faces. "You all knew?" Everyone nodded. Keefe's gaze shifted to Elwin. He stood in the corner of the half circle. He had a soft grin on his face.
Keefe fell back onto the cushions. Incredulous to the paper in front of him, he murmured, "This is a prank. It's not true," with his hands covering his crying face. Weight shifted on the cushion beside him. He turned his head to see Elwin beside him. "You're joking."
Elwin moved the hands away from Keefe's face. "I'm not joking, I swear." He held out his hand, challenging him.
Keefe swiped his hand across Elwin's. He was telling the truth. He accepted Elwin's open arms.
Elwin's hug was crushing, but Keefe didn't care. It was warm and comforting. Everything he wanted during his childhood. Everything he needed. It felt like home. Another sob escaped.
He sniffled as he finally pulled away. Elwin reached for another item from the box. A family crest. A Heslege crest. He unpinned the Foxfire crest from his cape and replaced it with the new one. He made sure it was secured on.
Keefe choked on his words. He reached up and clasped the pin in his hand.
"Your part of the family now," Elwin told him. "Only seemed fitting."
Forever Keefe had wanted to be truly part of his family. It never felt legit. No matter what he did or said, his parents never made him feel part of his own family. He wasn't able to earn his own crest until he was fourteen, and it was a tracker. Now Elwin was just giving him one. No strings attached.
Maybe something wasn't wrong with him, after all.
He had no words. Although he did start crying again once Elwin pulled the last item out of the box. It was a home crystal. He told Keefe it was his.
He hugged Elwin again. "Thank you," he murmured. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Of course," Elwin said softly. "I couldn't stand seeing you stay there any longer."
Keefe glanced at Sophie. She has holding into Grady and Edaline's hands like a lifeline. This must've been how it felt for her to finally get adopted by them. Like something finally clicked into its place.
When it was finally time to leave, Elwin let Keefe do the honors with his new home crystal.
Keefe froze when he got to the doorstep. Elwin gestured for him to go inside. "It's like it always was. Just more official now." They hesitantly stepped through the door. "Come on, I want to show you your room."
"My room?" Keefe asked.
"The room you've been staying in is my guest room. This will be your permanent room." They trailed up the stairs to a door they'd never been in before.
Keefe stopped in his tracks. The room was a pale yellow. In one corner was a desk. On the wall beside it was shelves full of art suplies. By a bay window was a few bean bag chairs and a rug. Several stuffed animals were strewn about. Against the wall  in the center of the room was the bed. He couldn't help a chuckled when he saw it had batman bedsheets. He was confused to see that Mrs. Stinkbottom was already on the bed. He turned around.
"Got permission from Magnate Leto for your friends to skip class to help me move your stuff today," Elwin explained.
"Wait... does my dad know?"
He laughed, "He will tomorrow when he gets the scroll. He was at Atlantis when we were there."
His jaw dropped. A smirk spread across his face. "He's going to be ticked."
He looked at the room. Then back to Elwin. He practically tackled him with a hug. His eyes started to well up again
"Don't worry," Elwin murmured. "You never have to go back there again, Keefe. I promise. You're wanted here. You're going to be loved here.
Keefe wanted to deny it. Say it wasn't possible for that to happen. But being an empath, he knew he wasn't lying. It was going to be ok.
More than ok.
He had a parental figure to care for him. For the first time in his life. He was wanted.
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// more simple human vers of the sillies (it’s only Fukase because APPARENTLY. I HVNT DRAWN FLOWER PROPERLY SINCE DECEMBER 2021.)
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The second one is a little outdated, but it does show his outfit more. I never actually finished t which is why he doesn’t have the X pocket and crinkles on the damaged side. Also he has a half mask to cover his face that’s damaged, but I don’t care to draw it that much anymore.
Also they point next to him is not his point, it’s like point but it’s a variant of the species (which honestly still don’t have a name but I’ll call them mallows for now)
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This is actually the only time I drew flower seriously as a human, which was back in *checking notes* NOVEMBER 2021??? Obviously outdated, but I honestly don’t think she’s changed that much. I mean honestly I need to do something for the both of them because I stopped doing human art months ago now so it’s been a bit since I’ve drawn them both ::7
Also her choker is based off a choker I actually have so I could always pull it out for pictures sake
And then of course this piece which is definitely the newest and most accurate. Sadly some of the details are kinda hard to see due to the style I went in and because I screenshotted these off my insta and anything with the slightest detail gets blurry and smudged because of instas dogshit quality
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scraftcat · 1 year
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"By the time he picked out a book, Mallow’s words began to trail off and quiet down as exhaustion truly settled in, and, like the guardian he was, Geno came over to tuck the boy into bed. Mario wondered if it was an instinct, or if he’d watched folks do it on the ground from up above, because it seemed so natural of a gesture for one who didn’t need sleep, along with that look of content when Mallow gave out a sleepy ‘g’night’ before he began to softly snore." Read the story here I've been reading @nintendonut1 SMRPG stories lately, and now that Comiccon is over I can finally get back to drawing/ other projects. These stories have been playing on my mind for a while now, so I decided to do a doodle page based on all three stories. This one ended up being a full piece, so I thought I'd post it separately. I really like the depiction of Geno in these stories, especially the first one. It shows off the weird nature and personality of the star spirit being in a mortal world, and how he reacts to other characters. There are a few more sketches on their way, but for now, here is one of the pieces. I hope you enjoy :)
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starrysharks · 11 months
(positive) thoughts on black madoka
-the contrast with homuras pale skin means they'd look really good as a pair, imagery like them holding hands and the such would look so nice
-as an artist that often has thoughts on making characters black solely through a color scheme angle, if anything I'd say make her darker so you can get more contrast with her bright light pink hair
-YOUR COLORS ARE SOOOO GOOD just so cute and bright and fun and candy like and harmonious
-lastly as a white person I'm wondering if you'd have any advice or if you have any pet peeves with darkerskined character designs, I choose my ocs skin tone solely based on the color scheme (and whenever i draw canon characters with darker skin i tend to do so based on their pallette and to get more variety in the cast) and sometimes I get worried I could accidentally be making 'poor representation' sense I'm not considering they're race at all. (like I don't even decide if they're black or like, Indian or some other race/ethnicity with darker complexions) and so many 'guide on drawing black characters' focus on more like, realistic stuff (like don't de-saturate the skin tone[what if the color scheme calls for it???]) and honestly most of them make me scared to draw black characters at all because i'm scared I'll do it wrong, i want to play around with stylizing fun hair styles but I don't because I'm worried I'm not 'allowed' to as a white person
-anyway have a good day your art is top tier, like i've spent time studying how you use shapes and colors to improve my own art level top tier (i also have aheavy focus on shapes in my art :3)
firstly, thank you for the compliments on my madoka design!! i did also draw her with contrast and pallete in mind. when it comes to my own designs, usually it's a mix of what aids the color pallete and representation, i guess - i want to make fun, diverse casts, so i make sure to put a lot of variety in character races and ethnicities. sometimes it's also because i think a black character would be awesome in a pre-existing trope that's usually only delegated to white characters - such as the cute and confident girl-next-door mallow, or the badass gunslinger lunette! that's also another reason why i wanted to draw mado black, as there is an obvious shortage of adorable "moe" black girls in general media, let alone anime.
when it comes to learning how to draw non-white people for white artists, i would say one thing - talk to the demographic you are drawing! many black artists are open to questions, and there's even a trend going on twitter where black artists are drawing curly and coily hairstyles in their own styles. feel free to experiment with stylisation, but i would really recommend both directly taking from real life references and talking to black people for advice and critique! and when it comes to different lighting, there's a world of guides and references to black skin in all styles from realistic to cartoony. also about desaturation to fit a piece's pallete - it's fine (for me), so long as it fits the rest of the piece's saturation levels. think of it as the 'rule of thumb' for lightening dark skin in pastel art - when everything including the skin is lightened, we can tell what the original tone of the skin is. of course i am just one black guy and am not the spokesperson, so please talk to other black artists (and other non-white artists) for advice if you feel you need to!
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itsthedracobunny · 7 months
okay i need a real pinned post
Hey guys, my name is Draco. Welcome to my blog! I'm sort of an artist (when i remember to art), but I spend most of my time reblogging other people's art. I'm 18, and I use any pronouns (mostly they/she), and I'm bisexual :)
Be warned, my posts are mostly Generation Loss and QSMP (especially BBH) now, so WATCH OUT
Also, I have friends on here! You should follow @lavender-w4ters @goldenstarofthunderclan @darkclaws42 @its-so-callie and @sylveon-and-velveon !!!
All my personal tags and explanations under the cut
#draco rambles - me just talking like an idiot
#draco reblogs - me reblogging (definitely my most used tag)
#draco answers - used when I answer an ask
#draco art - on the rare occasion I draw something
#superfav - stuff I REALLY want to save (Callie and Dark stole this idea from me lmao)
#more serious stuff - exactly what it sounds like, applies to drama and triggery stuff
#julius the tabby - my orange tabby, Julius :3 (yes he is named after orange julius, i am hilarious)
#maggie the lab - my Lab puppy, Maggie
#lucy the lab - my (dad's technically) Lab, Lucy
#buffy the cat - my neighbor's cat that I petsit, she is such a princess
#prince the sylveon - My shiny Sylveon, Prince
#mal the dragon bunny #mallow the dragon bunny #marshmallow the dragon bunny - My fursona/mascot, Marshmallow! She also goes by Mal or Mallow
#friend rb - Reblogging from a friend (Callie and Dark also stole this from me lmaoo)
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ashcoveredtraveler · 7 months
A ship that I have drawn about but haven't really gone into depth in this AU is Mallow, Markoth, and Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel(thanks to @sumtoinfinity for giving me that ship name, it is absolutely adorable).
I have written their interactions in my other project, Could We Have Peace? but I barely touched on their relationships for this AU. I have only made drawings and mentioned they were a couple in Bugs That Warm Up Five Cold Days, which was a short fic I made for the AU.
But first, let me go over some parts of the AU as there aren't many scenarios in which these characters would even meet.
(Also sorry, but this is longer then I intended it to be)
So the infection happens, not so great. The Pale King enacts the vessel plan, also not so great.
He enacted this plan before the infection became worrisome. This way the vessel can grow to prime form just in time to seal the infection. He knew that void could seal the radiance, however, he didn't know the powers that she had. So over after the Vessel was more than halfway grown, he requested the assistance of the moth tribe. The appointed Seer and her son end up going to the Palace as they are the two most knowledgeable bugs that know what the Radience is capable of.
So one of the things that I questioned was the timeline and how much of an age difference there was between the two. I don't think Markoth is actually that old, he just acts a lot older.
For some age references for the AU, the Nail Master(Oro, Mato, and Sheo ) were barely in their tweens when the Pure Vessel ascended out of the abyss, and Markoth was just a young child. Markoth is younger than the Nail Masters. I don't think how we count time is the same way they were, but if I were to give an age ratio I would say that PV would be 21 and Markoth would be 25 around the time PV is revealed to be impure. Now I made a fic called Almost Like a Statue which isn't part of the AU but kinda of gives an outline of the timeline and the only difference between the AU and the story is the very last scene.
Anyways the vessel is revealed to be impure and a new plan needs to be made. Both Markoth and his mother end up getting invited to the Palace to discuss the Radiance even more. Eventually, after a month after the vessel is revealed to be impure, he finally sees them again, looking just upset as their hands are doing controlled motions.
Markoth approaches them and they are immediately taken aback as ever since their reveal nobody even looked in their direction as they don't have a purpose anymore. He tried to talk to them commented on their hand motion and realized it kinda looks like sign language. At that point, the vessel signed hello to Markoth and tried to start a conversation in poor sign language. Even though they were poorly signing, Markoth understood what they were trying to say and responded back, also signing to them.
Eventually, they had to get paper as the Pure Vessel only knew basic sign language and they only started learning sign language. They explained how they are trying to learn but everyone simply wants them to write what they want to say instead of everyone learning sign language to just speak with one bug. The drawing of this interaction here,
Now every time Markoth visits the Palace, he talks to the vessel and practice sign language with them. They started interacting more and slowly started to become good friends. Earlier on in their friendship, there were already bugs restricting their interaction, and it was the White Lady.
In the post I made about the WL and PK, I explained how WL wished she could have a do-over with a younger kid so she could mold them to her liking. She however is still trying to do this with the Pure Vessel, trying to pick a name for them, making them attend tea time with other nobles so they can be cultured. Of course, she didn't want this commoner to hang out with her child whom she practically neglected. PK was a bit off-put as moths are more likely to get infected and PK is also sealing away the moth's old god. He only made a comment that they should attend the city party and ball to find more suitable friends while WL tried to fill up their schedule with pointless parties with fake friends.
Eventually, the Vessel named themselves Howl, and their and Markoth's relationship grew. He eventually started gifting them stuff like chocolate and small trinkets from the outside world while Howl was able to get him books as that was one the few things that Howl could sneakily get.
Howl's self-image and mental health improved and eventually, The Great Knights started interacting with them. The five always looked after them from afar after their reveal, trying to make WL and PK act like real parents. However, the reason why they started interacting with Howl is because of Xero.
I mentioned this in The Knight's backstory along with The Great Knights' backstories, but Xero ended up getting recruited and trained as a Great Knight after stopping traffickers. He had heard about Howl from Markoth and decided to start talking to them. The Great Knight saw how interactions positively affected the vessel, and soon started interacting with them.
Howl and Markoth continued to hang out and started to get attached to each other. Markoth liked the wonder, curiosity, and kindness that Howl seemed to embody. While Howl liked the adventurous, patient, and understanding nature he had.
Both started catching feelings for each other. Markoth however pushed these feelings aside as he still held guilt for being a willing accomplice to seal them away. He knew what would have happened to their body, he buried enough infected corpses. Besides, why would Howl even like him?
Howl wasn't quite aware of what feelings they held for Markoth, but others around them could tell how much Markoth meant to them. Some of the knights became worried that if Wl or PK found out, then they might just try and shut off Howl from the rest of the world and try and continue to mold them to their liking.
At some point despite the infection, a festival was happening in Dirtmouth. Markoth decided to invite them and the two of them went to the festival with no issue. PK did give his permission and the knights convinced him to let them go as the infection lessened for a bit, and Howl could defend themselves.
The two went out and just had a joyful time. There was no stress and it was the most fun they had in a while. Fireworks were happening later in the night and the two of them went to a semi-secluded section to watch the fireworks.
While alone, both parties made comments that were more friendly than normal, more romantic comments. The area they was very dark, so both of them couldn't see each other. So when Howl moved their shell to Markoth, they accidentally placed their mouth on his.
They were both in shock. Embarrassment corsed through their body and what was even more embarrassing was that they weren't pulling away. They were both still until Markoth pressed lips a bit more, and soon enough they both reciprocated the affection.
Once they stopped Markoth immediately apologized, saying he shouldn't have done that. However, Howl stopped him, realizing what their feelings were.
They both agreed to give out this relationship a secret as if it gets out, it will be bad for both of them. The bugs who knew they were in a relationship was The Seer, because she supported the relationship and would have found out one way or another, and the two of the Great Knights, Ze'mer and Hegemol since they know how to hide a relationship as they both date political figures.
To most of the bugs, they were still friends, while to a few others they were testing out their relationship, while to both of them just fell harder for each other.
They dated for a few months, secretly writing each other notes and going on secret dates with the help of the two knights who made sure that WL or PK wouldn't try to look for them when they were out.
However, one of these letters was misplaced and somehow was placed on PK's desk. Thinking it was from some of the retainers, WL and PK opened up and they were immediately angry and requested to 'speak' with Howl.
PK and WL's lecture ended up being the both of them berating Howl for courting Markoth. PK is angry since Markoth is a moth and directly related to the Radience while WL classism starts showing up and tries to get them a suitable bug for them. The Knights came in and calmed the situation.
PK ended up banning Markoth from the Palace for a short time before realizing that he is still needed to give information on the Radience. But his time at the Palace was severely limited, only being there to give information and get out.
But something happened that caused PK and WL's demeanor to change as it was revealed that The Seer ended up adopting a child, unknowingly adopting a vessel instead.
I already mentioned Ghost's backstory earlier, and the general summary is that Xero saved them and got adopted by the Moth family. Pk, desperately trying to get any sort of vessel living in his house is trying to get Ghost to live in the Palace, with none of the parties budging.
Howls and Markoth's relationship slightly changes as he almost sees Ghost as a little sibling that was frozen as a child till now and he has been dating their twin. However, Ghost didn't mind their relationship as they saw how happy it made both of them.
So this is how the first part of their relationship went. PK and WL were not big fans at all while some others saw how beneficial the two are for each other.
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I need to draw more Mallow, hopefully figure out more of her personality. Right now she feels like another fursona which, tbh, I would not mind. But I want to know which characteristics and traits she is getting from me. Hmmm
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hext00ns · 9 months
Initially wanted to write this in a rb but I think an ask is better (btw if you only see me like I promise it's in the queue my blog got rn)
I really adore your ocs and read your talks abt them in the discord (mostly lurk but hoping to be more active, alas timezones or no idea what to say) and think abt making art of them to maybe get more into it again. No promises since it still is a on/off thing for me and if will it prob take a bit but have you anyone you want to see art the most of? Can be one or multiple. Iirc you talked abt wanting to see more of one but can't remember who it was anymore.
I cannot like with words express how much this ask means to me. Like fr my ocs are like the world to me to knowing ppl like them means everything to me fr
If you drew my oc I would start crying this is just a fact I would be so happy. Honestly you could draw anyone that speaks to you!!! The one you probably remember me talking about is Eyn, he’s the main character and my favorite to draw and show ppl but during stuff like artfight most people pick Dove or Mallow over him (which is soooo valid Dove n Mallow are also evehthinggggg but!!! I have a TH account if you need like. To look at bitches or just curious lol
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marvelfanfics1 · 2 years
Hey, not sure if it will help you or not, but I did a blood donation a couple weeks ago and I can say our brains makes us think it’s going to hurt but as hard as it may be you just need to take deep breathes and try and relax as best as you can, the more relaxed you are the quicker it’s over, I promise!! Plus once the needle is in, that’s the worse bit over!!
Take something with you to distract you, like music or someone to talk to or look at your phone.
And after it was over I swapped the plaster I had to a marvel one, I first had Steve rogers and then tony and then groot, it made me feel alot better!
But the best thing to do is get plenty of sleep, have something to eat and something sugary to drink and have a lot of water before and something sugary after, my mum used to draw blood for a job about 10 years ago (I promise she isn’t a vampire) but make sure to take it easy for the rest of the day and if you feel light headed you tell the nurse or who ever is closest and they can help you.
But the best thing is after it’s all done, it’s over and done with and you beat the fear and told it to suck it!!
Thank you so much, friend! I'm gonna ask to lay down and in gonna hold my stepmoms hand, and I'm gonna squeeze it. She told me to bring a mallow and squeeze it, but I wanna hold her hand. But what I really want is to bring my stuffie. I Appreciate you so so much!
- MaKayla 💜
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gemwel · 2 years
How to Make Fermented Mallow Leaves
So there are mallow plants growing all over Southern California right now, maybe even as weeds in your yard. But you can preserve them now to enjoy later after they are gone.
First, find some mallow plants with big leaves. With all the rain this year, they can get huge. Make sure they don't have orange rust spots on them and are blemish free (we will remove insects in a subsequent step).
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You will need a large amount of leaves as they will compact down a lot in subsequent steps. But you can keep adding more each day until your container is full. You can use scissors or clippers to cut the leaves off the stem, as shown below. You want as little stem as possible as it interferes with layering.
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The first thing we need to do is thoroughly wash both sides in running water to remove insects, dirt, etc. Discard any leaves with orange rust spots or serious insect damage. After washing, spin dry in a salad spinner. They don't have to be completely dry, just not super wet.
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Now that our mallow leaves are clean and excess water removed, we are going to do the really hard part of this recipe. Grab a small plate and put some granular sea salt on it. (I used Kirkland Signature sea salt, but any brand of sea salt is fine. Do not use iodized salt or chemical salt/NaCl.)
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Grab a leaf, then touch the salt (you should pick up a small amount on your damp fingers), then rub onto both sides of the leaf. It should feel like rubbing it with sand. You only need a small, evenly distributed amount on both sides to draw out the moisture. Once the leaves are rubbed in salt, start stacking them in a clean glass container (I used a half gallon kimchi jar, but a glass bowl will also work).
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Stack them in layers, altering position on the leaves to keep everything as flat as possible. Try not to tear or otherwise damage the leaves. Once you have added your leaves, add a bit of liquid culture from live, active kimchi or sauerkraut.
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This is extra liquid from a previous batch. That will also work. Let everything sit for at least a week to ferment, pressing down daily into the liquid. Then put it in the fridge until you need them. If you want to use them right away, soak in plain water to desalt (optional). You can also use them as a substitute for fresh seaweed.
To store them long term, the next step is to dehydrate them. This will make them crispy like chips and they can be eaten whole & dried (you can also coat them with a thin coat of oil prior to drying if they will be eaten right away, but don't do this if they will be stored more than a week).
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The batch shown above had some kimchi brine added, which gives it a reddish color. I dried them on parchment paper to make it easier to get them off the dehydrator tray. If you have some that break, put them aside to be ground up into a salt substitute, as shown below.
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You can grind the dry leaves quite easily, I used a wooden pestle (or even a small glass/metal container with a flat bottom) in a salad bowl. Pass them through a sieve if you want them to be a uniform size (keep grinding the bigger pieces until they pass through.)
The powder has a nice flavor (a bit seaweed like) and can be used to add salt & flavor to dishes and baked goods.
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