#i need some meta on this cause im going insane
niennaofnumenor · 4 months
by no means do i want to speak sacrilegiously...but establishing first episode that walker is not being interested in settling down with a woman and sighing when his family asks him about it...this tension between him and trivette...being a perfect gentleman to the lawyer girl and taking her out to the bull riding thing...blushing at her hugs...it's giving gentle giant disaster bisexual i fear
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raayllum · 21 days
i just need to humbly know...but didn't you start predicting chet crazy fucking early like season 2?
im sincerely amazed that it seems like every single one of your predictions has come true, that is some insane story analysis and deductive reasoning. how have you kept track of so many details over the course of six seasons?
also whenever something you knew was going to happen happens you must do the kicking legs and squealing and gasping thing, right? cuz I'm doing it all the time in this show and I've barely predicted shit lol 😂
you're pretty awesome
I did!! Ever since Callum got the Key I figured it'd be something that Aaravos would want back, though that actual Theory came about after Through the Moon was released early (so like, Sept 2020?). I predicted right after S3, though, that Callum's main arc going forward was going to be 1) going too far with magic like a little Icarus figure, 2) being worried about his mind being unsafe / too much like Viren, and 3) trying not to but inevitably playing into Aaravos with that damn cube, cause you just don't give your main hero an item that connects them to your main villain if you're not going to draw on that connection tbh. I thought it'd likely be a key related to his prison or power up he needed to get out / wreck havoc on the stars, either way something Aaravos was invested in getting back
To this day I'm still pleasantly surprised at how much it manifested going forward (aka "Callum's worst fear being that his mind is unsafe/invaded" was because of how much he relies on his intelligence and his tendency to get stuck in his head, which literally happens in 2x08 lol)
I still kick my legs and squeal a lot when it's something I thought might happen but wasn't sure we'd get even if I liked/wanted it a lot (Viren-Ezran interactions in S6 or the whole "Callum won't kiss Rayla till he's told her about the dark magic" thing), for more overt predictions (like Rayla being his light/truth or one of the quasar diamonds being taken and put into the staff) there's more of an excited "I knew it!!" and then sometimes days of processing that a long held theory or something was Actually Right in the end
I expect going into S7 with CHET I'll be both waiting with baited breath and crying my eyes out if it (or something close enough to it) Happens, since in 5x08 I mostly sat there in joyful disbelief just as I did for 6x03. Like what do you mean I got Rayla saying "If you ever have to choose between me or the greater good" and Callum reiterating "You told me to never sacrifice the greater good for one person (specifically)" like?? I'm still in shock tbh, I just no longer have doubt (though a longer meta on CHET is still being chipped away at for now)
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coconox · 6 months
my whb progress 2
as of apr 7, 2024
since whb's half anni has passed, i thought i'd do a progress check to reflect on how much has happened btwn now and this post
general info
lvl: 47
status: 🤨 mostly f2p
i say mostly cause i just recently broke the f2p status and bought bp for ppyong
i refuse to buy packs and in the future i'll prob be very selective over who i pick for bp (aka i wont buy every bp), so for the most part i'll just be having the f2p experience
when i started: launch (10/03 my timezone)
ver: erolabs
team setup
i finally have levi now lmao
sometimes i'll switch out one of the levis for attacker satan but this is what i use generally
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everyone's lvls and artifacts
skill lvls (normal atk-ult-passive)
attacker mammon: 1-3-1
selfie mammon: 4-5-4
selfie satan: 4-4-1
selfie beel: 4-4-4
bloodshed levi: 3-3-1
selfie levi: 3-3-1
secret club
i only work on completing mammon's unholy board
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stuck on needing attacker mammon's sig atm :'))
too lazy to screenshot it all but im basically broke on pies, tears, pretzels (tbf i dont play the minigame whatsoever), red keys, yellow keys, and seals
everything else im either ok in supply or overflowing w it
overall thoughts / reflection
this section is for me to look back on in the future when i do progress posts. i'll break down this section into multiple parts similar to my prev post for consistency
honestly, its interesting in concept. since sadly only 1 chapter has released btwn now and my last post so thoughts havent really drastically changed
ch5 imo wasnt really a full on hades chapter. yes, it takes place in hades and yes we get some intro abt hades, but i think this was supposed to act more like a bridge to tartaros, which is prob why we didnt have any h scenes w any hades chars aside from levi. ofc we'll get back to it being hades-focused eventually, but the story for a while is most likely gonna pivot to tartaros bc of that big lore drop abt mammon at the end
i assume we'll prob be introduced to the cherubs in tartaros bc of selaphiel txting us near the end + it being mentioned at the end that theres a hub of angels in the lab, and hopefully part 2 of mammon's h scene. it was strange at first for mammon to only have 1 h scene, compared to satan or levi that had 2, but w him implying theres probably gonna be a part 2 in his h scene + we'll most likely see him again in ch6 (or however many chapters tartaros will be played out), we'll prob experience part 2 in his home country. tbh that prob just me inhaling MASSIVE hopium since mammon isnt rlly that popular but i can dream ok-
i hope us being in tartaros doesnt last for just 1 chapter. you cant condense the experiments tartaros went through to create a clone of mammon only for them to fail + bring up the fact that the seed is prob also in tartaros in just 1 chapter. well— technically you can, but not at the pace chapters are at atm. chapters have roughly 15 parts of story on the main branch, and imo that much info abt tartaros cant be condensed into 1 chapter unless if they make the story bits like WAY longer than what they normally do
tl;dr as an endgame player, its too easy 💀
working on the spreadsheet ever since the games 1st month of release and now just recently testing multiple team comps, the "meta" is so monkos HSHFJDJ
this game is INSANELY dependent on you having more than 1 dps/tank light card. light is also just an unstoppable element and i wish the game was balanced a bit more to let other elements shine
enemies are now way too easy to defeat. ik i prob shouldnt be complaining abt this but pls im a pgr and neural cloud player at heart I NEED SOME CHALLENGE
ch3 and ch4 were prob the most tedious and awful chapters, but at least they actually made me think when it comes to battles. now i just place down chars and let it play in the bg while i go do smth else. ofc this may just be bc i have a team that im comfortable w using everywhere, but id like to see at least a bit more "challenge" outside of holy coin portal
also, for weekly achievements, lvling artifacts is not a great requirement
i only pull when theres a new s rank or when mammon is moved to standard, so its very, VERY rare compared to avg users. having the artifact req is essentially forcing me to pull during those gaps just so i could fulfill a weekly req which sucks. i also dont need to lvl anymore artifacts in general for my team comp. lvl 15 is the bare minimum i need to get through all content w ease, anything after that is just a small boost tbh
on the note of daily/weekly requirements, there needs to be more of them
i mean in a sense of theres still gonna be 9 daily achievements, but you get more options on HOW you get to the 9 daily achievement req. most gachas that ive played always have more options than necessary to fulfill the overall requirement to get all rewards, so having this strict number w strict reqs is rlly not that great tbh
thoughts from last time still havent rlly changed. pies and candies especially are still rng dependent which sucks, and now there gonna revamp pancakes while also keeping the old pancakes ???? theres way too many currencies (w some even having very little to no use) atp which can and will get overwhelming for new players
i hate solomon seals. you can tell that red keys were supposed to be the main gacha currency if you ever look at old packs, but smth happened along the way and now we have seals
pity is also way too high for what we're earning atm. based off of f2p earnings, every week we get roughly 1 pull of red keys, maybe 2 pulls of yellow keys (red and yellow keys are more dependent on the key boxes which again, dependent on rng), and 1 pull of solomon seals. this doesnt include the stuff earned outside of dailies/weeklies, and i think there should be more ways to earn said currency through dailies/weeklies and not be so dependent on either paying or pulling chars
speaking of pity, i wish we had pity for both of the standard banners
i also wish theyd separate char and artifacts into their own banners. that way, if someone has a char but needs their sig, they can just pull in the artifact-only banner and try to get said sig
tl;dr in general i wish everything wasnt so strict and rng dependent, also wish numbers made sense like why do we get at least 5 red keys a week when 1 pull is 3, JUST GIVE ME 6 KEYS ATP
so yeah thats all for now lmao. im pretty sure i have a lot more to say abt this game but my minds at a blank atm, so ig thatll be saved for the next progress post which will be around 1st anni
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canis-rex-lupus · 1 year
🐙 also im using squid emojis as dividers for an easier viewing experience now
norma would be an octoling, and she'd main whatever's "meta defining" at the time instead of just picking a weapon she thinks is neat. what's the point if it's not the best!!
she has main character syndrome i think. she's EXTREMELY bossy and takes the game too seriously. she orders around her team (take the left flank!! cover me while i get the rainmaker!! nooo don't go over there i need you over here defending!!!!) and her instructions are almost always geared toward her getting her teammates to clear a path for her to take all the glory...it never quite goes well. she insists it's her genius planning and direction that gets her team to win matches but she couldn't be more wrong. she also probably blames her teammates when stuff goes wrong. you didn't coordinate well enough!! you didn't listen!!
her favorite mode is rainmaker and her locker is actually pretty neat looking. she shows off all her perfect gear in there and would probably have some of the amiibo items too. she's B- rank.
lizzie is also an octoling causeee sisters! she'd be a skirmisher/slayer and be really good at baiting other players into unsafe situations where she or someone else on her team can splat them easily. SCARY good at getting people to tunnel and commit too hard to trying to fight her and not realize it till they're already respawning. she'd main something aggressive but mobile so she can get away easy, like octobrush. oh my GOD would she be infuriatingly good at sharking. comes out of nowhere and you're dead before you can blink.
i don't think she takes the game very seriously at ALL, polar opposite of norma, so she never really tilts or blames anyone when she loses. it's just a loss. she might be a sore winner though. i can see her being the type to make fun of her opponents like LMAOOO look at this loser on the jet squelchers aiming at the ground 💀 who let this kid play
anyways her fav mode would be tricolor battle. shes built different like that. she's B+ rank and pokes fun at norma about it sometimes.
sam is an inkling, she plays slayer. blaster main. she. is. terrifying. she's the one who averages like 20 kills per game. she's the one picking off anyone who dares to touch the rainmaker or step onto the tower or make a single power clam. she is an unstoppable force. i don't think it comes from a place of Intense Focus And Practice though. she strikes me as the type of player to sorta just zone out and have fun without thinking too hard about it, and everyone keeps asking what strats she uses to be able to pull off all the insane plays she does and she just. shrugs.
i think her and raz as a slayer/skirmisher duo would be a force to be reckoned with, like, you see these two together on the enemy team and you're DOOMED. coach oleander is so proud of sam's natural killing machine talent but also a little bit terrified.
her favorite mode is turf war cause it's nice and straightforward. her locker is one of the less mainstream colors like brown or maybe that dark teal color, and it's thoughtfully decorated with cool stickers and stuff. there's definitely one of those furbies in there. very eclectic decor but she makes it work for suresies. she's rank A+. i think she would play salmon run a LOT as well just cause she thinks the salmonids are neat looking.
gisu gives me more inkling vibes even though octoling might fit her hair better. seems like the kinda player who doesn't really care about weapon roles and just goes for whatever feels the most fun to play. i think she'd play reeflux! there's a lot of cool stuff you can do with that weapon and potential for lots of trick shots. she'd be sort of like sam and lizzie in that she's pretty easy-going while playing, but i don't think she'd be immune to tilting, especially not when they're 30 seconds away from winning and the other team pulls some insane play that completely turns the tables. she doesn't hold onto a loss for long though and she's pretty good about getting back on track.
she'd totally be the type of player to post a million clips of her getting wipeouts or narrowly escaping getting splatted or those aformentioned trick shots btw. she lives for those highlight compilation worthy moments.
i think she'd be around rank A+ and her favorite mode might beeee... tower control. her locker would either be super sick or she'd use it to do one of those silly jokes with the moai head.
morris strikes me as an inkling type fella. i think he wouldn't really like the stress of the front lines and would rather play an anchor weapon. something swagful like e-liter. he'd be convinced that the song that plays during matches affects his performance. of course we lost, they were playing headhammer. of course i did crazy good that round, they were playing ska-blam!!! (i'm the same actually. i always play well when a yoko and the gold bazookas song is on.) he's a pretty chill player but definitely gets put off by spikes in difficulty and might take long breaks from matches altogether because "the other teams are way too sweaty."
he'd probably range from C+ to A- rank at any given time depending how much he's bothered to play that season. his favorite mode would be splat zones since it's one of the less crazy ones, easier to follow what's going on. while gisu would only maybe probably do a joke locker, morris would TOTALLY do one But. he'd also decorate the outside properly so it's both silly and cool.
octoling. or frankly... if we want to get devious and break the rules... inktoling?!?!?! like morris he's not so aggressive, but instead of it being because he can't handle the front lines i think it would be that he just has more fun playing support. he'd probably main a few weapons, like n-zap '89, splat roller, and tenta brella. he would spend a loooot of effort putting good abilities on fashionable outfits so he can look just as fresh as he plays. he likes learning so he'd get an advantage in the game by absorbing a TON of information about the best ways to use specials, map strategies, weaknesses of other weapons, all that good stuff. he's the kinda guy that always shows up right when you need someone to cover you, and has probably saved a good amount of games by being on point with his support.
he's S rank so y'know he's kiiiind of a big deal... kind of a big shot... big cheese... top dog... he says this all jokingly but norma always fumes at it. his favorite mode? oohhh don't make him choose...they're all fun for their own reasons!! he'd spend lots of time decorating his locker, using the stickers to make funky designs with heavy consideration for the color scheme. he'd probably incorporate the newspaper-y mixed media style stickers from story mode in there somehow. it would have kind of a vintage feel?
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katasstrophy · 2 years
riv bbie it’s ok to be in denial !!!!! but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a natural progression of a rin fucker to slowly start seeing sae’s appeal !!!!! 🥹 sending this ur way cuz i am REELING abt how they’re so similar .. like………. it just makes sense to be after him u know. it’s okay i get u babes 🤝🏻
pspsps this one too cause .. WHAT A SHAME exactly man :/ the close ups have me foaming at the mouth
ZAARRIIII ASDFG@HJ&@&!!!JDGDHS11!1!@ i’m actually going insane like it sneaks up on you.. so sneakily….. literally not even a month ago i was such a hater and now i’m like,,,,, no<3333333 he’s my sweet baby angel princess 🥺🫶 my babygurl i👏am👏a👏SLUT👏!!!!!!
ALSO PLLLLSSSSSSS the way i imagined this like i’m a freak of nature david attenborough is doing a docu about like “ah yes here we have a rin fucker in her natural habitat. little does she knows she’s about to go through the 5 stages of grief when she inevitably starts thirsting for the brother” CRYYYYIINNNGGGG like it’s not even funny at this point
t-that tiktok *passes out* desperately in need of a cold shower fhuuuucck meee they ARE so so so similar like wow this edit opened my eyes to the next dimension is this what meta vision feels like??? (ALSO IM SO FUXKEN DUMB I JUST NOTICED THEY BOTH WEAR JERSEY NUMBER 10 IN THE GAME?????? im never gonna recover)
“im the water bottle” bangs my fists on the table never related to a caption so bad in my life i SWEAR like,,,, i’ve been trying to sneak in some writing time between exam prep to expand on that sae snippet but it’s going so painstakingly slow bc i LEGIT write one raunchy line and immediately have to take a walk…..
if i may share with the class👀👀👀
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intertexts · 4 months
ok false alarm i CANNOT send you the trivia until u finish the ep i forgot the Important Conversation is literally like. 5 of the last 10 minutes. HOWEVER. YOU HAVE MENTIONED MY FAVORITE WORLDBUILDING NICHE IN THAT I NEED 2 KNOWWWW HOW EVERYTHING IN NATURE WORKS. this is where im at with worm now too. so like. predator handshake.
one of my FAOVIRTEEEEE THINGS ABOUT PD WORLD EVER. is that there r so many people in the bg with just. mundane powers. u are going to see this thought repeated when i send u the 17 trivia but i need 2 talk about it NOW so i will risk sounding like a broken record. like. u remember the guy from the cartoon episode who was the barber? he had powers and it was super speed but only a little bit and only localized to his hands. and he used that to be a barber! there are so many people in the bg of pd that just. have shit like that. its normal. and they dont get into How or Why much but i think it is a combination of "born with them" or "caused by external forces" (like with william and dakota who did not have powers until Their Respective Incidents). theres alsoooo. not to talk about mark winters all the time but mark specifically uses his suits as a way to tap into his powers and make them stronger (the big fuckign. needles in his back) so it can be assumed that hes always had powers and only just recently(ish) found a way to magnify them and use them for villain shit. not everyone with powers becomes a hero or villain sometimes they just use them for . mundane everyday shit !!!! i love this. sorry i am rambling
also with ur whole question about earth. the lore for this is so batshit insane so i am gonna wait for the trivia bc i basically transcripted bizlys words for it and im not going to try to parse that in my current mental state (the things he says about mars . wild) HOWEVER i do think prime is physically very similar to earth in terms of time and seasons and physics and such. partly for the meta reason of thats what the players are automatically going to assume AND the in world reason of "planet extremely similar to your old home planet will be automatically easier to settle on"
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for some reason i only have the three person version of this image but this is LITERALLY us over nature worldbuilding rn..... aughghghh. i LOVE this type of power talk i love mundane & normal & weird shit done with powers!!! its so good!!! (also this is delightful b/c it's also very much bnha worldbuilding on powers... i get 2 point & go HEY i know what your influences are!!) i like it so much.... such an interesting & tasty thing in relation to how & why all of that exact same stuff in worm works also.. aaaaaa. so excited for yr thoughts on the way this translates 2 the wormverse <33
+ that makes MUCH sense i AM going to nod sensibly and go yes makes lots of sense that prime is similar to earth. except for the part where france is ITS OWN SEPERATE PLANET. can't wait for the lore about why they're FUCKING MARTIANS though i'm sure it's gonna be great!!
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thefandom-casserole · 9 months
Episode 48 Notes-
THE BEETLES MY BELOVED <3333333333333333333
This makes me so happy
I’m in science listening to this
The shade witch my beloved 
TeenFact: Taylor has once constructed for himself a bow and arrow. So he used a red wood tree instead (which was illegal) and then it snapped immediately. He’s an ecoterrorist (JUST LIKE THE REAL ONE). He found the oldest tree in the world
The kattttttt
“You can’t just throw things and just expect the cat to find it!!” 
TeenFact: Lincoln added laxatives to the other kids that joined the homeschooling group with Marco.
TeenFact: Normal has no recollection of his small arms training he apparently learned at daddies hq. BUT he’s always had a very very good trigger discipline
Basically he should just come live near me I genuinely don’t think I know a single person who hasn’t shot a gun
TeenFact: Hermie’s funeral was the first funeral she’s ever been to, unless you count some AI robots funeral thing
If Beth writes a scifi novela I will absolutely read it and I hate almost every scifi
Anthony Fact: if you live in Canada he was in a charity show called the takeback 
Fuckable Henry Oak Garcia
I fucking love how many things are now ranger things now he’s a rouge
Mae Hailes mention!!!!!!
Ewwwwwwwwwwww this is such a good description holy shit
I fucking hate time shenanigans 
The whale 😭 
LEGO LINC :D !!!!!!!
Nat one noooooooooo Beth!!!!!!!!
He can’t play soccer without knees :ccccc
Nat twenty yayyyyyyyy Beth!!!!!!
A notnat one noooooooo Will!!!!!!
:cccc poor Normal the ring 😭 
The bracelet reminds me of the bracelets on the dragon (I can’t think of his name 😭)
He’s mid. I love that
Stepping on Legos really does suck 😭 
Sparrow is such a liarrrrrr omg
I fucking love jezz ball
The body pillow 💀 
Sparrow omg
(If we don’t go meta and blame Matt)
“I love you son but I will never forgive you for this”
“I know you did the best that you could but you needed to be much better”
Dang the guilt given to normal from this mannnnnn
Poor dood omg
The disassociation from Linc is so sad
I love him so much
Scary in this episode is immaculate. Beth May my beloved
“that’s all my family ever does”
Scary this is amazing
Scary you better fucking listen to your own advice
This reminds me of a rp I did a while ago with Scary and Taylor hmmmm
“Two world for me. And he doesn’t even like me”
Normal is so fucking Adaine coded it’s insane
The firefighters!!! I forgot about them
“And that’s why I don’t even like myself that much”
“That sounds like a him problem”
“I didn’t grow up into someone he can be proud of”
Some banger lines today
“Norm we’re proud of you”
“You’re the glue norm” !!!!!!!!!
“Your dad still hasn’t grown up into someone you should be proud of”
Damnnnn Linc that’s good
“At least you feel things”
Scary is so Fig Faeth coded I adore herrrrrrrrrrrr
I love how protective they are of Norm ahhhhh
The love wolf is bad at talking about feeling :c
This music is banger though
Wow Willy’s dc is low
69 nice
Cause why not
I fucking love Taylor and Freddie
Where was sparrow this whole time!!????? Shitttttttt
“Normal thanks, this was all you”
Vibing to the music
Huhhhh that does make sense about the elevators
That was certainly an episode 
Surprisingly didn’t make me sad 🤷 
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
sending hate to my moots but it's April Fool's Day:
first of all green is the superior color. red never forgets, but green is the best~ 🤢
your smut really hits the "super degenerate pervert" part of my brain 😒 like. huh. i need to take a breather. i don't even like Gojo like that but the pet play hit different okay
i'm always tuning into your meta analysis of various shows 🥱 they're always so interesting and i love hearing what you have to say!
i say this as someone who is normally very "feminine", but some of your favorite stories or when Reader is more "masc" if that makes sense 🙄🙄 there's that extra amount of care put into them that is clearly communicated through your words. i *feel* the love you put into them (all of your fics! but those especially~) 🤬🤬
(i hope this hate shakes you to your core, i hope it's left you shambles, i hope you cried 💖💖💖)
IDEK WHAT TO SAY IM GOING TO PRINT AND FRAME THIS ON MY WALL.... the part about my more masculine readers especially got to me cause its one of the things i am the most like nervous about posting and that makes me feel so insanely happy what on earth. LILY COME HERE RIGHT NOW. IM GOING TO EAT U
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buck2eddie · 1 year
i was looking at your pinned and then i was thinking about the shooting (i’m actually always thinking about it) and i just think it’s potentially the most insane storyline on the show. like the way it happens, the layers to it. the way it’s still affecting them both now…like the shot immediately after the bullet hits eddie and it’s just buck and eddie staring at each other. the shot of buck looking at eddie after they’re both on the ground. they way buck shoved an actual medical (i’m pretty sure??) person out of the way in the cab of the truck. THE WILL. like the writers room was really going full throttle there.
hello there my friend, you will be absolutely correct.
as i've actually just rewatched that arc this week, so it's very fresh in my mind, i can say it's absolute insanity. the whole thing. no exceptions.
just watching it all unfold in front of my eyes i go??????????? this can't be real????????? the way the camera spins around them and then eddie gets shot, everything goes into slow motion as they're realizing what's happening and staring into each other, everything being filmed like they're star crossed lovers watching one of them die in front of them, then buck goes into action and everything is so fast and hectic, eddie going "are you hurt" when he's literally the one who's bleeding to death, buck CHECKING himself that he's actually okay cause he's so focused on eddie (but hey he's fine physically it's just eddie's blood all over him ain't it fun), begging him to hold on just a bit more, the shaking hands where you can still see some blood on him (when you know he tried scrubbing it all off before he went out).
then you have THE CHRISTOPHER OF IT ALL!! buck being the one to go and tell chris (as you know, a parent might do), not being able to stay strong and breaking down in front of him, staying at eddie's place to take care of chris while eddie's down.
and once eddie wakes up we get buck RUNNING to the hospital and they do their little "hey buck" "hi" while all smiley and shit c'mon!!! then buck telling eddie he kinda lost it in front of chris and that it would have been better if it would have been him while eddie giving him the most offended look ever and i know if that man had any strength in him he would have physically smacked some sense into him.
then. then. THEN we get the will scene which. what even is that. how else do you want me to read that scene. i don't think i need to even describe it we all know it by heart and i still think it's some kind of mass hallucination cause this can't be real.
now im not doing any kind of meta im not smart enough for that and im sure everything that could have been said about this arc has been said already before, i am simply saying the order of events as they happened in actual canon and i think that's insane :)
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coldflasher · 1 year
for the wip ask game. 7 and 11 and 17 x
7. do you outline before writing? if so, what’s your outlining process like?
i have honestly got out of the habit of outlining which is very bad, this is why i keep struggling and getting stuck because i am someone who NEEDS an outline, but instead i've been just coming up with random scenes on the fly which works fine until i run out and then i end up sitting there like the fish in bags from finding nemo like 'now what, genius'
but my outlining process is basically just 'sit down and brainstorm, stare at various different beat sheets and story methods and try not to go insane'
also i have to outline by hand, that is very important. don't know why but it all has to be hand written.
11. are there some wips that you just don’t think you’ll ever finish? 
much as i hate to admit it, and prefer to live in denial land where i'm convinced that every wip will one day get the ending it deserves, there are plenty of them that will more than likely never see the light of day 😭 the most notable one that comes to mind is that at one point i was planning to do another sequel to aftermath, that giant 500k s1 rewrite i did where barry and len were dating from before barry even became the flash. i have maybe 20-30k of a direct sequel to that that's basically a mashup of s5 and s6, where barry vanishes in crisis and then in a moment of desperation and poor decision making, len sends their adopted son back to try and prevent crisis from ever happening, only for them to discover that him travelling back is what causes crisis in the first place.
i genuinely LOVE that fic and what i wrote for it, but i feel like i've kind of moved on from those versions of the characters and grown so much as a writer and there are just so many things i don't like about the original fic that spawned it that i just. don't see myself ever finishing it, unfortunately. i feel like aftermath is a very stark contrast in my writing journey bc it was basically the last thing i wrote before doing my writing degree so there's such a huge difference in how i wrote and the whole vibe of it. i'll always be fond of aftermath but also im moderately embarrassed by it as well, so yeah. but maybe i will post snippets one day or something, because i genuinely LOVED the dynamic i wrote between michael and len, it was so fucking fun.
also i once wrote a fic where coldflash get whammied by a meta and, under the effects of what is essentially a metahuman love spell, decide to literally run off to vegas and get married and team flash have to hunt them down and try to stop it. this one feels like a crime because i have like 90% of it written so i would just have to finish and then edit it BUT i wrote it so long ago (we're talking like 2017) that to get it to a state i'd be happy with, i'd probably have to rewrite it in its entirety, so. never say never though cos now i'm thinking about it...
17. what do you do to motivate yourself to write? 
i honestly have been struggling with this forever BUT im doing camp nanowrimo right now and it's actually been so motivating. i'm fighting for my life here bc i lost the last three nano events i did, capping out at like 35k each, after a previously unbroken streak of almost a decade, but this time i was like COME HELL OR HIGH WATER I REFUSE TO FAIL THIS TIME. i'm like 3k behind, but it's fine, probably... rocks back and forth in a dark room
thank youu!
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auspex · 1 year
17, 18 (ticket to gush abt markromances) 30, 36 for the meta oc asks!
17. Any OC OTPs?
LMAOOO i mean. Ok look. I am obsessed with Mark/Kassidy Conceptually but truly i do not know enough Kassidy to say. in THEORY if Kassidy isnt hiding some dark secrets it'd be CUTE AS ALL HELL and would make me KLFLKSDFJSDLKJFSJ. for those not in my insane servers Kassidy is a tremere who studies kindred psychology who is academic like mark and Depressed. He seems more human than most kindred and seems to share a sense of humor. like he goes out to watch movies and stuff. has a lil snark to him that mark has too. complained about academics to him. the ST confirmed that he's gay but Mark doesn't know that and IDK if Kassidy even knows (COULD YOU IMAGINE IF MARK HELPED HIM REALIZE OH MY GOD ... ID GO INSNAE... ). Ok theres more info but i wont go on a huge rant. but point is i know Kassidy is LONELY AS HELL and the idea that he's been hoping to find love/has given up on love for DECADES makes me go crazzyyy. I imagine Kassidy thinking "i could fix him" but GIRL YOURE WORSE THAN HIM so Mark would actually help him <3 aahaskjdafsdj
Sampson/Mark is dead <3 that is the tragedy of it <3 im hoping they can be best friends for real but. that may never happen either. the whole point is vampire society ruined What Could Have Been they have both Changed and Can't Go Back <3 I mean long long term who knows but for the foreseeable future no way and it makes me insane <3
either way. mark needs gay sex fr. someone please.
18. Any OC crackships?
Porphyria and Alakazam would be so funny. Disaster couple as fuck. Alakazam is an arrogant bastard and Porphyria is too confident in their cabal. They'd go around fuckin shit up and having a great time. then theyd actually bite off more than they could chew and go Oh Shit and turn back time/beg their cabal to help.
for Mark uhhh idk any of the weird pairings are just. weird to me and i dont like them.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
I don't think Mark or Porphyria would akdsjfdskjf maybe Porphyria would collect them for her kids or for some weird fate spell thingie??? Mark would not do that ever alksdjflkdsf.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
uhh all of my OCs relationships belong to other people cause im lucky enough to play them in ttrpg games. Mark's coterie mates are 'owned' by the other players, Porphyria's are owned by 1 player and the ST... families are all ST.. Sampson is my STs character ... etc etc. sory not a veyr exciting answer.
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hnnyoongs · 3 years
Rishi's Time Travel Fic Recs
im bored and my meta type thinking only ever comes right when im about to fall asleep so instead I'm going to recommend some of the best time travel fics out there for series I like because I'm a sucker for fix-its
I'm only gonna confine myself to 6 fics per fandom at most (3 completed & 3 ongoing) no time loops because I personally dont see that as time travel each fic has to be over 10k words and im not going to put doormat fics that haven't been updated in the past year on this list either
anyways buckle up it's gonna be a long ride boys
Naruto -
Sasuke's No Good Very Bad Teammates by GwendolynStacy
Info : gen, 74k words, author's tumblr @xxgwenstacyxx
Summary :
Naruto and Sakura have gone insane.
Or : Just after becoming Team 7 Naruto and Sakura go through a massive shift in personality, leaving Sasuke out of the loop and wondering what in the name of sanity could have happened to them. His only consolation is that Kakashi is just as weirded out as he is.
Thoughts : I'm usually not a fan of outsider POV time travel fics but this one is so good we as readers have a pretty good idea what's going on and it's extremely hilarious to see Sasuke be like wtf is going on just an overall very well written fic that will definitely give you giggles
Stumble by writer168
Info : gen, 285k words, rape/non-con warning
Summary :
Sakura wanted to die.
Sasori was fine with staying dead.
But it seemed fate had other plans for them, because when they both wake up younger with blood pulsing through their veins, they had to remember how to live again.
Thoughts: While not the darkest Time Travel fic I've read from Naruto, it's definitely up there and it's a rare sasori and sakura team up that doesn't end with romance for anyone who has a lot of time on their hands and doesnt mind reading graphic rape this fic is a must read
Mangekyou Sharingan by Wingwyrm
Info : gen, 60k words, rape/non-con warning
Summary :
Sasuke wanted to be able to use Tsukuyomi. He didn't realise how bad pretending to get the Mangekyō would affect the members of his family.
Thoughts : while it has another fic called Team Tensai tied to it, it's not needed to understand and enjoy this masterpiece even though it was written before canon ended causing certain things to get jossed the underlying darkness of this fic is something I have yet to see anyone replicate
Life as a Nukenin by JKblue
info : gen, 35k words
summary :
Kakashi wakes up in an alternate dimension .....shenanigans ensue
Thoughts : a lighthearted kakashi centric time travel fic where he's as confused as we are, it's amazing to see the author's growth in writing as time goes on and kakashi just going fuck it time to adopt every single child I find no idea why I'm a nukenin tho lmao
Time Waits for No Man by LaughingWombat
Info : gen, 87k words
Summary :
Rokudaime Kakashi finds himself back in time, and he is trying desperately not to change anything. After all, they finally achieved that elusive peace, and Kakashi won't give that up for some ghosts and old wounds. Yet things keep changing around him, and he doesn't know what to do.
Thoughts : while the fic is nearly done TECHNICALLY it's still ongoing so cut me some slack Kakashi having to choose between what is morally right and what would keep his future safe is amazing and team Minato cares so much about Kakashi here it's too cute
Trials of Change by Espoiretreves
Info : gen, 407k words, author's tumblr @espoir-et-reves
Summary :
Haruno Sakura made a promise. Looking in the eyes of her Shisou and the reanimated Hokage, she took on the most important mission of her life.
Go back in time and try to prevent the 4th Shinobi War.
Now, Sakura is back to her 5-year-old body, with all the knowledge and haunting memories of the future. She vows to keep her precious people safe and stop certain events from happening, without altering the timeline too much. The trials her emotions and logic puts her through have her questioning her very existance, but for the sake of peace she has to push forward. No matter what.
Thoughts: I hang onto this fic every week like a vulture, Sakura isn't out of character, she doesn't seem like a self insert and she's got such a strong bond with so many characters the story is multilayered and you genuinely feel like sakura's doing justice I hope to write a time travel fic like this some day
A Letter to Me by kiapet
Info : gen, 15k words
Summary :
Fourteen-year-old Bakugou Katsuki knows he’s destined to be a great hero someday. Midoriya Izuku dreams of the same, but struggles to get through each day in a world determined to push him down. But when the pair of middle schoolers are kidnapped by a villain with a time travel quirk, they are forced to confront a future neither of them could predict- and versions of themselves they never expected to become.
Pro!Midoriya to Kid!Midoriya: You matter so much, and everything is going to be okay! Pro!Bakugou to Kid!Bakugou: Now listen here you little shit-
Thoughts : What can be said other than phew I love me some platonic!bkdk Not a soul sending back in time fic but a forward moving one where everyone is in separate bodies, meaning Katsuki can tell his younger self to go fuck himself just a good sweet read yk?
In Every Life by lucelafonde
Info : erasermight, 37k words
Summary :
After a freak accident, Aizawa suddenly finds himself many years in the past. Dealing with a young All Might who has no idea who he is, he has to find a way back to the present while going through the worst period of his life again: high school.
“Woah there!”
He heard a muffled voice behind him just as he keeled over backwards, still shaking from the shock that had hit him. Warm hands touched against his shoulders, steadying him before he could gracelessly flop to the ground. He couldn’t turn around to look, couldn’t see anything beyond what very clearly, very obviously wasn’t there.
In front of him in the distance, where the teacher’s dorms used to be, was nothing. Nothing but grass and trees. Nothing but part of the woods Shota remembered from his own time at U.A.
Thoughts : I recently stumbled onto this gem of an erasermight fic and OH LORD IM IN LOVE teenage Toshinori is an adorable bean and Shouta's inner commentary about how he's gonna strangle all might once he gets back to his own time is cracks me up
A Spanner in the Clockworks by All_five_pieces_of_Exodia
Info : gen, 132k words
Summary :
When Izuku wakes up in the forest not far from his home, he isn't prepared for what's about to come next. Izuku's never dealt with time travel, after all, but that seems to be the least of his worries. He's not in his own timeline, for one, and he may or may not have been missing for the past few months.
With the threat of a future only Izuku knows about, a strange missing persons case, everyone around him getting suspicious, and a quirk he shouldn't have, Izuku has his work cut out for him.
Thoughts : A must read for everyone Izuku's confusion of what the hell is going on and how do I hold myself together really leaks through to the reader and his inner voice is uncanny people like to act he's real dark or all sunshine and rainbows but this fic doesn't fuck him up like others tend to do
Where your love has always been enough (for me) by classicequinox
Info : enjirei, 65k words
Summary :
It's a dark coil of anger deep in the pit of his stomach, reminding him that he was the root, the catalyst, the trigger for their family's downward spiral. It did happen - he reminds himself harshly. He can't forget that, even if time has actually reset itself.
Todoroki Enji gets a second chance. It's up to him to see what he can do with it.
Thoughts : While the updates aren't weekly it's still consistently updated I love family healing stories most of all when it's the todoroki family the first chapter of enji's last action and then his actions to be better in the past are just ugh I love me some character development
Rank Yourself Last by viridiansky
Info : akam, 42k words
Summary :
Shuichi is certain that if he ever gave Bourbon the opportunity, he would be dead in minutes - if not seconds. Especially now that he's not just the man who killed Bourbon's best friend, but an Organization traitor as well.
Which is why he's rather confused when he finds Bourbon calmly sitting in Shuichi's hotel room, reading a book.
Thoughts : Shuichi's perspective on this whole ordeal is just confusion why is Bourbon doing this why why why but he's Shuichi so somehow you don't feel the pity you would with most characters anyways a very good akam fic AND AKEMI IS ALIVE OK ALL I NEED
Case File: Pandora & the Universe by OtAkU200LiOn
Info : gen, 13k words
Summary :
The former Kudo Shinichi, now Edogawa Conan, wished for only one thing. To stop that day from happening and to successfully take down the Black Org. But at what cost? his identity apparently.
Thoughts : while it hasn't been updated in a couple months it's the only ongoing one I've read and I had to offer something or it wouldn't feel right anyways it features a LOT of cute conan and I love to see pandora be used for weird supernatural shit like time travel yk?
HP -
Harry Potter and the Trip to the Past by Priya Ashok
Info : gen, 198k words
Summary :
19 years after the war with Voldemort Harry Potter is thrown 25 years into the past, arriving just before the start of his first year at Hogwarts.
Thoughts : one of the very first fanfics I ever read in my life and one I still hold dear to this day I loved seeing Harry and Severus work together especially when Harry isn't the one to approach him first about it a classic that everyone should take their time to read
To Recollect The Future by oliver.snape
Info : gen, 74k words
Summary :
Hindsight is 20/20, but when Harry's last steps into the forest set him back further than he'd ever thought, he never realised how grateful he'd be to have Snape there to help too.
Thoughts: I don't understand how this author can be so big brained they didn't prolong things they didn't do unnecessary drama the characters got everything quickly done time travel is always full of cliches but this .. this is so original utterly timeless
What is Right: Year One by Emma Lipardi
Info : gen, 87k words
Summary :
Harry finds himself making a decision to give it all up just to change what has happened. What he doesn't realize is that he gets a second chance to set it right.
Thoughts : while the sequel is unfinished to this day the first installment of the what is right series is brilliantly written showcasing a Ravenclaw!harry that we rarely see in fics his trauma directly shines through here but it's not overboard it's genuine
When Pigs Fly by BooksR4ever
Info : jeverus, 32k words
Summary :
Severus had always believed that romance wasn’t for him. Everyone else believed him to be filthy death eater scum, and he agreed, never fathoming the concept of someone liking him enough to actually pursue a relationship with him.
Until one fine day in sixth year, when he finds himself with a small, adorable child clinging to his right leg, calling him Papa.
Thoughts : I never really cared for Jeverus until very very recently and this was one of the first fics I decided to read it's very cute and I'm utterly in love with Harry plus Lily is such a good friend even if she isn't completely perfect the updates are slow though just so yk
Something about Nothing by RealityXIllusion
Info : gen, 12k words
Summary :
Tucker paid no price and transmuted his daughter. He paid the price and transmuted his mother. The difference was, Edward was a kid the first time around, he didn’t know just what he was doing. He knew it was taboo but that didn’t mean he knew the full extent to what performing human transmutation entailed. Or Edward gets a second chance and plans to do whatever it takes to make things right. He wasn't losing anyone this time around.
Thoughts : ok we all hate Shou Tucker I've only met like 3 bastards who think he's alright and they're all pieces of shit so I love seeing Edward go back and just be yk scheming and all jaded and ugh that's my boy right there Nina u poor bby
The Boy(s) Alchemist by SideBlog
Info : royai, 29k words
Summary :
In a desperate attempt to save Mustang's stupid life, Ed finds himself back at the stupid portal. What does it plan to take from him this time?
Or, Roy and Ed get stuck in the past and need to find their way back before things go very, very wrong.
Thoughts : The updates are pretty steady and the scary thing is that mustang is slowly losing his memory and we're here panicking with Ed about how fast they can go back it's also just nice to see Roy's childhood and his friendship? with Ed
I'm going to make another list later on because I realized oh shit I haven't read any time travel fics from AOT and there's probably a bunch from smaller fandoms that haven't crossed my mind yet
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shinidamachu · 3 years
I had no idea that the creators hated zutara. I never got into the atla fambase but i did watch and i kinda shipped zuko and katara together. I guess cause of the last fight scene together and that one part when they were trapped together. I hope shipping wars in atla aren't as bad as what i see in the inuyasha fandom.
I have no issue with aang and katara being canon though. But i would think that the creator would have been aware that not everyone is going to agree with what you do you just have to accept it. Like i don't 100% agree with some of the things RT did in the inuyasha manga but im fine with it.
Crazy, right?
I think the Inuyasha fandom is currently actually pretty chill on the ship wars department (the sᴇssʀɪɴ thing is something else entirely), but the analysis, metas and discussion on the ATLA fandom seem to be still growing strong to this day.
The first time I watched ATLA I was too young and not really interested in the romantic part, so it flew right over my head (to the point I was legit surprised when I learned people actually shipped Zutara). Like, I knew Aang had a crush on Katara and I loved Aang so of course I'd expect them to end up together, but that's just it, isn't it?
The whole ship is based on Aang's feelings while ignoring Katara's or limiting them to "she'll come around." Which she inexplicably does, off screen and after the war is over in the best "hero-gets-the-girl" style. This realization, that only came to me after rewatching, now as an adult, really put me off the ship. Not to mention how much it hurts their individual character developments.
Especially Aang's, who was facing a "Want vs Need" dillema and had the solution handed over to him without actually sacrificing anything to achieve it. It's sad to watch a character I love so much become that possessive, entitled and having the narrative reward him for it, cheating him from the growth he so desperately deserved.
That's my main issue with the ship (that and the way it treats Katara). On paper, it had everything to be friends-to-lovers supremacy, just the most wholesome, healthy, fluffy couple ever... but the execution was very poorly done. So I don't hate it, but I can't get behind it either.
On the other hand, the more I rewatched the show, the more I could see exacly where Zutara shippers were coming from until I became straight up obsessed. The amount of chemistry, understanding and wasted potential between them was just insane.
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tsui-no-sora · 2 years
hey hey, i draw cdream in taffyfied tank tops and pajamas. you reblog full frontal abs /neg we are not the same. okay but jokes aside there Is some seriously cute cdream art on your blog
i think we as a fandom are entitled to an entire stream where cdream just throws insane ideas on how to best infiltrate las nevadas at cpunz and punz has a mental breakdown because all he wanted to know was whether dream wanted to cook chicken or order mcpuffy's (again) (dream's only had caffeine powder for the past three days)
actually those shots aren't even metaphor or meme reference. cdream just Does That
yeah when i say that a wedding is nigh impossible i don't mean that it couldn't be pulled off even against the monumental odds. like. ccquackity has done some masterful storytelling over the past year and karl and sapnap were brilliant in the november lnv stream. like ccsapnap Is very good at making emotional beats Hit but yeah he's not the type i'd see writing reddit meta for his character anytime soon.
sapnap has to care for dream having been tortured. if not for the sake of minimal character consistency (he cares about dream. the guy. best friend. Family) for the sake of the story because. dude would it be narratively unsatisfying if it didn't cause any tensions between him and quackity. i could see the situation to be similar to the situation shortly after wilbur was revived where he was angry at dream (quackity) and yet didn't linger on it Because of his affliction with dream (quackity). but i've get to see csapnap make any threats to disembowel one of his fiances.
and yeah that's exaclty what i meant when i said that im conflicted about but totally respect people who use the terms interchangeably, there are definitely parts of for example exile that would fit the technical definition of torture and sam and quackity's pictures are literally printed next to the text book definition of abuse of power. also "I just automatically think I'm gonna get stones thrown at me whenever I mention c!DiskDuo" pov you are literally every dsmp blog who has ever engaged in the disk-horse. ever
inconsolable was certainly one of the most media experiences i have had in my life. wait did i actually not catch that? that would imply that he either Did visit cdream in prison or had some train chitchat on his way back into the living world. i really need to rewatch the vod
dude i want do see cdream Flaunt to quackity that he managed to turn csam onto his side as his little bread-fetching guy (irony on csam starving him in the prison much :))
oh my god. look im all for canon deaths and city's draped in billowing smoke. but cdream additionally playing some good ol psychological warfare ala watch out you don't end up like him *points at csam* would have me cheering in the front rows.
i see what you mean, the fall of las nevadas is going to be more fun as a team effort than just a soloplay from dream, but like, i really think that's what everything is developing towards, everyone slowly leaving with- or without cdream's help, why else would we have gotten the scene with foolish or why else would ccdream made it so clear to show that csam was beneath him now. i mean, we haven't had any indication that he cares less about quackity than before the prison but their relationship is certainly strained to hell and back from the whole partners in geneva convention violation thing and from sam lying to quackity about dream's escape, to be honest if next to fiances and cdream conflict we could also get a confrontation between sam and quackity that would be great.
it's been too long since foolish was last involved in Big Lore, i cannot wait. dude i just wish we had a date for the lore already. please Mr quackity. we need this
Can't believe I'm getting publicly called out for c!Dream is hot crimes in 2022 has the world not evolved at all
The image of c!Dream operating fully on spite plans and caffeine while c!Punz just wants to chill out two seconds and get them something to eat is sending me into hysterics at the end Punz just gives up and goes buy more McPuffys and has a slight breakdown because half the establishment is completely griefed and the burgers are sold out
Also c!Dream would totally be that type to have his food right in front of him and not eat it until it's way too cold and it's been like three hours because he was reading a book with pictures or something and c!Punz has to re heat the food because if it was for him c!Dream would just eat it raw and uncooked
Basically there's possibilities but there are one in 7.5 trillion oh also did you see that the new Las Nevadas code is "Quackity Ghost" and also the c!Tommy tribute video that's being made and the c!Wilbur final streams and cc!Ranboo straight up saying he doesn't really care to play in Minecraft servers anymore whatever the mess with cc!Bee.Duo is + the World Altering Event yeah I don't think this paints very well for all the doomposters in the fandom (Which is like 75% of the fandom)
Oh yeah I think he needs to care too I guess I was just expecting him to show that care a little more like he for sure can show when certain things matter to him that's why his emotionals bits hit so hard but in the streams he barely even mentioned it at all tho I guess it can be pretty similar to just not mentioning it because it's too much to accept all at once really hope for the sake of the story that it comes up and you know it's important because otherwise it's just going to be so anti climatic
I have so many posts written and confined to my drafts about c!DiskDuo because I just look at it and now that it's going to be such a hassle if it breaks containment which has already happened so many times in the past and like no it's not worth it
Everybody who I have seen talk about that bit seems to interpret it as they did meet up post jail break and I did see that theory that related the "I got him too :)" sign to c!Wilbur instead of c!Phil like it was automatically assumed at the time I'm a big sucker for pre-prison and even during revival c!MADDuo scheming tho so whichever option would be nice for me so as long as it actually gets acknowledged some day please
If somehow c!Sam was there because well he's a Las Nevadas resident as well technically speaking and he saw it falling apart together with c!Quackity and c!Dream I would die happily just the image of c!Dream demanding food out of him again and not just any food okay he's not desperate anymore he's got options now he's a free man now look at him at how strong he is he's not gonna get something like rotting raw potatoes no he's gonna get some stake and matter of fact c!Sam is gonna give it to him he's in no position to deny him anything anymore
Just the idea of c!Dream going matter of fact hey Quackity don't you wanna know where your socio here got his matching scar I got it for him like Techno got yours for you like I could get you another one just now I got the pickaxe now don't fuck with me ever again
It would be such a huge power move (Tho poor c!Quackity when will my boy catch a break from all the direct consequences to his own concious actions uh)
I think the reason c!Dream is so adamant on showing off to anybody he can that he's no longer the victim in his own life is exactly because he's been abused so constantly that he needs to show the world he's too strong to be broken by this and that they all would do better than to mess with him that you really really don't want to know what happens to you if you try to break his will
I believe this shows of power were a thing for sure before the prison but that they got completely augmented after it
For why cc!Dream would want to show that beyond consistency in his character I wouldn't know I don't really like to assume everything is done with a written and planified motive behind it tbh because most often than not that's just not the case
Confrontation between just c!Quackity and c!Sam would keep me fed for weeks I guess he doesn't care less for him in the same vein that c!Dream Team still cares a lot all for each other but it's still become this tangled mess of trauma
c!Foolish in lore give us c!Foolish in lore Las Nevadas Finale please (I would also do anything for c!Fundy c!Charlie and c!Purpled to have a role on it but tryna keep the expectativs low here) I'm fairly certain is going to happen pretty soon actually from everything else that's been happening so far but the expectative is eating me alive swear to God
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societysonlooker · 4 years
Ngl the best part of reading young justice is the absolute confusion the rest of the team gets anytime tim uses his batfam com to contact oracle. Like, the rest of the team doesn't always use those coms, but the batfam have theirs anytime theyre in uniform, and have a phone or com on them any other time as well. The team honest to God thinks oracle is the name of a well programed computer, because they dont think any human could do anything online that quickly.
And like, YEA it's hillarious to read, but it also kinda reinforces that, even though he's a kid sidekick, he, in his home environment, is uo their for "most competant" on the team. That doesn't necessarily make him a great leader, but it really makes the bats stand out amongst the rest of the world's heroes. They DONT have superpowers, and their villians are literally fucjing insane, or hypercompetant, when compared to most other rogues galleries, even the star city rogues. There is an irony that one of superman greatest nemesees is a normal human in an expensive suit, and that batmans greatest enemy is a hyper-insane sadistic asshole hellbent on destroying gotham for the sake of a psycological warfare game and a laugh. Lex has a goal, can be predictable, but joker plays with and hurts people cause he gets a kick out of it, and frankly, he's ridiculously competent at doing this. He doesn't NEED all the resources in the world, because he's good at plans that, one way or another, involve enough steps that he gets what he needs on the way the the end. Everything is a chess move for him, except the chess game is a horror clown house.
Im not saying joker is a more-evil or more competant villian than lex, it takes SUPERMAN to take down lex in his suit, after all, and while superman might be able to actually get all of jokers bombs into space or saving all the civilians while they detonate, equally so that members of the batfam are probably the only detectives in the world good enough at what they do to put lex behind bars for good, and wayne money and lawyers are probably the only money and lawyers that could go toe to toe with lex's and win.
What I'm saying is, no, the bats aren't the most powerful of dc's villians, but they ARE some of the most competant at actually stopping criminal activity (revolving door of Arkham ignored. Thats not technically their fault) metas and alien heroes are more physically able to handle threats, but the fact that many of them are susceptible to any regular human with any form of advanced martial arts is really very telling. And again, thats not to shit on other heroes! There is very little most of the batfan could do against zoom, or zod, or most of wonder woman's rogues for that matter, but, save for signal, the batfam CANT lose their ability to fight crime unless they A) get amnesia or B) get physically maimed beyond repaire.
(they've handled the first of these very poorly, but the later very well, sans some of the Barbara stuff. But like, a paralyzed Barbara still living badass and being the "man in the chair" for all computer stuff is *peak*, and and batman beyond premise of an aging batman doing everything he can to stay fighting until he passes on the mantle is, wildly IN character for Bruce, and even after passing on the mantle, HES A TOTAL BADASS! He sees his younger self and instead of being wistful he basically goes "damn i was incompetent back then" and moves on. Well done dc, well done)
My point is. Seeing Tim reach back to the bats for help when hes working with young justice is both funny, because I fucking love oracle, and also a kind of slap in the face that while YJ are heroes in their own right, many of them are still very, very green. And while ALL of the core 5 have their own complexes abt living up to their mentors, Tim is never the one who worries abt his competence as an individual. He KNOWS hes a good detective and fighter, his worry is abt failing batman in other ways, but even then, he lies to the man constantly in order to assert his own Independence from him, and to do what he thinks is best. He doesnt see himself as batmans equal yet, but he knows he will be someday.
Of all the heroes, the bats, for all their emotional constipation, are the most practical, and they operate the most like a fully functional machine. And it READS in a way that makes them seem like they're in a league above the rest.
Anyway, the bats are weirdly competant and I love oracle and tim is my CHILD and while I love most of DCs heroes the air of practicality and trained-in hypercompetance the bats radiate makes me happy.
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vague-idea · 5 years
This is purely fueled by petty rage and caffeine so buckle the fuckle up.
There has been a lot of talk lately about if Celine was a good person, how bad Actor Mark was, blah blah blah. This is been a topic from pretty much day one of WKM but recently it’s popped up in relevancy. I’ve never really vocalized my thoughts on the matter, despite having many. I’m the kind of person who tears stories apart for fun, so I know a bit what I’m talking about. Get ready for these spicy hot takes, cause guess what: 
They’re all bad. All of them. Including everyone's favorite boy. That’s right, the uwu-too-pure-for-this-world-boy, Damien.  
Now put down your pitchforks for a second and hear me out. You can send me hate later. What I’m here to do is take a look at Mark’s characters, look at their actions (both implied and shown), and then show that none of them are innocent. If this is a mess, uhhh sucks to suck I guess. (the person sucking is me. hah gottem)
First, before I get into the characters however, we need to discuss Mark’s storytelling. Personally I like it quite a bit. It’s interesting and it’s engaging, but it does have its quirks and flaws. You can see the improvement, but it does effect how his characters have come across. Mark himself has admitted to writing Celine poorly in WKM, and I would tend to say that much of WKM should have been adjusted. It’s not “Who Killed Markiplier” but “Why Killed Markiplier” as Mark has said, and the why was never really shown in the series. It’s explained in a live-stream, and if you can’t get your intentions across in the series then something in the script is wrong. Having said that, Mark has improved his writing immensely and I applaud him for that. 
Mark prefers to tell a singular story, leaving much of what he intends up to speculation. He doesn’t tell you the story of how Wilford became the insane goofy murderer he is today; he shows you a moment of weakness and connection between Abe and Wilford. He doesn’t show you how Damien and Celine became Dark, he tells you the story of two siblings protecting each other and being backed into a corner in which playing the part of a villain is their only escape. The intention is plainly there, but you have to understand the characters to truly get the story. “You’re too focused on the minutia” is true. The fans pay too much attention to the details of the story. You have to focus on the characters and their motivations to understand the tale Mark is weaving. Don’t focus on Wilford being in two places at once, or Damien’s hand turning gray in one shot. Focus on the characters and who they are because in the end that’s what they are: characters. With the release of DAMIEN, Mark has made it clear that the characters are the important things, made to be placed into whatever story he pleases. (uh Mark if you’re reading this that is a dope idea and holy fuck im hype)
Now to actually talk about the characters. 
Let’s start with Celine, since she is the main focus of this debate. First and foremost, Celine is manipulative. She knows what she wants, and she will get it at any cost. This is shown from the moment she steps into the manor. She turns everyone against the DA. Isolating us, and making us feel vulnerable. Then, with a gracious olive branch, she let’s us help. We are now special, but we can only trust Celine. An interesting parallel to “Don’t Trust the Seer.” After the DA has the fall, Celine is there yet again. Forcing Damien asleep, she uses us to gain a body, and then kicks the DA out into the mirror, making us now a viewer of this world. In DAMIEN, she manipulates Damien into sleeping. Keeping him tucked away and safe. Celine’s primary characteristic is manipulation. Getting what she wants, no matter the cost. She is protective, she is abrasive, she is determined, and she is cold. 
Now let’s look at Mark. His personality isn’t so plainly laid out as the others (seeing as he fuckinn dies in the first five minutes), so we’re going to have to rely on what the others have said about him to get the picture. The first thing we hear about Mark is from the Colonel. Obviously, a man with prejudice, but still has an insightful look into who Mark is. “My name is Markiplier now! Forget that my friends are the ones who helped me along the way. Just look at me and my money. I need to pay people to be my friends. Ahaha. Oh you like me, too bad.” Then, even Mark himself has said: “I used to be somebody. Maybe not somebody good, but I was somebody.” (Granted this is from the meta ending, but I’m still going to use it because ADWM still applies and I’m an asshole and you can’t stop me) Both these sentences are inferring to a man who was changed by fame and fortune. This infers to a man who took and took, so up his own ass that he started ignoring his friends in favor of becoming richer and increasingly powerful. I think that is that crux of Mark’s character: power and control. 
In DAMIEN, Mark has some insightful comments that back this up. “You stole everything from me.” ... “Well you wouldn’t even have anything in the first place if it wasn’t for me.” ... “You were never good enough for Celine.” ... “I gave up everything for her!” This exchange back and forth between Damien and Mark leads me to believe that Mark, through his power and fame, gave the twins everything they had. He gave Damien his mayor position. He gave Celine money, influence, power, and his love. Mark might have thought he was doing these things for them, but if you look at who Mark is, he was doing these gracious actions to have control over the twins. Damien now owes Mark for giving him his job and his power. Celine owes Mark for her comfortable home and a loving husband. This is further proved by Mark’s interaction with the Colonel. Using the money that William owes to Mark, the guilt of cheating with his wife, Mark controls the Colonel and makes him work for him. Controls him, up til the moment that William looses his mind. Mark values control, and he values power. 
I don’t think I need to explain how Wilford is a bad person, but ya know let’s just say it: cheater and murderer. His character is insanely fun, and I love the depth and nuances to it, but he’s not the one we’re focusing on today. Here’s just here for me to say that I love him, and he was just a pawn in the backstory of WKM. 
Now, for the controversial opinion. Damien. Everyone’s sweet, innocent, could never hurt a fly, mayor. Well, sorry my guys but that is just not correct. Damien’s role in this story is integral, and let me say the misjudgment of his character annoys me a lot but that’s just cause I’m salty all the time so let’s just jump into it. Damien is not innocent. As Mark says, “Always the righteous crusader. Pure as the driven snow. Acting like you’re the only one without blood on your hands.” There is blood on his hands. Good intentions aside, Damien has a fatal flaw and that is that he is a coward. He may want what is best for everyone, but he cannot find his own spine. Throughout WKM, despite being the mayor - a fuckinn leadership position - he takes a backseat of running after the Colonel, running after the DA, and running after Celine. He is easily used, and easily discarded. He lets others walk over him, and in doing so lets everything around him fall apart. It isn’t until DAMIEN when he has lost literally everything that he finally sheds the title of pawn and becomes a player. Damien isn’t pure. He is soaked with the blood of every dead body he could not lead and he could not protect because he was too much of a coward to do what was right. 
Looking at all of these characters, I hesitate to label them as bad or good. I know I just said that they’re all bad, but welcome to clickbait. Celine is manipulative, but she cares about her brother and she fights for herself. Mark is power hungry, yet he loved and he lost. Damien is a coward, yet he cares for others. Looking at them as they are, I cannot say that they fit perfectly into role of villain or hero. This story isn’t that simple. It’s created to flip the script. 
But, everyone is arguing about Celine and Mark’s past so let’s jump into that mess of a conversation. 
Celine is a manipulator. Mark wants control and power. Damien wants everyone to be happy. William/Colonel has a one track mind and currently it’s set on fuck. This is who they are, and from this we can try and determine their backstory. Granted, this is my view and my speculation but I think I’m pretty on track. I can honestly say that at one point, Celine and Mark loved each other. They are both too obsessed with having what they want to settle for marrying someone they hate, or even marrying someone they were indifferent too. They loved each other, and they had to have each other. Things can change, however. What started as something fueled by love can turn into something fueled by vengeance. 
Mark is obsessed with control, and so he tried to keep a tight hold on what he loved. Celine detests being the pawn when she is the player, and so when she wanted William, she had to have him. Throughout the series it is shown that Mark viewed Celine as his. William/Colonel stole her from him. She was his, and she was taken. On the opposing side, Celine is no prize to be kept. Her love shifts from Mark to William/Colonel and she takes what she wants. At the end of the day, she would carve their hearts out for attempting to keep her in a cage as their pretty songbird. Also, I believe that Damien knew that Celine was cheating, but he couldn’t bare being the one to break apart his childhood friends, so he said nothing. He let his cowardice destroy what he only wanted to preserve. 
Celine and Mark could have never worked together, because they both want to control and they couldn’t control each other. Damien could not lead, and was used and walked over until he and those he loved were dead. William/Colonel barely had a say; each step he took was a line in Celine and Mark’s strategy. It wasn’t until he broke that he was able to break the script. 
So what does this mean, Eli? Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? Why doesn’t this story play into exactly what I want? Why don’t these characters fit these little tropes I want to place upon them? 
It means none of that, reader. You can call them bad, and you can call them good. You can make Damien into a hero, and you can make Celine into an abuser. You can say Mark was taken advantage of, you can blame the manor, or you can call him evil. You can do whatever you want with them, but that is only possible by ignoring that they are so much more than that. This story is not meant to fit into a square. This story at its basis is to show that these are stereotypical characters, meant to play a role, who have broken it. 
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