#i need sleepl
florzzzs2 · 4 months
Shikamaru 🍃
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Modern au - ✨
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liveforjeongin · 6 months
omg! I loved your 3racha fic! I would love to see a part 2 with these cuddly tickles hahaha where they just tickle him softly and he's trying not to squirm away so bad ❤️ you write very well!
Just Like You Wanted - An Essential Part Of Cuddling Pt2
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This was a very cute request💔 I loved it a lot💔
-tickle fic, if you don't like that you can keep scrolling
requested by: anon
warnings: really nothing... Cuddles?😭
Read the first part here in case you haven't yet!
taglist: @itzsana-kiddingmenow @channieissocute125
3racha were on the studio, producing a new song as usual.
Hannie was sleeping on the couch, as it was normal of him, too tired to even try to be awake.
It was 2:44am, the boys had been there since 8:00pm, it was logical Jisung was asleep, but that wasn't the only reason for our quokka boy's need of sleepling, he actually couldn't stand being with his hyungs anymore.
'Why?' You might be asking
Well, since that time 2racha wrecked him while cuddling about three months ago, Han discovered his like for being tickled, which actually surprised him a lot.
Changbin already knew his little secret, and was more than happy to help his dongsaeng whenever he needed some tickles.
'Then why didn't he just ask him for it?'
Well, the maknae of 3racha was feeling particularly shy in that way this day, so that was a big no.
"Hannie?" Chan called the younger, who was still dreaming, but got no answer.
"Hannie" tried again, this time moving the younger a little, but Sungie didn't wake up.
"Han" Changbin tried this time, sending a quick poke to the youngest's side, which certainly woke him up.
"AHH- Hyung! Don't do that..." Jisung whined as hid his face, knowing it was burning red.
"Oh? We feeling in the mood today~?" Changbin teased, noticing immediately the lee mood of his little brother, which of course just flustered Sung more.
"S-Shhh! We're not alone, hyung..." Hannie blushed more. Despite Chan being probably the hyung he trusted the most, he hadn't been able to tell him about his unusual interest, he was afraid he'd think of him as weird, so it had been being a secret between him and Binnie.
Or well, until now.
"Mood? Which mood?" Chan asked, genuinely confused. Changbin gave Han a look, as if asking for his permission to tell the oldest. Hannie peeked a little, quickly covering his face again. He nodded slightly, the nervousness eating him alive.
Binnie grinned slightly, laying down on the floor "C'mere" he told Sungie, cuddling him when, shyly, he layed down next to him.
"You'll see, Channie hyung, you remember that time we were cuddling in your bed and ended up tickling Hannie?" Bin started.
"Yeah...? What's with that?"
"Turns out Hannie actually liked it a lot, and then found a community on Tumblr of people with this interest too, and sometimes he has this moods called 'lee moods', that means he wants to be tickled" the rapper concluded his explanation.
Chan remained quiet and still for some seconds, then smiled a little and layed down next to Hannie on the floor as well.
Needless to say that in the meanwhile of all this conversation, Sungie had turned extremely red and was currently with his face buried on Changbin's chest, feeling all shy and embarrassed.
Channie seemed to notice that, cause he started to stroke the younger's hair and talked to him affectionately "lt's fine, Hannie... I think that's pretty cute. Would you like us to tickle you for some time?"
Hannie teared up a little, his hyungs were truly the bests. He buried his face even more on the dwaekki's chest, unable to handle his nervousness "Yes, please..."
Both Chan and Changbin remembered the past time they tickled Han, and what they had learned.
Hannie liked soft tickles better.
And they were going to use that information.
Using the fact that Bin was already cuddling Han, he sneaked his hand underneath Hannie's hoodie and shirt, and gently scribbled on his dongsaeng's bare side, provoking the cutest giggles out of Sungie, and some squirming as a natural reaction.
"T-Thahahahat's..." Jisung cut mid word, not able to say the feared word.
Chan cooed at the youngest, finding him extremely cute "Awwww. That's what, Hannie? Ticklish?" He teased, tickling the quokka's neck gently, making Hannie giggle more and scrunch up his neck.
Hanji nodded his head, his heart was all happy, he was being so tickled by his hyungs, and it felt so nice...
"You're loving this, aren't you, our Hannie? Yes you are~ Of course you are~" Changbin teased, tickling Sung's sides faster, but still in the same soft, gentle way.
The faster tickles made Hannie's giggles become way louder and cuter, and made the squirming almost impossible to control "Hahahaha, Changbin hyuhuhuhuhung! Oh my Gohohohohod! That's so bahahahad! It's bahad!"
"Aww, it's bad? You'd prefer us to stop?" Binnie asked, knowing that was the thing Han wanted the least at this moment. Shyly, Hannie shook his head, his chubby cheeks getting redder at every touch of his hyungs.
"Of course you don't"
2racha stayed on those spots for a while more, but soon, they decided to change. Chan now aimed at their maknae's belly, which Jisung certainly loved.
Definitely his favorite spot.
And the leader seemed to notice it.
"You like it here, don't you?" asked without intending to tease Sungie, it was a genuine question. Jisung nodded, and the oldest couldn't help but smile at this. Gosh, he was too cute.
Changbin, in the other hand, went for the younger's knees, lightly tickling them.
Sung's giggles got louder, he was very ticklish there "Nohohoho! Binnie hyuhuhuhung! Oh my Gohohohod..."
"No? But why not, Hannie? You seem really happy~" The dwaekki teased
"B-But it's bahahahad!" Hannie kicked the air a little, he couldn't take what was going on, but he was absolutely loving it.
The two producers kept on tickling his younger for some more minutes, until he wanted them to stop "Okahahahay hyuhuhuhuhungs! Yohohohou can stop now!"
Bin and Chris stopped immediately, and rubbed the spots where they had tickled their quokka boy, to help him ease the ghost tickles. Then, of course, they cuddled him for some more time.
"Hey... Thank you, hyungs...", Jisung mumbled after some seconds, right before trying to fall back asleep, to which Changbin sent a poke to his side again
"AAH- Hyung!"
"We gotta record, Hannie" he reminded him, smiling softly
Hannie stayed quiet for some seconds "Oh... Right"
This whole thing was written at school... And I would say it's pretty good, I liked it a lot
I also think my soft tickles writings are getting better...? Idk, you tell me that
I'LL TRY to finish soon another fic I've half done and post it soon, then I can worry about the other 9-
I hope you guys liked the fic<3
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that-angry-noldo · 1 year
bear with me but i imagine finarfin very nervous about his first kid like. he's heard so many horror stories. he himself is a member of the Most Disfunctional Family in Aman™. so he hoards every book and goes to all "how to parent" classes and then he's like "i'm ready" so he and eärwen have finrod and he's prepared for everything (mainly for his children hating him but shhh) and then it's like. not horrible at all. he actually enjoys parenting a lot! he and eärwen make good job at splitting the responsibilities and actually he's the one who babysits more often and finrod is just the sweetest child imaginable. but alright, he thinks, that's only one kid. surely things will go wrong with the second. he and eärwen talk and they decide to go for angrod, and... it's actually fine? finarfin still loves to babysit, and finrod slips into the role of a big brother just fine. of course, finrod also thinks it's vital to taste all 10 different kinds of soil in the garden in the meantime, but finarfin makes a good job of scolding him while holding angrod with one hand and wiping finrod's face with another. aegnor isn't exactly planned, but he's wanted nonetheless (finarfin is anxious - angrod is still so small!! will they manage it?). he gets worried when angrod becomes jealous of his younger brother (is it finally happening? is he finally slipping up as a parent?) but after some time angrod and aegnor become inseperrable. it's harder now than it was when it was only finrod - there's certainly more broken vases and sleeples nights and the boys also decide soil isn't enough, they need to degustate dirty pond water now - but finarfin finds he enjoys it. enjoys being a parent. his children are happy. when eärwen says she wants another one, a girl, he's not scared anymore.
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Harry in Big Brother Mode /blurb/
AN: i thought of this and you knew i had to write it. also i wrote in fish pie as his siblings favorite dish because it's the only british dish i know. it is a british thing isn't it?? hope i don't sound completely stupid. hope you enjoy. give your feedback please.
This story contains: pure fluff
{ boyfriend!harry - older brother!harry - 25 year old harry }
word count: 1,278
Harry's twin brother and sister, Oliver and Alice, spend the night at yours and Harry's house for a sleepover and Alice wakes up scared in the night which leads her to end up sleepling in yours and Harry's bed.
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When Harry was just seventeen years old his mother got pregnant with his twin brother and sister, Oliver and Alice. Unfortunately with Harry's busy lifestyle, he wasn't able to be present in their lives as much as he wanted too. He often feels so guilty about it, knowing they would have wanted to spend more time with their big brother. But of course they saw each other on holidays and at family gathering.
Now that Harry has some time off from touring and will be home for a few months, he's invited Oliver and Alice to have a sleepover at his London home. They are eight years old now and that's the perfect age to do fun sleepover activities, even if they're with their big brother. But it won't be just Harry. It'll also have you there, Harry's girlfriend of two years.
You've meet Alice and Oliver a few times and they both absolutely adore you. So when Harry told them you'd be taken part in this sleepover, they were even more excited. You and Harry spent all day setting everything up for them. You got the spare bedroom tidied with clean bedding, you found a movie they'd enjoy, got some board games set up, brought out the nail polish because you thought giving each other manicures would be fun, even if it's bit sloppy on their part. They're eight so you can't expect the best of the best.
Around five Harry picked them up from the train station. You decided to stay home so you could allow them to spend a few minutes of alone time with their big brother. While they were gone you had cooked the twins favorite dish, fish pie.
At six pm you hear giggling and when you peak your head out from the kitchen area, you see Oliver and Alice clinging to Harry as they make their way to the kitchen. You can see just how much they missed Harry. You serve up the fish pie and eat at the dining room table. Then while eating you and Harry share what all you had planned for the sleepover tonight.
The night went great. You finished up dinner and migrated to the living room where you first sat at the coffee table and played a few board games. Then at the same coffee table you painted each others nails. Oliver painted Harry's, yes Oliver takes after his big brother and wears pretty nail polish too, and Harry painted his. Then Alice painted yours and you painted hers. Then while your nails were drying you put on a film and snuggled up on the sofa together. You had more to do with the twins tomorrow, like visiting the London Zoo, so you couldn't stay up too late.
When the movie was over, Harry lead Alice and Oliver to the guest room down the hall from your bedroom and you went to your bedroom to give them some privacy. Harry helped them into the pajamas they packed and tucked his younger siblings into bed. They're sharing a bed because unfortunately he doesn't have another bed in his home at the moment, besides the one you both sleep on in your room.
When that was said and done, Harry came into your shared room and found you already in bed. He goes to the bathroom and does his nightly routine before joining you. You scoot over and lay your head on his bare chest, him wearing sweatpants not just his usual boxers in case of needing to get up in the night for his brother or sister, and fall asleep pretty quickly. No inappropriate things happen tonight because you both felt it wasn't appropriate with his siblings right down the hall.
Everything was going fine and Harry got about three hours of uninterrupted sleep before he felt a little tap on his right shoulder. His first thought was that it was you, needing him for whatever reason. Then he heard a little voice that was way more childlike than yours whispering, "Harry, wake up." and remembered his brother and sister are staying over. He raises up from his laying down position in a flash and that's when he sees the shadow of his sister Alice standing beside his side of the bed.
Very quietly to not wake you up, Harry questions Alice, "What's wrong, baby? Are you sick? Is Oliver okay?"
Nervously, Alice replies, "Just.... just got scared and want to sleep with you. Please..." Harry hasn't shared a bed with his younger siblings since they were toddlers and the reason he did back then was when they came to visit him on tour and had nowhere else to sleep. And if you weren't sleeping beside him he'd agree in a heartbeat because he loves his twins siblings to death. He just doesn't want to make you uncomfortable because she is HIS sister after all, not yours.
Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Harry whispers, "Alright, but y/n is beside me so we'll need to sleep on the couch down stairs." You somehow wake up in the midst of their conversation and at first are just as confused as Harry was when he heard his name being called from within his sleep. But then you recognize the short shadow figure to be Harry's sister Alice and hear her repeat that she was scared. I mean they haven't stayed the night here in years and she was young, so being scared in a new place is a natural response to her tiny body. Even if there wasn't anything to be scared of.
When you notice Harry about to get out of bed, you speak from behind him, "No Harry, she can join us."
Your voice startles him because he thought you were still asleep. Quickly turning around, Harry asks you, "You sure, love? I can go sleep with her on the couch if the bed will get too crowded f'you."
"Yes I'm sure, H. Come on, you slide in the middle and Alice on the outside." you reply back with no hesitation. You love Alice and Oliver like they're your own siblings and would do anything to make them feel safe while they are guest at yours and your boyfriends house.
Harry agrees with, "Alright, come snuggle with me baby." He gets back into the covers and slides over to the middle of the bed. Then helps Alice get on the bed closest to the edge. She gets situated and to prevent her from toppling over the side, Harry wraps one arm over her small torso to keep her secure. "Is this better, Alice? Not scared anymore?"
Alice's little voice mutters, "Better. You always protect me, Harry." Though you're almost back into a sleep state behind Harry's back, you overhear his sister say that and nearly tear up at her words. Watching Harry be the best big brother makes you want to give him babies sooner than you originally planned. He's going to be the best daddy ever.
Now with Alice in Harry's arms and Harry nearly in your arms, you all three fall back to sleep. Oliver remains asleep in the guest room until six am when he realises Alice is gone. He gets up to search for her and he ends up finding her in bed with you and Harry. Not wanted to be left out, his eight year old body climbs up on the bed and joins in on the cuddle party. You welcome him as well, just as you had with Alice. Then you all four sleep snuggled together until you wake up for breakfast a few hours later.
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @japanchrry // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @bohogoth // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress  
// @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore1 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran  // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithharry // @mellowkingdombouquet  // @manifestrry  // @mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghosts // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice
let me know if you’d like to be added on my tag list in my next post by telling me HERE (let me know if i forgot to add you)
My Masterlist Masterpost
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thelifeandtimesoftim · 3 months
I jolt awake with a cut off yell. It hurts. It HURTS. I cant move i cant move i need to move they could be at the door. Where is my gun, where is Cayde, where is he WHERE IS HE?! Is he hurt did they get him, i will kill them if they hurt him again. It hurts i cant move it hu....
I stop
There is a pressure on my nose and a roughness starts on my forehead. My chest is still heaving while i try to slow my breathing. My panic calms as I start to register a slight rumble next to my ear and the rough feeling moves to pulling my hair a bit.
I look around, finally seeing my surroundings. I'm in the back office where I went to sleepl. Not the hospital. ... not the hospital.
I look and turn my head towards the rumble and realize it's Sassy. She is laying on my pillow. Her paw is pressed on the side of my nose where she hit my face and she is licking my head. I reach my hand up as I continue to calm down and run my fingers over her fur a few times. She continues her grooming of my head.
I realize i cant move because I have 3 others on my legs and chest. The pain in my back is lessening and my breathing is almost back to normal. I reach beside me for Cayde. He's not there and I start to panic again... then my hand brushes a piece of paper.
I quickly look at it. "Hey babes, I got up to go run some errands. I'll be back in a bit. Love yous"
I hold it to my chest while i cover my eyes for a minute.
I just lay there. Trying to get a handle on my breathing, surroundings and the pain.
I reah for my medication and take what I should and wait.
As the pain dulls to the background I sigh and look around again. I pull my gun from under my pillow and place it in my holster. I dislodge the cats as I roll to the side to start to get up.
"sorry guys. It's time i should get up" I sigh again and grunt with effort as I push off the floor and haul myself into the wheelchair. I brace mentally to pretend im okay for another day. I look at the cats that have relocated to the warm space I have left. Sassy looks at me then walks to the door, pushes it open, and heads for her spot in the front window. She meows once at me as she exits the door.
"okay okay" I smile a bit "I'm coming" and I roll towards the door.
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tabletopbrainrot · 8 months
Last last week tonight today at like 0800 after hardly sleepling.
DnD Sunday: The Underdark is going to shit (yes it was already shit, yes it's getting worse. keep up) Betrayed by my evil* doppelganger in the least in character way but the most narratively predictable way. So that's on me, I convinced the others to let me try to break enemy morale by going for the one on one.
• Should I have known that the DM was gonna go for an attack on the city? Yes, it was the most obvious thing to do. Pull us away from locations of interest causing us to be late for the initial push. We should probably ask our Sponsor* if they have any McGuffins down here we should know about just in case this is a multi-purpose attack since they've had enough time to do as much spying as they could need down here honestly. • Would I as my character turn down a duel in favor of a siege? Hell fuck no, I believe this is the work of other party member's doppelgangers. I would pull my own teeth out before actively sieging a city like this So anyway the Owlin is real life mad because we had an off button for this coming invasion but I wanted to kill my double in single combat, break his cult's morale and try to guide them on a path that doesn't involve an invasion of the surface and blotting out the sun through unknown means. DnD Tuesday: #I_swear_this_isnt_Fate (Morgana Le Dragonne Fey is a real piece of work, I hate her and want nothing but to be on opposite sides of the world than her) Exploring a multi-thousand year old temple where people were doing some fucked up experiments on dragons to try to get one to achieve divinity.. What kind of god they expect to get after torturing one to death I don't know but probably not a good one. All and all not a whole lot to tell, a little exploring shattering a returning oneshot character's world view of their boss by revealing the whole "she's an ancient dragon and is kinda a bitch", small fight with some abominations left in the temple. Just lore chasing to try to fix Morgan's bullshit, that this cult broke. Lancer: Dustgrave (Honestly this is probably spoilers in a slightly too comprehensible way so look out if you don't know.) so we're just gonna leave some space for Ra here before we hit what nothing I'm actually gonna spoil, but am overthinking about We're in some shit, already had to field repair the Death's Head, and burnt a core power or two in a fight. And we're still not at the Mad Scientist (that Space 4chan caused to achieve chim as a prank) yet. So yes we're at that part of Dustgrave, and working with IPSN special forces in the most "I fully expect you to betray us, but my mech has all of the Zero Day Exploits and I do not want to D/D my friends so yes I'll take that hardware you're offering." kinda way I also hate how meaty the enemy mechs are right now.... it's concerning
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swordmunch · 2 years
im so fucking tired uhhhgjgfhh i need sleepl
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kr-i · 6 years
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When you get fleshed out and immediately start strong-arming your creator.
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poisonandpages · 6 years
Can I stop being exhausted all the time please
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depressedbubblegum · 6 years
So today I was at home because I was kinda sick but my “mom” is keep telling me things like school is no fun and they will kick you because ,yeah of course they are kicking me out because I am sick and staying home.
I mean yesterday in school(again after a day or more without sleeping)I had a panic attack in school and one of my teachers was so nice to me that I fucking wished she could be my mom..
But when I came back home(I don't wanted to go home)I told my “mom” about it and she told me I don't have to be scared to call or something but the real reason why I don't wanted to call was that we always argue about it and I just don’t understand how she can ignore my fucking mental state and keep doing things like this to me like seriously I HAVE FUCKING FEELINGS TOO but I am not worth it right?
I just don't know how to go on.
I..I just don't wanna exist anymore.
I just wanna disappear.
I just want to die.
But I am still smiling.
I am still working.
I am still alive.
Because of you.
Just you.
Please appreciate that..
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haarrrys · 2 years
→ my first harry masterlist!
my second harry masterlist! ←
⌗fluff !
*interviews - ⌗ summary : sf universe - harry talking about y/n in interviews throughout the years
*fairy bread - ⌗ summary : the reader can't sleep so she goes down to the kitchen to make some fairy bread
*harry getting blush about you in an interview
*big brother harry - ⌗ summary : harry's twin brother and sister, oliver and alice, spend the night at yours and harry's house for a sleepover and alice wakes up scared in the night which leads her to end up sleepling in yours and harry's bed.
*piano girl - ⌗ summary : you and harry catch your daughter playing piano
*meeting harry in a shopping center - ⌗ summary : non!famous y/n meeting harry styles in a shop!
*own little bubble - ⌗ summary : harry’s being a tease during the garter tradition but you love him nonetheless (a little smutty)
*a little to young - ⌗ summary : harry seems to like y/n a little too much for how young she is.
*well kept secret & ii
*a broken ankle, karma rules. - ⌗ summary : in which, going on a run with your fiancé of two years means harmless flirting and teasing, that is until an incident occurs and he has to carry you back to the car.
*leave the door open - ⌗ summary : just read it, so cute 🖤
*perfect harmony - ⌗ summary : you're in the final days of the tour, and Harry makes a suggestion that ends up changing everything.
⌗smut !
*let it bleed - ⌗ summary : warnings: smut, shower sex, period sex, clothed sex/grinding, you’re on your period, and harry just wants to make you feel good.
*childhood bedroom - ⌗ summary : y/n & harry hook up in her childhood bedroom
*pearls of pleasure - ⌗ summary : of course inspired by a you are home door (tweeted on 24/03/22 if you are looking for some context)
*handjob - ⌗ summary : harry receives a spooning handjob
*sex-ed - ⌗ summary : you’re a good christian girl who’s saving her virginity for marriage but then you meet Harry.
*cut the calls - ⌗ summary : you and Harry get an evening to make as much love as possible but someone doesn’t get the hint and keeps on calling.
*experimenting - ⌗ summary : Harry and Y/N try pegging (explicit, 6.2k words) 🖤
*drive me insane
⌗angst !
*somehow i just want you more - ⌗ summary : Y/N never thought that she would have to go through all this just to see two thin lines on a test, luckily she has Harry by her side, but he doesn't feel very good either, not when his wife seems to be another person.
*devastation - ⌗ summary : trying for a baby takes a toll on your life with Harry, today you just happened to hit the breaking point & peaks and troughs - ⌗ summary : life has its peaks and troughs, last night was definitely a trough but the peak awaits in the future and you and harry both realise that.
*little by little - ⌗ summary : (TW) one where harry finds out his girl is struggling with ED
*take my medicine - ⌗ summary : (TW) being on a prescription of 8 pills to take every four hours is destined for recovery...except
*one very big mistake - ⌗ summary : or when reader cheats on harry
*exposed- ⌗ summary : or when reader and harry’s secret relationship is not so secret anymore.
*fake-out - ⌗ summary : in which y/n fakes a certain-something and harry feels awfully embarrassed .
*no ring, no house- ⌗ summary : in which you and Harry need to learn to compromise.
*shampoo bottles- ⌗ summary : a friends with benefits gone wrong. harry can’t bring himself to get rid of everything you’ve left at his place after things fall apart. beat up red cars, crumpled sweatshirts and of course, shampoo bottles.
*cantaloupe - ⌗ summary : you and Harry recap the big news from your family's Thanksgiving dinner.
*good things take time
⌗dad!harry !
*clover - ⌗ summary : harry is a newly single father to a brand new baby and he doesn't know what he's doing. going home for the summer, he didn't expect to find himself a new kind of honey named (y/n).this is a patreon exclusive piece, with this first part being the only publicly available part.
*not so little - ⌗ summary : prompt: harry gets a bit emotional about ivy getting rid of her beloved binkie.
*to our son - ⌗ summary : a video to y/n & harry's son.
*capital fm interview - ⌗ summary : harry & his family during an interview with captial fm!
*we'll be alright - ⌗ summary : In which Y/n has some symptoms and harry is curious
*this little love of mine - ⌗ summary : y/n and harry spend some quality time admiring their son after they welcome him into the world
*little ladies - ⌗ summary : In which harry calls niall, in a panic, after getting some news at his wife’s ultrasound appointment
*here for you - ⌗ summary : harry is your husband and you are following him on his europe tour. halfway through you get quite sick which causes harry to get very worried about you especially because you're carrying a little secret
*baby steps - ⌗ summary : an unedited, short, messy piece of husband!harry and dad!harry
*clean baby - ⌗ summary : the one in which Harry comes back from work, and the only thing he wants to do is have a shower with his newborn.
*newborn!dadharry - ⌗ summary : harry takes over feeding time
*famalia bliss - ⌗ summary : Y/N surprising harry on his concert with their baby.
*dada - ⌗ summary : a baby mistaking harry for her dad <3
*in sickness and in health - ⌗ summary : after the birth of their twin babies, harry and YN’s marriage suffers. (angst)
*breastfeeding at a restaurant - ⌗ summary : At a restuaunt having dinner with Harry's band mates and work partners, your baby girl starts whining due to being hungry and Harry takes you to the family restroom so you can breastfeed her in private.
*dad stuff - ⌗ summary : a bunch of dad one shots <3
*isn’t she lovely - ⌗ summary : river anne styles was born july 2, 2011. and the second she was placed on her fathers bare chest for the first time, she instantly became his bestfriend. 🫶🏽
*lhh as a dad- ⌗ summary : imagine!!! the baby is like one when harry has his long hair and lhh being a dad to a little baby girl GOD HEAR ME OUT!!!
*the questioning stage - ⌗ summary : Emily has entered the questioning stage and loves putting her parents on the spot
*sweet creature - ⌗ summary : In which harry walks in on a sweet moment between you and your daughter. 
*can’t help falling in love - ⌗ summary : in which harry comforts pregnant!y/n on an exhausting night after a fight .
*like it’s the only thing I’ll ever do - ⌗ summary : Harry has always loved getting the baby all clean, cozy and ready for bed.. & ii
*i lost our baby - ⌗ summary : harry “loses” their daughter.
*baby makes three - ⌗ summary : harry really wants a baby
*garden - ⌗ summary : just a sweet little imagine of harry and his perfect family :)
*clingy - ⌗ summary : harry has been extremely clingy since you've found out you were pregnant and this morning is no exception
*dazed photoshoot - ⌗ summary : harry at the dazed shoot for pleasing, accompanied by his son and lovey :)
*the stomach virus - ⌗ summary : your daughter iris gets sick when harry’s not home
*finally a dad - ⌗ summary : harry finally becomes a dad <3
*start over - ⌗ summary : dadrry where his kid colors his tattoos
*london experience - ⌗ summary : in which, whilst walking around the streets of london with your fiancé harry and two year old daughter mila whose currently getting her molars growing in, things appear to be going swell until a fan asks for a photo and your little one has to be disturbed.
*airport chaos - ⌗ summary : in which, harry’s just finished his show in barcelona, and is en-route to madrid, but there’s one more hurdle that needs to be jumped when fans bombard him, you and your one year old son finley. this results in a very agitated harry, a tearful toddler and a wife that’s claustrophobic.
*potty incident
⌗masterlist !
@4everinsane 's masterlist
@p0pstars 's masterlist
*based off songs masterlist
*dadrry masterlist
*fic request masterlist <3
⌗series !
*something about a feeling
*daisy - ⌗ summary : Y/N has a vision impairment & Harry adores her guide dog.
*king of the jungle. pt ii pt iii - ⌗ summary : tarzan!harry <3
*coffee & pancakes - ⌗ summary : A series (which originally was meant to be a Oneshot) where Harry meets someone at a cafe, with whom he falls he love.
*since 2010 - ⌗ summary : YN and Harry have known each other since 2010 when they were put in a band together called One Direction. Since the band split up, YN and Harry have kept in close contact, may or may not have grown deeper feelings for one another and have continued to help each other create music. This is their story.
*songs of hers - ⌗ summary : in 2012, a friendship is formed between rising stars harry styles and y/n y/l/n. five months later the couple enter a relationship, trying their best to keep the cover of "just friends" to the public eye. <3
*pregnancy series- ⌗ summary : A series where y/n and harry are broken up but she's pregnant. three parts of full-on angst
*fineline - ⌗ summary : Harry and Y/N are best friends who are in love with each other. When they discover each other's feelings will it be too late?
*neighbor - ⌗ summary : Harry lives across the street from a little boy named Rory and his really pretty mom that makes him all excited and nervous all at the same time.
⌗headcannons !
*harry freaking out when you go into labor!
*four versions of harry styles at christmas
*new dad!harry thoughts!
*babys first birthday
*harrys obsessed with your baby
*first time home w the baby <3
*post-partum depression
⌗instagram !
*dad!harry on tour
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xkotaro16w · 2 years
Hellooo, I would like to request short scenerio/reaction ehe~
Imagine during night time, Leona having a hard time to sleep as usual, so he decided to go to botanical garden. At there, he meet S/o who is also having hard time to sleep too. What will his reaction be?
Thank you for writing amazing fanfics as always!!^^
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—𝙻𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚊 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝙶𝙽!𝚂/𝙾 𝚆𝚑𝚘'𝚜 𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝙱𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝙶𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗—
Summary: Scenario/short scenario where Leona is sleepless and decides to go to the Botanical Garden. He meets his GN!S/O there who’s sleepless as well.
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x GN!S/O.
CW: Fluff/comfort, grammatical error, OOC.
A/N: OMG- This’s just me rn, SLEEPLES, I HAVE 2 MANY ENERGY HELP AJHWEVAWFMNHVAMWHFAVBFMH (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) How 2 sleep 101 EHE ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。) Anyway THX A LOT 4 UR WORDS SAMBFHBAFB Im still improving my writing cz i changed my style after i made this blog ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ I HOPE U LIKE THIS-
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Leona loves to nap. It’s a general information about him. The whole NRC knows about this. He spends his time napping every time he has the opportunity. It’s hard to get him to go to his classes. Even Ruggies gives up easily.
It’s rare to see an unmotivated lion becomes sleepless. Only he knows the reason. He never wanted to tell anyone about this. If he feels not good, not feeling well as in having a bad mood, overthinking, negative thinking, or perhaps something else, he feels irritated and sometimes sleepless.
If a nap makes him feel better, sometimes it doesn’t. He keeps his feelings to himself and there are times when those feelings overflow turns into anger, insecurity, fear, etc.
Leona’s not good with expressing his feelings in words, but his actions tell otherwise. But the good thing is that he feels comfortable to reveal it to you. Not always and it takes time.
Tonight, is one of his sleepless days. He moves to face the window and tries to sleep. It doesn’t work at all. This bothered him a lot. Why tonight of all nights? As he sighs, he gets up and remembered there’s only one place where he usually takes a nap.
The Botanical Garden.
The lion goes out from his bedroom and walks to the garden. A yawn escapes from his mouth. Perhaps he could sleep there. However, he didn’t expect to see a certain herbivore to be there as well, yes, you.
“Leona?” You see him open the door and walk inside the garden.
“What are ya doing here, herbivore?” His face looks sleepy yet he couldn’t sleep.
You explain him that you’re feeling sleepless. Oh, so you too, huh. He’s not surprised to his S/O feels sleepless, but he’s worried. The beastman lets out a sigh and sits beside you. He leans on you and position himself to hold you. Well, it’s rare to see him here this late and so you ask him.
Gosh, the Leona Kingscholar feels sleepless? Now, he worries you. A growl of a lion reaches your ear when you ask him what’s wrong. Even the lion beastman can feel sleepless. It must be hard for him.
There’s no such as a perfect king. Even the king of the beast has their own hard times. The king needs your presence right now. Your presence is a comfort to him. You don’t have to say a word for now. save it for the morning.
A soft palm gently pats his head. It drives him to the world of dreams more and more. The Botanical Garden is very serene and quiet. His steady breathes and his sleep face next to you make you sleepy as well.
Sleeping with him is always comfortable. Your eyelids start to close. Its touch lulls you to sleep as well. It’s not that bad to sleep in here just for tonight. In the morning, be prepared to feel the embarrassed, because a teacher finds the two of you sleeping in the garden together overnight.
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zmayadw · 3 years
The End Is Near
Duskwood Oneshot
Characters: mostly Jake / Mc / with mentions of others
Genre: angst/fluff-sweet
Words: 1584k
❗❗WARNING: Contains episode 9 spoilers❗❗
Jake rubbed his eyes with his palms. His eyes burned from endless staring at his screen, the pain in his neck and back from all the sleeples nights in his chair becoming more evident. He stod up and streched a bit before taking his coffee cup from the table to refill it for who knows which time already today.
Thomas's news about finding Hannah's phone excited him, thinking how 'lady Luck' finaly smiled upon them. Although all evidences they gathered till now strongly pointed to Michael Hanson being their culprint and everything coming to its end, there was still much more for them to uncover and understand, and he really hoped Hannah's phone will help them with that.
The others were preparing to go to that house in the woods, so once again everything was up to Mc and him to continue investigating. But he didn't mind, he actually liked it. Ever since this all started, he felt most comfortable when it was just the two of them doing most of the work. Sure, the others helped, he couldn't deny that, but he still felt most relaxed with just her.
And honestly, he was glad she wasn't with them, that she was safe far away from this all. And he didn't even feel bad for thinking so. Ofcourse, he didn't want for anything to happen to any of them, but the thought of something happening to her gave him the chills and made him sick to his stomach.
He began to care so much more about her safety, sometimes completely forgetting about others, and worse, forgetting about Hannah, instantly feeling guilty and angry at himself for doing so. But he couldn't help himself, no matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried to focus on something else, he would always end up thinking about her.
The beeping sound coming from his computer alerting him of Jessica's photos finished uploading snaped him from his thoughts. With his cup once again full, he sat back at his desk opening his chat with MC. He sighed, wishing she was here beside him now, that he could take her hand in his, somehow with it make it more bearable, for both of them, going back to that hell place, even if it was just through the pictures.
He began typing, a smile spreading across his face as an idea crossed his mind. Even if he wasn't able to hold her hand, he can still do something to make them both feel closer to eachother and less alone doing this.
Jake: Jessica has provided us with her photographs.
I would like for us both to look at them together
Let me just try something...
Did it work?
Mc: Is that your screen? 😲
Seeing that place again wasn't that bad at first. To any other person, this would seem like jet another long deserted house, but Jake couldn't suppress a shiver knowing what disgusting secrest lay hidden behind its walls. And the further they went with examining the pictures, the feeling of unease intensified at him.
When they came across a picture of two rather new looking steel barrels with a warning labels for toxic or poisonous content inside them, his always reliable calmness betrayed him, emotions starting to stirr up in him. The more he looked at it, the thoughts coming to his mind about all the possibilities for how the toxic content of those barrels could be used for, or if the labels were there as a distraction from them being opened and their content was something he dared to not even imagine possible, brought a feeling of sadness upon him.
Mc: Jake...
He blinked a few times at her message,focusing back from his thoughts. He needed to pull himself together, to keep his head cool. This definitely wasn't the time for him to stumble, but it became tougher for him to keep his emotions at bay.
Mc: Somehow I really feel close to you right now.
That feeling of sadness slowly began to ease, a smile coming to his face looking at her message. It was still a mystery to him how she always managed to do that. It was like she could read his mind, knowing exactly when and what to say to calm his mind. And in a moments like this, there was nothing he wanted more than to be able to get lost in her arms.
Jake: I feel the same way, Mc.
Unfortunately, his smile was short-lived.
Switching to a new picture, a chill passed through him. The scene on it was like something one can see in a horror movie. A work of a deranged mind stared back at him, pictures of each one of them pinned on a board, news clips and raven feathers scattered around, a big sign with a word 'revenge' hanging above it all. It was obvious from it that their culprint prepared for this for a long time, following them around, collecting clues and gathering informations, patiently watching and waiting for the opportune moment to set his plan in motion.
But non of that fazed him as much as the picture showing a piece of paper with her name on it. She joked how she would be offended if he forgot about her, but all the remaining calmness he managed to keep for this long disappeared, frustration and anger he successfully suppresed all this time erupting from him.
He shot up from his chair, grabbing and throwing his coffee cup with such force across his small motel room, its impact with the wall sending small shards all around. He threw himself on the bed and burried his face in the pillow letting out a long desperate scream, until his lungs burned from the lack of air, making him pull his head back.
He sat on the edge of the bed with hands clasping hard on the pillow, taking deep breaths trying to calm down. Everything that was happening started to affect him more, and with each new day it was harder for him to keep his emotions under control. And he was affraid of what might happen if he fails at doing so.
He looked back to his computer at the sound of a new message. She noticed by now something was happening with him, so taking few more deep breaths he got up returning to the desk. The emotions were still raging up in him, but they still had a job to finish, and thus far, no matter what or how hard it was for him he always finished with what he started, and he was determined not to let that change now.
Finishing with examining the pictures and others slowly starting to arrive at the house, Jake had some alone time. And he hated it, because in a moments like this his thoughts were his only company. And lately the thoughts that wandered to his mind weighed heavy on him.
He began to rethink everything he's done so far, doubting more of every decision he made, wondering if he was the reason for everything bad that happened to any of them with his overconfident behaviour from the day this all started. But the worst and saddes thought that began to push its way more to his mind was one where he beagn to think about how any of this won't have a happy end. And he wasn't thinking that only for Hannah or Richy, but himself, too.
A piece of broken coffe cup crunched under his foot diverting him from his thoughts.
He collected all te pieces in the trash, taking a new cup and refilling it with coffee before going back to sit at his computer. He barely sat down properly to see Thomas informing Mc that Hannah's phone charged enough but it was locked with PIN.
He joined the chat with yet another task for Mc already on his mind – he will start with accessing Hannah's phone in his way, but if she manages to find out her phone PIN with the help of others, it will save them some time and enable them to advance faster in their further investigation.
After few hours of occupieing himself with other things, Jake decided to check up on Mc's progress with Hannah's phone.
Jake: Hello, Mc.
Mc: Good, you're there
Do you want the good news or the bad news?
Jake: The bad news.
Mc: I screwed up with the PIN 😒
Jake: Do not worry about it. I will take care of it.
It was worth a try.
As much as he hoped someone from the group would have any knowledge of Hannah's phone PIN, Jake knew the chancess for it were slim. It will take him some extra time to crack it, time that was constantly playing against them, time for which he was well aware was running out fast on them for the chance to find Hannah and Richy.
They were lucky enough with Thomas even finding Hannah's phone in the first place, but there was a constant uneasy feeling creeping up at him that it wasn't just luck after all. But every time he would quickly dismiss that feeling. With Mc being far away from it all to be in any real danger, and the others being safe together in that house and no one beside them knowing the location of it, what could possibly go wrong?
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kanataka-san · 4 years
Requested:by my friend.
12"you're cute even when you make that face"
44"all i want is you"
Tony Stark X M! Reader
Tony tried to get on (Y/N) good side-TRIED- but it wasn't going as good as he hoped.
"You're cute even when you make that face." Tony said walking past (Y/N) lab- lets just say the (H/C) haired male looked at that moment annoyed to the bone with dark bangs under his eyes from all the sleeples nights and a glare saying 'get out of my face if you want to live'. 
He have been working on something really important for SHIELD and Avengers but Tony just keep flirting with him any chance he got making him repeat the proces of his work from the start at least twenty times, if not more.
Soon bilionare started to send expensive presents to (Y/N).
It wasn't long until shorter male finally snapped. The team saw fumming (Y/N) on the hallway thanks to glass walls and nobody dared to even think of breathing knowing nothing good could get out of this in the worst scenario even hospital wouldnt help..
(H/C) lock bounced up and down while he walked to Tony's lab and went in without any truble hacking all of the passwords for this lab beforehand.
"You. Are. An. Idiot." Tony rose a brow turnimg around kind os shoocked. "Wha-?"
"Shut up! I don't want any more of this stupid presents. First: they are too expensive. Second: why did you even bought them?! Third: you don't need to impress me that way, I never wanted it-.." (Y/N) was breathing hard "Tony you're so smart yet so stupid... All i want is you... not your presents, not your money, YOU. Your daily moods, your sarcastic remarks, your high ego, your anxiety. I could bare with you flirting with me making me repeat everything again and again, but please if you want to impress me... Plain coup of hot chocolate, a blanket and you by my side will be enough." by the ond of the speaking tears of flustration was running down (Y/N)s lightly pinkish cheeks. That was the moment when Tony understood it was to much for (Y/N). He came up to hug shorter male, that tightly hugged back bigger torso burring his head into it.
Tony stroke (H/C) locks and kissed the top of (Y/N) head. "Ok I'm sorry. I wont do it anymore if you don't wan't it, just please don't cry."
After a while (E/C) eyed male calmed down but tears still were running down his cheeks not stopping.
He looked out of Tonys chest with poofy eyes "Stupid idiot..."
"But I am your stupid idiot... If you akcept me as your lover..." Tony said not as confident as when he was flirting any chance he got. That made (Y/N) smirk a little.
"So you're telling me that THE Tony Stark, industrialist, genius inventor, hero and former playboy who is CEO of Stark Industries, who is confident in everything he do, is now scared and worried about what my answer will be? Impossible."
Taller man rolled his eyes and placed his hands on smallers waist picking him a little up while looking seriously into (Y/N)s eyes.
"I mean it." Shorter male kissed lightly Tony's lips as his hands wrapped loosely around the 'playboy's' neck.
"Does that answer your question?"
"I may need more answers like that." This time Tony smirked eyes still locked together.
"Don't push your luck Stark."
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nofluffynobunneh · 7 years
I want to sleep. But I can't sleep
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averlym · 4 years
okay fuck i just saw your answer and you said you went to sleep before my ask and it makes me feel proud tho i didn’t contributed to that whatsoever. and i’m proud of uwu speak anon too, they slept, amazing. y’all slept and it’s incredible. - ryts (forgot to say it before but your square glasses aren’t disgusting shut up. SQUARE GLASSES GANG)
YES BE PROUD also feel free to disturb @patchwork--cat-six and @calpicola because they too need the sleeples but as the one with what’s probably the worst sleep schedule I’ve lost all rights to remind them to sleep :D
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