#i need one of these boyfriends to be my wee personal chauffeur
theemporium · 1 year
I have a 9am and the fact I’m still awake rn is gonna make me hate myself in the a few hours😭
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dadsbongos · 3 years
You'll Dig a Grave with Me
Movie/Game/Show: My Hero Academia Dynamic: Dabi/Reader Warnings: cemetery/grave desecration (like digging-up-a-coffin-and-opening-it bad), violence/murder/gore, corpses/corpse-handling, smoking(?) idk it’s kinda small potatoes compared to what i just mentioned Summary: Maybe you need a new boyfriend. One who doesn't make you help him bury dead bodies. Word Count: 1.2K ~~~
“Get in the fucking car.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Look at this face,” Dabi only stops to turn and briefly gesture to his scarred features, “Do these look like smilin’ muscles?”
you relent, as you usually do, and grumble all the way to your shoes and throughout the process of pulling on said shoes, “Get me up at two in the morning and doesn’t even tell me where we’re going - sounds like Touya.”
“Dickhead. They’re all the same.”
“You’re funny,” Dabi rolls his eyes as he holds the door open for you, “you ever think about becoming a comedian?”
“Yeah, actually,” shaking your head, you climb into the driver’s seat, “When I’m not being a chauffeur, I’ll totally go out and tell a shitload of jokes about how my boyfriend’s a nationally wanted villain. It’ll be great.”
“I get it, you’re sarcastic. Go to the cemetery down the road from here.”
“Jesus, man, who’d you kill?”
Silence settled in the car, neither party caring enough to clarify whether that was a joke or not. Because with Dabi - it didn’t matter. If he wasn’t joking, it wasn’t anyone's business. Unless anyone was you. Then you were part of the clean up crew.
“That lot?”
Dabi nods and goes to the back of the car to pull out a duffel bag and the shovels buried at the bottom. He follows after you as you approach the body he’d haphazardly left at the end of a row of graves. He should know better than to get sloppy, but knowing Dabi was knowing that he enjoyed the thought of police already swarming the lot when they arrived. He liked the thrill. He liked the opportunity to serve his flames a kindling.
Handing over a shovel, Dabi nods at the lot, “When we hit the coffin, we pry it open and toss this fucker in.”
“It’s new, will anyone visit?”
“Past visiting hours.”
“You, of all people, should know that some people don’t listen to laws.”
“If anyone comes, I’ll kill them, there? Happy?” Dabi shakes his head, lodging the edge of his shovel into the dirt and pulling up the fresh earth.
Another quiet settles over the couple as they pull up the soil covering the rotting dead. You wipe at sweat forming over your brow and jam your shovel into a spot near your foot, walking towards the other corpse as Dabi maneuvers his own shovel to pop open the baby blue coffin of a person who didn’t deserve this perversion of their memory.
Upon closer inspection, you notice how the man’s head and hands are charred beyond recognition of flesh, and his mouth has fallen open into a horrified, toothless scream. Usually, just torching the people he murdered would do all that his manual labor had. This man was different. This man must’ve wronged Dabi closely.
Grabbing underneath the dead man’s armpits, you begin dragging him towards the grave as the telltale creak of a coffin opening rings through the cemetery. Dabi puts a hand up and the man is dropped carelessly outside the rectangular pit - bending down, Dabi pats down the man’s blazer and tugs out a wallet and keys before pocketing both.
“What’d he do to avoid being completely scorched?”
“Just wanted this one to be more personal; some low-level at the old man’s agency,” Dabi picks himself back up to a full stand and kicks the man into the open coffin and nudges his body just enough to ensure no limbs are poking out before going to shut the coffin.
“Maybe you should’ve picked an older spot, huh?” you mumble, crossing towards your boyfriend and plucking a pack of cigarettes from his pants’ pocket and picking one out, “Two bodies don’t fit in one coffin comfortably. And I don’t think either of us is going down there to fish him out.”
“Fuck,” the villain hisses, picking up his shovel only to stab it back down in anger, piercing mother nature in retaliation for an event which she had no control over, “Whatever. Just put the dirt back over them. If they find him, who cares?”
“Probably us when they find him and start asking questions,” placing the cigarette between your lips, you lean over towards Dabi, “Light?”
He ignites a single finger and watches the cigarettes' illumination of cherry and ash before turning back to the grave and murmuring, “Slacker.”
“When I start killing people and making you bury the bodies, then you can call me a slacker,” you sit down on a patch of grass where the dead man once laid, cold and clammy and soulless, “Until then, I’m taking a smoke break.”
You never saw yourself helping the little red-turned-white haired boy you grew up with bury a body he’d murdered in cold blood. You saw yourself having a future with him, in the way children typically grow attached to friends quickly - but actively helping him get away with and hiding evidence of his crimes?
It was wrong. You weren’t an idiot. What you - both of you - were doing was horrid and it would catch up to them eventually.
But Dabi would burn down the world for you and you’d be lying if you said watching it go down in flames after all the pain and misery and hatred it’s churned out wouldn’t be satisfying. All the monsters like Enji could burn and you’d both dance in the flickering light of the flames. All the elitism and fakeness of heroes would crumble and you’d toss the ashes around like rice at a wedding. You’d kiss on the grave of society and giggle over the wreckage you caused together. Because loving Dabi was accepting the chaos he chased. It was changing the ending of the monster and helping him kill Frankenstein.
It was helping him get away with his crimes and cleaning up his corroding body in the wee hours of nightfall.
Dabi huffs in exertion while burying the sins he’d committed only hours prior, he knows he isn’t built for heavy physical labor and he knows that’s exactly why he brought you. He also knows how easy it would be to scare you into crushing that cigarette out right now and coming to his side - but he can’t bring himself to.
The only home he’s ever known and the only person he’s never had to prove himself to, he can’t lose. So he continues to pile dirt atop the bodies while you finish your smoke without whining.
“Got schmutz on your forehead there, darling,” you mumble upon your return, bringing up a thumb to wipe at the dirt staining your lover’s skin.
“You’re not much better,” Dabi nods at your forehead, “Gotta take a bath when we get home.”
“Then will you chill the fuck out and come sleep?”
He merely nods again as you pick up your shovel and catch dirt onto the blade before tossing it down into the filling pit.
No, you never imagined yourself up at three in the morning helping Touya Todoroki hide a body he’d murdered - but there you were. Rewriting the end of a monster and helping him kill Frankenstein, slowly - but surely. Frankenstein and the society that enabled him would die by Dabi’s hand, and you were going to be holding the other hand the entire time.
Because loving Touya was loving Dabi.
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Magic and Moonlight: Chapter 6
Here’s the newest chapter of Magic and Moonlight. Enjoy my dears. Tagging: @queenofthearchitect @wwepoppunkprincess @bethany99stuff-blog and @balorrollinsambrose If you want to be tagged, hit up my inbox.
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When we landed in Indianapolis, I felt a little better. I managed to get some sleep during the flight, using Colby’s shoulder as a pillow. Colby seemed to be in better spirits too since he watched me sleep during the flight, knowing I needed the extra rest.
Right now, we were in our hotel room. I was lounging in our hotel bed, just practicing some magic. I stuck to some basics of floating a candle above my hands, lighting and extinguishing it over and over. Colby was laying next me, his head in my lap, watching as I practiced. He held my choker in his hands.
“Any signs of Morrigan stirring,” Colby asked.
“Nope,” I replied as continued to play with the candle, “Not a peep today. Which is nice actually. So when are we going to have dinner?”
“How about you go get into that dress you packed and I’ll make the reservation,” Colby offered, “Then after we can get into our pjs and just watch a movie. Just a nice simple date night like normal people.”
“I think I like the sound of that,” I blew out my candle and used my magic to place it on the table before I got up go get changed and dolled up for our date.
I had my dress on and I was all made up. Now I was just working on my hair when I saw Colby come into the bathroom. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I noticed he was wearing a white button up shirt, a black dinner jacket, a nice pair of black skinny jeans, and his all black sneakers. His hair was brushed and pulled back into a neat bun so his hair was out of his face and his glasses rested on his nose.
“You look lovely,” he murmured as he held me close to him.
“You look very dashing yourself,” I replied as I rested my hands over his, “Are we all set for dinner?”
“Yep,” he replied as he kissed my cheek, “I’m ready to head out when you are.”
I followed Colby out of our hotel room and I spotted Roman stepping out of his room next door to us with Dean following behind him. I looked at Colby, curious why the guys were coming out.
“Are they tagging along on our date,” I asked.
“Nah,” Colby replied, “They’re going a bar not far from the restaurant for their dinner. Roman and Dean are just mooching us for a ride.”
“No,” Roman corrected him, “I’m playing the chauffeur for your date since we only rented one car for the weekend.”
“Yeah,” Dean agreed, “We’re not ordering room service here. Too expensive. And I want a beer or two.”
So with it settled, the four of us got into the elevator and rode it down to the lobby. Dean and Roman kept exchanging glances with Colby, which meant they were having a pack talk. I was also certain I was the subject of the talk judging from the few glances the three of them sent in my direction.
“Alright spill it,” I finally broke the silence as we got into the car, Colby and I were in the back, Roman was at the wheel and Dean rode shotgun, “What were you three ‘discussing’ in the elevator. If you don’t tell me, I’ll make you.”
“We were discussing if you should be accepted into our pack,” Colby answered first, “It’s a huge thing when a wolf adds their mate into the pack. I mean, you’re not a wolf like us, but since you’re my mate and girlfriend, it’s only fitting to have you in our pack. It’ll protect you from any rival packs trying to steal you away.”
“Yeah,” Dean agreed with Colby, “Loverboy wants what’s best for ya, dollface. If you’re in the pack, we’ll be able to keep you safe should Colby not be around when you need him. I think with your magic, you could weave a spell to add your thoughts to our collective mind I guess you could call it. You never know when an injury could sideline Colby and make it where you’d be left alone.”
“And having us as your new brothers means we can be added protection for you,” Roman continued, “Sure you have magic, which doesn’t leave you completely helpless. But you have been having issues with your magic, which has made us realized, we need to pitch in to help you out. It’s what family does.”
“Thank you guys,” I replied, being so thankful for the two of them being kind of enough to accept into the pack and willing to help me and Colby with my magic trouble.
When we finally arrived at the restaurant, I leaned forward and gave Dean and Roman each a quick kiss on their cheeks before I followed Colby out of the car. Colby wrapped his arm around my waist as we watched the pair drive off with the car. I looked up at Colby and he smiled at me before kissing me.
“Your brothers are really nice,” I smirked, “Now how about that dinner you’ve been promising.”
“Come with me,” Colby took my hand and we walked inside.
Colby walked up to the maître-de, who was graciously waiting for us.
“Name for your reservation,” he asked Colby.
“Lopez, for two,” he replied.
“Right this way sir,” the maître-de grabbed two menus and two bundles of silverware before guiding us to the very back of the restaurant, into a secluded corner, “Your server will be with you momentarily. I will grab you the bottle of wine you requested.”
“You pre-ordered our wine,” I asked Colby as he helped me into my chair.
“Of course,” Colby beamed with pride, “I planned to wine and dine you tonight, like any good boyfriend should.”
“You don’t even know I like wine,” I told him.
“I may have asked Charlotte about that little detail,” Colby chuckled a little, “Anyway, in all seriousness, I think tonight will be nice. No worries about full moons, magic going haywire, or Morrigan butting into anything.”
“Yeah,” I agreed, “A nice, normal date. No mischief aside from us not really watching a movie.”
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The next morning, Colby and I decided hitting the local gym with the guys in the wee hours of the morning was a great idea. No it wasn’t. I am by no means, a morning person. I was half asleep the whole ride to the gym, resting my tired head on the window of the passenger side door as Colby drove us to the gym. Dean and Roman were in the backseat, laughing at my misfortune.
“Poor night owl,” Dean teased, “Doesn’t do mornings, huh.”
“The early bird might get the worm,” I turned to look at him with a glare, “But the second mouse gets the cheese.”
“Behave children,” Roman joked, “No need to be hostile this early.”
“Well he started it,” I grumbled.
“Alright we’re here,” Colby pulled the car into a parking spot and killed the engine.
“Finally,” I grumbled as I got out of the car.
As we walked in, my eyes lit up. Colby had brought us to a parkour gym. I was always so bummed out that I had to make do with what was available at the PC for my parkour training. I was so excited to run the course that was set up in this gym I was literally jumping for joy.
“Colby I love you right now,” I grabbed him and kissed him hard.
“I figured you’d enjoy this,” Colby chuckled at my excitement, “Let’s get warmed before you go running all over the place.”
Colby and I went off to one side of the gym and started to stretch each other out as Dean and Roman went off to do their own warm ups. Once I felt pretty limbered up. I went over to the starting line of the course.
“Are you going to watch me run this boys,” I called out to Dean and Roman, “Because I’m in the mood to be cocky as hell an show you what I can do.”
“Yeah what the hell, why not,” Dean shrugged and came over to join Colby near where I was about to start.
“I’ll time you, babe,” Colby said as he got his phone’s stopwatch started up, “Now go!”
I took off running. I made quick work of the boxes they had set up as hurdles, vaulting and rolling over them with ease. I came up to a wall to run up and I leapt back to grab a high bar to start swinging around. I swung from bar to bar, adding flourishes here and there to show off. I came up to a pair of walls for wall jumping, and I climbed up the narrow space to a platform that had a high bar over it that would bring to the finish, which was a foam pit. I jumped up and swung around on the bar before launching into a 450 splash down into the foam pit. I emerged out of the pit to find Colby standing on the edge, holding his hand out to help me climb out. I instead, pulled him into the pit.
“Thea,” Colby shouted as I pulled him in, “Not cool. Now we’re both stuck.”
“Not that I’m complaining,” I smirked and kissed him, “What was my time?”
“Three minutes, twelve seconds,” he answered as he showed me his phone, “Nice run.”
“Thank you,” I replied as Dean and Roman came over to fish us out. After the run was done, the four of us went on to do the rest of our work outs for the day.
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I was backstage with the guys. Survivor Series was well under way. It was crazy, being here rubbing elbows with the main roster. I was so excited to see Colby, Dean, and Roman make their debut tonight. But I was also saddened by the fact that I’d only get one more night after this to be with Colby before I’d have to go back to Orlando without him. I knew I was going to work my ass off in NXT to earn my call up so I could be with him again on the main roster.
“Alright, please don’t laugh at us, okay Thea,” Colby warned as he and the guys stood by the bathroom door of their locker room.
“Alright I promise not to laugh,” I replied.
Colby led the boys out of the bathroom. I bit my lower lip as I took them in in all their glory. The three of them were in black from head to toe. Roman and Colby had their hair pulled back and Dean’s was slicked back with gel. Their outfits all matched with black turtlenecks, black cargo pants with the cuffs tucked into black combat boots. They even wore holster belts cops would wear.
“Oh my god,” I couldn’t help by laugh at seeing them in their matching uniforms, “You guys look ridiculous. Like turtlenecks, seriously? You guys should be wearing tactical vests. Instead you look like lame 80s action heroes.”
“Theadora you said you wouldn’t laugh,” Colby looked so offended that I was laughing at his expense, which I was.
“I’m sorry,” I was laughing so hard, I fell out of my chair, “But I couldn’t help it.”
Colby just shook his head and came over to help me up off the floor.
“Alright guys, we need to get you ready to go out,” a stage hand came in and I sobered up a bit, “Oh and she can sneak around gorilla to stand near the barricades out of sight so she can watch.”
I followed the boys out of the locker room and got an escort to where I could stand to watch them from the barricades. I was so excited to see my wolves make an impact on the main roster by kicking down the damn door.
When it finally came time for the boys to storm the ring, I got up on my tip toes to watch as they threw punches at Ryback. I was so happy they were finally at the big time. I knew that they’d be able to dominate this ring just like they did in NXT.
I watched as the three of them squared up with Ryback. Dean and Seth threw Ryback’s arms over their shoulders and Roman let out a huge battle cry. That was when Seth and Dean picked up Ryback and placed him on Roman’s shoulders. Then, they slammed him down into the Spanish announce table, breaking the poor table under Ryback’s back as he came crashing down.
CM Punk then took up the opportunity to get the pin on John Cena as my boys kept guard of Ryback’s carcass. Once the bell rang, the three of them slipped out of the ring side area, getting lost into the crowd as Punk started to celebrate his win.
“You guys were great,” I ran and jumped into Colby’s arms as the three of them came back into the backstage area of the arena, “You guys totally owned the night tonight. I’m so proud of you.”
“I’m glad you were here for this,” Colby stole a kiss from me before setting me down, “Now I saw we get out of these stupid outfits and go out for some pizza and drinks. We have a debut to celebrate.”
“Believe that,” Roman agreed.
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