#i need new chrom faces
Hey! So, I said I might make a list of Fire Emblem modding links, so here it is! Before anything, be sure you have a hacked 3DS so you can mod your games. You can load mods directly onto a hacked 3DS OR you can use a hacked 3DS to dump your games and play them on an emulator.
If you haven't hacked your 3DS yet, follow this guide to do so! It's easy and super safe!
As for if you want to emulate, you can download the citra emulator here. Just be aware that the emulator can be demanding and not all games function great (all the Fire Emblem games are functional, though).
Now, as for game modding, here are a few of my favorite things to use as well as some interesting mods others enjoy. Feel free to share mods you enjoy and I'll add them to this list.
General Modding
Paragon - This in and of itself is not a mod. However, if you're interested in dipping your toes in trying to create your own mods, this is a good starting point! This tool provides you with a friendly user interface to mess with the code of the game and create your own custom mods (don't worry, you don't need to know how to code).
Fire Emblem Awakening
Unofficial Gay Awakening - As the name says it adds gay supports in Awakening. I can't really add anything here.
Project Thabes - This is an overhaul of Awakening, akin to a sort of remix. The idea is fixing up some issues with story, rebalancing, and remixing maps. Definitely an interesting project to check out if you want a fresh experience with the game.
Awakening HD - This is just mod to upscale textures. Really meant for people playing the game on citra, not hardware.
Twin Morgans - Y'know. If you want double the Morgan. :)
Reverse Recruitment Order - Excluding Chrom, Robin, and Lucina, all units are obtained in reverse order. Something fun to mix up your game.
Fates Stances - If you came to really love the stance system in Fates, good news! This mod implements the stance system into Awakening. Yeah, it's less broken, but way more fun.
Gender-Lock Removal - You want male pegasus knights and female barbarians? Here they are. Need I say more?
Fire Emblem Fates
Unofficial Gay Fates - It's as the name says: a mod to add gay supports to Fates. Though it's not just gay, it also generally adds additional supports between characters.
Ignis - This is a Fates randomizer that allows you to customize your own experience. This can randomize recruitment order, chest/village items, skills, classes, stats, and so on. I've been using this for years, so I can vouch for its fun and stability.
Fates HD - Just a mod to upscale textures. Meant for people playing the game on citra, not hardware.
Before Fates - This mod is currently a work in progress, but it's meant to expand the backstory in Fates. While it's incomplete, it's definitely worth keeping an eye on.
Fates Retranslation+ - If you kinda hate the translation of Fates, good news! This mod retranslates the entire game to better match the original Japanese version. It also adds some minor patches, but the idea of this mod is to fix the English translation.
Princess Personals - Legendary weapons for the princesses. Because they earned it. :)
Non-Binary Corrin - For all my non-binary pals out there, someone made a mod to make all references to Corrin gender-neutral. (Note: the mod creator is remaking the mod due to some issues.)
Playable Lilith - Do you love Lilith? Sad that she's stuck being killed off in routes and is otherwise unplayable? Well, this mod adds her as a playable character. Do it for her.
Face-Lift - This mod does some edits to characters to update things like skin tones and eye colors to look more natural/better match parents (like giving Benny darker skin rather than grey skin). It has a regular version for hardware and HD version for citra users who like having the HD mod.
Fire Emblem Echoes
Route Swap - Just a funky little mod that swaps the two parties. So now Celica and crew are on Alm's journey and vice versa.
Installing Mods
Assuming your 3DS is hacked, you should be using luma to mod games. Once you have your mod files, installing them is extremely easy. Load up your SD card and go into luma > titles and create a folder with the corresponding title id to your game.
Once you have a folder for your game, drop the mod files within (remember to unzip them, and they should be a romfs folder). If done correctly, it should look something like this.
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There's one final step before you run your modded game, though! Reinsert your SD card in your 3DS and then hold SELECT while powering the console on. The luma config menu should come up. Select "Enable game patching" then press START to save.
You only ever have to do this luma step once. So once you've enable game patching, you can freely switch out mods on your 3DS and they'll run automatically. If you want to disable mods, either delete them from your SD card or disable game patching.
Just like with hardware, modding games on citra is extremely easy. All you have to do is open citra, right click the game you want to mod, and click "Open Mods Location" from the menu like below.
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This will create/open a mod folder for the title you selected. Just like on the 3DS, all you have to do is insert your mod folder here. It should be inside a romfs folder like below.
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If you did everything correctly, then your mods should take effect when you next run your game on citra.
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fe-fictions · 1 year
How about a story where Robin is dating someone else and Frederick is pining in the background, wallowing how he missed his shot to confess after the war. Yet, he overhears Robin's lover saying that he's only dating Robin to get close to Ylissean's elite. *Holds hands up in prayer* Please make it happen!
(I wrote this for sooo long and it got so much longer than I meant to...it just feels so nice to be writing for Frederick again ;; U ;; )
He was never the type to be regretful, or feel like he’d missed something important. No, he did his best to live honorably and live his life to the absolute fullest.
The struggle came when he realized he had feelings for you. Feelings that he was determined to push aside until the war ended, until things had calmed down enough that he could plan a proper path to courtship with you.
But the knight had taken too long. When he finally felt that he was ready to tell you, he discovered that you were in a relationship with one of the soldiers that had fought valiantly.
In fact, there was little Frederick could find wrong with him; he was charming and kind, friendly with everyone he met, and especially gracious around nobility and royalty among the ranks. Not only that, but he did had a terrible habit of making you laugh quite easily.
Frederick would be lying if he said it didn’t drive him up a wall. The man was quite talented when it came to getting under the lieutenant’s skin, and he was making it even more difficult for him to get any closer to you. 
After all, you were already a high profile individual, so your free time was sparse. But now, the time that you had once spent training him to stomach bear meat and helping him put out and start the camp fires had suddenly disappeared.
Chrom was the first to notice the sudden distance being put between his lieutenant and tactician, although that was namely because of how much more often your new beau had been making an appearance.
The pair of men were sitting in the prince’s tent, enjoying a rousing game of chess, when his Exalt brought the subject up.
“So…Robin’s new relationship is rather…interesting, isn’t it?”
Frederick hoped the twitch of his eye did not betray his otherwise flawless poker face. He moved his rook forward.
“It is certainly quite the change of pace for Robin, yes. It seems that they get along well.”
“I suppose so, yes…but sometimes, I do wonder about his intentions.” Chrom replied, moving his own piece as he spoke.
“What do you mean, milord? You think his intentions with Robin are malicious?”
“Not necessarily malicious, no…but I do not believe his motivations are purely because he wishes to court Robin.”
“Please elaborate, milord.”
“Well, he seems to have taken a lot of interest in the nobility, lately. He’ll tag along with Robin to a council meeting or training session, but he’ll usually float off to speak with Maribelle, or Sumia…sometimes, he’ll corner Lissa.”
“Corner?” Frederick echoed, bristling, “You mean he is trying to ‘play the field’ with the the noblewomen of your court, Prince Chrom? That is unacceptable! Not only because it is harassment towards those fine women, but also because he's taking advantage of Robin!”
“Now, don’t get too far ahead of yourself, Frederick.” Chrom quickly cut in before Frederick could throw in another passionate paragraph about the virtues this man clearly lacked.
The knight huffed, trying his best to retain his patience (and failing).
“I can’t prove anything. I just know what I saw. If his intentions are beyond Robin, we’ll need to figure out what he wants.”
“I will conduct a most in-depth investigation, milord. You needn’t worry.” Frederick rose from his seat, bowing deeply to Chrom. “ I will personally investigate the matter at hand and return with results immediately!”
“But the game isn’t…ah, nevermind.” Chrom sighed, starting to reset the board after the tent flap closed. “You’ve always had one hells of a soft spot for her, anyway.”
If there was one thing that everyone around you knew, it was that you always knew more than you let on...and such knowledge you withheld should never be tested.
While the war was over and there was no longer any need for such a keen eye while everyone made the long journey home…you did find that it was getting increasingly difficult to ignore the behavior your lover was portraying.
It started with small mentions of your relationship with the royal family. How you and Chrom seemed to be quite close, and how Lissa got on with you well.
Maribelle was the next mentioned, followed by Sumia, and Ricken…
It didn’t take long to notice his fascination seemed solely focused on the wealthiest of the Shepherds, rather than the whole of your friend group.
He had little interest in Frederick, Vaike, or Stahl…at first you wondered if it was because they were men…but then you realized they weren’t exactly of “noble” birth.
But you opted to ignore it, since he would let the subject go whenever you expressed interest in speaking of something else.
But then he would invite himself into meetings or conversations when you were standing next to them.
If Maribelle and Ricken were talking about strategies for rebuillding the Ylissean economy, it wouldn’t take long for him to appear and start to engage the pair and leave you behind.
Baking with Sumia? He was an excellent baking assistant (for Sumia).
Planning pranks on Virion with Lissa? He had just the thing to really get under the archer’s skin…
It was becoming stifling.
The one thing you were grateful for was that he never seemed able to get close to Chrom, as hard as he tried.
You supposed you had Frederick to thank for that. He didn’t seem fond of your choice in boyfriend, even though his only flaw was he seemed to be overly curious about the wealthier individuals.
“I’ve been meaning to ask…” You had him on a walk one afternoon, doing a lazy patrol of the camp while they set up for the night. “Are you happy with me?”
He seemed genuinely stunned when you asked that, a bewildered smile on his lips.
“Why, whatever do you mean? I find myself enraptured with you more and more with every passing day.”
“I would be inclined to believe that, if I didn’t find you gallivanting around with practically every other Shepherd except for me.”
“What? I’m certain that’s not true.”
“Whenever I’m with Lissa or Sumia, you’re chatting with them like I’m not there. And if Ricken comes over, you’re slinging your arm around his shoulders and carting him away before I can even say hello! It’s a constant issue.”
“You’ll have to forgive me, my dear. It was never my intention to do such a thing. Besides, I think you’re overreacting a bit. I’m just trying to get to know your friends better. You want me to have a good relationship with them, don’t you?”
“Sure, but…” You hesitated, finding it difficult to pull the words together. “But it seems like you’re only interested in a few of my friends. You don’t seem to be interested in Stahl, or Donnel…Frederick is an excellent man to befriend, but you turn your nose up when you see him! A-and that’s not to mention Panne, Tharja or Libra…it just seems like you’re only trying to befriend them because they’ve got notoriety, whereas the others don’t.”
“Hah…it seems I wasn’t as careful as I thought.” Your beau sighed, running a hand through his hair, “You see, Robin, it isn’t false that I want to spend more time with your friends and colleagues who are of noble birth compared to others. But I have a good reason for it!”
“Really?” You quirked an eyebrow, already unimpresed with his confession.
It had already felt as though he was using you to step over and connect with the wealthy. Outright admitting it wasn’t something you were pleased to hear.
“I am doing it for us, Robin! You see, we don’t have the opportunities afforded to those who are of high social standing. If not just you, but the both of us are highly regarded by those in the upper echelons of society, then it will only result in upward mobility for both of us!”
“I can understand that, but…I’m friends with them because they’re good people. Not because I wanted to become a noble, myself.”
“It’s certainly very commendable that you can think that way, Robin, but I’m afraid that’s naïve. You have no idea what it’s like to suffer through challenges that nobility simply breeze past! If I- that is, if we- can move forward and garner that notoriety, think of how much better our futures will be! And the future for our family!”
“Our fami-” You stuttered, eyes blown wide, “What on earth are you talking about?! We’ve barely been together for a few months! You want to have a family with me?”
“Of course! You’re an excellent tactician, and you know so many wonderful, affluent people. It will be to our advantage if we marry!”
“Um…I…think I need to take a walk.” You moved away from him, holding out a hand to stop him when his mouth opened in protest. “Alone, please.”
When you moved away from him, you felt quite shaken. Perhaps it was because you were feeling so out of sorts that it was clear on your face.
You received a few odd looks from other Shepherds, but it was Frederick who expressed the first concern.
“Robin,” His voice was gentle, but loud enough to draw you out of your thoughts. You looked up at him not realizing you were looking deeply troubled. “...Are you all right?”
“Yes, I am, I…” You trailed off, glancing back. The soldier you fancied had already run off somewhere. Likely to chase after the nobles, or maybe sniff out Chrom.
“You do not sound certain.” He was not convinced, “Would you like to talk about what’s troubling you? Perhaps I could be of assistance.”
“I’d hate to bother you with it. It’s…rather trivial, really. And it involves my courtship.”
Frederick did not hesitate, waving a dismissive hand. “I am your ally and friend, above all else. If your relationship troubles you, I wish for you to feel safe enough that you can confide in me.”
The two of you headed away from the camp, finding a peaceful patch of wildflowers to take a moment and enjoy the quiet.
He could practically see the discomfort radiating off you, and it did make him worry about what was going on.
Thankfully, it would not take long for you to explain what the issue was.
“He’s…he’s a good person, I think. We get along more often than not, but lately it feels like he’s not looking to spend time with me.” You sighed, resting your chin on your palm, “It feels like he’s using me to get close to others.”
“Others of notable rank.” Frederick added. You glanced over at him, and he shrugged. “It is not subtle, Robin. He is not as careful as he thinks he is.”
“So you suspect ulterior motives?” Your question was met with a ready nod, the man just shrugging in response. “I asked him about it. He said he’s trying to get close to the nobility for both our sakes. He wants our ‘family’ to have an easier life, an easier path than what he and I have as…non-nobles.”
Frederick had worked very hard to suppress the choke when you said the word “family”. 
“I see. And do you intend to…settle down with this…individual?”
“I don’t know what I intend to do.” You shook your head, “We’ve only been dating for a few months! We’re nowhere near serious enough for that to have crossed my mind. But it's clear he wants it, and if he’s trying to do all this, er, connection building with the royals and nobles of Ylisse, then…I don’t know, maybe it’s good?”
“But if you aren’t looking to marry him…”
“There's no reason for him to say all that.” You huffed, “I don’t know what I want. The way Lissa and Sumia talk about love, it seems like they’re sure. But when he spoke of marriage and family with me…I don’t know, it didn't make me feel sure.”
“It is certainly a conundrum.” Frederick agreed with you, looking up at the sky. “If you wish to hear my point of view-”
“-Which I do-”
“-I do not believe that he is pursuing the nobility with good intentions. I do not mean to speak ill of his character, but he is not the first nor the last to use others as a means to build his reputation.”
“So you don’t think that he’s doing it for ‘us’?” 
Frederick hesitated, looking at you for a long moment. “I do not wish to demean his character, especially when he is not able to defend himself. But…I do not feel that he has the right intention. His actions betray his words, Robin.”
You looked away, frown deep. “Yeah.”
He felt that he said something wrong in that moment, finding a twist in his heart when he saw the hurt in your eyes.
“I did not mean to upset you. I just…I have seen this behavior before. There are many who would find ways to get close to the nobility to enrich themselves. Many friendships and relationships have been broken in the name of self preservation.”
“It makes sense.” You agreed, though you were still unable to really look at him. Frederick wanted to reach out, to hold your hand or put a comforting arm around your shoulders, or…anything to alleviate that pain.
“I’m sorry. And if it is any consolation, I may not be correct- if you speak with him again, perhaps he will tell you his true motives or-”
“No, I don’t think so.” You shook your head, “He does push me away when he gets a chance to get close to one of the Shepherds he wants to speak to. And he’ll forget me in a conversation to focus on others. I went along with it for a while because I didn’t want to deal with the fallout, I guess. But the fact remains that he’s…definitely not with me for me.”
Frederick sighed softly, finding the confidence to at least put a hand on your shoulder. You leaned into his touch, still distraught, but welcoming of his comfort, at least.
“I’m sorry, Robin. I hope that by telling you these things, it does help you more than harm you.”
“Thanks, Freddybear.” You smiled softly, even if he did roll his eyes. “It’s always comforting to know you’re looking out for me. I value your opinion greatly, even if it doesn’t seem like it, sometimes.”
“Most of the time.”
“Perhaps, yes.” You laughed, if only for a few sweet seconds. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you, staring out at the moonlit flowers. “Well…I suppose I ought to get it over with sooner rather than later, right?”
“It doesn’t have to be tonight. You’ve dealt with enough stress as it is. Some rest may do you quite well.” 
“I suppose you’re right,” You agreed, but the conversation had to pause suddenly when the sound of hurriedly crunched leaves reached your ears.
You both turned to find Chrom all but rushing through the thicket into the valley with you, and he heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the two of you.
“Thank the gods, you’re both here. Robin, are you aware that your, er, partner is waiting outside my tent?” 
You shared a look with Frederick. “No, I wasn’t. Why is he…?”
“I don’t know. I was dozing off one moment, and the next he was standing at the entrance asking if I’d like to discuss politics and strategy and whatever else- I-I don’t even know what, but I just laid there and stayed silent for fifteen minutes, and he still wouldn’t leave!”
“Ah.” You shook your head,  earning a sympathetic look from Frederick. “I’ll go have a word with him, and after that, hopefully you won’t have to worry about dealing with his antics ever again.”
“Sounds good.” Chrom’s shoulders dropped with relief, “If it’s all the same, do you mind if I stay here a little while, Frederick? I snuck out the back of the tent and I don’t plan on going back if he’s still going to hover at the entrance for a while. The man is…creepily determined.”
“Understood, milord.” Frederick rose to his feet, offering his hand to help you up as well. 
You nodded to both of them, “I’ll go handle this right now. If I don’t come back, it’s because I’ve collapsed in my tent out of sheer exhaustion.” 
“Please let me know if you need anything, Robin.” Frederick said, his hand still lingering in yours. “Oh, and…if I may…”
“I want you to know that I would never take you for granted, or use you for my own ends. I respect you, and value you too deeply to ever allow that to happen.”
“O-oh…um…” You blushed, stunned by the sudden admission. Your hand slipped away to nervously tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, “Well, thank you, Frederick. That means a lot.”
You lingered only a moment longer before you headed off to complete your less than enjoyable task, leaving the two men to watch after you in the dark.
Chrom glanced over at the knight, who seemed keen not to lose sight of you.
“That wasn’t exactly subtle, Frederick.”
“I am aware.”
“What happened to playing the long game?”
“There is no game to be played, milord.” Frederick smiled softly, “It is only my wish to seize this opportunity, to become closer with Robin now that it has presented itself.”
“I wish you luck, my friend. Though I doubt you’ll need it- she does tend to have a strange taste in men. You ought to be courting her in no time.”
“Milord, please.”
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skarmoree · 2 years
The most recent fire emblem games have all been about choice. This has been increasingly clear over the years
This is partially due to the introduction of the avatar unit, a character created to be an expy for the player; therefore needing some kind of say in the story as a while, some kind of way to make a difference.
In three houses you choose which house you teach and fight alongside, but in reality your choice is in embracing tradition or forging a new path, in slow gradual reform or immediate progress. Both have pros and cons, but regardless on what you pick, there will always be a clash of ideals, a resistance against it.
Fates is very clearly about choice. Do you choose those who raised you, even though their path can be considered darker; or do you choose the ones you left behind, when you can hardly remember them? It’s once again a clash of ideals. Push for peace and hide your eyes from the darker root; or fight a war, sacrificing many to reach the rot. Either way, the losses you experience are not lessened.
Awakening’s choices stick with me.
Awakening has a stricter storyline than if or 3h, an avatar character with more of a voice than the one the player gives them, which I think is what makes the choices you do have to make all the more important.
Lucina’s Judgement. A promise to Chrom. The final blow. Time and time again, awakening asks if you want to live.
You can fight Lucina’s claims, promise Chrom you won’t sacrifice yourself, and then do so, land the final blow so it ends and everyone can rest.
It goes the opposite way too. You can accept Lucina’s judgement and let her strike you down; you can tell Chrom he can’t ask that of you; and in the face of the end you can turn around and decide you want to keep living, lay Grima to rest only for them to rise again in a thousand years, for the cycle to begin anew and for others to fight the very same war you’ve fought
The narrative asks if you want to live or die.
The narrative doesn’t punish you for whatever that choice may be.
The narrative looks you in the eyes and says you can be selfish
And while it’s not a choice many players make, it’s still very important to have
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lunaede · 1 year
all the world's a stage (part one).
Where do you belong?
Frederick reaches out, sees the chaos before him and tries to comprehend it. His friends are fighting, until they aren’t.
He scarcely has a moment to catch his breath as he is transported somewhere new. This is getting old, quickly, and Frederick not for the first time this entire quest is feeling helpless. Useless. Nervous. He wants to reach out, tries to say something to anyone (his mouth opens and he tries to call out to Laslow, to Byleth, to Ephidel, anyone) — but they are all the same; confused, alone, utterly out of control. He feels like nothing around him is real, the unreality of the situation is stifling.
He tenses as he hears the voice, his back straightens and he tries to look around to find it. He sees the others go to find out where they belong and all Frederick can think is: I belong with the Shepherds. I belong by the Shepherd’s side, I belong with my friends, their bonds are what makes me strong.
— but what do you do for the Shepherds, Frederick?
He swallows, and finds himself drawn to the edge of town, in a puddle of blood and hair.
And at the edge of town, the blood under Frederick's feet begins to bubble and steam. It congeals into a mass, disfigured and unrecognizable as anything human. It lunges for Frederick, a cascade of blood and rot spilling over his head. Frederick loses -3HP "ɎØɄ ₴ɆɆ₭ ₱Ø₩ɆⱤ, ₦Ø₮ ₳₮Ø₦Ɇ₥Ɇ₦₮" it gurgles before fading back into a puddle.
"You seek power, not atonement."
The words echo through and past him, and he feels the bubbling heat from the blood and the hair. He closes his eyes and inhales as he feels the damage, but does not stop. There are more questions, and for that there needs to be an answer.
The taunting voice lends him a vision, and he finds himself reach for that silver lance. Reliable, like him. The same outcome, every time. There is no alternative, Frederick is steadfast and loyal and so is his lance. He wants to reach for it, but he stops himself from grabbing hold.
He thinks of her again. Not for the first time, mind. There will always be Chrom, Lissa, Robin... but there will also always be Emmeryn. He can never forget Emmeryn, her sacrifice, and what she has been able to accomplish posthumously. His first friend still sings in his blood and for that he will honor everything she stood for.
And there is Robin. Robin, whose choice would change history. Kill Grima, bury the wretched thing, and sacrifice themself for what they had grown to care for. All because they wished for a better future. Their wish, of course, was peace and safety. Their choice sang of love.
And Frederick will do anything to keep his friends safe, even at the cost of his own life. If he could take power in his hands and mold it into what he wishes for, then there is no question about whether he has the strength to do so.
Steadfast and loyal, yes. But he is also so concerned for the future, for his friends. He reaches for the pulsing artifact that promises a wish for a price and hopes it will be enough.
Both Frederick and Hilda gain the pulsing artifact, a bright red orb full of power and promise. "Have you not yet learned?" The voice returns sounding both amused by your suffering, and disappointed at the same time. "If another believes you a villain, then a villain you shall be." At this, she laughs bitterly and the lights disappear all at once. A single spotlight flashes over Frederick, bathing him in red. A second light flashes on, illuminating a mannequin before them in green. It cowers, hands hiding its face. They can see nothing else around them. "Do you understand the role you play?" asks the voice.
If another believes you the villain, then the villain you shall be.
Frederick abhors that line of thinking. It makes him scowl, the corners of his lips curl downwards as he stands bathed in red. There are a lot of things that go through his mind. The cowering of the green mannequin in front of him begs for some sort of an answer, and he knows he is meant to give it. He thinks about the villagers who looked at him with disdain. The robes of the cult that he did not fully understand. He thinks about how the voice taunted him -- said that he sought power, that he sought not atonement.
He shakes his head. "I will not be what others believe me to be," he says to the doll in front of him. He is steadfast, he is loyal, and he will be an active member in his own story. He's seen the world look at Robin while Grima still lived within, and seen how they just smiled back at the world with kindness and hope. He's seen disdain in the form of spit at Emmeryn's feet, how she looked at them with love in her heart. He's seen Chrom stand tall, hold fast his morals and reach out to Plegia despite their conflicts, accept Tharja and Henry into their lives.
He's seen how perceptions can be wrong, and assumptions can be denounced. "I'm meant to kill you," he says softly to the would-be human in front of him. He is. That's the role he's been cast. He's not stupid enough to think otherwise. But even if he knows what's expected, he knows his heart the most, and understands the strength deep within himself. He stands in front of the mannequin and turns his back to it. He readies his stance as he looks into the darkness, seeing nothing. "I will protect you. You need not worry."
Even fate can be changed.
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felikatze · 1 year
Another thing is that Tiki (mostly the younger version) assumes she would be less lonely if she gets married to another person and has one-sided crush on Marth.
So both Marth and Chrom accidentally gave loneliness to both Tiki and Robin. Oh... to be a blue-haired protagonist with a dragon's unrequited love.
yeahhhhh.... from the sidequest it's very obvious that the younger tiki doesn't understand what "marriage" really is. she just thinks it means you get to stay with someone you love forever, so of course she picks marth. she doesn't even know what a wife is, dude.
it's like she managed to pick up on the heteronormative ideal that romance will "complete" you. she's afraid of being alone because she already knows she's going to outlive all of her friends. the older tiki indulges her because she remembers being that young and afraid, but she has already moved on from her grief. the older tiki never gets a real romance, but it's fine for her. she's not lonely. Even if marth & co are dead in her time, she's made new friends, and the memories of her old ones can still keep her company.
it's also obvious that marth only indulges her in that older brother playing pretend sort of way. at first he doesn't want to do this cuz, yknow, he's a married man, but agrees when the older tiki explains it'll just give the younger tiki a happy memory. in that way he also figures out that the young tiki doesn't "get it", she just figures it'll make her happy.
it doesn't even matter whether her feelings for marth are romantic or not. It's just a puppy crush that kids have. none of them would actually ever marry her.
In how the sidequest handles it, i don't actually mind young tiki being on the bridal banner. it's just playing dress up, and everyone knows that.
i guess the difference here is how tiki ajd grima cope with the whole thing. tiki could've obviously never ended up with marth for many many reasons, and the older tiki knows that. she's lived for so long now that people come and go, none of them staying in her life forever. she will hold onto their memory and look to the future in their name. i saw this comic where older tiki reassures younger tiki she'll be loved through the ages no matter what... it's really sweet. even if it's not romantic, tiki doesn't need it. she's still loved.
grima on the other hand. well first of the circumstances are different in that marth probably died of old age so tiki had a lot of time to grow out of her puppy crush and face the inevitability of death. grima murdered chrom with their own hands cuz of validar and immediatly caused the apocalypse over it.
like. when he dies robin just Snaps. everybody die now. the attachment is different cuz the two are mentally the same age and can conceivably end up together. regardless of maritial status, the two are best friends and incredibly close. additionally since none of the shepherds were present at the scene, none of them would know he didn't intend to kill chrom, so they'd just see "robin has betrayed us and is grima now" and cut ties, so now robin has no other friends either.
the parallel is very funny though. dragons just love this bloodline, huh. especially funny since a main theory is that grima was created from the blood of earth dragons. medeus' weird homunculus nephew also wants some of his killer's descendants.
it's also triple funny that i talk about tiki not understanding what marriage is here because grima not knowing what marriage is is a plotline in the next part of out of the labyrinth that i'm writing rn. it's just one of those fics where the most stupid thing possible will always happen, and it's very very funny to me.
this reply got once again very long. thank you for the ask!
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grcndmaster · 1 year
"Prithee, tactician esquire! A fellow Bloodfurious Ravager recognizes thine mythical presence! Behold!"
Sliding down his halfglove, Owain reveals to Robin his pride and joy: his brand. Now that it has returned to him, he wears it with confidence. It is the irrefutable proof that he's Chrom's nephew and, more importantly, Lissa's son. It is a living reminder that no matter where his adventures take him, that simple fact never changes.
"We can exchange our words later, but first, a warning. An imposter walks among us." Lowering both hand and voice, Dark steps closer. He wants none but Robin to hear his words, sensitive and delicate as they are, "Try not to overreact, but the Fell Dragon has marked these grounds as her home. She has used your name and face (er, kind of? It's... A little complicated) to blend in with the students..."
"But hold! I know your arm of justice quakes for revenge! We mustn't act too soon... Facing her now would be throwing a pebble into an active volcano. Let's bide our time and gather our strength, so that we might push a gigantic boulder to plug her hole!"
The manner of speaking is absolutely familiar, and Robin would be lying if he said he's not pleased to see Owain once more. He's less pleased with the words currently coming from his mouth, of course, but that stands to reason. His eyes pass over the brand on the other man's hand, registering it, cataloguing it amid the things he, honestly, already knows but appreciates the refresher on, and move on, up toward his face, reading his expression and searching it for anything that might indicate these words are more of the fanciful imaginings of Lissa's son's overactive imaginative worldview.
No... no, he looks serious. Robin just nods, not wanting to say too much openly, especially if these words have the weight of truth to them.
He does not overreact, thank you very much, but he does treat this warning with the seriousness it deserves. He reacts exactly as much as is appropriate.
"I... see. I certainly won't stand for any imposters, but I've detected no sign of such a threat while I've been here." Which, admittedly, hadn't been long. Still, scoping out a new place of employment is just good practice. "You'll need to tell me more. Not... not here, I think. But I'll want to know all that you know."
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faroreswinds · 2 years
I know the first hour of a vg isn't quite representative of actual team size, but the results in comparison with actual ahr-votes is really interesting this time around. During voting, SEdel had three times more votes than LVeronica, but the first hour results show SEdels team not even being twice the size of LVeronicas (5 million points to 3.2 million). Similarly, NinjaCamilla and Hegelgard both had approximately the same ammount of votes (around 7 thousand), but first hour results shows (1/2)
Camillas team being more than twice as large as Hegels (5 million to 2 million). Valentines Chrom had three thousand more votes than ReOphelia, but Chrom scored slightly less than Ophelia in the first hour (3.2 million to 3.5 million). Fomoortis also has the largest team in the vg despite getting 4000 less votes than SEdel. He also had twice as many votes as ReGrima during voting, but his team appears to be less than half the size of hers (5.2 million to 3.6 million). (2/2)
There might be a real chance for L!Veronica here. It would be quite the upset- in the history of AHR, no first seed as ever NOT made it to the final round, and no eighth seed has made it past the first round.
But there is still a sizable difference, so L!Vero's army will have to be smart. If S!Edelgard's army is large enough, even if L!Vero has the final multiplier, Edelgard could tank those points.
I do find it interesting that the Demon King, who is the second seed, actually had the initial largest army. I don't know if it's the largest army now, but it was for the first round. That's pretty interesting, imo.
Demon King the new face of FE!
Camilla having a larger army that F!Edelgard is no surprise. People don't want a common pool unit on their banner, or even as the free unit. So even those who don't care about Camilla will join her army just to smite the evil. Although... Camilla is honestly a sleeper unit. She's really fucking good, even better than S!Edelgard imo. She just doesn't have that galestorm niche, but honestly Camilla is an enemy-phase terror unit. She just stands there...menacingly.
Personally, I do hope Ophelia makes it past the first round. I already have Chrom. I need the fodder from the annoying child.
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convxction · 2 years
"Lord Chrom", the tone already tells she's bothered about something, brows furrowed and an uneasy grip around her closed parasol. "I found the Sage, have you seen them? Evelyn went to meet them with some new beautiful clothing she had made, I so hope they got the wrong idea about her. What ever will I do if she returns upset… " love for her older sister mixed with the worry of being misunderstood knowing Evelyn's…peculiar choice of fashion design. (forces mhyk au on u forces mhyk au on u for-
unprompted <3 | @lunarcry
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“Sofia,” the young man turns to face the other. “You found the ... O-oh, right uh, hold on.” he may have noted her peculiar way of talking but that does not mean that it will not flip some wires for him when she talks. It takes a moment for him to reset his assumptions about what she says vs what she means. Perhaps some view it as a nuisance but to Chrom he rather finds it unique trait of the young girl.
“Evelyn went to see the sage, yes? I have not seen Akira in a while. I was with Arthur talking over some issues but I can look for them if you want.” he’s not busy now and besides, he do need to talk to Akira, too. 
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“Heh, I’m sure the sage would not make Evelyn sad--I highly doubt he can make anyone sad for that matter ...” there was a brief moment when Chrom squinted his eyes trying to actually remember seeing or hearing about Akira being rude to someone ...yeah, like NONE. No wonder why he is the Sage--such tolerance. 
“How about this, let us go both looking for them if it will make you feel better, Sofia? Let’s start asking around first, yes? Surely Heath or Cain would know where Akira is. Come now, my friend.”
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cielospeaks · 3 months
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meme from online here
more info:
2015: my boy severin! <3 weird little undertaker of my heart. i also love jojo so i daresay my art is both 1. finding a more "me" style and 2. improving.
2016: good art vibes continue as i discovered loid this year! also more gijinkas! the lovely and wonderful maddy, jellie, and pamela! <3
2017: this year was fun bc i wanted to draw a mokouzart every moth and for the most part succeeded. my art was wonky and bad proportions but i was having fun and thats the most important thing imo
2018: my art was still bad proportions but i was starting to get more self conscious abt it. art school does that to a guy -weary emoji face- but dont be concerned there was still a lot of heart and i was getting more into storytelling in fics. hence the kasulaeg good stuff.
2019: this was def a weird time for me artwise- somehow i wasnt satisfied with how anything looked most of the time. i think just lifewise weird stuff happened too so it was really a time of change. also my art self esteem had been damaged pretty badly from art college and mobile game fans online (you know who you are). this one of rosa and kasumi is really goated tho, probably the last time ive been really happy for and actively cheering on the c y l winners. (tho i am happy for chrom/tiki/robin/corn tbh)
2020: this year was kinda me trying to get my groove back tbh. socially stuff had happened too (in 2019) but weirdly this was a big time for self discovery for me. during the job lockdown i was able to binge d q 11 and realized how fun games and fantasy anime genre has the potential to be. and i made a new friend! this treblesal is actually a redraw but i love their faces in this the best <3
2021: this year was where i felt like my groove was finally returned. minor setback of a computer crash in january aside, i started a series of an-allegroface-a-week and it was actually really fun and satisfying. in oct there was this platonic fave month which was so much fun. <3 sevil and kisumi are one of the awesome results of it! (not the brotp but the artwork)
2022: i feel like this was such a big year bc of n w h but thats just silly. but at the same time its kinda true lol. my creative kick for aime tachi was back, along with a need to go to d l and a sense of right and wrong which had been tested over the years. sure its gotten me nothing but trouble but im still a bit glad for it. i also decided to get creative w shading and pencils, and found that thin pens work a lot better for antonio's luscious locks. and that meant a very cool trebletonio drawing for his character day! <3
2023: 2023 had a lot of good content imo, it was hard to choose just one. but its gotta be the monty one man. i spent the whole year working on it no joke. more weird stuff happened last year but i do think i made steps to improving at art. that being said i have more unfinished artworks than schubert has unfinished symphonies (thats not saying much. he has one.)
2024: this year is only halfway done and so far ive drawn some things(tm). but i had to give it to mokouzart, i love these little freaks so much. notably this year ive started drawing the shines in characters' eyes? i like drawing them w the quote unquote dead eyes but its nice trying this too.
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mysterynoel · 9 months
12 Days of Ficmas Day 11 - What We Tell (and What We Don't)
Title: How to Tell Your Best Friend You're in Love with His Daughter
Fandom: Fire Emblem Awakening
Ship: Male My Unit | Robin/Lucina
First made: June 2020
Last worked on: September 2021
“Good evening, Robin. What brings you here at this late hour?” Lucina looked up as Robin walked into the barracks. She had placed a ribbon in the book she was reading when she heard his footsteps, readying the Parallel Falchion for any danger. Seeing him, she still stood in defense, but slightly loosened her grip on the sword’s hilt.
“I could say the same to you,” Robin chuckled. He went to join her at the makeshift table, currently covered in pieces of parchment, notes scribbled on them with a hasty hand. “I find the barracks relaxing. I can just sit here and observe, or take in the peace when no one’s around.”
Lucina sat back down, pointing to the book. “I’m reading through the books in here. There are so many, at least one of them should have something that could be helpful in stopping Grima.”
“Researching? It’s late. Perhaps you should take a break and rest for the night.”
“This is my break. I’ve spent the past few days shadowing various people in the camp. There are so many people here, and just about any of them could be the one who betrays my father. I simply cannot risk missing the clue about who it is.”
“Ah, yes, I remember.” Robin was the first person Lucina shadowed. It was hard for him to focus with her breathing down his neck while he was devising new strategies, but he figured it would help her trust him. “You’ve shadowed everyone?”
“Just about. I don’t believe Mother or Aunt Lissa would hurt Father, so I had no need to follow them.” She sighed in defeat and stared down at the closed book. “I traveled here to prevent my future from becoming reality, but I’ve accomplished nothing.”
“That’s not true. Because of you, we saved Chrom and stopped the assassination plot against Exalt Emmeryn.”
“The Exalt still died! I couldn’t save her…”
“But she wasn’t killed. You still changed something.”
Lucina looked at Robin, and he studied her face. He could see her frustration in her frown and the pain in her eyes. There was also another thing present: tiredness. Clearly, she hadn’t had a break in years.
“How about calling it for the night, Lucina? You might be able to approach this with more clarity after some rest.”
“How can I rest? I need to find answers. How else can I protect my father and prevent this future from becoming real?” “You won’t be able to protect Chrom if you collapse in a battle.” He didn’t intend for his concern to sound reprimanding, but the way Lucina’s expression shifted said otherwise. The resulting silence was only made worse by the awkward air that now surrounded them. He noticed his hand began to reach for hers in an attempt to reassure her, but he stopped it. “Perhaps we should both turn in.” Lucina gave a quiet agreement and stood up. The two of them saw to it that all the candles were out before walking back to the sleeping tents.
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Omg I’m so glad I found your new blog I was so worried for a sec 😭 could you maybe write a fic with lonqu or chrom where robin gets lost in a blizzard?
(Let's goooo it is time for angst)
Chrom: He was the first one to notice something was wrong. The prince was usually in lock-step with his wife, the two of you inseparable and happy to be side by side when on the trail.
But navigating to Ferox had been a challenge. Continuing past Ferox to the western end of the continent required more traveling in the snow. 
And when the blizzard became so severe Shepherds started experiencing snow blindness, it was time to find shelter and set up some form of camp to protect against the cold.
Chrom was halfway through helping Frederick with setting up a fire when he realized he hadn’t seen you in several minutes. Considering you’d been just behind him before the group started reconstructing camp, it was jarring to realize you’d all but disappeared.
He assured Frederick he didn’t need help trying to find you- the primary focus for the knight needed to be getting the campfires built and sustaining as quickly as possible. The prince’s sole purpose now was to try and get his hands on the tactician. The patrolees watching the outskirts of camp shook their heads when he asked if they’d seen you.
Lissa, Sumia and Cordelia hadn’t seen hide nor hair of you since camp started to be set up.
The urgency in his blood was starting to give way to panic; there was precious time that should not be wasted if you were still out in the cold. He racked his brain, trying to figure out what happened.
It wasn’t until he made it to Ricken that he realized nobody knew where you were. The most likely explanation was that you were still out there, in the cold.
Chrom took all of two seconds before he was sprinting back into the snow, shouting for you over the howl of the wind. You were in a dark coat- it shouldn’t be hard to find you.
The snow and ice was relentless, which deeply worried your husband. It meant finding you was going to be even more difficult than he first thought, and if you were struggling in the middle of it, you wouldn’t last long on your own.
You hated the cold. Being stranded in a blizzard was easily your worst nightmare.
He could hear the echoes of other Shepherds shouting after you, helping him try and locate his wife. Several minutes past; he couldn’t see the light from the camp anymore, and the torches that others had smartly carried with them were also faded and difficult to see in the whiteout.
It carried on for ages; you were nowhere to be found, and you weren’t answering any calls. Chrom was frightened. The panic persisted, until a bright red flare rocketed up into the air; a fire spell that signified something was going on.
His heart skipped a hopeful beat; had someone found you? He trudged through the heavy snow as fast as he could, heading towards the direction of the flare. 
A small group of Shepherds had already gathered, some of whom were frantically shouting orders and others were taking off their coats, forming a group crouched in the snow.
His hope was extinguished when he made it over; they found you, but you were unresponsive.
You were unconscious in the snow; according to Stahl’s strained voice, you were face down.
Chrom all but forced his way into the center, ripping off his cape and winter tunic. Ice bit into his wool undershirt; it was nowhere near enough to keep him warm.
But your lips were blue and your eyes hadn’t opened. You were a heavy, limp body on the ground.
“Robin!!” His voice cracked, throwing the clothing over you and wrapping you as tightly as he could with aching hands. He was the one to lift you up, carrying you back to the camp with the group of Shepherds frantically rushing ahead to inform the others what had happened.
“Hold on, Robin- j-just hold on a little longer-!” He whispered through chattering teeth, tucking your head against his neck. Your nose was all but frozen, the touch of your skin sending shivers rocketing down his spine. It felt like he was carrying a block of ice. It horrified him.
When he reunited with the army, they were all ushering him towards the healing tent. A heated cot was already prepared, Ricken and Lissa casting a number of charms over it to try and resuscitate you.
With the cleric’s help, Chrom stripped away your wet clothes, leaving you in little more than undergarments that were spared from the unforgiving snow. He laid you down on the cot, and instantly you were showered with blankets and thick woolen things, healing and warmth spells being cast over you from head to toe.
Chrom refused to leave your side. 
He was stuck to the bedside, finding your chilly fingers beneath the blankets and grasping your hand as tightly as he could. He rubbed it anxiously, hoping the friction would at least help with the process  (though not nearly as much as a healer’s efforts would). 
The following hours would be excruciatingly slow, but they were not without results.
Bit by bit, color started returning to your face. He could feel the heat returning to your extremities, your hand warm under his. Libra was the first to note that your breathing had deepened…you would be unconscious for a little while longer, but what was important was that the worst of it seemed to be over.
The prince had to fight to keep tears from spilling over. 
He stayed with you in the warmth of the healing tent, watching as your expression eased, as though you were simply taking a nap rather than being thawed out from a harrowing collapse in the snow.
Eventually, thank Naga, you came to. Your hand shifted in Chrom’s, alerting him that you had regained some consciousness.
Your eyes fluttered slightly at your name. Chrom leaned forward, squeezing your hand tighter. 
“Robin, are you awake?” 
Your brow furrowed and you frowned, starting to shift beneath all the blankets. 
“Cold?” He repeated, standing up. “Y-you’re still cold? Hold on- Libra!!” He shouted for the healer, who was quick to return back to the cot.
“Robin’s conscious! What a relief.”
“She said she’s cold.” He informed Libra urgently, and the priest looked troubled.
“There are not many more supplies we can give her- perhaps the spells aren’t strong enough. Milord...perhaps you can be of assistance.”
“Me?” He looked back at Libra, who gestured for him to get under the blankets with you. Realization dawned on his face.
“Body heat is an excellent way to try and warm up another person in a pinch; seeing as we’ve exhausted most of our options, I thought this would be a more prudent method to help Robin warm up.”
“Of course.” He nodded and quickly shucked off his boots and armor, making himself as accessible as possible to you given the situation. Chrom hurried under the pile of blankets, coming to your side in the tight quarters that was a single medical cot. 
It didn’t bother you that the space was tight; you actually preferred it. As if magnetized to his warmth you drew close to him, welcoming his tight embrace when his arms came around you. He held fast, blushing softly when you tucked your face into his neck. You were, at least, much warmer than you were before. 
“Is this better?” Chrom asked you quietly, and you nodded, curling your fingers into his tunic.
“Good.” He whispered, holding you as close as possible. “We were all so worried about you. What happened to you?”
“I-I got lost…I couldn’t s-see in the snow…” You managed, the tremor in your voice suggesting you still needed some good warming up. He squeezed you closer. “I thought I was with you, b-but it was like I blinked and everyone was gone.”
He grimaced, “I see. It’s not surprising, given the severity of the weather we ran into. I’ll make sure to stay closer, next time…to think I let you out of my sight for even a moment in that weather…it’s more my fault than anyone else’s. You’re not used to navigating snow, let alone in conditions like that.”
“Let’s just…not go through s-snow anymore.”
Chrom smiled to himself, stroking your hair. “No more snow?”
“No more snow.”
“Fair enough.” He laughed softly, curling around you and making sure to keep you nice and warm. It would take a little while longer until you were back to a proper temperature, but Libra was quite relieved to see that you were sleeping soundly, the two of you having fallen asleep under all the warmth circulating between you.
Eventually you were discharged from the medical tent, with strict instructions to continue to rest in your shared tent. Should you need any extra warmth, Chrom was put on high alert to help you again if your temperature started to fall. A job he was more than happy to take on.
Lon’qu: He had a feeling the weather was going to get worse before you set out to town a few hours ago. Ferox’s winter was brutally unforgiving, and it was almost guaranteed that a few people would be unfortunate enough to succumb to the cold if they were caught unawares.
He’d warned you time and again to have extreme caution in the weather, and that if it ever reached a point that you were worried about the weather, always turn back and get home, or find somewhere warm to shelter until the worst of it subsided.
You always took him seriously, so Lon’qu’s worries were less surrounding your lack of experience or the fear that you weren’t understanding the severity of Ferox blizzards.
Rather, it was just the treacherous nature of the icy winds that had him on edge. He made sure the fire was roaring in the house, located just on the edge of town. 
It was important to Lon’qu to have that solitude, and the space and privacy that having a more secluded residence allowed. The Khan had offered lodging for both of you on multiple occasions, but he turned Flavia down, knowing full well that both she and Basilio would pester him constantly and likely conscript him for whatever Khan shenanigans they had planned.
Hearing the howl of the winds picking up outside, though…it did make him wonder if their offer ought to have been considered. It would’ve been much harder for you to get into trouble.
He heard a tap at the door, and all but sprinted to it; however there was no Robin to be found. A branch had thumped a little harder than usual against it, due to the winds.
Looking outside made his stomach flip; he could only see a few feet in front of him. The weather had turned far worse than he would’ve anticipated. 
The winter treachery was in full swing, and he wasn’t sure you’d be able to navigate it with the sheer lack of visibility that the snow provided.
He pulled on his thickest winter wear, throwing on a scarf and whatever woolen wear he hadn’t already put on (in anticipation of meeting up with you if you needed help), and made sure to grab a blanket and extra coat for you. 
Preparing for the worst was something that was drilled into his head as a child; but ever since you came home, he wanted to be prepared for any possible scenario that threatened taking his happiness away a second time.
It appeared that it was man against nature, for this particular challenge.
He hurried out the door, moving as fast as he could against biting wind that was quite literally pushing against him. He headed towards town; if you hadn’t gotten turned around by the weather and you were still trying to head back to the house, you’d likely be on the road.
The thought did occur to him that if you’d lost your sense of direction, you could be lost somewhere out in the forests. A shiver ran down his spine, more out of dread than the chill trying to eat into his skin. 
You were smart; if anything you were most likely inside a tavern or a kind stranger’s home, waiting for the weather to calm down enough for you to make it back to the house.
Lon’qu would try to spare you that trouble, marching through the snow and forcing his way through. It was halfway up his shin; and by the time the snow calmed, it would likely be past his knees.
It made the journey far more difficult, but squinting against the white and gray in search of your dark winter coat wasn’t much easier.
The purple scarf he’d bought for you in the market a year ago was the one you’d worn out on your errands, if he recalled correctly. Black coat, purple scarf. He hoped you had the hood pulled over your head; white hair and white snow was impossible to tell apart.
He knew calling for you would be fruitless; the wind would drown him out unless you were a few feet away. Instead he prayed, hoping he’d spot you sooner rather than later.
It was when he was a solid twenty minutes away from the house that he spotted a dark silhouette. Instinctively he picked up speed, breaking through the crunching snow at a faster pace.
“Robin?” He called out, and the figure stilled. “Robin, is that you?!”
In response, the figure seemed to sway. Then stumbled into the snow.
Lon’qu was running.
He raced to close the distance, identifying what he was looking for before he closed the distance. Black coat, check. Purple scarf?
Lon’qu was on his knees in the snow, nearly crashing into you when he reached the figure in the snow. It was your coat that was wet with snow, and your scarf that was covered in ice crystals. 
Wasting no time, he turned you on your back; you needed to get warm yesterday. He heaved your back up so you were sitting against him, tugging off your wet coat and worked to push your arms into the sleeves. You were completely despondent; he got to you just as you passed out.
“Hang on, Robin-” He growled, ripping off his gloves with his teeth while he pulled your frozen mittens off, shoving them onto your hands. He replaced your scarf with his own as well, before wrapping you up in the blanket he brought and lifted you from the snow.
You were heavy and limp in his arms, which would’ve been far more frightening if he hadn’t felt the shallow breath puff against his neck. 
He abandoned the freezing clothing in the snow; he’d retrieve it later. Right now, you needed to get warm. He carried you through the snow, the twenty minute trek turning into thirty between the extra struggle of carrying you and the deepening snow. 
His fingers were numb, and without the protection of his coat, his own warmth was quickly being sapped away. But that didn’t matter; so long as you were in trouble, his own safety would be overlooked until you were better.
There was no way he was going to let you slip away from him because of a bad snow. 
Lon’qu all but crashed through the front door, using all his strength not to trip over the foyer and drop you in the process. He clambered to the living room, awkwardly lowering you onto the couch while breathless and struggling to coordinate with his own freezing limbs. 
He was quick to push you closer to the fire, throwing on another log for good measure before undoing the rest of his winter clothes, which were now almost entirely soaked through.
His appendages were almost burning from cold, forcing himself away from the flames long enough to slam the front door shut and trudge back to the bedroom to change his own clothes.
Mercifully his underclothes had been spared from the ice, and he only had to spend a few more chilling moments half naked before he changed into a thick turtleneck and woolen trousers.
He grabbed an extra pair of socks and some thick winter clothes for you as well; clearly your clothing was in need of a good dry, and sitting you down in front of the fire while still soaked was only going to do so much.
Lon’qu returned to the den with a bit more blood circulating, finding you were waking back up.
He came to your side, the clothes set on the chair beside you while he put his hands on your face. Your cheeks were still cold, and your nose was pink; but the good news was that color was returning to your face, and you were at least looking at him.
“L-L-Lon’qu…?” Your teeth chattered. His jaw clenched, grabbing the sweater and unwrapping your bundling.
“I’m here. I’ve brought you some dry clothes…can you move well enough to change?” He asked carefully, undoing the buttons on the coat. 
You thought for a moment, eyebrows drawing together, but you shook your head. If you’d tried to move your limbs, he hadn’t noticed a change. 
“That’s all right. I’m going to help you.” He assured you, and quickly removed his scarf and gloves, pulling off your boots and socks before he was able to peel away the rest of your clothing. He was far more gentle with you than before, without the urgency of pulling you from the snow making him all but throw the clothes onto you.
He carefully pulled the sweater over your head, and had opted for a skirt to pull on rather than trying to maneuver your shaking legs into pants. Once you were changed into something far more comfortable, he helped the wool socks onto your chilled feet, and then proceeded to re-bundle you in a far warmer blanket that hadn’t been exposed to the elements.
The effect was almost instant.
You blinked a few times, able to open your eyes fully and look up at him. He shifted so that he was sitting beside you on the couch, opening the blanket so that he can join you underneath. 
He put his arms around you and held you to him, the heat from his own body hopefully easing your struggle. You pressed into him, your head resting on Lon’qu’s chest.
“How do you feel?” “Warmer…” You sighed softly, sounding quite relieved. “I can’t believe you found me. How…how’d you know I was in trouble?”
“I had a bad feeling about it.” He said softly, “I waited a little while when the storm started to pick up, but when it got heavier, I thought I’d meet you halfway. I didn’t know if you’d be okay or not, but…I’m glad I prepared for the worst.”
“I’m sorry.” Your voice was a whisper, one that alarmed him. You sounded teary, which was the last thing you needed after the harrowing experience you just had. “I-I thought it was okay. I turned back when it s-started to get bad, but…I just thought I could get home in time.”
“It’s not your fault. You did the right thing.” He reassured you softly, reaching up and brushing away the tears from your eyes. “You were right to turn around and try to come home. Neither of us could’ve known how bad it was going to get. Even after years of living here, it can be difficult to discern how bad the weather will be.”
“I shouldn’t have gone out at all.” You huffed, “I must’ve frightened you terribly.”
“If it was bad enough, I wouldn’t have let you go out at all. The winds just changed…it happens.” He said it more firmly, gently taking your chin so you would look up at him. “What’s important is that you’re safe. You’re still here.”
“I know…you’re right.” You nodded, sniffling softly. You buried your face in his chest again, exhaling heavily when he squeezed you closer. “I can’t thank you enough for keeping me safe.”
“Tch. Don’t thank me for that.” He huffed, resting his chin on top of your head. “Of course I’m gonna look out for you. Even I don’t trust Feroxi winters…like hell I’d leave you out there without being ready to help. Hopefully you’d do the same for me.”
“Of course I would…though I’d likely have to be a bit more strategic- maybe bring a sled or something.”
“A sled?”
“You weigh nearly 100 lbs more than me- you think I can lug your deadweight a mile from the house in that kind of weather? We’d both freeze!”
“Good point. We should buy a sled the next time we go to market.”
“Great idea,” You hummed, feeling more yourself the longer you warmed up with your husband. You smiled to yourself, “We could use it to pull meat and weapons to the market to sell, and then we can bring back groceries and things on it.” 
“Heh.” He nodded, “We could always get a donkey and a cart for all that.”
“But a sled’s cheaper, and it’s just the two of us. We don’t hunt enough to need a whole cart,” You reminded him, “Besides, once Morgan’s born, we can pull him along on the sled, and he can use it to play when he’s older.”
“...That’s a good point.” He seemed convinced, making you laugh softly. Lon’qu smiled some, relieved to hear you were back in good spirits. “We’ll get one as soon as possible. For now, though…let me go make some food. It’ll help you feel better.”
“Something hot,” You requested as he carefully peeled away, tucking the blanket back around you before he left. He nodded to you, heading straight for the kitchen.
“We still have some salted beef left- how do you feel about stew?”
“Gods, I love you.”
“Tch.” He blushed brightly, quickly turning away to hide the blush that his bright red ears readily gave away. “...Love you, too.”
Mercifully, you were able to recover well during the days that you were both stuck at the house. A cleric was called once the storm let up, and informed you both that you would be just fine after a few more days of rest.
In the meantime, Lon’qu reached out to Khan Flavia about that lodging offer- at the very least, perhaps a house with some land closer to town would be a better option than risking turning his wife (and future son) to turn into ice blocks.
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twiceasfrustrating · 9 months
If Only This Tale Had No Obligations
Rating: Teen and Up Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Fire Emblem: Awakening Relationships: Chrom/Robin, Chrom/Sumia Characters: Chrom, Robin, Sumia, Lucina Additional Tags: Robin (he/him), angst, courtly love, emotional affair Summary: There are things that have to get done, roles people have to play. Chrom will play his role as best he can, even if it hurts, even if it's unfair. Even if he forces that unfairness onto Robin as well. Word Count: 578
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“Good evening Lord Chrom,” Robin bowed, then turned, “Lady Sumia.”
"Robin, please," Chrom pat his friend on the shoulder with a smile, "since when have I ever been your lord? We're friends. Forget the formalities."
Robin glanced at Sumia, who was standing at Chrom's side with hues of pink dusting her cheeks. She seemed happy to be addressed with formality, in her own shy way. She probably just liked being called Lady in response to Chrom's Lord title.
"Sorry," Robin gave a jovial laugh. "I feel like I should greet the Exalt and his wife with more than a hey there. You will both be running an entire kingdom along with peace efforts and upcoming reconstruction."
"We're still the same people we always have been," Sumia finally spoke in a calm, quiet voice. "You're our friend and nothing will change that."
Robin smiled. "Thank you, Sumia."
The three of them turned to see Lucina bounding over, carrying a basket full of plants and herbs in one hand, a hot water bottle in the other, a blanket draped over her arm, and a worried expression on her face.
"Mother, you need to lie down."
"Lucina," she gave her grown daughter and friend a motherly smile, "I'm not even three months along. I'm fine."
An uncharacteristic nervousness overtook Lucina's blue eyes. "But what if-"
"Are you worried about your sibling?" Chrom finally asked.
"Neither of us…" She shifted on her feet, leaning Falchion away from her parents, "We both lost you before."
"Oh, Lucina," Sumia placed her hand against her daughter's cheek, "we aren't going anywhere this time."
"I know, but-"
"Chrom, Robin," Sumia looked at both of them, "I'll walk Lucina back to her quarters. If you'll excuse us."
"Of course." Robin gave the two a shallow bow.
"Be safe you two," Chrom added.
Then the two of them watched as Sumia guided Lucina back to her room.
As soon as their backs vanished along the horizon, Chrom reached out his hand, wrapping it around Robin's wrist and gently holding on. "Robin…"
The man pulled his hand away abruptly, but kept his expression neutral. "I was unaware that Lady Sumia was already carrying Lady Cynthia."
Chrom withdrew his hand back to his side. "We learned not long ago," he said, casting his eyes downward. "We were waiting to share the news publicly, but it seems you've learned earlier than everyone else. Sorry."
"I knew it would happen someday." After all, it was hard to deny when he'd met the very product of their marriage fully grown and stumbling her way through the battlefield. "Congratulations. I mean it."
"Don't," he said curtly. "You married. Out of duty and obligation, yes, but you still married all the same. You're lucky she's a good woman and that both of your children grow into wonderful young women. I'm happy for you both."
"I still need my advisor if we're going to make a better world for all of them." He turned to look into his friend's hazel eyes. "If you'll stay by my side."
"That request isn't fair." Robin sighed. "You know I won't go anywhere."
"Thank you." Chrom reached out again, this time finding that Robin didn't pull away. "I'm sorry…"
"Apologize to Lady Sumia. You should have gone with her and Lucina." He hesitantly let his fingers curl around Chrom's and imagined for just a fleeting moment that there was no such thing as a duty for him to uphold.
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robynmizore · 1 year
Redemption Chapter Five
The Picnic From Hell/The Prickly Prince Has a Playful Side?!/Face Your Fears
The Summoner let out a small yelp as Ricken crashed into her, almost knocking her off her feet. 
“What’s wrong?! Is there an invasion?!” she exclaimed. 
“No.. yes! ..Maybe?” Ricken hunched over, panting. “Commander Anna’s called an emergency meeting and she wants all heroes there!”
Frowning, Robyn hurried after him. The next battle wasn’t supposed to be for several days, so what was going on? All the other heroes were already gathered in the meeting room, including the new summons Chrom, Lissa, and Flora’s sister Felicia. Commander Anna was standing at the front, her expression grim as she addresses the army. 
“A very serious matter has come to my attention that needs to be addressed immediately.” Alfonse said somberly from where he stood next to Anna. 
The heroes exchanged uneasy looks as their commander marched over and slammed her hands into the table. 
“You’re all working way too hard! Therefore, we will be taking a trip to the beach for mandatory relaxation!” she declared. 
“Mandatory.. relaxation?”
Niles raised an eyebrow as Anna swept on. 
“We leave this afternoon! Please have your things ready by then. Dismissed!”
The quiet meeting room broke into excited bustle as everyone talked amongst themselves. Robyn found herself just standing there, stunned. She’d been expecting invasion, or a change in their plans for battle. A vacation had been the furthest thing from her mind. Since joining the Order of Heroes, she hadn’t  even taken a day off. 
Do I even know how to do that? she wondered as she listlessly made her way to her room. 
Felicia’s gleeful call made her turn as the maid ran towards her, carrying a black garment. But before she could reach the Summoner, Felicia tripped over the edge of the fabric and tumbled to the floor. Alarmed, Robyn hurried to help her up. 
“Are you alright?!”
”I.. I think so.. Oh, why am I such a clutz?!” the ditzy maid whimpered, hoisting herself up. She thrust the object into Robyn’s face. “Present for you from Alfonse! He said you don’t like taking that cloak off so he had Flora make a waterproof one so you can go swimming too if you want!”
”I see.. Well, thank you Felicia.” Robyn said, taking the cloak from the beaming maid. 
“Uh-huh! I’m going to go help Flora and Jakob with the cooking! Anna says we’re having a picnic. Buh-bye!”
With a wave, she was off, her pinkish auburn hair bobbing behind her, and the Summoner ducked into her room to change. 
I hope her cooking is better than her balance..
”We’re here!” Felicia sang, stumbling a bit as she helped Jakob and Flora lay out blankets on the sand. The other heroes milled around excitedly, all donning swimwear. Even Takumi, and while he’d brought his beloved Fujin Yumi, he also had an ocean colored fishie bow strapped to his back, and Robyn couldn’t help but giggle at how adorably carefree he looked. A faint flush made its way to the prince’s cheeks. 
“What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing.” she responded simply. “I’m just happy to see you smiling so much.” 
The flush intensified, and he quickly cleared his throat to compose himself. A dreamy look took over his as he gazed out at the vast blue sea, the ocean breeze tugging at his long, tied up silver hair as the waves lapped gently at the shore. 
“Isn’t it great?” he said, startling her with his unexpected enthusiasm. “The sun.. the sand.. the sound of the waves.. This is paradise! I’m definitely taking a long swim before we go home!”
The glow in his eyes was infectious, and a soft chuckle escaped Robyn’s lips. 
“You’re adorable.” 
She couldn’t resist saying, and the Hoshidan was reduced to a stuttering boy. 
“H-hey now..”
”Time to eat!”
Sharena’s call interrupted them as Felicia carried over the picnic baskets, and by some miracle, managed to set them down without tripping. 
“I’m sorry you had to do all the cooking, Jakob.” Flora sighed. “I had my hands full making swimsuits for everyone.”
Jakob frowned. 
“Um.. I didn’t do the cooking. I was busy with other preparations. I thought you did the cooking.”
Flora visibly paled. 
“If.. if we didn’t do the cooking.. then that means..”
”Oh no..” Jakob groaned, and their eyes turned to Felicia. 
“Eat up everyone! I made it myself!” she said proudly, unveiling the contents of the basket. 
“What.. is it?” Frederick asked cautiously, eyeing the strange foods in front of them. 
“Oh, just some new recipes from this book I found! I followed them to the exact so they should be perfect!”
The heroes exchanged skeptical glances at the array of food in front of them. The tuna sandwiches were absolutely soaked in a red juice. The salad (?) was deep fried for some reason, and there was an odd red paste on the blueberry pie. But.. if Felicia said she’d followed a cookbook to the exact..
”Agh!” Ricken spluttered, coughing after biting into one of the sandwiches. “They’re soaked in cranberry juice!”
Similar groans sounded from the other heroes.
”This tastes like dirt!” Takumi exclaimed, then his eyes widened. “Is.. is it actually dirt?”
”I-it’s deep fried salad with dressing!” Felicia stuttered her reply. “A-and tuna sandwiches with cranberry juice! And blueberry pie with tomato sauce. I know I did it right! I followed the cookbook exactly!”
”What. Cookbook.” Jakob growled out each word as its own separate sentence. 
Looking mystified, Felicia sheepishly held up the book labeled “The Ultimate Guide to Cursed Food Combinations.”
”Felicia! Surely you couldn’t be so foolish!” Jakob scolded while Felicia looked bewildered. 
“B-but Henry said curses were good!” she protested, and all eyes turned to the white haired mage, who quickly put his hands up in surrender. 
“Not those kind!” he exclaimed. “I meant the fun stuff like hexes! And blood magic!” 
“Now what?” Jakob grumbled as the others exchanged uncertain glances. “Dinner’s ruined and we don’t have much else with us at the moment unless we plan to eat sand.”
”Yeah! Let’s make sandwiches!” Henry cackled, and Ricken rolled his eyes.
”We could hunt.”
Robyn turned to see Takumi, who had come over to stand beside her, his fish bow slung over his back. His normally sharp reddish hazel eyes had softened to a light yellow hazel, something Robyn noticed only happened when he was happy and relaxed.
”A hunt would be a good idea.” Alfonse concluded. “The ocean’s right there after all.”
”I’ll start the fire!” Ricken volunteered and Alfonse began to divide up the rest of the group and assigned everyone jobs. 
“We’ll need something like dried moss  for the fire.” Alfonse turned to Robyn. “Mind gathering some?”
”Of course.”
”I’ll tag along.” Takumi chimed in. “It’s not safe to go into the forest unarmed. I can help keep an eye out for enemies.”
Robyn just nodded, stifling a giggle as they made their way into the woods. 
Oh yes! Takumi and his rubber fishie bow would definitely terrify the enemy!
Robyn carefully tugged the dried moss gently away from the tree, then the pile next to her steadily growing. The sounds of the forest drifted around her, relaxing her. Even the most seemingly mundane tasks were enjoyable when you had a friend to share them with. Casting a mischievous glance at Takumi, who had his back turned as he gathered moss from another nearby tree, Robyn pulled some more moss from the tree and rolled it into a mini ball and hurled it at him. It landed accurately in the middle of his back, missing his silver ponytail as it disintegrated, covering his back with specks of green. Takumi jumped, then whirled around to face her.
With a playful glint in his eyes, he rolled a ball of his own and flung it at her. Laughter erupted from Robyn’s chest as she quickly dodged to one side and took off into the woods with the prince hard on her heels. 
“Get back here!”
While he seemed to be trying to muster up an intimidating tone, the Summoner didn’t fail to miss the amusement they shook his voice. Now grinning, it made her run even faster until the trees were just a blur. It was strange to see the Hoshidan acting so carefree, and Robyn was determined to savor every second of it as her legs worked furiously on the leafy dirt to outpace him. Gradually, the footsteps behind her ceased, and Robyn took the chance to duck behind a tree and listen. 
I don’t hear him anymore so maybe-
Her thoughts came to an abrupt halt, and she squeaked in surprise as strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind and she was lifted in the air and pinned on the forest floor, her back pressed against the ground as Takumi hovered over her.
”Did you really think you’d get away with that?” the prince teased, waving a moss ball in an exaggerated scolding motion. “Now it’s payback time!”
”No! Get it away!” Robyn wailed, playing along as she pretended to feebly bat his hands away. 
“Nope!” he smirked, crumbling up the moss and scattering the debris all over her cloak. “This is your punishment!”
Satisfied that they were now both covered in green plant, Takumi smiled smugly down at the Summoner, who’s body quaked with giggles. There was something about them playing like children that made it impossible to stop smiling. 
“Hey Robyn? Are you guys done getting the moss yet?”
The pair started as Ricken’s voice sounded close by, and the mage stepped out of the trees.
”Alfonse and Chrom caught plenty of fish and I was thinking of grilling… them..”
The mage trailed off slowly as he gaped at the pair, his face slowly turning scarlet.
”I’M TOO YOUNG FOR THIS!!” he yelped, bolting into the trees, leaving the prince and the Summoner staring in confusion. 
“What was that about?” Takumi frowned, then glanced down at Robyn.
Their eyes met, and Takumi suddenly froze, blushing profusely as he quickly leapt off her. 
“S-sorry!” he blurted out, stopping to snatch up his moss. 
Robyn followed suit, dumbfounded. 
What the heck has gotten into him?
She glanced at him from time to time as they walked back. There was a flush on his cheeks, and he was looking anywhere but her. When they got back to the beach, Ricken was sitting stiffly with the others by a pile of wood, his face still white as a sheet. 
“Oh-ho.. What happened to you two? You’re looking a little dirty.” Niles sneered. 
“Get your mind out of the gutter.” Jakob snapped as he took the moss from them. 
The crimson on Takumi’s face had intensified as he shouldered past Niles, earning yet another snicker. Robyn sighed, then went to sit beside Lissa, Felicia, and Caledori. Everyone made small talk as Ricken used his fire magic to grill up the fish. Niles was still donning his signature devilish smirk as the group all passed around the fish. 
“Finally some good food.” Jakob grunted, the other heroes chatting amongst themselves.
Takumi was sitting by himself away from the others, and in a moment of genius, Robyn pulled some ingredients from her bag and whipped together a quick miso glaze before going and sitting next to the prince.
”Oh uh.. hey.”
He coughed awkwardly as he shuffled over to give her more room on the log. He was still avoiding eye contact, and a soft sigh escaped the Summoner’s lips as she picked up her chopsticks, plucking up a piece of fish and dipping it into the miso glaze and holding it out to him. The redness started creeping up his neck again.
”What are you-“
”Try this.” Her tone was gentle, devoid of the awkwardness from earlier. “Just trust me.”
”Um.. okay.”
Mystified, he leaned in and accepted the bite, his eyes widening in recognition. 
“Is.. that miso sauce?!”
”Mhm! I made it myself.” she responded, cheerfully placing the bowl between them. “Let’s share it.”
While his face was still flushed, the smile he gave her was genuine, and it made her feel warm as they finished the fish in a pleasant silence. When everyone was done, Anna grinned and started laying out blue water tomes in front of everyone.
”What’s this?” Ricken asked, inspecting his curiously. 
“Just a fun idea Sharena and I had.”
Anna and the Askrian princess smirked.
”We’re dividing you all into groups.” Sharena said, clapping her hands together. 
“Me, Alfonse, Commander Anna, Flora, Jakob, Chrom, Cherche, and Lissa will be team one. Team two is Robyn, Takumi, Niles, Ricken, Caledori, Henry, Laslow, and Gregor. Frederick will referee.”
”Referee what?” Chrom asked, looking bewildered as Anna chuckled. 
“Our all out water battle of course! Once you’re hit you’re out! Last team standing is the winner!”
Takumi’s eyes gleamed competitively, but Jakob just scoffed. 
“Hmph. As if you’d ever succeed in making me play such a ridiculous game-“ 
He broke off as a wave of water slapped him across the face, drenching his front shirt and hair to the point where it now resembled a mop. 
Niles snickered as he donned his water tome.
”Sorry, what was that?” he taunted. “I didn’t quite catch that.” 
Jakob’s eyes narrowed dangerously as he brandished his water tome. 
“Oh it is on!”
Felicia was the first to be taken out unsurprisingly. Both teams had been narrowed down to Alfonse, Jakob, and Chrom while the second had Robyn, Takumi, Niles, and Ricken remaining. The four were expertly hidden behind a large rock, carefully planning their next assault. 
“”I’ve got a plan.” Takumi said, drawing some stick figures in the sand. “We’ll have Robyn and I attack from the sides. Ricken, you’re up front. Niles, you sneak up from behind to catch them off guard while we have them distracted.”
”I normally don’t take orders from anyone who’s not my liege. But since you asked so nicely..” Niles drawled, earning an eye roll from the prince and a shudder from Ricken. 
“Here they come.. right into our trap..” Takumi murmured, peering out from behind the rock to carefully observe the trio making their way towards them, following the footsteps they’d cleverly placed in the sand. 
“That’s my que..” Niles whispered, slipping away into the brush. 
When Takumi nodded, Ricken got into position while Robyn and the prince crept in like hunters from the side. 
“I think we’re getting close.” Chrom said. “The footprints lead over here.” 
“Finally.” Jakob grunted. “We can put a stop to this childish game.”
”I don’t know Jakob.. you seemed awfully into it.”
There was a teasing note in Alfonse’s voice, followed by a scoff. 
“Preposterous! I just want to win so we can end all of this.”
“Uh-huh, sure.”
Robyn heard Takumi mutter, then signaled with his hand. The pair burst from the bushes beside them and fired. The trio whirled in surprise as Ricken attacked from the front and managed to take out Alfonse, who threw his hands up in defeat. 
“Ah, a sneak attack! Very clever.” Chrom chuckled as he dodged.
”Clever indeed, but not enough!” Jakob chimed in, launching an attack of his own. 
Robyn and Takumi managed to dart out of the way, but the water struck Ricken in the chest. 
“Aw, damn it!” he huffed, staring in dismay at his dripping chest. “Guess I’m out.”
”And then there were two.” Jakob remarked, and Chrom took a battle stance. 
“Think you can withstand our super attack?” Chrom chimed in. 
“We won’t need to because you won’t survive ours!” Takumi countered slyly, and before they could even blink, two water balls shot out from the bushes behind them and struck the pair in their backs with deadly precision. 
“What the-?!” Chrom started, then sighed in defeat and glanced at Jakob apologetically. 
“I guess that’s what we get for being too cocky.”
”Team one has been defeated! Which means Team Two is the winner!” Sharena cheered, and Takumi pumped his fist with a cry of triumph. 
Bursting with excitement, Robyn threw her arms around Takumi’s neck, almost knocking him off his feet as she tackled him into a hug.
He froze in surprise as he quickly caught her, and she immediately felt embarrassed. 
I hope I didn’t overstep..
But to her utter astonishment, Takumi laughed and lifted her into the air, spinning her in a circle. 
“You’re going to give me a run for my money with your tactical skills.” she said when he set her down. “Embla had better watch out!”
”Guess I’ll have to help you plan the next battle.” he responded. 
Evening fell, and the heroes were all gathered by the fire, sitting in a circle. They were chatting amicably amongst themselves as Niles stood up, his eyes dancing with mischief.
”You know what a lovely night like this calls for? Ghost stories.”
”G-ghost stories?! No way! Those are lame!” Ricken retorted. 
“Why not? You scared?” Niles shot back, and the mage blanched. 
“I-I’m not scared! Only kids get scared of dumb fictional stories!” 
“Ah, but this story isn’t fiction.. it’s fact.” Niles chuckled, and stood up and sauntered into the middle of the group, lowering his voice to a sinister murmur. 
“It all started on a calm, summer night, just like this one. There was a nasty old witch who lived in a cave isolated on this very island. She was so vain, so obsessed with beauty and youth that she resorted to.. darker methods to preserve it.”
Ricken and the others listened with baited breath as the story went on, even Takumi who was trying to maintain composure. 
“Legend has it if you go into her cave at night and your reflection in the shiny walls looks grotesque, it will come out and drag you onto the wall where you’ll be trapped forever. Meanwhile, the witch will take on your appearance, luring all of your loved ones right into the cave where..”
Niles paused dramatically for effect before snarling 
“They DIE!!!”
Startled gasps escaped the circle as Niles cackled wickedly and snuffed out the fire abruptly.
”Goodnight.. sleep tight.” he sneered as he waltzed to his tent. 
A foreboding silence hovered over the group, finally broken by Felicia’s nervous giggle.
”W-well that was fun! G-guess we should head to bed now!”
The others mumbled in agreement, hesitantly making their way to their tents. Not far off, the entrance to the cave further up the beach glowed ominously in the moonlight. Robyn sighed as she settled into her tent. She had secretly enjoyed the story, and once in awhile she got a thrill out of scaring herself with horror stories before bed. The other heroes on the other hand, were left quite jumpy. 
I have a feeling this is going to be a long night..
Strong hands on her shoulders shook her awake, and it was still dark out when she opened her eyes to see Ricken crouched over her, his pupils as wide as full moons.
”I-It’s real!” Ricken gasped out in panic. 
“What’s real?” Robyn asked, frowning as she sat up. 
“The ghost! Niles wasn’t joking!”
Robyn was instantly alert, her interest piqued. 
“You saw it?”
”W-well no, but I went into the cave and-“
”You went into the cave?!”
Now Robyn was impressed. While he’d never admit it, she knew the story had shook him to his core, and she hadn’t expected him to be so.. bold. 
“M-my reflection was glaring at me! It was horrifying! I got out of there as fast as I could b-but what if it comes after me?!”
Robyn stood, smoothing out her cloak and tucking her Briedablik under her arm as she started towards the entrance of the tent. 
“W-where are you going?!” Ricken yelped. 
“To confront the ghost.” Robyn replied nonchalantly. “If there’s a threat to the army, I want to make sure it’s dealt with properly.”
Ricken followed her as she walked towards the cave, pleading. 
“D-don’t go there Robyn! She might try to get you too!”
”Get who?”
A familiar voice interrupted, and they turned to see Takumi stepping out of his tent with a yawn. For the first time, his hair wasn’t tied up in its usual style, but instead fell down his back, loose and free. Robyn gazed at it in wonder, distracted until he started to tie it up into his usual spiked style. 
“Robyn’s going to confront the witch in the cave!” Ricken informed him in a trembling voice. “Talk her out of it please!”
Takumi scrutinized her, and Robyn straightened up boldly. While he couldn’t see her eyes, she knew it was clear she wasn’t going to back down easily. 
“Nope. She’s not going to listen to me. She’s too stubborn. 
Robyn just smiled. 
“Well, if you’re all done bickering, I’ll be going now.” 
Robyn paused as Takumi fished around in his tent, pulling out his bow and a lantern. 
“I’m coming with you. If I let you go alone and something happens, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
”I-I’ll come too!” Ricken blustered, and they fell into step on either side of Takumi as he lead the way into the cave. 
Robyn stifled a giggle at how jumpy Ricken was, flinching at even the slightest sound.
”T-that’s where I saw it!” Ricken said, pointing at the glass like walls up ahead. 
Takumi rolled his eyes as they started walking by the shimmering glass like walls that seemed to give off their own eerie glow, muttering under his breath.
”I’m not afraid of the dark, or “haunted” caves, or my creepy reflection staring back at me following my every step-“
The prince broke off, his eyes widening as he leaped away from the wall shouting
”Takumi calm down-“
Robyn tried to console him, but the prince wasn’t listening as his Fujin Yumi glowed in the dimly lit cave, firing arrow after arrow. 
Unsure of what else to do, Robyn grabbed the prince firmly by the shoulders and pressed him up against the wall. Takumi’s face flushed crimson as the bow fell from his hands and the Summoner leaned in until she was almost nose to nose with the Hoshidan. 
“What are you-“
”It’s. Just. Your. Reflection.”
She felt her tone soften as she looked into his wide eyes, and slowly stepped back, moving to stand next to him as one hand rested on his shoulder. 
“Look, see? It’s just distorted by the grooves in the walls.”
Hesitantly, Takumi and Ricken looked into their reflections, the realization dawning on them.
”Hey, we’re the scary monsters! There’s no witch! Robyn’s right!” Takumi exclaimed as he picked up his yumi with an embarrassed chuckle. 
Ricken looked sheepish as well, mumbling 
“I feel like a dumb kid now.”
”Can.. this just stay between us? I think I’ve humiliated myself enough.” Takumi asked, and Robyn just giggled.
”Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. But let’s get back to the others before we’re missed.”
”Right!” Ricken agreed a little too quickly. 
Takumi sighed, smoothing his damp hair back into place as he gazed out across the ocean. He’d just finished having a good, long swim and had already packed up his things. 
This is the life.. I’m going to miss this place.. he thought regretfully, sitting down on a large rock as the waves lapped soothingly around him. 
He wanted one last look at the ocean before they headed back, wanting to memorize every last detail. A blue glint caught his sharp, hazel gaze, stealing his eyes away from the sea of vast blue. Something was caught on the rock, glowing brighter than the sparkling seas as the prince stooped to pick it up, dangling the chain in front of him curiously. It was a beautiful, dragon shaped necklace, unscathed by the ocean, and when he touched the shimmery blue heart shaped stone in the middle, it filled his chest with a strange warmth. A smile made its way to Takumi’s lips. He had no need for such trinkets, but he liked the foreign warmth that flooded him by just touching it. 
Where did you come from..? he asked it silently. 
With great care, Takumi tucked it into his pocket. 
He had a strange feeling it would be very important later. 
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ajentmm · 1 year
CYL 5 Refine Theorycrafting
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Okay, I’m doing it. Is it to early to discuss and theorycraft the refines for these four heroes? These four were chosen by democratic polling and given the finest skills of their time. What difference do they face compared to powercreep of two years? The earliest heroes to get refines, aside from CYL4 were Remix heroes and Special heroes with perf. weapons. It was Mila from 3 months earlier, and Legendary Edelgard, Bramimond, and Spring Idunn from 4 months earlier. As for regular heroes, it was Tanya and Eyvel from 9 months earlier. If you asked me this time last year, I would say, “ CYL 4 (The Three Houses Special) could be refined, but CYL 5 (Gatekeeper ft. Marth) is fine, we could skip it for next time. Sure Marianne and Gatekeeper are underpowered due to their new experimental gimmicks, but the other two are usable.” That statement has changed as we now have 2-5 new heroes that work better than these four (minus their unique abilities). 
The short answer, these four can be improved, but it will sting that the will be cutting the line so far ahead of everyone else. CYL 6 is still great and they definitely can skip next year’s scheduled refine (I say before seeing how over powered CYL7 will be). 
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Eirika: Pledged Restorer 
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 39/40/42/28/24 Max Invest 45/46/48/33/29 
Binding Reginleif: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against armored and cavalry foes. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30%, and also, if unit initiates combat, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks. 
Luna – Surge Sparrow - Moonlight Bangle - Atk/Spd Menace 
Moonlight Bangle: Enables [Canto (2)]. Neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat. Deals damage = X% of foe's Def when Special triggers (X = unit's max Special cooldown count value × 10, + 20). 
Brave! Erika is a tank busting cavalry that use her Special to bust through foes’ Def and heal herself after her special triggers on her NFU infused follow-up attack. She even had a 30% damage reduction on the first hit before that was common, so she can use that hit to charge her special and heal up the differences. The issue she had at the start was surviving that first hit if the foe’s counterattack deal a lot of damage, mostly through specials. It was dumb that she was almost built to beat Fallen!Edelgard but she can’t survive Edelgard’s Bonfire. Equipping the Armored Blow seal can keep her alive, but that’s not included any stat bonus.  
And now, we got two melee cavaliers that can counter F!Edelgard. B!Seliph also adds True Damage based on foe’s Def, NFU, Canto, and passive Miracle (which is like infinite damage reduction). B!Chrom has armour effectiveness, infinitely stackable state bonuses, Canto and “sort” NFU. So what Erika needs is more stats (namely Def/Res) and more DR, which is easy to add, but she can have more. What does Erika want? 
Binding Reginleif: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against armored and cavalry foes. At start of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat, reduces damage from foe’s first attack by 40%, and also, if unit initiates combat or unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe’s follow-up attacks and prevent unit’s follow-up attacks. 
Alright, she now gets 40% instead of 30%, and she get full NFU, both when initiating and on enemy phase if she’s faster. I figured if the other two have it, she can get it too. 
At the start of turn, if unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grant “Unit can move 1 extra space” and [Dodge] for 1 turn. 
Yep, four movement cavalry! this is what would definitely make her special. Since Ephrim has two ults where he gets +1 movement, one being his duo that comes with Reginleif, it would be fitting she would get it too. Additionally, she’s getting [Dodge], the Bonus that she and her bother introduced in their child duo alt. This can furth increase the DR to 56%, so long as she has more Spd than the opponent.   
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat × 2 + 3, max 11), and also, if Special triggers (excluding area-of-effect Specials), deals +5 damage, restores 7 HP to unit (Triggers even if 0 damage is dealt.), and neutralizes "reduces damage by X%" effects from non-Special skills. 
And now, we kill things. Erika now gets a +11 to all her stats if she (or her opponent) attacks after moving 4 tiles away. If she’s above 25%, it’s whopping +16 in total. That +16 is for more damage, taking less damage, and winning the Spd check for follow-ups, NFU, and Dodge, while beating her foe’s Spd checking skills. At base, she is 58 Spd, which is enough to out Spd a dozen cavalries and armored units . . . not enough to beat most “God-Swords”. Thankfully, she can make Luna (or any special) a DR neutralizing Special attack. Pretty epic. And as the cherry on top, since Erika has been associated with Aether with Engage, I gave her some more true damage and self-healing, when she triggers her special. This is for the rare chance you don’t want to run Moonlight Bangle, or more likely chance you don’t want to run Swift Surge and make her a mixed-phased unit by inheriting Atk/Spd Catch or Atk/Spd Clash. 
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Marth: Prince of Light 
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 41/41/43/32/25 Max Invest 47/47/49/37/30 
Genesis Falchion: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against dragon foes. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat, and also grants effects based on the total value of bonuses on the 3 allies with the highest bonus totals: If ≥ 10, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat. If ≥ 25, grants an additional Atk+5 during combat, and also, if unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 5 HP to unit. (Triggers even if 0 damage is dealt.) If ≥ 60, if foe initiates combat, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack. 
Shinning Emblem – Distant Pressure – Spurn 3 – Even Tempest 3 
Shinning Emblem: At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants unit Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 for 1 turn and grants allies within 2 spaces of unit Atk+6 for 1 turn. Boosts Special damage by 35% of unit's Spd. After combat, if unit's Special triggered, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 to unit and all allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to allies even if unit's HP reaches 0.) 
Boy, that’s a lot of text. Brave Marth is finally here. He is a mixed phase sweeper with a new Distant Counter, Spurn, the new movement buffing skill Even Tempest, and an improved Fire Emblem from his Legendary form, that fully buffs himself at the start of turn, buffs his allies Atk, and then boost damage by 35% of his Spd, to then boost everyone’s stats after combat. His weapon got AS and dragon effectiveness, and grants +5 to all stats. What’s more, it grants multiple effects based on buffed up his allies are, and its global buffs too. He gets NFU if two of his allies get his Atk+6. He gets +5 attack and 5 healing on hit if one ally gets +6 to all stats. He then gets Vantage if 3 allies get +6 to all stats. This means Marth needs to initiate, trigger Shinning Emblem on the follow-up, and then he can vantage tank. Alternatively, Marth can wait near his allies, take one hit, counterattack with 1 charged Shinning Emblem, then he can vantage tank the rest.  
This kit is built like a house of cards. If Marth can’t safely initiate, he can’t trigger his special, he won’t get vantage. If Marth can’t Spd tank one of foe’s attack, he can’t trigger his special, and he won’t get vantage. If the foe has Guard, he needs Tempo or Special Charge. If he has only 2 allies on the field, he’s never getting vantage. Compare this to Fallen Bylth, who just needs HP>25% and more Spd than the opponent, and her Divine Pulse boost both her first and second attack by 25-20% of Spd, while adding 75% DR. So what Marth needs is some less restrictive conditions that can allow him to get those effect more easily. Additionally, we need to deal with Panic, and Lull-type skills, as they can completely ruin Marth.  
Genesis Falchion: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against dragon foes. If unit initiates combat or is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat, and also grants effects based on the total value of bonuses on the 3 allies with the highest bonus totals: If ≥ 5, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat. If ≥ 15, deal +5 damage during combat, and also, if unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 7 HP to unit. (Triggers even if 0 damage is dealt.) If ≥ 35, if foe initiates combat, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack. 
So, the change I made here is reduce the value necessary for these basic effects. Now NFU is granted if 1 ally to receive the Atk+6 buff. The now modified “Finisher” skill requires 3 allies to receive the Atk+6 buff, and Vantage requires 2 allies to receive the All+6 buff, or 3 allies to receive a Dual+6 buff from other sources if need be. 
At the start of turn, if unit’s HP ≥ 50%, grants the following bonuses to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn based on the number of allies (excluding unit) whose HP ≥ 50%: If ≥ 1, [Null-Panic] If ≥ 3, [Bonus Doubler].  
Well, I figure if we are going with a furth stacking of Bonuses, to the determent of late turns, the two bonuses Marth wants, [Null Panic] and [Bonus Doubler], are going to make his team even more dangerous on the first turn, but weaken his ability to buff the team the more his allies fall. One hurt ally, and no bonus doubler for you. If Marth gets too low in damage, which can happen with Distant Pressure, and you lose both bonuses. What else can he do? 
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = bonus and penalties active on unit + highest bonus on allies within 2 spaces. Calculates each stat bonus and penalties independently.), reduce damage from foes first attack during combat by Y% (Y = total value of bonuses active among the unit or allies, Max 60%), and also, if Y ≥ 5, neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat. 
I didn’t include “Neutralize penalties” as a bonus because I wanted him to be ran with L!Robin or Unity skills. So, I made it so he gets bonuses based on penalties he has but not x 2 like the other skills. I added bonus doubler in the weapon itself for extra stats, and included getting the highest bonus on allies, for when his bonuses are nullified during combat. Then I gave him damage reduction based on the total amount of bonuses he and his allies within have. To reach the max of 60%, he needs All+6 and he needs two allies to get All+6. If his bonuses are neutralized, he can rely on the third ally. In addition, if he has Null-Guard, so he can actually trigger is Special. So, yeah. This is just the dumb idea I had. I.S. will likely give one or two of these benefits, while having more simple conditions. They might give NFU or Null-Guard without the need for Bonuses at all. They could also not use [Bonuses] and put Bonus Doubler or even Treachery in his weapon if they want to make it easy while keeping those that provide those Bonuses relevant as you can then stack the effects.  
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Marianne: Serene Adherent 
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 38/40/41/17/35 Max Invest 44/46/47/22/40 
Phantasm Tome : Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 50%, inflicts Spd/Res-6 and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and also, if unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 70%. 
Requiem Dance - Atk/Spd Unity - Null Follow-Up 3 - Time's Pulse 3 
Requiem Dance: If unit initiates combat, after combat, grants another action to ally with the highest HP within 2 spaces (excluding unit) that has already acted. (Once per turn.) (Allies with Sing or Dance can be granted this effect as well. If multiple units meet the conditions, effect will not trigger.) If an ally is granted an additional action this way, inflicts "restricts movement to 1 space" on that ally (and their Pair Up cohort). 
Oh Marianne. My darling angle. I’m so proud you’re here. . . . *cough* 
Brave! Marianne was very unique hero, as she was a dancer that had her “dance” in her special, functioning like Galeforce, but passing it on to her ally with the highest HP out of those in 2 tile radius of her. The unfortunate downside is that that foe is restricted to moving 1 space, similar to Legendary Leif, Gullveig, and likely “Brave Gullveig” when she comes this year. It crazy that we’re getting an alt of her before we find out who she really is in the story, cuz we’re dealing with a “I’m Squidward” type situation her. Also, imagine if she had Requiem Dance tied to her weapon. 
As for the other downside, which we will be improving in a similar way to L!Leif, is the inconsistency of triggering this skill in combat. She has Time Pulse and NFU in her kit, but with this being a 3-cooldown special and her weapon not having Accelerate Special, she needs to hit the foe two times, or just tank the counterattack. She can’t do that if the foe dies in the first hit. L!Leif got past this by having Quicken Pulse, which can be combined with S Drink to precharge his 3 cooldown to 1 cooldown, then having Null Guard so he can trigger it on the first hit. Leif also got some more damage based on the foe’s Atk. So, let’s go a bit with that. 
Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 50%, grant Atk/Spd/Def/Res +4 to unit, inflicts Spd/Res-6 and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and also, if unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 70%. 
At start of turn, if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4, deal damage = 15% of unit's Spd, neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat, and after combat, if unit attacked, restore 7 HP to unit and allies within 2 spaces. 
There you have it. Time-Pulse + All stats +4 + True Damage + Null Guard + a nice bit healing to herself and her allies, to remind us she is a healer. It’s a solution so easy, it’s like I.S. planed for it from her introduction. And I did include Special charge only at the start of turn, rather than after combat like Time Pulse 4 because her Special only works once during player phase. You can use this to nuke with Glimmer if you don’t want the dancing gimmick, or you can replace Time Pulse 3 in her kit with a Smoke skill or Oath 4 skill, if you don’t mind having to plan on who you attack. You can also upgrade her NFU to the fancy new Magic NFU for Reduced Damage Reduction. Of course, I.S. could also give her AS or Special Charge +1 instead of this Time-Pulse + Null Guard. We will have to see. 
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Gatekeeper: Nothing to Report 
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 41/37/17/40/36 Max Invest 47/43/22/46/41 
Charging Horn: Grants Def+3. Grants Atk/Spd+5 to allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit during combat. The following effects will occur based on the number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit: If ≥ 1 ally, inflicts Atk/Res-X on foe during combat (X = number of allies in the area × 2; max -6). If ≥ 3 allies, foe cannot make a follow-up attack. (If unit is within 2 spaces of a structure that a foe can destroy, the number of allies in the area is treated as 3.) 
Harsh Command+ - Close Reversal - Detailed Report - Joint Drive Def 
Detailed Report : Foes with Range = 1 cannot move through spaces adjacent to unit. (Does not affect foes with Pass skills.) Foes with Range = 2 cannot move through spaces within 2 spaces of unit. (Does not affect foes with Pass skills.) Foes cannot warp into spaces within 4 spaces of unit. (Does not affect foes with Pass skills or warp effects from structures, like camps and fortresses in Rival Domains.) 
“Greetings Summoner, nothing to report, thou I should inform you that my refine is a two months.  Being a Chose your Legend winner was a shock to me initially, but I figured it was the only why I would have come to Askr. Although, Brigand Boss has come as a GHB so that could have been my option.  I hope this upgrade will make people think of me as more than a joke. What do you think would make me better?” 
Well, humble Gatekeeper, I believe I.S. made your kit to keep allies safe from unexpected battles in enemy phase, and then support your allies in their battles. After that, you are just gonna stand in Aether Raid defence teams and “not die”. You’re not supposed to kill anyone, just hold the line. That’s why your magic attack has you “summoning” the people of Garreg Mach Monastery to fight for you. It is funny that your Detailed Report comprise of Bulwark (which can’t be inherited by ranged units) and Warp Bubble (which L!Mrryh is the only other unit that can do that, but there’s good odds that Warp Bubble will be an inheritable C skill in the future). To me, that just me you need to (1.) improve your defensive ablity so the time will always have your Detailed Report and in-combat buffs, (2.) buff your allies in a unique and effective way.  
Charging Horn: Grants Def+3. Grants Atk/Spd+5 to allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit during combat. The following effects will occur based on the number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit: If ≥ 1 ally, inflicts Atk/Res-X on foe during combat (X = number of allies in the area × 2; - 2; max -8). If ≥ 3 allies, foe cannot make a follow-up attack and inflict Special Charge -1 on foe per attack. (If unit is within 2 spaces of a structure that a foe can destroy, the number of allies in the area is treated as 3.)  
Okay so, Gatekeeper is getting another –2 Atk/Res if on ally is in range, and when all the allies are in the range, or he’s near a structure, he’s getting Guard in addition to Follow-up Prevention.   
At start of turn, any foe is within 3 columns or 3 rows centered on unit, grants [Charge] to allies within 3 columns and 3 rows centered on unit for 1 turn. Inflicts Spd/Def/Res-5 on foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit during combat. At the start of combat, if unit’s HP>25%, grant Atk/Def/Res+5 to unit and reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Def (excluding area-of-effect Specials) during combat, and also, if unit attacked, restore 10 HP to unit after combat. 
Alrighty! Now we talking. Seeing as Gatekeeper is wielding Charging Horn, I must give out the [Charge] bonus, giving his allies the ability to move 3 tiles up or down, ignoring movement or terrain cost. I thought [Pathfinder] on only himself could have worked to, but this is more fitting. In addition, the AoE in-combat penalties further help himself and his allies. This would give any foe that fights him in peak condition Atk-8,Spd-5,Def-5, and Res-13. He then gets 20% Def Ture Damage Reduction. with his own stat buffs, he effectively gets +18 damage and takes -22 damage. Finally, there’s 10 HP restoring after combat. With the Bulwark skills, they also restore 7 HP, but with this 10 HP healing, it only works if he attacks, meaning he need to keep Close Reversal on him if you want him to heal after getting attacked by a melee unit. Of course, if you want Gatekeeper to kill the opponent, he still needs Quick Repost seal, and get a Special Charge effect as well.  
 And with that, my prediction for CYL 5 refines. What do you think about these? It’s been a full year since my first blog post discussing CYL 4 refines and I’m getting closer and closer at understanding the game designers think, and I’m getting better at writing in general. I hope you stick around with me on this journey. 
Oh, and one final announcement. TIME TO REVIAL BRAND INTERGATION!
The LORDS & SWORDS Podcast is a new(ish) show, staring a good and boisterous friend of mine, my more socially adapted brother, and me. I even did the art for it. Give it a listen, please. 
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vulpiximisa · 5 years
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these are old but I was going through @unfo11owmep1z Ephrom tag (finally found someone else that appreciates the ship...) so i decided to share these
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starlitangels · 2 years
@floofdeloop has held a headcanon since before I joined the fandom properly and was still shyly lurking in the tag that mates wear rings so... yeah. 1.8k words (Psst! Zozo, this is the Sam/Darlin’ fluff I was telling you about!)
“That’s new,” Sam remarked, nodding down at my hand. I looked down.
“What, the ring?”
“Yeah. You’re not much one for accessorizin’.”
I shrugged. “Not practical when I tend to not get any warning before needing to shift.”
“So what’s with this one?” Sam wound his fingers between mine and raised my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles.
I shrugged. “Unmarried mates don’t have to wear rings to show they’re mated, but some of them do. I don’t know if you’ve noticed that David does. Ash and Milo too, actually. And all their mates. David’s kinda traditional that way, and... well. You’ve seen the way Ash and Milo fawn over their mates.” I let my eyes fall to the ring. “Guess I just...” I shrugged. “It’s simple, it’s not particularly fancy or expensive but... I like a small display to remind myself that I’m wanted.”
The look in Sam’s silver eyes softened. “Oh darlin’,” he whispered gently, wrapping me up in his arms and holding me close. I still hadn’t gotten over the feeling of safety and comfort that came with being held by someone who was stronger than me, for once. Sure, David was stronger than I was—and Asher might have been too—but I’m pretty sure both David and I would rather kiss a venomous snake than hug each other.
Maybe that wasn’t quite the case anymore, but I still felt less than no desire to hug my alpha.
“Why are you making a whole thing out of this?” I grumbled into Sam’s shoulder.
“Because it means somethin’ to you,” he replied. “So it means somethin’ to me.”
I groaned a little in complaint. “It’s not a big deal.”
Sam chuckled. I felt it in his chest. “I think it is a big deal and you’re pretending it’s not.”
He was right but he didn’t have to say it. I scrunched my nose in irritation, wrapping my arms around him and holding him tight. I felt more than heard his chuckle of amusement as he rested a hand on the back of my head.
“I want you for as long as you’ll have me, darlin’,” he said quietly.
“You may regret that statement later,” I pointed out.
“Not if it’s you.”
“Sam! I wasn’t expecting you. What’s up?” Vincent asked the second the door to his house opened. Vincent’s silver gaze clocked Sam nervously picking at his nails.
“I found out yesterday that shifter mates wear rings, and I figured I’d ask for... advice.”
“From me? The guy who was unempowered before he turned?”
“Not on magical culture, dumbass,” Sam retorted. “I... I was thinking about getting one myself. My partner said I didn’t have to, but I... I think it’s important. It’s a big deal to them and they don’t wanna admit it. I’m sure it’d mean a lot to them if I wore one too.”
Vincent’s face split into a wide, bright, gleaming smile. “Ahhh. So you did come to the right guy after all. C’mon inside.” He opened the door wider and beckoned Sam in. Already considering regretting asking Vincent’s advice, Sam crossed the threshold. 
The front door shut behind him with a sense of finality. This was happening. He was committing to this.
Sam Collins of a year ago would have been terrified. Sam Collins of now could not be more determined and excited.
“Okay,” Vincent said as he led Sam into the living room and scooped up a tablet where it had been sitting on the sofa cushions. “My number one priority when choosing rings for any occasion is style. Do you want a beveled edge? What do you want it to be made out of? Durability versus safety. A tungsten ring will shatter before it warps around your finger but it also oxidizes fast and loses its shine. Gold is super malleable so the purer it is, the less likely it’ll retain its shape even though it looks amazing.
“And do you want something engraved on it? Inside? Outside?” Vincent slid a silvery ring with a gold stripe running around the center and passed it over for Sam to inspect. “That one’s cobalt chrome. Same stuff aircraft is made of. It’s durable but maintains its shine. It should also shatter before warping, which is ideal in case your hand ever gets smashed. Look inside the band.”
Sam did as instructed.
Everything 07.10.20 was carved into the inside of the band. Sam scrunched his eyebrows and looked up. “Huh?”
“The promise I made to be with my partner through everything, and the day we met,” Vincent explained. “That’s the only ring I wear every day. All the others are interchangeable. That’s the one I value the most. It’s not the most expensive ring I own by any means, but it means the most to me.”
Sam nodded in understanding. “I see,” he said. He handed the ring back. Vincent slid it back on.
“It mostly comes down to personal preference, but I’m more than happy to go over stuff with you. I have a friend in the city who’s a jeweler if you want something super custom. And I’m sure William has a random assortment of gemstones from throughout the centuries that he’d be willing to let you pick a little jewel from if you want.”
“That might be a little much.”
Vincent shrugged. “Up to you.” He waved the tablet in his hand. “Come sit down. Let’s look at some options.”
Sam sighed and followed his brother to the sofa.
The ring I’d started wearing was silicone. It would tear off if I had to shift at a moment’s notice. It wasn’t particularly expensive and I’d bought a bunch of spares.
But I’d started to get used to it. Twisting the simple black band around my finger when I was thinking. Feeling like something was missing when I left the house without it. Given it was silicone and I wasn’t particularly concerned about tarnishing it, I’d fully stopped taking it off for most things and just left it on.
I found myself fidgeting with it while I sat at the pack meeting. I’d tuned David out a while ago without realizing it or meaning to. When my attention span snapped back to the here and now, I blinked hard and shook my head—and caught Asher and Milo both casting “furtive” glances toward my hand. Irritating as it would be to put up with their teasing, I didn’t take the ring off. Nor did I hide it with my other hand. Just kept twisting it around my finger. If either of them had a problem with me wearing it, I’d beat them both up.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. I slipped it out of my pocket and peeked at it, trying to be subtle and unobtrusive.
Sam: Meet me at mine after your meeting?
I replied with a thumbs-up emoji. A promise that I’d send a more adequate reply later but acknowledging I got his text.
I spent the rest of the meeting antsy. Sam probably just wanted to relax with me, but part of me was nervous. Had something gone wrong? Was he okay? His clan? My pack? Had he heard something from William from one of William’s hundreds of contacts? My thoughts did nothing but spiral as I sat there, staring through the whiteboard David was standing in front of.
Once the meeting was over, I didn’t stay to chat. I definitely avoided Asher and Milo as they tried to head me off on my way to the door. I was a bit quicker than both of them and slipped out.
Swinging a leg over my motorbike, I gunned its engine and left the security office behind.
Twenty minutes later, I was shoving the kickstand with my foot in Sam’s driveway. He was sitting on the porch, long legs extended down the stairs, leaning back on his hands. Cowboy boots, faded jeans, plaid flannel unbuttoned over a T-shirt. The usual.
“Everything okay?” I asked, yanking my helmet off. Trying not to look frazzled. Years of emotional suppression left me pretty good at sounding unbothered.
“Everythin’s fine, darlin’,” Sam said.
“Just wanna chill?”
He shrugged. “Little more’n that,” he said. He sat up properly so he wasn’t leaning back on his hands anymore and beckoned me to come sit beside him. I did, letting him wrap his right arm around my shoulders.
“What do you mean?”
“I wanted your opinion on somethin’.”
He brought his left hand in front of him, palm up like he wanted me to put my hand on top of it.
But there was a ring on his finger—the same finger I wore mine on.
I took his hand in both of mine and raised it closer to my face for thorough inspection.
It was a metal ring inset with some sort of stone around the middle. David’s was similar, but the secondary ring—the inset—on David’s was a dark, rich wood. This was a clear stone with milky, translucent veins and flecks of blue.
The metal was bright and silvery, but it didn’t look like silver. It was... too pale to be silver. “Wait—is this platinum?” I asked.
Sam didn’t answer immediately. “Part of it,” he said. “The other part’s stone.”
I shot him a look that said, “No duh, Sherlock,” and then smiled. “I figured that much out. Moonstone, if I’m not wrong.”
“Surprised you guessed.”
I shrugged. “I was one of those rocks-and-minerals kids. Got a lot of guff from Ash for always having a cool rock I found in my pocket or my backpack.” I looked back down at the ring. “It’s beautiful. But—I mean—you didn’t have to. I—I just got mine as a reminder to myself.” Only Sam being sweet could make me fumble with my words like a nervous teenager. “I mean—this looks really expensive and—”
“Darlin’,” Sam interrupted. “It’s important to you, so it’s important to me. And I like this one.” He set his hand that was around my shoulders on the back of my head. “Did it ever occur to you that maybe I like the reminder that I’m wanted too?”
I blinked a single tear out of my eye that I hadn’t realized was welling up. I raised a hand to wipe it off but Sam caught my wrist, encouraging me to just let it slide down my face.
“I love you, Sam,” I said.
He gave me a gentle smile. “I love you too, darlin’. So much.” He pressed his lips to my temple. “And the ring wasn’t as expensive as you think.”
Tag list: @zozo-01 @thegoldenlittlerose @mainhoesstuff 
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