#i need a bully refresh where he gets a happy ending
redninjaoutfit · 27 days
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just started going to this school and this is my new roommate should I be scared?
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sleepyangelkami · 1 year
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 3.1K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - basically the ask lmao. ellie, joel and reader all have dinner and a movie night, it was a tradition by now. ellie's a sore loser but she's also a bit of a softball when it came to you and joel did not stop to think before teasing her. in the end, she gives up her pride of losing for you to get a good night sleep (p.s i think that means she likes you)
 ☆ WARNINGS - fluff, stubborn ass ellie, cuddling, joel being an absolute nightmare (but it's okay because it's cute), intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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"ellie, that was your fourth round!" you all but giggled, dropping your fork as you held a hand up to your mouth so you could chew without showing off the food inside there. you and ellie had done many rounds of rock paper scissors and she still was not happy with the result. given, the fact that you had won every single one of them.
"last one, promise." though that was what she said two games ago. rolling your eyes with a soft giggle you gave joel a look who was busy rolling his own, much more used to his step daughters antics than you were.
finishing the food in your mouth, you rubbed your hands together before turning in your seat. ellie excitedly grinned at you, rubbing her own hands together only much more swiftly. "rock, paper, scissors, one, two... three!" on unison, you both shot out different hand gestures, hers being a scissors and yours being paper. you had won four out of five rounds, she had won one, just one. but seemingly that was enough for her because the competitive girls arms shot into the air and she immediately began cheering. you and joel laughed at her stupid antics while you couldn't help but adore the atmosphere in the large kitchen, so much better than your house. when you had dinners there, you didn't even converse to one another unless about school or church, this house didn't even say grace. in a strange way, it was refreshing.
she breathed out a large breath as she cracked all her knuckles causing you to cringe with a giggle. "okay, phew i got this." cracking her neck as she looked at joel who already knew he was going to win. you didn't know how the man did it but it seemed as though he won every single rock papers scissors known to man. and it was even worse knowing that the winner got to choose which movie you would be watching that night. at first, it was almost accidental how you ended up watching a movie with joel and ellie on the couch, sandwiched between them and now it was practically a ritual.
"whatever." he rolled his eyes with his, as you liked to call it, mr. texas accent. "lay it on me." as he pulled his arms out, barely even stretching. you watched intently as you plopped another chicken nugget into your mouth with your fork, ellie was the first done her dinner, then again she always was. it always surprised you too, seeing as she spent so much time talking during dinner that it seemed she wouldn't get so much as a fry inside her mouth during the duration of the time. and yet time and time again she continued to shock you and joel both, despite the fact he had raised her.
"rock, paper, scissors, one, two... three!" joel had a rock, ellie had a scissors. joel didn't hesitate to thump his fist onto the younger girls two finger she had outstretched. you giggled as she made a noise of complaint, shoving his hands away. "i need some real competition." joel fawned boredom as he turned to face you, a proud grin on his face. he always looked to you, when he joked, you weren't too sure why. maybe it was because he knew how much ellie had already heard each and every one of them repeated so often or maybe it was because he knew how easily he could make you burst into a fit of giggles.
"best of three!" she turned the older man. before he could protest, she yelled over him again. "best of three then we're done." she always was the competitive type. so, knowing his daughter and knowing the fact that she wasn't easily persuaded, he gave in. he outstretched his hands again, reading them in the fist—open palm combo. "rock, paper, scissors, one, two... three!" and suddenly while joel did paper, ellie did some, as she'd describe it, 'illegal move'. she pushed her hands to make a round and hollow circle. "black hole!" she yelled, pushing it right into his face. he swatted her arms away almost instantly, grimacing as he knocked her back onto her chair, you sat with a sloppy grin on your face, giggling at ellie who looked up at her father like a kicked puppy, she deserved it, however, for the many times she had already begged for a 'best of three' that day.
"that's not even a part of the game." he picked up his fork and began to eat again while ellie picked the sausage off your plate, knowing there was no way in hell she'd get away with stealing some of joel's food. whatever, she thought, knowing you'd happily comply. "my turn to pick again."
"Boo!" ellie cheered, almost expecting you to join in. the last time it was joel's turn to pick and he didn't give it up to one of you, he chose possibly the worst movie ever. it was some horror movie with way too much blood. as a kid, you were never really allowed to watch scary movies and by really i mean ever. sure, you heard noises coming out of ashley's room some nights when she had ellie over and they were watching some creepy movie. you always knew when they were having a marathon because the house always stunk of popcorn after, and of course the only movies ashley and ellie watched were horror films. nevertheless, when you first properly watched one it was with joel and ellie, and it was safe to say that if popcorn sat on that couch it would have been on the ground from how many times you jumped. you all but held onto ellie's arm the whole time and she couldn't deny the fact that she felt like 'the shit' when you did so. "you're literally not even playing rock paper scissors right." your brows furrowed, was there necessarily a wrong way? "you're a cheat."
joel rolled his eyes. "you can't cheat in rock paper scissors." he commented, beginning to get up and clear his plate off. you took that as your cue, shoving the rest of the cut up sausages into ellie's hand to which she didn't even spare you a glance, shoving one inside her mouth as you picked up her plate with your own, cleaning it off.
"yeah well..." she was stuck for something to say. "you did." wow. really very good job, ellie!
joel moved toward the sink, to which you instantly stepped forward. "here, i can do it." you shared a small smile with him, you were hoping to get on his good side extra today so he wouldn't pick another horror, maybe he would feel a little... sympathetic?
"thank you, daughter I should have had." turning to ellie who simply rolled her eyes, grumbling something under her breath. it only took around twenty minutes to clean up around the kitchen with joel, after everything he said, ellie found some way to turn it back to the rock, paper, scissors 'tournament' is what she called it. "i think you're a sore loser." joel commented as he pushed the chocolates and jelly bears into two separate bowls, you were standing in front of the microwave, letting the popcorn pop. you found it funny that ellie wasn't helping make anything for you knew she would indefinitely be the one to eat almost everything.
her mouth fell agape. "me?!" she turned to you, who gave her a raised eyebrow. "me? I'm the sore loser?" you shook your head, stifling a laugh at the competitive girl. "you're the one who cheated!" the microwave beeped.
you opened the door and grasped the brown bag between your finger tips. "didn't you use the blackhole?" you commented, pushing the bag into the older girls clutch so she could open it for you. after ellie saw you attempt to open it one day, holding it far away so the heat wouldn't seep into your skin, she instantly activated her 'knight in shining armor' ego and came to the rescue. "pretty sure that was cheating."
joel couldn't help but laugh at the look ellie gave you, then turned to him. "see what you've done?!" in disbelief. "you've corrupted my girlfriend so much that she's on your side!" she really was one for dramatics. rolling your eyes, you took the bag of popcorn off her, ignoring the way she was sitting on the table instead of a chair and poured the contents into one of the larger bowls. buttered popcorn, because ellie simply was that picky.
you turned around to joel who stood with a bowl of m&m's along with a bowl of jelly bears. "what movie we watching tonight, joel?" standing so your back was against ellie's arm, she moved it to snake around your waist.
he grinned at you both. "you'll see." not giving you any more context towards it. "but i think you'll like it, y/n."
ellie furrowed her brows. "what about me?" she faked offence. truly, she adored you and joel's relationship, she adored the way he already begun to think of you as his daughter in law because she was sure that she would marry you one day. so, she couldn't help but grin when you shared inside jokes with him or when he would come into the bedroom all flustered because he was interrupting a make out session, that one didn't have much to do with you necessarily, ellie just thought it was hilarious.
"you never like the movies i pick." joel excused as he left the room with the two bowels in his hands. you turned to ellie who was giving you a look, you simply shrugged with your lips tugged upwards.
the girl turned so that you were standing between her legs, her hands still attached to your waist. "can you believe this?" a mocking tone as you giggled, shaking your head. she too, smiled, despite the situation as she leaned in closer, pressing a kiss to your lips. you kissed her back, much more experienced than before seeing as she had been the very one who had taught you to do so.
the girl made a noise of complaint when you pulled away, hands still on your hips and tugging you closer. suddenly, she wished to simply skip the movie and have you in her bed. "ellie." you all but whined as she began to kiss up your jaw after realising you weren't going to give her your lips. you pushed her face up to look at you, smile gracing your lips. "the popcorn's gonna get cold."
she knew you were right. "fuck the popcorn, princess." you simply rolled your eyes and moved backwards though there was still a simper on your lips.
"no thank you." you grinned and picked up the large bowl. there was a small scowl on the girls face as she followed you into the sitting room though it quickly disappeared when she dug into the m&m's forgetting every last conversation she had. you plopped yourself down onto the middle of the couch while ellie sat at one side of you, joel at the other. he had his legs down on the ground, spread apart while his head leaned on his hand, he was such a.... dad. (a/n: idk if this makes sense i don't have a dad 💀) he glanced forward at ellie who was stuffing her face.
she looked up upon realising joel was staring. "what?" she spoke, muffled due to the food in her mouth.
giggling, you picked up a jelly bear and plopped in your mouth. "i'm starting the damn movie." joel chuckled before leaning forward and grabbing the remote. he had already put in the disk and let the introduction begin. he pressed the top button as you snuggled into the couch, head leaning against ellie's arm as it always did, the familiar sound of the dvd beginning played.
the movie was an old western movie, and when you saw old you saw old. so old that the graphics were next to horrid, however, unalike ellie you were not blabbing on about the graphics and instead watching intently with tight lips as you continued to snuggle against your girlfriend. it was a movie about romance, which you found funny seeing as you simply could not imagine joel being a hopeless romantic when he was young. however, he must have watched this movie a whole lot when he was young for he wouldn't stop talking about how much better it looked when he was young, how now it looked completely... off. "i mean, even the rock looks fake." pointed past the cowboy and to the rock that truly looked as though it were made from cardboard.
"could have told you that much." ellie grumbled, referring to the previous rock, paper, scissors game again. you slowly looked up at her to give her a 'are you serious?' look in which joel gave her the very same one. she simply grumbled once more and turned back to the tv.
the movie continued. after a while, joel and ellie's babbles began to slow down, finally. a couple times, ellie would refer back to the game from earlier with sly comments, relating it to what was playing in front of them. you had to say, some of them sounded very creative.
leaning against ellie, warmth consumed you. after a while, she had thrown her arm around you while your head sat against the side of her chest, knee's close to your own chest. joel was leaned against the back of the chair, eyes opening and closing heavily as if he were on the brink of sleep. you, however, had passed out long ago. it came to the part after the two main characters had kissed, and life was seemingly good for the cowboy and the farmgirl. however, ellie was sort of glad that you had been knocked out after gaining the warmth of her body along with the dimness of the room, only light source being the rather large tv. she was glad because if you stayed up any longer, you would have seen the scene in which the cowboy died heroically saving the farm girl and she knew she'd never hear the end of it. you were very sympathetic, in tv shows and movies, it was astounding how many times you cried watching the same damn movie over and over again. ellie never understood how, she could get the first time but when you watched the same movie over and over, very same plot, able to quote any and every line from the movie, you knew what was destined to happen and yet you sat with tears in your eyes every time, it never failed to shock her. which, you could say, was what made you surprised. she watched you cry every time, heard your sniffles as the sad part approached, she knew what was destined to happen and yet she seemed so utterly astonished every time the tears built up.
the movie didn't last long after that, a funeral and a couple family members sobbing at the cowboy's grave, his best friend even left his cowboy had on the top of the muck. yes, ellie was glad you were asleep. when the credits began to roll, joel shook his head, shaking the sleep from his eyes. he leaned forward, grasping the remote in his hands, pressing the pause button so the music would stop blaring.
stretching his arms, he turned his head towards you and ellie, instantly, a smirk appeared on his lips. "aw—"
"shut up." ellie cut him off. the scene was almost humorous, big bad ellie williams sat cuddled with a sleeping y/n l/n.
"look at you two." he cooed mockingly at the way ellie's arm was thrown around you, her hand was drawing circles on your side, however, the minute she saw joel's eyes flicker towards you, she instantly stopped her movements.
"seriously, shut the fuck up." she watched as his arm outstretched, cooing at you both. she swatted him away roughly. "you're gonna wake her." she hissed at the man, shoving his arms away from you and her both. "listen." she spoke, hands catching grasp of both his arms. with a large smirk, he stopped his movements and awaited her next words. "you pretend like this never happened and i'll stop saying you cheated."
his brows raised and his eyes widened for a second. ellie williams? admitting to defeat? he wasn't sure what spell you had him under but it surely seemed to be working. "hmm." looking at you both with a teasing smile before cocking his head to the side. "fine." she breathed out a sigh. "loser."
"fuck you." she roughed, shoving a leg out to kick him as he attempted to reach for the remote. he simply chuckled at her, switching off the tv.
he turned to his step daughter after setting the remote onto the glass tv stand. "you get her to bed." gesturing to your sleeping frame, cheek squished against ellie's body. "and don't you go stayin' up too late either."
"yeah, whatever you say old man." placing the last few jelly's into her mouth as he stacked up the bowls, moving towards the door. he looked back momentarily at you both. the way ellie williams looked down at your sleeping body was simply undescribable. he never thought he would see ellie so fond of someone. you were truly an angel sent from heaven for them, you fixed them both, joel didn't realise just how much you meant to him until then. you were good for them, not only for ellie, you didn't only soothe her reoccuring anger and her not so nice thoughts but you mended him in a way he didn't truly think was possible. he loved ellie, of course he did and he wouldn't replace her for the world but he couldn't deny that he had begun to love you as a daughter too. maybe it was your innocence, that innocence in which reminded him of sarah. all he knew was that when he looked back into the living room he knew that this was exactly how he wanted everything to go. he often worried for ellie, how she'd do in school, what she'd do after but with you, he didn't have to. he knew you wouldn't only plough on, you'd drag ellie right behind you. and she'd follow, of course she would. she would follow you anywhere.
"goodnight, ellie."
she looked up from your sleeping face. "night, joel."
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main masterlist/ellie's masterlist
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
Sebastian With Heterochromic S/O
Sebastian Michaelis X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Sebastian with a s/o who has heterochromia, like they have one brown eye, one blue eye.
Warning: Bullying, Insults, Elusion to underground dealing and selling body parts for profit.
Sebastian - Purple
Ciel - Blue
Underground businessman - Red
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🐈‍⬛ The first time that Sebastian had seen you, you were wearing an eyepatch and if he hadn’t already met all of the staff here he would have been suspicious that there was another demon around. 🐈‍⬛ Considering how he and Ciel hide their arrangement but when he realised that it wasn’t the same thing he decided that he wanted to see what you were hiding. 🐈‍⬛ You were working at the ball so it was difficult to separate you from the crowds but he started with polite gestures and helping you despite the fact that you insisted he was a guest. 🐈‍⬛ Ciel noticed Sebastian's fascination and straight up asked him about it “Where have you been?” “I’m sorry Young Master, I was observing one of the other workers.” “Does it have anything to do with the case?” “No.” “Then stay focused.” 🐈‍⬛ That being said Ciel had noticed you too, you had to be the hardest working member of staff even with Sebastian holding conversation, you never lost track of what you were doing or who had asked for what refreshment. 🐈‍⬛ The other workers in the house seemed to be appreciative of you, one of them had even walked over when your eye patch slipped slightly and ordered you to do something while pointing at it, you played with it uncomfortably. 🐈‍⬛ Sebastian had saved you from that conversation to saying something that made the maid in front of you both blush before walking away. At the end of the night Ciel ordered Sebastian to go and find you so that he could ask you a few questions. 🐈‍⬛ “Master Phantomhive you called for me.” “Yes.” “How may I help?” “Your eye patch, why do you wear it?” “They ask me to.” “Why?” 🐈‍⬛ Sebastian almost felt the need to protect you from the line questioning, he could feel that you were uncomfortable but his curiosity won over and rooted him in place. 🐈‍⬛ The silence that filled the room was suffocating as they both stared at you so instead of taking you lifted your hand and untied the string of the eye patch before levelling your gaze with the young master. 🐈‍⬛ “Two different coloured eyes?” “They say it looks untidy, it’s unbecoming of a staff member of the prestigious household.” “How would you like to work somewhere where you will not be forced to hide yourself?”
🐈‍⬛ That's how you ended up working for Ciel Phantomhive but there was still the issue of how you ended up dating Sebastian and it started out as you being the only person he could rely on to get something done. 🐈‍⬛ He became overprotective of you in a different way then he did Ciel and if any other demon had seen it they’d be able to place the feeling but they’d never understand it. 🐈‍⬛ The people that Ciel dealt with were never good people but unfortunately the night that kickstarted the relationship was in response to one of these, the man was a collector. 🐈‍⬛ You had been serving them when he reached out and grabbed your hand “aren’t you beautiful. A rare sight, there are many looking for someone of your kind especially in my field.” “Unhand my staff immediately.” “Master Phantomhive, how much are they worth to you?” “They are not for sale.” “Oh come on, there must be something you're after, you rich people always have your interests.” “I believe the young master asked you to unhand them. (Y/N) wait for me in the kitchen.” “Yes Sebastian.” 🐈‍⬛ The guest was dealt with not that anyone would ever tell you how. Sebastian found you afterwards and made sure that you were okay, checking your wrists and arms for any bruising before declaring “you have nothing to worry about I’ll protect you, no one will harm you or your stunning eyes.”
🐈‍⬛ From there on, there was more than a working relationship and everyone was happy for you. Despite the fact that everyone knew Sebastian liked to keep the affection between yourselves, he couldn’t have someone like the reapers finding out and using you against him. 🐈‍⬛ Sebastian was very touchy when you were alone, he was always close. 🐈‍⬛ He spoke in a low voice, like every word he said to you was your secret to keep and he honestly made you blush every time that he spoke, you still haven’t been able to do the same but you were working on it. 🐈‍⬛ Sometimes you’d catch him just looking at your eyes “what are you looking at.” “Heaven and earth are held in your eyes.” 🐈‍⬛ Sebastian didn’t take kindly to insults either; there had been a fair share of deals and gatherings that went badly because of a spiteful comment directed at you. Both Ciel and Sebastian had an unspoken but mutual agreement about this. Ciel wanted no dealings with people that disrespected his staff and Sebastian would not allow anyone to insult you. 🐈‍⬛ In summary he was very overprotective of you, people like you were rare, you were beautiful on the inside and the outside and you kind of beauty was rare and we all know that when Sebastian found something rare in his possession he has no intention of letting it go.
Request Here!!
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quodekash · 1 year
im making dangerous romance my entire personality so im sorry to all my non-bl mutuals for the spamming of your dash every Friday night/saturday morning but its gotta happen
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this is how I pose for photos
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but also kang's gonna cry in this scene. we've seen it in the end credits, sailom wearing kang's jersey and hugging kang and grinning while kang is full on sobbing and I still can't guess why kang would be sobbing while sailom's grinning and comforting him
thats adorable
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I literally love them so much
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I actually really love this
like a lot
generally crying is associated with sad things and characters in shows, particularly if they're men, usually only portray crying as sad, but its actually perfectly normal to cry for literally any emotion at all, and its so refreshing to see him tearing up so much that he needs to wipe it away with his hand, but not because something bad happened, because he's so proud of himself and of how far hes come and it just makes him cry, nothing more complicated than that.
you see, im pretty sure my emotions are stored in my eyes, and I think I generally feel overwhelming amounts of emotions more often than the average person, so at least once a day, those emotions come spilling out because there's just too much of it to keep in my eyes at once
im honestly genuinely surprised I still have tears left
wait how are tears made
where do they come from
how do they not run out
google is not answering my question properly and im too tired and stupid to process whole-ass articles and research thingies so can Someone Who Knows Things please get back to me on this? like how do our eyes just keep producing tears over and over again without running out of stock
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so. he couldnt find his watch. he found out one of his employees stole it. he fired that employee. he's now grumpy because he has to water plants himself now. another employee offered to do the plant watering for him. in exchange, he's giving the employee the very same watch.
do you see what im tryna say here? and what everyone else also probably noticed? it just doesnt make sense
the math aint mathin
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is it... leverage against saifah?
because he told him to water the plants every day from now on
idk man im too tired for this to figure out what's going on
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he's ridiculous, I love him
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like I said at the start of the episode sailom, you're boyfriends now, there's no WAY he's letting you keep your personal space
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oh. so it's... not them running away? it's just them heading to a training camp?
wait but in that shot in the intro they dont have much with them. surely thats not them going to a training camp, that's gotta be them running away????
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here it comes. here comes the angst. a lot later in the episode than I was expecting, but it's here nonetheless and im not happy about it
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go shove a cactus up your ass you bastard
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like right at the end of the episode probably
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perth tanapon sukumpantanasan is a wonder
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excellent closing words
turn your back and walk away from this mess (and come back to a crime scene where your father has been shot and your boyfriend's brother is being arrested in front of the house but we'll get to that when it comes to it)
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I get what he's feeling and what he means but kang, you still have your friends, you still have your boyfriend, your grandma, you're not completely alone
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thank you sailom for pointing out to him that he's not alone, you're doing me a huge favour (especially considering im a viewer through a screen and not someone who can actually interact with kang so anything I say is kind of pointless)
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hugs :(
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this is really sad and horrible and all that stuff
but, but but but but, he's cried three times in one episode. and one of those times wasn't crying from sadness. that doesnt happen often and I think we should acknowledge that
I love kang for being an emotional mess, he's like me frfr
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side note: all of sailom's hugs look so comfortable
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and like I know they've technically already kissed twice but I mean they're finally gonna kiss good if that makes sense
the first time was revenge, and im sorry kang but the second time was just bad. that was a bad kiss.
its okay to have a bad first kiss
in fact, there should be MORE bad first kisses in relationships in fictional media
also: loved the gay motorbike commercial in the post-credits scene thingy
ANYWAY this episode was amazing and it was so fluffy and I loved it all so so so much and I'll definitely be rewatching it every day over the next week to keep the brainworms under control, like im slapping flex seal over a crack in my soul repeatedly every day until the next episode comes out
goodnight folks, its nearly 3am, have a wonderful evening/day/morning/whatever, and keep calm and sailom
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rae-raewrites · 11 months
Hi! How are you? Anyways, can you AK Scarecrow having a young millitia (13-14) in his army? Like he dosent even know how they got here but he knows that they had some traumatic past events and decides to keep a close eye on them so they dont get hurt? The kid is also very sweet, kind and quiet. Thank you and take all the time you need! Have a good day/night!
Been saving this one for Halloween because screw it I love this so much.
Also happy Halloween everyone! Hope we’re all safe and feeling spooky!
Arkham scarecrow with a militia kid
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Jonathan crane did not expect the Arkham knight to bust into his laboratory that faithful day a couple of months ago nor did he expect this
The knight coming into his laboratory with a much smaller figure in toe certainly catches his attention
Adrian has the look of someone who’s see so much despite being only 14. A by product of a man taking his child with him as a merc and not making it.
Jonathan isn’t usually the kind to be bothered by children,the years before the croc incident were rather neutral to them. Scareable but not the kind of fear he was looking for.
So when the knight informs him he’s apart of his security detail there’s a point of interest in his mind
A child watching over the master of fear?
There’s this part that wants to shake the kid off yet……
“A-are you sure you should be handling that without any gloves?” “With such a tiny dose? Child this is nothing.”
The boy genuinely cares about him,the subtle things are easy to pick up on for one so focused on reading people.
It’s something refreshing considering how stiff a lot of the others in the militia seem
Jon wasn’t expecting to teach him how to make his toxin, but this is certainly a more pleasant lab accident
If this kid is getting bullied on by any of the older militia boys then they can promptly say goodbye to everyone they love
Poor kid ends up dealing with rest of the rouges trying to figure out how scarecrow acquired a small child.
“Is Mr nigma normally this rude?” “My dear boy please, call him Edward. And yes he can be insufferable.”
Doesn’t mean it’s all sunshine and rainbows,he still has a plan to enact.
Adrian isn’t going to be treated like trash because they have work to do,boys still young enough to where an eye has to be kept on him.
It kinda becomes his pet project to look after him when he’s not reworking his toxin
A return to his roots if you well
He may not seem like type for it but he extends a hand if the lad wishes to talk
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mk-wizard · 1 year
Pokemon the Anime: I love Ash Ketchum but...
Hi, friends. Fun fact about me: I love Pokemon! And I loved the anime! To me, Pokemon is a part of my childhood that I will always cherish dearly and it was one of the first animes I got into. Looking back on it, it still holds up, but there is one thing that I have come to realize about it. We need to talk about Ash Ketchum...
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Now, let me make it clear that I love Ash Ketchum. I think he’s adorable, funny and his passionate energy rubs off on you in all of the right ways. Plus, he is passionate without being obsessed and still cares enough about people and doing things right that he has a heroic streak. However... he is not a good fit as a main character because while we root for him and love him, his story is too linear, his character development is minimal, we all knew he was going to win in the end and honestly, seeing his story unfold all the time got very dull. Plus, we never really got to know Ash as a character. Just to give you an example, in ALL of the anime’s run, we never find out who his dad is/was or what his mom does for a living. In other words, he is an MC who never really develops beyond his professional skills and never really get to know. We know more about Team Rocket (Jessie, James and Meowth) than we do about Ash. To me, he would have worked better as a secondary character not an main one. In fact, this lack of details and repetitive formula is why I eventually stopped watching the anime. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy Ash won in the end, but... his story took way too long and got dull. The character who would have main a great MC for the anime is someone who did undergo a lot of development, maturing and more.
Gary Oak. Now hear me out...
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The Pokemon anime is essentially a tournament anime series where the standard formula is that the MC goes in and comes out the winner. However, Gary would have been unique, compelling and memorable for many reasons if HE was the MC.
First off, unlike most MC’s of this genre of anime, Gary is initially not likeable. He is egotistical, unkind, rude and a big bully. I remember than as a girl, I hated Gary and used to wish his grandpa, Prof. Oak, would ground him. However, as the series progressed, so did he. He softened his behaviour, learned humility and let his rivalry with Ash go which freed him emotionally and allowed him to grow up. While he still has a mischievous and competitive streak, he doesn’t get mean about it nor is he a showboat. And he dropped the personal cheerleading squad. He now seeks to better himself rather than constantly having his ego stroked which is something really refreshing and enjoyable to experience. I can’t really say his journey was a redemption story. It was a growing up story and a tale that reminds us that we all had our phases as kids, but we grow out of them.
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Secondly, as I stated before, Gary let his rivalry with Ash go and became better for it. When he did, he realized, his calling wasn’t to be a trainer, but a researcher and he was actually really good at it. Honestly, it was this turning point that made me realize that Gary’s story was more interesting than Ash’s and I really wanted to see more of his story. In fact, I also found myself wishing we saw more of his story before that turning point kind of like Ashoka Tano’s from Star Wars, but unlike her, we were deprived of that. I would even argue that this was a reoccurring flaw in the Pokemon anime series: they never answered the questions everyone kept asking and never let us get to know the true MCs. The point is, I don’t know of any other tournament anime where the rival decided to graciously step down and turn their attention towards their true passion. Now... imagine if the MC did this. I know Pokemon is a tournament anime, but it is also an anime about Pokemon first. Gary should have gotten his own spin-off anime simply because he is the most unique rival there is in this kind of setting: he quit and was better for it.
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Thirdly, having the show concentrate on him would have given us a chance to get to know the other MCs more and FINALLY answer a lot of the questions that to this day are still left unanswered. It’s very clear that the Oaks and Ketchums are very close the way the Burns and Greene family are close on Rescue Bots. I really enjoyed seeing how close the two families were and how Prof. Oak was like a father figure to Ash and a sweet grandpa to Gary. Also, Prof. Oak himself is an interesting and entertaining character. To this day, we still don’t know who Mrs. Oak was or who Gary’s parents are. Or who Mr. Ketchum was. It is a shame to me that these blanks were never filled because it is implied that they were great people and these missing pieces would explain why these characters are the way they are.
Anyway, this all just my opinion and as a rare treat, here is my fan theory about Prof. Oak’s wife, Mr. Ketchum and Gary’s missing parents... And I really want to say this first because this fan theory always made me mad, but I will try to say it nicely, but firmly.
Prof. Oak is NOT Ash’s father nor is it possible for him to be because Nintendo would never allow such a disturbing thing. And because of the Professor and Mrs. Ketchum’s age difference, it would imply that Gary is Ash’s uncle while being the same age as him. That is sick and wrong on so many levels and not something they would ever want on Pokemon and we already SHOULD know from the start that Prof. Oak can’t be Ash’s dad because has black hair.
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Professor Oak is a redhead and so is his mom. And their relationship is not romantic now either. It is that between two good friends. If it is anything beyond that, I think Prof. Oak may see Delia as the daughter he never had. Same goes with Giovanni. He cannot be Ash’s dad because he looks nothing like him.
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Plus, Ash has two distinguishing marks on his face that his mom doesn’t have which means he got that, his hair and olive skin tone from his dad who had all of these features. My fan theory is that Mrs. Delia Ketchum is a widow and her husband is no longer with us. Plain and simple. He was obviously a good man and a good husband who left a good impression on Ash, but I think he died most likely of disease while he was very young.
As for Mrs. Oak... Agatha is NOT Prof. Oak’s ex-wife because if she was, we would have always known it and be treated like a relative. Once a family member is revealed, there’s no point in hiding it so the anime always came clean when it came to that at least, but the most we got out of Agatha is that she was an old rival of Prof Oak which means that is all she is. Period.
I think the good Professor is divorced on bad terms considering he never speaks of his wife and has no ring which from experience, I can tell you is often a tell tale sign that you were once married, but it ended badly. As for Gary’s parents, I think that knowing Nintendo, their state is simple: they’re alive, but career driven people where they aren’t home very often so they left caring for the kids to Prof. Oak and Mrs. Oak (if she was alive then). Nothing dramatic or over the top. Just simple and short like that. Also, I think it is safe to say that the Oak family is well off (including the ex-Mrs. Oak) considering they all live so well.
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Finally, how does Giovanni have ties to the Ketchum and Oak family? Well, Giovanni is in fact old and close to Prof. Oak’s age. His mom had him young, and while he is rich enough to afford facials that make him appear young, if you take a really good look at his face, he has wrinkles, a receding hairline and his face has lost some of its fullness which implies some sagging. My fan theory is that he was once rivals with Prof. Oak in their youth and Mr. Ketchum is one of the few people who managed to beat Giovanni in a Pokemon Battle.
Like I said, this series is made for kids. It wouldn’t include adult theme dramatic elements like that. I admit some of the characters have exaggerated and weird backstories with some drama, but it never becomes dirty, adult or something you would find in a trashy soap opera.
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whorediaries-09 · 4 days
hello! im kinda shy about participating in your birthday event so im submitting my ask though my old abandoned account but firstly, happy birthday!! i hope you have a lovely lovely one ahead, and that your year ahead is filled so much love and warmth 💗💗
i pick “you wanted to have fun 🪶”
i have brown-amber eyes, i’m 160-161cm tall (so 5’3? i think). i have one dimple, and i usually get called mild-mannered or sweet a lot (even in school reports 😓), based on my face and actions i think
i’m not very athletic, and if anything, i hate anything sporty. i’m an infp, i speak three languages, and i generally dress in a softer manner. i also never really cared for mbti types but ive been an infp for years, and every year, i meet new people who pick up on that without any prompting.
i am generally much more emotional (not in an overly sensitive way, but in the way where my heart with ache and ill probably cry for days if someone i loved was hurt). but im also really noisy and shameless with the right people, and i love that i have people like that in my life, who i feel safe and happy with. i can be loud and free, even in public settings, i just need to be happy and safe first. i used to get bullied and ostracised as a child (for being a little chubby, and quiet, and a book lover. sometimes i still go a little stiff or feel so weird when i get complimented on my face and body. especially now that ive grown up, and receive such compliments from strangers and friends. it just causes a really bad reaction sometimes.) so im always very grateful for the love i have in my life.
i like to read, write (i write on tumblr too! just for a different fandom, although i might write for the marauders soon, i just love them too much to write without feeling too soft inside bcs im just emotional like that), and i love to daydream to music while pacing around the house at night. i’m usually really good with crafty things like crocheting, embroidery, and just general crafts. i don’t think i’m very good at other artsy things, but i am studying a course which involves art history, but i plan to go into a literature field where i can also dabble in history.
last thing about me: i talk a lot, which i’m sure you may have already noticed 😓😓 ironic considering the fact that i used to have selective mutism from an anxiety disorder as a child. but still!!
i hope i havent rambled too much— i love the marauders, and ive loved them (oh omg its almost been a decade) since i was a child. i revisit everything every now and then, but this is my first time actually interacting with anyone in the marauders space.
i hope you have a lovely lovely day ahead, and thank you for hosting this game! stay safe and warm 💗💗
hello lovely! firstly i want to thank so much you for the wish, though i feel obliged to tell you that my birthday is on the day the event ends haha. and i usually don't say this but you seem like such a sweet sweet person oh my gosh! lastly, thank you for sending in a request!
i ship you with james potter!
james knows he's a goner since the first time he talked to you. he's completely entranced, head over heels if you will. and his feelings only deepen as the time passes by because how can they not? with every interaction you're crawling out of your comfort zone the more you interact with each other. as he starts knowing about your true self, he's just finds himself falling for you harder and faster.
you're not much into sports, and he's attracted to that fact, because to him, it's a nice escape from his professional life. he thinks it's a nice and a very much needed escape from the constant hustle and bustle from that life, since he's very famous and well known around the world.
he likes how emotional you are. he thinks it's refreshing because most people nowadays aren't very vulnerable; or show emotions. he thinks it's raw, and real. as someone who's emotional himself, he likes the fact that you're emotionally available, and not afraid to express yourself. so whether you're being shameless and loud or sad and gloomy, he likes every bit your expressive self. he likes that you're not pretentious about your personality and how you're true with your own self.
he's noticed that you resist and become uncomfortable when he compliments you. he doesn't comment on it, but he's taken on himself to make sure you understand that he means every compliment that he showers you with.
james is also very entranced by the fact that you carry such a bunch of artistic hobbies. he likes how you engage in the things that make you happy. he likes to read the things you write. he also tries to spoil you with books you even lay a finger on while strolling through the book store. he also buys you a lot of crocheting yarns in different colors for you to crochet. out of pure love, you crochet him a lot of beanies. you also love to embroider designs on his t-shirts, and he wears them with pride.
and last but not the least, he loves the fact that you're so talkative. james is a naturally talkative person and he loves that you talk so much, which is refreshing to him, because he's usually used to carry conversations. it's nice to stop once and listen to someone he loves so much.
hopefully the ship didn't disappoint! have a nice day/night ahead :)! (also if you ever write about the marauders, please do tag me, i'd love to read your work!)
join my celebration!
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knickynoo · 1 year
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s02ep06 “Bravelord and the Demon Monstrux"
Previous episodes linked here.
In this episode: Doc and Clara ground Verne, setting off a chain of events that leads to monsters running loose in Hill Valley.
We begin with Doc showing us the new "ultra-realistic" racing video game he's invented. He wanted to create something that was fun and also helped you develop the hand-eye coordination that you'd get from participating in a real race.
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He says that the local arcade was interested in buying his game, but then something went wrong, which brings us into the cartoon.
Doc notes that Verne had turned into a "video game zombie" and we quickly see that he's become so obsessed with playing video games that he's neglecting his other responsibilities. Instead of running the machine that rolls up the newspapers for his paper route, he has Einstein doing it, which Clara isn't happy about. Doc also gets a phone call from an angry neighbor, complaining that Verne was supposed to mow his lawn the previous month but never showed up. His grass has grown so tall that he can't find his wife.
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Anyway, Verne is spending all his time at the arcade playing his favorite game, "Bravelord and Monstrux". He's there literally all day, until everyone else is gone and the staff has to tell him it's closing time. Doc and Clara show up and have to unplug the game to gain his attention.
We then go to the Brown house the following day, where Marty is lamenting to Jules about Verne's fate: grounded for an entire month. Marty's not happy about the situation, but Jules says that Verne needs to be cut off from the game completely.
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Also, I'm not quite sure what the situation is here. One of Marty's complaints is that Verne is going to miss "four more games," but there isn't any other context provided. Is Verne on a soccer team? Is Marty coaching the soccer team? (Which might be the case given the level of Marty's distress and the fact he's not wearing his usual outfit) My first instinct is to laugh at the idea of Marty trying to coach a team full of eight-year-olds, because how and why did he come to be in that position? My second reaction is that Marty coaching Verne's soccer team is such a sweet scenario to consider. Considering the closeness of Marty and Verne in this series, Marty totally would coach his little buddy's soccer team.
An alternative, funnier explanation: Marty is the one playing soccer, and he's devastated that Verne is going to miss all his upcoming games.
Verne opens up his window and calls down to the guys, asking them to find a way to bring the game to him. He offers to do Jules's chores for a month and to give Marty his baseball card collection. "If you think you can buy us off...you're right!" Marty calls back as he and Jules promptly run off to complete the task they've been given. Jules quickly figures out how to get the signal for the game sent into Verne's tv in his bedroom.
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I must say, it's a refreshing change to see Marty team up with Jules to partake in some shenanigans. However, I do not approve of Marty going behind Doc and Clara's backs to undermine their parenting decision. Come on, Marty. All for some baseball cards??
Now, from here is where things really start to get weird. While Marty connects the necessary wiring on the roof, Jules goes to the arcade to hook up a device to the Bravelord game that will transmit the signal to the house. It malfunctions, though, and the signal gets transmitted through the telephone that Biff's son (Biff Jr.) is holding. Biff, who had been on the other end of the line (the owner of the arcade had called him to complain about Biff Jr. bullying the other kids) ends up with the game signal sent to his house, and the monster from the game soon appears right in his living room.
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That's a thing that can apparently happen.
Bravelord gets sent into Verne's room, and Doc gets hit by the signal as well and gets transported into the game.
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Thankfully, Verne is an expert at playing and can use the controls to assist his dad in fighting off the monsters. He tries to get Bravelord to help him, but the guy is useless. All he can focus on is admiring himself in the mirror.
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He also doesn't take kindly to Marty and calls him a "Puny muscle, girly-man boy." So. There's that. Not a great guy.
Clara soon barges into the room, quite upset that Verne is playing games in his room with Marty and Jules while he's supposed to be grounded. She catches sight of her husband running around on the computer screen, though, and realizes there's a bit of a situation going on. Bravelord tries to hit on her, but she shuts it down real fast, lol.
Also! Doc speaks to Clara and calls her "Clara-boo," which is very cute.
Not wanting Verne to play video games, Clara takes control of the game, and she's good at it. This goes very nicely with my headcanon that Clara learns to play some arcade games after moving to the 1980s post-trilogy. (In my headcanon, it's Marty who teaches her)
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While Clara handles the monster-slaying, Jules takes Marty, Verne, and Bravelord down to the arcade so they can put the transmitter into reverse and hopefully undo all the chaos they've caused. And there is SO MUCH chaos.
Back at Biff's house, he's become a slave to Monstrux (now in his true, more terrifying form), and the monster has also used his powers to bring a lot of the household appliances and furniture to life. Biff's couch tries to eat him, there are knives flying at him in the kitchen, and his fridge and stove are engaged in an intense battle with each other. Monstrux sees a picture of Biff Jr. and recognizes him as the kid who's always damaging the game cabinet at the arcade and wants revenge. He grabs Biff and sets off to the arcade, which Monstrux transforms using his powers.
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I do hope that this episode ends with Clara and Doc grounding Jules and Marty as well. They've unleashed such horrors upon Hill Valley.
Verne once again asks Bravelord for help, but the warrior is too scared and runs away, abandoning the boys in their time of need. Verne realizes that his hero is a dud and that it's up to him to set things right. Marty and Jules try to help as well, but they're quickly incapacitated by all the now-animate objects all over. Several bicycles encircle Jules, trapping him in place, and a vending machine creates a prison of soda around Marty. (Hopefully, it's Pepsi. That way, he can just drink his way out.)
Inside the arcade, Monstrux is sitting upon his throne, forcing Biff and Biff Jr. to eat Brussels sprouts. This is one of his main methods of "torture" by the way—just making people eat buckets full of Brussels sprouts. As Verne enters, Monstrux sends hordes of sentient items his way, but little Vernie is determined. Bravelord also returns, having realized that running off wasn't the right thing to do.
Verne manages to throw the switch on the transmitter into reverse, sending Bravelord and Monstrux back into the game where they belong. One by one, things return to normal. And guess what.
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Marty WAS attempting to drink himself out of his soda prison.
The next day, Verne wakes up ready and eager to return to his regular life. He delivers the papers, mows his neighbor's lawn, and tells Doc he's planning to go to soccer practice. But guess who's addicted to playing video games now?
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The Real Doc portion of the episode ends with Doc continuing to test out his virtual reality gaming system. He decides that it may be a bit too realistic, though, when a flight simulator game ends with a crash that gives him actual injuries. He calls to Clara to bring him a bandage and announces he's going back to the drawing board.
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End of episode.
This one was. Ridiculous. Even for the animated series! It was fun, though. I always enjoy when Clara and Jules get to play a role in the episodes since they're so often sidelined. Still curious about the soccer thing. It's never mentioned that Marty's the coach, but I'm pretty sure he is. It was nice seeing him wear something aside from that silly letterman jacket. Clara loving arcade games has also now been solidified further into my mind.
Join me next time for a Jules-centered episode!
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askthefuturegleeks · 1 year
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Thank you for joining the campaign to bring the arts to future generations, BLAINE ANDERSON, we’re happy to have you! If you want a refresher on what to do next, feel free to look at the WELCOME CHECKLIST. Please send your account in within the next 48 hours so that you can get started.  
NAME: Mary
AGE: Old enough to roleplay lol
PRONOUNS: She, her, hers
SHIPS: Blaine/chemistry
ANTI-SHIPS: Blaine/forced, Blaine/female
NAME: Blaine Devon Anderson
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Dramatics Arts teacher at NYU, which is also his Alma Mater, musical composer and arranger, and also moonlights as a part time musician at The Playtone local pub.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. Divorced from Kurt Hummel for several years now.
FC: Darren Criss.
@AHOBBITINNY: Last 4th of July’s fireworks were a blast! Ha, see what I did there? Nothing tops watching all those pretty lights on the beach, while sitting next to a fire, and be thankful for what life brings.
1.) What did you want to do with your life when you were younger? What would the child version of yourself think about the path you paved for yourself?
For as long as I can remember, I never saw myself doing anything that wasn’t related to music, whether it was singing, dancing, playing an instrument, anything. My mom says I was much better at dancing long before I got walking right! Everything I have ever at done, at school, at Dalton, McKinley, and later on at NYU, where now I get to teach what I love the most, I wanted it to be about that, and in the end that’s what I’m doing. I know my child self would approve, and be very happy about what my life is right now. I’d go as far as thinking that he would be saying “see? Told you it would pay up to bug everyone at home singing and dancing all the time!”
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  2.) What is your proudest accomplishment? Don’t be afraid to talk about what it took to achieve it and how you feel about it as well. 
There was a time when I thought my biggest achievement was being able to stand up for myself back on those days where I was bullied in such a traumatizing way. To stand up for who I was, for what I was, and not being afraid to say it out loud. I remember even fighting my parents when they decided to transfer me to Dalton, so I could be safe, because I wanted to stay and fight all the hatred and all the things that happened to me. In the end, that transfer didn’t only came as my protection, but as a brand-new chapter of my life, where I made the most amazing friends, where I fell in and out of love, where I allowed myself to dream about what my life could be someday. And that’s how everything turned out to be. But as of today, nothing makes me prouder than to be a teacher, a guide, a friendly hand for someone to hold onto when it’s needed. To be able to inspire, and tell each and everyone of my students to never stop chasing for what you want and dream of, and to never let anyone tell them they can’t do it.
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  3.) If you could do anything you wanted for one whole day, what would it be and why?
As little of spare time that I have at this moment, I want to say ‘sleep all day in’, but that would be too lame, right? Man… I don’t know- I mean, if I’d have all and any means to do anything… hop on a plane and spend a whole day at Santorini? Or any of the beaches of the Mediterranean. I love the beach. But thinking on a more realistic tone, being on a beach, any beach, doing a good swim, reading a good book, taking a short nap, and why not, enjoying some good company.
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Some short time after we last heard about Blaine, his relationship with Kurt started to crumble. First it was little things that kept on stirring arguments between them, but it eventually came to a point where they had to sit down and talk about if that’s how they wanted their life to be. If that was truly what their hearts, what their minds wanted. And even if love was never an issue, they came to realize that love hadn’t been enough to maintain a marriage. They were so young when they got married, and their lives were started to get different paths, and some of them didn’t really have them meet anywhere in between. With him studying at NYU to get his Teaching degree, while also giving private guitar lessons to children, and Kurt also as busy as he was with his work, they had very little time to share, much less to try and figure out what to do to fix their marriage. And so, and in the most possible amicable way, they decided to get a divorce, but remained friendly, while trying to make up their lives as single individuals again.
  For Blaine that meant to dive headfirst in his studies, while also dipping his toes at the Dramatics Arts School, as a minor, and there he found his world, and where he knew his life truly belonged. He was able to blossom as an artist and a composer, even writing a couple of plays for the school to put on. He never gave up on his own love for playing music, so while visiting a small, local pub with some college friends called The Play Tone, one open mic night he took the stage, and that led to him having a casual moonlighting job as a singer there, which was like another dream come true. To be able to play his own music, along with some masterfully done covers, for an audience. Recently, he has learned the owner of the pub has plans to sell the place, and that has stirred another completely different line of ideas in his always working mind. Blaine Anderson as the owner of a pub? Who knows. Maybe.
  There is just one thing he had recently realized would be the cherry on the top of the cake that was his life. It has been a good while since he last seen his old friends from McKinley High. And ever since Sue Sylvester became President, with all the flashbacks and memories that event brought back, there was something that makes him miss his friends, now more than ever.
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uncloseted · 1 year
i feel like it must be exhausting to hate the leads of the shows one watches, especially when the characters are just as complex if not more (because of the screen time they get) as the other female characters.
i think especially in the case of rory gilmore, the show sets her up from the beginning to make the mistakes and the flaws she has throughout the show. rory cheated and was the other woman (but also so young... until the revival which is another topic), and became a burnt out gifted kid after being literally worshiped by a whole town, with a mother who did the same and who was always avoidant and chaotic in her own relationships (while also having teenaged rory as her confidant), /and/ had a dad who was barely ever there except when he wanted to court her mother before ghosting again.
then with paris (i love paris) her whole character also makes sense based on being neglected and bullied by her mother as a child, having her only family be her nanny and her children, and needing to focus on academic perfection partially due to feeling inadequate/being treated less than the "prettier" and more palatable girls. though i want to give her way more credit as she truly is a naturally driven, hyper-intelligent woman and with such iconic dialogue (and so refreshing to see during the 00s)... and in the end, all her hard work paid off and her character development was amazing. still, there were times where her character could be extremely cruel, like bullying rory in chilton on and off and kicking rory out of their apartment in a very dangerous area because of a perceived slight.
sorry for coming into your inbox to ramble, i just wanted to share my thoughts on why it leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth when watchers (especially female watchers) want to despise one of the leads for being flawed, when it makes so much sense why rory's often in denial of being so. because of lorelai. i just love how many layers there are in how emily raised lorelai in a conditional smothering love with expectations, and how that caused lorelai to overcompensate with rory by putting her on a pedestal so young as she wanted to give rory the happy childhood she never got. arguably, lorelai also smothered rory by putting expectations on her about going to harvard and being "the good kid who should never have sex ever" so rory wouldn't turn out like her mom. we see how rory ends up rebelling as she gains her agency, like how lorelai rebelled against emily. rory never had the space to fail until she got older and joined the real world, and i think a lot of viewers are too harsh on her character for being messy and imperfect and not always a good person. but in my opinion, rory still has a good heart, just like lorelai. that's one of the reasons i love rory and paris's friendship too. rory was so kind to paris throughout the series, even with paris's intense quirks (especially during chilton when teen paris would bully rory whenever she felt threatened) and at times violent mood swings. and paris did the same, tolerating but still poking at rory being this perfect golden child with the perfect life. of course, everyone is allowed to feel how they want about the media they consume, but alas.
if you read all of this... thank you, and im sorry lol.
also, so sorry to continue barraging you but im sleep deprived and love your blog and have a little bit more to add because i don't want it to seem like i was trying to over-defend rory. i just think all of the characters are written to be flawed but still worthwhile.
i agree that gossip girl paints serena solely as this golden girl that can never go wrong, but i think we do see that gilmore girls intentionally shows that rory does bad things and makes harmful choices. why else would amy sherman palladino write rory to sleep with a married man while having a self-righteous attitude? even though rory tries to defend it at first, i don't think the show itself does. lorelai reprimands her, she flies off to europe but then gets scolded in the middle of town by lindsay's mom, and then has a depressing relationship with dean where he's not even truly invested in her at that point. yes, she doesn't learn from that experience and still cheats and becomes the other woman again, but arguably she doesn't get a happy ending from it. she repeats the same mistakes well into adulthood (which is honestly realistic for a lot of people), but reaches a waking point at the end of the revival and it's a shame we didn't get to see how she could have redeemed herself.
she steals a yacht and has to do lengthy community service even though her grandparents try to buy her out of it, but rory has to learn a lesson like anyone else. the show makes a point to illustrate how truly privileged she is during that court scene, and how the judge doesn't reward her for it. then the show actually spends time on rory doing that community service while also losing herself in emily and richard's world due to her own poor choices.
i'm only listing some of the more severe examples, of course. she coasts through a looot of problems as well, but i don't think the show is bending to fit that and more-so that that was the foundation to begin with. from episode one, on paper rory is a spoiled only child that is at the very beginning of coming into her rich background. which is much to her mothers reluctance because of what that life of privilege brings. lorelai escaped it because of her parents' cruelty, but richard and emily were nothing but doting grandparents toward rory and 100% financially manipulated both girls while also helping rory's education along in ways most kids will never get. it's complicated but it was right there to begin with.
i think it's very realistic that characters and people alike can make bad choices and mistakes, yet not always get the proper consequences, whatever that would mean.
i'm really sorry if i'm being obnoxious but if you do decide to publish this, i hope you or others can connect with my take at all whether it's for or against. :)
You're good! I consistently write essays that only like, five people ever read, so I am not one to judge for long posts. Plus, I love it when people get excited about a discussion topic and share their thoughts with me, so this is great. I think I mostly agree with you. But I think what people find frustrating about Rory in particular is that even when she faces consequences for her mistakes, she never seems to learn from them or really grow. In A Year in the Life, she's still a spoiled kid who's sleeping with a married man and who still has an entire town of adoring people to fall back on when she's not just handed the things she believes she's entitled to. And like, is that realistic for someone like Rory? Sure. It makes a lot of sense why Rory would be like that. But it's not fun for the audience to watch. It feels grating and annoying to watch her constantly make the same mistakes. Paris is allowed to grow and learn and mature, but Rory kind of doesn't, and I think that's why people prefer Paris to Rory.
And I think it's especially frustrating for viewers because the show does have a lot of opportunities to give Rory character development and to show that she has learned something from her mistakes. As you say, she steals a yacht (because Mitchum Huntzberger tells her he doesn't think she'll be a good journalist and nobody has ever told her she's not good at something before), and all she has to do is community service. That's a show of privilege in itself- she could have easily been sent to jail for that if she was not wealthy or if she was a person of color. But even then, when the show wants us to think that she's hit rock bottom and to feel kind of sorry for her, she doesn't really learn anything. She just parlays her privilege into living in her grandparents' very nice house, gets her grandmother to give her a job, and then eventually she just goes back to Yale University as if nothing happened. And then she's shocked when the New York Times rejects her, as if Mitchum hadn't already told her that she needs to improve as a journalist if she's going to work in that field. The show could have had Rory lose all of her privilege due to the mistakes that she made. It could have shown her realizing how much worse things would have been for her if she was someone else, and have her fully accepting that she is someone who comes from privilege. It could have shown her really working to be taken seriously as a journalist, even in jobs that she considered to be "beneath her".
But instead, the same few storylines kind of just repeat for her: Rory is convinced she's entitled to something and doesn't get it, but doesn't learn anything from that about entitlement (and then often, the show assures us that Rory is actually really, really great, and the person who didn't give her the thing she felt entitled to was wrong); she sleeps with someone who's already in a relationship, but doesn't learn anything from that about respecting other people's relationships or her own dysfunctions with regard to relationships; she refuses to acknowledge the privilege she has, even though she has a lot of it. It may be realistic, but I just don't think it's good television from an audience standpoint.
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burningflamescurse · 2 years
“Playing with the Boys.”
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Iwaizumi Hajime x Fem!Volleyball player!Oc
Summary: Miku Yakuza is Hajime Iwaizumi’s Girlfriend who also Plays On the Aoba Johsai girls Volleyball Team, After a Recent Injury She Can’t Play in actual Games Until Her Twisted ankle Heals So She Sticks To Helping the Boys Train, but as She Starts To miss Actual Games She Strains Her Injury.
TW: Descriptions Of Injury to the Ankle and Foot, Crying, Exhaustion, Overworking, Straining a Injury, Iwaizumi Bullying Oikawa.
Chapter One: “That Day”
Shoes Screeching Against The Gym Floor, the White Volleyball In the Air Of the Gym, The only Sound Was her Breathing As She Watched the Ball Float Closer Towards Their Side Of the Net.
Miku Reached Over her arms, Instantly Receiving the Ball, it Launched Closer towards Their Team’s Setter, Sora, Sora Set it To Miku Once She Had Gotten Closer towards it, Miku Jumped High in the Air The Space Clear To where She Should Spike the Ball.
She Hit it With a Powerful Smack! The Ball Flew towards the Opposing Team’s Side, Hitting the Floor Scoring a Point For Aoba Johsai.
Sweat Drenched Miku’s Face, Rolling Down in intervals, Her Hand Ached but She Couldn’t Pay Attention to her Throbbing Hand, Or the Slight Twinge Of Pain In her Left Ankle.
It was now the 3rd Set, Usually Volleyball Games Consisted Of Four Sets before the Entire Game Ended and the Team With the Most Points Moved onto the Next Game in the Prefecture, But as She Stared At the Board Seeing the Score She Knew She Had to win the 3rd Set without Messing up.
The Spiker Of the Other Team, Which was Of the Female Nekoma Team, Quicky Spiked the Ball Over towards them, the Two Middle Blockers Of Miku’s Team, Miyaki and Lyla Jumped Up Holding Their Hands Outstretched with their Fingers Splayed Out to stop the Ball From Going Over the Next.
The Ball Quickly was Blocked and Went Back Over the Net on Nekoma’s Side, Miyaki And Lyla Watched as it Landed on their Side of the Floor, the Libero Of their Team Failing to Get the Ball Back up in the Air.
The Two, Which Were Sisters By the way, Twins at that, Let Out a Cheer Raising their Fists Which where Clenched Tightly into the Air.
“Guys! We Just Won the 3rd Set!” Lyla Cheered High Fiving Miyaki as She Did So, Miku Shook Her Head Smiling Softly at her Happy Go lucky Teammates.
“Hold your Horses, the Games Not Done Yet, We still Have The Fourth and Final Set to Win.” Miku Said, She Took the Towel the Manager Offered her, Which was a Skinny Male Named Kai Who had Just Became Their Manager of Last Week.
She Wiped Off the Sweat From her Face, seeing Iwaizumi, and the Rest of the Aoba Johsai’s Male Volleyball Team, Come Over Towards her.
Iwaizumi Holding a Freshly Filled Water Bottle, It was Handed to her as She Finished Drying the Sweat From her Face.
“You need to Hydrate.” Iwaizumi Said Firmly as She Took the Cold Water Bottle, Pressing it to her Lips She took Three Big Gulps Of the Cold but Refreshing Water.
She Set It On the Bench Where a Couple Of 1st Years Were Sitting, Only to be Put in if Someone was Injured Or had Passed Out.
“Thanks Iwa, I honestly Didn’t think we Would win that Third Set.” She Admitted Looking over to her Tired But Eager Teammates.
Oikawa Playfully Slapped Her Shoulder, also Earning A Scowl from Iwaizumi As He Did So.
“It’s Okay Miku–Chan, Just Look on towards the Final Set, that’s The Winning One.” Oikawa Said as Mattsun Snorted Behind Him Obviously Trying not to Laugh While Makki Was Stifling his Laughs in his Hands.
Though Iwaizumi Noticed She was Leaning Off Of Her Left Ankle and Putting all of Her Weight on her Right Ankle.
“Hey, is Your Ankle okay?” Iwaizumi Asked, Motioning Towards The Ankle She wasn’t Leaning On.
She Looked Down at her Ankle and Gave a Sheepish Smile, “Oh it’s Fine Iwa, I’m Sure I just Stepped on it Wrong.” She Made Up the Excuse So She Could Focus on the Fourth and Final Set of this Game.
Iwaizumi Squinted Suspiciously at Miku Who shrugged, Looking at her Teammates Who Were Practicing Some New Receives The Coach Had Wanted them to Try Out on the Court.
Soon after a 50 Minute Break The Whistle Blew for Players To Get in Position for the Final Set, Miku Quickly Got into action in the Middle Of Her Teammates Positions.
She Held the Ball This Time in her Hands Ready for a Starting Serve Since Aoba Johsai had Won the Previous Set.
She Took a Deep Breath Before Lifting the Ball into The Air, Her Form Graceful as She Lifted up and Slapped the Ball With a Smack!, the Ball Flew To the Other Side Of The Court Landing on the Opposing teams Side Of the Floor Winning the First Point for Aoba Johsai.
She Landed on the Ground, Hurting Her Ankle Just a Tad Bit More, Letting Out A Grunt as She Did So, She Gritted her Teeth as The Nekoma Team’s Captain Scowled at Miku.
Soon enough she was back on her Feet Glaring the Opposing Team Down, As She Rested her Hands On her Knees Hunched Down for a Moment.
As the Prepared herself to win this Final Set.
The Ball was Slammed Back over the Night Past Miyaki and Lyla as They Missed Blocking It, it Flew Past her Other Teammates Coming Towards Miku’s Face.
Acting on her Own Athletic Instinct She Reached her arms Out Twisting her Ankle once Again, Feeling A Twinge Of Pain in her Left Foot, She Bounced the Ball back Over to Sora, Who Set it to Lyla, Who Spiked It over on their Side Scoring a Point for Aoba Johsai.
Her Ankle Pain was Throbbing Now, as She Leaned Down to Rub her Now Slightly Swollen Ankle before Coming Back Up, She Tried Waking On it To Get Closer to Do a Fast Attack With Sora But a Flashing, White Pain Shot up her Foot and Lower Thigh.
“Agh!” She Groaned Before Falling, Miyaki Barely Catching her as She Collapsed her Chest into Miyaki’s arms.
“Captain!” Lyla Shouted, Her and Sora Moving all too Quickly to Get Towards her, The Libero Of their Team, Mila, Racing over as Well.
Iwaizumi and Oikawa Also Raced Over with the Medic of the Female Volleyball Team, The Medic Helped Miku Sit down on the Gym Floor While She Felt Up her Ankle and Carefully Rotating it, She was able to Halfway Rotate it Until Miku Yelped When She Felt Some Pain While Doing So.
“Her Ankle?” Oikawa asked, His Brown Eyes Looking into The Medics, Who Nodded Encouragingly Towards Oikawa and Iwaizumi Before Addressing Miku.
“You being Able to Halfway Rotate it Means It Wasn’t a Break, You might have Badly Sprained it Or Twisted it.” She Explained, Smiling Softly.
So it Wasn’t Broken to the Point Of her Never Playing Volleyball Again? No, But She Would Still probably Be Out For at Least 5 Months Or More Depending on the Healing Process and what Doctors At the Hospital Say.
“Someone Needs to Drive her to the Hospital Though, She Obviously needs and X–Ray and Pain Meds.” The Medic Said, Turning Her Blue Eyes Between Oikawa and Iwaizumi.
“I can Do it.” Iwaizumi Said, But Miku Shook her head, “No Iwa, We’re so Close to Winning this Final Set!” She Tried to Move But Iwaizumi Stopped her Pushing her back Down to A Sitting Position.
“Baby, it’s Not worth it, it’s Not Worth it Sweetheart.” Iwaizumi Soothed her, She Finally let Tears Fall Down her Face.
“You can Trust me to take the Team to win this.” Sora Kneeled Down in front Of her best Friend Giving a Teary Smile.
“Trust your Vice Captain, Captain.” Lyla Said From Next To Miyaki, Miku Looked at her Her Team, Before Giving a Simple Nod And Turning her Gaze to Sora.
“Take them all the Way To Nationals.”
The Doctor Stared at the X–Ray That was Taken Of Her Foot and Ankle, Her Face Scrunched up as She Stared At it.
She was Hooked Up to an IV While They Determined her action of Care While being Injured, “I do Thank you Iwaizumi–San For Being her Here.” The Doctor Thanked her Boyfriend before Explaining Her Situation.
“Miku’s Left Foot and Ankle Have been Severely Strained, Luckily It Turned out to be a Severe Sprain and not a Complete Break in the ankle Or Foot.” The Doctor Started to Explain, Pointing to Different Sections Of Her Foot and Ankle.
Miku Looked Down for a Second before She Started to Talk again, “Due to this We Will Have to Limit How Much Movement Of he Ankle She Needs, She Needs to Rest it as Much As Possible Until this Sprain Heals, and Physical Therapy too, We Can’t Limit all of her Movement.” The Doctor Said.
She swallowed Knowing What Came Next, Sora had gone Through the Same thing When She Had Strained her ACL So Much That She Couldn’t Play for 5 Months, She Awaited for the Female to Tell her How Long She Couldn’t Play for.
“That Means You Can’t Play Volleyball for at Least Two Months, if you Do There Could be a Tipping Point Where it Could Easily Break Now that it’s Sprained this Badly.” the Doctor Said Making Her Instructions Clear and Firm With a Stern Voice.
She Closed her Eyes as the New Information Settled into her System, No Volleyball for Two Months, That Would be Like Torture to her.
Iwaizumi Looked at her, Seeing her Eyes Turned away From the Doctor’s Stern Gaze, She Loved to Play Volleyball, it was her Life, Much Like Oikawa, To where She Neglected When She Needed To Rest.
“Listen Miku, If you Do any Kind Of Volleyball Without My Say So, You Could Injure Yourself to the Point of never Playing Volleyball Again, you Could Wind up Injuring your ACL.” the Doctor Explained, She Looked Up at the Doctor, her Face Scrunched up with Disappointment.
“How Long do I have to Rest the ankle before I can Start Practicing again?” She Asked, Anxiously Picking at the Knee Braces She Held In her Hand, She also Looked at her Phone Hoping that Sora Would Text her Soon on the News Of Who won the Volleyball Game.
“At Least One Month, if it Starts Feeling Better By then I will Let you Practice.” the Doctor Said, Smiling Sympathetically at Miku Who Nodded Finally Agreeing to get some Rest.
She Knew Something was Wrong When her ankle Started to Ache the First time She Landed on it Wrong, it was her Fault She Didn’t Stop to Rest the Ankle a bit before Jumping Back into the Second Set.
She Could Only Hope to Jump back into the Carefree air of Playing Volleyball.
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loving-august · 2 years
eighteen heartbeats.
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— a special collab entry from 'someboday new' and a birthday gift for the precious bb @okkatsudon <33 happy birthday !! mwa mwa kiss kiss (not me making the title same as your age 🤭) hehehe not me forgetting the exact date omg beh 😭
๑.pairings: okkotsu yuuta x fem!reader
๑.genre: fluff, crack, angst + sfw
๑.synopsis: with a total of eighteen heartbeats, to whom it may beat for?
๑.warnings: jjk 0 spoilers (?) <33 just get a tissue or smthng, first time writing him?? Does that count?? /lh, timeline in this story is a bit fucked up but you'll manage :))
๑.wc: 1.4k
๑.links: navigation | jujutsu kaisen | taglist form
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— the moment he saw you in the classroom whereas his other new classmates tried to threaten him due to the curse he has. He met your eyes, with a surprised and scared emotion. It was normal for someone like him, after all he was feared by many. He was left alone after the little meeting. You approached him with a little bit of nervousness, covered in fear. But to his surprise, you gave him your handkerchief saying, "you've been tearing up. Here." In the end, you never took your handkerchief from him, but he always kept it.
badump badump.
another heartbeat has bumped on his chest. This time when you trained with him. Your eyes showed full determination, which made his eyes widen in awe. The way you move ever so gracefully, despite you fighting against him. He was lost in his senses as he saw you pinning him down in the field. You bonked his head, making his senses return. "I won," you panted, "good fight by the way, okkotsu-san." and that was the first time he heard you calling his name.
badump. badump.
The heartbeat he felt on his chest added with a funny feeling on his stomach. He clenched his shirt, looking down on his shoes as he waited for you outside of the school’s gate. It was his first time going out with you after all. “Okkotsu-san!” He heard your voice from far away. Shit. He was nervous. He looked to the side to see Inumaki, maki, and panda, hiding behind the building. The three of them silently cheered for their friend, giving thumbs up. As you make your way towards him, he feels like losing control over everything.
badump. badump.
“Yuuta!” your voice beaming with excitement and enthusiasm, made him look around to see you waving your hands to him. Gojo, beside him, chuckled audibly. He definitely knows what's up. “Having a little crush aren’t we?” He teased yuuta. Yuuta looked at him with a blush, “it’s not like that sensei!” he replied with his voice breaking in such embarrassment. Gojo smiled, it's rare to see a jujutsu sorcerer having times like this. As if things were normal, but when it's not.
badump. badump.
The coldness of the night made you shiver. You felt your skin tingle, of course, yuuta noticed it. Walking along the dormitories at night where the curfew was now active. "Are you cold?" He inquired. You laughed out the coldness, "pfft! Nah, and look we're in ny room!" You changed the subject, "thank you for earlier, and for walking me to my dorm, you're really sweet yuuta" the shyness in your voice made him clench his shirt internally. "I should be thanking you, really, if it wasn't for you to agree, who knows what i'm gonna do haha,"
He wished that moment to happen once again.
badump. badump.
Yuuta was having a sparring match with Maki, Inumaki was sitting down on the stairs with panda, probably taking a break. "Seriously, you guys would stop making me an errand girl!" Your complaining voice was heard by gojo and the others. You put down all the refreshments beside panda and inumaki. Maki and Yuuta stopped sparring to see you fuming. "There's no need to complain y/n you're definitely fit for the role," maki teased.
"I'm a jujutsu sorcerer not an errand girl! Gojo-sensei! This is serious bullying!"
"Ho, not my problem!"
"What a good teacher," you deadpanned.
Panda looked at Yuuta's peripheral vision, and it was in your direction. And an idea struck on his head. 'I have a revelation!' He thought.
"Yuuta! Come here! Come over here!" He yelled. Yuuta went to panda and panda rested his whole arm on him making him yelp on the weight over his shoulders. "We have a super important topic to discuss so listen closely!" The poor boy looked at him and inquired, "about what?"
He asked in a low voice, and went closer to his ears asking , "what do you like better, big or small boobs?"
And of course, yuuta was taken aback and more likely shocked about the question. With his shy yet low voice "To tell you I guess given the choice,"
Panda nodding excitingly, "uh huh! Uh huh!"
"I like them somewhat big?"
Little did they know, you completely heard about it.
badump. badump.
One thing that made him sad. And it was him leaving tokyo to go overseas. The last time you two talked was after the sister event with the kyoto students. And after that, you both didn’t talked as much as you both used to. And besides, you both weren’t on the same page now, Since he was classified as a special grade, he went more on solo missions, leaving you and the rest. He was currently at the gates of jujutsu high, finally leaving. Maki, Toge, and Panda went to the gates to say their goodbyes.
But you weren’t there.
He may have come to the thought that you weren’t coming to send him off.
He saw you running faster than you did before. You panted heavily as you finally reached him. “I'm sorry, I fell asleep.”
“Yuuta! Ijichi is here!” gojo called.
“Be safe out there yuuta,” you said with a smile.
He nodded as well and cracked a smile, “yeah, see you soon y/n,” he bid his goodbye and went inside the car.
badump. badump.
His phone rang when he was eating his food in the food court, he pulled out his phone to see you calling. He drank his water immediately and answered the call. “Hey Yuuta!’ ah, your voice sounds like butter but instead, he was melting. “How was the place?” you asked through the line. He replied, “yeah, it’s good here, I’ve been exorcising a lot of curses here though,” you laugh at his reply, “Same here, but I’m excited to see our juniors!” you said in an excited tone.
He can’t wait to see you again.
badump. badump.
He was finally home in japan. It feels nice to smell the familiar scent lingered in the busy street, the sakura trees started to bloom. It was a nice day for him. He texted Maki that he was here in japan and asked a favor to tell the others. And so, Maki told everyone that he is coming back. Megumi was quite excited, because Yuuta was the only senpai he highly respected after all. Itadori was excited too to see his senpai, as well as nobara, although she remembered yelling his name in the sister event.
Ijichi also picked him up from the airport and drove off to jujutsu high.
Soon, he stepped out of the car and went inside the school. He was surprised by gojo and the others, panda even jumped on him and toge jumped afterward. But something’s missing. “Hey, where’s y/n?” he asked. None of them answered. And it made him worried. As hell. Maki sees the look in his friend's eyes. She felt bad for not telling, and so are the others, and gojo.
Maki scratched her head and stepped out, “have you heard the higher ups’ news? She got into an arranged marriage to Kamo from kyoto.”
badump. badump.
As the years passed, he didn’t see you, not even a text or a call. As everyone got invited to the ceremony of the Kamo estate. He kept his composure and tried not to show any emotion to the people around him. He felt numb. And empty. How did this escalate? He had no idea.  
It didn’t matter at all no that he has now seen you, in this beautiful white kimono, oh how he remembered the days when he dreamt about you wearing a simple white dress. How cruel. How he wishes to be on your side. Like Noritoshi Kamo did.
The heartbeat that he heard isn't his, due to his enhanced skills of a jujutsu sorcerer, his sense has improved tenfolds. With a total of Eighteen heartbeats, the first to sixteenth heartbeats he has for you, and the last two heartbeats you had was for the other, and not for him. A memory flashed in his mind where he suddenly remembers gojo’s words:
“Love is the most twisted curse of them all. “
And it was truly the most twisted curse of them all.
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© 2022 loving-august. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize. Do not share on other platforms. Will get slapped if u do.
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Guys I’m having another Bakugo brainrot
Tw: bullying, noncon, nonconsensual peeping, manipulation
Remember that one episode of MHA where the class goes to the sauna and M*neta tries to check da girls out over the wall?
Imagine the same scenario, but years later when they’re all older
The class wanted a reunion, just to relax and blow off some steam
You’re with the girls, and you all lay back in the hot water reminiscing about the older days when everyone was still getting the hang of their own quirks
Mina brings up this exact same scene but years ago.
“Ohmigosh, do you guys remember the last time we came in our first year here and Mineta totally tried to get a peek at us?”
“Ugh, I hope Iida is keeping a good hold on him right now,” Ochacko giggles, kicking her feet up to rest on a rock
You hum in agreement, tilting your head back to rest against the wooden wall separating you and the boys.
As it was, Uraraka was almost spot on with her hopes. Except, Iida and Tokoyami were out getting refreshments for the rest of the boys, leaving the remaining group to their own plot.
Which was lead by Mineta, of course, who had the brilliant idea to spy on the girls, just like they almost did years back.
“Guys, come on, please they’re right there!” He practically salivates, wildly gesturing to the tall wooden wall in front of them.
Most of them shift uncomfortably and groan about him being a creep as usual, but the rest stay silent.
Mineta takes their lack of outright refusal as fuel to keep blabbering.
“Look, we almost got away with it back then-“
“-You mean you got away with it, we didn’t do shit. And you didn’t exactly get off scot-free, Kota completely demolished your attempts and you landed ass down on Four-Eyes’ face,” Bakugo drawls, leaning his head backwards and looking up at the obsidian sky. The boys laugh, remembering the ridiculous event.
The night is cool, the stars littering the inky atmosphere take the pressure off of Bakugo’s lungs. For weeks now they’ve been training like dogs, battling each other and even minor villains for extra practice of their quirks. This trip was supposed to be a leisure getaway, not a free porno.
But the grape-headed perv is insistent, scoffing and waving the blond’s quip off like some annoying fly.
“You know, there’s something in it for you too, Bakugo. I’ve seen the way you look at Y/N.”
This causes a murmur and a couple of light beers towards the blond, who in turn snarls and ignites his hand to quell the commotion. All of them had an inkling that Katsuki Bakugo had finally set his sights on some poor girl, and that was you. It was such a rare sight to see his face flush slightly when you walked past him, the way he stuttered over his words a bit when you two would be conversing amongst the same group, and best of all, when they would see how he would excuse himself to the bathroom or locker room occasionally when your hero suit would tear in certain places after battles.
“Shut the fuck up 3’2, unlike you I don’t need to ogle at those brain dead bimbos.”
“Oh? I didn’t realize you thought of Y/N as a ‘brain dead bimbo’, Bakugo, I’ll be sure to let her know how you feel” Mineta grinned maliciously, and the boys ‘oooo’ed at the jab.
Bakugo’s voice caught in his throat.
“You wouldn’t,” he growled, rising slightly out of the water.
“I already know you’ll kill me afterwards, but I’m prepared for the repercussions if you don’t help...cooperate here,” Grapehead inspected a cuticle and feigned a yawn.
“Come on Bakugo, it’s not like it’s gonna hurt anyone! Well keep this to ourselves,” Denki chimed in a little too eagerly.
“Yeah, I mean, we’re only asking for your and everyone’s support so that we can focus better on training y’know? A little fun never killed anyone.” Sero threw his arm over Kirishima’s shoulder, who blushed at the whole ordeal but kept silent all the while.
Katsuki looked around. Slowly, others were starting to really listen in and look interested at the outcome of Mineta’s plan. Surely a little peeping wouldn’t be too bad would it? And plus, it was only a one time thing.
Shoto was faring the same way as Kirishima, quiet and maybe embarrassed at what they were planning on doing, but no outright refusal. Even Deku had a weird longing glint in his eye, the same kind he would get when he used to fawn over All Might.
He thought about it for a minute more, a chance to see you, naked, honest, and pure, splashing around with your friends as you let your femininity dangle as it pleased.
“Do whatever the hell you want. I’m not taking blame if the bird and glasses come back, though.”
Hushed cheers and excited murmurs erupt from around the spring, and they huddle together to form a plan.
A couple minutes later, the boys were grouping around the wooden panels. Todoroki had burned a hole into the soft wood, and sero had used his transparent tape to cover it up so that the girls couldn’t see it from their side.
And there they were, completely bare, hair flowing, curves showing, voices mature and high pitched giggles emanating from around the water and bank.
Bakugo seeks you out immediately after the hole is made, shoving his way through the crowded bodies much to the amusement of others. But he doesn’t care, all he wants at the moment is to see you in your most honest element.
He doesn’t have to look long, because you’re right there, you’re right in front of them, only a few meters away. Your back is facing them, but the sight of your smooth, naked back and the round curve of your ass squishing against the rocks underneath you is enough to make Bakugo’s cock bob painfully above the water. It’s not too hard to hide his erection since the boys’s attention is elsewhere at the moment.
Your hair is open, and he wants nothing more than to feel it in his hands, run his fingers though your scalp and pull so hard that your neck is snapped back, he wants to know what kind of noises you’ll make for him, would you sound shrill and high pitched or would you wail and bellow for him to let go?
They can hear the girls talking amongst themselves, the hole in the wall makes their voices more audible and clear.
“Quit playing coy, Jirou, we know you’ve got your eye on someone,” Hagakure’s body is nowhere to be found as usual, but her chipper voice rings out from the middle of the hot spring.
Jirou is a few feet away from where you sit, her body also being shown for everyone to see. Bakugo glances at Kaminari to confirm his suspicion, but gags and quickly looks away when he gets an eyeful of his friends’ erect cock.
Not that Bakugo himself has room to talk, though.
“I mean, not really, it’s not a big deal.” The ravenette shifts and hides her head from the rest of girls’ cooing.
“Uh huh, sure. You’re not fooling anyone Kiyoka, I’ve seen the way you look at Denki. You two can’t keep your eyes off each other, it’s cute,” you purr, and Bakugo holds himself back from shoving the other guys out of the way just so that he can hear your voice the best.
Squeals and sounds of splashing fill the air, and Sero and Kirishima whisper excitedly and clap their red-faced friend on the back. Denki can’t keep the 50K watt smile off his face, and even Bakugo grunts and knocks shoulders with him, letting him know that he was happy for the human charger.
But then Jirou claps back with her own snarky observation, and the boys fall hush at the new revelation.
“Alright, you wanna talk about ogling Y/N? Then tell me, how’s Deku doing?”
“Or Bakugo, too,” Mina adds slyly, and now all the girls’ attention, as well as the boys’, is on you.
Bakugo felt like he had whiplash. He would’ve been elated, on Cloud 9 even to hear that maybe you had something for him too, had shitty Deku’s name not have been thrown in there too.
And he looks around wildly for the green haired freak, the freckles dusted across the expanse of his face even more prominent from the deep blush quickly forming, his scarred hands holding the sides of his face shaking in awe and gleeful shock.
But the rest of the boys aren’t as oblivious to how Bakugo seethes at his rival’s joy, from the way the water gets hotter from his quirk sparking underneath the rippling waves. Kirishima scoots closer to his friend and gently lays a hand on his shoulder as if to say, calm down, man. Not right now.
And so the hothead leaves it for the time being, opting to hear your response.
“I-it’s really nothing, they’re both just good classmates like the rest of the guys,” and although your back is turned to them, it doesn’t take a genius to know that you’re embarrassed too, your leg skittishly bouncing in front of you is making your ass jiggle from the back, much to the delight of the salivating boys.
Bakugo wants to spill blood when he suddenly realizes your body is being shown for the rest of these dogs to see
The girls start teasing you, your splutters being drowned out by their playful accusations.
“Come on L/N, whose cuter?”
“Dont act all coy now, I know how nervous you get when you’re all close to Bakugo. I mean I don’t blame you, have you seen his muscles? He could crush someone’s head with those things!”
“Yeah, but have you seen the way she giggles when Deku starts his mumbling tangents? That’s a classic crush right there.”
Bakugo is getting desperate to hear your answer now, some of the boys have left, feeling like they had their full of excitement for the night. They saw some tits and ass, heard some gossip, end of story.
The only ones remaining were Bakugo and his gang, as well as IcyHot and Shitty Deku.
Shitty Deku, who seemed equally eager to hear your response.
It pissed him off that he wasn’t getting the message to fuck off, even after all the growling and death stares he was receiving from his childhood friend.
But he guesses after a lifetime of dealing with it, it doesn’t scare Deku as much as it does anymore.
Maybe he’ll have to amp it up, later
“W-well I mean both of them have their own respective...flaws and strengths I guess..sometimes Deku can be kinda hard to talk to ‘cuz he’s so shy, but Bakugo can be a real jerk at times, too.”
You trail off, and Bakugo scoffs to himself. Him? Flaws? Those two words didn’t go well in one sentence together, but nonetheless he continues to listen. He wouldn’t refute the notion of him being an asshole, he wasnt that delusional.
“And yeah, I mean Bakugo definitely intimidates me sometimes with how aggressive he can be, but Deku is definitely getting up there in terms of physical prowess. But in terms of who I like, I’d have to say-“
“Midoriya! Bakugo! What are you two doing over there?”
Iidas voice booms across the water, and all 6 of the boys jump back, startled at the intrusion.
“No, wait-“ Bakugo hisses, clawing his way towards the hole to hear the rest of what you had to say, but Sero and Todoroki shove him back and patch the hole up with fire and tape, shutting off your confession.
Deku waves his arms around wildly, stammering some excuse of dropping his towel in the spot where they all were sheepishly gathered. They eventually waded their way over to where Tokoyami had set the drinks down, but the blond was shaking with hot rage despite the cool refreshment that was shoved into his hand by a wary Kirishima.
“Don’t sweat it dude, it’s not like her and Midoriya are gonna da-“
“Finish that sentence and I’ll blast both your and his head off,” he glowers at the redhead, shorting a dark look to where an all-too-happy Deku was chatting with Todoroki, as if they hadn’t been drooling over their naked classmates merely a couple minutes ago.
Kirishima backs off with raised hands in surrender, leaving Katsuki to mull over the situation by himself.
You couldn’t seriously be interested in that green haired freak, right? I mean he could barely talk to a girl without tripping over his own damn tongue, for fucks sake.
Not that he was any better himself. He failed to acknowledge the times where you had merely asked him for an extra pencil, when he snapped at you for being such a fuckin’ dumbass that you couldn’t even remember to bring your own shit. He had done that out of pure impulse, but he regretted it the moment he saw your face fall, his heart clenching at the sight
He’d have to show you that he was the better option, regardless of if you wanted it or not.
And so when they had all gotten out of the water and gotten ready for food, Bakugo already knew what he had to do.
You were all eating outside in the camp pavilion, each at their own separate tables. He was sitting with the boys, all of them joking around and throwing food at each other while he was staring you down.
He couldn’t keep his eyes off you. How could you expect him to, after he had seen half of you bare already? It was sinful almost, the way you were completely in the dark about what he had seen and heard, while he himself was fantasizing about what you looked like and felt like on the front.
So when Deku came by your table, no doubt also having the same conversation of the springs in mind, wanting to get closer to you, Bakugo felt his sanity snap.
The fork he held in his hand started melting in his ignited hand, steam curling from his palm. He watched as the green-eyed fuck made successful shitty attempts to make you laugh, his eyes trained on where you gently laid a hand on his shoulder after something he said that made you throw your head back and howl with glee.
“Hey man, your fork-!” Kaminari yelped, pointing at the disfigured mess of metal in his friend’s steaming hand.
“Huh?” Bakugo was pulled out of his irate daze, and he quickly dropped the fork when he saw what he unconsciously did.
They all looked at him for an uneasy minute after noticing the expression on his face, no doubt understanding he was furious about being compared to Deku once again in front of you.
“Look, Bakugo, don’t really take what Y/N said to heart. We don’t know who she actually likes, and Midoriya’s just her friend...” but Sero trails off hesitantly after glancing in your direction, seeing Deku’s dreamy expression as your hand still continues to rest on his shoulder.
“Just let her come to you, yeah? You don’t wanna force anything on her, that’ll make her really uncomfortable-“
-“Shut the fuck up Shitty Hair, and mind your own damn business,” Bakugo interjects, abruptly unscrewing his drink and standing up, unable to lose you to some broccoli- headed bug-eyed fuck.
He stiffly walks across the pavilion to where you two sit, and feigns a swig from his bottle. Your focus is still on Deku, so you don’t notice him approach until he comes up behind you two and ‘trip’s, falling forward and strategically spilling the liquid all over Deku’s back and your front.
You squeal as your blouse is drenched, and Deku shoots up from his seat to grab some napkins while searching for the perpetrator.
“What the- Kacchan?”
Bewildered, you look at the two while dabbing the wet splotches on your shirt, Mina and Tsu jumping into action to help you.
The boys exchange a weird look, and although Bakugo gave his version of an apology, he doesn’t look very sorry. In fact, if you saw it right he looked almost...smug? With a bit of anger?
Deku wasn’t any easier to understand either. His voice was lilted as usual while he grabbed napkins, but his gaze never left his childhood friends’ and his eyes weren’t exactly the big doe-eyes you had grown fond of.
They were darkened, and narrowed as they bored into Bakugo’s eyes. Neither one of them was looking away from each other, and there was a weird tension in the air that everyone could sense.
But you couldn’t focus on that right now, you had to go and wash up.
“I gotta change and maybe take a shower, I can feel it sticking to my skin,” you scrunch your nose in disgust and tell Mina as you stand to leave. Deku offers to walk you, but you wave him off kindly.
As you pass by Bakugo, you can feel his eyes rove up and down your body, very obviously staring at the way your white shirt clings to your chest from the liquid, sending chills up your spine.
But he doesn’t come after you, not yet.
It’s only after everyone has finished up from their dinner and headed off to bed almost 20 minutes later that the showers finally, finally warm up enough for you to dip a hesitant toe in.
Curse the old pipes.
He watches you from the dark, the only light you’re provided with is the dim emergency light from the rusty bulb, the camp counselors having been shut the facility’s lights off merely a half hour ago. But you were stubborn in waiting for the water to warm up so you were left alone in the showers, shifting uncomfortably in your sticky wet clothes.
And then miraculously you get up for the umpteenth time to check the temperature of the water, and it’s finally deemed appropriate for you when you sigh in relief and start taking your shoes off.
He hides in the door partition, his cock hardening slowly as he thinks of you alone with just him and his mercy. You were going to pay for almost breaking his heart and prancing around with stupid fucking Deku instead.
But asides from his rage, he still liked you, a lot. He wanted you to want him as much as he wanted you, so he decided to try and attempt to make your first time with him as gentle and as special as he could in the dirty cabin showers.
Bakugo waits with bated breath for the right moment, and the second your hands grip the end of your shirt to pull it up, he slowly emerges from the dark.
“You know, I’m glad you came here alone, at night. It’s almost like you wanted this.”
You jump violently at the low voice coming from seemingly nowhere, and you wildly look around for the source until you see him...coming at you slow from the inky abyss of the room, like a predator stalking his prey.
His figure seems to loom even larger than he actually is, the shadows of his tall body bouncing off the walls and grazing over the top of your head. He seems to be in no rush, taking his time with his hands in his pockets, eyes flashing dangerously at you as he stalks forward until he’s backed you up against the deteriorating wall, chest to chest with you.
“W-what the hell, Bakugo,” you stammer nervously. “This is the girls room, you can’t be here-“
And the hand you raise to push him away is caught in his calloused ones, your other wrist is quickly seized as well and slammed above your head. You cry out in pain and try kicking out, but he wedges a bulky knee in between your thigh and shoves his face mere millimeters away from yours, a mean leer adorning his normally-attractive face.
“What, I can’t be here? And here I was thinking that you almost liked me. But oh, I forgot, Deku’s your favorite, right?” The grip on your wrist tigthens and his leg flexes from in between your thighs.
You squirm and sob, about to ask what the hell he was talking about-
Oh no.
He sees the understanding pass over your face, and he laughs cruelly at the horror that comes with it.
“You heard me? How?”
“Not just heard. I saw you, too.”
He lets his eyes drop from your neck, to your chest, and then to the juncture between your legs which was being massaged by his knee.
Tears well up in your eyes as you realize he was watching you this entire evening in the springs. How he got away with it, you didn’t want to even know.
“I saw your hair open for the first time, and not in that stupid hairdo you always do for school.”
He trails his hand softly up the sides of your body and up your neck until he reaches his big hand into your scalp. You whimper and gasp as he laces his fingers through your locks, seeming to caress you but then harshly yanking your head back so you had no choice but to look at him head on.
“I saw your ass pressed up against the rocks, and I wished it was up against my cock instead.”
He removes his hand from your hair and snakes it down to your bottom, kneading and slapping it lightly. You writhe even harder now, too scared to make a noise in case he hurts you even worse, just wanting him to get the hell off of you.
“But I didn’t see the front of you. I imagined what you would look like with tears streaming down your face while I was stuffing you full of me”
He plays with the edge of your shirt, a dark look in his eye as he plays with you. You try to budge your hands but to now avail, only serving in annoying him and shoving his knee up further into your crotch. The pressure on your clit is immense, and your legs start shaking as you’re forced to be suspended almost midair on his knee.
“Take this off,” he says softly, the rasp catching in his voice.
“Bakugo, please. You don’t have to do this, I swear I won’t tell anyone-“
“You think I’m worried about if you’ll tell anyone? Hah! I already know you won’t, wanna know why?”
He leans in, inhaling the scent of your hair and grazing his nose along the side of your neck. You force yourself to breath in and out, feeling an impending heart attack.
“‘Cause if you do, I’ll make sure to fuck you in front of everyone, especially on Deku’s broken body.”
And then you can’t stop them, the tears fall from your body shaking in pure fear at his threat.
You knew he wouldn’t actually do something like that, but hearing it snarled in your ear so softly made you believe it all the same, the power he held while you were fucked, literally and metaphorically.
“Now I’m not gonna ask you again. Take this shit off before I burn it, bitch.”
You don’t want to piss him off further, so with trembling hands you lift the edge of your sticky uniform and start to pull it off, but he stops you with a frustrated grunt.
“Slowly. I wanna savor this while no ones here.”
You bite your lip and suppress a scream as you do what he says.
And oh, does he ever savor it. The shirt clings deliciously to your breasts, and he licks his lips as it ruffles up and over your head. Your skin is perspiring from the humid air, a sheen of sweat lightly decorating your collarbones. Bakugo can’t hold himself back any longer, and you yelp when he comes at you suddenly.
He lunges at your face and pins your arms down by your side again as his lips mesh against yours, his kiss filled with clacking teeth and a thrashing tongue against your lips. The knee you’re straddling is bouncing lightly up and down, jostling you on it and causing your cunt to pulsate with heat.
You let out a distressed moan, and he swallows it greedily, using the advantage of your open mouth to delve deeper into your wet cavern. You open bleary eyes and flinch when you find his already wide open, staring back into unforgiving vermillion orbs.
He pulls back slightly, panting. “I bet Deku didn’t get this kind of treatment, huh? It’s all for me right?”
You don’t know if he’s genuinely asking you or just being insane, so you don’t answer him. Fortunately and unfortunately for you, he doesn’t care for your response, rather more focusing on dragging you by your neck towards the hot showers.
You slip and stumble as he shoves you in a stall, gaining your balance only too late when he turns and locks the door.
“Look, I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, just forget you saw or heard anything at the springs, it was just girl talk, stupid stuff that didn’t mean anything-“
“-even if it didn’t mean anything to you I’ll make sure you believe what you’ll feel after I fuck you senseless.”
And with that, he tugs off his clothes and licks his lips at the sight of you cowering against the wall, naked and oh so vulnerable.
He slowly shifts towards you, pressing his body flush against your trembling one. You can feel the outline of his erection on your thigh, and you swallow at how big it is.
“I don’t wanna have to close your mouth or restrain you when I’m balls deep in that tight cunt. So don’t do anything stupid and this’ll be a whole lot easier for you.”
He reaches a hand down and lightly strokes your labia, relishing in how you whimper and jerk against him, but don’t dare try to stop his hand.
Smart girl
Another hand finds its way to your tits, tugging and pulling at your hardened nipples. You gasp and arch into his touch, slowly coming undone from his ministrations. He humps against your leg like a teenage kid, grunting while he does so.
His mouth is attacking yours once again, but now you’re too tired from the constant surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins to even move your head. You just let him play with your body, your heart, your soul.
“I think the princess is wet enough for me now,” he leers at you when he pulls his fingers away, scissoring his digits to show the strings of wetness he pulled from your pussy.
You squeal and grab onto his chiseled arms as he suddenly hikes his hands underneath your upper thighs and picks you up, forcing your legs to wrap around his middle for support.
He slams you against the wall, the water cascading down your head is making your hair stick to your face, and in a strange and sudden show of intimacy Bakugo softly moves your locks away from your eyes. Your gazes lock, yours desperate and tear filled while his scarlet hues show no signs of mercy, but rather a strange predatory hunger.
Your arms scrabble behind his head and on his shoulders for balance as he slowly sinks you down on his length. You hiss and throw your head back at the sensation of being filled, and he eats it up.
He watches the way your mouth opens, your eyes widen, as every sinful sound your body can make escapes you.
As if he needed more of an ego boost
You wail as the last inches are sucked into your dripping hole, and he lets out a mean breathy laugh.
“Fuck, you really were ready huh? I should’ve taken you weeks ago, little slut.”
Your brows furrow and you try to turn your face away but he snatches your chin in a hardened grip.
“Uh-uh, none of that shit. You were doing so well, don’t turn away from me now.”
He slowly starts to roll his hips minutely into yours, not exactly thrusting but enough movement to make your cunt flutter and throb.
“What do you want me to say? You got what you wanted!” You whisper to him, more tears falling down freely down your cheeks.
He can’t help himself, he groans and surges forward to lick the salty rivers up, gripping your ass tightly when you flinch.
“Tell me you love me. Tell me how much you want me, how much better I am than that green-haired bastard and I won’t shove it up your ass.”
You can feel his abdomen clench and shake from the effort he’s making not to completely batter your cervix so you give in quickly, afraid of what he’s like when his thin strands of self restraint snap.
“I...I love you Bakugo. I really want y-ooh!”
The last bit of your sentence is choked off as he lifts you up all the way to his tip and slams your hips down his length. You gasp and weave your hands through his hair for support, your legs violently shaking at the pain.
He grunts and starts really giving it to you, setting a fast pace as he bounces you on his cock. Your head is bobbing around, you’re fairly certain there’s drool coming down your lips but you can’t find it in you to care as he fucks you into oblivion.
After a couple of more painful thrusts he pushes you against the wall and removes your hands from his hair, holding them above your head against the wall. You’re trapped with your upper half plastered against the dingy tile while your lower half is wrapped his dick.
Your cunt swallowing him down is the only leverage you have, so your whole body weight presses down on his shaft. He moans loudly at the pressure on his tip, your gooey hot walls clamping around him from every angle and you yourself can’t help it when your eyes roll back at the sensation.
He rocks his hips up, and up you go as well, whining and clawing at the wall behind you, desperately grappling onto your sanity as well. Your tits bounce with each thrust, and his glinting eyes take perverse joy in their obscene movements.
Bakugo starts moving in earnst now, deeming the slow strokes enough prep for you. He batters your womb, reaching places not even your fingers could access, making you go cross eyed.
He sees this and snickers at your pathetic state.
“Fuck yeah you little whore. You’re gonna learn no one else can satisfy this slutty pussy like I can.”
You give him nothing but a choked gasp in response. You head moves like a bobblehead, you can’t even see clearly from the water cascading into your eyes. He’s just a towering blob of ashy blond hair and large muscles.
His hips start stuttering in their rhythm, drawing to a close from his contrasting pounding minutes earlier. Your nails rake over his forearms, holding on for dear life as he pants and groans into your ear like an animal. His dick spasms inside you for a second or two, and then Bakugo suddenly holds you tight against him, wet bodies pressed against each other as he cums.
He lets out a loud moan as you whine into his shoulder at the sensation of his hot seed filling you up. You’re held against his heaving chest for a moment of two, the both of you catching your breath until he slowly backs up and lets you slip to the ground.
It’s suddenly very quiet, the sound of the shower is drowned out by the ringing in your head. You’re shaking, shock overcoming your abused body as you refuse to look at him.
But he won’t have any of that. He steps forward, and you flinch yet again, scrambling backwards to put very necessary space between him and you.
“You got what you wanted. Please leave, I won’t say anything to anyone.” You breath out shakily.
He’s silent for a moment before you hear him chuckle. His low chuckles grow louder and more derisive, he’s booming with sinister laughter and you snap your head up in horror at him.
“You think this is done?”
He crouches to your level suddenly, elbows on his knees as he cocks his head at you, eyeing your naked body that he so recently claimed as his. His gaze travels down to where his cum seeps from between your legs, and you quickly cross your limbs over to prevent him from seeing the lewd sight.
“You’re mine now, Y/N. I already told you, you’re not gonna be talking to Deku, or any other guy apart from me. You think they’ll even want you when they find out how you loved being fucked in the dirty showers? Everyone’s gonna call you a slut, nothing else.”
“No, that’s not true you-“
He crawls to you, and it’s so mesmerizingly terrifying to see a man of his build crawl to you like some deranged humanoid that you shut up, words caught in your throat.
“Shut the fuck up.” He says softly. “You’re my bitch now, and you’ll do whatever the fuck I say, when I say it.”
Bakugo might’ve felt a little bad to see the girl he liked so scared of him all because of his doing, but the way you trembled and crossed your legs like the stupid, helpless little girl that you were erased every hesitancy from his mind.
He grabbed your cheeks and smushed them together, paying no mind to the pleas and whimpers you let out in retaliation.
Licking a long stripe up your neck, you shivered when he growled, “now clean up and be outside in 10 minutes, you’re sleeping in my bunk tonight. The guys are all asleep so we’ll just take an empty room in the cabin.”
He released you and stood back up, grabbing a towel for himself along the way. Drying his hair off, his back was turned to you as he started picking his clothes up too.
You just sat there in a daze, wondering what the hell just happened.
“Oh, and Y/N?” He was dressed, and he was at the door now.
“If you think about doing anything stupid or take longer than 10 minutes, I’ll come back in and get you personally. And I’ll make sure that we stay here for the rest of the night, just in case you like your little time alone that I’m giving you too much.”
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doyumacy · 3 years
ʀɪᴅᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ - 1
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ʏᴜᴛᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ᴍᴀʀᴋ ��ᴇᴇ
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ɢᴏɴᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀ ʏᴇᴀʀ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ʜᴀꜱ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇᴅ. ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴀʟꜰ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀ’ꜱ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ᴀ ʟᴇɢᴇɴᴅ ɪɴ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ʀᴀᴄᴇꜱ. ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴀᴍᴇ ɢɪʀʟꜱ ʜᴀᴛᴇ ʏᴏᴜ. ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴀᴍᴇ ʙᴏʏ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ᴍᴀᴋᴇꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ʀᴀᴄᴇ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴏɴ’ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ʜɪᴍ ɢᴇᴛ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ʜᴜʀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ. ɴᴏᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ. ɴᴏᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ.
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ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ᴅʀᴀᴍᴀ, ᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴅʀᴜɢꜱ, ɢᴜɴꜱ, ɢᴜɴꜱʜᴏᴛꜱ, ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴊᴏᴋᴇꜱ, ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴛꜱ,
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 5,3ᴋ
three years ago
you slide out from under the car you've been working on when you hear an unfamiliar engine approaching the garage. it must be a customer, you think as you go to the front desk to help them.
the man who enters the office surprises you. he has light brown hair and is wearing black jeans with a white shirt with black flowers. his dark brown eyes sparkle with curiosity as he sees you. a black maserati is parked behind him.
"can i help you?" you ask, freely.
"i have a faulty spark plug and my garage is on the other side of the planet. they told me this was the best place in town."
"and it is. go ahead and go into the store."
"don't mechanics normally keep people waiting in the office?" he asked amused.
"only when the person doesn't know anything about cars. obviously you do, so you have to keep me company while i fix it," you smirk.
"what's your name, suh? -he asks, using the last name on your work shirt.
"y/n. yours?"
"yuta. nakamoto yuta."
"nice to meet you. let's get that car fixed, shall we?"
a few minutes later, the black car is with the hood open in the garage. yuta, on the other hand, is helping you by handing you the necessary tools. you let his fingers brush a little more than strictly necessary when yuta hands you a wrench.
yuta smiles and leans back against the car once you're done. "how much do i owe you?" he asks quietly.
it takes you a second to really register how close you are to each other. you look him in the eye. "how about you take me out to dinner and the debt is settled?" you ask in a sudden flare of audacity.
fortunately, he smiles.
"my thoughts exactly. what time will you be out here?
he looks down at that ridiculously nice black gold watch.
"it's only an hour from now. how about i keep you company until then?"
"i'd like that."
"so what were you working on before I showed up?"
"my charger over there. there are some bastards who want to compete with me saying their luxury imports can beat it. tonight they're in for an ugly surprise."
you assume yuta has heard about your garage, knows about your regular clientele. they consider themselves the best store around to the fellow street racers. but to everyone else, it's just a small garage.
"that sounds like something i'd like to see. mind if i stay and watch you kick their asses?"
"it'd be my pleasure," you smile.
as expected, you end up following yuta back to his apartment after winning the race by a solid car length. the endorphins from winning the race flood your senses, and yuta is amazed that he had managed to stumble upon such an amazing girl. someone like him.
sl walking, you find yourself wrapped in warm arms and leaning against a hard chest. you caress the dragon-shaped tattoo on his right shoulder and plant a kiss on it.
a quiet moan tells you she is waking up. his arm tightens around her. he plants a kiss on your forehead.
"Good morning to you too," you say.
yuta rolls you onto his back and rests his torso on top of yours. "good morning."
"You look happy.
"i woke up with a beautiful, bad-ass, street-racing woman in my arms. how could i complain?"
you laugh. "well, i could say the same thing. it's not often i get to wake up next to a hot guy and  that brother would probably beat up if he knew where i spent the night."
he barks out a laugh. "you're most likely right..." he bites his lip. "there's something you need to know."
your smile disappears. "you're not married, are you?"
"no! god, no," he replies instantly. "i just want to know if you want it to be more than a brief fling."
you are silent for a moment as he thought.
"yes, i think so. i mean, we could get to know each other better but yes," you explain.
"then we're on the same page," you nod absently. "do you want to have breakfast before we go on with our talk?"
you can't help but get a little nervous. what does he have to say?
"what do you want for breakfast?"
"uh..." you sit up, holding the black sheet against your chest to cover yourself. "whatever. i'm not particularly picky."
yuta nods and gets out of bed, pulling on a pair of gray sweatpants. he leaves his room and you lie back down on the bed. your cell phone rings somewhere in yuta's room and you grunt getting up to look for it. you find it inside your jeans.
"y/n! where the hell are you?" johnny asks as soon as you answer the phone. “you didn’t come home last night, and jaehyun said there was a guy watching you the entire race.”
“don’t worry about it, brother. that guy was my date last night. i’m at this place right now,” you grin.
“hold on, you had a date?! who? why didn’t you tell me?” johnny bombards you with questions.
you sigh. you saw this coming.
“everything all right?” yuta asks, entering his bedroom.
“my brother,” you say with your mouth. “johnny! easy with the questions. i’ll tell you later, bye!”
“be responsible!” it can be heard from the phone and you hang up.
you exhale dramatically and fall back on the bed.
“trouble, dear?” yuta inquiries.
you raise your head to look at him. “big brothers are tedious,” you announce after a minute.
“i wouldn’t know; i’m the older brother.”
yuta smiles warmly. “i have a younger brother. the idiot used to fight older bullies in the yard, and i was the one who had to finish them off.”
you smirk. “you protected him. my brother’s the same way.”
“let’s eat, okay? i still need to talk about something important,” yuta declares.
you nod and he tosses you slightly one of his shirts. you put it on and grab your panties putting them on.
yuta made sunny side up eggs and french toasts. between bites, yuta begins to speak. “i work for the korean mafia.”
“huh?” you stop eating and stare at him. “you what?”
yuta laughs lightly. “i work for the korean mafia.” he repeats. “i bet you’re wondering what a japanese guy is doing working for the korean mafia.”
“not exactly my first thought but yes,” you shrug. “what do you do?”
“let’s say i’m a middleman between the korean mafia and the yakuza,” he confesses.
you frown. “so you buy goods from them and sell them?”
yuta raises an eyebrow at you. “what are you? a businesswoman?”
you laugh and have a bite of your toast. “i went to business school, but i dropped out this semester.”
“hot,” he plants a kiss on your lips. “so yes, that’s my job. aren’t you scared?”
“of what? you? your job?” you snort. “i’ve seen way worse in the underground. i gotta say i’m surprised because i thought you were a good boy.”
yuta chuckles. “i am good at other things,” he winks at you.
you push the plate aside and sit on his lap. “i can’t recall, do you mind refreshing my memory?”
yuta grins and places his hand on your ass cheeks. “aren’t you too sore?”
“pain is my best friend,” you nip at his lip and he groans.
yuta kisses you and his hand goes to your throat tilting your head to the side and biting your neck harshly. you whimper at the painful yet pleasurable sensation. yuta shushes you and darts his eyes to you. “i thought you enjoyed the pain, baby girl.”
one year ago
you’re standing in front of his gravestone and place the flower bouquet next to it. the only sound is the wind, rustling through a nearby copse of trees. it has been five days since yuta died and the hole in your chest only gets deeper.
it hurts.
you’re broken.
your life without him means nothing. the city without him means nothing. nothing makes sense without him.
“you shouldn’t have died,” you say. “we could have been better.” you mumble, sitting in front of the grave. “it’s weird, today i woke up and i thought i heard your voice. am i going crazy?” you scoff.
you stare at the gravestone and then lower your heard. “i came to say goodbye. i can’t stay here anymore. everywhere i go i see your face. everyone reminds me of you.”
you feel tears streaming down your face. “i’ll never forget you, yuta. i love you so much.” you burst out crying.
after you left town, you were pretty much everywhere: singapore, thailand, indonesia, philippines, malaysia and even japan for a few weeks. racing and making a fame known as the ‘nameless girl’ who would beat everyone.
you left a note to johnny saying you’d be okay and you would return when you feel ready to.
you didn’t stay long in every country and you didn’t make any relations so things didn’t attach to you there. you were lonely but you got used to it. and you didn’t dislike it.
one night, you decided it was time to come back home. yuta would never come back and you felt you moved on.
the train arrives at its last stop and you grab your small suitcase exiting it. you walk and take a taxi to your house, or johnny’s house just to find a party. people and their racing cars everywhere.
of course. it’s friday.
you get into your house and see people everywhere. people dancing, no, grinding on each other’s bodies and blowing some smoke. perhaps weed. you walk through the crowded living room and spot johnny sipping a beer. you don’t know how he's going to react since you didn’t tell anyone you’re back.
you walk to johnny but he’s interrupted by a red haired and kissed him. you roll your eyes, johnny and his bitches.
you change your direction walking to the kitchen and see jaehyun talking to some people. he turns to you and doesn’t seem to notice you, it’s when he turns again and his face brightens up with a smile. “y/n!” he walks to you and tugs you for a hug, lifting you from the ground.
“hi,” you giggle, placing a kiss on his cheek.
jaehyun puts you back on the ground and smiles, "i almost didn't recognize you, you've changed so much."
“i just dyed my hair: i got babylights,” you grin.
“i like them, you look great,” jaehyun nods. “but where have you been?!”
“huh everywhere?” you shrug.
“and you couldn’t call?” he stares at you.
“i know, i’m sorry,” you rest a hand on his shoulder. “we’ll talk later, okay? where’s everyone?”
“johnny is lena, jungwoo is having a blunt with jinsoul in the yard and of course jisung is in his room, he’s not allowed to come downstairs,” jaehyun comments.
you nod and rest your hands on your waist. “i don’t know half of these people. who are they?”
“johnny became kind of a sponsor?” jaehyun frowns and you laugh. “no, it’s true! half of these people are rich kids betting on johnny's people, he met two guys that are literally gods of racing.”
“i’d like to see that,” you add. “what are their names?”
“mark lee and lee donghyuck,” jaehyun hands you a beer. “they’re dickheads but we’ve been getting so much money because of them.”
you scoff. “they’re just lucky. i am back.”
jaehyun whistles, smiling. “that’s the attitude, baby. i can’t wait to see you race again.”
you smirk. “i bet you wanna.”
“ah, johnny’s coming,” jaehyun murmurs.
you turn and see a blond haired johnny walking towards you. you tuck your hands into your jeans pocket and smile nicely. “hi brother.”
“when people started saying my sister was here i didn’t believe it because maybe she left this fucking town a year ago leaving just a note!” johnny exclaims. “and thought ‘why would she return just like that?’”
you sigh. “i’m sorry, johnny. but i’m back and i’m okay. that’s the only thing that should matters.”
johnny rolls his eyes. “are you dumb?”
you frown. “just because you’re my brother i d-
“half-brother,” johnny remarks.
“fuck you, johnny,” you hiss and leave the kitchen
when johnny gets upset he tends to be the classical dickhead and uses the ‘half-brother’ excuse just to hurt you. you think you might deserve it, but why is it so hard for him to understand why you left? why you need to leave?
maybe it’s because he has never loved someone the way you loved yuta. or maybe he’s too selfish to understand it.
of course you also think you didn’t do the right thing by simply disappearing out of the blue, but again, you don’t owe anything to no one.
you go to the bathroom that is next to the stairs and groan when you realise it’s locked. you lean against the wall and sigh. next to you, there are three girls whispering and laughing. you don’t care, until you hear your name.
“did you see y/n? she’s back,” one of them says.
“yeah. i thought she was in jail,” the other mocks.
“in jail? for what?” she laughs.
“apparently she was the one that killed yuta,” she comments. “and ran away, but my boyfriend told me the police caught her.”
the blonde one laughs. “poor thing.”
“and i’d go back to jail for ripping your ugly faces off,” you murmur, still leaning against the wall.
the girls stare at you and they decide to leave. you groan, rolling your eyes. “assholes.”
someone walking down the hallway whistles and smiles at you. “should i be concerned about my well being right now?.”
you look at them and you see a black haired guy, wearing a green jacket with black ripped jeans and black shirt. you scoff. “fuck off, dude.”
“but please don’t rip my face off.,” the guy rests his hand on his chest.
you stare at him and clench your jaw. “bugger off, dude. really, i’m not in the mood to take someone’s shit.”
“sorry,” he nods. “i’m mark by the way,” he passes the bottle of the beer he’s drinking to his free hand and extends his hand.
you look at his hand, hesitant. you shake your head and take it. “y/n.”
he grins, gripping at your hand. “you’re the famous y/n.”
you chuckle. “and you’re not the famous mark lee.”
mark smiles sideways. “so you’ve heard about me.”
“very little,” you shrug. “nothing impressive.”
“ah, they weren’t wrong when they said you’re a bitch,” mark frees your hand.
“did i hurt your feelings?” you pout mockingly.
“you’re gonna need more than that to hurt my feelings, gorgeous,” he winks at you.
you nod. “noted, boy. well, it was nice talking to you.”
“you leaving already?” mark asks.
“yeah. i’m tired and i need a place to sleep,” you say. “i guess i’ll see you around.”
mark nods. “have a good night, y/n.”
“when did she get back? how come i didn't see her?” donghyuck slides off the plastic armrest of the outdoor sofa he was sitting on.
jeno walks away to get a drink. “who 's back?” he asks.
“y/n suh,” mark replies.
“johnny’s sister?” jeno looks at him.
donghyuck and mark nod.
“what was she in jail for, like, a year?” jeno’s voice drops to a whisper.
“she was in jail?” donghyuck stares at mark.
“no. she just disappeared last fall,” mark explains.
“it was probably jail,” donghyuck adds, “that or she had a baby. i mean, the timing kind of fits for that, don’t you think?”
“and where’s the baby, smartass?” mark glances at him.
“gave it away for adoption,” donghyuck shrugs.
“what are you fuckers talking about,” johnny questions, going outside the house.
“your sibling,” jeno admits, earning an elbow to his side by mark.
johnny laughs and turns to look out over his yard. “which one?”
“watch it, dude,” jaehyun warns him, joining them outside.. “johnny’s not too forgiving when it comes to his siblings.”
“noted.” jeno nods.
“anyways, i’m here to talk business,” johnny sits in front of them.
“back to the things i like,” mark comments.
johnny grins. “there’s a race next weekend, 15 grand for the winner.”
donghyuck whistles. “i like what i’m hearing already.”
“it’s a bit complicated since it won’t be in an enclosed area as usual. it will be in downtown LA,” johnny adds.
“count me in,” mark says.
“dude, do you know how risky it is?” jeno stares at him.
“i’ve done riskier things and here i am,” mark rolls his eyes. “i’ll be there, johnny.”
“you’re my favourite,” johnny smiles and looks at jeno and donghyuck. “you two are disappointing me.”
“i can live with that but not in jail,” donghyuck smirks.
“pussy,” jaehyun hums.
“sorry mr. in-n-out-from-jail,” donghyuck rolls his eyes.
mark chuckles. “that race it’s already mine. and the cops can suck my dick, they wish they were as fast as me.”
“my canadian boy right here is the shit,” johnny smiles.
the bright neon lights. the skimpy clothing worn by chasers. the many cars lined up.
it's another night in los angeles, and another night means another race.
mark breathes it in as he leans on his orange acura nsx. not a single scratch in sight on the top of the car. although he's working with a sponsor, he has his own gang known as death angels, because they’re risk takers, or most of them are.. he can hear the countless bickering of his gang, who are also his closest friends. donghyuck, jeno, and earphone yves, lucas, bickering about god knows what now. jeno and lucas are conversing about seeing some new people joining the race.
there's no doubt he probably owns the most showy and expensive car in the entire parking lot. until a brown haired girl, who he knows, motioned him to come over.
"seems like you got a challenger," donghyuck murmurs.
"tsk, anyone can beat her. what's so special about her anyway?" mark says, annoyed.
yves clicks her tongue. "i wouldn't be so sure about it, babe."
you get off from your car, hair tied up, perfectly showing your features. your toned eyes are slightly covered with black eyeliner. wearing tight jeans, black t-shirt and a red leather jacket.
you look like you are meant to be there. not a chaser wanting attention, not a flag girl wanting to show herself off, but. tracer. the crowd don't bother you. you begin to slightly look around, and that's when you see mark. you and mark lock eyes, and with a strut, you walk with a confident walk over mark.
crossing your arms, showing off your figure, you take a breath, and open your mouth. "no shit you're here as well."
mark scoffs. "i'm a car racer, where else was i supposed to be?"
"junior leagues," you shrug and you hear one of his friends laugh.
mark stares at you and grins. "i challenge you to a race. simply, nobody else. that is if you are up for it."
the offer is rather simple.
an easy 10-second style race, just the two of you, nobody else.
you let out a breathy chuckle, nodding your head. "alright then, it's settled." you reply, standing up to his level, and leaning over his ear. "but don't be crying when you loose, sweetheart"
mark scoffs at that. "you're underestimating my ability right now, gorgeous." he says, poking his lips out in a seductive manner.
you laugh and he smiles.
you turn around for just a few seconds, yelling over to him words that are barely audible. “te veré al inicio de la línea,” (i'll see you at the starting lineyou say.
mark’s orange acura nsx is a perfect fit considering the late at night arrival they have been in. it’s his prized possession, obviously. he checks the side of his car, smirking to himself seeing the NOS lined up on the passenger seat. however, your white nissan gtr is a good contrast. no dent is seen on it, and the engines flare when you start it, earning an erupt from the spectators. fifteen thousand dollars are on the game, and you need that money.
you notice the flag-girl as one of the members of death angels. she wears a simple purple and black outfit: purple harem pants and a black bomber jacket, carefully showing her slightest laced bra. she looks good, there’s no denying it. and with that, she points at mark, starting his engines and giving a show for his car. then she points to you, and you’re wearing a smile on your face. your engines starting.
and time seems to stop when you hear words emit from her mouth. “go!”
mark and you immediately go and hit the accelerator at about the same time, so you two are neck and neck. you know your strategy, and mark knows his.
8 seconds left.
knowing this, mark uses his NOS, eating a prideful laugh and his back hitting the seat. but you have different plans. you wear a smug look, and let out a giggle. “the NOS he’s using will take a shorter time than it relatively should.” you think you yourself, and activate yours.
6 seconds left.
you fly back to your seat, seeing the crowd erupt in cheers. mark sees your white nissan catch up to him, and before he knows, you’re way ahead of him.
“shit!” he yells.
2 seconds.
and before he knows, you are at the finish line, turning your car around and creating a donut with it, earning praise from the crowd. marks ends up second, or last in this case. he gets out of the car with a scowl, and you make your way to him, with a smile on your face, and your hair is out of the ponytail you have been wearing.
“the NOS you used, doesn't take up as much time as normal NOS used. it was a bit too early,” you say, giving your hand out to him. he clicks his tongue, now slightly irritated to know the fact you're indeed right. marks gives you the money. “pass by the shop any time you want.”
“why would you want to help me anyways? we’re rivals now,” he cocks an eyebrow.
you sigh, when you are interrupted by the shouts of numerous spectators and blaring sirens.
“cops! cops!”
everything happens so fast. next thing you know, you are in the back of your car, hitting your foot on the accelerator and immediately rushing out of the area, keeping an eye out for cops in your view mirror. luckily, you don’t seem to spot many. but where you don’t look?
right in front of you.
bullets ricochet throughout the alley way, earning a slight flinch from you. you are scared. only a few times bullets have been in front of you. you quickly take out your silver handgun from out of your shirt, shooting at the cop, not enough to kill him, but it’s enough to get him to surrender.
“bullet proof vests don’t cover the legs, idiot,” you mumble, smirking ever so slightly. you turn a sharp left, going back to the place where you call home. a right. then left. another right. straight forward 2 miles, and there you are.
“SUH MECHANICS AND MANUFACTURING” is written in bold letters. you love this place, you and your brother practically grow up there. you make your way inside, after swiftly parking your car into your garage. the shop is somewhat connected to the house from behind, so you make your way out of the garage, locking the door swiftly, and arriving with 2 familiar faces.
“you had no business ruining mark’s race!” johnny stands in front of you. he’s angry.
“forget about that!” jaehyun stares at johnny and then at you. “you just returned like two hours ago and the cops are after you already? can you be more careful?”
“ah, br- sorry, half-brother, jaehyun. i appreciate the concern and all, but i got this covered, you know?” you reply and look at your brother. “and please, if you really cared about mark you would have recommended him a new NOS. his sucks.”
jaehyun presses his lips together. “it’s true. i’ve been telling you about that for weeks.”
johnny rolls his eyes. “it’s not my fault. the kid won’t change them.”
“well, then you should find a new guy because you won’t make much money with him.” you say and you take out your money. “and me? i am back, baby.”
jaehyun smirks. “then i guess beers are on you.”
“you guess right.”
mark rushes off in his car, having donghyuck joining him. he locks his gun, having his fingers on the trigger for any given moment. mark sighs out a stuttered breath, immediately hitting the accelerator and rushing out of the way. he has another tank full of NOS, that donghyuck simply swaps out, for mark to use at any moment.
“jeno and yves have made it back alright,” donghyuck tells him, while mark drives at an inhumane pace.
mark nods and takes the exit 12, driving to glendale. and after almost 25 minutes, they arrive at their warehouse. he parks his car next to jeno’s and they make their way inside.
“dude! that was fucking awesome!” jeno approaches him. “now i understand why the streets wouldn't shut up about her.”
yves rolls his eyes. “it was just lucky. she’s not that good.”
“then you wouldn't mind racing against her,” donghyuck hums.
“please, she’s nothing to me,” yves smirks.
“she got you mad,” mark walks to the kitchen. “she is something to you.”
“anyway,” jeno locks the door. “who sent those policemen? it’s weird, we have been using the same location for months,” jeno asks.
“someone was there. someone who’s purpose wasn’t to spectate or race, but to infliritrate,” mark sighs, adjusting his belt from his jeans.
“i’m wondering if suh is single,” donghyuck sits, ignoring the talk his friends are having.
“johnny or y/n?” mark mocks him.
“she doesn’t date,” yves sits next to him. “or that’s what i’ve heard.”
“since when you’re a fan of gossip?” jeno frowns.
“you don’t need to gossip, everyone talks about her and her tragic love life,” yves shrugs.
“so she wasn’t in jail?” donghyuck inquiries.
“i already told you she wasn’t in jail, smartass,” mark tosses him a beer.
“then where was she?” jeno sits in front of donghyuck.
yves slides a little on the couch. “you ever heard about nakamoto yuta?”
the three men shake their heads. yves rolls her eyes. “he used to work for the korean mafia and the yakuza doing what? i don’t know, but he was well known before we arrived here.”
“and what happened to him?” jeno asks.
“he messed with the wrong people, and he paid for his mistakes,” yves says. “they got him and killed him.”
“and how is he related to y/n?” mark rubs his chin with his index finger.
“they were together,” yves pulls out a box of cigarettes. “and days after his murder, she went away.”
jeno grimaces. “i would’ve done the same. it’s sad.”
“well, he’s dead and we can’t do shit to help her,” donghyuck stretches out his arms. “she’s hot.”
“dude,” jeno chuckles. “we were just talking about his dead boyfriend and you’re saying she’s hot?”
“donghyuck only uses his lower head,” yves mocks. “why are you even surprised?”
mark laughs and donghyuck rolls his eyes. “i’m gonna race against her again.”
“dude, you want to lose again?” jeno stares at him.
mark frowns. “a little bit of support?”
a few days later, you are working at your peace in call, the mechanic shop. you work with jungwoo, jaehyun, and johnny. jaehyun is an incredibly talented racer, that’s for sure, he was the one who taught you everything you know. johnny and jaehyun are practically always together.
they have been friends since high school, and he’s close with you as well, despite you going to a different school.
so, there you are currently stocking up the shelves and displays with certain kinds of replacements and NOS, to whoever needs them. you wear leather pants, along with a white turtleneck shirt. your hair is down.
“do you have everything locked? storage room too, jungwoo?” you ask the blond.
“yep! johnny is currently working on the new car by the way. he said the client wanted something old school, and because of this, he got inspiration from somewhere,” he informs.
you raise an eyebrow, handing jungwoo the remaining products form the shelves, and making your way inside the shop. you see a black haired man glancing at the shelves with NOS.
you approach him. “hi, welcome. can i help you?”
the man turns and he smiles at you.
mark lee.
you stop the urge of rolling your eyes. “and we see each other.”
“you told me i could pass by whenever i wanted to,” he shrugs. “
“that was me being nice because i beat you,” you smirk.
mark grins. “then i suppose i should go to the Fascinare’s shop? i heard they’re nicer.”
if you and johnny didn’t hate the Facinare you probably would’ve told him to go, but since they are your competition you couldn't afford losing a customer.
you sigh. “of course we can help you.” you fake a smile.
“that’s what i thought,” mark says. “how many days will it take?”
you take a look at his car. “up to 1 to 3 days.”
he nods. “fantastic. i’ll be looking forward to racing against you again then.”
you scoff, crossing your arms on your chest. “i can give your car all the NOS in this world and yet, you won’t beat me.”
“you were just lucky the other night, gorgeous,” he winks at you.
“maybe if you focus on racing instead of flirting you might beat me,” you grin.
mark chuckles and nods. “right. i’ll leave you my phone so you can give me a call when my baby is ready.”
“my god,” you hum. “be right back.”
you go behind the counter and grab a small notebook and a pen. you hand it to mark and write his number down. “i’ll be looking forward for that call.”
“hopefully it won't be me making it,” you smile falsely.
“alright. see you then,” marks says, exiting the shop. “don’t miss me much, gorgeous.”
you roll your eyes again, and smile lowering your head. 
you then frown and shake your head. 
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bpro-cardstories · 3 years
Ryuji Korekuni SSR
2017 ー Flower Garden [Flower Garden]
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"Geez….. It’s not like all sweets get you back in a good mood."
Part 1
ーIn the meeting room.ー
Ryuji: ‘…..…..’
(Ryuji-kun somehow doesn’t look well….. Maybe he’s exhausted, because the schedule was packed these days?)
Ryuji (sighs): ‘….. Haa.’
Tsubasa: ‘Uhm, are you fine?’
Ryuji: ‘….. Yeah. I’m just a bit sleep-deprived. Work has been going until late, so we’ve been coming home at midnight recently. My mind and body are so agitated after the recording, that I can’t really fall asleep.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘That sounds hard…..’ 
Ryuji: ‘Well, when we are finished, we can go home. But the staff has to work until even later, so I won’t complain.’ 
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘And besides, it makes us happy when it’s busy.’ 
Ryuji (smiles): ‘Now that you mention it, I heard some unusual work came in.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, yes! An offer to appear at the Flower Garden opening ceremony came in.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Does it include singing?’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, it does.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Hee, how nice. To be able to sing at something like the Flower Garden sounds romantic.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Hmm…..’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Oh, Ryuji doesn’t seem to be attracted to it?’ 
Ryuji (shakes head): ‘It’s not like that…..’
(Ryuji-kun looks depressed. And seems to be quite tired…..)
Tsubasa: ‘….. Ah! It looks like you will be able to eat plenty of sweets made by a famous hotel pastry chef at the ceremony!’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘Look, did it catch your interest a bit?’ 
Ryuji (upset): ‘Geez….. It’s not like all sweets get you back in a good mood.’ 
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘Hmm. You seem to be in a pretty bad temper today.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘…..’
(I would like to adjust their schedule in some way, but it seems difficult for a while…..)
Part 2
ーAnother day.ー
(I wonder if the rehearsal for the ceremony is already over? I hope Ryuji-kun is in a better mood…..)
Tsubasa: ‘Hello!’
Ryuji: ‘Oh, Tsubasa, hi.’
Tsubasa: ‘I was able to make a bit of time, so I came to see how you are doing. Here are some refreshments.’ 
Ryuji: ‘! This is…..’
Tsubasa: ‘The pudding from Ryuji-kun’s favourite store!’
Ryuji: ‘…..!’
Tomohisa: ‘Fufu. Good for you, Ryuji.’
Ryuji (smiles): ‘Just when I thought I wanted to eat something sweet. Aren’t you thoughtful, Tsubasa.’
Tomohisa: ‘Ryuji, that’s where you genuinely say thank you, right?’
Ryuji: ‘Uh….. I was about to do that now!’
Ryuji (blushes): ‘….. Thanks.’
Tsubasa: ‘Fufufu, I am glad you were pleased about it.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Since you’re already here, should we eat it together?’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, thank you very much.’ 
Ryuji: ‘I wonder what flavour should I go with~ ♪.’ 
(I’m glad. His good mood is all back.)  
Tsubasa: ‘Did the rehearsal go well?’
Ryuji: ‘Of course. I was talking with Tomo about how good it feels.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘You don’t need to worry about the performance, it’s going to be fine. Ryuji’s bad temper has also been fixed in this way.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Pah. I’m always in a good mood though?’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Fufu, you’re right.’ 
Ryuji (winks): ‘Tsubasa, we’ll deliver the best performance, so make sure you have your eyes on us.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes! I am looking forward to it.’ 
(Ryuji-kun is so energetic, he does love to stand on the stage after all.)
Part 3
ーThe day of the performance. In the waiting room.ー
Yuta: ‘Ah, it’s Tsubasa-chan! Yahoo!’
Tsubasa: ‘This is where everyone is. Hello!’
Ryuji: ‘…..….. Hello.’
Tsubasa: ‘….. Eh, eh…..?’
(Ryuji-kun is back in a bad mood again…..?)
Tsubasa: ‘Is something wrong?’
Ryuji: ‘….. Not really.’
(Th-The air’s heavy…..!)
Yuta comes closer.
Yuta: ‘Tsubasa-chan, Tsubasa-chan.’
Tsubasa: ‘?’
Yuta: ‘You know, earlier at the venue we met the big people from the organizing. It was only for a bit, but it looks like he was told something mean.’
Staff: ‘Oh~, it’s you two from KitaKore. Kitakado-kun looks like a prince, so I thought you would certainly be the same type, too….. But you’re a princess, if I had to say so.’ 
Staff: ‘How about trying out women's clothes? It might have some impact? Come on, genderless is in fashion now.’ 
ーEnd of flashback.ー
Tsubasa: ‘How terrible…..’
Yuta: ‘I think the other person didn’t really say it with bad intentions maybe, but…..’ 
Ryuji: ‘Wait, Yuta, what are you telling on me there. Didn’t I say that I didn’t mind it?’
Yuta: ‘But Ryu-chan…..’
Ryuji: ‘That often happens. If I would take that seriously every time, there would be no end to it.’ 
Yuta: ‘Y-Yeah…..’
(That’s Ryuji-kun for you. Just as I thought, because he’s been doing this work since he was a child his reaction sure is mature.)
Ryuji: ‘…..’
Yuta: ‘…..’
(But, the atmosphere is heavy in the end….. That’s not good before the performance.)
The door opens.
Tomohisa: ‘Ryuji, can I have a minute?’
Ryuji: ‘Tomo. What’s wrong?’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘What could this be?’
Ryuji: ‘What do you mean, it’s obvious just by looking. It’s a macaron, right?’
Tomohisa: ‘It’s alright, so open your mouth. ….. Here, aaah.’
Ryuji: ‘Aaah…..’
Ryuji: ‘….. Nhhn!’
Ryuji: ‘That’s!’
Tomohisa: ‘Fufu, did you figure it out? A macaron from “him” whom Ryuji loves so much. I asked the people at the venue for this favour.’
Ryuji: ‘To think I’d be able to eat it here…..!’
Ryuji: ‘Could it be that he’s here at the venue?’
Tomohisa: ‘No, it’s a shame, but this time it’s only the sweets. But he said that he’s looking forward to the broadcasting of the performance.’
Ryuji: ‘I see.’
Ryuji: ‘Aah, this taste….. It hasn't changed since back then.’
Yuta: ‘Hey, hey, Ryu-chan! Give me one, too!’
Ryuji (laughs): ‘Eh~? What do I do now, hm.’ 
Yuta: ‘Waah, don’t be a bully~~!’
Tsubasa: ‘Fufufu.’
(I’m relieved. The atmosphere around Ryuji-kun instantly brightened.)
Tomohisa: ‘Fufu, in the end Ryuji’s special medicine is sweets.’ 
Part 4
ーAfter the end of the ceremony.ー
Tsubasa: ‘Everyone, good work! It was a really wonderful ceremony.’
Tomohisa: ‘Thank you. It’s been a while since we sang outside, so we also enjoyed it.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yep. I enjoyed that kind of party for the first time in a while.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘And, there was also an unexpected surprise, no?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yes, yes, definitely! I didn’t think I would be able to eat “that person’s” sweets.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Uhm, “that person”…..? Is he an acquaintance of you two?’ 
Tomohisa: ‘To be honest, yes. The pastry chef, who was in charge of the sweets for the ceremony today, is someone we've been indebted to since we were children.’ 
Ryuji: ‘He’s the pastry chef purveyor to the Kitakado household and on parties or special events his sweets were always part of them.’
Tsubasa: ‘I understand.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Especially his macarons are masterpieces. During our Bambi time we both often asked him to make all kinds of sweets for us.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Though they were mostly Ryuji’s requests.’
Ryuji: ‘Eh, was it so? Didn’t Tomo also want to eat things like Simmered Taro in Sweetened Soy Sauce* or asked for something different than sweets?’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Ahaha, that might be so. You remembered that well.’
Ryuji: ‘But all of them were delicious.’
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, you do love him a lot.’
Tomohisa: ‘We will introduce him to Tsubasa next time.’
Tomohisa: ‘Before I forget, would you come to our apartment on our free day?’
Ryuji: ‘That sounds great! Because we were busy these days we weren’t able to visit the store, so we’ll ask him to make us lots of sweets ♪.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Yeah, we will contact you.’ 
Part 5
ーA few days later. In the evening.ー
(The previous location dragged on, so I arrived later than the promised time unfortunately…..)
The doorbell rings.
Tomohisa: ‘Hello, Tsubasa. Come in.’
Tsubasa: ‘Hello! I am terribly sorry for my lateness.’
Tomohisa: ‘It’s fine. Now, come into the living room.’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, excuse me for the intrusion.’
Tsubasa: ‘…..?’
(It smells sweet here…..)
Ryuji: ‘Ah, you finally came.’
Tsubasa: ‘I am sorry to have kept you waiting.’
Ryuji (sighs): ‘Really. I was getting tired of waiting.’
Ryuji (smiles): ‘Come on, sit down already!’
Tsubasa: ‘Y-Yes.’
(I wonder what’s wrong, Ryuji-kun is strangely in a good mood…..?)
Tsubasa: ‘Ryuji-kun, did something happen?’
Tomohisa: ‘Fufu, I wonder?’
Ryuji: ‘Tsubasa!’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes.’
Ryuji: ‘Open your mouth! Here, aaahh.’
Tsubasa: ‘Eh!? ….. Nhmm.’
Ryuji: ‘How is it? This cupcake is from the pastry chef’s store we talked about the other day. Delicious, right?’
Tsubasa: ‘Nn….., very delicious!’
Ryuji: ‘I know, right! There are also cookies and madeleines. Eat away.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Thank you very much. But, why suddenly…..?’
Ryuji: ‘F-For no reason, really. I just bought them, because I was craving some sweets after I ate the ones at the ceremony last time!’
Tomohisa: ‘Oh, that’s weird? What I heard was surely to make them togeーー’
Ryuji (blushes): ‘Wait, Tomo! Don’t say unnecessary things.’
Tsubasa: ‘…..?’
Ryuji: ‘…..They are just a thank you….. for always taking care of all kinds of….. Things for us…..!’
Tsubasa: ‘! Th-Thank you very much…..! That makes me happy.’
Ryuji: ‘Ngh! I mean, Tsubasa might as well also eat them! It's me who wanted to eat them, that’s the main point here!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes! But I am still happy!’
Tomohisa (winks): ‘Fufufu, then shall we have a tea party today?’
* Simmered Taro in Sweetened Soy Sauce (里芋の煮っころがし・さといものにっころがし): This took me some time to find since it’s a specific dish. Ryuji only used 煮っころがし (Sweetened Soy Sauce) actually, but Google gave me videos and images of the Taro version. It sounds a bit strange to me to only use the soy sauce part, so I included the full name of the dish.   
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sturchling · 4 years
Salt-Fic September Day 30: Escape
Marinette’s parents had noticed the change in their daughter over time. Marinette had grown very quiet over the last few weeks. They realized that things had gotten worse at school since the expulsion incident. They went to the school during lunch one day and spoke with Marinette’s teachers. Mrs. Bustier was reluctant to give them any details, but Mrs. Mendeleiev told them everything she could. They were horrified to learn about how bad the liar had become and how the class had turned on their daughter.
They couldn’t understand how the class would turn on their daughter. They all seemed like such good friends. They knew that it was all the liar’s fault. They also noticed how much more time Marinette spent sketching and designing. It had become a way for her to cope with the loss of her friends. Her parents decided to get her out of Paris for a while. Just for a bit, to get her away from all the drama. Mr. Dupain called an old friend.
When he was in college, Tom had a friend named Xavier Calaman. He was studying art and wanted to open an arts academy in America. After they had graduated, Tom opened the bakery and Xavier moved to Gotham and opened his academy. While Marinette couldn’t go to the school full time, Tom knew that Xavier had also started offering a month-long summer camp for people who couldn’t attend the academy.
Tom reached out to his old friend and sent him some copies of Marinette’s sketches and designs as part of the camp application. Tom received word from his friend a few weeks later, that Marinette had been accepted and could attend the camp that summer. Tom and Sabine were thrilled. Marinette was excited when they told her, but later that night realized it could be a problem since she is Ladybug. But after discussing it with Tikki and Master Fu, it was decided that she could use the horse miraculous to come back and forth as needed.
With that settled, Marinette was excited for the school year to end. No one from her class spoke with her for the rest of the year, so none of them realized that she wasn’t in Paris that summer. Which Marinette was fine with. She knew that Lila would find some way to make Marinette attending an arts camp be some horrible insult to the class.
After the school year ended, Marinette left for Gotham the next day. It had been arranged that she could stay in the on-campus dorms while she was there, since she didn’t have anyone close to her in the area. The camp activities started the day after she arrived, and she was having a blast. She became friends with everyone, but in particular, she became close with a boy named Damian. She had no idea who he was or that he was a Wayne, but she like his quiet atmosphere, it was so different from what she was used to. He mainly focused on digital art, but was also a talented painter. They would spend hours every evening just working on their projects in a quiet garden on the school grounds until it was time for him to go home.
This went on for several years. Marinette would attend the camp in the summer and see her friends every year. No one in Paris knew where she went every June, and she liked it that way. Gotham became her escape, the one place she truly found some peace.
Her second year of attending the camp is when she found out Damian was a Wayne. He was pleasantly surprised that she didn’t try to win his affections as many other girls did once they found out who he was. Instead, Marinette continued to treat him as she always had. It was refreshing, and this camp soon became an escape from him as well. An escape from the social climbers that would try to use him to advance their social status.
Soon, their friendship turned into a relationship and the two became a very happy couple, albeit a long distance one. It also wasn’t long after that, that the couple learned about each other’s heroic activities. Marinette was at the manor for dinner one night when an akuma alert came across her phone. She thought she was alone when she transformed and went to Paris to deal with the akuma. She hadn’t seen Damian and Dick standing at the door to the study she had ducked into.
When she returned, they asked her what they had seen. She tried to stutter out an excuse, but they stopped her, explaining they also had secret ID’s. Soon, the whole family knew Marinette’s secret and she knew theirs. Now that they knew, Marinette would often use Kaalki to visit during the school year, escaping the drama to Gotham more and more.
She also was encouraged by the Waynes to tell her family at least about being Ladybug. They reasoned that her parents would want to know, in case something happened to her. So, she told them about being Ladybug, and while they were worried for her, they were also proud of her for being Ladybug.
It wasn’t long before Hawkmoth was discovered and defeated, now that she had the help of the world’s greatest detectives. They quickly identified him and helped her and Chat Noir defeat him. While the immediate threat was over, Marinette made the decision as guardian to keep the miraculous active to help maintain the balance of the universe.
After a few years, the year before Marinette was going to graduate, she was just coming back from Gotham, the camp having just ended for the summer. When she arrived back at the bakery, she was greeted by a crowd of her classmates standing outside the bakery. She hadn’t even been able to put her bag down in the bakery yet, having been stopped as soon as she got back from the airport. She braced herself for whatever they were about to say, remembering the lessons Damian gave her in keeping her cool.
Alya stepped forward with a questioning look. “Girl where have you been the last month? What’s with the suitcase?” Marinette kept a cold look on her face, trying to get them to end the conversation. “I was in Gotham. I just got back.” They all looked at her in shock. Nino was the first one to recover his composure. “What do you mean? Why were you in Gotham? Since when did you go there?” Marinette looked at them and saw for the first time how truly distant they had become over the years. She couldn’t even call them her friends anymore.
“I have been going to Gotham every June for several years. I attend an arts camp at the Calaman Academy every summer.” The class just rolled their eyes. Lila had convinced them that Marinette was actually the liar, just trying to steal the spotlight back for herself. Lila chose this moment to remind the class of that story. “Marinette you don’t have to lie to your friends. I’m friends with the founder of that academy and she would never let you in. She has a strict no bullying policy and I told her all about you.” The class chuckled, thinking that Marinette had finally been caught in a lie.
What they didn’t know is that Tom was listening from just inside the bakery, and that Xavier Calaman had come to offer a full scholarship to his academy for Marinette for her last year of school before college. When the two men heard these comments, they stepped out to speak to the class. Xavier approached with a grim look on his face. “Actually, HE, is happy that Marinette has been attending the camp for the last several years. She is a promising student. So promising that he came all the way here to offer her a scholarship to attend the school full time next year.” Marinette was shocked to see Mr. Calaman here and even more shocked to hear about the scholarship offer, but kept her cool in front of the class.
Lila didn’t know who she was talking to, so she doubled down on her claims. “I don’t know who you are, but a woman founded that school and I am very close to her. I would know if Marinette was attending that school. Mr. Calaman turned to Alya, “Humor me. Look up Calaman Academy and a picture of the founder.” Alya looked up the school, determined to prove Lila right. But when she did, a picture of the man in front of her stared back at her. “Judging from the look on your face, you see my picture there. So now you know that your friend over there is a liar. And miss? I highly suggest that you stop lying about me and my school or I will have to take legal action against you.” The class descended into chaos as they turned on Lila. They don’t notice Marinette and her family slip into the bakery and lock the door.
After they were inside, Mr. Calaman repeats his offer of a scholarship for Marinette. Marinette and her family eagerly accept. Marinette would go to one of the best art schools in America and she would be close to her friends and boyfriend. Marinette’s parents also thought it would be good to get her away from the toxicity of the class.
Marinette left soon after and moved to Gotham. She loved attending the Calaman academy. She loved her classes and was having a great time being close to her friends from camp and Damian. She was happier than she had been in a long time. Gotham had been her escape from Paris for several years. Now Gotham was her home.
Hope you guys liked it! @maribat-central-official
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