#i must not falter i must not be weak i must remain strong. I Must.
saintbarou · 1 year
ive avoided genshin impact like the plague because i know i am weak and have the back bone of a under baked over filled chocolate eclair cuz i struggled to not pull for lyney but guys. Guys. Good God. Neuvillette is SO interesting to the lore. YOU HAVW NO IDEA….
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bakvrue · 1 year
love makes me stronger
izuku midoriya x reader
after an incident in which you were captured, izuku comes to rescue you and in turn is forced to listen to a villain's monolog. will the villain be able to tug at izuku's heartstrings after all he's done? 1.1k
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Your hands brace against the material now holding you hostage. It's hard and rough to the touch, almost like unpolished quartz, with a golden glow. Your fingernails scraping against it makes the hairs on your neck stand up, but the one thing you are grateful for is the fact that you can see through it; so that you can see him and know that he's alive. 
Izuku kneels before the man who entombed you; blood drips down his face as he clutches his ribs, and you can tell by the way he's positioned his leg that there is something wrong with his ankle, but even if his body is bruised that look in his eyes never waivers. 
He stares down the man in front of him. The man who burned down a hospital to steal you away in the chaos and who set an army of henchmen to 'clear up the stragglers.'
You can still feel the man's hand on your mouth from when he dragged you away, whispering in your ear, "This is all your fault you know, yours and his."
You didn't know what he meant then but the more he speaks the more you're able to peace together.
"The great Deku," he sneers, "Japan's savior, in fact, the world's savior. And what is he here for? As the city outside is being overrun?"
The man yanks Izuku’s hair, turning his head so that he can look directly at you. There's a falter in Izuku’s breathing when his eyes meet yours, and his gaze softens. 
"You're here for the woman you love." The man's gangly voice cracks, "Pathetic."
Izuku's eyes flash with a dark murth as he straightens himself. "You said you wouldn't hurt her if I came. I'm here, so let her go." Izuku's voice is authoritative and so much unlike the voice that whispers into your ear late at night. It sends a shiver down your spine. 
The man takes a few steps, pondering Izuku’s request. A hand on his chin his trenchcoat flaps against his legs. 
He quickly turns on his heels, and makes a check with fingers. "No."
From the ground a prision of the same make as yours quickly snaps into place around Izuku. This must be his quirk. 
Izuku starts to bang against the new walls around him until the man clicks his tongue. "I wouldn't do that if I was you, hero."
The man's fingers twist, and the walls around you start closing.
"NO! Stop!" Izuku yells.
You try to use strength against the walls to stop them but it does nothing until the man untwists his fingers. The walls then stabilize in their current condition. 
"I was like you once, hero." There's hatred dripping from the man's every word.  "Had someone I would have risked everything for, and they were taken from me! My partner was killed because you HERO'S don't care about anything but yourselves! All those years ago when you 'saved Japan,' when us evacuees we're supposed to be safe! When hundreds of us got stuck under the collapsing barrier, who did the heros save? Not them. 
"My quirk wasn't strong enough then. I could barely hold two cells open, and they couldn't withstand the force they can now. I watched the hero's save their own while I was helpless to save mine!
"Do you know how that feels?" The man's voice raging against his vocal cords as he glares at Deku. 
Izuku lifts his head, his eyes meeting the villains, shrouded by the hair sticking to his forehead. Izuku chooses to remain silent. He knows of loss, and pain, but this man's pain does not justify his crimes.
"Love is a burden. Even with love I wasn't strong enough, but without it? Look what I've done without love… the power I've amassed…" He pauses for a second before spinning to face Deku directly. "Love is weakness."
Izuku's nose flares and his fists ball at his sides.
The man flicks the wall between him and Izuku, "Let me destroy your weakness for you."
He twists his fingers and a panic jump starts your heart. The walls slowly start to close in on you, your breathing increasing in the small space making you light headed as you push on the walls.
Izuku winds his arm back and punches the wall in front of him. The orange glow pulses as it's hit, again and again. 
The villain throws his head back and laughs, "That is unbreakable Mr. Hero. Not even diamonds can drill through it."
Izuku keeps punching, each time putting more and more energy into his punches as the walls around you become just an arms length wide. 
"If you have any last words to your beloved, now would be the time to say them, dear hero." 
The repetitive motion of his punches has been building Fa Jin and, even with his knuckles now bloodied, he punches again at one hundred percent. 
The orange pulse from the punch’s impact ricochets through the walls, getting faster and faster until the walls burst.
"You're wrong." Izuku stands and takes a menacing step towards the man, who is now backing up slowly with shaky legs. "Love makes me stronger."
Izuku takes another step, and your walls stop moving. 
"Release her."
Another step forward.
The man's hands shake as he releases the walls around you, and you collapse gasping for air.
But Izuku isn't done. 
"You have hurt and killed countless people, made them endure the suffering you did. We all lost people in that battle. You lost someone important to you and I'm sorry for that." With every word he gets closer to the man until he's backed him into a wall. "But. You. Are. Wrong. Love doesn't make you weak. Love is the reason you keep fighting."
The cowering man slips down the wall, crumpling into a blubbering sack.
Izuku looks to you before handcuffing the man, making sure you're okay before calling for backup. 
He had to get the official hero duties out of the way before he got to you because he knew as soon as he did he wasn't going to let go for the next week. 
With the phone call made, and other heroes on their way he finally lets himself run over to you. The injuries he sustained earlier are forgotten as he wraps his arms around you; the ribs, the ankle, all of it is fine now that he has you in his arms again. 
And you hug him back, clutching at every piece of him. Making sure he's alright and alive, as he does the same to you. It's not until he hugs you and buries his face in your neck that you can feel his tears against your skin. You hold him tighter, as your own tears start to fall. 
Love makes him stronger. Your love and belief in him. And it's the thought that echoes through your mind as other heros and first responders flood the scene. All of them moving around the two of you locked in this embrace.
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Augusnippets Day 27
Path of Whumperless Whump Prompt; "Chronic Pain"
Day 27 of @augusnippets August 2024 Whump writing challenge! (Augusnippets Masterlist)
- POV; Gawain - The Green Knight
(Character Masterlist)
(Ao3 Link)
Wordcount; 366
TWs; Chronic pain, physical disability, broken bones
Gawain scowled at the page before him, covered in half written verses and scribbled out lines. Reading and writing was a rarity among the Fey, but he was one of few who knew how- taught by a learned man in Byzantium many years ago.
Poetry had quickly become not only a way to practice these skills, but to soothe his mind.
It was doing anything but that right now.
The never-ending pain in his spine was too persistent, too distracting, too forthright in his mind to focus.
"Curse these blasted vines!" Gawain hissed, rubbing his lower back with an ink stained palm against the low, itching ache of Nimue's magic. It kept him walking despite a shattered spine, at the cost of his sanity, apparently.
Gawain hummed softly, an idea beginning to form. Brushing the parchment he had been writing on aside, he pulled a new leaf from a pile beside him, dipped the quill again and began to write. Late did he persist by the light of a candle, until finally, at the darkest part of night did he set his quill down, cap the ink and lean back in his chair, satisfied.
These vines that snake through mine spine
To crack and ache and bend
Stitching up a devil's kiss
Not kindly do they mend
Burning like ice beneath mine skin
It sears through flesh and bone
And takes ahold of every thing
Oh these bitter seeds I've sown
Drag in air through burning lungs
Hearts beat through scorching blood
Limbs locked tight too sharp to move
Cheeks bare a broken flood
Skin so bruised without a mark
Mine scars too deep to see
Muscles torn asunder yet push and pull
As these weeds strangle all hope from me
I run along in circles now
No longer leagues or miles
Each day these vines weave deeper
Singing cursed wits and wiles
A once-strong spine is filled with rot
Trusted legs now weak and frail
A steel laced grip now falters
Beg for respite to no avail
Mine mind is trapped in a blanket haze
Memory failed me long ago
All that remains is this hellish pain
And shards of this life I must forgo
So, I have decided my Gawain enjoys writing poetry. The "healing" he's referring to are the aftereffects of the healing magic cocoon Nimue made at the end of Cursed.
I'll admit, some of these verses I pulled from one of my own poems about my chronic pain that I wrote a while back, but a good half of these verses are new, written for this! I'm not the best at it but I did sorta miss writing poetry. It's a good way to vent if nothing else!
As always, thank you for reading, let me know if you enjoyed this!
Onto the next!
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celestiall0tus · 11 months
Reawakening - Perception
Table of Contents
            Juleka moved about Liberty, cleaning up. She paused and looked towards Luka’s room. She considered and poked her head in. Luka was curled up on his bed with his head buried in his knees and earbuds in. She reached out but pulled her hand away. She retreated to the deck and curled up on a lounger.
            “Everything ok, Juleka?” Mullo squeaked.
            Juleka looked up at Mullo on the arm of the chair. She opened her mouth, but then shook her head.
            “I see. Is it Luka?”
            Juleka nodded.
            “You want to help him, don’t you?”
            Juleka nodded.
            “What were you thinking?”
            A long pause. “I want to get him back together with Marinette.”
            Mullo squeaked. “Are you sure? Luka is pretty torn up about Marinette and didn’t Marinette just break up with Adrien?”
            “Well, not right now. But I know he still loves her. And I was just thinking that maybe… maybe without Adrien and Hawkmoth, there can be something between them now. I mean, I don’t know the full details, but I imagine those two factors played a big role, especially since Mari was Ladybug.”
            “That is fair, but would it not be better for Luka to find someone new? Move on from Marinette.”
            “Maybe it might be, but I want to see him get a real chance. One that doesn’t have Mari distracted by her love for Adrien or having no personal life because she was the Guardian and Ladybug fighting against Hawkmoth. And, I know it’s selfish, but I don’t want to see him cry anymore. I don’t want to see him hurting.”
            “But this is part of the process of healing. He needs to allow himself to feel to heal,” Mullo pointed out.
            “I know, but it just… it feels wrong. He’s always the strong one. The one to stand up and protect us all. He was never weak. Even when he faltered, he remained strong. So, to see him like this, it breaks my heart. It doesn’t feel like the Luka I know. And I want to bring him back to being that Luka I’ve always known.”
            Mullo sighed. “Juleka, I understand, but that isn’t right. The strong must be allowed to be weak. They must be allowed time to be vulnerable. Luka was never allowed that luxury for the sake of everyone and you. Especially you.”
            “Me? What do you mean?”
            “Though you are twins, it is clear the strength and will that Luka has that he is your protector. He has safeguarded you, lifted you up, and is your foundation. He carried Atlas’s burden in your stead to help you grow, albeit in a sheltered manner. However, that meant he couldn’t be weak. He had to cut away any of those emotions so he could always be strong. To always be what was needed of him.”
            Juleka’s jaw dropped. “I didn’t…. I never thought….”
            “It’s ok. People like him are good at masking it. At keeping that pain stuffed deep down so it never surfaces. He could have fooled me too, if not for a few subtle things. Then Sass, well, you know.”
            “What should I do? I want to be there, but it hurts seeing him like this.”
            Mullo smiled. “Just be there for each other. Be there for him. He’s been there to lift you up, now it’s your turn to help him. Help him discover a new strength.”
            Juleka considered then nodded. She scooped up Mullo and gave her a kiss before she scurried back into the hold. She stepped into Luka’s room and looked around. She smiled and picked a pair of guitars before she approached him. She took a breath and removed his earbuds.
            Luka looked up with tear-stained eyes. “Juleka? What’s going on? Is everything ok?”
            Juleka didn’t answer. She raised an earbud to her ear. She grimaced at the sad, heartbreak music and tossed the earbuds aside.
            “That music doesn’t suit you, Luka,” Juleka whispered.
            “I know I should be-,” Luka started.
            Juleka held out a guitar. “Unless you’re the one making it. Shall we?”
            “Let the music talk, Luka. Let it be your lament to the world. Let it be heard for all who’d listen. What do you say?”
            Luka gently took the guitar. “Jam session?”
            “Jam session. Let’s rock.”
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hurricane105 · 4 months
King Rhoam's journal
The Writings of Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule
First entry: Today, as the sun rose and a new day was born, my daughter, too, joined this sweet world. In keeping with the traditions of the royal family, I have decided to name her...Zelda. I am not a man accustomed to frivolous musings, but now seems as good a time as any to begin my royal memorandum. [calling a journal for self reflection 'frivolous?' not a good move rhoam]
Second entry: Reports keep arriving regarding the excavation of relics. The fortune teller's predictions seem to be coming true. Calamity Ganon was not a figure of fable, or even of legend. He actually existed in our great land of Hyrule. We must investigate all the relics, learn as much as we can. But understanding the Divine Beasts alone will take time... Zelda's eyes lit up like a wildfire when I told her about the relics... I must admit, she has a knack for research. [she's 6 yo or younger - what a bookish kid. How early did she learn to read?]
Third entry: My queen has left this world. Her death was so sudden and unexpected, I awaken most nights unsure if she is really gone. Zelda never cried, never faltered. Not even during the royal funeral or later when she and I were alone with our grief. I must assume her strength is a result of us repeatedly informing her of her duty to be a valiant and steady princess. For a child of merely six years of age, her conduct was truly that of a born leader. Her strength gives me hope. From now on, I must raise her all alone... Now, only I remain to prepare her for her difficult future as princess of Hyrule. [option 1: Zelda doesn't feel safe enough to show her emotions around her father. option 2: she hasn't really realized that her mother is dead. Also rhoam, strength does not equal not showing emotion. that's a demerit on the parent sheet. Also also, you're raising her 'alone' in a castle full of servants? hmmmmmm]
Fourth entry: Zelda finally reported back after her visit to the fountain. It seems her sacred sealing power has still yet to awaken. It has been a year and three months since her mother passed. Perhaps she is held back by heartache too deep to heal. If the Ganon prophecy wasn't looming over our heads, I would tell her to take her time... To wait until she is ready. But our situation is dire and leaves no room for weakness - even on behalf of my beloved daughter. My heart breaks for Zelda, but I must act as a king, not a father. I must order her to train relentlessly at the fountain. [ok i have seen so many posts about 'rhoam talked about caring for Zelda, he must have loved her! folks, he knew he was SUPPOSED to care for her, and because [in his own mind] he's not a bad person, whatever he does is caring for his daughter]
Fifth entry: I was told Zelda went off to research ancient technology so I had no choice but to confront her about it. [no choice? Really rhoam? You always have a choice in how to act. Way to not take responsibility for your actions] She claims she was simply using her day off from training to indulge in a bit of research, but still I scolded her. She won't get it through her head... Forcing me to tell her the same thing I have been repeating ad nauseam. The reason her sacred powers still won't awaken is because she's spending all her efforts playing at being a scholar! [ah yes. 'have a day off!' oh but you can't spend it doing fun stuff, it's back to the temple for you!]
Sixth entry: In truth, I understand Zelda's feelings. Painfully so. She lost her mother, her teacher, before she could learn from her. Ten pointless years of self-training, without so much as a book or note to help her find her way... Those in the castle talk behind her back. And I, her only family, scold her for her shortcomings. No wonder she wishes to hide away in her beloved relic research. I'd love nothing more than to console her... But I must stay strong. She MUST fulfill her duty, just as we all must. Even if she comes to despise me. [a tiny bit of self awareness, immediately trampled by self righteous 'but i've got to treat her like trash!']
Seventh entry: I have been told my Zelda went to the Spring of Wisdom... [you didn't even see her in person? coward. she won't even share her travel plans with you now] This will likely be her last chance. If she is unable to awaken her power at Lanayru, all hope is truly lost. [contrast this with Urbosa's saying 'it's not like your last chance was up there on the mountain, we'll figure something out'] If she comes back without success, then I shall speak kindly with her. Scolding is pointless now. I forced 10 years of training on her... and after all that, it seems her power will stubbornly awaken some other way. Perhaps I should encourage her to keep researching her beloved relics. They may just lead her to answers I can't provide. For now, I sit anxiously, more a father than a king in this moment. I sit and await my daughter's return. [it's about time you decided to be an actual father]
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l-capitan · 2 months
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⸺ 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒍-𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒏'𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒐. ⛓
these will be broken up into sections: physical, mental, emotional, behavioral, and miscellaneous.
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want to know what's beneath capitano's mask? too bad. all you will MAYBE ever see of him are his glowing blue eyes.
capitano has a very large and muscular frame, and yet his torso tapers towards his waist. his hips slightly flare out, too. just a bit, though. oh, and his pecs are impeccable (haha), thank you.
capitano's hair is very, very long (reaches his rear) and silky smooth to the touch. he takes very good care of it. appearances matter, after all, especially for a man of his station.
capitano has an incredible mental constitution. he is very set in his beliefs and is not one who easily wavers, if at all.
capitano is not one to be easily fooled. he is perceptive, terribly so. this is both a blessing and a curse. a blessing, as it allows him to predict what may happen next. a curse, as knowing too much could cause great suffering.
capitano may seem very rigid and unfeeling, but he is not emotionless by any means. he cares for those he leads, cares for children, and even invests in their development and futures.
while capitano is not emotionless, he still hardly shows his emotions. he is battle-hardened, and while he does not see emotions as weaknesses, he's long since understood that they can cause people to falter.
it's very difficult to elicit reactions out of capitano, as after 500+ years, he's learned to react only when necessary.
capitano is not one who feels romantic interest all that much, or easily. he is focused on his mission and the tsaritsa's vision. with that being said, he also does not indulge in carnal pleasures all that often, either. he does! but HARDLY ever.
capitano is always calm. he never allows his emotions to speak for him, only his virtues.
capitano's presence is absolutely oppressive, however he has learned to tamper said oppressiveness for most situations. he knows when it must be used, and when it shouldn't be.
capitano is strict when it comes to training recruits. he's less strict on them compared to his austere attitude when it comes to himself, but even then that's not saying much.
as mentioned in 'emotional', capitano still cares. he shows it in the smallest of ways, really, but in ways that matter. making sure that supplies are stocked for his agents, counseling them properly when training or sparring, sharing meals with them (albeit silently), and protecting their lives as much as they protect his.
it's no secret that capitano is revered for his strong moral compass and sense of justice, as well as simply because of how powerful he is. despite the respect and allegiances that have sworn to him by their own volition, he remains ever humble. he understands his power, as he knows it's something to not handle lightly or take for granted.
capitano is an incredible public-speaker and knows how to navigate even the most difficult conversations.
capitano has a very soft spot for children. they are the future of the entire world, and he wants nothing more than for them to be nurtured and taught with a gentle, but somewhat firm, hand.
capitano enjoys cooking and baking. sometimes, he does so for his subordinates, and it's not lost on him on how they always seem excited over the prospect of getting to eat something made by him. he does find it silly that some of them think the food he makes would enhance their abilities, though. he supposes it does, in some way, from how he sees their morale raise and their expressions grow sated.
as an avid monsterfucker, i say that the black from capitano's mask is voidlike and isn't actually only hiding his face for the mystique of it. no, he has monstrous features, such as a very long, sharp tongue, and incredibly large, honed shark-teeth.
capitano is a great listener.
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thefaithbroken · 8 months
Gives him a big old HUG, now that she’s not all burny or whatever. ;D // @infernaliscor
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He had been persuaded—rather than to immediately set out for Baldur's Gate once more with whatever survivors he found—to wait for his saviors at their camp until they concluded their business with Ketheric Thorm. He has no doubt that they will do so. After all, they are heroes, without question, capable and strong.
[ If they had been escorting the refugees rather than him, perhaps more might be alive… In fact, he knows they would be. How unfortunate that his people—if he even has any right to call them that now—had only him. ]
It's different this time, being at their camp. There is no levity, no music, no drinks, no celebration, and none of the others are here.
[ It's for the best. How could he face them now after he had so completely and utterly failed them? Condemned them with his weakness, his powerlessness? ]
Even once the oppressive darkness that smothers the land begins to lift, the weight only seems to settle ever heavier upon his shoulders.
[ They had done it. Of course they had done it. That was the difference between true heroes and a fraud playing at it and going through the motions. ]
He hears when they return. His saviors, battered and weary but all present, do not seem to acknowledge him when first they arrive at their camp. He is unsurprised. There are matters to which they must attend—tending their wounds, making their plans, preparing to resume their journey—and they have no reason to talk to him. It was more than gracious simply for them to insist he remain in their camp at least until the morning.
[ They had already done so much. Too much. He doesn't deserve such consideration or kindness. Not after this. ]
Closing tired eyes against the feelings swelling up in his chest, threatening to drown him, he is lost enough in the tempest, in the lashings and howlings of the storm raging within him, threatening to leave nothing but desolation in its wake, that he does not hear, does not realize that he has not, in fact, been forgotten.
He does not realize until strong arms wrap around him and hold him close. He startles, breath catching in his throat and eyes snapping open only to see red…
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It takes longer than it should for him to process what is happening, but when he does, the threat of total annihilation only becomes more certain and, for several moments more, he cannot seem to find his voice, cannot breathe.
His teeth clench and his jaws sets and his eyes close tight once more, not in anger but in a futile effort to hold back what threatens to be a torrential flood.
When at last, he can speak, his voice is strained and small, fragile and fracturing, barely held together by nothing but sheer force of will, faltering as it might be.
[ —do not deserve this further kindness, he cannot quite bring himself to say. ]
"… As I said at Moonrise, my friend… Already you have done far too much for me. You… You should see to your traveling companions."
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whereismymindnow · 2 years
Twin Hearts Chapter 2
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Author's Note: Thank you for remaining patient! I’m aware it’s been a while but here is chapter 2. I promise the next chapter won’t take as long; I just couldn’t get this part completed for some reason. I’m still not happy with the flow of this, but I think it’s the best I’m gonna get out of it.
Thank you to everyone that has liked the first installment and followed my page; it means a lot and I hope you enjoy this update.
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x Twin!Original Female Character
Warnings: 18+ due to mature, darker themes. Twincest. Smut. Strong language. Death. Miscarriage. Murder. Vampire/Hybrid violence. Please read responsibly.
If this work is found anywhere other than Tumblr (@whereismymindnow) or Archive of Our Own (Mikki19) then it has been posted without my permission.
Twin Hearts Masterlist
Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home
Klaus was trying his best to hide his amusement but was finding it increasingly difficult. He was in the back of the SUV with his twin whilst his sister and friend were in the front. He knew that Pia wouldn’t enjoy her time in the vehicle but she was acting as though she had been placed inside of a bomb. Despite there not being a wide space in the back of the SUV, she managed to find new positions each time something upset her. It was quite laughable that one of the most powerful creatures in existence was currently glaring at the leather interior like it had offended her. A low growl exited her throat as she felt the amusement of her twin float through their bond. He immediately hushed her and offered his hand to pull her into his embrace.
Pia didn't understand the 21st century.
She didn't like what she didn't understand.
It made her feel weak.
Her fingers suddenly dug into Klaus’ shirt as she peered over his shoulder at another automobile that had loud music blaring from its open windows. Thankfully the back windows of the SUV were blacked out so no one could witness the girl's misery. She could hear the fast beating hearts of the four gentlemen - if they could be considered gentlemen - as they shouted obscenities at a car ahead of them. Dark veins appeared under her eyes as she tried to fight off her hunger for what felt like the hundredth time. Her fingers tapped in unison with their heartbeats as she got lost in their rhythm. If this was what humanity had become, then Pia would not find it difficult to eat each and every one of them. Niklaus stroked his hand through her hair to calm her until her fangs retracted once again. She let out a disgruntled sigh and narrowed her eyes at the stupid humans before locking eyes with her brother.
"I am hungry."
"I know; you shall feed again once we arrive back at the manor. Then when you're a little more settled we shall go on a run." Klaus kept his voice quiet since Pia seemed to jump at every little sound she heard whilst they travelled. A small part of him clung onto this vulnerable side of her since he knew that once they stopped moving and she was out of the confinement of the vehicle, her rage would take over. There would be no telling how she would react, but he knew that nothing good was going to come out of it until she forgave him. He was physically prepared for her wrath, but his emotions felt a little more frail than usual. The thought of her anger made him falter. Was that regret he felt? He supposed it was, but nothing could undo his actions, and so he would manage whatever she threw at him as best as he could. This wasn’t the first time he’d faced a freshly woken sibling after all.
Caroline, who still felt awkward and slightly betrayed as Klaus looked at Pia in a way that he had never looked at her, stayed silent and glanced back at the pair in the rear-view mirror. Pia had dug her heels into Klaus' thighs and clung onto his shoulders; his hands stroked through her hair slowly as they stared into each other's eyes. This must have been what Rebekah had spoken about. Neither of them spoke and just kept eye contact for the remainder of the journey.
After what seemed like an age to Pia, the SUV slowed to a halt in front of the Mikaelson residence; Kol and Elijah immediately exited through the front door once seeing the car come to a stop. Caroline moved over to the side whilst Rebekah ran into Elijah's awaiting arms; the emotion had finally gotten to her and she couldn't stop the tears of joy as she knew their family was finally back together. Klaus stepped out of the vehicle first; he glanced around at his hybrids that stood to attention and took a deep breath before moving to the side and stretching out his hand. Pia slipped out of the vehicle with an otherworldly grace and quickly released Klaus once she felt comfortable on her feet. Her brow was furrowed as she stared at the mansion in front of her. It was just like Niklaus to make a statement like this. The house screamed wealth and prosperity.
"I'll leave you to it.” Caroline murmured, flinching as Pia’s head slightly moved in her direction. She didn’t like the predatory look in the hybrid’s eyes. It meant nothing but trouble.
"Goodbye, Caroline." Klaus barely glanced at her as he kept his gaze on his mate. Pia took a deep breath to try and calm herself before walking past each of her siblings without a second glance. She slowly made her way into the house and stopped. There were so many antiques and expensive artefacts, but the modern elements threw her off balance a little.
'I don't like it...’
She entered the lounge and ran her hand along the soft sofa with a grimace. Everything looked wrong. Everything smelt wrong. The grandfather clock ticked at the wrong pace and the sound of the hybrids patrolling the grounds made her wince as though they were stomping right beside her.
It was all just wrong.
‘I hate it...
‘I. Hate. It.
"I hate it all!" Pia screamed and began rampaging through the living space. Klaus and his siblings raced into the room and were shocked to find her destroying whatever she could get her hands on. Within a second the coffee table was flying across the room and crashing against the wall. The mirror above the fireplace crashed to the ground as Pia let out a fierce roar of displeasure. Kol ignored the warning he felt in Niklaus' stare and vamped forwards; he caught her exhausted body before she met the floor. Her hands shook and the priceless vase in her grasp was reduced to jagged pieces of pottery as she lost her grip. Tears poured down her cheeks and her fangs came forward from all of the emotions that were racking through her body at this moment. “It’s too much.” Kol kept his arm tight across Pia’s stomach and pressed soft kisses to the top of her head.
“Let it out.” He spoke gently in her ear, knowing exactly how overwhelming it felt to be surrounded by unfamiliar territory. “Just let it out.” He encouraged the angry tears that fell down her cheeks. Pia didn't know what to do with all of the information that she had gained over the last couple of hours. It was too much for her, Kol knew that. "Darling, calm down for me."
Niklaus froze at the sight of his twin; he felt anger and jealousy at the fact that Kol had gotten to her first, but then again, the sheer magnitude of pain that was coming from her made him unable to move. It felt like someone had driven a stake through his heart and was wriggling it about. Rebekah placed her hand on his arm as she tried to contain her own sadness in an effort to stay strong for Nik who was obviously devastated at the sight before them. “She’ll be okay. We’ll make it okay.” She murmured helplessly as she watched her beautiful sister become nothing more than a shaking heap.
Elijah bit down on his tongue to stop himself from saying something that would only make the current situation worse. He was furious with Niklaus. Finn had died hating them, partially because of their unnatural existence, but also because of how he had been left neutralised for so long. God forbid Pia would get sucked into her own darkness and force them to do something to take care of her as well because of Niklaus' actions.
"I hate it, Kol... it's not right... none of this is right..." Pia was almost hysterical and tried to fight against her brother's strong grip but found herself unable to do more than hit her fists against his chest. She was starving. She needed to feed so that hopefully all of these emotions would go away. Blood or alcohol, either would do. Anything to lessen the pain she was currently flooded with.
"I shall bring you some blood." Elijah muttered before disappearing to the kitchen. He returned with five blood bags which were promptly snatched from his hands and devoured by Pia. They weren’t warm and there wasn’t a pulse, but it was good enough for now. It was like a flashback to the night she was daggered; blood covered her mouth and stained her nightgown once she was finished. Her face was blank as she ripped herself away from her younger brother, the empty blood bags dropping to her feet as she straightened herself with unnatural poise. Her tears had now dried and she was still enough that one might mistake her for a statue.
"I wish to go outside for a while.”
"Do you want-"
"I shall be alone." Elijah bowed his head and looked at his younger sister for a moment.
"I hope you find something to calm yourself, Pia." Elijah bowed his head once more before leaving to go to the library of the house. If she went where he thought she would, then he would be able to observe her discreetly.
Klaus found himself wanting to follow her but saw both of his younger siblings blocking his way. They gave a sharp shake of their head and Rebekah stepped forward to push him towards the stairs. “Go to your art room… paint something… just… leave her be for a while.” Every part of him screamed to move the obstacle and join his mate, but Rebekah gave another firm push to his shoulder and he robotically made his way to the staircase. He felt lost. For the first time since becoming a hybrid, he felt his control slip away.
With a short nod Pia exited the manor and glanced around. She could see multiple hybrids milling around the area causing her to tense up; glances were thrown at her but she shot them down with a glare and carried on letting her feet guide her. Pia found herself drawn to an old tree that grew in the gardens and rested herself against it. As she stared up at the shining stars she finally felt at peace. She’d always enjoyed the nights when the skies were the clearest and the moon was the brightest. It felt like all was right in the world and that nothing could touch her. There had been many times during summer when the nights were the lightest that Esther had had to send the boys out to bring her inside otherwise she’d have remained under the watchful gaze of the moon until morning time. Even when her wolf was asleep, she’d always felt a connection to the pale celestial body.
Her blonde hair moved softly in the breeze as she stretched her legs out in front of her and enjoyed the feel of the moonlight hitting her skin. The simple sensation of sitting outside on the grass made her feel free. She watched as birds flew overhead and sang to one another. She envied them for just being able to spread their wings and fly at a moment’s notice. Oh, how she wished she could just fly away without a care in the world.
“Pia… It’s been an hour since you came out here.” Rebekah approached her sister carefully, unsure of how she would react. Pia blinked but did not move. “I have drawn you a bath.”
“I do not want a bath.” Rebekah exhaled and knelt down slowly. She put a gentle hand on her sister’s back and nodded slowly.
“Okay, well, you have been in that coffin for 5 centuries, I think it would be beneficial if you bathed and changed into something fresh. You would feel better, I promise.”
“A simple bath will not make a difference to how I feel.” Pia muttered quietly, despite the sound of scalding hot water soaking over her skin seeming very appealing. “I want to sit here. Alone.”
“I will not let anyone come near you. It would be just us, like we used to. You can soak yourself and I will deal with your hair… I’ll braid it, like old times.” The sisters smiled at the memories; one of their favourite bonding practices was braiding each other’s hair.
“No one else?” Pia asked to confirm.
“Nik will stay away for now. It will be just you and I.” A soft smile grew on Bekah’s face as her sister slowly stood up and motioned for her to lead the way
The soft trickling of water filled the silence. Rebekah knelt beside the bathtub and carefully ran a wide tooth comb through her sister's freshly conditioned hair. She kept opening her mouth to speak but found no words would come out. She didn't know what to say.
What was there to say? 
I'm sorry that I didn't find you sooner?
Pia sat in the warm water and rested her chin on her knees. She could feel Rebekah's need to speak, but didn't acknowledge it. Instead she stared at the shining silver taps of the bathtub and glared at her reflection. Her fingernails dug into her skin as she pushed down the burning urge in her throat to slaughter. She just felt so hungry... or was it anger? She couldn't tell. It was easier to just ignore whatever the feeling was and remain silent.
"There." Rebekah put down the comb and used her supernatural speed to braid the curls out of her sister’s face. "All done. Do you want to get out now? The water must be getting cold."
"I want to be alone."
"Pia, I don-"
"I want to be alone." Pia interjected and tensed her shoulders until she heard the door quietly open and close. The sound of Rebekah's steps away from the bathroom echoed in her head. Every sound seemed amplified. Pia almost wanted to rip her ears off so that everything would just be quiet for a moment. After 500 years in that box, all of this noise was grating on her fragile nerves.
Did everything have to be so loud in this century?
Her head snapped to the side to glare at the door as someone turned on some music in a room nearby…
The dripping of the bathtub tap…
The sound of Rebekah’s heels downstairs…
The clink of a glass being placed on a surface…
Niklaus scratching charcoal on paper…
A car leaving the grounds…
Her wolf howling in the back of her mind…
Her own heartbeat…
"Just shut up!" With a hiss her fangs descended and she plunged them into her arm. Blood poured from the deep wounds but she carried on digging her teeth into her skin in an effort to distract herself. A relieved moan left her lips as she focused on the copper tang of her own blood filling her mouth; she felt like a baby who’s teeth were just growing and was in need of something to just numb the pain.
"Pia!" Klaus burst into the bathroom after the scent of her blood had invaded his senses. He froze as the bathwater had turned a pale pink and his sister's head turned to where he stood; her fangs were still embedded in her skin as rivers of red flowed down her forearm. As he tried to step forward she quickly released her arm and hissed. She didn't want anyone near her right now. She didn't know what she would do to them. She just wanted everything to stop. Nik raised his hands in a gesture of peace and glanced at where the wound on her arm was steadily closing. "Are you alright?”
"Leave me be." Pia murmured and rested her head against her knee suddenly exhausted.
"I know it must be hard." Niklaus knelt down beside his sister and kept a close eye on her. He wouldn't leave her alone to harm herself again. "Everything must be so difficult to comprehend... but please, don't push Rebekah away. She only wants to help."
"Every time she opens her mouth... I want to rip off her head. She wants to apologise. She wants to heal my wounds. She wants to hold my hand... I can't stand it!" Pia stood up slowly and stepped out of the tub. She wrapped a towel around herself before turned to face her brother who still remained on his knees. "I can't stand any of you currently. No one came to get me. Everybody left me." Klaus felt his heart break a little more as she left him alone beside the tub. Their bond felt weaker than ever. They used to describe it as a little caterpillar that wriggled inside both of their chests. He could barely feel it now. He remembered how fractured it felt on the night that she had been daggered; the caterpillar had become a snake that constricted around his heart. He'd even take that over the nothingness that consumed him now.
Pia slammed her bedroom door shut with a huff and ripped open the wardrobe; her eyes scanned all of the clothes but she was at a loss. What did nightwear look like these days? A throat cleared from behind her and she saw a hand offering up a soft material. She snatched it quickly and was happy to find it was a long-sleeved dress that reached just above her knees. It was less fabric than she was used to but it appeared to be something to sleep in.
"What a glorious performance." Kol reclined on her bed, his eyes were glued to his phone but his focus had been on the tense argument he had just heard. Pia grumbled to herself and climbed onto the silk sheets.
"I am so glad you are entertained." She collapsed onto the bedding, her back turned to her brother as she tried to ignore him.
"Sister..." Kol placed his phone on her bedside table and moved over to the blonde; his arm curled around her waist and he ignored her low growl as he pulled her back to his chest. "It's okay to be angry. I have been daggered countless times, if you recall?" He snickered as she stiffened in his grasp.
"I always tried to get to you. Do not throw that in my face. Don't you remember how many times my neck was broken when you were daggered and I couldn't find you?" The pair had always had a strong bond, even as humans they always fought for each other. It had broken Pia's heart every time when Klaus had daggered Kol and refused to tell her where his body was.
"I tried to find you, I swear it."
"I believe you." Was all she said in response. "You can leave now."
"I think I'll stay." Kol scoffed as he felt the force in which she rolled her eyes. He softly nuzzled the top of her head and smiled as her small hand found the one around her waist and gripped tightly.
"I'm scared that this is a dream and I'll be back in that box again."
"Whilst I am walking alongside you, I'll never let you go back into that box." Kol shifted a little and Pia looked perplexed as he produced a little square device in his hands, she moved her head away when the screen began to light up. She felt Kol’s chest rumble against her back as he laughed. “This, little pea, is a tablet… and it is going to help you catch up on 500 years of history.”
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sweatydestinyblaze · 11 months
Killua and Mika..I love you
With a resigned sigh, Killua resigned himself to the chains holding him to the wall of the torture room.
He was already used to his family's beatings and had endured worse at an even younger age. As soon as he had gotten too far in the Hunter Exam, he knew his punishment would be waiting for him at home.
*"What will they come up with this time?"
He thought to himself, steeling himself.
*"Whatever happens,"
he mused,
"I'll never give them the satisfaction of hearing my screams."*
As Killua's vision returned, he saw his surroundings. He was tied up in the large, dark room with no windows. The only light was from the flickering flames coming from a torch on the wall.
He was cold, bruised and bloody. But all of this wasn't what worried him the most, it was the man in front of him. His brother Miluki, with the whip hanging from his hand, and a smile on his face.
Killua's annoyance was met with a cruel smile from his brother Miluki, who raised the whip into the air as if ready to strike. For a moment, all was silent, before...
*"I have something special for tonight," Miluki said, with another cruel smile.
"And I must say, it is a real pleasure seeing you in this sorry state."
The tip of the whip swung towards Killua, who rolled his eyes again.
"Do you mind getting this over with?"
he asked, his voice dripping with disdain.
*"You ask that as if you had a choice,"
Miluki said, with a sneer on his face.
"Oh no, we're going to enjoy every painful moment of this."
Miluki raised the tip of the whip once more, as if he was going to strike. He grinned as he saw the fear flicker in Killua's eyes.
"But please,"
"Try and hold in your screams. I'd hate to see my brother lose all of his manly pride."*
*Killua's face showed only annoyance as he endured the lashing of Miluki's whip. He wasn't afraid, nor was he even in pain. He just wanted it to be over.
"Are you done yet?"
he asked in a bored tone, looking at the red marks lining his body from Miluki's blows.
*This only angered Miluki, who thrashed the whip down harder, aiming for more vital parts: his eyes, his neck, his abdomen. Anything that wasn't already bloodied. But to no avail, Killua simply ignored him.
*"You're not even going to scream?"
Miluki said, with a note of disappointment in his voice.
"I was hoping to have a better impact than that."
*He paused, as if in thought. Killua's eyes remained on his brother, as if studying him.
*"What are you looking at?"
Miluki asked, looking annoyed.
*"What's wrong, big brother?"
Killua asked, playing up his innocence.
*"Do not mistake my silence for weakness,"
Killua said coldly, looking right back at his brother.
"If you strike enough, it might actually hurt."
*Miluki looked taken aback at the unexpected response. He was used to Killua cowering in fear, not... this.
*"Don't bother with false innocence,"
he said, raising his arm and readying the whip again.
"I know what you're really thinking."
*He struck down the whip, aiming for Killua's head and neck.
*"Oh, I could scream,"
Killua said, a note of amusement in his voice. He raised one eyebrow slightly, as if in challenge.
"I just choose not to."
*"You must learn, brother,"
Killua continued, his tone still bored.
"That I am not the same boy you used to torture with impunity. My experiences have made me strong, I do not fear your punishments."
He looked away, seemingly bored, as if he did not even need to pay attention to his brother anymore.
Killua's words seemed to anger Miluki even more. He raised the whip once more, and this time... his attacks were relentless.
Killua did not budge. He never broke eye contact with his brother, even as his skin began to turn redder from the lashes, welts forming all over.
His expression never faltered, never once showing any sign of fear or pain.
*Miluki eventually stopped, exhausted from his efforts. He looked on with a mixture of hatred and shock.
*Miluki snarled in annoyance, not liking that his brother seemed to be bored of him. He hated that he was trying not to give him the satisfaction of a reaction.
*"If you are so strong now,"
Miluki said, with a cruel smile,
"then why aren't you breaking these chains, hmm? Surely you could free yourself if you wanted to... or have you become weak since I last saw you?"
Miluki raised the whip again and thrashed it against Killua's back, leaving more bloody marks.
*"How disappointing"
Miluki whispered, as if he was trying to hide his annoyance from Killua.
"I really thought you had grown stronger, but it seems you're still just as weak as ever."
*This only made Killua scowl.
"*Is that all you have, brother?"
he muttered, as the whip hit his back again and again.
"I think I'll sleep through this one."
Killua continued, looking at Miluki with a cold look.
*"You are mistaken, brother,"
Killua said again, with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"The chains are only here to distract you. Because I am confident I could easily break out of them."
He turned to face Miluki, his arms and legs still chained to the wall.
"Are you confident you could keep me in these chains if I really tried to leave?"
he taunted, daring Miluki to take those chains off.
*"Or are you afraid to find out how strong I've become?"
Killua laughed sarcastically as he looked at his brother Miluki's fat body.
*Killua continued scowling as the lashes of the whip rained down over him, his wounds reopening with every strike.
*"That's all I have? Oh, I could do much more."
Miluki said, sounding frustrated.
"But if you insist on playing the tough guy, I'll have to show you how much worse I could make this."
*The whip came back down on Killua, hitting him in a spot that he didn't have a wound yet. He grimaced, but he refused to make a sound.
*Miluki smirked, still holding the whip in his hand.
"Who's that?"
he asked, seemingly not concerned by the phone call.*
*Killua, still chained to the wall, stared silently at his brother's smirk.
"It's just Mom,"
he said, trying to sound dismissive and unbothered.
"Don't worry about it."*
Killua stared after his brother as the door to the torture room was closed once more and he was left alone.
"That was strange
" he thought to himself
"Whatever the reason for that phone call, I really thought he would ignore it."
He was still chained to the wall, and his wounds were still freshly reopened.
He wondered how long his brother was going to leave him there, tied up like this.
"Maybe this was his plan all along?"
he mused, as he tried to move his arms from their chained position.
*Killua heard the voice coming out of the shadows.
he said, sounding annoyed.
"What are you doing here? If Miluki sees you, he'll... "*
*Killua stopped himself mid-sentence, not wanting to say out loud what could potentially happen if Miluki knew she was there. He looked around, annoyed that he had let his guard down as she approached.
"What do you want?"
he asked.
“Of course, you idiot, I came to save you,”
Mika says as she approaches, but Killua stops her.
*Killua continued to look annoyed as Mika got closer. He didn't trust her intentions.*
*"What do you mean 'save me'? "* he said, sounding unconvinced. *"I am perfectly capable of breaking out of these chains. I just haven't felt like doing it yet."*
*He gave himself a moment to consider this, before turning to look at Mika.
“I told you I would save you,”
Mika continues walking towards him, but he stops her again.
"I have my doubts about that," Killua said, looking at Mika with a suspicious look.
"I know you better than anyone. You do not do things unless you have your own incentive."
*His voice remained cold and dismissive, but a tiny part of him was still hoping that Mika really was there to help.
"Either way, I don't need your help."
"I can't believe you still don't trust me, even after what we went through during the Hunter Killua test,"
Mika says as she tries to remove the restraints.
*Killua looked at Mika's attempts to remove the restraints, but shook his head.
"Don't touch me,"
he mumbled, sounding more annoyed than worried.
"I told you: I don't need your help could easily escape these chains on my own, if I really wanted to."
*He didn't know why these chains were on him. Maybe they were there to distract him from something else? Whatever the reason, it certainly didn't look like an act of
him from here.
"Trust isn't something that comes easily to me,"
Killua said, turning his head away from Mika.
"And the eventsof the Hunter exam were a long time ago. Since then, I have found it difficult to trust anyone, no matter how close they were to me."
"Besides, if you really wanted to let me out of these chains, they would already be off,"
he said, raising a single eyebrow as he looked back at Mika.
*"Unless you don't actually have the means to break them..."
"Shut up Killua Gon, Kurpika and Leorio are here too. We all want you back with us."
*Killua's face changed from annoyance, to confusion, to surprise. He was not expecting the news that Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio were also there, and wanting him back with them.
*He also was not expecting that Mika was not there for her own agenda.
he asked, sounding hopeful.
"All of them are here? And they actually want me back?"
" Yes "
*Killua still had a hard time believing all of this was real, but he was hoping it was true.
"You wouldn't just tease me like this, right? You're not just getting my hopes up?"
he asked, sounding cautious.
He couldn't imagine them all being here for him.
"Is this some kind of cruel joke?"
“Can you just be quiet until I can undo these chains and then I will tell you?”
Mika was trying to undo the chains, but Killua forcefully broke them, freed himself, and approached Killua with annoyed steps until her back hit the wall.
*"Fine, you're right. I'll be quiet."
Killua remained silent as Mika tried to undo the chains. He let her try for a while before eventually forcefully breaking the chains himself and stepping forward.
As he walked towards Mika, she backed herself into a corner and hit the wall.
Killua had no problem freeing himself from the chains once he decided he wanted to, so it took him no time at all to approach Mika with a more irritated look.
"So this was your plan all along,"
he said, still sounding annoyed.
"This entire thing was to force your way into my trust."
*He looked down at the chains, before looking back up at Mika.
"I wouldn't expect anything less from you,"
he said, with a cold smirk.
"You really like to do things your way, don't you?"
“Wait, let me explain....”
Before Mika could finish speaking, he grabbed Killua by the waist and pinned her to the wall with his body...
*Killua felt his suspicions getting even more justified as Mika tried to give him an explanation, but he didn't let her finish speaking. He grabbed her and pinned her to the wall with his body.
*He was confused as to what she wanted to explain, but he was now more focused on keeping her here.
"Don't go anywhere,"
he said, his voice sounding as cold and stern as ever.
"Killua, I swear I'm here with Gon, Kurpika, and Leorio... I'm not lying,"
Mika says as she feels his breath on her face.
Killua was still keeping a firm grip on Mika, not letting her go. He could tell she was genuinely not lying, but he also felt like she was trying to hide something from him.
He brought his face closer to hers, until their faces were just inches apart, and looked into her eyes.
"I really hope you're not lying,"
he said, sounding just as cold and harsh as ever. His expression did not change.
“I don't lie ,”
Mika says as she blushes because Killua isn't wearing his shirt and tries to look away.
*Killua kept looking directly into Mika's eyes. He kept his firm grip on her, not letting her get away. He also noticed how she blushed, and he let out a slight grin at the reaction he was getting.
*He took a moment to savor seeing her squirm before responding.
"I'm not afraid of you, Mika. You know that,"
he said, his voice still sounding cold but also almost playful now.
"You don't have to be ashamed of me just because I'm not wearing my shirt. Don't look away."
Killua could hear Mika's heart rate picking up as they were so close together; he was clearly getting to her. But he was still confused as to why she was actually here.
He put a hand on her cheek and forced her to look at him.
"Don't look away,"
he said, sounding much more serious.
"But if you're really here with Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio... then where are they?"
"They're in the servants room...now."
Mika feels nervous now, as Killua touches her lower lip..
Killua noticed Mika’s nervousness as he put a hand on her cheek, and he used that to his advantage. He brought his face even closer to hers, until their faces were almost touching, and looked deeply into her eyes once more.
He was still unsure about why Mika was really here, although his mind was now running wild with thoughts about her.
"If they are in the servants' room right now, then why are you here and not there?"
Killua brought his other hand up to the other side of her face, and gently brushed his fingers through her hair.
“I wanted to see you. I was in bad shape when I left the hunter exam...so here I am ."
Mika says nervously as she blushes even more and looks at the ground.
Killua raised his brow, and his curiosity peaked at what Mika was saying. If she was in bad shape after the Hunter Exam, why was she here.
"And you wanted to see me... for what reason?"
he asked, sounding just as serious as ever.
*He lowered his head down, bringing it almost level with hers, and placed his lips right above her ear.
"Be careful what you say, Mika... or I might start assuming things about you."
“I'm telling the truth, you're also my friend, like Gon, Kurpika, and Leorio, Killua, stop making it embarrassing,”
she says, looking at him with cute, childish anger.
Killua raised his brow as Mika got slightly annoyed. He loved to see that out of her. She was always so reserved and stoic, seeing any kind of change in her tone was fun for him.
*He continued to hold her there against the wall, not letting her leave.
"Do you really think you have the right to be angry at me for making this 'embarrassing'?"
he asked, sounding amused.
"You came all the way here... with 'Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio', right?"
he said, in a slightly sarcastic tone.
“Of course, Killua...”
Mika replies with more embarrassment as she looks at his bare chest. It was full of scars and wounds from his brother’s abuse. She touches his chest
“I was just worried about you.”
She says as she looks away with embarrassment.
Killua could feel her eyes on his chest, and how they were drawn to the many scars and wounds from his brother's abuse. He looked down at himself, before looking back at Mika.
He noticed how nervous she was, as she looked away with embarrassment.
"Well, I appreciate you worrying about me."
*He reached up and gently brushed her hair away from her face so that she couldn't look away.
"You say you came here out of worry, but I don't believe that's the only reason."
"Ah...there's another reason, but I can't tell you now,"
Mika says shyly.
Killua could see that Mika was trying to hide something. He also noticed how nervous she was becoming.
He was enjoying this.
"Oh really?"
he said, sounding amused.
"Well, I have a feeling that your 'other reason' has something to do with your blush."
*He brought his face closer to hers, so that their faces were just inches apart.
"You know I won't let you go until you tell me, right?"
he said, with a sly smile.
“I...I came here because...I care about you...I like you, Killua,”
Mika says, looking at him.
Killua was taken aback by the shy way in which Mika confessed her feelings. It was cute.
*He slowly brought his hand up to her chin and leaned in closer.
"How much do you care about me, Mika?"
he asked, his voice sounding serious but his eyes gazing into hers.
"Don't say anything you don't really mean."
Mika approaches him and gives him a soft kiss, then turns away.
“I mean this, Killua.”
She looks away .
*Killua was surprised at the sudden kiss, but he didn't pull away.
He had always been slightly attracted to Mika, although he never wanted to admit it. He could tell he had the chance to take this further, if he wanted.
*He brought his other hand up towards Mika and gently touched the side of her face, forcing her to look at him again.
"I hope you really mean all of that, because... I like you too."
“Yes, I am not lying, I love you so much, Killua,”
Mika says .
*Killua's expression changed to one of awe and he had a small smile on his face as he heard Mika confess her feelings.*
"I... I love you too."
He brought his hands up and gently laid them on her cheeks.
"And that's something I'm 100% sure of."
*He pulled her close and gave her another, longer and deeper kiss than the previous one, and then pulled her back out so that they could look at each other in the eyes.
Killua's smile widened as he felt Mika's arms go around his neck and their kiss become deeper and longer. This was certainly a much more passionate kiss than the one before, and it made Killua almost weak with excitement.
He leaned in close to her afterwards, before gently laying his hands on her cheeks.
"You are everything I've ever wanted,"
he said, his words sounding genuine, and his voice almost full of wonder as he spoke.
"I am so happy you're here now. I hope this can finally be over for me... to live the rest of my life here, with you."
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0 notes
Chapter Nineteen: Violence
Day 8
     The night passes without further incident in this part of Circle 7.  No harpy attacks, no further weirdness.  It’s good on a physical level.
     Mentally, however … I think I’m going insane the longer I stay down here.  Every day, new horrors rise to meet me.  I’ve been very strong up until now, but I feel that strength faltering.  My hands shake now.  My eyes have trouble focusing when I awaken.  I don’t feel like I can take a deep breath.  My heart constantly races.
     It might be related, but I haven’t consumed any more holy water since Circle 6’s camp.  Gabe did warn me about this.
     I reach behind me for one of the two remaining bottles, and my heart skips a beat for a moment as my hands find nothing.  Eventually, though, they come to rest on one of the bottles.  It’s strangely heavy, though, and I’m having trouble bringing it to my mouth to drink.
     What if it’s been stolen … replaced with Hell water?
     Disturbing thoughts aside, I bring up my hand, and can barely get the cap off.
     Maybe I’m just way weak.  I did draw the Sword three times without taking a sip.
     I can only bow my head down to the bottle’s neck, reaching my tongue out to the water and lapping it like a cat.  The instant it touches my parched mouth, my strength starts to return … my physical strength, at least. 
     I’m still not quite up to speed in my mind.
     I’m finally lifting the bottle to take a more satisfying sip when the first drop of rain lands on my hand and burns it.  The sizzling sound and the pain alert me to something being amiss.  I quickly cap the bottle and run for cover, which Abaster has already found.
     “What’s happening?”  The rain starts to pour harder, and as it does I can watch it turning the ground to glass.
     “Burning rain … we’re approaching this Circle’s last ring, and we must be cautious.”
     I flip open the Inferno and find where we currently are.  I read the passages carefully.  “Fire rain?”
     Abaster nods.  “More like acid rain, but Dante didn’t have the words for it.  It burns everything and everyone it touches.  We must be cautious, not only directly for your well-being but also for your supplies.”
     I understand instantly what he means.  The bottles have to be shielded.  Abaster removes what’s left of his jacket and wraps the bottles up in it. 
     “Will that be enough?”
     He nods.  “Hopefully.  I have no need for an Armani suit anymore, anyway.”  He looks up in the sky as the rain starts to diminish.  “We might be all right to move, it’s lightening up.  Come, we must hurry, this rain falls throughout this ring.”
     We step out from under cover.  A couple more drops hit me and they burn, but I quickly brush them off of my arms and shoulders, keeping up with Abaster.  “Who do we find in this ring?”
     “All those within this ring committed violence against God, living lives of weakness or defiance.  Of course, there are multiple means of doing this, as you’ll see.”
     As Abaster leads me along, I can only ponder that he must have spent time here … after all, summoning a demon, being an Invader, and killing a Guardsman is pretty violent against God.  So it comes as no surprise to him or me when a giant appears on the horizon, reaching his hands to the sky and screaming various obscenities.
     Then the giant looks our way, and I want to hide.  He smiles over at us.  His voice booms.  “Alastair Abaster!  Come, join me, fight the power!”
     Abaster smirks.  “Much as I would love to, Capaneus, I must be moving forward.  My companion needs to continue on her way.”
     Capaneus narrows his eyes as he looks at me.  “Well well, another defiant soul!  Join me here, girl.  We will never let this break us!  Fight on!”
     My expression hardens as I regard the giant man, standing naked on the sand, covered in burn marks from where the acid has torn at his flesh.  “For what reason do you rage?  What reason have you to defy your punishment?”
     That’s surprisingly Biblical of me to say!
     Capaneus only laughs.  “Young girl, you have no idea.  Defiance is its own reward!  I defied armies in life, defied any power greater than my own, and now I defy the authority of this damned place to punish me!”
     Now I’m angry.  I quickly flap my wings and take to the air, alighting next to Capaneus’ face, and kick him in the eye.  “Then you’re a damned fool, sinner, and you deserve whatever punishment you defy here!  Defiance with no purpose is useless … only if your cause is right can defiance ever be right!”  I call down to Abaster.  “Let’s leave this idiot to his raging!”
     Capaneus looks hurt, but I don’t care right now.  I’ve got a father to save, and I have no time for ridiculous resistance with no reasoning.  When I alight and land next to Abaster, he places his one hand on my shoulder.
     “Well played, Alanna.  Come, let us continue.”
     All too willing to leave the giant behind, I follow close to Abaster, noticing all of the souls who lie on the ground, partially buried in the sand.  Many of them appear to be missing body parts, apparently eaten away from the rain.  None of them are nearly as defiant as Capaneus.
    “Who are these?” I ask.
     Abaster nods.  “The souls in this ring were blasphemers, directly violent against God.  Many were false prophets, others simply defied their faith’s teachings.  They lie here and are burned from all sides … from the sand below and the rain above.”
     Just as Abaster finishes this, another brief squall starts falling, and more acid droplets pound against us.  This time, however, there’s no cover.  The burning is annoying, but doesn’t seem dangerous … it itches more than hurts at this point.  I do, however, feel myself dragging, and once the rain passes I take another swallow from my holy water stock.
     Will I need more as I go deeper?
     As the system passes, I see Abaster moving at a quicker pace, as the landscape starts to change.  Now the territory looks more trampled, but still scarred from the acid rains.  Abaster suddenly pushes me backward as a soul trudges toward us … I’m glad that he does, as a small cloud continuously pours acid down on … it? Him?  Her?  I can’t tell, the soul is so damaged.
     “What is going on?”  I hate asking all the time, but I need to know.  Thankfully, Abaster doesn’t seem to mind answering all the time.
     “This ring is for those who were violent against nature.  Those who tried to twist nature to serve their purposes, or damaged nature carelessly, are cast here to always feel the bite of the burning rains, no matter where they may tread.”
     Six more souls pass us by, all burned beyond recognition.  All six are trailed by their own personal clouds, though some of them are different in appearance.  Some look like regular storm clouds, but others look like exhaust, smoke, poison gas …
     What’s worse, it smells like pollution.  I’d kind of hoped the really bad smells were behind us, but I guess since this is Hell, no such luck there.  I run across the path back to Abaster’s side before another group passes through.  We walk a different path, away from these sinners, until we reach a ravine filled with red, bloody water.
     “There’s another guardian we must pass by in order to get to the next Circle.  I will summon him here.  You should continue into the rest of the ring, because your father may have come through.”
     It’s a good idea.  I can ask around.  I move away from Abaster and make my way toward a similar desert landscape, not quite as burned by the rains.  There are more souls trudging through this landscape, more of them being tormented, although their punishment seems to mainly be lying face down, weighed down by large crests.
     I gasp when I see one I recognize … one of these souls is a Sharpe.  I remember clearly when Dad shared with me his family history book, especially when we got to the pages with the family’s crest.
    “Daddy, what’s that?”
     “It’s our family’s symbol, Alanna.  You know what a coat of arms is?”
     “We just talked about it in school.  Is this ours?”
     “It is.  See here?  That’s the Sword.  And the stripes represent our bloodline’s history throughout the ages … the red for the Crusades, the blue for Rome.”
     “What’s this on the scroll?”
     “Our family’s motto.  Ut Dei miles resurrectionis fortis contra infernum.”
     “What does that mean, Daddy?”
     “It means, ‘As God’s soldier I rise, strong in the face of Hell.’”
     The motto is what I need to be now … strong in the face of Hell.  What strikes me about this hellbound Sharpe, however, is that the crest has no Sword in it … in fact, it appears the crest was vandalized to remove it.  The motto has been changed, too, scrawled with a new one in its place: Licet mihi succubuerit Satanae tabernus aeternaliter.
     I crouch down to see the soul’s face.  “What did you do in life, soul?”
     The soul barely acknowledges my presence.  He turns his head, eyes glazed over.  Clearly he has been trapped in this position for far too long.  Only one word creaks out of his mouth.
     “Swoooooooooooooorrrrrrrd …”
     At least this soul doesn’t seem nearly as dangerous as Ursus did.  I simply back away from him.  “Whatever you did in life, you had your time to be the Guardsman, and it’s obvious you squandered it.  Live your punishment, ancestor.”
     The soul looks like he’s about to cry.  I don’t care … he’s being punished, he deserves to be here.  Only two Sharpes in Hell don’t deserve to be here, and I’m looking for the other one.  I turn on my heel back toward where Abaster stands.
     “Alanna, we’re just about ready.”  Abaster waves toward me. 
     I quickly return to his side.  “Do you know Latin, by any chance?  I found another Sharpe among those souls over there, and he had the family motto altered around his neck …”
     “Not surprising,” Abaster interrupts.  “Those souls are the usurers, those who in life were violent against art.  In our time, we call them ‘censors.’”
     So this Sharpe tried to censor art?  Why?  Just because he didn’t agree with it?  I shake off my doubts and continue.  “He had our family crest, but the motto was changed to ‘Licet mihi succubuerit Satanae tabernus aeternaliter.’  What does that mean?”
     Abaster puts his chin in his remaining hand, until his eyes spring open.  “Certainly not a family motto to be proud of, that’s for sure.  Roughly, it means ‘May I lie forever under Satan’s boot.’”  I don’t have time to react to the perversion of my family’s symbols before a massive creature rises out of the ravine we passed by earlier, a mismatched monster with a man’s face, serpent’s body, and furry paws.
     “What the hell?!”
     Abaster puts his hand on my shoulder.  “Take it easy, Alanna, this is the next guardian.  He has agreed to allow us passage into Circle 8.  Alanna, this is Geryon.”
     Geryon smiles a snaggletoothed grin at me. 
“Truly an honor to meet Guardsman.  Not much time, though.  Must continue on.”
     Can’t argue with that much.  I collect Abaster into my arms and flap my way up to Geryon’s face.  “How do we reach Circle 8?”
     Geryon grins wider. 
“Take you.  Fast flight.” 
He reaches out with one of his paws and grabs us.  I shriek as he squeezes the breath out of me, then feel my stomach lurch as he takes off nearly straight up at top speed.  No sooner has my stomach dropped into my butt, it flies up into my throat as the beast begins a descent just as violent as the beginning of the flight.
     When he lands, Geryon opens up his paw and drops us roughly on rocky terrain.  I feel like I punctured a lung in the trip, but I can’t disagree with the beast, it certainly was a fast flight. 
     Abaster waves toward the monster.  “Thank you, friend!”
     Geryon waves child-like at us. 
“Happy you see me!” 
He takes off again, I would assume headed back to his own Circle.
     Abaster turns his attention back to me.  “Are you all right, Alanna?”
     I cough and a little bit of blood jumps into my mouth.  Suitable, I have to suffer violence to leave the Circle of the violent.  I wipe the blood away with my hand, trying to hide it from my escort.  “I’m all right, considering.”
     “Good.  We must keep moving.  Circle 8 awaits us.”
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rosedmuse · 2 years
time and space; for harusoie 450 days
Albrecht. An evil man. Disguised himself as a peasant, hidden his roots of royalty and betrothal to another, merely to capture my frail love in his mischievous schemes. Quite the talented actor, if you ask me. To further worsen the state of things, I fell for him; head over heels in love, very, very hard.
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Dance. I have always thought my life would be as easy as following the rhythm of the music playing all day at the capital. I may have a weak heart, medically (and, well, figuratively); but that won't ever keep me away from my first love. Dance has always been who I am, and nothing can change that. Parties. I have always thought my life would be a big event, an almost endless celebration of sorts. The people around me would cheer, drink, and make merry to their hearts's content. Even if it may take days, or weeks, or maybe even months of lively festivities, who cares? What matters most is that everyone is having the fun they all deserve. Happy endings. I have always thought my life would conclude with the happiest of endings. My parents and friends made sure I believed in such a fantasy they worked hard to create just for me but alas, unfortunately, all their efforts were for naught. Albrecht. An evil man. Disguised himself as a peasant, hidden his roots of royalty and betrothal to another, merely to capture my frail love in his mischievous schemes. Quite the talented actor, if you ask me. To further worsen the state of things, I fell for him; head over heels in love, very, very hard. A massive twist of fate I least expected to come true. I know I should be enraged; he lied to me, he tricked and betrayed me. I must not love him, for he isn't the person I thought would be the perfect fit as the final piece of my life's puzzle. He does not deserve me. Easier said than done, I'm afraid. "Giselle!" The call of the devil. Upon laying still as the earth engulfed me wholly, I tell myself: Don't falter. But it's impossible. The plea of this lonely man is indeed temptation incarnate. "Giselle, I'm sorry... I really am..." Lies, lies. More lies. Even before my grave all he ever does to me is lie. At least, that's what my mind thinks. My heart, naturally, otherwise. "I-I know you're out there, somewhere..." Albrecht grabs onto his chest, wincing. "Please. Please listen to me, Giselle, I love you." Despite wanting to scream and cry and lash out at him right at that very moment, I can't. I am but a single, lost soulーa wiliーamong thousands residing within the forest. He can no longer see my body, nor hear my words. We belong to two different worlds now. What more could my love ever do for him? For me? For the future of us that will remain a dream reserved in another lifetime? "I love you, Giselle," he repeats, "yes, I've hurt you, and I'm sorry, but from the bottom of my heart, I know you're the one meant for me." How sweet. Precisely how I fell the first time. Try as much and hard as I might, I don't think I could stop myself from falling all over again because... I feel exactly the same way he does. "Forgive me, Giselle. Accept my hand one, final time, and let me be your last dance." Who am I to say 'no' to such a creative and genuine renewal of proposal? Setting all the negativities we faced aside, I love Albrecht, and Albrecht loves me. Fate was beyond harsh to the both of us, so it's thus up to us nonetheless to prove just how strong and far our peculiar love's going to take us. Beyond time and space, I rise, and hold onto his outstretched palm. Our fingers touch, a warm tingle spreads forth from the gentle closure. Beyond time and space, we'll find our way back. It's a promise we both intend to keep regardless of how many lives and realms we have to enter, cross, and conquer, together. 
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chocoenvy · 3 years
Choco, my man, the brainrot hitting me big in this one shdnfkr
Playing God AU wherein reader was still saved, still sided with the Tsaritsa, but the others Archons were insistent that the reader is a fake, and is playing the Tsaritsa like a fool. The reader is obviously offended, and either from a burst of courage (or stupidity depending on how you look at it), reader confronts the gods alone. The Tsaritsa and her Harbingers follow through and a war begins all in your name. The Tsaritsa fights off the other Archons and she is kinda overwhelmed and couldn't protect both herself the the reader from the attacks.
So when a fatal blow is about to hit her, the reader steps in and takes that blow, gold blood flowing out of their mortal vessel.
Whether they survive or die and the consequences after that is up to you ;)))
@fuwon you can't just drop this in my inbox and expect me to remain emotionally stable - this is such big brain but I had to stare at it for a few days to be able to process it. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to write it but once I started I didn't stop so uh- thank you for the angst
warnings: blood, kind of war but it lasts like a second, death
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You couldn't believe it.
You were livid, your blood boiling as you tore up the letters sent to the Zapolyarny Palace. All of them said the same thing and were sent by the same three fools and their nations.
You're harboring an imposter. We'll give you one more chance to hand them over and allow them to face punishment. If you do not, we'll destroy you and start another war.
The letter was quiet long but that was the gist of it, and below all of it was a date, time, and place.
The cogs started to spin in your mind.
You had snagged this letter from the Tsaritsa's desk, it had the archons' names on it so it had you worried for her. Which means, she hasn't seen it yet.
You grit your teeth and tore the letter up, the time and place imprinted into your mind with hot iron.
"They won't touch Sneznhaya." You sneered, and you opened up your map and tapped on a location you never thought you would.
You arrived to the location and hurried the day along, waiting until noon the next day when the archons had arrived and you stood there. Alone.
No doubt Snezhnaya was in a panic but you'd make sure they stayed safe. They were your home and you were their god, they'd stay safe and protected forever.
The archons saw you and you could already tell they were grinning as you stood before them by yourself. They rushed forward and stopped a few feet in front of you.
Your expression was cold as stone and you sent them a glare that could raise hell.
"Seems the Tsaritsa couldn't bare to face her own mistakes." Venti boasted, his grin damning.
You shook your head, "No, she does not know of me coming here or this meeting. I came here alone." The archons opened their mouths but you beat them to it, your fists clenched and your eyes burning a cold fiery rage, "You will not hurt Sneznhaya."
They faltered, something in their eyes shifted as they searched your being for something. Longing.
Ha, You grimaced, your lips drawn back in disgust. They faltered when you were strong and could defend yourself, not when you were weak. How pathetic-
"Your grace!" A ginger appeared in front of you, his hydro blades drawn against the crowd of archons and vision bearers.
"Childe!" You and Zhongli had shouted at the same time.
Childe's eyes narrowed at Zhongli, "Your grace have they hurt you?"
You sighed, "Childe... no they haven't, but please go back to Snezhnaya. I came here alone so that none of you would get hurt."
Childe's dull blue eyes grew wild with firey anger, "Your grace-!"
"You've been blinded!" Zhongli bellowed, his lips drawn back into a sneer, "By this imposter! Surely, you're aware of how dissapointed our god must be in you Tartaglia!"
Childe scoffed, there was no amusement playing behind his eyes, "You're a fool Morax. You and the rest of Teyvat!"
Childe pulled his hydro blades on the archons and all at once, Sneznhaya charged, appearing from seemingly nowhere and everywhere all at once.
The Tsaritsa was next to you in a second, hiding you behind her, "Your grace are you alright?" There was a icy flicker of bitter anger in her voice, making you shiver and shame to pool itself in your gut.
"Of course I am but that wasn't the point." You huffed desperately, pushing your way out from behind her, "This was supposed to be so that Sneznhaya wouldn't get hurt-"
"Your grace you are far more important than anything on Teyvat-"
"I am not more important than all of Teyvat." You snarled, "If that were the case there would be no reason for mine or Teyvat's existance. I'm here to make sure Teyvat stays in one piece, and I will do so."
Your words caused her to falter, just enough for you to push past her so you could protect Sneznhaya.
Barbatos' anemo infused arrows struck you in your shoulder, side, and chest. You staggered and more weapons flew at you. The three arrows caused a swarm of vision wielders to throw all they had at you, ignoring Snezhnaya.
The Tsaritsa and her harbingers were able to deflect some of it. But the weapons were also flying for the Tsaritsa and her people. You pushed her away with all of your strength and took the brunt of the weapons thrown.
She cried out just as your mouth opened in a silent scream, sheen golden ichor dripped out of your mouth. It fell from the wounds in your back and chest, and all at once the world went silent.
Nobody breathed but you, gasping for breath until you collapsed on top of the Tsaritsa.
Then they shrieked and cried. But you did what you had to do. Even if the Tsaritsa and all of the harbingers cried, you could smile because you kept Sneznhaya safe.
It was your dying wish and Teyvat would see it through. The land of Sneznhaya would flourish, just as you willed it to. While the rest of the land would face punishment. Even while you're gone, Teyvat will preserve your will for eternity.
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h4kufilmz · 2 years
dreamless lullaby ❍ ( LEE HEESUNG )
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⌗ GENRE: fantasy, fluff, angst, god au.
⌗ WARNINGS: major character death.
gods, beings lost to time.
their divine light that once glared upon the earth has now died, with each generation their light slowly grew dimmer and dimmer til only a few walk upon this earth today.
gods depend on people's belief, their faith is their source of power.
their source of existence and purpose.
but with each new moon that rises slowly mankind grew detached from them, walking on their feet. building their own empires and claiming lands to rule for themselves.
and slowly their faith in their divine guardians dwindled, til they were only believed to be a form of fiction. in the eyes of the present people they never truly existed, only a product of one's mind.
alas the gods were stripped of their immortality and their power grew weaker, though stronger than normal humans and had a longer life span than most of them, they weren't invincible anymore.
in the sea of time all must sink one day, even those who were thought to he invincible will always sink to the bottom, to no return.
but there are still gods that live to this day.
having fewer followers surely did come in handy, they didn't suffer the fall of those who sat on the very top.
their names are M/N and heesung.
few people prayed to them yet they payed no mind, they were happy enough to exist alongside each other.
M/N always heard the children's prayers at night, praying for their nightmares to go away and be replaced with a pleasant dream before they close their eyes and fall into a nightly slumber.
heesung on the other hand always sung a beautiful lullaby alongside him, strumming his lyre lulling people to sleep.
every night they did their job, even if only a few truly devoted themselves to them.
less is more heesung always said.
and it ws true, when the great gods fell as their followers left them their people walked away from their divine light, losing their purpose and immortality.
heesung and M/N only watched as these events transpired, they too losing their immortality.
but they did not falter.
their fall will not happen til now.
the ones who sit in the highest peak shall take the hardest fall.
and those who look above them will watch and wait for their turn.
the silver light of moon seeped through the cracks of the old temple. the nightly songs o the crickets and other animals filled the forests that surround it.
vines creeped across it's walls, cracks and debris lie on the dusted floor.
old remnants of what it was only remained, the only thing yet to be eroded by time is the statue that stood in the center of it all, even if vines crept upon some parts and a few visible cracks already plastered upon it's figure it still stands to this day.
with the nightly silence a flash of light reigned down upon the temple.
there descended upon it was no other than the gods that once inhabit this temple: M/N and heesung.
"what a nightmare hee, what are we doing here?" M/N removed his arm that was draped across heesung's shoulder, limping closer to their statue that stands tall til now.
his lips tug into a smile, oh how surprise he was to see that their statue still stands to this day. but before he could even reach it, he felt his knees getting weak, his breath hitches for a second feeling himself fall.
strong arms hug around this waist catching him before he could hit the ground, "careful." he softly spoke, pulling M/N closer to him as they sat on the dusted floor, leaning M/N beside him.
"sorry" his head rested on heesung's shoulder, letting out a soft sigh looking up upon the statue, "did you bring me here thinking it'll heal me?" M/N's gaze was still fixated upon the statue, yet he could already see heesungs flustered eyes darting all over the place.
he waa caught but he knew he always will be, "i just thought maybe.." he looked down on his lap, his hands clenched into fists, softly gnawing on his inner lip. "hee.." M/N's gaze was now on heesung's placing a hand on top of his, heesung intertwined their hands together. "i.. i can't lose you M/N." heesung's voice shook the room and M/N's heart shattered hearing his waver because of him.
but it was inevitable, nothing can be done, he'll die either way his time was almost over and his only regret will be leaving heesung in tears and with a helpless and shattered soul.
"look at me" with a hushed whisper that calmed heesung down, his fingers grazed his soft skin wiping away the stray tears that rolled down his face. "my time is limited, and each second we spare is a lifetime for me." he holds onto heesung's shoulders, weakly smiling. heesung listened closely taking in each and every word M/N says, holding it closely to his heart.
"in the sea of time all are bound to sink, even those who withstand it's waves countless of times." M/N then falls into heesung's arms, he lays his head on his chest listening to his quickened heartbeat. "and i am slowly sinking within it's depths. yet do not despair, cause i won't be completely gone, while you live a part of me lives within you." the purple hue that glows in M/N's eyes slowly grew dimmer, as he could feel himself grow weaker by the second.
he was sinking deeper.
"the memories, our happy moments, our love for each other, will forever live on with you; i will always be by your side, everytime you look upon the stars just know that i am one of them, glaring brighter than most. so live life to the fullest while you can and enjoy every moment that passes, as i will always be there with you."
heesung only nodded, his embrace grew tighter as he buried his face on the crook of M/N's neck, a few tears slipped pass his eyes falling onto the boys shirt, staining it with his tears that shimmered as the moon's soft glow hit it.
"hee" M/N broke the silence between them, adjusting himself to lay on his lap so he could look up at him, he wanted to see heesung one last time before he closes his eyes. "before i go.. can you sing me one last lullaby?"
"yes.. yes of course." there was no need for a question, regardless heesung would sing for him day and night. but this, he'd make it extra special for him and M/N.
with a sweet and calming melody, he hummed a song a certain song, a song M/N thought he'd never hear again.
M/N then closed his eyes, taking in every last moment as long as his senses still worked, as he could hear heesung one last time. he saw the most beautiful things he's seen in his life, the sky when the sun sets and rises up from the horizon, the yearly fireworks that paint the night sky.
and most of importantly..
the most beautiful being he'd lay eyes on, the most caring and loving being he's met the only boy for his heart, he'll remember every moment they'll have, every song, every laugh, every cry even hardships they had to endure he'd keep them close til the end of time.
as he spent all those moments with him, and he'd have no other way...
the hand that clenched heesung's had went now went limp, he was gone now, M/N was gone now. yet heesung did not let himself falter, breakdown, yet he didn't hold himself back as well.
as tears continued to fall from his eyes he planted one last kiss on M/N's forehead, "i love you M/N." he watched as his body slowly started to fade into what looked like stars, with each part ascending upon the skies. they return to their original form.
"may the time come where i can sing you this lullaby once more."
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kuroiza · 3 years
sano manjirou | mikey
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SUMMARY; Pt. 2 / aftermath of One After Another but you can read this as a stand-alone!
READER; Female
WARNINGS: manga spoilers, canon divergence, reader death
NOTES; I ❤️ angst
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“Mikey!” Raising his head, your figure came into view, waving enthusiastically at a distance with the wind swaying your school uniform skirt. Classes must have just ended.
While you jog towards your boyfriend, he sat up from his lying position at the side of the riverbank. It seems to be his favorite spot, hearing the soft splash of the river and feeling the cool wind.
“Hey cutie.” His charming smile sent heat your cheeks. Looking quite in the calm mood today, he didn’t jump upon your appearance and drag you to the newest dorayaki stall. You enjoy these moments, it gives you a breather from all the shenanigans that happen often whenever you’re with your lover.
This is just the perfect time to show your gift, isn’t it?
“Look, look!” He could tell you were excited, eyes shining as you took a small box out of the paper bag you were holding on to earlier. “Ta-da!”
It revealed two rings, identical to each other, matching rings. Mikey immediately caught on.
“Oh? Y/N-chan, are you proposing to me? No fair! I wanted to propose first.” He laughed at the playful slap you give him at the arm, apologies spew from his lips paired with giggles.
“I just thought that matching accessories are cute…” your adorable pout made him stretch into a wide smile, pulling you close and nuzzling into the crook of your neck.”
“Yeah, they’re cute. Hey, that means I still get to propose to you in the future, right?”
They came with small, thin chains, giving you the option to slip it through the ring and wear it around your neck. You and Mikey decided to do that, fearing that it’s a lot more easier to lose them when worn on finger, and also it might get dirty when he’s in fights.
“It’s settled, okay? We’re going to marry each other in the future and have mini mes and mini yous.” He announced with a grin.
With both your pinkies hooked, the promise was sealed.
In the dull hospital hallway, rows and rows of chairs were evenly lined, there sat a lone teenager, leaning against the wall as if he’d collapse to the ground if there wasn’t any support. His body felt weak, tired, heavy with guilt and regret.
Sano Manjirou’s eyes were dull, darkened and lost all light and shine it used to bear.
Draken’s composure faltered. Wide, strong shoulders now slumped and heavy. His fists, for once, were not swinging at bastard’s faces but instead remained at his sides, nails digging in flesh so harshly it was surely leaving indents, maybe drew blood, too. All Draken knew was that he couldn’t feel anything besides the burning pain in his chest.
Outside the quiet room, he could hear Emma’s and Hina’s restrained sobs. Inside the quiet room, lies your cold body covered by a pristine white sheet up to your neck, leaving your face—having lost all its colors—for loved ones to view one last time.
You were precious to him. He considered you as family, meeting you before he met Mikey, befriending you before he had anyone else. He remembers, he’d go to you discreetly asking for advices to court a girl, masking it as just pure curiosity but you knew in the moment who he fancies.
He remembers your shocked expression, soon turning into a mischievous one as you smirked and poked at him, cooing teases and laughed with your whole heart.
A fond memory. One that he couldn’t bring himself to smile at in this moment.
If you were here, looking after them, looking after him, he was sure you’re urging him to comfort the girl he loves, to lend a shoulder, to have each other and mourn together, but Draken find it hard to do that, find it hard to halt his footsteps and cry.
“What happened?”
A silent question, a meaningless one, too. Draken couldn’t care who harmed you, at least not now, because all he could see at the moment was red, anger bubbling in his veins at his friend standing limply in front of him.
“You built Toman to protect everyone, didn’t you?”
He threw a punch, hearing Takemichi’s pleads behind but that did little to stop him. “You were there.” His own screams of frustration rings in the dead of the night. “What were you doing?!”
Draken grits his teeth. “Pah is in juvie.” Landing another heavy punch at his already damaged friend. “Kazutora got arrested.” He sucked in a quick breath, holding his tears at bay. “Baji is dead.”
With one last angry hit, Draken stumbled on his feet, finding it ever so difficult to stand.
“And now Y/N…!”
Unsuccessful. His attempt to stop the flow of tears down his cheeks was unsuccessful for he, no matter what title people have given him, was but a fifteen year old grieving at the loss of a friend.
The ring worn around his friend’s neck that dangles on a string of chain made him stop, made him close his eyes and clench his jaw in fury, tears falling at the cruel reality.
“Are you sure about this? Today’s the 19th of June, you know?”
Kakucho glanced at his leader, who sat cross legged and viewing the moon hung up high, though his back faced him, Kakucho could tell his fingers came around the cold metal circling his neck, fingers trailing from the long chain till the one thing that only mattered to him.
“…Yeah, it’s better this way.”
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love-sapphirerose · 2 years
Difference between manga and anime.
“Kikyo didn’t trust Inuyasha” “There was never trust between Inuyasha and Kikyo that’s why they were easily fooled by Naraku. ” Many times we've heard those typical phrases that many use to discredit Inuyasha and Kikyo's relationship. However it is a completely incorrect phrase because it is based solely on what Naraku says in the anime, which is completely different and very far from what he says in the manga, this is one of the many differences between anime and e the manga there is between the InuKyo couple and the Kikyo character that unfortunately ended up damaging both the ship and the character. So here I did a little analysis of this scene that many use as an argument to discredit the InuKik.CLARIFICATION: This is not to throw hate this is simply to show what really happened and what Rumiko wrote.Let's get started!
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At the time of the events of Kikyo's death and Inuyasha's being sealed, no one knew about Naraku's existence or that Onigumo wanted Kikyo, nor Inuyasha, nor Kaede knew about his existence. We must also consider that by this point the Sacred Jewel was already hatching her plan to take over Kikyo's soul so she slowly began to seal her powers, but this is a topic for another analysis in the future. For this reason, this turned out to be perfect for Naraku since not only did he not know about his existence, but they also did not know that he could change shape and steal the appearance of both humans and youkai. The trap came out almost perfect thanks to these details, I say almost perfect since Naraku wanted both Kikyo and the Sacred Jewel, at least he achieved his goal to separate Inuyasha from Kikyo.
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First in the anime we are shown the scene of the confrontation between Naraku and Inuyasha with a completely different dialogue from the manga. In the anime not only we give you the idea that Kikyo was a selfish person who only cared about herself with the words of Naraku, but also give the idea of Kikyo and Inuyasha had a weak love and without trust with the minimum test their relationship broke down, did a lot of emphasis on this topic thus proving that his love was not real or strong, when in he manga, things are completely different.
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In the manga things are completely different, the confrontation begins with Naraku making himself known to them, this in the anime does not change explains what the reason was and how it is that Naraku was born and that this was very beneficial for him. The differences already start from the next page.
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Here Naraku tells us that his desire was to corrupt Kikyo's heart so that the sacred jewel would be contaminated and this is where we have the huge difference with the anime. While in the anime the relationship and trust between Inuyasha and Kikyo is degraded in the manga it is the opposite. Naraku emphasizes the trust that both of them had and that this is why their trap was devastating for both of them since there was such a strong bond between them that making them kill each other was a real tragedy. The greater the love and trust between the two, the greater the hatred would be and thus the sacred jewel would end up completely contaminated.
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However, that was not possible because on the next page Naraku explicitly says that he expected Kikyo to act selfishly, to think only of herself and to ask the sacred jewel to save her life, but that did not happen and it was for these reasons. 1- Kikyo until the last moment remained a priestess and did not allow herself to falter before the misfortune she had lived despite the pain she felt for feeling betrayed by the person she loved the most. 2- His great love for Inuyasha, Kikyo until the last moment continued to love Inuyasha, of course she had feelings of resentment and pain but her love for Inuyasha was always present. And that's what bothered Naraku the most that despite all his efforts to break that link he didn't succeed.
However, that was not possible because on the next page Naraku explicitly says that he expected Kikyo to act selfishly, to think only of herself and to ask the sacred jewel to save her life, but that did not happen and it was for these reasons. 1- Kikyo until the last moment remained a priestess and did not allow herself to falter before the misfortune she had lived despite the pain she felt for feeling betrayed by the person she loved the most. 2- His great love for Inuyasha, Kikyo until the last moment continued to love Inuyasha, of course she had feelings of resentment and pain but her love for Inuyasha was always present. And that's what bothered Naraku the most that despite all his efforts to break that link he didn't succeed.
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As we can see there are huge differences between the canonical and what Rumiko wrote and what the anime showed us, which unfortunately is what haters or those who don't like the ship always use to demerit it. So friend as you can see there was always trust and love in the InuKyo and that despite all his efforts Naraku could not break that strong and important bond between them. If you made it this far I hope you liked these differences between manga and anime. See you soon, I love you very much InuKyo fans.
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shroudcore · 3 years
Speak now, or forever hold your peace. (II)
Summary: You crash the wedding with Grim and Ortho. Unlike the others, proposing isn’t on your mind. You come with a very different approach. 
An angstier take on Ghost Marriage. Idia x GN!reader. Reader is MC, or takes the role of MC in this story. (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Warnings: none
If the students of NRC thought they’ve seen Eliza at her angriest, they were wrong. The fury she displayed now was incomparable. While Idia fawned over your dramatic anime-worthy entrance, the new interruption was getting on her last ghostly nerve.
“Guards! Seize them!” she roared. Immediately, the ghosts went into action. Idia held his breath as he watched the obedient ghosts charge at you, Grim, and Ortho. He hoped you didn’t barge in with no plan. If you didn’t come equipped with useful items, you would end up like everyone else. 
Chubby, determined to get rid of the intruders that caused distress to his beloved princess, was eager to get rid of you. (”Simp”, Idia muttered) However, eagerness wasn’t enough against an opponent equally as determined. As soon as he got too close, an unknown force threw him backwards to where Eliza floated, shocking the princess.
“Chubby! Are you alright?”
Idia, on the other hand, was elated. 
“Th-that’s so OP!” he exclaimed. He knew you heard him, because your gaze flicked to him for a split second before looking away. Embarrassed, Idia shut his mouth. He’d expected at least a smile. 
After Chubby’s failed attack, other ghosts attempted to face your group. They only met the same fate. Confused, they could only pay their apologies to the princess and watch on in helplessness. Just what did you have up your sleeve? Who did you get such an SS-tier item from?
“Princess, it’s impossible to stop them!” the last of Eliza’s guards told her. For the first time that night, she looked afraid. 
Grim guffawed, while you smirked. A familiar look. It was always there before you jumpscared an enemy, or before you checkmated a poor opponent. Idia might have thought it was kinda hot. At the moment, he was oblivious to his gaping mouth, and how wildly his hair blazed. What were once lightly blushing tips were now an alarming red—a level of ferocity never seen from him before. 
“You can’t touch or hurt us!” boasted Grim, a devious smirk on his face. “We had some he—mprfgh!” He was abruptly cut off by Ortho’s robotic arm covering his mouth. Idia’s brother shook his head at your noisy dorm mate. 
“Release my big brother now!” he demanded. Idia grimaced, but didn’t feel too worried. As long as Ortho was with you and your anti-ghost protective shield, he would be safe. 
As expected, the ghosts were affronted. 
“How dare he order the princess like that?”
“You ought to be punished for your insolence!”
“To intrude on a royal wedding and speak disrespectfully! 
“Send them to the gallows!”
One talked, and one talked over the other. Soon, all that could be heard was an unintelligible susurrus of disembodied voices. One ghost had enough of it, and shouted to Eliza: “Princess, the kiss! Do what must be done!” 
“NO!” You and Ortho yelled at the same time. You continued to walk towards the makeshift altar as your two companions followed close behind. Ghosts rushed to block your path, but you pressed on as your invisible shield threw them back. It looked absolutely badass. Well, anything you did was cool to Idia, anyway. 
 “Out of my way!” You commanded, strong and unwavering. He’d seen you annoyed and angry before, but never up to this point. It basically radiated off of you that a danger warning could be floating above your head. 
“S-so intimidating... “
“So scary!”
Sure, this wedding crasher looked like you, but something was different. An unexplainable sinister aura wreathed you tonight. Was it your glare, or was it that regal suit you wore? Idia must have been too distracted by you, that he only noticed now how your cape seemed to drag shadows with it. You were a villain... much like one of the villains from his video games! And something else that was familiar. 
Whatever it was and wherever it came from, there was a menacing presence in the hall tonight. 
All were silent, except for the wind whistling through the hall. If one listened more carefully, they would hear drowned-out cackles. But it is just the wind, right?
“Wh-who are you?” Eliza finally asked. The ghosts who were ashamed at being unable to seize you began to form a protective ring around their princess. Eliza herself, Idia noticed, was starting to curl in on herself—her presence shrinking the closer you approached. “What do you want?”
“The groom,” was all you said, staring her down as if eyes alone could exterminate the ghost in front of you. 
“Idia?” she asks weakly, glancing at her tied-up groom. Idia said nothing and did nothing but look at you, attempting to telepathically communicate his panic. You barely even looked at him. 
“He’s mine.” 
Hold up—?
More gasps and chatter. They sounded less like whispers and more like the buzzing insects he heard whenever he snuck out at midnight. The world spun. Idia stared at you open-mouthed. 
If he were asked to describe his state of mind at this moment, it would be similar to a loading screen. Suddenly, everything you did together played back in a 1.75x supercut sequence. 
“Wh-what?” Eliza sputtered. “What do you mean?” 
You answered her, voice losing the steadiness it possessed just moments ago. “You have the man I love.” 
Idia.exe has crashed. Reboot? 
The audience’s reactions were varied. Some students on the floor were amused by the spectacle and could have used some popcorn (and a comfortable position) during these times. Some were horrified and disappointed by the idea of the prefect being in love with Idia Shroud the shut-in. Some were much too confused to feel anything. 
“Pardon…? What did I just hear?” Azul asked the floor.
“Puppy love,” Lilia wept, sniffling very loudly. “You know, this reminds me of when I was young...” 
“Whaddaya mean when you were young?!” Floyd snapped. His irritability had spiked up even more when you arrived. His position prevented him from witnessing the events. Everyone on the floor could feel his bad mood rolling off of him in waves. 
“Hey! Watch your tone when speaking to Lilia!” scolded Sebek. 
“... Are they acting?” Leona mumbled. 
“Oh, this better be an act.”  said Vil.  “... though it does not seem to be.” The last part of his observation remained unheard by anyone else, except for Rook. 
“I believe we are witnessing a genuine love confession,” added the Chasseur d’Amour himself, voice soft as he sighed dreamily. “Engrave this moment into your memories, everyone! We are fortunate to witness it…”
But no one shared his enthusiasm about the situation. The others expressed their displeasure by groaning and complaining. “... well, even in this state we are in?” he added as a follow-up. 
You once fell asleep on Idia’s shoulder after finishing a movie. It was something you both only watched to make fun of, but you were apparently too tired to give your top-tier jokes and meme references. The contact sent his heart into overdrive as he froze, begging for option boxes to appear and help him. The flames of his hair blazed so brightly that it woke you back up. It was embarrassing, and sometimes he would remember it late at night and cringe. 
It was happening again, but worse. Any moment now, he was sure that he alone could burn down the cafeteria, if not the whole school. This was stupid. Why did he get that worked up over an obvious act? A mere ploy to get the ghosts to release him?
Reality catches up and deals him triple attack damage. Crowley probably put you up to this. You were probably annoyed that you were forced to do this, weren’t you? That’s why you couldn’t even look at him. It had to be the cruelest joke that fate ever threw his way. 
“I can’t say I don’t understand you, Princess,” you tell Eliza, forcing a smile. “Idia is perfect, is he not?” He felt your eyes on him. This time, it was he who couldn’t quite meet your gaze. Looking down at the floor was all he could do; it couldn’t judge his blushing face. Only when the warmth in his cheeks faded did he feel it safe to look back up again. 
“You see him, don’t you, Princess?” Your voice began to falter, losing the confidence and authority in it that scared the ghosts. “He’s so much more than what everyone else thinks! We agree on that, don’t we?”
Eliza’s face softened, nodding. “Yes. I’ve seen how these people insult him!” she tells you, gesturing to the ‘failed princes’ on the floor.
“But we’re still different,” you stepped closer, but still far enough so that your invisible anti-ghost forcefield wouldn’t activate. “You don’t want to marry Idia, you want to marry your fairytale prince.” 
Eliza appeared to be genuinely confused. She looked around at her companions, before turning back to you. “What do you mean?”
“You’re in love with your ideals, not the person himself,” you explain. “You only chose him for his appearance. Am I right? His personality, likes and dislikes, and possible flaws don’t matter to you.”
Eliza seemed deep in thought. While she was silent, you release a bitter laugh and threw your hands up.  “I mean, do you even know what his favorite candy is?”
Pomegranate drops. You asked to have some, but he refused to give you any. He wouldn’t tell you why, but he let you assume it was his favorite and didn’t want to share because of that. 
That wasn’t it, though. Maybe he’d tell you once you were both out of here. 
“You’ve never stayed up until 4am just to join him on a raid!” You waved your hands wildly, lost in your rant. Whether Eliza understood you or not, you seemed to have stopped giving a damn. 
“Weak!” he teased, noticing your drooping eyelids and reduced concentration. Deep down, he felt bad for keeping you up late.  “Look, it’s fine if you need to rest.”
“Nah, let’s finish this. What are you going to do without me?” you replied, smirking.
“You don’t even have 4-hour conversations with him on Magicord VC like I do!” 
It lasted up until 3am. You two were laughing at memes. He could hear a groggy Grim complain in the background about the noise. 
“Alright. Here’s a question, princess. How much would you risk for the man beside you right now? Bet that’s where we’re different...”
Eliza’s gaze darted back and forth between you and Idia. Even the other ghosts were silent, waiting for your next words. 
“... because if you ask me, I would risk everything! That’s why I’m here wearing this stupid suit!”
It’s not real. It’s not real. The emotion behind every word was a punch to the gut. If you kept this up, he might need a healer soon. Ever since he realized he was falling, he tried to quell the sparks of hope you ignited whenever you did something nice for him. All that hard work was gone. Each word you uttered was gasoline. 
“To think that if I arrived minutes later… th-that I would never see him again!” A sob escapes your throat, your intimidating persona crumbling.
No, don’t do that. Idia wanted to reassure you that he was still there and he was okay, but he couldn’t. It’s part of an act. It’s part of an act. 
“So please… just let him go.” The front you wore has completely dissolved. There you were, reduced to a sobbing mess in front of a ghost princess and the students of NRC. 
You weren’t the only one. All traces of anger or fear have vanished from Eliza’s face. Instead, she put her hands over her mouth. The princess had been moved to tears. Finally, she turns to Idia. “Idia, they seem to l-love you very much… ”
“That’s right.” You wiped your tear-streaked face and pointed an accusing finger at the ghosts. “And all of you! Are you going to enable her forever? Encourage her shallow ideas of what love should be?” 
They all looked down, unable to meet your eyes. 
“You have no right to just snatch him up and claim him as yours,” you told Eliza with an unfaltering resolve, despite your tear-covered face and your crumbled front of strength. “Did you never think… that there could have been someone waiting for him to return?” 
“I-I never meant to!” Eliza cried. “I was so blinded by my own happiness. I never thought… never even considered…” 
“Princess, it’s alright. We all make mistakes.” Chubby told her, trying to be reassuring. 
“Tell me, intruder. How else am I going to find my prince?” she asked you with no trace of hostility. You stopped for a while, staring at her. 
You must not have expected the question. Idia saw you look at him—it was the longest time you’d looked at him all evening. Clearing your throat, you began to explain. You fumbled a bit, scratching the back of your neck and tugging at the hem of your coat as you explained what a perfect partner should be. 
As you spoke, Idia was enthralled by your voice and most of all, the knowledge you possessed about love and romance. He hadn’t seen this side of you before. How did he ever think that a hundred dating sims could make him a romance expert?
“Is that so?” she sighs, bowing her head. “I understand now. I’m so sorry… for causing you so much grief.” 
She turns to her companions, giving them a sad smile. “There’s only one thing to do. Everyone, we must stop this wedding.” 
Idia wanted to fall to the floor in relief. At least a few exhausted sighs and weak cheers could be heard from the wedding “attendees”. You fell to your knees, exaggerating your gratitude. 
“Thank you, princess!”
“But Princess… what about your happily ever after?” Chubby interjected. 
“I can’t tear two lovers apart!” Eliza wipes a few of her own tears, then turns to you. “I was deeply moved by your words. I dream of having a lover like you,” she sighs dreamily, probably imagining her future lover already. 
While the students of NRC rejoiced at this victory, Idia’s heartbeat quickened in fear. What if Eliza decided to take you for herself?
“Princess…” Chubby muttered, sighing. Eliza only gave him a reassuring smile. Phew. Idia relaxed, grateful that she doesn’t have the idea… yet. He didn’t know what to do if that thought became reality. 
Eliza turns to address the hall with a smile. “I have decided.” Everyone waited with bated breath for her announcement. Idia squeezed his eyes shut and silently urged her to announce their departure already. 
“Idia and I will not be married anymore. She smiles wide, and clasps her hands together. “However, there will still be a wedding!”
Your smile faded. “What… what do you mean, princess?”
She beams. “To make up for my mistake, I will make sure that Idia and his lover are married tonight!” 
To be continued.
Tagging: @teashopwritingzz @twistedcrumbs 
Well, that was long. To think that I was planning for the story to be a one-shot! Once again, keep an eye out for Part 3. Thank you for reading! 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
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