#i miss my fav italian siblings
thebroken--soul · 3 years
Me when Carina talked about her baby brother and her grief to Jack in 506 of Station 19
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jellyluchi · 3 years
Sorry for late reply aa I was applying for jobs lol— What’s focaccia’s family like if I may ask? Does she have any siblings or a favorite family member? oh ho marriage you say 👀 can I hear about it with those two and how she (or he) went about it?
Thank goodness :D I’m glad she was able to make it out ok. Hell yeah 👏🏼 you know there’s something really special about someone if prosciutto not only gives them the code name but becomes their mentor. What are her feelings or thoughts about him during this time? Like sorry bud we were cool then you messed with her mans get good 😂
Of course I really like learning about people’s oc’s they’re all really cool qwq ) you’re welcome thank you for sharing her 💕💕
No worries! I was busy with school too so late reply too ahaha. Ahhh These are really good questions! Don't mind me just rambling on ahah. So because Focaccia is based on me, her family is south Asian and they also immigrated North America/Canada at some point before she moved away to Italy for work. Her family is basically a typical south Asian immigrant one and she does have one younger brother. She misses her younger brother a lot because he didn't treat her different for having a stand and didn't understand the complications. Mostly thought she was talking about an imaginary friend. So I think that would be her fav family member! As for her marriage (she uses she/her and they/them pronouns!) I haven't thought of all of it yet but I hc that she had 2 weddings. Basically a south Asian Muslim wedding and an Italian Jewish wedding (thanks to Jewish Pros hc from @lasquadrasfuckhouse). I like to think they happened in 2 different locations like one in Canada where her family lives an another in Italy with the rest of La Squadra but I'm not sure how possible that is realistically LOL
Also yes!!! I love that about their code names the fact that their real name becomes special because of it! And yess I absolutely love the mentor / mentee type relationship Pros could have with his s/o. Her feelings for him go through lots of changes! She's just a civilian at first so she's scared of him. But then she starts to admire him very much because of how he carries himself. He's scary but treats her tenderly and gets into her personal space saying he believes in her etc. that really changes her feelings for him because no one believed in her like he does before and she finds herself caring for him very much too and wanting him to relax / smile more often. Also bahaha exactly !!
Ah I'm so glad!!! And of course!! I love talking about here so I'm always sharing small thoughts ahaha. I wish I could compile all the information in my head omg!!
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gold-dust-laurel · 5 years
rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
Thanks @beatlesbowieforever for tagging me!!!
i. nickname?
Uhhh it depends on who you ask lmao
ii. zodiac sign?
iii. height?
1,60 m. I don't know how much is that in feet and inches sorry
iv. hogwarts house?
v. last thing I googled?
It was capoeira because Marley wanted to know what that is lmao
vi. fav musicians?
Holy shit, I have a lot. They are just too many lmao sorry but I guess you can already tell who they are ajskajska
vii. song stuck in your head?
My mind is playing My Type by Saint Motel on repeat uwu
viii. following?
ix. followers?
70 lmao
x. do you get asks?
Every once in a while, yeah. I still have a couple I haven't answered but please send some, I'm lonely ajksjajs
xi. amount of sleep?
About 7 hours
xii. lucky number?
I don't think I have one?????
xiii. what are you wearing?
A yellow sundress uwu
xiv. dream job?
Anything art related, idk yet
xv. dream trip?
xvi. instruments?
I know how to play the violin, flute, piano and once I tried drums lmao
xvii. languages?
My first language is Spanish, ig I'm fluent in English and I know a bit of Italian and German.
xviii. favorite songs?
In no particular order:
I Need You - The Beatles.
I Don't Want to Miss a Thing - Aerosmith.
The Way You Look Tonight - Frank Sinatra.
Two of Us - The Beatles.
And I'm sure there are more but I can't really remember them right now
xix. random fact?
I have three half-siblings, all of them older than me, and two nieces. I haven't met any of them and I don't think I will.
xx. aesthetic?
I love that yellow cottagecore aesthetic SO MUCH
I'm not gonna tag 21 people ajskajsjs
@alphabetloop @curly-hair-kid @foreverandtayways @percyisthewalrus @midniightshow @feellikewedid @lewyn-martell @the-subservient-human and whoever else wants to do it lmao
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xoruffitup · 6 years
Yayy, I was tagged by @enjoyallneednothing-blog! I loved your answer about grasping what’s truly important in life. “Aging is a privilege denied to many” is a phrase I’m going to take to heart.
Answer the following questions and tag how many mutuals you want.
Nickname: None of the typical nicknames for Margaret ever stuck for me, but friends have dubbed me Morgi, Margrawr, and oddest of all, Squanto...
Ethnicity: My mom’s side is all German and that’s the heritage I actually feel close to, even though my dad brings some Italian and Irish.
Eye color: Brown
Do you have siblings: Nope! Only child who’s grown but still close with the parents :)
Do you have any pets: Yes, but sadly my beloved kitty is back at my parents’ house :’(
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw pride!!
How many languages do you speak: 2 - English and German
Guilty pleasures: I don’t really subscribe to labeling any enjoyments with guilt...
Favorite thing to do with your friends: Definitely watching theatre. My current roommate and I bonded over going to Shakespeare plays together while we were studying for our Master’s program together in London. Going to concerts is definitely up there too!
Favorite songs at the moment: AGHH hard question. Okay well since I just went to his show last night, I think I’d have to say Now The Water by Porches at the current moment. But because I always feel uncomfortable picking ultimate music favs, let me also throw out Somebody Else by The 1975 and Dancing’s Not A Crime by Panic! at the Disco.
Favorite movie: Again, can’t pick a single favorite for the life of me so the batch of favs is: The Fifth Element, Paterson, The Dark Knight, Wonder Woman, and The Last Jedi.
How many countries have you visited: Hmm, need to type them out to count... Germany, England, Scotland, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Canada, and Japan. That makes 15!
What are your favorite hobbies: Writing; Listening to the same albums over and over again and going to shows; Blabbing to anyone who’ll listen about gender issues or Star Wars... ideally together! :D
Any phobias: Nothing too intense comes to mind, but I don’t love bugs.
Name three things you don’t like about yourself and three other things you love (physical and/or intellectual):
(This will be in both categories) I don’t put a lot of effort into my appearance or “doing myself up.” I dress professional when I show up to work every day, but I never wear makeup and spend little money/effort on putting together new outfits. Sometimes I see other women looking super sharp and wish I could look that polished.
(Again, both categories) I tend to be emotionally pretty self-sufficient. This means deep romantic relationships are rare for me and sometimes I wonder if I’m missing out on deeper types of emotional intimacy.
I have terrible self-discipline regarding my sleep schedule (as I type this after midnight on a weeknight :’’))
Now for what I love about me.
For the most part, I’m generally unbothered and sometimes even proud that I don’t spend a lot of time fussing over my appearance. My inner bra-burning feminist is glad I devote my time to other things, and that I recoil from the idea of spending money on cosmetics, hair removal, etc. I don’t shave my legs due to uncomfortable skin sensitivity, and while I used to be embarrassed about it, it’s now become a point of pride.
I’m also glad of my emotional independence. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very close with my parents and have a core group of friends who I have to thank for making me feel fulfilled; but I’ve never felt the need to search for a romantic relationship and only ever dated casually. I’m grateful that I’m not someone who needs to be in a romantic relationship or needs a partner to feel that my life is full. 
I always make the effort to put myself into a positive frame of mind and treat others considerately. This doesn’t mean I always succeed, but I’m glad I try and this effort is always something I appreciate in others.
What was/is your best subject at school/uni: English and Politics classes - Which conveniently happened to be my majors.
Favorite sports: Uhh... Grew up watching Baseball with my dad, but the only sport I enjoyed playing myself was field hockey.
What style best describes you: Tbh, I only partially outgrew the emo band look from my teenaged years... Now, friends say I have an “edgy hipster” look and I’m okay with that ;)
Is marriage included in your life goals: At my current stage, definitely not. With the field I’m pursuing my career in, what’s most important to me right now is that I not be tied down, so I can have the freedom to pursue international jobs or do field work in developing countries.
Write a funny fact about yourself: For my last birthday, my roommate (who teases me for my Adam Driver love because she just doesn’t get it and can’t see anything other than his somewhat larger-than-average nose...) made me the most incredible/hideous card covered just in pictures of Adam’s nose. This still sits on my windowsill because it’s horrifically incredible, and I still crack up when I imagine her printing all these pictures of him just to cut out the noses.
Tagging (ignore if you’ve done this already, or if you just want to)
@reylonly @monsterleadmehome @umkylo @totesadorbs
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Tagged by the members of my salty fam @mieczyslawstilestate and @menyc1ty
So, ten random things about me:
1.      On one of my university curses we had classes called “the art of communication” and one time our teacher tested us about our empathy. So she gave us the test, we answered, we counted the points. I got 6 and thought that’s pretty ok and then someone asked what is the norm and she said: 24 points. This was the first time when I started question myself.
2.      I try to read about 100 books every year. Last year I fucked up and read only 50 something. I prefer fantasy, sci fi, war books, non fiction and classics but I can read anything (just typical romances bore me to my tears). I planned to read a lot of classic literature this year, the “you must read books” but I’m looking right now at Moby Dick on my shelf and wonder if I really want to hurt myself like that.
3.      Never was in a relationship, never kissed a guy (or girl), sometimes I think that maybe I should start looking for my second half but after 5 seconds I realize I would need to share my bed, so big fat nope. I can share my bed only with cats.
4.      I have two sisters and brother, I am the youngest. That means they (plus my parents) treat me like a handicapped 5 year old (“You can’t do it like that, let me show you”, “Where are your gloves?” “You should/shouldn’t do that”) and they will do it for – fucking – ever.
5.      My siblings are also much older than me (11, 9 and 7 years), that means they brainwashed me a lot. My friends were listening to some teenage shit? Loved stupid tv shows? Too bad I would have been disinherit and throw out of the house if I had brought something shitty home. Their opinions were always very important to me, so instead of boys bands I was into -
6.      Fucking metal. My big bro brought Rammstein and Nightwish home when I was like 10?, and I had two possibilities: I could murder him with cold blood or tried to like these awful bands. Now they are still my two fav bands, and it’s quite funny because one is industrial German metal with heavy guitars and a guy singing about cannibalism and social problems and the other is a symphonic pompous metal, where they sing about stuff like “ocean’s soul” or the beauty of evolution. And people wonder why I’m not normal.
7.      So far, I have learnt: English, German, French, Italian, Japanese and Latin. And I can order beer only in English, German and Japanese. And Polish of course. Oh, and because our languages are similar, I can understand (more or less) Slovakian, Ukrainian and Czech. I kind of want to learn Russian too.
8.      I have a fantastic ability to find amazing and crazy people, similar to me. Our antisrydia family is fucking awesome. I met a lot of insane people on my university years. For example, the main joke that was running around my grade was pluses of eating kittens. Puppies too. And it was not the weirdest thing we were discussing.
9.      I have a bachelor degree in journalism and master degree in Far Asia cultural studies. I’ve also spent 2 years on Polish studies, but yeah, it was a mistake. I still have nightmares about historical descriptive grammar. But I miss our pervy and super old Latin teacher – he sung us songs using hexameter.
10.   I have that super extended Alternative Universe in my brain, where I put all my fav characters form gazillion series and books and all have their stories and I will never write it down because I would spend 60 years writing it. So the story only pollutes my brain and keep me awake in the nights.
I tag, if you made it already please tag me or send me a link?, @abolkonsky,  @machinasolidaria, @staliasfated , @robwrecks, @ferociousfig, @itwillbekillian, @mystaliaheart, @winterandmistletoe, @pandorasss-box, @whydidyouflyaway, @multigloria, @sparklepoodles (more than ten, but gladly I would tag all of you)
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babymyleopard · 6 years
I was tagged by my dear friend @yournotpshipper <3 since I too am procrastinating, I’m going to answer this long-ass thing :)
Are you a morning or night person? Night, but I can’t sleep much so I pay the price of being awake 16+ hours a day
Are you afraid of the dark? Not really
Are you an extrovert or introvert? Both? I feel intimidated in some occasions and close myself, but in general I can be social... it depends on my mood and the ppl I’m with
Are you double jointed? I’m quite flexible, yeah
Are you left or right handed? Both. But I use the right more than the left
Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one? My mother is a Virgo so you can imagine I can’t stand a messy and/or dirty place
Are you on time or always late? I like to be a little early though everyone in Rio is always late........
Are you ticklish? Not really
Can you curl your tongue? No (but I can do some good things with it - SORRY)
Can you ice skate? *Fanny Brice’s voice* can I ice skate?? No, I can’t (never tried tbh)
Can you wiggle your ears? No
Coffee or tea? Both
Cookies, cake or donuts? CAKE
Did you ever participate in a talent show? Yes and I won the best lyrics
Did you go to prom? Nope
Did you like school? I loved my school from 5th to 8th grade! I hated high school tho
Do you believe in ghosts? “yo no creo en las brujas pero que las hay, las hay” 
Do you bite your nails? never did
Are you a good cook? Yes babe
Do you enjoy dancing? Dancing like an idiot dad (aka David Bowie) is my favourite sport  
Do you enjoy DIY or crafts? I wish I had more time/ space/ money to do more
Do you forgive easily? I ignore easily, I don’t know if I forgive (and never forget)
Do you have a nickname? My mother has lots of shorts for my name, in general ppl call me May
Do you have any allergies? Dust, strong smells, insect bites, queerbaiting (I had to keep it haha)
Do you have any phobias? does the despise of cishet ppl count?
Do you have any piercings or tattoos? piercings, two sets in each ear, but I can’t use earrings anymore bc it hurts :/
Do you have children? It’s not in my plans like for ever.
Do you have pets? the most beautiful cat, she lives with my mother and I miss her
Do you have siblings? A half-sister, older than me (I don’t really like her tho)
Do you prefer dogs or cats? Cats, slightly 
Do you prefer Mac or PC? Do you think I have money for mac? (I’ll keep this bc #Mood)
Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? Well I’ve never been on a mountain, but since I don’t like warm weather I’d say a beach on a cloudy day maybe  
Do you prefer to bath or shower? I haven’t entered on a bath since I was baby because only rich people own bath tubes. (LMAO your answers are so good)
Do you sing in the shower? Yes, I’m Barbra Streisand in the shower honey.
Do you smoke? Yes, cigarettes are good for you.
Do you speak any different languages? English and a little Spanish (my first language is Portuguese)
Do you still have your wisdom teeth? Actually only two came out, they’re still there
Do you still watch cartoons? Not really, but I like Adventure Time
Do you/have you played any sports? I hated PE back in school
Does your name have a special meaning? Yes. It’s tupi and means “Old Lady”, which is totally accurate and fits me well 
Have you ever been hospitalized? Never.
Have you ever been on a diet? From 6 to 11 years-old
Have you ever been to a concert? Not huge ones, but yes, many
Have you ever gone camping? nope
Have you ever met any celebrities? Yes, casually and in meet & greets tho
Have you ever skipped class? A few times
Have you ever won something? Yes, maybe twice 
Have you had braces? no, I wouldn’t do it even if needed tbh
How are you feeling right now? Quite ok, thank you
How tall are you? 172 cm
If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday? A trip to Italy.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Idk, really...
Were you ever a scout or a brownie? No
What city were you born in? Rio de Janeiro.
What did you last eat? Sesame seed biscuits with cream cheese.
What did you want to be when you were younger? An actress, a singer, a biologist, a journalist... many things 
What do you do on a typical Friday night? Wish I had a wife to go out with lmao
What is one food that you refuse to eat? Quinoa
What is one item on your bucket list? A girlfriend
What is one item you can’t live without? Music
What is your shoe size? 36 BR (6 US), yes, really small feet
What movie have you watched repeatedly? Bringing Up Baby and Ninotchka!
What phone do you have (Apple or Android)? Android.
What should you be doing right now? Studying.
What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year? having a gf
What’s one of your pet peeves? People who stand in the walkway, who talk too loud, people in general
What’s the last song you’ve listened to? Valentine’s Day by David Bowie (playing now actually)
What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own? probs my mom jeans (100 bucks), my clothes are not expensive at all, I’m poor
What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without? Cigarettes and water.
What’s your best physical feature? My long long legs, my hair... I like the way I look tbh
What’s your Chinese sign? Rooster
What’s your current obsession? Women
What’s your dream car? none
What’s your favourite animal? Felines
What’s your favourite book? Orlando by Virginia Woolf
What’s your favourite colour? pastel blue
What’s your favourite dessert? Ice cream
What’s your favourite drink? Coffee and whisky
What’s your favourite food? Pasta, any type of pasta!
What’s your favourite foreign food? well, Italian food is my fav, but I also love Mexican, Arab and Indian spices
What’s your favourite gadget? my laptop? I don’t have so much stuff tho
What’s your favourite hobby? reading, singing, drawing, cooking...
What’s your favourite movie? Holiday (1938)
What’s your favourite restaurant? Honey I’m poor I usually cook my own food but when I eat out (I’m trying not to do a Lesbian jk here) it’s like fast food or some cheap-but-clean place
What’s your favourite sandwich? Pork meat and cheese with salad and lime mayonnaise (also Juliana’s late’s father ham, cheese and egg fried sandwich)
What’s your favourite season? Our so-called winter, which is less-heated weather 
What’s your favourite series / TV show? Downton Abbey, MFMM, Grace & Frankie, MasterChef...
What’s your favourite snack? F R I E S
What’s your favourite sport to watch? Football (what the Yankees call ‘soccer’), volleyball, gymnastics, I like to watch many sports, I just don’t like to get tired doing them
What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast? I don’t eat in the morning, really, but I like toast with jam and butter, grilled cheese sandwich... I just need a black coffee tho.
What’s your full name? Mayara Abrahão da Eira 
What’s your longest relationship so far? almost three years - terrible three years
What’s your lucky number? 16
What’s your star sign? Leo.
When is your birthday? August 3rd
Which city did you grow up in? Rio de Janeiro
Which city do you live in now? Rio de Janeiro
Who do you miss right now? David Bowie
Who is your celebrity crush? Only one?? Helen Mirren, Gillian Anderson, Jemma Redgrave, Raquel Cassidy, Catherine Russell........ I’m a Huge Lesbian, come on 
Who’s your favourite fictional character? Bernie Wolfe (Holby City), Alice (Alice in Wonderland) or Susan (Bringing Up Baby)
I’ll tag anyone who wants to do it :)
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shewantsthev · 7 years
Wow this is a lot but okay200: My crush’s name is: Bernie Sanders
199: I was born in: 1999? Is this what this is asking 
198: I am really: gay
197: My cellphone company is: AT&T
196: My eye color is: green 
195: My shoe size is: 7.5 
194: My ring size is: I forgot. Something small
193: My height is: 5'3"
192: I am allergic to: bullshit and republicans. Other than that, nothing 
191: My 1st car was: a 2000 chevy cavalier. It was red and I loved it except it was a piece of shit 
190: My 1st job was: OfficeMax 
189: Last book you read: Why Does The World Exist? By some guy
188: My bed is: soft and filled with dogs and orange and great
187: My pet: I have prim, my soul mate and axel, a sweet dummy. I also have fish named Rex and Rocko and a snake named Jasper
186: My best friend: is amazing and great and I miss her
185: My favorite shampoo is: my recent favorite is the tea tree shampoo but I colored my hair recently and had to witch to shampoo safe for that 
184: Xbox or ps3: Xbox but I don't play either enough to really care
183: Piggy banks are: pretty nice. This reminds me of the time my house got robbed and the police took my piggy bank for prints and promised they would give it back but never did 
182: In my pockets: my wallet and chopstick 
181: On my calendar: a lot. This is a busy month. But Colorado soon :)
180: Marriage is: I wouldn't know 
179: Spongebob can: okay spongebob is the shit
178: My mom: isn't perfect but is great 
177: The last three songs I bought were? I don't know about individual songs but the other day I got tired of the radio and bought a bunch of CDs for my car
176: Last YouTube video watched: I don't know exactly but I've been watching a lot of John Oliver videos 
175: How many cousins do you have? Too may to count 
174: Do you have any siblings? I have 3ish stepsiblings 
173: Are your parents divorced? Yes since I was 4
172: Are you taller than your mom? I wish 
171: Do you play an instrument? I kinda sorta used to but no
170: What did you do yesterday? I don't remember? I think I worked?[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: maybe a little 
168: Luck: sometimes 
167: Fate: no 
166: Yourself: nope
165: Aliens: hell yeah
164: Heaven: no 
163: Hell: no 
162: God: I actually very strongly don't believe in god 
161: Horoscopes: no 
160: Soul mates: maybe 
159: Ghosts: not entirely sure but probably not 
158: Gay Marriage: fuck yeah 
157: War: depends on the situation 
156: Orbs: what
155: Magic: why[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: both? Depends on my mood 
153: Drunk or High: high 
152: Phone or Online: online 
151: Red heads or Black haired: black hair 
150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes
149: Hot or cold: cold
148: Summer or winter: winter
147: Autumn or Spring: spring!!
146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla 
145: Night or Day: night
144: Oranges or Apples: apples
143: Curly or Straight hair: straight 
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate 
140: Mac or PC: Pc
139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor:
 Stop attach a persons value to their economic status/ wealth :) 137: Coke or Pepsi: neither 
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 😍
135: Burried or cremated: I want my body donated for organs and/or science. Although I like having just a spot so maybe just a tombstone 
134: Singing or Dancing: singing 
133: Coach or Chanel: ew
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who
131: Small town or Big city: big city for sure
130: Wal-Mart or Target: target 
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: I don't even care 
128: Manicure or Pedicure: pedicure?
127: East Coast or West Coast: west coast
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: birthday
125: Chocolate or Flowers: bothhh
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney
123: Yankees or Red Sox: I don't sport[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: depends on the situation 
121: George Bush: no 
120: Gay Marriage: always
119: The presidential election: it was awful, vile, and disgusting. The results were bullshit because fuck the electoral college but also it made me lose faith in humanity 
118: Abortion: it's always the persons choice what to do with their body
117: MySpace: never had one
116: Reality TV: it's stupid 
115: Parents: they exist
114: Back stabbers: I think we can all agree they're trash
113: Ebay: I'm indifferent 
112: Facebook: its gotten annoying lately but it's a necessary evil
111: Work: I like getting paid 
110: My Neighbors: they're okay for neighbors. I feel bad that our dog barks at them all the time. 
109: Gas Prices: they're high but whatever 
108: Designer Clothes: you do you im too broke 
107: College: it's gonna put me in debt forever but I'm excited 
106: Sports: I don't understand the interest but whatever 
105: My family: they're okay
104: The future: we are all gonna die [ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: tidy my teacher hugged me because she was happy to see me 
102: Last time you ate: I had pizza like 5 hours ago
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: I saw a friend two days ago I haven't seen in a while
100: Cried in front of someone: I don't remember exactly 
99: Went to a movie theater: it's been too long 
98: Took a vacation: since a year ago
97: Swam in a pool: about a year ago. Well, swim isn't necessarily the word because guess who can't do that. I just chill in the water 
96: Changed a diaper: gosh it's been some time. A year or more?
95: Got my nails done: a lot of years ago
94: Went to a wedding: a year ago was my moms wedding 
93: Broke a bone: never 
92: Got a peircing: my nose about 2 years ago 
91: Broke the law: technically I am now 
90: Texted: now[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: I don't laugh much
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my dogs
87: The last movie I saw: some horror movie with my mom 
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: leaving this town
85: The thing im not looking forward to: so much 
84: People call me: I don't really have a nickname
83: The most difficult thing to do is: go through major depression 
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: I've had 2
81: My zodiac sign is: Taurus
80: The first person i talked to today was: my mom 
79: First time you had a crush: technically my first was a ginger in kindergarten but my first real one was in middle school 
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: prim 😂
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday! I remember that part but not who it was or what it was
76: Right now I am talking to: a group chat and 2 other people 
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: not entirely sure yet but I want to be a trauma surgeon 
74: I have/will get a job: yes? I'm not sure what this is asking 
73: Tomorrow: I have school and class in the evening 
72: Today: I was at school 
71: Next Summer: hopefully I'll be doing something fun 
70: Next Weekend: next weekend is surprisingly kinda free 
69: I have these pets: I answered this 
68: The worst sound in the world: someone saying goodbye 
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself 
66: People that make you happy: my friends I don't know 
65: Last time I cried: earlier today 
64: My friends are: great 
63: My computer is: falling apart. I need a new one but still broke 
62: My School: is actually garbage and I can't wait to leave 
61: My Car: is much nicer that my old one 
60: I lose all respect for people who: physically, sexually, or emotionally abuse people, are racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. support Trump, actually there's a lot I don't respect many people 
59: The movie I cried at was: okay I used to always cry at the notebook it was horrible 
58: Your hair color is: red now 
57: TV shows you watch: lately shameless but all time fav is greys anatomy. Also watch a lot of criminal minds 
56: Favorite web site: google.com 
55: Your dream vacation: Traveling all over the world. I want to be in the south of France again 
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when my heart broke 
53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium well 
52: My room is: pretty chill. Representative of me 
51: My favorite celebrity is: Demi Lovato 
50: Where would you like to be: anywhere but here 
49: Do you want children: maybe possibly
48: Ever been in love: yup
47: Who’s your best friend: gabby 
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girls I guess
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: drugs 
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: nobody 
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: haha I barley have a 5 minute plan 
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: sort of. Just traveling 
41: Have you pre-named your children: yes
40: Last person I got mad at: Ryan 
39: I would like to move to: California 
38: I wish I was a professional: everything [ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: Reese's 
36: Vehicle: camaro 
35: President: Obama 
34: State visited: New York 
33: Cellphone provider: I don't care 
32: Athlete: really don't care 
31: Actor: probably Leonardo DiCaprio 
30: Actress: Not sure. Drew Barrymore maybe? Maybe Sandra bullock 
29: Singer: Demi Lovato 
28: Band: Nirvana 
27: Clothing store: everything here and there 
26: Grocery store: HyVee
25: TV show: Greys Anatomy
24: Movie: 21 Days 
23: Website: Tumblr
22: Animal: Penguin?
21: Theme park: don't know 
20: Holiday: Fourth of July, not for the patriotism but the blowing stuff up 
19: Sport to watch: basketball
18: Sport to play: basketball
17: Magazine: not sure 
16: Book: Impulse by Ellen Hopkins 
15: Day of the week: Saturday 
14: Beach: beach in saint marie de la mer
13: Concert attended: Demi Lovato 
12: Thing to cook: pasta
11: Food: Italian 
10: Restaurant: Olive Garden or IHOP 
9: Radio station: 96.5 the buzz 
8: Yankee candle scent: I like ocean scents 
7: Perfume: stuff I got in France 
6: Flower: who even knows 
5: Color: orange 
4: Talk show host: Ellen 
3: Comedian: not really sure 
2: Dog breed: Doberman 
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yes
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thebroken--soul · 3 years
It’s the first day of August and all I think about is :
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thebroken--soul · 3 years
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I posted 3 597 times in 2021
282 posts created (8%)
3315 posts reblogged (92%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 11.8 posts.
I added 2 570 tags in 2021
#quote - 510 posts
#about me - 500 posts
#station 19 - 259 posts
#😂😂😂 - 252 posts
#carina deluca - 218 posts
#❤️❤️❤️ - 206 posts
#😭😭😭 - 197 posts
#maya bishop - 164 posts
#marina - 136 posts
#true - 128 posts
Longest Tag: 101 characters
#i’m not going to get over his death just like i still didn’t get over the fact alex left jo for izzie
My Top Posts in 2021
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The last time Carina has seen her baby brother alive... 💔
190 notes • Posted 2021-03-12 15:42:17 GMT
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Promo pics of the episode 506 of Station 19, “Little Girl Blue”
232 notes • Posted 2021-11-12 11:32:37 GMT
When I asked for a good storyline for Carina, it was a storyline where we would learn about her childhood in Italy, where we would see her becoming a badass OBGYN but definitely NOT LOSING HER BABY BROTHER !!! Fuck you GA & Krista 🤬
278 notes • Posted 2021-03-12 03:47:07 GMT
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Forever DeLuca siblings ❤️
Grey’s Anatomy season 14 - season 17
420 notes • Posted 2021-03-12 11:29:12 GMT
Andrea DeLuca deserved so much better. He was getting better because he asked for help for his bipolar. He was making progress with his mental health. He was becoming a good person who just wanted to help people. Carina told him that he wasn’t like their father. Killing him off is the same bullshit with Alex leaving Jo for Izzie. It’s just fucking bullshit.
930 notes • Posted 2021-03-12 06:30:19 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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thebroken--soul · 3 years
Season 18 of Grey’s Anatomy & season 5 of Station mean another season of Carina DeLuca but it also means the first season with Andrew DeLuca 😭💔
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thebroken--soul · 3 years
Dammit it was TOO soon to mention Andrew on Grey’s Anatomy when Jo talked about Andrew to Carina because it just ended me 😭😭😭
I miss him. I miss my fav Italian siblings.
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