#i miss him he was so boring. Just some guy they found . steve........
girlb0yfriend · 2 days
just realized. if i cant get my stupid inquisitor looking Exactly perfectly like himself i will lose it
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metalhoops · 2 years
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‘Of course, I remember you.’ 
As far as first words go, Eddie’s were a hell of a head-scratcher. 
To catch up the uninitiated, everyone in the world has a soulmate. It’s been debated and speculated if a person can have more than one, but the mechanics behind soulmates was a pseudo-science at best and downright magic at worst. The first words a person’s soulmate spoke to them were inscribed somewhere on that person’s body, typically in their soulmate’s handwriting. 
Doesn’t handwriting change over time? The uninitiated might ask, to which Eddie would repeat, it’s pseudo-science or magic. Either that or something like quantum mechanics, where people are pretty sure, one day we’ll understand how it works, but right now there are a lot of theories and only a little bit of evidence, most of which contradicts itself.
Most of the time, the words are boring and wholly unhelpful. He could count on two hands the number of people that simply had some variation of ‘hello’, tattooed somewhere on their body. From Eddie’s point of view, he got lucky. 
He had a sentence of scratchy scrawl written on his inner arm stating, ‘of course, I remember you’. And really, what the hell was Eddie meant to make of that? 
Typically, your tattoo lets you know you’d found your soulmate upon first meeting, but his words implied he’d meet his soulmate before they first speak and that it would be memorable. Wasn’t that goddamn frustrating? 
His soulmate’s first words were right up there with ‘hello’ in Eddie’s list of ‘top five worse soulmate marks,’ because how the hell were those poor bastards meant to know if they’d just met the love of their life or if it was just their weird neighbour Tom? With his number one spot reserved for Gareth’s truly horrific, ‘I’d thought you’d be taller’. His soulmate was original. He’d give him that. 
There was no surefire way to know your soulmate’s gender, same as there was no surefire way for a mother to ‘just know’ a baby’s gender before it was born. Yet if Eddie was being sacrilegious, as he so often was, he’d say he ‘just knew’ his soulmate was a guy. 
There was nothing in the handwriting that gave it away. Nothing particularly ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’ about the lettering. But ever since Eddie was a kid whenever he thought about his soulmate, he’d always think of them as ‘him’. 
He would like this or that. He wouldn’t be an asshole, like the meathead jocks at Hawkins. He would be different. He’d be kind, caring, and of course, a total badass. Eddie just had to wait to meet him. 
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Steve’s soulmate mark drove him crazy. 
‘You might not remember me’. 
What the hell was Steve meant to do with that? Soulmate tattoos were meant to let you know when you’d met your soulmate, not that you’d already met them. In the days before Steve received the shake-up of his life in the form of Nancy Wheeler and the Upside Down, he had a reputation for sleeping around. He knew back then he’d been a little hopeless, but surely he’d said more than a couple of words to a girl before he slept with them. 
It horrified Steve that he could meet his soulmate, in some respect, know them, and yet had never talked to them. Could he really be that much of a jerk?
He’d never thought Nancy was his soulmate. He knew their words didn’t match up. That didn’t mean he loved her any less. Statistically, the odds of meeting your soulmate were somewhere between getting crushed by a vending machine and winning the lottery. Steve’s parents weren’t soulmates and boy did that show, but a guy could dream. Call him a hopeless romantic, but Steve was holding out hope for them. 
He’d almost thought his soulmate was Robin. It fit, right? They went to the same school, but they’d never really talked. He’d been so busy with his first day at a real job, he’d missed Robin’s first words to him. It wasn’t until later he’d started to expect it might be her. That was, until the pair were huddled beside each other on the floor of a bathroom stall. Robin was a lesbian and her first words, although interesting, definitely proved they weren’t soulmates. 
When Steve was a kid, he’d spend hours daydreaming about what his soulmate would be like. She’d be outspoken. She’d be bold. She’d be able to make him laugh. When he’d gotten older, something changed. He didn’t know how to put it into words, at least not ones he was ready to say out loud. ‘She’ didn’t fit his soulmate quite right. So after high school, he started wondering what ‘they’ would be like. ‘They’ felt not quite right, but closer. 
Their handwriting was distinct. It was all sharp-edges and odd-angles. It looked like it was trying to replicate something Steve couldn’t quite place until he walked into the record store at Starcourt and caught a glimpse of an Iron Maiden album cover. That gave Steve his first real clue as to what his soulmate might be like. 
It would be another year before the same handwriting would stop him in his tracks. Dustin had marched into the Family Video store as they were shutting up shop, brandishing a notepad and talking about needing a ride to go play his fantasy game. Steve was always going to drive Dustin, but he’d been dragging his feet, to show the kid he wouldn’t always drop everything to take him places. A familiar sharp edged, odd angled handwriting stopped Steve cold. 
“What are those?” Steve asked, trying to fain disinterest as his heart pounded in his ears. 
“They’re notes from the last session. You know, so we can keep track of what’s happened so far in the campaign. Who’s doing what quests, how many hit points everyone’s got. Mike is currently—.” Steve couldn’t give a crap about Mike. 
“Who’s writing is it?” Steve tried not to sound as desperate as he felt. 
Robin must have known something was up because she moved to Steve’s side. With one glance at the notepad, she understood why Steve was acting so strangely. She’d seen his tattoo, she knew it was his soulmate’s handwriting. 
“Our D.M.’s” Dustin replied. He might as well have been speaking in freaking code. 
“Alright, I’ll drive you,” Steve gave in, hoping he could catch a glance of his soulmate. Maybe his tattoo was wrong, maybe he’d know his soulmate when he saw them. 
They pulled up outside of the high school. He saw a group of people loitering outside the auditorium. Dustin had brought a lot of loose sheets of paper, so it only made sense Steve helped him carry his notebooks in. Most of the people there were familiar faces, the kids he’d babysat with a few exceptions. 
“Well, if it isn’t our favourite bard. I’m glad you decided to grace us with your presence,” an oh-too-familiar voice crooned. A boy broke away from the crowd to meet Dustin. 
He was Steve’s age. They’d gone to school together. The dude used to do all these weird soap-box sessions on their lunch table. They had gym together, and history. Steve didn’t think the two had ever actually spoken.  
“I would’ve been here quicker if I hadn’t had to play twenty questions with Steve. Steve, you know Eddie, our D.M.? Weren’t you two in the same year?” 
Eddie was practically shooting daggers at Dustin’s side profile, shaking his head discreetly as though hoping Steve didn’t remember who he was. He supposed Eddie always had a reputation. 
“You might not remember me,” Eddie spoke before Steve could answer. 
Holy shit.
“Of course, I remember you,” Steve argued and watched as Eddie’s eyes swelled to the size of dinner plates. 
Both boys stood, slack-jawed and stiff-shouldered, peering at one another. Steve’s brain short-circuited, because holy shit, Eddie Munson was his soulmate. Holy shit he’d found them, him. 
Steve dropped Dustin’s notes and swarmed forward without thinking, throwing his arms around Eddie. Much to his surprise, instead of freaking out, like any normal person, Eddie was waiting to catch him, leaving both of them to tumble ass backwards onto the parking lot asphalt.
They held each other in a bone-crushing hug. Steve buried his face in Eddie’s neck, surprised at how naturally the action came. He’d never hugged a man like this, hell he’d hugged no one like this. He was clinging so desperately to the man that he’d never thought he’d really find. Eddie pulled back slightly, trying to get a better look at Steve’s face. The guy’s eyes were alight with wonder and mischief. 
“That was quite an entrance, Harrington. All for little old me?” 
“I’ve been looking for you forever,” Steve admitted. 
“Well, clearly you’ve been doing a shit job of it,” Eddie argued which earned a snort from Steve. His soulmate would be able to make him laugh. 
“You’re not disappointed, you know? That your soulmate is the town Freak?” 
Steve had given up on caring about labels, on caring about what other people thought. Since high school, he had changed. He was different.  He didn’t want to be just another, shallow, meathead jock. He wanted to be different. 
“No. Absolutely not. Why would I care?” 
Dustin shattered the moment, clearing his throat and proclaiming,
“Alright, anyone care to tell me what the hell just happened?” 
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thezombieprostitute · 4 months
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Summary: Steve has just about everything he could ever want in life. He's got you, a baby on the way, and a successful Family. No one would dare interfere with that. Right?
A/N: Reader is female, pregnant. No other descriptors used.
Warnings: Death threats, Implied violence, Pregnancy. Please let me know if I missed any!
Part 2
Series Masterlist
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Steve was feeling on top of the world. He had you, the most beautiful, amazing wife in the world and soon enough you’d both have a son. He was definitely in higher spirits than usual for hosting a political fundraiser. 
He spotted you coming back from the bathroom. One of the sacrifices he had to make was that he couldn’t actually be at your side as often because of the frequent bathroom breaks you needed to make. One of the things neither of you thought about when planning for the pregnancy. But it was a worthy sacrifice. He quickly took his leave of his current discussion and went straight for you. 
Every day of your relationship Steve had made sure to tell you how beautiful you are to him. As you see him walking towards you, his face projecting nothing but love, you’re grateful. Pregnancy was already taking its toll on your body and you were regularly feeling less than attractive. But the fact that Steve’s loving expression never changed towards you really helped.
His protectiveness had also amped up considerably but that was understandable given his actual work. Ever since you started showing he also became a lot more possessive. Someone shakes your hand and Steve has to fight the urge to punch them for touching you. It’s taken some time but he’s learned to save it all for when the two of you get home and he can fuck your brains out. Possessive sex with Steve was so much fun you almost went out of your way to make sure to greet the men who insisted on kissing your hand. Steve had caught on, though, and would run interference as much as he could, giving you a look that promised some kind of funishment.
As soon as you were within reach he wrapped his arm around your waist and brought you in for a kiss.
“Missed you,” he sighed.
“I was gone for two minutes,” you laugh quietly.
“And I love you too,” you grin before kissing him. 
Now that your back at his side Steve can focus. There’s more planned idle chatter about upcoming bills and tax reforms. Boring as usual, but necessary for your community. You take pride in knowing how much Steve and his Family put into helping people. 
Steve notices some of his security team moving quickly and he instinctively brings you in closer. He trusts Bucky to handle whatever it is, but he’s ready to move you out of harm’s way at a moment’s notice. 
The talking continues for a few more minutes when Bucky approaches, giving Steve the silent signal that it was urgent. Excusing the two of you from the discussion, Steve walks with you to Bucky. 
“We’re getting you out of here,” Bucky says before turning and walking towards the exit in the back. Steve gently pushes you to follow and you do so. You focus on keeping pace with Bucky and don’t notice how alert Steve is. Even after your usual security guards take their places around you, he keeps looking around for danger.
It isn’t until you’re in the car and see Bucky take the driver’s seat that you realize how serious the situation is. 
As the car gets to moving Bucky starts talking, “we found a hitman in the upper levels of the place. Had a small smoke bomb and a sniper.”
“How’d he get that past security?” Steve’s voice is tight with anger.
“He camped out,” Bucky explained. “Some time between our initial sweep yesterday and the party starting he set himself up. He got found by a couple of our guys doing a patrol. He wasn’t able to clock how much time between patrols,” Bucky’s voice tinged with pride on that last part. He’d been a proponent of patrolling at irregular intervals to throw off would-be threats. 
“So why are we heading out,” you ask. “You secured the threat, right?”
Bucky sighs, looking at Steve in the rear-view mirror. “Yeah, but then we found the contract. It’s an open contract, with an incredibly high price tag.”
Steve sighed, “any idea who wants me dead this time?”
“It wasn’t for you,” Bucky tells him. “It was for her.” Steve’s blood runs cold as you gasp at the news. “That’s why we’re getting her out of sight. Knew you’d want to come along so I brought both of you.” Bucky looks at you in the rear-view mirror. “We’re going to find whoever put out the contract but it’s gonna take time. During that time you’re in significant danger. I’m gonna advise you stay inside, away from windows. Open windows, at least.”
You’re barely registering what he’s saying. The hit was for you. The thought makes you weak and nauseated. Staying inside definitely sounds like a good idea. You feel Steve’s arm pull you even closer to him. He’s silent, a signal as to how furious he is. 
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Once you're inside the safety of Steve’s home you relax a little. This is familiar. This is secure. You rub your belly, trying to calm yourself. Normally Steve would go to his office with Bucky to discuss business but since it involves you, they sit you down in Steve’s comfiest office chair before talking.
“What intel do we have,” Steve asks, pacing the room.
“Garbage Men are getting with GBH to see if he can get them more info,” Bucky replies. “Until then, all we know is the hit is out for Mrs. Steve Rogers and the reward is almost 7 figures.”
“We’re most likely dealing with someone who wants to hit me where it hurts,” Steve reasons. “Who’ve I pissed off that’s got this kind of money?”
“Too many to really help us,” Bucky retorts. “I’ve got some of my men asking their contacts with the other families, confirming who would and who wouldn’t kill a pregnant woman just to hurt you.”
His comments have you crying. If the stress of knowing you were in danger wasn’t enough, the pregnancy hormones made everything worse. Steve is immediately at your side, holding you while Bucky brings over a box of tissues. They hold off their conversation until you’ve calmed down and caught your breath. 
“I’m so sorry, Hummingbird,” Steve gently tells you. 
“It’s not your fault,” you assure. “It’s whoever put out that contract.”
Bucky’s phone beeps with a notification and he checks it. “Well, GBH was able to provide the name that issued the contract but I don’t think it’ll help us.”
“Fake name,” Steve growls.
“Yup,” Bucky confirms. “Dragonfly.”
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Part 2
Series Masterlist
Tags are based on the Hummingbird Series. Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed!
@alicedopey; @aryhyuuga; @cynic-spirit; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @jamneuromain; @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory; @ktficworld; @leryg0; @rayofdawnworld; @rebekahdawkins; @texmexdarling
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ridestomars · 1 year
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𖥻 summary: steve harrington is in love with his coworker, y/n, and max mayfield can't stand how annoying a lovesick steve is.  𖥻 pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader 𖥻 warnings: y/n is used!! it's kinda told from max's point of view. idiots in love (obv), max and steve have a little sister-older brother relationship. bad grammar ig. not proofread (yk the deal). 3k-ish words.
💭 liv's thoughts: look at me rewriting my wip list works. this is another one that has been sitting on my docs page for ages, and i finally got the courage to fulfill it. i hope you guys like it! 
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“Look at you with your mouth watering, look at you with your mind spinnin'. Why don't we just admit it's all over? She's just the girl you want”. 
People say patience is a virtue, but Maxine Mayfield begs to differ. 
She doesn't believe in that "good things come for those who wait" crap, because nothing nice ever came her way for just standing there until something happened. The only thing she got from waiting around was a terrible yearning sensation of what could have been if she wasn't such a wimp. That is why Max doesn't exercise the righteous quality of patience, preferring her natural impulsiveness instead. Her restlessness is just too precious not to be used – Seventeen magazine insists on telling her that it's just a thing Aries girls do. 
Her effort usually pays off, but when it doesn't, there is nothing better than a "fuck you" to tend the wounds. Rejection is always a possibility, but being disappointed because of it isn't, and with time, you learn how to deal with the negative responses… despite that, Max likes to consider herself too persuasive to ever be declined.
But she has to admit that her intrinsic sense of fearlessness can make her a little insensitive when it comes to people's fear of rejection because, to her, it's just all so simple. Though she tries to be understanding, others' stupidity can become a bit too much for her to handle, and she almost always finds herself on the verge of scolding them for their inability to be bold. It was like when she first started dating Lucas: she had a very serious talk with him about his embarrassment to complain about his wrong orders to the servers because he fears being met with a rude attitude – she still walks up to the workers to point out that his order came with pickles when he didn't want any, but just because it's him. 
For some time now, Max found herself in an annoying situation. Over her boring vacation evenings, she began visiting Family Video a lot, and began picking up on something that grew to be infuriating: Steve's and Y/N's constant bullshit. Their (initial) quiet pining was cute, at first, because it made her feel like she was watching a real-life rom-com, with an exciting "will they or won't they?" plot line… reminiscent of the late-nights where she would pretend to be asleep on the living room couch to catch the new Cheers episode, to see if Diane and Sam would finally get together. Yet, as the days passed and their never-ending coyness appeared to only grow stronger, her hopes started to falter. In fact, the situation began to get so obvious that it started to get on her nerves. Big time.
She was an observer, and easily noticed the lingering looks as they talked, one getting distracted by the other's lips, or the way their brows furrowed when attempting to flirt. Or the jealous blush that dusted over Steve's cheeks whenever he saw you talking to a good-looking customer. And then, whenever you weren't at work, she hears his grumpy huffs that turn into infatuated sighs as soon as you walk through the door, apologizing for being late. It wasn't hard to miss your affectionate words about him when he wasn't around, as if talking about your co-worker would make his absence more tolerable. 
What was sweet, quickly turned into tiresome when the instances of you two almost kissing turn into a daily thing. She can't count the times when she caught Steve leaning his face closer to yours, taking the courage to make his move, but right at the last second… the plan totally backfires. You either bump heads (Max physically cringes whenever she remembers the scene) or too distracted, ended up turning away from the other. Either option brought a burning ache to the chest. 
The blatant crush you have on each other followed Max everywhere she goes as if she was doomed to hear about it until the end of times. Steve was never necessarily reserved about his infatuation – although it seemed like everyone knew about it, except the one person that should –, and since he gives her rides everywhere, she found herself listening to him babble about the gorgeous gleam in your eyes and your shiny hair. The guy sees you as something sacred, and yet… he never admits that he actually likes you, despite the fact that you are all he ever talks about. 
To him, you are a piece of heaven on Earth, the person who understands him the most and makes him feel good about himself, among other incredibly elaborate platonic compliments.
Max knows Steve is pretty much the most idiotic guy to ever exist, but he isn't stupid. It's obvious that he just doesn't want to admit his feelings because, if he does, he will have to do something about it, and being blind to the fact that you feel the same, he doesn't want to risk it. If things went wrong, his heart wouldn't be able to take it. 
The only question roaming Max's head is: he is secure, but at what price? 
It all makes days like today even more unbearable. 
They have been sitting inside Steve's burgundy BMW for almost five minutes now, with the clear window closed, the A/C turned up to maximum speed, and Madonna's 'True Blue' playing on the radio. After their arrival at Family Video's parking lot, Max had asked for a minute, just one fucking minute, to fix her shoelaces and Steve used it as an opportunity to daydream as he stared out the windshield. His eyes were set ahead, and she didn't need to look to know who he was staring at. 
This was starting to get depressing. 
"Steve," Max calls, as harsh as ever. "Stop". 
As if he had just been electrocuted, Steve turns his head to stare at the fifteen-year-old. Eyebrows furrowed and nostrils flared, he defends himself, "But I'm not doing anything". 
"Exactly, you moron," she grumbles. "You gotta tell her". 
'No more sadness, I kiss it goodbye. The sun is burs-', Max interrupts Madonna by turning off the radio, stopping any possible distractions.
It's clear that Steve doesn't like where this is going, because his face contorts into that sour annoyed look that makes her take a deep breath. This is going to be difficult.
"Tell what to who?" pretending to be clueless, he purses his lips, but his eyes don't lie, quickly drifting back to Y/N's figure. There was no escape now, not with Max's sharp gaze bearing down on him.
"You're so full of shit".
"Hey! Language, Maxine," he reprimands, "I honestly don't know what you're talking about". 
"You're in love with her," she motions to his co-worker who was still blissfully unaware of the car parked outside. 
And her words rang as an absurdity to him.  
"Max, for the love of-," his protest is interrupted by the girl and the know-it-all tone he hates so much.
"Steve, you're so into her it's ridiculous," her blue eyes narrow at him, hardening her expression. He scoffs, crossing his arms as he looks in the other direction, trying not to give too much away.
They stay like that for a few seconds, with him staring out the window, refusing to take part in the discussion, and Max glaring at his blushing, conflicted face. 
But then, he breaks. 
"Fine," Steve breathes out, "I mean, I'd make out with her… like, platonically, you know?"
The word comes out as if he had just remembered it existed, and Max doesn't buy it for a second, "You can't make out with someone platonically, Steve".
He takes her harsh delivery with a contemplating face, letting it all sink in. It wasn't groundbreaking, but it did break his argument, and he finds himself agreeing with what she had said… and he gets a grip. 
"Why am I listening to a thirteen-year-old?" he mutters, in disbelief. Huffing, Steve turns back at her, already gripping the door handle, "You know what, smarty-pants? I gotta work".
"I'm fifteen, Harrington! And we're not done!"
Max trails behind him as he gets out of the car in a hurry, stepping heavily into the pavement. As Steve bursts through the glass door with the girl in tow, they catch the attention of everyone inside Family Video. He gives you and Robin an embarrassed smile, stepping onto a random aisle, trying to hide from the curious stares. 
From the corner of his eye, Steve realizes that he still hasn't gotten rid of the stubborn girl, so he gathers the cluttered tapes and organizes them, in a failed attempt to avoid Max's inquisitive look. Moving the Pretty in Pink tapes around, the redhead crosses her arms, still staring. 
"You should learn a thing or two about that movie, you know?" she says with a quiet voice.
"What are you talking about, Mayfield?" he asks with a defeated sigh, clearly getting annoyed by her.
"Duckie didn't do anything about his crush on Andie, and had to settle for being her best friend in the end," she spells it out for him, "While she got to make out with Andrew McCarthy. Arguably more good-looking and charming than Jon Cryer". 
Steve rolls his eyes, but the situation does ring out an alarm at the back of his mind. What if… no, let's not go there. "What are you trying to say, wise-ass?"
"I'm saying," she continues, not willing to let him take a breath, "Are you truly willing to miss your shot? Stop being such a coward and go for it!".
"You talk as if I actually have a chance".
There it is. 
This was what she wanted to hear. 
"Steve, the girl is almost putting up a bright sign saying 'Go for it! Ask me out, you idiot!'". 
Drifting his eyes away from the tapes he was organizing, Steve watches as you laugh at something Robin had said. His gaze softens as he contemplates the scene, his hesitancy quavering every time the sound of your laughter reached his ears. This time, seeing the longing look in his eyes made a gentle, sympathetic feeling grow inside Max's chest, so different than the impatient annoyance she was so used to. 
"Look, Steve," her green eyes droop with friendly warmth. Though she might say that this is such a rare sight, that is what he sees every day when he talks to her. "I'm just saying what I noticed, and even if I'm wrong, which I'm not, by the way, you gotta take this off your chest. This is your chance!".
Staring down at her, he can only blink. Her encouraging words are settling in his mind, screeching as they do so, and he wonders… the gears inside his head spinning out of control, smoking everything so bad he almost can't see anything. Steve feels a bit out of breath.
But, impatient as always, Max keeps going as if she hasn't just collapsed all of his plans to stay in your friendship's comfort zone. With the wisdom that few possess, she continues, "I know you're still hung up on your Nancy-heartbreak and everything, but you're standing in your own way on this one, Steve. I can't tell you what the future holds, but I'm sure that you'll feel a lot better after you tell her about it". 
His intentions to continue ignoring it all are crumbling to dust inside him right now and her words make him feel defenseless, too vulnerable to continue disregarding his own fear of possible rejection. 
"That doesn't make sense," he scoffs, though his voice is soft and quiet, "Why would I want to do something like that if I don't know what the outcome is? She might just turn me down, and I don't think I could…"
Eyes drifting back to your breathtaking figure behind the counter, he stops himself before finishing the sentence. His face lit up with an astonishing expression of realization. Steve lets out another defeated sigh… maybe Max was right. 
With a knowing smile, she tells him, "Because you know she's worth it". 
Steve has had his head in the clouds ever since his little chat with Max earlier and could barely concentrate on having any work done throughout the rest of his shift. It didn't help that he also couldn't escape the sight of you from any corner of Family Video, and had to take several breaks until closing hours to avoid his head from exploding. 
Pacing back and forth inside the employee's break room instead of helping you put everything away (not exactly the top priority on his list right now), Steve tries to muster up even the slightest string of courage to talk to you about his feelings.
Now, on top of being an absolute wimp, he can also add useless when thinking to his list. 
He takes a big breath as he replays what Max had said, and almost unconsciously, snippets of Billy Joel's 'Tell Her About It' start echoing with it. The combination was able to help him make an outline of everything he'd like to say to you. 
"I like you. I don't want the chance to slip away. It's okay if you don't feel the same. I just wanted to say something before it's too late", he mutters to himself, still walking in circles. "If yes, then, ba-ba-bam, charm her up. If heartbreak, retreat. I'll be fine. Fine. Just fine. A-okay". 
Steve feels the same rush as he felt before going to his High School basketball matches, and he can only hope that the results will be far more positive. He takes another deep breath, shaking his arms before he walks over to the door. His fingers touch the door handle, cool under his fingertips. This is his chance. The store was closing, there were no customers around, and Robin had left early for band practice. 
Let's do it, he thinks to himself.
Determined and possessed by a sense of overconfidence, Steve snaps the door open, letting it hit the wall with a loud noise. The sudden movement turns your attention on him, and he can feel his cheeks burning bright under your gaze, his faux bravado trembling below the warmth of your eyes. The quizzical look you gave made him question his own ability for the dramatics. 
"It, uh, got stuck", he offers an embarrassed smile.
Good. Already starting with a lie.
"Yeah," your expression turns into amusement, "it gets jammed all the time". 
The kindness in your voice makes him feel a little better about himself, maybe he wasn't being such a fool in front of you. His heart started to thump inside his chest, blood pumping in his ears like thunder as he walked closer to where you stood, just behind the big counter. With an intense gaze set on your face, he watched as your eyebrows furrow in his direction again. 
"Is there something on my face?" you lift your hand up to your cheek, wiping it off in a hurry.
"No! It's just-," he interrupts himself, suddenly realizing that this script wasn't supposed to go this way. What is he meant to say now? Under your expectant gaze, it's not like he can think of anything intelligible. "It's not that". 
"Oh, okay," breathing out, seeming relieved by the information, you bring your hand down. With a voice that dripped with curiosity, you ask, "Why we-were you staring, then?"
Steve feels so stupid now that he can only blink down at you, his head getting fuzzy by that cute look in your eyes and the way your lips quirked up, stifling a smile. Yeah, he's a goner.
Before he could actually think about what he was saying, he hears the sound of his voice echoing through the empty video rental store, "I don't wanna be a Duckie". 
"What are you talking about?" you laugh out loud, though it's clear that you're not laughing at him. His words took you both by surprise, and he couldn't expect any other reaction. 
"Sorry," Steve apologizes, chuckling along, "I didn't mean to say that. What I wanted to say was… well, by the look on your face I think you already know". 
Again, he just blurted it out without reflecting on it first. But it was justified. 
For the first time, he saw something different in the way you looked up at him. Maybe it was just him being impacted by Max's words, but Steve swears that he has never seen that mellow tenderness gleaming in the color of your eyes before… or at least, he had never noticed it like this. He feels like an even bigger idiot now for not realizing it sooner. 
"Know what?" your question comes as a sign of your unawareness of his new understanding, and it makes a sweet smile grow on his face.
"I like you". 
The three words come out in a far more relaxed way than he had originally imagined his confession to be. Clearly, his realization made a wave of true confidence wash over his body, putting him back in his element of ease. And to say it out loud was a relief like no other.
But when he was met with no answer, just that shocked look on your face, his smile faltered.
"It's alright if you don't feel the same," he reassures, "I just… I didn't want to keep waiting around, wasting more opportunities by never telling you how I feel, because if you feel the same, I really don't want you to get away just like that. And uh- I don't want to be just your friend, but it's fine if you-"
"I like you too", you talk a bit louder than him, interrupting his train of thought, without any remorse. "I, uh- never said anything because I thought you didn't like me back". 
He is still, like a statue in front of you, processing the information. 
And it seems like an eternity before he cups your face, the palms of his hands resting warmly over your cheeks. His long fingers graze against your temples, and just the feeling is enough to ease your hammering heart, but as he leans closer to your face, you can feel your own breath ricocheting against his lips.
Steve stares at you through half-lidded eyes, as if he is waiting for your go-ahead. And it's only when you softly nod up at him that he presses his mouth against yours, letting his lips wrap around your bottom lip in a soft, loving peck. His mind was misty with increasing thoughts of you, your candy-flavored lips, and the smooth texture of your cheeks, along with the feel of the roots of your hair on his fingertips. You were breathing in each other in your kiss, and your breath came faltering against the other cheek. It was truly world-shattering, something you had never felt before in your life. 
As you slowly, and almost reluctantly so, pull apart, Steve feels a small chuckle bubbling up in his throat. Seeing your amused expression, he smiles. 
"We have so much time to make up for". 
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LIKES, REBLOGS AND FEEDBACK ARE APPRECIATED! steve masterlist | main masterlist | navigation ── hey! wanna talk? leave me a message after the beep. currently accepting requests for steve and eddie. 
𖤐 taglist: @oncasette if you want to be added to my taglist, just click here.
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natsgrave · 10 months
IN THE NEXT LIFETIME | natasha romanoff
but in those photos, i saw us instead and, somehow, i know that you and i would've found each other in another life. you still would've turned my head even if we'd met. you're always gonna be mine, we're gonna be timeless. → warnings: mention of blood and shooting. ( kinda cheating as well ) ps; some tenses may be wrong and i'm so sorry for that. again, english is not my first language so excuse my poor grammar and writing style. but i do hope you enjoy this story of mine! ( song inspired. the song is made by Ben&Ben ) i do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other sites. plagiarism is a crime! masterlist
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I'm Y/N Y/L/N also known as the perfect daughter of the General in the Philippines. But let me tell you a secret, I like girls and no one knows. not even my parents because as their daughter, I need to live with their expectations. not just for them but also for the public, I need to protect our family name and reputation.
While I'm reading a book there's a knock in my door that caught my attention. I shouted a "come in" and when the door opens, it revealed my father with a wide smile.
"Someone looks happy," I pointed out and he laughs before sitting beside my bed. I fixed myself and lean my back at the headboard.
"I have something to tell you, a good news." He said, "Really?" I said with a smile and he nods.
"Well, you know the son of General Rogers in America?" Father asked and I nod, "Both of you are getting married." He finishes and I felt my world crashed.
Not only because I'm getting married to a man but also because I'm getting married to someone I don't even know.
"They'll be coming here to prepare for the wedding in a few weeks." He added snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Wait, that soon!? I don't even get a chance to know him, to bond with him then all of a sudden we're getting married?" I said seriously.
"Don't worry, daughter. We just gonna prepare for it but you still have 2 months to know each other," He said and kissed my forehead, "I'll leave you now, I have something to do." And with that he left my room without saying another word.
I closed my already forgotten book harshly. I was so shocked by the news that I stayed at my place without doing anything. What the fuck just happened?
Now, that was 2 weeks ago. And today, here we are greeting the Rogers family.
"General Rogers, it was nice to finally see you again." My father said with a smile which Mr. Rogers returned.
"It was nice to see you too again, General Y/LN. This is my son, Steve Rogers." He introduced the guy standing beside him.
He's tall, muscular, and let's say he's handsome but that doesn't change the fact that I like women and not guys.
"Well, it's nice to finally meet you, Steve. This is my daughter, Y/N." Father said and pulled me beside him. I put a fake smile and extend my hand, "Hi, it's nice to meet you." Steve gladly accepted my hand with a smile on his face, "You look gorgeous, miss Y/LN." He said and if I can just say it out loud, I'd totally tell him that it cringes me.
"Thankyou, Steve. You don't look bad yourself." I complimented back and we stayed silent just looking at each other's eyes.
"Come on in, let's talk about the wedding." Father said breaking our eye contact and I extracted my hand from him.
Few hours later, and here they are, still talking about the wedding and let me tell you, it's boring as fuck and I don't know how Steve can be so interested in this. I excuse myself and walked to the garden seeing a redhead standing alone.
"Hey," I said making my presence know, she turned around and when she saw me she bows a little before looking at me with a small smile.
"When did you get here?" I asked as I stand beside her.
"Along with the Rogers family, miss Y/LN." She respectfully said and I chuckled making her look at me confused, "Why are you laughing?" The woman asked and I shook my head. "Nothing, and please call me Y/N." I said and she smiled before walking around the garden.
"What's your name by the way? and are you Steve's sister?" I asked looking at her while following.
"I'm Natasha and no, I'm not her sister. I'm... their maid." She said whispering the last part.
"Hey, don't be ashamed. Being maid is nothing to be ashamed of, it's a decent job." I said causing her to smiled at me widely. "Thankyou."
The day continues and we're getting to know eachother, she have a sister and her name was Yelena. Her parents name was Melina and Alexei. Talking to her was comfortable and there's no awkward space between us like we've known each other for so long.
Her laugh is so good to my ears, her eyes that I can look forever along with her smile that made me feel weird things. As the day comes to an end, she excuse herself to do her job. She goes first before I followed few minutes after.
"Where have you been?" Father asked once they saw me entered the dining room.
"Just walking around the garden. I'm sorry, got lost track of time." I said and sat down noticing Natasha standing on the other side along with the other maids. I sent her a smile which she returned.
"How's your day everyone?" I asked while the maids do their job, serving us.
"It's good, but it'll be much better if you're there with us to organize the plans." Steve said with a smile which I return.
We continue the night talking about what they want and plans while I kept stealing glances at Natasha. When she caught me sometimes, I'll just send her a smile which gladly, she returns.
As the days goes by, I've been learning more and more about Natasha. we're hanging out more than we should have. more than me and Steve would probably talk.
Everyday, I tried to act enthusiastically in front of everyone until I got tired and go to my spot, where I met Natasha for the first time. It becomes our spot.
Until there's this night that I realized, I fell inlove. with her. It maybe be risky but that's what I feel and I decided to face it.
"Steve?" I called out for him.
"Yes, Y/N?" He asked and gave me his full attention.
"Can I borrow Natasha? I need to talk to her." I said and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Did she do something?" Steve asked and ready to go out and find Natasha.
This is also the thing that I've learned from him, he's nice, caring, and sweet. Steve Rogers is a very good man. A gentleman and thoughtful. He is every girl's dream boy but not me.
I stopped him, "Steve, no, she didn't do anything. I just needed to talk to her." I calmed him down, "Are you sure?" he asked and I simply nodded.
He gave me a warm smile before letting me find Natasha. I went to her room and knocked for a couple of times before hearing a foot steps followed by the door opening revealing the newly woke up girl.
"Hey, I'm sorry, did I wake you up? I can go if you want." I said and ready to leave when she stopped me. "No, it's okay. Please, come in." She said yawning before stepping aside.
"I have something to tell you." I told her seriously sitting at the edge of her bed.
"Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry, please don't tell them to fired me." Natasha begged and kneel in front of me.
"Hey, no, please listen to me first." I said and pulled her to sit beside me.
I lift her chin and wiped the tears that fell into her beautiful face. She looks at me in the eyes and I swear to every guardian, I'm falling for her even more without her doing anything.
"I like you." I suddenly blurted out. My eyes widen and she looks at me shocked.
"I- uh, what?" She asked can't comprehend what I just confessed.
Fuck! now or never?
I took a deep breath before holding her hands, "I like you. I realized that I fell for you already and I just, I can't hide it. I like you and I don't care if you like me too or not. I just like you." I confess.
She smiled at me with a blush on her face, "I-I like you too," Natasha confessed and it makes me smile widely. "Really?" She nods and I hugged her tight.
"Oh my god, this is definitely one of the happiest moment in my life." I said making her giggle. "Me too, Y/N. Me too."
After that night, we now always keep stealing glances at eachother. We keep our relationship a secret for obvious reasons. We would sneak out late at night to each other's room and come back soon before the others woke up.
Then, this night comes. The night before the wedding, everyone was here. My father and Steve's family's friends. All of them are having fun while all I want is this night to end and be on Natasha's arms.
We dance around, talk, and laugh while I felt two pair of eyes watching me. I look around and found Natasha looking at me. I gave her a smile and mouthed 'I love you' which she replied with 'I love you too'
We continued the night until this one soldier came to my father and whispered something to him changing his all happy demeanour to anger.
He left the room and I excuse myself following him behind. I saw him went to the garden and found Natasha was there also. I stayed behind waiting what he's going to do until I saw him pulled his gun out and pointed it to Natasha.
Before he can pull the trigger, I put myself between them catching and feeling the bullet goes to my back. Natasha turned around and saw me, she instantly smile but fades away when I collapsed in her.
"Oh my god, Y/N? Are you okay? What's going on?" She asked panicking and saw blood comes out to my mouth, "Y/N?" Natasha looked up and saw my father holding a gun. "Shit, Y/N? Don't close your eyes, please." She said and tears start to form on her eyes, the people started to fill in and saw the situation.
"What happened?" Steve asked and sat beside me, "Natasha? what happened?"
"I-I don't know, she just- her father," She said unable to speak straight without being interrupted by her tears.
"It supposed to be you! You're supposed to be the one who's laying down there right now!" I heard my father shout, "you- you're having an affair with my daughter!"
Steve looked at her with a mad expression while she focused her attention to me, Steve was about to say something when I beat him to it.
"Please, don't blame her on anything. I confessed first, I did this because I want this. I'm sorry Steve but I never loved you, I-I just don't want to disappoint my father that's why I said yes to this," I stopped catching my breath, "Let her live. Let her be with her family, please, for me." I said as tears start to come out.
"Please," I whispered and he nods, I look at Natasha and smiled weakly, "I love you, always and forever. Meet me in another life, my love." I felt my eyelids starting to feel heavy while they were begging to keep my eyes open, there was screaming, crying, and all.
"Please, don't leave me, I love you!" I heard Natasha until all I heard is nothing but silence.
Few months after, everyone's been moving on with their lives. It's hard for them especially your parents but it's harder for Natasha. You showed her the love she deserves, you loved her for who she is, and didn't leave her side until the end.
When she lost you, she also lost her life. Her motivation to live and not even her family can make her happy anymore. She can't find any color to her life now that you're gone. She barely eats and go out to her room, all she do is to think about you, cry and grieve for you.
Thinking, what her life would be if you're still together and building your dreams for each other. Slowly, she's starting to feel ill and don't want to drink any medicine or to be better. She wants to be with you and if this is the only way, then so fucking be it. ---
"That's the story of them, they both died in the end," The tourist guy said, "You may continue your journey now, thankyou for listening."
"Wow, that was something." The girl said and continue walking around the museum until one painting caught up her attention.
A painting of a woman holding a book. The woman of the guy's story, the woman who looked exactly like her but she's sure that they are not related.
She took a better look at the painting and saw the notebook in the painting has a page indicated to it. Page 28.
After a few strolls, she couldn't take away her mind from the painting. She went to the nearest coffee shop and start to do a research.
'Y/N Y/LN daughter of General Y/LN of the Philippines.'
They even have the same name, she looked for some more and came across an article that says about the love life of the woman in the painting. An image is attached to the article. It was a part of the notebook and it was on page 28.
"I don’t know how it is you are so familiar to me or why it feels less like I am getting to know you and more as though I am remembering who you are. How every smile, every whisper brings me closer to the impossible conclusion that I have known you before, I have loved you before– in another time, a different place– some other existence.”  - Lang Leav
She read it out loud and felt something weird in her heart. The woman started to think that she and the woman in the painting are the same person. She looks back at the article and scrolls down some more and saw a painting of a woman with red hair holding the same notebook and indicates the page 31.
“It feels bittersweet to love you, as though time has already run its ruinous path and everything good is over before it begins. It feels perilous to love you, like a dust scorn swallowing up the sky or a comet skimming the stratosphere. But it is an honour to love you. Like the snow drifts giving way to spring, I will hold you for as long as I can.”
She lean back to her chair and let all the information sinks in. She looks at her watch and didn't even realise she was late for her errands today. She quickly fixes her things and practically ran out of the coffee shop but then she bumped into someone and spill the coffee that is left.
"Holy shit, I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me, I'm really sorry," She begins to apologize, then looked up and she was shocked. It was the same woman at the picture with red hair but now she's blonde.
She shakes out her thoughts and apologize one more time, "I'm sorry, miss. I didn't mean to."
"It's okay, don't worry I have a spare in my car. What's your name pretty lady?" The woman asked making her blush.
"Y/N miss—" She stopped and look at her waiting for the name.
"I'm Scarlett." The woman extend her hand which she gladly accept and shakes it. "Nice to meet you, Scarlett."
"You too, Y/N..." She stopped, her words trailing and looked at Y/N trying to figure out something.
"Do I have dirt on my face?" Y/N asked and touched her face.
Scarlett shakes her head before speaking, "Do I know you? I feel like I met you before."
"We haven't met ever Scarlett like ever." Y/N replied with small never hand gestures making Scarlett giggle.
"What about we get to know each other? Could I ask you to join me for a coffee? Even I know you just had one." Scarlett offered.
"It's okay, I don't want to intrude your me time, Scarlett." Y/N declined.
"Come on, please. It's the least thing you can do for spilling your coffee all over me." Scarlett said with a bright smile.
"Fine." Y/N said with a sigh and playfully rolled her eyes. Fuck errands.
"Let's go!" Scarlett cheerfully said.
The lovers succeed in what they want. They promised that they will meet in another life and they did. In this lifetime, the lovers will start over again. No more secrets. No more expectations from others. Just two of them in each other's arms.
Their love was a burning fire that never extinguished. They said forever till the end and indeed they were forever until death and after it.
Even through all those hardships and obstacles, they were guided by god to each other once again.
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lavendermunson · 1 year
we were built to fall apart – king!steve harrington x fem!reader
୨ৎ ˙ ˖
summary You two are better know as the captains of the basketball teams, this year only one team can keep the crown while the other has to back down. You hate Steve. Steve hates you. But in some weird way something is pulling you to each other.
tags no warnings for this one. angst. enemies to lovers. season 1 steve. king!steve. both are mean but not too much. no upside down. steve harrington x nancy wheeler (for now). platonic!reader x jonathan byers. no use of y/n.
w.c 3.3k
moodboard | next part
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When you arrived at Hawkins High you never expected to be the one to change the rules. Your old school had a basketball team for girls, Hawkins didn’t, it was the only town that was missing this. But with the help of a lot of interested girls, you convinced the principal to give you an opportunity and he did. When the school realized the girls’ team was better, they ignored the boys, and that hurt King Steve’s ego. He wants the attention back, even if it means he has to bring you down for it, maybe start a plan to sabotage.
“Hey! you look like hell,” Jonathan says as he joins you at the parking lot, he hands over a cup of coffee and laughs at your disgusted expression.
“I know, fuck! Harrington had one of his parties again and the music was so loud” You take the cup after murmuring a thank you.
“Your aunt didn’t say anything?”
“No, she’s going to the lake with her fancy boyfriend… You know how it is”
Jonathan opens the door for you since your hands are busy, one carrying the cup and the other one holding your basketball ball.
“Wow, so now it’s serious? She’s in a relationship and I lost my opportunity?” he laughs at his joke as you hit his arm playfully. You shake your head at the thought of Jonathan being with your aunt and giggle with him until you see a familiar face.
“Hey guys!” Nancy Wheeler, better known as Jonathan’s crush “I was wondering if you are still down to make the English project together” she talks to Jonathan as he smiles like a fool.
“Yeah, of course… I’ll be there I promise”
She nods, giving you and your best friend a kind smile, and walks away to find her boyfriend.
“So… I'm assuming I have to babysit Will?” you ask.
“Please, please” he chants, glancing at you with pleading eyes.
“Alright, I'll just have to take him with me to practice”
You always love the idea of spending time with Will, he was your favorite kid from the party.
“And it’s D&D night so you don’t mind…”
“I don’t, it’s always fun to play with them”
Since you met Jonathan in elementary school, you grew up attached by the hip to him and his little brother. When Will found friends to play D&D with, he begged you to play with them since you were the first one to teach him about this game with Jonathan’s help.
The bell rang making you jump, Jonathan joined you in class and you both sat up for a long and boring chemistry class.
At the end of the school day you meet with Will, explaining you had to babysit him for today while Jonathan finished his project. Will wasn’t excited to sit on the bleachers for two hours but he was thankful for not forgetting his sketchbook and colored pencils at home.
“You know the rules, don’t go away, and if you need anything tell me. I don’t mind you interrupting, 'kay?”
The little boy nods, he fully understands that practice means so much to you and you are well aware that a little kid like him can get bored of just sitting down.
“Time goes by fast, don’t worry about it,” he says, as you open the door and see the boys' basketball team instead of your own.
“Are you sure it’s your day to practice?” Will asks, looking at your face. A frown was already present.
“I- I am, someone wants all the attention back” you immediately point at Steve.
“What the fuck?” one of your teammates joins you at the door, she mirrors the expression on your face.
“Language!” Will screams, laughing it off and running to sit down on the bleachers. He was getting impatient while standing up.
You watch as the little kid runs, and when he’s safe in his seat your eyes land on the boys' team especially looking for Steve Harrington.
“No… no, leave it!” your teammate tries to hold you but it’s too late.
You walk over to Steve, dropping your backpack and your ball as you get closer to him. A groan leaves out of Steve’s mouth as he watches you come closer, he holds the ball around his arm and against his hip with a grin on his face.
“Are you stupid?” you ask him, he keeps his grin intact.
“Did the coach forget to tell his little loser that schedules changed? don’t look at me like that, it's not my fault!” he says.
Anger takes over your body, making your vision blurry and red. You get closer to Steve to try and intimidate him but he towers over you. The coach you both share runs towards you and tries to stop a war that is only beginning.
“I am sorry, I wanted to speak to you two… my office”
You look at him and then look at Steve who is looking at you with disgust. Both of you walk over to the coach's office and sit down in the chairs in front of his desk, you move yours to one side to be as far away from Steve as possible.
“Captains, here’s the deal” coach starts to speak, you try to ignore Steve’s presence and he does too “As you may know regionals are starting soon but I'm afraid to tell you I can only send one team out there because the school has no funds to get both of the teams to those competitions” 
“And?” Steve asks.
 “I’m taking the girls,” the coach says.
You stay in your seat smiling, giving the coach a thankful nod and watching Steve lose his mind at the news.
“What?” he gets up from his chair “This is not fair, we are better!” 
“Better at losing,” you say, chuckling as he glares at you. You catch his lip quiver and he storms out of the office.
“Please go talk to him” the coach speaks to you, you raise an eyebrow confused. 
“Me? Why me?” you ask.
“Yes, you are classmates and you need to learn how to take care of each other” Coach shrugs as he takes his sandwich out of a drawer, clearly he wants you to talk to Steve instead of missing lunch.
You run after Steve following the coach's orders, knowing that if you don’t do as he says he might change his choice of taking your team.
“Harrington!” you see Steve behind the gym, he has his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.
“What do you want? you have everything you need now Go away”
“I- I just wanted to… listen, he knows what he’s doing so… I don’t know… you’ll get it next time” You feel a little bit of pity for him, but you know you shouldn’t since he and his friends are always rude to you.
“There is no next time, you don’t get it” he shakes his head, and a look of disappointment rests on his face “We worked hard for this since we started and you came in late and ruined everything”
You can’t believe what he says. A part of you tried to be kind to him for once but now it’s too late.
“Maybe if you weren’t such a dick, maybe you’ll be better at basketball” you try to get back at him “It’s not my fucking fault your team- ”
He stands up, towering over you again, something he loves to do knowing it gets you on your nerves. He takes steps closer to you and your back hits the wall.
“Finish. Your. Sentence” he punctuates his words with each step, getting closer to you. You feel his breath on your cheek and they go red… of anger. Yes because you can’t be enjoying this, can you?
You part your lips to speak but a voice interrupts you, it is Diana, one of your best friends and teammates. 
“Hey!” Steve jumps away from you and runs away, Diana runs to you as you don’t move.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you or something?” she asks, worried.
You knew Steve was never capable of that, he could be the most annoying person on this planet but he would never hurt anyone physically… because you wouldn’t do it to him as much as you wanted to.
“No, no” you shake your head, coming back to reality “He just- he’s just mad and being an asshole as always”
“Okay, we are warming up and you need to join us… the gym is free for us and Will is asking about you”
Steve left to take a shower, after being so tense and angry about the coach ignoring all the time and effort he put into his team. Now he had to go home and tell his dad that he wouldn’t be playing basketball anymore and that career option was not an option anymore. He knew the A-grade-asshole was going to be disappointed, his mom too. 
Because for Steve, his life is a full path of lost battles and he is pretty sure he can never have anything good. The only thing his parents were proud of was his girlfriend, who had lately stopped paying attention to him for this so-called ‘English project’ with a person who was considered to be one of the freaks at school, Jonathan Byers. 
Steve didn’t even know if he loved Nancy because he never felt different… but of course, he loved her. She is a good girl, his parents love her. Her parents are great, they are respected by his own and it was important to Steve to not fuck up this one good thing that he had. 
He didn’t expect his evening to be so boring until Nancy called, he waited for her call all day long after not spending enough time with her because of the project. 
“Steve? My mom is asking if you want to join us for dinner. I’ll get there late but you can go ahead and help her, please” his girlfriend asks, Steve smiles at the invitation and accepts it right away. After a bunch of “yes” “I would love to” and “I'm on my way,” he got in his car, noticing yours wasn’t on the front porch.
For both of you, it was a nightmare even looking at each other at school, it was worse when you had to see each other because you were neighbors. Just like that universe can’t keep him away from you. 
He drives as fast as he can and gets to the Wheeler’s in record time. After greeting the whole family and helping get the casseroles on the table, Mrs. Wheeler screams to Mike that the pizza is ready. Mike and the kids are currently in the middle of an important and tense campaign, with you. 
“This kid… he plays nonstop. I don't think he has even showered today!” Mrs. Wheeler rubs her fingers against her frown, smoothing it out and taking a deep breath.
“I can go down there and give them the pizza if you want” Steve offers, Mrs. Wheeler’s eyes light up at his kindness and he takes the boxes of pizza. He walks over to the basement door and knocks.
“It’s my turn to roll!” Lucas screams.
“I need to see you’re not- ” Dustin screams again, but he is interrupted by a knock.
“Oh Ranger, would you be so kind and to open the door for us?” Mike, the DM, looks at you and you nod getting up from your seat. The screams come back as soon as you take the steps and open the door, not liking what’s waiting for you on the other side.
“You?” Steve and you say at the same time, both with a confused look on your face.
“Are you following me?” you ask. 
“Are you ever going to leave me alone, why are you everywhere?” he asks, annoyed. 
“Just give me that and disappear from my sight!” You take the boxes of pizza off his hands and he sighs in relief. 
“You wish I was following you”
“I wish I could never see you again” You close the door on his face and get back down with the party, giving each of them a slice of pizza before taking your own. The campaign continues as the boys finish eating and clean their hands with napkins to keep the game away from the greasy food. 
Upstairs, Nancy and Jonathan arrive and Steve runs to the door. He didn’t expect to see you here, he didn’t expect to see Jonathan either. He rolls his eyes and hugs his girlfriend, kissing her in front of her friend. 
“I’ll go see my brother” Jonathan whispers, Nancy pushes Steve away and nods to her friend. Jonathan goes downstairs and as the party cheers for him, Steve takes Nancy to the dinner table. 
“Why is Byers and… his little sidekick here?” 
“Oh, you mean…? She plays D&D with the kids very often” she says, turning away “Why?”
“Nothing just… she ruined my life today because her little team of losers are going to the competitions instead of us” he scuffs, trying to keep her eyes on Nancy but he glares at the basement door, trying to forget he saw you again. 
“Oh my god! that’s wonderful I love how they play” She looks at her boyfriend and the anger on his face is clear “But you will get it next time, I’m sure of it”
There is no next time, why is everyone telling him that? Steve tries to kiss Nancy as if it’s going to help bring his anger from level 10 to level 1, instead, she turns her head away taking the casserole to have some dinner. 
Lucas talks to you about basketball, Steve can hear some of your conversation. Something along the lines of ‘yeah, I’ll be practicing tomorrow’ and ‘I’ll practice alone if that’s what they want’ He keeps his thoughts to himself, looking around the table. 
Everyone enjoys all the food Mrs. Wheeler cooks for them. The kids start eating at some point and the house fills with silence. This is the first time Steve and you share some time without bickering with each other. 
Decisions have been made. You needed to start practicing, even more than last month, so much more. 
“Agh” the ball falls out of your hands. You chase it down until you stop at the sight of a body. Steve. 
“Oh no, what is it this time? Did you rent the gym for one day and now I can't be here?”
“What? No” he says “I want to help you. You know, you need a partner to practice your moves”
You shake your head, he is right. 
“So I thought maybe I could help you-“
“I don’t need help,” you interrupt. 
“Yeah, alright. No help, uhm… I'll give you a hand?”
“That sounds worse” You roll your eyes at him then look at his face “Fine, let’s get this over with”
Practicing with Steve was stated as a nightmare. You are narrowly better at him, your moves are faster and less predictable. He is messy, and sometimes too slow.
Your bodies keep brushing with each other. 
First, it was his arm with yours, after he swung an arm in front of you to steal the ball. He succeeded. You shivered.
The second time you touched his leg after stealing the ball back. Your fingertips graze his hairy leg. He shivered too.
The third time he was behind you, blocking you from getting to the other side of the court. His hands come from each side of your body, his back is pressed slightly against you. You let out a quick sigh, keeping your hands on the ball and focusing on what you are doing. The room starts to feel warmer, you don’t know if it’s tiredness or something else. 
You turn around pressing your chest against him, bumping your chest against him. The ball comes out of your hands, flying towards the bleachers. It was like slow motion when Steve lost balance and wrapped his hand around your waist to get a hold of himself but instead, you fell with him.
You were on the floor. You were on top of him. Jolts of electricity flying around your body as you lock your eyes with his, his gaze is soft on yours, something that's never happened before.
His breath is mixing with yours, you catch the smell of his cologne blended with his deodorant and something else you can't get a hold of. This can’t be happening, you can’t be this excited to be close to him. 
He looks at you and gently places a strand of your hair back in its place. Fingers grazing your cheek and the back of your ear. His mouth is slightly open and so it’s yours. 
It’s confusing, How is he making you this nervous when you hate his guts? 
You stand up quickly. Chasing the ball and taking it under your arm. Steve stands up too shaking his head.
“I- I think we are both tired so if you don’t mind we can wrap up for today,” you say.
After a while, practice takes most of the time of your day. Both of you are exhausted but it was a nice chance to get better without interrupting your teammates afternoons who clearly said ‘We are okay with three days of practice.
“Sure, do you… Do you need a ride home?” Steve asks, his voice sounds lower as he takes a deep breath. 
“Yeah, yeah sure just let me call Jonathan” 
He nods. You both begin to stroll away from the gym, heading towards the parking lot. A fresh wave of air hits your forehead that was previously sticky and sweaty, you take a breath and get to the nearest phone at school. 
“Hey, so I don’t need a ride anymore I'm… I’m gonna go home with Steve”
“With? Steve?” Jonathan gasps, exaggerating unnecessarily. “Why is Steve there?” 
“He- he came by to train with me and we sort of lost track of time. You know I’ve been training daily” 
“I'm well aware. Surprised he is still alive even”
“Don’t be dramatic, he was nice for once and it’s helping me if I want to win” Your fingers start to tangle on the phone cord, playing with it to ease your mind “I’ll see you tomorrow, tell Will I said hi”
“Tomorrow. I will when I get home”
“Where are you?” you ask.
“I’m i- I’m at Nancy’s”
“At Nancy’s?” your voice sounds louder than intended. 
“Shhh shut up, Steve is going to hear you and he is going to run here and interrupt. We are finishing our project, don’t start-“
“Are you going to make out?” 
“No, dude. We are not going to— she… listen carefully and don’t say a word” he whispers “We kind of… kissed. She kissed me. I followed”
“OH MY GOD” a very quiet ‘shhh’ comes from the other side of the line as you scream. 
“Don’t tell!”
“I won’t! but doesn’t that count as cheating?”
“I don’t know, I was just caught up in the moment I haven’t thought about that sort of thing”
“Well, she kissed you first. It’s not like you are responsible for this… maybe a little bit but don’t be scared” You sigh, this turned out to be more complicated than fun “Listen, I gotta go We’ll talk tomorrow”
“K, don’t kill Steve!”
“Don’t make me promise something I might end up doing. Bye”
You hang up the phone, run to Steve’s car, and get in so both can get home. The ride home isn’t long, it takes about 15 minutes of uncomfortable silence and the old songs on the radio to make you sleepy. 
After saying thank you and goodbye to Steve, you go into your house and plop on the couch Reflecting on everything that has occurred in the past few hours. What is changing in you?
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REBLOG TO SUPPORT THE AUTHOR. welcome to my new series and stay tuned for the next chapter. you can join the tag list by commenting under this post. shout of to my friend Diana for helping me with this one after watching ‘she's the man’ and ranting about it. feedback is appreciated 🥰
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 26 here/ Series Masterlist
Chapter 27
Summary : Loki's ex fiance brings trouble.
Warning: 18+, Smut, HUGE Canon divergence(Just me making shit up), masturbation, dry humping mention of stalking, mention of psychological torture, angst, insecurities, ptsd, self deprecating behaviour, panic attack, soft precious bean loki, polite bean Loki
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That night Loki was taken to a group meeting where he was instructed of things he would have to do in order to repent for the crimes, under the influence of Thanos or not, so many lives were destroyed by his actions and Loki himself wanted to redeem himself, he remembered how much people hated him but somehow he had managed to win the hearts of the people of Midgard but then he remembered Melissa. He was hoping he would not run into her this time.
He already had to deal with the matter of his ex fiance.
You couldn't sleep at all that night, you called your mother and told her that you were staying at a friend's house since your apartment had mold problems and you also told her that your phone was broken because you knew she'd continue to call and will get suspicious sooner or later.
Things seemed messy, your mother was back to hating him again and this time you had no idea how will you tell her again, you couldn't share anything with Mrs Geller and you missed Jane terribly.
Next morning you woke up to the phone ringing so you picked it up thinking that it was your mother.
"Y/n? It's Steve Rogers, I am leaving for Minesotta" you sat up as he said that.
"Umm okay..good luck and have a good journey and i hope you will find your friend"
"You pray for that y/n" you squeezed your eyes as he said that. Once he hung up you quickly showered and put on a summer dress, you missed Loki terribly, it felt like a heartbreak all over again, you knew you had him still, you knew his heart belonged to you but there was a fear eating you up, a gut feeling that something was going to go wrong. As you stepped into the dining area you found Loki, he was in earth people clothing and you always found him adorable like that, but he was accompanied by Thor as well as Natasha, Tony, Clint and Bruce, they were having a meeting of sorts so you didn't want to interrupt them. You turned around to leave but Thor had seen you already,
"Lady y/n" you stopped and turned around and everyone was just staring at you so you smiled awkwardly, your eyes met with Loki and you quickly averted your gaze, the way he was fucking you with his eyes wasn't helping at all.
"Come have a meal with us" Thor said.
"Ummm I think you guys are busy with some top secret Avengers business so I'll come back later" you mumbled nervously.
"We were just talking about the shawarma we had the other day" Tony said so you walked back to the table and took the empty chair next to Thor, there was a space next to Loki available but you didn't want to look suspicious.
"I love shawarma, the chicken one with the garlic sauce and beetroot is the best" you mumbled and you could feel their eyes on you.
"I don't like that, I like the one with tahini" Natasha mumbled as she munched on her pancakes.
"That is absolutely a good choice" you answered her, she looked so intimidating even having a normal conversation. You couldn't help but wonder if they were all the same in other universes, you wondered if all of them were good guys, heroes, the most of all you wondered if your lives were interconnected in those other universes as well.
Sometimes it was hard to process this turn of events in your life, eight months ago or should you say two days ago in this timeline you were living a completely harmless boring dead life where you had no hope or dreams for future and now you were sitting in the Avengers tower discussing the type of shawarma you liked. What the hell happened?
"Brother what are you doing?" You turned your head to look at Thor as he said that and Loki seemed horrified.
"Nothing, what do you mean?" Loki gulped.
"Why were your toes rubbing against my shin?" You burst out into a laughter as Thor said that, others did as well but Loki was so embarrassed, that sweet poodle, you really needed to hug him and kiss him as soon as possible.
"I have done no such thing brother" he answered before he went back to eating, in order to comfort him you took your heels off and rubbed over your toes up and down on his shin just like last night. The pink shimmer of embarrassment from his cheeks has faded and a smile returned to his face as he felt your touch.
After breakfast you went back to your room, if Steve would find Bucky soon then you'd have no business being here but you didn't want to leave just yet. You couldn't leave him here because you knew they won't allow him to go anywhere, Thor wouldn't take him to see you now that he had no memory of you two ever meeting.
You had to come up with something to prolong your stay here.
You stepped out of your room at the supposed lunch time wishing to run into Loki again but you weren't ready to see what you did. You found Loki, Thor and the bunch of Avengers along with tens of other people you didn't recognise, you did recognise Dalia though. There was a woman dressed in a princess gown, loaded with jewels from head to toe clutching onto the love of your life, he stood there awkwardly with his arms barely touching her waist as he tried to comfort her.
"It wasn't until that you left my beloved is when I came to the conclusion that you Loki, my love, you are all I need in my life, you're the man I want to spend the eternity with" she pulled away to speak and he opened his mouth to say something but then his eyes met with yours and he was completely baffled, you seemed hurt and he never wanted to put you through such pain ever again, he didn't understand why fate kept coming between you two. He also didn't understand why Atrishia visited him now, she never came in the previous timeline but then the previous timeline was never supposed to exist.
"Prince Loki why are these mortals staring at us? Can we go somewhere private?" She asked him so he nodded and she hooked her arm in the crook of his elbow as they left for his room.
He had hoped for her to move on because he had come so far from that place, they were never even in love with each other, even their engagement ceremony consisted of them barely speaking to each other, sure they had a rendezvous here and there but the spark just wasn't there, he never felt the toe curling heat that he experienced with you, the marriage was a political alliance, she knew that and he did too.
Before he met you he never felt that need for a partner he'd want to love day in and out but now that he had you he knew he couldn't even imagine being with someone else, he craved his father's approval but now it didn't matter to him as much as you did.
"I can not comprehend how you and Prince Thor can live here, it is so warm and crowded and mortals are so …erratic" She let out a chuckle
As soon as they reached his room, he turned to her and took a deep breath.
"Lady Atrishia i need to tell you something"
"What is it?" She looked at him curiously and he had no idea what to say to her, he couldn't tell her about you just yet, Strange has said to not tell anyone anything.
"I'm afraid I can not continue with this union of us, i reckoned that you must have carried forward with your life, i was considered dead for more than a year" he said nervously, his voice was soft but formal.
"And I have yearned for you every single day Loki, when I learned of your demise a part of me died as well. You have no indication of the predicament i have suffered through during the time, but you are alive and that is all that matters " she hugged him tightly again and he squeezed his eyes as he didn't know how else to push her away, he didn't want to be cruel to her, he was betrothed to her and he knew he had a responsibility here, breaking an engagement wasn't something that the royals took lightly. He knew she would be ridiculed for it.
"Princess Atrishia, i appreciate the concern and i apologize for every hurt that i have caused you or will do so in future but I am not in love with you and I am assured that you are not either" she chuckled and pulled away as he said that.
"Not in love with me? What is that supposed to mean Loki? I didn't come so far for you to tell me that you do not feel love for me, you will learn to love me Loki" she said to him so he took a step back from her.
"That is not how it is going to be now, I am sorry"
"You should be apologetic Loki, for offending me so when I went through all this trouble, when I have spent every night wailing for you to come back, our union was arranged and nothing has changed, you will come around Loki" she insisted and he was starting to feel offended by the sudden change in her tone.
"No I will not, my heart is not yours , it never was, the union was arranged by our families but I'm not the same man any longer, i have changed, i desire love and i have found it in someone, I am sorry"
Her eyes teared up as he said that, he felt bad about her situation but he wasn't going to hurt you any more, not for her or Odin or Frigga, after everything you two thad been through, he wasn't just going to let it all slip away from him again.
"Well who's she? Have you fallen for another princess?"
"Yes but She's not an Asgardian or from Vanaheim"
"Then who, Loki? Who else is there that you have given your heart to?"
"I'm not ready to reveal that information, you need to let go of this union and move forward, for all the hurt that I have caused you I really am deeply apologetic for the same" she crossed her arms and glared at him as he said that. She stormed out of his room and he sighed and then he followed her back into the living area
"Prince Thor, i would love to stay here for a while, arrange a feast for me, would love to experience a Midgardian celebration" she smiled at him so he grabbed her hand and gave it a formal kiss. He looked at Loki and Loki shook his head slightly but he couldn't just deny the Princess, this was her first visit.
"Come i will take you to your private chamber" Thor said to her as he gave out his arm for her to hold on to and she glared at Loki as they walked past him.
Loki looked around but you weren't there anymore and he was worried about you. He quickly went back to his room and then he teleported straight to yours, he found you on the bed all curled up, crying your heart out, the broken sniffles rendered his heart. You already had several insecurities and he was afraid he had brought them to the surface again.
He crawled on the bed and as soon as you felt him around you, you turned on your back to look at him.
"There you are" he whispered softly as he got on top of you, cupping your cheeks he wiped your tears but you were just staring at him mindlessly as if you couldn't believe that he was there.
"How did you get here" you felt his thumb rubbing against your cheek softly and he gave you a smile, just being able to hold him felt surreal again, his scent intoxicated you and made your mind go all hazy as soon as he was in such close proximity.
"Teleportation" he mumbled as he leaned down and kissed you softly, your fingers curled around his neck as he pulled away, you brought him back to you and kissed him feverishly, it felt like ages since you had touched him last even though it's barely been three days.
"God i have missed you" he hummed in agreement as you said that "Do you really remember everything or it's just me that remembers everything and you just have like bits and pieces of the memories?" You asked him as you sniffled so he kissed you
"I remember everything darling, from the moment I laid my eyes upon you to the moment we were seperated i remember each and every little thing we experienced. I remember becoming friends, best friends, then lovers, i remember the heartbreak and the fears we both had, i remember the dreams, I'm here my darling, I'm here" you nodded in desperation as he confirmed everything, not that you doubted him but you were feeling extremely insecure at the moment.
"The dress..you make it look beautiful my love" you smiled at the compliment, your legs hooked around his waist and he moaned slightly at the closeness, he had been wanting to hold you and do other dirty things with you, your presence here but him not being able to touch you was killing him.
You lifted your head up and pressed kisses on his neck, he put his hand behind your head to give you support so you weren't straining your neck like that. The way you were sucking on his skin, he knew you'd leave him all marked, it would heal soon so he didn't mind it either, if you felt territorial about him then he was going to allow you to do whatever you wanted, he needed you to know that you owned him.
"I am all yours my princess" you pulled away as he said that.
"What about the princess…the real one?"
"You're my real princess"
"And i love to be but we have to talk about the princess in the living room" he chuckled as you said that.
"I told her my heart wasn't mine any longer"
"You did?" You looked at him surprised as if he wasn't ready to destroy the multiverse for you.
"I did, I do not understand why she is staying though but I promise she won't be a trouble"
"I do feel kinda bad for her, i have been in a situation where I wasn't..picked or chosen and it hurts alot"
"I know it does, I know how it feels but I can not hurt you or our relationship just to protect her newly found feelings, we were not companions, we barely even knew each other, she didn't even come see me when I was losing it all over there" he let out a exasperated sigh as he finished his sentence so you scratched his scalp and he immediately melted into the touch.
"She knew?"
"Of Course she did, i became the King of Asgard, she must have heard"
You nodded as he said that. Maybe he was trying to make you feel better because the way she was holding onto him out there, she really seemed desperate for him.
"Maybe she was just confused about it all"
"Perhaps you are right but I know if it was you, you would have come for me, you would have come to save me"
Your eyes teared up again as he said that.
"I would come for you, anywhere anytime" you took his shirt off and the double innuendo didn't go amiss.
"Can I make love to you my darling?" He whispered in your ears and you bit on your lips as you nodded with utter desperation, tucking his hair to the side you kissed his neck again, his hands roamed over your thighs and he took your underwear off, your back arched as you felt his fingers on your wet lips, sometimes it was hard to wrap your mind around the fact that a man like him desired you this way.
Even after everything that had happened it was still incomprehensible to accept that he really wanted you and you only.
You unbuttoned his pants and pulled his cock out to stroke him slowly, he let out pretty little moans that you have been dying to hear again.
"I'm so glad you remember lo, i wasn't ready to lose you"
"I'm so happy you remember as well darling" his voice came out all breathy as the sensation in his belly grew, he was so desperate for you and he hoped you knew exactly how much he needed you like this. He made you arch your back so he could unzip the dress and pull your breasts out of the confinement, his lips latched onto your right nipple, you almost lost your train of thoughts as he sucked on them slowly one by one.
"So perfect, you are ethereal my princess" he mumbled before he licked your nipples one more time and all of a sudden he stopped and pulled away a little as he realised something.
"What's wrong?" You asked him but your hand kept stroking him.
"I uhhh.. norns darling you have to stop so I can Think" you bit on your lips as he said that.
"You want me to stop? Really?" You gave him a naughty smile and he placed his hand on yours, brought them both over your head and you felt him rubbing his cock over your lips.
"No I want us to keep going sweet girl" you moaned as his precum smeared on your clit, your body felt on fire and you wanted to keep burning in this flame. Forever and ever.
"Norns I need to stop" he let go of your hands and sat up on his knees so you looked at him with a perplexed look on your face for a second and then sat up as well, while he buttoned his pants you pulled the straps of your dress over your shoulders.
"Everything okay lo? You are worrying me" you chuckled nervously so he cupped your cheeks and kissed you softly.
"I don't have a protection"
"Condoms, don't have it" your brows furrowed and it took you a second before you realized that he didn't have a condom in his vault. He only got them once you both had agreed to be more than friends, nothing like that happened in this timeline.
"Ohh…that..is a bummer" you pressed your lips together in disappointment so he smiled.
"It is alright" he said so you climbed on his lap and he was taken aback by the sudden urgency but he smiled as you sat right on his crotch and your arms wrapped around his neck.
"We will do it like this" you mumbled as your hips rolled back and forth on his crotch, the seam of his zipper rubbed against your wet naked lips and the sensation felt too good to be true. His mouth opened, jaw clenched and brows flared as he watched you move in a rhythm, his hands cupped your ass and gave them a squeeze, a guttural moan escaped his throat as the pressure built in the pit of his stomach.
He wrapped his fist around the hem of your dress and pulled it up to take it off your body, the sight of your naked body humping against his half clothed one, your breasts jiggling with every move, your eyes drunken with the feeling was too erotic and he knew it wouldn't take him long to combust.
"You're dripping on me darling" he mumbled as his eyes remained fixated on your cunt rubbing against his bulge. The image would probably make you blush later but right now you just wanted to please you both and you didn't care how obscene you must have looked.
"Mmm you are so hard lo, so perfect..it's heavenly and you are such a good boy, so pretty, i love you" you kissed him softly while your hips continued to gyrate on him.
"I love you my goddess..I'm your good boy, all yours, forever yours, you own me, I'm Yours" his voice came out in broken whispers and you kissed him again and then again.
"You promise?"
"I swear on my manhood darling" you chuckled which in turn made him laugh but both of your heads lulled backwards and he moaned loudly, a little too loud as you both chased that burning feeling together.
This was perfect, every time you gave yourself to him this way it just felt right and you felt as if you belonged to him and that he belonged to you but the moment he was away from you, when other people had his attention you felt insecure again and you had no idea how to get rid of that feeling.
As you both came he picked you up immediately and took you to the shower, you both needed it after that, in the shower he made you cum all over again as he went down on his knees and pleasured you until you had no thoughts left in your head, he was all you could think of and you wished that feeling could have lasted forever but you knew you weren't that fortunate. This new life with him had just begun and it seemed more difficult to live this relationship than the last time.
Loki couldn't stay in your room for long so he teleported back to his, he didn't want anyone to suspect you two.
In the evening Thor had organized that feast for Princess Atrishia and you asked Natasha Romanoff if you could join the feast, she glared at you a little too long before she agreed but she asked you to dress nicely, thankfully you had a fancy black dress that you had worn for your mother's and David's dinner rehearsal.
As you walked in the lounge you suddenly felt out of place, everyone seemed elegant with their suits and gowns, your eyes traced the room and you found Loki along with Thor, Loki was in a black suit while Thor had a blue suit on that seemed too small for his size, they were having a conversation with princess Atrishia, your eyes met with Loki and he gave you a sympathetic look so you quietly walked towards the bar and sat down. You noticed Tony right next to you and he was talking with that bitch Dalia. For some reason you wanted to take all your frustration by smacking the shit out of her.
"This is perfect Tony, in order to present him as a reformed man we can use his past and show the people of earth that he wasn't always evil, he was in love and engaged to a beautiful woman like her, I mean we have hit the jackpot here don't you see?" She said to Tony and all of a sudden you had a sense of dejavu.
This was Melissa fiasco all over again but this time you'd have to compete against the Princess of Vanaheim. A goddamed Princess.
Not again though, you swore to yourself that you won't allow Loki or yourself to suffer all over again. You had no Idea that Atrishia was no ordinary woman and she came here to take Loki. By hook or crook.
@annoyingsweetsstranger  @mcufan72  @nixymarvelkins  @stupidthoughtsinwriting  @fictive-sl0th  @eleniblue  @violethaze  @anukulee  @ladymischief11  @12-pm-510  @wolfsmom1 @whylokiissocute  @pics-and-fanfics  @daddylokisqueen  @olivertwistrabbit  @blog-the-lilly  @prettylittlepluviophile  @vanilla-daydreaming  @somewiseguy  @yaaamadaa-blog  @dragonmurray  @elthreetimes  @gruftiela  @thenotoriouserg  @greep215  @yallgotkik  @tactac286  @janineb86  @sflame15-blog  @nyxlaufeyson  @lokidokieokie  @purplekitten30  @sunnixart  @nikkig496-blog  @frozenhuntress67  @qardasngan  @rosecentury  @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen  @hrefna-the-raven  @jennyggggrrr
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obsessedwithyouxx · 5 months
Heya there✨ If you're up to it, I'd like to just leave this here: Can you write a little fluff of the gang as kids, perhaps maybe like 6 years prior to the events of the novel?. Maybe adding all their little antics they get up to and making sure they remember to get home in time for supper because Mrs Curtis is making lasagne. Or the gang making sure they include a young Ponyboy in a game. I thought that would be pretty cute and I've been craving fluff lately, and having a look at your writing, I can tell that you'd be perfect to deliver something delish!✨ Good Luck!! -🐦‍⬛
Yessss I actually love this type of fic let’s gooo!!
(btw this isn’t reread or edited so there will be typos is js can’t stand reading back on my own writing sorry)
The ringing school bell was Sodapop’s saviour, as he rushed out the classroom door, finally free from the teacher’s relentless yapping.
He ran down the school hall towards where his best friend, Steve’s classroom was. He’d told Steve he’d wait for him, because his teacher always kept their class back later, and Steve didn’t feel like walking home alone.
“Sodapop, no running in the school halls.”
He groaned, but slowed to a walk as he reached the door. He glanced in the window, searching for where his buddy sat.
From behind, Two-bit crept up on him, swiftly grabbing him and pulling him away from the door. Two-bit was the grade above Soda and Steve, he should probably have been two grades above, but he’d been held back.
Soda groaned as his friend decided to mess up his hair which had been sitting neatly under a baseball cap until then.
“Stop it Two,” Soda half giggled, half groaned.
He struggled in his grip, finally managing to slide away.
The door to Steve’s classroom swung open, and in a flash, Steve was outside. “Hey Soda,”
“Hey Steve-y” Soda singsonged.
“Where’s Johnnyboy?” Asked Two-bit.
Both boys shrugged; Johnny hadn’t mentioned walking home with them. “Let’s go find him then.”
After a few minutes, they found Johnny standing over by his locker, smiling as they came up to him.
“Hey Johnnycakes,” Two-bit smiled,
“Hey Two-bit” Johnny responded.
Two turned around to address Steve and Soda, ask if they wanted to hang around at the lot after school, but they were already gone, halfway down the hall, Soda running, chased by Steve into a flying tackle.
Johnny rolled his eyes, glancing over at Two-bit who was laughing as a teacher tried to break the boys up.
“Sorry miss.” Soda said, looking down at the ground. “We ain’t really fighting.”
He flashed her a charming grin, he may not always be well behaved, but he was well mannered, and knew how to charm his way out of anything.
The teacher gave a short nod, before turning away.
The four of them made their way out of the school grounds, having decided to head to the Curtis’ house for a bit.
Soda swung the door open, and he and his friends tumbled into the house.
“Hey Darry,” Soda smiled. The rest of the group gave their various greetings.
“Hey Soda, hey guys.” Darry said happily, getting up from where he sat on the living room sofa to playfully ruffle his kid-brother’s hair.
“Hi Johnny and Soda and Two-bit and Steve!” Came a smaller voice.
“Hey Pones,” Soda smiled. “Did Dad pick you up from school?”
Ponyboy nodded.
The group sat around the house for a bit, turning on the television. After less than five minutes, the group started to get restless.
Two-bit was making dumb jokes and elbowing the others, Steve was laughing back at him. Johnny was glancing around, like he wanted to stand up. Soda was chasing Pony around the room, for no apparent reason, just to get rid of some of his endless energy.
It ended up being Mrs Curtis who got them all out of this house.
“You boys look bored, don’t you.” She smiled. “Why don’t you all go Outside, come home before dark though.”
The group ran right out the front door.
“Soda,” Steve groaned, “Why’s he coming.”
Steve shot an unhappy look in Ponyboy’s direction. In response, Soda shrugged, he didn’t mind that his kid-brother was there.
Honestly, Soda didn’t think Steve actually hated Pony, he just wanted to look tuff or something.
Finally, they ended up at the lot after roaming around town for a little bit. Darry, who had tagged along regardless of the fact that he was a fair bit older than the others, had found 20c in his pocket, which had resulted in a crowd of young boys filing into a corner store, causing a ruckus, and leaving with a bag of chips and a coke.
A little later, Dallas Winston showed up, cigarette between his lips. As he made his way towards the group, he made his presence known by kicking a pile of scrap metal that someone had left there, the bang echoing through the lot with a bang.
“Hey Dal!” Called out Johnny.
“Hey Johnnycakes.” Dally smiled, grabbing a handful of Johnny’s long hair and ruffling it up.
Johnny laughed, “You’re gonna pay for that man.” And he got to his feet, playfully jumping and tackling Dally to the ground.
“Ahhh, he’s got me, someone save me, I beg of you!” Dally called sarcastically.
Steve gave a laugh, taking a running leap and landing right on top of the two boys.
One by one, the rest of the gang joined the playful rumble, which somehow turned into a game of tag.
Finally, as the boys began to grow tired, they sat back down, around the lot.
“Look at the sunset, Soda.” Pony smiled, shaking his brother, who had been animatedly telling Two-bit something funny that had happened at school that day. Soda turned to face Pony, smiling, and following his kid brothers gaze.
“It’s pretty tuff, right?”
Soda smiled back at Ponyboy. He didn’t share his brothers interest in literature or the world around him, but he did love Pony, so he nodded back happily.
“Mrs Curtis said be home before dark.” Two-bit pointed out.
Darry nodded in agreement. “Well we’d probably best be getting home.”
Ponyboy sighed unhappily. “It’s not even dark yet and it’s not that far of a walk.”
Soda smiled, “Yeah Darry, c’mon.”
Darry knew his mother had put him in charge, he was the oldest after all, but still, he didn’t disagree that it would be fun to stay a little longer.
That statement was met with happy cheers from the group.
I honestly would write more and I absolutely love this request, but my creative side is just not doing what I wanted it to at the moment, and I don’t want to keep you waiting any longer!! Hope this is okay😭💪💪💪
also I wasn’t sure what to do about dally, bc I don’t know if he would’ve been in ny or what at that point (if their ten year olds he was in jail buttttttt) so I js chucked him in there n ignored that stuff :D
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Ignite~ B.H Ft S.H
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Anonymous asked:
Hiiii I am in an angsty mode at the moment… so of course I have to go to the ✨angst queen ✨ …..so reader is with billy but billy cheats then begs for a second chance, reader gives them a second chance. But he cheats again so then after a while reader finds someone maybe Eddie or Steve. Then billy gets mad to find them with an arm around reader and try’s to start a fight with them. After billy is trying to flirt and get back with reader but reader is over him.
I hope this is a good angst one 🙂
Warning : Angst, Cheating
Tags : : @ceriseheaven @josephquinnlover0 @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @stillfalling30minslater @alyisdead @witchy-munson @e0509
My Master List is in This Area
You should of listened to your friends that guys like Billy Hargrove were no good for you. But, you loved him. He had became like a drug that you couldn't walk away from.
He walked through the halls with head held up high making his way where you stood leaning his shoulder against the locker that was next to yours. You hadn't noticed him at first getting your books out. When you were finished and shut the locker, you almost jumped out of your skin seeing him there.
" You can't just do that, Billy" you had your hand on your heart feeling it race. He laughed while chewing the gum in his mouth.
He shrugged in response. He wasn't the one that would apologize, " Walking me to class?" you asked. He wrapped his arms around your shoulder pulling you his side. Heads turned as you two walked down the hall.
Though Billy's eyes were too busy staring at the girl in front of you with a short skirt on. He watched her ass move, " Billy!" you pushed his chest noticing his attention was on her. He turned his head, just in time when you waved over to Steve who turned around the corner.
" Princess.." Billy called out to you. Steve waved back noticing you walking by him. Steve and you were really good friend, but Billy didn't like that you two were friendly. He didn't like Steve at all to begin with.
" What? He's my friend" Billy grunted. He tugged you closer to his side turning around once you were near the classroom with your books tightly held against your chest.
Billy leaned down brushing his lips with your as he softly kissed you. But it turned harsher when he gripped your hips pulling you flush against his. He felt eyes on him. Snapping his eyes opening and finding who has been watching him. It was Steve.
Billy's blue eyes bore into Steve, smirking into the kiss as you kissed him. You pulled away, breathless looking up at your boyfriend.
" I've gotta get to class" you muttered, putting a piece of hair behind your ear. Billy snapped his gum, rolling his eyes. He couldn't understand how you could be such a goody too shoes with homework, studying and showing up to class on time.
When you turned around to walk into the classroom, you felt a sting on your ass. Turning around with your cheeks flushed and glaring at your boyfriend, " Billy!" he winked at you in response as he walked away.
You didn't notice that he sent a wink to another girl that was giggling by the locker and twirling her hair.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were too blind to see that he would take your heart and throw it on the ground like it was nothing. You were too into your head thinking Billy Hargrove actually cared about you. That there was something there, when it wasn't. You were just part of his game.
" Aw look little miss princess is without her dog. Oh where, oh where could he be?" Carol asked, blowing a bubble with her gum as she twirled her hair.
" Piss of Carol" she dramatically put her hand on her heart like your words had some sort of affect on her. You pushed past her looking around if you could spot your boyfriend in the mass of people dancing around, drinking and snogging each other's faces off.
Steve emerged from the crowd with his hands in his pockets as his eyes found yours, his held a bit of worry and sorrow in them. He made his way over to you and gently squeezed your shoulder.
" You okay?" you asked him. This wasn't normal behavior coming from him. Why was he worried? Steve's eyebrows knitted together as realization dawned to him that you had no idea.
" Have you seen Billy?" you asked, looking around hoping he wouldn't spot you with Steve.
" Listen-" he started to say but your head turned to him not really wanting to hear his excuses on why you shouldn't be with Billy. You had all heard it all before.
" Steve, please. Tell me where he is?" Steve swallowed the lump in his mouth as he knows what you are about to see and it's not a happy sight. He sighed, " He went upstairs. But not alone."
Your heart raced at what Steve has told you and instead of staying with Steve like he wanted you too, you made your way upstairs.
" Hip Hop, look at the princess go" Tommy chuckled as he watched you race upstairs. You knocked on the first door you found and it was empty, you went to the next one and opened it without asking if someone was in there. There was a couple making out, but no sign of Billy.
" Billy!" you shouted through the halls. There were two more doors left, one door a couple had came out fixing their own clothes while the one that was left remained closed.
Your heart was racing, palms becoming sweating and feeling your eyes sting with tears as you made your way closer to the door. Your hand shakily reached out to turn the knob and when you did, a sight that broke your heart came into a clear picture.
A girl was going down on your boyfriend as his head was thrown back. His fingers were in her hair as she sucked him off. You gasped with tears rolling down your cheeks. Billy's head snapped up hearing the gasp and his eyes landed on you.
" Shit!" he muttered as he pushed the girl off of him. He was scrambling to get his pants on. " Doll, it's not what it looks like" he says buckling his pants. But you stood there, body frozen as you stared at your so called boyfriend.
" I-I loved you!" you screamed tuning around, making your way down the steps past Tommy and Carol as they snickered. Steve spotted you bolting down the steps to the front door. He growled spotting Billy running down the steps with his pants half zipped up and jacket barely on.
" it's not what it looks like!" Billy shouted racing after you out the front door. " She's nothing!" He continue to run after you down the street. The cold air whipped against your cheeks, sniffling.
" Go away, you have done enough" Billy caught up to you and grabbed onto your wrist stopping you from walking away from him.
" You have to believe me, doll. She's not you, she doesn't mean to me the way you do" you chuckled brushing away your tears with the back of your hand.
" I should of listened to my friend, everyone. You're such an asshole, you never cared about me or loved me!" you pushed at his chest. He stumbled back, catching his balance watching you cry over him.
" I'm sorry" he tried to say as it was going to solve anything.
You shook your head, " it's too late for that."
Billy watched you walk down the street, away from him with his own heart splattered on the ground.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Everyone in school found out what had happened and eyes were constantly on you as you walked into your classes.
" You look like you need a nap" Steve mutters as you drop besides him on the bench as he took a break. He was at basketball practice asking you to come see him that he can cop your notes on what he missed the day before.
" Thanks, Harrington. Just what every girl wants to hear" he sighed, running a hand through his hair. " I gave him a very nice bloody lip and a black eye" he mutters talking about your now ex boyfriend.
You shrugged in response. Billy had been watching you interact with Steve from the other side. The ball was passed to him as he dribbled it across the court with a glare on his face.
Steve wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer. It caused Billy's blood to boil that Steve had your attention now. He threw the basketball across the court towards Steve and it hit him in the head..
He fell in between the benches with his upper body in it while his legs were raised above.
" Steve!" you shouted reaching over to help him up. He waved his hands motioning to you that he was okay. He felt dizzy from the ball hitting him in the head. " Are you okay?" you asked him, glaring over to Billy. He had he biggest smirk on his face.
" 'm fine" Steve mumbled as he slide off the bench.
" Harrington, quit slacking off!" the couch yelled at him, blowing the whistle. You winced at the sound taking your bag and throwing it over your shoulder.
" I'll see you later, Steve" he nodded with a small smile as he jogged to get the ball away from the others.
You didn't even look at Billy when you walked out. His jaw clenched when you didn't look at him or even take notice of him anymore. He turned to look where Steve was dribbling the ball on the court and ran over to take it from him.
" Gotta be faster than that, buttercup" Billy teased. Steve rolled his eyes in response.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your feet paused making their way to the car spotting a head of curls, blue eyes locking on yours with a cigarette in his mouth leaning against your car. You moved around the car to put your book bag inside and ready to get in when he spoke up.
" Can we talk?" he asked, taking his cigarette out of his mouth as he rounded around the car. " We don't have anything to talk about, Hargrove" he scoffed at the usage of his last name like when he first met you. You would always use his last name when you talked to him.
" I-I miss you" he says, dropping his cigarette and stomping it with his foot. " I d-din't mean for it to happen the way it happened.." he shrugged as he looked at the ground. He was too afraid to look at you to see the way you would look at him. Like he was a mistake.
" But it did happen, it didn't even cross your mind that you Billy, Billy Hargrove were dating. Dating someone that cared so deeply about you, that loved you, that adored you, that would do anything to make you happy."
His lip quivered as his eyes brimmed with tears. He hated that you were making him feel like this in the middle of the school parking lot where anyone can turn and look to see how vulnerable he looked.
" P-Please.. I'll do a-anything to make it w-work between u-us" he says through his tears. You took notice that people stopped to listen to your conversation with him now and they were whispering.
You made your way up to him, peeking through his curls to see how upset he looked and your heart ached at the sight. You loved him still, even if he took your heart and ran it over.
" Come over for dinner tonight and we'll talk" He snapped his head up hearing you, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as he nodded in response. He took notice people have turned to look at him.
" What are you looking at?!" He shouted, raising his hands up. " Don't you have places to be?!" He shouted in anger, a hand on his arm stops him from snapping. He turns his head to look down at you.
" Get home safe" you tell him before getting into your car and driving off.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Billy had came over around dinner time and you answered in wearing one of his shirts and a pair of sweats with your hair up. The sight made Billy smile, the real smile that no one would usually see unless they were you.
He stepped inside your house, your parents were out on a business trip while you were left alone to take care of the house. You weren't lonely, Nancy had came over the other day as you two studied and painted each other nails. Tina had stopped by to drop some cookies and tell you about the new gossip going around.
" It smells really good" Billy says as he sniffed the air. His stomach grumbled as his mouth watered.
" I saved you a plate" you mumbled making your way into the kitchen where Billy followed you as he sat down on one of the chairs. You put a plate of spaghetti in front of him with garlic bread on the side and grabbed him a glass of water too.
" Thank you" he mumbles taking the fork you had placed down as he dug in. He noticed you weren't eating with him and twirled some spaghetti on his fork as he offered it to you.
" I'm not really hungry" Billy waited not pulling the fork back until you opened your mouth and he fed you. " But you must be really hungry, this is for you" you pushed his plate closer to him.
" I can share" he says. He turned to look at you to see you were playing with the ring on your finger. It was a nervous habit of yours that he picked up on while being with you.
" What do you wanna talk about?" he asked once he finished the plate you made him. He did offer you bites of the food but you refused and pushed it to his mouth.
" You really hurt me" he nods, hanging his head. " I know, and I didn't mean it."
" Do you care about me?" Billy swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked down at his lips. He did care about you, a lot. He does. It's really hard to get the words out sometimes.
" I do, you know that" he mumbles.
" Then why did you decide that at that party to go ruin what we had?" he shrugged in response. Billy hadn't really thought of an answer to give to you on why he did what he did.
" Don't give me that!" you shouted, glaring at him. His jaw set hearing you started to yell and it pissed him off. " I don't know what you want me to say!" he shouted raising his hands up in the air.
" Forget it, Billy. You know where the door is" you got up taking his plate to the sink but when you turned around, there he stood leaning his body against yours and trapping you against the counter.
His hand rose up to brush the hair away from your face.
" I'm not leaving until your mine again" he mumbles. " You cheated on me..."
" I didn't mean it, doll. Believe me. The only girl I ever wanted was you, no one else. There is no one else. You make me happy and feel safe. It's you"
Right there you believed him. His words melted. your heart.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A note landed on your desk the following two days and you rose your head to look around to see if you could spot who had dropped it. No one dared to look your way knowing what it said already. Steve was sitting on the other side drawing on his desk while you took the note in your hands and opening it.
Your boyfriend and Stephanie Lawrence were fooling around in the boys locker room
You gasped, looking around the room once more to see if anyone looked your way once more. You rose your hand up and the teacher called on you.
" May I be excused? I don't feel so well" you grabbed onto your stomach in pain. The teacher nodded telling you to go to the nurses office. You stood up from the chair and grabbed onto your things catching Steve's attention as his eyebrows knitted together seeing the panic look on your face.
He rose up from his seat to catch you look at him.
" Are you okay?" he mouths to you. You shook your head in response racing out of the classroom to your locker where you felt the tears sting your eyes. This wasn't happening again. Billy said he wasn't going to do this again.
Your head felt dizzy and everything was spinning. You didn't know what happen but the next thing you knew you fainted with arms catching you before you hit the ground.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You groaned as you rose up in your bed, not really knowing what happened when a hand lays on your forehead stopping you from going anywhere.
" Where do you think your going?" your eyes landed on Steve sitting besides you on your bed. " What happened?" you asked, raising up on your elbows.
" You fainted, I took you to the nurses office and brought you home" he says. " My car!" you shouted remembering it was in the parking lot.
" It's here, Jonathan brought it" he says.
Suddenly you remembered the note, " Steve?" you asked. Your heart racing at the thought of it being true. " Yeah?" he asked.
" Is Billy cheating on me again?" his lips grew in a thin line as he looked away in silence. It had been all over the school that he's been fooling around with Stephanie, one of the cheerleaders.
" It is.." you mumbled, " god, I'm so stupid"
" You're not stupid, it's him. He doesn't deserve you" he turned his head watching just in time as the tears ran down your cheeks. " Oh Y/N" he says opening his arms. You rose off the bed moving over to him and wrapped your arms around him.
You cried in Steve Harrington's arms that day. That day Steve realized that he wanted to the one to put you back together.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was true, Billy was cheating on you with Stephanie. Everyone was talking about it and yet you were tired of it. Billy had broken your heart many times over and over but you had enough.
You hadn't talked or seen Billy in the past three days, and he tried to call you. You didn't pick up. He tried to see you at school but you avoided him in all ways you could. He tried to sit outside your house but you didn't come out. You found a way out through the back of another house that was across from you. There was a gate but you had to get tackled by a dog. It was a risk you were willing to take.
A harsh knock came to the door causing you to groan as you tried to study for one of the upcoming tests that you were having. You needed to pull your grade up to graduate next year.
" No one is home!" you shouted through the door hoping they would go away but they kept knocking. " Jesus, I'm coming. Hold your bananas!"
You threw the door open ready to chew out the person who was bothering you out when your eyes landed on your so called boyfriend.
" Can I help you, William?" he scoffed hearing you use his real name.
" That's not my name, princess and you know it" he says leaning against the doorframe. " what's going on, I haven't seen you much baby. I miss you" he tried to reach out with his hands to touch you but you stepped out of his reach with your arms across your chest.
" Okay, what's wrong?" he asked. " Why won't you let me touch you?"
" Because I don't know where your hands been. Must been buried deep in Stephanie" his eyes widen at your words.
" Baby, she's not-" you cut him off.
" She's not what it seems, that you need me, that you love me, that I am your forever... yeah yeah.. Hargrove. That's old news" his mouth dropped open by the end of your sentence .
" Y/N, you know I love you"
" That's bullshit, you're fucking bullshit!" you posted a finger at him. " Don't ever call me baby ever again, you're disgusting. You're a heartless asshole and I don't want to ever see you again. We're done!" you slammed the door in his face before he could say anything else.
" You're going to regret this! I know you love me! You need me!" he shouted through the door, with one bang to the door he walked down the path to his car in anger.
You didn't need Billy Hargrove. You didn't need a cheater like him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It's been two weeks since you and Billy have been done. He had tried multiple times to get you back weather leaving presents by your front door, leaving notes in your locker room telling you how much he loved you, leaving a mix tape on top of your desk before you got to class. He knew your classes.
You rolled your times every time and threw each item away. You were getting over Billy Hargrove and everyone around you couldn't believe it. They couldn't believe it when Steve Harrington was the reason you started to smile and laugh.
Billy watched from down the hall in anger seeing Steve blow raspberries against your cheeks causing you to laugh. He used to make you laugh like that.
He huffed in anger.
" Are we still going out tonight?" he heard one of girls that kept following him ask him. He hadn't paid attention to her as his eyes were on you and Steve Harrington.
" I need to get to class, Steve" you squealed as his arms wrapped around you, pulling you flush against his body as he left kisses all over your face.
You had moved on from Billy finding your happy self with Steve. He has been there for you every chance he got. He really made it all.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
" You dating Harrington now?" you heard the familiar voice of your ex boyfriend. Your back was to him as you turned around to face him for the first time in awhile. Billy had noticed the brighter look in your eyes and the way your lips lit up in a small smile.
" What's it to you if I was?" you asked.
Billy's fist opened and closed by his side as he gritted his teeth.
" It matters to me because you don't move on from someone like me to someone like him. He's nothing compared to me" Billy growled.
" He makes me happier" those words were all it took to break Billy Hargrove's heart as he lets them sink in. There is silence between the two of you.
" I hope you find your happiness, Billy. I do. You've hurt me way to many times and I didn't want that in my life. I wanted to be happy, and I found that with Steve."
Billy scoffed.
" Maybe one day you can be a part of my life again, but not yet. I'm not ready for you to be back in my life. For what it's worth, I really did love you Billy and you did make me happy. But he does it better, better than you ever did"
You knew you hurt him with your words. It shows in his eyes. He had a way of showing how he felt through those blue eyes.
" I'll wait till your ready" he says, "I'm sorry" he adds knowing you needed to hear it from him. He's not a man to apologize but with you, he do it over and over again.
" It might take years"
" I will wait as long as I need" Billy says. He walked away to his car wishing he would take everything back. He watched as you walked to Steve's car, throwing your arms around him and going on your toes to kiss him. It stung him to watch you with the one person he hated.
But he was going to wait to be back in your life, even if it was being friends with you. You made him feel safe.
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here i have found some peace of mind [WIP Wednesday Snippet]
This is from my "Steve is a group housing coordinator (like I am irl) and Eddie is a rockstar who's coming to Steve's hotel except due to a typo and Eddie being an idiot, Steve thinks he's been talking to the tour manage, 'Chris Cunningham' the whole time" AU so yeah, Chris? Is Eddie. It's Eddie. He's dumb. Also, in this fic Steve is trans! It's just... important that y'all know that.
“Heya, Stevie! You kinda sound like shit, man.”
Steve laughed humourlessly, even as something loosened in his chest at hearing Chris’ voice. “Thank God someone knows how to use my actual name,” he blurted before he could stop himself.
There was a pause before Chris sternly said, “Of course. What sort of asshole doesn’t use your actual name if they know it?”
“You’d be surprised,” Steve said vaguely, minimizing his emails so he didn’t have to look at them while on the phone with Chris. “What’s up, Chris?”
“Honestly? I’m just kind of bored and I missed chatting with you yesterday,” Chris replied, and his tone was so sincere that Steve felt bad that he was in such a messed up mood. “I know you’re on the clock, but if you have time…?”
Steve tapped his pencil against his notebook as he considered. He was in a rotten mood, but he already felt himself settling back into his skin, feeling a lot less jagged and wrong just after a couple minutes listening to Chris’ voice. That was a bit scary to consider, given the nature of their relationship. This guy shouldn’t have that much power over Steve’s moods, yet he did.
Remembering Robin’s suggestion from the day before, Steve decided to try that.
“Listen, Chris, I’ve had a really shitty day and talking about myself would suck for you,” Steve started slowly, taking a deep breath. “Maybe you could tell me about you? It feels like I do most of the talking…”
There is another long pause. “I dunno, man, there isn’t much to say about myself…”
Steve’s stomach dropped at the deflection. So, did that mean the interest was just casual on Chris’ end? He didn’t want to open up because he was just looking for a quick fuck, nothing more? Steve lied to himself and decided he could live with that, probably.
“Okay, sure. I’ll have to talk to you some other time then,” Steve said, his voice going tight.
“Steve, wait, don’t hang up. I didn’t—there’s just not a lot to talk about that isn’t already all over the internet, y’know?” Chris laughed a bit and added very quietly, “like, I’m surprised we’re even still talking at all at this rate.”
Steve frowned at the last bit, and reconsidered his decision not to sleuth out who the band was. Was there some shady details surrounding Chris Cunningham or the band he was managing the tour for?
“Dude, you—I haven’t even looked up the band you’re managing. I have no idea who you or the band is,” Steve admitted, and the startled laugh he received brought a smile to his face. “Besides, why would I take what the internet says about you when I could get the real details directly from the source? Would you look at my socials and decide you knew me just based on that?”
Chris chuckled. “I mean, I have peeked at your socials, Steve,” he confessed and Steve felt his blush all the way down to his bellybutton. “I didn’t do much digging, I promise! I just—I’m very visual and wanted to put a face to your voice.”
“No, you’re all good, my public socials are, well, public for a reason,” Steve said with a laugh, chewing his lip a bit. “You, uh, like what you saw?”
Chris gave a quiet groan. “You’ve no idea, big boy,” he confessed softly, his voice deep and rumbling through the line, raising goosebumps up the back of Steve’s neck. Then Chris took a deep breath and asked, “okay, Stevie, what do you want to know about me?”
Everything, Steve almost said and he barely stopped himself. “You mentioned your uncle once. Can you tell me about him?” he said instead, and Chris’ laugh was beautiful.
“My Uncle Wayne, literally one of the best things to ever happen to me, honestly,” Chris sighed.
“Only one of the best things?” Steve questioned curiously.
“I mean, the band actually making it makes that list,” Chris laughed, then added, “getting to talk to you is on there, too.”
“Shut up,” Steve laughed, blushing at how genuine Chris managed to make that absolute line sound. “Okay, tell me about your uncle.”
The next couple weeks passed with daily phone calls from Chris where he vaguely talked about his life prior to the band taking off, about the band mates and their antics. He mentioned a YouTube channel briefly once, and Steve was tempted to find it but… he liked getting to know Chris without that crutch. Steve liked the mystery of not knowing what Chris looked like.
Steve was really smitten with the way Chris talked about the people in his life, the way his tone would turn so painfully affectionate that Steve could see the smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Did Chris have dimples? He hoped Chris had dimples. Steve was always a sucker for dimples. Steve couldn’t help but wonder if Chris told his friends about their conversations, and if Chris spoke about him with that same tone.
If Steve also became a bit more active and a bit sluttier on his socials knowing Chris was maybe monitoring them, that was his business.
Aaaaaand, the taglist! @thegingerrapunzel, @xenon-demon, @extra-transitional, @patchworkgargoyle, @mylilplanet, @inairbinad, @scarcrossdlvrs, @indigohightide, @steve-harringtits
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Hi captain! *salute and wink*
i'm bored can you tell me a war story?
Hello there Lea, glad to hear from you!
I’d be happy to, now what would be a good one… hmmm, I can think of a few.
But let’s go with the time I visited my old school with the 107th, since that’s a pretty one and I honestly don’t want to talk about death today.
So, it’s December 1944, it’s new years. We’re all on leave, but not long enough for the boys to ship back to the states. So, what am I supposed to do, leave them in some rooming house in London or Bath and trust them to survive it? Of course not, that would be incredibly stupid.
So, I show up at my brother Michael’s door with these eight mostly American guys in full uniform two days before New Years. Since I’d enlisted, Michael had moved to the same town I’d gone to school in, and coincidentally the one where Angie Martinelli worked at the recruiter’s office. She was a the daughter of an American businessman and his British wife, she’d grown up in New York until she had been sent to the same boarding school as I was. To make a long story short, we’d fallen in love. Which was incredibly stupid, but I never managed to regret it.
She was, in fact, boarding with Michael because I’d introduced them, and when he found out they lived in the same town, he said he couldn’t not give a proper home to his little sister’s best friend. He had eventually found out about us, and by some miracle it was just fine. And of course, she was home. So I’m here, standing on the porch in full uniform with the Howling Commandos, in the snow, in this little town in England, and Angie comes running down the stairs with her hair in pin curls and a shawl over her nightgown and tackles me in a hug, and we’re just grinning and hugging while Michael’s still stunned in the doorway. She looks around, raises her eyebrows, and says “you didn’t say you were bringin’ guests English! Where are we gonna put all these folks?” And Michael just starts laughing his ass off and waves everyone in. They all stomp off their boots and start leaving their shoes by the door like me and Angie.
So eventually we figure out where we’re sleeping everyone; me and Angie sharing her room, Steve and Bucky in mine with Frenchie, Monty and Jonsey on their floor, everyone else on sofas and chairs and a few on the floor. And we all wind up in the kitchen at probably ten o’clock that night drinking tea, because me and Monty had been complaining about the tea Jim had gotten. And Angie and Bucky are commiserating about how horrible me and Steve are to keep an eye on, and suddenly Dum Dum says “hey Miss Union Jack, this your girl?” And then the room got incredibly quite incredibly quickly. Steve, who of course had figured it out within minutes of hearing me mention her for the first time, looked prepared punch him if necessary, Michael was ready to kill the whole room from how he was standing. But also, these men had been alright when they’d found out about Buck and Steve — that’s an entirely different story — after a bit of explaining, and would kill to keep that secret. So, I grabbed Angie’s hand and nodded rather sharply before telling them that “yes, this is my girl, and anyone who has anything to say about it can walk out that door right now and never come back.” Michael just shrugged and smiled. “What, you thought she’d do what our dad wanted?” Was his answer(for context, Dad always wanted me to get married young to a young, respectable, Christian family man. Dad and I were never very close) and Dum Dum nodded and proceeded to decidedly un-subtly spike his tea.
The next day, we somehow wound up deciding to visit me and Angie’s old school, because both of us knew being stuck there over the holiday break was always lonely and it would be nice to see some old teachers. However, the boys only had one change of clothes and both needed to be washed, so we were all in uniform, and I was in my standard officer’s uniform. So we arrive, as our now world-famous selves, to an all-girls boarding school on New Year’s Eve, bearing a large bag of candy and some popping corn we’d picked up from the grocery.
There were about a fifteen, maybe twenty girls left in the place, and all of them were incredibly excited, particularly when Miss Ashton, the headmistress, came down to tell them I’d been a student here. They all knew Angie, she visited often, but they pulled stories out of me for the whole morning, and then convinced all of us to go ice skating on the pond. Which went horribly. Me and Angie knew how, and Bucky was decent enough. Steve chose to sit on the side, In Bucky and Dum Dum’s coats as well as his own, and draw with the youngest girl, who I think was probably about twelve. Dum Dum fell on his face, Monty and Jim started teaching a few to play hockey, and eventually they found enough sticks in the woods to start a game with a rock and a bunch of tree branches. Everyone was just laughing and it was so beautiful. We came in probably around four and made all the popcorn and the teachers who were left joined us. There were stories and songs and Michael came down with some food and we spent New Year’s Eve there.
We shipped out again about three days later. That was the last time I saw Angie. But we did have a “ceremony” on New Year’s Day. We exchanged necklaces, since rings would be too risky, and said vows we made up on the spot with the Commandos and Michael as our witnesses. Frenchie’s dad has been a pastor, so he officiated. It was beautiful. We didn’t say it was a marriage, because we were too afraid. But that’s what it was. She was my wife in every way that mattered. And… I found a letter in a box. From Angie, to me. Signed “your wife, Angie”
So I suppose I’m a widow now. I guess I never really thought about it that way before.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
The Bright Side S01E02: Play by the Rules
Cold Open
The family of three was having lunch in the kitchen when El piped up for a question.
"Steve, how does a girl get a guy to notice her?"
Jim scoffed. "You're askin' Mr. Hairspray over there for boy advice?"
"This coming from the guy who hasn't had a date since the 70's", Steve said.
Jim huffed and straightened the pages of his paper. "El, your brother is mighty fine at dating girls. Not so great at keeping them. I don't know if that says anything about the girls or Steve though."
"I could keep them just fine if I wanted to. I just haven't found The One yet."
"But you'd know if you saw her?", El cut in, getting them back to topic. "The One?"
"I think I would. Why you got a boy you like?", Steve smirked, ready to tease.
El just blushed, not ready to reveal who it was yet but Jim was already prepared to shut it down. He'd been ready for a while now.
"You know my rules. No boys in the house."
Steve raised a brow and looked to Lucas and Dustin sitting with them at the table. "You let these dorks over all the time."
Jim looked to them as he picked up his beer. "They don't count."
End Cold Open
At school, between classes, Max boarded up to El's locker. "We still on for tonight?"
"Of course. I wouldn't miss it", El beamed.
"Good, because this is long overdue. Just you and me. No boys. Music, magazines, and movies."
Meanwhile, just down the street, Mike was looking on with a disapproving expression.
"This can only end in tragedy."
"Dude", Lucas closed his locker. "It's a sleepover. They're probably just gonna paint each other's nails and kiss whatever guy is in a magazine. You know? Dumb girl stuff?"
"Girls don't just do stuff. They talk. That's the danger", Mike said.
"And what's the danger in El and Max talking?", Will asked. "They do it all the time."
"Yeah but not alone. Not without us. So who do you think they're gonna talk about?"
"I really don't think Max is gonna talk about us when we're not there", Dustin said.
"She will if it's to talk shit", Lucas sighed.
Mike looked vindicated. "Exactly! Max is gonna talk shit about us to El."
"Why do you care so much?", Will asked.
Mike took too long to answer and Lucas zeroed in on why. "Mike's got a cru-ush~", he sang, prompting Mike to punch him in the arm.
"Shut up! No I don't! El is still new. She doesn't know we're the losers yet."
"She literally stopped you from getting a swirly on her first day", Dustin said. "I think that ship has safely sailed."
"This is all stupid anyway. We've got out own plans to iron out", Will said as the bell rang.
"Girls man. They drive a man wild", Lucas said sagely.
"It's times like these I'm glad my girlfriend is back in Utah", Dustin said on their way back to class.
Max and El sat on the bed as Jim inspected the room for boys. Even going as far as checking under the bed and poking the stuffed animals in her closet with a broom.
"Is this really necessary?", Max asked. "The only boys she knows is those nerdlingers."
"Alright. I'm gonna lay down the rules and don't give me any sass", Jim said, arms crossed with the broom. "No loud music. No boys. No prank calls. No boys. In bed by nine. No boys. No sneaking out. And did I mention no boys?"
"I'm not feeling a lot of trust right now", Max said.
"I'm not raising a grandkid before I turn fifty", Jim said. "Oh, one last thing." He took out a small box and laid some tacks sharp side up on El's window sill.
Jim left El's room and went downstairs to sit on the couch and settle in for some Friday night primetime. He had a good view of the front door and a window that should reveal anyone sneaking in or out of El's room.
Steve came down, mumbling and grumbling to himself as he took his keys out of his pocket.
"And where are you off to? Hot date?"
"Hardly. I lost a bet to Jonathan of all people. So I gotta take the kids to the arcade. What are the chances they get bored and ready to go home after 10 minutes?"
Jim chuckled. "I won't be waiting up."
Thankfully, Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and Will were just next door and ready to go already when Steve knocked on the door of the Byer's home.
"Good luck", Jonathan grinned.
"Last time I challenge you to beer pong. How'd you get so good anyway?", Steve asked.
"Having a terrible dad has its perks. He taught me when I turned 14."
"Hey, my dad taught me too."
Jonathan made a face at the thought of Hopper teaching Steve beer pong as the boys bum rushed out of the house and towards the door.
"Come on! We're burnin' moonlight!", Dustin commanded as he made a claim for the front passenger seat.
With a sigh, Steve went towards his own vehicle and started towards the arcade. Meanwhile, the girls night was already in full swing.
"Blonds or brunets?", Max asked while tossing some popcorn into her mouth.
"Brunets", El answered.
"Same. So does that mean anyone in town's caught your eye yet?"
El blushed and curled in a little on herself, trying to hide behind the open pages of a magazine. But the sound of disbelief Max made proved it was all in vain.
"Who? And please tell me it's not Jack Maine."
"Jack? The captain of the baseball team?"
"All the girls fawn over him, it's honestly disgusting." Max popped another corn in her mouth. "So who is it? Anyone I know?"
"He's-no one." El got up and began pacing. "You don't know him. He's from out of town. Actually, a whole other country. Actually, he doesn't exist."
"No no no, Dustin's computer girlfriend from Utah doesn't exist. But this mystery guy...", Max grinned.
El was frozen on the spot but that didn't stop Max from standing up from the bed.
"What if you don't tell me, I just guess?"
"Guess?", El asked but Max took it as permission to get started.
"You're obviously embarrassed by it, so it's gotta be someone I know." Max began to circle around her. "Is it...Carter Baxton?"
"No", El shook her head.
"Hmm, Ricky Odell?"
"The guy who tried to stick Mike's head in a toilet?", El gave a look of disgust.
Max paused in front of her and looked into her eyes, then pointed a finger at her. "If you have a crush on Lucas..."
"It's Mike!", El blurted out, then immediately covered her mouth.
Max's eyes were wide. "Oh my god."
Jim nearly broke the door down, broom in hand. "Where is he?! Where's Mike?!"
The arcade was busy that Friday night. Steve had basically resigned himself to getting some nachos and a soda, then plopping down while the boys gamed themselves silly. He knew there'd be a moment when one of them came up and asked for quarters, but he was keeping a tight hold on his wallet. He was a driver only.
And sure enough, about half an hour in, Dustin came up, eyes already prepared for begging. "Steve-"
"Nope. I'm not giving you money."
"But I'm sooooo close! Not just to a high score but to a personal best! Are you gonna stand in the way of a boy and his dreams?"
"It wasn't on my schedule for the evening, but I think I can squeeze it in."
"I don't know why I asked. You wouldn't understand. I guess that hand eye coordination is only good for ball in hoop games?"
Steve raised a brow. "You think I can't play an arcade game?"
"Play? Sure. But win one? Get a high score?" Dustin crossed his arms. "Doubtful."
"I'll have you know I'm a champion Pac-Man player."
"I'll believe it when I see it."
That was how Steve ended up in front of the Pac-Man console, all the boys around him. He started a game and they weren't expecting much. Pac-Man was fairly simple. Eat the dots. Avoid the ghosts. But it was mesmerizing when someone was able to keep that going for long enough. Long enough for Dustin and Lucas to start cheering him on. Then long enough for the more quiet Will to start cheering. Then long enough for Mike to start backseat gaming and cheering too.
When Steve cleared the game and his score came up, his posture relaxed but he still didn't seem satisfied with how he did. It was great, but it didn't break the high score.
"Who's Munster?"
"Oh that's gotta be Eddie!", Mike said in awe.
Steve's brow raised in recognition. "Eddie 'the Freak' Munson? How do you know him?"
"Ran into him a few times at the library", Will said. "He said as soon as we get to high school we can join his club."
"Yeah and he'll still probably be there too", Steve scoffed. He cracked his knuckles. "He's about to be a two-fold loser 'cause I'm comin' for his score." He took a five dollar bill out of his pocket without even looking. "Here. Get me a soda."
Dustin smirked. "Will do!"
He grabbed the money, fully intending to get Steve the smallest soda available and pocket the rest for his own gaming. Steve was already back in the zone as he made a new game and attempted to break Eddie's record.
Max led the charge down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab more snacks, looking like a girl on a mission and not just in searched of cookies.
"Um, hello?", Jim looked up from the glass of water he was drinking, wrapped up in a bathrobe. "I thought I said in bed by 9 it's-" he checked his watch-"9:15."
"This is serious business", Max said while opening a fridge.
"Serious", El echoed.
"I thought I laid down the rules very clearly."
"Mr. Hopper do YOU want a smarmy son-in-law? Because that's what's at stake here", Max asked while nearly slamming a pickle jar onto the counter.
Jim looked between the girls. "This is boy stuff?"
They nodded.
Jim looked to Max specifically. "And you...are anti-smarm?"
"When it comes to boys, yes."
"Proceed." He took a sip of his water. "Get her a guy who likes fishing on the weekends too."
Max bit into the pickle while grabbing a soda. El got a bag of chips and a juice for herself before they headed back upstairs. Once the door was closed, Max started counting things off.
"Mike is controlling, and obsessed with image, which is hilarious considering he's on the bottom of the social food chain."
"Mike has never tried to control me. And isn't everyone worried about how they look?"
"It's just always a bad idea to date in a friend group. Messes with the whole dynamic."
El opened the chip bag. "Is that why you haven't asked Lucas out yet?"
Max froze mid-bite. When she chomped down, she pointed a finger at her. "Are you some kind of mind reader? I didn't tell anyone that."
"I figured when you were about to ask if I was crushing on him. You looked ready to deck me if I said yes."
"I wouldn't've punched you over a boy", Max denied. "Maybe a bit of cold shoulder though. Don't you dare tell a soul, I swear if you do-"
"Girls have a code, remember? I won't talk about how you feel about Lucas, if you never tell about Mike."
"I still can't believe you like him. Out of all of them."
"Mike's not so bad. What makes Lucas better anyway?"
Max suddenly got a dreamy smile on her face. "Well he's more mature for one."
Jim came through again, with the broom. Again. "Where?!"
Steve's hands were braced against the sides of the console as he finished another game. He was so close to Eddie's score. Just a few points away. It was such a small gap he could taste it. He rubbed his face and then pulled his wallet out of his pocket again.
"You makin' your own cup factory?", a voice came up from behind.
Steve turned, first looking at the six empty drinks by his feet and then at the loud slurping noise coming from Eddie Munson. Steve frowned.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, Munson?"
"I like coming in at last call to see who's gotten close to my record", he smirked, swirling the ice around in his drink.
"Whatever", Steve stuck his hands in his pockets like he didn't care. "Wait, last call? What time is it?!" He checked his watch and saw that it was nearly 11.
"Just about time for the night to really come alive", Eddie said. "And shouldn't you be getting them home?", he tilted his head and saw the four of them at the air hockey tables. They were pretty much the only ones left in the arcade.
"Their moms are going to kill me. Hey you wieners it's time to go home", Steve called out.
He was met with protests but they were all weak and punctuated by tired yawns. They'd probably all conk out as soon as they sat in his car. He heard Eddie whistle from the Pac-Man game.
"Just four points away Harrington. That's almost as close as the game last week. That's gotta burn, huh?"
"Didn't know you went to the games, Munson."
"I don't", Eddie said smoothly. "I just read the papers. Keep your enemies close and all that."
"Yeah, right." Steve gathered the kids and brought them outside into the cool, fresh air and Steve realized how tired his eyes were after staring at that screen for hours. Eddie followed them out and a very annoyed employee finally locked the door behind them.
Steve got inside and this time Will was in the front. Eddie squeezed his top half through the door and switched the dials on Steve's radio then turned up the volume, making a loud guitar and drums ring out.
"Dude! What the hell!?", Steve shouted, covering one ear while turning it down.
"To keep you awake for the journey home. Be sure that these little ones are returned safely", Eddie said, putting on a strangely theatrical voice. He closed the door and patted the hood, telling Steve he was good to go.
"I told you", Steve said as Eddie waved them off. "Freak."
"He's the coolest", Dustin yawned.
Episode 3
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epicsteddieficrecs · 2 years
Epic Steddie Fic Rec (February 5th-March 5th 2023)
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Damn, has it already been a month? Time flies! I've had a few busy weekends, I've been away from home for a few of them, so that's why the momentary absence. I hope you enjoy this!
I just want to take a moment to mention that I'm selling some "fandom" bookmarks that I've made! If you like the Avengers, Captain Marvel, The Madalorian, Baby Yoda, or Star Wars, I have some fabrics for you! You can find the info here!
🖤 it's brutal out here by ithinkicouldloveher (Modern AU, Teacher Steve, Soulmates | 16K | Explicit): or, steve harrington hasn’t yet found his soulmate, but between his best girl eleven jane, the whirlwind that is robin buckley, and a wily group of third graders, he’s got plenty enough on his plate. that is, until another single father by the name of eddie munson stumbles into (the wrong) class.
In Cabin D by blueeyesandpie (Post-S4, Trans Male Eddie, Cabin fic | 6K | Explicit): Steve and Eddie take the party camping...and end up with a cabin to themselves. They've been together a while, but this is their first chance to do anything; they take full advantage.
sun down, you’re up by tkhwh (PWP, Trans Male Eddie | 1,6K | Explicit): Eddie wakes up with Steve plastered against his back while he’s still inside of him after a long, long night. Looks like he has a long, long morning ahead of him too.
All Day Event by Lynn1998 (PWP, Trans Male Eddie | 7K | Explicit): Steve and Eddie are meeting up with Robin and Nancy at the fair. It’s impossible for them to go anywhere without putting their hands on each other.
🖤 we can love each other (i've been told it's okay) by deadratz (Post-S4, Friends to Lovers | 15K | Explicit): Eddie has wondered for a while if Steve knows what kind of signals he sends. He’s wondered if Steve realizes what kinds of things he implies while talking about his failed dates. Eddie ignores it because that’s safer than addressing it. Until it’s clear ignoring it isn’t doing anyone any favors. (Alternatively: Is it gay to sit in your boy best friend's lap while you talk about how bored you are with heterosexual sex? Depends on who you ask.)
Reach Out by VenusDoom3 (No Upside Down AU, Canon Divergent, Getting Together | 5K | Explicit): “I didn’t know how much I’d miss you until you were gone. Right before you left, I kinda… figured some things out about myself, but I didn’t know if you’d… but I missed my chance to find out.” Without knowing he intended to speak, Eddie opened his mouth, vaguely surprised at the dusty rasp of his voice. “You didn’t know if I’d what?” “Y’know.” His face flushing even more deeply red, Steve smiled awkwardly. “Be interested.”
"You ever been in love?" by HairMetal666/ @hairmetal666 (Canon Divergent, Post-S2 | 12K | Teen): It's fall 1984 and Eddie starts passing notes with an anonymous classmate. It changes his life
🖤pulling your strings by Thorinoakentwig/ @thorinoakentwig (Time Loop AU | 14K | Teen): He wakes up to the melody of Kate Bush and the sound of Dustin and Lucas arguing about what sounds like who would win in a fight between Batman and Superman. It’s like ice water dripping down his spine and Steve jerks up wide eyed and horrified as the kids look over at him in confusion. (Or: Steve lives the same day over and over again trying to save his friends)
Let's Be More Than Strangers by DrowningByDegrees/ @drowningbydegrees (Canon Divergent, Season 3, Fake Relationship | 19K | Teen): It’s meant to be a one-off favor to Robin, Eddie passing himself off as her boyfriend. Robin gets to hang onto the secret of why she never so much as bats an eyelash at the guys who come into Scoops Ahoy. Eddie gets more ice cream than he knows what to do with and the opportunity to pull one over on the former King of Hawkins High. Unfortunately, it all works just a little too well, and Eddie finds himself continuing to come back. Before any of them know it, Eddie is annoyed to find he’s pining over a straight boy, Steve is drowning in guilt as he falls just a little bit in love with his friend’s boyfriend, and Robin would really like them to figure out their nonsense before she dies of secondhand embarrassment.
🖤 Ahoy, Big Boy by ChronicRabbit/ @chronicrabbit (Canon Divergent, Season 3 | 80K | Explicit): Scoops Ahoy. America’s favorite place to cool down, and quite possibly the lamest summer job under the blazing Indiana sun. Especially if you were former High School royalty, brutally rejected by each and every university you’d applied to and promptly cut off by your shitty parents in an effort to teach: “some goddamned responsibility.” Between accidentally intercepted secret Russian communications, a meddling preteen matchmaker with no collarbones, and increased proximity with Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson, a measly $3 an hour plus tips is nowhere near enough to deal.
Burning Love by FluffyChicken (Modern AU, Firefighter Steve | 9/12 | 39K | Explicit): Firefighter Steve Harrington meets one Eddie Munson and their lives change forever.
🖤 better by you, better than me by palmviolet/ @palmviolet (Canon Divergent, Season 1-2 | 20/? | 106K | Mature | Warning: Violence): November 1983. Between unpaid bills, the supposedly straight jock he’s seeing, and letters from his convict dad, seventeen year old Eddie Munson’s got enough to worry about. But when Will Byers goes missing, it sparks a chain of events that will show there are more depths to Hawkins — and to certain people in it, like infamous Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington — than he realizes. / or, the excessively long slow-burn in which Eddie is involved in the Upside Down from the very beginning.
🖤 here be dragons by pukner/ @pukner (Canon Divergent, Autistic Steve & Eddie | 3/? | 19K | Explicit): Eddie Munson has kissed a boy, and now he has to handle the fallout. He’s got to grapple with the fact that he likes boys, likes a boy, and the harrowing fact that he may have inadvertently broken said boy’s heart. (Part 3 of off-script)
Reboot by plutosrose/ @plutosrose (Modern AU, Actor Steve & Eddie | 3/10 | 10K | Explicit): In 2012, Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson film a scene in the teen drama Normal Stuff that launches a popular ship on ao3. By early 2013, they aren’t speaking anymore. In 2024, Robin calls Steve with an offer to reprise his role as Andy Hartley in a reboot of their old show, with one important update–his character gets together with Eddie’s.
🖤 Steve Harrington’s Radical Fun Time Babysitting Service by Humanities_Handbag/ @humanityinahandbag, Invader_Sam (No Upside Down AU, 90’s | 23/? | 88K | Mature): Alternatively: Steve accidentally starts a babysitting service, falls in love, panics [in bisexual], and gets himself a boyfriend. (Part 1 of 90’s Music Store AU)
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Polyamorous: Forgotten Memories
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes/ Stucky x reader
Warning: fluff, a bit of angst, nostalgia
Polyamorous material List
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"Why did you call my Dad Howdy?" Tony asked 
(Y/n) and Ian, her infant son, had come to have lunch with her daughter, although it turned out she had left for lunch with Peter. So she was now sharing lunch with Tony instead and had to ensure he ate something today.
"My Biological father's name was Howard as well...He wasn't all that good at it being a dad. Howdy, though, Howdy was good to me. He didn't deserve to be lumped with Howard." 
(Y/n) knew that Tony didn't have an ideal childhood from what little was shared, but she knew from how Tony still spoke and loved his parents even now that Howdy wasn't the worse father, definitely not on the level as (Y/n)'s own. 
While (Y/n)'s father didn't outright beat her, he wasn't good to her either. Her father worked a lot, her mother took the bulk of raising he only came around to criticize her, she was not the son he wanted. When her mother died, she was still very young her father was quick to marry another woman to replace her mother. Although she did very little in the subject of raising (Y/n), she was just as bad as her father with the need for a son, so while she went to the church to pray for a son, (Y/n) was left on her own. Fortunately, Mrs. Rogers stepped up and filled the maternal role in her life, raising her and Steve to the best of her ability until she too met her untimely end. 
(Y/n) had moved in with the Rogers when Sarah grew ill, Her father and his wife thought her kind for doing such they did not realize she would not return after the woman passed. Nor did they care. 
"I didn't have a real father or any real blood family."
"So, my dad was your dad too?"
" Your father filled that role, not always as a father, but more as a big brother. The only person I can say had even the ounce of love for me like Howdy was Miss Sarah, Steve's mother. Bucky's family loves me but not like she did. She raised me." 
Her memories were hazy, and the majority of her time in the war was blank, so she didn't remember her time with him, not all of it. But she can, she can still remember him, and she loved him. 
"I don't know what he was like with you, Tony, and I'm sorry for whatever he did, but... he was good to me, and I don't want to forget that."
"I'm not asking you to that's not why I asked. I know the guy I know and the person you knew were two entirely different people." Tony sighed as he started picking at his sandwich. " The same person at two different points in his life with different people"
"Please eat," (Y/n) said, sliding a bowl of fruit towards him. " we don't have a talk about it"
"No, I want to know the man you knew" 
"I can tell you the few things I remember or show you some- "
"No videos, no photos. I'm not going through that again."
"Fair." (Y/N) said as she fed Ian some fruit. " Want to know how we met?"
"It was a day or two after saving the 107th that I met your father and came barreling in on a jeep looking for Steve, found me instead."
(Y/n) was sitting up on her cot. Although still bruised, malnourished, and weak, she was doing alright, healing quite well. Physically she was going to make a good recovery. The only problem really was that she was bored sitting alone. Bucky had been checked out already and was giving a debrief of what happened to him and his squad, and Steve was off with Peggying doing whatever. 
So here she sat alone, surrounded by the other wounded, in silence. Not fun.
(Y/n) heard the screeching of tires and shouted outside, followed by more shouts. Suddenly the flap of the tent was pulled back to reveal a man dressed in a suit and sunglasses. The man obviously didn't belong who wore dress shoes out here.
"Rogers? Captain Rogers?"
"He's not here," her voice cracked " he's not hurt"
The man did a double take at her sitting in the infirmary, taking off his sunglasses, he put them in his front pocket. "What's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?"
"Recovering from being a prisoner of War." That checked out she was covered in bruises and bandages and was very thin. 
"Women aren't allowed on the front line. How did you become a prisoner?" 
" I don't really follow the rules" The man let out a chuckle 
"Howard Stark"
"(Y/n) (L/n)"
"Nice to meet you in person finally" he held his hand out for a shake but thought better of it as he saw her wrists wrapped. He knew who this woman was while he had never seen pictures of her, he had heard her name plenty from Steve. She didn't seem anything like he had imagined, but he chalked it up to the fact she was beaten up and in the infirmary and in the middle of a war. War changed people.
"The Captain spoke highly of you and your friendship"
"I don't remember what we talked about after that. I don't even remember if he talked to Steve that day." (Y/n) says with a concentrated look ignoring Ian eating her fruit (Baby tax). 
"Once and only Did my father ever mention your name" Tony confessed " I was young, and we were visiting one of the older properties in the city, Brooklyn. It was dusty, old, and untouched. It seemed frozen in time"
"What are we doing here?" A Young Tony whispered to his mother she shushed him quickly as she watched her husband Climb the stairs to the brownstone house in Brooklyn. Tony watches as his father looks at the door for a moment before fishing out the keys and unlocking the door. 
"Are we staying here?"
"No," his mother says and shushes him again. They wait a few seconds before slowly following him. 
Tony held his mother's hand as they entered the home. It was old and dusty Tony couldn't help but sneeze he was met with another shush from his mother. There were pictures everywhere, walls and tables, all barely visible due to the dust that collected on the glass. There was one notable picture on the fireplace that lay on its face. Letting his mother's hand go, he goes over the fireplace. Stretching his arm, his fingers brush the frame. 
"HEY" Tony jumps back as his father shouts, " Don't touch anything"
His mother quickly pulls him away and takes his hand back.
"What are we doing here?" He asked again but was ignored. 
"Please, Don't touch anything," His mother says, squeezing his hand. 
"Why are we here?" 
" This place belongs to a friend of your father's," she whispers "A very special friend."
He could make his own assumes on what special meant, but by the dusty collection, it was clear that the friend was long gone. He decided he was gone to ask questions anymore. Her standing the situation a little more, his mother allowed him to let go of her hand, but he still stayed close. 
They walked through the living room, kitchen, and dining room everything was literally in place as if frozen in time. There was even a newspaper on the table with the date May 8th, 1946. 
While his mother continues to move through the living room, looking at barely visible pictures, he sneaks up the stairs. Looking through the railing, he sees his father standing in front of a closed door, and it didn't look like he was going to open it. Tony was going to leave it at that, but then he noticed how his father's shoulder shook as he hunched forward, and then he noticed the floor in front of him, far more noticeable due to the dusty, small wet spots on the floor. 
He quickly left, rushing out the door. He never spoke of what he saw or that house again. 
"I forgot about that memory until recently. More like forced myself to forget." 
(Y/n) always wondered what happened after she 'died' but tried to move on from her past, not to dwell on it as her therapist recommended. It was far to look back when you could even remember most of the stuff behind you. Steve filled in the blanks when she and Bucky asked but still. 
"What happened to it, the house?" Ian must have felt mommy's sad and decided to give her open mouth kisses on her chin to make her feel better. It worked. 
"Sorry, um... Jarvis had it packed up. I sold it a few years after he died. I saw no use for it. Sorry"
"It's fine. No need to apologize"
"I can find out where he stores your stuff" 
"That would be nice, thank you," (Y/n) sighed " This is getting quite depressing. Jarvis took care of you in your childhood, right? Tell me about that" 
And he did. The rest of the lunch was spent with them playing with Ian and exchanging stories about Jarvis (Although Tony had many more than she did).  
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@acupofhotlatte @actors-hot @drakesfiance @sambucky8
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pullhisteeth · 2 years
nineteen | eddie munson x reader
summary a reflection on the beginning of you and Eddie. [2.6k]
contains yearning. basically 2600 words of sore, hopeless pining. Also 18+ !!! because of mentions of sex. weed, use of y/n, some mean-ish flirting, the whole babysitter club, alternate ending for season 4 (everyone is just fine!), fem!reader, bi!reader, bi!eddie, brief and superficial Steddie (in a game of never have I ever), Eddie being an absolute wet wipe with a cocky façade. words from 'nineteen' (specifically the Hayley Williams cover). also me with my ‘I used to have a crush on you’ confessions again because they’re the best and I love them SORRY. enjoy!
I felt you in my legs before I even met you and when you lay beside me for the first time, I told you, "I feel you in my heart and I don't even know you."
Eddie remembers the first time he saw you.
It was a photo of the AV club in the yearbook. So, okay, it wasn't you, at least not in the flesh, but he swears that photo will line the insides of his eyelids when he's lying in his grave.
He still has it, the '84 yearbook. It was his first senior year and while under the delusion that he would pass, he gave in to Wayne's pleas for him to get it, telling him he'd regret not having it when he was older and wanted to reflect. Eddie had said Wayne was crazy; why would he want to remember that hellhole?
One evening, in his stuffy bedroom, he was bored and flicking through it. The Hellfire club had made it in, just about, in a small photo of the four of them in the corner of one of the back pages. They didn't have tees at this point, or smart-ass teenagers like Henderson, but Eddie remembers an unfamiliar prickling feeling in his heart that he'd come to learn was pride.
On the same double spread, on the opposite page, there was a fuzzy black and white photograph of the AV club. He recognised a couple of faces from classes he'd had over the years, and one girl he'd had a middling crush on in middle school. And then there, in the centre at the back, was you.
You, grinning over your friends, hair pinned back and eyes bright. Even through the grain of the print he could see you clear as day.
How had he missed you for all these years? How, in all the time he'd spent lingering in the halls and domineering the canteen, had he never noticed your face?
He spent the following weeks searching for you desperately before graduation, and before he lost any chance to ever speak to you. It was a futile attempt; he swears he scoured every corner of that school at every possible time, he missed classes and pissed off teachers, and yet he never found you. He couldn't understand how a face so pretty could elude him.
Graduation came and went and Eddie tucked the '84 yearbook in a drawer in his bedroom. He failed senior year again, and '86 brought a slew of problems (and new friends) that he could never have predicted. The months after their trip into the Upside Down were spent together, enjoying hanging out with each other without the threat of Vecna. And then one day, Robin said she'd be bringing her friend next time they had a movie night.
Eddie thought nothing of it until Robin rocked up to Steve's right on time, as usual, the following Friday, with you in tow. When you stepped through the door he thought Steve had elbowed him in the stomach again for the way the oxygen left his body, but the bemused looks he got from everyone when he made a sick kind of choking noise made him straighten up.
"Guys," Robin declared, stepping aside so you could see everyone clearly. "This is y/n."
Nancy hugged you in a way that told Eddie that she'd met you before. Steve gave you a wave, as did Jonathan, and Argyle slurred some signature greeting that made you laugh.
And Christ, did Eddie want to hear that noise again. You were stood there in the dim hallway, lit by the glow of the setting sun behind you, giggling, and Eddie's scepticism about God disappeared for a fleeting moment because how, without some kind of divine intervention, could you be here, like this, in front of him?
Your hair was pinned back, similar to the photo from the yearbook but you’d cut it shorter since then. Your top and jeans were plain but he didn’t think anything could look truly plain on you.
You were looking at him expectantly. Steve coughed to his left and Eddie’s eyes snapped to yours. He choked out a, “hey, ‘m Eddie,” at which you giggled again and made Eddie’s brain fizz like a shaken up can of soda. Steve shot him a confused glance when he caught Eddie’s dopey smile.
These nights generally followed the same pattern. Movie, food, weed, and ending in conversations too deep and treacherous for daylight. Eddie was on the couch, same as always, arm up over the back of the cushions, Steve on his right. You were sat with your back to the armchair opposite, in which Robin sat, curled up with Steve’s cat, Bob – often called Bob the Brain, a reference that escaped Eddie.
“Never have I ever,” began Steve, on whom the empty beer bottle had landed on when Nancy had spun it on the carpet. “Kissed a guy. Or, I guess, someone of the same sex.”
“Wanna change that, big boy?”
Everybody’s heads snap to Eddie at the same time. He’d been quiet all evening, which wasn’t intentional, but this was too good to pass up. He’d never let Steve get away with shit like this, even if you, heaven-sent and gorgeous, were sitting right opposite him.
As everyone turned to look at Eddie, Steve choked on air.
“Excuse me, Munson?” he dared through spluttering coughs.
“You heard me,” Eddie confirmed, face split in a shit-eating grin. It was promptly wiped off his face, though, when he caught you take a swig of the beer in your hand.
Robin, whose leg was hanging off the armchair and down by your arm, kicked you lightly with a laugh.
“Does that even count?!” she said, breathless.
“Yes!” you defended, turning to look up at her. “It very much does!”
“It was one time!”
“Yeah, and I enjoyed it, so it counts.”
“Someone gonna clue us in?” Steve said, piping up from where he’d finally recovered.
Robin rolled her eyes and said, “we went to a summer camp, like, six years ago. Bunch of girls, small cabins, y’know.”
“Uh, no, Rob, we don’t know,” Nancy said, knowing smile on her face that betrayed her naïve words.
“I made out with one of my bunkmates,” you stated, so nonchalant. Everyone at this point was aware that Robin’s queer and that Eddie’s dating history was mildly confusing, so sexuality wasn’t exactly taboo in this room like it was everywhere else, but Eddie was pleasantly surprised by how unabashed you were about it.
You leaned over and span the bottle in front of you, a silent signal that you weren’t going to clue them in any more than you had, despite Robin’s dry laughs from above you.
It landed on Eddie, though he wouldn’t have known for the way his eyes couldn’t leave the ink poking out from under the cuff of your jeans. He couldn’t make out what it was tattooed on your ankle – a bird? A dragon? A-
His eyes hovered upwards to your face, which was looking at him expectantly again. He’d barely heard you call his name, but he wanted you to do it again. And again. And again.
“Your go.”
“Oh, right, uh… Never have I ever… Fucked in public.”
“Seriously, Eds? I swear you’ve fucked everywhere,” Jonathan said, incredulous, as he and Nancy each took a swig that surprised no one.
“Byers, my reputation precedes me,” Eddie responded with that smug grin that is always so at home on his face.
“You’ve got a reputation?” you asked.
Eddie turned from Jonathon to look at you again. As he did you took another swig, and Eddie swallowed.
“Guess you could say that,” he said flatly.
“Munson’s a class-A player,” Argyle slurred. Eddie rolled his eyes and felt that familiar flush burning fires under the skin on his cheeks, but everyone around him just laughed.
“Oh yeah?” you asked, dialling up the scepticism.
“What, you don’t think I’ve got it in me?”
“Didn’t think people as quiet as you would get the ladies.”
“Or men,” Eddie corrected, tilting his bottle to you, smug smile sticking firm.
“Or men,” you repeated, nodding gently.
“Munson is anything but quiet,” Robin piped up. “He’s just lovestruck.” She sang the last word, drawing out the syllables. Eddie shuffled awkwardly, fingers flexing over his thigh, eyes trained on the bottle on the carpet.
“Funny, Buckley.”
“Did you really mean it when you said you would kiss me?” Steve asked, still in a daze on the other end of the couch, clearly miles away from the conversation.
As everyone laughed again, Eddie said, “I did indeed. Wanna try?”
“Hey,” you said softly from the doorway.
Eddie was outside the back door, looking over the unlit pool into the woods behind Steve’s house. You’d crept over the threshold to find him smoking by the wall.
He turned to look at you and said, “hey.” The atmosphere here was far from the jovial meanness that had permeated the game earlier. Now, people were scattered around Steve’s house, some asleep and others (Nancy and Jonathan) making out lazily in the kitchen while Steve attempted to clean up a bit around them.
He took a drag on the joint and held it out to you as he blew out smoke. The smell that lingered around him was enough to make you hazy, so you softly shook your head and said, “no, thanks though.”
It was February. Hawkins was cold and stiff, and it had been dark for hours by this point so the moon was hard to see.
You rubbed your forearms as you crossed them across your body. Eddie caught it out of the corner of his eye, and said, “you want my jacket?”
Before you could politely decline, he was shrugging it off anyway. With the joint hanging loosely from his lips, he nodded, a signal for you to turn, as he held the jacket by the collar with both hands. You did, and held your arms behind you. He slipped it on, and you looked at him and said, “thanks,” in a voice so soft Eddie nearly didn’t hear you.
Minutes passed and the two of you stood in silence, until you broke it with your delightful voice.
“Finally graduated?”
“Hm?” he hummed over the joint, turning to you slightly.
“I said, did you finally graduate?”
“Oh,” he breathed. The smell of weed in the smoke hit you thick and fast and made you cough a little. “Shit, sorry. Uh, yeah, I did.”
“Well done,” you said, smiling, voice heavy with sincerity. There was no judgement in your tone at all. It was nothing like the way teachers had talked to him about graduation; you made him feel like there was nothing at all wrong with doing senior year three times.
“Y’know,” you began. “I, uh, had a crush on you in middle school.”
Beside you, Eddie choked on smoke. It took him a while to recover, and you rubbing soothing circles into his back as he coughed up his lungs probably wasn’t helping. Your touch was like hot pokers through his t-shirt.
“What?” was all he could splutter in response.
You laughed gently at him, the sound like a familiar tune between his ears, and said, “yeah. I think it was the buzzcut.”
He laughed too, smoke still catching slightly in his throat. “Well, shit, I better find my old clippers then.”
This really made you laugh, so your eyes crinkled shut and your teeth were all on show, and Eddie wanted desperately to burn the sight into his brain. But he couldn’t, so the next best thing was making you laugh as often as possible.
“Please don’t,” you said when you’d calmed. You reached up tentatively, waiting for him to stop you, and smoothed some stray strands flat on the top of his head. “I like it like this.”
Eddie felt himself go to putty under your hands. Your touch was so gentle he could barely feel it, but he could have melted to a puddle on the spot.
“Do you ever tie it up?” you asked.
“Sometimes. When ‘m hot.”
Wordlessly, you reached back and tugged the small scrunchie that was holding part of your hair up out. With it taught around your fingers, you lifted up on your tiptoes, pulled Eddie’s hair back and tied it in a loose bun at the nape of his neck. He watched your face as you did it, the way your tongue poked out and your brows furrowed in concentration.
When you were done, you dropped back to standing and made a face like you were admiring your work.
“I like it,” you stated.
He was smiling at you, face all dopey, stoned on weed and affection.
“You were in the AV club,” is all he could say. Your face twisted to confusion.
“Uh, yeah, I was,” you said.
“I saw your photo in the yearbook.”
You groaned and ran your hands down your face. As you did, your dark mascara smudged to the left of one of your eyes. Without thinking, Eddie reached up and rubbed it away. You didn’t flinch.
“I hate that photo,” you admitted. He couldn’t believe his ears; that photo, hidden in the yearbook in the bottom drawer in his room, had been looked at so many times that the page is all dog-eared and crumpled.
“What? How can you hate it?”
“It’s so ugly.”
He looked at you sympathetically.
“You’re really pretty,” he said. He flicked the stub of his joint to the paving slabs and snubbed it out with the toe of his boot.
You looked up at him through painted lashes and bit your lip to stop yourself grinning. Lifting yourself back onto your tiptoes, you gave him a quick kiss. It was light and over far too soon for Eddie’s liking, so he planted a hand firmly on the small of your back and pulled you back for a deep, forceful kiss that sent you as woozy as the second-hand smoke had.
“I’m glad I found you,” he whispered into your mouth. You chalked it up to the weed, completely unsure what he was talking about, but weeks later, when you had kissed him more times than you could count, he showed you the yearbook and told you about how he’d most likely flunked his first senior year because he’d spent so many weeks hunting for you around school. And in return, you’d admitted that your accompanying Robin on that frigid February night was part of what was intended to be an elaborate plan to get you to Eddie. He’d made it easy, you told him, when you walked through the door and he'd looked at you like he'd fallen in love on the spot.
I felt you in my life before I even thought to feel the need to lay down beside you and tell you that, "I feel you in my heart and I don't even know you."
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Soulmates and Cheese Fries (Shieldshock)
Steve was spending a lot of time at the gym, partly because he was bored in his retirement, and partly because of her. He’d nearly fallen off the treadmill the first time the curvy brunette hopped up on the machine two down from him. He’d not been so bowled over by a woman in decades and it freaked him out. She’d winked at him, and he’d nodded dumbly back, forcing himself to return to his running with intense concentration.
She’d appeared regularly after that and though they’d shared several nods, smiles, and stares (the ogling was mutual, he’d found out, when he’d caught her staring at him lifting weights) neither had said a word yet and he was deeply invested in this interesting game.
Darcy had been in a bit of a slump since Jane’s death and had made a New Year’s Resolution to get active again, hoping that a regular routine plus endorphins would help. It had to be just her luck that she happened to pick the same gym frequented by the All American hunk, Steve Rogers.
She’d frozen for a second when she’d recognized him on the treadmill, but sternly put her inner fangirl in check and got to jogging, unable to help but admire the way his muscles moved when he ran. When they moved to the weight machines, she was too busy trying to not die of exertion (being this out of shape was no fun) to really notice anything around her, but as she was wiping down the leg press bench, she looked up and accidentally met his gaze as he was lifting an ungodly amount of weight. He smiled at her and she felt warm all over.
She spent a long time thinking (and dreaming) about said smile, but never struck up a conversation with her silent gym buddy. Darcy was pretty sure Natasha would have been deeply disappointed in her, but she was reluctant to risk her little private fantasy being destroyed.
Their silent interactions continued over the next several weeks and Darcy started winking back at Steve’s little smiles. She may or may not have googled his relationship status. Then one day, he didn’t show up and didn’t return all that week. Darcy felt strangely bereft and kicked herself over the missed opportunity. She spent Valentine’s Day working, then took the next day off to revel in National Single’s Awareness day, capped off by a trip to her favorite pub for a celebratory drink.
She was sipping and chatting to Gary the awesome bartender, when she heard someone slide onto a nearby stool.
“Hey, Steve. The usual?” Gary greeted and Darcy almost did a spit take at the sight of her gym crush, looking unfairly good in semi casual attire,
Her mouth opened and closed like a fish a few times and then she blurted: “Hey, gym buddy, here to celebrate National Single’s Awareness day? You have to try the cheese fries.”
Steve turned to her, looking so shocked she was wishing she’d kept her mouth shut, but then he grinned at her.
“I was hoping it would be you. I was kinda bummed you didn’t show today.”
They stared at each other and Gary looked back and forth between them.”
“You guys okay?” he asked.
Darcy turned her hand palm up to show them her words.
Gary’s eyebrows raised and he beamed proudly at them.
“Well, congrats! Should I put in an order of cheese fries?” he asked, winking at Steve, who nodded without taking his eyes off of his soulmate. Her eyes were so blue, he could drown in them.
She hopped off her stool and took the one next to him, looking him up and down with great excitement.
“I took today off for some self care, but the universe found a way. I’m Darcy Lewis, by the way: astrophysicist and friend of Thor.”
“And I’m Steve Rogers, cheese fries devotee and gym rat.” He shook her hand and she felt downright giddy. “You wouldn’t believe how many different places I’ve gone for cheese fries on February 15.”
Darcy laughed. “While I definitely wished mine were more specific, they were comforting. I knew I Wasn't going to be rejected by my Soulmate. Believe it or not, it does happen.”
“I’ve heard the stories,” Steve sighed. “But seeing my soulmark stay steady the last few years gave me hope when I didn’t have much. I kept expecting it to fade, but it didn’t.”
“I’m too stubborn to die,” Darcy shrugged. “Just like you.”
There was much flirting over the cheese fries and sharing of stories involving their mutual friends. Talking to Steve turned out to be much easier than Darcy had imagined. He was funny, sarcastic, and showed genuine interest when she was talking, which was incredibly refreshing.
“I was kind of afraid you weren’t coming back to the gym,” Darcy admitted. “I didn’t know it was possible to miss someone I hadn’t spoken to before.”
“Me neither,” Steve agreed, rooting for the cheesiest fry he could find. “But I did. I was visiting Sam and Bucky last week and kept thinking about you. I took the red eye back to get back here for the 15th, just so I could finally say something and find out where it went.”
“Awww,” Darcy crooned, giving him her best heart eye look as she grabbed a fry. “That’s so fluffy!!” She finished off the last of her drink then turned back to Steve.
“A couple more questions, Mr. America.”
“Fire away.”
“First one, where are your Words? Second, would it be way too forward of me to kiss you?”
She spun around on her stool and he caught her hands as she stopped, laughing dizzily.
“I can’t believe Captain Cutie is my soulmate!”
“You’re adorable,” Steve chuckled, beaming down at her. He hadn’t smiled this much in years and it was a glorious feeling.
“But to answer your questions, my Words are right here,” he pulled up his shirt briefly to show the loopy scrawl trailing down his left side.
“Also,” Steve tugged her closer, so their knees were touching, “I’m up for a kiss if you are, Dr. Lewis.”
She was, indeed, very up for it.
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