#i might write more details about his friend and that friendship they had but
lo1k-diamonds · 5 months
SX Seoul series | Namjoon entry 💜 Closer
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GIF by namchyoon
PAIRING: Namjoon x Reader (You can also read it on AO3)
SUMMARY: Namjoon and you were friends for years — he was your confidant, protector, and haven. You didn’t want to risk it, no matter what, but some things can’t be kept in the dark.
GENRE: friends to lovers, smut (it's lovemaking tbh)
RATING: R (explicit)
WARNINGS: reader is shy and introverted, mentions of anxiety, being in the dark in an agitated crowd (reader is safe w/ NJ), fear of losing a friendship, porn w/ plot (lovemaking, or my version of it), unprotected sex (wrap it up), dry humping, riding, they're both shy and idiots in love but they make it 💜
A.N. Is this a slow burn? Am I searingly slowly taking you all on the journey that is kissing and feeling Kim Namjoon? Some could say there was no need to describe it in such detail. They would be wrong 💜
Masterlist | Masterpost | Scroll my stories on Tumblr | Schedule and WIPs
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Someone called your name and you looked up.
“Come on! Don’t fall behind!”
You gasped mutely and rushed in between the ever-growing crowd to join your friends and coworkers atop the stairs. The line wasn’t too big tonight but you still preferred to stay close to them — no way you wanted to be left alone in a bar street in Itaewon in the middle of the night. You pressed your hands nervously, looking around while your friends laughed about something you didn’t hear. No, you didn’t want that. There could be weird people and drunk people, and you were the designated driver anyway—
You blinked at Juhyun through your eyeglasses with big wide brown eyes like a deer caught in headlights.
“Come along!” She sighed, extending her hand so you’d grab it, and you did with relief.
You gave your coat at the reception with a polite head bow, following closely after everyone. The noise hit your ribcage with the force of an alarm, making you grin with gritted teeth but you took a deep breath and hurried along. It wasn’t like you never went out, or had never been there before. SX Seoul had become the preferred club of people working in the industry, and so you found yourself with a vibrating ribcage and sweaty hands every once in a while. However, you did get anxious in crowded loud places like bars and clubs. An elbow sank into your side as you followed after Juhyun and despite the person’s apology and head bow, which you returned, you smiled with a hint of tiredness. The night had just begun.
You got set on the couches, saying hi to everyone you knew who was already there, and smoothly offered to help everyone get drinks. That was an easy way for you to get an alcohol-free drink early on and successfully avoid being offered drinks for a long while.
“Look who’s DJing tonight!”
You had sat near Juhyun after handing her a drink and smiled happily, engaging in light conversation.
“Didn’t you write his breakout music video?”
“Yeah, I did!” 
You smiled politely, a warm fuzzy feeling settling in your stomach — you might have not liked the constant background house beat that had you all screaming to be heard, but you did feel proud of your work. Of every concept you had written, every storyboard you had designed, and every screening you helped with that led you to where you were now — in a creative atmosphere surrounded by like-minded people who just wanted to bring joy and artistry to the world.
As the night continued, you were more and more comfortable, surrounded by people you knew. You didn’t think it could get better, but as soon as Namjoon arrived, you grinned from ear to ear and chuckled at your silliness.
“Hi everyone!” You instantly scooted over and made space for him to sit beside you and join in the conversation, yet as you tried to keep up, he leaned in, “Driving?”
You turned to him and smiled sheepishly, something he returned with a sweetness of his own. You had been friends forever; he knew the answer to his own question.
“Your hair,” he added. 
You blinked then felt for it over your shoulders and chest, trying to see in between psychedelic blinding lights if something had happened to it or something. 
“No! Just— It’s loose!”
You blinked again, pressing your eyeglasses up the bridge of your nose, “Well, yeah.”
He smirked briefly, looking down before facing you again with a gentle puff, “It looks good!”
Your lashes batted once before someone asked for his attention, and just in time. You could feel the heat spreading from your chest to your cheeks and turned to sip at your drink seemingly absentmindedly.
He noticed? You didn’t know why it surprised you so much; Namjoon was an attentive friend. Caring too, he always noticed when something was going wrong or a project was difficult. He always offered to help you out, and you did the same. You had that kind of relationship — friendly and supportive. Of course, that didn’t mean he had to notice your hairstyle for tonight. You had just let go of your usual braids for something more casual — just loose over your shoulders. And now there you were, playing with the long hair locks over your chest like your heart wasn’t fluttering at the simplest interaction.
“Hey! Let’s dance!”
You nodded at Juhyun and got up with a smile that crumbled just a little when Namjoon got up too. He scratched the back of his neck, sheepishly smiling at you and Juhyun.
“You don’t mind if I join you, right?”
“Of course not!”
She had answered for you because yet again you were pressing your lips. Namjoon wasn’t half as bad a dancer as he thought he was and you had all danced together before. Had you blushed then as you did now? You wondered as you beelined to the center of the dancefloor; you couldn’t remember. In the end, it didn’t matter. You smiled as you turned to Namjoon in that circle of people just randomly facing each other in turns. It didn’t have to be anything much, you were just having fun. All of you. It was absolutely fine.
He grabbed your hand and wiggled it for you to pivot and move around and you just laughed and did as told because it was fun. And not a big deal if he didn’t do it to the others, they were busy shouting in each other’s ears anyway.
You felt light and didn’t think it could get better than this when all of a sudden everything became pitch black. The music shut down and suddenly all you could hear was your ears ringing annoyingly and people either shouting or wondering a bit louder than usual about what was going on. It took you a couple of seconds to realize that it couldn’t be normal for a club to just abruptly shut down like that, and it was enough for your anxiety to instantly spike and sting your chest. Yet a pair of arms circled you lightening fast, pressing you safely to a firm chest.
Your cheeks were squished against his pectorals and you could hear a heart racing equally to yours under your ear. A question never formed itself, you knew exactly who was hugging you. It was safe now. You hugged him back and closed your eyes, using his body like an anchor to keep your anxiety from releasing you into the rowdy sea.
Namjoon could hear people getting agitated all around you two, making him squeeze you harder against him. People got nervous in situations like those. They could start running for the exit, pushing and stepping over people without a care if the panic was big enough. And as the absence of music and light continued, mere seconds felt like minutes cracking under the pressure as people became agitated.
He knew crowded places made you anxious. That was how you justified the way he was pressing his lips to the top of your head. It made your already racing heart jump with a foreign feeling, which mixed with his musky cologne had you sweating and not out of nervousness.
A louder shout not so far from you startled you into pressing your fingertips into his lower back and he immediately hugged you tighter. His lips brushed the top of your head again but the agitation around you was too loud, making it impossible to discern what he had said. Yet, regardless, you were safe. You could feel people shifting around you, voices becoming louder, and the occasional glimpse from people's phones. A wave of appreciation and gratitude flooded you, flowing over your anxiety and you unglued your cheek from his shirt to tell him.
His lips pressed lightly atop your cheekbone and your breath caught. His nose had tapped against your eyeglasses and you instinctively squinted though you couldn’t see. None of it bothered you though, on the contrary. Your lips parted in surprise, his thumb dragging across your jawline as if to make sure of where you were in the dark.
You forgot about the world around you. You were suspended in the air, in a trance, waiting for what would happen next, and it happened unexpectedly. His forehead touched yours and you closed your eyes, letting him cradle you sweetly. Little did he know that you could feel no anxiousness now, you were a blank page waiting to be written on.
Or maybe he knew. He didn’t force your chin but he did mutter something while his lips brushed your jawline, and you turned your head. Curiosity, it was all it was. Because you hadn’t heard him, but as your skins brushed, your lips caught the subtle hint of something plush and wet for the tiniest of moments.
You became dizzy and gripped his shirt at the end of his back. Was that what you thought it was? Was that—?
All it took was a millimeter for him to give you the hint that you took without hesitation. His lips pressed to the corner of your mouth and you sighed, eyes scrunching with the tension inside your chest. You were no mind and all instinct when you parted your lips further to get more, just a bit more. All you were ready to do was react, so when it felt like he was about to break away, you closed in.
You were incredibly aware of everything that involved Namjoon. The way his long fingers supported your jawline with a feather-like touch, his short hair falling just above his eyes tickling you where it got to your skin around your eyeglasses, the softest touch of his plush lips as even his breath eased, the gentlest breeze caressing your face whenever you tentatively parted and rejoined like waves kissing the shore.
You were aware of everything, and yet when the lights and music came back on, you were helpless. Namjoon straightened up to look around, trying to figure out what was going on, while you were just looking up at him, gripping him still, trying to figure things out on your own. What was that? What—
“Are you okay?” Juhyun asked right behind you and you jumped in place, startled. You let go of Namjoon, and it was he who answered.
“Yeah, we stayed cool. Are you?”
“Yeah, they pushed around a bit though, geez,” she complained, running a hand through her hair. “What do you think happened?”
“Good question, I don’t know.”
You didn’t hear anything anymore, you were just staring up at him as he talked. Good question. You had no idea either. What happened? Did you really just kiss—
“Listen, if you’re bummed out, that’s okay,” Juhyun shouted above the music, pressing your arm gently. She looked concerned and you tried a smile.
You could guess you looked as befuddled as you felt, “Yeah, I kind of— But I’m your driver!” You shouted instead, remembering your responsibility with a firm shake of your head.
“It’s okay, we’ll catch a taxi!” She shouted with a nod. She knew you were usually anxious; something unnerving like that was surely too much for you. “I’m just worried about you going alone!”
“I’ll go with her,” Namjoon nodded, unwavering, and before you got to say something, Juhyun agreed.
“Take care, text me when you’re home,” she asked you, squeezing your hand once.
You were frowning, about to suggest staying a bit more so you could take her home too when a firmer hand replaced hers. Namjoon returned your gaze, said a quick goodbye with a wave to everyone else, and then pulled you behind him as he made your way out.
Your mind slowly got back on track with every step you took. His hand was firmly wrapped around yours, and despite his wide shoulders in front of you, sheltering you from the chaos, your anxiety guided your thoughts back to the surface with a forced gasp.
What were you doing? Maybe this would turn awkward. You and Namjoon had been good friends for years, you had always counted on him. Maybe that was a mistake, maybe he would be uncomfortable around you now. You didn’t want things to change, you didn’t want to lose his joyful grins, relaxing bicycle rides, and long quiet reading sessions back at his place.
You bowed as you took your coat at the reception and put it on before stepping out into the cold. He was no longer holding your hand, which was holding the coat’s collar to your neck instead. You swallowed and looked down, freezing atop the stairs while you ran by the options and he stepped down ahead of you. You don’t have to leave earlier because of me. I can get home safely by myself. I’m sorry if that was awkward, I—
“Where’s your car?”
You sucked in a breath and told him before turning to walk intently as quickly as possible. The cold was rough on your cheeks, despite the big round lenses of your eyeglasses. You gritted your teeth not to quiver as you stepped carefully over the slippery sidewalk.
When you got to your car, you got in quickly and turned it on to give it time to warm up a bit. Namjoon had followed you inside in silence and was so quiet that his presence could have been buried under your anxiety.
You brushed your flushed cheeks and tried pulling your long hair free, realizing it was trapped between your blouse and the coat. You were so used to having braids that you forgot you needed to tend to your hair properly whenever you put your coat on and now you were stiff and stuck and—
“Easy,” he rasped, reaching to help you and you froze. You glanced up at him and stayed still as he alleviated the tension of the fabric over your shoulders to gently pull your hair out before leaning to repeat the same action on the other side. By then your eyes had lowered to his hands. The way he was handling your dark threads of hair as if it was the most precious silk, worthy of care and attention. “There.”
Your eyes jumped up in time to see him leaning back, a perfectly blank expression making your chest pang in nervousness. You were overthinking again.
“Thanks!” You squeaked, clearing your voice immediately as you leaned forward to reach the GPS screen, “Now, to Joonie’s…”
The drive was easier than you thought it would be. He commented on the cold, and then on what happened at the bar. He had never seen something like that at a bar, only at festivals or concerts. He wondered if the whole street had a power outage or if it was just that room. You mused that if it had been more than just the room, you’d surely hear about it in the news. 
And just like that the car became quiet. Seoul always had traffic, even at 2:52 AM, it was nothing new. So while you comfortably focused on taking him home safely, your thoughts wandered elsewhere.
His lips were the softest thing you had ever touched in your life. Just the delicateness with which you had kissed, you didn’t think you had it in you. Weren’t kisses supposed to be messy? Powerful and passionate? Then how had you touched the pillowy clouds above?
Just remembering it had your guts burning in excitement, and you pressed your lips. Were you making any sense? But you had really done that; hiddenly in the dark, yes, but really. You had acted on your instinct for the first time and gotten a glimpse of the sky. 
You wondered why now. Your friendship was old and comfortable, and he had always been a gentleman, protective but never overbearing. You thought he saw you as a colleague initially and then a friend with similar tastes. You pressed your lips right as you stopped the car in front of his apartment building. One glance at him and you knew that was the same old Namjoon you were used to. Maybe you had dreamed it. Maybe it was supposed to stay a dream.
“Would you like to come up?”
Your eyes jumped and widened, the shock as evident in your expression as a blinking billboard sign.
“I finished the new Murakami,” he continued swiftly, “so you can take it if you want. Or any other book.”
Your lips instantly twitched into a smile, “You finally finished it, then.”
He smirked as you turned off the engine and reached to get your bag, “Finally. You know how I am with his books.”
You nodded and got out of the car, the negative temperature clashing with your blushing cheeks. Yet you only smiled, locked the car, and teased him while you both went inside. Even the ride up the elevator was lighter; you two were back to your eased friendship where you got to poke fun at his annoyance with the repetitiveness of Murakami’s plotlines while enjoying every other detailed introspection he had to offer.
So when you passed the threshold of his apartment, you were as always. You both got your shoes off, though you kept your coat because you weren’t going to stay long. He offered you a drink despite you insisting that it was a quick visit, and as he disappeared into the kitchen to see what he could offer, you beelined to his reading corner.
That space always brought a smile to your face and comfort to your heart. That corner of the living room had a bookshelf from floor to ceiling separated by squared compartments that combined books and small plant pots in a myriad of colors. His most cherished one, however, was the bonsai on the small table next to the gray reading chair and ottoman. He'd let you take up the chair whenever you would read or work at his place, with him preferring the couch so he could stretch his legs more comfortably. You preferred the reading chair because the setting was a mood changer for you and you could use the different shelves to place your open books, especially when designing or writing ideas. Each square was organized in a particular way: some by authors, others by category, or type of work.
“I don’t have much,” you could hear him returning to you. “But I can make tea.”
You shook your head while you crouched, taking a look at your favorite section, “It’s okay, I won’t stay long. Where’s the Murakami?”
“Right here,” his voice sounded from above your head, and you glanced up to see him towering over you, reaching for the book lying by the ledge on the appropriate shelf. He eyed you and you smirked, pushing your eyeglasses up your nose bridge before looking back down. The corners of his lips twitched as he gripped the book inside his hands; he knew you were just happily skimming through your favorite shelf, and that wasn’t the issue. You weren’t the issue, you were— He took a deep shaky breath, “Oh, right, I have another one.”
He placed the Murakami book on the small table and left your side in the direction of his bedroom, you noticed. You pressed your lips and got up, grabbing the book he was holding just now. Blood was rushing to your cheeks and you took a short breath to ease yourself. You were there just to grab that book. You were alone at Namjoon’s, and that had happened hundreds of times before. Not that you had ever kissed before, but you could be cool. It was in the dark anyway. Conceptually, if you were thinking of the outline of a music video, that meant it was a secret. You could keep a secret. You could pretend it never happened.
Overhearing his steps pulled you from the depths of your thoughts to check what he had in his hands.
“Here,” he grinned, showing it to you. 
It was a book and you gasped before you grabbed it. The cover had the digital drawing of a little girl on her bed, not lying down, but facing the wall behind her that had become an ocean with sparkling rays floating above. The title read, ‘Windows to Worlds: The Art of Devin Elle Kurtz’. You thought the name rang a bell as you opened and skimmed through it. 
“I thought of you,” he smiled, dimples sinking sweetly into his cheeks at your interested demeanor.
“Woah, her use of color and lighting looks absolutely astounding,” you breathed, alternating between gasping and stopping your breath altogether with each new page.
“I’m glad you like it.”
“But why did you get it?” You finally caught up, looking up at him. “Because I was struggling with lighting?”
Your tone was appreciative and almost savvy as if you knew you had guessed his intent correctly. Yet he shook his head once, “Because of the braids.”
You lowered your eyes to the cover again and indeed, the little girl had two braids, much like you usually sported. You smiled, “Do you think she has eyeglasses too?”
“Maybe,” he acceded, nodding with ease.
You looked back down at the cover — the girl had her palms against the glass as if she was staring into a new magical world. It brought warmth to your chest. Not just because it was beautiful or because it was going to help you, but because Namjoon saw some of it in you.
You pressed the books to your chest, facing him to thank him when your smile fell. His expression had lost some of its casualness and you were immediately flooded with apprehension.
“Are we going to talk about it?”
His tone was so gentle it brought tears to your eyes. It was Namjoon. All of it, all of your doubts and anxiety were about one of the most important people in your life. Who cared how you might have felt; you absolutely could not jeopardize your friendship.
“I’m sorry,” you breathed so sincerely your voice shook.
“I… It was…”
Your gaze was on the floor around his feet on the white carpet as you tried to find words. You half expected him to move or make things less awkward with his spirited humor, but he waited.
So you said what came to mind, “An accident. Right? It was an accident,” you repeated, ignoring the heat making your eyeglasses fog ever so slightly. “It was dark and…”
You sucked in a breath and pushed your eyeglasses up your nose bridge to soothe yourself, and froze when he nodded slowly.
“I… can’t call it an accident.”
Your eyes widened impossibly, “But— But then— I mean,” you blinked, “that would mean…”
You were just stammering and he smiled, “Yes. I don’t just— I wouldn’t just—” He smirked, scratching the back of his head, “I’d be lying if I said—”
His voice got caught inside his throat. You were looking up at him with eyes so big he feared they’d pop or something. He thought he was ready to talk about it and get it out in the open but— Were you even breathing?
“You know what? Never mind,” he shrugged, with a smile that pressed his plush lips too thin.
Your eyes widened even more, “No—” You almost choked from your impulse and instinctively stepped back, and everything went dark.
You held your breath as if you had been caught in a trap. You could have been back at the club, but there was no crowd, no fear, and no pressure. There was light still shining from his bedroom, reassuringly outlining his silhouette. You were safe, just like then. And it formed the words out of your mouth.
“I can't call it an accident either,” you confessed, and instantly your shoulders relaxed. He didn’t move and you couldn’t see him, but you knew him. You knew of his presence and the way he would never judge or hurt you. “I kissed you back.”
The silence continued between you but you found comfort in it. It was as though you had time to process, to put yourself back in your shoes moments earlier when exactly like that, in the dark, you let something from deep within surface.
“I was… curious,” you voiced quietly.
“What would you… feel like? How would you…” you were getting lost and closed your eyes. You could almost feel him again, his warmth, his scent, the firmness of his arms around you, helping you levitate safely into the clouds. Your eyes opened at the sound of a footstep and you instantly flushed, “I mean, I— I’m sorry, I—”
“No, don't say sorry.” His outline drew closer until he stopped right in front of you. “You were curious about that?”
Why was your heart racing so fast? You were so hot that you knew for a fact your eyeglasses were fogging, despite not being able to see it. You swallowed and fanned your face a little, self-conscious about your hands becoming sweaty and dirtying the books.
Yet as you tried to calm down, you realized silence was stretching. He was waiting, of course, gentlemanly as he was. And you were embarrassed but in the dark, you also wanted to be brave.
“I liked it.”
You left it there, your sincere answer to his question. Your heart was thrumming wildly but you were not half as nervous as you thought you’d be.
“I liked it too.”
Your breath caught as you looked up despite barely seeing a silhouette. What?
“Would you do it again?”
“Now?” Your voice pitched.
“Yes?” Your tone was inquisitive, but it was more out of shock that he said yes. You were heating up so much you didn’t think you were processing thoughts logically, and you weren’t. Your head was blank, “Yes.”
It felt like an eternity, but you knew that wasn’t true. You were just too eager to see what happened next, to feel him again and check if your head would be caught spinning as you floated away to the clouds again.
The books in your hands disappeared quickly, only the sound of them hitting the table told you their fate, and not that you cared. His breath was fanning your face and your head instantly fell back, tapping the wall as your lips parted and you waited for what you wanted most.
When it didn’t instantly come, you had no issues soothing his hesitation by guiding his hands to your jaw. You wanted him to know where you were; exactly there, between the wall and his safe embrace, waiting. 
Finally, his breath was so close it fully stopped when your lips locked together in a feather-like touch, and you moved. You pressed yourself closer, brushing his lips so you’d match completely. Your mouth dove into a sweeter taste, fingers tracing up his neck tentatively to grasp that feeling. And he let you, falling in with you, leaning into you as far as you’d let him.
Your lips parted in an invitation that he took promptly, leaving a wet trace on your bottom lip before he committed. You sighed into his mouth, gripping his shirt to pull him closer. He could reach into you and all around you; you were falling. There was an expanse behind and all around you and it reminded you of free falling; it was probably what skydiving felt like. Only you weren’t nearing the ground but going further from it. That sky was about to catch you; a sweet, soft, endearing sky about to clasp you affectionately and carry you into a dream.
You only stopped because he pulled back, kissing the tip of your nose before pressing his lips to your cheek. It was when you noticed that you two fit together like puzzle pieces, with your fingers buried in the nape of his neck, his into your lower back, your breaths mixing as your legs intertwined.
His breath was heavy against your warm cheek, “This can stay here. In the dark. If you want.”
You were too far to recognize the concern in his voice, “Is that what you want?”
“No,” his reply was instant, a subtle shake of his head as his lips dragged over your heated skin. “No, I'm curious about way more than this.”
You opened your eyes, eager to see in him what he meant, but the darkness hid his expression. It protected you, yes, but now, it made you uneasy. There was a moment when it had soothed your fears, maybe even made you brave, but now it was enough.
“Would turning the light on bother you?”
You felt his smile before he pulled away, “Not at all.”
His hands were still supporting your waist as you felt the wall behind you until you flipped the switch. You shut your eyes instantly with a grimace and knew he had done the same.
“Sorry,” you whispered.
You couldn’t see it, but he smirked, “I told you you could.”
His eyes opened first, eager to bypass the sudden sensibility so he could look at you as soon as possible. Your eyes and nose were still scrunched, your eyeglasses had fallen lower on your nose than you liked normally, and the top of your cheeks was beautifully blushed. He didn’t resist cupping your cheek to brush his thumb over the red hue and your eyes opened, looking up at him over your eyeglasses. You were so close to each other but you couldn’t look or move away.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed, eyes set on yours as if he were seeing stars.
“How can you see anything, we’re so close,” you whined with a huff.
He chuckled, “Yeah?”
You pouted; your eyeglasses were falling down your nose bridge again, and he grinned. He was so unbelievably happy right now, and as you pressed the eyeglasses further up, he wished it would never end.
“Is it…” you were quiet, “better like this?”
“Much better,” he assured confidently, looking into your eyes intently. 
Every time you blinked, wherever you glanced, he kept his cool and tried holding his fear in check — what if you suddenly pushed him away, became uneasy, or regretted this? 
Yet your eyes fixed on his as your hand returned gently to the side of his neck, “You said… you’re curious about more?”
He couldn’t breathe, “Yes.”
“What… does that mean?”
Your voice was a thread and he swore he became dizzy, “You. I—” His lips twitched as he found words, “I want to be with you.”
He settled on that simple fact and shushed his racing heart. It was too soon to confess how long he had been thinking about this, how far he had fallen, and how deeply sure he was that there was no one else he wanted. Nowhere else he wanted to go, no other person who could be home, no other soul he wanted to share his time with. Shit, this was not the time for a love confession.
“Not in the dark,” you mused, thinking back. “But here,” you searched his eyes with a light line between your eyebrows. “Do you want that? To be… a moment of—”
“No,” he interrupted firmly, making sure that every point you touched each other conveyed that. “I want more than a moment, than one night, than a place, than— No,” he breathed. “I want so much more.”
You weren’t sure there was any reaction you could have given because you were floating again. His arms were around you, his mouth speaking words you had long wished to hear, and you waited. It felt like the right thing to do; you just waited for him to become so much more.
“And you?” He asked after waiting to hear your thoughts. “Where would you take this?”
You almost choked with your instant answer, “All the way.”
His eyebrows jumped before his expression scrunched into a rapturous smile, and you filled your chest with air. You needed it, you needed a big deep breath before the dive. When his forehead touched yours, you stayed close, eyes half-hooding, waiting, and ready. You had been ready for a while, all there was left to do now was fly.
You were waiting for his kiss when he grabbed your head, both of you eager and gentle in your grip on the other. His lips were as soft as before but now he was pressing harder, searching for something in the depths of your kiss, and you met him halfway. There was the passion you had thought of before, making your skin pucker as your breathing dragged. It was curious how you were so focused on every little detail of his — his jawline moving under your fingertips, the soft skin at the column of his neck, his wide shoulders where your arms found support to press him closer to you — but had no actual thoughts. Every brush of his lips had you sinking further, every lick of his tongue had you immersed until his hands were pulling you to him and barely letting you touch the ground.
When your feet did touch the ground you lost your balance a little and inadvertently fell into him, which had him feeling behind him to make sure he could sit down. Your lips parted and he looked up at you, hands supportive but not pressuring you. He waited for you to decide if you’d follow him or not, and you didn’t hesitate. You raised a knee to his outer thigh and he instantly supported it, helping you to straddle him effortlessly before he leaned back into the reading chair.
You towered over him a little bit and as he hugged you close, you couldn’t help remembering how many times you had sat in that same chair just to read. Now he was there with you, under you, kissing your neck gently, and you kissed his head with the excitement bubbling under your skin. This was really happening, you could barely contain yourself.
He pressed you to sit closer to him and you guided him to look up just so you could dive into his kiss again. His skin was so soft, his touch so gentle as he let you steer your mouths until your head started spinning. You went deeper with every kiss, and with every sparkle, you became daring. Your fingers laced around his hair, your breaths one and the same as your hips moved on their own accord to fuse you two in any way possible. Your instinct was taking over, regardless of how you ground against him or leaned into him as if it would merge you two together.
You were hot and breathless when you felt a hint of his fingertips brushing the skin at your lower back, and instinctively you pulled back. He looked up at you, instantly wary of mistakenly crossing a line, but in a rustle of clothes, your blouse went up and away, thrown on the floor.
You faced him then, the goosebumps forming on your skin wherever his fingertips brushed your back as you seemed to exude heat. Not even for a moment did you wonder if you were going too far, despite being in a bra only in front of him. Rather you eyed his shirt and pouted, and he got it; in a second it was gone too.
Your lips twitched as you stroked down his neck, over his clavicles, and to his wide shoulders. You knew he’d be perfect, you knew you’d go well beyond liking every inch of him, but reality was far sweeter than your imagination. Before you could lean in and kiss every inch, he beat you to it. His pillowy lips grazed over the expanse of your neck before lowering down your chest and you sank your nails on his shoulders. It was the lightness of his touch, the warmth of his breath contrasting with his tongue as he explored everything until he dared lower. He moved slowly, maybe hesitated, and your hand darting to the back of his head to support him eased him.
He kissed and nuzzled every inch of your chest then settled over your sternum, breathing you in between your breasts just above the center gore. You knew why he stopped, but you were riding the shivers and throbs his every breath drew out of you, and you didn’t want it to stop. You reached behind you and unclasped the bra, letting the straps slide off your arms while you held his gaze. Yes, you wanted to do this. Yes, you wanted him to touch you, to know how he—
His hands over your waist raised to cup your breasts and rub your nipples and you shivered, goosebumps covering you from head to toe. The more he brushed over the hardened tips, the less control you had over a deep whine wanting to escape your lips.
You were biting your lip in this sweet struggle when he glanced up at you before leaning in to take one inside his mouth, and you whined. Your hips bucked over him, drawing closer while your cries grew and expanded with every lick of his tongue. You were grinding hard on him now, unaware of how unruly you were being. Your cries just needed to be heard, your hunger satiated as you searched for friction and wondered why it wasn’t as intense as it should be.
Your chest was wet by the time he parted his mouth from the delicate skin, but you didn’t have time to think about it. His hands gripped your hips to press you closer, and you jumped out of his arms in a mix of outrage and eagerness. 
So that was why you couldn’t feel him properly, you concluded, as you unbuttoned your jeans. Of course, how stupid. At least it was easily fixed.
You only stopped when your clothes hit the floor. His eyes locked with yours and you hesitated. You were totally naked in your eagerness, maybe you were going too fast. But his hands guiding yours to his shoulders before he leaned in to kiss over your tummy made you realize you were being silly. His eyes were glistening, looking up at you before closing to enjoy the taste of your skin, his cheeks were red, and despite his pants, the tent was very visible. 
You wanted to be close so you raised your knee again, and once more he guided you to straddle him. He kissed quickly up your chest before eying your mouth, and you obliged. Kissing him like this was more vulnerable, open, and raw, but you wanted to. His fingertips stroked your sides softly downwards and you sighed into his mouth, gripping him closer. You wanted so much more.
His hands settled atop your hips and it made you whine and wiggle so they would move. It didn’t occur to you to separate your mouths and tell him to touch you; in fact, no thoughts were occurring to you. He seemed to hesitate on where to go while palming your hips, and in the end, it was your hand that guided him to where you wanted him. You froze amidst your kiss, mouth agape as your eyes opened when his fingers skimmed your sex. A shiver ran down your spine, your breath halting as you waited for him. His eyes were set on you, carefully taking in your expression as he dared to brush lower, exploring down your mound, around your hooded clit, and gently over your folds before retracing his steps.
A strangled quiet moan had you closing your eyes to get lost. His fingers were drawing circles over your clit, ever so gently, prodding how to please you without hurting you, and you sank your nails into the back of his neck. You could worship that man now — it was all you knew as you looked at him between half-hooded eyes. Every circle brought a spark, a throb, a buck of your hips until the tension inside you made you jump away from his touch. You kissed him hard then, grabbing his head desperately — you wanted him, not just his hand.
You reached between your bodies to cup his bulge and he choked in your kiss. You pressed harder, too curious to let him breathe or get away, and searched for a way to open his pants, but it was difficult without looking. Fortunately, he understood perfectly what you wanted and got to it.
He raised you off his lap for the single moment it took him to squirm and slide his clothes down his legs before settling you over him again. His skin was burning hot against your inner thighs and as you kissed him, you imagined it was because he wanted you the same way.
You reached again for him and this time there were no barriers. You felt his hard length gently, caressing its soft skin carefully before stroking him against your palm.
He grunted into your cheek; your lips had parted so you both could focus on those new sensations. Something wet was making it easier to stroke him and press the head gently, with every movement earning you something, whether a groan, a sigh, a twitch of his fingers over your hips, or more precum.
You loved seeing and hearing every reaction, but you didn’t want to wait. You were tense and overheating, and that hard cock in your hand belonged somewhere else.
You moved on your knees to straddle him closer, positioning yourself with nothing but the intention to feel him, but you paused. Before the sight of the pink swollen tip at your entrance could steal your logic, you looked at him with an implied question. He nodded with glistening eyes, hands gripping a bit more of your ass to convey just how much he wanted this. And so you leaned to touch your foreheads before you guided him inside you.
You were unbelievably wet but still, it took a moment for him to become coated enough to slide in without any attrition. It felt like a trial and error; every time you tried sitting lower, there was resistance, and so you raised yourself and tried again. And again and again, with his fingers sinking into your skin as he hid his scrunched-up expression. Your eyebrows were knitted too, especially when he hit a particular spot, and soon he bottomed out.
You wiggled a little to make room, your tension gripping him inside you so hard that both of you groaned. You bucked your hips over him and sighed before reaching back, taking support on his legs. The hunger in his glistening eyes as he observed you taking your pleasure from him was like straight out of a dream, except he was really there, stretching you to the edge, bubbling a tension up your spine so good you knew you wouldn’t last a minute.
So you leaned forward again, palming the expanse of his chest as you let the fluttering subside for a bit. A smile bloomed on your lips as he reached to kiss your skin, supporting you closely while he grazed up your neck. Yet as it had blossomed, your smile faded when your eyebrows knitted further and your pleasure sunk in your gut. He had taken a firmer grip of you and used his leverage to thrust his hips up and into you, successfully crumbling whatever excuse of a restraint you had.
You moaned unreservedly and as he pulled away to face you without relenting, you met him with glistening eyes. It wasn’t a betrayal but because of him, you couldn’t hold back. He understood; he told you with a nod as he tried keeping the rhythm steady for you. So you hugged him to you and let the pleasure spike once, twice, until a moan burst out of you with the knot in your lower gut releasing the tension.
However long it lasted, it was long. It left you powerless and radiating heat like a furnace, only he was even hotter than you. He was sweaty under your arms and legs as you embraced him, and it mixed with your wetness and cum, but you didn’t care.
He waited for you to pull away and kiss his humid forehead before he asked, “Can I take you to bed?”
“Yes,” you sighed, still up high in your haze.
He could tell how languid you were so he picked you up carefully, hugging your legs around his waist and supporting your lower back. His heart was racing as he carried you, not because he was afraid of dropping you — no way in hell that would ever happen — but because this was really happening. He was really carrying your naked body across his apartment, your sweaty bodies pressed together after you reached your pleasure in his arms only for him to take you to bed and continue to show you how much he cared for you. He sighted the bed when your limbs squeezed him more firmly and he smiled from ear to ear. It was like carrying a koala bear who didn’t want to let go of him, and he loved that.
He sat on the bed with you on his lap before carefully supporting your back so he could lay you down gently while hovering over you and you finally blinked. 
Your senses were coming back; Namjoon was over you, caging you between his biceps while your legs laced around him. He was inside you, and even if you had forgotten, he reminded you when he moved tentatively. Your eyes were set on his, and that was how you saw the concern crossing them, and you blinked again. You and him were connected like you had only ever dreamed, and it was good. You reached to cup his cheeks and guide his mouth to yours; you wanted him to know that. That you knew what you were doing, with whom, and how, and your heart was completely in it.
If he wasn’t kissing your lips, then he was pecking the tip of your nose, grazing your cheeks, or brushing down the column of your neck as his hips gained speed. You raised yours to feel him as deep as possible, and as you held onto him, you let the emotions flood you. The safety of his arms, the completeness as he filled up all the gaps, the nurture of every tender kiss, the shared warmth, tension, and torture of your bodies rocking together. You were meshed inextricably in an ascent that you had never dared to imagine, and you grabbed him even harder, in case the intensity had you floating away.
Your voice had a life of its own; every time he sank further into you, your soul expanded. Every time he buried himself inside you, your moan released into his ear, and over and over again as he hid in your neck, revering you in all the ways he could.
“You feel so good,” he rasped against your throat, and against all odds you heard it in between moans. Maybe because he was slowing down. He pulled away to face you so closely you saw him blurred despite your eyeglasses, “I don't want it to end.”
Your eyes widened and watered but no words came out in time; he pressed your lips sweetly and you buried your fingers in his hair, feeling your heart swelling with every beat. He restarted his hips, guided by your legs pressing him into you, and you thought that nothing else mattered than him knowing. You also didn’t want it to end, you wanted to stay with him forever, linked, safe, accepted, hidden from anything that wasn’t blissful peace, and happiness.
His hips snapping into yours brought groans, moans, and whines out of the both of you, with wet sloppy sounds echoing in the bedroom along with the slaps of skins colliding. It became fast, forcing you to wrap your limbs around him firmly to never miss any sensation he could give you until you tensed unbelievably.
You surrendered to your climax immediately, letting it wash over you as you throbbed and reveled in scream-inducing spasms. He grunted and swore into your neck, but to your surprise, he didn’t come with you. On the contrary, suddenly you could feel his intent to pull out so you crossed your legs behind him and searched for his ear so you could tell him, “Inside me. Stay inside me.”
He groaned and you rocked with him, keen on extending both your pleasure as much as possible when he twitched inside you. You closed your eyes and his lips immediately caught yours. He kissed you with every peak, groaning into your mouth at every turn, making you shudder.
He stilled and you kept petting his damp hair at the back of his head, slowly waiting for both your hearts to calm down. You couldn’t believe what just happened yet at the same time it was as natural as breathing.
Finally, he moved from the crook of your neck and faced you. A single drop of sweat dripped along his nose to the tip and you caught it with your fingertip. He nuzzled you then, recovering his breath with a tender smile, and you smiled back.
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Like An Evening Sky || Ominis Gaunt X Reader || Smut
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Outline: You ask Ominis to be your date for the ball and he feels sorry that he can’t see how beautiful you are... So you help him get a much more detailed and intimate idea of what you look like.
Word Count: 2’624
Warnings: friends to lovers, explicit smut.
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For the past few months, all you heard about was that the Yule Ball was coming up. Students were excitedly - and constantly - chatting about it, planning their outfits or gossiping about who will be accompanying who, it pretty much was the event of the year for those who were old enough to attend.
You had been thinking about it too, of course, but more cautiously than the others. You usually dodged the persistent questions of your friends, asking who you were hoping would ask you or why you had refused to go with Leander, which might have been your only chance of having a date.
Now a few days before the event, you still weren’t sure if you’d bother attending, even though you had promised Natsai that you’d at least dress up and go to enjoy the buffet with her.
The library was quiet, with the faint sounds of whispers and pages being turned around you, you thought that you would have felt at peace, sheltered from the buzzing energy of other students preparing for the dance, but you found yourself mulling over it way more than you wanted. The main cause of your growing frustration happened to be sitting right across from you, focused on reading an ancient book with the help of his wand.
Ominis probably was the only last year student who didn’t mention the Yule Ball coming up once. Or if he did, he never talked about it with you. Which made it even more annoying than his apparent lack of interest in it. Ominis was supposed to be your friend, your best friend even, and yet you had no idea if he was planning to go and who he had asked on a date. And to make the matter worse, he didn’t seem to care about who you were planning to go with either.
“Ominis ?” You whispered, finally gathering the courage to satisfy your curiosity, even if it meant potentially feeling very upset because of his answers.
“Yes ?” His wand stopped following the sentences in his book and his pale eyes lifted to look in your direction, showing you that you had his full attention.
“Are you going to the ball ?” You asked, nervously doodling with your quill at the top of the parchment you were writing on.
“I… No, I don’t think so. Are you ?” He replied, his voice hesitant, making you wonder if he was hiding soemething from you or if he really hadn’t given the ball a single thought until today.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged, faking a detached tone. “But if you want to go, maybe we could go together ?”
You saw his eyes widen in surprise, a faint pink blush bringing color to his usually pale face.
“Uh, I guess we can… If you want.” He agreed and you let out a relieved sigh that you were sure he unmistakably noticed.
“Very well.” You said, loudly gathering your things and standing up from your seat. “Ill see you later.”
And with that, you rushed out of the library, hiding your silly smile behind your books and leaving him to study by himself, still a bit confused by your attitude.
You spent the evening before the ball in your dorm with Natsai, nervously getting ready, trying on the dress she had convinced you to buy during your last shopping trip to Hogsmead and getting your hair up in a sophisticated updo.
Natsai didn’t pester you about your date as much as you had expected her to. When you had told her and Garreth that you had asked Ominis, neither of them seemed surprised by your choice, only by the fact that neither of you had asked each other before. Was it so obvious to everyone that you had a crush on your best friend ? And did they think he liked you back ? Because frankly, even though he had agreed to accompany you tonight, you still weren’t sure if he was doing it for the sake of your friendship or because he was hoping for something more.
You walked to the temporary ballroom with your classmates, already hearing the music seeping through the closed doors and the laughters of students resonating against the walls. Up in the stairs, you spotted a group of first years, peeking from behind the railing with curious eyes. You smiled to yourself, remembering when you were their age, dreaming about attending this event too.
“I guess we’ll see you inside.” Natsai said, bringing your attention back to your trio. You followed her gaze to the opposite hallway, immediately noticing the handsome man standing there, in a immaculate white suit. You heart leaped in your chest. Ominis really was here and he was waiting for you.
Garreth and Natsai left you, arm in arm, as they entered the party. You took a deep breath and joined Ominis, as happy to see him as it was making you nervous.
“Good evening.” You greeted, once standing in front of him. “That suit looks very nice on you.”
He gave you a polite smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, a twinge of sadness passing on his face.
“And I’m sure you look beautiful too tonight… Not that you don’t look nice on other days, I’m sure you do… What I’m saying is that you must have put in some big efforts to look even better and err… Forget it.”
You laughed, finding it cute how flustered he got with his attempt to compliment you. It was pretty unusual to see him lack self confidence and not express himself in perfect, almost diplomatic sentences. You thanked him anyway and looped your arm with his, guiding him to the ballroom.
You stood in awe at the entrance for a moment, amazed by how beautiful it looked inside. The room had been decorated in a winter theme, the snow falling from the enchanted sky above and the flickering of all the candles around making it look like you had stepped into a fairytale. You turned to Ominis, wondering if he was impressed too but the lack of reaction on his face reminded you that he couldn’t see how breathtaking it all was.
Students were dancing, others were excitedly chatting in groups and a few others were hanging by the buffet of sweets and various options of beverages. You found some of your classmates, talked and laughed together and shared a few dances with Ominis, who seemed to enjoy himself. Mostly.
But after two hours at the ball, alternating between dancing and filling your mouth with candies you never tried before, your date’s behavior changed, becoming a bit more distant and less talktative.
“Are you feeling unwell ?” You asked him, worried by how distraught he suddenly seemed.
“No… Yes.” He admitted, reluctantly. “All those people around, the music, the chatter… It’s a bit much for me too keep up with.”
“Oh, of course.” You nodded, only now understanding that he must feel overwhelmed by it all, his senses so much more sensitive than yours to compensate for his lost vision. He probably knew he’d end up feeling this way if he attended the ball, which explained why he had been trying to avoid it but he had agreed to go with you because he was a good friend and you felt awfully guilty about it now. “Let’s go outside.”
With your arm looped with his again, you guided him out of the ballroom and into the quiet gardens of the castle. The stars were brightly shining in the night sky and although the air was a bit chilly, it felt nice to escape the warmth and humidity of the party for a while.
You walked to an alcove, where you both sat on a stone bench, sheltered by the cold winter breeze and far away enough from the doors to only hear faint music reaching your ears.
“That’s much better, thank you.” Ominis said, looking indeed relived but sadness remained in his expression. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to ruin your night. It’s alright if you’d rather go back inside and dance with someone else while I take a break here.”
“Don’t be silly, you’re not ruining anything and I’d much rather stay with you, I don’t care that much about dancing or partying anyway.”
“You don’t ?” He asked, confused again. “Why did you ask me to attend with you then ?”
“Because it sounded nice to spend some more time with you.” You replied, honestly. It had been a while you hadn’t been just the two of you together , maybe because he had been avoiding talks about the Yule Ball and therefor avoiding you and your friends as well.
“With me ?” He repeated, as if he couldn’t quite believe you. “Why would you want to have me as a date ? I’m not exactly a social butterfly and I can’t appreciate how lovely you must look tonight. I heard Leander and Garreth whispering about you earlier, they said you were the most beautiful girl in there but me ? I have no idea what you look like, not tonight, not at all.”
“I’m sorry Ominis, I didn’t know it mattered to you.”
“It doesn’t, not really. I think you’re amazing because of who you are, not what you look like… I just think it’s a shame you look so beautiful and I don’t get to enjoy it like the others do. Especially tonight, you probably have a nice hairdo and you must be wearing a gorgeous dress but it’s all the same to me.”
“Very well then.” You stood up and placed yourself in front of him, reaching for his hand and bringing it to your waist.
“What… What are you up to ?” He asked, barely daring to touch you, even with your permission.
“I want to show you what I look like, in a way that works for you.” You explained, gently moving his hand to the front of your dress so that he could feel the pearls sewn on the fabric underneath his fingers.
He seemed to understand what you were expecting of him and soon, his curiosity took over his cautionary nature. He followed the pearls from your hips up to your stomach, really feeling the different textures he touched.
“Your dress is soft.” He stated, moving upwards until he reached the opening of the low neckline. He tentatively stroked your bare skin there with two fingers, a satisfied smile appearing on his lips as he did. “But it isn’t as soft as your skin.”
“It’s… A dark blue dress.” You told him, wondering if he even knew what this color looked like. Maybe it didn’t matter, but you felt compelled to say something, anything, just to encourage him to keep going.
“Like an evening sky.”
You took a step closer, standing between his legs and his other hand joined his exploration of your body. He traced the outline of your silhouette, going from your hips all the way up your sides and softly grazing your cleveage. Your breath caught in your throat at the more intimate touches which caused him to stop them.
“No, keep going. Please.” You whispered, your voice guiding his eyes to yours. With his face lifted up to you, as you stood over him, you could easily reach for his blond hair and push back the stray piece falling on his forehead.
He listened, his hands resuming their wandering up your body, caressing your chest before heading downwards, back to your hips, and then to your thighs, noticing and taking in all the curves and lines of your body.
In the darkness of this starry winter night, with nothing but the light of the moon to illuminate his white form, you dared do the one thing he never found the courage to do himself and leaned over to plant a kiss on his lips.
The kiss was just as soft and gentle as his touch once his surprise faded and he pulled you even closer. You heard him whisper your name as you both came up for air, so you kissed him once more to show him that you were still there with him.
That second kiss seemed to ingnite a forgotten passion inside him, his lips pressing harder on yours as he pulled you once more, but with much more strength than before. You landed on his lap and you felt his arms around your waist securing you on top of him.
It was your turn to whisper his name, as his hand grew a lot more confident in the way it roamed over your body. After a few more feverish kisses, he pulled the fabric of your dress up your legs. You shivered at the feeling of the cold night air on your previously covered skin but the way his fingers now danced over your bare skin instantly warmed you up.
“Are we all alone ?” Ominis asked, between two breathless kisses.
You looked around, checking your surroundings as well as you could from your seat on his lap, under the alcove you had find refuge in.
“I think so… Why ?” The question had escaped your lips before you even realized it, causing an amused smile to appear on Ominis’s face.
“Because if I manage to get some satisfied sounds out of you, I want to be the only one to hear them.” He said, his good manners and cautious vocabulary long gone. His answer sent a wave of intense heat through your body, burning your cheeks.
He moved his hand under your dress, reaching for your underwear and interrupting his caress just shy of the hem. “May I ?”
“Please.” You begged, spreading your legs slightly further apart to grant him better access to your center.
He kissed you at the same time that his fingers moved inside your panties, exploring the most intimate part of your body with eagerness. He slipped between your folds, easily finding your clit and gently rubbing it between his fingers, making you exhale in shocked pleasure. You closed your arms around his shoulders, burying your face against him as he kept playing with you, your need for relief slowly but surely increasing with each of his movements.
You were pretty sure that it couldn’t get any better than that, with his palm adding pressure to your entrance while his fingers were expertly torturing your clit but he proved you wrong as soon as he pushed one of his elegant fingers inside of you.
You closed your eyes, surprised by the intensity you felt in the pit of your stomach as he reverently moved it back and forth inside you. You were getting used to the sensation, and your body was too judging by how it was becoming increasingly easier for his finger to glide in and out of your body.
Then, he added a finger to the one already there and your body shook with pleasure. You moaned quietly against him, which seemed to encourage him to thrust his fingers into you even deeper, with rapid movements you could barely keep track of.
“Ominis.” You whimpered, against his neck, feeling his grip on you tighten to hold you in place on top of him. A few more seconds and the dam inside you broke, flooding your whole body in numb pleasure. You put a hand on top of where his still was, to stop the motions that you couldn’t take anymore and he understood, putting your panties as they were and gently kissing your forehead as you still tried to catch your breath.
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driverlando · 2 months
hii!! i saw requests were open and i lunged. maybe friends to lovers oscar and reader? all the oscat evidence has got me thinking, and what if you bring up how much of a polite cat he is, and then you start rambling about how awesome he is, and you've basically spelled out your feelings. what happens next is up to you! love all your writing, and i've already said this, but congrats on 1k!!
thank you angel!! 🫶🫶
You’ve always known Oscar to be a polite and considerate friend, the kind of person who remembers little details about your day and always offers a helping hand.
Over the years, your friendship has been a comforting constant, filled with shared laughter and quiet moments of understanding. But lately, the lines between friendship and something more have started to blur.
It happens on a lazy Saturday afternoon. The two of you are lounging on your couch, a half-finished puzzle sprawled out on the coffee table. You’re both in a playful, relaxed mood, teasing each other about the pieces.
“You’re like a cat, you know,” you say suddenly, the thought popping into your head. “Always so polite and considerate, but with this underlying charm and mystery.”
Oscar laughs, a warm sound that makes your heart flutter. “A polite cat, huh? That’s a new one.”
You sit up, feeling a surge of affection that compels you to continue. “Seriously, Oscar. You’re always there for me, you remember the smallest things, and you’re just… awesome. Like, when I was stressed about that presentation, you stayed up with me even though you had a race the next day. And you’re always checking in, making sure I’m okay. I don’t think you realize how much that means to me.”
Oscar’s smile fades slightly, his eyes searching yours. “I just care about you,” he says softly.
The words tumble out before you can stop them. “And I care about you, too. More than you know. You’re this incredible person, and sometimes I feel like I don’t tell you enough how much you mean to me. I… I think I’m falling for you, Oscar.”
A silence falls between you, the air thick with tension. Oscar’s expression is unreadable, and you start to panic, thinking you might have ruined everything. But then he reaches out, his hand gently cupping your cheek.
“I’ve been feeling the same way,” he confesses, his voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t know how to bring it up. I didn’t want to risk our friendship.”
You lean into his touch, relief and joy washing over you. “So, what do we do now?” you ask, your voice trembling with emotion.
Oscar’s thumb strokes your cheek, his eyes never leaving yours. “I think we take it one step at a time,” he says, leaning in slowly. “Starting with this.”
His lips meet yours in a tender, lingering kiss that speaks volumes. All the unspoken words, the shared moments, and the simmering feelings finally come together in that kiss. It’s the beginning of something beautiful, a new chapter in your story with Oscar. And as you pull away, you see the same love and promise reflected in his eyes.
“One step at a time,” you agree, smiling through your tears. And in that moment, you know that whatever comes next, you’ll face it together.
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devieuls · 1 year
ˋ Love Lessons .
Neteyam Sully x Omatikaya Reader ( ONE SHOT )
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Synopsis : After years of friendship, you realize that you have fallen in love with your best friend Neteyam, but you decide to keep your crush to yourself, afraid of ruining your relationship. The only thing that gave you any comfort was the fact that Neteyam was not interested in any woman, until one day he asks you for advice to make his crush understand that he is interested in her.
Warning : SMUT MDNI - Bites, oral sex, canines, hickeys, unprotected sex, outdoor sex, light dirty talk, foreplay…
Lenght : 5k
Notes : I don’t know, I feel like I could have done better. There are some smut parts that I liked more than others, but I don’t know. I think I’ll do it again later, I also tried to contain myself in detail (as a test, but I think I will continue to write with many details)
NETEYAM: 22 y.o / Y/N: 20 y.o
NA'VI WORDS : TANHI: Star / Bioluminescent freckles; KARYU: Teacher
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As long as you can remember, Neteyam Sully has always been the person closest to you, covering your back every time you created trouble in the Omatikaya clan or got into trouble with your own family. Fortunately your parents trusted Neteyam blindly, after all he was the son of the Olo'eykte and as he grew up, his reputation grew with him, making him worthy of the trust of the whole clan. You could consider him your best friend, who understood and appreciated your rebellious spirit and so contrasted with his, creating a perfect balance in your relationship, as one gave the other what one lacked.
When you were younger it seemed easier to see you only as friends, but when you came of age you found it difficult to see Neteyam only as a friend. You had to admit that he had become a handsome Na'vi, an excellent warrior and probably the definition of perfection in the flesh, always teasing him about things like "You are Eywa’s favorite" and similar phrases. It was a fact that Neteyam excelled at everything he experimented with, so much so that he was the first Na'vi of his group to complete his Iknimaya on the first try, so you assumed he was perfect at everything. You never tried to make him understand your true feelings, intimidated by the fact that he would probably reject you and drive you away, ruining a friendship that lasted for years. So you arrived at the age of twenty with a huge crush on your best friend, watching in silence as the young Na'vi attached to him and flirted to become his companion and one day Tsahìk. You were heartened that he never told you about a particular girl, so you weren’t afraid to lose him yet, not wanting to realize that one day it’ll be too late to come out.
"Yn? Why are you so thoughtful?" Neteyam asked you as you walked through the forest, to reach your secret place where you two spent most of your time. "Mh? A-Ah, nothing, I was just seeing if there were fruits around to collect and take with us" You replied, smiling at the Na'vi near you, trying to drive away all the thoughts that haunted your mind. "Are you sure? If you need to talk to me about something, here I am, you know ma Tanhì" His sweet and caring voice was just one of many curses that didn't help your arduous feat of not thinking of him as a possible partner, but only as a childhood friend. "Yes" you hissed, forcing a smile and then turning away from him, bringing it back on the path before you. You kept walking for a few minutes and then you stopped because of Neteyam who got stuck in his footsteps. You looked at him worried, thinking that he had stepped on a poisonous animal that created paralysis or something like this, but then he turned to you with an embarrassed and shy look. "Ma Tanhì… can I ask you something?" he asked nervously, while scratching the back of his neck, noticing a slight veil of redness on his cheeks. "Umh… yes, tell me" you answered, approaching him, trying to figure out what question might embarrass him this way. "How do you get a girl?" The question hit you directly where it would hurt you most. "I-I mean, I’m asking you because you’re my only female friend, and I know asking Kiri would be the same as being mocked by all my siblings, and my mom isn’t the type to make that clear, saying things like 'follow your heart' or 'be yourself', so… I was hoping to hear it from you," he continued shyly.
At that moment all your beliefs collapsed like a house of cards, realizing that it was now too late even to mention that you had a crush on him. You didn’t react right away, your heart weighed so much that it crushed your lungs, taking away your ability to speak. After a few seconds you began to laugh, hiding your pain behind this action, hoping that Neteyam would not notice from your eyes that you were hurt. "The mighty warrior Neteyam, son of the Olo'eyktan and golden boy of the Omatikaya clan does not know how to get a girl? Really?" You asked ironically, knowing perfectly well that every girl in the clan would fall at his feet with a simple smile or greeting. "Neteyam, knowing you, you’ll just need to introduce yourself to this girl and she’ll be at your feet." your voice was a little tougher but sincere. You started walking in the forest followed by Neteyam who was trying to keep your quick step. "Let’s say she’s not like the other girls, this girl probably doesn’t even see me… Or if she does, she doesn’t do it the way I would" Unknowingly Neteyam was stabbing your heart repeatedly with those words. "Neteyam, c'mon. All the village women have a crush on you, you are the ideal type of all, so I doubt that 'this girl' doesn't see you as you would like" You snort while moving the plants to walk, feeling the look of Neteyam burn on your back and then sigh. "I’m telling you, that’s it. Y/n, you’re my…best friend, help me. Please, I promise I’ll cover you with your parents when you run off in the middle of the night, whatever you want" his desperate voice made you laugh, having never heard he beg like this.
"And you’ll have to take Tuk and my little sister Popiti out whenever they want. Plus, you will accompany me and Kiri to collect beads and objects in the forest" You turned to him suddenly, finding him a few inches away from your body. backing up because of the short distance between your bodies. "All right, will you help me?" he lowered his voice quietly, looking you in the eye while waiting for your answer. "Yes… Tell me about this girl." You back off before you start walking again, trying to calm your heart that was starting to run in your chest. Your tone was slightly cold, you didn’t really want to hear him talk about his crush, but as his friend you couldn’t even back out, not after he was always there for you. "Well, she’s… you know…" he began in a dreamy, excited tone, following the direction you were taking. "Perfect. There’s not much else to describe her with. She’s different from all the girls I’ve ever met, she’s kind, caring, and she loves being with kids. I know she’s a rebellious spirit and she likes to make things. is perfect, then her hair-" you stopped him before he could continue to describe her and go into pseudo-romantic details like the smell of her hair or the sound of her laughing. "That’s enough, I could throw up if you started listing the physical characteristics too" Neteyam laughed embarrassedly, remaining behind you. "Have you already come out? Or have you at least made her think you’re interested?" Your voice became slightly gloomy, and then stopped once you arrived at your secret place.
The place was lovely, you had found it as children and from that day had become your place, there was a small waterfall that created a kind of crystalline lake that connected to a small river hidden by high plains and thick nature. You and Neteyam sat on the grass to talk more comfortably. "No, I don’t know how to tell her or make her understand… I thought it would be easier, but every time I try, she doesn’t understand it or she starts laughing thinking that maybe I’m joking" he sighed heavily, and then he looks up to the sky. "And how did you 'try'?" Your eyes met his, trying to help him in some way, even if you would have preferred to do the opposite. You still had to realize that Neteyam could fail in something as easy as courtship. "Lo'ak told me to show interest, to be empathetic and to be myself, but all this I already did. My mother said that showing myself confident would be attractive, but I’m confident and direct in words, and showing respect." Neteyam dropped on his back and snorted, clearly frustrated by the situation, which you also noticed from the nervous oscillation of his tail "'Teyam, I know no one more respectful than you, as I said, you would be the perfect mate for any girl in the village." You admitted looking at the guy who was now lying next to you, unable to look away from his sculpted body, following every line of his body, enchanted by how his chest rose and lowered with every breath.
"Then what do I do… Why doesn’t she understand? It’s obvious that I’m doing something wrong in the courtship, ma Tanhì" his head turned towards you, looking at you while you were sitting and watching him, making him blush slightly. "Maybe start complimenting her, girls love that. Put your hand in her hair when you talk to her, like moving a strand behind her ear, looking for physical contact makes understand your intentions, especially by the way you do it. Oh! Make her laugh, if you can make her laugh, surely you have done most of the work" your voice was bitter in your throat, you were hating giving that kind of advice knowing that he would use them with who knows who. Neteyam as he watched you listening attentively and taking mental notes of what you advised him. " And be attentive to the details, what interests her etc… if you remember important events in her life or what she loves to do, it is a clear sign of interest. Plus if you have common interests, could you do it together, for example, she likes hunting?" he looked at you enchanted for a few seconds, then nodded and said "Yeah, she likes it" his voice lowered slightly, as he looked at you, hoping that you would understand. "Well, you can ask her to hunt with you. You’re a great hunter, you’ll definitely impress her. And then… umh, I don’t know, maybe be present in her days, even with a greeting, maybe looking for her look or bringing her something you know she might like. And be direct, let her know that you like her, maybe you take her and tell her, you create the right atmosphere… yeah, you know… things like that" You looked away from Neteyam’s, feeling a strong twinge in your heart that made it hard to speak again, feeling as if I had helped him get away from you. "What if she doesn’t understand it? she’s a good friend, and I don’t know if she’ll reciprocate" You clenched your jaw, maybe understanding who that girl was. Your mutual friend had been acting weird with you for weeks, and Neteyam was acting strangely the same way. Now all the dots were connecting in your mind. " He will understand, if you will be directed with there is another way. If it is not a skxawng. In case you make yourself heard and give her special attentions." You said with clenched teeth, unable to hide the annoyance anymore.
"Ma Tanhì," he whispered, approaching you, sitting again just to lay two fingers under your chin, turning your face towards him. Your noses brushed lightly as his eyes rolled down your lips. "And as actions?… what should I do?" his hoarse voice struck you in a strange way the back and the lower abdomen. "U-umh… Maybe you should… w-well" The breath died in your throat, going to create a knot that pushed down all the words that were going to come out of your lips. " Hmm? I should what, ma Tanhi?" your noses rubbed against each other again, and for a few seconds you deluded yourself that he wanted to kiss you, perhaps failing to realize what was happening. His eyes returned to yours, making you feel a flock of Sturmbeest in your belly. "L-like… kissing her" You whispered with a thread of voice, while his free hand went to move behind your ear some strands of hair, then caress your cheek with his thumb. You swallowed loudly, noticing how Neteyam’s eyes seemed so concentrated in yours, leaving you amazed. "Should I?" His words made you take a deep breath, feeling suddenly weak. "You should…" Neteyam’s smile caught your eyes, staring at his opened lips, which received a mischievous smirk. "Yes, I should."
Suddenly a strong heat hit your body, causing your heart to pump as much blood as possible into your veins as your cheeks burned. Neteyam’s lips met yours, his hands moved from your face to hold the sides of your neck, pressing the thumbs on your jaw. You stood by that unexpected approach, and then only realized it when Neteyam’s tongue pounded against your lips and welcomed it into your mouth. You felt his sweet taste because of the fruit that you both had eaten just before walking into the forest, you moaning in his lips trying to break away from the passionate kiss to catch your breath. Neteyam bit your lip, pulling it with his fangs, now moving his hands between your hair and around your waist, pressing your head against his lips making you groan as your flickering fingers grazed the hard skin of his abdomen. His warm skin contracting under your fingers, as if you were made of pure fire, so much so that when you felt more confident of yourself and your body, you sat on top of him. Your legs tied to his pelvis, squeezing him to you as he did to your body, shuddering when his hand that was once on his waist was now climbing up your bare back, making you arch your body like a cat. You trembled when he came off your lips with a snap that accompanied the sound of the waterfall shattering against the surface of the water, making you pant and gasp to regain the air you had lost. Your red face and half-closed eyes while Neteyam pressed your fingertips on your body.
You feared, for a second, that everything would be over after that kiss and that the embarrassment would lead you two to stay away, but your fears were swept away when you tried to get up from his legs and Neteyam prevented you, starting to kiss your jaw. In silence your bodies were calling each other, you felt the pressure of his whole being against you and new electric shocks hit your back. His soft, moist lips drew wet kisses on your jaw, starting to bite and suck down your neck as your head bent backwards, keeping your eyes half closed. His tongue was even more raw with your already sensitive neck, rough and greedy explored every inch of your skin, occasionally pressing his canines, panting raucously as he savored you. Letting sweet moans come out of your throat in despair as your fingers crawled into his braids, seeking comfort. The curious and hungry eyes of Neteyam studied your skin, feeling contentment in feeling the trembling and shivers he caused you, enjoying your heavy breaths and the noises you made to contain the moans, as if you could be ashamed of something he was trying to hear with such desperation. Your back gently collided against the grass when Neteyam stretched you under him, sliding his lips down your body, as his fingers gently removed the braided top that covered your breasts, as if to give you time to stop him if you wanted. Your eyes rolled backwards as his rough tongue collided against your nipple, and his hand crept in agonizing slowly between your legs, caressing it. You bit your lip violently when you felt the gentle and circular movements of his thumb on your clitoris, feeling the chills come down and hit right where Neteyam was playing with his fingers.
The red cheeks began to burn on your face, as you carried a hand to your mouth to force you not to let him hear your stifled moans, even if your hot body betrayed you. A smothered scream of pleasure instinctively came out of your lips when Neteyam’s fingers slid very easily into you. You suddenly felt airless, your eyes wide open and your body trembling, eager to hear what else he had in store for you. Neteyam’s hoarse laugh made your tail stand on end behind you, while the tip of your head swelled because of excitation, making you blush even more. "No need to be embarrassed, it’s normal that you like this, ma Tanhì" he whispered against your skin, making you arch your back again because of his rough pumping on your breasts. "Shh, baby, just… enjoy the moment and let me hear how much you like it" Neteyam’s voice was getting lower and slower, more sensual, knowing that you would like this. Swallow loudly when Neteyam made his way up to your thighs, leaving behind a trail of burning wet kisses, accompanying his movements with his fingers firmly inside you, which continued to move as if they were waves, making your legs tremble. Your sensitive breasts made you shudder because of the light breeze and saliva that the boy had left on the tip, and when you lowered your head to look for his eyes, you found him blowing against the bundle of nerves that yearned to be satisfied. You once again felt his tongue but this time he was working through your needy folds, loving the way one of his muscles could make you feel all that ecstasy. You whined as your hands went to clench the soft grass to find a foothold to release the frustration of too much pleasure, dropping your head backwards, hoping to muffle as much as possible your desperate moans. Neteyam looked for your face, eager to notice the impatience of your eyes and watch your face become a mess just for him, with the aim of giving you as much pleasure as possible, wanting to feel you up to bring you orgasm. He started savoring your intimacy, tickling your folds with the tip of your tongue, making you grunt as you clenched your teeth. When he started sucking, you felt something break in you, you couldn’t even cover your mouth as you groaned his name without shame, watching as he was focused on feeding on your excitement. Your hand again found place in his hair, pulling them and accompanying his movements as he gave you pleasure. "Look how wet you are for me, you wanted me so badly?" Neteyam said with sensual voice, between a lick and a lukewarm breath to make you shiver and whimping.
Your legs began to feel tired and heavy around his cheeks, trying to close together to stop feeling that tingling and flickering caused by too much pleasure. Neteyam wrapped his big hands around your thighs, opening them wider, locking them as much as possible against the ground below as his fingers sank into your soft flesh. His jaw continued to move between your legs with a heartbreaking rhythm that went from slow and gentle to rude and fast, making your walls tighten around his wet muscle. Neteyam broke away from you when he felt that your intimacy was wet enough not to make you feel pain when he slips inside you. His eyes peered at your body beneath him, still trembling and sensitive, touching your already sweaty skin, worshipping how you writhed and gasped under him. You could only take courage later, drawing him to your lips after your fingers hooked to the necklace on his neck. You tasted your own intrinsic moods in your best friend’s saliva as you embraced his body between your legs, rubbing his covered intimacy with your naked, feeling him grunting in your mouth. You smiled as you felt him vulnerable above you, taking advantage of that moment to put yourself on top of him, your back arched toward him to allow you to continue the kiss that was giving relief to both of you. You began to rub yourself on his still-covered sex, feeling pleasure when his throbbing muscle found space in your heat, moaning with pleasure, as your hands on his chest could feel the contractions and chills running through his body as well.
"Hmhm, I know something you’d like to try." Neteyam said as he wrapped his hands around your bare hips, observing the red and purple spots that covered your body. "What?" you whispered in response, as you detached yourself from his lips, observing him with ardent desire. One of his hands came up on your face, placing three fingers on your jaw and thumb on your lips, caressing your soft mouth, and then gently tapping on it. "Open." he ordered. His eyes following your every move, worshipping the way you obeyed him by opening your mouth and taking his thumb in your mouth, without breaking eye contact. You instinctively began to lick and suck his finger greedily, whining as you felt the slightly salty taste against your tongue. "Good girl, you already understood" Neteyam continued, as his hand on his side began to explore every inch of your body with desire. The Na'vi lowered you to the height of his loincloth and you smiled before taking your face away from where Neteyam was leading you, back on his face, sliding his salivated thumb out of his mouth. "Hmhm, here I decide, 'Teyam" you whispered to his ear, noticing with the corner of your eye his jaw contracted as your fingers find their way under his loincloth, just after picking up some of your moods still dripping from your intimacy, wrapping your phalanges around his needy manhood. You heard him growl after panting because of your touch, his chest rising and the frustrated breath of his nostrils against your neck, making you smile for the effect you had on him. Your hand began to slide up and down his erection with gradual speed, you felt his hoarse and rough groans against your skin, his hands clasping your thighs and his breathless breaths. Your lips went to tease the shell of his ear, leaving some magnate kisses or slight licks. When you felt quite satisfied with how he was also pining under you, you lowered yourself making sure you kept eye contact. Your hand went to move and later rip off his loincloth; Neteyam bit his lip and then groaned deeply when your mouth wrapped around his glans, starting to tease the tip with your tongue. Your head slid along his entire length to completely conceal it, immediately moving the head with greed, making him hiss and wince under you. The vein of his penis pulsed incessantly against the inside of your cheek, as he bit his lip and carried a hand to collect your hair in a tight vise.You felt his erection collide several times against the deepest point of your throat, letting you fuck your mouth by Neteyam, before breaking off with tears of pleasure sliding on your face. Your lips swollen and reddened, covered with drool as you tried to start breathing regularly sent him into ecstasy.
The pre-cum that came out of Neteyam’s sex illuminated your lips, making him turn on more to the vision of you with swollen and dirty lips of him. He took you by the hair and carried you back under him, and then he opened your legs and slid inside you with a facility that you would not have expected. You moaned breathlessly as his hips collided with yours in that way, carrying your hands against his back, beginning to scratch and tighten his skin with need. Your cheeks reddened that welcomed other lukewarm tears, your legs tight around his pelvis and the strong heat that at each push accumulated inside you. His tail wrapped around your heel, holding you still due to spasms of pleasure. Neteyam’s hoarse groans did not delay in striking your ears, as he held you by the hips, caressing your trembling thighs and twitching at each of his lunges. Your sweaty bodies colliding with every little movement, making you more hot and eager to consume you. Your lips met once again, growling at each other every time Neteyam pushed against your G-spot, your willows stirring each other’s hormones still stuck in your mouths. You bit his lips when he began to push and grind inside you shamelessly, growling at him before whining, making him excite even more as he purposely struck where your walls held him tighter due to sensitivity. You felt Neteyam’s body stiffen and twitching above you just before reaching orgasm and pouring out of you in time, then carrying two fingers inside you and starting to pump until you reach your peak shortly after him.
You whimpered loudly after the strong orgasm that mercilessly hit you; your heavy, sore thighs as your orgasm crashed into him and hot splashes of your cum poured over his hand. He gasped entranced, stunned by the lust and how your body looked so soft and relaxed after cumming. You took long deep breaths, looking at the green leaves so far away from you because of the trees too high, the sun that lightly struck the place where you were made you return to reality. You blush when Neteyam lays next to you, looking up at him too.
"Well, then…" He started, while you recovered with your hand the pieces of clothes to cover yourself again, hoping that you both would turn a blind eye. "Hmm…" You whine while avoiding his gaze with all your heart. "Do you think after all this, you realize I have a crush on you? If even this way you don’t understand that I like you, I don’t know what other kind of attention to give you to make it clear" he said casually. You shuddered and looked at him in shock. "Excuse you?" you whispered not really wanting to understand the meaning of his words. "I say, did you understand that you are the girl I was trying to conquer?" Your eyes met and you swallowed. "I don’t know how to ask you more directly than that, and don’t think I’m not afraid to ruin our friendship. But I like you, not just aesthetically, i love every part of you. I’ve been trying to make you understand this for six years, not that I didn’t like you as a child…" His voice was slightly shaky, as you watched him in silence, trying to figure out how to respond. "You never let me know…" you whispered as you blushed. Neteyam laughed and led you to lean on his chest, wrapping your body with arms "You really are a skxawng, ma Tanhì. I’m supposed to be teaching you. But how to figure out that someone has a crush on you." You hit him blushing while hiding your face on his chest. "Yeah, yeah, lessons from a guy who doesn’t even know how to come out and only does it after having sex with his crush. The great Karyu, Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan" You teased him and then got pinched on the hips by his hands. "Not that you ever noticed I’ve had a crush on you for ages." Neteyam looked at you perplexed, and you couldn’t contain the laughter.
"See? Other than 'lessons'. You’re more Skxawng than I am, ma 'Teyam."
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚  
TAG LIST : @riatesullironalite @shadowmoonlight0604
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isadollie · 1 month
hi anne! i wanted to request boyfie x fem!reader headcanons for daichi and kuroo from haikyuu?
btw loved your recent bokuto hubby drabble 🥺 you've really blessed us 🥺 i wanted to include bokuto for the ask but you wrote him so well in that drabble! 🤧 you can still include him in this request if you'd like 👀 might be fun hehe 🤭
thank you! 🤍🤍
boyfriend! daichi, kuroo, bokuto headcanons (separate)
★ hello anon! tysm for requesting<3
★ and omgg, i'm so happy you liked my little bokuto drabble! 🥹🥹 i included him in the headcanons here as well cause it's never too much bokuto am i right or am i right
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★ super protective like omg
★ i feel like he loves to hold hands at all times
★ the sidewalk rule.
★ is veryy serious about your relationship
★ already plans your future together and loves to talk about it
★ always asks for your opinion though
★ "my love, when we get married, do you want to get a cat? a dog? maybe a hamster?"
★ can be a bit too serious sometimes tbh
★ like, when you guys are out with friends, sometimes you have to nugde him and be like "that person was joking btw" cause he just doesn't get itttt
★ that type of man that your family would love
★ might get late to the meeting with your family and then enter with a cute smile and be like "i'm so sorry, i met an elder lady on my way and i had to help her with grocery shopping"
★ he's that type to read every single book you said you liked, and watch all your favorite movies
★ always insists to pay for everything
★ acts of service allll the way
★ will stop in the middle of your walk to kneel down and tie your shoe
★ loves to show you off in front of his teammates
★ ALSO OMG imagine you two go shopping cause you wanted to get some new makeup supplies
★ he'll carry your cart and when you want to see how would a lipstick, eyeshadow or anything else look on skin, he offers you his hand so you can try out all the shades on him hehe
★ and then when you two walk out of the store both of his hands are covered in blush, lipsticks and other stuff but he doesn't care tbh
★ (now i kinda want to write a drabble abt it)
★ (let me know if i should)
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★ would probably do anything you asked of him tbh
★ he's that type of boyfriend to also be your bestie ykwim
★ "they broke up?? no way! give me all the details rn"
★ skincare routine is his favourite activity with you, he's just so glad you got him into that
★ then he goes to practice and talks to his teammates like "don't you guys see how i'm GLOWING??"
★ pretty random but i hc that he can fall asleep literally anywhere and that he loves naps
★ kinda... like a cat...
★ and oh he SNORES
★ loves to tease you sm
★ especially abt your height, let's be honest
★ asks how's the weather down there and thinks he's funny
★ i feel like he really cares about kenma's approval of your relationship
★ introducing u to kenma was more important for him than introducing you to his family atp 💀
★ so stressed abt it too it's honestly funny
★ but kenma said you seem cool so kuroo can already go look for a ring
★ sends you reels of cats cuddling and says "us"
★ loves to carry you and always looks for an excuse to do so
★ would switch his shoes with yours when your legs start to hurt
★ looks good in your heels and i'm telling you, he walks in them better than u do
★ just smirks and says that he can teach you to be better lol
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★ lowkey an introvert's nightmare
★ probably took ages to confess tho
★ cause he's just too afraid to mess up, and he doesn't want to ruin your friendship:(
★ asked akaashi to help confess
★ also, asks akaashi with help with ANYTHING
★ like in my head, bokuto doesn't really have any previous relationship experience
★ so he doesn't really know what to do sometimes and you're very important to him so he wants to do everything right
★ therefore he asks akaashi for help. all the time. all. the. time.
★ like let my man akaashi rest 😭
★ asks him what to get you for your birthday, how to apologize after a fight, anything you can think of tbh
★ so clingy, the definition of clingy actually
★ wants to hang out 24/7
★ if you asked him to move in with you on the very same day you two started dating, he'd agree without hesitation
★ also texts you whenever you can't meet up
★ sends the most random shit, especially on tiktok and ig
★ he's that type to, when he plays a match, before he makes a serve, points at you and is like "this one's for you" and then completely misses
★ will talk your ear off
★ says the cutest things when he's sleepy
★ he'll just cuddle up to you and start rambling abt how much he loves you
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mbruben-stein · 3 months
Alphabet swf for tmnt 2012 please
TMNT 2012 SFW Alphabet: Leonardo.
A/N: You weren't perfect on which TMNT Character to write, so I'm doing Leo, which I hope is okay with you. Also, I only write one character per alphabet SWF if it's the full list. Now, if you're picking a list of characters and only a few letters from the SFW alphabet, then yes, I would have done all four of them.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Leo tends to be more reserved in outwardly expressing affection, as he tries to maintain a serious leader-like demeanor. However, with someone he is truly close to and comfortable with, he shows his caring side through thoughtful gestures and quality time together. Leo is attentive and makes an effort to remember little details about his partner's interests and preferences. He enjoys having deep conversations and bonding over shared nerdy hobbies like sci-fi shows. While not extremely physically affectionate in public, in private Leo is tender, giving warm hugs, gentle caresses, and loving looks. His affection comes through in the way he is supportive, protective, and willing to make sacrifices for his loved one's wellbeing. Leo may not be the most vocal about his feelings, but his devotion and commitment speak volumes.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, Leo would be extremely loyal, protective, and always there to lend an ear or help out however he can. The friendship would likely start with him coming to your aid in some situation where you really needed help. Despite being focused on his ninjutsu training, Leo has a big heart and would be drawn to befriend someone he sees struggling or in need of assistance. Once he commits to the friendship, he's all in - willing to put himself in harm's way for your wellbeing. Leo can be a bit overbearing at times with his "big brother" tendency to want to guide and teach. But he means well, and you'd have an unwavering ally and confidant in him. His nerdiness about shows like Space Heroes might initially seem strange, but you'd come to find his passion for heroic ideals admirable and endearing.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Leo tends to be a bit reserved when it comes to physical affection, but he cherishes quiet, intimate moments to cuddle with his significant other. He likes being the "big spoon" and holding his partner close, feeling protective yet relaxed in their embrace. Leo enjoys running his fingers gently through their hair or tracing soothing patterns on their back as they snuggle. Though serious by nature, he lets his guard down completely when cuddling, nuzzling his face against theirs and peppering soft kisses on their cheeks or forehead. Leo's cuddles are tender, his grip secure yet gentle, providing a sense of safety and comfort as the two enjoy each other's warmth and company in these blissful moments.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
While Leo is deeply committed to his role as the leader and protector of his brothers, there is a part of him that longs for a more settled life outside of constant battles and vigilantism. He admires the idea of having a place to call his own, where he can find peace and stability. However, his sense of duty and responsibility often overshadows his personal desires. When it comes to cooking and cleaning, Leo is surprisingly skilled, having learned the importance of organization and taking care of their living space from Master Splinter. He finds solace in the routine of preparing meals for his brothers and maintaining a clean environment, as it allows him to channel his disciplined nature into practical tasks that benefit his family.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Leo had to break up with his significant other, he would likely approach it with maturity and sensitivity, yet also with a sense of honor and directness that reflects his disciplined nature. He would likely want to have an open and honest conversation, expressing his feelings and reasons for the decision with clarity and respect. As the leader, Leo values clear communication, so he would aim to be direct without being unnecessarily harsh. At the same time, his protective instincts might make it difficult for him to fully open up about the reasons behind the breakup if he felt it could deeply hurt his partner. Despite his seriousness, Leo has a tendency to be idealistic, so the breakup might stem from a realization that the relationship was not living up to his romantic expectations or vision of the perfect partnership. His desire to emulate heroic archetypes could also play a role, perhaps feeling that the relationship was holding him back from fully embodying the qualities he admires. Ultimately, while the conversation would likely be difficult, Leo would strive to handle the breakup with grace, empathy, and a desire to minimize unnecessary pain or conflict, reflecting his role as a wise and caring leader.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Leo takes commitment very seriously, viewing it as a profound duty and responsibility. As a leader, he understands the importance of honoring one's vows and obligations. When it comes to marriage, Leo would want to take things slowly and ensure he is fully ready before making that lifelong commitment. He is a bit of a romantic at heart, inspired by the heroic ideals he sees in "Space Heroes", but he's also pragmatic. Leo would likely want to be financially stable, have a clear purpose and path forward, and be absolutely certain about his partner before proposing marriage. Once married, he would be fiercely loyal and devoted, viewing it as his role to provide and protect his family unit. While not opposed to marriage, Leo would carefully weigh the decision rather than rushing into it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Leo is incredibly gentle, both physically and emotionally, with his s/o. Despite his intense ninja training and battle-hardened skills, he has an incredibly soft side reserved only for his loved one. Physically, his touches are feather-light, his embraces tender and protective. He's always mindful of his strength, never wanting to inadvertently hurt his partner. Emotionally, Leo showers his s/o with patience, understanding, and unwavering support. He's an attentive listener, validating their feelings without judgment. His words are carefully chosen to soothe and uplift. Leo's protective nature extends to creating a safe emotional space where his s/o can be vulnerable without fear. With his maturity and wisdom, he's able to de-escalate conflicts and provide reassuring calm in turbulent moments. Leo's gentle nature nurtures a deep intimacy in the relationship.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
When it comes to hugs, Leo is not one to shy away from them, especially with his significant other. He finds comfort and solace in their warm embrace, allowing himself to momentarily shed the weight of responsibility he carries as the leader of the team. Leo's hugs are firm and enveloping, conveying a sense of security and protection. He holds his partner close, savoring the connection and the opportunity to express his affection without words. While Leo may not initiate hugs as frequently as his more outgoing brothers, he certainly welcomes and reciprocates them wholeheartedly. In those tender moments, the usually guarded leader lets his walls down, revealing a softer side that only his significant other gets to witness. Leo's hugs are a reminder of the depth of his feelings and his ability to be both a strong protector and a gentle, loving partner.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Leo's dedication to his role as leader and his desire to protect his siblings would likely make him cautious about developing romantic feelings. However, once he lets his guard down and allows himself to be vulnerable with someone he truly cares for, his passionate nature could lead to him expressing his love relatively quickly. In a relationship with his significant other, Leo would initially try to maintain a level of professionalism and not rush into things. But as the bond deepens and he witnesses their loyalty, strength, and ability to support him, his feelings would intensify rapidly. Leo's romantic side, usually overshadowed by his responsibilities as a leader, would emerge. He might surprise his partner by declaring his love wholeheartedly, albeit accompanied by his characteristic cheesy one-liners and attempts to emulate his beloved "Space Heroes" characters. While his brothers might tease him, Leo would be unfazed, secure in his love for his significant other and their acceptance of his quirks.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Leo's jealousy would stem from his deep care and protective nature towards his significant other. While generally mature and level-headed, the thought of someone else vying for their affection or potentially endangering their well-being would bring out a more possessive side in him. His jealousy would manifest through subtle actions - narrowed eyes tracking any perceived threat, a tightening jaw, and a shift in his body language to become more shielding of his partner. Vocally, he might make thinly-veiled comments about the other person's intentions or attempt to steer his significant other away from the situation. However, Leo would be conscious of not overstepping boundaries or appearing controlling. If the jealousy became overwhelming, he would likely withdraw to meditate and regain his composure, later having an open discussion with his partner to reassure himself and clear the air. Ultimately, his jealousy would be a temporary lapse fueled by his desire to safeguard what he holds dear.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Leo tends to be quite passionate yet tender when kissing his significant other. He savors every moment, wanting to express his deep feelings through the intimacy of a kiss. Leo particularly loves peppering gentle kisses along his partner's jawline and neck, finding those areas incredibly alluring. He'll often nuzzle his face against theirs before capturing their lips in a soulful kiss, trying to convey all the affection and adoration he holds for them. In return, Leo melts when his significant other plants soft kisses on his cheeks and forehead - those simple yet loving gestures make his heart swell. Though he maintains a serious demeanor much of the time, Leo's kisses reveal his profound capacity for tenderness and devotion to the one he loves.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Leo's serious and disciplined nature often softens around children. While he maintains his role as a protective older brother figure, he exhibits a gentle patience when interacting with kids. His time spent watching "Space Heroes" allows him to connect with their sense of wonder and imagination. The idea of having his own children one day both excites and daunts Leo. On one hand, he relishes the opportunity to nurture and guide the next generation, imparting wisdom much like his mentor Splinter. However, his protective instincts also make him wary of the immense responsibility of parenthood. Leo wants to ensure he can provide a safe, structured environment for raising highly-skilled ninja kids. Despite his uncertainties, the thought of starting a family with his significant other fills him with a sense of purpose beyond his role as a leader of the turtles.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Leo are a tranquil, almost meditative experience. He rises before the sun, carefully rolling out of bed so as not to disturb his sleeping partner. After a light workout and meditation session, Leo returns to prepare a healthy breakfast for them both. As his significant other stirs awake, they are greeted by the aroma of fresh tea and Leo's warm smile. He insists they start the day with a zen moment together, side-by-side on the mat, centering their minds before the inevitable chaos of the day's missions unfolds. Though his disciplined routine may seem rigid to some, Leo's mornings with his loved one are imbued with tenderness, respect for ancient traditions, and an unshakable devotion to strengthening the spiritual bond between two warriors' hearts.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights spent with Leo are always a mix of quiet quality time and geeky adventures. After a day of intense training or battles against the Foot Clan, Leo loves to unwind by cuddling up with his loved one on the couch to rewatch favorite episodes of "Space Heroes." He can't resist quoting the cheesy heroic lines, much to his partner's amusement. But his significant other also admires Leo's real-life heroism and leadership. Sometimes they'll play act battle scenarios, with Leo directing the strategy before dissolving into laughter at their silliness. Other evenings are spent stargazing on the rooftops, as Leo points out constellations and shares his deep thoughts about honor, courage and protecting his family and city. With his loved one by his side, Leo can truly relax and be his authentic, nerdy yet noble self.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
When it comes to Leo revealing things about himself in a romantic relationship, he would likely take a gradual approach. As someone who values discipline, maturity, and responsibility, Leo would want to build trust and intimacy with his significant other over time before fully opening up. Initially, Leo might share surface-level details about his interests, like his fondness for the show "Space Heroes" and his desire to emulate heroic qualities. However, he would likely hold back on delving too deeply into his personal struggles, insecurities, or vulnerabilities until he feels a strong emotional connection and senses that his partner is someone he can truly confide in. As the relationship progresses and Leo becomes more comfortable, he would gradually reveal more about his role as the leader of the Turtles, the weight of responsibility he carries, and the challenges he faces in maintaining harmony within the team, especially with his sibling rivalry with Raphael. He might also open up about his desire for perfection and the pressures he puts on himself to be an exemplary leader and role model. Rather than an all-at-once revelation, Leo would likely share these deeper aspects of himself in layers, gauging his partner's reactions and building trust along the way. Once he truly feels understood and accepted, Leo would be more likely to fully expose his innermost thoughts, fears, and struggles, seeking not just a romantic partner but also a confidant and source of emotional support.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Leo is usually calm, collected, and level-headed, especially when compared to his more hotheaded brother Raphael. However, his significant other has seen that Leo can get frustrated and angry at times, particularly when his brothers don't listen to his orders during missions or when he feels he has failed as a leader. With his partner though, Leo lets his guard down more. He may get momentarily annoyed if teased about his love for Space Heroes or if his strategies are questioned, but a reassuring touch from his loved one can quickly diffuse any flare of temper. Leo's partner knows he has a tendency to be hard on himself, so they are always ready with kind words and reminders that he's doing his best to lead the team. While Leo has an intense personality, his significant other's patience and understanding helps him work through frustrations in a healthy way.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
When it comes to his significant other (s/o), Leo's attention to detail and ability to remember are quite remarkable. As someone who prides himself on being disciplined and responsible, he would make a conscious effort to remember every little detail about his partner that they share with him. Leo is the type of person who would actively listen and pay close attention whenever his s/o talks about their interests, aspirations, or even casual anecdotes from their day. He would commit these details to memory, not just because he cares deeply for his partner, but also because he understands the importance of being attentive and considerate. With his analytical mind and his tendency to pick up on subtleties, Leo would likely remember small things like his s/o's favorite color, their preferred type of music, or the stories they shared about their childhood. He would also take note of their likes, dislikes, and any important dates or events that hold significance for them. While Leo may occasionally forget a minor detail here and there, especially if it was mentioned in passing, he would make a conscious effort to retain as much information as possible about his significant other. His ability to remember and cherish these details would likely strengthen their bond and make his s/o feel valued and appreciated.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Leo's favorite moment with his significant other is when they had their first real heart-to-heart talk, opening up about their hopes, fears, and what drives them. Despite his bravado as a leader, Leo deeply values emotional vulnerability and being able to share his true self with someone he loves. On that night, as they sat together gazing at the city skyline, Leo felt a profound sense of connection and intimacy unlike anything he'd experienced before. His partner listened intently without judgment, offering caring reassurance when Leo expressed his occasional self-doubts about being a good leader. In return, Leo provided a supportive shoulder as his loved one courageously revealed their own insecurities. From that point on, Leo knew he could trust this person wholeheartedly, and it solidified his commitment to the relationship in a way little else could.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Leo would be incredibly protective of his significant other, given his strong sense of responsibility and his deep care for those close to him. He would go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being, always remaining vigilant and ready to defend them from any potential harm. Leo's protective nature would manifest in various ways. He would likely insist on accompanying his partner whenever they venture out, keeping a watchful eye and being prepared to jump into action if necessary. He would also make sure their living spaces are secure, checking for vulnerabilities and taking measures to fortify them. Additionally, Leo would encourage his partner to learn self-defense techniques, not only for their own protection but also because he values discipline and preparedness. He would take great pride in being their mentor, patiently guiding them through training sessions and ensuring they can handle themselves in difficult situations. In return, Leo would deeply appreciate his partner's efforts to protect him as well. While he may initially resist the idea of needing protection, he would ultimately find comfort in knowing his loved one has his back. Their mutual commitment to safeguarding each other would strengthen their bond and reinforce the trust and respect they share.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Leo would put a tremendous amount of effort into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks when it comes to his significant other. Being the disciplined and responsible leader that he is, Leo would approach his relationship with the same dedication and commitment he shows towards his duties as the leader of the Turtles. For dates and anniversaries, Leo would meticulously plan every detail, from researching the perfect romantic location to carefully selecting meaningful gifts that reflect his deep understanding and appreciation for his partner. He would likely incorporate elements from his beloved "Space Heroes" show, adding a touch of his geeky charm to make the occasion truly unique and special. In everyday tasks, Leo would be attentive and considerate, always striving to make his significant other feel valued and supported. Whether it's helping with chores, offering a listening ear, or simply being present and engaged, Leo would put forth his full effort to be the best partner he can be. His perfectionist tendencies might sometimes lead him to overthink or stress over getting every detail just right, but his genuine care and affection for his significant other would shine through, making every gesture, no matter how small, a heartfelt expression of his love and commitment.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Leo is fiercely loyal and protective of his significant other, always putting their needs and safety first. However, his dedication to being a responsible leader often means he has trouble separating his roles, treating his partner more like a subordinate at times rather than an equal. His bad habit of constantly trying to emulate his fictional hero, Captain Ryan, can also grate on his partner's nerves. Despite his best intentions, Leo's tendencies to be overbearing, give too many unsolicited heroic speeches, and prioritize his duties over quality time together sometimes strain the relationship. His significant other loves his noble spirit but wishes he could loosen up more and be present in the moment instead of constantly playing the role of the wise leader. Still, they admire Leo's unwavering commitment to doing the right thing and support him, even when his heroic antics become a bit much.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
While Leo is dedicated to his ninjutsu training and being a responsible leader, he can't help but be a bit vain when it comes to his looks, especially around his significant other. He spends a little extra time making sure his mask is tied perfectly and his gear looks sharp before going out. Leo likes when his partner admires his toned physique that he works hard to maintain. However, his S/O finds Leo's concern over his appearance endearing rather than overbearing. They reassure him that he looks great no matter what and that his most attractive qualities are his bravery, loyalty, and caring nature as a leader and partner. With their support, Leo learns to not get too hung up on superficial looks and focuses more on being the best version of himself inside and out.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Leo deeply values his relationship with his s/o, who grounds him and provides emotional support amidst the pressures of leadership. While he tries to maintain a stoic front as the leader of the team, Leo's s/o sees his vulnerabilities and self-doubts. With them, he can let his guard down and find solace, comfort, and reassurance. His s/o reminds him not to be too hard on himself and encourages him to maintain balance in his life. Leo feels his s/o completes him – their unwavering belief in him bolsters his confidence, and their calming presence helps him stay centered. Without his s/o, Leo would likely feel incomplete, lacking that vital emotional anchor and source of unconditional acceptance that allows him to be his true self away from the weight of his responsibilities.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Leo sat cross-legged on the floor, his eyes closed and his breathing slow and steady as he meditated. His mind was clear, focused solely on finding his inner peace and balance. Quietly, his s/o entered the room, smiling fondly at the sight of Leo in such a serene state. They admired how the soft light played across his green features, accentuating the strength in his jaw and the gentleness in his expression. Unable to resist, they padded over and knelt down beside him. Leaning in close, they placed a tender kiss on Leo's forehead, letting their lips linger for a moment. Leo's eyes fluttered open, surprised but meeting his s/o's loving gaze with a warm smile. Without a word, he reached out and pulled them into a soft embrace, holding them close as the world around them seemed to melt away. In that moment, there was only the two of them, connected by the powerful bond they shared. Leo's usual seriousness gave way to pure contentment as he basked in the affection of the one who held his heart.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Leo values discipline, focus, and responsibility, so he likely wouldn't appreciate recklessness, laziness, or a lack of commitment in a partner. As a dedicated leader, he may find it frustrating if his significant other is overly carefree or dismissive of rules and duties. Leo's protective nature means he probably wouldn't like someone who constantly puts themselves in harm's way or makes impulsive decisions without considering the consequences. While he appreciates his siblings' unique qualities, Leo's more serious demeanor could clash with a partner who is excessively goofy or immature. Additionally, his love for "Space Heroes" and desire for heroism might make him uncomfortable with someone who mocks his interests or fails to understand his values of honor and justice. Overall, Leo likely seeks a partner who shares his dedication, maturity, and sense of responsibility, while still balancing it with compassion and the ability to occasionally have fun.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Despite his disciplined nature, Leo is actually a restless sleeper when sharing a bed with his partner. He tosses and turns frequently throughout the night, often kicking off the covers or stealing them entirely. His ninja senses remain heightened even in slumber, causing him to startle awake at the slightest noise or movement. However, having his significant other by his side helps soothe Leo's active mind. He finds comfort in their warmth and steady breathing beside him. If they move closer and gently embrace him, it grounds Leo and allows him to sink into a more peaceful, undisturbed sleep. In the morning, he wakes refreshed, appreciating how his loved one's presence centered him through the night.
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whimsiwitchy · 2 months
I hear the secrets that you keep (series)
chapter one: a new beginning
Pedro Pascal x F!reader 
series masterlist
series summary: 24 year old y/n is an insecure and struggling actress in Los Angeles until she finally books a leading role in a big Hollywood movie next to her leading male, Pedro Pascal. A spark of friendship flickers between the two and it slowly begins to blossom into something more. As y/n is navigating a new found fame and a new found romance, she fears that a lie she has been sitting on might ruin everything.
Warnings: plus size reader (no specific description of reader, slight descriptions of weight: stomach fat, stretch marks, etc.), hefty age gap (24 years/14 years), female anatomy description, she/her pronouns, use of gendered terms (girl, girly, etc.), y/n used, descriptions of nudity, swearing,  use of the word fat, warnings may change as the story progresses. 
authors note: Hi everyone. This is my first time writing anything, so this might end up being pretty bad lmao. I kinda have an idea of where I want to take this and want to continue this even if no one reads it. Please let me know what you think! Thank you and enjoy. <3
chapter summary: Angie books y/n an audition opportunity and she is terrified. Y/n reflects on her insecurities and heads to the audition room. 
It was 9am and you’ve been staring at an email Angie had sent earlier in the morning. The subject read “AUDITION INFO BIATCH”. This would usually be deemed pretty unprofessional for an agent to send a client but Angie wasn’t just  your agent, she was also your long time best friend. You both had big dreams of making it big in Los Angeles and made the move six years ago. While you continued to search for acting jobs, Angie decided to become an agent after years of no luck. You wished you could give up, maybe gain some happiness back instead of having constant disappointment running around your head like it was trying to win a goddamn gold medal at the olympics. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Good morning sunshine, 
You have an audition scheduled for 3PM tomorrow! I attached all the details down below. If you need anything, give me a call babe! 
Angie Hawthorn (aka the best agent ever hehe) 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
You read over the email and clicked on the files attached. One file was the original casting call information describing what they are looking for and a description of the project. The other was an audition offer explaining what you needed to prepare and where the audition would be held. You clicked on the casting call file and began to read it. 
“Fleeting Productions presents Risky Disco directed by Samual James.”
You stared blankly at the first sentence. “That is such a stupid fucking move title..” you huffed under your breath. You shook your head and continued reading. 
“Starring Pedro Pascal as Daniel Mendez. Daniel travels back in time to the 70s to live his dream of being a disco king. On his journey, he takes lovers every chance he gets and swears to himself that he won’t fall in love.” 
You picked your phone and called Angie. When she answers the phone she greets you with excitement.
“Y/n! Oh my god are you excited?!? This can be your big break. Your first audition for a big production company!!” You stared blankly at the wall while she spoke. “You’re fucking with me right? Like you have to actually be fucking with me..” You said with exasperation. She was silent for a moment. “What do you mean? This is great y/n. I’m not sure-” You cut her off before she could continue. “Angie, I need you to be so fucking for real right now. Did you read that shit show of a description?” She didn’t answer for a moment. “What’s so bad about it?” “Ang…you’re telling me, you saw this casting call, and thought of me? You have known me for how long? What about me is screaming 70s lover girl to a disco maniac? First of all, I'm fat. You know F A T. Fat girls don’t exist in the 70s it’s like-” The line goes dead. “Hello? Ang I’m trying to rant to you over here, don’t you care?” You looked down and noticed she hung up on you. “That stupid bitch.” You say in aggravation. As you go to call her again, a text pops up.
“Call me when you’re done being a self shaming loser <3”
You sighed and sat your phone down. You know that what you say isn’t always nice and you also know that Angie can’t stand when you talk down on yourself. It’s become a bad habit you can’t seem to break. You grab your water bottle from your night stand, take a sip, and continue to read over the audition information. 
“Our casting directors are looking for 12 women from the ages 35-40. All weights accepted. All skin tones accepted. One role will be filled as the leading lady alongside the leading male. The 11 other roles will be filled as lovers of the leading male. Each role may include sexual acts with a male actor as well as partial or full nudity. All actors will work closely with an intimacy coach before all scenes.” 
Okay, you definitely owe Angie an apology since they're throwing a weight limit out the window on this film. This film has the potential to be very… wait what the fuck does that say? You pick up your phone to call Angie again. 
“Are you done being a loser?” 
“Angie, honey, darling, my love…Why does it say that the age requirements are 35-40? I’m trying to be very calm about this right now but I really need to know what you were thinking in that little pea brain of yours? Hm.. a 24 year old auditioning for a role that is for a middle aged woman, what was the thought process behind that one love?” 
“Y/n I need you to keep that calm demeanor when I tell you this. Can you do that?” You think about your answer and sigh. “Yes I can do that. Spill the beans.” “Okay so, I might have sort of lied and said that you were 35…” You stood silent on the other end for a few seconds. “YOU DID WHAT???” “Y/n calm down it-” “HOW IN THE WORLD IS MY FRESH 24 YEAR OLD BABY FACE GOING TO PRETEND TO BE 35?? HUH ANGIE??” “Well you don’t have that much of a baby face, you can pull off 35.” “I’m gonna hang up now before I actually kick you in the head.” You hung up the phone and screamed into your pillow. 
It can’t be that hard to pretend to be 35 right? You sat up and set your head in your hands and took some deep breaths. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
After your mini freak out yesterday you went to work and got home at 8pm. You showered, ate, did some rehearsing, and hit the hay. You woke up at 7am the next morning and began getting ready for your audition. You searched pinterest to look for an appropriate outfit for a 35 year old. As you descaled your closet, you began to feel hopeless. After settling for an outfit, you headed to the kitchen to eat some breakfast and do some warmups. As it got closer to audition time, you started to feel the nervous butterflies entering your tummy. You took your phone off the charger to send Angie a quick text. 
“I’m sorry for freaking out on you yesterday, please forgive me my love. ♥ ️ Also OOTD, do I look 35? Oh and why the fuck are they casting that age for a disco movie… Love you!” You went to sit your phone down but immediately got a response from Angie. 
“It’s okay, you don’t look a day under 40 babe <3. And girl idk. I think it’s because Pedro is pushing 50.” 
“Okay fuck you. Who’s Pedro?” 
“Ummmm… the leading male. Like the whole ass dude you're probably going to be getting down and dirty with if you get this part. Did you not look him up?” 
“There ain’t no fucking way you lied about my age so I can bump and grind with a 50 year old man… I’m actually going to kill you.”
“Girl he’s hot as fuck, I’m doing you a favor. Who gives a shit if he's old, he can get it ANY day ;)” 
“You’re fucking gross dude. I gotta head out soon to try to beat a little bit of the traffic. Wish me luck. Love you!!”
“Love you girly, break a leg!”
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
You turned into the studio lot and parked when you found the building the auditions were being held in. You’ve been to the studios more times than you can count, but this time felt different. This time felt real. You entered the building and walked up to a woman at a desk. “Hi, I’m here for an audition.” You smiled and she handed you a form to fill out. Once you were finished you handed it back to her and she instructed you to wait until your name was called. You looked around as you sat and waited. There were only 4 other women waiting in the room. As you looked at them, all of your insecurities started to pour out. This was not the time to be doubting yourself. You settled on looking down at your shoes instead. Each woman was called back one by one until you were the only one left. 
“Y/n Y/l/n?” You got up and greeted the man that called your name. As you followed him to the back your heart began to pound. Once you got to the door, you shook out your nerves and plastered the most sincere smile you could muster. 
You opened the door and walked up to a table in the back of the room. You shook everyone's hands and handed them your material. You stood in the center of the room and began your slate. After the prepared material was performed, they asked you various questions. You were answering with all honesty. Even flying by their questioning of your age. “Your paper states that you're 35. You look really young for that age.” You gulped “Just good genes I guess.” You gave them a laugh and a smile to which they returned. “We’re going to have to do a quick reading with some sides from the movie if that’s okay with you?” “Of course, that would be great!”.
You got into character as they handed you the slides. “You’ll actually be reading with the leading man himself. Pedro, whenever you’re ready go ahead and start.” You looked over to where the man looked when he spoke. Your breath caught in your throat as you looked at who they spoke to, Pedro you assumed. He smirked as you stared. How didn’t you notice him before? With a face that handsome, you’re thankful you somehow skipped over it. He for sure would have had you shaking with even more nerves. 
“You ready to start sweetheart?” You could have melted into a puddle right then and there. After a few seconds of silence you collected yourself. “Yea, I’m ready.” He gave you a smile and looked into your eyes. The two of you flowed through the lines with ease. It was like butter melting perfectly on a warm piece of toast. The type of toast that is so perfect, you don’t need to add jelly at all. It’s golden and beautiful. The chemistry between you two was golden. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
4 hours later…
The reading with Pedro was intense. There are no other words to describe it. Everything felt so natural and it was electric. The whole room got 10 degrees warmer by the end. Once the reading was over, everyone thanked you for your time and you were dismissed. You thanked them and gave a quick bye. You tried to sneak one last glance at Pedro but he was already looking at you. These memories that happened just a few hours prior keep swimming in your head. No matter how hard you tried to think about something else, you couldn’t stop thinking about the handsome man and how he looked at you.
You’re yanked out of your thoughts when your phone starts ringing. It was Angie. 
“Hey Ang, what’s up?” 
“Bitch….you must have left one hell of an impression.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Y/n you got the lead!” 
“Oh shit..” 
Thank you for reading <3
chapter two
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therealcocoshady · 3 months
Love Game - Part 2
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Author’s Note : As a lot of you have been requesting… here is a part 2 for Love Game ! Thank you again to my dear @shady-577 for giving me the idea to write this ❤️. And thank you to all of you who have been supporting my writing ! It means the world to me ! I will be enjoying some vacation in Switzerland for a few days so I might not be able to reply to messages & asks right away. Keep them coming nonetheless 😏.
It took three weeks for Denaun to finally talk to Marshall. In all their years of friendship, it was the first time they spent this long without a form of contact. They had been through everything together : crashing on each other’s couch when times were tough, working menial jobs, sharing food when they were broke, grieving Proof together, hyping each other up… of course, they’d had their ups and downs but three weeks without talking was tough. What was even more surprising was that, for once, it wasn’t Marshall going MIA, it was Denaun. It was extremely out of character for him. Whenever they’d had fallouts, he had always been the first one to reach out and apologize, even when he was not the one at fault. So not picking up the phone for three weeks was unlike him and Marshall blamed you. For all he knew, you were at Denaun’s constantly, trash talking him. He was positive that, if it weren’t for you, his friends would have talked to him at least once. So in his mind, he had insulted you a thousand times and wished you the worst.
Little did he know that you spent most of your time home, secluded in your bathroom, victim of morning sickness that lasted the whole day. You didn’t go out as much and only kept up with the guys via text. It took a while for Denaun to reach out to you too. You assumed that he was hurt about the fact that Marshall and you had fucked around, throwing the whole group dynamic to the fire.
- It was nothing, Nauny, you assured him in a soft voice over the phone. It was a one time thing. I swear it didn’t mean anything.
- It’s not my business, he said. You guys are adult. You can do your own thing.
- I know, you said. But… you’re one of my best friends. I don’t want to lie to you. And I don’t want to lose you.
- Y/N, are you crying? He asked as soon as he heard your breaking voice.
- I’m just really emotional, that’s all, you said evasively.
Half an hour later, he was ringing your doorbell, your comfort food in hand. You had a long conversation and he told you he was just hurt about the dishonesty of it, and that he had felt lied to. You apologized again and ended up talking about Marshall lashing out at you.
- I don’t even know what his deal is, you said honestly. I guess he thought I wanted more.
- Did you ? Denaun asked with a straight face.
- God no, you assured him. His ego jumped to conclusions but I just wanted to… whatever.
- You can tell me, doll, he said as he put a hand on your shoulder.
- I can’t, Nauny, you sighed. It’s just… I’m in deep shit. And I wanted to tell Marshall about it.
- I’m here for you, he assured you. You know I got you, right ?
- I know, handsome, you said as you cupped his cheek. I’m just… going through a lot.
Tears welled up in your eyes and you tried to pace yourself. He brought you into a bear hug and you quietly let your tears stream down your cheeks. He gently held you, whispering that everything was ok, that he got you and that you could tell him everything. He was the sweetest guy you knew and you felt lucky to have him in your life. You knew he meant every word and that there was no problem of yours he wouldn’t happily solve. He wiped your tears with his thumb and gave you a smile. You sat on the couch and started to eat.
- So… What’s that deep shit you mentioned ? He asked.
- Oh, I don’t want to bore you with the details, you said evasively.
- You’ll never bore me, doll ! He assured you. I’m your friend. And I’m all ears.
- I’m pregnant, Nauny, you blurted out.
He stared at you in silence, his jaw almost dropping to the floor. You felt ashamed, as if you were a teenager telling her mom she’d been knocked up. You felt stupid, too. How dumb did you have to be not to think of protection ? Thank God, your medical exams showed you didn’t get a STI. That would have been te cherry on top of this very embarrassing cake.
- Wow, he said after a minute. So wha- I’m sorry, I… Are you ok ?
- I am, you said. I mean, I’m throwing up a lot and I’m exhausted, but other than that, I’m fine.
- And the baby ? He asked as he looked at your flat stomach.
- I’m having an ultrasound in a couple of days, you informed him. I’ll know a bit more.
- Do you think you’re… Sorry, doll, I’m trying not to be insensitive but do you think you’re going to keep it ?
- I don’t know, you said earnestly. I haven’t made up my mind, yet.
- You should tell Marshall, he said sympathetically. I mean… It’s his, right ?
- Yes, it’s his, you confirmed. Look, he clearly didn’t want to talk to me, last time we were at your place. I think I’ll wait for the ultrasound and make my mind. I’ll talk to him about it if I decide to keep the baby. But I won’t force anything on him.
- Even if you get an abortion, he should know, Denaun said. If the baby was mine, I’d want to know.
- If the baby was yours, what do you think I should do ? You asked with a sigh.
- I’d love to be a dad, someday, he said. So I’d want you to keep it. Only if you want to, though. But I know you’d be a great mom. You take care of all of us all the time !
- I wish all men were like you, Nauny, you said as you rested your head on his shoulder.
You spent a couple of hours talking, and he actually convinced you to call Marshall and let him know about your pregnancy. You nervously grabbed your phone and called him but he wouldn’t reply. You were feeling emotional and hormonal, so it was enough to bring you to tears. Thankfully, Denaun was here to console you and he took it upon himself to set an appointment with Marshall. He decided to have both of you meet at his place. Marshall thought he was only meeting his friend, not knowing you’d be here and that Denaun would actually leave the two of you be, so that you could have a talk.
As soon as he walked into his best friend’s living room and saw you sitting on the couch, you could see that he was annoyed. He immediately looked at Denaun.
- I thought you needed to talk to me ? He asked with a sigh.
- Well… I don’t, Denaun said. She does, though.
- So you lied to get me here ?
- Wouldn’t have had to if you just picked up your phone, his friend replied. I’ll leave you guys to it.
He left the room and you just stared at each other in silence. Nerves were starting to get the best of you and you regretted listening to Denaun. Maybe you should have waited until the ultrasound, or until you had made up your mind about this pregnancy. Ever since you had met, Marshall had been an absolute sweetheart to you. He was warm, kind, compassionate and always distracting you with his humor. Contrary to what you would have expected, getting close with him had been easy. You had felt immediate chemistry, like the one you had with Denaun, but even more intense. And it hadn’t been long before the two of you flirted via text and even threw each other longing glances while you were with the others. It reached an apex one night after dinner, when Marshall drove you home. He had walked you to your door after you had confessed you were anxious to risk meeting your annoying neighbor in the hall and, as you went to peck his cheek to say good night, he had turned his face, your lips accidentally landing on his. Next thing you knew, you were stumbling in your living room, making out while his hands explored your body, bunching your pretty summer dress at the waist. The night had been passionate and proved that the two of you were sexually compatible. You had always felt at ease with him, and sex was no different. That night, you had been more daring with him than with any other partner, asking you to do stuff to you that made you blush when you thought about it. He had happily obliged, a smirk on his face, whether it was to choke you or to fuck you senseless, ass up, face down and buried in a pillow while he grabbed a handful of your hair. He had been a gentleman about it, though, and after the deed was done, he had been nothing but sweet to you, making sure he hadn’t hurt you in any way.
But the man who was facing you was neither your friend nor the gentleman he had been that night. He was cold and distant and you didn’t even know why. It was so far from what you knew of him.
- What do you want, Y/N ? He finally asked. I thought I was clear, last time.
- You were, you said. But I need to talk to you.
- There’s nothing to talk about, he sighed. We fucked. That’s it. Look, you know that I’m not the relationship type.
- I know but-
- No but, he continued. It was nice, I’ll give you that. And I’m sorry you caught feelings or whatever but it’s not mutual and I would appreciate it if-
- I’m pregnant, you blurted out.
- You what ? He asked, though you could tell he had heard you.
You knew you probably should have eased him into it, and that blurting it out probably wasn’t the best way to tell him, but you couldn’t stand to hear him ramble like this. You were not an impressionable young lady anymore and him implying that you might have caught feelings after that night was ridiculous. As far as you were concerned, it had been a nice night and, sure, you wouldn’t have minded if it had happened again, but you weren’t the relationship type either. Your past experiences with men had been pretty traumatic and you weren’t searching for anything romantic. If companionship was something you were after, your rapper friends sufficed you. You liked being a part of the group, hanging out with them. And as far as you were concerned, it was enough. The last thing you needed was someone to throw off your independent lifestyle and break your heart all over again.
- I’m pregnant, you repeated. I thought you should know.
- And it’s mine ? He asked.
- Yes, it’s yours, you sighed. I wouldn’t tell you otherwise, now, would I ?
- Are you sure ? He asked again.
- That I’m pregnant ? Yes. I’ve had blood work done and I’m scheduled for an ultrasound tomorrow, you explained. And yes, it’s yours.
- How do you know ? He questioned with a raised eyebrow.
- How do I- What do you think ?! You finally snapped. I know because you’re the only man I’ve been with in months !
He mumbled something and you watched him swallow dryly before sighing. Obviously, he wasn’t ecstatic. Not that you expected him to, mind you. To be fair, you weren’t too happy either. You had always wanted children, but this was far from what you had envisioned.
- Are you going to keep it ? He asked.
- I don’t know, you said. Abortion is not off the table yet. But whatever I choose to do, I thought you deserved to know.
- Ok, he hummed. I’ll pay for your abortion.
- I didn’t ask you to, you pointed out. And I might not have as much money as you, but I earn my own, I make a good living and I can afford my own healthcare.
- I know, he sighed. But look… we both made a mistake and it’s only fair that I pay for it. And it’s probably better than the two of us having our lives ruined.
- Ok, you said. I’ll- I’ll get an abortion, then.
- Are you ok ? He asked. Like… with the symptoms and everything ?
- I’ve been sick a lot, you admitted. Tired, too.
- I’m sorry.
He was cold but, at the same time, he seemed rather considerate. He was looking at you intently and you sighed in relief. At least, the cat was out of the bag and he knew. And now that you had talked to him about it, it made sense to get an abortion. The two of you made small talk for a second and he said you could call him if you needed anything, regarding medical appointments, and that you could keep him posted.
A couple weeks and several medical appointments later, you were scheduled to get your abortion. You had texted Marshall about it and, even though you could feel he remained distant, he had wished you well, even offering to pick you up after. However, you had felt more comfortable asking Denaun, who had been an absolute sweetheart. He had been calling and visiting you regularly, checking in on you and even having food delivered to your door. The night before the procedure, though, you had nightmares and were feeling insanely guilty. You’d had the stupid idea of Googling stuff about pregnancy and abortion and you were haunted by the testimonies of women who said they regretted doing this. You still went to the clinic and Denaun stayed in the waiting room. You were taken to a room and a nurse came to get you.
- Are you ready ? She asked.
- I… no, you said. I can’t do it. I’m sorry. I don’t want to.
- It’s fine, she said with a reassuring smile. You’re allowed to change your mind. Do you need a minute ? To make sure ?
- I think I need to go home, you said.
She nodded and escorted you back to the waiting room. As soon as he spotted you, Denaun got up.
- Are you alright ? He asked.
- Did you mean it ? You asked back. When you said I’d be a good mother ?
- Of course, he said.
- Good, you replied. Because I’m keeping it.
He took you home and stayed with you for a few hours, until you started yawning and went to bed. You fell asleep immediately but were awoken by the sound of your phone buzzing.
- Hello ? You asked sleepily.
- You haven’t replied to my texts, you heard Marshall say. I wanted to check up on you. Are you ok ? Are you still at the hospital ?
- No, I’m home, you replied. I was asleep. Sorry.
- How did it go ? He asked.
- It didn’t, you said. I couldn’t go through with it.
- Do you need me to get you an appointment to a different clinic ?
- No, Marshall, you said. I… I’m having this baby.
- Are you serious ?! He blurted out. Fuck… tell me you’re joking !
- I’m not, you said. And before you say anything… it’s my body. It’s my choice. And I’m not asking anything of you. I know you don’t want it and I’m not going to force anything on you. If you want to be involved in that child’s life and upbringing, you’re welcome to. But if not, I don’t hold it against you.
- Ok, he said. I… I’m going to need time to think.
- I understand, you replied. Look… I’m sorry.
- I’m sorry too, he sighed.
A few weeks went by and you didn’t hear from him. When you were hanging out with the guys, whenever there was anything planned, he wouldn’t show up. You highly suspected he was avoiding you because, as far as you knew, he was talking to the guys regularly. You were starting to show a bit and, eventually, you decided to tell the guys, while not mentioning who the father was. You told them at a dinner party you hosted at your place and they were happy for you, joking that they were going to be uncles, telling you that if you could handle them, a baby wouldn’t be a problem. It was heartwarming and, in your heart, you knew you had made the right choice. You were feeling emotional and overcome with emotion, so Denaun held your hand under the table, gently squeezing it. You were so grateful for his friendship and his presence by your side. He had been so good to you and he was one of the reasons why you thought you could do this.
You saw Marshall again weeks later, at Denaun’s studio. Everyone was there and he walked in while Denaun was taking a picture of you and Bizarre goofing around, holding your respecting bellies. His gaze met yours and his eyes then went to your stomach. You weren’t showing too much yet but the skin tight dress you wore made your pregnancy noticeable. However, he didn’t comment and addressed you normally. You were coming back from one of your many trips to the bathroom when he intercepted you in the corridor.
- Hey, he said.
- Hi, you replied. Are you ok ?
- I am, he said curtly. Look… I’ve thought about it.
- So ? You asked.
- I’ll be there, he said solemnly. If this is my baby, I want to be involved.
- Good, you said nervously. That’s… nice.
- I want proof, though, he added. That it’s mine.
- Marshall, I already told you it’s yours, you said calmly. You’re the only man I’ve been with. It can only be you.
- I want a paternity test, he said. I want proof.
- Don’t you trust me ?! You asked, clearly offended.
- No, he said. I’m sorry but I don’t trust you.
- When did I ever give you a reason not to ? You asked.
- Come on, Y/N, he sighed. Have you seen yourself ? You wear the shortest dresses known to man, you flirt with everything that moves ! For all I know, you’ve been with all of us. Hell, maybe you don’t even know who’s the father. Could be any member of D12. I’ve seen you bat your eyelashes at Nauny, bat your eyelashes at Bizarre… I’m not taking your word for it.
- Are you fucking serious ?! Call me a slut while you’re at it !
- Your words, not mine, he said coldly.
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Pairing: Mingyu x (AFAB) Reader. Non-idol au
Synopsis: Just a little love story, reader and Mingyu are down bad for each other.
Characters: Mingyu, Wonwoo, Seungkwan, Jihoon, O/C Ava as Jihoon's girlfriend
Warnings: none, it's fluff, maybe a few innuendos and swears, nothing serious, Seungkwan is a menace. Despite there being no smut I still don't want minors interacting, it makes me comfortable, I'm an adult.
A/N: I was feeling inspired by S1 E9 of Friends. Fun fact, I don't decide who to write for, I let the fic tell me. The word count is almost 3,800. This is fiction.
🐶: Hey, any plans for Thanksgiving?
🌸: Hey Mingyu, no, I’m going to stay home this year
🐶: You’re going to be alone?
🌸: Yea, that’s okay, I’m sick of always traveling for the holidays
You figured that was the end of your conversation with Mingyu. You honestly didn’t mind not having plans for the holidays. The thought of extra time off work and not being around a bickering family for Thanksgiving was too enticing to pass up. Matter of fact, you were rather looking forward to it; maybe explore the city some more, see if any cute cafes or restaurants were open. The possibilities were endless. Your daydream of a peaceful Thanksgiving was interrupted by the ringing of your cell phone. Mingyu.
“You can’t be alone for Thanksgiving!” Mingyu refused to accept your reasoning. “As much as I would like to respect your boundaries. I am afraid that I cannot. I’m pretty sure that not being around people you care about during the holiday season is unconstitutional. I’d hate for you to have to pay a fine. Is that what you want? Do you really want to have to fight to pay the ticket like you did your parking ticket?”
You let out a snort, amused by Mingyu. “You put too much thought into that.” He really was too cute for his own good. At this point in your friendship, you’d do anything to protect him, to make sure no one hurt him. (Even though it was looking like you might be the one to break his heart).
“Mingyu, I’m tired. I just want to relax this year. Are you trying to get rid of me or something?”
“No. Stay here. Stay with me.” The line was filled with a moment of silence. You had never expected Mingyu to invite you over for a holiday. Was he cute? Yes. Do you enjoy every second you’re around him? Also yes. “This is our first Thanksgiving together. Please.”
“Why is this so important to you?” There was a slight possibility that you’d give into his plea. 
“You’re important to me. I’m thankful for our friendship. I want you here.”
Mingyu was honestly the sweetest person to grace this planet. The more you got to know him the more you could feel yourself falling for him more and more. At this point it was getting bad. The thought of Mingyu caring so much was enough to bring tears to your eyes, but you didn’t want to worry him, so you tried your best to hold them in. 
“I do a Friendsgiving every year. I’d really like you to be a part of it. There’s no travelling involved except maybe to my place, but that doesn’t count because you and I live pretty close to each other.”
“That does sound kind of nice actually. Thank you, Mingyu.”
“You’re welcome. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Text me the details.”
🐶: Saturday, come over whenever, it’s an all day thing
🌸: Do you need me to bring anything? Who am I going to meet?
🐶: Bring yourself and a positive attitude about spending the day with me! As for the guest list, I guess you’ll have to come and find out
🌸: Mingyu -.-
🐶: Fiiiiiiinneeeeee… Jihoon and his girlfriend are bringing dessert, Seungkwan is bringing drinks, and Wonwoo in typical Wonwoo fashion is bringing games. I’ve got the meat ;)
🌸: LOL I can’t wait to taste your meat Mingyu
🐶: I’m sure you’ll love it, you might even want seconds ;D
Mingyu ended up texting you Friday morning asking if you minded arriving extra early Saturday morning to help him prepare everything. Every year he underestimates how much work actually goes into hosting a holiday party and his social circle only seems to be growing. As important as Mingyu is to you, and as important as Friendsgiving is to him, you couldn’t imagine turning him down. You wanted this holiday to be perfect for him. If anyone deserved it, it was Mingyu.
🐶: Actually, do you mind spending the night instead?
🌸: Mingyu! That’s quite a jump in this friendship. Very risque, not demure
🐶: I’m worried about you going out in the holiday rush and I wouldn’t mind your help decorating, if you don’t mind.
🌸: Anything for you
“Oh, Kim Mingyu. How I don’t deserve you.”
Thankfully Friday night rolled around quickly and you were oh so grateful that Mingyu wanted you to spend the night… for convenience sake. Traffic was already wild and you could only imagine that it would get worse. After quickly packing an overnight bag you ordered dinner to have delivered to Mingyu’s place, you knew you two would be in for a long night, and day tomorrow. A token of your gratitude as well.
The evening with Mingyu went well, much better than you anticipated. The evening was spent decorating, prepping whatever food you could and overall just enjoying each other’s company. 
“This feels oddly domestic,” you noted, while placing a few decorations.
“It’s nice though, isn’t it?”
You hummed in agreement with Mingyu. “Anytime spent with you is wonderful.”
Even with you both busy preparing for tomorrow’s dinner, Mingyu still made sure to pull you in for a hug.  “Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
You soaked in his warm embrace but you couldn’t help but long for more and to be held by Mingyu more often.
“We should hurry up and get this done. We’ve got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” As much as you didn’t want that moment to ever end, your heart needed it to. 
“Hey, now that we’re done, did you want to hang out and watch a movie or something, or would you rather head to bed?”
“I kind of want to get to bed. Do you mind if I shower?”
Mingyu scrunched up his nose and looked you up and down. “Please do.”
The gentleman he is (aside from his earlier comment) led you to his bathroom and carried your overnight bag for you. “If you get tempted to use my soaps, help yourself. I know I smell irresistible.” 
“Get out of here,” you laughed. He does smell good, maybe I’ll have to take him up on that offer. 
You were just about to finish up your shower when you heard a faint knock on the bathroom door. 
“Come in! Sorry, did I take too long?”
“You’re fine. I just wanted to bring you a warm towel. I threw it in the dryer for you.”
“You’re amazing. Thank you.” 
The person who falls in love with Mingyu will have no idea how lucky they are. Hopefully they’ll treat him half as amazing as he treats you, and you’re just friends. Just a friendly self reminder. 
Stepping out of the bathroom and about to trail to the living room to get some sleep, you felt Mingyu’s arms wrap around your torso and pull you into his much taller, stronger and bigger frame.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Mingyu questions, almost as if you had done something wrong.
“The living room to sleep. Duh.”
He lowered his head closer to you, as if you couldn’t hear him clearly from his normal standing position, making your knees weak in the process. Still holding you, he spun the two of you around. “My bedroom is that way.”
“That was hot.”
“Yeah? You think so?” You could almost hear the smirk on his face, which means…
“Shit. Did I say that out loud?”
“You sure did sweetheart. Make yourself comfortable. It’s my turn to shower, I’ll be there with you in a bit… if you want.”
“Yes, please. I mean sure, if that’s cool with you. It is your bed. I don’t mind, if you don’t mind.”
Mingyu’s room was really nice, and his bed was huge and looked ridiculously comfy.  You just couldn’t wait to get in it, you knew the second your head hit the pillow you would be out for the night. It would be rude to fall asleep without saying goodnight, right? You thought to yourself. Climbing into Mingyu’s bed you realized you were right, it was comfy like you anticipated, and it smelled oddly like lavender, just like your own bed. You did happen to mention in passing to Mingyu that you purchased a lavender bed spray that was supposed to help you relax and fall asleep. It was possible that he decided to give it a try when he found out how much you liked it. You also noticed that off to the side of his bed, atop the nightstand was a white noise machine, similar to the one you have at home. Either you had more in common with Mingyu than you thought or he just paid really good attention to you. If the second option was the case, you didn’t realize how much you meant to Mingyu, which only made your heart race even more. 
“I didn’t know you liked white noise while you slept,” you noted as Mingyu climbed between the sheets.
“I don’t,” he replied before rolling over to turn it on. “I bought it because you were spending the night. The least I could do to thank you for your help was to make sure you were as comfortable as possible.”
“And the lavender spray?”
“For you.”
“Seriously, Mingyu. How are you still single?”
Mingyu rolled back over to face you and his arms found their way around you again and pulled you closer to him. Figuring it was okay, you rested your head on his chest. Just laying there listening to his heart beat. 
“I’m just waiting for someone very special and specific.”
You hummed in acknowledgement before starting to doze off in Mingyu’s arms.
The next morning you noticed the bed was significantly cooler than it was last night. Mingyu’s presence was significantly therapeutic and you found yourself missing it. Oh, this is bad.
“Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?”
“I think that was the best I’ve ever slept. Thank you for doing all of that for me.”
“I’m glad to hear that. You deserve the best.”
“I think I just might have to spend the night more often.”
“My door is always open for you, princess.” What’s with the pet names? You decided just to shrug it off, even though it made your head spin and your heart flutter. Oh, Kim Mingyu, you’re going to be the death of me.
In the kitchen you were greeted with the sight of a very domestic Mingyu, again. You watched and admired while he paced around the kitchen trying to throw everything together. There was still quite a bit to do for the evening but Mingyu couldn’t look happier. He was just glad that a few of his favourite people would be there to celebrate the holiday with him. Plus, he also looked adorable in his apron, so you wouldn’t complain one bit. You’d be lying to yourself if you hadn’t thought of husband material Mingyu once or twice in the past. 
“Alright, how can I help?”
Thankful for your help, Mingyu pulled you in for yet another hug. Is this going to be a constant thing? My heart can’t take much more of this. At this point it was a miracle that Mingyu couldn’t feel your heart race with the proximity of your bodies, you were sure that your heart would beat out of your chest any moment now. What you failed to realize though was that Mingyu also didn’t want to let go, but the knocking on his apartment door demanded his attention. 
Slowly, one by one his friends started to trickle in, making sure to say hi and introduce themselves to you. They all seemed very friendly, and you really wanted to make a good impression.
“It’s so nice to have another girl in this friend group,” Jihoon’s girlfriend Ava gushed, coming in to hug you. She seemed very sweet, you could see yourself turning into good friends. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. We’ve heard so much about you!”
You glanced from Ava to Mingyu, back to her, before glancing back to ask Mingyu, “you talk about me?”
“Talk about you? He doesn’t shut up about you.” Ava answered for him.
“Okay, that’s enough.” Jihoon panicked, pulling Ava off of you. “Let’s go help Wonwoo and Seungkwan set things up.”
Thinking they were out of earshot Ava tried to whisper to Jihoon. “Wow, Mingyu wasn’t lying when he said she’s really pretty.” It didn’t turn out that way though, she might as well have yelled it. 
“You think I’m pretty?” you teased.
“You have a mirror, don’t you?” For the first time since you met Mingyu, you finally caught the blush creeping up on his cheeks and his red ears. You couldn’t help but chuckle at how cute Mingyu looked when he was acting shy. 
“Let’s go play some games. I’ve got asses to kick.”
“Oh, you’re on.”
While Sackboy was a game that called for teamwork, Seungkwan and Mingyu seemed to have formed an alliance to try and sabotage you. Ava caught on pretty quickly and managed to talk Jihoon on backing you up against them. It involved a lot of throwing each other’s character off the edge and losing lives and slapping each other…in the game. Multiple levels had to be restarted. Thankfully Wonwoo got the boys to start playing properly so the night could go on, and you often got to the finish line first. Never against Wonwoo though, you knew he’d probably get to the finish line first, but your ego was well fed after coming first against Seungkwan. 
Seungkwan huffed out in annoyance, “Mingyu, your girlfriend cheats!”
“She’s not my -”
“Maybe you just suck,” you fired back. 
You caught Wonwoo leaning in to tell Mingyu, “she’s cool. I like her.” At least one of his friends tried to be subtle. But you missed Mingyu saying back, “yea, I like her too.”
Things started to die down a little bit more as dinner rolled around, but with Seungkwan’s competitive streak you all knew the peacefulness would be short-lived. Almost as if he could read everyone’s mind, Monopoly was dropped onto the coffee table.
“Alright, I want a rematch.”
Trying to remain calm, Jihoon rubbed his temples, almost as if Seungkwan pained him. “Dude, you’re embarrassing yourself. Just take the loss.”
“Yeah,” Ava whined. “We like her, don’t scare her off.” 
Mingyu was getting ready to step in and have Seungkwan back off and leave you alone but he found your hand on his knee enough to stop him.
“If he wants to lose, let him. Just know Seungkwan, this game takes a while so be prepared to suffer.”
Mingyu couldn’t help but enjoy that you and his friends seemed to be getting along so well. He also really enjoyed watching you absolutely destroy Seungkwan every chance you got. 
“My money is on Seungkwan,” Wonwoo chimed in as you and Seungkwan started to set up the game. 
“Thank you. I’m glad that someone believes in me.”
“My money is on you losing,” Wonwoo clarified. Maybe everyone else also enjoyed how things were going between you and Seungkwan. Mingyu didn’t realize that he stuck two of the most competitive people in a room together. 
Jihoon was the first to pull out his wallet. “Alright, I’m in.”
Seungkwan let out a groan of defeat as he fell backwards onto the floor. Jihoon used this sulking episode as an opportunity to divide the winnings amongst everyone that bet on you instead of Seungkwan. Which was everyone. 
The night had turned out amazing, as you expected. You found yourself really enjoying yourself and your new found friends. It was much nicer than spending the holiday at your own apartment and it was a nice change from your regular holiday plans. Which you made sure to tell Mingyu, you really couldn’t be more grateful that you had been so important to be included in this little tradition.
“Ava, did you make this pie?” you asked. “This is absolutely amazing.”
She blushed at the praise. It really amused you how someone could go from being so bold one minute to so shy and quiet the next.
Mingyu figured it was probably time to get involved with the conversations. He had been rather quiet the past little while just taking in his favourite people, and watching to make sure you were having a good time. “We’re convinced that’s the reason Jihoon is dating her.”
Jihoon just shrugged at his friend’s accusation. “Who doesn’t love free dessert?”
“You really like it?” Baked goods were Ava’s love language and it meant a lot to her when people could bond over good food. 
“I love it! Seriously, I want to climb inside and live in this pie. I think I want to marry the pie.”
This time Wonwoo was not so subtle with his next comment, “damn Mingyu, you’ve got some competition.”
At this point Mingyu gave up. There was no possible way that you didn’t know about his feelings for you. He wanted his friends' help on how to bring it up and what to say, but he didn’t expect it to turn out like this. 
“Yeah, I’m actually kind of jealous of the attention that pie is getting.”
Seungkwan jumped on the opportunity of embarrassing Mingyu. “It’s getting more attention than you.” 
“Seungkwan, be nice or I’ll kick your ass at another stupid game again,” you threatened. Mingyu couldn’t be more thankful that you were deflecting the situation away from him and not making him feel even more embarrassed and awkward than he already was.
The day started to fade bringing Friendsgiving to an end. It seemed like a good time to start cleaning up and gathering your belongings, you wanted to get home and rest a little bit before it got too late. 
“Are you leaving?” Mingyu asked, his voice laced with a hint of disappointment.
“Shortly, yeah. I just wanted to help get things cleaned up.”
“Oh, I don’t want you to leave,” he pouted. 
“What about me?”
“No, Seungkwan, I definitely want you to leave.”
“I feel like you’re picking favourites and it’s not me.”
Mingyu tried his hardest to get his friends to leave, but his friends seemed to sense his wish of wanting to be alone and spend more time with you that they took their time leaving. Except Jihoon, he was glad to finally be heading home and had to pull Ava off of you. 
“Mingyu give me her number, and don’t fuck this up.” On the bright side, at least his friends approved of you. But the big picture: did YOU approve of Mingyu? Could he be what you deserved? What you wanted?
Seungkwan said his goodbyes before gently (but purposely) knocking you into Mingyu, forcing him to catch you. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to push you under the mistletoe.”
“The what?” you glanced up and there it was, a very out of place decoration. “That’s the wrong holiday,” you noted, almost as if you were unsure. But you did know for a fact that neither you nor Mingyu put that decoration up. 
“I thought you two could use the push.”
Wonwoo could see Seungkwan’s life flash before his eyes, if Mingyu’s facial expression was anything to go off of.  “Dude, you better start running.” Seungkwan almost didn’t want to believe Wonwoo, but Jihoon did, and pulled their friend away, leaving Wonwoo behind with you and Mingyu. “I’m so sorry about him. I hope you stick around. It was lovely meeting you.”
You exchanged your goodbye with Wonwoo before turning back to Mingyu. Poor Mingyu, cheeks tinted red, so embarrassed and worried that his friends scared you and that he might lose you after his feelings were aired out so blatantly. This evening was supposed to be fun and relaxing, his feelings weren’t meant to be a part of it. He didn’t want to put you on the spot like that, it wasn’t his reason for inviting you over, he honestly just wanted you around. When he asked his friends on how he should go about telling you his feelings he didn’t mean that exact day, or even a day when they were around. Actually, they most definitely were not supposed to be there when he confessed his feelings. But here he is, forced to come out and say something. Mingyu’s trance was disrupted when he felt your hands work their way to the nape of his neck, forcing him to maintain eye contact with you.
“I lost you there for a second.”
“I’m so sorry about all of this, this is not what I expected. I don’t know what’s wrong with them. Are you mad? Let me grab your bag and I can walk you to your car.” Mingyu stopped in his tracks when he heard you quietly say,
“I would have kissed you without the mistletoe.”
“You what?!”
“Kiss her! Kiss her!” Seungkwan and Ava chanted from down the hall. Right. Mingyu was too wrapped up in his own existential crisis and didn’t make it back into his apartment. He muttered a quick “assholes” before pulling you back into the apartment, and making sure the door was locked and inaccessible from his nosey friends. 
“So, rumour has it, you have a crush on me?”
“Fuck it,” Mingyu sighed. “Yeah, I do. I have for a while actually. You were not supposed to find out this way.” You tried to reassure Mingyu that it was really okay, and figured he must have forgotten what you said previously about the mistletoe.
“Mingyu, I like you too, so much. You’re the most amazing person I know… as for the mistletoe.” you brought his attention back to the decoration. “We can’t break tradition, can we now?”
Mingyu watched as you stood up on your tiptoes closing the distance between the two of you. He wasn’t sure how to go about it, he hadn’t ever expected it to happen, but was relieved when you seemed to have everything under control. Despite trying to remain calm, cool and collected, nothing could have prepared him for what your lips on his would feel like. He couldn’t help the smile that came across his face and finally gained the confidence to return your affection back. When he realized you weren’t going anywhere he pulled you closer, silently hoping this moment wouldn’t end. Things only intensified when you ran your hands up his side and across his chest before stopping your hands on either side of his face and pulling away as Mingyu’s phone went off with a text notification.
“Happy Thanksgiving, Mingyu.”
Seungkwan > did you kiss her yet?
Ava > how was it?!
    > also, we heard you, there’s nothing wrong with us
Wonwoo > except EVERYTHING
Jihoon > freaks
> I was talking about Ava and Seungkwan by the way
Ava > rude, enjoy sleeping on the couch
    > add her to the group chat
Mingyu chuckled and showed you the conversation, a silent ask if you wanted to be a part of that mess. You handed Mingyu your phone, you couldn’t be happier to be welcomed into the group.
“Oh no, what did I get myself into?” you joked.
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sundrop-writes · 10 months
Your First Kiss With Gar Logan
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Gar Logan x Gender Neutral Reader
While the Titans are living in Gotham, things are spiralling out of control. You take a moment to comfort Gar and help him with an unexpected injury, and the two of you find those inevitable feelings coming to the surface.
Gar Logan x Gender Neutral Reader. Friends to Lovers. Fluff. Set during Season 3, Episode 4.
Word Count: 2,700
DC Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
Detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: this is general fluff; set during the episode where Kory accidentally burns Gar due to her visions/waking nightmares; descriptions of Gar having a burn wound on his arm; descriptions of first aid and wound care; the reader attends to the wound because they have first aid experience; the reader used to be a ward of Doctor Caulder (not blood related to him); mention of the reader being an orphan (as everyone in the presence of DC comics lore is); the reader is gender neutral (the main pronouns used are you/yours and there are no gendered aspects to the character); mentions of Gar's past trauma; extreme mutual pining; slight angst with a fluffy ending; I believe that's it.
A/N: This is part of something I am calling the 'first kiss' series - a series that depicts that a first kiss would be like with each of the Titans characters. For context, I am not necessarily writing this as a situation where the reader has never been kissed before and this is their first ever kiss - I am writing this as a situation where this is what your first kiss in the relationship would be like. The kiss that sparks that shift from friendship into romance. (In some of the other scenarios, I might spice it up and do enemies into lovers lmao.) I just think this is gonna be fun because most of the fics I write are based around smut, where kissing is not really the focus, so I wanted to change the pace of what I'm writing and make that big dramatic kissing moment - like you get in romcoms. I hope to do one of these fics for each of the characters, and some requested Dick, so that's probably the one that I'll do next. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!
A sound of pain caught your attention. 
You had been walking down one of the many winding hallways of Wayne Manor, and any thoughts about what you had previously been doing left your mind the moment you heard it. You wondered what was wrong and who was hurting. 
The family had been through enough in the past few days. Nobody in the household needed any more pain. Certainly not from your perspective. 
A wince - a gasp. Breath hissing through teeth. Distinctly, it was the sound of someone recoiling in pain. 
You followed the sound closely and traced it to an open door. There was a streak of light coming from one of the many large, expensive bathrooms that the Manor had. Through that gap, you saw a flash of green - a green shirt, green hair. It took you only a moment to figure out who it was. 
“Dammit.” Gar swore. 
He was struggling with something. Your insides immediately flooded with concern knowing this. Whatever it was, you would try your best to help him. He was your best friend, after all, and you would never abandon him during a time of need. If the problem was minuscule or catastrophic, you would be there to help him with it. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, reaching out to push the bathroom door open further. 
You likely already knew the answer, but you couldn’t help the instinctive question as it escaped your mouth. 
As the door drifted open at your touch, Gar’s eyes snapped over to you. 
He was standing at the sink with one of the long sleeves of his shirt rolled up. Your eyes were instantly drawn to the center of his forearm - you winced yourself when you saw a very nasty burn there. He had a first aid kit open beside the sink with bits of it strewn across the counter, and he was dabbling a piece of cotton on the burn. 
So that had been the source of his painful noises. 
“I - I’m fine.” Gar quickly lied. 
He reached out with his uninjured arm in a poor attempt to close the door on you. You sighed, pushing back against him. In a very Gar fashion, he didn’t fight against you as you pushed your way into the bathroom and closed the door completely behind you, sealing both of you into the privacy of the space. 
He knew that you were definitely more stubborn than he was, and it would just be easier to let you help him than to fight against your stubborn will. It was something he had learned a long time ago. The position of being your friend came with forceful caring. It was one of the things that he loved most about you. 
“Come on, Gar.” You sighed, your voice ripe with gentle pity. “You should know that you don’t have to lie to me. What happened?” 
Gar wanted to explain that he hadn’t told you a lie, that he was fine, but that died off in his throat. Again - you were stubborn. That would have turned into an entire argument. 
You gently took his wrist in hand, lifting his arm slightly to inspect the burn closer. 
He knew that you had some medical experience. From what he had seen, you were really skilled, and quite intelligent in the field of medicine, even though you hadn’t done any formal study to become a doctor. 
You had worked with Doctor Caulder for years, had been his assistant since you were a young child. He had taken you on as a ward when you were orphaned, and very early on, he started teaching you ‘his craft’. It’s how you and Gar had met. You had been there, helping to take care of him and overseeing him after Caulder had injected him with the serum. Your face was one of the first kind faces he knew during the fever induced delirium, having the serum pumping through his veins and painfully rearranging his DNA from the inside out. 
You were one of the only people who wasn’t afraid of the Tiger because of it. Even after the horrors that Cadmus had put him through - you were never afraid of him. You always saw him as the scared, shivering boy from the hospital bed. Someone who just needed your help, a hand to hold. And you had always been there, holding your hand out to him since then. Through the good and the bad, through the times when he had been scared and uncertain. 
Of course, it was only natural that he had developed certain… feelings for you. 
And of course, he was always terrified to voice those feelings. He was terrified to lose you. As a friend, as the strong person he could lean on. 
Even now, as you once again took his hand and nursed him back to health - he felt his heart fluttering in his chest, and he was terrified to lose you as a friend because of it. 
Gar tried to distract himself from those dangerous feelings by answering your question. 
“Well, what happened was…” He began, but then quickly trailed off. “I was in the kitchen, and Kory came in. But she - she wasn’t in her right mind, her eyes were all weird again, and..” 
The more words he said, the worse it sounded. He had a large burn on his arm and Kory was well known for her fiery powers. It didn’t take much brain power to put it together. 
You looked up at him with deep concern dancing in your eyes, and he scrambled to find the right words. He knew that any way he explained it, it wouldn’t sound good. He rushed to make an excuse for his friend. Someone you both loved that he had far more sympathy for in this situation. 
“Kory - see - she - Kory’s been having a really hard time lately.” Gar tripped over his own words to explain it. “It - it was an accident.” 
“She accidentally gave you a second degree burn?” You posed, feeding the words back to Gar in the hopes that it would make him realize just how ridiculous it sounded. 
Your tone was clearly scolding, an underlying anger in your voice directed at Kory for hurting your best friend. 
Gar sighed. He knew it was likely a rhetorical question, but he still was struggling for an answer. He didn’t come up with one before you spoke again. 
“Take this off.” You told him, motioning toward his shirt. “I’ll bandage this up for you.” 
Gar did as you said, wincing again when the sleeve of his shirt grazed against the fresh wound. He dropped it to the bathroom floor without much thought. You tried not to let your eyes linger on his bare torso - a gorgeous sight - as you moved to grab a pair of tweezers from the first aid kit. You had noticed that bits of cloth from his shirt had been singed onto the wound. That needed to be taken care of first. 
“I’m not mad.” Gar said suddenly. “I’m not mad at Kory.” 
That didn’t surprise you. He was never the type of person to hold grudges. You had only seen him get angry a handful of times. You had only seen him truly hold rage in his heart when Doctor Caulder had attempted to hold Rachel against her will. 
“Why not?” You asked. 
You moved him where you wanted him, and he was easily pliant to you, trusting your experience. You trapped his hand between the side of your body and your own arm so that he wouldn’t move or squirm, pinning him there. You held the elbow of his injured arm in the palm of your hand to hopefully keep him in place. You grabbed the tweezers with your other hand and then got to work. 
“I’m worr-” 
He let out a sharp gasp when you plucked off the first piece of singed cloth. You felt him flinch against your hold as you tossed the piece of cloth into the sink. But he didn’t protest. He knew whatever you were doing was something that you deemed necessary. You were helping him, and he wouldn’t fight you on that. 
“I’m worried about Kory.” Gar finished his statement firmly. 
“You’re worried about Kory?” You raised your brows at him, your eyes lingering on his face for a moment before you went back to work. 
Gar often worried about everyone else. 
He had been worrying himself to death about Jason, trying to ‘save’ someone that likely couldn’t be saved since he had magically come back from the dead. He was worried about Dick taking on the pressures of Batman now that Bruce was suddenly absent. He had been worried about Dawn and Hank’s arguing, knowing that Hank had come to Gotham just to win her back. You knew that Gar was worried about everyone, hoping that the pieces of the family would just fall into place and everyone would be happy again. (When they had last been happy, you weren’t quite sure.) 
You were likely the only person who worried about Gar in return. 
“Who’s worried about you?” You mumbled quietly. 
You plucked out another piece of the burnt cloth, and Gar bit his lip to keep from crying out with pain. 
“There’s nothing going on with me.” He told you, shooting you one of his glowing smiles. “I’m fine. I don’t need anyone to worry about me.” 
You knew that even if he didn’t take this injury into account, this was a lie. 
The toll of being such an empathetic person was never one that he voiced. The pure pressure of everyone else’s emotions piling onto him, the worry of what was going to happen to his friends. That, on top of his own troubles - nightmares of his time at Cadmus still haunting him, feeling inadequate because he couldn’t use his powers to the fullest extent, missing two of his dear friends with the absences of Jason and Rachel. 
You knew that Gar wasn’t ‘fine’. You knew that he had a lot troubling him. It was just easier for him to smile and pretend everything was okay. Because that made him feel okay. It helped him carry on. 
And a lot of the time, his sunshiney smile was the entire reason you got out of bed at all. 
However, rather than telling him this, you drove home your point in an entirely different way. 
“Ironic.” You huffed out, picking out the last piece of the cloth that had stuck to the edge of the wound. 
Gar hissed in pain. 
“Yeah, yeah, okay.” Gar finally folded. 
Right now, he did need someone worrying about him. That much he could admit. 
You reached over and grabbed an anti-bacterial cream from the first aid kit. 
You were glad that you would be there to change the bandage and monitor the healing of the wound, because it was likely a lot worse - a lot more painful than he was letting on. You were worried about what kind of mental state Kory had been in that caused her to attack him, even if it had been an accident. You had seen her ‘sleep walking’, or whatever you would call it. You wondered what caused it. You wondered if it was the general stress that all the Titans were under right now. But Gar’s wellbeing was your primary concern. 
“You know you can come to me for stuff like this, right?” You told him, your voice edging on scolding as you applied the cream with a q-tip and he gritted his teeth through the pain once again. “Don’t let all that child slave labor that Caulder put me through go to waste.” 
Gar let out a chuckle at this - a dry, sarcastic sound. It was a tone that told you that while he did find your commentary amusing, he still resented your former shared ‘mentor’ for all the things he had put both of you through. 
“You know I can handle myself.” Gar told you, still slightly resistant to your caring. “Someone needs to be strong.” 
It was a dangerous double meaning. He thought that he had to be the singular strong pillar of the household. He thought that he had to be the one person in the family who didn’t fold to his emotions and let any cracks show through. 
“Let them handle themselves once in a while.” You told him pointedly as you began to wrap a bandage around his forearm. “You don’t need to be some brick wall for everyone to lean on.” 
“But-” Gar said quietly. 
“But nothing.” You cut him off. 
When you dared to look up at his face, you saw those wide puppy eyes staring back at you. His beautiful brown pupils were shining with guilt. He didn’t need to voice it for you to know that he felt like it was his responsibility to take care of everyone else. They often didn’t take care of themselves properly. If he didn’t at least try, then who else would? 
“I know this might be a newsflash for you, especially because you have that golden, shining hero heart in your chest…” You explained, reaching up and running one of your fingers across the skin of his muscled pec, motioning toward that beautiful heart inside in his chest. 
With him not wearing a shirt, the skin to skin contact was oddly intimate, causing tingles to radiate out from that point that you knew he could feel too. You became temporarily distracted from your words, and forced yourself to clear your throat and remember what you were saying. 
“But you can’t save everyone.” You continued. You distracted yourself from the tension in the air by tying the bandage onto itself to secure it around his arm. “Sometimes they do need to save themselves.” 
Gar let out a quiet huff. Internally, he had finally folded to the fact that you were right. 
“I hate it when you’re right.” He said quietly. 
“You must hate me a lot.” You replied, laughter dancing in your words as you cleverly turned the sentence around on him. 
Gar’s face broke into an easy, natural smile at this. You were too clever. 
He felt that inevitable warmth swell up inside of him again. The affectionate fondness for you that he always felt bubbling just under the surface. 
When he looked up and locked eyes with you once again, sitting in the quiet moment - a rare moment of peace stolen away from the seemingly never-ending chaos that being a part of the Titans family was - he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t hold back his feelings for you anymore. 
You felt the magnetism swell in the air, and when Gar reached out, gently gripping the side of your neck, right underneath your ear - you let yourself be taken by it. It had been coming for years, and you easily let yourself succumb to it. You let your eyes fall closed and you drifted into him like a boat drifting at sea, falling into the current that he always provided for you. 
The kiss was inevitable, and somehow - perfect. 
He was gentle, not forcing his way into your space or presuming anything of you, but falling into the natural rhythm of the attraction as you pressed your mouth against his. His lips were a sweet, soft sanctuary - so much better than you had dreamed of. The touch was so beautifully tender that you felt tingles radiating through you, a high you had never experienced before. You let out a delighted sigh as the kiss pulled at the strings deep in your soul. 
After a moment, you pulled back slightly, your forehead gently pressed against his. 
“Y/N,” Gar murmured your name quietly. 
There were so many things he wanted to say to you. 
To tell you that he loved you - as more than a friend. That he always had. To tell you that he was thankful for you, that you were the stitching that held together the very fabric of his life. 
But then-
“Gar!” Kory’s voice came shouting down the hallway. “Gar, look, I’m sorry! Where are you? Please, can you just let me apologize?” 
Of course. More family chaos. Not a moment alone. Well, no more than one moment. 
“You should find a shirt.” You told Gar, giving him a playful grin and tapping him lightly on his bare shoulder. 
Gar sighed, and nodded. And hesitantly, he broke away from you in order to go and do that. 
Eventually, he would tell you those things. He would find the right time, the right way to put it all into words. But for now, even if it was unspoken, you knew.
If you enjoyed this fic, check out my DC Titans Masterlist for more of my other fics!! And please consider reblogging and commenting on this fic to tell me what you liked about it.
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youneedsomeprompts · 9 months
hi!! i’ve just started writing a fic and it’s going well (a friends to lovers) but i’m having trouble with the transition part of the story. the two have already confessed, but i don’t want them rushing into anything bc it just wouldn’t make sense. do you have any tips on how to ease them from just being friends to dating? i don’t want it to be super quick but i also don’t want to drag it on forever. thank you again!!💗
Points you could include to ease your characters from the friend phase into the dating phase:
trying to be extremely nice to the other because they're still unsure which extent of affection is "right" and feels "appropriate" for their relationship
getting used to sharing what used to be something they had/kept just to themselves (are there maybe certain parts they're struggling with?)
learning more intimate things/details about the other that maybe surprise them
having awkward moments when doing "couple things" they have never done before together (laughing about it together afterwards)
noticing that certain dynamics that their friendship used to have changed for new dynamics that came with dating. maybe they're missing what had been. maybe they're trying to get that back (they would probably have to mention it to the other. are they comfortable with that? do they feel the same way?) maybe they're learning to like the new version of their relationship
being unsure whether the other expects "more" from them now that they are dating
trying very hard to be good enough for the other but maybe this gets uncomfortable for the other as well because they've always been enough (maybe it's time for a talk about expectations)
being super excited/giddy whenever they see each other, maybe that means they need some time alone to calm down and relax again
trying things together and learning that they don't like them. so, they're trying something else
slowly being introduced to the other's friends and family as their new s/o (maybe feeling awkward and being happy when everyone knows it and becomes normal about it)
being happiest when being with the other just fills them with serenity, and they want that all the time, preferring it to the ecstatic and at times nauseating excitement of being freshly infatuated
Every relationship is different. Every couple goes through different things that lead them to a familiar and casual state of dating. But the list above contains a few things a fresh couple might experience in their first time together as a couple. Maybe some of these help you with your story.
In order to achieve this gradual progress from friends to dating to lovers, I would recommend including a few points similar to the ones above and showing how these single things bring them a bit closer together afterwards. With everything they experience as a couple, they create a new part/dimension of their identity as a couple. Show the smaller and bigger effects these shared new experiences have on their relationship. One step at a time (as slowly or quickly as you like), you can bring your couple closer together.
Hope this helps! <3
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aryaqua-reh2o · 3 months
Childhood crush and a ruined book
I haven’t seen anyone pointing this out so I felt the urge to write this down because it’s a small detail but I think it is important.
As I already pointed out in a previous post upon seeing the preview of the Stolitz duet we had a glimpse of Stolas nesting the Asmodean crystal between two very specific books, Pirates and Botany, the very same books that represent him and Blitzø as we saw in The Circus. 
During their exchange at the end of The Full Moon, we get a closer look and I couldn’t help but notice how the Pirates book is stained and ruined somehow. 
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Stolas is a nerd owl who “loves words” [Quote from Oops!], he cares for his books religiously so how come this particular one is so worn out while we can clearly see that every other book on the shelves is perfect and cared for?
What I suspect is that little Stolas lingered in his childhood crush on Blitzø way longer than we know. He probably spent his lonely childhood daydreaming of his First Ever Friend coming back to play with him and as much as a little child could care for his belongings, he was probably clumsy and maybe he spilt something on it while reading it for the hundredth time. Did Blitzø ever go back to his palace for another playdate? Or was he banned after someone realised he stole? (did they even notice??). From the trailer, we have a glimpse of little Blitzø and Stolas playing, but we still don’t know if this is only an idealisation of that one playdate they had or if it happened more than once. What seems unlikely to me is that, if they had only met once 25 years prior, they reached such a deep level in their friendship to go around holding hands as shown in the clip. But who knows? We didn’t really see the whole day so it might be. After all, when they met again as adults their dynamic is pretty much the same as the one in their first encounter as children: Stolas crushes hard on Blitzø, Blitzø is there for “nefarious reasons” and he’s not thrilled about spending time with Stolas, but ends up enjoying it deeply in both occasions.
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Also, dear Stolas, I beg you, stop putting stuff in between those two books. Listen to me. Just stop.
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tsukimefuku · 6 months
The morning after is still last night
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After last night, you and Higuruma share a brief pillow talk.
Tags: Jujutsu Kaisen, mentions of sex, Higuruma x f!reader, this is fluff.
WC: 800
This is part of my "Jujutsu Partners Canon Divergence AU", a sequence of short stories and random drabbles for a Nanami x f!reader x Higuruma fanfic I'll eventually write (eventually). This is the sequence to "The man who played with fire", link here. To see the ever-growing list of one-shots, please visit my masterlist :)
Disclaimer: they’re NOT written and posted in chronological order of events. To see where this story fits in the timeline, please check the masterlist mentioned above.
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Higuruma was awakened by the faint stream of light that bled through the curtains and projected onto his face delicately. He was coming to his senses slowly, and realized he was still naked under the bedsheets. Looking by his side, he saw you laying down with your back facing him. He smiled discreetly, realizing you had spent the night — Higuruma was unsure if you’d do so, given you were prone to avoidance, overall.
Examining your back solely with his eyes, he noticed a prominent scar right in the middle, over your spine. It was oval-shaped, and it extended in a straight line to the right side of your back, stopping abruptly. It seemed to have been done by a blade of some sort. Before he realized, his fingers were caressing over it, pulling you gently awake.
“Hey,” you cooed, rolling on your side to face him, “good morning.”
“Good morning.” Higuruma answered, gazing at you before putting his hand over your cheek. “It seems you slept here.”
You smiled at him, putting your hand over his. “I didn’t feel like going back home in the middle of the night.” You also wanted to spend some more time with Higuruma, but spared that detail. You were starting to feel somewhat guilty, like you had used him the night prior. No need to dig this deeper, you thought.
“I’m glad you stayed. I wish I had something to offer for breakfast, but I’m not the great domestic type of person. There isn’t anything in my fridge other than yesterday’s beer.” He answered, blatantly not embarrassed at all.
You chuckled lightly. “There might be an old lemon half. You never know, Higuruma.”
His expression became slightly saddened. “I know the sun is already out, but last night isn’t over until we’re out of bed.”
You dragged your body towards his, stopping a few inches apart, and looked him in the eyes. His gaze was lovely, and you were both nearly whispering, as if to keep the fragile little bubble of this moment intact. “Okay, Hiromi.”
Higuruma instantly smiled, and closed the gap between the two of you, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. “That’s more like it.”
You put your thumb on his chin and guided his face to look at you, sighing deeply. “I can’t stay. And I don’t think we should do this again.” You felt like you’d be only using him, even if you had a thing for Higuruma. You just failed to realize just how deep that “thing” was becoming.
He sighed back, because he realized you were doing that again. Fleeing to avoid touching on sensitive subjects. “I know you can’t stay, but I’d like to discuss that second part before you left.”
“What do you want to discuss?”
“I want to know why we shouldn’t have sex again.” He was a pretty straightforward and honest kind of guy, even if it meant saying the uncomfortable unsaid most of the time.
“Well, I feel like I’d be using you for self satisfaction, and I think you’re a friend I wouldn’t want to drive away by treating you like man candy.” You replied, earnestly.
“Then don’t.” He answered. “Treat me like man candy, I mean. Except if I ask for it.”
You chuckled and covered your face at his antics. “Hiromi, oh my God.”
“I mean it! We’re adults, and the lifespan of a jujutsu sorcerer isn’t that long from what I could tell, anyway. It doesn’t mean this will taint our friendship, as you pointed out, and we can always talk about it if things get strange in a bad way.” He negotiated with you. This was so much different from being lectured that you couldn’t help but feel glad to be sharing this moment with Higuruma.
You stayed quiet, studying his features as he awaited for a response, and your gaze wound up resting on his lips for a while, something he noticed. He approached you carefully, brushing his lips to yours, and it instantly made your heart race. You could hear each pump in the back of your ears, as you pressed your lips against his quickly, pulling apart before you both could get entangled together again for round two, after you explicitly told him you shouldn’t.
“Can I think about it?” You asked.
“Of course. But please, do think about it, and don’t just take time to stall on an answer.” Higuruma replied, ash colored eyes piercing through you.
“Oh, stalling to not give you an answer about something uncomfortable or compromising? That definitely doesn’t sound like me.” You answered, mockingly. You were aware of your intimacy issues.
He smiled and pressed his forehead against yours. “ I’m a lawyer, I’m quite familiar with buying time to avoid consequences.”
“Consequences, huh?” You asked, rolling to the opposite side of the bed. “Come on, Hiromi. Time to start the day.”
Defeated, he rolled on his back and stared at the ceiling, as your feet touched the cold morning floor.
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spdrvyn · 1 year
do you think you'll be writing a part 3 to "i'll be lonely with you" ?? 👀 it's so good and i am invested
let's be lonely together — MIGUEL O'HARA
☆ there seems to be a spark growing between you and miguel, and you're forced to confront it when a heavy obstacle blocks your path.
minor angst. fluff. hurt/comfort. injuries. gn!reader. changed the formatting because it felt a little too clunky, hope you guys enjoy this one. school just started for me so i'll be getting a little busy T_T like the other "parts" in this, it can be read as stand alone.
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You were absolutely mortified when you heard the news.
Miguel getting injured was a rare phenomenon that you'd only ever see in your nightmares, however the multiverse would always find a way to make those dreaded dreams of yours become a reality.
You'd refused to believe at first, standing as still as a mannequin once Jess had informed you, but that realization had finally sunk in. Miguel was hurt, and you were away while it happened.
From what you've gathered, he got impaled. It wasn't in any fatal areas, but it's a gut-twisting incident nonetheless. You shuddered just thinking of Miguel covered in blood, but to think that a spear, a sharp piece of metal, a blade piercing through and sticking out of Miguel's side left you unsettled.
Of course, your first instinct was to visit him. No second thoughts.
God, even as you paced hurriedly to the infirmary which was all the way across headquarters, your mind ran like a coding sequence. Trying to compute what to even say once you see him.
Being too forward and asking questions straight away might get him overwhelmed, he is frail and you certainly don't need to weigh down on him even more. Yet, you also want to show him that you care, but how do you do that without confessing your feelings for him?
Oh, right. Your feelings for him.
Cross your heart and hope to die, it started out as a small crush. Very miniscule, very minute, but who could blame you? You hadn't been around for as long as Peter B., Ben, let alone Jess, but he was more than okay with your company. You considered that to be a great achievement, but you celebrated too hard on your newfound friendship. Letting it fester in your heart, boiling for more.
You had tried to embrace delusion, you had tried to be content in the illusion of simply being friends, however guilt crept up on you at every single possibility. Maybe you could push down your feelings, stay in denial, but it would be a wasted effort.
It was the little things. The ghost of a smile that you would see forming on his lips whenever you talked about your interests or practically anything not work-related, the way that his eyes relaxed whenever you came into sight, how he ran his hand through his hair during the times it had fallen unkempt to fix himself up just for you.
Although it wasn't just you who noticed his tiny habits, Miguel was ever the observant type as well. During conversations, he'd occasionally interrupt you with a detail from a discussion that you two had three months ago. You wouldn't be surprised if he knew bullshit like your mother's maiden name.
This showed up in presents too. When you just happened to be hungry, Miguel had pulled out a small box, well as small as it could get when in his hands, and handed it you. Once you'd open it, you were met with the smell of your favorite fast food place.
Even with the snarky comments about how he could easily replicate it with the ingredients he had at home, there was no ignoring the absolutely smitten smile that he wore as he watched you eat. Content, happy, and most of all: full.
You'd missed it, all of it. The adrenaline in your veins raced like a runner on a track, hand shaky as you raised it to knock on the door of his medical room. Sweat gathered at your forehead, you held your breath as it threatened to collapse. You knew had to do this.
Three knocks was all you needed, but before you could even get to the third rap, Miguel's voice spoke from inside. "Come in," it was low, but not menacing like it usually was. He no longer spoke like he was commanding a room, getting your undivided attention, low from the bottom of his heart with every word serving a purpose.
No. Right now? He spoke like he'd fallen into the pavement, instead trying to divert your attention, low from the deep pit of shame and embarrassment that he dug himself into.
Once you'd entered, Miguel looked just as sad as you thought he'd looked. Even if he still adorned the suit that made him particularly stand out from every other spider-person running in and out of this place, the suit that served as his captain's hat, the freshly patched wounds shined through it all.
"Miguel," You spoke, voice hushed as you rushed to his side. He flinches when you slam the door shut behind you before you grip the railings of his 'hospital' bed. "What even happened?"
Your eyes ran over his body, observing how the molecular fabric of his suit glitched and stuttered, the same way a TV would look if you pressed your hand against the screen too hard.
You wanted to get a good look of his injuries, to check for any sign of what the full story was, but before you could do more, Miguel brings the covers over the entire lower half of his body, including the surface of his abdomen. Looking away shamefully.
"I don't want to talk about it right now," He grumbles and you could barely even hear it, his words tore your heart apart piece by piece. Did he not trust you? Were your efforts to see something more in him for naught? "Why are you here?"
"Why else do you think I'm here, Miguel?"
The truth was that you weren't even mad at him, just disappointed. Numbers were too finite to count the amount of times you've limped into Miguel's office with a brand new injury from a mission, the amount of times you've explained to him that you'd go straight to the infirmary after, the amount of times he's demanded that you sit down as he patches up your wounds while you report said mission to him. 
Yet he was this ashamed to act so vulnerable in front of you, while you've looked even weaker in the past? It made you think, it really did. "I feel like you owe me some explanation, don't you?" You insisted, but he just shook his head.
"There's more important things to attend to right now," He begins, and it makes the blood pumping in your heart freeze over. "It's really not that big of a deal, it'll pass in a day, I promise." Lies. All of it. 
The frigidity of his words seeped from your chest down to your very fingertips, the steel railing of his bed practically turning to ice as the realization sunk in. He didn't want you to see him like this. He didn't trust you enough to see him like this. 
But why?
You wondered. So you asked him. 
"I just don't get it." One of your hands lets go of bars that way you could smooth your hair, probably the only not messy part about you right now. "I thought I was doing everything right, and it's still not enough, is it?" 
Miguel's face falls, the tense pout that he wore like a jacket being ripped to shreds as you further rambled. "Why are you shutting me out like this? What did I do wrong?" Fragile, delicate, creaking and cracking, all while on the verge of breaking. 
Was it your voice? Your tears? Your composure? No, everything. It was as if he had you in a chokehold, a slight pressure, and you could shatter in an instant. Your head immediately tilted down, facing the floor. You prayed, prayed, and prayed that he wouldn't take notice of the crystalline drops that fell from your eyes. 
But Miguel can't even bring himself to say anything and he hates himself for it, don't get him wrong though, he has so many thoughts, he's had so many thoughts about you. He felt like such an idiot for not saying them to you before, but he'd feel like even more of an idiot if he said them right now. 
That was mostly the self-defense talking, just look at you. Sure, he was the dumbass injured on the hospital bed, but you were an entirely different kind of pitiful. The strength that he'd built over the past year, to hurdle obstacles both physically and mentally, to be a leader, yet he couldn't even undo the repression of the feelings that he so coldly locked away. 
He wanted to try though. For you.
"It's— it's not for the reasons you think, okay?" Miguel stuttered, how he wanted you to look up that way he could wipe your tears, hush and reassure you, but he couldn't. Not in this moment at least. "I'm an idiot, I really am."
Now, that made you redirect your attention. A rarity it was to witness the proclaimed genius, leader of hundreds of Spider-people, to call himself fucking stupid. Your eyes were dry, but the puffiness of your lids said all it needed to. 
Miguel's face scrunches up a little, he had to be vulnerable, it was the least of many things that he owed you. "I just think you're too good for me sometimes," He sighs, 
leaning back against the pillow behind him. Gazing distantly into the small corner of darkness in the room, "Not sometimes. A lot of the time. Everyday."
A wave of warmth crashes over your chest, coursing through your icy veins as Miguel further digs himself into this hole. A hole that he'd most likely die in. "You're just so— so you, you know?"
He denotes your perplexed face and sucks in a sharp breath, bringing a hand out to rub the wrinkles on his forehead. "Fuck, just give me a second to think." He huffs in annoyance, there were often times where Miguel would be able to explain the full extent of canon evemts with no breaks in between when it came to something as simple as saying I like like you, he was more than clueless.
"I've seen this place come to fruition ever since I could even begin to fathom multiverse travel," He starts, Miguel had normally upkept the habit of keeping eye contact with those he spoke with, but right now he wanted nothing more than to keep looking away from you. "A year. A whole year."
Miguel was smart, that he could say with confidence. He was able to build machines that allowed him access to scientific discoveries that nobody else could attain, the same machines that are the foundation of everything he's built. 
However, it all really boiled down to the people. Each individual that he's recruited is special, he can't deny that. Their origins are the same, maybe their suffering alike, but it comes down to the soul, the core of their being. There's a specialty in every Spider-person that he's walked by in these hallowed halls.
Even after all of that, he just couldn't comprehend it. After seeing all of them get knocked down by the cruel humor of the multiverse, only to get back up and to keep preserving, he hasn't made a single realconnection. 
"You come in only a few months ago and it seems like everybody knows your name, knows who you are, your smile." Miguel talked and talked and talked, like you weren't even in the room. Like how he did whenever he'd come back to his office from a mission, a mission with you and Lyla would beg him for the details. 
"Yet, even when there's so many better versions of Spider-Man out there, more charming and more... likeable," Finally, finally he turns his head back to face you, trying to fight back the shame that makes him want to just shut the hell up. 
"You chose me." How could he even call himself a genius after all of this?
One of Miguel's worst fears nowadays was you being in his place, possibly worse. Dead on the dark floor an alleyway in some distant dimension, that idea terrified him a lot. He almost thought he killed you himself when you only seemed to just— stare at him, lips slightly parted and the only reassurance he received that you were still with him in this realm was the slow rise and fall of your chest. 
If this was how you felt everytime you had a personal discussion with him, he completely understood if you'd leave this room hating his guts. As each second passes at a snail's pace, that pit of anxiousness grows and grows until—
"Miguel," It's a single word, his name, his calling; the way you say it though, it makes his heart drop below freezer temperature. "Is that really what you think of yourself?"
"Here I thought that you were pissed at me this whole time," A dry, but short chuckle leaves your throat. The remnants of your sobs and previous cries still present in the way you spoke. "I don't hang around you just for some extra validation or because you're the boss, I stand you because I actually like you?"
"Have you actually never considered that? That I wanted to know you past a work basis?" You almost find the utter shock on his face humorous if it weren't how ridiculous his mindset was, how stupid he truly was. 
"I mean— I didn't—" Whatever was left of your tears seemed to dry out watching him like this, tripping and falling over his words. The walls that he so desperately tried to build up crumbling before you into pieces, these pieces that you'd admire and care for. "Fuck, I'm no good at this."
"Yeah, I can see that." All the worries that you've held so close to your heart were slowly starting to be ebbed away by the what he'd just said, maybe you were afraid, but he was to. "I can do the rest of the talking now." 
Even if he didn't make a single movement, you could tell that he agreed with you. 
His heart thumps competing the speed of a race car as you place your hand on top of his, running your thumb smoothly across his bruised knuckles. You delight in the way that subtle dark red hue settles on his cheeks. It's working. 
"I really, really like you. I like the way your hair moves, I like the way I can take a peek at your fangs when you laugh, I like the way that you roll your eyes when someone says something really stupid," It's a drawn out ramble, one that Miguel could get absolutely drunk on and result in a hangover the next morning. 
"You're not better or worse than me, we both carry our own flaws, have our own struggles," Time seems to come to a standing point when you bring his scathed hand to your heart, where he can feel how fast it's beating under his fingertips. 
"But what really matters to me is that we help each other change, to improve. You've done so much for me after all this time and I want to do the same for you ten-fold," You suck in a sharp breath. "Possibly even more." 
Miguel clearly couldn't bring himself to words right now. How could he after everything you've just confessed? Any sentence after that would make him sound like a caveman and it's not like he could afford to look like any more of a bumbling idiot in front of you after all that. 
Instead, he opts for something else. Slowly but surely, he drags his hand up to grip onto your shoulder, pulling you closer. Gently but closer. 
He notices the way that your body tenses in anticipation, your breath quickening when his gaze flickers down to your lips. 
"May I?"
Yes, please.
There was a certain softness to the way that Miguel kissed you, in a way that you'd never expect would come from him. However, the grip that he has on your shoulder tightens and surely, there's a certain desperation to how he holds you. 
He wants this. He needs this. 
You want to lean in closer. Maybe even climb onto the bed and straddle his lap so that things can go further deeper, all of these thoughts racing through your head come to an abrupt stop when Miguel hisses in pain pulling back. 
Excitement quickly contorts into concern when he retracts his hand from you to rub the crook of his neck. You swore you could see blood sprinkling the gauze that covered the wound there.
"Shit, I'm so sorry. You should—" Before you could even finish apologizing, he recovers. Practically grabbing you with so much force that your body slightly clashes against the metal of his bed, the cold steel in contrast to the warmth of his touch. 
God, kissing you felt like running a marathon or scaling a building as high as the Effeil Tower, but did Miguel care? No, he didn't. He didn't give a shit if he'd be ripping a stitch or causing a blood vessel to pop. You were all that mattered to him now. 
"Don't you dare apologize." He grits through labored breaths before continuing to kiss you with a newfound hunger and how could you not listen? 
No matter how many bandages, lectures, and battles Miguel had to go through each passing day. The isolation that had consumed his heart in a tar nobody could break, you did. When Miguel was there to save the multiverse, most of all, you would be there to save him. 
And he was more than okay with that. 
want to see more? here's my masterlist
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Hello again! I was the anon that asked what interactions you would like to see with Alhaitham and Kaveh (and I am the reader that made the two listed comments). Thank you for the thoughtful response. It's so interesting to hear your perspective of these two. I hope you had a nice vacation. My one takeaway from Cyno story quest act II is that Cyrus was acquainted with the Sumeru crew's parents. He was shown in the photo from Kaveh's handout standing behind Alhaitham's father. I don't imagine they were close or anything, but it does make me intrigued. I wonder if they would explore more of that group in the future, given how they relate (literally and in parallels) with the Sumeru crew.
Hiya! I’ve finally managed to find time to dedicate to this ask, it’s scratched the itch in my brain! I, apparently, have quite a few thoughts about this topic so thank you for asking! Also !!! Thank you for previous asks AND the listed comments on my fic??? I truly appreciate the time you must have spent :,D <3333
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This!! The specific detail of Cyrus canonically being mentioned to personally have met, not only Kaveh’s father and mother and tighnari’s parents, but ALSO alhaitham’s parents drives me insane because of how it is directly unmentioned.
It’s uncertain as to the extent of Cyno’s actual relationship with kaveh’s or alhaitham’s parents, but based on what Kaveh’s mother wrote, she, personally, didn’t seem to be close with cyrus, as she records their meeting to be the first instance in which she has met all the attendees. She records that her and her husband were invited to a gathering, but she knew none of those in attendance, only that her husband seemed to be friends with “the man with long ears” - being tighnari’s father. nothing is said about kaveh’s father knowing the other people in attendance, but as it isn’t specified, it also isn’t impossible? faranak does write that it’s unlikely they’ll see any of the people in attendance again after the gathering - but i imagine that tighnari’s father here is an exception, given that he and kaveh’s father are recorded to be friends (also, the only inkling i have for the 'talkative woman' is potentially madam faruzan? but as this is so vague i'm not too sure about speculating)
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kaveh’s mother having canonically met alhaitham’s parents drives me a little bit !??!!?? because kaveh notes that the figures in the drawing seem familiar, which, of course, doesn’t mean he has identified alhaitham’s parents, especially after he disregards any potential connection with “maybe we were thinking too much.” but given tighnari’s father being a fennec it is rather odd(?) that he doesn’t make a more personal connection, at least to tighnari's father being the "friend" to his father that his mother writes about
however, in terms of what the narrative is trying to achieve in kaveh's hangout, it does make sense that these dots aren’t connected. the point here isn’t that kaveh recognises these figures, but rather that he relates the companionship in the drawing to those around him. kaveh’s hangout is very much symbolic, being that each figure in faranak’s drawing is meant to represent kaveh’s friendship group, meaning he should rely on his friends, tighnari, cyno, and alhaitham - as the quest is entitled “companionship, the sole antidote”
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the fact kaveh DOESN’T identify cyrus in the picture leaves room for development, or future mention of this. Cyrus canonically talks to zaha hadi, kaveh’s mother’s lecturer, about kaveh, and zaha hadi is the person whom kaveh turns to in order to learn about his mother when she was younger.
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There’s definitely potential to draw upon here - if cyrus knows he has met kaveh’s parents in the past, and he and kaveh have a personal rapport due to kaveh’s friendships with cyno and tighnari, it seems strange that he omits this detail? Especially, if it’s considered canon that kaveh’s hangout has taken place in-game, then cyrus, given that zaha hadi mentions kaveh to him, might be aware that kaveh has been asking about his mother?
(A counter to this would be that due to cyrus’s potential limited encounter with both kaveh’s father and mother, and that it took place over thirty years ago, he has no basis to open this dialogue with kaveh, as it may be a sore spot (This could also apply with cyrus having met alhaitham’s parents - perhaps he simply only met them once, but still, i crave alhaitham parent crumbs) - however, in an ideal world, this could be some sort of catalyst or feed into the idea of kaveh potentially reaching out to his mother in future events, perhaps with cyrus referencing this past gathering(?)
Now, moving onto tighnari’s parents, who are very much alive and well, and also have canonically met kaveh’s parents - with tighnari’s father being directly stated to be close with kaveh’s father, in terms of the gathering at least. with tighnari and kaveh being friends due to exchanging letters during the construction of the palace of alcazarzaray, rather than tighnari’s parents’ influence, could indicate that kaveh’s mother dropped all contact with any friends or acquaintances, which i think likely. however, i am !??!!?? very confused about this implication
tighnari’s parents would, of course, know that kaveh is tighnari’s close friend, and i presume that kaveh has met tighnari’s parents at some point, so from this, i would imagine that tighnari’s parents having known/met kaveh’s parents may have come up at some point? Especially with tighnari’s father being recorded as being friends with kaveh’s father, at least from faranak’s perspective?
in terms of the canon, however, this appears to not be the case, so i would LOVE for this to be mentioned at some point!! Especially as sumeru cast heavily revolves around family, found and biological (i’m looking at you cyno’s second story quest)
In terms of alhaitham’s parents, the only mentions of them are in alhaitham’s character stories and here in kaveh’s hangout. there’s no indicator as to whether alhaitham’s parents were close or just acquaintances with cyrus, kaveh’s father, or tighnari’s parents, but in my mind i think it’s interesting that his character stories record his grandmother teaching him of his parents, and his retaining part of his parents’ book collection when his grandmother passes. basically i think alhaitham treasures what he does know of his parents, and i think a lil mention of them by people we KNOW met them, if only for one gathering, would be appreciated
So this links directly to kaveh’s mother - if she is ever mentioned in the future, it would be INSANE wish fulfilment if her drawing was returned to, and the figures were identified, and memories from those present and alive could be shared
(I also think it’s so funny that her son is roommates/innately bound by mirror symbolism/married to the son of the people she thought were uncomfortable and awkward. basically i am in DIRE need of a kaveh and faranak reunion and for them to sort their issues, obviously for kaveh’s development and reconciliation within himself, but also for a faranak-alhaitham interaction…. Can you imagine. Now i have thoughts about that, but this has gotten off topic!!!)
Of course, i’m aware that i’m overthinking a lot of this, and this could be one of the many plot discrepancies within genshin, and that as a result of creating symbolism, in-game implications were created that weren’t supposed to be touched upon, but i think a lot of fun comes with discussing and hypothesising (manifesting) these things!!
Thank you so much for your ask!! Delving back into this part of kaveh’s hangout is always a treat, so i hope you enjoy reading my brainrot :,)
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nervoushottee · 7 months
August | Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Eddie is your Augustine (August by Taylor Swift)
Warnings: unexpected kiss
Note: I honestly think this fic might be the best one I’ve written for this little series so far (despite I’ve only written one since this one) maybe it’s because August is literally my FAVORITE song I love it so much. I normally do not write for Eddie but something about him….my fingers couldn’t stop typing. This fit him so much in my opinion.
Anyway, Enjoy!!
(To get into the mood of the story, it helps to listen to August by Taylor Swift while reading)
Series Masterlist
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If someone told Eddie Munson that one day you and him would become friends, he would think you were smoking too much green.
You were a good friend to him but Eddie couldn't help but like you more than that. He knew about you before you were friends, see you in class or in the hallways tucked under Steve. He thought you were beautiful but he knew he didn’t stand a chance against “The Hair”. He would see you two on the weekends sometimes when he needed to get a movie. You perched up on the counter in Family Video right next to the register, stealing quick kisses from Steve while he worked. So when the two of you became good friends it was as if he won the lottery. That shocked yet happy feeling of “I can’t believe this was happening to me”.
If that alone had Eddie so happy and making sure to cherish being friends with you because he didn’t think he was worthy of your time. That this friendship was unexpected, the moment you kissed him was ten times worse.
He had heard a month or so later that you and Steve had broken up. Robin being the one who blabbed and accidentally telling him. (When that girl smokes she gets a lot more talkative then she already is). He didn’t push or pry like how your other friends did. Them demanding details or constantly asking if you were okay. Eddie felt like he didn’t need to do that. If he were in your shoes, he would want no one to ask him any questions. Because it was actually none of their business. So he did just that.
He spoke to you how he normally would, joked to you how he normally would and he could tell you were grateful. You spent a lot more time with him after that. He didn’t ask questions or constantly ask if you were okay when the two of you saw Steve pass by. He assumed you preferred the sense of normalcy you felt around him.
So when the school year ended and summer rolled around, the two of you were thick as thieves. You got a summer job at the farmers market and on your breaks you would bike over to the garage where Eddie worked. You’d bring him lunch, grocery bags filled with sweet peaches, cold cut sandwiches and a large soda to share. You would also bring Wayne a treat or two from time to time since he forbade you from bringing him lunch also. Saying that he was just grateful that Eddie was eating and that was that.
The two of you would sit in the back of his van for lunche. The door swung open, feet dangling off the edges as the two of you ate and talked. He preferred you like this, warm and sunkissed. Peach juice staining your lips, dribbling down your chin. On instinct, he wipes the sweet liquid from your chin with his thumb. You don’t think anything of it due to how close the two of you had gotten. From drooling on his shoulder in the middle of your movie nights or that one time you got sick and threw up in his van. You simply hum out a thank you and continue chewing.
But Eddie doesn’t move his thumb, he wipes there slowly still. You turn to him and ask what’s wrong but the words don’t come out as Eddie kisses you.
He kisses you quickly before moving away. He didn’t know why he did it and he honestly shouldn’t have risked it. You’re the best thing that's ever happened to him and he didn’t want to jepordize that by kissing you if you didn't reciprocate his feelings. But he just loved how you looked sitting in the back of his van, wearing one of his shirts that you tied in a way to fit you better. Despite the deep regret filling his gut, something about it just felt right.
You looked at him shocked but didn’t say anything so Eddie did the only thing he knew he was good at. Making bad jokes at the wrong time.
“Yours taste better than mine. Wanna switch?” he asks, gesturing to his peach. His heart skips a beat when you let out a small laugh and go along with it. Swapping your half bitten peach for his.
When you are done with your shifts at the market, you always peddle back to the car garage so you can put your bike in his van so Eddie can take you home. Thankfully, despite the kiss, today wasn’t any different. The two of you went back and forth singing some song on the radio with the windows down. When he pulls in your driveway and watches you unbuckle your seatbelt. He thinks this is the last time he’s going to do this, that he ruined it with the kiss.
He takes a deep breath in preparation of you saying your final goodbye to him and not wanting to be around him anymore but is shocked once again, when you lean over the console to kiss him.
You kiss him longer this time, putting more initiative into it. You taste faintly of the peach you both ate and the icecream you had finished minutes before getting in his van.
When Eddie opens his eyes, your cheeks are warm and with a hint of pink as you look at him with a smile. “See you tomorrow Munson.” you say to him before getting out of his van and walking to your front door.
He didn’t know what was to come this summer, let alone tomorrow. But he knows for sure that he’s excited to do it all with you.
— — — —
August came and went too quickly than Eddie would prefer. Summer was coming to a close.
You and Eddie were…something. You didn’t put a label on it and Eddie didn’t dare ask the “what are we?” question. He was just happy that it happened. Happy that you kissed him back that day in his van.
Summer was filled with you and warm skies. The two of you would hang out like you normally would, but this time Eddie could kiss you and hold you like he always wished. You cheeks were always pink when you were around him. You could blame it on the summer heat but Eddie secretly wished it was because of him.
He knows though that all good things will come to an end. You talk about Steve now, you didn’t when you both first became friends. And Eddie isn’t jealous or possessive, he knows his place. He isn’t stupid to think that you don’t love Steve. What the two of you had, anyone could assume that the two of you would have gotten married in the next few years or something.
So Eddie doesn’t falter or get upset when you shyly bring him up. He urges you to continue, because before all this, before the long makeouts in his bed or the quickies in his van. You were friends first.
And if he was going to lose you from being… whatever it was that you were to each other. He would want to still stay friends.
Despite that, he enjoys his days with you. He enjoys the summer.
You coming to rehearsal for Corroded Coffin. Or just hanging out with Wayne and watching a movie with him when Eddie tells you he’s working late. Joining in on Hellfire Club instead of just watching from the sidelines. (You were still very confused with the game so the kids and Eddie made you the dice holder. Giving it a kiss of good luck before handing it off to whoever needs it)
Wayne worries for Eddie. He always does, its in the description of being a parent/guardian. He asks about you and asks Eddie if you’re his girlfriend. But Eddie doesn’t answer, he doesn’t know. (He does).“We’re just having fun.” he would say. And it wasn't a lie, you were. Eddie couldn’t count on hand how much he’s laughed and smiled when you’re around and vice versa.
But he knows, this will all end soon. He can feel it. When he sees you talks to Steve briefly when he drives past Family Video. Or when you don’t come over to the trailer as much as you used to. Any day now you will go back to Steve, and Eddie’s made peace with it.
Sure it will hurt like hell when it happens, but all he wants is for you to truly be happy. And if it’s not with him then he hopes it’s with some like Steve Harrington.
So he will miss your laugh. Miss seeing you wear his shirts to sleep. You singing the songs that his band plays, being the only “groupie” at the front of the stage at The Hideout. He will miss the way his skin felt against yours, how soft your lips are against his when you whisper his name.
He will miss how cute you were in your shorts and short tanks to bask in the summer heat. He knows this won’t last, whatever this was between you too will be gone as quickly as it happened. But he will enjoy it right now, he won't think too much about it. He will be at your beck and call whenever you need. He will answer every late night phone call, will arrive at every late work shift you have, will be your shoulder to cry on until you don’t want him anymore.
Because if this is the only way he can have you, he will devour it whole, until there is nothing left.
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