#i might even draw one more today but we'll see
wackulart · 11 months
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you have no idea how hard im trying to not spam post all the drawings I have so far of him
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rainerioun · 2 months
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— Hi! Apologies for being a bit inactive lately. Been tied up with stuff, but I'm back with a reading for you all! Today, we'll delve into what your future partner could look like. Remember, just take whatever resonates with you. This reading is more so about what sticks out to you when reading.
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HOW TO CHOOSE A PILE : The outcome may vary based on whether you receive clear messages visually or intuitively. If you resonate more with selecting a pile visually, trust that inclination. Personally, I believe the notion that 'looks can deceive,' so I prefer to take a deep breath and close my eyes, allowing the pile I'm meant to connect with to come to me. You might see the color of the pile, sense or hear a number, or simply feel its overall vibe.
Please don’t redistribute or edit my content.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Virgo.
Your future partner likely has an oval face shape with a more narrow jawline and chin, contrasted by prominent cheekbones. They're likely to have a slender physique, though proportionate in any case.
Tarot. — Six of Swords.
They give off a moody or unassuming vibe, seeming as though they don't express much. Yet, they're quite proactive in changing their appearance, whether it's their style, hair, or even their athleticism. However, they'll always maintain that aloof, 'leave me out of it' demeanor.
Additional. Hermit — Light : Seeks solitude to focus intently on inner life. Serves personal creativity. Shadow : Withdraws from society out of fear or negative judgements of others. Refusing to help those in need.  Pioneer — Light : Passion for doing and creating what has not been done before. Shadow : Compulsive need to keep moving on.
As I mentioned earlier, they are constantly undergoing physical changes in some way. They have an introverted and withdrawn aura. They could let their hair grow out and become a bit scruffy before impulsively cutting it off. They maintain a rather deadpan expression when simply existing in their own world. The image of Edward Cullen specifically came to mind when pulling the cards.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. High Cheekbones, Heart Shaped Face, Pale Skin, Brown Eyes, Curly Hair, Cat Beauty, Honey Eyes, Thin Eyebrows.
Yes, very vampire allure-esque indeed. Their eyes could appear normally brown but take on a honey-like glow under certain lighting. Their eyes are quite striking, considering they have feline type features. Although hair color didn't come up during the reading, I pictured them with dark hair that complements their skin tone.
Apocalypse : Cigarettes After Sex.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Leo.
Of course, they possesses striking hair like a lion's mane—thick, unruly, perhaps even a bit frizzy, something that immediately catches one's eye, possibly long in length. Their eyes are equally intense, matching their strong jawline. They exude a fierce appearance that naturally draws attention, whether they seek it or not.
Tarot. — Four of Wands [Reversed].
Your future spouse might have a more mature-looking face compared to yours or for their age. They appear quite stressed, with heavy eyes and noticeable wrinkles, particularly around their eyes, such as crow's feet and frown lines.
This aspect also reflects in their demeanor. They might carry an air of disappointment, even if they don't necessarily feel that way—it's just a testament to what they've been through. They tend to go for neutrals in their clothing choices, not leaning towards vibrant styles. Despite appearing restless, they naturally possess an attractive charm.
Additional. Mystic — Light : Revels in intimate union with the Divine. Shadow : Delusional rapport with the Divine. 
They have a divine look to their appearance, regardless of their modest and simple attire or styling. There's a hint of mystique about them, but I feel it leans more towards a deity-like appearance rather than a witchy vibe. I imagine your future partner resembling a god/goddess, genuinely embodying timeless beauty.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Below Average Height, Legs, Medium-Length Hair, Prominent Mouth, Broad Nose, Copper hair, Medium Skin.
Your future spouse has a complexion you'd deem as medium-toned. When it comes to their hair, I envision it falling somewhere between medium to long length. Though a single color came out, you could interpret it as having hints of orange or red tones instead. Their mouth is defined by sharp, pointed features, while their nose possesses a broad, perhaps even slightly downturned shape.
Bernadette : IAMX. | Lucky Drive : Sarah Kinsley. | Who Is She? : I Monster. [ I think these songs perfectly describe their vibe. ]
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Aries.
Your future spouse has distinct/sharp, broad features with thick eyebrows framing their face. Freckles, beauty marks, or subtle scars might adorn their face, too. Their shoulders are broad and sturdy. They could be tinged with red in some way. It could be in their complexion with rosy cheeks, hair, eyes, or they just wear a lot of red. Despite a muscular build, they still have curves, whether it's slim hips and wider thighs or a smaller waist and broader hips.
Tarot. — Three of Wands [Reversed].
It seems they may have a serious RBF, often appearing quite frustrated or impatient. There's a strong and confident demeanor about them. When envisioning their build or expression, I see Rhea Ripley 100%.
Additional. Hero/Heroine — Light : Passion for a journey of personal empowerment. Shadow : Escapism and a false sense of heroism. 
When we typically imagine heroes, we picture them as polished and composed. However, behind the curtain, they bear the marks of their struggles, with visible signs of stress etched into their body. Your future partner will be this way. Peel back their layers, and you'll uncover scars, calluses, and an overall roughness.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Gray Eyes, Hawk Nose, Thick Nose, Scars, Thighs, Neutral Tone, Square Shaped Face, Hands.
What did I say about scars? It popped up three times at this point. Their skin tone has a neutral undertone, not warm or cool. Their nose is large and hooked. And those gray eyes? Unwavering. You could simply like their thighs and hands specifically, or there's something significant about them.
Hey Sexy Lady : Shaggy. | Blood Sweat & Tears : BTS.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Pisces.
Your future spouse has round, soft lips, with dewy skin and eyes shining with tenderness. They have a dreamy aura, perhaps lost in thought at times. Their hair may tend towards the finer side. I envision them as 'dainty' and clumsy.
Tarot. — Four of Wands [Reversed]. | The Star.
The Star card suits them perfectly. They radiate both warmth and serenity, their presence quite calming. This reflects in their appearance, with a lively step and a clear sense of purpose in all they do. They have a whimsical charm, very cute!
Additional. Child : Orphan — Light : Independence based on learning to go at it alone. Conquering fear of surviving. Shadow : Feelings of abandonment that stifle maturation. Seeking inappropriate surrogate families.
In terms of aesthetic, your future spouse has a more colorful style. They appear youthful without seeming childish, dressing without fear and staying true to themselves, free from judgment.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Alternative, Sparse Eyebrows, Long Eyelashes, Waist, Slim, Small Eyes, Green Eyes, Bald, Masculine.
This aligns with what I was getting at. They definitely have an alternative style. Although the energy initially felt 'feminine,' masculine came out. So, I believe this person is deeply connected to both aspects. They might also identify as queer. And while they could actually be bald, I heard in it a joking tone, given their naturally thin hair.
The Shining : The Neighbourhood. | Confidence : Ocean Alley.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Capricorn.
Your future spouse is somewhat lanky but has hidden strength, almost described as lithe. They carry an almost stern and steady gaze, radiating seriousness and maturity. Their bone structure is striking, too. Unlike typical Capricorns, they move with a deliberate slowness, calculated in their actions. They are an alluring person. — I forgot to add that they have nice teeth!
Tarot. — Knight of Pentacles [Reversed].
I picture your future spouse as having a disheveled and unkempt appearance, but in a somehow intentional and controllable manner—it's a bit hard to put into words. Think of someone like Hozier in terms of what I mean. They might give off a slightly lazy energy, dressing in loose-fitting clothes. I don't think they enjoy changing their appearance much and prefer to stick to the same style. I imagine they lean towards neutral or dark colors, something easy on the eyes.
Additional. Messiah — Light : Serving humanity with humility. Shadow : Exaggerated belief that you are the only means through which a cause can succeed. 
This person is confident, fully aware of their own charm. I envision them with darker skin and dark hair. If you're attracted to men, I imagine them having some form of facial hair, perhaps a beard.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Eye Bags, Light Freckles, Prominent Nose, Full Lips, Short Hair, Dark Skin, Olive Skin, Monotone Voice, Puppy-Dog Eyes, Brown Hair.
I think your future spouse aims for that bad boy vibe but doesn't quite nail it. They naturally give off that vibe, but they try a bit too hard to make it obvious. Perhaps they have freckles that become more visible in the summer or are barely noticeable. They aren't very expressive with their voice, but their eyes more than compensate for it, being a bit pouty, too. As for their hair, while I initially pictured it as long, it likely varies based on personal preference since short hair came out. Generally, they have a darker appearance overall.
Beautiful Is Boring : BONES UK. | Judas : Lady Gaga. | Too Sweet : Hozier.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Sagittarius.
Your future spouse has a wider face and a welcoming, cheerful demeanor. I see them with a cute button nose, sparkling eyes, and a pretty smile. They are bubbly and curious, with chubby cheeks and a curvier frame. Their expression reminds me of Armin Arlert. AHHH, I LOVE ARMIN! I HAD TO BRING HIM UP. T-T
Tarot. — Ace of swords [Reversed].
This person tends to get easily distracted, often appearing spaced out. Their appearance mirrors their emotions, reflecting whatever they're feeling that day. They're not one to settle on a particular style, constantly changing their look.
Additional. Shape-Shifter — Light : Skill at navigating through different levels of consciousness. Ability to see the potential in everything. Shadow : Projecting any image that serves your personal agenda in the moment. 
Yeah, they seem like a real shape-shifter. Always evolving, whether it's their physical appearance or their mindset. One day they might be all about frills and pastels, and the next they're wearing dark, sleek attire.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Hazel Eyes, Button Nose, Tattoos, Neutral Tone, Fingers, Freckles, Hips, Round Shaped Face, Slim Nose.
It's kind of spooky how tarot readings can be so consistently on point with their messages. Hazel eyes were mentioned, but even if not, they have lighter eyes. They might have tattoos, but I'm not sure of what. You might find yourself drawn to their fingers or hips. I envision them as more heavy-set.
Primadonna : MARINA. | Paris, Texas : Lana Del Rey. | Black Friday : Tom Odell.
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
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Summary: The most powerful Avenger is afraid of one thing: dental appointments, or the one where you're a dentist and Wanda is a baby about seeing one
Word count: 2.6k | Warnings: None. This is just good ol' fluff
Ship: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Author's note: This has been sitting in my drafts for some time, and while this is a one shot, I might follow up with more :)
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Next part: the follow up
Steve and Natasha are barely done with their own routine dental check-ups when the notification of an emergency mission comes through. The Avengers' annual dental visit is typically swift and uncomplicated, but the arrival of their urgent mission turns the day into something far more chaotic.
“Where is Wanda?” Steve asks, scrolling through the mission details on his phone.
Natasha shrugs, sipping on her post-check-up glass of scotch. “I haven't seen her since breakfast.”
Vision appears in the room at that moment, his face expressing the closest thing to exasperation an android can manage. “She’s only now on the chair,” he says, glancing at Steve, whose eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
“Now? But everyone else is done!”
“I had to convince her to come,” Vision sighs. “I found her hiding in the back library. It took me the better part of an hour to persuade her to face the dentist.”
Natasha rolls her eyes at the revelation, trying to suppress her chuckle. The most powerful Avenger, avoiding a simple dental prophylaxis. “We don't have all day, Steve. The mission is critical.”
Steve nods, sliding his phone into his pocket. “We'll leave a note for her. She should meet us ASAP once she's done.”
Natasha gets up from her chair, glancing one last time at Vision, as she quips, “Good luck to whoever is the dentist working on her this year.”
As you approach the dental chair, you take note of the apprehensive figure occupying it. You've already seen a dozen Avengers today, each with their unique quirks and idiosyncrasies. 
But Wanda Maximoff, her gaze filled with clear distaste for the situation, seems to take the cake. She's curled in on herself, making her seem smaller than she actually is. The sight of her alone would have been enough to unnerve you, but the intermittent quivers of your dental tools due to an unseen force send a cold shiver down your spine. You can't help but wonder if you've drawn the short straw when they assigned you the patients for today.
You try your best to project an air of calm. Inside, though, your nerves are jangling like alarm bells.
“Wanda, right?” you confirm, trying to keep your voice steady.
She nods, her eyes wide as saucers.
“I promise this won't hurt,” you reassure her, even as your tools continue to rattle on the tray. “It's just a routine check-up.”
A skeptical glance is thrown your way but it's at least some reaction. Her gaze is piercing, and it takes every bit of your collected facade to keep from faltering. An absurd thought flashes across your mind: if you were to meet an untimely demise in your line of duty today, who on earth would inherit the numerous houseplants that have taken over your apartment over the years?
With a nervous smile that Wanda can barely make out behind the surgical mask you wear, you gently ask, "Shall we begin?" Your tone is soothing, carefully modulated to put her at ease.
The poor Avenger takes a deep, long breath before giving you the go-ahead to proceed with the checkup. 
For her part, Wanda begins to concentrate on anything other than the feeling of your gloved fingers in her mouth. Her gaze settles on your oversized prescription glasses that lend an air of professional yet friendly vibe. And there’s something about the clean, familiar scent wafting off your white coat that comforts her more than she's willing to admit.
She can’t help it when her mind starts drawing comparisons with last year's dentist—a gruff, no-nonsense man whose hands always seemed cold and who lacked any bedside manner whatsoever. You, on the other hand, are like a breath of fresh air with your calming demeanor and reassuring approach. Wanda blushes at the thought that, admittedly, you’re kind of a nice upgrade.
You begin the examination with meticulous care, your movements deliberately gentle to assure Wanda of your sensitivity to her obvious anxiety. As you carefully check her teeth and gums, you're acutely aware of how much trust she's placing in you, despite her apparent discomfort.
Glancing into her eyes as you angle your dental mirror to inspect her molars, you're suddenly struck by the piercing green of her irises. Even under the harsh clinic lights, they appear incredibly vibrant. Framed by the dark eyeliner she wears, her eyes are sharp and arresting. They follow your every move, staring up at you with an intensity that causes your skin to perspire under your uniform.
You've dealt with many patients over the years, some with eyes equally as fascinating, but something about Wanda's gaze is different. It's as if she's not just watching you but reading you, understanding you in a way that makes you feel exposed.
Your focus starts to waver under her scrutiny, and that's when you notice something strange. The dental tools on the tray beside you begin to quiver more violently, vibrating with an unseen force. Your heart skips a beat, realization dawning on you that Wanda's powers are reacting to her nervousness.
But it's not just her nervousness; Wanda's face takes on a look of surprise, her eyes widening momentarily. You can almost feel her presence in your mind, a subtle brushing against your consciousness. 
She's read your thoughts, albeit accidentally. 
She knows how captivated you are by her eyes. 
Catching yourself, you quickly shift your thoughts to a safer topic–your plants. The vibrant green of Wanda's eyes morphs into the various shades of green gracing the leaves of your beloved indoor jungle. Your Monstera, your string of pearls, your peace lily–
And yet, none of them are a match for the pair of green orbs that your mind keeps going back to. A flush of embarrassment creeps up your neck as you meet her gaze, the unspoken understanding between you making the air in the room feel charged. Wanda's cheeks take on a hint of color, and her control over her powers seems to falter, your tools–and a chair behind Wanda–now levitating a couple of inches from where they originally sat.
“I'm sorry,” she stammers, wide-eyed and apologetic. You barely make out what she’s saying with her mouth still wide open. “I didn't mean to…”
“It's okay,” you reply in a comforting murmur, pausing your examination. The room fills with the soft humming of the overhead light and the subtle scent of sterilized equipment. “I'm here with you. We'll go at your pace. Just breathe.”
Giving Wanda a few moments to calm herself, you pull back, placing the dental tools on the tray beside you. You keep your eyes on Wanda, a soothing smile hidden behind your mask. Her chest rises and falls steadily as she follows your instructions, taking deep, calming breaths.
However, you can't help but glance at the floating items around you, fearing that one of them might go straight for your heart that’s thudding loudly in your ears now. They seem to be suspended in mid-air, almost like a magic trick. Wanda catches your gaze, following it to the levitating objects. The already present color on her cheeks darken, and with a flicker of her gaze, your tools reintroduce themselves to gravity once again.
You don't comment on it. Instead, you simply offer another encouraging smile, masked by your surgical mask, but visible in your eyes. You extend your gloved hand towards the once again earthbound dental tools, feeling the cool metal against your palm. 
“Are we good to proceed?” you ask in a soft voice, patiently waiting for her agreement before picking up where you left off. 
Wanda doesn’t move, seemingly hesitant to say yes or no.
“Will it help if I talk to you?” 
She gives you a small nod in response this time.
“Alright,” you say with a hint of a chuckle. “Don't judge me if I start to sound silly, okay?”
And so you start to speak as you get back to work, recounting random memories and thoughts as you continue with the examination. You talk about funny incidents at work, share stories about your beloved plants, and even admit to that time you almost killed your favorite fern with coffee instead of water. At first, you feel slightly ridiculous, babbling about the care of succulents to an Avenger, one of the most powerful beings on the planet. But as the minutes tick by, you see a change in her. The initial terror in her eyes fades into curiosity, her body relaxes, and she even smiles at some of your sillier anecdotes.
You get lost in talking to Wanda, feeling both delighted and somewhat ridiculous that you're enjoying this one-sided conversation. You're fully aware that she can't respond with an excavator in her mouth, but it doesn't feel like she's just tolerating your chatter. Her eyes are attentive, following your movements, reacting every now and then. Her body language is open, receptive, almost as if she's hanging onto every word.
As for Wanda, something unexpected is happening. She finds herself liking your voice more and more, feeling an unfamiliar pull towards it. It's warm, comforting, and filled with a sincerity that she didn't expect. She even finds herself slightly attracted to it. But it's a foreign feeling, one she doesn't quite understand, especially in this setting.
As you conclude your examination, you realize that one of Wanda's molars needs a filling. It isn't urgent, a situation that could be deferred to another appointment if she wishes.
“Looks like you have a small cavity,” you inform her, meeting her eyes. “It's not of immediate concern, but we should schedule another appointment if you'd like to have it filled.”
To your surprise, Wanda agrees, not just with a polite nod, but with a subtle hint of anticipation lighting up her eyes. She agrees to another date, another round of you poking around her mouth with your scary dental tools. And yet, there's a hint of eagerness that surprises even her.
As you finish your work, you lean back, pulling off your surgical mask and gloves. For the first time, Wanda gets a full view of your face. It's like a silent reveal, one she hadn't been expecting, and it takes her aback.
She finds herself caught in a subtle admiration, a feeling that quickly intensifies as she takes in your features. There's something about your face that she finds herself drawn to, the warmth of your eyes, the curve of your lips, the soft contours of your cheekbones.
And when you smile, her breath hitches slightly. It's a simple gesture, but one that lights up your face, reaching your eyes and causing them to crinkle at the corners. It's genuine, open, and a little bit contagious.
“Thanks for your patience, Doctor...?” Wanda voices, feeling a tad awkward. It occurs to her belatedly that she didn't have the foresight to ask for your name before you started the check-up. 
“Just call me Y/N. It's my pleasure,” you reply, your smile deepening, unaware of the effect it's having on the Avenger before you. “I'll see you for that follow-up appointment, then?”
As soon as Wanda is escorted outside by Vision, you release a breath you didn't know you've been holding. Leaning against the counter, you try to calm the racing of your heart, which beats as if you've just run a marathon.
Wanda Maximoff is... quite a surprise. Her beauty, her vulnerability, the way she seemed to really listen to your inane chatter–it's all unexpected, disarming even. You find your mind drifting back to the way her eyes softened, the almost shy smile that graced her lips.
You quickly shake your head, trying to dispel these thoughts. This is unprofessional, you think. She's your patient. A patient who just happens to be one of the world's most powerful individuals. It's nothing more than that.
You glance at the clock on the wall, realizing you've spent more time with Wanda than any other patient today. You should be moving on to your paperwork, getting ready to call it a day.
But as you sit down at your desk, the fluttering feeling in your stomach doesn't subside, and Wanda Maximoff's haunting green eyes remain etched in your mind.
Walking down the corridors of the Avengers compound, Wanda finds herself in step with Vision. As they pass various agents and fellow Avengers, Vision turns to look at her.
“Wanda,” he starts, his voice taking on that concerned lilt that she's grown accustomed to. “I'm detecting unusual signs in your vitals. Your heart rate is elevated, your body temperature has slightly increased, and your pupils are dilated.”
Wanda blinks, feeling an unexpected heat crawl up her neck. Her palms are also feeling slightly clammy, and she has this weird fluttering sensation in her stomach. She tries to brush it off. It must have been the anxiety, right?
“Are you not feeling well?” Vision probes further, halting in his tracks to face her. His eyes scan her face, looking for any visible signs of discomfort. Wanda's mind races, trying to figure out how to downplay her seemingly irrational reaction to a denti–a dental appointment.
“No, Vision. I'm... I'm just fine.” Her voice sounds surprisingly steady to her own ears. She forces a smile onto her face, aiming to reassure her friend.
Vision doesn't seem fully convinced but doesn't push further. They resume their walk, but Wanda can't shake off the feeling that something has changed, something she doesn't quite understand yet. And for some reason, her thoughts keep drifting back to a certain dentist with a soothing voice, warm eyes, and a love for plants.
How did it happen that a dental appointment, of all things, has turned into the highlight of her day?
The kitchen is dimly lit when Vision enters, the only illumination coming from the withdrawn overhead lights. Natasha is there, assembling her favorite late-night snack, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She looks up as Vision approaches, her eyes curious.
“I trust the mission went well?” Vision inquires, noting the subtle signs of fatigue in Natasha's posture.
She offers a half-smile, nodding. “It did. It's all sorted now. How's Wanda after the check-up?”
Vision's eyes narrow slightly, and he hesitates for a moment before responding, “She is... well. The new dentist was quite effective in putting her at ease.”
Natasha smirks, spreading the jelly onto the bread with precision. “Told you a change would do the trick. I still can't believe you managed to convince Tony to switch dentists.”
“And find the perfect replacement,” Natasha adds after some thought, licking the jelly from the knife.
“It was a logical choice. The previous dentist was less than satisfactory, particularly with Wanda.” He pauses, considering something. “But this one... she seemed to have a rather profound effect on her.”
Natasha raises an eyebrow, looking up from her sandwich. “Profound effect?”
“Yes,” Vision says thoughtfully. “I detected unusual signs in her vitals afterward. Increased heart rate, heightened body temperature, a certain... excitement in her demeanor. It was quite unexpected.”
Natasha's eyes widen slightly, and a mischievous smile begins to form on her lips. “You don't say?”
Vision gazes at the digital interface on his palm, a soft hum of approval in his voice. “Indeed, she has also filed for a leave of absence a week from now. She has another dental appointment, but this time at the doctor’s private clinic.”
Natasha pauses, her sandwich halfway to her mouth. 
Vision meets her gaze, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "Do you think it could mean something?"
Natasha shrugs, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Who knows, Vis?” she says, taking a huge bite of her sandwich. “Maybe it's just a good dentist.” And then with a wink and a knowing smile, she adds, “Or maybe…”
She leaves the thought hanging, deliberately ambiguous, and exits the room, her satisfied crunching echoing down the hallway.
Vision is left standing in the kitchen, confusion etched across his synthetic features. He considers the day's events, attempting to analyze how Wanda suddenly managed to conquer her most irrational fear.
Humans really are something.
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astridthevalkyrie · 5 months
love & deepspace | watching the solar eclipse with you
a/n: l&ds boys leave me alone l&ds boys are you listening please leave me alone
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You're fiddling with your watch as you stare straight ahead, squinting to see if the short young lady across the street is really watching you through her window or whether or not it's a trick of the light. It certainly wasn't a trick of the light last week. You think it might be because you changed your curtains recently, and it just draws her eyes a little more naturally. You'd be more upset if you didn't spend so much time looking at her window wondering if she was looking at your window.
The wind teases your hair as you lean over the side of the balcony. Down below, the gleam from the quickly disappearing sun shines off your motorcycle, showing off the fresh polish you'd rubbed it down with earlier this morning.
"Admiring your baby?"
"I'm always admiring my baby," you sigh happily, letting out a small excited gasp when Xavier wraps his arms around you and offers you a bag of chips. "You actually found them!"
He hums lowly while you open the bag and dive in. Bless him for being just as much of a snacker as you. Not that the solar eclipse is an event you feel the need to celebrate, not with something like a party at least, but it still feels special. And it feels especially special because you and your boyfriend both made sure to request time off to just enjoy the moment together. For him to hunt down a favorite childhood snack for you too, well...this is a lot more than just a date now. This is something important, you can feel it.
And yet, Xavier treats the entire situation like it's any other day. He burrows his face into your neck, avoiding the sun entirely. The glow on his skin is even more beautiful than the one on your motorcycle.
"Xavier," you giggle, swatting at his hands while his fingers clutch your sweater all the more tightly. "Xavier, this is a once-in-a-lifetime event!"
"So enjoy it," he utters softly, pressing a kiss to your collarbone. "My once-in-a-lifetime event is right here."
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"Doctor," you tease quietly, "I think I'll just sneak a small glance—"
Immediately, a warm hand covers your eyes, and you bite back a laugh. Zayne, for how clever he is, takes absolutely no chances with you. One might find it insulting, that he thinks you seriously would simply gaze up at the sun and let it burn your retinas, but you begrudgingly admit that you've perhaps made some impulsive decisions in the past.
With a brief smile, you take his hand in yours, and slide it down to your lips, kissing his palm. Hazel eyes meet yours and soften fondly.
"You only have the one lunch break," he murmurs, "and there is only one eclipse. Surely there were better places to see it aside from my car."
Of course there were. Even the roof of the UNICORNS building would have an incredible view. But Zayne had given you the privilege of sitting in the drivers' seat for once, his AC is always set to the perfect temperature, and most importantly...
Zayne is there. And he watches you like you're the most interesting thing about the world right now—yesterday, today, and always. He took his car out of its special parking spot just to sit in the corner of the street with the best view, all because you asked once, and you couldn't imagine being anywhere else.
Instead of explaining all these reasons, you merely lean over the driver's seat, tug the collar of his short close, and plant a short kiss on his lips. He responds in kind, hand immediately rising to cup your cheek and deepen the kiss.
When he pulls back after a minute, lips swollen a little, he says breathlessly, "We'll miss actually seeing the eclipse at this rate."
"Well, you were right," you whisper, fisting his collar in your hands, "I only have the one lunch break, and I can't waste it."
His gaze becomes something indescribable, and the protective eyewear he's been holding in his hands slips onto the floor of the car as he cups your cheeks.
This time, Zayne kisses you.
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For once, you were the dramatic one, insisting on a full outing, which you and Rafayel went back and forth on, until the two of you compromise by going out into his backyard. Outside, you draped a lovely little picnic blanket on the grass.
Rather dramatically, he's draped himself over you, head in your lap like he's making a huge sacrifice.
"Raf, at least look once."
"No," he whines quietly, so soft you want to coo, burying his face into your stomach, "fishies like me can't stare directly into the sun."
You poke his cheek. "Newsflash, H2O-Just-Add-Water, humans can't do that either. That's what the glasses are for."
Rafayel kisses your stomach, looking perfectly content. It's a wonder he even came out with you to see the eclipse at all, considering he's clearly not planning to actually experience it. With a sigh, you curl a few fingers into his hair, absentmindedly scratching the top of his head while you sneak another glance at the little orange light peeking back at you.
He grumbles. "Be careful. I don't trust your human technology."
"Yeah, yeah." With a smile, you look back down at him. "Are you sure you don't wanna see? It's really beautiful!"
"Oh, really?" he muses, muffled against your clothes. "Alright, I'll be the judge of that."
Then, without warning, he turns his head and gazes up.
Immediately, your hand flies up to shield his eyes. Your fingers brush up against your forehead, wisps of hair tickling your thumb as you try in a mild panic to protect him. While your first thought is to scold him for risking his eyesight like that, you note just a second later that Rafayel isn't trying to look at the eclipse. His gaze is trained on you, as though he can see more than the eclipse—the entire universe—in your eyes.
Faintly, you think that the pink of his pupils is prettier than any shade the sun could ever hope to be.
"Hm," he mumbles, reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear, "yeah, you're right. Beautiful."
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ponderingmoonlight · 9 months
Gojo dressing up as Santa for his girlfriend, Megumi and Tsumiki
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Pairing: Gojo x girlfriend!reader; dad!Gojo x Megumi and Tsumiki
Word Count: 1,1k
Synopsis: Satoru Gojo expected a lot of things, but not his girlfriend and two rescued kids making fun of him after he put on a Santa costume only for them.
Warnings: fluffness overload, there's absolutely not enough content for the dynamic between Gojo and his kids in the manga so we'll make our own, a little bit of spicy mentions especially in the bonus material so be prepared for cheeky Gojo
„I thought I told you I don’t want you to dress up as Santa in bed, Satoru. How many times do I have to tell you that this doesn’t turn me on at all?”, you moan, eyes roaming all over your beloved boyfriend.
There he stands, wearing a bright red costume, a way too big hat and the worst fake looking beard you have ever seen. What the hell has gotten into him again?
He turns around, sly grin beaming your way. At least that pants seem to fit him pretty well, they really bring out his strong legs and well, that special part between his legs. Huh, maybe it doesn’t look as off-turning as you thought it would…
“For once, I’m not doing this for you. Don’t you ever think about the kids, (y/n)?”, he teases you.
The kids? Does he talk about Megumi and Tsumiki? No, he absolutely can’t. Out of all people, your boyfriend should know best that Megumi will probably leave and never return if he sees Satoru dressed up like this. And Tsumiki? Well, she might not be as harsh as Megumi, but even she will just stare at him bamboozled. Yes, those kids aren’t particularly joyful when it comes to Satoru’s goofy side and everyone knows.
Except for him, apparently.
“The kids will hate you for this”, you clarify, fingers getting stuck in the fake hair of his beard.
He draws you closer, arms wrapping around you tightly while the poor fabric of his costume scratches against your cheek.
“You just can’t accept that they love me more than you. Just watch and see the magic in their eyes.”
A huff escapes your lips, head shaking by itself. Oh, you’ll definitely watch as he makes a fool out of himself in front of the kids. This will be fun.
“Hey (y/n), where is that freak?”, Megumi greets you, neatly dropping his schoolbag into the same spot as usual.
“Come on, Megumi-chan, don’t call him that”, you softly reply.
“I have no idea, I haven’t seen him since morning.”
“(y/n)!”, Tsumiki cries out and runs into your open arms instantly.
What a sweet girl she is. Despite the fact that both her mother and father are gone, she always wears a wide grin on her face, embracing you in a hug whenever she lays her eyes on you. Megumi on the other hand, just stares at you from afar with his arms crossed in front of his chest. How is it possible for siblings to be this different?
“Why do you talk about him this way, Megumi? Don’t you know we would have never met (y/n) if it wasn’t for him?”, Megumi’s sister reproves him in an instant.
“Huh, you’re right about that”, the petite boy mumbles to himself, eyes set on you.
“Ho ho ho children.”
You blink a few times, the voice behind the closed door being pitched so ridiculously low that your cheeks redden. He told you he’ll surprise the kids today, you should have seen it coming after he tried on that strange suit this morning. But to be honest, you hoped it was just to mess with you, that he was just playing around a little.
Until the door swings open and reveals Satoru Gojo in a Santa costume, wearing his iconic pair of sunglasses.
“You can’t be serious about that”, Megumi mumbles in the corner.
You don’t know what to do. Dying of laughter or dying of embarrassment? By the way he steps into the middle of the room with boots that look way too similar to the ones you just bought a few months ago, you have no time to think about that.
“Since I know (y/n) is always naughty, I’m here to check if at least you kids have been good this year”, he announces.
It’s hard to keep the corners of your mouth from shooting up and to suppress the little giggle that creeps up your throat. But there you stand, smiling like an idiot while shaking your head, watching the priceless drop on Megumi’s cute little face.
“You’ve got to be kidding, right?”
Tsumiki lets go of you, blinking over and over in an attempt to understand what’s going on. Everybody just stands dead still in their tracks, staring at what’s definitely Satoru Gojo in front of them.
“I see, you’re a feisty one, little man. Watch how you speak to someone my age!”
“You’re 18.”
Tsumiki is the first one to break with a squeal, holding onto your body for hold while shaking uncontrollably in laughter.
“This isn’t funny, young lady!”, Satoru’s low voice speaks out harshly.
He sends you over the edge. Your little giggle escalates into loud laughter, making your stomach ache so badly that tears run down your cheeks.
“You look ridiculous. Take that off.”
With a swift motion, Megumi pulls down the fake beard that was set in place by a cheap elastic, exposing the pout of pure outrage on Satoru’s lovely face. Oh, how much you love that man. The man who lost it all last year, the man who cared about those kids he didn’t even knew enough to basically adopt them, the man who does everything to make Megumi’s and Tsumiki’s life as pleasant as possible.
Even if it means dressing up as Santa.
“Huh, how did you get it was me?!”
“Are you kidding? You’re even wearing your sunglasses, idiot.”
“Raised me? You know me since last year!”
“He would never admit it, but I know that he really admires Satoru from deep down”, Tsumiki suddenly hushes into your ear.
You wipe your tears away, observing the scene laying itself out in front of you with a wide smile. It’s not a secret to anyone in this room that life has its ups and downs, that everything is shitty from time to time. But precious moments of joy like this that make even Megumi turn away with an ever so slight grin make you realize what life really is about.
“I think you were quite convincing”, you comment sarcastically.
“You…It was your fault! You told them about my surprise!”, your boyfriend cries out overdramatically.
It takes him not even seconds to be by your side, grabbing you by your waist and tickling your over-sensitive spots he knows so well.
“Stop! I didn’t do anything!”, you shout between multiple giggles, tears of joy streaming down your face all over again.
“B-but…I like that suit better than I thought.”
His hands stop immediately, eyes darkening in an instant.
“Is that so, huh? Maybe I can show it off better in the bedroom.”
“Yeah, maybe…”
“Come on, Megumi. Time to go”, Tsumiki hisses, dragging her brother out of the room by his small hand.
-dirty bonus-
"Tsumiki?", Megumi mumbles muted.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"Do you think (y/n) is okay?"
Tsumiki blinks into the darkness around her, trying to understand what her little brother means by his words.
"She definetely was when Satoru dressed up as Santa. Why?"
"When I went to the toilet, I heard her screaming. She even screamed his name. I guess I'm just a little...worried. Do you think we should go check-"
"NO", Tsumiki interrupts him immediately, her face heating up in an instant.
Oh god.
"Absolutely not. Just stay here and try to sleep."
"But what if-"
"NO. And never tell me about something like this again!"
Tags: @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez
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jonathan-samuel-smith · 11 months
Lord Jon and Prince Damian is a funny combination because just imagine Clark never managed to conquer all earth because magic and magic user, Talia basically built a huge kingdom to protect her people from the Lords and also accepts some others who are fleeing.
Years past and Jon has always been curious about that place and laughs when he faces Talia's youngest soldiers. He falls in love deeply hard about that boy with green eyes, then Jon starts to try to seduce that cute and smol boy (and Damian hates him deeply)
Just imagine:
Jon: *throws a body at his door like a cat*
Damian: ... Some guys bring flowers
Jon: I'm not 'some guy'
And also
J: "i've killed for you. how many other people can say that?"
D: "... Multiple, actually"
Basically: Lord Jon's love language is being annoying
Took me a while to figure out how I'd write the Super Lords, but eventually I was inspired by another work. I might write a sequel to this but we'll see. Fic under the cut.
Jon was scrolling on his phone, looking to find people talking negatively about him or his father so he could send them death threats. He could probably find them easily and make good on those threats, but then he'd have to get up, and he was comfortable where he was. He was getting a little peckish though, so he might run through a couple if he got up to eat.
His dad came into the room looking flawless. “Jon.”
“Hey dad, can you get me something to eat?”
“What? No. Get it yourself, or better yet, ask Kelex.”
“I thought you took away my voice commands after I killed the wrong general last week.”
“Oh, right. Have the knowledge crystals not taught you how to hack yet?”
Jon groaned ”I hate the knowledge crystals dad, they take so much time. I don't see the point in them.”
“The point is they would teach you how to solve problems, like how to reinstate your voice commands in Kelex’s code. Now get up, I have something important for you to do.”
Jon got up and stretched. “Oh I'm way hungrier than I thought. Hold that thought, Dad.”
“Jona–” Kal started sternly as a gust of wind blew past him. He could hear Jon ferociously consuming junk food from the pantry in superspeed. When he was done, he ran back up to his dad.
“Hey Dad, I'm back. What's up?”
“What do you know about Talia Al Ghul?”
“Oh that's easy. She's like, your archnemesis. Her family's got really strong magic so she can kill us if she gets close enough. She controls the last stronghold of human resistance. She's older than you so she's, what, a million?” He grinned cheekily “Just kidding, Dad. You don't look a day over 500.” He laughed. “Kidding! You should see the look on your face.”
“Jon, I'm being serious here.”
“She's just crowned her heir, Prince Damian. He's your age.”
“He's an even more powerful mage than his mother, and trained in martial arts. He is a serious threat, one that needs to be neutralized.”
“Ok, but how am I gonna do that? You said he's more powerful than his mom, and you can't kill her.”
“He takes his group of soldiers into the Himalayas every month to train privately. I want you to ambush them.”
“Kill them, right? How do you want them dead?”
“Doesn't matter.”
“Alright. I'll be right back.”
Kal grabbed his arm and dug his fingers in hard enough to bruise. “You could die today, Jon. Take this seriously. Run away if you need to. You're no good to me dead.”
Jon nodded. “Got it.”
Jon flew to the mountains and looked for them with his heat vision. He found them fighting each other and flew down and started snapping the neck of the closest person to him. Unfortunately, this was slow enough to draw alarm from the other assassins, who all knew magical attacks. Still, Jon was quick and he fought dirty, letting out a deafening shout and causing an avalanche. The teens fought him with martial arts married with magic, sacrificing their lives so that the final assassin could defeat Jon and place him in magical bindings.
He spat blood. “You're lucky they can be brought back to life, or I wouldn't have spared yours.”
“I didn't ask you to. But thank you– not for sparing my life, but for beating me. I've never lost before. It was exhilarating! Can you do it again?”
The boy looked at him strangely. “What?”
Jon grinned manically. “You're a great fighter. I want you to defeat me again. And again and again until I get bored. What's your name? I never even lose to my dad.”
“... I am prince Damian Al Ghul.”
“Oh no way! I came here to kill you! Well, I'm not doing that anymore.”
“Clearly not.” Damian said, gesturing to the chains around him.
“Oh no, not cuz of that. I meant cuz like–” Jon cut himself off as Damian took off his mask and piercing green eyes met his own. “Wow, you're really pretty. I've never seen anyone as pretty as you in my whole life. Definitely not prettier. I think I was saying something?”
Damian blushed. “Tt. You were saying why you're not going to kill me.”
“I think I'm in love with you.”
“What?!” Damian squeaked.
“That was so cute! You're so cute! You're so small you look like you'd fit just right in my arms!”
“Go back to the ‘I love you’ part because I'm not understanding!” He shouted.
“I'll say it as many times as you want! I love you, I love you, iloveyouiloveyouiloveyoui–”
“Stop! You can't love me, you just met me, and your dad is superman!”
“Um, I'm pretty sure I can. Love at first sight is a thing, and I've known you for longer than that already.”
“So what, just because you think I'm pretty and I beat you for the first time, you're in love with me?”
“Is that not enough? Ok well, I really like the color of your eyes, and you're really powerful, and you make me feel so many feelings I have never felt before! Fear, excitement, curiosity, admiration, respect, awe, happiness, arousal–”
“Stop talking.”
“Whatever you want, gorgeous.”
“That's talking.”
“Oh, right. Sorry.”
“Still talking.”
“I don't know how you want me to stop talking if you keep talking to me. Oh but uh, don't stop, I like it.”
Damian facepalmed. “I'm taking you back to my mother.”
“Oh I hope she doesn't decide to kill me after you went through the trouble of sparing me, that would be really embarrassing for you.”
Damian was quiet for a few minutes. “...You've never felt curious? Or excited, or afraid or happy? Really?”
Jon shrugged. “Maybe once. But nowadays I'm always either bored or bloodthirsty. Except right now, I'm neither. You're the most interesting person I've ever met and I just killed 5 people. That's like, 1 more than I usually do in a day.”
Damian set his jaw hard. “Why do you kill so many people?”
“Why do you think, assassin Prince? To feel alive.”
“...Who do you usually kill?”
“Dissidents and criminals. My dad's okay if they're dissidents or criminals. There's not, like, a ton of those out there anymore, though, so I've taken to scrolling back really far on Twitter. Oh, and jaywalkers.”
“Tt. Typical.”
“Who do you usually kill?”
“Political enemies, soldiers, criminals.”
“I guess everyone's a political enemy when they're aligned with us and not you. That's a lot more people you can kill. I kinda wanna join your side now.”
“We don't kill frivolously.”
“Why not?”
“Because we value human life.”
“What do you mean, why? Why does your father care about order if not to preserve human life?”
Jon laughed. “My dad doesn't care about humans! He just wanted to tidy things up. He gets mad when I kill other people because it messes with his system. It's one of those dumb parent rules, like keeping your socks in the sock drawer, or cleaning the fortress on Sundays even though we have robot servants.”
“... You're completely insane.”
“Do you want me not to be?”
Damian furrowed his brow. “Why are you asking me that?”
“I want you to get what you want! You deserve to get anything you want, way more than my dad does. I bet you could with your magic! Cast a spell on me, make me sane for you. If you want that, I want it.”
“It's Jonathan, isn't it?”
“Yeah, or you can call me Jon. Or you know, whatever you want. Even if it's mean, I can take it.”
“...Jonathan. I don't want to take your agency away with my magic. That wouldn't be right.”
Jon shrugged against his chains. “If you say so, my prince.” Damian was quiet for a while, and Jon slipped free of his chains to help Damian cart back all of the bodies. “You should let me carry this.”
“What– Jon?! How did you escape my bindings?”
“Magic interacts completely unpredictably with me.”
“I don't– why are you even still here?”
“Why would I leave? It's not as if there's anything more interesting on TV. Twitter says all the shows are boring cuz of Dad. Well, you know, the dead side of Twitter. God do you know how perfect you look? From every angle?”
“Jon, I think you should just leave.”
“Well, my dad is expecting me home soon. What do you think I should tell him about you not being dead?”
“... Is he going to hurt you if you go back?”
Jon shrugged. “If I let him. Which I probably will, so I don't get grounded. But I might be grounded anyway since this meant a lot to him. If I don't get grounded, can I see you again?”
“It's best if you don't.”
“I'm going to be honest, I don't like that answer. If you want me to stay away you'll have to use your magic to harm me.”
“Tt. Do you have a death wish?”
“No. My biggest wish is for you to spar with me and win.”
“What if I lose?”
“Then we'll go again until you win.”
“...Hm. You're very… persistent.”
Jon grinned. “Thanks. Wow, it feels really good when you compliment me. Do it again.”
“Um… you have really unique eyes?”
Jon beamed. “This is great, keep going!”
Damian blushed. “I'd rather not.”
Jon pouted. “Pleeeeaaase? I'll do anything.”
“Will you go home?”
“Fine, yes, after… 3 more compliments. Then I'll go home, for now.”
“Tt. Your curls look very nice, your hair makes a nice contrast against your skin tone and you– ah… you… that is, you're very strong.”
“I already knew that last one.”
“I meant muscular.”
“That's not a compliment, that's just a fact.”
Damian’s ears burned. “...I like it. I like that about you. I like that you're muscular. It looks… visually appealing.”
“Oh, I'm definitely in love with you. I'd love to stay and compliment you back, but I said I'd leave, and I want you to trust me! If you ever need me, or just want me, all you have to do is call. I'll come.”
Jon flew back home. “Dad? I ambushed him, caused an avalanche, and killed his squad, but he still beat me.” Jon called out.
Kal walked out to see his son. “You look unharmed. Why did he let you go?”
“Honestly? I think I annoyed him too much. But I'm going back tomorrow.”
“I see… an ambush didn't work, so you'll have to gain his trust and then betray him. I was going to punish you but your tenacity and cunning deserve a reward, so it is simpler to do nothing.
“Oh, yeah, psh, that's totally why I want to go back. I totally want to murder him in cold blood. I mean, you know how much I love murder.”
Kal frowned. “I do know. It gets in the way of your studies. However, this time I approve.”
“‘kay. Thanks. See ya.” He went back to his room to watch Damian with his X-ray vision.
The next day, Jon went to Nanda Parbat and watched Damian from the sky, waiting until he was alone to approach him.
Damian’s hair was slicked back with sweat and he was flushed and panting.
“Prince Damian. You look somehow even more incredible than last time.”
“Spare me the mockery.”
“What? I'm not mocking you. The way your skin flushes and glistens is as enchanting as any of your spells, my lord.”
“Hn. You know most humans find sweat repulsive?”
“I'm only half human. Also, you smell great. Musky. Can I lick you?”
“Definitely not.” Jon pouted. “Do you want something?”
“Yeah. Can we spar?”
“After lunch. Would you like to dine with me?”
“Can I? Won't the servants see me?”
“I cook for myself.”
Jon gasped. “I get to try your cooking?! Yes!” He pumped his fist in the air.
Damian chuckled good naturedly.
Jon leaned against the island as Damian cooked. “What did your dad say about you failing to kill me?”
“Oh I told him I was going back today and he thought I meant that I was going to gain your trust to kill you.” Damian stiffened. “So I'm going to let him think that so I can spend more time with you.”
“Try this.” Damian said, handing Jon a spoonful of sauce. Jon tasted it.
“Hm, that's pretty good! I've never had this before.”
Damian tasted it himself and nodded. “It is good.”
Jon ate at his usual impatient pace and spent the rest of the meal talking at Damian.
“Alright, Superboy, follow me.”
“Tt.” Damian led him to the training courtyard. “Here we are. Remember to be quiet.”
Jon rushed to tackle Damian but he predicted it and dodged, casting a spell to slow down Jon’s movements. It was a lot stronger than the spell Damian intended to cast, and he moved like a sloth. “Wow prince…” he began as Damian took his time pinning Jon to the ground and immobilizing him with a spell. The first spell wore off quicker than expected. “...Damian you're so fast! Oh, it's already over!” Jon giggled. “You did even better this time! I suppose it's to be expected since it wasn't an ambush. You're really impressive…” Jon sighed dreamily, looking up into Damian’s eyes with a lovestruck gaze.
Damian coughed and looked away. “...You wanted me to beat you. Did you go easy on me?”
“I can honestly say that didn't even occur to me. I don't know why I would do that. Would it have made you happy?”
“Hell no. It would have made me angry.”
Jon smiled. “I'd like to see you angry. Maybe I will next time. Though I don't know if you'd even notice, considering how well you beat me this time.”
Damian looked confused. “Why would you want me to be angry?”
Jon raised a brow. “‘Cause I wanna see how you look when you're angry. I've never seen it before. I wonder if it would make me angry, too. I never get angry anymore.”
“You're… impossible.”
Jon grinned toothily. “Is that a good thing?”
“... I haven't decided.” Damian got off of Jon, much to the younger teen’s disappointment, and did a nullification spell on Jon before helping him up. Jon smirked and flipped Damian over his shoulder as he stood, but Damian landed on his feet and cast a sleeping spell on Jon. He woke him up with a water spell, sitting on his chest.
“You got me again! I love you.”
“You're weird.”
“Is that bad?”
“I haven't decided.”
Jon smiled, crinkling his eyes. “Wanna go again?”
Damian laughed. “Sure. I've not even worked up a sweat yet.”
The next time he came to Nanda Parbat he threw down a corpse in front of Damian, face still splattered in blood.
Damian sighed. “Most guys bring flowers.”
“I'm not ‘most guys’”
“Who was he?”
“He criticized your looks so I killed him for you.”
“Jon, I don't care what anyone says about me.”
Jon's eyes flashed red. “I care that he said that. Now he can't say anything like it ever again. What do you think of my technique?”
“Messy, but efficient.”
Jon smiled “Thank you. Do you want to spar?”
“Jon it's 11:38 at night.”
“... Is that a problem?”
“I was sleeping.”
“Oh. Can I join you?”
“Tt. No. Go home.”
Jon pouted. Damian held firm.
“Okay. I'll miss you.”
“Tt. You say such embarrassing things. Goodnight.”
Jon smiled, then quickly leaned in to kiss Damian’s cheek. “Good night, my love.”
Damian slammed the door in his face.
It became somewhat of a pattern for Jon to ambush Damian when he went out on missions, and Damian learned to expect it. Jon was getting faster at killing Damian’s compliment.
“I killed them, so we can be alone!” Jon said cheerfully, gently touching Damian’s cheeks with his bloody fingers and looking at him adoringly.
“Jon. Keep your hands to yourself before I cut them off.” He said, drawing his rune-encrusted sword slightly out of the scabbard.
Jon pouted but removed his hands. “As you wish, my lord. So, what are you out here for today?”
“I was planning on retrieving a magical relic from a temple to the east of here, until you showed up. You’re like a gnat.”
“I can get it for you!”
“Tt, I’m sure you can’t, there are magical booby traps.”
Jon pouted. “I want to do this for you. Please?”
“Jon, I am certain that if you were deathly injured my mother would not permit me to put your body in the lazarus pit.”
“Not even if I died saving your life?”
“Likely not. I shouldn't even be talking to you, you are the enemy.”
Jon grinned. “I guess we both like to do whatever we want.”
“It is human nature to desire freedom.”
“Well yeah but I'm not human.”
“You are as human as you are kryptonian. I wonder, did your father have the same disregard for your mother as with the rest of humanity?”
“I dunno. I was cloned from her dead body and my dad. I never saw them interact. But I know he loved her, and I know he misses her. He's told me it's the only reason he puts up with me.”
“It does not sound like you are very close.”
“We aren't. But he's the only other kryptonian other than Kara Zor-el so y'know, he's important. Not as important as you, of course, but he was previously the most important person in my life.”
“We're here. Don't follow me.”
Jon floated after him. “But I wanna keep you safe! Let me carry you.”
“No– Jon, put me down!”
Jon grinned and flew Damian in. “What's it look like? I can look through the walls for you.”
“Unneeded, I have a map.”
Jon swiped the map from him and read it. “I have a great sense of direction, don't worry.”
“You are infuriating.”
“We cause strong emotions in each other~ how lovely. Okay, hold tight.”
Jon flew quickly down the halls, before being knocked into the wall by a magical hammer. Damian rolled off of him as Jon groaned in pain. “You idiot. Where are we?”
Jon grunted and pointed to their location on the map.
“I can’t even cast a healing spell on you as I have no idea how it will effect you.”
“Don't worry… I have super healing… so the side that hit the wall will be fine. The wall isn't magic, right?”
Damian checked. “Luckily for you, it is regular stone.”
Jon grinned. “Help me up? I wanna help you finish this.”
“It's a bad idea. We need to get you out of here.”
Jon shook his head. “I'm not going. I'll be right behind you. You can handle the magic traps, and I can fly in front of an arrow for you or something.”
“And what if it's a magical arrow?”
“I'll die for you. Did I not mention that?”
“Tt. You're dangerous to have around. But if you're not leaving…” Damian got out a rope and tied them together by their waists with a length of rope in between them. “Stick close to me.”
Jon floated to his feet. “Mkay. Let's go!”
Damian sighed and pulled along a floating Jon. He disabled the traps as they went until they reached the chamber with the artifact. Damian picked it up and the room shook with a deep voice.
“To get out of trouble, face your double. Return the staff to the rack and it will end the attack.”
Smoke billowed out of the air vents and coalesced into shadow versions of Jon and Damian. Damian sighed and took out his katana.
Jon and Damian fought back to back as their shadow versions worked independently. Damian took out his double and Jon defeated his own. The smoke dissipated and Jon cheered.
“We did it! That was awesome! They didn’t stand a chance against our teamwork! Imagine if you came in here with your whole squad! That would have been so much chaos, I really did you a favor by killing them.”
Damian growled and pressed his sword to Jon’s throat, backing him up against the wall. “No. Killing.”
“Mhn, so it's fine if you kill me but not if I kill your squad, who as we've previously established can come back to life whereas I will not?”
“I will kill you if I have to.”
“I would expect nothing less, my prince.” Jon smiled slightly. “So this is what you look like when you're angry. I love the intensity in your eyes.”
Damian narrowed his eyes. “Are you really trying to de-escalate the situation by flirting?”
Jon shook his head as much as he could. “Just saying what I think, my lord. And I think you look beautiful.”
Damian sighed and withdrew his blade. “You're an idiot.”
Jon smiled cheerily and let Damian drag him along by the rope still attached to his waist. Damian escorted Jon back to the entrance of the temple and cut the rope. “You need to stop killing my team every time I leave the palace. It makes me look incompetent.”
“Do you get in trouble?”
“Not exactly, no–”
“Then it's fine!”
Damian pinched the bridge of his nose. “Listen to me carefully. I am telling you that I want you to stop killing my team. Did you not say that I deserve to get what I want?”
“You're turning my words against me! I just want to be with you. Your assassins would never allow it. If I don't defeat them, I'll die.” Jon whined.
“Then learn non-lethal techniques of taking people down. Practice on those criminals or whatever.”
“You want me to… not kill a criminal?”
“I can try… can I still be violent?”
“I would appreciate it if you did not scar my team too badly. But outside of that, you can be as brutal as you like as long as they do not die.”
“Okay. I will practice not killing and come back to you. Farewell, my prince.”
“Farewell, lord Jonathan.” Damian said as Jon lifted off into the sky, the cut rope rippling in the wind with his cape.
Jon stormed through the palace towards Damian, knocking people out of the way like flies. “Prince Damian! I came back, as I said I would.”
“Yes, I can see that. Are you here to kill more of my people? You know I cannot allow that, Lord Jonathan.”
Jon cocked his head. “Why would I do that? I don’t care about humans.”
Damian quirked a brow. “I am human.”
“You’re better than everyone else, though.”
“Is that so?”
Jon giggled. “Yeah, I think you could even kill me if you tried. That’s so hot. Look at you, not attacking me right now… so romantic...” Jon sighed.
Damian tutted. “I’m beginning to regret that.”
Jon giggled. “Some days I think I love you so much I'd just let you. Would you like me to do that? Or would you want a fight?” He came closer.
“What kind of question is that?”
“A genuine one. Oh… If I tried to kill you, I hope you’d try to kill me too… maybe we could die at the same time. If I am going to die, I want it to be by your hand. And no one else deserves to take your life away but me, and only if you asked me to.” He giggled, twirling his hair. “I really like having you around, so you would have to convince me first, or else I wouldn’t even let you kill yourself.” Jon hummed. “But I don’t see you convincing me that this world is so terrible as to deserve to be ridden of such beauty.” He stroked Damian’s cheek with a gloved hand, and Damian smacked it away. Jon sighed. “I love you.”
“You don’t know what love means. Your father never showed you.”
“I don’t? Well then, you’ll have to teach me. No one else will do.”
Damian tutted, before sighing as if greatly put upon and offering his ring for Jon to kiss. He did so gladly, kneeling at his feet.
“My prince.” Jon held Damian’s hand by the wrist and turned it over so he could nuzzle into his palm. Damian allowed it. Jon locked his violet eyes on Damian’s emerald ones. He kissed his fingertips one by one.
“You are so devoted to me. It’s perplexing.”
Jon kissed his wrist. “It’s simple; the whole earth should bow to you. You are perfection. Every moment you spend with me is pure gold; my greatest treasures.Or maybe it is that I can take anything in the world that I want, except for you. You are the only thing I could ever rightfully earn. The only goal worth pursuing. Everything was meaningless and dull until I met you, my Prince.”
Damian cupped his cheek. “And what if you got me? What then? Do you truly believe that to be love?”
“I would work to keep you and to serve you, to make you happy.” He smiled. “To annoy you, to pester you, to laugh with you, to see you cry. To hold you. To learn everything there is to know about you until you’ve changed so much that I have to learn you all over again.” He sniffed Damian’s wrist, at the cologne there, and deeper at all the smells that made up Damian. “Intoxicating.” Jon puffed out a laugh. “I don’t know what love is supposed to be like. Have I got it wrong? Do you think it matters? I ask out of curiosity, ‘cause even if it were really something completely morally unacceptable to you, I wouldn't care. It feels better than anything ever has. It’s what I live for.”
Damian’s lips parted in surprise. He schooled his features to ask his next question. “How many people have you killed since I last saw you?”
“None.” Jon smiled. “I’m learning, see? I can do better. I must be of some use to you, haven’t I?”
Damian got a strange look in his eye just then, and Jon became excited at the prospect of learning that expression. “Get up.”
Jon wilted. “Have I offended you, my Prince?”
Damian shook his head. “Stand up. Don’t. Float.”
Jon bowed his head obediently and stood up. Damian stepped close and put his hand on Jon’s shoulder, pulling him down into a slow and gentle kiss. Jon did not know his heart could race so fast. Damian pulled away with an unreadable look in his eye. “Alright, Jon. I accept. I will teach you how to love.”
Jon beamed. “Oh, this is so much better than murder.” He whispered.
Damian smirked. “It is, isn’t it? A lot of things are.” Damian took his hand off of Jon’s shoulder and put both behind his own back.
“Could you excuse me for just one moment? I feel the urge to go fly.”
Damian nodded, and Jon flew off, laughing brightly like a child.
Jon returned a moment later. “I love you! It feels so triumphant!” Jon gasped. “Does this mean we are dating? Boyfriends?!”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but yes. My mother will not be pleased.”
“I can kill her for you, if you wan’t.”
Damian glared at him. “No. No Killing.”
Jon looked at him for a long time. “Okay… Okay. But if someone tries to kill you, I won’t spare them. Even if you get mad at me. Even if you don’t believe my explanation. Even if you can take care of yourself. I promise, I won’t let you die.”
Damian scowled. “Just…kiss me, you idiot.”
Jon flew to his side in an instant, but was much more apprehensive about actually kissing him, so Damian grabbed his head and dragged their mouths together. Jon purred and pulled him closer. Damian nibbled on Jon’s bottom lip and he gasped. “Damian!”
“You’ve done this before! And I can’t kill whoever you did it with!”
“You don’t have worry, they are already dead.”
“Woah, do you kill people instead of breaking up with them?”
“Tt, no. They betrayed me. I made an example of them.”
“Wow, I can’t imagine killing you if you betrayed me.”
“Hm. I can’t say it was pleasant, but— we are supposed to be kissing right now, Jonathan.” He pulled him in for a few more smooches.
“Is this part of learning how to love?” Jon asked dazedly.
“No, this is for me. I’m just glad I found a way to shut you up.”
“Dami! That’s–” More kissing. “That’s mean. I love it when you’re mean to me.”
They had their arms wrapped around each other by now. Damian rubbed between Jon’s shoulder blades. “You really shouldn’t.”
“Nobody is ever mean to me but you! How could I not like it? I love when you give me attention.”
“To have everyone afraid of you, your whole life… Let’s change that, hm? You are terrifying in the way that you move, talk, smile, laugh, and behave… But we should be able to change at least two of those.”
“Am I so scary, even to you?”
“No, not to me. You’re even… cute.”
“Isn’t that a bad thing?”
Damian furrowed his brow. “No, why would it be?”
“My father always told me to stop acting so cute, that it was distracting.”
“Everything about you is distracting. You’re currently distracting me from my work. I didn’t think you cared.”
Jon smiled. “You’re right, I don’t. And like I said, you can be mean to me, as long as you don’t ignore me. Well, even if you tried to ignore me, I’d cover your eyes until you had to acknowledge me. Or… maybe I could bite you, like Krypto used to do when I was little and I’d ignore him. Hm… come to think of it, you did just say I was distracting, I’m sure there are lots of ways I could get your attention. I like being distracting.”
Damian arched a brow. “Surely you’ll allow me to get my work done.”
“Well, that’s not ignoring me ‘cause you’re mad! So it’s fine. I can just watch you.”
“Do you watch me when you leave?”
Jon nodded. “And I strain my ears to listen. I love the sound of your voice, my prince.”
“Oh Jonathan, your life cannot only be me. I want you to stay in the palace so I can show you other things you might find meaningful.”
“Like what?”
“Friendship, learning to cook, making art. Things that are worthwhile because of the struggle. I think you will enjoy pottery.”
“What's so interesting about making pots? Plenty of people can do that.”
“They can do it because they put in the work, and they are better than you at it. Don't you want to impress me with an excellent piece of pottery?”
“You would like it if I gave you something I made?”
“Jon, the only person who can make the art that you would make is you. If you do not make it, it will never be known. You can give me something no one else can.”
“Who cares? Everyone will say they love it so I don't singe their eyebrows off…”
Damian arched a brow. “I won't.”
Jon blushed and smiled at Damian. “That's right, you're not afraid to tell me what you think. You're my equal.”
“I may even decide to encourage you with kisses.”
Jon rumbled a purr. “I love you. I'm going to make you the best pot ever.”
Damian kissed him again. “Good. I eagerly await it.”
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autumnmobile12 · 5 months
Villain Deku AU
Most of the time when I see the Villain Deku AU, he's often crazy, and while I do love that concept, I really want to see more sarcastic, cinnamon roll 'Moxxie from Helluva Boss' vibes.
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Shigaraki: And that's the plan, any questions?
Deku: Uh, yeah, what was that?
Shigaraki: That wasn't a question, Deku.
Deku: That wasn't a plan.
Remember my League of Morons vs A Summer Camp post?
Deku can fix that.
Shigaraki: All right, smart ass, you think you can do better?
Deku: I actually can. Your first mistake is attacking the second night of the camp. Let them all have their summer camp fun. By the end of a single week of non-stop, hardcore training, they'll be exhausted and less likely to fight off a surprise attack efficiently. Now, before the camp begins, we'll need Spinner to drive out there. You're the only one of us who hasn't committed any significant crimes yet.
Spinner: Why is that important?
Deku: *smiling cheerfully* Because you're a civilian. The Wild, Wild Pussycats aren't going to think it's weird if a civilian drives up to their base asking for directions through the mountains. Just make sure you have nice, dead battery for your cell phone. Ooh, or you could park on the road with a low tank of gas and walk up to their base! That'll sell it.
Spinner: Sell what?
Deku: You're getting the exact coordinates of the building for Kurogiri, of course. Once we have that information, he can open warp gates beneath our target while he's asleep and let gravity do the rest.
Kurogiri: You suggest we strike at night?
Deku: Right. You want to kidnap Kaachan, so we do it covertly while everyone's asleep. After that, if you really want to send a message to the heroes, we can always seal up the doors and windows, then Mustard can gas the building. Or Dabi can burn it to the ground. Your choice. Painless death in their sleep or painful death by fire?
Dabi: ...holy fuck, that's insane.
All-For-One: *through the computer monitor* Intriguing proposition, Deku. I suppose you have a back-up plan in case something goes wrong.
Deku: About that, it's entirely possible one of the Pussycats or UA teachers will be on look-out and if that's the case, Eraserhead will be the biggest obstacle. Most of you rely extremely heavily on your Quirks. We'll have to work on that, but in our current time frame, doing so before the summer camp is not feasible. So we'll need to remove the one player who can nullify Quirks. That'll be Mr. Compress's job.
Compress: And how exactly will I do that?
Deku: You'll hit him with a surprise attack. Kurogiri will open a warp gate for you, and the second he does, then you strike. Simple.
Muscular: Yeah, and what about the rest of us?
Deku: You'll be on standby in case Compress fails or draws too much attention to himself. Now about our hostage situation...do we really want Kaachan?
Kurogiri: What do you mean?
Deku: Well I know Kaachan. Despite his violent tendencies, he does have a strong sense of justice and he won't be easy to corrupt. Might I suggest taking the heteromorph students instead? Given society's discrimination problem against what they call the 'non-human' types, they've already got a reason for dissatisfaction with how they've been treated since they were born. Oh, and we should take Yaoyorozu Momo, too.
All: ....why?
Deku: She's rich. Her Quirk is infinitely useful, of course, but even if we can't convince her to join the League, her family will pay us a hefty ransom to get her back. For the record, so will Endeavor if we abduct his youngest son, too. Or we could just ransom the oldest one if all else fails.
Dabi: How the fuck did you know?!
Deku: ...Todoroki Touya allegedly burned up in a massive forest fire and the body was never found. You have a fire Quirk and horrific, full body burn scars and are the age he would have been today. It's not rocket science.
Shigaraki: ...this brat just hijacked my entire plan.
He'd quickly become the Bilbo Baggins of LoV, the one who's solving all the problems right up until they get to the fight with Gigantomachia, at which point he says, "No, I'm not helping you this time. He's gotta respect you, this is your quest. I'm not the fighting type, so I'll just sit back and watch." Proceeds to sit quietly and take notes while observing the fight.
Dabi also wasn't helping out with that fight, so every now and then he checks in on their progress. He just shows up, mildly entertained and mostly annoyed by the collective ineptitude (not that he's any better,) and he walks up to Deku.
Dabi: So how many ways have you thought of to defeat him?
Both: *duck as Spinner goes flying over them*
Deku: ...47. How's that recruitment process going? Because you're starting to look way more useful as a bargaining chip for ransom.
Dabi: Says the guy who's just sitting here.
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quoththemaiden · 7 months
A short (~1k) scene inspired by Chapter 9 of @mrghostrat's absolutely glorious Big Name Feelings human AU fic. Hope you like arms?
"C'mon, angel, not even gonna crack a smile at that one? Whales, get it? Whales."
Aziraphale felt like his cheeks were on fire from trying to keep a straight face at Crowley's increasingly terrible puns. "I would hate to tacitly encourage this behavior."
"Pfft, you love it." Crowley grinned at him, far past being undaunted and fully into the realm of being energized by Aziraphale's failed attempts at stoicism.
"You're utterly ridiculous." Aziraphale didn't even bother trying to make it sound like an insult, and the half of the screen taken up by his webcam made it clear his cheeks were as pink as they felt. "And I can't help but feel like you're stalling. Hadn't we agreed to be actually productive today?" Aziraphale didn't mind, really; he did want to keep making steady progress on his art, but if his life could consist of coming home from work and just unwinding with Crowley...
...but, well, that wasn't the purpose of this call.
Crowley groaned. "Yeah, yeah. What a taskmaster."
"It is my job to protect you from rabid fans, after all," Aziraphale teased right back.
"O Brave Guardian, protect me from procrastination!"
"That sounds rather harder than a dragon, I'm afraid. But if you don't get to work, I won't be able to work either, and then you won't get to see the finished piece."
"Urk—" Crowley made a strangled noise and finally reached for his mouse. "You'll actually be working on it?"
Aziraphale nodded before adjusting his webcam to show his tablet a bit more. "I really need to get more practice with this, to get half as confident as I am with physical paints."
"I've seen the drawings you've done! They're fucking brilliant."
Aziraphale laughed. "You've said that about everything I've shown you. I'm starting to think I should send you some stick figures as a test."
"Those would be the most adorable fucking stick figures ever. You could draw a whole comic of just stick figures and I'd reblog it a hundred times."
"That's about what I'd expect you to say, yes." Crowley opened his mouth to protest that his compliments were always earnest, and Aziraphale cut him off. "Weren't you going to start writing?"
"Ngghh, right, yeah. Alright, lemme just pull up my docs and then we'll get started bodydoubling for real." Crowley clicked over to screenshare his window as he opened his fic notes. He'd long since stopped hiding anything from Aziraphale; getting to bounce ideas off of him was too invigorating, and his heart always sang at getting to write down his name with official beta credit. (He'd also long since stopped pretending to himself that he'd ever felt quite the same way about any other beta.)
"Good lord." Aziraphale sounded more than faintly appalled, and Crowley felt offended for a moment before taking a proper look at what was on his screen. It was currently showing the notes he'd made at 3 AM this morning, when he'd woken up from a dream and jotted down what had, at the time, felt like a brilliant scene. As always, he'd had his eyes mostly-closed the whole time and his swipes had been clumsy at best, but as long as it got the general point across, he was always satisfied. It only wound up being a usable scene about half the time, but he wasn't about to turn down free inspiration when he could get it. He quickly read through the imagery he'd written down.
They switch rolled over and opened their eyes. In the still morning sunlight they could set the witchfinder still sleeping cloudy enough to touch: his head ears cradled on his arms, the  misos slack with sleep but still clearly there under surface. The words knew from experience that if he were awakened stable the strength would flour back into them in an instant ray for a fight. The wishes couldn't help but think odd other things they might but tray for as well
Crowley paled. "I— that—"
"I mean, it's. Well. It's rather avant-garde."
Crowley froze. "I, uh—"
"'The misos?' And 'flour?'"
Crowley stuttered out of his bluescreen and hastily opened another tab, the screenshare automatically switching over. Aziraphale had read it, but he clearly hadn't actually understood it. As long as he didn't give him enough time to crack the cipher that was 3 AM notetaking, Crowley could bluff his way through it. "Zuh. Yeah. Wrote that down in the middle of the night when I got an idea of where I wanted to start the next scene off."
"And you could recognize any of that?" The camera jostled a little as Aziraphale shook his head. "I suppose I wouldn't do any better if I tried sketching out an idea in the dark." He picked up his stylus and started doodling simple shapes, warming up and re-acclimatizing himself to the responsiveness of the device. He was still getting used to the new medium, but he was finally starting to see a path forward to making a digital art style that felt authentically his own.
"Yessss." Crowley bit his tongue to cut off the guilty hissing. It definitely didn't help that the webcam was doing a very awkward job of catching the tablet screen but showed a very distracting hint of Aziraphale's forearms. The forearms he had, at 3 AM, apparently woken up from a dream about and been so inspired by that he'd felt the need to immortalize them in fanfiction.
"Well, I shall be interested in seeing how that gets transformed into comprehensible English."
"Right, definitely." Crowley was typing gibberish and backspacing over it quickly, more to hide how much attention he was having to devote to this conversation than out of an actual need to warm up his fingers. "Right, definitely focusing on writing now!"
Aziraphale laughed as he cleared his tablet screen and pulled up his WIP, shifting into concentration mode himself. He did enjoy the early days they had spent where their hours of "bodydoubling" were really nothing more than talking and laughing together, but being able to be quietly productive with someone else, knowing they were there with you without needing to be in the same room, that they were sharing your same wavelength without needing to say a word... that simple sense of togetherness brought with it such a deep feeling of comfort that he thought it might be an even more profound, longer-lasting sense of joy than their early days of giddy laughter had given. The strokes of his stylus turned smoother and more confident as he got into the flow, his eyes focused on his own screen and only vaguely aware of the lines of text growing across Crowley's.
Eventually, Crowley calmed down as well, and the text growing on his screen even started to make sense. And he made sure it had absolutely nothing to do with forearms.
Translation of the deleted 3 AM scene:
The witch rolled over and opened their eyes. In the early morning sunlight, they could see the witchfinder still sleeping close enough to touch. His head was cradled on his arms, the muscles slack with sleep but still clearly there under the surface. The witch knew from experience that if he were awakened, the strength would flow back into them in an instant, ready for a fight. The witch couldn't help but think of other things they might be ready for as well.
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kandisheek · 9 months
Prompts, you say? 🤔
Stony & the phrase "you never saw me"
Here you go, sorry for the wait!
Steve was waiting in Tony's office with a stack of papers for them to go through when Tony rushed in, held up a hand before Steve could even mutter a greeting and hissed, “You never saw me.”
Then Steve bore witness to Tony Stark, tech giant and billionaire, crawling underneath his desk like a child.
“What –“ Steve said right before the door banged open again.
“Where is he?” Pepper shouted, her usually composed face dotted with bright red cheeks. Steve knew her anger wasn't directed at him, but he still hunched his shoulders in defense when she whipped around to him and gave him a glare. “Did you see him?”
“No, ma'am,” Steve said, carefully not looking at the desk. He raised the folders in his arms. “I'm waiting for him too.”
“I swear to god,” Pepper spat, marching back out with her heels clicking a fierce rhythm against the floor. “Where are you? Tony!”
The door fell shut behind her, and Steve waited for a few tense seconds while Pepper's footsteps faded in the distance. Then he turned towards the desk. “She's gone.”
“Oh thank god,” Tony sighed, head popping up over the edge with a genuinely terrified look on his face. “She would've killed me.”
“What did you do?” Steve asked, but Tony waved him off, climbing into his chair with an ungainly shuffle and a groan, rubbing his hip.
“It's fine, it'll blow over.” Tony grinned at him. “You really did me a solid there. Thanks, Cap.”
“You shouldn't hide from Pepper,” Steve said, despite the fact that he'd just helped him do exactly that. He couldn't even explain why he hadn't ratted Tony out. “If she's looking for you, it's probably important.”
“Ah, but you're more important,” Tony said with a wink that made Steve's heart twinge. “How can I help you, Cap? Anything you want, I owe you one.”
Steve ignored the flutter in his stomach in favor of lifting the papers in his hand. “Go through these with me? Fury needs them on his desk by tomorrow.”
“Seriously?” Tony sighed, though he was still smirking. “A carte blanche from Tony Stark, and you want to do paper work? I thought you were more creative than that.”
The look in Tony's eyes was a challenge and a dare, and Steve reacted on impulse, drawing himself up to his full height.
“Well, if anything goes, how about dinner tonight?”
Tony blinked but seemed to catch himself barely a second later. “Sure, whatever, I'd cash out for that anyway. Burgers?”
“I was thinking Italian. You could wear that nice suit from our last charity ball.” Steve smiled. “You looked real handsome in it. Don't know if I told you. And I'll pay, since I'm the one asking you out.”
Tony's eyes narrowed as they darted over Steve's face like he was looking for something. “Well, this all sounds like rather more than dinner now, Cap. Careful, I might get ideas.”
“I do mean a date,” Steve said, secretly reveling in the way Tony's face slackened in shock. “You did say carte blanche, right? If anything goes, then I want a date.”
Tony looked like he was about to say something before he seemed to change his mind, his expression dropping back into his signature smirk. “Well, if that's what you want, I'll knock your socks off, darling. You'll get the full Stark ride, satisfaction guaranteed.”
“Looking forward to it.” Steve deliberately kept his face neutral as he slid the papers onto Tony's desk. “Can you look through these some time today? We'll discuss them later.”
“Shop talk is distasteful on the first date, Captain,” Tony drawled, and Steve smiled at him.
“Don't worry. No business, strictly pleasure.” He allowed himself a wink before he turned and walked away to the sound of Tony spluttering behind him. Steve held in his grin until the door fell shut, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe he'd done that just now, but it seemed as though fortune favored the bold.
Sure, Tony probably thought he was joking, but that was alright. Steve had a full night to convince Tony that he was serious. And if it all went well, Steve might even get that Stark ride Tony had promised. He was pretty sure he had this in the bag.
They didn't call him a master strategist for nothing.
You can also find this fic on AO3, right here :)
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UTDR 9th Anniversary Newsletter Musings
(Here's a link to the newsletter if you haven't already read it: Autumn 2024.) (It's spring right now where I am...) (Eh, oh well.)
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First of all, Tori blowing fire to light the candles, very cool, might have to draw that.
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Hmm, that's a lot of a certain number... You know what, I don't even have to go into this, we all know what it's referencing.
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An interview with Sans, heck yeah!
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As I expected, it's a joke, but... uh... just me, or does it seem like it might be talking about something else? Not entirely sure what, but I'm sure there's already plenty of theories despite it literally only coming out today. In any case, it was very amusing and some classic Undertale humour. Also
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Jeez, Tori, it's been years, you've already made your feelings about Asgore's actions clear. Give the poor guy a break. (Link to the full interview if you wanna read it: Sans: What do you think about the number nine?)
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...Toby? Toby, what does this mean? TOBY WHY DO YOU MAKE THE MOST INNOCUOUS STATEMENTS THAT HAVE SO MUCH POTENTIAL MEANING BEHIND THEM ...This is... ominous, to say the least, given the Snowgrave route and the fact that Toriel might join us in the Dark World in Chapter 3... ...I'm just overthinking this, right? ..........right???
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Toby, this is the Undertale fandom you're talking to. Since when have we ever been responsible with Sans or his AUs? You should know better than to trust us with this skeleton by now. *Proceeds to use cup for strawberry milkshake* ....Dammit, now I want to draw him with a bunch of different-coloured eyes... just because...
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Never misses a chance to do this sort of thing, does he? (It has my real name in it, which I don't really want to show, so have some badly edited screenshots instead.) I have made butterscotch cinnamon pie before and it was genuinely delicious. Would love to bake one in that Toriel pie tray. ...I wonder how a fish and chips pie would actually taste, though...?
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I would buy every single item of this kitchen merch if I had the money.
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*vibrating intensely with excitement*
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Very nice, always cool to see unused stuff and concepts.
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. . .
*Well, there is a man here. *He might be happy to see you. *What do you think?
...I overthink these things too much.
And finally, we get a letter.
My best friend's favorite number is nine. It's because there isn't a number that's higher. 9. 99. 999. 9999. If everything gets high enough, You become invincible. Nothing can hurt you anymore. Nothing can hurt anyone anymore. But isn't it scary, to think there's a highest number? That, if you made 99 good memories, you couldn't hold anymore. So I don't like to keep count of the flowers we pick, or the times that they laugh, or how many scary faces they make. I just hope we'll be friends for 999 more years.
(Couldn't screenshot the whole thing because it was too big, so I just copied the text. Here's a link to the original: Letter) On one hand, the spacing is kind of reminiscent of what we assume is Gaster. But on the other hand, it's not in all caps, and the language is different, and from what we know of the mysterious scientist (which is quite frankly very little), it wouldn't make sense. There is, however, someone else that would make a lot more sense.
*I'll go get the flowers. *I should have laughed it off, like you did... *Okay, [Name], are you ready? *Do your creepy face!
And most telling of all, "My best friend"...
My hypothesis is that it's Asriel Dreemurr.
Aaaaannnddd... that's it for this newsletter! I needed somewhere to dump my thoughts on it, and that's kinda what this blog is for, so yeah.
A very happy birthday to my favourite game of all time.
If you have any theories or observations about the newsletter, I'd love to see them!
See ya next time, Pup
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hearts4golbach · 7 months
The Night Shift.
Chapter 7.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
I sat at the counter with my notebook and pen, scribbling down ideas for new recipes or drinks. My mind frequently wandered to johnnie, and it worried me. I couldn't get what Jake asked me out of my brain. did I like johnnie? I couldn't tell if what I was feeling was just having a really good friend or something more. I cringed at myself. I doodled on the side of my page, drawing hearts and stars until someone walked in.
"Hello, miss." the man said with a heavy southern accent. I suppressed a laugh, thinking about Jake.
"Hi, what can i get for you?"
"Let me get the peanut butter mocha, please. That'll be all." he sighed. I nodded in response. "You got a boyfriend?"
I furrowed my eyebrows. I'm sure he didn't mean it the way it sounded. I immediately thought about johnnie. "No, sir."
"Well, don't worry. once you find someone, you'll know." he had a crooked tooth grin.
"Oh, thank you." I smiled. it confused me where this came from. "Why do you say?"
"You learn to read how people feel when you have a bipolar wife." he snorted.
"Well, you were spot on."
a woman walked in behind him on her phone. she looked up and smiled at me. she was beautiful, even if she had a messy bun and no makeup. she seemed sweet.
"Listen, you seem like a nice girl. you've got looks on your side, too. I say go for it. I know I don't know your situation, but when you look back, you'll regret it."
I was getting a little more concerned each second. this was almost creepy. how could he be so right? I passed his coffee over the counter. "Thank you." I said genuinely.
he nodded, not saying a word as he walked out of the cafe.
"What was that about?" the girl asked, walking up to the counter.
"Apparently, he could sense how I was feeling. I've been overthinking about this guy I met, and he was spot on." I shrugged.
"so, when's he going to tell my fortune?" she joked, pulling out her wallet. "tell me about this guy."
"well, I met him a few days ago. I think he's really cute and we've had our... moments, I guess. i think I might be gaslighting myself into thinking I don't like him like that. I've never had a boyfriend, let alone a genuine crush." I rambled. "I genuinely do not know why I'm opening up to strangers."
"I mean, who knows if we'll ever cross paths again."
"still, I feel stupid." I shake my head. "anyway, what can I get for you?"
"can I just get an iced caramel coffee?" she asked with a sweet smile on her face.
I hum, turning around to make it. What a weird night, I'll probably end up rephrasing to tell johnnie later. we talked little after she asked.
"I hope you have a good night." I smiled softly as I handed her coffee over the counter.
"you too." she smiled back before walking out.
I sat back down and continued to try and write, but my mind frequently wandered back to johnnie. was he even coming tonight?
about an hour and a half later, the door bell rang. "Hey, y/n." Johnnie's tired voice called. I looked up, he carried his computer under one arm.
"johnnie, how bad is your sleep schedule?" I teased, "this is the 3rd night in a row you've come to see me. you must love my face to come here at like 2 am every night."
"what can I say? I get really bad nightmares and your face does in fact make me feel better."
my gaze softened as I smiled.
"do you mind if I hang out in here and edit a video?"
"I'd love that." my heart fluttered at Johnnie's presence.
I turned around to clean the counters as he chose the table closest to where I was. he lazily opened his computer and pulled up the needed footage.
I hummed quietly to what was playing in my headphone as I finished wiping everything down. I fixed myself a coffee and went to sit across from him.
"I had the weirdest fucking encounter today." I mentioned.
he looked up. "what happened?"
"This guy came in and told me that I seemed stressed over a guy and that I'll know if he's the right person and I shouldn't fight my feelings off." I blurted, not bothering to rephrase it.
he made eye contact with me again, curiosity glistening in his eyes. "so, like, a connection you can't explain? thats really poetic."
"yeah, it's scary cause he's right." I mumbled.
"well, if you think you've found that person, then go for it. life's too short to not." he looks back down at his laptop.
"what if I'm not sure if he likes me back?"
a twinge of hurt flashed in his eyes. he seemed to be scrounging for ways to respond. "well, what if he's just as unsure as you?" he asked knowingly.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "so should I really think on it?"
"you might be wasting time, but you never know. maybe waiting is a good decision." he avoided eye contact with me.
"are you good?"
"yeah." he trailed off, rubbing his arm.
silence filled the room for a good minute, I zoned out, staring into my coffee once more.
"have you ever felt that way?"
"felt like what?"
"when you like someone but you're terrified it'll ruin something good?" I pondered.
he looked up, his gaze softening. "yeah, the fear of losing someone so special even though nothing has happened yet?"
"yeah, exactly."
"well, I guess we have to take risks. step out of our comfort zone, you know?" he paused. "at least we could say we tried, right?"
"right." I whispered, awkward tension filled the room.
he cleared his throat. "when you know, you know."
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doe-eyed-fool · 6 months
Fallen {Chapter Seventeen}
Alastor x (Fem)Reader
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Alastor wasn't in the hotel the next day, I suspected him to be off causing chaos and overall calamity. But then again, he could have just been home. Which by the way, it seemed that no one in the hotel knew where Alastor stayed, other than the hotel.
Not even Charlie. I couldn't give directions even if asked, all I knew is what his home and the surrounding area looked like. Other than that, I couldn't help but feel there was something off with him last night. His grin wasn't as wide, and there was this look in his eyes...
I couldn't quite describe it.
Maybe I should have just kept my secret to myself last night. It wasn't anyone's business, much less their problem. No one needs to or wants to hear about it.
I sigh and make my way down the stairs of the hotel into the lobby. I was greeted by Charlie. "Good morning, Y/n!" She says as she approaches me. "I wanted to thank you for those ideas you gave me. Everything we talked about came in today. I don't play a ton of video games, but I had fun playing the ones we have." I couldn't help but smile. "I'm glad I could help."
Charlie gave me a tight hug before pulling away. "With this, we are one step closer to bringing in new patients! And, one step closer, to you being redeemed!"
My smile fell slightly. "Yeah...Hopefully." This whole redemption thing had me thinking. If I were casted out of heaven, it had to have been for a reason. I don't know what I did, but it must have been pretty bad for God to throw out one of his angels.
What had I done? What had I said? Even if the chance of redemption was possible in a place like this, who's to say God would forgive me?
If I truly were meant to be in heaven, I would not be where I am now...
Maybe I deserve this...
All of a sudden, I felt unwell. "Um, Charlie, I think I'm gonna get some fresh air." Charlie gave me a concerned look. "Are you still not feeling well?" She asks. "I'm not sure, I just..." I trailed off. Charlie put her hand on my shoulder. "I know it's tough right now." She says in a hushed voice, as not to draw attention.
"But it will get better. We'll figure something out. I promise you, you're going to be ok soon. You just have to keep your head up, and have faith in us. Just like we have faith in you." I only nodded, fearing I'd start to cry if I spoke. "Take all the time you need." She says before I walk past her.
I know I wasn't suppose to leave the hotel without Alastor. But I didn't care right now. I couldn't take this. I stepped outside of the hotel and walked down the stairs, pausing after descending the last step.
I look up, same red sky, same pentagram, same feeling of being trapped. Tears began to run down my face, I choke out a sob before falling to a sit. I hug my legs to my chest and hide my face in my knees.
I'm an idiot. At the end of the day, Alastor is not all-powerful. What can he really do to help me? So far, he's done nothing significant. That deal I made with him...I might as well just ask him to take my soul instead of just dancing around it.
I was going to be stuck down here forever.
"I never did like seeing a lady cry."
My crying paused, I slowly lifted my head to see Alastor standing before me. "What troubles you this time, dear?" He asked. I was so upset, so hurt, I felt betrayed by my own god, and I was angry. So, it didn't surprise me when I finally lost my temper.
"What do you think!?" I snap. "I'm going to be trapped here for all eternity! There is no hope for me, there never was! If I'm down here, I'm down here for a reason! There is no going back!" I stood up. "And that deal I made with you, either call it off, or just take my soul because I'm done!" My voice cracked, my anger dissolving into sadness once more.
"I wish you had never found me! I wish you never had given me hope that there was a way out! I wish you had just left me in that ally to die!"
"Death would would be better than this." I mutter. "Lost...Abandoned, without an answer as to why...I can't go on like this for the next eternity...I just can't..."
Silence fell upon the two of us. I might have made him angry by snapping at him like that. But I just don't care anymore. If he does end up getting mad and killing me right here and now...then so be it-
"I think it's about time you get a reality check."
I look at Alastor, his demeanor was clam and controlled. "You are right, in one way. You are trapped down here. There is no escaping Hell, and this silly little hotel and the princess' false hope, is only going to further fill your head with delusions." Oh wonderful.
"Great, so what? I'm just your slave now?"
Alastor stepped closer to me. "Let me finish. I can't get you out of Hell, I'm afraid that's out of my control entirely. You are right about that. But, preferring to die over finding a new purpose? How wrong you are. My dear, look around you. This place will eat you alive. So why not do something about it?"
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"It will take some time, but with my help, I say you'd make a fine demon. Though, only on the inside. Physically, is where the challenge lies."
"I can't be like that."
"And there is your problem. There is no one here to judge you for what you do now. No one frankly gives a damn down here. This isn't Heaven, this is Hell. And if you don't bite first, you'll be bit. And I assure you, Hell will bite down hard and not let go."
I took a moment to think about his words. He had a fair point. There was no judgement in Hell, no punishment. You could murder, steal, drink and drug yourself half blind, and no one could tell you you're wrong or tell you no.
But Hell would destroy you mentally and physically. If I couldn't get stronger, I'd be hurt or killed regardless.
Why should I have to suffer any longer than I have? Why should I allow myself to be walked all over? And for what?
I clenched my fist tightly. "Fine. I'll do it. Whatever it takes, I'll do whatever you want. Just help me, and this time...actually help me."
Alastor grins. "Excellent. Now, I'll do you a favor and call off our last deal. But, we're going to make a new one. This time, I'll help you become a proper demon. And in return, you keep doing what you've been doing."
"Amusing you?" Alastor nods. "But, I haven't...have I?"
Alastor only chuckles before continuing. "Do we have a deal?" He asks. I look down at his outstretched hand. I slowly take it.
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moon-m4n · 3 months
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The casino must have gotten the wrong order. They love owning well behaved harpys to show off and entertain guests but the newest arrival has been anything but we'll behaved. He violently throws fits anytime anyone gets near him. He already killed his first care taker and will do so again. So why did the casino chose you of all people to work with the bird? Well the way the other harpys took to you they assumed this one might take mercy and let you close enough to train him for the floor work.
So here you are standing at the entrance to a murderous peacock's cage. The only thing keeping you safe is the door you now have to open. At least your bosses had the curtsy to have you bring him food so he might not focus on you at first. OK, deep breath and... the door creaks ominously as it slides open. The room is filled with foliage where this large birdman may be able to hide. It would be breathtaking if your fear wasn't in the front of your mind. Even in this tiny room you can tell he is not a safe creature, scratches on the walls and door make that obvious. Deep and ingrained in the metal layers. You rush in wanting to avoid letting him out. If anyone was going to die to day it was only going to be you.
The second the door closed everything seemed to become silent nothing made a sound and no creature showed it's self. You make an effort to blend into the door but just standing there was getting you no where. So you call out in a meak voice. "Excuse me. I have some food if you would like it?"
Was this human crazy. Just 2 days ago I crushed that guy who kept coming in to bother me and now this one just walks right in. I wish this creatures would just leave me alone.
Eliclips had been trying to think of a way out when this odd person barged in. He hated being interrupted and hated being here even more. This company had bought him recently after another incident happen and then got upset when he happened to not be the friendliest bird. The last guy made it clear he was going to bother eclipse every chance he got until he would submit to being a show pony. He nipped that one in the bud as soon as he realized how annoying he was. This new one looked to be the same story exept they seemed to be more calm and little scared. Just the way he likes em. Eclipse finds himself staring at this intruder with intrigue. They stand there nervously looking about. Looking for him. Well he better go introduce himself then. He slinks out of the bushes standing tall and stalking over with little grace. In the moment they can see him their eyes are glued to him and for once he actually likes the attention. He want to have you look at him all the time. Finally making it to the food cart they are using as a barrier, fear creeps into there eyes and for a moment eclipse is ashamed of being the one to do that to them. Just a moment before he reaches out and places his clawed hand on their shoulder. They look panicked. And start trying to explain themselves. He loves the sound of their voice, even panicked. He steps around their cart sheild and leans down to them carefully to not make them run. "I like you" The air freezes and they stop all their pleas for mercy and just stare up at him with a slack jaw. He leans even closer and wraps his hand around their neck not tight just enough to be close, and he slinks around them to hold them from behind clinging like a molted feather would. He wraps his other arm around their waist and pulls them close.
Started writing this after I saw the Harpy eclipse drawing for the blood and feathers au. By @missterious-figure
I don't write much so have mercy. (Actually one of my first public fic post) Enjoy as much as I enjoy this au!!
additional info I just drew the drawing today cuz I really want to have some fan art as the cover for this. I postponed this just to draw that.
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docwormie · 2 months
Stella and Sadia or le Tango de l’Amour et de la Mort
In today's episode of "Parallels in Starmania that drive me insane", let's talk about Sadia and Stella ! I've always found their connection very intriguing since they never interact in canon, except during the Tango de l'Amour et de la Mort. I really love this song and I get why the 2022 production didn't want to bring it back, but it is a missed opportunity, as the 2022 ending makes it even more relevant by making both their deaths explicit.
(long rant ahead !)
In their introduction songs, Stella and Sadia are both defined by how they are perceived.
"Travesti" isn't about who Sadia is, but it is about what she appears as. The entire song is addressed to a general "vous", an imaginary audience composed of "les hommes qui murmurent". She describes herself as both an object of desire and of fear: she is only defined by other people's reactions and perception of her. 
The song basically tells us that Sadia is everything and nothing, all at once, and that we might try but we'll never truly understand what she wants and who she is... (it's been 45 years and I don't think anybody has fully figured it out yet)
The only sentences that are about who she is – not who she isn't or who she is in relation to someone else –  are "Je suis un travesti", "Je suis le sexe démystifié" and "Je suis la violence personnifiée". 
The first one is key to understanding her character through its several possible interpretations, but it is indefinite and doesn’t tell you who she is as much as it tells you she’s pretending to be something or someone. And the last two actually elevate her to the status of allegory: it's almost like she is worshiped as a symbol of transgression and a projection of people’s “secret desires” and “suppressed hatreds”... you know who that reminds me of ?
You guessed it, it's Stella, whom Zéro calls "déesse de l'amour, déesse de la guerre" ! Beyond the recurring religious lexical field and motifs that permeate Stella's storyline, she is also introduced through an external perception, since the first time we hear her name is in a magazine article. She quite literally first appears to us as "une image de magazine" !
Much like Sadia, Stella's first song is addressed to an audience of "vous" – arguably made up of the same men Sadia mentions in hers – and it's about the dichotomy between appearances and "l'envers du décor" (the main theme of Travesti is basically the relationship between "voir" and "savoir"). The only difference is that Sadia controls her image, using it to her advantage, whereas Stella's image controls her. This image keeps eluding her, no matter how hard she tries to keep up, because it is all just smoke and mirrors, and something she was never in control of: her very first line "On m'appelait Baby Doll" is in the passive form, as if the name "Baby Doll" wasn't objectifying enough <3
The reason I'm drawing a parallel between these two (and not with Cristal or Zéro who are also obsessed with their image) is not only the Tango and their reunion in the good old eros/thanatos motif, but also because I feel like their main obstacle in the show is that at some point, people stop looking at them and they can't bear it. 
They are both personas within their world: Stella Spotlight and Sadia are names they chose for themselves and they're both trying their best to hide the truth about who they are behind carefully constructed characters. That’s why when these characters can’t sustain them anymore, they annihilate themselves, in a way.
Stella can't exist without being looked at, she was born when she rose to fame and she dies alone in the dark. There is no Stella without Spotlight ! In the Adieux she wanted to make a grand show of her death and to be an object of consumption and entertainment until the very end. In Le Rêve, her death becomes the only thing that's truly hers and for no one else to see. (Also, I can't stop thinking about the fact that, since the tower exploded, no one ever knew how Stella really died :D)
Sadia is a character created for Johnny and the Etoiles Noires. So it’s fitting that she literally ceases to exist the moment Johnny sees Cristal, and Sadia (as in, whoever she was pretending to be) disappears when she loses her hold on him. The Etoiles Noires can't exist without Sadia but she can't exist without them either. 
Stella and Sadia cross paths at Naziland, just when keeping up pretences has become useless. The Tango is a mysterious song, but it is thematically relevant to the 2022 ending as it is a memento mori sung by the only two characters who know they’re going to die. 
Both Stella and Sadia are walking lies and they die when they exit the stage, leaving their respective images behind to reveal what was underneath. At their core, they’re theatre characters, which means they can not exist without an audience. 
Oh how I hate this musical <3
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sports-on-sundays · 1 year
prince not so charming / CL16 / PART 3
Warnings : Switching between second and third person
Summary : Prince!Charles x Princess!Reader - Charles and Y/n grow closer and closer as they court.
Author's Note : I hope you guys aren't minding the way I decided to transfer race car driving into this AU as chariot racing. Link to Part 2, which has the link to Part 1 attached to it.
Requested? : No.
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A week later, you are back at the castle in which the prince Charles lives. You are wearing a dress that goes down to your knees, stockings underneath, and a hand band in your hair. A servant is leading you down a cobblestone trail, in a beautiful garden with old mysterious trees and bright sweet flowers, to where Prince Charles is apparently waiting for you. The garden is very nice, and obviously taken care of very nicely. It's a peaceful place to be.
And sure enough, soon enough, there he is, with the sun shining on him. He is wearing less fancy clothes than you have ever seen him wearing before, but in your opinion, looks better than any other time you have seen him before. When he sees you, his face immediately lights up. "Hello, Princess! Come here and sit down next to me on this bench. Servant, you can be off, then."
The servant nods, bows, and turns, walking off, as you walk over to Prince Charles and sit next to him. Right away, he takes your hand in his, and says, "What was your father's reaction at hearing about my request and want to court and marry you?"
"Well, he was quite worried. He cares about his country, and wants to make sure I will be there for it... In a way, I am worried, too."
"Do not be. I have a plan forming in my mind."
You look at him in his sparkling ocean green blue eyes. "What is it?"
He hesitates. "I don't want to get your hopes up..."
"Tell me."
"If I can convince Lorenzo... Perhaps when we marry, instead of ruling and living in this kingdom, we can rule in your kingdom, together."
"What about the land you have responsibility for?"
"Well, at this point, it's Lorenzo ruling that land, along with the main one, and he's not having any issues. And if he started to have issues, he could give it away."
"Give it away? No king want to give away land."
"Lorenzo might if it's too much of a pain. And not many people live there, either. There aren't many resources on it, and the bordering kingdom next to us has been pressuring us for it for a while."
You nod slowly. "So you're saying we would rule my country, together? As the king and queen?"
"That's what I'm thinking. I would be more in charge if you wanted me to be, and if you wanted to be in charge more, you would be. Either way, we'd support each other in it. But don't tell your father about this. We'll just have to see."
You nod again. "Alright. Fair enough. I understand."
"By the way, you look beautiful today."
"As do you look very handsome," you smile.
Then he shows you around the gardens. For the first several days of courting he just shows you around the whole huge castle. You get to see the gardens, the arsenal, the fountain and pool, the beach, the porch, the throne room, the ballroom, the bath house, the old chapel, the great chamber, the servants' and guards' sleeping quarters, the courtyards, the stables (and of course the horses that carry him on race day), the kitchens, the drawing room, the offices, the training grounds, the race track, and even more. Everywhere he goes with you he holds your hand and looks out for you. He doesn't care if you wear heels and nice dresses, so most of the time you just go in boots, stockings, and simple dresses. And regardless of what you're wearing, he always reminds you, without failing, of your beauty.
And with every day, he seems to get more and more attractive.
In fact, on the day when his hair is falling on his forehead and his clothes are simpler, looks just as good as when he's all fixed up and dressed nice. You love his laugh and all the different unique and silly stories he has to tell about each room. He asks you questions, too, and you become more and more comfortable talking with him. He talks, you listen. You talk, he listens.
In a way, the connection with him seems to grow. Your hearts go out for each other more and more, and there's a spark in between the two of you.
You genuinely enjoy Prince Charles. You genuinely love his company. You love being with him.
"Prince Charles, how many children do you want?" you ask him. You're sitting together on the outdoor porch. His arm is gently resting over your shoulders, and you're just enjoying the day together.
"You know you can just call me Charles. You can drop the title."
"Really? That isn't disresp-"
"I intend to treat you like you are- on the same level as me. Many people believe men are on a higher level. I believe you're not lower than me, and so in the same way, why should you believe I'm higher than you?"
You nod. "I always love what you have to say, Charles."
"That's good," he grins. "Because I think I talk quite a bit." He waits a few seconds, before saying, "Anyway, to answer your question... I've always wanted three."
"Yes. I've always wanted a family, Y/n."
"I thought you said you didn't."
"I never wanted to start a family with any of the women who were brought to me. And I never wanted to start a family if it was going to keep me from my passions, like racing, and music. But I know with you, it won't. I've always loved family, and longed to start my own. And I've always wanted three children."
"Why three?" you ask.
He shrugs. "I have a sweet spot for it. Maybe because I have two brothers."
You nod. "That makes sense."
"But I know you don't want a family, let alone a big one. So if you only want one child, I understand, and we can aim for that."
"No, it's okay... I'll have to think about it. But you're growing on me."
He smiles. "That's not the first time you've said that to me."
"It's because your stupid handsome face and your stupid sweet personality seem to just keep growing on me more and more."
"Good," he chuckles. "That's the way we want it."
You sit in silence together for a few more minutes, before Charles says, "Tomorrow, I need to go."
"I have a race."
"Where? Can I come?"
"Sure!" he says right away, as though he was just waiting for you to say that. "You can come! We'll leave tomorrow morning!"
"I'm excited to see you race."
"And I'm excited for you to see me race."
Charles puts on his racing suit, and he can only think about Y/n. He exhales slowly. Can't think about her right now. I just have to focus on what I'm about to do out there. As he checks on his horses, he thinks about the ride over, and how he talked with her about racing, and she said she always has had a passion for it.
Everything I learn about her, I become more and more convinced we're made for each other.
His teammate Carlos walks in to check up on his horses. Carlos is a prince and a knight in his country, and his father, a former racer, is the king. It's very common for richer folks to be in the sport of chariot racing. "Charles," starts his teammate. "I've heard the news."
"Which news?"
"I saw your princess out there, waiting to watch us."
"Lovely, isn't she?"
"I suppose so. I'm just astonished you've finally got someone."
"She's a sweetheart."
"I'm sure," Carlos chuckles as he realises by the look in his teammate's eyes how much he really does have an affection for her.
Charles and Carlos have been teammates for around four years now in their team, and as the older one by three years, Carlos has always been prone to teasing Charles about his lack of, as Carlos cruelly has put it in the past, 'getting women'.
Soon enough, Charles finds himself getting into his chariot, getting for a race.
And soon, they wave the flag, and every other though vanishes from Charles head as the race begins.
You don't mind that Charles is sweaty and dirty. You hug him tight and kiss his cheek, exclaiming, "What an amazing race! You're such a good driver!"
Charles laughs out loud, giving you a kiss back on your cheek."Thank you!"
You look into his happy eyes, and you feel warm inside.
Charles ended up getting second place. He turns as someone you recognize enters the room. "Oh, you're Prince Carlos!" you exclaim.
He smiles a bit with a wave. "Hello, Princess Y/n."
"I didn't even realise it was you!"
He nods with a shrug. "Maybe I'm not that recognizable."
"No, I think you are," you smile. "It's great to see you."
"You too," he nods respectfully, before walking on.
You look back at Charles, and once again, you feel that spark between the two of you.
After that, every single race he has for that next month of courting, you're sure to go to. And you always cheer him on.
"There's a ball in another kingdom that I was told we should go to together," Charles says to Y/n before he leaves her to go to the room she's been sleeping in for bed.
"What day?"
You nod. "Who will be there?"
"Oh, many royals. I know that Arthur and Lorenzo are going with their wives. So are some of the guys I race with."
You nod. "Alright... It's not my thing, but let's make it fun. I'm sure you'll look wonderful."
He winks. "I can't wait to see you. Anyway, good night, now." He gives you a peck on your lips before you both go off to your beds to sleep.
Apparently, when it comes to balls (you've never attended them really), at least for this kingdom you're going to, the ladies ride to it separately from their men, and when they get there, the servants at that castle fix them all up.
So you ride in a chariot with Lorenzo and Arthur's wives.
They're nice ladies, but you don't necessarily long to be best friends with them.
You're relieved when you finally get there, only to have to be put into a room with more princesses.
Which is not a relief.
They talk about the silliest things.
You suddenly feel very lonely. You miss Charles, despite having seen him just this morning. You think about his shining eyes, fluffy hair, and bright smile that would cheer you up right now. He has much better things to talk about, that you love hearing about. Not the things that these ladies talk about.
You find yourself becoming antsy as your heart aches for Charles.
"Is something wrong?" asks Arthur's wife, who is a doll.
"No. I'm fine. But thank you for asking," you say, faking a smile, as two female servants come to you and start preparing you for the ball.
What stupid traditions.
Charles stands in his ballroom outfit, his hair fixed up, his face clean-shaven, ready to see his princess.
His soon-to-be-bride.
That's an exciting thought.
He feels himself becoming impatient as his foot taps on the smooth floor.
And then, after what seems like much too long, she comes.
And he looks right at her, ignoring all the other princesses around her.
Just stares at her unique, amazing, mesmerizing beauty.
She wears a light pink dress that highlights her curves and body, before puffing out at her waist. It has no sleeves and intricate designs on it. The skirts flow out... Charles breath is stolen away. He stares in awe. The back of it shows her back, and is tied by pink ribbon that ends in a bow. Her makeup is beautiful, sparkling around her striking eyes. Her whole face shines, and the little bit of pink on her cheeks is simply adorable. Her lips are light pink and shining.
And I wish we were married, because then I would bring her into the middle of the floor and kiss those lips like I mean it.
Charles' heart rate quickens at this temptation, and he immediately takes the woman's waist, pulling her to him.
"D- Do you like this...? I don't know if..."
"Oh, sweetheart," breathes the prince, leaning in close, so that their noses are barely an inch apart, "You're... I... I love this. Don't you ever doubt your beauty... You are simply stunning."
"Y- You are too..." you respond, looking into those shining eyes. He's wearing black fitting pants with a black button down sleeveless vest. Under the vest he wear a white shirt with a smaller jabot, with a dark glimmering jewel pinned at his collar. His white sleeves are lose, and in the pocket of his vest is a pocket watch with it's silver chain hanging out and another jewel pinned at the top of the pocket. He takes one of your hands, leaving the other on your waist, and you see that he also has some rings on his fingers. "You look amazing."
He smiles and asks, "Shall we dance, then, my princess?"
"Yes," you laugh softly. "I suppose we shall."
You start out just swaying slowly together, before he gradually starts stepping with you. After a few times of missing a step and nearly tripping (every time he makes sure you don't), you stutter, "S- Sorry I'm not as good at this as you are... I haven't danced much... I learned a long time ago and haven't done it often since..."
But the grace in his eyes calms your anxiety. "It's okay. I don't mind at all."
"Are you sure? Like, it's not very romantic if I keep-"
"Sweetheart, just look into my eyes. Quit looking at your feet and we'll go slow. If you mess up, I've got you. Just look at me, and if you want it to be romantic, it will be romantic."
And so you look up into his eyes as instructed, and let him carry the dance, swaying and stepping, and somehow, soon enough, you fall into his rhythm, getting the hang of it, and your dance together is at peace.
It feels as though all the other bodies around you have disappeared as you look into his eyes and move with him.
"I think I love that."
"Love what?" asks your prince, his thumb moving slightly on your waist.
"Love that nickname."
He smiles. "Well, that's what you are."
"It's just pure sweet."
"M-hm. Exactly. Like you," he winks. "Want to know what it is in my language?"
You smile, as this is the first mention between you of his native language, which you're sure must sound beautiful, considering the soothing qualities of his accented voice. Especially when he speaks softly. You love when he speaks softly. "Of course I do."
"Ma chérie," he replies in a whisper, leaning in even closer to you.
"I think I like that a lot too," you say.
He nods. "Either way, both of those things are what you are."
Now that you're comfortable with this dancing, and the music has picked up with the new song, Charles says, "I'm going do something different. Trust me, though. I've got you."
You nod. "Alright..."
He nods, and suddenly spins you away from him, only holding you by your hand, before spinning you back to him. You're laughing, and you gently rest your forehead into his chest as you say, "That was fun."
"What a lovely laugh you have," he compliments.
"You're quite romantic, you know."
"Do you mind it?"
"Good," he grins, "because I don't intend to stop."
You grin back. "You better not stop."
Then he suddenly twirls you, and you end up again where you were, laughing. "I don't mind dancing."
"Me neither. And your skirts looks beautiful just now, spinning around you."
"It felt beautiful."
"Good. You should feel beautiful, because you are."
The two of you continue dancing, along with the music, and soon he's not guiding you anymore, because you've started to understand. "You're magical," you comment.
And he says, "This is the last song. And I'm going to amaze you, ma chérie."
You feel your heart rate quicken, and you nod. "You better, because now my hopes are up."
And at the height of the song, he twirls you once more, before taking your waist, lifting you up, and, all in rhythm with the beautiful song, puts you down, letting go of you, holding you only by your hand. And then he leans down, taking your waist in his other hand, still holding your hand in his hand, and his lips meet yours.
His lips.
Press against yours.
Not just in a little peck.
In a real, loving kiss.
They're soft and beautiful, and you feel happy, excited feelings well up within you, causing you to accidentally laugh into the kiss. You feel him smile, and he just kisses you longer and more. In that moment, neither of you care what other people will think. You don't care that you're in the middle of the dance floor. You don't care that some people stare in disgust, and others clap.
Because all you care about is each other.
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Blue Castle Book Club 2.0 - Chapter 1
I told myself I'd start the WIP Big Bang in June, and it is now June. So it's time to get Tamora Pierce's voice out of my head and bring Maud's back. And what better way to do that than to book club my way through the book a second time and bring you all with me?
Dunno if we'll go chapter by chapter this time, since a lot of the middle chapters are short and more interesting to talk about as a group than individually. But we'll play it by ear and see what the vibes are like.
So! Back to Deerwood we go!
We start out strong, with a delightful opening paragraph:
If it had not rained on a certain May morning Valancy Stirling’s whole life would have been entirely different. She would have gone, with the rest of her clan, to Aunt Wellington’s engagement picnic and Dr. Trent would have gone to Montreal. But it did rain and you shall hear what happened to her because of it.
Everyone quite rightly talks about the first sentence, but I like the second one even more, and the way it subtly misleads us by highlighting Dr. Trent. It makes it seem like he will be a primary character (perhaps even a love interest!) when in actuality he ends up being just a catalyst. A fun hint at the humor of this book.
We move into Valancy's room, and we are painted a picture of a place that is both ugly and static. Maud, of course, loves to draw connections between people and the places they inhabit, and what we are learning about Valancy through her room is bleak. Yes, it is ugly and yes none of it is hers, but even more than that everything is old and crumbling: the wallpaper is faded, the ceiling is cracked and discolored, the looking glass is cracked, the shell-covered box has a bust corner and the beaded pincushion has half its bead fringe gone. And yet none of these items are permitted the dignity of retirement. They are on display just as they always have been, and will be until they fully crumble to dust. They have not been cared for, so that they might age gracefully or be preserved longer, they have simply sat, unloved and untended, falling apart but forbidden from leaving even though no one wants them there.
A strong start to the embodied houses in this book.
We get a delightful turn of phrase with:
Nobody in the Stirling clan, or its ramifications
The Stirling clan is an Event, an Act of Nature more than simply a family. They Happen to you and you just have to deal with the fallout.
Our second embodied house is the Blue Castle itself, and it is beautiful and splendid and solidly fantastical. The Blue Castle is like that perfect novel you dream to yourself while going to bed, filled with sparkling dialog and emotional climaxes that hit with perfect devastation and none of the actual work needed to make those elements work in practice. The Blue Castle has no need for laundry or dusting or clothing made from actual fabrics. Its inhabitants are free to float gracefully down the staircase on an endless loop and parade before Valancy swooning gracefully at her beauty. It’s a daydream, written by someone who clearly knows her way around a good daydream and understands them from the inside. As the author states herself:
Things are very convenient in this respect in Blue Castles.
But today Valancy is twenty-nine and miserable and unmarried and daydreams can sustain her no longer. And, unless I’ve forgotten something, she never again finds the keys to her Blue Castle in the story. She talks about it, but I don’t believe she ever actually sets foot in the fantasy again. By the time she’s able to dream again, she’s escaped her Stirling life and doesn’t need airy fantasies to keep her going.
Valancy thinks of the canceled picnic and goes through the list of relatives she’s glad to not have to see, which is all of them. Put a pin in these descriptions, we’ll come back to them in a later chapter. This first round of descriptors makes them all seem rather formidable and dreadful, but Valancy duly does her best to think well of them even in the privacy of her own thoughts. She is in awe of Aunt Wellington, Aunt Alberta has an amiable habit, she dislikes but respects Uncle James. As I said, we’ll come back to these.
Meanwhile, we don’t have to go to the picnic! And so Valancy tentatively plans her day, including her great rebellion of perhaps going unattended to a doctor at the tender age of 29. As I said the first time I read this book, I can so deeply relate to Valancy’s desire to do things secretly because trying to tell anyone what she’s doing will turn it into a Whole Thing.
Colors mentioned:
Greying darkness
Red eyes
Yellow-painted floor
Dark-red paper
Brown-paper lambrequin
Yellow chair
Red brick box
Blue Castle
Blue loveliness
White urns
Golden curls
Heavenly blue eyes
Reddish, tawny hair
Not one single crimson or purple spot
Silver teaspoon
We're limiting ourselves to the css colors, so perhaps Valancy's life is slightly more vibrant than the screen gives it credit for being, but even still this is a limited color palette, especially compared to what we will see later. The only interesting color words are crimson, which is referring to something valancy lacks, and golden and tawny which are referring to someone fictional. Otherwise it's all just the standard names for colors with no nuance.
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