#i mentioned it to my parents when we spoke yesterday and they were obviously like. quite mocking about it
sodrippy · 1 year
actually im so brave and mature for not giving in to a category four anger meltdown from being so in pain and exhausted
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starredeclipse · 2 years
[This is a old Warrior cat interactive story where the choices have been picked and we get to see how it effects the story. This story will contain character death, blood, drama, possible mentions of murder or just murder, and fighting throughout its chapters]
[Wanna read from the beginning or find the other parts? Click here and you'll find them]
#13.) TigerPaw thought about the question for a moment "Where is you're mate?" The question came spilling out ungracefully which was expected honestly.
"Well uhm" BeamWhistle blinked staring at the herb he was going to pick for a moment "I don't know…I mean I don't have one" he muttered hoping it would be the end of that but the apprentice continued "But everyone gets assigned a mate eventually, you saying you were never assigned one?" TigerPaw asked picking a daisy and trying to get it to stay in her fur, she wanted to look pretty for the apprentice ceremony. She already got told yesterday that it was going to happen today and she was just so excited for it.
"Yes-no! I mean ugh…I was but, look its complicated" BeamWhistle muttered not wanting to talk about it. TigerPaw paused and nudged his shoulder with her head "Then explain it to me! Come on! My momma says keeping secrets causes stomach aches" the apprentice chirped.
"That is definitely not true" BeamWhistle muttered and TigerPaw gasped "you calling my momma a liar?!" She squeaked, she couldn't believe he just said that! "What? No!….maybe?" The warrior told her only for him to see her puff her chest out proudly "My mom is is a great warrior! She would never lie and I'm going to tell her you're calling her a liar!" She said trying to sound like a grown up but instead she just sounded more like a kit.
Despite how the apprentice said it, the warrior took her words seriously. BeamWhistle was terrified of TigerPaws mother after all "Uh no no, let's not tell you're mother yeah?" He asked her but she just looked at him with a smirk appearing on her face "Then tell me what happened with you're mate and I won't tell my momma you think she's a liar" TigerPaw chirped, she saw that look of fear in his eyes and he knew she would definitely tattle.
"Urgh! Fine!" BeamWhistle sat down, he couldnt believe he's telling this story, well….a summarized version. "Okay one day I convinced her to come out with me in the middle of a storm, I wanted to prove we could hunt for prey no matter the weather and get our warrior names but when we got out there we couldn't find any prey and she ended up getting badly hurt to the point I had to carry her back to camp. When everyone found out they were shocked and her parents were furious. They didn't want her to have a mate that would recklessly put her into danger like that but OminousStar refused there request to give her a different mate, so in her parents rage they announced they would rather leave the clan with there daughter instead of letting someone the likes of me be her mate. So they left, taking her with them and I never saw her again. I was young, I was beyond stupid, stars! Sometimes I'm still that stupid now! But the point is my stupid idea costed me a lot. I didn't get assigned another mate after that and I doubt I ever will" he said, the atmosphere growing melancholy to him so he shook his head "That's why I don't have a mate and that's the story" he added getting back up and continuing gathering his herbs.
"Oh…I'm sorry that happened." TigerPaw said apologetically, she thought this was going to be a fun story or something, now the apprentice felt bad for making him tell it. He stopped talking after he finished his story, the memory was obviously not his favorite to retell. Though this left TigerPaw unsure what to do now, what should she do?
[Options tied, Change the Subject/Gather herbs in silence.]⬇️
14.)TigerPaw helped gather herbs with BeamWhistle in silence for most of the trip but when they had to find cobwebs the apprentice spoke up, deciding to change the subject to make things easier. "Uhm did you know that there used to be another clan that lived nearby us long ago?" Her voice filled a almost quiet forest, birds sang in the distance and there was a warm gentle breeze ruffling the leaves above.
BeamWhistles ears perked up, his body language read like a open book, it made him seem like he was either thinking or didn't want to be bothered, none the less he couldn't ignore the apprentices attempts at a conversation "hm? No, tell me about it" he muttered briefly, his ears perked forward as he heard a distant rumble?
TigerPaws eyes sparked with excitement again, she knew something he didn't know! "Yeah well you see, there used to be two brothers that formed one huge clan! But then during leaf-bare several fights broke out over food, one of the brothers claimed that the other brothers half of the clan was with holding food and wasn't distributing it fairly amongst the kits in the nursery or warriors. A huge fight broke out! The cats became devided, warriors sided with the leader they were most loyal to but the battle became a stand still. Eventually the brothers decided to split the clan because neither side could afford more deaths. one side left the camp with there warriors, queens, apprentices, and kits. They made another clan on the other side of badger hill! They called themselves CreatureClan but….they only lasted until New-Leaf, most of the warriors that formed CreatureClan were composed of smaller monster cat breeds that were too weak to take down the deer that roamed there territory, in the end sickness took over the camp and CreatureClan died out." TigerPaw said matter of fact like, she had been taught her history by the clan elders many times.
BeamWhistle listened, he nodded when she looked at him but he already knew this story but he knew apprentices got excited when they know something they think you don't know. "Fascinating" he chirped but he suddenly dropped down to the ground flat and stiff but he had to grab TigerPaw so she would do the same. She looked at him puzzled but the one look he gave her automatically told her to be silent.
The two cats waited and then TigerPaw heard the rumbling coming in fast and then…the apprentice saw deer. They were running past, a whole herd! She was amazed by the brown beauty's long graceful legs as they jumped and ran. She saw five white deer run past as well, there coloring were splendidly white!
TigerPaw remembered there clan doesn't hunt white deer, not yet at least, OminousStar thinks if they only hunt the brown deer then eventually the whole herd will be white and make hunting for them easier.
BeamWhistle looked at the running heard with great stress, they were too close to the running deer, if a few herd members strayed the cats could get easily trampled but if they got up they could cause themselves a lot of trouble there too.
What should they do?
[Option chosen, move away]⬇️
#15.) BeamWhistle felt he had no choice but try to move away from the running herd. His tail held TigerPaw close to him as he signaled for her to move with him.
She looked puzzled, were they in danger? She didn't understand but she also didn't argue as the two cats started to move away or at least they managed to move out of that spot before a few deer charged through it. That was a close call but panic shot through him as deer cut them off from there exit point. They were basically surrounded and a few deer came way too close to trampling them from both sides.
TigerPaw squeaked in panic, the sudden danger they were in had sunk in apparently and now she was freezing up under the fear. "TigerPaw stay focused, don't freeze up! TigerPaw!" The apprentice didn't respond to him and her breathing was starting to quicken with panic. This wasn't the place nor the time to freeze up! But now TigerPaw wouldn't move, BeamWhistle felt he had no choice. The warrior picked the apprentice up by her scruff and with all of his strength he threw TigerPaw. The lighter apprentice flew through the air over the deer herd landing safely on the other side in a bush. The impact hurt and she gritted her teeth with pain but whatever pain she felt right now was WAY better than the feeling of being trampled to death.
BeamWhistle was on his own now, even if TigerPaw ran for help she wouldn't get back in time to help the warrior. BeamWhistle kept dodging deer left and right. Avoiding hooves the best he could but he was struggling, the perks of being lazy, you end up out of shape and exhaust easily. The warrior was really struggling and he had two options right now, what Is he going to do?
[Option tied, Run for it/Jump on a deer]⬇️
#16.) BeamWhistle weighed his options and in a matter of moments he jumped onto the back of a deer hoping to ride it for a little bit till he figured out a better exit strategy. The deer he jumped on however had different plans as it started bucking frantically trying to get the big cat off of it, the deer slammed itself into other deer bucking wildly.
BeamWhistle didnt have a very good grip to begin with on the deer as he got knocked about, his back end was practically hanging off as he tried to use his claws to stay on. The grip of his front paws let go of the deer as one of the deer's hooves connected with one of the warriors legs. BeamWhistle let out a cry of pain as he found himself rolling on the ground now, the bone in his back leg had been cracked but the warrior thought it was completely broken by the pain he felt.
BeamWhistle rolled out of the way of another deer, his eyes displayed his panic as he got to his paws and just decided to run for it, though he was only running on three legs because of how bad his back leg felt, he was sure he couldn't use it to run on. The warrior made it across though despite his slower pace and TigerPaw had just gotten herself untangled from the bush she landed in.
The warrior looked at her, she had a few scratches, nothing too severe and the apprentice wasn't limping so BeamWhistle assumed she was fine. "We're going home" he ordered in a pained tone, it was only now that he realized his hurt leg had a splash of red on it. Most likely caused by the impact of the kick itself.
TigerPaw looked up at him worriedly but she didn't object, they both walked back to camp and there was ZebraScream, she was sitting there waiting for TigerPaw to come back. The she cat saw BeamWhistles injury, she waited for the tom to walk into the med den before she stopped TigerPaw from following.
"What did you do?!" ZebraScream growled menacingly down at her apprentice who flinched and seemed to grow smaller at her mentors gaze. "I didn't do anything" she squeaked timidly and received a scoff.
"Like I believe that, you're always messing everything up and now one of our good warriors is hurt because of you." ZebraScream snapped and TigerPaw looked at her fearfully. "Go to the apprentice den, I don't want to see you until the apprentice ceremony" it was a order.
"B-but my scratches" TigerPaw whimpered which just received a shove by the bigger cat "I don't care, deal with it. Stars you are pathetic if you can't deal with a few scratches by yourself. How are you going to ever be a warrior if you can't stop being so weak" ZebraScream snarled before she walked off agitated.
TigerPaw stayed where she had been shoved, tears threatened to spill out and other cats didn't even seem to take notice of her yet.
Where should TigerPaw go?
[Option chosen, Go to the med den]⬇️
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shespeaksinsongs · 3 years
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus | Draco x Reader
A/N: Obviously, this is inspired by Jackson 5's I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus. My geometry teacher was playing Christmas music today, and I couldn't resist writing this.
Summary: Scorpius gets worried when he sees his mom kissing someone who doesn't look like his dad in the slightest.
Warnings/content: fluff, hurt/comfort, mentions of cheating (although false)
Word count: 834 words
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His curly blond locks were almost camouflaged with the white stair railing - almost.
"This is stupid. He's going to think you're cheating on me." Draco whispered, his cheap white stick-on beard peeling off his jaw. He looked silly with his red fat suit on, but Y/N thought he looked cute.
Y/N laughed, pressing the beard back onto his face. "Let's just see if he tells you." She said, ghosting his lips before she pressed them on his.
A small gasp escaped Scorpius' mouth, and he slapped his hand on it almost as soon as it came out. Then, astonished, he ran up the stairs, nearly tripping over a few, and headed for his room.
The next day was the happiest in the Malfoy-Y/L/N household because it was the one day of the year Draco and Y/N could spoil Scorpius rotten without looking like bad parents.
Draco and Y/N laid in each other's arms a few hours, trying their best to stay awake for Scorpius' annual anxious arrival into their bedroom on Christmas morning. To their surprise, it was almost noon, and still, no word from their son.
"Do you think we should check on him?" Y/N asked, drawing circles on Draco's bare back.
Draco shook his head. "He's probably just still asleep. He went to sleep quite late yesterday."
Y/N nodded and continued her cuddling session with her husband. Three hours had passed, and still, no sign of their son.
Y/N had to drag Draco out of bed at some point, forcing him to come with her to their son's room. When they lightly rapped on the magnolia wood door, the last thing they expected to see was the view of freshly dried tears and a red-eyed Scorpius.
The pair rushed over to their son without thinking, ready to aid him in whatever the issue was.
"Hey, buddy, it's okay, come here." Draco said, picking Scorpius up effortlessly and cradling him in his laps. Y/N inched closer to her son, pressing gentle kisses to his face.
"You can tell us when you're ready, baby." She soothed quietly, her heart breaking at the small sobs coming from the younger blond.
After what felt like days to Draco and Y/N, Scorpius grew tired of crying and wiped his tears away, ready to say what had been on his mind since the night before.
Draco and Y/N stayed quiet, knowing that communicating was something they were working on improving with him. Draco rubbed up and down his arm as Y/N looked at her son encouragingly, both attentive and ready to help.
"M-mommy, pl-please don't be mad at me, but I have to do this." Scorpius finally spoke, his voice cracking a bit at the end.
"Do what, sweetheart?" Y/N asked, quirking a brow up in confusion.
Scorpius quickly turned to his dad and spoke fast. "Daddy - I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus." He said, looking at his mom with sad eyes that were filled with disappointment. Had he known the truth, of course, he'd laugh.
Draco stared at Y/N blankly before looking back at his son. "Scorp," He laughed mid-way, realizing what his son was crying on and on about. "it's not what you think."
"But I did, Daddy, I promise! I really did see Mommy kissing Santa Claus!" Scorpius exclaimed, pointing his tiny but very accusing finger at his mom, who sat next to him, amused.
"Baby, I think it's time we tell you the secret." Y/N said sweetly, brushing through Scorpius' curls with her fingers. Draco looked at her with wide eyes before she shook her head slightly and continued. "The truth is, Santa Claus chose Daddy to be Santa this year. The real Santa Claus got a bad tummy ache last minute and couldn't deliver toys to all the good boys and girls this year, so Santa called your father."
The parents looked over to their son, watching as relief washed over his face, a huge smile replacing the previously mentioned anguish. "That makes so much more sense!" He cried, lunging at his mom to hug her.
Y/N hugged Scorpius tight and gave him several kisses all over his face before speaking very softly. "I'm sorry we made you sad, baby. Maybe the presents the elves made you will make up for it."
Scorpius' face lit up like the massive star on the Christmas tree downstairs when he realized he'd yet to open his gifts. "Presents!" He yelled, running like a wild goose downstairs.
Draco and Y/N laughed, helping each other up to go watch Scorpius open everything they got him that year. "Well, at least we know he'll be a good husband when he's married." Draco said, wrapping an arm around his wife and pulling her in for a kiss on her crown as they exited Scorpius' room.
"I already knew that, though." Y/N beamed. "He'll get to learn from the best." Y/N said softly, going on her tip-toes to kiss her spouse's forehead. "Happy Christmas, Draco."
"Happy Christmas, darling."
Taglist: @daedreamss @drayslove @sunshinexweasley @evahpmcu @alexxavicry @mvdbldd @secretlynerdygeekystuff @marcela6malfoy @elizabethrosedarling @lolooo22 @lovemegood @bukoffski
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
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Series Summary: After being arrested, Spencer Reid desperately tries to get back home to his daughter, Camellia, who was placed into foster care in your home.
Pairing: Single!Dad!Spencer x Foster!Mom!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Content/Warnings: mentions of Diana’s Alzheimer’s and Schizophrenia, prison, separation of father and daughter, swearing
A/N: i hope you guys enjoy my new fic! this may be about 8 chapters or so! i’m not sure yet, going to see how interested people are in the plot :) (also quick disclaimer: i have never been in the foster care system so please excuse any inaccuracies)
Chapter 1
Spencer never wanted his daughter to see him like this, being brought into the BAU bullpen in handcuffs. He was supposed to be the good guy.
Right now, he couldn’t tell if he still was. He had good intentions going down to Mexico to get non-FDA approved medicine for his mom but he may have killed someone in the process. If only he could just remember.
Camellia ran into his arms to hug him, a hug he so desperately wanted to return if it wasn’t for these stupid cuffs around his wrists.
“They can’t just take you away, Dad,” she cried.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’m going to get back to you as soon as possible,” he promised, kissing the top of her head.
Spencer felt absolutely crushed as the guards had to drag his crying 11-year-old off of him so he could be taken to his holding cell.
You had just gotten off of work when your phone rang. Eileen, the head foster care coordinator, was calling.
“Hello,” you answered.
“Hey Y/N,” she greeted you, “I know you haven’t had a foster kid in a few months but I kind of have an urgent case. 11-year-old sixth grade girl. Mom has been out of the picture for a while, Dad recently imprisoned and on trial for murder. There are a bunch of family friends willing to take her but no direct family,” she explained.
“I can take her for as long as she needs,” you told Eileen.
“Great! I’ll text you the address, it’s the FBI headquarters.”
When you walked into the BAU, still in your dino scrubs and white lab coat, Eileen was surrounded by a frantic group of people.
“As I said before, I don’t doubt any of your credentials but this is the law. We can only give away a child to direct family at this point in time. If you are not direct family, you will need a lawyer to fight for custody as well as permission from her father but that process could take months,” Eileen stated.
“Spencer hasn’t spoken to his father in years and his mother is in a facility for her schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s,” a dark-haired woman spoke.
“Exactly so she must be turned over to the foster care system. I apologize to you all but this is how it works. We can’t bend the rules,” Eileen said.
“I don’t want Callie fending for herself in a house with 20 other kids,” a blonde-haired woman argued, “I’m her godmother. She stays with me all the time. She was staying with me while Spencer was in Mexico.”
“Sorry, my answer is still no. But, hopefully this will squash your concerns, Y/N!” she called you over, “This is Y/N. Jo will be placed with her. She is a pediatric doctor and currently has no other foster kids at the moment but all of her past kids have absolutely adored her. She always passes her surprise safety and wellness checks with flying colors.
“Hi,” you waved, intimidated by this huge group of frustrated people with guns on their hips.
“A doctor? So she isn’t even going to be home most of the time,” a curly-haired man scoffed.
“Actually, I own my own practice. I don’t work at a hospital so I usually have a regular 8-4 shift unless one of my patients needs urgent attention,” you clarified.
“JJ, don’t make me go,” a girl, who you could only assume was Callie, sobbed.
They were all staring at you like you were the worst person on Earth. You wanted to shrivel up and die. When you went through the process of becoming a foster parent, you thought this was a very admirable thing to do. You just wanted to provide a good home to kids in need.
“Do any of you have a key to Dr. Reid’s residence so Camellia can pack a bag?” you asked politely.
The woman closest to Callie that must be JJ pulled a key off of her chain and handed it to you.
“I’ll-um-leave my phone number and address here so you guys can contact me at any time or stop by. I understand your concerns but please know I try my absolute hardest to make sure all kids feel welcome and safe in my house,” you scribbled your information down on a scrap piece of paper.
“Are you ready to go, Camellia?” you asked softly.
She went around hugging everyone in the circle before solemnly nodding to you.
God, you felt like such an asshole.
After Callie finished packing her things from her bedroom in relative silence, you returned to the car.
“I don’t know what you like to eat but we can stop at the grocery store so we can get stuff you like and any other things you need,” you said.
You were met with silence from the backseat. You offered for her to sit in the passenger seat but she declined.
“Listen, I’m really not trying to be the bad guy here. Please don’t make me out to be one. I know you are having a tough time with your Dad’s situation right now but shutting everyone else out won’t help,” you spoke softly, “Trust me, I know.”
You sighed when the silence continued. You pulled out of the Reid’s driveway and headed to the grocery store.
You let Callie lead when you entered the grocery store, opting to follow behind her with the cart. She went immediately to the frozen meal section and started throwing them in.
“Camellia, that’s fine if those are what you want but just so you know, I love to cook so I can make you anything you want,” you offered.
“This is what I’m used to,” she spoke sharply, “My dad is not a bad dad, he just usually doesn’t have much time.”
“I never claimed he was,” you defended yourself.
After that, you kept your mouth shut. Clearly, she was a very independent girl and she had her own routine she liked to stick to.
You hauled all the grocery bags inside the house and unloaded them as Callie brought in her suitcases.
“So Camellia, I put all the food you picked out in these two cabinets. I mean obviously, you are welcome to anything in the kitchen but I just wanted you to know where the things you picked out were. I always have a grocery list on the fridge that you can add to,” you began to give her a tour of the house, “Bathroom is in there. There’s another upstairs. Here’s the living room with a TV,” you headed up the stairs, “Here’s my room.”
On your bed was an adorable toyger kitten cuddled up on your pillow.
“Oh! This is Winnie like Winnie the Pooh. I just got her a few weeks ago from a shelter. She is super friendly and loves snuggles so she will probably try to sneak into your bed unless you keep your door closed.”
“I don’t mind,” Callie spoke softly as she petted Winnie.
You smiled softly. These were the first words you got out of her that weren’t a rejection.
You continued the tour, “There’s a bathroom between our rooms but I tend to use the downstairs one so feel free to make it your own. And here’s your room,” you opened the door to a white room with a queen bed in the center, a small bookshelf, a few plants, and paintings.
“I hope this is good enough for now. We can go out this weekend to a home goods store if you want to redecorate. I’d even be open to repainting it if you want,” you offered.
Callie just set her bags down and nodded.
“Alright, I’ll leave you be. I’ll probably be downstairs for a while watching TV if you want to join. Let me know if you want me to make you anything,” you began to shut the door but Winnie slipped in first.
“Good night, you guys,” you smiled softly.
“Do you want me to wait out here or come in with you?” you asked softly.
Spencer had been denied bail, meaning he was transferred to a federal prison and Callie was going to be staying with you for a while. She had taken the news rather hard as expected when the team came over to your house to tell her. You still weren’t really accepted by the group so you mostly stood in the corner of the kitchen while they were all in your living room.
You had spoken to Eileen several times about Callie’s current situation. She gave you permission to do whatever you saw fit. This means you could opt her out of school one or two days a week if she wasn’t feeling up to it as long as she emailed her teachers and got her missed work in on time. You were researching different therapists for her to talk to because she didn’t seem to want to open up to you. You were also given a schedule of visiting times for her to visit her dad in prison.
“I’ll just go in alone,” she walked in the door to the visiting room, leaving you in the waiting room.
“Dad,” Callie tried to hug Spencer but the guard pointed to the ‘No Touching’ sign posted on the wall.
They both sat down defeatedly at opposite ends of the table.
“How are you?” Callie inquired, wiping her tears away from seeing her father locked up.
“I don’t want to talk about me, sweetheart. How are you? Emily and my lawyer visited yesterday and told me you had to be placed into foster care,” Spencer asked, concerned.
“It’s okay. Not the best,” she sighed.
“What’s happening? Are they hurting you? Are they not giving you enough to eat? Callie, I’ll have my lawyer on the phone and you out of there so quick,” Spencer frantically stated.
“No, Dad. Y/N is fine…nice, even. But she’s not you,” Callie cried.
Spencer’s face softened, “I’m so sorry, Callie. You don’t deserve to be dealing with any of this.”
“Just please come home,” she sniffled.
“I’m trying, sweetheart, I’m really trying,” he replied earnestly with tears in his eyes.
A/N: i will also be starting a series taglist if you don’t want to be added to my main taglist so just clarify which one you want to join! also i recommend listening to the song Home by Phillip Phillips because it is kind of like the theme song for this story
main taglist (just ask to be added/removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana @hoodpankow @mochionly @spencerreid-187 @babymetaldoll @fics4arainyday @ssavanessa22 @all-tings-diego
series taglist: @ilovespencerreidmarryme
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baecvlt · 3 years
Stalker Nagito Komaeda x Milf!Reader
this was requested via my twitter:
“Hey! i’ve seen your works and I’m in love. Can I request smut where a stalker Nagito Komaeda becomes obsessed with a milf reader who moves into the neighborhood who’s like a dom in bed and ya know just large bust and taller than him. Thank youuu🤍”
a/n: ofc. but I have my own idea of a dom which i’ll use involving certain things (heed warnings)
warnings: he is so obviously a virgin in this, degradation, slight masochism, asphyxiation, spit, also Nagito calls the reader mommy (side note: nagito is in his early 20s in this, he lives alone. age of reader isn’t specified BUT I say she’s in her late 20s/early 30s)
• • •
It was a bright day...which Nagito despised. It was summer. He hated the sun, hated the mosquitoes, and the unnecessary humidity. It was days like these he wishes he was back at his university dorm. The A/C, the tall tree covering his window and blocking the sun...it was perfect. Hell, he didn’t even hate classes. Yet, he couldn’t live in the dorms forever. When it came time to buy a home, he stupidly did so in fall, moved in during the winter.
Well, no shit the home seemed perfect then. It wasn’t fucking summer. His A/C decided to break, his windows has a great view of the sun, and most of his friends were out of town (all except Hajime, but Hajime is fucking boring and a bummer). Nagito sat on his couch, watching reruns of old tv shows. He took a sip from his nearby glass (cold water), suddenly hearing sounds of what appeared to be a loading van. He looked outside his window.
A moving van?
Right, that one old man who lived there passed away. Freak accident, by the way. Oh well, may he rest in peace. Meanwhile, Nagito was being himself and trying to see who it was. Pretty much, the dude was being nosy. He saw another car pull up. That must’ve been the family’s car. Out jumped 3 kids, what appeared to be 2 girls and 1 boy. An adult stepped out. Nagito decided he’d get a better look at the situation. He put on his shirt, black jeans, and his green hood.
He was “going for a walk”.
Without being noticed, he made his way to the other side of the street. It was a woman, she was taking boxes out of the truck. The minute Nagito saw her it was if he was stricken by Cupid’s arrow. She was tall and beautiful. Her skin complimented her hair and her legs, he couldn’t take his eyes off them. Her breasts...he needed to stop—
She was in front of him, a warm and inviting smile on her face. “H-Hi,” he muttered. She didn’t hear him well, so it helped that he waved. “I’m new in the neighborhood. We just moved in,” she added, putting the box down. She stuck her hand out, going for a handshake. He shook her hand, her warm hand against his cold ones. Why are his hands always cold? “I see,” he responded, getting his shit together,“I’m Nagito Komaeda. I live across the street”. She introduced herself and complimented his house.
“What a lovely home. I hope the neighborhood is just as lovely”
“It should be. It’s pretty quiet. There’s not many families here. Say, can I help you pack?”
“You’re too sweet! I’d really appreciate it”
He helped take all the boxes in her home, helping load a couch too, and help with other large objects. They finished in 9 hours, taking a majority of the day. “Thanks for helping out, Nagito”. She made a lemonade, handing him a glass.
“Don’t mention it! Also, thank you”
One of the kids ran in the living room where they sat on the couch. He gasped when he saw Nagito. “Mommy! That man looks dead!!!”. Nagito smiled, but his mom was not amused. “Michael! Apologize..”. The kid kept smiling and said,“Sorry!”. He ran to another room. “I’m so sorry,” she muttered. Nagito shook his head.
“Hey, I’m rather malnourished”
“Ha. On an unrelated topic, are you hungry? I could make us something”
“Oh, I shouldn’t linger any longer. I wouldn’t want to disturb your husband”
She laughed. “I know you mean no harm, but I’m not married,” she added. “Oh,” Nagito muttered,“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean it in any way”. She shook her head and reassured him it was fine. “Sit, Nagito,” she pulled out a chair,“I’m not letting you refuse having dinner with us. Especially since you were such help”. She rubbed his back before heading back into the kitchen to begin cooking.
She made him a bowl of pasta, adding chicken on the side. Nagito was quite happy. He hadn’t eaten a good meal in so long. Her kids didn’t eat at the table, but on the counter. Meanwhile, she ate with Nagito. Just as Nagito thought he couldn’t grow fonder of her, he did just that. All she did was let him talk about himself.
“Jesus, I’m sorry about your parents? How are you keeping yourself afloat with university and expenses?”
“Academic scholarships”
“Wow, you’re such a smart boy”
The way she phrased it made him flustered. “Thank you for the meal, ma’am,” he muttered,“I haven’t eaten like this in who knows how long”. She smiled tenderly, picking up his empty plate. “Seconds?”. He shook his head.
“No, thank you. I’m already so full”
“I’m glad. You know, there’s always a meal for you in store if you can do me a favor”
“What’s that?”
“My oldest daughter has her final test this week. You think you can help her study? I’ll make you a nice, warm meal every time you come over”
Nagito thought about it. He would also have time around her. Plus, she wasn’t a bad cook. “Of course, I look forward to it,” he told her. “Lovely”. He got up and excused himself to go home. “It was nice having you over, Nagito,” she said softly. He could tell she was getting sleepy. When people are tired, Nagito has noticed that their tone is rather sheepish. She walked him to the door, ruffling his hair playfully and he blushed. “Goodnight, neighbor”.
“Goodnight, you”
Before he left, she stopped him and handed him a paper: (xxx) xxx-xxxx ♡
“Call me when you get home so I have your number saved. Then, I can call you when my daughter, Vanessa, needs help. Take care, okay?”
He nodded.
She closed the door, his thoughts racing on his way home. He picked up some things about her, things she didn’t even tell him. He went home and opened a notebook, writing all of it down. He called her and she answered, her voice as sweet as when he left (only sleepier). “Hello?”. His breath was heavy without realizing it as he spoke. “H-Hey, you told me to call you,” he breathed,“It’s Nagito...Komaeda”
“Oh, hey, angel! I’m not interrupting anything am I?”
“What? No, it’s all good— why’d you think so?”
“You sound like you need to catch your breath, but anyway, thanks for calling me. I’ve saved your number now”
“Oh, great! Well, if that’s all, I’ll let you go to bed now”
“It was. Goodnight, Nagito”
He hung up, flustered more than ever as he continued to jot down his thoughts on paper. The next day, he woke up at 6am to wait in his car. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn’t help it. At around 7:41am, his front neighbor and kids headed for their car. Nagito, who had taken a light nap in the driver’s seat, was awoken by the car starting. He waited for the car to drive away just slightly past his house to start his own car, slowly tailing behind her.
He dropped her kids off at the nearby elementary. She got off, kissed them on their forehead (all minus the eldest, who walked swiftly through the gates). Seeing how she cared for them made Nagito feel bad, but all he did was brush that feeling off. Next, he followed her through her daily. As he did, his notes from last night echoed through his mind, adding new detail.
“She works at an office not everyday She doesn’t have allergies but is sensitive to dust Red seems to be her favorite color but always in a darker shade Her daughter is around 10 years old She isn’t vegan but enjoys almond milk Maybe has an issues with abandonment but I can’t assume that either She buys many apples but not the same amount of bananas at the store so maybe she only eats the bananas—”
Just more to add to his notebook.
He got home before she did, writing down what he had learned. His phone rang about an hour later of him getting home. He picked it up,“Hello?”. “Nagito, hi!”. It was her. He started having a mini-panic attack, because why would she be calling him? “H-Hey, how are you?”
“I’m doing alright. I was wondering if you could come over and tutor Vanessa”
Oh, thank god.
“Yes, of course. I’ll be down there right now”
“Great. See you then!”
He was relieved, heading to her home happily. He knocked on the door. When she opened it, she did so with the same warm smile as yesterday. “Thank you for coming over,” she said,“She’s in her room”. Nagito nodded, freezing when she grabbed his hand and took him to the room. Her touch was so soft, noted. They got to the room, where a girl was reading a book on a desk. “Nessa?”. The girl turned around.
“Nagito is going to be here for a few hours to help you out with homework and studying. He’s really smart, so pay attention and be respectful”
“Okay, mom”
She nodded, squeezing Nagito’s shoulder before leaving. Nagito approached the girl, she took her things out. Before he could speak, she stopped him. “Please don’t call me ‘Nessa’,” she whispered,“It’s bad enough my mom does, but not you, Please”.
“Don’t worry. I wasn’t planning on referring to you at all”
“I guess I walked right into that one”
Nagito laughed, grabbing a chair and sitting next to her. Her work wasn’t what he expected. Is this what they’re teaching kids now? He could’ve sworn he hadn’t seen this type of stuff until he hit middle school. It wasn’t anything he couldn’t do, but damn. All in all, tutoring went well. Vanessa actually learned something today. “Good job!,” he said. “Thank you,” she smiled and hugged him,“I felt so stupid”.
“Hey, its okay not to understand things”
Her mom walked in. “Dinner’s ready”. Vanessa got up and went to the kitchen. “How’d it go?,” she asked Nagito. “Went well, she gets the math now,” he answered. She smiled, thanking him for his help and asking him to join them for dinner. He’d be foolish not to, so he accepted the invite.
Fish tacos were served tonight with rice and beans, another lemonade made. It was different than anything Nagito had ever had, but that doesn’t equate to bad. He actually enjoyed the meal. The kids sat at the main table today, much more respectful than yesterday. “Michael how was school?”. He put a thumbs up, getting back to eating. “And Adrianna?”. She looked up from her meal and shrugged. “What’s wrong?”.
“I’m tired, but class was okay”
“Oh, okay. When you’re done, just take a quick shower and get to bed”
Nagito thought it was endearing. Seeing how understanding and loving she was, it was refreshing. The kids all eventually left, Nagito finishing his meal. “Did you like it?”. He looked at her, nodding. “Great! Seconds?”.
“Full again. I don’t usually eat, but your food is always so good”
“Oh, you’re just saying things...”
“No, really! Thank you”
He said his goodbyes to the family, walking back home. It was as if he was falling for this woman more and more everyday. He went to sleep, this time dreaming of her. He never dreams, but this time he dreamt she was on her knees for him. Then, nothing else. It was as if his dream teased him.
The next morning, he woke up to some knocking on the door. He looked at the time. 8:23am. He put on a pair of jeans and his shirt, walking to his door. He opened it and there she stood, wearing a black dress and red heels. He assumed she had work and needed a favor before going. “Good morning,” he said.
“Were you following me yesterday?”
“I, uh...,” he didn’t know what to answer. He was indeed following her yesterday. He also liked her, so if he straight up said that he was to following her, it’d ruin things. His face was glowing a shade of pink to a slight red as he thought of the right answer. He was still stumbling over his words. “I think it’s kinda cute,” she added. The fuck? “Huh?”. She pushed him inside the house, closing and locking the door behind him. “When a boy follows someone around, it’s because he wants something,” she added, but her tone was so sultry,“Well, Nagito—”. She pushed him onto the couch, leaning in front of him with her hands on his chest.
“—What do you want?”
None of what was happening felt real. Nagito couldn’t find the words to express what exactly he wanted. This was the first time he’d ever been in a situation like this, it wasn’t a bad one either. He began to panic when she straddled him. “Could it be that you wanted me?,” she asked. He frantically nodded and she laughed as she locked her lips with his. He gasped against her lips, kissing back. She slowly trailed her kisses down to his neck, cupping his jaw while grinding on his lap. Nagito moaned, his shaky hands grabbing her ass. She grabbed his hands and put them away from her. “It’s cute that you’re getting this carried away”.
“I’m sorry”
“No time to apologize. Get on your knees for mommy”
Nagito was about to lose his mind when she said that, but he obeyed. Her presence was domineering as he stood on his knees against his carpeted floor. She spread her legs, noticing Nagito desperately trying to get a look. Her red heel stopped him, stepping on his head lightly. “Am I teasing you?,” she asked,“It’s okay to be honest”.
“Y-You are, but its okay. I want to be teased by you”
“You’re adorable,” she took her heel off his head,“Let’s go to your room”.
He practically ran to his bed. He sat and waited patiently. She entered the room, heading to his bed. She began to take off his shirt, admiring his frame. She then unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. He kicked them off and sat down. She sat next to him. “Give me your hands”. She held them, frowning slightly. “Boo, they’re so cold,” she teased,“I’ll warm them up for you”. Carefully, she grabbed his left hand, putting his middle and ring finger in her mouth. She licked to his fingertips, leaving him tense and speechless. She stopped and smiled at him.
“This is your first time, isn’t it?”
He nodded shyly. “Don’t be shy,” she said,“I’m going to guide you, but I’m also going to have my fun”. He gulped, nodded. She stood up and removed her dress. She wore a lacy black bra and panties. She brought his hands to her breasts, allowing him to fondle them. They were huge in his hands. “You like them, baby?”. “Y-Yes,” he muttered,“Can you, uh, take....the bra off?”. He was ashamed when asking, he felt desperate. She smiled and nodded, unhooking it and allowing the bra to fall to the ground. He gasped at the sight of her tits, grabbing them. She straddled him.
“Do you know what to do with them?”
He nodded, rubbing one and sucking the other. She moaned sweetly, grinding on his lap. He popped his mouth off them. That was when she took the opportunity to knock him onto the bed. She began to make out with him, shoving his tongue down her throat. They lay sideways. Her hand was on his neck, slightly choking him. He couldn’t resist but try to grind on her lap. She laughed. “Look at you,” she mocked,“Humping my leg like a desperate little puppy”. She didn’t let him speak, sitting up and pushing him back down. “I’m going to give you what you want,” she whispered in his ear,“Take your cock out”.
He was nervous as he did, hands shaky. She blushed a bit at his size. “It’s so big,” she said, straddling him,“I’m going to have my way with it”. “Please, do what you want to me,” he begged,“Abuse me, please”. She didn’t speak, sinking down on it. Nagito gasped, she was extremely wet. She began to bring her hips up and land straight down on it, repeatedly. She put her hands around his throat, now being rougher. Nagito gasped for air, grabbing her hands.
That was a mistake.
“Hands down,” she ordered, striking him across the face. “Sorr-”. He was slapped once again. “Only speak when you’re spoken to”. He nodded as his stomach began to cave in. His cock twitched each time she slapped him, making her moan. She leaned forward, capturing his earlobe between her teeth. He winced, his hands tangling in the sheets. He felt as though his entire body was blushing.
“You’re so sensitive there”
She teased him, kissing the skin and nibbling. His hips involuntarily snapped upward, making her whine. “You’re so desperate, baby,” she laughed,“it’s so cute”. He could feel her warmth running along his cock. He bit into his hand, trying to stop himself from cumming inside her. It worked, but she didn’t like him doing that. She grabbed his hands and kissed them.
“Don’t hurt yourself, put them right here”
She placed them on her boobs. He watched them bounce up and down, grabbing them gently. His rather large hands seemed small on her tits. He was extremely flushed. He took them off her and placed them on her hips. “Open your mouth”. He lay back more and did as he was told. She leaned forward, grabbing his jaw again as she spit into it and kissed him. He moaned when she did, his urges getting the best to him and thrusting upward. He hit her cervix every time, causing her to produce the sweetest and sluttiest of moans. Her walls tightened around him and now he was whining. “Are you gonna cum, honeybun?,” she asked.
“Where do you wanna cum?”
“I wanna cum...everywhere. I want it. I want it so bad. I wanna cum inside and on your tits, on your ass, y-your face..mouth. Please let me cum, mommy”
She motivated him, riding him harder. “Come on, Nagito,” she whispered,“Cum for mommy. Cum all the way inside her”. He lost his mind after that, groaning as he shot his load(s) inside her. He was still inside her as he tried catching his breath. She rubbed his chest, shushing him. “Good boy, you did so well,” she cooed,“Such a good boy.” He was covering his face, embarrassed and still hard. “I wasn’t too rough, was I?,” she asked. He shook his head, thinking,“Not rough enough”. He whined when she got off, revealing he was still erect. She noticed.
“You wanna go again, baby? Kids don’t leave school till 2:30. We have time for an extra fuck”
“C-Can I?”
“Yes, dummy”
She let Nagito choose how to fuck her. He wanted missionary, mostly because he craved intimacy and she did not disappoint. She kissed and praised him, telling him he was good. She held onto him the whole time and cuddled him afterwards. Nagito felt so special, he felt loved. “I can come over when I don’t have work,” she said,“Would you like that?”.
“I’d love that actually”
“You make me happy, Nagito. I could stay here and cuddle all day”
“I feel so lucky”
He yawned, looking at the clock. “Its 10,” he told her. She nuzzled his chest, humming. “Mmmm, let’s take a small nap,” she whispered,“Okay?”. “Okay”. He kissed the top of her head and held her to him, slowly joining her in slumber.
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symptoms-syndrome · 2 years
Ummm IDK attachment stuff trauma stuff therapy stuff
I cried again in therapy yesterday, I wonder how much of my ability to cry again is just stress or whether any of it could be tied to me stopping HRT.
I talked about how I'm stuck in this fucked up cycle I don't ever see an escape from re:safety.
To feel safe means to let my guard down. To feel safe means feeling exactly the same way I felt when led into a false sense of security. Safety is what happens right before betrayal, loss, and trauma. Thus, feeling safe and noticing I feel safe immediately catapults me further back into defensiveness and fear. So how the fuck am I supposed to ever feel safe when the very feeling is a terrible trigger? Sometimes it feels like everything is just doomed to fail, like I'm running around a maze with no exit.
Similarly, connection is also scary. To be connected with someone is to put my safety, even a little bit, in their hands. And when I've been vulnerable with someone, often not even on purpose, they're holding that part of me forever. So it feels like I need to keep a close eye on what they do with it, or they'll use it to fuck me over. It feels like a leash. To feel connected is to feel tied down.
I wish I could live with no attachments, no values, no nothing. To have things, feelings, connections, etc is to have the possibility of them being taken away. No one could take anything away from me if I didn't have anything in the first place.
And one of the other things I mentioned in therapy was the fact that I've already been vulnerable around these people, my adoptive family. But it's never by choice. I've had flashbacks and panic attacks in their presence before, I've had small and/or scared parts cling to them in a way I don't feel I can. And my therapist said something along the lines of how it's good that these parts aren't scared of expressing a need for affection like I am. But like. The only reason they did, to be honest the only reason they came around, was because of fear. There was a bigger, scarier threat, even if the threat wasn't real. I can't be vulnerable or affectionate without fear. Fear seems to permeate every aspect of my life and relationships. Plus, when those parts went away and more adult parts came around, we feel...frankly terrible! About what those parts did. We feel guilty and scared and exposed and angry at ourselves for letting our guard down. We hate what we've done even though what we've done isn't bad.
TW for uh. IDK grooming and the like for this part but like.
I honestly feel like some part of it, and this is bleak and depressing as hell, is because I've only felt affection and expressed affection freely to people who wanted to fuck me. My oases of apparent safety from threats like my parents were in men who handled me gently and spoke to me softly and had bad intentions and kind hands. It was this illusion of them freeing me from control. I was controlled in so many other aspects of my life, and so having rampant sex with older men was me making my own decisions freely. But it kind of wasn't. Or maybe it was. Regardless the decisions were guided outside of my vision and bad decisions.
So when my past experiences with people are primarily sorted into the category of "overtly terrifying and will control me forever" or "safe on the surface, but with a knife behind their back" it's obviously hard to picture a third option. Especially if the third option feels an awful lot like the first stages of the second option.
IDK. I'm just always always always expecting and waiting for people to fuck me over. It feels a lot more safe when I know how they'd do it. It's hard to be two steps ahead when I can't see the track.
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its-me-jessi · 3 years
Love Finds Its Way PT10
Pairing: Ivar X Reader
Summary: Through an extensive conversation, Ivar and Y/N are able to put some insecurities aside for a short time. However, contrary to their hopes, they are not in for a very restful night.
Part 1
(Song mentioned: Rye Whiskey by The Pirates Charles)
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I had obviously unsettled him, which was clearly evident in his gaze and in how carefully he held my hands in his. Unsure how to answer his question, I avoided his gaze and looked down at our hands. "Oh Ivar...", I sighed. "What's wrong?", Ivar let go of my hands to take my face into them instead and to make me lift my gaze, "What is it that is troubling you so much?". Like the small oil lamp on the wall, Ivar's blue eyes seemed to glow as well. He looked at me so intensely that I felt tempted to get closer to him even for a brief moment. Remaining silent, I put a hand to his cheek before planting a kiss on his warm lips. Our lips melted together, as if made for each other. Everything just felt right. He and I, our love for each other, all the feelings we triggered in each other. The only thing that cast shadows on our relationship was our fate, sealed from birth. It was hard for me to get involved in our relationship, knowing that it would have no future. It was precisely these doubts that made me break off the kiss, contrary to Ivar's desire. "We can't go on like this, Ivar!", I whispered against his lips. "What are you talking about?" he asked me, also whispering. Obviously, no doubts held him back. He was perfectly happy as long as we were together, and his only concern was being separated from me again. I just wish the same was true for me.
Ivar was about to initiate another kiss when I stopped him by pressing my hands against his upper body. “I know you’re a prince!”, I blurted out looking up at him with sad eyes. For a moment he just looked at me in complete surprise. He obviously hadn't expected it, especially not because he didn't know that I knew about his noble origin. Complete silence dominated the room. Only the whistling of the wind and occasional voices from the dining area provided a certain background noise. "How did..." he paused. Still quite stunned, he fell silent once again. He had to regain his composure first. To do this, he took my hands in his and sat down with me on the edge of the bed. As expected, the bed was as hard and uncomfortable as it looked. Ivar looked down at our hands, stroking the backs of my hands with his thumbs, lost in thought, before taking a deep breath. "How do you know?" he looked up at my face questioningly. "That night, before I left, I overheard the conversation between you and our foster parents," I explained to him, "They were talking about the birth of your brother and, above all, about your mother, Queen Amalie." Ivar listened attentively and nodded, showing that he remembered. “I remember that night as if it was yesterday!”, he spoke up, “but not because of the conversation I had with our foster parents. That night I wanted to spend with you.”, his gaze saddened, “We had finally confessed our love and I wanted nothing more than to be with you, but you were gone. All of a sudden, without a single word, you were just gone.”. I was sorry in my heart to see him so depressed and hearing the story from his perspective made my already guilty conscience grow. “I’m so sorry, Ivar!”, I raised my hand to his cheek, gently caressing it. Temporarily, Ivar lost himself in his memories:
The discussion about my duty to succeed my father, to carry on his legacy, seemed to have no end. I was aware, of course, that as my father's only biological son, I was the only legitimate successor, and I was more than outraged at the thought that a virtual stranger could take my father's place. I honored my father, his proud and heartfelt character, his virtues, his way of ruling and leading the people. I knew him through and through and I loved him as no one else did, not even my mother. It was not without reason that she did not mourn him for long. All the more I despised her and the fact that she illegitimately passed on my father's inheritance to sons who had no connection to him. I considered any arguments that my foster parents brought up to be coherent and quite justified, but nevertheless I opposed them. They were right, I was very much like my father. I hold the same values as he did, and perhaps I did have what it takes to rule a kingdom, but despite everything, I stood my ground. "I'm not going to return there," I said with conviction, "This is my home now! You are my home, Y/N is my home, and I have no intention of leaving, no matter what happens.". I put the bag filled with the earnings I made on the market on the table before I turned back to Elisabeth and Helge. “I understand, you only mean well, and you are right with everything you said, but I will not give up my life here for anything in this world. I have found family here, found friends, found my great love, I will never give that away!”, I said firmly. "You have such a good heart, but, my dear son, please think about it again," my foster mother said as her hand rested on my shoulder. “I made my decision and I’m sure, my father would understand!”, that was all I had left to say regarding this subject. Dear son, whatever you do, do it with your heart. Trust that your heart will show you the right and true path. Once my father had spoken these words to me and I now stuck to them. It was my heart that told me to stay here, here with the people who needed me and with the person I needed and loved like nothing else in this world. Determined to leave my royal life completely behind and devote myself fully to living here, alongside the person I loved and wanted to grow old with, I turned away from my foster parents and headed towards Y/N's room. That night I wanted nothing more than to be by my lover's side, but to my dismay, she was gone.
“The only thing I had left was your letter, saying you love me.”, his eyes reflected how he was still hurting. “I do!”, I exclaimed, “I did love you then and I do love you now!”. Quickly Ivar took my face in his hands again. “Then tell me, what is stopping us from living out our love?”, he stared at me intensely, as if into my soul, “You love me, I love you, that’s all that matters!”. “It would be, if our fates were not this different!”, I still let my doubts blind me, “You are a prince, Ivar and I’m a pirate, needless to say, I'm the daughter of the pirate who killed your father…”. Ivar closed his eyes and let out a sigh. “It does not matter who we are, who we are descended from, or who did what. The only thing that matters is our feelings!”, he let his hands drop to my shoulders while moving closer to me, “We love each other, so let’s just show it!”. His words brought a smile to my lips, which I soon connected to his. On one hand he was right, and our love was not tied to origin or the actions of others. On the other hand, I still believed that our origins would affect the fate of our love. However, I put these doubts on the shelf for a while. The moment between Ivar and me was far too important and intense. Intense in terms of emotional closeness. That night we did exchange many kisses and timid touches here and there, but beyond that nothing happened. Aside from our abstinence, we were just too exhausted from our journey and the nerve-wracking conversation we just had.
In the middle of the night, we were rudely torn from our sleep by a commotion going on inside this guesthouse. Through the thin walls we could easily hear men roaring and individual glasses breaking. Curious about what might be going on Ivar and I jumped out of the so-called bed and made our way out of the room. We walked down the dark corridor towards the dining area, the only room that was comparatively brightly lit. The closer we got, the more sounds we could hear. Men were loudly engaged in conversation, glasses were either colliding with other glasses or the floor, on which they then shattered. We could also hear the woman, who let us to our room complaining about the behavior and carelessness of the men. But what made me stop and listen carefully was the song that a bard was singing. Some men sang along euphorically. The bard sang a well-known sea shanty that I had heard many times in my past and especially when I was a member of a pirate crew: Rye Whiskey.
I'll eat when I'm hungry, I'll drink when I'm dry
If the hard times don't kill me, I'll lay down and die
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry
If you don't give me rye whiskey I surely will die
Since I had heard this song many times before and secretly liked it as well, I couldn't help but sing along quietly. Sea shanties were the only thing I could stand about piracy.
Ivar and I stopped in the doorway to the dining room. The entire room was filled with men who either held a jug of beer in their hands or had a pretty woman either in their arms or on their laps. Some of them were already drunk, others still had it ahead of them. This situation gave a picture I had already seen too many times. It was easy to assume that we had a whole pirate crew in front of us.
“Well, look at that, two new faces!”, a tall man wearing a tricorn hat stepped out of a dark hidden corner. His chin was adorned with a long beard in which gold accents were braided in and he wore a gold earring on his left ear. Given his clothes, I suspected he was the captain of the crew. “I have never seen you here before.”, he came closer and eyed us curiously, “Who are you?”. With the captain approaching us, the room fell silent, and everyone’s eyes were on us. “The two are new in town, they arrived here yesterday evening”, the women, who was busy filling up the jugs of the men, answered his question in our place. “Ah, I see.”, the man now stood directly in front of us and eyed us from head to toe. A gentleman as he was, Ivar took me under his protection and stepped in front of me. “What’s your place of origin?”, the alleged captain asked skeptically and devoted his attention especially to Ivar. “Y/N?”, suddenly another man stepped up, confronting me personally, “Is that really you?”.  Surprised, I looked in the direction from which the voice came. I knew this man. Back then he was a good friend of my father and his navigator on ship. He has aged a bit, after all, many years have passed since I last saw him, and his hair and beard had turned gray. He came straight to me and looked at me closely. And apparently, I haven't changed that much, because after only a few seconds he yelled out with conviction: "Men, this is Y/N, the daughter of Millard 'No Smile' Karn!". Judging by their euphoric shouts, the men seemed to know and appreciate my father.
Unsure what to say or even think I looked at Ivar, and my eyes met his, expressing equal astonishment. What a bizarre situation we have gotten ourselves into.
Thank you so so much for reading, I really hope you enjoyed reading this part.💚😇 As always, I’d appreciate any kind of feedback.🤗
Tagged: @youbloodymadgenius @heavenly1927 @curvynerdfan @xvxcarolinexvx
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 5
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: Looks like things might be starting to get better between Reader and the rest of the team. However, Rocket can't bring himself to like you just yet, he's not the most trusting.
Previous Chapter here | Next Chapter Here Or click here to: Start From Beginning
Author’s Note: Thank you to @colormeyondublue, @theambracer88, and @condy-wants-a-cookie for participating in Fic Improv suggestions!
Word Count: 4,695
You didn't return for several hours, long enough for it to start to get dark out and for the others to start to wonder if you'd come back at all.
Gamora was about to suggest she and Peter go looking for you when you came in the back door. The blood from your face was now gone, but remanent drops still stained the front of your shirt.
You were surprised to find everyone in the kitchen as if they had been waiting up for you.
"Where have you been?" asked Gamora. Her voice didn't sound accusatory, despite her hands on her hips. She sounded oddly worried.
"Taking a walk?" you say with a raised eyebrow. You hadn't honestly expected anyone to be worried with your absence. After all, you bit their friend.
"You were gone for six hours!" Kraglin said incredulously. "Who takes a walk for six hours?"
You shrugged. "Took a nap, too. Why are you all looking at me like that?"
Most of them were looking at you like worried parents, except for Yondu who was leaning against the counter looking at his nails disinterested, Drax who looked mildly disapproving, and Rocket who wasn't even facing you, looking like he didn't give one solitary shit if you came back or not.
"Because you were gone for six hours." Drax repeated. "We thought you died."
"You thought I- No. Look, I just went for a walk- like you 'suggested'-" you looked pointedly at Drax and made air quotes around the word 'suggested,' (your gesture only seemed to confuse him), "took a nap, slept the whiskey off, got cleaned up in the river... Why are you even worr- Oh. Right." You roll your eyes. "Fury would have figured something out if I didn't come back, don't you worry," you say bitterly.
Peter grimaced and stood. "No, that's not- Alright. We got off on a bad foot here. We-" He looked at Rocket to try and include in the contrition, "-feel bad about how things have gone, and we just want to talk."
You look at them a moment, considering. "Okay."
"Okay." Peter looked relieved. "First off, we're sorry that we haven't made the best housemates. We're a dysfunctional bunch of dicks, we get it."
"Some of you more than others." you say, looking at Rocket.
"Yes," Peter agreed, also looking at Rocket. "and we're sorry. We've been in your personal space, and it's obviously been tough for you and we haven't helped that and we understand if you want us to leave. We're sure NOVA will understand."
You stare off into a blank space of wall for awhile. "No," you eventually say with a sigh. "You don't have to leave. It's not entirely your fault things have been tense. I can admit I've been a little... less than welcoming." Your eyes drift to the ceiling and you cross your arms. "I shouldn't be taking my frustration with what Fury did out on you." You finally look at Peter. "And I'm sorry I bit you," you say shyly, feeling your cheeks grow warm.
"It's ok. I've had worse. You didn't even break the skin." Peter said, before wincing, "I'm sorry I broke your nose."
"I don't think it's broken, actually. Hurt like a bitch, but somehow not broken."
Peter looked relieved. "That's good- That's it's not broken, I mean."
"I'm sorry I made you leave your house." Drax spoke up. "Gamora told me that wasn't a good thing to do."
"It's fine." You shrug. "I mean, don't make a habit of it... but no hard feelings." Honestly you knew you needed that walk, both to sort you out, and to try and sober up. Again, you bit a guy. Know who does that? Crazy drunk people. You were lucky one of his friends didn't clock you for it.
Drax beamed and approached you, "Great! Then we are friends!" Your eyes widen as he reaches out and pulls you into a bear hug and actually lifts you off the ground. You let out a wheeze as he squeezed the air from your lungs and you thought you felt a couple vertebra in your spine crack.
When he sets you back down you stumble back a bit, caught off guard. "Sure," you say breathlessly, almost laughing as you regained your bearings. 'Well, at least this one doesn't seem to hold grudges,' you assume.
You were wrong, but of course you didn't actually know Drax that well to know that if you had actually hurt someone he cared about, that he would have chased you across the galaxy to have his revenge. Good thing you hadn't had to figure that out.
"So you're not mad at us?" Mantis said hopefully. She was hugging the bear you gave her, little Groot perched on her shoulder, and your face softened. Her expression was just so... hopeful? Like she really needed to hear that you weren't mad and that she hadn't lost a friend. Innocent. That's the word you were looking for. She just looked too damn innocent, and it melted your heart against your consent.
"No s-" you caught yourself before you could call her 'sweetie.' "No, I'm not mad at you." You mentally whipped yourself. What the fuck? What did you think you were doing almost calling her 'sweetie'? Getting attached or some shit? Some of that whiskey must still be in your system.
She claps her hands excitedly, somehow not dropping the bear in the process, and you can just tell she's going to hug you too. Your eyes flick to Peter in a silent cry for help as she bolts up from her chair, and he just gives you a knowing look and a chuckle as if to say, "You should have guessed that would happen," right before Mantis's body crashes into yours.
You stumble back but don't fall, and awkwardly pat her on the back and letting out half a laugh as Groot crawled on top of your head. "Alright, ok. Settle down now," you say, pulling him from your hair and gently handing him back to Mantis.
Yondu watched in amusement. He was sure he heard you almost call her 'sweetie,' and combined with what he had seen how you treated them so far, and having also been told by Mantis about the bear (because she told everyone) and he saw Groot playing with the toy car that could have only came from you, it only confirmed to him that you seemed to have a soft spot for her and the twig.
"Well if everyone's apologizing, where's mine?" Rocket asked, standing defiantly on the table with his arms crossed.
Kraglin looked at him incredulously. "For what?"
"She tossed me out the door like a rag doll yesterday!" Rocket threw his hands in the air, as if Kraglin was missing something very obvious.
You huffed a laugh out your nose. "No. Absolutely not. For one, I'm not sorry, and secondly, did you really think I'd forget that you tried to poison me earlier today?"
Rocket got several looks for that, ranging from surprise to disapproval. Even Yondu raised an eyebrow.
"Rocket!" Gamora and Drax said in unison.
Rocket put his hands on his hips and rolled his eyes. "I wasn't actually trying to poison you! You wouldn't have died or nuttin!"
Peter then explained the situation from earlier that day with the xanti-berries to the others and how Rocket had tried to convince you to eat them, which earned more disapproving looks directed towards Rocket. It was well known among most of them what they did to the Terran digestion. Yondu and Kraglin made that unfortunate discovery early on when they fed them to Peter as a boy, a mistake you don't exactly make twice and a memory Kraglin wished he could have scrubbed from his mind with the same solvents he had been tasked with cleaning Yondu's M-ship bathroom with after said mistake. The rest of the team found out in a much, much cleaner way, having simply been told by Peter when offered some that Terrans couldn't eat them.
Yondu finally spoke up. "If anyone here actually needs to apologize I think it's Rocket."
Rocket looked at him in betrayal, his expression saying, 'Man, I thought we were cool!?' His tail twitched in annoyance. Yondu was supposed to be on his side, not yours,
"Don't give me that look," Yondu said. "Ya know ya've spent nearly all yer time here being a dick, not to mention its yer fault we're here in the first place."
Rocket rolled his eyes and hopped off the table with a, "Whatever losers." and walked out of the room, flipping the bird as he went.
"Rocket!" Gamora called out angrily, but Peter put a hand on her shoulder and said, "Let him go."
After a beat you begin awkwardly edging yourself out of the room as well, saying, "Well, this was awkward. Glad we made up. I'm gonna go wash up for bed. Bye."
They didn't stop you. You had reached an understanding, that would have to do for now. Peter and Gamora knew you all wouldn't just become best friends after one heart-to-heart. At the moment reaching the knowledge of 'Your host doesn't actually wish to burn you all alive' would have to do.
You honestly expected the next day to be just as tense, but you were pleasantly surprised. You actually managed to strike up a decent, albeit short, conversation with Peter and Gamora at breakfast.
When you finished you excused yourself to go tend to the garden, but nothing could have prepared you for what you found outside.
You exited the back door, and just before you could put in your earbuds you heard the sounds of bickering. Confused and mildly irritated at the thought of needing to break up yet another fight, you turn your head to the left, where the noise was coming from.
You cocked your head, eyebrow raised. You rubbed your eyes just to make sure you weren't seeing things.
Different emotions overtook you. Confusion. Shock. Disbelief. Then, finally, humor.
Your mouth twitched upwards of its own volition, and your stomach muscles twitched as a huff air forced its way through your nose.
Were you honestly seeing... what you thought you were seeing?
A few meters ahead of you laid Kraglin and Rocket, struggling against what appeared to be your garden hose. What was threatening to pull laughter from your belly, however, was the position they had somehow managed to get themselves into.
You'll never know how they did it, but one of Kraglin's legs was stuck in a sitting position, held in place by the hose wrapped around his thigh. He had one arm pinned behind his back, and another tied to his head with said hose.
That might have done it by itself, but that wasn't all. Rocket was tangled as well, but it was where he was tangled that made you lose your composure.
Rocket's limbs also pinned in crazy directions, but he wasn't tangled separately from Kraglin, no. Rocket was more or less strapped to Kraglin's back, but in a way that his head had nowhere to go but... well... Kraglin's butt.
You attempted to walk towards them, knowing you should probably help them, but once you opened your mouth about halfway there you knew there was no way to hold back your laughter, though you did try.
"What- Ha-How-" You pause briefly to attempt to hold in your giggles before trying again. "How did you-?" More giggling. "How did you-" Even more giggles, "manage that?" You covered your mouth, unable to stop the torrent of giggles that only got worse once they turned their heads in shock and embarrassment to face you. "You- You? What?" You could barely string words together now.
"Oh come now! It's not funny!" Kraglin pouted. Rocket just growled in annoyance.
"I-I'm sorry!" you say, not looking very sorry at all with the way mirthful tears wet your waterline and how you held your stomach from laughing so hard.
Then Rocket threatened to bite Kraglin's ass if he didn't figure out a way to untangle them, and Kraglin threatened to fart on him if he so much as thought of biting him.
That made you completely lose it. You dropped to your knees and laughed harder than you had in a very long time, unable to string anything longer than a mirthful "I'm sorry!" together to save your own life, let alone help untangle them.
Peter and Gamora heard your loud laughter from inside the kitchen, and having not heard anything more than a sarcastic half-laugh from you the entire time they'd been here, wanted to see what had been able to make you lose it like that.
They came outside to see you on your knees in the throws of a laughing fit almost a couple meters from where Kraglin and Rocket lay tangled together.
The scene made them laugh as well. Well, Peter laughed. Gamora was able to keep it to a wide grin and a couple escaped giggles as she mercifully walked over to help untie the pair, with Peter's giggly attempts to help as well, that were actually more of a hinderance than helpful.
At one point you thought you had gotten it together enough to try and help them, but you didn't make it all the way before your laughing fit had you doubled over again. You losing it again only made Peter laugh harder, and Gamora only grinned and shook her head as she worked at trying to free Kraglin's arm from his head, having already managed to free his leg from its garden-hose-y prison.
"Ow! Ow! Fuck!" You exclaim, still laughing. "I think I pulled something!"
Peter looked at you then turned to Kraglin & Rocket and laughed more, pointing, "You made her laugh so hard she pulled a muscle! AHAHA!"
By this point Gamora had (more or less single-handedly) managed to free Rocket from Kraglin and Kraglin was free enough to untangle himself the rest of the way.
Rocket glared at you angrily, "I'll teach you to laugh at me!" He looked like he was about to lunge at you when Gamora scolded out a warning, "Rocket." and he then just muttered angrily and made his way back inside the house.
You had gotten your laughter in to more manageable giggles, until you looked up to see Kraglin had just finished untangling himself and was walking your way before your burst into laughter again. "AHA-Ow! Ow! Haha! I'm sorry- Haha-ow! I'm sorry!" you manage to say as Kraglin pouted and continued on towards the door, his pride a bit bruised. You thought you had pulled something in your ribs, and it made laughing too hard a little sore, but you honestly couldn't help it.
You worked on catching your breath and Peter asked, giggling, "How did they even do that?"
You took deep breaths and answered, "I have no idea." You turned your head towards Kraglin walking away and started laughing again, needing to turn away because it hurt to laugh. Peter and Gamora shook their heads, grinning.
This was definitely better than you being cranky and avoiding them all the time, now if only it would last.
You stated you needed to tend the garden and they took the hint to leave you so you could gather yourself.
Peter couldn't help but think that if you pulled a muscle from laughing, it must mean you didn't do it nearly enough, and he made a mental note to try and fix that while they were there.
You headed to the work shed after tending your garden, intent to unclamp and sand down the pieces of the bed you were making for Rocket.
You had almost considered scrapping the project after the whole "attempted poison" incident, but you were in a good mood, and still thought it might quell his whining, so you decided you might as well finish it.
Once everything was sanded to a nice finish you decided you might as well stain it too, and add a coat of varnish. Might as well do a complete job while you were at it.
Or maybe you were stalling.
Either way, you decided you needed to make a run into town. It had been awhile since you checked the mail anyhow.
You locked the shed back up and went inside to get ready to leave.
Before you were about to go, you caught Peter in the hall and told him you were leaving, and as a courtesy asked him if he knew if there might be anything anyone might need from town.
He thought for a bit, not really able to think of anything, one reason being that he didn't know what Terran shops carried anymore that his friends would recognize, let alone need, but then an idea struck. "Hey, do they still make Oreos? If you don't mind- I always kinda wanted to show the others what they were like. They were one of my favorites as a kid."
You smile. Of all the things he could have asked for, and this grown man wanted oreos to share with his friends. It was sweet. "I'll see what I can do," you say, still smiling as you made your way out the door.
For the life of him, Rocket couldn't understand why Groot seemed to like it here.
It was boring. Despite all this space, he couldn't blow up anything, and he had been forbidden by the others to try. Something about Terran shit being "extra flammable" or something. Not like he had anything that could make a decent boom if he tried, it had all been confiscated by SHIELD, the bastards. They'd even searched his "back pocket."
To be fair, his reputation had preceded him and they did find some small blast charges and a detonator...
Normally he'd use his resources, pull from the environment around him, but you only had primitive Terran shit that wasn't good for anything fun.
It was like he was being punished, stuck on this Terran prison. Normally he'd just escape a prison, like he had the last 23 he had been in, but this time apparently it was 'safer' to stay in the prison than to leave. As if he even could leave without a ship...
What had he done to deserve this punishment?
Sure, maybe he had insulted their last client... and maybe he had stolen their shit... but they deserved it for being so damn uptight and upitty. Everyone else was thinking it, he was just the only one brave enough to put them in their place!
And look where it got him. Stuck here. In the middle of nowhere, on a primitive hunk of rock floating in the middle of nowhere, with nothing fun to do or see, forced to sleep in a damn crib like an infant. He almost wished Peter hadn't told him what it was that first night. He originally just thought it was a weird fancy little bed, until Peter peeked in and quietly chuckled a comment about, "Aww! Cute! You get to sleep in a crib like a little baby!" Which then prompted him to complain to the SHIELD woman about the sleeping arrangement, but he only got a shrug from her in response as she said stuff about being "crunched for time" and it was "the perfect size" while his friends laughed at him.
And then there was you. As far as he was concerned you were just as bad as their last client. Stick up your ass, skulking around and tossing him out for fighting like you owned the place...
Well, he supposed you did own the place... bit still! Who did you think you were?
Anyone dumber might answer, 'the person who was nice enough to take in eight strangers to keep them safe,' but he knew better. No one was that good. You were either getting paid a shit-tonne to do this, or you had sinister intentions, and any trace of caring was just an act. Maybe both, who was he to say?
"I am Groot?"
Rocket was shaken from his thoughts by Groot's question.
"What?" asked Rocket.
"I am Groot?" he asked again.
"Wha- No. There's no monsters in the attic- who told you that? We would have heard them!" he then quickly added, "Monsters don't exist anyway!"
"I am Groot."
Rocket rolled his eyes. "Ohhh- Of course she would." He could feel his irritation rising. Who the fuck did you think you were, scaring the little guy like that? He looked at Groot and told him you were just being a dick, and he was going to show Groot himself that you were a liar.
"I am Groot!"
Rocket rolled eyes again. "So what if it's locked? I've got my-" He then remembered that his lock-picking set had also been confiscated. Dammit! "I bet there's a key somewhere!"
"I am Groot!"
"We won't get in trouble if you keep quiet about it!" Rocket said irritably. Groot simply crossed his arms in response, a displeased expression on his face.
He placed Groot on his shoulder, and they made their way silently from their room, around the landing, and peered down the stairs before making their way over to open your door. He knew the others wouldn't approve of what he was doing, and he was grateful that he and Groot seemed to be the only ones upstairs at the moment. Well, that was assuming that no one was behind the closed doors of the other two rooms and they wouldn't find Mantis sitting in the room you shared with her.
The room was empty. Good. He wouldn't have to hear anyone complain about what he was doing, although he was certain if Mantis had been in there he could have played it off as Groot wanting to play more hide-n-seek.
Rocket knew you had left the house, otherwise he might not be attempting to do what he was, not looking forward to you possibly tossing him back outside for another 'walk,' or more or less a glorified time out like he was a child. Bad enough he had to sleep in the crib...
However, he knew he should probably be quick about it. You had already been gone nearly a couple hours, and while he didn't know how far away the place you were going was, he knew he should just assume you'd be back any minute.
He paused to listen, he had good enough hearing that he could hear just about any regular movement in the house if he was listening for it. After not hearing anything that sounded like someone getting ready to come up the stairs he got to work.
As quietly and as quickly as he could, he made his way around the room. He had a decent idea of which bed belonged to Mantis and so he didn't bother looking over there.
He checked in your nightstand drawers. Nothing. Just a journal he considered taking a peek at, but decided against it due to being crunched for time.
He checked though your dresser drawers, and aside from one large garment that appeared like a comfy jumpsuit but looked like someone skinned some weird black and white spotted mammal, found nothing but your clothes and under-things.
He finally got around to checking the desk. There was nothing on top save for some pens, a notepad, and what Terrans excused for a computer- a 'lap top' or whatever they called it. He pulled out the bottom drawer from the set of three on the right side, but it was only a bunch of file folders, again, none of which he could be bothered to fully read, only gathering cursory glances of boring titles with stuff like "Insurance," "Deed," and "Obituary," whatever that was.
He quickly abandoned that drawer and moved to the next one up. Still nothing. Just pencils and a book of drawings he quickly flipped through before placing back in the drawer, unwilling to give you even the imaginary satisfaction of even mentally saying they weren't half bad. He gave Groot an unimpressed look when he expressed interest in the pictures.
He reached the top drawer and almost wrote it off as a loss of pens, paperclips, sticky notes and other junk, until he just noticed a glint of metal from under one of the yellow pads of paper.
He grabbed the key and grinned at Groot before turning towards the attic door.
But then he heard it. The front door opened.
Maybe someone's just going outside? Maybe he still had time?
Nope, the footsteps were coming in, not leaving.
Crap. You were home.
He knew it would only be bad news if he got caught, so he quickly placed the key back in the drawer, saying, "Another time, buddy," to Groot and made his way to peek out the door and make sure he wouldn't be seen exiting your room.
He could just see down the stairs that you were standing in the hall holding a paper bag, and you waved for someone's attention in the sitting room. Peter came and he followed you into the kitchen.
This was his chance, he quickly exited your room, quietly closed the door behind him, and bolted as quietly as possible toward the room he shared with Groot and Drax. It was times like these he was more than glad to be one of the smallest and lightest of the bunch.
You arrived home and brought Peter into the kitchen to show that you had indeed found him some Oreos, and a twin sleeve at that!
His eyes lit up when you removed them from the bag. "You got them!" he exclaimed as he accepted the package from you.
You lightly chuckled as he called for his friends to join him in the kitchen.
Feeling it would be awkward for you if he decided to excitedly declare that you bought them biscuits, you excused yourself before the others could arrive, saying that you had some other things to put away in your car and you'd be back when he seemed almost disappointed that you were running away from being social again.
You passed by Kraglin and Yondu on your way back towards the front door, and you were unable to stop yourself from giggling as you laid eyes on Kraglin. You covered your mouth, but of course they noticed.
"What was that about?" Yondu asked Kraglin in confusion, looking back at you as you exited the front door.
Kraglin only pouted and said, "Please don't ask, sir."
Rocket answered Peter's call along with everyone else, and was a little surprised to hear that you had picked up some Terran cookies at Peter's request. He ate some, because hey- free food, but he wasn't going to fall for your sugary bribery, which he was sure this was. He certainly doubted you did it to be nice. Hell, if you were nice you would have helped him and Kraglin with getting untangled instead of laughing so hard you couldn't stand up.
Something caught his eye out the window from where he sat on the counter, and he directed his attention to what he realized was you, walking toward that shed he kept hearing loud noses from but couldn't get into because you kept it locked. The windows didn't open either, he tried, nor could he make anything out when he tried to look through them due to the dark interior.
But there was one thing he could see clearly now as you made your way to the shed.
You were carrying chains.
His eyes narrowed as he nibbled on his treat. He knew there was something off about you. What were you doing in that shed? Were those chains meant for him and his friends? To chain up the next person who pissed you off?
He knew the others wouldn't believe him. Until he could prove it to the others that you were bad news, he decided to keep his mouth shut for now.
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 2)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: The First Meeting
Next Chapter: What's Your Ideal Type?
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj, @rizzo-nero, @whoreuc
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, please mention it in the comments below ty.
CHAPTER 2: The Rebirth
You had a hard time falling asleep that night. Your mind is trying to remember the vision, but the images remain blurry. There was a faint heat lingering from the man's body pressed against yours.
‘Could we possibly be…. It’s not impossible but….’, your mind was working 10,000 miles an hour trying to think of the possibilities. There was only one thought that came to mind and it made you blush. You pulled up the covers and snuggled against your stuffed plushies and pillows. You had to pass by the library and get permission tomorrow.
At least the weaponry was amazing. Noritoshi senpai even showed you inside and pointed you to the crossbows he often practices with. ‘He must be a capable sorcerer. The way he holds himself up with such dignity was already a dead giveaway. A natural born leader huh.’ you wondered.
You fell asleep that night dreaming about a lovely Phoenix, being reborn from ashes.
Noritoshi was pacing around in his room. He had passed by the library on the way back from dinner, and grabbed several books. “The Secrets of Foreseeing the Future, Vol. 1”, “Alternate and Parallel Worlds”, “Past Lives: A Study”, and “The Life and Works of Abe no Seimei".
He paced around his dorm room, looking over the book that was bothering him the most. “The Tales and True Records of Soulmates”.
He scanned through the main parts of the book. It spoke about bonding. There apparently were 2 types of bonding, emotional and physical.
When 2 halves of a whole reach a certain degree of understanding of each other, they establish what's called a half-bond or a phantom bond.
This begins to link their emotions. Intense anger, fear, joy, disgust, sorrow, and love can be felt from the very first stage. As their bond strengthens, they begin to share more emotions, as well as short strong intentions.
Intentions are used to depict a state of being. If they have a goal or a state of feeling over a particular matter, their partner can pick up on it.
The near final stage of a full bond is when they start to share physical sensations. When one gets injured, it will resound with the other.
The strongest bond is known to share special abilities and thoughts via telepathy between a fated pair.
Noritoshi's mind was definitely in overdrive. There was SO MUCH information on soulmates. But the one thing that wasn't explicitly stated was how a soulmate pair found each other.
How do soulmates confirm that they are indeed soulmates? Most of the information was based on soulmates who simply claimed to be. Then what about how they came to be?
So now he knows that soulmates are supposedly able to share emotions and feelings to a certain degree. But there was a lack of information in the book. What about visions? The vision he shared with y/n was one of a kind.
It kept discussing how the known most popular existence were the parents of Sugawara no Michizane. One of the three great vengeful spirits that is the ancestor of the Gojo clan.
He made up his mind. Taking out his phone, he dialed up his father.
Beep. “Noritoshi? It’s so late, why are you calling at this time? It best be an urgent matter.” his father gruffly answered.
“I am sorry to disturb you father. It’s just, there is a new student here in school. A First year called Tsuchimikado y/n from the Tsuchimikado clan.”
“Ahhh, them huh? Powerful group even though there are only a few of them. They don’t really talk about their techniques that much. They are descendants of Abe no Seimei and yet they kept to themselves as a minor clan of jujutsushi… So what about her?”
“She might possibly be my soulmate, but I am still confirming. Do you have any books or records on soulmates at all?”
At this, his father sat up straight in his study. “Are you serious? And what can you say to prove such claims? Do you know how rare a soulmate bond is?”
"I am aware. And I know we may not be soulmates. But I have some suspicions. If you have any info about soulmates, The Abe clan, or the Tsuchimikado clans, I would appreciate it." Noritoshi replied.
"Okay. I'll have a look and get back to you. Feel free to come by the main house this weekend. Look over the main study. There are also some records on Soulmates there."
"Thank you father. Have a good evening."
Noritoshi sighed. He undid his hair bindings and combed out his hair. And opened the book again. He read through the table of contents in case he missed out on any major pointers.
He couldn't read the book in one sitting, because he is still reviewing for the TOEIC and improving his English.
He yawned and was about to retire to bed, remembering his promise to bring you around tomorrow, when one particular word jumped at him.
The binding process of soulmates. He quickly flipped through to the page and found out with horror that some of the pages had been torn out.
It wasn't him who did it. (Obviously). But now he has to go and tell Utahime sensei about it.
He took a closer look at the remaining few pages.
"The Binding of Soulmates. It is known to vary per pair. Some pairs found themselves to be born with a matching symbol in the inside of their arms or on their necks from birth. While others form it upon passing the first stage of -" and the page ends with a violent diagonal tear from the upper right corner to the lower left.
That's pretty much all that he can take away from the book so far. Frustrated, he decided to go to sleep. Nothing about sharing visions was mentioned so far. Maybe they weren't a fated pair after all.
But deep in his gut, Noritoshi knew that you were an important person to him. That was for sure. As he fell asleep, he shared the same dream with you. A lone Phoenix, being reborn from its ashes.
The following morning, you didn't know where to meet up with Noritoshi senpai so you simply went to the same place he left you last night. On your way there, you passed by a tall robot kind of thing which spooked you. You stared at it, wondering if it was a kind of automation that serves the technical school.
To your surprise, it turned towards you and bowed while greeting, "Hello. I'm a 1st year student here at Kyoto Jujutsu Technical College. You can call me Mechamaru. Kokichi Muta is my real name, but I use robots to fight."
Your eyes widened in surprise and curiosity. "My name is Tsuchimikado Y/n, also starting here as a first year student. Pleased to meet you!" You bowed back.
“So… is your body inside that robot?” you asked him.
“No, as a result of heavenly restriction, which if you haven’t heard of yet is a means of exchange/ a binding contract, my body is elsewhere. I am controlling this robot from afar.”
Your eyes bugged, “That’s incredible! To have that much cursed energy, plus it is over such a long distance.” You were jealous as long-ranged techniques are something you try to work hard and specialise on.
“It’s not that fun being physically stuck in a basement.” Mechamaru didn’t sound too amused.
“Ah, I’m sorry about that… “ you floundered as you mentally hit yourself for being so inconsiderate.
“No need to apologize. I am used to it.” He waved it off coolly.
"You're the first other 1st year I've met Mechamaru. I wonder when the others will come. I've heard of 2 others." You wondered.
"I've already met one of them. Miwa is her name. You won't miss her with her bright blue hair." He replied. His voice was so stiff and robotic, a strange feature.
"Ohhhh I see. I'll keep that in mind!" You smiled. "I'm afraid I have somewhere to be right now, but I'll catch you around for sure! Please take care of me."
"Don't let me keep you waiting. Please also take care of me and see you around." Mechamaru waved as you ran off.
More students to meet huh. Your heart pounded in nervousness and excitement. So it was Miwa and Mechamaru so far. ‘Ugh, I’m so bad with names. I’ll surely get used to it.’ you thought to yourself.
You rounded the corner and nearly plowed through Noritoshi senpai in your haste. “Whoa there, careful,” he held his hands out in case you slipped, but you were fine. You caught yourself just before you hit his personal space.
You were surprised to see him already there, in the same clothes he was in yesterday (was that his uniform? You had yet to get yours, which had custom arrangements).
"Good morning Noritoshi-senpai!" you beamed up at him. He looked down at you amusedly, liking your bright energy. “Good morning y/n.”
Your smile grew wider upon hearing your name fall from his lips for the very first time. For a moment the both of you just stood there smiling. Then Noritoshi beckoned you to his side as you walked around the campus.
"Did you sleep well last night?" He asked.
"Ah yes, though it might take some time getting used to the dorm rooms here. But everything is pretty much convenient. Especially the kitchenettes in our rooms." You were still excited about starting classes.
“Did you have your uniform tailored to your liking?” You asked him.
“Ah yes, I requested a looser fit. I am used to wearing a kimono and wooden sandals at home. I simply requested for them to be made in a similar fashion for comfort. And it gives me enough space to hide all of my weapons.” He smiled gently down at you.
“Ahhh I see. I have also put in a request for my uniform, but I don’t have it yet.” you said.
“Well, it shouldn’t be too long now, classes start in 2 days after all.”
He brought you around the main gardens. “It’s so big,” you gaped, excited to train here. There was so much open space, it would be good for flying practice. “The other buildings are offices for the staff, and warehouses for special tools and materials.” He explained.
Then Noritoshi led you to a corridor with tons of doors. “These are the 3rd year classrooms. First and second year classrooms are upstairs. We can have a look if you’d like?” He asked.
You agreed. And on your way to the staircase, you came face to face with a man going down the stairs. He was incredibly tall and ripped. With his hair tied up, a scar racing down on his left eye, he grunted at Noritoshi in greeting.
He came down and faced you both, before addressing Noritoshi. “You ready for class? Is this a new student?”
“Of course I am. And she is a first year. Tsuchimikado Y/n.” Noritoshi introduced you and you quickly bowed in greeting. “You can call me Tsuchi san or just Tsuchi as I know my last name is long. It is very nice to meet you!”
Noritoshi noted that you didn’t offer to be addressed by your first name this time and felt weirdly happy.
“Todo Aoi, 2nd year. So… what man or woman is your ideal type?” He asked as he loomed over you menacingly. You barely came up to this man's chest.
….. What in the world are you getting into?
Fun fact: The Tsuchimikado Clan are indeed a real clan descended from the Abe Clan and Abe no Seimei the Onmyouji himself. I chose Abe no Seimei as a parallel to the three great vengeful spirits from whom the big 3 Jujutsu families are descendants of. As Abe no Seimei was also a major figure during the Heian period. But of course my story is a work of fiction so other than the onmyouji himself, everyone else is not real^^.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
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You know that feeling when you know you’ve made a terrible mistake?
Yes. That feeling.
It’s a feeling that never really goes away. You had to learn that the hard way.
Irrevocable actions, stupid mistakes. You were heart-wrenchingly familiar with all of it.
To err was human apparently. You...weren’t human, though.
It seems like being superhuman was insignificant, after all. At the end of the day, nothing mattered. None of your powers did.
Despite it all, you still lost him.
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warnings: depressing shit (it gets better though dw) mentions of death, violence, sexual content, future smut
wc: 2.8k
moonstorm masterlist
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It felt like the world had lost all color.
It had happened so many months ago, and yet it still felt like it happened just yesterday. The memories of stumbling out of his lair, covered in his blood and your tears, still fresh in your mind.
The image of his face, betrayed and yet so calm as he uttered those last words to you...it haunted you constantly.
You found yourself looking at the moon every night, dreaming about what could have been. The nightmares endlessly plagued your sleep as well, causing you to fear even your own bed.
No...even after Hyunjin's effects on you wore off, your own brain took on the responsibility of torturing you by conjuring up more heartbreaking dreams. Dreams which made you long for something you knew you’d lost forever- never to be yours again.
You never truly realized how much you’d gotten used to having him around. Life was so glaringly empty and meaningless without him. It was a complicated relationship…and yet it still left a giant hole in you. An all-encompassing despair that threatened to swallow you up.
With him gone, it just didn’t feel right to be a superhero anymore. How could you be the strong role model for everyone in the city to rely on when you knew just how weak you’d become? Even when the newspapers were covered with your heroics, even as the mayor addressed the city and expressed his desire to give you a medal for stopping yet another supervillain from roaming the streets- you stubbornly refused to don that costume ever again.
You stayed hidden through it all. You just couldn’t bring yourself to go out in public anymore. Your vigilante costume lay forgotten in the back of your closet- crumpled and sad.
It just...felt wrong. At the moment you felt nothing but pathetic. You didn’t have time to waste saving a snotty kitten stuck on a tree or stop a petty criminal from robbing a bank- all you were fit to do was eat ice cream straight from the can, and watch a soulless movie. The same routine, day in and day out. You hadn’t left your apartment in nearly a month, not even to buy groceries. Every second was spent wrapped up in blankets, pondering what you’d done.
Was that selfish of you? Probably. You were discovering new flaws by the second.
Sighing, you sat up a little, your ass almost numb from how long you’d spent lying down. Glancing up, you saw your father’s portrait looking down at you. You swallowed and slowly stood up from your bed, groaning to yourself. Why did he suddenly seem so disappointed?
Maybe a little bit of fresh air is what you needed, considering you were starting to believe the paintings were changing expressions. After all, you had work to do anyway- might as well take advantage of the nearby café’s free WiFi.
Here at last.
You sat down in the corner of the café, so tired you could barely move a muscle. But you had to get a move on with your life- the recovery should have happened by now.
And yet here you were, months later. Nothing seemed to be able to fill the hole he left behind, and even now you wished you could go back home as soon as possible.
Had it...had it been a mistake?
Of course it had. Your misery was evidence, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could convince yourself that you’d done it for the good of the city.
The truth was... Hwang Hyunjin scared you.
He made you feel things, made you want to be someone else entirely. Every ounce of rigidity and austerity you’d imposed in yourself disappeared every time you were with him. He made you want to give everything up- give up all the responsibilities and burdens you carried on your shoulders to be with him. To be like him- free.
It wasn’t Hyunjin who was a threat to the city. No, not directly.
It was you- or rather the lack of you.
This city needed you to survive, and if Hyunjin managed to change you...it surely wouldn’t have lasted long without your help. Hyunjin had never really been the city’s biggest threat- there were far worse villains and it was them who you really fought against.
He was more of just an inconvenience, someone you had to deal with from time to time. And then he’d struck that deal- after which the nature of your relationship had turned into something entirely different.
Every time he acted up, it was usually just a ploy to get your attention. And attention was exactly what he got. You’d reinforced his behavior like an idiot.
You told yourself it was a chore, but it wasn’t all that convincing. You’d loved spending those nights in his bed, loved the way he was an expert at making you come undone with his body and his words.
It really had seemed like a good idea at the time. The right thing to do. However, it was quickly starting to seem like anything but.
You sighed as your mind tried its best not to travel back all those months. Dipping a teabag into the liquid, you mindlessly observed the customers in the cafe. Many of them were young, teenagers who were heading out before class.
You sighed as you recalled your own high school days, the times Hyunjin and you had hung out in a cafe much like this one.
“You don’t have to help me with this project, you know.”
“Ah, shush. It’s our final year. I’m not going to leave you alone.” He smiled as he flipped through his books, taking a sip of his coffee occasionally.
“You act like you’re not sticking to me like white on rice the rest of the year.” You roll your eyes, chuckling to yourself.
“Don’t get snippy with me, missy.” He smirked, still thumbing the pages nonchalantly. “Or I’ll have to punish you.”
“You- I- what?” You wouldn’t admit it, but the thought caused a fluttering sensation in more than one place. It was a little bit of a shock, considering the two of you had done nothing more than make out and flirt, until now.
“Chill. I’m kidding.” He shook his head, looking up at you. “Unless…” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Stop it! I’m supposed to be working right now.” You whined, swatting him with a rolled up paper.
“I don’t care.” He tapped his fingers on the table. “Hm...do you know what I’m thinking of right now, Y/n?”
“Thinking about how easy it would be to slip my fingers under your skirt and play with that pretty pussy of yours. I’m pretty sure it’s soaked your underwear through by now.”
Your cheeks flushed as you stared at your plate. You couldn’t find it in yourself to respond properly- his mere words had already turned you to a mess.
“S-shut up.” You mumbled, reading out formulas aloud as you tried to divert your attention from it. Hyunjin let out a teasing chuckle at your lame attempt to change the topic, shaking his head as he stared at his book again, unaware you were looking over your own at him, pressing your thighs together subtly.
God, he was so...so annoying.
You snapped out of it, sighing as you looked around at the much less crowded cafe. Had it always looked so dull? So lifeless?
The thought of him was hurtful- it felt like a dull knife, screwing itself into you. Reminding you what you’d done.
You’d killed the love of your life.
And now? There was no way to bring him back.
“Murder is never something a superhero should resort to. A good hero always stays true to themselves- they only kill if it’s absolutely necessary.”
A cough.
“But of course...villains are exempt from that rule. Killing one villain’s life could save countless others.”
Hm. You weren’t exactly sure if your father was right. Although you were just a child, you still had some knowledge of morality.
Was he? Killing just...seemed wrong. You didn’t know if you could bring yourself to do it, no matter how evil the person was.
“Surely there are other ways to neutralize someone evil, Father?”
He narrowed his eyes at you, before shaking his head coldly. “Untrue.”
“The truth is, some lives are expendable, my dear Y/n…” Another cough, before he cleared his throat and fixed his gaze back on you.
“You must always look for the greater good.”
You still remembered the day you first met Hyunjin.
He was 13, and you were just a little younger. Your families were good comrades and allies, so your eventual meeting had already been planned.
The two of you were in the living room with everyone else as they talked to each other, mingling and chattering like adults usually did. Hyunjin and you made an unanimous decision to sneak out to the rooftop, and get to know each other better.
“So...our parents are allies now, hm? This means we’re going to see each other a lot more.”
“Of course we are! We’re both prodigies, like my dad and your mom...we inherited their powers, so they’re obviously going to want to cultivate those.”
“You speak pretty fancy for a 12 year old.”
“Hey, so do you! Besides, we’re gifted, aren’t we?”
“Hm.” He sighed, swinging his legs and inhaling. After a few seconds of silence, he spoke up again.
“Do you actually like having these powers?”
“Oh? Well, yeah...I do...my father tells me stories of his days as a superhero. I want to help people, just like him.”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. I’d much rather live a normal life. Get a normal job, find someone to love, and have a normal marriage in a normal town.”
You pressed your lips together. “To each their own, I guess. Personally, I just want to get rid of all the evil in the world and make my father proud.”
“Evil…” He tapped his chin. “How does one even know the difference between good and evil?”
You raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean? I’m pretty sure it would be obvious in every situation.”
“I disagree. The distinction is blurry. No one knows for sure, and definitely not at first glance.” He sighed. “I would know.”
You brought your knees to your chest as you observed the city below. “Well, I guess you’re right…” you paused, your heart feeling a little heavy for some reason.
“Do you know?”
“The line between good and evil is thin, Y/n. I can’t say I know for sure. But do you know what will always help you remember?”
“Your heart.” He said softly, glancing at you and offering you a small smile.
“Just do whatever feels right...trust yourself.”
You sighed and shut your laptop.
Home. You needed to go home, cause your heart ached too much. You definitely weren’t ready to go back to work yet. You hadn’t done anything productive today really, just drink coffee and reflect on your actions. Regretting....regretting it all.
It’d been wrong. The wrong choice, the wrong decision.
You knew that, now. There could have been another way. You shouldn’t have rushed into it like that...how could you?
You felt a surge of hatred towards yourself engulf you. It was all your fault, this pain you were feeling. You didn’t have anyone to direct this immense anger towards except yourself. You realized this little fact in horror, your heart clenching as you wished things could have been different.
Finishing off your coffee, you placed a few bills on the table as you left the café, heading home. Ready to burrow under the blankets again, wallow in your self pity and pain. There wasn’t much else to do except succumb to acceptance.
You made your way down the street, humming the saddest song you knew under your breath.
All of a sudden, you felt eyes burning into your back. Your own eyes widening slightly, you turned around quickly-
But there was no one there.
Weird. Sighing, you decided to go back to going over your plans for tonight in your mind.
Maybe watch a movie in hopes of triggering some sort of emotion in you...or maybe take a bath, light some candles and listen to depressing music- shit.
It happened again. Someone was following you- you could feel it. Uncomfortable, your breathing slowly started getting heavier as you tried to formulate some kind of plan in your head-
The next thing that happened was so sudden you barely registered it for a second.
Your hand was gripped, so tightly you felt it would bruise. Aggressive, shocking and swift as lightning- it took several seconds before you realized someone was trying to kidnap you.
“Stop! Leave me alone!”
Struggling against the person holding you, you caught a glimpse of the masked man and decided to scream, hoping to gain some attention from somebody, anybody. There was no way this was happening, not right now. Your day had already been bad enough, why was the universe so intent on rubbing salt in your wounds?!
The urge to fight had never been stronger. Yet there was no strength left in your body. You couldn’t fight back against this man- he was taller than you and somehow even matched you in strength. Unless you exposed your powers, there was no way you would get yourself out of this predicament. Somehow you managed to smack him with your arm weakly, making him hiss.
“Let me go, please!”
The coffee cup fell out of your hand, brown liquid spilling all over the ground as you were pulled into the dark alley so quickly, no one would notice. Your eyes darted about in panic, trying to work out a possible escape route when the masked man caged you in, his arms on either side of you.
A horrible sense of déjà vu enveloped you. It’s all you can do to not scream, trying to keep yourself calm so that you could escape.
It’s ok, breathe in...and concentrate.
The heat within you started to crackle, your palms beginning to burn up gradually.
Your eyes blinked as you decided to try and take a good look at the person holding you. Their head was covered with a black mask, their finger held over their mouth as they ran their eyes over your distressed expression.
Inhale. Exhale.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You hissed, staying still and pretending to give up the struggle. “Unhand me now, or you’ll regret it, trust me-“
“Shh! Y/n, please…” He shushed you, his voice shaky.
You stopped in your tracks.
That voice…
“I’ll explain... but first we need to get out of here, fuck-” He looked from side to side quickly, scanning his surroundings.
Shit. Why does that voice sound so familiar?
“Who- who are you?!” You managed to get out, the heat fading away as deep, panicked confusion took over you instead.
There was a small sigh as your assailant stood up a little straighter, groaning. And then, his fingers deftly pulled the mask off, clutching it in his hands tightly.
Golden locks spilled out, a handsome visage coming into view. Plump lips and beautiful eyes, looking oh so familiar.
It couldn’t be. This wasn’t happening. What the fuck, what the fuck, what the actual fuck was going on?
It’s him.
But it can’t be.
How? It’s not possible-
You’re definitely losing your mind.
The man’s breathing got quicker as he watched your expression morph from fear into one of pure, electric shock.
“I know you’re shocked, Y/n, but please listen to-“
Your chest started heaving, quickly rising and falling as your heart pounded against your rib cage.
This...could not be happening. What was this? Was this a nightmare? Yet another sick, twisted dream? He couldn’t be standing right in front of you...it was impossible. No. No no no no no no no.
It was all too overwhelming, and your brain and body seemed to agree on that. Your mind swam, your thoughts all over the place as you felt yourself sway on your feet.
“This- I-“ You stumbled over your words, tears slipping past quickly as you tried to form words to express what you felt.
Pain. Searing pain, taking over, spreading from head to toe.
Your breathing slowed as the world suddenly went black, Hyunjin’s shouts in the background fading away...until there was nothing but silence.
Pure, unadulterated silence.
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sapnxps · 3 years
(WTL) Chapter One: Greg the Neighbor- Georgenotfound x Reader
If I knew that when I moved to London, I'd have two weird neighbors, I'd laugh in your face. Now I'm friends with an old cat lady. Now I'm enemies with my cute neighbor that's definitely not single, who also screams too much.
Even though he's a dick, why can't I stop thinking about him?
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My parents told me I’d regret moving to London from the state before I left because I’d miss them and the US too much.
They were half right.
I’m sitting on a box messily labeled ‘kitchen’ in the hallway of my new apartment complex. I huff, wiping the sticky sweat from my forehead. The moving bill is almost 4 thousand dollars. If I knew moving would be this expensive, I wouldn’t have moved out from my parent’s house until I was 40. Sure, I moved a lot of my belongings across the Atlantic ocean, but 4 thousand dollars? Who do I look like, Jeff Bezos?
Today has been hectic, to say the least. Three of my boxes somehow drifted away to Spain. Don’t ask me how that happened, I don’t even know. I’ve been unpacking by myself all day. A box of my kitchenware got shattered upon arrival. I should’ve listened to my Mom on that one, she told me to just buy plates and glasses here instead of shipping them here. Big mistake I’m never making again. Finally, the biggest chunk of my problems: My apartment is full of boxes and I don’t feel like unpacking. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been sleeping on an air mattress for two days, maybe not, but I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. If one more thing goes wrong, I think I might lose it.
Begrudgingly, I lift myself up from the box I was sitting on. It’s a bit dented now, but the way it felt on my ass, it’s just pots and pans. I open the door, pulling this box into my apartment. I weakly push it into the kitchen. It collides with one of the boxes filled with shattered plates. The sound of the broken glass sliding across the box sounded like nails on a chalkboard. I need to make a note to properly dispose of that. Turning my head to look around my new home, I feel my brain's short circuit. All these boxes unpacked, I’ve barely made a dent. This is going to take for-fucking-ever. Moving is modern-day torture. Oh, that’s funny. Remember to tweet that later.
The next three hours of my life are taken up by filling up my kitchen cabinets and drawers with cutlery and various kitchen utensils. The counter was now less bare, housing my toaster and breadbox. My Tupperware containers sat in a special place in the far-right cabinet by the sink. It looked like this home was lived in, as long as you didn’t glance anywhere else besides the kitchen.
I soon after tackled the bathroom, which was the less intimidating room compared to the living room and bedroom. I got the shower curtain hung up, which made it look nice. The rug found its way to the floor, protecting my feet from the cold, cream tile. The shelves were now stocked with a few fluffy peach towels and soaps. Underneath the sink had cleaning supplies as well as spare toilet paper. Living alone meant having nobody to give you another roll if you finish the other one. Kinda sucks. I had a boyfriend during high school, and two years into college. I dreamed of living with him, we planned it all out. I’d finish college, we’d move to a city and rent out the tiniest apartment we could find. We’d live it out until eventually we made ends meet and the rest would be. Dreams cut short though, he cheated. It’s part of why I left in the first place. Needed a change of scenery, new people.
That’s where I am now. New people. Stuck on that part. Haven’t gotten a chance to meet any, which is oh so tragic. I can’t decide if I want to introduce myself to the neighbors or let them come to me? I’m stuck pondering on the thought until I hear a knock at the door. I wonder if my lost boxes have mysteriously arrived.
Opening the door, I’m greeted with an older woman, holding out a small cake into my space.
“Hi dear, I’m your neighbor to the right. Heard all the commotion, saw all the boxes. I had to see for myself the fresh meat in the complex,” She paused before lightly tapping my arm with her free hand. “Just teasing! It’s great to have another lady on this level. The young man to your left, handsome fella, never comes out much though. Hopefully, we can have a girl posse or something,” Her posh accent made her much different than me. Is it wrong to already feel isolated?
I grin at her, moving out of the way to invite her in. “Nice to meet you, feel free to come in. I apologize for all the boxes scattered around, moving has been proven to not be quite my talent,”
The woman smiles brightly at me, shock plastered on her face. “You’re American!”
“That I am,” I chuckle. She hands me the cake, which I gladly accept. My diet has consisted of soggy hash browns from the complex lobby. She makes her way to what is settled in the living room, politely setting herself on my suede blue couch across from the large wall in the room. I place the cake on my counter by the stove, making a mental note to grab a slice once the woman leaves.
The shock never leaves her aged face, “Oh goodness! How amazing. I have a foreigner as my neighbor. You’ll find London quite lovely. I know how it feels to be isolated and removed from what you’re used to, but I promise you’ll fit right in,” She says as I settle myself on the loveseat a bit away from the couch.
“Where are you from?” I ask. She obviously isn’t American.
She smiles, “Just a bit east of Surrey. South of London. Beautiful area, grew up on a small cottage,” The woman was glowing as she spoke of her hometown. She was obviously proud of where she grew up. Compared to my southern Arizona town, this place seemed like heaven. A cottage? Sign me up.
“Sounds lovely,” I speak truthfully.
“Welp,” The woman slaps her laps, a way of signaling it’s time to end the conversation. Despite only speaking for a small amount of time, she seems like someone I can come to if I ever have questions about London or the terminology that I hear around the city. I’ll need to remember that she’s the neighbor to the right. As she began to see herself out, I remembered the other neighbor she mentioned. The young man to the left. I believe she used the term ‘handsome fella’ to describe him. Once she was out in the hall, I felt the need to find out more information.
“Oh!” I shout, hanging myself out into the hallway. She pauses her steps, turning back to me. “By the way, who’s my other neighbor? The guy you were telling me about. Does he have a name?” I ask.
“Greg,” She nods, resuming her short walk back to her apartment.
Greg. Ugly name.
I completely forgot about the conversation by dinner time. As I was munching down on my cake, delicious by the way, I heard loud yelling from my right side. I wouldn’t even call it yelling, more like high-pitched screaming. Who was my neighbor over there again? Greg? Greg. He was causing a ruckus and a mere heart attack at that. He was screaming so loud I nearly jumped out of my skin the first time I heard it. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he’s facing a very, very gruesome murder right now. Well, I guess I don’t know any better. I’m just wishing for the very best.
Another hour passes. The yelling never stops. It’s only 8, but my body is as awake as ever. I still have yet to get used to the new time zone. At times it was difficult, but I’m using it to my advantage now. I have some extra time to unpack and get my actual bed ready. My bed frame was put together professionally during lunch, so that was one thing checked off my list. The mattress I ordered was delivered yesterday. Now it was just the matter of putting the sheets on and preparing my duvet.
Fitted sheets fucking suck to put on a bed. I was currently struggling to put it on my nice mattress. It was edging close to 10 pm. The sky was dark, and I was stuck in some odd mixture of a starfish and the downward dog position. If this moment was a picture, it could be used for blackmail. The closer I got to finally getting the top right corner on my bed, the more stretched out I became. I was like one of those sticky hands you’d get in those toy dispensers at the grocery store. I was just about to get it, when another loud shriek could be heard. In shock, I slammed my head on the bed frame and lost grip of all four corners of the sheet.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I mumbled underneath my breath.
Whatever. He probably has a greater reason to be screaming like this, right? Justified shouting, whatever you want to call it. My bedroom is closer to his apartment than the kitchen was. Is it nosey to try to figure out what he’s saying? I don’t want to be that type of neighbor. I’ll continue minding my business because I don’t want to find out some weird shit about Greg that I don’t want to know.
The screaming never stopped.
In fact, if anything, it got louder. And louder. And louder. Is it okay to call the cops here?
It’s midnight now. The next fucking day. And Greg is still screaming at the top of his lungs as if everyone else isn’t asleep. If I saw some normal citizen just trying to get some rest, I’d be fed up. Well, I’m still fed up. I’m also running on a messed-up sleep schedule, so it’s not like I was trying to sleep anyways. My bed is made now, and comfy as hell. I built a shelf to house some of my small decorations, with the entertainment of my noisy neighbor’s yells to accompany me. For some odd reason, it made me feel less lonely.
At about 2, I began to reject the company. I felt irritation grow in my chest as I heard the same high-pitched shrieks that I heard at 8. The annoyance that bubbled in me overtook my politeness. Before I knew it, I was up and in the hallway banging on his door. I didn’t have the time to care about my Daffy Duck pajamas sticking to my legs due to the heatwave hitting England right now. Before I even realize it, my fist is slamming on his door. I never knew I had the power to knock that hard, but my anger and blossoming resentment overpowered me. I continued banging until the door pulled away from its frame. Now I’m face to face with Greg.
Boy was he handsome.
I was met with a man, about 5 foot 9. His dark brown hair was disheveled. Strands of hair laid across his forehead messily. If he wasn’t screaming, I would’ve thought he was sleeping. He was wearing a fluorescent green hoodie with an odd smile plastered on the front. It was a bit large for his skinny frame, that’s unimportant though. His grey sweatpants were twisted on his legs. What the fuck was he doing? His face was delicately shaped. This jawline looks sharp yet fragile like it was constructed of the most fragile rose crystal I’d ever seen. His brown eyes reminded me of caramel, thick and way too easy to get lost in.
“Hi, uh Greg-” I start. I’m just realizing now how close I am to him. The scent of his spearmint gum floods my nostrils. It’s a bit powerful, crinkling my nose at the smell. It wasn’t gross, just very shocking.
“George,” He spat. That’s fucking embarrassing. I’m meeting him for the first time and I got his name wrong. I’m not taken aback for long though, because his attitude oozing from his simple correction was enough to disgust me. I’ve done nothing wrong to him, except maybe get his name wrong. Was my moving too much of a nuisance to him? Poor little British thing, he can deal with it.
I cringe, “Oh, um, sorry.”
He leans into the door frame, sweatshirt adjusting to the movement. Forget a tiny bit large, he was swimming in this thing. “Yeah, no problem. Can I help you or are you selling girl scout cookies at,” George checks his watch. “2 in the morning. If you are, I’m not interested, sorry ‘bout that,” His outfit makes me feel a lot less aware of mine. Despite his face being rather attractive, the outfit makes him look like he just rolled out of bed.
“Oh, yeah. I was wondering if you could lower the volume a bit, please. Or just stop screaming entirely, if possible. I don’t know if you have some weird shouting fetish, but I certainly don’t,” I chuckle. George, however, doesn’t chuckle. Actually, he looks rather unamused. If a human was an art museum, it would be George. Curling into a ball and falling into an endless void doesn’t sound too awful right now. I think I’ll add that to my itinerary. I’ll do it in my bed so I’m at least comfortable while I’m drowning in my own self-pity.
He grimaces, “Yeah. Sure.”
He’s blunt. Got it.
The second I turn my back to the door, it slams. Wow. What a cunt. Shaking the interaction off, I begin to feel the wear and tear of the day beginning to hit me. Moving all those boxes made my muscles ache. The solution to all my problems today seems to be going to bed. Not that I’m not okay with that, just funny. The day before I left for London, you’d think I was shocked by lightning. The electricity that was running through my veins was no match for any ADHD medicine the FDA had ever approved. Now, my body is beginning to fall victim to the earlier time zone. Not that it was a big deal, it was going to happen eventually. These next few days would just entail a difficult sleeping schedule. Nothing I haven’t dealt with before.
I quickly find my way back to my own bedroom. The yelling was quieter, but I could still hear George through the thin walls. He was murmuring to someone softly. This apartment complex was all 1 bedroom apartments. He didn’t live alone. How lovely! I made a fool of myself to him, and he was most definitely telling his partner right now. Talk about dignity, am I right?
I scrolled through my phone for an hour, before the screaming returned to its original volume. Would it be overdramatic to say I felt my face go red with anger? I don’t think so. I think I handled the situation as politely as I could. Hell, I even cracked a joke so he could know I wasn’t that upset over the situation! If I knew he was going to resume his disruptive noises, I wouldn’t have been so nice or absolutely hilarious. Nobody that douchey gets my amazing humor. He didn’t even laugh! I hear another shout followed by a slam to a desk. What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Welp. Welcome to London!
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Six Strangers Walk Into a Bar: Part 4 (Severen x Fem!Reader) fic
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Warnings: cheating mention, cursing
Word Count: 3610
Here's part four! Hope you enjoy~
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His lips were surprisingly soft, not chapped like you might expect them to be. His kiss was firm and dominating, just slightly fast and leaving you feeling lightheaded. But careful. As if he didn't want to scare you off and make you retreat away from him. He melded his mouth over yours, guiding your lips and gently holding your neck with one hand while the other cupped your face. It was embarrassingly easy how he pulled a noise from your throat. He hadn't even touched you, in any way that mattered at least. But the way he sucked on your bottom lip, slid his against yours, and tugged your bottom lip gently between his teeth was threatening to turn you into jello. He gave your neck a small squeeze, and you had to pull away just to catch a break. A breather. 
You broke the contact of your lips, but he followed you. Just to brush his against yours, making your lips tingle and crave more. But, when he let you pull away completely to catch your breath, you couldn't stop the hunger that went through you. You'd been given a taste and now you wanted more.
You pulled him in with a renewed about of vigor, and you could feel the curl of his lips as you became undeniably desperate. Your kiss was hard and sloppy, but he was quick to match your pace and swipe at your bottom lip. You parted for him easily, letting his mouth muffle the noise that left your lips at the feeling of his tongue sliding against yours. He lifted you up, like he was lifting a ragdoll, and pulled you onto him to straddle his hips. Your hands curled into his hair, tugging at the dark locks at the nape of his neck. He groaned, but even just a noise as small as that brought a wave of satisfaction through you. His one hand gripped your thigh, making a jolt run through your body when you felt the tightness of his grip. He pulled away to turn his head, letting you catch a quick breath, before his lips consumed yours once more. Your head was starting to swim, the kiss poking a fire in the pit of your stomach. He tasted like the flavor of your toothpaste, and you were starting to wonder just how far you were going to let him go. His hand was rubbing your thigh, and your hips were pressed flushed against eachother. While you weren't grinding against him yet, you weren't that needy, every little move made a spark of anticipation light up the back of your mind. 
Before the kiss could continue anywhere interesting, there was a loud series of knocks at your bedroom door. The two of you yanked away in surprise, and Homers voice rang through the silence,
"Severen, c'mon! We're all waiting on the two of you!" And you watched as he whipped his head and began to growl a curse. Before a series of smart words could leaving his mouth, you turned his head back to face yours. You kissed him again, this one slow and deep. It was calmer. Almost sweet. But you cut it short and gave him a small smile. When he smiled back, it almost looked as if he was ready to flip you over and take you right then. Before he could lean back in and reclaim your lips, you told him,
"We'll finish this later." You promised, and that seemed good enough for him. That didn't mean that you didn't have to kick him out to let you get changed, and you decided on something a bit nicer than what you'd worn yesterday. A light sweater that wasn't so loose, just in case there was a chill, and a long skirt to match. The nicest thing about your outfit, however, was the matching underwear. You thought to put on a little make-up, but not anything that would take too long. 
You didn't know what they were planning to do, but you finally decided to ask. Severen had changed back into his normal set of clothes, but had decided to keep your ex's tank to replace his tattered one. Everything else could still be spared, but it seemed like the bags they all carried were just a little bit more full. He'd grinned and kissed your cheek when he saw you, mumbling a flirt of,
"Howdy there, beautiful." You were given a spot in the corner booth, with Severen reclaiming his spot on the fold out chair and Diamondback taking a seat in Jesse's lap instead. They'd been asking you a few questions, ones about your life, family, and, finally, your ex. You'd been half-way through your meal then, and you'd glared down at the plate. You'd spared them most of the details, just saying that you found him with a waitress. You didn't know how long it'd been going on, but you figured he was an idiot so probably not long. There were only so many people in the little town, and only one diner. You'd let that information slip, and you had missed the way Jesse pointedly looked at Mae and Caleb. You'd also mumbled to yourself,
"That's probably where that asshole has been hanging. Waitress or no waitress." As you pushed the remaining food around on your plate. It was only a few minutes later that Mae, Caleb, and Homer had gone ahead into the night. When you thought about it, you supposed that was where your ex was spending all his time. Waitress or no waitress. You had finished your breakfast, and you were holding a cup of coffee with both hands as you stared at the heads of the family. 
"Well, we were gonna head back up north. Maybe towards Washington, and then circle back through the Midwest." He said, making sure his gun was ready and loaded. "We'll need to take your car, of course, but we'll probably have to part with it once we get out of the state," He continued, but this is when you decided to interrupt.
"My car?" You asked, and he lifted his eyes. The look he gave you spoke clear as day. What else did you expect? "What- What am I supposed to do?" Without your car, you basically had nothing. You had your trailer, but that'd be gone by the end of the week. Your car was the only thing that was actually worth anything to your name. And it only took a moment for them to realize one part of their plan clearly hadn't been discussed. Jesse looked up at Diamondback, before clicking his jaw and giving Severen a small glare. Severen didn't meet his eyes. It was Diamondback that broke the news.
"Well, you're supposed to come with us, honey." And you stared at her. For a moment, you almost thought you hadn't heard her correctly. You looked at Severen, but all you saw was him carefully lighting a cigarette. Obviously, you hadn't been as thorough as you wanted to be when it came to getting answers, but he broke the silence by saying,
"If you want to." He said nonchalantly, with a small shrug. As if he wasn't laying something out that heavy. He looked over at you, meeting your eyes. You stared at him for a moment, and your mouth began to move,
"I," You paused. You didn't know what to say. They expected you to come with them. You didn't know what Severen was thinking, but it made it obvious where Severen saw this going. This wasn't just a one-night stand with a man that would maybe come back through this town two or three times in your lifetime. He was expecting you to come with them, and everything that came with that. There was a knee-jerk reaction to say no, but, after you thought about it, you wondered why you'd want to. Just last night you'd been sitting in a bar, trying to drink away your horrible life. You had no job, little money, a shit time at school, and a cheating ex. Speaking of your ex, his words rang in your ears. The rent's up in a week! And you weren't kidding when you said you wouldn't pay it. There wasn't any way that you could pay it. You'd been planning on spending the next week packing up your things and getting ready to move back in with your parents. My parents, you thought. Now that was the only thing keeping you in this town. Whatever your current relationship with them, you knew your parents would flip if you suddenly up and left. Still, you'd been praying for a way out. For an escape. And here they were, handing you one. It was one with a group of people that you didn't know so well, and who weren't exactly moral citizens, but you chalked that up to the fact that you hadn't exactly been specific with your prayers. It was why you said, "I'd need to call my parents. Just to let them know I'm not in a ditch somewhere." You said. You knew if you suddenly disappeared you'd end up on every milk carton in the state. The couple exchanged a glance, silent words passing between them. Finally, Jesse said,
"Sure." And a minute later, and you were dialing your parents house from the land-line in your trailer.
It was in the kitchen, hung up on the wall. Severen leaned against the fridge, with the other vampires heading out to follow the younger couple and the youngest of their family. You couldn't remember the last time you'd called your parents, especially this late. It took a few rings, but, after a moment, you heard the sound of your father's voice on the other line. 
"Hello?" And you were already reaching to tangle the chord around your finger as you turned around to lean back against the counter.
"Hi, daddy." You said, and you heard him chuckle on the other line. His deep voice filled the reciever, and he said a quick,
"Hi there, honey. Late night?" He asked, and you smiled to yourself. You sent Severen a glance, and he lifted his brows at you.
"Yeah, just a bit." The two of you ran over how he was, and, after he returned the question, you said, "Um, I'm actually good. I'm- I called tonight to let you know I'm leaving town for a bit. I just- I just wanted to get some space from everything. I'm gonna travel with some friends." You told him, and you heard his hum on the other end of the line. Then, a sigh. 
"Any friends I know?" He asked, and you bit your lip to suppress your smile. Your father knew, just as he knew when you turned eighteen, that he couldn't stop you from doing what you wanted. He didn't even try anymore, and just did his best to help you pick of the pieces when everything was said and done.
"No, no- No one you'd know. We haven't really decided where we're going yet, but my rent is up at the end of the week." You said, glancing over at your calendar. "It'll be up on Friday, and I don't think we'll be back by then. If you could do me a favor and-" But your old man was cutting you off to say,
"Don't worry. I won't let that S.O.B. get any of your stuff. I'll put everything in the attic for when you get back." He said, and it almost pained you how kind he was. You were chewing on your lip as you thought, if I do ever come back. But you shook away the idea. It wasn't like you'd killed anyone. As far as you were concerned, your slate was clean. And you would be able to come home as long as it was.
"Thank you." You told him, but your old man, quick as ever, said,
"Now, you wouldn't happen to be travelling with any boys, now would you?" He asked, and you laughed. It was a joke more than anything, you knew. Still, you were almost coy with the answer. You twirled the cord around your finger, watching as Severen pushed himself off the fridge and crept closer. By the time you said,
"Boys? Mm, maybe one." Severen was playing with the hem of your shirt and firmly inside your personal space. One of his hands slipped to your waist, the other holding one side of your neck. It seemed he'd finally decided to take advantage of the fact that the two of you were alone, and you stood on your tiptoes to meet him. You didn't hear your father's reply clearly, as you'd let the phone fall to your shoulder when Severen leaned down to kiss you. You could hear your father talking, probably warning you of all the things you should avoid. All probably things that Severen was guilty of himself. But you were too busy focusing on the feeling of Severens mouth on yours to really pay attention. You swayed a bit as Severens hand smoothed down your waist, and then to your hips. He gave your neck a small squeeze, but you swallowed any noise he was trying to pull from you. He lifted you up, setting you up on the counter, and you had to muffle your squeak. Severen kissed you until you were breathless, and one of your hands smoothed over his face to feel the coolness of his skin before tucking back into his hair. You heard your father calling your name, so you broke from the kiss to bring the reciever back to your face. "Yeah, no, no, I was listening. Be careful, don't rush into things, make sure he's a gentleman. I got it, I got it." But you were barely paying attention to your own words when Severen began to trail open-mouthed kisses down the expanse of your neck. Bastard, you thought. He'd wormed his way between your legs once more, and you were doing your best to keep your breathing even as your father said,
"I know, I know. Call me if you get into any trouble, or, well, just need to call. I love you, and you be safe now? Alright?" And you quickly nodded before you realized you were going to have to force your mouth to work.
"Yeah, I will be. I love you too." And you were hanging up the reciever just as Severens cold hands teased under the hem of your shirt. You pulled him back up and in, pulling him closer by wrapping one of your legs over his hip. There was something addictive about his lips, something that made your head swim and fog. It pushed away at all your morals, and you thought that perhaps this was how the devil tempted the wandering lambs. You could easily imagine Severen as a devil himself, and, perhaps, he really was. Severen was gripping at the fabric of your skirt and one of his hands was kneading the flesh of your thigh. It made you whimper, and, even if the noise was embarrassing, it only made him press further. 
His mouth had left your lips again, this time to favor the side of your neck that he had missed. You didn't even care if he was leaving marks that'd be visible or not, and the way he sucked on the spot under your ear had both of your legs wrapping around his hips and tightening. You were sure that this was the man that was gonna drive you mad. You felt a graze of his teeth, and then he was dislodging his mouth and stopping himself all at once. When he pulled back, his eyes looked slightly wild. Feral. Similar to how'd they'd looked when he'd been holding you against the bar wall. It was him that decided to slow down, and he told you so by saying,
Severen carried the bag for you, and grabbed his as well. He didn't seem to struggle at all, and you were pleasantly surprised to see that they'd left you the car. Severen threw your stuff in the back, and the two of you decided that you'd arrange it later. 
"Come on, they're gonna end up waiting on us all night." It's true that the pair of you were behind. Severen still had to eat for the night, and you were sure him and his family would be scratching to leave town the second all of them were full. The whole town had probably heard of the bar fire by now. But Severen refused, even if you may have preferred not to go out to eat with him, to leave you alone. He stayed while you packed a bag and helped you pick out the essentials. You had to slap his hands away from your underwear drawer, and it only started to dawn on you then that you were really doing this. You were really leaving. You ran a hand through your hair, looking around at the room you'd called your own for so much time. But, well, it didn't really feel like your room. It had been yours and your ex's, as much as you wanted to cross him out of his life. The whole trailer had been. The memory of him hung around like a ghost, haunting you and making it impossible to forget him. Especially since you'd caught him in this very room. When you thought about that, for a moment, you wished you'd had slept with Severen. On your bed. If not for a piece of petty revenge.
"I'm drivin'." Severen said, and you scoffed. You held your keys in your hand, shaking your head. For some reason, you doubted Severen was any good behind a wheel, but that didn't stop you from tossing him your keys after you locked up your trailer. The one good thing you remembered to do was to change the locks. Severen unlocked the door from your side, opened the passenger door, and waved you inside. You arched a brow at him at the gesture, and he smoothly replied, "What, I know how to treat a lady when I want to." He said, and you shook your head as you climbed inside.
"Mmhm, I'm sure you do." You sassed, making it all too clear that you'd caught the double-meaning, but all he did was close the door behind you, laugh, and walk to the other side. You bit your nail, watching him as he pulled himself into the car. You didn't know what had sparked it, but then you ran over the words you'd said to your father. Maybe, just maybe, he'd taken note. The front of the station wagon had a long seat, one that was broken up by a center console. Severen pat the spot in the middle, directly besides him, and you scooted over to listen. You leaned against him, and he wrapped his arm around the back of the seat after he pulled you out of your spot and towards the main road. "Where we goin'?" You asked, and he just sent you one of his usual smirks. 
"It's a surprise." You wondered how the hell Severen planned on surprising you. It's not like there were many things to do in this town, especially things that you didn't already know about. But, when he pulled up to the only diner in town, the diner where your ex's waitress worked, you gave him a look.
"Ha-ha, very funny." You told him flatly, but Severen wasn't laughing. Just grinning. You stared at him for a moment, looking at the diner, and then realization crossed your face. "No- No way." You told him, shaking your head. But he was nodding his head, contradicting you.
"Yes way." He replied, echoing your words. You balked at him, and, for a moment, you really thought he was just pulling your leg. There was no way he could be serious. 
"We're not going in there." You told him, but it didn't seem like he was going to listen. He'd already pulled the keys out of the ignition. He was putting them in the pocket of his coat, and he relaxed back against the seat and shrugged his shoulders,
"Only alternative is we spend the entire night in the parking lot." He said, and, with the way the night had been going so far, you weren't sure that was such a bad idea. Severen seemed to notice that you weren't exactly against that idea. He shook his head and turned it to the side, letting out a small hoot before he was shaking his finger at you. He said, "I knew I liked you for a reason." But it didn't seem like he was the type to give up. You were quickly proven right. "C'mon, it'll be good for you." He told you, but you severely doubted it. Still, he was pushing open the door and climbing out, and you stared at him as he rounded to the other side. You knew you weren't the type to let him do this every time, and it was more so to pout that you stayed in your seat. He opened the door and held out his hand for you to take, and, after casting a glance towards the diner, you sighed and took it.
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weloveharrypotter · 4 years
She Chose You, Moony Pt. 13
Paring: Remus Lupin x Daughter! Reader, Fred Weasley x Reader, George Weasley x Reader (platonic)
Summary: Y/n is now in her third year and Fred is in his 4th. Over the years the two’s friendship developed into something a little more, but Y/n would rather keep it quiet when it comes to her dad. (Voldy doesn’t exist in this. He just kinda failed as a teen and died, so he won’t be a problem.)
Warnings: kinda long, cussing?, that’s about all I can remember, maybe some overprotective dadness
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Y/n sat in the library studying for her classes. Well, at least she was trying, focusing wasn’t easy, and she knew it wasn’t going to get better when her best friends walked in.
Fred and George looked around and spotted Y/n and walked over. They took a seat on either side of her.
“Guys I’m trying to study.” Y/n said.
“Yeah, well, you never end up doing that do you.” Fred said laying his head down on her shoulder.
“What do you guys want?” She asked.
“Help with a prank.” George said quietly.
“Why do you need me?” She asked.
“Beacuse your an amazing pranker, and your incredibly smart and creative.” They said.
Y/n sighed and smiled and nodded.
“Alright, what can I do?” Y/n asked.
Y/n finished helping the boys with their plan, and it was set in motion to happen tonight.
“Alright thank you.” George said.
“We’ll meet you tonight.” Fred added.
The two boys stood up and left together. I sighed as I opened my book back and started to think about the plan.
It was now late at night, and way past curfew. Y/n was meeting Fred and George in the potions room.
They were going to prank Snape because he was a complete and under dick to his students.
Y/n arrived at the class room and peaked the door open and looked inside. The coast was clear.
She walked in and closed the door behind her. That’s when she felt someone grab her, she immediately turned around and went to punch them but they caught her first just in time.
Y/n soon calmed down when she saw Fred, and George just behind him.
“Calm down there, love.” Fred said.
Y/n sighed in relief.
“Don’t scare me like that.” I said.
“Were so sorry, now hurry.” George said.
I pulled everything out of my bag. Fred and I worked on the dungbomb and George worked on the door.
“Shit.” I said.
“What?” Fred asked.
“I forgot the lighter.” Y/n said.
“How are we gunna set the dungbomb off than?” George asked.
“I’ll be back in a second.” Y/n said before she snuck out the door.
Y/n quietly made her way back, but heard footsteps. She sped up but was grabbed and pulled away.
The person pulled them against the wall with a pillar covering them. Y/n started to struggle.
“Shhh, it’s Fred.” She heard Fred say.
She calmed down and saw from around the corner, snape walk by looking for students.
After he was gone fred let go of Y/n and she turned around to face him.
“What did I say earlier!” Y/n scolded.
“Sorry, but I wasn’t going to let you go alone.” Fred said.
“You’re annoying.” Y/n replied.
“Good, that’s my specialty.” He replied.
There was a moment of silence. The door looked at each other as the moon peered in from the window like structure next to them.
“We should-.” Fred had cut her off by leaning and kissing her. The kiss lasted a while, but eventually they pulled apart.
“That was-.” “Wicked.” Fred finished.
The pair laughed and hugged.
“Dating?” Fred asked. Y/n nodded with a chuckle
“We should get back to Fred.” Y/n spoke up.
Fred pouted.
“Aww don’t make that face, I’ll sneak you into my commons room so we can hang out tomorrow.” Y/n promised.
“Ok!” Fred said now with a big grin on his face.
Fred and Y/n arrived back in Snapes room with Fred.
“Why are you two so smiley?” George asked.
“Nothing.” Y/n said.
George eyed them suspiciously. He knew something was off with them, one was his brother and the other was his best friend, he something. Was up.
That’s when it clicked. His mouth dropped and then went to a smile.
“You guys finally kisssed didn’t you?” George asked.
“Maybe.” Y/n admitted.
“Awe Freddie, you finally made move.” George said proudly.
“Shut up.” Fred said jokingly.
The trio finished the prank and snuck their way back to their dorms for the night.
It was now the next day, and the twins and Y/n walked into potions.
She took her seat next to Fred and George. At the table next to them was Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
Snape walked into the room and over to Y/n.
“Y/n Lupin.” Snape said aggravated.
“Yeah?” Y/n asked.
“Do you think you clever, releasing a dungbomb in my class room after hours?” He asked.
“I don’t know what your talking about?” Y/n said acting clueless.
“It’s not hard to dicipher. You were clearly upset when I talked to Potter, yesterday.” He said with disgust.
Y/n went to defend herself but was beat to the opportunity.
“She didn’t I did.” Fred stepped in.
“Oh how very Gryffindor of you Mr. Weasley, taking the fall for you friend.” Snape said
“I’m not stupid-.” “No really it was me. Y/n and Harry of my friends and I saw they were angry so I decided to get back at you.” Fred half lied with no problem.
“Well than Mr. Weasley, detention till the last day.” Snape said before walking away.
He knew maybe the twins had something to do with it but Y/n was 100% guilty. He was determined to get her in trouble.
Remus, Lily, James, and Sirius all hung out at Sirius and Remus 3 bedroom house. It was after work and they all needed a break.
They were just laughing and having fun until and owl came flying to the window.
“Who’s that from?” James asked.
Remus stood up and opened the window and grabbed the letter. The owl than flew away.
Remus looked down at the letter and sighed.
“It’s from Hogwarts.” Remus replied.
He opened it up and looked at who it was from.
“Oh it’s from one of your favorite people James.” Remus said sarcastically.
James made a confused face.
“From Severus Snape.” Remus read.
James rolled his eyes.
“What does he want?” He asked.
“Dear, Mr. Lupin. I’m writing to inform you a dungbomb was released in my room, as well as a firework door trap. Y/n was upsets with me previously and I had spotted her very, very briefly roaming about after hours the night before. Her friend Fred Weasley took the blame, however, you and I both know she was the guilty one. Please push accordingly.” Remus read.
“Dungbomb and a firework door?” Sirius asked impressed.
“Ugh, they grow up so fast.” James said wiping a fake tear away.
Remus stood frozen looking down at the letter.
“Oh common Remus don’t be angry, we did it all the time. Kids will be kids.” Sirius said putting his arm around Remus.
“She didn’t tell me she had a male friend.” Remus said.
Lily chuckled and rolled her eyes.
“She set off a dungbomb and firework inside of a classroom and your focused on her friends?” Lily asked.
“Why wouldn’t she tell me about her friends though. Like is she hiding something?” Remus asked.
“Maybe she has a crush on him.” Sirius said.
“She’s 14, what 14 year old has a crush, or thinks about dating?” Remus asked
“Me.” Sirius said
“Me.” James added.
“Me.” Lily also said.
“You.” The three of them said.
“It’s different, she’s not allow to think of that.” Remus said.
“Remus she’s a teenager. Teenagers have crushes, it’s apart of growing up. She gunna start dating soon enough.” Lily said.
“Not on my watch.” Remus said.
“Lily has a point.” James said.
“What!?” Remus asked.
“Listen I’ll kill anyone that hurts her. But she’s gotta grow up and if that means a boyfriend or two, so be it.” James said.
“No, your supposed to be on my side.” Remus said.
“Calm down, Remus, she’ll be fine.” Sirius said patting him on the back.
Harry and Y/n had just gotten back from Hogwarts for their summer vacation.
Harry and Y/n sat in the living room catching up with their parents and uncles.
However, Remus was pretty quiet.
“You ok dad?” Y/n asked.
“Snape sent me a letter telling me about what happened with your prank.” Remus said.
Y/n cringed thinking she was about to get in trouble.
“Who’s Fred Weasley?” He asked.
In that moment Y/n froze and wished he’d just yell at her.
“He’s one of the Weasley twins, hes the older brother of Harry’s friend Ron. He’s my friend.” Y/n answered shyly.
“Why have you not mentioned them before?” He asked.
“Thought I did.” Y/n answered.
“You’re lying you know you haven’t.” Remus said.
“Im just gunna head to my room.” Y/n said as she got up.
“What no, I’m not done.” Remus said.
“Leave her be.” Lily said as Y/n snuck off.
Y/n walked in and sat on her bed drawing in a sketch book her dad bought her.
The door open and she expect to see her father but was instead greeted by Harry.
“Hey.” Y/n said.
“Hey.” Harry said walking in and closing the door.
Once he closed the door he jumped on her bed.
“So, you and Fred have been getting close.” Harry started.
Y/n rolled her eyes. Harry chuckled.
“Common don’t think I, Harry Potter, someone who’s practically your brother, wouldn’t notice. Or Ron. You’re our siblings we can see it.” Harry said.
“But we’re still wondering, if it’s actually happening?” Harry asked.
“Shut up.” Y/n replied.
“I’m not gunna tell Uncle Remus obviously.” Harry said.
Y/n sighed and though about it for a moment.
“Fine.” She said.
She leaned over and whispered what happened.
“Finally! Ron, Hermione and I have been waiting ages.” Harry said.
“Shhh.” Y/n shushed.
“I’m happy for you. But I’ll have to kill him if he hurts you.” He said.
“I know. And he won’t.” Y/n assured.
Remus finally had enough and went to his daughters room and leaned his head against it.
Every word that was said was muffled and he couldn’t tell what it was.
He managed to make out a few words but he was pulled away.
“Remus!” Lily scolded.
“What?” He asked innocently.
“Give them privacy.” She said.
“Yeah Remus!” James shouted from the kitchen.
“Shut up!” Lily yelled back.
“What if they’re talking about Fred?” He asked.
“Than you let them talk about him in private, now let’s go.” She said pulling him away.
Remus sighed and followed Lily to the kitchen. He may not know now but he’s determined to know all about Fred and Y/n’s relationship.
Thanks for reading y’all. I hope you enjoyed Bc I wrote this at school and got in trouble for being on my phone a lot. 🥴🥴 Anyway have an amazing day. ❤️❤️
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official-weasley · 3 years
Meant to Be (Charlie Weasley x OC)
What happens when Bill brings home a girl and Charlie is completely awestruck by her?
WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol & sex, curse words, angst
9 months later…
I woke up to the knock on my door. I put on some pants and went to see who it was.
“Peter, what’s wrong?” I looked at the clock on the wall.
It wasn’t even 5 in the morning.
“I’m just passing by to tell you that you should go to see Ernie before you finish work today.” He was leaning in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. “We are getting 2 new dragons soon and I think we’ll need more people.”
“Sure.” I nodded sluggishly and rubbed my eyes.
“I want to add a person to your team. I know you can handle it but I don’t want you working extra hours when we can expand our crew.” He explained. “What do you need me to do?” I yawned.
“I picked someone with an impressive resume. Ernie will have the paperwork for you to fill out and just make sure you send it back tomorrow morning.”
“No problem. I’ll get it done.” I gave him a thumbs up.
He grinned at me and walked away.
A newbie. This should be fun! I never got to train anyone before. Everyone that I work with was already here before I arrived so I can’t lie that I was excited about this. I knew that Ernie wasn’t in so early in the morning and by the looks of the clouds I wouldn’t be able to see the sunrise today so I decided to go straight to Aami.
He was outside now. He had his own little habitat and everything! His wing never grew as Tina and I hoped it would so he will never be able to fly. He obviously didn’t care as much as I felt bad about it. He was such a cheerful dragon and obedient too. I love every single beast in this reserve but I can’t help to admit that the little Fireball became my favorite. He wasn’t little anymore, he was a head taller than me now but I will always see him as he was in the nursery when I watched him drink chicken blood and brandy.
As I promised Peter I went to the Admission Office after work.
“Hi, Ernie.” I greeted him when I stepped inside.
“Charlie!” He grinned at me.
He was the most cheerful person I will probably ever get a chance to meet.
“Peter said you have some papers for me?” I leaned on the counter.
“Right! The recruit!” He clapped. “Not going to lie, was a bit surprised when I saw it. Don’t tell Peter that I peeked.”
“I won’t.” I chuckled. He placed the papers in front of me. “Any letters for me?”
“Not today, no.” Ernie looked through the pile of envelopes that weren’t delivered yet.
“Have anything to send out?”
“No.” I shook my head. “But I do need to sign these and I need to send them first thing in the morning. When will you be here?”
“At seven. Is that too late?” He scratched his nose.
“No. That’s perfect. Thanks, Ernie.”
I gave him a high-five and said goodbye. I looked through the papers while walking back home and stopped when I saw the name on the application.
Rhylee Pertinger
No way! I took a deep breath. It can’t be her. I couldn’t know for sure because I didn’t even know her last name. There are many Rhylee’s out there, right?
I hurried to unlock the door, placed the pieces of parchment on my kitchen table, and sat down. I went through them. No resume. No details about who she was or where she was from. Just the name. It would be too much of a coincidence if it was her! Merlin can’t mess with me so much.
I was doing good. Not great but good. Considering that Bill barely sent me a letter and that I didn’t see him since that Christmas break, it was safe to say that he knew something.
I never saw Rhylee after that and never spoke to her and I was planning on keeping it that way. Her coming here would be a disaster. I can’t work with her. She can’t be on my team.
Calm down, Charlie. This doesn’t mean anything.
I checked the papers again. She’s arriving in two days. I can’t panic for two days. I was doing so great bottling everything that happened for a year and nine months and I won’t stop now. Even if it is her, nothing has to change.
When we work we rarely speak and since I still remember just how breathtaking she was, I know my co-workers will be all over her so I can just go back to living my normal, busy life.
“I think we are all done here.” I looked at my watch. “And with 20 minutes to spare.”
“Wow.” John looked impressed.
“Peter made a mistake recruiting that girl. We are just too good.” Evan looked proud.
“Oh, right! She’s arriving today. Fresh meat!” Theo clapped his hands together.
“Please don’t scare her away.” I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. “You better behave or I will fire you.” They all started laughing and we walked back to the village together to get lunch.
“Are you ready?” Peter came to our table just as we were finishing eating.
“For what?” I said with food in my mouth.
“Your new co-worker. She’s here.” He winked at me.
I got up and followed him to the main gate.
“I am so sorry, Charlie.” Peter put his hand on my shoulder as we were walking.
“What for?” I asked, puzzled.
“You will have a lot of trouble keeping your boys in line for the next few weeks.” He laughed.
“You lost me, Peter.” I wanted to laugh with him but I didn’t know what was so funny.
“I met the girl that’s joining your team. She’s about your age. Very pretty.” He started to explain. “She went to Beauxbatons and decided that Gringotts wasn’t really doing it for her anymore.”
My heart sank.
Did he say Gringotts?
“Gringotts?” I asked, pretending to not know what he was talking about.
“C’mon, Charlie. We all know they have dragons down there.” He grinned at me. “She said that the work got boring so she applied for a transfer.”
He finally let go of my shoulder. I prayed to Merlin he couldn’t feel me stiffen up. There was no doubt in my mind now that I was right to panic two days ago.
It was her.
She was here.
I can’t do this. This was my safe place. I didn’t go home for such a long time, because I felt so guilty, that my parents actually came to visit me. And now she was here.
I wish I could say that I forgot all about her but it would be a bold lie. I didn’t. I still think about her from time to time. I still remember the feeling I had when I was with her. I remember every detail of her face and her body as if I saw her yesterday. I hated the feeling in my chest. The happy, excited feeling of seeing her again.
I sucked in a breath and suppressed it. Bottled it down like everything else from that few days at the Burrow.
“You okay?” Peter looked at me.
“Fine. A bit nervous. I am too young to boss so many people around.” I chuckled nervously, hoping he will interpret it as a joke.
“You’ll do fine.” He said with a serious face. “You have been working here for 5 years Charlie and I don’t regret putting you in charge of a team.”
“Thanks.” I smiled faintly.
It meant a lot coming from him.
We arrived at the gate and my legs stopped working when I saw her. I had to use every muscle on my face to keep my jaw from dropping. How could she be even more beautiful than when we first met? My heart started racing and I swallowed hard. This was not good.
She can’t do this to me! Can I fire her before she even starts working?
“Hi, Rhylee.” Peter waved at her and I was finally able to move again. “This is…”
“Charlie.” She grinned.
Was she happy to see me?
“You two know each other?” Peter turned to me.
Great. Now they are going to ask me how I know her. What am I supposed to tell them!
“Kind of.” I said, my voice barely audible.
“You’ll tell me later.” Peter whispered to me and pushed me forward.
Rhylee and I awkwardly shook hands.
Her touch sent shivers down my spine and I couldn’t stop the night we spent together rolling in front of my eyes.
There it was again. That feeling I got when I was around her. The feeling in my chest, pushing me toward her. I hated it. I hated that I couldn’t ignore it.
“I’ll leave you two alone…”
Oh, please don’t.
“And I’ll see you at dinner.” Peter waved at us and walked away.
Okay. Act professionally. You are her boss and she is just going to work here. No big deal, right?
“So, I’ll show you to your cabin first. And then if you’re not too tired I can show you around. Where everything is…you know…dragons…” I couldn’t look at her. I was looking straight ahead but I could feel her eyes on me. “…and stuff.”
I swallowed hard. I don’t think I was ever so nervous.
We walked in complete silence until we reached her cabin. Surprisingly, it wasn’t awkward at all. How could it be that I was enjoying walking through the Reserve with her in silence after not seeing each other for almost 2 years?
I wanted to say something. I wanted to know why she was here. I wanted to ask her why she came here. I wanted to know how she is. But I couldn’t gather up the courage to do it. She didn’t say anything even though I know she glanced at me a few times.
In the end, I decided to just stay quiet. I did say that I won’t talk to her outside work so at least I was doing something right.
“Here are your keys and my cabin’s right over there.” I pointed at the one between the two opposite hers. “We meet every morning around 7 in front of it and we go feed the dragons together.” I handed her the keys and she slowly unlocked the door.
She placed her bag inside and locked the door back up. She put the keys in the back pocket of her jeans, all while looking me straight in the eyes. The expression on her face was as if I was looking at myself in the mirror.
Awestruck but horrified at the same time.
She had to know I still work here. She had to know that we would meet sooner or later. Perhaps she didn’t think that she would be on my team or that I would be her boss.
Well, neither have I so welcome to my club!
We stood there for a few more seconds, looking at each other like idiots, and just as she opened her mouth to say something I gestured for her to move.
“Let me show you around.” I had to stop her from speaking.
I was terrified of what she had to say.
“We have 15 dragons in the Reserve and our team works with 5 of them. Up there…” I pointed my finger at the boulder to our left. “Is our Chinese Fireball, Gorra. Behind that hill is Ogto, our Ukrainian Ironbelly. On the other side…” I turned my head to the right now. “We have Ren the Romanian Longhorn, for which you already heard about.” I swallowed hard when I remembered that she asked me if Ren was my girlfriend. “And right next to his habitat is Bunny, our Common Welsh Green.”
She turned to me and I wished she wouldn’t have that look in her eyes. If it was possible, sparks would fly out of them. She seemed so excited to meet every single one of the dragons I just mentioned.
“The last one is the newest member of our family.” I tore my eyes off hers and turned around. “I don’t know if you’ve heard what happened at the Triwizard Tournament last year at Hogwarts when the Chinese Fireball stepped on her eggs.” She gasped and shook her head. “We only managed to save one egg and since it was cracked he couldn’t evolve properly so he can’t fly.”
“Otherwise, he’s okay?” She whispered.
I just hummed.
“I took care of him and still do. His name is Aami and he isn’t big on trust yet so I can take you to meet him tomorrow but I usually go feed him alone.” I looked at her to see how she will respond.
“I understand.” She said with a gentle voice.
“So in the morning, we feed them. Then after lunch we train them and then before dinner we feed them again.” I explained our daily routine while taking her to see where the Admission Office and the nursery were.
“If you want to work with hatchlings you have to talk to Peter.” We stopped in front of the nursery. “He allowed me to be with Aami before we could move him and I’m in charge of a team so if you have a wish to work with baby dragons I am sure he could do something about it.” I grinned at her.
I couldn’t stop my lips from spreading into one. I was getting soft. Getting comfortable around her again. This wasn’t good. I have to keep it together. But it was so hard. It was so easy to just talk to her even if she barely said anything back.
I know she was just taking everything in. She loved the dragons at Gringotts more than anything and I am sure she couldn’t wait to start working with the ones we have here.
I felt as if she didn’t change a bit. She was still emitting positive energy. She still had that playful look in her eyes. She looked excited and she was just overall a pleasant person to be around. The only thing that changed was the fact that she was nervous and she tried hard to hide it too. It made me feel more at ease but bothered me at the same time as I couldn’t shake the feeling she felt like this because of me.
“Charlie…” She started, her voice barely audible.
“It’s Friday today and we only work tomorrow, we have Sunday off this week.” I interrupted her. I didn’t know what she was about to say but her voice was telling me that she wasn’t about to ask a question concerning her orientation. “You can also work on your days off, of course.” I continued.
I was only doing my job after all.
“On those days you go to Ernie, who works in Admission Office which we passed before and he will appoint you to where they need more hands to help.”
She simply nodded.
I told her everything she needed to know. What am I supposed to do now?
“You must be tired.” I said, looking at nothing in particular behind her. “I’ll let you settle in.” I glanced at her and quickly looked away. I couldn’t deal with the curiosity with which she was looking at me. “On Friday we all usually grab a beer in the tavern. You can come if you’d like.” I blurted.
I was so weak gazing into her eyes. I already knew that her working here is going to be my downfall. I loved my job and I have to do everything to keep her from ruining it for me.
“I’ll see how long I’ll need to finish unpacking.” She smiled shyly. “Emm, could you tell me in which direction my cabin is again?” She looked embarrassed.
It was only natural that she felt a bit disorientated. The Sanctuary wasn’t exactly small.
“Why don’t I accompany you? I have to change anyway.” I offered.
I knew it was a bad idea but I have to be nice to her. She didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not her fault I’m feeling this way. She was my co-worker now and I need to make her feel comfortable at her new workplace.
We walked to her hut in complete silence. The questions of how she is and what she is doing here resurfaced but I didn’t say anything. I could sense that she wanted to speak but thought better of it.
We awkwardly said goodbye and I rushed to my home as fast as I could. I unlocked the door and shut it loudly behind me. I leaned on it and let my body slide down until I could feel the floor beneath me.
This is seriously not happening!
I was panicking again. I didn’t even know why but I knew this wasn’t good. It wasn’t good for me. I have been bottling everything up, hiding my feelings. Pretending that nothing happened, that I didn’t feel guilty about what happened that Christmas. Her being here made all of that come right back up.
All the guilt, all the sensations, all the memories.
The pain of the thoughts of what I did to Bill.
I didn’t even know why Bill stopped talking to me. The letters just got rarer and rarer and now I’m lucky I get anything from him and when I do, it’s short and to the point. I miss him. I miss my best friend, my brother. I miss talking to him and telling him everything.
I was too afraid to ask him what was wrong. Too afraid to say something. Mum didn’t mention anything out of the ordinary so I knew he was okay but I knew that our relationship changed.
Did he know what happened between me and Rhylee? He couldn’t. He didn’t even tell me if he ever got around to asking her out that’s how much silence was between us.
I buried my fingers in my hair and started pulling. Why was this affecting me so much? Why did I have to put such pressure on myself? I can’t escape this time. This is my job. I could lie and apparate away from my family but I can’t just pack my bags and leave.
I can’t just run again.
But I can’t face her either. I can’t talk to her about us or how I feel. She can never know. She’d think I’m insane. This is the second time I’m seeing her. She probably forgot all about me.
That’s why she was so shocked when she saw me. She remembered that I worked here. That had to be it. And here I was, pounding my head like an idiot, overthinking everything again.
It’s my fault I feel like this and I have to get my shit together. I have to do it for my job. If I could talk about nothing else than dragons for seven years at Hogwarts and if I could study like an idiot for my O.W.L.s and my N.E.W.T.s to get this job I have to do everything to make myself comfortable and enjoy it as I did before she showed up. I won’t let myself ruin this!
I can’t.
It’s the only good thing I have going for me.
I don’t have a girlfriend. Yes, I did sleep with April three times. And I slept with two other girls but it was meaningless. I felt so empty doing it. It didn’t bring me any joy. It didn’t even come close to what I felt that night with Rhylee. So I just stopped.
I gave up all hope to ever find a girl like her and to be honest, at this point I wasn’t even trying. I’m better off alone. Most of the people here are single.
Why would I have to be the special one? Why would I have a perfect job and find the perfect girl?
I took a deep breath and held it in. I was hoping it would make all the feelings inside me disappear. At least it made me calmer. I took a quick shower and changed my clothes. A part of me wanted to just stay in tonight but I knew my friends would ask questions tomorrow and I can’t have them doing so in front of her.
I closed my eyes before leaving my hut.
You got this, Charlie.
Just breathe.
She’s just a girl.
I locked the door behind me and headed to the tavern.
“You drunk already, Theo?” I joked as I sat down.
“Sober as a Pixie.” He shook his head.
He looked disappointed that he wasn’t drunk.
“What does that even mean?” Asked John as he reached our table.
“I’ll tell you what it means.” Theo gestured for him to sit down next to me.
“Do you know Gerta?” He looked at every single one of us. We all nodded. “I asked her out before coming here.”
I pressed my lips together, trying hard not to laugh. Gerta was the only woman in the Reserve with whom nobody dared to mess. She was taller than all of us and she had strong hands, covered with tattoos. She started working here a little after I did and I always felt so intimidated by her.
“You’re joking!” Andrew shouted.
“You didn’t!” John slammed his hand on the table.
We looked at each other. We couldn’t hold it in anymore. We started laughing.
“And how…” I couldn’t breathe. Theo mentioned on several occasions over the years that he was going to ask her out but never mustered the courage to do so. “How did it go?” I tried keeping a straight face even though I knew I was failing miserably.
“At first she laughed.” Theo looked offended. This was too good. After all these years of teasing me, this was just what I needed today. “Then she slapped me so hard that everything turned dark for a second.”
I have never seen Evan laughing as hard as he was now. John was slamming the table with both of his hands now, making the beer glasses jump. I actually shed a tear, that’s how funny it was as I imagined Gerta slapping the complete shit out of him. I didn’t think anything could make my day today but boy was I wrong. This was priceless.
“Did you at least walk away?” I asked as I wiped away the tear.
“Of course, not! Don’t you know me?” Theo facepalmed himself.
“Oh, no. What did you do?” John asked after finally catching his breath.
“My stupid arse asked her if the slap meant no or was she just kinky.” Our laugher filled the air around us once again.
He didn’t do that! Why didn’t he ask her out in front of us? I would do anything to see that happening!
“And what did she do?” Andrew was holding his stomach.
His muscles probably hurt from laughing as much as mine did.
“What do you think she did?” Theo was now laughing with us. He knew he wouldn’t be able to stop us and was better off joining us. “She slapped me again, on the other side.” He pointed at his left cheek.
“What are you idiots laughing so hard for?” Peter joined us and sat down.
“Theo asked Gerta out.” John managed to say before starting laughing again.
“What?” Peter looked at Theo in disbelief. “You…”
“There’s our new girl, mates!” He interrupted himself and nodded his head behind me, John, and Andrew.
We turned around and Rhylee was awkwardly standing by the bar, waiting for her drink. She was wearing an old oversized t-shirt and still managed to look so cute.
“That’s our new co-worker?” Andrew forgot how to close his mouth.
“How in Godric’s Hollow are you expecting us to do any work around here with her working alongside us?” Evan moaned.
“And guess what?” Peter smirked, looking at me. “Charlie knows her.” They all turned to me. “So I think she’s off-limits.” He winked at me.
“She’s Bill’s friend.” I said quickly.
I didn’t want them to ask any further questions. I already didn’t like the smirks on their faces.
“We made friends with the wrong brother.” Theo shook his head and if he was sitting next to me I would punch him in the gut.
“I don’t buy it.” Evan said.
“Buy what?” John wasn’t paying attention.
“I think Weasley’s lying to us.”
They were on to me.
“Interesting.” Said Theo slowly.
“What’s your theory?” They all turned to Evan.
I wish the ground beneath me would open up and swallow me.
“I believe him that she’s Bill’s friend.” Evan started. “But I don’t think the story ends there.”
I swallowed hard.
Why was I friends with these gits?
“C’mon, Charlie. Tell us.” They blinked at me like a bunch of girls at a sleepover.
“Hi.” This was the first time I was glad Rhylee showed up. “I didn’t know where to sit and I only know you two.” Her eyes went from Peter to me.
“I don’t think we were properly introduced.” Theo stood up so abruptly that he banged his knees into the table.
He extended his arm and Rhylee shook his hand.
One by one they all introduced themselves and offered her to sit down. Thank Merlin she didn’t decide to sit down next to me.
“So you transferred here from Gringotts. You have to tell us about the dragons there!” Andrew broke the silence and I could see Rhylee appreciated it.
“I can’t really tell you much.” She smiled. “I am still sworn to secrecy even if I don’t work there anymore.” The boys started whining. “But I can tell you there are three dragons and one of them is an albino.” Her eyes kept escaping to me.
“Albino! Did you hear that, Charlie!” John bumped my shoulder.
I only hummed in response and tried looking anywhere but at her. They all knew one of my life goals was to see an albino dragon.
She told them why they are keeping dragons in Gringotts and what her job was. She told them that she was in charge of her own team and Theo teased me that she might steal my job. She told them about their feeding schedule and that the Norwegian Ridgeback has only been with them for a year and nine months.
A year and nine months.
That’s how long it has been since we last saw each other. And I still remember that she wanted to name the dragon Nyx. I wonder if she chose that name. I hated that I couldn’t ask her. I would give myself away that she is not just Bill’s friend and if I start a conversation with her, I am not sure I’ll be able to stop.
“How come you came here?” Andrew asked her.
“I was having a hard time watching the dragons be so secluded.” She admitted. “And…” She shook her head, stopping herself from finishing the sentence, and gazed at me.
They were all looking at her with raised eyebrows.
There were so many words on her lips that just couldn’t wait to escape her mouth. I knew she wanted to say more but for some reason, I knew she only wanted me to hear what she has to say. I sunk in my seat. I was feeling bad for her. This was as unfair to me as it was to her even though I had no idea what was going through her head.
A pretty girl like her…she has to be with someone. She moved on. Nobody is as stupid as me, obsessing over someone who I can’t be with and for a year and nine months too. For all I know, she could already be married and have a child.
My eyes scanned the fingers on her left hand. I couldn’t stop myself from looking.
No ring.
Why did I feel relief?
Why did I feel good about it?
“It was nice meeting all of you.” She emptied her glass. “I would love to stay and get to know all of you better but I’m quite tired.” They all started mumbling that it’s alright and that they understand as she stood up.
She said good night to us and walked away. I could feel her eyes on me before she walked away but I couldn’t look at her.
I wanted to stand up and run after her. I felt like I was going to burst into flames if I don’t. I wanted to tell her that I still think about her and I wanted to finally tell her how I felt that night. I wanted to bury my face in her hair and wrap my hands around her waist and kiss her so strongly that she would have to hold tight to me not to fall.
“You’re drooling, Weasley.” John whispered to me, disturbing my train of thoughts.
“Okay, now I’m with Evan. She is not just Bill’s friend.” Theo said after she was out of our hearing distance.
“The awkwardness between you two…” Said Andrew.
“And the way she was looking at you.” Continued Peter.
“What happened?”
They all turned to me after John’s question.
“I told you that she is Bill’s friend.” I said through my teeth.
They cornered me. They knew me too well to buy my lie.
“And…” Peter pushed my beer closer to me and gestured for me to say more.
“I can’t.” I said, my voice rusty.
I shook my head. They can’t know. I promised myself I will keep this to myself. That I will never tell anybody. I kept it a secret for so long, I can’t give up now.
“Charlie,” I felt John’s hand on my shoulder, “we’re your mates. What the fuck is going on?”
“Bill brought her home last Christmas. He fancied her.” I blurted out. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I was looking at the beer glass in front of me. I couldn’t look them in the eyes. “We got drunk together while the rest of the family was in the village and we had sex.” And I couldn’t stop talking either.
It felt so good saying it out loud. Admitting it. I told them everything. How Bill doesn’t know or at least I don’t think he does. How guilty I feel and how she made me feel and just how bad I feel that she is here.
Everything that I bottled up for almost two years came running up and I just couldn’t stop talking. I was a rat’s hair away from bursting into tears that’s how many emotions were running through my body but I blinked them away.
It might’ve felt good telling them this but I am not going to cry in front of them. We were drinking beer for fuck sake. We were adults. I’m not going to cry about a girl I barely knew. I already told them too much.
“Bloody hell.” Andrew was the first to speak after a long pause.
I was still staring at my glass. I wasn’t ready to see their expressions.
“Why didn’t you ever tell us about her, Charlie?” John asked gently.
I finally lifted my chin. They all looked like they felt sorry for me, as if they understood where I was coming from, as if they were on my side.
I had to be reading them wrong.
They can’t be.
Don’t they understand what a terrible person I am? What I did to my brother?
“I promised myself I would never tell anyone. I was doing so well. I didn’t think she would start working here.” I admitted.
“Doing well?” Theo scoffed. “You’re miserable, mate.”
I looked at him and then at Peter and Andrew who were both nodding in agreement.
“We might joke around a lot and tease you Charlie, but this is not okay. You still feel guilty after all this time and we can see that it’s tearing you apart.” Evan continued.
“Is she with Bill?” Peter asked carefully.
“I honestly don’t know. I never brought myself to ask.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Bill changed his attitude in his letters soon after and now I’m lucky enough if I even get a response from him. I don’t know how he could find out but it would be the only explanation why he’s not talking to me.”
Saying it out loud hurt.
I felt like I lost my brother.
And for what?
For a girl?
I was ashamed of myself.
“No wonder you never take a day off. You overwork yourself thinking it would help with all your problems.” John sounded disappointed.
“You can’t keep doing this to yourself, mate.” Andrew said gently.
“And what am I supposed to do?” I raised my voice. I didn’t want to talk about my feelings. Everything I felt on Christmas day came right back up but this time, it hurt twice as much. “Do you even know how pathetic I sound that I’m still not over a girl that I spend one night with? What a terrible person I am to sleep with my brother’s girl?” I buried my face in my hands.
“You’re not pathetic. You two had a real connection. Do you know how rare that is?” I looked up at Peter.
“It is?” I said more to myself than to them.
They all nodded.
“We might joke around with women but deep down we all want what Peter has.” Andrew admitted, putting his arm around Peter’s shoulder.
He was the only one of our lot who was married. Who was in a relationship for that matter. I knew that Peter met Tina before I got here and they seemed happy to me but he never really talked that much about her. John told me once that they got married rather quickly but that was pretty much it.
“I have that with Tina,” Peter explained, “what you described, Charlie. And if that’s really how you feel you have to talk to her.” I shook my head.
Was he mental!
What was this?
What happened to us messing around and drinking beer on Friday night? Since when were they giving me relationship advice?
“You have to clear the air otherwise it will eat you alive.” John followed his lead.
“Talk to Bill if you have to. I’m sure he would understand.” Andrew continued.
They were all losing it.
Understand? There is nothing to understand. Everything is clear as a Summer’s day. What am I supposed to do? Apparate to Egypt and say “Hey, Bill. So…yeah…I fancy your girl. You understand right?”
“I don’t know in what fucking fairytale land you are all living in, but this is real life and things are not that easy.” I chugged my beer and slammed the glass at the table.
“They are, Charlie.” Peter tried to convince me.
This was too much. They lost it.
“Stop it!” I shook my head and stood up. “We are not talking about this anymore. Not now, not ever.”
Why did I have to open my mouth?
“Forget about it and I’ll see you tomorrow at seven, okay?” I walked away without looking at any of them.
I felt their eyes piercing through me as I got further away.
I am not going to allow them to feel bad for me. I was the antagonist here. I was the one who made a mistake. I wasn’t allowed to be forgiven. I can’t be. Why couldn’t I just keep my mouth shut? Why did I have to be so honest? And the worst part was, this time I wasn’t even drunk.
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vanillann · 4 years
the 1994 battle of the performers (luke patterson x f.reader)
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i’m so glad y’all liked this because i loved writing it
word count: 2.7k
the 1994 battle of the performers masterlist
Chapter 1: Milo’s
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“Hi, is this the Peters residents?”
Whoever picked up the phone shushed the person that was yelling in the background, missing the reserver as I could hear everything.
“Who’s asking?” The voice was rough and it reminded me of my step-mother and her never-ending cigarette problem.
“I know your son, I was wondering if he was home because I have something of his,” I looked to the well planned out history notes that I held tightly in my hand.
I know I could have, no should have, just waited for Monday to return the papers but I couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday in the gym and that stupid video.
Was I actually decent? I knew I wasn’t the same level I was at one point but I had a chance and according to the four, she wasn’t bad.
“He’s not here, that boy, he’s probably at that Bobby’s boy house,” I nodded even if they couldn’t hear me, understanding this nasty language more than I wish.
“Do you know their address?”
“Yeah yeah, 458 Sunset Road,” I opened my mouth, ready to thank the lady but the phone was hung up quickly and I rolled my eyes. I was thankful that my parents with ahead and divorce when things started getting bad.
I grabbed the papers a little tighter in my hands, realizing I lived a block or so from the house in question and left the keys on my bedside table. No need to waste gas for some notes that I didn’t even need to drop off. I walked down the carpet stairs of my house and walked out the front door.
As soon as I made it from the door I felt the sun run over my skin, calming to my overthinking mind as I grabbed the railing, careful not to make my knee worse.
Did they delete the video as I asked?
Was this stupid?
I knew how desperate they were, it could have been all a plan to get me a part of the team because if I trusted them then some other dancers might. I was respected in the dance community and I knew the numbers to call.
I watched my feet, skipping each crack in the pavement as I did so for something for my brain to focus on.
Would they really help me face this fear?
Were they just selfish?
As I turned down one of the roads I could hear a faint sound of loud music drift over the streets, kids drawing on the road with chalk and bobbing their head.
I couldn’t believe the difference in the two sides of the neighbors, how proper and elegant my side was compared to the dancing kids, and the loud music. I spotted a small lemonade stand across from the house I was heading for.
A light smile graced my lips, amazed at the little community the little space had. It wasn’t just doctors and lawyers packed together trying to be better than the next yard.
I stopped at the driveway for the house, looking over the black roof and the white exterior of the house. Would it be weird just showing up?
We weren’t friends, no problem between me and the four but still, I definitely shouldn’t know where one lives and the only reason I knew that was from a phone call with the Peters, which I got from the phone book.
Maybe this was weird, very very weird. I panicked when I heard some sort of door open, the loud boyish laugh drifting from wherever to my spot at the end of the driveway.
“That might be one of our best works,” the happy voice was nice, the atmosphere obviously better than yesterday.
I panicked, turning around while my sweaty hands gripped the notes in my hand tightly.
I closed my eyes, taking a small breath in and turning back to the four boys I knew were looking at me widely.
“Hi,” I nodded, looking at each of their confused faces. I knew this would be weird.
“I have Reggie’s notes,” I held them out to the boy who was clad in a leather jacket as he gave a soft smile.
“Thanks, how’d you know I’d be here?”
I was thankful his voice was disgusted and angry but nice and gentle, just what I needed right now.
“Found you in the phone book,” I nodded, wondering if I should apologize for the household, but I backed off when I realized it wasn’t my place.
“You called my parents?”
I watched his shoulders drop, his face psychically panicking as he looked back to his friends for some help.
“Yeah, they seemed Uhm, nice?”
Reggie watched me for a few seconds while I rocked back and forth on my beat-up tennis shoes, doing my best not to combust at the sight.
“Oh, Uhm yeah,” he nodded, a mutual agreement made with each other's eyes not to mention any farther.
“Is that all?”
Patterson, or Luke, stood behind Reggie obviously trying to protect the boy from whatever I might say next.
“No,” I nodded, doing my best to come off as friend and not foe but it felt too late from that as Luke gave a grumpy smile.
“Bye bye then,” Luke waved, keeping Reggie close to his side. Reggie looked up at Luke, begging him to stop his anger to me.
I turned around, doing my best to run away for the four without making myself look more like an idiot, but I’ve never been great about that with boys.
“Do you have the video?”
Shut up (Y/N)!
“Uhm, yeah,” Bobby cut in, his voice calm as if not to scare me or make me mad. I didn’t know which but I understood both sides.
“Can I see it?” I turned back around this time, taking in some heavy breaths as I prepared for faces that looked like they would hurt me, but it never came.
Reggie looked to be bouncing on his heels as his smile grew ten times the size, Alex looked to be taking breaths that were calming his nerves, Bobby nodding his head at me with a smirk, and Luke looked to bite his bottom lip trying to hide his smile.
“Yeah, no totally,” Luke looked at his other bandmates, smirking as he walked past me. I was about to say something, pointing over at the house where they had just left from.
“We have to get Milo’s first,” Luke called over his shoulder, pointing over at the lemonade stand that I noticed once I turned the block.
“Milo’s?” I watched the other three follow Luke, each turning back to me while waving their arms.
“You’ll never have anything better,” Alex called over his shoulder, smiling once the little boy came running from the house. He almost came alive at the sight of the boys standing in front of his stand, the boy couldn’t be more than 8.
I slowly walked across the street, looking to both sides twice before jogging to join the boys that seemed to smile as the little boy made it down his stair railing and skipped to the older ones.
“Morning boys,” he spoke with a small lisp and seemed to be missing a tooth but his smile would have lit up a room in the entire state.
“Morning Milo,” Luke responded, leaning against the stand before it shook slightly and he hurriedly pulled away.
“Who’s that?”
He didn’t seem bothered by my presence, just curious about it. I was wondering why I never knew about what went on around the block from my house, but that didn’t matter as Reggie grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the front.
“A friend from school, her name (Y/N),” Bobby introduces me, the boy smiling as he holds his hand out for a handshake. I reached out, placing my hand in his and he gave a firm shake. I was shocked at his confidence, making me miss my own.
“I’m Milo, Sunset Road official lemonade and bakery stand,” his voice made a smile grace my lips, watching as he left a cute little kiss on my knuckle, earning a laugh from the other boys.
“Okay loverboy, we demand service,” Luke jokily slammed his hand on the table of the stand, pulling the sweater on my arm so he rested back to my side.
“Coming up!”
The boy dived behind the stand, pulling out a cheap bucket he got from a local shop with four mason jars inside. Once he pulled them out I noticed that each one had glitter and colored paper. Each had different drawings and little cut-outs.
I reached from one, Luke trying to grab my arm but I was already spinning it around, in horrible handwritten was the name “LUKE” in all capital letters.
“Oh wow,” I smiled at the horrible handwritten and the little microphone that definitely didn’t look like a microphone. The blue and red glitter made the sight even better.
“They made them once they became regular after babysitting me one night,” Milo cut in, holding up a finger to run back in the house, probably to grab the lemonade.
I smiled turning around and smiling at the others around us. Bobby looked as embarrassed but Alex was simply laughing at the others and Reggie looked proud.
“I came to watch my tape but this might be better,” I tried to turn my laugh into a cough since I still wasn’t that close with the boys.
“Hush,” Luke bumped my shoulder. Milo's wide laugh brought me back to the boy as he held a plain mason jar in his hand.
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I couldn’t believe myself as I watched my feet glide across the floor, for the first time in a long time. I definitely wasn’t as good as I once was, which made me upset me but I still wasn’t half that bad.
“See! We told you,” Luke had made sure to sit close beside me on the couch of what seemed to be their studio. He wanted to watch how I reacted, thinking I would change my mind.
I couldn’t help but think I would, I mean I came here on a Saturday for a reason and it wasn’t the return notes.
“I’m not as good as I was, but I’m not bad,” I kept watching, smiling before I watched myself spin. My body falling to the floor as it did all those months ago, the horror-filled me up before Alex ripped the video camera from my grip.
“That’s not important,” he nervously laughed, hiding the camera behind his back but I could still hear their panicked voice from yesterday still.
“Because it will never happen again,” Reggie cut in, I could already tell he was optimistic for the four.
“But it could and one more bad fall and I might not walk again.”
I knew how dramatic I sounded but it seemed the only way to get through their skulls. I rolled my eyes, standing up from the couch, not even stopping as I walked to the open doors.
“I don’t know why I even came, I’ll see you guys around,” I waved over my shoulder, letting the video that I would hope have given me hope finally stop playing behind the blonde boys back.
“You came because you miss it.”
I shouldn’t have thought over Luke’s words, he just wanted to win the Battle of the Performers, but man it struck a deep chord. He took me rooted at the door as a sign to continue.
“You miss dancing and if I was as good as you I would be too,” Luke's voice grew closer and closer as he walked closer to my frozen figure.
“I have a question for you,” I spun on my heel, stepping back slightly when I realized how close he was. I could smell the scent of sugar and musk, which was a nice change to the overbearing scents I was used to.
“What if you broke your wrist, snapping it just the right way that you could never bend it around the neck of your guitar the same ever again, you couldn’t slide your fingers over the frets the same, would you still play?”
I knew how harsh I sounded, but the truth was harsher because that is exactly what happened to me. I tried a lift cause I was bored during practice and now my dreams were practically gone, so I knew harsh was the only way he’d see it.
“Yes, because music is more than just being good. Sure, it suck but I could still feel it and love it, why’d give up something that special!” He spoke wildly with his hands, obviously not realizing how close we are as he stepped closer.
“But watching someone else dance and myself dancing are two different things,” I spoke, trying to find a flaw in his logic but his point was clear.
Just cause I wouldn’t be as good doesn’t mean I’ll never be good again.
“But you dancing is still possible, we have video evidence,” at that Alex held up the video, pressing play as I watched myself calming walk into the gym, my hands close to my chest as I looked around the room.
“Join us in the Battle of the Performers and maybe you’ll feel it again, let two dreamers chase their dreams together,” he spoke happily, seemingly happy with his words.
“You listen to way too much John Lennon,” I spoke, shaking my head, turning around, and finally leaving the studio. I felt tears threatened to fall down my cheek but knew better than to cry with a chance of getting caught.
As I jogged down the long driveway I was on, the sign I had been asking myself since the fall. Milo stood in his front yard, talking with an older man I had seen work at a bakery a town or two over.
He seemed to have a children's cookbook in his hand, pointing over different things as Milo smiled and took notes in a black and white notebook. Maybe it was stupid to use this as my sign, their were plenty of others that made more sense, but after listening to little 7, soon to be 8, year old, Milo go on and on about how he was going to be a baker even if he wasn’t great at it now.
Because he liked it, that was all. He was bad, according to Bobby he almost burned his house down, but he liked baking so who was to stop him? The only person that Milo let stop him was his mother, but he said that’s only because he can’t reach the top shelves.
I turned around, my confidence that I had missed washing over me in a wave of adrenaline and I didn’t mind it, I missed it.
The doors to the studio were still open and I could hear much talk, maybe tuning but nothing more. I made my way to the door, standing in the center of the doorway while looking over each boy.
These boys played because they liked it, they just happened to be good.
“Need something?”
People didn’t have to be good at something to like it.
“Is she okay?”
And maybe they don’t win the competition, but you can’t win something you don’t try.
“Is she having a stroke?”
I took shaky breaths, looking at each boy's confused face.
“How long till we bomb this battle?”
My words were simple but the smiles that broke across each face were way more complex and beautiful.
“She came thought!” Bobby yelled, jumping up and down as Alex laughed, pulling his friends into a tight hug.
“Sunset Curve gonna win, Sunset Curve gonna win,” Reggie sang in a loud boom, smiling as he did a funny little dance with some sort of imaginary rope.
Luke pushed himself from the couch, running over and wrapping his arms around the back of my head. My two hands rested on his biceps, smiling at the vibe that had busted the room wide open.
“Look’s like you’ll need your own cup at Milo’s with how often you’ll be here.”
the 1994 battle of the performers taglist:
@gia-kerks @notwonder-woman @poisoned-girl @phantompogues @dovesgrangers
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the413joint · 2 years
A Conversation with DJ Mike Torch
The 413 Joint gets a deeper look at DJ Mike Torch — the man behind ‘Inapproreality’, ‘For The Culture’, and the highly-anticipated ‘Spliffield III’ Event in Western Mass. Read more for conversations on his musical background and how his time serving as a Marine has shaped his music taste.
The 413 Joint: Describe your musical background?
Torch: “I think everyone knows this by now, I’ve said it so many times. My father was a DJ and my grandfather was as well. So, like, music has been around since before I was even here. Before I was even thought of. So, just literally, I remember being five, six, seven years old and running around with my dad. He was putting on a bunch of festivals; every year he had festivals going on for, I don’t know, ten plus years. Called the ‘Get Ill’ Picnic, people’s parents out here might have went to it way back when. Everybody knows my parents, because of events like that. They did a lot. So, I remember being a kid, just watching that and obviously it’s an influence on me. It’s what I’m doing now. It’s what I’m doing today.”
Is there any specific kind of sound you aim for as a DJ?
“No, because you can put me anywhere. It’s, to that point, because I’ve been to so many different people and cultures. And not just been around them but been in-depth with those cultures. Like I wrestled in high school, so not a lot of Black people wrestle. So, I’m around a lot more white kids; now I’m listening to their music. You’re around their culture, I had friends, I had sleepovers and all type of stuff like that. Now you get to put yourself in their shoes. You get to see a different mindset [that] you wouldn’t have had without being there. So, being on the wrestling team and then joining the Marine corp got me comfortable with listening to rock and heavy metal and all types of country. It was just a lot of pastime music, especially when we were in Iraq. People would share whole Zune playlist with everybody and just switch music. That’s how we all understood each other then, that way. So, it’s another way that I got introduced to more music. And then being in California and going to raves and being apart of crazy EDM festivals. I just been around a lot -- a lot of different types of music and different types of cultures. So when it comes to the music, everything I was born into plus all the cultures added on to what I’ve done personally, I just have a very, very, very open-mind and a very, very, very crazy library of music stored in this brain.”
What’s the most unexpected thing you listen to or do you have any guilty pleasures?
“I think it really is that, it really is the rock and the metal. Because it puts me back into certain places in Iraq, like when I mention ‘Seven Dust’ came to perform for us out in Iraq. It was one of the dopest things I’ve ever seen in my life; it was amazing. As I got introduced to them then I started tapping into their catalog. And listening to a lot of ‘Lamb of God’ because they love Marines and they shout-out Marines in their music all the time. So now I’m screaming and going crazy in the gym just listening to ‘Lamb of God’. I wouldn’t have otherwise known that, unless, like I said, being in those different places and being different people. So definitely the rock because even for St. Patrick’s Day, I was playing a bunch of it and [with] Bia Javier, I was like, ‘You don’t know this song? You never heard this before?’ And she’s like, ‘No, no. Like no, what is going on?’”
When I spoke to MacWay yesterday he mentioned that you’re in film school. Obviously that helps with the podcast but talk to us about how that’s going?
“Yeah, it kind of happened on accident. We, as a unit, came through a bunch of different photographers and videographers, that like came on the team and for reasons they either walked away or it just wasn’t working out. So, I got tired of my visuals looking the way that they did. So I was like, ‘You know what, I’m going to just take this into my own hands. And not just wing it, but let me learn professionally. I have this G.I. Bill in my pocket, let me go to school and learn something. Let me do this myself.’ And it went from that to as I’m learning, because I went to a film school. I decided to go to a film school. If I learn how to make films I can run a podcast. So I’m, like, ‘Okay fine, now that I’m learning about film, I’m like, man I might want to get into directing or actually being a cinematographer.’ Or anything, anything that has to do with this. Because I’m learning a lot and it’s very interesting and fun. It’s become something that’s absolutely a part of me and I can’t wait to just see where this takes me. Because I have no idea, I had no plan for this. I really don’t, I have no idea where this is going to take me. So it’s very exciting.” 
Talk to us a little bit about your plans for the podcast this year?
“This year, I plan on, it’s been like a resume builder really, I’m trying to put as much stuff on our plate as possible. I’m trying to work the hardest so that way, I think people already know this but I want to make sure it’s without a doubt, you know that we are the hardest working people.  Me, MacWay, and Karla. Like you have to know this, you have to know this. And we’re gonna put in that work, so we’re everywhere right now putting on all types of events. And we’re just gonna keep working and just keep getting at it. Until it takes us to where we want to go because it’s going to happen.”
And of course, Spliffield III is coming up right around the corner. Talk to us a little about that.
“This is the third one we’ve done. It’s the first of its kind, the first one was actually, it was an accident. I just wanted to have a massive smoke session and that’s what it was. I overdid it, I had thirty plus vendors. It was ridiculous, a lot of people came, damn near like three hundred people showed up in a tight area. People were in and out. It was amazing, I had comedian Rob Santos, who is amazing. He came out, I was supposed to have people perform there but I just felt like the setting wasn’t right for it. So I canceled it on the spot. Shout-out MUDA!, I’m so sorry. He was so mad at me. He was so mad and I’m like, ‘MUDA! MUDA! Look around like, it’s just not the spot for this right now. It’s just not.’ But I definitely gave Rob the mic and he did a good job. But then last year, last year’s was a little bit smaller because I thought I overdid it. So, I was like, alright, it was a little smaller and I had people perform there. This year I feel like I got the perfect medium. It’s a dope space, you guys will get the address soon. And I just want to push New England here and push Springfield out into New England. So I’m bringing artists from all throughout Eastern Mass and Connecticut here. And try to build this community up because I feel people don’t travel enough. So I’m going to bring it to our backyard and see who’s really serious about this or not. Because I’m telling everybody, ‘If you hate me, if you hate my guts, so what? This is an opportunity for you to talk to people. This is an opportunity to talk to managers because they’re going to be in the building. Other photographers, videographers, they’re going to be in the building. People that are not from here, you want your music heard elsewhere? This is an opportunity for it to happen, even if you don’t perform. Just go and talk. Network.’ People don’t do that as well, get out.”
Spliffield III is sponsored by Chico Dusty, who’s been involved in putting on some pretty interesting events. The 413 Joint wants to just give a quick shout-out to Chico Dusty honestly. 
“Chico and MacWay and I -- and Ovo Rell, shout-out Ovo Rell. A lot of people, we all went to Duggan together. We all went to the same middle school together. So we’ve all built these relationships, this is the reason why we’re so tight today. Like we’ve known each other for a very, very long time. And Chico is one of those people that I’ve known for a very, very long time. He’s an absolute comedian and another workaholic. You see it, he’s always putting on events. Always thinking of creative, different type of events that people come out to to have a good time. When it comes to entertainment, I think I mean, he might be the G.O.A.T. out here when it comes to entertainment and putting out these type of events no bull. Even the ‘Anything But Cups’ Event like that’s different, people were showing up with all types of things. Just being different and creative. Having radio shows or being a part of radio shows, having high positions at those shows. Like having podcasts and having his own spaces. Putting on I don’t know how many sessions, like it’s nonstop work with that guy. And definitely proud of him no bull.”
Speaking of Facebook comedians, there’s been some comments about you as a stand-up comedian. Will that ever be in the works for DJ Mike Torch?
“I absolutely love stand-up, like it is, I can probably name as much stand-up comedians off top as artists. Like, well maybe not. But close to, but close to. But I’ve always been a fan of stand-up comedy so being a goofball, that’s where the podcast came. That’s how the podcast came about, was my Facebook posts. Like people have always known me as the ‘meme’ guy, always cracking jokes on Facebook. So I realized I had a following just for that and I was like, ‘How the hell can I capitalize off this?’ And then, it was like boom, just have a podcast. This was when I was still living in Florida in 2015, 2016, brewing this idea up. And then, I got inducted into the Hall of Fame for football and wrestling in 2017. And when I came back for the induction, I was like yeah, I’m moving back. And then once I realized I was moving back, that’s when I hit up MacWay. I hit up my original engineer Matt, I hit up my original photographer and cameraman Tom. And we just got it rolling as soon as I came back. That’s how it started in 2018.”
When does the ‘For the Culture’ brand fit into your journey?
“Shout-out Chris Lombardi, if it wasn’t for Chris Lombardi, this wouldn’t happen. That’s an artist out here, he invited me to DJ one of his events that he put on at the Middle East (Bar and Restaurant) out in Boston. And because I knew I was going out there I was like, ‘Dang, this is a good opportunity for me to play peoples’ music out there.’ So I made a post, ‘Hey, I’m going out to Boston. If you want your music played out in Boston, send me your music.’ And my email got flooded. I was like, oh shit, I had no idea this was gonna be like this. Alright so, I go there and I start spinning regular stuff. Regular music, regular hip-hop that everybody knows. And the people that were there, they was just dead. I was just like, ‘Dang, how I am not getting any reaction out of things, that as a DJ, I’m looking at peoples’ reactions. Like aren't I getting a reaction out of everybody? Or anybody at all at this music? So then I switched it up to all local stuff, all independent stuff that I got sent. And then I started getting a reaction out of all these people from music they don’t know. I’m like, oh shit, this is really different. So then boom, I go live. But I have the camera facing me, people don’t really see that it's not really crazy packed. It’s really not, but the illusion of it and people did appreciate that I spun their music out there. And enough people did hear it, enough people did rock to their music to the point where I got a lot of respect for it. And then I was like, ‘Damn how can I capitalize off of this? How can I keep playing peoples’ music?’ It was just perfect timing, boom, COVID happened. So now everyone’s in the house. So that’s why I started the every Friday thing, people are looking for things to do. So now I’m live, it started with the battles. We picked two artists and people sent me their music and people judged in the comments. Shit we were the Verzuz before Verzuz, I swear to God. I swear, it’s documented. I’m lying, I’m lying it was around the same time. But we started doing that, battles going back and forth with artists out here. Then it went to that from just spinning peoples’ music to let’s do live shows with this. We started having people come out, shout-out Green Screen Studios for letting us use their space for the time that we did. And we started doing live shows there and it just kept going. I really didn’t have any plans for that either. I just had an idea. I had a small idea and I just kept working at it. And it grew bigger and bigger to what it is today.”
Favorite film or top three if you can’t do one?
“Okay, definitely ‘The Wood’, ‘Friday’ is in there, ‘How High’ is in there. Oh man, I could do this all day, like these are movies that I’ve watched constantly. Oh man, ‘Players Club’. Like The Wood like that is my shit. That is my shit and ‘Friday’, I feel like everybody can recite ‘Friday’ from front to back. Like that’s an instant classic. My dog’s name is Silas. If you watch ‘How High’, Method Man’s character is named Silas.” 
If you could choose any actor to play you in a biopic who would it be?
“Oh wow. Bow-wow for sure. Absolutely, got to, like that’s a given. That’s the first person I thought of but it’d be hilarious. People have been talking about that guy since forever. It’ll just be funny. It’ll just be another joke, it’d be hilarious. Bow-wow got to do it.”
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