#i meeeeeeaaaan
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silostosstuff · 2 years ago
Me: "Oh lord, my physical TBR is so long I should start reading something that is on there."
Me, in a dark coat: "Reread Six of Crows."
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i-am-pixxie · 3 months ago
What do you meeeeeeaaaan you "haven't read 'Ackerman', yet?!".
Get to it!
I can't promise regular chapters all the time but, I can promise juicy art and tasty storytelling *chefs kiss*
Clicky click! https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/ackerman/list?title_no=979771
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pretty-pink-puppy-kiwi · 4 months ago
I want to tie you up like a pretty present, then edge you until you're crying. Among other things 💕
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Thats so mean!!!! It's so meeeeeeaaaan!!!!
So like... what other things do you wanna do? 🥰
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raeikma · 1 year ago
I meeeeeeaaaan … io gli screenshots a Kar’niss li ho fatti 👀 mi avevano chiesto di fare Wyll e Shadowheart, quindi dopo di loro metto in coda il tuo amato 🫡
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here we go, in my bg3 era (I’ve been playing since august tbh but I’m slow with my art)
Astarion’s expressions 🩸 (I’m working on Wyll’s now)
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Everyone else freaking out bout hot papa Bump and I'm over here more curious about Faust and Terra.
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I meeeeeeaaaan, I can't blame you~
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ask-honey · 4 months ago
i meeeeeeaaaan maybe
Probably would get a tummy ache tho :/
what are your guys' favorite desserts???
Does maple syrup count?
I think so... It's sweet isn't it?
Yeah, but it's a sauce isn't it?
How is it a sauce?
Well, topping then
That doesn't make any more sense..
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skamtrash · 5 years ago
Bold of you to root for a season 3 of skam nl when season 2 has been so bad and racist. Why would you expect season 3 to be different? Of course, it's not going to be racist because Lucas is a white uwu gay but do we really need another season 3 remake?!
I meeeeeeaaaan, s2 wasn't perfect by any means, buuuuut, I didn't think it was totally awful? Maybe I missed something?
Also, I want NL back, no matter who's the main. Personally I wouldnt mind if it was Engel, Esra, or Lucas, or someone else.
I just, really like Skam NL, and would like to see it renewed.
Don't try to imply that I'm just rooting for it for the gay white boy....that ain't me.
And, why not another remake of S3?
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kpopedthoughts · 7 years ago
Non carats: okay but is verkwan that gay???
Verkwan: *casually vlives while taking late night walks together, gets flustered by each others aegyo, sing david bowie songs together*
Carats: 👀👀👀👀....I meeeeeeaaaan....
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khloemccain · 6 years ago
Bikini Challenge!
//Ah, the glorious yellow-hate orb has finally decided to show its face and grace us with its warmth. Which meeeeeeaaaans it's Bikini Time™!
Fellow RP blogs, I challenge you! I want YOU to draw your muse/OCs in their favourite swimwear and reblog this with the drawing!
There's nothing really to be won other than my absolute love for your creativity and art skills! I'll start off with a drawing of good ol' Khloe in her favourite polka-dot bikini.
Happy Drawing peeps!//
~Mun Magpie
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sailorzakuro · 7 years ago
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Um, okay... I don’t know what the hell “Cantan” is but unless it means “completely not” I’m gonna go ahead and guess this is another hate comment XD which meeeeeeaaaans
(I want an intro for that now)
Okay first of all, idk what the hell a cantan is, or what it means, but if you’re gonna troll me at least use one language.
And this was on a collab, so idk what you may be referring to here XD is it me, is it the other person, is it both of us, is it yourself? I think it’s yourself. K if you’re gonna leave hate YOU GOTTA GIVE SOME CONTEXT MAN.
Also, if “cantan” happens to not be a real word, why would you think I would understand your made up words? Cos if that’s the case both ends, what a real gibbleflark you are.
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goodbilove · 7 years ago
I Meeeeeeaaaan 😅
Is it 100% bad that I fucked an ex earlier tonight and now I'm waiting on someone from growlr to come and give me some more dick??? 🤣🤷🏾‍♂️ #DrySeasonOver #BigBoyNeedsSomeLovin
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confirmedgoblin · 8 years ago
“that was before we were together! That was good times!” i meeeeeeaaaan
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sad-af1121 · 7 years ago
*over exaggerated and high-pitch* WHAT DO YOU MEEEEEEAAAAN? I AM FUCKING DYING 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I NEED GAWD 😭🤦🏽‍♀️
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kerapyon · 6 years ago
Ive been living in S. Korea for two yeara now and let me tell you old people on the subway are meeeeeeaaaan. I have several black friends here who refuse to take the subway (older people ride for free).
Please watch Sam Okyere tell about how he was discriminated for his skin color in South Korea. 
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georgiacollender-blog · 8 years ago
Charlotte Josephine
CJ Two ways of writing: having a plan and not. Inspired by everyday life. Writes little but often then puts the pieces together like a puzzle. - Confidence - Reading and language - Watching alot - Space and respect Write a list of colours: Pink Purple Green Red Brown Yellow Orange Blue Chocolate bars: Mars Twix Kit Kat Galaxy Bounty Kinder bueno Bathroom cupboard: Toothbrush Deodorant Tampons Toilet roll Perfume Sun cream Tablets Teenagers bedroom: Plates Cups Bed Dressing table Clothes Shoes Straighteners Lady handbag Make up Tampons Purse Phone The pill Paracetamol Book Diary List of fans as tic lies I need to feed my fish My bus was late I need to see my Nan I find it easier when no one else is in the room to do my presentation You're my fave I love you A list of things todo when embarrassed Go toilet Bite nails Put the focus on someone else Go red Shit myself Play with my hair Look at my feet Leave the room Pretend you don't care Think of being in bed/comfort zone A list of BIRTHDAY cake wishes I want to meet Harry styles I wish for a someone to love me I wish for concert tickets I wish for money I wish for everyone to be happy I wish for no arguments I wish to have the people who mean most, forever I wish for my friends to come home from uni I wish for a mini A list of things that terrify us Spiders Losing my friends Being hated by everyone Not going anywhere in life Disappointing my family Death The unknown My pets dying Never having kids Getting pregnant at the wrong time Throwing away something I didn't realise was important. A list of things you'd find on a summer holiday: Factor 50 suncream A burnt ginger Alcohol Books People awake at 7 to put a towel on a sunbed Tanned people Lost languages A list of hiding places: My bed My car Millie's house The park Under my bed Behind a door I'm a hole Under the stairs Anywhere dark The green room Aunty jos house The library Things never said to a parent I smoke You're child is a Cunt You raised you're kid shit I've fucked your daughter I hate you Places to stand when the sea is rough In bed Somewhere where there is no sea On a boat In the sea with a snorkel Pavement Masculine or feminine things Blue Pink Muscles Hard labour Giving birth Emotions Trust someone: Raw Honestly Hearing what you don't want to but need to Having my back when I'm not in the room Being there when I need them most Answering the phone Going along with my lies Meeting your girlfriends parents for the first time: "Hi John nice to meet you, yes this is your daughter, yes she's wearing my top and no, she hasn't got shoes on because she was at mine last night not at Chloes like she said and yes that is my cum in her hair" - as if I'm going to say that out loud as my first words to John but it's definitely what's running through my head rn... how about a simple hello and hand shake, that could work right? But I don't want him to think I'm too formal.. fuck. Right that's it I'm not going. I don't understand why first impressions are always hard. When In actual fact it a simple hello. Everyone seems to always over think it. Ofcourse I want to make a good impression but I'd much rather not lick his ass hole because a year down the line he's going to know the real me and know I was putting on this front to impress him. Why can't I go in with the simple "alright mate, I'm your daughters new boyfriend, I respect her a lot fuck on a daily and think she's fucking hilarious" but nah got to respect that although he knows that the hand he just shook has actually be all over his daughter... he's thinking, I'm thinking it, might as well say it right? But instead I go with the, "nice to meet Mr Smith, I'm Daniel" "do I work?" Well yeah in a bar one day a week I'm still a student.. "still a student at the age of 21... living of mummy and daddy still then?" Why the fuck do I need to be questioned about what I do as long as what I'm doing makes me happy, I'm living my life not you. Blake: Age: 21 Cats or dogs: Dogs Live: house in leatherhead How do they spend their days: High as a kite writing music for the homeless. What is a smell that calms them: Petrol Three words to describe them(mum): a little podgy, good boy, likes candles Happiest on holiday: Florida At 8 he wanted to be: Fireman Item of clothing wear too much: Adidas original jumper in Kaki Phrase to often: but think of the homeless man Secret: I have a kid Roll model: my nan Fave drink: Redbull Vodka and Lime Lost virginity: his family friend Louise at 18 (he begged her init) On his own he dances to ballets Deeper secret: he is a professional ballet dancer Parents : mum is his world dad is a rich wanker Place: His studio, his workspace but also his hobby, he has his own chair (that no one else can use) others can join him but not use his chair. There is a hidden mirror for when he wants to practise ballet. Blue dim to the room - no windows. Constant music playing, there's a window to the booth that has a sticker of his dog and nan on the right hand corner. Smells like hard work, has a little can of petrol hidden under his desk where is chair is for when he gets stressed. There a aircon unit that always makes a slight noise of fresh air coming into the room. Everything is black apart from the lighting. Wearing something unusual: he's wearing a leotard under his clothes - it quite tight but he likes it, no one can see it but he knows he's wearing it. Smells fresh out the packet never had one before but always envious when watching professional ballet people wear one. I didn't mean todo it, it just... *sitting in his studio* staring at his hidden mirror - reveals it from behind its curtain. Looking at himself in his new leotard practising first position. A 1,2,3 second 1,2,3 first 1,2,3 second 1,2,3 first... *phone rings - it's zain* Wag1 Blake I'll be outside in 2. Blake: gets dressed quickly, hides his 'ballet for beginners book' and sits in his chair.. zain opens the door "oiiii wag1 G what you saying" Blake realises the mirror is still on show.. "shit" Madting when did you get a mirror in here..." B:"errrm yesterday init... it's for..." Z: it looks sick bro, makes the room feel massive.. Zain sits down Z: "oi you heard this new tune" Plays some bad man song Blake tries to release his wedgie that his leotard is giving him.. Zain is oblivious keeps mixing music Blakes burst out "I didn't mean todo it, it's just one day I saw your sister...." Z: "what do you mean my sister..." Blake: it just she was standing there in her leotard and it got me... Z: got you what bruv why you looking at my sister in a leotard bruv are you a pedo or something Blake: wait what... Z: staring at my sister whilst she's dancing wtf if wrong with you Blake: no no bruv it's not like that.. I wasn't looking at her because she had no clothes on.. I mean very little clothes on and don't get me wrong she looked fit init but" Z"what the fuck do you meeeeeeaaaan, what didn't you mean todo stare at her fat peachy beautiful ass" Blake: wait what... Z: forget get that... Blake: nah it's just I was fascinated Z: fascinated by Me and An old man in an army uniform We are in a very busy train station on a Monday morning I want success But there is a shark in the way I'm a busker, I've tried making it in acting, I've tried making it in dance and now singing but here I am... Monday morning the busy crowd is coming and I'm playing my guitar... people chuck coins and pennies and some cunt chucks a button... all I've ever wanted is success.. all I ever need is success but my success and the worlds are completely different, I just want to be heard, respected and a warm house to go home to, to see my loving family. I see an old man approaching.. he's wearing a uniform shit do I need to run? My license doesn't cover this station... I start packing my away my equipment, collecting my scraps of money... I look up again and he's just standing there... his uniform looks worn but well kept, badges glistening.. his boots are shinny and still smell of polish. He chucks a £50 note in my case.. "I tried to make it one time too but the army called for me instead" I stare.... my heart still racing from preparing to out run the Feds... He reaching out a hand to help me up... I take the offer, my hands trembling from adrenaline. BOTH HAVE THE SAME SHARK TATTOO. Fish tank This is England Shane meadows I really enjoyed Charlottes workshop as she opened my mind to write everything and anything and atleast one of them if not more will blossom. You don't have to have an order or a reason when you first start just start. I find writing terrifying, I'm always cautious that it won't have a good ending, beginning or even an interesting plot but Charlotte made me feel so comfortable to just write. Going forward I definitely will write down any ideas even if I leave them for months and revisit them with a fresh mind. Overall when it comes to writing my own script I will not give up and I will accept mental blocks and stop to allow my brain to breathe. Watching films and TV series really inspire me to help build characters however Charlotte opened my eyes to embrace what is happening in the moment day to day, as well as through books and seeing live theatre. There is never too much detail to a character or a place.
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emailyourtherapist · 10 years ago
how do you tell someone you want them to choke you
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