#i mean... it's kinda passive ???
papanowo · 2 years
Through out your posts you indicate that you head-canon Rex as gay, but who’s he got a crush on and or how’d he figure it out?
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he likes anakin. hes not happy about it either lmao
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inkyajax · 1 month
gmorning Clari!!! 💘 I’m not sure you’ve done it before, but I’d loooove to know what type of yanderes you’d classify your genshin faves as 😘
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ANDYYYY i am so sorry i am responding a few days late to this and that’s because i accidentally wrote you a whole novel for an answer :) your ask sparked so many thoughts and i just BLAAAH spewed them all over the page (*ノωノ) ugh ahahaha ANYWAY oh gosh okay i have so much to say, let’s get into it!!! also apologies for how MASSIVE ajax’s is waaaah
characters: wriothesley, ajax [childe], kamisato ayato, thoma warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, yandere behaviour (gaslighting, obsessiveness, toxic relationships, delusional thinking, manipulation, over-protectiveness, etc) words: 2.1k
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₊˚⊹ 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲
WRIOTHESLEY is the controlling, authoritarian type that feels like a really strict father, all under the guise of ‘protecting you’ and ‘keeping you safe’. he veers into delusional territory a little here because he genuinely believes what he’s telling you (and himself) and genuinely believes himself to be doing the right thing. he isn’t possessive, he just wants to make sure you’re going out with safe people. he isn’t obsessive, he just wants to know where you are at all times in case an emergency strikes and he has to come find you. he isn’t overbearing, he just cares and is proactive—don’t you want him to care? can’t you see he’s only this ‘protective’ because he loves you? 
he has thoroughly convinced himself that this behaviour has nothing to do with jealousy or a desire to keep you locked up, to keep you 100% certainly safe and his forever, and nothing to do with wanting to exert complete control over you, orchestrating your every decision—and he’s pretty good at continuously deluding himself into believing it. he’s so good, in fact, and his logic is so sound, that it has YOU wondering if you’re ‘just being crazy’, if you’re overthinking things or reading too much into them. wriothesley has had a lot taken away from him, after all, and he knows exactly how the mind of criminals tick—can you really blame him for being a bit paranoid? maybe you’re the one who’s overreacting and being unreasonable. maybe you’re even feeling a little guilty for being so ungrateful—shouldn’t you appreciate having someone who loves and cares for you this much to go to such extents? shouldn’t you want to relinquish all power to someone you love equally as much? shouldn’t you trust him to make only the best, most sound and appropriate decisions for you? you probably should. 
₊˚⊹ 𝐚𝐣𝐚𝐱
AJAX is kind of like, the typical yandere, and he encompasses several ‘types’, evolving throughout the course of your relationship and shapeshifting into different variants depending on the situation itself. and while the other three men seem normal until you’re in too deep with them, refraining from showing symptoms of yandere-ness until after you’ve been with them for an extended period of time and mean a lot to them, ajax is weird from the very beginning. 
almost immediately you can sense that there’s something slightly off about him, but you can’t put your finger on what it is. it’s so subtle that it doesn’t strike you as particularly dangerous, leading you to merely write it off as one of his quirks and nothing more. 
he’s overbearing right from the start, of course; not necessarily enough to be concerning just yet, but enough for it to be abnormal—unusual—and noticeable (which reminds me of your lil ajax piece!!!). from the instant he sees you, he is irreversibly obsessed with you. you permeate his every waking thought, and eventually begin to leak into his dreams, too, and suddenly he can barely breathe without knowing where you are and what you’re doing, his concentration consumed by you. 
he begins stalking you—‘overseeing’, he had called it—making detailed notes of your favourite locations and your most frequented friends. he’s constantly got an eye on you one way or another, even if he has to employ other people to do it for him, discreetly reporting their findings every few hours. he tells them you’re in danger—which, you are, technically—and that you must be observed at all times from afar, silently and stealthily. 
ajax is patient and he can play the waiting game, carefully devising and then revising his strategy based on your moves. he loves playing predator and prey, gets a thrill from how the hunt unfolds—much like a battle, it’s a story, a rich tapestry you and he are constantly and concurrently creating, together. and that he thinks is so beautiful.
in textbook yandere fashion, once he’s gathered a sufficient amount of intel, he begins ‘showing up’ randomly at your usual spots, ‘bumping into you’ fortuitously. charming and sweet, the only thing that’s initially unsettling is just how well the two of you get along. ajax is sure not to mimic you too much—he doesn’t want to be a mirror, after all, and being too similar is far from a good thing (especially when it matches so well it simply can’t be coincidental).
well—that, and the sharp glint in his eye that flares with something dangerous every time you giggle or gush, every time you fall further for him. and once he has you enchanted, ensnared, you’re trapped for life, tangled up in him so tightly that he might as well have fused to your flesh. 
ajax likes to tell you it isn’t about power and control, but he knows that it is. he’s smart, and he’s self aware, and he doesn’t really care if this is ‘wrong’—he sees it as necessary and he genuinely believes he knows better than you do. he has to take care of you, or else who will? you’re clearly not capable of satisfactorily doing it on your own, so he must (god, how would you manage without him?). even if you oppose him or fight back against him, he’s purely convinced you’re bull-headed and stubborn, snorting at your wanting to be independent when he truly knows you’re too stupid take care of yourself ‘properly’ all on your own.
violence is a mainstay of your relationship, but not towards you; never towards you—merely towards everyone around you. his jealousy knows no bounds, but you will rarely see it outright. instead, ajax prefers to hone his emotions, to fashion them into a weapon or use them as fuel to thoroughly tear apart anyone who looks your way in a manner he doesn’t like. it’s his job as your lover and keeper, isn’t it? 
₊˚⊹ 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐨
AYATO knows what he is, and he doesn’t care. why should he, when he’s sure what he’s doing is ultimately correct and he’s used to having everything that he wants, and everything going his way, even if he has to force/manipulate it to? he’s so skilled at that in particular—manipulating situations and events to procure favourable outcomes for himself. in ayato’s mind, you should be grateful that he affords you so many freedoms—he could lock you away in the basement or a padded room, chain you to a bed with no entertainment or stimulation save for the books he has so conscientiously selected for you, and no other human contact aside from himself. but he trusts you, and he doesn’t want to go to those measures (though rest assured, he has promised you he will not hesitate to reach such heights if he deems it absolutely necessary, no matter how much he doesn’t want to; you staying his comes before his personal preferences and pleasures). as such, he allows you to roam the estate grounds under the watchful eye of his closest confidants and most capable guards (usually thoma, unless he is otherwise occupied and busy); he allows you access to letter writing materials (though they must go through two rounds of supervision and revisions before they are approved; once by thoma, and once by ayato himself); he allows you to go out in public as long as you are with him, etc. 
despite these apparent freedoms he affords you, he still picks your outfits out for you each day, and he devises a comprehensive meal plan for you each week, and creates schedules and rules he expects you to follow, thoroughly and meticulously to the letter. it is these subtle forms of ownership that he enjoys the most. he doesn’t feel the need to shout from the mountaintops, loudly and aggressively, that you are his, because the fact is so obvious, so evident, the second anyone merely glances at you. you walk like him, you talk like him, you sit, stand, and bow like him, just like he trained you to. 
ayato is also the type of yandere to punish you. he is molding your pretty little mind into exactly what he wants it to be, and that means that undesirable behaviours must be immediately and severely corrected through appropriate punishments—you must learn, or be taught what is right and what is wrong in ayato terms + definitions, so you will refrain from repeating such behaviour in the future. he is truly crafting you into the most perfect, precious, obedient little doll—and having a blast while doing so. it’s his little pet passion project, in a way; something he looks forward to working on when he has a moment of spare time. 
ayato was sly and clever with the way he initially enticed you, entrapped you, but underneath his cool, precisely chiseled exterior, ayato is selfish, manipulative, and extremely controlling. all decisions are ultimately made by and go through him. he will skillfully and carefully cut you off from all lifelines and communication, rendering you wholly dependent on him, and then will meticulously chip away at your mind until he sculpts it into exactly what he desires—someone who is as obsessed with him as he is with them. he slowly, stealthily, and steadily induces a severe, irreversible case of stockholm syndrome. the damage he does to your mind is permanent—and that’s exactly his goal. you now live for him. your days are marked by his appearances, his comings and goings, and the only thing you have to look forward to is seeing + spending time with him. you live to please him, live to be with him, and become absorbed by him, so you are merely an extension of him and no longer an individual yourself. everything revolves around ayato—he is your entire universe. 
₊˚⊹ 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚
THOMA is the most dangerous type of yandere, because thoma is genuine. thoma’s feelings are 100% authentic—and he earnestly intends to bring you no harm whatsoever—they’re just way too intense. he loves you so much that it veers into insanity, and the passion he feels towards you (and towards keeping you safe + claiming you as his) is so fierce that it physically hurts him to experience, chest blistering with scorching adoration and razored affection, something so dense and so all-consuming that thoma wants to claw through his own flesh and pry his ribcage apart spoke by spoke just so he can experience a shred of relief. 
thoma is, for the most part, an honest guy—starkly, brashly honest, so honest it shatters his words and gnaws at his voice, leaving it rough and raw, splintered to shards; but you can always trust he says exactly what he means. he severely lacks self awareness, not even realizing that his behaviour is inappropriate and extreme (he just cares about you SO much! it blinds his rationale and erodes his logic, incapacitating his ability to understand that he’s so suffocating it borders on terrifying). 
but what makes thoma so incredibly perilous is his sincerity. he truly just wants to keep you safe, eyes brimming with tears and voice hitching on barely contained emotion as he thoroughly explains to you his logic for stashing tracking devices in your bags or his reasoning for shattering the kneecaps of the man who made you uncomfortable at work, sentiment thick in his throat, words straining with the weight of his honesty, with the desperation for you to understand, to see it his way. he swears to the high heavens that he’d never hurt a single hair on your pretty, precious little head, and promises that he doesn’t want to scare you, but firmly asserts that he will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. 
and he means it. thoma is, in the most essential sense, your guard dog. he’s so sweet towards you, even submissive at times, always subservient to your every wish and whim, your every demand and desire, but he’ll fucking rip anyone within a meter of you to pieces with his teeth and bare hands alone if he feels as though you are being threatened in any way—and his standards and definition of ‘threatened’ are extreme and absurd, of course, causing him to react in a way that is severely disproportionate to the situation.
it borders on too much all the time—he is too obsessive, too protective, too clingy, but he’s also so sweet, so gentle, so incredibly bonafide that you can’t help but not be upset with him. he only does what he does because you’re his entire world, right? what’s so harmful about that? 
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mintflavoredfemurs · 1 month
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Anywayz this was just an excuse to get to draw Nightmare all spooky again.
Click for quality waaahh
Nightmare Sans belongs to Jokublog
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analexthatexists · 5 months
So about this whole “Reverting Nightmare back to Passive” stuff…
…Okay, I still emotionally fall for everyone this happens, but I’m also a little tired of how the reversion itself is done. I’m fine with the idea of Nightmare somehow transforming back into Passive, but the way it’s done is growing a little old to me.
Usually, it’s the corruption/goop melting away and revealing Passive’s body underneath it, safe and damage-free. And I like this idea, and I think it’s very cool from an artistic perspective, but…
…the number of times I’ve seen it is kind of shocking, maybe even ridiculous.
What doesn’t help is that, commonly in past versions of media, this change resulted from immense mental stress and guilt expressed by Nightmare, which is mischaracterization on plenty of levels. Nightmare should not feel guilt for the actions he’s made, especially when it comes to tormenting Dream. That’s…kind of why he’s the bad guy? That’s why Dream has to GROW AND ADAPT, realizing the Nightmare he saw as his brother is dead, so to suddenly reveal that Nightmare’s still there despite the corruption is…strange? I guess? So then what was the point of Dream’s adaption and growth? His whole character arc? Uncorrupting Nightmare can still work in favor of Dream’s arc, as the sudden whiplash of finally getting over his brother to his brother suddenly returning albeit with the constant threat of losing him again is…an interesting arc you could really work with if you’re good with writing. Additionally, Nightmare still retaining the mindset and personality of Corrupted yet having to deal with mortality and the sudden degrading of his power and Dream trying to help him work through it like he had to could make for something bittersweet. Dream would still have to accept that the original Nightmare is gone, but can still try and make the most of what remains of him, even if this “new” Nightmare will never come to accept his peace or comfort.
Over time, this concept of Passive visuals and visions within Corrupted Nightmare have changed, more so that Nightmare uses the visuals of Passive underneath him as methods of threatening and traumatizing Dream rather than signs of weakness or guilt. However, this is still not enough for me.
I want to torment this old man without the cliche “I feel sorry for everything I’ve done” routine. I want to make him suffer through mortality.
I believe I’ve seen this “Child Nightmare” idea that strips him of his power and presence, which while going through the same “reverting back to Passive with the goop melting away” process, it still differentiates itself by making the reason different; it doesn’t come from Nightmare experiencing guilt or regret and it happens out of his control.
Can someone please help me find that post by the way; I was trying to find and link it but I couldn’t and I forgot to like it :(
My take on a reversion AU would to, instead of having the goop wash away to reveal Passive underneath it, the opposite happens.
Let’s talk about The Lich from Adventure Time. He’s this big, menacing skeleton dude who means no good until Finn slaps him with whatever this gunk is, which begins making him grow organic matter and skin. This turns The Lich into a giant baby named Sweet Pea, who’s been (mostly) freed from his original self and ways. This was actually the thing that made me want to write all of this! The Lich and Nightmare already feel like very similar characters from how they act to parts of their design, so why not take this a step further?
Btw, that’s why I drew this ;)
Through unknown means, an outside force that could either be working alongside Dream or not curses Nightmare for whatever reason, suddenly forcefully (and rather painfully) sealing his body away into the body of the skeleton he had once killed for his own benefit. Have him live out the pains of mortality and despair that he had pushed Dream into without softening or hurting his characterization. Have him despise his newfound life, yet pushing help from others away even if it means he’s only hurting himself and his chances of turning back to normal. Have him use this form to his advantage to torment Dream, who’d still be on the path of getting over his brother’s death.
Because regardless of looks, this is still the corrupted guardian of negativity we’re talking about. He may LOOK like he’s been redeemed, and that without his power and weakened negative aura he’ll be nicer and more anxious, but that doesn’t necessarily means he has to be nor is. Looks can be deceiving, silly! And he’ll use those looks to his advantage. And yes, he would be immensely weaker than he originally was, but like Dream, Nightmare too, will adapt. He was already good at manipulating and controlling others, but a more unassuming form has only benefited him in this regard.
Because who expects a helpless bully victim to be capable of killing?
It’s the same mistake that hundreds of people have died to in the past.
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Everyone arguing about Stannis, JonCon, Jaime, god forbid Jorah being the 1000th commander of the NW….when it will be Jon again 🌚
#btw this is not stannerism like i do have legitimate reasons why i think it will be jon at the end#i think an interesting part of jon’s politiking as LC is him realizing how deep the rot is in the watch#he spends an entire book - agot - realizing that he institution he spent his childhood idolizing is not so glorious#he spends the next book directly confronting the issues that come with being a good man ( helping gilly#and being a true man to the watch and starting to notice the cracks in the system#and then asos is like the turning point you know?#adwd is him trying to fix the watch from within but failing imo because as i said the rot is far deeper#it doesnt matter how many people you replace the watch needs an overhaul - a complete uprooting to the core#which is why i dont like theories of him being a passive bystander as the watch crumbles#its just too narratively juicy if he takes a part in the destruction of the watch coz yknow some things need to be cleansed w/ fire n blood#a nice lil parallel to dany and what shell be doing in the east throughout winds#i like him as the 1000th lc because its a nice round number and thats a bit silly but its also signifying a renewal#Its a blank slate which is essential to jon because he does have a vision for the watch and the wildings!#and he can start from the ground up - and like one of the most underrated themes in jon’s arc is nation building#ive said before that i think the show kinda got it right….like we’ll see a weird mesh of lc of the nw and kbtw as jon’s endgame#I wont get into that now….but i know a lot of jon stans dont want him back at the wall because it seems needlessly cyclical and i get it#and i get that the watch isnt the most glorious place to be…but i really do think its meant to be a vehicle to explore themes of rebirth#and renewal which appear in jon’s arc -think of jon’s messianic framing and the watch being his “new earth” after all is said and done#not so much a place of punishment but a place to find new meaning and exist beyond many societal frameworks#for the cripples bastards and broken things….anywayyyyy lmaoo#asoiaf#jon snow
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paragonrobits · 2 months
thinking a lot about a premise where after the events of Psychonauts 2, years later, Raz winds up breaking off all contact with his family overall (barring his younger siblings, his older sister, his dad and Nona, and his younger siblings are a borderline case depending on whether or not they pick up their mother's passive aggressive and dislike of psychics like Raz's older brother) and the story idea is SPECIFICALLY Donatella, being grief-stuck at Raz completely cutting off all contact with her and much of the family after he was able to eventually become independent with the Psychonauts and is now a beloved icon and hero to the world famous for his advances in the use of psychic work to aid psychiatry and he very explicitly does not discuss her and acts as if she died when he was a kid
and the whole thing is basically about her having to very bluntly have to come to terms with the fact that if she hadn't been so cold to him or made him feel unwanted because of his powers, or his older brother learn from her example to become a vicious bully towards him (even by older brother standards), then maybe he wouldn't have fixated so hard on the idea of the Psychonauts as a place where felt he belonged and didn't feel like his very existence was shaming her
and its entirely her fault, and all her passive aggressive guilt trip actions in Psychonauts 2 made it worse and just made every moment around her, no matter how much he missed his mother, hurtful and he only felt better when he spoke to Helmut Fullbear who at this point was the first genuinely nice and accomodating voice he'd heard once the events with Maligula took off.
(He would be the first to admit much of that was his fault, but he still felt alone, and it was nice to feel such a kindly and welcome voice, like someone from a group he really belonged to, and that Donatella very specifically never made him felt like he belonged.)
And there's no magic fix. There's no tearful reconciliation, no heartfelt pleas that led to a happily ever after and the family reunions she wants. Decades of resentment, bitterness and childhood unhappiness that gradually turned into simmering hatred isn't something that can be taken back and she has to live with that; her second born son wants nothing to do with her and has written her completely out of his life, and will be quite happy if he dies without ever having to see her or speak with her ever again.
Also probably something like a line like "He stopped loving you a long time ago. After all, he thought you stopped loving him first."
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bluehairperson · 3 months
Anyway the type of relationship I like to think Rahadin and Ireena would have is "extremely toxic coach is borderline abusive to a specific girl because he thinks she has potential".
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fandomcavalier · 25 days
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This is what I want to see. More Wattpad reading lists titled something like "WTF?" with Ever Never After added to them.
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always-a-joyful-note · 3 months
Some game self inserts do their job being good player inserts and being as unobtrusive and removed from the narrative as they possibly can while still getting most of the credit for the work. And then there are the player inserts where you're not projecting on them, they are projecting on you and you cannot escape now, you are part of the narrative, what do you mean this isn't what you wanted?
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memento-mariii · 4 months
I finally womanned up and went to the local queer-affirming church I've been eyeing for ages now. I'm closeted to pretty much every single person in my life, so in a way I guess this was my first time being openly queer in any capacity. It was so healing to share a space with other queer people in real life.
For so long, I've been searching for people who'll love me while seeing me as I truly am. And I was so scared, too, but I guess the mortifying ordeal of being known isn't so mortifying at all once you really get down to it.
I am loved. I am loved. I am Loved.
Love saved me and I am made of love.
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(The local pride parade was yesterday and while I couldn't go (re: the whole being closeted thing), this church had a booth there so long story short, I got a cool rainbow rosary in the end 🥹)
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yeah these guys were never friends and only see each other as coworkers
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agueforts · 7 months
sometimes i think when some of u talk about gorgug u forget zac isn't white
#aspen tag#it's not like a concrete thing i just get the vibe sometimes#like sometimes ppl phrase things abt his heritage and relationship to his rage#or how he fits with gnomish culture n stuff#in a way that kinda frames it as like..... passive#when there's obviously very deliberate themes being explored#or like. idk.#talk about him in a way that gives the impression they've never thought about it from the perspective of race#i'm having an autism moment or smth and the tone machine is like fully offline rn#but i guess i just don't get how someone could just. not consider it at all#it's not like it's a stretch it's very much like. baked into him#his parents don't understand his rage or how it's a part of him#their house isn't made for someone his size#he shies away from anger because he already knows the world wasn't made to fit him#he spends s1 looking for his bio parents-- people who'd be like him. who he could connect to with this part of himself#digby & wilma don't talk to the rest of their families because they thought adopting gorgug was a bad choice!#their parenting (well-meaning as it may be) is all about redirecting rage#and gorgug's teaching himself not just how to channel it constructively#but how to be comfortable with it at all#because the environment he's in doesn't offer security in expressing it. not for people like him#and so he's learned to control it and distance himself from it#in a way that he has to dismantle to fully engage with his barbarian class#it's just. it's there#i can't convince of a world where someone could look at him and just. not see it#idk how to end this. yeah 👍#d20
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mistergreatbones · 2 years
"the twins would be happier if Leia was sent to Tatooine and Luke got to be prince of Alderaan." No they fucking wouldn't.
Our first introduction to Luke is him trying to get out of chores to hang out with his friends, and you want him to be in charge of a planet?
Luke Skywalker, the guy who put his whole heart and soul into piloting and being a Jedi? The guy who blew up the Death Star and redeemed Darth Vader? The guy who risked his life to save a woman he hadn't met? The guy who chose a life of solitude to dedicate himself to teaching a dead religion? You think he'll enjoy discussing things in committee?
And you think Leia Organa, cut-throat, analytical Leia, would be satisfied as farmgirl Leia Skywalker?
The woman who called Tarkin smelly while being kept as a prisoner? The woman who resisted Darth Vader's torture as an adult and Reva's interrogation as a child? Who watched her home and her people destroyed and not even an hour later was arguing and insulting her rescuers? Who held a primed thermal detonator in her hand without blinking? Who strangled Jabba the Hutt with the chain he put around her neck?
You want that woman living in the same household as Owen Lars? They'd kill each other!
You want Leia Organa forced to stay home and do her chores instead of fighting the Empire? Be a farmer like Owen or a housewife like Beru? Never straying further from home than to Mos Eisley? You think she'd ever stand for that?
ffs, just cuz Luke likes fashion and Leia likes fighting doesn't mean they were put in the wrong families! Leia could have been a pilot or a Jedi, but she chose to be a rebel and a leader. Luke could have been General or a diplomat, and he chose to be a Jedi.
TL;DR: If we were to take Luke and Leia the way they are in the OT and switch their childhood circumstances, neither of them would thrive in each other's shoes.
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upsidedog · 11 months
a little over a month after max ended things with lucas a girl in her spanish class aproched her and asked if “lucas sinclar” is single. apparently she thinks he’s cute and has seen them hanging out. “no, he isn’t single” is what max wants to say because if she sticks to her plan of mourning their relationship for the rest of high school so should he, even if max was the one who broke it off. but max is a good person so she says “yeah he’s single.” but not that good so she adds “he just got out of a relationship though, and he’s not over her” and since she’s already crossed that first line “i actually wouldn’t even try.”
max only lasts an hour or two before she feels so guilty she tells lucas there’s a girl in her spanish class that he should ask out cause she thinks he’s cute. lucas is a little offended that his ex is trying to play matchmaker on principle but also because he was sort of planning on mourning his and max’s relationship for the rest of high school
#stranger things#max mayfield#lumax#i honestly could’ve gotten a whole season of max and lucas on unstable kinda ‘bad’ terms i live for the drama#like i mean i could go into character analysis mode but it’s a holiday#i know in lucas on the line there was a girl at the party after the basketball game lucas thought was cute and i think if he had the time#it would’ve been healthy and normal to move on but also max would be eating drywall out of jealously#like obvi lucas would be doing nothing wrong they’ve been broken up but max deserves a little toxicicity she deserves to passive#aggressively ask what his new girlfriend’s high score in dig dug is then celebrate to herself when she says she doesn’t play video games bc#max is an awkward dork 15 y/o who thought a core reason why lucas liked her was because she would beat the hard arcade levels for him#max wants to be with him so bad but feels like a monster and she’s so in her grief she doesn’t even know how to ask for help so their#relationship is over even as max is still hanging on. conversely lucas has no clue what’s going on over than a vague idea - he wants to be#with max he wants to support max but he doesn’t know how and he also wants to feel normal and be cool and forget the past few years and max#is by far the most resentful of his attempts to leave the past behind because THATS WHERE SHES STUCK#i said i wouldn’t do analysis then i did. middle ground is i won’t rewrite it 2 not be a scrambled train of thought because it is a holiday
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buildingunderstanding · 4 months
Me, reading before bed: I don't think I know how to recognize what it feels like "put my heart into" things because I struggle to recognize most positive emotions since I dissociate so much by default and kind of just passively exist in life. Passivity is my default state and it blocks me from experiencing and feeling things.
Loki, fully aware of the dissociative disorder and trauma this all stems from because we've had this conversation before: Yup. Let's maybe hold onto the realization this time, shall we?
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zeb-z · 9 months
“Even if it’s not my fault, it’s still my accident, it’s still my mess. It’s still something that - exists, because I do” oh. and he just doesn’t know another way to help, either, because all his life has been screwing up without helpful direction in order to meet impossible standards, and so there is no other way than to bleed himself dry. for the cause, for a friend in need, for anyone he doesn’t know. especially for the problems that he himself creates, because to him his pure existence has always been the problem, because the elders were fucked as hell and traumatized him to no end - so even causing problems is a sin. a single mistake is a sin. it always has been. and it’s rough trying to learn anything other than that mindset - but Jay and Chip won’t let him struggle alone.
and it’s like - that’s what comes with being raised the way he was. punished for imperfection, but there’s no guidebook, no definition of perfect. and so perfect is never good enough anyway. it’s a trap and there is no winning, so there’s nothing else to do but take the blame and bear it, and internalize it. and it makes actual failure and actual mistakes that much more painful. of course responsibility needs to be taken for your actions - but when you’ve been taking responsibility for everything, up to and including the literal fate of the world, all of your life, every outcome is your fault. and guilt only builds, and resentment only festers. of course he hates the elders for how they treated him. of course he hates himself.
he’s grabbing his own destiny and making his own choices - but the thing about making your own choices is that there are so many of them. there’s no destiny to blame anymore. and all you can do is the best you can. and it’s not always going to be good enough. he’s learned plenty about failure, but with Jay and Chip around, maybe he’ll learn about second chances, and self forgiveness. maybe he’ll learn that accidents aren’t always met with extremes. and that he’s not the only one left to deal with a mess if he slips up and breaks something.
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