#i mean. i still have six-ish hours to get ready
fabulouslygaybean · 1 year
oh god. later today we're leaving for california and i am Not ready
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raysrays · 7 months
Crimson Guardian NSFW
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Kyojuro Rengoku x Wife! Reader
18+ MDNI!🚫
CW: NSFW Content, minor angst, controlling/manipulating behavior, fluff-ish.
Scenario : You've recently married into the respected Rengoku family, and while you continue your work as a demon slayer, life starts to get a bit messy. Balancing your duties becomes a real challenge as you navigate the challenges of married life. You find yourself having to make tough choices just to keep your husband happy, all while debating to stay true to yourself and your calling as a demon slayer.
Marriage. Truly one of the most beautiful milestones a couple can achieve. Marrying Kyojuro has undoubtedly been my greatest accomplishment.
I still remember it vividly, as if it were yesterday. Surrounded by friends, family, and core members, we pledged our lives to each other. Though it wasn't the most glamorous wedding ever seen, it was enough. Because really, all I've ever wanted was Kyojuro, and now, finally, I have him.
For the first few months, our marriage was nothing short of perfect. I moved into the Rengoku estate with Kyojuro's family, assisting Shenjuro with chores and gradually trying to get closer to Shinjuro. Though I'm not sure how successful I was.
It was only six months in that I realized being a demon slayer and a wife wasn't as easy as I thought.
Before our relationship, I was Kyojuro's Tsuguko. He was simply my mentor, and I trained hard under him to get myself where I am today. It was later down the road that we noticed each other's lingering gazes, the occasional flirting, and all the other subtle hints of wanting to be more.
Kyojuro was strong, and I knew he wanted a family, but I simply wasn't ready to give up training and my duties as a demon slayer just yet.
Every day, after helping out around the estate, I would hike over to HQ and pick up where I had left off the previous day, training until the late hours of the night. I would often come home exhausted, which usually caused Kyojuro to worry. As much as I reassured him, he never seemed fully convinced.
Now, here I was, sitting at the dinner table with Kyo across from me. It was a rare occasion for us to eat alone together like this. We made small talk about our day and training, and then he finally stopped eating and put his silverware down.
"Little Flame, I think it’s time we have a serious discussion about the way things have been as of late,” his usual happy smile seemed almost nervous.
I set my spoon down on my plate, giving him my full attention.
“Yes? What is it?”
“Sunflower, you have been working so hard as of late, and it’s quite admirable. I truly admire your dedication to the demon slayer corps and your training!”
“But…?” I ask, confused.
“But… since our marriage, I’ve found myself in constant worry over you. Every time you go on a mission without me, I have to painfully wait for your return. Not knowing whether or not you'd be injured or even-“
“Dead?” I finish.
I saw his body tense up at the word.
“Yes, my love. Dead. I cannot even bear the thought of you never returning to me. It pains me to my core,” he seemed so sad, so worried about me.
I know Kyojuro, I know he didn’t mean anything bad by what he was saying. However, I felt almost offended. He too was a slayer, a hashira. I also had to deal with the fear of him returning with serious injuries or even never returning at all.
Did he believe me to be incapable of protecting myself? He was the very one who trained me. Even though I knew Kyojuro was strong, much stronger than me, it just felt like he lacked faith in me.
“You don’t think I’m strong enough anymore? Do you think marriage has made me soft?” I realized I might have come off a little too harsh, but my emotions were getting the best of me.
His expression seemed surprised, but I could tell. While he may not have used those words, that was definitely the gist of it.
I watched him get up from his place at the table and walk over to me. He pulled my chair out from under the table, then grabbed my hands and kneeled down in front of me.
His big, bright eyes were now staring up at me.
“You are one of the strongest people I know, my love. I know how capable you are, but please remember…”
He brought my hands to his lips, kissing them softly.
“You are my wife before you are a demon slayer. I cannot risk sending you off only for you to never return.”
I could practically hear the desperation and love in his voice.
Kyojuro wasn’t someone who would usually discourage anyone from pursuing something they're passionate about. So if he was now, I knew that it’s something he’s been internally battling with for a while.
“What about you? Is it not the same? What about my worry? What if you never come home to me?” I could feel my face start to heat up. Everything he was saying seemed to come from genuine care, but it felt so hypocritical.
“I am a Hashira, my little flame. I have a certain responsibility you do not have to burden yourself with. I shall retire soon, in just a few years. So please…”
There’s no way he’d ask me-
“Please retire your sword, Y/N. Please stay home for me. Please allow my heart to rest easy knowing you'll be here waiting for me whenever I shall return,” his voice was pleading.
I felt so conflicted. I’d worked so hard. All of these years of training to hopefully become a high-ranking swordsman myself. However, at the same time, I never stopped to consider my romantic life and how being married would affect things.
We both sat there in silence for a few moments, and I finally rose up from the chair, pulling him up off his knees along with me.
I looked up at him, reaching my hand up to rest on his cheek.
“Kyojuro, you are the only one I would retire my sword for. So please promise me, promise me you will always come home to me. Until the day you yourself retire.”
“I promise you, Sunflower. As long as I know you are safe and waiting for me, there is no demon that could ever keep me away.”
I felt his hand on my lower back and the other holding up my chin.
We both leaned in, our lips meeting in a tender kiss.
This kiss started so gently, so lovingly at first. As we pulled away for just a moment, staring into each other’s eyes, we realized how long it had been since we really enjoyed each other’s company.
After that, the kiss only grew hotter and more passionate.
Kyojuro swept me off my feet and carried me straight to our shared room at the back of the estate, the most private spot. It seemed fitting for newlyweds, after all.
As he gently laid me back on the soft futon, I couldn't help but stay focused on him. Kyojuro was simply beautiful. His hair, his eyes, his body, everything about him looked like he was perfectly sculpted.
My admiration was interrupted as I felt him begin to kiss me again. One of his hands traveling to my breasts, gently squeezing it.
The other massaging my thigh.
I feel him pull away from me starting to kiss on my neck traveling all the way down to my chest.
Kyojuro had always known my weak points and how to make me say yes to his every request. He knew my body just as well as I did, and now he was taking full advantage of that knowledge.
I could feel him pressing against me as he moved his hand down my body, lightly touching me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, wanting more.
Then I heard, Kyojuro's soft voice whisper these words, almost as a demand. "Enjoy this little flame, you've kept me waiting far too long.”
As soon as those words left his lips, I felt myself begin to relax. His movements were so gentle, so careful, so loving.
His fingers trailed down my sides, sending chills through my body. His hands went back up and caressed my neck, making me tremble. He kissed me once more, and I melted into him.
It was as if he had cast a spell over me, and all I could do was obey him. He was completely in control of me.
After a moment, I felt him move back down and remove my underwear, revealing my already wet entrance. His hand slid between my thighs, and I couldn't help but let out a moan as his finger slipped inside me. He was gentle at first, just barely grazing me, but it felt incredible.
"Is this okay?" he asked softly, his breath hot against my ear.
I nodded but I could tell that wasn’t enough for him.
“Use your words my love.” He demanded sweetly.
“Yes Kyo, it’s perfect.” I said, my voice trembling.
He leaned down and kissed my lips before pulling back again, smiling at me.
"I want to be inside of you," he whispered, his voice filled with desire.
"Please," I begged.
He removed his fingers, replacing them with his cock, his tip rubbing against my clit.
"Good girl," he whispered, thrusting into me.
I threw back my head, arching my back and digging my nails into his shoulders. His movements were slow and deep at first and then they became faster and harder, and soon my whole body began to shake. I couldn't stop the moans from escaping my lips, and I couldn't help but beg for more.
When he starts to speed up I know we are both about to reach our limit.
I feel his fingers interlock with mine and his lips pressing against mine again, but this time, he wasn’t just kissing me, he was also letting his teeth graze my bottom lip.
He was biting down hard enough to draw blood.
We were both so close and we were both trying to hold back but we couldn’t anymore. We were finally going to let ourselves release.
I was the first one to let myself go, arching my back as I moaned his name.
Then he followed not too far behind.
After he finishes, we just lay there for a bit catching our breath.
“I love you, Y/N,” he finally breathed out, turning his head to look at me.
I turned to face him as well. “I love you, Kyojuro.”
After that, the two of us drifted off in each other's arms for the rest of the night.
The next morning when I awoke, I was still trapped wrapped in Kyojuro's arms.
After a bit of struggling, I managed to maneuver my way out and make it to the kitchen.
There I saw Senjuro, who was already preparing breakfast for everyone.
“Good morning, Sen,” I greeted with a yawn.
“Oh, good morning, Y/N!”
“I'm almost finished with breakfast. Is my brother awake yet?”
“He should be awake soon. We both have to see Master Kagaya today,” I said, rubbing my eyes.
He stopped to turn and look at me.
“Did something bad happen?” he asked nervously.
Poor Senjuro always assumes the absolute worst in every situation. Well, I suppose in this case it’s somewhat understandable.
“No, Sen, nothing's wrong. Kyojuro and I are just going to inform Master Kagaya of my retirement. That’s all.”
He gave a puzzled look.
“Retirement? Why? Haven’t you been training for years to improve your sword skills to move up in the ranks?” he asked.
He was right. I know I shouldn’t go back on my word to Kyojuro, but I really was having second thoughts about my decision.
Senjuro could probably sense my doubt because his next response was:
"If this is something that you're not sure of, then you shouldn't do it. If you have doubts about this decision, then maybe you're not ready for retirement just yet."
His words really struck a chord with me.
Maybe he was right.
Before I could ponder that any further, Kyojuro had made his way into the kitchen.
"Good morning! How are my two favorite people doing?" he said cheerfully.
I smiled.
"Morning, Kyo. Did you sleep well?"
"I did, actually. Thank you, little flame," he walked over to me, giving me a kiss.
I could feel my chest tightening, nervous about what was to come.
The whole time at breakfast, I felt so spaced out. All I could hear was Kyojuro and Senjuro talking and the occasional grunt from Shinjuro drinking away at the table.
“Sunflower? Are you okay?”
I was snapped out of my daze by Kyojuro waving a hand in front of my face. All three of them were staring at me, kind of concerned.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Sorry.”
I shook my head a little and looked down at my plate. I felt bad for Senjuro going through all that trouble to cook, but I simply couldn’t eat right now.
After we finished breakfast, Kyojuro and I headed out.
The thought that this would be the last time wearing my uniform with my sword by my side was so weird and almost uncomfortable to me.
I knew that this day would come eventually, but I always hoped in the back of my mind that Kyojuro would be the one to retire before me.
I had been so focused on training and my duties as a demon slayer that it had never even occurred to me how my marriage would affect everything.
I was now a wife. My first priority should be the estate, and helping Shinjuro while he was in his state of grief, and being there for Senjuro as well.
It wouldn’t be right of me to go against my husband's wishes either. Especially after the intimate moment we shared. Right?
As we made it to HQ waiting to speak with the master I felt my heartbeat racing inside of me.
The room was quiet, I could feel Kyojuro’s eyes lingering on me but I couldn’t bring myself to face him right now.
Both mine and Kyojuro’s attention was shifted as we heard the door open and Master Kagaya entered the room.
"Rengoku, Y/N. It's a pleasure to see you both," Kagaya said, his face as warm as ever.
"It's wonderful to see you too, Master," I replied.
"So what brings you two here? It seems urgent, judging by the fact that you came in so early."
"It is very urgent," Kyojuro began.
He then proceeded to explain our conversation from the night before, and how I was considering retiring.
"Y/N, this is a big decision, and it's important that you feel comfortable and confident in it. Do you think you can fully retire, knowing you won't be able to assist the demon slayers as you are now?" Kagaya asked.
I looked at the master and then glanced at Kyojuro. He seemed so proud and happy that we were here. I could feel the warmth radiating from him.
But, I could also sense the worry in his expression. He was nervous, scared almost.
I couldn't do that to him.
"Master, I've spent most of my life training for the opportunity to become a hashira. To serve the demon slayer corps and protect those who cannot protect themselves. But...I'm no longer just a demon slayer. I'm also a wife, and as such, I think it's only right that I focus on that," I answered.
The room fell silent for a moment.
"If you truly feel this is the right choice, then we support you, Y/N," Kagaya finally spoke.
"Thank you, Master," I bowed.
"Thank you so much, Master! I will never
forget your kindness!" Kyojuro bowed as well.
The two of us left the room and started to head out.
As we exited, we ran into a few of the other Hashira, who asked us about what we had gone to see Master Kagaya about.
They too seemed surprised and a little concerned when Kyojuro explained to them that I would be retiring so soon.
I could tell some of their reactions to the news annoyed Kyojuro. Shinobu used the word “controlling,” and you could see his smile almost falter.
"Controlling" was never a word I would have used to describe my husband. He just loves me, right? He wants to protect me. There's no way my sweet and kind Kyo would ever do anything to control or manipulate me.
Part Two
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jedipoodoo · 10 months
Love Knows No Season (Sergeant Hunter x OC, Wild West AU)
@queenquazar @dilpickledd @the-shadow-of-atlantis @themaridenstationchronicles @allwhoponder
Word Count: 5066 (H O W ? ? ?) Notes: Hypothermia, sickfic(ish), pining but they're too obtuse to realize that the other is pining too. Crosshair 110% says "y'all" y'all are just cowards.
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Saachi was quite surprised to find the Sheriff was at the door when Missus Secura asked her to answer it. She was quite embarrassed that she hadn't put more effort into making sure her hair was brushed, but it had snowed heavily the night before and she wasn't expecting any of the ranch hands to show up.
"Is everything alright, sir?" She asked.
Sheriff Hunter floundered for a moment, "Is that how you greet everyone?" He asked.
"It's the badge, Hunt," Echo gave Hunter a meaningful nudge as he wheeled himself around his brother and into the house.
Hunter glanced down at the lapel of his dark overcoat, with the golden star pinned just over his heart, and quickly took it off, shoving it in his coat pocket.
"Well come on in! Don't let all the heat out!" Mister Secura chuckled good-naturedly, and Saachi stepped out of the way to let Echo and Hunter into the kitchen
"Echo, Sheriff, this is a pleasant surprise," Missus Secura smiled, offering them the plate of cinnamon rolls, fresh from the oven.
"Didn't mean to interrupt anythin', ma'am," Echo nodded, and gratefully accepted the pastry, "We just wanted to invite Yulia and Saachi to come skating with us this morning."
"That sounds wonderful," Yulia gasped and took Saachi's hand. Despite standing over the stove for the past hour, her fingers were still freezing, "Have you ever been skating before?"
"No, I-I don't believe I have," Saachi tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
"No need to worry," Echo gave Hunter's arm a solid whack, "Hunter can teach you plenty!"
"Would it just be the four of you, then?" Missus Secura asked, mindful as always.
"No ma'am," Echo sat up straight, "the rest of our brothers will be there too. We're teaching Megan how to skate today as well."
Saachi and Hunter on their own would be an appropriate pair to chaperone Yulia and Echo as they pursued their courtship, but no one would question the integrity of the local doctor in addition to the Sheriff's vow of honor.
"Come on, let's go get ready!" Yulia, still grasping Saachi's hand, pulled her from the kitchen and up the stairs to her room. It was like she knew her parents were going to day yes. Saachi's father and stepmother back home would have required several more rounds of interrogation before possibly considering Saachi being around four men all day, even if they were more friends than strangers.
The Fett boys, however, were no strangers. Saachi had been staying with the Securas in Pabu Creek for the last five months, traveling around Marauder Valley helping any women in need of a midwife or any kind of medical care. In doing so, she'd gotten to know Pabu Creek's Doctor Tech, Yulia's sweetheart Echo, and their brothers quite well. Not to mention their little sister, Megan. Megan was well-versed in medicine, and had helped Saachi and Yulia once or twice. Sheriff Hunter had also escorted them all over the valley, and helped them out of a sticky situation more times than Saachi would care to admit.
"Here, wear this," Yulia handed Saachi a fluffy red scarf.
"What, why?" Saachi wrapped it around her neck anyway, she needed the warmth.
"It matches the one the Sheriff was wearing. Plus, it's a good color on you," Yulia winked.
Saachi hushed her quickly, "He could hear you!" Yulia just laughed all the louder, and brushed Saachi's hair, pulling it back into a smooth bun that could easily fit under a bonnet.
Saachi rolled her eyes. Yulia's attempts at playing matchmaker were getting more and more overt, and Saachi didn't know what to do about it. It had been six months. If the sheriff was going to make a move on her, he would have done so by now. But Saachi didn't mind, not one bit. She was happy simply to spend time with Yulia and the others.
They came back downstairs, bundled tightly. and Yulia took their thicker bonnets from the coat pegs to tie below their chin.
Saachi fumbled with the strings for a moment, trying not to tie her mittens in a knot.
"Let me," The sheriff offered. He took the strings from her hands, tying them in a secure knot just below her chin.
"Thank you, Sher- Hunter." Saachi corrected herself.
"Anytime," Sheriff Hunter held out his arm to her, escorting her down the stairs of the Secura's porch to the sleigh he and Echo had ridden in. The two horses, Havoc and Maudie, waited patiently, delicately pawing at the snow as Hunter helped Echo down the stairs in his wheelchair.
Havoc was a dark gray stallion, with gruff neighs and whinnies. Maudie was a mare with soft yellow fur and mane, and she kept blinking at the brightness of the sun reflected on the bright white snow.
Hunter and Yulia helped Echo into the back of the sleigh with some blankets, and hung his wheelchair off the back of the sleigh. Hunter slipped into the front bench next to Saachi. With a click of his teeth, he urged the horses forward, and theytook off at a brisk trot down the road towards the Fett Family Ranch.
Saachi watched the snow around them, watching it sparkle in the morning sun against a clear blue sky.
"No one ever talks about how bright the snow is. Just how it's always cold, and wet," Saachi spoke quietly, trying not to interrupt Yulia and Echo's conversation. They were adults, they could talk about whatever they wanted.
Hunter grunted, and Saachi thought that would be the end of their conversation as the sleigh hissed across the top of the icy drifts.
"Sometimes it takes seein' something for yourself to see the beauty in it," He said.
Saachi felt the inner urge to keep the conversation going, but she had no idea of what to say next.
"What's your home like?"
"What, the ranch?"
"No no, not your house here, but, you said once that your family came from the Maori islands, right?"
Hunter nodded. "Rotura. New Zealand."
"When I came to America, we stopped in Auckland on the way over. It was pretty small."
"Auckland is not New Zealand," Hunter shook his head, "That's the British New Zealand."
"Right," Saachi gave a deep exhale, watching her breath frost on the crisp air with the awkwardness.
Fortunately, the Fett Home came into view as they rounded a copse of naked trees. Wrecker was outside, chopping wood, and little Megan was helping him, hollaring and waving as the sleigh came up the hill.
"Wrecker, what's she doing out without her coat on?" Hunter sighed and climbed out of the sleigh. But before he went over to give Megan a little push back inside, he offered Saachi a hand out from under the blankets and furs that cushioned the seats.
Wrecker shrugged, and tossed some more logs on the wood pile, "She seemed fine! She was having fun making the snowballs." He pointed to the piled next to the front door.
"She's a kid, Wrecker, she'll get sick faster than we will," Echo explained patiently. Wrecker helped him out of the sleigh and into his wheelchair, helping him through the tracks left by his chair from earlier in the morning.
"How are you going to skate with us, Echo?" Saachi asked, walking alongside Echo's chair.
A loud clattering from the barn, followed by a prolonged moo from the cow, Lulabelle, answered her question. Tech stumbled out, carrying another big, bulky chair in his arms.
"I believe this one will suit our needs rather well!" He proudly announced, holding it up as high as he could with the bulky shape.
Megan threw open the door to the house, now wrapped up in a long, woolen overcoat, with a scarf, gloves, and a thick bonnet like Saachi's and Yulia's.
"Who's ready for ice skating!" She whooped and grabbed Saachi's hand, taking off at a sprint down the hill from the house to the lake.
Omega skid to a stop at the lake's edge, and Saachi nearly crashed into her, both of them studying the ice in great detail.
"So how do we do it?" Omega asked, gasping for breath.
Saachi shook her head, "I don't know."
Still holding Saachi's hand for good luck, Megan stretched out her booted foot, placing it solidly on the ice. Nothing happened. Megan leaned forward, placing her second foot on the ice with it. She gave a little bounce to see if something would happen, and her feet slipped out from under her, and she landed on her rear.
A sharp whistle pierced the air, and Saachi watched Crosshair, the last and most aloof of the brothers, approach with two pairs of shoes with blades attached to the bottom.
"I think this will make it more fun for y'all."
"What's that?" Megan groaned, pushing herself back on her feet and rubbing her bum.
Crosshair waved the smaller pair of skates at her, and Saachi noticed a third pair slung over his shoulders, "This, kid, is the 'skate' in 'ice skate'."
Saachi helped Megan off the ice again, and Crosshair showed them how to lace up the skates as Wrecker and Tech helped Echo down the hill with his new chair.
The seat was the same wicker frame as Echo's wheelchair, but instead of the wheels, the framework beneath the seat was attached to two handles, much like the brake in a railroad engine, so that Echo could steer the ice skates at the bottom of the framework.
Yulia laced up her own pair of skates and was the first one on the ice after Echo. While he figured out the mechanics of his new chair, Yulia took Megan's hands and led her out on the ice. Megan's feet almost slipped out from under her, but Yulia kept a firm hold on her, showing her how to position her feet and keep her balance.
"Where's Hunter?" Saachi glanced around, but couldn't see the Sheriff who had brought them there.
"He's puttin' the horses in the barn to stay warm," Crosshair winked at her, "You're welcome to wait for 'im if you want 'im to show ya a few moves..."
Saachi's face flushed with warmth from her chin to the tip of her nose, despite the cold. Did everyone know that she was sweet on the Sheriff?
"Wrecker! Can you show me how to skate?"
"Me?" Wrecker was momentarily confused, but it was quickly replaced with a grin as big as the Grand Canyon, "Sure thing!"
Keeping her hand on Wrecker's arm, Saachi carefully pulled herself to her feet. She could balance a sword on her fingertip, she could balance her body on a single blade. She placed her feet on the ice just as Yulia had told Omega, and let Wrecker lead her across the ice.
Her legs wobbled a bit, “How do you move on these?” she asked. 
“Like this!” Wrecker shot forward, yanking Saachi with him. Saachi squealed and hung on to Wrecker’s arm for dear life as she was dragged across the ice with him, her feet flying out from under her as she tried to get a semblance of balance.
Yulia laughed as Wrecker skated past with Saachi and tow. She was skating lazily, using Echo’s chair like a cane to keep her balance. Saachi caught a glimpse of Crosshair’s smirk and turned to shoot a rude comment in his direction, only for her grip to slip from Wrecker’s arm and send her tumbling face first into a thick leather jacket.
Hunter caught her under the elbows, holding her steady until she got her feet under her. Wrecker didn’t seem the least bit apologetic for his shenanigans.
"Thanks, Wreck," Hunter said, his voice low and his eyes never leaving Saachi's, "I got it from here.”
Wrecker laughed, “If you say so, boss!” He skated over to Megan, much more gracefully than one would expect of a man his girth.
Hunter took Saachi’s hand and tucked it into the crook of his elbow. His arms weren’t as big as Wrecker’s, but they were firm and warm, and it kept her hand tucked up against his warm chest. Saachi tried to place her second hand there for a more secure grip, but Hunter gently pushed it away.
“You’ll need that to keep your balance. Here,” He gave a little push with his skates, and he almost pulled away from Saachi before she pulled herself after him.
“Start with smaller strokes, it’s easier to keep yourself from fallin’ over. Watch me,” He pointed down at their feet. Though his feet moved almost diagonally as they pushed against the ice, his body kept moving in a straight line. Saachi matched her steps to his, slowly but surely gliding across the ice. Now she was starting to see why this was enjoyable. 
Hunter led Saachi around the perimeter of the lake, helping her get accustomed to the movement and letting her find her balance.
“You know how to dance, right?”
Saachi blinked up at him, “Do you?” She demanded.
Hunter chuckled and spun himself in front of Saachi. Still holding her hand, he was skating backward as he led her in a lazy Figure Eight.
“C’mon now, you didn’t think we’re that uncultured out here did ya?”
Well, the Secura’s did host a dance from time to time,but Saachi couldn’t think of a time she’d seen the Sheriff dancing at one.
Before she could come up with a witty retort, Hunter gently pulled her in closer, holding her hand in his and placing his free hand on her waist. Saachi fell into dance position easily, and without missing a beat Hunter glided through the waltz steps– one, two, three, one two three –and spun Saachi under his arm.
Like any upper-crust lady who’d been taught how to dance, Saachi anticipated the move, lifting her right foot just above the ice, and rising to the tip of the blade of her skates. She wobbled on such a small area, but Hunter held her firmly, and kept her from falling.
Saachi landed with her back against Hunter’s chest, both his hands clutched in her, and the others applauded their show.
“Well done,” Hunter whispered in her ear. Unable to do anything but giggle childishly, Saachi gave a curtsy to her dance partner.
Megan laughed, more than confident enough in her own abilities as she skated by, grinning at Saachi and Hunter, like she knew something that they didn’t.
The sound of a gunshot ripped through the air, and everyone paused for a moment. When no one reported any injuries, they all relaxed, but Megan stayed frozen.
It turned out Saachi was warmed by more than just the movement required for skating. The ice was getting thinner, creating a spider-web of cracks beneath Megan's feet.
"Help me," She whimpered.
"Wrecker, you and Echo get off the ice," Hunter said. Everyone began talking at once, Wrecker protesting trying to say that he could help, Yulia trying to make her way over to Echo, Crosshair skating towards Megan as fast as he could, and Tech drawing closer as he tried to tell Megan how she should avoid falling through the ice.
"Everyone shut up and stop moving!" Hunter barked. His voice sent the birds scrambling away in the trees.
"Wrecker, you're too heavy. We need as many of us off the ice as possible."
Wrecker and Yulia helped Echo get his chair off the ice, and slowly Tech made his way to the edge of the lake.
“You too Cross,” Hunter said. Crosshair tried to move closer to where Omega was, but he was still halfway across the lake, and Saachi and Hunter were already closer to Megan. Finally, he gave up, and joined the others on the snow.
"Yulia, get us a stick or something!" Hunter waved a hand at the woods. Yulia stumbled through the snow, growing slushier with each passing second, and Crosshair was right being her, trying to find a stick the perfect length to reach Megan.
"Just stay right there, Megs, it's gonna be okay," Saachi smiled at her, trying to ease Megan's racing nerves as well as her own.
"Spread out your body weight, Megan, it will keep the ice from cracking faster!" Tech said.
Megan was balanced precariously already. The more she stared at her feet, the faster the cracks seemed to appear.
"Here!" Wrecker passed a stick as tall as Crosshair to Hunter. Hunter tossed it over to Saachi who held the stick out to Megan.
"Grab on, kid," He nodded urgently. Saachi held on to the other end of the thick stick, providing a counterbalance for Megan's weight and lifting her off the ice just slightly.
"Now what?" Saachi asked.
Hunter scrambled for a bit, trying to put his thoughts into words.
"We've got to swing her over to the edge of the lake, or at least off the weak part of the ice,"
Saachi nodded, wondering if she had the strength to do that on her own. She and Hunter were both too scared to move, any movement could make the ice crack faster and send them all into the frozen water below.
Strength, she almost certainly had. She'd picked up Megan and stacks upon stacks of encyclopedias at the library dozens of times before. It was her balance that was in question.
Saachi's breath frosted in the air, clouding her glasses as she gathered her strength. As best she could, Saachi swung the stick like a cricket bat, launching Megan at the lakes edge. She let go of the stick in the process, stumbling forwards and landing on her hands and knees.
Everyone heaved a sigh of relief as Tech caught Megan under her arms, helping her to her feet.
Saachi braced her hands on the ice to stand up, only to realize that this patch of ice was much darker than the rest.
She fell face-first into the freezing water without a chance to gasp for air.
"Saachi!" She heard everyone screaming her name, but all she could see was the dark water around her. She tried not to scream and lose what precious air she had left, kicking and searching for the surface as her fingers began to grow numb and the cold stabbed at her skin.
A stick jabbed her in the stomach and she grabbed it on instinct, trying to push away the offending object, but instead it tugged her upward, into the biting wind.
Saachi gasped for breath. By some miracle her glasses were still on her face, though her thrashing had pushed them down the tip of her nose. She could make out a clump of blurry shapes with Hunter's orange coat and the red knit hat and scarf Omega had made him. He was crawling towards her on his belly, across the ice, a death grip on the stick they'd used to save Megan.
"Take my hand!" He yelled. Megan and the others were also yelling, asking if Saachi was okay or what they could do to help.
Hunter shoved his hand in Saachi's face so she wouldn't miss it. Her fingers fumbled, unable to quite bend around his hand in a firm grip. Hunter gave a small tug, pulling her a bit farther out of the ice, allowing him to grip her wrist tightly.
"Wrecker! Grab my feet!" Hunter called over his shoulder.
Wrecker cautiously made his way across the ice, only stepping on the solid white parts as before he leaned forward, grabbing Hunter by the ankles.
The ice held beneath Saachi as the biting cold became slightly less cold as she was carefully pulled out of the hole in the ice.
"Good, good, keep going!" Hunter said, though the encouragement didn't feel directed at anyone in particular. Saachi reached for him with her free hand, digging her fingers into the leather of his coat as best she could. As her fingers slipped, Hunter seized her other wrist.
"Hang on, sweetheart, just a bit farther," He gasped, glancing over his shoulder. Wrecker had reached the lake's edge, giving Hunter the confidence he needed to move a bit more freely and pulled Saachi closer, wrapping her up in his coat and placing his had on her head. The laces of her bonnet still hung around her throat, like an icy necklace, and her waves had slipped from her bun, freezing against her bare skin.
"I'm getting her inside," Hunter was on his feet before Wrecker could offer to carry Saachi, following their footprints back to the door of the cabin.
Saachi blinked her eyes, trying to get rid of the icicles that were starting to form on her eyelashes.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Hunter said. It was almost the same tone that he used with the horses when they were acting up, but this sounded much more worried.
"Don't fall asleep on me, keep your eyes opened," He urged. His warm breath fanned across her face. It was a pathetic breeze compared to the snowfall, but it kept Saachi's nose from freezing.
Hunter kicked open the door and set Saachi in the rocking chair closest to the fireplace. The fireplace itself was down to the embers
"Karking hells-!" a mixture of all his sibling's names poised at the tip of his tongue, but he settled for growling instead. He tossed three logs on the embers, only to snuff out what was left of them.
He cursed again and grabbed the matches from the mantle. He tried once, twice, three times before the flame caught, and he pressed it up against the wood.
The fire spread slowly, too slowly for Hunter's liking. He yanked the blanket off of Megan's trundle bed and went to wrap it around Saachi, only to realize that she was still shivering in her wet clothes.
Yulia finally caught up.
"Do you have any spare clothes she could use? We need to get her things dried off."
Hunter climbed up the ladder to the loft, tossing down another blanket and his nightgown, thick linen for the cold months.
Yulia drew the curtain that gave Megan's little bed some privacy as the others made their way inside.
"Which one of you was dumb enough to let the fire go out in the middle of winter!?" Hunter snapped.
Tech huffed, offended, "Well, you are the one who said we should always be careful to put out a fire before leaving it unattended."
Megan giggled as Hunter floundered like a fish out of water.
"Hey Hunter, you still have your skates on." Wrecker pointed out.
"How'd you make it up the hill like that?" Echo murmured what Saachi was thinking.
Yulia helped Saachi peel her frozen things off her body, rubbing her hands against her arms and legs every so often.
"You alright?" Yulia asked, "That was a bit of a shock."
Saachi shook her head and pulled on the nightgown, "Und-d-ders-t-tatment of th-the cent-t-ury."
Saachi was quickly settled in the rocking chair in front of the fire and wrapped up in a pile of blankets. Echo and Tech escorted Yulia back to the Secura’s farm so she could grab some of Saachi’s things and explain that they needed to stay with the Fetts until Saachi was better, and Crosshair and Wrecker were seeing to the cows and the other animals on the ranch.
Megan, having been assured that it wasn’t her fault that Saachi had fallen through the ice, was asleep on Saachi’s lap, since Saachi was using her blankets. Hunter poured some water from the kettle into a bucket for Saachi’s feet, and used the rest to make some tea.
“Thank you,” Saachi whispered.
“Nothing like Indian tea, to be sure,” He joked, “But it’ll warm ya up.”
Saachi smiled up at him, and he quickly glanced away to hide his own smile.
“What was that for?” She asked, trying not to jostle Megan.
“Nothin’,” Hunter waved it off and sat on Megan’s bed with his own cup of tea.
Saachi wasn’t sure she wanted to take the man at his word. He had run up the hill in skates to get her to safety, and the water in the bucket was already warm before he added more.
If she wanted to find out if the Sheriff was sweet on her, like Yulia and Crosshair insisted, it was now or never.
“Sheriff, are you trying to court me?”
Hunter was quiet for a moment, then a chuckle echoed in his tin cup, “Have been for the last six months, but I was beginnin’ to think you weren’t interested.”
“Not interested?” Saachi asked.
He shrugged and set his cup aside. His winter things were hanging up to dry, leaving him in his suspenders and the work shirt that hugged his toned muscles from years of riding and hard work. He took Megan from Saachi’s arms and placed the girl in her bed with a blanket from one of their brothers.
“I thought you were trying to let me down easy, all polite and stuff.”
“Let you down, for what?”
“Well, escortin’ you to the carriage and walkin’ you around the town, makin’ sure you had the things you needed for your work, tryin’ to invite you to all the dances and stuff that Echo takes Yulia to, things like that.”
Hunter ran a hand through his hair and tucked the blankets around Megan a little tighter so she wouldn’t shiver in her sleep, “Maybe I wasn’t bein’ bold enough, like Cross said. But Wrecker said he thought I was doin’ good.” He sat on the floor next to Saachi’s chair and added another log to the fire.
"I thought you were just being nice! All the men back east do those things for women all the time."
"And you never thought they were flirtin' with ya?"
Saachi felt a heat in her cheeks that wasn't from the fire and laughed lamely, "Well, not really."
“Don’t worry,” Hunter tucked one of her curls into her braid, brushing her cheek with the pad of his thumb as he did so, “I still think you’re smart.”
Saachi glared up at him, her nose scrunching in a way that made him chuckle, the opposite of her intended effect.
Hunter pushed himself up onto one knee so that he could rest both his hands on the arm of the chair, next to where Saachi clutched her cooling cup of tea.
“Miss Saachi, I would be honored if you let me court you properly. Once you’re all better that is.”
Saachi felt the warmth from her cheeks soaking into every muscle in her body, almost as if she’d never fallen into the freezing water.
“I’d be honored, Sheriff Hunter.”
He smiled, sitting back on the floor. “I promise, once the snow starts to melt, I’m gonna pick you the most colorful bundle of wildflowers you ever saw.”
“Now that’s a high bar to reach, Sheriff,” Saachi teased, “I’ve yet to see any wildflowers on the Western Frontier that can match the lotuses of India.”
“Oh really?”
Saachi chuckled, "Tell me about your New Zealand, and I'll tell you about my India."
Hunter smiled wistfully. “Well, one of my oldest memories is of rotten eggs.”
“Rotten eggs?” This was not nearly as romantic as Saachi thought it would be.
Hunter laughed, letting his head roll back as he stretched out his legs, “Rotura is built on an old volcano. The sulfur and gasses eek out, and make the city smell worse than the British do.”
Saachi slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her own laughter. The British had left their fair share of trash all over Saachi’s beloved home too.
“At least most of the British don’t want to settle there because of the smell, and those who are born there are used to it.
“And it’s not all bad. There’s lakes everywhere, more than I knew how to count as a kid. And the hot springs too, like Yosemite.” 
“Did you ever visit them?”
“All the time.” Hunter pulled one leg to his chest, resting his arm on his knee, “I definitely miss them during the winter months.”
“I could use a hot spring myself,” Saachi said, “During the monsoon season, it never stops raining, but it never got this cold.”
“So you’re a good swimmer, then?”
Saachi gave Hunter a glare as playful as the twinkle in his eye. “I’m good at swimming when I’ve not been taken by surprise. And the floods in India don’t chill you to the bone like the snow does here.”
“Fair enough.”
“I much prefer the summer, when the mangoes ripen and you can sit in the branches and eat your full without moving an inch.”
“Yeah, me too,” Hunter said.
Saachi looked into his eyes. The heat from the fire dried out her eyes, but Hunter’s bright brown eyes carried that same glow of warmth without the searing pain. She wanted more of that warmth, of that glow.
He almost seemed to be getting closer, or at least he would have, if the door hadn’t been thrown open with a chilling gust of wind as Yulia burst in, Echo and Tech in tow.
Yulia froze in the doorway, noting Megan asleep on the bed, and Saachi and Hunter leaning conspicuously towards each other.
“Are we interrupting anything?” She asked, a musical lilt in her voice.
“No ma’am.” Saachi and Hunter both insisted.
“Well good,” Tech pushed past Yulia with Echo’s chair, “Because Missus Secura sent us home with enough stew that even Wrecker should go to bed full.”
“Well that’s good,” Hunter said, trying not to sound embarrassed.
Echo and Yulia were not as easily deterred, and both of them watched Saachi and Hunter with knowing looks. 
Saachi refused to dignify their teasing, and bent over her tea, which had gone cold.
“Here, let me get that for ya,” Hunter offered before she could even ask. 
His finger brushed against hers as he slipped the cup from her hand, and Saachi’s heartbeat stuttered in her chest.
So this was what it felt like to be courted by the Sheriff.
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Ok. So, well, @weirdly-specific-but-ok , I promised you a mafia story for helping my friend. You helped my friend, you'll get a story.
Sorry, I didn't read it again before posting so it's entirely my fault if there are English mistakes. Fuck la grammaire.
I have no idea about what to write so don't expect high quality. Not that you're used to a higher level. Anyways, buckle your seatbelt, open a red bull can (you'll need it), and get ready for
Pulls sunglasses out of nowhere because that is the only thing I can do at this point.
The Bagel Story
(please notice the effort put into the title. I'm too tired to put any effort elsewhere so you can stop here)
Ok, so it all begins in Ukraine (before the war). At the time, I'm kind of free (compared to later. Long story) and spend most of my days exploring the town where I live. It's a nice town. Lots of abandoned buildings. Tom Sawyer-ish vibes, if Tom Sawyer lived in a tough neighborhood from Detroit.
So, this time, I decided to take pictures of one hundred broken windows in a day (little me had weird occupations), and start wandering until it was, what, 4 pm? At some point, I bought bagels. They aren't useful on this story, they're just here for the title.
So I'm kinda lost in an empty street, and the smartest thing I think about is going into the abandoned buildings, hoping to find someone who will help me.
I don't, and spend like an hour looking for someone (who's not drunk/ high/ having more important business than helping a six year old). Noone. I try anyway. At some point, I hear people in a building. Desperate, I enter the building by the window and walk through a corridor, to arrive in a room with actual people. Well, I didn't see, since they were all wearing masks.
And this when shit gets complicated.
To give you a picture of the situation, I've just walked in a room full of masked people who were singing a song in a language I barely know (idk what it was, I assumed it was Ukrainian but don't remember enough to analyze it with my old brain). These people look at me like I was Jesus reincarnated. I look at them like they were all multiverse versions of Jesus wearing wedding dresses.
At this point, there are too many Jesuses in the story and God abandons us.
They point at me and start screaming in Ukrainian (this time, I'm sure it's Ukrainian. But I didn't speak any of it when the story happened so it just sounds like alien metal music for me). I..uh…I smile, yell “no hablo Espanol” with a Hungarian accent and run away. I don't know why.
I mean, I don't know why I yelled in Spanish. Running away was a perfectly calculated decision.
So I'm running. I don't even look to see if they kept singing in their lair, undisturbed, or if there are actually nine masked people in white robes running after me in the streets. I ran to save my life. It's night. I'm still running. I'm tired. I stop. And then, I hear a growl.
I look behind me. Nothing. I look left, then right, nothing. I start walking again, and bam! Sinistros jumpscare.
(For those who are wondering what happened, a giant dog randomly appears in front of me.)
I mobilize all my mental powers and start running. Again. The dog follows me. Did I tell you that I was tired?
Anyways, I run for my guts for the second time in an hour, wahoo. At some point, I throw the bagels at EvilPadfoot 2.0. That doesn't have any effect. I run. I look behind me to see if I have a chance of survival. And pathetically fall in the sewers (Google translate, not sure about the word. Stinky tubes.). At some point, the monster abandons and I miserably find my way home.
That was the last time I got to walk alone outside my house.
Here you go. Is that worth anything? I don't know. But I'm too tired to write another one. Thanks for at least reading it.
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galaxythreads · 1 year
Why not just write a fic of the path u wish they took after thr dark world instead of making a video to tell the world why u personally dislike a movie? Why waste talent?
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Anon, I want you to read the next words with as much compassion and gentleness as you can muster from text, because I do believe you're asking this genuinely, but do you have any idea how much time it takes to write a fic? I spend hours on a single chapter. I mean that. Usually, it's about ten, then I have to edit it. That takes another five hours. That's fifteen hours-ish per chapter. I usually average about 10-15 chapters per fic.
I have to plan it. I have to think about it. I have to figure out why the story is going the way it's going. I have to replan it. I replan most of my fics 3-4 times. that takes hours. Then there's usually the demon chapter per fic which takes 1-4 rewrites, which tacks on more time. I spend probably 3-4 weeks of time straight on a multi-chapter fic, which this would be.
Every time I start a fic, I have to be ready to devote that length of time or it gets abandoned or updated once or twice every year because I just don't have the energy.
This is completely disregarding the fact my mental health problems, which often cause set backs and delays as I try to cope with that. Fic writing is fun, but it's exhausting.
And this is just one part of it.
Another is that, anon, I genuinely just don't want to. Ragnarok has been out for almost six years. I've written multiple IW/Endgame rerwites (or at least IW-adjacent things, Porcelain, Drawing Keys With Water, Withering Away, We're A Mess Now, Huh? Empty, We Drown Together, the last half of Append) and almost nothing for Ragnarok except for Discolored. I have Avengers 1-adjacent things.
If rewriting Ragnarok was something I had any interest in doing, I would have by now.
And honestly, I don't know what I would put there instead. I don't hate the concept of Ragnarok. I own the movie on DVD, and have since like 2018? I don't hate it. It's actually really, really hard for me to loathe something entirely. Usually I'm like "I didn't like this part", but "this part was good!" All stories have nuance.
That's why there are a lot of people who like Ragnarok and the Loki series who follow me despite the fact I post anti stuff for both of them. Because I recognize there are good things about xyz and I'm not afraid to talk about that. So this is not going to be a video about everything wrong with Ragnarok.
I can get where you'd get that idea. My 3 part essay about the Loki series was extremely brutal and rarely brought up any positive, and I'm not happy about that. Honestly, I wish I'd taken a different approach with the essay and I probably will make another one about the series. But please have some compassion for me. I've had a YouTube channel for less than six weeks. I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm still getting my feet underneath myself and I'm human so it's not going to be perfect.
I can understand why you'd feel really confused about why I'm bothering to make a video essay when, to you, it seems like it would be easier for me to just write a fic and shut up about it. Because fanfiction is often very quiet and private. YouTube is much more public. I get the impression you're a little frustrated with me, if not a little embarrassed that I want to explain why I didn't like the movie publicly, which is fine.
I love Justice League 2017 and it's often regarded to be a horrible movie. I have a Shrek 3 myself. I have a lot of them. It's impossible to love only perfect movies because there are no perfect movies.
Recognizing where stories failed is not passing moral judgment on them. Realizing why other stories work does not mean they're superior in some way. How To Train Your Dragon is a masterpiece, and I mean that genuinely* But WHY. WHY did it work when something like Netflix's Seabeast was less beloved, but had no less heart? The WHY is what I want to address in my video essays and I haven't quite figured out the formula just yet on how I want to go about that. Because, again, it's been like six weeks.
(*and for the record, HTTYD still has a lot of people who don't like it, but that's more so because it's not their type of movie, not because they think that it was written wrong. And YES HTTYD has its' faults because every story has its faults)
There are a lot of unhappy MCU fans who didn't like Ragnarok. WHY? why didn't they like it? Are they not allowed to discuss it just because there are people who liked it? No. You like Shrek 3, but that doesn't mean there can't be discussion about why Shrek 3 isn't a good story. Ragnarok fans and those who don't like it can coexist and it's okay that not everyone likes something. Sometimes a movie isn't for everyone, and that's definitely a factor, but for THIS MANY fans to have not liked Ragnarok, that means that Ragnarok did do something major wrong.
And it's not just og Loki fans who don't like it. It's og Thor fans, too. A lot was done right with Ragnarok, but just enough was done wrong that it bothered a lot of people and I think it's okay to explore what it was. Declaring Thor Ragnarok a masterpiece with no fault is ignoring a lot of people and I don't think that's fair. I'm going to talk about what Ragnarok did wrong because I find it interesting and I think it does deserve to be poked at. What I hope my essay will do is a) provide a little more compassion for people who didn't like Ragnarok and b) offer insight as to what Ragnarok could have done better.
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birdgirl90 · 11 months
Well preparing for the move is in full swing! Full details below, and thank you all for being so supportive.
I have technically three ish weeks to get everything ready to go, but I want to be done before the week of Thanksgiving so I can spend that week doing nothing except being with my family, so it's more like two weeks.
I've been steadily going down my to do list - stuff for my dog is all taken care of (treats, toys, food and water bowls, etc all for the trip itself), my medications are all called in for 90 days so that I have a few months to figure out insurance and get doctors (parents said they would mail the meds to me if they don't get filled in time), I ordered my contacts for the next six months so that I'm stocked up on those, hotels are reserved for along the way, and so on.
I have a tentative plan for when I get there, but it's still scary as fuck.
My parents are being supportive even though neither of them like that I'm moving so far away. (For reference, I'm in Colorado and I'm moving to Maryland, which I love the east coast and am very excited.) Thanks to my dad helping me out, I was able to get a loan from the bank to pay for my move and living expenses until I get a full time job. Both of them are sad, as is my little sister who is heartbroken I'm leaving, but they all know I have to do what's right for me.
The half baked plan is to take four days to drive cross country with as much of my stuff that will fit in my car as well as my dog, driving about 6 hours or so a day since it's just me. I have my cities picked out to stop in, and I think it's going to be a pretty uneventful drive. I love road trips, so it's great getting to take one on my own tbh.
Then when I get to Maryland, I'll be rooming with my best friend. Once she left her fiance and I got divorced, it was the plan to be roommates, so she got a decent two bedroom apartment last month that she can afford on her own. My contribution when I get there will be to pay for groceries until I work full time and can afford to help with rent too. I figure groceries is the least I can do, and she keeps telling me that I don't have to do anything if I don't want to, which is incredibly generous but I refuse to just be a bum and do nothing.
Once I'm settled, I'll be hitting the ground running looking for work. The job I really wanted I got overlooked for because I'm out of state, so being in state will help for other jobs. So far I'm looking into online tutoring (I have an education degree and I currently work for Sylvan Learning Centers - I've done administrative director stuff as well as tutoring and they have a lot of opportunities) as well as transcription jobs for like court reporting. Both together should tide me over until I find a full time job somewhere, I think.
This whole thing is exciting and also terrifying as fuck. I have never done anything even remotely close to this before, and going out without a job lined up scares me shitless. But as I had it pointed out to me, nothing gets done staying in one place forever, and if I want to make this change, I need to just do it.
Does anyone who follows me live on the east coast of the US? If you do and would ever be interested, I would love to get coffee once I'm settled. I am really looking forward to making friends for once outside of the two or three that I currently have.
Thanks again for everything guys, all of you mean a lot to me.
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apprenticestanheight · 9 months
heyheyhey!! someone wish me luck on getting the job I have an interview for tomorrow plsplspls
to convince you to wish me luck I have developed the pros and cons list of what will happen if I do get the job (I am also doing this for myself to really convince myself that I can DO THIS)
job = money
money = laptop after like two paychecks
laptop after two paychecks = more writing from yours truly (I am typing this while staring at my tv screen bc I use writing as a coping mechanism and located an HDMI cable which is also some of the reason requests have been on the slower end--I have to have my glasses on in order to see on such a big screen. I am typing this sentence while not wearing them to test how bad it is and i have to squint like I'm at the back of the room to see the screen less blurrily)
fixed term contract (seems like a con but stay with me) means I'll only be working like, 10-12 weeks which yeah not so great BUT I get experience and experience means more consistent 9-5 later on, plus if I save money while I work (aside from laptop that is a necessary purchase bc again, if I have to stare at my tv screen for another six months there will be tears and begging while I point desperately at my currently opened commissions) then I can have a bit of a backspace to fall on, yk?? like. if I ever decide I want something when I'm not working or if I need to buy more like?? bodywash?? idk, I don't have to crawl to my dad like "heyheyhey scary 5'8-ish adult man, I will do the dishes, clean the fridge AND the pantry for the low low price of $40 when you also happen to get paid"
will get me out of the house! I am stuck here all except for maybe once or twice in between the pay periods of my parents (they are my rides everywhere and they get paid biweekly so when they go for groceries I'm like HEY LET ME COME I WANNA EXPERIENCE EXTERNAL AIR PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE) and getting to leave the house and work with the people I'll be working with will also significantly reduce my anxiety, which I have to talk to my dr about putting me on meds for bc it has become debilitating.
I ONLY WILL WORK LIKE, 3-4 DAYS A WEEK!! The shifts are SUPER LONG which yeah not great but its a 40 hour week and that money will be good money (which I will put into a savings account that will build interest!!)
MONEYMONEYMONEYHONEYYYYYYY!! It adds up pretty quickly and making a dollar and fifty cents above minimum wage will mean that I'll be getting close to a thousand dollars if they pay me biweekly and close to five hundred if they pay me every week. 500-1000 dollars is a lot of money for a new laptop but also,, also a lot of money for a gym membership plus treats of both the caffeine and the liquor store variety (I will be nineteen in three weeks and feel like weed will be a better experience than alc was. I had fun that night but if I ever cry over not having enough money to order pizza again pls just glare at me)
work experience!! This job is a fixed contract job (I am starting to sound like a broken record with this oops) so it'll be less than half a year but it STILL WORKS!! Plus it'll be a good lesson and help me decide whether or not I want to pursue a career in working in old folks homes and if I can handle doing so for twelve hour days for the rest of my life. It'll be a learning experience that I can add to my resume and help me decide which jobs I'll either look towards or away from once I start looking for a job after the contracts fixed term is completed.
cons bc I am in fact thinking of those
working 3-4 days a week is great, right?? right?? yeah that part is where the goodness of the work schedule will kind of stop off bc yeah, three days on four days off is amazing but I'll be working 7-7. I also unfortunately happen to know myself and I know myself well enough to know that having to go into work at seven in the morning will result in me waking up at half past five in the morning to get ready and drink either an energy drink or three cups of coffee. I also like staying up until midnight so I will be stubbornly running on five hours of sleep lol.
occasionally needing to work weekends isn't that bad but its just--I can be a morning person during the week with an energy drink or three cups of coffee and those things only. On the weekends I sleep in late and I make coffee anyway bc its my routine, but waking up at 5:30 for a weekend shift is going to have me hangry and exhausted by noon.
the only other con that I can think of for this is that the twelve hour shifts could send me into burn out very very quickly. On the one hand I keep telling myself "yeah you'll work 36 hours in three days BUT you'll also have four days to sleep the burn out off and engage in hobbies that make the burn out easier to handle" but on the other I just--I know myself well enough to know that two and a half months of burn out from working twelve hour shifts through to the end of march could have me fully burnt out until the middle of may. I just keep wondering if the fact that I'm gonna be making a dollar fifty above minimum wage for two and a half months is really worth the exhaustion both physically and mentally lol.
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𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫
Chapter two: The let down
masterlist // disney nav // tag list form
notes: Modern AU-ish! They're all around 15-16 in this fic, This is not an X Reader fic!! Likes & Reblogs are appreciated !
chapter 1
chapter 3
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"What flowers does Violet like?" Hiro asked as he began to look at flowers. Penny was smelling the carnations while Wilbur was taking pictures of the calla lilies.
"She likes-"
"Petunia Black Velvets." Wilbur said, pulling a blue rose out of a bunch. Penny and Hiro stared at him for a moment, before looking back to the flowers.
"What do those look like?" Hiro asked, before Penny shrugged.
"I don't know. I've never heard her mention those before." Penny said, before turning to Wilbur. " How did you know she liked those?" Penny asked, and Hiro couldn't deny the curiosity growing in him too.
"Well, she mentioned it while we were at the park that one time. She saw the fake Petunias in front of the water fountain. She said she liked them but the black ones were her favorite." Wilbur said, writing something on his phone.
"That was like, months ago. How do you remember that?" Penny asked with a laugh, before Wilbur shrugged.
"I don't know. Violet doesn't talk much, so when she does I sort of just remember it all." Wilbur said, and Hiro stood quiet. Unfortunately, the store didn't have any Black Petunias, so they went with the next best thing, according to Wilbur. Black Roses.
"Are you sure she's going to like this?" Hiro asked as they stepped out of the flower shop. It was around six o'clock now, and Violet was already at the movies.
"Are we giving her these when she gets out?" Penny asked, and Hiro nodded.
"Yup! Then I tell her how I feel and Brick goes away forever." Hiro said with a smile. Penny laughed and Wilbur chuckled, the three walking down the street to head towards the movies.
"Violet got there at five thirty, so the movie should be done by seven." Penny said, and Hiro nodded.
"Alright, we have an hour to kill. What are we gonna do?" Wilbur asked, before Penny pointed to the arcade up ahead.
"We can go to the arcade." Penny said, and Hiro nodded. The three walked down the block, making small talk and trying to figure out which games they wanted to play first. Penny left her bike outside, and tucked the flowers Hiro had gotten Vi into the basket at the front, wrapping it around basket.
"How many coins are we getting?" Wilbur asked before Hiro pointed to the five hundred pack.
"That's like, fifteen dollars." Penny said, before Hiro shook his head, moving them so he could stand in front of the machine. He slipped a dollar in before tapping the buttons a few times. Then, a second later, five hundred coins were put out from the machine.
"Easy." Hiro said with a grin, Penny moving her shirt out so they could put the coins in the dip of her shirt, as a makeshift holder.
" We seriously need to start bringing a bag here. My shirts are gonna stretch from all these coins." Penny said, and Wilbur laughed, grabbing a handful of coins. Penny felt her face heat up, before looking away before he could notice.
"Where are we going first?" Hiro asked, before Wilbur pointed to the large pack man game.
"We need to do that." Wilbur said, before they all began to walk over. A whole hour of games, who could ask for more?
"Dash have you seen my charger?" Violet asked, walking into the living room. There sat Helen, Bob and Dash. Jack- Jack was busy watching TV.
"No, ask dad." Dash said with an eye roll.
"Dash be nice please." Helen said with an aggravated sigh.
"I'll be nice when you guys tell her." Dash said, and Violet stopped.
"Tell me what?" She asked, picking up Jack-Jack to give him a hug. She lightly rocked him as she played with whatever toy it was he had.
" Violet, you're brother... feels he's ready to go solo." Helen said. Violet stood quiet, still rocking Jack-Jack back and forth.
"So, does that mean I'm going solo too?" Violet asked, before Bob shook his head.
"That's the thing, your mother and I, don't think you're ready yet." Bob said. Violet put Jack-Jack down,
"Why wouldn't I be ready? Why is he supposed to be ready before me?" Violet asked, now getting upset.
"Honey just hear us out. You're just not, confident enough. We don't want you to get hurt that's all." Helen explained.
"That's not fair." Violet said, not getting more agitated. "Is that why that woman was here? To talk about Dash?" Violet asked. Helen looked confused.
"What woman? No woman came for Dash." Helen said. Quietly, the two turned to Bob, who looked down at the floor.
"Uh oh." Dash said, before running to get Jack-Jack, and then running out of the living room.
"You cheated on mom?" Violet asked, and Helen's fists tightened.
"Cheat is a strong word."  Bob said, standing.
"So that's it? You're just not going to say anything?" Helen asked, and Violet stood quiet. She picked up her sweater off of the couch, before walking out, leaving her parents to argue. She was ready to just go out, her phone battery be damned.
The walk to the movies was short, and thankfully she didn't wear to high of boots. The chilly weather of the fall was welcoming and she mentally thanked herself for layering two sweaters. She pushed the doors open to the lobby of the theatre, and quickly found that long red hair. Except, he wasn't the only one. Next to Brick, was Blossom, who was his ex girlfriend. Why she was here, Violet wasn't sure. But, to be safe she hid around a corner and texted Brick.
Vi: Hey, I'm here.
In a few seconds, Brick texted back.
Brick: Oh alright, i'll meet you.
Violet felt nervous, and uneasy. Like something was wrong. But she chalked it up to the mishap with her parents a few moments ago. Stepping out from her small hiding spot, she saw Brick looking around. When his eyes landed on her, she smiled and waved and she would have felt better if his smile didn't hold so much pity.
"Listen Violet I-" Brick started, and Violet waved her hands.
"Brick it's fine. I get it. Trust me." Violet said, already knowing. She wasn't the one he wanted to see, and it was fine, because she felt the same. But that didnt mean it still didn't hurt.
"Are you sure? Boom got stood up by his girl again, so if you want you can go with him, as friends y'know." Brick said sympathetically. Violet shook her head with a smile still, even though she felt like she wanted to cry.
"I'm just gonna meet up with my friends, they're nearby so it'll be fine. But I hope you guys have a good movie." Violet said, before Brick smiled. Out of her peripheral, Violet could see Blossom walking over.
"Hi, I'm Blossom." She said, extending her hand to shake Violets. Violet smiled and shook her hand. They were soft.
"Hi, Violet. You're very pretty, I love your hair." Violet said, and Blossom smiled lightly running her fingers through it. The two look good together, Violet thought.
"Oh thank you so much, but yours is, wow." She said, her eyes widening. " It's so long and shiny, I wish mine was like that." She said laughing, and Violet nodded laughing as well.
"Your hair suits you, trust me yours is fine." Violet said, before Brick turned around to see Butch tapping his phone, reminding him of the time. "I should let you guys go. Enjoy your movie." Violet said, and Blossom smiled sadly at her, before hugging her.
"Take care of yourself please. You seem like a sweet girl, and any guy would be so lucky to have you." Blossom said in her ear, squeezing her. Violet hugged her bag, unintentionally squeezing her too.
"Thank you, I hope you two are happy, you guys deserve it y'know." Violet said, and the two pulled away with soft smiles. Brick felt his nerves ease watching Violet walk out of the movies.
Violet felt like she had been walking for hours. She didn't want to go home, she knew all she would hear would be fighting, and arguing and Jack-Jack crying. She didn't want that right now. So, she walked and walked, until she reached the boardwalk. She sat on the cement, which was a few feet above the sand, enough for her to dangle her feet.
She pulled her phone out, scrolling to Penny's contact before calling her. Ringing, ringing and more ringing. No answer. She called Hiro, no answer. She sighed and scrolled to the last person she had hope for. Wilbur. She called, and it rang. Ringing and ringing and ringing. Until he answered.
"Hello?" He asked, and Violet sighed.
"H-hey. Are you busy?" She asked, and she heard shuffling on the other end.
"Not really. Just watching Pennys bike real quick. Why?" Wilbur asked, before Violet looked out to the ocean ahead of her.
" Do you think we could meet up? A lot happened." Violet said sadly, before Wilbur let out a 'hm'
"You're lucky I'm a man with enough time on his hands. I'll be there in two minutes. Where are you?" Wilbur asked, and Violet heard more shuffling on his end.
"By the boardwalk, near the sand."Violet said, before Wilbur chuckled.
"You're not far. I'll be there quick, promise." He said, and Violet smiled and said 'mhm' before hanging up. She sat for a bit, waiting, and just letting her thoughts run.
She wasn't sure how to feel. She knew she didn't like Brick. But she did feel some hurt knowing she had been, basically a rebound. But, she had been hearing Penny drop hints about Hiro liking her, which she also wasn't sure how to feel about. Then, then there was Wilbur.
She definitely didn't like him. Not one bit. They made fun of each other most of the time. She'd comment about his hair, how weird it sat in his head and how odd it was it stood so perfect during the day. She'd talk about how much he wouldn't stop talking about space and the stars and how he loved science so much. She'd get annoyed when he would tease her for liking english class so much because quote " who willingly likes english class?"
Violet didn't like a lot of things about him. So she could never understand why she always let herself down around him. She would talk, he would listen. She would ramble and go on a rant about whatever it was she did, and he'd agree, if he felt he needed too. Just to get it all out of her, sometimes he'd challenge her.
Violet could think of a million reasons why she couldn't like Wilbur Robinson. But the more she thought about why she couldn't, the more she realized, she did.
"Hey Vi." Man of the hour.
"Hey." She said quietly, hiding behind her hair. Her nerves were all over the place. Wilbur rested the bike on the wall, before jumping up and swinging his legs over, scooting over just enough to sit next to her.
"So, how'd the movies go? It's like, six forty five, why are you here?" Wilbur asked, before Violet just looked down.
"I got there and Brick was with his ex girlfriend Blossom. She's really pretty, like, really really pretty. I kinda knew he wasn't really liking me." Violet said, before Wilbur nodded in understanding.
"I feel like there's more." He said quietly, trying to see her face better.
"Kind of. But you cant tell anyone." She said, shifting to face him. Wilbur stared at her for a second, before fixing her hair behind her ear.
"I promise I won't tell anyone." He said smiling, before she laughed.
"Okay, well." She started, before taking a deep breath. " You know how, I'm a super and all." She said, and he nodded. " Dash wants to go solo." Violet said, and Wilbur's eyes went wide.
"Is he allowed to do that?" He asked, before frowning. " I don't know how this super stuff works." He said, and Violet laughed.
"He can, but I didn't think he'd want to go solo so, young. But, I had asked my parents months ago if I could go solo, and they said no because they didn't think I was ready." Violet explained, and Wilbur nodded following along.
"Did they say yes to Dash?" Wilbur asked, and Violet nodded.
"Yeah, they did. So I asked my mom if the woman that had came to our house the other day was there for him, and she said no. So when we looked at my dad, he just said didn't say anything and Dash took Jack-Jack and left." Violet explained quickly, now feeling everything all over again.
"My mom got upset and they basically got into an argument over him cheating on my mom again, and they started to argue and I was just so over it." Violet explained quickly, getting up to pace around. Still, Wilbur listened.
"So, I left because I didn't want to be around that and I just thought getting the night over with would be better. But then I get to the movies and see Brick with Blossom, and I didn't really like him that much but still, it hurt y'know seeing him with another girl when he was technically my date. Then he told me he was sorry and she came over and introduced herself. I hate that I cant even be mad because she was so nice and said I was so pretty but compared to her like am I really?" Violet rambled, and Wilbur sat quietly listening intently.
"Then I walked and left them and just kind of ended up here but I needed someone to talk too because everything is too much. I called Penny but she didn't answer and then I called Hiro and he didn't answer, and thank whatever force sent you because you are helping so much right now." Violet said, finally taking in a breath of air. Wilbur sighed and hopped off the wall, walking over to Violet.
"Vi, a lot is going on right now. You need a minute." He said, placing his hands on her shoulders. She nodded and focused on her breathing, her head pounding with how much she had spoken with such little air.
" Y-yeah, I guess you're right. I just, i don't even know." She said with a sigh.
"Is there anything else?" He asked, before Violet nodded.
" Sorry, I talk a lot, but sort of. Pennys been weird lately, she keeps talking about Hero a lot, I thought at first she liked him, but now she keeps comparing him to me and I'm not sure if she's trying to I guess replace me or tell me something but it's really confusing me." Violet said, before Wilbur laughed.
"Violet seriously you can't tell?" Wilbur asked and Violet shook her head.
"No, tell what?" She asked, and Wilbur sighed.
"Vi, Hiro likes you." Wilbur said. Violets eyes went wide, and she stood back.
"... Are you serious?" She asked, and Wilbur nodded, moving back to lean against the wall.
"Yep! He got you those flowers." Wilbur said, pointing to the flowers on Pennys bike. " He didn't know which ones you liked though, and I told him you liked the Black Velvet Petunias, but they didn't have those so I said the Black Roses were the next best option. I told the florist to throw in Salvia, since I know you like purple." Wilbur said, moving over to Pennys bike to untie to bouquet from the basket. Violet stood quietly as he handed them to her.
If only it was the right guy handing her these. Maybe then she would've been happier.
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Sexy Professor Thor!!! He specialises in Norse Mythology! He has you do a 'Special' project for extra credit, sucking his huge cock while he's on a zoom chat with his peers!!
I mean I got nothing better to do
A Special Lesson
Warnings: coercion, dubcon, blowjob, public-ish sex/exhibitionism. Y'all know I do it dark and spicy. You have warnings, use them.
Thots, comments, screaming, and feedback are welcome and highly encouraged. Thank you!
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“Don’t you want to be a good kitten for me?” His large hand cradles your cheek, your eyes still dopey from sleep.
“What?” you croak as you touch his thick wrist, tender thighs grazing together beneath the faux fur blanket.
“I gotta start soon, kitten,” he drags his thumb to your bottom lip, pushing it down as his eyes follow the cloying gesture, “you know I get tense before a lecture.”
“Um,” you rub your eye and you sit up and keep an arm across your chest, hugging the blanket close, “what time is it?”
“Almost six,” he purrs as his touch wanders down your neck, pressing his thumb to your throat, “I want to feel myself right here, kitten.”
“But I… I have class in an hour.”
You perk up as your heart leaps. Late again. Because of him. That first night you knew it was a mistake but no stopping now.
“It never takes very long, does it? Not with your mouth,” he coaxes. You press your lips together and he groans as he moves his legs apart, “shit, hurry up.” He stands and undoes his fly, “I’ll be waiting… ready.” He squeezes the bulge barely restrained by his trousers.
You smile and hold your breath as you watch him go. The bed groans as you move to the edge.
“Don’t you dare put a thing on,” he warns from the next room.
You look down at your naked body, bruises sore from his insatiable appetite. Your ass still stings from the steady clap of flesh, your cunt buzzing with a fragile hollowness. You cross the room and peek into his office.
He sits at his desk, golden hair poking up from behind the large monitor. His pants are around his ankles in expectation. You sigh and tiptoe across the floor, careful not to make it creak. He winks at you as he moves the mouse. 
You flutter your lashes and grip the edge of the desk as you get to your knees and dip your head beneath. You crawl under the desk as his rock hard length stands against the bottom of his shirt, twitching as he senses your presence. You tickle his thigh in a shy warning and he reaches down to wrap your fingers firmly around his dick. 
“Go on, kitten,” he growls and a key taps, the chime of the Zoom meeting starting stifling any response.
You stare at his throbbing tip, tracing the thick vein with your thumb. You stroke him as he starts his usual intro, his voice constricting in his throat as he holds back the pleasure of your touch. He goes through his usual rote, chattering as students join, going over the distance learning policies.
You lean forward as he spreads his legs wider in welcome. Your breath glosses over him and he flinches, the chair rolling back just an inch. You press your lips to his swollen head and hear the tension in his voice, his hand gripping the leather arm tight.
“Today, we continue our adventure into the early Viking kings, we should thus reach an endpoint of those who became kings in faraway lands…” he exhales as you take him further into your mouth. 
You pause as he pokes at the back of your throat. He catches your head, urging you down as he continues.
“Normandy, England, and so on,” his timbre grits as he forces you as deep as he can, your breath entirely smothered by his intrusion.
Your eyes water and trickle down your nose as he slowly lets you up. He talks over the slick noise of your ascent, guiding you as he plants his feet to keep the chair still.
“These kings were both explorers and conquerors alike,” he speaks evenly but you can tell he’s focusing hard, keeping his volume above the sound of your slick mouth. “Rollo, Erik the Red, Leif Eriksson…”
Your tongue presses firmly to him as his fingers curl against your scalp. His voice drags between words but he keeps on, leading your pace faster despite his struggle. You huff around him, nearly gagging as he stills you suddenly, holding you down as he goes over the lesson plan, clicking between points.
“First, we will have break out groups, you’ve all been assigned,” he keeps you down as you wince, twitching as you suffocate around him, “you will have a name on your screen once you’ve been put into your break out room and you will all have twenty minutes to research and put together the results to present to the rest of the class before we proceed with the lecture.” He clears his throat, “any questions?”
He gives a moment and with no response, he taps on the mouse. He sighs and deflates back in the chair, bringing both hands around your head as he lifts you off him, “kitten, you better get to work… twenty minutes.”
He slips his hand to your throat as he eases back in, feeling how he fills you, pressing his thumb against your neck as you quiver and drool around him.
"More than enough time, kitten."
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xgryffinwhore · 4 years
september nights
request:  i was wondering if you could write another soft bill smut? i don’t really have a specific plot in mind, we’re just really lacking content on tumblr rn :( in some really precarious place where they don’t want to get caught
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warnings: soft smut, like i mean very soft.
word count: 2118
before your lips met bill denbrough’s, love was always, to say the least, a conundrum. lets be real for second, boys wasted your time, and you let them. only the cute ones of course. you are a hopeless romantic, drunk off of molly ringwald and john travolta films. you wanted any relationship you had to be just like the movies.
through your heart breaks, your best friends stood by you, your losers. eddie, richie, bev, stan, ben, and bill. for each tear you shed a punch was thrown to the man who caused it, they were protective over you. bill the most though, he always got so defensive when you were in the mix. all throughout middle & high school, bill has had to deal with every guy who even dares to think about breaking your heart.
“its not fair bill” you wailed into your pillow. he stroked your back and hushed you, his eyes welling with tears. “im never fucking good enough for any guy and its so fucking sad!” your complaints being cut off mid sentence by a choked out cry. “y-y/n. all of y-your boyfriend are i-idiots. anyone w-who would d-d-do this to you isnt w-worth your t-time. anyone w-would be the luckiest in the w-world to have y-you in their life” you picked your head up and looked at him with swollen lips and blood shot eyes “there no one out there for me bill, no one.” 
he bit his lip, fighting back any tears dripping from his eyes “they j-just dont see how p-pretty you are. how g-gentle and caring and s-s-sweet, and h-how your face c-can light up any room. theyre f-fucking idiots, and you d-deserve m-more.” you clearly thought he was being nice, because you could take a MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN hint, so you replied “i wish there was someone out there like you, for me, that thinks of me the way you do.” 
he furrowed his brows, tossing his head back and running his fingers furiously through his hair. “d-dammit y/n!” he cursed “cant you s-see what ive b-been trying to say? w-w-what ive been t-trying to say f-for the last f-five years!?!” your expression was bewildered, your brain was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what he meant. his frustration got the best of him, he got up and stormed out the door,  feeling embarrassed and stupid for trying to make you understand how he felt.
he was half way out your front door, fuming for his keys lodged deep into his front pocket; when suddenly:
his head turned at the call of his name, “y-y/n please i d-”
your lips locked with his, he rain pouring heavily outside. bills lips stilled at the contact, but this lasted briefly, he deepened this kiss by pulling you in to his abdomen by your mid back. your bunched the front of his base ball t shirt with your fists, and he did the same but with your hair.
the rest is basically history.
now six months later, and you couldnt have been happier. bill knew how to treat you, nights out twice a week (you always wanted to pay but bill insisted,) holding your hand to and from classes, he let you borrow have his varsity baseball jacket, which smelt just like him and was a little too big for you. 
when he would drop you off and your classes, he would always grab your hand and transfer a tiny piece of paper into your palm. when you got into class to unfold it, it was always a cute little message about his love for you. 
bill had it bad for you, everyone knew that, and you loved every minute of it. he met every and any standard you had, and exceeded your expectations. 
it was september, still warm enough in derry to wear shorts, so you and your friends thought of a last hurrah for the ending of the summery weather.
“camp out, its nearly perfect” Richie exclaimed. eddie rolled his eyes “like youve ever been near anything perfect toizer, do you even know what perfect means?” richie shoved eddie “yeah eddie i actually have. have you seen amanda’s tits?”
 you tuned out richie and eddies bickering as you’re boyfriend cleared his throat. “you g-gonna go?” he said into your ear, “only if you promise to wear bug spray bill, you know how bad-” he cut you off with a kiss, his mouth forming a small smile at how cute you were. “get a room, honestly” stan poked, pda wasn’t his favorite... “at least i h-have something to k-kiss aye s-stannie”
you arrived at the edge of the forest, parking your car at the last parking ish space. you walked toward the sounds of ben and richie fighting, and came to see that richie really went all out. three tents, sticks for a fire, and more snacks than anyone needed. 
you all spent the remanence of the daylight dancing in the light sky, sharing stories, and eating waaaay too many chips. it was dark now, you all huddled in a circle near the fire; making small talk and trying not to admit you were all very tired.
“ok folks, im off to bed” richie yawned “me stan eddie n’ mike will take the green tent, bev and ben in the red.” richie paused and smirked over at you and bill, you were tangled in his limbs, golfed in his navy blue pull over. “and uh- heh- billy boy and y/n in the yellow tent eh?” you could practically feel bills eye roll, god richie was so immature.
“w-we dont have to s-sleep in the s-s-same tent, i c-can ask ben if he’d s-switch” you look up at bill and reassure him “bill no- its not a big deal, right?” he tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses the side of your temple “c-course not.”
you both went into the tent, bill began to unroll the blankets you both had packed tightly into your bags. You both set up your makeshift bed, bill leaned against a pile of pillows while you hugged his side, your face buried in his neck. his smell was absolutely intoxicating; his skin had remanence of his milk and honey body wash, but it was slightly overpowered by wintergreen, clove, and his bourbon cologne. 
you were like this for around an hour, the orange crank-powered lantern being the only source of light. you switch positions though, you now laid your head on his lap, reading a magazine you stole from the hair salon. he watched your eyes scan every letter, when you read something funny you’d huff to yourself, and when something was intresting you stuck your tongue out from between your teeth. he adored you.
“d-dont stay up t-too late” he stroked your hair off your shoulder “we have t-to have you w-well r-r-rested.” you sat up from beside him, as he adjusted the pillows and took off his pull over, then his pants. he got under the covers and waited for you.
“nice donut boxers” you laughed. “s-shut up” he blushed and regreted not changing them when he had the chance. you turned around took off your shirt, you were shy about how you looked, but it was just bill. it was just bill. you heard his breath hitch, his eagerness radiating off his body onto yours. the air became tense as you unzipped your pants and threw them to the corner. you turned around, bills pupils growing until you were completely facing him.
“yeah i know. mine are boring” you laugh nervously, brushing your hair behind your ear and getting under the covers next to him. he didnt respond, he couldnt take his eyes off of you.you began to sit up again “i can go put back on-” “n-no!” he interrupts, his blush taking up his entire face.
“i j-j-just cant b-believe i g-get to see something s-so special” he gulped “s-so b-b-b-beautiful.”
you grabbed him by his shoulders and kissed him, hard. youve been with boys before, i mean youve dated plenty of people. but no one ever called your body special. hot, yeah. nice, yeah. beautiful, sure. but no one ever thought that it was special. 
bill was a kind boy, the most you two have ever done is get each other off with your hands, always clothed. bill never asked to see more, he felt lucky enough just to make you feel good, and that was enough for him. so when you felt the heat of his hands hovering over your body but not touching it, you new you’d have to call the shots tonight.
“bill,” you laid down “just touch me everywhere, please.” he crawled in between your legs, kneeling so that he could lean over your face “m-my pleasure.”
he traced your collar, leaving small, delicate, kisses to make up for what his fingers left behind as they trailed. he kissed the valley between your breasts, licking slow striped down your skin. he picked up your upper back a little and cocked his head to the side, you nodded and he unclipped your bra. he sat their with his mouth open, taking in the view. you blushed and muttered “hey, keep that mouth to good use.” he dipped down and sucked on your nipples, his mouth felt so good against your skin grazed with goosebumps. he was gingerly with his tongue, it was sexy, it was romantic. he kissed down your stomach, his fingers sweeping down your sides. you could see his member pressing against his boxers, the pressure made him wince every once in a while. his fingers met your panties and he hooked them. again, he looked up for permission, you nodded once again. 
he brought your underwear down your legs and off, looking back to see what he had relieved. he licked his lips, getting ready to please you more than he already did. but you felt bad, bill always gave gave and gave. “its ok, im ready right now.” bill looked up at you in shock, he wasnt expecting you’d want to go all the way. “y/n, y-youre sure?” you lean up and kiss his lips, swiping your tongue against his bottom lip “please.”
he pulled down his boxers eagerly, his member sprung out to hit his stomach. he lined up with you, checking once more that it was ok. then he pushed in, bottoming out. he felt bigger than you thought, of course he was well endowed, but he filled you up so well. you mewled, the pain and pleasure making a delicious feeling that made your toes curl.
he waited, but began slowly moving after a bit. he grunted, feeling you wrapped around him was something he’d never be able to get out of his head he thought to himself. he grunted “f-fuck this feels g-good’ he grunted, his breath becoming heavy and full of lust. with every stroke, you felt yourself get more and more lost in the bliss he made you feel. “youre making me feel so good  bill” you moan, the sound of his name coming out of your mouth driving him absolutely crazy. he speeds up, loving the view of your face contorting in pleasure and your body moving with his. 
he couldnt help but feel admiration to you, your hair formed a halo around your head, and the sweat that coated your skin made you glisten in the orange light. “im t-the luckiest in the world” he husks, holding your cheek. 
you felt the knot in your core coming undone, “bill im close” you strain, trying not to be too loud so you dont wake your friends. he moved your leg up to his shoulder, hitting you from a different, deeper angle. his fingers went to your clit, making you bite your had to stop you from screaming. “you l-look so p-pretty y/n, t-taking me s-so well. making y-you feel so good.” “so good bill” you repeat, drunken off his cock and fingers. 
without warning, you came came, your legs spazzing as you moaned “fuck bill” he followed, his hips stuttering, as he cried out into your shoulder. he pulled out and laid next to you, both of you breathing heavily and coming off your highs. 
“y/n” he looked at you “t-that was really j-just wow- thank y-you.” you kissed him, chaste and sweet “that was great yeah?” “it w-was perfect babe. t-thank you f-for t-that. i love you y-y/n.”
“i love you too bill.”
he sat up, his fingers dancing on your inner thigh.
“c-can we p-please do t-that again?”
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hentaimommi · 3 years
Bar Nights | Dabi x Reader
Warnings: drinking (obvi), boss/worker affiliation, death/murder, straight smut (with a plot)
A/N: I'd say this is based in the US, plus a little bit of dark content. darker than my usual-ish, no yandere tho. also this was SO long I didnt edit it oopsie sorry
It was getting late; around three-am late, to be exact. I sat freshly cleaned shot glasses down on a towl, then moved to the end of the bar. The new hours had me messed up, some of my day shifts worked into doubles which turned into night shifts, making me leave around three or four in the morning.
Walking into the back break room, I grabbed up my purse and keys. Then I proceeded to open my bosses door, to say goodbye. When I did, I found he was asleep at the desk. I giggled a bit, seeing Dabi so tired. It was odd a man so young was running the bar. I was the youngest mixer but that was average. To be twenty-three running a night bar was very, very odd.
Still, I walked over and put my jacket I had in hand over his shoulders and turned off the lights to his office. I needed sleep before my next shift, which was at seven the next night. Usually I catch the young clubbing crowd, which means a lot of fruity mixes.
My apartment wasn't but a block away, so leaving Dabi resting, I decided to head out. Immediately I regretted leaving my jacket. Not because of him, but damn. "Shit its cold." I whispered to myself, the hot air from my breath creating a steam effect. Hurriedly, I went up the six flights of stairs it took to get into my penthouse like apartment near downtown, just on the outskirts of the commotion.
Deciding I needed immediate rest, I plopped onto the couch, and passed out.
Waking up to the sound of my three thirty alarm, I realized I had slept twelve hours in my living room. Deciding it was time to get up and do a little self care, I stepped through my kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. I then went over to my stereo, where I shuffled through my phone to find the perfect song to begin my shower/getting ready regimen to.
"Call Me" By Blondie began playing whilst I got undressed to shower. After that I threw on some black pajamas and drank the rest of my coffee. My phone began to ring, to my surprise it was my co-worker, Kurogiri.
"Hey, tonight is no uniform night according to Dabi, so dress how you feel. Just thought I'd call and let you know before your shift." I could hear glasses clinking in the back, people talking. Was it really that loud? "Oh, okay, thank you. I had no idea. Dabi fell asleep on my shift last night, poor guy." I began prepping my fingernails for black polish, pushing the phone to my ear with my shoulder.
Kurogiri chuckled with his signature deep voice, "Yeah, I saw your jacket on his desk this morning. Wondered what that was about, he told me he woke up with it on!" I too laughed, "I guess I'm just a bad ass bar tender. What can I say? Anyways, I'm gonna get ready for my long night, thank you Kuro!" He mhm-ed me, then hung up. I was surprised he wasn't too busy to call, but more surpised I didnt have to wear a uniform.
When picking my outfit I went for more of an all black look, mostly because all I owned was that color but also so nobody could see if I spilled a drink. A simple cropped turtle neck paired with a pair of black cargo pants, and my favorite platformed docs to match the vibe. After doing my hair and makeup, I put on a second jacket do my walk downtown wouldnt freeze me.
My the time I arrived to the bar it was fluttering with people, families, friend groups. Kurogiri seemed to handle busy moments well though, not worrying about any of the people around him. I headed to put my things away and he greeted me with a wave.
Entering the break room, I sat my things down, then decided to check on Dabi before I headed out to assist Kuro. Opening his door, he was busy on his laptop set up, overthrows raising when he noticed me. "Ah, princess. What brings you back here?" My face flushed more than I noticed or cared to admit, the office smelled like the cigarette he had been smoking.
"Oh I was just wondering how you feel. Last night you seemed pretty tired." He looked up at me, shutting his laptop. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. I slept pretty well, though, I was rather warm. Wonder why.." His thumb grazed his chin dramatically and I giggled a bit. "Whatever don't mention it. Just don't pass out on me tonight, I might need you." He cocked a brow and grinned, "Needing me, huh?" I rolled my eyes and covered my face. "Oh stop it. I'll be on shift if you need me."
Kurogiri greeted me as I began picking up drink orders and charging people, he said he always enjoyed watching how fast I worked. Customers in and out. Kuro left around ten, leaving me to pick up the messy drunks of a Saturday night bender. Particularly one man, who stayed at my bar until one, when he decided to speak.
"You're a pretty girl, huh?" I froze, half a rag in a glass turned with my back to the man. I sighed. Old drunks were the worst. I turned to face him, "Guess so, sir." I then began cleaning off counters and discarding used fruits and salts. He followed me to the end of the bar, making me tense up. "It's rude to not ask a paying customer what he wants to drink.." He slurred. I sighed, throwing a rag over my shoulder.
"What do you want to drink, sir?" I asked, now leaning closer to him. That was a mistake, as he gripped the top of my shirt and jerked me up over the side of the bar. "You." I began to freak out as he pulled me closer, screaming for Dabi and kicking around. Dabi appeared around the corner, rushing over behind the man, hitting him in the back of the head.
He dropped me but Dabi didn't stop, he continued to hit him, with no resistance. I ran to to the other side, pulling his fist away from the bloody corpse, watching as the anger in Dabi's eyes faded as he looked into my own. "Jesus fucking christ Dabi, he's fucking dead!" I combed my hair back, sitting into my knees. Dabi did the same. I wasn't scared of him, but I was scared of the silence.
"I-Im sorry. But he was touching and I just, I don't know. Fuck, what do I do?" He leaned his head back, pushing his palms over his eyes. I thought for a moment. "We hide him." He looked at me in a little shock, then nodded. "Thank you." I pushed my head into his shoulder and told him it would be okay. Then I turned off the opened sign, and came back to Dabi, plus the dead man. He was a scrawny old man, nothing more. We both picked up one side and brought him around back. His head was bashed in, but Dabi's knuckles were busted and bleeding. After we threw him into a dumpster out back, Dabi called Kurogiri, who said he could deal with it.
When we headed back in, I immediately went to Dabi's office and found the med bag. He followed me loosely and lit a cigarette. "Hey, could you not smoke? I'm about to clean your knuckles dumbass." I rolled my eyes, pulling out the alcohol pads and bandages. "Okay princess." He ashed the bud out on his desk, putting his palm in my hand. I gently began cleaning the wounds, watching Dabi make no sudden movement to the pain.
Once it was bandaged, we sat adjacent to eachother. "Thank you, for that." I spoke. He waved his hand off slightly, "Don't mention it. Scumbag touches my princess and expects to get away with it? Fucking degenerate." I nodded then looked up. Our faces were rather close, yet I was having a hard time deciding what he wanted. Luckily he showed me moments later, when he kissed me softly. I realxed into his touch even though I knew it was wrong, thankful he had stayed awake tonight. He was so warm, it was hard not to fall into his arms when he pulled me closer, into his lap.
My legs hung over the sides of his chair, while his hands went up my back, pulling me closer. I could feel it- the hardness below me, sitting comfortably on his hard cock. My mind wondered how he could be so horny for me after killing a man, but our lips never disconnected for me to ask.
Finally when they did, his lips made their way down my neck, letting my airy moans fill the small office space. "You're such a good girl, (F/N). Sitting perfectly still on your bosses lap, begging for more." My hands rested on his shoulders as my face turned hot. "Y-You did say I'm your princess, so.." My head tilted as his mouth met my nipple through the fabric of my shirt. The sensitive bud was sandwiched between his wet lips, played with by his tonuge. His large hands gripped my ass, forcing me so I couldn't pull away, even if I wanted.
"That indeed you are." He whispered. I kicked my shoes off, leading him to do the same and begin pulling my pants down. There wasn't much talking as he drank in my body, his hands exploring each new surface as he sat me into his chair and sunk into the floor below me. He looked at me like I was prey as he softly kissed my inner thighs, leading all too close to my soaking wet pussy.
His mouth gently sucked my clit through my panties, his hands toying with my breasts as he moaned into me. His hand snaked around, pulling my wet panties off, exposing my swollen clit.
"Dabi, you feel so good." He darkly moaned as he pulled down his underwear to put his cock over my clit. He softly rubbed his pre-cum soaked tip over me, teasing me softly. "You have no idea how many times I've imagined you like this." He then pushed his cock inside, taking up each bit of space I had. We sighed together once he was all the way in, his hands pushing my arms just above my head.
"Don't scream, princess." I was confused until he started thrusting, realizing just how wet I had been, just how desperate for my own boss. His cock filled me up perfectly, hitting each spot as I moaned into his shoulder. His moans were perfect, we both filled the open space with nothing but sounds of pleasure and excitement as he fucked up into me.
Eventually I became close, he noticed, too. "Fuck, you get so tight when you're gonna cum on my cock. Let me give it to you, please." I nodded as my face heated, knowing we would cum together. His abs flexed hard as he came inside of me, my own body convulsing into his arms, as he wrapped them around me to become closer.
He pushed all the way inside once more, then kissed my forehead. "(F/N), you're so perfect. So, mine."
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Feels Like Home
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Summary | Bucky just seems a little out of sorts lately, so you decide to do something special for him. 
Pairing | Bucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2k
Warnings | none
Masterlists | Bucky, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Bucky had been different lately. Not bad or mean or anything just...different. Off. 
No matter how hard you tried to figure it out, you just couldn’t. That left you with the only logical conclusion you could think of. 
“Buck?” you were sitting at the kitchen table, silently eating dinner as you sat across the table from each other. About halfway through your meal, you’d lost your appetite and set your fork down before pushing your plate away. That garnered his attention as he turned to look at you with a weak little ghost of a smile. You couldn’t take this anymore so you just decided to go ahead and ask, “are you upset with me?”
“What?” he set his own fork down as his brows narrowed and he gave you a quizzical expression, “what are you talking about, Bub? W-where did you get that idea?”
“Have you really not noticed?” you asked softly as he leaned closer. You could see that there were darker than normal circles under his eyes, and he just looked...tired. Exhausted even. He shook his head slowly as you sighed lightly, “you’ve been different. We’ve been different. Did I...did I do something? Are you going to break up with me?”
“I...no - never. I would never break up with you, Bub,” he insisted, wondering where all of this suddenly came from. You just shrugged lightly as tears pricked at the back of your eyes and you focused on your plate, “I love you, you must know that.”
“Then why have you been pushing me away?” your voice was small and shaking as a single tear rolled down your cheek. Bucky made a small sound in the back of his throat as you swiped at the wetness before looking back up to meet his eyes, “the past couple of weeks, I just feel like you’ve been shutting me out. If I did something, please just tell me. I just want you to be okay - for us to be okay.”
“Bub,” he slowly stood up and walked to your side of the table before sinking down on his knees, turning your chair towards him with no effort. He reached for your hands and gently took them in his, his larger ones easily engulfing yours. You held back a sniffle as you met those ocean eyes you loved so much, “I’m not upset with you, or anything. I’m sorry, so sorry if you think that’s what’s going on. I love you a little more every day - this is...it’s just been rough lately.”
“Is everything okay? Are you alright, Bucky?” you dropped one of his hands and brought yours to his face, gently stroking his cheek. He closed his eyes and keened lightly into your touch, “what’s going on?”
“I just...this feels so silly,” he admitted softly, “but sometimes I’m just reminded by how out of place I am. I’m a hundred and six-year-old man in a modern world. It feels...odd sometimes.”
“Oh Bucky,” you whispered softly. You couldn’t lie and say you understood what he was going through or feeling, but you’d always be there for him. That much you did know, and he knew it too, even if there were times that were harder, “I’m sorry, my love. I know it must be hard sometimes, I can’t even imagine, but I’m always here for you. You can tell me anything, even the most mundane thing. But you do belong here - you belong here with me, and Sam, and Sarah, and everyone else. You’re right where you’re supposed to be, even if it doesn’t feel like it. If there’s anything I can do to help, whatever it is, just tell me, okay?”
“Yes,” he whispered softly, giving you a gentle nod before he took your hand and pressed a kiss to your palm, “I love you. I’m sorry I’ve made you think anything but. It’s not you at all...just me.”
“Hey,” you put your hand under his chin and tilted his face up towards yours, “I love you, James. Always.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was an interesting thing to be with Bucky. He was a man that, if you didn’t know any better, was very much a man of the times. He dressed, acted, and felt the part. But underneath it all, you knew there were times when he was still left in amazement or awe. You’d say something and he would look at you with that expression. 
But now that you knew better, there were times when you could see something flicker across his face. There were times when you could sense that he was missing something. Even if he didn’t mention anything. 
So when you saw something interesting cross your social media feeds that piqued your interest, you came up with a plan. You hoped he would like it - it wouldn’t be much, but you hoped it would be good enough either way. Maybe a little surprise for your lover was a little push in the right direction to get his mood up a little bit.
Whatever happened, you were willing to try. Anything to put a smile back on his sweet face. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The whole apartment smelled of delicious cooking; you’d been hard at work for the last several hours, attempting to perfect this evening’s meal and dessert for him. You weren’t a huge natural when it came to the kitchen, but you’d watched enough TikToks on how to make meals you knew were a part of his childhood and practically committed them to memory. 
You’d turned on some light jazz that you knew he’d like - and you did as well - swaying slightly to the music as you worked on finishing everything up. Everything did look good, and you hoped that he would like it. If nothing else, you knew he’d appreciate the effort. You could do something as simple as pour him a cup of coffee in the morning and he’d be over the moon. The man really did love you more than you thought was ever possible. For once you wanted to turn the tables around and make him feel as special as he always made you feel.
“Bub?” Bucky’s soft voice surprised you so much that you almost jumped out of your skin. You were putting together a salad and had been so focused on chopping and singing quietly along to the music that you hadn’t even heard him come in. You turned around and gave him a giant smile before almost running over to him, “what’s all this? Smells good.”
“James,” you whispered softly before gently touching his face and carding your hand through his hair, “you’re home just in time. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he promised softly, leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, “what’s going on?”
“It’s just...it feels silly now, so don’t laugh,” you insisted as he raised an eyebrow at you, “I wanted to do something special for you.”
“For me?” he asked softly, immediately overwhelmed by the idea that you went through any trouble for him. You bit your lip and shyly nodded, “what for?”
“I just...you mentioned you’ve been having a bit of a hard time lately and I wanted to do something special for you to maybe make it a little better,” you admitted, as you took his hand and pulled him further into the kitchen, “now, don’t get too excited because it’s nothing super special but I hope you’ll like it.”
“You gonna tell me what it is, Bub, or am I going to have to guess?” he asked softly as you realized you hadn’t exactly told him what was going on. You pointed to the various dishes on the counter and food still on the stove that was warm and ready. Bucky looked around and inhaled the familiar smell of the foods he had grown up with back during his childhood. A lump welled up in his throat as his heart felt like it was about. You were beaming at him, waving your hands in a small ‘ta-da’ motion, “you did all this for me?”
“I did,” you admitted, “hopefully the recipes are somewhat real and the food somewhat good? There were a few things that left me wondering what the hell you guys were eating back then! But...I just wanted to do something to make you feel a little more, at home? I dunno. Like I said, it’s not much, but it’s a little something.”
“I love it,” he admitted softly as he turned to you, his blue eyes soft, “I love you. This is...this is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me.”
“Wow,” you whispered as he pulled you into his arms, “that’s saying a lot for a man that’s been through hell and back multiple times. You sure about that, James?”
“I am,” and then he kissed you. Softly and slowly, wrapping his arms around your body as he held as tightly as possible in his arms. You threw your arms around his neck as you held him back, “no one has ever seen me like you do, has treated me like you. You are everything. I love you so much. I’m sorry I ever made you doubt for even a second.”
“I love you too, James,” you whispered as you pulled back and cradled his face in your hands, “so much more than you’ll ever know. I would do anything just to see that sweet smile back on your face. Even if it’s something little like this.”
“Little?” he asked, looking around at the mountain of food and dishes you’d prepared, “by the looks of it, this took you some time!”
“Okay...maybe most of the day,” you admitted, “but it was worth it. You are worth it, my love.” 
“As much as I want to eat of all this, will you do me a favor first?” he asked softly, taking a step back and admiring you. It was funny, how he still managed to make you feel this shy and nervous, even after being together for years.
“Dance with me?” he asked as you realized you still had the music playing in the background. You laughed lightly but nodded, taking his outstretched hand and letting him take the lead. It was quiet for a while, the only sound was the gentle music and the soft whispers of adoration you exchanged, “I love you, Bub.”
“I love you, James.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Marvel Taglist (add yourself to a taglist here!)(strike-through means I couldn’t tag you - please check your settings!)
@qhbr2013  @greeneyedblondie44  @april-showers-and-flowers  @softboiipascal @im-an-adult-ish  @patzammit  @niki-xie  @xxlovingfandomsxx  @startrekkingaroundasgard  @welcometothepedroverse  @actual-spawn-of-satan  @punkerthanpascal  @lazybeeches @someday-when-you-leave-me @justgivemethekeys @salome-c @rosiefridayrogersunday  @neptunesglow  @artsymaddie @haildoodles @amneris21 @star017 @irepostthingsiwanttoseelater @its–fandom–darling @ayamenimthiriel @alyispunk @djarinbarnes @edencherries @ashamed23 @sunsetskywalkerr  @nikkixostan @spookispunk @cable-kenobi @ironicfoxes  @cc13723things @gooddaykate @natthebattygeologist @sociallyantisocialbutterfly @n3ssm0nique @daughterofthenight117 @riddikulus-obsessions @imaginelover88 @saint-bvcky  @sleep-tight1 @missstef23 @moonlacebeam @asylummara @wakandabiitch2 @hoodedbirdie @mysweetlittledesire @reallyloudstarlight @vintagepigeon @froggyy06 @fleurydelacoury @veil-of-time @queenbeean @deedepee @kenzieam @luxeavenger @dobbyjen @bbl32 @frickin-bats @caprisunsister @spacedadmando @bucks-bunny @starlightcrystalline​
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raindownforme · 3 years
Charlie Slimecicle x Reader [she/her used]
It had been hours since y/n had started her stream. At the beginning of it she’d been working on the origins SMP and grinding at gathering supplies and resources while everyone else was off doing other things. A few times someone had popped onto the VC she sat in, Niki had talked while eating dinner and Ranboo had came to recount his day, but otherwise she had remained alone in the beginning.
But it had been several hours since then. Now it was 3 going on 4 in the morning. She sat curled up on her gaming chair, her eyelids just barely staying open. She was exhausted, but she was determined to stay awake until someone else started streaming. To pass the time, y/n had been interacting with chat and reading aloud donations.
“Hello?” A voice came through her headphones and she jumped, nearly falling out of her seat. “y/n?”
“Oh! Philza!” He chuckled a bit. Her voice sounded light and she began to yawn halfway through her sentence. “How nice to see you. What are you doing up?”
“Well it’s roughly noon for me and I was about to start streaming.”
“Ah. Of course.” She began to tap at some buttons, readying to move around her audience.
“Have you been awake for long?”
“Yeah. But I had a few people visit me.” As the notification of Phil going live dropped, she sent everyone over with a wave. “Niki and Ran came by.”
“Aw you sound disappointed.”
“Well I wanted somebody to come by but I guess he was too busy.”
Philza laughed again. “Yeah? And who’s somebody?”
In her stupor she giggled and winked towards a camera that wasn’t on anymore. “I can’t tell you who I have a crush on.”
The man froze, watching his chat go by a mile a minute. They kept throwing names around, even if they didn’t make sense, and he knew this wouldn’t end up any where good if it progressed. “Is it alright if we talk about this later? Why don’t you get some sleep.”
She yawned and stretched. She slowly went to get out of her chair. “Alright dad. Goodnight. I love you.”
“Love you too.” The discord call made the familiar noise of someone disconnecting and y/n turned off her display. She went and slunk into her bed, nesting underneath the covers, and quickly drifted to sleep.
y/n woke up a few hours later. As she sat up the first thing she did was reach for her phone to see a missed call from Ranboo. She went to call back and he picked up almost immediately.
“You are so dumb.”
She groaned and wiped at the sleep in her eyes. “Can I be awake for five minutes first.”
“No actually. You’re trending on Twitter.”
She squinted, trying to recall anything. “Did I do something bad? Was it last night or....?”
“It wasn’t like. Bad. But it was last night. You told Phil on live that you have a crush on someone.”
She paused, feeling her face grow warm with embarrassment. “Did I say who it was?”
“No you didn’t.” She sighed and felt herself relax a bit. “But they’re trying to figure it out. You didn’t make it very hard.”
“Well I didn’t say a name.”
“Yeah so you let them pick from the six men your age who have been on this server. Like I said you’re dumb.”
She sat up and got out of her bed, letting Ranboo sit next to her on speaker. She went to her desk and booted up her computer. She pulled up twitch on one monitor and Twitter on another. Loading up the streaming site, she sorted through all of us Phil’s new clips to look for last night. She found it quickly and began playing it.
“Have you been awake long?”
“Yeah. But I had a few people come visit me.... Niki and Ran came by.”
“Aw you sound disappointed.”
“Well I wanted somebody to come by but I guess he was too busy.”
Philza’s laugh echoed through her monitor’s speakers. “Yeah? And who’s that somebody?”
“I can’t tell you who I have a crush on.”
The clip ended with Philza glancing wide eyed between the camera and his computer monitors. y/n sighed and looked over at her other monitor. Her twitch name was trending. She clicked on the tag and scrolled through countless tweets of clips of her and other boys from the Origins SMP. There were ones of her and Jack, her and Charlie, her and Wilbur, her and Sneeg, and even her and Tommy or Tubbo. She took the time to respond to ones of her and the younger boys, emphasizing that if anyone was going to speculate anything it wasn’t going to be with her and children.
“Ran, what do I do?”
“Ignore it? It’s not like you have an actual crush on any one right?”
She paused, chewing the inside of her cheek. “Ran..”
“Oh! Oh my god!” He started laughing and y/n could hear him fall from his chair onto the floor. He kept laughing as he got up. “Oh please tell me who it is-“
“No! I’m an adult! I don’t have crushes on boys.”
“Oh that is fake!” He kept laughing and y/n rested her head in her hands. “You know you might as well tell me who it is.”
“Yeah fucking right.”
“I’ll black mail you.”
“No you won’t!”
“I’ll show Tubbo your number and he’ll leak it.”
“To who.”
“The discord.”
y/n rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah yeah. When are you getting on.”
“An hour-ish.”
“I’ll see you then.”
“Alright byeeeeeee.”
Ranboo ended the call and y/n sighed. If she told Ranboo who she liked, he’d eventually tell Tubbo, who’d eventually tell Tommy, until he told someone and so on so forth. They were teenage boys. It wasn’t a very lucrative group. And Tommy seemed to record with Charlie almost every week. It seemed impossible to get by without disrupting something.
y/n went on to busy herself around her home for the next hour or so, doing some cleaning and other chores that had to be done. When she finished, she made her way to her pc to begin recording. She wasn’t planning on a live stream today, but a recording session would still do her channel good.
As she sat to boot up Mojang, she pulled up discord on her second monitor. She saw the kids already in a call; Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo.
“Hey boys.” She slipped on her headphones as she entered the call, but they were all yelling.
“Hi y/n.” Both boys stopped yelling as Tubbo pointed out that she had arrived. “Ranboo’s live by the way.”
“Thanks Tubbo. Are you guys on origins?”
“Great, I’ll be on in a sec.” As she opened the world, she spawned somewhere she didn’t remember. It was dark around her, like she was swallowed by obsidian. “Uhhh, boys? I might be stuck.”
“I told you! I told you I was right! Chat tell Ranboo he’s an idiot!” Tommy started yelling again as Ranboo tried to tell him to shut up.
“That doesn’t explain why I’m surrounded by obsidian. I don’t have a pick!”
“Well, y/n,” she looked over to her discord call to see all the boys had their cameras on now. They all sat with their hands crossed while wearing sunglasses. Ranboo had his full mask on. Meaning he probably had camera on for his stream. Tubbo cleared his throat as he kept talking. “We have some questions for you.”
“If I answer can I get out of here?”
“If you answer honestly.” Ranboo leaned forwards a bit. “You told Philza Minecraft you had a crush on someone, correct?”
“Yeah. Sure. Might I add you’re all immature?”
“Is this crush, a man? Hmm?” Tommy tipped his sunglasses downwards slightly.
“Yes. How many more questions?”
“You’re not done. Is it someone on this server?”
“Does that matter Tubbo?”
“YES.” All the boys shouted in unison.
“Jeez fine. He has played on multiple servers, this could be one of them.”
Tommy slammed his fist on his desk. “HONESTY.”
Ranboo gave a fake evil chuckle. “So it’s someone we know. A man we know. A gamer we know. One of us.”
“Yeah yeah.” y/n quickly pulled up twitch on her third monitor, making sure that he wasn’t watching Ranboo’s stream.
“Now y/n. I’m muted on my stream right now. Is it Wilbur?”
“Uhh…” He was there. He was watching the stream. Whatever she answered, he’d know.
“Wilbur! It’s Wilbur!” The boys started cheering as she realized that she didn’t quite answer. But as long as Charlie didn’t know the truth.
“Yeah. Can I come out now?” She watched charlie’s name disappear from the chat. In her game, Ranboo’s character came over to set her free from the obsidian.
“Thank you for your honesty.”
“Yeah no worries. I’ll see you later boys.” She logged out of the server and scooted away from the monitors. She knew she made a bigger problem for herself.
She walked over to her bedside table, taking her phone off the charge, and went to face time Wilbur. He picked up quickly, holding the phone extremely close to his face.
“Are you streaming?”
“No not at the moment.”
“Great because I fucked something up.”
“Oooooh tell me.” Wilbur propped up his phone in front of him and took a drink of something in a mug.
“So the children- did you see the clip from Phil’s stream?”
“Absolutely. Continue.”
“They went and cornered me into telling who my crush is. And they said you and I was distracted so they assumed you-“
“Is it me?”
“No fuck off. But now everyone thinks it’s you and even worse, the actual person was watching! He thinks I have a crush on you and I don’t know if that’s good or bad.”
Wilbur nodded. “Well who is?”
y/n pursed her lips, thinking for a moment before admitting the truth out loud for the first time. “Charlie.”
Wilbur froze, then scrambled to pick up his phone. “I have to go.”
The line went dead from Wilbur’s end and y/n groaned, chucking her phone against her pillows. She rubbed at her eyes with her palms, deciding she might as well continue recording.
y/n logged back onto the Origins server, keeping herself out of the active discord calls. She could see that the three boys were still in a call, and Wilbur was talking with Philza. She rolled her shoulders back, getting into the mindset to record.
“Hey everybody!” y/n went on start the recording, talking mostly to herself about finishing construction on her house. It was quite a tall house, built of mostly stone and cobble, but she was still proud of it. The bottom two floors were reserved for storage and mining, and there was one room of entirely water for Niki. The top floor was a large spread patio frames in by dark oak fencing with a glass roof surrounded by dark oak half slabs. Her being a skeleton in the game, having a vantage point helped her snipe enemy mobs. It was also conviennent for attacking creepers to get music discs. She had quite the collection growing already.
“Okay so if I-“ y/n paused, looking over at her other monitor. In the main chat of the Origins SMP server, Wilbur had a sent a singular message.
WilburSoot: dress formally for an event in 2 hours time hosted at the Pubé
y/n took a breath, a bit nervous of what that meant, but still responded to let him know she would be there. In the meantime, she continued on her video, taking the 2 hour period to build herself a lovely garden area and an additional storage area deep underground.
“Thank you everyone! I hope to see you all soon.” She ended the recording and took a breath. There were 15 minutes until Wilbur’s event, and she supposed she had to dress nicer than her pajamas.
A moment later, she returned to her computer wearing her favorite sweater and a comfortable pair of pants. Looking over at discord, she could see most of the Origins SMP members in a discord call together, excluding only Schlatt, Technoblade, and SMajor. She took a breath, thinking for a moment, then clicked into the call.
“y/n!!!” Jack’s voice screamed through her headphones.
“Sorry he’s a bit loud.”
“Come down mate.” Philza cleared his throat. “y/n. Lovely to have you.”
“Thanks Phil.”
“Before we start, no one’s live at all.”
She paused cueing up the game, her mouse hovering over the server. “Before we start what?”
No one answered. Quietly, she entered the server and made her way to the Pubé.
“Welcome to event of the century.” Ranboo’s character jumped up and down. Every one stood in the Pubé facing her.
“Alright. And what kind of event is this?”
“A ball! With food and drink provided by Philza and music provided by Tommy.” Wilbur’s character ran over to the jukebox in the corner to show her.
“That’s lovely, Will. Was I supposed to be more dressed up?”
“I think you’re perfect as is.” Charlie’s character jumped up and down. She paused, trying to swallow the giddy feeling rising in her chest.
“Let’s begin! Tommy, the music?” Wilbur turned the the teen as he placed the music discs. y/n watched everyone pair off, leaving her and Wilbur alone. Wilbur walked over to her, hitting her playfully.
“Hey Wilbur.” y/n looked over as the two went into a separate call.
“y/n!!! How are you doing? Enjoying the party?”
“Well I haven’t been here very long.” She held her hands closed over her lap. “Wilbur, I feel like there’s something going on here.”
“It’ll be fine. Trust me?”
She sighed, a smile playing at her lips. “Fine.”
“Good.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “Maybe dance around a bit. I’m going to talk with Phil.”
They both left the chat, Wilbur entering a call of just him and Philza and y/n entering the main room. The music was still playing. Everyone seemed to have split off into groups, leaving her alone. She sat by herself, watching everyone mingle about. It was only her in the main call, leaving everyone else in groups, but it was nice. She turned her head to watch her second monitor, seeing Charlie move out of the call with Wilbur and Philza to the main room with herself.
“H-Hey there.” She watched Charlie’s small character bounce over to her. “How’s it hangin?”
“Oh. Uhm. Good I guess. It’s nice to see you back on the server.”
“Yeah I guess I haven’t played in a while. I mean I haven’t streamed that much either but I’ve been recording.”
“That’s nice!”
“Yeah. I mean I’ve been able to watch other streams though.”
y/n thought back Ranboo’s stream earlier in the day, knowing full well Charlie had been watching that one. “Right.”
“We don’t have to talk about it. I mean I know how you feel.”
“Oh. Oh no please tell me Wilbur didn’t say anything.” y/n rubbed at her forehead with the heel of her palms. Convincing the internet she was in love with Wilbur Soot had been a problem in its own, but Wilbur telling Charlie she had a crush on him? “Look Charlie I’m sorry I didn’t want him to tell you it’s just- god you’re so nice and funny and really cute and it’s a stupid crush I never wanted to ruin our friendship. I’m so sorry Charlie.”
The other end of the call was quiet for a moment, but then she head Charlie almost laugh. “You have a crush on me?”
The realization washed over like a tsunami. He’d been talking about the stream, Wilbur hadn’t said anything. “God no wait Charlie-“
“On me? You have a crush on me?”
“Okay now you’re just rubbing it in. I take it back.”
“You can’t take that back!”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want you to.”
y/n paused, a smile creeping on her face. “Are you telling me that you have a crush on me over a Minecraft server?”
“You said it first!”
She glanced over at the camera on her computer for a moment. “We could have avoided this the whole time?”
“I- yeah we could’ve.”
y/n giggled, resting her face in her hands. “Is this our first date then?
“No!” She could hear Charlie suck in a breath. “I mean, let me take you somewhere better. Just give me a few days?”
“Days? That’s speedy isn’t it?”
“Okay Maybe weeks. But I’ll take you somewhere. Anywhere. Trust me.”
“Of course.”
She could hear Charlie laugh on the other end of the call. “Until then, how much time do we have to make up for?”
She smiled, settling herself into her chair. “Charlie, more than you could ever think.”
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jungshookz · 4 years
EEEK cee imagine grumpy!yn and jimin where jimin falls asleep on the floor in their lil hangout spot bc he stayed up the night before and yn jus secretly admiring jimin’s adorable sleeping face while caressing his hair THEN jimin wakes up when yn leaned in for a kiss on his forehead :3:3:3
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➺ pairing; sunshiney!jimin x grumpy!y/n
➺ genre; of course this is fluff!!! fluffier than the clouds that jimin makes y/n look at and tell him what animal she thinks it looks closest to :D (he thinks it looks like a bunny and she thinks it looks like a.,,. idk man that’s literally just a lump) 
➺ wordcount; 1.3k 
➺ p.s. you’ll be able to find this in the teeny tidbits masterlist later on :’) 
(unfortunately i wasn’t able to track down the original maker of this gif but this is where i sourced it from! all credits go to the original creator of course :-))
                                     »»————- ☁️ ————-««
“oh my god, do you hear that?” yoongi gasps, placing a hand on your shoulder before holding a finger up in the air, “that’s incredible.”
“what are you talking about?” you frown, looking around as well before shrugging his hand off your shoulder, “i don’t hear anything.”
you and namjoon exchange confused glances and he offers you his own shrug before looking over at yoongi for further explanation
“exactly. it’s nothing. it’s… silence.” yoongi whispers, “i haven’t heard it in so long because jimin’s always destroying it with his motormouth-”
now you see what he’s going on about
“hey, cut it out-” you roll your eyes before shifting your shoulder slightly so that jimin’s head isn’t at a weird angle and that he won’t wake up with a weird kink in his neck, “he was up all night working on a paper and he’s tired.” you murmur, reaching over and pulling your cardigan up so that it covers his chest a little more
“you know, you were way more fun before you started dating jimin.” yoongi scoffs, pursing his lips in disappointment as he leans back against his palms, “when two people are making fun of someone, it’s all fun and games, but when it’s just me doing it alone, i look like an asshole-”
“oh, cry me a river.”
“see?? why can’t you be like that when you’re talking about jimin?? i miss the old y/n.” 
you move to shove yoongi down to the ground but you stop yourself when you realize that you could accidentally wake jimin up prematurely 
poor jimin was up until six this morning working on a dumb twenty-page report for one of his courses - he read his schedule wrong and it turns out that the report was due this tuesday and not next tuesday, and to be honest, he’s really not sure how he even made that mix-up in the first place because he’s usually always on top of things (you were on top of him when he was typing all of this into his phone so that might’ve had something to do with it)
and he normally gets up around seven-ish on a regular basis which means he literally only got an hour of sleep before he had to get up and get ready for the day
you already knew that he had pulled an all-nighter (you even offered to stay up with him and make him coffee if he needed it but you ended up falling asleep around twenty minutes after you’d made your bold offer) so you weren’t too surprised when you looked over halfway through lunch to see that he’d fallen asleep leaning back against the tree with his mouth wide open
yoongi nearly persuaded you into dropping a chunk of dirt into his open mouth but luckily you decided against doing that
and it didn’t look like he was very comfortable which was why you scooted yourself closer to him and gently pushed his head down so that he could rest on your shoulder
but that was an hour and a bit ago and jimin’s still fast asleep
and you’re pretty sure there’s dried drool on your arm but that’s okay
“-you know, it’s like i don’t even know who you are anymore.” yoongi tuts, shaking his head at you, “one minute, you’re happy to roll your eyes and insult jimin to his face, and the next, you’re cozying up to him like his girlfriend and straight-up fawning over him-”
“i- i am his girlfriend, you dolt-”
“i know, but like- well, you know what i mean.” yoongi flicks his wrist to dismiss you before turning his nose up towards the sky, “you get it.”
“i can honestly say i truly don’t, yoongi.”
yes, it’s fairly evident to see that you’ve changed quite a bit since getting together with jimin, but you like to think that you changed for the better!
you don’t wake up with a scowl on your face every morning which is definitely a good sign, right?
and now instead of staying silent during lunch and looking like you want nothing more than to watch the world burn, you actually contribute to conversations with everyone else and genuinely enjoy talking to them as long as jimin’s right there next to you 
of course, you have to admit that you still have a slight issue with PDA (which is why you’ve been moving your shoulder and trying to get jimin to wake up without making it seem like you’re purposely trying to wake him up) but that’s a conversation for another time
the point is, things are good with jimin
things are really, really good with jimin.  
you crane your neck to look back down at your boyfriend again, reaching over to brush some of his hair away from his eyes
his nose twitches slightly and he mutters something under his breath before turning his body towards you and snuggling into your warmth, wrapping his arms around your elbow and squishing his cheek against your shoulder
“cute.” you hum, reminding yourself to suppress your grin of delight so that no one teases you about how squealy you’re being right now 
you find yourself leaning down a little so you can give jimin a kiss on the forehead, your lips lingering against his warm forehead for a second before you pull away and look back to make sure that no one just saw you do that (god forbid anyone see you show even an inkling of affection for your boyfriend!) 
luckily it seems like the late afternoon sun beaming down on you guys is making everyone feel a little lethargic so no one was paying attention to y-
“did you just kiss my forehead?”
you freeze immediately when you hear jimin suddenly speak up and you clear your throat obnoxiously before raising your shoulder so that he gets his head off of it, “what? no. i think you were probably dreaming or something because forehead kissing is-” you chuckle lightly, pulling your legs up slightly and dusting some dirt off your calves, “it’s not something that i… i don’t do things like that, so- no. no, i didn’t kiss any foreheads.”
your eyes widen in surprise when jimin suddenly lies down and flops his head down on your lap, grinning up at you with twinkling eyes as he reaches up to poke the tip of your nose, “you soOoooOo have a crush on me.”
side note: it’s truly baffling to you that jimin never wakes up groggy
he’s always ready to go as soon as his eyes open and it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever
it’s almost like he has an on and an off switch somewhere and if that’s the case you would very much like to find his off switch so you can shut him up before someone else decides to chime in to the conversation 
“we’re- we’re dating, jimin-” you scowl, flicking his hand away from your face before clearing your throat again, “...obviously i have a friggin’ crush on you if we’re in a goddamn relationship-”
“what are you grumbling about over there now, y/n?” namjoon interrupts you from across the circle, glancing up at you and jimin for a split second from behind his screen, “i’m trying to get some work done and i can’t focus with all the secret muttering-”
“y/n has a crush on me.” jimin teases, crossing his arms over his chest before closing his eyes again, “a super FAT crush on me.”
he cracks an eye open just to see your reaction and he’s pleasantly surprised to see that your entire face is basically beet-red from this fun little game he’s playing
what do you have to be so embarrassed about??
you already said yourself that the two of you are dating so it’s an obvious fact that you have feelings for him
he just likes to remind everyone that you, a typically emotionless, cold-hearted robot, have feelings for him!
“oh, we know!” namjoon plays along with a grin, loving that you look like you want nothing more than to curl into a ball and just scream, “you think we didn’t see that forehead kiss?”
“park jimin, you sick... twisted man.” yoongi purses his lips as he shakes his head slowly, “look what you’ve done to her! you’ve ruined her!!” 
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Here is a post about what is going to happen to me in the next couple of weeks, because it is a really exciting schedule. The sort of schedule that I did not dare to dream of this time last year, with COVID being where it was. And I know it isn’t over. I have some very good KN95 masks that I am ready to take out of their package for this occasion, and I am still concerned that I will end up contacting COVID at some point. But I’ll try really hard not to, and it’s much much safer than it was a year ago, and it’s a risk I’ve decided to calculate as worth it.
First of all, for her birthday in 2020, my dad bought my mom tickets to see Hamilton with the caveat that he would only go with her if she could find absolutely no one else to go. My mom asked me, I said “I’m not into musicals or whatever but I hear this is a big deal so I guess I’ll go listen to the music from it”, and then came back and said “yeah all right that’s entertaining, I’ll go with you.” So we made plans to go see Hamilton together on June 11, 2020.
After that I listened to the songs more times, while psychologically forcing myself to push through my brain’s instinct to not be a fan of 1) musical theatre, 2) these genres of music that are so far outside what I normally listen to, 3) anything that earnest, and 4) anything that is also so beloved by the mainstream and just generally by everyone in the world apparently, and once I turned down those instincts in my brain as much as I could, I had to acknowledge that actually this is very good and I’m looking forward to seeing it live. I remember saying, in mid-March 2020, “I mean this lockdown is bad and I know it might last a while but it had better all be over by June 11. That’s ages away, it can’t last that long, right? Because in spite of myself I’ve started really looking forward to seeing Hamilton.”
The show has been postponed four different times since then. It is now, barring something catastrophic occurring in the next six days, going to actually happen on July 28, 2022. The tickets are still valid, my mother and I are still here, I’ve watched the filmed version they released with subtitles on so now I know what the words are supposed to be and will be able to better appreciate it once I get into the theatre and they’re all talking/singing too fast for me to catch every word. I am looking forward to this.
So that’s Thursday. On Wednesday the 27, both my parents and I are going to Montreal to see the Just For Laughs Brit(ish) show at 7 PM. Brit(ish) is a club-style show that features Tom Allen, Dara O’Briain, Fern Brady, Sindhu Vee, Phil Wang, and Nish Kumar, for a show that can’t last more than a couple of hours, so I imagine they’ll each be doing quite short sets. I know it can’t last more than a couple of hours because they’re doing another performance at 9:30, which is good because we also have tickets to see James Acaster’s Hecklers Welcome at 9:30.
That’s going to be a hell of a night. To be honest I’m surprised my mother agreed to come, given that we’re almost two hours from Montreal so it’s two shows in a row and a very late night. My dad and I share an interest in British comedy, he watched Cold Lasagne with me (not live, obviously) and said it’s some of the best stand-up he’s ever seen; he’d stay up all night with me to see James Acaster any night of the week. My mother normally gets annoyed when my dad and I put on Britcom all the time if I’m visiting their house, but as one exception to that, she’s gotten really into WILTY in the last year. So she’s also excited to see the guy from the cabbage thing live. Fun for the whole family! I mean… I have mentioned to her that his stand-up is going to be a bit different from his WILTY material. But actually, they are both a lot of stories about his life and mind being a mess.
So then I have one day at home on Friday, and then I am dragging my best friend back to Montreal to see Nish Kumar do his full show on Saturday night. This friend is definitely not into British comedy, he knows I enjoy my little comedians who talk with accents and thinks that’s fine, but 95% of why I originally created this blog was so I could start going on about them here instead of going on to him about them. But I convinced him to come to the show Saturday night anyway, and we are going to have a good time! If nothing else, he will hear Nish Kumar’s bit about being a “buzzkill in the group chat” (the one person in your friend group who’s more pessimistic and “okay but actually the larger implications of this thing you’re trying to have fun about are problematic” than your friends want to be), and then I can start referencing that to him whenever I act as a buzzkill in a group chat that he’s also in, which is often. This show starts at 10:30 PM, so should end near midnight and then another two-hour drive home, but my best friend coaches a team with me where we regularly travel 5 or more hours for out-of-town tournaments and get home in the middle of the night. So a night like that is not a big deal for him, unlike for my parents.
And then, the following week, my amazing, patient, intelligent girlfriend got us tickets to something much more sensible than a show that requires driving that far in the middle of the night: Katherine Ryan coming to our own city at 7 PM. One of the things my girlfriend and I have in common is the idea that just because we’re in a relationship doesn’t mean our dates need to involve leaving the house. But so far, we’ve had a wonderful exception to that when we saw Russell Howard live a few months ago. I am really looking forward to doing this again. We don’t do out-of-the-house date night often, but when we do, we do it very well. Date night: featuring Canada’s own Katherine Ryan.
I sometimes feel a bit guilty about how much entertainment I’ve taken from these comedians while very rarely financially compensating them for it. Well, that is ten tickets to four different comedy shows in one week, that have been purchased because of my obsession with British comedy. So consider the industry supported. You’re welcome, industry. I got my mother into WILTY and now she’s coming to a comedy festival to see two shows in a night, despite being too old for that shit. I even sent her the link to Dara O’Briain doing his catwalk thing on his WILTY episode, to be sure she’ll recognize him at the Brit(ish) show.
It’s going to be a great week, and of course I will let the good people of this site know how it goes, as much as I can. I will absorb as many memories as I can to comfort me during the many weeks of the year when comedians from across the world are not descending on my general area for that one comedy festival, and I hear British comedians plug their live shows on TV and think “God that sounds so good, fuck all the people who live over there and can see this stuff any time.”
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missinghan · 4 years
falling for the first time ⤖ bang chan
❖ genre : hogwarts au; fluff
❖ word count : 2,1k.
❖ warning : explicit language
❖ summary : your plan of putting all effort into avoiding bang chan as much as possible has been going smoothly for almost seven years until he asks you for a dance at the Yule Ball. or alternatively, your families hate each other but wait...has he always had those golden flecks in his eyes?
❖ author’s note : here’s the song they’re dancing to 🖤
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The once cold ballroom has waited for eons it seems, for a real heart to beat a new rhythm into the matter that made it. 
Meanwhile, you too have been waiting (for two-ish hours) in the corner with your cup of root beer abandoned at a table for your dance partner. You’re currently half-clutching your dress and half-panicking because Chan wouldn’t miss an event as extravagant as the Yule Ball. He’s not the type to be sour over little things either just because he didn’t win the Triwizard Tournament. Or perhaps someone else just happened to ask him? 
A blood-curdling shriek bursts your eardrums. 
Jeongin gives you a nudge with his elbow from behind. “Grilled scream-cheese?” he asks with a mouthful of gluten and carbs, a plate of a sandwich with a (literally) screaming slice of cheese slapped in the middle. 
“No, my appetite is ruined,” you say, pushing it away slightly and heaving an audible sigh. 
The Ravenclaw boy makes an alarming noise—something similar to ‘uh-oh’ and swallows the big bite from before as fast as he can. “Where’s Chan?”
You only shrug, “Don’t know. Don’t care.” If only you could do that with the train of thoughts that have been going in and out of your ears for the past a hundred and twenty minutes. 
“Y/N, you look troubled,” he purses his lips, frowning at you. 
“I’m not,” you voice in denial, trying your best not to come off as snappy. No, you will not give up your facade that easily. You won’t leave Chan’s ego nor Jeongin to rest without a fight by saying that you actually want to dance with the heathen!
“Yeah right, let me-“
“Don’t. What if he’s already asked someone else?” You momentarily shudder at how sad you sound. The root beer shouldn’t have hit you this hard. “I mean look at him, he’s Bang Chan. I’m pretty sure those girls from Beauxbatons have been eyeing him up and down since the Tournament.” 
Jeongin lets out a huff of laughter in disbelief. “Are you even hearing yourself right now?”
“One of you guys could have asked me. Or I should have paid Jisung to be my partner yesterday. I just, I don’t know, what am I saying? I’m confused.”
Your friend is officially done with your bullshit so he decides for himself that he will now set down his food to make your first and last Yule Ball arguably unforgettable. “Honestly? I can lie and say I would dance with you if you weren’t so full of pride. But truth is, none of us asked you to dance because we all know how badly Chan wants this opportunity. Wake the fuck up! He’s been planning this since forever. I’ll go look for him, wait here,” he points a finger at you before running off, leaving your heartbeat pause awkwardly like a broken record. 
The ballroom feels significantly colder now. 
“Miss Y/N?”
Ah, perfect timing. What’s another way to phrase ‘being an absolute idiot at a ball’? Oh right, it’s ‘talking to your professor five minutes before the first dance while your friends are socializing left and right’. 
“Yes, Headmistress McGonagall?”
Your professor peers around when she realizes that you’re all alone. “Are you and Mister Bang ready?”
“R-ready?” Suddenly, you feel out of place. 
“Well, of course. It’s only traditional that the three champions start the first dance!”
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Only the celestial bodies above can know how melancholy you are. But you’re met with a sky without stars tonight. 
With your head on your elbows, lips pressed into a straight line, your gaze falls from the endless canvas of darkness to the hustle and bustle of students leaving the Great Hall to head back to their designated dormitories. A sigh. You definitely don’t need to know what they’re going to do for the after-party. Ryujin used to show you an article on this peculiar machine called ‘a laptop’ that the more you sigh, the faster you age. If Chan keeps doing shit like this to you, you’re gonna be all old and wrinkly by the time he comes here. 
If he is going to show up at all that is. 
The moment you peel your eyes away from the overcrowded main gate, a broad figure is shuffling himself through his drunk Quidditch teammates, sloppy couples, and burnt out professors. He dashes through the empty hallways to reach the spiral staircase, skipping three steps at a time, risking the chances of falling on his face just to get to you. 
Pulling himself to a halt at the last step, Chan sees you all curled up against the balcony railings and feels a pang of guilt wash over his innards like a wave. You’re pulling your legs toward your chest, defeated eyes gazing into the space ahead while your hair falls to your face messily. Like you’ve gone through the depths of the Fourth Dimension, struggling through dark matters and a rite of divinity at the end of the line. All for him. 
You’re beautiful. 
And the amount of affection that’s piling upon his rib cage? Astronomical. 
Your gaze is averted away; even with a slight scowl, sloppy clothes and messed up hair, you still flare radiance. He thinks that if a meteor shower is happening right now, you can still outshine it. “You came,” you mention. 
For once, Chan finds himself at a loss for words. “Y-Yeah,” he manages to swallow. Yeah? What the fuck, Chan? Is that all you’ve got to say? 
“I-I’m sorry, Y/N. Yeji accidentally mistook one of Minho’s potions for her allergy medicine so I gotta take care of that before coming,” he scratches his forearm awkwardly, head hung low with guilt. “I didn’t know it would take that long…”
“Oh.” Wow, jealous stinks. This isn’t pre-school, you’d better snap out of it. “Let’s head back. I wanna check on her before passing out.” 
“She’s fine now, sleeps like death. Chaeryeong is there too, you know, just in case.” Chan feels perplexed as he tries to coax anything but the ‘head back’ option from you. 
You tilt your head. “And...?”
“I’m afraid you owe me something?” A slow smile begins to outstretch upon his facial muscles, deepening the dimples on either side of his cheeks that you adore the most. “A dance, I believe,” he makes a thinking face while striding toward you. 
Coldly, you stand up to dust your dress. “I don’t want to.” You’re not having it, he can tell. But does Bang Chan ever give up? 
“A bet is a bet, Y/N.”
Chan’s hand fishes inside the pocket of his trench coat to take out his wand. His hand delicately gives it a swift flick; once, and twice followed by a low mumble from his lips. Immediately, light pulses from the tip of the wand before shooting upward, disintegrating into a million bits as though a starry night is embracing the both of you. He does the same action again to cast a different spell. Music laces through every fiber of air without effort, like honey being poured into your ears. 
“It’s just one bet,” he pouts with a hand fully extended toward you. 
You should have realized how good Chan looks tonight. A black dress shirt that’s buttoned below appropriate, matching trench coat, silver accessories lining his fingers and ears with naturally tousled hair from running here. He looks so gorgeous that it almost suffocates you, that it almost makes you want to hiss ‘fucking unfair’ out loud. 
Enchanted by his poise and grace, your body reacts without the consent of your mind. You seize up when you unknowingly place your hand on top of his, the touch sending electricity down your spine. A simple response has become all too complicated for your brain to process. 
You grow breathless the moment he grabs you by the waist and pulls you flush against him. “Yeah, a bet so you’ll leave me alone,” you remark sarcastically to ease your nerves. 
“Look, it’s not my fault that the Goblet of Fire chose me to participate in the Tournament,” Chan chuckles lowly, eyes crinkling into crescent moon shapes while he sways you to the soft melody. Dots of light continue to float around weightlessly, reflecting the golden flecks in his eyes. He’s ethereal in the worst way—the way that isn’t healthy for your heart. 
But you soon slap on another scowl when you realize he just reminded you of why you’re even here in the first place. If only you weren’t so salty about Slytherin winning your team over at the final Quidditch match before the holiday occurs. Let’s just say you weren’t exactly in the best mind state after getting your ass kicked in your favorite sport. 
And Chan wasted no time to slip in between the line of comical humor and your ultimate torment. Which results in—if you get to attend the Triwizard Tournament, he will leave you alone for the rest of your life; but if he is the chosen one, he gets a dance with you at the Yule Ball. 
It’s really not all that bad if you think twice about it. Dancing with Bang Chan, the Slytherin’s Quidditch team captain, the student with perfect academics and conduct for six years straight, and now one of the Triwizard Tournament champions this year. 
Music threads through the atmosphere and lifts away gravity. You can’t count how many times you have stepped on his toes due to nervousness because you’re too much of a coward to look him in the eye. But he’s the only thing you can seem to focus on right now. 
“Besides, don’t you think this is a good opportunity to get rid of the tension between us?” Chan asks honestly, and this causes you to perk up. 
Lights are twinkling with every step as Chan spins you around gently, your dress billowing out prettily as your heels click against the cold concrete. After that, he swiftly pulls you back into his arms and you exhale in relief like you were meant to be there all this time. 
“Don’t act dumb, you’re terrible at it. I know the only reason why you’ve been avoiding me since first year was because of our families’ stupid grudge. ”
Your eyes are cast downward, sadness glinting in your round pupils. “Either way, my parents wouldn’t like to see me talking to you. And look at what we’re doing. It’s going to be catastrophic if they find out.”
“Well, they can’t just magically appear now, can they?” Chan leans a little closer to lock his eyes with yours. 
And you break it seconds later because you’re an absolute coward for a Gryffindor. “We’re attending a magic school. Anything is possible.”
“Did they even tell you what the actual problem was in the first place?” he huffs out in faint annoyance. 
You shake your head. “I don’t think they’d even remember.”
“Then would you stop giving me that look as if I just shooed your owl way every time I said ‘hi’ on my way to class? Have you ever thought about my feelings? About us being civil for once? Like friends? Or even more so?”
“We’re not our parents, Y/N.”
Your heart becomes all erratic at his words. It’s nothing like those fully-fledged, tear-jerking nor cheesyass confessions that you’ve gawked at one too many times, but it makes your heart flutter and stirs up those cliché butterflies inside your stomach. This can’t be compared to the Yule Ball—it’s even better than that. Because it feels as though you and Chan are the only presences that graze the surface of this land. There’s no one to judge, no fingers to point, no gossip spreading like wildfire. 
It’s perfect. Almost. 
“Us...it’s not- it can’t happen. It’s not supposed to happen. It’s not possible, Chan.”
Wordlessly, he stops, moves both of your hands to his shoulders, and wraps his arms around your torso. The sound of your heartbeat against his is so in sync they just drown out the music completely. Time is frozen in place, leaving you to hang on the edge with him, hanging onto this single moment as thin as the red string of fate. You’re waiting for him to do something, say something. 
Just then, Chan cracks a wry smile and pulls you closer by the nape of your neck, resting his forehead comfortably on yours. “We’re attending a magic school. Anything is possible.”
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