#i mean. convenient. but annoying
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oakstar519 · 8 days ago
very annoying that probably 95% of the time the fix for not having much appetite is just eating something
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spilledmilkfkdies · 8 months ago
Y'all think they ever.. Used echolocation..
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destinysquared · 8 months ago
Another day, another barrage of DMs and comments being like:
"Why did you make Uzi black?"
"Since when is Uzi black?! WTF?!" You know....it's sad that I GENUINELY thought ppl would be smart enough to remember that her father's name is Khan and thus put two and two together regarding her origins....
...Ah well.....
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power-chords · 2 years ago
I'm soooo close to having a zero tolerance policy for the insidiously regressive high-strung tripe that even remotely suggests you can infer someone's real life moral position on the basis of what they enjoy reading or writing in fiction. Yes that includes the weird sex stuff. Yes that includes the weird sex stuff that, in the real world, we consider repulsive and evil!
If you would never act on them and are at no risk of doing so, and they don't cause distress to you personally, the deranged horny contents of your creative imagination are MORALLY IRRELEVANT. That is net zero information. I don't care how annoying or gauche or gross you think some of the fandom people on this website are, and believe me I get it, but you are in fact a retrograde wet blanket scold and useful idiot if you buy into the idea that you can perform reliable character judgments about strangers NOT on the basis of their individual material actions and behavior, but on generalizations of what you imagine that they are imagining. Not an error margin I would be smug about but that's just me! Anyway, it is in fact incredibly normal and sane and adaptive to be able to entertain a rich fantasy life and to contemplate all sorts of wacky and extreme things that have zero bearing on your day-to-day experience and what you want out of it.
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mhaccunoval · 3 months ago
let's GO (finally had the storage to redownload tumblr app)
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starscelly · 1 year ago
okay i’m gonna be an extreme hater to v*gas players in the tags DONT LOOK if ur a fan and this will piss you off… you’ve been warned
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cloud-somersault · 2 years ago
just fyi, I'm gonna rework Macaque's powers so they actually make sense. So in chapter 4 if you come at me with that, "that's not how the powers worked when Macaque saved MK" well that's because I'm in charge, and I'm changing them so they make sense
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marklikely · 2 years ago
i wonder if this site has actually reached critical levels of being annoying lately or if i just haven't been on as much as i used to (especially earlier this year when i left entirely) that now ive snapped out of the feedback loop and can fully see how annoying tumblr culture actually is.
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nientedal · 2 years ago
I just saw ANOTHER post lamenting this change, so I'm just gonna say "fuck it" and make a how to do the thing post, and if I'm misunderstanding the outrage... lol, this is tumblr, I'm sure someone will tell me.
Currently, if you want to go to a post in the middle of a reblog thread, you have to click the empty space in what I call the reblog header. The reblog header is the space that holds a user's name and reblog details, and on desktop, it turns a different color when you move your cursor over it. It's this space:
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It doesn't change colors on mobile, obviously, because no cursor, but I think tapping is a little more intuitive on mobile anyway and afaik this particular thing has been this way here for a while now...? Whatever. Anyway, that's how you get to a mid-thread reblog!
(I actually do kinda like this new setup. It's not perfect, it can be annoying if someone's URL is long or if I accidentally click "Follow" instead of the header space. But overall, the space to click into a prior reblog is bigger now and I like that. I don't think I'll have to worry as much about mouse precision or drowsy coordination issues, which is nice. Maybe I'll be able to use the desktop version more.)
However, this means that in order to see "prev tags," you apparently have to click into the notes view and scroll until you find them. That's annoying for those who want to see them, and I can't blame anyone for being irritated. If you're new here you may be surprised to learn "prev tags" is fairly recent, so my recommendation (if you're looking for an alternative) is to put the actual tags from the user you're reblogging from, instead. This was normal prior to the "prev tags" trend if you wanted to share tags without screenshotting them, and it seems like tumblr has made it super easy now. The mobile app now automatically suggests the previous tags, and on desktop, they show up in a dropdown when you click to tag your post. Personally, I like to put "<-borrowing your tags bc funny" or "<-stole your tags for truth" or something right after, so I don't feel like I'm taking credit for someone else's phrasing. But either way, it's handy for your followers to be able to read the tags you liked without having to click to a different blog.
I'm hoping this particular change will be seen as useful after the rocky adjustment period is over.
All this being said, I personally like these particular changes, but I wish Tumblr would not roll out changes as rapidly as they seem to be recently. Either change everything at the same time or give it a rest, holy shlamoly! I stopped using Facebook because it seemed like every time I opened it, something was different, and it became jarring and uncomfortable to try to use. I'm starting to have a similar feeling about tumblr, and I don't like it.
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mbat · 2 months ago
my last christmas gift just came in 2 days late (thanks amazon) and its a keyboard and mouse and wow i did not realize how much i relied on my usual mouse being so loud until im just now trying to double click things because the new mouse doesnt make any sound lol
also wow the new keyboard is so much less loud than the other one, or well, as quiet as a keyboard can be when im using it XD the space bar is the only key thats pretty much loud at all but nothing is as loud as the space bar on the previous keyboard, woof
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espytalks · 3 months ago
I wonder why noone sells zip up hoodies. All i ever see anyone selling is pullovers, aka the worst ones to take off.
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butcherbitching · 4 months ago
Love my bf but if he doesn’t move over to his side of the bed I am going to bite his fucking arm off
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froggyfootsoldier · 1 year ago
also assuming that any masculine/androgynous looking female must be non-binary reinforces the stereotype that nb is just the androgynous "third gender" when it is infinitely more complicated than that
girl help I'm getting they/them'd by well-meaning people who don't know what a tomboy is
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leonsrightarm · 10 months ago
honestly i could probably run an entire blog just dedicated to recording all the dumb shit my coworker says/does because it's like a minimum of three things a day. today my favorite was that he brought in creamer for the break room and was like "it's been sitting in my car for a few days but it's been cold so it's probably fine." and my other coworker was like "UH. i don't think it is." (it hasn't been cold. i have to roll my windows down on the drive home every day because my car's gotten so hot sitting out in the parking lot.) but this coworker of mine goes "no it's fine. see, look. *removes cap* the seal's still on." SODIGFJOFSDIGJSDFSDF
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ramblinseahorsey · 3 months ago
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As a person with bipolar disorder, I never thought I'd see a joke about mania I liked, but Gangle's struggles with her emotions and the heavy guilt for being over the top or needing help all the time was handled with so much care in her "episode". I feel respected and heard... Which is very rare.
Lots of people who are doting when your hurt in a thematically romance-able way, conveniently quiet or depressed and tragic, suddenly don't like helping or being around you, or even knowing you at all once your disabilities make you annoying, discomforting or angry. When your feelings are out of your control, and your hurt and overwhelming emotions disables you from being kind and helpful and happy, people are often much more disconcerted with you than bad behavior from a "normal" person. Sometimes it feels way lonelier than being stuck in a depressive episode somehow.
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And you know they often don't mean to or don't know they're disrespecting Gangle, she seems to know too, but she sucks it up because she doesn't know how to "earn" help in either state, and the fear that a sudden surge of happiness will lead to a sudden great fall after solidifies the want to hide your "wrongness".
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She is the very opposite of helpful here, but she tries her best, and having someone let her know it's ok for her to be around or have failed attempts to not bother those around her is all she needed to smile on her own face today. It doesn't fix everything, Zooble doesn't even correct her from saying she doesn't deserve their friendship, cause that's not something she will believe or needs to hear right now. She needs to know she still deserves and will get help and more tries, that there will still be people who will forgive and love her, that those who lose their patience with her right back will still want to spend time with her later.
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The horrible ups and downs still haunt you, the long long journey to find the right treatment is exhausting, and it still won't ever get rid of all of it, but the episodes don't feel like their going on forever and always when someone will listen to you, wants to listen to you. Wants not just to help you, wants to spend time with you, wants you to be.
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Also it is legitimately really funny to me she outright states she's going to weaponize her trauma to get back at Jax for his warcrimes lol. There isn't much out there better at making you feel less guilty about your mania than a legitimately evil person tbh. The manic episode having more seasons pun feels like something a bipolar person or someone who is trusted personally by a bipolar person would say, it legit made me giggle
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suiana · 3 months ago
yandere! merman who's (unfortunately) a frequent visitor to your front yard.
living on the beach had its ups and downs. being able to witness such a beautiful sight every day and night, no matter the seasons was really amazing. the fact that you worked as a beach lifeguard also meant that you could head to work much more conveniently.
unfortunately that's about as good as the positives get. not with the ever increasing living expenses and your stupidly handsome fish intruder.
he pops up in your backyard every single day. every. SINGLE. day.
at first it was cute and interesting. oh! a gorgeous merman making himself comfortable in your front yard, tail in the water while he lounges on the sand and tries to talk to you.
you gave into him of course. yes, you have met several other merfolk in your time as a lifeguard. yet there was something about him that drew you in. was it the fact that he would constantly break into your front yard and act like he belonged there? or the fact that he had massive tits and there were always just staring at you? you weren't sure.
plus he was also really interesting too! he (coincidentally) had all the same interests as you and (obviously) also knew you in and out! talking to him was just so so enjoyable! he was extremely cuddly, nuzzling into your neck while he mutters words of affirmations that do wonders to your touch starved heart. aw! it's like he likes you or something :)
but it became annoying. he wouldn't leave you no matter how much you tried. in fact, he'd even FORCE you to stay on the beach with him, holding your hand down as he looked at you with the most emotionally manipulative look. lips all pouty and eyes glossed over, tears threatening to spill. the fact that your house was right there too, just a few steps out of reach... it was like he was purposely trying to tease you or something. hello dude, you aren't my boyfriend! you can't keep me here!
you'd think because he was half fish it would mean he wouldn't be able to stay above land for extended periods of time. but boy, you swear you never really see him enter the water. actually, you swear you see him on land more often!
trying to catch him off guard and enter the water is also near impossible too. it's like he has some sort of power or telekinesis or whatnot. you tried faking sleep just to sneak a glance of him off your porch, maybe even seeing him enter the beautiful waters.
nope. what you got was a JUMPSCARE with him staring right back at you, eyes all wide and mouth open, showcasing rows of sharp teeth. you've never tried to see him away again.
you couldn't even bring other people home anymore. not with him flopping around, glaring and hissing at anyone who dared to even glance at you for a second too long. what seemed like a handsome and harmless fishman was now a nuisance and fucking creepy presence in your already dull life.
have i mentioned the fact that you're a lifeguard? yeah, because of his constant hovering (or flopping) around you, you can't even do your job properly. he doesn't even let you go save people that are clearly in need of help! he just scowls and tells the people to stop drowning! muttering about how if they were a better swimmer they wouldn't be in this position in the first place!
oh well, at least he doesn't do anything more than forcing you to talk to him as long as possible, scaring away all potential suitors and just people in general, and staying in your front yard for way too long, right?
um... you might want to look out your window... uh... yeah, new merfolk. oldies? yeah um, they're his parents. he wants you to meet them. like, right now. and he's also wearing some intricate jewellery that he hasn't worn before.
and is that... a ring?
oh. well.
good luck lifeguard! hopefully he (most definitely) isn't trying to marry you! that would be bad! like, super bad! haha!
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