#i mainly wanted the keyboard and the mouse was just a bonus
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mbat · 2 months ago
my last christmas gift just came in 2 days late (thanks amazon) and its a keyboard and mouse and wow i did not realize how much i relied on my usual mouse being so loud until im just now trying to double click things because the new mouse doesnt make any sound lol
also wow the new keyboard is so much less loud than the other one, or well, as quiet as a keyboard can be when im using it XD the space bar is the only key thats pretty much loud at all but nothing is as loud as the space bar on the previous keyboard, woof
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wwounu · 6 years ago
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Mingyu and you stand behind the short male nervously, biting on your fingernails as eyes shift back and forth to the screen and the fingers tapping on the keyboard.
It was quiet — too quiet for what you liked — but you couldn’t ruin the other male’s focus right now, especially when Jihoon has been in the recording room all day, recording other students’ pieces.
Thank whichever god made Mingyu and Jihoon friends because at least the environment was more relaxed. Murmurs pass from the shorter to the drummer, mainly questions on which parts to alter, and Mingyu asks for your input too, but you weren’t paying half of the time and did whatever to make them satisfied.
“And like that…” Jihoon pouts his lips, the clicks of the mouse intensifying. “We are… Finished!” He exclaims in a chill way, leaning back on the chair to fix his cap.
“Fucking finally,” says Mingyu, slouching behind Jihoon’s chair, “you are a legend.”
Jihoon’s lips thin. “It’s nothing. You did all the work, I just followed.”
“Send me it tonight. I’ll listen to it and fix anything I want to change before it’s due tomorrow.”
“Alright.” Heaves Jihoon, sitting up to get his fingers working at the keyboard again. “It’s getting late. I can take it from here. You guys can leave, must’ve felt like forever staying here all day.”
“It’s cosy. I understand why you stay here a lot.”
The man smiles at your comment. “Thanks Y/N. See you guys later.”
Hastily, Mingyu and you got your things and left, both elongating a heavy sigh.
“We did it.”
“Insane,” you could only say.
“How should we celebrate? Food?” Mingyu suggests, but you shake your head in response.
“We’re practically broke by now.”
Mingyu snorts, not completely denying the statement. “Okay then. Should we… Get some fresh air?”
Humming, you reply, “Doesn’t sound too bad.”
The journey walking outside is quiet. Distant noises grow quieter and quieter as the sky settles to its dark shade. You trail after Mingyu into the park, slightly surprised you were there.
Arriving at a lonely fountain, Mingyu marks his spot, tosses his bag and jacket to the stone step and you follow suit, sitting behind the scattered jacket.
“I’ll be right back.” With those words, Mingyu leaves. Usually those words gave no meaning to them, but the man’s slight pause worried you a little, you never thought to deep into that before.
But you wait, admiring the cold water spurting out reflecting the moonlight above, and how the steps go deeper and deeper until they reach the fountain, background noises of the splashing water staining the floor.
Footsteps coming towards you only meant that Mingyu was coming back. Turning your head slightly, Mingyu passes one of the two drinks in his hand. “My treat,” he says.
Peach flavoured, you read for a moment — he knew what you liked to drink.
“Thanks,” is all you manage to mumble, thumbing the droplets of the cold beverage.
The male then take a seat next to you and sips his drink. For a second, he nudges your shoulder, getting your tired attention, his facial features softening by the sight. He lifts up his drink to you, waiting. “Cheers?”
“Cheers.” Answering back, you bump the drinks together before taking another long drink.
Although many things ran through your mind, you realised that this celebration was more… sad than you expected. Nothing screamed out sadness but presented itself in loneliness, but why?
Shouldn’t you be happy that you and Mingyu are done with seeing each other often? Contacting frequently? Nagging at each other in the middle of night? It’s like you wanted more — but that didn’t sound right at all.
“Hey, Princess.” Mingyu’s voice stands out from your thoughts, bringing you into reality. “Couldn’t you hear a word I said?”
You shake your head, wondering why the sight of Mingyu’s face felt like being stabbed.
“We’ve hated each other for so long, I’ve never asked why you hated me.”
You awake at his question, mind working again. “Well…” You trail, “You started it.”
“Me? How did I start it?”
“First day of college, I was coming out of the practice rooms after touring the music departments with my violin on me. Then comes in you, who was walking into the music department and scoffed at how boring the violin was.”
“Oh.” Mingyu’s face drops. You were a bit hurt that he doesn’t remember that.
“And you said more things about me here and there, so I got sick of it and fought back, but it only got you angrier. So, here we are. Y/N and Kim Mingyu, ‘fated music-rivals for life’.” You quote, trying to pass off the years of Mingyu taunting you.
After a beat of silence, Mingyu’s voice increases again. “Violins are pretty boring though,” the man shrugs, “but I guess I’m just saying that because they aren’t my type. They sound nice, but you have to have that skill to make it sound flawless, or else it’ll sound like a shriek.”
“Touché,” replying blandly, recalling times when you couldn’t play violin properly and it sounded like a screech. “I’d say the same about drums, but the opposite.”
Mingyu waits for you to go on, curious on what you have to stay. The gaze coming from him isn’t exactly helpful either.
“Drums are too… Exciting. Sometimes it’s a good exciting, but most of the time it’s just making a bunch of noises together and it sounds fuzzy. They’re naturally loud so it’s easy to disturb people with, not to mention the effort it takes to bring it with you everywhere.”
Understanding too, the other shrugs once more, taking a long gulp of his drink.
“Opposites attract huh,” Mingyu words out, thinking to himself right after — he looks way too attractive under the moonlight.
“Attract?” You question his words, you couldn’t tell what he was getting out of that.
“Nothing. I guess that prompt made me learn something after all. The differences between a violin and drum are as clear as night and day, but combining them together makes something… Worthwhile.”
He falls silent again, staring down at his now-empty drink. You think about his words like a broken record on loop. It’s making you feel something; why is it making you feel something?
It begs the question, who was Mingyu to you? Who were you to Mingyu?
Who were you to the tall, cocky, narcissistic brat drummer who has done nothing but made your college life a hell? Nothing, most likely.
But you wanted to find out. You want to find out.
Deep into your thoughts, the lid of your bottle flies off, bouncing down the stairs. Surprised, you stand up to chase after it.
“Princess?” Mingyu sounds confused.
“It’s fine Mingyu,” You stutter, saying whatever comes out of your lips, “I’ll get it!” You must sound hysterical to him right now.
Your arm is reaching for the bottle cap, but you feel something tripping you over, like the way you would feel when you’d miss a step on a set of stairs. Tensing up, you didn’t process the hand grabbing your shaky wrist.
The pull was hesitant.
Hesitant, as Mingyu saves you from a massive fall, the other hand bringing guiding your head, a blur soon coming over you and warmth spreading all of a sudden.
But as the blur focuses back into reality, the situation was one you’d never dreamt of.
That tall idiot, the narcissistic, selfish drummer, your so-called enemy, had kissed you.
You were kissing Mingyu.
It was like a perfect harmony.
His scent was almost intoxicating and his embrace was one you never wanted to leave — the man himself was breathtaking, this moment was just a bonus.
But when you realise your position, you panic, parting lips early.
Mingyu, at first, almost looked sad, but after catching his breath, his mouth was hung open like yours was, panic-stricken.
This was Mingyu. A part of you wanted to believe the kiss was true, but everything else started otherwise — the fall was an accident, meaning the kiss was; the pull was hesitant, meaning the kiss was by mistake; and you couldn’t ignore when Mingyu told you he would never go out with someone like you that first day in college.
That kiss was a mistake; he’d never like you.
“Y/N, I—“
Mingyu tries to reason, but you were quick to pick up your things and leave.
What remained was the lonely fountain and Mingyu underneath the moonlight.
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OPPOSITES ATTRACT PART EIGHT — Drummer!Mingyu x Violinist!Reader
oh boy he darn did a thing... i also re-wrote this while listening to buwan so shush :(
one • two • three • four • five • six • seven • eight • eight ½
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sam-gibbs · 4 years ago
Now we are starting to move onto the simulation starting point. Unlike the other starting points I wasn't able to go ahead and find anything related to board games at all. This mind map mainly consists of films, games and even a documentary.
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Surgeon Simulator:
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In 2013 surgeon simulator hit the market and was loved by thousands of games. Praised for its new style of controls. The game was initially created as part of the Global Game Jam where teams had 48 ours to go ahead and make a game. The games controls are inspired by the controls inside the game Jurassic park: Trespasser. They decided to use these controls as teams inside the game jam got bonus points if there game used 10 buttons on a keyboard.  Initially the team wished to have a key assigned to each button however found this to be too impractical so they instead limited the controls to one hand with the other hand being controlled by the mouse.
Inside surgeon simulator the players has multiple levels to complete where they have to do an organ transplant of different organs. They win the game if they successfully transplant the organ, they lose the game however if they accidentally kill the patient. 
All informations taken from:
Surgeon simulator can not only be experience on mouse and keyboard but also in VR. In Vr the player get to experience the game more like an actual simulation and are able to use both hands in order to perform there procedures.
Using Simulations for training:
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Now of course with the advancements of Virtual Reality using Vr headsets in order to allow people to do more realistic simulations for training has become a lot more easier to access and advanced. For example the healthcare industry is one of the first industries to start using VR simulations in order to help train their medical student.
Vr surgery:
Vr surgery is a 3d model of a patient through the use of Vr technology. This allows medical students to do virtual procedures in order to learn new skills as well as gain more knowledge without putting real patients at risk.
All information taken from:
The Osso Vr is really making the healthcare industry better for training student. Some procedures where students can only do written coursework on and cant have any practice until they go for there real life surgery test means that students have felt very stressful in the situation as well as put patients at risk due to them not having enough practical experience. The Vr allows the students to be able to practice as many times as they want/ need to.Osso also has a built in analytic system which evaluates the students on their work.
Immersive touch:
Unfortunately one of the drawbacks of the Vr surgery sim was that it wasn't able to give feedback in real time. Students can only understand how successful there virtual procedure has gone until after they complete the virtual operation. This is where immersivetouch came in and took it further. The immersivetouch simulators provided students with a special pod where they would perform the virtual procedures. The surgeons would interact with ned special haptic instruments which would allows them to receive feedback in real time. 
Surgical theatre:
With Brain surgery being one of the most difficult operations in medicine where if you are incorrect in the slightest can cause a lot of damage to a patient. Such procedures do requires countless hours of practice. However with cadavers being too rare to use surgical theatre was created. Surgical theatre is a vr solution aimed to help young brain surgeons get more practice and development more knowledge and skills in brain surgery.
Vr Tumor Grand Challenge project:
In 2018 I along with my friends were lucky enough to go on a trip to the CRUK Cambridge institute where we were able to sit a lecture which showed off the new Vr tumor grand challenge.Here is a little video as to what we were able to see.
The vr software allows students to go and examine tumours more up close in order to try and get a better understanding of them.Initially the project was highly focused around breast cancer however they have stated that in the future they can go ahead and developed it to look at different types of tumours as well.
The Sims:
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The sims is one of the most popular birds eye view life simulator games.The creator of the game Will Wright came up with the idea for the sims when his house unfortunately burned down. Soon he became fixed with humanity's affinity towards material things and whether happiness can actually be bought.
The game first started off as just a simple architecture simulator where players could build their own houses. However the team then decided that it is of course hard to evaluate the home you have created until you go and put people inside the home. This is where they added in the sims characters in order to help validate whether you had successfully made a good building. However things soon latched on to the fact that you can now look after the sims. That was the moment when the sims changed from just a simple architecture simulator to a simulator about domestic life.
All information taken from :
The sims characters:
Now of course in the sims the actual characters aren't very smart. They know basic things such as what fire is and how to talk to people. However it is very rare when they are actually able to go off and go and do things independently. A lot of the time you have to guide them as to what they should be doing for instance looking for a job, washing up dirty dishes and when to even go to the toilet. I know this is all programmed for the purpose of the game but this really makes me think about how do the sims know they are part of a simulation. For example is the voice in there head that goes and tells them to do something actually us telling them what to do. Another point to contribute to this is how the sims talk. The sims talk in a language called simlish which according to the creator was added due to the fact that if the characters talked in english it would become very repetitive with there phrases. However form a fourth wall point of view I think this is to do with the fact that they are all part of a simulation and have not been programmed properly to speak human languages. It also means that when it comes to programming the languages they don't have to program multiple different languages. This is why I personally think that the sims is a simulation inside of a simulation.
The Glitch in the Matrix:
The Matrix is a popular film which contains the thought of people going inside simulations of another world. However 20 years after the Matrix a new documentary called “ A glitch in the Matrix” was created which talks about if real life is actually a simulation. In the documentary he discusses a lot about simulation theory. So the real question is what is simulation theory. Well here is a video I have found which explains what it is:
In the video they discuss the idea about how reality could just be an illusion and how out of all of the theories put forward the simulation theory might just be the most convincing. The hypothesis states that our reality is merely just a simulation just like how it is in The Matrix. This hypothesis was first formulated in 2003 by Nick Bostrom in a paper called “Are we living inside a computer simulation”. Since then the idea has gained traction with a wider audience. It then talks about how matter is finite and can be broken down into discrete units with subatomic particles which are analogous to pixels in a video game. It might even be possible to soon program minds. In 2015 a team of researchers managed to successfully recreate part of a rat brain with digital code. If we are able to digitally add code to parts of the brain then what is to say that our brain itself isn't just code which has been uploaded. There is some physical evidence to support this hypothesis. Our DNA is extremely similar to computer code. In 2017 researchers managed to embed actual computer code inside of a strand of physical DNA which highlighted just how similar they are.
For some people the simulation theory is also used to explain supernatural activity which they explain as glitches inside of the simulation. Ghosts for example are people who accidentally became invisible . When it comes to aliens it is theorised that they do actually exist however were smart enough to break out of the simulation before we were actually able to go ahead and discover them. This brings along the question of can we infact one day escape the simulation like they did.
One popular question is why would anyone create a simulation of us. One hypothesis is that our future descendants have created us in a simulation in order to see how we evolved.and to potentially create the past by programming the same boundaries of reality. Another hypothesis is that we were created to solve problems in which our programmers don't have enough time to figure out. 
Job simulator:
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Job simulator is a VR game where in the year 2050 all the robots have taken over human jobs. In the game the player is able to experience 4 jobs which consist of gourmet chef, office worker, convenience store clerk and a mechanic.However when looking into the story of the game I managed to find an interesting article about someone's theory of the story of the game.
In the article it talks about how the author believes that you as the human have made a deal with the robots during some sort of conflict between robots and humans to survive. His explanation of this start off with the fact that human nature would have humans find any way possible to survive which is why the human has negotiated with the robots. It is then believed that in this world robots have indeed taken over and think they are better than humans. During one missing when you have to clean up a mess a robot says:
“Whoa there! I haven't seen a mess this big since the human uprising of 2027″
This of course give us the impression that humans have been beaten by the robots and that the humans did in fact try to rebel against them but of course they didn't succeed.
Later on in the game you also have a line where the job bot says “ If you do a good job, you might even be able to keep your [slight pause] employment”
The author talks about how it sounds like the robots was going to say something else instead of employment such as “ you might even be able to keep your life”. Which make you think that the human is indeed a prisoner to the robots and that he is there against his will.
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summerbarnard · 4 years ago
Assignment 3 Part B: Postmortem- Week 14
From the playtesting I received lots of data, information, and critiques about the game from both observing the playtesters as well as from verbal and written feedback by the playtesters. From this information I will redesign the game by improving existing mechanics (that playtesters found enjoyable), changing existing mechanics (that playtesters found frustrating), and adding new mechanics.
Player Movement
Playtesters also mentioned how they disliked how slow the character seemed to move and how sometimes movement felt a little off or awkward. I plan on increasing the players base move speed as well as maybe adding in a way for the player to run. By increasing the base move speed it will make the player feel more inclined to explore the levels since it would be quicker to move around compared to before. I will also play around with how high the player can jump so that the player moves more fluidly.  
I plan to improve the hitboxes of several objects in the game. Most importantly, I need to make sure my platforms have a better hitbox so that the player isn’t floating mid-air and so that the player isn’t awkwardly running into objects that have a platform behaviour. My melee attacks are also suffering because the hitboxes for the attack are too close to the player. 
Melee Combat
One of the biggest issues or dislikes mentioned by playtesters was the melee combat. Playtesters didn't hate it but felt that it could be improved. I plan on doing this by increasing the melee attacks range so that players can attack slimes without having the slimes be right on top of them. I will also improve the ‘pushback’ on the attack as currently the enemies are sometimes not pushed back after being attacked or not pushed very far back.
Level Design
The level design needs to be improved since some areas are too similar to each other and left playtesters confused as to where they are. I will make each level have a distinct look and feel to it so that players know that they have moved to a knew level. The areas within the level will also be different so that players don’t get confused.
I need to relook at my puzzles since while some playtesters liked them most got confused or didn’t know how to approach them. I plan on making my hints more obvious (the notes) and add more substance to the puzzles so players can draw conclusions more easily; such as for my ‘break’ puzzle I will show the player the spikes that will be dropped so that they come to the conclusion that they are looking for the other end of the sliver chain.
Breakable Objects
I will make the state changes of breakable objects more obvious. Currently the objects only slightly shake and that can be missed by some players. Thus, I will make the objects shake more and have them appear more broken as they get hit, so that players can see that something has changed even if they are to leave and comeback.
Hidden Areas
I need to improve how I use the hidden areas. I shouldn’t have used a hidden area in Level 3 Fire as players weren’t expecting it and there was nothing to make it see suspect. If I am to use a hidden area that the player MUST discover then I need to have some sort of hint or indication that the player should be trying to get into this area. Such as in Level 2 Puzzle where the silver chain ran down and behind a bush and players came to a logical conclusion that maybe I should try following the chain. I could also use the hidden areas as bonus areas that hides collectables or secrets.
Cameras (Switching between areas)
I need to improve how the cameras switch between areas as currently it can glitch out or not change cameras until the player is way off screen and that can disorientate payers.
Stamina Bar
The stamina bar needs to be changed since currently it mostly just frustrates players since they have to wait to continue attacking and is an easy component to overlook in general. I plan to keep the stamina bar by change it’s purpose. It will either be a stamina bar for running, meaning that the player can only sprint (run) when the stamina bar isn’t depleted. Or I was thinking of using it as a charge bar that once fully charged allows the player to unleash an ultimate attack.
Default Controls
I plan on changing the default controls for the player. This is because the current default controls are found to be awkward to use and move between. I would keep the left mouse button as the attack button and have the player switch between attack types using the number keys, such as having ‘1′ be melee and ‘2′ be range. I would also get rid of Enter being the interaction key. I would have all key bindings be on the left side of the keyboard or at least close to WASD. This will make it easier for players to switch between keys. I will also get rid of having to hold any button and instead use a toggle function. Mainly due to the fact that playtesters more often than not just pressed the interaction button instead of holding it (even though they knew to do that). The attack button will also operate by clicking the button instead of holding it as that was more natural for all playtesters.
Item Counter
I also plan to change the item counter be either having it permanently displayed, placed within an inventory system, or removed all together. This was mainly due to playtesters not liking that they had to keep holding in Z to see the item counter and felt that it disrupted the game’s flow. If I have it permanently displayed it will solve that problem but then be useless or mislead players in levels where there are no puzzle items. I could incorporate it into an inventory system where it shows all the puzzle items collected in a level. Though that may make the game too easy and lose some of the challenge that comes with not knowing how many items you’ll need. Finally, I could remove the item counter and setup a proper inventory system that shows players what items they have collected and so forth.
I would change the current music from the background music either the menu’s background music or the boss’s fight music (or both). This is mainly due to the fact that the music is very intense and isn’t suited for ordinary background music. I would then implement different background music for each level; with the village having a more peaceful tone while the further into the forest the player gets the more ominous, mysterious, or dark the music will become.
I plan to add in an inventory so that players can see everything that they have collected, such as notes, objects, puzzle items etc, as well as a detailed map of the current level as well as previous levels. By adding an inventory it will allow players to have a single place where they can view all the information they currently know or can access. I can also add more components to it in later prototypes such as a system management or view controls.
I will also add in a map that the player can view and will only show what they have discovered. They will have a mini map that can be viewed by pressing a key and shows a basic layout of the current level and any important items discovered. There will also be a more detailed map of the level that the player can view. The more detailed map will point out NPC’s, random items, shops, or anything of that nature that may be in future updates. By implementing a map it will encourage players to fully explore the level without the risk of getting disorientated or lost.
Rebind Keys
I also plan on eventually adding in a way for players to rebind the keys as they see fit. This will allow players to control how their controls are setup or change them so its more comfortable for themselves. It was also a feature suggested/wanted by multiple playtesters and mentioned by other team members as a good feature to add.
Animations and Particle Effects
I will be adding in more animations to characters (such as a climbing animation for the player character) and particle effects (such as for fire on the player when they get set on fire by red slimes). This will make the game more visually appealing as well as allow players to better see and understand what is happening on screen.
Enemy Variety
I plan to add in more variety to the enemies, either by adding in different types of enemies (so there aren’t just slimes) or adding in different ways for the enemies to attack or a mixture of both. By adding in different types of enemies it will make the game more interesting to players and add a new element for players to encounter and overcome. If I add in different attacks to enemies then players will have to employ different strategies for killing enemies. For instance, I can make slimes freeze the player so they can’t move, I can have slimes that move weirdly (such as sprinting or jumping), or attacking at a range. Though a mixture of both will probably prove to be the most effective method.
Player Weapons and Attacks
I also plan to add in new weapons for the player to use that can be used to provide the play another way to attack enemies. New weapons will include a bow for long range attacks, a spear for mid range attacks, and the shield will be utilised for blocking attacks and maybe stunning enemies. This was something wanted by most playtesters as only being able to attack with a single basic melee attack got repetitive and boring. By adding in new weapons (thus new ways to attack) it will allow players to find a strategy or weapon that best suits their play style.
Pause Menu
I will also add in a pause menu that stops the game and allows the player to either resume playing, look at the system options, or return to the menu. A pause menu is needed since it allows players to stop playing without risk of dying. There is also no reason not to implement a pause menu as it’s a single player game with no multiplayer intended. 
Run Ability (Player)
I also want to add in a way for the player to run. This is mainly because the game focuses on exploration and players get easily frustrated when they have to explore large spaces but don’t feel like they are moving fast enough. Or they get sick of running around while moving so slow so they just give up and stop playing. I would make a key (such as Shift) that the player can toggle to run until they exhaust themselves.
Sound Effects (SFX)
I will also be adding in sound effects in the game since that was very much wanted by playtesters. It also immerses players into the game and will make the game more enjoyable and fun for the play. A few SFX to add will be for the player jumping, swinging their sword, their sword hitting different objects, player getting hurt, slime getting hurt, and maybe some background noises.
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Tool Vehicle Driver Essentials
Lots of people recognize that the "hardware" part of their computer system is the real physical parts, like the keyboard, mouse, modem, disk drive and so forth. They recognize that the "software application" is computer system little bits stored on the hard drive, CD-ROM, or various other storage space media. But most individuals are a little hazy about precisely what a "chauffeur" is. In this short article, I'm going to disclose in plain English what a motorist is, why we require drivers, and also precisely where the chauffeurs are concealing. To provide you a standard understanding, I'm going to return, way back, to the early days of computer systems. The Early Days The year is 1981 as well as the world remains in the middle of an extreme resession. IBM's primary frame service has actually reduced as well as the firm is losing cash. Up previously they had been laughing at the variety of microcomputers on the marketplace: Atari, Commodore, sinclair. Toys really, mainly used to play video game. The issue was, these "toys" were selling like hot cakes. IBM had to enter that market as well as get involved in it fast. They really did not have time to layout and develop a computer system total adequate to contend in the market, so they built an "open system". They utilized typically readily available electronic components and they released every layout information (consisting of the code), and also they even supplied plug in slots so that others could construct components for their computer system. As well as individuals did supply elements for the IBM COMPUTER. They provided video clip cards, memory growth cards, input-output port cards, game port cards, hard disk interface cards, as well as far more. Exactly how were all these various gadgets able to interface with the PC's operating system? That's where a "chauffeur" can be found in. An equipment gadget is built with various digital components utilizing different control signals, yet the software program user interface to the operating system is standard. A device's user interface to the operating system have to adhere to the user interface spec. A vehicle driver is an item of software that equates the equipment's control signals to signals that the os anticipates, and also translates signals from the operating system to the hardware's control signals. When the computer system is started up, it would certainly look in the "system" directory for documents with the expansion ". drv" and load them right into memory. Specific documents like autoexec.bat, config.sys, and also win.ini were utilized to notify the operating system concerning drivers. Equipment would certainly be set up via these documents, or with jumpers found on the gadget itself. The motorist spec evolved together with the COMPUTER. Today when a PC starts, it performs the program ntdetect.com which queries the equipment parts as well as constructs the registery crucial HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ EQUIPMENT \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet. This essential exists just in memory and also is produced each time the computer boots. If all the chauffeurs are loaded efficiently, a duplicate of the secret is conserved as ControlSet00X. Under the registery essential CurrentControlSet, the subkey "Enum" contains a subkey for each and every harware gadget on the computer. Each tool trick has fields for Equipment ID, Driver ID, Tool Parameters, as well as other arrangement information. The 32-bit drivers are data with the extension ". sys" and can be found in the folder C:/ winnt/system32. Driver Finalizing Microsoft has been the burden of much objection due to the inadequate dependability of the Windows Operating System. I really feel that much of this criticism is warranted. On the other hand, as I defined partially 1 of this short article, the COMPUTER was made by IBM as an "open" system. Anybody can market a hardware gadget (or software application) for the COMPUTER. Should Microsoft be delegated the quality from a third-party? As I described in Part 1 of this article, the operating system does not interface directly to an equipment device. There is a piece of software application called a "driver" that converts the hardware's control signals to signals that the operating system anticipates, and translates signals from operating system to the equipment's control signals. Certainly, the equipment supplier offers the chauffeur. Since the driver works between the operating system and the hardware, a pest in the chauffeur can cause a significant trouble. Many of the problems with Windows have come from pests in third-party vehicle drivers that Microsoft had absolutely nothing to do with. Because of this, Microsoft produced a Hardware High quality Lab to examine motorists. A hardware supplier can submit their vehicle driver for screening, as well as if it is passes strenuous compatibility testing, it gets Microsoft's electronic signature. You may have gotten a message during the installation of a hardware gadget advising that the driver was not authorized. Why would an equipment producer fall short to have their motorist accredited by Microsoft? The computer hardware market is extremely affordable as well as the supplier could wish to bring a brand-new item to market before complete testing can be finished. Or maybe they don't want to or can't pay for to pay Microsoft for certification. The inquiry is, should you click on the "Continue" button to install the anonymous chauffeur? In my experience, I have actually never ever had the ability to trace a trouble to an anonymous driver. If it's your home computer and you did a back-up recently, go ahead as well as set up the anonymous driver. If it's a computer on a corporate network, you may want to back-out of the setup as well as see if you can locate a signed driver initially. Often times a manufacturer will launch a product with an anonymous chauffeur, after that later on offer an authorized motorist as a complimentary download from their internet site. If you determine to go on as well as install an unsigned motorist, you can always update the vehicle driver later on. If your computer collaborates with the unsigned motorist, I would not upgrade the motorist. When it involves updating vehicle drivers (or the computer systems BIOS) I go by the old claiming, "if it ain't damaged don't fix it". To upgrade a vehicle driver, choose Beginning|Setups|Control Panel as well as double-click on the "System Characteristic" Utility. In the "System Properties" Energy, pick the "Hardware" tab as well as click on the "Tool Supervisor" button. In the "Tool Supervisor" window, right-click on the gadget in the checklist as well as pick "Properties" in the popup food selection. In the "Characteristic" dialog box, pick the motorist tab as well as click the "Update Chauffeur ..." button. In the "Properties" dialog box motorist tab, you may have discovered the "Curtail Chauffeur" switch. If your computer has troubles with the brand-new drive, you can click the "Roll Back Chauffeur" switch to curtail to the previous the driver. Driver roll back conserves just one previous chauffeur, so if you upgrade a chauffeur, after that update it once more, the initial vehicle driver is gone. If the computer system has issues with the brand-new driver, constantly roll back to the original chauffeur before attempting a different one. By doing this you'll constantly have the original motorist to roll back to. Copyright(C) Bucaro TecHelp. 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idontevenwannaknow · 7 years ago
Best Claw Grip Mouse
This is by far the most effective all-rounder I’ve ever used and it’s presently my each day driver. As far as the connectivity is worried, it may be linked by the USB cable for wired connections. Or what if you don’t wish to be shopping for a brand new modular cable each six months? Most corporations attempt to convince us into buying their gaming mice by highlighting features reminiscent of insanely high DPIs, however there's much more to the equation. Virtually all mouse above 40€ offer excessive precision and accuracy; don't forget to deactivate mouse acceleration, although, as it should make you lose numerous in-game precision, along with growing enter lag. Quite frankly, Razer is tip toing on perfection with this one, and we aren’t certain if Razer may make any tweaks or adjustments that wouldn’t throw off this finely balanced rodent. Since most gaming peripherals include illumination choices, having gadgets from the identical brand will make it easier to sync lighting schemes across your keyboard, mice and any other system you might have. Most MOBA game mice use a 12-button quantity pad, however the V2’s thumb wheel will not be only more practical, but in addition simpler to use, making this the MOBA mouse of alternative for newcomers.
The scroll wheel for the Rival 600 gets the job finished but may very well be rather a lot higher. But in spite of everything practice reveals that optic mice give better leads to extensive gaming. Nonetheless, numerous brands, be it SteelSeries, Razer or Logitech, are pacing into this niche to offer their users with the very best options in gaming mouse with each minute ticking the clock. Razer Naga has rolled out with a wireless charging dock with the mouse. The mouse does not characteristic a number of buttons. The left and proper click on buttons have grooves in your fingers to rest and also shortly work on. Such a grip places one other strain on the full assist of your hand since you'll must curl your fingers into claws so as to click and scroll on the mouse. You simply relaxation the bottom of your palm towards the back of the mouse, the middle of the palm on top of the mouse, and lay the fingers flat out on the buttons.
Claw users needed to shift their fingers in front to achieve the button, which was not comfortable because the hump of the mouse was propping up the base of the palm up. This tremendous mouse gives you the pleasure of probably the most comfy contact and feel in this value vary. Personalize your on-display display with the SteelSeries Rival efficiency gaming mouse. Settling upon a gaming mouse is kind of a private selection. This tiny optical mouse is nicely-known by pro avid gamers within the US and elsewhere. Rival 500 is a MMO/MOBA mouse that has been designed protecting the expectations of serial players in mind and works well for avid gamers who regularly participate in gaming tournaments. When the need arises, just press and hold the sniper button and your DPI will likely be set to a value you’ve set in Corsair’s proprietary gaming software. If we talk about the heart and soul of any gaming mouse, its the SENSOR, the g502 mouse houses the PMW3366 sensor, which proves an possibility to choose from 5 settings from 200 to 12,000 DPI.
Choose to customize the DPI settings instead of using our presets? Tribe. Everybody was utilizing the same two or three mice again then but at some point at a clan meeting we went for a trip to a big Pc retailer. It’s up to the person personal preferences to choose the best one. This mouse is good for those who use a claw grip, it is best for RTS video games. The mouse supports as much as 30 hours of battery life. FeelsModMan: most likely a very good mouse for osu! With the introduction of seven buttons, this gaming mouse has fairly good customization options. The most recent improvement is the introduction of the 3G infrared sensor, which reduces the carry-off distance issues of a laser sensor but is also excellent at working on totally different surfaces. It isn't as lengthy-lasting as the excellent G900, or as accurate with its laser sensor, however if you wish to sync your Asus motherboard, keyboard and mouse those LEDs matter.After installing Logitech Setpoint, you'll be able to customize your mouse settings. As you may already count on from a Logitech gaming mouse, the GUI is consumer-pleasant and fast to program. Computers in fact, the entire "claw vs palm grip" debate you often see on gaming boards is quite pointless as that depends on user's personal choice and what the shape of the mouse is optimized for. We’ll keep updating this story with new merchandise, too, so tell us if we’ve missed a personal favorite—we’ll try to get it in for testing. For individuals who know what a claw grip mouse is and why it can be profit this is a good lens. Additionally, there isn't any manner so that you can know that which DPI level is currently on as there isn't any such indicator on the mouse. At that time, the nearly excellent three-zone backlighting system and high-DPI Pixart sensor (not to mention the niftily included DPI standing lights) are a mere bonus. Mere mortal gamers can play simply at about four,000-6,000dpi with the sensitivity down.
The Truemove3 sensor itself is self sufficient in giving around 12000 CPI and 1 to 1 monitoring for upto 3500 CPI at a carry off of mere .5mm - you won't ever miss a hit! Philips PLN sensor which has some odd quirks related to monitoring and raise-off distance that the Avago sensor in R.A.T. It options a professional-optic (R3) sensor and you may regulate as much as 4000 DPI. Razer’s 4G laser sensor has 1,000 Hz polling and up to 8200 DPI, giving it superb accuracy and extra sensitivity than the common user requires. Razer’s Synapse Software program has numerous customizations options, but nonetheless makes use of the Cloud-based driver that many shoppers dislike but when you set it up, you ought to be advantageous. As soon as set you'll not want to vary it each time you plug the mouse Best Claw Grip Mouse For Gaming 2018 - Gaming Deals into another computer - making it splendid for LAN tournaments. The mouse also has 200-12,000 DPI support and it has a 1ms response time as effectively.
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This mouse additionally comes with Omron Switches that aren't only durable but in addition nice to the contact as effectively. It comes with 6 programmable buttons which will be easily accessed. This great claw grip mouse also boasts 7 programmable buttons, high-quality PTFE (generally often known as Teflon) toes, and 32 KB on-board storage in your settings and macros. Razer Orochi Unboxing - The World's First Gaming Notebook Mouse. If you are questioning why such a closely priced gaming mouse that has the very best gaming mouse tag on it weighs so much, then learn on! Every thing from ultra-price range to ultra-customizable to extremely-small to ultra-packed-with-buttons is in the running right here, and then some. If you like to have the ability to really feel the precise motion of your cursor and be capable to have the greatest control over the character/cross-hair/cursor then it is advisable to decide on between 800 - 1000 DPI. Or discover the perfect DPI setting to match your play-fashion by opening up our new straightforward-to-use software program. Moreover, enjoying RPG Witcher three around 2,000 DPI was perfect, and my hand never got drained, even throughout marathon gaming classes. The entrance even has a shape somewhat paying homage to a Ferrari grill. Its form suits both claw and palm grip customers, while the ambidextrous design accommodates both left and proper-handed customers.
While we generally choose smaller mice, the size and weight of the Gladius didn’t really trouble us, as a result of its intelligent, snug design. I'd in that case go together with the SteelSeries Rival 600 that has just lately been launched because it has weight adjustment options. There may be various a mouse with various value ranges and features. Let’s talk about its features intimately. Different manufacturers, including Razer, store the profiles on the cloud which allows users to get better their profiles at any time when they change the mouse that they're utilizing. Basically, this feature permits the scroll wheel to both have resistance (good for games) or without resistance (good for scanning long documents or webpages). Usually mouse have a few weights you’ll be able to put inside them to make them heavier do you have to not enjoy a lightweight selection. Lets have a take a look at some of these reasons. Search for a mouse which perfectly matches your hand.
The mouse is nice and fits comfortably to palm and claw grips. Fingertip grip: Solely the fingertips of your hands contact the mouse's floor, together with your palm remaining elevated from the mouse. It all will depend on the type of grip you like and on the scale of your fingers. The short design means that it caters mainly to claw and finger grip avid gamers. Cool Claw Grip gaming mouse design. Logitech's Powerplay continues to be early-adopter tech for sure—but holding your wireless mouse battery topped off sans wires is futuristic. The main settings are nonetheless out there on this mode. We’ve checked out proper-handed and ambidextrous mice because of our testers listed beneath are right-handed. At three.9 inches wide, this mouse is more than an inch wider than most of the units we’ve reviewed. The build high quality is not the best, and that i skilled some issues after utilizing it for over a 12 months: glue started leaking from the aspect rubber grips, and the middle mouse button grew to become unreliable, only working as soon as every few clicks.
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