#i mean there's also celebi and hero to consider
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lesbianonionfairy · 3 days ago
wugh anyway there's something so compelling to me about pre-se5 one-sided duskvyle. like I really think grovyle is the only person dusknoir truly sees as an equal. everyone we see interact with him in the future is terrified of him apart from primal dialga, who is obviously his superior, and it's probably very difficult to consider the pokemon in the past equals when he's playing all of them like a fiddle. and then there's grovyle. who's just as misanthropic and distrustful of the world as he is, and yet inexplicably would give anything to save it. and that infuriates dusknoir, because i think on some level he understands that his motivation is just pure cowardice and seeing the one person he considers an equal, someone who he sees so much of himself in, be willing to sacrifice her own life for a future she'll never get to enjoy, makes that painfully obvious. and like. dusknoir doesn't just want grovyle dead, he wants her crushed and alone and utterly hopeless and this is almost textual, just before she escapes back to the past with hero and partner. he's monologuing about how he has her cornered and there's no escape, he's parading her tied up and muzzled around treasure town so she can see just how much the townsfolk fear and revile her, he's coming up with a convoluted plan to drain her soul away and use her against her friends instead of just killing her while she was unconscious on the floor, he's so gleeful at finding out about hero's amnesia and the fact that grovyle is not only completely alone in the past but her friend is actively working against her that he lets his mask slip for a second. he wants grovyle to give up and admit he was right soooooo bad there's something deeply wrong with him <3
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jadeazora · 26 days ago
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I feel like the Explorers games got away with so much shit for a Pokemon game, especially from the bad future onwards:
Upon arrival, you're almost executed by getting SHREDDED ALIVE, like that sounds like a horrific way to go. You also have to watch your partner, who is innocent in everything besides joining up with you and who looked up to Dusknoir, beg him to explain what's going on and why he's doing this, only to be completely ignored.
Grovyle being tortured by Spiritomb and (in Sky only) Dusknoir's later plan of having it destroy Grovyle's soul so he can possess his empty husk, go back in time and then betray and eliminate the heroes. Christ.
You basically come to the current time as what amounts to a su!c!de mission to put a stop to the bad future. You really only are told this later, but it's clear that you and Grovyle accepted that sacrifice that would have to be made in order to save the world. (Ofc, we find out in Sky that it seems a higher power saved everyone, but Grovyle didn't know that. Dusknoir's main motivation for doing everything he did was because he was afraid of disappearing, of dying, like, nobody foresaw that divine intervention.)
You pretty much die at the end of the main story, tho Dialga brings you back. If you play Sky, you'll be sitting thru a cutscene where Celebi and Grovyle cuddle together as they (believe they're about to) essentially die, watching the sunrise together.
The false Cresselia. Like, you and your partner are almost mislead into kys because your existence is said to be causing a distortion in space-time, which does make sense considering that, as far as the player knows, the timeline they were from and everyone else in it is gone.
The first time "she" gets in proper contact with you is when Azurill (a very young child) is put into an unwakeable nightmare.
There's even a part where you wake up after one of those Cresselia dreams (that your partner is also having btw) and they're gone. They're fine, but it's still an uncomfortable few seconds.
When you both decide against kys, there has to be some other way to stop the distortion from spreading, "she" sends Palkia after you in order for it to kill you. (And is soon after revealed to be Darkrai, who wants to put the world into an endless nightmare and who was responsible for the bad future and all the suffering happening in it.)
Darkrai trying to manipulate the player into siding with them, by giving them a vision of their partner joining him and telling the player that Darkrai will kill them if they alone join him.
There's even mild implications that Darkrai, even after losing his memories, might still have some ill intent within. (I feel a his lines about the darkness sleeping within him are a bit vague on whether it's just a "type" thing, or if he means that even the memory erasure hasn't quite shaken that evil nature.)
(Btw, there's an old fan-animation pairing Sky with Higurashi's Nageki no Mori that fits the mood of the game well.)
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maple-cloak · 2 years ago
okay no im not done with this idea yet
put a readmore here cuz its long and i kinda go on about Hero & Grovyle's relationship BUT DAMMIT EXPLORERS LEAVES ALOT UNSAID WHEN IT COMES TO THAT
Grovyle and Hero having a strained/awkward relationship since not only does Hero not remember Grovyle but is now also a pokemon (the hight difference alone being pretty jarring)
The reason that they go get the Time Gears on their own and ask Hero and Partner to search for the hidden land is not only due to them being more familiar with the area, and not benign wanted criminals, but internally its just painful for Grovyle to be with Hero.
Then you consider the note he leaves for the Hero and Partner, since as most people agree its easier to write a letter then talk face to face. And heres where Hero leaves their own note for Grovyle, after all Hero would feels the same discomfort as Grovyle and would want to reconnect.
Then Hero gives Grovyle a TM for Sunny Day and Solar Beam (alot of people headcanon that Grovyle and Hero are super-sensitive to sunlight due to a lack of exposure and im on of them) as a way to help him adjust to the sunlight, maybe as a way to shoot out excess heat from the sun.
Of course Hero doesn't know that they will disappear yet, that after getting rid of the Future of Darkness (which is a mouthful so I tend to refer to it at the Temporal Abyss but that neither here mor there) they will vanish into nothing. So while the gift well meaning, Grovyle has mixed feelings about it, feeling its in poor taste.
Skip to the end of Special Episode 5 where Dusknoir, Celebi and Grovyle fight Primal Dialga. Time is starting to move again, Dialga's pissed and the Future Trio are disappearing. Cue the rising sun during the fight and Grovyle remembers he has the Solar beam TM, and uses it on Primal Dialga who has next to no idea what the sun is other then it should not rise and is currently blasting them in the face.
Add in Dusknoir using the Sunny Day TM, not only accepting his disappearance but also following up Grovyle's speech by literally shinning brighter then the rising sun, cementing his character arc and redemption for the Special Episode.
From then on, Grovyle and Dusknoir keep Soalr Beam and Sunny day in their move set.
Dusknoir: "My life… did it shine…?"
Grovyle: "Yes. Extraordinarily."
thinking about grovyle and/or celebi using solar beam during their fight with dialga
that and the entire future trio being able to use sunny day
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catflowerqueen · 4 years ago
Hydreigon is an interesting character. I love him a lot, and how kind and genuine he is and how even he seems to undergo character growth in the short time you know him.
Like… I genuinely do not believe he thought everything through in regards to his plan to contact humans for help. And a big part of that is just because of his very nature as the Voice of Life (or at least one of them). We don’t know what form of sentience he had before assuming his current shape, I suppose, but it makes perfect sense that his first priority would be his own world—his own self, in essence, but I don’t think he was thinking about his own individual survival, either, simply because his nature would mean that he wasn’t really an “individual” per say? Not until later. But because of that, I doubt he was really thinking of long-term goals, or the deeper consequences of bringing a human in to help.
Focusing just on the effects to the actual Pokémon World for a moment… he might have known from the onset that the humans wouldn’t be able to stay after providing help… but I doubt he’d thought about the ramifications that come with the fact that they would still have to spend time in the world as they figured out what the problem was, and that it would mean they would be making connections—friends, allies, etc. We don’t know how much contact he actually had with the other humans before they fell for Munna’s trap, but he did seem to genuinely worry about them as people—at least as far as their general welfare went. Like… his being upset about their defeat seemed to go deeper than just “each one defeated is one more that can’t help me.” Which is nice. And then he did genuinely seem to grow fond of the player themselves, and were very happy and proud of how deep their relationship with the partner was.
And that’s part of why I think he was crying when he confessed that the player would have to leave. He’d grown fond of them, and he knew how much the others—especially the partner—cared (and could maybe even feel it in the world itself?) And he was genuinely, truly heartbroken at the fact that they had to leave, and that he would probably be the only one to remember them. Which is probably why he stayed with them for as long as they could while they journeyed out, agreed to take them to see Paradise one last time, and just felt so bad about not being able to do more. As well as why he tried so hard to get them back in the post-game.
As to other things he didn’t think through… mostly the ramifications it had on the human world that he was pulling so many people out of it. Yes, the population of humans is very large, and we don’t know exactly how many people he actually called out to (and for that many, how many accepted his call. Was he just pulling in anyone that could hear him? Because, like… he asked for help, but then didn’t really ask permission to take them, or get any formal agreement. At least not verbally—it’s possible there was something going on behind the scenes with souls or intent or whatever). But there was enough that people were taking notice of the strange lights in the sky—and considering how many the Pokémon of Post Town were seeing on the hill, how many more must have been in other places? After all, the humans can’t have all arrived in the same place, and the pokemon world itself is quite large. How long has this sort of thing been going on? We don’t know, but given the problem I would think Hydreigon would have tried to pull in as many people as possible, so that could be anywhere from… let’s say five (to account for the fact that the Post Town citizens saw multiple balls of light, in addition to the one the hero saw and the hero themselves), to something like a hundred. If not more.
And depending on where in the world he took them from, their ages, their jobs, what was going on in their own lives… this could have some pretty dire consequences, especially considering that the post-game makes it clear that time was passing at more or less the same rate in each world, in addition to the fact that it was a genuine worry of the partner’s that the hero’s friends and family would have noticed and been distressed by their disappearance. So even if it might not affect the human world on a large scale… Hydreigon definitely did not take into account how it would affect things on a smaller scale—namely, the lives the humans were leaving behind for the duration.
In addition to the trauma of having literally died/been so near death that it amounted to basically the same thing in order to actually return home… how many humans then returned to eviction notices, lost jobs, truancy alerts, etc.? How many missed once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, or deadlines? Was anyone on an organ donor list that was now once more at the back of the line because they weren’t there to receive the donation? Or had to reschedule other general surgeries/miss important appointments? Did anyone leave their own children behind, who then had no one to look out for them? Or was the only person in the office who had access to the important equipment/files meaning that now multiple people are out of work? Or was in the middle of doing something/maintaining something really important that crashed and burned in their absence and caused multiple other deaths or injuries?
The human world is complicated, and while it makes sense Hydreigon wouldn’t know about that or prioritize that—not that I blame him for it—it just… yeah, he didn’t think things through.
Which is why it is so genuinely heartwarming that the partner did. And, sure, maybe they didn’t understand the complexities of the situation either, but they at least could consider the ramifications for the hero’s immediate friends and family members if they never went home.
Honestly, it does bring up its own can of worms as far as how the hero will use their new abilities to travel between worlds—because, again, the complexities and bureaucracy of the human world don’t really lend themselves to someone being MIA for long stretches of time unless they’re independently wealthy/have someone willing to look after their stuff while they’re gone, so it might mean that the hero really will eventually have to pick a side, as it were, to stay full time and just the other one as a minor vacation spot (which… like, I hope Emolga was just joking when he said those lines to the hero in post-game about them having to work extra hard to make up for all the lost time while they were in the human world because… if that genuinely is his belief, then the hero isn’t going to be getting any chance to rest in between whatever jobs and things they have to maintain in the human world and their “job” in Paradise. Burnout is not pleasant).
But that’s probably getting too meta about things, anyways. It’s just that Gates is the only game in the series that actually brings those implications to the forefront, because, again, no amnesia for the hero, and the partner (and others) directly speculate about it a few times. Rescue Team was… well, the amnesia thing means that not even the hero knows what their life was like, so it is a… relatively simpler choice to make? In some ways? Yeah, maybe they are leaving some things behind in the human world… but they could just as equally have hated their life. They have no way of knowing, and just based on the new memories they created, they know that could have a good life in the Pokémon world. In Explorers, they didn’t really have a life to go back to afterwards either way. Again, there’s some ambiguity in us not knowing if they were actually from the paralyzed future, as opposed to just being taken their by someone else because of their abilities, but… either way, as far as they knew, they were going to disappear at the end and effectively be deceased. And then even after the fifth special episode, their options were still kind of limited to just the past/present from their perspective and living in the future. Which is fixed now, sure, but the only real connections they’d have to the place would be Grovyle and Celebi—who they only remember from their brief period travelling together over the course of the game. …And also Dusknoir and the Sableye, I suppose, but I feel like that would just be very complicated and awkward. And then I’ve already made myself abundantly clear as far as PSMD goes. Is the hero actually leaving a life behind? Who knows! Not them, thanks to the mind wiping, and even if they were, it isn’t like anyone bothered to give them options or think too deeply on the matter.
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akisata-moved · 4 years ago
pmd au ramblings under the cut becos i am annoying
i was toying with the idea of ryo espeon instead of ryo glaceon for a total of five minutes the other day bc i know theres that whole thing about him being like 'haha maybe i have psychic powers!' and also people think his 'event prediction' was like, actual psychic ability which im pretty sure isnt ttrue but thats not what im here to talk about but then i remembered two things the first of which being
ryo is tech shiny and shiny espeon.... shiny espeon looks like this
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so thats a hard no. my original thought was like 'aw pink ryo is cute' and then i remembered he wouldnt be pink anyways. so glaceon is fine i quite like that one (plus its a funny haha callback to how he was incased in ice bcos ice type :-] )
the SECOND thing i remembered is that the pmd2 hero literally. already kind of has "psychic" abilities. the dimensional scream is kind of a psychic power...? i mean its like, visions. ryo is the bearer of the curse ig
very much enjoying the idea of making random town npcs/guild members characters from the 72 anime. just because i think its fucking hilarious if 72 devilman existed here for some reason. i think him and lala should be the equivalent to loudred and sunflora. chaco is obvs chimecho and himura can be... someone... he can exist somewhere in there. might as well throw in dorango too why tf not
not sure about wigglytuff and chatot?
the guild + town npcs is kind of a case of like... just keeping the ideas there but mostly changing pkmn species to fit the character ig... like i like the idea of miko as like, diglett's role too (like a sentry type pkmn) but i dont want her to be a diglett lmfao
darkrai, being the big bad of eos (i THINK? tf...) can... maybe fit into some kind of role of, like, devilman god? i dont know. i might try to twist the story around too so that the situation with ryo and darkrai is like.... more interconnected so like satan + god. so maybe darkrai created ryo? i dont know if he can do that though. but this is my au. so. ok its 11 am i havent slept and that doesnt make sense but whatever
i talked about psycho jenny on my old account but i really like the idea of musharna psycho jenny taking the role of grovyle. i think it makes sense bc jenny always seems to be like, satan's #1 Demon Pal so it would make sense for her to take the role as ryo's pokemon partner before he met akira. sadly psycho jenny must die. but not really bc special episode 5 happens
i have NO idea who can take the celebi/dusknoir roles. celebi kind of has to stay the same considering its celebi and her existence as a celebi is sort of important. dusknoir might be changeable
sachiko azurill (: pleasant i think
OH HOW COULD I FORGET!!! Team skull is obvs dosu roku (koffing), masa (skuntank), and i actually decided on manjiro for zubat just because i can honestly make the design work out. theyre kind of based more on their characters from the ova than the manga...? but yaknow. team skull kinda has their own little redemption (sort of, even if they were dickheads the whole game) so it works out
ok i think this is all i got for now.... uhmmnhm UHM IVE GIVEN THIS WAY TOO MUCH THOUGHT OK
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scalproie · 4 years ago
fuck it, pmd headcanons time
humans in the world of pmd (in regards of explorers) are like. Elves. they would mature much slower than pokemon.
So even if the Hero and Grovyle (back when he was a treecko) knew each other from childhood and grew up together, Grovyle would reach adulthood while the Hero (still human) was still either a child or a teen, kinda mirroring a trainer and their starter from the mainline games. This wouldnt change the fact that they’re like family. And obviously, once the Hero is turned into a pokemon, they would naturally grow older the same as any other pokemon of their species. And are conveniently around the same age as their partner.
There are different ways to evolve in the world of pmd: crystals, a fountain, the tree of life, or just by growing stronger. In the future of darkness, I think we’re told that none of that works anymore, so Grovyle is the only one that evolved from a treeko by having an extremely strong bond with a human.
now for the post special ep 5 stuff:
The first thing Grovyle does after the events of the special episode is a biiiiig ol nap… then he would maybe have a bit of that empty feeling of “you succeded and survived your life-ending mission…. now what?” but I don’t think he would worry about that too long because before immediately deciding to set off again to see every beautiful things this new world has to offer, that he only had a taste of under terribly stressful circumstances. He would very obviously help every pokemon in need he’d come across, and once exploration and rescue teams are back and theres new official missions, he would definitely pick a few along the way. 
I think Celebi at first would go with Grovyle on his travels to spend some time with him, but I also think he’s rather quite hard to keep up with, she’d join him again from time to time but she likes being a bit more sedentary.
I feel Grovyle… isnt really much of a people person, with him being branded a thief and the way he initially interacted with the Hero and Partner once back in the future. Granted, it’s understandable considering the world they live in, but I like Grovyle being not very social save for a VERY few, yet still being very willing to help people and do what’s best for the world. He gets along with kids better.
Celebi isnt a people person either but it’s different from Grovyle, I think Celebi has spend a really lonely life until she encountered Grovyle and the Hero, and that she would be awkward and confused about being social and interacting with other pokemon that she never met before. I think she’d WANT to be, but it doesnt come naturally to her.
We know that Celebi only have ever seen the world of darkness, meaning she was somehow born during this time despite being a legendary pokemon and so I have this personal headcanon that there was a Celebi before her who was around when the planet wasn’t paralazed, but because time was messed up they grew weaker and weaker, and because there could only be one Celebi at a time for some reason involving legendaries, they gave up their life so that she could live, but before they passed away, they could see the loveliest shade of pink.
So Celebi lived alone for most of her life, and had to figure a lot of things on her own, like the time portal and other time related stuff no one could help her with.
On that, I really like the idea that Dialga would work with her or even mentor her, as they are both time-related legendary pokemon. I also like the idea that Spiritomb eventually apologized to her.
I also like the idea that she’s as old as Dusknoir, and they’re both a little older than Grovyle, making him the baby of the group.
You know who is a people person? Dusknoir. Even tho it was a lie, the guy still manage to pass off as a great explorer in the very few months(?) he was in the past. He has a way with people and it’s not always a act.
I personally dont think Dusknoir would the type to mope around for too long after having his change of heart. Post special ep5 Dusknoir is the embodiment of “If I keep my body moving, and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid getting crushed by overwhelming guilt.”, he gets into a lot of hobbies, into old texts and history, into music, into cooking, as one of the only pokemon who went to a time when there WAS time, he takes it upon himself to teach basic stuff to willing pokemon who have no idea what a normal world is, he helps and/or oversees the creation of new exploration teams in this new time-flowing future, and even do a few explorations himself… He doesnt even realized that he’s slowly becoming like his “Great Dusknoir” persona, but much more genuinely. meaning he’s not putting an act and is more “to the point” and a bit more annoyed.
He’s still somewhat a figure of authority (tho the sableyes don’t really work under him anymore and are trying to find a new life for themselves, but still respect him enough) and he still works under Dialga, tho Dialga doesnt need his help as much.
There was a complicated time after the events of the special episode where Dusknoir, who only ever had known Primal Dialga, met the Regular Dialga, who is much, much kinder all things considered (this is a 17ft tall time god who would join little pokemon on their adventure and hang out at cafés)
Now Dialga recalls what happened when they were Primal Dialga, so they know who Dusknoir is precisely, but they dont really know what to make of the pokemon that somehow managed to make sense of their Chaotic nature. Important deities like Dialga dont usually… have connections to regular pokemon. They initially told him they take full responsabilities for their actions as well as Dusknoir’s, which… doesn’t really help ease Dusknoir’s guilt because “he ought to take responsabilities for HIS own actions”.
It helps a lot that you can actually talk to Dialga without fearing for your life. And so they do talk for a while. At the end, Dialga decides to keep Dusknoir as a pseudo right-hand man and Dusknoir pledge loyalty again to Dialga.
Now, if Dusknoir ever gets a house at one of the first towns build after time started flowing again to oversee things better, Grovyle and Celebi are the ones who actually sleep in it.
Dusknoir lives there but can’t sleep when theres old poke-runes to decode, Grovyle had spent so much of his life running around (and honestly? He kind of still is) that he has very few personal possessions, and eventually they all end up laying around at Dusknoir’s place “because he has no where else to put them” Grovyle says, and Celebi goes back to her woods but makes an effort to be less the “forest time cryptid” because she doesnt have to hide anymore, and frequent inhabited places like the town Dusknoir resides in more often, and does so even more when Dialga starts to summon her to mentor her, so at this point she also spend most of her time at his house.
When they traveled together, Grovyle and Celebi crashed at Dusknoir’s place more than once because they didn’t have any other place to do that.
Also, as hilarious as it could be, no “Dusknoir and Celebi only tolerate each other because of Grovyle” in this house, we stan the “Dusknoir and Celebi have a hard-earned mutual respect for each other and talk about Grovyle when he’s not around” headcanon.
Natually the three of them would go into dungeons together when the opportunity come.
I also have this hc that Dialga’s little time problem and the planet paralysis didnt spared any legendary pokemon that couldve been able to step in and maybe assist them, as it took place rather quickly and without very apparent signs (for them, not for regular pokemon), and so they were frozen as the story of the game took place, save for maybe Arceus who, at that time, wasnt “in touch” with other pokemon or other legendaries, and this little incident was a bit of a lesson for them.
Darkrai was kind of counting on it honestly.
Now I’m not gonna pretend to try and understand how Dialga’s mind would work as they can see past and future and now brand new timelines all at once, but I feel they would have their fair share of trauma of those events as well. They could confide in Dusknoir or Celebi, but I like the idea that they choose to talk again with their fellow legendaries after all this non-time and take contact with Palkia again.
as for psmd
One day Dialga has Dusknoir summon Grovyle and Celebi, and send all three on a mission in the past of the now other timeline because they, at that time in the other timeline, can feel there’s something off and that this world could be in danger.
So Dialga sends the best three ‘mons they can think of there to investigate, they instruct Celebi to contact them so they can bring all three back when needed.
And that’s when the events of psmd (a few years after the end of sky) takes places and how the future trio is here.
The trio eventually find out about and face Nuzleaf, Yveltal and the Beheeyems, but were unfortunately send to the voidlands. fun times.
I ADORE the concept of them meeting with the villages children so. that happen.
The trio wakes up in the voidlands, angry and scared tho none of them would admit it, and eventually Grovyle suggest they start moving… but that Grovyle is a FAKE.
the true Grovyle got separated from Dusknoir and Celebi and stumbles unto Deerling and Goomy. He does his best to reassure the children and then go to try and find his partners.
the other “trio” finds Yancham and Shelmet being attacked by blobs, and after saving them, they takes them along as well, they just cant let sobbing children alone like this, as annoying as they are to Dusknoir (in his defense, he made progress but he still isnt over their defeat by Nuzleaf & co).
Dusknoir starts to suspect Grovyle who isn’t really acting like himself and eventually, Dusknoir put the pieces together and attack “Grovyle” because he isnt who he says he is. Celebi doesnt know whats going on as she was more concerned over keeping the kids safe and doesnt know who to trust. During that stand-off, fake Grovyle makes a mistake and Dusknoir and Celebi attack him… until he comes back with more blobs.
Then the real Grovyle shows up and the group manage to escape.
From that point on the trio and the children are just trying to stay together and not get taken by blobs.
Also this exchange happen:
Celebi: This situation reminds me quite a lot of that mission involving the Houndoom with the army of Dittos, doesn’t it, Dusknoir?
Dusknoir: My, My, Now that you’ve mentionned it, it does bare similarities.
Grovyle: ????
Grovyle: Have you two
Grovyle: Have you two been on missions without me?
Youd think Nuzleaf and Dusknoir would get along because theyre the “traitor” of their respective game but no. Grovyle is the one who vibes the most with Nuzleaf.
When the entire ordeal is dealt with by the Hero and Partner and everyone is freed, the future trio kinda… take it all in before going back to their own time, and so they have a little vacation.
Dusknoir put a craiglist ad for about a dozen pokemon so he can plan a monster house to test the hero and partner while Celebi wanna have her hot summer nb she/her and Grovyle is just here for a good time my dude.
Dusknoir actually get along much more with Ampharos and Mawile, theyd compare notes.
Celebi meets the Celebi from psmd, and it’s an awkward time because… “Hello, I am from one future, kind of your child, but also you?”
They would also definitely know what their Hero and Partner are up to at one point but I haven’t thought about that yet.
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unknown-dungeon · 5 years ago
some base headcanons! It’ll be expanded upon as I put my thoughts together more coherently, smhh
sit tight cause this is gonna be a long one-
Base ideas I’m working off of:
I’m treating this Pokemon World as a completely separate, independent entity from the Main Pokemon World (ie, they are not the same universe/PMD’s world is not the trainerverse’s inevitable future.)
Pokemon know that humans used to exist. There was a throwaway line in Gates that suggested that they may have never existed (with the partner in the game saying they thought humans were just fairy tales iirc), but seeing as that goes against basically everything established in the 2 previous games and the sequel game, I’m choosing to omit it.
The events in all the games do happen in the same universe, though it’s not immediate back-to-back occurrences. Several years have likely passed per game. (Not unlike the trainerverse. Since Pokemon worlds love being on the brink of apocalypse or tragedy on the regular, apparently.)
Map/World Related:
The map provided by Super is the map I accept as the Real Deal, with the following exceptions:
The Great Canyon is still on Rescue Team’s Continent (Air Continent) rather than the Explorers continent (Grass Continent)
Evolution is not fixed solely to the Tree of Life; each region has one or more evolution spots (such as the Luminous Cave in Pokemon Square or the Luminous Spring in the depths of the Mystifying Forest).
Pokemon can evolve outside of these areas, though it’s not all that common.
Character Related:
Due to inconsistencies created by Super, certain characters’ statuses are kind of in the air. This is my take on them:
Teddiursa/Ursarang(Explorers) and Snubbull/Granbull(Rescue Team) are both evolved. Super’s interpretation is not taken into account.
The future trio (Dusknoir, Shiny Celebi, Grovyle) are not in the present; they’re still in the future. Super’s interpretation is not taken into account.
Wigglytuff (Explorers) is genderfluid/nonbinary. Much like their fleeting attitude in general, the way they choose to present themself can differ at any moment (aka refer to the Guildmaster however you wish, it’s still the Guildmaster at the end of the day).
Darkrai is a neutral (if still somewhat chaotic) entity. He was not turned into a different Pokemon due to being attacked while time travelling, but he did still lose his memories (and with them, the bulk of his malicious personality.) He’s by no means a saint and other Pokemon are still, justifiably, unnerved by his very presence, but he isn’t a threat to anyone as he is now.
Relatedly, though the idea itself it cool I do not personally follow the Darkrai/Hero time loop theory (that being, that at the end of PMD2′s post story, getting attacked while trying to flee to the past results in him becoming human and being sent to the bad future, creating a stable time loop).
Dungeon Related:
Purely based on how gameplay mechanics are used and how they’re more or less described by characters in game
Dungeons are (likely) the result of spacial abnormalities, and the rate at which they’re created is typically in line with how “stable” the world is. Considering there are hints of an apocalypse in Rescue Team (and pokemon like Mewtwo and Porygon exist), it’s not too far of a shot in a dark to assume that the formation of Mystery Dungeons played a part in leading to humanity’s downfall.
Even if the areas they spawn in may be initially small, the dungeons themselves can be anything but. Likewise their interiors are ever-changing, so even if the “size” of the dungeon is consistent, the layout will never be.
Dungeons that are newer and smaller in nature tend to loop in on themselves (as in, their entrance is also their exit). These smaller dungeons are usually found nearby larger dungeon, and also play a part in travelers becoming disorientated and lost.
Living, sentient creatures that are around when a Mystery Dungeon is formed may end up getting pulled into the anomaly itself. Extended exposure may lead to some level of mental degeneration, although the effects of it can be stopped and treated if they are removed from the dungeon.
The majority of dungeon Pokemon are not real Pokemon; rather, they’re copies of the original Pokemon that were trapped in it initially.
The “mysterious force” that kicks you (the player) from a dungeon is your badge. The badge is made specifically for allowing Pokemon to safely leave dungeons (as well as also being a mark of rank and seniority), and they prevent their owners from getting trapped in the dungeon themselves.
Linking with the above point, lingering on a floor for too long will inevitably lead to the exit erratically changing locations or even disappearing outright for a time, which is a reason why so many Pokemon get trapped in them.
Curiously, dungeons only retain their labyrinth-like properties when they’re being entered through the point in which the dungeon initially spawned. In the case a dungeon has a dead end, the trip back out is typically much shorter, safer, and direct.
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wishfxljikan · 5 years ago
Very long obligatory HC post of several storylines I’ve put my boy through on Discord over the past 4 years. 
Let’s start off with the more..general headcanons, I guess. I’ll put these into sections! aka separate posts
- Grovyle gets VERY protective of his pendant, it’s pretty much his god damn therapist at this point given the trauma that came with you know, going on a mission that would’ve 100% ended up in death by erasure of history! But, he wears it 24/7, and is unwilling to take it off. It’s a sort of emotional crutch so he doesn’t lose sight of why he’s fighting and continuing on with his life, despite Darkrai fucking with him on a constant cycle. It’s very sentimental, in terms that he and his brother (not by blood) had created in tow shortly before said partner/brother’s death. There’s rumors that this pendant has sorts of regenerative powers given by Arceus himself after the events of Arceus’ miracle.  - - In this canon of this Blog. The Human Partner of Grovyle isn’t human, but alas another pokemon, in this diverent canon, no existing human is set in this world, It was him and a Charizard who were best friends, in tow with Celebi, of course, who he’d met several months before Grovyle was even considered to be the one to partake in this mission. There was actually attempts with other powerful pokemon that had all--failed.  - - After said partner’s death, Grovyle is too grief-stricken to well, do anything anymore, is what I would’ve said but actually the gecko went into god damn over-drive, while also being a depressed fuck, I mean, It’s stated in the games that he would be willing to do it, even if it meant he was going to die, I only decided to expand on those facts. This explains his high level in my canon versus the mid-40s he was in game. He’s mercilessly trained his ass off with the sheer notion that, hey, If I do this, get noticed and take on this mission. No one has to die but me, I can finally be at peace, this world can finally be restored and everyone can strive.  - -  That being said, in some detail, Grovyle’s partner is actually a pokemon, but what about the Hero pokemon in my canon? Well in my canon, either it’s a human Arceus also sent on this mission from a separate world, or it’s a pokemon entirely in the past, living out like anyone else would.  - -  Back to his partner. Here’s the real doozy. Grovyle blames himself for his death, no, seriously, he does, in the backstory that I’ve expanded on, Grovyle has this huge moral dilemma over Charizards in GENERAL, like, it’s hardcore against his morals to fight one, so it’s probably the easiest battle against Grovyle ever. It’s also the place where he’s most vulnerable, Grovyle refuses to fight them, and is usually over-protective and emotionally attached to any Charizard he becomes friends with, just to atone for failing to save the one he was closest with in paralysis. Even if said reason of death was sickness, and death primarily to the elements of the sheer cold of that world.  - - Speaking of Over-protective... ever since the trauma and everything, Grovyle doesn’t exactly like battling others too much, explains why he regretted every time he had to fight to take a Time Gear, it boiled his blood several times to have to fight to save the world like that. You’ve seen this portrayal on this blog with pokemon he’s become deeply attached to, or used to love, he’s too protective for his own good, constantly trying to atone for his failures to protect by doing these things. Though, in recent times he’s utterly dropped this upon realizing it was hurting him and said others in that time.  - - Onto a more..odd HC, Grovyle, unlike other portrayals seen about him (Which I fucking loved all of them and I still do) This was based off a Crack Legendary Dating Sim RP that my friend and I were doing for fun, but soon turned into a massive fucking intertwining story of multiple places and has become probably my largest story based RP online ever on discord, For the legendaries he’s personally met and such, he’s close with, That’s why he’s called the Guardian of Origin on top of the Hero of Time, he’s fought alongside them as well as comforted (as well as has been comforted) by them. He speaks highly of the miracle Arceus that saved him from erasure from history entirely. Pokemon include... Articuno, Lugia, Kyurem, Groudon, Reshiram, the full Creation Trio and Cobalion as well as having visited the Hall of Origin in several occasions (Sometimes because of Celebi, actually, Grovyle was actually pulled in the first time by her by reasons unknown.) 
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tumblunni · 8 years ago
The big post about how i love my sneasel who is great
Welcome to that post. It might get long.
Reaper the level 100 Naughty nature Sneasel with Keen Eye who experienced pokerus once and has contest ribbons from too many regions oh my gosh Leeeeeeets get going on how much I adore my little guy!
Okay, the story behind him. He is kinda unofficially my starter pokemon?
Cos of course there was no way to keep your mons from RBY and GSC back then, but I’d kinda only had one pokemon anyway. I was a dumb kid who just solo’d both games with my raichu Chuppy. And sadly I ended up losing them even before the whole transfer issue, someone stole my Gold cartridge during school and when I found it half smashed in the playground all the data had been corrupted. It did actually play though, just with some colour issues I think? I never really restarted cos it felt cruel to Chuppy to do it. So I’m happy that the virtual console rerelease let me reincarnate Chuppy and even make them a cool new alola form! (though they had a different gender this time, but meh i get to headcanon my chu is trans like me, haha) So yeah thats the story of my official first pokemon, but Chuppy didnt really have any personality or headcanons back then cos I was so new to the franchise. And Reaper ended up lasting way longer and sharing every single other region with me, so he kinda took the spot of ‘starter’ even if he wasnt ‘first’. (I still was really happy to welcome reincarnation Chuppy home tho!)
Reaper actually came from Pokemon Colosseum, of all places! His OT name is the completely-wrong ‘Tom’ cos he was from when I restarted my game after getting stuck and just buttonmashed one of the default names out of frustration. I actually caught him in a master ball just cos I was that excited to hug the lil guy! Sneasel was my fave gen 2 mon but i never managed to catch one actually in GSC, i didnt know it was limited to a rare encounter in the very last area. And even before I caught him I knew sneasel was in this game via guides, so i was waiting with baited breath and establishing headcanons even before i found him. Then I just COULD NOT WAIT, hence the master ball! XD I kinda preemptivel based him on the iron mask marauder’s sneasel from the celebi movie, cos shadow pokemon are similar to his brainwashing stuff. And I always liked his sneasel, scizor and tyranitar, for such minor roles they are. It was a nice nuance for the bad guy’s pokemon to be shown as VERY MUCH not evil, just enslaved by magic brainwashing and mistreated. It warmed my heart seeing them freeing each other and escaping in the end once the control was broken! But also it established sneasel as a really cool badass fighter that I wanted to have someday, yknow?
So yeah I got this guy from colosseum before I even played RSE, and he ended up being my ‘starter’ in that game so much that i cant even remember which one i picked. I boxed it right away and never thought about it again, I was a callous kid! It was actually really interesting playing ORAS and finally getting to see what the hoenn starters are actually like, lol And Reaper remained my best friend across like ELEVEN OR MORE REPLAYS of every single gen 3 game except emerald. Cos at that time in my childhood i literally did not have any other games. i spent around three or four years with just sapphire, leafgreen and final fantasy tactics advance. (Oh boy that game’s script is stuck in my brain for all time) And getting attatched to the characters and making new ones all the time was how i kept from getting bored this way ^_^ Buuuuut... it kinda meant that I just discarded most of them super fast to make more. the only other pokemon that migrated to sinnoh with Reaper was Nether the sableye, who was kinda his rival/best friend. (Tho I mispelled it as Neava so he’s stuck that way, lol. And both of them are in all caps forever...) Nether is kinda the basis for my recent oc Malachi, so he’s like an entirely different story for another time. But he was my Sapphire buddy and Reaper was one region older via the power of spinoffs.
And oh man yeah i totally loved the shadow pokemon plot lol! I just headcanoned his plot with regards to that was the same as the marauder’s mons. Perfectly nice tiny sneasel boy is kidnapped and experimented upon by evils, but my love saved him and now he is soft once more. He didnt really have much angst from it, but it helped such a wild spirit grow to trust my hero and trust humans in general after such a rocky introduction to them. I imagined it was like training a dangerous dog to be a police canine, with that arm guard thing that they bite! Shadow pokemon training must be WAY more tough than it seems on the surface! So like ash’s charizard plot, where it ends up with really fire forged family love after all the hardship. I think that before he met my trainer he was just like a loner robin hood type character who valued his freedom and thought that tamed pokemon were all wusses. But alas, he was forced to experience human hugs, and now he’s addicted! but he’d still be quite rebellious and wild and have a lot of goofy cute interactions as he tries to learn all this complicated stuff about being a pet. Why cant I pee on the carpet?? Why do I have to eat pellet food? Why are you mad when i bring you dead mice and pidgey eggs?? bad bad influence on the other mons, but also a softhearted big bro who WANTS to be a good influence. He pretends to be all aloof and stoic cliche angsty antihero, but always messes up and looks cute instead! And he gets crushingly sad if any of his lil siblings actually does get afraid of him. Noooo the grumpyness is for the humans! Not for you!! No-one is allowed to pet the sneas except the other pokemon. It my duty to protect my new pack of strangely shaped sneasels! Oh and he likes booze. In human terms he’d be around 25-30, but still its not good for animals to drink human liquor. Never stopped him though! He’d always find ways to sniff it out and swipe half-finished cans from the trash and stuff. Bad angstman! I know thats part of your archetype but stop it!
So... basically he was like.. cloud? original version from ff7 where he was sassy and goofy sometimes, except reaper is like that all the time with less angst and pretty much zero ego. He’s just like a kind yet not completely competant fun uncle who tries his best to put up a cool guy front to impress the kids (and push away scary humans) but his innate sweetness means he always messes up. And he’s super tsundere about the fact he considers his trainer part of his infinate pack of children, even if every other human is DANGER MODE. Must protect this human from the other ones! Must teach them the ways of the sneas! Oh, and I imagined his appearance as a gijinka would be kinda like Squall from ff8. cos he actually started off as a parody of that unlikeable angstman archetype, and i didnt even know Cloud existed until yeaaaars later. (Played the ffs completely out of order...) So i figured he’d be like squall but with dark skin and a kinda sirus black hairstyle. (Cos that guy contributed the kind uncle part of his inspiration!) Oh and of course a sneasely colourscheme for the fur coat. And I ended up making him hold Blackglasses so often that it was an in-joke that he actually wore shades 24/7 even in normal pokemon form XD
When I first got him in Collosseum he was really useful for his Brick Break move, and im actually really happy that the brick break image on bulbapedia is the collosseum sneasel using it! It was very very good as one of the few mons available with that move in the very limited choices you had for that game. But his signature move kinda ended up being Surf, even though his stats would have been awful for it even if I’d ev trained him properly XD I just found it so bizarre that sneasel of all things could learn that HM! I imagined he formed a surfboard out of ice to carry the trainer, cos there’s no way you could stand on the back of a 30cm tall weasel...
And man lets just have some random sneasel headcanons now!
* Their feathers exist to sense wind fluctuations, which are useful in their natural environment to anticipate snowstorms and track prey in low visibility.
* The ear feather is just for this, its the more sensitive one. The tail feathers are more for manipulating objects and other day to day life. They’re more matted and dont really have the same hearing ability, but the joints are way more flexible so they can be moved independantly like three actual tails. Sneasels can pick up small delicate objects by brushing them up between the tails, then rolling them down their back to reach their mouth. they also use the tails to brush away dirt, hide their tracks in the snow, form surprisingly intricate igloo-like nests and groom their fur with the utmost precision.
* Sneasels will outright resent any attempts to groom them by anyone but their closest human friend, since inevitably humans cant do as good of a job. But humans can scratch behind your ears and give cuddles, so it all works out!
* In the wild, sneasels eat primarily eggs, some nuts and berries, scavenged semi-rotten meat and not so much live prey. Even though they’re very skilled, they’re also very fragile and cautious because of it. They’ll only hunt in extreme situations, instead preferring to confuse and mislead their way to dinner. Sneasels are very social and loyal to each other even if they’re not to anyone else. Their most common strategy is the whole pack wards off a dangerous foe while one lone unit sneaks past and robs that pokemon’s food stores, to share with the family. Even if they’re forced to hunt their own prey, they still follow these strategies and try to just outrun the enemy until it dies of exhaustion or freezes in the blizzard. They’re experts of making cuts that disable but don’t kill- going in close enough to deliver that final blow means risking a valuable pack member’s life!
Not really a headcanon now but back to reaper himself, I always kinda imagine him looking more like a real weasel. I like sneasel’s design but the bipedal humanoid proportions arent exactly the best thing, yknow? i feel like it should have had shorter more pawlike back legs and just been top-heavy with the super claws. Like.. I imagine kinda a furret? just the appeal of actual weasels and stoats plz. I love sneasel but when i looked up weasels as a kid i was like MY HEART!!! they’re sock puppet babies with lint fuzz faces Also I think sneasel’s claws are kinda comically short and boring considering theyre like its Big Feature. I liked when they were drawn a bit longer in older artworks, and i always imagined reaper had longer ones like scyther-y level. Thats why I named him that! Crescent moon claws of awesomeness, striking in the night~! ...he would be really cool if he wasnt such a cuddly dork. I love him so much, he’s my baby. And my dad. And my uncle?? he’s just a very good friend and im happy videogames can touch my heart like nothing else let me love my nonexistant magic weasel from cyberspace forevermore~!
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sage-nebula · 8 years ago
Top 5 Pokemon types (I assume Fire and Dragon will be up there!), top 5 Pokemon locations (from any regions, gameverse or animeverse), top 5 BotW locations, top 5 Zelda characters that aren't Zelda or Link, aaand top 5 Hogwarts classes!
Hmmmm, let’s see!
Top 5 Pokémon Types:
. . . Normal . . . ?
Fire has been my favorite since Gen I, wherein I gleefully set Erika’s entire gym ablaze with my charizard, laughing all the while at the idea of grass-types posing a threat to me. (I’m awful, I know.) I also have two on my One True Team™, so that’s a testament to how much I love them, haha. I loooooove most ghost-types, both in terms of lore and overall design, but I never had one on my OTT™ until Gen VII graced us with the amazing grace that is mimikyu. Dark-types are also great; I love most dark-types, even if the only one I have my OTT™ is my umbreon. When it comes to dragons, I prefer ones that are dragon by species over dragon-type, technically (e.g. I’m always going to prefer charizard and consider charizard to be more of a dragon than, say, Alolan exeggutor, which may be a dragon-type but is not an actual dragon by species), but a lot of dragons by species are also dragon by type, so it still does count. And lastly, I don’t think I have a fifth favorite, but, uh . . . normal types are cute . . . ? Hahaha.
Top 5 Pokémon Locations:
These are practically all going to be in Johto, orz. All the same, not in any particular order:
The Charicific Valley --- It’s literally a wild charizard reserve, what’s not to love? Even if it’s anime only, it’s still a place where charizard can live freely and happily. It’s a dream come true, tbh.
Ilex Forest / Celebi’s Shrine --- This whole area has a very mystical feeling, especially since Celebi’s Shrine is so unassuming, yet so important when it comes to the fact that a time-traveling legendary has an attachment to it. And it makes you wonder, like, did people used to pray here? Is it possible that the people of Azalea Town still do? Johto pays so much more adherence to legends than Kanto does, so it’s possible . . . but it’s also possible that it’s forgotten. Ilex Forest just has a sort of Lost Woods vibe to it, though. I love it.
The Burned Tower / Bell Tower --- Likewise, I love both of these towers for a similar reason. There’s so much history here, and with the Bell Tower especially you know that it still is visited by Ho-Oh in the right circumstances. These are sacred places, even if (or perhaps especially because) one of them was burned to the ground. It just has that sort of feeling to it, that you’re walking somewhere special whenever you go there.
The Ruins of Alph --- THE GREATEST MYSTERY IN THE WORLD, THE GREATEST SOURCE OF LOST POTENTIAL, LIKE---what is this place? Why is this place the way it is? Radio signals don’t work there. The unown haunt it. But why? We know that the Sinjoh Ruins might have something to do with it, given the connection there, and that Arceus and the unown have some kind of connection, but we still don’t know what, precisely, that connection is. There’s so much mystery and I feel that there’s so much more to be done with the Ruins of Alph, more dimensions that can be accessed from them, more that can be uncovered and explored. I want to uncover that, I want to see it!
All of the mystical / legendary islands in Hoenn --- Okay, there are too many to list here, but like . . . Mirage Island, which changes location and really does appear and disappear like a mirage. Faraway Island, which to this day is the only known habitat of Mew. Birth Island, where you find Deoxys in the original Gen III games. Southern Island, where you find one of the Latis. And all of the mystical islands where you find Hoopa’s Rings in ORAS. Like . . . these places, they’re always so remote, the music is usually mystical and fills you with this sense of wonder and legend and myth. God, I crave this sort of thing, these are always my favorite places, and Hoenn was so great for that because they could include so many different little islands scattered throughout the region. (Something you would think Alola would have done as well, but alas . . .)
So yeah, all my favorite places are in, like, Johto or Hoenn, hahaha. But really, I love mystical, legend-infused places. Give me your remote islands with legendaries. Give me your sacred places of ancient worship. Give me your alternate dimensions with your eldritch abominations. I want to see and explore it all.
Top 5 BotW Locations:
My House --- I’m really attached to the idea that Link has a home, haha. I like to keep Keith there a lot, I always go back there to cook, et cetera. I really love that Link has a place to call home amidst all the adventuring and traveling.
The Temple of Time --- I’m mad that the Temple of Time can’t play an actually important role in this game, even if I kind of understand it. Even so, I’m very attached to the Temple of Time and probably always will be. It’s sacred to me even if it’s just a cool place in this game where the Old Man tells you who he really is.
The Lost Woods --- This is the best rendition of the Lost Woods yet. Although I’m not too fond of Korok Village itself (too many framerate drops, the music isn’t great, Koroks are annoying), I love the Lost Woods, how creepy and ethereal they are, and the music is fantastic. A++++, best Lost Woods yet.
The Forgotten Temple --- One of my newest favorite locations. To me, the Forgotten Temple is definitely linked to SS. How much is debatable; that’s clearly the Statue of the Goddess in the very back, but I’m not sure if this temple is supposed to be the Sealed Grounds (maybe built on top of the Sealed Grounds?) or what. But it has a very mystical feel to it all the same, so I love it.
The Mounted Archery Camp --- In truth, I can’t decide on a fifth, so this one will go here because JINI IS WAITING COME WIND OR STORM, AND WANTS LINK TO BE CAREFUL. ;__; JINIIIIIII
I’m really attached to Jini, okay.
Top 5 Zelda Characters (that aren’t Zelda or Link):
Tatl --- Tatl is always going to be best companion, best girl, as far as I’m concerned. I love how she actually had a full personality of her own; she’s incredibly snarky (especially in the N64 original; they toned her down for the 3DS remake and I’m mad), unwilling to help at first, and is extremely focused on protecting her little brother, Tael, regardless of what happens to others. But she develops; she becomes more helpful, more attached to Link as well, and she even continues to develop after you beat the game once, because the first time you go to the moon she doesn’t want to go until Tael says that, fine, he’ll go. Every time after that she jumps at the chance, saying that Link is her partner and if he’s going, she’s going, too. I love how much development, personality, and history she gets. She even gets it in response to other characters, such as how she keeps snarking Kafei as he tells his story. Tatl’s not a perfect person, but I love that. I love her. (And I mean, she’s a wonderfully protective big sis. Give credit where credit is due.)
Urbosa --- QUEEN. Urbosa is everything I ever wanted from the Gerudo and more. She’s clearly a fierce warrior, but she also has a nurturing aspect to her as well with how she looks after Zelda and the others. She’s incredibly badass with the way she calls lightning with finger snaps. And on top of it all, she calls upon Gerudo history and marks her beef with Calamity Ganon as being personal due to the time he was reincarnated as a Gerudo. Fuckin’---I love her. Far and away the best Champion in the game (excluding Link, of course). I love her. 
Marin --- Marin is especially notable because of how much characterization she got despite the fact that Link’s Awakening is a GB game. She could have easily been just another boring maiden, but we see that she, too, takes to calling Link “thief” if he steals from the shop; Link gets to go on a date with her, in which we see more of her personality through the various shenanigans they get up to; and we even learn that she has suspicions about a world outside of Koholint Island, that while everyone else on Koholint believes that there is no world outside of the island, she does. And she’s so desperate to see what’s out there that she daydreams about being a seagull, just so she can fly away. That’s pretty deep for a GB!Zelda character, and I love that she was fleshed out so much. I’m always going to love my girl Marin, and I’ll always headcanon that she, like Link, washed up on Koholint’s shore. I hope that she got to find a life outside of the island one day, as a person or seagull or otherwise.
Kafei --- Not only is Kafei being notable for one of the few (and perhaps the first) instances where you get to play as someone other than Link temporarily, but I love him as a character, too. I think my favorite part of Kafei is how deadpan he is about so many things; he refuses to even acknowledge Tatl’s snarking, much less rise to it, and he insists on calling Link “green-hat boy” for pretty much the entire time they know each other. But he’s also so sincere; if you fail to get the Sun’s Mask back, his despair over losing it is palpable. I do wish he realized that Anju would accept him regardless, but even so, that’s just another fault, and characters who have flaws are good. I love Kafei, he’s great. (And I also still believe that he’s a Terminian Sheikah.)
Fi --- Lastly, Fi. I wish that we saw more development from her over the course of the game, but the connection between the Hero and the Master Sword has always been important to me, and SS just made it even more so. Her goodbye can still bring tears to my eyes. Here’s hoping that the BotW DLC gives us a chance to see her interact with this Link. Please, Nintendo. Please.
Top 5 Hogwarts Classes:
Care of Magical Creatures
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Ancient Runes
Those are the ones I’d be most interested in, anyway!
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survivorjohto · 8 years ago
Ep. 10: “Who Better To Fuck Shit Up Than Despairsaac?” - Isaac
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 Im ready for this merge because the villains? Mostly dead to me. Like I love Isaac, Karen, and Jordan M. But DO I TRUST THEM?!?!?!?!! FUck that no they can go. But do I trust any heroes? Duncan, I trust him. I'm hoping there's a way Jordan Pines and I can get with a few heroes and vote the middle and get our way. I just don't know.gif
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Okay, so I made merge!  Yay me!  This is the first time I made merge as myself without having to return in a redemption twist.  Thank GOD.  And Allison won Malibu? True kink!  Honestly, had Andrew or Carson won, I woulda been happy, but I (proudly) voted for Allison twice, so it was like a mini-victory right there, especially considering the only time I didn't vote in the minority post-merge in Malibu was when I got Luke, my one shot at not fucking everything up, voted out. l o l 
 Anyway, I don't really trust anyone on the villains side, but I love my hero guys.  They're beautiful and faves, and I will trust them for now. :,) I know Drew and Billy 100% will have my back, and I assume Duncan, too... Mitch will be loyal to Billy, but he tried to throw my name out to Ash last vote sooo... don't really trust 'im!!!  I'm his 5th, and that does NOT make me happy. 
 I can't win this game, but I will try my hardest to make it to the end.  What we need to do is play up using the villains that wanna flip.  We need to make them think we have a clear target, so even if the vote goes 5-4-1, we still have majority as heroes.  And in the case of this "sapphire idol", the person with 1 vote goes.
I love tea, especially when it's scalding tea.
 Billy told me that Isaac told him that he used this power revealer, and now Billy knows that Mitch has a super idol.  Ugly?  Yea.  That means we can't really touch Mitch, which wasn't a plan right now anyway, but he does need to be the first of the 5 to go, in my opinion.  Like he can't be around.  If he uses it on someone like me or Billy or Drew or Duncan, aka any of the other heroes, I mean... we should survive the round, and we should have numbers because they won't be able to out-do a super idol, so????  I don't know why he has to be so fake unless it was in case we blindsided him pre-merge which LOL wish I coulda done. 
 He already threw my name out there for Ash last vote, so I'm not surprised if he wants me at the bottom of the 5.  That's weird that he's like that considering how I'm the WEAKEST member of the 5, and he has people like Drew and Billy, who are both strong in the game (Drew for physical strength and Billy for strategic value), who he won't betray because... of reasons I don't know.  No matter what, we should be getting through this round okay, but.... I gotta hold out some hope.  It better not be my name that comes up.
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Ok so we merged and I hope the villains can destroy the heroes because the villains are better and will always be ;3 also I hope our plan with the idol works and the villains get numbers but I don't know if it will work
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Honestly, the Villains sound like one messy ass tribe.  Not saying the Heroes are any better, but like... they're in 2 factions, and they just want the Heroes gone first... like Y I K E.  I hope they try to use me .3. 
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Fuck I'm probably talking too much 
They're probably gonna beat me up for thinking too far ahead like I did in Sri Lanka I'm so dumb dslkfjsdlkfsd 
me: I should stop talking 
me 5 minutes later: 
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So I've been contemplating flipping for the past few days. The only issue is that Jordan Pines is unwilling to flip unless a hero is voted out. And Duncan doesn't want to do that. 
 The ultimate problem is I've said to the heroes I trust that I want to flip. If I don't flip I'm going to become the person who always says they'll flip and then doesn't. And look where that got me in Malaysia. However I will still be badly perceived if I flip alone. I feel like if two people make a flip it's seen as a big move, but if only one person does, they're a flipper.
 I just don't trust Karen and Isaac at all. They've been after me since the start. And I'm certainly ready to make my move, but I'm not sure if it's viable yet.
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1:20 AM. Time for a confessional. 
So voting out Ash was kind of hard. It sucks that I ended up on a tribe with people who are early premerge boots, because I felt even worse about reinforcing the fact that that's almost where they're destined to stay? Although Chrissa made FTC in another game, Brandon got pretty far in Canary, and Ash got 4th jury member in PI All stars. I hate that they had to die for our sins, but there's not much I can do if I don't want the vote turning on me. Speaking of the vote turning on me, I'm so grateful and amazed that I didn't get a single vote for me premerge. I knew being positive and being useful to my tribe would give them a good impression of how trustworthy I can be, but I didn't think it would work that well. People just kind of go along with what I say and it's nice. I feel like the heroes trust me, and I trust them. I hope in my heart of hearts that's the truth, but you never know when Billy or Brian or Drew will decide it's not a good idea to let me near the end. 
So merge happens, and the heroes immediately decide we need to make an alliance chat to discuss votes, which is great. I'm glad Drew took the initiative on that. I feel like Ash's unanimous vote really made us a cohesive unit, and we drop tea, discuss votes, it's a cute community. Our first night we discussed how this vote might go, and about all the legendaries that have been caught and all the powers that go with them. We learned Jordan had Entei and a vote burn and used it on Karen, Jay has a Suicune and the power to freeze someone's vote (we're not sure what that means), and Jordan also has Lugia and a sapphire idol. We don't know where Raikou is or what it really does (Billy was kinda vague about that, suspicious maybe?), Celebi apparently had nothing, and the heroes speculated on what Ho-oh could have.
 Of course I already know what Ho-oh has. Speculation happened on what it could be, so I pretended to have this moment of grand realization where Ho-oh has a super idol because it's a phoenix and it symbolizes rebirth. That and several other comments probably strongly hinted that I have it, but as far as I know, Billy and Brian didn't think much of it. However, I did know that Drew and Duncan could pick up on what I said because I told them Ho-oh gave me an idol before. Drew figured it out pretty quickly, Duncan took some guidance (he's been really tired lately, I hope work isn't dragging him through the mud.) I don't regret letting them know either; Duncan is my #1 ally as always, but Drew knowing I have the super idol means he can't turn on the heroes (me) without getting caught. I'm pretty sure he's smart enough to figure that out. It's an olive branch and a warning. 
 This super idol is my ticket to defending myself or defending the heroes, and I'm super glad I have it, because I think I'm the person with the most potential to use it in a game-changing way. Everyone knows I'm a threat, but everyone is focusing on other people to take out at the moment. That's not to say I'm getting out of this tribal with votes, I'm guaranteed at least one for sure, but I think some things are changing with the villains that can give the heroes and I the upper hand. I want the heroes' success, more than my own. As long as a hero wins this game, I can come out of this game feeling like I did something, which is bring my tribe to victory. I dread having to turn on each other at final 5 (ideally) because I know my ass is probably grass at that point unless I beat Drew for immunity. Or I could vote him out before then and not worry, but we just don't know.gif 
Ahh, I'm suddenly thinking about Final Tribal Council. I feel like I have a good shot to go really far with this super idol. Can you imagine me getting to the end without having to use a super idol? I'd be a nicer and more likable Tony Vlachos. That's an ugly comparison. I already feel more narcissistic. 
Anyway, let's move on to merge. The heroes are a tight group of 5 (Five Guys Burgers and Furgers Drew calls it) and the villains are something else. They seem like they're all over the place, and not as kumbaya as the heroes are (seem to be?) Within the first 2 hours of merge, Jay immediately comes to me and starts spilling tea like a clumsy butler wearing greased loafers. He tells me Jordan has a Sapphire Idol, that Lily, Karen, and Isaac have been targeting him since Stevie's vote-off, that he has a Suicune, and that he desperately wants to vote off Karen or Isaac, to the point that he's willing to join the heroes' camp to do it, and that he'll even drag Jordan Pines over with him. Score one for the heroes I guess. 
 AH yes, so let's expand on this a bit. Jay wants to create a heroes/villains alliance of me, Jay, Jordan, Drew, and Duncan (OK, assume whenever I say 'Jordan' from now on, assume it's Pines. Means is a sleeping fish who doesn't do anything socially) While I'm not opposed to the idea, the thought of turning on Brian and especially Billy makes my stomach flip. I'll let Jay and Jordan believe this alliance is legit, but ultimately I'm going to let my gut decide this much later. 
Of course, Jordan Pines complicates things like he always does. His existence in this game... basically scares the shit out of people. Billy is dead afraid Jordan will beat him again, while Jordan proudly announces on call that he wants to vote out Billy purely because he's about to have played more days than him in PI (Billy was not on call, 'twas Isaac, Drew, him, and myself.) Brian probably just feels whatever Billy feels? Duncan doesn't want to deal with him. I think Drew stands where I stand. 
 Where do I stand with Jordan Pines? Mutual respect. Sure he can be a bit off the wall, hell I'm scared of his unpredictability at times. But the very first time I met Jordan Pines, I went toe to toe with him and won, even knowing his chaotic background. That's not to say he can't kick my ass too, quite the contrary. But he and I are challenge rivals, puzzle rivals, we're like two sides of the same coin. I'm playing the heroes game, loyalty and all. He's playing the villains game, trickery and chaos. And I can respect him for that. And in a weird way, I think it would make us a powerful duo to be reckoned with. Of course, in an ideal situation he'd be a meat shield (Why vote off the person who has showered you with love and support over Jordan Pines, who is known to deceive and trick like he was born doing it [or so he says]) but for now I think he could be an incredible ally for the heroes. 
 Is this what he does? Does he brainwash people with mutual respect? I always hear people saying he's always condescending, but he and I don't have that banter? It's strange, I can read him and yet I can't describe him. The thing is, I have been blindsided by Jordan Pines before (not in Survivor, TAR rather) and I have also blindsided him (by turning his ego against him, Happy Jordan Pines Day) So I feel like I have a sense of when Jordan strikes. Right now I think he's telling the truth about wanting to vote out Karen/Isaac, but I'm very on the fence, like 55% truth, 45% lies. Like, look at this conversation, this is the beginning of our talk today: 
[3/6/2017 7:50:44 PM] Jordan Pines: hey how did you do on immunity for johto btw? 
[3/6/2017 7:51:09 PM] Mitch: To be quite honest, I saw it was a flash game and kinda gave up hope knowing you were playing it lmao 
[3/6/2017 7:51:16 PM] Mitch: I only had 3 hours to do it anyway
 [3/6/2017 7:51:26 PM] Jordan Pines: okay thats incredible i was debating giving up assuming you would do the same 
[3/6/2017 7:51:33 PM] Jordan Pines: cause flash games are between me you and drew realistically
 [3/6/2017 7:51:38 PM] Jordan Pines: but i ended up playing for a decent while [3/6/2017 7:51:40 PM] Jordan Pines: so i hope i win 
[3/6/2017 7:51:54 PM] Mitch: I wouldn't be surprised if you did honestly Me? Scaring Jordan Pines into almost quitting immunity? Holy shit. Wow I did not mean to turn this into 3 paragraphs of me being confused over Jordan Pines. Anyway. So right now I think the vote is in a weird spot. Everyone's afraid of merge votes. The sapphire idol is in (arguably) the most chaotic player's hands (And he's actually afraid to use it! That's amazing to me, that an idol's power is keeping him from doing something with it) and he's immune. Of course this could be a facade and Jordan's going to play the idol while he's immune to eliminate the risk of him getting voted out with it. See? I'm already confused about this, ANYWAY. The heroes are 5 strong, we need a direction to go in. I think turning the vote toward Isaac would be smarter, according to Duncan he's better at challenges than Karen. If Jay votes with us, we could easily have 6-4, and if Jordan joins in, 7-3. The alternative is splitting the vote in case Jordan plays the sapphire idol for fun. 6-3-1, 5-3-2, 5-4-1, so many possibilities. I'll wait for new information to come tomorrow before talking it over with the heroes. I'm excited for the possibilities of this vote, because I'm not gonna be merge boot one way or another. Praise the Ho-oh. 3:20 AM. I got distracted with videos about the Switch. 
Oh, here's a quick assessment of the villains. 
Isaac - Went on call with me, Jordan, and Drew, and proceeded to spill small but crucial details about the villains tribe dynamic, talking about Karen and Isaac's votes for Jay out of fear of the sapphire idol. An interesting character, but I think he could gain ground if he goes farther. Ideally he goes home now. 
Karen - Surprisingly quiet, hasn't messaged me with a "Bitchell" yet. I'd like for her to go sooner than later, for voting Jay, but also forgetting to vote in Palau and sending me home in the process. (I know, I told myself I'd seperate games, but come on, she had ONE job.) 
Jordan M - Listen, the only thing I know about this kid is how many memes he spreads in the tribe chat. He's playing almost no different than he did in Hawaii, I'm surprised he's lived this long without falling off a cliff. He votes early and goes to bed like always. Ideally? I'd give him 8th place again, only this time I'd actually be voting for him. 
Jordan Pines - Please just read what I already wrote. I've talked about him enough. 
Jay - One of my best friends in the community, but I have played TWO games with him now and being aligned with him has screwed me over very badly. I'm not looking to repeat that. I love him to death, but I will vote him out in a heartbeat (Sorry Jay, please forgive me if I do anything nasty to you in the future) However, he is a CRUCIAL source of knowledge, and he clearly trusts me enough to come with it in the first two hours of being on a tribe. I will certainly use my connection with him as much as I can before letting Billy and Brian eat him or something.
 Current Pokemon Team: Cardamom the Crobat with a vote reveal Vec the Tyranitar Klaus the Deliberd Shimmer the Ho-Oh with a super idol Dawn the Sunflora Bloom the Bellossom Badges obtained: Zephyr Badge Hive Badge Plain Badge Fog Badge Storm Badge Gonna clocc Jasmine with Shimmer/I might pick up a fighting type Gonna clocc Pryce with Shimmer/Dawn/I might pick up a fighting type Gonna clocc Clair with Klaus/I should get a Dragon type?? 
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I love messy bitches with messy plans, considering I'm the messiest bitch usually and have the messiest plans usually.
 I need more info because otherwise I'm a chicken without my head, and that's of no use.
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It's finally that time... we merged. And as soon as it happened I turned by back on the original five guys. Karen Isaac and I made a pact that we are getting Jordan out ASAP. We have Drew and Brian with us, who are also two people I trust more than anything.
 I also found the merge idol. So I guess I am as good as I thought.
 Jay has suicune, and Isaac found out about Mitch's super idol. So now I know where all the power lies. And we're going to have them wasted.
 ISAAC DID THAT AND EXPOSED IT AND NOW JORDAN IS TRYING TO SAPHIRE IDOL ME OUT. YOU THOUGHT HUH? We're breaking the Saphire Idol tonight. And jay should be the one leaving. Plus if it is me, I have all my advantages. If I sense anything funny I'm playing my idol. I'm not fucking around. Jordan WILL NOT beat me this game. No way, not this way.
 Plus once Mitch sees that their plan wasn't what we said it was, he'll be with us 100%. No more Jay to feed him false information. 
 Jordan has every reason to be scared of me. I'm not a light player. But yo come after me this way, after I just dealt with all this shit in my personal life is a low blow. So get fucked. You better hope you win all of the immunities from here on out. Because you're GONE next chance with no idol to save you.  And I know you have none, because I have the only two real idols and Mitch has the super idol. Surprise bitch.
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hehehehehehehehehhe - my thoughts about tonights vote if it works boooooooooooooooooo - my thoughts about tonights vote if it fails
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Okay so we've merged which is fun and I'm in an alliance with Karen, Drew, Brian, and Billy and we're working together to fuck shit up™ And I thought to my gay self "Who better to fuck shit up than Despairsaac?" So I let him out and he exposed Mitch having items and now everyone knows about all the powers in the game with the exception of Jay having suicune and Billy having Raikou. Honestly this vote is so messy I can't put into words the strategy that's gone behind it. It's just fugly.
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How does it feel to be in a game full of powers with absolutely zero powers? Pretty good. Pretty good. Anyway I'm so ready to die. Maybe Mitchy will save me with his super idol, probably not.
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ok so ill gve u a summary of today: 
-villains come up with a 3-1-1 plan in which billy and mitch are both the ones and billy gets elimed 
-me billy isaac add drew and brian to our alliance -i scream 
-billy brian and drew all tell me the jp and jay have told them that theyre on the bottom, in which i yell bc its not realistic like what kind of crack 
-jp comes up with the plan to say that him and jay will "flip" on the 5-5 revote that the heroes think will happen 
-jay basically reveals that hes close with duncan and mitch 
-isaac exposes mitch about the super idol and vote revealer 
-everyone pretends to be (me billy and the others in the alliance)
 -the villains try to work the vote bc of the super idol -it is confirmed that mitch and duncan are gonna be voting for me billy comes up with a 3-3-2-1-1 in which i get 3 votes, frank gets 3 votes, jay gets 2 billy gets 1 and mitchum gets 1, hopefully this plan works with and without the sapphire idol being played, i should be kept if the vote ties and jay gets clocct with the sapphire idol if jp does play it 
-isaac is gonna expose jay? 
-tribal is happenin and im gonna be sicc
0 notes
catflowerqueen · 4 years ago
Logistics of a “Speed Run”
So, this is probably going to end up on my what if…? List eventually, so I think I’ll just do some vague outlining here.
Starting Premise: The original expedition members are the only ones who go on the expedition to fogbound Lake.
1st Time Gear Located: Mesprit’s
Dugtrio rationalizes his not being chosen as Wigglytuff and Chatot deciding he needs more quality time with his son, but Diglett is not yet at the level where he could handle a full expedition. He… might be right? At least partially? Like I said—I don’t think they would have separated the two long-term quite yet, but, in all honesty, Diglett does seem to be the more responsible of the pair at this moment. However, he also seemed to be leaning on his dad quite a bit during the actual expedition itself (looking to him for approval, for example) once they hit Base Camp, so it is also possible that his confidence is only because of his familiarity with the Guild and Treasure Town.
Whatever the case—Dugtrio decides to take this bonding opportunity to mentor his son on the complexities of the move Dig, and upon realizing/remembering that Laura also knows this move (or her expressing interest in learning it) decides to take her along, with Paula as a spotter. For some reason he decides the best place to do this is around the Northern Desert—likely as an intermediate sort of lesson, for how to deal with loose soil and cave-ins? Or something? Or, like, there just so happens to be a lot of jobs for that area, so he just decides once they finish them to start working on Dig lessons.
Croagunk remains behind to watch the guild and his Swap Cauldron.
The group ends up accidentally tunneling into Quicksand Cave and either decide to take the opportunity to explore, or have no other choice because the tunnels collapsed and they can’t get out otherwise. This is possibly Laura’s fault, if her feelings of déjà vu and familiarity for the place (which she did canonically feel there in canon, but to a somewhat lesser degree since she was comparing it to her experience at Foggy Forest—meaning that she would be feeling it even more here) distract her to the point of making some digging mistakes. The result either way is that they end up meeting Mesprit and seeing her Time Gear. She doesn’t really have good defenses like Uxie does—she can sort of project feelings of disinterest, fear to make others leave her alone, but only if she’s paying attention and considering that Laura is in the party, it might not work. So, they’re going to have to try and get through to her via words.
Team Rainbow may or may not reveal the whole “human” thing to Mesprit—unlike in canon where the stories about Uxie made them think he was directly involved in the amnesia, there isn’t really a correlation between Mesprit’s powers and Laura’s situation that they can tell, in addition to the fact that they are not alone here, and might feel awkward about bringing it up around Diglett and his dad.
Either way, Mesprit extracts a promise from them not to tell, and they go home. Croagunk remains oblivious.
 2nd Time Gear located: Azelf’s
Probably at some point they’ll run into Grovyle—who has a little more freedom of movement since he hasn’t been identified yet. He may or may not go into the guild itself at some point to gather news, but at some point he and Laura will spend some time standing next to each other—or she just happens to be in his vicinity for some reason, like if he’s on the Beach muttering to himself and she overhears and wanders over to listen.
We already know he has somewhat of a habit of talking to himself—which probably stems from how quiet Laura was while travelling with him, so he would basically just soundboard off of her whenever they were planning/he felt it was relatively safe to talk (because he was a bit more socialized and had parents who would have encouraged him to talk/theorize/ask questions when the environment is safe. Not to mention he had a friend in Celebi before she was forced to relocate). But because he got in the habit, he sort of forgets at times that his partner isn’t actually around at the moment, resulting in him, well, talking to himself. And then when, unbeknownst to him, Laura is around… well, he would sort of sense the familiarity and just fall back into those habits even easier.
The result of this is that she catches him debating which Time Gear location to go after next (though he wouldn’t actually say that part out loud) and she picks up the name Crystal Cave before he finally catches on to what he’s doing and makes a hasty exit. The name sounds familiar/intriguing, though, so Laura suggests that Team Rainbow go there next if they can find some jobs on the board. Which they do, so they do.
In the course of their work and exploring, they stumble upon the Crystal Lake. They are extremely nervous/panicked/general freaking out about finding another Time Gear when that was in no way their intent, and Azelf is curious/amused enough by the spectacle that he comes and investigates. He can tell they are determined to keep things a secret, and probably heard about the situation from Mesprit, so he’s actually pretty chill about the whole thing, and they probably even chat a little bit before the duo leaves. Laura probably gives him a warning that there might be a Grovyle coming to sight see or something in the near future, since that’s where she got the idea from to explore the place. So she unintentionally gives him the warning to be on the lookout, even though they still think at this time that his travelling plans were innocuous.
 3rd Time Gear located: Uxie’s
The guild finally returns, feeling a little bummed that their expedition was a failure—because, as I’ve said before, I think it is unlikely Uxie would have let the group (minus possibly Wigglytuff) see the lake if not for the hero and partner accidentally stalling for time and seeking unrelated information in the game, which would have endeared them to him more and made him more willing to risk it. Without them there—and without the partner finding the drought stone, since that may or may not have happened if they weren’t there (because, privately, I think the reason they found it in the first place was that everyone stampeding to explore accidentally unearthed it [and Uxie probably just goes and deposits it in a random place in the forest whenever it is successfully used and he has to resort to Groudon/memory wiping to drive them away] and then the partner just happened to look down at the right moment. But with fewer people in attendance, that part might not have happened).
Though, it is entirely possible (and likely) that Bidoof might have managed to find the stone if he got lost in the Forest Path loop one too many times, and then just decided to take it with him as a treasure, the way he did that random crystal in canon. And maybe they could successfully find the statue, but have to wait for Chatot or someone to decipher the footprint runes (because I get the feeling that’s an uncommon skill, but is one of the things the partner learned in preparation for fulfilling their dream), and then no one has any idea what the drought stone is. Possibly Bidoof doesn’t even pick it up until they’re leaving, and the group might not have had the cohesiveness they did in canon to all go and share their finds since Dugtrio wasn’t there to suggest the apprentices work as one. That left the group each holding a bunch of different puzzle pieces, but not being able to put them together.
Anyways, they return, life gets back to normal, Dusknoir shows up, yadda yadda. At some point Bidoof lets Laura look at the pretty rock he found, and she has a Dimensional Scream about its purpose (though she doesn’t yet know what her ability is called). This… probably gets shared with the guild at large? Especially if Dusknoir still happens to be hanging around when Bidoof is showing off? …Or if it happened the night they got back (before Dusknoir arrived), and then all the apprentices got excited and caught Chatot’s attention.
So, Wigglytuff decides that Bidoof, Paula, and Laura should go back there the next day to figure things out—since they’re the ones with the most pieces of the puzzle. And he probably lets them go alone, at that, so Bidoof can actually get another chance to fulfill his wish and actually teach his friends things. So they do, and find Uxie and his Time Gear. And probably also ask him about the memory thing (since I feel like Bidoof’s presence is less awkward as far as spilling that goes? He is kind of their teacher, and the one that they’re probably closest to, even if he doesn’t generally get to do as much for them as he’d hoped). More conversations ensue and promises of secrecy are made—as well as some vows to look into things since it is extremely weird that this duo keeps finding Time Gears when they aren’t even trying to do so—though Uxie is going to be vague about it with Bidoof’s presence, only mentioning that they’d made contact with his siblings without bringing up what they guard.
Uxie either gives them a random treasure or helps them come up with a cover story to tell everyone else—probably something like “it turns out that the legendary lake is just what happens when the fog “lifts.” Or, more “accurately,” what happens is all the fog and water vapor condense and absolutely drenches and waterlogs the forest. The groudon statue is, therefore, somewhat of a misdirection.
…Laura probably comes up with that explanation, purely because of how complex it is and how many logical leaps it requires. But they just let her have her fun with it, considering the personal disappointment she just went through.
Also—Grovyle’s timeline is a bit delayed from what it was in canon since he got a bit scared off by that brush with Laura and decided to lay low for a little bit. So he either shows up a day after they leave, or they happen to see him on their way back—but don’t pick up on the fact that he’s there to steal the Time Gear. Uxie does not think they told Grovyle about him both because of just how quickly he appeared after the trio left and because Azelf probably told him about Laura’s tourist warning.
There is awkwardness among the Dugtrio family, Bidoof, and Team Rainbow when the news breaks about the Limestone Cavern gear being missing, and then even more when Grovyle is finally revealed as the thief—especially since that particular revelation comes with Laura blurting out about how she saw the guy earlier, and how he was making travel plans—so now she feels guilty that she didn’t think to question him about it. …And then with that comes the revelation that the remaining Time Gears’ locations are already known. Which does make it a little easier to actually go and fortify them, since they don’t have to spend time searching.
The end result is probably that they catch Grovyle at whichever lake he targets next, and the whole “getting dragged into the future” thing happens a lot earlier, and without the massive injury and illness from the Crystal Lake fight that gets alluded to in Missing Scenes. This also means that the Town Meeting scene probably doesn’t happen, since Dusknoir doesn’t actually need to utilize all those resources. Though there would have to be a scene or something that happens afterwards with the guild, at least—and probably Officer Magnezone—where Dusknoir would have to explain why he should get custody of the criminal.
This… leads to some interesting possibilities as far as whether or not the whole “the hero and partner get dragged into the future” thing would even happen. Because at the very least Dusknoir would have to give a reason for why Laura would need to come with him, and depending on where they do all this planning, and whether or not Grovyle happens to be in earshot for this…
Well, I’m imagining a scene or something where Dusknoir “suggests” that Laura (and probably Paula) guard Grovyle while he goes and gets all the sableye ready to prepare for a return trip (because that way he can keep the two of them close together if he needs to quickly grab them and run). Laura probably would accidentally touch him at some point and set off a dimensional scream, which would reveal, if not everything about her own personal history, then at least some inconsistencies in Dusknoir’s story. So Grovyle’s innocence would probably get sorted out fairly quickly, and then the issue would become how to protect him and the Time Gears from Dusknoir, as well as how to find the Hidden Land. …Or that dimensional scream happens right before Dusknoir drags him to the future, so Laura is still reeling from that revelation when she and Paula get dragged there as well—which would endear Grovyle and his efforts to them very quickly, and they would be on board with his plans from the start.
In any case, they would have a lot more time to plan, bond, and search for the Hidden Land after that. Which means discussion of Laura’s past and history would become inevitable, and the whole “we will disappear” thing might get figured out. But I don’t see this particular “what if…?” scenario being one where Relatia actually gets called to fix things, simply because Laura wouldn’t have quite enough time here to figure all of that out.
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