#i mean the second game has shippy stuff i get why more people write for that
barlowstreet · 2 years
Hello! Just wanted to say I adore your TLOU fics. I feel like there is a distinct lack of quality Joel&Ellie fic compared to Joel/Reader fic, which I am so not into at all. Your stuff has been giving me life and scratching the itch, so thank you!!!
I need you guys to stop saying nice things about me. I really can't handle it XD
To spread the love (???? and thank you??? thank you so much) I went through my AO3 bookmarks and pulled some of my favourite Ellie & Joel fics that could use more love. Some or all of these you've probably read, obviously, but this seemed fun and like it would take the attention off me!
Things you can read if you've only watched the show up to episode 4:
Try Not to Get Attached, Joel by faeverett
On the Road by IgnorantArmies - This is a WIP but the 4 chapters of it stand pretty well alone and I want more so go tell them it's good XD
Spoiler things:
and our souls, they blend by fallingraine85
somewhere in the desert there's a forest by wmthackeray
A Bad Day in Ohio by blue_calico
My Heart Reconciled by altschmerzes <- Probably my personal favourite, and it shows
Where Rainbows Never Die by Joels_revolver
Puns on tour also by Joels_revolver
We Really Don't Need to Talk About This by thalius
The World Entire by BrennanSpeaks <- This one makes me cry every time
Winter by AccidentalAccount <- Also a fave, I love a winter fic and Ellie POV. This one really nails her voice, imo, and just how hard Winter was for her.
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Warning: a rant about ships below I guess???I
It’s kinda weird how people assume in the bnha fandom that everyone ships popular ships until stated otherwise?
I mean, not bkdk technically because there’s a lotta arguing around this ship
but like - tododeku and shinkami for example
people for some reason assume you gotta like em unless stated otherwise
and in roleplaying games people often try to make me do ship stuff with em about those ships without even asking me if I ship it or not - it’s most visible is when I’m playing as shinsou and kaminaris keep flocking to me trying to be all “uwu cute shippy” while am here just like ????? no???
It happened two times during past around half an hour of me playing - both with kaminaris tryna bother me sending me all hearts and stuff even after I told em please don’t 
and it’s also annoying in fanfics how ppl act towards certain ships
that when I started writing my long plot based fanfic - I decided to make it shindeku, even if the ship is technically not anything really that important as the entire fic in itself has a plot to go with
and just because the fic is a long plot based one, even if shinsou and Izuku have been friends through the entire fic and it makes a lot of sense they would be together - people still tell me I should make it platonic instead
on multiple fics I made, I got a lot of comments of “make them friends!!” and explaining how there must be more queerplatonic fanfics and generally why not keep them platonic??? On my vigilante fics, on my usual fics, on fics posted on discord servers - everywhere I get at least one person angry at me for enjoying a ship that is not one of the main popular ones
While what happens to tododeku pushed into a fanfic where todoroki isn’t even too important and appears for like five seconds just so it can be all uwu gay?
no one bats an eye, I search through the comments and it doesn’t get nearly as much “make them friends instead” comments 
and I just wanna ask - why?
Why won’t people just let me write what I want without constantly going on like “why aren’t they just friends?” 
Why did I have a person on discord bother me to tell me that if I dare making them more than friends they will stop reading my fanfic?
Just... Why
sorry for going on a rant but like I just wanna write what I wanna write without people all mad at me for shipping something that isn’t one of the popular ships in long fics because they wanna read the story for the plot and not romance
while completely ignoring the fact that I feel the exact same with tododeku fanfics, yet no one cares
tododeku is everywhere
so why am I not allowed to put rarepairs into my longfits when tododeku finds its way into every kind of fanfic there is?
so please
please just leave me alone and let me ship what I wanna ship without going into my comments to tell me that “if they were friends the fanfic would be better”
(and if there r ppl who came here from my ao3 fanfics - am not rly talking fully abt ao3 comments as probably the worst comments abt “make it platonic or I will leave” I have got through discord somehow?? somehow ppl think that on discord its better to argue abt that kinda stuff idk why)
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miracle-sham · 5 years
Plan D for Dicey.
| {MaribatMarch2020 – Week 1, Day 6: Unconventional Weapon} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] |
| Triggers/Warnings: D&D typical Violence, kidnapping/imprisoning of Player Characters, Explicit Language/Swearing, (Also not so much a Trigger/Warning but this a gen/platonic fic). |
| The Wayne (bat)family attempt to play their first streamed session of Warriors and Warlocks. Unpredictably, things go surprisingly well. |
| Word Count: 4323 |
| A/N: So firstly, I got really carried away writing this so it's being posted a day late. Sorry! But fun fact, this means I'm posting this on my birthday, so wooh! Also if you can't tell yet, I'm a massive D&D geek (been playing for roughly five years now but I still fell like a complete noob whenever I play or DM :P). And DC has its own version of D&D (W&W/Warriors and Warlocks) and upon reading Day 6's prompt, my immediate thought was the improvised weapons mechanic from D&D. Also also, I originally intended for this fic to be MariTim (hence the tags) but I got caught up in all the platonic fun of the family playing D&D I kinda forgot to write in the shippy bits? |
| A/N cont.: Writing this was actually a massive challenge because at the start of this I had absolutely zero idea on how to write a D&D session as a ficlet. So this might be a bit more clunky and unrefined compared to my normal work (or that could just be my self-doubt talking). As I mentioned earlier, I got really carried away writing this because I love D&D so much. I would have written more but this ficlet is long enough and late enough as is. But if I were to continue this ficlet in additional parts, I definitely can already think of so many ways to improve writing this sort of fic (and maybe next time I won't forget to add in shippy stuff). Anyway, thanks to those who read these A/Ns, and I hope you guys enjoy reading this! |
| If you want to be tagged in future oneshots/fics, or a specific Au, then comment or send me a DM/ask! |
| Also side note, Don't Like? Don't Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
Marinette, with Tikki on her shoulder, bursts into the Wayne Manor games room, barely able to contain her excitement. As the first in the room, she can't help but glance across the square conference U-table already set up with everyone's character sheets, dice equipment, other equipment, and snacks and drinks. Bounding over to her designated seat (right side, place nearest to the DM's section of the table), she pulls her chair out and sits down.
 The rest of the Wayne (bat)family, including Steph but sans Alfred and Barbara, slowly filter into the room and take their designated seats. Jason takes his seat next to Marinette whilst Dick takes the seat directly opposite. Steph nabs the seat beside Jason, Damian stakes a claim to the seat next to Dick (despite it already being his designated seat), Cass sits down in the seat beside Steph, leaving Bruce to take his seat next to Damian.
 Tim's the last of the family to enter. He slips into his seat, the DM's seat—as he is the most experienced Warriors and Warlocks player at the table—and grins downright ferally at his players.
 He looks up at the cameras and recording equipment that is set up in the middle of the open space in the square U-table. “Hello and welcome to Plan D for Dicey, the first-ever Wayne Family Warriors and Warlocks fifth edition stream. We weren't quite expecting so many people to petition that we stream our sessions after a few people—” Tim fake coughs twice, “—Dick and Marinette—” Tim fake coughs twice again (whilst Marinette and Dick both grin and wave cheerfully at the cameras), “—rambled about their characters and some highlights from previous sessions, on Twitter. So we decided to give this a go and see how the session pans out whilst being streamed. So as a word of warning, prepare yourselves for the Venators, probably one of the most dysfunctional parties in W&W to miraculously band together.”
 As soon as he says this, the rest of the table burst into grins and cheers (excluding Bruce who despite also smiling, looks like he's just aged five years). Marinette's side of the table all high five each other in their excitement.
 Tim pauses for a second. “For anyone unfamiliar with who I am, I'm Tim. And as you can probably tell from the table set up, I'm the Dungeon Master for this campaign. That's because I've been playing W&W for just over five years now and have had experience DMing before. But for the rest of the players here, this is their first campaign and by extension first time playing. So before we begin our session, first let us introduce our players and their characters.” He nods to Marinette's side of the table.
 She immediately slaps her hands on the table, pushes her chair out and stands, she waves at the cameras again. “Hi, I'm Marinette and my character is Nella Septa-Punctata. She's a Protector Aasimar Celestial Pact of the Chain Warlock, and she has a Sprite Familiar called Tikki. Nella's Chaotic Good and a little anxious but she tries her best to be a kind and heroic adventurer.” She then sits back down, scraping her chair back in again.
 Jason raises an eye at Marinette's antics but shrugs. “I'm Jay, I play a Winged Variant Feral Tiefling Gunslinger called Rehodros. He's Chaotic Neutral, verging on Chaotic Evil at times, and he only joined the Venators because they helped save him from backstory related stuff and he ended up getting reluctantly attached to them.”
 Deciding to also stand up from her chair as well as slap the table with both hands, Steph smirks at the cameras. “I'm Stephanie, my character's Speilsol Leyer, and she's a Chaotic Good Variant Human Ancestral Guardian Barbarian with the Tavern Brawler Feat. She lives for beating up bad guys and doing good, even if it goes against the law.”
 Cass decides to take things one step further and moves to sit on the back of the chair, balancing it carefully as to not let herself fall. She waves at the cameras. “Hi, I Cass. Play Balabitara. Neutral Good, Kalashtar Shadow Monk.” She then sits back down on the chair normally.
 With one half of the table introduced, Tim nods towards the other side of the table.
 Dick winks at the cameras, “I'm Dick and I play Niriwyse, a Chaotic Good Eladrin Glamour Bard who's along for the ride and just wants to have a good time.” At that, he wiggles his eyebrows.
 Scoffing, Damian glares at the cameras. “I am Damian and my character is Rokian. He is a Firbolg Circle of the Shepherd Druid and is Lawful Neutral in the sense that he believes the only laws that should be obeyed in the world, are that or the laws of nature. He begrudgingly joined this party of adventurers after they saved an animal friend of his.”
 This leaves Bruce as the only one to have not introduced himself and his character yet. He smiles his Brucie Wayne smile at the cameras. “My name's Brucie and my character is called Chirop. He's a Chaotic Good Bugbear Swashbuckler Rogue. He comes across as very gruff, but he's just a big old teddy bear at heart.”
 Tim coughs under his breath. “Alright, with our introductions over, let's get on with the show.” The lights in the room suddenly dim and turn a dark red shade whilst creepy echoing organ music begins to play from hidden speakers. “Last session, our brave party of seven adventurers were captured by the evil Lich Dreldaz whilst trying to rescue the beautiful princess Theophania—”
 “—Timothea!” Corrects the rest of the table.
 Rolling his eyes, Tim continues. “—from the cursed castle in which she has been trapped in, by Dreldaz.” He pauses, steepling his fingers as the dim red lighting becomes a dark grey shade. “The Venators awaken, only to find themselves shackled to the walls, in individual stone brick cells and stripped of any and all equipment bar the clothes on their backs. From what you all can immediately tell upon waking, these cells are small, cold, dark and dingy. What do you do?”
 The seven players all exchange glances between themselves.
 “I'd like to look around my cell, see if I can find anything or if I can get an idea of what the cellblock we're in looks like?” Jason announces after a few seconds.
 Tim nods. “Roll a perception check, please.”
 Jason narrows his eyes Tim. He reaches towards the red and black dice set beside his character sheet and picks up the D20. He shakes the dice in his hands before rolling it into the dice box. It lands on a 7. “Alright so because I don't have my gear any more, that means I don't have my eyes of the eagle right?”
 “That's right,” Tim responds.
 “Mmk, that's a seven then, plus my perception modifier… Fourteen total.” Jason glances up at Tim once he finishes calculating.
 Humming, Tim glances down at his Mysterious™ DM notes. “With your Darkvision, you manage to make out that there are two small barred windows on the walls adjacent to the wall with the cell door. The door luckily has a barred window in it too, but you're too far away to glean anything from peering at it.”
 Marinette purses her lips and double-checks her character sheet. “Is there anything magical about the darkness in these cells?”
 “Roll an Arcana check to see.” Is Tim's response.
 She reaches over to the pink and gold dice set beside her character sheet and picks up the D20. She shakes the dice in her hands before rolling it into the dice box. The D20 lands on a 16. “Sixteen! Wait, plus my arcana modifier, uh…” She scans her sheet for the relevant modifier, “plus six, so that's uh… oh heck maths, uhh I think that's twenty-two total? Yeah.” She nods to herself at calculating the maths.
 Jason snorts and addresses the cameras. “This is why you should stay in school kids!”
 Huffing, Marinette elbows him in the side. “Fight me!”
 Not evening flinching at the elbowing, Jason pats her on the top of her head. “Friendly fire, Mari! Friendly fire!”
 Tim waits for silence with his best poker face on. “As far as you can tell, there is nothing magical about the darkness!”
 “Really?” She furrows her brows. “Alright then.”
 He smiles in response.
 Dick glances down at his character sheet then up at Tim, he taps his fingers against the table idly as he speaks. “The walls of the cells are stone? So I can use my Cli Lyre to cast Stone Shape and create a hole in the stone where the metal shackles connect, which would free me, right!”
 Clicking his tongue, Tim shakes his head. “Nope, you don't have your Cli Lyre on you right now, so you can't cast any spells from it.”
Cursing under his breath, Dick frantically scans his character sheet for anything. He reaches his spells and freezes and slaps the spell sheet (and by extension, the table). “Ah hah!” He crows, “I will cast Knock on the shackles!”
 Tim raises an eyebrow, then looks down to flip through his spell cheat sheet. “When you cast the spell, it makes a loud knock that's audible for up to three hundred feet. Are you sure you want to cast this?”
 Dick falters and furrows his brow, then glances around the table at the rest of the party. “I think I'll wait and see if anyone else has a way to escape this first? Wait we can all hear each other speaking from our cells, right?”
 “You can indeed.” Tim answers.
 “I got nothin',” Jason admits, putting on his Rehodros voice, which is just his normal voice but deeper and with a raspy—almost hissing—clipped tone.
 Steph, using her Speilsol Leyer voice (which sounds like she's putting on a weak German accent), shrugs. “I could try breaking the shackles? I'm strong enough to do cool things like that?”
  “But that will also be fairly loud.” Bruce points out, speaking with a gruff tone of voice (which is significantly different from his gravelly Batman tone of voice) for Chirop. “If I had my lockpicks, it would be easy to escape stealthily. But without them, I can't see a way for me to get out of these shackles.”
 Damian wrinkles his nose. “I might be able to summon creatures, elementals, or fey but what I get is determined by the DM and may not be entirely helpful. However, I could try wildshaping?”
 Tim smiles cryptically and the lighting behind him changes from dark grey to lime green. “You could.”
 Damian nods. “Alright then, I will use my wildshape ability to transform into a spider.”
The lime green light fades to flickering orange-red light. “As you try to use your druidic abilities to magically assume the shape of a spider, you feel a burning sensation around your wrists, right where the shackles are. You are unable to transform and take…” Tim pauses as he pulls out his black and red dragon dice and rolls a D6 behind the DM screen. “Five points of fire damage.”
 Cursing under his breath in Arabic, Damian glares at Tim. He crosses out his current hp and writes down the new amount.
 Jason taps Marinette on the shoulder. “What about Nells, Mari? She got any tricks up her sleeve to escape?”
 Marinette startles at that, having been chewing her lip and staring intently at her character sheet since her arcana check. She licks her lips then glances up. “I might…”
 She taps a small stat block card with a pencil and turns to Tim with an intense stare. “Is Tikki nearby?”
 At that, Tim grins widely and raises a finger. “That,” He says, flipping through his notes, “is a very good question.”
 “Because on my notes, here it says that last session Tikki was invisible when we all got captured.” Marinette picks up her session notes journal and shows it to him.
 “Would you say Tikki followed after you when you got caught?”
 Marinette tilts her head to the side and Tikki whispers in her ear. Of course, the cameras inability to record kwamis means it just looks like she's thinking instead of listening to a flying red bug deity. “Yep, I would say that. I would also like to telepathically communicate with Tikki and ask if she can come and pick the locks because we gave her a spare Thieves' Tools kit last shopping session in case she needed to pick the locks during an invisible scouting mission!”
 “Indeed you did, so Tikki flies over to your cell and will try to pick the locks on your door first. So roll a d20 and add Tikki's Dex bonus.” He instructs.
 Marinette nods and picks up the dice, cupping her hands underneath it so Tikki can shake then roll it without it looking suspicious on camera. Tikki shakes the dice and drops it as Marinette separates her hands. The dice lands in the box and rolls a 16. “Plus Tikki's Dex mod, that's uh…” She scrambles for the Sprite Familiar statblock card, “Plus four, so dirty twenty!”
 “That's enough to pick the lock. Do you want Tikki to enter the cell and try to pick the lock?” He asks.
 She nods and repeats the roll with Tikki, this time rolling an eleven. “With mods, fifteen.” Tikki then returns to her place on Marinette's shoulder.
 “Tikki barely manages to get the locks open. The shackles open and you land on the cell floor.”
 Marinette punches the air. “Wooh! Freedom!”
 Cass then waves her hand in the air. “Shadowstep out?”
 Tim cocks his head to the side. “As you don't have Darkvision, you can't see outside your cell but you manage to use your shadowstep ability to escape the shackles. Then by peering out the barred window in the door, you manage to shadow step into the cellblock corridor.”
 Marinette and Cass share a high-five.
 “Let's go free everyone else!”
 It takes them ten minutes to finish freeing everyone else, and start making their way out of the dungeon cell block. The Venators now make their way through the bowels of the castle, searching for the armoury in which all their belongings have been stored.
 “As you push open the grand oak doors, the faint scent of sickly sweet rotting food and fire hits your noses. The doors reveal the next room to be a grand dining room with a long oak table, set as though prepared for a grand feast expecting many a guest. It's adequately lit but the two corners of the room above the door seem to glow with a dim greenish glow.” Tim pauses in his description as lighting changing to a dim greenish light behind him; he rolls a D8 four times (6, 7, 2, 4), behind the DM screen, followed by the rolling of a D20 four times (3, 19, 13, 18).
 “Oh god…” Dick mutters, 
 Jason huffs. “What are you going to torture us with now, oh great DM?”
 Tim smiles cruelly. “Four rays of fire are shot towards the party from somewhere within the dining room. First attack is an eight versus Chirop's AC?”
 Bruce sighs in relief. “That's a miss.”
 Tim continues to smile. “Mmk, the rest of the attacks are, twenty-four versus Balabitara's AC, eighteen versus Niriwyse's AC, and twenty-three verses Rokian's AC. I assume those hit.”
 Damian narrows his eyes at Tim, whilst Dick winces and Cass pouts.
 Tim rolls a D6 nine times, behind the DM screen. “Balabitara takes four points of fire damage, Niriwyse and Rokian both take eight points of fire damage.”
 The three all jot down the damage taken.
 Still smiling, like the truly evil DM that he is, Tim clasps his hands together. “Two skulls, enveloped with green flames, descend from the ceiling. One hovers over the grand table and the other hovers but the top of the opened doors, giving itself cover.” He pauses, then grins. “With the surprise round over, everyone roll initiative!”
 Out of habit, all seven players, and Tikki, roll their D20s in almost perfect sync. Dick rolls an 18, Cass rolls a 9, Jason rolls a 14, Bruce rolls a 16, Steph rolls a 17 with advantage, Damian rolls a 2, Marinette rolls a 10, and Tikki rolls a 14.
 “Twenty or above?” Tim asks.
 “Twenty three,” Bruce announces.
 Jason rolls his eyes. “Twenty-one.”
 Dick grins, “Twenty one as well!”
 Tim scribbles down the rolls on the initiative table. “D'awww, you both rolled twenty-one. Anyway, fifteen or above?”
 “Tikki rolled an eighteen.” Informs Marinette.
 “I got nineteen!” Steph exclaims.
 Jotting down those rolls as well, Tim asks “Alright, anyone ten or above?”
 Cass signs her roll, ‘fourteen.’
 “Thirteen.” Marinette answers.
 Tim glances at the initiative table, then at Damian. “And you Damian?”
 Damian scoffs. “Three.”
 “Okay.” Tim then rolls a D20 twice. “Chirop! You're up first!”
 Bruce looks slightly bewildered. He clears his throat. “Can I grab the nearest sharp pieces of cutlery and sneak behind a chair?”
 Tim nods. “Roll stealth.”
 He rolls an 18. “My stealth modifier is plus thirteen, so thirty-one to stealth.”
 Tim whistles, “To the rest of the Venators, it looks like Chirop just vanishes into thin air.”
“Are any of the enemies close enough that I could move into melee range?” He questions.
 “There's one floating Flameskull hovering five foot in the air, with your Long-Limbed trait, it's well within reach,” Tim informs.
 Bruce narrows his eyes. “I would like to stab the Flameskull with the sharp cutlery, knives are preferable.”
 “Roll to hit. As knives are close enough to daggers, I'll say you can get away with adding your proficiency bonus as well.”
 Bruce rolls, with advantage, a 19. “Plus my modifiers, that's twenty-eight to hit.”
 “That hits.”
 Bruce rolls for damage, 2. “That's two, so seven.” He then rolls for Surprise damage, 8 (5, 3), and Sneak Attack damage, 24 (6, 2, 5, 6, 5). “That's a total of 39 piercing damage. Then I'll use my bonus action to stab it again,” He rolls a 16, “Twenty-one to hit.”
  Tim puts on his best poker face. “That also hits.”
 “Then that'll be…” He rolls a 1. “One damage from the second attack.”
“The Flameskull you hit screeches in fury as it crumbles to bone dust.” Tim then proceeds to make a horrific screeching sound, for immersion of course.
 “What the fuck, Timbo?” Jason asks, wincing.
  Dick cringes. “At least you aren't right beside him! My poor ears!”
 “Rip us closest seats.” Mumbles Marinette, wrinkling her nose.
“Rehodros, you're up next!” Tim announces gleefully, ignoring his suffering players.
 Jason narrows his eyes at Tim, “I want to run over to the table, grab any food on the table that's not rotten, and yeet it at the nearest Flameskull.”
 Tim hums, “Okay, the only non-rotten food you can find, is a block of aged cheese and a bowl of hardened sugar cubes.
 Snorting, Jason cracks his knuckles. “Oh, I have to pick the block of aged cheese.”
 “Roll your attack then. But make sure you only add your Dex modifier to the attack as you're not proficient in improvised weaponry.”
 Jason rolls to attack and also gets a 19. “Twenty four to hit.”
 Tim snorts. “Yeah, that definitely hits, go ahead and roll damage.”
 Jason nods and rolls a 1D4, managing to get max damage. “Four! Wooh! Plus my Dex mod, that's nine damage!”
 “You lob the cheese at the Flameskull, managing to cause a couple of cracks to form on its skull. It turns it's furious gaze to you, intending to intimidate you but the effect is somewhat hindered by the melting cheese covering half of its skull.” Tim flips through his notes and marks down the damage taken.
 “Okay, then I want to grab the bowl of sugar and using my extra attack to throw that at the Flameskull, in the jaw.” Jason smirks and switches to his Rehodros voice, “You look like you've got a sssweet tooth, bonehead!” He rolls to attack and gets a 12. “Seventeen to hit?”
 “That will hit.”
 Jason rolls a 3 on the D4. “That's eight damage total.”
“As the bowl of sugar starts to melt from the heat of the fire, the sickly sweet scent of hot sugar begins to emanate from the Flameskull. The Flameskull does not look happy.” Tim pauses to glance at the initiative table. “Niriwyse! You're up.”
 Dick glances down at his spell list and beams. “I'm going to cast Vicious Mockery. And say,” he puts on his Niriwyse voice, which is just his voice but higher pitch and with a British Estuary accent, “Green is so not your colour!”
 Tim hums, then flips through his notes. “What's the spell Save DC on that again?”
 Quickly checking his spell sheet, Dick answers, “DC 16.”
 “Mmk,” Tim responds non-committally, before rolling a D20 twice from behind the DM screen. “That, unfortunately for you, is a nat 20. Which means it takes no damage and suffers no disadvantage. The Flameskull turns to you briefly, to cackle in your face, before turning its attention back to Rehodros.”
  Dick frowns. “Aww that failed, welp I'll use my bonus action to give Speilsol Leyer inspiration.” He clears his throat and puts on his Niriwyse voice to sing. “Let's get down to business! To defeat, this skull! Did they order heroes, no they asked for none! We're the saddest party you'll ever meet! But you can bet before we're through, Flameskull, we'll make dust out of you!”
 The rest of the table burst into cheers and groans.
 “Beautiful, Speilsol Leyer, you get 1D10 bardic inspiration,” Tim confirms. “And now it's your turn. Show the audience what you've got.”
 Steph giggles. “Okay, okay, I've got a really dumb idea.”
 Tim raises an eyebrow at her.
 “So, firstly, is there anything on the walls, like paintings? Wall sconces? Y'know.” She asks.
 “There's a painting of a naked elven lady on one wall, and a taxidermied fox head on the other,” Tim informs.
 Steph bounces in her seat. “Cool! So I'm gonna rage! Rip the taxidermied fox head off the wall, then run and leap up into the air to bludgeon the Flameskull with the fox head!”
 “Right. Make an athletics roll.”
 Rolling a D20, she gets 13. “Twenty one!”
 “You manage to jump into the air with expert grace. Roll to hit.”
 She rolls a 16. “That's a twenty-four to hit because I've got the Tavern Brawler Feat so I've got proficiency with improvised and-slash-or unconventional weapons!”
 He snorts. “That'll definitely hit, roll damage.”
 Steph picks up her D4 and rolls it, getting a 3. “Do with my strength modifier and Rage damage, that's ten damage! And uh, that's the end of my turn!”
 Tim scribbles down the damage taken, he then checks his notes quickly. “The sugary cheese-covered Flameskull starts to cackle madly. It casts fireball on the party, everyone make dexterity saving throws.”
 On cue, everyone in the party rolls their D20s. Tikki rolls an 18, Damian and Marinette both roll 16s, and Dick rolls a 4.
 Before Bruce rolls his dice, he proclaims, “I'd like to use evasion!” He then rolls and gets a 5. “Fourteen total.”
 “Evasion too!” Cass declares with a smile, she rolls her D20, getting 18. She then signs her result, ‘twenty-seven
 “Shit!” Jason mutters, staring at his roll of 2.
 “Nat one?” Tim questions.
 Jason shakes his head. “Natural two, so seven total.”
 “I also got seven,” Dick adds.
 “Seventeen,” Damian announces.
 “I rolled a nineteen and Tikki rolled a twenty-two.” Marinette pipes up.
 Steph frowns at her roll of nine. “Eleven…” She glances at her character sheet again. “Wait, no! I get advantage on dexterity saving throws!” She shakes the dice in her hands and blows on it for good luck, then rolls it into the dice box. It lands on an 18. Fist pumping the air, she cheers. “Yes! Dirty twenty, fuck yeah!”
 “Alright. Niriwyse and Rehodros both take…” Tim rolls a D6 eight times, behind the DM screen. “Twenty-three fire damage. And everyone else except Chirop and Balabitara take half that, so eleven damage. And of course, Chirop and Balabitara take no damage whatsoever.”
 “Wooh,” Bruce cheers.
 “Wait a second!” Jason interrupts, triple-checking his character sheet, “I've got fire resistance!”
 “Then you also take eleven damage instead of the full twenty-three.” Tim corrects. “And that's the end of the Flameskull's turn. Tikki's up now.”
 Marinette tilts her head to the side as Tikki whispers in her again. “Tikki is going to hold her turn.”
 Tim nods. “Okay then, it's Balabitara's turn.”
 Cass smiles sweetly. “Jump and punch?”
 “Roll an athletics check then, please.”
 She rolls a 13, and signs her results, ‘eighteen.’
 “You barely manage to leap within melee range of the Flameskull,” Tim narrates. “Roll to hit.”
 She rolls her dice again, rolling a flat 17. Again, she signs her result, ‘twenty-six.’
 “That will definitely hit.” He acknowledges.
 Cass then rolls damage, gets a 4, and signs the total, ‘nine.’ She glances down at her character sheet, and then back up at Tim. “Second attack?”
 Tim nods again, still jotting down the damage taken. “Go ahead and roll.”
 Rolling again, she gets a nine, so she signs the result, ‘eighteen.’
 He hums, “That'll also hit, roll damage.”
 She rolls and gets a 3. ‘Eight,’ she signs.
 Tim chuckles, “As you punch the Flameskull twice, the skull shatters and turns into sugary and cheesy skull dust.”
 Cass grins and fist-pumps the air as the rest of the table breaks into cheers.
 “Everyone breathe a sigh of relief! Encounter over.” He comments. “And I think we've reached our halfway mark, so we'll take a quick five minutes break to grab something to eat and drink, and we'll continue on after the break.”
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little oneshot! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
| @maribat-march2020 | | @vixen-uchiha |
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northernscruffycat · 4 years
I wanna know more about your thoughts on Zagreus/that Edgeworth looking guy! Also DMG/Anzu and Dark Magician/Yami.
Zagreus/Thanatos: I’ll start off with the tl;dr version - I like it, I’m just fussy (same as EdgeWright, i guess) Now that’s out of the way, let’s get into detail. A big reason why I bought the game was for these two. I’d been told that Hades has a fleshed out mlm option and very few games give you that. It’s something that I want to support, so ofc I picked it up. Then I spent hours fuckin looking for Thanatos. This was down to two factors: 1. Thanatos doesn’t spawn until you reach Elysium (the third area in the game) and I took a looong time to get even okay at playing this game. 2. Even after you get there, his spawn is random. Most players find him early, I just got incredibly unlucky. SO EVENTUALLY I FIND THE GUY. Then it was time to romance the guy. Now, I’m saying here that I fully intend to replay the main game (beginning until true ending, at least) very soon. Because first impressions and second impressions are very different. All of this is obviously based on that first impression. And their romance route is cute. I can see why so many people adore it. I mostly got a laugh (as in the “screeching in frustration” kinda laugh) outta every scene they have together basically going like this: zag: hey than i think i like u than: i think i like u too, zag. what could this mean??? zag: could it mean we like each other??? than: let’s not jump to any conclusions. anyway if u figure it out let me know than: *disappears in a puff of smoke* zag: :’) idk even as I write this I have mixed feelings? It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy it myself, but I wasn’t quite as invested as I expected I would be. To the point that after romancing Thanatos, I found myself more intrigued by Zagreus’s romance with Meg (I mean, there’s a legit poly ending for the three of them, so this is fine). I went into the game expecting not to care about MegZag at all, but they ended up becoming my fave, not ThanZag. After that, I was ready to be like “Oh well, ThanZag is fine, I’m just not invested” and call it a day. But then I started RPing some Hades game stuff with my flatmate and neither of us were that invested in Thanatos, but then when I started writing from his POV I realised that I actually enjoyed it a lot and I retroactively started to like both Thanatos and ThanZag. As it stands at the moment, I like it more than I thought I would! There’s a bunch of other Zagreus ships I like more, but I do think it’s good and I tip my hat to Supergiant for providing a good mlm romance route. DMG/Anzu: This is one of those ships where they look great together and it’s very easy to get nice-looking caps of them looking shippy together from that one episode. But beyond that I don’t have a lot of thoughts about it. Dark Magician/Yami: I like this one a lot and I wish it was as popular as Dark Magician/Yuugi is. I mean, we saw the lengths that Mahaado went to in his love for Atem and I’m sure that this carried over into the Dark Magician.
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ofgeneticperfection · 4 years
Scarlet’s chain of sweetness
Courtesy of  @madamdirectcr
1. Indomitable -��She pretty much does what she wants, how she wants, whenever she wants. If she wants something? She manipulates her way into getting it. She doesn’t stop until she has it and hardly anything will sway her otherwise. She’s extremely hard to control when determined and set on a task in mind. She’s hard to control period. She’s got a streak of wild, impulsive, and loves to toy with others be it malicious or just to tease.  Her will is near impossible to break and she never believes that she can’t do something even if it is the impossible. Atop of that she’s fairly hard to defeat physically, she’ll bring more than a challenge if ever attack or if a loved one is ever hurt. I’m not saying that she can’t be brought down because she can, but it’s going to take more than a couple of hits.
2. Emotional Depth-  There’s not just one tier to Isrieal, there’s a million and it’s a labyrinth. She comes off as cold, arrogant, prideful but that’s the main wall that she hides behind. She’s strong and will exude complete confidence most of the time while being sly, cunning, coy, and whatever else she can throw at you. These are the emotions she shows to the world but the rest she’s buried so deep inside that she forgets they even exist. Inside she’s broken, sad, lonely, tormented but she has her ways of hiding them and biting back the pain that feeling these emotions brings. It’s from the conditions she’s been stuck in for her whole life at Hojo’s mercy and the lies she’s had to tell herself to make it easier to handle. Of course, this naturally makes her volatile with bursts of anger or other strong emotions and if she let’s one slip out they all come spilling out sooner or later. She does have a tendency to use special sedative injections to subdue these emotions whenever she feels any starting to well up. Deep under it all, however, she loves with all of her heart once she is sure that she will not be hurt. She’s always afraid of that in a way, but there is no in between. You have her all or you have her nothing. But once there she is quite passionate and protective and more soft and innocent then she’d originally lead you to think. 
3. Manipulative - Life is a game and she plays to win. At least that’s how one survives in ShinRa. She learned from one of the best manipulators out there and now she’s known to even manipulate the Professor himself. She rose herself from experiment to assistant Director by playing him and she plays everyone around as she sees necessary in order to get what she needs. She often shows what she wants to show and nothing more, near every move and every article of clothing is precisely calculated towards whomever she is meeting with. Of course, only if you don’t know her well. 
4. Deals with the Devil- Oh yes, she loves to make deals but don’t worry they’re mostly fair and she is one to keep to her word and her promises. Despite her demeanor she is quite loyal when she promises something. If you work out a trade or a bargain she’ll do her best to uphold her end of it, getting you what you want in return. There is a lot that can be traded between science and other departments after all and she’s not afraid to go behind the Professor’s back here and there if it means obtaining something she’s personally after in the end. 
5. A.I Alien - Lastly, yes I love the fact she is a hybrid and loves to play with quantum theory and A.I in the future. I always love the sci-fi aesthetics and concepts and the idea of something beautiful having a monster inside. She’s at conflict with this part of herself, often not knowing how to fully accept it but at least she is in control of the cells and not the other way around. She’s also always been focused on uploading consciousness and prolonging and bringing others back to life since she doesn’t age. It’s from there that she gets pulled into quantum theories and eventually breaks through to a system A.I that she makes a deal with to her own advantage, but this is a plot I haven’t touched in a while. Really I love everything about her but these are some fun and dominating concepts. 
1. @animus-inspire Where do I start? Seriously. This was unexpected but yet one of the best things that has ever happened in my writing history. I love love love this ship and all the AU’s of it so much! And beyond that, it’s so rare to get me to talk a lot but I can’t seem to ever shut up around you xD. But, I LOVE talking to you and the connection we have and the fact that we have so many stinking ideas all the damn time and they all get played off each other so easily and that we can share the same obsessions and YES WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! But you are also one of the sweetest and most full of life people I know on here and I absolutely love writing with you, you’ve made it so great :3. And you are seriously best Reeve and have made me love all the Reeve. <3
2. @thefirstthaumaturge I’ve known you for about like, well.....well over 10 years xD And I love you more as the years go on. We’ve survived drama days together and now we can laugh about all the stupid RP stuff we did in the past. I also enjoy all of our new RPs and how great its been to see both our OCs grow and thrive in these communities. I also super love talking to you and playing video games with you and watching WestWorld and movies with you. Basically, you make everything super fun and I don’t know what I’d do without you around. I also love how we always manage to say/type the same things at the same time all the damn time xD Digital sisters but its as real as it gets. 
3. @shinraweirdscience @xbroken-science @insidious-scientist  I love all of my Hojo’s that deal with Izzy’s crazy ass and put up with me so thank you guys! I’m always down for crazy plots and all the trauma that comes with them so don’t ever feel bad about throwing anything at me or damaging Izzy. It’s what makes her her after all. And I find it all a lot of fun. I’m always ears for ideas so let me know!
4. @sadistic-second I don’t write a whole lot with you here but you’re always good company in the voice chats and you make playing games a lot of fun as well. I like our little group we have going on to do all the stuffs. I love all the gifs and icons you make, and the paracord is very creative as well. It’s always cool to see what you can do. Of course I like all the funny things too.   @apathetic-ruler  I have to say you’re writing is amazing, I love it! I haven’t wrote with your Ru but I love past life Ru xD One of these day’s I’ll figure out what to do with a Rufus I’m sure. 
5. @ivory-paragon We don’t write much but I love playing FFXIV with you and being in all your groups. It’s a very fun and enjoyable atmosphere and you make me laugh all the time. If I hadn’t found you I wouldn’t have found any of this awesome community and my great shippy ships that have come out of it. @rikelusshinra I love all of our RP’s and stuff too. You have a super amazing OC that seems to fit right in and I’ve loved writing with Rike. Even if you are busy now. It’s rare Izzy finds ships that work but you are one of those lucky ones that she fits well with and I love all the ideas we play with as well. So to my FFU peeps! Even if we don’t write on tumblr much I still love you both. 
Honorable mentions:
@cinderella-gurei God, you are the best Chadley and you break my damn heart all the time in our RPs. Izzy will never forgive herself completely but she’s glad to have you around and so am I! She will protecc forever. <3 
@madamdirectcr I love your Scarlet! I want to see what happes :3  @makeupandmateria Another lovely Scarlet I had to mention as well!
So okay, I’ve thought about this all day and I’ll do a few categories. Since I revolve around music so heavily and no lie have hundreds of my own music videos in my head for every song I’ve ever heard, yes I’m one of THOSE people. xD
So I’ll start with what I’ve been listening to lately that really fits in with WestWorld Izzy and Logan!Reeve ShinuestiLos xD I can’t seem to get Poker Face out of my head for her and a couple other Lady Gaga songs that fit in  Like this one too. 
Also I really love these songs but they are so random. This one mostly thanks to ARI, but I can never not listen to it when it comes on. Also Mortal Kombat. This song makes me so fired up every time I hear any variation of it xD. Even now! alkdjfsldjfsdljf, but I do really like this mix. 
Then we can’t forget those emo day songs. Mr. Brightside is one I can never resist singing. It’s just so damn good! Then there is Holiday by Greenday and can’t forget Miss Murder by AFI xD 
Now I have an extremely long list of electronic type, synth, darkwave, trance, whatever the heck categories they fall under that I just like to call my Robot music xD  Here’s a couple with AI themes that I’ll just throw out here. We Appreciate Power and quite literally A.I 
And lastly this one reminds me of Midgar so much and Izzy, but I always see her singing this if she ever made a music video. (which apparently she’s made many) But she’d definitely be in front of wall sized windows with Midgar in the background and the labs, and its also why she sometimes refers to it as Electric City, idk who the guy would be singing with her but if you want it to be you just let me know? Lol.  After all she is Indistinct. Ill Defined. Uncontrolled. Unconfined. 
Tagged by: @animus-inspire (this took me forever Reeeeeve x.x) 
Tagging: @thefirstthaumaturge
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reconditarmonia · 4 years
Dear Chocolate Box 2021 Author
Hi! Thank you for writing for me! I’m reconditarmonia here and on AO3. I have anon messaging off, but mods can contact me with any questions.
Elsinore | Fullmetal Alchemist | The Locked Tomb | Motherland: Fort Salem | Simoun
General likes:
– Relationships that aren’t built on romance or attraction. They can be romantic or sexual as well, but my favorite ships are all ones where it would still be interesting or compelling if the romantic component never materialized.
– Loyalty kink! Trust, affectionate or loving use of titles, gestures of loyalty, replacing one’s situational or ethical judgment with someone else’s, risking oneself (physically or otherwise) for someone else, not doing so on their orders. Can be commander-subordinate or comrades-in-arms.
– Heists, or other stories where there’s a lot of planning and then we see how the plan goes.
– Femslash, complicated or intense relationships between women, and female-centric gen. Women doing “male” stuff (possibly while crossdressing).
– Stories whose emotional climax or resolution isn’t the sex scene, if there is one.
– Uniforms/costumes/clothing.
– Stories, history, and performance. What gets told and how, what doesn’t get told or written down, behavior in a society where everyone’s consuming media and aware of its tropes, how people create their personas and script their own lines.
General DNW: rape/dubcon, torture, other creative gore; unrequested AUs, including “same setting, different rules” AUs such as soulmates/soulbonds; PWP; food sex; embarrassment; focus on pregnancy; Christmas/Christian themes; focus on unrequested canon or non-canon ships; unrequested trans versions of characters.
Smut Likes: clothing, uniforms, sexual tension, breasts, manual sex, cunnilingus, grinding, informal d/s elements, intensity.
Requesting fic; open to art treats!
Fandom: Elsinore
Relationship(s): Hamlet & Ophelia; Hamlet & Horatio & Ophelia; Bernardo & Hamlet & Laertes & Ophelia
I found the friendships in this game, and the different ways that characters can reconcile or try to find a way forward together, to be really sweet and moving, and I'd love to read something that focused on those relationships of trust and support. I like how important Ophelia and Horatio's counsel and friendship is in timelines where Hamlet becomes king; I like Hamlet regretting how he behaved towards Ophelia and striving to live through his depression and find out what it is that he wants, not what everyone else wants of him; I like seeing childhood friends Bernardo and Laertes and Ophelia and Hamlet, whose growing-up has stretched them so far apart, taking time to catch up and enjoy each other's company a little.
So, futurefic in one of the timelines where everything doesn't go to shit? A timeline that we don't see? (There is something narratively interesting to me in Permanence/Passion in that the entire plot of Hamlet ends up as a distant backstory to someone's full life; I don't know how compatible that idea is with these requests, but if you want to write any of these groups fucking off to Italy or Constantinople or London and living until the Elsinore pressure-cooker is a distant memory, I'd be just as happy with that as with fic about them building some kind of future together still in Denmark, trying to make it better for its people and to hold on to who they are as individuals, and friends, beyond their roles.) If you want to write Hamlet/Ophelia, Hamlet/Horatio, or for that matter Horatio/Bernardo as shippy, I'm fine with that, but I don't want a focus on the romantic aspects of their relationship.
Fandom-Specific DNW: death of requested characters within the timeline being explored, or focus on death of requested characters. These characters die in this game a lot and I don't need you to pretend entirely that it's not a time loop game, but I would like them to be happy. If you write the Bernardo & Hamlet & Laertes & Ophelia request, I'm fine with either or both names/pronouns for Bernardo|Katherine, but I don't want to read a story focused on their gender or coming-out. Please don't include Peter Quince as a character (you do not need to retcon, you know, the existence of the time loop).
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Relationship(s): Maria Ross/Olivier Mira Armstrong
I'll admit: I am a shallow, shallow person who loves the heartwarming and id-satisfying Briggs loyalty-kink complex (The watch! Buccaneer handing Olivier a clean pair of gloves after she kills Raven! Constant and deeply sincere saluting! Olivier’s explanation of why she wants Miles around and her lack of patience for anyone’s shit) but would like an f/f manifestation of it for actual shipping. Post-canon or AU where Maria is assigned to Briggs, or works for Olivier in Central? Does Maria foil a plot against Olivier, or Olivier save Maria's life in battle? Does Olivier order Maria into a firefight? Hit me.
Fandom-Specific DNW: Olivier/men, even mentioned.
Fandom: The Locked Tomb
Relationship(s): Abigail Pent & Dulcinea Septimus; Gideon the First & Matthias Nonius
Dulcie and Nonius were two of my favorite additions to the cast in Harrow the Ninth (and Dulcie in "Doctor Sex" via letter). I loved everything we learned about Dulcie - her wit, her quick thinking in a pinch when confronted by Cytherea and her secret to Harrow. I found her "The only thing preventing me from being exactly who I wanted..." speech both genuinely moving and very funny, and I love her thirst for revenge. What else might she and Abigail Pent, "independent research? it isn't even my birthday!" daredevil spirit-talker par excellence who has just conjured up a ghost out of an epic poem, get up to after Harrow's bubble collapses? Or what were they up to when they weren't on screen in Harrow's dream, putting together this whole, well, play?
Nonius's arrival, entire scene, and departure to fight the Beast made me very, very happy on levels I have trouble explaining. It was so heartwarming?! Because it was impossible, and because poetry won, and because they went off to do the best they could...I don't know, exactly. I'd love to read either more about his mysterious past with Gideon the First, or about their second encounter as allies (throw in Marta, Ortus and Pro if you like as well!)
Fandom-Specific Exception: to my unrequested ships DNW, Dulcie/Cam & Dulcie/Pal. I love their three strand thing.
Fandom: Motherland: Fort Salem
Relationship(s): Abigail Bellweather/Raelle Collar
I fell hard for this show and Abigail/Raelle is the ship I’m most excited about - they get off to a bad start for all kinds of personal history reasons and have problems with each other, but when it gets down to the wire Abigail would do anything for Raelle and is very gung-ho about having Raelle’s unconventional but extremely powerful magic under her leadership, regardless of Raelle being a loose cannon. She told her she loved her!! <3 And by the end, Raelle also clearly knows what Abigail's going through (like when she talks her down in "Citydrop"), respects her leadership, and cares deeply about her and wants to protect her in return. I love that loyalty dynamic, and their competence as fighters/witches.
Physical combat, strength in general, magical strength, ability to work magic together, knowledge of the magical canon vs. out-of-the-box techniques...what parts of their skills and their bond could be challenged in the weird dimension that the end of season 1 leaves them in? Or when they get back home and new challenges await? (In my head, the decision not to send them to War College is not revoked; the unit becomes some kind of special-forces secret strike team rather than cannon fodder.) Maybe something where Raelle goes/has gone into a fight as a berserker-type for Abigail and then comes back to her, or where Abigail protects/has protected her soldier (her girl!! I love her protectiveness of Raelle towards the other cadets, imagine it in a battle!)? Or an arranged marriage AU where it's usual for witch soldiers to marry to combine their magic power or something...
I would also be up for smut for them, especially something d/s-y where the loyalty-kinky dynamic of Raelle being Abigail's weapon, at her command, is echoed in sex!
Fandom-Specific DNW: sex solely for magical purposes without an emotional connection (sex for magical purposes is fine), focus on Raylla (I don't need you to retcon it, but please don't dwell either on Raelle still having feelings for Scylla or on her getting over Scylla for Abigail), Scylla bashing, Abigail/Adil (I would prefer to imagine, if he is mentioned in the fic, that they’re just friends).
Fandom: Simoun
Relationship(s): Aer/Neviril; Aer/Neviril & Neviril/Paraietta; Aer/Neviril/Paraietta; Aer & Floef & Neviril & Paraietta & Rodoreamon & Vyuraf
Aer, and Aer/Neviril, really grew on me on my recent rewatch. I appreciated her more as the determined bit-of-a-loose-cannon, who grows into a respected role in the choir, than the manic pixie this time, and noted Neviril's comments about how she was drawn to Aer's determination. (I've written a lot more about what I love and am interested in about Neviril and the show in general, her journey of figuring out what it means to her exactly to lead an air force, here.) I'd love to know what happens to them post-canon - what is the "new world" and their travel in it like? It's an escape for them, sure, but what are they escaping to, not just from? Are there problems there, too?
I'd also be up for a poly situation where Neviril is involved with both Aer and Paraietta, her long-loyal second-in-command whom she's blessed and forgiven, as a V where they're friends or as a triangle where Aer and Paraietta are also involved (I don't quite know what that leg of the triangle would look like but I do like how they work together in battle even when they're shown as having personal issues.)
If Neviril and Aer make it back to the main world when war is brewing again, as at the end of the series, but their old cohort can't fly anymore, what do they see their role as being? Does Neviril see herself as a leader for peace, for war, for something else? How do they interact with their former squadmates, whether as part of a more plotty piece or not?
I could be interested in explicit fic for this canon, as an option - the series is, on some level, about the contrast between the reality and physicality of their bodies and the general perception of what they do (which even in its non-spiritual military capacity is removed from a connection to their bodies via the Simoun aircraft), about becoming an adult, and of course about gender.
Fandom-Specific DNW: I'm not really interested in Kaim and Alty and would prefer for them not to appear or for their backstory to come up. I would also not like to see pre-timeskip Dominuura/Limone.
0 notes
You know what time it is? Time for me to carry on re-reading that clusterheck known as The Misadventures of Prince Kim, on an epic journey to correct typos and question my entire life!
K we’re up to chapter 11 let’s gooooo
This is pretty much the only time in the whole thing where Max proper has a go at Kim, and honestly he deserves it!! yes nerd boy, go off!!
how to deal with the guy you’re unknowingly crushing on being your parents’ deadly enemy -- just CHALLENGE HIM TO A SWORD DUEL apparently, Kim what the actual hell
srsly though where did Kim get that sword
Adrien is so good and blessed... and also everything in his lil speech is gonna be a plot point in the sequel
Everything about Max and Kim’s friendship is just so good ugh that’s one thing at least I’m proud of in this fic, the epic slowburn Kimax, it’s good and I’m happy with it
Max saying “I realize that may have been short-sighted of me” is a pun by the way (because he wears glasses), pls appreciate it
“Seasons are a social construct, Max. Time is an illusion.” I will NEVER be able to outdo the genius of this line
Chapter 12 here we go
Max’s entire reason for being in this fic is being the love interest, I swear... like in the first half of the fic he just suffers internal gay heartbreak over and over, and in the second half he’s perfectly happy with his bae and doesn’t rly have any stakes in the plot aside from wanting to keep the people he cares about safe... he’s the Love Interest(TM)
More geography lessons now, mixed in with science and history too... I know I call Max a nerd but maybe I’M the nerd
the world of the fic is so messed up, I mean Chloe’s walking around in rococo clothing and her citizens are peasant farmers wanting to guillotine her, and then there’s kingdoms like Max’s and Alix’s, who have cars and planes and phones and stuff?? this really is a game of Civ, dang
hmm... I think it’s implied that later on in the fic satellites are already in space, but here Max says they’re still being built... eh whatever I can just pretend they launched inbetween at some point or that Max’s research is a bit out of date
his speech really did have a global impact okay, I swear it was plot relevant and not just filler because I think Max is really cool and super underrated or anything
the entire Animan episode is happening on the side as a B-plot just because why not
Nath is me omg, that social anxiety amirite
Myvan is canon!!! Myvan is canon!!! I’d forgotten about that whoops
this is LITERALLY just Animan except at a ball
Adrien making puns and calling Marinette “princess”... I was not that subtle was I
yes the hot Italian noble is Lila, I wasn’t particularly subtle about that either
...I’ve just realized, the next time I’m around mistletoe I’ll just pretend to have a cold and then everyone will stay away from me lmao (Alix wasn’t pretending tho, she really did have a cold here)
it’s funny because Adrien partially decides to do it because he thinks his dad would be mad about him having a crush on Kim, but later in the fic when Gabe finds out he doesn’t really care lol
for the record the reason I skipped writing the actual kiss is because I had NO idea how to write kisses (the chapter 24 one is pretty much glossed over too!), I only started bothering later on when Kimax, because, yknow, KIMAX
Kim and Max talking about their boy crushes together is so adorable hhhhhhhh can I skip like 30 chapters already
“I can’t believe I had my first kiss, and I can never tell anyone about it because it was with a guy.” this is actually the funniest thing in hindsight because in exactly a year’s time, Kim just straight-up brags to people about how he’s so hot that even a boy kissed him last year
okay now chapter aeroplanes (that’s 14, btw)
Kim trying to stay away from home for as long as possible to avoid getting told off is the biggest mood and I hate it
the journey to Max’s kingdom took two days?? hmm... later on in the fic it seems to take less time... ahhh idk let’s just say they took the scenic route okay
now you readers get to learn some science stuff
can the show please give us Max’s canon family? I brushed over it entirely in this fic but idk how the hell I’d do that in the sequel
oh yeah so in this fic, most of the time they’re talking in French. however, they all know English too as a lingua franca thing, so that way all the stupid puns can still work because you can pretend they switched into English for those bits
So if Alix took her pet snake on the plane... then I guess you could say there were... Snakes on a Plane AYYYYYY
Also, like... she doesn’t even talk to Kim and Max in the actual show, her being best friends with them is a fanon thing and that being said, I totally went for it lol I wanted her to be relevant okay
Jalil is so sarcastic in this fic (mostly because you see him from Kim’s point of view and he hates Kim lmao) I don’t even know why I did that, I just did, he’s basically just me
I swear this reads so... ugh what’s the phrase I’m thinking of? double nintendo-ey? IT FEELS MORE SHIPPY THAN IT IS, THAT’S WHAT I’M TRYING TO SAY
oh dear I’m having an allergic reaction again
Alix is so violent I s2g, this is like the second time already she’s implied she really wants to beat someone up and it won’t be the last time
oh and she’s not 100% oblivious that Kim’s into her. (I know she tells him later on that she was, she’s lying to make him feel better.) she’s just very much in denial and decides to not notice bc she doesn’t want it to be true, which is like, a decent aro mood tbh
okay chapter food fight (15!)
you know what, the awkwardness between Kim and Adrien now is also giving me an allergic reaction, just TALK to each other you idiots oh my god
Kim and Marinette treat each other like cousins in this fic, idk how else to describe it really, I was going for “childhood friends” but they really have a cousin kinda dynamic
Alix just. slam dunks Nath into a vat of milk. I can’t with this fic
Typo-correcting-time!! It’s not Mr Damocles, it’s DUKE Damocles jeez Aish get it right
also whomst the heck snitched on poor Kim and got him into trouble??
OKAY SO. later on in the fic, I often mention that one monopoly match that ended up in a brawl, but I never bothered to write the match itself because I forgot it was supposed to be a plot point in the timelines thing. here in this chapter is the first time it’s mentioned. should I... go back and write it in properly? idk help
awwwww this is the first point that actually feels proper Kimax-y, they’re having a moment together at the fountain and omg it’s so cute
lol this bit where spider-destroyer Alix has to threaten Kim to put her back down is like the exact opposite of way later on when they’re playing the floor is lava and she cheats by sitting on his shoulder and he tries to annoy her into going away
phew that’s enough I’m dying
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irraydiance · 7 years
1. No specific fandom, do whatever you feel like 2. I just really like salt, you don't have to do all of them if you don't want to
It’s cool anon, I’m just pulling your leg. All in good fun!
I’ll stick to Assassination Classroom because it’d probably be too much salt if it was a fandom free-for-all.
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
I see why people ship Karma with Asano – it’s the same reason people ship rival pairs, which is something I don’t get – but to me, they’re always going to be the rivals who find one another insufferable and don’t get along. It’s a personality clash as I think they’re fundamentally different people.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Karma/Nagisa and even then, their friendship is just kind of…”meh” to me now. In the past, I would’ve called it a BroTP of mine but I’m just indifferent now. Yeah, they’re close and there was that schism/survival game arc and all – I recognize that, but I’m just tired of seeing it everywhere even when it’s actually presented as strictly friendship.
I’d rather read about the Nagisa/Sugino BroTP to be honest. Or better yet, the Karma/Sugino BroTP. Hell, give me some Sugino/Kayano friendship.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
No, but that might also be because I generally only follow fandom-specific blogs. I also only follow one AC blog, so…
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
Yes, I have a NoTP – it’s Karma/Nagisa, and yes, it’s the goddamn most popular pairing in the fandom no matter which side of the world you’re on. Just my fucking luck, right?
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
A pairing that I actually liked? No. A pairing I was indifferent to at first? Yes.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
Hahaha. No.
If I hated it to begin with, then I probably had a solid reason as to why, and my opinion wouldn’t change so easily.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
Not a one.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*
Never. That might change after this. But I did get an annoyed anon one time when I said Karma and Nakamura aren’t actually close. They were actually pretty civil though so no offense taken. I never heard back from anon but I hope they read my response!
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Takaoka, probably… Yanagisawa was a scumbag but as a villain, Takaoka was more annoying as far as motives go. Like a goddamn cockroach, he just won’t go away (see: Karasuma’s 2-page manga in Grad Album Time). He also felt like a cartoon villain…but I can’t complain too much as the target demographic for AssClass definitely skewed younger.
There aren’t really any characters in the series whose guts I absolutely hated though.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Oh hell. The space arc right after the schism/survival game arc. Yeah, it’s AssClass we’re talking about, but I can only suspend my disbelief so much. Also, the lull in-between that arc and the final arc where nothing really happened was kind of a chore to read. It was the calm before the storm, but not much happened.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
The fandom doesn’t hate him as far as I know, but Sugino doesn’t get nearly as much love as anyone that isn’t a member of Utatan, Nakamura, or Asano. Is it because he’s just a regular nice guy and people think that’s boring? Because he’s super ordinary and apparently heterosexual? I guess that’s Tumblr’s least favourite combination.
I’m kidding. Don’t kill me.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I don’t know if it’s unpopular but I enjoyed the baseball arc with Sugino. He’s just very likable to me. The themes of friendship and teamwork were recycled constantly, like in the sports festival (Isogai’s) arc and the culmination of Karma’s character development in the second semester finals, but it really began with Sugino’s baseball arc, and to me, that one really exemplified the themes best out of them all. They felt like a real rag-tag group of guys working toward a goal together.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Karma is not a flirt and he’s not a slave to his hormones.
Stop writing him this way.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Outside of the Ace Attorney fandom, I’ve never been in a fandom that hates on het pairings so much. I’ve seen all the common ones insulted and just trashed in general for the most inane reasons, and the Nagisa/Kayano ship has it the absolute worst, but I digress. The only het pairing people don’t seem to shit on is Chiba/Hayami – probably because they mostly only ever interact with one another. Go figure.
Also, this is a thing in every fandom, but seriously, you’ll have two characters interact, and even if it’s a completely regular conversation, people suddenly just start shipping it. It’s like people will ship any character with another character as long as they have even some kind of small connection. “These characters hate each other? Yeah, let’s ship ‘em.” “This character complimented this other character in an offhanded way but they have no other interactions? Yeah, I ship it.”
I’m not saying “stop having fun, guys,” but it’s a mentality I don’t follow.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Some of the villains felt a little too cartoon-y/flat for my tastes, like Takaoka, but as I said earlier, I think AssClass skewed younger despite such a focus on assassination and the entire nature of “killing” – most of the time, not literally, of course. They had basically zero redeeming qualities as opposed to antagonists like the Asanos, who were ultimately sympathetic, or even Korosensei’s apprentice.
16. If you could change anything in the manga/show, what would you change?
I’m terrible with these questions. My biggest complaint is that in a series with loads and loads of characters, most of them didn’t even get fleshed out so I really would’ve preferred there to be more alternate points of view – make it really feel like an ensemble cast because outside of maybe 2-3 characters, the rest of them only ever got one-and-done chapters. There are so many characters that I wish got more time in the spotlight, but alas.No offense to Nagisa and his fans – I like Nagisa, but especially in the second half of the story, it just felt like the scope narrowed way too much on him and/or Karma when Class E is actually supposed to be treated as a single entity where everyone feels equally important. Kind of like in the problem Karma solved for the final exam.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
I wouldn’t have had Kayano die only to be brought back to life right after. I get that it was a parallel with Korosensei not being able to save Aguri, and now being able to save her sister Kayano. Still, the whole she’s dead lol psyche! angle went beyond cheating death; Kayano straight up died and got revived.
At the same time, in the entire series where they had a death fakeout like what we got with Lovro, if Kayano ended up being the only one killed off for real, I would’ve been upset.
So I would’ve not had that happen at all. I would’ve settled for Kayano getting hurt, or being about to get hurt when she tried to help only to have Korosensei cover for her, but not have her literally dying.
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
Whether you ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ a pairing is down to preference.
There are plenty of pairings in other series that have strong evidence behind them and even then, there will be a handful of people from the more popular ship that twist facts to suit their narratives because they don’t like opposing pairings. They’ll even bend fiction into fact to deny actual facts. That’s being biased, but I can’t even say these people are “in denial” because a lot of those people honestly do believe they’re 100% right. Even if you throw a fact in their face, they have some kind of warped excuse ready.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Obnoxious, toxic shippers.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
You’d think that on a salty ask list, the question would be what the most vile ship is, not the purest one.
Come on, guys. Karma/Okuda is obviously the purest. Sarcasm aside, I really do think Karma/Okuda is the purest. It’s very sweet and genuine. The very guarded Karma can completely drop his walls and open his heart to Okuda and in turn, she watches out for Karma and really wants what’s best for him.
Putting aside the deadly pranks they can unleash on others, Karma and Okuda’s relationship is definitely pure.
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
I don’t mind crack ships at all but I would prefer that there’s something logical that connects the characters involved, even if it’s a crack ship.
22. Popular character you hate?
I don’t hate any of the popular characters, but I find that I’m much more mild about Nakamura than a lot of people in this fandom. I like her, but clearly not as much as everyone else.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Sugino is one of my favourites. No love from the fandom, sadly.
He’s referred to as Nagisa’s “best friend” by official material but it seems the fandom completely buries this. He’s always written off as a goddamn third wheel to Karma and Nagisa no matter if it’s shippy or just platonic and that’s such a pet peeve of mine. Official material indicates that Nagisa/Sugino/Karma get along well as a trio, but noooo, fandom seems to have this perception that Karma and Sugino only see one other as a friend-of-a-friend (Nagisa).
I feel that they might not have been friends if not for Nagisa, but after they got to know each other, Karma and Sugino would still be good friends even if Nagisa’s not around.
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
I’ll say yes. For a weekly Jump series, AssClass is a lot more off the wall compared to the usual stuff, but it has your standard life lessons/morals for not just kids, but anyone. Plus it’s short and sweet at ~180 chapters.
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
I wouldn’t change the ending. Korosensei had to die or else it would cheapen the meaning of the story.
26. Most shippable character?
The fandom would say it’s Karma, but I will say it’s someone with a welcoming and adaptable personality like Sugino. Isogai works too.
27. Least shippable character?
Outside of actual villains, probably Asano. This isn’t meant as an insult, but it’s hard to find a match for him because of his personality.
I didn’t have great answers, but I tried, lol.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 years
DRV3 ch 4 speculations and spoilers
Ok before I go to ch 4, ch 3....was kind of a disappointment. The killer and motive was better than ch 2 but.....I didn’t like how...well.....they had an interesting idea they could’ve gone with but pissed it all away. The idea being that Kiyo committed the 2nd murder but couldn’t be punished for it.....I think it would’ve been more interesting if Tenko had committed murder (even if accidentally, maybe she didn’t do anything but she scared Angie who tripped and ended up dying cause she tripped and caused a fatal injury, actually that would be an interesting trial.....and would either result in the same case of self defense like DR1′s first case or would be a new rule), or someone else, or even suicide, and Kiyo committed the second murder but had to stick around. Sorry, basically I think it would’ve been interesting if they had a person who legit murdered a classmate but wasn’t punished for it (nor rewarded) in their mist (and not just a serial killer or ult assassin who have killed before but not the participants).
Also ironically I was missing Toko and split personalities and stuff and it was nice to see that again.....even if it was only for a little bit. ;w; Also the whole sister thing, ehhhhhhh the monokubs were flirting with that heavily prior to that reveal so.....I....was.....kinda desynthesized to the idea by the time Kiyo brought it up....plus it’s Danganronpa.....I expect stuff like this (like how I expect it in Game of Thrones). XP 
Also not surprised Monodam committed suicide, it was either him, or both Monotaro and Monoph-.....Monopink (can’t remember her actual name 8V). I do feel sorry for the little guy tho. ;w; Also not surprised Monotaro’s memory is going....feel bad cause of how much he’s been hit. ;w; Esp his personality change (which kinda reflects a similar phenomenon that happens to football players, or at least people that get lots of concussions regularly, which is really.....sad...then again also he’s robot so does it work like that?......but then again this is DR so of course it could also happen to a robot so yeah *shrugs*).
As for ch 4....I feel like the death flag (aka victim and/or killer) has been raised for Gonta and Mui (Kaito too of course, but like.......that’s more outside of the killing game, but I’m waiting for him to kick the bucket). I hope I get at least one more day of free time cause I’m like 1 away from maxing out Mui so like....stay alive for at least that long Mui. ;w; 
Mui will probs be targeted cause of something with the computer, I she figured out that she can “save” everyone by making them go VR, DR2 style. 8V I dunno why but I feel like if Mui is killed then it’ll turn out that Tsugumi was the killer.....cause Mui in her free time event mentions she used to be “plain” which is a word that comes up a lot when Tsugumi talks....but then again that could just be a coincidence.....
The video with Rantaro, I feel like everyone has a video of themselves saying similar things and not just Rantaro (probs just only showing him to make him look suspicious). Also have been wondering since the hint at the end of ch 1, if the old sounding people at the funeral were DR1/2 characters that have grown old but *shrugs*. Also wondering if this is all literally a game.....like none of it’s “real” in terms of the DR universe......
I feel like Monotaro will be next to go, esp with how he’s abusing Monopink (if the abuser is killed theme continues to go on). I also feel like Monodam isn’t dead.....we don’t really see the rest of his body tbh from what I recall, just him going into the flames....he could just be hiding. XP 
I have a feeling this whole “keep playing till there’s 2 people” might indicate that this is a “Noah’s arc” situation going on, esp with the whole church floor (5th floor?) that just got unlocked.....and the whole end of the world thing.....Which probs means Maki (or some other girl of course) and Shuichi will be the last in the game (assuming they don’t find a way out).....They did kinda have a shippy moment recently so...yeah....I feel like Maki’s the best candidate for girls..... Ngl, except for Tenko’s crush on Himiko, I really don’t like how any shippy moments/possible romantic relationships are written in this game...... it feels very artificial imo.....it’s def a dip down in writing quality (in terms of character interaction and romantic/ship implications that is) compared to DR1/2/UDG/3 imo. It’s something I noticed right from the get go in the prologue and it’s bothered me since..... ;w;
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him-e · 7 years
I liked your review on Sophie/Sansa, I think that Sophie is a gorgeous Sansa and a talented actress, I hope she will have a good career. Now the small question, what is your opinion on the performance Sophie and Kit in season 6?
Their interactions specifically? 
I think Sophie and Kit were excited to have so many important scenes together in season 6, had been waiting for this for a long time, they’re clearly good friends irl, and all of this transpired from their onscreen interactions. At the same time, they were instructed to play two estranged half siblings who finally connect with each other, not without difficulty, after years of pain, terrible losses and intense trauma, and they do because they literally have no other choice but each other (Jon is Sansa’s last hope, and Sansa gives Jon a new purpose after he lost all sense of belonging in the NW). All these different factors resulted in a complex and unpredictable dynamic, the icing on the cake being the natural chemistry Kit and Sophie have. 
Let’s start with their reunion scene. A lot has been written about it, about the way both actors played it as a crescendo from anticipation, to recognition, to the final explosive momentum of the physical embrace. I like how both actors’ performances convey an almost dreamlike sense of disbelief in seeing the other, almost if the characters were not sure if this was real or not. For Jon, Sansa’s arrival was an absolute shock that he wasn’t prepared for, and Kit plays it beautifully. Note how he exhales and draws back for a second as soon as he recognizes her face, as if he needs a moment to truly absorb this information and isn’t really sure what to do, and then proceeds to collect himself and climb the stairs, slowly but deliberately, towards her:
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I really love the cinematic crescendo of the camera following Kit steps just as Sansa’s gaze does, while Sophie stands still, waiting, holding her breath:
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(gifs by cerseilannister)
Sophie plays Sansa as visibly distraught on top of physically and mentally exhausted: her face (and hair) is a mess, she’s holding back a variety of emotions from anticipation to childlike vulnerability to fear (fear that this moment isn’t real, fear that someone will come and destroy everything, maybe fear of Jon’s rejection, because she honestly has no idea if he’s going to take her in or not—note the quick blinking and the nervous hand wringing, that Sophie routinely uses to convey Sansa’s anxiety).
another fantastic acting detail is Kit watching Sophie with his head slightly tilted as he’s studying her face and isn’t really sure if he should trust his own eyes and he’s probably thinking you look like a girl I used to know a lifetime ago, my lady
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(gif by cerseilannister)
again, he draws back a bit before Sansa throws herself in his arms. It’s a matter of split seconds, but it’s actually Sansa who makes the first move. He reacts immediately though, instinctively. The whole scene was very, very carefully staged, otherwise you wouldn’t get this level of synchronicity.
Both actors use sharp, deep breathing to underscore the building tension and the swelling emotion. It’s actually a major defining element in their scenes together—like it happens A LOT—and I think it’s very interesting. People picked romantic vibes in their interactions because of stuff like this:
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I mean what the fuck:
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(gifs by harleygrenade)
why did they play it like this? couldn’t they just have a regular sibling fight?
Now, I don’t think Sophie and Kit were playing romance, no. I think they were instructed to play their scenes as two people who clearly want to see each other as family, and are desperate to connect, but are also complete strangers, fighting a war they’re already losing, fighting for a brother they’ll most likely never see alive again, fighting for their own lives, and not knowing if they can fully trust each other. There’s tension in their scenes because there is tension in their lives at this point—they’re in a dangerous, potentially lethal situation. But this translates, as I said earlier, in a deliciously vibrant, nuanced dynamic, fraught with affection but also building anxiety, lack of familiarity and some simmering, unresolved grudges.
Some viewers complained that their scenes, especially in Book of the Stranger (huh, now I see how fitting that title is), were too affectionate for two half siblings who spent their lives in Winterfell carefully avoiding each other. The reunion scene with the hug was perceived as “too much”, and the following one, with all that playful teasing and remembering Winterfell togetherand sharing beers, made some people actually scream OOC. To be fair, in THAT scene, you can clearly see the real Sophie and Kit slip out of character and into their real selves in a few brief moments:
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(gifs by thatonekimgirl)
However, I don’t think this was a mistake. It MIGHT be! (as I said, Sophie and Kit are very comfortable around each other, and this was certainly a funny scene to play, and it’s not impossible that they went slightly off script.) But I think they were given specific directing instructions to play it as “natural” as possible so that the audience could be sucked in this intimate, familiar moment of catching up between two siblings, and believe that they’ve known each other since birth even though we never saw them interacting onscreen before. It was also a much needed moment of genuine levity, of healing, after the horrors of Sansa’s abuse and Jon’s revenant storyline, and before the hardships of the upcoming war for Winterfell.
Interacting with Jon also allowed Sophie to finally play her smug angle:
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(gifs by davis-viola and sansastlark)
We’ve never seen this expression on Sophie’s face in the show. This is Sansa, finally able to focus on what she wants and to freely express her opinion, because she knows she’s safe, she’s around Jon who has her back. Brienne, Theon, Tyrion, Sandor, all helped her, but they weren’t family; Jon is.
Interestingly, being able to focus on what she wants for once results in Sansa deciding she’s going to play a game without letting anyone in—not even Jon.
Like I said, it’s a very nuanced dynamic between them. The angle that Sophie is playing is that Sansa hasn’t been able to fully trust anyone for so long that she feels she has to guard herself even from Jon, because that’s how you play the game—you keep your cards to yourself, trust nobody, and care only for yourself. This is Littlefinger’s lesson: people are either pawns or players, and I think Sansa gave a quick look at Jon and decided he’s a pawn for now, as he lacks the acumen and the charisma to be a player (or so she thinks; by the end of season 6, she has to reassess her strategy, because Jon is absolutely a Player—even if he doesn’t know it yet).
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(another moment of lowkey Smugface by Sophie, gif courtesy of bericdondarrion)
It’s unusual to see Sansa like this and people were a bit disoriented by how quickly she went from vulnerable little bird in search of her big bro’s protection to boss ass bitch looking almost too… ambitious? Cunning? Treacherous, even? (see also the controversy arisen by the Look she gives to Littlefinger when Jon is proclaimed KitN). I talked in the other post about Sophie’s sympathy for the Dark Side, but I think there are precise directing and writing choices behind her acting.
Whatever it is—and rest assured it’s now an important aspect to the character, something we’re going to see more of in season 7—it coexists*** with the Sansa who desperately tries to convince Jon to hold back until they have more men, the Sansa who spends hours to make a Ned-cloak for him, the Sansa who has tears in her eyes when she declares he’s a Stark to her, and who looks like this:
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(by gifsofgot)
when Jon kisses her forehead.
*** incredible how (female) characters can have more than one (1) note, emotion or personality trait, right?
SPEAKING OF THE FOREHEAD KISS, there would be a lot to say about Kit’s acting choices, because they’re a major factor in how ridiculously shippy their interactions came across.
Most of the time, Kit plays Jon as if he’s somewhat lost around Sansa—lost in trying to understand who she is, slightly nervous and upset by her presence, stealing glances at her while she’s not looking or busy doing something else. This is definitely consistent with the idea that Jon isn’t very comfortable with Sansa due to their lack of familiarity, Sansa’s resemblance to Catelyn, and her own history of looking down on him for his bastardy. It’s clear that, despite their promises in 6x04, neither has fully moved past this huge roadblock in their relationship. It’s also in line with Jon not being exactly used to familiarize with women and being a grumpy goofball around them.
The forehead kiss, however, remains inexcusable and inexplicable, lol.
Really, Kit, did you HAVE to plant an INTERMINABLE kiss on Sophie’s forehead, eyes closed as if you’re both savoring the moment and being consumed by some heart wrenching emotion?
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It’s not like you had to take a good look at her lips while you reluctantly withdraw from her, either.
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(by gifsofgot)
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Kit and Sophie did their job so well that an alarming number of viewers started to suspect there was something “more” going on between Jon and Sansa. In fact, there is something more: the growing political tension between them, overlapping with their newfound, frail sibling bond (soon to be tested by Jon’s parentage reveal). So when people perceive “tension”, it’s probably THAT kind of tension. 
however, for the audience, it’s incredibly easy to forget that Jon and Sansa are supposed to be siblings, as they’re played by two insanely good looking actors, who’ve never interacted on screen before, and who really don’t look like they share any genes… at all. Kit could have chemistry with a broomstick as far as I’m concerned, and watching him bat his long eyelashes at Sansa while holding his breath did not help. As for Sophie, this is the first important series of interactions she gets to have with a male lead who isn’t a) significantly older than her; b) a creep; c) gay, so do the maths.
I don’t know if the showrunners were familiar with the fandom concept of jonsa, but even if they weren’t, they should have probably imagined how certain scenes would look in a series that became famous for its iconic twincest, no less. People tend to pick up incestuous vibes more easily, if the narrative has already proved to be able to go in that direction. And Game of Thrones definitely has.
whatever the authorial intent is, as far as I’m concerned I’m enjoying the fuck out of this. Sophie and Kit are absolutely magnetic when they’re on screen together, regardless the nature of their canon dynamic.
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For a prompt: Kaiba makes yugi cry, like full out sobbing, and kaiba has no idea how to handle it cuz he didn't MEAN to make him cry he thought it was just their normal banter?? But yugis been having a rough week and it was just the straw that broke the camels back. Everyone reacts to this situation in different ways. Cute fluffy ending maybe? ( could be platonic or shippy) LOVE your writing, it's breathtaking!
Awww honey omg thank you so much! :D
I’m gonna go with the puzzleship ending, ifin y’don’t mind? My queer ass is feeling the Gay™
This turned out to be so Sappy like omfg
Here’s the link!
Seto realizes he may look a little undignified.
He’s dried Mokuba’s tears plenty of times. He knows how to handle those. Additionally, he crushes employees’ futures on a daily basis; he’s dealt with loud tears of rage, quiet tears of misery. He’s even experienced the occasional pained smile that can’t quite keep the tears from falling, and he’s never broken a sweat.
Somehow though, when Yugi Mutou’s the one with the painful smile, it’s completely different.
Seto blinks at him. His demand of “What are you doing?” comes out a tad sharper than he intended, but can you blame him? This isn’t part of the plan. Seto likes his plans, especially when they involve this little runt.
That’d been what set Yugi off: Seto made a ‘runt’ comment. Definitely nothing he hasn’t said before.
“S-sorry,” Yugi says, trying to laugh it off and failing miserably. It’s like a trainwreck―and Seto can’t stop looking on in horror. “I-I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. Just―just a bad week I guess.”
The dam breaks.
And can Seto just say? He knew Yugi wore eyeliner. His eyes were too bold not to be coated with the stuff.
But, anyway. Crying.
If this were the Other Yugi, Seto could snap at him all he wanted. But this Yugi…well. Seto’s not stupid. He can tell the difference.
The Puzzle’s eye glows.
Suddenly, Other Yugi is rearing his head, glaring through the tears.
Thank God.
“Kaiba! What did you do to him?” he thunders.
Seto crosses his arms. “I didn’t do anything.”
Other Yugi crosses his arms too, only the stance is a little off. It takes Seto a second to realize that he’s actually hugging himself.
He needs coffee.
“Get out of my sight,” Other Yugi snarls, “before I―”
“What, send me into eternal damnation?” Seto drawls. “I’m sure.”
“Now is not the time for skepticism, Kaiba! I will―”
Seto turns on his heel. “Whatever, Yugi. The next time we meet, I hope your composure’s up for it.”
Yugi hangs his head.
Aibou! Where are you?
Damn it. He’s so embarrassed.
Please don’t shut me out! Let me help you!
Help him with what? Nothing’s happened. There’s no crisis, no Armageddon. Everything’s been normal. Everything.
He’s such a crybaby. A little runt who can’t handle anything. Yugi’s seen the end of the world, in multiple ways. He knows what it looks like, and this week was definitely not it.
No. His Other Self can’t know. Yugi can’t bear to think what would happen if he found out that Yugi barely qualifies as his tag-along, let alone a partner.
Aibou. Aibou!
There’s an insistent knocking at his soul room’s front door. His Other Self has always been respectful of his privacy, but he’ll do plenty of things when Yugi’s crying. Plenty of things.
Well. He’s not the only one who has a maze. Granted, Yugi’s isn’t millennia in the making, but it’s complex in its own right. The mind of a teenager isn’t as straightforward as a lot of people think, after all, and Yugi isn’t the type of person to have just one chamber in his soul room.
He retreats to the deepest corner and opens the front door for his Other Self.
In the distance, he hears another echo of his nickname. He curls into himself and doesn’t answer.
It’s so stupid.
His Other Self’s entreaties become increasingly desperate. Yugi can feel him running every which way, searching for him. He’s as good with puzzles as Yugi, if not better; he’ll find him eventually.
Finally, Yugi murmurs, “Other Me. Please leave me alone for a while.”
Instead, light floods the chamber.
His Other Self looks terrified. Then he sees Yugi and nearly sinks against the doorway.
“Aibou,” he says, rushing over, “what’s wrong? What did Kaiba do?” the shadows roiled. “I’ll make him regret it―”
“No,” Yugi softly admonishes, “we agreed, remember?”
A pause. Reluctantly, his Other Self sighs and nods.
He tries to catch Yugi’s eye, but Yugi steadfastly avoids him.
“Aibou. How can I help you? Just tell me.”
He looks almost―helpless. Yugi can’t stop himself from squeezing his hand.
“It’s okay, Other Me. Just a bad week, that’s all.”
“Don’t do that.”
The anger makes Yugi start. His Other Self finally catches his eyes. “What?”
“Don’t treat your emotions as such a fickle thing,” his Other Self replies. “What you feel, no matter what it is or what caused it, matters to me. When you are in pain, so am I, and if it holds weight for you, then it does also for me.” He wipes Yugi’s tears with his thumb. “Aibou. You’re entitled to your privacy. All I ask is to support you.”
The walls tremble. The floor starts cracking.
Yugi wraps his arms around his Other Self and the rain falls. His Other Self doesn’t flinch at the cold and holds him just as tightly, gently maneuvering them so his back is against the wall, Yugi half in his lap.
Slowly, Yugi lets his Other Self see: the failed grade on a big exam, the one he’d studied for for weeks. The four papers he has to do by Friday that he can’t focus on. His grandpa’s flu getting worse by the day. His friends’ being unavailable to help, busy with their own assignments and stress.
His Other Self says nothing.
Yugi cowers against him. “It’s stupid―”
“No, Aibou,” his Other Self murmurs, “it isn’t.”
The rain keeps falling, but Yugi finds his clothes drying. An invisible dome encompasses him.
“You are the bravest person I know,” his Other Self says. “You have faced so many dangers with your head held high. Crying is not something to be ashamed of. It doesn’t mean you are broken or weak, but that you are strong enough to admit that you’re hurting. Stresses of a normal life carry their own burdens, and I want nothing more than to share them with you as much as we share the burden of destiny.”
He’s smiling at Yugi. Nonjudgmental, quiet, and sincere. Yugi cries harder for it, and his Other Self continues to wipe his tears.
“It’ll be alright, aibou. I am with you. And I know that if you called them, our friends will be too.”
Yugi gives a shaky nod.
“But you don’t have to face the world just yet,” his Other Self says. “Come. Why don’t we play a game?”
Slowly, the two stand. Yugi’s Other Self puts an arm around him and kisses his head and leads him back to the light.
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plinys · 7 years
dear yuletide author (2017)
hello and welcome to my letter!
i am so happy to have you reading this letter and going to be writing a fic for me! why? because you dear writer are an amazing and wonderful person, deserving of all the kudos in the world!
please remember as you look at these prompts, that if something in my likes inspires you more than any of my specific prompts, totally feel free and run with that, and know that i will enjoy any fic that is gifted to me!!
ao3/lj handle: plinys
now lets get down to business:
the fandoms i’ve requested this year are: Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator,  Galavant (TV),   Legion (TV),  Powerless (TV 2017),  Star Trek: Discovery,  Young & Hungry
but before that, my likes/kinks/dislikes/triggers:
likes: alternate universes, characters that are in character, lady-centric fics, angst, fandom cliches, dysfunctional relationships, friendships, friends/enemies to lovers, soul mates, road trips,  hanukkah fics, jewish characters, bisexual characters, poly relationships, character studies, origin stories, ambiguous endings, meta fic, slow build, fics that incorporate social media, crack treated seriously, drunk confessions, miscommunication, 
kinks: threesomes, competence kink, phone sex, masturbation, crying during sex, hate sex, shower sex, praise kink, guys going down on girls, rough sex, first time, spanking, daddy kink, sex in front of mirrors, voyeurism, make up sex
dislikes: pwp, main character death (unless it really makes sense/happens in canon), character bashing, non-con, mpreg, a/b/o, 1st person.
my triggers (please no matter what do not include these): school shootings, cancer, terminal illness, riots, child abuse.
and now to the fun stuff -
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
requested characters:  mary christiansen, joseph christiansen, crish christiansen
where to find: it’s a video game on steam, you can purchase for about $15, otherwise there’s plenty of walkthroughs of people playing it on youtube. recommended routes: joseph, robert, and damien to get the full christiansen story family backstory. 
anyways first play through i did josephs route and he broke my heart, and i was like wow mary deserves better and then after playing robert and damien i was like no wow mary deserves the world, so as long as your gift doesn’t include mary bashing im happy
would love any backstory on this family (featuring robert in any way is totally welcome), whether its weird family stuff, crack fic, the cult stuff. like im pretty open on this one
specific prompts:
cult backstory, give me that hidden cult ending. give me them joining the cult together when they were young. give me them scheming together or scheming separately. or give me mary realizing she’s married a gay demon only after the fact and its too late to get out. like honestly give me anything cult
the mystery of crish? i can’t believe he’s in the character list and now i want someone to explain why we’ve never met him? does he really exist? this can (and probably should be total crack)
remember how i mentioned robert was an option, feel free to mix in his connections with the family, the affair that clearly happened. being part of their cult. mary just bonding with her best friend and being drunk together? joseph fucking robert while mary is aware of what is going on. how they even became friends with all that happened?
honestly, there’s just so much not explained about the christiansen family, so anything about them is 100% up my alley. 
Galavant (TV)
requested characters:  madalena (galavant), gareth (galavant)
where to find: both season are on netflix!
so im biased because i was convinced to watch this show because of my mallory jansen, so madalena is of course my favorite character. and then this ship hit me out of nowhere, so now here i am
im either looking for madalena centric fic, or shippy fic with the both of them
specific prompts:
the end of s2 left so many openings that weren’t explored because we never got a s3 but give me madalena learning to do the d’dew, and getting to finally be the evil queen that she deserves wow
also feel free to give me that shippy stuff with gareth going to save her, and then realizing how much they love each other (as they should have wow)
alternatively a fix-it for the finale where madalena chooses gareth over the d’dew and they figure out where they can go from there. rebuild that trust, just be happy together though still sorting things out because now they do’t have a kingdom
smut? this ship is built for smut? madalena literally has a body built for sin, give me that sin
alternatively, give me fluffy, them finally getting to be “happy” together, madalena learning to have emotions and to love
also for non shippy plot any future fic for madalena or character study set during season 2/post season 2 would be the dream
Legion (TV)
requested characters:  cary loudermilk, kerry loudermilk
where to find: honestly i have no clue? fx? pirating sites? i watched this one live when it was airing. 
this show hit me with so much backstory and explanation not given and like that’s the aesthetic of the show, but i was specifically drawn to these two and their unique set of powers and i just ?? need more??
while i’m mostly into gen for these two, if you want to do weird stuff, like, i’m curious and not opposed (does it count as incest if they’re technically the same person?)
specific prompts:
BACKSTORY, any thing with their backstory, build on what canon told us and give me more, like what is it like for cary to keep aging on while kerry stays younger, what are the limits of their powers, how much can they feel
that hurt comfort after the stuff that happened towards the end of the season, like these two need to bond and recover after all the trauma 
5 times they were overly protective of each other
just man their dynamic is so weird and i need that to be explored, feel free to ship them with any of the other characters or ?? with each other if youre into that?? just like give me more of these two
actually, does it count as incest if their the same person is now a prompt, like maybe someone asks that? idk man just discuss
Powerless (TV 2017)
requested characters:  beatriz da costa | green fury (powerless), emily locke
where to find: this is another i have no clue situation im sorry
this show got canceled because it was like bad dc sitcom airing the same night as arrow but before it did it gave me this hint of femslash potential and tbh this is why im most offended that it was canceled
specific prompts: 
so if the show had lasted longer i am convinced that beatriz and emily would have been gay together, so give these ladies the show they deserved and tell the story of them falling in love
the news already thinks their dating so what about super villains, how many times does emily get kidnapped for being the green fury’s girlfriend before they actually art (or before she realizes she actually is)
how does dating a superhero effect her work life
also just emily loves superheroes, so she’s probably so pumped to be dating one like “wow babe can you believe im dating a superhero” and beatriz like “we were just making out obviously youre dating a superhero”
give me cute gay girls honestly 
Star Trek: Discovery
requested characters:  michael burnham (star trek: discovery), saru (star trek: discovery)
where to find: cbs all access! its ongoing, as i write this letter on its second episode!
okay since this show is ongoing these prompts might get joss’d but it’s too late to go back because two episodes in got me interested in the dynamic between these two
this can be gen (and feature other ships if you want) or can be shippy for these two. im pretty open since this show is so new. 
specific prompts: 
so they were together on the shenzhou for 7 years according to canon so lets get some back story between these two, how did they get to where they were. was there rivalry between the two of them from the very beginning? how does saru feel about someone who has never been to the academy out ranking him? bridge disagreement shenanigans? their captain locking them in a room until their sort out their issues
like, do you want to write alien sex? because a part of me wants to receive alien sex so like? this is an option?
what about them now both on the discovery together, that distrust because of what happen on the shenzhou? building up into something  new? better than before? building into feeling that may have been hidden all along?
on the discovery, forced to work together to save the team and putting their issues asside for the good of everyone else
honestly i just feel like they were supposed to be the spock/bones dynamic of the shenzhou before things went bad and like ??? i want that ?? 
Young & Hungry
requested characters:  caroline huntington 
where to find: it’s all on netflix (though caroline only appears in season one)
yet another show i watched because of mallory jansen, and her character is only in the first season and really all i cared about on this show so guess who i want backstory for
specific prompts:
caroline character study? i mean, she’s written as the rich bitch girlfriend rival in the show but let’s just say she deserves better, flush her out and give her life for me
she definitely deserves better than josh, and i like femslash so pair her with one of the girls in the tag set if you want
just more on her and the horse from young & pregnant this is mostly crack but like also
consider for a second that instead of the plot being gabi sleeps with josh on the first day and starts all of the show drama. what if instead she sleeps with caroline, and we get the aftermath of “oh hey i slept with my new boss’s finace, this isnt awkward at all” rewrite of season 1 with 95% more femslash 
just give me more caroline
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