actnewsblogs · 2 years
Tree Removal Hearing
The Southborough Tree Warden, under the requirements of the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 87, Section 3, (cutting of Public Shade Trees; Hearing; Damages) and the Southborough Planning Board, under the requirements of MGL Chapter 40, Section 15C, (Scenic Roads Designations), will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 6:45PM to discuss the removal of 105 trees located on the following streets: Breakneck Hill, Chestnut Hill, Deerfoot, Edgewood, Flagg, Gilmore, High, Highland, Latisquama, Lovers Lane, Marlboro, Mount Vickery, Oak Hill, Oregon, Parker, Parkerville, Pine Hill, Sears, Southville, Strawberry Hill, Sunrise, Woodbury, and Woodland.
The trees range in size from six inches (6”) to fifty inches (50”), of the following varieties: Ash (10 trees), Oak (65 trees), Hickory (6 trees), Maple (14 trees), Elm (2 trees), Birch (1 tree), Pine (2 trees), Linden (1 tree), Poplar (1 tree), and 3 trees of an unknown variety. Each tree is posted.
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actnewsblogs · 3 years
Legal Notice of Public Hearing
In accordance with the provisions of the Southborough Stormwater and Erosion Control Bylaw (Southborough Zoning Code Chapter 174, Section 13.5) & the Wetlands Protection Act, (Mass. General Laws, Chapter 131, Section 40) and the Southborough Wetlands Bylaw, the Southborough Conservation Commission will hold two public hearings on Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 7:00pm via a virtual Zoom Meeting on the Erik Philbrook for approval of a Stormwater Management Permit & Request for Determination of Applicability for a project located at 163 Parkerville Road (Map 19, Lot 8). 
The project description is for construction of a new single family home. Hearings will be held concurrently. This will be a virtual meeting pursuant to Senate Bill No. 2475. There will be no in-person attendance by the public. Persons may attend and participate in the hearing by following the Zoom link at southboroughtown.com/remotemeetings.
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actnewsblogs · 3 years
Public Hearing - Planning Board
Pursuant to the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A section 5, the Southborough Planning Board will hold public hearings on Monday, February 22, 2021 beginning at 7:15PM via remote Zoom meeting.  In accordance with orders issued by the Governor during the current State of Emergency this meeting will be held virtually, no in-person attendance by the public. Persons wishing to participate in this meeting while in progress may do so by going online to https://www .southborouqhtown .com/remotemeetings
7:15 PM - Annual town meeting warrant article to amend §174-10 Site plan approval zoning bylaw. The revision will update the site plan approval process by giving jurisdicti on to the Planning Board for minor site plan review, as opposed to the Site Plan Review Committee. A copy of the proposed language can be viewed by appointment in the Planning Board office, 17 Common Street, Southborough MA 01772
7:20 PM -Annual town meeting warrant article to amend §174-9 Special permit requirements and §174- 19 Extensions or alterations zoning bylaw to reflect current case law. The revisions are intended to provide additional clarity regarding non-conforming structures. A copy of the proposed language can be viewed by appointment in the Zoning Board of Appeals office, 9 Cordaville Road, Southborough MA 01772
7:25 PM - Annual town meeting warrant article to update §174-12.1 Outdoor illumination zoning bylaw. The revision is intended to replace the current bylaw entirely. A copy of the proposed language can be viewed b y appointment in the Planning Board office, 17 Common Street, Southborough MA 01772
7:30 PM - Annual town meeting warrant article to create §174-8.4.1 Downtown District to establish a new zone within the current Business Village district for the downtown area. A copy of the proposed language can be viewed by appointment in the Board of Selectmen office, 17 Common Street, Southborough MA 01772
All documents  can also be viewed online at: https://www.southboroughtown.com/planning-board
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actnewsblogs · 9 years
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By reason of a Settlement Agreement and Undertaking with the Executive Director of the Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) dated October 15, 2015, to be filed, and such other material as staff counsel may advise and the panel may allow.
           And further take notice that a person or company attending or submitting evidence at the Hearing may be represented by counsel of its choice.
            And further take notice that any party to the proceedings may, at the Hearing, call witnesses and submit such evidence relevant to the Hearing as it may wish and, for that purpose, it may obtain from the Director of the Commission at Room 500 – 400 St. Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, a form or forms of summons to compel the attendance of witnesses.
            And further take notice that upon failure of any party to attend at the time and place aforesaid, the Hearing may proceed in that party’s absence and the Commission may make or give any decision or order as though that party were present.
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