#i mean also a lot of other brain drugs but nothing fun
returnsandreturns · 2 years
i had a twenty minute zoom with my psychiatrist and she upped my lithium dosage because apparently i am suffering from symptoms or something
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britcision · 8 months
Alright, it’s time to talk about Lycion and dysmorphia and being a trans allegory
Because… yeah, I think a lot of people can really relate to being scared of mirrors because you hate everything you see in them, and going to extreme lengths to get a body you love
It’s not a complicated allegory
But, and I think this is pretty important and possibly more useful to the trans community than declaring him ours and trans… dysmorphia and dysphoria are not exclusive to trans people
They’re not even particularly related to any part of the body; it can be any part of it
And like 15 years ago when I was learning about trans issues and shit, I went and did a little research, because I eat knowledge. And y’know what fully settled any questions I had?
Found a case about a lady with what is currently being called body integrity/identity disorder, which is basically dysmorphia so severe that people have otherwise healthy limbs amputated to be able to live life in a body they can stand
This lady got both legs fully amputated, got a wheelchair, and became a pillar of her community where before she was almost bed bound
And y’know what, if that’s a thing that can happen and we can all agree that removing her legs was integral to her health, y’know what seems completely trivial by comparison?
Every gender affirming surgery ever
And y’know what is even more trivial?
All the other transition measures that have nothing to do with surgery, like hormones, puberty blockers, and social transitioning
Being trans has become a super political idea for basically no reason whatsoever, but it’s harder to maintain that ideology if you learn about things like dysphoria and dysmorphia as just medical conditions that absolutely anyone can get, and then look at what that means for gender dysphoria
Cuz if peoples’ brains can decide an entire limb has Got To Go then yeah, they’re probably also capable of deciding “that pronoun is Wrong” and we can take that just as seriously; it’s a much easier fix and also free
Basically I’m saying Lycion is our gateway drug cuz if you can understand this elf hates his body so hard he became a werewolf about it, are you really gonna throw a fit over someone getting a packer?
None of this to say you can’t or shouldn’t headcanon him as trans (and unless it comes directly and unambiguously from Ryoko Kui it’s a headcanon, nothing wrong with that it’s what fanon is for)
Just, y’know. Sound folks out on him without mentioning that part right away for your own safety and possibly entertainment 😁👉👉
Oh and super important: he’s not canonically cis either. Pretty sure it was just never specified. Enjoy and apply this knowledge across every character ever whose assigned birth gender isn’t brought up in canon
The thing Lycion definitely is in canon is a goddamn furry and an otherkin allegory, and arrested for awoo crimes. He’s one of only 5 characters in the Adventurer’s Bible with a stated gender (the others being Otta, Kaka, Kiki, and Inutade - everyone else has pronouns but no gendered nouns in English at least)
(Lycion’s “definitely a man” - or “definitely male” in the official translation, which technically excludes him from the gendered committee altogether)
You are, of course, welcome to disregard canon in all things you do - I personally encourage it, it’s much more fun to play in the space and do your own thing, and Dunmeshi has deliciously efficient story telling; there is so much empty space to play in
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Drugs and Money - Billy Loomis x Prescott!Reader
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SUMMARY: You were Sydney's twin sister, and you and Billy have an unusual, psychotic relationship. You discover the other side of him and decide to help out in your mother's murder. OR a bit of heteroerotic fun while covered in blood. WARNINGS: Gore + Blood, Organs and Violence, Minor character death A/N: Yall please ignore any mistakes this is my first real story on tumblr! I also don't know much about gutting humans but I did like 5 minutes of research on this 😭😭
WORD COUNT: 2067 ______________________________________________________________
Someone taught Billy to play chess a long time ago.
That someone had been his mother, twice as cunning as his father. Speed chess had been his favourite — a timer running down, a taste of adrenaline to get his brain thinking, scrambling to find his plan. That’s nothing compared to the rush of Stu’s hunting knife in his fingers. It’s light and thin, just like he likes it. This is enough to get the job done.
Blood is rushing in his ears, mouth is sour. He can feel his heartbeat in his head, fingers tightening and bracing for impact around the handle.
The fabric is pulled taut over his skin, a black drape which will keep his body concealed without interfering too much with his movement. You're wearing a costume just like this one, waiting for the moment he gives the signal.
There’s enough tension in the air to cut through with his knife.
Nancy Loomis was a bitch. But she'd also taught him the importance of strategy, of thinking ahead. Thankfully, Maureen Prescott wouldn’t be sober enough to keep up with her opponents.
He thumbs at the dial of his voice changer, crouched beneath a set of bushes at the far end of the Prescott household. You would know your mother’s house the best, meaning that you would run in first, Billy following her lead. You'd already done her part earlier that day, slipping in a cheap dose of crushed Doxylamine into the bottles of wine.
He would be waiting for Maurine in the back. Tomorrow, what’s left of her rotting corpse would be flashed on news channels across the state. “I'm Ready, You?”
He can hear you take a deep breath over the phone. Finally, you sigh. “Born ready.”
“Good.” He seals the shitty mask over his face, fastening the strap under his hair. He intends to enjoy this.
Motive is bullshit.
Every horror movie follows a script: some big-tit chick running away from a murderer turns into the world's fastest whodunnit. But the legendary ones -- the ones immortalized in the movies -- don't need a motive. Just ask Michael Myers, Freddy Kruger, or Jason Voorhees. Billy’s seen every horror flick there is to see, even the technically-illegal snuff films that are hard to find and even harder to stomach.
Maureen Prescott cries, begs, and pleads for her life as she dies. It’s a lot more than he expected from a bitch like her, and it’s a fun surprise that she’s aware enough to understand what’s going to happen to her. She was a fighter, which makes it all the more hilarious when he drags her outside by the arms.
He hears the thud as her head slams down with each step, small traces of blood leaking from where you had hit her with the wine bottle. There are no lights out here, no neighbours to hear her for a mile in each direction. A piece of glass glints up from her forehead, lodged in the skin deep enough to hurt. She’s conscious — just barely.
Her eyes drop before flickering back up, pupils darting around wildly, like prey. He's surprisingly still on his feet. It had taken the two of you to pin her down, and she managed to get in a good hit near his jaw during a scuffle in the kitchen. Fucking whore. He’ll make her regret it.
“Asshole!” Maureen yells through her drugged haze. There are tears in her eyes. She’s been keeping up her little screams for nearly ten minutes, crying for her daughters.
Like you would save her. He grins a little, amused. A foot in her ribs oughta shut her up. She makes a wheezing noise, gasping, “Where’s my daughter, you fucking bastard?”
He leans down. He found it a little funny at first, but she’s becoming a bit annoying. And he can’t leave her like that, can he? He swipes a small strand of hair from her forehead, dark brown decorated with reddish blood. The gloves are necessary, but he wishes he could feel her underneath his hands.
“Your daughter isn’t here to save you, Ms Prescott,” he whispers. She looks up at him, brown eyes blown wide. She looks almost exactly like you. “Now, Maureen, be good, and I’ll let her live.”
She doesn’t make a single noise after that.
You take care of the ropes, nimbly following the steps that Stu had taught you a week prior. Up, over, down, knot. You sling two of the hand-made restraints over the lowest branch of an oak tree, just a couple feet off the ground. It’s a makeshift cross, a perfect place to put up your mom on display.
Billy does most of the grunt work, shoving Maureen’s body up till her wrists are in the restraints, a heavy boulder carrying her weight. God, what a fucking sight. He can’t wait to carve her the fuck open. Poetic justice for what Maureen did to his family. She'd die screaming for her sins.
He takes off the mask, relishing the look on dear old Prescott’s face when you do the same. She doesn’t quite grasp it yet, maybe trying to reel from the shock, as she takes in the sight of her you. Nothing could’ve prepared her for this. This is fucking hilarious.
He remembers the day he realized his mother was leaving, the day she had the argument with Hank Loomis about the other woman. He wonders if his face looked similar to hers right now.
You get to finish her off.
You shove the tip of the knife against the column of your mother’s throat, watching as it moves up and down. Maureen doesn’t dare to breathe. Billy has to crack a grin at that — it’s pathetic watching her squirm. Your grip is determined. You steady it in your fingers, before sweeping it over the jugular in a wide arc.
One thing they don’t show you in the movies is the gore. No matter how much they show you on screen, you’ll never quite understand how much blood a human body can have until you see it right in front of you. It doesn’t just drip, it fucking fountains. There’s less than a minute to react before it soaks them completely, landing on the grass, their costumes, and their faces.
Drops of it decorate his tongue, and he swallows the bitter taste of iron down. There’s some of it on his eyelids, his face, his arms. You're gonna get away with this, scott-fucking-free. He nearly fucking kisses you there, right and then, with Maureen Prescott’s blood in their mouths.
Your mother’s corpse hangs like Jesus on a fucking cross, body distended from her head. Her spine and muscle keep her body attached, the oesophagus and thyroid peeking through. You cut clean through the first three main arteries, leaving the right side of her body mostly intact.
Well, not for long.
As soon as he’s wiped out the fluid from his eyes, he grabs the knife and shoves it straight into her groin. In the movies, the knife passes through muscle like it’s butter. In real life, it takes almost all of his strength to get it in there. It catches on layers of skin and muscle, and it might’ve been a little rougher than nescessary, but it’s not deep enough to damage organs. Next comes the hard part. Billy’s a natural with a knife, but it takes a certain type of willpower to gut something — or someone. He aims the knife upwards and moves up to the sternum, tearing away at clothes and careful not to touch the abdominal lining.
Everything is so red inside of her.
How many men has she fucked? How many people have she let in, and how many families had Maureen torn apart? He jerks back in disgust.
He finds the windpipe, clutching it between two fingers and sawing it open with a little bit of difficulty. It’s so heavy, heavier than he’d expected. You catches your mom's intestines in her fingers, slippery and long, between her arms, looking as disgusted as Billy felt. Serves that cocksucking whore right. It needed to be done.
Just one less piece of shit in Woodsboro.
“Strip, babe,” Billy groans, sweeping off his own tee shirt in one quick go. His socks and shoes were the first to go, nestled in the kitchen skink, where the blood was being washed off. You climbed out of your tank top, leaving only a bra and tiny shorts. Your skin was perfect, streaks of red peppering your entire body.
God, he wonders what you taste like underneath all of that. He’ll have to wait to find out till another day. He climbs out of his jeans quickly, leaving himself only in blood-stained boxers.
They’d really fucking done that.
Once you finished cleaning yourselves up, you would call the police, and give them a couple minutes' head start. You would stay home, and Billy would return to the Loomis household before midnight.
Stu would take care of the alibi: You and Billy would’ve come over to the Macher household for a movie night. Thankfully, Stu’s household was mostly empty at all times, which meant no witnesses. Nick Prescott would be out of town by eight, and around ten, Billy would drive you home before getting himself back to the Loomis house. You would come home to find your mother’s dead body hanging from a tree, and you would immediately call 911 in a panic. Sydney, who was sleeping over at Tatum's would be driven to the Prescott house by Dewey.
He never expected this plan to flow so smoothly.
The two of you step into the upstairs shower together, hands pulling at what they could reach. Something fills up his chest, making it nearly impossible to breathe. He grabs you as quickly as possible, spinning you around in the bathroom until your back hit the tiled wall.
"Someone's handsy," you grin, slow and relaxed. You feel too good to be in a rush. "Assault's a crime, y'know."
"You gonna arrest me?" Billy asks, low and suave. Something simmers in his stomach. He's fucked around with girls before -- Christina, Sydney, and a handful of others he doesn't remember. But it's never felt this way with anyone but you.
Your eyes rake him down. "In your dreams.
You were so close. A couple of centimetres would close the gap. Your eyes are blown wide, a splatter of drying blood trailing across your nose. Your hair cascades down your shoulders. Steam from the hot shower beads against your skin. Billy wants to drag his tongue across it, taste you on his teeth. Water covers you both, clouding his vision.
He leans down, hair flapping down to his eyes. Maybe it's reflex that causes you to swipe it away, fingers rolling over his warm skin. Your fingers clasp his cheeks, pulling him close enough for your noses to touch.
His eyes are wide open. His mouth is parted in a little gasp. You close your eyes and plunge in, lips fitting around his like you were made for each other. He doesn’t move, frozen in shock, before he starts kissing you back in earnest. It’s a weird angle, his lips are dry, and you're inexperienced at best. And yet, everything feels so fucking perfect that you can't bring yourself to care.
His hands are in your hair, on your throat, against your collarbone. He explores what he can, you do the same — cheeks, jaw, base of his neck. His fingers find your jugular, the place where you slit open Maureen. He could dig his fingers in there right now, feel the veins shift and tremble underneath the pressure. Let it break open. Feel as the blood pulses through his fingers.
You look up at him. It’s always been like this between the two of you — not needing words. He already knows what you mean.
"Billy," you whisper. "Fuck."
"Fuck," he agrees, before he tangles his hands back in your hair and forces his lips against yours.
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dilfdemolisher · 1 year
Watcha’ Thinking About
Summary- You help smuggle goods with Joel and Tess but while waiting for her to return you can't help but let your curiosity get the best of you. | Semi-fluff
Content - Thinking…oof scary, low-key mean Joel in the beginning but also in character in Joel I suppose, Boston-era Joel, awkward!Joel but hey he's trying, can be read as romantic or platonic. Not proofread so there's some spelling/grammar mistakes.
Word Count - 1k-ish
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Joel. A primarily silent man who only speaks when necessary, who you are well aware isn't very keen on making friends. A man with strong lines between his eyebrows, from an expression you assume to be displeased from whatever he's thinking about. With what is the question but it's better not to ask especially in moments like this, just you and him sitting in the small living room he shares with Tess, whom you’re waiting for. It's better not to interrupt the comfortable silence between you too. But God knows you’d kill to know what’s going on in that brain of his. Sometimes the curiosity is a bit too difficult to keep to yourself…
“Joel” You ask, breaking the silence. “Hmm,” says not sparing a glance in your direction.
“Watcha’ thinking about.”
Now he looks over with a slow turn of the head accompanied by that look of displeasure you are oh so familiar with. “What”
“What are you thinking about” you ask again.
“I'm just curious”
“You know you can say more than one syllable right?”
You say with your own now, furrowed brows. “I’m just trying to make conversation.”
“No need, It doesn't need to be made.” He says turning his head back towards the wall. You sigh in disappointment.
“What?” He says, facing you again.
“Was just trying to get to know you is all” You smile politely. “We’ve just been working a lot together lately and I figured it would be nice to know more about you then just your name.”
“You know where I live, that's better than most people get.”
“Yeah, but most people aren't smuggling drugs with you.” You say with an eyebrow raised “Was just trying to be friendly is all… I'm thinking about pigs”
“Pigs?” He asks.
You smile, happy he's at least engaging you, positive or not. “Yeah, pigs can't look up at the sky ‘cause their necks don't bend that way”
“Well I got better things to think about then barnyard animals” He says before taking a glance at the door while shaking his thigh up and down, clearly losing his patience waiting for Tess.
“You sure? What else could you be thinking about” Fuck it you decide, might as well have fun with annoying him. Until you can actually have a pleasant conversation with Tess when she arrives might as well keep yourself entertained. “I love baby cows and their huge eyes and their cute little- Oh! Did you know that baby horses hooves are all soft for the first few minutes after birth”
He stays silent, still staring at the door. Leaving you to sit and think, almost like a parent leaving a child to reflect on their own stupidity.
“Try Joel, try.” Murmers his own brain, he can practically hear Tess say it. He knows you've done nothing wrong to him, in fact you've been nothing but a help to him and Tess. He still hasn't gotten a clear answer on how she found someone like you. He knows he's had no reason to be so cold to you over the past few months, but old habits die hard. “Try, try, try, try” is all he can hear after Tess asked him, in hopes he could calm his demeanour slightly as not to scare you away like it often does with others.
“A foal.” He says, breaking the silence.
“A foal, it's what baby horses are called.” He says with eye contact and a nod of the head.
You smile, it’s the most you’ve gotten out of him in months. “I wasn’t thinking about pigs. I don't know why I said that but that’s the first thing I thought to say.”
He lets out a huff. But not in a bad way but in a positive way? Almost like he’s amused, is he not…annoyed?
“I was thinkin’ about Tess, how she’s late” He says.
“Do you think she’s okay?” You ask, the tone of the conversation quickly switching from lighthearted to concerned.
“She’s fine” He says dismissively. The air now tense again. “And if not I’ll deal with it after.”
The silence remains for a moment. A silence you know will stick if you don't crush it while you can. “You remind me of someone I knew.” You say, deciding you’d rather speak than be enveloped by the awkward silence you knew was coming.
“Before I got to Boston I was with a group for a while few years back, there were 6 of us” You take a breath, the nice memory quickly fading knowing their fates. “One of the guys was Derek, he was a assertive guy, kinda in a irritating way though. He had a southern accent to like you, he wasn’t as brooding as you though.” You say with a smile.
“Yeah, you remind me of someone I used to know too.” He says with a smirk.
“Yeah who?”
“Before everything went to, ugh” He says while clearing his throat before falling into a brief pause, getting caught up in thought. “My neighbours had this dog” He says. “And it really loved to fuckin’ bark.”
“Oh fuck off.” You say with a chuckle, Y’know I knew a”-
You're cut off by the jangling noise of keys behind the door, both of your heads snap towards it.
Tess enters and mutters an apology. “Listen my bad I didn’t think that I would be that long I hadn't ”-
“Don’t worry about it we still got time.” Joel interrupts before looking towards you. “Ya ready?”
“Yup all good.” You say, standing up and rolling your shoulders back giving a stretch before strolling towards the door. Joel follows as you exit into the hallway as you both wait for Tess as she locks the door back up.
While you all walk down the hallway and stairs in silence you can't help but think maybe, just maybe, Joel Miller doesn’t hate you.
A/N - I haven't written since I was like 14 so this shit but I've had a painful amount of free time lately so this was birthed and I might pick it up again so idk if I hate this and if I'll delete it when I wake up but fuck it we ball.
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mr-orion · 8 months
ok I must have more lore on this Icarus I keep seeing since I’m officially in love with him and want to kiss
he and I should kiss
also may I draw him bc that drawing you posted of him gossiping tickles my brain so much-
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"I guess if the inspiration strikes... me being your muse must happen."
Oh boy. He's a bit of a firecracker and not very PG. He's in fact, kind of mean. As for the kissing, you and Ray both, though I think Icarus will shake you down for all your cash before you start getting any affection. As for drawing, yeah! I'm always grateful for any drawings and honestly treasure each one I get!
I don't see the harm in saying it as it is. He's a prostitute and escort. Man is raking in the big bucks working under Stags INC. The only reason Ray and him are friends is because Icarus has a lot of intel on the people manning the cartels. While Ray initially got his cooperation by bargaining to sweep his drug use under the carpet, he found Ray is a fun guy and not too sleazy to be around. Plus he's fun to tease, which is Icarus' favorite thing.
He's a Stav'raw, as opposed to Ray who is an Auveri. Unlike Ray he cannot fly. He has dense bones and his wings are only good for a glide. Which, he doesn't preen them. He was never taught so he is absolutely matted with feathers he hasn't thought to pull out. He's actually much more vibrant but because he's so fucking crusty with feathers from his whole existence you can't really tell. Additionally the sclera of his eyes is black. Along with his mouth and lips. He also gave himself a split tongue.
He comes from a very neglectful household with a mother who was a first generation Earthian and a non-existent father. He found his profession as a way out of that bad situation. Though Icarus' dream job is being able to help kids someday. He wants to be a pediatrician for alien children, believing that if one adult had noticed the abuse happening to him he could have been helped.
While Icarus doesn't think he'll make it because of his job history, Ray encourages him. Also reassures him that there are other ways he can help people. While Icarus is bummed he's only just starting to get into the 9 years of schooling at 28, he remains hopeful.
His hobbies consist of video games, nursing classes, clubbing, taking his dogs for walks along the beach, and riding his motorcycles around.
Another fun fact is that this man is absolutely the best of friends with Rays older brother Rowan. Though he has no clue the two are related because they look nothing alike and it's just never comes up. It will be chaos when all three of them figure it out and Rowan tries to beat him for trying to rizz up his beloved sibling. Ray will also get a scolding for bringing sweet, innocent Icarus into his less ethical detective practices. Ha.
Additionally, in freak coincidence Rowans child, is also his niece! He genuinely had no clue until one night in a deep conversation his best friend opened up about how similar Icarus looks to his niece, Onyx's egg donor. Icarus developed an even deeper hatred for his twin sister that night upon Rowan opening up even more about what his sister did to him. (It gets real fucking dark, so I'll spare those details.)
Icarus absolutely hates talking about his blood relations unless its Onyx. Who he treasures deeply and is so proud of. And by proxy Rowan. Of course. Who is his bro, his best friend, his pogchamp.
I can't think of much more, if you want to know something specific please feel free to send more asks!
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juniperhillpatient · 2 months
Chaos Theory sounds so good!! I hadn’t heard of it until now. I’ll definitely be adding it to my list. I love a good found family series! I’ve only watched 2/3 (?) of the newer Jurassic World movies. I still need to watch the Original Jurassic Park movies. Which one is your favourite?
Fair warning you have triggered a topic I’m very autistic about there’s a TLDR bolded & surrounded by TLDR disclaimers at the end of this post lol —
I love all Jurassic Park content even the objectively kinda bad stuff aghhh it’s such a special franchise to me <3
My favorite of the movies is the original like. It’s just a classic. A great adaptation of the book’s themes. (& the book is good but im aware not everybody had the patience for that & that’s ok don’t worry the movie is great in its own right too, I actually saw it before I read the book & loved it so much I read the book which is kinda the reverse of the usual order of events for me lol).
It’s just. A brilliant thriller that all other movies attempting to put audiences on edge should take notes from. One of the most amazing stunning pieces of cinema with practical effects that will ever be made. If you like the Jurassic World movies I feel like the Jurassic Park sequels are skippable but the original at least is mandatory viewing. Then again I think the original Jurassic Park is mandatory viewing for all movie fans.
Then there’s the Jurassic park sequels which…. are great & all because hiii dinos I mean I like them but also if I’m being so honest they blend together in my head there’s nothing particularly stand out about them I’m so sorry. I like them for what they are which is fun Dino movies.
I clown on Chris Pratt & he does deserve it BUT the start of the Jurassic World trilogy WAS what was needed to revitalize the franchise whether a lot of og fans want to admit it or not. It’ll never be the brilliant original & it’s not trying to be & that’s ok it shouldn’t! It’s fun cgi & bigger louder scarier monsters & here’s a hot take - the trilogy eventually does some pretty interesting stuff as far as exploring what a post Jurassic Park technological innovations world would look like & the discussion on cloning & biological warfare is actually pretty surprisingly clever for an action movie starring Chris Pratt.
Chaos Theory is great & I’m glad I got you excited about the idea but unfortunately it will probably mean nothing to you if you don’t watch Camp Cretaceous first & I KNOW I know that’s an annoying thing to say. I know that’s overwhelming. I’d be over it already if someone told me I have to watch another show first to get into this show they mentioned but I’m sorry it’s a follow up series that will make no sense without Camp Cretaceous & Camp Cretaceous is also really really good.
I will say this. I struggle with attention span & Camp Cretaceous & Chaos Theory are both shows I found impossible to turn off because the characters are engaging & the action & pacing are just so enticing it’s like a delicious drug for my adhd brain.
If you love a good found family you will LOVE Camp Cretaceous. It’s a show that keeps me, a seasoned horror fan, stressed & tense & gripping the edge of my seat but it also has some of the most compelling characters & dynamics I’ve seen in a show. What makes it a quality boost for the franchise in comparison to the fun but ultimately shallow in terms of characterization Jurassic World movies is that it does what the original does in even more intensity given the series format - it makes you CARE. These aren’t just vaguely likable action heroes (like Chris Pratt & the hot ginger & their adoptive creepy clone daughter I can’t be bothered with their names rn) these are kids whose insecurities & trauma & relationships you relate to & care deeply about!!!
Anyway. TLDR: if you like the Jurassic World movies I highly recommend you at least check out the original movie if nothing else. Camp Cretaceous as a show actually stands on its own if I’m being honest & if you love found family it’s kinda a must see it does it so well & you WILL want more & Chaos Theory Is a rare brilliant flllow up (so far as of season 1) to a show that actually had a decently satisfying ending overall. It does a really good job going just a little darker than the original while feeling true to the characters & themes. I mean the Jurassic World movies are helpful for context since they’re all part of the same cinematic universe but it’s not hard to pick up context clues. You should watch these shows regardless if you watch anything else in the franchise if you like exciting shows & found family. TLDR over.
Also like I haven’t even talked about what the shows are about lmao — Camp Cretaceous: A group of teen campers at Dino camp get abandoned after Dino’s in the theme park get free. Horrors & bonding over horrific trauma ensue also lots of horrifying reveals & mysteries & conspiracies regarding the evils of humanity that fit in with the themes of the franchise about greed & exploitation & lots of fun animated Dino’s & brilliant use of what I think of as the Batman Animated Series rule. (If you haven’t heard me talk about this to sum up - BtaS is brilliant of course. It was tv y7 but it’s famously a bit dark. That’s because it took the ratings rules as a challenge in creativity! Scarecrow can’t be a serial killer? Ok. Instead he has poisonous gas that makes you see your worst nightmares!) It’s Tv y7 & that means no fun but ultimately forgettable Dino’s chowing down gory style onscreen. Instead you get much more creative & terrifying shots of things about to happen or characters in terrifying situations. There’s a scene with a woman trapped on a boat with two hungry Dino’s closing in that comes to mind.
100/10 highly recommend as a show. Chaos Theory picks up years after (spoiler) the (surviving?) campers are rescued & now they’re all young adults & it’s a lot darker & one of them was investigating a conspiracy & now she’s dead (or IS she?!). It also uses the Batman the Animated Series rule in some GENIUS ways like a particularly haunting shot of a boy staring at his fathers face as a raptor taps his claw against the fathers forehead & a return shot of the boys face. I could go on & on about why this show is pure genius.
Anyway stan Camp Cretaceous & Chaos Theory for slowburn nuanced sapphic representation a racially diverse main cast complex found family a cast compelling characters each so enticing it’s hard for me to pick one favorite excellent mysteries & exciting tense well done action & thriller moments. I cannot recommend these shows highly enough. Camp Cretaceous has a bit of a slow start the first few episodes if im being honest when they’re just like. At Dino camp. But TRUST me when it picks up it stays picked up & it does not slow down.
Anyway I did a tldr then kept going because talking to me about anything related to this franchise is like hitting a button that gets me talking & then I just don’t stop thank you so much for the ask I’m done for now 🫶🫶
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oxygenbefore1775 · 1 year
AoT characters as types of poisons
warriors edition!
cw: poisons and all the ways they could (and would) kill; also mention of abortion in zeke's hcs
a/n: as a pharmacy student i also have to study toxicology for some reason so what better way to apply my knowedge than to use it for some hcs; the thing on the divider is citric acid - it's not poisonous, it just looks cool
don't fucking get any ideas from this, it's all harmless fun, pls be reasonable
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you're nothing but a pesky vermin to it that needs to be mercilessly annihilated
it's actually been used as a performance-enhancing drug - you know, before people realized how fucking deadly it is
it's very versatile in the way it can enter your system, be it through inhaling it, consuming it or entering you via your bloodstream, even through the fucking eyes, the possibilities are endless
the only thing that's the same is your inevitable death
it's a neurotoxin class, meaning it's destroys the nervous system to the point that your brain can't send signals to the rest of your body which leads to paralysis
complete paralysis of the body, including the breathing muscles
i.e. you slowly die of suffocation all the while your airways are completely free and not blocked by anything and you stay perfectly conscious and aware of the each second you spend uncontrollably twitching
30 mins hardly pass between the first time strychnine enters your system and your death but it makes sure that each passing minute is agony for you
what's worse, there's no antidote against it - you are litteraly doomed the moment you come in contace with it
acetaminophen aka paracetamol (or tylenol if you live in the us)
a wolf in sheep's clothing
harmless fella at the first sight and is actually nice for relieving different kinds of pain
but it has a dark side
it takes a LOT to get an overdose dangerous enough to kill you
and even then it wouldn't be followed by any symptoms for a whole week - it'd be just sitting there, gathering its strength for one powerful obliterating attack on your system
but when it kicks in, you're in for a lethal treat
your liver is the first to go down and sets off a whole chain of events with your kidneys and pancreas following suit and failing as well
the next thing to happen is that your blood gets too acidic for your body to handle and all the tissue near your blood stream (which is all the tissue in the organism) gets constantly irritated by the acids
the death is long-awaited, devastating and quite painful but it doesn't last that long - once the symptoms kick in, you'll be dead in the couple of hours
a sunshine drug loved by everyone (but mostly young people)
it's everything a tired person could wish for - it energizes, it relieves pain, it gives you strength and motivation to live another day
don't mix it with alcohol though, it's a very bad idea
it basically creates the illusion that alcohol doesn't affect you which causes you to drink even more and you will be even more drunk than usual and a total wreck overall (and the hangover part won't be that nice)
it can't kill you that easily, you'll literally have to consume 70 cups of coffee in one sitting to even be close to death
the most fun symptom of it is eye flashes - not deadly, but definitely annoying
because zeke likes her :3
highly addictive and causes severe distress during withdrawal
only good for killing insects, pretty useless against people
it's very universal in its entry into the body - nasal, oral, dermal - and each means of consumption has its own perks
will take a lot to even reach an overdose, let alone the one that may be lethal
the worst immediate thing it can cause for you is headache and diziness
sure, it is harmful but you won't see the effects of it until couple of years in the future
but that's how it gets you - by being nice and pleasurable to consume
but - it works very well in combination with other poisons, especially if nicotine has been in the system for quite a long time
any poisons - nicotine prepares the turf for them and increases their effects tenfold
overall, it can be deadly but only with some other poison at its side
it smells very nice (like fresh cut grass or hay)
a perfect warfare weapon
it's down to the earth so there's almost no chance you can escape it - it's moving fast and out there to kill you
its only way to enter the body is through your respiratory system
insidious little fucker as it's colorless and by the time you would notice it, it would be all to late
very-very reactive
basically burns the inside lining of the lungs and causes swelling of the airways at which point you die of suffocation since your body is physically unable to take a breath
it's a bloody death though as the damaged lungs are exposed to capillaris connected to them and as the result your lungs fill with blood that you helplessly try to expell ou of you with irregular coughs
once useful and irreplacable, it slowly loses its advantage to the more modern findings of the civilization (just like rei and his armor)
absolutely harmless if consmed orally - you can litteraly eat a spoonful of it and it can do barely nothing to you
but once the heat is on, that's when it gets dangerous cuz it evaporates and that what kills you - quicksilver vapors
even in smal concentrations it can be deadly
one of the most prominent symptoms of quicksilver poisoning are the rosy color of the skin as if you were blushing and isomina
when the exposure is prolonged, it can cause depression among other things
the other thing is - once it enters your organism it will not exit it, there's no way to remove it, it will stay with you forever
it's not that it can kill you but the more severe the overdose is, the more you would be yearning for the sweet release of death
digoxin (like i stated before in the convo with st)
also works a medication, a wonder-drug that's very versatile and can help with almost any heart disease
it's also used in abortions (how fitting)
it has a side-effect of enlarging breasts, be it female or male (lol)
a deceiving little fucker - you have to be very careful in order not to overdose and the intoxication can be chronic and proceed over the months
very intricate, it affects the body on a less than cellular level and fucks with the mechanism as sophisticated as electro-cardial processes of your heart
its main mechanism is inhibition, i.e. it litteraly doesn't let your body function at its normal rate, it controls you from now on
it strikes your heart first of all and you're litteraly left at the mercy of this traitorous drug as it controls your pulse
after a long torture where this drug constantly either accelerates or slows down your pulse
heart is all the flutter because of it, to sum up
the death is less-likely to happen but everything before that would be a fucking torture and you'll be surely living in misery
but one day it will stop your heart
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feel free to request if you wanna see other categories of characters like 104th or the veterans - im open to ideas; ik it's pretty grim but it makes my monkey brain happy
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thewhumpcaretaker · 4 months
What r ur thoughts on HopelesslyDevoted(Chidi x Vincent)? :3 they’re sooo doomed bodyguard x boss yaoi
Once again you poisoned my brain, thank you. Ever since that gorgeous fic...dang. Well, now I can yap about it!
TW: mentions of drug use and an abusive family, and NSFW stuff
Okay so first of all, let's think about the nature of a personal bodyguard in the JW universe. This is not just anyone who has the necessary qualifications. This has to be someone who is willing to die for you and who absolutely will not betray. (I believe Gianna picked Cassian for that reason but that's another story). So Chidi did something for Vincent that proved he would be loyal to the death.
What did he do? I think he was a Myrmadon who was serving under Vincent's father, back when Vincent was younger (around college-age). So they've known each other for a long time - it's actually sort of a friends-to-lovers situation. He was around Vincent, but not allowed to speak to him most of the time - or at least, it would have been awkward to do so. He just watched him from afar and became very fond of him, and they talked occasionally. At some point, perhaps during an attack by a rival family, Chidi was ordered to focus on defending property or another De Gramont family member but he disobeyed and saved Vincent's life instead. You could even go so far as to say that he saved Vincent's life instead of his father's - that would be a lot of drama. In any case, he expected to be executed for what he did, but instead, Vincent made him his personal bodyguard.
Why is Chidi so in love loyal? Because he's thoroughly charmed by Vincent. He admires him in every way. Here is a man who's breathtakingly beautiful, wildly charismatic, intelligent, talented...don't get him started on it honestly, because he could praise Vincent forever. Vincent is also more social than Chidi could ever be (this is very much an extrovert-adopts-an-introvert situation). He sees Vincent's more potentially negative characteristics too, such as his pride and arrogance, but doesn't see them as flaws. He's also one of the few people who has really seen what Vincent has been through on a personal level. They don't often talk about it, but he witnessed Vincent being mistreated by his family pretty frequently and it made him massively protective. He gets why his bien-aimé is like this.
How did Vincent fall in love? Initially, Vincent mistreated Chidi a lot. He saw someone who was hopelessly devoted to him and thought, "What a fool. Well, at least I can use him." He never did anything really awful, but he was generally rude and mocking, didn't give Chidi any breaks when working, exploded at him in anger, that kind of thing. But over time, little moments of vulnerability happened that a bodyguard inevitably sees. Being tired after a long day. Getting sick. Breaking down after an argument. And Chidi always went out of his way to make sure Vincent was comfortable in moments like that. Vincent slowly started to notice. He also noticed things that he admired about Chidi - his calmness, his determination, his emotional intelligence, his skills with not just fighting, but also cooking and even sewing (idk why but I think he likes to sew and sewed a button back on for Vincent during a fashion emergency at some point). Eventually Vincent started to wonder and secretly hope that there could be something between them, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything - it would mean too much to him to have someone who genuinely cares for him. He didn't dare to confess his feelings and test whether it was true.
So instead he started fucking him, oops! Just casually. For fun. Because they're both hot. Definitely nothing more than that...next thing you know, they're married.
Miscellaneous Things:
They’re both good at fencing and sometimes they spar together. Chidi always lets Vincent win.
Chidi always reminds Vincent that it’s his job to take care of his health in all ways, including mentally and in terms of keeping him clean from drugs.
Chidi service top!!!!
Their relationship is part of the reason why the High Table is so queer accepting - Vincent is the most influential member other than the Elder himself, and he wasn’t going to put up with any nonsense about him and Chidi being together - happy pride!!
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donnerpartyofone · 5 months
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I had this dream that I was going to attend this gigantic Halloween ball that I helped organize, and for some reason I was like, setting up these elaborate decorations and FX-type things I would have to manage, and also getting an elaborate tattoo that afternoon, and also planning to schmooze with these "horror professionals" who were going to be there and who had promised to collaborate with me on something, and also creating a super hot look to do elaborate birthday-level sex acts with my husband later, and also bringing home a new reptile pet who needed to get acclimated and socialized, and also building in enough time to pay attention to my best friend who does not enjoy big loud crowds and will need some hand-holding, and, and, and...
I think anyone would look at this and say "This is about how you're doing too much and you need to slow down," but the gag is that I'm not doing remotely enough. In practical reality, SOMEtimes I will have more than one project that I'm full-bore into (or more likely one project that becomes a 24 hour occupation because I didn't pace it intelligently), but a lot of the time I'm just *thinking about* all the things I could be doing with my time on Earth and feeling overwhelmed by what I haven't done, or just not being able to focus well enough to get a few of those things going. In a perfect world I would like to have a more zen-like balance where I'm doing a little bit of a lot of things every day to keep them all in flow, but my natural cycle involves extreme vacillation between obsessive activity and total dormancy, and if I'm not doing a thing in an obsessive-compulsive way then I have a hard time doing it at all. In college I occasionally experimented with doing work in moderation--you know, actually planning out a project and methodically doing a little bit at a time instead of doing everything in a destructive 24 hour marathon at the last second--but actually that work was never that good. It didn't have any juice to it, and I didn't get great grades in the end. Not that I think it's exactly right to do things the hard way or not at all, it's just hard for me to properly harness my own energy without either hurting myself, or doing kind of a half-assed job.
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The funny thing about this dream is that it wasn't stressful. I mean it was KIND OF, occasionally my dream self would think "Maybe it's not a good idea to throw a huge rager the same day you get an elaborate tattoo, maybe you don't have to get an elaborate tattoo and do elaborate sex acts within a few hours of each other," but in general the dream was exciting and pleasant. It was as if every good day of my life had been rolled up into one mega day and all I had to do was take advantage of it. To some degree that could be my life; I basically have nothing but time until I eventually find a job (FINGERS CROSSED FOR ME PLEASE IT HAS BEEN YEARS) and there are people who will listen to me and potentially help me if I get a cool project going. I just get derailed when I'm overwhelmed by my options, or by my crippling depression and anxiety, or by terrifying questions about my health, or by my endless need for sleep and drugs to turn my brain off, and, and, and...
I don't know if I can tie this in directly, but the last therapist I fired used to say this thing to me that I think a lot of therapists like to say, in this tone like it signifies a big revolution in the field of mental health: "Your homework for this week is to do something nice for yourself. Take some time and do something fun, just for you. Oh I know--do you have a favorite horror movie? Why don't you make your favorite snack and watch your favorite horror movie!" I was like biiiiiiitch, if you had any idea of how much time I spend eating my favorite snack while watching my favorite horror movie in order to avoid the ravages of reality, you would never, ever say this to me.
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kamiversee · 6 months
AAA okay thoughts, why do I feel like there's so much HINTS dropped in this chapter but my smooth brain isn't picking up on much?? well ill just let other theorists pull it out for me :D maybe it'll show to me in a dream tonight or something
Geto is a WHOLE menace but idk who he's even rooting for anymore, as you said he has been on the fence for this whole thing but he betted for us and Choso but also made the situation chaotic for Gojo, it's weird but he did say it will be a win-win no matter what (idk what that means hopefully it's not a win-win for Gojo as well) but I mean he did kinda make it better?? Reader wouldn't be able to tell some truth to Choso because she would hate to hurt him. Maybe Sugu deserves a pat on the head, that's it
Also Gojo is so hot like i know he's being a bit of a pervert this chapter but GOD his neediness, gotta get some of that lanky D- 🧍‍♀️ anyways as much as i love him, i cannot deal with him still lying to us. I can't believe he's been pining for THREE WHOLE YEARS 🗣️ stop being a coward gojo look what uve done
I JUST realized you meant a motorcycle for Yuki cause I was thinking like JUST A BIKE LMFAO and then i realized that one episode where Yuki appeared for the first time and it all made so much sense to me now
This is genuinely the calm before the storm because the reader is still SOMEHOW on the fence about Gojo and Choso so im kinda scared what will happen once she meets Gojo to burn the journal now that she's looking to make it official with Choso (I don't wanna hurt Choso anymore pls his poor heart :()
Appreciation for my favourite author because this chapter was a masterpiece like the previous chapters! I love how there's still tension in the air even if it SEEMS resolved, I love feeling on edge like something will break the seemingly almost perfect happy ending.
Also pls do not be like a mappa animator, rest when you need to 🙏🙏🙏 Burnout is NOT fun and ignore the anons who wanna rush you, there's not a lot of authors who pump out chapter after chapter every single day and YOU are a blessing. The real ones will always wait, we know how life gets :D so pls eat, drink, sleep well, and feel the amazing summer sun coming.
Slight yap ><
1. The hints dropped have actually been pretty mild recently ^.^
2. See? Someone gets that Suguru was looking out for both the reader & Gojo, either way he’d have a way of explaining himself for bringing up Sukuna 🤷‍♀️
3. Hey he wasn’t pining for three years perse, just talking about the reader >< Maybe we’ll get more lore on that another day tho…
5. I love how everyone’s still tense even tho nothing crazy is about to happen fr 😅
Anywho, ty for the appreciation ^.^ I’ll make sure to take care of myself dw!! <33
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lesser-bohemian · 1 year
Why do you think the Euphoria fandom's most popular characters/ship is Lexi Howard & Fezco (Fexi)? They're not one of the main ships featured on the show, like Rue and Jules. And while many fans clearly identify with Lexi, who is intelligent, dedicated, caring and passionate, I wonder why (especially amongst fellow fanfic writers) Kat Hernandez, who writes fanfiction and has a secret double life on the internet, isn't more popular in the Euphoria fandom, or featured more prominently in fanfic.
Oh, this is an interesting ask! I’ve actually thought a lot about why I’m still so enamored by these two, and I think there’s a combination of things that made so many of us fall so hard for them.
One thing is that they were a lot of people’s favorite’s characters individually. Fez is the drug dealer with a difficult past and a heart of gold. Lexi is the relatable writer with a vivid imagination who’s overlooked by her friends and family. They’re two of the most sensible, down to earth, genuinely kind characters on a pretty dark, chaotic show and that makes them easy and fun to root for.
Another thing, and probably the most important one, is that all of their interactions were absolutely flawless. Every single line of dialogue gave me butterflies, their body language made me swoon, their chemistry is simply unmatched and I think they altered our collective brain chemistry forever. The connection they found in each other felt so unexpected, but so genuine and sweet—which was a delightful breath of fresh air. They were just two shy, kind of awkward teenagers falling in love and it was a beautiful thing to watch.
There’s also the fact that they fit so many tropes people love (good girl/bad boy, opposites attract etc.) while subverting them in really satisfying ways at the same time. Sure Fez is ‘bad’ 'cause he sells drugs and beats people up, but he’s also one of the sweetest, most caring people on the show, and Lexi is ‘good’, but she is a lot more than that, so much more complex. They both have many of those famous layers to peel back, and they compliment and contrast each other in ways that I personally find endlessly fascinating to explore.
As for them not having a lot of screen time, I actually think that’s contributed to us being blessed with so many amazing and creative fics, not hindered it. Having so little to go on, means we have so much to fill in, so much to imagine, so many scenarios to explore in our writing. How did the phone calls start? What happened after the store scene? How often did they hang out? How does Lexi find out about the raid? Where do they go from there? There’s nothing like unanswered question to fuel your desire to write something that answers them, I think. Personally, I’d never been in a fandom, written or even read fic before. But after 5 minutes of Fexi I was all over tumblr, signing up for AO3 and typing furiously in three different google docs. I’m still not entirely sure why, but Fexi were a rush unlike anything and I can’t wait to have them back, I miss them! As for Kat, I really don't know. She was one of my favorite characters in s1, more so than Lexi or Fezco, but I think a lot of writers prefer to write about ships, and even though her and Ethan were sweet (I mean that scene at winter formal? Heart eyes!) I always found Ethan a little bland (sorry). Add what they did with her character in s2 and knowing she won't be back, I'm not that surprised people don't have a lot of motivation to write Kat-centric fics at the moment.
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crissiebaby · 2 years
Growing Into Diapers: Chapter 8
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, sissification, humiliation, forced drug use, domination, masturbation/diaper sex, hyperwetting, anal play, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: BlossomBitchDolly
“Oh wow, SHE looks so cute! You could just eat her up!”
“Who would’ve guessed Edan would end up a full-time AB?”
“I did! She had it written all over her face the second she started working here.”
All around Edan, the world began to spin as he listened to the surreal words that his co-workers were saying. What did they mean by full-time AB? And why were they using female pronouns?! That’s when he saw it. Hanging across the ceiling over the heads of his colleagues was a banner that read, “Farewell Edan! Happy 1st Birthday!” This wasn’t a party for the Grow-With-Me Diaper pre-sales. It was a party celebrating his permanent status as an adult sissy baby!
“Happy birthday, baby girl,” said Malorie, crouching down next to Edan and wrapping her arms around him, “We had a lot of fun working together, so I can’t say I’m not going to miss you. But my sorrow is greatly lessened by the knowledge that Miss Aubrey will be spoiling her baby girl silly!”
Squatting down opposite Malorie, Rita flicked Malorie’s hand, getting her to back off a bit so that she could place an arm around Edan as well. “Don’t be so dramatic, chika. You act like we’re never gonna see her again,” she said as she lightly stroked Edan’s hair, “We’ll be able to visit her downstairs in the daycare whenever we want. As a single working Mommy myself, I’m so thankful for the complimentary daycare service at CrissBaby.”
Daycare?! Edan knew that a free daycare existed for all CrissBaby employees but he’d never ventured there himself. All he knew was that it was filled with ABs who were too little to be left at home alone. The thought of being put in daycare five days a week instead of going to work filled him with dread. And yet, at the same time, the thought was also strangely arousing. It was as if his mind was working against him.
“That’s right. Don’t be scared, baby girl. You’ll get to see your aunties each and every day,” said Aubrey, leaning down so that her mouth was hovering mere inches from Edan’s ear. Between the weeks of conditioning plus creating the hypnosis CD with her voice layered underneath, she knew that every syllable she spoke filled his reprogrammed heart with endless euphoria.
“Hold still, you guys! I wanna get a photo,” shouted one of the partygoers, causing Edan’s three caretakers to lean in close. Squished in between Malorie and Rita with Aubrey’s tits pressing firmly against the back of his head, Edan felt his cock grow hard just in time for the flash on the camera to go off. Since both Malorie and Rita were holding his arms, there was nothing he could do to cover his shame.
“Look at his tiny, little stiffy!”
“Uh oh! Someone’s already enjoying themselves!”
“I doubt he even makes it to cake before he bursts.”
It was almost too much humiliation for one person to handle. Edan was on the verge of tears but managed to choke them back, knowing that his sobs would only make him seem like even more of a baby. Despite the warring thoughts running through his brain, he didn’t want to let himself sink into complete babyhood. If he could just survive today, he could leave this place and never come back again.
“…but if you left, wouldn’t that make Aubrey really sad?” said a voice deep within Edan’s subconscious. Edan supposed he hadn’t really thought about that. After everything Aubrey had done for him and all the ways she’d made him happy, could he really just leave her like that? It seemed a tad unfair to his Momm-
“AHHHHHGGGGHGH!” screamed Edan, realizing that he wasn’t being paranoid. His mind WAS working against him. He shook his head back and forth wildly as if by doing so, he could get rid of whatever spell his brain was under.
Kneeling down behind him, Aubrey eased Edan backward, shushing him like a whiny infant. “Shhhhhh, it’s okay, baby girl. Mommy’s here,” she cooed, holding Edan in place against her bosom and planting a wet kiss on his forehead, “Is widdwe baby Edan hungry? Is that why she's upset?” Looking at Rita, she nodded, signaling that it was time to bring the battle for Edan’s maturity to a swift end.
Removing the diaper back from her shoulder, Rita instantly got to work as she pulled out a baby larger than any Edan had ever seen before. His stomach ached just looking at it. “You see this? This is what we’ve been putting in your water bottles every single day for the last month,” stated Rita as she presented a packet of CrissBaby Baby Brain Mix to him. With a sinister grin, she tore open half a dozen packets and dumped them all inside, far exceeding the recommended daily dosage. She then took a container filled with CrissBaby Bladder Busting Formula and added it to the bottle as well, “No need to hold back on sogging up those diapers anymore! No more scary potties for you ever again!”
Edan felt numb as he watched Rita concoct her potion like the devilish witch that she was. Sadly, this witch was only acting as part of a coven, something made all the more clear as Malorie knelt next to Rita and pulled out a small vial. “Can’t forget the aphrodisiacs. Gotta make sure our baby girl is grinding her pampers 24/7!” she said, pouring the remainder of the vial into the milky mixture.
Snapping a rubber nipple over the mouth of the bottle, Rita passed off the bottle to Aubrey, who quickly rotated it upside down and presented it in front of Edan’s mouth. “It’s time to give in, baby girl. Just open wide and become mine forever,” she said, her sensual voice as sweet and thick as honey.
Edan’s lips trembled as he felt the bottle’s nipple brush against them. He didn’t want it. He didn’t want to throw his adult life away, even if it meant getting to play with Aubrey every day. That didn’t stop his body from trying to act against his consciousness. He was forced to tear at the skin behind his lips as he dug his teeth into them to keep them closed.
“Awww, the baby’s being fussy,” said Malorie, positioning herself in front of Edan, ”I think she just needs a little encouragement.” Grabbing the hem of her top with both hands, she stretched it down over her boobs, showing off her bra and bountiful cleavage to Edan.
Ironically, Edan reacted as any man would in the same situation, simultaneously sealing his feminine fate. As he ogled his busty co-worker, his jaw instinctually dropped, providing the perfect opening for Aubrey to insert the bottle into his mouth.
With the nipple shoved between his teeth, Edan’s mouth was showered in the rich, creamy taste of baby formula. He attempted to press his tongue against the nipple to stem the flow but all this managed to do was push more liquid out. As his mouth filled to the brim, he had no choice but to begin swallowing. After a few seconds of nursing, the tingling set in, spreading across his entire body and centralizing around his crotch. Everything felt so warm and soft to him all of a sudden. His cock pulsed faster within his padded confines as his hips wagged back and forth, aching for relief.
Lost in thought, Edan didn’t even recognize the speed at which he was chugging down his bottle. Once the overdose of Baby Brain Mix began to infect his brain, there was nothing left to ground him to reality. His eyes glazed over, causing the sea of people staring down at him to blur into nothingness. The only figures to remain in focus were Aubrey, Malorie, and Rita. He smiled behind his bottle as he looked up at his Mommy and Aunties with genuine affection. When he was in their arms, he felt as safe as can be.
Suddenly, Edan sucked down a large gulp of air, signaling to Aubrey that his bottle was finished. Feeling as though his head were surrounded by a thick fog, he’d been so preoccupied that he hadn’t even noticed how full he felt or how much pressure was building in his bladder. The tightness wasn’t too bad yet, so he was able to hold it in. For how long was a question that was still to be answered.
In spite of Edan’s confidence, he felt a familiar damp warmth enveloping the front of his diaper. One look down confirmed all he needed to know as the white padding quickly turned yellow and blotchy. The only solace he found was that he was wearing thinner diapers than usual, so he wouldn’t be toddling around in a pumpkin-sized pamper. At least…that’s what he assumed.
Much to Edan’s surprise, the slim diaper he was wearing began to expand rapidly as soon as his urine made contact. The soft, cotton lining swelled vigorously, swaddling Edan’s last gasp of manhood in plushy comfort. By the time he finished wetting himself, the diaper he was wearing had almost doubled in size and was definitely bigger than any other diaper he’d worn after only one use.
“Wow, those Grow-With-Me Diapers really work! Look at the size of that thing!” shouted Malorie, bringing everyone’s attention to Edan’s accident. The crowd pushed in closer, hoping to get a better look at the latest innovation within the world of ABDL diapers. 
With a red-solo cup filled with soda in hand, one of the female employees that Edan recognized from his orientation hooked two fingers around the waistband of Edan’s diaper and proceeded to pour her fizzy beverage inside.
The ice-cold soda sent shivers throughout Edan’s body as his diaper continued to grow, becoming squishier by the second. Meanwhile, his cock couldn’t get enough of the increasingly mooshy padding, causing him to feel even more lightheaded than he already was. In a moment of panic, he jerked his body to the side and rolled out of Aubrey’s lap, flopping over onto his squelchy diaper front. The sudden pressure of the floor against his spongy, dough-like diaper caused him to moan in ecstasy.
“Oh, dear! I think Edan really likes her new diapers!” said Aubrey, giving Edan a slap on his padded rump, much to the amusement of the surrounding staffers, “Why don’t we test out just how big these diapers can get.” Grabbing the back of Edan’s waistband, she took the last of her lukewarm coffee and dumped it into the rear of his diaper, causing it to grow tremendously around the brown stain.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was about to happen. Craning his neck back, Edan stared up at dozens of hungry eyes, each with some form of liquid on hand. They were going to test the limitations of the Grow-With-Me Diaper on him, whether he liked it or not.
Stricken by a last-ditch desire to escape his perma-padded destiny, Edan scrambled to push his way out of the break room. He didn’t have a plan. He barely knew what was going on thanks to the Baby Brain Mix slowly taking hold of him. None of that mattered right now, though. Deep down in the pit of his soul, he knew this wasn’t right. He was an adult man, not a sissy baby girl!
Fighting his way through the crowded break room, Edan used what remained of his strength to muscle his former colleagues out of the way. Unfortunately, what remained of his strength wasn’t much, so he mostly ended up bouncing back and forth between bodies. All the while, the partygoers were more than happy to let him run around aimlessly as they took turns pulling on his diaper and filling it with even more fluids. By the time was only a few steps away from the door, his diaper had long surpassed pumpkin status and was starting to look more and more like he was wearing a built-in beanbag.
“No! Not the whole punchbowl!” shouted Aubrey, her voice barely audible above the rowdy group. Sadly, her words were not heeded. Before she could even finish her sentence, Edan’s backside was showered in sticky, red juice, adding an abundance of liquid to his well-saturated padding. The reaction was instantaneous as Edan’s diaper surged outward in all directions, forcing his legs to drift further apart in order to maintain his upright position. 
It was definitely a setback but the fact that Edan was still on his feet meant that the door to his escape wasn’t fully closed yet. Cracking a smile as he pushed past the final person in his way, he stepped through the doorway, believing for a split second that he might actually make it out of this.
Unfortunately, Edan’s Grow-With-Me Diaper had other plans. Inflated to the point where it was almost as wide as Aubrey’s desk, there was virtually no way for him to squeeze such a hefty diaper through the doorway with it attached to his hips. That didn’t stop him from trying as he clawed at the door frame with everything he had left in the tank. Shifting his stance slightly, he readied himself for one last big shove, only to feel the weight of his diaper slowly tipping him backward.
“WOOOOOOOOAH!” Edan screamed as he was sent falling onto his ultra squishy diaper, landing in its center like the swollen beanbag that it had become. The ridiculously girthy padding jiggled like a bowl full of jello, rippling with every slight movement. Straddling the hyperwet diaper, he was forced to sink his throbbing cock into the impossibly mushy padding, wheezing with a sexual desire beyond his control. With escape slowly becoming a distant memory, the Baby Brain Mix and aphrodisiacs combined to melt the final strongholds within his mind, signified by a line of drool dripping down his chin.
“Keep those drinks coming! I wanna see if this thing can fill the whole break room!” yelled Aubrey, encouraging her underlings to continue adding fuel to Edan’s very horny fire. Reaching into her pocket, she decided now was the perfect time to switch on her baby girl’s booty toy. She snickered as she placed her hand on his diaper, feeling the dullest of vibrations in her fingertips. “Happy birthday, baby girl. I promise, you and I are gonna have fun like this all the time from now on.”
While Aubrey’s motherly words fell on deaf ears thanks to the unparalleled levels of pleasure he was experiencing, Edan felt the energy of her voice cut through his heart, filling him with love and adoration. Little remained of the man who only a few weeks earlier hadn’t worn a diaper since he was a kid, replaced entirely by a sweet and silly baby girl who wanted nothing more than to use her giant diapers and make her Mommy proud!
You could've read this story two weeks earlier! Join my Patreon, where you can get early access to commissioned stories like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Dozens of exciting stories are already available, so be sure to check out patreon.com/crissiebaby!
Edited by AllySmolShork
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rodeoromeo · 2 years
3, 9, 10, 13 (since u said u hate 80s....), 23 + 30 for music ask :3
Holy crap an essay prompt!!!!! Okay okay okay thank you ily, here we go!
3: A song that reminds you of summertime
I know it’s right there in the title but… “In The Summertime” by Mungo Jerry! Last summer I had a HUGE moment with this song, which cumulated in me playing it a hundred times on a road trip up the coast of California with a dear friend of mine. We listened to it a lot, laughing at the funny sounds and grunts that are layered in… and then when we got up to Northern California, we were at an antique fair and I was singing it to her in public to make her laugh, and a guy at a neighboring booth came around the corner and said “hey, I have that song on 45”. I still have the record and I still love the song.
9. A song that makes you happy
“December, 1963 (Oh What a Night)” (Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons) makes my heart literally SING with joy and makes me jump out of my seat. It’s like an instant drug of happiness to my soul.
Honorable mention because I couldn’t decide- ever since I was a freshman in college, “Daydream Believer” by the Monkees has been a literal fix it song for me- it’s sharing space on this answer because it’s mainly tied to watching the music video as well. This is WELL before I was the Monkees fan I am today, but my mother was always a big Monkees fan growing up, and encouraged me to look up the video when I learned the song (through wii music of all places). I don’t think she remembered really what happens in the video, but she remembered loving the Monkees as a kid. I must have watched that video 1000x before I even knew any of their names. Every time I felt down or upset it was like shoving some happiness into my brain. Lately I took up a habit of sending my mom “This Just Doesn’t Seem To Be My Day” (also the Monkees) on YouTube whenever I had a rough, hard to deal with day. The other week she responded immediately with a link to the Daydream Believer music video, remembering my ritual of watching it to get happy. It not only cheered me up then, but reminded me to chase that optimism instead of wallowing in the sadness.
10: A song that makes you sad
Despite my last answer I am a bitch who loves to cry regardless. I mean I literally cannot physically listen to Johnny Cash’s “Hurt” but who can?…. Let me give some representation to my favorite artist, Orville Peck, and his gorgeous song “Let Me Drown”. I don’t think I’ve cried harder to a song in my entire life. It was so cathartic for me but also really shifts me into a melancholy mood when I hear it. I suggested to a friend that I might get the lyric “I’m finding it hard to be kind, while I’ve been lost out here losing my mind” tattooed and she thought I was insane but it is tattooed on my soul.
13. One of your favorite 80’s songs
Okay I feel there is defamation at play here because I never said I HATE 80s music I just said I don’t really like it… I truly used to love 80s music and had a massive 80s phase. I was and am still a massive Styx fan, so I will just choose my old favorite of their work, 1983s “Don’t Let It End”. If you haven’t heard it I do recommend it- it’s fun and emotional and I just love love Styx.
23: A song that you think that everybody should listen to
This is hard because nothing is for everybody. Would this pick to be to get a message across? To highlight an under appreciated song? To choose something lyrically significant? It’s so hard to say. Honestly, I’m going to go with a song I ASSUME everyone has heard that would shock me to my core if they hadn’t although I know many people haven’t. I think everyone at some point in their life needs to be set down and made to listen to Blowin’ in the Wind. I grew up on Joan Baez’ rendition, but Bob’s is lovely as well. People just need to understand folk music and people need to learn to listen.
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
I feel like every other morose mf who has walked this earth but… “I Just Wasn’t Made For These Times” by The Beach Boys. It so succinctly describes how I have felt about myself since I can remember. One of those songs the first time I heard it I was taken aback- how could someone know this feeling without knowing me? I’ve even shared the lyrics with friends who have said holy shit. it’s about you! It’s one that really resonates with me.
Thank you thank you!!!!
If you people want to pry in my brain more, ask me music questions!
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blog-reflection · 7 months
ONE / Seventeen - Tomorrow, we’ll Rearrange the Stars
All three of us woke up in the living room.
Sarah has been falling asleep in her armchair, herself completely covert in a blanket. Jesse was sort of on the couch, while also being on the brig to fall off of it, no signs of any blanket but surprisingly I’ve never seen them sleeping with clothes on. For me, I’m just laying on the floor more or less with a high chance of Jesse landing on me. After I crawled to safety I scanned the room for any signs of what really happened yesterday eve. The last thing I remember was me making popcorn for our horror thriller movie night. I keep looking. AHA. I have found the intruder in my memory line. I spotted a bottle of wine hiding behind the armchair. I also spotted some more unidentified bottles partly falling over. Surprisingly enough I didn’t have a headache. I stood up and started cleaning this sort of mess. The previously found bottles revealed themself to be some homemade witch stuff Sarah got from her elderly club members. For being partly or almost dead, these old folks know how to make good and kicking buzz. I mean, it whipped out a few hours of my memory without giving me a headache, barley and drinks were able to do that. However, I collected the bottles and gathered the empty bowls of what used to be popcorn servings and brought them into the kitchen. I took my blanket and threw it above Jesse so they wouldn’t freeze since, well, it is really cold. After I brought everything there, I decided to just sit down on the counter hunting down things in Sarah's fridge, that wouldn’t make any sound to prepare or eat. I found a neutral Greek yoghurt as well as some canned carrots and corn and decided to mix all together with some seasoning. It wasn’t bad to be honest. 
A couple of minutes later, I noticed some movements on the couch, intending that Jesse moved themself up the couch. I’ve seen their head race to the top followed by a mumbled *the fuck*. I just glanced and smiled towards them.
James: So, how’s my little prince doing? Jesse: What? What the hell happened? James: So you’re knocked out too then? Jesse: Yeah but, I’m not feeling wasted, just, just like the concept of time and space where scooped out of my brain and thrown into a garden shredder. James: Mood. Honestly. Zero chance of remembering even the slightest. Jesse: What happened? Where were we drugged? James: Weelll, sort of? Sarah brought out bottles of homemade buzz she got from her friends and well, I collected 4 bottles so I assume we drank all of them. Jesse: Jesus James: Jip Jesse: Is…is Sarah dead? James: What? Jesse: She’s not moving. Wait. Nevermind, she just got up Sarah: Holy hell, that’s been some good stuff haven’t it? James: Say what again now? Jesse: Sarah, do you…do you remember last night? Sarah: Of course I do! Most fun night I had in a while. James: Lucky you. Jesse and I have a complete blackout, nothing, niente, nada. Jesse: How often do you drink those? Sarah: I don’t know, Jeffry always brings bottles for all of us.Maybe three a week? Maybe more, not sure. Jesse: Easy, you must have some tolerance to it by now! James: Haha yeah maybe. Anyways, I’d like to go upstairs now if that’S fine? Kinda still a lot to do. 
Sarah just nodded so Jesse and I went up to my room. Jesse instantly took of their clothes as soon as they gone of the last step and walked towards the bath screaming 
I followed them to throw my clothes into the washer machine, before going back and browsing through my wardrobe. I eventually ended up with an extra large pale jumper and some grey Calvin Klein. Luckily, my room is pretty warm so I don’t have to wear that much all the time. I’m kind of a fast freezer so the warmer the happier. Obviously that’s way too warm for other human beings like Jesse, which is why they stepped outside the shower in a white towel, shaking their hair like a dog in the rain. They placed themself on my bed while browsing through their phone. Once more or less dry, they took off the towel and started painting the wall. In the meantime I browsed through the pages of the instalment of those tiles Jesse and I bought yesterday. It wasn’t too complicated but well my gay ass can be confused really fast once holding a tool in my hand but this time I think a hammer will do. I went downstairs to warn Sarah about two hours of hammer tournament before placing the first tiles. Hah, that's rather easy, almost too easy. But nothing to be worried about. I calmful hammered each tile onto the wall while listening to some metal to enhance my powers in hammering, which did some of its intentions. It took awhile but after what could be three hours, all tiles have been successfully installed. Next was going to test it. I waited in the main hallway and messaged Jesse to turn up the echo every thirteen seconds one step. To my surprise, the tiles have proven the description right. And yes, I read through them while trying to understand the instalments. Feedback? The tiles loose soundproof after the echo is on eight, which is crazy. That means that I can blast music as loud as I want without disturbing Sarah or other people. And not only music. I can watch shows, youtube all on such a high sound level which is just amazing. Long story short, Sarah agreed that that has been an addition worth to the hallway. I grabbed all the tools and remaining tiles and got up to my room again. To my surprise, Jesse started to wear some shorts as well as a crop top which was actually one of mine.
James: Getting cold huh? Jesse: Fuck off. I’m sweating like hell. James: Then why are you wearing clothes? Especially mine? Jesse: Well, kind of embarrassing but I may or may not got colour on my skin. James: Soo what’s the big deal? Jesse: I got colour on my D James. James: Ho….HOW? Wait, I don’t wanna know? Maybe. Jesse: nothing special I just squat down on a bucket by accident. James: You did what now? Jesse: I know I know. Also I may have ruined one of your towels, not sure if the colour is waterproof. James: As long as you didn’t touch my UC one. Jesse: James? I would never touch that. James: Good. I value my UC merch. Just like you value your Honkai merch. Jesse: You still have to mention that? James: Bro have you seen your room? Jesse: Okay fair. Also the wall is almost done! James: Yo sick! Can’t wait to see the end of it.
I started to get down on the last boxes to unpack. To be honest, looking at it now I really think I can be ready with everything by the end of the week. I couldn’t have done it without Jesse tho. They kept me motivated for the entire time. We talked a lot during the unboxing and catched up on everything that happened in our lives. I guess I never noticed how much I really have missed their company. 
For Dinner, I made my fave. Chicken with peas and rice. In times like that I am more than happy that Jesse, just like me, is an omniwhore when it comes to food. They have been vegetarian for a while but that didn’t last very long. All in all they still try to avoid meat as best as they can but not always. We had dinner like we had back then. Sitting on the floor, leaned against the bed and watching some shitty episodes of fucked up youtube compilations. We laughed so hard the entire time. The saddest thing is that I noticed that this won't last forever. Within the next day they will be gone. I only have less than forty eight hours with them and the only thing we’ve done is this. I kinda feel like I’ve been using them for so long. But no, not tomorrow. I’ll plan something for tomorrow, something big, and they will love it. After all, I kinda have to get used to life in a rather big city like Brighton. 
I browsed through my phone to get every information I needed. Perfect. My plan works just the way I’ve imagined it. This night will be our night, and no one can make any difference to that. Bad but sad boy James is no more. Now it’s time to be me, to be the version of me I always wanted to, to evolve. I haven’t been that optimistic for a while but now? Brighton, Sarah, Jesse…They all made me feel so much happier and welcomed. Trust me, tomorrow we’ll rearrange the stars and start writing out own stories. But for now it’s just Jesse and me, chilling on the floor, listening to podcasts and waiting till both of us fall asleep.
Tomorrow will be a blast
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Life No Longer Silenced - Part 6
I wake up in the hospital only to discovered I have been ran over. I have 24 hours of memories from that day missing. Problem was, a car theif stole a car and I was ran over. Doctors told me I have two severe brain concussions ( front left lobe and back right lobe), pinched and damaged nerves and, a possibility of paralysis. I looked at the doctor calmly and that freaked them out, since I was a pain before. I wanted to take care of myself and go to the bathroom myself. So I was awake and stubborn about taking care of myself, yet I remember nothing. Even my subconcious a bad habits. Though I can;t remeber the episodes or movies on a lot of shows or movies I seen, so it fun to watch it like it was the first time again. Sometimes, some flashes sneak in, better that than negative memories. Finally I come back home and ask to work and only do office work, no stocking or heavy lifting. That didn't last long, he became even more demanding to help remove house tenants, belongs, collect rents checks and, maintenance on a/c units. Stress on me and wear and tear on my car was getting to be way too much. I needed a pay raise and asked for one. I get a possition demotion with a pay decrease and firing for nearly a year in advance. You can re read that, that is true. So in the mean time I tried these stuppid app jobs while working at that gas station. First it was postmates and taht was so horrible. Hardly any orders, pay was so bad and no one really tipped at all. In two weeks I only made 24 bucks and stoked doing that. They I did Lyft, it was also bad. There were too many drivers in an area and then also no one really wanted to tip. After a few months I found out you can only make a living on this in a major city. I found a job at a private liquor store and quit the gas station but kept doing Lyft. Sadly I ended up doing Lyft as a side hustle when my account kept ketting hacked, cars put on there, money taken. Lyft's software security sucks, so I had to contact them to deactivate my account. They didn't even understand that. They kept asking if I wanted to delete it, faq said it can only be deactivated. I have lost faith in the intelligence of humanity and many have been warned about it deteriorating. THis guy was a new owner to the business, kept rude and toxic employees and had a revolving door for more toxic employees. He would never hire enough and expect people to work so many hours for so little pay but was always a couple more dollars than most till the pandemic hit. In the begining it was ok and not too bad, just working till 10 and getting to bed at midnight. As usual I awlways show up to work on time, follow company policy and, constantly keeping the shelfs full. Well he buys another store making it 3 of them and asks me to become manager. Yet again, trust and being promoted quickly, I hate it. It cause animosity in the work place, especially others that want it that have been there longer. It made me alienated but I remained friendly and did my best. Since I was manager I had full access to the system. So I got to work in improving inventory, profits and, stock. I ended up doing so much physical and mental work. I cut inventory down to what sold the most, made it more so easily accessable for stock and sales and, improve profits. All three stores bounces around 23% and 25%. After looking at prices at major and local stores, going through the system (correcting all the numbers; stock, margins, inventory, case sizes. ect...) I had it up to a constant 26% a month. As usually a revolving door of employees but not raising pay during the pandemic caused them to lose employeess and forcing to work at all three stores. Two pretty far apart in one city and the other in another city entirely. Me being promoted, one manager left and other was just lazy and was fired. He promoted a gun loving racist that scared that shit out of me, especially always on drugs. The third manager position kept changing and more toxic employees come in. I finally get the margin at a steady 30% / 31% a month and a usually average is 25 percent.
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thequietmanno1 · 2 years
Thelreads, Vigilantes 73, Replies Part 1
1) “…Time for Vigilantes! Yay! Time to get back to pop being used as a human puppet to an evil parasitic monster! double Yay!”- Time to Witness Koichi get a cold, hard dose of reality and realise how ineffectual he is at actually saving somebody as a ‘pretend’ hero. Yay!!! 2) “Now, that little detail shocked me, but so far I think I`m into it. I have a few grips in general, but this is the first actually-impactful event that can leave some permanent marks on the characters, one that there`s no easy way out, nor a way to brush off the aftereffects. Fuck, I don`t think they can find a replacement eye for Pop, you know? Well, they could kill her as well, but I doubt that Furuhashi would have the guts.”- I mean, if they mishandle the brain surgery or if the parasite’s evolved since it was in Tamao’s head, then it might not actually be possible to get Pop back at all, much like 90% the way she used to be. We saw how a successful surgery was done last time by a trained hero, who’s no doubt had first-aid training, but that also had the backing of the unspoken plan guarantee. Now we know it can work, the narrative logic that would otherwise support whatever plans Koichi came up with to achieve the same result if it was a first-time showing won’t be in effect to guarantee Pop’s revival this time round. If nothing else, Furuhashi’s proven he’s willing to use Pop as the resident chew toy for emotional and physical damage since Koichi was handling the slapstick shenanigans for most of the series.
3) “And we immediately cut to Detroit. Glad to see the series is branching out to new horizons…”-  I really do wonder what other series/stories can be told in this world outside of Japan. Like, we get glimpses of it in the movies and such, but it would be pretty cool to actually have different series set in various international countries around the world, each dealing with different conflicts relevant to the respective countries’ political and social situation as affected by quirks and their various histories. 4) “Oh yeah, you were here. fuck you, as usual, and now let`s see the carnage you have in store for Pop to unleash. If she`s really full of trigger like I imagine her to be, it`s gonna be quite the show.”- It’s a real banger of a tune, all-inclusive free viewing, with plans for an explosive encore if the ratings are high.
5) “OH NO LOOK OUT THE PERSONA FANS ARE ABOUT TO DROP DOWN ON US! EVERYBODY RUN FOR SAFETY!”- Now Koichi has to beat up Pop’s shadow self to save the day, sans Metaverse. He’d better have an impressive Showtime attack. 6) “And it seems like I wasn`t wrong, her skin is darker now, she definitely is full of trigger.”- Nomura spared no expense or designer drugs to make sure Pop was fully prepped as possible to give her maximum performance. 7) “five minutes in and I already hate the way the parasite is guiding Pop. Not because of the whole mind control to turn her into a homicidal maniac and what amounts to a terrorist attack to her neighborhood and the innocent people she knew, no, I meant the puns.
I swear to god, if Pop Queen here starts dropping puns i`m going to beat her to death myself.”- Beeing the evil counterpart, since Pop was never really into the whole hero/villain/vigilante deal in the first place, comapired to beeing an Idol, of course Bee Pop would be a Saturday morning cartoon villain, full of awful themed puns that make you want to slap something out of sheer cringe.
8) “I definitely will need to keep joking to distract myself from the fact that Pop is going to kill a lot of innocent people ha ha how fun ( : “- She certainly caused a lot of property damage at the very least, and with the wider range she can reach with her extended mobility compared to the prior host, her ‘show’ has the potential to cause damage or injury to civilians in a several-block radius, to say nothing of the fact the enhanced bees seen to pack a larger blast in addition to greater numbers.
9) “Huh- Are those- Are those hacker bees? Did she hacked into the speaker and the cellphones to make sure they all know that she`s the one doing that? Or did I got that one wrong, because it sure as fuck like those drones are hacking in on the devices below.”- Fitting with Pop’s social media savvy that aided Koichi before, Bee Pop’s drones are not just limited to a combat or experimental drug function, but specialised to create a spectacle, which means that she can rewire electronics to spread the word about her show…and also ensuring that everybody can ID Pop’s body as the bomber. There was a remote chance that in the chaos, nobody would be able to positively identify her, but now there’s video evidence of her in action. On a more serious note, it also means she can disrupt communication between heroes trying to contain her whilst maintaining communication throughout her multiple Beeombs, meaning it’s harder for group efforts to successfully pin her down. 10) “Oh it was that, that there`s no doubt. It seems like since Pop was so focused in being brave enough to stand center stage, not only professionally but also romantically, the parasite is making her go all-in on being the center of attention
Well, sure, McBee also is responsible, he organized this event, but still, I bet her desires had some degree of influence on making this new “her””- She wanted to stand out. Now nobody will ever forget her…for all the wrong reasons.
11) “oh yeah, time to burn baby, burn. Now koichi, I hope you`re sitting down, because what you`re about to witness will definitely make you fall from your chair. That is, if there is even a chair left intact after she`s through.”- Oh he had a great fall all right…now it’s time for a certain long coat-wearing individual to put this humpty-dumpty back together again in time for him to hero up for the second showing.
12) “And off we go everybody. Boy that`s a lot of explosions she`s putting up, I hope the trigger in her organism at least give her some degree of resistance, otherwise she`s gonna fry her brain before the night is over.”- TBH, I kinda got the impression that as long as the queen bee parasite has enough time to spawn specialised bees over the course of several weeks/days, Bee Pop can use and detonate plenty of them without feeling too much negative feedback on her body mid-show. That’s another reason why she decides to cut the show short at the end, because her available ‘stock’ was running a bit low to fully pull off her planed grand finale, so she needed a bit of time to ‘recharge’ and build up her swarm again for the next show. Tamao’s body doesn’t seem to have quite as much resistance as Pop’s did, possibly because Pop’s quirk, and accordingly her body, was stronger than Tamao’s, and in addition, Knuckleduster caught her off-guard when she wasn’t prepared for a fight, so the bees she had on hand to attack him with weren’t what she was fully capable of if she’d been ready for him. Bee Pop, however, is all about the preparation for putting on a grand showing, so she’s got plenty of Beeombs on hand to handle Koichi’s poor attempt at a rescue, though not enough to suit her new anarchic aesthetic for the finale, which is why she’s gonna get it right next time.
13) “No pop, you have the bombs, koichi is the one with the gun, you make “boom” he makes “bang”, and everybody dies in the end. Dammit, you got possessed by a monster and you`re already trying to steal his thunder? smh those stars nowadays…”- Who knows, maybe part of Pop’s mind still in there based this bit off Koichi specifically, as a sort of tribute to the man who was once/might yet become her hero
14) “Oh wow, that`s- That`s a fuckton more than what the previous queen was able to put out. Holy fuck, she`s pretty much bringing down the whole block with a single show- “- New Bees, new host, whole different ballgame. Though, there’s also the angle to consider that Nomura and his masters don’t seem particularly interested in preserving Pop’s body from the rebound of pushing her powers too much. Tamao was all about keeping a low profile, which is why she lasted for several chapters, but something on this level will bring the heroes down on Pop STAT. Whatever the reason they’re allowing Nomura to use their resources to push his petty vendetta against Koichi as Knuckleduster’s ‘true’ successor, it seems they’re perfectly ok with this Host’s body self-destructing like almost happened with Tamao’s
15) “Meanwhile, I can`t help but imagine Pop singing this requiem of evil like a death metal singer. Or at least that Kawaii metal that used to be popular back in the day. Ah, good times… “- Idol J-Pop wasn’t working for her, so she branched out into different Music types to try her luck there. Certainly leaves a different impact than her prior work did.  @thelreads
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