#i may turn this into a multific
Finding Peace Pt.1: Paid in Lies (Spike x Y/N)
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Requested: No. Part 1 of the Multific.
Synopsis: This is lore for the character in the other fics. It helps to build up the relationship and the direction. Feel free to get acquainted with it. <3
Word count: 2.5k
TW: None.
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Another droll day with the Scoobies. The Magic Box was their hangout after all. Spike wishes he was anywhere but this place. However, he found himself at the metaphysical store more times than not. After getting the chip implanted and losing his ability to kill, he finds himself being amused by their banter and attempts at saving the world.
Today was different. The normal Scooby chatter was taken up by a voice he didn't recognize. A story he had never heard was being told followed by laughter. He was weary of new people.
"So then I told him that he couldn't tell a newt's eye from a bat's and that's what makes him a horrible wizard." Y/n exclaimed and laughter erupted.
"I can't believe you got into a fight with a kid over the last piece of candy." Willow stated.
"I take Halloween very seriously." You quipped.
"Aren't you like a hundred?" Xander chimed in.
"Rude. I'm 25. I can still trick or treat. They say it’s the only day the big bad doesn’t come out" you got up from your chair and walked to the register when you noticed Spike.
Everyone became nervous about your statement.
"What big bad?" Buffy asked.
"I don't know. It’s just something people say." Spike approached you. "Welcome to the Magic Box how can I h-"
"Don't bother with him, he doesn't buy anything." Giles interrupted, having come from the back room after he heard your comment.
"Oh. In that case, hi I’m y/n." Your voice was inviting, suspiciously so. Spike didn't trust it but didn't back away.
"I’m the big bad" he responded.
"Interesting. Then it means that you don't come out on Halloween."
Willow snickered.
Spike seemed incredulous. You just met him and you're already making fun of him.
"He's Spike, he just exists." Buffy chimed in.
"Rough." You stated.
An awkward silence followed. No one would say it, but they wanted you gone. It was time for the Scoobie’s nightly meeting, and you weren't invited since you were a regular civilian.
Giles finally got the hint. "Y/n it’s gonna be a slow night. Why don't you head home."
You hesitated but nodded. You packed up your things. "Night guys! It was nice meeting you Mr. Spike Big Bad."
As soon as you leave the chatter picks up. Conversations about the latest big bad and how to take them down takes up the space. But not for Spike. His interest is peaked by y/n. He's used to being mocked but never by someone he just met, much less a human. If you knew who he was would you still try that stunt? He was strung out from a previous altercation and was actively looking for trouble. So, he starts asking questions about you.
"She just came in one day and asked for a job. She doesn't talk much about herself but knows a lot about the occult." Willow offered.
"I bet she's a demon" Xander chimes in.
"How about we slow it down on the demon accusations. She might just be a big nerd like Giles." Buffy mentions.
Giles frowns at Buffy's retorts.
Spike mulls it over. He's decided to get more information out of you. He may be off base, but he feels that you're hiding something. No one comes to Sunnydale just because.
The conversation continues in the background as Spike devices a plan to follow you, maybe find out more about you. He exits The magic Box without a word. He’s hot on your trail watching your every movement until you stop. He doubles back into an alley. He hears you snicker. He’s so irritated by your calm demeanor that he breaks his silent stalking.
“You know, pretty girls shouldn’t be walking alone at night.” He walks up behind you.
“You think I’m pretty?” You turn around, a grin on your face.
He’s definitely annoyed now. “I could kill you if I wanted to.”
“Same.” She retorted and started walking off.
He stands there, flabbergasted. Who do you think you are? Don’t you know who you’re dealing with?
He walks up to you again, walking beside you. Eyeing you as you walk silently.
After awhile you speak up, “It’s weird for you to follow me.”
He’s quiet again. You knew he was following you. Most humans are oblivious. “You’re not afraid to be on your own, huh?”
“Nope. I’ve done it my whole life. Being an orphan does give you that hyper independence vibe.”
He stands in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. He thinks over whether he will show you his vamp face. Maybe scare you a bit. He decides against it. “Just be careful, love.” He walks away.
“If it’s so dangerous, why don’t you walk me home, big bad?” You shout out to him.
He stops, smirks and turns around. He smugly walks up to you and you both resume a quiet but steady pace to your house. Upon arrival you turn to him, “I can’t invite you in. I just met you and I can’t risk all that noise. Thank you for walking me home, though.”
He nods nonchalantly. “Goodnight, then.” He walks away feeling a bit awkward. Like, what just happened? He offered to walk a stranger home and you refused to invite him in? Did you know he was a vampire? Were you just being polite? So many questions.
The next day a similar occurrence happened. He saw you at The Magic Box, heard you talking about the occult soliciting laughter with your odd anecdote, and off you were to your home. He debated whether or not to follow you again. As if his feet had a mind of their own, he trailed behind you once more. He caught up to you and started small talk.
Where did you come from. “North Carolina”
Where were you going. “To find freedom.”
How long were you planning on staying. “’Till the money runs out.”
Who were you in love with. You paused at his bold question. He shrugged, “well, answer the question.” He pressed.
You took a pause. You told him of two previous lovers, both in which love was unrequited. You explained that you lived for the moment and not for men.
Before he could start up with questions you interrupted with your own. You asked the same questions. He hesitated to answer your questions honestly.
“Same questions. Go.”
He sighed. “England. Err.. to…” He paused. He realized he didn’t have the answer to where was he going and how long he was planning on staying at Sunnydale. How to explain that he is a vampire with no real vamp-like behavior? How to admit that he was obsessed with Buffy? So, he opted to skip to the last question. “It doesn’t matter. As for love, I had a nice lady. Crazy bird, she was. I loved her until she left me. Now I just go with whatever fancies me.” He flashes you a grin. You laugh.
“You’re harping on me, but you have no real plan or ambitions.”
That hurt his feelings. He had ambitions, in the past he wanted to kill the slayer. Now he wants to date her. Maybe his priorities got skewed.
As he further mulls over what you said, you both arrive at her home.
“Thank you for walking me home, again. It’s nice to have company.
And so, this became a daily occurrence. Spike would walk you home and ask you about your life, your day, and your connection to the Scoobies. It seemed harmless and he enjoyed how normal you made him feel. With you there was no talk of demons or the end of the world, just a normal human doing human things.
A month has passed, and Spike is still walking you home every day you work at The Magic Box. Today Spike felt bolder in his questions while walking you back home.
“What are we?” Spike side eyed you.
“That’s a bit forward. If you need to know, I thought we were friends. I mean, aren’t you and Buffy a thing?”
He was taken aback by your observation. Of course, he had a thing for Buffy, but it wasn’t reciprocated.
“Let’s change the subject…” Spike trailed off. “Friends, huh? Don’t got many o’ those.”
You smiled. “Then consider yourself lucky to have me.”
He looked away, a smile on his face.
You arrive at your house. “So, when are you inviting me in?” Spike spoke up.
You paused. How to tell him you know… “I’m not ready. Give me time.” You made heavy eye contact. He stepped closer to you, sharing your space. You stood there for what seemed an eternity.
“I’m not gon’ hurt you.” He whispered.
You nodded, “I know.” You leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You turned around and entered your house.
He stood there, surprised, and giddy. He smiled, a genuine smile as he walked back to his crypt with a pep in his step.
2 months have passed, and you too have spent a lot of time being close. Boundaries are still in place. Like he’s not allowed in your house, but you too linger at your doorway, in each other’s space. He is still after Buffy, but he brushes his hand against yours, whispers into your ear, and plays with your hair, among other affectionate touches.
3 months have passed, and you and Spike have gotten to know each other well. The Scoobies were weary of your inside jokes and playful glances.
“You know, the sun is setting quicker.” Spike mentioned as a hint that it was time for you two to head out.
You sighed. “Let me finish up this order.” You looked up at him feigning annoyance.
“Don’t want the big bad to get you.” Spike gave you a playful look.
You smiled. “Well, what am I keeping you around for?”
Xander groaned. “Kiss already.” He yelled in frustration which made you and Spike laugh.
As you were getting your bag a demon came crashing in through the entrance of The Magic Box. It snarled and tore down shelves and tables that were in his way. “Give me the slayer” He exclaimed.
“I’m right here, tall and ugly.” Buffy jumped in.
“Not slayer.” He swatted her away. “Real slayer.” He pointed at you. Everyone looked at you confused. You debated on whether to feign innocence or help out. Before you had made up your mind the demon started charging at you. At that point you back flipped into his line of fire and kicked him in the jaw. Everyone stood incredulous.
You proceeded to beat the demon punch after punch. Not holding back, you pulled a sword from a sheath you had strapped on your back under your shirt. Without hesitation you went for the demon’s throat, blood splattering everywhere. You stood covered in blood but triumphant.
Silence followed. You turned around, “Ta-da?”
Buffy stood from her spot and marched up to you. “Who are you, really?”
“Yeah, explain yourself.” Spike yelled from the back.
You sighed, defeated. “Everyone sit down. I’ll explain. Please, just listen and then ask questions. It’s a long story.”
You proceeded to explain that you were close to 1,000 years old, 985 to be exact, and that you were then deemed the slayer in your village. You were raised by your grandfather who was also your watcher. On the night of your 25th birthday, you killed a vampire that was the lover of a very powerful witch in your village. The witch, heartbroken and vengeful, put a curse on you that you would not die until you found peace. That doomed you to roam the Earth in the search of true peace.
The gang was quiet. The atmosphere was heavy. You were ashamed and embarrassed.
“Why did you lie?” Spike spoke up first. His voice was heavy with anger.
“I had to. It’s so difficult to be open about why I still exist. It’s shameful.” You lowered your head.
He didn’t seem satisfied with your answer and left. Your eyes trailed after him. You knew you hurt him. You purposefully created a whole life, and he believed it. You both shared moments, connection, vulnerability and yours was all a rouse.
“I’m confused. How can you not die?” Willow asked.
Her question snapped you back to reality. “Um, uh, Well… If I get mortally wounded, it heals faster. Even if it’s a fatal blow, my body regenerates.”
“What happens if you get decapitated, maimed, or burned alive?” Xander asks, curious.
Everyone looks at him. “What?! You were all thinking it.” Everyone nodded.
You chuckled. “Two words. Deadpool powers.”
Everyone nods. “That makes sense and ew.” Xander responded.
You stand there, still covered in blood answering question after question. Have you searched how to break the curse? Do you know what will give you peace? How many slayers have you met? Do you enjoy being eternal? You answered every question until they were satisfied. The conversation shifted to how 3 slayers could exist.
“It makes sense now how you knew so much about the occult.” Giles chimed in.
You grinned. “I dabble.” You say trying to be funny. A joke that landed flat due to the circumstances.
“I know this is weird. Me existing is weird but know that I didn’t mean harm. I’m just trying to figure out how to end this curse. I can’t be running around divulging my existence to every slayer. Having two slayers makes it easier to say that there is a third but still. You must understand where I’m coming from.”
The gang was quiet, pensive. “I think it’s best that you go. We can talk more about this tomorrow.” Giles stated.
“I know this is stupid, but do I still have a job?”
Giles glares at you. You raise your hands in a defensive stance. You decide it’s best to leave.
You walk home, alone. It’s the first time in the last three months that you were walking home alone. You felt tired and sad. Not only did you potentially lose your connection with the Scoobies, but you also lost who you considered to be your closest friend, Spike.  
Loud thrashing and banging can be heard inside the crypt. Spike is enraged and full of energy. Of course, the one person he wanted to lean on was a fake. Another illusion in his path. He felt like he could confide in her, trust her. She was no more than a liar, a con artist. To hell with her sob story. She hurt him. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t been honest himself, he did the best he could while obscuring the truth to protect her. To protect her! She would pay for making a fool of him. Everyone mocks him for his lack of vampire like behaviors. Everyone puts him down for failing at killing Buffy. But to made out to be a rube for trusting, for caring, that’s where he draws the line. He was vulnerable and he got paid in lies.
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thedragontales · 3 months
🥀 angst | ☁️ fluff | ✨ faves | 🔥 smut | 🍂 yet to be read
Aemond 1
By sassypossumm
Alone 🥀 - What if the brothel wasn't the only place Aemond tried to seek comfort...
By peachysunrize
Labyrinth ☁️🥀✨ - falling in love is easy for most people, but not for Aemond Targaryen. How can a broken cold-hearted man be able to love the most gentle human Westeros has ever seen?
Tangerine dreams 🍂 one | two | three | four | five - being stood up on his wedding day, Aemond’s life takes a turn for the worse. Heartbroken and humiliated, he finds unexpected help in Helaena’s childhood friend.
By sourcherryandsprinkles
Brothel girl ☁
I fell in love with you ☁️🥀 - ''I fell in love with you. Not for how you look, just for who you are. Although you look pretty great too.''
By daenysx
Pain 🥀✨ - when he has so much pain because of anything, and he just need his darling's arms.
Protective 🍂
By normatural
Echoes of Souls 🍂 one | two - In the old, abandoned castle, she found a love letter addressed to her, written by someone who died a century ago.
By multific
Of Lit Fire and Silk Sheets ☁️ - Aemond arrives back to his room late at night, when you are already long asleep.
By aemondsbabe
The Gods and Everyone 🔥
Deliverance ☁🥀🔥 - following your nephew's death, you find aemond in need of comfort. as his older sister, who are you to deny him?
Little Love (+ Aegon) 🔥
By bubblegumspacebxtch
Melting the Dragon's Heart ☁️🥀 - They say opposites attract but can profound differences really find it in them to love?
By ichorai
Balance the scales 🍂 - heavy angst, action, smut (minors dni!), mild fluff, enemies to lovers back to enemies trope, slowburn, betrothed au, 40k.
By scarlet-star-witch
The moon and his sun 🍂🔥 one | two | three - Aemond meets a young girl who quickly becomes his most cherished friend and changes the course of history.
His sacrifice ☁🥀 - Aemond makes the decision to save the one he loves over his brother.
You were my man and I your girl 🍂 - Facing the news of her impending betrothal, she makes a final, desperate act of rebellion. Though when she discovers she is to marry her dear uncle, the man she has longed for since childhood, she realizes she may have ruined their marriage before it even began
By neptuneiris
Wild Hearts 🍂 one | two - you and he can't be together, yet the two of you have fallen for each other. but the Gods are not merciful and you both have to let go. but by comparison, your charming prince doesn't think the same way you do.
Could you pretend to be in love? 🍂 - the fake dating, modern AU
By its-actually-minicika
I see you. 🥀☁✨ - hugs and reassurances.
Aemond In Love ☁️
Prince Aemond, your Aemond 🍂
Asleep ☁✨
By ewanmitchellcrumbs
cockwarming 🔥
By ineffabletargtowers
Vengeance 🍂 - Your husband gets revenge on the knight who attempted to seduce you
By vhagarlovebot
WON’T LET GO. 🥀☁️✨ - aemond is in pain and you want to help, but he doesn't want to scare you.
aemond cried the first time you kissed his scar ☁🥀✨
Into you 🍂 - aemond comes to visit his sister at collage and you are surprised to find out that he’s actually there for you.
You never really see me 🍂 - aemond is jealous because you are spending too much time with aegon.
Just the two of us 🍂 - you end up sharing the bed with aemond.
Braiding his hair ☁️
Jealous 🍂
Love language ☁
Hugging Aemond ☁
By axelsagewrites
Jealous Aemond HCs 🍂
By lovelykhaleesiii
Work For It 🥀 - Making Aemond work for forgiveness.
By ultralightpoe
Mistaken Hatred 🍂 - Aemond is sure that you are enemies and stuck in a marriage of convenience 
Nightmares ☁🥀✨
By peterparkersnose
Dragon Rider 🍂 - Y/N takes a ride on Aemond's dragon...
By just-some-random-blogger
Warm Killer 🍂 - There was now blood on your hands that you could never wash away. The prince does his best to comfort you.
By thekinslayed
Forget-Me-Not 🍂 - Aemond's devotion for his wife deepens as they navigate her recovery together
Good as Gold ☁️✨ - You found yourself the object of the Prince Aemond's stares, the reason why, you knew not.
Show me your world 🍂 - Glimpses of your ever blossoming marriage with Aemond, through the eyes of people around you.
Thy mission + Aegon 🔥✨
By inlovewithquestionablecharacters
Sweet caresses 🍂
By awearywritersworld
Look After You ☁️🥀 - You were betrothed to Aemond Targaryen, and while the two of you got along well enough, you hardly behaved as man and wife. After you suffer a great loss, Aemond decides to change that.
By venmondiese
By kckt88
God Is A Woman. + Aegon 🔥
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 11 months
hey all!!!!
Just wanna let you all know what my fanfic update schedule is gonna look like in the future!
So, if you've been here for a bit, you'll know of my current wip list and of the hunger games au i've been boiling in my brain.
I've decided that for each chapter I write of my wip list, I will write a chapter for hunger games (or vice versa, depending on where my motivation is for the day)
Currently, HG AU has a total of 17 chapters. Bloody Memories has 10. Meaning the next 7 fanfics after BM will be written alongside the last 7 HG chapters.
Those 7 will be:
Artemis oneshot
Swarms & Swears
Triumvirate V Koios
Delphic Family
A Titan's Demise
However, my Delphic family fic is already looking to be a LONG one, so that may turn into a multific itself. Perhaps 3 or 4 chapters, maaaybe 5. I don't intend for it to be SUPER long.
So if it does have 4 chapters, that puts the end of the Delphic fic at the same time as the HG ones.
Then every week I will post a HG chapter, and the wip chapters will be posted once a day depending on when they're done. :3
Then of course, I'll get back to the other fics on the list and get the outline on the second HG fic going :D
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nevermindthewind · 7 years
a pretty good team
6 weeks 3 days
Laurel woke with a start.  She’d been having another weird dream, but of course it was forgotten the moment she woke up.  Next to her Wes snored softly, causing Laurel to smile to herself. They’d been dating officially for almost two months but sometimes she still had trouble believing that this was all real.  Not that she was complaining.  She rolled over to check her phone, wondering if there was time to fall back asleep before having to be up for class at 8:00, but before Laurel could even register the early hour her stomach lurched dangerously.  “Oh god,” she whispered, holding her hand to her mouth.  
She tried to be as quiet as possible as she ran to her bathroom, but it wasn’t enough to keep Wes from waking up. “What’s going on?” Wes said groggily, rubbing his eyes. He looked over to her side of the bed and, upon seeing it unoccupied, looked around the room in a sleepy, confused haze until he saw the light coming from under the bathroom door.  
“Wes go back to sleep, I’m fine,” Laurel called, though the weakness in her voice said otherwise.  Unconvinced, Wes got out of bed, padded across the room, and knocked on the door.
“Laurel?” he said gently.  “Can I come in?” Laurel didn’t respond.  Taking this as the closest thing he’d get to a yes, Wes opened the door just in time to see Laurel’s dinner make a reappearance.  “Oh babe,” Wes said softly, rushing to Laurel’s side.  Laurel tried to wave him away, tried to tell him to save himself, but it was a lost cause. “Nice try, Castillo, but I’m staying put,” Wes said, rubbing her back.  Laurel groaned but didn’t argue.  
Three hours and many choice curse words later, Laurel sat back against the bathroom wall, relishing the cool tile against her back.  The worst, it seemed, was behind her.  However the more her body seemed to relax, the more mortified Laurel felt that her boyfriend just witnessed, well, that.
“You need water,” Wes said matter-of-factly, standing up and moving towards the sink.  
Laurel looked up. “You mean you’re not gonna dump my ass?” she asked, only partially kidding. Wes just laughed as he filled a glass.  
“Nah, but I will accept payment in the form of backrubs. Or your wills and trust outline,” Wes said as he handed her the cup, smiling.  Laurel took the water as Wes sat down beside her.  She leaned into him, exhausted.  They sat there in silence for a few minutes, Laurel taking a few sips of water and trying to not think about how gross she felt.
“Better?” Wes asked after a while.
“Yeah,” Laurel said.  She looked up at Wes who was already looking at her, his eyebrows furrowed with concerned. “Although I really wish you hadn’t seen that,” she said. “I feel disgusting.”
Wes reached out and tucked a stray piece of hair behind Laurel’s ear, his hand lingering on her face. “Well you’ve definitely looked better,” he smirked. Laurel shoved him, albeit playfully. “Seriously, don’t even worry about it,” Wes continued. “I’m glad I was here. And now we know to never order sesame chicken from Tung Sing ever again”. At the mention of food Laurel turned green. Wes winced. “Sorry, sorry! Oh shit. Laurel, I’m so sorry,” he blundered, as Laurel just shook her head, taking several deep breaths. After a minute the nausea passed and she opened her eyes to see Wes looking like a puppy with its tail between its legs.
“I’m good,” she said, laughing when she saw how concerned Wes was. “But let’s go back to bed before we jinx it, huh? We have to get up in less than three hours.” Laurel began to get up, but stopped when Wes didn’t follow. “What?”
“Babe, I love you, but you can’t go to class,” Wes said. Laurel opened her mouth, apparently about to argue. Wes tried again. “Ok, obviously I can’t tell you what to do. But I really think you should stay home and rest. I’ll go to wills and trusts and Michaela can cover you in Pearson’s class so you don’t get behind.  Give yourself a day to get better,” he added, softly kissing Laurel’s forehead.  Normally Laurel would’ve put up more of a fight, but she was too exhausted, so she just nodded.  
One day off wouldn’t hurt, she thought to herself as Wes helped her off the bathroom floor and led her back into the bedroom.  She crawled back into bed and snuggled up to Wes’ side, being sick making her more affectionate than usual. The second her head hit the pillow, Laurel was asleep.
When Laurel woke up, Wes was gone.  She sat up, having briefly forgotten that she wasn’t going to class.  As soon as she moved she remembered why, as a wave of nausea hit her.  Laurel slumped back into her pillow, hoping it would pass.  Eventually it subsided, and she picked up her phone to check her notifications.  Among the texts from Wes, Michaela, and Annelise was a notification from her period tracker congratulating her on finishing this month’s period. The period that, Laurel now realized, never came.  
Shit. Shit shit shit shitshitshitshitshit.
Everything suddenly made sense.  Why she’d been so tired.  Why none of her bras seemed to fit right.  And why she’d bought grapefruit on her last trip to the grocery store, even though she hated grapefruit.  
There was no way she could just lay here.  She wouldn’t be able to rest at all until she knew for sure. Laurel threw off her blankets and got out of bed, trying to ignore the pangs of nausea as she changed out of her pyjamas and into leggings and a sweater.
One trip to Walgreens and what felt like one hundred judgemental stares later, Laurel was back in her bathroom.  A completely different type of nausea hit her as she opened the little pink box, her hands shaking.  She read the instructions, and, after some slightly awkward maneuvers, she managed to pee on the stick without getting any on herself. She set the test on the counter, set a timer, and spent the next three minutes sitting on the toilet trying to wrap her mind around the events of the past 12 hours.
She’d had a scare once before, when she was 19 and her idiot ex decided not to use a condom.  Since then she’d been ultra careful, and Wes had respected that.  Even after that morning in the bathtub, when the condom ripped he offered to go pick up Plan B before Laurel even had a chance to freak out.  But Laurel’s stubbornness took over, and she kept saying she was fine, she’d just ended her period, it wasn’t a big deal.
Now she was 24 and kicking herself. It wasn’t that she didn’t like kids.  She loved her brother’s kids, and her cousins.  However the idea of growing an actual human, of waddling around with a giant belly, inflated boobs and feet, only have to push said human out of her body? Yeah that wasn’t something she’d ever wanted.  No, her entire adult life the only thing Laurel truly wanted was to get out of Florida, to get away from her crazy family, and make a name for herself that she could be proud of.  She was going to become an attorney.  She was going to fight for those who couldn’t fight for themselves.  She was going to make a difference.  A baby was nowhere near a part of that plan.  But, to be fair, neither was Wes.  She had never dreamed someone like him would come along and shake everything up.  If she was going to have a baby with anyone, it’d be him.  He was the only person in her life who was truly good, who had ever genuinely cared for and about her.  But could they do it? Could they raise a baby AND go to law school AND work for Annalise?
But just as Laurel began to even attempt to weigh her options, the timer buzzed, making her jump.  She turned it off and stared at the test on the counter, suddenly unable to move, unable to breathe.  After what felt like years she finally got up the courage to reach out her hand and look at the test.
Two lines.
Even though Laurel had seen this coming since the moment she got that silly little notification, her heart still sank.  She was pregnant.
With a baby.  
Wes’ baby.
She was still there, sitting on the toilet and staring at the test, when Wes got home about a half hour later.
“Laurel?” he called as he opened her bedroom door.
“In here,” she answered. Wes set down his messenger bag and the bag of groceries he’d picked up, giving Laurel roughly 30 seconds to try and figure out the best way to drop this bombshell.  She stood up and made to meet Wes in the bedroom, figuring the bathroom had probably been the sight of enough events for one day.  Laurel slipped the pregnancy test up her sleeve and opened the door, only to come face to face with Wes on the other side of the door. They both jumped.
“How you feeling?” Wes asked, kissing her on the forehead.
“Better,” Laurel responded, her eyes closed as Wes’ cool lips touched her forehead.  She smiled softly at the greeting, then looked up.  Upon seeing the worry in Laurel’s eyes, Wes’ face went from relaxed to concerned.
“You ok?” he asked.
“Yeah, but I, uh, I have to tell you something,” Laurel said slowly, taking Wes’ hand and leading him back towards the bed.  She sat down cross-legged and patted the spot across from her, which Wes promptly occupied.  Taking a deep breath, Laurel at Wes and said, “I don’t think I have food poisoning.  Actually, I know I don’t.”
“What do you mean?” Wes said, his eyebrows furrowing. Laurel looked down and started playing with Wes’ hand, unable to figure out how to say the thing that would change their relationship and their lives forever. “Babe are you sure you’re ok?” Laurel nodded, unable to look Wes in the eye. Finally she spoke.
“Remember that morning in the bathtub?” she asked quietly.
“Yeah, but what does that-” Wes stopped, causing Laurel’s eyes to look up. She raised her eyebrows. Suddenly they both spoke at the same time.
“Laurel what are you saying?”
“I’m pregnant.”
Laurel looked at Wes, trying to read the expression on his face, but for the first time in a long time, she couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. “Earth to Wes?” she asked after a minute, squeezing his hand.
“Are you sure?” Wes asked. Laurel pulled out the pregnancy test from her other sleeve and showed it to him.
“Two lines,” she said as confirmation.  “I went and picked it up this morning after I realized I’d missed my period.” Wes took the stick from her and stared at it.
“You’re pregnant,” he repeated, more to himself than to Laurel.  After a couple seconds he looked up again.  “How are you?” he asked.
“Fine,” she answered automatically.  
“Laurel,” Wes said, furrowing his eyebrows.  He didn’t buy her act for one second.  
Laurel sighed, starting to unload the stress she’d built up since peeing on that stupid stick.  “Ok, I’m freaking out. I mean a baby?! I can barely take care of myself let alone a baby!”
“Well you wouldn’t have to take care of it by yourself, you know,” Wes interjected quietly.  He set the test on the nightstand and took one of Laurel’s hands into his own.  “I’ll be here too,” he paused, his gaze moving from Laurel’s hands so he could look her straight in the eye. “Whatever you decide, I’m here.” 
Tears sprang to Laurel’s eyes, taking her by surprise.  She leaned forward and pressed her forehead to Wes’ chest.  For a while they just sat there, Wes rubbing Laurel’s back, both lost in their own thoughts.  Finally Laurel spoke again.  “What should we do?” she asked, pulling herself upright again. Wes was quiet for a minute, trying to find the words for what he wanted to say.
“If you, you know, if you want to get an abortion, I’ll support you one hundred percent,” he started. “But, for what it’s worth, I think we could do it. I mean it would be hard, yeah, but…” Wes ran his hand through his hair, “I don’t know. I just see the way you care for people, especially the people who are important to you, and I think you’d be amazing, and well, you and me, we make a pretty good team already.  But I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do.  So, really what I’m trying to say is, no matter what, I will be here for you. And the baby, if that’s what we decide,” Wes had been looking down at their hands, still intertwined, but after he finished his eyes made their way up to see Laurel smiling softly, once again tearing up.
“I think we could do it, too,” she said. And as scary as it was, she meant it.
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The Key to Your Heart (Part 08 of 18)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader | The Winter Soldier X Reader
Word count: 2.1 K
<- Previous part (07)
Next part -> (09)
{Marvel Masterlist}
Summary: Joining the Avengers wasn't on your plans. Not until Steve asked you to help his best friend. Bucky was Bucky, but the Winter Soldier still came from time ti time, bringing with him chaos and destruction. And you was supposed to keep that side of him away... But what happens when both Bucky and the Winter Soldier start to enjoy your company more than anyone else? Should you turn your back on the Soldier, ignore his own fears and traumas? That's exactly what everyone wants. But you were never known for following orders...
A/N: Special thanks to my wonderful friend @multific for all her help through this story. I love you, girl!!
Didn't Happen
The place is beautiful, like it came out of a 40's movie. The lighting, the people all dressed up, the food, the music. Everything is perfect.
But Bucky is beyond perfect.
He's not only handsome in his military uniform, but happy too. His smile lights up his face, makes his eyes shine. And it warms up your heart.
The small conversation has you sharing new parts of your life, as you get to know him better as well. The cellphones were left at the reception, which means no interruptions.
“So. How did you do it?” He asks after the waiter takes your finished deserts.
“How did I do what?” You innocently ask, crossing your legs under the table and accidentally kicking him. “Sorry.”
“This place looks so good that I feel like I got into a time machine. I can smell Stark's finger on it.”
“I might have made him call the owner with a special request.” With a smile, you shrug your shoulder. “I wanted to make you something nice and, well, I think you like it because your eyes are shining, James.” You choose to use his first name for a change, taking in the happy song playing and deciding to be brave, you stand up, gesturing at the dance floor. “Now, come. You own me at least one dance as a thank you.”
Bucky smiles before standing up, and when you reach out your hand, he takes it. “I'm the one who's supposed to take you dancing.”
“Well, you didn't.” Pulling him to the middle of the dance floor, you're just about to say something sassy and start dancing when the music stops, replaced by a different one, much, much slower. “Oh...” You mutter, looking at the couples around you moving closer. “We can sit this one out and wait for another song.”
He shakes his head slightly, a hand on your waist as he pulls you closer. “I don't see any problem with this song.”
Blushing, you step closer, both your arms around his neck. “I may not know how to.”
“Just follow my lead.” He says in a low voice, both hands on your waist, as you both start to move, from side to side, back and forth. Somehow you manage not to step on his feet, and soon enough you get the hang of it, getting more confident.
“I–” You mutter, but you're cut off by a low giggle coming from his lips, that makes you pinch your eyebrows together. “What?”
“Nothing, I just...” He smiles, blue eyes locked on yours. “Here I am, back in the 40s, dancing with a girl from the future.”
You're way too close, and there's an idea popping in the back of your mind. Thanks to the high heels, you're a lot closer to his lips. And if you move a little, standing on your toes a little more, you could kiss him. The thought itself makes you blush, so you look away, giggling. “Well, I came here to tell you're on the right side, Sergeant.” Moving your arms, you rest both your hands on his chest. “And that even though you'll go through hell, you'll walk it off, because you're strong, and you have a good, brave heart.”
When you look at him again, Bucky's eyes are shining, as if he didn't believe what you just said. “Are you sure about all that? Maybe I'm not–”
“You are more than I can put in words, Bucky. You don't see it, but I do.” Still swinging from side to side, you smile when Bucky takes your hand, spinning you around before pulling you into his arms again. “I told you, I can believe for both of us.” You say when you're close again, arms around his neck. “I'm here to help you. And I'll do everything I can to shove it in your head that you're an amazing man. And I... I really enjoy spending time with you, Bucky. You're an awesome friend.”
He's silent for a while, eyes on you as if trying to read you, understand you. “You're...” His voice fades, and you chuckle, tilting your head to the side. “Thank you, (Y/N). For everything, since day one. You've been a wonderful friend and I... I love being around you. I wish I could be around you all the time.”
“Well... We are basically around all the time.” You say, smiling at him. “We live under the same roof after all.”
He chuckles again, seeming a little embarrassed. “Yes, I guess you're right but...”
“But?” You ask, involuntary stepping closer.
“Maybe it's not enough yet.” His voice is low, barely audible. There's something on his tone, that you just can't understand. But it makes you nervous.
And it gets even worse when he starts bending down a little, and when he's too close, you just close your eyes, anticipation burning on your skin, in your core. The butterflies are flying everywhere, and you suddenly feel hot, like you could burst into flames.
But then, you feel his lips on your face, on the apple of your cheek. Sighing, you open your eyes again when he pulls away.
It feels odd because it felt like the kiss would mean something different. But maybe you misread things.
“It's late. The restaurant will be close in half an hour so... I guess we should get going.” You mutter, stepping away, and walking back to the table. “And I have training tomorrow. I should probably rest a little.”
“Of course.” Bucky agrees, gesturing for a waiter to bring the check.
Surprisingly, the dinner was courtesy of Tony, so you didn't have to pay for anything. And to take you back, the same car that brought you here is already waiting outside.
The ride home is more silent than the dinner, and for some reason, you feel weird. But that's probably your fault. You were the one expecting a kiss on the lips, maybe Bucky wasn't even considering it.
But now, the night is over, and as usual, Bucky walks you to your bedroom, leaving you at the door. “I had a very nice evening, Miss (Y/N). Thank you for the lovely time.” He says, and you can tell he's still doing this the 40s style.
“Me too, Sergeant. Hope I'll get to see more of you soon.” You say, standing by the door. Bucky smiles, waving at you and making the way to his room.
You move to go inside, but instead, you give him one last look. He's already staring, also standing by his door. Furrowing your eyebrows a little, you wave again, smiling before going inside.
You take the dress off, waste some time in the bathroom, naked, checking the pictures the restaurant people sent you. Since there was no phone, the only pictures you have are those the waiters took. But they're beautiful, and every one of them makes you smile.
After a shower, you lie awake in bed, thinking. The only thing in your head is the kiss that didn't happen. And as much as you try to understand it, you just can't. And you can't sleep either.
“Shit.” Muttering under your breath, you push yourself up, leaving the bedroom and going for the one person who can help. You'd love to get a girl's time, but Wanda is too far and you don't trust Vision with that information, walking through walls and about to spill it out. So you'll have to do with Nat alone, so you head to her bedroom, softly knocking on the door. And when she doesn't answer, you knock again, louder this time.
“What the–” She mutters, pulling the door open quite violently. “(Y/N)? Did something happen?”
“Yeah.” You mutter, not waiting for an invitation to go inside, sitting on the edge of her bed with a sigh. “I need your help or else I'll lose my mind.”
“Couldn't you wait until morning?” She says, pushing the door close and turning the lights on.
“No.” It sounds like a little whine, to which she rolls her eyes.
“Spill it.”
Taking a deep breath, you try to make it short, to get to the point you actually need to talk about. “So, Bucky and I went out to that restaurant where they had a 40s night. The one I told you about.”
“Mhmm.” She nods sitting next to you, and you turn your body towards her, crossing your legs.
“We had an amazing time. Seriously, it was... It was so freaking amazing, Nat.” You smile, putting a strand of hair behind your ear. “He was such a gentleman, his eyes were shining and he was so loving and caring and–”
“If it was so perfect, why do you seem so troubled?”
“...When we were dancing things got... Heated. I said some things, he said some things and I thought he was going to kiss me but he kissed my cheek instead.”
“Yeah. Oh.” You repeat, both hands on your head. “I thought it was the moment. A-and maybe I misread things? Maybe he doesn't even consider kissing me and I stood there like an idiot, looking at his lips and...” Breathing in, you lie back down on her bed. “...Waiting for him to kiss me.”
“You sound like you're in love with him.” She giggles, using her arm to sustain her weight as she looks down at you. “And about the kiss... I don't think it didn't happen because he doesn't like you. Because it's pretty clear to me he does.”
“Maybe not, Nat. Maybe he just likes to be around me and I misread his old-school manners.”
“Bucky is a gentleman, yes, mostly with woman, but it's different with you.” She lies down next to you, facing the ceiling. “The way he stares at you when you're not looking. How he smiles and blushes like a teenager.” Nat giggles and you do the same rolling your eyes.
“You've been paying attention.”
“Everyone notices. It's not like he's trying to be subtle about it. Steve came to talk to me. Asking if you told me anything about it.”
That makes you sit up, looking down at her. “Don't tell Steve. He'll make a big deal out of it. And he'll talk to Bucky.”
“I won't say anything, don't worry.”
“So, what's you're verdict about the whole thing?” Nat puts her hands together, folding her fingers to make a heart shape. “Hey! I taught you that.”
“You didn't teach me, you just set the trend over here.” She sits up, taking both your hands. “Bucky has been through a lot. He just got his mind back and a pardon for as long as he helps the Avengers keep the world safe. And there's the Winter Soldier too, who keeps coming back. It's crystal clear to me that he has feelings for you. But with all that in his mind... It might take a while.”
Looking down, you nod, taking a deep breath. “I really like him, Nat. I liked guys before, but this time... It's real. It's... Strong.” You didn't want to admit it, but the words come out anyway, so low you can barely hear it. “I think this could be something. I want it to be something.”
“Then give him time. If this is supposed to be, it will be.”
“Thanks, Nat.” You smile, pulling her into a hug before getting back up. “And sorry for waking you up. I just had to talk to someone.”
“Don't worry. I'm glad I could help.” She walks you to the door, and you give her one more hug before going back to your room.
This time, you manage to fall asleep, even though you still have a lot in your mind. When the morning comes, you go around with your routine, showering and dressing up for a gym with light grey leggings and a black tank top with a pink sports bra underneath.
You're a bit hungry when you leave the room, smiling to find Bucky on the lounge, looking through the window. “Hey, Buck.” You hear Steve saying, coming upstairs. “Won't you eat any–” Bucky stands up suddenly, making his way over Steve.
And that's when you notice it isn't Bucky. The Soldier is back.
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@hi-im-fan-trash @takeabreathdeath @pre-google @thespeeder @heavenly1927 @marvel-fanfic-writer-8675 @insidxangel @winters1917 @plethoravellichor @meggiesposts @hollie911 @saranghaey @lexi-anastasia @lechaircharles @mememe7147 @sofi1sstuff @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @sophiaj650
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chaotic-nick · 3 years
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Miche's looking for the perfect adrenaline rush after taking over his parent's company, seeing you all alone in the restaurant on the verge of tears might be a good place to start.
Warnings: Infidelity (will be added as i post more chapters)
This fic was supposed to be a one shot for @ghost-party 's request l, however the idea was just so good it turned into this.
Inconsistent updates, or I may post it all in one go given that I have schoolwork and this is just something I wanna get out.
And here's to one of the many mini multifics that I can hopefully post this year
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Part 1: Of all the people
Part 2: Maybe if you listened
Parts 3 & 4 are yet to be written
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Comment here to be a part of the taglist
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piscesparker · 3 years
Betraying the bond
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Masterlist | Taglist
Part 9
It hurt. Seeing him kiss someone else hurt, but why? No, I was not going to let my heart take control over this situation. I shook off thoughts and walked back to the ball, I couldn't believe that I thought that he could change or that we were getting along for once. Once again I as so lost in thought that I never realize that my vision got foggy as the tears threatened to spill. No. I wasn't going to cry over some stupid boy because I was falling for him. That's when I realized, I had fallen for him and his stupid charm.  
Whenever he had his hand on my waist, my heart sped up; and all this time I thought it was fear. Hatred. I was being such a fool, I promised I wouldn't fall; I felt so stupid. And to make matters more worse, I bumped into Edward on the way.
"Woah, Y/n, are you alright?" He addressed his concern, "Are you...crying?" I turned around so he was facing my back and subtly wiped away my tears and took a deep breath to calm down. Once I composed myself I turned around and gave him a kind smile, "I'm fine Edward, thank you."
"Okay, well I was searching for you, hoping I could have a dance with you, for old time's sake?" He winked at the last part making me chuckle, "Of course, it would be my honor." I said as he led me to the ballroom, I looked back at the gardens one last time and deciding never to let my heart make any decisions.
Unlike Harrison, Edward was actually making sure that I was having a good time; I actually felt a bit lighter and more care free, but I guess the universe can never see me being too happy. Harrison stood behind us and cleared his throat to announce his presence, "May I?" He asked Edward.
"All yours." He smiled and gave my hand to Harrison. His grip on my hand and waist was a little tighter than usual, but then it happened again, my heart sped up. No, Y/n fight it! "Who was that?" The blond asked as we began to dance, I could sense a bit of anger and jealousy in his voice; a fake smile covering his real emotions.
"Not that it is any of your business, but that was Prince Edward, a childhood friend of mine." I said a bit sternly as he spun me around. The only way to avoid falling for him was being stern and mean.
"What do you mean 'not any of my business'? I am your fiancee, of course it is my business." The way he said it sounded as though he was hurt, whereas it was the other was around.
As he pulled me back in, it was a bit harsher and forceful than we had practiced, once again making his grip strong. He was being possessive and protective, I did not need that, not anymore. He constantly kept eyeing Edward and as if to show off that I was his, he spun me out and pulled me in, leading to a dip where his one hand was securely on my waist and the other under my neck; once again catching me off guard. The crowd erupted with applause.
After the dance, we exchanged rings and signed the alliance, making it official; every moment of it was pure agony for me. I was giving my everything to someone I didn't want to have, but this was never about me, it was and always has been about the people.
The night came to an end and it couldn't have ended faster, after Amber helped me get ready for bed I waited for a good few minutes and snuck off  to the stables; being with Spencer right now was the only thing I needed. As I walked down the empty halls, the echo of my footsteps keeping me company, when I reached the stables Spencer let out a shrill neigh; it was something he did when he knew that it was me.
I knew if had to take him for a ride I would be in a lot of trouble, so I settled to be in his stall and groom him while I spoke to him. As I softly stroked his hair with the brush I heard a clattering sound, it couldn't have been any of the stable boys, no one was allowed when I was with Spencer.
"Who's there?" I asked, stepped out of the stall, it was eerily quiet which sent chills up my spine.
"Boo!" I let out a loud shriek and turned around to see the last person I wanted to see, Harrison, laughing uncontrollably with his hands on his knees. "What are you doing here?" Letting out a sigh of relief, I punched him lightly on his shoulder as he continued to laugh.
"You should have seen your face." He said, I walked back into the stall and continued to brush Spencer. "Is everything alright?" He asked as his laughter died down and concern overlapping his voice and leaned on the stall door.
"Everything is fine, why?" How does this matter to him now?
"Because it's in the middle of the night and you are grooming your horse? I don't suppose that is a normal person's routine." He chuckled.
And I don't suppose that kissing your ex at your engagement party is also normal. I forced myself from saying it out loud, "This is my castle and I will do what I want," I shot back, "and in that case shouldn't you be asleep too?"
"Ours, now," he corrected me, "I was going to but then I saw you sneaking off so I thought I'd see what you were up to." There was that word again, ours, I hated the idea of an 'us' or 'ours' even more than ever.
"Stop stalking me! I can take care of myself I don't need to be paraded by you all the time, just leave me alone!" I snapped at him and left him out the cold. And again I was overpowered with these confusing emotions. Why didn't he come after me? Fight for me? No Y/n, don't do this to yourself.  
a/n: I know this chapter was boring but I promise to do better :)
General Taglist: @petersasteria @bleh-bleh-blehs @astrosurreptitious @hollanderfangirl @alinastarkrovs @parkerpeter24 @yourstrulyamour @celestialholland @theonly1outof-a-billion @miraclesoflove @theglitterymess @osterfieldholland01 @spideyssunshine @zspideyy @yousayironisayman @rosie-posie08
Harrison Osterfield Taglist: @hollandbroz-n-haz @hjoficrecs @euphorichxlland @asshatgrace @anissalime @just-lost-inbetween-worlds
Betraying the bond taglist: @in-some-fandoms @frenchfrostpudding @sheranatic111 @kickingn-ames @minejungwoo @multific @emistrash @yukh3ic0re @faeriepadfoots @britishvamps @bicyhot1
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xamassed · 3 years
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「 @multifates​  」
“You burned your energy out in the snow, you’re shivering badly.” ( from doppy for bryning? )
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“I’ll survive. This is hardly the worst feeling I’ve experienced.” Blue eyes as cold as the snow he knelt in shifted towards the stranger, his expression raining neutral despite his own wonder getting the better of him. “Why are you out here? I thought I was the only one that knew of this spot.  .  .”
With a grunt, he stood, dusting the snow from his clothes and turning away from the grave marker jammed into the frozen soil. “You look more susceptible to the cold than I do, but something tells me I may be wrong to assume.”
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sparkadream · 3 years
@multifates​ semi-plotted starter
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A small hiss of pain leaves the hybrid as the fangs of the little wolf pup sink into his hand. “Look I know you don’t want my help, but you’re going to get it anyway.” Sisora says continuing to use his free hand to pluck the thorns out of the pup’s fur. He was well aware that he wasn’t exactly liked by most creatures, normal animals included, but that didn’t mean he was about to leave the poor thing in the state that it was. “If you need to keep biting my hand go ahead if it helps.” He assures as the pup was giving it’s best attempt at the most ferocious growl it could manage.
Eventually the last thorn was finally removed, so at that very second the pup released its hold upon Sisora’s hand darting away as fast as it’s little legs would take it. Dark blue eyes kept watch on the pup until it was out of sight just to make sure it didn't tumble into another thorn bush. Once he was sure it was safe his gaze then turned to his hand. Sure, the pup’s fangs may have been small but they were still sharp along with that it had been clamped down pretty hard too, enough so that a steady stream of blood was already sliding it’s way down onto the grass below.
A light sigh leaves him at the sight. “You’re welcome.” Sisora mutters softly as he stands up. Using his uninjured hand he dusts his pants off a bit before turning to start making his way back towards the manor. But, the sense of...something near made him pause. It felt...familiar...but strange all at the same time. Glancing over his shoulder his eyes narrow in thought a moment. It was likely that this was just a trap, but...there was just...something about it that he felt he needed to investigate. Turning on his heel he starts making his way towards that strange but familiar presence. “Hello? Is someone there?” He calls out, realizing instantly just how stupid of a move that was but, the dead was done, no taking it back now.
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zer0pm · 5 years
Diverging Jealousy: Devil Hunters
A/N: The next part of the Diverging Jealousy multific that continues after V’s part. I was considering ending it as I don’t want to drag the story too long, but with how I left V’s part along with all the great feedback, I felt it better to write some scenes that would create a natural transition to the heart-pulling finale. Hope this keeps the hype up. Thanks a bunch to everyone that has been following this. Y’all are the best :)
You: “Wait, Dante. Stop.”
He was about to kiss you and you almost let him, but a nagging feeling tugging at your heart and mind told you to stop and take a step back. So you did, placing a hand against his chest to keep him at bay, allowing you to create some distance. He looks crestfallen at your rejection, but he doesn’t push it.
Dante: “Guessing you’re not feeling me.”
You shake your head.
You: “I don’t know what to feel. This is too sudden and it sure as hell not the right time and place to open up to something like this.”
When you were certain Dante wasn’t going to try to pull a fast one, you lower your hand and your guard.
Dante: “We may not have another chance to talk about this.”
You: “Well, we’re not going to do this in front of V.”
If he was hurt before, Dante certainly was now. Feelings aside, you had a job to do, and you were not going to cause a scene in front of your client. That’s what you convinced yourself anyways. You turn your head to apologize to him about how unprofessional Dante must appear but find him nowhere to be found.
You: “Where did V go?”
Dante: “...Guess he heeded my warning.”
You narrow your eyes at Dante suspiciously.
You: “What warning? You guys have been acting weird all day, you gonna tell me what’s going on?”
Dante’s body grows frigid. Him and his big mouth, but there was no point in hiding or lying about it now. He scratches the back of his head, trying to find the best words to put it.
Dante: “I didn’t like the way he acted around you or how you two talked to each other. It got on my nerves. So I told him to watch himself, ‘cause I already had my sights on you longer than he has and wasn’t going to let him just waltz in and-”
You: “Take what’s yours? Like you own me?”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing and his eyes widen at your outburst.
Dante: “It isn’t like that!”
You: “Then what is it, Dante? ‘Cause it sounds to me like you two started a competition where I’m the prize and I didn’t even have a say in it! Now V’s fucking gone off to god knows where and we still got an asshole demon king to kill against which we’re going to need all the fucking help we can get!”
Your fists clenched so tightly, your body was shaking, and your head felt like it was about to burst from all the anger building up inside you.
You: “And you two thought it was a good idea to fight over what?! A chance with me!? God, you can be so stupid sometimes!”
That made his heart fall. Did they not have a chance with you? You storm off, sword drawn. You hear Dante calling out to you.
Dante: “Where are you going?!”
You: “To find our client!”
With a swing, you point your sword at Dante, annoyed rage in your eyes.
You: “And don’t think I’m picking any sides. He’s just as dumb as you for letting this rivalry get the better of both of your judgments! You’re going to fucking keep the office and we’re all going to live through this so I can smack both of you upside your thick skulls! Until then, I’m going to make sure that you two get the fuck along so that I can get back to fucking work!”
Dante knows you’re pissed when half of your sentences are filled with expletives. If he wasn’t legitimately scared of you right now, he would have thought your spirited anger was sexy. Empowering even. It was one of the things that made you so damn attractive while working, ‘cause you had nothing but feeling in everything you do. But he has thrown himself on your bad side and knew it was his fault. He scratches the back of his head in frustration.
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Dante: “Fuck...”
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He didn’t know how long or far he has been walking, trying to actively move to get his mind of over Dante being so close to you. But no matter how hard he tried, even reciting William Blake to calm his nerves, the quake in his heart shook him painfully. It was pathetic really how much it affected him.
Griffon: “Hey, uh...you okay, V?”
V: “Once Urizen is defeated, I will be.”
Griffon: “True, but what about...you know who, Walker, I think is what you call that other devil hunter.”
V: “Little Wanderer.”
Griffon: “There ya go, that’s the pet name.”
He started calling you that not too long after meeting you, a play on your exceptional scouting abilities. It also helped that it was an ode to one of his favorites poems, fueling his attraction to you. V supposes that he’ll have to come up with another nickname, one that would not serve as a symbol of his hopeless affection.
V: “Irrelevant now. Dante has made his claim clear.”
He sighs, stopping in the middle of an open area.
V: “Besides, he has everything to offer. Me...I have nothing to give. I cannot even give myself as I will simply either crumble away or reveal myself to be the monster that brought calamity to this city Wanderer loved so much. I don’t know which of these would be worse to see on that wonderful face, but it not a sight I can bare. It is better this way.”
Griffon: “V...”
Suddenly he feels a presence zoom right towards them. With amazing reflexes, V instinctively ducks, Shadow leaping from his marks to claw at the attacking figure. The familiar nicks the creature, revealing itself before V. A large, lizard-like demon with long, dagger-like claws and glowing red skin. Out of the all the species of demons in the underworld, this was the his least favorite to deal with and with his current state, he would ride victorious still but not before going through a bit of a struggle destroying it. His worst fear is realized when more Chaos demons fade into vision, completely surrounding them. Well, then...
Griffon: “Um... Now would probably be a good time to call in Nightmare.”
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Not needing to be told twice, V summons the full force his demonic energy with a snap of his fingers, triggering the call of his most powerful familiar. Like a meteor falling from the sky, Nightmare crashes into the plaza. The Chaos demons were quick to move out of the way, hissing at the rising ink creature. In their venomous daze, V dashed on top of Nightmare, Griffon and Shadow in tow to defend him.
The Chaos horde engages them, V using his connection with his demon companions to guide their every move, taking extra care to make sure they do not attack too far from him. It was difficult as the enemies were too quick, using their superior speed to dodge most of the strikes and lightning attacks. Even Nightmare’s energy blasts and monstrous strength did little against them. One swiftly sneaks behind V, he could not summon Griffon back enough to knock it away and instead was forced to dodge. He barely missed the killing blow as one hellish claw scratched deep on his shoulder. If he didn’t move at all, that would have pierced his heart right through, yet it still hurt like hell, and he was bleeding profusely.
V: “Gahh!”
The reptilian demon stood atop Nightmare with him and moved to slice upward. V had no choice but to roll off of his own familiar to escape, he landed on the ground on top of his bad shoulder and hisses in excruciating agony. Nightmare beside him fades into a pool of black ink before merging back within him, turning his hair and some of the marks on his back to its dark hue.
He looks up to see Griffon and Shadow trying to get to him, but the surrounding Chaos demons kept them at bay with fierce attacks. He sensed that it is taking all their vigor alone to avoid their vicious offense.
V moves to get back up but feels his weakening body give, keeping him to a kneeling position. His dying core forces him to cough, he covers his mouth as if doing so would muffle the sound and steady his breathing but once he removed his hand, he sees nothing but the red proof of his fading life splattered on his palm.
V: “No, not like this... I can’t lose here.”
He thinks back on how this hell came to be. How everything fell to ruin, all because of him and his selfish pursuit of power. Even now, he wished himself to be stronger. But not just to right his wrongs.
But to see you again...
He was mentally himself for his foolish sentimental heart, but he honestly could not complain. On the brink of death and all he can think about is you. If you were to be his last thoughts, then he felt that everything was worth it. And he hoped even now, that and you and Dante would rise victorious, together. V smiles sadly.
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V: “I curse my stars in bitter grief and woe.”
Behind him, a shadow approaches, the signal of the end.
V: “That made my lov-”
The demon behind him falls, fading into black ash. V’s look up to seek out the source and sees a familiar face beside him, helping him back on his feet.
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V: “Dante-!”
Dante: “Don’t thank me yet, my partner is still going to kill our dumb asses. Until then...”
He was lucky to have found V first, his feet driven by the desire to beat you to him so that he could speak with the tattooed man first. Not to manipulate the situation between you all, he learned that lesson the first time. But to set it right and let things come naturally. If you chose V over him, if you chose between them at all, then he wanted V to give it his all for you. That would be worth it. The white-haired man looks back at the dark-cladded man with a profound determination in his eyes that told the latter that his pride has been casted aside.
Dante: “Help me out here, will ya?”
Understanding what he means, V nods. His cane in hand, he puts himself in his stance, Griffon and Shadow bracing themselves by his side to carry out their next orders. He eyes the demons that have formed around them with a newfound vigor and malice.
V: “Behold the taste of despair.”
Dante laughs, facing his back to V’s, both men making sure they had each other covered.
Dante: “Took the words right out of my mouth.”
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katlyn1948 · 5 years
So this is the first chapter of my new multific Gendrya Modern AU! I have chapters two and three written and will try to post them before I got on vacation this weekend, but I can’t make any promises. I really like this concept and don’t really know how much I plan to write for this. It seems like when I set a certain amount of chapters, it immediately turns into more, so I’m just going to go with it. Anyway, hope you enjoy and happy reading!
She stalked her pray. Quiet and observant, she watched as the man rounded a corner entering an empty alley. She waited and studied her surroundings trying to calculate the right moment to pounce. She knew that one wrong move could jeopardize the mission putting her siblings at risk. For several minutes she watched the dark alleyway, until finally, the man emerged. Without so much as a sound, she glided from her hiding spot and fell in step behind the man. She was soft and silent and before the man could register what was happening, his throat was slit from ear to ear. She saw as he grasped his neck, choking on the blood pouring out of his wound. The man fell to his knees and with the little life he had reaming, he stared at his killer’s dark grey eyes.
The She Wolf smiled, “Agent Baelish, you have been relieved of your duties and decommissioned from The Wolf Corporation. Thank you for your service.”
She turned on her heel, leaving no trace that she was ever there.
Static rang through her ear as a voice said, “Mission successful, She Wolf. Return to headquarters for your next assignment.”
“Copy that, Raven. ETA is twenty minutes.” She reached towards her ear and pulled the com out, throwing it onto the ground and crushing it beneath her foot.
She pulled her black hood over her head and kept her face down. The alleyway may have been empty, but the buildings surrounding the alley were crawling with people. The Bird District was filled with nothing but clubs and whorehouses spilling with rich sick bastards who wanted to spend more money than what they made. It was a Saturday night, meaning that there were more people out than on a slow night.
Being as invisible as she could be, she walked down the busy sidewalk gazing around for a lone vehicle. The less people there were, the easier it would be to steal an unsupervised vehicle. Her eyes darted back and forth until it finally landed on a black motorcycle parked in a full carpark. She weaved her way through a crowd and slipped past a distracted guard, pulling off the small panel in the front of the motorcycle to get access to the wires. A simple spark ignited as she flicked two wires together, roaring the beast to life.
She moved quickly, throwing her leg over the seat to straddle the motorcycle. With a swift kick, she pushed off and zoomed out of the car park having raised no suspicion. Years of training had taught her well, but she couldn’t help but feel that slight rush of adrenaline rise in her stomach every time she got away successfully. She only allowed herself to feel that way just for a minute because any distraction could mean life or death, which could ruin even the best-made plans for any mission.
Focusing on the road ahead of her, she swerved in and out of traffic, bypassing the surrounding vehicles. The Wolf Corporation was exactly fifteen minutes from The Bird District and if she were even a minute late there would be countless questions asking of her whereabouts.
With three minutes to spare, she pulled up to the entrance to The Wolf Corporation, flashing her badge to a heavily armed guard. He huffed and nodded his approval, allowing her to enter with ease. The She Wolf had never like the front guard. He was tall, board, and never said a word; only grunting in response whenever she flashed him a halfhearted smile.
She parked the bike in an empty spot before slinging her leg over to hop off. Pulling her hood off, she walked towards the side entrance and punched in a code on the keypad.
“Identification.” A voice responded.
“Arya ‘The She Wolf’ Stark. Identification code 352.” She said.
A low humming emerged from the keypad before a loud beep went off, indicating that he code was received. The automatic doors sung open and she step inside, punching a button to take her to the top floor. Arya watched the red illuminated numbers climb as the elevator reached its destination. When the elevator slowed and opened its bulky black doors, the last person she had expected was standing right in front of her.
“Arya. Welcome back.” Her sister said.
Arya looked at her sister quizzically. In all the time she had been working for her family’s company, Sansa had never stepped foot on floor 150. If Arya was being honest, she felt like her sister didn’t deserve to have access to floor 150. It was reserved for the best agents and her sister was nothing more than a whistle blower; never going out in the field to do op work.
“Sansa. What a lovely surprise. What brings you up here?” She said sarcastically as she stepped off the elevator. She pushed passed her sister and crossed the hall to the nearest bar. Floor 150 looked more like a club than a company’s headquarter, which meant there was booze. And for that, Arya was grateful. She reached over the bar and poured a glass of ale from tap.
Arya could hear her sister’s sigh, “You broke protocol, Arya. There are consequences for that.”
Arya scoffed into her glass, “Consequences? My mission was successful! I killed Baelish. It was clean, it was fast, and it is done.”
“I’m not talking about Baelish. I’m talking about Jaqen. Or did you forget?” Sansa placed a slender hand on her hip as she smacked down a large file on the bar just inches from Arya’s face.
Her face paled as she pulled open the file with a shaky hand.
Jaqen H’ghar was her only failed mission in all the years she had been working for The Wolf Corporation. Her stupid mistake cost the lives of three people and nearly cost her life if it wasn’t for her older brother. The incident happened nearly six months ago and she thought that was the end it. How could she forget the internal investigation was that was being helmed by none other than her own sister?
Arya gulped the last bit of her ale before letting out a shaky breath, “Of course I remember. I just forgot about the internal investigation. So, what does that mean for me?”
She looked up into her sister’s eyes and could see the softness. Arya could tell that her sister hated what she was about to do, but for the good of the company, it was necessary.
“They think it is best for you to take a…break. Like a holiday.” Sansa said slowly.
Arya’s eyes furrowed in confusion, “A holiday? So, I’m not being fired?”
“No! Of course not! You are one of the best agents here. They just think you need a change of scenery for a bit. Perhaps a trip to the tropics? Like Meereen?” Sansa shrugged.
Arya let out a humorless laugh, “Judging by your demeanor, it is safe to say the trip is already booked. When do I leave and when can I come back?”
Sansa’s body relaxed and Arya watched her as she fumbled through her skirt pocket for her plane ticket.
“You leave tomorrow morning and you’ll be gone for two weeks. After that, you are full and cleared to return to work. Sister’s promise.”
Arya reached for the ticket and gave a small smile. A trip to Meereen would do her some good and it would be nice for her to take some time off from all the killing. Being an assassin requires her to be cold and stoic, so the chance for relaxation was a happy surprise. She really thought that she would be decommissioned and end up like Baelish; dead and cold.
“Fine, I’ll bite. Besides, a little sun never did anyone any harm.” She stuffed the plane ticket into her jacket pocket and poured another glass of ale. She offered her sister to join, but being Sansa, she politely declined. Arya just shrugged continued her drink until it was time to leave for her forced holiday.
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shipppersrus · 6 years
Aj Says part 2//Multific
The garage door opens, telling the kids Lee is back from his date. Clem bends to Aj’s level to make things clear between them.
“Okay Aj, nobody was here just me and you all night. We watched Black Panther and fell asleep.” The two make their way downstairs and pretend to be sleep on the couch with Aj falling Clem’s lead.
Lee comes in and notices his children asleep, he gives each of them a kiss and turns off the tv. After Lee heads upstairs and the two get up and heads to their rooms. Clem closes her door and locks it then calls Louis.
“Hey” he answers.
“Hey, I’m sorry about my brother.”
“No don’t be I shouldn’t of came over in the first place, now your enslaved to your little brother.”
“Oh it can’t be that bad, I’m sure he’ll forget in a couple days.”
“Well it was fun watching movies with you, and uh- the other stuff.”
“You too Lou.”
“I guess I’ll see you at school.”
“Yeah will do.”
“Goodnight Clem.”
The next day Aj acted like an angel, as if nothing happened which made Clem think he may of forgotten, but let’s just say she thought to soon. Throughout the week Aj drove Clem crazy with her having to do anything he asked.
“Aj! This room is a mess you need to come clean it now, or no dessert tonight!” Lee threatened, and Clem already knew what that meant.
“Yes sir.” Aj said innocently. Aj made his way to Clem’s room and had a mischievous look on his face.
“Clem, my room needs cleaning.” Aj leaned on the door as Lee often does.
“In a minute Aj I have to finish this paper.” Clem continued typing.
“Okay. Dad!” Aj began yelling making Clementine drop what she was doing and head to his room.
“Yes!” Lee called upstairs.
“Never mind I found it.” Aj followed Clem into his room as he got on his bed and read comic books.
It got much worse from there not only was Clementine doing all Aj’s chores on top of her own but she had to sneak snacks for him and take him anywhere he wanted to go after school, it began driving her crazy. A week and a half past before Clem became fed up. Clem’s seemed to be very irritated at school and Louis picked up on it, during lunch the two took some time together and Louis decided he’d try to help, even if it was it was to get her to smile.
“So uh- you look nice today.” Louis tried to start.
“Thanks.” Clem said dryly.
“Clem please talk to me.” She takes a deep breath before starting.
“ I should of never take a deal with Aj! I have to do whatever he says and I hate it! He strings what happened over my head like a $100 dollar bill. If I even look like I’m not going to do what he says or wait till I have time he starts to yell dads name, I just feel like I’m trapped.” Clementine felt good about talking about it for the first time.
“I’m sorry you’re in this mess, but maybe this is a sign to tell you it’s time to tell your dad yourself. Take the power away from Aj.” Louis was nervous about the advice he recommended. Clementine leans her head on his shoulder.
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah. I can’t let this go on any longer and the best way to get out of it is to tell me dad the truth.”
“Can I just say I’m the best advice giver, I’m going to have to go ahead and charge you for my services.”
“Not again. What do you want Louis?”
“A kiss.” Louis smirked.
“That I can do.” Clementine gave Louis a peck on his lips.
“Aww you can do better than that, put some thought into it!” Louis teased. Clem tried again actually sincerely kissing him and took her time. She hadn’t been affectionate with Louis at all since the incident and it felt good to touch him again. She broke away from her kiss and they rested their foreheads on each other.
“Tonight I tell my father about you, as long as I don’t chicken out.”
“You won’t.”
“Also prepare to never see me again, because I maybe dead.”
“You’ll be fine.” He takes her in his arms and they rest there for a second. “No matter what we’ll make it through this.” Louis held her.
“And if we don’t?”
“Hey I thought I was the one that’s suppose to be the pessimist in this relationship!” He teased.” Relax it will be fine.”
“God I hope so.”
That night dinner was normal, except for Clem being less talkative than normal. Once they finished the small talk and eating Lee asked his normal request:
“Aj, you’re on dish duty tonight.” Lee told him ask they finished dinner.
“Okay.” Aj continued eating.
“What’s gotten into you Aj, you always complain about your chores, and your room has been cleaner than normal, what’s going on?” Lee asked.
“I just want to make your life easier dad.”
“Mhm. Well go ahead and knock those dishes out.” Lee finished up his plate. Once he finished Lee headed to the living room to go over some papers and there was left Clem and Aj.
“Here you go Clem.” Aj passes her the plates.
“No Aj I’m done doing your chores, this isn’t fair I’ve already made up for what happened this is getting ridiculous!” Clem tried to keep her voice down.
“Fine. Dad!” Aj called Lee in with his arms crossed.
“Yes please call dad in, I’ll tell him myself.” Clem got up from the table.
“Not if I tell him first.” Aj cut out running but Clementine caught him and the two started fighting. Clementine tried to pin Aj but he bit her!
“Ow Aj! Don’t bite me!” They continued fighting.
“Hey Stop! Now!” Lee ran in and broke the two up. “If you two don’t stop fighting I’ll ground both of you! Now what is going on!”
The two both start telling on each other completely. Until Lee somewhat understood what was going on.
“Enough! Aj go to your room now.” Lee said sternly and very upset. Aj headed upstairs without another word. “Clementine I’m going to ask you once, what happened.” She sighs and gets ready to tell the truth.
“I’m sorry dad! The night you went out on a date my boyfriend Louis stopped over to make sure I was okay, I let him in and we watched a movie! But we weren’t doing anything, well I mean we kissed but we weren’t going to have sex! Aj caught us and I’ve been doing all his chores and pretty much everything he says since it happened and I’m sick of it!” Clementine said all in one breath. Lee took a seat as he tried to grasp everything she said.
“You have a boyfriend?”
“That you let in the House? After I specifically told you no one comes in or goes out.”
“And you has Aj lie for you?
“I’m sorry dad.” Clementine was defeated.
“Sweet pea, why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend?”
“I didn’t know how you would take it? And I didn’t know how to tell you. But you’d really like him he’s a great guy and he’s so funny, and has been dying to meet you.”
“I just always thought we had a better relationship than that, no secrets and all.”
“We do. I’m sorry dad.”
“Then you snuck him in and had your brother lie to you.”
“Yeah I know this is a mess.”
“Well when you’re not grounded anymore, I’d love to meet him.” Lee smiled at Clementine, and she couldn’t help but hug him.
“So you’re not mad?” She asked.
“Oh no I’m furious that you lied and brought your brother into it, but I know we all make mistakes and it seems like you learned from yours.”
“Thanks dad.”
“Now I’ll need your cell phone, laptop, tv, and iPad all placed in my room while I talk to your brother.”
“Wait dad you can’t be serious!”
“Now.” Lee put his hand out for her phone. She handed him her phone and immediately got a text from Louis:
Louis: Goodnight my clemster ♥️
Lee read the message and decided to let Clementine respond before she was put on punishment. Her face beamed as she replied to him trust returned her phone to her dad.
“Hey dad go easy on Aj.” Clementine started. “Or not.” She teased.
“Since your brother is a mass manipulator, I think it’s time he experiences his first grounding.” Lee headed upstairs to talk to Aj. Clementine quickly ran to the fridge to have a couple quick bites of the sorbet in the fridge before her punishment officially commenced, at least her dad wanted to meet Louis, right?
Thanks guys I hope you enjoyed!!
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cheesecake-quaffle · 6 years
Fragments: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Pairing: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Summary: Izuku then remembered that it was a day just like this when the young prince, Todoroki came months ago, the man with a broken heart but still gave him smiles that offered nothing but an effervescent sweetness but with eyes that held hurt beyond comprehension. And Izuku thinks, "I want to fix him"
In a world where people wear their hearts on golden chains, a young prince with a broken heart befriends a heartsmith who promises to help fix his heart.
Tags: Fantasy AU/Angst and Fluff/Arranged Marriage/Happy Ending
Note: Just a little multific that me and my friend @rhythmicskater wrote. Hope you all enjoy it as much as we enjoyed writing this!
Its loosely based on this lovely comic but we won’t follow the exact storyline.
[Trouvaille (French) - (n.) a valuable discovery, or a lucky find; something lovely discovered by chance]
Once upon a time, in a world where people wore their hearts in golden chains around their necks, lived a lonely prince with a broken heart. At an early age, he had his heart broken by a person who was supposed to help strengthen it.
The prince wanted to have it fixed, which was why he disguised himself with a long hood and went into the commoners’ marketplace in search of a way to repair his heart.
“Would you like to buy a heart?” a little girl with silvery hair and a red coat stood in the marketplace. He dismissed her with slight nod, not really paying her much attention. Until he realised just what the girl was selling.
“Excuse me, do you repair broken hearts?” the prince asked the girl
“Oh, I’m sorry sir, I don’t repair hearts.” said the little girl apologetically. “I merely sell them.”
The prince sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Of course it wasn’t going to be easy, he had expected that from the beginning.
“ButI work for someone who does!” The little girl said, smiling and the prince lightened up as the girl spoke, “I could take you to him.”
“I would like that. Thank you.”said the prince “What is your name?”
“It’s Eri, sir.” Eri smiled at him. She tugged on his sleeve and began to lead him through the marketplace.
Amidst the colourful banners strewn across the town, they arrived at a worn, rather plain-looking workshop. It was easy to overlook under the bustle of the busy marketplace. As they entered the shop, the prince noticed the messy interior: books piled up high in a corner, pieces of paper with elaborate diagrams scatter across the wooden space. Across the entrance, a wooden desk strewn with various tools were lit up by a window above. The atmosphere warm and light, the sound of papers fluttering and tools clattering rang through the air There’s a faint humming that could be heard.
A young man sat on one of the many stools surrounding the desk, brows scrunched up in concentration as he tinkered with a small contraption. He was wearing a simple white button up shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. His freckles and the green of his bushy hair were more noticeable under the sunlight.
Eri tugged at the prince’s sleeve and grins, “That’s the heartsmith.” she said.
As Eri spoke, the man sits up and notices the newcomers, “Hello, Eri! How has your day been so far?” he said with a smile and pats her gently on the head, “Is this a customer you brought?”
The prince stepped forward and as he lowered his hood, he heard a small gasp of surprise from the heartsmith.
“Your highness,” the heartsmith was about to bow when the prince stopped him with a hand.
“No, it’s alright. I don’t want any formalities please. Call me Todoroki.”
The heartsmith was visibly flustered “Sure, yo- I mean Todoroki.” he reached out a hand “I’m Midoriya Izuku. The heartsmith.” Their eyes met and suddenly, it was iridescent green on grey and turquoise. Todoroki blinked at the sudden vivid color that entered his eyes.
They shook hands when Eri piped up “Deku, he said that he wanted to get his heart fixed.”
“Deku?” Todoroki frowned at the odd name.
Midoriya smiled, “It’s just an old nickname I’ve had since I was a kid. It’s also easier for Eri to say so I don’t mind. May I take a look at your heart?”
Todoroki took out the golden chain that he kept carefully hidden under his shirt, unclasped it, and handed it to Midoriya.
“Hmm,” Midoriya examined the heart with utmost care “This looks pretty damaged. It might be a lot of work.”
“So, you can’t fix it?”
“Don’t worry,” Midoriya gave him a warm smile. “I love a good challenge. Though repairing this might take a while. But it’s kind of exciting because it’s like a challenge and I love challenging things and this is the first time I’ve tried to repair a -” the heartsmith stopped from his rambling and looked at the prince. “Was I rambling?”
Todoroki quirked a small smile “I don’t mind.”
Midoriya’s cheeks turned pink. “Anyways, are you alright with leaving it here, for the time being?”
For a brief moment, Todoroki was doubtful. He never left his heart far away from him, even when it sometimes sent out bursts of pain. Todoroki has been through so much with that heart. What would it feel like without it?
“It’s alright.” Todoroki said as he gently pressed a hand to his chest “Though it does feel a bit odd, walking around without a heart.”
Midoriya went to his desk and rummaged through a pile of silver metal “It’s normal to feel like that. Um, Eri, have you seen an empty heart box somewhere?”
“It’s right beside you, Deku.” Eri giggled and Todoroki managed a small smile.
Midoriya looked at him, a wide grin across his face “Ohh, I got to see you smile before you left.”
Todoroki’s face heated up, “How much do I owe you?”
Midoriya gently placed the chain in a small box, “We can talk about that later. I’m still not sure what materials I need to fix your heart. I’m also quite unsure on how long repairing the heart would take.”
“I see.”
“You know what, if it isn’t much trouble, you could stop by here anytime to check on your heart.”
“That would be great.” a bell started sounding in the distance.
“I have to go.” Todoroki said “I have to attend to some business. Thank you very much, Midoriya, Eri.”
“Goodbye, Mr. Prince Todoroki!” Eri waved at him
“See you around, Todoroki.” Midoriya gave him one last smile as he turned to leave.
On the way back to the palace, Todoroki marvelled at the feeling of not having a heart. He felt lighter, though in a way that felt like he was missing a piece of himself. He hoped that the heartsmith would finish repairing his heart before the wedding.
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tiemeupspidey · 7 years
What To Do
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Series: Tom Holland Dad Imagines
Relationship: Tom Holland x Reader
Request by: @pammy17 :Can you make a imagine where the reader is preagnant and Tom is the father but the reader and Tom are friends with benefits and both agree that feelings was not going to be part of that but secretly she has feel in love and is afraid of what Tom may say?
Warnings: Swearing
Work Count:1,600
A/N: Sorry its so short, my migraine is killing me :,( Also 23 more followers till 3k!!!!
[Reader’s POV]
    Your eyes stared at the pink symbol, the sight being stained into you mind. Looking away you set it down with all the other tests that littered against your counter. All of them saying the same exact pink symbol. Your heart was racing and you didn’t have a clue what to do. Fear started to rise in your body like a volcano.
    Sure enough you exploded, tears started pouring down your cheeks. Resting your back against the bathroom wall you slide down hugging your knees. Your body was slightly shaking with a million thoughts running through your head. How the hell were you going to tell him? The one memory popping up repeatedly in your head made your heart ache more.
“So can we do this, no strings attached?” he asks sitting across from you at his dining room table. Your eyes look up from the colored placemat to meet his alluring brown eyes you love so much. The pain in your heart stung but you just pushed it away.
“Yeah Tom, not strings attached..” yet your heart said otherwise. You love him but all he wanted to be was friends with benefits. Mainly friends with benefits because when he comes home back to the UK he’ll be coming home to you. Once he leaves though.. he’ll probably be with someone else when he travels.
“C’mon love lets head out for some drinks then come back to my place yeah?” his warm hand covers yours making you smile. Picking up your hand he tugs you up pulling you towards the door.
-flashback ends-
   The sound of ringing fills your ears making you look up. Your phone slowly vibrating off of the counter you quickly get up reaching to grab it before it falls.  Hitting the green button you raise the phone to your ear. Wiping the tears away from your cheeks you hear shuffling in the background.  Sniffling you look at your smudged makeup in the mirror cringing at the sight.
You looked like a god damn mess in the mirror.
“Love are you okay?”
“U-uh yeah I’m fine, what’s up Tom?” you ask fixing up your smudged eyeliner.You could hear more and more commotion behind him.
“I know you love, somethings wrong.. I’ll be over once I leave the airport okay?”
“Y-Yeah I’ll see you soon” quickly pressing end you set your phone down. Walking over you grab the trash can and slide all the tests in it. Setting the bin back down you exit the bathroom.
“God how are you going to tell him.. h-he said no feelings.. no strings attached..” your body felt shaky as you made your way towards the living room. Feeling lightheaded you lay down on the couch resting your hand on your stomach. You couldn't think of how to tell him. He’s a celebrity and has his whole life ahead of him..
    Looking up at the ceiling you rub your stomach slowly. Thinking of all the possibilities that could happen. Slowly shutting your eyes the dull pain behind your eyes seems to disappear. Maybe you should just sleep, you cried so much your eyes were throbbing. Resting your head against the pillow you get comfortable.
[Tom’s POV]
    The amount of people I had to get through was insane. Thankfully security got me out as quickly as they could. Setting my bag down in my passengers seat I put the keys in ignition. Pulling out of the parking spot I take off to see my girl. I’ve needed her ever since I’ve been gone. She sounded upset though which bothered me a bit, starting a pit of worry in my chest.
    After a while I finally get paparazzi to get off my ass and drive towards her home. She lives about ten minutes from my home.  Of course it was odd for an Audi to be driving in her neighborhood but I could care less. As long as I got to see her that’s all that mattered. Turning my car off I grab my bag and get out.
   Walking on the pathway I turn pressing the lock button making the lights flash on my car. The lights signaling my car is locked I then continue to the doorway. Shuffling my keys in my hand I find the key to the door. Unlocking the door I open the door quietly walking in shutting it behind me. Setting down my bag at the front I walk towards the living room.
   Seeing her body on the couch, eyes shut and cheeks slightly flushed. Her hand resting against her stomach, nails painted a deep maroon. Grabbing the blanket I lay it on top of her. She stirs in her sleep grasping the blanket and tucking it under her chin. Turning I turn to go to the bathroom. I think she has some of my shower stuff here, I need a shower after this flight.
   Wrapping the towel around my waist I step out of the shower. My foot steps on something making me look down. It was an open box on the ground. How did I not notice this when I entered in here? Picking it up I turn it around and the words make my heart stop.
Pregnancy Test
   Why the hell did she have one of these? Looking in the trash I see a basket full of tests and empty boxes .The door opened to reveal her covering a hand over her mouth. Her face looking extremely pale. Eyes widening at the sight of me she takes off out of the bathroom. Quickly changing into my sweatpants. I walk out of the bathroom after her as she takes off towards the kitchen.
“Love where are you, we need to talk..” I stop looking side to side then see her over the sink in the kitchen. The sink was running water as she lurches forward.
    Standing behind her I lift her hair out of her face. Rubbing her back with my other hand in soothing circles. Cupping her hand under the water she gathers it putting some in her mouth then spitting it out. Turning the faucet she grabs the towel folded next to the sink. Dabbing the water off she looks up at me.
“Tom you weren’t supposed to be here for another hour..” her lip trembling as she steps back away from me. Gripping her hand I pull her back to me so she can’t escape.
“Who’s baby is it?” I ask looking down at her raising the pregnancy test box. Her eyes avoid mine as she shifts leaning against the counter. Why can’t she look me in the eyes. She’s never like this so why is she acting like this now...
“It’s nothing Tom.. can you please leave?” she asks looking up at me,  her eyes silently begging me to. There was no way I was leaving her I had to know who got her pregnant.
[Reader’s POV]
“No I won’t leave, who got you pregnant while I was away?” his tone sounding harsh as you felt his gaze burning your skin. You were so embarrassed he saw the test boxes and tests.
“I.. haven't slept with anyone since you left Tom..” your eyes casted down looking at the tile flooring as if it was the most interesting thing you’ve ever seen.
“Tha-That’s impossible you must of slept with someone while I was awa-“ the sound of a slap echoes through the kitchen. Your hand was stinging from how much force you put into it. Tom’s cheek had a red handprint on it, mouth ajar in shock.
“How dare you say that Thomas.. I would never do that unlike you, I know we said no strings attached but fuck it.. I love you, and I could never go to a bar and pick up some rando.. I tried and every time I would think of you and I couldn’t do it so how dare you think I would just sleep around..” tears were sliding down your cheeks as you looked him in the eyes. Your vision blurry from the tears that clouded your vision. He raised his hand to wipe the tears but you smack his hand away.
“I didn’t mean to upset you love,I-“
“Do you know how hard it was knowing you’d be off somewhere sleeping with other women? that I was just some person to use whenever you came home? It hurts Tom and to be quite frank it’s hard not having feelings in thi-“
“I don’t like it either.. the thought of you being pregnant with some other mans baby upset me.. I didn’t like sleeping with other women because when I’m with you I’m happy.. can we.. can we end this friends with benefits and just start from scratch,because I want to be with you and be there for this baby, I wasn’t ready to be a dad because honestly I’m scared since I’ll be gone so much but I know we’re going to get through this together officially” his finger tilts your chin up so you're looking him in the eyes. Those brown eyes held unshed tears as he gazed down at you.
“I love you so much Tom, this whole time I’ve loved you..” wiping away the tear off of his cheek he gives you a small smile.
“You’re my girl..” 
    Pulling you into a hug Tom wraps his arms around you. A smile on your face from your nerves settling. The warmth of his body radiated to your chilled skin. Tom kisses the top of your head humming a song as he sways side to side. Closing your eyes you hold onto him tighter not letting go afraid if you do he would leave for someone else.
“you’ve always been the one for me” he whispers pressing his lips against your forehead.
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 @pleasantdreamqueen @wolfkingsqueen @multifics @thelifeofanengineeringstudent @haileyyy0604 @goldenchemistry @glittermysoulhidesbehind @curly-haired-holland @mossyfeet @kaylaleslie1120 @bxndsaf @krystalsawallflowerr @everything-tholland @crimson-vodka @boringrayofsunshine @bruhjustdont  @castellandiangelo @isabellyduh   @rlupin-moony @aurelialemarier @donttellpeterparker @xcrawlerwood @ever-since-only-angel  @mendes-holland @abbytaco15 @muffinfangirl28 @spider-junkie @mikalaka @amyyleblanc1999 @empathiccally @emmaduval2000 @jayzayy @tomblrholland @aliedelanie @hollandstanleythomas @allenviedthoughts @theonlyonelives @hoodgirlxoxo @sincerelylisalynn @enoumen-t @lunalife101 @giuliavxox @lovemalikstyles @pitubea1910 @ladyteacups @talia-grace-daniels @cameotri @skebbles @mcheung0314 @scm435 @the-hot-fangirl @fwmholland @multifandom-hoellander @tomhollabackk @bellemudder21
I’m really frustrated because It won't let me tag some people... smh
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The Key to Your Heart (Part 02 of 18)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader | The Winter Soldier X Reader
Word count: 2.7K
<- Previous part (01)
Next part -> (03)
{Marvel Masterlist}
Summary: Joining the Avengers wasn't on your plans. Not until Steve asked you to help his best friend. Bucky was Bucky, but the Winter Soldier still came from time ti time, bringing with him chaos and destruction. And you was supposed to keep that side of him away... But what happens when both Bucky and the Winter Soldier start to enjoy your company more than anyone else? Should you turn your back on the Soldier, ignore his own fears and traumas? That's exactly what everyone wants. But you were never known for following orders...
A/N: Special thanks to my wonderful friend @multific for all her help through this story. I love you, girl!!
You see Bucky in the gym when you go there after having breakfast and watching an episode of an old sitcom with Wanda. It's still pretty early, and you wonder if he has been here for too long. He's at the punching bags, and you don't want to disturb him, so after a friendly wave, you go to the treadmill and set a walking pace.
Steve said he'd be here to make some kind of introduction of his master plan to help Bucky. But after an hour, which you spend on the exercise bike scrolling through Instagram instead of working out, you decide to just talk to the man.
So you put your phone, looking for him. Bucky is not at the bags anymore, but after a quick look, you find him seated on one of the benches set near the glass wall, which gives you a view from the garden, some ships, and airplanes in the distance. He's drinking a bottle of water, and you take one for yourself from the fridge they have here before making your way over him.
“What's up, Barnes?” You ask, sitting next to him, a leg on each side of the bench as you sit sideways, facing him. “I heard the punchbag crying, you should give it a break.”
Bucky smiles a little before looking at you. “Hello, miss–”
“(Y/N).” You cut him off, pointing your bottle at him. “Call me (Y/N).”
“Call me Bucky.” He says, nodding his head. “So Steve managed to finally convince you to join the Avengers.”
“He did. But only because I was given a special mission.” Nobody intended on keeping this a secret. Bucky needs to know you care, you and Steve. “I'm here to help you.”
He furrows his eyebrows, shrugging his shoulders. “Help me? How so?”
“Tell me it's not about the other guy, (Y/N).” He moves to stand up, but you hold his arm, keeping him from going anywhere. “This is dangerous. I can't believe Steve brought you into this.”
“Steve is worried about you. And it's not like I'll... Do something. I'm just here to... Offer you my friendship and stand by you, no matter what.” Bucky sighs, shaking his head. But he sits down again, looking at the floor. “And well, I'm with the Avengers now. I'm not going anywhere.”
“Just stay away when... He... Comes out.” Bucky says in a low, sad voice.
“We intend to keep him away for good. Help you have control over it.” You say, taking a deep breath. “But now, let's not worry about it. We're all happy you're back. Actually, Steve was supposed to help me break things up with you. Have any idea where he is?”
“No. But you can ask F.R.I.D.A.Y.” He gestures at the roof. “Stark's little AI that runs this place.”
“Sure.” Muttering, looking up. “Hey, F.R.I.D.A.Y. May you please inform me of the whereabouts of Captain Steve Rogers?” You ask in a fake, formal voice, feeling a little bit victorious to see a small, quick smile spreading through Bucky's lips.
“Good morning, Miss–”
“(Y/N), please. Until I choose my superhero name.” You're quick to correct him. “There's no need for formalities.”
“Captain Rogers is in a meeting with Mr. Stark at the moment.” The AI says, its voice coming from everywhere at the same time.
“A meeting about what?”
“I regret to inform you this is a classified topic, Miss (Y/N).”
Pinching your eyebrows together, you stare at Bucky. “Well, I'm an Avenger now, am I not? I think it's alright for you to tell me.”
“We intercepted a transmission from Miami to South Africa about human trafficking. Captain Rogers and Mr. Stark will be leaving later today.” He says, and you notice a panel on the wall, with a reddish badly shaped circle moving as if it was floating on the screen.
“Okay. Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
“You're welcome.” It says, and the red circle vanishes.
“Human trafficking? I hope they beat up some ass.” Letting your hair down from the loose bun, you detangle it with your fingers. “Steve better come say goodbye to me or else he will never hear the end of it when he gets back.”
“Are you and Steve together?” Bucky asks.
You immediately make a disgusting face at his supposition. “Ew, no. Steve is like a brother to me. A relationship with him would feel incestuous.” It makes you laugh since you're not truly related. “And he's not my type anyway.”
“How did you two meet?”
You think he already knows that, but maybe he doesn't know what else to say. Steve told you how Bucky rather isolates himself, even more after an episode with the Winter Soldier. He feels guilty, and, even though the others don't blame him for something he can't control, he still feels bad. So you don't mind answering. “It was in a museum, around a year after he came out of the ice. I was at this exposition about WWII and so was he.” You smile to remember it. “He was standing next to me, looking at a wall with this picture of him among those he rescued from Hydra. Well, he was having a nostalgic moment and I was looking at my great-grandfather.”
“Your great-grandfather?” He sounds a little surprised, which makes you chuckle.
“Mhmm. He served at the 107th Infantry Regiment.” Nodding, you stand up, stepping closer to the glass wall. “He was one of those captured by Hydra, and if it wasn't for Steve, he'd be dead and I wouldn't exist.”
“I'm sure it was a hell of an ice breaker.” He giggles, a low, sweet sound to your ears.
“It sure was. He died when I was a baby, but he told my grandmother all of his stories and she told my dad. So I grew up listening to it, and when I met Steve, we bounded over it. Guess we were both lonely and it felt like finding distant kin.” Turning around, you rest your back against the glass. “I had lost both my parents in a car accident six months before, and had just moved to New York so I was getting used to it. And Steve helped a lot.”
“I'm sorry to hear that.” Bucky seems sad, and the last thing you want is to make him sad.
“Yeah. C'est la vie.”
“La vie peut être difficile parfois,” Bucky says, and even though you know it's French, you don't understand it.
“C'est la vie it's the only thing I know in French, Bucky.” You sit down again, facing the landscape. “That and Merci.”
“Sorry. I don't know much myself. Just the basics.”
“We could maybe–”
“(Y/N). Bucky.” Steve comes out of nowhere walking fast. “Just came to let you know I'll be going on a mission with Tony. Not sure for how long.”
“Human trafficking in South Africa.” You say, standing up and walking over to him. “Kick some ass and come back in one piece. Tony too.” Smiling, you give him a quick hug. “I'll watch over Bucky until you come back.”
“Actually...” He says, and you raise an eyebrow when he looks at Bucky. “Can you keep an eye on her?”
“Sure, buddy,” Bucky answers, joining you and giving Steve's hand a shake. “I won't let her get in any trouble.”
“I am trouble.” Rolling your eyes, you cross your arms. “But I mean it. In one piece, Rogers. Don't make me go all the way there and teach you how to do your job.”
“God help us with this little one here in our team.” Bucky mumbles in a low voice, but loud enough to make sure you'd hear it.
Rolling your eyes again, you give them both a push in the arm. “Well, jerks, I'll get on with my morning workout routine.” Saluting them with the usual military gesture, touching your forehead with your hand, you leave both men to talk.
Steve's mission goes on for a while. It's day four, and they're still doing some investigation over there. Tony keeps everyone informed, so you know they're both fine.
But tonight, you'd like Steve to be here. The team has what Natasha calls a movie night. Usually happens on Fridays, and they order something to eat and someone chooses a movie. It's fun to see them get together like this, but you're not too close to anyone, so you feel a little like... An outsider. It's not that they don't make you feel welcome, because they do, you're just a little shy.
So you're seated on this small lounge set on the bedroom floor, where the glass walls meet. The whole place has walls like this, and you like it. They let the light come in and give a nice view of the surroundings. Steve said Tony made it so we can always have an eye outside, just in case. The lounge has a round table and three armchairs, and you're seated on the one in the middle, looking at the dark sky outside, and the lights from the compound's surroundings.
“Thought you'd be excited for movie night.” The voice, which you're learning to recognize, makes you look over your shoulder. Bucky comes from his bedroom in a white shirt with long sleeves and simple jeans. As always, he wears a glove to cover the metal hand. “Steve said you like movies.”
“I am, I just...” Shrugging your shoulders, you watch as he stops by the armchair on your right. “I'm a bit shy, I guess. I don't know them much and I'll kinda feel like the outsider.”
“I feel the same. Even though I've been here for a while.” Bucky sits down, eyes on the window. “Every time the other guy comes out, I know I hurt them. I beat them. And then I'm going out there to do God knows what. And part of me just wants to...” His voice fades, and he looks at you with a sad, small smile. “Look at you. You barely got here in your special mission and I'm already opening my heart to you.”
Your lips break into a smile, and for some reason, your cheeks start burning. “Well, I won't force you to share your deepest secrets but I'll listen, Barnes.” Reaching out your hand, you touch his arm. His metal arm. You feel how solid it is under the light fabric of his shirt, and when he looks at your hand, you can tell he expects you to take it away. But you won't. “I'm Steve's best friend, and so are you. I think that makes us friends too.”
“I guess it does.” He says in a low voice. “Then come. They're waiting for us and we can make each other company.” He stands up, and you do the same.
“Let's go.” You smile, walking to the living room side by side.
Everyone is there already. Well, everyone who lives here. The couch is full so you sit on the floor with Bucky, despite Vision offering you his sit. The chosen movie was Shutter Island, and apparently, you were the only one who already watched it. So you don't say anything, silently focused on the TV.
“Something's off,” Bucky whispers to you at some point, and you nod. “You've watched it before, haven't you?”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you look at him. “How do you know?”
“Everyone has a reaction when a certain thing happens, but not you.”
“You're quite the observer, aren't you?”
“Shhhh.” The sound is followed by a pillow hitting you right on the face.
You manage to see it comes from Sam, so you take it and stand on your knees to throw it back at him. “Shhh to you too.” You whisper, settling down again.
Halfway through the movie, they start making theories. You remain quiet, agreeing with some of their thoughts. Natasha is the one to get closer to the plot twist. At some point, Bucky excuses himself and goes to the balcony. You give him some looks before deciding to excuse yourself as well, sliding the door open and stepping into the balcony. “Wasn't enjoying the movie?” You ask, moving to sit across from him at the table.
“Already figured out the end.”
“Don't you want to see if you're right?”
“I know I am.”
“So overconfident.” You giggle, drumming your fingers on the wooden top. He's silent, and it doesn't seem like he wants to talk much. But also, you don't want to go. “Wanna see something crazy?”
He furrows his eyebrows. “What?”
Taking your phone from your pocket, you put it on the table between you and Bucky, taking a deep breath to concentrate. “It might take a while.” Focusing on the phone, you position your hands on each side of it. It's been quite a long time since you went there, to move this energy inside you. So you awake it again, and you feel it flowing from your core, spreading through your veins and body until you channel it to your hands. When you feel it, you move your right hand slightly, in a soft flow. The energy is pushed out, hitting the phone and making it slide all the way to your left hand, where you grab it. “I did it!” You exclaim with a smile before looking up at Bucky.
“You have powers?” He's smiling, fully this time, with those blue, kind eyes locked on you.
“Mhmm.” You nod. “I haven't used them in while. The last time was when I showed Steve.”
“Why? This is amazing.”
“Because I couldn't control it. Still can't, so I put my efforts into keeping it locked up so I wouldn't hurt anyone by accident or break stuff.”
“Wanda is the best one here to help you with that, I believe.” He says, the wind messing with his hair. You like his hair a lot, you just noticed. “How did you find about it?”
“I was eleven years old. I slipped and rolled down the stairs at home and twisted my ankle. It hurt so bad that I yelled, and pushed the couch all the way across the living room.” You tell him, putting a strand of hair behind your ear. “I used it for a while, but I started breaking things, pushing people when I got mad or hurt. So I decided I'd keep it down. I even forgot it existed for some years.”
“Once you learn to control it, you'll be of great help during missions. I'm sure you will–”
“Pardon me.” The voice comes at the same moment a figure appears right next to you.
“GODDAMN IT!” You yell, heart pounding in your chest as you jump up from your seat, looking at the owner of the voice, Vision. Obviously. “Could you not? I'd like to grow old so I'm trying to avoid a heart attack.”
“I'm so sorry, miss (Y/N), but I have urgent news.” He has an apologetic face on before turning at Bucky. “Steve and Tony got a little overwhelmed. They need you.”
“Right away.” He immediately stands up, and you look at him.
“Come back in one piece.” You tell him, a small smile on your lips. “I'd like to finish our talking.”
“I will.” He assures you, with kind eyes and a smile, the last thing you see of him before he follows Vision.
You stay there for a while before going back in, taking Vision's place this time. You do hope things will be fine.
@hi-im-fan-trash @takeabreathdeath @pre-google @thespeeder @heavenly1927 @marvel-fanfic-writer-8675 @insidxangel @winters1917
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harleyquilt · 7 years
Sweet home. (Part 1/?)
Summary: basically touken parent fic with their 5 year old daughter mai, but kaneki struggling to find the time to spend with his family. Just some domestic touken life overflowing with fluff. Multific...possibly..
Notes: so uh idk if I should make this a Multific or not, but considering how many hcs I've wrote or atleast thought of, I might as well make it a fic. Please share feedback if you actually want more and enjoy~
Touka opened the door slowly and quietly, narrowing her eyes as she peered into the dim study room. She crept in, her footsteps light and tiptoed closer to the desk in the centre of the room, stepping around it and kneeled around the corner. She could already hear the muffled giggles of a little girl hiding in the small space beneath the desk.
“Found you!” Touka yelled, poking her head into the small space and her five year old child shrieked excitedly with bubbling laughter.
“You scared me, mama.” Mai giggled and flung out her arms for touka to pick her up. Touka carefully pulled her out from under the desk and rested Mai on her hip, pinching her nose.
“That’s the point, silly.”
She carried Mai back into the living room, sitting her down on one of the plush seats to change her into her pajamas. In the light, you could see that Mai looked remarkably like touka, with dark, straight purple hair, her button nose and big, round eyes. However, what she shared with her father was his face, even with the chubby cheeks, and his beautiful grey eyes. Touka buttoned up Mai’s bunny onesie but her face was lowered slightly, nibbling her thumb in her mouth.
“Don’t suck your thumb.” Touka scolded. “What’s wrong, mai?”
“I…” She hesitated and her body rocked back and forth a little. “I miss daddy.”
Mai looked up, her eyes wide yet filled with an undeniable sadness, like a puppy begging for food. Touka smiled solemnly and ruffled her child’s hair and brought her in to a tight squeeze. It was a shame kaneki was always so busy with his duties and that by the time he would return, mai would already be deep in sleep before kaneki could read her a bed time story. It upset him as much as it did for touka and their daughter. There simply wasn’t enough hours in the day.
“He’ll be back soon.” Touka told Mai, pulling back and pushed back her small bangs. “But before then, shall we watch a movie? A girls night, just you and me.”
Mai’s face lit up, an excited grin spread across her chubby face with her nodding frantically at the idea. Touka sighed once the small kid rushed off to pick a film and sank into her seat, checking her phone to see if kaneki had messaged her with any update of a hopeful return. Nothing.
It wasn’t as if touka could blame kaneki, he was the king after all and everyone looked onto him for answers whilst the pressures of making the right decision always wore him down daily until he was nothing but a tired mess at the end of the day. She knew this, yet she so selfishly wanted him to herself, to spend her days domestically engrossd with her husband, to see him spend more time with mai as she worked in the cafe, to just know that he’s always there by their sides. After all this time, he had finally returned to her only for him to be distracted by other things.
All the while, she knew it wasn’t fair to pin the blame on him or anyone else, knowing that at the end of the day, all she was feeling was loneliness. It wouldn’t hurt taking a day off from being a mother though, but she wouldn’t complain. No, she will keep these hardships to herself, for kaneki and mai, to keep them happy at the expense of her own desires. It would be worth it in the end. Or atleast, that’s what she kept telling herself.
Mai returned, waddling back into the room with a dvd in hand which touka put on whilst she tucked mai onto the sofa with a fluffy, bunny themed blanket, tickling her as she did before going off to make a coffee for herself and hot chocolate for mai. They watched the movie, cuddled in the dark and hot drinks in their hands but it seemed a wave of fatigue hit touka as it didn’t take long before she fell asleep with mai only slightly drifting off. However, mai woke up when she heard touka’s phone ringing, but since her mother was asleep, she thought it’d be best if she answered it herself. And that’s exactly what she did.
“It’s late, I know.” Mai heard her father say. “Touka-chan, I’m sorry-”
“Daddy?” Mai’s voice lit up, clinging onto the phone tightly at the sound of her dad’s voice. “Daddy, where are you?”
“Mai? I’m- wait, where’s your mother?”
“She’s asleep.” Mai whispered loudly, glancing back to her sleeping mum. “We were watching a movie and she made me hot chocolate and then-” she paused when touka shifted slightly and her mouth hung wide open as she snored quietly. “When are you coming home, daddy?”
“Soon, I’m coming home now. It’s past your bed time, you know.” He chuckled over the phone. “But I guess I can make an exception. Just continue watching the movie before I get back. Can you do that for me, sweetie?”
“Yep.” She nodded quickly. “Love you, daddy.”
“Love you too, mai.”
Kaneki hung up the phone, staring down at it for a short moment, deep in thought; Touka was asleep - she was probably exhausted again, like she is every day because of work and taking care of their daughter and kaneki couldn’t even justify himself for not being there for them. She’s been overworking and yet he wasn’t there to support her. What kind of husband and father was he if he couldn’t even do such a simple thing like spending more time with them?
Frustrated, he shoved his phone into his coat jacket and shuffled between the crowd of people on the train he was on to the doors, awaiting his stop that was coming up. He will make it up to them, he promised himself, his hand unconsciously moving up towards the ring necklace he continued to wear around his neck.
He opened the door as quietly as he could to their dark apartment, the TV blared brightly in the living room with a loud, musical song that was playing from the movie. As he shut the door, he heard mai squeal delightfully, running towards kaneki with arms wide open. Kaneki kneeled and mai ran right into him, clutching onto him tightly as she started to ramble about her day. Kaneki picked her up after he took off his coat and bag, a wide smile on his face with mai continuing with her endless story. She certainly was a passionate speaker, something he was sure she got from touka’s side as well as her looks. He was glad she turned put so much like her mother.
“Hush, mai.” Kaneki said. “Mama is still asleep.”
“Sorry.” She giggled, putting a finger on her lips. They walked over to where touka was on the couch, one arm hanging off and the other sprawled across her face. “She’s like sleeping beauty.”
“You’re right.” Kaneki picked up a blanket and placed it over touka. “A sleeping beauty. Now, kiddo, let’s get you to bed. Your definitely tired and I promised you a bed time story.”
Mai clapped her hands and kaneki carried her into her bright pink room that was decorated with more than a few bunnies. He tucked mai into her small bed, handing her the plush rabbit that she always slept with and sat besides her, picking up the book she had chosen for him to read earlier on during the day. Like him as a child, mai was certainly a vivid reader, her interests in books starting early on to even now and even though she was already remarkably capable with reading on her age, she still continued asking her parents to read to her at night, something kaneki wasn’t going to complain about.
He read the story, just like he had done before with hinami when she was younger, his soft voice soothing his daughter to sleep and with a gentle smile, his kissed her head and turned off the bedroom light, leaving the room and back to where touka was sleeping.
She stirred slightly in her sleep, reaching out slightly for something or someone before she clutched the blanket instead and wrapped it tighter around herself, frowning with a small pout. She certainly was cute in her sleep, kaneki standing besides her with an almost apologetic look upon seeing her so tired. He brushed part of her hair away and leaned down for a kiss, whispering a small sorry in her ear before he gathered her up in his arms and carried her to their room, laying her down on their bed. However, just as he was about to leave, he heard touka call out his name quietly in the dark.
“Kaneki? Is that you?” She sat up, rubbing her tired eyes. “What time-”
“It’s ok, touka-chan.” He walked over and caressed her cheek. “Go back to sleep.”
“But…” She rested her hand over his.
“What is it? I already put mai to sleep, you don’t need to worry about that.”
“No its just,” she hesitated some more before she spoke. “I just missed you, that’s all.”
Kaneki felt the harsh jab of guilt in his chest, wincing at her words at the idea of how many hours she must have spent just waiting to see his face again. He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips and continued to rest his forehead against hers in a comfortable silence before he pulled back again, taking a seat on the bed.
“I’m sorry.” He said once again. “I’ll make it up to you.”
She laid back down against her pillow, letting out an annoyed huff and took his hand into hers, looking down at their joined hands and pressed her lips together.
“But when will that be?” She asked, staring directly at him this time. He turned his head away, not exactly sure if there was even an answer to that question. “I know you don’t mean to always be this busy and it’s selfish of me, but we need you as well.”
Kaneki is silent for a while and he knew what she said was exactly right. All he ever did was say promises he knew he couldn’t keep and at the end of day, all he was doing was hurt the woman he loved. Always hurting her.
“Look,” touka sighed. “Sorry, I’m just being cranky. I shouldn’t be making demands-”
“No no,” He squeezed her hand, shaking his head. “You’re right. It’s just…so hard to try to do everything at once. It hurts leaving you everyday and I know I have no right to complain because you and mai should always come first. Always. So what I’m really saying is please be patient. Once I finally get a break, I’ll treat you two to a day out. Just us for the whole day.”
“Oh?” Touka smirked, hiding behind a curtain of hair. “Is that right?”
“I promise.”
He leaned in again and gave her another kiss. Then another. And another. Each one lasted longer than the one before. She wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him down, turning him over on the bed, his hands roaming beneath her shirt.
“Tut tut, kaneki.” Touka breathed as she pulled back slightly with a sly smirk on those perfect lips. “Making me wait for so long. However will you make it up to me?”
He turned her so that he was pinning her down, gazing down at her beautiful face, his eyes taking in each one of her features. How had he have neglected her for so long? An even better question was how was she still his after all this, but he had more improtant things to think about right now. He licked his lips slowly, taking off his shirt and threw it to the side before he moved his hands to the hem of her shirt.
“I can think of a few ways.”
Touka grumbled to herself as she walked out of her room, her hair disheveled, shadows around her eyes and she was dressed only in a long shirt kaneki wore yesterday that she found somewhere on the floor. They really needed to limit themselves on weekly nights when touka has to get up early to work and yet, touka still found herself smiling giddy at the thought of last night.
In the kitchen, she saw kaneki by the oven and mai seated at the dining table in the centre of the room. The overwhelming stench of human food made her gag a little as she took a seat besides her wide awake daughter. Mai stuffed her mouth with scrambled egg, spilling it all over her with touka mumbling complaints about the mess under her breath. Kaneki came to take the plate away, placing down a coffee for touka.
“Isn’t mama lazy? Sleeping in so late.” Kaneki grinned when mai agreed. Touka pulled a face, glaring at kaneki as he walked away.
“And who’s fault is that?” Touka yelled out, taking a sip of her coffee. “You weren’t complaining last night. If anything, weren’t you the one who told me ‘don’t stop’ repeatedly, touka chan?” She choked on her drink, kaneki looking back to see her wipe her mouth with her eyes still shooting daggers at him.
“Mama,” Mai tugged her shirt. “Can I go to the park today? Daddy said the weather will be nice today, so can we go? Please. Can we?”
“I’m sorry, baby. I have work today.” Mai looked dejected, sinking back down into her seat with her usually energetic self now quiet with disappointment. She hated seeing mai this way, but she simply couldn’t-
“I’ll take her.” Kaneki suggested, standing behind Mai’s seat and leaned down to plant a kiss on her small head. “How about it, then? I’ll try to finish early and pick you up at the cafe and then I can take you to the park before the sun sets.”
Mai looked towards touka along with kaneki, both silently asking for permission with their big, pleading eyes. Touka giggled and nodded her head, watching mai jump up in her seat, jumping happily before touka scolded her once again and sat back down.
Kaneki made his leave, giving both his girls a tight hug before he left for another long day of duties he would no doubt need to fulfill. It wasn’t long after touka got herself and mai ready and left the house to head towards the cafe, listening to mai talk about what she wanted to do in the park later whilst she skipped besides her. Her child beamed with so much joy and it warmed touka’s heart to watch. It’s been a while since she’s seen mai so excited.
She just hoped kaneki could keep his promise this time.
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