#i made a haha funnie earlier so now i have to be angsty
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crumbleclub · 2 years ago
a super short ficlet in the blips universe, told from elizabeth's perspective.
Elizabeth and her little brother huddled together on the carpeted floor of her room, and she lifted her hands to cover his ears.
The muffled sound of shouting made its way through the walls, punctuated by a sickening crack. It was quiet for a moment. Then, she could hear crying. It was raspy and gasping and loud; the kind you couldn't mask no matter how hard you tried.
Evan was crying, too, silent tears dripping down his face and leaving damp spots where they fell onto the collar of his shirt. Elizabeth could feel him trembling in her arms, and her palms pressed even more tightly over his ears. Closing her eyes, she willed it all to go away.
"You don't have to be scared, Evan," she whispered. "You just have to pretend."
Elizabeth was very good at pretending.
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diamonddogs-terrarium · 11 months ago
Llorumi Ramble
What’s really funny about how much I adore Llorumi, considering I’ve been fixated on it for about a year now, is that originally I wasn’t a fan of the ship. 
When I was watching the show for the first time I paid little mind to Lloyd and Harumi’s relationship. Especially in the first half of S8, like “woa so lame... goodie two shoes girl...whatevah…” and even after the reveal I didn’t have any strong opinions. I thought it was a neat dynamic but didn’t really think much of it after Harumi’s death. I thought that was it for their story and Harumi would just be another villain to be, eventually, forgotten about.
But then, I watched “Stop, Drop and Side Scroll” and gosh, the dialogue between Lloyd and what he perceives to be Harumi really captured my attention. The slight stutter when Lloyd first saw the fake Harumi, the way he hesitated to attack her, and how in the end he did technically win the fight…but he still got cubed. 
Of course I eventually reached Crystallized. I was elated at Harumi’s reveal, especially with the payoff of all her mentions between S11 to S13. And holy shit, the reveal that Lloyd went and searched for her corpse had me pacing around my room like a trapped animal LOL. Along with how it’s implied Harumi didn’t die on impact from the fall… and how that adds a lot of angsty context to some of (fake) Harumi's dialogue in “Stop, Drop and Side Scroll”. I kinda want to save the discussion of that for another post though haha. 
Crystallized kind of took a turn for the worst in terms of general story quality pretty quickly after Pt. 1 unfortunately. The storylines were stacking, and there just wasn’t enough time to wrap up Harumi’s redemption, Lloyd’s Oni side, and address their relationship before the season ended. But the pieces were there: Harumi hesitating when she considers just for a moment if they could be better. Lloyd struggles with his rage, and being forced to accept that side of himself as who he is. As someone who struggled with anger issues, it was comforting to see Lloyd conflict with that side of himself. And the brief hand holding at the end of “Roots”, a brief callback to what you might’ve seen between them in early S8. Crystallized failed to do a lot, but I could appreciate what we got out of the season. 
In my little sandbox, these two characters are so fun to play with. For the past year I’ve been brewing a post-crystallized AU (with the help of a few friends!) that attempts to address a few of the issues I’ve mentioned earlier. Along with that, I actually started drawing people and humans in general so I could create content for the ship and my art has improved greatly from 2 years ago. I love creating stories, headcanons, and artwork for these silly LEGO people. Heck, I even made a ship playlist for them that I listen to daily. I just think they're so neat.
TLDR: I’ve never been this insane about a ship before and they mean so so much to me. And I love the stuff I make about them. Live, laugh, love, llorumi.
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hiyamatsu · 3 years ago
Woah your writing hits everything I like about bnha fics how did I not find you earlier????
Uhh you asked for prompts so how about Aizawa and Izuku have a domestic/casual conversation while fighting crime.
(Bonus points if after they finish capturing everyone one of the defeated villains says comments on either the conversation they were having or their sweet father-son relationship)
omg thank you so much!!! this made my day(s) really, aahhhh [im glad that everything i like in bnha fics appeals to your mind haha, be truthful are you an angst lad? cuz otherwise my writing is gonna hit you where you least expect it]
as for the prompt!!!! so gooooood, had fun with this, got a bit angsty with it but that’s a given with me
“I know we technically closed the topic but I cannot stay quiet,” Izuku said as they moved across the rooftops, sounds of sirens getting closer with every. 
“Not this again,” Eraserhead said, the underground hero Izuku decided to follow this time around. Not that he took a habit of doing that. A free spirit and all, but he had serious issue to discuss, and his joyful adoptive parents had to patrol before Izuku could argue back. 
“No no listen, my oh so caring parental figure, if you wanted to adopt me then listen,” Izuku heard his dad, god that was weird, crack a laugh as they zipped down the fire escape, coming across three thugs causing chaos. 
“I did not eat the last of the chocolate ice-cream and no matter what you say I will not accept the fact that I get the blame,” The fact was that there had been mysterious disappearance of ice-cream that happened to be, the family of three, favorite. Which was war because every time a new pack was brought they divided it in three pieces for fairness. But his dad’s, one of his two dad's part was eaten by someone, blamed Izuku, before he could get his hands on it. 
“Izuku, we have cameras in our apartment, I, upon specific request by you, rewound the tapes,” The hero glanced at him as they lunged for one thug each. Izuku pulled out his staff and aimed right at the back of man's knees while glancing at his dad who knocked out the first thug with ease. “It was clearly you at 3:08am placing the finished tub of ice cream in the sink,” Izuku scoffed. Of course. 
“It could have been my twin or something,” 
“Really,” Izuku clicked his tongue. 
“I’m serious if it was me-” 
“Look out!” His dad called out as Izuku ducked under the third thugs released fire, man he hated those, as Eraser took the liberty of tying him up. 
“Thanks,” Izuku patted down the slight snow he’d gotten on his knees and turned to his dad. “If it was me why would I have asked to look at the recording,” Seriously why would he? If he was the culprit it would not benefit him at all. 
“You’re trying to tell me you don’t remember eating that ice-cream,” Izuku hummed. The funny part was he didn’t actually remember going to get that ice-cream. 
“Maybe, I don't know,” He looked at his dad who had one of his eyebrows raised and face pulling into that specific ‘I am concerned for my child’ face that Izuku thought was hilarious. Because who would be concerned for him? Really, now.  “For the record I don’t remember half of the stuff I do,” Izuku tried to slip into a different conversation, make light of the whole idea that he couldn't remember things but alas his dad was a worry rat and an underground hero who just like to push his nose into things. A quality that had gotten Izuku to a safer life so he’d rather have his dad being nosy rather than come back to having people brush him off about everything in life. But that was a talk for a different day. 
“Is everything okay lately?” He came closer putting his hand on Izuku’s shoulders as Izuku slumped, twisting his staff in his hands. 
“Define okay,”
“Izuku,” He mumbled in that specific tone Izuku preferred not to hear. Especially when they weren't in the privacy of their home. 
“What I’m just asking, plus I was just asking about ice-cream don’t make this a therapy session,” Izuku rolled his eyes. 
“I’m just asking a simple question,” Eraserhead ducked under an arm of the thug he’d knocked out earlier bringing Izuku with him. Apparently the guy had a really thick head and one hit from his dad wasn’t enough to keep him down. Honestly impressive. 
“And I'm giving you an answer,” Izuku mumbled, rolling out of the way to let his dad do the work. He only extended his staff to make the thug trip and fall into a pile of trash with snow gathered on top of it. The frost of the snow and cold air gotta hurt. 
“We’re fighting villains anyway, let's pay attention to that, safety and all” Izuku waved his staff around. HIs dad landed a final hit to the guy as the guy went down, totally ending Izuku’s way of escaping the talk. 
“Weren't you the one who snuck out and tried to follow me as if I didn’t see you the moment you landed on the roof, and you try to talk about safety here,” His dad raised an eyebrow tying the other guy next to the two guys that were laying on the ground. Izuku wondered how soon the police would arrive, his hands were starting to feel cold. 
“See this makes me think you’re enjoying making me reflect on my problems,” Izuku pointed his staff at his dad who smirked and rolled his eyes. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Izuku knew both of his parents really took satisfaction in putting Izuku point blank in front of his problems to sort through them. It was nice of them but at the same time Izuku had been so used to running away from them the point blank seemed scary. 
“Not to be rude or anything but can you leave your dad son talk at home, I’m kinda cold here,” One of the thugs gathered their attention and Izuku scoffed. How dare he interrupt their daily ‘beat the shit out of bad guys talk’.
“Bring jacket next time you jackass, and don’t interrupt a very important father son talk,” Izuku clicked his tongue, his ears perking up at the sirens nearing the alley. Just in time. 
“Didn’t expect Eraserhead to have a kid,” The thug raised his eyebrow and Izuku took offence to that. Who was the villain to say his dad wasn’t a good dad? Although the villain didn’t imply that at all Izuku felt the need to defend his parents. 
“Excuse you but my dad is very much capable of having children and cares about them,” Izuku turned away from the thug to look at his dad watching him with eyebrows raised. 
“What,” Why was his dad surprised?
“You just called me dad,” Oh. 
“Oh, I guess I did,” Izuku realized it had been the first time he’d said ‘dad’ out loud. In his mind it had been a few weeks since he started calling Aizawa and Yamada, both his adoptive parents as dads but he’d never said it out loud. Guess it was the first time. 
“Come on, let’s go home son,” His dad wrapped arm around his shoulders. 
“You sounded like an old man right now,” Izuku laughed as his dad, yeah dad, gently pushed his shoulder making Izuku stumble and slip falling into the snow. Izuku swiped out his staff catching his dad's feet and making him follow in Izuku’s steps. All in all he loved his dads.
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demoiselledefortune · 4 years ago
Post canon sangcheng fic recs for @runespoor7
(wooohoo that’s only 25 fics haha)
Silence by inberin
a conversation in the snow.
Wonderfully nuanced characterisation. It hints at whole relationship and dynamic with a lot of delicacy.
Windrose by offlight
Nie Huaisang is forced into a coma to stop his qi deviation. Jiang Cheng is tasked with waking him up.
There’s a lot of intriguing dreamscapes in this one, and I love Jiang Cheng (and in the background Wei Wuxian)’s desperation and obstinacy.
All the innocence we give by shamiran
Learning to renavigate the ground between them is easier than Nie HuaiSang expects. It's also harder than he could have imagined.
Just a sweet story.
Taste the wine off your lips by ExNihiIo
A light pat lands against his back, and a cup of water is pushed in front of his face. “Not even Zi Shi, and you’re already tipsy?,” asks a teasing voice, while a thin hand puts down the cup. Jiang Cheng coughs a little more, shaking his head, and sends a dirty look at his host. “I am not tipsy.” “Hm, and yet your cheeks are all red. What would your disciples think, if they saw you in this state?” “They’d think about running away while they can. I can break legs more easily than I can drink alcohol.” A smile curves the edges of Nie Huaisang’s mouth, and he closes his fan with a curt jerk, sitting across the table. He’s wearing lighter clothes, Jiang Cheng notices, compared to the ones he had during the Discussion Conference. Where those had been tight and rigid against his body, these now fall softly on him, the large sleeves sweeping delicately as Nie Huaisang moves to pour himself a cup.
I like the melancholy tone of this one.
The light of autumn: you will not be spared by crooows
Nie Huaisang arrives a week early for the conference which will be held in Yunmeng to discuss the position of chief cultivator.
[Title is from a poem called "October" by Louise Glück!]
A bit funny, a bit melancholy
You can run but you can’t hide by ThirtySixSaveFiles
Nie Huaisang has noticed something about the way Jiang Cheng takes compliments; Nie Huaisang has a theory, and he intends to test it out.
Just Huaisang figuring out Jiang Cheng has a praise kink. Established pairing.
Evening Bloom by dragonofeternal
Jiang Cheng is spry and lithe well into his twilight years, living well off Wei Wuxian's stolen youth; Nie Huaisang's golden core, on the other hand, has always been poor- he blacks his hair with ink and dyes, hides the pudge of indolence and the wrinkles of age behind the latest fashions and the finest fans. Perhaps for their peers, finding the space to be vulnerable came easy, but for them it's taken this long to maybe think of letting someone in.
I have a big weakness for stories about old people falling in love and this is one delivers very sweetly.
Four Days in Lanling by Halotolerant
Nie Huaisang looks at him. ‘You are confusing me, Clan Leader Jiang, perhaps I misunderstand, but…’
‘You didn’t misunderstand. You don’t misunderstand. You understand all of it.’ For six months Jiang Cheng has been mulling this over, and now with Nie Huaisang in front of him he can’t figure out if he most wants to knock him down or kneel at his feet. What he does is try and breathe. Clench his hands at his sides. ‘And now I am going to ask you to do something for me. You have to do something for me. You have to help Jin Ling.’
Ok so perhaps it’s misrepresentating to call this a post canon fic  since most of the action is mid-13-years-of-WWX-death but the fairly important framing part is post canon. Also it’s one of the best sangcheng fic out there and a must read.
Shadow eternal by rynleaf
“You want me to distract the Chief Cultivator from the Annual Cultivation Conference, so you and other sect leaders can… what. Sign contracts without adult supervision?”
“If Jiang-zongzhu is amenable,” Sect Leader Ouyang repeats with a nod.
Jiang Cheng pinches the bridge of his nose. The pressure he felt building behind his eyes all morning is swiftly coalescing into a bitch of a headache. “Just what do you all think I’m capable of?”
Sect Leader Ouyang bows with a cheerful smile. “We have utmost faith in Sandu Shengshou’s abilities.”
In which a night hunt ends in disaster, Jiang Cheng catches a glimpse of Nie Huaisang's heart, and feelings are discussed after a certain fashion.
One that’s between sweet and angsty.
The way is shut, and we cannot go back by saltedpin
One month since Guanyin Temple, and some people are coping better than others (or not).
This one is a mostly sad and bitter take on Jiang Cheng reacting to Nie Huaisang’s plot (and being very drunk).
Living memory by ghosthouses
Once Jin Guangyao has left, he gives himself two indulgences. The first, a day to scream in his rooms made soundproof with a talisman. The second, a physical list written in code, to keep his older self, who will have let the pain dull with time, accountable for what must be done.
It has only two commandments:
He will die.  
He will know.
Nie Huaisang puts it in his sleeve with the intention of keeping it with him at all times, to be added to but never reduced, a living memory of his task.
This and its prequel which you should also read is quite short but probably one of my favorite depictions of their dynamic (and probably one I find most plausible).
What’s Left of us by cangse-sanren
“Well,” Huaisang tries hesitantly, “both of us seem to have a rather fraught relationship with things like older brothers and the concept of betrayal. And regret,” he adds as an afterthought. "Perhaps you just understand me more than most."
Yet another that dwells into Jiang Cheng reacting to Nie Huaisang’s plan. I really like that take although it’s barely shippy (and quite short).
Descending by lightningwaltz
“I want to… to not be embarrassed.”
“To not be embarrassed during what?”
“During sex.” There. Jiang Cheng can say it. “In general. Also with you right now.”
“Very good.”
“When did you become so authoritative?” Jiang Cheng wants to sound irked, but can’t quite manage anything beyond nervous curiosity.
Very interesting fic and in many ways unusual. I’d say it’s hypnosis kink, but it’s much more character driven than that. With a context of established FWB arrangement between Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang.
Tell him that I miss our little talks by xiaolongbaobei
the post-canon fic where Jiang Cheng becomes the Chief Cultivator, realizes that it's not too late to fall in love and learns to ask for what he wants
Longish fic exploring Jiang Cheng as Chief cultivator working with Nie Huaisang and slowly falling in love with him. I adore this one, and not only because I love fics that explore the idea of Jiang Cheng as chief cultivator.
Blind for Love by manamune
Jiang Cheng is poisoned with an aphrodisiac and needs to orgasm repeatedly in order to flush it from his system.
The first person he thinks of going to for help is Nie Huaisang, who does what any good friend would do: he shoves his three decades worth of feelings for Jiang Cheng deep into the recesses of his mind, locks them up so he can pretend they don’t exist, and then fucks him so hard that he passes out.
Mostly a long smutty piece, but with a lot of fun character bits along the way.
A Tight-Knit Family by aldalin
“Jing Ling, we need to talk.”
Jin Ling has too many uncles, and he’s about to get another.
Sect Leader Jiang announces his marriage to Sect Leader Nie.
A fairly different take, more focused on Jin Ling and Wei Wuxian reacting to Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang’s relationship.
A trip to Qinghe by Scorpiwriting
An unexpected hunt forces Jiang Cheng to leave the Lotus Pier a bit earlier than he had anticipated, so he decides to send Jin Ling to Qinghe, for the sake of not sending him back to Lanling so soon: it turns into a learning experience for the young sect leader, who gets to peek into the life of the Headshaker.
Jin Ling learns that not everything people say is true and that perhaps there is some merit to art. He also learns that loneliness is a dark beast and that his uncle should definitely do something about it.
Another one more focused on Jin Ling’s reaction to it. Honestly more of a gen piece about Jin Ling and Nie Huaisang, but an interesting one.
Silver bracelets on their wrists by mercurious
“Can’t I find excuses to visit an old friend?”
Ok so this one is a bit fucked up in interesting ways. It combines Chief Cultivator Jiang Cheng and explicit longing about Wei Wuxian, and BDSM as catharsis. It’s a fascinating piece.
Welcome to love by amphigoric
Desire, Jiang Cheng learned, flourished even in love’s absence. It surged hot and fast through his veins at the sight of Nie Huaisang’s spread thighs, marks still lingering from the last rendezvous they had. He felt it burning through his chest as Huaisang raked lines down his back, breaths coming in short, desperate gasps: “Jiang Wanyin, Jiang Wanyin, please, please.”
It’s a little bit clumsy at times, but also very passionate and intense in a way I still find compelling. Featuring a lot of self sabotaging Jiang Cheng.
When your stitch comes loose by heyninja
Sometimes people see you for who you really are. Sometimes because you let them. Sometimes whether you like it or not.
A triptych of collisions between Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng.
Only the last part is post canon but it’s the most important part, isn’t it?
Peel your heart like a pomegranate by Izumi_silverleaf
"It's an extraordinary feeling when parts of your body are touched for the first time. I'm thinking of the sensations from sex and surgery."
Sometimes you just need to read a very hot guro fic. It’s a weird fic but it’s a cool one.
If you give a Nie a cushion by LesbianLazerOwl
Prompt: Long enough After Canon that everyone's mostly okay these days, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang get drunk and wind up comparing masturbation habits; each is aghast at how the other spends their personal time.
Funny and hot
To Distraction by isozyme
It’s the third night of Yunmeng’s kite festival celebrations. Nie Huaisang has come visiting, eager to partake in the food, the arts, and Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng wants to forget. Nie Huaisang has some new lube and wants to see if he can put his whole fist in somebody’s ass.
Established pairing in which Nie Huaisang fists Jiang Cheng. It’s hot.
Safe in Your arms by Dragon_scribe
In the aftermath of a night hunt gone (very) wrong, Jiang Cheng wakes up to find himself in the Unclean Realm. As he recovers from his injuries, he and Nie Huaisang grow closer and as time passes, their friendship begins to shift to something more.
Very sweet/sappy and hurt/comfort orientated, with a small bit of reconciliation dimension too.
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aliasimagines · 4 years ago
Insecurity // Dick Grayson
requested by a lovely anon!
1/2 Hi! Can I please have a dick Grayson x reader who is insecure and anxious and hasn’t told dick about it because apparently boys don’t like insecure girls. She feels she’s not good enough for him. She gets recognised in public as ‘dick Graysons girlfriend’ and the person says ‘he’s SO FAR out of you league. Haha you’re ugly and your relationship won’t last for long.’ 2/2 the she goes home crying and goes to sleep. Dicks comes to sleep and she in eventually she starts crying lying down and she tries not to disturb dick but he wakes up and says ‘what’s wrong oh noo?!!! And the reader tells him everything and how he could have anyone so why would he want her? And he comforts!!! And says cheesy lovey things and says how much the reader means to him and kisses!!! Thank you!!
word count: 1685
a/n: i'm sorry you had to wait for this, I ak having a hard time rn. But thank you so much for the request! I love getting requests! Also I kinda altered it and it's more angsty but I hope you like it dear! ❤️
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You were already having a bad day. You had to wake up early for work. Had to leave without saying bye to Dick, as he was sleeping in after last night’s patrol. But you made a little time to admire your boyfriend. Peacefully sleeping with pieces of black hair covering his beautiful face. You glanced at your reflection in the mirror at the corner of the room. Despite wearing one of your favorite outfits you didn’t like what you see. It was just... One of those days.
Normally you’re okay with yourself but every once in a while you get extremely insecure and that’s when all those mean thought get to you. You tried to brush it off as you walked to work. To think about something else. And.. It kinda worked? You weren’t feeling extremely well but you put on some good music while walking and focused on the lyrics rather than you thoughts.
You stoped at the bus stop waiting for it to arrive. Watching a puddle in front of you heard some chatting from behind you.
„.. No. It’s not her. I mean look at her! The fuck! A top shot guy would date that. No, that is not Grayson’s girl.”
„She is I’m telling you! I saw her on a pic he posted. But you know what? Imma go and ask.”
You froze, hearing the conversation and hoped they weren’t talking about you. Sure you did know they were talking about you but still.
You felt someone gently touching your shoulder causing you to curse mentally.
„Hello, sorry to bother but me and my friend were wondering.. Are you y/n y/l?”
You swallowed the spit you had in your mouth and turned to see a woman. She had long fair hair and a pair of shiny green eyes, she is around your age.
„Uhm yes. That would be me. Can I help you with anything?”
The other woman you heard stepped closer.
„Are you really dating Dick Grayson?” you heard her voice. Like she didn’t believe it.
You took all your strength and nodded.
„Yes, yes I am.”you said, surprising yourself by not having a shaky voice. You were so close to a breaking down...
The both giggled.
„Aham, all right thank you!... Oh wait one more question... How do you do it? Are you using some sort of magic? It’s Gotham I wouldn’t be surprised..”
Your lips trembled.
„I.. I don’t know what you mean.”
„Come on girl. There us no way in hell a guy like Dick Grayson would date you. He is sooo out if your league. He is so damn hot and a son of a billioner! I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that you, a gray little nobody is dating him. No offense, dear, you’re just nit a good fit for him.”
You thanked every living creature because in that moment you heard the bus pull up. You manged to excuse yourself quickly and quietly from those bullies and ran to the bus.
The remaining part of the day is kind of a blur. You honestly have no idea how you managed without breaking down. You felt like someone was clenching your stomach and had the urge to cry the whole time. But until the moment you stepped in your apartment you did not.
You knew Dick wasn’t home yet. He works late. Gets up late. And latley... Your interaction with your own boyfriend was so damn little... That it was just another excuse for you to feel insecure.
Let’s be honest. He is such a beautiful man, amazing body, breathtaking eyes, always so kind and sweet to everyone. What if he is only with you because he feels sorry for you.
You never talk to him about your insecurities because in your mind that would only make his choice of leaving you easier. In your mind, guys don’t like insecure girls. Dick is an amazing human but.. Would he be different? Would he still love you if he knew how anxious you were? You keep telling yourself, no, he wouldn’t.
You only bothered to get off your shoes and coat and throw your bag somewhere. You made your way to your shared bed, lied down and hugged a pillow.
The bitter sound of your crying was the only noise in your home for... Hours? It easily could have been hours. You kept wishing Dick was here to comfort you but that you kept reminding yourself that if he saw you like this he would straight up leave you.
You don’t know when but you fell asleep.
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Dick opens the door to your apartment so delicately, so quietly. He does not want to wake you. Ah, you. All day he waited for this moment so he could finally get home and cuddle up next to you.
With him working and being on patrol a lot he.. He doesn’t see you as much anymore as he would like. He feels bad for it. He tries to leave patrol earlier or skip it, when he can but still... When was the last time you woke up together? Or when did you fall asleep together? It’s been too long and he... He misses you.
After cleaning himself up and changing clothes he walks in the bedroom and climbs next to you. It is too dark in there for Dick to see your tear stained cheeks. But what he notices is that you are still in your normal clothes and not your sleepwear.
Maybe you were just too tired to change. He excepts his own little answer and goes to sleep.
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You woke up with one of his arms around you. You have a moment of joy. A moment of forgetful happiness before everything hits you. You can make out his silhouette and that alone is enough for you to break down. You try to be quiet as much as possible.
You cry, thinking if he saw you... He could leave you. You wouldn’t blame him. You feel like there’s just problems with you.
You heart practically stopped beating for a second as you heard Dick shift in his sleep.
„Babe..” he mumbled.
You collected all your strength and answered, hopefully without a shaky voice.
„Go back to sleep, baby.”
But.. He didn’t. He turned fully towards you and still half asleep caressed your cheek.
„I missed you all day Y/N.. Are you crying?” he asked suddenly sitting up, forgetting about sleeping.
Damn it.
„Yeah... But it’s fine, Dick. Go back to sleep.. I’m fine” you couldn’t actually say the lats words because you started crying so loudly. You felt him hugging you close.
„Shh, y/n. You can tell me. That’s why I here.”
„I.. Can’t... You’ll hate me.” you whispered between sniffing and crying.
„What? No! I love you, silly! I won’t hate you!” Dick responds. He starts to think though. What could make him hate you...? Maybe you cheated...? No, he knows you didn’t. You love him.... you love him, right?
Dick tries to be funny and offers you his pinky.
„Pinky promise.”
„I... Lately... I just feel so awful! All the time! I’m so anxious Dick. It’s so so bad. Every morning I avoid looking in the mirror because I hate what I see. I can’t even believe why would you even consider dating someone like me. The women I met at the bus station were right. You’re so far out of my league.”
In a way this was worse than cheating. Dick felt heartbroken. He failed at being your boyfriend. He was supposed to make you feel safe! Loved! To be a safe place for you, to make you feel trusted. He failed at that. What else hasn’t he notice?
Dick felt hot tears streaming down his own face. He pulled you closer to himself.
„Y/N... I feel so ashamed. I can’t imagine how badly I must have treated you to feel like this. After all I’ve done, or rather not done I extremely worried that you want to get up and leave me. I mean I would understand but...I love you! You have to know that. I am sorry for not telling it to you enough. I need to show my love for you more. And if that is what it takes for you to realize how an amazing woman you are than I will. Because you are, amazing, I can’t imagine coming home and not finding you here. You are the single most important thing in my life. I just... Me being out of your league? Hell! You are out of my league! I don’t deserve you. I know these oast few weeks we... We barley talked. Like really talked. I was so busy with everything but that’s not an excuse to leave you alone. I can’t even ask for your forgiveness... „
„ Dick... „
„ No, really I don’t. I am supposed to make you feel loved yet you think I would leave you because you are insecure? Because you are anxious? Those are more reasons for me to stay and help you. But you feel like I can’t help you with these and that is purely my fault. But... I promise if you give me a chance, I will make up for it. I’ll be the man you deserve. Shower you with love, listen to you, help you in every way you want. Because I love you,so, so much. I can’t stand to lose you. „
You bury your face in his chest and don’t even try to hold back the tears. He doesn’t either. You cry but you are happier that you got it off you chest. Dick cries, afraid of losing you. He won’t. You won’t leave him. It will take some time for you to fully open up and talk about every insecurity you have but Dick is willing to wait for you. He will wait for you till the end of the times. Because he loves you. And you live him. And for now, on this quiet September night, love is enough.
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 4 years ago
Please tell us more about Seventh Virtue–we need more? Also what was your general thought process for writing this right now?
Hello!! Seventh Virtue is the fantastical version of the Fostered series (which I’ve been writing for many years as you probably already know)! I came up with the initial idea for this project back in the summer of 2019, but knew I’d probably never write it because at the time, I couldn’t see myself writing beyond literary fiction (and also: I know nothing about fantasy :)) in fact I think I’ve only ever read 3 fantasy books from the same series and that was years ago)!
This led to why I’m writing it right now, actually! Earlier this week, my sister and I binge watched Shadow and Bone and it reminded me of this project (which I’d called Fostered But It’s Magic haha). I couldn’t help but delve more and more into the project as the days progressed, and so I decided I’d try to draft it. I actually tried to draft this project once before as a screenplay because I thought it’d translate better to screen, but gave up FAST when I realized I am terrible at screenwriting! With this in mind, I knew I wanted to write this project, but I’m also impatient, and know I want to write more things this summer. TBH, I didn’t want to spend the rest of my vacation writing another Fostered book (I planned to write something outside of this universe but apparently it doesn’t want me to??) so yesterday at 1AM, I came up with a very... stupid idea to write 10k words in one day.
I made this decision strictly for anxiety exposure. I’m exporting the vlog where I chat about this experience so I won’t delve too much into it. TL;DR: I wrote 11k words yesterday, and finished the first chapter (almost done the second).
So what’s the book about?? Honestly, it’s pretty loose right now. This is the pitch I wrote way back in 2019, which is more or less accurate:
After being tormented by nightmares of his ex lover, which result in violent hot flashes and an inability to keep up a job, Harrison seeks a magical intervention. When the clairvoyant he hopes will cure his strange ailment turns out to be a con woman—and his old friend, Reeve—he is thrown back into the past and forced to rekindle relationships he thought he’d left behind.
The main thing that’s surprised me since drafting is how contemporary this world is?? Despite being literally fantasy, this setting is the most contemporary-aligned compared to the rest of the series. Fostered book 1-6 take place in a sort of dystopia (which gets softer and softer as the books continue), whereas Moth Work and Feeding Habits take place in older-contemporary times (2006)! This book on the other hand I could certainly see taking place in some sort of alternate 2019 (because we :) cannot include the pandemic years :)). It’s also magnificently funny?? I feel really blessed to have just decided to write this book. I know about 10% of what is going on at all times, but it’s so fun to draft!
Something I didn’t expect initially was how big a presence Foster would have in this book! I kind of :) forgot about Foster in Moth Work/Feeding Habits (so sorry he is still an icon), and while I knew he’d be Harrison’s roommate, I kind of assumed he’d be a side character?? But no, he said, I am reclaiming my “Main Cast” title and you can do nothing to stop me. For the majority of what I’ve written, Harrison and Foster are living in the past. This is because Foster can ~time travel, but is incredibly ethical and sustainable, so he refuses to actually change the past/do anything that would affect the present/future. After a hex goes wrong and results in Harrison’s mother getting into an accident and eventually disappearing, Harrison’s life is in literal shambles. Tormented by nightmares and hot flashes, he is NOT living his best life. To cope, Foster agrees to take them back to the past where he can relive the last 5 days before his mother’s accident, thinking they will only stay there for that one week. But when they’ve repeated the same week dozens of time, Foster ups the pressure on Harrison to give him the okay to head back to the present. And when these “hot flashes”/nightmares get even worse, Foster tells Harrison about a “healer” who cured his broken wrist (so he could plant his tomatoes lol), Harrison concedes and they finally head back to present day so he too can visit this woman, who is actually their old friend, Reeve.
This book is SO angsty and hilarious! I think my favourite thing about it is that I get to write Lonan and Harrison falling in love again lol, which I didn’t exactly get to experience in the conventional way (the first time around). By the time we meet Lonan (who is introduced in book 2), he and Harrison already have a pretty complex relationship. This relationship gets even more tangled in book 3, and book 5 is where we get to see the first glimpses of a romance. Somewhere in this timeline, between books 3-5, they ~fell in love, but I don’t know when! I think most of that occurred off the page, so even I don’t know. What’s so fun is now I get to glimpse into that a little bit more. Their relationship is my favourite thing and always has been, about this entire series, so I’m so stoked to finally get to dabble with it from the beginning. All I really know at the moment is that they meet because Lonan catches Harrison being a thief lol so, so much fun tension already to work with!
I’m not sure if I’ll finish this, mostly because the prospect of writing an 80k novel sort of terrifies me?? The project is almost 12k at the moment, and we really have only scratched the very surface, so we’ll see! I haven’t written genre fiction in so long and I’m adoring this! It’s also so much less strenuous than writing literary lols so perfect because I’m still a little wiped out after my semester ended!
Here’s an excerpt when Harrison meets up with Reeve for the first time:
The shop’s name is The Lark’s Lagoon. When he enters, a string of freshwater shells clatter, like bells would. She is not at the table like she was in the past, so he putters around the shop. Some of the things she sells are silly. Plastic mood rings that are clearly heat activated and more suited for a child but marketed to women in their thirties. Ping pong balls with the inscription enchanted aims. Snowglobes with a miniature witch figurine who says I’ll tell your fortune when you shake it.
“That’s a bestseller.” Her voice comes so suddenly that Harrison drops the globe. It shatters across the floor in a glittery bundle. “So you’re going to need to pay for that.”
Harrison describing Lonan lol:
Harrison hated him. He was cute, but Harrison hated him.
Harrison chilling in his timeloop where he can’t be seen:
It’s harder avoiding birds than he thinks. Every time one spots him, his body lurches, magnetized in the direction of the apartment. If it weren’t for the trees he latches onto along the way, he’d already be back at the brownstone listening to Foster lecture him on not being seen and not exploiting his magic. So he becomes more careful. Checks every direction—up down, left, right, diagonally, whatever—until he is certain no one can see him.
Some Stressed Foster dialogue lol I love him protect him at all costs:
“How many times have I told you that you cannot be seen in the timeloop? I woke up with a migraine five minutes ago and when I went to find you, realized you’d slipped out. Do you know how my brain feels when you stretch the timeloop like that? It feels like someone’s cracking it. My brain, a walnut. You, a nutcracker. Not to mention, you didn’t even leave a note. What if you were robbed? Or murdered? What if they dismembered you and I had no idea?
so that’s this project! don’t see any reason to stop writing it, so I’ll make an update on it soon! :) let me know if you have any more q’s!
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mybiasisexo · 4 years ago
Genre: angst | roommate!au | exlovers!au
Pairing: Lay x You
Length: 6.9k
Warning: Unfinished | Language | Adult Themes
Summary: Having a roommate isn’t a strange concept, but when that roommate is your ex? Things can get a bit complicated, especially if said roommate isn’t completely over you....
Author’s Note: For some reason, Yixing brings out the angst in me? I feel everything I ever try to write for him it’s highkey angsty like Jesus!! But this one ended fluffy. I just felt like, idk, it got boring? It got to cliche? I just didn’t like the way it was turning out and instead of trying to change the ending, I just scrapped the whole thing lmao. Really like the first half though, like I really did something there, huh? haha
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It was late evening and you were spending the time unwinding from a long day at work. A glass of wine at your side, you sat comfortably on the couch reading peacefully to yourself.
That was until the sound of a key unlocking the front door shattered the calm atmosphere.
Peeking over the rim of your gold reading glasses, you take in the intruder’s form. After stepping out of his shoes, his head swiveled around to meet your gaze, probably from sensing your stare. He nodded in greeting before dashing down the hall towards his bedroom, his door closing with a soft click.
It wasn’t always his room.
The mood you were in before he got there was now tarnished, as if you’d lost your appetite. With a sigh, you gently shut your book before leaning over to snatch ahold of the fragile neck of the glass holding the wine you had been sipping on. You downed every last drop of the blood red liquid, grimacing as it uncomfortably sat in your belly. Once that task was done, you leave to your bedroom—a room you once shared with the man currently inhabiting the one across the hall.
It’s safe to say that your life had gotten rather challenging lately. 
After another particularly draining day at work, you dragged one of your fellow coworkers, Kim Jongin, back to your condo for dinner. It wasn’t anything romantic. The two of you formed an instant bond after realizing you were the youngest people at the office you worked, thus leading to you getting closer, especially as of late. You usually would have dinner out or at his place, but made the impromptu decision to hold it at yours since he was whining the whole day about never being invited.
As you both crossed the threshold, his eyes widened in awe. “And I thought the outside was nice. I knew you were rich.”
Rolling your eyes, you led him deeper into the building. “My roommate makes a lot more money than I do, but we manage to live comfortably.”
“’Comfortably’.” Jongin scoffed, still taking in your home with a dazed expression.
After giving him a tour, you both settled on the couch in your living room, ordering takeout from three different places and putting a movie on. Once the food arrived, the two of you chatted and ate until you felt like puking and hung out like regular friends did.
About a couple hours in, you heard that dreaded sound of a key opening your front door. You stiffened anxiously, but Jongin didn’t sense your drastic change of mood, as he was too busy laughing violently—there really is no other way to describe the way he laughs—at the scene unfolding on the television screen. He did the whole bit: stomped his feet, slapped the pillow in his lap, and tumbled onto your own.
That was the position you were found in.
The clearing of a throat jolted Jongin upright. It was silent as he caught his bearings, wiping the tears that had fell down his cheeks as he regained his breath. Once he was composed, he blinked up at whoever made the sound.
Zhang Yixing stood beside the couch; scrutinizing your visitor who had sobered up completely with the dark look aimed his way.
“Um….” You scratched the back of your head awkwardly, not knowing where to start and hyper aware of the fact you were sat between both men.
“I see you have a guest,” Yixing finally spoke lowly. He pulled his gaze away from Jongin long enough to pin them on you. You gulped. His eyebrow lifted accusingly and, for some reason, shame overwhelmed you, as if you got caught in the act of something sinful. It caused you to slump into the couch and stare at your hands that were resting on your thighs. “Well, don’t let me intrude. Continue on.”
His words were friendly enough, but the tone revealed otherwise. He bid you both a farewell before taking off into his side of the flat.
Awkwardness flooded the area like a bad smell as Jongin and you shared a glance.
“Your roommate, I take it,” he said, throwing you a knowing look that didn’t go unnoticed.
You confirmed his statement with a simple nod.
“He seemed…like more than a roommate?”
You winced at his assessment, turning the other way in an attempt to hide your reaction. He sensed your reluctance to reveal anything and called your name, beckoning you to spill your secrets. With a groan, you gave in and spun around to face him.
“Fine! He just so happens to be my ex-boyfriend! Happy now?” You snapped. You had been hoping to avoid this conversation, aware of how bizarre your current living situation was. Not wanting to explain yourself was the main reason you hadn’t brought Jongin over in the first place.
The gears in his head started turning and you watched him process the information. With an almost audible click, he gasped dramatically as the truth dawned on him. Going as far as dropping his jaw and covering his mouth with his hand in shock. He pointed a shaky finger at you accusingly. “He…. You’re roommates with your ex-boyfriend?”
You brought your knees up to your chin, wrapping your arms around your legs, letting out a breathy, “yeah.”
“How, if I may ask, did that happen?” Now that he was aware of what was going on, he seemed more apathetic towards you.
“Oh boy.” You leaned your head against the back of the couch, staring up at your ceiling as if it held all the answers to life’s problems. “Yixing and I had been together for four years. Funny enough, we met the day of our college graduation. Went to the same college and didn’t even know until it was over. Anyways, as we grew closer and started our lives together, we, as most adults do, got super busy with our jobs. He’s really passionate about producing. He makes beats and instrumentals and sends them to huge entertainment companies. It wasn’t until he decided to send his lyrics in as well that he started getting picked up. In the past year, he’s kind of become a huge deal. He writes and composes songs for all kinds of major artists on this side of the world. You might’ve heard of him, his artist name is Lay.”
It took another moment, but then Jongin’s face fell into another one of shock. “I thought he looked familiar!”
“Yeah, he hangs out with all the famous people and has actually been preparing to debut as an artist himself.”
“So, is that why you broke up?”
You shrugged. “In a way. I got this new editing job and am starting to make connections myself. We both had been so busy trying to build our careers; we rarely had time to build on our relationship. One day he came home and I told him I wanted to break up. It’s not that I didn’t love him anymore; it was more like I loved him enough to realize I was hindering him, holding him back from becoming something great. Music is his main priority, the one thing he loves more than anything, loving me took some of that away.”
Jongin said your name softly, caressing your shoulder comfortingly.
“It’s fine,” you assured before continuing. “He took it very well. Almost too well. It stung a bit, I mean, he agreed almost faster than I could get it out! But it happened and the real issue arose: who kept the condo? Neither of us wanted to move. This place was our home, our sanctuary. The first real adult purchase we made together and it was filled with precious memories I didn’t want to move on from just yet. We argued over it for two days, until finally deciding it would probably just be easier for us to both stay. I mean, both our names are on the lease; it’s too expensive to live in alone and forget trying to find another roommate! This house is as much his as mine, so he just simply moved down the hall, into the old guest room he was using as a studio anyways, so it wasn’t like it was a drastic change for him. It’s been around ten months now and we’re amicable. I mean, the only thing we share is this living room and the kitchen and we rarely run into each other. It’s nice, I guess, all things considered….”
The past ten months replayed in your mind. The first two months were uncomfortable, to say the least. The shift from being lovers to simply roommates wasn’t as easy a transition than you led Jongin to believe. Seeing your ex-boyfriend everyday while cradling a wounded heart was beyond difficult, but you somehow managed. Threw yourself deeper into your work, hung out with both old and new friends, and joined a yoga class to keep yourself preoccupied. Before you knew it, the harsh sting of loss faded into a healing bruise that only hurt once pressure was applied. Seeing Yixing, as little as you did, wasn’t as bad anymore.
“Are you sure he doesn’t have any more feelings for you?” Jongin questioned hesitantly. “He didn’t seem too happy to see me here.”
Yixing’s deadly glare from earlier swam back to the forefront of your mind and you wondered briefly if he did still love you, but you immediately shook the thought away with a laugh.
“No. I highly doubt it. We’ve both had time to move on.”
“You sure?” Jongin asked again.
You nodded confidently. “Oh yeah. We’re just roommates.”
Jongin left soon after that conversation, not completely sold on Yixing not having feelings for you. Once he left, you got ready for bed. Yixing found you in the kitchen a little later, pouring a glass of water for your bedside table. You didn’t see or hear him enter, he’s always been a silent mover, constantly startling you with his sudden appearances.
Once you turned and saw him a mere breath away you flinched with a yelp.
“Yixing!” You scolded, clutching your chest to quiet down your speeding heart.
“Ah, sorry,” he said, scratching his head. He was also cladded in his pajamas like he would be retiring to bed soon.
You reassured him it was okay before digging in the freezer for some chocolate—a late night snack. He was still hovering around the counter, not attempting to get anything and it confused you. When you glanced at him, he was staring at you intently.
“Do you…need something?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he began with a start. “I was just curious to know, well, since when did you start bringing other men into our home?”
The question left you flabbergasted. He said it casually, but you could see the restraint in his neck. He was holding in his anger.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s really none of your business, being you and I aren’t together anymore.”
“We may not be in a relationship, but this is my house just as much yours and I would like to know who is in it—especially when I’m not here.”
“It that the problem?” You questioned, remembering Jongin’s questions from earlier. “Would I still be interrogated like this if I had brought a girl over instead?”
“I—It—” He stumbled over his words and you rolled your eyes. That seemed to set him off. “We were together for four years! Yet it only took you a few months to move on to somebody else? Right in front of me?”
His words were biting, and had the same effect on you that yours had on him. “I’m not! As I said before, it really is none of your business, but if you must know, Jongin is just a coworker and he has a girlfriend! I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to have male friends, especially since you didn’t have a problem with it when we were together.”
“Of course I’d have a problem with it now,” he snarled like it was an obvious fact. When Yixing was angry, he didn’t get loud, he got quiet, and it was terrifying. “And if you can’t understand the reasoning, you’re blinder than I thought.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” You asked.
“You know what? It’s nothing. Forget I said anything.” He started backing up until he had exited the kitchen. He stormed back to the confines of his room, hollering as he went, “invite whoever you want! Have an orgy for all I care! It doesn’t matter how I feel about it. It never does!”
His door slammed shut behind him, causing you to jump again.
What the hell was his problem?
The following week was filled with stiffness. You hadn’t thought much about the conversation had with Yixing until you woke up the next day restless and unsettled. You couldn’t even bare to look at the man you lived with.
It had been the first time you both had a real conversation since the break up and it was riddled with things left unsaid. What had Yixing meant when he said you were blind? Why was he so angry at the thought of you bringing home another man? You understood if he felt uncomfortable having strangers in his house without his approval, but it didn’t seem like a good enough reason to garner such a reaction. Would it? It appeared deeper than that—his hurt. Yet, as much as you racked your brain, you couldn’t figure out why.
Deep down you knew, but were too petrified at the implications to humor it.
Instead you did what you do best and ignored the whole situation. You also ignored the strange empty feeling in your chest every time you thought of Yixing.
Saturday came and as soon as the elevator opened to your floor, you felt the bass of music vibrating throughout the hall. Your neighbor must be throwing a party. Great! Just what you needed after a long day of work.
As you got closer, you realized the music was not coming from next door, but in fact, your place.
Your mind goes into overdrive as your steps slow. Yixing hadn’t mentioned anything about a party. Sure, you weren’t exactly on speaking terms at the moment, but you had a right to know if he was going to be doing something like this.
The need to get answers spurred you into action, ripping the door open in record time. The cacophony of party noises nearly blew you back. Every surface was covered in drinks and food and you had never seen so many bodies in your home. After the shock wore off, you pressed on, diving head first into the sea of people.
As you searched for that one familiar face, you were stricken by how many other faces you recognized. Was that Dean in your house? You paused to get a closer look before recalling your mission. Determination overtook you and with a new sense of purpose, you continued squeezing through the crowd.
Yixing was nowhere to be found.
After checking the most congested areas twice, fear started blooming within your gut. Did he leave? Was this party done without either one of your knowledge? Before panic could properly set in, you saw someone who could probably help you out.
“Byun Baekhyun!” You roared over the music, causing the smaller man to visibly shake. He took you in with wide eyes before stuttering your name nervously.
Oh, he was in trouble.
“Would you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?” You said, closing in on him. He had been leaning against a kitchen counter, red cup in hand.
“I…. Yixing didn’t tell you?”
“Does it look like he did?” You asked, fuming.
“It’s a team party.” He didn’t waste anymore time stalling. He also wasn’t slurring his words and his face wasn’t as red as the cup in his hand, both tell tale signs of his intoxication, meaning he was sober. “Since Yixing is the founder of Zhang Studios, he took it upon himself to hold the event at his place. I’m surprised he didn’t tell you, it had been planned months ago….”
“Speaking of Yixing, where is he?” You continued interrogating the poor man.
Baekhyun did a weak scan of the area before shrugging. “Room maybe?”
Letting out an annoyed groan, you left Baekhyun and decided to give up for now. This time, when you saw Dean again you caught his eye and nodded in greeting, silently fangirling when he smiled and bowed slightly in return. Wow, he was beautiful. Relief flooded you upon realizing your room hadn’t been touched. You took a brisk shower to wash away the day and then made yourself as comfortable in your bed as you could. There was no way sleep was going to come, not with the way the walls were reverberating from the bass intermingling with the sounds of drunk people outside your room. That wouldn’t stop you from at least trying. As you lay there, you imagined all the pieces of your mind you were going to give Yixing once you finally saw him.
Somehow, between all the scenarios playing in your mind, you dozed off, only made aware of the fact when you were jerked awake by the door colliding into your wall, the chaos from outside pouring in. You sprang upright, catching the man of the hour stumbling in. He caught the door and slammed it shut, leaning against it tiredly.
You cursed yourself for forgetting to lock the door. 
Yixing soon noticed you on the bed, straightening up at the sight of you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, voice croaking from lack of use.
“I…it was too loud out there and my room is currently occupied.” The way he said that had you guessing whoever was in there was making good use of his mattress.
“So my room was the best choice, Lay?” You questioned, growing irritated the longer you looked at him. “It’s your party, just tell everyone to leave.”
“Oh, so I’m Lay now?” He questioned, ignoring the second part of your statement. He shook his head before making his way over to the foot of your mattress, gingerly sitting on the end with his back facing you.
This was the closest you had been to him in months.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were throwing a party?” You asked.
“The same reason you didn’t tell me you were inviting men into our home,” he shot back instantly. 
You scoffed. “You’re really still hung up on that? I already told you it’s not like that between Jongin and me.”
“Of course I’m still ‘hung up’ on that.” He sounded tired, as if he were exhausted with having to explain himself. He took a deep breath before suddenly turning around so that he was facing you. “I…I miss you.”
Your eyebrows shot up to your hairline before you laughed dismissively. “You must be drunk.”
“No, I’m not. I’m being serious. I miss you.”
It was your turn to shake your head. “You see me pretty much every day.”
“That’s not what I mean.” He licked his lips before crawling closer until he was directly in front of you, knees pressing against yours through the comforter. “I miss your laugh and your lame jokes. I miss your cooking and the way you always hum when you’re really focused or nervous. I miss your friendship and your warmth. I miss you.”
“Yixing….” His confession was overwhelming and that odd sense of emptiness you had been feeling all week in the pit of your stomach was back in full force.
He closed his eyes and hummed appreciatively. “I miss the way you say my name also.”
When they reopened, they were alight, practically glowing in the darkness of your room.
“I---this…. Where is this coming from?” You questioned, nearly speechless from his words.
His features softened as he stared at you as if you held his world. It was a look you hadn’t received in months—if not over a year. Your throat tightened as he lifted a hand to rest his fingertips against your cheek, his thumb rubbing the soft flesh gently. He grinned and your heart stuttered.
“I’ve been holding back for a while because I didn’t want to make things weird, but I don’t know how much longer I can refrain myself.”
“Yixing, you’re drunk,” you repeated. “You’re not in your right state of mind. You can’t possibly mean any of this.”
“Do I look drunk?” He asked. The only thing he looked was offended. “Do I sound drunk? You know how I get when I’m intoxicated, I would have been sleeping in a corner somewhere hours ago if I were.”
“How can I possibly believe any of this when you agreed to break up?”
“I did it because I thought that’s what you wanted,” he informed. “I always put you first. If you were unhappy in this relationship, I wasn’t going to hold you back, no matter how I felt.”
“So, you didn’t want to break up?” You asked, tears starting to blur your vision.
“Of course not,” he whispered brokenly. “You have always been the most important thing in my life. You still are.”
“I just don’t know.”
He moved even closer, his nose barely brushing yours as he slightly tightened his grip on your face. “Let me prove it.”
And with that, he kissed you.
The first contact of your lips was just a whisper, him testing the waters. When you didn’t protest, he went in again, latching onto your upper lip with added force. His scent of pine and sweat and something that was solely him traveled up your nostrils, bringing you back to simpler times. His presence comforted you, allowing you to fall into his embrace. Your hands went up to cup his face and return the kiss with more fervor, prompting him to deepen the kiss. God, you missed him too, more than you would ever allow yourself to believe. He was everything you ever wanted, everything you ever needed, and right now proved that. His hands wandered up and down your sides and you shivered at his touch, starved from it for too long.
He pulled you mouth open with his, moaning slightly as he nudged your tongue with his own and the action seemed to break the spell you had been under.
You yanked his head back and your lips made an audible pop as they separated. It took him a second to grasp what happened and then he was gazing down at you with a hot yet dazed expression that made you want to kiss him again, but you held on. His dark hair was sticking up at all angles from the force of your ravaging fingers and his lips were starting to swell slightly. He looked a mess.
He looked delicious.
“Get out,” you murmured, glaring at your legs.
“What?” Shock was evident in his voice.
“I said ‘get out’!” You yelled, angry with yourself as tears formed in your eyes.
“But I thought—”
“Well, you thought wrong. Please,” you begged. It was silent for a long moment, but then he was moving. He quietly shuffled off your bed and walked to the door, hesitating for a second to peek at you before leaving with a heavy sigh, the door clicking lightly behind him.
With his presence gone, you were able to move, diving into your covers and burying your head into your pillows to muffle the screams before trying to calm down.
The music from outside died abruptly, the silence helping you swiftly fall asleep.
You wake up before your alarm the next day and head to work hours before your shift actually began. The last thing you wanted to do so early in the morning was be caught in the same area as him.
Jongin was pleased to know his suspicions were correct when it came to Yixing and tried to talk you into just going for it when it was obvious you still felt something for the man, but you declined.
Yixing was in the past.
It was for the best—your separation. At least, that’s what you had been telling yourself.
When you got home, you were met with a spotless place. All evidence of the party was gone, leaving you wondering if you had dreamt the whole thing. Making your way further into the house, you run upon Yixing with a Swiffer in his hands, mopping the dining room floor. He straightened up with a sigh, stilling at the sight of you.
You bounced on the balls of your feet, a nervous habit, under his scrutiny. His expression was unreadable, but that was as much an answer as any.
“Hey,” you let out in a breath after the silence had drawn on for too long.
“Hey,” he replied, voice reserved.
“You cleaned—”
“Look, I’m—”
You both stopped abruptly as you spoke over each other, another silence filled the air as you hesitated.
“You go first.” He finally urged gently.
“You, uh, you cleaned up.” You pointed out the obvious, gesturing around you to the shimmering house.
“Yeah, I—I wanted to apologize for last night,” he revealed, running a hand through his hair. “It was wrong of me to throw a party without talking to you first. Not to mention, what happened after….”
You cleared your throat awkwardly at the fresh memory.
“It wasn’t my intention to hurt or make you uncomfortable. I’m sorry for that. I was out of line and I really don’t have an excuse….”
His eyebrows furrowed as he continued rambling nervously. He appeared worried at first; leading you to believe maybe he was scared at the thought you were planning on kicking him out.
His sentence faltered, but you knew he wasn’t finished, so you didn’t say anything. The fear that once coated his voice was nowhere to be found when he opened his mouth again. 
“That being said,” he began. His tone was lower and his eyes were a few shades darker than before as he examined you with a steady gaze. The whole shift of his demeanor sent chills down your spine. “I had a lot of time to think and I’ve come to this conclusion.”
He set the mop aside and approached you until he was an arm’s length away. “I want you back.”
You eyes widened in shock, though in the back of your mind you should have known this was coming. 
“Being with you last night,” he continued. “I meant what I said about missing you. We work better together and I can’t believe I’ve allowed this to go on for so long.” 
“Yixing, what are you going on about?”
“I want to be with you again! This ‘arrangement’ we have going on is pure torture! Having to see you everyday, but not being able to touch you. Hell, nowadays it’s like I’m not even allowed to look at you! I just… don’t know for how much longer I can do this.”
“We both decided it was for the best to be separated for the moment,” you said, taking a safe step back.
“Yeah, but the moment’s past. I can’t keep living like this. Being with you, but not with you! Especially in this place where we built a life together.”
“That’s too bad!” You said, voice rising slightly with irritation. “I don’t think I want to change what we are now!”
“I knew you’d say that,” he revealed. “So, I came up with a plan.”
You lifted an eyebrow quizzically.
He took a deep breath. “Tomorrow is the first. Give me one month to win you back and, if by the end you still honestly believe you don’t want to be with me anymore, I’ll leave.”
“Leave?” You asked, voice scratchy.
He nodded in confirmation. “Yeah. I’ll move out and you won’t ever have to see me again.”
“Why?” You felt like the room was spinning and the urge to sit was strong.
“I already told you,” he said gently. “I can’t live in this house with you just as a roommate. Not when I’m still in love with you.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but found no words would come out.
He smiled sadly before closing the space between you, leaning in to leave a lingering kiss on you forehead. You gasped at the gesture. He pulled away and leaned his forehead on the spot he just kissed. “One month. That’s all I’m asking. Just one.”
The way your heart pounded against your chest felt like a weakness and, if there was one thing you hated most, it was feeling weak.
“Fine.” You agreed, shoving him away so that you could actually breathe and focus properly. “One month. And if by the end your plan doesn’t work—which I’m sure it won’t—you’re out of here.”
He smiled, a wide joyous thing and pointed at you. “I’m going to win you back!”
“Whatever,” you mumbled, rubbing your temples as you retreated to your room.
Yixing wasted no time in his scheme of seduction.
The following morning, you were awoken by the beautiful sent of breakfast cooking. You stumbled out of bed; eyes still sealed shut from crust as you made your way to the kitchen only to be met with Yixing.
If that wasn’t enough to wake you up, you didn’t know what was.
“Morning.” He grinned once he spotted you, taking the pan from the stove and shoveling eggs onto two stacked plates. “I made breakfast.”
“I see.” You slid onto a stool by the dining room bar as he stood across from you, setting a plate before you. It was loaded with the works and your stomach growled. You wasted no time stuffing your face, having to hide a moan of pleasure. You missed his cooking. “You haven’t cooked for me in a while.”
“I know. I thought now would be the perfect time to.”
You gathered what he was saying between the lines and chose to ignore it, just like you were ignoring the fact that he was still shirtless. He wandered about, taking a bite of food before cleaning the dishes and putting things away. When his attention was diverted, you peeked up at his lithe frame, taking in all the taunt muscle wrapped around his torso. It looked just as firm and strong as you remembered it and now your mouth was watering from something else besides the food. His six-pack was still visible despite him being in the middle of eating and how come his abs were directly in front of you?
He cleared his throat and you coughed, choking on your food a little. Once you sipped on some water you built the nerve to meet his gaze. He was studying you with a knowing smirk. 
“You should put a shirt on,” you grumbled, attention back on your nearly empty plate.
“But I thought you were enjoying the view?”
“Shut up.”
His chuckles echoed as he went back to his room to fulfill your request.
So, this was how he was going to play?
The following three weeks were more or less the same. Yixing would come up with ways to get you to fall for him once again. Cooking meals, asking you about your day, massaging your back after a long day of work. Jongin’s eyebrows blended with his hairline the day you came to work with a ginormous bouquet of flowers on your desk sent by a Zhang Yixing. He questioned you for the rest of the week, with you only pushing the subject away.
As much as you wanted to deny it, Yixing was creeping back into your heart. You were beginning to remember all the reasons you fell in love with him in the first place and he was right when he said you worked better together.
But, at the same time, you were too stubborn to give in.
The last day of the month approached faster than you thought possible and you were kind of disappointed. You liked having Yixing’s attention again, liked the feeling of being wanted by him. But, after today, he would be moving out and once he was gone, there was no way you would be able to afford it, so you would have to move out also and this chapter in your life would be over for good.
It was bittersweet.
You tried not to be in your feelings as you opened the door after work. As you entered, you froze as you took in your surroundings.
All the lights were off except one lamp and the dim lighting cast a romantic glow over the red rose petals that laid on the floor.
“Welcome back.” You heard from the darkness, catching Yixing off to the side.
“What’s all this?” You asked.
He shrugged, taking a few hesitant steps towards you. “It’s the last day.”
You felt a pang in your chest from his words, but tried to hide the pain from him. “So what do you have planned today?”
Wordlessly, he took your hand, leading you down the hall that lead to your bedroom. He paused just outside of your door, where the small square above the ceiling was open, a ladder leading up into the attic.
“After you,” he murmured, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
You threw him a skeptical glance, but climbed ahead, knowing exactly where he was taking you. Once inside the dusty attic, you went to the small triangular window, pushing it open to the roof. 
You’re left breathless at the sight in front of you.
Yixing had already been here, coating the small area in the roses that lay below you as well. There were a couple small lanterns illuminating a purple plush blanket with pillows thrown haphazardly over it. In the center was a basket that you knew had your favorite dishes in it, being you could smell them. Ahead of you, the twinkling lights of downtown glittered like stars.
This used to be your spot.
“Do you like it?” Hands are on your shoulders as Yixing climbed in from behind you, his breath tickling the hairs on your neck and you gulped.
“It’s beautiful,” you revealed, eyes watering slightly from his efforts.
“Come.” He grabbed your hand again, dragging you over to the little picnic dinner he had made. Once you two were seated, he opened the basket, revealing that he had in fact brought your favorites.
You just stared at him in awe, blown away by the amount of effort he put in so far.
“Stop staring at me,” he said with a laugh, handing you a plate. “Eat.”
“I can’t help it,” you said after taking a bite. It was delicious. “I just can’t believe you’ve done all this.”
“Why is that so hard to believe?” He asked.
You shrugged. “It’s been a while since we’ve done something like this.”
He’s quiet for a moment, chewing thoughtfully. The way the light from the lanterns bounced off his features made him appear way more beautiful than you remembered.
Once he swallowed, he gave you his undivided attention. “I wanted to take us back to the times when we first moved in. When we first found this little spot. I thought that maybe you would remember what it felt like….”
“What what felt like?” You asked.
He rubbed his neck nervously before meeting your gaze. “What it felt like to be in love with me too.”
And as you both watched each other, you thought you were beginning to.
He cleared his throat. “Anyway, finish your meal before it gets cold.”
You do as he orders, smiling contently as you watched the view and listened to the hustle and bustle of the city below. A bottle of wine somehow made its way out, and before you knew it, you were a little tipsy.
“I wanted to show you something.” Yixing said after all the food was gone. He pulled a corner of the blanket back, revealing his favorite guitar. “I’ve been writing.”
He tuned it quietly before taking a deep breath and brushing his fingers against the chords, a beautiful melody transforming from his hands. It was amazing, slow and romantic, making you picture Spain or some other magically romantic location. He was so passionate when he played; it was something you hadn’t seen in him for so long, not until this bet happened. He began humming along, slowly building his sound until he began singing.
You missed his voice so much; you forgot just how beautiful it was. Goosebumps raised on your arms; more growing once you heard what he was saying. He sang about a forgotten love, a one sided love. Yearning to turn back the clock, to go to how things once were. It was obvious what he was singing about, who in particular he wrote it for. And the pain he had been suffering through was evident to the point where you could feel it in your heart. 
He got to the bridge of the song, lamenting about the past, hitting a high note that made you shiver before changing notes swiftly, to a song that rang more familiar.
He was now singing your song.
The one he wrote for you on your first year anniversary. The one he always sang to you whenever you were alone.
“Who am I without my melody? Just a hopeful song, lyrics to sing along to….”
Suddenly it was three years ago, when he first sang it to you. You knew at that moment that he was the One. The one you were going to spend the rest of your life with. How optimistic of you? How sad.
The last chord rang into the night, being carried away with the breeze and then you were on top of him. He froze for a second uncomprehendingly, but then you heard the clang of his guitar hit the cement ground and he was kissing you back with fervor so intense it felt palpable. All that could be heard was gasping and lips smacking and it was nearly dirty--your want for him in that moment.
His hands slid under your shirt, pulling buttons open with his wrists until they rested right below your chest, his thumb brushing against your swollen flesh teasingly.
“Bedroom,” you growled between kisses and he wasted no time hiking you up so that you were able to wind your legs around his waist, pressing yourself as close to him as possible so that you could feel his hard torso through his shirt.
It was a struggle, but he was somehow able to get you both back into your house without you ever having to get off, the only thing being you had to kiss other parts of him besides his lips, but neither one of you seemed to mind.
You felt the sheets underneath you as he gently placed you on the bed before resuming what was started. He was everywhere around you, overwhelming all of your senses, leaving your body on high alert with every touch of his fingers, even his breath left you shaking with need.
“I love you,” he whispered into the skin of your stomach. “I love you so much.”
As a reply, you pulled at his hair, dragging him over you so that you could look him in the eyes. “Show me.”
Pressure on your face brought you back to reality the next day. You heard chuckling as you opened your eyes to the brightness of the day.
“Morning, Love.” You heard Yixing’s voice and glanced up to see him smiling down at you. How much wine did you drink? You could barely remember what happened the night before, but your body was sore and oh no….
You ran your hand over the sheets to check that you were indeed naked and bit your lip. How did you allow yourself to break like this?
“I was just about to jump in the shower…” Yixing said, lifting his eyebrows suggestively. “Would you like to join me?”
“Um….” You took a deep breath. “I’m okay. You go first.”
He pouted dejectedly, but got up. You tried not to stare at his bare ass as he left.
Boy, oh boy, were you in trouble!
You swiftly got up, yanking the first articles of clothing you could find and groaning once you realized the shirt was Yixing’s. Needing a distraction, you found yourself flipping pancakes in the kitchen. But, it had the opposite effect because your mind was open. You had no idea what you felt for Yixing anymore. Of course there was always affection, you were together for four years, of course there’s affection. 
As you turned the tenth one you made, you felt hands on your waist and lips on your head.
“You made breakfast.”
You spun around, taking in Yixing as he wore only basketball shorts and a towel around his shoulders and gulp. “Yeah….”
He made a plate, sitting in the same spot you had the first day of the bet. “So, when should I move my stuff back into the bedroom? 
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years ago
Can I request a Christmas scenario about they getting caught under the mistletoe with shy female S/O for Aizawa and Present Mic (separately)? 😍🥰 Because I really love to see they have extremely adorable moments together!! 🥰🥰🥰
aizawa shouta x reader; yamada hizashi x reader
warnings: angst (1), fluff (1), alcohol consumption
a/n: I'm horrible, I didn't read the word s/o…..so…haha…um…… I was in an angsty mood while writing one of these……… enjoy? this is a request, not a drabble!!! more drabbles will be up later tonight :)
Aizawa shouta
You took a deep breath.
Today is the day. You thought.
Today is the day. You repeated.
Today is the–
“What are you doing outside? You’re going to get cold!” A voice interrupted your thoughts, and you shrieked. You whipped your face around and looked at a figure walking your way. You sighed.
It was only Nemuri. “You, uh, you scared me…” You whisper. Your cheeks feeling enflamed as you stood outside the doors to the house you were by. “I was–”
“Thinking of ways to profess your love to little baby, Eraser?” Nemuri teases despite the own blush on her face, she was a sucker for your one-sided romance after all. “You know, for someone as observant as he is, it’s a tragedy he hasn’t noticed you’re in love with him!”
“’Muri-chan!” You shriek as you whip around as if expecting Aizawa to be lurking around for some reason. Given that you knew your crush since high school, you were sure he was busy keeping a drunk Hizashi out of trouble.
“But it is Christmas, who knows! Maybe Ecto left a mistletoe up!” Nemuri teased you as she grabbed your arm, and took you to the door.
You groan as she knocks on the door. The teachers of U.A. were throwing a Christmas party tonight. You had also decided ages ago you would tell Shouta you liked him before the end of the year was up. After stalling for twelve months, you had decided today was the day. Christmas was a couples event, after all.
But you were nauseous as the door flew open, “MIDNIGHTTTT, Y/H/NNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!”
Oh boy, Hizashi was already drunk.
You sat in the corner of the room, a drink in your hand as you chatted with Nemuri about the man she had dommed the other day. Oh, how you wished you could be like your best friend and sweat confidence. You were in your late twenties and still had issues not stuttering around people!
How you were a teacher was beyond you.
Your eyes kept searching around for Aizawa, you knew that he was here. You had said hello to him earlier. With the activity of both your best friends wrecking chaos in opposite ends of the house. You split ways prematurely. 
He did say you looked nice, and it left you blushing and stuttering for a solid ten minutes though. You just wanted the night to end so that you could scream it to him on the way out and then disappear for a while. Thank the universe he was still with first years and no longer with third years anymore. If he rejected you, you could at the very least avoid him.
But the night was only getting later, and gifts for Secret Santa had been distributed. Most of your colleagues were, in fact, leaving now. But you knew you had to stay.
“I’ll distract Hizashi, you go get you… your man!” Nemuri slurred drunkenly, the skimpy red dress she wore was not at all in a decent place, but she wasn’t embarrassed. Nor did she want anyone fixing it for her. So most people avoided their stare from her body. 
You didn’t even have time to reject her statement as she dragged you across the room. Aizawa and Hizashi were standing where she took you. “MIC COME WITH ME!” Nemuri laughed as she took Hizashi by the hand who had been in the middle of ignoring what Aizawa had to say anyways.
Your eyes locked onto Aizawa who was looking at you. You found yourself straightening out your dress. Your drunken friends disappeared with very loud whispers. 
“T-They’re a bit too much, huh?” You ask looking at your feet as Aizawa sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“I regret telling Mic that I would be his driver tonight.” Aizawa agrees as you nod your head. 
Your thoughts were racing a million kilometers a second. The horror you felt because you couldn’t keep a conversation. You knew you had to say something soon, or else you never would.
“Do you want to go outside with me for a bit?” Aizawa asks, and you freeze. “It’s a bit stuffy in here, and I’m going to pass out soon.” 
“Yeah, um, I just need to grab my, uh, my jacket.” 
“Take mine.” Aizawa offers as he shrugs off the black wool coat he had been wearing all night. 
“No wonder why you’re hot.” You laugh slightly, as the heavy coat is placed on your shoulders. The heat of the jacket and the scent of Aizawa’s cologne hit your body like a truck as you watch him walk out the door. His eyes on you expectantly. 
“Oh, man…” You mutter to yourself as you walk after him, mentally preparing to confess any second now. 
You watch as Aizawa leans against the porch, his arms folded and you walk over slowly. The two of you stand in silence as Aizawa lets out a slow exhale. The hot air of his breathes smoking against the cold air. 
“How have your students been?” Aizawa asks you, interrupting the silence. 
“Oh, pretty good.” You say with a smile before it falters. “I wish we could do something about Mirio though, it breaks my heart.” 
Aizawa nods his head in agreement as he looks up, his body stilling. But you don’t notice this as your mouth opens ready to confess your feelings.
“Do you follow the mistletoe tradition?” He asks, and your voice dies in your throat. 
“Ecto hid the mistletoe here, and well, I’m asking if you follow the tradition.” 
You honestly didn’t, but Aizawa didn’t need to know that as you nodded your head. Your body was quickly becoming hotter as he straightened out. And your eyes fluttered shut as you felt his lips press gently against yours. Your heartbeat roaring in your ears as he did so.
The kiss was short, his lips pressing against yours for less than two seconds. But the warmth that spread through your body made it seem like you had taken a shot.
He pulled away, and you felt breathless as you opened your eyes.
The shrieks coming inside made you realize that many people were watching on. You flush as you see them all cheering, now invested in their happiness for you and Aizawa. You turned your blushing gaze to Aizawa who looked… sad?
“Aizawa, I…” You trailed off, it was now or never. “I have to confess something, I–” 
“Please don’t finish that sentence, y/l/n,” Aizawa whispers, and your throat tightens at those words. 
“I know you have feelings for me.” 
And you can feel your heart slowly being consumed by the frost of the outside air.
“I can’t…” Aizawa trails off, “I can’t accept them, I’m sorry.” 
Hot, bitter tears well up in your eyes as you stare at him, unable to come up with words. “S-So, you… you ask to kiss me… under the mistletoe, knowing full well that I have feelings… and you reject me, still?” You splutter, your mind unable to make sense of this situation as tears roll down your face. You can feel them freezing against your simmering cheeks as you raise your gaze to Aizawa. Aizawa who, for the first time ever, seems at a loss of words.
“I’m sorry, y/l/n.” 
You shake your head, a choking sound escaping your lips as you shove the jacket off your body. Tossing it to the ground as you curse him through gritted, humiliated teeth. You don’t even hear him call out your name. His capturing weapon missing your wrist as you storm into the house. You slam the door with all the strength of the Pro-Hero in you.
Nemuri and Hizashi are at your side immediately as you walk in. They were imitating kissing sounds like a bunch of middle schoolers.
“You both were wrong,” You pant, feeling as if the world was caving in on you. “He doesn’t like me back. I’m going to leave.” 
You were out the front door the second Aizawa entered the back door. Although not everyone was still there, everyone stared at him with disappointed eyes.
“You fucked up big time, Aizawa…” 
Yamada hizashi
You groaned as Hizashi smacked another kiss onto your lip that night.
Your dork of a husband had gone out of his way to buy a Christmas hat with a piece of mistletoe on it. He was now deliberately using it to kiss you whenever he wanted despite the company you had over.
Setting up the table? 
“Oh my, watch out y/n, I’m falling over on top of you?! IS THAT MISTLETOE?!” 
“Hey, y/n, can you pass me a bread roll, no come closer… IS THAT MISTLETOE?!” 
Passing out presents?
“Don’t mind me, y/n, just grabbing some present. Ya know, I think there’s a mistletoe just above you right now!” 
It was cute, don’t get it wrong! Yet your face had turned twenty shades of red and you were not happy to be this red in front of company.
So you were doing everything you could to avoid being yet another kiss steal from Hizashi. Because if he kissed you anymore, you were going to faint. Mixing yourself a drink, you walked back over to where Hizashi and his coworkers sat. Everyone was talking about what they aimed to do with the month they had off in March. Once school was out, of course.
You noticed that the hat was finally off Hizashi’s head, but you still sat across from him in the hope he wouldn’t put it back on. He wouldn't try to make out with you in front of his friends. But the kisses alone were embarrassing!
The night continued smoothly as everyone stayed in the comfort of your home. Everyone chatting away while playing board games you and Hizashi had in the house. Of course, when it got particularly rowdy, those U.A. alumni were some of the most competitive people ever. Hizashi would break out his quirk. Making Aizawa use his quirk. Making Nemuri rip her clothes. Making Cementoss build a wall in your living room to stop the horrible loud yells of your husband.
Every time it happened you couldn’t help but laugh, everyone was so funny in your opinion.
But as the night got later, everyone was getting a bit drunker…
“Who’s the least flustered out of everyone here, we know the most is y/n!” Nemuri slurred as everyone tried to make a mental note of who the least flustered person was. 
You were cuddled up into Hizashi’s side, blushing because they definitely weren’t wrong.
“I am!” Hizashi announced a proud smirk on his face. “I only pretend to be flustered so people think I’m just like them!” 
It must’ve been the alcohol in your system because you let out a laugh as you shook your head in disagreement. Unfortunately, it seemed that everyone actually agreed with your eccentric husband’s opinion.
“I can fluster you without a problem!” You laugh, oh yeah, it was definitely the alcohol speaking. 
“Prove it!” Nemuri squealed, her eyes materializing hearts as she stared expectantly at you two. Chants went around the room, and you stood up. Placing the mistletoe hat back onto your husband’s head who was now looking at you with traces of a blush on his cheeks.
You grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in for a kiss.
You couldn’t even hear the whoops of laughter and cheering from your drunk friends as your lips fervently pressed against Hizashi’s. Your tongue slipping into his mouth. The taste of bitter alcohol was evident in his mouth as your tongue swiped at his. You swallowed the shaky gasp that escaped his lips as your tongue traced the roof of his mouth before pulling away panting.
Hizashi was blushing redder then you had all night.
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sanchoyowrites · 4 years ago
Scrapped ideas for Cold Love! 
I’ve gone through about 5-10 drafts with a LOT of scrapped ideas and plot threads! Now that I’ve gotten almost done with it, I wanted to share some of those! I planned to earlier, but realized some of them might be iffy, so I waited until the latest chapter! I may come back and share more later, but these are the ones I can reveal up to this point. :)
Under the cut because if you aren’t 100% caught up with CL, some of these are a liiiiittle spoilery! (and definitely spoilery as far as the manga goes- but if you’re reading Cold Love, you’ve definitely already been spoiled if not a weekly reader... 3: )
-In the very, very first draft, Tenko and MC stayed in America her entire transfer term, without contacting the lov. It went through month by month showing snippets of what they were doing, then flashing to snippets of the lov. it got pretty angsty because the longer they stayed, the more Tenko felt bad about not contacting them, but he needed space to think for himself-
-in that first draft the first chapter thats basically all recap like that ^ ends with tenko getting kidnapped by AFO. and MC has to go to Japan, alone, and find the lov to Save Him!
-And then she runs into Hawks first and FREAKS. OUT. thinking he’s going to arrest her, and he’s like ooooh crud she doesnt KNOW. they don’t actually fight, he just calls up Dabi first thing. this was written back when everyone thought there was a good chance of Hawks Actually Joining the Lov :( Also in that version, Giran played a huge role in helping MC find the lov and was just SO funny. I love (1) uncle even though his role isn’t as prominent in this version. 
-MC killed the doctor in the first draft. it was dr VS dr, but he was basically trying to persuade MC to work WITH him and he’d teach her how to do his work and take up his mantle, and if she got AFO’s approval she and Tenko could be together without fighting AFO; then she shot the dr for even suggesting that LMAO
-Hawks actually escorts her to I-Island instead of Nine in one of the early drafts! Under the guise of her being a winner of a trip with him or something as a cover story. They persuade Melissa MUCH easier because he’s the #2 hero and all. I changed this when the new movie came out and I was thirsty for more lov/Nine’s group interaction...I get attached to minor characters/movie only characters, what can I say. And with everyone expecting Hawks to be a traitor, it made making it Nine do it more.. fun for me to write, honestly. haha 
-there was a draft where AFO effectively brainwashed Tenko after capturing him and MC had to try to make him fall in love again and try not to get murdered. fun to write, but I wanted to focus more on their already established relationship rather than the struggle of trying to build it again!! (it made for GREAT ANGST tho)
-In one of the early drafts Tenko and MC were trying desperately to hunt the dr down for info (or to kill him, I can’t remember) and Tenko KNEW the doctor hung around schools and pediatrician places for kid’s quirks because kids are easy targets, so. MC and Tenko went to a bunch of schools pretending to be parents looking to enroll their pretend child and asking about the school nurses/doctors for their sickly kid. it was SO EXTRA. but also a whole chapter of them making up funny backstories with fake names and pretending to be parents together. it was SO cheesy and cute and I’m so sad it had to be scrapped, personally. I ultimately chose to have Kurogiri do the dr in because. The poetic cinema, but. Yeah!
-There was a version where while in America, AFO broke out, and the commission (being supremely sucky, ) decides, well, to get him back or kill him, we need bait. All Might and Tomura Shigaraki shaped bait! So All Might comes to America where MC and Tenko are (the commission found out about that via Gran Torino snooping in Naomasa’s files...) and basically has to ask them to come with him. The commission sends Hawks as an extra security measure (obv they cant send ENDEAVOR, hes “”needed”” in Japan...I just didn’t want to write him <3) 
But again, this draft was super early on when we all thought Hawks would turn for real. So Hawks had brought the entire LOV via a bracelet of compressed marbles... (he likes jewelry in canon!! he’s always wearing a ton of it in official art!! this would have been perfect--)  And for one reason or another they all end up on a roadtrip together to the desert in America (that’s where the commission wanted to lure AFO, because it was a no civilian zone or something?) This was all very convoluted and just me like ‘well what if the lov had a fun roadtrip together in a small space like a bus, and had funny and tender moments. And All Might is the bus driver because it’s REALLY funny to have Tenko picking on him, but then have actual heartfelt moments and talks later about morals--
-A version where Melissa gave Toga her blood to go get information from the heroes! It was basically like ‘give us Melissa Shield back and we’ll exchange money’, but they ask for info instead to try and find out more about the Tartarus break-ins. Melissa is talking to Toga through an ear piece, and Toga has to act perfectly and pretend David Is her Dad And She Missed Him. It’s very jarring for her to see a parent who really loves their kid.  :( I cut this because I didn’t want them to need too much outside help to figure it out and the whole scene got very convoluted, but...it was really fun and heartbreaking. :”)
-That first draft I mentioned way up there ^ was super dark. No idea what I was thinking, but it was VERY angst-heavy, and ooc in places because the league splits for a while because of in fighting and without Tenko they fall apart and start questioning themselves. I did think I went mildly ooc in the other way with the league in the final draft, in that I made them SOOO affectionate with each other, but the latest manga chapters make me wonder about that. Maybe I was right all along. They are a family. >:”) 
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lunatens · 5 years ago
ghost of you
pairing: ghost!han jisung x gender neutral reader
word count: 1.3k
genre: fluff, platonic, ghost!au
warnings: mentions of death (it is a ghost au after all)
a/n: I got the idea for this a sUPER long time ago lmao I got inspired by the song ghost of you by 5sos but then I wasn’t feeling angsty and emo and sad so I just made it cute and fluffy and that’s why it’s platonic bc I feel like romance would get super angsty idk aNYWAYS !! I hope this is good I might write more for this au  if people are interested? (also it was originally gonna be about hyunjin but then idk jisung fit better somehow lol)
“is that the last of it?” minho asks, dusting off his hands after he sets what seems like the millionth cardboard box on the floorboards of your new apartment. 
“i think so? thanks again for all the help minho, it would’ve taken me so long to do this all by myself.” you and minho have spent all day moving everything in, blaring tunes and taking (too many) snack breaks. it was fun, but it was a lot of work, and now you’re tasked with decorating the place. minho waves goodbye before heading out the door. you listen to him go down the three flights of stairs, get in his car and pull out of the tiny parking lot. you’re alone at last, and you take a moment to enjoy the blissful silence; no more annoying roommates to wake you up too early in the morning or steal your food or take too-long showers. minho and a few of your other friends have invited themselves over tomorrow night for dinner (you agreed only if they promised to provide all the food), so you’re determined to make your new place look all nice before they come--needless to say, you’ve got a pretty busy 24 hours coming up. you brush thei hair from your eyes, grab the exacto knife from the kitchen counter, and set to work opening box after box of your belongings.
several hours have passed; the kitchen and bathroom are both done, leaving just the common area and your room. there’s cardboard everywhere--you promise yourself you’ll clean it up tomorrow. besides your bed in the corner and the small bookshelf you’ve spent the last two hours building, your room is completely empty. you let out a heavy sigh, picking a new playlist on spotify before beginning the process of decorating your room. it’s not long before you’re standing tippy-toed as you lean awkwardly over your desk to flatten a poster of your favourite band on the wall.
“it’s crooked, just fyi,” a voice rings out from behind you. you scream in shock, tripping over your desk chair as you turn around to face the source of the voice. you land with a dull thud and a groan on your hardwood floor. a face appears above yours, eyebrows furrowed in concern. the face belongs to a boy who looks about the same age as you, although unlike you, he’s slightly translucent and gives off a pale blue glow.
“are you okay? wow, you’re pale--you look as though you’ve just seen a ghost! HAHA! that was pretty funny, right?” the boy says, giggling at his own joke. you sit up and stare wide eyed and sheet-faced at him. as you process what he said, connecting it to his appearance, you open your mouth to let out another shriek. the boy glides over to you, worry washed over his face.
“no no no!! please don’t be scared! well, actually i guess that’s a lot to ask. don’t scream though, it’s really loud and hurts my ears and might concern the neighbours,” he asks, sitting cross legged in front of you on the floor. you shut your mouth, dumbfounded. 
“okay, let’s take this slow, alright? i’m jisung, you’re y/n from what i heard earlier, right?” the ghost asks. he speaks softly and slowly, clearly trying to avoid setting you off again. you nod silently.
“cool! so i uh, imagine this is a bit of a shock to you, but basically, yes, i’m a ghost. oooh, spooky,” jisung says, waving his hands for effect. he giggles at himself. 
“a ...ghost..” you repeat, trying to make sense of this situation. jisung nods enthusiastically.
“see? you’ve got it! honestly that was easier than i thought it would be. anyways, i came here to tell you i’ve been watching you decorate your apartment for the past couple hours, and you have a terrible sense of interior design. like, really bad.”
“so--wait, hold up. you’re telling me first of all, ghosts are real, and second of all, there's one right in front of me who’s here to judge my interior design abilities?” you ask in disbelief. 
“well, lack thereof--i wouldn’t say you have any abilities. but yes, that’s all true,” jisung says.
“okay.” you take in a deep breath; time to reassess your entire life. 
“...can i touch you?” you ask after a long pause. jisung just smiles shyly and holds his arm out.
“go for it,” he says, and you gasp as your fingers pass right through him. the air feels a little cold where his arm is supposed to be, but otherwise there’s nothing.
“i know, this is probably pretty freaky for you. but get used to it, because i’m not going anywhere any time soon! i’ve decided you’re my new bff, sorry you don’t get a say in this. now let's finish setting things up, and i can help you make things look less terrible,” jisung says with a grin and a wink, and you glare at him in response.
it’s deep in the late hours of the night, or rather early in the morning, when you finally finish as much as you’re going to do tonight. there’s still a couple boxes of miscellaneous objects and such, but you shove them in your closet with the promise to deal with them another time. as you cleaned and decorated, you learned a lot about jisung, who trailed along after you rambling on about his life story with the occasional interruption of “maybe move that to the right just a tad” or “don’t you think this would look better on that shelf over there?”
you learn jisung is, in fact, the same age as you--or at least he was when he died. he and his family were killed in a car accident a couple years back, and he finds it more entertaining to lurk around the mortal world rather than mope around with other ghosts all the time. he mostly haunts his old house, although it’s been abandoned the last couple years, so he spends most of his time lounging around inside walls and clanging on pipes and spooking the occasional stray cat that decides to venture into the small home in search of food. today, however, he was so rudely awoken by the various sounds of you and minho carrying all your stuff up to your third-floor apartment in the building next door. he decided to take a peek (all the other residents of the building are “boring old people” in his terms) and thought you seemed interesting, so he stuck around. which brings you to where you are currently; you sprawled out on your bed, eyes closed in exhaustion, with jisung perched on the top of your desk chair asking you questions about your life.
“are you gonna get any pets?”
“minho is bringing over my pet toad tomorrow, he’s been babysitting her while i move.”
“okay that’s good, cats and dogs don’t seem to like me too much, but toads are fine. who’s minho?”
“the boy who helped me move in today,”
“oooh, is he your boyfriend?”
“what? no, no definitely not.”
“you’re blushing.”
“no i’m not! it’s just hot in here. can you open the window?”
“...i’m a ghost.”
“right. we’re just friends by the way, me and minho.”
“mhm….okay, whatever you say. but don’t think i didn’t see you checking him out when he picked up those boxes!”
“shut up.”
jisung opens his mouth as if to reply, but shuts it after thinking for a moment. the room is filled with a comfortable silence, and you find yourself giving in to the heavy blanket of sleep beginning to wash over you. it’s not long before you’re snoring lightly, passed out on top of your bed still in your clothes from the day. jisung chuckles to himself, wondering how he ended up with someone so dorky as a neighbour as he glides out through your window and through the night air back to his dark and empty house.
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barnestruck · 6 years ago
her name
Tumblr media
(gif creds to owner)
pairing: bucky barnes x reader (high school!au)
summary: in which bucky admits his feelings for you...to his mom.
word count: 1.9k, yep just a wee bit longer than the last one :)
warnings: fluff once again bc i was crying a lot earlier while reading angsty fics and i wanna feel happy again! Also haha snuck some aladdin lines in there too ;)
a/n: i really didn’t intend to make this like a “her ___” thing but i’m down for it. i’m writing this to pass the time bc i’m waiting for my friend who lives in korea to be free so we can talk. also, wow! “her laugh” was really well received! thanks friends :) feel free to leave any feedback you may have for me! [oh, i mention some things about how the anglican church began in a funny way, i’m not trying to offend anyone’s religion so plz don’t take it that way]
History was hands down your favorite subject. Something about analyzing past civilizations was so fascinating to you. To think that the things you read about in textbooks actually happened was mind-boggling but also really amusing. There was a guy, a king for that matter, that wanted a divorce so badly that he created an entirely new church in the process of separating from his wife, who he also proceeded to decapitate (okay, maybe that part wasn’t so funny).
You looked forward to your history class every day because of your love for its engaging and rigorous curriculum...for the most part. A small part of you also excitedly anticipated the conversations you would have with the cute guy who sat behind you. Bucky Barnes. The quarterback of your school’s football team but also president of the Science Olympiad club. Could he get any more perfect? Apparently, yes. Not only was he a skilled athlete and an intelligent student, but he was simply a good guy. Surprisingly, that was hard to come by at your school. Guys would either brag about their perfect SAT scores or about all the sweet girls they cut off. Bucky wasn’t like that. He was so far from that. Whenever he caught you in the halls, he’d shoot you a smile or a wave and sometimes he’d even offer to walk you to your next class despite your protests that he would be tardy.
A poke on your shoulder snapped you out of your daydream. You turned around to meet the glorious blue eyes of the person that was the focus of said daydream.
“Hey, sorry (Y/N), but that pretty little head of yours is blocking the board,” he whispered, afraid of getting called out by your teacher. His compliment brought an intense blush to your face that you would not let him see. You muttered a quick “sorry” before scooting over and turning your head back around to prevent him from noticing the redness of your face. You tried your best to suppress your thoughts about your little crush and focused your attention on your teacher.
“Alright class, now that we’re beginning our study of the 20th century, I’m rolling out a project in which you and your choice of a partner will do research on the most important political, economic and social aspects of a decade that I’ll be assigned to you.” 
Great, you thought. You weren’t really close with anyone in your history class except for Bucky. All your other friends were in the class period after you. You knew Bucky was gonna pair up with Dot, the head cheerleader who had been pining over him since she found out he was the quarterback. She was nice, you just knew you couldn’t compete with her for Bucky’s affections. Not that you really forced yourself to. You didn’t need a boyfriend, especially not now. You prioritized your studies so you could get into your dream school, not getting a man. But...that didn’t mean you were against one. A significant other wasn’t necessary for you but...you saw it as a welcome addition to your life.
Your teacher announced that students were allowed to move out of their seats to find partners. You stood up and anxiously surveyed your options. Bucky was out of the picture. Maybe his friend Steve? No, you knew he was gonna pair up with his girl Peggy. Scott Lang? No, he’d be a fun partner but you knew it would be really hard to get him to avoid procrastinating. Wanda? That could work. You didn’t know her that well but who knows? Maybe you’d gain a new friend after this project. But as you were approaching her, the president of Academic League, Viz had beat you to it. Fuck, now what?
Just as all hope seemed to be lost, you felt a familiar poke on your shoulder. You turned again to meet the same eyes you had looked into just minutes before.
Bucky sent you a friendly smile as he asked, “Got a partner, yet?” with his hands scrunching in his pockets, almost nervously?
Words almost failed you but you managed to let out a little, “Nope”. He smiled at that. Nodding, he replied, “Cool”. Huh, maybe he wasn’t out of the picture.
You and Bucky had been assigned to study the 1940’s and the both of you were currently on your way to his house to get a head start on the project.
“You can have control of the AUX cord if you want, it’s gonna take a while to get to my place,” Bucky offered as you got into his car.
“Oh, I don’t know, you might judge me for my music taste,” you said shyly.
He let out a playful scoff. “No way, you’ll be fine...as long as you don’t play like Jake Paul or some shit.” You giggled at that. “Oh, I’d never do that to you.” You ended up playing some 80’s songs that you were currently into. Bucky seemed to enjoy it, even opting to quietly sing along.
He pulled into his driveway, stopped the car and quickly got out to open your door for you. You smiled at him for the chivalrous gesture. Before he unlocked the front door, he turned to you instead, “I didn’t mention this earlier but I’d just like to apologize for my mom and sister in advance. They can be a lot sometimes.” You softly shook your head. “Oh that’s fine, I’m sure they’re fine.”
With that, he let you in first before yelling, “Ma! Becks! I’m home!” You heard, “Ok honey, in the kitchen! Have a snack before starting homework!” in reply. You followed Bucky into the kitchen; you leaned against the wall as he walked towards a middle-aged woman, his mom, standing in front of the sink with her back facing you. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and said, “Hey ma, I’m gonna be working on a project with (Y/N) for a bit, I’m gonna get some snacks for her too.”
“Who?” his mother asked. She looked around the room to find the person in question, aka you. When her eyes settled upon you, she jumped a bit and remarked, “Oh, I’m sorry dear, James didn’t mention that he’d have someone over.” As she got a better look at you, she—not so subtely—whispered to Bucky, “Ooh, she’s really pretty Jamie.” Shock overtook his features, prompting him to softly nudge his mothers. He coughed to mask his embarrassment. “What my beautiful mother means is,” he began, “she’ll have snacks ready for us soon so we should just start working.”
He quickly lead to you to the study, away from the kitchen where his smirking mother stood preparing cookies for the both of you. A younger girl was already seated in the study when you approached it.
“Becca, can you study in your room upstairs, I need to work on a project,” said Bucky.
The little girl, Becca, looked up from her notebook with a sassy look and retorted, “Why don’t you work on your project in your room? I got here first.”
Bucky let out an exasperated sigh. “Because, (Y/N) and I need a lot of space to work on this.”
Becca cocked an eyebrow towards her brother’s direction. “You mean you need a lot of space so you can make out with your girlfriend?”
You wished with everything else in your being that you could’ve turned invisible. You tried to sound confident to defend yourself but your words came out as stutters. “Oh! W-we’re not d-dating. We’re just p-partners.” Becca turned to you with a suspicious look on her face. She started you down for a few second before shrugging.
“Ok, whatever you say. Just call me over when you’re done so I can use this room after.”
Bucky graciously looked to his sister. “Will do, thanks Becks.”
After she retreated to her room, Bucky turned to you. “Like I said, they can be a lot.” With that, you began working on your project.
You and Bucky worked for about 3 hours with short small talk breaks in between before calling it a night.
“Alright, thanks for offering to use your place today. We could work at mine next time, or maybe the library so it isn’t that much trouble to you?” You suggested.
“No it’s alright,” he said. “I like having you here.” His remark brought a similar blush that graced your features earlier that day. You bashfully looked away from him and let out a soft laugh.
“Okay...I’ll see you at school tomorrow. Tell your mom I’m really grateful for her hospitality.” He nodded. With that goodbye, you began your journey home. Turns out, you only lived down the street from Bucky. He had offered to walk you home, but you resisted saying that he had already done so much for you that day.
He made his way back into his house and the kitchen, where he sat on in a seat by the island and buried his face in his hands.
“She seems like a nice girl, James,” his mom said. He removed his hands from his face and moved them to hold his chin.
“Yeah...she really is,” he responded with a blissful smile and gentle look in his eyes. His mother grinned at his obvious infatuation with the girl.
“Do you like her?” his mother teased.
Bucky’s brows furrowed as he replied, “No mom, (Y/N) and I are just friends, we aren’t together.”
His mom sent him a sly smirk, “I never mentioned her name, Jamie.”
He looked confused at first but then he realized his mistake. “Shit.”
She nudged him with her elbow. “Hey, don’t you use that language around me young man.”
Bucky simply groaned and buried his face in his hands once again. “It’s okay Jamie, you can tell me. You can tell me anything, you know that.”
He let out a lovestruck sigh. “I don’t know what it is about her ma. She’s smart, a-and fun.”
“You think she’s pretty?” she asked.
“Beautiful!” he answered almost instantaneously. “She’s got these eyes...a-and this hair! Oh, and her smile?” he let out a helpless sigh. “I could go on and on about her smile.”
Bucky’s mom was really happy seeing her son like this. He’d been through a lot at a young age, losing his father and having to take on the father/big brother role for Becca was tough for him. He never prioritized himself, he put his mom and sister first. They were the ones he cared about most and he did everything in his power to make sure they were happy. That meant he had to sacrifice his own desires to ensure that his family got theirs. But it was Bucky’s turn to be happy now.
“If that’s the case, then you go on and tell her that,” his mother said.
“But—” Bucky began to protest but changed his mind. His look of concern was replaced with one of determination. “You know, I will do that. Tomorrow, I’ll tell her. Maybe I should buy her flowers to make it really sweet? Or no, maybe that actually might be too much...Or I could just be really casual with it and just approach her at her locker? No, I don’t want to make it look like I don’t really care...Or maybe…” Bucky mumbled off thoughts to himself as he left the kitchen to his room.
Bucky’s mother looked after him as he walked away thinking about how grateful she was that you had made your way into Bucky’s heart.
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deacied · 6 years ago
evening sun  .  //  one .
summary: messaging stupid things to your celebrity crush on instagram has no repercussions because it’s not like they’re going to read it anyway! obviously this doesn’t entail sexual harassment or general creepiness, but sending a meme they’d like or a picture or maybe something actually stupid like your phone number seems irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
or the one where you dm joe on instagram and your life actually changes
warnings: none other than like fluff 
word count: 1.7k
    she sends the stupidest message she has possibly ever typed in her entire life (eighth grade, angsty teen posts on myspace included) to him in the second week of march. the chances were low that he would open her dm, but he had been known to ever so often answer a handful at a time, and what did she have to lose if he did answer the message? she had sent him other things before as if he were her best friend, memes that reminded her of him or funny t-shirt ads, whatever it had been that she thought might have him grinning to himself--- however, clearly the response never-received wasn’t with this particular “friend”. she didn’t really know him, and he, blissfully unaware of her existence, yet she tried weakly to get the attention of him while he received thousands of others flooding his messages doing just the same. it was just a bit of fun really. a shirt that showed a t-rex wearing mickey ears, “wrong park!“ written across it had her laughing manically to herself before sending the post over to joe. she hoped she would see him in that shirt soon.
    it was a hopeless cause that, well, wouldn’t crush her if the odds weren’t in her favor. nearly a month after she had sent the stupidest message, a notification of a new text pings through her phone. a glance over to it only to be met with an unknown number loses her attention as quick as it held it. she yawns. the action comes of mainly boredom though sleepiness threatens to claw its way into dominance as the summer rain continues to pummel unto the roof, warm florida air shifting through the porch, and the novel in her hand losing focus. a nap would be good-- perfect actually.
    the crackle of lightning followed by a gargle of thunder shook her out of her sleep only an hour later and back into reality. every afternoon without fail, the casual shower of rain would pass over her family home just after three as if mother nature were taking her time with her garden. florida often promised hurricanes so the thunderstorms weren’t uncommon, but this particular one wasn’t supposed to hit until thursday, and with it being only tuesday, she knew this storm would last forever now: the earlier they came, the longer and harder they reined apparently. notifications sound off at a quick rate, though she easily dismisses it as something extraordinary going on in the group chat. trekking back into the house with book and phone in hand, her free fingers pass over her dogs’ heads as she passes them to head to her room. the thought of a shower to wash away the dampness from outside was the most ideal option she possessed, however, the implied doom her mother promised of a shower during a thunderstorm was the least. more notifications go off in time before she turns off the ringer entirely and plugs it into the charger. sixty-four (jesus) messages in the group chat on discord, another twenty-one from the same group on instagram, and god knows how many more on snapchat, but the one, singular cluster of notifications tucked at the bottom that held her interest had her pausing with head tipping in interest: another message from the unknown number.
lower lip curls between teeth as brows furrow an inch together. finally clicking on the messages, she feels like she might throw up as her eyes follow the pixels. holy. fucking. shit.
FROM unknown 11:18 am: It’s super dangerous giving your phone number to strangers on the internet you know? FROM unknown 11:20 am: I tried to call and kind of chickened out. I got nervous and I’m sorry. FROM unknown 11:43 am: Oh my god, did you really shoot your shot and just leave the court?
    she has to read the messages at least eight times, take a screenshot, send it to her brother, and have him confirm she’s not having a stroke before she can go back to the originals with an intent to reply. thumbs hover over keys making absentminded shapes as she breathes deeply, loudly, anxiously trying not to have a whole mental breakdown. the message directly referenced her messages to none other than the boy from jurassic park, the bassist of bohemian rhapsody, the very angry baseball player of undrafted. there was absolutely no way that this was actually, truly, literally joseph francis mazzello iii. couldn’t be. nope. not happening. she doesn’t know what to reply back with for a good long moment, taking a second to collect herself and open up instagram to confirm for the hundredth time now that this is who she thinks it is.
    the dm’s screen welcomes her, exhale escaping lowly as she clicks on joe_mazzello’s chat. he hadn’t replied -clearly, she most definitely would have received a notification for that or else instagram would have a very angry woman on their hands- but he had opened it. the time read 3:56am two weeks ago when he read them. her head falls backwards as the mental math floods hurriedly through her brain, trying to understand: so he had called a week after reading them apparently, and then waited another week before engaging contact again. he... he had been thinking about this for a while; it wasn’t just a spur-of-the-moment ploy to entertain a fan. god, she might throw up actually this time. thumbs navigate to open the texts from the unknown number again just to make sure they hadn’t magically dissolved into thin air. a slow exhale. one more final time she moves over the keys.
TO unknown 12:56 pm: who is this? TO unknown 12:57 pm: if this is who i think it is i’m gonna Lose My McFreakin Mind
    she nods to herself as they send--- vague enough that whomever was on the other side wouldn’t think something strange was going on no matter what the outcome turned out to be. it had happened once where a friend texted the wrong number instead of her, asking if “mc fuckhead” was there. (that was an incredibly fun inside joke to explain.) head tips to the side slightly, hopping her train of thought from joe mazzello and him genuinely thinking of you to how strange every inside joke must sound to people outside of the inside. another vibration of the device jerks her back to the matter at hand, unable to help her heart thumping uneasily.
FROM unknown 1:26 pm: Hi, I’m Joe Mazzello from Jurassic- I mean, Bohemian Rhapsody and you’re watching Disney Channel! FROM unknown 1:26 pm: Thank God you’re a multiple text person too FROM unknown 1:27 pm: Please don’t Lose Your McFreakin Mind! FROM unknown 1:27 pm: Wait. FROM unknown 1:27 pm: .....Is this (@ y/ig)? Did I just fuck everything up with an actual wrong number?
    suspicions couldn’t get more confirmed than that. her next set of texts goes out rapidly and without much second thought, a stupidly huge smile graced on her face that probably made her look like a maniac--- but really, if any person’s celebrity crush had texted them wouldn’t they have the exact same reaction? actually, now that y/n thinks about it, she’s being really, really calm. the internal screaming stays internal -thank the lord- though her cheeks already ache from the face-splitting grin she currently wears.
TO unknown 1:33pm: if i’m (@ y/ig) then wouldn’t you be @joe_mazzello? no? just me? ok TO unknown 1:33 pm: but hi yes i’m y/n ??? holy shit ??? what the fuck ??? TO unknown 1:34 pm: definitely losing my mind rn   TO unknown 1:34 pm: but also 👀 real talk i was 👀 actually asking you 👀 out TO unknown 1:34 pm: like if you wanted to hang out 👀 haha
    as soon as the last one sends, her heart drops with fear. fuck, what if the actor just wanted to do a fan a favor and answer her dm just for shits and giggles, or, best (worst?) case scenario he wanted to online-befriend her. she can very easily lose the one single chance she’s gotten and--- god, yes, definitely going to throw up. she sends another message in a haste, praying to whomever was up above that her last text actually saved her ass. he responds in actual record time, the girl tucked up on her bed unable to help the excited and very, very, very ugly squeal she let out as she starts reading the messages.
FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: Interesting.... I’ll have to accept your proposal. We meet at dawn! FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: But you’re in Florida right? I think I read that on your account, I hope I didn’t just pull that out of my ass. FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: I haven’t been to Universal down there in God knows how long and I was planning to go at the end of the month funnily enough FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: If dinosaurs and King Kong and Harry Potter and whateva are your thaaaang
    an anxious groan soon follows-- of course this was the alternating year she had gotten a disney annual pass instead of a universal one like last year, and upon further inspection of prices, her bills due, and her bank account, it was a couple hundred dollars she definitely didn’t have to spend. she sets her phone down to calm her now raging anxiety, skin heating up and palms sweating profusely until she fists her comforter in hopes to dry them. asking an actual rich and famous person for financial help just to hang out with them was forcing her eyes to prick with tears-- she had to find something else, right? they could work something else out and she was just overreacting. it takes her verbally saying “you’re crying over universal, chill the heck out” before she comprehends and truly relaxes, tension melting out of her back as a slow breath falls from anxiety ridden lungs.
TO joe omg 1:42 pm: i actually love universal but i have a disney pass right now if maybe that was something you wanted to do TO joe omg 1:43 pm: idk if you’ve ever been to disney world but its so much better than disneyland if i’m honest lmao i’ve gone to california once and i went and i wasn’t super impressed TO joe omg 1:43 pm: i mean it was really cool cause it was the original disney but rides and attractions wise you know what i mean??? anyway im rambling wtf
    the conversation rolls with no further lulls in topics to talk about, one in the afternoon soon turning to one in the morning and her eyes threatening to droop closed. with a final goodnight text the pair decide to resume conversation in the morning, and lord, did she have something to excitedly scream about then.
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lizzylunawizardessfanfics · 6 years ago
What It Means To Love
Pairing: Felix/Lizzy
Summary: Curious of if it’s possibly for a peaceful future between humans and dragonkins, Felix brings Lizzy back to the castle in the sky in order to see if it was even possibly to even have trust in one human. There was always something about the human girl that peaked his curiosity as he’d surely soon enough find his answer.
Warning: Angsty 
The boys and myself were walking back to the academy as Zeus had insisted that we go to the store to buy a bunch of food to cook and hang out in the night class to celebrate the weekend. All of us were laughing at Zeus as he was persistent that eggplants were just plants that grew eggs out of the ground. “That’s not what eggplants are Zeus. Haha they’re just a vegetable,” Caesar said as I only continued to laugh as leave it to us to have such ridiculous conversations like this one. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news but they’re actually a berry since they have seeds inside them,” I said as the two just looked at me funny as I only laughed more however I stopped when suddenly right before us Felix appeared in front of us all.
“What are you doing here! We thought you fled to who knows where after we stopped you from collapsing the castle in the sky,” Zeus of course was the first one to shout at the hooded dragonkin as Felix didn’t seem to be paying attention to what Zeus was saying. That was when our eyes met he then pointed towards me before starting to walk in my direction. With a wave of his hand Zeus and the others were knocked away as he continued to head over to me. “H-Hold on what’s the meaning of this anyway, whatever this is about couldn’t we peacefully talk this out,” I said as I quickly stepped back dodging his outstretched hand that seemed to try and grab me. “You, you’re coming with me,” Felix said as I raised an eyebrow confused as to why he needed me as when I reached down to grab a glitter bomb there wasn’t any there, I mentally cringed as I just remembered I used the very few I had to begin with to cheer up a little child that fell and got hurt earlier.
Before I could create more distance between us I was grabbed and next thing I knew I was now over his shoulder as I started to struggle while trying to wiggle myself off. “How many times do I have to say I DON’T like being manhandled,” I shouted especially emphasizing on the don’t part as I started beating my fists against his back. Shortly after before I knew it my surroundings quickly changed as I let out a huff while pushing my hair back out of my face so I could properly see. From what I could see it seemed like we were in the gardens of the castle in the sky. “Will you put me down now please,” I shouted as I pushed myself so I could look over to him though his hood hid his face. Continuing to be silent I felt myself being lifted and settled down as I looked up at him.
“I’m here now, would you care to explain,” I said trying to be talk about the situation calmly since on my own I wouldn’t hold up long against a dragonkin though I really don’t want to fight him. “What did you do to me,” he said as I raised an eyebrow clearly confused as I don’t recall what he’s saying. “I-I don’t know what you mean,” I said as his eyebrows knitted together as he started to look angry as he grabbed my arm a bit too tightly as I tried pulling away as he only pulled me closer staring me in the eyes. “Don’t lie! What did you do,” Felix shouted as I continued to tug against his hold as I winced in pain. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Felix, let me go you’re hurting me,” I shouted back as Felix seemed to snap out of whatever was going through his mind as he quickly released my arm as I proceeded to rub the area with my other hand.
“My… My apologies Lizzy,” he said solemnly as my eyes widened in surprise as that was the first time ever I heard him say my name as for some reason it caused my heart to skip a beat. “You, you said my name,” I said as I continued looking into his green eyes as for the first time I was able to admire the beautiful green color though it was easy to see the loneliness and confliction in his eyes. Shaking my head getting my thoughts together I took a breath before saying, “A-Anyway, you brought me here for a reason and… I want to hear you out.” Felix simply nodded as he started to walk in which I started to follow beside him as I looked around the area as it looked so beautiful and alive with all the green grass and the beautiful growing flowers all around. “After our last encounter it gave me time to… Think about everything you said that day when defending Willem and trying to stop me. Do you still really believe that humans… And dragonkins could ever live peacefully again,” he asked hesitantly as hearing him say it shocked me but also made me smile lightly to hear that he was possibly starting to come around.
“I really do believe so as though I may not have gone through the pain and heartbreak that you’ve experienced, I understand that it isn’t going to be easy to just jump right in and start trusting humans or befriending them again but with time and patience you’ll see that anything is possible and that we’re not the same humans that hurt you and your people a long time ago,” I said looking over to him as Felix just seem to be staring out into the distance as we had momentarily stopped. Between us it was silent as I bit my lip nervously while twirling a lock of my hair waiting for him to say something. “Then prove it to me,” suddenly Felix said as blinking a few times before looking back over to him to see that he was already looking at me as it was more of a gentle gaze than his stern harsh glare. “I’m sorry what,” I instantly said in reply not entirely sure of what he meant by that. “If I can come to trust you, if you can show me that there’s truly a peaceful way of bringing my sisters and brethren back where they don’t have to live in fear of the humans then I will believe it wholeheartedly,” he said explaining what he meant in which I nodded my head in agreement though there was one little question in the back of my head that buzzed around.
“Why me? I mean as honored as I am, why not go to Willem,” I asked as there was a lot of other humans he could of gone to or even his own life long friend but he came to me. “Honestly I’m not all that completely sure myself. There was something about you that caught my attention,” he started to say as he stood in front of me as if analyzing me before reaching a hand out as he softly ran a hand along my cotton candy blue hair as I averted my eyes as it was kind of embarrassing. “Even before waking up to this new world in my dreams you always appeared so gentle as I took that gentleness as weakness, but I could tell by your eyes you were strong and honestly part of that scared me because I thought you’d be like the rest… But I’ve watched you fight, I’ve seen you protect those you care about with no regard of your own safety. That is why I guess I picked you instead of anyone else,” Felix said twirling a small lock of my hair before letting it fall back into place. We continued to walk as he showed me around as that tense air that used to be present whenever he was around was gone as there was a certain comfort about being around him that put me at ease.
~~~ Few Days Later ~~~
I was walking around searching for Lizzy as the sun was slowly setting as there was one spot in the castle she’d most likely be as I was heading to the garden area. These past few days have definitely have been more lively with having Lizzy around as I was still so confused about what it was about her that made me feel this way; anytime I’d look at her I get nervous as I forget what I was going to say, when she looks at me with her baby blue eyes. My heart would feel like it’s going to just explode every time she’d smile as I not really sure what to call this emotion, but there was one thing for sure was that I want to protect her as I can see now what Willem was trying to tell me that day as how could I have been foolish this whole time letting my rage blind me.
I looked out the window ways as in the small distance there she was sitting in a flower field as a horde of minidragons were all nuzzled up to her as it was endearing to see but also I’ve come to have a distaste for it since she focuses her attention on them. “Here as usual, I see,” I said as I held a hand behind my back as there was a flower I wanted to give her. “Oh hello Felix! Of course, how could I not come and visit them all,” she said as just hearing her voice made my heart feel strange. She carefully moved the little dragons before getting up as she was wearing a moderate azure off the shoulder dress as there was intricate silver designs on the front of the dress. “Of course, it’s time we go eat. But I’d like to give you something,” I said as I felt my words get slightly caught up in my throat as she looked at me with curious eyes as undeniably they had to be one of my favorite features about her.
Moving my hand from my back I revealed the daylily I was holding as I saw her eyes widened and smile even more than she was before. “It’s so beautiful, thank you,” she said as I nodded my head as stepped closer while moving my hands as I started to carefully tucked it behind her ear and once I was done I moved her bangs out of her face only to noticed her cheeks turn pink. “T-Thank you again, I really love the daylily,” she said as it brought me joy to hear her say that as I could feel my own face get warm. “You don’t have to thank me, I’m so used to seeing a flower in your hair it suits you. Let us be on our way,” I said as there was something else I wanted to say but withheld it for the time being as we set off to eat as though I did not need to eat but having tasted Lizzy’s cooking has definitely taught me to have a new found love for it. And that’s when it hit me, was everything that I’ve been feeling towards her love, but the only question was could she ever possibly feel the same about me.
Dinner had finally passed as now the two of us were in the room where the clock tower once stood as I had a small idea of how to spend some more time with Lizzy. “Do you dance,” I asked suddenly as I looked over to her in which she seemed to instantly look over to me. “Y-Yeah, though if there’s a specific dance style the dragonkins used to do I have no experience,” she said which I couldn’t help but chuckle a little as I beckoned her over. “We do as those are more for particular ceremonies, other than that waltz is what us dragonkin rather enjoyed dancing,” I said as she walked over to me as I used my magic to summon an old record player as music started to slowly play. Soon Lizzy stood in front of me as she looked up at me as she seemed a little nervous about something. “H-Hey Felix, c-could I ask you something,” she asked as quickly remembering a witty thing she’s said to me once as I nodded with a small grin. “You already did,” I replied with which her eyes went wide for a second before she started to laugh as it carried throughout the room as I could only find it to be music to my ears as I then said, “Please continue with your question dea-Lizzy.”
She looked at me for a moment silent as I’m so relieved that I caught myself before it was too late. “W-Well it’s more of a request as,” she started to say as she seemed to look to the floor as she lightly kicked the floor before continuing with “Y-You always wear your hood and I… I was wondering maybe I could see you without the hood. I-I mean even if it’s only for a moment.” I was actually surprised that she even had such a thought come across her mind though also a big part of me was overjoyed. “Sure; I’ll even allow you to do the honors,” I said as she looked up as though she seemed surprised she was smiling beautiful as now that I know what this feeling is I’d do just about anything to be able to see her smile. Coming a little closer to me with both her hands reaching up I soon felt my hood fall behind me as it felt odd not having it on my head as it exposed my grayish white horns. She had a look of awestruck as though it was kind of embarrassing for her to look at me so carefully I felt my face get warm.
“Even without your hood you look so charming-a-ah I-I’m sorry,” she said as she seemed to panic some before clearing her throat as she quickly said, “L-Let’s dance.” She proceeded to place one hand on my shoulder as I took her free hand into my own as her smaller hand fit perfectly into mine as I securely wrapped an arm around her waist as there was little space between us. Luckily a new song was starting to play as the two of us started to dance together as it was perfect as the more we danced the both of us continued to look at each other smiling as I felt so comfortable; so at home when she’s with me. As we danced I started to open my mouth to say something to Lizzy but suddenly a voice said, “Well what do we have here; fraternizing with the enemy Felix. I’m disappointed; I mean haha I expected something like this from Willem but for you, this is low even for you.”
My eyes widened when in the small distance stood the one person who I only presumed to have still been sealed away. “Stay behind me,” I whispered to Lizzy as I stepped forward to separate her from Lacan. “She isn’t our enemy Lacan, I once thought that too but I’ve come to learn that things are different now,” I said while I watched Lacan only started to walk closer as his footsteps echoed throughout the room as his jet black hair was longer than what it used to be as his three golden yellow color horns that were on the left side were visible while I looked into his piercing amber colored eyes that once used to be full of happiness but only show anger. “Has that was the pretty human girl told you, just because time has passed doesn’t mean anything has changed about humans! She’s just feeding you lies wrapping you around her finger brother,” Lacan said when he came to a stop just a few feet away from us as his words filled me with rage as I glared at him. “Lizzy isn’t lying! She is one of the most genuine humans I have come to meet here and if you’d calm down we could simply discuss-” I said defending Lizzy as I looked from the corner of my eye to check on her as she didn’t seemed afraid but rather calm.
“There’s nothing to ‘simply discuss’ about anything Felix,” Lacan raised his voice as he raised his hand as particles of white and yellow magic. “Let me get rid of that human and we can plan how we destroy the rest of the humans and bring back our people,” he added as I shook my head in a no manner as I stayed where I was. “You’re not going to harm anyone, I fully understand how you felt but destruction isn’t the answer my brother! I’d never steer you wrong,” I said as wished he’d just listen though now I seem to understand how Willem felt when it was the other way around. It seemed that Lacan was done talking as he sent a flurry of attacks as with a wave of my hand I made a barrier to defend us.
“Come to me, Fluffy,” I heard Lizzy’s voice behind me as I looked over my shoulder to see her kneeling as on the floor was a medium sized magical circle was drawn in red as to our left a larger magical circle appeared as it glowed as a light shined briefly and once it died down there was a loud roar as a chimera emerged from the light though there was one thing wrong with it: the beast looked like it had been dead as there was bones sticking out and patches of flesh missing. “Lizzy is that-” I started to ask in shock as she stood back but and cut me off before I could finish my question. “I promise I’ll tell you later but now isn’t the time,” she said as clearly there was more I had to learn about her as this did not change how I felt about her as I nodded my head trusting her.  
Lacan and myself fought as Lizzy’s reanimated beast assisted me until I suddenly I felt myself getting blasted backwards as I landed on my back. “Enough games Felix, stop being such a disgrace and give up,” I heard Lacan shout angrily as I started to slowly get up again until I felt a searing pain in my side causing me to wince in pain as I fell to one knee. “You really have grown soft, that’s what leaded us to be stabbed in the back and if you refuse to help me I’ll do everything myself,” Lacan said as I heard his voice getting closer as I looked up to see him walking closer.
Suddenly something went flying past as an object was airborne as when it hit Lacan it exploded as sparkling partials went everywhere as Lacan growled hunching over rubbing his eyes. “Lacan you maybe not believe us but I’m not going to let you hurt Felix,” I heard Lizzy shouted she stood in front of me. “You foolish girl thinking you could take me on; your stupid parlor tricks are clever, but they are useless,” I heard Lacan said as I tried to get up again only for the pain to ripple through my body again.
“Lizzy run,” I called out to her as I didn’t want her to get hurt, as I she didn’t move from where she was standing as I looked at her back. “I’m not running away and I’m not leaving you here by yourself,” she shouted as she didn’t turn around to look at me. The next series of events happened so quickly I didn’t have the time to mentally process it fully as I came to my senses when I brain registered that it was her who hit the floor as my eyes widened in fear as I was forcing myself to get up as I tried to push through the pain as I didn’t make it far as I only collapsed to my knees again.
I watched as she started to get up to her knees as she yelped in pain when Lacan grabbed a handful of her hair and pull her head back forcefully as I felt my heart drop but my blood boil when I saw her cheek had three cuts as blood seem to trickle. “Lacan stop this,” I shouted as he only seem to let out a sinister chuckle holding up his left hand. “Clearly I can’t; she’s a human and not only that but it seems she’s made you weak,” he said as he raised his hand higher getting ready to strike. “LACAN STOP PLEASE,” I shouted loudly as I couldn’t think of anything else but to plead to my old friend. “I beg of you; just let her go and I’ll do… Whatever you want,” I said as that seemed to stop him as he looked over to me as he looked behind Lizzy and me before releasing her as Lacan made his way over to me while I got a glimpse of Lizzy as she looked at me with worry.
“Oh Felix never did I take for the man to fall in love with a human,” Lacan said as he started to crouch in front of me as he said at a normal volume. “Don’t worry I’ll make sure her death is quick and painless after I’m done with you,” Lacan whispered as my eyes widened when I felt his hands on my horns as the sound of snapping instantly started to cause me to feel weak as I grabbed onto his arm. Everything around me started to shift and get blurry as I fell over onto my side as in the short distance I heard my name being screamed.
~~~ Lizzy’s POV ~~~
I screamed Felix’s name when I watched in horror when Lacan broke Felix’s horns off as he started to stand up letting the broken horns fall to the floor. I ran over quickly as watching Felix’s horns break off and witnessing him fall over made my heart feel like it was ripped out of my chest as I shoved Lacan out of my way before dropping to my knees besides Felix. I carefully moved him so he was laying on his back as I carefully lifted his upper body up and held him up as I looked down. “F-Felix please say something,” I shakily said as it hurt so much to see him look paler than usual as I my tears swelling up.
“Lizzy I’m… Sorry,” he said weakly as I shook my head side to side as I tried to smile. “It’s not your fault, j-just hang in there please; it’s g-gonna be okay,” I said as I was trying so hard to keep my tears in. “Thank you… I wish I could make up for th-the horrible th-things I’ve done… In the past, but… Know that these past f-few days have been the best d-days of my life,” he said as with one hand he placed it softly on the cheek that had the three cuts. “Y-You’ve taught me… The most valuable thing as… This is the worst time to say this but I love you; please forgive me for not saying it sooner,” he said as hearing those words I started to cry as I put my hand over his giving it a gentle squeeze. His eyes fluttered shut as I panicked as I set his hand back down before placing my hand on his face as more tears fell. “No, no, Felix don’t go please,” I said pleading in between sobs as I didn’t want to lose him. “Wake up please, I-I love *hic* you too… Felix don’t leave me,” I continued to talk to him as I rested his head against my chest as I cried.
“In the past I would of been sympathetic, but love is such a weak emotion,” I heard Lacan say as I picked up my head glaring at him. “YOU’RE WRONG,” I shouted loudly as I glared at him when I witness Fluffy come out of nowhere and bite into Lacan’s arm causing him to let out a growl in pain before blasting my chimera off of him. As Lacan was busy in my head an unfamiliar song was playing in my head as despite the emotional pain I was in it only felt right to sing the song out loud. The more I sang there started to be particles of green, light blue, and white encircling around as my eyes widened when I noticed that Felix’s broken horns had disappeared only to start regrowing once again.
“W-What’s happening,” I heard shouting as I finished singing the last of the song of whatever this spell maybe have been while I looked over to see Lacan drop to his knees as his skin complexion started to slowly grow paler in color as one by one Lacan’s horns started to crumble apart as after the largest one on the top disappeared he fell over face first onto the floor. There was only silence in the large room as shortly after looking down and shutting my eyes momentarily I soon heard gasping under me. Opening my eyes again I was greeted with Felix’s beautiful green eyes as that feeling of sorrow was shortly replaced with a feeling of happiness and relief.
“L-Lizzy? What happened,” he asked while I helped him sit up properly as instead of saying a word I threw my arms around his neck as I hugged him though making sure to be careful. “I-I was so scared, I thought I lost you! I-I don’t know what the spell did but… It seemed to save you and regrow your horns; however Lacan’s horns disintegrated at the same time… I’m sorry,” I said as I said everything maybe a little too fast but I was just happy Felix didn’t die. Feeling his arms wrap around me completing the hug put me at ease as I started to finally calm down. “Shh it’s alright it isn’t your fault you didn’t know; everything's okay and thank you for saving me,” I heard him whisper as I relaxed before picked my head up to look at him.
“I love you too,” I said looking at him as his face started to turn red as he looked at me with shock. “W-what,” he seemed to question as if not hearing me correctly as I felt my own face starting to get warm. “Before you blacked out you-you said you loved me and you didn’t hear me the first time s-so I said it again,”I explained as I felt both of his hands carefully cup my face causing my heart to skip a beat. “That actually means the world to me,” he started to say as he smiled at me which I gladly returned. Felix leaned closer to my face as he softly said, “You taught me a lot of things Lizzy, but the most important one was that you taught me what it means to love someone. I promise I will always protect you no matter what.” After such heartwarming words we leaned in sharing a gentle kiss as my heart fluttered at the feeling of his lips pressed against my own. I wasn’t sure of what was to come next but whatever it was we’ll take it one step at a time together as we’ll work towards a future that everyone can all live together peacefully and happily.
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tipsyylove · 6 years ago
a little change (johnny suh x female reader) part two
hi! can you do a johnny high school bad boy au ? it can be either romantic or angsty but i’d prefer maybe both ?
high school au; angst; fluff; johnny suh; female reader; mature language; hella cliche
wowie look at me being a writer and getting part two out on his birthday
part one
word count: 1.51k
an: this is honestly so cliche hjjfbsjvfj but i hope you enjoy it!
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after lunch, you guys had headed back to school, and had made it on time to get to class.
“thanks for lunch, suh.”
“no problem.” he smiled at you.
"see ya in history!" you waved.
"see ya!" he said, walking away.
it was rather strange that you had caught yourself being so mean to johnny. he seemed fine, but maybe he wasn't. you didn't wanna hurt the man, he seems fragile.
history class came sooner than you would have liked it to. i mean, sure, you liked the class because johnny was in there, but the class itself sucked. luckily, though, the seat next to johnny was empty again, it almost seemed that he saved it for you.
he wasn’t on his phone, he was just sitting, waiting for class to start. you had walked up to the seat, and sat your stuff down.
“hi (y/n)!” he said, waving at you.
“hi johnny!” you said, waving back
“woah, ms. (y/n) just called me by my first name? that’s crazy.”
you just laughed, and then class started. almost like what happened last time.
“alright class. we’re starting a new project today, and you will be working with someone that i assign you.” your teacher said.
your teacher listed of names of others, but then you heard your name.
“(y/n), you will be working with mr. suh.”
you celebrated in your head.
“yes!” johnny said, under his breath, yet, you had still heard.
“okay class, i highly suggest that you exchange numbers, this is your only project for this quarter, so, you guys should try and actually work as much as you possibly can.” your teacher spoke.
“you know what that means, (y/n).” johnny said, turning to you.
“ugh fine, get your phone out. my number is xxx-xxx-xxxx.” you said.
“okay, so..”
johnny had explained his idea for the project, and had said that you guys should probably start working on it after school, being that the week was almost over.
“yeah, your house or mine?” you asked him.
“is my place okay?” he asked
“yeah, that’s fine.”
the bell rang, and finally, freedom.
you and johnny had put your stuff that you didn’t need away in your lockers. after that, you guys had met up again, and started walking to his house. 
“so, ms. (y/n), have you figured out who the guy who likes you is yet?” johnny asked, starting to walk backwards, and in front of you.
“of course i haven’t. who would like me?”
“him, duh.”
“no shit, sherlock.” you spoke, lightly slapping his arm.
he exaggerated the feeling, and acted like he was just shot.
“how could you hit me, (y/n)? why me?” he had started to exaggerated more, if that was even possible.
you guys had just laughed it off, and continued walking.
you had finally arrived at his house. it took well over 15 minutes, but you guys had some funny conversations. like, how is it possible for birds to fly, or about the rude people at school, and even crushes.
(flashback sequence)
“so, ms. (y/l/n), do you have a crush on anyone?”
“i mean if i figure out who that one guy is that you keep talking about, then yeah, otherwise, no.” you said.
(flashback over)
“would you like something to eat, (y/n)?” johnny asked, grabbing your backpack, and setting it down.
“no, but thank you, your majesty.” you said, laughing after.
“suit yourself!” he said, grabbing some strawberries.
you guys headed up to his room after, and sat down on his bed.
“where should we start?” you asked.
“confessions.” johnny said, looking you in the eyes.
“johnny, we have to get started. this is a big proje-”
you were cut off by his lips meeting yours.
you gave in for a while, until he pulled away.
“that guy who likes you, is me. im sorry i didn’t tell you sooner.” johnny said, looking away, and blushing. 
“hEY ARE YOU BLUSHING?” you said, referencing earlier today.
“yes, i am.” johnny said, looking into your eyes once again.
“do you promise not to break my heart?”
“i would never do anything to hurt you. i promise.” he said, taking your hand.
the rest of the night went great, and you had actually started on your project.
“bye, (y/n). you sure you don’t wanna stay? my parents aren’t home.” johnny asked, walking you to the door.
“yeah, ill be fine. see you monday !” you said, grabbing your stuff, and waving him goodbye.
once you had gotten down the street, and back home, you realized that you had gotten a text from an unknown number.
“suh.” you said to yourself.
‘hi, (y/n), it’s johnny.’ sent two mins ago
‘just wondering if maybe you want to go to the carnival tomorrow’ sent two mins ago
‘?’ sent two mins ago
you couldn’t have asked me this when we were working?
‘wE hAve tO aCTuAllY woRK’
haha, well played, suh. what time?
‘ill just pick you up, is that okay?’
yeah, it works perfectly :)
‘okay, see you then. :)’
you spoke out loud, still processing.
“yes, and i agreed.”
you went to bed nearly right after.
when waking up that morning, you had made sure that you had an alarm set, being that you didn’t want to keep him waiting.
you had gotten immediately in the shower, and made sure it was quick. when getting out of the shower, you saw some texts from johnny.
‘hey, ill pick you up around six pm.’
8:43 am.
you had woken up too early.
at least you now had time to plan out what you were gonna wear.
maybe a skirt, and a t-shirt?
maybe a sun dress?
maybe a jean jacket?
maybe you didn’t have enough time to plan.
it was now 5:30 pm, you had settled on an outfit, and were now ready to go.
you had decided on wearing the skirt and t-shirt with some black converse.
your hair was up in a messy bun, and your makeup was a neutral look.
you hadn’t eaten since lunch, though, but now you didn’t have time to do so.
soon enough, you heard a knock at your door, and opened it to see a johnny suh, holding a single rose in hand.
you guys had made it to the carnival pretty quickly. you guys could see all of the amazing rides. but the one that you were most excited for was the ferris wheel.
“well, let’s go.” johnny said, reaching out his hand.
you grabbed it, and let him practically drag you to the nearest ride. you were excited, but you wanted to go on the ferris wheel, too.
“can we go on the ferris wheel at some point later?” you asked johnny.
“anything for you, your majesty.” he spoke.
you laughed at the mention to the first time you two had started  talking.
“do you wanna go on the ferris wheel now?” johnny asked you.
“yeah sure, i forgot my jacket, so i wanna get home sooner.” you said.
“oh, i wanted to take some beach pics after, but i can come back at any time.” he said, scratching the back of his head.
“nonononono, we can take pictures after.”
“yay !”
“let’s just get on the damn wheel.” you said, grabbing his hand.
you guys were now at the top, and he started taking pictures.
who would have thought that you and johnny suh would be on the top of the ferris wheel, together.
you had been staring at him for a while now. yet, he finally noticed.
the ferris wheel was at a complete stop, with you guys at the top.
“can i help you, ms. (y/l/n)?” he asked.
you didn’t respond, all you wanted to do was kiss his beautiful lips. so that’s exactly what you did.
he gave in, and admired your lips on his. he rested his hand on your cheek for a while, but soon pulled away, realizing that the ferris wheel had started moving down.
you both now were in a deep blush, and were looking at the scenery on your sides.
“beach time.” johnny said looking at you, suddenly.
“beach time.” you said back.
you guys had quickly gotten off of the ferris wheel, and started heading towards the beach. the sun was now setting, and made everything look amazing, especially johnny.
he started taking pictures, and you decided to capture the moment in a video.
you pressed ‘record’ on your phone, and captured him looking back at his photos.
“god, i love you.” you said, quietly.
you stopped recording, and put your phone back in your pocket.
“okay, we can go now.” he said, smiling at you, and grabbing your hand.
he walked you back to the car, and you got in, recapping everything.
“tonight was fun. we should do it again, maybe when it’s not so cold.” he said to you.
“i’d like that.” you said, before he started the car, and started to drive you home.
“you’ve changed me for the better, johnny.” you said, drifting to sleep.
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fluffymochicakes · 6 years ago
BTS Reaction To Having A Really Happy S/O
Requested: Yes
Request: Fluff and more fluff 💖 May I request a BTS Reaction with them having an S/O that gets really happy over the smallest things?? Like some may see it as nothing but to them it means the world to them? Maybe because they had a very bad experience in the past and never had much good happen to them so even the smallest things brings them complete and utter joy?? Just pure fluff. Thank you 💖💖💖
Thank you for requesting, I hope this is what you meant!~
SeokJin: He was in the kitchen trying to make something for you two to eat when he heard a loud squeal come from behind him. He looked around confused before he felt arms wrap around his waist as you back hugged him.
,,What's going on, babe?" He asks while turning around to hug you back properly, a huge smile on his face as he saw you grinding widely back at him.
,,You remembered I liked f/d(favorite dessert)." You muse and Jin chuckles.
,,Of course, I remembered it. I wanted to make you happy." He pressed a kiss to your head and went on to cook as you smiled once again to him.
,,Gosh, you're adorable, Y/n."
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Yoongi: He had been in his studio for hours before he heard the door of it click open and he turned around to see who it was but was only met with your grinning face.
,,Hi?"He said uncertainly as he watched you give him a soft kiss before sitting onto the sofa, all while having an adorable grin on your lips.
,,Hey. I saw a cute dog on the way here and the owner allowed me to pet it."You explained and Yoongi smiled while nodding. ,,He had this soft short fur and the biggest most adorable eyes. He was so cute!" You gushed and your boyfriend watched you for some time, feeling suddenly energized and happy that you were so happy over a puppy.
,,It's good to see you smiling so much again, baby." He misses you again and even holds your hand while he works a bit more before taking a break to go out for lunch with you, you just made him so happy.
,,If you like a random dog so much, just wait until you meet Min Holly, baby."
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Namjoon: He was writing at his desk in your shared office when you walked in and his mood immediately lightened as did yours when he opened his mouth:
,,You look amazing, babygirl. You're absolutely glowing."
As you neared him, he stood up from his chair and embraced you tightly while setting a soft kiss to your lips. The compliment was such a small thing in your whole day or even life but it made both a ton lighter.
He opened his eyes from the kiss to see you grinning back at him and his lips curved up to match yours. ,,What's so funny?"
,,Nothing. I'm just happy you think I look amazing or glowing. Thank you."
To that Namjoon furrowed his brows but kept quiet and decided to just kiss you some more, he could get into the angsty questions on another day. Right now, he just wanted to spend this moment with you in happiness.
,,You always look the best to me, babygirl."
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Hoseok: He was taking a break with his members in the practice room and they were all on the ground panting and drinking water, when you burst in with bags of food in your hands.
,,Y/n!! You are a goddess!" Jin was the first one up, giving you a quick hug before he took the bag and set everything out onto the table nearby, the other members standing up and thanking you as well but your eyes were only on your boyfriend who was smiling widely at you.
,,Hey, Hobi. Did you all get the choreo right?" You try your best not to show your over-happiness so quick but Hoseok already knows you well enough to see it from your eyes.
,,Yeah, we did, babe. So what made you so happy, hm?" He stood up and planted a kiss to your lips with his hands on your cheeks, the members thankfully ignoring your intimate moment.
,,Nothing. I was just listening to your songs again and your voice made me happy, so I decided to come and see you a little earlier today. I hope it's okay?"
Hoseok's smile widened and he kissed you again, this time a little slower and with more passion despite still being tired from practice.
,,I'm more than okay with that. You know I love to see you, especially when you're so happy, baby."
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Jimin: You were on the sofa in your living room when you heard the front door open and you immediately got up and dashed to greet your boyfriend of two full years.
,,Oh my- Hi, princess."Jimin chuckled and wrapped his arms around your body to pick you up and spin you a bit before setting you down and sharing a loving kiss. When you pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours and looked into your eyes with what you could only read as love and happiness.
,,Happy two years."You mumble and he presses another soft kiss to your lips as a response. You finally let him take off his shoes and coat and make it into the living room where Jimin unpacks a small bag.
Your favorite movies, snacks and drinks.
Of course he'd buy them for you.
A smile stretches over your lips and he looks at you with a matching one, putting in the first movie before sitting next to you and wrapping his arms around you.
,,How are you so happy all the time?"He asks quietly and you shrug, a smile still on your face.
,,You make me happy. Thank you for being with me for all these years. I love you, Park Jimin."
,,I love you too, princess. Don't ever forget it."
(Tbh I meant this as like he's the small thing that makes you happy bc he's short and smoll and cute yk.. Haha)
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Taehyung: He was in the living room watching something on the TV when you came from the kitchen with a wide grin on your face and just sat next to him quietly.
He immediately turned to you and grinned his boxy smile back at you. ,,So, what happened?"
,,Nothing.."You mumble and turn towards the TV but Taehyung knows better and rests his head onto your lap while looking up at you. ,,You're missing your show, babe." You mumble when you notice him staring you down.
,,I don't care. I want to know what or who made you happy."He smiles gently when he feels your hands in his hair but tells himself to stay on point.
,,Okay, well.. It's small but my best friend just told me she could fly here to see me and we haven't seen each other in years, so I'm really happy."
Taehyung sits upright again and wraps his arms around you. ,,I'm happy for you! When is she coming? Maybe we can sort it out so that she could stay here instead of a pricey hotel?"
Your smile widens and you hug Taehyung back even tighter and kiss him. ,,That would be great! Thank you! She's coming the first week of next month, so we have some time still."
Taehyung smiles and shakes his head a bit as you start planning the visit, he loved you so much he could endure a little visit from a friend.
,,God, you're cute when you're happy. Stay like this forever."
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Jungkook: He was in his Golden Closet Studio when you walked in with a little bag of take-out food. He paused his work and turn to look at you with a small smile.
,,Hey, babygirl. How's your day?"He kisses you and places the bag onto the table while pulling you to sit in his lap so he could be close to you.
,,It was good. I played the game you wanted me to and I kept on winning, so I might be playing it with you next time, how about it?"
Jungkook's bunny teeth come to show as he smiles at you, he loved Overwatch and he loved you so what's better than having those two things connect. ,,That's great, Y/n. We definitely need to battle a bit. Show you who's the real winner."He kisses your shoulder and you giggle making his heart flutter.
,,Alright, but that game really made me happy somehow. I've been smiling all day because I won like ten times in a row."
Jungkook chuckles and nods. ,,I know what you mean. Now you know why I'm walking around the apartment with a huge grin sometimes."
You both eat and talk a bit before actually going off to battle each other in Overwatch and yeah, you won. (But only because he let you win)
,,Yeah yeah, celebrate your victory which I gave you." You only smile and dance a little victory dance while showing your tongue to him playfully. He chuckles and shakes his head.
,,I love this damn crackhead.."
(I don't know anything about Overwatch.. lmao sorry if I got it wrong. Also I like this God bc of his hair haha imagine you're Jimin in this)
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allwaswell16 · 6 years ago
Annual Writing Self Evaluation
I was tagged by @louandhazaf <3 Thanks, Nic! 
1. List of works published this year: 
Faded From This Touch | 7k
 No Easy Love (Could Make Me Feel This Way) | 17k
Running Through a Cloud of Steam  | 5k
 And Follow the Sun | 100 words
 I Didn’t Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me)  | 20k
 Every Piece of You (It Just Fits Perfectly)  | 7k
 Maybe I’ve Been California Dreaming | 100 words
 Dive (Series)  | 21k 
 When the Sun Won’t Let You Sleep  | 30k
 Sit Next To Me  | 12k
 Falling Back | 100 words
 If I Loved You Less  | 36k
 Staring Across Barcelona  | 7k
 Charity Ficlets | 10k
 Pictures of You | Drarry | 2k
I saw someone add some stats here that I found interesting, so I’m going to include that here:
I published 15 works for a total of 199,784 words (not including some drabbles that are only published to tumblr.) Hmmm, I’m realizing my stats might be skewed because of an epilogue I wrote for a fic from last year. Oh well, I was told there would be no maths, so I’m not going to figure it out now. Oh for fuck’s sake, I’m realizing I have counted the Dive series as one work, but ao3 counts it as 5 or however many of them there are. Blah. No one check my maths please.
10 fics rated Explicit, 3 Mature, 3 Teen, 2 General and 1 Not Rated.  All were Larry except for one Drarry fic.
My most popular fic this year was I Didn’t Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me), which is also the most popular thing I’ve written ever. Why? I have no idea. You guys are weird. I’m not weird at all for writing about monitor lizards. My second most popular fic was If I Loved You Less, which is telling me you guys like a/b/o fics, maybe? idk.
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
Probably When the Sun Won’t Let You Sleep. That fic consumed me while I wrote it. I constantly thought about it, and the characters talked to me all the time in my head. I knew them inside and out. When I first came up with the idea of Antarctic research scientists, I had no idea what the story was really going to be about until I started researching the British Antarctic Survey. There are so many stories to be told from the absolute ends of the earth that I had no idea existed. The fic became a story of why Louis found himself in Antarctica, but he’s not an entirely reliable narrator of his story. The other characters help you figure out why he’s really come to the ends of the earth.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
I wouldn’t say I’m not proud of anything I wrote this year, but I’m a bit mystified by the popularity of I Didn’t Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me). To me it was just some silly thing I wrote to fulfill a couple of prompts that I put together. I had fun writing it though! And it’s always fun to have lots of people talk to you about a fic, so that was nice, too! 
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
(From If I Loved You Less)
Louis’ heart pounded at the sudden intimacy of a darkened garden, although other couples strolled through the lantern lit pathway.
“I hope I was not interrupting you in the ballroom.”
Lord Styles’ voice sent a shiver through him that Louis could never quite control whilst in his presence. “No, you did not, and I thank you for coming to my aid.”
“Ah, I sensed you were in need of it,” he said simply as he offered Louis a sly smile. It seemed they were both in agreement on Baron Winston. The music of a waltz floated through the air, and Lord Styles hesitated on the stone path. “Shall we return for our dance?”
“If you’d like to,” Louis said, though a bit reluctant to leave this small oasis from the heated ballroom and if he were honest with himself, reluctant to sever this small moment of privacy with Lord Styles.
“I would rather walk and speak of nearly any topic rather than return to the ball,” Lord Styles declared.
“Is that right?” Louis ducked his head to hide his smile at Lord Styles’ honesty. He quite liked that he seemed always so forthright.
“Yes, and I’d dearly like to spend my time elsewhere.”
“Why don’t you?” Louis asked boldly as he looked back up at Lord Styles’ handsome profile, almost sure of the answer.
Lord Styles’ lips pursed a bit and he made a funny twitch of his nose as though to prevent a grin from spreading across his face.
“I think you know why,” he whispered into the darkness.
5. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
I had the opportunity to write a fic for @greatpemberly this year as part of @1dfanworksforcharity and when I discovered what her ao3 was, I was so so happy. I recognized her ao3 immediately as someone who has been reading and commenting on my fics for years. It was an honor to write for someone who has supported me for so long. 
I feel extremely lucky to have the response I’ve had to my fics in general and to get the comments I receive. I respond to every single comment, and I appreciate every single one. The long ones with people yelling about specific parts make me grin like an idiot, and the short ones letting me know they’ve read or reread something show up in my ao3 emails and bring a smile to my face, too. Whenever I get a comment from a writer I admire, I try not to make a fool of myself in the response but I don’t always succeed. lol. I mean, come on, if Dolce comments on your fic, you get to dance around your kitchen for a while, right? 
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
I had a meltdown in November. I was trying to do nanowrimo and I’d written 27k of my Big Bang for next year and was kicking ass really. However, my Big Bang is angsty, and it was way too intense for me to try and write that much difficult writing in that amount of time. It messed with my head in a way fic has never messed with it before. It scared me a little. So I quit nano halfway through, and it was definitely the right thing to do for my mental health.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Niall and Shawn in If I Loved You Less. When I started writing that fic, I had basically no notes on what Shawn was like and only a vague idea of what Niall was like, but as soon as I started writing it, they threatened constantly to just take over the fic. lol. My beta said when I started, if I was sure I wasn’t writing a Shiall fic. 
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
Just the act of writing so much last year and this year has helped me hone my skills a bit. There are things about how I write now that isn’t present in my earlier fics. And it’s simply from just writing so much that it gets easier to create a more well rounded story, I think. When I structure a story now, my outline isn’t just a series of points anymore. I’m much better I think at coming up with the story arc so that I can focus more on characters. Taggiecb really helped me with “inner monologue” and calling me out when I wasn’t doing it. lol. I also wrote a fic in past tense this year for the first time, which was a much bigger challenge than I ever thought it would be.
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
I just hope to keep writing and reading as much as possible! I think the fics I have planned are ambitious in different ways, so I hope to keep challenging myself. 
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
My answer is always @taggiecb. I don’t know if anyone understands that every single thing I write must first pass her initial test. I write first to entertain her and then I think about myself and everyone else. haha. We’re not co-dependent at all! But truly no one understands me like she does and no one loves my writing like she does, and it’s definitely mutual. <3
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Always. Every fic has something of me in it.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
I hope to just encourage writers to seek out other writers for support if they need it. Writing doesn’t have to be something you do alone. If you’re having trouble getting people to read your stuff, I’d say to write for challenges and exchanges. I wrote for so many over the last few years, and I really think that’s where a lot of people found my fics. This certainly isn’t new wisdom, but I think it helps to write and read as often as possible. The more you write, the better you’ll become at the craft of writing. The more you read, the more inspired you’ll become. If you don’t read the other fics in your fandom, you will miss out on finding new and exciting things to write and reminding yourself on what you can work on to get better. The reading is nearly as important as the writing.
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I’m in the middle of writing my Big Bang fic right now. So that’s what I’ll be working on until it’s done. It’s an intense amnesia au that has a twist to it. Hopefully, I can pull it off. It will likely be the longest thing I’ve written. 
@afirethatcannotdie and I are going to run another round of @larryabroad, so actually, Ellie, we need to get on organizing that again soon. haha. 
I have two other fics that I have plotted that I’d like to write in 2019. One is probably for the @1000feelingsfics challenge and is a soulmate au based on a drabble I wrote for the Fall Drabble Challenge. The other is a bucket list au that involves a lot of travel, so maybe that could be for Larry Abroad. Not for sure on that yet. 
14. Tag three writers whose answers you’d like to read.
@goodmorningtoyouuniverse @rosegoldhlfics @phd-mama   @becomeawendybird @taggiecb @helloamhere @hereforlou @2tiedships2 @humhalleloujah @dimpled-halo I tagged more than 3 because everyone should do this if they want! If you see this and want to do it, just say I tagged you! <3
*All answers should be about works published in 2018. Also, you can skip any questions you hate or don’t want to answer, but please leave them on the list so that others can do them if they want.
(also, here’re my responses from 2016, 2017)
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