#i luv him though uwu
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hai (hi)!! i’m PP, and i’m happi (happy) to meet youwu (you) all! i’n 9 suwueeps (sweeps) old. i luwuv (luv (love)) cats, BL, and making friends! my page is a safe space fuwur (fur (for)) all trolls, no matter what youwu (you) believe! /pos
i uwuse (use) she/her and am single!! /gen /srs
how does her quirk work?
u = uwu, and sometimes she’ll use puns/spell things funnily. she always includes a tw, quirk translations, and tone tags.
how old are you?
18. mdni unless it’s related to rp.
can i dm?
you may dm in character, the only acception is if you wanna plan lore. i perfer improv though.
what’s your main?
i’m not attaching my main to an rp blog. sorry. will make an ooc at some point, maybe. i use he/him if you must refer to me.
#gruwumblr#grumblr#grumblr intro#purrbeast#homestuck rp#homestuck roleplay#hs rp#hs roleplay#unreality#unreality roleplay#roleplay
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Loid: Wheeler is extremely skilled.
Nightfall: Yeah I can still take him on myself.
Wheeler: (escapes)
Nightfall: Oh, I guess he's extremely skilled.
It's interesting that for all of her hero worship of senpai Twilight, she... doesn't actually respect him or his opinions or his fundamental humanity. He tells her in the tennis arc and then in the mole arc "this won't be easy" and both times she... doesn't believe him? Even though he's not only her uwu tru luv soulmate but the best spy in WISE.
He's not a human being for her, he's an ideal, an archetype, a trophy to be acquired. A possession that she covets, and damn what he might think of the matter.
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hi, love!! may i please request something with bri? enemies to lovers would be spectacular, but anything fluffy on your mind will do!! thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺
Hi! You’re my first ask :D I absolutely adore the enemies to lovers trope, though I’ve never actually written a fic using it! It's a little different however than the usual trope so keep that in mind. I accidentally ended up writing more than 4,000 words for this one (I was aiming at making it less than 2000 words jfsljgalk) and I think maybe some parts are stupid or don’t make sense, but I think it’s cute at least and it’s fluff and angst so what more can you ask for? Enjoy! Thanks for the prompt!!! I think I’ll call this “A Hard Day’s Night” lol
Slight tw for cursing
You didn’t mean for it to be this way, it just sort of….happened. You liked to think you didn’t have any enemies, I mean, you didn’t talk a lot, you didn’t have a lot of friends and you kept a low profile. You minded your own business, plain and simple. So how you ended up despising your neighbor across the hall from you was truly a shock to yourself.
It’s not like you didn’t have a reason though. Looking back, perhaps you had overreacted but....no, you had a perfectly valid reason. You sigh, you didn’t want to think about it anymore. You shut your eyes and laid back in your bed, and still you couldn’t stop replaying the day’s events over and over in your head.
It was, perhaps, one of the worst days you had had in the past few months. School was piling up, you were behind on no less than 3 assignments, you had an approaching test and you most certainly weren’t prepared. You had bills to pay, groceries to buy unless you wanted to starve. And now, the cherry on top, your mother had called to tell you that your father had been in a bad car accident, and that he was in the hospital with multiple broken bones. The pressure was piling and piling and piling.
So, after the worst week you’ve had in a very long time, all you wanted to do was go back to your shitty apartment and cry. Fate, apparently, had other plans. You entered your building and began walking up the steps. Truthfully, you hadn’t fully noticed the loud voices coming from somewhere farther up in the building, but as you got closer to your floor you realized it was coming from the hallway in front of your room. As you stepped into the hall, you noticed 4 men, 3 of them laughing and joking around, while the other man locked the door behind them preparing to go who knows where. You recognized him as your next door neighbor whom you had never actually spoken to.
The sight of them had only caught you off guard for a second before realizing that, actually, you couldn’t care less who they were or what they were doing, as you only wanted to be in bed. As you walked towards them, all 4 noticed you, you kept your head low. You noticed out of the side of your eye that a blonde one had elbowed another one of the men, before walking towards you slightly with a confident and arrogant attitude that had already begun to piss you off. Then he spoke.
“Hello, gorgeous.” he said.
You heard one of them groan in annoyance, and another, which you realized after was your neighbor, chastise him.
“Roger, please.” he said
“What? I was only being nice”
Through all of this, you kept your head down and you didn’t stop to give him the satisfaction. You would have to walk past them to get to your apartment, so you kept going. Then you heard your neighbor speak once again.
“Oh, hey, I think I left something inside, let me get it.” and he quickly unlocked the door and went in, leaving the other 3 in the hallway. Right before you were about to pass them, the blonde, Roger, once again made a move, moving right in front of your path and leaning against the wall on his elbow in a stupid attempt of looking appealing. His other 2 friends, one with black hair and one with brown hair, both rolled their eyes.
“I’m Roger,” he said with a sly smile, sticking out his hand for you to shake.
“Piss off,” you replied.
The two other men, though they seemed annoyed with his antics, didn’t think to move out of the way to let you through the cramped hallway, so you opted for pushing yourself through forcefully, slightly knocking Roger off his balance.
“Hey!” he yelled, offended. As you went past he put his hand on your shoulder, and in one quick moment of rage, you snapped and turned around.
“Listen to me, asshole. If you ever fucking touch me ever again, you will be so sorry. I’ve dealt with men who love to harass women, I’ve seen it all, and you’re just as bad as them. You do not have the right. So next time you even think about laying a hand on me or any other woman you’ve ever bothered, take a moment to think about what a piece of shit you are.”
In the moment you hadn’t noticed it, but your neighbor had found whatever he had been looking for and was now back outside in the hallway, locking up his apartment again as you went off on his friend. As you finished, you saw the look of shock on all 4 of the men’s faces. Whatever they had been expecting, it wasn’t that. Roger put his arms up in defense.
“Woah, I’m sorry.” he said half apologetically.
You turned on your heels and walked away, not suffering one more second of interaction. You heard your neighbor behind you saying something to them. It registered for a moment that he sounded angry.
You were already looking for your keys in your bag as you approached your door after what seemed like a 5 minute ordeal. In reality, the events from the moment you got to the top of the steps to the moment you reached your door couldn’t have been longer than a minute, but doesn’t anger always make you perceive things differently? You were already fiddling with your keys and were about to unlock your door when you noticed that your neighbor had run up next to you before you got into your room.
“Look, I am so, so sorry for my friend’s behavior. Roger can be....a pain” he said as he rubbed his neck awkwardly.
You merely looked at him, anger still blurring your head.
“Um, if there’s anything I can do, you know, to make up for it, please let me kn-”
And before he could finish, you were walking into your apartment and slamming the door shut in his face. You had no room for niceties, no room for forgiveness at the moment. You turned around and slammed the keys on the kitchen counter. You thought that he might try to knock, or to say something on the other side of the door, but you heard nothing more and forgot about it. Your only mission was to cry like you had never cried before, so you walked to your bedroom, shut the door, and fell face first onto your bed. And then came the tears.
For the next few hours you had gone through a sad and vicious cycle. Cry, wipe your tears away, compose yourself, pick up the book next to your bed to try to move your mind away from your problems, remember your problems, and cry some more. Honestly, it was therapeutic. At some point you knew you wouldn’t be able to bottle your feelings up anymore, and maybe, you thought, this would be a turning point of sorts. Maybe you would be able to get your shit together after the climax of the day. Well, you thought that, and then you began to cry some more.
And so there you sat, crying rather loudly in your apartment, wallowing in self pity. So much so that you almost didn’t hear the knock at your door.
At first you wondered what would happen if you just didn’t answer the door. Whoever was on the other side of it surely couldn’t have been more important than what you had going on at the moment. But, in a quick moment of judgement, you decided to make yourself get up and answer it. You walked to the door, wiping tears and mascara trails alike off of your face, trying to maintain any dignity you had left.
You didn’t bother looking through the peephole before opening the door. There stood your neighbor in front of you. It occurred to you that perhaps you didn’t have a right to be angry at him; after all, it was his friend who had set you off, not him. He had only been in the firing range. But either way, at that moment his was not the face you wanted to see. A new spark of rage began boiling in you, but he began talking before you got the chance to act on it.
“Hello, I-” he began before pausing, taking a look at your face and tilting his head. He undoubtedly noticed your tear stained face, you realized. “Uh, sorry, are you alright, love?” he asked gently.
Perhaps, if you and he had been friends, this question would have sparked a different response in you, but after the day you had had, you didn’t quite feel like unloading all of your angst on to a stranger. Instinctively, you wiped your face with the back of your hand, trying to further wipe away your stained face.
“Yes,” you said swiftly and angrily, “what are you doing here?”
“Uh, well, I just wanted to apologize again for my friend, you see. I just,” he paused and looked down, before looking back up to you again. “I just wanted to make sure you were ok.”
You wanted to be mad. You wanted to be furious at him. He, a complete stranger to you, had no right to check on you. He had no right to ask if you were alright, to invade your privacy. Briefly, however, it crossed your mind that maybe you were being rash and ridiculous. You stood there for a moment, deciding on some sort of response to his question. Then, it hit you like a pound of bricks, and, oh god, you were crying again. In front of your neighbor who you’ve talked to a collective 2 minutes total.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t put this all on you, I’m sorry,” you said, tossing the rest of your dignity out of the window. You rested your head in your hands and tried to stop the flow of tears.
“No, it’s alright, it’s ok love, I-” he stopped, not knowing exactly what to say. He hesitantly put his hand on your shoulder, and you looked up at him, dodging your eyes away every few seconds in a sad attempt of escaping eye contact.
“Listen, and it’s alright if you don’t want to or if it would make you uncomfortable, but uh, well. Would you like to come over to my apartment? I totally get it if that’s not alright, I know we don’t exactly know each other like that, but...you seem like you could use a friend right now.”
You looked around restlessly, your tears slowly coming to a stop as you wiped underneath your eyes once more and exhaling out. You thought about his offer, thought about how on another day, under different circumstances, you might have declined it. But he was right, you could use a friend.
“Okay.” you said. “Let me grab my keys.”
“Al..alright” he replied. He seemed as if he expected you to say no.
You turned back around, grabbed your keyring off the counter, and followed him out of the apartment and towards his own. He let you go in first, and you took a quick look around. It was nice; a little messy perhaps, but it was charming. The walls were littered with various posters and illustrations. One of the posters, you noticed, had 4 people on it whom you recognized. You looked closer and realized it was your neighbor and the 3 others you had met earlier today. Well, ‘met’ was an over exaggeration. Underneath the photos, written in extravagant text, wrote “Queen.” It was a band poster.
You felt him walk up beside you after closing the door.
“Are you guys a band?” you asked, beginning to finally settle down but still sniffling occasionally.
“Uh, yeah we are, actually.” he said, once again rubbing the back of his neck as he had done earlier. You looked at the poster again, seemingly lost in thought, before he pulled you out of it.
“Right, well. I don’t suppose I’ve officially introduced myself. I’m Brian” he said, extending his palm.
“I’m y/n” you replied. And for the first time that day, you smiled, even though it was only slight.
“Hello, y/n” he repeated, faintly echoing your smile. You realized that you didn’t exactly know how to progress the conversation. You had just cried in front of your neighbor, and now you were in his apartment. Needless to say that this was a new situation for you, and it seemed it was for Brian too. There was a short moment of silence over the room before you spoke up, breaking it awkwardly.
“I’m really sorry about everything,” you began before getting cut off.
“No, if anyone should apologize it needs to be me,” he started apologetically. “I’m so sorry about my friend earlier, Roger is a real pain in the ass and doesn’t know how to talk to people appropriately, as you can tell. I should have stopped him, I didn’t realize what he was going to try, I should have known though. I could have handled that better.”
This took you aback. You hadn’t anticipated such a sincere apology and now you were beginning to feel guilty.
“Really, I shouldn’t have lashed out at you that way earlier, I shut the door in your face, that was rude, i-” you paused to take a breath and ran your hand through your hair in the process. “It’s just been a really long day. So much has been happening lately and it’s become overwhelming. I usually don’t get so angry and impulsive, I just-”
“No, it’s alright, I understand completely. I’m the same way sometimes. It’s easy to let your problems, I don’t know, spiral sometimes. Snowball effect, until they’re so big they’re tough to handle. I get it.”
You weren’t used to someone being so kind to you. It almost made you start crying again, this time out of relief instead of frustration. You tried to hold back, but tears pricked the back of your eyes anyways. One escaped and you quickly wiped it away.
“I’m sorry if I’m overstepping.” he said, noticing it.
“No, no, you’re ok. I’m just not used to...this.” you quickly reassured, vaguely gesturing your hand in the air. You weren’t exactly sure what ‘this’ was.
“Would you like to sit down? Can I get you something to drink? A glass of water?”
“That would be lovely, thank you.” And with that he turned away into the kitchen, leaving you in the small living room to sit down on his couch.
Looking around some more, you noticed a few things. On the walls, among his own band poster and others, you noticed a few illustrations and images. You realized that they were of constellations, planets, stars; anything related to space, it seemed, he had pasted on his walls. You then noticed a telescope in the corner of the room next to the window. It was silly, you pondered for a second, because right outside of his window was the wall of another building next to it. Surely he wasn’t able to see many stars through it, you thought, but your attention was once again drawn away by the sight of another thing. Near the telescope was a shiny red guitar propped up on a stand. He was a guitarist, then.
Brian walked back into the room a moment later with a glass of water in his hand. He gave it to you and you took it gratefully before taking a small sip. Perhaps you hadn’t realized how dehydrated you had actually been. He took a seat on one of the chairs next to the sofa, as to not overstep his boundaries and sit too close.
There was another moment of painfully awkward silence. You were beginning to wonder if this was a mistake. You had no business being here, did you? You thought that maybe you’d say something like, ‘well, perhaps I should be going’ or maybe even ‘sorry for wasting your time, i shouldn’t be here’ but you realized that it would only be combated by Brian’s reassurance, so it wasn’t worth the effort. Instead, you settled on something else.
“So,” you began. “I’m sure you’re probably wondering why I’ve been crying all afternoon and have been on the brink of tears since you invited me to your apartment.” You tried to work in some type of humor to deflect or lighten the mood but Brian didn’t laugh, he only stared empathetically in your direction, listening to you intently, not interrupting. His kindness was so astounding it scared you just a little, but you decided that you wouldn’t stop, and so you began to unload everything you had been carrying that day, that week, that month. It all came unraveling like a tightly coiled ball of yarn. You told him about school, about how you were in debt and were struggling to stay afloat, how your dad had been in an accident and now on top of everything else you were worried sick about him.
“I think the...situation..in the hallway earlier was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. I’m sorry you had to be there for that. All the stress was just too much to handle, and as soon as I got to my apartment I just...shattered.” you finished, with one last sigh. As you recalled everything, you were afraid that it was becoming far too overwhelming far too fast. You felt it heavy on your chest, you felt your voice become hoarse, your eyes become glassy, your lungs taking shallow breaths. All of the sudden you weren’t in Brian’s apartment anymore, you were inside your own head and nothing around you made sense.
And like that, for the thousandth time that day, you burst into tears. You couldn’t say you were surprised. You placed your head in your hands and tried to even your breathing but it wasn’t working. And then, out of nowhere, you felt the couch dip beside you, and you felt 2 arms wrap around your shoulders.
“It’s alright love, you’re ok, I’ve got you, no need to worry.” He said in a soothing voice, and you believed him. You didn’t think about the way that you had only known him for a little while and he had already seen you cry twice. You didn’t think about how one might find it strange that you had only just met and he was hugging you and helping you calm down from another fit of tears. You only thought about how at that moment, for the first time in a long while, you felt safe and cared for and no longer alone.
This time you didn’t try to stop crying, you just let it happen, and Brian didn’t seem opposed. He let you cry in his arms, occasionally running his hand over your hair and reminding you to breathe in and out. After what you guessed was 6 or 7 minutes, your tears slowed, but Brian still held you. You were grateful. You finally took a long, shuttery breath and began to find some semblance of composure.
“Thank you,” you said simply.
“It’s no problem, darling. None at all.” he replied, slowly untangling his arms from around you, and you almost missed the contact once they were gone.
In the moments after you both stayed silent. Brian let you process, and you took a few more sips from your water glass. Your attention was drawn back to the guitar in the corner.
“You play guitar?” you asked to draw the conversation away from sadness and stress and everything else that had just passed over you in a wave of emotion.
“Yes, I do. I built that guitar with my father. I’ve been using it ever since,” he said.
You thought that maybe you shouldn’t bother him, you had already put him through enough, he didn’t owe you any favors. But, you had to ask, didn’t you?
“Would you mind...playing something for me?”
“Yeah...anything you’d like” he said and stood up from beside you to grab it. You thought that maybe when he sat down he’d sit back in the armchair next to the couch, but instead he resumed his position next to you, only sitting a little farther away to make room for the guitar. He looked down in concentration before beginning to pluck a tune that was simplistic but beautiful. Then he began to sing, and you were entranced.
“Yesterday my life was in ruin. Now today I know what I'm doing. Gotta feeling I should be doing all right” he sang peacefully
“Doing all right. Where will I be this time tomorrow, jump in joy or sinking in sorrow anyway I should be doing all right. Doing all right”
You wanted him to sing forever. You would be perfectly content if, for the rest of eternity, you sat on his couch while he lulled you with a gentle melody. With each lyric, you fell deeper into the trance. Your eyes traced the features of his face. He was facing forward on the couch, his profile in full view and illuminated by the lamp a few feet behind him, making everything about him feel angelic and ethereal. It didn’t occur to you how intensely you had been staring at him while he sang. It was only when he stopped that you noticed he seemed a little nervous under your watch.
“It’s just one of our songs, my band’s I mean, It’s nothing much really,” he said, looking away awkwardly.
“It was perfect,” you assured. “You’re incredibly talented”
“Thank you,” he smiled, seeming genuinely appreciative of the comment.
For a moment you thought that the awkward silence had returned, but actually, you realized, there wasn’t anything awkward about it. You both sat still for a moment, and it felt as if you two had been friends for years, like you were more than strangers who happened to live in the same hallway. You didn’t feel strange or uncomfortable. The sadness you had felt only an hour, hell, only a minute or so before this moment had seemed all consuming, but now you could hardly remember why a lingering tear still ghosted your cheek. Your anxiety and stress was a distant memory now as you looked a few feet in front of you into his eyes.
He was looking back at you.
You noticed faintly how his eyes flicked down to your lips for a swift moment. You noticed, faintly, how yours did the same. For a second, you almost thought that the air had changed, that the energy had shifted in some way, you didn’t pay it much mind.
“y/n?” Brian said gently, lowering his voice nearly to a whisper. You realized he had inched slightly closer to you. You hadn’t realized just how close you had been sitting to each other before then. You skipped a beat before responding.
“Yes?” you asked.
He seemed unsure of himself, unsure of what he really wanted to say, and if he really wanted to say it.
“Can I…” he trailed off, not bothering to finish the question before leaning in ever so slightly to seal the gap between both of you with a kiss. A gentle one, one that perhaps matched the way he had been towards you that evening; soft, understanding, careful. Sweet.
It couldn’t have lasted more than 6, 7 seconds. You didn’t want it to end, but you certainly wouldn’t dare miss the expression playing on his face once you had parted. He smiled like you hadn’t seen him smile yet. He seemed happy, which was a beam of light upon the darkness in which the interaction you’d had together had started. He was considerably taller than you were, but he rested his forehead against yours gently, and he laughed.
“Was that terribly inappropriate?” he asked, looking down between the two of you.
You considered for a second what you wanted to say. You laughed back.
“It would only be appropriate, I think, if we didn’t do it again” You saw him smile again as he moved his head away slightly to look at you.
“Well, I suppose we have no other choice.”
He moved his hand up to your face, cupping your jaw, and again you closed the gap.
#brian may x reader#brian may#queen#fanfic#gwilym lee#gwilym x reader#bohemian rhapsody#roger taylor#john deacon#freddie mercury#asks#prompt#angst#fluff#early queen#roger is a little shit lmao#i luv him though uwu#brian may x you
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Writing prompt 142 with Eddie?
142. “Could he make you feel as good as i do?”
oooo finally an opportunity to write some pissed off eddie content teeheeeeee okok lets do it !!! PS I AM STILL TAKING PROMPT REQUESTS !! the og post is on my page so go check it out and send me one if you’re interested! :3 also sorry if this sucks im not used to writing multiple different fics/blurbs/whatevers in 1 day dfjgkdjfg
contains: jealous!eddie, mean eddie, dirty talk, degradation, fingering, general rough/mean dynamic (he still luvs you tho don’t worry uwu)
You’ve never seen Eddie this angry before, and your body is caught in limbo between utter terror and arousal.
So you’d fucked around with Steve Harrington- you and Eddie were on a break! And a well-deserved one, at that, considering that he’d been devoting all of his time to his fantasy campaigns rather than his real life, human girlfriend.
Eddie stands before you in his bedroom, his wide brown eyes unusually cold as they size you up. His arms are folded protectively in front of his graphic t-shirt, a prominent frown on his lips. “So what you’re telling me, (y/n)- and correct me if I’m wrong here- is that you let Steve Harrington’s dick inside you? Is that what I’m hearing right now?”
He sounds so sarcastic, yet so deadly serious; it sends an uncomfortably cool chill up your spine, and you’re unsure of what��s about to happen.
You look him dead in the eyes despite the anxiety it causes you, unwilling to back down. “Yes, Eddie, I did. I fucked Steve Harrington. So fucking what? We were on a goddamn break! It’s not like you ever wanted to fuck me while we were together.”
“That is such bullshit, (y/n),” Eddie seethes, taking a lingering step towards you. You stand frozen in place, your limbs unwilling to move from where they’re planted. “Every time you’re in the mood to fuck, it’s when I’m busy with Hellfire!”
“You’re always busy with Hellfire!” you scream at him, one-upping him by taking your own hopefully-menacing step in his direction.
“What about that night in my van when you turned me down? Or when you told me to stop being gross when I was feeling up your ass, hm?” He cocks his head threateningly, sauntering until he’s face-to-face with you.
“I just said that because I was in a bad mood, Eddie,” you murmur, feeling a little guilty about the exchange in retrospect. Usually you loved when Eddie would touch you, even by surprise- he’d just happened to catch you on a bad day. “I don’t think you’re gross.”
“Oh, really? ‘Cause I think you do. I think you find me downright disgusting. That’s why you ran off to go spread your legs for Steve Harrington- to find out what it’s like to fuck a real man. Right, (y/n)?” His eyes are welled with tears, though he’s good at keeping them at bay, with his face contorted into a scowl. “Making a fucking fool of me, huh? Dating the freak and fucking the jock. I bet you did it before our break, you fucking slut.”
He’s shaking, and you want to hug him, though you’re scared what will happen if you do. You mentally kick yourself for even allowing the secret to slip in the first place, but you never would’ve forgiven yourself if you hadn’t told the truth.
Now, though, you wonder if it would’ve been worth it to lie, just to prevent Eddie from believing all the other untrue parts his mind had invented. “Eddie, I would have never done that to you!”
He drags his eyes up and down your body, taking in the short skirt you’re wearing, paired with a pair of platform boots and a cropped sweater. When he speaks, he doesn’t reference anything you just said, evidently too wound up in his emotions to process much else. “Yeah, prancing around at school looking like that, huh? You dressed like that for Steve, didn’t you? Wanted him to take you in the bathroom and fuck you stupid?”
You whimper; you aren’t certain if he’s intentionally trying to make you horny right now, but for some unfathomable reason… you so are. “No, Eddie. I promise you, I don’t want Steve. It was a stupid mistake, Eddie, I swear! I was upset about us being on a break, and I just…I don’t know! I fucked up!”
“Yeah, you’re right, (y/n). It was a stupid mistake.” He takes in a breath, seeming to ponder on what his next action will be, before he shoves you back onto his bed. “Real fucking stupid. That’s my pussy you’re throwing around like a tramp, get it?”
He flips up your skirt, grasping your pussy between your legs and rubbing you harshly through the thin lace fabric of your panties. “Oh, I’m sure Steve Harrington could never get your pussy as pathetically wet as I can.”
You don’t say anything, moaning out at the rough motions of his callused hand against your soaked underwear; if he continued doing this for another minute or so, you’d probably cum without needing him to do anything else. He smacks your cheek lightly in response to your silence, narrowing his dark eyes at you. “Could he?”
“N-no, Eddie,” you whisper, letting out a strangled whine when he moves your panties to the side and presses two fingers into you abruptly. “I told you, it was a mistake. I want you, Eddie.”
“Could he make you feel as good as I do?” he demands, taking your jaw in one hand and jerking it so that you’re facing him. “Hm?”
You shake your head rapidly, a helpless look on your face as you silently beg for his forgiveness (which you know is already granted, though you don’t expect him to tell you that quite yet). “No, Eddie. Never.”
“Fuckin’ thought so,” he says as he continues to fuck you with his fingers, adding a third in order to stretch you wider. “You’re lucky I love you enough to teach you a lesson instead of kicking your ass to the curb.”
He’s not serious- at least about the kicking-you-to-the-curb bit, though the way he’s speaking to you is making your skin prickle over with warmth. There���s just something about your soft, sweet Eddie being mean that turns you on beyond belief.
Looking up at him with wide doe eyes, you hold back a knowing smirk. “You’re right, Eddie. I am lucky.”
#eddie munson#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x you#eddie munson smut#eddie munson fanfiction#mine#joseph quinn#stranger things#stranger things x reader#stranger things smut#eddie munson imagine#stranger things imagine#eddie munson fic
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Maybe some headcanons for how Liu/Sully, Jeff and BEN would be with a doting, sweet and innocent s/o? Only if you're inspired though ❤️
Tysm for the request luv! ^^ ik it took me a while, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless <3
Masterlist: x
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
And creepkinks is coming up next week!!! Hope y’all are as excited as i am <33
Jeff the Killer
Honestly, at first, he‘d be a little... put-off?
He wouldn’t understand why or even how they manage to be so nice all the time—are they trying to get something out of him?
He’d definitely be wary, thinking they have ulterior motives because homeboy does not trust easily
But over time, he’d come accept that it is possible for someone to be as angelic as they are~
He doesn’t know how they’ve managed to survive so long being that sweet & innocent, but he certainly isn’t mad about it
He thinks it’s cute—precious, even—and as he learns to trust them more & more, he becomes increasingly protective of them uwu
He wants to make sure that they keep their innocence at any cost
He gets like this 🤏 close to going full yandere to keep them safe & out of harm’s way ngl
He’s certainly not used to someone doting on him, so at first, he doesn’t really know how to handle the attention
It sometimes overwhelms him & he gets flustered, so he tries to dismiss them
It’s lowkey cute tho?
But it’s not like he doesn’t like the attention; on the contrary, he adores it
It feeds into his massive ego—he just needs to adjust to having another person agree with him that he’s pretty great 😏😘
Overall, things would be off to a rocky start, but once he gets used to how wonderful his little s/o is, he’ll try his damnedest to be a good boyfriend
Which is to say, he won’t be amazing, but he really does try & it’s very sweet to see
He might be an asshole sometimes, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve some lovin <3
BEN Drowned
Oh, he’s in love~
Baby boy can’t 👏get 👏enough 👏of their attention
He lives for their praise & comfort; they might actually be an angel in his eyes
He straight-up melts whenever they give him affection—to the point where he just wants to be with them all the damn time
He’ll gladly let them baby him as much as they want smdh
He’s too spoiled :”)
Similar to Jeff, he adores how sweet & innocent they are
But, unlike Jeff, instead of growing protective, he’ll inadvertently end up corrupting them :”)
It won’t necessarily be on purpose, it’ll kind of just happen by virtue of BEN being, well, BEN
He can’t deny enjoying being the one that corrupts them tho 😳😳
And in that similar vein of enjoyment, he loves teasing the hell out of them
He just thinks they’re so goddamn cute when they get all bashful >:3c
Like I’ve (probably?) mentioned before, BEN’s big on cuddling, but with an s/o as cute as that, how could he possibly resist keeping his hands off them?
There’s so much physical contact, it’s wild
You can bet movie/video game dates with snacks & blankets are a regular occurrence 😌👌
Homicidal Lui
Ahh, that poor lil s/o is gonna get whiplash with this manses :”)
Lui, on one hand, is just as sweet & doting as they are—if not even more so
He’s always asking if he can get anything for them, or if he can do anything for them, or how their day went and if they ate and if they want anything, anything at all—and that kind of stuff :>
He tries so goddamn hard to please them, they’re treated better than royalty <3
Boy’s always extremely flattered when they return the sentiment; having someone care for him isn’t too much of a regular occurrence :”)
He has self-esteem issues, so he often tries to over-compensate by putting others before him, and a reversal of those roles can be quite jarring
He’s truly a sweetheart, poor baby 😪💗
Their relationship is almost like,, sickly sweet teens during the honeymoon phase of a relationship kinda vibe
Very lovey-dicey, very obnoxious to the people around them, but very sweet lmfao
Sully though, on the other hand?
Oh boy
Dude teases the hell out of their s/o
He tries to corrupt them any & every way he possibly can
Lui gets so fucking pissed at him for messing with his beloved s/o
He always ends up feeling super bad, like he’s ultimately just a burden on his precious lil s/o
So he needs a good amount of reassurance, which is why someone so gentle & doting is honestly kind of perfect for him :”)
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My first impressions of the ikevamp guys and how I feel about them now (pt. 1)
Also an attempt at being funny by butchering their names
- Sherlock Holmes Arturd Conan Doyle
Can't even butcher his full name xD
He reminds me of a guy I had a crush on and later he turned out to be a massive 💩. I'll give him a chance though. Also HE HAS LARGE HANDS WHATKAOHGSMLK 😨
Gained sympathy after reading his route but I don't see myself dating him. Many a times when he says smth flirty I want to punch him or just *sigh* go away ArTURD. (Arthur stans don't come for me pls 😓)
- NAP o'leon Bonappetit
I got interested in this game because I saw his face in an ad. But after seeing the other vamps, he had to wait
He doesn't have "nap" in his name for no reason, this man LOVES sleeping xD I really enjoyed reading his route, can't wait to replay it. I only see him as a great friend tho
- WouldIwas Snakespeare
Long-haired men are my weakness, but this guy?.. nah, not rly. Don't get me wrong, he can look pretty and badass in CGs, but still .. no. I feel like interactions with him would be awkward (not only because of his English).
Like Theo, I have reasons to avoid him. I would defend him if he really is innocent, but if I have to pass by his villa, I'm running 🏃💨
- Theodork van Cough
Didn't know that Vincent had a brother, much less that he has the same bday as me. I feel like this guy would send thirst traps to fuck with me (judging from ch. 1)
The love he has for his brother 😣💞 I'm not into his kink sadly, nevertheless his romantic ending was 🔥🔥 And man I wish I had his observation skills
- Woofgang Amadeo Moozart
He looks butthurt xD Is this really the guy who composed "Leck Mich im Arsch"? Maybe tsundere with a hidden sense of humor? I bet his hair is soft and silky 😍
Nope, no sense of humor whatsoever. Still, he's a cool character. 2nd most relatable to me after Isaac. One of the best moments of his route was when he showed Schelm to MC - that's how you get chicks lol
- Izak Newt
cute Cute CUTE. That's why I chose his route first. And because physics was my most favorite subject in school (I'm kidding, it really wasn't).
An anxious mess, like myself. This man makes me melt into a puddle, can't help but uwu when he shows his soft side. I think Arthur and Dazai tease him a bit too much, but I still laugh every time 😂
- Le Daddy de St. German
I would trust this man with my life. I don't even know him, but yeah. ("Just because he is smoking hot it doesn't mean-" shut up ok)
I wonder what he will think when I tell him I don't like parties. His route was a bit disappointing ngl, and when he pulled the "I'll never fall in love with a human again" I wanted to smack him. Still luv u tho 💓
#ikemen vampire#ikevamp#ikemen vampire theo#ikemen vampire arthur#ikemen vampire napoleon#ikemen vampire comte#ikemen vampire mozart#ikemen vampire isaac#ikemen vampire shakespeare#ikemen vampire william
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I'd love to hear more about the fairy prince Jon au you might be writing a fic for 👉👈
*Cracks knuckles* HERE WE GO! Sorry this might be a bit late, I had to organize my random brainrot into something mildly coherent. And now, we begin~
Martin Blackwood is an assistant bookseller at his distant cousin, Gerard Keay's, antique bookstore. Unlucky in love, finances, and life in general, Martin struggles to keep his head up against the tidal wave of bills that stem from his Mother's care and living in this fucking economy. So, when he meets a stranger at dusk offering him several gold pieces in exchange for a book he didn't even know they had, who was he to refuse?
Suddenly, Martin finds himself entangled in a whole otherworld he never even knew existed. Watch as our protagonist navigates his way through magic doors, ravenous books, fairy royal courts, and gateways to hell alongside a grouchy, sheltered, and fatally curious Fairy Prince. Will they be able to come out the other side? Or will they be trapped in a web of nefarious plots ensnaring something far bigger than themselves?
Releasing 2066!/j
But yes I am plotting this thing out in my brain and a random google doc. Still not 100% certain of where things will go. I have a beginning and an ending but the middle is a jumble of nebulous things mostly labelled “Jon and Martin fall in luv uwu” with lots of libraries and lots of castle romance. I will say though it got magically bigger plot-wise than I thought it would be. I'll be working on this silently in my brain and perhaps (definitely) draw some stuff about it.
Thanks for your question, Ashes!
#abellasks#Fairy Prince Jon#tons of brain rot brrrr#most of what i've thought of are the beginning and ending and i don't want to spoil whatever semblance of an ending so yeah#I still have to iron out the intrigue stuff which is...yeah#gotta big brain this somehow lmao#thanks for letting me brainrot on the tl!
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hi i luv ur writing!!!!!
can u write smth for Avery from pokemon shield ? maybe some hcs for them having a crush on a dojo member thats oh, so airheaded, but very sweet and kind to everyone. they arent as elegant as him but they have a heart of gold! they also love to cook for him from time to time as well. pretty please!!
Hi anon!
Thanks for the ask! Sure, please see below-
Avery is like one of those boys at school who pretends they don't like you or ignore you and uses every opportunity whenever you pass them in the hallway or at the lockers to somehow make fun of you but when you leave he's like clamping a hand over his heart like UwU
And he'll sneakily have this shrine or mural somewhere in his house which contains all sorts of photos of you pinned up and also some napkin you dropped on the ground and he picked up and occasionally sniffs and rubs over his face XD
For real though, Avery was pretty mean to you during Isle of Armor especially when you first arrived because he's the kind to judge people by first impressions but you sure showed him and he was actually surprised!
Despite his initial iciness to you, you forgave him from the bottom of your heart and even said you hoped you'd become closer and become good friends. I mean...not many people would do that, you know?
Avery also realises you're one of the first people to say that to his face
He's so used to rejection
Because of that, you hold a very special place in his heart now and at first he doesn't realise it's a crush
At the dojo you're training with your Pokemon and falling over all the time or you're too slow to avoid your Pokemon's attacks, everyone is like LOL but Avery is like <333
Most of the time he silently observes you from the side and your interactions with the others. Even when someone is mean to you, you respond with a smile and he just doesn't understand. He's like ???
But this makes him wonder if he should start following your example
When it's your time to cook for the dojo, he's the first one who comes into the kitchen and always takes the seat next to yours
He'll try to make conversation somehow and he'll try to downplay his usual arrogance/haughtiness and you can tell he's trying, which you find really sweet
He ends up really liking your curry and the first time he tried it, he reacted in dramatic fashion and declared loudly in front of everyone that he wanted you to cook this for him every dinner from now on
Everyone is like 'WTH Avery' but you just smile and cock your head and agree with a simple nod
Avery loves your cooking. It doesn't matter what it is, he will just eat everything you cook for him
He'll also do anything for you - protect you, amuse you with his psychic powers by making pokeballs float in the air around you, helps you wash dishes, helps you carry stuff using his psychic powers. Read minds and say it aloud to troll other dojo members.
He won't make it obvious but because he observes and also his acute psychic powers, he'll often try to read your mind.
When he reads nothing but Butterfrees and daisies, he's like 'oh she's so pure' and this makes him fall in love with you even more
He'll find ways to get you to train with him. He'll use his pokemon as an excuse but that's okay because you like them :)
One day he reads your mind and you're thinking to yourself 'Avery is really cute' and that MAKES HIS DAY. HE IS ON CLOUD NINE!!! :D
#avery#pokemon#pokemon shield and sword#pokemon shield#pokemon sword#pokemon imagines#pokemon headcanons#Avery x reader#Avery x you
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Could you do softdom George taking femreaders virginity and praising her through it :)
Of course! Honestly I used to not really like George (his yelling in the manhunts kind of annoyed me) but he really grew on me. He's just so pretty uwu
“You look so pretty for me, luv,” George purred as he licked your cum off his lips. He pressed sweet kisses to the insides of your shaking thighs as you came down from your high, watching patiently with a soft smile. “Tell me how you feel.”
“Good,” you told him instantly, panting with your arm thrown over your eyes. “So good, George.”
“You’re doing so good,” he gushed. He pushed himself onto his knees and cupped your cheek, pulling your arm away from your face so he could pull you into a soft kiss. You sighed against his lips as he let himself drop until he was pressed against you, licking his way into your mouth. He thoroughly explored your mouth, swallowing your whimpers and moans. When he finally pulled away to let you breathe his lips found your neck instead, sucking a few marks along your jaw. “Tell me what you want, darling,” he muttered against your skin. You whined and squirmed under him, earning a nip of his teeth. “Tell me what you want or I’ll stop.”
“Want you, Georgie!”
You could feel his smug smile against your neck. “Hmm, you want me… to kiss you? You want me to… cuddle you? Look at you, squirming under me so pretty. Such a sweet little thing. You’ve been so good for me, darling, just tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you, I promise.”
You whimpered at his words, feeling yourself practically melt under him. “Please, George, I- I want you to fuck me,” you whispered, feeling yourself flush at your own words. Your embarrassment quickly faded, though, as he pulled you in for another deep kiss.
“Anything for my sweet darling,” he purred as he lined himself up. He gently pushed into you, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he bottomed out. “You take me so well, luv. You feel amazing. Tell me when you want me to move, I promise I’ll make you feel good. Gonna take care of my precious girl- you deserve it, you’re being so good for me. Wanna see your pretty face when you come on my cock, darling. I promise I’m gonna take care of you, baby, just tell me when I can move.”
“Now- please!”
He stifled a moan as he moved his hips, pumping his cock in and out of you as he aimed for the spots he knew would bring you the most pleasure. “You look amazing like this,” he breathed out, eyes glazed over in adoration as he watched your moaning face under him while his long fingers found your clit. “My pretty girl, letting me ruin you.” You whimpered at that and he was quick to coo over you. “But you’re still my little darling, aren’t you? Still my wonderful, gorgeous darling. You’re so perfect, luv, I could never truly ruin you.”
He let out a choked moan as your walls began to squeeze him tight, warning him of your impending orgasm. “My perfect darling gonna come on my cock? It’s alright, luv, I’ll make you come as many times as you want- let go for me, I promise I won’t stop until you’re satisfied.”
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hi! could i request a headcanon with tsukki and kageyama (and anyone you wanna add) where they’re cuddling before bed and talking about random stuff all cozy and soft i’d luv you so bad for this uwu
% bedtime cuddles

.! timeskip! tsukishima, kageyama (sep) x gn!r
.! fluff/ none, not proofread
.! ofc! tysm for the request bby <3

his forehead rested against your back while he hugged you closed to his chest, probably a little too tight, but you didn't really mind. though it was comfortable silence that filled the room, tsukishima was tired of the repetitive noise that came from the fan,"how was your day?" he asks, voice cracking slightly which results in a smile you were happy he couldn't see.
"not too bad, actually got a lot of work done today." you say, proud of todays accomplishments. "that's good, baby." he mumbles and you know by the petname he's fighting sleepiness. "how was practice, kei?" you ask, turning around to fact him running your fingers through his hair a few times and he hums at your touch, eyes closed, "not too bad but coach didn't give us a proper break." you nod, "is that why you're so sleepy right now or are you just an old man trapped in a young mans body?"
he scoffs at your question but finds that he doesn't really have the energy to tease you back so he decides to let you win this time, hoping you'll play with his hair some more or even run your hand up and down his back to coax him to sleep. "probably both." he breathes, moving his head closer to your chest, and you get the hint, moving extending your arm over your body and rub his back gently, "hm, you should sleep then, old man." and it's not even five minutes later he's clinging to you like a child to their stuffed animal but still somehow snoring like a bear.
you desperately tried to inch your way closer to your boyfriend hoping for some sort of warmth which you knew he was always available to provide. "tobio it's so cold in here," you shiver as he pulls your body into his own, wrapping his arms tightly around you. "i know, i'm sorry." honestly you weren't sure if he slept with the room this cold because he got too hot at night or if it was because he wanted to hold you so close.
the two of you lay in a comfortable, cold, silence before you finally speak up to ask him about practice that day. "it's was alright." that was his go-to answer every time you asked and you knew what he really meant to say was that it was exhausting and his muscles were hurting way too bad for his own good. you interlock a hand with his and bring his knuckles up to place a kiss. he's glad that a. it's pitch black in your shared bedroom and b. that you were facing away from him right now because the blush on his face he was sure would be impossible to hide otherwise.
still he burrows his face into the back of your neck, "you are cold" he hisses, voice muffled. apparently your icy skin didn't bother him too much because he refuses to move his face. he does ask about your day and he swears he tries his best to stay awake the whole time but your only about seven words in and he can't fight the droopiness in his eyelids any longer. you're half way into your story when you realize he's asleep because he hasn't moved for about ten minutes.

#tsukishima hcs#tsukishima x reader#tsukki x reader#tsukki x y/n#tsukishima kei#tsukishima headcanons#tsukishima x y/n#tsukishima fluff#kageyama x yn#kageyama x reader#kageyama hcs#kags x reader#kageyama tobio#kageyama fluff#works.!
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Happy New Years! Hopefully it won’t be as bad as last year 😅 If it’s ok, can I have a Gojo x f!reader who’s powerful but is mostly stoic (maybe due to their past) so Gojou made it his goal to make her smile/laugh (due to falling in luv) and he’s able to get a small smile for at least 2 seconds and he gets excited 🥺 It’s ok if u don’t do it. Either way, I hope u have a good day and hopefully it’ll be a good 2021! UwU

Ahh thank youu! Last year sure was a mess but there were good things well 😌 I hope you have a wonderful year 💕
"Gojo san, don't you have a meeting to attend to?"
Books and papers held within your arms as you walk down the long hallway, on your way to teach the second years. Gojo easy matches your pace as he walks beside you, a grin on his face.
"Oh I do?"
You sigh at the man beside you, as his grin widens. You admit that he is a great shaman who's skills are above the rest but as a human being he's annoying. You wonder how you were able to work alongside him since high school, he was arrogant, persistent and way too full of himself. Not to mention he was adamant in being in your presence.
"Hey, (Y/N)!"
"What's orange and sounds like a parrot?"
"Say what..!"
"A carrot."
Gojo bursts out laughing, his laughter echoing through the silent hallway as he clenches his stomach. You however, remain silent at his ploy to get on your nerves.
"Hey hey!"
"I told my doctor that I broke my arm in two places. He told me to stop going to those places!"
He continues laughing as you feel a sigh escaping your lips. "Geez, tough crowd!" Gojo nudges you, while you give him a side glance focused on getting to your class. Gojo frowns as you still remain impassive towards his jokes. Ever since that one time you smiled in highschool, Gojo could not get that image out of his mind. You looked so beautiful, his heart warms at the thought. He'd do anything just to see it once more. You both reached the door to the classroom but before you could open it Gojo stops you by placing his hand on your shoulder. You raise your eyebrow, turning to face him.
"Has anyone told you, you have beautiful eyes?"
"Because I can see myself in them."
Your eyes slightly widen at his words, but the frown was still present on your face. Gojo inwardly sighs, as he seems to have failed yet again. He ruffles his hair in frustration, ready to walk away but he sees something that took his breathe away.
You smiled.
Even though, it was barely visible and only lasted for a moment-Gojo saw it and he couldn't help but feel his heart beating faster at the sight of it.
"Have a good day Gojo san." You slide open the classroom door before stepping in and closing it behind you. He hears the sound of the second years greeting you. Gojo feels a smile blossoming on his face, his cheeks warming at the sight of your smile. That alone was able to make his day better and how he'll do anything just to see it again.
Taglist: @the-fandoms-georgie @crapimahuman @annie-acadia @iwanttobefuckedbysatorugojo @spicyyren @asmaeackerman1
#gojou satoru#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen gojo#gojo satoru#jujutsu kaisen x reader#gojou satoru x reader#gojo satoru x reader#jjk gojo#jjk imagines#skipps writes#jujutsu kaisen imagines
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The Vampire Masquerade
PAIRING: vampire!Tenya Iida x female!Y/N
a/n: i have brain rot from vampire!iida whoops
c/w: implied smut smut golf
tagging the iida army: @peachiileaf + @saturnity + @honeypirate + @coleluuviida + @uwu-iwanttodie + @high-on-potats + @khai-luvs-iida ✨
The warnings of the serious and sinister man in the castle north of your village rang in your ears endlessly as a child. It was said that he was cruel and handsome, with crimson eyes that always looked hungry. Scary stories of how he moves silently through shadows, too swiftly for sound to catch, remind children to be home before dark. For some time you listened to them. However, as you grew so too did your curiosity and unearned confidence.
You wandered in the woods near the castle grounds on occasion, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious man. Lingering after the sun had set, testing him to take you away. He did. But not in the way you were warned. You had been traipsing through the forest each evening for nearly a week before he appeared. He did so suddenly and without warning, apparating behind you soundlessly. His presence only noticed when he spoke, “Hello, miss.”
You had gasped at the unexpected voice, turning to see him behind you. He was tall and muscular, though not in a way that made him bulky. A loose cotton tunic draping over his toned chest. He wore trousers and formal shoes, remarkably unusual for your surroundings. Yet he moved with such grace it was as if he controlled the very ground beneath him.
With a slight bow he extended an icy hand, “It’s quite late for a lady to be out in the woods. Please allow me to walk you to town.” His eyes were not hungry like you had expected, but filled with a curiosity that was reflected back at you in the stained mirrors of your home. You allowed him to escort you back to them that night and he did so with kind conversation. He was nothing like the devil described in the tales of mothers. He was chivalrous and beautiful. And you were helplessly drawn to him. So the next evening you ventured back into the forest and he escorted you home once more. The two of you fell into a waltz of orchestrated happenstance. Lord Iida was aware of your intentions and masterfully manipulated them into his own.
Soon you were living in his castle, an honored guest. You dined on decadence daily and bathed in velvet silks. The Lord never feasted himself, only sipped a deep red wine from a goblet. You were allowed access to his library and spent the days exploring the castle and it’s secrets. In the evenings Lord Iida would lead you to the ballroom, now in a dance of his own design. You had possessed him and he was determined to have you. However, always the gentleman, Lord Iida had to court you first. He did so effortlessly; in a fortnight you were madly in love.
This evening Lord Iida sits with you as you eat, but his usual goblet is absent.
“Lady Y/N, may I make a proposal?”
Your cheeks heat from the way he says your name, “Please, my Lord.”
“After you’ve finished your meal this evening, perhaps I may escort you to my chambers instead of the dancehall.”
There’s a brief stutter in your heart at his words. He has been so proper with you. Despite your longing the Lord had not even kissed you yet. He only ever graced your knuckles with his lips. He’d hold you while dancing in the great hall, but never anything more. But now, he’s asking to whisk you away to his chambers. You put down your fork with as much delicacy you can manage and place the folded silk in your lap onto your unfinished plate.
“I’d quite like that, my Lord,” you say, standing.
And so he does. Flashes of lightning from this evening’s storm illuminate your journey through the castle halls; your heart keeping rhythm with the patter of raindrops on the stained glass, cathedral windows. You're in his room before you have a chance to tame the beating contraption. His lips are on yours in an instant, his tongue snaking into your mouth. With ease, he lifts you from the ground, your legs instinctively wrapping around his torso. He stalks to the bed, throwing you on to the feathered mattress. And now you see the hunger that you had been warned about all those years ago.
#tenya iida x y/n#tenya iida x reader#tenya iida#vampire!iida#bnha#mha#my hero academia#boku no hero#boku no hero academia#bnha imagines#by ves#mha imagines
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he’s just like a cat.
♡ pairing: minho x (gender neutral) reader ♡ genre: domestic au; fluff. ♡ warnings: this is just cuddling with minho 🥺 even though this has no suggestive implication, there’s a little making out in this, because I know maxine won’t mind. :3 ♡ word count: 1.4 K ♡ disclaimer: this writing does not aim to represent the activities of the real Lee Minho, nor does it represent JYPE in any form. Events are pure fiction. ♡ ♡ type: drabble. ♡ network tag: @stayverse @districtninewriters @inkidz + @sunoo-luvs ♡ part of: the url drabble game; requested by @kittenanonnie rAwR <3333 UwU (requests for this are closed now!)
↯ note: hope you like it kitten !! i have nothing more to say than I love you <33 thank you for making me smile with every ask and rAwR you send me i really appreciate you <33 ⇥ dawn.☀️
The atmosphere's perfectly cozy in your apartment — furry blankets, a warm boyfriend ready to cuddle, and a movie on the screen. Minho's warm, so cozily warm that you melt into him when he slings an arm around your shoulder halfway through the movie, leaning your head into his chest to listen to his heartbeat.
You were more than ready to accept when Minho had suggested a movie date — being more than excited to spend time with him after a while, falling asleep against his firm chest and having him run his hands through your hair and also have him leave small kisses wherever he could when he was feeling extra clingy.
And it seems like he's feeling extra clingy today.
As soon as he’d entered the house, he’d pulled you into a hug, gently nuzzling into your neck before pecking the skin there — humming in content all along. You’d fisted your hands into his sweater, sighing in content into his warm embrace. Winter was cold, but you had Minho to stay warm with.
So, when you feel a hand slide up your shoulder to the side of your chin, gently pushing to make you face him, you already know what’s going to happen.
“Hey there,” You chortle, leaning into his warm, so warm hand as you turn your head to brush your lips against his palm. When you look back into his eyes, you feel like you’re being pulled closer and closer to gaze into all the stars in his eyes. Momentarily, you tense up when he plays with the hem of your shirt. You feel your skin burn with passion and love as you bring a hand to gently rake through his soft, black hair.
He lets out a soft sigh in return — almost a purr — as he rests his hand just under the fabric, rubbing gentle circles into your skin. From here you can focus on him clearly — his shiny, silky locks of hair that fall over his forehead and the way his top lip engulfs the bottom one when he bites his lip, and the way his heavily lidded eyes peer into you through the dim lighting.
Lee Minho’s lips feel soft — soft when you run your thumb across them, soft when he presses little kisses to your forehead or your cheeks, or the back of your neck when you’re distracted, or like right now — soft when he gently takes hold of your chin and presses his lips to yours.
You’ve also learned over the years that he’s just like his cats — whenever you pet his head, whenever he leans his head against your stomach and gently rubs as a sign for you to lead your hand to his hair. It’s so, so cute that all it can take for a totally bad day for him to go opposite is being in your arms with you petting his head, occasionally pecking his forehead and murmuring a little “I love you,” or “You’re so cute.”
For the same reason, when you gently scratch at his scalp amid the kiss, Minho parts from you for a second, barely out of breath because of how gentle the kiss is. It isn’t fueled by need or want or desire — just the wish to be with each other. “You’re so beautiful,” He whispers before leaning into your chest, pushing you down onto the couch with him on top.
You sigh and grab the edges of his oversized sweater, letting yourself be wrapped in his embrace. Just like a cat, once again, he nuzzles into your chest, heaving a sigh as he guides his hand to your head.
“You’re more beautiful.” You coo, letting a hearty laugh slip as you card your fingers through his hair, brushing away any stray locks that may threaten to get into his eyes. It may all seem to quiet, but this has always been how date nights ended.
With Minho and you smiling in each other’s arms, in each other’s embrace, completely forgetting about everything else. Just like how you’ve totally forgotten about the movie right now — but you can’t blame yourself, not when Minho kisses you in a way that seems endearingly relaxing, yet passionate enough to steal your breath away.
He’s warm, warm in every place you run your hands on, and he’s warming your heart. It's Lee Minho’s effect, you could say, though you know he’s just as affected, just as soft for you right now. He snuggles into your chest once again, sighing as he feels lulled into a deep slumber.
“What about the movie?” You ask, though there’s little interest in your tone. Which shows that you clearly have no interest to finish the movie, not when you’re in this position currently. You gently slip your hands into his shirt, resting it against his bare back and chuckling when he tenses up, only to sigh and place a tiny kiss to your collarbone. You’ve gotten your reply to that question.
The dim lighting doesn’t highlight his appearance much, but you don’t need that to know that he’s absolutely gorgeous. You almost melt at the whine that leaves his throat, and then you realise that your hand’s resting still in his hair. You giggled, shaking your head before gently combing through his hair.
He lifts his head slightly — he looks sleepy and cozier than ever — before fitting it in the gap between your shoulder and your neck, then proceeding to leave soft kisses all over your shoulder. By this time, a comfortable feeling has spread from your chest to your fingertips and the tips of your toes, almost pulling you into the depths of sleep.
Before that can happen, however, Minho nuzzles the curve of your neck, just where you’re the most ticklish.
A squeal leaves your lips which soon morphs into a steady, low giggle, now that Minho’s ardent on making you laugh by kissing right over the same spot ever-so-lightly. “M’ ticklish there, stop!” You burst into fits of laughter, filled with nothing but pure love for the man in front of you, in your arms right now.
“Mm, but you’re so soft...” Minho purrs, this time. His voice is muffled from how invested he is in making you laugh until your stomach and lips start hurting — he was always like that. Always finding ways to make you laugh, make you happy and forget about anything even borderline negative, your happiness mattered to him as much as his own, if not more.
“Minhoooo!” You pull him away from where he’s grown comfortable between your neck and shoulder, making him face you as you gently kissed the tip of his nose.
“What?” He asks, frowning and giving you the most adorable pout you’ve ever seen.
“You’re such a big goof.” You comment lovingly, and he doesn’t reply, opting to lean in and kiss each of your eyelids softly, then your cheeks, then the tip of your nose, and back to rest on your lips. You cup his own cheeks gently, his skin feels smoother than velvet under your palms, only coaxing you to rub your thumbs over his cheekbones. You’re all but drowning, drowning — drowning in his kisses, in his love, in his hold — and you’re taking him with you.
When he pulls away again, you gasp this time, feeling short of breath even though the kiss was equally as gentle as the last one. Minho simply rests his forehead against yours. “I love you.” He says so naturally, it feel so... real. With no hesitation, no pre-thought, just a vocalization of every feeling that you’ve made him feel, all poured into those three days.
You look into his eyes, fluttering them close as you nuzzle your noses together. “You know I love you too.” Minho only nods, leaning in to press his cheek against your chest again. “Pet.” He orders, making you roll your eyes playfully as you pet him once again. He feels every inch of tension relieve of his shoulders when your fingers brush against the back of his ear.
You can’t really deny his order either, because being pressed under Minho’s warmth only seems to bring you to the edge of sleep, to the point where you don’t realise when the movie had ended and when complete silence took over, spare for the sounds of Minho’s calm breathing, along with yours.
“Sleep well, dear.” You kiss his hair lightly, inhaling the citrus scent of his shampoo as you’re pulled into a deeper state of slumber.
↯ note; 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ please ignore me as i pray to all the gods out there that the tags should work this time ;-; 🕯️ oh tumblr gods if you’re hearing this plea, please please please let the tags work I beg of you ;-; 🕯️ thank you for attending my ted talk 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ — dawn.☀️
#inkidz#distrcitninewriters#stayverse#stayhavennet#skz fluff#stray kids fluff#skz imagines#stray kids imagines#skz scenarios#stray kids scenarios#lee know imagines#lee know scenarios#lee minho fluff#lee know fluff#skz lee know fluff#skz x reader#skz x you#skz x y/n#skz minho fluff#minho fluff#t:fluff#t:au#prayer that this works pls
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okokok i knowww!! i just requested!! but,, am bacc with two more request!! one! crhistmass umu,, chaeya mistletoe hcs,, could be soft,, could be spicy???? who knows?? second! not so important or festive but! im a slut for the trope 😔👉👈 this chaeya with reader uwu,, reader gets kidnapped and the rest is up to you because!! ilysm and i want you to go ham and write what you wanna write 🥺💞💖💕 anyways,, drimk water, sleeb well,, eat three times a day✨ luv u🥺💞💖💕💞💖💕💞💞💕 -⭐
Star nonnie 👉🏻👈🏻 would you be angy if you find out i eat like 2 meals a day 😔 but you're the best best bestest ok ily smsmsmsm 🥺 you take care of yourself too ogei ily mwah!! And myur kremsas
This is request number 2!! I'll do request 1 on a different post uwu
Reader gets kidnapped
All hell boutta break loose ok the people who kidnapped you will not survive
For the kidnappers sake, it's best that they took you while you weren't around Childe and/or Kaeya
Cuz if it happened in front of them and the kidnappers escaped with you then Childe's gonna lose it
All logic and thoughts go out of his brain, his only thought is getting you back safe
Unlikely it'll happen though, because criminals do be cowardly and if anyone's bold enough to try to capture you in front of them surely don't mind dying in the most painful way
And they'll make sure you're ok ya know uwu you won't get taken while you're with them
Also cuz Kaeya's so smart and observant, he'd like know immediately before someone even tries
Secretly tells Childe and he's gonna go like "oh I'll just buy this one thing I'll brb" and get rid of all of them rip uwu
You know even know there was a kidnapping attempt
But anyways
So, you went ahead and got yourself kidnapped while they were away
Mostly probably while the two of them were busy with their own assignments and you've just been hanging on your own for awhile now
They prolly had personal vendettas against Childe and/or Kaeya? Otherwise they wouldn't go for you
But it do be a little dangerous for you because you are dating a Fatui Harbinger AND Calvary Captain of the Knights of Favonius
They come back to any empty house and they just know
Contacts the other partner immediately because its just a better move than hunting you down on their own
Also cuz the other person needs to know umu
I say contact like they'll give each other a call or letter or smth. No, i mean them just barging into each other's workplace/ area confusing the rest of the people there
It's urgent man the love of their life is gone
When the two of them are dead serious they could prolly figure out the culprit within a day or even a couple of hours even if there's no clue left behind for them
Let the man hunt begin!!! ✨
Wastes no time, everything is calculated to get you back in their arms safe as quickly as possible
They're just kskfg worried ok? They don't know what the kidnappers have done to you or are planning to do to you and it stresses them out big time
Childe just unleashes all his stress and anger on the people who kidnapped you the moment they step into enemy territory
Let's Kaeya to the thinking about where they could be hiding you
Kaeya doesn't even need to worry about security, he just needs to figure out the fastest way in because Childe: Unhinged is a whole threat
When they do get to you Kaeya immediately has you in his arms; asking if you're ok and checking for any external injuries
Childe is off murdering the rest of the people in the room if there are people watching you
They don't even need to know why what they the kidnappers wanted from them, only thing that matters is you're alive and they're not
If the kidnappers have you like at hostage like knife to your throat type beat they'd be seething
But the fights going to be so anticlimactic because they're both so strong? And their synergy is so good they just have everyone in the room frozen and dead in 7 seconds flat
But if y'all are here for the drama then uwu i imagine Kaeya's super good at negotiating terms
Very calm and collected, he's angry, you can see it in his eyes but he won't let his emotions betray him and will trick the kidnappers to let you go in exchange for something more valuable
The second they do, the millisecond you're away from their grasp Childe's already committing mass murder
Like have you seen him in foul legacy? 8 seconds flat dudes, all gone. It'll take a miracle for him to leave any soul that's involved alive
Comforts you the Most™ you must've been so scared and what not
Zoomer reader to the kidnappers like "ooo y'all are gonna die so hard, when my bfs find me it'll be all over for you" or "kill me i have nothing to live for lmao" HAHAHA
Promises to never leave you alone again cuz they don't want your life to be threatened in any way
At some point, when you get over your Trauma, you'd have to reassure them a whole bunch because they're just that overprotective
They're just worried you know they know how dangerous their line of work is and for something bad like that to happen will really break them
They'll set up like a whole system where one of them is with you if the other is gone for long periods of time? But jskf it can get a lil overbearing so you gotta reassure them you're ok and you'll be more careful
#I love this trope sm#Like save me my prince!!#But it's also like what a fun lil way to spice up your life#Childe#Childe x reader#Kaeya#Kaeya x reader#tartaglia#tartaglia x reader#genshin impact headcanons#genshin impact x reader#childe x reader x kaeya#⭐nonnie#shanna writes
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hi author-chan! can you do hc's/scenarios for suna, tendou and bokuto where they comfort his s/o who's having a hard time when they go to sleep? i'm having panic attacks in the nights cuz im stressed for a lot of things and i want to sleep so hard but i just cant :( i want someone to hug me and tell me that ill be fine thanks in advance luv<3 if you feel uncomfortable writing this you can delet it there's no problem also i love your blog and how you write, you're amazing uwu
s/o who doesn’t sleep well
pairings: suna x reader, tendou x reader, bokuto x reader
warnings: none
a/n: hi love, i hope you’re doing okay. if no one hugs you, i will hug you >:(
suna rintarō
suna gets really upset when he hears that you haven’t been able to sleep properly
he wants to help you
when he hears that you’ve been having panic attacks during the night, he will just pull you into his arms and rock you back and forth until you’re calm again
he doesn’t mind however long it takes
because he cares about how you’re feeling, even though you really do need sleep
when suna notices that you’ve fallen asleep, he’ll place a kiss to your forehead and fall asleep himself
tendou satori
tendou loves cuddling you in your sleep
so when he finds out that you’ve been having panic attacks and being unable to sleep
he gets kinda upset and wants to find a way to help you out and make sure that you get the proper sleep that you need
he’ll be happy to help you in every way you need
he’s also someone who would rather if you fell asleep before him, so he’s staying up a lot until you fall asleep first
when you do fall asleep, he’ll whisper goodnight
bokuto kōtarō
bokuto gets pouty when he hears that you haven’t been sleeping as much
he also gets pouty when he finds out you’ve been having panic attacks during the night as well
when he wakes up to you having a panic attack, he’ll firstly check if you’re okay
after that, he’ll hold you and stroke your hair until you’re falling back asleep
he’ll check that you’re asleep before him before he sleeps
he’ll give you a kiss and then fall asleep himself
© all content belongs to akaashisbabygirl 2020, do not repost or change
#haikyuu#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu writing#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!!#haikyuu scenarios#haikyuu x y/n#haikyuu x you#haikyū!!#haikyuu fluff#suna x reader#suna rintarou#tendou satori#tendou x reader#bokuto kotaro#bokuto x reader
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the dragon’s princess ⤑ jhs | m.
⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: with your mother’s death, and your father remarrying, came your abandonment in a tower - under the pretence that you’d be saved by a prince when you were older. now, it’s been over a decade and the princes come in droves to save you from the dragon that guards you. but you don’t want a charming prince. no. you prefer sweet ferocious dragons. one sweet, ferocious dragon in particular. fantasy au. royalty au. fairytale au. childhood friends to lovers au.
⟶ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: dragon shifter!hoseok x princess!reader
⟶ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: angst • fluff • smut
⟶ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 23.5k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: child abandonment, fairytale cliches: evil stepmother, abandoned princess, protective dragons and saviour princes, mentions of violence/action, mentions of death, brief descriptions of drowning (v v brief), alcohol consumption, soft dom!hoseok, sub!reader, slight body worship, hoseok, of course, has a dragon cock, hoseok is a tease, fingering, unprotected sex, first time sex + virgin sex, marking/mating, creampie, kidnapping, reader makes reckless decisions (DON’T randomly jump out a window in a spur of a moment decision)
⟶ 𝑎/𝑛: LOOK IT’S A SEXY COMEBACK!! hello ladeez n gentlenutz, I have missed you all! It’s been SO long since i’ve written (only 3 months really but it feELS LONGER) so anyway, here we are!! I hope you enjoy!! dedicated to miss bette aka peanut aka @ddaenggtan, i love and appreciate u so much okay thank you xxx
❥ thank you to @honeymoonjin, @hobisbeautifulass, @shadowsremedy and @jungtaeyoongles and of course miss bette, but you’ve already been tagged uwu, for being sweet babies and reading this and giving me the much needed validation to keep me inspired and writing this fic, i love u sexy losers
❥ happy birthday to my love, my sunflower, my king jung hoseok. i love u to the end of the worlds and further
⏤ part of the @ficswithluv ‘The Luv Library’ project
Your footsteps crunch along the ground as you make your way back to the tower you’ve called your home for the past decade. Leaves crackle under the soles of your sandals, the sound entwining with the gentle rustle of the trees as the soothing cacophony of sounds eases your soul. A soft wind flitters past, the light gale wisping through your hair, causing a few strands to dance in the squall. It shouldn’t take you long to reach home - you’d only been out foraging and hunting for supper. A victorious smile creeping onto your face, your eyes glance down at the wicker basket nestled next to your hip, the handle resting in the crook of your elbow.
An array of mixed berries, fruits and vegetables sit in the basket, nestled next to the cloth-covered slab of boar meat - and a few different herbs stalks taking up the rest of the space. Your grin widens as you silently praise yourself over your success. The boar meat especially gets you excited - it’s Hoseok’s favourite. Once again, you internally cheer, as you imagine the inevitable look of excitement on your dragon’s face when you tell him about your catch. Boar meat was rare to come by - well, somewhat rare - considering it was a fool’s folly to hunt for one without someone to accompany you. However, today, you’d managed to stumble across an injured one and tried your luck - and as it turned out, your luck had won out. Though, you do chalk most of it down to Seokjin’s archery training. The elf had tried his hardest to impart onto you some of his skill; and apparently, he’d been successful, since you’d managed to skewer the boar with one, well placed shot to the head, consequently putting it out of its misery.
You continue your way back home, practically moving on muscle memory alone - you’d walked this same path more times than you could count - the trek ingrained into the soles of your feet. The dense thicket of trees, while almost identical to each other, doesn’t confuse you as they used to and you find yourself easily navigating through the forest. It doesn’t take you long to reach home, and moments later, you approach the giant tower nestled within the dense canopy of the enchanted forest.
Taking a deep breath, you bite your lip before quickening your steps, more than excited to get dinner started. One small glance at the sky lets you know that dusk will soon approach, the sun low in the sky, casting its darkened luminescence across the forest floor. Nearing the heavy wooden door, you take in its appearance. The dark wood has faded over time, greyed from its rich cherrywood colour to a duskier oak colour. Thick clusters of moss have settled into the grooves of the bark, blanketing the hardwood in a layer of soft fuzz. Large grey slabs of stone surround the door, making up the walls of the tower and vines of ivy and honeysuckle creep along the sides, brightening up the dull grey with its vivid emerald foliage and vibrant chromatic petals.
Once, long ago, the tower seemed daunting to you. Of course it had, with its towering stature and imposing appearance. You could remember it somewhat fuzzily, despite it being so long ago. When the knights had first dropped you off, you’d only been seven years old, and you’d no idea what had been going on. Back then, the tower had seemed daunting - of course, it had, you were just a child. Vaguely, you remember the knight who had escorted you into the forest - his sweeping blonde hair and wary green eyes burned into the back of your mind - and still, you can hear his voice, almost hesitant as he thrust the small basket of food into your hands before telling you this would be your new home, and that he was sorry. Then, you didn’t really know what he’d been apologising for - now you do - he was apologising for being the one to have abandoned you.
From the hazy images in your memory, you have a vague recollection of why you’d been left here: your stepmother had convinced your father to abandon you, after your mother’s death, under the impression that you would be saved by a prince - your knight in shining armour. You had expected your father to fight for you, but distraught by the death of your mother, and your face only a cruel reminder of her, he’d agreed to his wife’s wishes, and thus, you’d been whisked away into the enchanted forest that bordered your kingdom.
The moment the knight had left, jumping onto his white stallion before riding back out, you’d called out to him - begged him to take you back with him - but your pleas had fallen on deaf ears. Scared, you’d retreated into the dark tower, its tall walls looming over your small frame as you desperately cried out for your father. In the blackened room, with the sun setting, you had feared for your life, curling into a ball and crying into your hands as you wished for someone to come help you.
And someone had.
In the most unlikely of forms.
Twelve years ago
You watch in panic and despair as the knight rides off on his horse; the stallion’s mane fluttering in the wind beside him. The clip-clop of the horse’s gallop soon fades, leaving you in the quiet forest. Terror immediately floods through your being as you look around the forest for any signs of life. There isn’t any. You’re completely alone. Looking at the wicker basket of food next to you, your bottom lip juts out, trembling as tears well in your eyes. You’re all alone.
Picking up the basket, you waddle into the tower, the dimness of the room only illuminated by thick beams of waning sunlight that filtered in through the sparse and sporadically carved out arched windows in the walls. Walking over to one of the corners, you slowly sit down, looking at the tower fearfully. The knight had said this was your new home - but you don’t want it to be your new home. You wanted your old home. Nothing about this tower feels like home; it’s dark, dreary and crushingly isolated.
Though, loneliness is something you’re used to.
Ever since your mother died, you’ve been lonely. Distraught by the death of his first wife, your father had sequestered himself from you and thrown himself into his kingly duties, leaving you completely alone. Then, mere months after your mother’s untimely departure, your father had remarried and your loneliness had only increased as you watched your father and stepmother rule the kingdom.
Curling up into a ball, you pull your knees up to your chest, your chin resting between the kneecaps. Sobs fill the air, your quiet whimpers floating through the atmosphere; the broken cries juxtaposed against the eerie quiet of the forest and the solitude of the tower. The sun slowly sets over the horizon, the dusky colours of twilight blackening the sky in darkened shades of gold, mauve, and lavender. With each second that passes by, the tower grows darker, the chill of the evening wind slowly setting into your bones as you start to shiver.
All of a sudden, you hear the crunching of twigs and the crackling of dried out leaves. The hair on the back of your neck stands on their ends, your skin prickling with goosebumps - and not from the cold. Instantly, you stifle your sobs, low whimpers escaping your mouth, even as you try to muffle them. Footsteps shuffle closer, a heavy presence lingering in the air as you try to curl tighter into a ball, attempting to make yourself as small as possible.
The footsteps move closer and soon you hear the door to the tower creak open. Palpitating heavily in your chest, all you can hear is your heartbeat thundering - so loud it feels like it's right beside your eardrums. A high pitch whimper escapes your lips, wondering if it's an animal or one of the forest creatures who’ve come for you.
“Are you okay?” a voice calls out, shock evident in the voice. You let out a small whine, curling tighter into yourself. The newcomer grows quiet, a tense silence thickening the atmosphere. You try to stay as quiet as possible, hoping whoever it is will leave you alone.
“Are you all alone?” the voice asks this time. You freeze, your heart still beating rapidly in your chest, even as confusion seeps into your skin. The voice is timid and slightly wary, but it’s sweet and high-pitched - almost comforting. With great trepidation, you slowly lift your head, only to come face to face with a young boy standing in the doorway of the tower. Blinking owlishly, you stare at him blankly.
Quietly, and warily, you take him in - your eyes trailing over his features. He looks fairly human - with lithe limbs, and soft features: rounded, ample cheeks and a gently sloping jaw - both juxtaposed by a sharp, pointed nose. His hair is dark in colour, and though he’s silhouetted by the sunset, you note the russet tinge to his hair, his locks falling gently to frame his forehead. If you didn’t know better, you’d consider him human - if it weren’t for his eyes. They’re a light yellow-hued hazel, almost glowing in the darkroom of the tower, and the pupils are slit vertically. A ripple of fear shoots through you, and you shuffle further back against the wall, keeping your wary eyes steady on him.
“Why are you here? Do you need some help?” the boy asks again. He moves to step closer to you, one hand reaching towards you. However, his actions cause you to immediately stiffen. Noticing your muscles tense, the boy immediately stills before retreating - but not before throwing his hands up in surrender.
“I just want to help. I heard you crying. Are you here alone?” he repeats once again. Hesitantly, you nod, answering him this time. The boy bites his lip, his eyes drooping slightly in sadness.
“I can help you if you want? I live here - in this tower I mean. I’m Hoseok,” he introduces, pushing the door wider open before fully entering the room. Once again, you stiffen slightly but Hoseok does his best to stay away from you, giving you space as he flits about his tower. You watch his every movement, keeping your distrustful eyes on him. He turns to a small window carved out into one of the walls, his nose crinkling in distaste as he takes in the darkening sky.
“It’s gonna be very dark soon. But don’t worry! I have some candles!” Hoseok says cheerily, sending a smile your way. You watch as he walks to the wall, staring up at the rusted iron candle fittings several feet above his head. Tilting your head to the side curiously, you wonder how he’s going to light the candles - they’re far too high for him to reach. Noticing your curiosity and slight skepticism, he sends you a cheeky smile, and then all of a sudden, his cheeks puff out.
Your eyes widen as he releases a strong puff of breath, fire shooting out of his mouth in a strong stream - almost like a flamethrower. The jet of flames bursts through the air, dowsing the candle in its fire before lighting the wick. It’s a miracle the candle wax doesn’t melt into a puddle. You stare at him in awe, watching as he repeatedly blows puffs of fire, lighting up the entire tower in a bright amber glow, the residual heat of his fiery breath tingling over your chilled skin. Hoseok turns back to you, a look of absolute victory on his face, his eyes slitted into little half-moons and cheeks pulled under them as the eyelids crinkle in the corner. You don’t notice any of it - instead completely in awe of the suddenly bright room.
“Did you like that?” Hoseok asks, causing you to nod, still completely starstruck over his display of power. Sensing that you’re slightly less wary, Hoseok quietens down before levelling his curious gaze at you. You watch him quietly, still curled up into a ball as you wonder what he’s thinking. Then - he slowly approaches. Your eyes widen, fear once again gripping at you - but he moves slowly, one step at a time, so as not to scare you.
“Are you feeling better now?” Hoseok asks timidly; his gaze briefly flicks to your tear-stained cheeks before returning it to your own gaze. Pulling your lip between your teeth, you nod hesitantly. You do feel slightly better - though, fear, confusion, and sadness still linger around you. You’re alone now - abandoned by your family and left in this isolated tower to fend for yourself. Well, not so alone - you think, momentarily glancing at Hoseok.
Then, almost as if reading your mind, “Are you alone here?” Hoseok asks, echoing your thoughts. Muscles locking, you shrink into yourself before once again nodding. “Why?”
Shrugging, “My parents don’t want me anymore,” you reply quietly, tears brimming in your eyes. The rustle of fabric fills the air as Hoseok squats down to your level, looking at you with wide, bewitching hazel eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Hoseok replies gently - nothing but truth evident in his eyes. Eyebrows furrowing, you cock your head to the side, but before you can ask why he��s sorry, he continues, “but it’s okay - because you’re not alone. I’m here now!” The words fall out of his mouth easily, a bright grin on his face, his lips pulled into the shape of a heart. Instantly, your heart soars, hope blooming inside your chest. You should know better than to trust strangers, your father had taught you that much - but your father had also been the one to abandon you - and you were desperate for someone, anyone, to relieve the ache of loneliness that you’d gotten so used to.
“I’m ____,” you finally introduce yourself, “I’m… I was a princess,” you continue, before your voice trails off. Hoseok only grins in response. Then, he stands back up before holding out his hand for you. His palms are small, chubby little fingers sticking out. You look at it intently, as if it held all the secrets to the world.
“Well, ____, I’m a dragon! And from now on, I’m gonna be your dragon! I’ll protect you!” Hoseok promises, his voice full of conviction and promise.
Then, he grabs your smaller hand in his and pulls you up to your feet.
The memory fades from your mind, a fond smile on your face. That night, Hoseok had cooked you some herbal broth, made from the different plants he’d foraged in the forest. You remember it being extremely bitter, borderline inedible, and nothing like the food you’d gotten in the castle - but you hadn’t minded. No, because the entire time you’d watched the nine-year-old painstakingly bend over a pot, with a fire he kept going himself, just to cook you a meal - despite being a mere two years older than you, having no culinary experience and only needing to feed himself before. Back then, and even now, you appreciated the gesture. It had meant the world to you.
Not to mention, that for the first time since your mother died, you hadn’t felt so lonely. Hoseok had been a blessing - one you had desperately wished for every night since your mother’s death and your father’s abandonment. In every way, shape, and form, he’d crushed your loneliness, giving you much-needed company, friendship - and not to mention, a family; because the next day, he’d introduced you to his friends, the different creatures of the forest.
“____? Wake up! I want you to meet some people!” Hoseok’s high-pitched voices calls out. With a soft groan, you awaken from your slumber. Opening your eyes, you come face to face with the boy you’d only just met yesterday. His kind eyes smile at you, his lips pulled into a cheery grin.
“What?” you groggily ask.
“Come meet my friends!” Hoseok says cheerily. Your eyes widen, nervousness colouring your veins. Hoseok’s friends? It shouldn’t sound as daunting as it is - but it does - because you’ve never met them before. What if they don’t like you? What if they get Hoseok to leave you? What if you’re left alone again? The thought terrifies you - you’ve only known Hoseok for a short while, but you were already coming to rely on him - he was your first friend after all.
“Oh! Here! There was food in your basket - have some breakfast,” Hoseok says, thrusting out a little loaf of bread and some cheese towards you. Blinking owlishly, your sleep fogged mind reels slightly. Nevertheless, the smell of the food has your stomach rumbling, and graciously you accept Hoseok’s offering - but not before breaking the loaf and handing him some. Hoseok looks at you in surprise, but takes the food from you nonetheless.
“Come on then! They’re waiting to meet you,” Hoseok says before holding out his hand for you. With trepidation, you place your smaller hand in his; and despite your fear, you decide to trust Hoseok - because he’s all you have now.
The two of you wander through the tower, down the spiral steps until you’re back at the entrance. With each step, your nervousness grows, your palms turning clammy as you grip Hoseok’s hand tighter. “Are you okay?” Hoseok asks, his slightly pointed ears twitching as he hears your heartbeat quicken. Taking a deep breath, you swallow thickly before nodding.
“I’m okay,” you manage to squeak out. Hoseok’s head cocks slightly, looking at you in uncertainty, however, you squeeze his hand to reassure him, causing him to squeeze back.
“Let’s go then. I promise they’re nice,” Hoseok whispers quietly before opening the door and guiding you out.
Instantly, sunlight floods through the door, your eyes squinting immediately as you try to adjust to the bright light. Once your eyes have adjusted, Hoseok leads you past a dense brush of bushes and down a covertly hidden, narrow path. You both walk for a couple of minutes before you find yourselves at a little clearing nestled in the middle of the woods. From just past the clearing, you can hear raucous laughter and happy chattering, a particularly thick bush acting as a barrier between you and Hoseok’s friends.
It only takes a couple of moments for Hoseok to peel apart the bush, creating a narrow path for you to walk through - and then, you’re greeted by six young boys. Two boys are running around the riverbank that cuts through the glade, another boy floating in the river as he happily splashes the two boys chasing each other. Another one is happily resting on a tree branch, his eyes closed and little snores escaping his nose as he naps. The last two boys are sat on a boulder, simply watching over the rest of the boys: observing them. Welcomed by the sight of the six unknown boys, you can’t help but cower behind Hoseok, hiding most of your body behind his slightly taller one as you peer in curiosity over his shoulder.
The first person to notice the two of you is one of the boys on the boulder. As soon as he stands up, your eyes grow wide - he looks to be a couple of years older than even Hoseok, but still pretty young, yet he stands tall - much taller than you and Hoseok - and straight. He’s dressed in brown leather, with a bow and quiver full of arrows strapped to his back. Stalking over to the two of you, he draws the attention of all the other boys, except the sleeping one.
“Hi! Welcome to the enchanted forest,” the tall boy greets, a friendly smile on his face. His hair is dark, framing his face and his bright amber eyes are kind. “I’m Seokjin, it’s nice to meet you,” he introduces. Ducking your head, you shyly curtsey to him, not knowing how else to greet him. Your gesture causes Seokjin to chuckle, Hoseok frowning before stepping further in front of you, levelling a glare on the older boy. Noticing his protectiveness, Seokjin simply laughs at the dragon.
“She’s here!” the boy in the river cries. Instantly, the two on the riverbank stop chasing each other. You watch from over Hoseok’s shoulder as the two boys start running towards you - but they’re not what has most of your attention. No, it’s the boy from the river. You watch as he pulls himself onto land, your eyes widening it awe at the tail attached to his torso. However, it doesn’t last long - because the moment it touches land, they transform into legs. Eyes glued to him, you’re completely intrigued by how he stands up before approaching you slowly with shaky legs and you can’t help but giggle over how adorable he is. Suddenly, one of the boys turns around and quickly walks over to him, letting the merman lean on him as the two of them approach you.
“Hi! I’m Jimin, it’s nice to meet you,” Jimin introduces, reaching you first, the other two still walking slowly, the merman’s wobbly legs strengthening slightly with each step they take. You turn your attention to Jimin. He’s around your height, with adorable puffy cheeks, warm rose-pink eyes, pale blonde hair, and pointed ears. Noticing your gaze, currently glued to his ears, Jimin smiles brightly. “Have you never seen a nymph before?” he asks. Blushing at being caught staring, you shake your head but mumble out an apology. “It’s alright! We haven’t seen a human this close either!” Jimin replies easily, nonchalance laced in his voice.
“That’s Namjoon - he’s a griffin,” Jimin says, pointing towards the boy still sitting on the boulder. He watches you intently, his honey, eagle eyes trained on you as his white-feathered, pointed ears stand erect, perched on the top of his head, between his platinum-white hair. His gaze slightly unnerves you, causing you to shrink further behind Hoseok.
“Joon! Stop that,” Hoseok growls out, snapping at the other boy. Namjoon blinks owlishly before blushing sheepishly.
You watch as he rubs the back of his head before cocking his head to the side. “Sorry,” Namjoon mumbles under his breath.
“You’ll get used to him. He’s really nice, he’s just wary of new people,” Seokjin whispers conspiratorially in your ear.
“Yeah, don’t worry, we’re all nice I promise,” Jimin says, popping up on your either side. Both their actions cause you to jump suddenly. When did they sneak up beside you? Noticing you jerk, they both apologise before stepping back.
“Sorry, sorry,” Seokjin and Jimin call out at once, before backing off.
“Ignore them, they’re all just excited to meet you. I’m Yoongi by the way,” comes out a new, unfamiliar voice. Your gaze moves to the boy on the tree - except now, he’s fully awake. Perched on the tree, he simply looks at you through his pale pink locks; his emerald-green eyes glowing so vibrantly that you can see them even with the distance between the two of you.
“Guys! Stop it, you’re scaring her!” Hoseok whines, stomping his little foot.
“It’s okay Hoseok! They’re just being nice,” you quickly call out, shaking your head at him - not wanting to offend his friends. As overwhelming as it is meeting them, they seem friendly enough - not to mention that none of them seem to dislike you, putting you more at ease. Finally, the last two boys appear. One of them, the smaller of the two, has bright red, almost orange toned hair, glowing in the sunlight: almost as if he’s on fire. The second, slightly taller one - the merman - has dark blue hair paired with icy blue eyes.
“I’m Taehyung! This is Jungkook!” the blue-haired merman greets you, smiling brightly, even as he leans heavily on the smaller boy - who you now know to be Jungkook. “I’m a merman,” Taehyung says proudly, a bright smile on his face.
Teal eyes flashing in annoyance, “And I’m a phoenix!” Jungkook butts in, pouting slightly when the older boy doesn’t introduce him before elbowing him in the rib playfully. Taehyung, however, only laughs him off.
Heart gripping, you can’t help but be jealous of the interaction. You’ve never had friends you could play with like that. Suddenly, Taehyung jerks slightly, his knees buckling under his weight. Before he can fall, Seokjin and Jimin’s hands instantly reach out for him, steadying the merman. The brief action only causes your chest to tighten. Is that what having friends was like? “Are you okay?” you blurt out, looking at Taehyung’s wobbly legs worriedly. The merman blinks at you before letting out a sheepish, boxy smile.
“Uh… Yeah... it’s just a little weird - I’m not used to having legs. But Hoseok couldn’t stop talking about you this morning and we all wanted to meet you!” Taehyung replies. You look up at Hoseok curiously, the younger boy’s cheeks tinging pink as he looks away, rubbing the back of his head shyly.
“Don’t tell her that… it’s embarrassing,” Hoseok mumbles under his breath. You stare at him for a couple of moments before letting out a little giggle. The boys look at you in surprise as you laugh, before turning to each other in confusion. You can’t help yourself, however, because as strange as the experience is, you find yourself happier than you’ve been in a long time. You’ve never been surrounded by this many children before. Back when you were a princess, you didn’t have any friends - only the children of dukes and duchesses to play with; and even they would only visit every so often, when their parents had business with yours.
“____?” Hoseok asks, poking your cheek as he tries to get your attention. Biting your lip, you greet them all with a bright smile - a real one. You smile so wide, it hurts your cheeks, but you can’t help yourself.
“It’s nice to meet you all! I’m ____, I hope we can be friends,” you blurt out without thinking. Silence fills the air for a couple of moments causing you to bite your lips. Had you made a mistake? Deflating slightly, you shrink under their blank stares, their curious gaze focused intently on you. Had you done something wrong in your excitement? Was asking to be their friend too much? Would Hoseok leave you now?
The silence stretches on for what seems like an eternity - but in reality, it is only a couple of moments. Then, all of a sudden, it’s broken by a chorus of laughter. Your eyes widen as all the boys begin chuckling. Fearing the worst, your fists clench into the skirt of your dress, balling the material as you hold it tightly.
“Yeah! Let’s be friends. For a long time,” the boys all chime in, bright smiles on their faces. Even Namjoon chimes in, his once wary gaze softening as he looks at your small, frightened frame. The moment those words fall from their lips, your heart soars, your chest lifting as happiness blooms within you.
Friends. You have friends.
Drawn out of your musings, you blink in surprise at your surroundings. Somehow, you’d moved on muscle memory alone - and now, were by the firepit in the room that served as both your kitchen and dining room in the tower. Except, you hadn’t just moved to this room on muscle memory, you’d also somehow managed to begin cooking dinner. Blinking in confusion at the cut-up vegetables and meat, you simply shake your head. Turning to the pot hanging over the firepit, the vessel already filled with the water, you add in the vegetables and meat before haphazardly throwing in the herbs for the stew. However, without Hoseok, you’re unable to light the fire under the pot, which means you have to go find him.
You turn to one of the windows, your eyes narrowing when you realise it’s going to be dark soon. Yet, Hoseok still isn’t home. Eyebrows furrowing, you decide that perhaps it may be worth looking for him. You have a while for the stew to cook anyway - and there are only a few places Hoseok could be - that is - if he’s nearby. Grabbing your cloak to shield you from the evening chill, you wrap it around your shoulders before making your way up the tower. Briefly, you stop in your room, wondering if Hoseok was in there. He isn’t - and travelling a little further up, you know he’s not in his own room either.
With a sigh of frustration, you descend back down the stairs, checking each room of the tower for any signs of your best friend. He’s not in any of them, which means he’s either in his den or in the Goblin’s Glade - the little clearing where you and your friends hang out. You decide to try the den, considering it’s a little closer than the meadow. Exiting the tower, you head off in the direction you know Hoseok’s den to be in.
You remember the first time you’d found out Hoseok had a secret den - you’d heard the stories of course, about dragons and their dens - and how they would steal treasures from people to horde in their nests. You hadn’t believed any of them, especially since Hoseok had never shown any tendency for hoarding - nor had you ever seen a den. Until he’d disappeared one day - when you were twelve years old.
Seven years ago
“Hobi?” you call out, wandering through the tower as you scour the area for your draconic best friend. Small pout marring your face, your eyebrows scrunch as he’s nowhere to be found. Leaving the confines of the tower, you look around the clearing for any signs of the copper-haired dragon.
“Hobi?!” you shout once again, your voice carrying through the forest.
“____, what’s up?” a voice suddenly asks. Jumping, you let out a shriek before turning to the newcomer. Namjoon hovers over you, his large eagle wings spanning around him as he glides on the air.
“Namjoon! Don’t do that!” you cry out, sending him a scowl. The older boy simply laughs at you before gracefully landing on the ground. Or at least, it would have been a graceful landing - if he hadn’t been Namjoon, because in classic Namjoon fashion, the moment his feet land, he almost trips. “Will you ever stop being so clumsy?” you tease, cocking your hip to the side and placing your hands on them.
Namjoon sneers at that, dusting himself off, “One day! I’m still getting used to them you know,” he mutters under your breath. You let out a little giggle at his words. It had surprised you that the forest creatures weren’t born with every one of their attributes - no instead, they slowly came into them over time - kind of like their own version of adulthood. Sure, they were born with some fantastical features - like their eyes, or ears - but the rest usually came with age. Seokjin had fully come into his elven self, and thus his magic, when he’d turned fourteen - three years after you had met him, and Yoongi had fully transitioned into a dryad the year after Seokjin’s.
Namjoon, however, had only come into his wings a month ago, when he’d turned fourteen. Briefly, you wonder when Hoseok would change. So far, he still looked mostly human - if it weren’t for his draconic eyes. “Thinking about Hoseok?” Namjoon asks, a cheeky grin on his face as his dimple indent. Instantly, your face heats before you playfully smack him. Or at least, you attempt to - but Namjoon sees it coming, his eagle eyes catching the movement instantaneously and allowing him to dodge.
“Does the wittle pwincess still have a wittle cwush on Hobi Hobi?” Namjoon teases as he reaches out to pinch your cheeks. Batting his hands away, his words cause your cheeks to heat further.
“Sh-shut up! It’s not like that!” you screech in indignation. Namjoon lets out a little tut before looking at you impishly.
“If you say so, Princess,” he sing songs.
“Stop calling me that!” you scowl, stomping your foot while letting out a huff.
“Okay, okay! Anyway, why were you calling out for Hoseok?” Namjoon asks, looking at you curiously. Cheeks still flushed, your nose scrunches as you remember why you left the tower.
“I can’t find him, do you know where he is?” you ask, cocking your head to the side, your previous ire completely forgotten. Namjoon’s eyebrows furrow in worry.
“Was he not in the tower? He’s not with any of us. Jimin, Tae and Kook are playing in the Merfolk Mangroves and Seokjin and Yoongi went to the forest edge for a walk. I was reading in my nest when I heard you calling out for Hoseok,” Namjoon replies. Hearing that, your eyebrows only furrow further in confusion.
“But- he told me he was staying with you last night? He was supposed to be back this morning, but he hadn’t shown up. It’s afternoon now, so he should have been back,” you inform. The look of shock and slight unease on Namjoon’s face worries you. “What’s wrong?” you ask.
“He wasn’t with me last night,” Namjoon replies. Your eyes widen slightly, heart thundering in your chest. Had Hoseok lied to you? Seeing the worry evident on your face, Namjoon reaches out and places a hand on your shoulder. “It’s okay, I can track him,” Namjoon says. Biting your lip, you nod your head, watching as Namjoon begins sniffing the air for Hoseok’s scent.
“He’s… he’s close?” Namjoon says, confusion laced in his voice. Namjoon gestures towards you to follow him as he begins walking behind the tower. You follow him through the thicket of trees, Namjoon sniffing the air every now and then as he tracks his friend.
Eventually, you reach a small hollowed-out cave. Your head cocks to the side as you take it in. Trees grow out of the rocks, the roots entwining around the boulders that form the entrance to the cave. Vines of ivy hang down around the entrance as iridescent mushrooms and flowers bloom around the bark that surrounds the cave. Moss blankets almost every other inch of the cave, the plush, vibrant foliage cushioning the rough terrain of the rock.
“He’s in there - and I think I hear snoring,” Namjoon says. His words confuse you - why would Hoseok be sleeping in there? Especially when he has his own room in the tower you both live in. Sure, the tower isn’t the epitome of comfort, but surely it would be better than a cave. “You wanna go in?” Namjoon asks. Taking a deep breath, you nod. Hoseok had never hidden from you before, you’ve lived together for five, almost six years now - you didn’t keep secrets from each other.
Slowly, the two of you approach the cave, dread settling deeper and deeper into your bones with every step you take. Once you pass the threshold of the cave, you expect it to be dark, and dimly lit by the light from the entrance - however, just like the tower, the inside is lit up by Hoseok’s dragon flames.
Illuminated by brilliant, amber flames of Hoseok’s dragon fire, the interior flashes in almost blinding light. Scores and scores of treasure litter the cave, different trinkets of gold and silver strewn across haphazardly. The cave is larger than you expected, Hoseok laying in the middle of it all, curled up on a little mound of gold coins. However, he doesn’t look completely like Hoseok.
No - instead, there’s a large tail springing out from his back, the leather looking appendage curling around the treasure and flicking absentmindedly as your best friend sleeps. The tail isn’t the only difference, however: two large, leather wings curl around his body, the limbs dwarfing his smaller frame, and two curled horns twist out of his head. The scales that make up his draconic features are a copper tinted red, glowing an iridescent scarlet in the bright lighting of his flames.
Suddenly, his nose twitches and then with a whine, and a huff - a puff of smoke escaping his nose - Hoseok blinks awake. The moment his eyes open, you’re met with his familiar hazel eyes, his gaze instantly finding and locking with yours. The two of you stare at each other for what feels like millennia, Namjoon quietly sneaking out and leaving the two of you by yourself.
All of a sudden, Hoseok springs to his feet, his draconic features retreating into his body as he looks at you in fear. “____- I can explain,” Hoseok quickly calls out, taking a few steps towards you. But immediately tears pool in your eyes, and before he can reach you, you run out of the cave. Blindly, you race through the forest, your chest aching with each step you take - though, you don’t know whether it’s from running or from the heartache of seeing Hoseok’s draconian attributes.
Out of the blue, you hear the heavy beating of wings before arms wind around your small form, bringing you to a stop. The telltale scent of burnt amber and pine fills your senses and despite yourself, you find yourself calming down. Sinking into Hoseok’s scent, tears heavily pool into your eyes. “Why?” you croak out, not understanding why Hoseok would hide such a huge part of himself from you. When had he changed? You know it doesn’t happen overnight - and with the amount he’s changed, it has to have been a while. How long had he kept something this big from you?
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to see me like that, I’m sorry. Please don’t be scared of me. ____, please,” Hoseok begins crying, little whimpers escaping his lips as he holds you tighter. Over and over again, he keeps muttering out little apologies, his tears falling onto your shoulder and wetting the cotton of your shirt. His words ricochet through your ears, ringing loudly throughout your being. Why was he apologising?
Placing your hands onto his arm, you slowly unwind them from your body before turning to him. When you see him again, he looks like he’s always done - human - other than his eyes. The bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks mirror yours, you know they do - but unlike yours - his are filled with fear, trepidation and dread. “Hoseok? Hobi- what are you talking about? I’m not afraid of you. Why would I be?” you ask him, pushing away your hurt at having him hide his draconian form from you.
“You ran away from me- after seeing me… like that,” Hoseok whispers, his voice carrying heavy through the quiet forest. Your eyes widen as you realise what he’s talking about - he thinks you’re afraid of him.
“Idiot. I ran because I was hurt, not because I was scared,” you reply quietly, your head lowering to look at the ground. He thought you were scared? How could you be? He’s Hoseok. He’s your best friend - the one who had saved you from your loneliness all those years ago.
“Hurt?” Hoseok repeats, looking at you in confusion. Nodding, you kick your feet slightly.
“You went through your change... but you didn’t tell me. Why?” you ask. Had you done something to betray his trust? Had you done something that made him feel like he couldn’t be completely honest with you?
“I was scared… I don’t- I don’t look human anymore. What if you didn’t want to be my friend anymore? What if you start to hate me?” Hoseok asks, his voice hoarse as he lays his insecurities at your feet. Tears brim in your eyes and you let out a little cry before running and hugging him tightly.
“I could never hate you- or be scared of you. Hoseok, you are my best friend. My dragonbest friend. I ran away because you kept this big secret from me. Not because I was scared of you. I’m sorry,” you apologise, feeling somewhat responsible for his pain.
“I’m sorry too. I should have trusted you…” Hoseok mumbles, returning your hug. You smile into his hug. “Are you sure… you won’t hate me? Or be scared of me? Now that I look like a monster?” Hoseok asks. You tut and shake your head.
“You’re not a monster - you’re a dragon. My dragon, remember? You promised. And yes, I’m sure,” you reply earnestly. Nothing but sincerity in your voice, Hoseok frowns.
“Because you were there for me... when no one else was.”
Entering Hoseok’s den, you note that the torches are lit up and as usual, the dazzling amber-gold flames illuminate the cave. Hoseok’s treasure trove had grown over the years - your dragon unable to help himself whenever he’d see something shiny. Sometimes, he’d even travel to the villages that bordered the forest, looking for any shiny trinkets he could find. Gold coins, precious jewels and various different ornate articles are strewn all over the place. You know Hoseok has no use for them nor does he have any concept of monetary value - he only collects them because he likes them - but you can’t help but liken them to the gold coffers of the palace. Not that you remember much of them - just that they were filled with excessive wealth.
Eyes scouring over the cave, you find no sign of your dragon and with a sigh, you exit the den. That left only one more place he could be: the Goblin’s Glade - if he was around here. Though, looking at the sky, you know there’s no real reason for him to be anywhere else. If by some chance he’d ventured further into the forest, you had no idea where he could be - but the chances of that are slim; Hoseok very rarely went somewhere without telling you, especially now.
Turning on your heel, you trek back the way you came. Your feet move automatically as you trudge through the grass and towards the Goblin’s Glade. You’d been there so many times, the meadow being where you would frequently meet up with the rest of your friends, that the path towards it was ingrained in the soles of your feet. Some of your fondest memories took place in the meadow - including the first time you had really realised the extent of your feelings for Hoseok. Sure, you’d always had a crush on him - who wouldn’t, he was the most enamouring dragon shifter you’d ever met. Well - really the only one, but you had met other creatures - and you’d never been attracted to them like you had Hoseok.
Three years ago
“Get her!” Jimin calls out, the nymph running after you, even as you agilely escape his clutches. Your eyes widen in surprise when Jimin pops up in front of you all of a sudden.
Looking at him from the corner of your eyes, the first thing that you notice is the mahogany vines that ensnare his thick neck, pale pink blossoms and vibrant jade leaves adorning the vines. The next thing you notice is his eyes flashing magenta before he swipes you with his arm. Moving on instinct honed into you by Seokjin, you instantly duck, narrowly evading his hand. Jimin cries out in surprise and a cackle of triumph escapes your lips as you watch the nymph trip over a tree root - clearly, Yoongi had caused it to grow rapidly from the ground. Momentarily, you turn to the dryad, perched on a tree branch above you and smile at him in gratefulness.
“Thanks, Yoongi!” you call out. Suddenly, a flash of dark hair catches your eyes from the corner of your eyes - Seokjin. You let out a tut of annoyance before ducking under the elf’s arm as he attempts to wrap his arms around you. Turning around, you grin at Seokjin, sticking your tongue out before continuing your sprint.
The eight of you were currently playing a game Jungkook had coined ‘Capture the Princess’ - in which, the lot of you were split into two teams of four, one holding the princess and her knights - and the other team making up the evil villains. Really, it was just an overcomplicated game of tag. Usually, you’d draw lots for who got to be the princess, and much to your chagrin, today you’d drawn the shortest stick. Of course, it gave your friends a wonderful reason to tease you about your royal heritage - even though you’d long since abandoned it.
Your current team consisted of Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung - the three making up the ‘knights’ while Seokjin, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook made up the villains. With Jimin’s ankle still entangled in the roots thanks to Yoongi, and Namjoon having tackled Seokjin out of the blue, you’re left with Hoseok and Jungkook chasing you. The two-winged shifters fly above you, causing you to yelp in surprise as you make a break for the riverbank.
“____ watch out!” Taehyung calls out from the river - usually, he’d be on the ground running with the rest of you - however, after the third game he’d grown tired of his legs and retreated back to the water- feeling much more comfortable with his tail. Your eyes widen as Taehyung ricochets a jet of water just past your left shoulder, where Jungkook had attempted to swoop down to capture you. The stream of water collides directly with Jungkook’s wings, drowning the feathers in water and grounding him.
“Damn it, Taehyung! You know I can’t fly properly with wet wings,” Jungkook scowls, the competitiveness in him flaring as he pouts over missing his opportunity to capture you. A sudden flare of heat emanates from behind you, and despite yourself, you turn to look back. Jungkook’s wings are ablaze, dazzling with golden flames, the vermillion and crimson feathers scintillating under the amber-hued flashes of fire. However, the momentary distraction is all you need for Hoseok to catch up to you.
“I’ve got you!” Hoseok calls in triumph, his clawed hand gently reaching out for you. In a last-ditch effort to evade him, you skid to a halt and lower yourself, attempting to duck. However, the minute you do, your foot slides against the slippery riverbank and you feel yourself falling backwards. Hoseok instantly calls out your name, reaching for you - but it’s too late - because you’ve already fallen into the river.
The ice-cold water rushes around you, drenching your entire body in its frigid embrace. Rapidly rushing currents surround you as you submerge further into the river, your heart racing as you desperately try to hold your breath, even as you claw for the surface - but it’s n use, because the current is far too strong for you to fight - or even attempt to swim to the surface. Heart hammering in your chest, you try to keep yourself as calm as possible - knowing Taehyung would come to your rescue soon.
You don’t have to wait long, because moments after being submerged, you notice Taehyung’s strong, ice-blue scaled tail. Even deep in the river, his tail iridescences with a pearlescent hue, drawing attention to it. Desperately, you reach out for him, Taehyung’s tail beating in an almost entrancing motion as he swims towards you. It only takes him a couple of moments to fight the current and reach you, even as you’re carried further down the river. Within moments, Taehyung reaches out to you, grasping your outstretched hand tightly before turning and swimming back upwards.
Breaching the surface, you gasp for air, Taehyung quickly dragging you towards the edge of the riverbank. Instantly, you begin coughing and sputtering, trying to get the water out of your lungs before gasping for air. Strong arms wrap around you, pulling you into an incredibly warm chest, the scent of burnt amber and pine filling your senses. Though, this time, you don’t need his scent to tell you it’s Hoseok - you can feel it just from the intensity of the heat he’s radiating.
“Fuck. ____, are you okay?” Hoseok asks, his hands rapidly moving over your arms, whimpers escaping his lips as he feels how utterly cold your skin is.
“F-Fine. J-J-Just cold,” you stutter out, your body shivering in an attempt to warm you up.
“You need to get her home, Hoseok,” Seokjin calls out. Hoseok nods swiftly before picking you up in his arms easily. However, you don’t hear much else, because soon, you’re blacking out.
The next thing you know, you’re waking up in your bed. Your eyebrows furrow as the memories come rushing back and you let out a small groan. By the Old Elders, you had to be more careful - the riverbank was dangerous, the surface of the river deceptively calm; hiding not only the depth but the strong currents underneath as well. The boys had warned you - hell, Taehyung himself had warned you, knowing better than anyone how harsh the currents were. Really, having experienced it, you have to wonder just howstrong Taehyung’s tail is for him to so easily navigate through those harsh conditions.
Sighing, you snuggle further into the mattress, more than happy to relish in the warmth after the freezing depths of the river. With a relaxed sigh, you snuggle further into the hard warmth that surrounds you. Wait. Hard warmth? Your bed isn’t hard. Instantly, your eyes shoot open and you come face-to-chest with none other than Hoseok. Involuntarily, a squeak of surprise escapes your lips - why was he in your bed?
Of course, this isn’t the first time you’d shared a bed - Hoseok would frequently crawl into your bed when you were younger, both as a medium of heat during the cold nights the sparse tower would experience, as well as a deterrent to your nightmares. Of course, you’d outgrown the nightmares ultimately, and eventually, you and Hoseok had created better furniture and bedding to protect yourselves - well, more you - from the cold winter nights.
Now, however, it feels different. He’s pressed tightly against you, blazing heat emanating from his chest - most likely in an attempt to warm you up, a gesture you were incredibly grateful for. Shifting back slightly, you use the opportunity to study him a little. It’s dark outside, the large window letting in thick streams of moonlight to light up your room. Had you slept the entire evening away?
Bright beams of moonlight settle over Hoseok, causing his deep, tanned skin to gleam under the pristine light. You’ve always known Hoseok is beautiful - but under the moonlight, he looks completely and utterly ethereal. His russet hair glistens, the long locks falling into his eyes. Your eyes trace his features, the elegant slant of his nose, his defined, sharp jaw, the soft swells of his cheeks - not to mention his heart-shaped, soft and utterly kissable lips.
Kissable lips?
Instantly, heat floods your cheeks. Kissable?! Why the hell had that crossed your mind. Did you want to kiss Hoseok? I mean, of course you’ve thought about it - he was far too attractive for his own good. Not to mention how kind he is; or how his smile lights up the room, and how really, he’s the only person who can make you feel safe. Fuck - the boys had always teased you about your childhood crush, but had it somehow morphed into something more over the years?
“Boar meat… ____,” Hoseok mumbles under his breath, his eyes moving under his eyelids as he dreams about whatever it is he’s dreaming off. His mutters cause you to giggle slightly, even as you attempt to stifle them so as not to wake him up. Your gaze flicking over his features, and a smile involuntarily curling over your face, you can’t help but roll your eyes playfully as he continues mumbling. Suddenly, you stop - because if you’re smiling over the fact that he muttered your name after boar meat, you’ve got to have it bad.
“____… that’s my gold,” Hoseok mutters almost incoherently, his eyebrows furrowing slightly, a pout forming on his face. Shaking your head, you snuggle closer to him, your head resting in the crook of his nest. The moment you shuffle closer to him, Hoseok places his nose against your head before he takes in a deep breath, his arm tightening around your waist. By the Old Elders, he’s such a dork. But at least, he’s your dork.
Drawn out of your reverie, you arrive at the open field, a smile on your face as you remember the day fondly. There was nothing that soothed you or brought you as much happiness as Hoseok’s embrace. Something about being in his arms just felt right, felt like safety - like home, in a way nothing else did. Which is why, you have to find him soon - because with every moment that passes without you knowing where he is, or if he’s okay, your heart grips with worry and fear. You have no idea what you would do if you lost Hoseok.
Entering the clearing, you scan the area for any signs of life, your friends, or even Hoseok. However, as usual, no one is to be seen. You pull your lower lip between your teeth, chewing on it as worry clouds your head. It’s dark now: the sun has long since set. The moon is out in full force, illuminating the forest in its dewy, pristine light. That was something you were eternally grateful for - the magic of the forest amplified the moonlight, allowing all the creatures that made the forest their home to see clearly at night. Nonetheless, bioluminescent mushrooms light the ground, prismatic flowers incandesce around the trees: their vines clinging to the bark, while opalescent fireflies flitter about; their gleaming light only lighting up the forest further. It’s as if, under the light of the moon, the forest came to life.
Hoping beyond hope, and sending a silent prayer to any of the Old Elders of the Forest that would listen to you, you pray that you had somehow missed Hoseok and that by some miracle he was back at the tower. A sliver of dread passes through you, what if something had happened to him? It was no longer safe for him to be out for long times - not since you’d turned eighteen. The day after your eighteenth birthday, princes and their guards had begun turning up at the forest, looking for you, ready to slay the dragon and rescue you. Of course, it was all ridiculous - because you didn’t needrescuing - you’re happy where you are - with Hoseok. Sure, you’d tried explaining that to the princes, but they hadn’t listened to you, instead, trying their best to fight Hoseok.
All of a sudden, you hear a commotion coming from near where your tower is located. It seems like people are yelling and your chest immediately tightens, your eyes widening as your hands begin trembling with fear. Then, a roar. A dragon roar. Turning on your heel instantly, you sprint back towards the tower, your feet thundering across the grass-cushioned ground as you run as fast as you can. Racing back, your heart hammers in your chest, your lungs burning for oxygen while the muscles in your leg smart at being pushed so hard so suddenly - but you implore them to move faster - you have to get to Hoseok.
Skidding to a halt when you reach the tower, your heart leaps to the back of your throat, your knees almost buckling at the sight. Hoseok is heavily leaning on Yoongi, the dryad’s support the only thing keeping him up. Seokjin, Taehyung, and Namjoon driving off the last of the vanguard, the knights retreating under the merciless barrage of arrows, rapid jets of water and unrelenting gusts of wind from your friends. Bright flashes light up the night as magic spells fly around, the guards trying their best to retreat from the commotion. However, you ignore your friends, instead, running towards Hoseok.
“W-what happened?” you cry out as you help Yoongi support Hoseok. Your dragon whines reassuringly, though it comes out more pained than anything, trying to let you know he’s okay. Now that you’re closer to him, you notice the sheen of perspiration that coats his forehead, his clothing ripped in various places, belying the various cuts and scrapes that litter his skin.
“Those knights invaded the forest. They were looking for you and found Hoseok instead. When we heard the commotion, Hoseok was already fighting them - he’s badly hurt. One of them shot him in the stomach as he tried to flee,” Yoongi replies through gritted teeth. Involuntarily, a sob escapes your lips, though you stifle it. This is no time for you to be crying, Hoseok needs your help.
Carrying Hoseok into the tower, you and Yoongi begin lifting him up the stairs. “We need to get him to my room. His room is too far up the tower, we won’t be able to get him up there,” you quickly say, even as you try to blink away the tears. This is all your fault. If you weren’t with Hoseok, if Hoseok hadn’t promised to protect you, none of this would be happening to him.
“Stop worrying - he’ll be fine. Jimin went to get Jungkook,” Yoongi snaps, his green eyes flashing. You bite your lip - you’d spent so much time with the boys, that you could read each other clearly. “Also stop blaming yourself. You belong here, and Hoseok would fight anyone and anything that would try taking you away,” Yoongi reprimands and you know he means well, but it only has you feeling guiltier.
“That’s the problem,” you whisper. You don’t want Hoseok to fight, you want him safe, with you, for as long as you can have him. Before Yoongi can reply, the door to the tower bursts open, Namjoon and Seokjin quickly scaling the tower stairs and reaching you in no time. Seokjin swiftly takes your position, helping Hoseok up the stairs and towards your room, something you’re utterly thankful for. Hoseok was a lot heavier than he looked.
“How are you doing?” Namjoon asks, looking at you in worry. His eyes trail from your tear-filled eyes to your slightly swollen face.
“I’m not the one hurt, Namjoon,” you reply, almost bitterly.
It’s all your fault.
As if reading your thoughts, Namjoon pulls you in for a hug. His strong arms wrap around your body, enveloping it in his embrace, but your hands stay limply against your sides. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t ask to have those princes come to save you. None of us blame you, and Hoseok definitely doesn’t either,” Namjoon says quietly. A sob escaping your mouth, you muffle them, and instead, causing you to hiccup.
“But I blame myself,” you reply quietly. Namjoon tuts slightly but tightens his embrace.
“Come on, let’s go. Jungkook’s probably already up there,” Namjoon says before taking your hand in his and leading you up towards your room. You get there just in time to see Jungkook fly in through your window, his body shifted into his complete phoenix form as Jimin clings to his back.
You watch as Jungkook perches beside your bed, leaning over Hoseok, his glowing teal eyes roving over each and every inch of Hoseok’s body as he examines all his injuries. His gaze stops directly over his stomach, where an open wound lies - most likely where the arrow punctured Hoseok. Closing his eyes, Jungkook lets little teardrops fall over Hoseok’s body, starting from his stomach and making his way around any cuts and scrapes your dragon has. Instantly, the phoenix tears begin working their magic, Hoseok’s skin knitting back together until it seems he hasn’t been hurt at all. Seeing his wounds clear up, you let out a deep sigh of relief. Once he’s all patched up, Jungkook shifts back into his human form.
“He’s fine now, his wounds are all healed. But he’ll need to rest for a couple of hours. He’ll also need some food to get up his strength, he’s pretty much exhausted of any energy,” Jungkook informs, his gaze levelled on you.
“I have dinner prepared, but I can’t get the fire started without Hoseok,” you mutter.
Nodding, “Alright, let’s go. I’ll light it up for you,” Jungkook says before gesturing you out of the room.
“We’ll also leave. We’ll see you tomorrow to check up on him,” Seokjin says before guiding the rest of the members out. However, before leaving, he places his hand on your shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly. You relish in his comfort, sending him a grateful smile. Then he leaves.
Guiding Jungkook towards the kitchen, you gesture him towards the filled pot. Gently, Jungkook sucks in a deep breath before blowing gently, a stream of golden flames emanating from his mouth. It’s not as ferocious as Hoseok’s fire, nor does it burn at hot, but there’s a certain warmth through it. You watch as Jungkook leans over the pot, a grin on his face. “Boar meat? He’ll love that when he wakes up,” he comments, stirring the pot. Then, you watch in confusion as Jungkook drops another tear into the pot. “That’ll help him gain his strength quicker. Don’t worry so much, when he wakes up he’ll be fully healed and as energised as he always is,” Jungkook says. You nod quietly, muttering your thanks.
Jungkook looks at you intently, your eyes downcast and refusing to meet his gaze. “It’s not-” Jungkook begins, but before he can finish, you let out a bitter scoff.
“It’s not my fault I know. Everyone keeps saying that, but it feels like my fault. If I wasn’t here, Hoseok wouldn’t be hurt. If I wasn’t here, those princes and knights wouldn’t come to the forest. If I wasn’t here, you’d all be better off. I’m a danger to all of you,” you suddenly burst out, your fists clenched as you breathe heavily.
“Do you really believe that?” Jungkook asks, his head cocking to the side. Jaw flexing as you grit your teeth, you nod while clenching your fist tighter, your fingernails digging into your skin.
“Yeah okay. Sure, if you weren’t here Hoseok wouldn’t be hurt. And sure, if you weren’t here those princes and knights wouldn’t keep coming. But you’re wrong in thinking that we’d be better without you. Hoseok would be heartbroken - he’d be crushed if you were to go. And so would the rest of us. We’re not just friends anymore, ____. We’re family. And every single one of us loves you and we’d fight to keep you here. In the forest. Where you belong. With us. Because that’s what family do,” Jungkook says, nothing but conviction in his eyes.
His words cause your eyes to tear up, your chest swelling with all the emotions you feel. Guilt. Worry. Happiness. Love. The conflicting feelings well up in your chest, causing your throat to tighten. It’s like you’re tongue-tied, unable to even form the words to express what Jungkook’s words mean to you. So instead, you simply smile at him, Jungkook responding with his own reassuring smile.
“I’ve got to go, but take care of him alright? And stop feeling so sorry for yourself,” Jungkook jokes.
Then, with a wink, you watch as his back lights up with blazing gold flames, and then, he flies out the window. You turn to the pot, watching the water boil as the meat and vegetables soften into a thick stew. Grabbing a ladle, you begin stirring the pot absentmindedly, wondering how long it’d be till Hoseok woke up.
Once the stew is ready, you grab a bowl and begin serving Hoseok a portion. Carefully, you carry it up to your room before placing it on the rickety table beside your bed. The sight of the table brings a sad smile on your face. It’s uneven, and wobbles but Hoseok had built it for you with his own hands when you were both younger. With a deep breath, you pull up a ramshackle chair and sit besides Hoseok, simply watching over him. You sit for a while, tending to Hoseok - wiping the sweat off of his forehead, brushing his hair out of his eyes and ensuring he’s comfortable.
Once again, the moonlight streams through your window, highlighting his elegant features. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he were the prince sent to rescue you. But you do know better - and he’s no prince. He’s a dragon. Your dragon. Soft sigh escaping your lips, you think back to your eighteenth birthday. It had been so easy back then, before the princes had started coming.
10 months ago
Feet shuffling, “Are you sure we can do this?” you ask, looking at Hoseok uneasily. Even as you utter your words, your dragon best friend ignores you, instead, pulling a boat out of a small alcove. You’re currently in the Merfolk Mangroves, the river that runs through it being the only way to sneak out of the enchanted forest. Sure, you could always walk to the border, but then you risked being stopped by the elves that patrolled the border - and Hoseok didn’t want any questions.
“It’s alright - don’t worry. It’s a special day, we’re gonna do something exciting!” Hoseok says cheerily as he tethers the dingy boat to the docks.
Looking around nervously, you do as Hoseok says: keeping a lookout. You’ve been to the Merfolk Mangroves a fair amount in your time in the forest, yet it never fails to amaze you each and every time. Gigantuous roots from the even more colossal mangroves twist and wind around the area, providing the environment with plenty of cover. The roots are a deep oak in colour, the bark obscured by thick blankets of olivine moss and supple viridian leaves. Streams of water drip from the roots of the mangroves, cascading downwards and into the river the runs along the forest floor.
The musky scent of the earth and the dewy scent of freshwater is thick in the air, clouding your scenes and bathing your nose in its enticing smell. An array of different creatures make their home in the Merfolk Mangroves - merfolk, of course, live in the different shallows of water - surface merfolk closer to to the riverbank and deep-river merfolk further down towards the riverbed. Nymphs, fae and elves made their homes on the branches and canopies of the trees; and of course, dryads of all kinds carved intricate burrows into the trunks. In fact, the Merfolk Mangroves is where most of the population of the forest lived - only very few lived outside the safety and magic of its comfort.
Suddenly, a voice calls out “Whatcha doing?” Instantaneously, you jump, almost slipping on the slippery bank. However, before you can fall, two hands steady you. Once comes from behind you: Hoseok, and the other, from in front. Fuck. It’s Seokjin. Looking behind him, you let out a moan of lamentation - because the rest of the boys - except for Taehyung - are also behind him, the lot of them looking at you cheekily. Though, you have no doubt that Taehyung is somewhere in the river.
“Going somewhere?” comes Taehyung’s deep, gravelly voice, causing you to sigh - and there he is.
“How did you find us?” Hoseok yells in indignation, throwing the rope that tethers the boat to the pier down. The boys only chuckle, before looking around.
“Some elves noticed you and ____ sneaking around and informed me - and well, some mermaids spotted you here and told Taehyung. So, where ya going?” Seokjin says. Hoseok curses under his breath, more than miffed that his plan had been ruined.
Hand running through his hair, “It’s ____’s eighteenth birthday - I’m taking her to the village on the edge of the forest to celebrate,” Hoseok mumbles under his breath, knowing you’ve been caught. Though, you do count your blessings that Seokjin is the elven prince - meaning that you’re not really in trouble for trying to sneak out. It had come as a surprise to you when you’d found out your friend, and the boy who’d been like your older brother while growing up, was next in line for the throne - but it had made sense. Seokjin is a powerful elf, and probably the best marksman in the entire elven vanguard.
“Hoseokie, you know it’s dangerous for the forest creatures to leave. Humans don’t like us - they hunt us for fun. Just last week a unicorn was found dead at our borders,” Seokjin says warily. Your eyes widen, a gasp falling from your lips. Unicorns were wholly innocent - who would want to kill one? Just the thought of it has you feeling sick.
“I know… I just… I wanted to do something different for her,” Hoseok mutters before looking away, his eyes downcast. Eyes softening, you look at him tenderly.
“Hobi… you don’t have to do that for me,” you reply, Hoseok shrugging.
“I know I don’t- but I want to,” comes his reply.
Seokjin lets out a little sigh before running his hand through his hair. You look at him curiously - he stands tall, his dark hair falling to his shoulders, some strands swept out of his face. Bright gold eyes glitter in the sparse beams of light that fall through the mangrove canopy, his pointed ears twitching slightly.
“There’s a tavern - just on the outskirts of the forest. It’s run by a fae I knew when I was younger. Humans and magical creatures are both allowed, but because of that, you can imagine it’s not the nicest of places. I’ll grant you permission to go for today,” Seokjin begins. As soon as he begins speaking, Hoseok’s ears twitch, his head snapping up and excitement brimming in his deep hazel eyes. “However,” Seokjin continues, a teasing smirk crawling on his face, “we have to come with you,” he finishes.
Spluttering in outrage, “What?! Why?” Hoseok bursts.
“It’s ____’s eighteenth birthday, do you really think we’d forget? Or not want to celebrate with her?” Yoongi asks, his eyes rolling as he looks pointedly at Hoseok.
“Yeah, I can’t believe you didn’t invite us,” Jimin pouts, looking at Hoseok in playful ire.
“It’s not fair Hoseokie, you can’t keep the princess to yourself,” Namjoon teases, a knowing look evident on his face. Hearing his words, both you and Hoseok blush brightly, your heads turning from each other, even as you sneakily steal side glances towards the other.
“Come on! Let’s go! I’m excited, I’ve never been out the forest,” Jungkook says, already jumping into the boat. Knowing there’s no way to get his friends to leave, Hoseok lets out a sigh of defeat, his shoulders drooping. Really, he was hoping it would be just you and him, but with the arrival of his stubborn friends, he knew it wouldn’t be possible. Really, this was the real reason he had tried to sneak out.
The seven of you cautiously enter the boat, Taehyung choosing to swim beside you until you reached the outskirts of the forest. Though, you think he did it more considering how cramped the small boat already was. You’re currently pressed between Hoseok and Yoongi’s laps, Jimin sitting on Seokjin’s lap as Namjoon and Jungkook squeeze themselves in the back.
The eight of you float down the river, carried by the gentle current Taehyung generates with his powerful tail, making sure that the boat doesn’t catch the more powerful currents underneath. You watch in awe as the forest passes you by - different creatures milling about. Fairies flitter around the high tree branches, showers of magic and fairy dust falling gently from their wings. Little pods of merfolk swim around, some sitting on the boulders on the shore waving to Taehyung before giggling between themselves.
“Woah look at that,” Jungkook says, pointing to the other side of the river. You all turn your gaze, your eyes widening when you spot the pegasus at the edge, gently sipping water.
“By the Elders, it’s rare to see pegasi, even in the forest. They’re male celestial beings, - borne only under certain conditions - when a drop of moonlight falls from the sky and onto a morning glory. Being solitary beasts, they shy away from the rest of the forest’s creatures. Today must be a lucky day, huh ____?” Seokjin asks, smiling happily at you. You nod slowly, unable to take your eyes off the creature.
Its coat is as white as white could be - so pure that it glows softly with every movement - as if made of moonlight - though, from what Seokjin says, they are moonlight themselves. His mane idly drifts around him, dancing with each gentle wisp of wind that combs through his hair. Large, white-feathered wings spring out from his back, the wingspan almost dwarfing his equine body. Each further is iridescent, gleaming in a kaleidoscope of pure pastel colours. You’ve never seen anything like it - and you’ll never see anything like it again. You can feel it - this is a once in a lifetime experience.
“There it is! The edge of the forest!” Jimin calls out, abruptly standing up in the boat and pointing towards a clearing. His sudden movement causes the boat to rock dangerously, everyone yelling out in surprise.
“Jimin! Be careful,” Namjoon admonishes. The nymph lets out a sheepish smile before taking his seat on Seokjin’s lap again.
As soon as you float through the clearing, Taehyung twists the water currents, helping the boat move to shore. Hoping out, Seokjin and hoseok drag the boat the rest of the way onto the shore, docking it until you’re ready to return home. The alcove you find yourselves is attached by a small stream to the river that runs through the enchanted forest, and really, it doesn’t look all that different. Trees line the alcove, providing ample shade with its supple foliage. The sand is soft, your sandals sinking into the ground as soon as you step onto it - but something is different.
There’s no magic in the air. No potent crackling of life or enchanting tingles or energy wafting through the atmosphere. It feels slightly strange - empty - especially since you’ve been used to the forest’s magic for over a decade of your life. Suddenly, you feel a little uneasy. Was it okay for you to leave? Would your friends be okay? Almost as if sensing your worry, Hoseok walks up beside you, his hand entwining in yours before he squeezes it reassuringly. You look up at him, smiling at him in thanks before returning his squeeze.
“Are we ready?” Seokjin asks, taking charge of navigation - which makes sense, considering he’s the only one who knows where the tavern is. You turn to the rest of your friends, noticing Taehyung’s already pulled himself out of the river and is now dressed in simple brown trousers, leather boots and a white shirt. It always surprised you that he could simply magic up some clothes for himself whenever he stepped out the water.
Guiding the group out of the alcove and out of the sparse underbrush of shrubbery, Seokjin brings you to a little hut just on the outskirts of the forest. You spot little lights a little further down - a small village just a few kilometres further down from the forest edge. You follow Seokjin closely, the group practically glued to him as you look around in wonder.
The moment you enter the tavern, your senses are overwhelmed. The atmosphere is warm, borderline stuffy from all the patrons crowding it - really, you’d be lucky to get a table for all of you together. The scent of alcohol is thick in the air, the pungent smell burning your nostrils, causing you to wrinkle your nose. Abruptly, someone bumps into you, pushing you out of the way and spilling some ale on your shoes. With a little frustrated sigh, you push further against Hoseok. Why had you chosen to come here when you could be doing something else? However, remember how excited Hoseok had been to take you out of the forest, you can’t help but smile. He had meant well, and really, this is all Seokjin’s fault anyway - he’s the one who suggested the tavern.
“Jaebum!” Seokjin calls out, the bartender looking up. His eyes flash mulberry for a moment, his dark hair framing his face in that typical, dark, bad boy style. His pointed ears are pierced in multiple locations, a silver ring sitting on his bottom lip. Even his nose and cheek are pierced - how many piercings did one guy need?
“Seokjin, what brings you to my neck of the woods? The forest too boring for you?” Jaebum asks snarkily. Seokjin simply rolls his eyes before gesturing to the group.
“It’s my friend’s birthday. We need a table,” Seokjin says simply. Jaebum rolls his own eyes before shrugging.
“Nowhere’s available,” comes Jaebum’s simple answer.
With a tut, “You know that’s not true. You couldn’t best me in illusions when we were younger, and you definitely can’t best me now,” Seokjin replies, a victorious smirk crawling onto his face. Illusions? You watch as Jaebum scowls, and then suddenly, the atmosphere ripples before changing. You watch in awe as the once crowded bar dies down right before your eyes. It’s still full, just not nearly as much as it was before. You even easily spot a table large enough to hold you and your friends.
“Thanks, Bummie,” Seokjin sing songs, causing the bartender to scowl further. Seokjin leads you to the table, gesturing to Jaebum to bring each of you a pint of ale. Appearing out of thin air, you expect a tankard of ale or something similar - but you’re pleasantly surprised by the jug of a sweet-smelling beverage in front of you.
“It’s Sugar Venom - a fae spirit. Some of the best there is. Jaebum may be a shitty spellcast, but no one can ferment spirits quite like him,” Seokjin says, a large grin on his face as he sips his drink. You watch as each of the boys looks at it curiously, before taking a sip. The sweetness tingles on your lips, the drink easily going down from how enticingly saccharine it is.
Almost an hour after drinking, all of you find yourself pleasantly tipsy, your tongue loosened by the flowing alcohol. Only Seokjin, Hoseok and Jungkook find themselves unaffected by the effects of the fae spirit. Seokjin because he was more than used to his fair share of alcohol, while Hoseok and Jungkook were unable to become intoxicated in any way - their high body temperature burning off alcohol quicker than it could affect them.
“Y-You know, hic-” Namjoon slurs, being interrupted by a hiccup, “you and ____ would make such a cute couple, Hobi,” Namjoon continues, a sleepy smile on his face. Seokjin lets out a chuckle, clapping Namjoon on the back while Jungkook snickers, Hoseok looking away in embarrassment. He steals a glance towards you; you’re smiling gently, your cheeks flushed as you look at him coyly. Though, he’s unsure if the warmth to your cheeks is because of the alcohol or embarrassment.
“I agree! How long are you gonna make us wait, Hobi? We’re tired of watching you and ____, you know,” Jimin scowls, his voice coming out louder than he’d intended. Yoongi hushes him, the two falling into a fit of giggles over seemingly nothing.
“Come on Hobi-Hobi, we’re all waiting,” Taehyung joins in, waggling his eyebrows suggestively at the dragon. Well, attempting to waggle them - in his inebriated state of mind he only manages to move them slightly.
“Yeah Hobi, ____ has been waiting a very long time for you to tell her you love her. Do you not love ____, Hobi?” you ask, your words surprising everyone. Hoseok looks at you in alarm as you begin addressing yourself in the third person, ranting and raving about how it’s not fair that he’s made you wait this long for a confession.
“____, are you okay?” Seokjin asks, looking at you in worry, even as a hint of amusement shines in his eyes.
“No!” you pout, your arms crossing around your chest as you look at Hoseok, “____ has been waiting very long for Hobi to say he loves ____. It’s not fair. ____ loves Hobi very much…” you trail off, “but he doesn’t love ____,” you mumble under your breath. The effects of the alcohol are clear and you know usually, you wouldn’t dare say any of this, but the alcohol has made you loosen your inhibitions slightly, your tongue freed under its influence. Hoseok’s heart begins beating roughly as he hears your unintended confession. Do you mean you love him as a friend… or something more?
“____ just wants Hobi kisses,” you pout, pathetically lamenting to yourself in your tipsy state. Hoseok takes in a deep breath, his heart fluttering in his chest. You love him? Like he loves you? Unable to suppress it, a wide grin crawls onto Hoseok’s face. He reaches out towards you, slipping your hand between his, your fingers entwining as he squeezes it reassuringly. Feeling his touch, you perk up, your demeanour doing a completely one-eighty as you begin smiling brightly.
“Hey pretty lady, can I buy you a drink?” comes a voice from behind you. You don’t notice, too busy gazing at Hoseok with starstruck eyes. However, immediately, Hoseok, Seokjin and Jungkook are alert, eyeing the large man in steel armour behind you warily.
“Oi, lady,” the man repeats, trying to get you to notice him, only to get annoyed when he realises your undivided attention is on the dragon next to you. Noticing the man lift his hand, Hoseok’s eyes flash dangerously, immense heat radiating around him. The boys at the table suddenly jump, blinking wearily, alcohol still clouding their heads, as they look at Hoseok’s, the tavern’s temperature rising rapidly.
“Hoseok,” Seokjin warns, looking around warily. The man’s friends have obviously noticed the commotion, all of them placing their hands on their weapons, ready to defend their friend.
“Just move along,” Hoseok growls, the sound low and threatening.
The man, realising the danger of the situation, puts his hands up in surrender before retreating. Before he leaves, however, “Why would a human want to be with a monster of all things,” he drunkenly mutters under his breath. Instantly, the heat surrounding Hoseok is doused, his spine-shivering as if Taehyung had dumped ice-cold water down his back. Hoseok’s hand turns limp in your hand, his previous happiness forgotten. The guard had a point - why would you ever want to be with him? He was a dragon, he lived in a forest - and sure you did too - but he could never give you the life you deserved.
“You could have hurt her, you know,” Seokjin sighs, shaking his head at Hoseok. The dragon simply sends an annoyed glance towards the older boy, a huff escaping his nose.
“I’d never hurt her. My flames can’t hurt her,” Hoseok says, Seokjin’s eyes widening at the admission, realising the gravity of Seokjin’s words. A fire dragon’s flames burned hotter than hellfire - and Hoseok wasn’t just an ordinary fire dragon - he was a sun dragon: their flames burning at hot and bright as the sun itself. For Hoseok’s flames to not be able to hurt you, there was only one explanation. Hoseok had chosen you to be his mate.
“Hoseok, are you serious? Does she know?” Seokjin asks, looking at you. The dragon simply shakes his head before standing up. He holds his hand out for you, and eagerly, you place yours in his. Pulling you to your feet, you stumble slightly, Hoseok easily catching you before steadying you against his side. Grinning brightly at him, you muster your alcohol-given courage, and stepping on your tip-toes, place a kiss on his cheek.
“We should go home. It’s getting late,” Hoseok says, ignoring the way his skin tingles from where your soft lips brushed oh so innocently against his flesh.
Seokjin looks at him pointedly before nodding. Waving his hands at the boys, he urges them to get up. One hand wrapped around your waist, he guides you out of the tavern, but not before throwing a leather-bound bag of gold to Jaebum in payment for the alcohol. Hoseok crinkles his nose in distaste, not really wanting to hand over his precious gold to the barkeep, but knowing it was worth it if you had a good birthday.
The next thing you know, you’re waking up in your bedroom, Hoseok gently placing you down on your bed. When had you fallen asleep? You remember Hoseok carrying you out of the bar and towards the boat. He’d been incredibly warm, his body heat a creature comfort against the chill of the night. Clearly, you’d fallen asleep on the journey home. “Hoseok?” you croak. The haziness of the alcohol had mostly ebbed away by now, your cheeks tinging pink as you remember how you’d acted earlier in the night. You’re just lucky it’s dark in your bedroom, preventing Hoseok from noticing your embarrassment.
“Shh, it’s okay. Go back to sleep,” Hoseok mumbles, as he tucks you into bed.
Swallowing thickly, you gather up your courage. You had to say in now, “I meant what I said earlier. I like you… more than a friend,” you rasp, swallowing once again as the words escape your lips. Hoseok smiles gently at you, brushing your hair out of your face. Your eyelids flutter, your forehead nuzzling into the warmth of his hand.
“I know you did, but… can you give me some time?” Hoseok asks, his voice quiet, as if afraid to utter out the words. Smiling tenderly at him, you sluggishly lift your hand and entwine your fingers into his.
Then, bringing his hand to your lips, you press a soft kiss against the back of his hand. “Time? I’ll give you all the time you need, Hoseok. I’d wait for you forever. I love you,” you whisper, voice laced with nothing but love. Hoseok’s chest tightens, his heart fluttering between his ribcage.
“I love you too,” Hoseok whispers back, however, you’re already fast asleep, his confession falling on deaf ears. He sits for another few moments, simply watching you sleep. He does love you - there’s no truer truth in the world than his love for you. It was only reinforced by his dragon choosing you as his mate. But his mind flashes back to the tavern, ‘Why would a human want to be with a monster of all things’. The man’s words ring loudly in his head, and Hoseok has to wonder if his love was enough for you - if he was enough for you.
Looking at Hoseok, you smile sadly at him. You had meant what you said that night, you would wait forever for him - but looking at him now, you wonder if you even should. After that night, the knights and princes had started invading the forest - looking out for you. They would come randomly, giving Hoseok no time to prepare for them, but your dragon is strong, and fierce and ferocious - with the power of the sun burning inside his chest, and time after time, he’d manage to drive away the princes or knights, or whoever came for you.
Except for today.
Today is the first time Hoseok’s been so badly injured - if it were anywhere else, the arrows would have deflected off of his dragonhide, his scales harder than the strongest metals. But he’d been hit in his stomach, the only weak point in his leather armour. It has been almost a year since they started coming for you - though, you have no idea why. You know your stepmother had said to leave you here till a prince could come to save you, but you hadn’t believed her. You knew she wanted to be rid of you - so whywere they coming? It doesn’t make sense.
You avert your gaze from Hoseok’s face, instead, staring intently at his hand. Hesitantly, you reach out for it, mindless playing with his fingers as you ponder your thoughts. Was it worth going back? You didn’t want Hoseok to be hurt - you never want to see him like this again. But in order to never see him hurt again, you have to never see him again and you don’t think your heart could take it. For the last decade, Hoseok is all you’ve known, all you’ve needed. Could you so easily leave him? Definitely not - at least, not easily. But you could leave him - it would hurt, more than you could even imagine - but you could do it, if it meant he’d be safe.
“Should- should I leave?” you mutter quietly to yourself, your eyebrows furrowing.
“Please don’t,” comes a hoarse reply.
Head snapping towards Hoseok, your eyes widen as you realise he’s awake. “Hoseok!” you cry out. Immediately, you begin fussing over him, making sure he’s okay. Hoseok lets out a little chuckle before grabbing your hands and stilling you.
“I’m okay. I’m a dragon remember? Also, nothing will heal you faster than Jungkook’s tears,” Hoseok says, smiling brightly at you. Your heart grips in your chest seeing his smile, the little dimples indenting above his lips.
“Oh! That reminds me, here, you should eat,” you say, picking up the bowl of the now cold stew and handing it to Hoseok. “Sorry it’s cold, I made it a while ago,” you apologise. Hoseok simply stares at the bowl, however, blinking in disbelief.
Taking a deep breath, “Is that boar meat?” Hoseok asks, his body perking up. Despite yourself, you smile at him, nodding happily. Hoseok swiftly grabs the bowl from you, then lightly breathing fire under the bowl, he heats it up again before tucking in. You simply watch him quietly, relishing in how happy he looks with a simple bowl of boar stew. Even doing the most mundane of things, he’s enticing.
As he eats, your earlier question still plays in your mind. Over and over again, like a broken record, your mind questions whether you should just leave - go back to the Kingdom with the next prince that comes for you. Finishing off his meal, Hoseok lets out a moan of gratitude before placing the bowl down. You get up to take it, however, Hoseok reaches out, his large hand wrapping around your wrist and halting you. You freeze, looking at him in surprise. His gaze is firm, yet melancholy, bright hazel eyes boring straight into yours.
“Would you really leave me?” Hoseok asks, his voice barely audible - just above a whisper. Goosebumps pricking at your skin, your face crumples with emotion.
“I don’t want to leave you Hoseok, but I- I can’t stand seeing you hurt. I can’t help but feel guilty because I’m the reason they’re coming, and I’m the reason for you being hurt. Seeing you today- I don’t- I don’t want to lose you,” you sniffle, your words coming out broken as you breathe deeply, trying to hold the tears back.
“If you don’t want to lose me, why would you leave?” Hoseok asks, not understanding your logic. Well, he does - somewhat - but it still doesn’t make sense. It’s not like any of the princes could best him in battle anyway - the only reason he was hurt today was because he was caught off guard.
“To protect you! It’s my fault you were hurt today,” you reply with a sniffle. Hoseok looks at you pointedly, shaking his head.
“It’s not your fault-” Hoseok begins and you open your mouth to argue, but Hoseok stops you. Abruptly, he tugs at your wrist, pulling you into his chest. Arms wrapping around you, he holds you close, “It’s not your fault because I choose to fight for you, ____. I promised you I’d protect you. I’ll never stop protecting you, ____ and I’ll never stop fighting for you - because you belong here. In this forest. In this tower. With me,” Hoseok says. Conviction is strong in his voice, his eyes staring at you earnestly.
“What if you get tired of protecting me? What if I lose you?” you mumble, burying your head in the crook of his neck. Burnt amber and pine fill your senses, your eyes fluttering shut as you breathe him in. Nothing felt like safety - nothing felt like home - the same way Hoseok did.
“I would never tire of protecting you and you would never lose me. I’m here for as long as you want me,” Hoseok says, his lithe arm tightening around your waist.
“How are you so sure?” you question, your heartbeat thundering in your chest. Hoseok is always attentive - but this time, his touch is different - more intimate. His head drops to your shoulder, his nose nuzzling into the crook of your neck - and if you didn’t know any better, you’d swear he just took in a deep breath.
Goosebumps prickle at your skin as Hoseok’s hand wanders down your arm, your skin tingling under his touch. When he gets to your hand, he wraps your palm in his much large one while lacing his fingers between yours. Gently lifting your hand, his head shifts as he presses a soft kiss to the inside of your wrist, “Because I love you. Because you’re who I chose to be my mate. Because I would protect you until the end of the world,” he confesses, his voice soft and heavily laden with emotion.
“W-what?” you ask. Pushing him back slightly, you shift over him, absentmindedly making yourself more comfortable on his lap as you stare at him in disbelief. Hoseok smiles gently at you from underneath, one hand reaching up and cupping your face.
“You’re my mate, ____. You’re who I choose to spend the rest of my life with. But- only if you want to,” Hoseok replies, pulling your chin down and leaning his forehead against yours. You stare intently into his eyes, your heart beating so rapidly you worry it’s going to burst right out of your chest. Searching, you stare into his eyes, looking for any sign of deceit, any sign of a lie - Hoseok has never lied to you before, but you have to make sure.
“A-Are you sure? You want to spend the rest of your life with me?” you ask, suddenly feeling nervous. You were just a human - someone who hadn’t even been wanted by your own parents, abandoned in the tower at a young age - did he really want to mate with you?
“Yes. You’re the only person I want to be with… but do you want to be with me?” Hoseok asks, his eyes imploring yours. Eyebrows furrowing, you look at him in confusion.
“Why would I not want to be with you? You’re the only person I want to be with too, Hoseok,” you ask, rubbing your nose against his. Hoseok lets out a dejected sigh, his eyes slightly downcast as his warm breath fans your lips.
“Because I’m a monster,” Hoseok whispers, his heart-gripping. He knows that’s what humans see him as - just like that man in the tavern that day. He’ll only ever be a monster to humans and you deserve someone better than a monster.
Placing your hands under his chin, you lift his face up. Hoseok’s eyes meet yours, his widening as he notices the mix of melancholy, understand and love in your eyes. “I meant what I said all those years ago, my love,” you say gently, Hoseok’s eyes widening in the slightest at the term of endearment. Lips curling into a tender smile, you place your head against his again and close your eyes, “You’re not a monster - you’re a dragon. My dragon,” you continue. Your words echo through his memory, and he remembers that day - when you were twelve and he was fourteen - months after he’d gone through his change. He’d hidden from you back then too, scared of how you’d seen him, but just like today, you’d alleviated all his fears with those same, simple words.
“I love you, Hoseok. Every. Single. Inch. Of you. And I want to be with you and only you - forever,” you whisper against his lips. Hoseok’s eyes flicker to your lips, your own eyes still closed as you hold him close. With every one of your words, your lips brush against him - enticing him further into you. He’s the one who’s made of magic, made of sunlight and fire, yet it’s you that has him completely bewitched and enthralled.
He wonders what your lips would feel like against yours - what you’d taste like - but, he doesn’t have to wait long - because the next thing he knows, your lips are softly pressed against his.
Soft lips against yours, Hoseok’s eyes widen for a fraction of a moment before slipping shut. He’d spent nights imagining what your lips would feel like, but his imagination could never do you any justice. Instinctively, his hand moves to loosely grip your neck, your own hands moving of their own accord to twist around his shoulders, pulling him flush against you. Deepening the kiss, Hoseok swipes at your lips, begging for entrance - and easily, you concede to him. Tongue slipping between your teeth, the silky appendage sensuously moves against yours, bathings your tastebuds in his saccharine taste.
Your kiss is slow - and sensual - your lips gently moving in tandem with each other as you slowly take in each other. Completely lost in each other, the entirety of the world gently ebbs away - until all you can taste, sense and smell are each other - as if you’re the only two people in the universe. Shifting on his lap, you press yourself further against Hoseok, the dragon letting out a small whine as you brush against his hardened length.
Breaking apart from your lips, Hoseok pants heavily, looking at you heavily, “W-we should stop now if you don’t want to go any further,” Hoseok breathes out. Shaking your head, you place another tender kiss to his lips before hiking your dress further up your thighs, the material pooling around Hoseok’s lap. With your movement, he takes in a sharp breath, the scent of your arousal permeating the air. It’s incredibly faint - but his enhanced senses pick it up.
“I want to- I want you, please,” you rasp out, your own heavy breaths intermingling with his. A guttural, almost animalistic sound emanates from Hoseok’s throat - the sound vibrating through the air and straight to your loins. Hoseok’s hands move to your waist before languidly resting on your hips - his thumbs gently rubbing them with his thumbs. Manoeuvring you closer to him, he lightly begins peppering kisses down the outline of your jaw and towards your shapely neck. Stopping by your jugular, Hoseok hums before nipping the skin there. Hands moving from his shoulders to entangle into his hair, a shallow gasp departs your lips as you feel him almost imperceptibly suckle at your flesh.
“Will you let me mark you?” Hoseok asks, nuzzling the same spot with his nose before taking a deep breath. Your naturally sweet fragrance mingles with the deeper tinges of arousal seeping from you, the intoxication scent slowly driving him while.
Feeling him purr against you, you nod above him, “Mate with me, Hoseok. Mark me as yours,” you reply breathlessly. His eyes roll into the back of his skull, his shaft twitching with excitement as you whisper the words - not a single moment of hesitation. He’d never thought words could sound so enticing.
Humming in appreciation, Hoseok diverts his attention away from your neck and down your sternum. Littering his descent with soft kisses, Hoseok’s lips flit across your skin, lavishing you with their soft attention. Writhing over his lap, you slowly begin grinding into his hips - your own moving instinctively. A groan of pleasure emanates from both your lips at the added friction, and tiring of the slow pace, you move your hands off of his shoulders. Pulling away from Hoseok, your dragon watches you intently, his glowing hazel eyes never leaving yours. Shy smile on your lips, you move your hands to the thick straps that hold your dress up, and then with a deep breath, mustering up all the courage you have, you slip them off of your shoulders.
Hoseok’s eyes widen, his gaze immediately following the dress as he watches your body slowly reveal itself to you. It only takes moments for the dress to pool at your hips loosely, exposing the entirety of your naked torso to Hoseok, yet somehow, time feels like it moves slowly, Hoseok’s gaze trailing after the motion of the dress. Hazel eyes drink you in, drinking each and every inch of your skin. With each passing minute, Hoseok commits every detail of your body to memory: every swell, every curve, every scar.
“By the Elders, you’re beautiful,” Hoseok murmurs before leaning forward and placing a kiss to the top of your right breast. Placing your hand under his chin, you angle his face upwards before dropping a kiss onto his.
Lips mashing into yours, your mouths move fervently - the ardent desire for each other burning deep within your cores. Your kiss turning urgent, Hoseok’s tongue invades your mouth, the silky appendage curling and wrapping around yours as you taste each other. With shaky fingers - whether from anticipation or lust, you have no idea - you begin tugging at Hoseok’s shirt, the material easily ripping, already damaged from his earlier fight. Warm skin bare under your touch, your hands rove over his body, tracing each contour and hardened, sinewy muscle.
Need for oxygen flaring in your lungs, the both of you do your best to ignore it - choosing instead of sink into each other. Times moves slowly, both your hands roaming over each other - as if you can’t get enough of the other’s touch. Eventually, however, the earlier need for oxygen ignited your chests with molten fire, burning your lungs with the urgent need for air. Breaking away, you breathlessly pant against each other, the mix of your warm breaths circulating the air.
Pulling up onto your knees, you gather the dress into your hands, the material bunching in your fists, before you lift it over your head, leaving you completely naked. The complete naked sight of you has Hoseok’s jaw-dropping, his mouth running dry as he takes in the beautiful sight of you. Bathed in the moonlight streaming from your window, your body glows almost ethereally under its light. Hesitantly, Hoseok reaches out for you, his palm gently cupping your breast as his thumb lazily flicks your nipple.
Under his light ministrations, a throat mewl escapes your lips, your eyes fluttering shut as he continues brushing his thumb over the nipple, teasing the peak to hardness. A shiver of pleasure runs down your spin, heat pooling in your loins as you begin squirming over him. Hands falling into his lap, you play with the buckle of his trousers, undoing them with just a little delay - your hands trembling harder with every passing second. Tugging his trousers, Hoseok lifts his hips before aiding you in shimmying them off of his body.
Once he’s completely naked, you’re unable to resist trailing your eyes down his body. Swallowing thickly, your throat runs dry at the sheer sight of him. Caramel skin is pulled taught over his muscles, each limb toned from the years he’s spent hunting in the forest, or playing with the rest of the creatures. Each muscle is tantalisingly defined and you find yourself unable to look away. You continue trailing your gaze down his chest, before stopping at his lap, your eyes widening as you spot his cock.
He’s long, and girthy - and god are they all that big? Or was it just because he’s a dragon? The base of his shaft is the thickest, his girth slowly tapering off towards the tip. His entire length is covered in little ridges, more prominent ones situated at the base of his cock. That has to be a dragon thing - though, you wouldn’t really know - especially as this is the first cock you’ve ever seen. You can’t help but wonder if he’ll even fit - though, the way it pulses under your gaze, his length throbbing with need, has you growing wetter with wanton desire - your thighs turning sticky with your own arousal.
“Enjoying yourself?” Hoseok asks, his tone light and teasing. Blush dusting your cheeks, you let out a squeak of embarrassment before ducking your head. Hoseok lets out an airy chuckle, his hands moving to cup your cheeks before lifting them up. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” Hoseok begins, placing a soft kiss to the corner of your lips, “it’s just, I could smell how wet you got staring at me,” he continues.
A gasp of shock escaping your lips, your face heats up further - until you can feel your ears burning, “Hoseok!” you squeal, before curling into him, ducking your head into the crook of his neck as you attempt to hide from him. This time, Hoseok lets out a louder laugh, his arms automatically wrapping around your waist while he peppers kisses along your shoulder. “Sorry. Sorry, I’ll stop,” Hoseok chuckles.
Pulling away from his body, you pout above him, your cheeks still flushed with heat. Hoseok leans up, repetitively placing soft kisses against your lips as he tries to placate you. Somehow, he manages to win you over, his chaste kisses turning into deeper ones. Your hands move to trail over his lean shoulders, your fingers raking over the skin as you begin gyrating over him. Every now and then, the ridged muscle of his cock brushes against your clit, drawing out breathy moans from you.
Breaking away from his kisses, though with much reluctance, “I want you,” you whisper against his lips. Groaning at your words, Hoseok’s hand slips between your bodies and into the space amidst your thighs. Gently cupping your sex, Hoseok’s middle finger runs along the soft, dewy folds. The sudden touch has you letting out a deep groan, your head falling back as he slowly strokes your folds. Spreading your wetness along your mound, Hoseok inhales deeply, relishing in the pungent scent of your sex. He’s never smelled anything as intoxicating as you.
Fingers dipping further between your folds, Hoseok slowly slides a finger into your tightness, a strained groan leaving his lips. If you were this tight around his finger, how tight would you be around his cock? Languidly thrusting his finger into you, Hoseok relishes in the feel of your velvety, pulsing folds. Reflexively, your hips begin swirling over his as you begin riding his hand, your inner walls pulsating in a bid to pull his finger in deep.
Fingers curling into his shoulders, your nails dig into his skin, your hips moving further as you feel your stomach tighten with a foreign pleasure. “H-Hoseok,” you groan, your eyes fluttering in pleasure. Your dragon hums under you before sliding a second finger into you. You let out a squeak at his ministrations, your eyes scrunching slightly at the stretch. Leaning up, Hoseok places tender kisses against your eyelids, hushing you soothingly.
The stinging only lasts a couple of moments, giving way to more pleasure as Hoseok continues pumping his digits into you. With a particularly low grind, you unwittingly push Hoseok’s fingers deeper into you, your dragon crooking his fingers into you. The action causes his fingertips to brush against the velvety sweet-spot inside you, a cry of pleasure departing your lips. “H-Hoseok, please,” you groan - the burning need to feel him inside you coursing through your veins.
Desperation evident in your words, Hoseok pulls his fingers out. You let out a cry of protest, your hips chasing his fingers. Hoseok lets out a small chuckle, lifting his head and placing a tender kiss to your jaw. “Patience, sweetheart. Don’t you want to be good for me?” Hoseok asks. His words have you moaning, your pussy clamping at the dominating tone in his voice. Nodding, you still your hips, “Good girl,” Hoseok murmurs, placing a praising kiss against your cheek.
Hoseok shifts, his hand moving to grip the base of his shaft. You feel him pump it twice, your eyes fluttering open to watch him use his thumb to spread the transparent beads of precum over the tapered head of his cock. Once he’s done, he angles the head towards your entrance, the tip brushing against your engorged clit, causing you to gasp in pleasure. Placing his cock at your entrance, Hoseok moves his hands to your hips before slowly sliding them down.
You feel a build of pressure against your entrance, Hoseok’s cock slowly sliding into you. Crying out in a mix of pain and pleasure, you cling to Hoseok tightly, your eyes scrunching shut as you feel the searing heat of his cockhead slowly stretch you open. Hoseok stills under you, looking at you in fear as he hears your squeak of pain. “Are you okay?” he quickly asks.
Nodding shakily, you take in a deep breath, “J-just go slow, please,” you whimper. Hoseok’s nods, slowing his pace down. With every inch that he slides into you, he opens your walls out further. The two of you move slowly, Hoseok sluggishly feeding inch by inch of his cock into your hot, velvety depths, and soon, you find yourself pressing against the thick base of his shaft. Hoseok stills once again, simply holding you to him as he allows you to adjust to his length. Purring against you, Hoseok nuzzles the flesh just above your jugular, relishing in how euphoric you feel around his cock. Frequently, he’d imagined what you’d feel like wrapped around him - but he’d never known it would feel this good.
After long moments of stillness, you finally shift over Hoseok, the discomfort ebbing away and melting into pure, unadulterated ecstasy. Swivelling your hips, “M-move,” you urge.
Fingers digging into the flesh of your hips, “Are you sure,” Hoseok asks. Your only answer is it swivel your hips again, wanting to feel more of him. Languidly, Hoseok uses his strength to lift you off of him before bringing you back down. Now that the discomfort is gone, you can feel nothing but the euphoria of Hoseok’s cock thrusting into you - amplified by the ridges of his cock rubbing against every pleasurable spot inside you.
The two of you begin moving faster against each other, Hoseok thrusting his hip upwards as you bring yourself downwards. With each thrust, you match his rhythm, gasps of pleasure escaping both your lips as you lose yourself into each other. Goosebumps prickle at your skin, heat stirring in your lungs as you feel pleasure burn in your veins. You’re close - you can feel it. Moaning out his name, you move faster, Hoseok’s hand twisting between your bodies, his thumb moving to rub your clit.
The additional pleasure has you shrieking out his name, your walls clamping in an almost vice-like grip. Repetitively, Hoseok ghosts his thumb over your throbbing clit, rolling the bundle of nerves over and over again as he draws out your pleasure. With every single ministration, the heat in your loin grows - from dull warmth into searing heat. White-hot pleasure prickles at your skin as you feel yourself come undone.
Thighs shaking around him, you cry out in ecstasy as you cum, Hoseok’s name falling from your lips - almost like a prayer - over and over again. You writhe almost uncontrollably over him, losing yourself into the lust-filled euphoria of your orgasm as you shatter over him. Hoseok soon finds himself lost in his own pleasure, the impossible tightness of your walls, paired with the gushing wetness of your orgasm, proving to be too much for him. With an animalistic roar, Hoseok buries his head into your neck before biting down on your jugular.
Your eyes widen as you feel Hoseok’s heat sear into you, his blazing fire searing through your veins and heightening your pleasure. Magic floods into your very being, causing you to shake even more as you wail out his name. Finally having marked you as his, Hoseok pulls his teeth away from you before closing his eyes and succumbing to his own orgasm. Just as the searing heat of his magic fades away from your veins, you feel Hoseok’s cum spurt deep into you, rope after rope of warm semen flooding you. A low moan escapes your lips, your head dropping onto his shoulder as you relish in the feel of his cum deep inside you.
The two of you simply stay there, Hoseok’s cock still buried inside of you, as you breathlessly paint. Sweat coats your skin, your naked chests sticking together - the flesh turning tacky as your perspiration begins drying. Not that you care, no, you’re more than happy to feel Hoseok’s heated, gummy skin against you. Erratically, the two of you twitch, your muscles still reeling from your orgasm.
Coming down from your elated highs, you feel Hoseok pull you close against him, his chest flush against yours. Panting heavily, you gasp for air, even as Hoseok shifts you so that you’re lying next to him. He manoeuvres your body so that you’re curled into his chest, your ear pressed to just over his heart. Swimming in post-orgasmic bliss, Hoseok simply holds you close, his fingers absent-mindedly trailing over your hip, tracing intricate shapes over your skin.
Completely satiated, you simply relish in his tough, more than happy to bask in the feel of Hoseok. Your hand runs over his stomach before you freeze. Titling your head, you stare at where your hand is rested - just over where he’d been hurt a mere few hours ago. Your eyebrows furrow as you trace over the smooth skin - phoenix tears were a powerful thing, but for them to heal to the point of not even leave a scar was something to awe at. Nevertheless, just the memory of Hoseok being hurt causes you to frown.
“Let’s leave this tower,” you finally say as you mindlessly draw circles over where he’d been wounded before. The moment the words drip out of your mouth, Hoseok’s hand freezes.
“What?” he asks, his gaze shifting to look at the top of your head in curiosity. Turning, you shift so you can look up at him.
“Let’s leave this tower. Let’s find a new home,” you repeat, staring at him resolutely.
“Why?” Hoseok questions causing you to giggle slightly at his dumbfoundedness despite the seriousness of your suggestion. Had you reduced him to one syllable questions?
“Because everyone in the kingdom knows I’m in this tower - but if we move, they won’t be able to find us… hopefully,” you suggest, muttering the last words under your breath. You don’t want to leave Hoseok - but then you realise, there’s no reason the two of you couldn’t just move.
“You’ve never wanted to leave before,” Hoseok points out, wondering where the sudden suggestion came from. You shrug nonchalantly, though your eyes flicker momentarily to his stomach. Hoseok’s eyes catch the movement, his hand moving to grip your hip in comfort. “____?” he coaxes, nudging your head with his nose. Dejected sigh slipping from your lips, you relax further into him, your muscles sinking into his and moulding you together - almost as if you’re becoming one.
“You’ve never been this hurt before,” you reply quietly, your voice barely audible. Hoseok’s face softens, your earlier words suddenly making sense. You’re still worried about him.
“The tower is our home - has been for years now. Do you really want to move?” Hoseok asks. Personally, he doesn’t really care - he’d go anywhere as long as it’s with you - but there were so many memories the two of you had in this tower, your entire lives ingrained into its grey stone walls.
Shaking your head, your hair tickles his chest and the bottom of his chin, Hoseok’s nose wrinkling as he tries to push it out of the way, “No, you’re my home. Home is where you are. If you won’t stop fighting for me, at least run away with me. Please? Let’s go somewhere they won’t find us,” you implore, your voice laced in a pleading tone.
Hoseok hums carefully, his arm snaking around your waist. “Where do you want to go?” he asks, causing you to perk up.
“The Merfolk Mangroves. We can build a new home there. It’s deeper in the forest, the area guarded by the elves. Not to mention we’ll be closer to our friends. Please, let’s just go. I don’t want to see you hurt anymore,” you plead. Hoseok hums for another moment before nodding, easily acquiescing to you.
“Alright. We’ll move. How does tomorrow sound?” Hoseok asks, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“Tomorrow?” you repeat in mild surprise, not expecting him to be ready to move so soon.
This time, Hoseok shrugs. “It’s not like we have a lot of things. We only really need our clothes. We can always build more stuff - thought building a house may take a while. But it’s okay, we can ask Yoongi and Jimin to help us,” Hoseok says. You gaze at him in shock, murmurs and mumbles escaping his lips as he lists things the two of you would need. “Yeah, tomorrow works. So, how about it?” Hoseok asks, turning towards you. Happiness blooming in your chest, you nod eagerly before nuzzling further into him.
“Tomorrow sounds perfect,”
Five years later, you find yourself near the edge of the forest, in the midst of Salamander Swamps - though you don’t think it’s really a swamp by conventional methods. Tall trees and brushes litter the area, their leaves emblazoned in glittering hues of amber-gold and scarlet-ruby. Rivers and lakes of aurous copper swirl around the area - though, you know it’s not actually water. No, the streams of seemingly liquid-gold are actually made of the fiery salamanders that make their home in the swamp. Sunlight drips through the saffron canopy, the plush foliage gleaming as if made of blazing topazes.
Trusty wicker basket dangling in the crook of your elbow, you happily hum to yourself as you pick off the golden Soleil berries from the low-growing brush. You’d heard about the berries long ago - there were stories, passed down with each generation of the forest’s magical folk - that the berries would harness sunlight and store the sun’s energy, the magic of the sun amplified by the salamanders’ mystical fire. Hence, you’d decided to ask Seokjin, knowing the elf prince had an almost encyclopaediac knowledge of the forest’s fauna and flora, whether he knew where you could find some; and the older elf had not disappointed in the slightest.
Though, really, you should have guessed - with the myths surrounding the Soleil berries, there really was only one place they would grow.
“Hurry up, ____. It’s not safe for us to be out here,” Jimin calls out. Turning your head, you glance at him from over your shoulder. Both him and Taehyung are sat perched on a boulder, mindlessly drawing shapes into the ground as they wait for you to finish. From the corner of your eye, you spot Jungkook, the phoenix happily picking berries and snacking on them.
“I need more berries! I’m making-” you reply, only to be cut off by Jimin.
“A special meal for Hoseok for your five year anniversary and Soleil berries are rumoured to energise Sun Dragons like Hoseok. Yes, yes we know. But I don’t think Hoseok would appreciate us bringing you all the way here - the Salamander Swamp borders human territory. It’s not safe, especially for you, Princess,” Jimin reminds you. His words cause you to scowl as your ire rises.
“I’m not a Princess. Don’t call me that. And I’m sure we’ll be fine. They haven’t found me for five years - ever since Hobi and I moved to the Merfolk Mangroves - they probably think I’m dead or something - or that Hoseok ate me,” you shrug nonchalantly, sarcasm dripping from your words. Really, that was one of the stupidest rumours you knew humans believed - dragons didn’t even like human meat - they prefered animals - and Hoseok preferred boar.
“It’s still not safe for us to be here,” Jimin replies.
“Yeah, I don’t think we should be here any longer,” Taehyung pipes in as he looks around warily.
“Ugh! Fine! Just give me a few more moments,” you bite back before turning back to the bushes.
“We need to go - now,” Jungkook says all of a sudden before grabbing you by the wrist.
“You too, Kook? You’re the one who wanted an adventure!” you hiss in indignation. However, seeing the alertness in Jungkook’s eyes, his teal orbs warily looking around, you find yourself stopping. Blooding rushing through your veins, the hair on the back of your neck stands up. All three boys are on their feet, their senses on high-alert as they look around.
“Guys? What’s going on?” you whisper, knowing that their enhances senses could pick up things you wouldn’t be able to.
Then - you hear it. A snap of twigs, followed by a faint whistling.
All of a sudden, an arrow flies through the air, Taehyung only narrowly managing to duck from under it. “Humans! We need to go! Now,” Jimin roars, already turning out and running towards the boat that you’d used to travel to the Salamander Swamps. Taehyung had already jumped into the river, ready to swim back home. You feel Jungkook grab you, his body twisting as he runs towards his friends. However, before you can follow him, you feel someone else grab you.
“By the Gods! The Princess is alive! We’ve found her,” a knight yells, alerting the rest of the vanguard. A cry of panic escapes your throat, Jungkook hissing as the knight tugs on your arm.
“____!” Jimin and Taehyung yell, their eyes wide with fright, Jimin already stepping back out of the boat to help you.
But he moves to slow - because all of a sudden, out of nowhere, another guard appears, swiping his broadsword towards the hand Jungkook is using to hold onto you. Before the knight can hit him, however, Jungkook removes his arm, subsequently letting go of you.
You feel arms circle around your waist, dragging you backwards and away from Jungkook, even as you desperately struggle against their hold, trying your hardest to escape the knight. You see Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung caught in a fray - the sound of swords clinking and arrows whistling through the air entwine with the raging crackle of fire, torrential splashes of water and echoing snapping of vines - the amalgamation of sounds almost deafening - even as you screech for your friends.
“Let me go! Let me go!” you scream, clawing at the arms that hold on to you - but its no use - your fingernails are useless against the steel of the knight’s armour.
“Don’t worry, Princess. You don’t have to be scared of us, we’ve come to rescue you. We’re taking you back to your father,” the knight says placatingly.
Hissing at him, “I don’t need to be rescued, you idiot! Let me go,” you cry, increasing your struggle against him. But the knight doesn’t heed any of your words, and instead, he throws you onto the back of the horse, jumping on after you before sprinting off.
Moments after the horse begins galloping, you hear a loud screeching sound, “____! We’ll come for you! Hoseok will come for you,” Jungkook roars, the words slightly strained and instantly, you know he’s shifted into his half-phoenix form.
Before you can respond to him, however, you already find yourself further away from the forest. Your heart sinks in your chest, tears filling your eyes as you watch the trees begin to grow sparse as the magic in the air died - you’re no longer in the enchanted forest - and more than that, you can no longer hear Jungkook, Jimin or Taehyung.
The knight gallops away, the ride slightly bumpy as you continue staring behind you, yearning for home. You know you’re to blame for being kidnapped - well, partially, because really, you hadn’t asked for this. Still, you should have listened to Jimin when he said it wasn’t safe - but you’d only wanted to do something nice for your anniversary with Hoseok.
The landscape rushes past you, slowly shifting from the natural terrain of to more human-made, little houses and buildings coming into view. Your back in the kingdom. Unbothered, the guard continues riding, not even acknowledging that you had stopped struggling. Turning your head, your chest tightens as the large, almost opposing, castle comes into view. Vaguely, you can remember it from your memories - the place you had once called home. But it’s not home any longer, home is in the enchanted forest, with your friends, with Hoseok.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook’s faces flash in the back of your mind, your chest aching with worry. Closing your eyes, you send a silent prayer to the Old Elders of the Forest, praying that your friends had retreated and are safe.
The next day, groggy and disoriented from sleep, you awake in a large bed. Spine imperceptibly shivering from the morning chill, you instinctively reach out for Hoseok, craving the warmth radiated by your mate. However, instead of coming into contact with Hoseok’s sinewy and heated body, all you feel is the cold of the mattress. Abruptly, the memories crash over you like a bucket of ice-cold water, your body springing up in bed.
You’d been kidnapped from your home and brought to the forest. When you’d finally arrived in the palace, it had been late at night and your father and step-mother hadn’t even bothered greeting you. Instead, you’d been sent straight to your old room. You considered escaping, but knights had stood guard outside your door all night - you’d periodically checked, wondering if you could make a getaway. Momentarily, you’d considered climbing out the window, but your bedroom was several feet off the ground and facing a cliff edge. Eventually, the futility of your escape had dawned on you, and exhausted, you’d fallen into a fretful sleep, your only hope knowing that Hoseok would stop at nothing to come rescue you.
Looking around the room, you hazily recognise the bedroom from your childhood and vaguely, you realise that nothing has changed. The curtains are still a pastel pink, white furniture embellished with intricate gold designs is still perfectly placed around the bedroom, and while slightly faded, the carpet is still a plush grey. The perfect room for a princess - however, not for you. The room makes you feel nauseous: the pastel pink almost overwhelming and the white only washing out the rest of the colours.
Momentarily, you hear a light knock, your head automatically turning towards the sound. The creaking of the door resounds through the air, before, “Princess, you’re awake,” comes a dulcet voice. The voice sounds familiar, ringing through your memory, and when the woman comes into view, you recognise her as the nanny who used to look after you. She’s much older now, with sunken but kind eyes, and greyed hair.
“Mrs Cheon,” you greet quietly. The lady stops in surprise, looking at you in disbelief before a gentle smile graces her face.
“I’m surprised you recognise me,” she replies before walking towards you. Pulling the sheets off you, she urges you out of the bed and towards your large bedroom. The bath has already been drawn, different soaps and shampoos littering the bath’s edge. Mrs Cheon fusses over you, helping out of your clothing before washing away the grime and dirt you’d collected from foraging in the forest yesterday. Every now and then she tuts, scrubbing extra hard to get you clean.
You don’t know what compels you to allow her to fuss over you, because really, you wantto fight, you want to kick and scream and find a way out. But you know you have no choice but to go through the motion of the days. The reality of the situation isn’t lost on you, you’re completely outnumbered, guards posted in every nook and cranny of the palace as a security measure. It would be hard to make it out by yourself, so instead, you choose to wait - because you know Hoseok will come for you. More than any of that, however, you allow Mrs Cheon to lead you because you know there is something you have to do before you can escape this place once and for all.
Once your bath is done, Mrs Cheon leads you back to your room, where several ladies in waiting greet you. Fake smiles plastered on their face, they curtsey towards you before they begin dressing you. You’re not stupid, you can see the disdain clear as day in their eyes because here you are: a princess of royal blood, of higher status than them and theoretically more power and wealth than they could ever have, yet you’d willingly - though, not at first - chosen to live in the enchanted forest. A part of you wants to make a snide remark, but instead, you simply bite your tongue. It wouldn’t do you any good if you caused a commotion now. You had to wait, for help to arrive, for Hoseok to come, and then you could leave this place.
Hands spread out, the ladies dress you up. First, they string a corset around you, two women pulling the straps tight until you find it hard to breathe. Different layers of silk and chiffon follow, before finally, the last layer is draped over you. Unfocused gaze set on yourself, you watch as the women cover you with expensive fabrics, intricate designs embroidered in gold thread. Once done, they lead you to your vanity before sitting you down and beginning on your hair. A woman you don’t recognise begins brushing your hair, your face crinkling as she roughly detangles the knots before styling it.
You sigh and decide to retreat into your own mind, knowing that they still had to do your makeup. When you were younger, you’d seen your mother go through this routine, every day, until she was too sick to go through it anymore. You had once wished to be just like her, your every whim being catered to as women fussed and fawned over you. Now that you’ve had a taste of freedom, of independence, the entire experience feels jarring and exhausting.
By the time the ladies are finally done with you, dusting you in an overpowering perfume that has your nose crinkling in distaste, it’s already been hours. Really, howdid people of noble blood go through this exhausting routine every day? It’s ming boggling to you. Breaking you out of your thoughts, “You’re ready Princess,” Mrs Cheon finally says, and once again you have to bite your tongue to stop from snapping that you’re not a Princess. Not anymore at least. You’d given up that claim a long time ago.
“Come along. I am to take you to the throne room where the King, Queen, and Royal Court await you,” Mrs Cheon informs, and with that, Mrs Cheon leads you out of the room. With each step, the dress and heels weigh you down, the material scratching against your skin and leaving you feeling uncomfortable. You wanted your clothes - the leather boots, trousers and cotton shirts you were used to. Or even the lighter, much more freeing dresses that you’d wear occasionally.
Stepping out of the bedroom, the first thing that comes to your attention is the significant lack of guards. Unlike yesterday, when the corridor was heavily guarded, the knights are nowhere to be found. If she’s noticed anything amiss, Mrs Cheon doesn’t say anything. Expertly, she navigates through the maze-like corridors of the castle and once again, you recede into your own thoughts. The throne room is on the other end of the castle, far away from your wing of the palace and you know it’ll be a while before you reach there.
The two of you walk in silence as you wonder how long it’ll be till Hoseok and your friends come for you. Just as you get to the wing of the castle where your father conducts his official business, the sound of a commotion catches your ears. Head snapping to the window, your eyes widen as hope flutters in your chest. This wing of the castle is closer towards the towns and village, not to mention the entrance to the castle. Gazing out the window, you spot the large castle walls, knights running around while yelling at each other. But that’s not what’s got you so hopefully, it’s the bright kaleidoscopic flashes of colour just outside the walls that have your attention - flashes you know to be magic.
They’re here. They’ve come for you.
Again, Mrs Cheon continues walking, not saying anything even if she notices your attention on the window looking out. Just as you reach the large arched doors to the throne room, a deafening dragon roar resounds, the sound so loud it even penetrates the castle walls, ricocheting straight through your being. Your knees buckle, your heart fluttering as you hear the telltale sound of your dragon. Then, all of a sudden, the drawbridge that leads to the outside is broken into, thick clouds of black smoke filling the air as dragon fire spirals uncontrollably, burning the wood to ashes.
He’s here.
Hoseok’s here - which mean there’s only one thing for you to do. Taking a deep breath, you gather all your courage before stepping in front of Mrs Cheon. The older lady looks at you in surprise, watching as you fearlessly push open the wood doors before taking daring steps forward. As soon as you burst in, every single noble that makes your father’s court turns to you. Your father’s eyes widen, your stepmother’s own narrowing as she looks at you with distaste. As you begin walking towards the back of the room, where your father and stepmother sit upon their thrones, hushed whispers begin filling the air, the noblemen unable to contain themselves.
Ignoring them, you keep your head held high, your unwavering and hardened gaze focused directly on your father. You don’t even bother deigning your stepmother with your gaze, ignoring her completely. When you get to just before them, your father opens his mouth to speak, but before he can speak, you interrupt him by holding up a hand. His eyes widen, another wave of whispers running rampant around you.
“No right. You had no right to kidnap me from my home,” you seethe, your voice hissing through the air. The king sits up slightly, his eyes widening at the venom in your voice.
“We did not kidnap you. The knight rescued you from the dragon that guarded you and as such, he will be the one to marry you,” you stepmother buts in. Though, from her tone, you can tell she’s more irritated by the situation than anything. Clearly, she hadn’t wanted you back - which begs the question, why are you back. It must have been your father’s doing. You internally wonder if hell had frozen over, because you found yourself mirroring her ire.
Scoffing, you roll your eyes, “Yeah, well, funnily enough, I didn’t need rescuing from the dragon. And I definitely will not be marrying some random prince I don’t even know. I don’t love him - I love Hoseok - the dragon that protected me. The dragon that was there for me when my own family abandoned me. I don’t need you - nor do I want anything to do with you. I was happy in the forest, my home is in the forest now. Not here,” you seethe. From the corner of your eye, you notice flashes of magic pass the window that overlooked the front of the castle. Excitement courses through your veins, your hands trembling with eagerness. He’s so close.
“In love?! With a dragon? That’s preposterous. He’s a monster,” A nobleman calls out, cause you to snarl in his direction. The wild anger in your eyes clearly terrifies him, because instantly, he takes a step back.
“____, you’ve clearly been in the forest too long. But this is where you belong. Come home, this is where you belong. You are human, not a creature of the forest. You are next in line for the throne, this Kingdom’s Princess. It needs you,” your father says.
His words cause you to see red, and you level your hardest, most spiteful, glare at your father. “I am not a Princess and I owe this kingdom nothing. You abandoned me in a forest when I was seven years old - and nothing you do or say can ever make up for that. This is no longer my home,” you hiss, gesturing towards the room, “and this,” you say, gesturing to your outfit, “is not who I am. My home is in the forest. With my mate. I belong there with him,” you continue. Then, in the spur of the moment and with more strength than you knew you had, you tug at the dress - hard - causing it to rip into tatters. Shocked gasps flood the air, men whispering at the scene of disgrace. Shreds of the outer dress cling to your body, the material of your inner dress and corset on display. Your hard tug had even pulled loose some of the corset strings, and the moment you hear the tearing of fabric, you feel like you can breathe again
“I gave up on being a Princess long ago - the daughter you knew, the daughter you left in a tower all by herself - I’m no longer her. Leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you or this Kingdom. I have a family - a family who is out there fighting for me - to bring me home. They are all I need. So please, if you have any love for me, or if you have any care for my happiness - let me live my life,” you finally finish. With the last of your words, you feel your anger rush out of you, leaving you feeling freer than you had in years.
Lifting your hand, you touch the crown that sits perched atop your head before tugging it. As soon as it comes off, your hair comes loose, falling wilding around your head. Without care, you drop the crown on the floor, the last of the weight lifting off of your shoulder. Then, with the last of your adrenaline rush, the feeling of freedom coursing through your veins, you run towards the window that outlooks the courtyard - where you know Hoseok to be.
Refusing to even think for a moment, and putting all your faith in Hoseok, you leap onto the window ledge before throwing yourself out the window. The members of the court jerk in alarm, gasps of alarm resounding through the air, your father jumping to his feet as he watches you plummet out the window.
The air rushes around you, the sound of the wind passing you by almost defeaning. Instantly, you shut your eyes, your heart racing a mile a minute as you feel yourself freefalling towards the ground. A scream rips through your mouth - and then suddenly, you come to a halt. You feel strong arms wrap around you, the familiar sound of heavily beating leather wings vibrating through your eardrums. Opening your eyes, you grin as you come face to face with Hoseok’s terrified looking face.
“What do you think you’re doing? You can’t just randomly jump out of a window - you could have died,” Hoseok reprimands, his voice carrying out in a hiss.
An impish smile crawling onto your face, you let out a raucous laugh before throwing your arms around his neck, “I can when I know you’ll be there to catch me,” comes your reply. Hoseok wants to reprimand you, tell you that you were entirely too reckless and that watching you fall out the window had almost given him a heart attack - but seeing your laughter, the lightness to your eyes and the easiness in your muscles, he finds himself lost for words.
Eyes softening, he presses his forehead against yours before nuzzling your nose, “I’m sorry I took so long. I should have come sooner,” Hoseok apologises.
Hearing his words, you shake your head, looking at him with nothing but love, happiness and resolute trust, “It’s okay. I knew you’d come for me. You promised,” you reply. Hoseok’s arms tighten around you, pulling you closer to his chest. Pressing your forehead harder against his, you grace him with a chaste kiss, relishing in the soft feel of his lips. “Let’s go home, Hoseok,” you whisper against his lips. Eyes softening, Hoseok nods before easily turning, flying off in the direction of the forest.
You don’t even bother turning around to look at your father or the castle. Instead, you simply relish in the feel of Hoseok’s arms around you, the calming rhythm of his heart against your ear, and the steady beating of his wings, because you know, that now, you’re finally free.
The End.
a/n: happy sunflower hobi day!! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it!! come tell me what you thought!!
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