#i loveeeeeee this picture
peptoabsymal · 2 years
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Got milk(ers)?
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imweepin · 1 year
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beanghostprincess · 11 days
You're going to look me in the eyes and tell me that Nami doesn't wear those outfits specifically so they can get on her bounty picture and then Vivi gets them and hangs them on her wall
She has her bedroom walls covered in Nami pictures and also keeps a box saving her letters
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sourkitsch · 2 months
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Shot Silk, 2024 — J. Adam Bee
Oil on Panel
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ashmp3 · 8 months
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#me when i come home from a long work day, and i get on tumblr, and i am like idgaf about scrolling all this, but i dgaf about scrolling through your blog, gotta catch up on the Teo Times
PLEASEEEEEE PLEASE I LOVE YOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!! Teo Times is the actual best thing ive ever read. i should name my blog that i am giggling. cant believe you (or anyone actually) feels this way about my blog but it makes me so soooo incredibly happy you have no idea! But also imagine jeonghan reading teo times he would be like ...caratdeul you guys should use diaries you dont need to share everything online... hannihae......
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inkedwaters · 2 years
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* ⟢ THE  TRIPLE  A’S   ,   THE  DOUBLE  A’S.                         →   @starlightfreed​
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anonybaby · 5 months
Ok I need to talk about this one more time because I cannot get over it. And it’s haunting my dreams.
Randy waited until 5/5 to post that he called it, 13 years to the day that he called that Cody would be Champion. I’ve said it before I’ll say it again Cody is that man’s pride & joy. His Legacy.
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& what does Cody do the next day in response? Post a picture of them two, together, assuming it is from the most recent France tour for Backlash..
AND Cody goes out of his way to label it (Tour Photo) ??
Like we know babe, we know it’s not a couple photo of you two honeymooning in Europe - but it might as well be! 😂
And I can imagine Cody doesn’t like the way he looks in this pic, but he posted it anyways
Because he needed to stunt on us! He needed to say “THATS RIGHT BITCHES MY MAN BEEN MY BIGGEST FAN & HERE HE IS LOVING ON ME 13 YEARS LATER.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ok and lastly, let’s do a little compare and contrast.
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The picture on the left when they reunited for Randy’s 20th anniversary is obviously cute but it’s lax, it’s post match, they’re more casual. Cody’s got his arm around Randy but it’s just resting on his lower back.. now compare that to the pic we were blessed with on the right.
• That pose is the Power Couple pose.
• Girlfriend/boyfriend on a lavish vacation pose !
• It’s THE classic smug, show-off-y pose a man does when he knows he’s got a baddy. Look at the damn look on Randy’s face!! The hand gripping Cody’s little waist. It’s literally giving “this is my bitch [affectionately] right here” 😏
• He is literally holding him & posing him to show him off to the camera. Because he is damn proud. I AM SICK. Randy is holding on for dear life and you know what.. I don’t blame him. 🤣
((At @luxinwonderland said “this is not how you hold your bro 😭 and she is 💯 right. Because they’re in loveeeeeee!))
Ok… I think I’m finally ready to move on.. 😭
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mamadarama · 1 month
I LOVEEEEEEE KANNAAAAAA I adopted both him and Ibuki and I'd protect them to shreds so if Nice has anything in plan for them I will be the first to fist fight him
Anyways I didn't know that Kanna's name translated to that. It made my brain think lmfao. Also I can't be the first to theorize this right like, I can't be. But I haven't seen anyone theorize it or maybe I'm just in the wrong circles but knowing that Kanna is the last of 4piece to get a tour card, and it'll be with Ibara and Nagisa (or so I've heard) it's super convenient as Ibara is duhhhhhh related to Godfather and Nagisa is DUHHHHHH suddenly think Kanna is a lab human or something with Godfather's data and information, hence his name and genius, as well as his autistic traits similar to Nagisa. And considering this will be the last of 4piece, it's suitable time to hit a climax and the big reveal be with Kanna. Hence, do you miss me, or the god symbols in his name. Considering the tech at least, it's not too far fetched as Enstars is fucking crazy. I do think this will also circle back to Priest, HiMERU and Kaname as it's about time the Tojous get attention as well. And a reincarnation/recreation of a child Godfather would be disaster and (Akira barges into my house and kidnaps me)
- madayumenon @umiedibles SAVE MEEEEEE
yeah i dunno, im sure he has something to do with the whole godfather situation (possibly on the priest/negi/hitsugi side of the picture?) but whos to say about his name cuz it could also be in reference to him individually as a character rather than the role he plays. maybe he was intended to be the perfect idol or replace subarus dad (esu is involved in that so i wouldnt put it past them to have two characters with different experiences abt the same situation in the same unit) being raised with the intention of him being the perfect idol would explain his serious personality ....
or hes possibly a replacement for whatever role nagisa was originally intended for when godfather adopted him . him being a replacement for another characters previous role would lend itself to his name being "do you miss me" because by replacing the previous character he would be "reviving" them/their role. especially in the case of someone like subarus dad
i also wouldnt be surprised if he was biologically related to nagisa and theyre using kannas introduction as a way to smoothly reveal more of nagisas backstory without disrupting the flow of the story, instead of putting it in edens next climax event . maybe hes nagisas half brother or something . they do look similar enough and autism is hereditary after all . plus the writers dont usually introduce characters out of nowhere without giving them some kind of connection to the existing characters and/or an in universe explanation about why they hadnt shown up sooner
im just thinking out loud i havent put too much thought into the details of these theories. well just have to wait and see what happens . im sure itll all make sense later
edit: oh also the kanji in his name could be an indicator of hopelessness ("is there no god" "has god abandoned us" etc) and that could tie into his personality quite easily as well and would follow the trend of how the characters names are themed around specific aspects of their individual characters instead of their position in the story (madaras name and calico cats, tatsumis name being religiously themed, hiyoris name being about the sun and good weather, etc)
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cowsabungus · 7 months
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Hello!! I was really moved by your wheelchair user guide. I have a character named Julian [pictured here] who I've always drawn as using prosthetics: a prosthetic left arm with an elbow joint, and a prosthetic right leg with a knee joint, and I'd never really thought before about the idea that he might be an ambulatory wheelchair user!
Drawing a wheelchair was rather intimidating, this was my first time doing so (and I used one of your references!!) but I did my best to stay consistent. Do you have any recommendations for material I could read/watch made by wheelchair users that would help me develop the way Julian would use a wheelchair further? He's a character in a webtoon I'm producing (he hasn't appeared yet) and I want to represent wheelchair users, ambulatory or otherwise, in an accurate way.
If you'd be open to answering a question, I'd love to hear your personal experience: As a person without a physical disability (is able-bodied an appropriate term?) what are some things I wouldn't know about the daily experience of a wheelchair user?
I'm nervous about overstepping, but I hope I've expressed that my curiosity here comes from a place of genuine intention. Thanks for taking the time to read this long ask ^^"
This art is SOOO FREAKING COOL!!!!!!
Some random things would be:
- people on their phones not looking down and walking straight into you
- searching for drop kerbs to be able to cross the street
- hands getting sore when you first start using a wheelchair, from pushing the wheels
- random stupid ass questions and "jokes" (I have a few posts with examples, feel free to steal!!)
- cats sitting on your lap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-rolling through dog poop and getting it on ur hands >:(
I hope that all helped!! I love the character, show me when you get some of your webcomic done!! <3
(ID: two line art illustration of the same character, with short hair and wearing a jacket. They are sitting in a manual wheelchair, and have a above the knee amputation. End of ID)
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vodika-vibes · 11 months
Vodikaaaaaaa my loveeeeeee ✨️
I saw those kiss prompts, and I just had to pop into your inbox for a request! There were so many good ones to choose from, but I am feeling soft, sappy, and fluffy today
Soooo, what about prompt, "a kiss against the cheek after discovering the other is napping" with Keeli 🥺
Please and thank you 💚
Napping Kisses
Summary: You get home from a shopping trip, and have to go and hunt your boyfriend down.
Pairing: Captain Keeli x Reader
Word Count: 915
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: I've never written for Keeli before, so I hope this is okay. But more importantly, I hope this has the soft vibes you're seeking. Also, I wrote this in under an hour, so go me?
divider by saradika
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When you get home from grocery shopping you’re surprised that the house is dark, and quiet. 
Generally speaking, when Keeli is here, and when he’s staying with you, and he didn’t go out with you for some reason, you’ll come home and there will be music playing, or something playing on the holo, or you’ll be able to hear him puttering around the kitchen.
His boots are still at the door…as are the more comfortable sneakers that you bought him when he started spending more time with you and less time at the barracks. Which means he hasn’t gone out. You didn’t really think so, honestly, he would have sent a message if he had gotten called in suddenly.
You walk into the kitchen and set the bags on the counter. You absently shove the perishable items where they belong, and then ignore the rest of the groceries in favor of finding your favorite person.
You start in the bedroom.
He’s not in bed, though you’d have been surprised if he was. He doesn’t like lounging in bed when you’re not there next to him. He’s also not in the shower, the door is open and his towel is in the laundry basket alongside his sleep pants from the night before.
You hum thoughtfully, grab the basket, and bring it to the laundry room. Though you just drop the basket on top of the dryer, and then continue your search.
You open the door to your craft room, and…nope. He’s not there either. Though you do see that some of his paints are out, and some of the brushes are laying out drying. 
You tap the door frame thoughtfully, your eyes scanning the room. His paints are out, and his brushes are drying, but there’s no canvas on the easel …which means he can only be outside.
You step out of the craft room and pull the door shut behind you, and then you walk through the house and pull open the door that leads to the backyard.
Keeli’s canvas is lying in the sun, drying, but you still don’t see him. You glance at the painting and a fond smile crosses your face when you see that it’s a picture of the pair of you sitting out in the garden.
Keeli really is a very talented painter, though you know that if you say that to him, he’ll just deflect with a joke. You have an entire closet filled with paintings and sketches he’s done…you’re just waiting until he says it’s alright before you hang them.
But admiring your very talented boyfriend's paintings isn’t helping you find him any faster. So you spin on you heel and you scan your garden. He’s not tending to the vegetable garden, nor the herb garden, none of the plants are tall enough to hide him from you as of yet…
You think for a moment, and then you smile. You know where he is.
You cross through your garden, and walk the short distance over to the small orchard that your grandfather planted for you when you first bought the house. 
You wander between the trees and there, near the end of a row of trees, laying in the shade under a tree, is Keeli. His arms are tucked under his head, and one of his knees is bent, and, as you approach him, you realize that he’s asleep.
A broad smile crosses your face, and you walk over to him and carefully sit on the ground next to him. You lean your head back against the tree behind you and just enjoy the quiet for a moment.
Your brave, handsome Keeli works so hard. He deserves a break.
You open your eyes and quietly lean down and press a gentle, lingering, kiss against his cheek. You’ll let him sleep, he deserves it.
You place your hands on the ground, to help yourself to your feet, but a quiet hum distracts you, “Leaving so soon, cyare?” Keeli asks, his voice thick with sleep.
You laugh quietly and settle yourself more comfortably on the ground, your hand coming up to lightly run across his head, “I didn’t mean to wake you, love.” You reply warmly.
His eyes open and he regards with a warm smile, “It’s alright. Welcome home.” Keeli’s arm snakes out and hooks around your waist, and he tugs so that you topple across his chest.
You laugh softly and adjust yourself so that you're lying more comfortably on top of him, “Mm, this is quite the welcome,” you joke easily, “Did you have a nice nap?”
“Hm…I think so. But it would have been better with you.” Keeli replies, as he cups your face.
You lean into his touch, “You’re such a sap, Keeli.” You say lovingly.
“Only for you, cyare. And my brother’s will never believe you.”
“They don’t need to know this side of you,” You agree, “I’ll be greedy and keep it all to myself.”
“Mm. Greedy over me.” Keeli says thoughtfully, “I like it. Very hot.”
“You would say that.” You reply with a sigh.
He flashes a small grin, and uses his hand to tilt your head towards his, “Love you, cyare.” He murmurs as he pulls you so your lips are hovering just over his.
“Love you more, you ridiculous man,” You answer with a grin, before you close the distance between your lips.
You have Keeli, and he has you, and nothing else matters at the moment.
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lunainfortuna · 8 months
currently imagining modern!Gwynriel doing face masks together. who do you think came up with the idea and who posts the pictures to social media👀
oooooh that's great!!!!! 🥹🥹 probably gwyn! azriel would be sitting there just waiting for instructions as his gf helps him with face masks (and skin care) lol i can picture gwyn being mad that she takes care of her hair and face every day while azriel just.. exists and his hair and skin are great 🤣 social media? on gwyn! BUT azriel would share a photo of her with her skin glowing 🫶🏻 boy is in loveeeeeee
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stylesloveclub · 11 months
Wait wait what if 1. Sunshine makes a cute beaded necklace with his nickname or some cute words and hearts 2. Harry has a locket of his own and it has a cute photo of her on one side and a tiny nsfw photo on the other
YES OMG LOVEEEEEEE BC SUNSHINE TOTALLY WOULD DIY A NECKLACE W LIKE AN h AND A SUN CHARM :( AND A COUPLE OF HEARTS AND IT'S ALL CUTESY AND COLORFUL AND GRUMPYRRY IS SO CUTE WEARING THIS BEADED NECKLACE :( i think grumpy is the kind of guy to have like a sweet cutsie picture of sunshine in his wallet and as his lockscreen and wouldn't be surprised if he put a pic of her in a locket just so that she's near his heart always :(
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OMG! Just found your IF and I'm in loveeeeeee! I have seen a few little post about the RO's finding out the MC is pregnant to even their own kid spoiling their fun. Hehe. 😅 I know you haven't posted a public demo but I love the kid ask because I think my MC would love to have children and they would be the most protective of them since they didn't really have anyone to protect them when they were young. Plus it is just so cute to imagine the epilogue of your IF and the ROs with their happy ever after.
That's why I have to ask, sorry if this is bugging you but how are the ROs as parents and what are they like? Protective? Fun?
Thank you for the kind words and there actually is a sort of demo of the IF, Act 1 & 2 of the prologue is on the pinned post of this blog. 😊
Now unto the ask,
Cassandra: She would be a very loving mother who is always there to fight for her children and defend them, but she would also be a strict parent like her dad. Curfew and interrogations on where they are going and who with are the norm. She would like to have a good relationship and communication with her kids so that they would actually want to tell her this stuff. Family trips every summer and planned family nights where you all go eat a nice dinner then come home to play music and dance.
Valeria: Exact same as her mom where she kinda acts more like a big sister than a mother, she would want to give her kids a lot of space and be there if they ever need anything. Just be aware that she might give them TOO much free reign so MC might need to step in when things get out of hand. But overall she is very loving and loves to listen to their stories, her kids would love spending time with her at the table just talking for hours. She would get artsy with them too, encouraging them to pursue whatever makes them happy.
Tomás: In the dictionary next to the definition of a good father, there is a picture of him with his kids. This man would TREASURE his kids and always let them know that they are loved. Would brush his daughter's hair and have tea parties if they wanted; take his son's to go fishing and play catch. The whole picturesque vision of what a good father is, waking up at the crack of dawn because his kids want to go to the park. He would be a very over protective dad though, of both his sons and daughters; would have them always at hands reach and when they get older would nearly have them on house arrest. MC would need to step in.
Ludovica: Her children would be her world, she would die for them. She would be a tender loving mother, staying by her kids side until they fall asleep. She would sing to them and cuddle all day, spend all day fussing over them over the literally littlest thing. Would sew them clothes & toys; play make believe with them and turn the whole villa into their little castle. Would bawl her eyes out as they get older, she fears what the world will do to them and she just wants her babies to stay safe and loved with her. MC's help would be needed here.
Aurelio: Dear God, please help these idiots. His kids turn out 100% like him, smart as hell but utterly STUPID in their decision making. Little geniuses in math and writing while at the same time also think it's a good idea to jump off the roof of the manor because they can totally make the jump to that tree because "they built like that". When in fact, they are not build like that; enjoy hearing the whining about their broken arm for months because of their bad decisions. And expect little to no help from Aurelio in the discipline department because he is the fun parent, he would laugh at first at the stupid things they pull, then give them suggestions on how to maybe do it better next time. On literally everything else he is a pretty good dad, he pays for everything obviously and you don't need to worry about him spoiling them because he teaches them you they need to work for what they want and to appreciate what they have. Aurelio grew up poor and while he obviously would like to spoil his kids, he will die before he lets them take what they have for granted. He spends lots of time with them and even takes them to work with him, whether that's a good thing is up to you to decide.
Elio: Elio can't biologically have kids but if you were to adopt he would be such a chill dad. I think the kid would like to try and emulate him by walking around with a book and trying to be all grown up like him by being serious and smart. He would actually find that so cute and entertain them by acknowledging everything they say as intelligent even when it's utter nonsense when they are little. "Ah yes, I concur that blue is the tastiest color". He only start correcting them when they are older but in such a much nicer way from how he corrects MC. MC would fr call him out and he would deny that he behaves any different around his kids; as he lets them color all over his face and hands. He would still be monotone because that's just how he is but you can tell his affection more by his actions then his words. Would homeschool them because he can do such a better job than any other idiot, which reminds me that if MC does not teach the kids manners they will turn out to be rude little pricks like their dad.
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I guess she came and went at his whim, more like a glorified booty call. I want to know how many flights she took last year. In the SMA interview, he was adamant that MA is his base and he doesn't want to be on a plane or live out of a suitcase anymore, even for filming purposes. So, he makes Alba do all the travelling and living out of a suitcase because she's young while he's old and saggy. She really has zero self-respect. Imagine giving it all up for an overgrown manchild like Topher./ They were not always together like we thought they were. Those pictures are mostly from the same days. Same outfit. Never alone. With his family. Endless loveeeeeee….
This! That's what they want to sell and make you believe. If you look closer, you see that they didn't see each other so often as they try to pretend with their pics.
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agentmarcuspike · 1 year
hellooo! marcus pike anon here! i should definitely be asleep but i saw that post you reblogged and all i can think of now are origami date nights 😭😭
just picture this: you show up to marcus’ house with your favorite takeout food and he has all kinds of colorful papers ready. you just spend the entire evening on the living room floor, learning how to make complex shapes you clearly don’t have the patience for but it’s okay because marcus is with you and he loves it so much you’re willing to lose your sanity over it. and he knows it wasn’t really your thing in the first place but fuck he appreciates you so much for trying and just…enjoying the time you’re spending with him even if it’s not to do something you were interested in in the first place—you actually grow to love origami date nights with your favorite cutie fbi agent <3 (and if that’s not true love idk what is)
ALSO!!! completely forgot to tell you just how much i loveeeeeeed that moodboard you did the other day!!! it’s so pretty and satisfying and i love it i love it i love it (this is an accurate image of me reacting to it: 🤭😵‍💫🥰🫠)
okay i’ll go to bed now, sweet dreams of marcus <3
listeeeeen, yes yes yes !!! him cross legged on the floor with his tongue poking out in concentration….. he beams when you ask him to show you again and again cause you keep forgetting, because he loves how dedicated and interested you are……
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he gets really good at it eventually, keeps practicing while on stakeouts etc, and sometimes he surprises you with cute fucking shit like this
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he says they’re paper so they’ll never die. just like his love for you; also undying……
perfect mental picture to drift off to :’) good night to you and marcus pike only
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
I haven’t done a review ina bit, I’m sorry :( my classes started so I’ve been a bit busy. Anyway tysm for updating so much, you’re one of the only authors I follow who uploads consistently & I appreciate it sm !! You truly do spoil us <3 let’s get into it … TWENTY FOUR?????!! Omg. Like. Omg. I loveeeeeee me some angst so this may be one of my fave chapters so far. Idk if you meant the note at the end to be angsty but I interpreted it like that a bit. Only because it sounded a tinsy bit sad in the beginning with the “since you don’t wanna hear me you’ll just have to read this” but then it was so cute with her little “p.s” remark!! I think I’m mostly thinking the note as a bit angsty bcs I just picture him waking up seeing she’s not next to him, waking up and looking for her & seeing the note & going ☹️ but then going 😒😒 because whatever she was an asshole anyway. But maybe I’m overthinking. I think it’s great that oc apologized + the extent that she apologized because I wouldn’t have imagined her being so insistent. I personally would’ve felt embarrassed after he ignored the first initial apology & would’ve just left when he walked away (ik she tried) but I like this for her, to me it shows compassion and maturity in her character. We still don’t know everyyyy thing about jk so I think it’s not fair to say he’s overdoing it because he honestly seemed genuinely bothered by her comment. Maybe it hurts so bad bc he hates how someone he holds on some sort of high regard (oc) can view him like that. The “fuck you” from last chapter hurt me too lowkey so again, shout out to oc for brushing it to the side and still apologizing. I think it’s so sweet how even though hes mad at her he still took care of her. He could’ve just ignored her and kept walking. Now that would’ve been an asshole thing to do, but he didn’t. I’m curious as to what he left to do for a few hours ngl 👀 like don’t tell me he went to go get some and then came home to oc💀💀 I’m laughing but I’m not (tbh I don’t really think he did that but this is me just thinking). The kiss was so hawt too & when he’s all demanding🥵🥵 “sit down” “go to sleep, I don’t want to hear you anymore”. I need to chill ik. Idk if he kissed her just to shut her up or if he was so touched by her apology he just felt the need to kiss her. I wonder if the angst will continue or will there be any reconciliation next part!! I can’t wait !!! (Sorry this was so long)
i love this 😭😭 thank you for sharing ur thoughts i love reading yalls thought process so much!
i leave a lot up to y’all interpretation because personally it’s still an improv series in my eyes and i just want you guys to go with the vibe, unlike when i have a story planned out and people read the characters wrong.
w this i like that yall analyze so deeply and pay attention to these details and are moved w some of their actions just as much as i am. i really love that yall love reading this story as much i love writing it
thanks for being amazing <33
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