#i loved when she lightly bullied sillabub
hansrlow · 3 years
i saw the cats national tour, these are my act two thoughts
my act one thoughts
im not gonna paste the entire cast list again bc its too long aaaahhh
The Moments of Happiness: old deut comes out on stage like, halfway through intermission ? and the next cats out at the start of act 2 are cassandra and the psychic twins. I enjoy how the psychic twins Bop sillabub on the head to get her to sing the lines from memory . its adorable. after everyone sings the lines from memory, old Deuteronomy leaves the stage
Gus The Theater Cat: because john was playing old deuteronomy literally right before GTTC starts, Kayli has to start the song alone. When gus finally does make it out on stage, a small group of cats forms at his feet, most notably the two kittens and Mungorump. Rumpleteazer stuck her tongue out at sillabub at one point and made silly upset :( , and then I think they also bullied Pouncival a bit too? I was busy looking at tugger and then heard a bit of audience laughter and then looked back to The Group and seen an upset pounce, but idk what they did to him . Gus’ blood curdling noise was wonderful and zuggers reaction was adorable
The Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles: gus, mid-sentence, forgets the rest of the title (I think starting at intervention?) and munk helps him out which i find very sweet . tugger and jenny help Rumpleteazer get into Dog Gear before her barking match against Pouncival. After the barking match, rump keeps her dog gear on, but pounce goes and sits on the tire w/ silly and tugger (who was Very into the performance) the entrance of the great rumpus cat was top notch . I love the lighting in this show
Skimbleshanks The Railway Cat: (theres a train going by as im typing this how fitting) because of the lack of an old deuteronomy, rump has to start the song all by herself and she does a great job and im very proud of her . after that Skimble runs up to the top of the car and pretends to be asleep for the “Skimble? Where is Skimble?” line which like . thank u sean . also sean is an absolutely adorable and amazing Skimble. legit couldn’t tell that this was only his third (!!!) time in the role. and to the surprise of no one, zugger also had adorable reactions during this song, and during the part where Skimble is describing to the kittens how humans act on the train, tugger goes onto the tire next to Munkustrap and starts doing some Hip Thrusts and Wiggles TM . and then Munkustrap, in a surprising turn of events, ALSO starts thrusting them. Which surprised not only me but also seemingly surprised munk (and tugger) before he decided to Just Go With It. And then old deut shows up at the very very end, like literally just to get kidnapped by henchman!pounce
Macavity: ok so when Macavity shows up its like . legitimately a little bit frightening bc it was very loud . connor did an incredible job as Macavity though kudos to him. As for the actual song ,,,, I am very in love with both lauren and Chelsea and they both did such a good good job. Chelsea specifically has such a good, deep bomba voice im in love
Macavity Fight: ok I really don’t have much to say about this other than the part where Macavity and Munkustrap are both really low to the ground, you know . this part ?
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devon was like . literally On The Floor during that part he was so low to the ground . also ! I love alonzos lil powerup moment he goes through after munk gets wrecked, its very sweet.
Mr. Mistoffelees: after tugger says “you ought to ask magical mr Mistoffelees” everyone starts to leave the stage, and then he says the “listen to me and don’t scoff” line. I was watching munk and demeter during this part and found it interesting that even after tugger said that, munk still looked like he wanted to leave, but demeter tapped him and convinced him to stay. Paul as misto is incredible. Hes an absolutely wonderful dancer, and I love how the broadway revival went HARD on making it clear that misto deals with light magic (he does lighting stuff in jennys song, in tuggers song, in the ball, and in TABOTPATP) hes just a cute lil light up boy and I love him a lot . pauls misto also clearly has Main Character Syndrome and i think thats perfect . after he brings old deut back, (and after tugger credits him for bringing old deut back,) tugger and misto do a lil paw touch and a head nuzzle, was very cute. (side note: misto has a bunch of really cute moments w a few characters, namely bomba, rump, and demeter)
Memory: im going to repeat this one last time: kelliann decarlo is an amazing Grizabella . but also ? bri is the most adorable sillabub, and together they formed one of my favorite renditions of memory . its just got so much Emotion in it..
The Journey to the Heaviside Layer: my only comment about this song is that Mistoffelees was the only cat who DIDN’T touch Grizabella and I don’t know why
The Ad-Dressing of Cats: the audience loved this one because of the poses the cats would take, but my one true thought is “goddamn misto is so close to that tire isn’t he” like . hes clearly supposed to be looking at old Deuteronomy but I do not think that paul is able to actually see old deut from the angle hes at.
Ive got two notes on the bows: zach and I made a Very brief moment of eye contact, and after doing some Shimmies with Mungojerrie, tugger is beckoned over by misto and they do some shimmies, a paw touch, and another head nuzzle. oh and i guess a third note would be that kieran does the first bow (the pouncival bow) AND the last bow (the tumble bow, he doesnt flip but he does do some cool Jumps) and honestly im so proud of him and he deserves both bows
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