#i loved how she stood up for herself and did not allow Wilson to degrade himself to make her happy
I think Amber was genuinely so good for Wilson. She understood him more than most people, and she encouraged his independence. She genuinely wanted him to put himself first and do things he wanted instead of just doing things he thought others wanted. And a lot of that was able to happen because she herself was incredibly independent. She wasn't the stereotypically "needy" person Wilson had been drawn to before, so she wouldn't stand for his attempts at being a martyr. She stood up to House, too, but she also cared about him in her own way because Wilson cared about him. She appreciated their relationship and went out of her way to work things out with House for Wilsons sake. I have a lot to say about why I think all of Wilson's female relationships failed and why I think that was caused by his internalized struggle with his sexuality, but I stand by the fact that I think Amber was actually good for him and one of, if not the most, healthy relationship he had in the show.
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mrwinterr · 4 years
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Pairing: Rockstar!Bucky Barnes AU x Female Reader
Summary: You meet your favorite artist and get more than what you bargained for. 
Warnings: Smut 18+ (consensual and protected sex, oral [male and female receiving], vaginal fingering, belly bulge, light degradation) dirty talk/language and recording. Mentions of drugs and alcohol and a tiny bit of angst.
Disclaimer: I don’t smoke regularly, so anything that has to do with drugs mentioned are techniques I’ve outweighed based on what I’ve been taught by different people. I don’t know which method works best nor am I encouraging the activity. It just came with this fic’s territory. It’s not that deep. You do you, boo. 
Title Inspiration: “Happy” by The Maine 
A/N: I might or might not have based some of this on true events. All I can say is, life is short, shoot your shot! Enjoy! 
A/N #2: There’s a Part 2 now!
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“You owe me.” Your friend next to you said for probably the third time this hour. You learned earlier in the day to tune her out. She had been saying that since you persuaded her to accompany you on the weekend long road trip to the neighboring state just so you could see your favorite band…again.
Growing up your parents thought this was just another phase, but as your teenaged years passed on by and you’re now well into adulthood, you’re still a bigger stan for The Avengers as ever.
The Avengers consisted of three members: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. Everyone had their take on each of the guys, Steve was the nice one, Sam was the goofy one and Bucky was the bad one. It was silly. They weren’t *NSYNC or The Backstreet Boys, but the fangirls will be fangirls.
Their music wasn’t exactly mainstream, but they did very well within in their genre’s scene. They graced the covers of a couple of magazines, garnered thousands, close to millions, of views and streams online, were featured on TV every now and then, toured around the globe, sold a bunch of records, even independently, but despite all that notoriety, they stayed true to their sound and that’s what kept you around as a fan.
That and the band’s front man Bucky Barnes. 
He was hot – plain and simple. Ok, maybe he was just that to most, including your friend who couldn’t deny it, but you didn’t want to objectify the man. What their music had done to get you through the years, they were more than that. There was a level of respect there. You also didn’t buy into the “bad boy” gimmick the fans have dubbed for him. They were human beings just like the rest of us. Imagine being called something like that by the public? They just so happened to be fortunate enough to share their talent to the rest of the world.  
“You’ve already seen them. I don’t know why you think you need to for what a tenth time?” She clearly wasn’t amused by your infatuation with the band, but she was still your friend and she would always be by your side through thick and thin even if she didn’t have the same taste in music as you. You loved her for that. Who else would stand for hours in a dark room full of loud, sweaty, smelly, rude even, and sometimes drunk people with no self-control for you? She really was the real MVP.
And she was right though. You’ve already seen The Avengers perform. It was probably more, but you’ve lost count. Whenever they’re in your city or two to four hours in the next one over, you loved this band alright!
You both were polar opposites standing next to each other in line waiting for the venue doors to open. She was calm and still, arms crossed with an unamused look on her face – she could almost play as the “mom that tagged along and didn’t want to be there” – but you knew she wasn’t really mad. There was a bar inside she could occupy herself at. You on the other hand were trying to contain your excitement. You tried your best to not fidget around in anticipation so much. You didn’t want to sweat off your makeup that you managed to apply on point or get an embarrassing stain on your clothes.  
“It doesn’t matter,” was always the response you gave her, “their music means everything to me. I’ll always come out to support them.”
She playfully rolled her eyes and scoffed a bit at that. She wasn’t trying to knock you down. She knew you deeply liked the band, but she also knew another side of you, and she liked to pick at it. “Yeah that and you’re into Bucky,” she said and just flat out poked at the side of your breasts. The bra that you chose to purposely wear tonight gave your boobs an extra push and it didn’t go unnoticed by her. They were out there, tastefully, since you were hardly the flashy type. 
“Okay, but who isn’t?” You flare back swatting her hand away and trying to shut her down. You didn’t need to have this conversation with her while other fans were around. You didn’t want to sound like a fangirl. You weren’t 13 anymore.
“Chill.” She said raising her hands up in surrender. She wasn’t going to fight you on this one again.
When the top of the hour hit, the roar of the crowd signaled the doors had opened. Once inside, you hit the line to the bathroom considering you’d been outside for a few hours. You didn’t just have to pee, but you needed to freshen up. Your cheeks were a bit flushed from standing in the heat. You dabbed lightly at your face with a small blotting sheet, sprayed a bit of body spray and finished putting every hair back into place before finding your friend, who was already at the bar.
You sported a 21 and up paper wristband that was handed at the entrance, however you weren’t planning on drinking. Usually you had one or two drinks at most, but you were assuming you would be the designated driver tonight. You just always flashed your ID to the bouncer for the wristband to emphasize that you were of age. Unfortunately, some bands have had a bad reputation of fooling around with underaged girls, who lied about it.
She held up her drink to you with a smile on her face. Yeah, you were going to be the one driving back to the hotel, but at least she’s happy. She tried to coax you into ordering a drink of your own, but you only shook your head at her nonsense and stood away from the crowd.
As an avid concert goer, you’ve been to enough shows that you’d been in every section of the crowd. Hell, you’ve even gone crowd surfing before! Plus, you couldn’t hang with those vicious and hormonal fans in the crowd anymore, so you learned to enjoy the show from the back with a full view.
The opening bands were decent. You’d never heard of them, one was probably local, but you always believed live music was just as good, if not, better than opposed to being recorded and remastered at a studio. 
During their sets, you caved and bought a drink from the bar, hoping it’d help to pass the time before the headliners came on. Your friend was seemingly on her phone when a random guy approached you asking if he could buy you a drink. The house lights were on. Did he not see the can of beer in your hands? You politely declined his offer and further advances until he gave up and walked away.  
“Girl. He was cute!” Your friend said shoving you lightly.
“I wasn’t interested,” you shrug and taking a swig of your drink. 
“You’re not being fair,” she started and seeing that you weren’t catching on continued, “you can’t wait around hoping that one day Bucky will notice you. Honey, he came here to play a show and make money not look for a girlfriend.” Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh, bursting your bubble like that and all, but her intentions were good. Bucky Barnes just set the standards too high.
She wasn’t wrong. Guys like Bucky meet new people every day, met girls probably way prettier than you. The majority of their fans were female because let’s face it, the guys had sex appeal and you know what they say…sex sells.
Looking around the venue, you took in the kinds of girls you were going up against. There was a mixture of women of different backgrounds and sizes decked out in different styles, but the ones who won most of the time were the ones that looked good dressed in risqué clothing and heels. Some of them probably even wore less make-up than you or none at all. You couldn’t understand how it was effortless for some people.
It wasn’t that you had low self-esteem. You had your fair share of internal struggle, so sometimes your insecurity played its part. You had your good days and you had your bad days.
You decided upon wearing something simple that you would be comfortable in while still serving a look. And the only other significant thing you did to your make-up was add in a little more shimmer. Yeah you wanted to impress, not sell your soul to the devil.
“Okay, but I just really wasn’t interested,” you said again hoping she’d understand. She did, aware you wrestled with that demon in your head always taunting and ridiculing you that you could look better when you’re perfect just the way you are. With an added bonus of telling you that Bucky was missing out if he hasn’t noticed you already, she ordered another drink in time before the lights dimmed and ear-piercing screams erupted to alert that The Avengers finally took the stage to headline the show.
Like each of the shows you’d previously attended, they were amazing. They poured their hearts out with each beat and belt. Every lyric resonated with you so deeply. There was just so much raw emotion packed into their performance. The beauty of concerts was that they were designed to let you forget about all the bullshit happening in the world for a few hours. They were therapeutic for you.  
If you hadn’t known any better, you’d say your friend secretly liked The Avengers’ music because she broke you out of your shell and had you swaying along with her to their songs…that or it was the alcohol taking over her. You didn’t fight it and you allowed yourself to let loose.
You tried to give each member equal attention, watching them as they played, but you couldn’t help but keep your eyes on Bucky the most. They were just trained on him. His cheeky smile and onstage presence were electric. The mere sight of him, all sweaty as his clothes stuck to his skin accentuating his toned body so well, all but had you shuffling trying to ease your body’s frustration and mind.
The only time you looked away was when you swore you thought he looked at you. Making eye contact with someone on stage was kind of awkward sometimes, but with him it was almost intimidating. Believing he was probably staring at the girl behind you, you downed the rest of your drink, pushed that thought away and tried to enjoy the rest of the show.
A full set of songs that showcased their albums and a two-song encore later, you were driving yourself and your buzzed friend back to your hotel room. It wasn’t that far from the venue, electing to stay within its vicinity. Upon entering the room, you tossed the shirt you bought at the merch booth on your bed before removing your leather jacket while she face-planted down on her bed, arms wide open, letting out an exaggerated sigh of relief. You couldn’t blame her. It felt great to rest right after standing on your feet for hours.
Your back rested against the headboard, you knocked your boots and socks off a while ago and had your bare feet up on your bed. You hadn’t changed out of the rest of your clothes or even wiped off your make-up yet. Instead, you sat there skimming through the timelines of your social media accounts while you waited for your friend to get out of the shower.
You had posted a few photos and videos of the night to your story, like your outfit, a few of you and your friend sightseeing, and of The Avengers’ set. You refreshed your timeline and noticed Bucky’s account pop up before everyone else that you followed. It’s no surprise that you were following them on social media. You liked seeing them share the personal moments of their lives. They used to be interactive with their fans. Bucky had even once commented on the old photo you had with the band years ago.   
You met them after a show when they were just starting out with their first full-length album debuting that summer. Now, they hardly came out because all it took was one crazed fan to ruin it for everyone else. Their popularity sometimes deemed it unsafe for venues to let them stick around so late, restricting them from meeting their fans.
You click on Bucky’s account and go through his story. There was one of a view of the open road from their tour bus, a clip of a song he liked, a cryptic quote with a deep underlying meaning to it, him getting ready to go on stage and then of the show.
He had taken a photo of the crowd towards the end of the set, asked fans to tag themselves if they could, because the crowd was amazing…as if they didn’t say that in every town they played in.
His caption read: “Awesome crowd tonight! Probably our best show yet!” topped with how much he loved the city. Sometimes you wanted to reply to his posts like he was one of your friends, but then you second guessed yourself knowing he’d never see the message, or he would and just ignore it because he was busy. You knew it was a long shot, but what did you have to lose and what is it that they said these days? Shoot your shot.
You didn’t linger on the body of the message for too long, settling with a “Great show tonight! You guys were amazing as always! :)” hitting send and closing out the app thinking it would conceal any embarrassment that might come out of it. It was a ridiculous thought.
After surfing through the channels of the TV and picking at the food you had delivered to your room, your phone pinged. You saw that it was a notification from your social media account, but once your face unlocked the phone and the subject appeared, you nearly choked on the drink you were sipping on.
Bucky Barnes sent you a message.
Your heart pathetically started beating really fast. The phone almost slipped from your hands as you opened up the toxic app again to read what he said. He probably just sent you an emoji or something.
“Thanks for coming out.”
That was it. Okay, what did you except? A proposal. That was a fair response. He probably had some downtime and was able to reply to people. You couldn’t be that special…but thinking you could strike gold again, you started typing up a response.
“Of course! Will always be out there to support you guys! Hope the city treats you well and have a safe rest of the tour.” Yeah, that was a good one. You say to yourself thinking that would be the end of it…except it wasn’t.
“Appreciate it. You know of any good spots around here?”
Nope. You did not. Do you look up some recommendations for him? No, that’s too much. Great, you’re having a conversation with him through DMs and you can’t even genuinely contribute enough to hold it down.  
“No, not really. I’m not from here actually. My friend and I drove here just to catch the show. Maybe YELP?” Shit. You just might’ve effectively got rid of him with turning him to the Internet instead.
“No way! That’s love. Good thinking.” They came through in separate text bubbles.
Why were guys so short? You couldn’t work with that. You thought about it for a while but came up with nothing, so you sent the sassy ‘girl sticking her hand out’ emoji as a reply. Damn, you were really bad at this.
Several minutes passed by and thinking you were really done with him; you got another message. It was Bucky again and he sent you a photo. It was from your own feed; the group photo of you and his band mates all those years ago.
“I thought I recognized you.” You sat up straight as you read that message over and over, eyes bugging. Thankful your friend was taking her sweet time in the bathroom, so she wouldn’t see you all strung up.
What? There’s no way. That was a long time ago. Your thoughts spiraled at his words that had you blushing. He’s pulling your chain.
“Impossible. That was forever ago!” I guess two could play this game then.
“I swear. You tripped and fell into my arms that night.”
What the hell? He actually remembered that? Yeah, that did indeed happen. You had been waiting outside surrounded by a bunch of other chatty girls, pushing and shoving their way to get to Bucky first. By the time he turned to you and you stepped forward, you lost your footing and fell straight onto him. He played it cool, but then you heard Sam, who was trapped in his own circle of girls, signing and taking pictures away, that Bucky has girls falling for him all the time.
“OMG. That was so embarrassing, and I was so awkward!” You couldn’t even speak to him when you managed to hold your own ground. You were young then, you thought you effectively put that behind you.
“You weren’t awkward! You were cute and that’s what has stuck with me since. One of the most memorable moments.”
Yup, he was definitely pulling your chain. While you were ecstatic that you were interacting with your favorite artist, you couldn’t help but wonder why you. He was a public figure and you were just a fan.
“Is this weird?” Came through as his next message after your silence. 
Oh, no. I hope I didn’t offend him. You might as well tell it like it is and get it off your chest.
“I don’t know...just a bit. Probably because I’m just a fan? I feel like you should be careful. I mean I should be too…” You really did wonder though. How was it that people of his status were willing and freely open to people they barely knew only to get threatened of being leaked and blackmailed by their own nudes or messages? What made them trust the other party so easily with that kind of stuff? They couldn’t be that dumb. Well, you got your answer.
“I don’t think of you or anyone as just a fan, but you are right…at the same time I feel that you’re grounded enough and a good person that we can trust each other. If that makes sense.”
You weren’t sure if it did. He still didn’t really know you.
“Awe, well that’s really flattering. I totally understand that because that’s how I feel.” Did you? There was a pause between that message and the next that would come.  
“What’s your cell?”
Really? It was just that easy? Oh, okay then. Nonetheless, you still gave him your number. The DMs stopped and transferred over to text messages. You have Bucky Barnes’ phone number. What fan fic were you living in? Shit like this doesn’t just happen, does it?
The texts between you and Bucky went back and forth, some playful and some slightly suggestive, but you were completely oblivious to them thinking that was just in his nature. You found out the band was staying in for the night before heading back out on the road tomorrow afternoon off to the next city. You didn’t realize you were holding your breath when you stared at his most recent text asking if you wanted to hang out. It was kind of late, but you didn’t get a guy like Bucky Barnes asking you to hang out on the regular.
“Are you alright?” Your friend questioned breaking your train of thoughts. You could see her from your peripheral that she was towel drying the ends of her hair even though you’re still staring at your phone.
“Bucky sent me a DM inviting me to his hotel room.” You answered in a stoic demeanor, but it felt really strange coming out of your mouth.
“Okay. How long was I in the shower?” Your friend asked with her hands on her hips wanting an explanation.
You recount the details and show her the messages you and Bucky had been sending to each other. She scrolled through each of them and you could see the look of apprehension forming on her face.
“I don’t know,” she said her words trailing before giving you a worried look, “shouldn’t you be the slightest bit concerned?”
“About?” You ask taking your phone back from her.
“All of this!” She exclaimed her arms outstretched in exasperation and not understanding why you were so blinded by Bucky. “You briefly met the guy, years ago might I add, and you decide it’s okay to meet him at his hotel room in a city you don’t even live in?”
Alright, it did raise a couple of red flags, but you were a consenting adult and you lived a life of being cautious and in fear a little too much you wanted to be reckless for at least one night.
“I know you’re only looking after me, but I got to go for it. You know I like him! Sure, I may not know him on a personal level, but I’m allowed to have some fun, right?” You try reasoning with her. Just how different was all this compared to what people around the world were already doing with each other anyways?
She was a bit skeptic before reluctantly agreeing and letting you go but with the promise from you to be careful, share your location and his room number with her just in case she needed to save you or come after him. You thanked her for understanding and assured her that you’d be back before check-out in the morning.
On the drive to his hotel room, you thought about how you always imagined the different scenarios of what it’d be like when you’d ever meet Bucky again. What things you’d do differently or say. How you’d make sure to not trip or do something to embarrass yourself the next time. How you’d be more confident.
Parking was a pain in any city’s downtown, you ended up having to pay for parking twice in one night. Not surprising to you, they stayed in a nice hotel. It wasn’t over-the-top nor was it fancy, but it was definitely clean and a slight step up than of what was in your budget for booking a room.
When you’re finally at his door, you wonder if you were going to be catfished. Were there other people in his room? Were you really that special? Fuck it. Was the final thought, putting an end to the rest, and knocked at his door.
You hear a click and sliding of the chain door unlock, then you’re face-to-face with Bucky. He’s dressed down in sweats and a zip-up hoodie. He shoots you a smile and steps aside for you to come inside, there wasn’t much light offered to illuminate the room other than the ones the lamps attached on the wall between the beds and what little the TV could provide.
“Oh, thank God. You’re real.” Motherfucker. Did you really just say that?
Bucky laughed at that and you explained, honest with him, that this whole thing just felt surreal. He nodded in agreement, offering to take your jacket from you and a drink. It was alcoholic. Not denying him, you accepted it and waited to see what he would do next.
You watch him sit down on the king-sized bed with his feet up, one foot over the other. You’re standing there next to the dresser that also served as a stand for the TV he was watching a random show on. Not sure what to do, you set the drink aside, kick off your boots, leaving them next to the luggage rack, and sit on the spot next to him with a considerable amount of distance between your bodies.
It’s quiet and you’re trying to hush the voices in your head. Did he really invite you to just watch TV with him? Is this awkward for him? Oh, no. He’s going to realize I’m boring.
You feel the bed shift and you see Bucky is leaning over, opposite of you, to grab something from the nightstand. You don’t see much of what he’s doing as your view was blocked by his large back. When he changes positions, a brief spark of a flame emits from his hands. Your eyes trail up from his hands to his lips and notice it was a blunt. You were pretty sure this was a non-smoking room, but it wasn’t under your name, so it didn’t really matter in the end.
Of course, he did that kind of stuff. It was part of the lifestyle to be exposed to it. He took a steady hit and you watched as he exhaled slowly, a cloud of smoke disappearing into the air in front of him.
“Want a hit?” He asked passing and offering you the blunt.
It’d been a while since you last smoked anything. You tried it a few times and even then, you didn’t think you did it right. You stare at the neatly rolled blunt in between his thumb and forefinger, but not too long as to not let it go to waste and ash up all over the bed.
You steadily take it from him and carefully attempt to take a puff. Wrong. That puff was anything but steady. Not realizing how close you were actually sitting next to Bucky, when you tried to exhale you ended up coughing – terribly. Bucky’s face scrunches up as he braces for the impact of white smoke to hit his face.
“Oh my God,” you say covering your mouth in disbelief, but it was a bad idea because your body didn’t like that, and you ended up coughing even harder.
“I’m so sorry,” you manage to get out in between your coughing fit while passing him back the blunt and trying your best to waft at the smoke. Well, if you thought your first encounter with Bucky was embarrassing. This had to take the cake. It wasn’t proper etiquette to blow smoke in the other person’s face.
He waves it off letting you know that it wasn’t a big deal before taking another hit. He even begins to give you a few pointers to inhale in increments, until you get used to the smoke. You don’t even notice the long looks Bucky gives you hit after hit. You take a second to let the smoke stay in your mouth before you give it a second inhale, letting it process through your system before gently exhaling. It was a lot of fucking steps to remember.
“Don’t try to put too much emphasis into the exhalation,” he said as he watches you take another hit, almost perfecting it and with each puff and pass being deeper and longer than the previous, “see, you’re getting the hang of it!” He whimsically lifts his hand up for a high-five that you softly pat in return, but he seizes that moment to hold your hand instead, intertwining his fingers with yours.
The more you breathed in the more your body started to relax. All the edge was taken off and you felt good. You and Bucky continued to pass the blunt, smoking whatever was left of it and what he had with him, as you told random bits of information about yourselves to one another. By now, you and Bucky were leaning on each other, backs against the headboard, the TV barely audible as it continued to play a rerun of whatever that was on earlier.
“You know I really do remember you?” He says causing you to turn your head to look down at him. He has his gaze fixed on your hands, his thumb barely grazing the back of your hand. He’d been playing with your hand, drawing random shapes on it.  
“That’s hard for me to believe,” you answer back truthfully.  
“Why?” Bucky questions while looking up at you. He was in a slouched position, his hoodie and shirt rising up, allowing you a thin glimpse of his skin, while you sat a little higher up than him. 
You admired his handsome face, the crease lines in his forehead, the faint and not so faint marks scattered all around it, his wet lips that shone when he ran his tongue over them and the stubble that surrounded it all down to his adorable nose. Then there were those blue eyes that once put you in an overawe of intimidation, were now a bit alarming in a new sense. They were swirling and growing darker.
“You meet new people every day, Bucky. There’s no way that I could’ve been that unforgettable to you.” You just couldn’t wrap your mind around that. Staring at him, you tried to read him, but you were too faded to concentrate.  
“But you were,” he tells you in a low voice just before you notice his eyes shut and he leans in to place an experimenting kiss to your lips. He pulls back to quietly study your expression, and when you don’t show any sign of disapproval, he goes in for another.
This time with added pressure, more emotion, Bucky pulls you down by the back of your neck and casually slips his tongue in your mouth the moment your lips parted. Your heart started racing when you reciprocated his kiss, trying to keep up with him. He definitely liked to dominate. You could even slightly taste the blunt you both shared moments ago as his tongue tangled with yours.
He slips off his hoodie leaving him in a dark gray shirt. Navigating his body over yours, he pulls you down into a more comfortable position. He’s cradling the side of your face as your lips continue to move one another, getting hungrier and hungrier.
The movements cause your top to ride up, exposing your midriff. His hands wander down to caress your skin before you feel his fingers grip at the waistline of your jeans. You instantly grab his hand and stop him. This was moving all too fast for you.
Bucky didn’t press on it for too long and slipped his fingers out, running his hand back up your side and this time underneath what your tank top was covering left of your upper body. His hand snuck back out and started tugging at the material bunched underneath your breasts. When your top was finally discarded to reveal your red bra, he latched onto your neck, kissing up along your jawline and nipping at your ear, the sound of his harsh breathing sent a tingle at the contact and shivers through your entire body.
You winced when you suddenly felt one of his hands at the back of your head, yanking a handful of your hair causing your head to snap back. It gave him more access and you closed your eyes letting the sharp pain run its course and turn into something pleasurable as he practically devoured your neck. You could feel him inhale deeply, getting high on you, and possibly the lingering aroma of the drugs, and sucking tiny splotches onto your skin then licking to soothe them.  
He pushed aside the straps of your bra as his lips travelled down your shoulder before stopping at the curve of your breasts. You briefly opened your eyes to see him fixated on your chest. He uses both hands to grope them.
“You think I didn’t notice these from the stage?” He asks now looking at you, squeezing and releasing them before pulling your bra down, your breasts spilling out of the cups. He instantly latches his mouth onto a nipple, while the other hand digs in between the mattress and your back to unclasp the bra. His tongue swirled around the nub, teeth lightly grazing and sucking at the skin around it.
You run a hand through his hair, it was a little sweaty and you couldn’t blame him. It was getting hot; you could feel the heat radiating off of him. It became even more apparent after he got rid of his shirt and you feel his clammy skin on yours.
He pulls back, straddling your waist, most of his body weight falling on his knees, careful to not to crush you. Your hands cascaded down his chest and rested at his thighs. You gave them a shy squeeze, something you’ve always dreamed of doing and you were only slightly satisfied.
Bucky flashes you another smile before he braces one hand next to your head and leans back over to fish something off the nightstand. When he pulls his other hand back you notice he’s going through something on his phone. Curious, you look at his face trying to get another read at him, but this whole night was just full of surprises. He finally looks at you before speaking.
“Can I ask you something and you promise not to freak out?”
It depends.
“Yeah…” Who were you kidding? You’d gladly get on your knees for this man. He swooped in for another hard kiss, your mind turning into mush just before you could get anything else out.
“I think it’d be so hot if we recorded ourselves,” his face was so close to yours making sure that your focus was on his and only his. He must’ve felt you shift because he allowed more of his weight to drop; he was closing in on you and it was like you almost had no chance of escape. You weren’t going to lie. The way his weight was crushing you and sinking you deeper into the bed felt really nice. You were speechless. He wanted to record a sex tape with you.
“I travel so much,” he starts listing off reasons why while still cradling the side of your face again, your hand bracing his forearm, and starts kissing your face, “it gets really lonely being on the road.” At this point, he’s probably kissed every inch, “I’d love to have this...it’d be so much easier for me to come thinking about you.”
Motherfucker. His dreamy voice speaking those words into you did one hell of a number because you were aching down there plus the way his hips dragged at your still jean-clad lower region didn’t offer much relief.
“I-I don’t know,” you hesitate for a bit. What if his phone got hacked and the footage leaked?
“It’s just for me, baby. I swear,” he asks with hopeful eyes.
Sure, you could’ve had the strength to say no, but you were more than willing to be everything he desired. With your consent, he sealed it with another wild kiss. The magnitude of it setting you ablaze.
Bucky sets his phone back on the nightstand, propping it upright, camera on front face mode to display the both of you on its screen, and at the perfect angle he hits the red record button.
It’s showtime.
He revisits the mission of removing your pants and is this time successful. If you both weren’t so faded, he’d probably have an easier time taking them off, but they were tight, and you were grateful he didn’t clumsily break your ankles in the process. Chucking them somewhere off to the side, with his fingers, he traces the top pattern of the matching red lace panties you had on.
He let out a faint chuckle commenting on how red is his favorite color. Oh, you knew. You precisely chose this set just in case you got lucky. He plants kisses to your hip bones, his lips evading the area that cried out for his attention the most, and slithered down the bed, so he had your calves now placed over his shoulders.
Bucky laid gentle pecks on them and came back up to start nipping at your inner thighs, most likely leaving his mark there also, until you felt the tip of his nose hit your center. Your panties were definitely a deeper shade of red at this point. He pushed your panties to the side enough to get started.
You feel the pads of his fingers begin to rub circular motions at your clit. The first wave causing your hips to jolt involuntarily. You feel the smirk that formed on his face against your thigh at your body’s response.
“So sensitive,” he says pushing your hips back down to continue his task at hand, “and so wet,” he added while pulling his fingers away to examine your arousal that coated his long digits. You don’t take your eyes off him and you almost forget how to breathe when you watch his lips wrap around his fingers, noting his eyes closed and how his cheekbones become more prominent on an already perfect jawline as he sucked them off clean.
When Bucky opens his eyes, they’re darker than before, clouded with lust. He roughly yanked at your panties, still in his other hand, effectively tearing the overpriced garment. After giving it a few more tugs, it was long gone. Headfirst in between your legs, Bucky craved for more of you. He licked a broad strip, down up, to your clit. His tongue teased your folds before dipping inside you, the intrusion causing you to gasp. Your body withered around desperately searching for a path to release. Bucky kept at it, his nose nudging your clit with each plunge his tongue made.
Not denying you of a finish, he adds his fingers into the mix, curling them to find that spot. Noting that your eyes had closed sometime during the act, he stills, and you whine at the sudden halt. Your hand aimlessly reaches out to his face. When you find it, you open your eyes and pick your head up to find out why he had stopped. Bucky offers one of his hands for you to hold on to before speaking.
“Baby keep your eyes on me,” he orders, and his eyes don’t leave yours as his head lowers back down to your pulsing heat. You struggle to keep your eyes open and head from lolling back in ecstasy because you desperately wanted to come. Fuck, he was so talented.
The noises as a result of his onslaught were downright sinful. Bucky’s hips started to ground into the bed trying to relieve some friction of his own. His moans tremble across your entire body. There’s no warning when you come, and you don’t even give him a chance to escape your thighs that clamp around face. Not that Bucky minded, feeling you clench around his fingers as he drank in more of what your body had to offer. Bucky only then emerges when your legs fall limp against the bed.
He plops back down next to you, but as he does so, he pulls you on top of him. Your lips reattach themselves with his and the raw nature of tasting yourself on his lips drive you both mad. He hadn’t even wiped around his face, so you feel the wetness on his chin scrape across yours, staining you with your own arousal.
Your hands moved on their own from planting themselves on his firm chest then working their way down the ripples of his abs, through the trail of hair leading to the top of the waistband of his sweats. You tauntingly pulled the drawstring to loosen it before letting it go and instead grip him through the soft material. Bucky grumbled at your actions, but let you carry on.
You palmed him, getting a feel of how thick and long he was. Bucky was growing whiny with each passing move your hand made, he took matters into his own and grabbed your hand, shoving it into his pants. Your hand instinctively wraps around his hard cock and you give it a light squeeze and a few strokes, generating long drawn out moans to spew from Bucky’s mouth.
His cock felt even better with nothing separating you two. Bucky’s pants and boxers easily slide down his muscular legs, which spread apart to give you room. You maneuver south to lie on your stomach, still in between his legs, and grab his member that was curved resting at his stomach and bring it your face.
“Wait,” he says almost breathlessly. Your mouth is only inches away from the head already weeping profusely. He sits up to rest on his elbows and retrieves his phone from the nightstand. Oh.
“Okay, smile for me,” he directs, and you follow his lead before your tongue darts out at his slit and follow the ring around the tip of his cock. You pull back to savor his taste for a moment, your hands spreading the pre-cum around his shaft. Your strokes are then accompanied by the long licks you give at the sides and to his balls that your other hand had been playing with. Bucky’s head rests on his pillow so his other hand could rest on the back of your head and guide you down his length. Your mouth immediately started to water, but it made it easier for you to bob up and down. He let you move at your own pace for the most part. Bucky pushed your hair off to the side, away from your face to get a better view of the outline of his cock poking at the inside of your mouth. You let his cock drag across the inside of your cheeks a few times until it audibly popped out of your mouth.  
“Fuck me. I knew you’d be perfect.” His words mixed with his incessant moans were like honey pouring into your ears. He loved the way your eyes looked directly at him through the camera lens when you come up with a long tantalizing lick to the underside of his cock and crawling back up to straddle him.  
Bucky gets a good shot of your flushed face and breasts that had some of your drool combined with his pre-cum running down your body before dropping his phone beside him. He sits up causing you to fall back down at the other end of the bed. He picks out a condom from the nightstand and you watch as it rolls down the length of his cock. You bite your lip watching it twitch.
He’s on his knees, but sitting on the balls of his feet, you are lying down patiently waiting for him. He swipes his cock through the wetness of your pussy, prepping himself to slide in. He’s watching your reaction with each pass his dick makes. Your body is yearning for him to be inside of you, to hit that fucking spot over and over.
Just when you think he’s about to do it, he’s reaching over for that damn phone again. Out of habit, you cover your face with your hands. Not only showing the last shred of humility you had left, but also because you probably looked like a fucking bitch in heat.
Bucky pulls your hands away, he still has the phone in his hands, and he’s got it angled to playback from his point of view before he finally pushes into you. He’s big, much bigger than what you’ve experienced, you think you need a moment to adjust, but he never gives you that opportunity and you find that it doesn’t matter when he feels so good. Too good that you find it hard to breathe with each thrust he’s making because he’s hitting it so deep. You push your hands out in front of you to his lower abdomen and attempt to slow him down. Bucky shakes his head and knocks your hands out of the way.
You let out an abrupt yelp at his retaliation to your failed efforts in trying to stop him with a particularly harder and much forceful thrust. Instead, your hands grab fistfuls of the hotel bed’s white blankets and just let him have his way.
“So beautiful,” he says spreading you further then coming down on you to reclaim your lips with his. He rips your hands from their tight grips on the bed sheets to pin them down next to the sides of your head. You don’t care where his phone went, just happy to have both his hands on you. The skin-to-skin contact just hit different sometimes.
The kisses become so feral you start to feel a burn around your mouth from his stubble. Bucky rolls his hips into yours deliciously, a damn true artist, the rhythm he’s got going sends you just about over but never fully beyond the edge to prolong the climax.
Much to your dismay, Bucky withdraws away from you again, back into his previous position, a new idea popping into his wicked mind. With his hard cock still inside you, he slides his hands under your hips and hoists your lower half up towards him, resting your ass on his thighs, effectively bottoming out. You don’t hold back at the way that made you feel and let out an embarrassingly loud moan. He holds still for a second and you’re not quite sure why. You try to move by wiggling your hips, but he holds you still.
He’s staring at how close your bodies are, connected, he moves just the slightest. It causes your pussy to contract and your stomach to tighten up. He does it again in different intervals, his eyes surveying the entire thing. The next push is a little harder and when you see the devious smile breakthrough his face, he does it even more. The thrusts are much sharper and almost painful, but it quickly subsides when you feel the head of his cock probe at the right spot.
Bucky lifts your hips up higher, your back arching in bridge fashion you weren’t aware you could even do until he resumes his new pattern of thrusts again. This new position aided his cock in hitting your sweet spot a little better. He’s filming you again and resting one of his palms on your stomach. He’s not only watching, but he’s feeling the bulge in your belly from the distension caused by the jabs of his cock.  
“That’s my girl,” he praised, continuing to pound into you, “you take this cock so well.” The sight boosts Bucky’s ego and for you it actually probably wasn’t a good thing, but you’d be damned the angle did so many wonders to you right now.
“You love watching your cock go deeper and deeper inside me, Bucky?” You ask trying to look up at him from that position. Where did that come from? Your words cause him to freeze momentarily, but you could still feel his cock throbbing inside of you. He liked that.
Another impish thought running through his head, Bucky pulls out, picking you up so you’re also knee-height with him, giving you another searing kiss, then he’s behind you. He gently pushes you down, you on your elbows, Bucky leans over behind you, his soaked cock sliding up your ass resting on the small of your back as he places his phone back on the nightstand in the same position it had been in the beginning.
You don’t dare look at the screen in front of you, so you look down until you feel Bucky enter your pussy once more from behind. Your head rises and it wasn’t due to the surging pleasure, but because Bucky uses your hair as a rope to bring your body upright with his.
He thrusts up into you while he mutters incoherent slurs and lewd noises into your ear. He peppers the side of your face with wet and uncalculated kisses, his hands massaging your breasts before one of them migrates down to cup your pussy. His fingers dip in and starts another assault to your clit. You’re already tethering off the edge and on the brink of succumbing to him, but he just knew when to let up and keep you starved for more.
“Look at you,” he says, using his other hand to turn your head to face the small screen, the numbers continuing to go up. “You’re such a fucking slut for my cock,” you don’t argue with him and instead moan his name. “You like watching yourself fuck this huge cock, don’t you?” You couldn’t lie to yourself anymore; watching the two of you was hot. Your uncontrollable moans now muffled into Bucky’s palm. And he just kept egging you on, “I know I do. It’s gonna remind me just how tight this fucking pussy is.” Damn him. 
“You want to come, baby?” He asks, the speed of his fingers picking up a notch.
You pull down Bucky’s hand to respond, “Mmm, yes. Fuck! Please let me come, Bucky,” you don’t know what has possessed you, but it spurs the both of you on even more. Your next words do it for Bucky, “I want to come all over your cock,” and he’s immediately coming and spilling into the condom, still inside you, you feel his release pump through him. He’s biting your shoulder, some of his weight coming down on you, his thrusts becoming erratic, but one did the trick for you and you finally let go.
And what drives Bucky even more wild, is that you don’t stop. You keep rolling your hips into him, riding it all the way out. Bucky’s trying to hold on, with a bruising grip on your waist, his forehead resting on your back; the aftershock of his release proving too much. Your release pours out freely, you feel some of it slide down the inside of your thighs mixed with sweat.
You sag against Bucky, each of your body weight balancing against the other. You feel him scatter lazy kisses up your back and pull your face towards him to press one against your lips, moaning in satisfaction. He slowly pulls out of you with a low groan, your body feeling numb when you fall forward to lie down on the bed. Bucky discards of the condom and shuts his phone off before settling next to you.
He pushes the hair out of your face, and you, facedown, peek an eye open. He has a more than content look on his face, you notice his eyes were back to their normal color. He allows some time to pass for you both to calm down. Sleep wants to overcome your body, but it doesn’t when Bucky’s touch puts you on notice again. He runs his hand up and down your back. He’s insatiable, but he didn’t anticipate your comeback in the end and put him in a daze. He could get addicted to you.    
“Is it weird if I fly you out to Brooklyn?” He said out of nowhere. Brooklyn was thousands of miles away from where you lived. He wanted to pay your way to see him again. It was such an outlandish request. You’re starting to regain a more balanced sense of perception and thought, and you ponder on this for a few seconds. “Never mind. You think it’s weird,” he says lifting the blanket over his head turning his back to you. You could tell he was just trying to be cute.
“Oh, come on! You caught me off guard. You can’t blame me!” You respond, but he doesn’t budge. You muster up enough strength to sit up to lean over the side of his body, resting your chin on the top of his shoulder, and try to grab at the blanket. You pull it over his head and see the lazy smile etched across his pretty face. All you do is return the smile and close your eyes, basking in the post-coital bliss.  
“Stay for the night,” came as his last request and turning to lie on his back, wrapping his arms around you.
You don’t think about your car, that’s still parked nearby or care if the parking rate is probably going up by the hour and start eating at your bank account. You don’t think about how pissed your friend would be when she wakes up in the morning and you’re still not back in time. You just think about how tomorrow he’d be far away. You scoot up to give him one more kiss before laying your head to rest on him and make the best out of the present. Happy that you went with your gut on this one.
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A/N: This could flop. At first, it was easy to write, but then the ending tripped me up. & while I have your attention, please let me know, anonymously or not, if there’s an interest in a Chase Collins fic? Charles Blackwood smut, anyone? Anyway, I hope this delivered! Thanks for reading!
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bbparker · 5 years
One Universe [3/3] (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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You will probably be asked to play songs (either saying play me or in bold) during this and its probably best you do- it’ll help x
A blinding hot flash overtook her right arm as she screamed in pain. Steve was by her side in seconds, his arms unable to touch or assist her as he was at a loss how to. His blue eyes watched with fear as she stood tall, the pain unbearable as she waited with a bated breath. 
Behind her stood a frightened Peter Parker, who looked around for any who could possibly assist (y/n); but it was impossible. Nobody could save her from her fate. 
The battleground seemed to freeze, waiting for the final act and when it did come, (y/n) felt her life force leaving her with every fading enemy. Still, (y/n) refused to kneel before Thanos, she was strong and would not allow him to see her fall. Looking down upon the purple man she gritted out words that would take him to his grave.
“You’ve hurt so many and history will not be kind to you. You will be remembered as the mad titan who was so devoid of any kind of love that he became selfish, heartless and ultimately a nothing. Your legacy wont be followed by your children, in fact I think they’ll erase any part of you.” Tears built in Thanos’ eyes as he watched with wide eyes his army fall and a human stand tall before him.
 His body began fading as her final words echoed in his mind. 
“You are nothing, because you love nothing.” 
When the final piece of Thanos faded right before their eyes, she fell right into her lovers arms, short of breath. Looking up, (y/n) saw the eyes of her love looking down at her with his blue depths, sadness infiltrating them. 
“(y/n)? C’mon stay with me! You can fight it, you can!” Steve’s desperate tone was heard across the battlefield as all came to witness the fall of an Avenger. (Y/N) did not move her eyes from his desperate face, sound all but lost to her as she watched him call out to anyone and everyone to save her. 
She admired the curve of his jaw before moving to the shape of his lips. Slowly they moved up the slope of his nose and to the curve of his eyebrows. Lastly, her eyes landed on the blue of his own. 
Eyes that were too frantically moving around, as if the answer were right in front of him but he couldn't see it. 
“…Steve.” She weakly said as blue eyes finally looked towards her. 
“I know, baby but just hold on a little longer!” He noticed the degrading gauntlet still on her arm and angrily he ripped it off and threw it as far from them as possible. 
ringing his eyes back to her again, he felt the tears build in his eyes as even through immense pain, she looked at him as though he was her saviour; like he was the best thing to grace the earth. 
“(Y/N)!” Tony screamed as he ran over, leaving his suit behind as he fell down on his knees besides the two lovers. 
“Why would you do that?” He cried, allowing the tears to fall freely. (Y/N) smiled up at Steve warmly before looking over to Tony and weakly holding up one finger as he scoffed a sob, realising she had to be the one to snap in order to win. 
“(y/n)?” Another voice cut in as they fell beside Tony. The face that greeted her was one Sam Wilson as tears flowed. Smiling warmly at the soldier, she held her okay hand out and lay it on his cheek. 
“So-so this is what you meant in DC, huh?” She nodded knowing what he was referring to as Steve looked back and forth between them in confusion before a knowing look overcame his face.
Bucky stood a bit further back, eyes watering. He hadn’t known you for as long as Steve but he had connected to you, had been able to talk to you. Bucky, in his own way, fell in love with you just that little bit. Who wouldn’t?
Steve looked down at (y/n) as she moved her hand to his face, holding it gently.
“You knew?” She nodded before trying and failing to get her words out. The only things holding her together were her superhuman abilities; if not for them there was no way she would have been able to last this long. 
As she mouthed silent words, Steve tried to understand but he was having difficulty in his panicked state. 
“No, no save your strength, just hold on a little longer.” Kissing her on the forehead over and over, he rocked back and forth as wheezed breaths left her. Even with all her might, (y/n) could not keep her arm up as it fell from his cheek and to her side. Her eyes looked up at the man she knew owned her heart.
Avengers and warriors alike stood by as they watched, some expected declarations of love, some expected a joke knowing her and others could hardly think at all. But it surprised all but one when her final statement reached their ears.
“Find her, promise me.” And with a releasing breath, (y/n)’s body went limp. A sob left Tony’s mouth as he fell back into Pepper. Peter held a hand to his mouth as loud sobs tried to escape, where Bucky just dropped his gun, not having the strength to hold it any longer. Sam fell apart but still managed to clasp a hand on Steve’s shoulder as the man had not moved.
Blue eyes stared down at her face as her eyes remained open and unseeing. He didn’t know what he was feeling or thinking it was all blank. Slowly, Steve stood with (y/n) in his arms as everyone watched the man stand for a moment.
It was desperate, it was a man who loved a woman. It was a superhero who was able to save everything but the one he loved most. 
His eyes never left her as he turned and began walking slowly and somewhat aloof in the direction of Carol Danvers. Standing before the super woman, he looked up into her teary eyes, pleading. There had to be some way, something in space even- anything. 
“I’m sorry. Theres nothing I can do.” She softly said but still he stood there as Steve let out a heart wrenching sob. His legs gave out as Carol was quick to catch his elbows and lower herself with the man and girl in his arms to the ground. 
They all watched, hearts in their throats as their captain shattered into a million pieces before them. Steve screamed and cried, hunching over the body of his love. 
“I- I didn’t, I didn’t tell-” Carol lay a hand on his shoulder as another hand moved to finally close (y/n)’s eyes.
“Now it looks like she’s just sleeping. Look at her Steve.” Blue watery ones looked to the face of (y/n) and saw with her eyes closed, she looked peaceful. A small smile still lay on her lips, permanently happy. 
Carols hand drifted over the girls forehead to rest her hand on it. Her hand began to light up, (y/n)’s body seemingly absorbing Carols energy.
“W-what are you doing?” Sam asked, voice cracking as some found the strength to look.
“In Kree culture, this is how we say goodbye. We leave a slight piece of ourselves with the loved one so that we may move on. So that we can find a new piece to complete us.” Steve felt his heart tare, allowing another round of tears to flood his face.
Though they were victorious, the sounds of the Avengers grief echoed around the battlefield as others continued to gather and witness the occasion.  
The funeral was held by the ocean on a cliff edge and everyone was in attendance. Most Steve knew but some he didn’t. They all lined the edge of the cliff, looking out to sea as the traditional ceremonial song of saving grace for her send off played in the background. 
Steve’s eyes didn’t drift from the sun slowly setting at the edge of the water. He thought about how he and (y/n) would see their last sunset together, in no way did he believe it would be just him standing at the edge of the world- alone. 
Surrounding him was was sounds of music and soft sobs as some tried to contain it, while others were less successful. Steve face was red and blotchy as tears continued to fall down his face, the orange light from the sun reminding him of the colours of her abilities. 
The wind through his hair instigated another round of tears as he remembered she weren’t there to run your hands through it anymore. The warmth of the sun told him the warmth of her body there to tug him closer in the cold mornings. The soft rustles of the grass where she used to run carelessly through the grass fields, all the while smiling cheeky back at him.
Hearing a giggle, Steve looked over to find a small Morgan, who wasn’t old enough to quite understand the situation, pointed and laughed. Following her finger, he spotted two dolphins diving in and out of the water together. 
“Daddy, daddy- look!” Tony calmed his daughter down and smiled softly at her. Tony’s eyes moved over to his captain, noticing the man watching the dolphins too. Another round of tears present in his eyes, the orange of the sun reflecting within them. 
“Daddy, did you know that Mrs. Blake says dolphins find a friend and stay with them forever?” Looking down with slight shock at the timing, Tony looked down at his daughter and then over to the man who looked so worn and tired. 
As everyone left the edge, music still echoed in the background, instilling the solemn mood, Steve stayed. His chest constricted as he tried to contain his heart breaking sobs. Small footsteps were heard next to Steve before a small hand slipped into his own.
For a moment, Steve was shocked before glancing down. Two big brown eyes looked back at him.
“Did aunty (y/n) save my daddy?” Steve couldn’t help but allow a small watery smile slip over his lips. Grasping the little girls hand a little tighter, Steve knelt down in front of her. 
“Yeah, she did. She loved you and your dad too much to see him get hurt.” Morgan looked around before looking back at Steve and for a moment Morgan looked much older than the age of five.
“She loved you too?” Steve laughed lightly.
“Yeah… well I hope she did.” His smile was soft, though his heart squeezed even further. 
“Then why are you sad?” Morgan looked at Steve with serious eyes. He looked out to the ocean before glancing back at the smaller Stark. 
“Because she is far away from me and I’m going to miss her.” Morgan seemed to consider some things in her head, glancing around at all the people. 
“No, she’s not.” Steve frowned, now confused as Morgan took her hand from his and lay it over his heart.
“She lives in your heart. Daddy tells me that people we love don’t really leave us.” Morgan seemed to take a deep breath as is she was the one explaining something to a toddler. A typical stark trait it seemed. Steve was shocked and a fresh batch of tears came to his eyes.
“Daddy said that they live through us. Through the people we love… like you and like daddy. Uncle Sammy and uncle Bucky.” Steve let the tears flow past wide eyes as Morgans eyes glanced around to the people she spoke of. In that moment Steve felt everything all over again. His head fell down to his chest as a sob began rocking his body.
Tony Stark came to usher his daughter away as Steve head rose to watch. His broken face watched as Tony and Morgan Stark approached Bucky, clasping and hand on his shoulder before shaking Sam’s hand. Steve knew that he was making peace because of (y/n) and in that moment, Steve knew Morgans words rode true. 
Standing up once again, he looked out to the ocean which now resembled that of black ink in its darkness. The only thing to light it was the light of the moon and stars.
Standing by the cliffs edge alone, nobody approached him for an hour, allowing him time alone. 
How do you apologise for something of that magnitude? Most thought as they glanced at him occasionally. But finally, one thought he’d had enough time grieving alone. 
“She’d never want you to be alone, you know?” The voice of Sam Wilson said. Steve didn’t move from his place nor respond as he watched the vast ocean. 
“(Y/N) loved the water. She used to tell me it was because theres nothing more freeing and alive then-”
“-being in the source of all life? Yeah, she used that one on me too.” Steve finished flatly. Sam watched as his best friend stood stock still.
“I have a question for you though.” Steve still watched the ocean, the way it moved and the way the moon made the water sparkle.
“She said ‘find her.’” Steve simply shrugged not wanting to have this conversation in this particular moment. When Sam recognised he wasn’t going to talk, he continued.
“You know back in DC, we had a chat about you. She thought you were her sunshine on a rainy day, damn near blinded me with her smile every time she saw you.” A small smile slipped through and onto Steve’s face. 
“But she knew, she was smart that way. She knew it was only a matter of time for the two of you.” Steve finally turned to Sam with a frown. 
Why was he telling him this?
Sam continued to stare at the ocean, he knew it would hurt but he needed Steve to know. 
“She told me that it was like you were holding your breath, waiting.” Steve eyes began watering, having a clue as to what she had been talking about.
“(Y/N) could feel me holding onto Peggy.” Steve laughed out as tears fell down his cheeks. Sam smiled softly at him as he clasped a hand on his shoulder. 
“And you know what she said to me after I questioned her on it?” Steve shook his head and faced the ground, whereas Sam smiled softly. 
“(Y/N) said that when the time comes, she can let you go. That your endgame really lay with the other woman. She was just happy to have the time with you that she did.” Steve turned his face to the sky as a small sob wracked his body. 
“I hope by this point you’re starting to realise she was too good for you.” Sam joked with a serious undertone as Steve continued to watch as the night sky moving slowly, stars dotting them. 
The universe carried on though it hadn’t lost one of its greatest inhabitants. The world would always go on, Steve figured, provided they continued to sacrifice themselves to keep it that way. 
Like (y/n). 
“Yeah. (y/n) really was. She was the best of us, always was.” Tears flowed down his face, a bright strike  suddenly ran through the sky above; also known as Carol Danvers.
“So, are you going to find this other woman?” Steve stopped as he watched a shooting star go past and joined the rest, seemingly placing itself on Carols left. 
Those two always had a close bond and Steve liked to think that maybe she was now amongst the stars, watching over him, Carol and the Avengers. He also believed it was some weird sign from (y/n), telling him to keep his promise. 
But he couldn’t.
“No, I don’t think so but I’m not staying here either.” Sam raised an eye brow while Steve carried on. 
“I don’t think I told her I loved her enough. She always had no hesitation is relaying the words but they always seemed to get caught in my throat. But I did. I loved her and although she didn’t realise it. She was my endgame.” 
From above Carol Danvers looked down at the small twinkling lights from the cliffs edge and watched Steve Rogers. Smirking as another light joined her in flight. 
“I take it, it’s going well?” Captain Marvel turned to look at the woman, who in death became immortal in her own way.
“For a funeral, you could say that.” The star looks down at the masses, seeing them clearing as night falls but two figures stand at the edge. One darker skinned man pats another on the shoulder before leaving him alone. 
“He misses you.” 
(Y/N) looks down to the man who was everything to her and smiled lightly as she watched him look up to where her and Carol were before finally retreating down the hill and begin attempting talking to the masses. 
“And I, him. We’re on different paths now and maybe in a different time or universe we will come back together but I’m not done serving just yet.”
“We’ve only just begun.” Carol looked to (y/n), a small smile on her face, before her helmet covered her head and she shot from the atmosphere and into space. 
For a second (y/n) hesitated as she saw Steve head look to the sky, seemingly right at her. 
“I love you, Steven Rogers. You’ll be just fine.” And finally, she took off after Carol. A whole universe in need of a hero. 
End Credits Song
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