#i love you too katie thank you 💛💛💛
milla-frenchy · 9 months
My first year on tumblr. I signed up in March or April, and I was like "woah" as soon as I read my first fics. Some of them are printed in me.
raider series - @toxicanonymity I was hooked from the first chapter, and now, what can I say... This universe is amazing, and the analyzes never cease to make me emotional. I love your fics so much and their particular atmosphere, I was going to mention Slasher and Night walks, but honestly I could put the link to your masterlist it would be more representative.
Toxic, thank you so much. I love you and I'm so grateful to know you 🖤🫶🫂
Han @swiftispunk, you are one of the very first accounts I followed, and this famous “woah” effect started with Let me and Use me. Then there was In my hometown, and how could I not mention Your summer dream. You are also one of the nicest people in here, and reading your responses to requests is always a pleasure.
Katy, @atticrissfinch I'm a huge fan of your dom/brat tamer series, since day one. The dom/sub dynamic is perfect. Since then I've been reading your fics like a starving person, I'm crazy about Meet me in the back like a lot of people, little bee is amazing, and honestly your masterlist is dope. Also you are SO funny and I couldn't say how many times you made me giggle.
Aly, @iamasaddie am I gonna talk about Lost in the Dark for the 50th time? Absolutely. A hugnry dog on a very short leash is one of the fics that had the most impact on me. When someone writes down the most raw, primal emotions you've ever felt, it creates a special bound. Aly, I love you, you are one of the funniest people I know, you're like an alternative version of me and I love that 💛
Kat @pascalsbby I've said it a million times, but your Carnal series... ❤️😍 Birdie means a lot to me, to the point that I add one of your quote on my PP. Your Joel is incredible, the feelings when I read this series are amazing. Thank you
Emma @walkintotheriveranddisappear I can ben your pretty girl is an amazing series, I have lost count of the number of times I have read it. The last parts with Tommy made me turn a total fangirl. And I can't thank you enough for your september fics
Rad @bonezone44 You gave us one of the most depraved fics I've read this year, and I read a lot of them 😁 Too depraved 4 tv is a fn masterpiece, and I love you ❤️
Lo @covetyou when we read the first part of Something wretched about this with some of my mutuals, we went in feral mod instantly. I love, love, love, this series. You have no idea how much I couldn't wait for the next Tuesday. Thank you.
I can't list all the fics that I liked because there were so many, if you're interested I have fics recs.
Tumblr didn't only offer me fics. I can't talk about 2023 without talking about you, Kate, @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog. You are a gem, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. Thank you for all the time you spend correcting my fics, and my shitty grammar. Writing fics with you is awesome. I love you, my twin 💕
Also, I can't forget the emotions I felt while reading A villain's monologue.
Finally, I started writing my little fics, and some people always take the time to comment and rb. Thank you so much, it means the world to me.
@casa-boiardi @survivingandenduring @sheepdogchick3 @axshadows @quaritchscupquake @corazondebeskar-reads
Sorry for the people I forgot, for the probably bad english, I drank too much last night and I have a horrible headache 😭
Cheers to 2024!
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filet-o-feelings · 1 year
Sentences Sunday
Thanks for tagging me @hippolotamus @stereopticons and @jesuisici33 💕 I just wrote this scene that I forgot to write until I went to post the latest chapter of Library Boy... so it's a bit hastily written but it did what I needed it to, I guess? I love these meddling teens 😁
"Guys, you'll never guess who I met!" Jonah says as he bounces over to his friends, who are gathered around Katie's locker as they always do before first period. "Who?" Sam asks, too impatient to play guessing games this early in the morning. "Mr. Brewer's library boy! David Rose! He was here, in the school!" "Wait, what?" Katie slams her locker shut and turns toward Jonah, examining his face for any signs of the lie she suspects. "I'm serious, I had a question so I stayed after class and David Rose showed up in Mr. Brewer's classroom." "Oh my god, are they dating? What was he doing here?" Sierra chimes in with questions none of them would have the answers to. "We need to find out. If they aren't, they should be. Seriously you guys, the heart eyes Mr. Brewer was giving him were off the charts. He's got it bad." "What did he look like?" Katie asks. "Tall. Dark. Handsome. Dreamy." Jonah looks wistfully off into nowhere, until his vision clears and he snaps his head around. "There! That's him!" The rest of the group turn in the direction Jonah had been looking, instantly able to pick the man out of the crowd in the hallway, most of which were students among a few recognizable teachers. David Rose, who Sierra, Katie and Sam all agreed was very dreamy, walked past them and into a room a few doors down. The art room, specifically, that had been lacking a permanent art teacher so far this school year. "Holy shit, is David Rose the new art teacher?" Jonah asks, mouth agape. "Oh, this is good." Sierra says. "Okay, we need to find out if they're together, and if not, we need to come up with a plan to make it happen." Sam announces, and they all nod enthusiastically. "This is going to be so much fun!" Katie giggles.
Extra shout out to @lemonlyman-dotcom for the push to write the scene instead of just posting the chapter without it 💛 Open tag if anyone else has sentences to share still, since Sunday is very nearly over everywhere.
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
💙 for Kate and Gia?
Awww this'll be so cute! Thank you!
💙 drunken kiss / tipsy
"Purple's your color, Kate- Kay- Katy-cat." Gia stammered, and then the sun dawned on her face like she'd just uncovered the Holy Grail, "Katy-cat! That's cute."
Her steps veered off to the left as she walked, overcorrecting for her prosthetic, and she would have stumbled straight into the street if Kate hadn't corrected her. She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing - it was a little cute, the same way a dog romping around in the snow was cute.
She wrapped an arm around Gia's shoulders, trying to help her along.
"Hey! Slow down, v'only got one leg!"
"You're the one speeding up, G." Kate protested, though she obliged and slowed her pace to what felt like a glacial crawl. It was four blocks back to her apartment, at least six back to Gia's shop. Maybe she should call Clint- he'd never let it go, but it was still a step above calling her mother. And probably safer too, on multiple accounts.
"You wanna go to my place or yours?"
"Hm. Mine. Clover."
"I've got some too, remember? In my garden boxes?" Kate replied, "Just for you, GiGi."
"You're m'azing..." Gia sighed, leaning half her weight into Kate's side. A moment later, she jolted up like she'd been hit with a static shock. "Oh! And Pizza Dog!"
"Heh. Yeah. Lucky'll be happy to see you too. We're gonna go to my place." Kate decided, scanning the streets and wondering if it was worth springing for a cab. On the one hand, she didn't exactly have the money - not when her mom cut her off and her only income came from the occasional vigilantism - and her apartment wasn't far. But on the other hand, wrangling a tipsy amputee was neither fast nor efficient, and she could see that her girlfriend was beginning to lose steam.
"Why not mine?" Gia mumbled, giving her an expression that could only be described as a pout.
"Because you're a cute girl, and you're drunk, and you live in Hell's Kitchen. And I don't really feel like getting ambushed in an alley tonight."
"Y'think I'm cute?"
"We're dating, G. 'Course I think you're cute."
"Mmm... I think you're cute too, Katy-cat." she replied, leaning in almost until she stumbled. Kate caught her by the waist and held her upright, vaguely grateful she'd gone through a longbow phase halfway through college - not that Gia was particularly heavy either way.
Gia kept leaning, reaching until she caught Kate's lips in a clumsy, lopsided kiss. She tasted of strawberries and far-too-expensive champagne, and held her like they were the only people in the world. It was easily the messiest kiss Kate Bishop had ever had.
And it was easily the best.
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sugarcoated-lame · 5 months
Hi Kricket!! Hope you’re doing okay 💛 just missed seeing your loveliness on the dash this week and came by to drop off this lil gift 🫶
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Katie, my love 🧡 thank you so much for sending this 🥹 you’re the sweetest and I missed you too!! 🫶🏼 I’m doing okay, honestly I’ve been having a bit of a stressful week and feeling a bit overwhelmed so I just wanted to give myself a little tumblr break haha, but I’m feeling a lot better now!
thank you so much for this lovely message, and this ADORABLE Pedro pic omg 🥺 I just wanna snuggle him 😭😭
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ilysm and I hope you’re doing well too! 🧡💛
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season one headcanons!!
growing up, james’s dad only ever would play rock and metal music and james actually really likes it as well as pop
carlos thinks that being attracted to all genders is the default
camille has autism and that’s why she’s able to connect so well to her roles
logan uses he/they pronouns and also has autism
kendall learned how to sew after ripping his hockey uniform
gustavo is in the closet and that’s why he struggles with writing real, emotional love songs
Ahhh I love these!! Thank you!
• As a rock and metal fan myself, I feel like James has recognized some of the useful vocal techniques it employs, as well as learning to avoid the more harmful methods. I mean come on, the way he sang "life will never be the same" and his parts in The City Is Ours were so not just pop! (Also, his dad's disdain for pop and boybands is what caused him to flub during the audition for Gustavo, because he's not used to seeing such an unimpressed/negative response to his singing, to him, except from his rock & roll father. He's pretty much the only person James gets anything like stage fright around.)
• 100% (Carlos would definitely say "If you're, hot, you're hot!" if someone asked about his sexuality, and probably be confused when they ask if that means he likes guys, too. Like, were they not listening?)
• I've never thought about this, but it actually makes a lot of sense! (This is probably a bit rambly, but-) She puts so much into her method acting, like setting up the rigging for her "flying witch" bit, like she knows she needs to put everything she's got into the roles, even if she doesn't get the parts. (And maybe that's why she doesn't get some of them - because they can't handle her being her given character all the time. She's kind of ✨extra✨ and the people holding the auditions can see that, and not the somewhat-chill girl underneath it.) I don't even know if that's connected to this, but her dedication is pretty impressive, other than the slapping people.
• I can't explain how happy the pronouns one made me, it just feels so right. He totally is autistic, of course! Seeing "Logan uses he/they pronouns" really made me smile, though. 🥰 I've already adopted using them in my head. lol
• I don't have much to say about this one but yes. (I wonder if he tried to keep it a secret from Katie so he wouldn't have to make clothes for her toys, or if he learned how to make some as a surprise for her.)
• I can also kind of see Gustavo being on the aromantic spectrum, actually - still closeted - and not knowing it, so he just kind of, uses what others do and say as inspiration, and follows the hereronormative expectation of "boys sing about girls". He didn't exactly get to socialize with others his age and discover anything but what was expected of him when he was a kid, after all.
These headcanons are great! Thank you so much for submitting them! 💛 (And I'm sorry it took me so long to post them. "orz)
(P.S.: Any heart emoji from me is always platonic, and the yellow heart (💛) is sort of my signature emoji, along with the hugging emoji (🫂).)
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kimchokejin · 2 years
music tag games 🎶
is it cheating to put them all in one post when everyone’s doing it?
thank you to everyone who tagged me i had a full day’s worth of music recs to listen to and bts songs to revisit happy hondadays to ME!
game #1: using your spotify top 100 playlist, shuffle 10 songs and tag 10 people.
thank you @cordiallyfuturedwight @wistfulocean and @seoksao​ for the tag! 💕
i will give the number they were on my list as well
99. Jackie Onassis by Sammy Rae & The Friends
51. Wild Roses by Jack Van Cleaf
73. Stick Season by Noah Kahan
92. New Shapes (feat. Christine and the Queens and Carolin Polachek) by Charli XCX
80. First Thing to Go by Hayley Williams
70. Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) - Full Length Edition by BTS
88. religion (u can lay your hands on me) by Shura
63. No Blueberries by DPR IAN, DPR LIVE, CL
89. Lights by BTS
8. Vibez by ZAYN
game #2 (sponsored by kim taehyung): 💛 choose an artist you like and use the name of their songs to answer this as close to the truth as possible!
tagged by @cordiallyfuturedwight @jiminsproof @blueside-hobi @wistfulocean @seoksao​ thank you you guys are so creative these were so fun to read!
name of the artist: Halsey (it was working too well i had to go for it)
what is your gender: I am not a woman, I’m a god (“i’m god” - kim taehyung)
describe yourself: Ashley (you don’t need to be entertained. i’m entertaining myself)
how do you feel: Alone (but in a good way, an “i needed this” way 😌)
if you could go anywhere, where would it be: Roman Holiday
describe your best friend: Darling 🥰
your favourite time of day: 3am
if your life was a tv show, what would it be called: Still Learning
what is life to you: Hurricane, Heaven in Hiding
relationship status: Bad at Love 😬
what do you fear: Strangers (”i’m a little shy” - kim taehyung), Devil in Me (”i’m a bad boy” - kim taehyung)
game #3: share your top 5 current songs
tagged by @clutterbugs thank you emma!!! i feel like i get to use the free space in scrabble
1. Kiss in My Heart by Junk Fujiyama
i discovered this song a while back on a city pop playlist i think? and it’s been stuck in my head recently (even before indigo!) so i’ve been playing it. it’s just a fun happy song, it sounds like the artist is smiling as he’s singing it
another super fun song and i didn’t think it was possible but i am gayer because of it. i have so many feelings about this i will have to hold myself back but i am v i b r a t i n g something’s about to break
3. girl like me by Blessing
this song is acoustic but i think also r&b influenced? i like how the lyrics are somewhat specific but the insecurity is she’s talking about is still super relatable to a lot of people and the singer’s voice is kind of unique
4. complex (demo) by Katie Gregson-MacLeod
this song is just kinda heartbreaking tbh at the end of the day it’s your typical woman trying to “save” a man who's too far gone to spare her a second thought story but the vocals really carry the emotion across in a way i don’t hear all the time so i think it’s worth a listen if you...want to feel sad
5. Ketchum, ID by Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, Lucy Dacus
i have been in a folksy mood lately and i think a few julien baker/phoebe bridgers/lucy daucus songs came up in my listening and that reminded me about this album. this is my favorite song from it. i think the line “i am never anywhere anywhere i go, when i’m home i’m never there long enough to know” is just really hitting for me rn? i also can’t get over how this is the last song on the album they ended the whole album with
BONUS GAME! i wasn’t tagged in this but i wanted to share this while i’m here in case anyone was interested in doing this for themselves. if you have spotify this bot will judge you for your music taste. it’s like the anti-spotify wrapped. this is what they had to say about mine:
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i will tag @joon-rkive, @cheekyquokka, @mutedstring​, @jinsquishes​, @senor-hoberto​ and anyone who tagged me in one game but hasn’t been tagged in one of the others (does that make sense?). no pressure just if any of the games interest you 💕 feel free to ignore me!!!
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
Katie —
I just wanted to say that I love you and I think that you are an absolutely beautiful person 💕
I hope you have the best day babe 🫶🏻
🥺🥺 Thank you so much! This is so, so sweet of you and thank you for taking the time to say it!
Hope your day is fantastic too! 🫶🏼💛
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icarianiscariot · 2 years
JACK HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i am so lucky to count you as a mutual and a friend. youre an icon, youre so funny, ily, and i hope you have the most amazing day ever 💕❤️🥳🎉🥂🎂🎁
KATIE 🥺💛💛💛 thank you so much my dear!!! I love you too!!!
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safety-sam · 2 years
I am so thankful for uuu 🫶🏻 becoming friends with you has been a highlight of this year !! you have been so kind to me and I always love talking about Jesus and music and concerts with you <3 hope you’ve had a WONDERFUL DAAAAY 💙 LOVE YOU LOTS, HERE’S SOME SAMMY
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(I gathered these photos for u on the way back to my hotel room LMAO)
THANK YOU KATIE!!! 😄 I love being your friend and talking to you about anything. I did have a wonderful day and this ask made it even better! Love you too and thanks for the Sammy pics 🥰💛
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loganlynn · 1 year
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The Distracted EP comes out 3 weeks from tomorrow on the world’s finest record label, Kill Rock Stars, alongside the short film by the same name.
The story of this EP is a long and winding road. It began as a tribute to a man I loved and ended as a farewell to that very man and said love. Life came at me fast this round, and I did my best to pivot mid-air, both personally and creatively. It has been humiliating and beautiful, all at once.
Huge thanks to filmmaker Katie Marks and my collaborators Yellow Trash Can for being all the way in for the ride. This has turned out to be one of the most meaningful projects of my entire career, thanks to you all.
Also I have since met someone wonderful. Love is funny like that. It always manages to find me in the end. I hope it finds you, too.
Pre-order now at www.YellowTrashCan.gay and live forever!
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eskiix · 1 year
hiya ! hope you are well - just wanted to say i love your work so much, especially an infinite deal of nothing, do you think you will ever write about bobby and jess again ? if not, no worries - still am loving lucas and katie 💛💛💛💛💛
😭🥰 Thank you, lovely! I'm good thanks, even more so after receiving this message - hope you are too!
I don't have any ideas for them at the moment, but I won't say never. I loved writing them - Jess will forever be my fave OC - but their arc feels pretty complete to me. If I ever did, it would likely be a one-shot and set a few years in the future, so they'd be navigating something completely new in their relationship.
Glad you're loving my angsty spin-off though! ❤
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buckybleu · 3 years
✦ our jacket ✦
pairing: Shang-Chi x reader
summary: Shang-Chi loves his red bomber jacket and never leaves without it. You wear it to bed after a night out and your boyfriend needs it back.
a/n: Am I the only one who just found out Shang-Chi's bomber jacket is reversible? I had no clue until recently haha. Just a little something I was able to write with how hectic things have been for me. Hope you enjoy, happy reading 💛
*All mistakes/errors are mine
reblog/like/feedback are greatly appreciated! ✨
word count: 1.2k
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“Bye Katy!” you giggle, stumbling a little as you and Shang-Chi wave Katy good-bye. Turning into your boyfriend, your hand cups the side of his face. “You’re so handsome. Like the most pretty face I’ve seen.” You hiccup and giggle again as Shang-Chi pulls you into an embrace. Nuzzling into his chest you softly sigh, “So so warm. Don’t want to leave.” Shang-Chi places a kiss on the top of your head, arms tightly circled around your waist.
You let out a quiet whine when he pulls you from the warm embrace. “Well you’ll be even more warm if you put my jacket on.” Shang-Chi wraps his bomber jacket around your shoulders. “C’mon we gotta get going. And you,” Shang-Chi cups your face in his hands, “need to get some rest. I can’t wait to hear about how bad your hangover is tomorrow morning.” He places a soft kiss on your pouty lips.
The karaoke bar isn’t far from your shared apartment, only a few blocks away. But in your tipsy state, your legs felt like you’ve been running a marathon. The walk to your apartment was quiet, only the sound of yours and Shang-Chi’s soft breathing and occasional passing cars. The combination of your boyfriend’s sandalwood cologne and the warmth radiating off of him slowly lulling you to sleep. You don’t know how long you’ve been walking until your movement comes to a slow halt.
“Hey…” Shang-Chi presses a kiss to your temple. “Baby we’re home, it’ll be more comfy in our bed.” Shang-Chi carefully guides you up the two flights of stairs; thank goodness you guys weren’t too far up. Before you know it, Shang-Chi sits you on the edge of your bed, carefully sliding off your boots. He kneels before you, placing the stray piece of hair behind your ear, “I’ll be a second, just gonna grab you something more comfy.” As Shang-Chi stands, you wrap your hand around his wrist, pouting your lips for a kiss. Shang-Chi laughs and places a loving kiss on your delicate lips before he’s off to your shared closet.
Between you trying not to fall asleep and the tipsy thoughts that ran through your head, you had not noticed Shang-Chi coming back with an oversized t-shirt. “Do you want me to help you change?” Shang-Chi chuckles when you raise your arms above your head, taking it a “yes.” He slips you out his bomber jacket, unzipping the floral dress adorning your body. You suddenly flop backwards, wiggling the straps off your shoulders, discarding the rest down your curves. Your boyfriend laughs at your drunk antics and pulls you forward, slipping the t-shirt over you.
“I’m still cold” you softly whine, “Can I wear it?”
“My jacket? Baby you’re going to be so warm under the covers.” Shang-Chi picks his bomber jacket off the floor, wrapping the jacket around you. “Plus you can cuddle me, I’m like a furnace.” You pout, shake your head no, and go on a tipsy ramble about how it’s not enough. Shang-Chi gives in when your eyes get glossy. “Okay,” Shang-Chi soothes, his hands smoothing your hair, “You can wear my jacket.” You let out a content sigh as he shifts you onto your side of the bed.
“I swear, I think you love that jacket more than you do me.” Shang-Chi kisses your temple one last time as you start to fall asleep. And it’s true, you love Shang-Chi’s red bomber jacket. There have been numerous occasions where you and Shang-Chi argue over who gets to wear it or why it’s your jacket. However Shang-Chi had to admit, you did look better in it, in all his clothes really. Stripping down to his boxers Shang-Chi steals one more glance at your sleeping figure. Yeah, you look really good in his clothes. But even more beautiful without anything on. Shang-Chi slips into bed next to you, slowly letting sleep consume him.
It was no surprise to Shang-Chi that you were still asleep. Your lips were slightly parted, soft snores passing through. Shang-Chi places a soft kiss on your cheek, your lips pull into a small smile. You nuzzle deeper into your pillow, not wanting to wake up just yet. Shang-Chi climbs out of bed, stretching his arms before dropping down for a few push-ups. Wanting to be the best boyfriend and gain some brownie points, Shang-Chi decides to pick up your favorite bagels and coffee from your favorite place around the corner. Shang-Chi quietly shuffles around your bedroom to get ready. With his teeth brushed and water splashed onto his face, Shang-Chi checks his pockets to make sure he has everything.
Wallet, check.
Phone, check.
Keys, check.
Jacket, che—.
Shang-Chi never leaves the apartment without his favorite jacket. This was an odd occurrence, Shang-Chi always remembered it. He quickly scans the room, seeing where he could’ve misplaced the jacket last night. It wasn’t draped across the chair. Not on the ground. Where did I put it, he thought. Maybe he left it in the living room? Or the closet? The last time Shang-Chi remembered having the jacket was when he wrapped it around you last night.
You had his jacket. Oh boy.
Shang-Chi turns to look at your sleeping figure. He had forgotten you asked to wear his jacket to bed. Shang-Chi knew that once you were wrapped in his jacket, there was no way of getting it back without a fight. For a slight second Shang-Chi thought of forgoing his jacket, maybe letting you win this time. He could’ve easily gone to your shared closet and put on a different jacket. However, Shang-Chi decided (for some reason) to poke the bear.
“Baby.” Shang-Chi softly coos, peppering your face with kisses. “Can I get my jacket?” You scrunch your nose in your sleepy state, clearly offended at his request. You let out inaudible groans of words, something along the lines of “no”, “mine”, and “too bad.”
“Honey, I’m going to get your favorite. Bagels from Jamie’s, around the corner.” Shang-Chi continues to entice you, “And a caramel latte too. I just need my jacket.” Shang-Chi tries to slowly take the jacket off of you, but you turn away, pulling the covers over your head.
“No. It’s mine.” You snuggle further into your pillow, trying to avoid Shang-Chi. “Why don’t you wear a different one?”
Shang-Chi knew this wasn’t fair, but knew he had to play dirty to get his jacket back. The room was quiet for a moment, making you think Shang-Chi gave into defeat. Before you can peek from under the covers, Shang-Chi is on top of you. His fingers tickle your sides, causing you to flail legs. Your laughter fills the room as your boyfriend relentlessly moves to tickle your neck.
“Okay! Okay!” All out of breath, you laugh. “Take my jacket. Just let me sleep.”
You take off your warm jacket, pouting at Shang-Chi and his stupid smirk. Shang-Chi leans down and captures your lips, giving you a few more kisses before he climbs off. You try to comfortably settle back into bed, arms over your eyes trying to get a few more minutes of sleep. Shang-Chi sits on the edge of the bed, rubbing your leg. He grabs your hand and kisses the back of it.
“I’ll be back with your latte and bagel. I won’t be long.” Shang-Chi laughs at the sound of your grumbling stomach. Making sure he has everything, including his jacket, Shang-Chi starts to head out.
“You better bring back a chocolate chip muffin too! And my jacket!”
Shang-Chi chuckles, “I love you too babe!”
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maki-matsurra · 2 years
Hi Hi! I have headcannon request please! Team sonic playing “Just dance” with their S/O as a fun date together. I think that would be so fun and cute 🥰 thank you so much
Hi! Thanks so much for the request!
And I totally agree! This sounds like such a cute idea!
Hope you enjoy!
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Want to send in a request? Start here!
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💙 Oh Sonic is totally the Just Dance Master
💙 His go-to song? Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham!
💙 He would get all perfects on each of his songs
💙 He also loves it when you dance to Girlfriend by Avril Lavinge
💙 Like, he just knows you rock that song!
💙 Your duet song is 24K Magic by Bruno Mars
💙 He would also do funny dances to make you laugh cause he just adores it and your smile
💙 He would also make sure you guys have plenty of snacks and drinks so you guys can dance all night long
💙 Oh and bets
💙 So many bets
💙 "You think you can dethrone the King of Just Dance? Ha! Bring it on!"
💙 He would also try to sneak a kiss on your cheek, just to throw off your game
💙 Overall, you guys have a great time!
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💛 Tails is not too bad at Just Dance!
💛 His go-to song is Part Of Me by Katy Perry
💛 He honestly is a giggling mess while doing songs, so sometimes he misses some moves
💛 You can't blame him
💛 Both of you would just ask "What even are these moves?" while laughing
💛 One of those songs you always giggle while doing is Starships by Nicki Minaj
💛 Your duet song is Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar
💛 He would always make sure the pair of you were drinking plenty of water while playing the game
💛 He cares so much about you
💛 "Doing these dumb dance moves are much more fun with you around!"
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❤️ Oh no, this poor echidna is TERRIBLE at Just Dance
❤️ He is super stiff while doing the dances
❤️ His go-to song is Burn by Ellie Goulding
❤️ You don't mean to laugh at how stiff he is with the dances, but it's just too funny
❤️ You love him for it anyways
❤️ He honestly likes watching you dance more than playing the game himself
❤️ He loves it when you dance to Fancy by Iggy Azalea ft. Charli XCX
❤️ Your duet song is Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado
❤️ He would compliment you all the time while watching you dance
❤️ You just make him that content and happy
❤️ "You... Dance well... Really well, (Y/N)..."
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wint3r-h3art · 3 years
Okay, so we are in a very angsty mood today.
Let's go.
Shang-Chi x Reader
“Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you still love me.”
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Oh man, the way I'll end up bawling by the end of it💀💀 I just KNOW I will💀💀
Warning: Full angst. Just pain and unresolved pain.
Word counts : 1.4k
Summary: You were in love with him, but he never acknowledging it. now that you're happily married, a confession from your best friend leads to heartbreaking decision.
A/N: FYI this really hurts me. This is part 2 of this prompt . Your comments and reblog is greatly, greatly appreciated if you enjoy this story. 💛
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It feels like never-ending suffering.
Sitting here, seeing you all glow up from your post-honeymoon trip seems to be the nail to the coffin. Katy insisted that he should at least call you up to talk. At least for closure.
“I know this whole week had been hell for you, but going back home and avoiding her won’t do you any good,” she said on the plane ride back to San Fransico.
“Don’t you think it’s like three weeks too late, now? Plus what is talking to her is going to do? She’s happily married to the guy, and you want me to just say ‘hey, I’ve been in love with you this whole time. Please take me instead’. C’mon, Katy. You can’t be serious.”
“Ok, listen, you noob. If still holding on to that thing you’re feeling, it ain’t gonna go away ok? Compartmentalize all of that feeling is not gonna work.”
“I hate when you throw in your big word,” he mumbles.
Katy just scoffs. “Think it over, Shaun. It’s for the best of you.”
And that was what 48 hours ago. Shangqi isn’t quite as confident now as he watched you stroll in here looking like a goddess.
“Hey Shau--Sorry, Shangqi. I keep forgetting. Sorry. How you’ve been?”
“Good. Just got back from visiting my family like two days ago,” he says with a small smile on his face. He seems to can’t meet your eyes as you sit there directly in front of him. His eyes occasionally shift to the shiny rings on your left finger.
“How’s your honeymoon?” he asks before drinking the water in front of him. His hand trembles slightly as he can feel anxiety edging on.
“It was great,” you beam enthusiastically, unaware of the effect you have on him.
“Where did you and your husband go again?” The word husband feels still on his tongue. He feels disgusted to even uttering it out loud.
“Um, Hawaii,” you smile fondly at the memory. “We did a lot of relaxing on the beach and touristy stuff, and oh my God the food was so amazing! I think I gain like 10 pounds from eating so much. It was worth it, though,” you giggle at the thought.
“That’s very nice,” he nods again before drinking yet another glass of water that the server just filled up for him. “If it makes you feel any better, you don’t look like you gain anything at all. You look good.” Really, really good.
You can feel your cheeks warm up from the comment. Since when did he became so smooth, you wonder.
You look at him fondly, a small part of you still hold on to that feeling you had for him. It’s hard to ignore of course, and the guilt just feels like it’s never-ending. Is it even normal to lay with someone you’re married to yet still think of another man? Some night is even harder than the other when all you can picture him with you. God, you feel like an awful wife to your new husband. You barely married for less than a month and one look from this man sends you back to square one.
You can only smile as you can feel the heat reaches your ears, your eyes quickly averted down to your hands. It’s hard to look into those liquid ambers without feeling some type of way.
“Thanks, Shangqi,” you say as you fiddle with your fingers, feeling a bit flustered now. You would have thought by now that you’ll be over him, but clearly, you’re not.
You both talk further over the casual dinner of course. Nothing fancy, nothing romantic. Just dinner with a friend, catching up thing.
He offers to walk you back to the garage, of course, knowing how Shangqi has always been sweet and protective of you.
“It’s good to finally catch up with you, Shangqi,” you say offer him a hug.
It lasts much longer than you realize though.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” you ask as you pull away from him. There’s a visible sadness lingers in those eyes. The air of melancholy hangs thick around him as if there’s something bothering him.
“Nothing,” he mumbles, trying to offer you a smile, but it feels forced and fake.
“I know when you’re lying to me, Shangqi.” The words come out softer than you realized. A small part of you suspects it by the way those brown sapphire eyes linger longer on your face, then they drift down to your lips. It’s an expression of longing, waiting, anticipating for the next touch. The feeling of wanting something that is out of reach.
You don’t want to think of it like that because in the depth of your fucked up heart, you really don’t want to think that it is it. But God, you hate it so much right now because you know that look so well. The same fucking look you gave him when you realized how much you were in love with him.
How much you still in love with him.
“Please don’t look at me like that.” The words come out like a breath.
He’s so close now that you can still smell his cologne. It’s inviting and warm, just like him.
“Like what?”
“Like you love me or something,” you pretend to chuckle as you push him away, but Shangqi holds you firmly in his arm, and you can feel your breath hitches in your throat. You can feel your heart tremble sightly, almost deafening in your ears as scorching heat seems to envelop your whole body.
“What if I do?”
“What?” Your brows furrow. The air in your lungs feels like it’s being sucked out.
“What if I do love you?”
You stare at him speechless for a long moment, allowing his words to sink in. Love? In love with you?
“Stop joking around with me, Shangqi,” you say as you try to pull away, half laughing half uncomfortable. You hate how much this moment feels like a Goddamn dream to you because what if it is? What if you suddenly wake up and it’s just another trick your fucked up brain does to you?
The more you try to push him, the more he pulls, holding to whatever his hands can grasps, even just your fingers. “Hey, listen. I’m not joking. I really mean it. I-I really messed up and I just thought that if I let you know, you--”
“I what?” you pulling away harder now, and he finally letting you go. “That I would leave my husband for you?!”
He sighs. His hand rubs the back of his neck impatiently as he watches your expression change. He can clearly see tears brim at the corner of your eyes.
“I told you that I love you, what like three years ago?! And now that I’m finally happy enough with myself and find someone that wants me, suddenly you want me back?! What the fuck do you think this going to go?!”
“Y/N” he starts, but you quickly cut him off. A floodgate of emotions seems to pour right out of you at the moment.
“I spent all these years hoping that you would say something back, hell, I really wanted you to fucking acknowledging it, but you never once did. And now you have the audacity to say you love me? You can’t do that to me, Shaun.”
He watches you openly sob in front of him, and it would be a lie to say that his heart isn’t broken then. Every inch of him is hurting just seeing how much pain he has caused you.
“I messed up, ok. I-I just want to let you know. I don’t expect anything from it.”
“And you won’t,” you sniffle as you wipe your face with the back of your hand. “I’m done with this bullshit, Shaun. I’m done. I’m out. I can’t do this anymore.”
“What do you mean?”
“Please, just for me. Don’t call me or text me anymore. You’ve done enough already. Just let me be happy with my husband.”
“Y/N, are you…”
“We shouldn’t be friends anymore,” you say firmly, biting back the tears that threaten to roll down your face. “Just please, let this be it. I can’t do this. I just can’t.”
Especially knowing how much I still love you.
With the last word, you turn and walk away. The sound of your heels clicking on the concrete floor echoes inside the garage.
Shangqi can only watch you before you drift away from his sight.
He's fucked up. He's really fucked up.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
❝  look i…i do care about you.  a lot.  and i wish i could love you that way.  i really do but i just,  i’ve never seen you like that.  ❞ 
[hi, a while ago i asked if u would be willing to write for shang-chi. You said yes and yet i haven't been willing to ask but i love angsty shit so I'm requesting THAT with Shang-chi] thank u 💛 (don't feel pressure if u don't wanna write it)
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AN | This is my first rendezvous with him but hopefully it’s okay 🥺 I hope you enjoy ❤️
Pairing | Shaun/Shang-Chi x Fem!Reader
Warnings | None
Word Count | 1.3k
Masterlist | Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Hey," Shaun's voice caught you off guard as you jumped slightly in your spot. Luckily you didn't move too much or you could have easily scooted off the edge of the tall hotel building. Instead, you turned to him and offered him a small nod of acknowledgment. He took that as all the invitation he needed before sitting down next to you.
Silence fell over the two of you as watched the sun start to slowly set. The sound of the heavy city traffic and people on the streets reached your ears as you stared ahead, afraid to say anything. Things with Shaun had been tense lately and while you hadn’t been avoiding him, you hadn’t exactly been seeking him out either. Naturally he could see right through you.
“Hey,” it was almost a whisper as you decided to say something instead of completely shutting him out, “what’s up?”
“Oh you know, just spending my free time hanging out on rooftops,” he joked as you remained silent, “gotta keep up the whole superhero thing.”
“Of course,” things just hadn’t been the same ever since he’d gotten back. Not that he was really any different from how he normally was but things were just off. He’d gone and left without a trace - him and Katy - and he’d never fully explained all of what happened. Neither of them had and it made you feel like you were on the outside looking in. It was like your best friends were shutting you out, and whether or not it was intentional, you weren’t sure.
“What’s going on?” he bumped your shoulder with his, before reaching over and trying to turn your face towards his but you flinched out of his touch. He sighed lightly but didn’t try to touch you again, “is there a reason you don’t want anything to do with me anymore?”
“I don’t know what - you’re being overdramatic,” you waved him off before scooting away from him, “nothing’s wrong.”
“Things have been different since…” he waved his hands slightly, “ever since Katy and I’ve been back.”
“You’re like…so close to self awareness it’s frustrating,” you laughed, but it was a dry, bitter little sound over anything else, “Shaun, you and Katy basically up and disappeared for days and days without so much as a word to me. And then y-you come back and then give me some half ass explanations for everything. And don’t say you’re giving me the whole story because I’m not dumb, Shaun! I’ve known you for so long and I know when you’re not being honest. I’m starting to wonder if Shaun is even your real name.”
“Is that what this has been about this whole time?” he ran his hands over his face and sighed deeply, “have you ever stopped to think that maybe sometimes it’s best you don’t know everything?”
“Have you ever thought about how fucked up that is to do to one of your best friends?” you were surprised by his sudden change in demeanor, “you’re saying I don’t deserve to know what’s going on with you? And what about Katy? Does she only get to know everything because she was in the right time and place with you? If it had been me there with you, would I be in on all the secrets and be shutting Katy out? Or is it just me?”
“That’s not fair-”
“What’s not fair is you leaving me out of things,” you wiped away the tears that had rolled down your cheeks. You could feel him watching you intently, brows knitted together in frustration and a frown on his face. You didn’t even look at him, knowing you’d just break down further if you did, “if this is what things are going to be like from now on, I don’t know if…I don’t know if I can be your friend anymore.”
“What do you mean?” he sat back and turned so he was facing you, “things will be like they always have then.”
“I don’t know if I can trust that anymore,” you sighed, “if this whole vigilante superhero thing continues, who knows what will happen? It’s like you’re not even here anymore - your body is but your heart and mind are different things.”
“Sometimes it’s best if you don’t always know everything, all the details,” he whispered, looking away as you shrugged before moving to stand, “I know it doesn’t seem like it but in the long run, it’ll be better if you don’t…it’s safer this way.”
“I think that’s a load of shit,” you rolled your eyes as before moving to walk away, ready to get far away from him, “you don’t shut out the people that love and care for you and could possibly help.”
“Don’t you get it?” Shaun followed after you, attempting to reach for your hand, but you were quick to pull out of his grasp, “I’m doing this to keep you safe because I do love you!”
“What about Katy? Don’t you love her too?”
“I do…but I don’t love her like I love you,” he took a shaky breath as you looked at him in confusion, “I love you.”
Your heart practically constricted as you turned to look at him. There was a worried look on his face as he tried to gauge your reaction. Part of you was elated - you’d been wanting to hear those words from him for ages. The other part of you was devastated; this was the last thing you wanted to hear especially now. Because it meant you would have to lie to him. Because you loved him too - more than anything. But you could never handle this whole half truth deal. Even if he was trying to keep you safe, it would never be enough.
“Well, that’s a shame,” you put on your best poker face, “look I…I do care about you. A lot. And I wish I could love you that way. I really do but I just, I’ve never seen you like that.”
“You were my best friend, Shaun,” you really didn’t want to do this. You wished you could take it back and jump in his arms and tell him none of what you had said was true and finally kiss him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, “and that’s all it was. But if you’re not even going to be a true friend, then I’m not sure where we go from here.”
“Look, there’s still a look we need to talk about,” his voice was small and meek as he tried to plead with you, “I can tell you more - but please tell me you didn’t mean what you said.”
“I’m sorry,” you licked your lips and looked away, desperately trying not to cry, “but I don’t think there is anywhere else to go from here.”
“Don’t go. Please.”
“There’s nothing more to say,” you shrugged lightly, “maybe I’ll see you around, Shaun.”
“I love you - please.”
“Goodbye, Shaun.”
By the time you reached the stair access and made your back down, you were fully crying. You’d managed to keep composed just long enough for him not to see - or so you had thought. He watched you go, unsure of what to do. But for now, he knew he had to watch you walk away.
Maybe one day you’d walk back to him. All he could do was hope.
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themoontaxi · 2 years
biggest congrats on 200, hanna! hope you’re doing well and your semester goes great💜
🧩 cyma: decorations
👀 i’m terrified but pls <3
🦮 🐈 can i request both?
katie, hey love <3 thank you so much! 💛
(the 👀 and 🦮&🐈 are below the cut)
🧩 -> cyma as decorations:
you as mirrors. provider of self-reflection. might carry more questions than answers. always honest with you. great adviser should you struggle with your style. easy to shatter, but you really shouldn’t. you know you need them.
@ropoto as landscape paintings. inspire dreams of traveling the world to see them with your own eyes. the longing of freedom and independence. can seem impersonal at first glance, but incredibly intimate when one cares to look at the details. unaware as to how precious and beautiful they are.
@jaspxr as plants. preferably in pretty pots made of natural materials. keeping everybody sane and breathing. just looking at them makes you smile. the little bit of nature people living in cities cling to. make every home look more inviting and friendly.
@ssa-sapphic as bookshelves. harborer of knowledge and imagination. have to carry so much weight yet never falter. organized on the outside, messy on the inside. contain information on a variety of subjects. everyone will listen in awe when they tell a story.
@sadgirlml as fairy lights. light up even the darkest corners of your room. glowing soft and steady in tough times as if encouraging you to hang on. a reminder of summer nights spend looking at the sky admiring the stars and thinking about the infinity of the universe.
@ellcsgreenaway as curtains. keep light from spilling in if drawn, as one might try to hold in their emotions. will respect your privacy. the feeling of being rewarded when one succeeds in getting them to open up. can instantly improve the look of your room by one hundred percent.
@starrylang as aquariums. create a mysterious hypnotizing ambient lighting if placed in the sun. pretty low-maintenance and easy company. quiet yet full of life. probably the hardest to part with if you move.
@writingquillsandpainpills as chandeliers. create an air of sophistication and prosperity. provide the perfect lighting for late night readings. an eye catcher begging to be noticed. might burn down the house if left unsupervised.
👀 -> first impression:
why are you terrified? you had me charmed right away! i remember being hesitant about following anyone because i hadn’t posted anything myself yet and felt totally lost here - but when i saw your blog i just couldn’t help it. you were (and still are) in love with emily and alex which instantly gained you sympathy points! then i read one of your fanfictions and i thought you were a genius. plus i was intrigued by your mind and how you presented yourself, so i guess i had a little crush on you (as i already told you). back then i was sure i’d never interact with you tho because i thought you were too cool for me.
🦮 & 🐈 -> pics of my cats and dog:
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(i love taking pics when they sleep)
thanks for dropping by and i hope you enjoyed! <3
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