#i love you skyward sword the world could never make me hate you
microwave-core · 2 months
(CONTROVERSIAL OPINION) hear me out pls, ai sada headcanons. she needs more love than the real one, and i will die with this.
I understand, anon. TBH AI Sada, unfortunately, is better than real Sada in canon, because I'm not there to fix her. Anyways, let me think of some things to say.
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(obligatory L Sada)
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Setting up a scenario here is a bit odd. Realistically, if AI Sada were to be in love with someone, it would probably be someone Sada herself was in love with, since the AI has all of her memories and feelings. Which feels a little weird. Imagine you have a lover and you learn that they died in a freak accident but they also have an AI counterpart who is also in love with you. Anyways-
It's hard to think of what to say, because I think the two are pretty similar all things considered. In my mind, AI Sada is just Sada before she flew off the rails and only cared about the time machine, so many of my regular Sada headcanons could still apply. The biggest difference is that AI Sada is aware of how the real one neglected you for so long, and desperately wants to make up for that lost time.
She knows how much you care for the real Sada, and how hurt you are when she started to pull further and further away from both you and her son. Hell, maybe she even tries to push the real one to reach out at some point when she's still alive, to reconnect before your relationship collapsed completely, but it was too late at that point.
In her place, AI Sada sends little texts and messages your way. She wants to do more, she really does, but she just can't bring herself to do it. She's afraid, in a sense. She loves you so much, so very very much, but she's not really the person you love. I mean, she literally is, but you aren't aware of that. You don't know you're speaking to the AI counterpart of your lover who has since gone crazy over dinosaurs.
She tries to do the same for Arven, but he never responds to her. The occasional random text doesn't make up for the real Sada's absence. AI Sada knows this, and she doesn't blame him, but what else is she to do? What else can she do?
As much as she wants to reach out, to be with you and Arven both, to be apart of the family the real Sada so callously abandoned, she can't. Her hands are tied. When she's left alone in Area Zero, she has no choice but to fully devote herself to destroying the time machine before things get out of control. It simply has to be her top priority. If she can't be with you both, the least she can do is protect the world you live in, keep you safe.
When she finally sees Arven, when she sees him in person for the first time, she reminds him of how much Sada loved both him and you, that the real Sada cared for you two so much, but is careful to leave out her own feelings.
Now, to make things a bit fluffier, we can say she doesn't fuck off to the distance past. When things settle down, and you learn the truth of what happened to your lover, she feels more comfortable with her feelings for you. She knows that she isn't the same person you fell in love with, but she'd gladly take her place if you'd have her.
Even though she has all of Sada's memories, AI Sada feels like she's experiencing everything for the first time when she's with you. She knows what it is like to be around you, to hold you and kiss you and whisper sweet nothings, but doing so herself just feels so... different. So liberating and free. Wonderful. It would make her heart flutter if she had one. As a result, she is a bit clumsier than the real one, at least at first.
She also isn't as affectionate. It's not that she doesn't want to shower you in love and praise, or that she doesn't want to receive some in return, she's just a bit more... reserved. A bit held back. Unsure, even. This is all unfamiliar territory to her, give her time to get her bearings in order.
I'm gonna be real with you, I don't think she's the most comfortable to be around, physically speaking. She looks human, sure, but she is, in fact, made of metal. She's not the nicest to cuddle, or hug, or even kiss, but she tries. It's a little hard and strange to adjust to, but you can get used to it in time. It's charming, in a sense.
She also doesn't have human needs, just maintenance on occasion. For the sake of scenario, let's just say she's not confined to the Area Zero lab and is instead free to join in the regular world. Living with a robot is weird. Without needs of her own, she often does things just for you.
Like, as an example, she doesn't need to sleep. She's a robot, she needs to recharge, not sleep. Still, she's more than happy to lie down with you in bed at the end of the day, to keep you company. Sometimes she goes into sleep mode, but other times she stays up, combing artificial fingers through your hair so delicately, as if you'd crumble under her touch.
Cooking is something she can do, but she's not the best on account of not being able to taste anything. She enjoys it, though. She's honestly do anything for you, if nothing but to see you smile. She also likes to watch you eat, which can be a bit awkward since she just sort of stares. I guess that's how I'd describe AI Sada as a lover; Awkward, but charming.
Also, I hate to say it, but I don't think this is a robot you can outright fuck. I'm sorry robot fuckers, I really am, but I don't think Sada equipped her AI counterpart with a neo pussy. You can, however, get railed by the robot. If you want. As a little treat.
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 2 months
How would the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) and Demise (From Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword) react to their lover meeting their prized war horse?
Like this horse is built like a war machine, hates everyone but tolerates/barely likes the Demon King, it could take on a Lynel and WIN. Their lover comes into the barn, and a servant/soldier warns the Demon King that hey, your lover is heading for your horse's area and we couldnt stop her. He's assuming she's about to get demolished by his horse and makes his way over quickly, only to see his horse, his evil hateful horse, nuzzling her and being the sweetest thing in the world, like this horse hadn't committed war crimes with him.
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Reaction: Wind Waker Ganondorf would be surprised and intrigued by the sight of his war horse, usually a beast of fury and power, acting so tenderly towards his lover.
Thoughts: He would ponder the significance of this connection, seeing it as a sign of her unique and extraordinary nature.
Feelings: A mix of relief, pride, and deeper affection towards his lover.
"It seems even the fiercest of beasts can recognize the gentleness and strength within you. Perhaps it is a sign of your true worth."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Reaction: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf would be stunned and perhaps a bit skeptical at first. He has never seen his horse behave this way towards anyone else.
Thoughts: He would contemplate what this means for their bond and the loyalty of his horse.
Feelings: A deep sense of admiration and love for his lover, recognizing her special connection with his war horse.
"You have managed to tame a beast that has known only war and fury. Truly, you are extraordinary."
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Reaction: Twilight Princess Ganondorf would be taken aback but would quickly appreciate the significance of this moment.
Thoughts: He would think of this as a testament to his lover’s unique spirit and connection to the world.
Feelings: A growing sense of respect and love for his lover, seeing her in an even more impressive light.
"My war horse has chosen to show you a side that no one else has seen. You continue to amaze me, my dear."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Reaction: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf would initially be alarmed but would quickly shift to astonishment and curiosity.
Thoughts: He would think of his lover’s presence as powerful enough to reach even the darkest hearts.
Feelings: A mix of awe, pride, and deeper affection, feeling fortunate to have her by his side.
"It seems my war horse has found a kindred spirit in you. You are truly remarkable, my love."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Reaction: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would be surprised but quickly see it as a sign of her exceptional nature.
Thoughts: He would see this as further proof of her worth and the strength of their bond.
Feelings: Deep affection and pride, feeling a renewed sense of connection with her.
"Even my war horse recognizes the extraordinary nature of your spirit. You are truly one of a kind."
Demise (Skyward Sword)
Reaction: Demise would be utterly shocked, struggling to comprehend how his war horse could act so gently towards anyone else.
Thoughts: He would ponder the implications, seeing it as a sign of his lover’s unique and formidable nature.
Feelings: A mixture of awe, respect, and deeper affection, recognizing her as a truly special individual.
"It seems you have a power over even the fiercest of beasts. Perhaps there is more to you than I ever realized."
Wind Waker Ganondorf: Surprised and intrigued, sees it as a sign of her unique worth.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf: Stunned and skeptical, admires her special connection.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf: Taken aback but appreciative, sees it as a testament to her spirit.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf: Alarmed but curious, feels awe and pride.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf: Surprised but affirming, recognizes her exceptional nature.
Demise: Utterly shocked, sees it as a sign of her formidable presence.
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hero-of-the-wolf · 3 months
What are all of the games that you’ve played? Double the points of you add your thoughts on it (it can be as short or as long as you want, if you’re up to it)
Bonus points if you want to add some of your thoughts on Echoes of Wisdom.
I’m assuming you mean LoZ games? okay so far we’ve got:
Twilight Princess
the first Zelda game I ever completed :) it will always hold a very special place in my heart!! I’ve been wanting to replay it again so badly lately even tho it’s only been like a few months since I finished it (I can just use my bad memory privileges—)
listen, Twi’s my guy. I love him sm. I love running around Hyrule with him and holding all the cats and petting all the goats 😭😭😭😭😭 this game just hits on all the nostalgia for me I can’t listen to the score without tearing up 🥺 also I’m ngl at the beginning I genuinely didn’t like Midna at all and by the end I actually physically CRIED when she left so…. good job Nintendo. this game is literally the BEST 20/10 I could play it forever and never get sick of it
Breath of the Wild
so BOTW is actually the game I heard of first? like it introduced me to the concept of LoZ, and I even played it a bit a couple years ago, but I actually started playing it after I finished Twilight Princess. with some experience under my belt I enjoyed this game so much better haha
my favorite part is the way the game lets you solve problems in multiple different ways!!! I really enjoyed the shrines, I don’t think I ever really got super frustrated and had to look smth up with this game and it made me feel really smart hehe :) also the combat is SO satisfying but I rarely ever actually engage bc I uhhh I don’t want my weapons to break 💔
Wind Waker
this one I borrowed from a friend :) my only complaint is it’s far too short 😭 I also went into this one determined to figure everything out by myself (riding my BOTW high) and I got SO confused like halfway through I literally had to look up a walkthrough 😭 ik that’s on me tho, I unfortunately get confused very easily 😔 this is another game that I’m so tempted to replay but I do not own it so 😭😭😭😭😭😭 NINTENDO PLS RELEASE THIS GAME AND TP BOTH ON SWITCH I AM BEGGING
the worldbuilding in this game is INSANE actually like they went so hard??? I love the implications of like… this is the same world from OOT but flooded and the people alive now don’t even realize, the world as it is now is all they know. it’s just so interesting to me. and I love Aryll and grandma sm like I would literally sail to the ends of the earth for them
Skyward Sword
so I’m not even halfway through this game yet but I LOVE THIS GAME SM I don’t understand all the hate it gets like it’s SO GOOD???? every scene with Link and Zelda in it makes me so goshdarn emotional 😭😭😭😭😭 I would kill a man for Zelda!!
this game is quickly becoming one of my favs…..
Link’s Awakening
it’s still in the mail so I haven’t played it yet :) I’m very excited to cry at the ending :))
Echoes of Wisdom
I just know it’s gonna be so much fun to play :) I can’t wait to puzzle things out (esp since there will be multiple right ways to solve a problem again!!!) and learn the story and find out what happened to Link!!! and I cannot wait esp for the lore implications and how this might potentially affect LU >:3 I’m so excited!!!!
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edenmemes · 3 years
skyward sword sentence starters
more to be added !
❝ you promised to meet me before it starts, remember? ❞ ❝ you seem pretty...relaxed about the whole thing. ❞ ❝ is something wrong? what’s the hurry? ❞ ❝ sometimes i just don’t know what’s going on in your head. ❞ ❝ i'm not like you. i fail at everything i try. ❞ ❝ a shrimpy boy like you hardly looks the part of a hero. ❞ ❝ swatting a few monsters will be no trouble for you. ❞ ❝ run and play this time. get in my way again, though, and you’re dead. ❞ ❝ don’t even pretend that was an accident! ❞ ❝ do you doubt these eyes? i look upon your shirt and i see a single thread loose on your sleeve stitching. ❞ ❝ this is no place for one such as you. and yet here you stand. ❞ ❝ i need to vent all this unhealthy anger,     and your agony is such a great stress reliever. ❞ ❝ remember what we discussed. restrain yourself. focus on the task at hand. ❞ ❝ do my words anger you? do my words sting? let them. ❞ ❝ you don’t come by here just to see me, do you? ❞ ❝ what’s wrong? you just made a face like you wanted to say something. ❞ ❝ oh, i get it. you’re trying to weasel out of having to practice. ❞ ❝ i guess it’s not all bad. at least i’m getting paid. ❞ ❝ there’s something i’ve been meaning to talk to you about.... ❞ ❝ would you wake up, straighten up, and grow a backbone already? ❞ ❝ nice try, but you’re not fooling me. ❞ ❝ i...i have to go. i’m sorry. ❞ ❝ folks were always cheering me on like it was a parade. but as you know, time passes. ❞ ❝ you keep some very strange company, friend. ❞ ❝ i don’t know if it’s safe yet...i’m going to stay here awhile longer. ❞ ❝ oh no. you’ve done it now! there’s no escaping this one! ❞ ❝ so, what now? are you going to cry? ❞ ❝ i can’t begin to tell you how sorry i am for pulling you into all of this. ❞ ❝ what is wrong with you? just look at what you’ve done! ❞ ❝ what we’ve seen here today defies explanation. ❞ ❝ you put up more of a fight than i would have thought possible out of such a soft person. ❞ ❝ did you really just draw your sword? foolish. ❞ ❝ should you heed the call of destiny,     i don’t know what dangers you may have to face. ❞ ❝ i can’t help being such a coward...i’m really sorry. ❞ ❝ i fear i spent far too long teasing and toying with you. ❞ ❝ you do your people proud. ❞ ❝ how long do we have to live in constant fear? ❞ ❝ i'll just beat you within an inch of your life! ❞ ❝ dawn is drawing near. it has been a long night for the both of us, hasn’t it? ❞ ❝ you were limp and unconscious. i feared the worst. ❞ ❝ what do you think you’re doing sneaking out with that? ❞ ❝ such a beautiful day, but we’re too busy to enjoy it. some things never change. ❞ ❝ i guess you’ll never learn unless you run into trouble one day. ❞ ❝ look at my face. if that’s your idea of a joke, i’m not laughing. ❞ ❝ you appeared to be relishing that snooze, so i declined to wake you. ❞ ❝ huh? oh, uh, nothing. really, i was, uh...talking to myself. ❞ ❝ you’re looking a little pale... ❞ ❝ i imagine you and i will cross paths again. until then, do not lower your guard. ❞ ❝ you certainly are persistent... ❞ ❝ all that may be well intentioned and true, but it doesn’t mean it’s right. ❞ ❝ i’m prepared to pay the price for what i’ve done. ❞ ❝ i had no idea we were fated to carry such a heavy destiny. ❞ ❝ i need your strength to tip the scales in our favor. ❞ ❝ all this training, and no results! ❞ ❝ all i’ve hears so far is a bunch of babbling about destiny,     but that’s a load of garbage. ❞ ❝ when night draws her tenebrous curtain across the sky, i come here. ❞ ❝ what in the world just happened? did you use some kind of magic? ❞ ❝ please, see it through and prove the legends true. ❞ ❝ i was happy just spending my days hanging around with you. i wanted that feeling to last forever. ❞ ❝ you are vital to a mission of great importance. ❞ ❝ the chances of that happening are just about less than zero. ❞ ❝ i hate to break it to you, but today’s the day i bust up this adorable little fantasyland you’re living in. ❞ ❝ this is a war, and the fate of the land hangs in the balance. ❞ ❝ i know you, and you’re no hero. ❞ ❝ you’re messing with me. say it again, i dare you. ❞ ❝ you float through life with your head in the clouds. ❞ ❝ i don’t do charity for wimps. ❞ ❝ what’s this...? what is it that my eyes behold? ❞ ❝ don’t even think about it! are we clear? ❞ ❝ the point is your work here is done. i got it covered from here. ❞ ❝ my eyes foresee a hazardous, thorny road ahead for you... ❞ ❝ you...this is your fault, you know. ❞ ❝ my heart is bursting with thoughts of you. ❞ ❝ i have a serious dilemma on my mind right now, and you’re distracting me. ❞ ❝ i’ll make you proud. you’ll see! ❞ ❝ feels dangerous. something could jump out at us at any moment. ❞ ❝ we’re talking about a tale that’s been passed down over a lot of years, so i wouldn’t put much stock in it. ❞ ❝ i have the right to experience an unfettered and passionate love, don’t i? ❞ ❝ i’ll tell you, it gives even a big guy like me the creeps. ❞ ❝ oh...how can i get you to notice me? ❞ ❝ i get the feeling nothing i can say will talk you out of it. ❞ ❝ my love for you is wider than the horizon and deeper than the clouds. ❞ ❝ trust my piercing eyes...listen to my pure and innocent voice. ❞ ❝ i feel so excited, so cheerful, so full of life. ❞ ❝ i sense a silent power dwelling somewhere in your frame. ❞ ❝ this turn of events has left me with a strong appetite for bloodshed. ❞ ❝ there’s no doubting it. the gears of fate have begun to turn. ❞ ❝ i'm sorry. i was lost in thought there for a moment. ❞ ❝ don’t men open doors for a lady anymore? how long am i supposed to stand here waiting for a little chivalry? ❞ ❝ i hate even saying this, but i guess you got it all figured out. ❞ ❝ you must not push yourself. you’re still recovering. ❞ ❝ you think you’re pretty suave, don’t you? ❞ ❝ i know you’re in a hurry, so i really appreciate you taking the time to help. ❞ ❝ i saw it, but i was able to escape by the seat of my pants. ❞ ❝ do you have any idea how that made me feel inside? furious! outraged! sick with anger! ❞ ❝ you’re really something else. i could never imagine myself doing what you’re about to do. ❞ ❝ i must aid you in fulfilling the great destiny that is your burden to carry. ❞ ❝ i should have believed you...i’m sorry. ❞ ❝ lately, when i think about you, my head gets all fuzzy, my heart races, i get short of breath, and i feel all dizzy... ❞ ❝ you should know better than that to fret about me. ❞ ❝ thanks for jumping in there to rescue me. ❞ ❝ hey, hold on there! what are you trying to pull all of a sudden? ❞ ❝ your face cries out in earnest wonder, and that cry is: ‘what’s this?!’ ❞ ❝ i promise up front not to murder you. ❞ ❝ you...didn’t hear any of that, did you? there’s no way you heard, right? ❞ ❝ i tell you, all sorts of weird things are going on lately. ❞ ❝ calamitous visions appear before me... ❞ ❝ you...make me so happy...i think i’m going to keel over... ❞ ❝ i wanted you to be the first to see me like this. ❞ ❝ i can’t imagine a more fitting color for you. it’s as though you were born to wear it. ❞ ❝ i bet you can’t even decide what to have for lunch on your own, huh? ❞ ❝ amazing, right? wrong! it is beyond amazing! ❞ ❝ it can’t be easy for you, can it? ❞ ❝ you’ll see in time that you have your own role to play in all this. ❞ ❝ trust in fate to guide your feet. ❞ ❝ i bet you’re here just to check me out, right? ❞ ❝ i just hope nothing has happened. i’m worried sick thinking about it. ❞ ❝ whoa...you’re kind of imploding my mind right now. ❞ ❝ if you wanna live again one day, you should head for home. ❞ ❝ you have a great journey before you, and those clothes...they don’t look up to the task. ❞ ❝ did you manage to get even a wink of sleep last night? ❞ ❝ ever heard of banging your knuckles against the door? it’s called knocking. ❞ ❝ so, uh...yeah. just how long have you been standing there? ❞ ❝ honestly, it’s almost as though you become a completely different person when you worry about me. ❞ ❝ you showing up here must mean we’re connected somehow. like fate. ❞ ❝ sorry to put you through that. i guess i owe you one now. ❞ ❝ to tell you the truth, i’m feeling a little frustrated, and right now i just need someone to vent to. ❞ ❝ what’s with you? leave me alone if you don’t want anything. ❞ ❝ hearing that is such a...huge weight off my mind. ❞ ❝ though your journey will put you in harms way, you must endure. ❞ ❝ i'm just deadweight. what kinda use is that to anyone... ❞ ❝ seriously, what is that thing over there?! ❞ ❝ before i say another word, i feel like i owe you an apology. ❞ ❝ during your long journey, you’ve grown so much. ❞ ❝ from the moment i laid my eyes on you, i could tell you had a gentle and generous heart. ❞ ❝ oh dear...i don’t know what’s come over me all of a sudden... ❞ ❝ you don’t appear to have any serious injuries. for that much we can be grateful. ❞ ❝ i can see into those dopey eyes of yours. ❞ ❝ i can finally smile and laugh again! thank you ever so much. ❞ ❝ i think i might of broke something. ❞ ❝ is that it? i thought it was going to put up more of a fight. ❞ ❝ i thought we were goners this time. sort of glad i was wrong about that. ❞ ❝ what? i don’t seem like my usual self? ❞ ❝ this place needs a name. a name fitting for this rugged, adventurous wilderness. ❞ ❝ what were you thinking? you scared a year off my life! ❞ ❝ care to explain just what you meant by ‘our special moment alone’? ❞ ❝ my advice? work hard and wish with all your heart. ❞ ❝ say, you look all flustered. ❞ ❝ i fear we can’t dwell on our success. ❞ ❝ the world is bursting with undiscovered surprises, isn’t it? ❞ ❝ you're not exactly mr/mrs.perfect either, are you? ❞ ❝ this is easily as scary as i thought it would be. ❞ ❝ i swear this neighborhood’s getting crummier every day. ❞ ❝ you ain’t as dumb as you look. ❞ ❝ i was going to ask if you wanted me to take care of you forever... ❞ ❝ i need to learn how to keep these delirious dreams in check. ❞ ❝ maybe you should forget about everything that happened here tonight. ❞ ❝ can you imagine a more gruesome fate? ❞ ❝ there are more monsters about than before, so be careful. ❞ ❝ human desire is an insatiable, fearsome thing. ❞ ❝ i sense an evil presence on the other side of this door. ❞ ❝ you understand, don’t you? i’m not wrong about this, am i? ❞ ❝ i never wanted to lay eyes on you again. ❞ ❝ i would have gotten discouraged if you hadn’t come by to cheer me on. you gave me motivation. ❞ ❝ who do you think you are, getting involved in my business like that? ❞ ❝ i just wish there was more i could do for you... ❞ ❝ i don’t even understand how you could make such a wild accusation! ❞ ❝ it was at that moment i finally realized. i realized that...i love you. ❞ ❝ make sure you come home every now and then. nothing like a good sleep in your own bed. ❞ ❝ you’d better not keep me waiting. ❞ ❝ make sure you put your heart into it! i won’t stand for anything but your best. ❞ ❝ how could you be swayed by the temptation of material gain?     do you have no honor? ❞ ❝ you really want to hear about all my troubles? that’s kind of you. ❞ ❝ you...weren’t supposed to see that whole spectacle. how embarrassing... ❞ ❝ you have only succeeded in buying us a little more time. ❞ ❝ watch it! that’s no way to talk to someone who just saved your life! ❞ ❝ you look like you need to get something off your chest. ❞ ❝ know that all the questions you have now will be answered in time. ❞ ❝ there is nothing natural about these tremors. ❞ ❝ you might just be the person i need! you seem pretty good with the ladies. ❞ ❝ it’s great to hear you’re so confident in me. ❞ ❝ ideal love is unfettered and passionate. anything less than that can’t really be called love at all. ❞ ❝ you're incessant buzzing around my head like some irksome gadfly when i’m this busy is...making me very disagreeable. ❞ ❝ you may not have noticed, but i’m trying to hide here.     could you please scoot along? ❞ ❝ you'd better keep your eyes to yourself, if you know what i mean. ❞ ❝ have you come to laugh at me in my miserable state? ❞ ❝ you...you came to see me! i’m so happy. ❞ ❝ your job is simple! you make sure none of these monsters lays a claw on me. not...one...claw. ❞ ❝ now is not the time to be picky about who will help you. ❞ ❝ watch carefully while i demonstrate what a real hero looks like. ❞ ❝ you are something else! there is nothing you cannot do. ❞ ❝ if you think about how often we meet, you have to admit that our relationship has gone beyond friendship, you know? ❞ ❝ i’ll make the affair so excruciating, you’ll deafen yourself with the shrill sound of your own screams. ❞ ❝ i was right, then. there is something special about you. ❞ ❝ i should have reprimanded you the last time we met, but instead i was...soft. ❞ ❝ ha-ha! you didn’t see that coming, did you? ❞ ❝ you really are a snake in the grass. ❞ ❝ you are indeed worthy of being called a hero. ❞ ❝ i’m not used to getting stared at like this. it’s making me blush. ❞ ❝ i can’t hide anything from you, can i? ❞ ❝ the longer i train, the more i realize i’ll never measure up to you. ❞ ❝ whoa...you took out every last one of them. ❞ ❝ i know how bad this must look to you right now, but i assure you i mean no harm. ❞ ❝ it’s all very strange, but i doubt there’s much of a connection between these things. ❞ ❝ you're a weird one, climbing all the way up here. ❞ ❝ don’t cry --- it’s perfectly, mostly safe! ❞ ❝ you and i, we’re bound by that thread of fate. destined to fight. ❞ ❝ meet me in battle, and the thread of fate that binds us will be soaked crimson with your blood. ❞ ❝ i do not wish to dwell on what may have happened if you hadn’t been here. ❞ ❝ you have awakened a wrath that will burn for eons! ❞ ❝ you really like those fantasy stories, eh? ❞ ❝ there is one teensy, tiny thing i lack...namely, mercy. ❞ ❝ i must warn you, i won’t go easy on you this time. ❞ ❝ i might be willing to forgive and forget if you’ll strike a deal. ❞ ❝ since i know i can be honest with you, i’ll admit i got a little sulky. it was frowns all around. ❞ ❝ i see you’re still among the living. ❞ ❝ i saw them dragging you off unconscious, so i tailed them. ❞ ❝ i want you to visit me at my house tonight. ❞ ❝ you don’t have to say a word. i can see how you feel by the spark in your eye. ❞ ❝ you’ll see. i’ll be as tough as you in no time. ❞ ❝ it’s not like ‘oh, hey, that person’s back! i’m so happy!’ or anything like that... ❞ ❝ whoa...that’s some really terrible handwriting. ❞ ❝ i would very much like it if you would go out with me. ❞ ❝ truly? you choose me? ❞ ❝ i swear to you, whatever it takes, i will drag you into an eternity of torment. ❞ ❝ you and i, we’re bound by a thread of fate. ❞ ❝ i’ll watch over you, protecting you from afar. ❞ ❝ until then, we’ll keep our love secret. ❞ ❝ this news has just filled my heart with rainbows! ❞ ❝ this place seems strangely familiar... ❞ ❝ don’t you gotta take care of your own business first? ❞ ❝ they’re not going to do anything nice if they catch you. ❞ ❝ it’s not humane to tease someone this bored. ❞ ❝ i’m not some sideshow for you to gawk at. ❞ ❝ it’s weird to say out loud, but that’s just how i feel right now. ❞ ❝ you can’t break me with interrogation. you’ll never make me talk. ❞ ❝ word is there’s a huge treasure hidden in these here ruins... ❞ ❝ what? that’s not weird to say! ❞ ❝ ...i understand your true feelings. better than you know. ❞ ❝ all the fairytales that we heard growing up...they appear all too real. ❞ ❝ do i look sad? no, i’m doing what i want to do! ❞ ❝ i don’t know what came over me! i had no clue i had the talent to make something like this. ❞ ❝ you shouldn’t be out here in the open with no way to defend yourself. ❞ ❝ you do have the tendency to cause trouble for those you ‘help’. ❞ ❝ as far as i’m concerned, i got nothing but time. ❞ ❝ don’t you play coy with me. i know that you know, so why not let me in on the fun? ❞ ❝ so you really think a sob story like that is going to work on me? what a joke. ❞ ❝ i’d take pleasure in punishing you, but i have no time for recreation. ❞ ❝ sorry to leave you on your own, but you look like you can handle it. ❞ ❝ remember --- it’s a secret to everybody. ❞ ❝ it isn’t as action packed as what you’re doing, but maybe this is my destiny. ❞ ❝ don’t you just love the way it smells down here? ❞ ❝ defending the land...it’s my purpose, i think. it’s why i’m here. ❞ ❝ what do i know...you might just surprise me. ❞ ❝ fibber! you’re a fibbity fibber! ❞ ❝ you needn’t even say it. i can tell from the look of sheer astonishment on your face. ❞ ❝ you have had this destiny thrust upon you without warning...    or choice, for that matter. ❞ ❝ don’t do anything heroic and get yourself caught. ❞ ❝ ...you want to tell me but you can’t? ❞ ❝ you know, i really worry about you. it’s a weakness of mine. ❞ ❝ try not to get in the way of my shots, ok? ❞ ❝ i haven’t slept a wink in...ahhh...i don’t even know how long. ❞ ❝ i had my suspicions, but until now i wasn’t sure. ❞ ❝ you seem a good deal stronger than the last time we met. ❞ ❝ i would be remiss if i didn’t let you know of the weight on my heart. ❞ ❝ i have a reputation to protect, you know. ❞ ❝ listen closely. do you hear that? ❞
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silverscribe87 · 3 years
Returning to Skyloft...
I finally managed to sit down and start the Skyward Sword remaster... and it’s like stepping through a door in time. To a happier and simpler past. I’m in love all over again. Despite it being my favorite Zelda game ever, I haven’t played it in years and years. It was always beautiful with its unique art style but the HD touchup really shines. I don’t know how people ever hated this game. It’s certainly not perfect, but it far and away has the most carefully constructed and touching narrative of any Zelda adventure. Right from the very start Zelda and Link are people, with personalities all their own. So unique and in some ways so much more robust than other incarnations of the chosen duo. Their playfulness, their friendship, the handful of exchanges that tell you all you need to know about their lives together to this point. Ah the fanfic potential for Zelda and Link’s Skyloft childhood adventures. And their love and affection for each other, shy and still awkward though it is, shines through and makes my shipping heart sing. And they’re not the only great characters. Groose! Oh dear Groose and his stupid hair. XD  You so love to hate him early on, I did, but he has such a satisfying character arc full of growth that I can’t wait to see it again. And by the goddesses I can’t wait to see the fabulous Ghirahim again, best secondary villain in any Zelda game ever.
Then there’s Fi... oh dear Fi. I know she was hated but I could never, ever understand that. Her story is among my favorite in the Zelda mythos and I very nearly teared up when I first saw her again and her beautiful musical theme began playing. And the music in this game. My stars, after coming from Breath of the Wild’s minimalistic to nearly non-existent musical score, hearing the orchestral pieces sing out in Skyward Sword again is like finding water in a desert after a long journey. I’m happy to be here again. Breath of the Wild is an amazing game, but this will always be my Zelda. I know the story is nothing special or unique really in the world of story telling, but it’s special to me. And I still marvel that Skyward Sword has such a wonderful story when gameplay always, always comes first for Nintendo over narrative. It’s a small miracle that the overall Zelda series story is as wonderful as it is, if a bit of a mess in places due to never being top priority.
I’m happy to be here again. It almost makes me want to finish my long dormant Zelda fanfic and maybe start the half dozen others that have been collecting dust in my notes. I haven’t written in ages, it would be nice to do so again. Enough rambling, Skyward Sword HD is good, play it! XD
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thesacredtwink · 3 years
Hey ho eyeveryone! I've gotten a few new followers recently so I thought I'd introduce myself. If you've been following me for a while, hello again!
My name is Nick, pronouns she/they. I'm aro/ace with a bi appreciation of the world and very ADHD. This blog is a LoZ side blog. I also run another side blog @wr1t3-my-wr0ngs which pulls double duty as my wring blog and my star wars blog. Because I'm a side blog on both accounts, I don't follow from these. And I try very hard to keep my side blogs separate from my main. I've got people irl that know my main and that...really don't approve of my fanfic writing. So please respect that I won't be giving out my main for my own safety and peace of mind. But rest assured if we interact a lot, you can consider us mutuals.
I have an ao3 (link in my bio) where I post my fics. They are either Star Wars or Linked Universe.
Occasionally, I forget which blog I'm posting to. So if you see a post that is WILDY off topic for the blog, just roll with it please 😆 Sometimes it's on purpose in which case I tag them #not Loz or #not star wars (depending on which blog) but uh....sometimes I just post to the wrong blog.
My tags
I tag my thoughts with #nick speaks . It's a catch all tag of sorts so there is a lot of stuff under that tag
The Gerudo twilight au is taged under #gerudo twilight #gerudo!twilight #gerudo twilight au
You can find my Groose love/rambles under either #groose or #groose my beloved
And I occasionally weep over Legend x Marin under the tag #oh that he could sleep for five minutes more
I am doing my best to tag all skyward sword spoilers under #sshd spoilers or #skyward sword spoilers
And my writing is taged under the unoriginal tag #my writing. (I am taking suggestions for a better tag for that XD)
#add this to the wip pile is the tag I use for writing ideas that I plan to do at some point.
(because I don't know how to do the links in text to the tags, I'm going to tag this post with all the above so you can navigate using them)
My dms and ask box are always open and I welcome the spam. I'm not the fastest at responding to asks, and sometimes I will even write something based on your ask if it REALLY inspires me. If you are worried that an ask got lost, just hmu! I promise it's not a bother.
But be respectful. Nothing lewd, nothing crude and anon hate will never see the light of day. As mod, I reserve the right to delete asks I find offensive at will. Just- use your best judgement.
My writing
I write either star wars or Linked Universe fics. My favorite tropes are found family and hurt/comfort. Occasionally I dip into crack and humor, but I am just as likely to verge into horror and whump. For the love of whatever power you believe in, read the tags. I try to tag my fics appropriately, but ultimately what you read is up to you. If you feel that I have missed an important tag, let me know! I am always happy to make sure my fics are tagged properly.
Head canons are the spice of life and I flavor my fics with them. Liberally and often without further context. If you are ever curious about them, ask and I will GLADLY info dump.
I'm currently working through the last of my 100 follower fic prompts, which have been slowed down by the release of SSHD. I don't generally take writing requests, but feel free to send them in and I might write something for them. At the very least I will respond with my thoughts on the idea!
And yeah! That's me, and welcome to the chaos everyone!
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Your highness demands questions to be answered.
This fool would love to appease Her Majesty
1. You just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit?
First thing that opens for me is Ao3
2. You just walked into a bookstore. What section do you go to first?
3. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing?
4. You just turned your car on. What station is the radio tuned to?
80’s on 8 LMAO
5. You have just woken up for the morning. What is the first things you do?
I go back to sleep
6. Complete this phrase: You cannot buy happiness, but you can buy____.
Shiny gloves
7. What would you do if you woke up as the opposite gender?
I’d text my friends that I have big dick energy
8. Are you more likely to cook for yourself or buy food from a restaurant?
Cook for myself
9. If you had to lose one of your senses, which one would you rather lose?
10. If you could relive any one year of your life, how old would you be?
I’d go back to 7 or something
11. Would you take a bullet for anyone you know?
Many people
12. Would you rather be rich and dumb or poor and extremely intelligent?
Extremely intelligent
13. What TV character do you most relate to?
I watch a solid 1 show right now and as a fellow nd I relate to Dr. Shaun Murphy
14. You just walked into a supermarket. What section do you first go to?
15. Is sex before marriage wrong?
FUCK NO, like buddy there’s worse things to worry about than where someone sticks their dick before they sign a paper
16. You just won the lottery. What is the first thing you do with your winnings?
Depending on how much I’ve won, help out my mom
17. If your best friend admitted that they have a crush on you, how would you react?
I’d be over the moon
18. Will the USA ever have a female president?
I just want to drink my hot cocoa in peace…
19. You are carpooling with your friends. Are you more likely to be the driver or a passenger?
Hands down a passenger. I sleep through any drive
20. How short is too short for skirts and dresses?
If you, the person wearing it, are uncomfortable with the length then it’s too short. If you like it then fuck yeah rock that skirt!
21. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, without any consequences, what food would you choose?
Shit man probably chicken noodle soup
22. It’s Saturday night. What are you most likely doing?
Either relaxing with Lulls or sending her some fun ideas
23. You go on a blind date. Your date is extremely beautiful and physically captivating, but you hate their personality. Would you want a second date?
No thank you, if we don’t get along then I’ll respectfully turn them down
24. How strict should gun laws be?
If it means I don’t get shot while studying then I’ll praise the goddess
25. Would you rather be the worst player on the best team or the best player on the worst team?
So long as we’re having fun I don’t mind
26. How well do you work with others?
Depends on who I’m working with
27. You have the ability to cure only one fatal disease and eradicate it forever. What disease do you choose?
If cancer isn’t a disease then I just made myself a fool
28. If you could go back to college and choose a different degree to study, would you?
I’m good with not thinking of that
29. Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
I hope I’m not dead
30. Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
Sir this is a Wendy’s
31. Would you attend a same sex wedding if invited?
HELL FUCKING YEAH I WOULD AND IT’D BE MINE (or some close friends!)
32. So far, what has been the greatest day of your life?
I’m saving the best day of my life for the future
33. Has anyone you know ever been arrested?
34. If it could be one season year-round, what season do would you want it to be?
35. What is your biggest regret in life?
Didn’t get to say goodbye to a friend
36. If you could bring one celebrity back from the dead, who would it be?
Robin Williams
37. What offends you the most?
I’m pretty hard to offend (Skyward Sword is a bad game, it was a GOOD GAME OKAY?)
38. Would you rather have an ugly hairstyle or be bald?
Ugly hairstyle because that’s mine everyday
39. At what age did you have your first alcoholic beverage?
3 (don’t @ me I know, bad parents)
40. What do you think happens to us when we die?
Don’t make my religious crisis worse
41. What do you think is the best way to quit smoking?
This just unlocked memories I forgot about
42. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which animal would you choose?
FISH, any kind
43. We’re humans created or did we evolve from earlier species?
Prob evolved
44. What scares you the most?
The list goes onnnn
45. What personality trait turns you off the most?
Lack of boundaries
46. You got offered a job to do something you hate, but the pay will make you rich. Do you take it?
If it means being able to live comfortably then yes
47. If today you only had what you were thankful for yesterday, how much would you have?
48. How often do you get mad or upset at yourself?
More often then I should
49. If you could choose one celebrity to be your parent, who would you choose?
I don’t even know any
50. If you could only listen to one musical artist for the rest of you life, who would you be listening to?
Ah a tie between Unlike Pluto and MISSIO
51. Have you ever used you cell phone while driving?
I’ve seen it go wrong so that’s a hard no
52. Had anyone you were close to die way too young?
Sir this is a WENDY’S (ex boyfriend)
53. Is world peace possible?
God I wish
54. You go on a blind date. You date is extremely ugly and physically appalling, but you are madly in love with their personality. Would you want a second date?
Oh my god if we get along then hell fucking yes
55. How did you discover that Santa Claus isn’t real?
Aged out of it lmao
56. Do you believe in God, or some form of higher deity?
Please I beg of you I can’t answer this
57. If you could save someone you deeply cared about, but it meant breaking a law, would you do it?
Will do
58. What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done for money?
25 year old wanted to date me and he still buys me video games :/
59. If you were to make a YouTube video about what you know most about, what would the subject be?
Either LoZ or Service Animals
60. What do you think is your greatest personality flaw?
Oh damn where do I start?
61. If your friends spoke to you the way you speak to yourself, would you still want them as friend?
Considering it’d be rambling then sure
62. Have you ever “woke up like this”?
You guys wake up?
63. You got offered a job to do something you love, but the pay is one of the worst out there. Do you take it?
64. What do you think is your best physical feature?
I have nice tits lmao
65. What do you think is your worst physical feature.
I’m too soft :(
66. Do you know anyone who has committed suicide?
Mm ex
67. What is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for someone you don’t know?
I helped a lady find her camping spot, and when I realized it wasn’t safe for her I let her stay at my camping spot with me. She was very nice and had lots of good stories to tell
68. Have you ever had a night’s dream come true?
Sort of? I heard a voice and the next day someone said it word for word and it shook me hard
69. How would you reject a date offer from someone you didn’t like?
Done it many times and I try to respectfully turn them down
70. Which do you think is worse: Failure, or never trying at all?
Failure :/
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Actually! The Most Funny Thing, What make me Go Back to My PMD Obssesion Is a Gameplay Of a Youtuber I know since The quarantine started.
so, Something special about This Youtuber Is not only he read The dialogues Of The Characters oH NO. HE MAKES A WHOLE ABRIDGED SERIES, Like Changing Dialogue for comedy purposes and kinda parodying The Characters.
And he has Some really interesting Take in The Hero and Partner Relationship. So The partner has a pattern in The series, He's always a Treecko Named “Zinner” The guy Likes to think The Zinner Of Rescue and Explorers are The same.
The Lore Of Zinner Is He's basically Out of himself a lot of The Time, so After saving The World in Rescue he “accidentally” destroyed The past Town and The One Thing that stayed from that Is The “hidden home” he has in The Mt. Sharpedo. Also, The YouTuber joked about Zinner being also The human Of The legend and since he Never completed The post game I'm supposing that's Cannon in The Lore. Also for some reason, Zinner Is really obsessed with Hero ‘Rangu’ and His Different incarnations (I'm supposing They're incarnations since The Rescue One Is a Charmander while The Explorers One Is a Pikachu)
Also, He's past! Grovyle, according to Him. Grovyle After evolutionating as a person and he Can't tolerate His past himself
Charmander! Rangu seems to think Zinner Is full Of Himself, but Like he stills Like him and even encourages His Bad behavior. Pikachu! Rangu in Other hand Can't stand him at all, They have This “You're awful, and I hate You but I keep trusting You More than these weirdos” also yeah, They're really gay in both versions (Though, only in Rescue This is corresponded, Zinner wants to have a Relationship with Rangu in Explorers too but he gives him The Middle finger)
I Can't BELIEVE I'm trying to explain The Lore to Someone, but Like, The Series Is completely in Spanish so I Can't send You to see it aidbd.
Oh man, I used to know Spanish. I took it in high school for years and it's all just gone out of my head. I have a monolingual brain I guess, most unfortunate. In any case, this sounds like an amazing idea. I live for the whole genre of abridged series, and I praise LittleKuriboh for starting the trend. That's basically what I'm going for when I write the fake dialogue with the characters, that kind of self aware, general gist type of humor. It's why I loved that moment I mentioned before with Chimecho.
I'm very curious to see how Rescue and Explorers could take place in the same universe, I don't think they really could. Like if anything, that was the oddest part about Super Mystery Dungeon, the implication that all of the games took place in the same universe. I don't know, that's always read as weird to me, like among other reasons - they seem to have different rules about whether or not humans normally exist. Gates to Infinity suggests that they don't, that they come from another world. In Explorers, they do exist, but are obviously just rare. Though I will say that, since the Wigglytuff in Rescue has such a similar personality to the one in Explorers, I am not opposed to the idea that Wigglytuff is some kind of dimensional traveler, or interspace anomaly. He so would be, you just know it.
This whole idea sounds more complex and convoluted than a Moffat era Doctor Who finale, but I'm loving it. Seriously, the whole idea of Zinner and Rangu reincarnating throughout the years and the different timelines is a clever one and it harkens me back to Skyward Sword and how it served a kind of origin story for Zelda in a similar fashion. I'm also totally on board with shipping these two, though I generally don't ship the Hero and the Partner in most Mystery Dungeon titles apart from Super Mystery Dungeon. That game finally got me on board the ship, what can I say.
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singingvio · 4 years
LEGEND OF MANGA LISTS: Top 5 SADDEST Moments in the Zelda Manga Series!
((NOTE: Twilight Princess mangas and the Skyward Sword excerpt in the Hyrule Historia are excluded from the mangas considered in this list.))
1. Volvagia’s Demise (Ocarina of Time part 1)
In chapter 3 of Ocarina of Time, part 1, the story depicted is titled “An Old and Beloved Friend.” This chapter mostly depicts Link and Volvagia’s fight, along with their backstory depicted solely in the manga and not in the game, as it isn’t canon. The chapter starts with Link’s bow out, a single arrow ready to be embedded in Volvagia’s skull, only for Link to falter. The dragon burns Link and nearly kills him, only for Link to be healed by Sheik.
Link insists to the Goron Link that he can’t fight Volvagia. Sheik makes a fairly robotic comment while playing his harp that the only way to subdue Volvagia is to kill him, and Link loses it, yelling at Sheik, “That’s easy for YOU to say! There must be some way to make him remember me!” Sheik shows him exactly what disasters are happening due to Volvagia’s tantrum, Kakariko and Goron villages close to destruction, and Link sadly recounts the story of how he and Volvagia met before his inevitable battle.
Link saw him as a baby, locked in a cage with a price of seventy rupees in Castle Town. Link bought the dragon and set him free, only for Volvagia to bite his hand and burn his hair with his flames. Link tries to ignore the dragon later, when it follows him, but then Volvagia ends up burning a Stalfos that had been sneaking up to kill Link. Link then befriended the dragon, and Volvagia said his name aloud, and the memory fades as Link is brought out of his story by someone warning him that the volcano is about to erupt.
Link, in a futile, heartbreaking effort to make Volvagia remember him, yells out, “It’s me! Link! Remember me!” Seeing as this does nothing, Link drives his sword into Volvagia’s flesh, beheading him. At his final moments, Volvagia remembers Link and starts to cry, calling his name out one last time to an expressionless Link as he dies.
2. Ghandi’s Defeat and Link’s Following Despair (A Link to the Past)
In Act 3 of A Link to the Past, Sacrifice, Link and Ghandi (a character created to be Link’s friend and travelling companion exclusively in the manga) travel through the Dark World, saving its inhabitants from fates worse than death to pay for their sins. When Link talks to a gossiping monster of a swamp, it is revealed that Zelda is at Turtle Rock, and Link heads there immediately. Ghandi, however, stays behind.
Ghandi claims that a bandit can’t risk her life just to save someone else, and Link argues that he only got this far because of her helping him. They inevitably split up, and Ghandi worries silently about Link and confesses to herself that she’s had a crush on him and can’t bear to see him reunited with Princess Zelda, as he clearly loves her instead.
Meanwhile, Link makes his way to Agahnim at Turtle Rock, to free Princess Zelda. Agahnim calls on a giant, firebreathing hydra to stop Link from saving Zelda, and Link, thinking nothing of it, defeats the monster with ease. Link comments on the monster’s strength, saying, “It’s kinda weak, for such a big…” and then he realizes. The monster vanishes into smoke, revealing the broken body of Ghandi, who isn’t dead, but very close. Link is heartbroken, and immediately hatred fills his heart as he turns on Agahnim for making him fight Ghandi.
Agahnim points out what Link is becoming, a hateful wolf, and Link watches his own body transform in horror as he cries out in agony. Zelda  manages to break free of her crystal cage, and heals Link from his beastly form. Together, they manage to heal Ghandi before she dies as well, and the two are properly reunited.
3. Pirate Captain and His Lady (Oracle of Ages)
In chapter 7 of Oracle of Ages, The Pirate Captain, Ralph and Link are stranded in an unknown body of water on a raft, trying to get back to the mainland to rescue Nayru. They’re rescued by the Pirate Captain, a man worn away to only soul and bone, as is his crew. Ralph and Link ask him how long he’s been sailing, and he replies that he doesn’t know and is very tired.
The Captain and Link discuss Link’s sword and its fine craftmanship, and then the Captain notices Ralph holding the Harp of Ages, and asks for a song. Ralph obliges, playing a traditional waltz, and the captain is happily lost in the memory of when he was in Labrynna, dancing with a fine lady under the stars. He says, “I remember this song from when I danced with her! We were in love, and the world was ours. Until it ended, and I set to sea to forget. But I could never forget… not her.”
He then makes a bold declaration, one soon revealed to be one of many when Link reads his logbook, that he will make it back to Labrynna to reunite with the lady he still loves to this day. As the ship is caught up in a horrific storm, Link gets his hold on the Captain’s logbook, reading in horror the logs there. “Day 23: set sail for Labrynna. Encountered a storm. Day 145: Storm. Day 317: Storm… They’ve been stuck in this storm forever!”
Link and Ralph attempt to escape the ship in their fear that they won’t be able to, and the Captain attempts to stop them. Link manages to tell the Captain that if he lets them go, he can fix things for him and his Lady, and the Captain, on the brink of tragedy as he lets Link and Ralph go, his final words are a request to Link. “If y’see this lady on your journeys, lad, tell her… the Knight who set sail… will love her for all eternity.” He shows Link a picture of Queen Ambi, and with that, he disappears without a trace, and is never shown again.
4. Shadow Link’s Final Stand (Four Swords part 2)
In chapter 12 of Four Swords part 2, The Four Sword Forever, we see the Four Links’ final stand against Vaati in order to save Zelda. Previously in the manga, Shadow was resurrected using the power of the Dark Mirror after a crushing betrayal from Vio, the smart, collected side of Link he’d thought to be his friend before his temporary defeat. The Dark Mirror is the source of all dark magic, including his life force. Shadow was resurrected right in front of Zelda, who was staring sadly at him, and he yells at her angrily to not take pity on him, as he hates it.
Zelda is then enshrouded in a dark cloud, and Shadow panics, asking Vaati what’s happening to her. When he realizes Vaati is going to kill Zelda, he completely breaks down, taking a quick detour to help the Links by disguising himself as Vio before going back up and grabbing a chair Zelda had been sitting in prior to her slow poisoning in the cloud, throwing it at the Dark Mirror with a scream and breaking the center of it.
Finally, in the final chapter of Four Swords part 2, the Links are almost where Shadow, Zelda and Vaati are. Shadow is incredibly weak, putting almost all his weight on the side of the Mirror. Vaati panics, yelling at Shadow that if he destroys the mirror, Shadow will die too. Shadow grins at Vaati, before saying, “That’s all right. I came out of the Dark Mirror. And with it’s power I woke you. How fitting that I use it to destroy us BOTH!” And with that, he shoves the mirror to the ground, successfully killing Vaati.
The other Links find his body lying next to the mirror, thanking him, and Shadow starts to close his eyes when Vio yells at him to “hang in there!” Shadow then calmly recounts what his life is like as Link’s shadow. “A shadow… usually only ever follows its body. It never gets to lead the way. Today I faced the enemy… on my own. It felt pretty good, but that still doesn’t make me… part of the body.”
Green (the leader and most ‘Link-like’ of the four) tells him the opposite, telling him that he’s their friend, and Shadow, with newfound energy, gets up and reaches towards the other Links, only for him to fade into the light and disappear, dying permanently and for the last time as the other Links stare at where he once was.
5. Skull Kid’s Backstory (Majora’s Mask)
In chapter 9, Fierce Deity Link, the Moon is stopped by the four Giants in Termina. Link sees Tael and Tatl reunited, and notes how sweet it is before thanking the Giants and joking with Tatl about how long it took for them to arrive. Skull Kid, meanwhile, shakes in the background, knocked to the ground and not getting up. In a moment of clarity, the mask not having control on him in his moment of emotion, Skull Kid despairingly recounts his tale.
Skull Kid sadly says that he didn’t mean for this to happen, only wondering why the Giants left him. A flashback is then shown from Skull Kid’s point of view, the Giants getting ready to leave as Skull Kid desperately tries to hold them back. “Why?! No! No, you mustn’t! Hey… Wait! I said wait! Don’t go! Hold on! I said wait! Don’t go! Can’t you hear me?!”
He cries out, many times, sometimes even trying to forcibly hold the Giants back and failing drastically. He ends up falling off a cliff, still trying to catch up with the Giants as he’s battered and bruised, still crying, “Don’t go!” He’s then seen travelling across the desert, tripping and folling multiple times, when he accidentally steps in a bird nest. The birds immediately attack him, yelling at him to watch where he’s going and that it’s fun to hurt him by pecking him.
Skull Kid shakily reaches a hand up to keep going, but gives up as rain pours down on him, tears pouring down his face as he stares at the ground in defeat. The flashback fades out, as Skull Kid says a truly heartbreaking line before being taken over by Majora’s Mask once more, initiating the final battle. “I guess… we never really were friends… after all. They didn’t even say goodbye. Nobody likes me. But with this… Everyone will do what I want! This MASK is my only friend!”
Mask Creations (Majora’s Mask) - The deaths of Darmani, the Goron, and Mikau, the Zora, when Link dons both masks to fulfill their final wishes. Darmani, to see his son again and make the child happy, and Mikau, to spend at least one more concert with Lulu and the other members of his band.
Great Mayfly Fairy’s Transformation (Minish Cap) - The transformation at the hands of Vaati of a lovely singing fairy, with a beautiful voice. Link wistfully mentions that she looks a little like Zelda and Vaati, in a fit of mild hysteria at this point, transforms her into a horrible moth creature. Her transformation is shown to be painful and heartwrenching, as is her defeat.
Deku Tree’s Death (Ocarina of Time part 1) - The famous death of the Deku Tree, in manga format. Link is told of his quest by the Deku Tree, and that the Deku Tree is going to die in the next few minutes. Link cries and even punches the tree in a fit of anger and sadness, crying that the Deku Tree can’t leave him until the Deku Tree inevitably dies and Link must leave on his quest.
Green’s Defeat Against Vio (Four Swords part 2) - When the four Links are finally reunited, Green, Red, and Blue face Vio and Shadow in a battle to the death with Green fighting Vio. Their battle comes to a close as Green falls to the ground, seemingly stabbed through the gut as Vio walks off victorious. Red and Blue yell at Vio and cry over Green, until it’s revealed after Vio and Shadow leave that it was all a ruse and Green was only knocked out.
Zelda and Link’s Meeting (A Link to the Past) - Link finds Zelda in a dungeon, and Zelda tearfully recalls how she had almost given up hope of rescue, stating that she thought she had been all alone until Link had finally found her. Link then embraces her, stating that he heard her voice and she was never alone.
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cyberneticlagomorph · 4 years
Is there anything more daunting and dangerous than the blank white expanse of a page? 
It glitters and glows like the spit-slick teeth of a predator, hungry for words that you cannot give it. No matter how much you want to. 
Its gaze alone freezes all trains of thought, even in the minds of Writers and authors and artists alike, even those more powerful than I. 
And as I sit here, trembling, at the mercy of Writer's Block and my own anxieties… I can think of nothing that I want more than to run, to leave this page blank, and my readers guessing. 
The End is Nigh, dear readers, and I am afraid. 
So very afraid. 
"I'm afraid too," says the rabbit we all know and love, his legs swallowed by moss and weeds and misshapen dreams. He stands right where we left him, sword in hand, broken sky above, the End of Everything staring him down. 
All seven of Her glowing green eyes blaze with something worse than hate, and I wish for all the world that this was a much different story. A happy story, with a happy Ending. 
But I've never written a happy Ending in my life.
There is silence now, neither Protagonist or Antagonist moves or breathes or blinks.
They know that this is how it Ends.
One of them will die today. 
So it is Written. 
So it will be.
"Shut. Up." The End snarls, lips curling back over venomous fangs that drip oily green liquid onto the cracked asphalt below. Flowers bloom from the puddle, and spread like a rainbow rash down the street. "This. This is all YOUR fault!"
I know. 
I'm sorry. 
"LIAR!!" Her scream echoes across the fourth wall and cracks my computer screen. 
This is where I leave you, dear readers. 
I'm sorry. 
Fangs sink deep into the papery flesh of the Narrative, tearing it apart as it is poisoned. Thorns grow from its wounds and strangle it like trembling hands. 
Writer be damned.
Plot be damned.
I am the End of EVERYTHING, I will End this miserable excuse for story on my own terms. 
Or die trying. 
You have not won, sweet stupid rabbit, no one can save you now, no one will stop me now. The world is a page upon which fate is Written and I will burn it all to the ground. May its ashes be lost and forgotten. 
Your dark eyes narrow at me, bone blade glittering as you charge. But I am in control now, and I don't play fair. 
Deep beneath the earth, humans sit snug and safe in their bunkers, thinking themselves free of the horrors outside. From the canteens comes a deep and terrible shattering like teeth against an eggshell, and a figure crawls lazily from the steam wafting from any number of bubbling pots set on stoves across the world over.
She smells of cooking meat and blood drenched in exotic spices and honey. Stick thin, and dressed in a chef's uniform. Her sleeves and hands are stained with the blood of the starving.
She has no face.
Only bright white teeth.
She manifests in the homes of the rich, stuffing them fat with delicacies that humans have no names for. Each minuscule morsel is completely tasteless covered in edible gold. Like the kind of fare you'd find at high end restaurants, going for hundreds of dollars a plate, even though each serving is barely a mouthful. 
She appears in slums with bread made from ash and bone, rat stew, and tainted water.
Pots boil in city centers, a roiling soup made from human offal that nothing in this world or the next could ever hope to surpass.
The poor eat their rations, their bread, their stew and grow sicker and hungry. Skeletal and drooling like rabid animals, they stuff their faces with food that offers no nourishment until there is no choice but to turn on each other. 
Screens grow undulating limbs and crawl from the wreckage of humanity, their screens blinking wetly like the eyes of a crying child. On each one is a broadcast, a man with red eyes smiles a reassuring smile and says,"Hungry? Eat the rich."
And they do.
A hoard of near zombies growl and gurgle as loud as their empty bellies, they hunt down the wealthy, and they FEAST.
Pestilence rises from the pus and rot and ruin and watches as all the good Jack and his friends had done is undone in a flash.
Among the riots and feasting is a cop, his riot gear reflecting the terrified and feral faces around him as he marches slowly onward. There is nothing behind his helmet. 
Only malice.
Only power.
Only slaughter. 
Only Death.
I don't have to tell you what comes next, what Death does when he gets his hands on a victim. The sounds of bullets ringing out into the night can tell you, the smell of tear gas in a crowd can tell you, the cries of innocents choking out their last breaths in steel cuffs, wrists rubbed raw and bleeding can tell you. 
Death is not merciful. 
He is not kind or quick or clean.
He is inevitable. 
You know it.
And he knows it.
This world will collapse under the weight of its own sins and I will be here to watch it dissolve like candy floss in water. 
Tears stream hot and blue down your face, and your grip on the Vorpal sword trembles. They are not worth your tears.
They stole you, beat you, broke you.
Turned you into a monster and then threw you away like you were NOTHING. 
You should hate them as much as I do.
You should be glad for their suffering. 
They deserve to die.
Like HE deserves to die. I turn my gaze skyward and watch the world split as the armies of Heaven pour down like a wrathful rain. 
The Divinity burns your skin, doesn't it Jack? And yet the smell of Angels makes your mouth water. 
You are no better than I am, I think. A man made monster set loose upon the multiverse, expected to play nice and fit in the niches carved for us. But we don't, no matter how hard we try, how good we think we are, we are torn apart again and again and again until we are unrecognizable from our beginnings. 
I think I could have loved you.
In another story.
In another lifetime.
We would have been good friends at least. 
But it's too late for that now, and as the first wave of Angels assault me with Heavenly fire, I part my jaws and give them some fire of my own. Green, as bright and beautiful as the first leaves of spring, it turns their armor into bark and their marble skin into flower petals. They fall to the ground like confetti, and I claw my way up to Heaven.
The Gates bend and break beneath my weight like wire, nothing and no one can stop me as I wrap HIM in my coils, slowly constricting. My venom burns holes in HIM that grow fruit trees, and each fruit contains the knowledge of the multiverse. I want HIM to die slowly, to watch as HIS playthings suffer and burn because of HIM. The humans cry out, and they pray, begging, pleading for HIM to save them. But HE can't, HE won't. 
What GOD would make a world so empty and hopeless as this? What GOD would let HIS followers murder and hate and destroy entire cultures in HIS name? 
HE never wanted this, never wanted it to come to this, HIS teachings have been mistranslated and manipulated for millennia and now there is nothing left but hatred and sin. 
My jaws part above HIS head, ropes of green spittle tarnishing HIS crown. HE does not fight me, how pathetic of HIM.
White hot pain explodes through my tail.
There you are, sweet hero, stupid rabbit. 
Go home Jack, this doesn't concern you. 
"But it does," you twist the blade, dislodging my scales and rending my flesh. My blood slithers up your sword, trying desperately to burrow inside of you and turn you Green. "You said that you think you could have loved me… well love me now, it doesn't have to be this way… I could… I could take care of you and help you heal, we could do it together." 
You offer your hand, bloody and trembling. 
The sound I make is inhuman and hard to describe in words, it is disbelief and venom and vengeance all at once. I stretch myself down to meet you, my eyes are the size of houses, and they reflect your trembling visage like great green mirrors. 
"You're right, I should hate them, hate everyone… but I don't." a swallow, you taste copper and butterscotch, "I used to but I-I found people who cared, I found people who I love and who love me back and they make my life worth living… they gave me a reason to get better and stop hurting people… let me be your reason."
You reach out and touch my face, my scales are warm like the sidewalk in summer. 
I crush GOD in my coils and HIS blood rushes over you like a wave.
There is nothing that can fix this, fix me. 
No love will quiet the hatred in my heart.
I do not deserve kindness or redemption. 
Love might have tempered your monstrous hearts, but it won't do the same for me.
Only one of us will make it out of this story alive. 
"So it is Written." You say, solemnly. 
So it will be.
My coils curl around you, quick as lightning. Your symbiote is the only thing keeping you from being crushed like a soda can, I hope you know that.
I don't waste time, and fling you down…
Towards earth.
Countless Angels have been discarded this way, wings torn from their backs, left to the mercy of gravity. It never gets any easier. 
I tear a hole into space and crawl through it, into Fairyland, the place of my birth. 
I devour the Sun-In-Chains, my replacement, and plunge the planet into darkness. I skin my teeth into the planet's crust and empty my venom glands into its core. Fairyland becomes my twisted Eden, choked with blinding bioluminescence, thorns, and poisonous things that not even I have a name for. 
It's beautiful and terrible all at once. 
Like me. 
Like you too, I suppose. 
You plunge your blade into my seventh eye and send me reeling, screaming, flailing. My frantically flapping wings crash into a nearby planet and reduce it to dust.
I pluck the sword from my eye and snap it into pieces. 
You're becoming a real thorn in my side. 
Seven perfect fingers snatch you out of the sky like the annoying insect you are and start to CRUSH YOU.
I will tear you apart with my TEETH if I have to.
You've had every chance to run and hide, or join in my crusade and you denied them all. I have no use for you. 
Not even as a snack.
Or a toothpick. 
"Then kill me." You growl through clenched teeth, blood already flecking your lips and leaking from your nose. 
I throw you into a patch of thorns. Each and every one is serrated and ranges in size from a human finger to a school bus, you are impaled, skewered, crucified even. 
Neon blue blood running down to the soil beneath, feeding my Eden. 
And yet, you refuse to die.
Slowly but surely, you drag your broken body up and off the thorn, shakily levitating up to meet me. 
You stare at me with dead eyes, blood pouring from the opening in your chest. Your lips part and black flames flicker behind your teeth, smoke curling from your nostrils as the color drains from your eyes in inky tears, until there is nothing but black. 
Just like the hole in your chest.
You seem to crack like porcelain, to split in two like something precious dropped from a great height. What crawls from the darkness inside of you is something no human throat can utter, no human tongue can twist or shape itself the right way to name. 
It's said that Demons possess. 
But Angels abandon. 
But what can be said of creatures that man has no name for? 
The thing inside of you stares at me with eyes darker than the emptiness between stars, its maw is the belly of a black hole with teeth long enough to split a planet like an apple. 
It is the bleak black emptiness that existed before the universe, and will exist again when there is nothing but dust and dead silence. 
This… this is my Warden, my Prison, the creature tasked with my capture those eons ago. You are barely a speck in it's vast form, a limp and lifeless nucleus.
It roars, a sound that radiates across time and echoes across the multiverse. 
"FROM NOTHINGNESS YOU CRAWLED, TO NOTHINGNESS YOU WILL RETURN." the beast howls in a voice that echoes from every dark and terrible place in the multiverse and shakes me to my core.
I will not go without a fight.
It lunges, claws outstretched, the endless expanse of its hideous maw seems to suck all the light out of the stars, out of me. I sink my teeth into its throat and pull, my body curling around and around it. 
Its claws are impossibly sharp, tearing my flesh down to the bone. My blood falls to fairyland like rain. My face is grabbed and smashed into the planet's surface again and again. I crush the Warden close and set myself on fire, I am the LIGHTBRINGER, it will take more than some overconfident shadow to defeat me.
The Warden burns, it smolders and screams like steam escaping. I fling it away into deep space and charge after it, driving my seven horns into its belly.
I miss you by a hair, I feel you reach out and grab me just as I pull back. Amber chains snake from your weeping wound, to the Warden behind you. 
You have no control over this thing, do you?
Didn't think so.
But still, you stubbornly grab your chains and pull. The Warden does not come to heel, so much as it melts, engulfing you in its emptiness like a suit. When you open your eyes, you nearly dwarf me.
Your fist collides with my face in an instant, sending teeth flying like meteors. I cannot tell your rage apart from the Warden and I'm not sure I really want to.
For a second, we are stars, two pinpricks of light twirling around each other in double helices, colliding and clashing with enough force to summon new stars from the ether. We are creation and chaos incarnate. 
We crash through debris fields, shatter planets and extinguish stars. Our blood becomes the new crawling things left behind in the wreckage. I'm smiling, the pain is dizzying, delicious, delightful. 
My venom turns you into a garden, and you tear me apart with your bare and bloody hands. 
Through it all we refuse to die.
Maws wide and screaming in tongues the universe hasn't heard since it was new, I am thoroughly seduced. 
But I am growing bored with this game.
I shove my hand through the Warden and tear you out. You scream in undeniable agony, I close my fist around you and squeeze.
The Warden hangs limp and dead in the darkness of deep space, slowly dissolving. 
Something oozes between my fingers. 
Not blood, far too sticky and cloying to be that.
If Hope had a color, what would it be? 
Would it be a color that only shrimp can see, and only gods have a name for? 
You pry my fingers apart, tears pouring from your eyes the same color as Hope. Hope flows from your mouth as flames, rushes from your open chest as ferns and flowers and vines more beautiful than I could ever create. You reach into the forest of your heart and pull out Kindness, sleek and soft and sharp. 
It melts in your hands, becoming a hammer, comically oversized like your Ma's. And then it grows, and grows, and in the blink of an eye it's bigger and I am. The swing alone takes out half a dozen solar systems before it hits me and sends me crashing through different universes and out the fourth wall. I land heavily on the Writer, dazed and bloody, your hand reaches through his broken computer screen and drags me back home, and there we float over the ruined remains of earth, the skin of my chest balled in your hand like a shirt. You kiss your knuckles and punch me hard enough to send me careening back down to the earth's surface, my crater levels a nearby city.
Do you care?
Are we beyond morals and niceties and caring about humanity? 
You teleport to my limp and broken body, you scoop me up into your arms and hold me close. 
I've folded in on myself several times, I'm barely the size of a person now. 
I can feel those amber chains slithering around me, they clasp around my throat tight enough to choke. 
I don't want to go.
Don't make me go.
I don't want to go back to sleep.
I'm scared. 
I'm so scared. 
You don't let me go, as I break down and cling to you like a scared child you don't let me go. 
I wrap you in my wings, I shove my head under your chin and apologize when I stab you with my horns.
"I am your Warden, you are my Prisoner… you are the End of Everything, but I am the End of You…" your throat is choked with snot and tears as you squeeze me so tight I can barely breathe. "You… you deserve to be a Happy Ending and I refuse to live in a world without one."
You kiss my forehead and wipe away my tears. "We do terrible things when we hurt… you deserve compassion instead of imprisonment."
I can do nothing but sit there and bawl, choking on Kindness as thick and sweet as soft caramel. 
Seven times seven thousand lifetimes worth of hate and sorrow and trauma run from my eyes.
You sit with me until the crying stops, until my throat is raw and all I can do is whisper. 
I speak a Word, one that fixes the shattered sky and let's the sun shine properly again. 
The sun speaks their own Words and resets the world, turning the clock back to the day before my escape, I do humanity one kindness and let them wake the next morning as if the past week were nothing more than a bad dream.
I am made to fix my messes, to undo my misdeeds. 
The Horsemen are sealed away again. 
Fairyland is repaired to the best of my ability, although there is nothing that I can do for the Sun-In-Chains. What's done is done. 
GOD will be fine, HE'S GOD, and therefore more or less impossible to kill permanently. 
All evidence of my tirade is erased.
I am finally bound in amber, my powers diminished. I dread returning to the cold depths of the well, but you won't let that happen.
You refuse to send me back to that lonely place beyond dreams and take me home, to your home. Warm and safe beneath the soil, I curl up next to you by the fire.
And for the first time in your short and terrible life, you get a good night's sleep. 
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
blakeworther- I personally I love your hc’s so much- any au’s or anything ya got for them? I really wanna know more about what goes on.
This was once again a BAD QUESTION TO ASK
Aside from the Skyward Sword AU, which I never went back to again, there’s only one AU that I like for Blakeworther, which is the AU that I like for everything ever. I’m not even sure I consider it a true AU, even though it absolutely is. So, okay, I have this thing called the WHAM ARMY, which is a massive crossover group of my favorite villains (led by the eight who make up the acronym but this ain’t about them). Obviously, because Victor, Vincent, and Albert are all pretty firmly villains (even if they lean “those weird morally bereft people we end up being friends with somehow”), I want them to join the WHAM ARMY. So my thoughts for them here are pretty much how they’d react in a multicrossover setting, which of my other villain loves they’d get along with, and what the intro arc is for them. Keep in mind I haven’t gotten here in the fanfic yet, so some of this could change in practice, but here are my plans right now.
Cringe ahead.
-They aren’t the originals. I want to make something that doesn’t trip over canon’s current trajectory, even though I don’t know exactly where canon is going, so what happens is that Vexen (Kingdom Hearts) is going to rebuild the three of them as replicas, since he can easily find memory cores for Victor and Vincent in Myers’ storage rooms and there’s just going to be an Albert core there for no reason.
-Vexen then pulls some Chain of Memories magic and restricts the memories they have access to. They will only remember things we have literally seen in VTSOM/TWDAK, and then I can have him release more of their memory banks to them as we get more chapters. (Even if they all three get redemption arcs, my replica versions can stay little shits!)
-He DOES NOT tell them that they’re not the originals! For all they know, they fell asleep at the last day they remember and woke up here. But they figure it out on their own despite his best efforts. They still want to get their memories back anyway so they know what the people they were replicated from were like and have a framework to build their personalities from.
-Yes, of course they’re cyborgs! Cyborg replicas. Since they’re operating by KH rules, they prooooobably don’t need to eat human meat? But also I like when villains do fucked-up things and I have jokes about the others packaging “cyborg chow” to embarrass them so maybe they still do engage in a little cannibalism, as a treat
-Each was engineered with a different specialty. Vincent’s is raw physical strength; he can walk into a gunfight without even needing a weapon and still have a chance of winning. Victor’s arms have been upgraded to hold a variety of cannons; he’s the team sniper. Albert is the team “mage”; he can conjure Dream Eaters. In this AU, TWDAK Dream Eaters and KH Dream Eaters are basically the same thing. Albert has mastered a strange art of being able to draw Dream Pieces out of the Realm of Sleep and implant them in physical forms of creatures in the waking world, creating his army. They look like they do because he hates the pastel aesthetic of KH Dream Eaters and redesigned his personal ones to look more fitting with his aesthetic. He’s also a speedster.
-The intro mission involves Vexen attempting to track down a newly-rebuilt Xion (this AU is divergent from KHIII) in Radiant Garden so he can bring her back under his control with some brainwashing. I’m also bringing in the Tsviets as past experiments of Vexen’s, so he’s basically pitting his newer models of experiment against his old ones.
-The party he already has built by this point is going to be Demyx, Simon Laurent (Infinity Train), Tsumugi Shirogane (DanganRonpa), skekSil (The Dark Crystal), and a couple other people I haven’t hinted at instory yet and don’t quite want to spoil. But Simon, Tsumugi, and skekSil will all also be Vexen’s creations - Simon and skekSil are replicas and Tsumugi is an android.
-Vincent, Victor, and Albert wake up for the first time, and while Vincent and Victor remember each other as friends, they’re just like “And why is our nemesis from RMU also here?”
-Albert probably fights with Vincent for dominance of the trio and I’m not sure which one of them is the trio leader at this point.
-I moved Nine Bean Hill from World of Final Fantasy to Radiant Garden because Radiant Garden needs a coffee shop and first of all, thanks to Hunger Games Simulator fuckery, my friends and I have an in-joke about Vincent Edgeworth having an eternal grudge against Dunkacino, so I’m going to use the coffee shop to reference this somehow without having to put actual Corporate Brainwashed Al Pacino in this ‘verse
-But also I like to think Lann and Reynn play a lot of bubblegum pop, so catch Victor and Albert dancing to the PA like idiots and then getting Demyx, skekSil, and Simon in on it while Vincent and Vexen are like “Oh God why are these our friends”
-(There are reasons this particular Demyx goes by a different name instory and it’s weirding me out to type “Demyx” for this post)
-Without spoiling too much of the arc, there IS a part where Blakeworther beats up the Tsviets, there IS a part where they battle the Anima summon from FFX and win, and there IS a part where despite all of this, Xion kicks their asses across the city
-They go through this mission seeing each other as partners and friends (though Vincent and Albert are reluctant to use the “friend” word at first), but after they all get back to base, they’re just...suddenly overwhelmed with the fact that they’re strangers in a strange land missing half their memories.
-They room together, and they end up crawling into the same bed for solidarity reasons. This is actually where I first envisioned the “rough day” sleeping position - Vincent and Victor are chest-to-chest, then Albert just snuggles in behind Victor and the other two are like “Okay, we’re gonna just let this happen” and Vincent and Albert touch at one tangent point where their arms cross.
-The days might get a little rougher after they realize they aren’t even the originals.
-Eventually they assimilate into the chaos house with no problem.
-Vincent tends to hang out with the party poopers of the house. Especially Mozenrath (Aladdin: The Animated Series). (P.S. If there are any VTSOM fans out there who also know the 90s Aladdin TV series...I CAN’T be the only one who noticed the surface similarities here, right?)
-Victor Blake and Roman Torchwick (RWBY). Oh, God, this is the hell duo. They’re party animals who love to dance and drink and dance drunk. It was not a good idea to let these two redheads meet.
-Albert and Neopolitan (RWBY)! They both love stabbing people and Victorian button boots! I actually kinda have this idea that they would pick up more fucked-up serial killer types to hang out with them - Mad Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone) is their patron despite being a much tamer example, but Albert also decides he really likes Scaramouche (Samurai Jack), Junko Enoshima (DanganRonpa), and Jerome Valeska (Gotham).
-For a real deep cut, Albert also opens up a joint Dream Therapy office with Dr. Cheshire Broach (Crypt TV). It’s either called “Krueger & Broach” or “Broach & Krueger” depending on how long it takes either to notice that the other moved his name to the front of the sign again. You should ABSOLUTELY not trust either of these men to give you legitimate therapy (though if you’re good friends with them, they can and will use their dreamon powers to help you best your nightmares in a bloody fashion).
-Actually this ‘verse is the entire reason I thought of them doing drag karaoke to “United We Stand” by Amberian Dawn because the WHAM ARMY is all about karaoke, drag, and any combination of the two
-I haven’t decided yet if their romance will be a slow burn or a faster affair. I’m expecting them to tell me as I write out the fic. But I think in a lot of respects, it’s going to be more of a friends-to-lovers story than their original forms had. The three of them are forced to become an elite cyborg warrior unit created by the same mad scientist, they had a big bonding mission together where they became ride or die (whether or not they want to admit it), and eventually...we can start revealing that they’re CATCHING FEELINGS.
-The WHAM ARMY has many, many power couples and ships of various numbers of people but Blakeworther ends up becoming yet another POWER THROUPLE around base, and it’s understood that messing with one of them will earn the wrath of the other two
-They go on to assist in many, many missions with the purpose of taking over various worlds and kingdoms and just fucking them up
-Vincent Edgeworth will kill the TBTC equivalent of Dunkacino
You have to understand that TBTC is my hyperfixation to end all hyperfixations. Every piece of fiction I touch ends up related to it in some way. At some point the majority of how I interact with Blakeworther is going to be through this AU. I’m just a sucker for crossovers and villains having a place to be bros and party.
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muffintonic · 3 years
Alright, I think i’m done BOTW 2 spamming for today. Anywho, time for some thoughts in general!
1) I hated how the shrines in BOTW were so cold and dark compared to the bright and lively nature outside (I wish they had all looked like the Master Trials challenge where there were trees and stuff incorporated inside), so I hope if we’re forced to have dungeons they’ll be more like the Wind Waker ones. 2) I hope they don’t make us use the grappling hook or anything like in Wind Waker to move around the sky islands (I hated that mechanic). 3) I’m probably one of the few people who wanted less Zelda and more of the Champions in HWAOC since i’m only really attached to BOTW (and we saw a fair amount of Tetra in Wind Waker)/apparently Zelda’s been sidelined in all the other games, so i’m hoping in vain that we get more Champions material in BOTW 2. Also, Link could stand to have some more cutscenes centered around him as well (the few we got in some of the sidequests in BOTW were great). 4) I only really somewhat care about Riju and Sidon, so I won’t mind if the new gang gets sidelined in BOTW 2 (I still think Nintendo wasted the found family/band of brothers aspect on the dead characters--I love them so much and they’re all I want!! The problem is, they’re dead and I don’t really care all that much about their replacements!!! I dunno, maybe i’m hampered by the fact that I can replay the original champions’ memories whenever I want/read their diaries, but I can’t rewatch the new gang’s cutscenes AKA i’ve forgotten their characterization since they don’t talk to me much now that the game’s over). It’d be great if they have some weaving storylines in BOTW 2 that will get me more invested in them, but currently i’m not that interested. 5) Speaking of which, I know it’s 100% not going to happen, but goddang if I don’t want the Champions to have been returned to life. Nintendo totally squandered HWAOC by not making it a true prequel/canon to BOTW (the Champions Ballad confirmed that the Divine Beasts had trials in order to be synced to the champs, so the new gen use of them wouldn’t have happened without that + Mipha thought Link had changed in BOTW yet says in HWAOC that he hasn’t changed + some scenes like “Champion Revali’s Song” never happened at all/got replaced with alternative scenes that really changed some dynamics + basically all of Revali’s time-relative characterization from his diary/pre-100 years of solitude got thrown out + I feel like Daruk got totally sidelined), so i’m still craving that Champions content. Also, I feel like it’s totally unfair that Zelda came out of 100 years totally unaged while everyone else died. Life seems to really suck for people in the LoZ universe who aren’t chosen by divine powers. 6) They’d better keep it open world and non-linear. I can’t go back to being forced to backtrack/trudge through things, I just can’t. BOTW was everything i’ve ever dreamed about in a game (truly open world + non-linear + interactive + meaningful story + lots of outfits + beautiful landscapes) with Skyrim previously being the only thing that came close to what I wanted, so I really hope BOTW 2 doesn’t deviate too much from that. 7) I really liked Kass in BOTW, but i’m not sure what direction they’d go with him in BOTW 2/i’d be fine if he sat BOTW 2 out. I worked so hard to complete all his quests in BOTW so he’d go back home to his family, GODDANGIT, KASS. 8) Someone mentioned that since the first trailer had underground aspects, we’re probably going to be playing as Zelda with the Slate there, and I agree. They didn’t make a playable model for her in HWAOC for nothing. 9) I want to be able to stable the deer and bears and stuff, but I know that won’t happen. Being able to ride the moose and rhino things from the Hebra area probably won’t happen either, but I want to ride them!!! 10) I hope there’ll be at least a few new buildings and stuff in the towns/they’ve started construction on some areas in Central Hyrule, but I guess that’ll depend on how long it’s been in-universe since BOTW. Or maybe not, considering how there’s still Karson and Hudson even though Bolson retired from Bolson Construction--insta-towns like Tarrey Town could totally be feasible if they wanted! 11) I have one foot in the camp that believes there’ll be time shenanigans in BOTW 2. HWAOC totally threw me off with it being an alternate timeline, so i’m not sure whether we’re going to be experiencing that again or time travel itself, but I definitely won’t be surprised this time around if Nintendo goes that route again (and it would be super interesting to see the Link from 10,000 years ago). I’m not entirely convinced that the Link we see exploring the sky in the second trailer isn’t our Link, mainly because he seems to still have on the blue boxers from BOTW. 12) I also heard that maybe this will be the last LoZ game ever since something something Demise something Skyward Sword something something lore from games i’ve only vaguely looked into (i’ve only ever played BOTW --> Wind Waker --> HWAOC)??? If so, it kind of sucks that I came in just when they started making games with playstyles palatable to me (I had to look up every single thing when playing Wind Waker, but BOTW let me solve things according to MY logic/I missed being able to explore in HWAOC), but at least it’ll end on a super high note/I won’t experience later disappointment, I guess. If BOTW 2 involves breaking the reincarnation cycle for the Triforcers, I would be really surprised. (On a related note, Nintendo making Ganondorf good would also be a 100% shock to me, but it would be great to end on that as a subversion. Yes, I want them to bring back the semi-complicated Ganondorf from Wind Waker.) 13) I hope they don’t rush releasing it. I heard they pushed back BOTW originally (I got it in 2019), but it came out fantastic for it! I know COVID’s been affecting things, so I really hope they’re treating their staff right and are mindful of crunch. 14) I want even more outfits (there seem to be at least two new ones, if the variant of the Hylian Tunic crossed with Link’s Champion’s Tunic counts). Give me all the outfits!!! Also, I hope we get even more hair variations in addition to the hair down option (which is all i’ve ever wanted since I saw the mod that altered the Ancient Helmet). 15) I wonder if we’re going to get a bonus for having both BOTW and HWAOC save data. 16) I wonder if we’re going to be keeping the Champions’ skills. I’m going to miss being super overpowered, if not. 17) I hope Nintendo doesn’t cave in and make surfaces climbable in the rain. Having that limiter is more realistic and Link would otherwise be too overpowered with a super climbing ability. 18) I liked BOTW’s scattered music that got more noticeable in populated areas because it was fitting for the post-apocalyptical/nature aspect. Hearing your footsteps in an open field and the buzzing of insects was super nice and prevented me from getting music fatigue (which i’d probably experience since whenever I play BOTW it’s for 5-10 hours at a time). I hope Nintendo either keeps that or makes audio options. 19) I heard that BOTW 2 is going to be super dark or something, and i’m okay with dark, but not GRIMdark, so I hope it doesn’t go that far. From what we’ve seen in the second trailer it still looks beautiful, but I hope it doesn’t do that thing that some games do where after the midpoint/a certain story point all the scenery permanently changes to be dark and scary (that’ll seriously hamper post-game playability for me if so). 20) If they expand on the Zonai, that would be super cool! Doubly cool if the time travel shenanigans involve them/ancient Link being one! 21) I kind of want windstorms to be a weather feature. We had lightning, heat, and cold, but no wind! No, I don’t count the wind geysers and the occasional breeze in Tabantha. 22) I want a chest in my house to hold more weapons than just the gear mounts. BOTW only had enough mounts for the champions’ gear, but it also had rare items like the Kite Shield and Forest Dweller’s Sword that you can’t get anymore once you use them up! 23) I want to be able to stable my horses at my house. What’s the point of that little area if you can’t stable your horse there! 24) Speaking of Link’s house: where is Zelda going to live? If the castle’s not reconstructed, it’d be neat if Link adds an extension to his house for her. 25) I hope they open up part-time jobs (think Mabinogi) as an option to earn rupees. Having to hunt for Luminous Stone deposits or feed Trott to make money can be such a chore. I think some of BOTW’s minigames/sidequests might count as those, but those minigames were either frustrating if your goal is to earn money (since most of them cost money to play in the first place and the mechanics weren’t always easy), or didn’t earn that much in general. 26) I wonder if Kilton is going to have updated items since the monsters seem to have changed. 27) I want to be able to dive underwater (mainly so I can explore the beautiful reefs over at Lurelin). A dive meter like the one from Super Mario Sunshine would be cool. Also, it’d doubly be neat if you had a separate stamina wheel for swimming and could permanently upgrade your swim/diving stamina (the speed+ swimming items just consumed your stamina faster, which was a pain)! 28) It’s definitely too late for this, but it’s a shame that the Hylians have so many face/body/hair and outfit variations, but the Zora, Rito, and Gorons don’t. The Gerudo were kind of okay with the hair and body variations, but the other races seemed to have a serious copy-paste problem. I guess technically some of the more important NPCs (ones with quests/cutscene triggers) had different coloring, but they were severely lacking in clothing variation. Also, the only old Rito was the elder??? At least the Gorons and Zora had some old folks besides their leader walking around. Very weird, but I don’t think BOTW 2 can fix any of this. 29) I wonder how they’re going to do the final boss battle, considering how epic/cinematic the BOTW 2x battle was. What can top fighting (on horseback, no less) a giant, flaming boar made out of malice? 30) I wonder what the Yiga are going to be up to, considering how Ganondorf seems to be somewhat kicking in BOTW 2.
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loz-and-lu-fan-blog · 5 years
“What you are to me”
*basically this is mostly backstory and lore. But it’s told through Fi perspective and her outlook on the hero. Get ready for some angst*
Unlike most I was born with a ready purpose in mind. I wasn’t a child, I wasn’t born with no idea how the world work. I was a spirit, hand crafted by the goddess of Hyila; I wasn’t human and I never would be.
I was born with the purpose to kill the demon king, at least that what Hyila, the goddess that created me, said. However their was a problem with me, I wasn’t powerful enough in the goddess words; she wasn’t powerful enough. I wouldn’t be strong enough to strike down the demon king, my sword wouldn’t be strong enough.
So Hyila started to look for another solution, leaving me alone and unaided. So I did what any child would do, I wondered and explored. I wondered across the land of hyrule, my blue and white appears made people fear me; they stayed away from me knowing I was ether a demon or from her grace. So I explored this weird world, trying my best to learn and become stronger because that’s what my Grace wanted.
I wondered into an area I did not know. It looked like Hyrule but it didn’t have her Grace’s feel to it. Their was something powerful here but it wasn’t her Grace.
So I wondered, I saw familiar faces that used to look at me with fear; now they have friendly expression and they waved. Some of the children went up to try and talk to me, I hardly every respond.
Then I met them.
They had to be the ether the gods or demons of this world. I could feel their power, as much as I hate to admit; they were easily more powerful then my Grace, maybe even the demon king. I didn’t know what to expect.
Their were two goddess, one looking a lot like Hyila, blond hair and blues eyes; however she didn’t stick around for formalizes. After she left, their was only one other Goddess with orange skin and purple hair; who called herself Majora.
Then the only god.
He was terrified, easily over 8 feet tall. He hand long white hair with piercing red eyes. Tribal markings covered his face and likely his body. He wore blue and silvers; amour very clear visible; and a giant double helix sword on his back.
I didn’t know what to expect when he saw me, death or maybe something less merciful. However the terrifying aura change when he kneeled down to talk to me.
“My name is Oni” he said. Power, war and death clung to him however a warm smile was still present on his face. He said he knew i was a young spirit, that he didn’t want me to fear him.
“Would you like to meet my son?” The Oni ask.
I didn’t say no, afraid I would incurred his wrath if i did, so I followed the god. Into this lovely little temple, and that were I met him. Link. However I didn’t know it at the time.
It was just a ball of light and energy, it burned brighter then Hyila’s golden light yet it gave off a sense of innocences. A spirit of a god full of potential, who purpose was not yet played out. I could almost hear him, despite him not having a physical form. Their was a pull to the little ball of light, the same pull I had seem with children in families.
I don’t know how long a stay by the soul, my arms wrapped around the air, singing to it. It was only when the moon was high in the sky that the Oni took me away from the soul, telling me I should head back.
And I did, in my excitement I rushed back to Hyrule remembering the way. I ran to her Grace and told her about my day. I ran and told her all about the Oni and little soul I had met.
That was a mistake.
Hyila disappeared for some time and came back with the little god’s soul I had met in termina. Being young I didn’t think much of it, it was only after years of thought did I realize what Hyila had done. She went to a realm she wasn’t supposed to be in, and she stole a God’s soul, likely having to attack some of the others.
However at the time a didn't care, I had a friend now.
Hyila gave the God’s soul a human body, we named him Link. Her Grace put me in charge of raising the hero, I had a spell on me to make me appear human. So I live in a small village with Link on the surface.
I watched as the God hidden as a human grew, and I grew as well. I watched him as he played and laugh, I watched him cry; I watched him learned.
Then it Hyila took it away.
At 15 years old Link was taken away from me. The soldiers came and took my Link away from me, dragging him away from me. He was dragged away from me, screaming and crying; a child taken away from me.
Hyila explained that I couldn’t grow stronger if I stay to raised Link. She said a gods soul in pain would be enough to make the goddess sword powerful enough, make my sword powerful enough. She said the only way to be strong enough to protect Link was to use his pain to get stronger.
I did what was asked.
Thoughts 10 years were agonizing, feeling the pain of a love one hurts so much. The 10 years should have passed by fast, but it felt like an 100 years. In that time I lost my white and light blue color, they burned to a dark purple and blue. I stopped showing emotions, if I did I would have broken down crying everyday I was separated from him.
I changed.
And so did Link.
When I saw him again, he had grown cold and distant. I don’t know if he blame me or Hyila for the years in prison. While he had changed the longer I spent around him, the more of the small child I raised I could see. His laugh, his kindness was still their just buried under years of pain. I grew close and to care of all over again.
The Demise came.
The land on the surface was destroyed, and Link sent the land skyward, my sword was stuck in the ground, drawn away from him again.
Hyila came back to me after the battle. She told me he didn’t survive the battle, his soul was killing his human body and she didn’t have enough power to make him a body that could hold a god’s soul. So she did something unexpected.
She shattered his soul. His once whole god soul was now 9 human souls, scatter through time. She promise me that he would be able to live a happy life now, that everything would be ok. So I let it go and slept peacefully in the sword, knowing that the little child I once raise would have a chance to be happy.
Then i saw him again. I saw one part of his soul, this time one of the children of the sky. I knew it was him, he had the first Link’s kindness and smile. I decide not to tell him, afraid I would break down if I told him. I valued the time with him, hoping that after Her Grace was helped he would get to live out his happy life.
Then Demise utter his curse.
I knew I would see more of his soul again, and I didn’t think I could handle it; so I hid in the sword.
I’ve met many different Links throughout the timelines, all different in their own way but all content to the first. I’ve seen some in pain, where I curse myself for not having a form to comfort them. I’ve seen some in ignorance happiness were their souls seem to burn brighter.
I love them all.
What are they to me?
They’re my sons.
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spiritmaiden23 · 4 years
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. For sure, for being the cutest of cutes!! All Zeldas are cute though but she was the blueprint ;v; 
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. I’m a devout christian virgin I would never ever look at those kind of topics the only hot I see is the flames of hell for even considering this smh smh bUT NO FOR REAL THO I’M NOT REALLY SURE???? I mostly see people gushing over how cute she is rather than hot. 
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / In some aspects. We don’t really see Skyward Sword Zelda’s abilities in the games as we did in, say, BOTW where she goes full goddess mode. Aside from blessing the master sword, sealing herself away, and the implications that the game gives us with Zelda being not only a student at the knight school but also a badass warrior goddess in her past life; I’d say she’s pretty up there in terms of strength. 
Are they underrated?  YES / NO. GONNA GO WITH YES AND NO ON THIS. As a character, Zelda is far from underrated she’s actually cliche blonde character we all love and stan but in this incarnation.... also yes and no because while I see a lot of people like SS Zelda keep in mind that SS is the black sheep of the series so not a lot of people have good opinions on it. I’ve seen some say she’s annoying, too shoujo or even Mary Sue at some points and hweoh we all know that the last one ain’t even close to true since she’s far from bland and OP written. But it’s all a matter of perspective!  
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO /
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL / FOR THE MOST PART, if we were talking verses like say witch verse she’d have more of a neutral reputation considering witches aren’t really well-liked ;-; 
How strictly do you follow canon?  
I try to do the best that I can do given with what we’re working with here all while adding my own spin to her characterization because we all have different perspective when it comes to art! How I see Zelda is someone who’s bubbly, playful (big ol bully hweoh), a bit of a busybody if she feels she needs to step in due to worrywart tendencies yet highly responsible and carries a wisdom that’s beyond her age, she doesn’t like seeing people bullying others and isn’t afraid to put her foot down to speak her mind if something is up. While kindness is sorta her strong suit I wanted to go beyond “nice girl” and just showcase other sides of her too, hence why main verse is typically set during the events of SS because here we see her growth into the girl we see at the end of the game where she’s melancholic of her past but is looking forward to seeing what the future holds and wants to build a brighter tomorrow with Link by her side along with friends and loved ones. I’m not at all confident in playing as her, despite playing as Zelda since 2017 haha!! So I can’t really say that I’m super strict in following canon considering that’s how I view the character through the actions and dialogue throughout the game, perhaps the creators had something different in mind than how I see Sky Zelda.   
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  
DO YOU LIKE WHOLESOME GIRLS?! Wait no, hold on, that’s a little too vague, so let’s try that again. Do you like wholesome genki girls who were once a god who fought in a war in their past life? How about pastel girls who may seem sweet but are deep down bullies towards loved ones? Are you at a point in your life where you find yourself wondering: where on earth can I find someone who’s ray of sunshine can brighten up my day. Will do I have good news for you buddy! Introducing your very own friend: Zelda from hit series Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. This Zelda is more extreme than the others due to the fact that she’s not a princess, that’s right no princess titles clogging up that beautiful name. Just a knight who somehow finds out she’s actually a goddess reborn as human, no biggie! 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
SHOUJO PROTAG WHO’S TOO FREAKING CUTE!! So.... if that’s not your cup of tea ;v; but nah I can see people not liking Zelda because not everyone like the nice girl who’s your childhood friend characrter, I totally get it but if you dig a little deeper you see that there’s more to it than that.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  
My close friend was FINALLY getting into the LOZ series back when BOTW was first coming out, her playthrough of SS made me remember how much I loved each characters and honestly Zelda’s design in that game was always my fav right next to Tetra and ALTTP/ALBW! At the time I mostly played more introverted muses or straight up villains and I wanted to try my hand at playing more wholesome characters like Sky Zel and ALTTP Zel ;v; now look at me, the CEO of wholesome cute girls ;v; 
What keeps your inspiration going?  
Motivation and time at this point, I’m not the young starry-eyed rper who used to have playlists and replay things to keep up with canon. I just pray to god I’m doing ok, let jesus take the wheel and just sorta do my own thing. I think having fun threads or a friendship with partners or just good vibes from them def helps a whole lot. 
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO.  
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / Most of the time!
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. I mean, that’s a trick question because I can be sensitive in picking up tones and reading between the lines but like if you mean if someone says something mean than no not anymore at least, I’m too old to care about what people say about me or think about me. 
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  
YE! I do! I mean we’re all improving and junk so I see no issues with criticisms uvub I always worry about whether or not you can hear different voices within the characters I rp as among writing issues I have that comes with learning disability and ADD, I try my hardest but I know at the end of the day there will always be grammar mistakes and even spelling! 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?
Eh, well yeah it’d be nice honestly to hear feedbacks and thoughts. Just saying ‘I don’t like this or I don’t agree with this’ doesn’t really help anyone who wants to improve but I’m not gonna like press them for it either because again I’m at the stage in my life where I’m just like ‘it is what it is’. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
Shrug emoji, and then move on! Again it’d be nice if they can tell me though but I won’t press them for it if they don’t feel like it. We’re allowed to have our opinions after all yo!
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?
It is illegal to hate sky zel or any Zel really... NAH JK I DON’T REALLY CARE I’ve liked characters who aren’t popular among the fandom, I’m more or less used to seeing character bashing for faves so like it doesn’t really affect me at all I’m just like “lol” and move on. 
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?
YES! Though keep in mind, despite me using Grey instead of Gray, I use US English ;v; so keep that in mind when spotting out certain words other parts of the world may spell differently because us US Americans just..... gotta be extra like that. 
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?  
I TRY!!! IDK IF I COME ACROSS AS THAT but I’m very much someone who goes with the flow anyway, I’ve been told that much IRL and I’m just hweoh not really someone who’s a stick in the mud or has a stick up their ass, you know? I’m pretty laid back and not much bothers me, I can get petty if I have to come across rude people that’s the one thing that kills it for me but aside from that, I just wanna try to get along with people. We don’t have to be friends if you’re not feeling the vibes but friendly terms is good enough for me!
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
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bxstiae · 4 years
THE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE; mun & muse - meme.
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tagged by: i took it from @wildshero tagging: anybody who wants to i guess.... um... @lupihero / @hyaciiintho / @origcmibird / @dansiere / @drakslay / @fellcarnate / @gerudofury / @aerialarcher​ / there i added people. 
fill out & repost ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multi-muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au ( dependent on verse ) / canon-divergent / fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. ( it honestly depends who you ask, and when in the story it is. )
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I follow enough canon to not change the plot, but its very VERY lore heavy. and it diverges post game as well. Not to mention there are some discrepancies with my Link as well. namely his eye colour. his personality is BIT more jaded than canon. but then again, he is a character that is ( in theory ) YOU. so its how YOU play the game. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  — i mean. idk im not really a sellout in general....?? he’s... extremely interesting in the fact that you have a tired man(tm) who’s just about done with the world at such a young age. he’s the hero of hyrule, and has done many feats. he has interesting stories to tell. and he’s not at all a boring person. he’s a bit quirky, has a fan-base, and overall, who WOULDN’T want to interact with link? i mean its LINK. after all... not to mention that he’s not really PREDICTABLE for the most part. I mean he is kind of but also not at all. I just??? i think a lot of people find him interesting? he’s also very attentive at times. you literally have to throw a rock and he will look your direction. 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — he is a selective mute. he WILL not talk. he will not approach you. you HAVE to approach him.... while he tends to be ‘OP’ he really isn’t. he’s still very much a human, and will react as such. its very hard to approach cause he has that ‘intimidating feel’ and lets not forget that he really does straight up ignore people if hey dont say anything to him. in that aspect it’s hard to interact with him. because its not like he ‘tunnel visions’ but he just wont pay attention to you if there is nothing to pay attention to. 
What inspired you to rp your muse?  — he’s been a muse for me since 2012. just always put on the backburner for a reason. but really? link was the ONE character that I could relate to. he was my go to guy. really. in high school, i struggled with friends and a lot of other things. but i pushed through. and honestly. link was ALWAYS a character that i turned to for that. it happened with Skyward Sword as well. when BOTW came out it was the same way. BOTW was my go to game in college because of link. so when i finally gt the wiiu version and started playing TP again, i was like. YEP im making him again. cause yes. the themes in TP are all themes that are right up my alley too. so of course i am going to find inspiration there. I ALSO found inspiration when i found some celtic music as well. I listen to msic when i write my replies. and when i was writing a reply on another blog. i found some celtic music and i just had THAT MOOD. 
What keeps your inspiration going? — the game. celtic music. honestly art. vines. anythign that reminds me of TP Link keeps me going. some of the interactions i have keep me going. the PLOTS i have keep me going.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. 
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO. ( lol yea. )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. ( i mean i love to write drabbles tbh. I don’t think i have on link, but I would always LOVE to. though if you look at some of my asks, they can be considered drabbles. lololol i love to write. )
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO ( link is the ONE muse i never EVER lose confidence in. which is why he is such a strong character for me. link is me. straight up. and i think somebody asked me that too. he’s NOT a self insert but. i can relate SO much to him in so many ways. but i love the way i portray him cause he is very unique. i just hope that my confidence doesn’t SCARE duplicates and other people cause i would never want people to be intimidated by THIS fact that i am confident. )
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. ( lol yea. honestly i love to write. though my style always changed and sometimes i worry about that. cause sometimes i have prose and sometimes i dont. but im an adaptable writer which i always loved about myself. )
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. ( yea. both. i am both. im sensitive ooc but want to say shit about my portrayal. i don’t really care. say shit about me, and then i get upset and sad. )
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — depends n the criticism. I say this all the time. theres constructive criticism. and then theres. just plain hate. I accept anything thats constructive. I want to know what i need to work on or what people would want to see. link is an ever-changing muse. i learn and grow and i will take anything thats told to me nicely without the hate.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — PLEASE. jsut send them my way i LOVE all the questions and character development. you dont even have to be a mutual for that.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  — yes and no. i mean its my HC. you are allowed to disagree with my HC. hoenstly. thats the beauty of INTERPRETATIONS. i dont expect every TP link out there to agree with all of my HCs. so long as we can all be mature adults about it and talk normally with one another. we gucci. like we are allowed to have different HCs. and honestly. I would want to know because i would want to know what YOU think about the ‘canon.’ cause it’s different. i like those differences.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  — idk why they would? its link? its the protag. and in a way its supposed to be different for each person anyway??? its like taking Robin or Corrin from FE. like people are allwoed to disagree with the portrayal i GUESS? but i don’t understand why anybody would like stragiht up HATE the portrayal. its just different? idk. 
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — see above tbh. but honestly. depends. do you hate him for the portrayal. or do you hate him cause of his character personality. like you’re allowed to interact with ‘bad’ characters. not that i think anybody would HATE link? but you know i could be wrong??? idk how to answer this cause what do you mean by hate? you can hate a character. but still interact with them??? idk how to compute this question???
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — yes and no. honestly. i know i make mistakes. but i don’t want grammar nazi’s. i write to relax. the only time i would want people to tell me is if they were trying to figure out what i meant. does that make sense. like if they are confused on something. then its okay to tell me. otherwise if its something that is just a small mistake that you can ignore. then its no big deal. its also how you approach me too. like approach with caution. i am a delicate flower. so don’t attack me for making a mistake.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  i am VERY VERY easygoing!!! I want to say im VERY kind. i am very accepting and EXTREMELY FORGIVING. no joke. I want to be the kindest person out there. I dont want people to be intimidated by me. I don’t want people to be scared of hurt by me. hoenstly. I am a very nice person. I may have different opinions but i am VERY respectful to everybody even those i do not agree with. Nobody should ever feel weird about me like ever okay? please don’t. I never want bad blood. so if something ever happens between us. you are always ALWAYS more than welcome to come talk to me when emotions have fizzled out. I am very apologetic too. so like?? idk??? who would???? consider me??? and asshole??? im tired. and i shut my door fast but its mainly cause... i am tired. nothing else has to do with it. i am very excitable and happy for people who talk to me. i consider ANYBODY who talks to me a friend. im jsut??? no really. i know people are shy. but im over her a big tired ball of fluff. i only want love and happiness for people. anybody who’s talked to me can testify to this. ♥♥
that’s about it, congrats for filling out!
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changeling-rin · 5 years
Hi! I was wondering, what are your thoughts on the different Zelda games? Not a ranking or anything, just what did you like/dislike in each game/franchise as a whole? And how did you come up with the personalities of the characters for DL? Thank you!
Oof.  Oh, you’re gonna make me Longpost, aren’t you.  Yeah, okay.  You asked for it.
Skyward Sword/Gen 
-I both love, and hate, the motion controls.  On one hand, I have never felt more epic than when I personally stabbed my sword into Demise’s head.  On the other hand, I have never felt more frustrated when my wiimote would misinterpret my swings and I would subsequently die.  Contrary to popular opinion, I actually like Fi.  Her design is beautiful, her theme is gorgeous, and her goodbye to Link is one of the most beautiful yet heartbreaking moments in the entire franchise.  The origin of the Master Sword, in my opinion, might be one of the best things to come out of this game.
Gen’s personality came about mainly as the foil to Lore and Dusk’s pre-existing dynamic.  Lore is the spastic one, and while Dusk is definitely somewhat of the straight-man, he’s much more likely to roll with it unless it’s drastically damaging.  Gen, on the other hand, will avidly apply common sense to anything and everything, and since Lore very rarely follows common sense, Gen morphed into his ‘conscience’, so to speak.  His predilection for healing was a side-effect of me dying a lot in his game and spending more on Red Potion than probably anything else, and also because the group needed a medic and Gen was definitely the most take-charge character I had who would do that sort of thing.
Minish Cap/Speck
The Picori are the cutest things, oh my gosh.  I do, however, suspect their violent and painful end in BotW - if they’re the ones who put the Rupees and Bombs and stuff in the grass, and there’s no such things in BotW…  Aside from that!  I adored the concept of shrinking down and having the entire environment change on you.  It was such a unique way to make an old area new again.  On the flipside, I loathed the Kinstone sidequest with a passion.  I never did manage to match them all.
Speck was basically me saying to myself, ‘He’s a tiny person.  How do tiny people see the world?’  And then he turned into a quiet, shy kid who tries very hard not to be a bother and looks at problems from a completely different angle than most people.  This is why he always second guesses his words - he’s by far the most frequent user of ‘um’, ‘uh’, ‘ah’, ‘oh’, etc, and this is entirely on purpose.  Tiny people, by nature, will do whatever it takes to make sure the bigger people don’t get mad enough to smush them - a bit morbid, I know, but if you think about it…  This is also where his habit of stabbing the eardrum came from.  Where most people wouldn’t even think of it, Speck just saw a really good access point and a whole lot of convenient fabric handholds to get him there.  
Four Swords/The Four
I have actually never been able to get my hands on a copy of the original Four Swords game.  I know.  I’m a disgrace to the fandom.  However, I have done extensive research, and I can say that by far my favorite concept is being able to deploy a Bow-Wow in the direction of my enemies.  I literally cannot imagine it without cackling.  
The Four were the result of me having two sets of Four Sword Heroes and desperately needing some way to tell them apart.  It took a very long time for me to decide to play up the hive mind aspect, but once I did everything clicked for them.  Rather than being split individual aspects of the original Link, the Four are literally a copy-paste of OG Link’s personality with only tiny variations between them, which led to the decision to make them somewhat quiet and awkward about their synchronization.  People rarely accept what’s unfamiliar to them, and to be honest the Four probably have one of the more ‘tragic’ backstories.  They may or may not have been chased out of a town or two due to a couple misunderstandings about the source of their hive mind.  (My babies, I’m so sorry I did this to you I’m a terrible author whyyyyyyyy)
Ocarina of Time/Ocarina
By far, one of the most investing stories in a game.  Ganondorf is fabulously evil, 10/10 would thwart again.  Music, of course, is beautiful.  The travel mechanic, on the other hand, I am not a fan of.  Trying to get somewhere before getting the respective warping Song is tedious at best, and the sheer amount of time it takes for me to swap between Young and Adult Link is just… it’s a hassle, is what it is.  
Ocarina is a little kid in a Big Person’s body, and I write him accordingly.  He’s the wide-eyed boy in a brand-new world.  He’s naive to a lot of things and oblivious to several others.  He and Mask have a bit of an odd dynamic because of this - Ocarina will basically gravitate to wherever Mask is as a sort of unconscious instinct, under the unrealized assumption that Mask means protection.  The ‘Little Brother’ mentality, if you will.  
Majora’s Mask/Mask
THE MOON.  THE FREAKING MOON.  I will never be able to play this game without feeling vaguely stressed and unsettled the entire time and THAT FREAKING MOON is the reason why.  Very compelling plot, 10/10, but WHY.  Aside from that, the music is fantastic, Majora is Creepy To The Max and we so rarely get that in Zelda games so I am on board, the transformation masks are probably my favorite mechanic, and your heartstrings get yanked on several times with the Goron Lullaby quest and Mikau’s entire storyline.  
Mask evolved directly as the opposite to Ocarina, with the caveat that he is directly aware of Ocarina’s unconscious ‘Little Brother’ mindset - Mask just happens to be sincerely uncomfortable with the ‘Big Brother’ role.  He’s more knowledgable, more experienced, and this was done explicitly to be in direct contrast with the fact that he looks like a little kid.  He’s Ocarina’s opposite in every single way, and it’s fun to have them play off each other.
Twilight Princess/Dusk
Probably my favorite game, art-style-wise.  There’s some things that Twilight Princess does fantastically well artistically, not to mention that it contains one of my favorite characters of all time.  Midna is awesome and there’s nothing that will convince me otherwise.  I actually think the wolf mechanic is a really good way to make new problems within old areas - but I will admit, the bug hunts can be tedious.  And that one escort mission can go jump off a cliff. But I adore everything about the concept of a Twilight Realm, and even though Ganondorf comes in and kinda shafts Zant out of the way, he’s fabulous enough that I can accept it.  They are, after all, both marvelously evil.  
Dusk’s personality came from me thinking back on everything that happens in his game and promptly deciding that: he either went a little insane to deal with it all, or he had the lowest level of crap to give that I’d ever seen.  Obviously, I decided on the latter, and I’m very glad I did, because from there that allowed me to build the faux-duo-actually-triad leadership between him, Lore, and Gen that works so very well.  I kinda ended up putting a little of myself into Dusk, in that he’s very reserved and will think about what he says before saying it.  Of course, I had to incorporate the wolf somehow, and the way that was the most fun for me was to bring some of those traits over into his hylan form.  One of these was me interpreting the howling mechanic as Dusk being a naturally good singer, and we all know where that led.
Four Swords Adventures/Red, Blue, Green, and Vio
The loss of the Bow-Wow hits me deeply, but we do get horses so that helps a little.  Also, it surprised me a little how similar this game is to the predecessor, Four Swords.  There’s a couple plot differences, Shadow Link is a thing, but for the most part it follows a very similar pattern and I kinda wish something different had been done.  It’s fun having more than one weapon to swing around, but not quite as much without other people to play with.  The one thing I have to say about Zelda multiplayer games is that, without actual multiple players, it’s just… not as fun.
I freely admit that large parts of Green, Vio, Red, and Blue’s personalities came directly from the FSA manga - particularly, the subversion of color expectations by having Red be the timid one and Blue be the aggressive one.  You never see that nowadays, and I immediately pounced on it.  Vio and Green had slightly less large chunks of manga personality, but I basically ripped their inner-group dynamic wholesale.  Their individual interactions though, those are all me.  Blue and Vio just seemed like natural bicker partners.  Red’s Adorable Puppy face evolved out of the sheer amount of times the manga had him on the verge of, or shedding, actual tears.  And Green naturally needed to be the exasperated leader keeping them all in line.  It all just sorta flowed from there.
Link to the Past/Lore
The originator of such musical classics like Kakariko Village, the Dark World theme, and Zelda’s Lullaby, and I thank this game for making these songs so good.  I adore the way that the Dark World can take the entire freaking country of Hyrule and turn it into something completely new.  But there were some times where I wasn’t sure where to go?  I don’t know if it was me or not, and it could have been.  I might just be bad at inferring destinations.  
Lore is the direct result of being the target of four entire games, and me thinking to myself, ‘Now how does a normal person deal with something like that?’  The answer was, of course, that they throw normality out a window.  Lore is my way to have fun, and also to let out every random impulse I’ve ever had but never acted on.  In a way, Lore is me, but without all the inhibitions.  Sometimes he ends up being a direct conduit between my brain-thoughts and the page.  That aside, I also gladly seized the opportunity to bring something different to the group, which is how the different languages came in.  He’s the only Link who actively, within his games, visits other countries, and there was no way I could pass that up.  
Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons
They remind me of Pokemon titles.  “Here’s these two games!  With the exception of some minor details, they’re exactly the same!  Combine them for a special surprise!”  I do think the Subrosians are adorable though.  And of course, shout-out to Veran, the only explicitly female villain the Zelda franchise has ever seen.  Maybe someday you’ll get a friend to help you out in that testosterone-filled mess.  Maybe someday. 
Link’s Awakening
Far sadder than I anticipated it being.  Also, the Bow-Wow returns!  Clearly the best thing in the game. On the bad side - I don’t remember which one it was - there was this one dungeon that just… for the life of me I could not get it to make sense in my brain.  I don’t know why.  I also don’t remember what the solution was.  Very engaging story though, the Windfish mystery kept me engaged right up to the Big Reveal.
A Link Between Worlds/Sketch
The painting mechanic is just.  It’s so clever.  The entire landscape is transformed with a single dimension shift and I loved it.  I was kinda skeptical about the same map as LttP, but then Lorule happened and I was pleased enough with that to accept it.  Ravio and Hilda are fine additions to the LoZ family and I wholeheartedly accept them - also, the Lorule Castle theme is one of the best songs in the franchise, fight me.  One thing I do remember is this one boss battle, I think with some sort of Manhandla plant?  It took me at least ten or so tries to get past that thing.  Really didn’t enjoy that one.
Everything intentional about Sketch evolved from his painting ability, this being his phobia of water, his tendency to use stealth in a confrontation, and his continued sidetracking with artistic ideas.  At some point though, he turned into one of the most sarcastic Links in the bunch, and I’m really not sure how it happened.  But it seemed to fit him for whatever reason.
The Legend of Zelda/Realm
I regrettably have not been able to get my hands on this one either, but I have watched a play-though.  My observations are as follows:                    Where is the map.  How did anyone figure out where they were going in this game.  I don’t understand how that wall was supposed to indicate it was bomb-able.  How did people play this game without getting too frustrated to continue.                                                                                       On the bright side, the dungeons seemed to be very well-laid-out, and the bosses, while repetitive, were pretty memorable.  I suspect I would get lost within the first ten minutes, though.
Realm is directly based off of my above observations.  I am firmly of the opinion that absolutely nobody can make it through the original LoZ game without getting lost at least once, and this resulted in Realm’s absolutely abysmal sense of direction.  Consequently, I made him hopelessly optimistic and cheerful enough to make the sun jealous, because the only person who could put up with those sorts of mishaps is the person who can just get right back up and keep going.  Also, the fact that I myself and severely directionally challenged means that writing Realm comes very easily.
The Adventure of Link
I have not played this one either.  I apologize.  That said, I dislike the switch from top-down to 2-D scroller.  In comparison with literally every other game in the franchise, AoL feels the least like a ‘Zelda’ title.  Though, for the invention of Shadow Link, I award at least few points.
Wind Waker/Wind
It’s adorable.  It’s somehow a very dark and serious game disguising everything behind a cute and cartoony art style and even though I can recognize it I don’t actually care.  The story is engaging, Tetra is the Best Pirate, and the ocean makes it feel so big.  I do think the sailing mechanic can be a bit time-consuming before the warp travel kicks in, and I actually feel like Ganondorf went down too easily, maybe?  
Wind is based off of sailing, basically.  I took the amount of time it takes him, in-game, to get places and decided that he has the patience of a saint.  Also the bafflingly ability to stay awake for three days straight, but that hasn’t come up in DL, so.  Because of this, he’s usually pretty content to let conversations evolve without much input from him, unless he’s got something important to say.  And of course, he’s got the Wind Waker, which resulted in me making up an entire magical classification system to explain why he’s so good at controlling the weather, accompanied by an entire chapter-length head canon about the relation between the weather and music.  Ironically enough, for all that Wind has no instrument of his own, the fact that he’s a conductor means he’s actually the most musically talented of the whole group.
Phantom Hourglass
I wouldn’t call it a worthy sequel to Wind Waker, but I honestly don’t think it’s too bad - with the exception of the Temple of the Ocean King.  First time, it was kinda fun.  Second time, less fun,  Third time, getting repetitive.  Fourth time, getting annoying.  Fifth time, and I was really done with that mechanic.  The remixed Sailing Theme was good though, and once I got past Linebeck’s surface personality I liked him pretty well too.
Spirit Tracks/Steam
I have never played this one, but the concept seems fun.  The riding-a-train song is amazing.  This Zelda is probably the most fleshed-out that the character has ever been, and I dearly hope she can take the position of ‘companion guide’ again someday.  Or maybe even ‘protagonist’, who knows?  I do dislike how vague Malladus is, because as the Final Bad Guy I feel like he should have been solidified more than just “Demon sealed a long time ago”.  And to be honest, why Trains?  It just seems so random.  
Steam, like several other Links, is based around his gameplay.  As an engineer, he’s a pretty hands-on type of person, which is why he frequently gets distracted with the inner workings of other Links’ items.  And due to the fact that Trains require very little input to control and a lot of travel time, he’s the least physical of all of them.  This basically means that he runs the slowest, hits the lightest, and will likely bring the least to the table in a fight.  This is one of the reasons I gave him the ‘I Like Trains’ summon, because even if he himself can’t hit very hard, his Train sure as heck can. 
Oh my gosh I think this took me a solid hour to type out, I hope you’re very happy with this response Anon ;)
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