#i love you mr krupp i love you forever and ever
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that-cu-fan · 8 months ago
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oh goodness it is completed
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 2 years ago
I’ve fallen back down the Captain Underpants rabbit hole after deciding to rewatch the movie on a whim last week, and it got me thinking back to a song I absolutely love that fits Mr. Krupp to a near T.
And that song is "It Just Won't Quit" by Meat Loaf
Seriously, if you listen to the lyrics and imagine it as the whole situation post-hypnosis from his point of view, it fits like a glove!
Or rather… a pair of underwear 🤭
And I never really sleep anymore
And I always get those dangerous dreams
And I never get a minute of peace
And I gotta wonder what it means
And I gotta wonder what it means
Maybe it's nothing and I'm under the weather
Maybe it's just one of those bugs going 'round
Maybe I'm under a spell, and it's magic
Maybe there's a witch doctor with an office in town
Oh, is this a blessing or is it a curse?
Does it get any better? Can it get any worse?
Will it go on forever? Is it over tonight?
Does it come with the darkness? Does it bring out the light?
Is it richer than diamonds, or just a little cheaper than spit?
Ooh, I don't know what it is
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit
I don't know what it is, oh, it just won't quit
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit
And there used to be such an easy way of living
And there used to be every hope in the world
And I used to get everything that I've went after
But there never used to be this girl
No, there never used to be this girl
Maybe I'm crazy and I'm losing my senses
Maybe I'm possessed by a spirit or such
Maybe I'm desperate and I got no defenses
Can you get me a prescription for that one perfect touch?
Oh, is this a blessing or is it a curse?
Does it get any better? Can it get any worse?
Will it go on forever? Is it over tonight?
And does it come with the darkness? Does it bring out the light?
It's a stairway to Heaven, or a subway going down to the pits?
Ooh, is it some kind of love?
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit
Oh, is this a blessing or is it a curse?
Does it get any better? Can it get any worse?
Will it go on forever? Is it over tonight?
Does it come with the darkness? Does it bring out the light?
Is it richer than diamonds, or just a little cheaper than spit?
Ooh, I don't know what it is
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit (I don't know what it is)
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit (I don't know what it is)
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit (I don't know what it is)
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know what it is (I don't know what it is)
I don't know what it is, but it just won't quit
There was a time when nothing ever really mattered
There was a time when there was nothing I didn't know
There was a time when I knew just what I was living for
There was a time, and that time was so long ago
There was a time, and that time was so long ago
And I never really sleep anymore…
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smg4andbeetlejuicefanatic · 6 years ago
Taken For Granted
Just a little drabble based on thoughts/headcanons I had about @frappichuni‘s Bad Dolphin AU. You might need some tissues for this. >;)
George and Harold stood in the hallway during passing period watching the other students go on their merry way. Krupp and Edith were having a pleasant conversation nearby next to a window which the rain that fell outside could be seen. It was one of those days that seemed happy and gloomy at the same time.
“Hey Harold?” George turned to the curly blonde.
“Yeah?” Harold asked in return, playing a game on his phone.
“This is probably a weird question but.....do you love your sister?” George asked nervously, fiddling with his fingers.
Harold stopped playing his phone and looked up a bit with a confused expression. He then looked to the boy who’d turned lizard. “You’re asking me this why?” he said.
“Well, I was just thinking...” George began. Before he could continue, however, the sister in question appeared beside them; and she didn’t look happy.
Harold studied her angry expression. “What’s your problem?” he asked.
“No, I’m not having a good day. Thanks for caring enough to ask.” she answered, her tone sour.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Harold asked again, now annoyed.
“It means that I’m having trouble making friends but my brother, the one friend I thought I had, doesn’t care one bit.” she answered again, crossing her arms and looking away from him.
“I never said that!” Harold exclaimed.
“You never said you do either!” Heidi responded.
“Maybe if you weren’t so angry all the time, I would!” Harold exclaimed again.
“See?! You don’t care about me!! You just admitted it!!!” Heidi shouted, pointing at her sibling. She felt her heart begin to break slowly.
“Name one reason why you should think that.” Harold stated seriously, crossing his own arms.
“When I was little, you promised me that you’d be my best friend forever.” Heidi started. “But then you met George and said the same thing to him. I don’t hate him, but ever since then, you’ve spent every minute of you’re life with him and acted like I was invisible.” she continued. “You broke your promise to me, Harold, and it still hurts to this day; but you never once bothered to ask me how I feel.” she added.
The girl tried hard to keep her smaragdine eyes from filling with tears, but a few still managed to appear.
“And another reason is because you abandoned me and mom!” Heidi continued to speak, resulting in an offended Harold.
“What?! No I didn’t!!” he shouted.
“YES YOU DID!!!” Heidi yelled back, gaining everyone’s attention. “YOU LEFT US TO LIVE WITH SOME STUPID SCIENTIST GUY!!!”
“HE’S NOT STUPID!!!” Harold began yelling as well. “HE’S THE ONLY DAD I’VE EVER HAD!!!”
“Will you two stop shouting?!” Krupp yelled from where he stood with Edith.
“NO!!!” both Hutchins kids yelled back.
Harold’s hand collided with the left side of her face, leaving a red mark.
Everyone gasped at the sight, but the fact that he’d just hurt his only sibling didn’t seem to phase Harold at all.
Heidi, shocked and stunned, placed her left hand on her cheek lightly; a stinging sensation rushing through that side of her face. This wasn’t the Harold she knew.
“MY DAD IS A GREAT PARENT! AND YOU KNOW WHAT?! MELVIN IS A BETTER SIBLING THAN YOU EVER WERE, BECAUSE UNLIKE YOU, HE ISN’T A LITTLE SELFISH ANNOYING BRAT!!!” It was Harold’s turn to yell, and the things he said weren’t nice. He gestured to Melvin upon his mention, which made the boy with the glasses nervous.
“This is why I never spent any time with you!” Harold’s voice got a little quieter, but that didn’t stop him from lashing out. “I WISH YOU WERE OUT OF MY LIFE!!!” Harold finally stopped after this, and everyone gasped again at this statement.
This sunk Heidi’s battleship, and the tears she fought so hard to keep from flowing suddenly exploded from her eyes like water from a dam that had just broke.
“WELL IT’S NOT LIKE I WAS IN IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!” she cried before running away from him. She rushed past everyone that had witnessed the event and past Edith and Krupp before running outside through the entrance doors into the rain; Krupp calling her name as she did, but she ignored him.
Everyone then turned to Harold, all showing their silent anger to him in their own way. Jessica and the Sophies had their arms crossed, Bo shook his head slowly, Gooch refused to look his direction--even Dressy looked like she wanted to punch him.
Krupp had his arms crossed as well and looked to be the angriest of all (which wasn’t really that surprising). Edith had that disappointed type of anger.
“I can’t believe you.” George murmured, just loud enough for Harold to hear.
“I’m going after her.” the lizard boy then stated, running on all fours toward the entrance. “I’ll come with you, you might need help.” Melvin replied, flying out the door with him.
They got to the street and stopped. “Which way did she go?” George asked, looking around worriedly. Melvin pointed when he spotted her. “She’s over there!” he exclaimed, and he and George took off in that direction.
Heidi was walking with her arms around herself when she heard Melvin’s voice, and started running again when she saw them coming towards her; not wanting to let them catch her lest they take her back to Harold.
Maybe if I go across the street, I’ll get further away. Heidi thought, and she decided to test that theory. Without looking back, she ran into the street.
She didn’t get very far before a loud noise sounded from behind her.
In fear, she stopped and turned around, and her eyes met with a bright light as she heard George shout something.
The car couldn’t stop in time because of the slippery road, and she was hit; shattering the headlight that collided with her head and sending her tumbling a couple of feet.
Neither George or Melvin could move from shock. Both could only stare with wide eyes, and Melvin covered his mouth with both hands.
“I’m going to get Mr. Krupp!” he exclaimed, flying away as the lady that drove the car got out and frantically ran to the poor girl.
George’s eyes widened even more when he heard a familiar voice in the distance.
“Krupp made me come after you guys.” Harold said as he got closer. “Did you find--...her?....” his voice trailed off as he looked to the scene in front of him, and George hung his head.
His good eye (the other has an eyepatch over it) widened when he saw his one and only sister lying motionless on the ground, and regret immediately started to build up inside him, and he had little visions of the past when the two of them were happy together; including the first time he held her after she was born.
“HEIDIIIIII!!!” he screamed her name as he ran over to her, tears now falling.
As he turned her over, held her in his arms; his hands getting cold from her rain-soaked pretty blue dress. Her curly strawberry blonde hair was also soaked (along with the blue bow she wore in it) and in the spot where she’d been hit were little shards of glass and a crimson stain that grew darker every second.
The tears that she cried still made streams down her face; as well as little droplets of blood.
Harold stared at this face, and felt his heart shatter. This face once bore smiles he loved to see.
And he ruined it.
He held her close and let out all his emotions. “I’M SORRY, HEIDI!!!” he screamed. “I’M SO SORRY I DIDN’T MEAN IT!!! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!!!” he continued through his sobs.
George sobbed quietly to himself. He’d always considered Heidi to be the sister he never had.
Melvin came back with Krupp, and he saw the scene, too. The principal went to talk to the lady, but Harold didn’t listen.
“I’m so sorry sis...” he whispered. “...I love you...”
All that could be heard now was the rain, Harold’s broken sobs, and the wailing siren of an ambulance in the near distance.
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tornrose24 · 8 years ago
Captain Underpants is the living personification of the friendship between George and Harold (part 2- reflections on the film.)
WILL CONTAIN MAJOR SPOILERS for the film so read at your own risk. It explores the events of the film as well as provide a look into both personas of the same person. Go back to part one if you want to know more about this study in the following link:
OR click the keep reading tab if you have seen the film.
....Well, wow. In some ways the film proved my study right and in some ways it challenged it. Its funny, I’m tempted to say that Captain Underpants inherited George’s confidence as well as Harold’s love for cute things. He might as well have been like an overgrown little brother to the both of them, but its also clear that he’s still technically Krupp if he was more confident and took a level in kindness. Though half the time its always easy to keep forgetting that he’s actually someone under hypnosis. Anyway, lets take a look at the film….
The film starts right on George and Harold covering the story behind their creation in his origin comic, which demonstrates the collaboration within their friendship/putting their talents together and showing their creativity. I also found it interesting that the voice we hear for Captain Underpants in the 2D animation of the comic was Ed Helms instead of either Kevin or Thomas and I wonder if that hinted at something. Was that the voice the two imagined for him or was it to foreshadow what was to come? Yet already we see that Captain Underpants keeps the two together and symbolizes their friendship. He’s the creation that they take the most pride in, as they mention a little later on. But it leads right to Mr. Krupp’s introduction and what does he do? HE RIPS THEIR COMIC UP! It PERFECTLY symbolizes and foreshadows that he will soon try to separate the two boys in addition to already setting himself up as everything George and Harold is against. Remember how I said one persona tries to separate them, but the other brings them together in the first part? Its immediately demonstrated even before the actual Captain Underpants character shows up! (On a side note, since that ripping up the comic thing happened to Pilkey in his youth... was it ok to make him relive that in that? I hope he was ok with it). And, wow, way to cause Harold so much stress and give us that imagine spot after giving him and George their punishment Krupp (jerk face). Even after he tells them his punishment and is out of sight, he still feels like an ominous force against them and it terrifies Harold who doesn’t want to be alone. I understood that Krupp was technically doing his job-some teachers need to separate students in class so that they can get their work done if they can’t keep themselves in check and something like this would have to be under extreme circumstances-but he’s so eager over the idea of destroying a good friendship between those two boys. Its really something that he shouldn’t enjoy doing, but why? Of course it later becomes an extreme case of irony when they come to an important realization about Krupp, but we’ll get to that later. Because karma is NOT kind to Krupp and he gets a very ironic yet very fitting punishment for his cruelty towards the boys and his students. It was a little different in the book, but in this case I would say he completely brought it upon himself. Yet there is something much more going on here and it goes much deeper. Something is not what it seems in the first quarter of the film, but I’ll also get to that later. In retaliation for Krupp’s actions, George hypnotizes him but it is the two boys together who agree to make him become their prized creation in a perfect collaboration that reflects how they operate. George usually comes up with the ideas and Harold brings them to life and when they make the fateful command they are in perfect synchronization. The product of their friendship takes over the man who was so opposite in every way and he comes to life, stands with confidence, and lets out a glorious ‘TRA-LA-LAAAAAA!’ And after they take in what they have done with such awe and disbelief, they have a good laugh over it.Yet in the world of Captain Underpants, irony is still as strange towards the boys as it has been for Krupp when things get out of hand.... When Captain Underpants decides to seek out trouble, the boys are forced to go after him and it starts a chain of them trying to look out for him and keep him out of trouble as if he were a younger brother or a student, thus forcing a role reversal between them and the man he used to be. Still they work together to keep him safe and hey they got an adventure out of it too (operating that crane and driving it for one thing). Also its noteworthy that CU was very quick to be drawn towards them after his ‘birth’.... almost like an imprinting sort of thing. And when I think of it, the boys could have done something much worse to him before he became CU or even left him on his own to meet an unfortunate demise and yet they didn’t. They are both well meaning and good at heart and that all also lived in CU. I thought CU’s interactions with the boys were sweet and there were times were it was easy to think of him as an accomplice in the things that happened at the school. If they did something, he would go along with it, including the funniest rendition of ‘Hallelujah’ I’ve ever heard (and thank the stars they were able to get Ed Helms to sing for even a brief moment). Honestly, if he was their age he would have made a great addition to their team. He was so much like a kid and it was sweet that he wanted to help the boys make the other students happy, but of course it went out of hand really fast. CU was limited by how much George and Harold put into him as a character in their stories and was of course a reflection of the minds of two fourth graders as opposed to a more careful adult. Sadly the chaotic side had to be with the good counterpart while the only one who had order had to be the mean counterpart. And that really is such a blow because those boys were not only juggling a ticking bomb in the form of a kind man who could easily turn back into their principal up to that point, but CU unintentionally helped Krupp separate the two as they long feared. CU WANTED to bring them all together in his own way but his naivety and lack of caution became his undoing as much as it had been for the boys. The climax was pretty interesting to observe to because it was really reflected that George and Harold were the true protagonists of the story and for half of it they had to do a lot of figurative fighting in order to save the day, though all it took was for them to be true to themselves and overcome the power of that ray. Yet beforehand they used CU as a distraction since that was all he seemed to be good for to them at the time. For that one moment they took him for granted but when it seemed like he was doomed, they were horrified for him. It was kind of a nasty hint at what was about to happen to them in nearly losing their sense of humor–they almost lost him and in turn they almost lost themselves. It’s not until George and Harold’s friendship is able to overcome... whatever that ray thing was called again, I don’t remember... anyway, its fitting that after that they both are in trouble in a place they can’t easily escape from on their own, they call out for help. And this call for help (not just from his creators but his friends) awakened CU and caused him to ingest that green stuff that caused him to the exact super powers that the boys created for him and come to their aid when they truly needed it. Both George and Harold really did save the day though their friendship and their creativity. And everything they were was gifted into one being who worked alongside them, even when he could have gotten them out of there and tried to take on the bad guy by himself when he finally got those powers. Instead all three worked together–the creators and the creation. The final treehouse scene was really good, but when I think back on it, it made me realize that both personas and the events of the film worked on a way that lead to the boys realizing that no matter what would happen they would always be friends and that something like being placed in different classrooms can’t change that. It’s a moment that makes them wiser and a little more mature. Yet it’s this acceptance that leads to them deciding that they need to make amends/fix their mistakes and destroy the hypno ring to erase their living fantasy they created together and bring back a man who represents the reality that they must face, but they will do so with newly gained wisdom and maturity. I admit I wondered if something would happen like this in the film, though it turned out differently (I was expecting a sad but heartwarming good bye hug, darnit!). CU did bring them together, but he also unintentionally helped them learn that friendship can truly last forever and can not be destroyed if the bond is too strong, even if you ever seem so far away from each other. And as corny as it sounds, I think they knew he wouldn’t be gone forever because in a way he would be as everlasting as their friendship.
Now let’s look at the force that threatened to force the two away and why I personally think he is far more interesting than his book counterpart. Even if Krupp was trying to keep the two apart and wanted to suppress their creativity, he was unintentionally strengthening it when they resolved to make their classmates be happy and laugh at their comics and pranks. But why on earth would this man take so much joy in separating these two when it turns out he is alone without any friends of his own? And yeah I know he has relatives in the books but it’s so much different here.  Was this the ‘spreading the bitterness’ that Helms hinted at in one interview? Its easy to see him as the mean principal as a child, but when you look at him with an older mind then you realize that something has to have gone wrong for him to be like that and never change. I think he was so keen on destroying that friendship because he never had it and maybe he might have been jealous but I could be reading too much into that last bit. One moment that stood out for me was when Krupp finally signed the documents without anyone to stop him and was of course ecstatic about it... but then he sees the casserole Edith made and he quickly just died out and looked so depressed. Did he realize that he just condemned the boys to a fate much similar to his own? That he destroyed something similar to what he possibly wanted more than anything no matter how much he might deny it? Something that he unknowingly had with the last couple of people he would have wanted it from? Were the boys at least able to achieve something he possibly never had that he still doesn’t have the confidence to reach for? Or did he realize just how hollow this ‘victory’ actually was when he himself didn’t have the thing he sought to destroy? That has to be one figurative slap in the face for him and maybe more so than the irony and karma that haunted him the moment he destroyed the comic and solidified his status as the cruel principal. Its so mind blowing that DreamWorks Animation took this character with little hope of redemption in his source material (nor was he seemingly deserving to have the affections of anyone who could have chosen someone better) and was able to look carefully at him and give him a vulnerability and humanity. The way they showed his house, looking so battered and hostile on the outside, yet so dark and isolated within (complete with not so cheerful blue tones similar to those within the school, yet much more darker) was a great way to reflect and convey who he was to George and Harold as well as the audiences. The books were aimed at children and yet these people took a long look and realized that so much more could be done with him. So now it all ties into the last few scenes of the film in which the man who separates now becomes the man who binds. When George and Harold realize that perhaps the reason CU could be so nice was because he had friends and Krupp was the opposite because he was alone, they work together to set him up with Edith in their own way through ‘the prank for good.’ And its through this collaboration together that they not only help bring genuine happiness in Krupp’s life, but it leads to him starting to be a little nicer in turn by returning the comics to the boys... and revealing that he DID read them AND he enjoyed them, though in a way someone might try to regard a guilty pleasure. This is important because, in proving the favorite fan theory correct, this means that the power of George and Harold’s friendship and creativity was shown to Krupp through those comics and they were good enough that he enjoyed them as much as he would never admit it. They unknowingly gave him something to make his life a little brighter, which also meant that the living embodiment of their friendship was placed within Krupp and was also waiting to find the goodness that was suppressed to help lead him to his own happiness and for him to hopefully become a better person. The man Krupp could have been no longer has to be a sad illusion, but perhaps he can now be able to work towards becoming like that man. The greatest irony of it all is that the creation of George and Harold that Krupp was so against at the beginning was how the boys were able to see that he was alone and that he did have the potential to be good. It’s why I like the movie more than the books because it allows children to try to see adults in a different light and acts upon Pilkey’s notes that adults would find it harder to look within to reflect and change themselves over just yelling at the world. I should also add that it is super crucial that educators need to be aware of the interests and hobbies of their students in order to encourage them and help them succeed. And while the book version of Krupp fails so horribly at that, the movie version was finally able to open up and recognize the talents of George and Harold and tell them that what they made was actually pretty good. In doing so it could improve all three of their futures and those who attend the school, as well as an understanding of one another for the better. And I should point out that CU also helped both Krupp and Edith out in the romance area. Especially with Edith because he was open, kind, and gave a sweet compliment towards her, which seemed to help her become a little more confident. I think it was cute that CU also seemed to like Edith very much since he was still technically Krupp, but with his confidence at the front. I know he didn’t seem so keen on romance in the books, but if CU was momentarily rendered speechless and took in Edith’s fully exposed face with such awe then it suggests how much of the original personality is able to come through and keep CU alive like a real person instead of him just being someone under a trance. I DO want to know what the heck Edith saw in Krupp to begin with. Did she get to see a glimmer of the goodness that was suppressed before the events of the film? I can think of other literary characters who could have been far worser crushes, but that aside everything about the relationship is super adorable. (And I’d love to gush about it some day).
So... what is the takeaway from the film? Friendship and creativity have more power then we think and we are truly blessed if we have them in our lives in some way or another. George and Harold were able to cause change for positivity, bring humor and light in others lives as well as for each other, stop a mad man by being themselves, see the pain within their greatest antagonist and bring him joy (and hopefully help him become a better person) and it was all thanks to their greatest creation who embodied their ideals and the best within them, as well as the idea that compassion and having some much needed optimism can lead to a better world. But of course, the boys could not get rid of Captain Underpants forever and it was fitting that he came to their aid once again in the finale. (And on a side note, it looks like Edith is in for one heck of an interesting love life, but its one that she’s apparently open to). And thus the movie ends with the boys and their creation that they are trying to hold onto for safety/make sure they don’t lose him once again as silhouettes against a full moon in a parody of the silhouette of the bat-mobile against a full moon in the 1989 Batman. The final image being a perfect summary of a series of stories that challenges so much while entertaining generations of readers who can bond over them while they all have something within them that makes them unique or is waiting to come out.
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dramaticdragon · 8 years ago
It’s What Makes Us Special
(Post book 12)
George and Harold have a little trouble cooping with ADHD, especially after having it “””Cured””” by Genius Mr.Meaner
“Man… I can’t believe our parents liked the other version of us more than the real us…” Harold said quietly, as he sat in the treehouse with George.
           “I know…Do you think we’d be better off with that ‘Kid-away 2000’, or whatever it was called?” George asked, unsure.
           Harold only shrugged. Of course, he wanted to say, ‘no way! We’re amazing the way we are!’, but he the other half of him wasn’t so sure.
           “Well, it’s not like we can go get some more of that gas, anyway. Mr. Meaner is in jail- again. And he’s dumb again, too.” George said, giving up on his idea.
           “Do you think our parents will be mad that we’re back to normal?” Harold asked, scared of the answer.
           George was silent for a moment.
           They both knew their parents loved them. There was no doubt of that in their minds. And they both knew their parents had no idea they were under the influence of a hypno-gas, and not changed by themselves. So the only rational thought would be that their parents simply thought they were able to control themselves better, and maybe even learning to manage their ADHD. Their parents were proud of the other versions, which meant they loved them, and wanted them to be healthy and happy.
           But, as is the problem with many mental illnesses, you didn’t always think rationally.
           “What if we-What if we try really hard to study and focus?” Harold asked, wringing his hands.
           “But remember last time we vowed that? Our future selves were mean as Mr. Krupp!” George reminded.
           Harold nodded, still not completely convinced.
           “And it’s not like we don’t ever try,” George added, “We try all the time!”
           “But trying doesn’t mean anything if I’m dumb enough to fail the fourth grade!” Harold yelled.
           “You aren’t dumb!” George shouted back.
           “Yes I am!” Harold cried, suddenly curling into a ball on his bean-bag chair, head between his knees, “You know I am!”
           “No, Harold!” George said back, scooting over to Harold, worried, “I know you’re not!”
           “But you’re just saying that because if you really tried and studied, you’d be fine! You could’a been in the third grade when you were in kindergarten! But I… I can’t even finish the fourth grade when I’m in fourth grade…”
           George took a moment. Technically, that much was true. George was ‘smart’ enough to skip a grade (or three), when he actually put his mind to it. Albeit, kindergarten wasn’t necessarily challenging. And, yes, Harold did fail the fourth grade (in the other timeline, but still).
           “But you didn’t fail! Remember! Us from a day in the future came and took those surprise test things, and we both passed, and we’re both going to fifth grade!” George said quickly.
           “I’m sure I’ll be just fine in fifth grade…” Harold mumbled, hardly loud enough for George to hear.
           “I’m not too excited, either…” He nodded. Although he had the smarts to do it, George’s brain wasn’t any more willing than Harold’s.
           They sat together, Harold slowly moving to rest his head on George’s shoulder, in complete silence. When boys like them were silent for longer than two seconds, things were truly troubling.
           “Do you think we’ll ever outgrow having ADHD?” Harold finally asked, after their long silence.
           “I don’t know,” George answered honestly, “Dad has that book on ADHD, maybe that’ll know.”
           “I hope so…” Harold sighed, “I don’t wanna be dumb forever.”
           “You aren’t.” George said, but his voice was just as dead as Harold’s. He tried to deny it, but he was just as beaten up inside as Harold was.
           Harold leaned over, reaching to give George a big hug. George could hear him sniffle, and knew Harold was crying. But then again, George was pretty sure he was crying, too.
           George hugged him back, and both tried to hug away their fears.
           “You aren’t dumb, either,” Harold mumbled, finally separating.
           “You weren’t dumb in the first place,” George reminded with a sad, quiet laugh, “Remember what Dad said? We’re just extra creative.”
           “Extra something,” Harold sighed, though with far less sorrow in his voice as ealier.
           “Without people like us, there probably wouldn’t be any good jokes in the world,” George said with a faux-pride, starting to feel a little more like himself.    
           “Hah, yeah,” Harold nodded, rubbing the last bit of tears from his eyes, “’Cause people like us daydream up all the best ones.”
           “So what, we’re not perfect little robots,” George huffed, suddenly acting like the ‘other versions’ were just annoying jerks, “But I like us-us way better than them-us. We’re a ton more fun.”
           “My little sister would probably miss the drawings I give her,” Harold said, trying to add to their little comfort speech.
           “Yeah!” George nodded, “ADHD is what makes us special, not bad!”
           “And not dumb!” Harold said, balling his fists to force himself to believe it.
           “And not dumb!” George nodded, and leaned over to give Harold another, much happier hug.
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that-cu-fan · 1 year ago
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guess wht today isss :3
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that-cu-fan · 8 months ago
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in the middle of a drawing and i cant stop licking my screen i love you mr krupp captain underpants
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