#i love world building and lore
piosplayhouse · 5 months
Wwx is the only mxtx main protagonist who would not be a my little pony fan. But he does own a 20% cooler shirt
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numbuh424 · 4 months
shoutout to whatever L and Light had going on in Time Speaks
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eywaseclipse · 2 months
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Some fun Ikeyni art because she’s an icon.
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lara-cairncross · 3 months
hi! i don't know if it has been answered already but what would be the order of the fairies from faster to slower? so obviously we all know Leo is the fastest, and Donnie would probably be the slowest due to the weight of his brace and learning to fly later than everyone, but who would be the slowest between Raph and Mikey??
oooo, this is such a good question!!
you're correct about Leo being the fastest and Donnie being the slowest, definitely. between raph and mikey... I think Mikey would be slower?
Mikey and Raph have very similar wing-to-body proportions, so weight wouldn't be a factor. beyond that it kinda comes down to practice, and since Raph is really the only brother who does any kind of training, he'd probably end up being the fastest! even before Mikey loses his job, he wasn't really doing anything highly-stressful like Raph was, so I can see his speed suffering a little when it comes to, like, long-term flights.
however! while Raph is faster in general, Mikey is definitely a lot better with maneuverability! he spends more time with Leo, after all :) and I think Mikey would also be faster when it comes to acceleration/quick sprint-flights.
tldr: Raph has better stamina and can go really fast for long distances, but Mikey a little faster when it comes to quick bursts of movement and/or maneuverability! he slows down really quickly tho lmao
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morgaknight · 11 months
Tiefling anatomy HC’s
-tieflings are born with horns that curve flush to their little baby skulls. They’re initially smaller and kinda squishy to touch.
-they will grow and harden in the coming months after their birth, roughly taking the shape that they will keep for the rest of their lives.
-tieflings shed their horns just once in their lifetime, usually after they’ve lost all their baby teeth and as an early step in puberty for a young tiefling.
-lots of doting parents will keep their tiefling childs “baby horns” like how some parents will keep baby teeth as a keepsake.
-Omg imagine like, a kid losing one, and the other is kinda wiggly just hanging in there.
-they tie some cord around the loose horn and the other end to a door
-all the dumb cliches humans do for loose teeth. (Oh no it’s so cute)
-the adult horns come in much bigger and harder than the baby horns.
-a tiefling tail can betray a lot about how a tiefling is feeling. Depending on how it whips and curves in a conversation can tell you if a tiefling is happy, scared, or angry. It’s called a “tell-tale-tail”. HAH. GEDDIT?
-canonically tiefling will often wrap their tails around their waists or legs when in crowds or around strangers, to avoid them getting stepped on or tugged.
-Tieflings have blood vessels and nerve endings that extend from their fingertips and into their nails, like a cats. 
-Also like cats' nails, they have a “quick”, that if trimmed will bleed and is very painful. 
-This is why all tieflings seem to have elongated nails, even if they are in a position or profession that longer nails would be a hindrance. A tieling can file their nails to be more blunt, but a tiefling would never purposefully trim their nails too short and cut the quick. 
-I imagine there being a big discourse around trimming a young tieflings nails, (probably done by an ignorant non-tiefling parent, or the care givers at orphanages) as it’s considered inhumane… like declawing cats
-there are brands of inner-race discrimination in tiefling communities. Most prominent being how far back the infernal blood can be traced.
-a teifling line that is generations upon generations old (like, their great great great great great grandmother slept with a cambion for example ) is held in higher esteem than a first generation tiefling, because the “taint” is so far removed, and that family has had generations to establish themselves in the tiefling community and culture.
-a first generation tiefling (like, their mother was a cambion, for example) is looked down upon because the “taint” is much more immediate.
-also canonically, a group of 3 or more tieflings is called a “curse” of tieflings (derogatory)
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jellazticious · 11 months
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New oc reveal and these guys are in shared custody with @beefy-the-stronk
All you need to know so far is that the human on the left got cursed by the fairy on the right so the logical course of action is to become roommates with him
They are also being chased by guards/cops all the time
Character set and story will be tagged under "Cursed to Charm" from this point onward
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Parentalbond Horror
*grinning* I am baaaaaaaack!! @spotaus get over here :D
So. I had the difficult choice on which drabble i wanted to write so For now I settled on this one because I haven't had the chance to write a drabble with Horror's pov since a while and that is a crime.
First Drabble here Prev Drabble here Next Drabble here
As always we go in unbeta'ed and unedited.
Horror checks the windows again before turning back to the couch and seeing Nightmare just staring at him.
Horror tils his skull "sleep will be easier if you actually lay down...." And he looks pointedly at the couch.
Nightmare gains that stubborn glint in his sockets again as he huffs "I am fine. Not tired at all." he looks at the pile of bags in the corner of the room wishfully.
Horror has to keep his chuckling inside as he answers "Shame then that it is bedtime for young skeletons." And adult skeletons. Horror glances at the other three. All KO on the other couch, all still dressed in their normal clothes and none of them actually finished their meals.
Horror will have to pack up the leftovers. Make sure nothing goes to waste. But he will let them sleep for now and just make them eat a big breakfast. But all three had been running themselves ragged lately. Especially after the last encounter they had had with the Stars.
It meant they have been making more jumps and teleports and not going out as much to collect things to make it easier for them.
Horror walks over to them and puts one of the blankets in this apartment over them, he doesn't bother to try and pull them away from one another. The four of them always had the habit of sleeping in a pile and that habit only got worse once they started searching for Nightmare and reclaimed him.
Horror checks Ngihtmare's plate and smiles "You finished it all today." No wonder he is grumpier and more active than usual.
Nightmare pulls a face and crosses his arms. Horror walks over and nudges him at his shoudler "Sleep time." and he waits.
Nightmare grumbles more as he pushes the blankets and pillows around. Horror just crosses his arms as he waits. Nightmare huffs but lays his skull down on the pillow and glares at him.
Horror knows he is grinning but he is proud to say he doesn't actually snort or laugh at the grumpy face Nightmare is pulling. instead he moves closer slowly, the first week of watching Nightmare flinch at every movement and sound had been horrible, and puts the blanket over him as well.
Nightmare doesnt complain about it. Most likely becuase he just saw Horror do the same for the other three.
Horror nods and sits by him "Time to sleep." it is his turn to keep watch and he plans on taking ti seriously.
Nightmare huffs but just turns his face further into the pillow. Tiny body starting to relax with the simple comforts.
Horror tries to not be obvious as he keeps an eye on Nightmare.
Horror knows of course what is going on and he is trying to not give in. At least one of them should not give into the adopting.
Horror can admit he had been surprised that Dust was the first one to actually soul adopt Nightmare. Especially after only a week. It had been so fast and the transition between the before and after state had been so smoothly that Horror had honestly thought that Dust had done it on purpose and planned.
It would have made sense. Dust had been the one to find the book first and been the one to actually manage to get Nightmare back to them.
Only for it to become obvious that Dust had no idea what he had just done.
Soul adoption is a rather normal thing for monsters to do. Though in most universes they rarely happened as monsters don't tend to abandon children.
But well, Horror's AU had been one with starvation and a lot of fighting. People lost their lives in multiple ways. That meant quite a few orphans.
Soul adoption happened when an adult monster willingly took the role as caretaker for a younger monster who doesn't have a caretaker. There are a few more factors obviously but Horror doesn't know all of them of the top of his skull, especially not now with that hole in it.
What it comes down to? Nightmare is an orphan and has no one he could go to that could take care of them, and all of them know this. Dust found out first and surprisingly his soul was open enough to the idea to accept Nightmare as... well... his.
There are more hurdles in this situation of course. The fact that they Nightmare they knew was an adult, which is what Horror thinks is tripping up Cross. But Dust had been very quick with accepting that Nightmare is now a child and so immediantly treated him as one.
Killer took a bit longer but quickly fell into step as well. Calling Nightmare tiny boss and going from his right-hand-man to his babysitter, Killer's words not Horror's.
Horror is however a bit surprised that Killer also soul adopted Nightmare. In theory it shouldn't have happened as Nightmare at this time already had Dust as his caretaker and so technically didn't need one anymore.
Seems like Killer's soul didn't agree with that.
Horror can't say a lot about it though, seeing as he can feel it happening with himself as well. And he has no doubt that Cross is very close to giving into his own instincts and feelings concerning this as well.
The whole thing with their last interaction with the Stars is a very big give away. Even if Cross felt very embarresed by his own reaction.
At least Nightmare is no truly convinced that they won't harm him and will help him. Horror is happy they managed to get there and with it having only been a month since they took him with them. Horror can say they did a good job.
Nightmare has falled asleep.
Horror move slowly and silently and puts two fingers to the the side of his small belly and feels.
Horror may not have a lot of magic himself but his AU was left him with a very useful skill. Wiht how little food there was available and how little magic there was there came issues. One of the issues was that after a while the magic monsters had wasn't strong enough anymore to digest the food that the mosnters did manage to eat. meaning that even if the monster ate food they would not get any energy or new magic from it.
Meaing that even if they ate they would continue to starve.
Wiht how difficult it had been for Nightmare at first to eat or even remember to eat Horror had worried something simular may have happened. That being in the goop form had caused his own magic to grow too weak to be able to function fully.
But all Horror feels is the soft and quiet purr of NIghtmare's magic working hard to use the offered food to rebuild the babybones' small reserves.
Horror sighs a sigh or relieve and just watches Nightmare for a moment. Nightmare, having noticed the pressure on him, makes an unhappy sound and his socket flutters open to give him a sour look.
Horror chuckles as he whispers "I apologise." Horror is unsure how clear his answer is as Horror himself is purring like a loud law mower at this point.
Nightmare blinks at him, still looking like the tiniest little grumpy skeleton this multiverse has ever known, before closing his sockets again and turning on his side. surprisingly not away from the touch and light hold.
Horror watches the other. It is strange. They are all different yet Nightmare still has them all completely under his control. Yet it is in a completely different way and Ngihtmare now doesn't even seem to realise it.
Horror leans on the couch and watches their tiny charge just sleep. Horror had managed to keep the need to complete an adoption at bay by reminding himself that Nightmare already had a caretaker- well two and a half now, Horror is sure that all Cross still needs to complete the soul adoption is a tiny nudge. Horror thinks that Cross is jsut thinking too much about it and doubting his own instincts and feelings.
But that still leaves Horror, and what he wants to do. He figured that it would be better to at least keep one of them unbiased in this nature, just in case that Nightmare suddenly turns into an adult again. But the longer this went on the less likely it seemed to Horror.
Not to forget. Horror doesn't even think Nightmare wants to be an adult again. Not now that he is a child but doens't have to vigilent every moment of every day.
Does he technically already have caretakers? Yes. Does Horror still want to count himself as one? Yes.
So. He just picks for himself.
Horror moves slowly and quietly as he picks Nightmare up. Nightmare grumbles in his sleep at being moved but calms when his magic recognises Horror.
Horror gets comfortable on the couch and lays Nightmare on his sternum. He can still feel the tiny soul beat and pulse fast even through two shirts.
Horror pulls the blanket back over Nightmare and waits.
It doesn't take long as Horror can feel the slight pull on his magic and energy. Hardly noticable and Horror doubts that if he wasn't so paranoid about his own levels he would have noticed.
It is something tiny monsters do. To help stabalise and sharp their own magic they try to take tiny bits of their parents, or caretakers in this case, to help guide them. It all happens naturally.
Horror just holds the tiny babybones closer and feesl Ngihtmare's soul slowly start to match Horror's own soulbeat and he feels all the calmer.
Now it is pretty much done. Horror will have to probably deal with this decision one day but for now he is happy. Their tiny babybones is comfortable and everyone is resting. Tomorrow they will have to worry about getting supplies and where they can go and eventually where they will sleep that night.
But right now? Right now he doesn't have to worry about that. and all he ahs to worry about is that their babybones is comfortable and healing.
First Drabble here Prev Drabble here Next Drabble here
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moonpaw · 1 year
Fighting DEMONS rn trying not to get invested in one piece to figure out wtf you're posting about!!!!
come here cyber.... we have this thang
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#mp answers#i've been trying so hard not to be annoying to my bnha friends but if you will allow me to push this for this ask let me say 🙏#if you're afraid of the episode count for one piece the manga is a lot quicker read while being just as enjoyable because the art style is#an actual delight. its great its fantastic im absolutely in love with it#the series is soooo good and i know luffy can seem unappealing to people before they start but he's just SUCH a great character & continues#to be even now. the story is SO GOOD the characters are SO GOOD... theres so much lore and world building that its insane#if you read the manga we get 'cover stories' on what's going on with previous characters to see what theyre up to even though we moved on#from where we left them. a lot of these cover stories blend into the main story so well its just seamless#there's one where we get introduced to a character we dont see hundreds of episodes into the anime and they show up like; during the second#saga. the series is about traveling to other islands and every single arc has been tied to another in some way or form that shows up later#even if its sagas and sagas later- it still becomes relevant again!! it's a huge ongoing story and there isnt a single arc that feels like#it has no purpose (sans filler in the anime-but even then!! some filler arcs are really entertaining!)#it's emotional! its sad! its downright stupid and silly but GOD... you can feel the love that oda put into this series and his characters#and the emotions in the expressions and the messages the story gives off it just makes me UEUHGHHAHGHH!!!#it's all about the adventure and the romance of it all! its about the freedom it brings and bringing freedom to others!#its a series where treasure should be a focus given its pirates and the its a giant treasure hunt for the one piece and yet! and yet so man#of the characters treasures are things that are not coins and gems but people and promises and family and and#im going to EXPLODE i love one piece
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allastoredeer · 7 months
I'm going DEEP into some worldbuilding for Pentagram City and all the politics surrounding the Overlords and this is literally how I feel right now
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I'm feeling a little deranged ngl HA HA, oh but I'm having so much fun. I'm so excited to get into the inner-working of Pentagram City, the Overlords, Sinners, the Royal Family, and how it all works together in one big society.
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cayennecrush · 3 months
Your Jackie and Evangeline comic is driving me crazy /pos!! Can you tell me a bit more about them?
ahhh THANK U!!! omg though yes yes i definitely can!! lol watch out its a little infodumpy 😂
ok first some basics and portrait sketches:
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Jackie Inoue grew up in california and had a mostly pleasant, uneventful life, until she was accidentally turned by a fugitive vampire in '76. her maker fled the scene after a frantic blood-binge, leaving Jackie behind. without an experienced vampire to help her, Jackie did her best to survive without drawing attention to herself (like, not killing lol). she moved from city to city for several decades, seeking "normalcy' and craving a place to call home... eventually, she lands in a small fictional town along the oregon coast, where our story takes place!
Evangeline has no last name, and no coven.... at least, not anymore. she was born in (current-day) nova scotia in the 1780s to the leader of a necromancer cult. part of her "education" included forbidden spell work that resulted in her immortality. by the mid 1800s, she learned the full truth about her coven and escaped. for a long time she stayed hidden, studying magic and quietly traveling. around 1980, she met Stella in -- you guessed it, our small coastal town! she and Stella became good friends, and Evangeline tentatively settled into a new home for the first time in a long time. then ~20 years later, Jackie arrives and turns Evangeline's life upsidedown again!
because of various magic related reasons, Jackie and Evangeline's relationship has a rocky start, but as they get to know each other, they fall in love and find new ways to enjoy life together 🥰!!
that may be more than u were looking for lol but hey, backstory!
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What do y’all know about -
Nothing 😃
Hehehehe pretty fanart and cute ships :D
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twocakesinacup · 11 months
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Hello, my Godmode brain sickness has developed even more. Lore dump below the break. I wanted to draw Saint and Enot in their true divine forms in my AU.
Saint and Enot are two sides of the same coin, spirits created by the Void since the dawn of time in order to facilitate its desire for a ceaseless drip of prime souls. The Void granted them power over life and death, the ability to create and destroy worlds as they see fit. Enot is the spirit of life, creation, and chaos. She uses her powers to remake the world and 'seed' it with creatures, with the end goal being that these creatures will develop over time and once intelligent start to work towards ascension. In this AU if a creature dies, its soul is reincarnated in another creature until it eventually reaches its own balance, and once it's at that point it no longer comes back, and its soul joins the void. What happens after that, even Saint and Enot do not know. The void is mysterious even to them.
Once the predominate species has reached enough attunement, they start to feel the call of the void. It's an itch they can't ignore, this feeling that they *need* to karmatically balance themselves to ascend. Slowly they start to pass, and eventually nothing remains of their species save for a few chance stragglers. This is where Saint comes in. Saint is the spirit of death, decay, and time. His job is to remove any lingering creatures that are meant to pass on, as well as cleaning up the world for the next species. He usually achieves this via snow and cold, though sometimes directly intervenes for more stubborn creatures (iterators) and cleaning up those who were punished by the void and turned into echos for attempting to ascend without being ready.
Now being these powerful spirits, I found it a bit silly that they look like slugcats. These are actually their mortal avatars, which they inhabit most of the time for simplicities sake as they roam the world. Their job actually has a lot of freetime, as they only need to directly act to create/destroy the current great cycle. Wandering the world is a fun way for them to pass time, though that's usually Enot who wants to do it as she's excitable and full of energy. Saint just wants to go back to their home and sleep lol. These forms are mostly for them when they need to use their full power, or when the void summons them to commune. Most of the time they just mimic a body of a predominant species, such as the slugcats or the ancients in the past. I wanted their 'spirit forms' to look like mystical creatures responsible for life and death, the kind of thing that would be a legend spoken around campfires or sung in halls.
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flickering-nightfall · 10 months
just asking, what if an iterator possibly gets too hot or cold? What happens if they can’t get to safer temps with out outside forces? What if they can’t get to safer temps at all?
Do you mean superstructures or puppet-bound iterators? I'm sure superstructures have a lot of failsafes to deal with temperature fluctuations, mostly via processing water intake. They're living saunas! They probably have an incredible resistance to both hot and cold, as evidence shows.
I'll talk about puppets here, but if you meant superstructures, well... a lot of what I'll say here could apply to superstructures too.
(For puppet-bound iterators, I am referring to my AU CDSS)
For heat: Puppet-bound iterators, like their former superstructure bodies, run hot and need to stay hydrated. They rely on liquid coolant that runs throughout their bodies. Ruptures in the coolant system are one of their many common problems, but with medical aid, they're not too serious. Many cases are self-healing, or the rupture will seal itself off and reroute around the blockage - like with collateral circulation. Leaks into essential systems are more of a concern than the actual loss of coolant. As long as they stay cool and drink water while waiting to get fixed, they tend to be fine.
If they are stuck in a hot region and can't escape, they'll suffer from dehydration, heat stroke, fried components, damage to organic tissue, seizures... pretty much what you'd expect. As a superstructure, Moon probably suffered from all this leading up to her collapse.
For cold: They're fairly resistant for a few reasons. One is the antifreeze in coolant. Another is the heat that they naturally produce. I'm thinking they have silicone-based skin, which is very cold resistant. They have hemocyanin, which tends to function better in extreme cold than hemoglobin. (Hemocyanin can also work at hotter temperatures. I have like a whole essay about this that I still intend to post lol.) However, the puppets have been modified to have more flexible and sensitive skin - dexterity in exchange for some durability. They're more susceptible to the perception of cold than they would be if they were a still a superstructure. Many of them also dislike snowscapes on principle, because they've been freezing their decaying metal butts off for centuries by the time CDSS happens.
Iterators in both forms are very moist, so if it's cold past their limits, their mechanical components will freeze. And like with hypothermia in fully organic beings, prolonged time in extreme cold will lead to tissue death and organ failure. Superstructures with fractured exteriors (direct exposure of internal parts to the cold air) are especially susceptible to this.
Misc theory about superstructures: Moon's superstructure was able to stay intact into Saint's era because she collapsed straight down into the water, preserving most of her shape. The canyon water could have provided the pressure and circulation she needed in the absence of gravity cores, as well as protection against land pests and insulation against the cold. Remnant slag could have her generate excess heat as well, which would keep the water surrounding her unfrozen. In a way, dying like that could have helped her live longer?!
Thanks for the question anon, this was very fun :P
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lumiereandcogsworth · 7 months
where is your ranch?🤠
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scootersscooter · 4 months
Idk guys Mighty Med was just such a good show. The characters were incredibly well rounded and had a lot of personality. The show had incredible relationships between the characters, especially when it came to Kaz and Oliver's friendship (and dare I even say the budding romantic relationship between Oliver and Skylar). The world building was great and easily lent itself toward both serious and goofy situations. The plot had lots of twists and turns that never felt like too much. I feel that it's very overlooked, especially when competing with Lab Rats, but I think that Mighty Med does a lot better with less time while managing to have better characterization and character development than Lab Rats could ever dream of having. Go watch Mighty Med guys. Please <3.
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elalalune · 11 months
What if Law is a White Queen candidate? And when the Red and Heart kingdoms separate, he's the one that becomes the new White Queen?
In an AU of this AU he could be 🤔 not sure how he'll feel after going through 3 different roles in his lifetime though
My thoughts on the main AU is that White and Red are based off chess pieces and one of their ways to become a Queen is through Pawn promotion. Since Luffy is technically a Pawn here, he has the ability to become a Queen (not all Pawns can just become Queen though, they'll have to go through highly specific conditions or have the right drive/characreristics for it). And Law was a Knight candidate that was promoted from a Pawn before the shift, so he could've become a Queen candidate if he stayed on a Pawn's role
Also unlike chess, this is the process for the Pawn's roles: Pawn —> "Queen/Bishop/Rook/Knight" candidate —> Queen/Bishop/Rook/Knight (whichever role they picked to be a candidate of)
The Pawn "_" candidates can go back to being a Pawn but they cant pick any other option once they chose the role (ex. Pawn becomes Bishop candidate, goes back to being a Pawn, can't become a Rook candidate)
It's different for those that are already born to be candidates of their position. Not all Queens/Bishops/Rooks/Knights came from Pawns. Once someone else already has taken their potential role, they simply lose that candidate role.
Heart doesnt have the Pawn method of choosing though and most of the time Red and White's Queen candidates were picked the same way as Heart
I do like the idea of Luffy, Law and Kid being the next gen of Queens but I'm still not sure if I really want that because I might change my mind later 😅
It doesn't really matter to me though because I'm only focusing on Shanks' and Buggy's story, so feel free to think of who's who in the next generation ^-^
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