#i love will woob <3
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um no google i don't think he is
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izzyspussy · 1 year
You said asks so NO PRESSURE but since you said S1 RoyJamie I now can’t stop trying to imagine it with a more realistic Roy and/or whatever other departures from the zeitgeist you would enact 👀 👀 👀 if you wanted to say anything more about that that would be exciting
Okay so, re: my tags about it being different than everyone else's that you eyeballed like. Maybe I'm just too aromantic for All This, but the biggest reason I usually don't love the season 1 royjamies that are already out there is because I feel like they warm up to each other emotionally and catch feelings and all that way too fast and imho without much actual romancing? Like, they have sex a few times and then they're like okay I was totally wrong you've never done anything wrong in your life. Which like honestly....... boring.
And my second biggest issue is usually more with Jamie's characterization than Roy's! (I mean I do always wish people wouldn't slough off a lot of Roy's anger and other various Problems and all, but that's consistent lmao). But like season 1 fics make Jamie such a woob and a sadsack and take away his agency quite a bit, like all his bad behavior is someone else's fault - and like, okay, to a degree, I GUESS, but like...... idk man him having a reason to act that way doesn't make it less of a choice that he made.
I also think there's way too much emphasis on him being protected and rescued, which like, listen. I love a good romantic rescue as much as the next guy, but it was also something I really loved in the show that Jamie got to defend himself. He got to decide to be fed up, he got to fight back. And!! He always had a belligerent do-your-worst attitude, which he maintained all the way up through season 3 to the end!! I love that about him and I find it lacking in general, but especially in season 1 fics when it should be most present, when Jamie has the most people and reason to be defensive.
Anyway, back to the first thing. I do think that having sex with each other would change their perspectives of each other significantly, but not necessarily toward romance or even friendship. Like, their Feelings develop totally independently of their physical relationship! Besides which, I feel like there's this really interesting stage in any enemies-to-whatever type of relationship, especially when it starts with a (literal) Bang, where they stop seeing each other as The Enemy and start seeing each other as a living, breathing, vulnerable human being who they happen to be enemies with. And I feel like in a lot of enemies-to-whatever things that stage is sorely neglected, and I think it would be an ESPECIALLY interesting - and vital - stage for royjamie.
So if (IF) I ever wrote one myself, it would still start with a literal Bang. They'd impulsively have sex. Not exactly hate sex, because neither of them can really hate someone they're having sex with - but that's the perspective shift isn't it. They can't hate each other anymore, but that doesn't mean they start to like each other or even really care that much about each other.
So anyway, they would sleep together, and they'd both be way different in bed than they thought the other would be. And they're a little bit mean, not quite in a fun sexy way, but not quite enough to be hurtful either. And then they'd do it again a few times, and they'd be vastly humanized to each other. But they'd still be just coworkers with workplace tension who are fucking and also sometimes Jamie stays for dinner just because they both get lonely and it's only polite for whoever lives in the place they're at to offer. They're slightly more than tolerating each other. They're empathizing with each other and being incredibly intimate - off the clock - and it's a bit weird but a bit not weird and they're just going with it because. well. what else are you gonna do.
And then I'd have them stop sleeping together when Jamie gets transferred, without ever moving into that What Are We stage nevermind any further along than that. And then they become friends, semi-long distance. Texting and stuff. Kind of like the fic Waterfalls, which idr but might be gen. But also I'd probably have it even more of a slow burn than that, at least wrt Roy learning about James. Just because like... another thing I feel like happens a lot is that people have Character A find out about James and then suddenly they like Jamie after that and all. And I don't really like that either, I liked that they had all bonded at least a little before That Whole Thing in canon as well, and I'd want to keep that. OR maybe even bump it up a bit, but have them not suddenly be buddies after it. It would be interesting to explore mixed feelings on that front, where maybe Roy feels protective of Jamie and angry on his behalf, but without having a fully formed (if reluctant, at that point in canon) personal relationship with him.
But anyway so. It wouldn't really be enemies-to-lovers. It would be enemies-to-not-quite-strangers-who-fuck-and-are-intimate (I know allos cannot handle this concept, at least when I bring it up as something I want irl lmfao, they just don't get it! but listen. it happens, it can happen, and it can be pretty good too!), then half-hearted-enemies-again-to-friends, and then friends-to-lovers.
And WHO can say what I'd do or not do with Keeley. But I also hate when she gets just completely written out of the dynamic because I feel like that doesn't make a whole lot of sense and also is a bit boring. Even if it's not an OT3 endgame, I still feel like she should be all kinds of up in their business.
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dootznbootz · 6 months
In response to your latest post (the one with sticks in the mud): Honestly i love this vibe you bring into the epic cycle, you're literally my fav blog on tumblr bc of how well you menage to ballance seriousness and silliness, love all your posts (especially water wife ones tho) <3
Oh, Thank you so much! That means so much! You're so kind, dear anon! I'm genuinely honored that you consider me a fave blog! <3 🥹
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There are so many folks who AREN'T stuck in the mud but the folks who ARE usually are loud about it. And so it felt good to vent that out :D I'm NOT a professional or in school for classics/ancient history, so sometimes I get worried as the last thing I want to do is disrespect and/or screw up in that.
I've been told that I "woobify" when I'm definitely not trying to (at least in matters where there's nothing to woob. lol stuff gets dark ofc) and I...don't know if I do?? At least nothing TOO crazy. Ofc, you are soft with your loved ones, who isn't? That doesn't mean they don't do messed up things either.
I'm happy having fun and being silly! :D
And I love it when people join in!
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bthump · 2 years
wait, that makes me very curious as to your tastes. what do you look for in darker ships vs. what don't you enjoy?
Sure, I'm always happy to talk about what I'm into, thanks for asking. cutting this because it's just me navel gazing.
I think the biggest factor for me is how straightforward the power dynamic is vs whether it's subverted or weirdly convoluted. I find powerful evildoer/woob boring as hell 9 times out of 10. It's why I didn't properly ship Hannigram until season 3 when I realized that Hannibal was actually the pathetic woob of the relationship. And it's why Loustat doesn't really do anything for me, especially in the show - I really enjoy both characters, but Lestat's abusive patriarch to Louis' downtrodden depressed housewife is just not compelling to me.
The only times I can really get into straightforward evildoer/victim type dynamics is if I just want someone to torture my fave lol, and in those cases it's not about being emotionally invested in the ship, it's just about being kind of a sadist.
And like, one of the reasons I love griffguts is because Griffith is the colder, more aloof, more socially powerful one, and he's the one who ruins his own life over Guts and ends up in a torture chamber. I love the emotional vulnerability that's at odds with how he presents himself. And it's why I'm into Guts being toppy/dominant rather than Griffith, it's just more fun for me when the sexual dynamic is a reversal of the rest of the power dynamic. I want the king to get fucked by his loyal subject, rather than the king fucking his loyal subject, basically.
I'm also into like, bossy/confident/commanding sub bottoms, awkward dom tops, sub tops and dom bottoms, super powerful characters who turn into total subs in bed, etc. Yk, anything that isn't the traditional confident suave active dommy top/awkward naive passive subby bottom dynamic lol.
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rottingmanifesto · 1 year
3 for the ask game. I love violence.
3. Description or worst take you’ve seen on Tumblr
2017 fanart for m3. The Lincoln x Giorgi shit is fucking WILD (and hilarious, admittedly). As for takes specifically, I think it’s more of the general “woob”ifying (which I define as the stripping of cultural, historical, and story-based context in favor of modern day standards and morals) that I see rather than any specific take— not a mafia-specific issue, to be clear, but still.
There’s also a few specifics but I’ll tell you in DMs if you wanna know
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polyhexianchicken · 9 months
SURPRISE. Merry Christmas/New Years message for you too! Another year, another countless amount of laughs and good moments. Whirl's always at the back of my head woobily woobing around, love how you write him and I look forward to more of the delightfully drunken and high CHICKEN MAN CHICKEN MAN CHICKEN MAAAAAAN
God damn, and just when I thought I could eacape that song 🤣 aaah thank youuu <3! On to another year of syncing braincells!
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zehl0w · 3 years
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I think they would all have very obvious best girls
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
If you still want something for that “fic you wish I’d write post”, I’ve always loved how you tend to remind people that Sam is a guy, despite fandoms attempt to feminize him a bit, and I’d love to see a fic kind of showcasing that more, if that makes any sense? It just feels like the fandom version of Sam who is a soft sweet cinnamon roll who’s very in touch with his emotions has taken over a bit and I love that your writing always makes an effort not to do that, and I always crave more of it <3 if you don’t wanna write a fic and instead just wanna talk about this in a post tho I’d be happy with that!
hey bud!
I don't know if I could write a whole-fic that's *about* that but I do try to just have it in any fic I do write, lol. It's an understanding that underpins every word, ideally. I just... really, really hate soft sweet cinnamon roll Sam. I hate spineless wobbly weepy woob!Sam. I hate Sam who pins on big anime eyes and goes, Dean, do you really--like me??? I hate christian lesbian Sam. I hate everything about whoever the fuck this guy is:
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I really really love Sam Winchester, as he is on screen (big chunks of Dabb Era aside, lol), and idk why that's so. Hard to find. I was lamenting about this earlier -- why is it so hard to find a Sam who's just... tough and optimistic and determined and dorkily funny sometimes and long-suffering and who loves his brother and who doesn't really love anyone else and who stands tall on two legs and looks the world in the face, clear-eyed, and knows himself, and always and forever just stands up, no matter what? I love that guy. And every time I watch an episode I see him, leaping off the screen. Yeah, he goes through changes, and he's a different guy in s1 than he is in s4 and then s9 and then s13, but... he really is pretty coherent as a whole-text presentation, and that presentation is adult and masculine and fascinating. I'm not sure why the fanon where he's otherwise is so popular -- but then, fandom's always been more interested in itself than it is in the text.
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derekmorganscrocs · 4 years
Nancy Drew 2x7 Thoughts While Watching
I’m gonna cut down on how much I actually because I’m starting to find myself not enjoying the show as much. ANYWAY here we go:
Yo what’s up with the intro-
Ooh investigator Nancy! Oh, investigator Nancy... organizing files. Yay. Hole punching...
CHRIST ODETTE WTF- George really said be gone thot! Nick is so concerned. AW BESS KNOWS NICKS COFFEE ORDER, BFFS! He knows, HE KNOWS!!
Nancy is like wtf are these girls doing here, how did they find me. She has disappointed big sister energy
The towels omg “it’s a little embarrassing.” Ace is so chill. AMANDA- HES so nervous omg wait. IS NANCY JEALOUS??? There’s no way ace isn’t crushing on Amanda omfg that was so cute he was so nervous awe
Nick and Ryan are hanging!!! Omg no they’re not they are not vibing rn. Ryan actually looking into the fam is lowkey impressive. Nick panicking rn “just trust me a little while longer pls” HIS VPICE THERE WOO
“It’s like downtown abbey” does this imply that ace watches that- ACE BABYSITTING!!! ACE IS BABYSITTING AYE DONT OFFEND MY MAN (lol baby white boy smile) “he watches downtown abbey” sent me
NOT THE NICK/GEORGE ARGUMENT “your eye bags could carry groceries” odette go away ma’am. Your time here is done bye bye
“Gimme a dollar, to engage my services” PSH PLS SUPPORTIVE BOYFRIENDS! Caryan vibez <3 (satire, I ship them as a joke, but they’re co-parenting for sure) (Ryan flipping through his wallet pls) MY MAN CARSON GOING FOR THE FITTYS “btw that’s why my father is so... messed up.” espionage ryan! NO HES SO CONCERNED FOR NANCY OK DADDY RYAN! WAIT THAT CAME OUT WRONG
george is the voice of reason here omg “ghosts can’t be your go to.” YES LOGIC! OH RICH GIRL BESS COME THRU!
Sleuth sisters are my dream crew
Ace is failing at babysitting. “Help me” NICK AND ACE BRO-PARENTING COLLEGE GIRLS OMFG
creepy mini elevator- dumb waiter my bad. My hero girls! Pls the basement is scary. Sleuth sisters! I’m calling them that now. BLOOD
SERIAL KILLER I TOLD YALL I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! A WHITE MAN, NO! (Y’all see what I did there, yk where that’s from) Jk but men are pretty scary sometimes-
GHOST SCAM! Genius dude. lol heyyy Amanda remember that time we saved you??? “A thief not a hacker” I KNKW A HACKER
“You don’t cook pancakes in the oven, who raised you-“ SMOKE ALARM! “ACE pls don’t go, pls” STOP THE BRO-PARENTING FAILURE PLS-
THATS GEORGE OMFG WHAT THE FUCK GIRL WHAT oh she’s gonna have to tell them abt odette
George has voodoo powers or something I swear. “You did an exorcism without me?” I LOVE BESS’ GREEN SHIRT ONG ITS SO CUTE. “Odette can you hear us!?”
“Before you can say jawline” BESS STOP WE DONT LIKE TAMARA OR HIS EXCELLENT JAWLINE! FRENCH ACCENT OK WHAT “no, Bess. That’s odette” sassy Nancy omg. Not the hellhounds- SHES A MURDERER
SMORT NANCY! GPS tracking. A bus station? AW BIG SIS NANCY! aw this poor girl, and Nancy relation y’all me too. pls Nancy sharing her tragic backstory. If we don’t get updates on this girl and Nancy and Jen being friends I’ll be sad.
“you ran back to daddy the first chance you got” NICK OK “some sob story about max the bully” nick pls- RYAN SOB STORY HAS ME SOBBING. No I cannot bond with him he’s a bad guy. BUT HE CARES ABOUT NANCY. NICK AND RYAN DUO IS GOOD!! MORE.
GEORGE CRYING ONG “he wakes up every night screaming. He has nightmares of me dying in his arms” STOP. Bess standing up to odette es my girl bess coming in clutch.
ACE CHECKING ON HIS COMPUTER PATIENT. “The flirting wasn’t a ruse” why did I say ow. Like actually I said ow. I knkw he’s fictional but my brain doesn’t seem to comprehend.
“He’s going to his bfs house!” When Ryan ditches nick, she thinks he’s going to ask Carson for help
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She almost burned her hand off in the hot air from a bag of popcorn, I can’t with this bish
“Oh is that spider woobs!”
“Y’all gonna die- George already died once like this week too-“
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atozfic · 3 years
God i hate him so much, pls.
I wanted to slap those expressions off his face, think he could smirk at me just like that??? Nah shawty, he's so🙄🙄🙄
Not appreciating the woobies being exposed FOR HALF THE VIDEO LIKE, THE DISRESPECT???? EVEN THE SONG CHOICE.
Jung wooyoung sleeping out tonight 🙄🙄
(I've sent a few asks here already but i am pretty sure you'll be seeing me alot so can i be 🦊 anon?)
jung wooyoung is not jung wooyoung is he doesn't serve us a healthy plate of woobs. fr tho, he sleeping in the driveway tonight. 🤸‍♀️
of course you can be 🦊 anon! welcome to my small but very loved list of anons. <3
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...And If I Did, You Deserved It by Will Wood is such a Nightmare-coded song honestly.
"But I'm deserving every word they could begin to apply, at least they know now..."
"I'm poisonous, not toxic; I'll admit when I'm wrong, but only to be right,"
"Don't meet your idols... hey, fuck you, I'm your idol!"
"I'm a Cancer, I'm malignant, yeah, you wanna stay away! My heart's FUCKING empty and I'm trying to fill it up!! But it's not big enough for the both of us!"
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radio-charlie · 4 years
tagged by the cool @tefillah everyone go follow their new blog. theyre cool 
zodiac: i go by sidereal charts now so, taurus rising aquarius sun and... leo moon lol dont hold it against me
height: 5′4′’ >_>
last thing i googled: ‘malaysian featherduster’. wanted to show some swedish friends how we use actual chicken feathers over here
song stuck in my head: when i woke up it sure as hell was smth else but now its fucking We Like To Eat At Souplantation
number of followers: a little over 500 i think. i dont really check anymore
amount of sleep: varies a lot. sometimes 4 sometimes 9
lucky number: err idk at this point. but i do know which numbers i love the most and they are 5, 6 and 9
favorite song: the first 9 seconds of Psycho, Pt 2 by Russ
favorite instrument: i like piano, koto and jazz guitar. also those synths that go woob
dream job: running a late night diner where tired and unhappy ppl can come rest and relax after a long day. smth like midnight diner, a small and cozy place where the menu changes all the time
aesthetic: normie but with one thing that seems slightly off lol. if i were still the shopping type i’d go strega or mori boy more often
favorite author: my current favorite authors/poets are katherine mansfield, ursula k. leguin, philip larkin, and sara stridsberg. extremely problematic honorable mention lol but rn im reading the lost heart of asia by colin thubron and it is replete w -isms as one can expect from a cis male british author writing travelogues in that era. but his technique is really good and i admire how deftly he weaves emotional narratives into details of his surroundings  
favorite animal noises: birds suddenly going WARK and the weird little snorts and whines seals make
random: getting really into tiktok now as an easy way to make videos and im finding that i really enjoy it. it doesnt matter that the most likes ive ever gotten on one is like, 3. i just like making little stories this way
tagging @pekorosu @homestasis @barnsburntdownnow @gilgilalah @fayummummyportrait @aeschylus-stan-account @longwander @minwarra @snailfieldtrip 
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marinersubmariner · 4 years
I watched The Rise of Skywalker again. But here’s a curveball for you!
Things I Like in The Rise of Skywalker
Babu Frik
The dead speak!
The little GPS in the wayfinder is so cute
The descent into the underworld on Exegol
Threepio is actually really funny the whole time. Although if you’re supposed to be emotional about “taking one last look at my friends” it does not work at all since Poe in particular is never not a total asshole to him. But maybe Threepio just thinks being an asshole is how everyone expresses friendship given his history with R2 and like... every other character
The music in the Tatooine scene is beautiful, it has a deep sense of melancholy to it that resonates with how I feel at that point in the movie
Rey staring up at the lightning on Exegol, as the shot flies out into the stars it gives a very good hypnotic effect that really sells the Force meditation
“General.” “General.”
Lightspeed skipping is dumb and way too frantic but it looks neat, I like seeing weird new places however briefly
Babu Frik
Ben Solo lightsaber behind the back exhale
Funnily enough I never liked Han’s “shoot without looking” move in TFA, it’s very tryhard “look how cool Han is” superhero bullshit... but I love Ben repeating it here, just because it’s a small moment that really quickly and obviously conveys SOLO, in addition to Ben’s confident decisiveness in his True Form
.......just Ben Solo
Rey and Zorii and “I care.” That lightsaber vs. blaster standoff pose is cool and reminds me a little of Mando and Cara with their blasters on the ground while Baby Yoda sips soup
Babu Frik
When Rey chops the wing off Kylo’s TIE and it wobbles really stupidly before it crashes, it makes me laugh. There’s like a Three Stooges woob woob woob playing in my head
Those little fennec fox looking things in that one establishing shot on Pasaana. CREATURES!!! TLJ is the only one of these movies that really went for prominent incidental creatures with the porgs and vulptex and I love shit like that for worldbuilding
Finn holding the lightsaber in the snake cave. Finn and Rey and Ben all using the same lightsaber.............. I’m fine
Rey using Chewie’s bowcaster
D-O’s “no thank you” (although I liked this a lot better before I knew it was JJ doing the voice. Now I mostly hear JJ which is a bummer)
The lightsaber hand-off is still the very best. Objects passing through the Force bond culminating in Rey and Ben using that to be TRICKSTERS. Friendship is magic
Babu Frik
The Luke and Leia flashback feels so old school EU, it makes me happy. Their outfits, the atmosphere, and the glow of the lightsabers are all really good
The little shutter flaps on Rey’s lightsaber emitter
Finn wearing Han-style pants with the stripe down the side
That lens flared close-up of Ben’s face in the Pasaana desert....... seeing Ben in full sunlight............ it’s... nice..........
Rey conjuring Force lightning is cool
The leap over the TIE is also very cool
“I’ll come tell you.” sassy
There’s always that one dude at the board meeting who has to trash talk the evil wizards. They never learn
Our lord and savior Babu Frik
“The daughter of Vader” and “the Princess of Alderaan”
SHE WAS IN MY QUARTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Kylo picks up the wayfinder in the Death Star throne room and Rey immediately ignites her lightsaber, the way he then drops his hand in exasperation at her instant hostility is so funny
The aerial shot of the Knights of Ren standing on a rock doing nothing. Amazing
Falcon thrusters into the Star Destroyer hangar and Kylo hanging on while everybody else gets blown over
OCEAN MOON. I have a whole thing about water and rain in Star Wars, mostly because of Kamino. I just like water. And its relation to Rey as a child of the desert, and water as life and the ocean as a journey into tumult and darkness and discovery. I like that we had snow in TFA and water here and how it counters Episode 3 and Mustafar. Those giant waves are rad
Rey climbing in wreckage
Dumb anime Force jumps
Melting Palpatine is gruesome but I kinda like it. Also really like him dangling from a robot arm
The surprise on Ben’s face when Rey heals him and the surprise on Rey’s face when Ben heals her................... elmofire.gif
Not only Ben’s smile but his little laugh fuckfuckfuckfuckkcuffjjffhfgffff
Babu Frik the one true king
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erriga · 5 years
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My musical-theatre group is currently doing “Tanz”, and I got to say...I kinda fell in love. I mean, how many other stories there are, where the main hero not only is an adorkable ball of woob, is shit-scared 80% of his screetime, doesn’t even win at the end, but still comes of as this brave and badass character?
So yeah, this here is just a little drawing I made. Mostly to channel my inner angst, but I’m still rather happy with how it turned out  :3
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lord-armitage · 6 years
Kylo Ren :3
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: Very passionate, a very skilled fighter, has massive woob eyes, his body can shield you from hurricanes worst quality: doesn’t know what he’s doing and keeps making things worse for himself ship them with: Hux brotp them with: Reyneeds to stay away from: The Dark Sidemisc. thoughts: Kylo Ren is perfect and has never did anything wrong fight me  
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t-baba · 4 years
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8. WooCommerce Hide Price & Add to Cart Button Plugin
By hiding the price of the products in your store, you will bring your customers one step closer to purchasing your products. In order to view the price of any product, your customers will need to add the item to their cart. This is a great strategy for converting on more sales. By default, WooCommerce does not have the capability to do this, but the WooCommerce Hide Price plugin offers a simple solution.
Here are some of the notable features this plugin offers: 
hide price for registered and unregistered users
hide price for user groups and countries
hide price for specific products and categories
replace price with custom text
replace "add to cart" with custom text
Check out this WooCommerce Pricing plugin in action!
9. Improved Sale Badges for WooCommerce
The Improved Sale Badges for WooCommerce plugin transforms your default WooCommerce sale badges into attractive badges that will grab your customers’ attention instantly. 
You can modify the badge styles based on the items you have for sale or the season or holiday, using the great presets included in the plugin. The plugin seamlessly integrates itself into the WooCommerce interface.
User SuperCoolTotes says:
“Quality plugin. Works as expected with lots of customisation options. Regular updates with new features. Using with Flatsome theme, works with no problems.”
10. WooCommerce Volume Discount Coupons
WooCommerce Volume Discount Coupons provides automatic discounts and coupons based on the quantity of products in your customer’s cart. Volume discounts are only effective if your customers know they exist, and this extension makes sure they’re aware by displaying discounts directly on relevant products.
11. WooCommerce Coupons Countdown
WooCommerce Coupons Countdown is a WooCommerce coupon code plugin that provides attractive coupon codes and lets you show real-time countdown counters on your e-commerce site. This helps to create a sense of urgency in shoppers by making them aware that a bargain is about to expire.
User bertlio says:
"I was searching for a coupon plugin that offers these specific features and I'm so glad it works so well! Easy, effective and opens a world of possibilities!”
12. WooCommerce Social Reward and Coupon
WooCommerce Social Reward / Coupon provides you with a way to reward your customers when they share or like your products on social media with discounts and coupon codes.
User communiquemedia says:
“What can I say your solution is neat and it works both technically and as a sales tool. Without the social reward plugin, sales and social interactions dropped.”
13. WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features PRO
WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features PRO allows you to create rules that, when met, reward your customers with coupons, discounts, or free products. You can also allow your customer to choose between gifts, allow coupons to be automatically added to the user’s cart, and allow a cart discount to be applied based on quantity or subtotal of matching products.
User yanikphoto says:
“Adding free products automatically to cart has increased our sales by 20%! Love this plugin!”
14. Custom WooCommerce Discounts
Custom WooCommerce Discounts provides a flexible method for offering discounts to customers in your online store. It also allows you to set various conditions for applying discounts to different products.
Shipping WooCommerce Plugins
Pricing plugins are great, but there are actually more shipping WooCommerce plugins to consider. Everyone wants sales, but who wants to talk about shipping? In actuality, shipping is where more money can be saved and customers feel more empowered. And if customers are paying less for shipping, that gives them more money to spend on your products, instead of sending money to the shipping company.
Here are several different shipping plugins that approach shipping in many different ways. I'm sure you'll find something that fits your need.
15. WooCommerce Partial Orders
Having a comprehensive and up-to-date order management system is vital for your online store's success. Currently, there is no way to record which items in an order have been shipped. Ultimately, this will affect the relationship between your business and your customers in a negative way. With WooCommerce Partial Orders, you will be able to record which items in an order have been shipped, which will improve your relationship with your customers.
Here are some of the important features of the plugin:
add shipments to each order item
track orders
add shipments for order items in bulk
automatically set the order status
fully customize partial order email to customer
16. Shipping Details Plugin for WooCommerce
This is a great feature to add for your customers and build customer loyalty. The Shipping Details Plugin for WooCommerce allows customers to enter a shipment tracking number and track their order—as well as email when the order is marked complete.
Features include:
supports up to 5 tracking numbers per order
includes courier details via email
supports 140 couriers
and more
Provide shipping and tracking details directly to your customers using the Shipping Details Plugin for WooCommerce.
17. WooCommerce Dropshippers
Dropshipping isn't something every WooCommerce website is going to need.
But if you do? You'll want WooCommerce Dropshippers.
"For every sale made, the dropshipper will receive a mail notification with the customer’s address where to ship the goods. After the shipment is complete, the dropshipper will be able to notify the store admin of the completed operation."
Features include:
integrated currency converter for dropshippers
PayPal payment and earnings tracker
dropshipper notification of sales
notification for order evasion
send store slips to clients
robust admin features
custom dashboard
and more
WooCommerce Dropshippers is the dropshipping shipping plugin for WooCommerce.
18. WooCommerce Shipping Tracking
Let your customers easily track their orders with the WooCommerce Shipping Tracking plugin.
"You will be able to associate to every order a shipping company and a tracking number."
This shipping tracking offers more features than the aforementioned tracking plugin, with deeper customization and a more modern interface.
Features include:
tracking codes sent via email and included on order details page
create your own shipping company tracking URLs
optional delivery date fields in checkout page
over 40 shipping companies
multiple shipping tracking
and more
WooCommerce Shipping Tracking offers tight integration with WooCommerce and a great service to customers.
19. Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce
Set up your own list of conditions and costs used to determine shipping options for your customers using the Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce.
"This table rate method for WooCommerce has the ability to add multiple rates for a given customer based on a variety of conditions set by admin. These can include shipping destination, cart subtotal, item shipping class, price, weight, and so much more."
Not only is it one of the best table rate shipping plugins for WooCommerce, it's one of the best shipping WooCommerce plugins.
Features include:
create multiple instances and options per method and add shipping titles and descriptions
add conditions like price, quantity, weight, dimensions, shipping class, categories, specific products, and dates
numerous cost types, including flat, percentage, and different multipliers
package grouping by order, item, or class
translation and WPML ready
and more
If you know anything about table rate shipping, you know you're going to want Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce.
20. Powerful Shipping Methods
This feature-rich WooCommercce shipping plugin will give you a hassle-free experience when managing the shipping for your online store. The plugin uses simple rules to help you manage the shipping of your products, which will fit the needs of your specific business. 
"This is a very robust plugin that is well supported. If you are looking for a tool to calculate delivery rates based on distance, this plugin will do it. The author was very helpful and prompt in fixing the issues I had on my site."
Check out some of the important features of this WooCommerce WordPress plugin. 
label on checkout page
custom error messages
shipping cost calculations
create rules based on 14 different variables
Powerful Shipping Methods is a must-have for all your shipping management needs!
21. WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses
Allowing customers to have more than one address associated with their profile can be very handy. If you only allow one address, it's a bother for users who may want to send a gift to a friend or loved one, as they have to "update" their address details to send the shipment to any other place than their personal address.
WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses shatters that bothersome mechanic and allows customers to associate multiple addresses to their profile!
Features include:
apply different addresses for different products in the same cart
switch billing and shipping addresses in the checkout
a customer can add, edit, and delete addresses
EU VAT optional field
and more
The WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses plugin should happily find its place in every WooCommerce-powered store with shipping options.
22. WooCommerce Weight-Based Shipping
The WooCommerce Weight-Based Shipping is an especially important WooCommerce shipping plugin for businesses dealing with heavy products.
"Weight Based Shipping is a simple yet flexible shipping method for WooCommerce focused mainly on cart weight (but not limited to) to calculate shipping cost. Plugin allows you to add multiple rules based on various conditions."
Features include:
table rate shipping options
supports shipping classes
flat rate and weight step
flexible price calculation
and more
The WooCommerce Weight-Based Shipping plugin may be the perfect shipping solution for your business.
23. WooCommerce Cart-Based Shipping
While the WooCommerce Cart-Based Shipping plugin does include some elements of weight-based shipping, its focus is a little different in its options. The shipping calculation hinges on three methods:
subtotal price
number of items in the cart
total weight
"For example, the higher the subtotal or weight of the cart, or the more items a customer is purchasing, the higher the shipping rate may be."
Features include:
multiple instances based on WooCommerce shipping zones
set minimum or maximum shipping prices
set up shipping classes for free shipping
a customizable shipping label
WPML compatible
and more
WooCommerce Cart Based Shipping hits a nice sweet spot for WooCommerce shipping plugins.
24. USPS WooCommerce Shipping
The USPS WooCommerce Shipping plugin allows you to seamlessly manage your shipments for your online store within the USA as well as worldwide. The package tracking and shipping rate features alone make this plugin worth every penny.
Here are some of the notable features this plugin offers: 
live shipping rates available in shopping cart and checkout page
parcel tracking
add markup or margin to shipping rates
use shipment boxes in rates calculation
Integrate the USPS WooCommerce Shipping plugin into your store today!
25. WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping
This has got to be one of the more remarkable shipping WooCommerce plugins.
You can charge shipping based on distance with the WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping plugin. This is the perfect plugin for WooCommerce-based businesses that deliver their own goods.
Features include:
supports multiple store locations
custom shipping method names
create flexible prices
multi-language ready
and more
If you need to use distance to calculate delivery costs, then the WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping plugin is perfect for you!
26. Conditional Free Shipping
Adding free shipping to products in your store is a powerful way to entice your customers to make a purchase. WooCommerce has very limited functionality when it comes to setting up free shipping for your products.
With Conditional Free Shipping, you will have the freedom to set up free shipping based on a wide range of settings of your choice. This includes setting up free shipping by the number of items in a cart, by specific country, or by product categories. Conditional Free Shipping will allow you to set up the free shipping that fits your business model. 
This WooCommerce plugin even allows you to display an encouraging message to your customers above the shopping cart to motivate them to purchase.
Conditional Free Shipping will make a great addition to your online store that your customers will appreciate. 
27. WooCommerce Advanced Shipping
WooCommerce Advanced Shipping allows you to create your own shipping rates based on specified conditions like weight, quantity of items, country, etc. This gives you flexibility in what you charge when. 
User eyelabgr says: 
Very nice plugin that gives you a lot of flexibility when it comes to shipping choices and charges. I've been using it for about a year without any problems.
28. Canada Post WooCommerce Shipping Plugin
This Canada Post WooCommerce Shipping Plugin integrates the Canada Post system with your WooCommerce website. It provides customers with live shipping rates in their shopping cart and at checkout, allows you to create Canada Post PDF Shipment Labels, and offers up-to-date package information from Canada Post’s Parcel Tracking service. Can be used to ship within Canada as well as worldwide.
User Afsaneh says:
“The support is very efficient and the plugin simple and very well developed. This is the best solution (price and features) for using Canada Post.”
29. WooCommerce Cart Based Shipping
WooCommerce Cart Based Shipping works alongside your WooCommerce store by adding a new shipping method directly to your WooCommerce settings that will allow you to set different shipping rates based on the items a customer has in their cart. 
The three calculation methods are: by the number of items in the cart, by the subtotal price, and by weight. For example, the higher the subtotal or weight of the cart, or the more items a customer is purchasing, the higher the shipping rate may be.
User designpoint says:
“This is a simple, inexpensive plugin that does exactly what it says.”
WooCommerce Product Options Plugins
These plugins help you sell customized products.
30. WooCommerce Product Filter
WooCommerce Product Filter is an all-in-one filter for WordPress ecommerce plugins that offers unlimited options for your customers to filter by any criteria to find exactly what they’re looking for. The WooCommerce plugin is quick and easy to set up, and the admin user interface makes it a breeze to fully customise how the filter looks and works. 
User 119creative says:
“This plugin has been a life-saver for me! I had a request from a client and this was exactly what I needed! It took me a while to get up to speed with it as I hadn't really needed to create anything like this before, but the customer support was awesome ...very quick and very detailed! It helped me get things working exactly how I needed them to in no time at all!”
31. WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit
For those times when you need to make storewide changes, there is WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit. This WordPress eCommerce plugin allows you to perform tasks like easily creating discounts for a large number of items, creating product variations, changing stock, editing attributes, or changing product images. Products and variations are displayed in a spreadsheet-like table and can be edited in bulk or individual cells.
User onsens says:
“This should be in WooCommerce by default. It boosted my productivity by nearly 100% as it is way easier to add and edit products with this plugin. Customizability is pretty high as well.”
32. WOOF
WOOF extends the capacity of the WooCommerce plugin by enabling site visitors to search products by categories, custom product attributes, tags, custom taxonomies, and price.
User stay_rad says:
“Excellent support and the plugin works exactly as I needed it to. Thanks so much!”
33. WooCommerce Extra Product Options
WooCommerce Extra Product Options allows you to extend the functions available in your WooCommerce plugin by adding additional product pricing options and add-ons, applying conditional logic to your forms, adding extra styles, image swatches, buttons and other features, as well as being able to control the placement of your new fields within the Form Builder.
User steventaitinger says:
“This WordPress plugin is incredible. It is well designed, simple to use and effective at doing what it says. The author responded quick to detailed pre-purchase requests and after purchase with tips for using its custom CSS option on my site. The price is amazing for what you get! I tried 6 or 8 other options alongside this and this one had not only the best value but also the best options I was looking for.”
As you can see, there are many different shipping and pricing WooCommerce plugins, not to mention the many other types of WooCommerce plugins found on CodeCanyon.
If you're selling a product online that needs to be shipped, you will more than likely find what you're looking for in this list. As I stated before, vanilla WooCommerce is a great place to start. It's important to understand exactly what it can do and figure out what else you may need it to do for it to be even better.
Hopefully, this list will lead you to build a better eCommerce platform, or at the very least, start you thinking about what exactly you can do to level up your online business.
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