#i love watching amateur productions of newsies on youtube
The production of newsies on youtube where racetrack is holdng Jack back from running away in the Sieze the Day fight when Snyder walks up, and Jack says "I can't go back," and race says "no, Jack, I know" and lets him go.
And then when Crutchie is getting beaten up, Jack is on the bridge right above him and again race is holding him back, this time from going to get Crutchie, who sees them and says "Jack, Race, you're RIGHT THERE!" but then they both turn and run.
And then Jack starts Santa Fe by saying "no no no no," like he's waking up from a bad dream.
ETA: here's the link.
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ultimatenomi · 7 years
omg you guys I found my dissertation proposal from like 2013- its got a list of my early resources including a bunch of like youtube videos i have not watched in FOREVER. sidenote: when did we stop doing SIPs? I hadn’t thought about them in ages...
my title was:
#SIP: How has the relationship between audience and performer evolved through the use of online communication?
In today’s society, technology is all around us; cell phones in every pocket, the internet at our fingertips. Every theatre around has their own facebook and twitter page to keep people updated on their latest shows, rates, and offers. In my opinion, audiences have never been as connected to the people they see on stage as they are in our current times. I wish to explore the way in which the relationship between audiences and performers has evolved to where it is now, and argue that it is mutually beneficial to both the economy of the theatre community, as well as to the audiences, many of whom would not be aware of the richness and affordability of live theatre had it not been for the online community. 
Case Studies
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
The first of my case studies is Andrew Keenan-Bolger; who is currently appearing in Newsie’s on Broadway. Since graduating from the University of Michigan he has been employed several times, on national tours, a cruise ship, as well as previously mentioned Broadway. Since June/July 2007 Keenan-Bolger has put out an online vlog entitled “Andrew’s Blog”, which follows himself and his fellow performers’ journeys through each aspect of a working performers’ life. Through the use of online communication, he found an audience wider than that of an ordinary performer, with a following of over 16,000 on twitter alone (@keenanblogger).  He is one of the reasons #SIP (Saturday Intermission Pictures) is a widely utilized hashtag in the Broadway community on twitter. 
Team Starkid
The second of my case studies is Team Starkid; who accidentally founded a theatre company when they posted one of their shows on youtube, a musical parody of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter then entitled “Harry Potter the Musical” now edited under the title of “A Very Potter Musical”. The show ‘went viral’ earning them a wide audience online, which opened them to a wealth of opportunities that have culminated in five live shows published online, two national concert tours, as well as various charity fundraisers and conventions. Because of the nature of their company, their audience can be found across the globe, and their continued existence relies on their strong connection with their audience through online communication.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
  Official websites, twitters, facebooks, and youtube channels:
·       http://www.andrewkeenanbolger.com/
·       http://youtube.com/user/urintown/
·       http://twitter.com/keenanblogger
·       https://www.facebook.com/pages/Andrew-Keenan-Bolger/260341390326
·       http://youtube.com/user/disneyonbroadway
·       http://twitter.com/newsies
 Other relevant youtube resources:
·       http://youtu.be/y9wJVv1dYdc  
o   “A-Sides Interview: Andrew Keenan-Bolger of Newsies” accessed 18th October 2012 thecheappopdotcom
·       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztf4wrwZ5EA
o   “Disney’s NEWSIES on Broadway – Chat Live With the Cast” recorded Feb 16 2012
This was the first ever livestream/chat that any broadway show broadcast online.
·       http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8D1833690CC76619&feature=plcp
o   This is the Newsies playlist on the official Disney on Broadway youtube channel.
 Other relevant resources:
·       http://www.broadwayspotted.com/sip-saturday-intermission-pictures-91512/
o   #SIP (Saturday Intermission Pictures) 9/15/12- by intern
Includes a description/explanation of the #SIP hashtag, giving a little explanation and background.
·       http://www.stage-rush.com/2012/04/newsies-andrew-keenan-bolger-interview/
o   Keenan-Bolger discusses a little of his experience with audiences, including one instance posting online and being greeted at the stage door by far more people than anticipated.
·       http://jkstheatrescene.blogspot.co.uk/2012_06_01_archive.html
o   This site writes about #SIP and gives background information regarding it, and those responsible for bringing it to Broadway audiences.
 Team Starkid
  Official website, twitter, facebook, and youtube channel:
 Other relevant resources:
In this, Darren Criss, one of the founding      members of  TSK (Team Starkid)      addresses his fans directly to thank them for their continued support.
In this, Joey Richter, another of TSK’s      founding members, discusses the doors being in TSK has opened professionally      due to the support of TSK’s fans.
An article about TSK’s second national tour “Apocalyptour”.
 ““We don’t experience the width and depth of our audience, because it is all online,’’ Albain says. “It’s kind of amazing to just see however many tens of thousands — when it’s all said and done — young people getting excited about theater, it doesn’t just happen.’’”
Other resources:
·       Keen, A. (2008) The Cult of the Amateur: How blogs, Myspace, YouTube and the rest of today’s user-generated media are killing our culture and economy.
o   Keen details the ways in which he believes social media is destroying culture. I think this could prove an interesting counter argument.  
·       http://www.whatsonstage.com/blog/theatre/london/E8831335348353/Honour+Bayes:+Digital+Theatre,+are+you+a+believer+or+not?.html
o   This article discusses the arguments for and against live theatre being caught on camera for people to watch, and whether or not audiences can truly get the same experience out of a recording rather than seeing it live.
·       http://www.guardian.co.uk/stage/theatreblog/2012/apr/26/noises-off-social-media-theatre
o   This article discusses the ways in which theatre has utilized social media, for better or for worse.
·       http://mashable.com/2009/06/26/broadway-social-media/
o   This article is written by a Broadway and Off-Broadway producer, and he talks about some of the ways in which Broadway shows have utilized social media as a way of building a relationship with their audiences, such as Broadway’s Rock of Ages “ plays games of 80s trivia with its followers. By interacting with the customer, the shows have succeeded in keeping the product fresh in consumer’s minds, thereby making it that much more likely that the consumer will talk about the product in the next 24 hours.”
I can’t remember exactly how my dissertation ended up- but I know I also ended up including BoM London as a case study....
I even had contacted AKB (through, like, proper channels...) to get to talk with him about it and was told he’d love to- but then I never managed to get a reply from him so i had to do without which was a shame, but ya know- thats life! *that’s liiiiiiiiiife*
I should see if I still have my finished dissertation lying around in a box somewhere (though I’m not holding my breath...)
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I love Spot Conlon when he is a tall gangly South Asian kid with glasses. I love Spot Conlon when she is a short white blonde girl in suspenders and a skirt.
I love when Spot has a wispy little mustache and sideburns and maroon velvet knickerbockers. I love when she rocks a big Afro.
I love Spot dancing and glowering and shadowboxing and riding over the bridge with the other Brooklyn newsies on a motherfucking bicycle.
Spot Conlon isn't about looking a certain way. Spot Conlon is a vibe.
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When Crutchie is a girl it sometimes has this bittersweet "she's in love with him, but he doesn't see her like that" vibe. But my favorite is badass lesbian Crutchie who is unbothered and living her life.
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Santa Fe prologue on YouTube where Jack is so fucking bummed when he delivers the line "you'll be down there soon enough," but genuinely laughs when Crutchie asks him if he has folks. Where Crutchie quietly starts to cry a little after "watch me run" and Jack notices and hands him his jacket to wipe his face on and then pets his arm to comfort him.
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Local theater production of Newsies where, when Crutchie says "you see this, Mr. Pulitzer?" In Sieze the Day, Les crumples up a pape into a ball and pitches it to Crutchie, who bats it with his crutch.
I wish more productions did cool, thinking-outside-of-the-box stuff like this instead of just trying to copy Broadway.
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I swear I've seen a version of Santa Fe prologue where crutchie uses the railing for support to cross to the other side of the fire escape, but after "watch me stand / watch me run," he sort of wakes up and realizes his crutch is way out of reach and he has to painfully go back and get it.
Shit, did I make this up? Please tell me I didn't make this up.
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Hello, high school production of Newsies with girl Davy! I am interested in this dynamic.
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