#i love them so muc😭😭
culxiaa-fn · 1 year
Ahhhh 🫠🫠🫠 someone help meee I miss the Coup/desert gang so much 😭😭 kinda sad after the archon quest they didn't interact much anymore but I miss them so much.
Sure we got Al-Haitham and Cyno interacted a few times after that. And Dehya and Candace are always together 😔 but I need them four together... I hope we have events starring them in the future.
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fear-no-mort · 10 months
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the only thing that matters to me is this extremely specific expression morty does when he’s looking at rick in a fond way
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aliswrldd · 9 months
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i love them sm 😭😭
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crazykuroneko · 6 months
IWTV S1 Recap by Jacob and Sam
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moonstruckme · 8 months
hey, i love your writing so much!! can you do something with remus where reader is really upset over doing bad on an assignment and he comforts her. i had an essay today and i KNOW i failed😭😭i fr need a remmy
Thank you gorgeous! I hope you did better than you thought <3
modern au
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 831 words
Remus can feel some sort of upset building inside you. You’ve been quiet ever since dinner, a glumness accumulating around you like a thick fog. He’d call it a sulk if your usual kindheartedness didn’t seem so intact. But every smile is thin-lipped and you’re making painfully slow progress on your section of the puzzle, your eyes too often going cloudy and distant, off to somewhere Remus can’t follow. 
“Think I’ve got one of yours,” Remus murmurs, pushing a puzzle piece towards you. 
You take it with a low hum of thanks. 
He watches as you put it in your pile. His section of the puzzle isn’t coming along much better; he’s too worried about you to focus. You’re teetering on the edge of some sort of fracturing, he can feel it, and he doesn’t know what to do or how to make it better. 
He tries a new tactic. “Do you feel like some dessert, love? I might nip to the corner store for a sweet.” 
“Sure, that sounds good.” The smile you give him this time is more a grimace than anything else, and then you’re pushing yourself up from where you sit on the floor. “I’m going to go to the restroom.” 
Remus watches you go with a hollow ache in his chest. During dinner, you’d gotten an alert on your phone, and the change had been instant. Your shoulders had drooped at whatever you’d seen, your lips parting and then pressing determinedly together before you’d set your phone on the table, face down. Remus didn’t ask, and you didn’t seem inclined to bring it up. But whatever it was has clearly stuck with you. 
He gives it a few minutes before he follows. You could actually be in the bathroom, but he doubts it; he thinks he knows where you’ve gone. There’s a small gap between the bed and the wall in your bedroom, just barely big enough to walk in.
That’s where he finds you. Slouched in the corner as if you’ve misbehaved. 
“Hey,” he says softly, cramming into the space in front of you. He places his feet on either side of yours, your drawn-up knees slotting between his calves. “Why’re you hiding from me?” 
You’ve got your face covered with your hands, and your voice muffles into them when you speak. Still, the evidence of your crying is audible. “Because I know I’m being stupid.” 
“You’ve never been stupid, not once in your life,” Remus replies lightly. He takes your wrists in his hands, letting his thumbs run over the sensitive skin. “If you tell me what’s wound you up so badly, I can tell you if it’s stupid, but I doubt it is.” 
You lower your hands without his asking. It takes a good deal of self-control not to crumple at the sight of you. Your face is blotchy, a terribly sad downturn to your pretty lips, and when a tear globs and drops from your eye, Remus feels like someone’s thrust their hand into his chest and squeezed.
“You’re too nice to tell me if I’m being stupid,” you say, a teasing note to your voice despite your sorry state. 
Remus goes with it. He nods, faux serious, and gives you a look of great solemnity. “If any stupidity comes to light, I promise to laugh at you for the rest of the night.” 
You start to smile, but it crumples halfway through. “I really messed up.” 
There’s no joking to his seriousness now; he feels his brows bunch as he rubs a path up your forearm, desperate to soothe you. “How, sweetheart?” 
“I did really badly on my essay,” you whimper. “I know it’s dumb to cry about but I just—I really wanted to do well.” 
His heart swells with sympathy, though there’s a bit of relief that comes with it. “That’s not stupid,” he promises you, working his hand up your arm to your shoulder. It’s halfway to a hug, and you lean towards him a little, craving the comfort. “To some people, it might be, but you put so much pressure on yourself about these things.” He kisses your knee. “I’m sorry you’re disappointed, lovely, but it’s going to be okay.” 
You shake your head, sniffling. “The grade’s already in. There’s nothing I can do.” 
“I know,” Remus says apologetically. He moves closer, looking into your eyes so you can see the sincerity in his. Your chin wobbles. “It’s done, but you’ll be alright. You’ll still graduate, get a job. In a year from now you won’t even remember this.” 
You lean forward, pressing your forehead against his. You’re still weeping, but it’s slowing. He sets both hands to your cheeks. “You did your best, sweetheart. Keep trying. You’ll be okay.” 
“Promise you won’t leave me if I fail this class?” you joke.
Your efforts win a rare smile. Remus scrunches his nose against yours. “Promise. It’ll take a lot more than that, you’ve got me all settled in.”
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steviespanties · 14 days
what are your thoughts on omegaverse!harringrove in which alpha!steve gets bitched into an omega by alpha!billy?
(cw for (oblivious) dubcon, insults in a sexy context, mentioned pregnancy kink, omegaverse gender fuckery)
Ah man, I kinda lovee it. Like a scenario where it happens on pure instinct: Billy and Steve wrestle all the time and compete with each other in the beginning, but Billy will always be the one who fights harder and dirtier and Steve inevitably gives in and goes slack in his grip or with Billy's teeth again his throat or the back of his neck.
It just feels right to Steve and he gets all warm and tingly when Billy gets soo satisfied and happy over just holding him down for a while.
They're pretty much attached to the hip already and everyone is confused how they could go from bloody knuckles and bared teeth rivalry to essentially two puppies rolling around in the dirt. No one quite makes the next logical step to "they're fucking" but obviously they are!
And Billy is a kinky fucker, so of course when he's on top he'll call Steve his little omega while he knots him, lube spilling everywhere, Steve moaning through the stretch and how much it turns him on.
But then they also start on these small things in everyday life. Billy ears one of Steve's jackets on a cool autumn day and then keeps it for a week until they go shopping for one for himself. When Steve gets the jacket back it's thoroughly drenched in Billy's pheromones and he doesn't even think of washing it.
Billy comes over a day or two after Steve has been wearing the jacket while running errands and his nose immediately lands in the crook of Steve's neck with a deep inhale. "Shit, you smell so fucking good like this."
It opens a whole new can of worms, because they've been casually scent marking each other before, sure, but not this deliberately. And it's specifically Billy marking Steve that drives them both a little wild. Suddenly there's pretty much always a worn shirt under Steve's pillow that smells of Billy. He hands over jackets and scarves and when they're returned wears them with that growing, tingly happiness in his belly.
And then Billy starts calling him his omega.
It's on top of all the other mean and sweet nicknames he has for Steve, his bitch, his princess, his little slut, bending Steve's legs up to his chest when he fucks him, noses almost touching, telling Steve to open his mouth so he can spit in it. Calling him the perfect little omega when he swallows. Fucking his face and coming all over his nose and chest, telling Steve that a good omega lets his alpha mark him properly.
And he's a good omega for Billy, right?
They're both a bit reckless and thoughtless about the whole thing. They've come to like each other, they move in with each other, they fight and make up quickly, they get a little domestic. Billy's rut comes around and Steve helps him through it as best as he can. It still doesn't prepare him for how exhausted he gets by day three, how his limbs get so heavy and his mind has fogged over with tiredness and pleasure-pain from how fucked out he is.
Billy notices it too and slows down as much as he can, coos into Steve's ear that he's such a good omega, turned himself into nothing but a fuckhole for his alpha. How he can't wait for Steve to get his heat so he can pump him full of pups.
And for a moment, everything swims together inside Steve's mind. The tender ache in his hole. Billy's scent all around him. The months of being called an omega, Billy's omega. The thought of having kids, not just a nebulous concept but a combination of him and Billy growing inside him. It's not just that he wants it- for that blissful moment as he's coming, he truly believes that's what will happen.
It kinda messes with his head afterwards. Makes him sad and confused, because even when the fog lifts and he knows that he's always been an alpha and always will be, he still wants that. So much. It's very hard to put into words though and so all that he manages to do is seek out Billy in less combative ways, staying in skin contact longer, dragging Billy's hands and mouth to his neck when they fuck, allowing Billy to scruff him when that's a line they didn't cross before.
Now, Billy isn't stupid. He notices the shift in behavior. Maybe even a slight shift in scent. But it's been so gradual that it doesn't fully hit home how much has changed until one day when Robin visits from college and comments on how much Steve's scent has mellowed out. It plants a small seed in his mind.
Not enough to fully reflect on everything that's changed, but it has him on alert even more to Steve's moods and condition. Like how he's been getting stomach aches more often, claiming it's probably just gas or indigestion only to get ravenously horny shortly after and begging Billy for his knot.
It's not quite on the level of "we should go see a doctor" until Steve starts getting exhausted more often, bundling up the moment he comes home and the usual time of his rut comes and passes without anything happening.
They both feel very stupid at the doctor's office when they're told they're pretty much fully on track of Steve becoming an omega.
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galaxostars · 8 days
If you had to choose your top five favourite marauders era characters and ships, what would they be?
This question was actually so hardddd haha and I feel like you could ask me again in a month and my answer would be different bc I’m such a multishipper that… yeah xD but for now here it issss :
Fave characters :
1. James Potter : mhm I love myself an arrogant goofball who’s actually smarter than people give him credit for, who’s got so much love he’s impulsive with it and hurts the ones he loves, who doesn’t know what to do with the loneliness that grips him sometimes, who defines himself by his ability to help people, who rarely allows himself to express himself negatively (ex : sadness/anger/frustration) because if there’s one thing that he fears the most, it’s hurting people. Plus, he hasn’t got any trauma or anything so why should he complain, yk?
Basically I love a good flawed James, and the sort of character where you wouldn’t expect him to have issues yk
2. Sirius Black : I mean… cmon do I even need to explain? ‘Cause if I start idk when I’ll stop, like literally. Ive had a crush on this character since I was eleven and never grew out of it, its almost embarrassing if it wasn’t completely justified (and the only reason he’s not number one is just because I write him less than James so I feel like I know him less intimately but like if you’d have asked me before I started writing I’d have put him number one for sure)
3. Regulus Black : !!!!! sorry but indoctrinated younger ‘abandoned’ (in between quotes bc he was not Sirius’ responsibility and Sirius was right to save himself but it’s also very normal for regulus to feel that way etc etc… we know the drill) sibling who’s faced with sudden delusion about this superior figure he’s followed/served, everything he’s lost in the process, and who redeems himself by going on this suicide mission that ends up being useless? (And unknown by Sirius AHHHH.) The guy is literally so smart and technically such a loser bc he doesn’t serve much for the plot and that’s what compelled me so much the first time I read hp 😭 he’s so tragic I love it
4. Narcissa Black : younger sibling; once again similar pattern to regulus but she survived, she’s so smart I’m, like, shaky in the knees, (esp i love female characters who do what they have to do to survive), she’s powerful too, and jkr is shit at writing female characters and I will never not be pissed abt it but I do think cissa was very compelling (+ Helen McCrory’s acting game was sooo perfect), very protective of her family and will stop at nothing to protect them, and that’s a value I respect so much. I will say, in general, any member of the black family is very compelling to me. Bellatrix would come right after narcissa in terms of fave from that family.
5. Barty Crouch Jr : listen if you know me, you know I’m… idk how to define myself actually, but I like unhinged stuff so. This is like. Peak unhingedness. Paired with intelligence bc we know canonically that man was smart af, and daddy issues? Dark hair, too? You just described my type. He’s even more compelling in tragic storylines (like past bartylus and barty joining Voldemort for regulus and then faced w the delusion and the grief? Gut wrenching) so yup.
Favorite pairings :
1. Moonshine (remus/james) : I know this sounds weird but a certain fanfic re wrote my brain chemistry and ever since then I’ve been obsessed. I just think they’re so tragically beautiful together. They’re both very selfless beings that just give and give and never prioritize themselves and together it’s a mess. They keep hurting each other because they’re so selfless, they’re not very good at reading each other and they let their insecurities get the best, they’re both frightened of how much they love, of the other not wanting them, of needing to « tame » their emotions. I love them.
2. Prongsfoot : FUCKING FOAMING AT THE MOUTH ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Together they’re. They. Just. I hate them bc of how much I love them if that makes sense. They’re everything. A law of the universe and whatnot. I love everyyyy fucking version of them. They make me cry they make me scream they make me smile they make me laugh, they’re literally my comfort ship.
3. Jegulus : they’re kind of the pairing that made me join the fandom, and though I don’t read them as much as I used to, they’ll always make me so soft. Enemies to lovers? Yeah, well I’m not immune yk. Best friend’s brother? Even better. Tragic and doomed? Yeah sign me the fuck up. I will say I like them just as much when it’s jegulily, but that’s also because I think poly relationships are so complex and compelling.
4. Moonwater : and not platonic haha, i have to say that basically i ship anyone who’s very smart imo with regulus, and Remus passes the test. Plus he’s also introverted, a book nerd, done with James and Sirius so i feel like they could bond very easily. I prefer them in a non canon sitting tho for some reason, but yeah I’m. So fond of them. They get into heated debates. Even their ship name is so dear to me because, that’s like both their biggest fears and pairing them in one name feels like they can overcome them if they’re together ? 😭 it’s so sweet (plus, it allows me to ship prongsfoot on the side lmfao)
5. Regulily : same reasoning as up there but like they’re probs the only het pairings that I really really love. i never expected them to be so important (but *cough cough* disintegration happened…) but honestly they make a lot of sense? I feel like Regulus would be more confident with Lily, and Lily would feel more calm with Regulus? They’re that scary hot powerful quiet couple yk. Anddd they can bond over siblings angst lmao.
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dirtyvulture · 11 months
😎 As promised my last thought on Wolverine R until the god of lust feeds us with part two. It is canon that Wolverine can get drunk but only by strong alcohol ( or drinking a shit load of it ) and only for a short amount of time ( unless they have a constant supply of it) . It is also canon that Wolverine has super senses and that they can literally smell fear. That is not the angst part of this but before that , have a fluffy thought.
In the car Wolverine R is taping her fingers on the wheel and has the beads of her necklace in her mouth while a song from the radio plays softly , it is a oldie ( think 1940s ) but R knows very word and is constantly biting back from singing . R is straight Vibing and Nat is just looking at her bewildered because this was the same person who was COVERED in blood after butchering four grown men , vibing with a necklace in her mouth humming an old song . It gets better when we slightly turn our head to her with that really awkward sheepish smile (awkward in the way that a person whom hasn’t smiled in DECADES is awkward ) with the necklace still in our mouth.
Here comes the angst:
We don’t get too close to Nat , especially with our hands ( our knuckles) and we always have them facing away from her. We had stand at a soldier’s “at ease stance” with our hands behind our backs or our fingers interlock together behind our head after we “Dealt” with the RR agents. It is later in the car from the fluffy thought and the radio is still on but a certain song comes on ( Hurt by Johnny Cash , that song was MADE for Wolverine) and we drop the beads of our necklace and go into a kinda trance humming and singing the lines“ What have I become my sweetest friend , Everyone I know goes away in the end , I will let you down I will make you hurt.” It doesn’t matter if Nat is trying to switch channels or turn off the radio, we know it by heart and we are stuck until the song naturally ends. It is some time later and Nat is never so glad to a grunt in her life as R tell her to close her eyes . R tells her she knows all about the RR and from Nat running from them she hasn’t slept properly in a while ( hell hasn’t slept properly in her whole life) and when Nat was about to protest R tells her she will ( she bites back on saying singing) hum for her and R does ( insert Natasha’s lullaby or another song) until Nat falls asleep ( both of them know that R isn’t fully out of the trance and this action is a déjà vu one , R has done this before for someone else) . When R knows Nat is asleep parks and she grabs the stuff she looted from the RR agents : alcohol and cigarettes then leaves a short distance away so it shouldn’t bother the sleeping redhead. As she finishes both the cigarette and feels the all to temporary effects of the emptying bottle R mulls over her other coping mechanisms of letting laid ( they are a Casanova after all just a gentleman about it) and violence but decides against it. Can’t get laid with Nat still in her charge because she can’t leave her alone ( R Isn’t going to take advantage of Nat’s vulnerable state) and R has already done to much violence ( violence wasn’t going to be done on Nat ) and doesn’t want Nat scared of her. So R decides to just do drinking and smoking when Nat is sleeping. 
With that I now go into hibernation until part two and I have to say I have a smutty thought as a sacrifice to the god of lust for my return. The thought is of Wolverine R and Nat’s first time ( or the first few times ) together. I also feel that R is definitely a top but that is for the writer to decide ( they are the ones who made Wolverine R after all) .
😎 anon, we are counting on you to keep the carnivores fed until my return!
Your version of Wolverine!R is lowkey kinda cute 😭 (at least as cute as one can be for being a former weapon of mass destruction with decades of pure trauma lol).
And I love the idea that R would be very careful with her hands around Nat. ❤️ And I love that song so much! I'll definitely be listening to it while writing the next part.
I love how you always say you're going into hibernation and then you immediately return the next day. But you are always welcome here! As for how the smut between these two would go...all I can say right now is anything is possible. :)
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englishstrawbie · 2 years
2/3 The second one is for Dani and Gigi (may they RIP 😭). It's from Ps. I'm Still Not Over You by Rihanna, which is a bit of an odd choice (for me) as this isn't exactly my kind of music, but it seems fitting in quite some ways and - hopefully - offers you some nice, creative playground. Here are the lines:
Don't you know I've tried and I've tried To get you out my mind But it don't get no better As each day goes by And I'm lost and confused I've got nothin' to lose Hope to hear from you soon P.S. I'm still not over you
As I'm on to the third and last one (for now?! 😜): thanks again!
It has taken me longer than I should admit to write these 800 words. 😂 I wanted this to feel organic and real, and stay true to the character. Hopefully I've done that. Thanks for the prompt, I hope you like it!
A link to the song
She finds the key in the bottom of her bag as she is looking for her phone. It must have fallen off her key chain at some point and she hadn’t noticed – but why would she? She hasn’t needed it for almost four months.
Gigi turns the piece of metal over in her hand, surprised when her breath suddenly hitches in her throat and her eyes fill with tears. She thought she was done crying over Dani Nùñez, but her mind betrays her with memories of all the times she turned this key in the lock to find her happy life waiting for her: of Dani sat at the table in front of her laptop, air buds in her ears and talking non-stop down her phone; or lazing on the couch, a glass of wine in hand and music playing quietly in the background; or emerging from the bedroom, draped in nothing but a silk robe and enticing her to bed before Gigi had chance to slip out of her heels.  
Dani hadn’t even given her the chance to explain, determined to believe that the life they had built over the course of a year was over. For a while, Gigi had believed it too – confused about everything she had been feeling after the accident. But as the haze in her mind had cleared, and her injuries had healed, Gigi had realised that seeing Nat with their two children as the pick-up truck had hit her wasn’t a sign that she was still in love with her ex-wife. It was fear that life was about to be ripped from her, a life that revolved around the two tiny humans she was proud to call hers; and where there is Olive and Eli, there is Nat. That’s just the way it is.
But she doesn’t love Nat. She hasn’t loved Nat for a long time. Leaning on her as she was convalescing wasn’t out of need or want; it was protection.
Looking back, Gigi can see the imbalance in her relationship with Dani – she was always the strong one, the one Dani would lean on, sharing her words of wisdom whenever Dani felt her armour cracking. All of a sudden, Gigi was the one who needed someone to care for her and hold her as she pieced herself back together after the accident. She was scared to do that with Dani, scared to let the younger woman see her physical and mental scars, scared to let her know about the nightmares that filled what used to be sweet dreams. She didn’t know how to let Dani into a world where she was the vulnerable one.
And then suddenly it was too late, and Dani was throwing oranges at Nat’s car and ignoring her calls and packing up the things Gigi had left at her apartment, sending them back without even a note.
Gigi puts the key back onto her key chain and grabs her phone, scrolling through her messages until she finds Dani’s name. Her fingers hover for a moment, before she quickly writes ‘I miss you’ and hits send before she can change her mind.
She doesn’t expect a reply. After all, Dani has replied to any of the last twenty messages she has sent her. So she is taken aback when she sees three dots flashing back at her.
‘I miss you too.’
It is more than she has got over the last four months and feels like the door has been cracked open just a little bit.
‘Can we talk?’
Gigi holds her breath as she waits for Dani’s response.
‘I can’t. It’s too hard.’
‘Please? There’s so much I want to explain.’
Dani is slower with her reply this time.
‘I can’t listen to you tell me about you and Nat. I need to move on and you need to let me.’
Gigi sighs. One thing she knows about Dani is that once she has an idea in her head, it needs banging out of her.
‘There is no me and Nat. She’s my ex-wife and the other mother to my kids, that’s all. I know that telling you about what I saw when the car hit me was hard to hear, but I also told you I needed time to figure out what it meant – and I did. I want you to understand it too.’
Before Dani can reply, she sends another message.
‘I love you. I’m not ready to give up on us.’
She watches as the three dots flash, then sighs dramatically when they disappear. She tosses her phone down onto the table despondently and drops her head into her hands, massaging her temples to ease the headache that is growing. She only looks up when her phone starts to ring, a familiar face staring up at her. Her heart starts to beat faster and, with a deep breath, she hits the green button.
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subskz · 1 year
when you said you’d be posting part 5 shortly i wasn’t fully expecting to wake up to her. either way, i’ve read her and come with notes 😼
first, i have to begrudgingly admit, i was either tearing up or full on crying the whole time. thank you for that🤩
starting it up with a minho breakthrough moment… i love him. he’s so stupid but so minho. him admitting he was wrong, talking things out while still holding that same silly air lino always seems to have about him. i could practically hear his laugh when you wrote it in 💔🔨 he’s so beautiful. brb i need to stare at him for a second.
CHANGBIN 😭😭😭😭 💔🔨 gilc. i’ll say it til the day i die. he’s so…. 😖😖😖 this section made my tears fall fr. i understood the reader so well. i also have a tendency to assume people will react poorly/negatively to news, so i just avoid telling them altogether. pain, suffering 😪 so glad changbin reacted in his normal binnie way and brought light to the scene. i fucking love him
…………………. you know what’s next. once again, the way you write chan is fucking astounding. down to his silly little habits that make him unbelievably endearing. the sweater paws making a comeback? him rubbing his nose the same time reader tugs their ear?? they’re disgusting, i want what they have. chan hitting us with “i’m sorry” literally shut the fuck up!! fucking opened the flood gates, i didn’t stop crying for the rest of this scene. you wrote it so well. they finally had a conversation and it seems to have worked!! “five fingers, one for each of the days you’d spent apart” literally just shoot me next time 😭💔🔨
and the smut…. delicious 😛 starting it up with reader thinking about wanting to give him a bath, to wash his hair for him?? same queen, they get it. and then the body worship??!?? the PRAISE?!?!??! you really know the way to my heart. everything about this was perfect, immaculate, splendid, magnificent! when he giggled and hid behind his hands? nauseating. he’s perfect! 🤩
thank you once again for putting so much time and love into this series! you really hit it out of the park with this and it’s my new favorite ever. the way you wrote everyone was so endearing and so true to the way they present themselves irl and i’m amazed. so thank you 💖💖💖
last question, it’s very important! 😡 …..was berry included in the family that came in for his graduation??😇 -🐾
HAHA im gonna miss this trend of you waking up to find a new bb update! and of course the delight of getting to read ur wonderfully thoughtful notes ㅠ they’ve made me smile so much u have no idea!
TEARING UP/CRYING THE WHOLE TIME??? this was not what i had in mind when i said i’d make it up to you i’m very sorry for another installment of tears 😭 i hope some of them were at least out of happiness this time! and i hope u feel much better now that the dust has settled <3
starting it off w our favorite piece of work…lino thought he was clever he really did…but if there’s one thing that can interfere w his razor sharp intuition it’s the cosmically intertwined fates of channie n the reader hehe. i’m so glad u felt it stayed true to him! that’s the highest compliment to me esp when it comes to minho ♡ he is so beautiful…in true kitty fashion he gets away w his menace behavior bc he is simply too pretty
GILC!!!! 🥰 i just have to say it’s made me so happy how much u seem to have enjoyed binnie throughout bb bc he was my absolute favorite to write! it’s heartwarming to know the fun i had w him was also shared w u ^_^ he is truly the only one among these fools w a good head on his shoulders lmao i so badly wanted to give him a fully fleshed out scene w the reader reconciling w him but it was just…already so long 😭 and i completely understand ur connection to the reader in that sense i think it’s a very human trait! when u wanna ensure the happiness of ur loved ones ofc it’d be scary to be the bearer of bad news, esp if ur at the center of it </3 but a true friend like binnie cares abt ur happiness just as much! even if it means bearing the weight of some unpleasant things sometimes~
our channie ㅠㅠㅠㅠ this whole series was essentially a love letter of sorts to him and everyone out there who is like him, so to know that u liked channie’s portrayal and felt bb could capture even a fraction of how lovable he is in reality…that’s really everything to me ㅠ i’m so glad u caught that lil moment too HAHA they have left irreversible marks on each other! and yes…channie wears those sweater paws to feel safe but nothing is safer than when they are holding hands…they are disgusting -_-; that scene was probably the most difficult out of the entire series to write (along w the breakup scene LOL) so it’s a huge relief that u feel that way, thank you so much!! things aren’t perfect but the first step towards smth better has at least been made!
i was hoping that as an outspoken member of the bang christopher chan praise club you would enjoy that scene hehehe it was really the bare minimum of all the love and adoration and pleasure he deserves as u always say 💗💗💗 i’m so glad it was to ur liking!! channie hiding behind his hands is forever a weakness of mine…i think i’ll find a way to incorporate it into everything i write somehow
i wish i could put into words how giddy each msg you’ve sent over the course of this series has made me and how much you’ve encouraged me w your interest and positive energy!! i truly can’t thank you enough, it’s been such a joy to read ur thoughts and i’m just so grateful that you were here every step of the way! thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
the most important question of all…you KNOW she was!! i dont care how difficult it is to travel overseas w a dog, berry was absolutely there to cheer channie on w the rest of his family 🥰
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ikosburneraccount · 2 years
if you had to pick a fav chapter out of any of the books, which would it be? (you can do one per book and/or multiple chapters lol just curious)
im answering this on mobile so if the formatting is fucked im sooooooooo sorry 😭 OK one per book here i go!!
cinder: the chapter where kai gifts her the silk gloves! mostly because during my reread i COMPLETELY FORGOT that this chapter happened and omfg the KAIDER in this scene was so intense. like kai’s thoughtfulness of the gift…like he never pushes her to take off her gloves but instead gifts her gloves that make her feel not only safe, but beautiful. literally on the verge of tears thinking about that scene because it was so tender and beautiful and like a testament of how much he thinks and CARES about cinder…also its his way of showing how much it matters to him that she attends the ball. like that scene makes me wanna SCREAM AND CRY AND CURL UP INTO A BALL!!! especially because of its cruel bittersweetness like kaider angst hits like nothing else…like i love kaider fluff but their angst…theres something in the sauce with them
scarlet: one chapter is so cruel for this one like the plot development in this book is probably the best bc of its pacing IMO like there are so many moments across the book that really make it SHINE BUT if its only one chapter it has to be the opening chapter where scarlet (bad bitch) gets up on the tavern bar and defends cinder!!! she is the ONLY character that takes into consideration and expresses empathy for cinder and her AGE and NEVER holds her cyborg or lunar status against her!!!! also the shirt comment in front of wolf is LMFAOOOOOOO LIKE NOBODY SAID THAT!!!!! but that is my favorite chapter. marissa meyer put her wrussy (writer pussy) into that one
cress: during my original read this was my FAVORITE but on reread this is now my least favorite book! too much cresswell not enough scarlet/winter or scarlet/wolf content. like marissa meyer did a great job giving us kaider angst and mutual pining but absolutely FLOPPED on the wolflet front like cmon girl. FAVORITE CHAPTER HMMMMMMMM its the one where cinder tortures thaumaturge sybil! its a testament to her growth and mastery of her glamour like she really is so powerful! i wished she used it more in winter TBH but yeah her torturing sybil was soooo satisfying and i wish she did it more. like she really is the GOAT
winter: okay this is gonna sound crazy but its tie between cinder throwing herself off the ledge into artemesia lake and cinder getting stabbed in the heart. I CAN EXPLAIN 😭 I AM NOT CRAZY!!! cinder herself off the ledge is absolutely FUCKING insane i won’t lie it makes me giggle cause like GIRL I GET IT BUT THROWING YOURSELF OFF A 5+ STORY BUILDING WAS NOT THE ANSWER!!!!! IT REALLY KILLED ME READING THAT LIKE CAN YOU IMAGINE WITNESSING YOUR GF THROW HERSELF INTO DEATH LIKE THAT….OKAY FOR THE OTHER SCENE i loved the cinder being stabbed in the heart scene which sounds SO fucked up but i liked it because marissa meyer did a phenomenal job carrying cinder’s voice and depicting the absolute exhaustion that cinder felt during that moment. like cinder was TIRED like she’s BEEN THRU IT!!! her getting stabbed in the heart was really a culmination of this pattern where cinder expresses kindness and forgiveness to those who’ve deeply harmed her and her showing levana empathy even after levana tried to MURDER her and everyone cinder loved is so…cinder is so selfless and loving and her getting stabbed was peak heartbreak (which i realize is a pattern. i loveeeee suffering) but also i desperately want to know how/why kai left behind the earthen leaders and how he FUCKING FOUND HER SO QUICKLY! also the fact that her last sight is of the boy she loved but she felt could never have just really makes me burst into tears like cinder baby girl if only knew how much YOU (not your princess or queen or fugitive status) were worth it to kai and everyone in the rampion crew GAH IM CRYING I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH!!
I SOUND SOOOOO UNHINGED BUT THESE ARE MY FAVORITE CHAPTERS <3 CINDER BABY GIRL I LOVE YOU. i just love so crazy quickly deteriorating from wholesome kaider/wolflet to cinder just…suffering LMFAO
thank you for the ask!! <3
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kmbezner · 2 years
Aaaaaand it's time for my top ten favorite reads of the year! In no particular order:
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Notes from the Burning Age by Claire North
I'll start with the first book I read this year, cause WOW what a book to start with. I started reading this as an egalley at the end of 2021, but didn’t finish it before it expired 😭 It’s a truly amazing cocktail of one part dystopian climate fiction, one part political thriller, one part fantastical mythology, garnished with a bit of philosophy. North seamlessly weaves these elements in a way that makes you want to write like that.
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The Carrying by Ada Limón
The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
I read both of these books during a kind of nonfiction blitz challenge that started when my supervisor in the reference department asked for staff picks for a display and I realized I hadn't read any nonfiction in an embarrassingly long time. Both of these ended up on the staff pick display, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about them since.
The Carrying is a beautiful collection of poetry I had read single poems from before, but the entire collection comes together to paint a picture of loss and love traced across generations.
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I listened to The Undocumented Americans, which I highly recommend as Villavicencio reads it herself and does a wonderful job. It's in part a collection of interviews that turns to reflect Villacencio's own life and the connections she makes with those she meets.
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On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
The Honeys by Ryan La Sala
These were both book club reads, one for my local library's graphic novel book club and the other for QUEST RI. The funny thing is that I ended up not being able to attend the actual meeting for either of them, but damn they were good.
I've been a fan of Tillie Walden for a while now, and am kicking myself for not reading this one sooner. They are SO skilled at that kind of faded nostalgia, that bittersweet, melancholic sadness through gorgeous artwork and sparse, emotional storytelling. Also, gays in space.
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The Honeys is a perfectly tense and taut YA thriller that is so hard to put down. It's got a dark academia vibe despite being set at a summer camp, with plenty of surreal summer feels and guillotine-the-rich vibes.
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How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell
This book has been on my TBR for a while now, and when the college library I work at started looking for recommendations for next year’s college-wide read on the theme of social media, I figured it was finally time to jump on it. It was much more than I expected, mainly because I was expecting a kind of self-help book plus. But this book isn’t just about putting down your phone every once in a while, it’s an exploration of a cultural shift that’s centuries in the making. Odell discusses art, music, philosophy, psychology, politics, and of course big tech as she traces how our attention has become a commodity to be monetized.
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His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik
The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo
These books are doing the job of carrying their whole series onto this list. No, it's not cheating, it's my list and my rules :)
I actually read His Majesty's Dragon years ago, and despite tearing through it didn't get around to reading the other books. During a months-long reading slump earlier this year I decided to dredge myself out of it by rereading a book I knew I liked, and letting the series carry me from there. And boy howdy it worked! I was hoping to finish the series this year, but due to life things and library holds that won't come in for a couple more weeks that plan has been thwarted :/
Short Review | Local Library | Indiebound | Libro
I was looking for a quick read when I started the Singing Hills Cycle, and was just astonished at how much lore Vo packs into these novellas. There is so much information about this world in such short and deeply satisfying books, each one a snapshot into a different aspect of the world, shared in ways that both celebrate and challenge the nature of storytelling, history, and memory.
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Frizzy by Claribel A. Ortega & Rose Bousamra
Received as an ARC from BookishFirst, this was not only one of my favorite books of the year, but is showing up on best of lists all over the place. And rightfully so—this middle grade graphic novel is about so much more than hair, as important as that is. I can’t stress enough that everyone should read this book.
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Mage and the Endless Unknown by SJ Miller
No cover for this one, because it hasn’t been revealed yet! I read this comic as an egalley on Edelweiss and was instantly grabbed by the eerie artwork and because Iron Circus Comics consistently publishes some of my favorite books. Mage is a collected webcomic, and, without spoiling too much, is basically Over the Garden Wall by Junji Ito (so…CW for graphic imagery. yeah, I know the art starts off kinda cutesy, just trust me). Keep an eye out for this one next year, or if you can’t wait you can read the original webcomic online!
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emmyrosee · 2 years
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silveremily · 1 year
Wally Headcanons!
I’m just gonna say this 😭 I wanted to do this so bad lol
Don’t get angry cuz idc, maybe nsfw headcanons??
Wally loves when you cuddle him, he will never admit it because he thinks you will judge him for it.
He bakes sweets, so much for you, I mean daily he will come over with cookies or pie just for you. Lucky bit-
He will never leave your side, he seems to be the possessive type when it comes to romance, or a platonic relationship, he’s the one that no matter what, even if you break his heart he will love you, but get ready because he will get revenge back.
Wally loves having play dates! One time you were in the kitchen in Julie’s house and peeked into Julie’s room and he was dressed up as a princess and Julie was laughing her head off, next thing you know he’s ignoring you for a week.
Just remembered, Wally is VERY insecure, if you make fun of the man in any way, even as a joke, he will start staring at you, like a glare in some sort of disappointment and make you leave his house, all of his windows close and if you put your ear to the window in his room you can hear him just crying his heart out, blaming himself for how he looks, and how he’s not as pretty as the other puppets.
Wally loves touching his partner when he’s in a relationship, and I mean any way of touching, if it comes to comfort, to love, to sexual, he has to be touching you or he will go crazy. One time Frank thought that he was too close to you and pulled you closer to himself. Wally just stared for a second before he started literally tearing Frank apart. You have to stay with Wally at all times now or else another person will have to get sewed back together.
Saucy Parts rn
Wally seems very big for his confidence but he’s not the biggest you’d see, he’s six inches and is very insecure about his size, he is thick though and it’s pretty hard to handle. Never and I mean never make fun of his size. He will come to your house and make you pay. Nobody likes to see our Elvis Presley wannabe emo.
Wally is into some kinky shit, if you stare at him long enough he will start begging. I feel as if Wally would definitely have to stare at someone during sex, he’d be the one to look as if he’s judging you but actually adoring your face while you fuck.
Is it just me or does he seem as he would secretly want to be dominated? If you ask to do it he will pretend to be like “fine fine” but on the inside he’s squealing his ass off.
Wally is the one to be very sensitive, I mean very sensitive, if you even just rub his sides he starts whining as loud as hell until you give in and have sex.
I feel Wally would be a slow and calm pace if he’s in a good mood, occasionally teasing you but mostly giving you the pleasure. He just whispers you praises, smiles at you, and stares at you the whole time. He says, “Oh honey your so pretty!” or maybe “Your doing so well baby!”
Whenever he’s in a bad mood and you two get freaky, man will make you have the most toe curling, back arching, spine tingling orgasm you’ve ever experienced, whenever he’s angry he just treats you as if your a sex doll, going rough and fast, almost animalistic like. He will absolutely make sure to leave visible marks on you for everyone to see and stare at, marking you as his. He would say, “Your such a cry baby. You can barely handle this pace? I’ll give you a reason to cry.” or sometimes he just stares and groans if he’s tired.
Wally’s favorite position is secretly the 69 position. I swear he wants to suck you off or eat you out.
Wally has multiple boundaries and if you can’t respect them get out of here.
He loves getting praised but if you go too far he will need alone time for a while, he’s the one that is absolutely obsessed with attention but if he gets too much he will hide from everyone and try to calm down, he doesn’t get horny but he gets in a thunderstruck mood where he’s all sad that he has never felt love before.
Wally had a hard life as a kid, always getting bullied for how he looked, that’s why as he got older he got more, how do I put this in a good way, fashionable. He had a massive glow up and tries to stay that neat person that has the best confidence for as long as possible. If you start treating him bad he will tell Barnaby and vent to him and Julie about what you say. Let’s just put this where it doesn’t turn out well for you if you hurt him.
Wally never understood anything, he didn’t know what love was until he saw you. You’d always teach him new words but sometimes he feels dumb if you keep teaching him all of these new things.
Thank you for reading!! 💙💛🧡💙💛🧡
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love-fireflysong · 3 months
OH DEAR HI I'm the anon from before HII!!
Thank you so much for reading my message, it literally made my day!!
First of all NOO THE SUITCASE?? I hope you get it back soon, that sucks 😭
For the Outlast AU, girl I read the newest chapter the second it came out, and oh boy was I screeching LMAO
I was actually kinda worried since it had been a while since the last fic and I was worried you had paused writing, but then it was THERE, and it was ASHLEY POV AGAIN AUGH (Ash is my favorite UD character LMAO)
So thoughts, where do I even begin???? I'm gonna add some of my favorite lines that I just love a lot LOL
''All because it was actually his voice. It wasn't an electronic facsimile screaming and sobbing desperately through a bluetooth earbud, and it certainly wasn't her own voice weaving his actual words through the folds of her brain during the private late night conversations the three of them hadn't been able to enjoy for almost three weeks now. It was him''
Girl I am crying already O[-[
It's so heartbreaking reading about their separation and now that it's so close for them I just wanna SCREAM
''All of which she knew because Ashley had been the one to turn that once alive inmate into a bloody, mangled corpse herself. All for the crime of them simply being the last thing that stood between her and the door that kept her from Chris and Josh.
''Ash can murder a little bit, as a treat /J
''Has her name always sounded like this? Like it had been created solely to be spoken in his voice, said like it was something holy—like she was holy?''
God I keep coming back to this line, it's just. Perfection. It's so darn good.
''Forcing himself to push off of the wall and continue his hurried stumble down the stairs, steadfastly ignoring the bright, sticky handprints that he had left in his wake. (Though really, Ashley can't help but think, what is one more mark of blood in a place that is already saturated in it.)
''I just really like this line, it's chilling!
"Okay, I gotta get this off my chest, but whoever the hell it was that suggested the couple's retreat to the insane asylum is officially being kicked out of the polycule."
SJSHSJK what would we do without our Chrissy 😭 Always gotta lighten the mood!
Also just the entire last paragraph... girl my heart is on the floor, it is in pieces, I am crying
Their reunion was just so heartwarming and with every second it took for them to see each other, I just kept waiting for the rug to be swept out from my under feet and for the angst to kick in, but NOT THIS TIME!! THEY'RE TOGETHER!!
God the way they just look at each other, taking in how much (or how little) they've changed O[-[
I don't know if half of this makes sense, I'm just rambling LMAOO
Seriously though, you deserve only the highest praise, I genuinely loved this fic, and I am eagerly waiting to inhale the next parts!!!!!
There's so much more I want to share, buy AUGH WORDS
Also writing Chrissy like that reminded me of a dream I had once I first discovered the Fandom. I think it was a text post that was like ''If Chris kissed Ashley, could he say he Chrissed her?'' and I got so mad about it I woke up LMAOOO
(I will say though that the fact that this is another Ashley POV addition is just chance, once I actually stop working on these """"snippets"""" the plan is that the viewpoints will switch between the three of them so I hope that this doesn't deter you any on future stories for this universe askdaksldsaj)
You would not believe how much fun I had writing literally any of the parts where they were all basically close enough to touch but still so far apart that anything could happen to prevent the reunions. Pining in a completely different sense of the word there: a nice fun, obsessive, desperate pining where they're willing to do whatever and kill whoever it takes as long as they're back together. They can ALL do some murder, as a treat <3 They deserve that much I think lmao
And man, that whole name scene? From the very beginning I knew that Chris was gonna (unintentionally) distract her with her name until she couldn't take it anymore and finally interrupt him. But that whole 'holy' line? Yeah that one came out of left field for even me alskdjlaksjd Vividly remembering writing that bit and going 'oh shit, that's fucking good I am so good at this shit'... before immediately tearing out my hair for the next and calling myself a fraud probably not even thirty seconds later SDFKLJSDFJ
And that whole 'kicked out of the polycule' line? That was the one single line I had had planned out since I started writing this one like two years ago. And yet, the line had originally been a JOSH line. Delivered flatly and sarcastically and all. But when I finally got to writing that last scene in question, I started second guessing myself and wondered if it was a Chris line instead. In the end, the only reason I went with the Chris-delivery though was simply because I liked how bittersweet it would be if the line was met with not a short and tired snort, but the first time any of them had a chance for some genuine full-bodied laughter before the tears finally came on once the reality hit.
(Also, if do end up doing something with the whole "If Chris kissed Ashley, could he say he Chrissed her?" dream line than you have only yourself to blame. Gonna make you rage quit in the beginning of a fic if your not careful ;P)
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dirtyvulture · 6 months
😎 Sooooooo My Nephew is due TODAY ✨✨✨✨ my sister was induced this morning and is going back to the hospital night . It’s very likely that My nephew will be born on the 11 ( especially considering the first baby’s labor typically takes a REALLY LONG time and my nephew is my sister’s first) . So Dad , Mom and I decided to celebrate a bit with beer , pizza and there is also cake !!!!!!!
Now let’s see if I can come up with soo thoughts !!!!!
I will start it with , I read the new fic and it’s AMAZING like always and once again vulture proves why they have the title of god of lust with that smut !!!!! I have been talking with a friend and we all know how SB is a golden retriever , welllllll ….. my friend and I decided that Wolvie R is a grumpy old German Shepherd and that DK! Nat is a golden retriever ( Sgt Romanoff is of course a black cat) . My friend and I also decided that the CEO ! R is a high maintenance golden doodle , and that Nat was acting like a TRUE Black Widow ( much like the ones in the comics and muc) . I found a very interesting detail about how excited R got about talking about her work , her plans , tech in general and her company….. she has so much pride and passion in her work . Seeing how that played out is just soooo heartbreaking.
Ummmmmmm , let’s see if I can come up with something of a thought for the SB and DK universe.
I think Sarah ( SB’s sister) was induced when she had her son ( SB’s nephew) , SB was soooo excited ( think FULL BLOWN excited golden retriever completed with HONEST TO GOD ZOOMIES ) and was trying to be as supportive and helpful as possible . Getting Sarah snacks, helping her walking around, just anything and everything . They are even helpful and supportive of Sarah’s partner. SB told Nat that she didn’t have to come if she didn’t want to but Nat came anyways , Nat fell asleep in a chair and SB DIDNT SLEEP AT ALL ( they were READY for their nephew) . Ps I am fully projecting as my sister lives soooo far away from the rest of us so I won’t be able to see , meet or hold my nephew UNTIL JULY/ JUNE 😭😭😭😭 I will probably wouldn’t be able sleep tonight because I am sooo excited for my nephew!!!!!!
Soooo I had to clip my nails again today , my nails grow so damn fast that I have to CONSTANTLY cut them ( I FUCKING HATE those emery board things, they feel sooo weird and I HATE IT) . I think that R’s also CONSTANTLY has to cut/ clip her nails as they grow LONG and SHARP ( not like full blown CLAWS but still long and sharp) and soooo FAST , so she cuts and clips them so she doesn’t accidentally scratch the shit out of herself or others. She also has a bit longer Canine teeth, sharp ones too ( again NOT full blown fangs or anything like that) . R also HATES the dentist ( I can go more in depth on this later ) !!!!
That is about it for this post , everyone take it !!!!!
I'm responding to this very late but I hope your nephew was born safely and your sister is doing well :)
Thank you very much for the love on a new fic! 🥰 I do have some plans for a Part 2 when I finally get the time to write again.
I love all the analogies to dogs, they are all very fitting. And yep, CEO!R is definitely a golden doodle. I don't think she necessarily tries to be a high-maintenance or obnoxious person, it's kind of the way she was raised, and yes, she is actually extremely smart and talented, but as a woman in tech she is just not respected that way.
Sergeant Beef would be so excited for their coming nephew, and of course Sergeant Nat would be very impressed (and probably even feral) for them the whole time. And I hope you get to see your nephew in person at the earliest chance you get!
Lol, I wonder if Wolvie!R has the dexterity to cut her own nails with her claws on the other hand...that would probably be very dangerous though and Nat would make her stop immediately.
Thanks for stopping by, anon!
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