#i love the part in the book thats just taylor and brian being so so mad that aisha and alec are having fun
lakesbian · 10 months
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
ok sorry but how many people do yall think rog has ever slept with cos i’m guessing four figures no lie
okay, i don’t normally respond to messages like this because, frankly, i dont really feel like its my place to speculate on roger’s sex life. Theres a difference between writing a fiction story with a character named after and inspired by him and discussing his actual personal life which i have no real knowledge about. What he gets up to in his free time is between him and the women he does it with. but i didn’t really feel able to ignore this one. please don’t take this as me telling you off or shutting you down or anything like that. If you want to speculate about roger’s body count thats up to you, go nuts with it. and i love when you guys message me and I don’t want to discourage you from feeling like you can talk to me or just send me your random thoughts or whatever about any subject. But I feel like I need to address why I disagree with this sentiment. Also so I can ask ya’ll to please stop asking me questions like this. 
So firstly, just to get this out of the way. 1000 is a lot. even 100 is a lot. I think if rog had slept with 1000+ people he’d have a least a few illegitimate kids and probably would have been checked into rehab for sex addiction (not to mention STIs and such because lbr people in the 70s specifically probs werent the most careful especially if drugs were involved). I mean even if we were going to say Rog got lucky with a different woman after every show we wouldn’t reach 1000. According to google, Queen played around 700 shows in their entire career. If we add shows played by The Cross thats only another 67 odd shows (according to wikipedia). 
now, i think there are 3 things that contribute to this idea of roger as especially promiscuous. 1. His attitude/demeanour/general way he sells himself. 2. the generally held conceptions about rock stars and rock star behaviour. and 3. what i’m going to call fandom dumbassery (but i mean that with a lot of love) 
So lets start with the man himself. Roger Taylor is loud and opinionated and not particularly humble. He knows he’s talented and attractive though for at least some time he was a little self-conscious about how feminine he looked. He’s always up for a laugh, likes to party and has admitted to enjoying his drink and his women. He’s had kids with two different women, who’s relationships “overlapped”, and is currently married to a third. At least that’s the perception we can gleam from his interviews, behind the scenes videos, and other public appearances. 
It’s easy to see how that image leads to accusations of being a womaniser and a cheater and basically a bit of a slut lmao. But here’s the thing. I think Roger, in part, markets himself that way. The thing is, if you look at his solo songs and the relationships he currently has with his kids and their mothers, and things other people have said about him/his relationships over the years, I think it’s fair to say he also has a bit of a romantic streak maybe? idk if thats the best way of describing it...he’s self confessed to not being a fan of marriage and the like but he’s not opposed to writing and singing love songs and seems to believe in ~love~ as a concept/power. He certainly cares deeply for those closest to him. Whether or not that translates to an agreement with monogamy I can’t say for certain. It’s hard to draw conclusions here because a lot of what we know of his personal life was fed to us through magazines and news paper gossip column articles and they were never looking for the truth, they were looking for scandal and sensationalism. 
For instance the whole thing with the overlapping relationships. I think most people who have read anything about roger and dom and debbie realise that it’s not as cut and dry as “he was cheating with debbie and left dom for her” even though that was the story being sold by the press at the time. The reality (or at least the version closer to reality since obviously no one outside of them and whoever they were closest with knows all the nitty gritty details) is that rog and dom had already split when they got married. it was a marriage of convenience to make sure her and the kids would be looked after financially etc even after he’d moved out. So while it looked to the public like he married one chick and 30 odd days later was spotted with another, there really wasn’t anything untoward happening.  I’m not saying he never had casual hookups or one night stands and i’m not saying he never cheated, but I do think some of it’s been exaggerated, whether by him to encourage the rock star perception or by newspaper/magazine articles.
Now, obviously, we have stories of rog, particularly in the late 60s and into the 70s, being with multiple women. There’s that bit in the Interview with a Queen “Groupie” (which is a fantastic read and i defs recommend checking it out if you havent already) where she talks about roger being a chick magnet and says that, at the time, it was pretty common to sleep about. But, she also says she didnt notice him doing it more or less than anyone else and seemed to mostly be with Jo (his girlfriend at the time). This is the same Jo that got a mention in the Queen in 3D book (”i think we all had the feeling that these two were together for life, but it was not to be”). Conversely, we have that quote (which i cannot find rn but i’ll link it when i do) about roger sometimes having one girl upstairs while another waited in the garage for them to be finished. I think it was about Rog in the mid-late 60s in Truro but whatever. Obviously he wasn’t anywhere near celibate and it’s likely was sleeping with people outside of his relationship(s). But one has to assume that as he got older those kinds of antics stopped happening, at least as frequently.
There is one potential story that I remember reading somewhere along the way about Roger cheating on Debbie while she was pregnant. But, take that with a grain of salt because I can’t find the article again and also I think it was from like The Sun or something equally as rubbish. The press was notoriously always printing mean shit about the boys and that might have been another thing they published to create scandal. Even so, if we assume it’s legit that is still only 1 story. Not to throw him under the bus but Brian is the one with multiple confirmed affairs, who literally wrote songs about it all. So why is Roger the one with sleazy reputation? 
This is where my second and third points come in. There is a pervasive idea about what it means to be a rock star. The whole trashing hotel rooms, sleeping with groupies, passing out drunk every night thing. And I’m sure that Queen was like that to an extent. I think it’s pretty common knowledge that all of them got up to shit on the road. Between innuendo laden interviews and songs, videos and accounts of their parties, stories CT has put online, and other stories like the one of Roger bringing out lines of coke as dessert when he was having dinner with motley crue. They definitely embraced the rock and roll lifestyle. And I think with Roger’s personality being what it is, it’s easy to link him to those traditional rock star tropes and say it was all true all the time. I also think Roger has done nothing to counter those beliefs. He’s been open about how he wanted to be a rock star since the minute he picked up a guitar, he’s labelled himself as a great lay in magazines, he’s joked about girls pulling their tits out over dinner in interviews (though he said he didnt take her home), he’s written songs like One Night Stand and Dirty Mind and Airheads which explicitly mention his preference for women and alcohol. I think it’s fair to say he’s kind of encouraged that view of himself. Whether it was just a side effect of being part of such a well known band and having such a boisterous demeanour/personality, or whether it was intentional as a version of promotion i don’t know. maybe a mix of them? I mean I’m sure it didn’t hurt sales and stuff. it’s the whole guys want to be him, girls want to be with him thing, right? Maybe that’s just me being cynical though lmao. 
Anyway, the fandom brain has taken all of that and compressed it into memes and jokes about rog being the band slut. Which i’m not complaining about, lord knows i’ve made the same jokes and reblogged the same posts and used those tropes in my fics. They’re funny and lend themselves to interesting fic concepts. Plus, i think roger is the sort of person who would probably laugh about most of it. But it’s an idea that keeps feeding into itself through fandom, perpetuating what is probably a misguided view of his personal life.
Again, I am sure he’s had his fair share of fun and I’m not trying to make out that he was always perfect or whatever, but I don’t think he’s been with as many women as the popular discourse would imply and I certainly don’t think he’s in the 4 digit numbers. 
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theyrealllegends · 6 years
Careful (Roger Taylor x Reader)
Chapter Summary: You’re not the only one who’s developing feelings but Roger is too, trying to have you close to him at first, but then he’s trying to forget you over way too much scotch. This is how both of you get sick and he takes care of you again. 
Author’s Note: It’s Roger’s POV in this chapter, yeeet! (Please don’t @ me I can’t tell you why and if you don’t like it I’ll never attempt it again, I promise)
Words: ~2k
Warnings: I’d rate this mature because (and this is a spoiler) someone’s masturbating aaand there’s drinking again and eventually someone has to throw up
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Chapter 4
Previous Parts: Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3
I couldn’t fall asleep that night because Tiffany never left my head: her reddish-blonde curls, her incredibly green eyes, her lips for fucks sake - I needed that. I craved being close to her, to feel her, to hear her breath like I’d never wanted anything else. The boys had noticed that I was hitting my drums harder than I usually did while messing up their rhythms and I knew that they knew that something was off but they wouldn’t mention it if I got myself under control before our next gig tomorrow night. I just didn’t see how that was possible, when I was now here, lying awake and only the thought of Tiffany’s voice made my whole stomach feel light, in the best way possible. I had no idea how long I’d been staring in the dark but I was seriously contemplating to go out and either get drunk or find some girl to do whatever it took to distract myself. I just couldn’t let myself think about what I’d do to her if she hadn’t been this innocent little princess I saw, every time I looked at her. Even though only my refusal to think of that was enough to give me a hard one, already. I swallowed hard as I carefully touched myself and I stopped trying to shake the thought of her because I knew I couldn’t while I was masturbating - what would it feel like to bury myself in her body, feel her skinny, yet strong legs wrap around me and see her losing herself in my thrusts. God, I just wanted her to feel as good as she made me feel when I got into the kitchen to a prepared breakfast, when I didn’t feel like a dumbass because she’d make me study and when I managed to make her laugh. I gripped on my own hair at the thought of her laugh, trying to imagine it were her tiny hand and her skinny fingers pulling on the strands while I held back a moan. Tiffany Abberforth was the most precious human being on this planet and I’d have to protect her with my whole life, I knew that for a fact. 
“You wanna join me tonight?”, I asked her, when I met her in the kitchen the next morning. Probably I was being selfish to try and get her out of the comfort of our flat, but I wanted her to be closer to me anytime. She was reading some book like the smart girl she was but she put it away as soon as I tried to talk to her. 
“Where are you going?”
“The boys and I have a gig and I thought - since you’re freed now - you might like…?”
“Are you trying to make me drunk two out of three nights in a row?”, she called me out in a joking tune and it made me smile to see her that relaxed. 
“Of course not, but I’d like you around me two out of three nights in a row.” Damn, she had no idea what she did to me when she blushed. She looked down at her hands, seemingly battling herself to a decision. “No pressure, Tiffy, if you’re there, you’re there and if not I’ll still play for you.”
“You know it’s not because I don’t want to hear you play, right, Rog?”
“Do I?”, I asked and leaned my head to the side a little too let her know I wasn’t completely serious. 
“I can’t see myself enjoying your show in a huge crowd at all, it scares me, especially since I wouldn’t know anyone watching you, too and I - “
“You can join us for our rehearsal on Friday, if you prefer that.”
“That’s perfect”, she immediately agreed and I felt great about it. It relieved the thought of being rejected, at least. 
“We can have dinner after, if you’d like.”
“We always have dinner, Rog.”
“No, I mean, you and me - and the boys if we can’t get rid of them - having dinner in a restaurant, if you’d like.” Now I was the one blushing, I feared, as she looked at me in surprise. 
“Yeah, I think I’d like that”, she said after a moment and I smiled at her. 
“Me too, Tiffy.”
I knew I shouldn’t really - even though there wasn’t anything exclusive about Tiffany and me, there wasn’t a “we” if it came to anything else than talking about our shared flat situation, but I still felt guilty and like I wasn’t supposed to let all the girls approach me after our gig. 
“Hey there, sweet boy”, one of them purred, “How you doing, love?”, the other one said and “You did so amazing!”, I heard a third one while they really gave me a hard time to move forward, just trying to get to the bar behind Brian. Their hands were all over me and I was glad I didn’t wear something too showing or open, even, and it wasn’t that I didn’t like it, I just felt like it wasn’t fair. I wasn’t looking for anything they had to give me, instead I was trying to figure out which of them reminded me the most of Tiffany, really, and I knew that was just wrong. 
“Thanks, girls, but let me have a drink first, would you?”
Of course I ended up buying the three of them drinks and I hated to admit it, but it was kind of a given that I went outside “to smoke”, only to make out with one of them, finally letting go of the thought of Tiffany’s emerald green eyes. I didn’t enjoy the night at the girl’s place - as if the universe wanted to punish me, really, for drinking myself into a state where I didn’t only forget about the girl’s - or Tiffany’s - name but also about my own, to a state where I didn’t care about anything anymore, trying to find relieve in it. I couldn’t even remember the sex for the love of god, only assuming it was good, by how the girl was cuddled against me, how our clothes were all over the floor. But the mattress woke me up, squeaking and poking into my back, which didn’t make the pain in my head any better. I just stumbled to grab my clothes and left, unable to look back at the girl or respond when she called for me, only heading for the door. I didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the hole situation getting the best of me, but I didn’t make it really far without throwing up and horribly cursing myself. I’d done dumb things but they didn’t really compare to last night. 
Also, when I got home, there was light in the kitchen. It was an early morning and I knew, Tiffany was one to get up before sunrise but couldn’t that girl let herself get some rest once? She was reaching for the medicine cabinet, when I stepped into the kitchen, feeling her eyes on me and suddenly realising that I could easily be covered in my own vomit, if I was as unlucky as I felt that moment. 
“You need help?”, I asked nonetheless and the worry in her eyes got wilder as she heard my hoarse voice. 
“Where have you been?”
“I couldn’t tell you her name, even if I wanted to and I really shouldn’t have gone”, I tried to explain, unable to lie to her, or stand her quizzing look another second. “I feel sick, man, I had way too much scotch last night.” What would I do next, call her “mate”? This is really a great way to safe your ass out of this situation, seriously, keep going, Taylor, you’re doing great. 
“Makes two of us, though”, Tiffany murmured and stepped away, acknowledging that she was a bit too tiny to reach the pain killers. I reached up, to hand them to her, unable to look her way - mostly because I was really aware of the bad taste in my mouth and I didn’t want her to smell me in the end. 
“What’s wrong, love?”, I still asked, scared that she wasn’t alright. 
“I get sick after every exam period, really and here I am, coming down with a fever.”
“Then, hush, to bed!”, I said, grabbing her to make her move and tug her in, before I could escape into the bathroom. “I’ll make you tea and get you soup, you just stay there, you hear me?”, I rambled in the process of getting her into her bed. I started brushing my teeth, while I went into the kitchen to put some tea water to a boil and looked through the cabinets for soup, realising I’d have to pick some up at the store. That wasn’t half bad in the end, because it forced to make myself look somewhat decent and I could get new cigarettes, cheese and toast at the store too, so I could at least eat some terrible breakfast when I came back to find Tiffany asleep. 
I prepared the soup as it said on the pack and carefully carried it to her night stand, before I sat down next to Tiffany and softly ran my fingers over her face to make her wake up. Her skin was really clean and soft, but it felt hot to a point that I wished I knew a doctor, a better one than myself, for sure. 
“Wake up, sweet girl, you need to get your soup down, so you’ll get better.” She smiled at me weakly and tried to move to a sitting position, so she could cuddle against her bed’s headboard and slowly eat the soup I held for her. I watched her eat in silence while I sat next to her, my legs crossed on her mattress, realising I should turn her heater up for a start. The tea water had gotten cold while I was gone so I reheated it, to finally make the tea she needed and I looked at her in her bed critically, while she sipped it. “Tiffy, do you want me to get you more pillows?”, I asked because it was kind of impossible that I had more pillows than she did, right? She giggled at me and moved her head for me to come closer. 
“Rog, you’re acting like my mom - worse, actually, because she doesn’t consider you sick as long as your bones aren’t broken.”
“But -“
“I just need to rest, don’t worry”, she didn’t let me interrupt her. “You should go, so I don’t infect you.”
“I won’t leave you alone, unless that was your attempt to kick me out.”
“No, it wasn’t”, she explained and I felt relieved. She didn’t seem to be angry at me or the way I’d spent my night and that made me feel a little less sick. 
“Good, then”, I said and slipped under her covers. Her eyes were on me, looking a little shocked, otherwise just intensely focused on me, as I moved towards her to rest her head on one of my arms and spoon her. “You fine, love?”
“Yes, but you don’t have to -“
“But I want to”, I whispered into the back of her neck. 
“Thank you”, she murmured, shifting around a little to get the most comfortable.
“I was worried, when you didn’t come home.”
“I’m so sorry, Tiff”, I told her again, honestly. “I really shouldn’t have gone.”
“Glad you realised that”, she mumbled and it made me chuckle a little. Her breathing became slower and deeper when she feel asleep and I hummed one of the songs, the boys and I were working on, to fasten up the process, until I eventually fell asleep as well. 
@crazyweirdocalledfriday @discodeakyy @blondecarfucker
Let me know what you guys thought 💕💕
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blushy-monkey-blog · 6 years
please please please a roger Taylor scenario where the reader is chubby based on "fat bottom girls".
A/N: also I just wanted to say that as a curvy girl myself this makes my heart so happy! I was really in the mood to write some jealous!Rog tonight, so I hope thats okay w you haha, hope you enjoy!
(Also I’m really sorry if this isn’t super great, I realized after I finished writing it  that I usually don’t describe the reader’s body in much detail bc I want anyone to be able to put themselves in the fic, so I tried to add some details in but idk if it did a whole lot, sorry)
Warnings: the usual - swearing + smut lol
“Fucking prat!” Roger hissed under his breath, slamming the door behind him.  
You looked up from your book. “Alright, Rog?” You ask, not too worried, seeing how often Roger exploded like this. “What’s up?”
“Brian.” He said. “Fucking. Brian.”
You frowned. Of all the boys, Brian was usually the least likely to stir up trouble. “What’s he done?”
Roger glanced up at you, kicking his shoes off. “He’s always had a thing for you, know that? Always had his eyes on my girl.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Rog, I’m sorry but what are you talking about?”
“Fat Bottomed Girls.” He said harshly, crossing the room to sit beside you on the couch. “Fucking Fat Bottomed Girls. It’s his latest song- a love song.”
You turned to face him, a smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. “Awe, Bri finally wrote me a love song, did he? I might have to run off with him then, sorry Rog.” You teased.
“You think this is fucking funny?” He asked, annoyed at your barely-concealed laughter.
“Well yes actually, I think it’s hilarious. Do you really think something called Fat Bottomed Girls could possibly be a love song?”
“You didn’t hear it, Y/N.” He snapped, folding his arms across his chest. “It’s a love song, plain and simple. The lyrics- they’re sexy.”
You leaned closer to him, running your hand through his hair and crossing your legs. It didn’t escape your notice that his eyes followed the movement of your thighs, and you smirked to yourself. “Why don’t you sing it for me, and I’ll decide if Bri actually wrote it for me or not?”
Roger unfolded his arms so he could grab at your legs. The short dress you had on had ridden up, exposing more skin than Rog knew how to handle. He kissed you, pushing you down against the couch until you were lying beneath him.  He pushed your legs apart so he could rest between them, hovering above you with an arm on either side of your head. He began to sing in a raspy voice, “Won’t you take me home tonight, down beside your red firelight? Oh, give it all you got, Fat bottomed girls, you make the rockin’ world go ‘round.”
You reached up to trail a finger over his lower lip. “You’re really sexy when you sing, did you know that?”
There’s another part that’s something like “Great big woman, you made a bad boy out of me,” He said as a response.
“I think Brian is totally in love with me.” You said sarcastically, flashing him a teasing smile.
Roger leaned forward so his lips pressed against your ear. “Well he can’t have you. You’re my girl, you got that?”
You shivered. “I’m your girl.” You repeated quietly. 
“That’s right baby.” He said. 
You noticed his pants tightening as he grew hard from being pressed so close to you. Taking advantage of the system, you rolled your hips up slightly, rubbing against him. His breath caught in his throat. “Fuck.” He whispered. “I’m going to have you right here, on this couch.”
You smiled as he pushed your dress up so he could loop his fingers into the elastic band of your panties and pull them down your legs.   He pushed a finger into you without warning and you gasped. Roger knew exactly how to touch you, pumping his finger in and out as he applied pressure to your clit. “Would Brian make you feel this good?” He growled in your ear.
You shook your head. “No Rog, just you baby.”
“That’s right.” He said, withdrawing his finger from you and quickly shimmying out of his pants. “You ready for me dirty girl?”
You nodded and he pushed into you, fast and hot and a little frantic with need. You both moaned in unison as he developed a fast pace. “Fuck.” He groaned under his breath, grabbing at your sides for leverage. “Fuck, I love your body so much.” He said between moans.
You smiled, thinking of the lyrics he had sung earlier. “Do I make your rockin’ world go ‘round?”
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rogmeaddows · 6 years
Part 2: Do you call my name?
Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor x Reader // Roger Taylor x Reader
Concept: This is loosely based off of Letter to Hermione by David Bowie. You moved to London for a student exchange program in college. Met Roger there and ended up dating for 4 years only to break up once you moved back to the states for a publishing deal on your book. Now, 5 years later, you are married, work as a studio drummer (roger gave you a few lessons and you were actually quite good at it, started taking professional lessons and so it went), also are an author with one successful book, own a house in a boring neighborhood with your husband, and overall have a very steady life, and yet you are still deeply in love with Roger. When Queen comes to America for their tour, you and him meet again unexpectedly. It causes havoc in both your hearts and lives.
how I see the characters
Part 1
Warnings: (Angst, almost infidelity, drinking, alcohol, puke, long-term pining, cuss words, crying)
Word Count: 2,300+
After dinner you and Nathan went back to the house, waiting for Rachel and Joe to come pick both of you up to go to the party. As you search through the back of your closet trying to find clothes that would fit the outrageousness of a Queen party. You stumbled upon a box labeled “don’t hang up” opening it you find some of your mini skirts and a few dresses a lower cut than you ever thought you wore. At the bottom of the box however was a very dark red velvet dress that has long arms that sprout out at the ends of the arms. You squeeze into it just barley, surprised that it still fits and turn around to see yourself in the mirror. The dress has a very low cut and is even shorter in length, leaving nearly nothing to the imagination. Your breath catches as you remember the last time you wore this dress, it was to one of Queen’s press release parties.
You were sitting in Roger’s lap making jokes about the state of the party and the people, and how the angry looks from the groupies was so familiar it was almost comforting. Snapping out of the memory you go to your bathroom sink and pull your messy (y/h/c) hair down from its tightly woven bun and throw on a little bit of eyeliner, just as you find yourself presentable your husband comes upstairs to tell you that Rachel and Joe are here, however he never gets to that part once he sees what you are wearing
“Hey (y/n), Rachel and- What are you wearing?” he asks in discomfort
“A dress?”
“Don’t think thats long enough to be considered a dress.”
“Well I thought, of all people, you would like it.”
“Well I don’t. I’m not about to go to party with my wife dressed like a-” just before he could say that last dreadful word, Rachel came upstairs asking if everyone was ready.
“Yes we are.”you say as your husband shoots you a death glare but left the argument where it lie.
Everyone then piled into Nathan’s car as he had already offered to be designated driver, as you all sat in the car Rachel just kept talking about how she had never been to a Rockstar's party and how you should’ve have told her that you knew Queen.
Once you got to the party, everyone in your little group stood out as they walked through door. Being surrounded by crazed fans, wild people, and wanna be rockstars, the only person out of the four of you who didn’t stand out was you.
“Do you guys wanna go get a drink?” Rachel asked everyone excitedly. But you payed no attention to her with the thought of getting to your long lost friends of Queen you quickly started searching the crowd, as you walked all three of them followed you like puppies to their new owner. Turning around and saying
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, you all should go get drinks and meet me back here. That okay?” you didn’t wait for conformation just quickly broke away from them hearing your husband grumble something angrily behind you. Just as you were trying to escape their gaze by turning down the nearest hallway you bumped harshly into a unknown very tall figuring, getting a face full of curly hair. It only took you a split second to figure out who it was
“Oh shit, I’m sor- Brian! Oh my god! It’s been so long.” his face lights up when he realizes its you, but then is followed by confusion
“(y/n), we’ve all missed you so much! But um- what brings you here? its been years since any of us have seen you.”
“I was at dinner with a few friends and when I went to the bathroom I ran into Roger, my friend Rachel came looking for me and after her having a little fangirl moment over Roger he invited us. Guess he couldn’t resist a chance to charm another girl” I say this laughing but in truth I was a little afraid those were his motivations.
“Well he didn’t tell any of us he invited you, Freddie will be ecstatic to see you!  Here come on, we’re all hanging out over this way.” He put a hand on your back trying to guide you through the maze of people and just as you entered a room with a  crowded with couches, chairs, and a table filled with an assortment of alcohol you saw John sitting next to Freddie on the coach; both of them giggling. The sight brought warmth to your heart, you truly did miss them over the years. Then you turn a see Roger with some floozy under his arm, whispering in his ear.For a second you were afraid none of them would acknowledge you, like they had all completely moved on and forgotten you. Then Freddie saw you and exclaimed
“(Y/N)! Darling, jesus it’s been forever.” he then ran over to you and gave you a hug saying
“Oh dear I love the dress, I remember when I helped you pick that out, still look just as gorgeous.”
“Aw Freddie thank you! And you look just a gorgeous as the last time I saw you, except for one thing. What did you do to your hair?” noticing his now short hair and frumpy mustache.
“Sharks have to keep moving my dear. Now are you going to stand there or are you going to party?” he then hands you a glass of champagne and leads you over to John and Roger. John stands up to hug you
“Oh wow, I’ve missed you. Band hasn’t been the same since you came back to the states.”
“Well my life hasn’t been the same since I lost touch with you guys.”
You sit down in a chair next to John and Freddie, completely unaware that Roger had stopped paying attention to the poor girl trying to kiss her way back into his head. Instead he just stares at you, at the restaurant you had looked so different, a dress blouse and a long black skirt and hair in bun. It was like seeing a stranger when compared to the girl he fell in love, but seeing your hair fall in your face when you lean down, your smile so wide, your dress ride up when you move legs a certain way. It was like he was being thrown back in time and then you looked at him and your (y/e/c) eyes brought something out of him he hadn’t felt in front of a woman in years. Vulnerability.
He stood up and walked over to you, completely abandoning the girl hanging off of him. He sat down in the chair next to you and said
“Well I honestly didn’t think you would except my invitation, figured you grew out of this what with your new…” he paused and looked down at the ring on your finger
“…lifestyle and all.” You looked at him, trying to see if he was poking fun or not.
“Well I guess you would be confused about the confines of monogamy, but turns out only being with one person does not keep me from leaving the house.” he laughs and seeing his face light up makes your heart swell in your chest. However thats when his arm candy comes over and gets one top of him, almost uncomfortably straddling him and immediately shoves her lips against him. The encounter is unnatural and almost makes you sick to your stomach. A reminder of the barrier that is now and always will be between you and Roger.
Not desiring to sit next to the wet sounds coming from the two in the chair you get up and walk over to Freddie who was now pouring vodka into a glass, at first you thought he was just making himself a drink but when you walk up to him he shoves the glass your way.
“Don’t act like you don’t need it love.”
“Oh Freddie, you know me so well.”
“I just know two yearning hearts when I see them.” you put the glass to my lips and throw my head back downing the clear liquid.
“I’m not yearning for anything, other than a good buzz.”
“Oh for sure darling” you turn to the table filled with various glass bottles, picking up the same vodka he had just poured you and filled the glass about two shots full. Downing that glass and grimacing at the horribly bitter taste you slam the glass down. Meanwhile Freddie is just laughing at you
“Come on lets go join the party.” You and him walk over to the three other Queen members as well as a group of people surrounding the band. As the night goes on you forget about the three people who you came here with, after more drinks and dancing to every song you can feel the effects that the alcohol is having on your stomach. Stumbling out of the room, trying to keep the walls from spinning while in search of a bathroom, you don’t notice the blonde drummer following behind you. You search hurriedly for the bathroom only to feel a hand grab your wrist, turning around to find none other than Roger Taylor holding onto you. That’s when a sense of relief flushes your body as he leans down and says
“Here follow me, theres a bathroom this way.” you just nod and hold onto his arm, pulling you towards a pair of stairs only a few feet to your left. Finding this new task to be the most difficult task you’ve ever been faced with you say
“Rogerrrr, I’m sorry I- I don’t think I can make it up.”
“Come on I know you can, do you really wanna throw up all over this floor.”
“I don’ know if I have a choice.” you feel the puke coming up your mouth and cover your mouth with your hand. Roger, seeing the urgency of this situation, scoops you up and starts carrying you up the stairs, then he pushes open the nearest door and right as you see the toilet you can no longer hold in and puke goes hurling all over Roger’s shirt.
He flinches immediately, but walks over to the bathtub and sets you down gently.
“Oh Roger- shit. I’m so sorry, fuck. I’ll clean your shirt.” you tried to stand but then stumbled and fell back into the bathtub. He walks over to you squats down
“I can clean my own shirt, okay? Don’t feel bad about this, I’ve thrown up on your clothes a hundred times.” he chuckles at the memory of ruining yoour favorite dress after a particularly hard show.
You wanted to say okay and for him to stand up and put his shirt under hot water and help you find Nathan so he can take you home. But instead you look at him, his face so close to yours, his eyes bright blue, his hair messy hanging in his eyes, the stench of alcohol coming from his breath. You look him in the eyes and say
“I forgot how much I liked looking at you.” his eyes flash with wistfulness and he small smile spreads across his face
“I forgot how much I like looking at you too.” you run your hands through his hair and move down to his cheek. His hands meets yours and he turns his head slightly, placing a kiss on your palm. You then pull your hand away and lean your head against the wall of the bathtub.
“How did we get here Roger?” its a loaded question, one that brings up countless memories
“I believe it was your inability to ever know when to stop drinking.” You laugh quietly and he stands up, pulling the shirt over his head and putting it under the faucet. You stare at his bare chest and remember a time when it was the most familiar feeling your hands knew. Now you can barley remember the ghost of it, willing your finger tips to replenish this memory. You stand up shakily, stepping over the tub and walking over to him. You wrap your hands around his hips as he scrubs the puke shirt. You both look at the each other through the mirror and tears spring to your eyes. He turns around to face you and you collapse into him, he wraps his arms around you and whispers.
“I feel it too.”
You look up at him, tears falling down your face and you see that he is close to crying. You can feel your throat close up and your chest tightens, both of you carrying the weight of lost time and love. Just as you lay your head back on his chest and a sob dares escape your throat the door burst open and a very surprised Nathan pushes his way in. You watch as his brain asses the situation and his eyes fill with anger. But he didn’t yell, he barley reacted. All he said was
“Find a way home.” and then slammed the door behind him. You try to chase after him, pushing the bathroom door open and watching him walk down the stairs. You run after him, barley making it down the stairs.
“Nathan, wait!” but he doesn’t turn around, he just keeps pushing his way through the crowd. You collapse in the crowd feeling sobs rake your body and a hand place itself on your back. You turn around to find Mary whom you hadn’t even thought would be at this party, she pulls you up off the floor
“Come on, I have a hotel room near here.”
Taking a cab to the hotel and trying your hardest to keep quiet n the backseat of the Taxi, Mary softly rubbing your back. You both ride silently in the elevator up to her floor and as you crash on the bed you say the first words you have said to her in years.
“Thank you.” those were the last words you said right before you passed out on top of the covers on her hotel room bed.
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brianvictrpetro · 8 years
ALL EYES ON ME: THE 22 ILLUMINATI APB http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFzCP_e3dpj3s5Y78hIn-yBdd-OnIbQt Hi! My name is Brian Victor Petro aka AuOz and I am from Pittsburgh, PA with The Love Story of Romeo and Juliet (Where they live Happily Ever After) to tell about. Preferably in time for Valentine's Day 2017...and at the very least better late than never!!!! This is known as Plato Symposium....Plato Symposium in layman's terms tells us that we all have a soulmate that we are separated from at birth and if we follow our TRUE PATH we will be paired together with our soulmate in this lifetime. -True love fulfilled. After all, The motto of the Universe is "LIFE IS A GAME MEANT FOR EVERYONE TO PLAY, AND LOVE IS THE GRAND PRIZE!"...In philosophy: this is called DETERMINISM and you'll also need to know of The Red Book by Carl Yung, after all "Synchronicity" is Key. What is synchronicity? Synchronicity is a concept, first explained by psychoanalyst Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. This is exactly why Taylor Swift named her album RED two CD'S ago. So ask yourself, "What if INCEPTION is real and the only one who can unlock your mind is your twin flame... Your Soulmate?" ....HOLLYWOOD IS TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING! Yes, this is about the Universal mind and how we are all connected. And who is The Queen in This game? Taylor Alison Swift! Don't believe me? Look at the lyrics to "SHAKE IT OFF" I stay out too late Got nothing in my brain That's what people say, mmm-mmm That's what people say, mmm-mmm Trust me she's got A LOT going on in her brain!!! 22...NOT A LOT GOING ON AT THE MOMENT...Wikipedia puzzle...synchronicity! YOU'LL NEVER LISTEN TO AND VIEW "I DON'T WANNA LIVE FOREVER" by Zayn Malik and Taylor Swift THE SAME WAY EVER AGAIN!!! It's all about PLATO SYMPOSIUM!!! Notice how they are in and out of different rooms at different times both wanting to tell each other how they feel! SO CLOSE YET SO FAR AWAY! Well, towards the end they face each other in a RED and BLUE lit room and finally have the opportunity to speak to each other! It's "SPEAK NOW!" By Taylor Swift WHY IS RED AND BLUE IMPORTANT! In the Bad Blood music video you need to look for 3 things, THE MATRIX, THE 5TH ELEMENT and WORLD WAR 3. (Don't think that's crazy cause the logo for World War 3 is "www." and yes you've been a part of it for 47 years and counting whether or not you've realized it or not!!! It's cyber warfare.) If at anytime you think my TLC is ever too much, that's a good thing cause in Bad Blood Kendrick states, My TLC was quite OD, ID my facts... So let's now, ID my facts: In the beginning of BAD BLOOD look for the Matrix where the glass warps and all the suit and ties are blind folded. Why? Ill tell u when u call me! You're gonna wanna know! In the matrix you take the red or blue pill. Take the blue pill and you wake up believing whatever u want, take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and i show you how far down the rabbit hole goes. The term "red pill" refers to a human that is aware of the true nature of the Matrix. Notice the red and blue bikes in the Bad Blood video. Then play "WONDERLAND" by Taylor Swift. Flashing lights and we Took a wrong turn and we Fell down a rabbit hole. What color are police lights when they pull you over? Red and Blue...Flash Foward to "I DON'T WANNA LIVE FOREVER" and the two primary color themes are Red and Blue. ***You'll know he or she is your twin flame when he or she starts speaking your language.*** For there is no one else in this world that speaks my language better intellectually, verbally and visually than Taylor Alison Swift! I gaurentee you no one speaks her language better than I. ***She gave me something and I'm not gonna sit back and not say nothing!!! Cause I don't wanna fit wherever!!!*** I JUST WANNA KEEP CALLING HER NAME. I don't wanna live forever 'Cause I know I'll be livin' in vain And I don't wanna fit (fit, babe) wherever (wherever) I just wanna keep callin' your name Until you come back home I just wanna keep callin' your name Until you come back home I just wanna keep callin' your name Until you come back home "Until you come back home" implies, HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS!!! IT'S ALL ABOUT TWIN FLAME LOVE!!! Why else would she be looking sad in all the nicest places??????? Yes you can say it's only for a movie, HOWEVER everything in music is an ENTENDRE. EVERYTHING IS EVERYTHING AFFIDAVITS AND WEDDING RINGS! ***If it anytime u think this is crazy, just know in blank space she says that her ex's will tell you she's insane... Got a long list of ex-lovers They'll tell you I'm insane 'Cause you know I love the players And you love the game "THEY'LL TELL YOU I'M INSANE, CAUSE YOU KNOW I LOVE THE PLAYERS AND YOU LOVE THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" REMEMBER: THE MOTTO OF THE UNIVERSE IS..."LIFE IS A "GAME" MEANT FOR EVERYONE TO PLAY AND LOVE IS THE GRAND PRIZE!"....she loves the players and I AM THE KING THATS COMPETING cause I LOVE THE GAME!!! 'Cause we're young and we're reckless We'll take this way too far It'll leave you breathless Or with a nasty scar Got a long list of ex-lovers They'll tell you I'm insane But I've got a blank space, baby And I'll write your name The reason her ex's think she's insane is the same reason you might think that this article insane. BUT THAT'S JUST IT, SHE SPEAKS MY LANGUAGE AND I SPEAK HERS! Thats why THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN FAIRLY JUDGE THIS BOOK INSIDE AND OUT AND NOT JUST BY ITS COVER IS TAYLOR ALISON SWIFT. HER LANGUAGE THAT I SPEAK OF IS in my music on my YouTube channel and yes we have to solicit a response out of Taylor Alison Swift. That's the rules of the game...Below it says, "Nice to meet you, where you been?" So from deductive reasoning this tells you she hasn't physically been in a presence of her twin flame yet! Nice to meet you, where you been? I could show you incredible things Magic, madness, heaven, sin Saw you there and I thought Oh my God, look at that face You look like my next mistake Love's a game, wanna play? -Blank Space. Remember: Life's a game meant for everyone to play and LOVE is the GRAND PRIZE! https://youtu.be/tu4q3WLhOlw Blank Space Live *Notice how her Romeo comes at end behind a RED DOOR that she's clawing on with a dozen RED roses. Symbolically that's telling me Valentines Day. At the very least I'll live with "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!!!" In the original BLANK SPACE video Romeo shows up in a RED car!!! *Notice her last two CDs you can't see those eyes of Taylor's but you can see those red lips. This in THE RED BOOK tells us that everything that comes out of her mouth IN HER MUSIC is the TRUTH! the album art for "I don't want to live forever" is a mask still no eyes. However, in New Romantics she says he can't see it in my face but I'm about to play my Ace. YES I AM THAT ACE!!! Play my videos please for her to view them! Cherry lips, crystal skies I could show you incredible things Stolen kisses, pretty lies You're the King, baby, I'm your Queen Blank Space. NOTICE the cherry lips. If you go to love story, she picks cherries from the tree. Yes, them cherry RED lips shes known for. Also I'm the King baby, and your my queen lyrics. Well, if you play DJ KHALED "Major Key" album you'll notice that in the song HOLY KEY it states, "I'm restoring the portrait of feasting, nigga, I am beast I don't like to sleep, I'm up like coyote, I might OD Hair like ODB, I'm off a higher need Khaled is valid, I been looking for inspiration But when you the only king, you the only one in the matrix That portrait he is restoring is that of God. BUT WHEN YOU THE KING, YOU THE ONLY ONE IN THE Matrix...BOOM!!! TWO WORDS CROSS REFERENCE...KING AND MATRIX from the Taylor Swift theme. AND YES, I AM THE HOLY KEY AND CAN PROVE IT! LIKE JAY Z says in "I GOT THE KEYS" That Wraith talk, that's foreign, nigga Special cloth talk here All my niggas from the mud damn near All my niggas millionares We gon' take it there, I swear You gon' think a nigga's psychic You ain't seen nothin' like this I should probably copyright this I promise they ain't gonna like this YES, I CAN EVEN FORETELL FUTURE EVENTS!!! "You gon' think a nigga psychic, You ain't seen nothing like this!" I am the one with the keys, the keys, the keys! What keys are they you ask? THE VATICAN'S KEYS CROSSED! THAT SHOULD TELL YOU why Kendrick in HOLY KEY says he don't wear crosses no more...Yashua is coming back! I'm Back! New Romantics: We're all here, the lights and noise are blinding We hang back, it's all in the timing It's poker, he can't see it in my face But I'm about to play my Ace I am that ACE. We need love, but all we want is danger We team up then switch sides like a record changer The rumors are terrible and cruel But, honey, most of them are true From deductive reasoning the last two lines right above tell you her "Honey" is someone she has never physically been in the presence of but can see him in her mind. It's me. IMPORTANT: I could go on and on. Remember what Plato's Symposium is about...being separated from your twin flame at birth and being one with them in this lifetime!...Just know at the end of the day I was born for this! Yes, i was born this way! It's in my SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, it's in my NAME, it's in my DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER, my BIRTHDAY my PHONE NUMBER and even my ADDRESS!!! YES, I can prove all of it!!! This world is nothing more nothing less than a mathematics game! Everything is numbers, and if one number was off the universe would implode in on itself. It's known as "The Perception Deception" or for a lack of better terms: THE MATRIX!!! All I know is we said, "Hello." And your eyes look like coming home All I know is a simple name Everything has changed All I know is you held the door You'll be mine and I'll be yours All I know since yesterday is everything has changed [Taylor Swift] All I know is we said, "Hello." So dust off your highest hopes All I know is pouring rain and everything has changed All I know is a new found grace All my days I'll know your face All I know since yesterday is everything has changed https://youtu.be/w1oM3kQpXRo EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED ...LISTEN to the lyrics, she has known of my face since 2012...SHE KNOWS I'M FACE...YOU HAVE TO HAVE HER ID ME!!! http://www.google.com/url?q=http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2012/12/18/dont-be-afraid-of-the-end-of-the-world-its-actually-a-spiritual-awakening/&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjh5pWhnITSAhVF4yYKHYznACkQFggLMAA&sig2=xyDqrVoFLrR950lIzlBvGg&usg=AFQjCNEbmnN66O6MKjdiV2J3D_zSNirCFg I'M JUST GONNA KEEP ON CALLING YOUR NAME, TILL YOU COME BACK HOME... God is Home! Tupac's Back, Tupac's Back, Tupac's Back, All Eyez on Me:Illuminati APB Oh and don't shoot the messenger but I know know what happens to Trump and there is nothing no one can do about it, cause it's written in prophecy. I'LL GIVE YOU THAT WHOLE STORY THE MOMENT SHE ID'S ME!!! After all Taylor Alison Swift has written a song about it.😉🤗 The songs that i have written, recorded and subsequently uploaded to my YouTube channel above are the results of my trials and tribulations throughout life, including current events that take place in the past, present and FUTURE all in search for my soulmate...TRUE LOVE! For I am Romeo and I have found my Juliet...and YES, MY JULIET IS...Taylor Alison Swift. And, YES, I can prove it! See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns. See you make your way through the crowd And say, "Hello." Little did I know... "Make my way through the crowd and say HELLO" metaphorically that's exactly what this email and my YouTube videos are. I'm making my way through the crowd to say "HELLO" to her. That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles, And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet." And I was crying on the staircase Begging you, "Please don't go." And I said... This email and the YouTube videos that follow is exactly that...ME throwing pebbles. Below: "Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone." Metaphorically means in our minds! REMEMBER This is about THE UNIVERSAL MIND and how we are ALL CONNECTED. Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting; all that's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess, It's a love story, baby, just say "Yes". Where it says, "I'll be waiting; all that's left to do is run." IS HUGE. Look at her SUPER SATURDAY PERFORMANCE PIC ON HER INSTAGRAM WHERE SHE IS PLAYING THE GUITAR. It states, "The Bravest thing I ever did was...RUN!!!" She's telling me to RUN!!! Don't believe me, ask yourself, when has she ever "Ran" and what can that possibly mean beside me running?! Its the Metaphors that you miss people...OH BOY!!! I'M CRACKING CODES OVER HERE CAUSE I'M THE ONLY KING IN THE MATRIX. You should really give me 22 minutes of your time to show you! "I AM THE KILLUMINATI 36 DEGREED WITH THE 5'10" 22 HOTTIE, YOOOO DONT BELIEVE ME JUST YOU SIT BACK AND FUCKIN' WATCH ME!!!" I AM NOT SCARED CAUSE OF THIS: "I Know Places" You stand with your hand on my waist line It's a scene and we're out here in plain sight I can hear them whisper as we pass by It's a bad sign, bad sign Something happens when everybody finds out See the vultures circling dark clouds Love's a fragile little flame, it could burn out It could burn out Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes And guns They are the hunters, we are the foxes And we run Baby, I know places we won't be found And they'll be chasing their tails tryin' to track us down Cause I, I know places we can hide I know places, I know places Lights flash and we'll run for the fences Let them say what they want, we won't hear it Loose lips sink ships all the damn time Not this time Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it My love They are the hunters, we are the foxes And we run Baby, I know places we won't be found And they'll be chasing their tails tryin' to track us down Cause I, I know places we can hide I know places They are the hunters, we are the foxes And we run Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it My love Baby, I know places we won't be found And they'll be chasing their tails tryin' to track us down Cause I, I know places we can hide I know places They take their shots, but we're bulletproof I know places And you know for me, it's always you I know places In the dead of night, your eyes so green I know places And I know for you, it's always me I know places For I AM "THE LUCKY ONE" READ THE LYRICS!! "The Lucky One" New to town with a made up name in the angel's city, Chasing fortune and fame. And the camera flashes, make it look like a dream. You had it figured out since you were in school. Everybody loves pretty, everybody loves cool. So overnight you look like a sixties’ queen. Another name goes up in lights, like diamonds in the sky. And they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one. Yeah, they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one. But can you tell me now, you’re the lucky one, oh, oh, oh... Now it’s big black cars, and Riviera views, And your lover in the foyer doesn't even know you And your secrets end up splashed on the news front page. And they tell you that you’re lucky. But you’re so confused, 'Cause you don’t feel pretty, you just feel used. And all the young things line up to take your place. Another name goes up in lights. You wonder if you’ll make it out alive. And they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one. Yeah, they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one. Can you tell me now, you’re the lucky one, oh, oh, oh. It was a few years later, I showed up here. And they still tell the legend of how you disappeared, How you took the money and your dignity, and got the hell out. They say you bought a bunch of land somewhere, Chose the Rose Garden over Madison Square, And it took some time, but I understand it now. ‘Cause now my name is up in lights, but I think you got it right, Let me tell you now, you’re the lucky one. Let me tell you now, you’re the lucky one. Let me tell you now, you’re the lucky one, oh, oh, oh. Yeah they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one. Yeah, they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one. And they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one, oh, oh, oh. Oh, whoa, oh, oh Please Like, Share and SUBSCRIBE. Facebook: Brian Victr Petro Twitter: @BRIANVICTRPETRO Instagram: brianvictrpetro Snapchat: brianvictrpetro Tumblr: brianvictrpetro I'LL BE LOOKING FOWARD TO YOUR CALL: 4124302365 Thanks, Brian Victor Petro AuOz🏁❤🗝👯🔑💛🏁
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Quiet In The Library 3
Request: Pretty please can you do a quiet in the library part 3 ?? 😁your writing is Top Notch I looovve the way you write roger! Congrats on 1000 followers you deserve them all!!! 💕💕 
Please can u write more about quiet in the library ? This is so fucking good I’m super fan 🥺 maybe reader can be a little cocky for once like teasing him at a show or something then Roger get his revenge visiting her again 🥰 if you don’t feel it that alright, I love ur writing anyway !!! (Probably one of the best at writing smut especially) 
Pairing: 70s!Roger Taylor x Reader
Warnings: SMUT (18+), dom!Rog, sub!Reader, public sex, library sex, spanking, unprotected sex, 
Words: 2777
A/N: Written as part of my 1000 follower celebration, I got 2 requests for this one! I’ve been meaning to do a QITL 3 for a while and actually planned to have dom!reader in it but that was before I felt comfortable writing dom!reader and I kept putting it off so maybe I’ll write a QITL 4 at some point 🤷‍♀️
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Taglist:  @laedymoon​​​​  @dtfrogertaylor​​​​   @ezmina98​​​​  @vee-ndetta​​​​ @atomic-watermelon​​​​ @kellypenac​​​​ @labessieisallama​​​​ @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr​​​​ @drowseoftaylor​​​​  @hannafuckingsucks​  @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​ @queenmylovely​
When Roger called and invited you to watch him play you were excited for two reasons. Number one, you genuinely enjoyed the music and watching the boys play was always a good time, especially now they’d found a slightly larger audience to play for. And, number two, you felt like you could get a little payback. You’d spent weeks of work unable to think of anything but the ways Roger had used you among the non-fiction shelves. There was a small stain on the carpet in the back row, a lingering souvenir from Roger’s last visit, and every time you saw it you were hit by a flurry of memories and the sudden need to get off. It was only fair for you to give him a taste of his own medicine and after all, this was essentially Roger’s workplace, unconventional is it was. So, with that in mind, you got ready in an outfit that could only be described as the complete opposite of your workwear. There was no room for knee length skirts or smart ponytails. Instead you opted for a short skirt and a plunging neckline. You let your hair down and did your makeup, anything to make Roger hot under the collar. 
They were still setting up when you arrived and headed backstage, but you caught Roger’s eye and blew him a kiss.   “Well look at you. Very different to last time I saw you,” he said as he came over and hugged you in greeting.   “Yes well, that’s what you get for visiting me at work. I told you that was the least sexy outfit I owned.”  “And what does that make this outfit?”  “Well I thought it was definitely one of my sexier options, wouldn’t you say?” you twirled a strand of hair around your finger as you spoke.  “I might go so far as to call it slutty.”  “Bit rude –”  “I said might!”  “But not completely incorrect.”  At that moment Brian walked over, “Rog c’mon we’re- oh Y/N! Hi,”  “Hey Bri,” you gave him a quick hug too, hoping Roger was looking at your short skirt riding up as you pushed yourself onto tiptoes.  “We were just discussing Y/N’s outfit. Seems out sweet little librarian is in the mood to pick up,”  “Thanks Bri for telling him about my job, by the way, so glad he knows now.”  Brian rubbed his neck sheepishly, “Sorry. I was drunk and it slipped out.”  “How’d you even find out? I never told anyone,”  “Saw you there a few months ago. Kept meaning to ask you about it but it always slipped my mind.”  “Yeah well, this one,” you jerked your thumb at Roger, “has been a right shit about it,”  “You love it,” Roger said with a grin, “anyway Bri, what’d you want?”  “Oh shit, yeah. We’ve gotta go get ready. Are you gonna be here after the show?”  “Course she will be. Unless she finds some poor bloke to take home,”  “I’ll be here, front row the whole time. Wouldn’t miss your show for the best lay in the world.”  “That’s cause the best lay’s up there playing,” Roger winked at you and then he and Brian disappeared behind a door leaving you to head out to the crowd and take your spot up front.  
It was useless to try and get Roger’s attention while he played. Between sitting at the back of the stage, his shithouse eyesight, and his complete focus on playing, there was no chance in hell he’d even be able to see you let. Instead you got yourself a drink and settled in to watch the show, chatting occasionally to a excited girl beside you. She’d snuck out for the night just to see them and maybe try to hit on Roger.  You looked her up and down, “Roger is very cute. Shame really,”  “What’s a shame?  “You haven’t heard? Roger’s already got a girlfriend. Hopelessly devoted to her apparently,” you sighed for dramatic effect, “I heard he’s been looking at rings and everything. Shame the rest of us can’t have a shot with him, but at least the other three are still single.”  “Oh,” she looked disappointed but you saw her eyes flick from John to Freddie to Brian and back again as if she were comparing her options, “Thanks for the heads up.” She turned back to the stage, her eyes now glued to the bassist. That was your competition taken care of, although there was bound to be more of them out there. 
As soon as the music stopped you made your way backstage again and latched onto Roger’s arm. For the rest of the night you were basically glued to him, making it very obvious you wanted him. You even went so far as to sit on his lap at one point, intentionally wriggling your arse against his crotch in an attempt to make him hard.  “Thought you wanted to score tonight?” he asked you while the others were distracted, “why’re you hanging round here?”  “Maybe I want something specific, something I don’t think just anyone could give me,”  “Alright love, I know what you’re doing,”  “Other than trying to get you alone?”  “This is a shitty attempt at payback, isn’t it?”  “I don’t know what you mean,” you hoped you didn’t sound too obvious.  “You made it so obvious,” he laughed.  “All I’m trying to do is get laid Rog. I have a late start tomorrow cause I’m on locking up duty and I thought I might have some fun,”  “You think you’re being clever but I’m on to you,”  “Ugh fine. I should have just let that slut from the crowd have you,”  “What slut?”  You waved your hand like you were shooing away a fly, “Just this chick I got talking to. She came here wanting to fuck you but I convinced her to go after Deaky instead. Told her you already had a girl.”  “Are you kidding?”  “Nope,” you laughed, “might have also told her you were looking to propose to your girlfriend.”  “Y/N! Christ you’re going to ruin my chances with every girl that comes to our shows. If that rumour spreads I swear to god.”  “Oh it’ll be fine. There’ll be plenty who don’t care how married you are.”  “Thats not the point! God you’re really in for it now.”  You rolled your eyes and stood up, “Well, I guess I’m gonna go home then since you’ve ruined my fun. I’ll see you next time, say bye to the others for me.” 
The next day work went without a hitch. There was no sign of Roger at all, although you were so busy all day he completely slipped your mind. It wasn’t until you were getting ready to lock up that you remembered his promise to get back at you. You moved to flip the sign on the door to CLOSED and managed to reach it just as Roger pushed it open.  “We’re closed Rog,”  “You talking the library or your legs?” he said as he barged inside.  You stepped out of his way, shutting the door behind him. As soon as you turned away from the door he had you pushed up against the wall, one hand beside your head so he was leaning into your personal space.  “Told you I was going to come back,”  “You did,”  “Was that what you were trying to get last night? Missed being a dirty slut for me and decided to get all dressed up to remind me you’ve got a cunt with my name on it?”  “No, I got all dressed up to try and fuck you in your workplace,”  “Didn’t turn out that way though.”  he dropped his other hand towards your thigh, “lift it up for me.”  Without thinking you grabbed your skirt and pulled it up.  Roger laughed, “I swear you get easier every time I come here. Undo those buttons I wanna see your tits.”  His fingers landed on your pussy and you hurried to do as he asked, letting your skirt fall over his wrist as you pulled each button loose until your shirt was open to your midriff, the bottom of it still tucked into your skirt.  “Good girl,” he said softly, moving both hands to your chest, pushing your shirt aside and teasing your nipples, “but being a slut for me now isn’t going to change last night. You need a lesson in who’s in charge here. Bend over your desk.”  You whined as he tugged your nipples before letting you go and pushing you towards your desk.  
You placed your palms flat on the desk, bent at the waist, and waited.  “No. Down,” he pressed on your back until you buckled, your chest pressed against the smooth surface as your moved your arms to hold onto the opposite edge. There was a rustle of fabric as Roger pushed your skirt up again, exposing your arse to the room.  “You’re already wet,” he didn’t sound surprised. He didn’t touch you, either. It was what you wanted most, just a light touch on your hip even, but he refused, instead running his fingers along the edge of the desk. Over the pamphlets about the Dewey Decimal System, tapping lightly against the jar your pens were standing in, until he came to rest on a book left there earlier. You weren’t sure what it was but it seemed to interest Roger. He picked it up, flipped through a few pages, examined the hard cover, tested how well he could hold it in one hand.   “Keep count,” was the only warning you got before he brought the book down against your arse.  “Shit, one,”  “Speak up. You’re closed remember, no one around to hear you except me.”  “Two,”  “Who’s in charge here?”  “You are Sir. Three,”  He kept spanking you with the book and you kept counting, the sting only getting worse with each one. You hissed through your teeth at a particularly hard smack, trying to remember which number you were up to when you heard a noise outside. A woman’s heels clicking against the concrete pavement.  “I thought you were closed,” Roger said softly, dropping his raised arm, the book falling to cover the bulge in his jeans.  “We are. Fuck Rog, hide,” you stood and tugged your shirt back into place, though there was no hope of getting all the buttons done up. Roger straightened the back of your skirt just as the door was pushed open and a woman wearing the same uniform as you stepped inside.  “Y/N, you’re still here?”  “Just finishing locking up, Kathy, what are you doing back?”  “Oh I just finished the groceries and realised I left my book here,”  “You mean this one?” you took the book from Roger, stepping in front of him in the hopes Kathy wouldn’t notice his dilemma, “I wondered who it belonged to. Lucky I didn’t chuck it in with the rest of the returns,”  “Y/N, who’s this?”  “I’m Roger,” he said sticking out his hand from behind you. You could have hit him as you tried to remember which hand he’d used to touch your pussy.   “He’s a friend of mine.”  “Was in the area and thought I’d off Y/N a lift home since it’s already dark out.”  “Well that’s nice of you,” Kathy’s eyes flicked from your unbuttoned and ruffled shirt to Roger, half standing behind you, to you flushed cheeks to the book she was holding, “At work Y/N? Kinky. Just don’t leave any stains or anything.”  “I don’t know what you mean Kathy,”  “Mmhmm, you can explain it to me tomorrow then, I’ll leave you to it.” She left with a last look at Roger and a chuckle.  
As soon as the door was shut behind her you turned around and slapped Roger’s shoulder, “you knob! Louder there's no one to hear but me,” your shitty imitation of his voice made Roger laugh, “almost got caught with my arse out.”  “Well at least you still had knickers on.”  “Gee thanks. Kathy totally knew what was going on though, and now she’s going to badger me for details and I’m going to have to make her swear not to tell anyone.”  “Geeze you’re secretive. So what if she knows?”  “So what? I don’t want my co-workers to know about my sex life thanks. Especially not about us having sex here. I hope your happy,”  “Not really. In case you didn’t realise I’ve got this boner that needs taking care of.”  “Even after nearly getting caught?”  “Love, nearly getting caught only made it harder.”  “Jesus,”  Roger laughed, “oh c’mon, don’t act like you weren’t turned on by it too. Remember when you gave me head and the person was on the other side of the shelves?”  “Vividly,”  “I bet you do. I bet you think about it while you finger yourself. Maybe think about that person coming round the shelf and watching while I fucked your throat,” he backed you up against the desk as he spoke, the edge of it pressing into your arse as he pressed his hard-on into your thigh.  You whimpered, unable to resist his demanding tone.   “You want me to fuck you?”  “Please,”  “Hop up on the desk for me. Gonna fuck you right here where you sit every day. Where your co-workers sit Where your boss sits.” His hands were on your waist as you wriggled back onto the desk, “I know how blushy and wet you get from being in the back rows where I’ve used you before. But those places are too easy to avoid. I want you to think about what I do to you from the moment you get to work to the moment you leave. I want my cock to be on your mind constantly. I want to be able to walk in here and know that you’re already wet for me.” Once more he pushed your skirt up, exposing you completely when he impatiently tugged your underwear off, “I want you to sit down in the morning and remember how good it feels,” he quickly undid his fly and pushed his pants down, “to be full,” he dragged his cock along your folds making your breath hitch, “of me.”  You let out a squeaky, “oh!” as he entered you, one hand slipping behind your back to hold you up as his other grabbed your leg. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hooked your ankle around him as best you could when he pulled back and sank into you again.   “Fuck,” you whined as he thrust into you again.  “Louder.”  You shook you head, trying not to moan.  “C’mon, I know you want to. It’s your one chance to be loud here, not going to waste it are you?”  “Rog,”  “Louder. Want you loud enough to draw a fucking crowd.”  You gave in, moaning wantonly as he fucked you harder.  “That’s it, let everyone hear what a whore you are,” he was panting, “rub your clit.”  Your breath hitched as you followed his direction and found your clit, circling it with your thumb. You could feel the pressure building, only strengthened as Roger leaned into your neck and began sucking at your skin. A string of moans and whined expletives tumbled from your lips and you weren’t sure you’d have been able to turn the volume down even if Roger had demanded it. All you could do was cry out as you hit your release. Roger continued to pound into you, half to keep your high going and half to reach his own. Even as your orgasm subsided, leaving you with a few lingering aftershocks and a heightened sensitivity, he kept going, his breath coming in rough pants. It took you whining his name for him to finally cum, biting down on your throat. 
“Jesus Rog,” you said softly when he finally let you hop off the desk, “what are you, a fucking vampire?”  “God could you imagine how hot I’d be?”  “Alright Dracula, calm down. Can you hand me those tissues over there?”  “How come?”  “So I can clean up the mess we’ve made,” you pointed at the desk where a small puddle of evidence remained.  “What do you have to do before you’re finished closing up?”  “Umm, make sure the windows are shut and back room is locked. Then I’ve just gotta get the lights and lock the front door. Tissues?” you impatiently stuck out your hand.  “You don’t need tissues because you’re going to lick it up like a good little slut. And then, if you’re lucky, I’ll take you back to mine and make you beg for more.” 
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