#i love that you're interested in this boy :)
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luvseraphh · 2 days ago
heyy! i really loved the headcanons ab the mha guys with an autistic s/o! could you write another with eijiro, katsuki and shoto? if you only want to do it ab one of them you could just do kiri! this is my first ever request so im not rlly sure how to do this haha
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autism e. kirishima, k. bakugo, s. todoroki
in which how mha boys would treat their autistic partner <3
notes might be slightly ooc , might not be super accurate to everyone with autism , gn reader , fluff , hcs
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˙⟡ — e. kirishima
single handedly the most patient man alive
listens intently every time you info dump
and tries to learn as much about it as possible to impress you
and he buys you so many gifts based on your special interests / hyperfixations
great at understanding your nonverbal communication
admires you so much
he's just so down bad
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˙⟡ — k. bakugo
tries to pretend he doesn't care about your info dumps but if you stop talking he'll turn to you like " ?? keep talking ?? "
would get so pissed if someone said something even SLIGHTLY negative about you
if you have sensory issues he'll subtly try to eliminate any need for you to touch them in your life
whenever he can tell your overstimulated he'll get you out of the situation while making it seem like it's for him to get the attention off of you
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˙⟡ — s. todoroki
he is super quiet
which is great when you're overstimulated
also a great listener
just silently sits there, eyes tracing your face while you info dump
and you think he forgets about it
but he'll bring it up a few days later
and it's so cute :3
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howlingday · 2 days ago
Pyrrha: I have everything under control.
???: (Via scroll) UNDER CONTROL?! You were supposed to choose your future husband, not disappear out of thin air!
Pyrrha: Because none of the people YOU chose felt right. I'd rather choose someone who I want.
???: (Sighs) Fine...
Pyrrha: I'll keep you updated. We'll talk later, okay?
Jaune: Pommes aligot?
Pyrrha: (Thinking) I don't get to eat like this. Usually, the cameras would already be flashing and spoiling my meal, questioning who I'm dating and making my food get cold.
Pyrrha: Hah... If I knew being famous would be like this, I wouldn't have agreed... (Eats, Shocked)
Pyrrha: HEY! (Grabs Jaune)
Jaune: I-Is something wrong, ma'am? If the food's not to your liking, I could make you something else-
Pyrrha: I have a proposition for YOU! Tell me, what would you say to being married~?
Jaune: W-WHAT?!
Pyrrha: You become my husband, and I'll give you the world, the moon, and everything in-between and beyond~! All you have to do is keep giving me delicious food~!
Jaune: What kind of marriage proposal is that?!
Pyrrha: Well... Are you interested~?
Jaune: But this... This is so sudden... I don't even know your nam-
Pyrrha: Pyrrha.
Jaune: ...Jaune. But I feel like we're skipping a few steps here-
Pyrrha: You have nothing to worry about. I'll take care of all the preparations! (Gets up, Exiting) I'm going to speak to my manager about this. I'll see you tomorrow~!
Jaune: M... Manager?
Pyrrha: (Enters again) Um... Could I get that to go?
Jaune: (Seated)
Manager: (Slaps paperwork down)
Jaune: Uh... What is this?
Manager: Ms. Nikos has taken an interest in you, and she's arranged for you to be her personal chef. This opportunity could benefit you in the long run.
Jaune: I'm... I'm not interested.
Manager: If I were you, I would reconsider-
Pyrrha: Let me speak with him. Alone.
Manager: Very well. (Leaves)
Jaune: I need to get back to work, ma'am-
Pyrrha: I know. But hear me out, would you? It's clear to me that you love cooking, so much so that you are willing to work as many hours at as many jobs as you can to hone your craft. This would give you the same opportunity, but with less stress and more pay. This "engagement" of ours is just a formality. All you need to do is pretend to be my husband for one year so my mother doesn't worry about me. You look like a capable person, and I like capable people. So? What do you say?
Jaune: Listen, I appreciate your offer, but there's a lot for me to consider. If I rush into this, it could all go wrong in so many ways so fast-
Pyrrha: I'll do your taxes, too.
Jaune: DEAL.
Boy: (Red hair, Opens mouth)
Girl: (Blonde hair, Eating third bowl)
Pyrrha: Are you enjoying Daddy's pommes aligot? It's Mommy's favorite, too~! Say "Aaah"~!
Jaune: (Chuckles) Glad to see my hard work paying off~! Hope you're all ready for dessert~!
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makeitmingi · 1 day ago
The Cat and Dog Game [Bonus Chapter]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 5.6K
Chapter warning(s): Slightly suggestive at the end.
"Happy birthday!" Wooyoung burst into your bedroom. You groaned and hid under the covers, snuggling closer to Seonghwa. But of course, Wooyoung put his whole body on top of yours to squish you with all his affection.
"Where's Yunho hyung?" Jongho asked, realising it was Seonghwa beside you and not your boyfriend.
"He said he had something on in the afternoon that he couldn't change and we'll celebrate my birthday tonight so Seonghwa came over at midnight to wish me and spend the night." You yawned.
"What?! And you didn't invite us?" Wooyoung screeched.
"Just know I am the first to wish her happy birthday like a true best friend." Seonghwa said with a smug smile on his face.
"It's just a birthday, guys. Like every other day. It's not that big a deal." You said, scooching over to the middle of the bed so Wooyoung could lie beside you instead of on top of you.
"You really know how to put a damper on a birthday, huh?" Wooyoung scoffed.
"It's my birthday. I can celebrate it however I want and right now, I want to stay in bed and do nothing." You declared, reaching over to pat Willow as she slept in her dog bed.
"Let's see if you can say the same when you find out your surprise." Jongho said. Seonghwa and Wooyoung both snickered. Now that got you more alert. Even if they knew your sentiments towards birthdays, the boys never fail to celebrate it with you somehow. Seonghwa always planned some sort of surprise.
"What surprise?" You asked.
"Now you're interested? I thought you wanted to stay in bed the whole day?" Seonghwa asked. You shot him a dirty look and jabbed his side, making him wince and curl up.
"Get dressed and ready to go out! Then we'll bring you to your surprise." Wooyoung patted your butt and pulled you to sit up.
"Alright, alright." You yawned and stretched your arms, getting out of bed and shuffling to your bathroom.
"Hwa, do you need your towel?" You asked before you closed the bathroom door. He came in to get it himself, getting his toothbrush at the same time.
'Happy birthday, love~ I'll see you tonight! Enjoy yourself with Seonghwa hyung, Wooyoung and Jongho. I love you.
- Your yuyu'
You saw the post-it on the mirror in Yunho's familiar handwriting, making you smile. You didn't enter the bathroom after Yunho left so you guessed he left this behind for you.
'Thank you for the note. I have no idea where the 3 are dragging me to, it's a surprise they say. I'll see you tonight, I love you too. - (y/n)'
You sent a message to Yunho and finished getting ready. Seonghwa came to tell you not to dress too fancily, which only made you more curious and slightly worried that they might drag you to do some sort of physical activity.
"Is jeans and a t shirt okay...?" You poked your head out into the hallway.
"Yes. Now hurry and eat breakfast." Wooyoung rushed. You rolled your eyes and went to get ready, grabbing a black t shirt and a pair of simple jeans to dress in.
"You know, considering it's my birthday, you're actually making me feel slightly concerned about this surprise." You said to them.
"We won't kill you." Jongho assured.
"That's not very reassuring, Jong." You scoffed, sitting at the counter. Seonghwa slid you a coffee and a slice of toasted sourdough bread that he made fresh yesterday.
"I have whipped mascarpone in the fridge. Can you get me that and the cherry jam, please?" You asked.
"Sure." Seonghwa went to retrieve it. You spread both on your toast and took a bite. Seonghwa hummed as he made one for himself.
"There's something different about this cherry jam that you made. It doesn't taste like the regular one. Like there is a caramel flavour." Seonghwa noted.
"Yeah, I did something different. You know the homemade maraschino cherries that Jongho and I made last time with the rainer cherries? The ones that were soaked in rum. I added a few inside with the liquid they're soaking in. Thought the after taste of flavoured rum would add more depth." You explained.
"It's good. I like it and it doesn't taste alcoholic at all." Seonghwa nodded in approval. Wooyoung and Jongho came over to steal bites from you.
"The cherries didn't go bad?" Jongho asked. You shook your head.
"I think we added too little alcohol last time, that's why it went bad. This batch was just right." You said.
"Hurry up and eat or else we won't have time for your surprise." Wooyoung whined, rushing you. You laughed and shook your head, he was more excited than you were.
"I'm done, I'm done. Let's go." You finished the last bit of your coffee and kissed your pets goodbye.
"We'll drive." Jongho shook his keys. You all climbed into his car, with you and Seonghwa in the back seat, Wooyoung in the passenger.
"Do I get a hint?" You asked, looking out the window. The place didn't seem familiar and considering you just ate breakfast, you assumed they weren't going to drag you to another location to eat.
"Nope." Seonghwa was quick to shoot you down. You pouted at him and took your phone out to text Yunho. He felt really bad for missing half your birthday but you assured him you didn't put much importance on your birthday, it was just another day.
"Okay, blindfold time!" Wooyoung declared and Seonghwa nodded, taking the eyeshades out of his pocket.
"You guys are gonna drive me to a forest and leave me in a ditch to die, aren't you?" You looked at your best friend suspicious, backing up slightly towards the door.
"You are so dramatic, just as much as Wooyoung. Which says a lot." Seonghwa scoffed.
"Hey!" Wooyoung yelled out in protest. But you sighed and gave in, knowing you couldn't argue against the 3 of them on your own.
"Hold my hand so I know you aren't gonna do something to me." You said as Seonghwa put the eyeshades over your head, making sure not to mess up your hair too much.
"Fine, you're such a scaredy cat." Seonghwa teased, reassuringly grasping your hand in his.
"You guys are the ones who say I'm the cat." You reminded.
"Shhh." Seonghwa shushed you, carefully guiding your head so you could lay on his shoulder. Being blindfolded, you didn't know where to lean and he didn't want you to accidentally bump your head.
"Okay, we're here. Don't move, we'll get you out." Jongho said as you felt the car stop after he parked. You obediently didn't listen, continuing to lean on Seonghwa. Then you heard the door open and someone carefully guide you out of the car. You stood there, unsure of what to do next.
"Follow us. Walk slowly, there are no steps in front of you." Wooyoung told you and you cautiously took steps in front of you, each arm being held by someone.
"Alright, that's good. Stop here." Seonghwa said. You stood still, not really hearing or sensing anything until there was popping heard.
"Surprise! Happy birthday, (y/n)!" You removed the blindfold and gasped. All of the boys' families were there.
"Yunho!" Your eyes widened in surprise before you ran over to hug him. He laughed and wrapped his arms around you, leaning down to press his cheek against your head lovingly.
"You really know where her priorities lie." Mingi teased.
"Thank you all for coming." You said shyly, greeting all 8 sets of parents and siblings.
"I'm sure you're wondering why we got all our parents here, (y/n). Yes, it is to celebrate your birthday but basically, we needed mouths to feed for your real surprise." Seonghwa told you.
"This isn't the surprise?" You blinked in confusion.
"We're just a part of it, dear." Mrs Park giggled. Yunho grinned at you and pulled away the cloth that was covering a huge contraption. The moment your actual surprise was revealed, your jaw dropped at what you saw. You were in disbelief.
"Shut up, you didn't..." Was all you could say. Although Yunho's friends didn't really understand it, Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho did. After all, they planned this.
"Isn't that a kebab spinning thing? You know, where the meat goes." San leaned over to ask.
"It's her dream to operate one and carve meat off it. We've never got a chance to use it before." Wooyoung explained.
"Eeeee heheheh thank you! Thank you!" You squealed exictedly, unable to contain your excitement. Honestly, you didn't know who to hug so you hugged Yunho.
"You shouldn't thank me, love. They spent a long time explaining this to me." Yunho said, patting your head.
"Thank you." You hugged Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho.
"You're welcome." Jongho patted your back. Wooyoung held your shoulders and led you to the doner spit. You rubbed your hands excitedly as you looked at all the ingredients laid out.
"She's really something. Only she would have such a wish on her birthday." Yeosang chuckled.
"That's what I love about her. She's so unapologetically her and she's so driven by food, which is her passion. I'll never understand it but I love seeing how happy it makes her." Yunho smiled, watching you excitedly put the meat on the spit with the biggest smile on your face. You were truly in your element.
"So how does this work?" Yunho came to stand with you.
"You put the meat on here. As the outside cooks, you carve it off and eat it on rice or in pita. Some people even have this machine that shaves off the meat." You told him.
"That's cool. Can't wait to eat it." Yunho kissed your temple since you were busy focusing on the meat.
"Did you manage to settle what you needed to do?" You asked.
"Oh yeah, I did... I'm all yours for the rest of the day. So don't eat too much because I'm taking you to dinner tonight." Yunho declared. You laughed and nodded.
"You guys are so gross." Hongjoong gagged. Yunho rolled his eyes at the older male's words.
"You're just jealous." He shot back. Wooyoung turned the doner spit on and the meat started the turn.
"Ooooh." Mingi went close to take a video but you instinctively grabbed the back of his shirt to pull him back, making him stumble and almost fall.
"Sorry! It's hot, Mingi. I didn't want you to burn yourself." You said. Mingi laughed and nodded, wrapping his arms around you to show how grateful he was that you stopped him. Seeing that, Yunho frowned slightly and plucked Mingi's hands off you.
"Aigo, Yunho ah. Don't be jealous." Yunho's mum giggled, making the other mums coo at him.
"I'm not!" Yunho squeaked, his ears turning a bright red. Hongjoong and Yeosang went around to give drinks out to people, as well as some plates and cutlery.
"We're ready for when the meat is done." San smiled.
"Yes, help yourself if you want rice or a pita. The sauces and vegetables are at the side." Seonghwa directed everyone.
"Go on, my love." Yunho said, holding his phone up to take a video of you carving meat. With a large knife, you began to carve the outer layer of the meat.
"It looks so good." Mingi said.
"It smells so good!" Yunho grinned excitedly. Of course, you weren't too interested in eating it so you fed some to him.
"So good." Yunho melted at the taste. You took turns with Seonghwa, Jongho and Wooyoung, each carving the meat and tossing it in the juices at the bottom of the spit before giving it out.
Yunho watched you from the side, eating his food and occasionally feeding you a few bites. He knew you weren't too interested in eating, just carving the meat off the rotating spit. You were really so happy, giggling to yourself and asking if people wanted more just so you could carve more meat off.
"I know you're having fun but you got to eat too, dear." The parents fussed over you, as usual. You were like the adopted daughter of each family, both fathers and mothers loved to fuss over you.
"I will! I will! Thank you!" You grinned. Mr Jeong patted your head with a fatherly smile.
"And we also want to give you this. Happy birthday." Mrs Jeong handed you a money packet.
"Omma?! Appa?!" Yunho blinked in disbelief. He usually get wishes from his parents and an occasional gift but never a money packet. You received it with a bow.
"Thank you." You hugged them.
"Us too!" Mr Song raised his hand and with his wife, they held out the money packet to you.
"Don't forget us." Haneul giggled, giving you an actual gift while her parents gave you a money packet. The 8 boys watched in disbelief, shock and jealousy as their parents gave you money.
"Spend the money on yourself, okay? Not on things to feed our sons." The parents said. You laughed and nodded your head. It was moments like these, you didn't need your biological father and stepmother in your life. You had 8 sets of parents and siblings here.
"This is so pretty! Thank you." You said, unwrapping Haneul's gift to find a Dior lipstick inside.
"So, will we get money during our birthdays too?" Hongjoong asked.
"Why would we give you money? You're already working." Mr Kim raised an eyebrow at his son's questions. Hongjoong's jaw dropped slightly at the blatant biasness.
"But you gave (y/n) money." Wooyoung protested.
"So? What's your point?" His mother asked, slapping the back of his head as she chided him.
"Wow, all this FAVOURTISM!" The boys protested. Yunho stood behind you, wrapping his arms over your shoulders. You looked up at him and he smiled down at you.
"Are you enjoying the food?" He asked.
"Mhmm but I enjoy the cooking and carving part much more. I mean, look at that thing." You giggled.
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Even if I don't really get it, I'm happy as long as you're happy." He leaned down to kiss your forehead upside down. You closed your eyes and smiled up at him, he was really the sweetest person ever. You put your hand over his own and squeezed it tightly.
About halfway through the little gathering, Yunho announced his leave. Of course, you were confused because you thought you were going to dinner after this.
"I actually have something to prepare." Yunho confessed, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yun... You don't have to. I'd much rather you just spend time with me." You admitted, hugging him.
"I know. I'm sorry I'm leaving but I promise it'll be worth it." He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. You nodded, disappointed to part from him but you let him go.
"I'll see you." Yunho bid everyone goodbye, including his parents and Gunho before running off.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine." Seonghwa patted your shoulders.
"I know. But he doesn't have to do much, having him with me is all I need." You said, beginning to carve the remaining meat off to distribute it to the families and the other boys to take home.
"Now that you're done with that, let's have some champagne." You were whisked away by the mothers and a champagne flute was placed into your hand. There was a small toast, with everyone lifting their drink cups.
"Happy birthday, (y/n)!" They all cheered and drank whatever was in their cups.
"Thank you for the surprise and for coming down to spend my birthday with me. It was truly amazing." You smiled softly as you looked at everyone.
"Any time. We're family afterall." Gunho slung an arm around you.
"Take a picture of us and send it to my brother please." He requested. Of course, Mingi stepped up to do it.
"You are purposely trying to rile your brother up." Mr Jeong shook his head at his younger son's behaviour. Gunho nodded in confirmation, not even going to deny it.
"Look what you did." You stepped aside from Gunho to take your phone out and saw Yunho's contact ID.
"Hey, love. Do you mind putting me on speaker please?"
The moment you did, Yunho's voice was no longer the sweet tone that he spoke to you in.
"JEONG GUNHO! YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR ARM OFF MY GIRL OR YOU'LL REGRET IT! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'LL DO YET BUT I WILL MAKE SURE IT IS SLOW AND PAINFUL! And it's not just me! You'll be dealing with Whiskey and Willow too! Okay, maybe not Whiskey since he doesn't care BUT WILLOW...!"
"You're not here to stop me though, are you hyung?" Gunho teased. You tried your best not to laugh at their banter but imaging Yunho's pouty angry face made you giggle.
"Baby~ Don't laugh at me~ Omma, they're bullying me."
"Yunho ah, you shouldn't be whining and complaining to me in front of your girlfriend." Mrs Jeong chuckled.
"Alright, alright. Don't whine, Yun. I promise I won't let Gunho have any physical contact with me anymore, okay? I'll see you soon." You hummed and hung up.
"Time for some pictures." Seonghwa declared.
"I'll take them!" Wooyoung raised his hand, taking his DSLR out of his bag and holding it up.
As you took pictures with people, you were kind of sad that you didn't have the chance to take a picture with Yunho before you left. But you swallowed that feeling, knowing you'll see him later.
"My turn! My turn!" Kyungmin jumped excitedly, running into your arms and posing immediately. You smiled and patted his head, smiling for the camera. Once everyone was done with their pictures, you bid them goodbye.
"Thanks again for making the time to come down here." You hugged all the parents.
"Stop sounding like you're inconveniencing us. You always make time for family and always spend time with family, even if there's no big occasion to." Mrs Kang wrapped an arm around you.
"Thank you for showing me what real family is." You tried your best not to get choked up.
"Nothing to thank us for. Don't forget, next week we're going for brunch." Mrs Kim reminded with a chuckle.
"Yes, I won't forget." You said, hugging her before they all left with the boys' siblings.
"Look at you, making brunch plans with our mothers and we're not even invited." San laughed, hugging you and lifting you up slightly. You giggled and patted his shoulder.
"Thank you again for the surprise and just being here with your families." You said to all of them.
"Stop thanking already! You know we will always celebrate your birthday, even if you wanna be a grumpy little cat about it." Jongho teased, making you playfully frown at him. It was still weird for you, even if your friends always celebrated your birthday. But to have family celebrating your birthday, it was still foreign.
"Sorry to break the mood but we have to get you home to get ready for your dinner with Yunho." Seonghwa cut in, having checked the time on his phone.
"Bye! I'll see you next week." You bid everyone goodbye. Wooyoung, Seonghwa, Jongho and yourself climbed back into Jongho's car.
"Do you know anything about Yunho's dinner surprise? Like where he is taking me or the cuisine?" You asked.
"Nope." The 3 replied.
"Now I know you guys are lying because you replied a little too quickly..." You crossed your arms with a scoff, knowing Yunho probably roped them into this surprise.
"Alright, we're here. See you tomorrow." They wished as they pulled up to the drop of point.
"Aren't you guys gonna come in?" You raised an eyebrow. They always invited themselves into your house.
"Sorry! We're busy!" Wooyoung quickly closed the door and Jongho drove off before you could say anything, leaving you standing there, dumbfounded. You blinked in confusion but shrugged and went up.
"Willow, Whiskey, I'm home." You opened the door, announcing your arrival to your pets. You were surprised to find your house lights already on, maybe you forgot to turn them off when you were rushed out of the house this morning.
"Surprise!" Your eyes widened when you saw Yunho standing there in the kitchen, wearing an apron, cooking something.
"What the..." You didn't even know what to say.
"Oh, my poor baby. Did I scare you? Your shocked face is so cute." Yunho laughed and came over, arms wide spread as he engulfed you in one of his bear hugs.
"How did you... When did you... What...?" You still couldn't even form coherent sentences.
"We always go to nice places to eat but as a surprise, I thought that I would try cooking for you." He explained.
"I've been practicing with the help of Seonghwa hyung, Wooyoung and Jongho. That's why I wasn't here last night, I was busy preparing stuff at my apartment." Yunho revealed.
"Y-Yun, I don't know what to say. This is the best surprise ever." You looked up at him, tip-toeing to press your lips against his. You didn't know how else to express your gratitude. Yes, the others always do nice things for you and give you presents but this was a whole new level and you're not just saying that because its Yunho.
"Come! Sit down and wait to be served." Holding your hand, he guided you to sit down at the bar to watch him work.
"It'll only take a second for me to plate." He smiled. You nodded and observed him, taking a look around the kitchen too. There were amazing smells and the kitchen looked clean.
"Wow, this looks amazing." You said as Yunho placed the first dish in front of you.
"It's a kumquat infused confit tomato tartlet with balsamic caramelised onions and crumbled feta." He recited.
"Wait, let me take a picture." It was plated so beautifully that you had to take a picture. After that, you took a bite of it. The burst of flavour was so good.
"Yun, this is delicious!" You complimented.
"Really?!" He grinned. You nodded and gestured for him to eat one, you wanted him to taste his own creation.
"It is good... The pastry is homemade, I made it last night after practicing with Jongho multiple times. It's a shortcrust pastry with fresh thyme and a grating a nutmeg to enhance the tomato flavour." He explained as he chewed.
"It's really good." You were surprised that Yunho made his own pastry crust. It wasn't easy and with the complexities of the toppings, you wouldn't have judged him if he used store bought.
"Ah! I forgot the wine!" Yunho exclaimed and ran off.
"Yun! It's fine, please don't rush and hurt yourself!" You stood up, trying to see where he disappeared to.
"Wooyoung brought me to a nice wine shop. So this a pinot noir, light tasting to suit appetisers. Then with the main, we have a heavier, full-bodies cab sauv." He popped the cork.
"Ooh, exciting. I love wine pairings." You rubbed your hands as you watched Yunho fill two glasses.
"I know." He chuckled and placed the glass in front of you.
"Happy birthday, my love." Yunho beamed and held his glass out. You melted slightly with a soft smile, lifting your glass to lightly clink it against his own.
"Thank you, Yun. For everything, not just today." You leaned forward to give him a kiss again.
"You're always welcome, baby. Now, let's go to the next course. It's a soup course." He placed his glass down and grabbed a bowl, going to the stove. You tried to look at what soup he was serving but his body was blocking the hobs. When he turned around, he saw you trying to peek and laughed at your face.
"You look like Whiskey trying to take a peak at things." He teased but put the bowl down. You gasped, you knew the look of this soup and if it was really what you assumed it to be...
"Smoked chicken consomme." He confirmed.
"Oh my gosh." You stared at it. The soup was so clear and golden, a well made consomme indeed.
"I..." You didn't think you'd be so overwhelmed with emotion before even tasting the soup. But consomme is one of the hardest soups to make and for Yunho to execute it perfectly.
"WHY ARE YOU CRYING?! You haven't even tasted it yet!" Yunho panicked, seeing tears stream down your cheeks.
"I promise it doesn't taste bad, love. Are you scared to eat it?" Yunho came over to hug you to his chest.
"You idiot! Of course, I know it won't taste bad... I just know how hard it is to make a consomme. And you made it..." You cried into his chest. Yunho chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
"Baby, it's just a soup." He rubbed your back.
"It's not just a soup! It's consomme!" You wailed. A part of you felt guilty too, that Yunho did so much for you, it probably wasn't easy learning how to make this and to make it so perfectly. Imagining Yunho slaving away to make all these things for you, you did feel bad.
"But do you mind trying the soup before it gets cold? And I haven't even impressed you with my main yet." He whined. You let out a little laugh and pulled away from his embrace.
"You can cry again after the meal, okay?" He laughed and gently wiped your tears with his thumbs.
"You're mean." You frowned and turned to taste the soup. As expected, it was delicious. Full of chicken flavour with a hint of smoke.
"I didn't think you would cry two courses in." Yunho teased. You rolled your eyes.
"I have high expectations for the main now." You teased back.
"Which reminds me, it needs to go into the oven." He said and turned back to the kitchen. You saw him put something in the oven and set a timer. But he used his body to block you so you couldn't see.
"Why won't you let me see?" You pouted. Yunho playfully shrugged and refilled your wine glass.
"By the way, where are the kids?" You finally noticed that Willow and Whiskey were not around. And usually by now, Willow would be pawing at your feet for a bite of your food. Like you, most of the time, Whiskey would chill on his own so half the time, you wouldn't even realise he was in the room.
"They're in the room. Whiskey is chilling in his usual spot by the window and Willow's in her crate. Both have been fed. I wanted it to be more relaxing while you ate." Yunho informed.
"Yeah but honestly it's kinda weird to not have Willow whimpering for my food." You giggled.
"I, for one, do not miss it. She always eats my food." Yunho sighed and went back to the hob to work on other things.
"Because she knows between the two of us, you're the weaker one." You replied. Yunho pouted but knew you were not wrong, he gives into the animals way too easily.
Just like how you give into Yunho easily.
"I still can't believe you did all this. Got secret cooking lessons, spent last night preparing the stuff..." You smiled.
"I want your birthday to be special." Yunho put an arm around your waist. Even if you were on an elevated bar stool, he still towered over you greatly.
"Yunho, it'll be special no matter what. As long as I can spend it with the people I love. Everyday with you is special to me, it doesn't just have to be on my birthday or any other occasion." You smiled softly, reaching up to cup his cheek.
"I love you." He turned his head to plant a soft kiss against your palm. Just then, your moment was interrupted by the kitchen timer. Yunho broke away to retrieve the main from the oven.
"I'll just quickly plate up while it rests." Yunho smiled and turned around to plate the dish.
"Take your time." You chuckled, watching his back move.
"Beef wellington with garlic pomme puree and charred winter vegetables... With pan jus on the side." He put the plate with a gravy boat before you.
"Yun! This looks beautiful! A beef wellington?!" You exclaimed, snapping a few pictures while he changed your wine.
"The beef didn't cook like I intended. It's a bit more medium than medium rare..." Yunho said with slight frustration.
"No, it's great, Yun. Give yourself more credit." You rubbed his knuckles with your thumb. Taking the cutlery, you cut into the wellington and poured some of the jus over it.
"Yunho, it's absolutely delicious. The layers are so flavourful and the textures are perfect." You said as you chewed. Yunho thought you were adorable, kicking your feet and letting out little sounds of happiness. He rarely saw you like this, only when you were really content and happy.
"Eat it, Yun!" You laughed.
"I feel full just by watching you eat." He cooed teasingly with a smug smile on his face. You shot him a disgusted look, knowing he was doing this on purpose.
"I will not unleash my wrath on you only because you cooked this amazing meal." You threatened.
"Now, I understand why you guys get annoyed when the meat is cooked slightly over or under." Yunho chuckled.
"That's all that matter, Yun. I'm so proud of you, you've come so far with your cooking and all these dishes are not easy. Looks like I've lost a cooking assistant." You joked.
"You know what I'll always be your assistant, any day, any time." Yunho grinned.
"Shall I talk to Manager Kwon?" You asked.
"Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves, I cooked one meal for you, love. I'm definitely not qualified to work at Anne Sophie's michelin starred restaurant." Yunho laughed, holding onto you.
"Are you ready for dessert?" Yunho turned to you. You nodded, giving him a kiss before he returned to the kitchen. He fixed a plate and turned around. There was a small sticky toffee pudding with a candle stuck in it, hovering his hand around the flame.
"Happy birthday to you~" Yunho began to sing with a big smile on his face. You clapped softly, watching him as he sang to you.
"Happy birthday, my love. Make a wish."
"Thank you, Yun. I don't need to make a wish, I already have all that I need." You still closed your eyes. You wished for the people around you to always stay happy and healthy, and blew out the candle.
"Here." You and Yunho each held a spoon, digging into the dessert to share it together.
"This has been an amazing meal, Yun. You'll have to cook for me again soon." You smiled after taking a bite.
"I'll continue to practice and cook for you any time you'd like." He winked.
After the dessert was done, you insisted on helping Yunho with the cleaning. But he cleaned as he cooked so there wasn't that much cleaning to do. Then you both got ready for bed.
"Happy birthday again, love." Yunho said, hovering over you, caging you in his arms.
"You made my birthday perfect, Yun." You reached up to cup his cheeks. Maybe with Yunho around, you would start liking to celebrate your birthday. Your birthday was always a bitter reminder that your mother got sick after giving birth to you, that's why you never liked to celebrate it.
"Hey... Come back to me, love..." Yunho's voice pulled you out of your deep thoughts. You looked up to meet his eyes, feeling his thumb wipe a stray tear off your cheek.
"Sorry." You whispered, leaning into his touch.
"Nothing for you to be sorry about." He shook his head with an understanding smile.
"I still miss my mom. And my birthday was always a reminder that she started to get weak and sick because of my birth. My dad always told me that." You looked at him through your tears.
"It's not your fault, baby. I'm sure your mother doesn't blame you." Yunho comforted.
"If I wasn't born, she would still be here." You breathed.
"If you weren't born, I wouldn't have met you. I wouldn't have you right here, in my arms." He leaned down to hug you. Now, Yunho knew why you didn't like celebrating your birthday.
"I'll make you love your birthday again. Every year, every day." He vouched, voice filled with determination. Yunho would show you the care and appreciation you needed, he wanted to erase what your dad did, he hated how your dad made you hate your own birthday.
"Thank you for loving me." You hugged his neck. Yunho pulled away and gave you a sweet kiss, his forehead resting against yours.
"Now, about that picture you took with Gunho. Why did you allow him to put his arm around you for the photo?" Yunho asked with a small frown.
"Honestly, I thought I was going to take a picture with him and your parents. But he came in and asked Mingi to take the picture."
"I knew it. Trying to take what's mine." He rolled his eyes.
"He was just trying to get under your skin, Yunho. There's no one else but you. I love you and you only." You giggled.
"Good. Because you're mine and I'm not afraid to remind you of that... over and over again." He smirked and leaned in again, fingers caressing the exposed skin of your hip. You gulped, knowing you were in for a long night.
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alynnia · 1 day ago
Sylus x Rafayel (x MC) ramblings
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The fujo came out of me with this one. After my little karaoke blurb I had an epiphany and had to get it out of my system. I'm no writer but I like to write. The below is litterally brain vomit of ideas and situations spilling out as they come and they're free to the public to play with. These two have quite a bit in common and potentially have chemistry? I dunno, could be my fujo goggles.
MDNI because the last section is lewd. Nothing explicit just options of how I think the sexual part of their relationship might be.
Both bonded to MC
•Sylus, through a shared soul and Raf through an eternal bond. Both of these continue through lifetimes. So imagine Rafayel's shock when courting MC he gets two instead of one. Does he just love half of her soul or all of it? Now we don't know the exact timelines of the myths if they all share the same universe and same Philos, but let's say they did. Sylus' soul sharing with MC came first so when Rafayel bonded with MC, he was unknowingly bonding with Sylus as well. He would be reluctant in this set up, believing that MC was the one he is tied to and only her (this is true of course but we are playing pretend here) but why does he feel a similar pull from Sylus? The fiend is nonchalant about it outwardly but I can see him teasing the fuck out of fish boy. " I guess that makes me your 'beloved' as well but...I don't bow to gods, puppy. I end them. " and then gives him a few smug paps on the cheek. This likely results in a fight MC has to break up and it happens often.
•They would both try and show each other up with showing affection to MC, but Sylus would always include Rafayel in his gifting. If he buys a dress for her, he's buying a suit for him. If she gets a ruby necklace, he gets ruby cufflinks. While MC can have any color jewels she wants, he defaults to red gems. After a while, Rafayel takes notice that the crow boy likes to "mark" them with rubies as a subtle way of telling the world the two of them are both his. It's hard to say if he's doing this as a show of dominance or something more but the way Sylus gives him a satisfied smirk/smile when he sees them both wearing matching onyx and ruby brooches makes his eye twitch and his heart skip. Sensing danger between them, MC would excitedly suggest that Sylus wear one too so all three could match, a subtle way on her part to say they are all equal here.
•When talking to MC about Rafayel, he uses "our".
"I think our husband is throwing a tantrum again~"
" I am NOT your husband. "
" Tch, aaw. Tough luck, you're stuck with us both. "
" Then I want a divorce. There's got to be some way to break out of this, a loophole or a spell to break this curse... "
" You hear that sweetie? Our husband wants to break up with us. Maybe he's not as devoted as he says. "
" N-not her! JUST YOU! You are the curse that defiles our sacred bond and I will not stand for it! "
" And how do you plan to do that? Hm? Rip our very soul asunder? That can't be good for either of us, puppy~ " And he's just smirking the entire time with an arm around MC. " But if you insist, I may know someone who can help you. Very experimental, has not had one survivor yet. But! You seem to be very set on tearing her apart...are you willing to take the risk~? " He just loves challenging gods and seeing Rafayel seething is just too precious.
Both rich as fuck
•As someone else here on tumblr mentioned, Rafayel is spoiled prince rich and Sylus is mafia rich. Raf seeing Sy spend money like it was nothing takes these acts as a challenge on his own wealth. He'll offer to pay for things with a smug smile and Sylus lets him do it without a fuss, merely raising an eyebrow then smirking. Neither let MC pay for anything. This ends up frustrating Rafayel after a while. Why doesn't he say anything? Is he just going to let him pay for it all? Greedy crow. ):< Finally fed up, he confronts Sylus saying that he should pay him back with interest. Raf doesn't need the money but it's the principle of the matter! Sylus is just…
"Alright, if it will shut you up." and points him to a page of restraunts on a tablet he was looking over. Rafayel figures he's being asked where he wants to eat on Sy's tab so he chooses the most expensive establishment. The kind you need to make a reservation for a year in advance. He's already planning to order top shelf, the highest priced items on the menu and exclusive private seating for all of them. Sylus looks over the selected place and scoffs, " Pompous. " A little later when Rafayel is expecting to go out, Sylus just slaps down paperwork in front of him and tells him to sign it. What is it? Essentially the transfer of ownership of that place he chose. Apparently it had already belonged to Sylus and now it's Raf's. " This should cover it, yes? "
Both are mythical creatures
• Raf being a mermaid (God of tides) and Sylus being a dragon (Bringer of Ruin) Gods create, fiends destroy. Sy is for the skies and Raf for the seas. They're both beings of power and forces of nature.
• Being the dragon he is, Sylus would likely keep all of the art he doesn't put away or keep track of. It comes from the need to hoard treasures and because the fish is terrible with leaving his work all over the place. Don't get him started on the paintbrushes he keeps stepping on. Thomas would think him a life saver for keeping things organized and available but Sylus would charge him every time he wanted to retrieve work from him. So Thomas is left with the choice of dealing with Rafayel or paying a stupid amount of money to Sylus to bypass the anguish.
•On the flip side, After Raf has seen Sylus' treasure trove of gemstones, he would also just so happen to pick up jewels from museums to add to his own collection. Ones Sylus possibly have never seen or heard of due to their connections with Lemuria. Sylus would make a comment about Lemurians crying pearls he heard once, baiting Rafayel and of course the mermaid can't help but confirm he's able to do this. (They both know what they are by this point) But isn't that a dangerous thing to admit to a greedy dragon? Perhaps Sylus should lock him up and force him to cry to obtain such beauties. But he figures he doesn't need to. Rafayel himself is enough of a rare treasure to keep after all. He would say this right to his face without flinching, as if it was just common sense. He pins another ruby trinket to his lapel to which Raf would find himself blushing then storming off somewhere. He would like to see those scales though. They sure are shiny and our Sylus likes shiny things.
• Sylus walks in on Rafayel in the bath and sees his mermaid tail for the first time. He's enamored but doesn't show it on his face. The mermaid is squawking, telling him he shouldn't enter when someone is in here without knocking but Sylus just ignores him, grabbing what he needs and is about to head out. The mermaid did catch those eyes looking at him in a particular way, wondering why he doesn't ask about the tail.
" So...you're not going to say anything about this? "
" Should I? "
" You've just bore witness to a rare sight, the scales of real Lemurian in his full glory. You would be a fool not to admire. "
" Oh, in that case do forgive me~ " turning around casually he takes wide steps and looms over the tub, his shadow cast over the Lemurian's form, " Then allow me take a closer look... " That's when Sylus runs his hands over the glistening tail, face unchanging as he studies it's quality. This envokes the wrath of Raf smacking his hand away, " No one said you could touch! " Sylus removes his hand but smirks in response. His gaze lingers on the glittering on the mermaid's face before rising up and heading back to the door, " I've seen better. "
" ......WHAT? Where?! No you haven't! Who else has-! " the door is already shut and he's gone.
• What if Sylus took MC's place in Rafayel's myth? A fiend finally captured, tied up and thrown into the ocean. We have hints that Sylus may not know how to swim so perhaps this is his weakness. Rafayel comes across this strange drowning creature who isn't quite human but curious to know more. He cuts him free and planned to just let whatever happens to him, happen but Sylus is quick, desperate to live and be out of this water. Having heard of the Lemurian tales he grabs hold of his savior and tries to steal his breath with a kiss, biting his lip in the process just like MC did. And you know the rest after that. Would make an interesting AU I think but would divert from the myth a looot from there. Still could be a fun ride. Raf can show him the ocean and Sy could show him the skies.
A weakness and a fear
•I don't think Sylus can swim. There's an Abyssal Chaos situation that hints at this and it's living rent free in my head but he does have a pool so who knows. I'm going with the idea that he can't swim for this. So...Sylus would almost always get the one-up on Rafayel, teasing and bullying him but when it comes to water, the fish finally has the upper hand here. Sylus would never admit this weakness out loud to anyone but MC. If they went to the beach he would just stay out of deep areas and Rafayel would take notice. Being a cheeky one and in his element, he'd somehow get the drop on him and pull Sylus over into the deep side to see what happens. Also for revenge. But Sylus isn't reacting the way he thought? This big tough guy is actually going to drown if he doesn't do something. He could be rid of him finally, let the man drown and have MC all to himself. He watches him sink, feeling a twinge of satisfaction but just as he's about to take off, the mark on his chest lights up. It can't be helped, can it?
After "saving" him, Rafayel tells him it's about time he learned how to swim. It's an essential skill and it's a crime to not beable to appreciate the beauty of the ocean. Sylus, surprisingly to Raf, agrees. " Then you should teach me. It's the least you can do after trying to kill me. " Not that it would work I think. How far does his immortality go anyway? Que montage of the two of them in the water together.
• Rafayel has a fear of cats. Sylus likes cats. After all, their beloved MC is their kitten and he's raised a lion cub before. The Lemurian god is offended that he would call MC such a horrid nickname as it's essentially calling her a demon. Sy quickly picks up on the fear and like the earlier scenario, tries to tease him with it. Though it's to a lesser degree in the form of just bringing strays for MC to take care of in front of him. If she's loving the cats, there's no way Rafayel can say no to her. Sylus knows this and pushes it further holding a kitten to his face, " To think a mighty god could be felled by such a small creature. " This prompts Raf to suck it up and slowly but surely start to confront his fear of cats, Sylus happily "helping". Que montage of the two interacting with cats from kittens to tigers.
Break out?
• Sylus doesn't believe beasts should be in cages and Rafayel hates the way humans treat animals. One night, after getting drunk and arguing which leads to a bet, they set local zoo animals free or something. They will never be caught.
•They would share playlists and talk shit about each other's taste but still give genuine listens. Sylus prefers records and buys one for him just to prove how much better it sounds in this format instead of digital.
•They go to the opera together. Sylus is enjoying himself but Rafayel has some harsh critisms. He can do better. Sylus would ask for a demonstration and he says it would kill him. Crow boy sees that as a challenge because well, he can't die. So perhaps he could be one of the few who could listen to his death song without dying and appreciate it. It'd still probably hurt, but maybe it's worth it? Would be funny to see Sylus wheezing in Rafayel's arms, bleeding from his ears and still tell him his singing was shit just to rile him up. It's a lie, but picking on him is too much fun.
•Singing together. See the Karaoke blurb.
If they were in a relationship (Lewd bits)
•OT3. MC is far too important to them and their own connections would be their shared loved for her. They'd prefer to be seperate with her at first but over time Sylus would be the first to invite him together with MC. Rafayel is going to say no the first couple of times (it's not offered often) but eventually warms up to the idea if only to prove to the other that he can perform better than him. Then it becomes another game of chicken when Sy leans in closer to Raf with MC in the middle. Sylus will give looks, light touches in passing but won't be the one to give in. Not because he doesn't want to, but because he wants Rafayel to be absolutely sure he's into it and he gets a kick at making him buckle. Which he will and of course, Sylus obliges letting Rafayel think he's the one that "won" in this. MC is happy to see them get along.
•The longer this OT3 relationship goes on, the more likely sometimes it would be just the two of them while MC is off on a mission somewhere in the world that takes days to complete. At this point they're used to it and the roughness becomes more gentle and tender. Well, Sylus almost always had been the more gentle one and Rafayel the more agressive and it only took them being alone for Rafayel realize it.
• They would be competative in bed but even when bottoming, Sylus more often than not has control and directing Rafayel. Telling him there's no need to go easy on him. Raf will always fight for control and sometimes "win" but he melts too easily and loses himself in the moment. His most dominant side comes out during a certain season which is a pleasant surprise for Sy. They're both waking up with scars but Sylus more so. He doesn't let them heal quickly just to show off the result to Rafayel when he wakes up.
" Are you not proud of your work? " Oh he is proud. Embarrassed seeing what he's done to him and the memories of the night flashing in the back of his mind, but proud. Another win for the fish, "conquering" such a large man. Snatching Sylus by the chin, he'd give a warning with a hint of slight concern for his bird boy, " It would be wise not to forget what I can do to you. "
" Do what? These little marks? " He brushes them away with his evol, " Oh no. Look, they're all gone. I guess you'll have to try harder. "
And now I wonder if Rafayel could end up leaving a mark on him that not even Sylus can heal through his god mode. 🤔
•Playing with the headcanon of Sylus' draconic habits and urges being active in his current life, I wonder if they would "sync" up. Honestly it sounds dangerous, Sylus may very well eat the guy. Literally. That's for the tragedy enjoyers. For the degenerates…4 swords, eh? Okay on the tamer side of things, I can see them taking it out on each other to spare the worst of it from MC. Locking themselves away just to go all out. But back to degeneracy, she'd probably end up peeking out of curiosity and end up dragged into it. Rest in Peace girlie. 🙏
•So what would a dragon/mermaid kid look lik-
OKAY OKAY I'M DONE. IT'S OUT OF MY SYSTEM. DO NOT PERCEIVE MEEEE!! But really though, this was fun. Is this 1k words? I have no idea.
I think this is how you tag people? @crutoyu @turkeysamwichh
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miwiheroes · 3 days ago
Hii, not really a question but I'm rewatching s2 and I noticed a parallel between the "we like steve... but we don't love steve" and Nancy stammering quite a bit to say "I- I do" and Mike having a similar response during his fight with El. I don't really know if you or someone else had already noticed that but felt the need to say it
Dropping Byler Evidence Every (Other) Day Until Season 5
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Day 32: Murray's Conversation w/ Jancy . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .
@j-gvellthings hope u don't mind I hijacked ur ask to use for my post thing i just think this is uber interesting <3
Honestly, that whole conversation with Murray and those scenes could absolutely apply to Byler and Jancy at the same time. In some moments, I feel like what he says could actually apply to Mike more than Nancy.
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Jancy say they're "just friends" here ^^ and obviously,,, if you've watched literally any romcom or show with romance in, you'd know that if someone is a little two defensive about the two of them being friends, then the audience is supposed to imply that they could be something more than that -- which happens with Byler in S4, when Mike unnecessarily calls them friends. It's not in the same context obviously, but Mike takes it romantically.
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Murray also says that Jonathan and Nancy have 'shared trauma' which is apparently the 'real shit' (meaning the apex of the conversation and the most important thing). Now, this obviously applies to Jancy because they went through a lot and that's what creates this meaningful bond between the two of them. Steve does not understand what Nancy's been through -- Jonathan does. And vice versa i guess.
Byler also have this exact dynamic. Mike was with Will during S2 when all that shit happened - and the subsequent dynamic has shifted so Mike seems like the only one that really understands what Will goes through. They also both go through the same types of bullying, which is shown in S1.
Some examples of their 'shared trauma' dynamic are:
Will says that Mike shouldn't tell anyone else about his True Sight because 'they won't understand' - S2E02
Mike says that Will is quiet today and Lucas brushes it off, but Mike sees it as something deeper - S2E01
Will only tells Mike about D'art and Mike is the one to shout at the others and gets rid of his problem for him - S2E03
At the Snow Ball, Will looks at Mike when a girl asks him out, because he's so used to checking with him for things - S2E09
Mike asks Will if he's okay at the movie theatre because he's so in tune with Will's emotions surrounding scary stuff (they were about to watch a horror movie) - S3E01
I only really named ones in S2 because that's the season where Murray actually says that so I feel like it has more value when it's all in S2
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"Trust issues am I right? Something to do with your dad."
Obviously, we all know that Will's had issues with his homophobic father - so has Jonathan, so it can apply to both of them. Most of Will's internalised homophobia can be traced back to bullying which includes his father.
It is shown right from the beginning of the whole show that Lonnie calls Will slurs, and attempts to make him like things that any 'normal' boy should want. Jonathan counteracts this by telling Will that he shouldn't just like things because people tell you to and telling Will that it's much better to be a 'freak' than normal.
This homophobic bullying could arguably lead to trust issues for Will - his internalised homophobia from his dad is what is keeping him from telling Mike the truth. He's afraid that Mike 'won't like the truth' because of the things he's experienced in the past.
Now, the one where Murray calls out Nancy is way more interesting:
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"You. You're harder to read."
Nancy is of course, harder to read than Jonathan because she hides so much -- she's harder for the audience to figure out because she's in a relationship already. Even so, I think this applies to Mike even more than Nancy. We have Nancy's POV. We can often see what she's thinking and feelings, but with Mike, we haven't had his POV and private thoughts and inner conflicts since S2. For two whole seasons, there has been barely a moment of introspection for Mike. The audience has constantly questioned what the hell he's thinking and why he's acting this way.
It's simple -- he's supposed to be harder to read.
"Probably, like everyone, afraid of what would happen if you... accepted yourself for who you really are"
HELLO? I think when i rewatched this I was a little confused because the wording of this sentence does not really allude to Nancy's issues alone. She is, of course, afraid of accepting who she really is, but it's hard to see that as her main character arc. She's more afraid of leaving the safety of Steve, but this wording is just so oddly familiar to someone telling someone who's queer to accept themselves.
Literally Mike's arc - he's afraid of what would happen if he accepted himself. If he accepted himself - it would mean he realises he doesn't love El, which means he's failed her and has to break up with her. He might lose her if he accepts himself. Idk, the wording is just tooooo suspicious to just apply to Nancy here.
"retreated back to the safety of... Name?" "Steve"
This is kind of insane UM,,, so Nancy uses Steve as her safety blanket because he's a well-respected, popular person at school and has a lot of money, which is similar to her parents' situation. Being with Jonathan is the less secure option, but it aligns with her true feelings. Which means the audience should want her to be with the person she actually loves rather than someone she doesn't want to lose purely based on safety.
Mike literally does this returning to the safe option thing 3 times in the show...
Mike slowly realises that meeting Will was the best thing he ever did, not meeting El, not helping her etc. This happens over the course of S2, and Mike accepts that El is gone, placing her in the same category as Bob when talking to Max. When El comes back, he's torn between the two, and we can see this dilemma in the Snow Ball scene. Will is off with someone else - Mike is questioning why he's feeling like this and what he should do - so he sacrifices his true feelings for what he feels is the greater good and what he should just do, which is to stay with El.
At the end of S3, Mike realises something and is scared of what this could mean. He realises that he has been trying to change himself too much over the course of the summer and just wants things to go back to the way they were. In S4, he attempts to cover up his feelings and push them down because he's afraid of what would happen of he accepted himself, and pretends to be in a normal, healthy relationship.
During S4, Mike realises that his relationship with El is something that he's insecure about, and often confides in Will about this. He alerts to Will that he should have 'explained himself' to El, rather than telling her I love you, implying that he doesn't want to say that ever. He agrees with Will that the truth could hurt someone he cares about. He's worried that El doesn't need him anymore, and is happy when Will tells him that she'll need him no matter what - but he still has to be encouraged by Will's words to say I love you to her. This is for the greater good - what he thinks will keep her alive and what he thinks she needs.
So again, Mike and El's relationship is built on commitment and safety - being with Will is the least safe option because it would mean having to look inside himself, accepting himself, and possibly losing El, who he still cares about.
"We like Steve." "Yes!" "But we don't love Steve."
This one's pretty self-explanatory and was the original point of the ask above - Nancy has literally in this season told Steve the words 'I love you'. You can say those words even when you don't mean it, the writers aren't that stupid to be worried that the viewers will suddenly go "OH BUT WHAT ABOUT THAT ONE TIME-"
But, obviously, before Nancy went off with Jonathan, the last thing she talked to him about was their argument about her not being able to say I love you to him - in that argument, when asked to tell him, she stumbles and goes "Really?" before they're interrupted. Then she can't say anything. She can't say it because it's not true.
Sound familiar? - while there are many more nuanced aspects to Mileven's scenes in S4, it is arguably similar to the Stancy's plot that Murray is talking about. Nancy 'likes' Steve, but her feelings aren't deeper than that. She cares about him, but that doesn't have to necessarily mean she loves him romantically. In the same sense, Mike blurts out "I care for you" instead of "I love you" during their argument.
Nancy stumbles over her words trying to deny it - which is the same with Mike when he gets confronted about it in S4, leading to him trying to gaslight and become defensive, using words like "ruin" and "ridiculous".
All I'm trying to say here is that the Duffers aren't strangers to writing a plot where a character is repressing their feelings and using a relationship as protection in order to hide who they really are. And the lines are written to be so non-specific that we can't ignore that they can easily apply to Byler as well as Jancy.
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deerspherestudios · 2 hours ago
First of all, hello
What is Atom's love language?
I like the fingers referring to the characters' love language, It's very interesting.
(I apologize if something is not understood, English is not my native language)
Greetings from Mexico 🇲🇽, take care of yourself, eat and drink water in a healthy way please ^^
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This is about the most ✨self-indulgent✨ I can get with one of my characters because Atom is just about the BIGGEST simp there is among the cast. Here you go:
•┈••♡❤ Atom's Love Language(s) ❤♡••┈•
When you're on the receiving end; Mixed 🫴🎁💖
The thing with Atom is that it is entirely committed to returning the favor you did for them so long ago, like they said, "their kind answer action in spades."
And if that means providing every single whim your human heart desired, this could translate to offering both gifts and acts of service.
It is devoting it's entire being to that task (literally!) while you're staying on that ship.
I wish I could wax poetry here but it wants to be your vacuum cleaner, your Ford Cortina, your coffee pot, your leccy meter, your portable heater, your setting lotion. //lyr
You name it, Atom will become it!!
Nothing makes it happier than to pamper you like they strongly believe you should be for being their silver lining in darkness, their luna nova.
If Atom had the vocabulary to gush about you I would add words of affirmation here too. Alas, they only have themselves to give and hope you understand just how devoted they were to you for the rest of their life without saying it outright.
They just really really really love you, okay?
When it's on the receiving end; Physical Touch 🫂💕
Boy, where do I start! Touchstarved lads you're in for a treat.
It can't can't can't get the feeling of your gloves enclosing it so gently all those months ago out of its mindddd.
They wish to replicate that feeling by touching you anytime they can. Absolutely fascinated with your hands, in complete awe these were the ones that brought it to safety. They are nuzzling against your palms as we speak!
It's fully aware most humans get the ick when it comes to touching worms so while they wish they could touch you directly, most of the time it'll stay inside the suit.
It can sense touch from any part of the suit, so their helmet, gloves, boots, soles even, anywhere really.
They go bonkers for a headpat, go insane for a little peck on the glass of their helm. Hug them and they might implode.
If you're touch-averse, it'll try to respect it but they're gonna be vibrating from restrained effort the entire time sorry.
To the point if they're desperate, they'll just end up with tunnel vision on your presence at all times since they can feel through the ship, hyperfixating on the weight of your boots against the metal grating if they have to, literally worshipping you at your feet.
Overall their favorite activity is cuddling for sure and if you reciprocate, you'll find that they are very compact and huggable, 10/10.
In my deranged moments I've always wondered what it's like to hug the Michelin man and I think hugging Atom will feel similar.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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agreeeeeeeeeee · 1 day ago
Out of the weasley brothers who do you think is the biggest fool when in love
impossible question they're all idiots
just kidding here's the order I think they'd fall into from least to most foolish (they are so close that I went back and forth on the order multiple times 😂)
1. Bill - he's a grown man. he knows how to handle himself in almost all circumstances and it takes a lot to get him flustered. he's also not a cheesy sort of romantic, he's more intense. he's tends to be more serious and knows exactly what he wants (and how to get it). he's going to outright tell you how he feels, no games, no bullshit. he can be possessive and jealous, though, a little rough around the edges, so mind his teeth.
2. Fred - is he foolish or insane? no telling. but he's giving 10000% into getting and keeping the person he loves. Rules and societal norms be damned. And he's not giving up until the fat lady sings, and he'll duct tape her mouth shut if he has to. single-minded, blind determination is the name of the game, and once he has you, you would not believe the ego on this boy. he'll be smug for a year. careful not to let his ego scare you off. he may talk like it's all about him, but at the end of the day, you're his entire universe.
3. Percy - Percy is the "I like you so I'm ignoring you" type, which is foolish. He sees romance as a frivolous distraction, and it would take some time for him to let that go and accept that he's in love. 9 times out of 10, the person gives up or loses interest before Percy figures out his shit. if Percy does manage to get you, he'll be a giddy, nervous wreck for six months because he never thought he'd get this far. he's eternally grateful that you gave him enough water and sunshine to finally grow.
4. George - the rizzler. charm on 10000. you fell in love with him first (but he fell in love harder). but as soon as he has you, all the suave and charm goes out the window. he's an absolute lovesick puppy, the biggest simp. anyone and everyone knows that he's in love and who with because his brain turns off when they're around. he just can't help himself when it comes to the person he loves, and he will walk face backwards off a cliff if you asked him to. please don't ask him to.
5. Charlie - Mr. One Night Stand. Mr. Fast and Loose. but when he actually falls in love, he's goner. done for. someone call a minister because Charlie is halfway down the aisle. he's 100000% committed from the start. saying I love you on the second date. he's all in, so buckle up buttercup because Charlie is a wild animal with a sweet tooth, and you're the prettiest dessert he's ever seen.
6. Ron - Ron is a lot like Percy in this way, he's in denial that he has feelings. But instead of ignoring you, he's going to pick on you, pull your hair, drive you up the wall because he thinks it's hot when you tell him off. he has the emotional range of a teaspoon, so he's going to be very dumb and very clumsy in the process of sorting out his feelings, and make a lot of mistakes in the process. but he will be the fiercest protector and most loyal friend you could ask for, just have patience.
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valeriefauxnom · 3 days ago
Dragalia Niche Things In Weapon Lore You May Not Know
-Emperor Dane, ya know, the dude that Jupiter accidentally set on a brutal conquest where he became a dude that would kill two for fun every day?
He was also a weeaboo:
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I knew there must have been warning signs that such a nice prince could be beholden to such depravity...
-Karina's real identity maaaaybe is Miralda, princess of Dargas.
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The weapon that bears this description is a water axe, the very same weapon and element she wields, and it theoretically fits within her story. She claims that she ran off, but hardly escaped before she was captured. It would make sense that in a pirate invasion that they'd be crawling over the area enough to instantly get ahold of her.
If true, this would be an interesting case of Dragalia telling the future of a character. It's also one I potentially could see, since Karina's story focuses on her wondering how Euden has kept himself as a Good Boi even if he's a prince among all those Nasty Bois and Girls, so I could see her being inspired to change things in her own land later on.
Granted, it's not 100%, 'I have a definitive section where she clearly states she is Miralda', but I think there's enough 'hmm' elements to warrant a spot here!
-Zodiark had a cult around him, who called themselves Meggidothians! Also, they liked sacrificing humans.
...Of course, not officially sanctioned, but that didn't stop them!
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Meggidoth might have also been a real person, but it is unknown how much he was involved or responsible for the cult's creation/tenets:
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They also have an alternative cosmology:
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-This isn't really a hidden lore or fact, but I find it curious that the weapon 'Blackwing' bears such a strong resemblance to Zodiark, without being attributed to him in any way. It looks more like him than his actual high dragon weapon:
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-Alberius had a lance made when his kingdom was created and promised to personally kill anyone with it that threatened the formation of the new nation. He meant business, I guess!
-Tartarus may have been cut in half by the Greatwyrms, which is the reason he's now half-steel:
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-Humans once got so nutty over a spear that Mercury put it at the bottom of the ocean
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-There may be more than just one ark of humans living in the sky and at least one may have fallen and did a whoopsie destruction of a kingdom:
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-Kukris are a weapon tied to the southeastern-most part of Grastea:
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...And this is another instance of 'very niche lore that the writers kept track of', as Nevin's story also reaffirms this lore that kukris aren't really used except in the SE:
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-This is just a funny intermission, but I find it funny if you take the many many many weapon descriptions literally, Euden's handing out weapons left and right quite skilled in delivering torture and otherwise painstaking deaths and subsequent commendations to a similarly terrible afterlife. Oh yeah and some also can destroy the world. Here's a small sample of what I mean:
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And trust me, despite the 3/4 examples being shadow weapons, this is far from exclusive to the shadow element. So, uh, yeah.
Don't mess with the Halidom unless you want to face a whole bunch of people capable of sending you and your soul into endless agonies?
Intermission over! Back to the actual lore parts instead of just the 'oh boy you're gonna love to hear what this beauty's capable of...' likely exaggerations.
-There's a prison called Odo somewhere in the world, who seems to have a lot of executioners who predominately execute by the good old axe or by a bow in a proto version of a firing squad, judging by their weapons.
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It's unknown if it still exists, however, as Odo was the place Stribog the dragon protected until Agni destroyed it with a firebomb disguised as a Trojan Horse. Maybe it was rebuilt and eventually repurposed as a prison town?
As bonus related lore, the death penalty is very much still active in Alberia, and usually takes the form of beheading or hanging. It can be commanded by local lords (as feudalism is in full effect with local lords having much control over the workings of their endowed region) as well as through courts.
There's also this bit of lore regarding it in another weapon:
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-There may have been another race in Grastea, possibly their equivalent of halfling or gnome-esque races:
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-This strays into other niche lore, but there was a band of elite Alberian knights called the Alberian Ironsides who seemed to love tower shields:
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-Also another crossover between wyrmprints and weapon lore, the Battle of the Thelodian Plains was one at least 300 years ago in which eventually 23 armies unaffiliated with a formal state came together in a senseless battle, with a casualty rate of 80% (quick reminder that 'casualty' counts both injured and dead).
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-There was a dude called Count Logan the Brave who seemed to like collecting weapons and bringing them back home. There's three weapons that mention him.
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-Interestingly, Troy, the one adventurer dude that pops up a bit frequently in weapon lore, the wand from his last supposed adventure seems to bear a bit of a resemblance to Bahamut...
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...Who, by the way, was indeed the explicit creator of the earth, as Xenos crafted sky instead!
-Last but not least, Zodiark really just seems to be involved in a lot of weapons that are Not Good for their wielder:
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That's all I have right now, but I do hope that you learned something about the eternally-batty Grastea, through the weapons its residents use!
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that-hippie-user · 10 hours ago
Without hypnosis, how would you encourage someone to become a diaper-addicted bedwetter? What’s the best argument you could make to win them over?
i'd like to answer this in the form of a ramble. no hypnosis, no traps, no triggers. literally just a lesson from me to you. click below if you're curious.
some folks describe the world we're in as one that tries to fit you into a mold, to shape you a desired way.
but a mold is a very simple process, pour liquid substance into a vessel with the desired shape, let it solidify, and its done. taking an otherwise shapeless thing and giving it shape in a very easy way.
life is not a mold, but an extruder.
a length of meterial is sent down a tube, which itself gradually shifts from the original shape, to the desired one.
the process is gradual, the material shapes itself almost as if it were meant to, but it's being guided to that shape by the tunnel its in.
you werent given a role from the start and made to fit it, you were gradually acclimated to that role until it became normal.
its the small things. being corrected on how you sit, or how loud your voice is, or telling you to stop tapping your feet, or saying particular interests dont fit your role.
i used to naturally cross my legs, i had an interest in pink, i loved made for dvd cartoons like strawberry shortcake or tinker bell. turned out i was transgender, and the role of "boy" was one i was shaped to be through peer pressure.
now, what does this have to do with diapees?
put simply, you NEVER had a say in potty training.
kids often have no say in a lot of things, its taken for granted that a kid needs guidance if they're gonna be safe in this world. but potty training is a universal lesson.
how did YOU react at the time? to being told you have to "graduate" from diapers. were you agreeable? upset? did you try to rebel? it doesnt matter, all roads lead to you being potty trained.
its so deeply ingrained in our society its practically a core foundation. think about this for a moment, KINDNESS is not mandatory. sure, as a kid you're taught to share and care, but how many people do you know who carried that into adulthood? in fact, in a capitalist sense, kindness is a weakness to the goal of profit.
so, we live in a world where you CANNOT under ANY circumstance choose to be diapered, unless you "need" to, like, if there is no alternative. and yet you can live life as the biggest jerk in history and you're not even guaranteed a reprimand for it.
and yet... everyone ALSO agrees that being a kid is the best thing in the world, and you should enjoy it while you can because it wont last, you cant go back to that.
and that much IS true... but you CAN go back in some ways.
oh sure, you WILL grow up. lessons get learned, fears develop, motor function improves, your body gets taller and stronger, and your brain naturally develops as it goes, that much is ALL true...
but... you CAN still wear diapers... in fact, it almost seems like you're gently encouraged to? cuz like... every store with a pharmacy has a nearby section for adult diapers, they got ENTIRE ISLES of diapers. in every size you'd need.
because as much as society tries to tell us diapers are meant to be left behind, we cant deny that sometimes they are necessary, stores NEED these if they can have them.
and if thats the case... if systems are in place for people to wear diapers... what exactly is wrong with using them?
and furthermore, its probably the ONE holdover from childhood you can always go back to.
no matter how big you get, you cant change one universal fact. diapers exist, they have an intended function, and you CAN use them, if you are brave.
and if you do? you're being a TRUE rebel, moreso than most really. you're doing the ONE thing adults must NEVER do, the thing that potty training was MADE for.
if you wear and use diapees, you are choosing to reject an instinct of adulthood in favor of your own personal rebellious joy, and that is BADASS.
and why shouldnt you? if gender is a social construct, then so is growing up. you CAN redefine what it means to you. you can decide for yourself what it means.
and if you do... you ALSO have the option... to take it FURTHER.
because you know... training like that can be UNDONE too.
not fully, mind, your body now has the ability to know when it needs to go, that much stays.
buuuuut. your ability to hold it CAN be undone.
;3 and thats not even hypnosis, all you have to do is use your diapees! X3 im not joking, peeing yourself outside of a bathroom scenario gives your body and brain permission to do it elsewhere.
UwU and with time... it gets harder to hold it. ;3 how long does it take?
3 weeks of continued diaper use is all it takes to lose control.
but why? why lose control? what point is there is making you wet yourself? (or mess if thats your thing. X3 its certainly mine!)
because if using diapers is rebellion, then unpotty training is FREEDOM
its the ultimate middle finger to the training you were given, a sound rejection of the thing you were taught is most important.
and once you reject that... the skies the limit!
do you have any idea how much CONFIDENCE it takes to willingly make yourself a puddlepants?
if you're willing to do that, no force on this earth can stop you. gender? redefine it as you please. fashion? you wear diapers for underwear, wear whatever you want. hobbies? passions? do what you like! ;3 not like bathroom breaks can stop you anymore.
so go nuts! have fun! live life on YOUR terms.
diapers are fun, diapers are soothing, diapers are freeing, and diapers are YOURS to wear.
be free, be a mushtush!
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starpoweredv1b · 20 hours ago
This is not-freaky-anon speaking nonsensical 0 freaky stuff again :333 (I went through the horrors this week (sudden exams, my uncle literally died???, missed exams because I attended his funeral, etc etc) I think I'm well as long as I eat fish tbh) and I've come to u to give heavenly weird girl pussy ask!! (and to ask for the l&d angsty fwb ask I sent few weeks prior teehee)
So! Imagine this; you're the widely known weird girl, all nerdy and stupidly inept at socializing, staring at two old men not thirsting over them, but rejoicing upon old man yaoi (based on the 'viva el old man yaoi' pin I got :3). Your grades are average, surprisingly you survive at sincostan, you're absolutely hellish to interact with once someone mentioned the slightest hint of your interests, and you stare at men so pervertedly from behind your book it almost feels like sexual harassment and makes boys stop harassing girls because they've been through the ringer with your stares.
You're the type of girl who daydreams at the very back of the class, music blasting off of your earbuds to the point your deskmate could hear it, Mitski and beabadobee playing while you're awake and "Yummy"/"I'll do it" by Ayesha Erotica or "Government Hooker"/"Judas" by Lady Gaga playing while you're asleep.
The LLs are freaked the FUCK out. They're especially handsome in your eyes and you constantly ship them together. Lord knows if you have a smidgen of talent in drawing you would've been rich in name and in yaoi by now..
But your pussy is so, so, tight yet soft, all gummy-like and warm and it feels like melting into a puddle of oobleck and your moans are not helping and oh my fucking god he's addicted to this weird girl's pussy—
So while you're very, abhorrently strange, they can't let go of the heavenly weird girl cunt..
YES I AM!! also my condolences man please give yourself time and hydrate and eat well. love you not freaky anon 🫶
also i see this happening with Caleb and Zayne like my beloved moot @losermuse sent me this tweet about Caleb finding mc's fics about him and Zayne and how he'd be devastated LOL!! but if it's old man yaoi...the cannonically it would be Xavier and Sylus?? hm...
fujoshi cucks unite! (2)
tw. zayne x caleb, boys kissing :o, vaginal, oral, fujoshi reader
anyway, they'd literally be rearranging your guts. one from below and the other pumping down your throat. this had to be heaven! and as you're laying there watching two of the hottest men just grunting and whimpering on top of you, you'd pull away from Zayne's cock and flutter your teary lashes at them.
"could you both...maybe...uhm...kiss each other?"
you'd ask in the sweetest breathless voice, your chest heaving as Caleb continued to rock into you. you felt him stutter to a stop, panting and looking all confused. Zayne blinked, his face red as he caught his breath.
"why don't you stop talking weird, and keep your mouth here, hm? you were doing so well..."
Zayne murmurs, cock throbbing from how you were unintentionally edging him by talking and not sucking. his hands gently tugged your hair that he was holding in a fist to guide you back towards his leaky, spit slick cock. but typical you, pouting and blinking so cutely up at Caleb because you knew just when he'd tick (when he was all pussy drunk and worshipping every intake of breath that you take).
you watched as Caleb firmly pulls Zayne closer with one hanf, smashing their lips together with a soft moan. Zayne froze up, cock hardening even more from both shock and the unexpected passion of it. their tongues slid around in each other's mouth and you could've sworn you felt Caleb popping a second wind of a stiffy deep inside you. you moaned and slid Zayne's cock back into your snug throat. you watched with inceasing arousal as the two men made out sloppily on top of you, all while thrusting in sync. like you were nothing but a shared fleshlight that with maybe a bit more effort would allow their tips to touch in the soft of your stomach.
your moans and the feel of you teetering closer to the edge went almost entirely unheard as the two continued to kiss. their drool pooling at the dip of your stomach. it was the best seat ever in your opinion. you came with a muffled moan against zayne's cock, both of them stuttering and groaning into each other's mouth as they came inside.
you slowly pulled yourself away as they continued to make out, pullinh you in for a three people kiss. your fingers reach down to your sensitive clit, rubbing it yourself since the two were too busy jerking each other off. wanting to cover your pretty pussy lips with both their cum. team effort style, or however the saying goes. no complaints of course.
after all, you were living the fujoshi cuckquean dream.
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gingersnaptaff · 10 hours ago
So you want to read The Mab? - Mabinogion March Madness 2 or how, where, why u should read this fine collection of Welsh myths
So, The Mabinogion, also known as The Mabinogi (which is the more correct version), is a collection of eleven (sometimes 12 tales if you include The Tale of Taliesin but that was added later) mythological tales. The meaning of the title - Mabinogi - is beat translated into Boys' Tales, although it wasn't what they were named at the time they were written down, but by Lady Charlotte Guest when she first translated them. Two copies of the Mabinogi exist - The White Book of Rhydderch and The Red Book of Hergest - and the two are thought to descend from a common ancestor (now lost, sadly.)
Now, the main tales are The Four Branches of The Mabinogi. (Pedair Cainc y Mabinogi) They revolve around one character - Pryderi ap Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed - and tell of his birth (Branch 1), life (Branches 2 and 3), and eventual death (Branch 4). There are also three Arthurian Romances (Geraint ac Enid, Peredur, and Owain/The Lady of the Fountain), another Welsh Arthurian quest in the form of Culhwch ac Olwen, The Dream of Rhonabwy (which is the same self-insert fanfic of Dante's Inferno if it were Welsh and King Arthur adjacent), The Dream of Macsen Wledig (what happens if Tinder was through dreams), and Lludd and Llefelys (a brotherly caper feat. DRAGONS). The Tale of Taliesin - when it's included (for example the Thomas and Thomas edition has it, Sioned Davies' doesn't) - tells the story about Wales' most mythologised bard (and my mortal enemy).
And, uh, you might wanna read 'em so lemme yap about them.
Charlotte Guest's translation is the most accessible. You can find it here:
For me, it's okay. It's heavily Victorianised so there is that but I cannot slag it off. Without Lady Guest's work, The Mab would've probably never've been translated, which does sound incredibly reductive. But to an English-speaking audience, it's so important that Wales' myths exist. I can't tell you how fuckin important these tales are. They're our culture all written down in a book. A tiny fuckin book (The White and Red books are actually quite large but ehhh) contains these stories and I'm ehdjdjdj I GO CRAZY.
ANYWAYS, moving on: You got Thomas and Thomas translation which does include The Tale of Taliesin!!! Gwyn Thomas was the second National Poet of Wales and he, along with Thomas Jones, a scholar whose main interest lay in Middle Welsh prose, translated the Mab in the 1930's. This one was hugely fuckin popular! It's the one I grew up on before Sioned Davies slammed her fist into my face. It's also been illustrated TWICE (thrice, if u count Kevin Crossley Holland and Gwyn Jones' retelling). Once by Alan Lee and once by Margaret Jones. (Too many Joneses. But Jones is just a stupidly popular surname in Wales.)
Next up: SIONED DAVIES. My personal go-to, fuckin amazing. It's of handy dandy footnotes. This one doesn't contain The Tale of Taliesin but it does contain all the other 11 stories as well as a pronunciation guide and a map illustrating Wales at the time. Please don't buy the audiobook though. It's crap. If you prefer audiobooks might I suggest:
Jeffrey Gantz's translation read by Gwyneth Keyworth. This one is the newest translation as came out in 2013 whereas Davies' came out in 2007. Gwyneth has such a fuckin lovely voice and I genuinely can't stop listening. Matt Addis also has a superb voice although his audiobook uses Lady Charlotte Guest's version and consequently a lot of the names have been anglicised (Gwenhwyfar becomes Guinevere. Ugh.)
If you're after either the Jones and Jones version or the Davies version then @queer-ragnelle has them on her Arthurian Preservation Project website. You'll find them under the Welsh section!!!!
All of them are super good and I encourage you to READ THEM. READ READ READ!!!!! You can discover how King Arthur loves a boat more than his wife, how Lludd has to stay in a barrel overnight, how Pwyll nearly fumbles the most loveliest woman in the land, how Aranrhod needs a holiday, and Manawydan!!!!! MANAWYDAN!!!!!!!! GO GO GO GO!!!!
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madsluvsdilfs · 8 hours ago
☆Sweet Reassurance☆
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Modern! Hockey Player!Anakin X Shy!Nerd!Reader
Words: 722
Warnings? Nope, all fluff
It's been a few weeks now since you and Anakin have been dating. Wow, it still feels weird to say, you, the school's resident shy nerd and Anakin, the Anakin Skywalker, the most popular, hottest hockey player in the school...were dating. Anakin was your first everything, first kiss, first boyfriend, god even your first time holding hands with a boy. It was pathetic really, before you had started dating, you were basically a nun, and once you had gotten close to Anakin and opened up, telling him about your insecurities and inexperience, he was nothing but supportive. Always holding your hand, or kissing your forehead or whispering sweet things while you buried your nose in a book, he was all you could ask for.
And that leads to now, you want up the bleachers in the tiny, freezing ice rink, the benches packed with proud parents and screaming teenage girls. You eventually find a free seat and sit down, unbeknownst to you, in front of some of the most notorious girls in school. They're known for ridiculing and teasing the girls who aren't a carbon copy of them and that includes you.
You hear laughing and whispers behind you before you feel a tap on your shoulder. You spin around to see the leader of the pack leaning down to speak to you. ‘Why are you wearing that?’ she asks you with a certain smugness in her tone and before you can open your mouth to ask ‘Wearing what?’ she points to the hockey jersey you forgot you were wearing.
Oh, that. That being one of Anakin’s hockey jerseys that he had given you to wear in support. ‘Oh uh A-Anakin gave it to me to wear’, you tell them before hearing a chorus of laughter. ‘Really? Anakin gave it to you? Why would he date a nerd like you?’ one of the other girls chime in before they all laugh again. You feel a flush spread over your face, hating all of the pressure and attention being put on you, ‘Well…because I’m his-...his girlfriend’, you inform them all before they all start to speak at once; ‘Yeah right, like he would go out with you’ and ‘How are we supposed to believe that?’ and a bunch of ‘No way’s. You nod a few times to confirm what you said is true before turning back around and slipping the shirt off as you try to block out the whispers of you from behind. 
The hockey game was great, enthralled you watch your handsome boyfriend glide across the ice, holding his stick with practiced precision and the gorgeous smile you could see from under his helmet every time he scored.  And before you knew it, he scored the winning point and the game ended.
You wait outside the changing rooms for him, jersey still held tightly in your hands, as he walks out with a frown gracing his handsome face. 'Why aren't you wearing it?', he asked with a pout, eyes fixed on the now unworn, creased shirt. You avoid looking at his face, instead focusing on your shoes as you explain what happened and then you hear a sigh.  A deeper, almost offended frown finds its way onto his lips as he hears you mention the other girls, girls that he has never and will never show any interest in.
He steps forward, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing his lips to your forehead, contemplating what to say. 'You know you shouldn't care about what they think, you know I'd never leave you for them, no matter what they say', he leans forward again but this time presses his lips to yours in a tender, love-filled kiss, wanting to convey all of his feelings.
It felt just like the first time you kissed, after your first date, it was full of affection, support and trust and it left your knees feeling weak. After you pull away, you feel your cheeks head up and find yourself leaning into his touch, revelling in the safety and comfort you get from it. Anakin's hands move around to your front before his fingers interlock with your own and he leans down to whisper into your ear, 'If you're still having any doubts...I could always show you how much I love you.'  
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First post, woohoo! I hope you all like it and please feel free to leave comments/advice so I can become a better writer. Enjoy, lovelies!
@anakinstwinklebunny hey bunnie! I'm the anon who asked for advice on writing and blogs so I hope I lived up to your advice and that you like this. I actually wrote this fic when I saw the title for your popular hockey player Anakin fic, so I hope I did good xx
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zaynesflower · 22 hours ago
Accidently Snowmelt's❄️
Introduction: (This is none-MC story for Zayne main. This story will not be related to the game but my own imaginary. This story will be also be on-going as well as I can feel. For now I'm contented to do Zayne story line unless other's *you* are interested in others love interest story lines as well. Also, Caleb will be also in the story as well. Giving the trio a little love triangle. Feel free to give me your feedback!)
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"Come on, pipsqueak!" Caleb rush you as you run your little legs catching up to 7 year old Caleb. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" You whine as you panted your short little breath. Caleb chuckle "oh pipsqueak." He patted your head. Your two pig tails tied up on the sides. "you are too slow." Slowly shaking his head side to side. "Hmph!" you whine again as Caleb looks at you and adore you, "Alright pipsqueak." He said. "Let's go." He said as he holds your small tiny hands. You turned your head around slightly look at the small playground, tugging on Caleb's hand, " Caleb, I want to play on the playground." you said with a hint of squeak. Caleb hesitates and chuckles. "Alright, but you have to stay there where I can see you, alright pipsqueak?" He said looking at you as you understand. Nodding, Caleb walked away joining his friends playing basketball as he still continues to still watch out for you.
As you walk you're way to the playground, Caleb's bouncing the ball and running in sweats with his friends. A boy who is a lot older than Caleb walks into the playground with his mother "Look Zayne, there's a lot of boy's your age at the basketball court." She said as Zayne face expression was stoic. But deep down, he was shy. But he also wanted to know what was it like to have friends. So he slowly made his way to the basketball court with his Dark blue navy collar shirt and khaki's shorts. The other boys notice Zayne approached as Caleb turns around and looks at Zayne. He slowly look up and down carefully at Zayne. Caleb's eyebrows rise up and step closer to Zayne. "Hey." Caleb initiates. Zayne's head nods, "Hi..." his soft voice spoke. There was a awkward tension between them for a moment, "So, you wanna play basketball with us?" Caleb ask gesture Zayne the ball. Zayne slowly takes the ball as his expression remains stoic and somewhat shy. "Sure."
As you slide down on the slide with a cheerful smile, you can't help it but to notice a new boy that Caleb was talking to. Your eye's curious in who this new boy. you quickly run towards Caleb, " Caleb!~" As you're running to Caleb, your pig tails bouncing up and down and your tiny little feet stride towards Caleb and this mysterious boy. Zayne eye's widen as he never been around girls before. thump thump... His eye's caught on you. His cheeks slowly creeping in. As you finally arrive, you look at Caleb, " Caleb, who's this?" You asked in a curious squeaky voice. Caleb looks back at Zayne as he forgot to ask. Zayne took a moment to respond, "Zayne..." He said. Caleb looks back at you and saw you smile. He then quickly reply, "Caleb..." introducing himself as he step in front of you while looking at Zayne.
Was this the beginning of a friendship? Or something like a child's play love?-
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hheartsdramas · 2 days ago
here we goooooo, final two episodes of love of the divine tree!
love how sys just calmly disintegrates the shadow wei jiu. totally casual.
everyone else: "it's fated! we can't do anything to stop it!" mqg and sys: so you're not gonna believe this
i just love an otp that work as a team. it makes me giddy
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don't save ranwu, please. drop her in a volcano
the lingering issue i will have with this drama is that they made perfectly lovely people like zhou feihua and this suizhi boy into simps for terrible terrible people who don't deserve even a drop of their interest let alone their lives. neither mu ranwu nor su yu are redeemed
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i don't know if the translated phrasing makes it funnier that sys basically said, "you're going to go sacrifice yourself again and not include me??? fuck that i wanna die with you this time!"
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our petty king
i am struck by the sheer audacity of dun tian to assume that in this other universe he'll have a family to step into. like what if they hate him because his alternate self fucked up there too? what if she married somebody else and his daughter doesn't even exist? it's just like a man to assume like that
su yu is still not redeemed
good to see you madam fan! thanks for helping save the day, your stepson would be proud and impressed
"endlessly regenerating"? was that him telling her it's time to procreate?
feihua deserves so much better than being stuck taking care of ranwu in this remote cabin. should've dropped her in a volcano on the way home
"let's start drinking" i love her so much
now that's a kissssss (by cdrama standards anyway)
okay that's a decent grovel from wei jiu. and i like that she's not letting him off the hook completely even though she clearly still has a major jones for him
omg we get a wedding and everything??? the writer was really paying attention to what the people want
and ai mi survived! is this her first time?
look at them living their best lives. i'm so happy for them.
awwwww i loved this drama! i love when xianxia commits to what it’s doing but also doesn’t take itself too seriously. fun stuff!
now xiao shui, my poor baby boy, let’s get you some therapy.
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I Want You Back
This was originally requested by Anon who asked: "Could you make headcanons where you have an established relationship with the Tokyo Debunker characters but your ex suddenly tries to win you back?" The links to the other houses are below.
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Edward Hart, Rui Mizuki, Lyca Colt x gn! Reader (separate)
Frostheim | Vagastrom | Jabberwock | Sinostra | Hotarubi | Obscuary | Mortkranken
You're happily in a relationship with the Tokyo Debunker characters. So how will they react when your ex suddenly tries to win you back?
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Ed has been alive for a large and undisclosed amount of years. He has infinitely more experience in every situation that any mortal human could ever hope for. And your ex thinks you’d rather be with them?
He’s probably going to suggest you go and have a drink at Rui’s bar before confronting your ex alone. And boy, does your ex regret saying anything.
Ed can be scary when he wants and it’s pretty safe to say your ex won’t be bothering you anymore.
Once he reunites with you though, Ed’s going to be seeking some comfort. The unfamiliar feeling of self-doubt has started to creep in and he’s starting to wonder whether he’s really the person you want to spend your time with.
Give him some reassurance and he’ll be back to normal in no time. He will be a bit more subtly protective of you than normal for a while though, just to be sure.
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The king of making everyone think he’s doing okay when actually he’s falling to pieces inside. He’s probably going to let you deal with your ex unless you look like you need help since he trusts you to make your own decisions.
If you do ask for help, he’s going to politely but confidently tell your ex that you’re very happy with him and that you’re no longer interested in a relationship with them.
But inside, he’s shaken. He doesn't think he deserves you and is terrified of hurting you with his curse. On one hand, he thinks you should be with someone - anyone - else.
But on the other hand, he can’t stand the thought of being alone again. He loves you dearly and wants to be around you all the time, even if he can’t show you the affection he wants to.
You’re going to have a very emotional Rui on your hands for a while. Just give him some reassurance and comfort and he’ll slowly return to normal.
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Lyca doesn’t really get what’s going on at first. Relationships are a very new concept to him and the notion that someone you used to date (but don’t anymore) wants to get back together with you takes him a while to wrap his head around.
As soon as he realises your ex is trying to steal you away from him though, he’s going into full protective mode.
There’s no situation where your ex is getting out of this unscathed, unfortunately. Lyca’s barking, growling, and leaping at your ex to defend your honour.
Once the confrontation has died down, you’re going to have a very clingy Lyca on your hands. He needs some reassurance after that; his self-confidence isn’t high enough yet to be sure that you’re actually happy with him.
Much like Rui, give him some comfort and reassurance and he’ll be back to normal pretty quickly. He trusts you wholeheartedly so if you tell him you’re happy, he’ll believe you.
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I want to thank you about your post on the difference between hate and critique because I feel the same way, but I have a hard time voicing it because I'm scared people think I'm being 'too harsh'. Also I love your work, you're my fav blog on the whole of Tumblr.
[Referencing this post!]
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Hello and thank you for your ask! I’m glad that my message (critique =/= hate) seems to have resonated you. I hope that there are others in my audience who find value in that post too.
This is something I feel very strongly about, so I feel confident when I express that to others again and again. Fandom spaces that should be fun and promote freedom of expression can so quickly become echo chambers that shut down any and all critique by mislabeling it as "hate". That word is far too liberally used and is easily weaponized to silence dissent. When I see this kind of behavior trying to propagate or being normalized, it leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth. I will always speak against it, even if others don't--because if no one acts, then the false narrative of "critique = hate" will only spread.
I understand that people can get defensive of the things they like. It seems like with the idea of fandom engagement becoming more and more acceptable and mainstream, new fans are pouring their all into these spaces. That can be a double-edged sword. Being passionate about a hobby or interest is great, but when one's identity is so closely tied to that hobby or interest, any negative comment directed at it may feel like a personal attack. I suspect that this is what results in a lot of the tension we see unfolding among fans. Responding with similar passion almost never makes the situation any better 💦 so I try to do what I can to mediate and provide a balanced, rational view. I find that people are more willing to listen when they're not running high on emotions and when you can show that you see where they're coming from. A lot of it really comes down to how you present your points and your ability to listen.
I also completely understand that the people who share a similar stance as I do may be afraid to speak up. Fandom nowadays can be so vicious and unrelenting. That's why I like Tumblr--it allows people to interact and share their thoughts anonymously, and then we can (hopefully!) have a meaningful discussion about thoughts that may have never been shared, had the setting been public. There's definitely people in my audience that only feel comfortable expressing their true thoughts via my inbox, whether that's to talk about social issues, health, unpopular opinions, fandom discourse, or other potentially sensitive matters. We don’t learn and grow by shying away from discussing such subject matters, just as the Twst boys won’t learn and grow if they bottle up their trauma. I think it’s best to let it all out in a safe space and with trusted people and consideration of boundaries, kind of like the OB boys’ therapy sessions. (That’s the analogy I’m running with, yes 😂)
Let’s try to move forward with that same spirit of mindfulness, everyone ^^
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