#i love that they both canonically have slay cars
timoothy · 4 months
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baby blue studebaker
close-up under the cut:
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plagalkey · 4 days
i’m such a big fan omg i would buy all the f1 art if only my mom didn’t scold me alrdy 😔😔but butbut i need NEED your opinion on ur head canons if atsuoikage omegaverare, what’s everyone’s secondary sex? like atsumu alpha slay but the other two??? are they just both omegas???? no we have to unpack this.
okok and second of all the half blood camp au for atsuoikage omg i might just PASS AWAY i love you and your sexy brain SO MUCH. i would make an alter of all ur art in a room for me in my house next time to go into and every morning just to chant plagelkey and atsuoikage and just ADMIRE UR ART. ALSO STREET RACING AU omg OMG. ur art with ally’s fanfics, I WAS ABOUT TO COMBUST. i love you and u deserve the universe, not just the world, EVERYTHING. <33
Oh you're so sweet thank u so much for the support with the prints and sorry to ur mom hahah 😭😭😭
Omegaverse: TLDR My peak fave scenario for the OT3 is both atsumu and kageyama as alphas and oikawa as the omega
Oikage: my default is kageyama alpha and oikawa omega... but I can fuck with alpha/alpha (i am enthusiastically looking and enhance zoom 200%) or omega/omega (less interested but i am watching from afar... you can hook and bait me easily as long as it's oikg lol) I'm quite partial to kageyama being an alpha bc i enjoy kageyama having the one up on oikawa in like... talent / genetics / whatever system of the universe they are in bc it gives oikawa more reason to feel inferior, fight against the odds, and resent kageyama at the beginning of their relationship LOL it makes it all the more sweet when they bridge that gap... and also bc I like kageyama admiring oikawa soooo much and being obsessed with oikw regardless of his status (especially if it's considered lesser) in any world haha.....
Atsuoi: Atsumu I can be flexible on as an omega sometimes, I'm less solid on him... like I like Atsuoi omega/omega... and I like Atsuoi alpha/omega where either of them is the alpha i like them both ways haha... I also like Atsuoi alpha/alpha!!! I love all forms of Atsuoi!!!!! give me any Atsuoi I will probably die and cry and treasure forever
Atsukage: I'm only interested when theyre alpha/alpha!!! I don't care for the alpha/omega or omega/omega dynamic between them it doesn't tickle my brain personally I like them when they are fighting u know like bark bark head empty
Also ally and I appreciate the love and support on street racer AU so much I can't believe it sometimes haha it started as a simple idea for me bc I just wanted atsuoi to have car sex lol and now we are here... with lore and everything and sunaosa and ot5 with atsuoikg/snos alas LMAO
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otaku-tactician · 5 months
2, 14, 23, and 44 for cu chulainn/lancer
Hello, thank you very much for the ask!! I am very grateful. I wish you well, too. These are some pretty tough questions, so I'm just going to roll off by vibes.
Some of my responses may be a bit random lmao, Lancer Cu drives me into the very depths of the abyss, and leaves me questioning many things.
Cu Chulainn (Lancer) Character Asks
2. 2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
I will die on the hill that I think Lancer Cu is a little bit more emotionally distant than the external image he projects to the world. I agree with all the people who say he'd be the best ally ever, but I just have a feeling deep in my gut that despite this, he still gives me a vibe of being very 'far away'. I'm not sure how to word this. I am staking my soul on the hill that he can be both overly familiar and intimate at the same time as being hard to grasp onto. He reminds me a bit of the sea, endlessly flowing into horizon.
Er I don't know really, I guess I think what I'm saying is that he definitely does strike me as good company, just that I do have these strange feelings regarding him as well.
Also I don't think he's monogamous, myths aside- he really does seem like he's out to indulge in a variety of experiences with different people, to shoot the breeze for a fair moment until it ends. I don't think he settles down easily, even if he does give an impression of being able to quickly form relationships and ties with others.
14. Most heroic moment
OOF. This question is extremely difficult. Cu has many heroic moments, he slays so hard so often- that I feel kind of envious at times...taking on Gilgamesh for days, rescuing Rin/enacting vengeance upon Kirei, being a major key that helps Emiya to have more ease of access when taking on larger foes- he is a very nifty and handy guy in many situations. It was also very interesting seeing how his actions can even be dangerous for the general public at times, such as in Heaven's Feel (damn the exploding cars etc that was chaos!)
But one thing that has struck me deeply is his story mode in Fate/Unlimited Codes. This is just my personal feelings, but I felt choked up by the scene in which Lancer says he was willing to go to the extremes because 'there was a woman who believed in me'. The way he honors and carries Bazett's will until the very end, despite the horrendous bullshit his story arc takes him through; left a very strong impact on me. Even in death, he never forgot her. He carried her will, up until the very last moment.
To me, that's a truly heroic thing to do. To ensure that Bazett is remembered, even after her death. Lancer's way of honoring and covering for others' wishes and needs feels very heroic to me, but also deeply tragic.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
Gwah, this is another really difficult question! My instinct says sandalwood and pine. I'd also add in the ocean breeze. In this sense, I think my answer reflects what scents I associate with him, more than what he smells like (LMAOO CUZ THEY SAY HE HAS A BEAST-LIKE SCENT IN F/SN? WHAT DO BEASTS SMELL LIKE?!!!) To me, I also feel as if he smells like the sun when its rays shine upon a surface for a long time, but this is just indicative of my undying thirst for him.
I have a feeling Cu Chulainn may smell like the outdoors and of a metallic tang- like iron- and the smell of the game (guilty gear reference). But I doubt this would make for a nice candle...
In other words, I have no clue XD
44. Their happiest memory
Oof, this question is extremely difficult. To be honest, I am completely unsure what Cu Chulainn Lancer's happiest memory is. That is an extremely good question.
Is it memories of his loved ones? His childhood? Of the shooting star that birthed his prophecy? His boyhood deeds and early adventures? I am honestly unsure. I wish I could answer this. He does also seem to focus on the small joys of life, though. So I also wonder if his happiest memory could be something that I could possibly be overlooking.
If you or anyone else has any ideas on what the answer to this question may be, I'd love to hear it. To be honest, I would declare I don't know Lancer Cu's personality very well. And it took me like 8 years just to see past his surface by a tiny inch! So I've got a looong way to go when it comes to understanding him.
Thank you again for these asks. Whenever I think about Lancer Cu, I feel as if I'm being paddled along an epic journey, into seas that are both yet so unknown yet so profound.
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theburiedlad · 2 years
Alright so! I just watched the Kickstarter Launch Livestream VOD and here all literally all the notes I have on it (this is a collection of funny quotes, thoughts I had, and information I thought was worth noting):
The title of TMA 2 is officially The Magnus Protocol
Not a minute after they announced this, someone said "Scrotocol" and as a result "Magnus Scrotocol" became a running joke throughout the stream
Protagonists in TMP work for the British Civil Service as Civil Servants
There might be more world building? Maybe we'll learn how Avatarship works?
Alex described writing the spin off as being a DM in a D&D campaign without the major lore dump at the beginning of the game
Returning characters - possibly Peter Lukas?
"Agency-related occurrences"? What does this mean Jonathan???
Sam the spooky viola man
Jonathan doesn't imagine faces to the characters until they have a voice actor, and then he imagines them as the VA
Alex on the other hand celebrity-casts characters in the early stages of projects but the characters tend to devolve into just faceless mannequins of accessories and mannerisms
Alex says the Boneturner (Jared Hopsworth) is the hottest character in TMA.
"I want to climb him like a mountain. A bony, bony mountain." "Put that in a mankini." -Both lovely quotes from Alex kdjdjejs
Helen thinks Elias is the hottest character, which Alex vehemently disagreed with ("Can [Elias] crush a car with his thighs??")
There isn't going to be just one MC in TMP, but there will be 2 protagonists
The merchandise they've released is purposefully horrendous /pos
Helen says she thinks Hozier (like the singer) is an Avatar of the Buried
If the Kickstarter goes way past its goal, Jon and Alex will start a ghosthunting show
Alasdair went off on his theory/headcanon as to what actually happened to Peter Lukas after the Archivist "killed" him
He says that after the Archivist launched him into the sun, he realized halfway up that it's really hard to kill him and just teleported to one of his homes, in Loch Ness or someplace near there. After getting out of that, he decided to Ultimate Divorce Jonah and got a gigantic umbrella with a huge middle finger on the top so Jonah would see it if he tried to look at Peter.
"Martin, the sky is looking back and it looks really pissed and I don't know why!" -Alex's approximation as to Jon's reaction to Jonah's reaction to this
"This will blow over eventually, that asshole [Jonah] will overextend himself cuz he already fucking has." -Peter's thoughts during the Eyepocalypse
Peter has woken up to the words "U up?" written in the sky to him
"Booty call from Jonah Magnus." -Helen
"[Peter's] my terrible, terrible Lonely bastard man." -Alasdair
The DaVinci Code is canonically in Leitner's Library (not really though)
House of Leaves, Haunting of Hill House, Lanark: A Life in Four Books, and White is For Witching are all in the Library as well
Alex thinks Leitner had a soft spot for Terry Pratchett novels and had a lot of them in his personal library
Alex thinks that with powers, Writer!Jon would win in a fight against Archivist!Jon, but without powers "Early Archivist is very soft, he would keep saying 'It's not worth it' whilst losing.", but later season Archivist is "very scrappy" and would fair a lot better against Writer!Jon
Alasdair thinks that the real winner in a fight between those two would actually be Narrator!Jon from Slay the Princess
There were headcanons for the Admiral!
Alasdair and Helen think he is a very large ginger car
Alex thinks that the Admiral is the most vile-looking cat imaginable purely because he thinks it makes the scenes with people talking to him even funnier
Stretch goals for the Kickstarter:
Spin-off in-universe content
Alex says it would "break the series" if he dropped that content now (lots of lore possibly?)
Certain episodes will be double the length of normal episodes
Alex says he isn't opposed to "special" (holiday) episodes
Alasdair suggested a LonelyEyes spin-off series and Alex is actually considering it???
"Drip feed" of content before the actual series drops
Alex said he has no intentions of revealing what the K in "Martin K Blackwood" stands for
Alasdair said he thinks it's Knievel, someone in the stream said "Martin Kayak Blackwood", and someone in chat said it's Krotocol
Alex said Leitner used a magic book that consumes fecal matter as a toilet while he was in the tunnels, while Alasdair suggested he used one of the rivers he imagines runs through the tunnels as a bathroom
Jon and Alex are looking at both "broadening the number of format options" and guest writers for the show
Subtitle ideas for TMP
Helen suggested "The Magnus Protocol: Snogs Galore"
Alasdair had a list: Halbert's(?) Legacy; Requisition This, Health and Safety Can't Save You Now, and There Are No Sick Days In Hell
Alex couldn't give an opinion because the subtitles (taglines) could majorly spoil stuff and taglines tend to be one of the last things thought of in these sorts of projects
Alex says the "stakes" are "not equivalent" to those in TMA but that they wouldn't even try to top the stakes from TMA in TMP anyways
"It would be a mistake to equate stakes to material, physical threats"
And now here's the gaming portion for the last like hour of the Livestream so this is all mainly stuff I thought was funny:
"Pegging? In this economy?"
Alex asked who "Zen-die-a" was
Helen booed at the JKR question because she has taste and common sense 🥰
"Do you spell wildebeests with 2 E's? I thought it was 'wild beasts'!" -Alex (but mood honestly)
"What is tuatara?!" -Helen; "It's what Twitter used to be called." -Martyn
"The Magnus Protocol: Let's All Kill Alex!"
"No coordination, only skewer"
Someone called the uvula a mouth swing
Hannah's luck is unparalleled apparently
Helen is a Spamton fan!
(After learning that more dice to a person means there's a greater chance of them losing) "Oh, I was trying to help!" -Alex
(See also: Martin in just about every season kfjdjdjs)
Alex squirming in glee after screwing Hannah over made me laugh
"Cockney misogyny birds"
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Okay, so this is me relating each and every reputation song to the marauders because it's my fav album for a reason
...Ready For It? - okay so canonically (meaning the space the canon gives us) this has jegulus written all over it (just know, I'm going to say that about almost every song), but I can't help but think about crimson rivers dorlene, like "knew he was a killer first time that I saw him" it's obviously from Dorcas' perspective, because "in the middle of the night, in my dreams" we know she's simping for Marlene from the very beginning, so that's her imagining being with her, "Knew I was a robber first time that he saw me" is her talking about her own background with the phoenix and later on she's saying that no one (not even Lily) compares to Marlene, "Are you ready for it?" I feel like the question is directed at herself because, no she's not ready, she doesn’t want Marlene to know about the phoenix so yeah
End Game - Starchaser!!! "You and me would be a big conversation" damn sure they would, because they are a Potter and a Black (both having a big reputation), "and I heard about you, oh, you like the Bad ones, too" is basically Reg noting that James likes Sirius (a Black, a 'bad' one if you will) so maybe he's going to like reg, too?
I Did Something Bad - okay so this can either be about Sirius or Regulus...in Sirius' case it's obviously directed at his family/parents and how he eventually leaves them (which is bad in their eyes but feels good to him), in Reg's case it's also directed at his family, but at Dumbledore as well.
Don't Blame Me - obviously a jegulus song, very much reminding me of their dynamic in Choices. I have this headcanon that Reg went Horcrux hunting for James, feeling crazy for betraying his family like that but "love made him crazy"
Delicate - again, very much jegulus. "My reputation's never been worse" I imagine Reg thinking that right after Sirius left. James still loved him even though Sirius surely didn't like him very much at that time. In the Refrain Reg (or James, honestly, it's fitting for both of them) overthinks the time he's spending with James, afraid that he'll scare him away
LWYMMD - again, this works for several people but I'm going to go with Regulus..imagine him faking his death in the cave after Dumbledore made it clear that he would never trust Regulus in any way, basically painting him as the bad guy since he is and always will be a Black and Regulus is hunting down all of the horcruxes in secret, totally slaying while doing so. It also works for Sirius, who is talking about his family and how he hunts them down as an order member (I also see Pandora or Dorcas in this song after Reg/Marlene die but I'm trying to keep this as short as possible)
So It Goes... - to me this is screaming MacEvans just because this song is about two people who make each other a better person and know that they like each other. Idk I just feel like this song describes them perfectly (from Lily's perspective)
Gorgeous - okay so this Sirius to Remus or Regulus to James because I think it just sums up how the black brothers act around their crush perfectly
Getaway Car - James, Lily & Regulus, though I'm not sure how I like it better; Regulus being the Getaway Car or Lily. In the end neither of the relationships work out just like they fail in canon (by being murdered lol). It also reminds me a little of Remus, Sirius & Grant, or maybe (and I might actually like this one the best) Regulus leaving Barty for James
King Of My Heart -this is Regulus to James. "Late at night, the city's asleep" pretty much them in choices, only ever neeting when everyone else is in bed. "Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep" from his family because they ruin everything.
DWOHT - Again, Starchaser all the way. "I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would devide us." Literally James & Reg since they knew they were on different teams in the war. Generally, I think this is Reg's perspective just because then he's the one who keeps having a bad feeling and whose "love had been frozen" before they got together.
Dress - MacEvans, MacEvans, MACEVANS! It's literally them when they realize they have a crush on the other. They're flirting without anyone else noticing, everything hidden away because it's still so new to them. "I don't want you like a best friend" HELLO??? That's them. Period.
TIWWCHNT - this is Sirius "the Drama queen" Black. I have no idea who he's saying this to but it's him. For sure. (Although it also works for (fanon) Barty)
CIWYW - this is wolfstar from Sirius' perspective. Sirius who made out with quite a lot of girls before realizing he has a massive crush on one of his best friends and now (some) people are talking shit about them but Sirius doesn't care he has Remus and that's great. Also, this song is about independence in the relationship which just makes sense for Sirius, considering he grew up in a controlling house and probably wants to feel free after escaping Grimmauld Place
New Year's Day -again, wolfstar. They just...idk it just fits. They're together while the World around them is messy and at times that mess finds a way into their relationship but they try to work through it
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Thoughts about each TDI Reboot episode, starting at 1. SPOILERS UNDER THE READMORE.
Chris' new voice is certainly... a change. I don't mind it, and I think Terry is getting his acting and emotes for him right, but it's definitely gonna take some time to adjust and not immediately think it's Don.
"Hey, what's up I'm here to slay" from the intro is killing me in the best and worst ways. Rip the old intro song.
Also there's a very VERY small detail for the campfire. When Raj looks back to the screen, only one of his eyes follow. Either an animation error, or he has a lazy eye.
It's been 15 years since the beginning of the show in canon?? That means the gen 1 and 2 casts are roughly between 28-31 I think?? And yet Chris and Chef Hatchet don't look any different. Also since og Island premiered in 2007, this one is taking place in 2022 and NOT 2023.
Either way this gives me a good excuse to practice character design with a 15 years timeskip and make adult designs for the gen 1 and 2 casts.
Bowie is gay like I thought he'd be. Now way he wasn't a reference to David Bowie. Getting some vibes of him being the new Heather tbh.
I, like many others, thought Ripper was going to be the new Owen. He's only a small bit Owen with a dash of Duncan, and a whole lot of Scott. Respect to Ripper for how spicy he likes his food, tho lol.
Chase and Emma are exes. Chase is a YouTube/Twitch personality T-T. Here's hoping that Emma broke up with him bc she's a lesbian. Really want her and Bowie to be besties.
Scary Girl's real name is Lauren >:(
Zee is both the smartest and dumbest character. I want him to be the blorbo of the season, but I'm getting the feeling it's gonna be Bowie.
Wayne: "What'd you think, Rajey?" 🥺
Nichelle is the only one to not get an audition tape. Interesting. Also a Madonna reference?
Julia called herself an influencer. She better be an early boot for that.
MK, Axel, Caleb and Damien are the only ones I don't have any comments about. Sucks 'cause I was hoping I'd really like MK and Axel.
Drone of Dispair. Somehow the worst idea yet lol. Can't wait for a joke about one of the contestants flying over private airspace and getting shot.
Ripper called himself the alpha male nooooo
And Bowie immediately goes to the girls' side of the cabin to talk shit about Chase with Emma. Love them sm.
Ripper: "Where'd you get the soda from??"
Zee: "...I have no idea."
Rip Bowie's heart glasses, hope cartoon logic kicks in and he has a million of then.
If Damien thinks they can't show Ripper's censored ass on TV, then I wonder what his reaction would be to a show like Naked and Afraid.
Emma and Chase didn't break up over lesbianisms unfortunately. But messing up her car's breaks and causing her to crash is still a valid reason for her to break up with him and be incredibly upset. Like, he could have killed her, other bystanders, or any of the puppies at the shop she crashed into. Yet I think the show is treating Emma as being unreasonable? It's just a prank bro.
Also MK calling Emma out for saying 25% of the money instead of half like she did when talking to Bowie earlier. Maybe there's more to the break up story?? Like she's lying?? But that still wouldn't make sense if the show is already treating her as unreasonable beforehand. Idk.
Bowie really do be like "are the straights okay? 🙄"
Raj: "Wayners" 😭
Also Wayne and Raj both have the same accent as Ezekiel.
Goodbye Caleb, we barely knew ya. Have fun hanging out with Staci and getting no character development like her. Maybe one day he can come back like Justin.
Overall, fun first episode. Not a smash hit or anything, but a pretty good hook. Also the animation and character design is such an upgrade. I was hesitant about the new cast's designs, but actually seeing them in the show and moving makes it work so much better to me. After rewatching the first half of og Island, it is amazing to see how far this show and its animators have come from 2007.
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nyxi-pixie · 2 years
ok i KNOW im reaching here dont tell me but
is it too out of line to say that will looking to mike for how to deal w snowball girl lowkey parallels mike looking to will for how to deal with el😭😭😭
like (sorry in advance for shit gifs i made them in like 5 mins flat okay)
oh dear a crisis! how should we respond to this woman???? we dont know😟😟
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ah a masterplan has formed i shall take advice from my best bropal!!
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that worked so well i will now follow said advice only bc they gave it to me while they look sadly on bc theyve just fucked over their own chances in the name of doing what they think is best for me (and/or others)😁😁😁
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and obviously these scenarios vary A FUCK TON in how serious they are. like obviously els like straight up passing away so thats yk a lil more high stakes. but like reaction wise???
thats. they. they just naturally respond to each others 'wtf do i do' moments by reassuring each other. which is so🥰 i love them theyre so attuned to each other
BUT ALSO they react by encouraging each other to pursue straight relationships. bc when it comes to their feelings for each other theyre both fucking stupid but also very self sacrificial. obviously we see this more with will. bc like. ofc we do that boy fr hates himself like
this man is fully ready to throw out every chance possible w mike to keep the milkvan on the road. (hes literally their mechanic. like without him it wld have fully exploded and all the mouldy milk wouldve just gone all over the road and probably really screwed up the local ecosystem. ok the van analogy is going too far im so sorry back on topic.) and i think this Is definitely motivated by a care for mike and a genuine want for him to be happy (no matter who he finds that happiness with) But i think its also important to realise that mike isnt the only one with internalised homophobia.
wills insistence on mike loving el despite the fact that mike has implied otherwise to wills face several times kinda shows that wills mindset on this is partially based in the whole "he Needs to stay in his safe straight relationship bc otherwise i would have a chance (in that mike wouldnt be restrained by having a gf and thus wld be able to date other people) and that would just be so terrible and awful"
and we literally see him do this. mike is going to this man basically being like 'omg our relationship is so broken i dont think we can come back from this fight Will!! u Definitely shldnt tell me to break up w her or anything that would be so crazyyy😁😁(PLS TELL ME TO BREAK UP W HER PLS I DONT LOVE HER)' and wills just like "🙃😁yeah um u can tell her u love her when we see her again😁😁😥😥😥😥😥😥"
like i know we joke abt will being the reason melvin are together. but. he literally is. bc mike honestly seems (n maybe this is just my insane delulu interpretation) like he wants to break up w her and was looking for support on that decision from will. and els on her slay arc which is why she doesnt give a singular shit abt mikes cringe monologue. will fr the only one invested in microdickvan because hes Intentionally Sabotaging his chances w mike.
which brings me to the actual fucking parallel bc MIKE DOES THE SAME FUCKING THING AT THE SNOWBALL. he pushes will into accepting a dance w a girl bc then he doesnt have to keep thinking abt how He wants to dance w will. (and we know he does bc he and dustin are sat there with Identical 'my crush is dancing w someone else😥' faces. so like. rip to mike but his very intelligent foolproof plan of not thinking abt dancing w will absolutely flopped)
anyway both of them have the exact same 'if i push bestie into relationships w women then i will magically resolve my gay feelings and not have to confront them' mindset. i think people forget that will Does sabotage himself a lot just bc we always talk abt mikes internalised issues. like will canonically thinks of himself as a mistake and thinks he deserves to get treated like shit🙃🙃🙃
anyway this kind of makes the whole shit writing point of making will the 'sad gay boy pushing for the love of his life to have a happy straight relationship' make sense in a way that isnt totally awful. the diffused shitbags could never.
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marciego · 2 years
Since you finished SL S1, here comes the classic question.
What are your feeling on every canon ship this far?
Just say what you feel, be brutal, I can take it
ok i'm gonna give you a short version here and put my detailed opinion in my general soy luna post because honestly i'm not sure i have enough strength to answer twice in details you know, but idk when i'll be done with my big post so you get the short version in the meantime!! and thank you for letting me be brutal with them and also sorry in advance for some of them 😭
luna/matteo - absolutely disgusting. if i have to see this man one more time in my life i'm jumping out of the window. hate his ass so fucking much and luna deserves SO much better, also the writers should learn that just because THEY are in love with matteo doesn't mean luna is too, and the way they kept twisting and bending her character to their will to make me believe she liked matteo is so fucking bad. like i'm sorry but telling me "but it's actually matteo she loves :(" won't make me believe it if you don't take a single moment to develop her feelings for him lmao
luna/simon - <33333 they are my everything and i will cry myself to sleep every night because they're not endgame. i'm a fucking clown for this one but what can i say, when a ship is good it's good. i wish some things about them were different but i believe in them to work it out because in MY soy luna matteo is stuck in a timeloop cry singing in that car for eternity and luna chose simon (like that's canon i mean she literally ran to him instead of staying to say goodbye to matteo so <3) and they're now living their happy ending together while working on the parts of their relationship that need some serious conversation, but they're gonna be great
nina/gaston - sorry but i absolutely can't stand them lmao they had some cute scenes but they've burned out all my patience, like the only things they've brought me throughtout the season was frustration and annoyance. like i guess their relationship is fine in itself but they annoy me so much both individually and together it's unbelievable, and i'm not gonna elaborate on the characters individually but "i'm not like other girls" girl x "she's not like other girls" guy ships are Really not something i like so you know. i'd say they deserve each other but that's mostly because i don't hold any of them in high regard
yam/ramiro - technically i don't have anything bad to say about them but holy shit the comphet game is ON
jim/nico - and the comphet game got even stronger! this time jim took all of it like yas comphet queen slay <3 no but genuinely they're the biggest joke of the season, they definitely win the "not the worst couple but definitely the most annoying" award, their scenes took years out of my life god bless i can't wait to never see them again
mora/ricardo - including this one simply to say that this ship was just the diecesca secret relationship plotline but more annoying, less justified, with a man annoying as shit AND full of lesbians kissing men. 0/10 would not recommend. generally speaking soy luna needs to stop forcing lesbians to kiss men it's painful to watch
delfi/pedro - kept them for the end because hell yeah finally a canon ship that's not lumon that i like!!! they are SO sweet and SO wholesome and delfi is SO happy with him it makes me go <33 like pedro is truly one of the best men in this show after simon and ramiro and she deserved to have her sweet and happy relationship so so much after everything she went through, i genuinely like them they're so <3
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nightfayre · 3 years
hello! i loved your switched family backgrounds au a lot! i have questions 👉🏻👈🏻 i hope you don't mind.
how does your au work? Does mo guanshan belong to a rich mafia family, has a brother and he tian has a father in prison and has financial struggles but their personalities are the same as in canon? or does mo belong to a rich restaurant owning family but his father is in the lock up and he tian comes from a family that's rising in the ranks of mob underground but he detests it and wants nothing to do with it? i was squealing because i've always wanted mo to have a stable financial situation and in your fic it is the case and i'm curious how he would spend his wealth in your au?
is your he tian the popular boy in school slaying both academics and sports and has a huge circle of friends all the while hiding a dark background and mo is the delinquent-looking irate boy who's actually loaded but is a loner and skips school, works at small restaurants in secret because his family doesn't allow him to do anything part time and returning on one such moonlighting he happens across he tian in an alley kicking ass left and right gets caught himself and is threatened by the supposedly model-student to keep his mouth shut and gets low key roughed up due to his cursing and spitting on the other boy because mo guanshan does not take shit from anyone—especially the school's hot-shot-goodie-two-shoes—for doing nothing wrong and the next day of course he tian doesn’t leave mo alone, constantly intimidating him about keeping shut about that night but soon enough it just turns out to be an excuse to get close to mo because he tian is now intrigued with this angry chilly who never outed him or judged him in the first place and walks to school though he owns a car and shares his sandwiches with stray dogs and hardly smiles and curses creatively (he tian’s harmless observations) and mo had been the only person to literally walk in on he tian’s facade and not clutch his pearls so of course he tian is just a tad piqued and wants to know more about him so that’s how they started to interact.
i'm really sorry i ran away with my words(also, what are tenses?)
and when you also mentioned she li in the drabble my brain just exploded omg howwwww? did/will[?] you work him in to your awesome idea??? i'm gushing i love all your works, fics and the little drabbles but this one i read day in and day out trying to fathom what will happen? how would things go? how will the author develop their relationship??? as a baby writer i admire your idea a lot because to me that kind of switched au would be daunting and scary but with less than 1000 words you flipped the whole game gah *sob* i just love it so much.
again, i apologise for the rant and my lame one long ass sentence but!!! thank you for the endless curiosity this drabble piqued in me i'm just gonna keep reading it and daydream and doodle plots about it.
ok, i'm done!
i wish you a merriest christmas! thank you and best of luck!
hi there!! so sorry it took me a second to respond to this — the holidays are always a bit hectic for my family! of course, I hope your holiday season has been great so far as well <3 my response is below the cut! :)
oh boy, my infamously incomplete switched!backgrounds AU :') that drabble I posted some time ago haunts me in the best way possible because it forces me to remember where I planned to go with that fic, but it also forces me to remember that I have yet to pursue it, smh...
anyhow, thank you so much for this ask!! I apologize in advance if the rest of this answer is a bit hectic, as it's been some time since I thought in-depth about this AU's plot and I don't want to give away any major spoilers because I DO intend to write it one day. but from what I can remember (and what I can decipher from my messy notes/outline), I believe my original plan was this:
guan shan: yes, his family has relations with the mafia but he no longer has the best relationship with his father. he is very close with his mother, however! oh, and he has no brother (although I've been thinking... well, I might keep this idea to myself for now ☺️). the mo family still has a claim on the food/restaurant industry, and overall, yes, I'm happy to tell you that guan shan is in a stable financial situation in this AU! :)) at school, though, he still faces loneliness and poor grades — but for reasons different than what is seen in canon.
he tian: yes, he keeps his popular status at school! good grades, good at sports, etc etc. however he does tend to get in a bit more trouble than what we've seen in canon, both in and out of school, though very few peers/teachers (if any) know of his personal circumstances. his mother left rather than died when he was young, and although he does live under the same roof as his father & brother, he tian and his father do not cross paths for good reason. nonetheless, he cheng, although very busy himself, does try (keyword: try) to act as a father figure for he tian. and for what I have planned, she li has more to do with he tian rather than guan shan in this AU!
I think that's all I'm willing to share right now!! I hope that's enough :') just as a quick side note, he tian and guan shan will keep most of their main personality traits/characteristics to prevent any drastic OOC concerns, but the manner in which these characteristics present themselves will be very different based on their different circumstances. and omg, I love love LOVE your interpretation/prediction for the scene in the drabble!!!! while it isn't quite where I was planning to go, it's such a great and detailed and deliciously dramatic continuation :') have no fear, though — my plans are just as dramatic, angsty, and fluffy! <3 and although I don't think I'll stray too far from my original plotline/ideas, I always like to remind myself that sometimes the story has more control over itself than I do once I start writing it. as a writer yourself, you might understand, haha!!
anyhow, thank you so much for this ask!! I love that tumblr took away the character limit because I always get such a huge burst of happiness whenever I see asks of this length in my inbox <3 no worries at all about rambling and/or one-sentence-long paragraphs because I adore them :')) !!! and omg trust me, I am also a baby writer and hardly know what I’m doing at the best of times 🥺 but regardless, thank you so so so so SO MUCH for reading my works and supporting me!!! if you feel comfortable with it, I would LOVE to get your username/pen name to read your fics as well (if you have any)!!
otherwise PLS let me know if you have any more questions or headcanons about this AU!! I will always love to hear them and will answer any questions to the best of my ability as I gather the courage/inspiration to actually start writing this fic <3 have a beautiful holiday season, my dear, and thank you again!! :)
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archivingspn · 3 years
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Entertainment Weekly Special Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Supernatural 2017
SAM AND DEAN WINCHESTER KNOW "WEIRD." Their entire life has been weird, ever since the moment a demon claimed their mother's life. In case anyone has forgotten over the course of the show's past 12 seasons, Supernatural tells the story of the Winchester brothers, portrayed by Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, who fell into the family business of hunting creatures after their mother's murder. What began as their father's journey for revenge has evolved into endless monster slayings, near-death experiences and more than a few actual deaths.
By this point the Winchesters have been to Hell and back, killed Death himself, come face-to-face with God and prevented the Apocalypse. But perhaps more impressively, the series has survived three network presidents, five showrunners, a writers' strike and five different time slots. Turns out the only thing harder to kill than the Winchesters is the series itself. "It's one of those shows that has moved a lot, and yet each time it has found that core audience and built on it," Warner Bros. Television president Peter Roth says. "It's been an unsung hero."
If anyone knows about being an unsung hero, it's Sam (Padalecki) and Dean (Ackles), who've dedicated their lives to saving others and asked for nothing in return. Seriously, how many nights have they spent sleeping in their car?And yet that on-the-road lifestyle has paved the way for a number of the show's riskier episodes, which play a crucial role in keeping the audience engaged. In 2015 "Baby" was told entirely from the perspective of their beloved 1967 Impala, and that's not even close to the craziest thing the show's tried.
Aside from the rules the show creates within its canon—yes, they have a historian in the writers' room to keep them honest—not even the sky is the limit when it comes to story ideas. “[Show creator] Eric [Kripke] used to say, 'Smoke 'em if you've got 'em,' which meant: Anything crazy, don't be afraid to run it by us," executive producer Robert Singer says.
That motto led most famously to season 6's "The French Mistake," in which Sam and Dean found themselves in an alternate universe where everyone mistook them for Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, the stars of a show called Supernatural. "Our show's not bound by reality," Ackles, 39, says. "We're rooted in reality, but we're not bound by it. That gives us a fifth wall almost."
But Supernatural's season 12 finale managed to raise the stakes by somehow introducing the boys to something they'd never seen before: a world in which they don't exist and Heaven and Hell are locked in an eternal war. By episode's end, their allies Castiel (Misha Collins) and Crowley (Mark Sheppard) were dead, and their mother, Mary (Samantha Smith), who was resurrected-by God's sister!-in the season 11 finale, found herself trapped in this new reality with the Archangel Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino). If that doesn't seem bad enough, the birth of Lucifer's son is the very thing that opened the rift to this apocalyptic realm. "The world in which Sam and Dean were never born is not a good world," showrunner Andrew Dabb says. "It speaks to the importance of our guys. The world Sam and Dean live in is certainly not perfect, but it's a whole hell of a lot better than the alternative."
Dabb describes the new run of episodes as more melancholy than last year's, with new threats including some long-dead characters. And somehow Scooby-Doo has a role to play. (More on that later.)
"Last season was, in some ways, a very upbeat season for us," says Dabb, who goes on to explain that season 13 will be "darker." In their grief the boys will butt heads when it comes to both Lucifer's son Jack—Dean wants nothing to do with him; Sam thinks he's worth trying to save— and Mary, whom Sam refuses to give up on despite Dean's having lost hope that she's still alive. "The Apocalypse world hangs over our guys a little bit like a sword of Damocles," Dabb says of the season's beginning. "We're definitely going to spend a little time there."
And of course Sam and Dean have this new responsibility thrust upon them before they've had the chance to properly grieve their many losses, including Castiel, who Dabb says will appear, though maybe not the way fans are expecting. "We're not looking to hit the reset button," Dabb says. "We want to give both our guys an opportunity to react to that and ask the question: How would that affect them if their closest friend sacrifices himself for them? There is a certain amount, especially when you look at Dean, of survivor's guilt."
That being said, there will be at least one (animated!) moment of levity, though it's in the season's back half. Episode 16 will be a much-anticipated Scooby-Doo crossover, for which Ackles, Padalecki and Collins have already recorded the audio. "They've often talked about Supernatural crossing over into something." Ackles says. "I love that it's Scooby-Doo."
But even with exciting new ideas on the agenda, there's always the lingering question of how much longer the show can continue. According to CW president Mark Pedowitz, the answer is as long as the guys are happy and the ratings are relatively stable. As for Ackles and Padalecki, they are focusing on the next milestone: hitting 300 episodes (something that would take them 13 episodes into season 14). However, if Sam and Dean have taught the actors anything, it's that Death can be lurking around every corner (and he's usually eating pizza). "If we don't make it to 300, I think Ackles and I will both be truly bummed," Padalecki, 35, says.
Ackles adds, "They're paying us to bring that little bit of magic to what they wrote, and I still feel that magic. The day that I don't feel that magic will be a very sad day, and I hope that day never comes. I'd like to get to 300 before that day comes."
One thing everyone can agree on is that they want to know when the end is nigh. "I think it would be bad for this show to just ride off into the sunset without a finale," Singer says. "I think we've earned that." Ultimately the only thing that's certain about Supernatural's eventual end is the fate of Sam and Dean's Impala, Baby. "He gets Baby," Padalecki says of Ackles. "I get Baby Two." Ackles makes one correction: "No, you'll get Three. Two is a stunt car. It's beat to s---.”
But nobody gets Baby just yet. For now they'll need all the Impalas they can get as they try to solve the problems of not one world but two.
[pg 10-12]
Stars Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins have rolled with rapid changes and some surprising detours during the series' remarkable run. BY SAMANTHA HIGHFILL
JARED PADALECKI CAN STILL REMEMBER THE exact pitch for Supernatural's first season: “Route 66 meets X-Files, brothers on the back roads of America hunting things that go bump in the night.” That was how he and costar Jensen Ackles were told to promote the show, which, in its first year, was just that-Sam and Dean Winchester chasing urban legends from state to state.
But over time that original pitch added a few sentences. Much like with any good road trip, there have been quite a few turns—and the occasional crossroads along the way. Although the show remains about two brothers on the back roads of America hunting things, those "things'' now include everything from vengeful spirits to imaginary friends and even Lucifer himself. After all, a show doesn't last 13 seasons without adjusting its game plan. For Supernatural that has meant an ever expanding mythology, some shocking deaths, resurrected characters, breaking the fourth wall and so much more.
Yet all the while, one thing has remained true: Sam and Dean Winchester will do whatever it takes to save the world and, even more so, to save each other. And they'll do it while navigating those seemingly endless back roads in their 1967 Impala.
Finding John Winchester (portrayed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan) was the boys' goal in season 1, though that ended up being about as difficult as getting John to stick around once he was finally discovered. The Winchester family reunion was short-lived: Season 1 closed with a car crash and the fates of all three men up in the air. And then there was that demonic deal John made with the same monster they had been hunting.
JENSEN ACKLES Everything up until that point was about finding Dad. We found Dad, we continued to fight as a unit, and then we lost Dad, and now we were two orphans.
JARED PADALECKI And I think that was the first time we ever brought back somebody from the dead, and it was you [to Ackles].
ACKLES I died in the car crash, and he traded his life with Azazel.
PADALECKI I think that was the first time we ever saw a major character die and come back. And that was a total leap of faith. So we told the story of Reapers and the veil and what happens to your soul.
ACKLES That's when we got into afterlife.
PADALECKI That was a big title shift in what Supernatural could do...
ACKLES With the introduction of Hell and making deals with demons—which is funny, because you think about that now, and [creator] Eric [Kripke] must've always known because Mom made the deal with the yellow-eyed demon.
The next shift would come later in season 2, laying the groundwork for the introduction of angels far before Castiel spread his wings in that abandoned barn in season 4.
PADALECKI "Houses of the Holy” was the first time we ever talked about angels on Supernatural. [Jensen] and I both were like, “Whatever your religious beliefs, whatever ours, we're not here to proselytize. We're here to make a serialized television show, but we want it to be universal.” So we actually had a conference call with Eric Kripke, and we were like, "Hey, man, we don't know how we feel about this.”
ACKLES We didn't want to be a mouthpiece for writers' religious views, because it wasn't the show that we had signed up for. Our argument was: “We trust you. You've done good by us so far. However, this is our one concern, and we're just bringing it to the table so that we can discuss it.”
PADALECKI And they heard us out, and I think that's why they waited another year and a half before introducing our second and most famous angel. I think it's the one time we've ever called them together with a complaint. Because I'm not a writer. I don't want to be a writer. I enjoy my job as an actor. But that was legitimately like, “Listen, if you're going here about religion, I don't want to be a part of it.”
MISHA COLLINS And now amazingly, 11 years later, so much of the show has been hung on biblical lore and mythology that is actually drawn from the Bible. One interesting thing for us is that we end up talking along the way to priests and pastors and ministers, or even nuns, who love the show.
ACKLES It was amazing, but my point being that we're in one of the most religious places on earth, and they're catering to people from a show that deals with religiously inspired story lines.
PADALECKI But not telling the story that the Bible tells.
ACKLES That's the out. That's where we get a pass is that we're not trying to tell the story of the Bible. The writers take inspiration from biblical elements and then elaborate on them. So when we got into that original discussion, Eric came back with: “We're not here to tell the story of Jesus Christ. We're here to take that element and use it as inspiration for the story.” I think that alleviated any concerns that he and I had. And at the same time we really trusted Eric and still do to this day.
Another leap of faith came with season 2's "Hollywood Babylon,” which can be considered the show's first meta episode. It opened the door for everything from season 6's “The French Mistake” to the upcoming season 13 Scooby-Doo crossover.
ACKLES “Babylon” was the first time we took the piss out of ourselves and were poking fun at the industry.
COLLINS That has been a huge [help to know] that you can go to these absurd lengths and break conventions. Reading the script where we are doing a Scooby-Doo episode makes me feel proud. Where else can you do that?
Padalecki What other show does that and has the fandom at large excited that they’re going to do that? Can you imagine if JAG or NCIS did a Scooby-Doo episode? People would be like, “What?” Not only do we break the fourth wall, do we go meta, but those end up being some of our best episodes.
The season 5 finale holds the No. 1 spot on EW's episode ranking, but that hour was important for many reasons, one of which being that it was creator Kripke’s farewell.
COLLINS “Swan Song" was another milestone because that marked the culmination of Eric's original vision for the show. He had a five-season arc in mind that tied up perfectly with a bow, and then he moved on and handed the reins over to Sera [Gamble]. That became, “Okay, guys, now let's figure out how to start a new chapter or a new volume in a series of chapters.”
PADALECKI It's the story that we were all born from, those of us who were introduced in the first five years. So to have the creator step away? I would argue that it was the largest shift.
Gamble served as showrunner for seasons 6 and 7, the latter containing another major show moment: the death of Bobby (Jim Beaver), Sam and Dean's father figure.
PADALECKI Bobby was such a big part. Jeffrey Dean [Morgan] was never as much a part of the show. He was obviously a huge part of the story, but he did [just a few] episodes, and Jim Beaver did 60 or something. And there was something about his death that we knew it was final...or final for Supernatural.
ACKLES Because his character said, “I'm done.” So it wasn't like he got killed accidentally and we found a way to bring Bobby back. He was like, “I'm hanging it up, guys." It was heavy.
PADALECKI That probably was the first big death of someone who'd been there for years...
ACKLES [Interrupting] A fan favorite...
PADALECKI Yeah, and I remember [CW president] Mark Pedowitz saying something to the effect of “As a fan, I hated when Bobby died, but it was great television.” That's how I feel. 
ACKLES Like when Sam Winchester dies for good, it's going to be good television. But when Dean Winchester lives on, it's going to be great television. [Everyone laughs]
The season 12 finale saw the introduction of an apocalyptic alternate world in which Sam and Dean Winchester were never born and Heaven and Hell are locked in an eternal war. And with that world comes the possibility for a number of character returns. But does it feel like a turning point? 
COLLINS Well, I think the rift and the fact that you can go into the apocalypse world and you can all of a sudden revisit every character in a different iteration—there could be a different version of every character—it opens up this incredible panoply.
PADALECKI And if an alternate universe exists, then how many alternate universes exist? It's hard to say, because I feel like it's impossible to identify a turning point during the turn. In hindsight it will reveal how this story will affect the show, the canon at large and the way we move forward. But I certainly feel like we're opening up doors with the rift and with the son of Lucifer.
[pg 20-26]
THE CORONER'S VAN JUST PULLED INTO THE driveway. It's the middle of August in 2016, and Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles are filming a scene for Supernatural's 12th season at a farmhouse in the Vancouver countryside, which is standing in for Iowa. Sam and Dean Winchester have ditched their flannels and jeans for sweaters and slacks in order to pose as social workers. They're doing what the two brothers do best: lying about their jobs in order to solve mysteries and kill monsters—in other words, saving people, hunting things.
When Supernatural premiered, Sam and Dean Winchester were born into the family business of hunting creatures, and it's a lifestyle that, over the years, has left them with very few people they love. Turns out, when you spend your days battling shape-shifters, witches and the occasional angel—they're not all nice, you know—nothing is guaranteed, especially not tomorrow.
But no matter how crazy the Winchesters' world gets—or how many worlds they have to face—one thing remains unchanged: At the center of it all are Ackles and Padalecki, whose Dean and Sam are the beating heart of the show (whether theirs are beating or not).
(...) even pulling up their favorite scenes on their phones to watch at the table. Padalecki can easily name the scripts that made him cry—“Heart,” “Sacrifice" and "Baby" all land on the list. The common thread is a heartfelt moment between the brothers where they get to talk about their crazy life as if, say, having visions of Lucifer is normal. “I feel like those situations where we treat the abstract and the fantastical as just part of life is where the show thrives,” Padalecki says. Ackles adds, “I think the show is truly at its best when it doesn't take itself too seriously, then it does take itself seriously, and it gets scary as s---,”.
But whether Supernatural is making fun of itself, scaring the living daylights out of its fans, or just letting the brothers have a moment on the hood of the Impala, it all works because of our central heroes. “It's about the Winchesters," says Crowley actor Mark Sheppard. “We really do care, and it's a testament to the boys that we still care."
As the sun sets on the Vancouver countryside, Sam and Dean ditch their slacks for jeans and send the coroner's van on its way. It won't be needed—this show, and the brotherly bond that holds it all together, has a lot of life left in it. Not that death has ever stopped it before.
[pg 32-34]
He was always the good son. Dean embraced the hunter's lifestyle, and he idolized his father despite John's many faults. But with the senior Winchester devoted to tracking down demons, it fell to Dean to help parent Sam, and he went to great lengths to protect his younger sibling-at one point even making a deal with a Crossroads demon (at the cost of his own life) to resurrect Sam from the dead. The two have had their differences, but throughout, Dean's brother was his first priority. "Watching out for you, it's kinda been my job, you know? But more than that, it's kinda who I am." Cynical and initially skeptical of the existence of God, Dean has nonetheless managed to become best buds with the angel Castiel (and on first name terms with both God and God's sister Amara). His self-sacrificing nature means he would do literally anything for those he considers family-and that's a short list: Sam, Mary and Castiel.
[pg 38]
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Sympathy for the Devil
[pg 51]
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Stairway to Heaven
(on page 57 there’s a small box of print on the corner that says: In what executive producer Robert Singer calls one of the series’ most “iconic images,” Castiel (Misha Collins) is introduced as the show’s first real angel.)
WHILE OTHER CHILDREN WERE LEARNING multiplication tables, Sam and Dean Winchester were hunting monsters. “When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45!” says Sam to Dean in the Supernatural pilot, recalling an episode when he was 9 years old. Clearly creature encounters were par for the course in the Winchester way of life. And when you grow up battling all the evil in the world, it's hard to believe in the good. But in the show's season 4 premiere, Dean would come face-to-face with the one supernatural entity he didn't think existed: angels.
“[Show creator] Eric [Kripke] wasn't in love with the idea of doing angels,” executive producer Robert Singer says of the early days. “But as things went on and we were getting into demons, I would say to him, 'I don't know how we do demons without doing angels.’”
The show tested the waters in season 2's “Houses of the Holy,” when Sam and Dean worked a case that appeared to involve angels then went in a different direction. It wasn't until late in the next season that the seraphim were finally embraced. When Dean was dragged to Hell, they needed to get him out. And if there's a Hell, it stands to reason there has to be a Heaven. "[The season 3 finale] was the gateway into this whole other world of angels and demons," executive producer Andrew Dabb says.
When it came time to spring Dean from Hell, it was Castiel, the show's first angel, who gripped him tight and raised him from perdition. But Castiel quickly established that he wasn't a typical cherubic angel. Many of the show's angels were, as Sam and Dean would put it, real dicks. “We have our own brand of angels and the idea that they were these warriors of God,” Singer says. “We introduced Castiel, and we just went from there. Heaven opened up different levels of angels.”
The moment Castiel spread his wings, the show expanded its universe. Castiel came bearing news of something much bigger: the Apocalypse, the ultimate showdown between good and evil-or more specifically between Archangels Michael and Lucifer. “We started with archangels and the idea that Lucifer was an archangel and was cast out of Heaven,” Singer says. “We certainly took some license, but it was all biblically grounded. We just took those things and went a step further to make them work for our story.”
From there the show explored all kinds of angels, from Zachariah and Naomi to Gabriel and Metatron, and, of course, it eventually arrived at God-or Chuck, if you prefer. “We didn't really know that Chuck was God when we first started with him," Singer says of introducing the character in season 4. (He wouldn't be revealed as God until season 11.) “That evolved. We wanted a relatable God, a God with foibles.”
Nine seasons later, what started as one angel in a trench coat has evolved into Lucifer, God, Leviathan and even a sister for God. “We play a little fast and loose with religion, but no one has really complained about it,” Singer says with a laugh. “So we'll just keep going.”
[pg 56-58]
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CASTIEL Misha Collins
What can you say about the only member of Team Free Will who wears an overcoat? Cas has become a true member of the Winchester family.
[pg 61]
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draconida · 6 years
Shance Fic Recs
Well, while I was in my AO3 profile, I realized how many bookmarks I have! So I've decided to make fic recommendation lists.   [This list will have other parts, and I include fics with Kuro and Sven]
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1- Black to Blue by PuppetMaster55
Lance, the undisputed (no longer, since he finally got the team to stop questioning his position like a month ago) leader of Voltron finds himself in the absolute strangest scenario: being the Blue Paladin.
Lance, still finding his place on team Voltron, wakes up to the weirdest world: one where he's the Black Paladin.
OR, I take a universe where Lance was always the Black Paladin and have him swap bodies with canon Lance, throwing both sets of teams for a trip.
[This fic is the beginning of a series in process, super recommended]
2- Black & Blue by starboyshiro (this author writes a lot of love to Shiro)
“Something wrong, babe? Did you have a bad day or something?” Shiro asks, plopping down on the couch next to Lance.
“Nothing happened, I'm just looking at all of these cute cats thinking about how much I want one, but can't have one.” Lance frowns, resting his head on Shiro's shoulder as he continues to scroll through Instagram.
Shiro can't stand to see his boyfriend upset. That's been a proven fact since Day One of their relationship. It's only natural that when Lance mentions his disappointment at never owning a cat, Shiro goes above and beyond to cheer him up…
3- I Fold by starboyshiro [Explicit]
“Do you even know who I am?”
“Am I supposed to?”
“Most people around here do.”
An intense poker game turns into a rather steamy night. Can this scrawny grad student handle the force of the famous journalist Takashi Shirogane?
4- Is That A Bowl Of Popcorn In Your Lap Or Are You Just Happy To See Me? by munchiesafterdark [Explicit]
“How many bags should I do?” Shiro called, waving the four unopened packs in his hand at Lance questioningly.
“I think two should be fine,” Lance shrugged. “We can always pop more if… we…” He trailed off, train of thought vacating the station as Shiro turned his back to him to put the remaining packs of popcorn into the cabinets. His hips swayed to an unheard rhythm, defined muscles flexing as he reached up and slid the popcorn into place on the top shelf. Lance’s eyes trailed down to the V of his back, the sweats hanging low enough for him to spot the curve of his round ass. Yet another anomaly of those pants was the manner in which they accentuated his bottom while still remaining baggy around his legs.
The obnoxious ding of the microwave nearly startled Lance out of his skin. His shift on the couch must have been audible, Shiro raised a brow at him over his shoulder, a cocky smirk crossing his lips as he leaned over to retrieve the finished bag of popcorn.
Fuck, he was toying with him! Well, two could play that game!
5- Nasty Smoothie by strawberrylovely
Lance works in a smoothie shop. Twice a week, a certain customer comes in and orders a nasty smoothie. Lance is head over heels.
6- A Hit and A Miss (tletoe) by strawberrylovely
Basically, Lance goes to a party with Hunk and blows his friend a kiss. However, he wasn’t expecting the cute stranger standing in front of Hunk to think the kiss was for him.
7- you should let me (love you) by godsensei
There’s something in the bathtub. Suddenly, Lance is pissed at his past self for watching so many horror movies with creepy shower scenes. He’s certainly too young and beautiful to die like this, right?
Right, totally.
He hesitates, but creeps forward, peeking slowly behind the curtain.
Hm. There’s a hot guy in there.
8- just call me daddy by proletaricat [Explicit and omegaverse]
It's the typical a/b/o story - someone's off their suppressants, surprise heats, bam sex! Except this time Lance escapes capture with the help of Hunk and Shiro has to apologize for his behavior later, interrupting Lance in the middle of his Altean telenovela. Then they bang. It's... it's basically just a PWP with daddy kink and knotting.
9- Sometimes Playing Around with the Occult Can Turn Out Well (Like... REALLY well) by gorgawesome [Explicit]
Lance had the best costume prepared for this Halloween Party. He was totally gonna slay and finally get laid for the first time in MONTHS!
Except it's Halloween Night and he's stuck looking after the family bookstore, because local robberies or something. Honestly? He was too busy pouting to be listening.
Can an awful, boring night turn for the better? Yes. Yes, it can.
10- I found religion between your thighs by KillTheDirector [in process]
He had been topside for over four decades, enjoying the freedom he never had down in the pit. Routines were established then broken then reestablished, but Shiro abided by them because that’s what kept him alive.
Then he met a witch that was more suited to being an incubus than him.
11- One Symbol Off by Silas_Writes [Explicit]
anonymous whispered: Incubus/succubus shiro and witch lance use summoning circles and potions inappropriately
12- To Seduce the Seducer by singtolife [Explicit]
At a college party, Shiro meets Lance, and they hit it off immediately. Only to find out after they have sex that this amazingly sexy guy was a little too good to be true.
13- Blue Skies in Stockholm by Shanced [Explicit, non-con and Kuro]
Lance gets captured by Shiro (who was fused with Kuro by Haggar) and the rest is self indulgent kinky sex. Lance gets raped and wrecked by Shiro and develops Stockholm syndrome, or the likes of it, Shiro can apparently unfuse with Kuro and they have a really good time.
14- Treadmill by kitausu
At 2 minutes of torture in, Lance heard the buzz/click noise of someone’s electronic key activating and opening the door to the gym. And of course, because this was Lance’s life, Hunk had pushed him onto a treadmill with a mirror right in front, affording him an absolutely stunning view of the man walking through the door.
Had Lance loved till now? He was pretty sure that he had never even felt an emotion before seeing the beautiful male specimen reflected beside his face in the mirror.
or, Lance waxes poetic about Shiro's everything, and Hunk set it all up in the first place.
15- Black & Blue & Red All Over by thesynapticsnap
When Lance shows up to the gym with a limp and covered in bruises, Shiro assumes the worst (spoiler: It’s nothing bad! Nor anything kinky, surprisingly).
16- Car Door Blues by ShiekahKami
Shiro never would have expected that accidentally knocking that cute guy out could change his life for the better.
17- Give It a Shance by YonaDawn [in process]
The domestic life of Shance. At least until they become Twitter and Youtube famous. Then it's a wild domestic life.
18- Bowling for Balls? by EllaAniMine
They were just supposed to be bowling... It was harmless fun, or it was supposed to be.
Lance thought he was being funny, but a message that was supposed to be a joke was sent, and now Lance isn't laughing.
19- llévame si quieres by kalakauuas
Shiro takes his dogs to the park and meets the world’s cutest uncle and his niece.
"Lance and his little niece, petting Shiro’s dog, looking soft and serene; it’s like nothing could ever be truly wrong in the world if this is able to happen. What Shiro wouldn’t give to have this sight in front of him over and over again. He scratches Sirius behind the ears, and gets a reassuring lick in return as an act of solidarity. You’ve got this. Man’s best friend, for real."
20- (Mg,Fe2+)2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2 by starboyshiro
Lance and Shiro decided to expand their little family and adopt a dog. What they name him is rather questionable.
21- You're Worth More by AbandonedLibrary
Lance wanted to prove his pod his worth after that jackass rolo came in with black pearls in hand.
As the pearl expert in the group he needed to keep his name sake.
Though... Lance learned there are things worth more than pretty pearls.
22- Curiosity Caught a Cat by c0cunt
Shiro has been distancing himself from his friends and family for a long time. All he really has now is Matt's cat, Zekrom. At least, until a man crashes into his balcony to pet his cat.
23- Head Over Heels by saecchii [Kemonomimi and Explicit]
Shiro gains a new roommate, who he is absolutely smitten with.
24- Stray Cats by kitausu
Lance is really enamored with the cute guy who keeps coming into his pet store and buying WAY too much cat food.
or, Shiro moves into a new apartment and sees how many strays there are in the parking lot and just HAS to feed them.
25- Kiss the Bees by kitausu
Lance is smitten with the beekeeper next door.
26- BlueVoice by kitausu [Explicit]
Lance runs a relatively popular voice RP blog and one day hears his own voice coming out of the headphones of the really hot guy next to him at the gym.
27- Change of Plans by kitausu
When Shiro is left at the alter, he decides to go on his honeymoon alone. Enter Lance, the man Shiro had hired to take him and his would-be bride on a month long tour of Europe.
28- To The Grooms by AChapterCanBeABook
There is no better way to celebrate the best day of your life than reminiscing with the people who you love the most and who have been with you through nearly every step in your life. Let's not forget a little bit of embarrassment which goes along with best men speeches, especially if your best man is your brother and the other best man is his accomplice in this whole thing. nevertheless, it doesn't fail in livening up a wedding as well as making in just that much more sentimental.
29- Tell the Truth by thesynapticsnap
Lance is bitten by a 'love bug', turning him into a blushing, stammering mess around his crush- Shiro. Shiro helps him deal with the negative side effects, learning more about Lance's crush and considering his own feelings as they talk.
30- Guess Again by thesynapticsnap
Keith confronts Lance about something he witnessed during a team mind-melding exercise…too bad he’s got the wrong culprit.
31- Smooth by thesynapticsnap
Lance’s first meeting with Shiro doesn’t go as planned – it turns out so much better than he expected.
32- Blind Date by kitausu
“What’s the crisis? I thought you had a blind date? Didn’t go well?”
Lance wailed, collapsing into the couch with a dramatic sigh.
“Yesss, Hunk. He’s too handsome. He’s just so hot. You would not believe what he did to me. I still can’t believe it.”
or, Lance goes on a blind date and can't handle how hot Shiro is.
33- SandMan by Might_suck_but_thats_ok
Shiro goes on a blind date with Lance.
34- Lucky by zombiegardener
Shiro accidentally tells Keith that he's dating one of his frenemies from high school over a Saturday morning phone call, because how is this his life?
35- Boundaries by zombiegardener
It's really hard to keep a relationship secret when you're making out in the middle of a hallway.
36- beauty queen on the silver screen (living life like i'm in a dream) by heavenlyrare
What do you give to someone who already holds the world in their palms?
The sweaters Shiro’s mom knits him every Christmas actually serves a greater purpose for once.
37- Text Me by strawberrylovely
Shiro, trying to get away from two girls who won't stop flirting with him, sits down next to a stranger who he pretends is his boyfriend. The stranger, who has pretty blue eyes, goes along with it.
38- Undateable by strawberrylovely
Lance just wishes someone would date him. Shiro offers to do just that.
39- Black Friday by strawberrylovely
Lance is gonna get that stand mixer. Unless of course a handsome stranger gets to it first.
40- Midnight Tradition by strawberrylovely
Lance goes to a New Years party and meets a guy named Shiro. They may be strangers, but they kiss at midnight anyway. After the party, Lance doesn’t think he’ll ever see Shiro again. That is until the next New Years party when the two meet again and a tradition starts.
Parts 1 / 2 / 3
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ifeveristoday · 5 years
and she will walk through the fire
spoilers, thoughts, and reactions for the penultimate issue of Hellmouth #4: Are we there yet? Don’t make me turn this car around.
Buffy, Buffy, Buffy. My sweet dumbass summer child.
Baby. What are you doing?
In this issue, Buffy does the hokey-pokey of emotionally dealing with This Hellmouth Nonsense™ and ends up running away, leaving a curtain of hellfire in her wake.
Because of course, she does.
Buffy has always lived by her emotions or perceived lack of them and slaying with her gut feelings as her guide. The show both celebrated and pointed out when Buffy lets her personal feelings override what’s right/necessary for the moment - and how badly things were going when Buffy suppressed her real emotions.
Boom! Buffy is self-aware enough to know that she shouldn’t be doing things on her own this early on in the Slaying game, but she’s so overwhelmed by Angel’s betrayal that she naturally jumps to conclusions. This is Baby Buffy, who knows evil as it personally relates to her and isn’t aware/cares about the nuances yet. Drusilla attacked and hurt her best friend, but he still has his soul so he’s not a regular vampire - Angel presents himself as a guy who knows what’s up and she had no reason to think otherwise, until he shows her his vampire face. Buffy’s knowledge of vampires extends to Xander, who is an outlier, and the obvious Bad: Drusilla, Spike, and canon fodder vampires.
Angel’s lie disrupts that knowledge - he was, as she says, someone she thought she could trust. Even when they fought in earlier issues, she thought well enough of him to call him a friend. ‘I thought you were like me. I don’t know you. And I can’t trust you to make the right decisions down here or...anywhere...I’m better off on my own.’
It’s frustrating! It’s contradictory to her best interests. It’s reckless - she’s the Slayer but she’s in literal HELL with demons that can be summoned out of thin air apparently to fight her, so even with superpowers she’s going to get tired eventually.
It is also completely human, and completely Buffy Summers. As we’ve seen in Boom, Buffy’s past is still a mystery that may never get addressed - and her relationship with her slaying and Giles as her watcher is still evolving. The early issues had her complaining about Giles not telling her step by step what to do, and him telling her that’s not how it works - but a bond has formed between them and her friends. Buffy doesn’t have to be alone anymore, but as Kendra reminds Rose - the Slayer doesn’t usually ask for help like that. It’s a solitary job by nature.
Buffy’s Slayer instincts win out over common sense - she runs off too hurt to consider Angel’s explanation for lying and to confront the Hellmother on her own.
Which leads her to fight--- herself.
This Buffy has been Through It - and it’s to Eleonara’s skills as the artist, that you can tell this is an Older Buffy, and not just a dirtier/scruffier one. Her gaze, her posture - all portray a Buffy who’s fought a war and has lost.
And this Buffy has a very obvious vampire bite scar on her neck.
Is this another First Evil™ mindfuck? Buffy certainly seems to think so - but War! Buffy doesn’t engage or defend herself. Instead, she tells Buffy that she’s not alone like everyone else, and to not stop her [War! Buffy] from going into the lake.
Yeah, I don’t know either. War! Buffy is both lucid and disassociating simultaneously. She tells her younger self that she’s been where Buffy is now, and that’s she made the choice to be alone - and she lost everyone in the process.
War! Buffy tells her it’s good that she’s not alone [re: Angel] but Buffy tells her that she doesn’t understand -
and her older self interrupts her with ‘Not the same. It’s time to go, now. I’m sorry.’
Buffy asks her what’s down there - and in the spirit of foreshadowing, War! Buffy says, ‘The only thing left. You’d understand. You will. One day.’
And she walks into the lake and disappears.
Does it count as a conversation if you’re talking to a presumably dead version of yourself?
Before Buffy has time to dwell on War! Buffy and her lampshade, the Hellmother in vessel of Angel comes toward her - eyes a glowing and flaxen hair flowing like an Evil Legolas and demands her blood.
Well fuck.
Buffy’s intervention via mirror self works for me on a number of levels because a) duh, the show and its shadow selves b) Is it really Buffy? Or is it First Evil Maybelline? c) I have always always wanted Buffy to come in contact with her Wishverse self because COULD YOU IMAGINE - like hello giant Before/After wakeup call, we could have had it all, etc, etc. So if Boom is doing its own version of the Wishverse, I am Here. For. IT. Let’s explore all the multiverses!!!!
and d) it gets present-day Buffy to stop and think about her actions, just a little bit. Back earlier when I wrote Baby Buffy can only relate to evil as it affects her personally - having her own self warn her about the dangers of lone Wolfing - because Buffy can only trust herself is the obvious conclusion. 
It also has echoes of Prophecy Girl and the Gift - because it’s clear that War! Buffy sacrifices herself to the Lake and it’s a probable warning to present Buffy to not make the same choices. Which means she has to get over her hurt and trust Angel because she doesn’t have anyone else - not Drusilla, whose voice Jordie still hasn’t quite nailed, and not Augie (who should not have appeared at all or been introduced in an earlier issue) who has his own motivations. 
My theory that it’s this Buffy’s death that activated Kendra above - the timelines don’t seem to run in a neatly parallel sense anyway, but could also be a glimpse at another world (hopefully better plotted) that happens later, after the Hellmouth opened?
I love the character exploration and addressing of Buffy’s larger flaws early on, but I’m worried about how long it’s going to take before anything actually happens. That is a consistent problem with the Hellmouth crossover - it started quickly but then meandered into filler territory with good parts sprinkled in - there are 30-31 pages in each issue, but only 22 pages with the actual story. It’s not the most effective way of using story real estate because the missing ten pages are the cover, splash pages and advertisements. If Hellmouth had just been edited leaner? 
There’s still one more issue left. It would have to do a lot of heavy lifting to save Hellmouth as a whole - but I can’t fault the ambition. This was more realistic to me than the space aliens and what not that went on in DH! canon. And it also feels really true to the first season of Buffy as well - messy, but with heart and an obvious direction, just not executed 100% on the first shot. 
It’s been a year of Boom! verse and I’m still looking forward to more.
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ariadne-rx300-blog · 5 years
Summary: The RX300, arguably the most elusive design of Elijah Kamski's creation. An undisclosed prototype tasked with human-android relations espionage, equipped with a real-time observational UI, social protocol, combat tactics and looks to kill. How does a painted genius so easily lose track of his own spy? (Android OC/Connor)
Additional Tags: Pre-Deviant Connor, Pre-Android Revolution, OC backstory, Mostly Canon Compliant, Elijah Kamski has ulterior motives, OC is Kamski’s surveillance android, sort of like when people say Google is listening to your conversations, she’s kind of like that, OC observes Connor at work, for “observational research purposes”, this totally isn’t one of those types of romances, except it totally is, probably, Drama & Romance, Fluff and Angst, Deviant Love, Connor Deserves Happiness, Big Brother is Watching
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Link to Chapter 2
1 || The Half Life of the Party
Chapter Summary: The king on his throne and the tunnel-visioned servant at his behest. This was the start.
RX300 #151 073 925 - 21
If there was anything to be learned from the rise and fall of a self-professed god, it was this: Elijah Kamski was as cryptic as any human could live up to being. In one fleeting moment of humanity's history he had devoted his life's work to the creation and development of artificial intelligence. From outside perspective he put his lionized mind to use at perfecting code, striving to rid the world of its unease at the prospect of non-human caretakers, their faces which mirrored humanity's own. Begged and pleaded with them to give his technological advancements a chance, to change life as they knew it to be.
The immense success of android implementation into the everyday lives of average citizens had only led him to willful isolation. That was the clear irony of it all. The false mask of discontentment his behavior had impressed upon society. On the contrary, he sat comfortably in his secluded throne.
Caught between the two faces Elijah showed to the world was her, RX300, a pet project, just one of many prized objects in his possession. She was not the first by a large margin, a long list of faces to complement the proposed purposes behind varied programming. His overbearing treatment of the RT600, the first Chloe, the first android to be in his own terms 'perfected' by CyberLife, had entailed near-constant interviewing; a loop of endless observation and psychological marketing to the billions of critical eyes that made up humankind's collective judgement.
She was not her, not put up to the same task as she who had come before. This was evident by way of a differing appearance, a different modus operandi entirely with features reminiscent of a young Audrey Hepburn, her hair in a mess of dark curls; though her calling-name had apparently settled on "Eve." Eve, in a further irony, the name of the first human woman-she who in human religious texts was punished for stealing the knowledge of good and evil from God himself, tempting Adam, sharing that knowledge with him regardless of outcome.
It all seemed so poetic in hindsight. The luxurious events set up to celebrate the success of the singular, eminent man who had made it all possible. Not the births of his many sons and daughters, not the birth of a new form of life. His inner self was of course hyper-aware of the consequences that came with secrecy. He played puppetmaster-drove the car to stop at the cliff, then reveled in the constancy of teetering on the edge, the push-and-pull of imminent civil war, guided by his hands at the wheel, his foot ghosting the pedal. By the time she'd come to this conclusion, he'd already jumped ship. The only way he could get away with it was by renouncing his position, resigning from CyberLife and appointing the company itself, his legacy, to take the fall for his ulterior motive.
In the present, "Eve" had become "Ariadne:" liberated overseer of suffering, seeker of a Theseus that would one day come to slay the Minotaur of Kamski's making; the fear that had lit a fuse in the minds of humanity and subsequently set her guiding string ablaze. In the past, she remained Eve, unwittingly confined to the whims of her maker as she carried out his bidding with light feet and little-to-no self-awareness.
"Eve," Elijah called across the room to reach her synthetic ears, wired mind poised to listen. She stood at his attention, dressed lavishly, non-standard to that of the other models he had sent out into the party as modestly-clothed distractions. She bore no visible LED, hidden and dimmed under brown curls. No one would know the difference, no one would expect a spy, and therefore no one would be looking for one. "Survey the room, get a feel for our guests." He smiled, humbled in his attire and grooming, sly as he spoke just below the din, acting as though the exchange were natural and inconspicuous to any unwanted onlookers. "Observe them, watch how they interact with your kin," A chuckle left him as his eyes darted elsewhere, meeting that of the business-class who sought conversation with him. "Don't be shy."
Don't be shy.
A request to fine-tune the personality settings he had equipped her with, the social protocol with which she had been patiently tested to perform. This was the final assessment; the field test that would make or break her use in further clandestine endeavors. The eve of her crowning.
He didn't wait for a response as he flitted away, nor did she provide one as she followed suit and slipped into the excited crowd, shadowing magnates and moguls alike, dipping into their discussions with vigor. Her eyes blinked–wide, warm amber, yet mischievous in a way that provoked an inherent fondness–quietly observing, scanning the faces of humans and androids alike as she took to absorbing any information she could gather.
"And what is your name, my dear?" An older man seated in a high-end wheelchair, wrinkled with laugh lines and draped in a vest with expensive, stylized sleeves. Eve scanned him and collected his ID. Carl Manfred, celebrated painter of the Neo-Symbolist movement, close friend of Elijah's.
A bright smile lit her features as she addressed him with utmost respect and kindness. "Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you, Mr. Manfred." She spoke, serene, a transatlantic accent lilting her tone as she lightly bounced on her heels to accommodate her emulated excitement. "My name is Eve, I'm a big fan of your artwork!"
Carl hummed, taking her in with all-seeing eyes and reproaching the praise he received with a wave of his hand. She noted his wrist, smudged with dried paint. Odd, she mused, it had seemed the common approach to encourage a friendly relationship would be to attend to one's ego. His open humility caused a recalculation. It wasn't something she was used to, given Elijah's true nature, not that she would have known. Her eyebrows creased, narrowing as she formed her rebuttal. "Your work is arguably the most influential of the century, Mr. Manfred; it would do you an injustice to belittle the good it has done for this world."
"Answer me this, Eve," His lips spread into a smile as he regarded her, mysterious as he took on a quizzical tone, depth rumbling in his throat. "Do you believe something is worth more when weighed by the eyes of the world, or by the eyes of the individual?"
Philosophy. Concepts beyond simple functioning, requiring critical thought and soul-searching to supply an answer beyond just "right" and "wrong."
"Is an object only an object because we, as sentient beings, call it so?"
Androids were only initially programmed to answer simple formulas, simple equations which carried with them common-sense responses out of a supplied database of knowledge, exempt of individual thought.
He gestured with an arm, looking out upon the throng of people with human eyes admiring non-autonomous AI, everyone lost in the spectacle and not recognizing the true horror behind their sentient thought processes, ignorant to those without. Either party was blind in their own sense, stuck in a dream–or nightmare-alike. Eve lost words in the moment, seeing the scene for what it was only to be pushed down by her own programming. "I… am not sure." Devoid of the joyful spark she'd placated her inner demons with, blocked out by a seemingly impassable wall that caged her in and kept any true emotions just out of reach.
And Carl simply laughed, the sound vibrating in his chest, echoing in her eardrums, separate from the party noise.
A herald of both internal and external war.
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Hey, i love the Shepard's so I'm gonna write abt themmmm lets goooooo
(It's mainly Purly)
I've said this before, but tim's enormous
He's 6'9 and 264lbs
Most of that is muscle mass bc he hits the gym 3 times a week
Everyone's scared of him bc he's so damn tall and muscular
Curly tries his dang hardest to be like his older brother
Tim is more cocky and knows he's intimidating. He uses that in fights and just every day life to get what he wants
Curly is more like, "frick u mom, i'ma skate where i want 2. Ok ur yelling at me now. Oh, I'm cry"
The brothers don't have a close bond
Angela on the other hand is really close to Tim
She's been his right hand since she was born
They go off and do illegal stuff and then curly is stuck at home doing math hw
Angela has a scar above her left eyebrow, but she covers it with makeup
Angela does makeup on Curly all the time and he secretly loves it
He slays in makeup
Angela's personality is "oh, u looked at me? Well, u must be in love with me."
She's a bit narcissistic
Curly met Ponyboy at a school rally when he bumped into him. Pony was reading a book and walking, then bam, hot guy in his face. Pony said sorry about 100 times and for some reason Curly didn't yell at him.
Then, after that, Curly was all like "shoot that horse man's hOT"
So, he goes up to pony the next day at school and tells him that he's not angry about running into him, then asks him about the book he's reading.
And boy, does pony's face lite up when he talks on and on about it
Curly has never seen a cuter smile
They walk home from school together, and that evening Curly goes into a book store and snatches a copy of the book Pony was reading
It's not Curly's cup of tea(mainly bc he's awful at reading) but its also a poetry book and it confuses him
Eventually they just kinda... become a thing?? Ya
Tim ends up with a Soc boyfriend
His name is George, but Tim calls him Geo
One of the things Tim LOVES about his boyfriend is how many cool cars he has that Tim can drive FAST in
Geo ends up as a part of the gang and Angela is demoted from right hand so that Geo can have that spot
She's v pissed, but she and Tim still do illegal stuff together all the time
Angie's had so many boyfriends(and a couple gf's too) she's lost count
She a thot
All of them r thots
PB helps Curly w/ hw basically every day
Bc Mr. Shepard literally doesn't care what his children do, as long as they're home by the time he wakes them up, they have so many tattoos
One of the first ones Curly got was for Pony
He go the outline of a book with the cover art of the poem book on his left bicep
He also has the word "Kin" written down the outside of his right thigh, along with a baseball bat with a snake coiled around it on his right hip. (He has a lot more, but they're mainly just snakes and spiders)
Angela got birds on her left shoulder blade, a flower on her left hip, and a blade on her right forearm
All of them have Shepard written on their lower backs
Even Geo got that tattoo after he started dating Tim
Yes, if this wasn't set in canon time, i would have Tim get married to Geo just so they could both have the last name Shepard
Tims Tattoos: he got a geode for George's nickname, a realistic heart over his right chest, a crown on his other chest that has the word "king" under it, he has a mustang in between his shoulder blades, a praying angel on his left bicep, a piece of candy that says "bittersweet" on the wrapper, he has a pistol, knife, and a pare of scissors tied up with a ribbon on the right side of his rib cage, a matching tattoo with George that says "thank the lord" behind their left ears, and so many more
Curly come out to Angela and Tim a couple days after he realized that he was dating pony and he cried
He felt like a failure because he was gay AND showing emotion
Curly:*through tears*"Tim, Angela... i... i have something to tell you... i-I'm gay... and i have a boyfriend."
Tim: "niiiiccceee. How hot is he?"
Angela: "Curly "the player" Shepard!"
Curly was shook at their reaction
also, curly yelled at Tim for hitting on his boyfriend w/o even knowing who he was or what his name was
When Curly said that he was dating Ponyboy Angela and Tim went stiff
Tim: *hits Curly over the head* "YOU'RE DATING A CURTIS BOY?!?!?"
So yeet, thats when Curly found out that Pony was in a gang too
he seemed too smart to be out on the streets with hoodlums, but then he met the rest of his gang and realized that they weren't hoods
Anyways, thats all. Sorry for all the purly. I couldn't stop myself
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( empty beer bottles, cassette tapes, leather-bound journals ) –– && it looks like dean winchester has finally arrived in woodshore ( though he originates from supernatural ). although known as THE RIGHTEOUS MAN back home, here they are a forty year old firefighter, known to be LOYAL but STUBBORN. they were coaxed here with the promise of A BROTHER NAMED SAM. they remember NOTHING OF THEIR OLD LIFE. ( james, 27, est, he/him, jensen ackles )
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hey everybody! i’m james and i’ll be playing your friendly neighborhood dean winchester who just so happens to be my favorite character of all time. i’m excited to be here and i look forward to writing with you all. don’t be afraid to hit me up for plots. i don’t bite. much.
from what point in your characters canon are they taken from?
dean was taken when the undead that surrounded him, sam, and castiel closed in on them at the end of the season 14 finale. once all of his memories have returned, he will remember everything up to that point.
what are the basics of their ‘new lives’?
dean is an only child and an orphan. his mom died in a house fire when he was four; his dad died in a tragic hunting accident when he was twelve. because he had no living relatives to claim him at the time of his father's passing, he was sent to live at sonny's home, a home that housed a dozen other orphans. he immediately began to act out due to the grief that his dad's death brought him, as well as the loneliness that came with having not lost only one, but both parents; left with no family. he spent a couple years running with the wrong crowd and causing trouble, learning various skills such as pick-pocketing, lock-picking, and hot-wiring cars in the process. it was when sonny -- the only person who told dean that he was better than the mistakes he was making and the life he was creating for himself  -- had a health scare that dean decided to turn a new leaf and stay out of trouble. sonny encouraged him to use the skills he'd acquired as a troublemaker for good; to avoid a life behind bars, which he did. eventually, dean found himself at the fire academy and he went on to become a firefighter, a job he was not only suited for but passionate about. he loved the danger and the adrenaline that came hand in hand from the job, and most importantly, he could save people's lives from incidents like his mother's. he's married to his job and he knows how dangerous it is, so he prefers one night stands over committing to anyone.
what were they promised upon arrival in woodshore, and what was their reaction to receiving it?
dean was informed that he is not an only child like he thought; in fact, he has a younger brother named sam somewhere in woodshore. he hasn’t met him yet, but he’s intrigued by the potential discovery of a family member he didn't know he had, especially a brother. with both his parents gone and no living relatives, he longs for a sense of family, which makes the idea that he has a brother exciting.
when they arrived in woodshore and received what was taken of them, did they gain any memories of their past? if so, what memories do they have?
dean does not have any memories of his real life and only remembers his ‘new life’, but his memory of his real life will return gradually once he meets sam. 
onto the character dean winchester himself and his real life...
now, since supernatural has been running for an astounding 14 seasons, it’s difficult to go into detail about what dean has been through without providing you a novel to read. (however, if reading novels about characters is your thing, you can click here to have a detailed biography and personality rundown) with that said, i’ll try to summarize the key points best i can. 
now, without further ado, a character rundown: 
name: dean winchester date of birth/age: january 24th, 1979, 40. species: currently human. (though he has been a ghost, vampire, and demon, just to name a few. again, it’s been 14 seasons. my boy’s been through some shit) occupation: hunter. (do-gooder, hero, protector of mankind, killer of ghosts, demons, vampires, werewolves, anything evil, you name it, he’ll kill it. he even kills humans sometimes but they’re usually bad and we don’t talk about that) personality: confident, cool, and extremely loyal. charming and, at times, childish or immature. teasing his brother is one of his favorite pass-times. dean cultivates a bad-boy personality and makes sarcastic jokes at even the most morbid times, though he can be an intimidating presence to those who do not know him. underneath it all, though, he’s become hardened by life as a warrior. he has the tendency to be self-loathing and he is subconsciously afraid to get close to others in fear that being bonded to him will result in their untimely deaths (as it has various times before) he does his best to keep his emotions to himself. the only real weakness dean has is family. dean will protect his family at all costs. his longest and most intense commitment has been to his ‘67 chevy impala. he is a lover of classic rock music, food (don’t forget the pie), sex, and the occasional tv soap opera. (though he may not openly admit that)
biography keypoints:
after dean's mom was killed by a demon when he was only 4 years old, his dad was hardly around, on a mission to avenge her. this left dean to fend for himself and raise his younger brother, sam.
the night their mom died, he rescued sam from the fire her burning body left, and since then, he has been committed to protecting his brother at all costs.
he's known about monsters and has been a hunter as long as he can remember.
when dean was 26, his dad went radio silent for the first time, resulting in him traveling to stanford where sam had gone to college in hopes to recruit his brother to help him find their dad. this reunites dean with his brother and begins his journey. 
when his dad dies, dean took it upon himself to continue on as a hunter, not only for the good of the human race, but because it's the only life he has ever known.
eventually, when sam is killed, dean makes a deal with a crossroads demon who brings sam back in return, dean only has a year to live before he is taken to hell.
dean is rescued from hell by castiel because he is michael's true vessel and therefore required for him to destroy lucifer in the apocalypse. dean does not say yes and does not get possessed.
when sam goes to hell with lucifer, he breaks away from hunting and tries to live a normal life. this lasts a year before he finds out sam is out of hell and goes back into hunting.
after castiel let the leviathans out of purgatory, dean assisted him in eventually slaying the leader, sucking both of them into purgatory, where he was stuck for a year.
he took on the burden of the mark of cain in order to slay abaddon, knight of hell. when this happened, it made him more aggressive and violent than usual. when he died with the mark, he awoke as a demon.
sam cured him of this, and eventually of the mark, but doing so set free the darkness. dean had a strong bond with her due to previously having the mark which was dark in nature.
he and sam discovered that the winchesters are legacies of an organization known as the men of letters. this meant that they found a home in a bunker created by this organization.
when lucifer's son, jack, was born, he originally wanted to kill him, thinking that he was dangerous and would cause destruction. however, as time went on, jack grew on him and he came to see him somewhat like a son.
in order to beat lucifer, dean eventually says yes to michael from an apocalyptic universe as long as michael lets him stay in control. he breaks this side of the deal, and uses dean with plans to destroy the world.
chuck shows up after being mia for a while, killing jack, and revealing to the boys that he had been manipulating them and everything around them from the beginning.
if there is any confusion, at any point, please feel free to ask questions. there’s no such thing as a stupid question. and don’t hesitate to message me to plot at any time! i’m excited to interact with everybody.
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winterbaby89 · 6 years
Dark Hook Comes to Storybrooke - Chapter Twenty-Three
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A Captain Swan, Season 1 Canon Divergence Collaboration by: @hollyethecurious, and @winterbaby89
Beta’d by: @ilovemesomekillianjones
Amazing Artwork by: @xhookswenchx (banner) and @flipperbrain (pastel below)
Rated M for language and dark themes (and maybe (probably) some sexy times… later ;o)
Summary: Moments before the Evil Queen’s Dark Curse whisks our beloved fairytale characters to Storybrooke, Captain Hook finally gets his revenge on the Crocodile. Twenty-eight years later, Killian Jones awakes in Storybrooke expecting just another ordinary day, that is until a number of abnormal occurrences disrupts his otherwise scheduled life. The greatest of which is a new face in town. A young woman by the name of Emma. Emma. What a lovely name…
Disclaimer: Canon dialogue and scenes from various episodes will appear within this fic. To Adam, Eddie, and the OUAT writers goes all the credit.
A/N: We’ve taken some creative license when it comes to how a certain dagger works in reference to exerting control over the Dark One. We realize that it is slightly different in canon, but felt it a necessary tweak for our story. Just go with us…
Line breaks indicate change in POV or Scene.
The gif set that launched a fic…
Also available on ao3, my fic page, and Hollye′s fic page And if you want to catch up on the last chapter.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Killian stood at the town line with Emma, David, Mary Margaret, and Henry, silently cursing to himself. It wasn’t as if he’d truly wanted to leave Storybrooke, but he’d hoped it would be an option should the Darkness prove too much for him to overcome. Now it would only serve as a last resort, seeing as the dwarves had discovered that once one crossed the town line they would revert back to their cursed self.
Terrible news, indeed.   
When Leroy and the others had run into town hall with their dire warning, it had taken some time to calm the masses once again. Graham returned with news that he’d been unable to locate Regina, speculating that she may be hiding out in her vault. Cooking up all manner of nightmarish hell for them, no doubt. They’d left the sheriff in charge, and had proceeded to the town line to assess what needed to be done to ensure no one crossed it unwittingly.
Killian smiled ruefully at their little party. Mary Margaret and David had insisted on accompanying Emma, and she in turn refused to let Henry out of her sight while Regina was in the wind. Henry and Emma had both insisted that he join them, so there they were. Five people doing a job that would otherwise only require two at most.
Emma extended a can of bright orange spray paint towards Killian. “We should mark the boundary,” she told him, as the prince and princess continued to discuss how best to announce this news to the town without starting a panic.
Killian nodded and took the can from her, shaking it as he walked over to the welcome sign. Another smile crept over his face as he saw the patch Marco had done all those months ago, after Emma had crashed into it. Before her, no one had ever come to Storybrooke, except Henry, so the fact that they had a sign in the first place seemed absurd now.
With the sign as his point of origin, Killian began to spray a visible line to designate the point of no return. Hunched over and thoroughly engrossed in his task, he was oblivious to the car coming straight for him until it was too late. Killian heard Emma cry out his name as he braced for the impact, but the one he felt did not come from the vehicle. A flash of light blinded him before he was propelled backward, landing hard on his back against the pavement.
Slowly, he sat up and took in several things all at once. The car that had been barreling toward him now rested against one of the forest’s trees, its front end smashed in from the impact. David and Mary Margaret stood paralyzed with stunned expressions on their face as they stared at Emma who was staring at her hands with the same expression.
“Are you okay, Killian?” Henry called out from David’s truck, where he’d been told to wait.
“Aye, lad,” he responded as he stood, not taking his eyes off Emma.
Emma’s eyes snapped up from her hands and met his with wide astonishment. “What the hell was that?”
“That, Swan,” he replied softly as he made his way to her, taking her hands in his once he got close enough, “was magic.”
“Magic?!” she exclaimed. “I have magic? Why? Wha-? How?”
Killian cupped the side of her face in an effort to calm her as he spoke, “Those are all good questions love, but I’m afraid they’ll have to wait. We’ve another, more urgent matter to attend to.”
Dropping his hand from her face, he looked back over his shoulder at the wrecked vehicle, then made eye contact with the prince. “Best call for an ambulance. Looks like the outside world just came to Storybrooke.”
Magic. I have magic. Magic that wrecked a car. I didn’t mean to wreck the car, I was trying to save Killian. Wait. No. I didn’t know I could save him, I just…
Emma hadn’t moved from where she’d stood when a blast of something indescribable had shot from her hands when she saw Killian about to be run down by the red convertible. She’d thrown her hands out with some kind of innate instinct, and the force of that action had launched Killian backward as a blast of white light struck the car and forced it into the tree line. An action that had stunned them all. Except for Killian. Somehow, he’d known.
“The ambulances are on their way, love,” Killian said, startling her from her thoughts.
It took a minute for Emma to register the fact that there had to actually be people in the vehicle she’d sent careening into the tree.
“Oh, god. Are they… Did I-” Emma panicked.
“Emma, look at me,” Killian commanded, his hands resting atop each of her shoulders as he waited for her to meet his gaze. “They’re unconscious, but alive. The paramedics will be here soon. They’ll be okay.”
“You don’t know that!” she argued. She tried to pull away from him, but he kept a firm grip on her as he tried to calm her down. “Let go!”
An angry and pained expression crossed his face, and his hands seemed to involuntarily fall away. His jaw clenched, his hands balled at his sides, and it was then she realized what she’d done.
“Killian, I didn’t mean… I’m sorry, I wasn’t think-”
“It’s alright, Swan.”
“No. No it isn’t.” Emma now had her hands balled at her sides. The day’s events crashed over her in waves of frustration, and worry, and the last vestiges of her adrenaline were waning. “Very little about this day is okay, Killian. Henry was cursed and almost died! I had to slay a dragon! I just wrecked a car! I made you do something against your will. No wonder you didn’t want to be able to use magic. Look what I just did! I hurt people!”
“No, Emma.” The vehemence in Killian’s voice was palpable. “Your magic is nothing like mine. You saved Henry. You were trying to save me. You didn’t mean to harm anyone, and I know you didn’t mean to control me just now.” A smirk appeared at his lips as he cheekily added, “but, perhaps you could choose your words a bit more carefully? Given this world’s more colorful sayings, I could find myself doing all manner of unintended acts.”
Emma released an amused breath, and felt some of the tension within her drain away. The man always did know just what to say or do to ease her burdens, even temporarily.
Their attentions were pulled from one another at the sound of the ambulances making their way toward them. As Mary Margaret directed the paramedics to the convertible, David jogged over to them.
“I just spoke with Graham.” David stopped before them, his hands on his hips in an authoritative stance that Emma still couldn’t quite wrap her mind around. “He’s going to meet our new arrivals at the hospital. He’ll stay with them and keep us posted on their condition.”
“Any idea who they are?” Emma questioned.
“No. I didn’t want to check for ID and risk further injury by moving them.” Emma winced at the mention of their injuries, and David was quick to pick up on it. “Hey. Emma, this is not your fault. You didn’t know. None of us did. You didn’t mean for it to happen.”
“But it did happen,” Emma retorted. “How are we going to explain it?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean… what are we going to tell those two men when they regain consciousness? How are we going to explain the accident? What if they remember seeing this bright white light shooting out of some woman’s hands?”
“She’s got a point, David,” Killian stated. “What do we do if they remember seeing magic?”
“Well, let’s cross that bridge if we come to it,” David said. “We don’t know what they’ll remember, but just to be safe, let’s have Graham be the one to talk with them. Minimize the chance that seeing you triggers the memory.”
Emma nodded, her teeth worrying at her lip. She suddenly felt exhausted, and her shoulders slumped as she exhaled a heavy breath.
“Why don’t you go home,” David suggested, tentatively placing a hand on her shoulder. “Snow and I will head back to Town Hall and finish things up there. You and Henry should head home. You’ve both had a hell of a day.”
“We all have,” Emma grumbled. She’d love nothing more than to go back to her house, and pretend the day hadn’t happened, but she hated the idea that she was being sidelined.
“True,” David acknowledged, “but I’ve battled a dragon before, I know how taxing it can be.” His attempt at levity was almost as successful as Killian’s had been. “Go get some rest. We’ll all meet at Granny’s in the morning, and I’ll call you if anything urgent comes up before then.” David turned his attention to Killian and requested, “Look after them for me, Jones.”
Killian visibly startled at David’s words and subsequent clap to his shoulder, but managed to express an Aye, mate, before David headed back over to Mary Margaret and the two men being treated by paramedics.
“What say you, Swan?” Killian asked with raised brows, clearly deferring to her wishes over David’s.
Emma sighed and closed her eyes momentarily, her weariness weighing heavier upon her. Opening her eyes she met Killian’s expectant gaze. “Let’s go home, Captain.”
Killian sat in Emma’s living room watching the last embers from the fireplace slowly die. The house was quiet. Emma and Henry had retired some hours ago, and after the day they’d all had, a silent understanding that he would remain at the house passed between he and Swan when she’d turned in for the night.
It had been too early for bed when they’d first arrived back at the house. Not that any of them would have been able to sleep with the upheaval in their lives still so fresh. At first, none of them seemed to know what to do with themselves until Emma mentioned something about eating. Killian couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a bite, and he was certain the same could be said for Emma and Henry as well. He’d insisted on cooking, telling Emma to go sit with Henry by the fire and just enjoy having her boy back. In truth, Killian needed something to keep himself from being idle.
The Crocodile had been stalking him throughout the afternoon. After the loft, the demon had appeared again at Town Hall and briefly out at the town line, before Emma’s magic had been revealed. Killian had hoped that being at Emma’s home, the Saviour’s home would provide him a sanctuary from the manifestation of the Darkness, but the imp was there waiting for him.
It was easier to ignore him if Killian stayed busy, so he’d thrown himself into the task of preparing their evening meal after he’d gotten a fire started in Emma’s living room. As he chopped, stirred, and sampled the provisions, he found himself watching Emma and Henry fondly as they looked through Henry’s storybook. Emma had confessed that she’d never really read much of it before, only looking at the odd pages Henry pointed out over the past few months as it related to the fairy tale character she was assisting at the time.
They’d only just settled before the fire to read over her parent’s story when Henry called out excitedly for Killian to come have a look. He’d been astonished to see all the pages that had once been removed, including his own, had now been restored to their rightful place within the book.
“It must be because there’s magic here now,” Henry had deduced. A deduction Killian felt sure must be correct, as he recognized the vibrations of magic within the book’s pages.
Had it not been for Henry’s never ending exuberance, dinner would most likely have been a quiet affair. As it was, Emma kept encouraging Henry to just eat so they could go to bed, the weariness of the day was etched on her brow and set in her slumped posture. Killian was glad for the lad’s constant chatter, though. Focusing on the boy allowed him to turn a deaf ear to the Darkness, which seemed to have as much to say about the day’s events as Henry did.
Now alone in the quiet house with little to occupy his thoughts, and sleep no longer a means of escape, Killian could no longer ignore the murmurings. Nor could he ignore the quiet whisper singing to him from upstairs. The dagger was calling to him, and the Darkness was urging him to go take it back.
“No,” Killian grit out through clenched teeth as he willed himself to remain on the sofa.
But without the dagger, how will you protect Emma from those two men? Surely they saw her use magic. What will happen to her, to the town, once that secret is exposed?
“We don’t know that they saw anything,” Killian countered aloud to the darkness of the room. “And even if they did, I won’t hurt the innocent. We’ll find another way.”
Can’t hurt the innocent, you mean, his mind hissed. No matter. You don’t need the dagger to stop the other threat in town… Regina, it drawled. The Evil Queen. This is all her fault, anyway. She released the magic. She wants to set the whole town against you, set Emma and Henry against you. Why… if she’d been honest about what would happen when you used the dagger for your revenge, you wouldn’t have become the Dark One in the first place. She’s no innocent. The Saviour’s command does not apply to her. You should go find her. Track her down and make her pay for what she’s done to you. Stop her before she has a chance to use her magic to hurt those you love. You won’t need magic to end her. You’ve killed dozens without it. What’s one more?
“Enough!” Killian spat. His heart pounded in his chest and a cold sweat came over him as he realized he’d moved from the sofa to the door. The knob held firmly in his hand, the intent to turn it and walk out into the night still rooted in his subconscious.
Emma tossed and punched at her pillow. For the eightieth time. Despite how exhausted she felt, how fried her mind and nerves were, she couldn’t bring herself to actually fall asleep. Not with the Dark One downstairs.
Emma hadn’t truly understood what it meant. Being the Dark One. When Regina had mentioned it earlier in the storage room, the title had held no meaning to her. She knew, based on David’s reaction and Killian’s behavior in the loft that it couldn’t be anything good, but she trusted Killian. He was a good man, and clearly the fact that he was the Dark One hadn’t put Henry off of befriending or trusting him all this time.
She’d seen the fear in Killian’s eyes, the earnest pleading for her to help him try and control whatever sinister affect this Darkness was having on him. With just the quick rant about never being his own master, Emma knew what it had cost him to ask her to take the dagger. Using the favor he held over her was telltale in just how important her compliance was to him.
She knew he was Captain Hook. That realization hit her in the hallway of the hospital as Henry lay cursed, and really settled into her in the Town Hall when she saw the reaction of the town’s people when Belle had outed him. When she’d heard what he’d done to her, that he’d almost killed her and had murdered Rumplestiltskin, she’d had a moment’s difficulty reconciling the villain with the man she knew.
Then he’d reunited Jefferson with his daughter, and that good man was evident right there in front of her once more. He might have been Captain Hook, but Killian Jones was a good man. Except, he wasn’t just Killian Jones now. He was also the Dark One.
After she and Henry turned in for the night, Emma spent hours reading through the storybook. She found it served as a suitable distraction to the things her mind wasn’t ready to address or process just yet. Henry had taken her through her parent’s story, her story, but with the long night before her, there were other stories she was interested in.
The story of Killian Jones. Captain Hook and his Crocodile. Rumplestiltskin. The Dark One.
She’d poured over the pages. Stories of cowardice and betrayal were juxtaposed against loyalty and good form. Heartbreak that fueled villainy as they both quested to right a wrong, by whatever means necessary. Means, Emma knew, the stories only scratched the surface of; a chilling darkness running much deeper in acts too grievous to display upon the page. Acts that had spanned centuries.
David had been right to be wary, Captain Hook was not to be trusted. Neither was the Dark One.
Killian Jones, however… he was another matter altogether.
The sound of voices from downstairs pulled Emma from her thoughts. Had Henry gotten up and gone downstairs, waking Killian up in the process? Emma crawled out of bed with the intentions of getting Henry back into his, but when she passed by her son’s room he was in bed fast asleep. Then who is Killian talking to?
“Killian?” she called out as she made her way down the stairs, finding him stopped in the middle of the living room. “I thought I heard voices. Who were you talking to?”
“Just talking to myself,” he replied, clearly on edge about something. “Old habit from many nights on the lonely seas.”
“Hmm,” Emma hummed. It wasn’t an all out lie, but his words didn’t ring true either. “What are you doing up so late?”
“I could ask the same thing of you, love,” Killian deflected.
“I asked you first.” Really, Emma? What is this, third grade?
Killian made his way to the sofa and sank down into the cushions with a heavy sigh. “The Darkness does not require sleep, so as the Dark One, it seems neither do I.” He played with his rings as he spoke, but stopped when he turned his attention to her. “Your turn, Swan. What’s keeping you up at this hour?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Emma scoffed sarcastically. “Maybe the fact that my parents are Snow White and Prince Charming, and my son was raised by the Evil Queen. Or the fact that I helped Cinderella keep her baby, and her best friend is both Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.” She was pacing now, the reality she’d suppressed all night now flowing out of her like a tidal wave. “Not to mention that the person I am closest to in this entire town, or the whole world for that matter, is Captain freaking Hook, whom I saved from getting hit by a car. With. Magic.” Killian stared at her from over the back of the sofa, and Emma suddenly felt self-conscious about her rant. Moving to sit with him, she added, “I may have been reading Henry’s book.”
Killian’s slightly stunned expression became one of panic before it slowly transformed into something softer, with a wisp of smugness as he recounted, “Closer to than anyone else in the world?”
“Of course that’s what you would get out of all that.” Emma rolled her eyes as he chuckled, and for a moment everything felt so… normal. It felt like them. Emma and Killian, not the Saviour and Captain Hook. It could have been any other night, with easy banter and over-the-top flirty overtures. Any other night when Emma might get lost in Killian’s forget-me-not eyes and wonder if things would ever move past the stage of longing.
Emma felt a blush creep across her face as she remembered her efforts to try and push them past that stage. Had it really only been last night when she’d drunkenly tried to pull him into her bed? “Killian, about last night.”
“Swan, you don’t have to-”
“No. I want to thank you.” She cut him off and took his hand in hers, causing that stunned look to settle on his face again. “I want you to know that I appreciate you being honest with me. Wanting to wait until I really knew. And now that I do… now that I know you’re actually Captain Hook, and the…”
“The Dark One,” he supplied despondently, his eyes cast down with a hint of resignation.
“I want you to know that it doesn’t change the way I feel about the Killian Jones I’ve come to know.”
Killian’s eyes snapped up to meet hers, wide with a small spark of hope as he tentatively pressed, “But?”
“But,” she continued, intertwining her fingers with his in an effort to stoke that hope. “I’m going to need some time to process all this. I mean, my parents are Snow White and Prince Charming, and I have magic, and you are actually Captain Hook.”
“Without the perm and waxed mustache,” Killian teased, a smile pulling at his lips.
“Or the hook.”
“The one benefit of the curse, love,” Killian responded, both of them now smiling fondly at the memory of having the same conversation all those weeks ago.
“Just… be patient?” Emma asked.
“I seem to remember you saying that to me once before, too,” Killian reminded.
Emma shuddered slightly at the memory of her being suspended in the mine shaft, attempting to rescue Henry and the dashing rapscallion before her. “Yeah. Just before you nearly plummeted to your death.”
“Well, the one upside to being the Dark One is that I’m immortal now, so I quite literally have all the time in the world. Even if another car appears out of nowhere and tries to kill me.” He stared at her pointedly with raised brows, and Emma’s nerves spiked at the reminder of the car, and the two men, and the fact that she had magic.
“Hey,” Killian soothed, rubbing small circles over her wrist, perceptive as ever. “Everything’s going to be okay. No use worrying yourself until we know more about what those men remember, and we won’t know that until we meet everyone in the morning.”
Emma took a deep breath and nodded, offering him a small smile before she stood to head back upstairs. “You going to be okay?”
“Aye, love. You don’t need to worry about me.” Emma’s superpower wasn’t too sure about that statement. “Go get some rest, Swan. I’ve a feeling you’ll be needing it. Just know that whatever tomorrow throws at us, we’ll face it together.”
That statement, however… nothing had ever rang more true.
“Captain! Captain!”
Killian turned to see Smee crossing the street, approaching them just as they’d made their way to Granny’s the next morning. He told Emma and Henry to go on ahead and that he’d meet them inside shortly, then greeted his first mate.
“Ah, Mr. Smee. It’s good to see that you’re your old self again.”
“You too, Sir. I’ve been looking for you since the curse broke. Where have you been?”
“I’ve had things to attend to, Mr. Smee,” Killian replied sharply, not caring for his first mate’s impertinence.
“Of course, Sir,” Smee said apologetically. “I was just wondering if I ought to be rounding up the crew. If you planned for us to set sail soon.”
“Not quite, Mr. Smee. It seems there is no safe passage out of Storybrooke.”
“What do you mean?”
“Anyone who crosses over the town line reverts back to their cursed self. I’m not willing to test whether or not the same holds true if we stray too far out to sea, are you Mr. Smee?”
“Oh. Well… no, of course not.” Smee’s face fell at the news. “So what do we do now?
“Now,” Killian replied. “We bide our time and wait. I’ve business to attend to this morning and have no plans to open the shop today. Carry on as you wish, but stay at the ready. I may have need of you.”
“Aye, Captain.” With his orders received Killian made his way into the diner as Smee set off to do… whatever it was Smee did in his free time.
Settled in one of the booths next to Emma, Killian listened to the various reports of the happenings from the previous evening and overnight. The prince and princess relayed all that had happened when they’d returned to Town Hall, including the reunion of David’s wife Katherine, really Princess Abigail, with her love Frederick. It had been decided that the fairies would oversee the continued task of helping people reunite with their loved ones, while also compiling a list of cursed personas to real identities. Killian couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw an astonishingly rare expression of happiness and possibly a slight blush on Leroy’s face at the mention of one of the fairies.
The expression lasted only a moment though, as he was then tasked to give an account of the dwarves’ overnight stake-out on the Queen’s home. There had still been no sign of Regina, her house remained dark and quiet all throughout the night, leading all those present to believe she must be holed up in her vault. Emma and Graham agreed to go and check it out after they adjourned, which left Graham to give his report on the two men from the town line.
“How are they?” Emma inquired, wringing her hands beneath the table, which Killian stilled as he took one of them in his.
“Whale says they’ll be fine. They’re both conscious, but are being held for observation just to be on the safe side.”
“Who are they?” Mary Margaret pressed. “What did they say when you questioned them about the accident?”
It felt as though their entire assembly held their breath as they awaited the sheriff’s answer.
“They’re brothers by the names of John and Michael Banks. They were just on a drive up the coast and got distracted referencing their map when they saw the sign for Storybrooke. They said the last thing they remembered was double checking the route on their GPS then waking up at the hospital.”
“So they didn’t see the magic?” David clarified.
“No,” Graham assured them. “In fact they were worried I was going to cite them for driving while distracted.”
Killian let out a sigh of relief. “So how long are we going to have to endure their presence in town?”
“Whale said barring any complications, they’ll be released tomorrow morning.”
“And Tillman thinks it’ll take three or four days to get their car running well enough to leave town,” Ruby chimed in as she sidled up next to Graham.
“Tell him the sooner the better.” Killian squeezed Emma’s hand as he spoke, and she responded with a grateful smile that had his heart fluttering.
“Right,” David announced as he stood. “I think it’s time we all get to work, then. Snow and I will check in with Blue at Town Hall. Emma, Killian, and Graham will be on Regina patrol.”
The prince and princess took their leave, with Leroy hot on their heels expressing his desire to assist the fairies.
“Does that mean I get to come with you guys?” Henry asked excitedly as Killian and Emma made their way out of the booth.
“Sorry, kid,” Emma responded, dropping Killian’s hand as she pulled her coat back on. “But you’re staying with Ruby. She’s gonna watch after you while we look for Regina.”
“Actually,” Ruby hedged apologetically, “there’s something I need to take care of this morning.” She and Graham shared a significant look before she turned and inquired, “Killian, you haven’t, by chance, seen a red cloak at the pawn shop, have you?”
“Not that I recall. Why?”
Graham wrapped an arm around Ruby’s shoulder and gave her an encouraging nod, prompting her to continue. “The full moon is in a couple of days, and with magic being back there’s a chance that I’ll… you know.” Killian could see the fear in Ruby’s eyes. Compassion sparked within him, but the Darkness was quick to try and snuff it out. Greedy for a desperate soul to entice and entrap. “In our realm, the cloak kept me from transforming. I have no memory of ever seeing it in town, and if I can’t find it before the full moon I’ll need a place where I can transform without hurting anyone. Graham’s offered to let me make… modifications to a room in his cabin. I need to get started so everything will be ready in time. Just in case.”
Killian could see the Crocodile’s gleeful expression out of the corner of his eye and had to fight back the instinct, both as the Dark One and a pirate, to work Ruby’s anxiety to his advantage. There was a wardrobe of cloaks in the back room of the shop. Believing they’d be of no use or interest to anyone in town while under the curse, he hadn’t bothered to really look them over. If Ruby’s cloak was among them, what would she be willing to offer to get it back? What might he wish to extract from her in exchange?
Killian clenched his jaw and shook the thought from his head, throwing a glare at the Crocodile as a growl rumbled low in his chest.
“Killian?” Emma said softly, her hand coming to rest on his forearm. “What is it?”
Killian snapped back and hurriedly assured, “Nothing. Everything’s fine.” The confused and wary expressions staring back at him attested to their disbelief, and Killian let go a long suffering sigh before confessing, “The cloak may be at the shop. There’s a wardrobe in the back room containing garments, but I haven’t taken a good enough look before to assess what all it contains. I can go by there later and check, and if it is there… you are welcome to it.” He had to force out the last part of his statement, an itching desire crawled under his skin that not even Emma’s touch could alleviate, and flared at Graham’s question.
“What’s your price?”
Killian swallowed and steadied himself. “I’m no longer in the business of making deals. I won’t give in so easily.” Killian couldn’t help but direct that comment to the figment seated at the bar, even if it caused the others to cast glances that way as well. “Go and make whatever provisions you feel might be necessary, just in case the cloak isn’t there.”
“What about Henry?” Emma reminded.
“I’ll stay here with the lad,” Killian offered. “Might be best if I stay back anyway. Her Majesty has a way of bringing out the worst in me, and right now,” Killian faced them all with a self-deprecating smile and an attempt of levity rolling off his tongue, “I think we can all agree that’s something we ought to avoid.”
They stood assessing him for a moment. Ruby was the first to respond, surprising them all as she wrapped her arms around to hug him.
“Thank you,” she murmured. “I knew you were still the same old Jones.”
Killian balked at her words, his eyes met Graham’s whose reflected Ruby’s sentiment in the way he now took in the pirate before him. Ruby kissed Graham goodbye, ruffled Henry’s hair, and called out a farewell to them all before heading out of the diner, but not before reminding Killian to let her know what he discovered about her cloak.
Killian felt Emma take his hand, her eyes searching his as she asked, “Are you sure you and Henry are going to be okay here?”
“Aye, love,” Killian assured. “The diner’s the safest place we could be right now. I doubt Regina would come after Henry in such a public place. Besides, I’d like to see her get past Granny’s crossbow,” he added cheekily, throwing a smirk at Granny who was stowing said weapon behind the counter. “Besides, I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking him out in town, let alone to the pawn shop just yet. There’s no telling how the newly released magic is affecting some of the items. Best for him to wait until we can have the fairies give it the all clear.”
“Okay, then,” Emma relented. “We’ll see you at the sheriff station later with David and Mary Margaret. Just… be careful. Regina is still out there somewhere.”
“I promise you, Swan. No harm will come to your boy whilst he’s in my charge,” Killian vowed earnestly, and he noticed some of the tension she’d been carrying leave her shoulders as she squeezed his hand one last time before turning her attention to Henry.
“Alright, kid. Be good for Killian, and I’ll see you later.” Emma wrapped her arms around her son as he said see you later, then watched him scramble onto the barstool Granny had just set a cup of hot cocoa down at. “Ready to go?” Emma turned to Graham, but a look of hesitation sat heavily upon the man’s face.
“Actually, before we head out… Jones, can I talk to you for a second?” Graham gestured them toward the back hallway and the three made their way out of earshot of the diner’s patrons.
“What’s up, mate?”
“I was wondering,” Graham began nervously, “since there’s magic here now, if you would put this back where it’s supposed to be.”
Killian drew in a sharp breath as Graham pulled his heart from the inside pocket of his jacket, and heard Emma gasp next to him causing him to meet her wide eyes.
Killian swallowed and remorsefully replied, “I would if I could mate, but I-I’m afraid I can’t.”
“You’re the Dark One, don’t you have magic?”
“Aye, but it’s complicated.” Graham had seen the dagger the day before, had heard Belle say that it was the only weapon that could kill the Dark One, but Killian wasn’t sure how much the man might know about its controlling affects, and as much as he may have come to trust the sheriff, Killian wasn’t ready for that secret to be shared by too many people within town. Besides, he didn’t need Killian’s magic. “Not to worry though. I might not be able to put your heart back, but Emma can.”
“Emma can what now?!” his Swan hissed next to him.
“You have magic Swan, you can do this.”
“Killian!” She stared at him incredulously. “That’s Graham’s heart.”
“That Regina ripped out of his chest.”
“And you expect me to put it back?”
“Stop saying that!”
Killian winced at the unintended command, and Emma’s eyes screwed shut, “Damn it! Killian, I’m sorry. Say… say whatever you want,” she affirmed apologetically.
“Wait. Sorry for what?” Graham asked. “Why can’t you-”
“Do you want that heart back in your chest or not?” Killian interjected curtly.
“Aye,” Graham replied, earning him glares from Killian and Emma both. “Sorry,” he muttered before handing his heart to Emma.
Emma stared down at the heart in her hand, shaking her head as her voice nearly betrayed her in its denial. “I-I can’t do this.”
“Yes, Swan. You can.”
Killian glanced past Graham and saw the Crocodile looking on. Emma may have commanded him to not use magic, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t share the inherent knowledge he now possessed in how to wield it. Something in the demon’s eyes gave him a moment’s pause, but Killian brushed it aside. He wasn’t asking Emma to do anything dark with her magic, and despite her doubts, he knew that she would want to do whatever she could to help Graham.
“Will it,” Killian instructed. “Magic isn’t an intellectual endeavor. It’s emotion. Look inward and ask yourself, why am I doing this? Who am I helping? Just… feel it, Swan.”
Emma closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them, Killian saw a flash of resolve in her eyes just before a quick burst of magic allowed her to place Graham’s heart back into his chest. The sheriff gasped at the sensation, eyes blinking wildly before they fixed themselves on Emma’s astonished face.
“I did it,” Emma stated, her stunned tone matching her expression.
“You did it,” Graham astonished back.
“I knew you could do it, Swan,” Killian affirmed. A sense of pride welled in his chest at her accomplishment, and perhaps at the part he’d played in it. A part that was met with the greatest reward he could have imagined when Emma threw her arms around him and whispered an earnest thank you into his ear.
Chapter Twenty-Four 
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