#i love that hair length on scriabin he looks so
disposal-blueeee · 1 year
ever since i saw that mini comic about jake talking about bubblegum i'm convinced that he's super gullible 😭😭
obviously scriabin doesn't believe this, maybe he was just trying to prank him or something lol
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also, here's the whole thing because it looks nice like that
vargas by zarla-s
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vargaslovinghours · 2 years
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Do you love the colour of the Scriabin
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sysig · 4 years
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How far can I push the fluff
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wendyalice-archive · 7 years
Classicaloid OC
(I do not have art skills so I cannot draw him but I do have this little moron and may one day add him into something, sometime, somewhere, so here he is. XD)
Name: Alexander Scriabin
Other Handle He Goes By: “Lord and Creator of Unending Darkness and loyal servant to the Dark Gods.”
People who call him that outside of himself: 0
Birthday: December 25
Physical Age: 17
---- Hair: Chestnut Brown but wears a black wig (He won’t die his hair).
---- Hair Length: Natural hair dusts his shoulders but the wig goes down to his waist.
------ Eye Color: Silver-Gray. He tries and fails to get red eyed contacts, mostly because he scares vendors away by being creepy.
------ Eye Bandage: Will sometimes cover up his left eye, no real reason other than it’s connected to Chunnibiyo/Occult style.
------- Height: 5′7
------ Weight: 140 pounds
------ Extra Nonsense: He has very pale, ghostly skin and takes great pride in it. He will leave the house with an umbrella if it’s too sunny or put on his very thick, black cloak to maintain it. He takes great care of his hair (some lingering personality to the actual Scriabin) which is why he won’t die his hair. His nails are usually well taken care of and, while he’d like them to be longer and more claw like, he has conceded to the fact that he needs to be able play piano, so he needs to make sure they’re short enough so he won’t break them. Also, he likes to bless the “Dark And Terrible Gods” for the fact that, in this life, he was given longer, spindly hands instead of the small ones he had in his previous life.
Personality: An Occult loving fanatic, Scriabin remembers his incarnated self with some form of clarity. Through his more powerful memories surround the mysticism of his old life, which he has taken to mean he must the fulfill the destiny his old life couldn’t: Create the End of the World through song. However, unlike his predecessor, he is unfortunately very enamored with the Gothic culture and spends most of his time looking into most of it along with Occult teachings and chasing Cryptids around, forgoing any progress on finishing Mysterium.
He is rather crazed with his hobbies but is a rather nice person. If you can look past his rather morbid fascinations, he mostly desires to be close to these darker interest to be close to his old life, in a somewhat misguided way. If you happen to be in his presence for a while, he’ll try to give you little things or tell you some of his more recent findings in spooky folklore. If you spend enough time, he’s something like a cat, he’ll hand you little dead things or creepy souvenirs as tokens of his affection. He is very friendly and likes hanging out with people....it’s just people don’t necessarily like hanging out with him.
History: Unknown as of yet. He figures he was another Classicaloid created by Kyogo but he seems to not have any memories of that....
What Kind of tenant would he be at the Otowa house: He would engage in all the events with the group, mostly because for being Occult Fanatic, he does like being outgoing a bit, as long as he can “slink back into the darkness”, and would get into the usual shenanigans of the rest. He does pay the rent....but not the full rent. He can’t seem to find a job, and in some places he’s tried, because he usually scares the employers or actual customers. He does find money on the ground a lot, or he finds things while he’s out looking for ghosts, so he will pay Kanae half the rent accumulated from all his findings or in the somewhat valuable things he finds. Kanae is not thrilled but at least he pays something.
Clothing: His usual black cloak although he does wear some gothic lolita he’s been able to find??? No one’s really sure how he found it, but he exclusively wears it only around the house. When he’s out, he tends to wear a plain black shirt and pants, some running shoes as well in case he’s gotta chase some lovely critters.
Musik Style: Electroswing.
Musik Color: Oddly enough, an Eerie pink-purple color. He hates it at first but accepts it after a while.
Musik Phrase: Пусть моя темная музыка пробудит демонов (Which Google translate swears to be the Russian Translation of “Let my dark music awaken the demons.”)
EDIT: Musik Ability: He of course has the usual stand ability that I’ve mentioned in my own theories (His happen to be Demons that jump from people’s heads in one of his Musik scenes) but his main ability is Digestive Assimilation through Dark Matter constructs (Yes even the ability has an edgy title.) Essentially, different Musiks have him create different Dark Energy Constructs that, for lack of a better way to explain, “eat” things. In the story down below, he played Flammes sombres (Avec une grâce dolente) which essentially had him create Dark Matter balls that touched the tools the Vandals brought and “ate them.” Obviously this scared the vandals pretty good.
Extra Trivia:
------- He was once able to pay his rent in full when, in the summer, he was hired to help with someone’s “test of courage” attraction. It became hugely popular and he actually made friends with the man who ran it and his wife. They treated him well and when some vandals were going to wreck it, he defended it and gave a lovely Musik event to save them. The couple was extrememly grateful and sort of thought Scriabin was a ghost himself? XD But eventually summer came to an end and they had to pack up, but they promised to a rather teary Scriabin that they would invite him back next summer. Scriabin promised himself that when he ended the world, he would definitely make sure they ascended to heaven first.
------- Disappointed he can’t grow facial hair. At all. Sometimes, when he feels particularly bad, he’ll wear a fake one and pretend. It’s also black like his wig and is a handlebar mustache because he is a ridiculous, dramatic child.
------ Would 100% date any creature, monster, or phantom. Gender is not a factor. For regular humans, gender is still not a factor but they must “WISH TO BE ONE WITH THE NIGHT AND JOIN THE DARK FORCES AND THEIR HELLISH CRUSADE.”
------- Reads Horror stories and Gothic literature in his spare time. He would play horror games if he wasn’t terrible at them (which is what happens when you run TOWARDS the monster, you bloody moron)
------- He screams and cackles a lot, it’s not really to be spooky though. He’s just a loud boy.
------- Paints his nails and will put make up on sometimes, depending if he feels like it.
------ Speaking of, he cares deeply about his appearance to odd degrees. His clothes can look like he rolled out of bed, but he brushes his wig and cleans his face and keeps his hair underneath, nice and washed and healthy.
EDIT: ------- Added due to some fun shenanigans had because of the Classicaloid OC discord, if you’re a force of darkness, he is an anime masochist for you.
May add more later, maybe a picture if I’m not deeply embarrassed over my artwork. So this is my loser, he is a loser.
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