#i love still finding little tidbits about her to be able to pick apart
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i can’t sleep rn so i went to check on smth that’s been haunting me since i rewatched the first las nevadas finale again
so when punz first confronts purpled in his cave, they bring up the fact that quackity had been torturing dream, to which purpled said was an obvious lie, and that he didn’t expect punz to have been stupid enough to believe something like that. the exact dialogue (with some bits in between) is:
punz: did you know that quackity tortured dream for six. months. six WHOLE months, purpled.
purpled: […] and the prison thing is bullshit. you know that they don’t allow ANYONE in there EVER. like, you know this. c’mon, punz, you’re SMARTER than that.
and i found that strange, because i could’ve sworn purpled knew about quackity’s actions. i knew he was gunning for the revival book, obviously, but maybe i’d gotten confused. maybe the in-universe explanation was that he’d heard quackity was after the book from slime without the prison ever having been brought up or something
so i went back to the betrayal, and sure enough, purpled brings up the prison visits when confronting quackity. it’s the first thing he confronts him about actually. and yes, admittedly, there’s no confirmation to purpled knowing about the torture necessarily. he knows as much as slime did, whatever that may have been. however, it’s made clear he does know that quackity had constant visits with dream
i think the ccs likely just forgot, however the in-universe implications are FASCINATING to me because it just goes to show how much of a conniving bitch cpurpled is. he knows quackity was allowed into the prison, and if he didn’t know about the torture, he’s pieced it together thanks to punz’s speech, but he still denies it. he wants to keep what he knows close to his chest and he wants to belittle punz as much as possible. it’s borderline gaslighting, honestly - “no, punz, dream had to be lying to you, no one gets into the prison. c’mon, you’re a smart guy, don’t tell me you’ve fallen for such a stupid story. you’re better than that.” and i love it so so much. purpled already spends that entire interaction insulting punz outright and asserting his own superiority so this added layer of boldly lying to their face is just the cherry on top 💜
#icarus speaks#midnight analysis#<- kinda#i also think it’s super interesting that purpled admits to thinking punz is smart#bc like. he’s not saying that to appeal to them#he likely knows the truth. he knows punz isn’t lying#and purp gains nothing from just insulting them to their face#i don’t think cmercenary were like. brothers in any way. i don’t even think they were necessairly close#however there is SOME history to them which is interesting 2 me. bc purp wouldn’t just say that without proof#i always see them as having like. mutual respect as mercenaries#maybe having worked together a few times. less than a handful#but not really close yknow#anyways. cpurp gaslight gatekeep girlboss continues to be real#i love still finding little tidbits about her to be able to pick apart#they get worse every time i rewatch a vod it’s great 🫶
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Cleo stares at the two of them with so much force it almost looks painful. It's clear that she's picking the two of them apart, practically gazing into their gems, before she leans back on her hands and seriously asks, "Have you two ever fused before?" El's jaw drops. "What." "Or, I guess, have either of you ever fused before," she amends, looking off into the distance. "Not necessarily you two with each other." El is already spluttering over Cleo's words. "Wh—why would I ever—what reason could I possibly ever have to ever—?" Beks shrugs. "Yeah. Once."
(ao3 link)
(5,477 words)
Time seems to pass very slowly on planet Earth.
It's something El noticed about five cycles into her stay here, long past the point where she would usually dissociate from her surroundings and mindlessly fly through her entire mission. Beks is usually there to make the time pass quicker, but she reformed mere hours after Cleo let her be in that cell and so far she's done nothing to offset the innate slowness of this planet.
It's not like she's complaining. There's something...oddly lovely about not having to miserably drag herself through the days, about not having any work to do and just being able to...be. The lapis still hasn't reformed to El's knowledge, despite a week and a half having passed, so the interrogation is still on hold. Padparadscha is missing in action for most of the day, aside from when El sees him passing like a ghost through the Crastle to steal "books" without anyone noticing. The fact that he is avoiding Scott is painfully obvious and it has been a big point of discussion between herself and Beks, mostly theorising on what crazy past they may have had together without actually going to just ask the guy. It's more fun to speculate, anyway, and she doesn't really want to see what Padparadscha is like when he's actually annoyed.
Because of these things, combined with the fact that she can't seem to find their ship no matter how hard she and Beks look (no doubt due in part to Padparadscha's interference), El hasn't really had anything to...do. She's talked a lot, both with Beks (who almost speared through Bdubs, the nephrite, because he was the first rebel she saw after reforming—she has been absolutely living it up with nothing to do) and with the rebels, who have proven themselves to be quite...quirky.
They talk a lot about nothing: their days, little tidbits of useless information they found while exploring or resource gathering, jokes and recipes and made-up stories and a lot of nonsense about food, which Beks positively adores and El is revolted by at best. She does quite like 'drinking,' which led to her spending about an hour with Impulse, the bismuth, in order to craft her very own cup. It is safely stored in her gem until she needs it for 'drinking.'
There are so many things she could say about the Earth—the fact that the rebels renamed it 'Life' is so fitting to her. She has never seen a planet utterly overflowing with the stuff. Homeworld is manufactured and artificial, all angles and sharp edges and sharp words and orders and order, but Life is...well, alive. It is unruly and dangerous and she couldn't be more surprised at how much she adores it. Maybe she should have seen it coming when she conveniently "forgot" to mend her torn and shredded dress on day one because it was nice to finally have her legs be free to move however, but she nevertheless finds herself shocked at how utterly light she feels when she's scrounging through the trees with Beks, partially in search for their ship and partially to just...be. Together.
It is about three hours past the middle of the day, and El finds herself outside, next to Beks, like she usually is. Rounding out the trio is Cleo, who simply requested to tag alongside them while they went 'searching for their ship.' They're in some sort of clearing, a wide, circular patch of grass and flowers surrounded on all sides by thick spruce trees (or maybe it's dark oak? Bdubs tried to explain to her, but she couldn't tell the difference to save her life) that tower up into the sky and cause the most delightful rustling noise in the breeze. Cleo is holding a book, but she isn't reading it. Beks has stuck her head inside of the log El is perched upon, and comes out with a huge creature perched on her face.
"El," she says, going cross-eyed to try and look at it. The thing is long and orange and rough-skinned, licking two eyes in either side of it's head with its tongue as it seems to reevaluate its surroundings from Bek's head. "El, I think he likes me."
"How do you know its a he?" El asks lightly, swinging her legs and brushing her feet against the blades of grass.
"Just feels like a he, doesn't it?" Beks replies with a grin, trying to meet the creature's eyes from her unfortunate position underneath it. "I'm gonna find a cool name for you. Cleo, what is this thing?"
Cleo looks down at Beks (as they had been looking into the sky before) with their trademark deadpan expression. "That's a lizard."
"A lizard," Beks repeats, starry-eyed. El laughs at her delighted expression as she gently pries the lizard from her face (he accidentally takes her vision enhancers along with him, but Beks priest those away, too) and sets him on her shoulder. Surprisingly, the thing doesn't move. "I gonna name him like my Earth name. We've gotta match!"
She pauses, then frowns. "What was my Earth name again...?"
"Becky," El sighs, an exasperated fondness curling the edges of her voice. "How is it so hard for you to remember? It's literally just your normal name but longer."
"Yeah, and it's not my normal name!" Beks replies, sticking her tongue out. "I just wanted one because everyone else had one."
"I don't have one."
"Yeah, 'cause you're a wet slock," Beks says with unwavering confidence.
"Sock," Cleo murmurs.
"Sock," Beks corrects.
El splutters, understanding an insult when she hears one. "What does that even mean, Beks?"
"It means you hate fun, El," Beks says, putting her hands on her hips and leaning forward as if it's a challenge.
El laughs—a very sharp, mildly condescending "ha!"—and drops from the log and onto the grass. She sees Cleo lower her head and actually begin to pay attention as El spins around in a circle, tattered dress arcing around her. "I don't hate fun, I love fun. What's more fun than running around with a shredded dress, huh? I can actually move my legs, it's incredible!"
She does a few kicks to demonstrate as Beks laughs and even Cleo cracks a smile. "I'm the fun master. The fun admiral. The fadmiral, if you will."
"The fadmiral," Beks repeats with a teasing smile. El crosses her arms and nods very seriously, and Beks immediately gets the memo and straightens up into a salute.
"My fadmiral," she says, holding back a snort. "What are your orders for me?"
El grins, then fixes her expression back into one of utter seriousness. She picks up one side of her drooping dress with one hand and pulls out her fan, beginning to fan herself as she imitates this one diamond-forsaken emerald she had to work for a few dozen years ago. "You're utterly unkempt, Quartz. I haven't seen you do a single fun thing today, let alone one to my satisfaction." She poofs her fan away with a flourish, closes her eyes, sticks her nose into the air, and claps twice. "Entertain me."
It only takes about a second for El to feel herself being grabbed and lifted up, resulting in her shrieking as Beks hoists her into the air and holds her above her head, giggling like a maniac and running around the clearing like animals.
"My fadmiral, pretend as if you're a bird," Beks says between heavy footsteps, tilting El from side to side as if she's steering the quartz she's perched upon. "I've heard that Earth children used to pretend to be animals for fun!"
"Beks—Beks, put me down!" El squeals, her cries going unheeded by Beks. "You're going to drop me—!"
"Oh, come on, now," Beks says, flippantly tossing El into the air (she unabashedly screams, though it is one of utter joy and delight and Beks and Cleo can tell) and catching her under the arms when she comes back down. "I'm too cool to drop you. You know that."
They stare into each other's eyes for a few moments before they both snort at almost exactly the same time and start giggling to themselves, pressing their foreheads together as they laugh. She feels warmth coming from every point of contact—real warmth, real love that seems to bounce alongside the fragile light that makes up her form.
This is it, she thinks very suddenly. This is how I want to be forever.
El shakes herself back into focus, but before she can reply to Beks with anything smart or quippy, the two of them hear Cleo speak up and say, "Hey. I've got a question for you two."
Beks lowers El slightly (but still doesn't put her on the ground, much to El's chagrin) and replies, "Yeah? What is it?"
Cleo stares at the two of them with so much force it almost looks painful. It's clear that she's picking the two of them apart, practically gazing into their gems, before she leans back on her hands and seriously asks, "Have you two ever fused before?"
El's jaw drops. "What."
"Or, I guess, have either of you ever fused before," she amends, looking off into the distance. "Not necessarily you two with each other."
El is already spluttering over Cleo's words. "Wh—why would I ever—what reason could I possibly ever have to ever—?"
Beks shrugs. "Yeah. Once."
El snaps her head forward to stare at Beks so quickly she almost gives herself whiplash. "I'm sorry, you what?"
Beks sheepishly smiles and lowers El into the grass, who stares up at her with her hands on her hips. Beks scratches the back of her neck and asks, "We're past the point where you report me to my agate for rejuvenating, right?"
"Of course we are," El says impatiently, because as shocked as she is, she isn't about to make a joke about that. "When in the world did you fuse with someone? Why would you ever need to do that, you're a quartz!"
"It's bold of you to assume that we don't get bored and curious between missions, El," Beks says, nudging her shoulder.
"Was it with another dumortierite?" El asks, leaning up to get as close to face-to-face with Beks as possible. "Were you—what was it like? Was it as scary as it sounds?"
"Scary?" Beks exclaims, almost looking surprised. "Right, I forgot everyone thinks—no, El, it wasn't scary. It was...weird."
El has practically forgotten that Cleo is sitting just a couple of metres away, watching them closely. "Weird how?"
"Weird like..."
She trails off, scrunching up her face as she stares into the distance as if trying to remember. "It was like I was a completely different person, I guess. Like—we were still pretty separate, and she definitely had her own feelings on the situation that I didn't necessarily share, but for the most part, I just felt...like a stronger gem."
El tries to pretend like she hasn't got stars in her eyes. She knows how taboo fusion outside of the same gem type is, but she's never actually seen it happen before. She knows that gems that do it are usually poofed and rejuvenated very quickly upon being discovered, probably because it would cause some sort of insurrection if it was left unchecked. Homeworld seemed to be scared of a lot of things that might lead to insurrection, if El is being honest.
"Well..." El starts, furrowing her brows. "How do you even do it? I've seen rubies fuse, they just sort of...make funny structures. Or just throw themselves at each other. Does it work the same for gems of different types?"
Beks shrugs as if to ask, 'how am I supposed to know?' "I mean, I fused with a quartz, just a different kind. We tried to make the funny structures and then fell on top of one another a bunch until we finally managed and...yeah."
El hums, thinking very hard until she finally notices Cleo moving from the corner of her eye, turning to fully see her stand up from the log they were on and stretch.
They notice El looking at them quizzically and supplies, "Bdubs needs me back at the base."
El scans her form for any sort of communication device and raises an eyebrow. "How do you know?"
"Telepathic bond," Cleo says, completely deadpan. Using her common sense, El knows that it isn't true, but everything Cleo says somehow never seems like she's lying. "Also, try dancing."
El and Beks blink several times, glance at each other, then look back at Cleo. "What?"
"Dancing," they repeat. They nod at El, "I'm sure you know how."
"Well—I'm a jade, of course I know how to dance, but why...?"
Cleo shrugs and starts to walk away. "Bdubs needs me for something very pressing, sorry."
"You are just lying."
"I'll see you two later!" they call, flashing them a thumbs up without looking back before they disappear into the trees.
El and Beks look at each other and almost immediately break out into childish giggles, making stupid faces at the trees that Cleo vanished into. They are very serious and important gems, these two.
"What does 'try dancing' even mean, anyways?" El exclaims, flinging out her arms towards Cleo's exit. "Of course I've tried dancing! I'm a jade, half of Homeworld doesn't know we do anything but dance!"
Beks lets her the lizard crawl from her shoulder onto her hand, lifting the small thing up and setting it on her gem and pretending as if she's listening to it speak.
El stares at her. "What are you doing."
"I think Mister B thinks she was talking about fusion."
"Mister B?"
"It's a placeholder name!" Beks says defensively, holding him close to her chest. "I want it to match my 'buh' sound, but I'll need to find a cool Earth name for him, first."
El shakes her head and tries not to show how endearing that is to her. She does a pretty terrible job, but the attempt is there. "Sure, Beks. Hello there, Mister B."
The lizard licks it's eyeball and El gags. Beks giggles. "Anyways, I really do think she meant fusion. Like...maybe gems of different types need to dance together to fuse?"
"But I dance with other gems all the time," El points out, momentarily poofing her dress out into the ballgown she has grown to hate, what with its indents that create dizzying, clockwork patterns across the ground whenever she's dancing at a party. She quickly returns it to its flatter, shorter state. "I've never fused with anyone."
"Maybe it's because you only dance with jades?" Beks speculates, putting a hand on her chin. She then proceeds to hold both of her hands straight out towards El, who stares at them, then at Beks' gem, then at Beks' face. "Here, dance with me."
El looks utterly scandalised. "Wh—but—" Her voice drops to a whisper. "What if we accidentally fuse?!"
"Then no-one will ever know," Beks hiss-whispers back, making El suddenly snap up and look around them. She's right, thinking about it—now that Cleo is gone, the clearing is completely empty, save for the insects and creatures that might be roaming the area. They have complete privacy to experiment, and as much as she's sure these thoughts would get her shattered on the spot, she is almost startlingly excited at the prospect of...not even fusing with Beks (though she is excited for that). Just being unsupervised in general.
"Okay," El says quietly, taking Bek's hand. Beks' face breaks out into a wide grin, and El immediately follows suit, grabbing the quartz's other hand and giddily bouncing in place. "Okay! Okay, so, first off, you are standing all wrong—"
It doesn't take entirely too long for Beks to get a hold of the movements El demonstrates to her—being a quartz, she's practically been formed to absorb new information and strategy, so she falls in time with El despite the lack of music or atmosphere very, very quickly.
El is having the time of her life, really—both in being able to teach Beks something and being able to dance with her. She honestly can't believe she never thought to do this before. She holds her hand flat against Beks', arm bent at a ninety degree angle while the other is held behind her back, Beks mirroring the stance as they slowly step in a circle, El counting the steps under her breath.
Beks furrows her brows and looks at El with mild confusion. "El."
"Hm?" El says, still counting the steps as they shift their hands to actually grasp each other's.
"I've got a question for you."
El stops counting and meets Beks' eyes. "Yeah?"
"How are we supposed to fuse when there's about a star system's worth of distance between me and you?"
El scoffs, then laughs, then scoffs again. "Our hands are holding each other right now."
Beks rolls her eyes and gestures at the gap between their torsos. El slides her hand out of Beks' hold and crosses her arms. She would hate to admit that Beks is right, because she is right, but she has absolutely no clue how else they would do this. She really only has experience dancing with those stupid, stupid dresses, so it makes sense that there's a bit of unnecessary space when they're...not wearing them. "Fine, then. Do you have any ideas?"
Beks puts a hand on her hip and looks up to the sky. "Well...I don't know how to dance. And I don't know how this whole fusion nonsense works. But I think...maybe we do what you do...but just. Better?"
"Better," El scoffs, rolling her eyes. "What in the world do you mean by better—?!"
El is swiftly cut off by Beks yanking her very, very close, which ends up with a slightly awkward situation where El has to look close to straight up at her and Beks has to look straight down. They hold each other's gaze before breaking out into giggles, El spinning herself out of close proximity to Beks and starting to...
She doesn't know if she's allowed to call this dancing. It's some awful, messy butchering of what she knows to be dancing, but then Beks effortlessly picks her up by the waist and spins them around, foreheads touching, and all she can think is that she hopes this can still be called dancing. There's something exhilarating about it, the way the movements follow the vague structure of what she taught Beks just a few minutes ago but with an added flair that she would never see at a Homeworld ball. Their movements are dizzying, perfectly imperfect, out of time with whatever waltz El has been trained to count to in her head but following a different, faster, bouncier time signature that she can just barely pick up on. It's madness, but there's a noticeable rhythm to it that makes it just shy of flinging each other around the clearing aimlessly.
El finds herself laughing, giggling where there's no joke, grabbing the sides of her dress and swinging them around as she spins and dances in her spot, Beks clapping around her in a counterclockwise circle to no music. They must look like absolute maniacs, but there's no one around to watch them or tell them to quiet down or for El to fix her damn dress, so they dance and dance and dance and El feels alive.
They keep tripping over each other because their feet are moving so fast, their arms are getting tangled up in the other's as they fold and unfold and criss-cross, and she is bloody exhausted but she knows they can do just one more trick—Beks and her kick in time with each other, stepping ever-closer until they're pressed up against one another and El is unravelled out of Beks' arms and snapped out to the side, ending with her free arm outstretched as she beams out to an audience that, for once, isn't there, and everything just feels so warm until the hand holding Beks' suddenly feels cold and—
And then she's...not.
She is. They are? She's...dizzy. That's the first thing she (they??) notice(s).
She looks down at the grass and notices that its much further away than it's supposed to be, for either of them. For her. She promptly loses her balance and falls over, hitting the ground with a thud and a bit of a startle back(?) into her senses—she can clearly see her legs and feet, which are mint green, which is utterly shocking and only mildly surprising at the same time. She looks at her hands—same situation, except there's a green gem on her right hand (on her hand?) with brown (brown?) crystals on the inside.
She stares at the gem like she always(?) seems to do when she sees it, and then it hits her like a rock to the head.
"Oh stars," she whispers, holding a hand up to her mouth. She cannot force the smile off of her face or the sparkle out of her eyes...of which she seems to have four? She can see so much more than usual! "We did it. I did it? Oh my stars, who am I?"
There's no response. She squints down at the gem again, noting the scratches that she's so proud of, and tilts her head to the side.
"A dumortierite quartz," she mutters aloud, reaching to touch the gem on her chest. "And a lemon jade. Huh. And it makes a minty gem..." She squints further at the one on her hand before breaking out into giggles.
Completely on a whim, she sprints into the trees and finds herself kicking off from the ground to land on a branch, finding the movement to be natural and almost frighteningly easy. She does not know how she's maintaining her balance this well, but she whoops and cheers and bounces from branch to branch like one of those small creatures Bdubs told Beks the name of after she said he reminded her of one—a quirell? Skworl? A squirrel, yes, she knew that.
She doesn't even bother with landing on the trees at a point—she misses her landing and simply grabs onto the branch, swinging around it and launching herself straight into the leaves above her, which makes her splutter and cackle and promptly fall to the ground.
She doesn't even feel tired, is the thing. She doesn't know where she is, exactly, but she generally knows that the base is somewhere to the west and it's not like they have a time limit or anything. She can be for as long as she wants, and that, in her oh-so-humble opinion, is utterly brilliant.
She ends up stumbling across a pond and almost trips over her own feet in an effort to see exactly what she looks like, because she can feel all the parts of herself but she can't really tell what the colours are and that's probably the most important part in figuring out who she is, right? She looks over the edge and is met with four eyes staring back, which immediately makes her snicker (she finds that she can't stop laughing at just about everything, whether it's funny or not, and she absolutely loves it) as she starts to move them all in random directions, giving herself a slight headache that she shakes off. Her hair falls in front of her face in a middle part, which makes sense since El and Beks both have that aspect to their hair, but it's the same brown as the shards inside of the gem on her hand while the rest of her hair is a darker green.
She holds our her arm in front of the water and notices darker scars littered across them, in the exact same places that Beks had her scars. She supposes that this makes sense—the scratches are still on Beks' gem, why wouldn't the scars from them be there, too? And besides, they match the aesthetic for the most part.
She's already noticed the translucent half-skirt that crosses over her waist, growing from very short on one side to normal length on the other, and fluff...decoration...on her wrists that's made of the same stuff. She's pretty fancy, she thinks! Sort of reminds her of a pearl, but she's pretty sure she's not quite weak enough to be a pearl. Not as tough as a jade—no, not physically, tough as in 'easy-to-shatter,' thank you; yes, she is aware that a quartz could take a jade in a fight any day—and about as hard as a quartz...chalcedony? Maybe not exactly that, some type of chalcedony?
She lets herself tip forward into the water as she thinks, gracefully floating up to the surface and drifting as she ponders the structure of her existence. She's never had to do that before, so it's a new sort of feeling. Not knowing. Well, of course she hasn't had to do it before—she's only existed for about an hour!
"Oh my stars," she says suddenly, sitting up and accidentally dunking herself into the water. She laughs through her words as she asks the sky, "What weapon do I have? Do I even have a weapon? I need to check, this is so cool!"
She swims back to the edge so fast she hardly registers the journey, pulling herself up and out and shaking off the water like an animal just because she can. She then sets her hands on her hips and gives it a think.
"If Beks had a sword," she starts, forming the broadsword in her right hand and turning it over. "And El had a fan—oh, geez, that's large—"
She draws the fan from her chest and is startled by how proportionally large it is in her hands, shaking it open and waving it at some leaves on nearby trees before willing herself to focus again. She looks down at the gem weapon and 'weapon' in her hands. "You cross a sword and a blummin' fan and you get..."
She proceeds to cross them—though 'slam them together' might be a more apt description—and is amazed to find that the fan that remains in her hand is somehow even larger, but much thinner, with a sharp protrusion coming from the top of the folded up weapon(?) that she can slide down with her thumb. She parts it open with both hands and realises that the sections of the fan are made up of blades.
"Oh," she says, dumbfounded. "It's a tessen."
She immediately jumps up as high as she can (which is some odd four metres) and slices through a full branch, catching herself on the stub she just sawed off and hanging there as she watches the branch fall and drop to the ground. This is so cool.
"This is so cool," she agrees with herself, dropping to the ground and making herself yet another tessen to dice up the branch like El saw Impulse do while cooking, except a lot slower and clunkier because she's using two giant fans. She throws one horizontally and it embeds itself several centimetres deep into the trunk of a nearby tree. She closes the fan and lets the funny-looking point come out of the top, registering that this makes it an efficient stabbing weapon, too. She's living in a dream.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait," she says, holding out her arms before pulling the fan close to her face. At the base of it is the completely unaltered version of her gem—no scratches or intrusions from Beks, no perfectly pale smoothness from El—her gem is slightly translucent, a bit cloudy in the centre in a way that almost makes it look like its glowing. It's mint green all the way around, interrupted by splotches of shining brown and gold, and something finally clicks in (half of) her mind.
"Chrysoprase," she whispers, then whoops and pumps her arms in the air. "I'm Chrysoprase! That sounds good, doesn't it? I think—that's definitely right. Chrysoprase. Chrysoprase—Chrys? Chryssie? Chryssy with a 'y'? Chrys."
'Chrys' stands in the middle of a forest, by a pond, looking very pleased with herself. There's about ten seconds' worth of peace before she goes off giggling and flying around again, boisterous mood only bolstered by this tremendous discovery of self-identity. She flits around the trees like a nymph, swinging off of branches and hopping between fallen logs and harassing just about every animal that has the misfortune of crossing paths with her, all just because she wants to.
And she can.
And she's happy.
Several hours pass, and Chrys finds that she still exists—which is a wonderful, wonderful thing, because she really does enjoy existing—but her peace is interrupted when a familiar nephrite comes bursting through the trees with that angry scowl that seems to be permanently affixed to his face. Chrys hangs by her legs off of a tree branch and snickers at the sight of Bdubs from an upside-down angle.
She sounds utterly delighted as she says, "You do remind me of a squirrel."
He looks a bit startled, reaching down for his gem as he shouts, "Wha—who—who in the world are you?"
"Chrys!" she replies happily, as if that's meant to help him at all. "I figured that out myself, do you like it? It's short for Chrysoprase."
"Chrysopra—oh. Oh."
Bdubs stops himself and crosses his arms, seemingly realising exactly who she is. He rolls his eye and sighs. "Congratulations," he says begrudgingly.
Chrys giggles. "Why, thank you!"
"I'm sure you've been having a great time, but I've been looking for you for hours!" he continues, his tone keeping that annoyed exasperation even while Chrys unfolds herself from the tree branch in a shocking display of flexibility. She straight up crouches to get at eye level with Bdubs, who looks minorly offended by this. "You need to get back to base, now."
Chrys frowns and tilts her head to the side. "Why's that?"
Bdubs, in his defense, looks a bit guilty. "Jimmy reformed. Your padparadscha immediately showed up our of absolutely nowhere, and he's sayin' you need to do the interrogation now." He pauses, then blinks. "Like, now, now. Like, two-hours-ago now."
Chrys blinks right back at him, all four of her eyes, one after another, then there's about half a second of stars, oh, stars, we're late, what are we doing, he's going to be so mad and calm down, he's hardly in charge of us, he's been MIA for weeks, calm down, and then Chrys, very suddenly, does not exist.
Beks and El fall to the ground next to each other, holding their heads as the jarring effect of splitting so suddenly and without any warning knocks them dizzy. El is immediately tense, pushing herself up to her feet as she mutters, "What were we thinking, he's going to have me in shards for this, we need to go, we need to go—"
Beks reaches out for her but is waved off. She's fine, just a little—panicked. She realises a second too late that Beks can her her thoughts (anymore) and says out loud, "I'm fine. I'm fine. Let's just—"
She holds out a hand to help Beks up to her feet, which Beks very graciously accepts. "Let's just go."
"I'm—sorry," Bdubs says sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "I just—it's urgent, y'know, I didn't mean to—"
"It's fine," El interrupts, because it really is fine. It's fine for her, at least. "Just...take us back."
Bdubs nods, and before she's able to follow, Beks puts a hand on her shoulder. She's trying to hide a smile when El looks at her, which makes El start to smile and eases the panic just the slightest bit. "Hey—El."
Beks' smile grows impossibly wide. "That was fun."
"It was," she admits, glancing back at Bdubs, who has stopped to wait for them. "But we've got to go, Beks—"
"I know, I know," the quartz placates, holding up her other hand. "But just—promise me we'll be able to do that again, yeah? Only if you're okay with it."
"Of course I'm okay with it," she replies quickly, smacking Beks' shoulder with the back of her hand. "As soon as we're able to, I promise. We definitely have to do that again."
They beam at each other, and for a moment, El feels that sharp coolness on her shoulder yet again, but they shake it off and start to follow Bdubs back to the Crastle.
Some other time. She's looking forward to it.
credit to @mintiliciouss for chrysoprase being their fusion gem, its an utterly PERFECT option (gem that is often mistaken for jade and is, in fact, a type of quartz? WONDERFUL)!
the other side of the war
Scott likes to think he is a sensible person. Because of this, he doesn't find it at all unreasonable for him to start freaking out when he catches a glimpse of a Homeworld ship passing over the Crastle. Owen is rather certain that he is a sensible person. Because of this, he feels as if his response of dropping his recording device onto a rock and breaking it instantly upon seeing the sapphire that exits the large castle is entirely reasonable.
or: owen, beks, and eloise go from homeworld to find the deserters on earth. owen very much recognises scott. title from story of tonight (reprise) by lin-manuel miranda. au by @chrisrin. fic is life on earth by @sixteenth-days. read the tags!
(ao3 link)
(2,593 words)
Scott likes to think he is a sensible person. Whether that is true or not is entirely subjective, but he's quite sure he is one of the most level-headed gems currently residing on Life, if not the most.
Because of this, he doesn't find it at all unreasonable for him to start freaking out when he catches a glimpse of a Homeworld ship passing over the Crastle.
"Glimpse" is a loose term—he both sees it in a vision and then sees it out of the corner of the window only a few seconds later, almost too fast to catch and not looking like it was planning to stop. The vessel was yellow in colour and rather small, which at the very least tells him that it's not another colonisation attempt or scouting expedition. His relief from that realisation is very quickly undercut by the strangling anxiety at what it could be instead, and his efforts to try and pry into the future to see what could be on the ship are suddenly interrupted by the knowledge that Jimmy was going to come barreling into the room from the window in a few moments.
He does so with as little grace as Scott saw, his foot catching on the ledge and making him lose his balance on his way inside, all the while yelling, "Scott- Scott, I saw another ship fly by-
"I know," Scott says coolly, pretending like there aren't fractals crawling across the wooden boards around his dress.
Jimmy fixes himself from somehow being tangled up in a stone slab. "You know?"
Scott grips the sides of his dress. "I saw."
"Oh," Jimmy says shortly, shoulders slumping. He looks back out the window as if expecting the ship to come around again—which it very well might- before turning back to Scott. His wings are refracting the light of the sun onto the ground, making their trembles all the more obvious. "What do we do?"
"Tell the others, if they haven't seen already." He kicks his legs to break the ice sticking his dress to the floor before it becomes unbearable. "Hopefully, it'll just pass by without encountering us at all."
Jimmy tilts his head to the side like a bird, which are quickly becoming one of Scott's favourite things on Life. "I don't see why it would fly this close to the surface if it was just passing by."
"'Hopefully,' dear," Scott says with a weary smile. "I said 'hopefully.'"
Scott laughs lightly, the warmth in his chest chasing away his anxiety as Jimmy giggles to himself, face turning a slightly darker shade of blue. He reaches out to lay a hand on Jimmy's arm—
—and then there's a small ship in a forest, there's orange and green and blue, there's weapons and shouting and a lapis falling to pieces in front of his eye—
—and Scott's grip on Jimmy's forearm turns almost violent in its intensity. Jimmy looks down at him, concern preciously obvious in all of his body language. Scott doesn't look up. His hands are shaking.
"You saw something," Jimmy says softly, immediately crouching to be at eye level with Scott.
"I did."
His face is pinched with concern and worry and stubborn, stubborn love, a fierce protectiveness that has lead to his hypothetical death in several timelines in Scott's vision. "Was it about the ship? Was it bad?"
Scott shakes his head on instinct before catching himself and leaning more into a head-tilt, like the birds. "They're coming. They've spotted us. There's only three gems, I think, and they're going to land in the forest in front of the Crastle."
Jimmy's face goes pale. "Could you tell what type of gems they were?" Scott shakes his head, and Jimmy immediately pulls him into a hug, which has been his thing lately. Spontaneous displays of affection—though this one, Scott supposes, is not that spontaneous. He hugs Jimmy back and does his best not to touch his wings so as to not drench his arms. "It's gonna be okay, Scott. We'll be alright. We always end up alright."
Scott simply hums in return. The amount of confidence he speaks with is almost hilarious, considering how many times Scott has saved him from shattering without him even knowing. It would be hilarious if they weren't visions of his flower dying gruesomely branded onto the inside of his eyelid. "I know. Just stay close to me, okay? Don't do anything stupid."
Jimmy pulls back but leaves his hands on Scott's shoulders. "I never do anything stupid."
Scott is not content with giving him a look that he will not be able to see. He pushes his bangs out of the way and fixes Jimmy with the most lightheartedly withering glare he can manage.
Jimmy bursts out laughing. Scott can hardly help himself but follow.
Owen is rather certain that he is a sensible person. If the contrary was true, he is almost certain that he would have been shattered ages ago, or at the very least, reconditioned due to his innate value. He is almost completely positive that he is one of, if not the most level-headed gems that has ever stepped foot into consciousness.
Because of this, he feels as if his response of dropping his recording device onto a rock and breaking it instantly upon seeing the trio of gems that exit the large castle is entirely reasonable.
There is a jasper that positively towers over him, a lapis lazuli that is shooting him and his company a very distasteful look, and a sapphire, front and centre, just like him.
He gazes into Sapphire's bangs, and Sapphire stares right back.
They're both frozen, the plant matter around Sapphire's dress freezing so quickly the lapis begins to try and kick it away and the matter around Owen's dress cooking to a light sear. The vision of El and Beks' confused expressions flashes like a spotlight into the front of his mind, and he can see equally as perplexed looks on Sapphire's friends' faces.
He cannot believe what he is seeing—it shouldn't even be possible for him to be seeing this. This is wrong, this is terrible, this is—
"Owen?" Sapphire says, taking a step forward. Beks immediately matches the step, but Owen holds out his hand to keep her still. "Owen—Padparadscha, is that really you?"
"Yeah," Owen breathes, before clearing his throat and fixing his posture to be more straight. He glances at Beks and she immediately snatches up the pieces of the broken recorder. That was entirely his fault, be will admit—a reasonable response to seeing a friend currently siding with a bunch of deserting rebels he was sent to interrogate, but his fault nonetheless. "Yes, Sapphire, it's me. What are you doing?"
Sapphire's demeanor almost seems to brighten at that. "Oh, Owen, you wouldn't believe the things we have out here—I go by Scott now, by the way."
"'Scott?'" Owen repeats, rolling the name around in his mouth. "Why? That has nothing to do with you or your cut."
"No, no," 'Scott' says, shaking his head. "It's an alien name. I chose it myself, do you like it?"
"Do I like—Sapphire—Scott, whatever, do you realise how serious this is?"
Scott falters a bit, taking a slight step back as the lapis frowns at Owen. Owen stares directly at him, and he shrinks a bit but still asks, "'Serious?' What makes this so much worse than all the other trips out here?"
Scott elbows the lapis in the thigh, and before Owen can really process the fact that this...group of gems have encountered the other missions, El steps forward and clears her throat. She has been furiously tapping on a holographic screen ever since Owen broke the recorder, most likely transcribing the entire conversation. She doesn't even look up as she begins to speak.
"The Great Diamond Authority has recognised the presence of living and functioning gems on this planet that have not returned to Homeworld after several scouting and retrieval missions. The three of us are here as an extension of their luminescent grace and power to decipher and report upon the locations and intentions of these...missing gems."
The word 'missing' is dripping with distaste and scorn, and Owen is rather sure everyone felt it. Scott takes another step back and Owen stamps out the resulting twist in his chest. It isn't his problem if Scott decided to run off onto some planet and desert his home for...whatever reason. It isn't his problem that the sapphire has seen this writhing, damp, cluttered mess of a planet to be worth more than his life and the lives of those that took the mission with him. He is not going to think about it too hard because he is sensible and would prefer to remain that way.
"So what does that...mean?" the lapis asks, fiddling with his fingers.
"It means we're here to get answers, moron," Beks snaps, leaning on the hilt of her greatsword. "Though I honestly think the fact that you're not begging us to take you home is answer enough."
All three of the gems standing across from them (including Sapphire, and Owen really is trying to wrap his head around the idea that Sapphire is over there and he is over here and they are enemies?, he supposes?) make some sort of scowl, and he sees the water in the pond not too far from them start to ripple, except that was about ten seconds ago and now the surface of the water is choppy and the lapis' gem is starting to glow.
"Owen," Scott says quietly.
"Padparadscha," Owen hisses, digging his fingers into his dress and staring down the lapis lazuli. He feels lightheaded. "No deserter is a friend of mine."
"Stars, Homeworld gems," mutters the jasper, who has looked nothing but mildly intrigued this entire time and is now gazing down at Owen with an unidentifiable expression that makes his skin prickle. "So dramatic."
"There's really no need to get overly-hostile, here," El says nervously, though the fact that she actually glances up from her holoscreen is sign enough that she is ready to bolt at any given moment. "We just want to ask some questions."
"No, I think the quartz may have been right," the jasper says, stretching in a way that cracks her knuckles and other assorted joints audibly but plays it off like a normal stretch. "We've given you answer enough."
"Are you suggesting we fight?" Beks asks, though she sounds more like she's gleefully proposing something rather than asking a question. "'Cause we're not leaving until we complete what we've been told to do. Unlike some, we still have a modicum of responsibility left in our rays."
"Beks," El says irritably, shooting the quartz a glare. "Stop antagonising them."
Beks stops leaning back and forth on her sword and instead properly wraps her hand around the hilt, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not doing anything. I'm just talking."
"We'd appreciate it if you stopped," the lapis insists.
"We'd appreciate it if you shut up," Beks snaps back, the tip of her sword digging further into the ground, piecing through the layer beneath their feet. Owen can't stop staring. "Really, I mean—a bloody lapis? And a sapphire? I mean, I wouldn't expect anything more from a jasper, maybe even a lapis under insane circumstances, but a sapphire? For this? This disgusting, pulsing planet?"
Owen blinks, and he can see serrated spikes rising from the water's surface.
Scott blinks, and he can see that same image of a lapis shattering in front of his eyes.
For a moment, the two of them are in sync again.
And then the spikes go flying, and Owen shouts out Beks' name as she lifts her sword to attack and the lapis kicks into the air with his wings. El immediately shrieks and ducks away, dress snagging on the sharp edges of the terrain as Beks' sword goes swinging in a terrifyingly wide arc in front of them. The only thing Owen can do is yell, really, until he realises he can do more and throws himself into Beks' back as hard as physically possible. He lands on top of her, and then falls straight onto the forest floor, something sharp digging into his abdomen.
At the same time, Jimmy's name is torn from Scott's throat as he lunges towards the lapis, attaching himself to his legs and pulling him down, yanking him closer to the ground just as weapons make contact and suddenly, Scott is holding nothing.
Scott snatches Jimmy's gem off the forest floor (thank the stars, thank the stars, that was entirely too close and he can barely breathe and he is shaking so hard he's scared the vibrations might end up shattering Jimmy, anyway) and shouts, "Enough! Enough, please. Cleo, please."
Owen's vision shifts back to reality (after watching three shards of ice go directly through Beks' head as her sword cut clean through the lapis' neck) and he realises that he is at the end of the jasper's weapon—'Cleo's' weapon, apparently. He looks up at her and sits up, scooping Beks' gem into his hands and clutching it close to his chest.
"This...this will get us nowhere," Scott says through ragged breaths, and Owen blinks and he sees a lapis gem shattering from Scott's point of view- a disorienting past-vision of Scott's future-vision that makes him feel dizzy. He hasn't done that in so long. How long has Scott been out here? Owen knew he went on a mission somewhere, but it isn't that uncommon for those to take several months, or even years before becoming a real concern. How long has Scott been missing?
"I—I agree," calls El from several feet away. Her dress is shredded at the bottom and Owen is quite sure this is the first time he has ever seen her legs. He blinks, hard, and sees Scott holding the lapis' hand as they walked out of the castle in front of them. A deep, painful pit settles in his stomach. "Please, let's just sit down and talk."
Owen feels a bit ill. The present and the recent past are often a bit too similar and a bit too frequent for him to properly categorise, and he suddenly fears the idea of getting them very, very badly confused like he has done several times before. For some of those times, Scott was there to help him. He sees Scott pushing his hair back, staring at him, except when Owen actually looks, his hair is down and his hand is hovering by his chest. Around where his heart would be.
"Owen," he says quietly. "Let's go inside."
Owen blinks and sees Scott and this lapis encouraging each other, warning each other just behind the door, hugging each other, Scott standing on his toes while the lapis leans down and—
Oh. His vision shifts focus again. He's too dizzy for this. The sun is going down and the sky is painted in brilliant shades of yellow and orange and red and purple. It's black and tainted with trillions of stars in his vision alone.
"Yeah, alright," Owen whispers, looking down at Beks. He swipes his thumb against the face of the gem and holds her tighter in his hands. Scott is pressing the lapis to his forehead. The lapis is in a blue bubble within Scott's hands. Owen feels dizzy. "Let's go inside."
#i literally spent like 45 minutes watching swing dance competitions#theyre very interesting and fun to watch#for the record#gemcyt#enderwails#bekyamon#soupforeloise#zombiecleo#bdoubleo100#bdubs
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teeny tidbits: taehyung needs y/n to make out with him & she’s only doing it to be a good roommate
if the title didn’t get your attention i don’t know what will
pairing; roommate!taehyung x reader
genre; this sits right on the line between nsfw and sfw?? i think the term we’ve established for these kinds of drabbles is smalmost smut,.,. smerhaps smut.,., smaybe smut.,,. stuckwithyouniverse!! roomie!couple but before they got together just because i wanted to see cocky tae again :’))
wordcount; 1.8k
»»————- ♡ ————-««
one of the things that you enjoy most about going to a university with a big campus are the nice, relaxing walks along the tree-lined promenades while drowning out the sound of distracting chatter with your own music
after all, it’s nice to catch a bit of a break while going from one class to the next
and you can get your steps in for the day at the same time which is an added bonus
who doesn’t like bragging about getting 10,000 steps in on a daily basis?
and not to mention-
“hEY-!” you let out a shriek when you feel someone’s hand wrap around your elbow from behind, and the next thing you know, you’re being pulled off to the side behind a tree and-
“jesus christ, taehyung-” you let out a breath of relief when you see that it’s only taehyung and you reach up to yank your earbuds out when you realise he’s saying something to you
“-ith me.” he blinks, “okay?”
“what??” you frown, reaching over to rub your elbow soothingly seeing that he practically manhandled you a second ago, “i didn’t catch that.”
“i need you to make out with me.” taehyung claps his hands together before taking a step forward and opening his arms towards you, “like- right now.”
your eyes widen in alarm and you resist the urge to slap him across the face
“wha-” you shove your hand against his chest instinctively to keep him from coming any closer, “i’m sorry, what?!”
“i think the instructions were pretty clear,” taehyung’s shoulders drop and he lets out a quiet groan, “i need you to shove your tongue down my throat in the next three seconds-”
“yeah, i got that-!” you scowl, “you pretended to not know who i was two weeks ago when i said hi to you in the cafeteria and now you want me to kiss-”
“no, not kiss-” taehyung interrupts, holding a finger up to shut you up, “i need, like, a feverish, dry-humping session against this tree level makeout session-” he raises both his hands before shaking his head and taking a small step back, “okay, let me explain very quickly: do you remember that girl i brought to the apartment over the weekend?”
you let out a short laugh before rolling your eyes so hard that you swear you can see your pink, wrinkly brain that’s also laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation
of course all of this is about a girl
the day taehyung doesn’t have a girl problem is the day the world ends
“i locked myself in my room to specifically avoid meeting the girl you brought to the apartment over the weekend,” you cross your arms before letting out a huff, “because the last time you brought a girl over, she thought i was your maid and she asked me to make an egg-white omelette for her the next morning- which i did because i’m nice... and i guess i did get a twenty dollar tip, which was pretty sweet-”
“okay, whatever, it’s not important-“ taehyung reaches over to pinch your lips together and you immediately swat his hand away, “anyways, i thought it was pretty clear that it was a one time hit-and-run situation but apparently she thinks that we’re dating now-”
“oh, of course you think that because your ego is the size of planet earth-!” you scoff in disbelief, “because after spending one night getting not-very-romantically railed by you, she’s suddenly madly in love with you and your magical penis-”
“y/n, she took a picture of my class schedule in my room and she’s been waiting for me at the end of every one of my classes for the past four days-” taehyung hisses, pausing to lean over so he can check to see if his brand new lover is still hot on his tail, “i tried to break things off after she showed up to my class on monday and she just laughed in my face and said that i didn’t know what i was talking about-”
“what?” you gasp quietly before shuddering, “oh, god. that’s a little creepy- wait, but i still don’t understand how she came to the conclusion that you guys were dating if it wasn’t even explicitly stated that you were officially boyfriend and girlfriend-”
“i don’t know!“ taehyung snaps, “look, can you just do this for me first? i’ll answer whatever stupid questions you have later-”
“first of all, i’m only asking questions to help you figure this out, and second of all-” you purse your lips before raising both your eyebrows, “maybe if you were more communicative with your sexual partners, you wouldn’t have any of these issues in the first place- have you ever thought about that?”
“can you please not be such a dweeb for one second-?! c’mon, just-” taehyung leans over again and his eyes widen in panic before he’s ducking back behind the tree, slapping his hands on your shoulders, “y/n, there’s no time. she’s coming! fuck, she’s- can you please just do this one thing for me-”
“no way!” you scoff, shaking your head before brushing his hands off your shoulders, “i’m always picking up after you! you made your bed and now you have to lie in it-”
“what are you talking about?” taehyung frowns, “you know i never make my bed-”
“it’s a saying, you idiot-”
“what about if i cover the groceries for the rest of the month, hm?” he clasps his hands together before shaking them slightly, his eyes wide and pleading, “please??”
you open your mouth to reject him again before quickly closing it again
groceries are expensive
and if taehyung’s taking care of the bill for the rest of the month, that means you can buy whatever you want and he won’t be able to say no…
plus you can use your share of the grocery money to treat yourself to something nice
oOh you could get yourself those platform boots you’ve been eyeing online
you’re doing this to get free groceries and to be a good, helpful roommate
you uncross your arms before looking back up at taehyung, “throw in the laundry and i’ll-”
before you get the chance to finish what you were saying, taehyung slinks an arm around your waist and yanks you towards him
it’s only a millisecond later that he swoops down to slant his mouth over yours, the alarm bells going off in your head the moment you realize that the two of you are actually really truly 100% honest-to-god kissing right now
he grabs your hands and forces you to cup his face (so it’ll help with hiding his identity) before he places his hands on your hips and gives you gentle squeeze
and for a brief moment in time, you find yourself thinking that taehyung is... most certainly not the worst kisser in the world...
he tastes like that strawberry gum he’s always chewing...
and his lips are awfully soft...
and you don’t know why you never noticed but the smell of his cologne is really making you feel some type of way...
...and did you just hear a soft moan?
the moment his lovely little girlfriend rears her head around the tree, taehyung pulls away and proceeds to bury his face into the crook of your neck, the hairs on your arms prickling to life when you feel him plant a kiss under your ear
“oh! i’m so sorry-” she gasps before covering her mouth and letting out a giggle, “i thought i saw my boyfriend run behind here and i figured he was just playing a sexy little game of hide and seek with me-”
“ah, well-!” you gasp when taehyung’s hand suddenly slides down so that he can grab your right thigh and hitch it up against his waist, your cheeks instantly warming when he pushes you up against the tree, “i-i guess you thought wrong because behind this tree is me and-” you clear your throat quietly to prepare yourself for the words that are about to come out of your mouth, “me and my boyfriend playing a sexy little game of… public indecency...?”
“aw... cute! i’ll just leave you two lovebirds alone-” she crinkles her nose before wiggling her fingers at you, her right eye dropping in a wink, “i can’t wait to do that with my guy- i just have to find him first, that’s all...”
“i have a feeling he’s a lot closer than you thin- mmph!” taehyung reaches up and turns your face back towards him so that he can shut you up before you blow his cover
you barely register taehyung’s lady friend bidding the two of you adieu because of how preoccupied you are at the moment, all five senses clouded with nothing but taehyung taehyung taehyung taehyung taehyung
the feverish making out from a second ago begins to slow, taehyung setting your leg down gently before he’s placing his hand on your waist again
your arms are still securely wrapped around his neck and he can’t help but wonder how it’d feel to have your fingers tangled in his hair
somehow, something about all of this just feels... right...
but it’s probably just all in his head, right?
“mm... we should do this more often...” he jokes, oddly delighted to see your hazy eyes immediately lower to his lips when he pulls away, “thoughts?”
“-!” you shove taehyung away from you when it hits you that the two of you no longer need to be making out and you clear your throat before reaching up to wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, “y-you can quit slobbering all over me now-”
“slobbering?” he laughs lightly, raising a brow before reaching up to ruffle his hair, “i don’t think i need to remind you that you seemed pretty enthusiastic to have my tongue in your mouth a second ago-”
“i was- i was method acting!” you argue, your voice wavering slightly, “i didn’t- i just- i only played along for the groceries, remember?”
“whatever helps you sleep at night, darling...” taehyung whistles lowly, shoving his hands into his pockets before turning on his heel, “thanks for the help!”
“i’m serious!” you frown, stamping your foot against the ground as you ball your hands into fists at your sides, “this meant nothing to me, taehyung! do you hear me?!”
“uh-huh, i hear you!” taehyung turns to smirk at you over his shoulder, “see you at home, girlfriend!”
teeny tidbits masterlist
#teeny tidbits#roommate!tae#roommate!tae drabbles#taehyung drabbles#taehyung fluff#kim taehyung fluff#taehyung fic recs#taehyung#kim taehyung#taehyung smut#taehyung smut recs#bts fluff#bts fluff recs#bts fics#bts fic recs#bts smut#bts smut recs#bts au#taehyung au#reader insert#taehyung x reader#taehyung cute#kim taehyung cute#taehyung cute gifs#taehyung gifs#taehyung hot#taehyung fics#bts author recs#bts writer recs#bts
763 notes
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Amoreena | chapter four

Chapter Four
summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, depressed spencer, reader has a daughter, falling in love, strangers to lovers, library smut, oral (female receiving) lots and lots of fluff
word count: 3.9k
from the beginning <3
Everyone at work was very understanding. Almost all of them saw it coming, he was taking more sick days than normal and he wasn’t putting up a fight anymore when the 30 days was required to take rolled around. They were profilers after all.
He arrives on Thursday morning to pack his desk. The team is finally home and all together to wish him well on his future journey, giving him hugs and kisses as they each visited his desk.
They had already replaced him, Will LaMontagne was giving the FBI a shot, finally. Spending more time with JJ, the kids were old enough now to accept both of them working. And Kate Callahan was back, now that her baby wasn’t a baby anymore either.
Even Penelope and Derek showed up, bringing a cake that said ‘happy retirement’ written across the frosting. They were happy for him, they shared the same excitement he had. There was a thrill in his eyes again as they asked him about his plans.
“Tell us about this Y/N you met,” Emily cut into the laughter to get to the serious topics.
“I’ve been going to the park a lot recently and I found this little reading nook by a pond. She was there with her daughter and they invited me over to their picnic,” he realized how fake it all sounded as he continued to speak. “Her daughter is wonderful and super smart, I took them to the Smithsonian on Sunday and I’m completely smitten.”
Everyone swooned, happy to see him finally finding someone that makes him gush like this. It had been a very, very long time since Spencer has told any of them about a person, let alone someone he was in love with.
“She is wonderful,” Penelope added, “she makes the best tea and she lives in a literal Disney movie.”
Spencer laughed, “yeah she does. They probably read more books than I have, they make so many references all the time and they even dress up for what they’re reading, it’s amazing.”
They were amazed by how giddy he was, unable to stop smiling at him, “here we dressed up for the museum, I was milo from Atlantis and she was the old man in Tarzan,” he pulled his phone from his pocket to show them the photo.
It was his background now, Y/N sent it to him when he finally went back to his place Monday night, knowing he’d miss them. Not wanting him to be alone.
He was beyond proud to show them the photo, beaming from ear to ear as they all complimented his attire.
“She looks like you,” Kate added, “must be the genius gene,” she added, making awkward eye contact with JJ as they both clocked it.
“She’s exactly like me, that’s why Y/N likes having me around, it’s good for Amoreena to feel normal with the way our brains work,” he spoke about her like she was his own. Forever grateful to have her in his life.
“So when are you proposing?” Matt teased him. Knowing the feeling of love like this all too well with his perfect wife and a handful of children.
“I’m not trying to jinx anything,” Spencer admitted. “I actually have a job interview at the Library she works at later, so I’ll be around here a lot more.”
“He’ll be moved in by the end of the month,” Tara smiled, proud of him and the courage it takes to follow your heart.
“I’m going to miss you guys,” he presses his lips together softly, nodding as he avoids eye contact with them. “But you can call me whenever you need my brain, I guess.”
Hugs were exchanged as Spencer had to leave, Derek even offered to drive him back to his apartment to help with 4 boxes of books from his desk, and to have a bit of a talk like they always do.
“It’s surprisingly easy to be a dad, all you have to do is be there and love them,” Derek shared a tidbit of advice
“She told me she doesn’t mind me being like Amoreena’s dad, but I don’t think I can yet. I want her to decide when she wants me in that role.”
Spencer explains his feelings the easiest to Derek. Like he was already in his mind and knew the thoughts before he said them, Derek was never mad or disappointed in him. He loved him fully, and Spencer loved him right back.
“Like when you chose Gideon?”
Spencer can only nod, it’s still too sad to think about him being gone. “You know what it’s like, you love your father but there are other people in your life who fit the role better.”
“Yeah,” Derek agreed. “You’re going to be great, regardless of the name she uses when she thinks of you.”
“Thank you,” Spencer smiled as they pulled up to his apartment, “you should bring Hank to meet the animals this weekend sometime.”
“He’d love that,” Derek smiled back at him, patting his shoulder lightly. “I’m really proud of you.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to do it if you didn’t first,” he admits. “You’re a strong man who decided to put his happiness first, I can be too.”
“You sure as hell can,” Derek wrapped him up in one last hug before sending him off to live that best life he was talking about.
The only person who didn’t know yet was his mother. He wasn’t sure how to tell her, he knew she’d be proud of him regardless but that anxiety of disappointing her never went away even now that he was 40.
“Hey mom,” he smiled when she picked up. “How are you?”
“I’m fantastic, Marge and I are going on a walk later to see some ducks that were born, I really love it here Spencer,” he could hear it in her voice. She was much more joyful when she was surrounded by friends.
“I’m glad to hear it.”
“you sound happy, what’s going on?”
She was his mother, after all, she could know exactly how he’s feeling from just hearing him breathe or being in the same room as him. It was like a superpower, she always knew what was going on.
“I met someone,” he can’t help but smile. “And I quit the FBI to have a family.”
“You’re kidding?” He couldn’t read her tone, not sure if she was surprised or disappointed.
“Her name is Y/N, she has a 7-year-old daughter named Amoreena who is exactly like how I was as a child, you’d really like them,” he explains and he can hear his mother's smile from his end of the phone.
“I would love to meet them, you can bring them to visiting hours next Tuesday?” Diana offered, genuinely happy for him in a way that made his heart burst.
“I’ll see if they’re free and I’ll let you know.”
“I love you, Spencer,” she reminded him. “It’s nice to hear you’re happy, that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”
“I love you too, thank you, mom, for everything.”
She hangs up before they can get too emotional, leaving Spencer inside his sad little apartment all by himself. Taking the opportunity to pack his overnight bag for Y/N and pick out some books from his collection to show Amoreena.
There’s an envelope sticking out of one of his books that manages to catch his attention, taking it out to see his name written on it in Gideon’s handwriting. He almost forgot he had this, how important the words were.
I knew it would be you who came to the cabin to check on me. I’m sorry the explanation couldn’t be better, Spencer. I’m sorry it doesn’t make more sense, but I’ve already told you. I just don’t understand any of it anymore.
I guess I’m just looking for it again, for the belief I had in college, the belief I had when I first met Sara and it all seemed so right.
The belief in happy endings. When you find that, never let it go, Spencer.
Don’t let this job do to you what it did to me, get out and get a life when you can. I have faith in you, till I see you again, take care, son.
He walked over to the window then, seeing a beautiful red and brown bird perched on his fire escape. He couldn’t help but smile, “I found my Sara, thank you,” he whispers to the bird who turns its head to the side before flying off.
Gideon always did have the best timing and the best advice.
“Y/N, your one o’clock is here to see you,” the receptionist at the Library said over the phone, hanging up and returning her attention to Spencer, “she’ll be with you in a moment.”
“Doctor Reid,” he hears her voice as she rounds the corner, appearing behind a stack of books in the most beautiful blue dress he’s ever seen. “Lovely to see you again.”
“You too,” he smiles.
“Right this way,” she can’t help but smile as she escorts him to her office.
“I don’t normally consider people who don’t send in a resume, but I have a feeling you’re going to be good at this,” she teased him as he sat at her desk.
“Allison is going on maternity leave in a few weeks, so you won’t start until she has the baby. If you’re serious about wanting this position, it’s only Monday through Thursday, 9 to 2:30.”
“You’re not going to ask me anything?”
“I don’t know if you know this, but the literary historian and I get to spend a lot of time together, I’d rather hire someone I know I already like,” she smiled again. “And it would be nice to see you every day without a 7-year-old taking all your attention away from me.”
“You just want to live out the fantasy of kissing someone in the encyclopedia section, don’t you?” He teased her right back, making her blush. “I knew it.”
“Sue me!” She laughed, and he finally understood what tinker bell meant when she said farries are born from the purest laughter.
He was in love with her right then and there, he was sure of it.
It had been under a week and yet as he stared at her, hearing her wonderful laughter and seeing her beautiful smile, knowing she wanted to spend time with him, that she genuinely liked him and none of this was one-sided, it made him fall harder than he thought he could.
“Come on then,” he stands abruptly, taking her hand and pulling her out the door.
She tries to giggle quietly as she follows him all the way back to the quietest section of the library. Most of the books on the shelves didn’t even have bar codes because they haven’t been checked out since the 60’s, no one needs them but they can’t seem to part with them.
She backs up against the shelf and pulls him into her space, he drops her hands and holds her face instead, looking at her beautiful eyes as they sparkled in the fluorescent lighting.
“I was expecting this to be hungrier than this when I imagined it all for all these years,” she whispers, biting her lip to force her smile back.
“You’re just so fucking beautiful,” is all he can say, brushing her cheeks with his thumbs lightly a few times before finally placing his lips against hers, ever so gently.
Her hands stretched around his back, pulling him in closer till their bodies are pressed together and then she’s kissing him deeper. Breathing in through her nose like she’s trying to keep him there forever, her fingernails dig into his shirt and he knows she wants more.
He slid his thigh between hers, opening his mouth to give her all the access she wanted and letting her take control of the speed. She wasn’t kidding when she said she expected it to be hungrier. She was kissing him like it was the first time she has had contact with another human being in years, and it just might have been. She said she was single for a while before Amoreena, probably the whole time since as well.
“Spencer,” she took a moment to gasp for air, breathing against his lips as he did the same. “Can we?”
He kisses along her jaw then, moving towards her ear to whisper, “do what? Use your words.”
“Anything, just touch me please, god it’s been 12 years,” she begged as quietly as possible, tugging at his hair as he nibbled on her earlobe.
He kissed down her neck making his way towards her chest. Holding her by the hips now, she arched her back into the shelf as he kissed all the way to where her dress started to cover her breasts but he didn’t stop. Kissing over her clothes as he dropped down to his knees in front of her.
He undid his tie, slipping it off his neck and handing it to her, “in case you need to scream into something.”
She held it in her hand for a second, registering what he just said and moaning softly in response as she held it closer to her lips, he took that as a yes and slipped under her dress.
She was wearing just a pair of regular cut pink underwear, not expecting this in the slightest when she got ready this morning. He kissed her over top of the fabric, spreading her legs so that he could kiss the insides of her thighs as she tried to desperately grind into his face. grazing his teeth against her skin as she shivers, thighs shaking in anticipation.
He kisses right where her clit should be under the fabric, knowing he’s correct when she whimpers around the tie he handed her. It's muffled and adorable as he kisses her again and again, knowing she wants more and teasing her gently.
He pulls her panties to the side, mesmerized by how perfect she is for only a second before returning to the task at hand. Being the first person to pleasure her in years, wanting her to have the best time possible.
With one hand he holds her panties back, using his other to slowly swipe a single finger through her folds to see just how wet she was. Smirking against her thigh as he’s able to slip right in.
“Please,” he hears her whisper, lifting the dress up so she could look at what he’s doing.
“Such a good girl for me,” he pressed the words against her skin.
He spreads her legs even further, resting one of them on his shoulder as he dives in, sucking her clit into his mouth abruptly as he pumps his single finger in and out. She jerks her hips at the sudden contact, stuffing the tie in her mouth and biting down as she whimpers.
He knows what he’s doing, where all the pleasure spots are and what feels the best on most women. Searching around and trying different tongue movements, memorizing the sounds she makes and attempting to hear them again and again, knowing it means she’s enjoying herself.
That’s all he wanted, to please her. Not even realizing how hard he was as he continues to eat her out furiously in the back corner of the DC Public Library. He forgets they’re even in public entirely as he moans against her clit, sending shockwaves through her body.
She’s quaking then, holding onto the top of his head with one hand as the other grips a shelf. She’s panting into the material of the tie, the hot breath making its way through the fabric and stopping the whorish moans he knew she’d make. It had been too long since someone treated her right.
He added a second finger then, wanting to push her over the edge as he curled them, finding her g spot and caressing it with every thrust of his fingers. She clenched around him then, a high-pitched noise left her mouth as she finished around him.
He couldn’t help but smirk, re-moving his fingers and cleaning them off in his mouth. Releasing them with a pop before dragging his tongue along her one last time. Gathering up everything she released and placing her panties back over her nicely.
He kissed over her underwear one last time before fixing her dress and standing up, “did I manage to fulfill the dream?”
She couldn’t help but laugh, looking like she was coming down from a real high, not just an orgasm. She pulled him in close and held onto him for dear life as she continued to catch her breath, and then her hand started to wander.
“Nope,” Spencer whispered, moving her hand away from his aching cock. “As much as I want to, I’d rather fuck you at home.”
“Home huh?” She teased him, kissing his cheek softly as she pulled back.
"I love you," he whispers against her ear, without a fear in the world that she didn't feel the same way.
"I love you too, Spencer."
They couldn’t stop smiling at each other, it felt surreal to be this happy. He kissed her a few more times, staying hidden in the back corner until the blood in his body let this dick and went back to where it was supposed to be.
She just held him in her arms, leaning back against the shelves as they kissed softly, running her hands through his hair gently, over and over. She whispered a few thank you’s to him, letting him know it was everything she waited for.
It was truly perfect.
Amoreena was so happy to see him back at the farm when she got off the bus, she missed him during the few days he wasn’t there.
She asked him to help with her homework, her teacher assigning them an “all about me” project to showcase their growth at the end of the year ceremony. It was almost June, she only had a few weeks left before she was off for the summer and free to show him around the whole kingdom.
Y/N brought out a box of craft supplies and a collection of photos. Showing Spencer every single moment of her and Amoreena’s life.
From her first sonogram to the first bump photo, she had and every maternity shot on the farm you could think of, to the day she was born, her first bath, first steps, chocolate cake shoved on her nose at her first birthday, everything. He felt like he watched her grow up in the blink of an eye, staring at all the photos while Y/N and Amoreena made a plan for her project.
She did look a lot like him, in some instances, she even looked like his mom. There was a look Diana would get when she was intrigued with something, or when she was trying to figure something out. She’d bite her tongue and tilt her head, and it was exactly what Amoreena did.
He never thought he’d see a child-like himself this early, he always expected someone to contact him at 18 and surprise him like Rossi. He really never, ever thought he'd have a child in his life who he was blessed with watching grow up. He never believed someone would have a kid so much like him and allow him to see the world through their eyes. He was amazed by how lucky he got, to be brought into an already happy family that wanted him, they didn’t just need him.
There was no need for a father in Amoreena’s life, she was happily living her life with her grandparents and her mother, explaining to him that she had a bunch of aunts and uncles, plus 15 cousins and they all lived close too. Her life was full of people to love her, and yet she wanted Spencer to love her too.
“Can I put the photo of us at the museum on here too?” She asked Y/N, looking at Spencer to see if he was okay with it too. “I already told my friends that you’re my dad.”
He felt like he couldn’t breathe, he didn’t want to cry in front of her so instead he just stopped all movement inside of his body and held it in. Looking at Y/N who was also a little emotional as Amoreena went back to looking through the photos.
Amoreena didn’t even notice how their expressions changed, she didn’t understand the weight of the words as she said them. She was oblivious to the hole in Spencer’s heart that she was filling with glitter glue, making him feel like he was whole again.
“Yeah,” he finally managed to speak. “I’d love to be on your project.”
“I know you said we don’t need dads but I kinda want one,” Amoreena’s soft expression made his heart melt even more. He was putty in her hands, willing to be whatever she wanted from him as long as he could.
“When did you say that?” Y/N asked softly, confused as to where she was when they had a conversation.
“The other morning at breakfast, um, my father left when I was little. It was just me and my wonderful mother until I was 21, then I found someone to call Dad. His name was Jason Gideon, he was my mentor and he made he feel like I was smart and loved,” he smiled, letting her know he genuinely meant it. “There’s a big difference between being a father and being someone's dad.”
“What’s that?” Amoreena’s innocent mind running wild as she tried to figure out his meaning.
“Anyone can be a father when two adults make a baby,” he said softly, making eye contact with Y/N as she blushed. Knowing where he was going with this. “But dads are special, they’re the people who are supposed to make you feel safe and loved. A person who you can turn to for advice and know he’ll love you no matter what you have to say. Dad’s are supposed to love you forever, regardless of what happens in life. Just like your mom does already.”
Amoreena leaned into his chest, pressing her head against him softly. He wrapped his arms around her gently, giving her the tiniest hug he’s ever given. “I pick you then, you’re the best guy I know and I think that means you’d be a good dad.”
Y/N silently cried, getting up from the table and walking into the kitchen so Amoreena wouldn’t see her sob. Spencer tried to widen his eyes so the tears he was generating would slip back into his tear ducts. Not wanting to cry as she held him.
“I’d love to be your dad,” he whispered, kissing her head softly as she held him tighter. “But first I’ve gotta check on your mom,” he whispered into her hair. Watching her pull away and look for where she was.
“Okay,” Amoreena shrugged, returning to her project as he wandered into the kitchen.
She was leaning against the counter when he walked in, her dress pulled up over her face as she cried into the material. Wiping her face as Spencer walked in and looking at him with the happiest smile.
She was laughing into her tears then, shaking her head as she sobbed, “why am I crying?”
He laughed then too, pulling her into a hug and spinning her around gently as she kept laughing. Her face buried into his neck as she smiled, he set her down gently so he could pull her into a kiss.
Her cheeks were all wet as he held her face, peppering kisses to her lips as they both tried to stop smiling.
“I’m going to miss hearing her call you Spencer,” Y/N whispered.
“Me too,” he giggled again. “But dad does have a good ring to it.”
tag list:
#spencer reid#spencer reid smut#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x you#spencer reid self insert#spencer reid request#criminal minds smut#criminal minds imagine#amoreena
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Hello Olive! 👋🏼
I don't know if you're still taking requests but I would love your help ! 🙃
So in multiple POV books, sometimes two scenes from two different POVs happen simultaneously. Usually, it’s much easier to portray this in movies and tv shows by cross-cutting scenes and interspersing them using the ocean's novel formula I think, to create suspens and tension in fight scenes or backstories parallelism.
In a book, my wip for example, I find it much difficult to convey the same feelings and tension in words.
Any tips and/or guidelines plz?
Could you plz add an example of your own creation just to see the result something like a cheat sheet /not that I'm using it, just to understand how I can go through it/?
Thanks in advance!!!
Hey anon!
Quick disclaimer - I write in single pov, so the advice below is based off of what I've seen, and how I would tackle it theoretically if it was something I was thinking of writing something like this. Similarly, because multi-pov is not something I particularly enjoy writing in (personal preference, nothing inherantly wrong with it), and it would probably take me several hours to produce a new work that was of much quality, I'm not going to include my own final example, though there are little tidbits below, as they became relevant. Also, this got long, hence the read more.
Alrighty into the good stuff!
So the first thing to consider is why it seems easier to pull off more rapid pov switches in movies. The main thing is grounding. Oftentimes, movies will put characters in situations where their background is at least somewhat different, and sometimes they'll mess with the music a bit (though not always). This makes it really easy for the audience to place where the characters are in a split second, which in turn means producers don't have to spend a ton of time re-establishing where each person is. This helps to keep tension up.
The thing with books is that we only have words to work off of - no visuals to provide readers with instant grounding. That means if you want to pull it off well, quickly grounding readers every shift is essential.
Parallel backstories are probably going to be a lot trickier to pull off in writing than they are in movies. The reason they work in cinima is that a) like we mentioned before it takes a lot less time to do the whole grounding thing, b) parallels are a lot more aesthetically pleasing when you can see them, but they can come across as repetitive when read, and c) dramatic time shifts like flashbacks are easier to pull off in movies where you can see that characters are visibly younger, but they tend to be disliked by readers, as it tends to disrupt forward momentum.
Intercutting stories with regards to backstory pretty much means you need to be right there with your character to see the backstory unfold. Which means flashbacks.
In some books, flashbacks are a key part of the narrative, especially if it's in a story where time is more fluid. However, if you only have one or two cases where you need to jump back, it has a much greater potential to look lazy. More often than not, it's generally considered a stronger story if you can find a way to intersperse backstory throughout the story.
It also means it's often more interesting to show their backstories, but let the audience come to the conclusion on their own that they're actually kinda parallel, and see how that affects how the characters turn out.
The next thing to consider when maintaining tension is pacing - the pull and push of scenes or even smaller beats that keeps a story dynamic. Even within faster scenes, you have places where you still make your audience wait, or else it'll be over too quick. Slower scenes still need to have some faster bits to maintain forward movement.
Each time you switch povs, you are creating a little bit of waiting time for the "non-active" pov. This is not a guarantee to establish tension, but it does help. To balance it out, make sure what's happening on the page keeps moving. Give your characters time on page to rest sometimes, but largely keep moving forward.
Another thing with pacing for multi-pov is that the longer you bench a certain pov, the longer it takes to get back in their head. So make sure to give all of your pov characters similar page time. They don't have to go in a specific rotation, but they should be balanced.
Some thoughts about making pov shifts that don't disrupt the forward momentum as much:
1 - Establish location before it becomes vital. This is actually something that is key to a lot of action scenes, because nothing breaks tension and immersion like the author saying "oh wait here's this detail that i forgot to tell you until now." Basically, set up the general layout and other necessary details when things are calmer, so the reader has a chance to set up a mental map of the place, and when things are more tense, keep readers spacially grounded by referencing what you've already established.
2 - To make it clear that things are happening at the same time, use references that can pop up in both povs. For example, maybe all the lights go out, or maybe in one scene, a character shoots a gun, and in the next (because pov switch), a character hears a gunshot going off. You're going to want a time, place, and pov reference right away to ground your readers (if you're doing third person, the pov reference could just be saying that person's name), and you're going to want to have a few space and time references as you go through the scene, so that when you do your next pov shift, readers can slot it into the correct chronological spot.
3 - Similarly, make sure that timing matches up. Your audience will notice these things. If two reference points in one pov happen three minutes apart in world, the same reference points have to take three minutes in the other pov too. Something that I HIGHLY suggest is before splitting up your povs, create an outline of what happens from an omnicient point of view, so you can make sure to get characters to the right place in the right amount of time
4 - You don't have to make each character's scene start and stop at the same in world time. This is what makes the aforementioned time references so important. However, if you're going to skip something like a character going from the kitchens to the dungeons because nothing really happens, you have to show that intention before you cut away, or else it's going to take a lot longer to re-establish where a character is.
5 - To keep tension up, mini cliffhangers can work in your favor. Maybe a character gets captured and they're about to discover who his captor is, but then you cut to the other character in a cell, trying to pick the lock before anyone notices.
6 - Remember that in situations like these, your readers will often have a better idea of the overall picture than your characters. If you reveal something in one pov, remember that you don't have to reveal it again in the other, unless it's a means to reveal more necessary information. Going to the example from point 5, maybe in the next scene, the captured character figures out that it's a trap, and that if anyone else walks through the door it will blow up. But the lockpicking one doesn't know that. So she's trying to get there and rescue him. Tension is created both because she has to do it without getting caught, but we as readers would know that if she manages to follow through, it will be devastating. The trick is that the thought shouldn't really cross her mind, because she has no way of knowing it.
7 - Choose your povs with purpose. Does the reader need to know something for the chain of events to keep making sense? Which pov will be privvy to the most knowelege? Does there need to be something ominous (like maybe a body falls past a window), but revealing why that happened would kill some of the suspense? Which pov would reasonably be near the window, but wouldn't be able to see or hear what was happening above? Also consider where it makes sense to bring in povs that haven't been in the spotlight for a little while.
8 - Remember that you can't cut as fast between povs at the same speed you can in movies because of that whole grounding issue. Give each pov at least a full scene to themselves, and sometimes a few so that we can actually see things unfolding, and then switch. If you create things that other povs can reference, even if only in passing, it will still maintain the experience of things happening at the same time.
Hopefully all of this made sense and gives you a better jumping-off point. Happy writing!
#writing#writing advice#writeblr#writing reference#multi pov#action scenes#tension#suspense#writing tips#ask#writing questions#dual pov#long post#movies#fight scenes#escape scenes#spacial grounding#olive's writing vibes
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holding on | emily prentiss x reader & spencer reid x reader | ch. 2: falling
Chapter Summary: The morning after the reveal of Emily’s death and a conversation with Spencer.
Contains: mentions of cat-calling and panic attacks, light kissing, grief and mourning.
Word Count: 2.4k
Comments: this fic is my new baby and i will nurture it to its end. this is gonna end up being a long story and emily won't reappear for at least another 25k so there's that! also look i gave a little flashback to their relationship! in case i didn't elaborate enough, spencer and reader are quite close and have known each other since elle left which ill get into in another chapter! so that's why she has some of his clothes and why he's so close to her and latching onto her. reader is going through it rn but she's shoving it aside which isn't healthy and not good in the long run so she'll have to adress it eventually but that's not now! she's kinda numb rn and trying to keep it together for spencer which is going... as well as one would expect.
i think my favorite line in this was "The song ends but the moment doesn’t." and "But all moments have to come to an end."next chapter, we'll be getting the rest of the bau team (yay!) and emily's funeral (💔)! reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! i love hearing feedback even if it’s something small!
also i’m gonna do a taglist for this fic so if you’d like to be added, send me an ask with the username you’d like to be tagged with!
masterlist | read on ao3
What am I now? What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling
What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling
- Harry Styles, "Falling"
When the morning comes, you wake up first on your couch and feel a crick in your neck. The night’s memories rush back to your mind and you immediately feel nauseous. You manage to very carefully separate yourself from Spencer and manage to make it to the restroom in time to vomit.
It’s awful.
You don’t even know why it’s still hitting you so hard when Spencer is the one that should be feeling like this. He’s the one that’s known her for years and you were nothing but a fling for her.
You don’t glance at yourself when you exit your bathroom, already knowing the state you’re in. When you enter your living room, Spencer is still out so you decide to do the next best thing you can for him.
You’re thankful that you already have some leftover ground coffee beans from the day before because you really don’t want to wake him up before you can put a cup of coffee in his hands. Going through the motions of making coffee and then a simple breakfast is calming.
You’re unsure if Spencer will be able to stomach anything if he’s anything like you are now so you make the lightest meal you can. When the coffee machine beeps, you grab two mugs and begin making the coffee the way he likes.
It’s as you’re making your own coffee that you’re interrupted by Spencer calling out your name. You turn around and find him rubbing his eyes and looking a bit better than when he first came in.
“Hey, Spence. I have some coffee if you want some,” you grab his mug at his nod and place it in his trembling hands, “it’s just how you like. Ninety percent sugar and cream and ten percent actual coffee.” A small smile crept onto his face at your joke and you’re glad you’ve managed to make him smile even if it’s just a little bit.
He sips on his coffee and you decide to plate the food that’s still warm onto your dining table. He follows and takes the seat across from you, mumbling his thanks. You both eat in silence for there are no words or fun quips to share with Emily gone.
Spencer is the first to break the silence. “Thank you… Thank you for last night. I couldn’t stay with my team after that. It was just too personal. I know I’ve mentioned it before but I’m the youngest of the team and though they mean well, they tend to baby me. I… I couldn’t handle it so I left them.” He pauses, fingertips tapping in a familiar tune on the ceramic mug, “I didn’t want to be alone and you’re the first person I thought of. I know you know… knew Emily and that you would just be there for me so thank you.”
He looks directly into your eyes as he says this and you know how serious this must mean for him so you reach out for his hand, which he extends for you, and squeeze it in your own. You have to articulate your response properly because you don’t want to scare him off by saying the wrong thing.
Maintaining eye contact, you speak, “I’m glad I was able to be there for you, Spencer. To be the first person you came to means a lot to me. I hope you know I’ll always be there for you, for the small and the big things. While I may not be as close… While I may not have been as close to Emily as you were, I will still grieve for her. Just knowing how much she meant to you is enough for me to know how much a beautiful person she was. From the little glimpses I’ve seen of her and the tidbits you’ve told me over the years, I know this is going to be one of the hardest things for you… and if you let me, I’d like to be there for you.”
He’s like an open book after you’ve told him your resolve, like the book you’ve reread more times you can count and the original copy has been worn down due with some of the passages long gone but memorized in your heart. His eyes are watering again and he’s out of his seat faster than you can comprehend and he lifts you up and his arms wrap around you tightly, as if you’re his lifeline.
He whispers words of gratitude into the crown of your head and you hold him back just as tightly, tears springing to your eyes. You’d do anything to take his pain away and if this is all you can do then you’ll do it willingly.
“I want you here,” his voice is low and wrecked, “I.. I don’t want to be alone. Please. Please don’t leave me. Everyone leaves, Please…”
You look up to him and grab his face gently in your hands, wiping the tears from his cheek as you say, “I’m not leaving, Spencer. I’m right here. I’m here for you always. I promise not to leave you. I’m with you. I’m here.” At this, he looks even more broken and only nods his head, breath hitching and his sobs ceasing for the moment. You know it’s not enough for him so you guide one of his hands to the pulse on your wrist.
“Count.” And he does, his mind focuses on the beat and it calms him; it reassures him you’re still alive.
When the minute is over, he looks significantly more calm and less likely to cry again. He looks at you like he can’t believe you’re really there and you pull him in again. Physical contact is meant to ground people and you only hope this helps him.
A shrill ring interrupts your thoughts and you know it’s Spencer’s because you’ve heard it many times before from him and Emily both.
He lets go of you to answer it and he tenses immediately as he hears whoever it is on the other line. He says a few things in response and his eyes become glassy again. He hangs up only a few moments later and turns to you.
“My team wants me to help inform Emily’s mother of her death so we can start planning her funeral…” He closes his eyes shut and his fingers clench into his palms. Slowly, you walk up to him and unfold his palms and find red, crescent indents on his palms.
“I can drive you…? I know you took the metro here. Let me help, Spencer.” He just nods and you lead him to the bathroom to help tidy him up. You turn the faucet on and hand him his toothbrush, your fingers lingering on Emily’s red one before grabbing your own. It’s a familiar routine and as you finish, you leave to let him use the restroom and wash up while you rack through your closet to find something he's left over to wear for the day.
You manage to find a striped brown button up and matching brown pants while you put on a simple outfit, a grey long sleeve with jeans and a pair of black vans. You knock on the door and he opens it after a moment and takes his clothes from you. You go back to your room to fix up your hair and after a while you deem it acceptable.
As you’re doing your makeup routine, you hear a knock then, “Are you decent?”
“Come in, I’m almost done.” The door opens and you catch his reflection in your mirror. He looks better but the despair that clings to him is obvious to you.
He lets a small smile fill his face and though it doesn’t reach his eyes, you still match it. “I’m surprised you still had this. I had wondered where this outfit had gone but I remember that when I stayed over that night I had to leave immediately and left it here.”
“Well, I wouldn’t just throw it away and I kept forgetting to give it back to you. It’s a good thing otherwise you’d be left in some sweatpants and a Star Trek t-shirt.” He lets out a small laugh at that and you’re grateful you’re able to get him to genuinely laugh.
“Okay, I’m done. We can head out now.” He follows you out of your apartment and into the passenger seat of your car. The ride is silent to Quantico, unlike the usual rides you give him where you play a new genre for him and for him to compare it to his classical music and talk about some facts of the music.
When you finally arrive, you both sit there. He doesn’t want to leave and face reality and you don’t want to be left alone with only the truth to haunt you.
Spencer breaks the silence once again, “Thank you for everything. I don’t know where I would’ve gone last night… If you can, can you pick me up later? I… I can’t be with the team right now. It’s just too fresh.”
“Of course, Spencer. Just send me a text a bit before and I’ll be there.” He nods and gives you a quick hug before leaving and your eyes follow him until he’s nothing but a pinprick in your vision.
Like a switch flipped, you can only think of Emily. It’s not fair that she… that Emily is gone, that’s she’s dead. You never thought this was a probability. She was always such an impervious figure in your mind, a larger than life kind of person. You knew it was a possibility in her line of work but it never crossed your mind that it could actually happen to her. She was a strong woman, never letting anything affect her and you can’t believe she’s gone.
You shouldn’t even feel this strongly for her, you’re not meant to be more than a friend to her but you can’t help but think of her as your lover. Every little moment you’ve shared with her flashes in your mind. One in particular stands out, one that had happened only a month or two ago.
“Ugh, Emily. We’ve gotta go or else tomorrow morning is gonna be hell for the both of us.” You drag her away from the bar and shoot a smile at the bartender who only shakes her head and mouths “have a nice night”.
“ No ,” she whines, “I don’t want to, babe. We were having so much fun. Let’s stay here and dance some more.” She grins at you, taking your hand and pulling you back into the crowd. You let her because you can never say no to her, not when she’s looking at you with those eyes and that smile.
Her mood is infectious and you let her have this one last dance. It’s not even a song you know but you think it might be your new favorite with the way she twirls you around and looks at you with affection and fondness.
Being with Emily is the best thing that’s ever happened to you, even if this is a temporary thing. You would do anything for her, even leave her alone if that’s what she wanted.
The song ends but the moment doesn’t.
“Okay, okay, Em. We really need to go now.” She pouts at you but relents and follows you out of the club.
Before you reach your car, she pulls you in, her hands cradling your face, and she’s looking at you in wonder, “Y’know I can’t believe you’re actually here. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. You mean so much to me. I hope you know that.” She leans in and kisses you. You savor every moment of it, feeling her smile against your lips. Like an imp, she grins widely and leaves multiple pecks around your lips, never quite touching.
It’s just you and her in that moment and she’s never seemed more lovely than in that exact moment.
Deciding that her actions are enough, you grab her by the chin and your free arm wraps around her waist so that she’s flush against you and slam your lips onto her own. Every emotion you’ve felt for her is poured into the kiss and you hope she can feel it. It’s passionate and messy and it leaves you wanting more.
She lets out a small moan when you move your mouth to pepper kisses onto her jaw and to suck on her sweet spot, sighing praises into her skin as if they’ll imprint on her, an irrefutable claim.
You’re not sure how much time passes between that moment but you only stop when you hear multiple wolf whistles and she groans before pulling away from you and yells at the offenders, “Shows’ over, you fucks!” Then she turns to you and leers, “We’ll finish this back at my place.”
You’re only able to nod and look at her in awe, “Emily Prentiss… what a woman you are. I’ll never be able to forget you know?”
She smiles even wider at your admission, and beckons you forward and of course you come closer and she admits quietly, “You won’t ever have the chance to. I plan on never letting you go.”
But all moments have to come to an end.
If only that was the truth because she never brought up the conversation the morning after. Whether she actually remembered it and shoved it aside or she genuinely couldn’t remember, you can’t decide what’s worse. You never mention it because you don’t want to ruin something that already works and now… Now you would never have the chance to find out because Emily was dead.
Tears well up in your eyes and you recognize the signs of an oncoming panic attack. It’s with a wet laugh that you realize that you were right, your dramatic thoughts from the night she texted you had come true.
Emily Prentiss would haunt you forever and you’ll let her if it means you’ll never forget what she sounded like or what each gleam in her eye or each smile meant.
#emily prentiss x reader#emily prentiss x female reader#spencer reid x reader#criminal minds fanfiction#emily prentiss fanfiction#spencer reid fanfiction#my writing#holding on
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asks :))
what i have learned today is that y’all wanna get fucked by some monsters...
What does nostos mean? What language is it in? 🤔 also I of course loved it, mind blown as usual queen
it’s ancient greek! it means homecoming, the idea of a triumphant return home for the hero after a long journey. i found it through looking at the root of nostalgia. in this fic of course it’s kind of a grim tongue in cheek play on it. the reader’s coming back to the mountains, but she’s running away after a bad breakup, and the welcome she gets is... shall we say less than ideal haha
Just read nostos-
First of all as a person who reads monster shit- hell ya. Mhm. That’s some good shit right there. That was DELICIOUS horror. It actually had me a bit nervous and afraid to read what was gonna happen next 😳
Secondly- omg I wanna know what happened next (at the end) 👀 know what I mean??? 😼
ANYWAY AS ALWAYS you never disappoint and your writing is fantastic (if/when you write horror yandere stuff again I’ll be there- frothing at the mouth. A+++++ work ILY💖)
you want me to write the monster porn, just say it bby ghfjdkshgfjkd but ty
Omfg that fic was so good!
Did the readers mom know about monster kuroo?? Or was she just worried because of the previous murder? And did Kuroo somehow manipulate reader into coming back to the forest or was it just a big coincidence? (👁👄👁 there's no such thing as a coincidence)
Looking forward to your future work <3
ty nonnie!! i didn’t have the right space for it, but after kohsuke was ripped apart and eaten kuroo stayed by the reader’s side until late in the night, only disappearing when he heard the reader’s parents/search party approaching. they found her lying in pools of blood (and scattered half eaten body parts), shaking and unresponsive – they knew no animal could’ve done something like that. so they knew something lurked in those woods, but considering the reader had repressed the memories, her mom couldn’t just come out and say it <33
You are an AMAZING horror writer!!!
The uneasiness I got from the conversations with the mom is just *chefs kiss*
ahh thank you!! horror is such a hard genre to write because i’m never sure if the suspense and everything’s gonna hit right haha
I read Nostos before going to sleep last night and at the time I was like “sure hope this doesn’t give me nightmares” and thankfully it didn’t lol. But I think I’m willing to take that chance again because it’s so GOOD and I think I’m just going to have to relive it – @ohno-otome
fhdjgbfhjkdfn i’m glad it didn’t give you nightmares bby!! but i also appreciate that haha, i’m an absolute wimp with scary movies and stuff but i just can’t stop watching them haha
I just wanna say that I was listening to "You're a psychotic villain playlist" on youtube while reading Kuroo's oneshot and I can't explain the emotions I felt, but I'd let Kuroo do things to me asdfghjkl – @itishebihime-samaforyou
ooh nice! sometimes the right playlist makes things doubly as fun haha
OH MY GOD!?!?! Nostos was soooo GOOD?!?!? Like it was so creepy (but in a good way), and scary and suspenseful!! And the ending!?!? Omggg honestly one my fav fics from you!! You did my mans Kuroo justice 🥺💖💕
TYYYYYYY i was genuinely concerned i was gonna scare everybody off haha
Ah! The new fic! Chiefs kiss! Magnificent! Bravo!🧚♀️✨🧞♀️🦖🦭🌹💫
tysm nonnie!!! <33
i’m pretty sure i’m in the same/similar timezone as you? and i do be staying up late to be one of the first to read your fics (i usually stay up late anyways). so imagine my surprise when i see you post in the afternoon. in conclusion, whether you post to align with your european and american readers’ timezone, my gmt+10 arse will still be one of the first to read your fics. also nostos sjdufigyyjf i have to admit, i recently just found out about monster fucking and nostos scratched the itch😫 i feel bad for kohsuke though
bby i always post at like 2-4 in the morning please get some sleep!! the fics will be there in the morning lmao. i kinda low key forget about my aussie/gmt+10 followers because i think there’s like... 3 of you haha
Honestly if i could give u a dollar everytime i got off to your fics, you'd probably be rich by now
lmao the idea that people find my fics hot enough to get off to still blows my mind lol
your newest kuroo fic was so SO good!! its totally okay if you dont want to answer this so you can keep things ambiguous but is monster kuroo planning on killing the reader after he's...done with them
thank you, bby!! but no, monster kuroo isn’t gonna eat her – he’s had plenty of chances to do that if that’s what he wanted, but he has other plans for the poor reader
RHI, I WANT TO STATE FOR THE RECORD THAT I AM OKAY WITH MORE MONSTER FUCKING IN THE FUTURE. i also want to say im not a monster fucker, but that just feels like a lie at this point. okay, now that that's off my chest, i love it. the mystery, the connections of kuroo to a cat. kuroo's probably gonna go and batter around his prey once they're under his grip like my cat does. hopefully the reader will come out somewhat unscathed, if they are ever allowed to leave 😌 love this, love how different it is, the way kuroo just tries to weasel in. very monster and yandere vibes, very you. have i said i love this yet?? id willingly let him get me drunk on his cock, maybe never leave the peace of the mountains again
‘i want to say that i’m not a monster fucker’ bby the denial will get you nowhere haha. just lean in and embrace it hgfjkdlkfgjnkdl ahh but thank you this is such a sweet ask ILY!!!
Omg omg the monster thing kuroo was in ur latest fic is so familiar to me abdhdmfnjfjf. I remember being told abt a monster with VERY SIMILAR characteristics to it (aka the not being able to go inside a house unless invited and using fire to lure ppl out) AND JFC IT TERRIFIED ME. Esp how when i told ppl around me and they didnt recognize what it was, but it was somehow known to the kid that told me abt it.
(Some ppl thought it was familiar but still didnt know what it was)
Do u know what im talking abt? Hopefully u do
GHFJDK so the monster in this is kind of based off the nekomata spirit in japanese folklore - they can appear like people, torment victims by reanimating the corpses of their loved ones, they’ve been blamed for forest fires, so it was just fun to use that as a basis and then go buck wild haha. anyway thanks for the ask bby!
Rest In Peace Kohsuke, you would’ve loved Haikyuu season 5😔✊– @joyvstheworld
poor kohsuke deserved better, i’m just mean to the oc’s i throw into fics haha
Monsterfucking ❤❤❤❤❤❤ a little annoyed you're making me simp for yan Kuroo though (a vibe tho tbh). You're so extremely talented!!!! &
This is probably a stupid question, but how did Kageyama react when he couldn't find y/n? How is life with yan Suga? I imagine probably awful BUT yknow maybe the stockholm syndrome set in fast lmao. Sorry, I'm going on a binge reading your stuff. - @oracleofdin
i will not apologise for making you simp for kuroo he deserves it the man’s a snacc. and as far as your second question, suga’s a very caring, very smothering kinda yandere, so i guess in some ways it’s better than what the reader had with kageyama but... pick your poison haha
That was so good. I’m so shook rn I can’t comprehend anything but how good that was and how good a writer you are
Ok, so, I just read Final Girl and the lil' ticket addition to it and just---
Well, ok I've been playing Dead by Daylight a lot lately? And I'm just picturing Tetsu as the newest killer "The Trickster" and I'm positively RANDY.
Your writing is ALREADY thirst inducing and just as satisfying, but this has SENT ME- If you're not familiar, please...
Understand my thirst. (I'd also like to clarify, I use a different skin for him that gives him black hair and he looks like Kuroo with an undercut.)
~ @the-casual-hedonist 🌸
i love how feral y’all got for final girl kuroo. like bo and akaashi had his fans, but i put a spiked bat in kuroo’s hands and y’all lost your goddamn minds and i love to see it. fghdjkvhfjdkls thanks for the ask bby
idk why but I love preggo reader as long as I don't pretend it's me 😢✋ I hate babies n pregnancy anywhere else other than horny haikyuu fics
i think that’s a valid thing for a lot of fans. the idea of breeding is sexy, the actual getting pregnant and having a kid thing... not so much. but especially with non-con scenario’s, it’s more about the aspect on control than the actual desire to have kids. but yeah, i feel you
Sorry to bother but uh was just wondering in fracture did Osamu kill his wife or was it actually an “unfortunate event” ? Love your work btw!!
he most certainly did :))
LMFAO RHI i totally get not liking cheating/infidelity fics (towards reader) bc IT HIRTS ME SO BAD I CANNOT HANDLE THOSE.
id be reading fics those fics like: tf you mean my yandere aimt gonna baby me and only want me??🤨🤨🤨⁉️‼️
EXACTLY! listen i get that it’s a fucked up fantasy, but in my fucked up fantasy you damn well better have the decency to be loyal smh
Finders keepers is the most beautiful thing I've read by you: I read it twice like I normally do and here's what I figured out the second time (that's when I analyze it and find the little tidbits of things that are much darker than they appear (: )
To start I LOVE THE DETAILS OF THEM NEVER TEACHING READER ANYTHING- at first I assumed "oh they might see her as a little sister or child or something" but realized thAT WAS THE ISSUE!! they infantilize her and isolate her from everyone but her group. the small details like that are what make the story amazing 😎💅
ahh thank you so much, nonnie!! pls this is making me soft 🥺
I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your writing and I hope you're doing well!!! Drink plenty of water and keep up the amazing work :) but seriously you're one of the best fanfic writers I've seen on tumblr! I read your "Imitation" piece about kuroo and i keep coming back to it, it's so good! I did want to ask if you think it'd be possible for the reader to ever escape with the baby (or at least attempt to). Or if Kenma would "help" at all just to put an end to kuroo's antics lmao
kenma would in no way help the reader, and tbh by that point if kuroo did get her pregnant, she’d be far too emotionally dependant on him to actually even want to leave, but thanks for the ask!
You know who I think would be a perfect Yandere in the JJK world? Choso.
🚨Spoilers Ahead🚨
After being locked in a glass jar for however long he was, and all that happened with his brothers, I feel like he would absolutely never let his darling out of his sight. He would be possessive. Obsessive. And Oh So delusional. Sure he’d be your anything - he truly is a softy - but to what end?🤤
choso would make an excellent yandere, ngl 😌
what au/troupe of your fav character(s) that you have written do you like the most?
(rlly hope this makes sense🙏)
i am always a slut for soulmate au’s :))
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Do tell about Nim, I couldn’t find much info about her through your blog and I am dying to know more about this werewolf lady
well grab a pint and sit yo booty down, cause our bard of the evening tonight is Nim and she's drunk as all hell and ready to weave some outrageous stories!! 🍻
in all seriousness, thank you for asking! 😭💗 she came about back in ye oldie days of hype over the 11th of november 2011, and since then refuses to give up the title of my fav oc!!
now, a Paarthurnax would say: lets-a go!
a quick recap of the events in Skyrim:
Naali Saryn was born sometime in 4E 130 on mainland Morrowind as a result of a quick fling between an unknown Dunmer girl and Lucien Lachance and Kassandra Saryn's (The Hero of Kvatch's) son.
Sometime in that year, the baby was found aboard a ship bound for Raven Rock and when no one came forth to claim her a couple of elderly and childless ash yam farmers decided to take her in until her family was found.
The family, of course, was never found, and so they raised her as their own for the next sixteen years. They called the girl Nim - short, sweet, meaningless, and easy to shout out into the fields where the little brat is out adventuring when the house chores are yet to be done.
Nim grew up alongside her best friend Teldryn (don't believe his tales about his past, there's a reason why he wears a helmet in his hometown). For years the kids dreamt of leaving Raven Rock behind and making it big in the big city. And idea which really annoyed Nim's ol' Nana, who believed that everything needed for a simple happy life was right here on Solstheim.
After one particularly nasty fight with Nana about the ordeal, Nim gathered a bag of things and slipped out in the dead of night to catch an early morning ship with Teldryn.
They stuck together for a while then went on their separate merry ways. He - to Blacklight, she - to Leyawiin. Once in the wild, Nim had to quickly figure out her place in the pecking order. The romantic life of crime seemed to be the most attractive for her, but getting on top could never be easy. Especially for a young, inexperienced, and naive girlie. So she ended up running with the wrong kind of crew. Ended up in some truly dark places. Barely got out alive. Learned from her mistakes. Wore the scars of abuse like armor and made sure that since that day no one in this world or any other would play her for a fool, use her or put a finger on her without her permission.
By the time she turned fifty, Nim was well known amongst certain circles as the kind of scoundrel, thief, bard, and wench one should not trifle with. But her luck had to eventually run out, and so it did on the night of the fabled Umbacano Mansion heist, which failed so badly Nim had to either leave Cyrodiil or end up in a Thalmor owned torture chamber.
Skyrim seemed like a perfect place. After all, in a kingdom torn apart by the civil war, no one would even notice yet another greyskin refugee, right? Well, the Thalmor did. And so she ended up on a cart bound for Helgen to have a date with an executioner. But then Alduin showed up to crash the party before he himself got rudely interrupted by another dragon, who swooped in to save the Last Dragonborn.
After the narrow escape, Nim concluded her duty to warn Balgruuf of the dragon threat and went on to start a new career as a merc with the Companions. She and Aela became fast friends and when the prospect of joining the Circle came up she gladly accepted a sip of her new sister's blood. To never again be helpless and weak? To rip apart any fool who'd take her for just another elf wench who can't put up a fight? Well of course it was worth giving up the ability to sleep and having to get used to all smells suddenly becoming ten times worse!
After that Mirmulnir showed up and ended up as another ornament above the throne in the Dragonsreach. And Nim got stuck with a title which she would wear with great discontent for years to come.
Eventually, she ceased trying to run away and hide from her destiny, accepted her role as the Last Dragonborn, and begrudgingly began her quest to save the world. On her journey, she met and became tight friends with Yollokmir and Alasil who taught her how to speak, fight and fly like a dragon. With their help she inherited Konahrik's legacy: his mask embued with his soul, his citadel far up in the mountains - the NebenLok Zeikangaar - and the right to revive and lead the order of dragon riders sworn to defeat Alduin - DovahDein.
As she gained power and the word of her great many deeds spread across Skyrim, she managed to get quite the following of fellow men, mer, and Dov, willing to follow her into Sovngarde and beat the hell out of Alduin. Alas, she failed. Twice.
At that point, Alasil informed her of a special someone who might be of help in their quest against Alduin and who might prove difficult to convince to join her cause. That was the first time in fifty years that Nim got to visit her home. Unfortunately, Solstheim had changed. And upon arrival, she learned that her Pa passed onto the realm of Azura soon after her departure, and her Nana... well, she wasn't young anymore and suffered greatly due to all the ash ruining her lungs... and when the islanders got called to the All-Maker stones night after night by a mysterious spell, she just worked herself to death. That was the only thing Nim wouldn't forgive Miraak for, not until he swallowed his pride and sincerely apologized for being responsible for his potential mother-in-law's death.
And with Miraak's help, they finally sent Alduin back to his Maker, enjoyed a few peaceful years until High King Ulfric became a bit drunk on his power and needed a good ass whooping as well. Then Miraak suddenly found himself as the new king and Nim... she just did her own thing. As always. The end?
Oh and all the while running about, gathering forces, growing her Dragonborn powers, hunting Dragon Priests and Alduin's henchmen, she also meddled with the Thieves Guild, put Karliah in charge and became her right hand, managed to become an advisor on all things dragon at the Mage's College, ended up teaching lute and songwriting at the Bard's College (she's taking a break since Viarmo can't seem to handle her teaching tactics), earned the title of Thane in every hold and became a good friend to the Dawnguard fellas (Isran is more than happy to teach her kids the ropes of monster hunting) after kicking Harkon's ass into Oblivion. In what little free time she has Nim also manages the Lakeview Manor and leases the ash yam farm back in Raven Rock for some extra cash. All in all, a busy woman!
and some tidbits about the dovahmom:
Although Nim is perfectly aware of her real name, she chooses to use the one given to her by Nana. Both as a sign of respect and because, frankly, she dislikes both the Sarynes and the Lachances, who are, in her humble opinion, just a bunch of pricks. Somehow, the ghost of her murdered grandad finds this opinion of hers kinda funny.
Her friends sometimes describe her as "cyrodiilic brandy in a cup of tea": she's this small elf girl with pretty blue eyes and a smile on her face and you think that she'll be very pleasant and cute and shy and then... then you realize she drinks like a sailor, swears like one too, can beat anyone into the dirt (thanks, Hircine) and doesn't take shit from nobody. She openly speaks her mind and doesn't give a shit about what someone might think of her. She does what she considers the right thing to do, never plays nice with those she dislikes, never pretends to be someone she isn't. She's feisty, sassy, brassy, and, quite honestly, just doesn't give a fuck.
Nim is in almost complete control over her inner beast, partly thanks to her draconic blood, partly - to the ring she got when she and Sinding had that little party on a moonlit night in that grotto. She only loses control over herself when both moons are full and thusly will travel deep into the wilds a few days before the magical night. This way the only people that might get hurt are bandits, necromancers, hags, and the like. She and Aela also managed to get a small werewolf pack going, named the Whitemane Pack after the old man himself and dedicated to those who wish to take control over their inner beast, hunt with honor, and cause the Silver Hand as much grief as possible.
Nim is raising Blaise and Sofie as her own since they both were just wee lil' war orphans (the babes are in their teens now). She never quite really knew why... Nim was never a wifey nor a baby momma kind of woman. In fact, she can't even have children in the first place and, honestly, always thought of this as a blessing - never having to worry about contraception like all those other girls and just having fun without a care in the world! Her friends sometimes joke around, saying that she might've finally "ripened" for the motherhood, but she doesn't care. She loves Blaise, Sofie, and Sissel (thanks, Miraak, you're so good at kidnapping children!) and is content with being their famous Dragonborn mom. Post-Alduin Miraak, however, is secretly annoyed for not being able to get her pregnant. Oh well, the man can dream...
Oh yeah! Nim plays the lute and sings too! It's a skill she picked up across taverns all over the continent when she realized that bards get free drinks and a bed, as well as ample opportunity to sniff out and seduce prey. And even though her days of hunting for good-looking rich fools are long behind her, she still performs in inns and taverns across Skyrim. Firstly, it brings in a fair amount of money, and secondly, it's good for her Voice! And also just plain and simple fun.
Also, people get terribly surprised when she, a Dunmer, doesn't act like one at all! Nim might've grown up in Raven Rock, a Dunmer settlement, but she spent the rest of her life traveling the continent and then living in Skyrim. She's more Nord-ish than some Nords! And the Nords actually really love it! It's so so easy to just get plastered with the homegirl, punch some faces and pass out on a heap of hay behind the inn, just happy to be alive on this fine snowy day. The only truly Dunmer thing about her is the occasional "n'wah!" which escapes her potty mouth. I mean, she doesn't even like sujamma all that much and would rather have a pint of mead! Whatever Ancestors she has must be spinning in their graves fast enough to generate electricity.
uuuhhh I think that's all the important stuff? i might've forgotten, in which case, I'll add it later... meanwhile, have some more Nim content:

^^^ the fanfic is slow, but it's moving... at a snail's pace. my advice: don't expect updates, so that when they do come, you'll be pleasantly surprised!
#thank u for asking abt the dovahmom#i am deeply touched uwu#💞#the elder scrolls#skyrim#dragonborn#ldb#dovahkiin#konahrik#oc#naali 'nim' saryn#bethesda#ask#my art#sketch#traditional doodle#ballpoint doodle
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You were going to be his
Prelude -
Pairing - Shouto Todoroki X Reader.
Warnings - uhhhh stalking? otherwise sfw.
Prompt - “There was only one thing in the world that made him feel, and that was you.”
https://youtu.be/Ep6nGsQjWGk This is the vibe of Shouto’s internal process.
I feel the need to explain? Shouto thinks he doesn’t “love” and all that cause yanno, lil emo boy. But in reality, he does love reader, just in an extremely dark, obsessive, terrifying way. His view of love was so skewed by his parents and he absolutely refuses to be like them. In his mind, he can’t make the same mistakes because in Rei and Enji’s relationship, they both had autonomy (at the beginning lol).
This is so slow to start I’m so sorry.
Todoroki Shouto never planned on falling so deeply in love. He actually never planned on falling in love in the first place. He had seen what love looked like, and wanted no part of it. The effects of his fathers love towards his mother had left her scarred emotionally; which resulted in Shouto becoming physically scarred. Love was too painful for the young man to have in his life. There were other, more important things for him to focus on, mainly his work as a pro hero. As soon as he had graduated from UA, Shouto had gone to work immediately. His father had envisioned his son becoming number one, but Shouto never deigned to progress into the popular hero rankings, not even breaking into the top two hundred. Many called him a “wash-out” or a “waste of a good quirk” but the comments never bothered him. Years of dealing with his fathers abuse had taught the man to harden his skin and ignore the hurtful words directed at him.
Instead, Shouto was content with a more laid-back hero career. One that allowed him to have long weekends and restful nights. His favorite perk of his slow-paced-work as a hero, was the fact that he had time to visit local shops and browse bookstores and chase after anything that caught his eye. Growing up under the stern rules of his father, the young man had never been allowed to have interests of his own.
With freedom, Shouto found that he enjoyed cat cafes, and turmeric tea, and he gained a hefty appreciation for reading. The man loved any subject he came across, from fiction to horror and all the way to (surprisingly) romance. He voraciously tore through every book he could get his hands on, which is how he discovered his favorite subject.
It had been his favorite type of day, a rainy one, when he first took notice of you. Rainy days were preferred because they warranted a warm drink while he read, listening to the soft plitter of rain against the large library windows. He had gotten immersed in a book about the intricacies and relation of nature and art, when some uncoordinated person bumped into the table he was seated at while they rushed past. His coffee had spilled over the book and into his lap, causing him to hiss in surprise as he dealt with the fact that not only was the book probably ruined, so was his chance of having kids. Worst of all, the person had run off, leaving Shouto to internally seethe as he was forced to try and clean the mess by himself. It was hopeless to try and dry the book, and he feared ripping it, so he went in search of a staff member.
You were organizing books on a high shelf, perched upon a little stepladder as you sorted through the titles. Shouto had to simply clear his throat to catch your attention, your eyes immediately falling on the coffee-soaked book in his hand. You quickly climbed off the stepladder as you assessed the situation, and Todoroki realized once your feet hit the ground that you were nearly the same height as him. Unusual, but not extraordinary. He followed you closely as you led him through the library, assuring him gently that “this sort of thing happened all the time”. That was admittedly a pleasant surprise. Shouto had expected to be made to pay damages immediately, scolded, and kicked out. Instead you were gentle, and kind, and your hands were so, so soft as they brushed against his when you gingerly took the soaking wet book from his grasp.
He didn’t know it at the time, but that’s when his obsession began to take root.
He started seeing you everywhere around the library. Always stacking books or organizing the titles, keeping your gentle hands busy. He had begun to subconsciously look for you, feeling unsatisfied and irritable if he left without seeing you through the aisles. Shouto always blamed it on something that disagreed with his stomach, or the weather being too warm. It never crossed his mind that he was beginning to develop feelings for the quiet little librarian. His quiet little librarian.
The day the realization dawned upon him had already been eventful for the hero. He was unwinding by picking up a short book of poetry, sitting in one of the many deep armchairs the library had scattered in a designated “quiet space”. It was merely coincidence that you were working on the other side of the space. Shouto hardly even realized you were there, but his subconscious mind felt safer while he was near you, and sitting anywhere else filled the pro-hero with a slight itch that something was not right. Shouto’s attention had been pulled from his book when a Patron began talking to you, asking in a loud stage whisper where the “smutty romance books were” You had blushed such a pretty pink, stammering out a reply as you directed the woman to the right aisle. Cute.
It was less cute when a male patron approached you a while later, Shouto unable to keep himself from frequently glancing at you and your still-pink cheeks. At this point, his book was simply a cover to keep the man inconspicuous as he slyly watched you. The other patron had been a much better whisperer, and despite Shouto’s keen hearing, he wasn’t able to make out anything other than the soft lilt of your voice contrasting with the rough hoarseness coming from the patron. Something was said that had you smiling bashfully, pointing the patron towards a shelf which they immediately wandered towards.
Shouto had to stop himself from ripping the book he held in half.
He had left shortly after, unable to sort out the myriad of feelings rushing and surging inside him. The man rushed home, unable to get your innocent blush and sweet smile from replaying over and over in his mind. Shouto wanted that to be caused by him; for him to be the one that flustered you and made you squeak in embarrassment, to watch your face scrunch up as you cried. He wanted those reactions to be because of something he did, not anyone else. He wanted you.
He needed you.
It was easy, really. Almost frighteningly so. Finding out your home address was as simple as following you back to your small apartment. Then it was a matter of coming back while you were working and picking the lock to get inside. This was elementary work for the pro-hero, and the man felt a surge of possessiveness as he thought about how accessible you were to others. What if he was someone who was breaking in with bad intentions? You didn’t have the capability to protect yourself.
He went through your mail, gleaning your name and other tidbits of information as he worked, the entire time thinking of how vulnerable you were. It had been effortless for him to get to this point. But then again, you were so naive and trusting you would probably let anyone in your apartment, like a lamb opening the gate for a wolf.
Shouto began following you. His weekends were no longer spent chasing after multiple interests. Now he only chased one. The hours he didn’t spend working, he spent watching you from a distance, taking care to stay out of sight so as to not scare his librarian. Shouto made sure that any man who did cause your heart to beat faster (whether out of fear or arousal) was taken care of quickly and silently. You didn’t deserve to have other men causing you trouble.
Over the months the young man learned so much about you. Every new fact or tidbit he gleaned cemented the reality that you were perfect for him. Shouto was still of the mindset that love wasn’t for him; love meant pain and absence and hurt. All he felt when he looked at you, when he was around you, was a deep warmth in his heart, and and need in his mind. He wouldn’t mess up like his parents, like his father did.
No, love wasn’t for him; he didn’t need to love you. Shouto was going to own you, possess you in every sense of the word.
You were his, and changes would have to be made in order to make you realize that.
Shouto began preparing
There was only one thing in the world that made him feel, and that was you.
If you were the only person in his life, he needed to be the only person in yours.
You were going to be his
#Yandere todoroki shouto#yandere#yandere imagines#yandere mha#yandere bnha#yandere shouto#oneshot#bnha shouto#todoroki shouto#shouto x reader#mha shouto#possessive shouto#possessive love#obsessive love#obsessive shouto#dark shouto#ew lol#why am i like this
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Control and Release - 31

Series Masterlist
TEDTalk!Sam x Reader
Summary: After the rest of the staff is caught in a snowstorm, you find yourself acting as a personal assistant to the notorious Sam Winchester. As the arrangement becomes more defined, you and Sam begin a sexual adventure with dangerous consequences.
Warnings: Dom/Sub, humiliation, embarrassment, sexual objectification, mutual masturbation, spanking, cum play, fingering, anal play, orgasm control, nipple clamps, dub-con, breath play.
Beta: @ilikaicalie
Parts 1-39 are currently available on Patreon for a monthly pledge of $2.50. This includes early access to all my stories, including Patreon exclusive content. >> CLICK HERE <<
“These are all my dirty secrets?” You look in trepidation at the folder on the table in front of you.
It’s thicker than anticipated.
“Everyone one of them.” Charlie is a perky, energetic redhead that’s the exact opposite of what you expected. Sam’s talked about her like she’s Sherlock Holmes, and to be honest you assumed she was a man. “Or least what I could dig up. I can confidently say that if I couldn’t find it, no one else will either.”
Glancing at Sam you open the cover and scan over the top page. It’s a basic list of your personal details, where you’ve lived, who you’ve dated.
“Is there anything we should be concerned about?” Sam asks. He slides his arm over the back of the couch behind you.
Charlie hesitates, looking at Sam and then speaks to you.
“Are you comfortable doing this with him here? I mean, it can get real weird real quick for both of you.”
“I can leave if you want,” Sam offers.
“No.” You swallow the urge to take him up on the offer. “No secrets, right? This is my life.”
“Okay.” Charlie opens her laptop. “There was a polaroid of you in your underwear at a party in your senior year of high school. But we had it taken off Facebook and I was able to purchase the original.”
“It was on Facebook?” You’re both horrified and impressed. You had no idea “How did you even find it?”
“It’s what I do,” she chirps, already moving on. “You’re pretty boring compared to the people I usually investigate. No DUIs or cheating. But you did date a man named Jasper.”
“Oh Jesus.” You want to crawl under the table. Your time with Jasper wasn’t as much a traditional relationship as a hook-up that lasted a year. He never came close to what you and Sam enjoy together, it was all about sex. “I’m sorry.” You turn to Sam who’s throwing you a terrifying, forced smile.
“Don’t be sorry,” he murmurs, a hand slipping over your thigh and wedging between your legs.
“Did you make a sex tape with him?” Charlie asks and you choke on your own spit.
“No, I mean, I don’t think we ever…”
“Is there a chance he recorded you without your knowledge?”
“Maybe.” You search your memory. Everything from that time is hazy, the two of you drank a lot. “I mean, I don’t know. You think he recorded me?”
“I think he has something.” Charlie’s attention switches to Sam and she morphs into all-business mode. “He was interested in why I was asking questions. When I made an initial offer for any videos or pictures he might have he acted like he had something. But I think he realized it was valuable and kicked me out of his apartment.”
“You offered the maximum?” Sam asks.
“Yeah, he didn’t go for it.”
“Double it and see what he does.”
“Got it.” She stops to make a note.
“He has a sex tape with me in it?” You’re not past this yet. You look to Sam who’s unreadable. “I had no idea. I mean I eventually realized he was a creep but I never thought he would do something like that. What if he posts it?”
“Don’t worry,” he nods, sliding a hand over your knee. “I’ll handle it.”
“Other than Jasper, you and Sam are actually the biggest potential issue. I read Cole’s report. It’s concerning despite your prior relationship. If the wrong person got a copy of his written complaint it would be damaging. I think you can expect the real story to revolve around the fact that Sam intervened when a mad man was shooting up the office. You can choose how you want to spin that. If you decide you want some heroic meet-cute to be the official story then I can erase any trace of your relationship before the shooting happened. If you want me to leave some crumbs confirming you were together prior, I can do that to. And if you want a lid on the whole thing, no problem.”
“People will care?” you ask.
“Oh, for sure.” She chuckles, looking at you like you’re a moron. “Sam’s personal life has been a lockbox. You’re the most interesting thing that’s ever happened to him.”
“Wonderful.” This would all be so much easier if he wasn’t so well off. If he hadn’t been quite as successful all these precautions could be avoided.
“Just tell me what kind of story you want out there and I’ll start planting the seeds.” She grins at Sam with a warm familiarity. Few people interact with him this easily. There must be quite a back story.
“We’ll talk about it,” Sam answers for you, shifting in his seat. “Anything else?”
“That’s all for her.”
“You have my background as well?”
“I do.” She pulls a thinner file from her bag and you look at him in surprise.
“She did one on you too?”
“Charlie has been the keeper of my secrets for a decade. She makes sure any possible indiscretions stayed buried,” Sam explains.
Charlie is looking between you and Sam, asking a silent question.
“You can say whatever you need to in front of her.” Sam turns to you. “You can leave if you feel uncomfortable.”
You find yourself suddenly nervous. Sam’s past is largely a mystery and you’re not sure if you want to know. Were there others before you?
“The woman you had a financial arrangement with is not a problem. It’s Madison I’m concerned about.”
Financial arrangement? That piques your interest but the conversation moves on.
“It’s been years. You don’t think she’s gotten past it?” Sam shifts beside you, betraying his discomfort for the entire situation. He’s rarely visibly distressed but there’s no covering this up. His reaction may be subtle but it’s there.
“She still Googles you once a week.” Charlie turns her computer toward Sam. You don’t understand you’re looking at, but he seems to. Sam takes interest in something on the screen and you feel him stiffen beside you. “She’s living in Boston again?”
“She moved back last year,” Charlie confirms.
“You didn’t tell me.” Sam’s tone shifts to his trademark disapproval but it doesn’t seem to phase the perky redhead.
“I update when I think there’s a concern. This wasn’t a red flag for me. She’s from Boston. Her father is sick. She got a good job at a tech firm. It looks to me like she came home to be near her family...or...”
“Or?” Sam asks.
“Or she came back to be close to you. It’s hard to tell with her. Madison has always been a wild card. You know how to pick ‘em.” Her eyes dart to you, offering an apologetic grin. “Present company excluded.”
You just sit there taking in these new tidbits of information. A trail of breadcrumbs that lead to the story that was Sam’s life before you.
“Do you think she would try to hurt Sam?” you ask and two pairs of eyes look at each other before turning to you. “Or me?”
“She’s not that kind of crazy,” Charlie assures you. “But she would love to embarrass Sam. Make things hard for him. She’s still pissed he cut her off.”
“I see.” You sit back as they continue talking details. You’ll have questions for him later but right now your mind is swirling. Your ex hook-up has a possible homemade sex tape of you doing God knows what, and Sam apparently hired a hooker.
“And what about Dean and my father?” Sam squeezes your knee, bringing you to attention.
“What about them?” You lean forward with interest.
“They’re hard to track.” Charlie closes her computer and sits back. There’s no documentation of this inquiry. Nothing to tie either of them to the wanted Winchesters.
“That can’t surprise you.” Sam nods. “But you’re good.”
“Yes, I am.” She offers a little bow of her head. “I had to track the weird to find them.”
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“They like the crazy stuff, ghosts, and monsters. So I kept an eye out for any weird happenings. Some lady in New Jersey claimed a sewer monster stole her baby. And you’ll never guess who popped up in town at some shitty motel the next day.”
Taking out her phone she pulls up a photo and holds it out for you and Sam to see. It’s a grainy security camera shot of Dean with a baseball cap pulled over his face.
“When was this?” Sam inquires.
“Six weeks ago. Your brother is staying along the eastern seaboard. Investigating paranormal bullshit in Vermont, Maine, Connecticut. Occasionally he’ll pop up in the midwest, but for the most part, he’s staying close.”
“To me.” Sam’s not asking, he already knows.
“Yeah, that would be my guess. I did a sweep of your office buildings, homes and so on. I found a digital hole in your home security cameras. Someone created a backdoor into the system so they could have unfettered access.”
“He’s watching us?” Dean’s been on your mind ever since the encounter in the kitchen over a year ago. But now it seems your concerns were in fact warranted.
“Maybe,” she continues. “It’s hard to tell with him. He might be watching. Maybe he’s visiting, editing the footage to cover his tracks. Or maybe it’s not Dean at all.”
“Who else would it be?” you ask, afraid of the answer. “FBI?”
“My father,” Sam sighs.
“It’s a possibility.” Charlie shrugs. “Unfortunately it’s impossible to tell what they’re up to.”
“What’s your gut instinct?” Sam asks Charlie.
“I think they’re keeping an eye on you...and her.” She looks you dead on. “If you want to know why your guess is as good as mine. They believe some insane stuff, Sam. End of the world, apocalypse wack-a-doo shit. They could just be trying to keep you safe. But there’s always the possibility of something else. Y/N was right to be concerned.”
“Perfect,” Sam laughs dryly, rolling his eyes. “This is the last thing I need right now.”
“I liaised with your new security guy. He knows what’s going on with your family, Madison, the whole shebang. He’s working on Y/N’s apartment and your house to seal the leaks. I’ll schedule a meeting for the three of us when you get back to Boston.”
“Sounds good.” Sam stands as Charlie collects her things and you stay seated. “Thank you for everything. As always, you’re invaluable.”
“That’s why you pay me the big bucks.” She laughs. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
“You too.” You wave her off, watching as Sam locks the door after her departure. He shoves a hand in his pocket, the two of you staring at each other in silence.
“What are you thinking?” he asks.
“Oh, more than you wanna know.” Running a hand down your face you categorize the evening. Sex scandals, stalkers, fugitives from justice...where to start. “You paid for sex?”
“Technically, no.” Sam walks over to sit on the couch across the coffee table.
“What does that mean?”
“It means I never fucked her.”
“Okay, but you hired a hooker?”
“And didn’t have sex with her?”
“No.” His jaws ticks. He doesn’t want to answer these questions. “She sucked my dick. She allowed me to do things to her, but I never fucked her. Would you like the details?”
“Jesus,” you sigh. “No. God...fuck. And the other woman, Madison, she was your girlfriend?”
“No. She and I had an arrangement. The same as you and I had when this started. She worked for W & S. It only lasted a few months. She became attached, somewhat obsessive. She believed we were more than our arrangement and I put an end to it.” He stares at you, still as a statue.
“Okay.” You hate the very idea of him with someone else. The thought of another woman makes you angry, but he’s being honest, and honesty is everything so you swallow the urge to take it out on him. “What are we going to do about your family?”
“I’ll give you the details as soon as I have them,” he offers. “We’ll have increased security.”
“Good.” Racking your brain you try to make sure you’ve covered everything. “Oh! Jasper, are you sure Charlie will be able to get that video...if there is one, I mean.”
“She has her ways and I have money. Everyone has a price. We just need to find his.”
You’re both quiet again. Things feel unsettled, awkward for the first time in a long time. And you only know one way to reset this feeling. There are times when having Sam in complete control makes you feel the safest.
“Sam,” you start, watching him sigh in response. He’s expecting more questions.
“Yes?” he asks, looking at you expectantly.
“I’d like you to spank me now.” This request makes your cheeks hot with anticipation. His face morphs from controlled irritation to pure lust, eyes narrow, a grin pulling at his mouth. “With your belt.”
“Take off your clothes and lay across my lap,” he instructs, already working at his buckle. “Get the gag. We can’t have you making too much noise.”
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Anyway, here’s info about my MCs for @shepherds-of-haven. I think I dropped enough hints in my Lovelace Day fic to connect who's who.
Name: Erigeron Keernyth / Nickname: E / Callsign: Rimefrost
Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him / Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 26 / Heritage: Elf / High Stat: Nerves of Steel / Low Stat: Bright Mind
Weapon: Dagger / Specialization: Elementalist / Education: Circle trained
Tarot: The Emperor / Wreath Day: Ashar 17
Description: A tenacious, self-assured Mage who desires nothing more than vengeance against evil. Tall and muscular, he wears a sardonic face until there’s word of an Endarkened. Then, his green gaze fills with delighted bloodlust before his silver-crowned head disappears out the door.
Fragments from the past:
Climbing up to the treehouse in Vale, letting his legs dangle over the side and kick out at nothing in particular
Bedding down for the night in a dense part of the woods, huddled with his clanmates for warmth and safety
The aftermath: a vow made on the blood he angrily spit through his teeth
Sharpening his dagger in a leaky tent and counting down the days to the end of this job, while the bigoted noble he was escorting snored incessantly in a cushy wagon
The first time he killed an imp, how easy it was to render the limbs apart, and the frustration that it wasn’t enough to make him feel better, that he needed to be even stronger
Art: Picrew
Name: Zoegea Keernyth / Callsign: Diamond
Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her / Sexuality: Straight
Age: 24 / Heritage: Elf / High Stat: Razor Wits / Low Stat: Nerves of Steel
Weapon: Gun / Specialization: Shifter / Education: Circle trained
Tarot: The Lovers reversed / Flower Day: Loa 22
Description: A withdrawn, evasive Mage who is fixated on a dangerous pursuit. Svelte and poised, she has a calculating hazel gaze. Curling ashen tresses are drawn into a high ponytail, nearly to her waist, and out of the way when she’s experimenting with substances beyond her control.
Fragments from the past:
A quiet glade, on a detour the caravan took one summer, but she’s never been able to find it since
Eavesdropping on Elvish conversations, picking up tidbits of gossip and information, mostly for her own amusement
The aftermath: the last time she allowed herself to be horrified, grasping for logic and finding none
Her familiar dorm room in the Circle, the drawers filled with scribbled notes in a cipher of her own devising, desiccated roses, and the wrought leftovers of one project after another
The cold gaze of that smith whose doorstep she haunted for a few weeks, warning her never to get too close as metal scraps were tossed her way
Art: Picrew
Name: Kalmia Metella / Callsign: Serenity
Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her / Sexuality: Demisexual
Age: 21 / Heritage: Hunter / High Stat: Razor Wits / Low Stat: Silver Tongue
Weapon: Bow / Specialization: Healer / Education: Self-taught
Tarot: The Lovers / Flower Day: Ysk 10
Description: A gentle, sensitive Mage who struggles with a definitive place in the world. Waves of dark hair, except for a streak of pure white, cascade down her back and contrast with intense violet eyes. Despite a soft-spoken exterior, she demonstrates a surprising willpower under pressure.
Fragments from the past:
Her childhood bedroom, only adorned with some bundled flowers and herbs that her mother taught her how to dry
After the funeral, Father explained she’d be alive for so much longer than everyone else in Maj would, and his face blurred in a flood of anguished tears
The aftermath: uncontrollable shivering in despair, fearful stumbling in the darkness, wondering if she was going mad
His sticky voice and stickier touch, but at least, all that’s left are memories and those can’t hurt anyone else
The Sweetleaf Shop in Leore, the kind voices of the women living there, the earthy scents of freshly made tinctures, words of comfort and perseverance
Art: Picrew
Name: Linaria Enris / Nicknames: Lin, Lina (I recognize the irony and I’m so sorry, if it helps it’s with a short i) / Callsign: Insight
Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her / Sexuality: Straight
Age: 21 / Heritage: Ket / High Stat: Bright Mind / Low Stat: Razor Wits
Weapon: Sword / Specialization: Enchanter / Education: Self-taught
Tarot: Justice / Flower Day: Leph 40
Description: A sincere, empathetic Mage who yearns for a greater purpose. Her plain brown hair is fluffed around her ears and over almond-shaped eyes the color of chocolate. An earnest worker, she usually has a thoughtful, polite expression, but her laughter can be heard easily too.
Fragments from the past:
Lighting candles by the windows and reading quietly, keeping vigil for Dad until his rough palm awkwardly patted her head
Trying to do chores the way Mom used to, hoping to prove she can take care of the house on her own, no need to worry
The aftermath: essentially catatonic, until dawn came and she realized how cold she was
A bookseller’s stall, of incense and a sour voice complaining about his arthritis and insisting she keep the books he’s stolen, until he abruptly fired her for reasons she still doesn’t know
Scribe jobs in later years, her hands cramped and smeared with ink, her smile fixed on even as she received only a fraction of what she was owed
Art: Picrew
Name: Gentian Arke / Callsign: Messenger
Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him / Sexuality: Demisexual
Age: 27 / Heritage: Ket / High Stat: Silver Tongue / Low Stat: Razor Wits
Weapon: Sword / Specialization: Binder / Education: Self-taught
Tarot: The Hermit / Wreath Day: Kthili 24
Description: A reserved, considerate Mage who hides deep-seated guilt behind a soft smile. His long locks are mistaken for black unless in full sunlight, where it reveals its bluish sheen. The sea is reflected in his kind gaze, and his agile build has been wracked with battle scars over the years.
Fragments from the past:
Running along the shoreline, feet splashing in the retreating waves and a salty breeze in his face, without a care in the world
Joking around with his cousins, winning gonen games, and fishing for the best catch
The aftermath: broken and hollow and worthless
That one time he had to crossdress in a ploy to retrieve his captain’s long-lost trinket from a gambling tournament and his alias became known as a devastatingly infamous heartbreaker, much to his eternal embarrassment
Fighting corsairs on rain-slick decks or bandits on the mail routes, numbly pondering over just giving up someday, but never managing to do it
Art: Picrew
Name: Alcea Keernyth / Nicknames: Als, Alci / Callsign: Lacewing
Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her / Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 22 / Heritage: Elf / High Stat: Bright Mind / Low Stat: Nerves of Steel
Weapon: Dagger / Specialization: Conjurer / Education: Circle trained
Tarot: Wheel of Fortune / Flower Day: Camoa 35
Description: A bubbly, affectionate Mage who has an appetite for anything interesting. She often dashes to her current destination, wherever that may be, leaving the impression of flying golden chin-length curls. Her gray eyes sparkle with curiosity and enthusiasm, never entirely quenched.
Fragments from the past:
Coaxing vividly colored butterflies into her hands, pretending to wear them as if they were jewels
Peeking her head out to take in every sight they passed by, her parents humming traveling songs, lulling her to sleep
The aftermath: immediate denial, it’s all a terrible dream
The library in Capra, thumbing through so many books and cursing that she wasn’t an inch taller to reach some of the higher shelves, eventually stacking the fattest tomes she’d already gone through as makeshift stairs
A trio of ragtag burglars, barely into their teens, rummaging through some noble’s room, while she kept an eye out for anyone who’d throw them back into jail
Art: Picrew
Name: Valeriana Stiln / Nickname: Valia (only if you earn it) / Callsign: Exacter
Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her / Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 23 / Heritage: Norm / High Stat: Nerves of Steel / Low Stat: Silver Tongue
Weapon: Bow / Specialization: Battle-Mage / Education: Journeyman
Tarot: Death / Flower Day: Zellea 38
Description: A fearless, practical Mage who nurses a jaded outlook on life. Dark red hair is gathered into a hefty bun more often than not, and long-lashed onyx eyes critically survey everything. She walks with a brisk stride full of intent, her capable hands bearing calluses from labor and old fights.
Fragments from the past:
Mother combing her hair in their morning ritual, “I love this color so much, Valia, you should keep it long”
The poison-dripping fangs of a snake the Westwood kids found in a trough, then its scales spattered with blood as she lifted the nearest axe and chopped it to pieces
The aftermath: repeating no’s, louder and louder, building to a drawn-out scream, until her throat was raw
After so many years, finding some bottles of the cologne Father wore and spending a half year’s worth of her mercenary’s pay, always dabbing a few drops on her wrists and neck
White-blond hair and a tattooed insignia, any tendrils of affection withered by that crystal clear scene of betrayal
Art: Picrew
Name: Senna Tulward / Callsign: Guardian
Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her / Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 23 / Heritage: Norm / High Stat: Silver Tongue / Low Stat: Bright Mind
Weapon: Gun / Specialization: Diviner / Education: Journeyman
Tarot: Temperance / Flower Day: Coppersun 6
Description: A congenial, faithful Mage who searches for a new place to call home. She has wavy chestnut hair falling a little past her shoulders, and an amiable amber gaze. She typically sports a pleasant, carefree smile, and her statuesque frame is actually very sturdy and athletic.
Fragments from the past:
Singing hymns she knew by heart and clasping her mother’s soft hands in the neighborhood’s temple
Cinnamon and warm honey on her birthday breakfast toast, Father sneaking her an extra slice when no one else was looking
The aftermath: confusion and failed searches, calling out the names of people who would never answer
Magic lessons under a starry sky, her teacher’s careful voice over the melody of crickets, the smell of campfire smoke, her warm sleeping bag
A dry ruin, whirling gritty sands, the sniffling lost little girl and a bleating goat she’s taking cover with, villagers hurling accusations and bullets at her upon their emergence from the storm
Art: Picrew
#shepherds of haven#i can't do photoshop so it's just text and picrews#yes they're all named after flowers#at least one good thing about having 8 of them is that they each get a different birth month#i organized them by tarot and then it just ended being organized by picrew as well#high stat low stat is included for how they approach problems and what they can't pull off#and all the combos are unique so i'm happy about that!
15 notes
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February 2020 Angel Fish Awards

Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle @mrswhozeewhatsis or Mana @manawhaat to check and make sure we got your submission.

There are NINE (9) stories this month with more than one nomination!! Be sure to check through all ninety (yeah, that’s 90!!!) nominations!!
Nominated by @flamencodiva
Frat Boy (series) by @luci-in-trenchcoats
This is one of my all time favorite stories by Michelle! It was one of the first ones I read when I joined Tumblr. it is a really good read and I recommend it highly!
A River In Egypt (series) by @crashdevlin
Holy crap this is another amazing fic by Cassie! I mean the way she writes Sam’s inner monologue is amazing! and the rest is yet to come!
Darken (series) by @impala-dreamer
I love Beka’s Stories! This one is my absolute favorite! and my god was it angsty as hell and I ate it all up!
Nominated by @becs-bunker
The Accidental Sexter (oneshot) by @scorpiongirl1
OK, where to start with this one?! I honestly sweated my way through reading it. It was so hot and steamy and let’s be honest, even over 40, Dean can get it anytime. This just proves it!🔥🔥 Some accidents are so worth it, that one sure was!
Nominated by @erins-culinary-service
Call of the Ocean (series) by @flamencodiva
This is the first mermaid! Reader fic I’ve read but I’m loving it so much! It’s a collaboration fic, but the chapters go so well together you can’t even tell. It’s also a super slow burn and I know will be 100% worth the wait.
When You Fall (series) by @flamencodiva
This is such an amazing and dark fic. READ THE WARNINGS THOUGH!! There are a lot of things that could trigger someone, but if you do read the story it will leave you wanting more are the end of every chapter.
Fighting For A Future (series) by @flamencodiva
*Uncontrollable screaming noises* that’s the only way I can describe how much I love this and how excited I get when I see an update about this fic!
Running With Wolves (series) by @waywardrose13
This series rips my heart out every single chapter and I always come back for more because how could I not? It’s an angsty A/B/O fic and I can’t wait to find out how this ends since there’s still so much left in the fic to explore.
Nominated by @fictionalabyss
Privacy (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten
Can I nominate this glorious piece of work for the AFA!? It gets right to the point and has you looking forwards to that climax at the end and what gets him there.
Porch Swing (oneshot) by @myinconnelly1
omfg. The angst was almost subtle until it wasn’t. Ripped my god damn heart out.
Unexpected (oneshot) by @tumbler-tidbits
When I wrote Sleeping with the wrong Winchester, there was next to nothing for small dick Winchesters. You don’t know how happy I was to find this in the pond! I LOVEEEEEE small dick Winchester fics. WE NEED MORE!
Never In Fact Homeless (oneshot) by @slowdownsugar
Perfect. It’s just perfect, that’s all that really needs to be said here. It’s short, and sweet, and utterly perfect.
You Can’t Save Them All (oneshot) by @sorenmarie87
It’s an older fic that I had forgotten about until I stumbled on it again. Its easy to picture the scene, her playing the piano with a broken heart, and Dean just being there so she isn’t alone. still beautiful.
Meeting Mr. Smith (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten
Alpha!Dean Smith is just so.. *happy sigh*
Back to Him (oneshot) by @focusonspn
That ending really made this fic for me. It’s such a Dean ending. The determination to put his pain aside and and get someone back.
One Night Lover (oneshot) by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
As always, I’m sucked in, and I can’t look away. By the end, I’m heartbroken and trying desperately to pick up the pieces and while begging to make it better.
Till the End of Time (oneshot) by @girl-next-door-writes
This made me so happy you don’t even know. I loved this. I love the idea of this. I just- I love this.
The New Sheriff (series) by @iflostreturntosteverogers
I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS TO START POSTING! Bad ass female main with a cowboy!Dean? Fuck yes! Get hyped, and get reading. *impatiently awaiting chapter 2*
Nominated by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
We Know (oneshot) by @icequeen6666
Randomly came across this fic and, well, anyone who knows me won’t be surprised I couldn’t say no to a good dose of pure angst. I loved the pace in this oneshot. It was quick, but still managed to keep the suspense. And the ending broke my heart, as always.
Too Late, Now (oneshot) by @theholyfoxface
I don’t read many RPF’s but this one sucked me right in and there was nothing I could do about it. It was a beautiful combination of heartbreaking and heartwarming in a way I’m not sure how to describe properly. Yet, the author managed to do it absolutely perfectly.
You Scared Us (oneshot) by @theholyfoxface
Always love reading fics by fellow guppies and shining a well deserved spotlight on them through these nominations. This one I enjoyed very much. I loved the way Dean was portrayed as the more reasonable one while still being his stern self, trying to get things done his way.
You, Me & The Devil Makes Three (series) by @supersassyprobablysad
This series is very intriguing. I love the OC’s wit and the overall backstory of her and her siblings. Definitely going to keep an eye out for the next chapters to find out how this mystery will unravel.
Porch Swing (oneshot) by @myinconnelly1
Well, this sure broke me into a million pieces. I’m a sucker for angst and this piece of writing certainly delivered. It’s sad but it’s gorgeous and I’m in love.
A Day at the Cabin (oneshot) by @cloverhighfivewritestoo
All the fluff. This is so sweet, after reaching the end I went back and read it a second time right away. I would also like to say that Sam being the little spoon is something I can 100% get behind. Pun intended.
Let Me Go (oneshot) by @foreverwayward
Though the ‘Always keep fighting’ part definitely got me bad, I was an absolute fool thinking that would be the hardest part. This was so beautifully written, I don’t quite know what to say. I guess the heartbreak I’m feeling after reading this is all on me, since there was a fair warning given right at the top.
Notes (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage
I stumbled across this fic and I just…… wow. Apart from the signature amazing writing from this author, which I keep getting blown away by, I just really loved the idea for the plot. The way it was set up with the secret blog and the notes while the brothers acted like they had no idea. I’ll say it again: Wow.
Nominated by @kittenofdoomage
Control and Release (series) by @thecleverdame
I lost five hours of my life to this beauty. It’s so perfect. I can’t even find the right words to describe how perfect this is. If you love Sam, and you’re into BDSM, or even if you just like really amazing smut, you need to read this.
The Oath (series) by @thecleverdame
This story is dark, so heed the warnings, but it is another brilliant masterpiece. Absolutely fantastic.
Call Of The Ocean (series) by @flamencodiva and @anathewierdo
There aren’t many mermaid AUs out there, so this is a rare gem. The story that these two are weaving is intriguing, angsty, funny, and just plain awesome. I’m really enjoying reading it and can’t wait to see what happens.
Just A Number (oneshot) by @crispychrissy
I adored this oneshot for all the following reasons; the reader is a badass, Dean is spot-on, and the smut was h-h-hahmazing.
Bury It (series) by @crashdevlin
Heed the warnings on this one, folks, it is not for the faint-hearted. It deals with some brutal themes, but it’s fucking awesome. I’m really enjoying seeing the journey from Dean’s perspective, despite how completely fucked up it is. lol
What Goes Bump In The Night (series) by @saxxxology
If you haven’t heard of Saxxy, you are missing out, especially where it comes to her Sam A/B/Os. This series is no exception to her amazing level of work; it’s dark and twisty and just beautiful.
All Our Sins (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
It’s smutty, sinful, delicious - you just can’t go wrong.
Nominated by @impala-dreamer
Cherry Red (oneshot) by @dontshootmespence
I’m trying not to nominate you every month, but geezeus… HOLY HELL THIS IS MAGIC SMUT RIGHT HERE. ughhhh i’m a little … emotional about this.
Also, your writing is amazing in this. Like, it FELT like an old timey film and I dug that so much. Great, Great work.
‘He stares up with rapt attention, watching the curve of her body as she places herself over his knee; he’s pretty sure he’s died and gone to heaven, but he’s been to heaven before and it ain’t this fun.’
That line is magic. Mhm. Love it.
My Brother’s Keeper (oneshot) by @cleighwrites
I don’t trust a lot of people to write Wincest with the respect and soul-level love that I believe it should be written with, as such, I don’t read a whole lot of it, except from certain people.
THIS IS PERFECT. It’s hurt/comfort Wincest, which is my absolute favorite, and then you somehow made Sam into the perfect needy sub, and it was so well written and respectful to the idea and the characters and just… it was really really well done. Bravo. Thank you.
Dutiful (oneshot) by @stusbunker
Ya know that scene in Julie & Julia where Julie is trying to describe what eating an egg feels like for the first time and Amy Adams gets all like wide eyed and swoony and licking her lips and just…
Yeah, that was me reading this. God, that was good. Just… I can’t really explain it but I FELT it. Really Really good work.
Nominated by @sorenmarie87
Roots (series) by @manawhaat
I wish I could submit all three parts for a nomination because this mini series featuring JDM is so sweet and fluffy <3 Mana really knocked it out of the park.
More Than Anything (oneshot) by @iflostreturntosteverogers
This fic in particular, I know that Carrie was gonna through a rough time and who doesn’t love a good comfort fic? I know I do.
The New Sheriff (series) by @iflostreturntosteverogers
It’s no lie that I love AU’s and I was so excited when iflostreturntosteverogers said she was gonna write a Western AU. The set up for the first part is perfect and Sara, the OC girl - I would do anything for.
When You Fall (series) by @flamencodiva
I had this particular fic on my list to read for such a long time, and I’m glad I finally read it. The plot is a little heavy but I highly recommend this one. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for future parts.
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Anything and Everything (oneshot) by @rockhoochie
I said this in my reblog of this story, but I want to say it here, too: This is freaking BEAUTIFUL! I had to look up the song quoted, and this is just so perfect for that song, and the song is perfect for this story. *throws kudos at Sarah forever*
Nominated by @supersassyprobablysad
Gods of Twilight (series) by @thecleverdame
It was an excellently written and refreshing take on the ABO concept and I really enjoyed it!
Protector (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss
It’s only 3 chapters in but I already can’t wait for the next one. I’m super excited to see where this goes and imagining Dean as a biker does all kinds of things to me lol
Lemon Drop (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
It’s basically PWP BUT it is amazing none the less. Who knew that a Hypno Kink could be so hot?
Nominated by @fangirlxwritesx67
More in the Mortar Than the Pestle (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
This is one lush, sexy story featuring Dean and the always-gorgeous Rihanna. An absolute treat!
Seasons (series) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
I don’t know how I missed this series but let me tell you, no one should miss it! I read the first chapter and wanted to wait, read the rest slowly, slowly. NOPE. I dropped everything, sat right down and read it ALL. It’s a beautiful Dean Winchester x OFC, told in an amazingly creative non-linear format, with chapters that follow the seasons of the year as well as the seasons of their relationship. It’s MJ, so of course I don’t have to tell you that her Dean is spot on, every detail is perfect, and the sex is mind blowing. Just - read it. But be aware that once you start, you may not be able to stop
Try (oneshot) by @there-must-be-a-lock
Look, honestly, Winchester baby fanfics are a dime a dozen. Which makes this one stand out all the more for how good it is. Lou describes it as “flufftastic smut” and it is, it really is. The sex is smoking hot, of course, but there’s so much meaning and emotion to it. I’m a Sam girl anyway, so the whole thing is just *swoons* *cries*
Nominated by @princessmisery666
Magnetic (oneshot) by @crashdevlin
Only a few words yet gave me all the feels. Exactly how I imagine Sam would be *swoon*
Just A Number (oneshot) by @crispychrissy
I am taking part in @beccaanne814 reblog challenge and it’s all about finding new authors and sharing each others works but I think this maybe the third fic of Chrissy’s I’ve recommended because she consistently writes stories I love and this was no exception. She gives me all the feels, laughing, crying, anger, sad. Basically I’m a huge fangirl and I don’t have to right words to express how much I love her work.
Nominated by @wingedcatninja
Good Literature (series) by @peridottea91
I don’t normally have the patience for a series, especially one that is still being updated. Thank goodness I signed up to beta this one because I would have missed out on some truly outstanding writing. The story is compelling, the characterization is on point, and the OC adds an intriguing layer. This could easily be a story arc on the actual show, and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys classic SPN.
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Shackled (series) by @itmighthavebeenintentional
Valerie has long been one of my fave fic authors and one of my dearest friends. This was such an unexpected but welcome deluge of poetry and imagery. I was on the edge of my seat and breathless every time she sent me an updated Gdoc.
Please, if you read nothing else this month, READ THIS.
Nominated by @mummybear
Rules are Rules (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
As soon as I read this fic i was hooked!! I have reread it at least four times at this point!! I freaking love it!! MJ is incredible and so is everything she writes! Since tumblr ate the stupid ask i sent her after reading, I figured I could do this at least :) Much love honey!!
Nominated by @supernatural-jackles
The Fun Behind Conventions (oneshot) by @focusonspn
I came across this bad boy while searching for something else and man was I excited to read this. This fic is hot as hell! Very very NSFW, but holy! There is nothing hotter than this kind of sandwich! It was so well written and the attention to detail left me… let’s just say I’ll be going back to reread this one! Amazing!!
The Accidental Sexter (oneshot) by @scorpiongirl1
This had everything I was looking for! Humor wrapped in a hot fic! Dean accidentally sending a naughty picture shouldn’t be this much of a turn on but this is - this is freakin’ awesome! Words can’t do this one justice! Please, just read this one and you’ll see exactly what I mean! Absolutely awesome story!
High School Bullshit (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss
I don’t know why this one struck me as much as it did. I read this one, then I lost it until I was thinking about it. I searched high and low trying to find it again so I could reread it! I really enjoyed this one because I could relate to it in some way. Never feeling like I could get the hot guy I had a crush on because of high school bullshit. I can definitely relate to this reader and it was nice to see something like this in a fic and have an outcome like it does! Awesome job!
Nominated by @thelittleredwhocould
What Lurks Beneath the Surface (series) by @saxxxology
I. Love. Soulless. Sam. So. Fucking. Much. Also there’s a line about Sam’s nose in the first chapter and I feel. Attacked. So rude.
What Goes Bump in the Night (series) @saxxxology
I love me some dark A/B /O and this series hits all the right buttons. Angst, a dark and gritty world, Alpha!Sam (*heart eyes*). It’s just ugh. So good.
About a Boy (series) by @percywinchester27
I think this series is going to be in my Hall of Fame till the end of time. Ana’s plot pulled my in from the first chapter and I’m so excited to see where this series goes!
There’s Something Strange (series) by @alleiradayne
I found this on AO3 by accident and immediately fell in love. The case is super interesting, the characters are well done, and over all I really enjoyed it.
Her Saviours (series) by @bamby0304
Been doing a lil reread of this series and rediscovering how much I adore it.
I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) (series) by @teamfreewill-imagine
I will forever recommend this fic to anyone who will listen. It’s the only RPF fic I’ll read and it’s just. SO GOOD.
Nominated by @myinconnelly1
Tighter Harder Faster (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Alright look this was just straight up dirty. Ok, what else can I saw but that I needed a cold shower after this.The Girl I Knew
The Girl I Knew (oneshot) by @emilyshurley
Uh, what can I say here? I have never been so honored to have fanfic written of my fanfics before, but emilyshurley has given me the highest medal, in the absolute cutest way imaginable.
Gods of Twilight (seires) by @thecleverdame
This fic was binge worthy. I could put my phone down and I simply wanted to hurry onto the next chapter. Seriously don’t read it if you need any time to adult.
The Private Invader (oneshot) by @negans-lucille-tblr
This was some dirty below the belt cheating. It was amazing, and I just was like *heart eyes* the entire way through.
The Truth (series) by @negans-lucille-tblr
While this type of fic is not normally my go to, it truly grips you and puts into the minds of the characters. I was actually scared and ashamed of myself feeling like I had done something wrong, when it was the characters.
Nominated by @tumbler-tidbits
Everything (series) by @there-must-be-a-lock
Sweet Holy Effervescent Jesus this is the hottest thing I have read in a long time! Its raw and messy and desperate, and SO fucking delicious! Lou even managed to get some fluff in too! Do yourself a favor and binge this fic! (just make sure your alone and have spare panties)
Bottle Service (series) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
This is one of my longtime faves, and it never disappoints! My girl MJ captures the true intimacy between the characters and a smut fic has never sparked such emotion in me. It’s beautiful, and passionate and there’s a sequel! It’s called Full Service and it is equally amazing!
Worthless (oneshot) by @maddiepants
This one just ugh *sobs*. Erica captures the struggle of self-harm in this fic very well. Its heartbreaking and soul shattering, but it also reminds you that you can’t trust those voices in your head, and that there is someone who cares about you. TW: thoughts of suicide and self harm.
Hard To Love (oneshot) by @maddiepants
I’m a sucker for a good song fic and Erica does this one justice! She really captures Dean’s self-hatred and really makes you want to wrap our favorite hunter in hugs. My bestie has a gift for the angst, but she gives you fluff too.
His Property (series) by @negans-lucille-tblr
This fic is glorious! There’s angst, fluff, and smut so hot you’ll be a melted puddle of arousal. Believe it or not Bee also managed to make me hate one of my favorite Supernatural characters! There is a definite twist in this one :)
Since You’ve Been Gone (series) by @negans-lucille-tblr
This series quickly captured my heart. I don’t remember what it was that captured me but the mix of fluff, angst, and smut certainly kept me around! The best part? There’s a sequel called “Now You’re Here” and in March she’s releasing Part three of the Trilogy!
Ask Me (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten
This one is another favorite of mine by my girl Ash! This hits so many of my kinks there are not words to describe the hotness. In fact I’m pretty sure my reblog contained gifs and keyboard smashes lol. Read it! You’ll thank me!
With Wolves (series) by @bamby0304
This one is a classic favorite! This fic was my first foray into the A/B/O world AND series works. I was still somewhat new to the fandom and tumblr when I discovered it and I was immediately hooked! I love the way Amber has incorporated our favorite characters into this alternate universe while still maintaining their cannon personalities. It’s an emotional roller coaster, so buck up and enjoy the ride!
Spanner in the Works (series) by @bamby0304
This one has a special place in my heart! It makes me smile and squee and just overall make a fool of myself. It’s incomplete right now because Amb is on hiatus, but there are seventeen AMAZING chapters that you can read right now! I just love it, plain and simple.
Cupid Can Shove His Arrow Right Up His... (oneshot) by @bamby0304
Since it’s February, I thought it appropriate to share this yummy piece! Holy Fucking shit I LOVED THIS! The attitude, the sass, the fucking innuendos… THE FUCKING! Jesus Christ on a crumbled cracker, This one killed. Go beg Amber for MORE of this! And make sure you say PLEASE! We need to see ALL those scenarios played out… Read this one in privacy ladies and have a helper handy.
Wrecked (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
JFC if this isn’t every Jensen girls fantasy! This one just ruined me! Wall sex, hand over your mouth, soft nips and kisses *shudders* give it a read!
Our Little Secret (series) by @sis-tafics
If you’ve got a kink then Jill’s got you covered 😏 This 25 chapter serious has it all! A little angst, a dash of fluff, and whole lot of smut! Each chapter explores a different kink between Dean and the Reader from the Readers point of view while Dean tries to show her how beautiful she is. I recommend you take the time and read the series in sequence, y’all will not regret it!
Midnight Blue (oneshot) by @rockhoochie
This Fic was so fucking amazing! Precise and descriptive words paint an amazingly vivid picture that fills all your senses! You can actually see, hear, smell, and feel the things going on between the reader and Sam! I could be biased since this fic hit nearly all my kinks *fans self* but indulge in this extremely passionate sensory experience for yourself and read it!!
Bruised (oneshot) by @wayward-and-worn
This is oddly sweet and fluffy with a hen pecking Dean, and absolutely fucking hilarious at the same time 😂😂 I love it!
Not Letting Go (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage
Whoo! I love a good A/B/O fic and this one is delicious! Just enough smut to please you and leave you begging for more!
The Maddening Empty (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Whew. I don’t know if it’s my praise!kink or my dom!kink but this little number right here had me wishing I waited to read until after work! This ones a panty ruiner folks!
Notes (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage
JFC this piece is a dream come true! What would you do if Sam and Dean discovered your smutty fanfiction? Well this hot little number lets you know exactly what they would do!
The Mirror (oneshot) by @wheresthekillswitch
This sweet little drabble speaks volumes for those of us who have insecurities (read: all of us!). Short, sweet, and to the point! Hold your head high.
Only One Woman I Trust (oneshot) by @georgialouisea
This is just absolutely precious! You think you know what’s going on but there’s a surprise! This one will rot your teeth ❤️
Inked Up (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten
Ever want to know what goes on inside Dean’s head when he sees a hot girl? This fic is super hilarious and totally fluffy! I love Dean’s internal struggle to keep himself in check 😂 this one is fun!
Hunt Hard Play Harder (two parts - link is to Pt. 1) by @rockhoochie
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! This is…. this is just. WOW! Holy Hell I can barely breathe. This one gives you Dom!Dean AND Sub!Dean and both are equally sensual and erotic! There’s even a surprise ending! Which had my pulse racing… Whew 🔥 My bitches y’all will love this one!
Mr. Quackers (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
They say that crack is whack, well in this case quack is whack 😂😂 This little drabble with have you laughing until you cry, it’s just that ducking funny! (See what I did there?)
Holding On (oneshot) by @idreamofplaid
This is so beautiful and so painful I was teary eyed! They never really show us how the boys deal with their inner demons on the show, but Robin does a phenomenal job of painting that picture!
Clear Your Mind (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Oh sweet smiling sinner this was miraculous! So soft, so gentle, so loving… this was Sam making love to the reader and the way he takes care of her makes it that much more passionate! Ladies and gents THIS is how you take care of your lover! Fucking love you Beka!
Thunder Rolls (oneshot) by @amanda-teaches
This was intensely passionate! The sex is hot but the love behind it really makes it great! The authors use of super descriptive descriptions of your pleasure will have you clenching your thighs!

Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
These are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
#afa masterlist#angel fish awards#spnfanficpond#fan fiction#fanfiction#fan fic#fanfic#spn fan fiction#spn fanfiction#spn fanfic#supernatural fan fiction#supernatural fan fic#supernatural fanfiction#supernatural fanfic#fic rec#spn fic rec#supernatural fic rec#spn fan fic
113 notes
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Nobody but You - Chapter Two
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x plus size female reader
Warnings: cussing, slow burn
Requested?: Yes by @tyferbebe in regards to this post
Author’s note: first person narrative (reader), third person narrative (Pedro); this includes a song - lyrics are indented; date idea and insert of song was a suggestion by the wonderful @tyferbebe
Nobody but You: Chapter One
~ ~ ~
“Dress comfortable,” Pedro’s voice is smooth in my ear.
I roll my eyes and groan. “Dress comfortably? Really?”
Pedro laughs, “we’re going somewhere exciting! Though it’s little bit of a car ride, but I promise – it’ll be worth it.”
I sigh lightly, “alright. Okay.”
“Great! I will pick you up around three on Saturday. See you then!”
“See you then,” I remark before I’m listening to nothing.
I place my phone on the counter as my heartbeat returns to normal. Or I think it does.
Pedro and I are going on a date. A date. A date?
Oh, fuck. What have I gotten myself into?
I sigh as I finish my dinner of leftover Chinese food from a couple of days ago. Work’s been busy for the last few weeks. Pedro and I haven’t had time to see one another privately. He was called out to California for The Mandalorian and I got pulled into a project at work so the only thing we could do for the last few weeks was talk on the phone.
I had thought about the kiss we shared for days on end, still think about it now. My mind had wondered endlessly about his hands roaming my body – traveling over my skin, touching every curve.
I had moaned thinking about him sitting at my desk one day and Kay looked over at me with a raised brow.
“What ya thinking about?” She had asked.
“Nothing,” I had mumbled.
She had smirked and laughed, “thinking about the kiss?”
I had rolled my eyes, “whatever Kay.”
She had giggled lightly and returned to her work.
Now I hover my thumb above her name in my phone. I press the green button and place the call on speaker.
“Y/N!” Her voice is full of sunshine and rainbows.
“Kay,” I sigh.
“What’s wrong?” Her voice turns to concern instantly.
“Pedro told me to dress comfortably for our date. Which could mean anything!”
“He say anything else?”
“Bit of a car ride.”
Kay sighs, “could mean anything sweetie! Maybe to throw you off?!”
“I don’t know what to wear!” I sigh in frustration.
“It’s springtime Y/N! Dress for warm weather but maybe cool weather too. Maybe some capris or comfy jeans and a comfy top. Make sure you take a jacket. Your phone, some money, a condom.” Kay snickers.
“Oh my god! Really Kay?”
“What?” She nearly shrieks in laughter. “Always be prepared sweetie!”
I blush and sigh, “thanks for the help.”
“You’re welcome! Maybe I should stop by Friday night?”
“You have a date. Don’t skip it on my account.”
Kay smiles, “text me pics of some outfits! Love ya sweetie!”
“Love you too. Bye.”
I walk to my bedroom, turn towards my closet. I open the door and look at all the hanging clothes.
I sigh heavily. I don’t know where to begin.
Pedro parks the car he’s borrowing along the curb outside Y/N’s building. He checks his watch, notices it’s only 2:30. He’s early but he couldn’t wait to lay his eyes on her.
He hasn’t seen her in a few weeks and missed her every day. Missed her soft mouth, her plush curves. Missed her eyes looking at him in bewilderment after they shared a kiss in her apartment.
The kiss. Pedro’s mind thinks of the moment he brushed his mouth against hers. He had been waiting a long time to do so. Was afraid of what her reaction would be.
Pedro and Y/N’s friendship had blossomed out of a chance meeting inside a bookstore. He had liked her instantly with her dazzling eyes, beautiful smile, and quiet laugh. He had wanted more with her back then, but he settled on being friends.
He watched as men walked into her life then left just as quickly. He had sat with her, helped her eat ice cream and watch sappy movies. He had gone out with her and Kay to drink to get her mind off the broken heart. He had watched other guys approach her, make her smile, make her laugh. He had hated himself for not stepping up and making it known he wanted her sooner than now.
Pedro gets out of the car and heads inside the building. He makes his way up and knocks on her door.
“Hold on!” Comes her muffled voice from the other side.
Seconds later Y/N opens the door and smiles widely, “Pedro.”
Pedro steps in and cups her cheeks. He brushes his mouth along hers. He pulls her close and deepens the kiss.
Y/N puts her arms around Pedro, returning the kiss as eagerly as he is. She moans lightly against his mouth as his tongue sweeps across her soft lips. She lets him in, and Pedro returns the light moan.
Pedro and Y/N stand wrapped in one another as they let their mouths fuse together, soaking in one another after weeks apart.
Pedro’s plush lips are soft against mine as he kisses me deeply. His tongue dances with mine as his arms tighten around me. I never want to let him go.
I need to breathe. I pull faintly away and smile.
“Pedro,” I sigh happily.
He smiles at me as he runs a finger across my lips. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
Pedro looks me over.
I am dressed in comfortable blue jeans and a cotton purple shirt (approved by Kay), along with a light jacket. I was dressed and ready to go hours ago. I had spent most of the day staring at my phone and catching up on some T.V. I was aching to see him, to touch him, to know this is real. To know what we are doing today is real. A date. An actual date with the man standing before me.
My eyes roam his body. He’s dressed comfortable as well. A loose-fitting short sleeve maroon button down top, khaki shorts, and a pair of TOMS. A pair of sunglass sits atop his head.
“You look overly comfy,” I mutter.
Pedro shrugs, “I know where we are going.”
I laugh and grin, “well I don’t mister. So, if I am wearing the wrong thing you better tell me now.”
Pedro grabs my hand and kisses the top of it. “You’ll be fine. Are you ready?”
“Yes,” I sigh making sure to check my pockets. Phone, money, condom. I make sure it’s tucked tightly in my jeans. There’s no way in hell this man needs to know I have one – but hey, you never know.
Pedro pulls me towards the landing, “let’s go then. Come on!”
“Okay,” I smile as I close the door behind us and lock it.
We walk down flights of stairs and into the warm air and shining sun of a Brooklyn spring. I’m able to smell fumes and gasoline but I can also make out the smell of cherry blossoms. My street is adorned with the beautiful blossoming white petal trees.
Pedro pulls me towards a car I’ve never seen before.
“You’re driving?”
“Hey now! Just cause I’m a New Yorker doesn’t mean I can’t drive.” He laughs as he walks over to the driver’s side, placing the sunglasses over his eyes.
“Mhm,” I hum under my breath.
The thought of him driving might’ve crossed my mind but I guess our date is a bit of drive. He wasn’t throwing me off when he told me that tidbit of information when he called a couple of days ago.
Pedro looks at me and smiles, “we want to get going Y/N. We need to get a good spot.”
I sigh and open the passenger side door. I slide in as he does the same.
Pedro starts the car, “buckle up. Safety first.”
“Of course, mister Pascal,” I remark sarcastically as I grab the seat belt and buckle it, “definitely going to need it.”
Pedro grins and shakes his head. “Find some music. I’m the pilot and you’re the D.J.”
I smile as I turn on the radio and we begin the car ride to the surprise he has waiting.
Two hours later Pedro pulls off the highway and drives through Southampton. People are walking the streets, carrying chairs and coolers, making their way towards the beach.
Pedro looks over at me and smiles, “concert on the beach.”
I look over and smile back, “my kind of night.”
“I have a few things in the trunk too.”
“Like bikes?” I joke. “Parking’s horrendous.”
“We’ll be fine,” Pedro remarks as he pulls into a parking lot near the beach.
“You know it says customers only,” I point out the sign.
Pedro grabs my hand and kisses it, “it’s fine.”
I roll my eyes, “says the man, who when we come back, won’t have a car.”
“Trust me. We are fine. We’ll have a ride home.”
Pedro parks the car and gets out. He walks back to the trunk as I get out of the car. He notices my eyes go wide as I notice what’s inside.
“A picnic Pedro?” I whisper.
He opens the cooler and basket, “with some of your favorite junk food, and mine. Grab something, please.”
Pedro and I grab things from the trunk, close it then make our way down the street and towards the throng of people. Towards the laughter and chaos of people finding spots to set their chairs, lay their blankets. Children running after one another, some splashing into the crystal blue waters of the ocean.
I smell the ocean air as we make our way towards the far end of the beach. I notice couples sitting up their own little picnics, smiling at one another, kissing each other lightly.
“Perfect,” Pedro grins as he finds a spot with not many people around.
“You sure we going to hear the band from back here?” I ask with a smile.
Pedro brushes my lips, “I’m sure.”
We unfold the blankets and lay them down.
“Good evening Southampton!” A voice carries down to our ears from the stage.
The crowd erupts in cheers.
“This special concert is for all you wonderful people! Here they are, our favorite local band Exit 32!”
The crowd erupts again as music begins playing from the stage.
Pedro watches her smile and move to the music. She’s carefree and beautiful.
He smiles to himself wondering why he hadn’t had the courage before now, well before a few weeks ago to ask her out. It appeared she never wanted more with him, yet he did but the night at the bar when she had turned her back on him and walked away, he desperately hoped she’d turn around. But she didn’t.
He had hated seeing her sad, hated seeing her heart get broken. Didn’t like the men who used her then walked away with caring about her and her feelings. In the years Pedro had known Y/N, he had never seen her truly happy with a man, and he wanted to be the one to change it for her. He wanted to be the forever man, the one to be with her for the rest of her days.
Pedro opens the cooler and hands her some food.
She smiles widely, “thank you.”
Pedro and Y/N settle in for the evening. Listening to the music of the band playing anything from country to pop, hip-hop to classical. They watch people dance and laugh, hear people sing along to their favorite songs.
They enjoy being in the presence of one another as they take in the sights, sounds, and smells of their first date.
The sun begins to sink behind us, and I try to sear everything to my memory. I don’t want to forget this date. The best first date, in my opinion, of my life. It was perfect.
Listening to a local band, sitting on the beach, enjoying junk food. Being with someone I want to be with because I want to be with them. Not someone who will eventually toss me aside.
My mind starts racing at this thought. I need to push it aside.
Pedro and I have been friends for years, he would never do such a thing. Would he? He wouldn’t! My mind is firm in this accusation.
Pedro wouldn’t toss me aside after…
He’s seen me through many heartbreaks. Sat with me in my apartment eating from ice cream containers watching sappy movies with me. Listening to me cry and groan over the most mundane things a romantic movie could do to make people feel happy. He’d tell me there are more fish in the sea, others who will see me for me.
No, I think, Pedro wouldn’t toss me aside. He knows how my heart will break if he does.
I’d lose him forever. I’d lose a friend, a close friend. I’d never recover from a broken heart if Pedro was the one doing the breaking.
“Want to dance?” Pedro’s voice interrupts my fast thinking thoughts of negativity and doubt.
I clear my head. The music the band is playing sounds familiar to me. It’s soft and romantic. It’s “Just a Kiss” by Lady Antebellum.
“Yes,” I whisper as I take Pedro’s outstretched hand.
Lyin' here with you so close to me It's hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe Caught up in this moment Caught up in your smile
Pedro wraps his arms around me then runs the back of one hand down my cheek. Goosebumps cover my flesh instantly. His coffee colored eyes look at me, look into me.
I've never opened up to anyone So hard to hold back when I'm holding you in my arms We don't need to rush this Let's just take it slow
His lips are pillow soft as they sweep against mine. His hand travels into my hair as he pulls me closer to deepen the kiss. My hands travel up his arms, across his broad shoulders. I loop them around his neck as my fingers weave themselves through his hair.
Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight Just a touch of the fire burning so bright No I don't want to mess this thing up I don't want to push too far Just a shot in the dark that you just might Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight
My body is flooding with heat and pleasure. I’ve never felt more alive and beautiful in this moment. Pedro’s awakening me in ways I never thought possible. I want him, need him. I never want to let him go.
I know that if we give this a little time It'll only bring us closer to the love we wanna find It's never felt so real, no it's never felt so right
Pedro’s free hand is traveling down my side. It’s light but I still feel his touch through my clothes. He goes over the curve of my stomach, the thickness of my hip. Waves of goosebumps keep covering my skin. I shiver in his arms and he pulls me closer without removing his mouth from mine.
Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight Just a touch of the fire burning so bright No I don't want to mess this thing up I don't want to push too far Just a shot in the dark that you just might Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight
I am lost. I don’t want to be found. I never want to be found. Being lost in Pedro’s embrace and kiss is exhilarating and adding to the heat and pleasure already pulsating through my body.
No I don't want to say goodnight I know it's time to leave, but you'll be in my dreams
Tonight Tonight Tonight
The world is turning around us, but Pedro and I are frozen in this moment. We are oblivious to the world. I don’t care, he doesn’t care. In this precise moment, it’s us. It’s him and I. There’s no one else for me, I want there to be no one else. I need there to be no one else. Pedro is the one. I feel it in my gut and when you feel it in your gut you know it’s the right instinct to follow.
Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight Just a touch of the fire burning so bright No I don't want to mess this thing up I don't want to push too far Just a shot in the dark that you just might Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life So baby I'm alright, oh, let's do this right, with just a kiss goodnight With a kiss goodnight Kiss goodnight
Pedro pulls faintly away. We are both breathless.
He traces a thumb over my swollen lips, “beautiful.”
I blush and try to hide my face, but he cups my cheek and makes me look at him.
“You are Y/N,” Pedro whispers, “there’s no one else I’d rather with than you.”
My heart’s already pounding inside of my chest.
“Pedro,” is all I’m able to muster as I smile at him.
Pedro leans down and whispers, “I need you Y/N. I want to take you home and have you.”
I swallow, knowing the drive back to Brooklyn is going to be the longest car ride of my life.
Tags: @pascalisthepunkest, @kaelyn-lobrutto24, @mandadl0rian, @knight-of-heart44, @jokersdoll, @cosmo-bear, @caitlincat-95, @readsalot73, @random066, @stardust-and-starlight, @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead, @longitud-de-onda, @arrowswithwifi, @bonkybaaarnes, @halefirewarrior, @x-wingwarriorbbpoe8, @earl-01
#nobody but you chapter 2#pedro pascal#pedro pascal fanfiction#pedro pascal x plus size reader#pedro pascal x reader#request#multichapter#plus size reader#nobody but you#songfic
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Morning Wind: Hooked on a Feeling
Say hello to our awkward Jakonan bounty hunter! I really wanted to give insight into her brain and the fact that her 'reservation' and 'mysteriousness' is because she's lowkey panicking in silence beneath her mask. Ironically, people just assume she's stoic like Mando, when in truth she's a bundle of anxiety.
Also yes, Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede is now canon and she was totally singing it in her ship.
Just a few fun tidbits about her: Asa is a middle child, she's 30, and I imagined her faceclaim being Adeline Rudolph.
Word Count: 5,173
Rating: T (violence/cursing)
Crossposted on AO3 & Fanfic.net
Docking on Nevarro was always a process. Not because there was a tower to report to or it was exceptionally difficult to find a spot on the 'tarmac', which consisted of a flat sandy dune, windswept and dotted with the sulfuric ash of the juxtaposed lava plains. Rather, mentally Asakaze found her lashes fluttering in irritation as she came back to this dry, arid, shitty planet. After a decade of making her rounds, she'd grown rather cynical and bored with her tactic for survival. Groaning, she rubbed her face in the cockpit, glowering through the tinted observation shield as she knew leaving her starship entitled getting in all of her armor and putting the kriffing mempo on. Had she not been wanted by the Empire for years, she might've taken it off, but there were still loyalists who would be able to pick her apart from other Jakonans.
Asakaze Shand was a traitor to the Empire, supplying them with bodies for years before renouncing her alliance and allegiance to the emperor. Originally, she had done it for her people, convinced that they could weather through the onslaught since the Empire was at war with the Rebel Alliance. Her anticipation was slapped right off her face and her entire clan was massacred, her escape nothing short of a miracle and only due to her abilities with her Chi. Despite the loss, House Shand was well known across the galaxy for less savory reasons and she took full advantage of their notorious reputation.
Exhaustion was the best way to explain how Asa felt, a deep bone weary existence that was the same day in and day out. Find the quarry, bring them in, get paid in credits, fuel up the ship, begin the rounds once again. What else was she to do? Even if the Empire was officially defeated, Asakaze was disgraced, no one was waiting for the Shand Shogun to return after she'd led their clan to ruin.
I was a girl. Why did they expect me to know what to do? I was barely 20.
Rattling around her, the Ryu had seen better days and without constant maintenance, routine checkups, and a mechanic's knowledgeable hand Asa was on a countdown from when the starship would kick the bucket. Pinching between her brows she didn't bother stifling her sigh as she slapped the radio on the dash, beginning her Nevarro routine. To the Guild, Ronin was an enigma beside the Mandalorian. Honestly, she didn't know how the fuck she'd managed that. Beneath her mempo, Asa was the epitome was anxiety and awkwardness. What others perceived as calm, poised reservation was actually Asa not having any idea what to say, quietly simmering behind her mask as she wanted to do nothing more than shrink into nothingness.
Voices chanting began to filter through the radio, repeating the word simultaneously before a voice broke through with a wry wistfulness. Asa rose from her seat, robes fluttering around her as she darted to the side, throwing her arms out in a futile attempt to pump herself up.
"I can't stop this feeling
Deep inside of me-"
Dropping from the cockpit, down to the hull of the ship, Asa belted the song, all but screaming it as she grabbed her armor and began forcing it on. Her eyes leered at the cryo chamber during the guitar rift, pointing toward the ceiling as the horns blared between the lyrics, almost as if she were conducting it herself. Spinning around to a nonexistent audience, Asa cocked a smile and winked - at the wall, but in her head it was a fan. In her dreamscape, Asa had been a performer and singer - reality wasn't quite as fun. Asa dressed whilst the song continued, the final lines corresponding with the mempo being set in place, her own mellow voice replaced with the oni-setting on her modulator, intentionally deep and scathing.
Frowning when the song actually ended, Asa's shoulders sagged in her kimono, and she grumbled to herself, trotting to the controls beside the dock of her ship. Despite the attempt to put a little pep in her step, this hellish repetition was all that was keeping her clinging to sanity as she spun around on a carousel that never ended, constantly having her leer out at the same faces, despite the years that had passed. Asa didn't even know when she would be ready to finally step off the carousel, but supposed her Chi would eventually guide her in the right direction, just as her father had claimed. Thus far, her Chi had done nothing but fail her. This resulted in a deep-seated cynicism in the woman. For all her abilities, they hadn't once saved her.
Asa had the worst fucking luck.
Currently, her life was testament to that - a Shogun turned bounty hunter who had to hide her face despite the fall of the Empire. Any solace she had was on the Ryu in the brief lulls between planets.
Opening the port, hands cocked on her hips, Asa let out a long sigh which did not properly register through the modulator on her mask. Although it filtered the atmosphere, she could feel the heat radiating off her skin beneath the loose kimono sleeves, the sulfur was infectious like a plague. Her entire ship reeked of it, the rotten egg stench permeating from all her attire, even the hilt of her katana. Yet another of the listless charms of Nevarro. Sauntering her way to the cantina, humming the song to herself, she untucked her arm from her kimono sleeve and levied it on the inside of the fold as she lazily trotted back into town.
Eyes traced her crimson form, wary and skittish. The irony. Beneath the folds of fabric was a lean woman, but a woman nonetheless. Her sandals gave her another few inches, giving her the appearance of being close to 5'10", a seemingly average height. In tandem with her armor hidden beneath her robes, she appeared much broader than she actually was. Sure, Asa had muscle and was a honed mercenary, but she wasn't thick or imposing. The walk was a big part of it and Asa moved with a lazy nonchalance. By this point, most people strayed clear of her path. Even when she'd first come to Nevarro, anyone who glimpsed her mempo was eager to flee before her. Originally, she'd found this amusing, but now she was growing rather sick of it. After years of it, watching people scatter like leaves in the wind was harrowing and lonely.
The cantina was a dusty hovel, filled to the brim with untrustworthy scum that Asa had come to consider acquaintances. Despite the fact they'd trade her in for a good sum of credits, they all had stories which she collected and transcribed to kanji. Poetry could be found in even the worst settings and as a Jakonan, songs and lore had never fled her heart. Her fingers itched to play her flute for an audience, but she didn't trust anyone enough to remove her mempo. Given that it had been a decade, Asa had resigned herself to accepting her fate alone. In hyperspace, only the stars listened to the song of the shakuhachi.
Grimacing beneath her mask, she noticed that Karga was exceptionally thrilled that afternoon. Usually, the only thing that made him excited was money and prospects that earned him better commission. His dark eyes brightened at the sight of her - or Ronin. Given the number of years they'd known one another, she'd established a baseline for quarries she would and wouldn't take. Imperial remnants were a no-go as were bounties that he'd doled to the Mandalorian. Given that she still owed Mando a debt, she was not keen on digging the hole further. Additionally, Asa had declined many high paying bounties when her Chi screamed in opposition. Karga poked at her, stating that 'Mando will take them' as if there was a deeper rivalry between them when there wasn't. Asa respected the Mandalorian and wanted nothing to do with him. Honestly, Mandalorians were bad news and she regretted owing a debt, but that was the way of the Bushido.
"Ronin!" Karga greeted animatedly, slapping the table that he habited since their original meeting. Asa wished it was raining now, she loved the petrichor and humidity in comparison to the heat that leeched all moisture from her, despite the folds of her kimono making an attempt to covet it. "How was your hunt?"
He didn't actually care as long as it was successful. "Ready for offload," she retorted, glancing around the sparsely populated common house. Honestly, this was one of the few rare times she'd noticed that it was this empty.
"Are you staying around for some sabacc?" Karga chatted idly, thumbing the breast pocket on his robes, eliciting her attention. Eyes tracing, she noticed the outline of a rectangle, perhaps metal, but she couldn't say.
"Depends. What do you have available?"
Her heart was humming with a caustic rhythm, searing with each thrum as she stood, unable to hear the meaningless words the Guild Master was gracing her with. Instead, the hairs on her arms raised and she drew a shuddering breath, an invisible force laying against her shoulder blades and chest, stealing the air from her chest and threatening to strangle her. Something was coming. Given the disconcerting method in which her Chi screamed, she was not willing to stick around to see what it was.
Karga had pushed a few fobs in front of him, mentioning something about the Guild lolling into an even pace and the pucks would only pace decently rather than the typical rate. Given how uncomfortable Asa was with her Chi smothering her, she swiped them up without listening to where she might have to go. "Deliver my credits to my ship. I'll wait for the offload," she instructed sternly, interrupting yet another of the man's infamous tangents as he brimmed with excitement.
"Happy hunting, Ronin!"
Now that was strange. Pausing halfway through the cantina, Asa craned her neck to glance back at the humming man. Karga had his moods, but very rarely had he ever been so earnest in his wish for 'happy hunting'. He was practical, not fanciful. Today must have been a spectacular day for him to be wishing her a successful hunt. Such chimerical encouragement was never needed for someone like Asa. She turned in her fobs within the allotted time frame and had never required 'luck' in order to do this. Given how foul her luck was, Asa was glad she was capable of acquiring her quarries. Most weren't talented in fighting and her upbringing had been in both academia and warfare. Jakon prized itself on being a civilization prepared for any challenge, be that battle in scholarly, artistic, or war pursuits.
Rather than thank him, Asa ducked her head and ignored him. Not because she was partial to being rude, but between the disquiet of her Chi and the oddity of Karga trying to imbibe luck in her favor, Asa was frowning beneath her mempo.
Usually, she might wait until the cryo slabs were unloaded, but the trembling cacophony of Chi propelled her legs out. No way in the galaxy she was sticking around while her body screeched in dismay. Rather, she carved the familiar path across Nevarro City, the only settlement on this awful planet, and her cursed prison stuck in a distorted ground hog's day rendition of hell, constantly on repeat. A headache seared in the back of her head, which she couldn't abate by touching her brow with the mempo on. Growling, her strides lengthened and she made haste back toward the Ryu.
"Ronin!" A vaguely familiar modulated voice entreated her, a rich baritone tainted by the metallic ring of the mechanics in his helmet. She had only heard it a few rare times and never in length, as the pair barely had reason to exchange conversation. Truthfully, Asa was somewhat terrified of the Mandalorian. He was a mountain of steel, only a few inches taller than her when she was in full regal, but he wasn't playing at what she had for nigh on a decade. He was the ruthless bounty hunter who'd take any quarry in, whereas she had restrictions. He was an absolute murder machine. And he was standing just a few paces behind her.
Thanking the God-beasts for her mempo, she swallowed hard and craned her neck to glance back at him, skin paling. The glare of the sunlight caught on his new armor, entirely of beskar, imbibing the unpainted silver steel with a bright reflective glow. Had her mempo not been translating the light through a filter, she might have been momentarily dazzled by the man, who was now a stunning suit of Mandalorian pride.
"Your debt."
Asa's heart skipped a beat as she gazed out from beneath the rim of her rice-hat. Even if she was disgraced, she still upheld the values of a samurai, just as her father had raised her to do. A life without any guidance was not a life at all, but simply an existence as a ghost. Despite the lucrative business that Asa now found herself in, she'd always followed her tenets. Repaying debts was one of those, recalling the snarling visage of the Wampa as it threatened to bear down on her with massive, clawed paws - to rip her limb from limb, crack her bones to drink the marrow, and feed on her flesh. Asa was about to commit seppuku to escape the pain of that demise when the Mandalorian's pulse rifle boomed so loud that she thought the entire cavern was going to collapse.
Asa had been about to die, but the only tell from that day was the ragged scar down her right armor where the Wampa's claws had snatched at her.
"I require payment."
Of all the fucking times.
Her Chi had relaxed, the eye of the storm giving her a momentary reprieve from the mystery that had upset her originally. The war drumming of her heart quieted and she stared toward the abysmal T visor of her counterpart. Two years had passed since she offered the life debt and now he was coming to collect. There was no way that Asa could refuse, even if that meant going against what her Chi was urging. A debt was a debt and could be collected when and wherever. Asa could not set the terms.
"Very well," she finally offered, her voice quiet, her vocoder transitioning her own mellow voice and making it grit like sand beneath a boot. "What do you require of me?"
"Assistance," he retorted curtly, but betrayed nothing farther. "You are not fond of the Empire?"
Not fond? The Empire that had taken her father, her people, and subsequently ravaged her home? "That's a good way to phrase it," she snorted, modulator crackling at the edges of her wry laugh, the shrugging of her shoulders more indicative of the chuckle than the noise.
"There are remnants here. They have something I want."
An arched brow was poised at no one, as her mask didn't move with the expressions her own haggard face made. Rather, she let the laziness slip into her posture as she leaned back and tapped her thumb on the pommel of her sword, tinkling the charms. "A debt may be paid in any way you see fit," she started, eyes raking over the line of the man's shoulders trying to glean more intention. "However, this seems to fall short of a life for a life." Alternatively, she would still owe him if it were as simple as killing a few Imperials. Hell, she would have done that for free.
"The Guild might have a few words with us after."
Ah. Well, now that made more sense. This mission, even for any of the other hunters who greatly disliked the Empire, would not stake their livelihood on helping Mando. Especially since many of them loathed him. Asa still had enough wits to be afraid of him and what he was capable of, but exhaled deeply enough that he caught her sigh this time. "A debt must be paid," she relinquished, wondering if her life would always chance chapter by chapter, decade by decade. Somehow, as she just passed 30, she had a feeling her body was going to begin rejecting change. Maybe it was time to get out of the bounty hunting business.
He nodded, swiftly spinning on his heel to do an about face, leaving for Asa to follow. Daylight still shining down on the city, locals milled about and stayed clear of the leery pair. A throng of distance was set between them, an invisible buffer of at least six feet maintained more by Asa than Mando. Cutting a corner into a narrow, shadowed alleyway, she was forced to close some of the space, half wondering if Mando was going to just kill her here and dump his last bit of competition out of Nevarro into one of the neighboring waste bins.
He could have done that on Hoth and he didn't, Asa reminded herself, grip still tight on her katana as she followed me into the belly of Nevarro City. With the sun dipping on the horizon, the light couldn't claw its way in between the tightly packed walls and doors. A cloak of shadows played between the walls, dancing mutely on the back of the Mandalorian's grey bucket. His cloak obscured the rest of his shiny retinue, dashed by the pulse rifle that was most certainly taller than her.
The Mandalorian was not a huge man, not in height. Being just a few paces behind him, Asa spent more time observing him than she had cared in the past, worried that he would notice her staring despite the anonymity of her mempo. He was seemingly average, his boots and helmet adding an additional inch or two, shoulders broadened by his armor just as her own made her look impressive. This was no illusion, as hers was, for the Mandalorian's armor accentuated his vitals and protected them, the beskar layers thin in comparison to hers. Despite the added padding, the Mandalorian was broad, lean as a whip, and didn't require another head of height to strike fear into any who glanced over at the impassive, nebulous T visor.
Coming to the end of the alley, Mando paused and glance both ways like a child about to cross a busy street. Warily, he continued after taking a right. Asa had never bothered coming into the city, not this deep, and she expected if her mempo wasn't filtering the air she would be able to smell the metallic reek around her. From parts to trash, inner Nevarro City was a rotting cesspool and they didn't pass so much as a soul on their secretive mission - which aside from killing Imps and acquiring something, she had no idea what it entailed.
He bent over a dumpster of scrap and Asa dared to move within a pace of him, glancing down to where his visor was set. Within was an eggshaped container, the white paint chipped and flaked, lid open. If she had to guess, she'd say it was a repulsor lift of a sort, but it was tiny and akin to a bassinet. A soft song played from the dumpster, eliciting enough of her attention that she bent down past him to touch it. Gloved fingers met durasteel and the music hitched, a gentle clarinet weeping in her ears. Chi. She knew it, as anyone with Chi had a song of their own. Otherwise, the only time she heard Chi in the form of music was during great strife or occasion, like the day that the Empire had attacked her people, the maddening roar of their death march vibrating in her brain.
"Come," Mando ordered, snapping away from the discarded pram and for a fleeting moment, she thought she noticed his shoulders sag as he released a belly deep sigh.
They scaled a building in the dull sunset light, the blue sky being chased by cotton candy pink and coral orange, turning the puffs of cloud into candy. Despite all that Nevarro lacked, there were redeeming moments - probably because she couldn't smell the sulfur, but the sky had always been a fixation amidst the obsidian and ozone.
Mando had his rifle propped against his shoulder, laying prone as she daydreamed and got away with it since he couldn't see the misty expression on her face. A solemn tap to the side of his helmet and he was listening to a conversation she couldn't hear, glaring down the infrared scope as Asa wondered what the cottony candy clouds tasted like. It had been absolutely forever since she'd had sweets like back on Jakon. She missed the red bean paste fillings and the true taste of green matcha instead of the cheap imitations she usually got her hands on.
He drew the rifle back, his thumb having been subconsciously tracing circles against the barrel as he listened on. A strange quirk that Asa noted; an odd little bit of comfort the man tried to instill in himself as they worked on recon.
With their feet back on the ashen soil of the street, they approached a dark teal door which was streaked with lines of grimy rust. The roads were never truly quiet, the din of the busier sectors a dull hum like a hive of busy worker bees who just weren't occupying this sector of the combs.
"Wait here," he directed, gesturing to the alley flanking the door.
Asa leaned against the wall, hearing the sharp rap of his fist plunking against the door, before a click and whizzing was accented by the crunch and crackle of frayed mechanical equipment. Stomping back in her direction, Mando tossed the droid's retinue on the ground and grabbed his weapon, tilting his helmet in an unimpressed manner at her candor. With the gust of an invisible wind, her muscles let out a wistful bellow and she stood up straight, reaching down toward her obi as the premonition of battle whispered delicately in her ears.
"Check the perimeter," icy fingers raked down her back like the claws of the Wampa, the poorly modulated voices of stormtroopers causing a seething rage that laid dormant for so long to come bubbling to the surface, chasing away the unpleasant chill with searing wrath. Asa did not wait for Mando to make the first move, her body moving on its own accord as the curve of her blade left the ornate sheathe.
Mando was more interested in placing a detonator than dealing with the pair of stormtroopers that had come out to scout the source of the original noise. Her approach was covered by the boom of the bomb, the browned armor of the Imps akin to weathered parchment as they turned tail and sprinted back into the building.
She was the wind through the mountains and trees, flowing as gently as a brook but could possess the ferocity of a raging river, and she was swift like flame, crackling down to embers until she was stoked with fuel. Now, she had plenty of fuel, sliding up behind the troopers who were distracted by the flashing lights, electricity guttering to just the dull winking of the emergency lighting, as many synapses and circuits had been fried in the explosion. None noticed the flap of a crimson kimono, nor the nonexistent click of her sandals as Amagumo arched, the bolts of lightning rippling gold in the flashes of sputtering light.
Katanas were made for slashing, not puncturing. Wielding one correctly took years of practice, being keenly aware of the perfect manner to arch the curve of the steel in order to achieve maximum rending capacity. Asa had always been more inclined toward the blade versus her siblings. Haku had preferred blasters. Kit with a sniper rifle. The ancient blade of their people was a symbol and tradition and rarely utilized in battle except for those who were blessed with strong Chi, like the Jedi. Otherwise, the piece of metal was useless unless utilized in close quarters.
The first figure slumped, plastoid parting like butter beneath a heated blade. Unlike a lightsaber, Tamahagane did not cauterize, and blood spurted in a macabre fountain as the neck and head slowly slid off as the body finally crumpled to its knees. Rounding on her, the second trooper raised his rifle in defense, gasping as Amagumo savagely bit into his blaster and severed it in half. With a crescent flourish, the tip of the curved blade slipped up and drove into the gorget of the trooper, Amagumo drinking its fill as the Imperial soldier gurgled and choked on his own blood, crimson basking the blade in a hellish curtain as it slowly dripped down toward the hilt.
Mando was in the hole that he had blasted, watching her fight as she withdrew her sword and wiped the blood of her enemies off on the bottom of her robes. Wearing red meant that her foes could not see the blood, be that her own or that of her enemies. By this point, Asa was so accustomed to the gore laden displays and paintings she created that the garnet pools that she stepped through had little effect on her.
A flanking door opened and Mando's helmet whipped, an arm snapping out with such precision and swiftness that Asa barely had the time to blink before the room grew hot with the light of his blaster and the trooper flopped to the floor in a plastic heap. Of course, she had known that the Mandalorian was good, but aside from their encounter on Hoth she had never seen him in action. Just the speed such a broad man moved in set her teeth on end, wondering if she would have been able to dodge or parry the hipfire had he rounded on her. Kriff, just thinking about it made her skin pallid and a cold sweat break out on the back of her neck.
Listing through the dull grey, medicinal halls of the building, Mando took the lead, as she was here as support and had no true idea what the 'thing' he wanted was. A haunting song played in her ears, which she tried to swat away like annoying gnats, but the clarinet's vibrato grew louder, but not in a good way. Instead, the melody quavered as if the musician was taking constant, trembling breaths with the inability to fill their diaphragm properly. Cool dissonant melodies, minor thirds and tritones, there was no musicality - just noise. Something was very wrong with the person who the song belonged to.
Mando knelt just on the other side of a doorway, lifting his vambrace, and shooting his whipcord launcher. Jetting out like a javelin, the forked tongue on the end hooked into the edge of a trooper's rear chestplate, the Mandalorian utilizing the leverage of his kneeling position to jerk the soldier down, retracting the grappling hook as the trooper slid back, disoriented and right into the vibro-blade waiting in the Mandalorian's other hand.
Without even glancing in her direction, Mando dropped the body and continued prowling forward. Asa paused just to glance down, grimacing at the precision of the kill. Despite being freaked out by it, she found herself highly impressed with how streamline the man's kills were. He didn't dally or take solace in what he did, rather he just pummeled through with honed experience.
She was a few paces behind him when he shot open a door, fire returned and actually finding purchase as his shoulder jerked back after his pauldron caught the brunt of the attack. While the trooper had been reacting in self-defense and in light of a Mandalorian being inside his station of duty, she knew Mando was pissed. He shot the soldier square in the chest before glaring at the spectacled doctor who tittered nervously in the corner.
If seeing a Mandalorian breaking into his lab wasn't intimidating enough, the hellish lowlight glare on her own mask made him even fainter, gripping the side of the gurney he flanked as she stared. What was this? She raked her eyes over the uniform the doctor was wearing, clearly of an Imperial officer, his hand flying out as Mando turned the barrel of his handgun toward him.
Asa couldn't hear the conversation between them, her head slowly turning as the clarinet's pitiful solo warbled in her ears. Her legs carried her on their own accord, hat tilting downward as she gazed at the source of the song. Not an adult, but a tiny green child that was unconscious and strapped into a whizzing medical machine. "Ā ko-" oh, child - she whispered, reaching to smooth over the fronds of fuzzy white hair on top of a wrinkled brow. Despite the youth, she knew that this being was much older than appearances betrayed.
"Don't touch it," Mando snapped at her, forcing her hand back as he pried the machine off the baby.
"It's a baby," Asa retorted defensively, whipping her mask up toward him to challenge the Mandalorian for the first time. "You do not know what it is."
"And you have a better idea?" he growled, leveling his blaster toward her abdomen, daring her to do any more than what had been agreed upon.
"Hai, I do, Mandalorian," Asa hissed back, but there was no time for them to argue, her Chi kicked her heart rate, plunging what had been a steady pace to a shockingly dormant state. Pupils blowing beneath her mempo she cocked her head. "We don't have time for this. More are coming."
Mando grunted his agreement and turned his blaster away from her.
"Protect the ko, I will take the lead," Asa knew that the only place they'd be able to go next was the space-port where their paths would diverge and they'd leave Nevarro for good. Still, when she glanced at the little bundle of canvas, she knew deep in her heart that she could not leave the baby with the Mandalorian in good conscious. Her father had once told her that her Chi would guide her and now she stood beside a child with such strong abilities that she'd heard his song from across the city.
Thumb tracing the ribbons on Amagumo, her free hand brushed her obi where a few other weapons were stashed. A metallic cylinder was inconspicuously tucked beside her shoto, a weapon that she'd not touched since she had acquired the title of Shogun. This was not the weapon of a samurai, but as her Chi bellowed in her chest, she knew it might be time to wield it finally. Amagumo had served her well, but her time as a samurai was coming to an end.
The child needed her.
#the mandalorian fanfiction#the mandalorian fanfic#din djarin x oc#fennec shand & oc character#fennec shand#slow burn#very slow burn#touch-starved
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
We left these two on an extremely tender and heartfelt note but, there’s still a WHOLE ASS AKUMA TO DEAL WITH OUTSIDE THE BUILDING, SO
I think. Marinette transforms back and convinces Chat to break them out. Maybe cataclysms the building?? Chat probably has to carefully place ladybug on his shoulder while he uses the power to break out. Big moment for both of them, Chat has flat-out refused to pick up or hold either Marinette OR Ladybug up until this point...he’s finally taking on board Ladybug’s “trust me that i trust YOU” approach
They fight the akuma and it’s the best they’ve fought since this whole fiasco happened. They’re in SYNC. Chat’s still a bit shaken and nervous but he’s not actively sabotaging himself or his partner with trying to hold himself back. It’s the clearest his mind’s been in a long while
They beat the akuma and then disappear together after miraculous ladybug fixes up the damage. They find themselves in the woods where Chat and Marinette had been meeting for the past few weeks. Now the adrenaline’s gone, both of their nerves are back - but like, the good kind of nerves this time. Chat lowers ladybug down and each of them watch the other with almost baited breath
Ladybug detransforms first and waits. And Chat. manages. to detransform. with ease. He swallows and then just closes his eyes and he’s CALM ENOUGH and suddenly, Adrien is standing in front of her
Adrien is ecstatic that he can TOUCH and HOLD Marinette without fear and he can’t help but hold her face in his hands, and Marinette is a BIT flustered at having Adrien in front of her and with his palms against her cheeks but it’s just gonna TAKE A LITTLE TO ADJUST, she still manages to keep it together and reach out and hold him back
And then. They don’t even realise when exactly it happens. One second they’re apart, laughing with tears in their eyes, the next their foreheads are resting against each other, the next...their lips are together and they’re kissing
Adrien and Marinette are together! Ladybug and Chat Noir are together!! THEY’RE IN LOVE!!
Now that the root of his anxiety has been fixed, over time Chat Noir gets a much MUCH better handle on his power and eventually becomes able to control it. He doesn’t have to detransform anymore to get rid of it, it’s just big and small at will
Obviously if he gets anxious it could trigger it again, but now that only happens rarely. But. Also. Consider. There’s a new trigger that they both figure out. :) Marinette
It was already kinda hinted at but they both figure it out now. If Marinette (slash Ladybug) gives him butterflies he can actually lose control over it
Sometimes it’s when he’s really flustered. But other times it’s when he’s just like. So in love with her. And he’s happy about it.
Once Chat embraces it he starts becoming more and more comfortable with things like. Handheld. And affection. It turns into straight fluff. All the cute interactions you could possibly think of? Yes. Go wild
I also like the idea of one day. Like Adrien and Marinette are napping on the couch in her room together. And she’s woken up and blinking sleepily and trying to figure out what roused her and notices something’s shifting against her and focuses and then suddenly realises oh. adrien’s arm. that’s a LOT bigger around her than it should be
That’s like, probably a bit of a crisis for them both, but it’s okay because adrien like, still has CONTROL over it now. But they have to be much more careful again
It adds back in the reveal threat again, because if it happens to adrien in public then everyone would immediately cop on that he’s chat noir. So both of them get into ridiculous situations trying to hide it together that could be just as hilarious and crazy as hiding their identities is
You can check all the asks I’ve answered that have even MORE tidbits about this au under the “ml au” tag!! There’s really good stuff in there that wasn’t written in the actual parts
Final note: hopefully more art coming soon
#gt#g/t#marichat#giant tiny#size difference#THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.#IF ANYONE DRAWS OR MAKES ANYTHING. P L E A S E LET ME KNOW#ml au
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(requested by anonymous)
“Alright, that’s all for today.” The Doctor stretched in his chair. “Made pretty good time, too.”
“Mmhmm.” Schwarz acknowledged his comment.
He stood up, throwing on his jacket. “You wanna grab a drink? I’ll buy.”
“You’re still trying?” She shook her head. “I won’t say no to a drink.”
“Before you fully agree, though, one condition: you tell me how you got to where you are today. I’ve heard something about you taking out an entire clan, and I want to know how much of what the rumor mill fed me is true.”
Schwarz thought for a moment. “You’ll buy the whole night?”
“The whole night,” he agreed. “Get whatever strikes your fancy, I’ll foot the bill.”
“Alright. You, me, two bottles of good whiskey, and I’ll tell you my story.”
The Doctor nodded. “Sounds like a fair trade to me. To the bar.”
“So, yeah...that’s my story.” They were at a table in the bar, several bottles of whiskey in front of them (one half-empty, the others fully drained). “Like I said, it’ll keep you up at night - took awhile for me to get over it, I know.”
“That is a nasty one...I wonder if the old me would’ve batted an eye, though. From what I’ve heard, I’ve been a part of similar events, both the winning and losing sides. Did you get the clean break you’d wanted?”
Schwarz thought for a moment. “Mostly. I don’t have any guilt about what I did, but...I still carry that training, those scars, the pit in my heart covered over with others’ blood and Ceylon. That poor girl - she still thinks I can be saved. Imagine that.”
“She’s not the only one,” the Doctor smirked. “This might be a bit rich coming from me, but I bet there’s still hope for you.”
“You really mean that, Doctor?”
He nodded. “I do. There’s your connection with Ceylon, which you might laugh at me considering, but...honestly, if you were truly heartless, you couldn’t even have forged that bond, and for it to have become this strong over the years since? You still have a sense of right and wrong - a rather precise one, even. Look at Lappland, look at Spectre, look at Skadi; the truly far-gone don’t have an understanding like that. And then, there’s...eh, maybe that’s too far a stretch, even if it matters to me.”
“While we’re in a spilling mood, Doctor,” Schwarz replied, “I’d prefer you do your fair share.”
“Alright, then. Well, Schwarz, the fact that you were willing to come and talk to me like this. I know you go out to drinks with the other mercenaries and whatnot every now and again, but the fact that you were willing to go into this with me, it...it made me happy.”
She shrugged. “I make Ceylon happy as well. Usually by accident.”
“Fair, but...” He was drunk enough he knew he had to be more careful about his choice of words, but also drunk enough for that definition to slip. “Is she attracted to you? Like, romantically?”
“I...I’ve never asked.”
The Doctor smirked. “That’s one big difference, then. I certainly am.”
“Hmm.” Schwarz poured another glass for herself. “Another glass, Doctor?”
“Sure.” He went to grab the bottle, but she still had her hand on it, and they ended up touching as she poured into his glass.
The Doctor pulled his hand back even as she was unfazed. Schwarz set the bottle down and gave him a look. “What is it about me you find attractive?”
“Oh boy, where do I start...” He drained his glass faster than it’d been poured. “Well, let’s be frank - you’re beautiful. I’m sure you’re more than aware of that.”
“...” Dead silence.
The Doctor responded with a disbelieving look. “Surely, someone has told you that by now. Ceylon, the Mayor, some trashy mercenary - I’m not the first person to tell you that your combat outfit leaves very little to the imagination but still leaves me fantasizing, or that your hair shines like silver and your eyes like gold, or that-”
“Doctor.” Schwarz waved her hand to tell him to stop, brightly blushing. “Please.”
“You wanted to know,” he shrugged, grabbing the bottle for himself and pouring another glass.
She sighed. “I didn’t expect you to have so much to say...”
“Have you really not been told?” The Doctor shook his head. “That’s a real shame. Besides, I didn’t even get to the harder stuff.”
“The harder stuff?”
He smirked, leaning forward. “Your faraway expressions as you fight your demons, the ones that remind me of my own at times despite the attached memories being long lost; your glare, that go-to-hell expression that doesn’t really mean malice so much as a warning to keep your distance, because everyone around you gets hurt and everything around you burns; your naturally stoic face that demands someone spend substantial time by your side to read your true emotions, something I wish I was better at...Sorry, I got lost in your eyes again.”
“Again...” Schwarz truly couldn’t believe him. “Is that why you lose your train of thought when talking to me?”
“They strike me to my core, as if they’re baring my entire soul to you...even though they clearly aren’t if you didn’t know all of this already.”
She crossed her arms and set them on the table, resting her chin on them to stare at the now-empty bottle with her ‘stoic face.’ “We’re out of alcohol.”
“I can get us more,” he shrugged. “Unless that was simply an observation?”
“...We’ve probably had enough by now.”
The Doctor nodded. “Much more and I won’t be able to work tomorrow. Can I tell you something else?”
“While we’re on the subject.”
“I’m really trying to not bring up every little thing, I promise,” he blushed. “It’s just...there’s so much about you to love.”
That seemed to be the final straw. “So much to love? Doctor, I am a shell of a person after the life I’ve led; I am a monster, bound to the shadows of the battlefield where I can mete out a life as a professional killer, a bodyguard and contract assassin who found her way to RI because of the person who freed me from my worst servitude in exchange for a lighter-than-deserved sentence. What is there to love about a person-shaped dark patch, hmm?”
“...Do you really think you’re the only monster here?”
“They’re children,” she retorted. “Children, misguided idealists, people with hope and life in their eyes-”
The Doctor’s voice picked up volume. “-Veterans.”
“...Excuse me?”
“Veterans,” he repeated. “Child soldiers, experiments in Originum compatibility gone wrong, revolutionaries, outcasts, vagabonds, warriors who should have been able to put down their swords long before now. There are Operators who have been abused, brainwashed, cut apart and sown back together, betrayed, bought and sold, cast out from their homes, stabbed, backstabbed - and that doesn’t just go for the Infected, like you and me.”
Schwarz had long since fallen silent. “Like you or me?”
“That’s right; at some point, I joined the Infected myself. If all the stories are to be believed, I’ve been a scholar, a tactician, but first and foremost a warlord cruel and unrelenting. I’ve led criminal enterprises, genocides, mass exterminations, and utterly despicable acts of sabotage and treachery in the name of some master I’ve long since forgotten my attachment to. It took losing my memory to start over, but you know what else it did? It left me a shell of a person as well, always minding my manners to not offend someone whose back has had my dagger in it once or a thousand times before, always looking for new tidbits about my past self so I can avoid being the disaster of a man I used to be, always wondering if the Operator I’m hiring on has suffered either at my hand or because of something I did in my past life. Reincarnation like this doesn’t mean my past is forgotten...it simply means I’ve forgotten it. Many of us, including yourself, don’t get that luxury...or that curse.”
“I’d...” She stared at him. “I’d never thought of it that way before.”
The Doctor sighed, standing up and donning his jacket. “I’ll walk you back to Ceylon’s.”
“I can’t let you do that; what if something happens to you on the way back?”
“I’ll say the same right back to you,” he retorted. “You know how I feel; imagine how terrible I will if you get hurt because I got you this deep into the bottles.”
Schwarz sighed. “I guess we’re spending the night together, then.”
“I guess we- what.”
“I can’t let you out of my sight,” she continued, “and you don’t want me out of yours for several reasons, so we’ll just have to spend the night together. I’m assuming your place, because Ceylon might learn something about you it’d be best for her not to figure out.”
The Doctor simply could not process this information properly. “Right, right...my room, then.”
“Let’s be on our way, then. Here - we should help each other stay on our feet.” Schwarz put an arm around his shoulder and pulled his arm around hers, and then they were off. It took some time, thanks to the staggering they were doing, but they made it to his room in one piece.
“Not that I’m ungrateful,” he managed, “but um...what’s happening tonight?”
She blinked, slowly. “You and me, sharing a room.”
“Right.” The Doctor shrugged it off, opening the door.
“Nice place.” Schwarz strolled in, a little shaky but still mostly in control. She collapsed onto his bed. “So.”
Still in the doorway, he steadied himself on the frame. “If you want the bed-”
“I want you in the bed with me.”
“Oh.” The Doctor stumbled forward, turning a fall into a tumble and standing afterwards. “Alright, then.” He shed his shoes and coat (which she had done while watching his display) and joined her.
For a few moments, nothing happened; eventually, she put a hand on his chest and gave him a probing stare. “Well?”
“...I dunno what I’m doing. One thing to dream about it, another-”
“I thought I was hopeless.” Schwarz’s statement wasn’t really a response to him. “I love Ceylon like a sister. Tonight, I want to know if I can love you like a woman.”
He collected himself - which took a moment. “Well, let’s give this a shot, then...”
He told himself he’d stop at a kiss; he was drunk, she was drunk, no guarantee if they’d remember any of what happened tonight afterwards. He told himself that would be enough, regardless of how much he wanted more. Take it slow, take it slow, take it-
Their lips met, and suddenly, the world was moving a thousand miles a minute.
#arknights#schwarz (arknights)#she's a hard nut to crack#might've mentioned that before#but we gotta remember: our doc's done some shit#everyone at RI has done some shit#with maybe one or two exceptions#but that doesn't last long thanks to reunion and other threats#so treasure what innocence you have#don't chase the future like it's the water to quench your thirst#because one day we'll all end up in the dirt#c'est la vie#arknights fic
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