#i love quoting vines i will Not be ashamed
bedforddanes75 · 15 days
guys join the George Club guys please we only have two members ☹️☹️ guys guys guys come back guys no
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amywhereyouwant · 1 year
Some TOH HCs I wanted to share
There are a LOT of them, so They're under the read more for your scrolling convenience
-Uses She/They pronouns
-Would watch the entirety of Sword Art Online just to be able to shit on it properly
-Eats way too much Shredded Cheese even though she’s Lactose Intolerant
-Has made a Your mom joke to Willow only to remember she doesn’t have one
-Mains King in Tekken and made a custom attire trying to make it look like the other King
-Screenpeeks religiously in Split Screen Multiplayer
-Predicted Hecazura 2 books into the series, still won’t shut up about it
-Relatively known Digital Artist, her blog probably took off when she started making art of the Demon Realm 
-Hates baking
-Helps Amity bake out of the kindness of her heart(Also seeing Amity enjoying herself is really nice)
-Had a cold once, hasn’t had a Human Realm illness since
-Has SH scars from her depressed period back in the human realm(S3E1), still ashamed over them
-Quotes Memes constantly, only Hunter understands what she’s talking about
-Cracked a rib tripping on a rug on her way to bed
-Absolutely hates Bugs, like, genuinely despises them
-Does not know how computers work, but still tries to use Luz’s laptop to look up date ideas
-Can and will dress as the most stereotypical Witch ever
-Adopted(All 3 Blight Kids are in my HC)
-Likes to bake
-Does not know how to bake
-Gets sick constantly
-Works out a lot so she can help out with rebuilding the Isles(and also a little bit for Luz)
-Used to apologise a lot for minor things(Pre-timeskip)
-REALLY Bummed she didn’t get to see Titan Luz
-Watched the barbie movie the same day Gus watched Oppenheimer
-Goes nonverbal when stressed out, uses Illusions and his palisman to communicate
-Cried for hours when he finished the last Cosmic Frontier book, even though it was a happy ending
-Likes the idea of Professional Wrestling, but wishes the fights were to the death
-Quotes Cosmic Frontier as a Vocal Stim
-Dramatically perishes in Matt’s arms on the regular
-Headcanons O'Bayley to look exactly like Hunter just for the memes
-Thinks Human 2D Animation is the most beautiful thing to have ever been created
-Watched Across the Spider-Verse and Begged for Luz to draw a Spider-Suit for him, she did one for everyone
-Got really jealous when everyone else got flapjack tattoos, then he realised he could just make one of his own with an Illusion
-Got insanely mad when he learned about Human Discrimination(“How can you hate someone for something they can’t change? That’s ridiculous!”)
-Watched Oppenheimer the same day Amity and Hunter watched the Barbie Movie
-LOVES Dino Nuggies
-Didn’t know Dinosaurs were real for a while until Luz showed them to him, Velociraptors are his favourite because “They’re like Wolves but Lizards!” (They’re not)
-Has a tumblr account where he posts about Wolves, Luz is his only follower
-Definitely has a Fursona
-Kicks Luz’s ass at most video games, except for Halo 2 specifically(I wonder why)
-”Will you go out with me?” “Hunter we’ve been dating for a year” “Oh.”
-Thinks Huggbees’ How it’s actually made videos are 100% Legit and honest
-Made Willow a Flower Shirt to match his Wolf Shirt
-Wears Willow’s Flower Shirt he made
-Imagine Dragons is his favourite band
-Has Epilepsy
-Steals Willow’s dresses sometimes
-Found Nicole Coenen on YouTube, showed her to luz “She looks kinda like Amity!”(Nobody else sees the resemblance)
-Probably plays a LOT of Roblox
-Watched the Barbie Movie with Amity(Luz forced him to)
-Has seen every single vine there is(Thank the Titan for Vine Compilations on YouTube)
-Any kind of facial hair he grows is really patchy so he just goes clean shaven for convenience
-Snuck food during TtT even though he was 100% allowed to eat normally
-Bananas do exist in the Demon Realm, Hunter has just never learned that they do
-Gets visits from the Spirits of the other Golden Guards in his dreams
-Tackled someone to the ground when they only slightly bumped into Hunter(We stan a protective queen)
-Feeds her palisman doggie treats, nobody knows why
-Filled Camila’s entire back garden with way too many plants during TtT, they’re still there despite not being watered for a while
-Made a Garland made of both Demon and Human Realm plants for Hunter on their anniversary
-Has no real idol/role model
-Happily Listens to everyone else ramble about their interests
-Wears Hunter’s Wolf Shirt
-Calls Hunter “Hun” as a short for his name, started doing it even more after she figured out what it actually meant
-Pranks people she doesn’t like by putting giant Grape Vines around their house
-Held a presentation about plant care for the Gravesfield Gardener Society
-Thinks most Human Sports are boring(Except for Hockey and Roller Derby)
-Pulls off some crazy ass cosplays
-Knows how to drive Camila’s car perfectly, still has no idea how it actually works though
-Laughed so hard she couldn’t breathe first time she heard Metal Pipe Fall Sound Effect
-Considers Luz to be her Sister, Camila burst into tears and hugged her when she called Luz “Big Sis” in front of her for the first time
-Plays Minecraft on Camila’s home PC, has spent tons of time on Hypixel and built a little shrine for the other basilisks on a private world
-Takes after Luz in a lot of ways
-Is way better at Spanish than Luz, flexes about it constantly(Nobody really cares)
-Had no idea how to tell Masha she was a Basilisk when they confessed to her(Masha knew long before she told them)
-Is really cuddly in Basilisk form, not so much when shapeshifted(“I don’t really feel like it’s myself”)
-Her first kiss with Masha was really awkward, she apologised like 45 times and cried because it wasn’t good
-Steven Universe is a canon IP in the universe, so she got really confused when Amethyst sounded EXACTLY like her
I have no idea why I made this
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palettepainter · 2 years
How dare you create a precious Floyd x Janice love child and not tell us anything about them
I really wanted to draw some responses to this but since I've got a feeling I'm gonna be busy in these weeks running up to Christmas and new year you'll just have to have some facts. However I can offer this doodle of baby Caleb and Animal, for some reason this didn't upload in the first post I made with him?
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-He's literally vine energy, so many vines fit him so well (Kid Caleb: "Lookat all does chickens!" // Older Caleb "Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does"). I can go on but I don't wanna fill this with too many vine quotes, I've been wanting to draw a little comic of kid Caleb and Floyd to one vine but that'll likely have to be a newyear thing I work on
-Gas station sushi is his life and blood
-As a child he tried to eat things he wasn't supposed to, a lot. Dirt, flowers, coins, guitar plectrums, rocks, bracelet beads. Floyd more often than not spent his time trying to pry something nonedible out of Caleb's hands when he was little
-No thoughts, head empty, only vibes
-He will and has followed a snail around the theatre for three hours
-Haircutt?? Hairdressers?? No thanks. He's terrified of hair dressers
-He was a bit of a crybaby as a kid
-He likes to collet shiny rocks/crystals and give them to people he likes
-All of his good genes went to his looks and his singing voice Caleb has a total of three braincells, those braincells being the ones that successfully ate dirt when he was a kid
-He can sleep standing up
-Is a natural on the bass and the drums (Animal was excited to show him how to play them) but naturally he leans more towards the guitar
-As well as playing the bass Caleb can also play a ukulele, harmonica and acoustic guitar
-He likes kids, finds them easy going but they can stress him out sometimes
-Talk to him about literally anything and he'll just sit there, you could talk about rock formations, and he'll sit there nodding and humming. He will not understand a word you're saying but he'll listen
-I made a doodle about this in the post I made with Caleb's design but when he was a baby he was terrified of the rest of the band, except for Animal. It took him a while to warm up to them, but he loves them now, the band probably tease him about it sometimes, but they never mean any ill will
-Mama's boy and isn't ashamed about it, it took him ages to call Floyd pa, and when he did call him Pa it was probably right in the morning when the band got up and Floyd didn't even realise until minutes later
-I don't know if I'll make this cannon or not but I've been entertaining the idea of Caleb having some form of stage fright. He's totally fine preforming with his parents and the band and even to some of the other muppets, but to a live audience and infront of a camera?? This might sound silly but I've had the idea that Caleb first goes on stage to preform alongside his folks when he's 13 - Floyd and Janice where super excited as was the rest of the band, Caleb got many pats on the back cuz he was "offically part of the band!". While the band are waiting to go on stage Caleb peaks a glance at the audience through the curtains and he realises just how big the audience is, how many eyes are going to be on him, how - if he messes up - the WHOLE world is going to see on their TV's. Then right as Bobo gives the band the go ahead to go on stage Floyd turns around to Caleb to ask if he's ready to rock, only to see that Caleb is gone - leading to the band having to quickly improvise on stage cuz Caleb isn't there to play or sing his parts. Again this is all a loose maybe idea
-His favourite animals are snails, but he also likes sloths, manatees, penguins and cats
-Sunflowers are his favourite flowers
-He likes it when people braid his hair, he finds it therapeutic
-Out of the band he probably vibes with Pepe and Rizzo the most
-Totally chill with having his nails painted he's down for a spa day
And that's all I got for now!
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akemitime · 2 years
Akko headcanons English/ Español
. Whoever decided that akko plays Minecraft you're absolutely right, she rather explore the world, the nether and mines (wich is funny bc sometimes she gets scared of them), while her house is just a bed, a chest and a furnace all covered by blocks of dirt
.Loves basketball and knows how to play it very well, least favorite sport is football/soccer
.Undiagnosed adhd(but she knew she had many symptoms) till the finals of the series wich she finally got a proper diagnosis
.Watches kids cartoons as comfort
.Had a hiperfixation on flowers at twelve, she now can't recall all the knowledge she had but knows more than the basics, because is an interest that comes and goes
.Loves Pokemon and her favorite region is Alola
.She doesn't like being called a gamer but knows and plays too much for being just a enjoyer
. Dislikes being constantly reminded about something but if she doesn't have her reminder ( wich is an application on her phone that is in Japan) there's a 70% she will forget
.She already knew about vines but started quoting them thanks to Amanda
. Still anonymously sending support messages to the yeti
.Isn't into books but will pass a lot of time in a library reading tons of novels and think if Lotte or Diana would like them, to give the books as birthday present
.Isn't into books like I said but loves manga and anime, her favorite genre is Shounen
. Actually really likes English and is also a fast learner so it wasn't so hard to master it, but sometimes she will look at Ursula/Chariot with the most dead expression and asks:" Professor, what was the way to the book ranch?"or look at Sucy and says:"So just asking, you put some of your mushrooms in UuuUUUHHH,.. a cold keeper?" or recalls numbers in Japanese and then she translate
. Unable to read lips
. Knows the basics of sign language in Japanese and English thinking that maybe in one of her performances a deaf kid gets lost she will need to comunicate with them
.Tried to keep a pet rock and she lose it somewhere
. Really knows how to draw, she will spend time as a kid drawing the best parts of Shiny Chariot performances, but even though she can draw people decently realistic she draws in a cartoon style
. Glitter lover
.As a kid wasn't allowed in the kitchen but before getting into Luna Nova she managed to became a decent cook
.As a kid had a conformt song that is called " No friends" wich she doesn't completely relate anymore but still loves it
. Besides having "high hopes" on loop in her head , she obviously likes both pop and K-pop, up beat happy music, no obscene rap and some anime music, surprisingly for some people including herself, loves phonk
. Doesn't like make up on herself but if she sees someone with a cool one she goes" YASS B### SLAYYY" regardless of gender
. Tried to eat crayons when she was five and randomly thinks about doing it again 💀
.Thinks all her scars were worth and isn't ashamed of showing them
.Akko gay awakening was Megara from the Hércules movie by Disney
.A quién sea que se le ocurrió que akko juega Minecraft, tienes toda la razón, ella preferiría explorar el mundo, ir al nether o a las minas(cosa que es gracioso por qué algunas veces se asusta), mientras que su casa es una cama, un cofre y un horno, rodeados de bloques de tierra
.Ama el basketball y sabe cómo jugarlo muy bien, su deporte menos preferido es el fútbol
.Tenía Tdah sin diagnosticar( pero sabía que tenía varios síntomas) hasta el final de la serie y por fin le hicieron un diagnóstico
. Be shows de niños por conformt
.Tuvo su obsesión ( osea la hiperfijación pero es que suena rarísima la palabra) con las flores a los doce, actualmente no puede recordar todo el conocimiento que tenía sobre ellas pero sabe más que lo básico, es un interés que va y viene
.Ama pokèmon y su región favorita es Alola
.No le gusta que la llamen gamer pero sabe y juega demasiado como para no serlo
.Le desagrada que constantemente le estén recordando algo pero si no tiene su recordatorio a la mano( una aplicación que tiene en el celular que se encuentra en Japón) hay un 70% de probabilidad que se le olvide
. Ya sabía de los vines pero empezó a recitarlos gracias a Amanda
.De manera anónima le sigue mandando mensajes de apoyo al yeti
.No es muy metida en los libros pero pasaría un largo rato en la librería leyendo a montones novelas pensando si a Lotte o a Diana le gustaría para regalarles un o unos libros
. Cómo ya dije, no está muy interesada en los libros pero ama el manga y el anime
. Realmente le gusta el inglés y es una aprendiz rápida lo cual hizo que no fuera tan difícil dominar el idioma, pero algunas veces mira a Úrsula/Chariot y le pregunta:" Profesora, ¿Dònde queda el rancho de libros?" O le dice a Sucy," Oye una pregunta, ¿Tú pones algunos de tus hongos en UuuUUUHHH,... Un container de frío? O dice los números en japonés y luego lo traduce
. Incapaz de leer los labios
.Sabe lo básico de lenguaje de señas tanto en inglés y japonés por qué pensó que quizás en algunos de sus shows un niño sordo se pierda y necesite comunicarse con este
.Intento tener una piedra mascota y la termino perdiendo
. Realmente sabe cómo dibujar, de pequeña dibujaba las mejores escenas de Shiny Chariot, pero a pesar que sabe dibujar a la gente de forma decentemente realista prefiere tener un estilo más de caricatura
.Amante de la escarcha
.De niña no la dejaban pasar a la cocina, pero antes de entrar a Luna Nova se las arreglo para saber cocinar decentemente
.De niña tenía una canción de confort que se llama " No friends" en la cual ya no se identifica completamente la sigue amando
. Además de tener " high hopes" en bucle en la cabeza, le gusta tanto el pop y K-pop, canciones animadas y felices, raps que no sean obscenos y una que otra canción de anime, pero para sorpresa de algunos entre ellos ella misma le gustó el phonk
. No le gusta ponerse maquillaje pero si ve a alguien luciendolo ella grita:"MATA LA LIGA CAB###"
.Intento comerse unos crayones cuando tenía cinco y de forma random piensa en volverlo a hacer 💀
.Piensa que todas sus cicatrices valieron la pena y no se avergüenza de ellas
.El gay awakening de akko fue Megara de la película de Hércules de Disney
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
In Another Life (Kaeya Drabble, ft.Diluc)
Somewhere out there, there's a universe where Kaeya Alberich is happy.
It's a common quote people tell themselves when all hope is lost. People seek comfort in realities and possibilities — that there are versions of them completely content with life, making their ordeal more bearable.
For Kaeya, he mumbles it quietly while staring at the ruins of Mondstadt.
Perhaps he should be ashamed when talking about happiness. lnstead of thinking about Khaenri'ah and past glories, he thinks of grape vines and fireplaces, seashells and his brother's laugh (it aches even more knowing he'll never hear it again). He should be ashamed for wishing for a happiness he destroyed.
Somewhere out there, there's a universe where Kaeya Ragnvindr is happy.
"There isn't." A voice cuts through from behind him. Kaeya, in his dazed state looking at his former home, didn't realize he said it out loud.
"What?" Kaeya tilts his head.
The Abyss Prince is a peculiar figure; for someone who claims to love his sister, why did he destroy her? Kaeya isn't sure if he could get along with such a person, especially with how similar Aether is to himself.
"There is no universe where Kaeya Alberich - or Ragnvindr - is happy," Aether states with a shadow on his face, walking to stand by Kaeya's side. His footsteps are heavy and it resonates with Kaeya's growing migraine. "Because in every universe, Kaeya will always betray Diluc Ragnvindr."
There are no words said, only the thumping of footsteps– or is it his heart? Wait. No. Who's walking? Can he hear his heart? Kaeya looks around him frantically as the world darkens.
Dark smog seeps through the ruined city, coating the toppled stone walls and changing the sky purple; consuming everything in Kaeya's sight as he stands defeated.
Victorious in mission, but defeated.
"Wake up."
Kaeya jolts as he nearly falls off the bar stool. Glasses topple and he sees a gloved hand with red palms hurry to right the wares. His own hands grips on the edge of the bar tightly as he pulls himself back up. His mind swirls with a migraine, heart thumping to a dull hum, as he looks up to see a certain redhead glaring him down.
Archons, his head hurts.
"It's closing time. Leave." Diluc huffs, grabbing the wine bottle away from the cryo allogene before thoroughly continuing to wipe the bar top.
Kaeya notices a glass of water next to him on the table. He slowly takes his time to drink it while managing his headache, steel eye staring at his brother.
"Do you believe in the multiverse, Diluc?" He asks after a moment of silence and it sounds so much softer than he wanted it to. Almost weak. Diluc raises an eyebrow before narrowing his eyes at the man.
"You're clearly drunk. Go home so I can close up the tavern."
Kaeya only laughs, standing up with wobbly legs as he tries to make his way out the door. His head feels heavy, but nothing can compare to the dread in his heart. It thumped vigorously and in fear.
Before leaving, he takes a quick glance at the redhead. Diluc overworks himself way too often for the sake of Mond and Teyvat. If Diluc were to be happy, then Kaeya's sure it would be from a world that's completely safe and loving.
"Good night, brother."
People find comfort in realities and possibilities — that there are versions of them completely content with life.
For Kaeya, who can never be happy in every universe, he mumbles to himself quietly.
Somewhere out there, there's a universe where Diluc Ragnvindr is happy.
IS IT OBVIOUS THAT I WATCHED MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS?? I LOVE DOCTOR STRANGE BTW, he's like what Zhongli is to me in Genshin? Like a father figure idk aaaah making me feel soft 🥺🤍
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princessmuffinart · 4 years
Orcaverse Masterpost
I haven’t shared my MHA Nextgen updates here in a while! Here we go! ✨
EDIT: THESE BIOS ARE OUTDATED. Updated info on them here!
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Orca Bakugou
Don't put yourself down! As Papa says, you're all sorts of BeautyCool!" Orca is The daughter of Bakugou and Kirishima and her quirk is Combustion. When shes nervous, she can explode herself and the area around her. Basically, shes a ticking time bomb of anxiety. Unlike her Dad (Baku) and Papa (Kiri) , Orca isn't loud or brash. Shes shy and content. She also scares easily and does NOT do well under pressure.  Yet, she is  quick to motivate anyone. She loves the feeling of seeing others happy. Kirishima dubs her "Baby Shark". (Kacchan, holding her as a newborn: "Oi! Shitty hair! Orcas aren't sharks!" Kiri: "She is still my baby shark, Katsuki! She can be our little whale shark!")
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Orca was born blonde like Katsuki! (He really said copy and paste). Later, she begged for it to be pink, so she can match both her parents. 
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Orca’s hero name is The Explosion Hero: Cherry Bomb.  Her dad’s are her biggest inspirations.  Orca hero name was a combination of both her dad’s. Red Riot + Dynamight = Cherry Bomb! She, of course, interns at the Dynamight Hero Agency.  —
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Apollo Midoriya "Listen. Hero work is important. We must stay vigilant and- ...you aren't even listening, are you?" Apollo is the son of Uraraka and Deku and his quirk is levitation. As he does so, a pink aura similar to Ochaco’s forms around his target. He learned later, that he could float himself as a supermove.  Apollo is focused a LOT on the status quo and believes to follow the rules to a T. Hes practical, and may have a tad of OCD. He collects Hero figurines and when Apollo was a toddler, Deku gave his old All Might onesie to Mars. The pictures are hanging on the wall with pride. Young Mars got along well with "Big sis" Eri, who interned at the Deku Hero Agency! Apollo’s first friend was Orca. Izuku finds that ironic.  Apollo, when not hero training, hangs out with friends, eats too many toaster pastries and plays Puzzle games until dawn. His hair is mostly in a ponytail. (With the exceptions of his hero costume and sleep of course.)
His hero name: The Space Hero: Gemini
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His costume looks like an 80s synthwave superhero and he didn’t care. He made sure it was as space themed as possible.  Apollo first chose the Uravity Agency as his internship, but moved to the Tailman Agency when Ochaco told him he wasn’t obligated to pick a family agency.
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Felicity Sero
“You wanna dance? Well, I wanna tango!”
The beautiful daughter of Mina and Sero. She met Orca at a dance class (ran by none other than her mother, Pro Hero: Pinky) and the two became fast friends!   Her quirk is NonStick Tape Rhythmic Ribbon, in which she can form non sticky tape ribbons from her hands and use them as a weapon. ...Or just her graceful dancing!  (As you can tell, Felicity renamed her quirk. She remade it into something she felt proud of. She took her father’s quirk, but it’s NON stick tape? She felt upset and it felt unfair. But her mother told her to not be ashamed, but find the beauty in your quirk.)
She and Mars have unsubtle crushes on one another. Her friends call her out on it a lot. 
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Felicity’s hero name, the Dancing Hero: Rhythm Girl
Taking her love of dance, she uses it innher fighting technique. Her hero outfit is based on a ballet leotard. Felicity interns at NejireChan’s Hero Agency.
Felicity is outgoing, passionate and reads one too many romance novels. 💕
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“It’s pretty shocking to see me! Ha! Get it? GET IT!?” DJ Kaminari (Denki Jr.) DJ. is the entergetic son of Denki and Kyoka Jiro. His quirk is dubbed Outlet. He can absorb all electricity like a sponge and when he’s full he can shoot it all back. Too much makes him short circuit though. He lets out a small “whee” when short circuited. He’s a huge fan of music and memes. He will literally quote thousands of vines daily. He’s all about the fun! 
DJ had jam sessions with his mother and father as a kid. Kyoka taught him Hero too and he sings it to himself a lot. He owned a little toy guitar and “wrote songs” a lot. Jiro once sang one of his little “masterpieces” to him. The lyrics were all over the place, going from “fast race cars” to “the dinosaur goes rawr”. Little Junior was so proud and hoped it’d be on the radio! DJ was a late bloomer and was afraid he’d be quirkless for a long while. He didn’t get signs of his quirk until about 8 years old.
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DJ’s hero name is The Electric Hero: Lightning Rod. His hero costume has two plugs that help him store more electricity. He interns at Lemillion’s Hero Agency.
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Nightengale Takami (Gale)
“You say ‘stop screeching’ like it’s a bad thing.”
Nightengale is the daughter of Hawks and Mirko. She’s a bit older than the rest. Hawks took a long while to settle down with Rumi. 
Her quirk is similar to her father’s but a tad weaker. She is capable of flight and fighting with her feathers. Her quirk was dubbed “sparkle wings” due to the shimmer her wings give off. This also went into her hero name.
Her wings are highly senestive and she has a tendency to screech and flare her wings upout in defence. 
Gale spends her times singing (she can’t), dancing (this she can), baking cookies, and watching her mother fight. She bonded a lot with Fumikage and though he, second to her parents, was so cool. She may have had a little celebrity crush on him as a young kid. 
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Wing details. 
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Gale’s hero name is The Sparkling Hero: SparkleWings
Her hero outfit is pink, pink, pink! She sports pink eyeshadow as she gets older and learned a supermove that causes her eyes to glow and her wing span grows. She quickly selected the Tsukuyomi Agency to intern in!
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Gale has only one fear. Seperation.  She had a hard time making friends and as usual, was watched closely by her parents. (Hawks is NOT letting his “mini feathers” have the same childhood that he had.) Gale was prone to putting herself out there too fast and not knowing the meaning of personal space. 
And thats how she go herself in her first romantic relationship, that didn’t go so well. Both she and Arroyo (son of Gang Orca) were both troubled and needed a place to distract from thier own insecurities and, in Arroyos case, daddy issues.  Arroyo was put under a lot of pressure by his father. With that, he learned to hide that with manipulation. He let Gale feel like she belonged, even though he was only dating her to boost his own self pride. It was a really rough breakup. 
Arroyo’s quirk, by the way, is Waves. Can create water and basically ride it.  His hero name is The Long Fin Hero: Whirlpool. 
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There are more, but let’s focus on heroes.  Lastly, the Todoroki Twins.
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Ignitus (left) and Blanche (right). Both share a creation quirk like their mother (Momo). Iggy’s is Fire Creation and Blanche’s is Ice Creation. 
Iggy is more laid back and stoic. while Blanche is more serious, and takes things too far sometimes. Iggy has his moments of anger when things get to competitive. Of course, Grampa Endeavor took favoritism to Ignitus than Blanche, causing her to hate him. Shoto saw this coming a mile away.
These two are works in progress! ✨
Now everyone is all caught up on the Orcaverse! (Changed from galeverse since Orca is more of the focus now)
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horanghaechan · 4 years
Freedom (Johnny) - final
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pairing: Demon!Johnny x Dancer!You (female character)
word count: around 6k
synopsis: After dancing at NCT’s party and having a private session with Johnny, you find yourself in a different situation. 
Inspired by Freedom - Kris Wu ft Jhené Aiko.
(Part 1 here)
[a/n]: i actually had a side-blog once and posted it there but i got author’s block and deleted everything. anyway, i’m rather proud of this scenario so i decided to post it again lol
You say you want some freedom You ain't got a leash on, you ain't coming home But where you wanna go You already know We can blow a creeper on the low I’ll be on my throne Tryna take it slow Guess you can control, let's play
 On rainy days, Y/N would rant about having to go to college in such a weather, then she would eat a schwarma and watch a good “Vines Compilation” until her mood was slightly better. Chances were that, if the “Bewitched boy vine” or the Mexican kid screaming "Alguien se comió mi torta” were in them, she’d smile.
However, since Johnny Seo happened, Y/N didn’t do any of that.
And that was three months ago.
“You’re really refusing a ride for college in this shitty weather?!” Yuta rolled his eyes.
“I’m refusing dying for a second time, Yuta.” Y/N chuckled.
“I won’t pick you up if the storm gets stronger, you know that, right?”
“Yeah, I know.” She opened the door of her apartment. “Before you leave, turn  the lights off.”
“Why don’t you move back to our house?”
“Because I can’t stand Youngho.” Y/N quipped. “Don’t forget the lights, dear!”
“I’ll pick you up at 9PM, college’s main door. One minute late and you’ll go back home all alone and in the rain.” Yuta yelled while she was leaving.
“Thank you.” She grinned, knowing he would always play hard to get.
  Later that night…
When Johnny heard a loud – excited – scream coming from Lucas, he knew she was there. It took her almost two months to come back... But who was counting, huh?
He pushed the girl out of his lap and barely looked at her while he dressed back.
“You gotta leave.”
“What?” The blonde beauty glared at him, shocked.
“You gotta leave. I need to address to an important matter right now.”
“B-but you said you didn’t have any business today!”
“Turns out I do.” He sighed. “Hurry up, I’ll escort you to the door.”
The girl pouted, but it didn’t make him change his mind. His attention drifted to the new female demon that had entered his property, the one that made his blood boil. He checked himself in the big mirror, feeling extremely hypnotising and sensual. Obviously, Y/N would pretend not to feel a thing, but he wanted her to be a bit shaken by his appearance. They didn’t part in good terms, so Johnny decided to give her a sample of the life she lost by gently telling him “to fuck off” and storming out of the room like a crazy ex-girlfriend. While closing his door, he made sure the sound was loud. When he walked to the stairs, he could hear Taeyong and Yuta saying something about ‘kitchen’ and there was a small silence. Perfect for his dramatic entrance.
Y/N looked up to the foyer at the sound of steps, her insides tightening at the sight of Seo Youngho. Then, right behind him, there was a tall, golden-haired lady that looked like a model.
“Cassiopeia is leaving.” Johnny announced in that hypnotic voice of his.
“I thought she had just arrived?!” Lucas frowned.
“Turns out she has some stuff to do.”
The girl looked so offended by his remark but didn’t object to any of it.
“Oh, ok then.” Lucas shrugged. “Y/N, Doyoung and I are going up to play some games, she’ll sleep over. Yuta and Tae are cooking dinner. Wanna join us?”
“Yes.” He shook his head. “Bye, Cassiopeia.”
And without a word, he left her alone in the staircase. She made an ‘I’m offended’ sound and came to the main floor, looking at Y/N and Lucas in pure annoyance.
“Johnny said he didn’t have anything to do, but then he kicks me out… What is happening, Lucas?” She inquired, trying to pout cutely.
“How would I know that, dear?” Lucas ventured, dismissing her with a soft grin. “C’mon Y/N, I’ve bought the French deck so you can teach me that truco game.”
Truco is a card game for two, four or six players, who shout a lot and make signs to tell their partner what cards they had. It’s a popular game in Latin American countries, with some regional differences, but funny either way. She was used to play that with her friends, Inez being the one that taught them how to. Since she couldn’t see the girls ever so often, Y/N decided that she would teach the boys, so whenever she felt like playing, she’d have company.
When Lucas opened his bedroom door, Johnny was there – his silky black hair parted in the middle and the white button-up shirt with the three first ones unbuttoned. Y/N felt as if she was punched in the stomach, his beauty too much for her own good.
“What are we playing?” Johnny asked.
“Nothing.” She replied. “Actually, I’ll go to the kitchen to help Yuta and Taeyong.”
“Are you really going to run away every time we meet?” Johnny pouted. “I didn’t take you as a coward, mei fortuna.”
“And I didn’t take you as a joke, Youngho, but look at where we are now?!” She spat.
“Ok, I’m gonna get Doyoung and when I come back, I want everyone behaving politely and pretending to be friends, huh?!” Lucas spoke slowly, as if he was talking to small, naughty children.
He left the room, closing the door with a dry sound. Y/N sighed, throwing herself on his bed and facing the ceiling in a stupid attempt to ignore the male demon.
“So, how’s life?” Johnny tried going for a small talk.
“Pretty good.” Y/N muttered. She intended to sound rude.
“Did Yuta tell you about the party this weekend?”
“He did, yes.”
“You coming?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe.” She looked at her nails, pretending to be uninterested.
“You can’t possible think about living only with your friends’ sins, Y/N. What if they notice you’re always the reason they start gossiping?”
“I don’t live off of only gossips. People commit sins every hour, duh.”
“You manipulate them to commit small sins, then?” Johnny laughed. “That isn’t enough.”
“Well, you should’ve thought better before ruining my life and turning me into a demon. I prefer doing things this way, it’s easier and doesn’t make my conscience ashamed.”
“Are you kidding me? You make your friends sin! What type of conscience is that?”
“And what about you? Do you even have one? You, I quote again, ruined my fucking life!”
“Aw, don’t be petty. At least I did it for myself and never pretended to have done with for something or someone else.” The corner of his mouth quirked up and she rolled her eyes. 
What was she expecting, to begin with? That he killed her to save his friends?! To save the world?! Ha, ha.
“See? And I’m doing this for myself too.”
“You won’t be powerful enough if you keep doing it.”
“I don’t intend to be powerful enough.”
“Are you sure?” Youngho tilted his head to the side, only the tiniest bit, but it drove her crazy.  That horrible man was so sarcastic and so arrogant… Ugh! She wanted to choke him!
Doyoung walked in with Lucas, automatically putting an end to their discussion.
“Let the games begin!” He shouted happily.
Y/N really tried not to get affected by Johnny’s presence, but it was impossible. She couldn’t stop remembering everything. Every fucking thing.
The tension when they met, how she was so hypnotised by him at first glance. Her dance and his eyes on her all the time. When they flirted. When she rejected him. The lap dance. When they kissed. When they fucked and how amazing, ethereal, unique that was… Then she died because of him. Fuck, it was so hard to accept the truth! Only being able to live because she took advantage of others and made them sin… She even brought her loved ones into the mess! What kind of disgusting creature would even do that?
But demons were like that and the faster she learned to deal with it, the better.
Also, there was one more thing bothering her: if she hadn’t arrived, Johnny would’ve slept with that Cassiopeia girl… Right? She said he kicked her out when they arrived.
Y/N felt the need to vomit.
“You seem a bit off, dear.” She was surprised by Doyoung’s soothing voice and the petname. Normally, Lucas was the one to be affectionate (and caring).
“I’m tired from college, so I can’t get into my competitive mode and make the game funnier.”
“How many months until it ends?”
“Two, thank God.” She chuckled, earning three smirks in response.
“You’re really a believer now.” Johnny teased her, knowing she would get annoyed.
“I actually had no other option.” Y/N’s tone was dry and she refused to look at him.
“Well, I’m sure the supper is almost ready, so what about we stop the game for now and go to the kitchen? If you eat you’ll get a boost of energy.” Doyoung held her hand, shocking her even more. 
Did the boys actually feel sorry for her having to put up with Johnny?!
“Agreed.” Lucas shook his head. “Let’s go, princess.”
Youngho was frowning due to Doyoung’s odd behaviour, but it got unbearable thanks to Lucas’ boldness. What the fuck was wrong with his friends? Did Y/N need to be pampered and treated as the most delicate flower now?
If he was going to be honest with himself – which he was not –, he'd admit that he was a bit jealous. Y/N didn’t need sugar-coated treatment; she liked things rough, she was tough and cold when she needed to be, and knew how to put people in their place. A woman like her should be treated as a goddess, not as a fragile lady. And, well, Johnny knew how to treat her right. He knew exactly what to do to make her squirm, to capture all of her attention, to crawl under her skin. Unfortunately, since they were connected by her transformation, he was sure Y/N knew what to do to him as well…
Even though she never seemed interested in using it to her favour.
That was the saddest thing about turning people into demons: you created a bond with them; so you could feel when they are struggling, when they’re excited, when they’re mad or happy... That’s why less and less demons offered or agreed to do so; it was too much trouble. When Y/N woke after “dying” and they talked, Johnny went out to find more experienced demons who could help him figure out what really had happened, but there wasn’t much information about what happened when someone becomes demon without selling their soul and requesting to come back as one of them. Then, he wasn’t able to answer all of her questions and Y/N freaked out, deciding she had enough and was wasting her time... So she left him.
She didn’t leave Yuta, Taeyong, Lucas or Doyoung.
She left just him.
Moreover, it was a hard punch on his ego. No one ever left him, he left them.
When they sat down for dinner, Y/N was between Yuta and Lucas, looking more relaxed than before. She loved Taeyong’s food because it was always homemade and he usually cooked dishes she could use as “comfort food”; besides, that’s what eating meant to her: comfort. He had prepared dough soup (sujibae), mushrooms, courgettes and garlic bread as sides, and for dessert chocolate lava cake. 
Yuta poured her some soup while she devoured in one bite the bread.
“Do you live in hunger?” He joked.
“Only when the weather is shitty.” Y/N stated. “Oh God, Tae, I love your food!”
“I’m glad I can help.” The leader smiled lovingly. “Did you have fun playing cards?”
“No, dear, not at all.” She shook her head. “Would you ever be so kind to pass me the mushrooms, Dodo?” The adorable smile she gave Doyoung (and that hideous petname) made Johnny scow. 
What the fuck was happening there?
“Should we start with the British accent as well?! Maybe some Regency outfits and a full decoration?” Doyoung joked, handling her the mushroom bowl.
“Capital! That would be precious.” Y/N leaned forward, a hand on her heart and eyes twinkling. “I’d like to be called ‘Your Grace’ or ‘milady’.”
“Holy fuck!” Lucas tried to muffled a laugh. “Suits you perfectly, tho. However, since I’ve always been calling you ‘princess’ I might have to stick with ‘Your Highness’, huh?”
“The higher the better.” She winked.
“Damn, you’re still here but I’m already missing you so much!” Yuta bawled. “Please, come back home! You’ll be safer and happier here, I swear.”
“Agreed.” Lucas and Doyoung said at the same time.
She felt her heart warm up with that. It was awesome living together with them – unfortunately, she didn’t want to put up with all the trouble Johnny brought her, and he sure would. Also, what would she do if he showed up with girls night after night? She couldn’t spend the whole day in the bedroom and the boys would think she was sick or going officially crazy… Yes, of course she could talk about Johnny with any of them, but she didn’t want to. Talking about him would make things more real… And she preferred to ignore it.
“You know I can’t, Yuta.” She was about to change subjects when she earned the puppiest ‘puppy eyes’ look of all them: Taeyong. “Stop, Tae! Don’t look at me like that! It’s not good for the baby.”
“Which baby?” He paled.
“Me.” Her mouth twitched.
Lucas chuckle soon turned into a laugh and soon everyone started laughing too… Everyone but Johnny. His eyes were bored into her, trying to tore her skin and uncover all truth she had hidden – sincerely, with the intensity of that gaze, she wouldn’t be surprised if she was naked.
  Johnny left her mouth, his strong body hovering over her and his hand kept its work. Y/N felt her heart beating loudly thanks to the pleasure.
It had to be the pleasure.
‘We’re not doing things your way.’ She moaned.
‘Are you sure?’ There he was again, being the stupidly arrogant man he was.
‘We’re not.’ Y/N tried to assure her own head.
‘Aw, I think we will.’ His long digit eased its way inside her, making Y/N’s eyes shut automatically. The hideous man! ‘What do you say?’
‘Stop, Youngho, that’s what I say. Stop.’
He paused as instructed but his finger was still in her.
Y/N abruptly shifted on the bed, the wet dream still painfully alive on her memory. She looked to the side – Lucas, as the heavy sleeper he was, didn’t even flinch at her agony. Leaving the mattress, she grabbed her night-robe and decided that the kitchen was the best place to deal with frustrations… Or whatever “wet dreams” should be classified.
  She was in the middle of preparing hot chocolate when she heard steps.
“Oh, you’re here.” Johnny’s voice sent shivers down her spine.
“Youngho.” Y/N breathed in.
“Why are you here?”
“Am I not allowed to enter my own kitchen?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I’m here because I was hungry and smelled chocolate, so I thought Tae was having a midnight-crisis and wanted to bake something to chill out.” He shrugged. “Anyway, mei fortuna, what about you? What made you wake up so early? A wet dream?” He smiled innocently at her, doing his best to look uninterested.
“How the fuck did you know?”
“I’m connected to you, I told you already.”
“Yeah, in a really dumb and weak way.” She sneered. “Stop reading my mind, then.”
“I’m not reading it; what the fuck do you take us for?! We’re not in Twilight!” Johnny crinkled his nose. “You died in lust and greed, that’s why these are more intense in your life now. And, not to be nosy, you need to fuck often.”
“Oh my fucking God.” She rolled her eyes, turning off the stove.
“You’ve been calling Him a lot.”
“Yeah, I found out He’s the only one listening to my complaints, currently.”
“Aren’t your soldiers working hard to grant each one of your wishes?”
“My soldiers?”
“Lucas, Yuta, Taeyong and Doyoung. I’ve never seen them this devoted.”
“They aren’t my soldiers, but I won’t apologize for the way they treat me.” She smiled coyly. “If it bothers you, I suggest you mind your own business, then.”
“It is quite hard to mind my own business when they’ve been all petnames and sugar-coated actions on you.” Johnny stated matter-of-factly. “You don’t need this.”
“What are you trying to suggest? That I don’t deserve to be pampered?!”
“Precisely.” He agreed. “You don’t like that.”
“Do you even listen to yourself sometimes?” She scoffed, offended.
“Mei fortuna, you like roughness and choking, you like playing the femme fatale and you like the idea of being in control even when you know that it ain’t true.” Johnny raised a brow. “Or am I wrong? Do you really enjoy those ‘princesses’ and ‘dears’ and ‘sweethearts’?”
“Judging by this I suppose you call me a whore when you go on with your ‘Mei fortuna’ thing, right?!”
Johnny’s eyes lighted up in surprise. He thought she would know by now, but that wasn’t the case.
“Actually it’s a Latin expression that means ‘My luck’… Since you’re my lucky charm.”
She didn’t mean to be touched by it. She didn’t even like what it represented… But she, somehow, felt her heart getting warm and small.
Oh, for fuck sakes, the man was hideous!
“Hmpf. Well.” She stuck her nose in the air, dismissing him. ��I’m going to sleep.”
“Without your hot chocolate?”
“You can have it.”
“Are you coming to the party this Saturday?”
“Perhaps I will.” Y/N disappeared into the hall, leaving Johnny with a smug smile.
It was flattering that she had a wet dream with him and felt bothered by it. He couldn’t wait to put his hands on her again… And he would make sure to do it on Saturday.
Yuta had showed Y/N all the possible souls she could buy or feed off. He knew how to handle her and how to make it all seem less horrible – which she preferred.
“You have to feed yourself, love. Properly.” He had told her, compassion shining on his dark eyes.
Yuta was right, as expected. After corrupting two souls, her body felt stronger, alive. And the feeling was addictive; she wanted to keep doing that for ages.
Congrats Y/N, you’re a hideous being. – her conscience screamed.
A tall man walked past the group she was talking to, the dark blue suit so beautiful and shiny that it caught her attention. Her eyes went straight up to the man’s face… Just to find out he wasn’t a stranger at all. Of course Seo Youngho would be walking around as if he was God himself. They exchanged glances and Y/N felt another type of hunger.
Damn, she would give everything to get dicked down by him (again).
With a handshake, she dismissed her targets and approached Devil.
“Y/N. You came.”
“Not really.” She couldn’t help but rejoice in his grin.
“That can be arranged.”
“Oh, I’m afraid it can.” She shook her head positively. “These guys are really easy to convince. In fact, Yuta showed me some of them, and the rest happened almost automatically.”
“So no more gossips? Are you eating properly?”
“Wanna check out?”
“No, no. I might get jealous.” He gave her a half smile. “But I’m glad you’re finally doing it right.” His eyes turned slowly into the devilish cognac colour, shining with wickedness and proudness, and Y/N felt her throat burn with desire.
That man was impossible.
“Isn’t Cassandra around?” Right after asking, Y/N felt stupid and childish.
“Cassiopeia?” Johnny looked at her with humour. “I don’t think she will come. She’s mad at me and I’m not in the mood to deal with humans.”
“But are you in the mood for demons?”
“It depends. Are they female?”
“Interesting. What else?”
“It’s just a possibility, though.” Y/N started cautiously. “I mean, you’re really arrogant and I’m still fed up with all that happened months ago – but maybe, and I stress it, maybe, I want us to fuck.” She blushed. “The wet dream and all…”
Johnny smirked.
“Wanna discuss it somewhere private?”
“Please.” She agreed.
  They got inside Johnny’s chamber and Y/N remembered the day she went there for the first time. Apparently, even though she didn’t sleep with him that night, it was bound to happen. And now, luckily, she would lay on that wicked bed and do wicked things with Mr. Wicked.
“Why are you still mad?”
“I’m having a hard time concealing my demon shit with my previous life. Now that I’m eating properly, it downed on me it’s real, you know?!”
“Yeah, it is tricky in the beginning.” He chuckled. “But I don’t see why you should stay mad at that, nor at me.”
“Oh, of course you only turned me into this, but where’s the problem, huh?!”
“Are we having this conversation again?”
“Well, I apologize for not fully adapting into a life I didn’t ask for!” Her tone was sarcastic, but the way her brows knotted together made her just cute.
He could feel her anger and her lust… Oh, she was so adorable! He couldn’t help himself.
“Y/N, look, I know you didn’t ask for it and I know you’re annoyed by what happened but there’s no way to reverse it. So, instead of being bitter and petty forever, why don’t you enjoy what was given to you? You have powers, you can manipulate lives and destinies… And you have me.”
“What?” Her jaw dropped.
“Well, I’m here to fuck you senseless, aren’t I?”
“I-I kinda hope so… I guess.”
“Then let’s close the topic. After I'll fuck your brains out, I think you’ll be able to see things clearer, alright?” Johnny locked the door. “Now be a good girl and strip for me. This skirt is driving me nuts.” He gestured to her leather skirt.
Her hands went to the clothing piece, but she stopped mid-way.
“What?” Johnny inquired.
“I was thinking… I’ve stripped for you once and did a lap dance.” She tilted her head to the side. “Would it be too greedy of me if I ask you to take them off yourself?”
He hesitated for a brief second, then smirked.
“It would be a pleasure.”
Y/N felt her heart beating fast while he approached her – those long fingers going straight to her cropped top. Her boobs fell down, free from the fabric, and Johnny’s mouth watered at the sight. He played with one nipple, feather touches, just to tease. Y/N was too focused on his alcoholic yellow eyes to try to make him stop with the teasing.
“You make me so thirsty, Youngho.”
Something in the way she said his name – as if it was a prayer – ignited him inside.
“For what?” One of his hands travelled up to her chin, cupping it.
“For cognac.” She closed her eyes and breathed in. “For kisses.” And then when she looked at him again, her irises were also yellow. “For you.”
He kissed her urgently, passionately, violently. It had been months since he felt something like that… Something so right. It couldn’t be just because he transformed her; he had that feeling long before. However, Johnny didn’t want to analyse anything but her body… Well, not yet. He tugged on her skirt, pulling it down slowly. Stopping the kiss to look at her in her burgundy lace set, he sighed contently. Oh, he would devour her.
“What?” Y/N questioned.
“Nothing. It’s just that you are too pretty for your own good.”
“And you’re too dressed for my own good.” She giggled.
“Well, do you want me to strip?” His voice was pure mockery, but his eyes were predatory.
“If you’d ever be so kind, sir.”
“Oh.” He smiled, his body beginning to withdraw from hers. “Then if you allow me to be greedy too, I have a request.”
“I thought you were the boss here.”
“Normally, yes. But once in a lifetime I can let someone else play the role… That being said, can you call me ‘Youngho’ or ‘Johnny’ as for tonight? Nothing about ‘sir’ or ‘Devil’.”
“That’s an odd request coming from you, sir, but I can comply.”
“Alright. Now that we’re settled, maybe you should sit down… I won’t be able to catch you if you faint while I strip.” He blinked in fake innocence, which made Y/N grin.
She didn’t want to argue with him right now. They were teasing each other and it felt good, not resentful like it has been for the past months. Even though calling him by his name would make things way more intimate, she couldn’t bring herself to care. Also, she needed a proper fuck. She needed someone like Johnny; and she didn’t want to ruin everything before she had an orgasm. 
When Y/N sat down on his bed and it was as if she was embraced by pure lust. She touched the black satin sheets and smiled to herself… She had a set that looked like that, and it was her favourite one. Then she looked up and forgot how to breathe. Handsome boys undressing from their suits should be elected as the first of the Seven Wonders of the World. After taking out his jacket, Johnny started unbuttoning his shirt, loving the way Y/N followed his fingers as if she was under hypnosis. He threw it aside, hands now on his belt, and Y/N licked her lips.
“Holy fuck, let me do it.” She reached out for him, but he slapped her hand.
“No, no. This is my time to shine, mei fortuna. You asked for a strip and you’ll get one.”
“You’re taking too long!”
“You took two months and a whole ass song! I’m not even gonna take four minutes.”
“My tongue is impatient.” She nagged. “Please, Youngho.”
“What does your tongue have to do with it?”
“I want to lick every inch of you, that’s the problem!”
He chuckled, finding her eagerness so adorable that he gave up. “Oh, ok then. Guess you can control now.”
Y/N wanted to take her time with his body, so she started from his neck. Getting up, she let her hands touch his shoulders while her mouth went to his chin and collarbones. Oh, he was delicious and addictive! What a horrible, hideous man! Johnny’s chest rose, breathing in, closing his eyes to enjoy the caress properly. Her tongue left small licks all over his torso, getting lazier with every step further down, next to his belt. One warm hand got rid of his trousers in a quick move, leaving him with his underwear. Y/N smiled to herself, undressing him from his last piece of clothes. Without warning, she swirled her tongue over his shaft, receiving a raspy grunt in response. She looked up, repeating the movement, slower. Youngho sighed, feeling shivers run through his body. He watched, mesmerised, Y/N start to suck him off, swallowing him as far as she could handle. He tightened the grip on her head, but not moving at all, because it was her time to dictate the rhythm. Her large nails clawed at his thighs and the shivers intensified. He let out a loud groan as Y/N squeezed her testicles lightly, testing them. Johnny leaned against the wall, succumbing to the pleasure, but his attention remained on her, unable to take his eyes off the wonderful scene that Y/N was sucking his dick.
She guided his wrist to her hair, not really needing to “be in control” to make him cum. Johnny accepted it as if he needed to be tugging on her hair tightly for his life. He kept her head still and started to fuck her mouth. Y/N looked up again, and her eyes were so lustful that it was more than he could bear; Youngho was never prepared to see her as beautiful and disposed as she was in sex. He really wanted her to be in Louvre, the most precious paint to ever be shown.
“Can I cum in your mouth, mei fortuna?” He asked, wiping a small tear from her eye, his thumb caressing her cheekbone while he kept thrusting inside.
She shook her head positively the best she could, due to their position. It didn’t take much to make Johnny cum – he got out slightly, so he could see his seed filling her mouth. It was all too erotic, too lustful, so right. He watched Y/N eagerly lick her mouth, giggling. Without giving him more time to take enjoy of the scene, Y/N stood up.
“I think you should lay down, Youngho.”
“Anything you want, love.” Johnny mocked her, doing as she suggested. “What are you going to ride tonight?”
Y/N tried to pretend she wasn’t surprised he guessed what was going to happen. “Your face, and then your cock... If you behave.”
Johnny chuckled. “The only noise you’re going to listen from me is my mouth devouring you, I promise.”
It took her a deep breath to start moving. Her heart was beating so fast and she was so anxious to have his mouth on hers that she, for a moment, thought she wouldn’t handle it. Y/N passed one leg on either side of his face, slowly going down before sitting on that pretty mouth. His tongue began to move, the friction and speed so wonderful that it made her moan loudly. That was so much better than what she had imagined. Holding on the headboard, Y/N tried to focus entirely on the sensations. Youngho licked her like a lazy cat, sucking ever so often on her clit and letting one hand rest on her thigh. When she felt fully enchanted, her hips started moving slightly, riding his face as she had warned before. Johnny growled, his tongue speeding up.
“If you suffocate, please just throw me aside.”
He pushed his face further on her pussy, as a response. Y/N’s eyes flew shut, the orgasm building quickly. Oh, the hideous man he was! Her body just couldn’t get enough of him! She gasped, tipping her head back, enjoying the tight grip on her stomach. Somehow, he smacked her butt and it was everything she needed to fall into the pool of pleasure.
Johnny didn’t wait for Y/N to calm down. He gently pushed her to the side and sat down, bringing her to his lap, kissing her hungrily. In a matter of second, she was already aligning herself in his member. His eyes brightened in anticipation. It was incredible how anything made by her became an intense erotic act. Her breasts arched forward while she sunk on his dick, and he took them in his hands, squeezed them, sucking her nipples and leaving little bites that made Y/N moan loudly. He stared at the spot where they met, feeling pure bliss. The first thrust was so precise that she ran out of air. Only Johnny could touch her in the right way, make her feel right. At that moment, while the two were together, Y/N did not think about her problems or their complicated relationship; she concentrated only on Youngho and all the wonderful things that made her feel. How desperate she had been for him, and it seemed to get worse over time. Staring into his alcoholic eyes, Y/N began rock against him, increasing their pleasure. She was still sensitive from the past orgasm and that was enough to make her hungry for another. Johnny grabbed her hip, the noise of thrusts being louder than the grunts and gasps they let loose. She ran her hands down his tanned backs then wrapped them around his neck, still grinding, but she lost some speed as he lowered his face and sucked one of her nipples. It was hard to focus on only one place in her burning body. She began to quiver, her nails digging into his shoulder and indicating her orgasm.
“Here.” Youngho took her hands on his, intertwining their fingers. “To keep you steady, love.”
The petname was too much.
He should come back with ‘Mei fortuna’ or anything that remembered her of who they truly was… But ‘Love’ was too much. ‘Love’ made her heart feel warm and melt. ‘Love’ made her think she could never stay a day without looking at those yellow eyes.
Y/N gave in to the spasms and searched for air as she reached her high – she was far away, plunged into absolute delight. No more than a minute later, she felt Johnny's arms hold her down, laying her on her back while he climbed up and shoved into her again. Y/N let out a little shriek from the surprise thrust. The strength in which he held her would leave marks, but Youngho was too eager for release to care. When he came, he moaned loud his hips slowing down only a bit. He grinned, sticking his forehead to hers and opened his eyes.
“One time I heard Lucifer is the prettiest being alive.” She murmured, hypnotised. “Are you sure your name is Youngho?”
“I am, Y/N.”
“Damn, if he is prettier than you than I hope to never meet him.”
Johnny couldn’t help but chuckle. “It’s good when you don’t die after we fuck.”
“It only happened once.” She groaned. “Are you really going to ruin the mood?”
“It keeps me from doing something crazy.”
“Such as?”
“Asking you to move back home… Asking you to stay.” He shrugged, getting out of her.
Y/N sat down, shocked. “What to do you mean?”
“I thought fucking you would make you come to your senses, but turns out it backfired.”
“Youngho, I don’t have time for metaphors.”
“Maybe demons do fall in love, Y/N, and maybe I’ve fallen for you.”
She choked, too surprised to answer or pretend to be fine with what he said.
“And maybe that’s why you didn’t officially die when I corrupted you.” Youngho ruffled his hair, wiping a bit of the sweat off. “I don’t know, honestly. Nothing like this happened to my friends that corrupted beings of light, but none of them felt this drawn into their victims.” He approached her, holding her chin up and looking into her now yellow eyes. “When we met… When you left two months ago… It was you from the beginning, Just Y/N, not your light.”
Oh, the hideous, horrible man!
And just like that, he had her heart wrapped around his finger.
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 15, 2021: Call Me by Your Name (Part 2)
I’m back! OK, now, where were we? Ah, yes, the inevitable first kiss! Let us continue. First part of the Recap is right here!
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Recap (2/2)
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So, about that kiss. Oliver indulges that (and some similarly forward moves by Elio), but does note that they can’t embrace those feelings any further. However, that’s not really going to stop much, it would seem.
See, they drive back, and some family members are over at the Professor’s place, arguing about something. This is accompanied by a spontaneous nosebleed of Elio’s, which he’s apparently prone to, and he runs into the house to get some ice. He’s followed by Oliver, who gives him a foot massage to calm him down. Not helping with the whole “we can’t be together” thing, Oliver, my Lord.
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After this Chiara and Marzia come over, and the group go to a local pool which is...VERY green. Like, concerningly so. But anyway, Elio returns home, where his mother asks if she like Oliver (and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t mean as a friend), and she notes that Oliver likes him in return. Damn, progressive mom for the 1980s, but that may also be because she’s French, to be fair.
For the rest of the day, Elio waits around for Oliver, and when he does return home, he chooses not to talk with Elio, who labels him a “traitor.” Time for the falling out phase of their relationship, before their relationship truly begins.
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The next night, Elio goes on a date with Marzia, and the two have sex, which Elio seems to enjoy quite a bit. It’s weirdly charming, also? Not sure how to explain that, you’ve gotta watch it. It just has this very real nuance to it that I appreciate. But afterwards, Elio writes a message to Oliver, whom he’s tired of getting the silent treatment from.
However, the next day, the Professor and Oliver are looking at new images from their archaeological site, and the entire conversation is VERY obviously laced with homoerotic dialogue and innuendo, which the Professor seems to be TOTALLY aware of, for the record. Elio finds that Oliver’s left a note for him, telling him that they’ll meet at midnight.
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But before midnight, Elio and Marzia have a little rendezvous once again, if you know what I mean. This is followed by a visit from a relative (not sure the relation, didn’t catch that, sorry), and his male partner. Which, yeah, is neat to see. Looks like the Perlmans are quite progressive, especially given the time period. Honestly, that’s a welcome break from Brokeback Mountain.
But, uh, here’s the thing...it’s midnight now. And Elio and Oliver hve been checking their watches for the entire day. And, uh...let’s just say that the sequence is detailed in its elicitness. This movie’s rated R for a reason, after all. Well, eventually, anyway. It’s awkward at first, and takes them a bit to, uh, get started. And when they get started...they get STARTED.
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But during the process, Oliver asks that they swap names. In other words:
Call me by your name, and I’ll call you by mine.
OK...but why? I guess we’ll eventually find that out. But it’s definitely an interesting request. Anyway, the next morning comes, after a night of guys bein’ dudes. That Vine reference comes from my girlfriend. Say hello, girlfriend.
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She says hi. That next day, the two go biking, they go swimming in a lake, and things seem...tense. Smething about what had happened last night is eating away at Elio, and Oliver asks if he’s going to hold it against him. Looks like it’s Elio’s turn to provide the silent treatment for...whatever reason. The GF seems to think that somebody didn’t, uh...finish, and their interaction seems to confirm that.
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However, they get past these initial awkwardness, and head into town to do errands together, where Oliver reveals that he’s happy the previous night happened, and that he was worried that he’d mess Elio up, psychologically and emotionally. But it doesn’t seem the case, and they start to actively embrace their relationship. 
 But things aren’t...perfect for Elio, from a sexual standpoint. Whatever happened the previous night may have him feeling a bit unsatisfied. Enter...the peach. Possibly literally.
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Yeah, so Elio picks this peach, and is initially about to eat it, going straight for the pit. And then, the peach goes away from the mouth...downwards...into the pants. And can I just say..that’s gonna be SO sticky. And, uh, not in the sexual way, I mean LITERALLY that’s gotta be so sticky. Also, do you want ants? Because that’s how you get ants. Quote from the GF, that one.
Later on, Oliver finds the fruit and chides him about it. Elio asks whether he’s sick. And I say, no. You’re 17. Lot of hormones in there at 17. I mean, did I ever give the sexy eyes to a drupe at any point in my teenage years? I mean no, admittedly I did not. But, y’know, it’s 17. He’s still figuring shit out.
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Anyway, stupid jokes aside, this chiding kinda FUCKS Elio up for a sec, as he’s legitimately ashamed of that action. Oliver comforts him, and the two have a heart-to-heart about what little time they actually have left. Oliver admits that he didn’t act on his feelings earlier because he was afraid of it being perceived as a form of molestation. And...yeah, fair, even I pointed that out earlier.
The next morning, who should show up but Marzia, who has heard from him at all in three days! WHOOF. She’s understandably heartbroken, as she’s trying to understand their relationship, and Elio’s COMPLETELY cut her off of that. Which, fuckin’ OW. Kids. Accidental cruelty runs par with the course sometimes.
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Time grows short for the two, and Elio’s folks encourage him to go on a small trip with Oliver to the city of Bergamo. They’re DEFNITELY aware of their relationship, and super-supportive. And that’s honestly pretty goddamn sweet, I think. Elio goes on the trip, and they have a legit vacation together in a very nice locale.
The two go out one night, and Elio vomits for...some reason, I’m not entirely sure why. But it is enforcing my beliefs that Chalamet is just a sickly Victorian boy slowly dying of consumption, who was somehow transported into the future I WILL PROVE THIS THEORY IF IT KILLS HIM. BY THE CONSUMPTION
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Well, the two spend three days together, and then...it’s over. Oliver leaves to go back home to the USA, and they say goodbye at the train station. And Elio’s kind of...broken. He calls his mom to pick him up, and she agrees. On the way home, he breaks down in the car, clearly heartbroken by the departure of Oliver.
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When they get back to their village, Marzia greets him, and says that she understands how he feels, and that she forgives him. I like Marzia a lot, honestly. The two agree to be friends for life. It’s very sweet.
But sadly, it’s inevitably little comfort for Elio, who’s deep deep DEEEEEEP in depression over a love departed too soon. His father talks to him, and notes that the two had a nice friendship. However, it’s quite quickly revealed that he understands exactly what their relationship was in full. In fact, it’s implied that he had a relationship VERY much like Elio had in his youth. And this speech that he gives...FUCK ME, man I DREAM of eing a father this understanding and supportive! Hopefullly one day I can be, but I don’t think it’ll measure up to this.
Summer turns to fall turns to winter, and Hannukah is here! Oliver calls the house, and Elio answers the phone. However, while the initial greeting is happy, it’s quickly tempered by another set of news: Oliver’s engaged. To a woman with whom he;s been in an off-and-on relationship for 3 years.
And I was ALL SET to be pissed off by YET MORE INFIDELITY...but it seems like they might have been off at the time, so I’ll let this one slide with HOPEFUL THOUGHTS THAT OLIVER WASN’T CHEATING ON HER. Anyway, Elio whispers his own name into the phone, to which Oliver responds with his name, acknowledging and affirming their summer love. They get off the phone and Elio stares into the fireplace and cries, remembering the love they felt for each other.
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And that...is Call Me By Your Name. Also, I want to note that he’s staring into the fireplace over the ENTIRE CREDIT SEQUENCE, followed by his smile and staring directly into the camera. Goddamn, people, I get it! I get why you all love Chalamet so goddamn much, he’s amazing. But, of course...I’ll get to that in the Review. See you there!
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istgimamess · 4 years
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“I don’t see him.” the young scientist voices; he’s a skinny thing—tall and lanky—with the demeanor of an excitable child. You follow the flick of his curious eyes over your shoulder, your gaze automatically meeting Kai’s through the glass. He’s well hidden—his gold and green complexion, the green leaves growing out of his shoulders, wrapping delicately around his arms and torso, the roots wrapped around his ankles, the dirt on his cheek—he blends into the dome around him, almost invisible to the human eye. If it weren’t for his laser-like focus on you, his golden irises catching in the light, you might’ve had a harder time locating him.
You clear your throat, breaking eye contact as quickly as you made it, “He’s there.” You open your mouth—ready to get this over with—when another voice cuts through, “I see him! Look, he’s right there.” the girl reaches forward, as if to touch the glass. Murmurs of shock and barely concealed excitement fill the tiny room and, suddenly, you’ve got a migraine.
“Woah! He’s an alien.” a much shorter, rounder intern exclaims.
“Kai—” you cut short, silently reprimanding yourself for the slip of tongue, “Subject K is a unique case, he’s not foreign to this planet. He was once human.”
“He was human?” the same intern questions, incredulously.
“Did you not read the case files you were presented with before todays introduction?” you can’t help but snap in reply, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. You’re a scientist, not a babysitter, and definitely not a teacher. How and why did you get stuck doing this? You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Can he...hear us?” a quiet voice pulls you out of your thoughts, cutting through the building frustration. And suddenly you feel ashamed. You’re not typically a cold person; you were once a young, fresh graduate—a wet behind the ears intern—just like them. Over-excited, curious and unintentionally dumb at times. You take a deep breath, center yourself, before shaking your head. “The room is soundproof, military glass, but he can see you.”
“What if he gets out? What if he hurts someone?” the same meek voice questions. You can now see the owner. It’s a girl, she’s shorter than you, thin and obviously very nervous. Sweat gathers at the top of her lip.
“There is no reason to be scared. Subject K is a product of an experiment gone wrong.” you interject, hoping to calm the young girls nerves. “He who creates a poison, also has the cure. He who creates a virus, also has the antidote. He who creates chaos, also has the ability to create peace. Any problems created by the left hand of man, can also be solved with the right.” you trail off, finding yourself quoting your late professor—a magnificent scientist, a man you look up to.
“I don’t understand?” her tall, lanky companion stares at you, his head cocked to the right.
“For he who manifests anything, also has the ability to destroy it.” you whisper, suddenly overwhelmed with the meaning behind what your late professor was saying. You didn’t really understand it at the time, but now you do. “Is that what you’ll do? Destroy him?” a smaller male questions, taking a step forward towards the glass. And you suddenly feel extremely nauseous. The idea of anyone, your boss, the government, ordering the termination—the extermination—of Kai...
You shake your head in an attempt to abort the train of thought, heat gathering behind your eyes. “I don’t...I don’t know.” you croak, your throat burns.
 “Anyways, shall we begin?” gripping the clipboard in your hands, you gesture to a series of X-rays directly opposite the viewing window. “The gut is the seat of all feeling. Polluting the gut not only cripples your immune system, but also destroys your sense of empathy, the ability to identify with other humans.” you keep your eyes steady on the group of interns you are speaking to—despite the consistent itch of Kai’s eyes lingering on your skin. “Bad bacteria in the gut creates neurological issues. For instance, through a series of tests, we’ve found that autism can be cured by detoxifying the bellies of young children.”
“Wait, so you’re saying that people who think that feelings come from the heart are wrong?” the shorter girl questions from the back of the room, her initial nerves completely forgotten about. There is a pause in writing, the sound of pen on paper dissipating.
“I’m saying that it’s scientifically proven that the gut is where you feel the loss of a loved one first. It's where you feel pain and a heavy bulk of your emotions. It's the central base of your entire immune system. If your gut is loaded with negative bacteria, it affects your mind. Yes, your heart is the seat of your conscience. But if your mind is corrupted, it affects your conscience all the same.” your voice is steady, almost monotone. The subject at hand coming second nature to you. In hindsight, this is probably why you were picked—you could teach this in your sleep.
“Think of the Solar system; the heart is the Sun. The gut is the Moon. The pineal gland is Neptune, and your brain and nervous system—your 5 senses—are Mercury. What affects the moon or sun affects the entire universe within. So, if you poison the gut—” you trail off, eyes connecting with Kai’s once again. “—it affects your entire nervous system, your sense of reasoning, your senses altogether. Which is what you can see clearly here with Subject K.” you gesture briefly to Kai, flicking your wrist in his direction and dropping your eyes away from his intense gaze.
“But I don’t understand the manifestation of that bacteria. Flowers? Plants? Vines? In the human body? Growing out of the nervous system? What did they do to him? What kind of experiment was this? Does it hurt him?” the taller intern balks, confusion written all over his face.
“You don’t have the clearance for the answers to half of those questions.” you reply, brazenly. Your eyes can’t help but fall down to Kai’s legs—the vines rooted into his skin—grown from the inside out. Dried blood and dirt caked to his shins, his shoulders.
“There are people who are destined to taste only the poison in things, any surprise is a painful surprise and any experience a new occasion for torture.” you clench your jaw, the same heat behind your eyes reappearing. “If someone were to say to me that such suffering has subjective reasons, related to the individual's particular makeup, I would then ask is there an objective criterion for evaluating suffering?”  You look back at the group of interns, making eye contact with each one. “Who can say with precision that Subject K suffers more than you or I do? There is no objective standard because suffering cannot be measured according to the external stimulation or local irritation of the organism, but only as it is felt and reflected in consciousness.” It’s textbook and the science driven part of your brain can rationalize and justify any pain he might feel—for the better of humankind. However, your heart says other wise. The empathetic, emotion driven part of your brain can’t help but plead for lack of pain. For mercy. Your nausea returns.
It isn’t until the last intern has left the room, closing the door softly behind him, that you allow yourself to outwardly reflect what you are feeling inside: exhaustion, defeat, fear.
You curl into yourself, shoulders dropping, head hanging low; for a moment you forget who you are, where you’re at, who is watching you. A sigh escapes your lips before you’re even aware of what you’re doing. Coming back into yourself, you straighten. Your eyes trail back to Kai nervously, heart still thumping erratically in your chest. His golden eyes somehow look darker. As if he could truly hear you—no, it’s soundproof glass, there’s no way. You shake your head once again, trying to rid yourself of any doubts and turn to exit the room.
“You are not coming in today?” his voice carries, a low baritone, as if he was right there beside you. You freeze. Slowly turning around, your wide eyes catch his.  “No, I won’t.” your eyes trail back to the door, your nerves picking up at the thought of someone walking by and hearing your conversation; a conversation you weren’t supposed to participate in.
“Why? You always come in.” he takes a step forward, the part of his body once hidden in plain sight coming into full view. You instinctively take a step back, your body reacting as if there is no glass separating you.
“You know why...last time...last time you touched me. You’re not supposed to do that. You… you whispered things in my ear, things I never would’ve expected to affect me the way they did.” you suddenly find yourself exasperated. “You’re a walking, talking ecosystem and yet I’m the one like a leaf fluttering in the wind—when you zig, I zag. You talk and I jump. You walk and I turn into a blithering idiot. I admit it, when I find myself near you…” you didn’t have the courage to finish the sentence. You weren’t suppose to talk to him, to let him touch you. You couldn’t let yourself get attached, and yet here you were. With a sudden lump in your throat, you added: “I don’t want to hope, and I certainly don’t want to delude myself. Damn it, the thought of deluding myself terrifies me!”
“I think I know what your problem is.” he was right in front of the glass now, the palm of his hand pressed up against it. His eyes radiating life, his expression incredibly deprived—like he was the plant and you were the water he so desperately needed. Just out of reach.  “And what would that be?” you swallow at the sudden proximity, you hadn’t seen him approach so swiftly. He offered a sly smile, his golden eyes piercing you in place. “You’re hopelessly in love with me.” 
“Absolutely not.” you disagree wholeheartedly, a part of you panicked at the thought, “If anything, you’re the one in love with me!” You don’t know why you say it, maybe to try and one-up him. Kai has never shown any direct interest in you personally, other than that one time—if anything he seems quite indifferent around you. His foreign stare following you closely around the room when you’re working.
“I am.” his confession almost knocks you off your feet, he spoke like it was obvious. “You've driven me crazy. You've caused me considerable trouble and I've contemplated ending your life twice since I've known you." his warm breath hits the glass, sending a shiver down your spine. The danger behind his words, the implication, sends your heart straight into your throat. “But you’ve slipped under my skin, invaded my blood and seized my heart.” “That sounds more like a poison than a person,” was all you could say. His words had both shocked and scared you. “Exactly,” he replied, as if it was apparent. “You have poisoned me.”  🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿
This has been sitting in my drafts for the past 7 months, and I don’t even remember why and for who I was writing this for! I’m like 93% positive this was a request, in which case I AM SOOOO SORRY OMFG I’M A CRAP PERSON! SHAME ON MY FAMILY, SHAME ON MY COW!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME WHOEVER REQUESTED THIS!!! GOD, I SUCK!!
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nikyiscreepy · 4 years
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Yup, I joined too to this challenge originally made by @kyril-hphm���
The drawings are a bit sketchy, because in this period I found my sketches more decent than my finished drawings. I don’t even know why Alright, enough of me rambling around, time to see how much would Niky change if she was sorted in a different house, by trying to catch her different vibes.
P.s. Some quotes are vines that I think can give the true essence of their personality in a nutshell
“Do you mind say it again a bit louder? I want to laugh too.”
Probably the only Niky who wants to become / is a prefect
Will call you out on your BS
As long as you’re not being a dick with anyone, she’ll always be on your side
Can hold grudges untill she dies
Drama queen™
If you piss her off, make sure to have a sword with you 
Will always keep her word
“Somebody left an ice cube on the ground, it melted and now my sock is wet.. WHO THE FUCK WANNA DIE?!”
Can’t tell for sure if it’s really Niky or is “Lilith” talking
Professor McGonagall had once assigned a three pages essey, she wrote ten
Extra much?
Has no chill
Has a drastic change of personality with her friends around 
Unless you’re a professor, if you call her by her surname it’s possible that she’ll slap you with her hair
Impatient with everyone except with kids
"I'm not being passive-aggressive. I'm being aggressive-aggressive."
“Do you think it’s called “sand” because it’s between the “Sea” and “lAND”?”
Either super serious or just high
She’s a living enciclopedia on certin topics
That kid who brings up those kind of thoughts that keeps you up at night 
Kinda obsessive??
Can and will roast you
Keeps a dream diary so that she could search for it’s meaning
Or simply a diary where she writes A N Y T H I N G
*comes out of a closet with a calculator in her hands* “According to my calculations.. I’m gay.”
Swears only in italian, so that nobody can understand her and can confuse everyone in the room
Stylish gal, Enzo Miccio e Carla Gozzi* could never (*my fellow italians know who I’m talking about)
Once had a starring contest with a cat out of boredom
Often has deep conversations with Philip the spider
If you need help she'll give you the most bizarre advice that will actually work
"Hey guys, a good alternative to recycling. When you're done with a glass bottle, eat it. Fucking, eat the bottle."
Can hold back "Lilith" better than any other Niky because of her rationality of letting everything go with a big sigh
Can be brutally honest sometimes
“Okok, listen. How about we go and do something that is potentially stupid and dangerous?”
Loud af (seriously shut up it's 1am)
She’s that kid that will start drama just to sit back and watch everything going downhill while eating popcorn
Once played “Fergalicious” on repeat at max volume at 03:00 am
Grades? What is that? A sauce? (Kidding, but she does skip classes sometimes)
Whenever you feel down, she knows how to cheer you up
Will do anything for the vines or in the name of  J U S T I C E
"Lilith" isn't really too present because this Niky is already chaotic enough
Probably hanging out either with Tulip, Tonks or Jae
Would be able to set the dorm on fire by accident
“Don't fuck with me! I've got the power of God and Anime on my side! AAAAAAAH-”
Would die for you
*gives you her love aggressively*
"Hi! Um.. wanna hang out near the black lake sometimes?"
The first time she ever saw a Niffler she cried because she already loved them at first sight
Same happened with puffskeins
A lost Disney princess
Will always have a snack ready for her friends
soft baby™
Always down for sharing feelings or just to talk
*awkwardly laughing*
Brings Philip everywhere so that she could show him the world
A bit chaotic too actually
Always with a terrible pun ready
Actually very stressed all the time
That's why she can't keep in control "Lilith" very well
"Hi.. are you a lost opossum? Do you want a car? *slides gently a toy car* "
Will hug you unconditionally
Gets really soft around kids
Everything is fun and games until you make her seriously mad
If you die, she'll die with you
If you can't find her, she's probably hanging around in the forbidden forest
Won't be ashamed to cry her eyes out to express her feelings
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papayascandal · 5 years
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hehehe, Ryann! 
Yes, I just quoted that vine, and no I am not ashamed of it. If you didn’t get the reference then I am just sorry. But hey, what’s up I’m Ryann and I throw it back for a real one. (thank you @cherrylipglcss ) I’ve got two amazing big brothers who I love a lot and no they did not pay me to say that, I work with the best rapper in the game and I live with the loveliest little lady 🧡 Andy tried to help me with this and from what we got from that: My favorite color is peach, i like music and I am just the worst. If this seemed super jumpy and just all over the place thats my vibe babey get used to it! if you wanna hear about my quarantine routine hmu on gh @ babyspicereject 🧡
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thenightling · 4 years
Pumpkin Flowers (Short and deliberately bad fan fiction)
The self-insert fic you always secretly wanted but were too ashamed to ask for
“Do not create this... thing.  Just because you fight with someone doesn’t mean you should create a thing which should not exist.”- quote from Jennifer Carroll when I told her what I intended to write.  Well, that just makes me want to write it more!   
Further Disclaimer: This is DELIBERATELY bad.  I’m poking at self-insert fics as a genre.
Pumpkin Flowers
“You lay there, cool, and naked against the soft, brown, soil of the royal garden.  You are waiting there with agonizing hunger and anticipation.  You bite down on your own delicate lip with such intensity as to feel the warm trickle of your own blood.  There are so many mingling emotions in this moment, Desire, yearning... Hunger.  
As you look up in the dim, rising sun, you see the sensual glint of morning dew as it trickles down the narrow valleys of his great, orange, gourd of a head.  In the pre-dawn frost the dew had crystalized into sparkles of soft, soothing, ice droplets.
You stare up in to his triangular eye holes with profound longing.  As you stare into the cavernous voids you can see the residual presence of soft pumpkin-innards within him.  The lingering seeds that dangle from the fine, web-like, tendrils of pumpkin-flesh within his hollowed out head, almost serve as a metaphor for the sheer virility of this great winter squash in humanoid form.  The residual pumpkin flesh inside the shell looks moist and inviting to touch, to taste...  
There is something  to be said of the magnificent scent of cinnamon and nutmeg in the air, mixing with natural sugars that can enthrall even the strongest of souls.  The hunger increases.  The tantalizing fragrances of autumn and Halloween haunt the very air around you.
He removes his green work glove from his leafy hand and you notice that the hand is just a vine with five, velvety pumpkin leaves sprouting as digits, wavering in the morning breeze.   The work gloves, themselves, appear to have been made of felt, like the material a muppet might have been constructed from.  
He takes off the other work glove and now he gingerly moves his soft, velvety leaf-fingers along your mid-section. The movements of his leafy fingers sends a tingling sensation up your spine and through your scalp.  He leans close to kiss you with his jagged, lip-less mouth.  And you realize, that for the hardness of his pumpkin-shell, and sharp words, the breath is warm, pleasant, and is reminiscent of the scent of baking pumpkin pie.  Your tongue passes into the shell between his haphazard toothiness.  And you can practically taste something not unlike Panara’s Autumn squash soup.  Your back arches as you moan softly.  You don’t want to hurt him but you do want to take just a nibble in that moment.  And then you realize this is a dream.  He is a dream.   You cannot hurt him.   His hoe and other gardening equipment lay casually scattered there, disregarded, to his right.  The castle looms behind him on a low hill.  You both hope that no one is watching but there is the faint dread that the king might see.  Well, let him see!  Let him be jealous of the passion and the sweet, sweet, flavor of your love.
The early sunlight kisses the damp, orange of his gloriously round head.  His smile seems to broaden in the moments just before he bends himself to move his pumpkinhead in order to make its way down to your chest.  You feel his hot, pumpkin-spice, breath against your skin, gently, pleasantly.  
You feel something else brushing lightly between your legs, through the fabric of his corduroy overalls.  With both leafy hands now de-gloved, he reaches down with his left hand, and unzips the fly of his overalls.  What emerges now is something wondrous and impressive to behold!  
There, unfolding in the warm, morning light, is a yellow-orange pumpkin flower.  It’s shape is rather star-like and its five petals expand in the light of morning.  Pumpkin flowers do not bloom for very long.  You had best not waste the moment.  Do not let the morning pass you by.  The flower, curiously, has a scent not unlike Playdouh and-”
 “Lucien,” *the voice was patient, calm, but had the slightest hint of urgency.*
The bespectacled librarian looked up from the book he had been reading from.  “Yes, m’lord?”
Morpheus had a chalk-white hand to his temples.  His mop of black hair framed his gaunt face.  His eyes were shut for the moment but they opened to look gravely at the librarian.  Two black pools with stars floating as pupils. “I ask you... Please, never read to me any works from Mervyn Pumpkinhead again.”  “Of course, my lord...” “Now let us never speak of this again.” “Of course, my lord.”
               The End.
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bazzybelle · 5 years
Carry On Countdown - Day Six
Notes: I am trash. I am so sorry. This is a bit of a stretch. But to whomever watches SimplyNailogical on YouTube, you’ll know that she’s a walking Meme. Brilliant, smart and an excellent role model (also, Canadienne, comme moi! ^_^). But a walking meme nonetheless (I think in one of her recent videos, she calls herself a meme). 
Thanks go again to @carryonsimoncarryonbaz for the beta-read! :)
Also, if someone wants to draw Baz wearing holo polish, sipping out of a holo tumbler, I will not be opposed to it. Actually, I think I may love you forever if you do.
Day 6 Prompt: Vine/Meme Reference
Title: Everything’s Better With a Little Bit of HOLO!
Simon Snow is not lying on the sofa. 
Instead, he is sitting at the table, completely infatuated with the tiny bottle in his hands. He is slowly spinning it around and directing it towards the window, so that the outside light (however little light there is right now) hits it. I stroll to the table and sit down across from him. He doesn’t seem to notice that I’m even there, too immersed in his bottle of… Is that nail polish?
“Snow… what on earth are you doing? Since when do you like nail polish?” I am frowning at him. I never figured Simon to be the type to like nail polish, but I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing some on him. Startled, Simon clutches the bottle close to his chest, as if trying to hide it from me. 
“It isn’t mine. Agatha sent it to Penny. Said she needed more rainbows in her life.”
I raise an eyebrow, “Rainbows? What did she mean by that?”
“Apparently there are rainbows in here if the light hits it.” Simon continues to fiddle with the bottle of grey, speckled polish, “I haven’t been able to get it to work. All I see are very dull colours. Hardly any rainbows.”
I steal the bottle from Simon’s grasp and give it a look. I inspect it closely, turning it around in my fingers. It does not look like anything particularly spectacular. It looks like a typical silvery nail polish. I am pretty sure Mordelia has a similar one. The polish’s brand name is somewhat more reflective, and I do think the slight rainbows coming off it are pretty. I do not understand the name, however. 
“What on Earth is a Holo Taco? Aren’t tacos supposed to be food? What do they have to do with nail polish?” Simon simply shrugs. He opens the box that the nail polish came in. Inside, there are two more glittery nail polishes, as well as one in black and one in blue. I investigate the black nail polish. A one-coater black polish? Not possible. I’ll have to test it out myself one day. Simon pulls out a note inside. It seems Wellbelove sent instructions as well. 
“Oh. Apparently, these polishes work best under direct light. Like a mobile flash light. It helps the holo come out.” I whip out my mobile phone before Simon has a chance to finish his thought. I turn on the flashlight and point it at the bottle still in my hand. Simon begins to shout.
Because what was once a dull, almost colourless grey glittery polish has completely transformed into a bright, vivid and animated spectrum of colours. It is absolutely stunning. Simon snatches the polish from my hand as well as my mobile. He starts to study the polish, completely awe-struck by the array of rainbows that are coming off the bottle.  
“It’s the rainbows Baz! The rainbows are HOLO!” he cries with enthusiasm. I look at him in wonder. I cannot help but cough out a laugh at him. He is so absurd. But he is clearly ecstatic about this new discovery, so I let him be. I lift myself from my seat and walk over to his side of the table.
“You have lost your mind, Snow.” I whisper as I plant a kiss on his forehead. I cautiously wrap my hands around him, being mindful of his wings. Simon lifts the bottle to me again and spins it around, bright smile ever-widening.
“But, Baz, look at how pretty the rainbows are! I feel so happy looking at them!”
I have a problem. 
It’s been almost a week since my life has been changed by HOLO. I can’t stop looking at holographic images. Nor can I stop flipping the nail polish box opened and closed. The reflective rainbows are just so mesmerizing. The creator of these polishes is correct, everything's better with a little bit of HOLO!
I’ve started watching her videos on YouTube and attempting to follow her instructions on how to care for and paint my own nails. I’m not even ashamed about it. The holo makes me happy and I want to wear it! I’ve even (without even meaning to) started to quote her in everyday scenarios. Crowley help Penny and Baz for having to put up with me yelling at them to bring me tea or asking if every random item was made of REAL HOLO!
I have a laptop opened to a video tutorial on how to properly apply a glittery holographic nail polish (using a makeup sponge helps!) when Baz saunters into the flat. 
A wide smile spreads across my lips as I notice what Baz is holding in his hands. He’s taking a sip from a silver holographic tumbler. That’s not all, he’s got something on his nails. I jump out of my seat and nearly tackle him to the ground in my excitement. I seize one his hands and stare at it. 
Each of his nails is painted perfectly in not only black nail polish, but with a generous coat of flakie holographic top coat. I raise one of my eyebrows at him (I have not yet mastered the Baz Pitch patented eyebrow stare, but I am practicing) and smile cooly at him. 
“Baz. Does this mean you like HOLO?!” Baz offers me a crooked smile, grey eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Wellbelove is right. You really could use some more rainbows around here.” He replies as he takes another sip from his tumbler.  
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fruit-teeth · 4 years
MADD FRIEND MADD FRIEND hope you don't mind if i ask a bunch of questions ^^" 1, 4, 5, 9, 15, 26, 30, 32, 38, 41, 42, 48? hope it's not too many, I'm really curious. I don't know many other MD'ers
Aaa thank you!! I don’t mind at all, I’ll do my best to answer them! I’m just now starting to be more open about my daydreaming, since I’m learning more about it and trying to understand myself better, so knowing other people who experience this is really helpful!!
1. For me the repetitive motion is pacing/running, though I pace most of the time. It’s possible for me to daydream without doing those things, although the daydreams I have when I’m sitting still or lying down are more low key and calm compared to the ones I have while moving around (most of the time, anyway).
4. Honestly, the perspective depends on what type of daydream I’m having or what’s going on. It tends to be third-person perspective, like I’m watching the events take place the same way I would watch a movie, but then other times (and what usually ends up happening) I take on the role of a character within the daydream, but it’s someone who isn’t actually me. Since a lot of my daydreams are TF2 related, the characters I tend to sort of gravitate towards and assume the roles of in daydreams are almost always Sniper, Medic, Scout, Spy, or Miss Pauling (I can take on roles of other characters, but these are the ones I daydream as the most). I guess you could say these are my avatars, but they change depending on what scenario I’m daydreaming about. However, I can interact with my paras as myself and not as someone else, but that usually happens if I’m stressed, anxious or bored.
In my non-TF2 daydreams, my avatar is a fictionalized version of myself called ‘Sapphire’, and Sapphire is basically me just with less anxiety over things. They’re everything I would like to be in real life, like the dress the way I would want to dress and they speak the way I wish I could speak, and usually I’m them in daydreams where I’m internet-famous in some way or where I do something really great.
5. I don’t really have linear daydreams?? They’re more like...episodic adventures that don’t really connect to each other. I mean they can, and they have before, but I get bored or certain plots quickly or they can sometimes get violent in ways I really don’t want them to, so I quickly abandon them to start a new, more comforting one.
9. Honestly...before I knew anything about maladaptive daydreaming, I was really ashamed of it. I mean, it was fun and I enjoyed it, and I always loved that it gave me ideas for stories (I have always loved writing), but my parents thought it was weird and they let me know they thought it was weird pretty much from the very beginning. They also tried to get me to stop doing it more than once, and didn’t understand that it was something out of my control. So for a long time I was super embarrassed by it and I thought there was something wrong with me, but it wasn’t until very recently that I discovered it and found out it was something lots of other people did.
15. Almost all of my paras are adopted from fiction, and they always have been, ever since I was a very small child. I only have a small handful of paras that are versions of real people in my life, and these include my girlfriend, a few friends I’ve had over the years, my old youth leaders from Sunday school, and also a few celebrities (although I don’t daydream about the celebrities much anymore).
26. I do actually! I act out my daydreams when I’m alone, mostly, or in the shower. But sometimes I can’t control it and I do things or make facial expressions that correlate with whatever’s happening in the daydream, and I have been caught doing this on more than one occasion, and it’s always weird to have to justify it to someone who doesn’t get it. I also do speak to my paras out loud, or for them, when things get either really intense or really funny (I have laughed out loud or quoted random vines SO many times because of daydreaming scenarios, but literally everyone in my life is used to it by now), and also I sing sometimes.
30. I don’t need music to daydream, but I like to have it because it adds a lot to the experience. I wear headphones, but I don’t always pay attention to how loud the music can get, and I do worry a lot about accidentally damaging my hearing through doing this but my hearing is fine according to hearing tests I’ve done, so at the moment I’m good.
32. It’s very energizing to me! Especially when I think of a good plot, it actually wakes me up a little. However pacing for a long time makes me very tired, and when that happens I have to pause my daydreams to do something else for a while. But like an hour or so later, I go right back to doing it.
38. I talk with my real-person paras whenever I’m daydreaming a conversation I’d like to have with them, but with my fictional paras, I tend to get into discussions with them when I’m stressed or upset. They give me advice if I need it and they’ll also let me vent, but most of the time they do something to distract me from what’s going on, like holding my hand or telling me a story about themselves.
41. My very first experience with maladaptive daydreaming happened when I was in first grade. My teacher had yelled at me about something I did, and she punished me by making me sit out in the hallway away from everyone else. I remember I was sitting there sobbing and wishing I could go home, when I suddenly just started imagining Team Rocket from Pokémon (I was a HUGE fan of Pokémon, and I loved Team Rocket) coming in and taking me out of school with them to go to the mall and watch movies at the theatre. It was very comforting, and for about a year or so I would daydream stories about hanging out with Team Rocket. They were my first paras, I guess you could say, and I actually really miss them sometimes.
42. I didn’t really know it was different until my parents started asking about it. I think they thought at first that I just had a really active imagination, but when I got older and I kept doing it, they started wondering if something was wrong with me. When I was first diagnosed with autism, my mother asked the psychologist about my pacing and my daydreams, and the psychologist essentially was like ‘it’s harmful and it needs to stop’. I remember being asked, “Are you going to keep pacing when you’re in college? When you’re married? Do you really want to keep doing this? You have to stop sometime,” jokes on that psychologist, because it’s been over a decade since she said that and I am in college now and I STILL do this! In all seriousness fuck that bitch
48. Oh yeah, I’ve had to edit my daydreams more than once. Usually if something gets too weird or fucked up or violent, I’ve had to sort of slam the brakes and backtrack to try again. Sometimes it’s hard to get out of those scenarios, though, and it can get really scary or sad sometimes, and afterwards I feel really exhausted and upset. That doesn’t happen a lot, though, thankfully, but when it does happen it’s really unpleasant.
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lucifrogg-moved · 6 years
Some BNHA Headcanons
Warning, some of these are a bit sad, but I'm just rambling
-Ever since getting attacked by the sludge villain, both Bakugou and Midoriya hate touching anything slimy or goopy, as it brings up bad feelings from that experience.
-Kirishima, despite not being able to understand it very well, loves American rock songs. He especially loves rock from the 80's and 90's.
-Whenever Uraraka sleeps, she wears gloves so she doesn't make herself or anything on her bed float in the middle of the night.
-Kouda is very well-versed in both JSL and ASL since he is selectively mute. Midoriya, Iida, and a few other of their classmates start learning JSL for him.
-Shouji and Kirishima are competing for class 1-A's best hugger. Kirishima never wins, but keeps on trying nonetheless.
-When the class moves into the dorms after the Kamino incident, some of them go to Aizawa when they have nightmares. One night, not long after moving in, most of them are restless and a few wake up from nightmares, so they all wake up Aizawa and All Might and they all have a movie night together. Satou, Bakugou, Momo, and All Might make snacks for everyone. Aizawa, Uraraka, Hagakure, and Mina all gather blankets and pillows and stuffed animals too. Kouda brings out his bunny for people to cuddle with. Eventually they all fall asleep, happy and content.
-Sometimes Shinsou joins 1-A for class-only activities and they all unofficially accept him into the class after one legendary karaoke party that may or may not have ended with getting Aizawa to sing.
-After a while, most likely 2nd or 3rd year, Bakugou has significant hearing loss due to his quirk. For a while, he was really angry at himself for it not even crossing his mind that something like that would happen. But the Bakusquad and Kouda help him out a whole lot with adjusting to it. Kouda teaches him and the whole Bakusquad JSL and they have a lot of fun times actually, mainly because Bakugou immediately looked up all his favorite curse words and aggressively signs them during their sessions.
-Tsuyu secretly starts a "Down with Mineta" club. It's not really much of club, it's just her and the other girls ranting about their terrible experiences with his wack behavior.
-Kaminari keeps a tally for the amount of times Bakugou curses each day. One day, Bakugou was having a particularly bad time and Kaminari recorded 256 swears that day.
-Kirishima isn't entirely convinced that he was the only person who could be the one to take Bakugou's hand during the Kamino incident.
-Iida and Momo are secretly competing at "Who can refrain from cursing the most?" Momo is winning because sometimes Iida can't help but let certain things get to him.
-Jirou has written at least one song for each of the kids in 1-A. She's also written one for Aizawa, All Might, and Present Mic. She won't admit it, but she has a lot for Momo and Tooru. Also, for Midoriya's birthday she wrote him a song centered around All Might and he definitely cried listening to it.
-Todoroki makes the absolutely funniest timed comments from the back of the class. One time, without skipping a beat he muttered, "If it were not for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you," when Mineta said something perverted. He quietly quotes various memes/vines seeing if anyone hears him, and often times someone does and has to try with all their might to not burst out laughing.
-Unknown to her, a lot of the students actually fear Tooru's abilities, because "Her quirk only makes her invisible... how truly powerful is she really?"
-Once in a while when Aizawa wakes from his slumber during class, he finds sticky notes on his face, sleeping bag, and/or desk with random questions or comments from the kids. Sometimes they have drawings on them or reminders to do something.
-Bakugou and Todoroki suffer from nightmares the most out of all the students. One time they both ended up finding each other in the common area of the dorms and stared at each other like deer in headlights. Strangely enough they talked to each other about the different things they've gone through and what their nightmares were about. Bakugou constantly feels as if it's stupid for him to talk about what he's been through because Todoroki's been through "worse," but he does always feel a bit better after talking. So him and Todoroki have more than just Midoriya and Kirishima to talk to now.
-After All Might is forced to retire, there's a lot of uneasiness about the way he looks. He's always been a strong, radiant pillar that everyone could depend upon, but now he looks... older, a shell of what he used to be, making a lot of people a bit sad or upset. But, his most loyal fans don't hesitate to love him even more than they did before. He's a hero, their hero, no matter what he looks like on the outside. Some people feel even more inspired to become a hero because, "All Might was the number one hero, despite being kinda sick all this time! So, if he can, maybe I can too!"
-Midoriya was raised on the idea that crying is a healthy thing. If you're sad, really happy, angry even, it's okay to cry! He's not ashamed to be emotional and teary-eyed, and neither should anyone else be.
-When Ojiro is super excited or angry, his tail fluff poofs up a whole lot, kinda like a cat.
-Tokoyami, unbeknownst to the most of the class, actually sleeps with a lot of lights on because he's afraid of Dark Shadow being rowdy in the middle of the night. The only one who knows this is Hagakure, because he asked her for a night light once.
-Kaminari loves to dance and sing, but he's not the greatest at it?? So when he found out he was pretty good at playing the bass/guitar when the Cultural Festival came around, he was super happy. Even after the festival, Jirou gave him one of her guitars and she teaches him, Tooru, Uraraka, and Mina how to play. Eventually he learns how to play Allstar and Jirou is LIVID.
-Sero loves sticking random objects all over the dorms to see who finds them. Most of the time it's small little figurines, notes, pencils and erasers, but once he stuck an entire package full of kazoos on the ceiling and it stayed there for 2 months before Bakugou pointed at it when he was laying on the ground. Sero absolutely lost it when Tsuyu grabbed it with her tongue and all the kazoos spilled out of the packaging.
-Kirishima will headbutt random objects once in while to see if he's gotten any stronger. Once he got the sudden urge to headbutt something while hanging with the Bakusquad and just rammed his head into the nearest pole. Kaminari and Sero were both concerned, while Mina giggled, and Bakugou just shook his head saying "he does this all the goddamn time, no wonder his grades suck ass. I swear one day he'll be just as brain dead as Pikachu over here."
-Todoroki sneezes and icicles or small flames shoot out his nose or mouth. Midoriya was amazed when he first found that out, while Iida couldn't help but giggle a bit when he witnessed it.
I'll come up with more soon!! Anyone is welcome to request a character to find out my headcanons for them, and even suggest headcanons and things for me to write about!!
//EDIT// LMAO I posted this on the wrong blog, go follow @groundzero-katsu
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ftchai · 4 years
Tumblr media
——   ⋆   𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄  ╯ task 002.
Basic Character Questions
First name? charlie
Last names? song
Middle names? haru
Nicknames? chai
Date of birth? february / 27 
Age? 20
Physical / Appearance
Height? 5′3
Build? skinny, lean
Hair colour? varies constantly. currently, dark brown with the front pieces bleached.
Hair style? length wise, it can cover her chest, naturally straight but usually a little messy.
Eye colour? brown.
Glasses or contact lenses? just reading glasses.
Scars or birthmarks? many small scars on her knees, elbows, a big one on her left shin, mostly from when she once thought she could roller derby, and skateboarding incidents.
Tattoos? has a dragon tattoo that covers most of her left thigh, other random stick and pokes that cover her arms, most are film references and quotes, but also a couple murakami flowers, butterflies, a dead smiley face.
Physical or mental handicaps? she’s medicated for her anxiety.
Type of clothes? baggy band tees, mom jeans with rips in them, old ugly cardigans she somehow pulls off. will occasionally wear tight fitting crop tops, pleated skirts, .
Race / Ethnicity? asian, south korean
Mannerisms? very facially expressive, doesn’t talk with her hands much. mostly with her eyes. widening her eyes and rolling her eyes are usually her responses to most situations.
What words or phrases do they overuse? ”yeah” for everything. “man”, “damn”.
Do they have a catchphrase? not really. just quotes movies a lot.
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? depends on the situation. if it concerns others, she’s optimistic, but if it’s a personal matter regarding herself, pessimistic.
Are they introverted or extroverted? introverted.
Do they ever put on airs? never, it’s quite the contrary, actually. puts herself down frequently.
What bad habits do they have? smoking a pack a day, second-guessing herself, sometimes might fall into an old habit of biting her nails.
What makes them laugh out loud? compilations of old vines, cat videos, her friends.
How do they display affection? once comfortable around someone, chai is actually pretty grabby. hugging, hand holding, listening, giving advice, dropping everything for someone. very loyal.
How do they want to be seen by others? i think she just wants to be seen, period. she feels pretty invisible, mostly.
How do they see themselves? as less than they are. she is her worst critic, wish she could realize she’s actually special.
Strongest character trait? perseverance and adaptability.
Weakest character trait? insecure and escapist.
How competitive are they? strangely, not at all. used to be happy to get participation awards.
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? a chronic overthinker, so definitely takes time to consider.
How do they react to praise? might not believe 100%, but appreciates it 100%.
How do they react to criticism? if it’s constructive, she’ll accept it when it comes to her music because she’s constantly trying to be better, so she’ll even go out of her way to ask people. when it comes to her life or the way she is, whether her stubbornness or self destructive tendencies, she just blocks it out.
What is their greatest fear? being forgotten. of course she dreams of making it big, but just living in some people’s memories would be enough for her.
What are their biggest secrets? doesn’t have many secrets. maybe that she cares
When was the last time they cried? probably days ago. she gets overwhelmed by her emotions easily, and also likes watching movies to cry at them, so there’s that.
What haunts them? how since her dad left, people have made it a habit to do the same too.
What will they stand up for? she’s an introvert but won’t stand for injustice. having been bullied herself, she’ll stick up for anyone she witnesses being mistreated. also, believes people should be able to live their lives however they want, without people judging them for it.
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? both. loves hanging out in her room, but also loves going to the beach, the lake, skateboard around town.
What is their sinful little habit? drugs. will take just about anything.
What quality do they most value in a friend? loyalty.
What do they consider an overrated virtue? probably temperance, moderation in general.
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? she’s stupid so she’d say something like ‘being talented.’
What is their obsession? music, movies, comics.
What are their pet peeves? mansplaining. when guys try to outsmart her when it comes to comics or musical knowledge, and purposefully quiz her with things not even they really know, as if she has something to prove. 
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? small, separated between south sk and the usa. over here she has her mother, stepdad, aunt, uncle, and her 2 brothers.
What is their perception of family? she loves them, only moved out so soon because she wanted to do things her own way.
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? chai is the middle child, one younger and one older brother.
Describe their best friend. just her perfect fit. affectionate, calm, understanding and patient. someone chai can be herself around and expect 0 judgement. she throughly enjoys being with luna and she feels like luna brings out the best in her. @lunaolsson 
Ideal best friend? ^^^
Do they have any pets? not yet. she can’t make up her mind between a ferret, a snake, or a kitten.
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child? the kind of child that really lives in her own world. quiet, always watching her surroundings and the people around her, very calm. pretty much always with a coloring book in her hands, too. also her mom has too many videos of her singing into a hairbrush in their living room.
Did they grow up rich or poor? although she doesn’t remember much, she lived comfortably while her parents were together. once they got divorced however, her father stripped her mom of everything, despite the fact she had full custody of chai and her older brother. they struggled, but chai’s mom made sure there was always well fed and dressed. when her stepdad got into the picture, things became easier.
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? nurtured by her mother, and eventually her stepfather, but neglected by her dad. he used to call on her birthdays but hasn’t done that ever since she turned 14.
What is their greatest achievement? finishing high school. that was hell for her.
What was their first kiss like? sloppy, drunk and not worth remembering.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? has pushed away anyone with the slight romantic interest towards her, she doesn’t know how to handle it.
What are their ambitions? getting signed by a record label, buying her mom a house, getting out of crawford.
What advice would they give their younger self? “ it’s okay if people leave, you’ll always have yourself. ”
What smells remind them of their childhood? jjajangmyeon noodles, kimchi stew, pretty much anything her mother cooked for her. also, the smell of old books.
What was their childhood ambition? she wanted to be a vet, until she realized she actually needs to go to school for that.
What is their best childhood memory? the few memories she has of south korea, and when her mom saved up to take her and her siblings to disneyland for the day.
What is their worst childhood memory? when her dad left and they had to come to the usa as quickly as possible.
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? probably too many. she’s always been shy and has talks to herself way too much.
When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? probably when cain shut her out.
What past act are they most ashamed of? all those nights she got passed out drunk as a teenager, waking up somewhere and not knowing how she got there. probably not too much because she’ll still do it
What past act are they most proud of? getting it together and keeping a job for once! also releasing an ep on spotify.
Do they believe in love at first sight? yes and no. 
Are they in a relationship? nope
How do they behave in a relationship? really chill, probably too chill because she’s been cheated on too many times. anyway, she really values the person and puts them on a pedestal, does everything for them and during the relationship they’re the topic of 80% of her songs, when they break up it’s 100%
When did you character last have sex? probably last week, some one night stand tinder date
Has your character ever been in love? she thinks so
Have they ever had their heart broken? every. single. time
How do they respond to a threat? leaves
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? neither. no fights. she hates confrontation.
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? the electric yamaha guitar she spent 2 paychecks on.
What do they love to hate? g
What are their phobias? teenage mutant ninja turtles. they disgust her.
What living person do they most despise? probably adam sandler because of all the terrible movies he’s made.
Have they ever been bullied or teased? yes.
Where do they go when they’re angry? scream into her pillow, turn the volume on her amp all the way up and angry jam, gets high and goes skateboarding to clear her mind. 
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job? officially, she works the concession stand at the crawford theatre. in reality, she does anything they need her to do.
What do they think about their current job? it’s hard work sometimes, but for once she feels useful so she enjoys it. movies are her favorite thing.
What are some of their past jobs? there’s a whole list, the ones that lasted more than two weeks were supermarket cashier, dog walking, and babysitting. 
What are their hobbies? singing, playing guitar, skating, skateboarding, songwriting, reading. 
Educational background? has a high school diploma.
Do they have a natural talent for something? music, both playing instruments and songwriting
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? nope.
What is their socioeconomic status? not really lower middle class, she’s struggling that last week before she gets her next paycheck, but if she’s organized she’s okay.
What is their favourite animal? red panda or siberian tiger.
What place would they most like to visit? south korea, japan, london, paris.
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? when her little baby brother would dance around the piano when she finally learned how to play.
What is their favourite song? she’ll never make up her mind, so she’ll unironically say something by avril lavigne.
Music, art, reading preferred? all of the above.
What is their favourite color? green.
Favourite food: tuna sashimi. 
What is their favourite day of the week? saturday.
What is in their fridge: rice, kimchi, and redbulls
What is on their bedside table? whatever book or comic she’s reading, her glasses, a candle, songwriting book.
What is in their car? blankets in case she needs to crash right there and then, an old pair of sneakers, aux cord, a protein bar.
What is in their purse or wallet? drivers license, whatever change she has, credit card, baby photos of herself and her friends, notes she’s been given.
What is in their pockets? usually her phone.
What is their most treasured possession? that baby blue yamaha guitar.
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? chai has never had a family member pass away. so maybe her mother, she’s always looking out for her.
Do they believe in the afterlife? unsure.
What are their religious views? likes to believe there’s something out there, but she’s an atheist.
What do they think heaven is? where all her favorite rockstars are waiting for her.
What do they think hell is? working retail / customer service.
Are they superstitious? believes in ghosts, but other than that, not really.
What would they like to be reincarnated as? a cat. head empty, no thoughts, just sleep.
How would they like to die? somehow painless.
What is your character’s spirit animal? i’d say a fennec fox. small, looks cute but will bite and run away.
What is their zodiac sign? pisces.
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? betray them.
When did they last lie? rarely lies, if she has to, it’s probably just a little white lie.
What’s their view of lying? on one hand, she knows it’s wrong, but in the other, she’d rather be lied to than have to face the truth.
When did they last make a promise? doesn’t make promises often, must have been something important.
Did they keep or break their last promise? always does, wouldnt really make a promise if she wasn’t sure she could follow through.
Daily life
What are their eating habits? it really is mostly ramen and asian convenience store food. when she misses hearty meals, she’ll drive to her mom’s house.
Do they have any allergies? none.
Describe their home. shares her house with roommates, never leaves anything untidy and always cleans up for herself / does her chores when its her turn. her room is super cluttered, but somehow it’s not messy nor overwhelming. there’s film posters covering the entirety of the walls.
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? clutter hoarder.
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? shower, then eat.
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? goes to her mom’s house for dinner, skateboards until the sun sets.
What do they do on a Friday night? goes out always.
What is the soft drink of choice? coke.
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? black vodka shots.
Who is their hero? stevie nicks.
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? anime schoolgirl in a zombie movie.
If they could save one person, who would it be? probably jack on titanic.
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? luna !!
What is their greatest extravagance? music equipment.
What is their greatest regret? things she leaves unsaid, not watching infinity war at the theatre for the forth time.
What would they do if they won the lottery? buy her mom a mansion, move out to LA to get a record deal, travel the world.
Do they believe in happy endings? for some people, yes.
What is their idea of perfect happiness? having fans at her concert knowing every lyric of every one of her songs.
What would they ask a fortune teller? should she go into film making instead?
If your character could travel through time, where would they go? 70s !
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? talking to animals
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