#i love owen im so sorry he got bullied
banisheed · 11 months
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TIMING: Pre-goo LOCATION: The Common PARTIES: Owen (@apaininyourneck) and Siobhan (@banisheed) SUMMARY: Falling victim to a promise to share his murders with Siobhan, Owen meets up with her and spills more than he meant to.
A crochet fox tumbled off the bench, its plush body produced an enviable initial bounce and then a pitiful second bounce before it rolled away. Siobhan watched it with a glazed expression; no feeling or thoughts processed in the valley of her mind. Siobhan had no trouble finding the bench beside the man who sold the crochet animals, she did have several troubles with his presence, however. First: the annoying chorus of his hocking of nonsensical animal toys was unbearable the first second she heard it. Second: she didn’t understand why they weren’t crochet dead animals, roadkill made much cuter subjects, though she still preferred the real thing. Third: that the sight of him ruined the green horizon, staining it with his ugly, living human body; he, like the toys, would have looked better dead. She thought she devised the perfect plan when she purchased all his animals, certain that with nothing to sell, he would leave. Instead, as Siobhan piled up the useless toys on her bench, he produced a second box filled with even more crochet animals and a false sense of their worth, imbued by having a woman buy all of his first batch outright. He had become more annoying, Siobhan was buried in a pile of crochet animals, and Owen was nowhere to be seen. Not that she could really see from under the mountain of crochet. 
It was her fault that she refused to look at clocks based on the principle of the matter (how dare something tell her what the time is) but if Siobhan ever admitted something was her fault, the skies would turn red, birds would fall, and rivers would dry up. She thought it was in the best interest of the planet that she remained as she always had been. When Owen finally appeared, or at least, whatever spindly man she assumed to be Owen appeared, she swiped the bench and sent more crochet animals tumbling away. “Sit,” she commanded the man; no ‘hello’ or ‘how are you’ or ‘nice shirt’. “I’ve been sat here covered in these insipid toys; I’ve had a terrible day. I deserve entertainment.” The entertainment in question was the deal they’d made: Owen would tell her about his murders and she would pay him. It was a simple deal, but during rough times (boredom) she needed whatever she could get. Eventually, her manners came back to her. “Siobhan,” she said, hand outstretched. “Like on the internet. Normally I am sexy, today I am covered in toys. Tell me about your murders.” 
For someone who regularly sought out the unusual, the never before tried, Owen was surprised to find this town still had the ability to reveal something new. Some of the town’s inhabitants did, anyway. Talking blatantly and casually about murder online was more of a joke than anything else, meant to shock and offend. Being asked very seriously about ‘his murders’ in exchange for money was a first. For a moment, Owen considered bailing on the strange woman. Not like he particularly needed the money and talking to weirdos was always draining but something pulled him to the park that day. Morbid curiosity? 
Whatever the reason, Owen found himself surprised, again - a woman sat on the proposed bench, covered in crochet animals. The man at the stand looked very happy with himself, his creations’ lifeless eyes staring into the distance. Kicking away a stray animal that tumbled towards him, he sniffed at the demand. The thought ‘too dumb to be a narc’ popped into his head again. Arms crossing, petulantly not sitting down, Owen cocked his head. Entertainment was a morbid way to describe whatever this exchange was. “I would have picked a different location if I had known about your crochet fetish. My bad.”
Ignoring the offered hand, Owen finally took a seat, leaning back and spreading his legs so more crafts fell to the ground. The seller didn’t look all too pleased with how his work was being treated but a sideways glance from the slayer turned the man’s attention away. “Eager.” He regarded Siobhan curiously before the words spilled out. “First one was at sixteen. If you count beheading something that’s already dead a murder.” Perhaps a bit more information than he’d previously considered providing but Owen had never been all that shy about his origins. And it would be interesting to see this strange woman react. 
“It’s not a fetish,” Siobhan grumbled, pushing more crochet animals off of her. She wouldn’t admit it, but she was beginning to feel rather fond of them. At least, the weight of all of them felt a little like a very pointy blanket. She didn’t take offense to the lack of hand shaking, she wasn’t sure why humans did it to begin with. As a child, she assumed it was so you could feel up the metacarpals but when became more knowledgeable of the human world, she learned that it wasn’t polite to squeeze so tightly on someone’s hand. “Sixteen?” She repeated. She’d been fifteen herself, not that this was a competition (it was). 
Siobhan hummed, tapping her chin. “No, I don’t count that as a murder. If they’re already dead—a vampire or zombie or what have you—it doesn’t count. You’re just putting them back where they belong.” Was Owen a slayer? It didn’t matter much to her anyway, of all the hunters that existed, she liked slayers the best. They were the only sort she agreed with. “Tell me about a living person you killed.” She turned to him, excitement twinkling in her brown eyes. “Something good! Everyone does a little killing in their adolescence; it’s natural. I want the fun stuff.” She smiled wide. 
The lack of a reaction, doubled with Siobhan rattling off a few types of monsters, was telling in a way. She wasn’t like him, that much was clear, but knowledgeable for sure. Owen honestly couldn’t tell whether she was simply the weirdest human in town or something different. Either way, she was less than impressed with putting the undead back where they belonged - certainly a sentiment the slayer agreed with - which didn’t leave Owen with a lot of stories he particularly wanted to share. Leaving was always an option. Or just bullshitting this lady since this was resembling a bad prank video a bit too much. 
Lying came easy to Owen, it was second nature when sarcasm was the default and more than half of what left your mouth wasn’t serious in the slightest. Which is why it came as a surprise that the perfectly fabricated story in his mind stayed there when he spoke. “The first one wasn’t on purpose. I was just supposed to stop him, knock him out but human necks are much more fragile than vampires’.” His mouth clamped shut and an expression that was fairly unfamiliar to the slayer slid across his face - confusion. “I think his spine severed the moment the brick hit his head.” 
Without warning, Owen was on his feet, eyes narrowed and heart pounding. Her name had been inches away from leaving his mouth in connection to the story. A story he hadn’t even meant to tell, to this weird as shit stranger who… He felt off, ill almost, with every second that passed when he wasn’t speaking. “It was much easier after the first one. A few slayers, ones that found out about her, threatened her. Used their own weapons to get rid of them. A warning to the rest if they wanted to keep their eyes. Or their scalps.” 
Siobhan always thought delight looked good on her face; her features were suited to the actions. Her soft pink lips knew just how wide to go, and they pushed up the lightly freckled skin of her cheeks into her big, friendly brown eyes. Siobhan was aware she didn’t have many sharp edges, not really, and it was during her adolescent years—it was always the adolescent years that made a body seem detestable—she hated how soft she looked. As she’d aged, some sharpness had come to her but mostly she just looked like a woman enjoying her time with this lanky man. With the crochet animals on her lap, none of the grotesqueness of their conversation was apparent and she reveled in the dichotomy. She also reveled in the adorability of Owen’s actions against the futility of his situation. Even as a slayer, he was still just as silly as every other human.
A few more crochet animals tumbled from her lap: a fox, a sheep, a racoon and a bear. “Divine,” Siobhan hummed, imagining the crunch of his spine and the almost comical thud noise blunt objects made against the human body. Did the brick shatter when it hit the ground? Did his body bounce? What had Owen’s face looked like, staring down at the accident? What did he think when blood started to pool out from under the body? How did he hide? Did he even bother to? “Her?” Siobhan asked but she was smart enough to put the pieces together; what kind of a ‘her’ would earn the ire of slayers? “Love? Family? Sentimentality is strange, isn’t it? It can twist you against your own people.” She knew all about it.
Siobhan waved her hand in the air. “Okay, so how many was it? How many people did you kill for ‘her’? Did she think it was romantic? I would.”
His throat felt constricted, pieces settling together as the familiarity of the fog over his mind registered. Fae. A fucking fae that he had made an honest to fuck deal with. Apparently, the internet was fair play when it came to getting mind fucked. Siobhan looked completely unphased by the slayer now looming over her, even as anger settled over his features. It didn’t matter that the man responsible for adding stuffed animals to this situation was still present, still very curious about what was going on - a knife was withdrawn from inside Owen’s coat all the same. Except she was still rattling off questions and he was still obligated to answer them. 
“I lost count. Couple dozen, at least,” he gritted out, the sound of panicked footsteps running in the opposite direction reaching his ears. At least the damn audience was gone. Which allowed Owen to lean in closer, one arm braced on the bench behind her, the other holding the knife tight against her chest. It wasn’t iron but it would still hurt like a bitch. “We’re not talking about her and the deal is off. Now.”
The words burned his throat, made his grip on the knife a little bit shaky. Not part of the deal. “Lots of cut jugulars, it’s easy and quiet.” They kept spilling out but at least Owen had made no deal to answer questions about her. “Decapitation if I needed to make a point. Sometimes asphyxiation, sometimes they were supposed to wake up again but didn’t.”
“Oh, getting kinky, are we?” Siobhan grinned, flush with delight. The sting of his knife digging into her chest was an electric thrill across her body; sharp pains were her favorite, nothing like the throbbing ache of a punch or the burning aftermath of a stab. A firework; brilliant and bright, popping under her skin. It was easy to say that Siobhan adored knives. From the mess of crochet animals, her hand slipped out and she pressed one of her knives to the underside of his wrist. “I didn’t know you felt this way about me, Owen. Oh, you’re just an adorable lad, aren’t you?” Most people didn’t understand that she could kill them far more easily than they could kill her; it wasn’t the knife Owen had to worry about, which she held rather casually at an admittedly weak angle for herself, but the seconds it would take her to breathe. Hands moved slower than mouths. Screams happened faster than jugular slashes and she didn’t even need to scream, that right kind of squeak would do it. To Siobhan, practiced in her deadliness, threats were a baby’s babbling and the fact that no one ever seemed to understand this was the thing that actually scared her; boredom was terrifying. 
It was for that reason that she never screamed; her fun had to be invented when the sort of people she was stuck dealing with were so unoriginal. “Sore subject, Owen?” Siobhan’s grin widened, spreading lopsidedly across her face. “I didn’t know you had a lover’s heart under there; all broken now, is it? Do you see her? When you think of taking off my head, do you see hers? Do you imagine the curve of her neck, the softness of her lips? Do you see her teeth? You must have loved her teeth. Did she bite you? Did you like it when she did? Did it make you feel loved?” Siobhan shook her head, pitching her knife harder against his wrist, forcing him to make a choice: either try to kill her or take the bloody thing away. “Darling, you’re all smoke. You see it, don’t you? You’re a dying fire, smoldering; smoke in the shape of a man.” She shook her head again. “I release you from your promise to me, pet.” 
The threat of a knife to the chest did literally nothing except delight the fae who seemed to grow more amused by the second. Owen, on the other hand, was a breath away from snapping. There weren’t many situations where he wouldn’t be amused and interested in a discussion about the innate nature of knives which didn’t involve killing but this was one of them. His head felt stuffed to the brim with more and more memories, stories being dragged to the surface by the deal, stories that had successfully been kept under lock and key for years. “And you’re a bitch,” he hissed back, even with a second blade now added to the equation. Not a clever retort by far but at least it wasn’t yet another admission from his past. 
With every word Siobhan spoke, his knuckles grew whiter, edge of his knife pressing harder against her chest even as it caused the blade against his own skin to do the same. Owen wanted to laugh at her, to belittle the words she cooed like facts but the only thing waiting on the tip of his tongue was the reasoning for all the murders which would only confirm the fae’s little narrative. He would have shoved the knife through her chest then and there, consequences to his own odds of survival be damned, if the knowledge that she would just enjoy it hadn’t been lingering. 
The noise he made as he finally backed away was closer to a growl than anything else, a few stray drops of blood trickling from his wrist. Smoke didn’t bleed. Smoke didn’t feel all encompassing anger of the likes currently directed at Siobhan. 
A veil lifted then, clearing his mind from the pressure of more stories, more sharing, but leaving behind the bitter aftertaste and the fae’s cleverly concocted words. Owen could try to kill her now but he didn’t have the equipment, didn’t have the knowledge. Didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of taking his life along with everything else she had managed to claim in just these last few minutes. “You don’t know shit,” he spat instead, still clutching at the knife like a lifeline. “And the only fact here is that I’m going to find you again.” 
“Oh no, not a bitch…” Siobhan teased, her voice withered through the air in one extended breath. Where Owen’s anger filled the space between them, an almost palpable heat that rose off of his contorted features, Siobhan found herself increasingly curious. What happened with his vampire lover that turned him so sour? Did she get bored of him? Did he suddenly know better, that higher being wouldn’t fall for a pathetic human? No, Siobhan reasoned that if he’d been the one to break off their little engagement, he wouldn’t be so angry about it. It must have been her and whatever she did, he must have really loved her. Did he kill her? Did he have the strength to watch his lover leave? Siobhan ached to know, as if Owen’s life was some book she’d tossed open and now needed the ending of. He wouldn’t give it to her. Likely, if she tried, he’d stab her and he wouldn’t be a gentleman about it. Pity. 
“Oh no, you’re going to find me? What are you going to do? Cry at me?” Siobhan dug around her crochet pile until she found a little bunny, with ears longer than its chunky, gray crochet body. She held it out to him, ears flopping; a harmless creature, a sweet, innocent, rosy-cheeked creature. “One for the road, Owen? Maybe if you hug it while you sleep it’ll send your sad dreams away.” She watched blood drip from his wrist in drops so tiny that she couldn’t find them when they fell. He clutched his knife like that was the thing he slept with and Siobhan thought that he probably did. “Owen, darling, don’t be cross with me. You’ll still be filled with self-loathing if you kill me. As much as it pains me to say this, sometimes murder is not the solution.” She shook the bunny. “Well?” 
Owen knew he should have left by now. Maybe if he was someone who was used to his confidence getting dug at, his whole being turned inside out, he would have recognized the signs that this was well and beyond over. Well, he did recognize the signs but was foolishly choosing to ignore them because she couldn’t be allowed to have the last word. His jaw ached from the tension of clenching it, narrow eyes turning from the fae to the fluffy creature being held out to him. 
“You’ve heard my stories. I’ll think of something creative for you,” he gritted out, furious at how the tables were turned. Normally the one putting people on edge, the one getting threatened with violence while casually grinning, now Owen found himself on the other end of it. With a heavy exhale, his grip on the knife loosened slightly, blood finally flowing back into the clenched fingers. “Not the solution, no. Going to be really fucking fun and satisfying, though.” 
The knife sliced through yarn and cotton with ease, leaving only half a torso and a head in Siobhan’s hand, fluff dripping from the bunny like blood. Owen stalked away once the offending bunny had gotten what it deserved, which was a picnic compared to what he would do to Siobhan when the time came. 
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wrestlezon · 2 years
aew dynamite 11/16/22 liveblog containment zone
startin' today's show like 45 mins late (again)
claudio & danielson vs jericho & sammy
is this a tornado tag bcc elbow time oh it was just them being wild, this is a regular tag match claudio is so strong. big lift i still need to buy the ppv… the idea of telling my friends to wait until its on the crimesites to see max become aew champ is pretty funny though itd be funny but theyd rip me limb from limb danielson lookin good and doing cool moves. im not a danielsonsuperfan (he doesnt do anything for me) but i can appreciate the man im glad he doesnt spraytan classic Baseball Bat Move sammy yelling at danielson again: "I hate you! i hate you so much" sorry last time was so fucking funny. "i hate you you stupid dragon" LMAO i love it when they do a forward roll into a tag. sometimes it feels so extraneous bullying danielson… claudio out here Tossing Guys around oooo bowens vs swerve is up next lmao i thought danielson was going to slam sammy into the cameraman. but no it was the corner post slam slammy danielson yes kicks! sammy biting all match cool lionsault by jericho crowd sounds weird. are they just quiet or are the mics off not that i blame them for not being hype for the nth bcc vs jas match mesmerized by claudio spinning jericho... woo the bcc win
video promo of moxley vs mjf
very cool. i liked moxley's evil laugh my friends are crooning about their favorite special guy mjf now
darby short film
darby being a black and weird film weirdo is a cool thing. too bad about the everything else tho
backstage with lethal's crew and jeff jarrett is here too
theyre hooting and hollering
bowens vs strickland
we getting raps im hip and with the times and i understood the references to current events oh its music video time! lmfao stokely used up their dick word allowance for the rest of the year. itll be bleeps from now on that certainly was a rap. im nodding and clapping, max caster my friends pining for visual confirmation of maxwell and caster being the same room together
we starting the actual match off with looney tunes shouldertapping man bowens is good so is swerve. i love watching swerve wrestle throwing bowens right into the front row!! cool pose swerve. thanks oof. bloody lip pushups… aew fight forever game winning "best sports/racing game" at gamescom and i got confused and wondered why they put a racing segment in this wrestle game yeowch that arm kick swerve won! but did he kill bowen's shoulder… is there Lasting Effects...
video promo of jade vs nyla
i love the conflict between these two. tbs champion vs "tbs champion" is such a good bit. i hope nyla wins she is SO good on the mic and also funny. if nyla loses i will go insane. what else is there for jade to do!
samoa joe! promo in the ring
ring of honor time oh yeah he needs to explain himself for turning on wardlow huh i mean its pretty cut and dry. hes a serious tough guy and doesnt take any guff. why would he take guff from WARDLOW. hes SAMOA JOE oh! its powerhouse hobbs telling joe to get in line he's been kicking wardlow's ass this whole time! oh now its wardlow's turn to come out the classic sneak up from behind attack lmao the locker room runs out to stop them! not even bothering with security when samoa joe, powerhouse hobbs, and wardlow is involved wardlow slams all the security off him and the dark order are just like hmm actually go ahead we're not gonna stop you (this is good and i love the dark order) whoa cool flip out of the ring by wardlow
commercial... 2!!
backstage promo by britt baker
oh she mad doesnt baker have the uhhh owen hart championship thing? remember that? i forgot about it. it feels like its been a very long time since ive seen it serious britt baker dmd promo itt. preddy good
top flight + ar fox vs death triangle
oh HELL Yes im glad darius is back. im excited to see him wrestle! death triangle has SUCH a cool and stylish intro wow! arizona and san fran aew shows? :)c wrestling ar fox with the tumbling and rolls. hell yeah! hes smooth his ringpost flip has such movement on it pac just sits and they fling him into the air for ar fox's attack! that was a cool bit! death triangle triple team move on ar fox in retaliation ah its pip time. everyone chill down the commentators are goofing again penta jumping off the corner to do his special move: Ultimate Taint Dropkick the areola, or as taz likes to call it: the Dot on the Chest whoa loud kickhit on ar fox from penta the commentators are still being cheeky. taz: if youre 23 years old-- nothing should be rusty! EVER! top flight leapfrog moves :)c whoa that dante-flip-over-darius-dive move was cool i could barely perceive ar fox's insane top rope somersault nooo theyre gonna make ar fox take the pin?? hes cool though! well… i guess someone has to whoa rey fenix's insane tope pac's special move: Big Spinny Flip. and a pin! they win!
whoa. whats pac on about. is he talking bout the bucks oh! yep. its kenny and the bucks i was JUST thinking about how theyve been holding the belts for kenny and the bucks, but doing a great job of it because their matches rule oh!!!!!!!! theyre all having a match at full gear, not just a return! yay!!!!!!! the elite are back!!!
ethan page vs bandido
its ethan page! yay im glad hes gettin a push. i think hes cute, charismatic, and good on the mic. its also funny that hes such a heel because hes so dang cute bandido got a shiny aew logo on his tights whoa. bandido also very strong. what a slow lift even tony talking about bandido's big muscles. lmao ethan page gettin the big boos lmao the commentators having Height Talk excalibur telling a despondent taz "if you stand on your wallet, you're taller than us both" that was a cool bandido corner counter flip hes got good moves but loses in the end! ethan page time! we want to see a stokely vs mjf promo so bad. theyre both good talkers
promo about the jurassic express cagematch
backstage with saraya
saraya is tired chitchatting. she just wants to fight
commercial! 3
video promo of ortiz and kingston vs jun akiyama and konosuke takeshita!
im so excited for this match on friday :)c
toni storm vs anna jay
shame about the bunny gettin sick. i was really looking forward to that :( oh anna is bein goofy. hee hee someone in the crowd doing the longest yee haw ever oh thats why the crowd sounds so weird. crowds are usually chanting, right? the absence of chanting is odd wait there they are. toni! toni! toni! well, they tried. ok even the commentary are bored by this match theyre out here talkin bout crowd signs during the pip anna jay taps out to the texas cloverleaf! what the. hayter is approaching! toni bumps chests at her. cool
more match announcements
lee moriarty vs hook! athena vs madison rayne! lance archer vs ricky starks! the kingston/ortiz vs akiyama/takeshita match!
the full gear matches! aew champ, tag team champ, woman's champ, roh 4 way, tbs champ... darby n sting vs lethal and jarrett, britt baker vs saraya, samoa joe / wardlow / hobbs three way fight for that championship, trios match of death triangle vs the elite
in ring promo with jon moxley
huh! are they ending the show with a long promo, then? i dont think theres enough time for a match after i wonder whats going to happen then... will there be shenanigans? conflict?? interruptions??? my friends just want to see their guy who the hell is booing moxley in the crowd!!!! moxley you really are the baddest bitch in all the lands. go moxley "im messed up. im a sicko. i cant get enough of violence and fights. its not a good thing. im fucked up in the head" loving the idea of moxley typing out "mjf" into google to do research moxley got a point. mjf does not wrestle CALL HIM OUT MOXLEY!!!!!! MJF IS A WRESTLER COSPLAYER SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT MJF!!! lot for him to live up to-- oh!! its stokely!!! the firm is kicking moxley's ass mjf is here :)c oh my god he is so shaped. like dorito mjf kills everyone in the firm. actually that seemed almost too easy huh will? first name basis now huh? lol "you can make me bleed buckets" oh? bloody mjf at the ppv? pwease? :)c mjf is convincing me that he is sufficiently motivated for this belt oh mjf is using that "convincing the world the devil doesnt exist" bit to cover for him not wrestling a lot moxley takes the mic before mjf can finish his catchphrase oh my god moxley pausing to ask if the ppv is on sunday or saturday LMAO moxley rules nobody would be able to get away with being so nonchalant my friend pointed out at the end that mjf was wearing platforms... man's gotta be tall for the staredown
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
alrighty, i have my Stranger Things OC ready for you...
sorry about that crappy drawing, i'm sure tumblr did the quality dirty as well
(this is how she looks when she arrives at california at the beginning of season 4)
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-sofia marie gaines
-sof-when el first met her, she told el to call her sof, since el was having a hard time saying sofia
-female, she/her
-lesbian and asexual (has no interest in having sex ever in her life)
-14 as of season 4
love interest:
-el hopper (developed crush in season 1-finally got together season 4 vol. 2)
other information:
-back in season 1, right before el disappeared into the upside down, the demogorgon hit sofia and she roughly smacked her head against the wall. this resulted in some head trauma, which led her to stutter from then on.
-in season 4, she is arrested alongside el. the reasoning is, that despite not doing anything wrong, el's bullies blamed sofia for an "attack". the "attack" was just a couple of the bullies dragging sofia outside of the skating rink and beating her up because she tried to help el off the skating rink. they beat her because they thought it was "weird" that sofia would go to help el, calling her a "homosexual" and shaming her for it. even though sofia was the one who had the bruises and signs of harm on her, she was the one arrested for an "attack". she was told she would be sent to juvenile jail with el, until her parents could call in and get her sent back to hawkins. the only problem with this is that sofia has lived with robin since the byers moved away, because her parents tried sending her away to a conversion therapy center in another state. sofia ran away from home and robin let her into her home with open arms, which the buckley family has no problems with.
-after being found by owens and his men, he told some agents to take sofia back to the byers' house, telling her that he needed to speak with el. sofia was hesitant to leave, but el reassured her that she would be okay, and that she would see her soon. however, once out of el's sight, the agents started driving sofia a different way, not telling her where. they arrived at the secret bunker before el did, where they brought sofia to brenner. when she asked why she was brought there, they told her that she knew too much about el, and that she had to potential to be a great experiment. besides trying to run away, they drugged her and proceeded to prep her for experimentation. el was brought to a seperate area of the bunker, and neither her or owens were aware of sofia's presence in the bunker until vol. 2.
-after days of painful experimentation (which persisted of lots of injections, shocking, mental breakdowns, and different "medicines"), it was revealed that sofia (called '019' after painfully given the tattoo) had the ability to make things explode (cars, aircrafts, water tanks...even people) with her mind. this scares brenner, so he keeps a shock collar on her most of the time, which he uses unfairly. because of the use of the shock collar, el thinks she can sometimes hear someone screaming from off in the distance, but when she asks anyone about it, they deny that there is anyone else in the bunker.
-to help with sofia's power development, brenner would typically force sofia into a deprivation tank, and send high frequency sounds in so sofia couldn't focus on exploding people, and only focus on travelling in the minds of others. this has resulted in a deep fear of water and loud noises.
i hope you enjoyed hearing about my sofia <3 can't wait to see what you think about her. if you have any questions about her, lemme know!
OH MY GOD SHES SO PRECIOUS IM GONNA SOB. I LITERALLY ADORE HER!!! This is the love interest El deserves <3 Mike can kindly leave
She has such an interesting backstory, I love it so much!! SO COOL. And the fact Robin took her in?? 🥺 SO CUTE
If you ever make more content with her PLEASE show me, seeing other people’s ST OCs makes me so happy! And if you think up more stuff you wanna tell me about her feel free to send that to me as well :)
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duncanxtrent · 3 years
The Punks vs the Parents
(A quick none ABC related Duncan story based on a wondeful prompt by @trash-that-loves-total-drama. Go follow them for more good Duntrent stuff ;) Anyways on with the story)
(Also for context, Trent, Geoff, Katie, Sadie, and DJ all also attend the daycare along with the other kids)
*insert Baps and Beeps by the TDR kiddos intro here*
“UGH!!!!” Duncan screamed
Duncan stormed into the daycare. Visibly angrier than normal.
“What in the world?” DJ glances at him confused.
Duncan just storms to his time out corner and quietly crouches in the corner.
“Are you ok, dude?” Trent asks
“NO IM CLEARLY NOT OK!!!” Duncan shouts.
“What’s going on?” Beth asks
“My parents are coming over…” Duncan mumbles.
“They are?!?!” Beth shouts in excitement.
“EEEEEEEEEE!!!!” Owen squeals wearing a lot of Banana and Cheese merch.
“Oh great… Another cringy concert…” Gwen groans.
“What? No! Those guys aren’t my parents anymore…” Duncan counters.
“WHAT?!?!” Everyone screams.
“What happened?” Owen cries out in sadness.
“Well…” Duncan trails off.
“Letting your child set off several kilograms off explosives?! Leaving your child alone for months at a time?!?! Leaving the child with only 2 weeks of supplies in food per month?!” The social workers screamed.
“What? We needed money for props!” Cheese explains.
“Yeah.. And besides I don’t think it was that bad!” Banana adds.
“Your son is literally in the hospital after collapsing of exhaustion and starvation…” The child care worker sighs.
Banana and Cheese just look down at their feet.
“Oh so that’s why you weren’t here Monday through Thursday!” Beth concludes.
“Yeah, I was in foster care for about 2 weeks before a new pair of parents adopted me. A pair of local cops…” Duncan explains.
“That doesn’t sound so bad!” Trent says
“It’s just… Listen I don’t want them coming…” Duncan sighs.
“Well we can try and stop them. I’d be glad to help!” Trent offers.
“And this is why you’re my best bro!” Duncan says clapping Trent on the back. “Let’s do this!”
The two of them quietly sneak into Chefs office. They pay Owen some cookies to distract Chef while Trent messes around with the computer.
“Alright what should we do?” He asks
“How about you shut down some traffic lights? That should cause some chaos!” Duncan offers.
“Sounds like a plan!” Trent types some things into the keyboard and shuts down some traffic lights in the neighborhood.
Jackson eagerly bounced up and down in the police car as June quietly drove to the daycare.
“I’m so excited! Visiting my son in the Daycare, and getting to present to his class! I can’t wait to see him.” Jackson excitedly cheered
“We’ll be there in a bit. Just be patient.” June explains.
“Do you think we’ll meet this infamous Trent he’s always going on about?” He asks
“Probably… Not many people were absent today…” June explains
“Oh I can’t wait to meet him. He sounds amazing from the way my son described him.” Jackson sighed.
Suddenly the radio in their car went off.
“All units we have a traffic light shut down on the corner of Maizono and Kuwata. Please call in to direct traffic.” The police chief reports.
“What?! Come on!!!” Jackson shouts.
“That’s awfully inconvenient.” June mumbles.
“UGH!!! And just when we were going to see him too!” Jackson cries planting his face into the dashboard.
June looks at the map and sees the daycare is only a couple blocks away.
“Hey Honey do you think you could run today?” She asks
“Yeah why?” He asks sitting up.
“Well what say I go handle the incident with the traffic lights. And you go run to meet our son at the daycare.” June offers.
“Really?! You mean it?!” Jake asks excitedly.
“Just be careful ok?” June smooches Jake on the cheek.
“I will! Thanks!” Jake says hopping out of the car. June drives off to handle the traffic incident while Jake begins running back to the daycare.
Back at the daycare
“Seems like THEYRE on their way to deal with it. They shouldn’t be around for the whole day!” Trent explains.
“Awesome! Thanks dude!” He says quickly hugging Trent before retracting and hopping down.
Duncan begins humming and walking back to the main room when the door bell rings.
“I’ll get it!” Chef calls approaching th door.
“Probably the mail man…” Duncan assumes.
Chef opens the door and wouldn’t you know it? Jake is standing there patiently waiting to get inside!
“Mr. Fuego! A pleasure to see you!” Chef waves.
Duncan stops in his tracks.
“I-I’m sure it’s another-“ Duncan is cut off.
“DUNCAAAAAANNN!!!!!” Jake runs past Chef and immediately picks ups and squeezes his son in a hug. Duncan struggles to get out but eventually reluctantly accepts and hugs him back.
Jake sets him back down and Jackson crouches down. “How ya been little dude?!” He asks excitedly.
“How’d you get here so fast?” Duncan asks in retaliation.
“Your mother and I were supposed to help with a traffic problem but she offered to take care of it while I ran here.” Jake explains.
“How nice…” Duncan mumbles, red in the face.
“You ok little dude? The summer heat getting to you?” He asks
“No no… Everythings cool Dad…” Duncan stutters.
“Ah good! Wouldn’t want anything happening to my little buddy!” He says ruffling Duncan’s hair.
He stands up and turns to Chef. “How’s my son been doing?” He ask
“That’s actually what I invited you to talk about.” Chef explains
Jake looks at him with a questioning face. Chef leads Jake to his office and sets Jake down in the chair in front of his desk.
“What’s going on?” He asks
“Your son is an absolute menace in our school! He’s constantly setting off explosives! Bullying the other kids! And he’s always destroying things!” Chef explains.
“What?!?! That doesn’t sound like him at all!!!” Jake says genuinely shocked.
“You mean he doesn’t experience this behavior at home?” Chef says obviously expecting that he does.
“No! He’ll knock things down on one rare occasion when he’s running around, and he’ll usually apologize for ti even. And whenever other kids are over he’s always incredibly nice playing with them! The parents even confirmed this!” Jake explains.
“See exa- Wait HUH?!” Chef says clearly shocked.
“Did you really come here to lie to me about my son, Mr.Chef? I’ll have you know I can easily arrest you for that.” Jake glares.
“N-no! Your son always exhibits this behavior at school! I don’t know why he doesn’t do it at home!” Chef explains.
“You’re sure?”
“Yes!” Chef insists
Jake sits back down “Well then if you would like I wouldn’t mind observing your classroom for a bit to see this ‘behavior’ you claim he has.”
“Ok sure! I could use the extra hand.” Chef offers.
Jake nods and walks outside the office to observe the kids.
Outside, Duncan was fully prepared to knock over Cody’s tower. But sees his dad mid way and stops and turns around quietly.
Cody turns around looking confused.
Later the kiddos are eating lunch together when Beth accidentally trips Duncan over.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry…” Beth shouts.
Duncan quietly gets up and Beth expected a violent response but instead Duncan simply reached out his hand.
“It’s fine! Everyone makes mistakes!” Duncan says shrugging.
Duncan just quietly walks over and begins eating his lunch, which was thankfully I damaged due to the fact that it was still in his lunchbox. But Beth just looked at him confused.
Another transition
The kids are quietly finger painting, and Courtney ‘accidentally’ spilled some paint on Duncan.
“Oops… Sorry…” Courtney says sneakily.
Duncan growls for a minute but then takes a deep breath and faces Courtney.
“Can you please be more careful next time? I like this shirt.” Duncan asks shockingly polite.
Courtney just looked at him confused.
“Im going to go clean up…” Duncan walks off to clean up in the bathroom.
“What the?” Courtney stares at him confused.
And another transition because TDR moves fast
All the kids are quietly napping away and Trent approaches Duncan, quietly scooting up next to him.
“Dude what’s going on?” He ask
“What do you mean?” Duncan asks
“You’ve been incredibly well behaved the entire time we’ve been here. What’s going on?!” Trent says clearly confused.
“I just wanted to not break the rules! What’s the problem with that?” Duncan shrugs.
“Yes but that’s the attitude you NEVER have!! What’s going on?” Trent asks
Duncan looks around for a moment. Then sighs and gets up quietly.
“Follow me…” Duncan asks.
Trent gets up and the two of them head to the bathroom where Jake can’t see them. Then Duncan turns to Trent.
“Listen… I’m trying to be on my best behavior for my dad. Ok? I don’t want him to know that I’m this thug punk guy that beats people up on the daily.” Duncan explains.
“Why? Just because he’s a cop doesn’t mean he’ll hate you if you’re a thug…” Trent explains.
“No! That’s not it! It’s just…” Duncan sighs “Dad and Mom were way better than Banana and Cheese were. They actually gave me attention! They never abandoned me or had me cook my own food just because they were busy. They helped me! They cared for me. Yes they punished me which is a little unfortunate but the punishments weren’t ever extreme. The worse I ever got was having to clean out the toilets for a couple days. And even then they helped me by showing me how to do it. Dad and Mom, they are the only adults I actually trust. And I don’t want them to think I’m just a bad kid who just puts on a show for them for the sake of getting love and cookies or whatever. I love them… I love them too much to betray them…” Duncan begins noticeably crying.
“Dude… Are you ok?” Trent asks reaching a hand out.
“IM NOT CRYING YOURE CRYING!!!” Duncan sniffles.
“Hey dude it’s ok…” Trent reaches around and hugs Duncan. Duncan quietly hugs him back.
“It’s fine dude… If you wanna start changing your ways. I’ll be by your side no matter what…” Trent says patting Duncan’s back.
Duncan lets go. “Thanks…” He mumbles wiping his eyes.
“Should we head back now?” Trent asks
Duncan nods and the two of them open the bathroom door…
To find Jake standing outside the door, with tears streaming down his face.
“Ah nuts…” Trent mutters.
“Dad… I-“ Duncan gets cut off by Jake picking up Duncan and pulling him into a hug. This time Duncan only has a slight hesitation before pulling his Dad into a hug as well. The two of them sit there quietly hugging as Trent stands by and awkwardly watches.
“You really love me that much?” Jake mumbles.
“Of course I do. I love you so much, Dad. I don’t wanna hurt you…” Duncan responds.
“I love you too…” He says hugging him harder.
Finally Jake sets down Duncan and wipes his eyes. “I get it though. You always loved to play the villain. It’s not necessarily good for you, but if it’s what you want to do that fine with me. Just don’t do anything highly destructive, ok? And nothing majorly emotional damaging obviously. Basically just don’t go too big.” Jake explains.
“Ok Dad…” Duncan hugs Jakes leg before wandering back to the nap room. Trent gets up to do the same but Jake stops him.
“So you’re the Trent I’ve heard so much about!” Jake says smiling.
“Hmm?” Trent looks at him confused.
Jake crouches down. “Duncan talks about you all the time at home. He considers you his best friend, I’d almost say he loves you. He really is a good kid at heart, I want you to know that.”
“I’ve always known that…” Trent chuckles.
“Good. You seem like a good friend for my son. Hope to keep seeing you around.” Jake says ruffling Trents hair and standing up.
“Thanks…” Trent is about to walk back but stops.
“One more thing…” Trent says turning around. “Do you have any embarrassing photos of him?” Trent asks
“Whaddya mean?” Jake asks
“Like photos of him being cute or dorky or stuff that isn’t cool or villainous or whatever.” Trent explains further.
“Ooh! Yes actually I have the perfect photo I’ve wanted to show for a long time.” Jake explains.
Jake pulls out his phone and scrolls through his photo till he finds the photo in question. He crouches down again and shows Trent the photo. In the photo, A starry eyed Duncan is clinging to Jake’s arms in a white shirt with red sleeves smiling giddily as Jake smiles back at him. The photo was presumably taken by June.
“That is so cute. I love it.” Trent laughs.
“He’s so cute isnt he?” Jake smiles.
“He is! Anyways that’s all! Have a good day Mr.Fuego!” Trent says wandering off.
“You too!” Jake says waving.
18 notes · View notes
solasan · 4 years
otp tag.
tagged by @masonsfreckles​​ and @impossible-rat-babies​​ and like definitely also someone else but my activity is super clogged up so i cant find who I’m Sorry 🥺 but thank u remus and owen mwah tagging: @denerims​​ @arlathen​​ @lvllns​​ @trvelyans​​ @lavellane​​ @chuckhansen​​ @rosebarsoap​​​ @cheydinhaal​​ @darksprawn​​ @deepspeech​​ @yennefre​​ and anyone else who wants to do it tbh
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who is more likely to raise their voice?
i mean both, probably? they’re both very passionate people
who threatens to leave but never actually does?
i’ll hesitantly say june but i dont think they’d reach that point
who actually keeps their word and leaves?
neither lmao
who trashes the house?
in day-to-day life, june; she’s very messy. in fights? neither bcos that’s messed up. the Most that’ll happen is adam cracking a piece of furniture in his fist by accident
do either of them get physical?
uhhh they’ll spar from time to time, but outside of that, never
how often do they argue/disagree?
in the beginning?? all the fucking time. every day. they butt heads like they were made to do it. further in, they argue much less, especially once june’s proved adam’s whole “humans are weak!!!” thing wrong
who is the first to apologize?
adam gets bullied into it by nate sometimes. june won’t apologise unless she’s absolutely certain she’s in the wrong, but it does happen. so i guess it depends on the argument
who is on top? who is on bottom?
i hate applying the top/bottom thing to m/f ships but adam’s A Top i guess. june is 100% a bottom. but when it comes to actual positioning they’ll change; adam likes missionary a lot, but june likes sitting in his lap and riding him, so
any kinks?
adam is lowkey lowkey very lowkey into orgasm control/denial im calling it. he just likes taking control, but not in an explicit bdsm sense??? june’s into dirty talk and does have a praise kink. she has to coax adam into talking in the beginning but when he gets into the swing of things he loves it
june used to be into getting tied up, but the whole murphy situation kinda fucked that for her
who has the strangest desires?
june probably wins this just purely based on the fact that she wants adam to bite her lmao. he would find that strange. but he would also be into it so
who’s dominant in bed?
adam !!! again not in the traditional like bdsm dominant sense but he takes charge of things
is head ever in the equation?
uhhh, yeah ??? all the time
if so, who is better at performing it?
look. june is very good. she is. but adam has 900 years on her and also more enthusiasm / touch starvation / desperation. adam is a pussy eating KING
ever had sex in public?
the most public they’ve gotten is fucking in the tech lab at the warehouse, that’s it
who moans the most?
both moan, but june’s louder. she’s freer ??? with it ??? but adam grunts and gasps and pants a lot, and when he’s abt to come he’ll groan out her name or a french curse so
who leaves the most marks?
june’s the one that goes out of her way to make marks, just bcos shes a lil sad they fade so quickly. adam leaves the most just bcos june doesn’t heal in the same way
who is the more experienced of the two?
adam might be 900 years old but we all know he’s not had many relationships. june’s more experienced bcos she has one-night stands in college before her and bobby got together
do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
im so sorry but if u look at adam du mortain and think that he doesn’t make love 99% of the time, ur wrong. but sometimes they do get super passionate / desperate for each other, and then they’ll fuck
how long do they usually last?
in the beginning adam lasts like 2 seconds, no joke. that man sees even a hint of june’s coochie and he busts a nut. but further in he can last longer. unless june is being a shit and deliberately trying to get him to come, which she does do
rough or soft?
soft for the most part. if it ever is rough it’s like..... more bcos it’s intense, passionate, less bcos either of them is trying to make it rough. june has some sexual trauma too so really rough sex, like w choking for example, is out of the question (not that i think adam is into choking anyway)
is protection used?
it should be, and when they remember to they do use it. but also they forget a lot shdkshdkd does june look like the type of person to get pregnant on purpose??
does it ever get boring?
nah they keep it fresh. plus they love each other so much it’s just always so good to have each other ???? like after So Long Pining it’s just good idk bro shdjsjdk
where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
idk probably the tech lab like i said above ??? i dont think they fuck in many weird places — not bcos i dont think june would be into it, but more bcos i figure if they ever start getting freaky adam gets them into a bed / somewhere private STAT
do they plan on having children / do they have children?
yeah they vaguely want them in the future i guess. adam thinks abt june having his baby and has to lie down he 🥺 so hard
if so, how many children do they want/have?
their first kid — emma — is an accident born like a year after they get married, and then oliver comes along a year after that because june always said she didn’t want only one kid. she remembered how lonely she was as a kid :(((
who likes to cuddle?
both of them !!! adam is touch-starved and june is starved for affection !!! they cuddle all the time
who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
june 100% no question. WHORE. adam is so done with her but he does always drag her off somewhere to Ravish her so rly who’s winning here
who struggles to keep their hands to themself?
shdkshdkskd both of them. june slightly more so tho
how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
uhhh i dont think it’s rly a matter of one getting uncomfortable, bcos they do love it. probably it’s just as long as they can hold out before 1) june has to pee, or 2) adam resolves to be productive
what is their favourite non-sexual activity?
adam would never admit it but he loves watching movies with june purely bcos she gets so cuddly and ALSO she gets so into them. she’s the type of person to yell at the screen and ask questions all the time. sometimes they’ll compete to see who can work out the plot / twist / mystery of a film first 
where is their favourite place to cuddle?
in bed !!!!! adam loves having her whole body pressed up against him, all small and soft and smelling like june, and june loves how he tucks her into his chest and makes her feel so safe and warm
who snores?
ahskhkdja june !!!
if both do, who snores the loudest?
adam doesn’t snore so june. but she doesn’t do it that loudly
do they share a bed or sleep separately?
they share a bed !!!! it’s adam’s way of making sure june does actually go to bed, for one, but also he doesn’t like to sleep without her
if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
cozy up together !!!!! adam’ll kiss her hair and tuck her head under his chin, and june’ll wrap her arms around his torso and kiss the hollow of his throat
what do they wear to bed?
june wears raggedy old band tees or oversized hoodies, boxer shorts, lots of comfy clothes. flannel pyjama trousers. sometimes she’ll sleep in adam’s shirts bcos they smell like him and she likes that, but when she does sleep in adam’s shirts they uhhh haha dont sleep for a while ;)))
are either of them insomniacs?
june is !!! i think around book 4, maybe 5, someone’s gonna talk her into seeing someone abt it — because she really doesn’t sleep a healthy amount, i’m talking 5-8 hours a week — and she’ll start taking sleeping pills, but for now she just drinks a fuckload of coffee and keeps herself busy.
adam’s not rly an insomniac per se, but he doesn’t sleep as much as humans do, obviously
can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
later in the series, yeah. i could see her being put on quetiapine bcos that’s what im on and that shit works
do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
wrap their limbs around each other !!!! june’s like a cuddly octopus shdksjdl but adam loves it, honestly. he’ll often wrap his arms around her and put on of his hands up her shirt, over her spine, so he can have some nice skin-on-skin contact. yknow....... as a treat
who wakes up with bed hair?
both !!!! june’s is probably a bit worse bcos it’s longer ????
who wakes up first?
eh, depends. i’d say adam, bcos he’s More Responsible, but june really doesn’t sleep much, so it could go either way
who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
neither ??? june doesn’t cook and adam’s not a good cook
what is their favourite sleeping position?
either adam on his back with june tucked into his chest, his arms around her, or both of them on their sides and adam spooning june. they love em !!!!
do they set an alarm each night?
they do. june has broken multiple alarm clocks, tho, so make of that what u will
who has nightmares?
both :((( june’s are more frequent, i think
can a television be found in their bedroom?
nah. adam wouldn’t want one, and june watches everything on her laptop
who has ridiculous dreams?
probably june. she’ll sleepily recount them to adam the next morning in bed and he’ll either hm? into her neck to show he’s listening or huff a laugh against her skin
who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
june. adam has learned to accept this fact about her. usually he’ll just position her so that they’re both comfier when she does it, but he has been woken by her elbowing his side before
who makes the bed?
adam. june cba with that shit. she’s just gonna get back in it anyways !!!!
what time is bed time?
adam pushes june to go to bed by 11. sorry u gotta take care of ur stupid energiser bunny girlfriend, buddy
any routines/rituals before bed?
eh nothing in particular i dont think ??? nothing out of the standard brush teeth / clean face / get into pjs thing anyway
who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
june is the GRUMPIEST. she’s not a morning person in the slightest
who is the busiest?
hmmmmm. they’re both probably equally busy ??? i mean adam’s the head of the unit so he probs has work he has to do, but then june’s basically the head of the department bcos the captain’s never around, so she has a lot of work. and she has to balance that work with the agency. maybe june’s slightly busier ???
who rakes in the highest income?
eh they’re probs around the same ???
are any of them unemployed?
who takes the most sick days?
june bcos adam doesn’t get sick. also sometimes she just wants A Personal Day and / or is hungover
what are their jobs?
he’s a commanding agent, she’s a liaison and also police detective
who sucks up to their boss?
haha adam’s technically june’s boss and she loves to suck badum tss
who is more likely to turn up late to work?
june shdjshdk girl is Bad at time management. sometimes tho they’ll both be late bcos a morning fuck went on too long. june is very smug on these days
who stresses the most?
uhhh both stress a lot ?? june has anxiety. but adam also is constantly on edge so ????
do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
yeah they enjoy them i guess. adam definitely enjoys his. june is..... complicated. she doesn’t trust the agency and she doesn’t rly wanna be a cop, but she doesn’t know what else she could do so ???
are they financially stable?
yeah for the most part. the agency has good salaries
who does the washing?
i think maybe june does it more often just bcos as a human she....... probably ???? goes through more clothes ??? that makes sense to me ??? idk hsdk
who takes out the trash?
adam, usually. especially if it’s dark; june ain’t going nowhere at night
who does the ironing?
again, adam. just bcos he’s more likely to have clothes that need ironing. june has never touched an iron in her life
who does the cooking?
i mean june is notorious for not cooking but rather ordering takeout, so...... i mean i dont think adam is a bad cook but he can rly only cook rly bland, simple meals, and he obviously doesnt need to eat so. i guess if it’s one of them it’s june
who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
yeah june sdhskdhksdk she just has a very short attention span bro idk what to tell u
who is messier?
yep june no question. adam’s a lil bit of a neat freak im calling it
who leaves the toilet roll empty?
who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
yeah june. sometimes adam if he’s had a long day tho. or like if theyre getting Freaky and leaving clothes everywhere. but in general, june’s more likely
who forgets to flush the toilet?
ew gross people do that ?? neither
who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
june shdjjsjdk
who answers the telephone?
uhh both ig ?? but they don’t have like a landline or anything they only have their cells
who mows the lawn?
adam, but only once they’ve moved out of june’s apartment after having the kids. june’s got a black thumb bro she’s not allowed near the garden on nate’s orders
who does the vacuuming?
both !!! they take turns
who does the groceries?
june 100% and she always ends up getting shit that wasn’t on the list shdjskdk. sometimes they’ll do it together tho
who takes the longest to shower?
uhhhh i mean. i think they shower together quite a lot so ???? both ???
who spends the most time in the bathroom?
like getting ready ???? uhh depends. if june’s doing makeup, her, but she doesn’t do it often
is money a problem?
nahhh the agency pays them well
how many cars do they own?
originally only june’s shitty little hatchback, but when the kids are born they get a second one. probably it is very pretty and fancy and expensive, because adam
what’s their song?
either dermot kennedy’s power over me, or fortress by bear’s den. like, seriously, look up the lyrics; they’re the ULTIMATE adamjune songs
do they live in the city or in the country?
does wayhaven count as a city, even if it’s like... a small town ??? idk
do they own their home or do they rent?
june’s renting her apartment currently, but when ollie and emma are born, they buy a place at the edge of town
do they enjoy their surroundings?
eh. neither of them are especially fond of wayhaven, but i think maybe it grows on them over time ??? june definitely in her current point in canon is only there bcos she doesn’t know where else to go
what do they do when they’re away from each other?
Yearn like fools. they miss each other shdjshdk they’ll call each other if adam is ever sent out on an assignment away from town or june has to take some kinda business trip. theyre always super happy to be reunited
where did they first meet?
at an abandoned warehouse in book 1. june shot him. it was great
who spends the most money when out shopping?
uhhhhhh bro i genuinely don’t know ??? adam and june both have terrible taste in clothes; he walks around in cargo pants half the time and she’s never not in something oversized and baggy and possibly falling apart ???
ig june spends a lot on technology ??? and on food ????
who’s more likely to flash their assets?
ok i mean adam has already in canon gotten shirtless and flashed his assets at june while convinced he feels nothing for her so. him. he’s a show-off we all know this
any mental issues?
yeah lmao. june already had ptsd before canon from being assaulted in college, and now it’s just worse bcos of everything with murphy and shit. she also has depression, because obviously, and anxiety. also adhd if that counts ??? it probably counts
i think adam’s got some ptsd too from that Terrible Fiery Scene Of Death we saw in the mirror from his past, and probably that’s compounded by experiences since he became a vampire too ??? possibly some depression as well just bcos i’m now considering his whole ‘numb for years’ thing and how that overlaps with depression ?? :/// idk
who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
adam doesn’t trip often but when he does june howls with laughter. usually if he’s tripping it’s bcos she’s done something Very Distracting. one time she took her shirt off in their living room when he wasnt expecting it and he walked into a wall
when june trips (which she often does) adam will sorta snort very quietly or his lips will twitch but he’ll always stabilise her quickly
who’s terrified of bugs?
yep june 100%
who kills the spiders around the house?
shsjdhskdjk ADAM. “june, it’s just an insect.” “um, untrue, it’s an arachnid, those are different fucking things—” “it’s miniscule. even more so than you are.” “okay, ha, ha, very funny, please kill it, adam i’m serious, kill it, it has eight legs, it’s waiting to murder me, fucking kill it!” “i’m killing it, calm down.”
do they have any fears for their future?
yeah. june’s worried she’s gonna get totally murdered lmao bcos odds are someone’s gonna try again. adam is also terrified abt this distinct possibility. he’s also scared that, like... she’ll live ??? as in ??? she won’t ever turn, she’ll stay mortal her whole life, and after waiting 900 years for her, he’ll only get a few decades with her before she dies.
that’s like not gonna happen she absolutely becomes a vampire after emma and ollie are born but still. he’s dramatic
their favourite place?
the warehouse, probably ??? it’s safe and secure and it’s comfortable ??? or else june’s apartment. i think june prefers her apartment just slightly
who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
adam ??? but it’s more likely that they’d go out to a fancy dinner, rather than him cook one
who pays the bills?
they split them
who’s the tallest?
sndjhskdjkd adam. june hates and loves this fact in equal measure. adam is very smug abt how teeny tiny his girlfriend is shdkshdk he finds it very funny. also very sweet he loves it
who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
both, honestly. theyre bad at keeping their hands off each other once they’re together. maybe june is ever so slightly more likely ?? idk
who wanders around in their underwear?
both. adam likes to distract june w his abs bro what can i say. june just is most comfortable walking around in a sports bra and briefs
who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
june !!! and she’ll lean into his face and sing right at him with this big dumb grin too. adam will refuse to make eye contact but he’ll have this tiny lil smile on his face
what do they tease each other about?
everything. june roasts adam on the daily. adam will very dryly retort back every time. they were made for each other im telling u. 
june will sometimes bring up his whole humans are weak thing at the most ridiculous times. like, adam tries to get her to get out of bed in the morning and she’ll groan and start lamenting how weak and fragile she is, she couldn’t possibly get out of bed in this state, adam, i have glass bones and paper skin, don’t u love me ????
adam’s teasing is just dryly taking the piss out of dumb shit she says. she’ll talk abt a fight she had with someone and say she went “wa-pow!” when she hit them and he’ll just deadpan repeat, “wa-pow.” his face totally straight. i wuv themm
who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
i mean neither they both have bad fashion taste. but also june hates the fucking cargo pants bruh
who crushed first?
adam did shdkshdk even if he didn’t realise. june didn’t figure out she liked him until the time between book 1 and book 2, because she missed him and she couldn’t figure out why
any alcohol or substance related problems?
uhhh no not rly. june has a history of using recreational drugs but that was in college and she doesn’t touch most of that shit these days
who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
june probably shdjshdk she’ll have a girl’s night with farah, morgan, and tina, and just come home absolutely fucking twatted. adam always tucks her in
who swears the most?
yeah june. she swears in every other word. the first time she made adam curse is burned into her brain seriously she takes such pride in it
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pitayatea · 4 years
alright im just gonna post my predictions for the rumble early so i don’t forget like ive done previously okay, great. (also this is long sorry!)
asuka & charlotte flair (c) vs shayna baszler & nia jax for the women’s tag team championships: shayna & nia (new champs)
i love asuka. i love charlotte. with that said... they shouldn’t have the titles. they’ve done fuck all with them, they both have their different feuds that don’t concern the titles at ALL, and the raw women's championship has low-key taken a back seat to that over the past few weeks. considering i feel like they’ll give al*xa the title sometime soon, the best move is to fix the titles back to shaynia so they can feud with mandy and dana, charlotte can feud with lacey and ric, and asuka can get a last hurrah with the title before they inevitably have her lose to al*xa.
bonus prediction: lacey and/or rick will come out to cost charlotte specifically.
drew mcintyre (c) vs goldberg for the wwe championship: goldberg (...new champ 🙃)
i want this prediction to be wrong SO BADLY. i don't want goldberg to win. he’s outdated, he can be dangerous, and his time has passed in the ring. he’s got that old-school mindset that the undertaker has, where they long for the days of wrestlers dying at age 40 and bullying other rising stars. he’s repeatedly taken slots from deserving wrestlers for no reason, and for anyone who thought brock was a part-time champ, goldberg is the literal DEFINITION of a part-time champ. we saw it last year pre-covid, and we saw it when he beat kevin owens. he just fucking sucks. and ive p much stated that i think drews reign is boring, even if i like the guy... with all of that in mind... he boosts the ratings, and corporations love ratings. even if it’s not drew’s fault, raw ratings have been down by record amounts, and a corporation is gonna do anything to bring them back up, especially with the recent speculation that usa is gonna host other sports that will compete with wwe for attention. ugh.
roman reigns (c) vs kevin owens for the universal championship in a last man standing match: roman reigns (c)
it’s ROMAN REIGNS. do i gotta explain this one? this man is not losing this early in his reign.
sasha banks (c) vs carmella for the smackdown women's championship: sasha banks (c)
PLEASE GIVE SASHA A LONG TITLE REIGN. no one wants to see her drop it to carmella...
30-men royal rumble for a championship opportunity at wrestlemania 37:
first choice: keith lee
first, if drew wins, keith is the perfect person to dethrone him imo. fresh talent, with fan support... he has the opportunity to be a major star if he gets a good title reign. on the other hand, if goldberg wins... i do low-key wanna see keith demolish goldberg in under two minutes... for the economy...
second choice: edge
i know i preach about new superstars getting a chance but let me be a hypocrite for a second... edge supremacy in 2021... all i'm sayin is imagine edge vs reigns at wm37... dream match material right there.
third choice: jey uso
IT’D BE INTERESTING. it’d be interesting to see jay win and watch the struggle to see if he should branch out and go to raw so he doesn’t have to face roman, or if he should turn on his cousin and challenge for the championship (and maybe even win it for a brief run?). it’d be interesting. plus reigns vs uso is always a banger so i wanna see reigns v uso iii.
bonus!fourth choice: jimmy uso
I want the bloodline. gimme the bloodline. let jimmy lose at mania and give. me. the. bloodline.
30-women royal rumble for a championship opportunity at wrestlemania 37:
first choice: bianca belair
this is the year of belair. she’s got the star power, she’s got the fan support, she’s got the talent, and she’s got the entire wrestling world’s attention (even if the attention isn’t great, *cough cough* madi wrenkowski *cough cough*). she seems like a clear winner to me. they can’t continue this bayley feud forever, no matter how entertaining, and it’s time to put her in title contention as a mainstay of the smackdown roster. i will be extremely surprised if bianca doesn’t win here.
second choice: naomi
look, it’s out of left field... but give naomi her shot. it’s been years since she’s held a title, she’s got the fan support and the talent, she blows up on twitter every time she returns because everyone legitimately adores her even if they don’t watch wrestling. she had mainstream celebs, who don’t watch wwe and didn't know her previously, wanting to see her succeed. i really want to see them take advantage of that for once, but this is probably a long-shot pick.
third choice: alexa bliss
i don’t want alexa to win please don’t let alexa win, i would legitimately rather see ronda return and win it all... but i feel like they’re setting her up for a win.
bonus!rumble predictions:
charlotte, peyton, and lacey are all eliminated within a one-minute period. charlotte eliminates peyton, lacey takes the opportunity to eliminate charlotte, and either charlotte pulls lacey over with her or someone takes advantage of lacey’s gloating to throw her over.
naomi returns and blows up social media again, promptly gets ignored by wwe if she doesn’t win until halfway through the year. she deserves better.
omos eliminates someone, possibly to save aj from elimination.
billie kay either saves a member of the riott squad from elimination, or causes a member of the riott squad to be eliminated.
r truth gets eliminated the fastest from some 24/7 shenanigans.
they tease a fiend reappearance but it doesn’t pan out and it’s just alexa messing with randy to cause his elimination.
none of the teased bt sport entrants actually show up and it turns out we're all booboo the fool 🤡.
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And Connor Makes Three
[Ethan Choi has added “crickett” to the chat]
crickett: im back ladies and sluts
Other Bekker: what if im a lady and a slut
crickett: idk die then
connor: i am neither a lady nor a slut
crickett: im sorry thats not what you were saying last night :)
no-ah: Gross youre my dad
Other Bekker: You’re My Dad! Oogie Woogie Woogie
Dr. Lanik: Crockett should never be a parent.
crickett: ouch
crickett: but u right
Maggie<3: It’s both nice and terrible to have @crickett back in the chat
crickett: love u mags
Queen Elsa: In other news, I just took the Bekkers’ daughter (Sunny) to see Frozen Two! 
Queen Elsa: And it was AWESOME!
April: Movie Elsa had her hair down
Other Bekker: hrrg im big lesbian
FreeWilly: @Dr.Lanik and I saw that with Emma it was really good
crickett: do i hear viewing party
Ethan Choi: Your last viewing party turned into a threesome
connor: lol
Nat: Okay, can we actually talk about whatever’s going on there? Are you three like, all a thing now? Is Connor part of the relationship? Or is it just a sex thing
crickett: does this mean we can talk about my threesomes now
Ethan Choi: No
Dr. Lanik: No
Maggie<3: No
crickett: prudes.
connor: so. 
connor: nats question
Ethan Choi: Honestly, it’s something Crockett and I haven’t really talked about (although we probably should have). The sex is great, and I can vouch for the fact that we really enjoy it but… It’s a bit more than sex by this point, isn’t it? Sure we’re all “active” but most nights we get to have dinner together, and kiss, and be happy- I’d argue that it’s kind of just sex but also so much more.
crickett: i for one think ud make a good bf (or husband uwu)
connor: is that something that either of you want? to be in a relationship?
Ethan Choi: This is a conversation we should probably have in person. I’ll make reservations at that steakhouse Crockett likes for eight tonight, and we’ll talk about it?
connor: ok
FreeWilly: Im not disagreeing but why
[no-ah has sent an image to the chat]
no-ah: Forgot that my lungs are still Broken™ and maybe did a lot of running and also left my inhaler at home
April: That’s treatment two?
no-ah: Don’t come mother me
April: Too late, you’re on a nebulizer and you’re shaking
Queen Elsa: Do we have to babysit him like we babysit Dr. Rhodes?
Maggie<3: Maybe
Bekker: Dibs on not doing it because as someone who works with Connor when he’s on trauma and CT, I have like double duty all the time
Other Bekker: Noah is a responsible adult
connor: im a responsible adult
Nat: Are you :/
connor: no :/
crickett: we all share one braincell except connor he doesnt use it
crickett: also i need everyone to be aware that noah’s stats arent improving and im worried so its chest x ray time
Maggie<3: You might be overreacting. It’s been a while since you’ve been on rotation, so maybe hold off?
crickett: i listened to his chest and im worried.
April Sexton <3: I won’t be over tonight, I’m staying with Noah in the hospital.
Nat: Take care of him and yourself, I understand. Don’t hesitate to call if you need me
crickett: fun and sexy update, noah has pneumonia
crickett: this is what happens when im not around
Dr. Lanik: I would argue that your update was neither fun nor sexy
crickett: pneumonia is supremely sexy.
Ethan Choi: @crickett Please act like a person
crickett: @EthanChoi no.
Bekker: They’re transferring him to CT so I’ll keep an eye on him for you all when you’re busy. I know things can get a little crazy down there. 
April: thank you <3
FreeWilly: Between all of us we can probably make sure Noahs okay and update each other etc
no-ah: Or I could just tell you all how I’m feeling
April: Will you tell the truth?
no-ah: …
April: That’s what I thought.
Nat: Owen is making him a get well card already.
FreeWilly: That is so fucking cute
Maggie<3: Not to get off topic but… I think I just got hit on??
Other Bekker: S P I L L
Maggie<3: So you know the gift shop girl who brings teddy bears and candy by the ED for the young patients?
Other Bekker: HAH I knew she liked you I could tell
Maggie<3: She gave me a teddy bear holding a heart and a vase of flowers and told me I was beautiful and also I have her phone number now
FreeWilly: TEXT HER
Nat: Do you like her back?
Bekker: This feels like we’re all in second grade
connor: and what about it? @Maggie<3 text her asap
Dr. Lanik: I have to agree with everyone and say you should text her
Queen Elsa: You deserve to find happiness @Maggie<3, so if you think that you can get that from this woman, you should absolutely text her (or call her) when you have the chance and try to catch dinner with her. 
Other Bekker: youre so articulate
Ethan Choi: Wear something nice?
connor: for you, always
crickett: breaking news guys my threesome is now an actual relationship threesome! two boyfriends means twice the kisses,,
connor: bold of you to assume we will not just each kiss you half of the normal amount
crickett: Bullying!
Nat: I’m happy for you! You three always seemed to get along really well.
Ethan Choi: But that does mean we have to get a king bed (we have a queen right now) so uh if anybody needs a queen, text me!
Queen Elsa: Ironically enough given my username, I actually do. Once you get your new bed, we can talk about arrangements?
Ethan Choi: Sounds good to me!
no-ah: I sleep in a big queen bed by myself :(
FreeWilly: Maybe you wouldn’t be by yourself if you actually talked to boys you like and didn’t get pneumonia
no-ah: listen...
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dvk4231 · 6 years
Voltron S7 opinion post.
alright im about to make a very long post about Voltron, and the fandom and keep in mind this is an opinion before i finish S7 but it will not change trust me.
1. my biggest reason is though its a nwtflix original and we KNOW NETFLIX HAS LGBT INCLUSION we also have to understand that its a dreamworks production, and DREAMWORKS IS OWNED BY DISNEY. so a good 50-70% of you got your hopes up when you shouldn't have, sorry about it.
2. they said lance would be someones first choice. that rules out Allura (for already falling for Lotor) and you think that only leaves keith but you're wrong? Romell is a charecter and a stable one at that. and she hasnt fallen for anyone as far as i can see. and because again Dreamworks is a disney owened company i can assume Klance as a romantic relationship will never be TRULY cannon.
3. Shiro and Adam. the rumor is (warning spoilers/possible spoilers) that Adam has died when thwy go to earth and shiro doesnt cry or say anything. let mme w tell you that Adamn and Shiro probably broke up before he went on the misson. and being taken by the galra + the time as voltron + being dead i think ots safe to say Shiro knew there was no chance again with Adam and that because he said i wont be waiting for him, moved on. and shiro did as well. and the show doesnt dive into what the paladins do in theor alone time all that much so who's to say shiro didnt greive alone? (spoilers done) what im saying is not only do we jot know how the Paladins are when by themselves but how shiro and Adamn ended it before he went on the mission?
4. dont piss on the people who still love this show ESPECIALLY people who stay out of fandom bs like this or people who newly got into the show. its not fair to them and this has happened with other fandoms before and that hurts people. you arw allowed to have your opinions but dont go to a voltron cosplayer/klajce photo shoot and tell them they ruined the fandom. dont make people hate something they love. ive been there so many times ajd i have stopped cosplay charecters that made me feel confident and fun because of what i see people say. be kind to one another, please.
5. The death threats
• the voice actors have no control ofver the script they are never to blame when stuff like this happens
• the writers of voltron probably did have lgbt intentions but again, dreamworks being owned by disney didnt approve what was written and made them re write it.
• stop becoming the bullies who bullied you and past lgbt+ people. threats, mean comments and rude words make you the bully. the person you probsbly moved schools because of or had to go to therapy for. dont be that person its disgusting.
those are all the thoughts i have on this subject. thank you.
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ts-hvv4 · 4 years
EPISODE EIGHT: “MERGE! Oh bitch how tasty” - Kurt
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So after Trent walked there was silence for a long time, and an announcement came out (well two). The first was the Trent announcement (RIP we will avenge you!) At the bottom it announced he was the first member of the JURY! This excites me for three reasons. First off, I never made jury on my original season in Easter Island because I won and during my second season (darksided Generations) I was a self proclaimed (with heavy delusion) pre jury robbed goddess. The second reason that I almost shit my corduroys that jury stage was here was because if I was a pre merge juror, I would not under ANY circumstance vote for someone’s game I did not see. I also know Trent is personally rooting for original Armonia villains which is a vote in my pocket if I end up at the end. My final reason that I was excited was that I was happy that Trent got to participate in the jury stage because he deserves it. He played a phenomenal pre merge game and I’m happy he gets to at least have a say in the winner, regardless of the outcome.
I was getting to my other point, the second announcement came minutes later....MERGE! Oh bitch how tasty. I was stoked because we’re officially at that point. It’s also a little scary because there’s only five original Armonia left with Trent going. I’m also scared because I know Andreas and I have bad blood from Easter Island when my alliance bullied him all season long. I have a lot of ass kissing to do and I hope I have some good acting skills because this is going to be a chore. Actually the more I think about it, the only bright side of merge is that we’re that much closer to making it to the end. Oh and NED. Hydra is reunited and oh it feels good.
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MERGE!! Yes! I’m so happy, and better yet—the people I wanted out most are gone! Olivia, Keegan and Trent. They were all coming for my head, and I LOVE they left one by one. That’s karma for you. Don’t get me wrong, I like/love them all on a personal level, but game wise I’m so happy they’re gone and I’m glad Trent is fine. Now I’m meeting the final batch of people. Sarah I already know but I need to catch up with her! Nikolas unless he’s just not there is online and hasn’t responded in an hour or so, but he was cool to talk to. Lukas and Matt however I do like the most right now! Matt I feel I’m connecting with a bit and same with Lukas. Kurt and Sharifa I still feel connected to, but Kurt said he can’t trust anybody right now due to what was going on, and him and sharifa were feeling me in on everything. Basically Olivia’s antics with going after me really messed her and her group up and it got her caught with her strategy like I knew she’d get caught eventually. I peeped her and Trent way before the curve, mainly because they were that fucking obvious. Jake I have to KEEP my eye on. Because they said he was upset with Olivia going but he’s saying he heard what Olivia was trying and was happy she’s gone. So imma have to feel him out but for now I think he’s lying due to what I’ve heard. As for the heroes I love them all and I really hope we stick together or they’ll just pick us all off. And that I don’t want to happen. At all. And I just hope for once I can chill and not have my name thrown, but you never know. This could be the start to a very messy round. I usually sleep late but I might sleep early because I feel I might be getting sick and I know as soon as I take this medicine I’ll be drowsy so we’ll see!!
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Whew Chile... what a moment yesterday was. So the morning after me sharifa and kurt are plotting to blindside Sarah, I see that kurt called w nicklas and downplayed our relationship which nicklas didn’t buy but wasn’t too shaded by it. But I decided to tell sharifa and kurt that I know nicklas so they trust him more Which resulted in kurt going AWFF thinking that his game was ruined or something? Idk i was shaking but we talked it out and he was calm Then the plan for Sarah gets scrapped because trent decides to quit! It sucked because he would be a number for us, but it’s best to respect his wishes.... So trent goes and then we MERGE. Lord help me. I ain’t ready for this shit S O S
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We merged....... im so happy because i could not stay on the heroes for much longer. We were getting too small and it was scary honestly. Of the 12 people in the game, there's 3 I haven't played this season with yet, which isn't terrible! I'm not meeting a bunch of people. I've also had a lot happening in my personal life so that's been impacting my ability to interact. One thing that is noteworthy is that Ned, Sarah, and I have reunited finally and we are about to run this game !!!!! Let it be KNOWN!!!
So these are my thoughts on everyone: Sarah: Love her, would die for her, we are co-winning this game together with Ned. Ned: Love him, would die for him, we are co-winning this game together with Sarah. Chris: So I know I've been 'working with him' but I don't trust him because I think he's a lot closer to Malik then I think. He is good for my game but I'm only working with him because I need to. Dennis: Similarly to Chris, I am only working with him because I need to. I think he might be reading into that more then Chris is... but I could be wrong. I think he presents as more of a target then me. Malik: I think he would turn on me if it meant saving his ass. But I think he's an asset to have around because people are mad with him. Lukas: I like him, he's funny and nice. I haven't been able to play with him alot because of the swap but hopefully we can. Nicklas: I think he's very smart as a former winner, so I am careful but I think we have a decent enough connection. Matt: Me and Matt are both playing each other and it's the funniest thing ever LOL.... anyways he's smart and will shoot himself in the butt for it. Jake: Don't know him much but I heard he is a snake so I want him OUT. Sharifa: SO DANGEROUS !! I think she's really dangerous but a good ally to have around maybe (?). I have a lot of respect for her coming back and being her true self so that's very empowering. Kurt: So the thing about Kurt was we played before but I wasn't really worried about that.... but I have found out from multiple sources that he worried about that. And no amount of me talking to him has changed that? So looks like I am now worried about that? UGHH Anyways this merge should be fun.... i just want single digits 
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Okay so we merged and yeah now I’m feeling really grateful to have made it to this point, jokes aside. I am really grateful to have had the opportunity to not only play with Sharifa again but get to know her as a person so much deeper. She is such an admirable person and she really touches my heart. I know I’m sappy about her a lot but she truly is one of my closest friends in my real life.
The way my current relationships stand right now is ranked (w/ reasoning as so)   1.   Sharifa (duh) 2. Jake (my fellow f@ggot) 3. Ned (boy you lucky for Hydra) 4. Lukas (he thinks he’s my #1, I love him tho) 5. Malik (as much as I know his act is a facade, he thinks were close so) 6. Nicklas (we had a good talk and basically compared notes, very intelligent) 7. Matt (neutral, I trust him a bit to stay villain strong but only for so long) 8. Sarah (same feelings as I have toward Matt) 9. Andreas (we spoke and I apologized and he accepted, progress people) 10. Chris (seems friendly enough but Ned told me he has an idol so kinda sketch) 11. Dennis (hard to read, nice enough but know he’s heroes strong) & HOSTS 1. Nicole (my fav host sorry boys) 2. Owen (picks up the slack) 3. Andrew (quality humour but our fight sis :( ) 4. Monty (idk her....bc she’s intern & not around much) Love y’all ❤️
So Jake came clean to Sharifa and myself about having a relationship with Nicklas. This raises serious red flags for us because it’s like we’ve been questioning if Jake is truly with us or not this entire time and have wanted to believe he was. He claims he is closer with us and Nicklas is just the equivalent to like my Lukas. Sure, that’s a fair comparison, but the difference is that I told The Cock Destroyers about Lukas. Nicklas was Jake’s best and worst kept secret. Now I’m second guessing everything I say to him but I still want to truly believe we are sisters till the end. If he fucks us over I will be absolute heartbroken. Like, he’s my amigas cheetah.
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Of the four newest people I’ve met, I feel the most connected to Lukas and slightly Matt. Nicklas before comes on or messages and Sarah only messages a couple of times and then vanishes. She’s someone I also know so I could use that bond but idk if I can trust her yet or not. The only one I feel I can trust atm is lukas but I’ll have to see how that goes.
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Malik is a lot. I play along with most of his flirtation and advances but it’s solely to get myself in his good graces to ensure I have a loyal ally and someone looking out for me. It’s also because I made the mistake of purposely approaching him and almost like lead him on. Now he’s so attached and I can’t for the sake of my game just be like “not really into it please stop”. And I know there’s other boys who are uncomfortable by it too. Unfortunately right now he is our Phillip and we have to keep him around for now....Fuck im so mean. I make him sound so bad, he’s actually fine, I’m just a huge asshole and Malik when you see this I’m sorry dude.
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K i guess i should update you When we swapped i connected with matt and sharifa the most Hated trent bc he tried to spread my name but we decided to vote kage out bc hes crazy-anyways now that we have merged sharifa wants to form some fucking majority alliance with the villains since we have majorty Only thing is that i like chris and dennis ALSO andreas, ned and I are in a f3 together and they know I have the idol. So anyways this isnt gonna work, i need to play secret spy but its gonna be hard deceiving sharifa. I got her to confide in me that she has the idol and I told her i have the idol as well -i regret telling her Also andreas and ned told me chris has the idol so im 100% certain the 3 of us know where all the idols are. Anyways, this is messy, im still a bitch and I need to figure something out. Wish me luck bitches ‘
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I don’t like Matt anymore. He keeps reading my private messages and is talking in main chat and isn’t saying much or a word or reacted to me or anything. So I feel like he’s going to try to message me once immunity is over and I’m going to just roll my eyes and laugh so hard. I thought the guy was cool, but I spoke too soon. I did feel like something was off from the gate anyways with his first responses. I just won’t message him until he messages me but rn the only villain I like from the other tribe is Lukas. Sarah step it up sis I wanna say positive things about you!! On the other hand, Teen Titans all think we’re in trouble, so I’m thinking about snatching Kurt since he doesn’t trust anyone from his tribe and see how that goes. I would do Sharifa too, but I feel she’s likely connected with the others. But if I leave her out of a vote she could very well not trust me anymore. But the only original tribe members I trust are Ned and Kurt. And I trust the Teen Titans, we just need one more number incase they come for us. Maybe rocks I see?!
Sarah says something after I mention that she hasn’t been too talkative? Hmmm
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Looking at the merge, I am PUMPED and NERVOUS and ready to LOSE! A lot of different scenarios can play out here- Heroes vs Villains prevail or Armonia vs Molysmeno. I have faith it won't end in the latter, in fact, I suspect lines may be a little blurred, but maybe not in the first tribal council or two. Having that said, a lot of people are surprising me this round in a good way such as Lukas,, Kurt, and Sharifa! Whereas my old pals of Sarah and Matt might have slipped in some people's eyes, I have to keep them in mind when figuring out what happens next. Jake may be targeted but I'm not gonna count on it just yet. All in all, I think I prefer Teen Titans more than Mystery Incorporated because it feels so genuine, but we'll see!
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It would seem Malik's talking to Kurt/Lukas on turning on the villains. I'm not too sure how I feel about that. In order to fully trust that, I'd have to look into those 2 actually giving a name instead of wanting us to. Having that said, Dennis does not trust Kurt, Matt is sheeping to avoid 3-peating his merge boot status I suppose, the rest of the villains I guess dropped the whole Ned vote campaigns, and everyone else playing the Waiting Game like time is money so yeah
I do feel it is a little intriguing how the villains are acting coy and facetious when they have a majority, not to mention, hold more people than others. It's pretty telling that this group is pretty passive. Nevertheless, my intentions are to get the scoop and solve this mystery
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Guess who is ready to lose their mind ???????????? So Malik is trying to get Kurt and Lukas to vote with the heroes which I know for a fact is not happening because Sarah told me that Kurt said that wasn't going to happen. Now im going to call Kurt because he's being shady and says he wants to vote the villains ? Kurt WHAT ARE YOU DOING
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My goddddddd. I hate this merged tribe. The smart thing to do would be to stick to the villain numbers, but I know each villain has like 20 connections each outside of the villain tribe. I don’t like Andreas. He is fake to me. Idk why. I’m working so hard on making Malik like me, but he’s sketchy too. I love Dennis but I don’t think he loves me that much. Ned is a ghost. As of now I’m just going to sit back and let people handle this shit without me. I don’t think I’ll be the target if the heroes seize control, so that’s good. Shall be interesting.
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Just got off my hour long call with Kurt and I felt good about it, I think we can trust each other. But then DENNIS messages lukas and sends a lie to him that Malik getting Lukas and Kurt is a ploy??? WTF ???? What is happening right now
Remember when I said I was going to lose my mind? YUP thats still happening. just about to hop on call with sharifa to show im willing to work with the crazy villains
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Honestly? This vote sucks ass. As mentioned in the video, Nicklas was nice enough to tell me whats "actually" going on and I honestly feel like its best to just let it happen, because no matter what. One of my allies goes home. Either crackhead Malik, who has a big heart and is just trying his best, or  big heart chris who shared his idol with apparently the entire world and has to pay the price for it. I've been contemplating about this for the past 3.5 hrs and idk, as bad as this sounds, it just feels like it is better to not properly warn him. I've tried to give him hints that something isn't up or right tonight, but I can only do so much to hopefully not completely crucify my game. Of course there is the chance that I am actually the one who is going home or they are trying to send ned home anyways and bait an idol like that, but idk. I don't know why Nicklas would lie to me, when I am a valuable number to him. IF I survive I just need to start over and get my social game going properly. If you read this Chris and you actually went home tonight, I am heartbroken and sad, I would've gone as deep as possible with you and Andreas too, if he wasn't close to others aswell.
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Im getting this weird feeling in my stomach that the tribal won't go as planned. Malik has gotten really quiet, and when he does that it normally means he is mad. I'm not surprised and honestly if someone didn't run their mouth I'd be surprised. Maybe I am the one going home ?? Who knows
It's gotten like wild quiet? Am i going home ? Randomly really nervous
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ts-crossroads · 7 years
Episode Eight - “Get Your Head Out of the Gutter, And Maybe Get A Brain” - Bryan
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holy mother of everything good in this world i cannot believe we just pulled that off and im still probably in the clear
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WHAT THE FUCK!!! Ok then. So Dane is telling me that Ned was just too big of a threat. But I’m so fucking pissed still. Whatever. I’m on a 4-6 minority with me Sam and Jake. However I hope Dane is willing to flip back. But I’d still need one more...dang it. I got work to do.
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My hands r so dirty rn like BITCH LOLLL. Im actually terrible. Ned could have stayed if I voted with them. Too bad he had to be fake! Sorry not Sorry! Basically that shit wouldn't have happened if Rebecka and I didn't think it needed to. And Jake and Bryan are blaming DANE AND JOHN LOL THIS IS PERFECT. I'm actually DYINGGGG LMAOOO. 
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fuck john fucking liar i fucking saved his ucking ass twice and this is how he repays me fuck out of here i can’t deal with these bitches everyone who voted out ned SUCKS AND I PUT SO MUCH TRUST INTO JOHN IM LITERALLY THE REASON WHY HE MADE IT TO MERGE AND HE CANT EVEN BE LOYAL FOR ONE FUCKING ROUND 
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6-5 i was SHAKING during the tribal. i owe rebecka and julia m'life. i talked to sam/ned/autumn/jake more than i talked to rebecka and julia so im shocked they were the ones to save me??? as a previous winner im gonna be a loyal hoe to those who kept me. and autumn at least gave me the heads up that i was probably leaving, and it sucked i couldn't let her know i had a plan to save myself. like she was telling me "talk to ned, rebecka, haley and we can do something" and i already did that minus ned. i loved ned sm. i hate that this happened. but like he and sam were willing to turn on haley and i SO fast. i don't like that... also haley told john and i that she and chris were dating and LOL that makes so much sense it did'nt shock me. i'm glad i always talked good about haley to chris and vise versa.
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I am so emotional and not ready to write this confessional. First it started with me fucking up. I thought I could trust Dane but I couldn’t. I knew Autumn wasn't with us but I didn’t think we would lose 2 impala to the other side. Then I fucked up more by telling Ned that we are safe and not to play an idol. I gave him my idol half which he then gave back to me and then told me he had a whole idol. He asked me several times if he should play it and I said no every time because I trusted everyone. I truly let Ned down and I don't know how I am going to go through this game without him. He was the 1 person I trusted with my entire game and now he's gone. I sound so dramatic but whatever, I lost my final 2. I can have all the feelings I want. I just don't know what to do now regarding who to work with. I also hate myself more bc I had tribal in another game immediately afterwards, and Ned was in this game with me. Anyway, Ned got 4 votes, I got 3. He had a super idol, which he could have played on himself after votes were read, and he made an announcement that he wasn't playing it because I deserve to be there more than him. I literally cried so much. Ned went home in 2 games back to back because of me. I fucked up the first tribal and he went home with an idol in his pocket and he gave up his game for me the second tribal. I know that this is going to be a relationship that I cherish for a long time. I truly care for him so deeply and it goes deeper than any game ever could. If I get nothing else out of this game, at least I got to form this beautiful and magical friendship with Ned. I can figure out the rest of this game tomorrow.
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Me after getting blindsided in two different Survivor orgs within five minutes of each other https://twitter.com/ricardojkay/status/945781023006105600 Owen lucky Ned gave me a pep talk on his way out cause this is some bullshit and I sure was about to cut my losses and walk #yalldontdeserveme
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 Well I went from everyone having to split the votes Ryan and I which would of led me to go home. I got everyone to switch that didn't want to put Ryan or my name down which was Julia,John,Rebecka,Ryan, and Dane. It definitely shows that they all can be trusted since Ned was the one that left last night. Bryan is still targeting me for the whole Emily vote which is bullshit that vote was forever ago and why would we tell the person that invited her to tribal it was going to be her and then have Bryan go back and tell Emily. I hope all the campaigning Bryan did to work against me just showed him who really has the numbers. I'm now going to make sure if Bryan doesn't get immunity again that he goes next. 
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Ok so I really don't know who to trust at this point. I miss Ned soooo much. A lot of people from the other side have come to me to clear the air, but I really don't see a way to recover from this. Yesterday was an actual mess. Julia was lowkey bullying Bryan in the merge chat. I say lowkey, because it wasn't personal, it was game related, but it was extreme overkill. Bryan had said "ok thats fine" and "I see what I did wrong, I learned from my mistakes" etc and she continued to say things like "now go shit talk me more, I know you will" and it was just really rude. And Haley cheering her on in the background definitely amplified the situation to make Bryan feel worse. I feel like the only people I can trust are Bryan, Autumn, and Jake. It's hard though, because I know Bryan is a threat who needs to go. Autumn rarely talks to me. And I recently got close to Jake, so I know he has been working with Bryan a lot longer and would choose him over me in a heart beat. Dane seems to think that him flipping to vote out Ned wasn't "picking sides" and now everyone can be on a more even playing field. At least that's what he told me. He also doesn't want to think of them as "sides," he wants to vote out Bryan next. If there are sides and I vote out Bryan, It's literally going to be down to 3 vs 6, with me in the minority. As much as I love and miss Ned, I don't want to be in that jury. I want to be at FTC with Ned rooting for me the whole time. I also don't know how to feel right now. I'm conflicted, because everyone is telling me shady/sketchy things about Ned and reassuring me that it is best he is gone because he was untrustworthy, but I really don't think I believe it. Like I know Ned is such an honest and genuine person, I really can't see him playing me like that. And of course everyone will try to justify voting him out to me, it was so obvious we were a f2, we had never separated the ENTIRE game. Literally day 1 we were on impala and stayed there. I just don't know where to go from here. I'm upset that Haley and Dane won reward, it seems like the worst people to have won. Hopefully it doesn't help them in immunity. I really want to win. I'm scared though that if I do, Bryan will leave. A lot of people are upset about how he acted last round when he was immune. I don't know how I feel, I really just need to see how the next day goes. ALSO Dane getting under 5 minutes in that maze seems toooooo good. Like I did it as fast as I could and couldn't even finish half of it in that time. It seems very impossible. 
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Errybody and they mama has been in my pm's explaining themselves and I'm like lmao ok but you're still cancelled. I have a heart though so I (probably) won't come for the apologizers first on the hitlist. DID SOMEBODY SAY HITLIST?!?! Yep it's about that time/ I'm back doing what I do best https://78.media.tumblr.com/b6fa3f3b282c7314c79578a6599d56b3/tumblr_n49f6q9bH11rsrbdko1_500.gif Also shoutout to everyone who believes in me. Thank you and sorry if I scared you I was like eyeball deep in my feelings after that vote (and Athena All Stars but we won't get into). I am NOT walking because there's too much justice that needs to be served
NED!!!! If Chris was my Beth, you were my Glenn cause you're so positive and hero-like aaaaannnd because I was a wreck when you died lol. Is it bad that I couldn't stop crying? http://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2016/12/15/b1aca255-c49f-4f8f-be1f-853d48cd3f55/maggie.gif I really hadn't seen the vote until you asked if I flipped. Then I went to watch the rest of the tribal video and started sobbing. Did I flip? Absolutely not and if I hadn't left the call, Crossroads would have my reaction to prove it. Whew if I had seen that shit live... look I'm an ugly crier and Crossroads can only exploit what I give it lmao. Anyway we spent half the game trying to make it back to each other only for you to die 5 minutes later and that suuucks rip. THANKS JULIA! YEP YOU HEARD RIGHT SIS IS NEGAN!!! Under all the humor and cute pro pics... tragic. Bryan only killing Chris and not you? Never judge a book by its cover haha. Anyway I hate this happened to you because you deserved so much better and I hope you're in a better place in jury. Imperium is in shambles- Scrappy is out here squaring up in people's pm's, Velma has gone awol, and Scooby is in the doghouse since everyone knows he has fleas. Idk what's about to happen but you're right everyone is a snake. Ok I should go I have a lot to do if I'm gonna make it to the end because #owensucks #crossroadsisugly Thank you for like playing this whack game and believing in me when I didn't believe in myself @ everyone else: https://78.media.tumblr.com/a661740fa7785ef674d1c8ef7971f4f9/tumblr_myzplpOrQ51ql5yr7o1_500.gif NOTHING YOU CAN SAY WILL STOP ME FROM BEING PETTY AND SENDING YOUR ASSES TO JURY SO SAVE YOUR BREATH!!! Do you need to explain yourself? Absolutely. Will it make a difference? NOPE. If you gave a fuck about me you wouldn't have lied in the first place. Also everything you say to me can and will be used against you so y'all really need to chill. I mean it- stop checking in like we're good because you will not know the answer to that until the game ends. Thinking that we're friends doesn't make it true. But you know what is true? I will send every single one of you to jury and I cannot fucking wait
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I wish Jake would send things in one or two messages and not seven or eight 
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OKAY So hours before the last tribal I wanted to vote out Jake because he's lodged up Bryan's ass. However, the only person that Ryan could get enough people to target was Ned due to the amount of people that he pissed off. So honestly between Ned or Ryan to stay? I think it's pretty obvious for me to know what's better for my game. :) After the tribal council however Bryan immediately called me and started yelling at me and demanding he knows what my strategy is moving forward in the game, but I wasn't going to give it away, so now I'm playing the role of the dumb sheep and I'm starting to make people believe that I'm not worth it to vote out at the moment. Anyways! After that call I thought I would give Bryan the benefit of the doubt and I just assumed that the tribal council would be a wake up call for his attitude, but nothing changed! He immediately ran his rat ass to Ryan and started talking shit about me so now I'm pissed at Bryan again. Now here we are again hours before the tribal council again and it's a shit show because from my point of view I think the votes are going to fall between Bryan and Julia.... maybe. Julia and Bryan had a "fight" in the main chat but I honestly believe it to be fake and I think Julia flipped back to Bryan and my paranoid ass is starting to believe that they're going to conspire against me and vote me out. BUT! I do think that my social standings with Sam would help me get past this vote. With that being said though I may have to abuse Sam's kindness to further myself into the rest of the game. I was thinking with Ryan and if we get Haley on board we can vote 3 votes onto Autumn or Sam (wildcards atm) and in the case that Bryan plays his idol (BTW I FORGOT TO SAY I FOUND AN IDOL RIGHT BEFORE TRIBAL LAST ROUND OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MAMA) we can play one of our idols and get out Sam or Autumn. However, if we do that then we isolate ourselves as a 3 which is why Bryan, Jake, and John were targeted in the first place for.  This tribal council is going to be just as messy as the last one and I'm terrified and I don't want to waste my idol if people are telling the truth and isolate myself, but I don't want to go home with an idol in my pocket. 
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This round has just been a clusterfuck. After the Ned blindside I called John and found out that Julia was lying to my face and voted Ned which pissed me off so I exposed Julia shit talking John to me to John. After the call with John I told Bryan, Sam, and Autumn about Julia lying to us and I connected with Autumn finally. Bryan of course went and told everyone about Julia so Julia blew up on him in the main chat, gr8. Anyways I'm shook because I won the immunity and I really feel like I needed it this round for the potential of people voting me. Of course people were targetting Bryan and this twist could have changed things up, but John and Dane are too scared to make a move and there's no way we can vote Julia out this round which sucks. Idk what else to do, I tried. I just have to hope that things change soon or I'll be picked off. 
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Sam pissed me off tonight. I was considering to flip to get Julia out but then after talking to her and Bryan I realise that this bottom four is getting closer. Sam and Bryan both mentioned they trusted each other. They lie for each other. I called Sam because I wanted to talk about voting Julia out the round after Bryan leaves and then when I tell her Dane & I are not flipping she goes from this happy girl with a happy voice to this sad girl and we sit in silence. Like... she was sad I wasn't flipping... like girl... why would I flip to the four fucking people who lied to me and voted for me. I want to flip honestly but not while there's that many people!!!!!!! I like Rebecka and Julia but they don't talk to me and I know they're closer to Dane & Haley as well with each other. Dane told me he got a FULL idol... cute John told me he has half the idol which I helped him get. I have my full idol. Haley has half an idol. So at least I know where these powers are going. My dream plan was to vote Julia out next but Sam kinda pissed me off. Autumn's been very real with me and Jake's been so active and apologetic in my pms. My dream is now to vote Sam off next and have John/Dane/Me/Autumn/Jake vote Julia after that. Maybe Rebecka too after. Then vote off Jake/Autumn. I'm super super tight with Haley, Dane, Coffey. I obviously know Coffey/Dane from my past but idk, I want to play and work with Haley because she's cool and new. I think I'd give Coffey 4th place. Go f3 Haley/Dane, and if it's a F2 I'll figure it out later. But i doubt I'll ever get there!! I bet Sam will win the F9 immunity ffs i hope not.
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hey!! flopbecka here (@ashley the jingle jingle reindeer is anywhere hi!! thx for hating me im so happy to use the name u gave me <3 ) so i still dont know wtf is happening in the game, im in like a 6 person chat that i thought was just to get ned out, and now i think its like actually a real alliance chat? im confused af idk. I really want to work with autumn in this game and i just hope she still wants to after i didnt fill her in on the ned vote so woo go team 
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