#i love my wife!!! i love jer
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borreall · 19 days ago
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I don't usually post stuff about my personal life or personal art on the internet,but because today is valentine's day i will.
So this is why I wanna show you my third attempt at 3d art/rendering for my girlfriend and my partener @katyblk with a little gift for Valentine's Day this year!!!
So Happy Valetine's Day guys <3
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ethersierra · 2 years ago
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Some drawings based on "Why does it feel so lonely (when you are around)" by @mysteriouscynic. Go read it by the way. It also made me listen to the song it's based on and now I'm like forever changed as a person.
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pastelburnish · 2 years ago
Rauru this, Rauru that, it's about time we move on to the other hottie of the family
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chokkito · 2 years ago
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roosterforme · 26 days ago
Aim for the Sky Part 36 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley needed a day off with his wife, but you needed it more. Taking care of his family would come first from now on, and he had no problem proving that to you. As your plan begins to take shape, one of your allies doubles down.
Warnings: Angst, adult language, body image, DILF Roo, pregnancy, oral smut, lactation kink
Length: 4400 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Aim for the Sky masterlist. This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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Cat gave you an earful over the phone, and you let her. As soon as you told her you wanted to move up the unveiling of the project she'd been leading for months, she panicked.
"I have it scheduled for December," she snapped. "Six weeks from now. It's not perfect yet, and you know how much I like perfection."
When you said, "It doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to work," you heard a muffled scream.
"I'm going to break out in hives. I need to lie down," she hissed. "You're talking about something that affects the entire F/A-18 fleet."
You rolled your eyes. "I'm not talking about the whole Super Hornet fleet yet. I'm talking about testing on a handful of aircrafts. Or maybe just one to start..."
When you went silent, Indigo's eyes danced through your mind along with her pompous voice and irritating strut. 
"Do you have any idea how long I'll have to stay at work? I'll be here overnight finishing this. Overnight. Do you hear me?" Cat asked.
"I'll owe you big time," you replied. "I'll babysit Jer a hundred times. A thousand times."
"I absolutely refuse to mention this to Bickel," Cat whispered, reminding you she was at work while you were in your living room. "You can talk to him about it yourself, but I will not. Because I value my relationship with my commanding officer."
"I'll take care of Bickel. He loves it when we're ahead of schedule," you replied, biting your lip as you realized you would very much need his permission to push your plan forward. And you weren't sure you could get it.
"Why do you want this so much? And are you coming back to work today? What's going on?"
You took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Listen, I'll be there tomorrow, okay? And I'll fill you in then. Just...give me until tomorrow. Please, keep working on your code."
Cat groaned so loudly, you had to pull your phone away from your ear. "Fine." Then the call ended, and you ran for your bedroom with your hand holding your belly.
Bradley was already sound asleep, the dark circle under his eye prominent even as his face was half buried in his pillow. His thick arm was flung across the spot where your body belonged, and you could see his fingers twitching along the bedding like he was searching for you. 
Your heart clenched, and you slipped quietly under the covers next to him. "There you are," he grunted, opening one eye as he pulled you closer. "Did you talk to Cat?"
"Yes," you whispered, letting him pull you close so his chest was pressed snug against your back. His warm hand settled on your belly, and his even breathing filled your ear.
"Baby Girl, I can't stay awake," he murmured, kissing the back of your neck. "I need a little nap, then I'll get up with Rose when she cries," he promised.
"I can get up. I'm not that sleepy," you told him, melting in his arms as his fingers circled your belly button. 
"I love you," he rasped, kissing your ear before his soft snores filled the space. 
Your eyes blinked slowly before closing, and you realized you were exhausted, too. The adrenaline that had filled you when you were in Bradley's office was drained now. Your belly was full from lunch, and Bradley was so warm. Even the baby had settled into a gentle squirming pattern like she knew you needed a break.
Sleep took over. You never heard a sound until you jolted awake alone in the dark bedroom with your breasts aching. You needed to feed Rose for some relief, because it had been hours since she'd eaten, so you slipped out of bed. 
Bradley had her tucked in his arm, reading a story about a goose on the couch while Rose poked his mustache. Every other word was punctuated with his laughter, and Rose erupted into giggles.
"How am I supposed to finish the story when you keep distracting me? Now we'll never know if the silly goose finds his friends, and that's your fault, Nugget."
Rose giggled more, and Bradley tossed the book aside to give her kisses while you watched from the end of the hallway. He was the most perfect father, and you should have never doubted him. You wanted to apologize a million more times, but when his eyes met yours, you simply said, "I love you, Roo."
He was on his feet, Rose held against his chest, and then he was smothering you in kisses, too. You couldn't stop laughing as his rough mustache scratched your cheeks while he held you in place with one big hand on your butt.
When he finally stopped, he took you by the hand and said, "Wait until you see this. You're not going to believe it."
"What?" you asked, but he was already setting Rose down on her play mat. As soon as she was on her belly, she popped up to her knees, crawled two feet, and collapsed back onto her belly. "She's crawling!"
"She's crawling!" Bradley shouted. "I took a video of the first time, so you didn't miss it. This was only the second time, I swear. Unless she's been crawling around in her crib."
"She probably has been," you cooed, easing yourself down onto the floor next to her. She promptly started crying hysterically. "She associates you with fun. I think she only associates me with food," you said, pulling your shirt over your head.
"That's not true," Bradley insisted, staring openly at your breasts which were starting to leak. "You're so much more than a perfect rack."
With an eye roll you said, "I guess I should start thinking about what to make for our dinner while she eats." 
Rose latched on while Bradley kissed the top of your head. "I already took care of it."
"You did?"
"Yeah, I reprised one of your mom's crockpot meals. Chicken soup."
You blinked up at him as he stood. "How? We don't have any groceries. I haven't felt like going shopping."
"Rosie and I took care of it. You needed to sleep, so we went to Costco. Did you know they give you twice the number of free samples if you take the cutest baby in the world?"
"Did you wear her in her carrier on your chest?" you asked as he went into the kitchen.
"That'll do it. Makes you look irresistible." Bradley blushed as he took the lid off the soup, and then the smell of dinner hit your nose. "Oh my god, I'm starving."
He started shifting things around on the counter. "I'll bring you a bowl, and it should be cool enough to eat by the time Rose is done."
You watched him work as your daughter got groggy in your arms. Bradley carried two bowls into the living room along with crackers and lemonade. He had dinner set up for both of you by the time Rose's eyes started to close, and that's when you realized just how late it was.
"I think she's ready for bed," you whispered, handing her to Bradley so you could stand.
"Go eat. I'll burp her and change her diaper," he promised, nodding toward the food. 
As soon as his big hand circled her back, you heard her burp. It always took you twice as long. This was also the first night in weeks Bradley was home at this early, and you felt tears prickle your eyes as he walked around singing to Rose about the silly goose and his friends before vanishing into the nursery. It didn't take him long to return empty handed, and when he did, you were crying on the couch.
Bradley missed this so much. He'd only been home for a handful of nights to get Rose ready for bed recently. Right now he was enjoying her fuzzy hair against his lips as he gently set her down on her changing table. He grabbed a fresh diaper and clean pajamas covered in airplanes while she yawned. 
"Are you too tired to finish the story?" he whispered. "You're going to leave me on a silly goose cliffhanger?"
He swore she nodded. She probably did, she was so fucking smart. She could roll over and crawl, and soon she'd be talking and walking around. 
"Okay," he murmured. "We can finish the book tomorrow."
He flicked on the lullaby machine even though she was already falling asleep in her crib and went in search of his wife and his dinner. But he found you sitting on the couch with tears on your cheeks.
He dropped to his knees in front of you. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you whispered, shaking your head. "I'm just happy you're home tonight."
Bradley's face fell as you wiped at your tears, guilt filling his body. "I'm so sorry I fucked up so much," he replied, reaching for your hands. "I just wanted to be on top of everything at work, but I should have been here with you."
"It's okay," you sobbed.
"No. It's not. None of this is fair to you, and I'm not even talking about Indigo right now. You need me helping more at home, and I haven't been. I took this new position so I could be here more and be deployed less, but I fucked it up. I'm thinking about asking Mav to pull me."
"No," you gasped, wiggling off the couch and onto his lap. "You can't, Bradley. You're such a good teacher."
He buried his face in your neck and inhaled as he wrapped his arms around you. "I'm a joke. Nobody's taking me seriously. I have a student who convinced herself she could take advantage of me."
You jerked his chin up so he was looking at you. "That's not even true. She admitted she pulled the same shit in the past, and of course she wanted you, too. You're so sexy. But that's her fucking problem at the end of the day, not yours. And I won't let her make it ours."
Bradley closed his eyes as you kissed his nose and his cheeks. "I just want you to be happy," he whispered. "I'll do whatever I can to make my family happy."
When you said, "You already reported her, right?" he nodded. "That makes me happy. And if you come home on time more often, that will make me happy, too."
"What about a vacation?" he asked softly, letting his hand rest on your belly. "Just the four of us? We could go away for our anniversary. Today was so nice, I think we need some more time off together."
You hummed and nodded. "Let me make sure I don't piss Bickel off tomorrow before I agree to that. I don't want to request time off with my tail between my legs."
Bradley raised one eyebrow. "I'm scared to know what you need to talk about that could make him upset."
"The less you know, the better."
Your words didn't calm his nerves, but your kisses did. So did the soup which was the perfect temperature to eat. You even watched an episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey with him before he started cleaning up.
"I can do that," you told him. "I slept all afternoon."
He turned you toward the bedroom and swatted at your butt. "You and Nugget number two were tired. Go relax in bed and start looking at the Halloween costumes I saved in my Amazon cart for Rose." 
Bradley handed you his phone and sent you on your way. He let Tramp outside and loaded the dishwasher before wiping down the counter and packing up the rest of the dinner. When he finally walked into the bedroom, you were topless and giggling.
"We have to get her this costume!" you insisted, holding up his phone, showing him the one that was actually his top choice as well.
"That was my favorite," he grunted, watching your tits bounce as you sat up.
"It's too perfect. I'll order it right now."
Bradley was distracted as he walked around the room, trying to get ready for bed. He brushed his teeth and got undressed, eyes barely able to look anywhere but at your body. This morning, he woke up in the Bronco on the driveway, because you thought there was a chance he was messing around behind your back. He was just happy to put that behind him. He wasn't about to press his luck as he climbed in bed.
"Here you go," you whispered, handing his phone back. He took it and plugged it in to charge overnight, but your breasts brushed his arm. They were heavy and perfect, your nipples big and pert from all the hormones and breast milk. And now he was fully erect as he tried to lay on his back, reaching to turn the lamp off.
"Are you ready for bed? Or do you feel like staying up a little longer?"
Bradley's gaze snapped to your face as his fingers hovered next to the lamp. "I could stay up a little longer," he rasped, keeping his eyes away from your tits which were pressed together as you leaned closer to him. "If you want."
Bradley had barely touched you in weeks which was evidenced by his throbbing cock. You'd seemed tired and distant, all thanks to Indigo, but he didn't put the pieces together at the time. He thought you were worn out from your pregnancy. Right now, he was horny as hell but afraid for you to know where his mind was as he tried to discreetly adjust himself.
He left the lamp on as you curled up snug against his side. "I saw that you started another notebook for the baby," you said, your fingers skimming along your belly, showing off your perfect body.
Bradley grunted. "Each Nugget gets to read my personalized thoughts on parenthood when they're older."
Your lips found his shoulder, and he shivered. "You're a good dad. I'm sorry I doubted you." Bradley closed his eyes as your fingers traced his chest hair down to his abs. It felt like heaven. He wasn't going to make it.
"Why are you topless?" he gasped, tone accusatory. "You've been sleeping in a sports bra with those pad things in them."
"My nursing pads?" you asked, clearly confused. "So I don't leak at night?"
"Yeah. Those things. Why are your tits all over the place right now?"
You looked taken aback as you pulled your hand away from his body and sat up. Bradley groaned, eyes raking all over you as his cock tented the bedding. "I was going to put a bra on before I fall asleep. It just felt nice to take a break for a few minutes. Is it bothering you? I'll put it on now."
You were pouting, and he was sweating as you started to climb out of bed. "Jesus Christ, Sweetheart. Come back," he begged, wrapping his fingers around your wrist. "You look so fucking hot, I can't focus on anything."
"Oh." Your pout turned into softly parted lips that he needed to kiss. So he did. He sat up, letting the bedding fall to his hips as he smashed his lips to yours. Fuck, you felt too good. And then you blindly nudged his cock with your hand. "Oh!"
You pulled away, wide eyed and staring down. "Yeah," he grunted. "But in my defense, you had your tits all over the place. You still do." Then you wrapped your hand around his erection, and Bradley collapsed against his pillow. "We don't have to mess around tonight," he gasped. "It wasn't my intention at all. I just wanted to spend time together."
Your laughter filled his ears, and colors erupted behind his eyelids as you worked your hand down to his balls. "You really never stopped wanting me?"
"I've wanted you nonstop since the moment I first saw you," he whined, and then your lips wrapped around his cock. Bradley's eyes flew open, watching you give him head, but after a minute of pleasure, he was reaching for you. "I won't last another minute."
You pulled him free with a pop. "So?"
Bradley panted. "So, I want to make you feel good, too."
You smirked and licked him from balls to tip. "It makes me feel good knowing you can't stop looking at my body." He forced his gaze from your nipples to your face. "And it will make me feel good to swallow your cum before letting you suck on my tits."
He was going to pass out, he was sure of it. "Okay," he rasped, in no position to argue with you while you were gagging on his cock. 
He had been correct. After another minute, he was grabbing at the bedding, hanging on for dear life. Your tits were bouncing against his inner thighs, and your belly looked gorgeous. Your face was perfect as you looked up at him with your mouth full. This wasn't what he expected, but he wasn't mad about it. He came, barking out your name as you swallowed every drop, licking him clean.
When you eased yourself onto your back, coaxing him closer to your taut nipples, he moaned. He was in heaven with your fingers in his hair, and when he tasted you, he knew he'd never get enough.
He kept you up for another hour, making sure you felt as good as he did.
You couldn't stop smiling the next morning as Bradley kissed your cheek while you tried to put your contacts in. "Can I have a little space, Roo?" you asked sweetly.
"No," he whispered, crowding in closer. "I can't stop touching you."
He'd done plenty of that last night. You came so hard on his mouth and fingers, you thought you were going to wake Rose up. Turns out Bradley had been missing you while you were trying to block him out to protect yourself. But Indigo was toast. You'd see to that. She had Bradley convinced he was terrible at his job, and that just wouldn't do. Neither would the fact that nobody got to have your husband except you.
"If you let me get ready for work, I'll blow you again tonight."
He took an immediate step away, hands up in surrender. "By all means, have as much space as you need, Sweetheart. I'll get Rose up and let her crawl around with Tramp."
After you brushed your teeth, you went to the closet. The maternity tent taunted you from the back corner, but you decided to squeeze into your regular uniform. "You'll have your day soon enough," you whispered. But your mind was already focused on work.
If Cat stayed late enough to finish the code, then just maybe you could pull this off. Indigo could get her punishment through the Navy, but you wanted to give her a little something special yourself. After all, she knew who you were, but she didn't know you overheard her in Bradley's office.
You were smiling as you strutted through the living room and out the front door. Rose was buckled in and ready to go, and Bradley was waiting in the driver's seat of the red Bronco with his aviators on.
"You look hot," he murmured, reaching to buckle your seatbelt for you after you climbed in. His lips brushed yours making you very aware you'd be late for work if the three of you didn't leave now.
"I told you I'd blow you tonight, not now."
Bradley laughed and started the engine. "That's not what I'm after, and you know it."
After he backed out of the driveway, he reached for your hand. "What are you after?"
"I want to have lunch with you in the cafeteria today."
Your smile grew as Bradley's rough fingers tangled with yours. "That sounds nice. Not sure what time I'll be able to get away though."
"Text me. Whenever you're free, I'll make it work."
"Okay," you whispered, turning to check on Rose. "And we'll leave on time to go home?"
"We'll leave on time to go home," Bradley confirmed.
You almost made another comment about the blowjob, but you knew it wasn't about that. He promised to do better, and you were going to as well. Starting with showing Indigo who's boss on your husband's behalf.
An hour later, your knuckles connected with Bickel's office door. "Come in!"
This was not the time for nerves. You needed to sound confident as hell. "Captain Bickel, Sir, can we talk about one of our projects for a minute?"
"Sure, Lieutenant Commander," he replied, shuffling some things on his desk. "Uh, have a seat."
He was kind and patient, and as soon as you got into it, you weren't nervous at all. "How do you feel about testing our code on some grounded Super Hornets ahead of schedule?" Kicking the project off early could actually be beneficial, and you knew it. It was a pretty easy sell. "It could give us a little more time to work out any kinks before the end of the year."
Bickel leaned back in his seat. "I'm not sure Lieutenant Commander Coleman is finished with the preliminaries."
"Oh, she is," you told him with a smile. "She's way ahead of schedule, because she's brilliant."
He laughed and nodded. "We really do have a great team. Hmmm." His brow furrowed, and he looked through his calendar. "I think this could actually work out well. Starting updates ahead of schedule means we could have the fleet back in the air ahead of schedule. Go ahead and move forward with an aircraft or two."
Your heart was racing. It was the moment of truth. This might not work out at all. "Do I need to choose randomly?"
Bickel shook his head. "Choose whichever you want. But if you ground your own husband, that's on you. I will not bail you out of that argument."
Satisfaction filled your insides as Bickel laughed at his own joke, and a giddy grin spread across your face. "I know just where to start, Sir," you promised, saluting him before running back to the lab with both hands on your belly.
Cat glared at you when you sat on the stool next to her. "I am so tired. Literally and figuratively," she mumbled. "Don't come in here and try to talk to me with your peppy BS. I don't want to hear it."
You laughed merrily and slid her computer away from her.
"Hey!" she complained, reaching for it, but you shook your head.
"We can start testing whenever we want," you said, opening the credentials list of each aviator currently at Top Gun associated with an F/A-18. "And we can choose which aircraft to run the program on first."
You scrolled past BRADSHAW, BRADLEY and FITCH, REUBEN and GARCIA, MICKEY as you made your way through the alphabet. When you got to JEFFRIES, BROOKE, you stopped and smiled. "Bingo."
"Who's Lieutenant Jeffries? And why did you go directly her them?" Cat asked as you casually went back to her lines of code to start double checking everything.
"Oh, she's been trying to fuck Bradley for over a month."
"What?" Cat screeched, jumping out of her seat. "What's going on?!"
You waved your hand dismissively. "She's a young pilot training under him, and apparently she likes getting sexy, older officers to sleep with her. Nothing's going on, much to her displeasure."
"Well of course nothing's going on!" Cat spat. "Hasn't she seen the way your husband looks at you like you're a dessert buffet?" You snorted, but she ripped her computer from your hands. "Give me this," she muttered, pounding away on the keys. A few seconds later, you realized what she was doing, but it was too late.
"Cat, don't!" you gasped. "You put 'check for potential incompetence and/or pilot error' in the notes!"
"So what?" she snarled. "I always do that when I ground an aircraft. It adds a layer of safety."
"I didn't even finish checking your new code to verify we can run the program!"
"It doesn't matter," she added, inching her computer further away from you. "My code is flawless. And this bitch can sit on the ground indefinitely, I don't even care. Don't mess with my friends."
You watched as Cat's index finger slammed into the return key.
"Oh my god," you groaned. "We're logged in under your credentials which means you're the one who will have to do a thorough investigation!"
This would add hours and hours of work to Cat's schedule. You knew it. She knew it, too, but she was rolling her shoulders with a satisfied smirk on her face. "I love investigations. I haven't done one since the summer. And as far as I'm concerned, it's better to be safe than sorry." Her smirk melted into a solemn expression. "I take my job very seriously. You know for a fact I'll do everything by the book."
"What about all the extra hours?" you whispered.
"I don't give a shit. You can help Jake can take care of Jer while I work late. I'll go over Jeffries' aircraft with a fine tooth comb."
When you looked at her, you burst into tears. "Thank you."
"You don't have thank me. It's my pleasure to keep the Pacific Fleet safe from all kinds of threats."
Eventually you texted Bradley when you were done checking Cat's perfect work, letting him know you were ready for lunch. The cafeteria was packed, but you found him standing alone at the end of the line.
"There you are," he murmured, collecting you in his arms and kissing you in front of everyone. "I'm so hungry, I thought I was going to have to start without you." He ushered you into line with a tray and began to pile it with food. "I got an email a few minutes ago letting me know that Indigo will be grounded until further notice starting tomorrow. You know anything about that?"
"I already told you, the less you know, the better. Don't forget to grab the hot sauce."
I'm afraid Indigo doesn't stand a chance if Cat teams up with BG... I just don't want her anywhere near Bradley. Gonna start wrapping up this series in a few more chapters!
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moonstruck-poet · 4 months ago
Pairing - Carlos Sainz x wife!reader
Summary - Because of your job as a crime officer, a particularly dangerous mission has both you and your husband on the edge.
Warnings- none!
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"Is everybody absolutely clear with the plan? No questions? Any doubts at all?" Your leader asked again, scanning the faces of each of his members.
"None sir," they replied in a chorus. Though their stance was full of confidence, nobody could miss the apprehension that was layered on their faces. The incessant thumping of their heart as it seemed to grow steadily louder.
"You have everything prepared?" Stephen asked you, his eyes focused on yours.
"Yes sir," you nodded firmly. "Everything is in order and we're just waiting for tomorrow". The other members murmured in agreement, their faces tensed yet strong.
"I haven't arranged and brought together my best crew for nothing," he smiled slightly. "Though I want this mission to be 100% successful, it is also equally important that all of you pay attention to yourselves too. No rash decisions, nothing that can impact your or your teammate's life".
"And also, thank you," he chuckled a little at their confused faces. "Don't look at me like that, I'm not a sadist," he replied and everyone laughed. "It's not easy and I'm glad to have all of you with me. Now all I want is for everybody to go home and spend the rest of your time with your families yeah?"
"We'll be alright," you spoke, not a quiver in your voice. "Everyone will be back here tomorrow, safe and sound. I promise you".
"Exactly why I chose you to lead the operation," Stephen muttered, pride filling his eyes as he looked back on just how much you had grown the past years. From rigorous training to complicated practicals, you had given your all to achieve this position and he couldn't think of anyone who had so much dedication for their job.
"We'll be okay," Jess, your software genius reassured with a grin and brought jer hand forward, palm up.
"Absolutely," the two boys, Chris and Elijah chorused with smirks and placed their hands on hers.
"No worries then, eh?" Stephan said good naturedly, loving the enthusiasm of the youngsters. "See you tomorrow then, all geared up and ready".
"Definitely," you nodded, finally placing your palm on the top, a fierce fire blazing in your eyes that was soon reflected in the others too.
The drive home was made in silence. No music playing on the radio, which was a testimony to the fact that your mind was unsettled.
And why wouldn't it be. You had a huge responsibility on your shoulders. Not only were you responsible for the success of the mission and bringing the abducted children home safely, but you also had to see to it that no casualties would occur.
And on the other hand there was the matter of discussing this with your husband, Carlos. He obviously wouldn't deny you from going, but his sensitive and loving side would be hurting.
You had to tell him very gently.
And you sighed, parking your black Aston Martin and making your way home. Your mind flicking through every possible outcome that may happen tomorrow and torturing you in the process.
You opened the door and were greeted by him sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone and the sight looked so cozy that you couldn't help the smile from adorning your lips.
"Hola amor," he greeted you immediately, sitting up and excitedly walking closer to pull you in his arms. You laughed, keeping your bag down and threading your fingers through his hair while breathing in his comforting scent. [Hello love]
"Hey," you whispered back, resting your head on his shoulder and squeezing him tighter, not wanting to pull away in the least.
"I see someone has missed me," he smiled lovingly and the two of you swayed, almost stumbling down and yet you made no effort to break the hug.
"I did," you finally lifted your head up with a grin and pressed your lips against his, catching him by surprise as your arms went around his neck. His palms instantly held onto your waist, fingers softly digging in the skin and he kissed you back, a small smile forming on his face.
"I missed you too, love," his hand cupped your cheek, gazing intently into your eyes. "Should we have dinner now? I'm starving".
Dinner was a quite chaotic chaotic affair as Carlos told you about the latest gossip roaming around in the F1 world making your eyes widen as he shared the most unexpected details. Without even knowing, your husband had managed to empty your mind of all the negative thoughts and the only thing running through your brain was when will Daniel reveal that he's been married to Max since ages.
"You want some ice cream? I got your favorite flavour too".
"Oh no thank you," you shook your head, your gaze trained on some random point as you zoned out.
"What's wrong, cariño?" Carlos, ever the observant picked up on your changed attitude quickly. He furrowed his eyebrows as he watched you sigh deeply and fiddle with your fingers. [Darling]
"There's um- I want to talk to you," you stuttered slightly, not sure on how exactly to start this conversation while he nodded, sitting beside you and giving you his full attention.
When you didn't say anything he shifted closer, your knees brushing and he held your hand, rubbing soothing circles to steady your erratic breathing. "I'm right here".
"We have a mission tomorrow," you then got straight to the point. "It's about those children that I had told you about".
"Yeah I remember. So you'll be going tomorrow?"
"Yes, I have to lead it. It's- It's only a one day operation so I'll be back by night at the latest. But-"
"But?" He cut you off, his face shifting from relaxed to a tense expression. His heart started to take up its pace as he felt the quick rush of blood.
"It's dangerous," you broke it down gently, moving closer to him and enveloping his hand in yours.
"What do you mean dangerous?" He asked urgently, his eyes searching yours, mind racing with all types of conclusions that this mission might end on.
"Let's say it's a little risky," you answered, rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand. "And there is a small possibility of- of casualties," you frowned, not wanting to say it but he deserved to know the truth.
"Casualties," he repeated, staring ahead now and you could see the various scenarios being conjured. "You have to go?" He asked, voice beginning to shake as he grasped your hand tightly
"I'm leading it, amor," you addressed him softly watching as he buried his face in his hands, contemplating the entire thing as you bit your lip for his reaction. [Love]
"Nothing I say is gonna change your mind, right?"
You opted to not say anything, giving him an apologetic and downcast look making him mumble incomprehensibly as he grabbed you by the shoulder, pulling you against his chest. His arms completely enveloping you while he tried to swallow the lump hurting his throat.
"I can't- I don't want you to-" he broke off, inhaling sharply and trying to control himself.
"I'll be okay," you tried, burying your face deeper into his neck as a wave of emotions flooded in.
"You don't know that," he insisted, not wanting to be pessimistic but he couldn't help it. "You don't know what's going to happen there tomorrow".
"But I can hope for the best right?" You reasoned with a small smile and felt him nod a little. "I should have faith that everything will be okay".
"I'm worried for you," he said quietly, lips brushing against your ear and your heart ached on hearing the tremble in his voice.
"Oh baby," you simply tightened your hold around his torso, wanting to be as close as possible. "Honestly? I'm worried too. I'm so scared that something might go wrong, or that someone else will have to face the consequences of my decision".
Carlos pulled back on hearing that, his hands finding your cheeks as he wiped a lone tear that had escaped your stubborn hold. "You are the strongest and the bravest person I know, hermosa. Not everybody can say their wife captures criminals on weekends for fun". [Beautiful]
You laughed at that, your heart feeling considerably lighter as you looked at his smiling face. You really lucked out didn't you? To have a husband like him? You had no idea of what you had done to even deserve having a person like him in your life, much less being married to him.
"What did I do to deserve you?" You questioned no one in particular and stared at him in adoration.
"Oh I have no idea but you must have done something incredible to have me as your best friend," he said seriously and you burst out laughing, enjoying his faux annoyance.
"Gracias," you mumbled after quietening, leaning your side sideways on his shoulder and he pulled you closer by one arm. [Thank you]
"Siempre cariño," his hand rubbed your arm, resting his head on yours and merely holding you close. Understanding that all you wanted was his company, to feel him against you, to know that he wasn't going anywhere that he was right there beside you. [Always darling]
Despite your best intentions, the alarm rang, signalling 6 am and the start of a new day, one that you had tried to avoid.
Unwillingly your eyes fluttered open, staring at the dark ceiling for a moment before turning to your right and internally laughing at the mere centimetres of distance between yours and his face. His nose brushed against your neck as he scrunched it and you shifted slightly to properly look at him.
Couldn't help yourself from raising a gentle hand to rest on his cheek, watching him pout a little as he slept peacefully. His eyelashes shining white in the dark, catching the light of the moon outside. On your own, your lips leaned forward to kiss his forehead. You closed your own eyes, wanting to imprint this memory for the whole day.
And surprisingly enough you were quite calm, no trouble plaguing your mind as you watched your husband. A smile on your face as you realised he was probably the reason for your serenity.
Carlos wasn't too much of a heavy sleeper and you were trying really hard to resist but your control slipped as you gently began placing soft kisses on his face, scanning his every feature while doing so.
Taking a last, fond look, you got up from the bed and hurried off to take a shower and gear up.
You donned on a simple light blue shirt tucked into black pants and an easy braid to not feel any headaches throughout the day. You had just pulled on a black leather jacket when you heard your husband call for you.
"Cariño?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes and squinting them as he tried to locate you, still drowsy from the early hours. [Darling]
"Morning sleepyhead," you replied, smiling when he blindly extended an arm which was beckoning frantically for you to come closer. And as soon as you sat near him, he pulled you by the waist and laid his head on your lap.
"Morning," he grinned mischievously, eyes still closed as he snuggled up to you.
"Are you planning to trap me here, Mr Sainz?" You asked, trying to have an authoritative tone as your fingers combed through his wild hair.
"Yes I am. But I doubt it would be considered a trap if I'm just holding my wife, Mrs Sainz," he retorted cheekily and you laughed at his antics. You understanding that he was simply trying to lighten up your mood.
A calm silence settled over the couple and Carlos finally opened his eyes, turning his face to face you while still laying on your lap. "When do you have to leave?" He played with the ends of your braid.
"I've still got time," you answered and he nodded, grunting before getting up and stretching his arms. Your eyes darting down from his shoulders to his abdomen muscles that contracted with every move.
He saw you staring and smirked making you turn red immediately as you got up from the bed, possibly underestimating your husband's agility because that man was up in less than a second, grabbing your arm and twisting you around so you fell perfectly against his chest.
"Todos estos años y todavía puedo hacerte sonrojar?" He whispered, his voice teasing which obviously didn't help in calming your insides. [All these years and I can still make you blush]
"Te has visto?" You raised an eyebrow, placing a hand on his bare chest as you brushed your lips against his, biting back a smile on hearing him inhale sharply. [Have you seen yourself]
And he merely gave you a look full of utter passion before kissing you deeply, one of his hands holding your hip firmly while the other being behind your head, holding you close. You both pulled away slightly breathless, cheeks flushed as you stared at each other before laughing at the pair of you being complete simps.
"I'll make you some coffee," he didn't take no for an answer and set to work, while you smiled appreciatively at him and picked up the newspaper.
Neither of you spoke until both of you had drained your mugs, the caffeine giving you a much needed boost as you felt your focus improve.
Your phone rang and it was Elijah, "Hey 'Lijah. Yes I'm all ready. Okay," you nodded as he shared some details with you. "Yeah I'll leave in 10. Alright see you soon. Yes thank you".
You started at the screen before releasing a deep breath and glancing at your husband whose eyes were fixed on the mug as he played around.
"Carlos," was all you managed to say before you were tackled in a warm hug.
"Oh god hermosa, I was trying to be normal but I can't stop the worry," he groaned, beating himself internally and you were quick to shake it off. [Beautiful]
"Hey no," your arms held him tightly. "I'll be back before you know it, querido". [Darling]
He nodded, regulating his senses and trying to focus on you, your scent, letting it be his anchor. "Por favor- por favor ten cuidado, mi amor". [Please- please be careful, my love]
"Sí.. Siempre". [Yeah.. Always]
You stayed like that, basking in his presence and enjoying him as he was.
"My phone will be on silent," you informed softly. "So don't worry if I don't reply. I'll text you when we're done".
He nodded looking down for a second before meeting your eyes, you saw those big brown eyes that you loved to death starting to water. But he quickly wiped them off, not wanting to add to your list of worries.
"Te quiero mucho, cariño," he whispered shakily, pressing his lips together and failing as a few tears escaped his hold. [I love you so much, darling]
And as expected you didn't waste a second before wiping them off, placing your hands on his cheeks and offering him a gorgeous smile, "Yo también te quiero, mi corazón". [I love you too, my heart]
Thank you so much for reading!
Part 2
Part 3
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zam-jb · 4 months ago
Ermm i nak share story from one of my followers. M32 Farid F28 Sara (bukan nama sbenar)
He had a happy marriage life with his lovely wife. Tapi wife dia ni ada high sex driven. She always berangan kena GB (gangbang) oleh 3 or more mens at the same time. But it is just her imagination, she never tell anyone about it.
Sara & Farid has been married for 5 years. Tapi belum ada rezeki anak lg. So diorg just enjoy marriage life diorg tnpa fikirkan pndangan org lain, everyday was like a honeymoon phase bg diorg.
One day, Farid trpksa outstation ke negeri lain for a couple of month. Sara was sad to let her husband go, but she has a carrier too. So Farid pun janji dgn Sara, he will try to make time every 2 weeks to meet her. Sara agreed and lepaskn her husband go outstation dgn berat hati.
After 2 weeks in ldr, Farid pun balik ke rumah and spend time with her wife. They had a very steamy night. Sara was very happy bila nmpak Farid balik. After dinner, Farid give Sara a present. Sara dengan tak sabarnya unboxing hadiah Farid, it's a bunny costume 🐰. She loves it then terus try pakai time tu juga. "So cute and sexy sayang..." Farid puji his wife.
Farid tarik Sara, then peluk her... kiss her and usap2 rambut Sara. "Bi, satu lagi i tak try... ni." Sara tunjuk ekor bunny kat Farid, actually its an anal plug 🫣. Sara sengaja tak pasangkn ekor bunny sbb nak tease her husband and ask him to put it inside her. Then Farid pun ambil ekor bunny, put a lub on it... and slowly push into her wife ass. "Ahhhhh, i feel full Bi..." Sara merengek manja slpas Farid pasangkn ekor bunny tu. Farid tersenyum, then slap her naughty beautiful ass.
Sara suka when Farid treat her like that. After Farid slap her ass, she start acting cute and naughty infront of jer husband. Farid kiss her wife sambil ramas2 boobies. Sara merengek manja, then balas kiss her husband sambil gesel2 pussy at her husband's boxer. Ermmm... Farid started licking his wife face, kissing and licking face is wajib if he want to make her turn on.
Slowly Farid turun ke leher Sara and give her love bite 🫦. "Aaahhhhh Bi, pandai u buat syg turn on kan... hmmm bg syg byk2 Bi, syg rinduuuu..." Sara bisik kat telinga Farid. Then Farid kiss boobies Sara yang mantap tu. He kiss, he lick then suck her nipples. Ermmm Sara wet sgt time tu, dia tarik kepala Farid and ask him to lick her dripping wet pussy. "Ahhhhh ... Bi please lick my wet pussy, suck it until dry..."
Farid baringkan Sara, put her leg on his wide shoulder... then started to lick her clit. He licked, sucked and tongue fuck her wife wet pussy. Moan Sara pun smakin kuat, he continue to lick and finger lubang pussy Sara. "aaahhhh ahhhh ahhhhh, Bi please faster, ayang nak qum ni... uhhhhhh nak squirtttt faster biii... aaaaahhhh". Terpercik air squirt kat muka Farid. Fuhhhh Sara pun tolak Farid sampai terbaring, she put her wet pussy on his face, then started to lick her husband thick and hard dick. Ermmmm
Sara kiss Farid's dick head. She played the hole on it with her tongue, 👅... sambil2 stroking it. "Aahhhh, syg dont tease me like that... hurry up and put it in your mouth...." Farid geram bila Sara tease dia mcm tu. Ermmmm Sara pun slowly masukkn dick Farid ke dlam mulut dia... she started to move her head up and down... slurrrpppp slurppp ahhhhh then Farid tekan kepala Sara smpai deepthroat. Awkkk awkkkkk ahhhhh... Sara suka Farid buat mcm tu, ermmm mata hitam Sara pun xnmpak dah... uhhhhh
Farid cum at her wife mouth, and she swallow it. Sara pusing, pandang muka Farid ask him to fuck her now. Then Farid slowly masukkn dick dlm pussy Sara. Sara take control and ride the dick vigorously. Farid play with her booboies, suck them side by side. Sara tarik rambut Farid, ahhhhh suara moan dia brtmbah kuat. Farid pun pusingkn badan Sara, and continue fucking his horny wife in doggy position. Farid hentak laju2 sambil pegang rambut Sara yg panjang tu.
After few rounds of making love, Farid pun tewas di buai mimpi 😜. Sara pulak tak puas lagi, so dia buka website tinyurl.com/Xhamsterd untuk puaskan nafsunya yg masih membuak2. Sara sibuk melayan porn sambil bermain dgn toys yg Farid hadiahkan setiap kali mereka akn berjauhan. Dia tak sedar Farid terbangun dari tidur and tengah memerhatinya melayan porn gb sambil masturbate. Farid jadi turn on tengok Sara jd bernafsu sgt melayan porn gb tu. Dia pun masturbate sekali melihat kelakuan Sara
Keesokan harinya, Farid act like nothing happen after trnampak Sara jd wild semalam bila melayan porn gb. Sara pun mcam biasa, sediakn breakfast and bersiap cantik untuk pergi kerja. Sebelum pergi kerja, Farid suruh Sara balik awal... sebab nak ajak keluar katanya. So hanis waktu bekerja je, Sara terus pulang ke rumah sambil bersiul gembira. Tapi tiba saja Sara di rumah, suasana rumah sunyi. Dia panggil2 Farid, tiada sahutan. "Kereta ada..." bisik hati kecilnya. Sara pun naik ke bilik, buka je pintu... Sara ternampak Farid diikat di atas kerusi meja soleknya. Tiba2, Sara dipeluk dari belakang oleh seorang lelaki. Sara menjerit, then lelaki sorang lagi sumbat mulut Sara dengan kain.
Sara meronta2 minta dilepaskan, tapi sia-sia. Farid pun tak dapat menolongnya kerana telah diikat oleh 3 lelaki yang tidak dikenalinya.
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goodbuckcharlie · 1 year ago
Forbidden things |Jeremy Swayman|
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Summary: it’s all star weekend, and Mitch thinks his sister ,Mackenzie, is there to support him and his teammates, but she has a secret.
Warning: a little spicy but not too much
Note: second post WOOHOO.
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Isn’t tsa and plane rides just the best……..said nobody ever. Mackie arrived in Toronto after her two hour flight and wanted nothing more than to relax and eat. But of course her brother had other plans.
“MACKIE!!!!” Mitch pulls his little sister into the biggest bear hug he could muster. “I missed you so much.”
“Mitchy I love you, but you are going to crush me.” Mitch laughs as he lets her go. She can now see that Steph (Mitch’s wife) is standing behind Mitch. When she see Steph, she excitedly hugs her, just not as intensely as Mitch’s hug. “Oh thank goodness you’re here Steph. I couldn’t handle this idiot without you.”
“Boston has made you mean.” Mitch pouts causing both Steph and Mackie to laugh.
After they drop off all of Mackie’s stuff at Mitch’s house, Steph starts making dinner. Mackie tried helping, but her sister in law simply banned her from the kitchen insisting that since Mackie spends all of her time in the kitchen, she will not cook a single thing while she’s in Toronto. Mitch does help cook, Mackie sits at the counter while they cook for her.
The three of them talk and catch up while the food cooks until Mackie gets a text.
From Jer 💕
Just landed sweet girl. It’s only been 3 hours, but I already miss you.
Mackie smiles at her boyfriend’s text and of course that catches Mitch’s attention. Who grabs his sister ‘s phone before she can text back.
“Who��s this Jer guy and why did you put a heart next to his name?” Mackie tries to get her phone back but Mitch just lifts up the phone so she can’t reach it.
“Just some guy I met at the restaurant, come on Mitchy give me my phone back.” Steph sends Mitch a glare causing him to give Mackie her phone. “I didn’t want to tell you anything till things got more serious.”
“You are too young to be dating boys.” He pouts as Steph tells him to hand Mackie her phone back.
“Mitch baby she’s only one year younger than we were when we got engaged.” Steph kisses her pouty husband before turning back to Mackie, “When you are ready to introduce us to this Jer I bet they are a great person.”
Mackie was so grateful that Steph wasn’t a crazy person and supported her when Mitch got overwhelming.
The couple soon finished cooking and they all talked some more while eating before deciding to go to bed early in preparation for the all stars tomorrow.
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For the most part, Mackie spent her time with her family, which was her mom, dad, older brother Chris and Steph. It was also really refreshing to see all of Mitch’s teammates. Austin especially was like a third older brother.
“Mini Marner!” Auston pulls Mackie into a similar hug that Mitch gave her yesterday, except Auston knew when to let go. “Have you met Biebs yet?”
Mitch and Chris smirk knowing that Mackie had a huge crush on him as a kid. But they are both surprised when Mackie greeted Justin like normal no fluster or fan girl behavior.
“It was nice seeing all of you but I have to run to the bathroom.” Mackie runs off out of the sight of her family and friends, and starts walking in the direction of the bathroom, until she is pulled into an empty room.
The person who pulled her into the broom closet, wastes no time and start to kiss all Mackie all over her face. She can tell just by his cologne that it was Jeremy.
“Oh I’ve missed you so much.” He finally pulls her into the long awaited kiss, which doesn’t last nearly as long as Jeremy wanted since Mackie pulls away.
“Jer we shouldn’t be doing this where anyone can see us.” She whines as Jeremy rolls his eyes.
“Nobody’s coming over here any time soon baby girl.” Jeremy pulls her back into a kiss which she can’t help but smile into and kiss him back, “That’s my good girl.”
The two continue kissing until Mackie receives a phone call. Of course it was Mitch.
“Just let it ring.” Jeremy says while attaching his lips to her neck.
“He’ll send a search party if I don’t answer Jer.” Jeremy just nods and he continues to kiss Mack’s neck. “Yes Mitch?”
“Did you get lost on the way to the bathroom?” She can hear Mitch’s worry through the phone.
“No Mitch there is a line.” While talking to Mitch, Mackie has to slightly push Jeremy away from her neck to avoid getting any marks on her neck. “I’ll be back soon enough okay.”
“Do you want Steph to come and wait with you so you aren’t alone?”
“I’m fine Mitch I’m 23 I don’t need a baby sitter to use the restroom.” Jeremy ,who wants Mackie’s attention again ,starts to play with her hair, “I’ll be back soon okay, yes I’ll call you if I need you.”
After Mitch hangs up, Mackie gives Jeremy one last kiss before she pulls out her contact mirror to fix her hair. But she does not like what she sees on her neck.
“Jeremy those better not be hickeys.” He looks at her neck and laughs, “Jer it’s not funny. Are you trying to get me killed?”
“They aren’t that noticeable just put your jacket on and you’ll be fine.” He kisses her forehead as she sends him an angry yet playful glare.
Luckily, for both of their sakes, the jacket was enough to cover the hickeys for the time being.
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The next day however, the hickeys became an issue. Mitch left earlier than Steph and Mackie to get ready for the skill challenges. So he was not there when Mackie got out of the shower and saw that her hickeys had darkened. And unfortunately her outfit she had planned for today wouldn’t do much to hide them. She had to pull out the big guns, running to her sister.
After getting dressed, she sticks her head into Steph’s room where she is putting her makeup on.
“Steph I need your help.” Steph turns and gives Mackie a welcoming smile, “but you can’t tell anyone, especially not Mitchy.”
“My lips are seals.” Steph does the ‘zipped lips’ motion and waves her in, “If you are asking for my help killing someone it might be hard to hide that from your brother.”
Mackie sighs before entering the room fully. Her neck on display, Steph can’t help but laugh.
“How the hell did you hide those yesterday?” She says while laughing.
“Well I didn’t have them all day yesterday.” Steph gives her a confused look. “Remember when I went to the restroom and said that there was a line.”
Steph nods inviting Mackie to continue.
“Well there wasn’t a line, I never made it to the bathroom.” Mackie avoids eye contact while she plays with the bottom of her shirt. “I was with my boyfriend, Jer, Jeremy Swayman.”
Mackie is ready for Steph to be upset , but she just starts to laugh again.
“I’m sorry, I should be taking this more seriously, but the irony of this all is to die for.” Her laughter finally dies down and she puts her hand on Mackie’s shoulder. “I help you cover them up, but you should really tell Mitch. The longer you wait the worse it will be.”
Steph pulls Mackie into her chair and covers up the marks perfectly.
“You are a life saver again Steph.” Mackie looks into the mirror and her marks aren’t visible at all.
“Next time though make sure Jeremy takes it down a notch.” Steph puts all of her makeup in her bag.
“This is him taking down a notch.”
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Once they arrived at the arena, Mackie got a text from Jeremy asking her to meet in the same spot as yesterday. She tells Steph where she is going and Steph warns her not to ruin her hard work. She gets to the closet and when she opens the door Jeremy is already there sitting down on the random chair.
“I got 20 minutes til I need to be in the locker room.” Mackie closes the door behind her and she is pulled into a kiss. She straddles his lap and he wastes no time running his hands under her Maple leafs jersey. “I need you baby.”
The two lose themselves in each other, so they don’t notice the door has been open.
“What the actual fuck?” Mackie tears herself off of Jeremy and quickly fixes her shirt before she looks up and sees Auston and Mitch.
“You are a deadman Swayman.” Mitch starts going towards Jeremy, but Mackie stands in front of him. “Mackie move.”
“Mitch please hear me out.” Mitch finally looks at Mackie and his look of angry shifted to a hurt look.
“You could have dated anyone else, Jesus I would have been fine with one of the damn Hughes brothers, but a bruins player? And on top of that you picked this asshole?” Mackie feels small as her brother yells at her.
“Hey I get that you are upset, but I won’t stand here and let you yell at her.” Jeremy stands next to Mackie slightly moving her out of the way.
“Oh it’s definitely not her I’m mad at.” Mitch pushes Jeremy
“Mitch dude maybe you should hear them out.” Auston pull Mitch away before he could make any bad decisions. Mitch sighs and calms down a bit.
“You guys have five minutes to convince me not to beat his ass.”
In a panic, Mackie decided to tell Mitch everything.
“I met Jeremy once I got back from your wedding last year. After I saw everyone,it reminded me how lonely I felt back in Boston. I couldn’t just leave, I worked to hard to get where I am. So Maddie recommended I went on a blind date. So she set us up and I didn’t even recognize him at first. Mitch remember how you called me the day you met Steph telling me how you met the one. I called you crazy cause you can’t find the one after meeting someone once, but then I met Jeremy. He’s my one Mitchy.” At this point Mackie was crying and Jeremy held her hand to calm her nerves. “I wanted to tell you I really did, but I couldn’t stand the idea of you not liking Jeremy or worse hating me.”
Mitch pulls Mackie into a hug, not as tight as the one from the airport, but this hug carried more weight.
“I could never hate you Mackie.” Mitch says while he rest his chin on top of her head. The siblings hug for a good minute before pulling away.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” Mitch shakes his head as he wipes her tears.
“I’m not mad, although I do wish I didn’t find you guys nearly fucking to find out.” Jeremy laughs causing Mitch and Auston to give him a warning glare. “You are 23 and I have to trust your instincts. So if you say he’s the one then I support you guys. But if you do anything to hurt her Swayman, you will be a deadman.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Now Jer is softly rubbing Mackie’s back to comfort her. “I love her probably way more than she loves me. I’m crazy for Mackie and you could beat me 100 times over, I’ll still be crazy for her.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this ,but I would like you to join us for dinner Jeremy.” Mitch sticks his hand out to Jeremy and he accepts and they shake hands. “Be prepared though, my wife is going to be more viscous than I was. Mackie is her baby.”
“Actually Steph already knows. I told her this morning.” Mitch being the drama queen he is, pretends as if he was stabbed.
“The hurt the betrayal. My sister and my wife teaming up without me.” Mackie rolls her eyes and playfully pushes Mitch while she pulls Jeremy out of the closet.
“Since the secret is out, I can kiss you where ever I want.” Jeremy goes in for a kiss, but instead I met with a hand in between him and Mackie’s lips.
“No way hot shot, just cause Mitch says you guys are cool doesn’t mean we want to see you kiss Mackie.” Austin removes his hand and pulls Mack into a protective hold.
Jeremy gives Mackie the puppy dog eyes look ,causing her to laugh. She wiggles out of Auston’s hold and kisses Jeremy’s check.
“You three should go head in the locker room to change.” Mackie hug Auston and Mitch who leaves to the locker room together. When they are out of sight she pulls Jeremy down for a real kiss. “I love you Jer.”
“I love you too Mackie.” He hesitantly lets go. But they keep eye contact.
“Now go be the best damn goalie on that ice.” She points towards the locker room and Jeremy can’t help but smile. He gives her a quick kiss goodbye before leaving to the the locker room.
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Part two
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lxkeeeee · 2 years ago
husband! scaramouche x fem! kitsune! wife! reader
synopsis: it's been awhile since they've last done it so why not indulge with each other's bodies for the night? both of them are dominant by the way and sometimes switch on who feels like being a pillow princess.
genre: smut 🙄 because I know how down bad you guys are but so am I lmfao
tags: breeding kink, body worship, cunnilingus, love bites, curse words, fingering, vanilla sex.
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Scaramouche can never get used to the feeling of the soft mattress against his back, considering that he and his wife used to just wander everywhere and just sleep anywhere when they get tired from traveling. He sighs blissfully as he watched his wife who was currently sitting in front of the mirror doing her skin care, her [e/c] fox like ears laying flat on her head—Scaramouche doesn't get the the reason why she still insist on applying skin care every night despite her skin already so soft but oh well, he just stopped questioning it since a happy wife is a happy life. His purple eyes stopped scanning the words in the book he was holding before he even lie down on the bed—in fact he never even started reading it because as soon as his eyes landed on her, his attention was quickly whisked away.
His purple eyes never leaving his wife, the way she applied some lip balm to her already soft and plump pink lips that god he can never get enough of.
Her loose white blouse—actually it's actually his blouse but she likes to wear it so he just let her be, the left sleeve already falling off her shoulder showing off her fair skin, showing off her left side part of her collarbones that he just wants to nuzzle his face into and just plant gentle kisses to it. His oversized blouse big enough to reach above her knees and of course she's not wearing any pants.
His eyes trailed down to see one of her fox tails swinging side to side, how cute.
It's been awhile he has seen her tails considering she hides them 99% of the time.
“How's the book darling?” her sultry voice calls out, he can see her looking at him through the mirror, he scoffed, “Its fine, although the pacing of the story was rushed.”
She stared at him through the mirror, their eye contact not breaking before she laughs softly, “Darling, the book you are holding is upside down.”
Scaramouche didn't once break eye contact as his hands slowly turned the book he was holding into the proper position. “What are you talking about woman? You're delusional.” He says although the last part had some joking tone to it.
[y/n] gently placed a hand over her lips as she tried to contain her laughter, “Whatever you say darling.” She says before standing up from her seat, her fox tail immediately disappearing, she switched off the light and only the faint glow of the moon from their window illuminating their bedroom. She turned to look at her husband who had a faint blush on his cheeks. She smiled before taking the empty spot next to him—with him immediately covering her with the thick and heavy blanket. Scaramouche then placed the book on their bedside table, not bothering to book marked it as he didn't even start reading it.
And of course, he immediately nuzzled his face at the crook of her neck—placing gentle kisses to her fair skin. He could hear her laugh softly.
“What's gotten into you, my love?” she asked before a soft moan left her lips as she felt jer husband started to suck on her sweet spot, his hands starting to roam her body, feeling his fingers playfully pull her loose blouse. Cold fingers against her warm skin.
“I just missed you, can't his husband miss his dearly beloved wife?” he mutters as he let himself enjoy feeling his hands roam around her body, already memorized every spot she likes being teased and fondled. After all, she is his wife.
“More than godhood?” she teased and she can feel his deadpanned expression. “Hey now, that was foul.” he grumbles and she just laughs, “I am just teasing you, my love.” she didn't hear anything from him for awhile until she heard him mumble, “Of course, more than godhood or the gnosis.” he softly whispered, he cups her face as their lips were mere inches apart. “You'll always be my priority, if I ever betray this statement of mine then you are free to slap me back to reality, because nothing is more dearer than you and if I think otherwise then I might've gone insane and need you to snap me back to reality.” he truthfully says, genuine at his words.
Scaramouche was also shocked considering godhood has been always his goals but you came along and suddenly he's questioning every decisions he makes, making sure that he never hurts you whatsoever. After all, He doesn't want to be your fourth betrayal. He loves you too much and he's afraid of hurting you, the one good thing in his life, the only constant, his queen, his other half.
“Don't blame me if I suddenly slap you, okay since you said it yourself.” She says, voice teasing and sultry.
“I would never blame you, I promise.” he says genuinely before placing his lips into hers, their bodies tangled with one another, his hands around her waist, pulling her as closer as he can, her hands cupping his cheeks. The kiss started slow and soft before it turned into more sensual, he slipped his tongue into her mouth, their tongues dancing around each other before she eventually gave in and let him explore, sucking into her tongue, exploring every nook and crevices. Deep and heavy breathing can be heard from the two as spent a few minutes just passionately kissing each other, pulling away to breathe before their lips found each other again.
Scaramouche slowly trailed down to her jawline, planting soft kisses and then down to her neck. Sucking on her flesh, gently biting down to her skin. Soft moans coming from her as soft groans from him. Her name leaving his lips like a prayer, words of praise escaping his soft and kissable lips. “You're so beautiful [y/n], archons, I'm so lucky to be your husband.” he mutters, “to be able to touch you like this, taste you like this.” he softly whispers as his fingers slowly trailed down to the lining of her lacy dark purple underwear, softly tugging it down and just threw the thin fabric unto the floor, the cold air immediately hitting her warm core. She shudders both from the coldness of the air and the coldness of her husband's fingers.
“Can I touch you, my love?” he softly asked despite his fingers already itching to explore her body once more. She softly whines, “Yes, please.. please touch me and make love to me. I miss you” she softly says, a sultry look her face that's enough to darkened the lust on the Balladeer's eyes.
He smirked before his hands go down even lower, reaching her slick folds. He grins, “Oh [y/n] always so eager for me. Such a good girl.” She moaned as his fingers sent shock to her spine, if feels so good. Her toes curling everytime she feels his fingers fondled with her clit, rubbing circles around her folds.
Scaramouche just looked at the pleasurable expression of his wife, already noticing the discomfort in his own pants, feeling the tighten of his underwear around him. He softly groans as he continues to play with her. He brought up his slick covered finger Infront of his face, she looked at him with a dazed expression, “Look how wet you are my love,” he softly mutters, as he played with the slick covering his fingers, “I wonder how you taste like, but then again... I already knew since it is... My favorite taste after all.” he smirked as sucked on his fingers, tasting her juices. A soft moan escaped his lips before plucking the fingers out of his mouth. [Y/n] just looked at him with a flustered expression, despite already experiencing this scene countless times, she can never get used to it. “Delicious.” He smirked before he moved his body lower and lower, enough for his face to be facing his wife's throbbing cunt. He almost moaned, he just wants to fuck her dumb but his wife's pleasure comes first before his.
He just smirked and oh.
Her body immediately arched as she felt his wet muscle sliding across her folds, moans escaping her lips, “mm-ah! Ye-yes! You're tongue feel so aah- good~” she moaned out, voice stuttering. She can feel her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she started seeing stars from pleasure.
Scaramouche continued to lap at his wife's juices like a man dying of thirst, groans leaving his lips as he kept on tasting her. Archons, so delicious... This pussy is mine and mine only. God how did I get so lucky? He thought to himself as continued to eat her throbbing cunt.
“archons~! Scara-mm~ I'm gonna-im gonna—” she loudly moaned as she felt like the knot in her stomach is about to burst.
He continues on eating her out before he realizes that she's almost about to climax, he grins as he stopped.
Whines immediately left her lips, “Why did you stop?” she deadpans and he just laughs. “Can't have you finishing early my love, we just got started~” he cooes before slipping a finger to her sensitive hole which immediately made the girl gasp.
“Got to make sure you're prepped and ready for me.” he says as he slipped another finger, then making a scissoring motion while his other hand clumsily removed his pajamas and underwear—revealing his erect length in all of its glory, precum already starting to ooze out of the tip. Her [e/c] eyes darkened with even more lust despite her already moaning so hard to her husband's fingers.
“Ple-please, fuck me already... Breed me...” she whispers and his eyes darkened as he imagined her with a swollen belly that's carrying his child. He smirked, “As you wish, my lady.” he says as he removed his fingers from her sopping wet hole and got on top of her, placing his hands on her hips, pulling her enough to position his length to her needy cunt. “Please tell me when to move.” he orders as he slowly pushed himself to her, a broken moan leaving his lips, as he felt the tip go in. “Fu-fuck, you fe-feel so good.” he muttered as his wife is too focused on the his length and girth, her back arched as tears of pleasure runs down her cheeks. “mm~ you feel so good, such a good husband.” you muttered as you feel your warm walls being stretched by him.
With a final push, he finally fully sheathed himself to her, a broken moan escaping both of their lips. Tears swell both of their eyes, despite doing this for many times already, they still can't get used to the fact that in this intimate moment, they are one. Him feeling her warm walls squeezing him is enough to make tears run down his cheeks, and same goes to her with how good he's stretching her, she can feel his tip hit her womb.
“Yo-you can move now...” she softly mutters and Scaramouche nodded as he grabbed both of her feet and placed it into his shoulders so he could have as much movement. The scent of her perfume hitting his nose. He smirked, “Naughty fox, you've been planning this huh?” he says as he took a deep whiff of her ankles and he was right, she did spray perfume to it.
She gave her a small smirk, “Got to be prepared if husband is in the mood.” she teased and Scaramouche just smirked, his purple eyes staring at [e/c] ones. “Such a good w-wife you are, always ple-pleasing her husband.” he teased, his voice stuttering as he felt her walls squeezed on him, he threw his head back as he took deep and heavy breaths. She just smiled at him already starting to get dumb from his cock stretching her so good.
The way his girth just stretched her, the way the crown of his length is buried deep inside her, small movements enough to just make her come undone to him. Scaramouche laughed as he grabbed her legs and pressed it against her chest—in a mating press.
“Since you've been such a good little wife to me, I'm gonna reward you my love. Make sure you don't spill a single drop.” he mutters as he pulled his hips back then slowly pushed it again. A slow and gentle rhythm.
The bed squeaked as he thrusted into her. Hearing her moans is enough to fuel him to keep on going. Loud moans escaping their lips in each thrusts, her back arched, their eyes rolling back to their head as stars clouded their visions.
“A-ahh~ so warm, mm~ so tight, so perfect.” Scaramouche softly moans out, [Y/n] barely understanding what the fuck he just said as she was too focused on how she can feel him go deeper and deeper into her womb, the tip of his length hitting her womb sending shivers and shocks across her spine as she felt the intensity of each thrusts.
She can feel her husband nuzzle his face at the crook of her neck, she felt him bite at her skin, enough to draw out a little blood and leave a mark.
Scaramouche just smirked as he watched her wife's fucked out expression as moans and whines escapes her lips. “You love this don't you? My cock hitting deeper and deeper into your womb, your wa-walls stretching around my girth. Archons, I fit so perfectly around you, m-my love.” He says, his breathing shaky as he let out a moan, his thrusts starts to picked up the pace, skin slapping against skin can be heard in their bedroom, squelching sounds of their juices mixing can be heard, heavy breathing and moaning bouncing across the room.
“mmm~ lo-love you-your co-cock ahh~!”
She moaned out as she felt his hips snapped into hers, his thrusts fast and strong. Scaramouche laughed a bit, his laughter coming off shaky as a moan left his lips.
“Silly girl, did you only marry me for my cock?” he teased, although knowing that that isn't the reason why she married him, after all, their first time was a few years after marriage. Both of them were pretty clueless before when it comes to sex.
She was about to retort but her voice was cut offed as she felt Scaramouche pull her into a deep and passionate kiss, his tongue immediately slipping into her mouth, she can feel hinds hands go under her blouse and started to fondle and squeezed her breast.
It was too much, the feeling of his cock in her womb, his tongue inside her mouth, his hands playfully playing with her breast. Her eyes started to roll back as her moans got louder and only Scaramouche's name leaving her lips. She can feel it, the knot on her womb almost breaking.
“mmm-I'm ahh~ gonna, I'm gonna c-cum~!” she moaned out, voice muffled by the kiss and Scaramouche smiled before pulling his face away.
“Y-yes that's right, mm~ cum, cum, cum my love~” he stutters out as groans and moans left his lips, the pacing of his thrusts became more intense and steady rhythm gone as he felt himself approach closer to climax.
She can feel it, with his harsh thrusts the knot in her stomach break as her back arched and a loud moan escaped her lips.
“I-I'm cum-cumming!”
Scaramouche almost lost his balance as she felt her climaxed, her walls getting tighter and he just smirked as he continues to ride her orgasm. He looked down at his cock to see a white ring starting to form at the base from their juices, loud squelching noises enough to drive him further, his thrusts started to get sloppy as he too approached his orgasm.
Tears started to swell on her eyes as she felt so sensitive after reaching climax and her husband is still at it, each thrusts painful and pleasurable. “Mmm~! I-its too much~ ahh~” she cries out and Scaramouche only kissed away her tears as he kept pounding into her, the sounds of skins slapping getting louder.
“Al-almost haa~ done my love~”
He moaned out, as he too felt like he's approaching his climax, his legs, his head thrown back from pleasure.
“This time, I-I'm gonna make you pregnant. So make sure not waste a single drop.” he shakily moans out and she just as “yes.” kept coming out of her lips.
With one final thrust, he managed to deeply thrust himself as thick, warm and creamy cum shoots out and covered her womb. A broken moan leaving his lips. [Y/n] threw her head back in pleasure as she felt his warm seed coating her womb.
Heavy breathing can be heard from the two, sweat trailing down their bodies.
Scaramouche didn't pull out immediately, making sure her cunt got all of his seed.
“ha-ah~ you've done well, my love.” he shakily says and [y/n] didn't say anything but just caressed her husband's face, he immediately took her hand and placed gentle kisses. Their eyes not breaking contact. Smiles on both of their faces.
“Hoping tha-that this time our love would bear fruit.” she shakily says, love filled [e/c] eyes staring at purple ones.
Scaramouche just looked at her in adoration, his thumb rubbing circles around her stomach.
“Hopefully.” he softly says as he slowly pulled himself out, his eyes watched some of his cum starting to spill out, using his fingers to scooped it and then plunging it into cunt again. She shudders at the feeling of his fingers.
He sighs before his legs gave out, making him fall on top of her, soft laughter can be heard from the two.
Scaramouche immediately nuzzled his face against her breast, soft satisfied humming can be heard from him. Her hands immediately started to play with his indigo locks.
“I love you.” he softly mutters, voice muffled against her breast, she smiled, “I love you too, my dear husband.”
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
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invisiblegarabgetruck · 6 months ago
watched the episode 5 of the Anime!
I definitely think the anime has a pacing problem. it's not unwatchable, it just a bit confusing if you ask me lol though, I kinda see what they're trying to cook. so I'm gonna wait until the end of the season.
okay now. jerry posting :p (spoilers!)
the beginning part is actually Hjer reminiscing about his family, oh, that's pretty sad actually :( (But I wonder why they went for S6 Hjer in S3 design?)
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Hjer was so calm and nice to Jer in the episode.... he might killed a bunch of fish (nimbus's minion) while jer was knocked out but he was very polite about it....
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me when my wife,,,,, baked cake for the fish,,, b,, but not me,,,,, >:(
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Hjer taking Jer to visit nimbus (or the opposite) awwwww (the tension....)
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me when i watch RnM and Jerjer is on screen.....
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based jerjer........ he only love beth,,,,, ;_; <3
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I wished the interaction between Hjer and Jer last longer cuz this was??? (positive)
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also some Jerjer looking like a wet sad dog
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also, he get put in the part-sex part-torture dungeon to improve himself(??), no, I'm not kidding, I don't know how to feel about that, but I know I was left a bit dead inside ( oh, rick, when I catch you. rick, when I kill you) like....vvvvv
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i was a bit lost at the end so here Hjer chilling with his slug cronenburg yipeee yahoooo byebyeeeee
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elvisabutler · 2 years ago
a pelvis and some milk walk into a bar
fandom: elvis 2022 | elvis presley | austin butler rating: m pairing: elvis presley x reader x jerry schilling x sandy kawelo and any combo of those four you can manage word count: 4720 warnings: p in v sex ( unprotected ). foursome. double penetration. multiple orgasms. mild overstimulation. clit pinching. nipple play. marking/biting. oral ( female receiving. male receiving, implied future. ). fingering. clit play. bit of dirty talk. everyone kind of is really nebulous with their relationships in this. it's not cheating because everyone is consenting and present alright. author’s note: welcome to day 8 of ally’s wet hot smut summer, foursome with elvis presley x reader x jerry schilling x sandy kawelo. the person who requested this knows who they are and knows that i somehow cranked this out because they deserved it tonight before tomorrow. let me tell y'all this was an obscene amount of fun. i've said it once and i've said it before i do very much like writing threesomes/moresomes and this was no exception. literally when i open up requests again i can almost guarantee you that I'll probably bang it out rather quick. the title isn't quite accurate to the fic itself but no lie it's grown on me so much i couldn't bear to change it.
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"Just because I've been staring at her doesn't mean I want to have sex with her, EP. I have— I have Sandy." Jerry attempts to argue against what Elvis has decided to propose in the car on the way to the studio. It's not that he hasn't thought about it, anyone with eyes has thought about having sex with you. But there's certain things you don't do when it comes to you and actively entertaining the idea that they'd ever get to have sex with you? Well that's one of those things you don't do, after all Red and George had thought about it once or twice and George had entertained it just a bit only to have Elvis bite off the DJ's head. No, Jerry knows better than to think you're even something obtainable, besides he was married and he loved his wife.
"And I have her. Milk, I'm offerin' ya a chance that all the boys'd die for and here ya are tellin' me ya ain't gonna take it," Elvis scoffs and steps just a little closer to Jerry. "My boy, if I didn't want ya touchin' her— if she didn't want ya touchin' her. I wouldn't be standin' here askin' and offerin'. Ya really gonna deny my wife her anniversary present?"

In that moment, Jerry feels the world tilt on its axis just a bit. Surely he hadn't heard his best friend of a decade say that he was being offered to his wife as an anniversary present. Jerry wishes he could say that he's entirely surprised, after all, what do you get a woman who's married to Elvis Presley? The man— while a serial womanizer, a fact Jerry still can't believe some days— is arguably what every woman wants in a man and is someone who spoils her rotten. What do you get that sort of woman? Nothing material— no, gifts have to come from the heart for a woman like her. A realization hits Jerry like a ton of bricks and he's certain it's written all over his face the moment it happens. He was the gift. He was supposed to be the gift for you. A flush of desire courses through him as the idea settles fully in his mind. You want him and were obvious enough that Elvis felt the need to ask him this and to offer him up as an option. It's not that he doesn't love Sandy but a chance to have the unattainable is a heady proposition.

"She—you're not just testing me, are you?" Tricking is what Jerry means to say, knowing fully well that it just might be something Elvis is willing to do and yet as he stares at one of— if not his best friend he sees no trace of mocking or jest in them. Only pure unadulterated honesty.

"Jer—" Elvis starts before putting his hand on the other man's shoulder. "I'd joke and tease and test anyone else wit' this. Not you. The missus would kill me if I tried. Both of 'em maybe, cause boy she is capable of whipping your woman into a damn frenzy I don't wanna be on the end of. Bein' completely honest. She— Told her whatever she wanted I'd get. And she came up to me with *that*. I'd be offended if she didn't remind me 'm her husband and that she might like ya and find ya attractive but she's married to me."

There's a few words on the tip of Jerry's tongue about how Elvis can't control his own urges despite being married to you but he stops them, biting the inside of his cheek before he finds the words to speak. "So what— What exactly does she want?"

"Both of us," He answers simply, as if it's a completely normal thing to say. "Didn't press on the exact details, figured we could— uh— figure 'em out when we get to it. Might wanna have us both inside, I dunno. It's her gift, she calls the shots."

The image Elvis is painting, of you taking both of them inside you, their cocks stretching you has his pupils dilating and has his breathing shifting just that little bit earning a grin from Elvis. "You— I gotcha thinkin' 'bout it, Milk, don't I? That's you sayin' yes, ain't it?"

Jerry shakes his head as if that will clear the vision from his mind's eye only to make it worse, his mind conjuring images of your breasts in his hands and of you moaning and whimpering as his thumbs brushed against your nipples and as Elvis and him took turns sucking hickies against your neck and chest. Maybe you'd even be kissing his wife— come to think of it— 

"You think she'd mind if I brought Sandy along?" Jerry asks, mildly unsure that she'd go with it and yet wanting the vision in his mind's eye to come to fruition. Nevermind that he'd still have to talk his wife into it and ask her but it never hurts to ask ahead of confirmation.

Elvis's face lights up as he leans closer and laughs. "Wouldn't be the first time she'd've kissed 'nother woman durin' somethin' like this. Don't think she would." Elvis pauses. "So I can tell her she can get her present?"

Jerry can't help the way he sighs, shutting his eyes when he answers. A part of him feels like he might regret this later. But the temptation of you and the realization that he'd be the only person in Elvis's circle who would have actually touched you and felt how you kissed and how your breasts felt in his hand and how your vagina felt gripping his cock forces that regret deep down inside his mind.

"Yeah, you can tell her."
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As it turns out, Sandy was okay with going along with this. Something about how she could keep an eye on the two of them and make sure that you were safe. Not that she truly thought either one of them would hurt you but in the heat of the moment she knows Jerry can be passionate and you've borne the marks of Elvis's own passion more times than she cares to count. You are her friend she'd never live with herself if she didn't at least make sure this ended well for everyone involved.

Truthfully, that's why you go to her first and pull her in for a kiss. The two of you had talked about this ahead of time, you wanted your respective husbands inside of you but if she was going to be here, you wanted her to be a willing participant and you wanted her to know that you loved her or at least liked her enough to make sure she was equally as involved. It was your anniversary but Jerry is her husband. She smiles into the kiss, laughing softly when she pulls away.

"I think they're enjoying the show," she comments, wrapping her arms around your neck before turning to Elvis and Jerry. "I didn't agree to this only to have this be a show for you two. Get up."

Elvis stays sitting as Jerry stands up and moves to you without missing a single beat. You can't see him approach but you can hear his soft footsteps against the carpet and the way his breathing hitches just so the more he takes in your only clad in underwear body. Your breasts are pressed against Sandy's own but you feel her move back just a bit at the same time you feel Jerry's warm breath against your neck. His hands hands move to cup your breasts, thumbs brushing against the nipples as he places feather soft kisses against your neck.

"Just wanted to make sure she was comfortable," he defends himself against your ear even though he's talking to Sandy. "Do you feel comfortable?"

A soft whimper leaves your lips as his mouth closes around your earlobe after the word comfortable and you watch as Sandy bites her lip in a mixture of arousal and amusement. "That's a dirty trick, Jerry, you're turning her into putty before she can answer."

"That's the point," Elvis interjects from his spot on the chair. "She wanted this, told her it might be a bit much but— what my girl wants, my girl gets. Ain't that right, darlin'."

You hum in acknowledgement, your toes curling in the carpet as your nipples pebble and your breath comes out shaky. Words finally come to you as you try and move your head to kiss Jerry. "I'm more than comfortable. I— More."

The grip on your breasts tightens and you keen ever so softly even as Sandy tries to swallow it with another kiss. The sensations make it hard to focus on any one thing even as your mind tries to cling to something. What it finally settles on is the rustle of what you think is Elvis getting off the chair and moving toward you. You wait to feel him next to you, wait to have him pull you in for a kiss before you realize that he's not doing that. You can feel the heat of his body against your arm for the briefest of moments before you feel it against your leg. Sandy's moved to the side of you, breaking your kiss only to have her lips replaced with Jerry's finally claiming yours with a nip and an insistent tongue. It's then that you feel the cold bite of Elvis's rings against your overheated thighs and you whine against Jerry's lips, the temperature difference forcing you to wrench your lips away to look down at Elvis on his knees, trying to make your stance just a little wider. His grin when he looks up at you is practically wolfish as he sneaks a glance at your underwear.

"Barely been touched and ya drippin'. Makin' a mess of these panties. Wanna show 'em what they've done to you already?" His voice is practically a coo as his fingers start to play with the edges of your panties as you feel someone's hand— Sandy's maybe— ghost over your hip, sliding them down as best as they can. When they're loose enough Elvis moves his head to your cunt nuzzles through the fabric before taking the fabric in his teeth and yanking them down. Your mouth opens to say something before you feel his fingers slip inside you, curling just so in the way you enjoy. Jerry takes the opportunity to kiss you once again and kiss down your neck and to your shoulder. "He's got to make sure you can take it."

Your eyes roll in the back of your head for a moment as Jerry shifts just enough to press his cock against your now bare ass and to kiss Sandy over your shoulder. After a moment you speak. "Take what?"

An idea of what is in your mind but you don't dare voice the possibility. The thought that they're going to do that to you has your mind whirling and your cunt clenching around Elvis's fingers, earning a hiss from him. "Spoilin' the surprise, Milk."

"Warning her ahead of time, E," he counters, looking down at Elvis who in a fit of childish annoyance sticks his tongue out. Somewhere deep inside your mind you can't help but laugh at the interaction. It's helped by Sandy actually letting out a soft laugh even as she looks at you as if to say men. You try to mirror the look only to have Jerry nip at your neck and Elvis nip at your thigh.

The warring sensations of their teeth has you shutting your eyes and biting on your lip to keep quiet only for you to feel Jerry's hand move down between your legs and feel his thumb brush up against your clit gathering some of your wetness. You want to ask him what he's doing but it's then that you feel his thumb on your lip, pressing against it to try and get you to stop biting your lip. After a moment you open your lips ever so slightly and Jerry allows you to taste yourself on his thumb and starts to pull his hand away only to have you run your tongue along the entire of his thumb, sucking just slightly. You finally let it go with a small pop as you open your eyes. They flit down to Elvis where he's looking up at you with something akin to lust and love all at once. You're his wife and you're showing off just how much of a minx you are to one of his best friends and to your own best friend. Elvis's eyes stay on yours as he starts to tongue at your clit, watching the pleasure start to cross your face. He briefly looks over at Jerry before you manage to stutter out a question.

"Warning me 'bout wha? Wha are you two gonna do?" Since your mind figures it's something nefarious the boys have cooked up versus them and Sandy. Elvis's fingers curl once again as his tongue moves down, licking at your walls like a man starved. His face burrows in between your legs, focusing on his task at hand and ignoring the question, leaving Jerry to answer it. Jerry's hand moves to cup your cheek and pull you in for another kiss as Sandy runs her hands across your waist.

"Elvis thinks you can take us both at the same time. You just need to be prepared. Since we're both large." As if to emphasize the point Jerry's hips grind against your ass once more. "He's got a lot of faith in you and I do too. You want it, don't you? That's what this was about? Getting us together? Having us inside you while my wife plays with your chest? Or kisses you in between us kissing you?"

Against your neck you feel his breathing shift, almost as if the image he's painting is winding him up. One of his hands moves to your hip and tightens only to have Elvis’s grip on your thighs tighten as well. You let out a groan and one of your hands slides down your torso, waiting for one of the three of them to stop it. They don't and your hand finds purchase in Elvis’s hair, your fingers lacing themselves through his locks until you have enough you can grab and yank as his tongue practically fucks you and as his fingers— those calloused digits pinch lightly at your clit. Words fail you as he continues his onslaught and as you feel two sets of eyes watching you slowly come apart from just hit tongue and his fingers alone. Elvis starts to pull away only for you to use your grip on his hair to force his face back into your cunt. He still removes his fingers, earning a whine from you that's quietly shushed away by both Jerry and Sandy's soft whispers against your ear.

"We've got you," they whisper as you feel their fingers— when had any of their hands moved down— against your clit, alternating between his rough ones and her soft ones. It's as if you're being teased with gentle loving and rough fucking all at once and despite your best efforts, you feel your head lolling backwards against Jerry's shoulder, the coil in your lower abdomen reaching such a height of tension that you feel your legs start to shake and try to tighten by Elvis's head. You need relief and no one is giving you just enough to make it happen. A whimper leaves your lips as you pull at Elvis's hair in a way he knows well. That yank always serves as a plea, a simple request that you'd be begging for if your mouth would just work. You can feel tears of want prickling at your eyes before you feel Elvis swat away both Sandy's and Jerry's hand and replaces them with his own, his fingers taking your swollen little nub and rubbing and touching just so before he allows his mouth to cover it and suck.

You reach your peak with a silent scream at the sensation, at the final missing piece finally clicking into place. Despite your best efforts you feel your body start to tremble just a bit as Jerry wraps his arms around you and allows you to lean against him even as his cock twitches against your behind. Sandy's hand reaches to pet his cock between the two of you and you hum in delight. Your chest rises and falls with shaky breaths as Elvis finally pulls away and looks up at you on his knees with his face covered in your cum. No words are said before Jerry nuzzles at your hair and Sandy kisses your neck, her free hand pinching a nipple of yours and your hand doing the same in kind to her.

"E, you're not good at sharing." Jerry says it as a tease, even as your arousal is on his fingers, waiting to be tasted by him or his wife.

Elvis shrugs, and moves to stand up. "So?"

Feeling an argument brewing you reach out to palm Elvis's cock before wrapping your hand around it and murmuring something incoherent before shaking your head to focus. "Don't ruin my present, 'vis. I want this, not just them watchin' us. Please."

Any other time and you might cringe at how your voice sounds as you say please but it has the desired effect in making Elvis sigh and has him giving Sandy the softest of kisses while giving Jerry a look as if to say go on now, get. That look spurs something in Jerry and that arm that had been around your waist, pulling you closer to him moves away. You start to sputter out your displeasure until you realize he's turning you around and taking your hand off of Elvis's cock and putting it on his. The sensation is different, not unwelcome but different and you experimentally move your hand up and down, marveling in how there's already so much precum that your hand practically glides against his cock. His eyes don't leave yours even though he wants to commit the way your hand looks and feels against his cock but there's something in your eyes that forces him to stare at them instead. To take in the wonder and arousal so present in them that he thinks they might be the most important part of everything. If Sandy notices his preoccupation with your eyes she doesn't comment on it and instead busies herself with touching you in all the spots that have your toes curling just so against the carpet.

"Milk. Ya oughta go first. Stretch her some more so she can take it," Elvis pauses and shares a look with Sandy. "Don't have to, darlin' but ya wanna watch him sink into her? Watch her take 'im?"

Sandy allows herself a moment to think, gulping as she does before she shakes her head. "I'm okay not looking. That's— I think the three of you would enjoy that more than me." it's the first time she's expressed some hesitation with this and somehow that penetrates your brain enough that you reach out to grab your best friend's hand and squeeze. She squeezes back after a moment before looking at Jerry and nodding. "Go on, honey, show my best friend what I married."

You see a hint of a smile cross Jerry's face before he looks at you and starts to move everyone closer to a bed. There's a questioning look from everyone before he shrugs. "It'll be more comfortable? I don't want to fuck standing up." As if it's the most obvious thing in the world. It doesn't take but a moment before Jerry is lowering you onto the bed and taking his cock in his hand. It's smaller than Elvis's but not by much and you find your mouth salivating just a hair as he pumps his cock and starts to move closer and closer until the tip his brushing against your already swollen clit. Your teeth dig into your lower lip as you hear Elvis's breathing deepen and hear what sounds like several curse words leave his mouth. Every brush feels as if an electric shock is buzzing through your body from your clit and your hands move to grasp at Jerry, only to be stopped by both Sandy and Elvis. It's cruel, the way they hold your hands away from Jerry but it allows him to shush your anger and your whines. "Just watch what I'm doing."

Focus on how his cock is finally parting your folds and slipping in bit by bit. There's a slight burn but it's gone in a flash when he finally bottoms out, a groan and a grunt leaving him all at once. He doesn't move for a minute, trying to keep himself together and make sure you're alright before you finally whimper out a word. "Move."

Fuck me, you mean, but you figure he understands from the way your cunt clenches around him as you say it. You hear Sandy make a joke about Jerry being good at following directions as you start to feel Jerry's cock sliding out of you, only to have him thrust once more. Your eyes try to focus on the vision of him sliding in and out of you only to have them drift up to his face, watching as it contorts with each thrust.

"Christ, EP, this— she's— what is she doing with— Keep doing that and I'm gonna—" He starts before his eyes flit between the three of you and he starts to pull out only to have you try and move your legs to stop him. "I can't cum inside—"

Elvis stops him with a growl even as he's pumping his own cock, his thumb running across his slit and playing with his foreskin. "She needs to be drippin'. Jus' this once, Jer. We'll figure it out if anythin' happens."

A quick nod from both you and Sandy puts Jerry at ease and has him sinking into your tight heat once more. Sandy's hand moves in between your bodies and rubs at your clit when Jerry's cock doesn't brush against it. You feel your orgasm starting to creep up on you, the second one in less than an hour and you want to cry in a mix of anguish and pleasure and it seems as if it's written all of your face. Words fail you and yet they don't fail the other three even as they pant around your body, and Sandy plays with her own cunt, almost a little lazily. They can't help but tell you a simple phrase that sounds like a demand.

"Let yourself go." Three little words have you arching against Jerry, hips chasing after his cock and cunt clenching around him as you feel him twitch and feel his thrusts slow down as a warmth fills you. His hands move to grip your hip, wide and unyielding as he guides you back down onto the bed and slowly pulls out, ignoring the groan of displeasure at the loss of his cock. His eyes watch his handiwork, marveling at how his cum drips out of you and how your chest heaves from the effort you've already expended. Sandy moves to pull him in for a kiss and your hand, shaky as it is moves to curl your fingers in her cunt and play with her clit a little, determined to allow her that little extra bit of fun.

As Jerry watches you see out of the corner of your eye his cock rising back to attention only for him to slip it back inside you, the pleasurable shocks starting to be almost painful before you glance at Elvis's cock. He shoots you a grin as he maneuvers you partially into Jerry's lap. Any other time and he'd make sure you were facing him but tonight he'll allow you to look at Jerry when you come for a third time. His fingers move to play with your clit, apologizing to Sandy who had moved her fingers to try and continue her own onslaught against you. The familiar calluses have a calming effect on you, allowing your body to relax around Jerry and Elvis watches as your cunt flutters around Jerry's cock for a moment before lining himself up and pushing just the tip in. All four of you let out a groan at nearly the same time, the pressure of just Elvis's tip threatening to rip you apart even if you know it's not. The adjustment takes a minute or two of no movement before he inches in bit by bit, stopping to feel you cunt clench and stopping to watch Jerry play with Sandy's cunt and your chest. When he's finally seated fully inside, he allows you to find a comfortable position between him and Jerry.

"Wanna bounce." You say, trying to say you want to bounce on their cocks, as illogical as that is. You just want the experience of it, want to prove you can do it and Jerry kisses your lips hungrily as he kneads your chest and watches Elvis suck a love bite or five onto your neck. His hands grip your hip and without much warning he moves you in the way you would if you were to bounce on their separate cocks. Elvis lets out a punched out moan and bites at your shoulder.

"Goddammit Milk, got her grippin' me tighter than she ever did. Gonna fuckin' burst in a damn minute." Elvis grunts, as he thrusts into you. His voice lowers and you hear dirty words and phrases that are for only the two of you and you find yourself burrowing your face against Jerry's shoulder in embarrassment. You can hear the squishing and squelching of your cum and Jerry's cum and everyone's precum with every thrust and you whine, wanting more and less all at once. That knot in your stomach, that spring of arousal tightens more and more with every passing thrust and every whispered word of praise and every breathy sigh you hear your best friend make.

"Doin' so good." Elvis whispers against your ear, relishing in the way you shiver. "Gonna cum a third time 'fore we fill ya completely up? Clench 'round us and milk us dry? Know ya can do it, darlin'."

"I can. Wanna do it. I can do it." You pant, words starting to slur and feeling more like gibberish as you go on repeating yourself. "Gonna feel you two for days. Love you so much."

You meaning everyone in the room, but you don't dare say the words, instead allowing that spring to snap as you hear Jerry whisper, "good girl." You come with a scream wrenched from the depths of your soul, that you swear starts a cascade of everyone cumming after you do, with Elvis being the last one to release inside you with grunts of praise and love confessions. Both you and Jerry fall on top of Elvis and Sandy flops next to the three of you as you all try to catch your breath. Your hand moves to play with Jerry's chest hair and Elvis's as Sandy strokes your hair.

After what feels like a lifetime Jerry starts to pull out of you ever so slowly, earning a low hiss from you and Elvis as your cunt is now bereft of his cock filling you. He flops next to Sandy and pulls her in for a kiss filled with love and what you think might be gratitude before setting his head on her chest. Your own head settles onto Elvis's chest, taking in the quiet thump thump thump of his heart that overwhelms your senses so completely that you nearly miss his words.

"You're stayin' here tonight. Might— might need 'nother round. Gotta make sure we're all leavin' happy tonight. 'sides, Milk, think she was droolin' for ya cock, or Sandy's beaver. You both good?"

You wait for one of them to say no and instead you get an answer that has you grinning against Elvis's chest. "Anything for her."
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taglist: @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @araxw, @ellie-24, @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7, @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis, @amydarcimarie, @justrae9903, @thegettingbyp2, @stylespresleyhearted i know i am missing people but i am unsure whom at this point also apologies if this isn't your cup of tea.
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voidselfshipp · 2 days ago
Meeting the In-Laws.
Cw: none as far as im aware.
Summary:Vergil meets his in-laws,hes in for a surprise.
♡Taglist: @bloocanary @alexatheris-44 @tex-treasures
>reboot vergil. also characters portrayed as my family here are my ocs! :3c.
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--I insist you shouldnt have brought me here-- Vergil said softly as both Walked through the ornate ballroom. He feels Jers arm around his.
--Its just a dinner with my family,love. Most of these people are mortal investors in the Devils company. -- They answered,looking up at him.
--Still,i feel like ill only bring trouble.
Both were dressed to the nines. Vergil has a beautiful blue and silver suit, well refined form that shows off his broad frame,muscles and waist. His hair is neat and tidy,hid gloved hands hold the yamato- hidden in the shape of a cane that clicks as it hits the floor.
Jerico wore a red,black and gold skin tight dress made of Velvet and with ruffles. A turtle neck,open Back and two slits on it. Black heels and long ink colored nails. Their hair is tied up with baby hairs all over and a beautiful hairpin on their hairbun.
--If anyone gives you trouble,ill kick their asses-- They smile and he chuckles-- itll be fine verge. I love you
Hearing those words always make him jump a little. He can hear how much they mean it. Just saying it once means to say it a hundred times.
--I trust your judgement,love-- he said softly and they nodd.
--My family is this way,come on.
Both walk through the crowd, holding on to eachother tight. Being in eachothers company brought strength and comfort to both.
They reach the end if the ballroom where they find a Man and a woman. The Man is tall,fair skinned with teal hair pulled into a short ponytail,dressed in a black suit with a red tie. There are smile lines in his face,crows feet that adorn his reddish brown eyes.
The woman is short,built on the bigger side. Dark brown skin,grey eyes and completly white hair. She wore pearl earrings and a black and white dress,they seem to be speaking about the most mundane of things,getting groceries, chores,and the like.
--Ma! Pa!--Jer calles out-- Hi! Good evening.
The Man turns,a smile appearing on his lips. His eyes soften and he puts his hands toghether-- Oh jer! My dear hello. We were waiting for you-- He grinned.
--Indeed we were! Oh dont you two look gorgeous!-- The woman said,walking closer and bringing her kid in for a hug. Her head barely reaches her kids chest. Its a little funny.
--we're happy to be here
To say that Vergil was sweating bullets was an understatement. His blood runs cold and his face drains of color as he sees the Man approaching. This was one of the Kings of the underworld,Him And his wife united the Devils and Khavari-Rame families...
He doesnt stand a chance.
--And you must be Sparda's son. Vergil--the mans smile is warm,gentle. He seems genuienly happy that hes here-- Im Alexander Devils. This is my wife Karoline. Welcome.
--Nice- Nice to meet you,Mr.Devils...--The nephilim said,taking the Mans hand as he offers it. Its a firm,welcoming Shake.
--Jeri hasnt stopped talking about you--Karoline Added-- we're happy youre here. Really. They sung only praises of you. Between you and me you have them whipped.
--Im right here!--Jerico screeched,face turning red--Moooom!
--Sorry dear but its true!--Alexander added--Just like me with your mom. Its adorable,really.
Vergil Turned to his partner and smiled all smug,his Fear slowly going away. They want to wipe off that raised brow off his face-- Whipped,you said?
--Smartass!--They Gently slap his arm.
--Bite me-- he joked.
Alexander and Karoline are dying of cuteness. Both are holding eachothers hands trying not to coo or say anything. Its really sweet.
--Well,Vergil--Alex almost couldnt hide his excitement and moved state.-- Feel free to join us anytime. Welcome to the family.
Vergil felt a pang of pain squeeze his heart. He smiled politely,though jeri can tell how moved he is. Its so sweet.
--Thank you,sir
--Hey,verge. Lets get something to drink and eat-- Jeri offered. He nodded and both said their goodbyes and Walked away.
Karoline leans in to her husband and said-- if these two dont marry ill go insane
--Makes us two, dear.
--I think they liked you-- Jeri said softly,grabbing a glass of a soft drink. They couldnt drink alcohol because of their meds.
--Id say so...--He answered,grabbing a glass of wine-- they seem...nice. Not what I expected...especially with my kind.
He grabs two plates of little snacks to munch on and both begin to walk to some of the free seatig around.
--You know,mom and dad were forbidden to marry eachother. The Devils and Khavari Rame clans were at war at the time,but they did it anyway. They know about forbidden lovers.
His mother Eva was an Angel, His father sparda a demon. He figured then,maybe their stories werent too far appart.
--I suppose so-- He agreed. He seems a lot more relaxed now. He was really worried about how they would react to him-- Your parents are really nice.
--Do my eyes decieve me? Is that my sibling?--A female voice said,approaching with a Man in toe.
The nephilim recognizes both of them. But doesnt seem to jolt or tense at the sight.
The woman is tall,curvy, skinned with a skin tight,red dress that shows off her belly. Her black hair is styled wavy,the way she looks reminds him of Jessica Rabbit. Gloves and all. Her face is littered with lines that show she must be around 35. Her name's Scarlett Devils.
Meanwhile the Man wears a red suit, reddish brown skin with crows feet and a few lines across his features. He wears a red fedora over his black hair,and his brownish red eyes are allert. His name is Ira Devils.
--And you must be Vergil!--Scarlett put her hands together with a welcoming smile on her red lips-- I am scarlett,but you May know me as the embodiment of Envy. This is Ira,the embodiment of wrath.
The funny thing about the devils is that they had 7 children. All representing a capital sin. And the funniest thing is that they barely acted like it, they were some of the nicest people out there.
--Dont scare the poor guy--Ira chuckled with a deep,gravelly voice. He seems ready to pull his brother-in-laws leg. He was good moral wise,didnt meant he couldnt be a bit of a teasing prick. If not a little brooding.--Youll make him Run for the Hills and then Jer Will most likely kill you.
--Oh Shush!--scarlet waved Him off,not happy with her brother's answer-- He can handle it.
Vergil wasnt sure what to say,but he smiles politely. -- nice to meet you both,I.. have to say your reputation proceeds you. Ive heard nothing but wonders from scarletts clothing line and The Devils Advocate lawfirm is the most demanded studio of lawyers in the world...
Both seem quite pleased with the recognition. Though ira says little other than an approving nodd.
--Much the same,Dear brother in law-- scarlett grinned-- you are of the few nephilim that exist. And of course jerico has talked so much about you.
--If I recall,your Father described them as Whipped.
Jerico stomped on his feet. He flinches but his smug smile doesnt appear to be shaken. The little shit...
--Indeed they are...--Ira smirked-- I am surprised you two arent married yet. Or that my siblig isnt all over you,drooling like a dog.
--You know,Ira,this might be the most ive ever heard you talk!--Jerico bit,rage in their eyes-- Dont you have investors to talk to? Both of you? How about you pISS OFF.
Scarlett and Ira laugh,nodding along before saying their goodbyes and walking away.
Jer raised a finger and said-- not a Word,Sparda.-- they can hear vergil snicker but Keep his peace about the matter.
He does offer a gentle kiss as a sorry,and they accept. Always happy to get drunk on his lips.
The dinner with the family goes well,he meets the rest of the siblings and all seem to get along with him. When the night comes to the end the couple returns to Vergils appartment to rest.
Vergil was slowly undoing his tie,exhaustion settling in his chest. He breathes out,feeling the gentle arms of Jeri around his waist. He smiled and sighed in comfort as their lips kiss across his clothed trapezi.
He pulls them closer.
His thumb stroke their hands,he tilts his head to the sides as their lips goes up his neck to his jaw. --You okay baby?--He asked.
--yeah...just tired and wanting to cuddle..--They murmur--Can you help me take this dress off?
Gently he turns around and smiles. He begins to slide off their dress. His gloves brushing against their skin and making them get goosebumps. He undresses them with this devotion,his carefulness Like theyre fragile as butterfly wings.
When his lips find their neck,he picks them up by the hips and drops them Gently on the bed. He slips off the dress,the heels,the jewelry and everything with this soft touch and this care like hes dealing with gold.
In a sense,he is.
Jerico helps him take off his suit and both dont bother to put on PJs and simply crawl in bed. He hugs them tight and wraps his legs in theirs.
His strong arms wrap around their waist and their head rests on the crook of his neck. His warmth presses against their body and they begin to relax into his embrace.
--Im happy my family loved you like this. Its all I wanted.. -- they murmured,nuzzling his neck. He cuddles them closer like a sleepy kitten.
--Im happy for that too,it felt good.
Both close their eyes. Jer feels his hand stroke their hair now loose,his breath against the crown of their head.
Sleep overtakes them both,mild and warm. The bed feels a lot more comfortable now that they are comfy,little sighs and deep breaths that fill their with love and the utter devotion of their Bond.
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wickedworm · 5 months ago
hey all! i know its been a minute but i was writing this little cringe ass blurb and havent finished it. i got some inspiration from the lovely @golden-gypsy after she sent me an ask nearly a year ago 😅 this has been living in my drafts for a while. im not sure if ill finish it unforunately. things have been weird and ive been going through my adhd cycle of interests where i dump the last one and move onto the next. anyway, enjoy whatever the hell this is.
December, 1994
This is fucking pathetic. It's midnight, it's freezing, and I'm alone on the street, calling my wife on a payphone.
I stood out in the freezing Seattle cold, clutching a payphone as I called my wife. I wanted to laugh at myself for how pitiful it all seemed. I've barely talked to her - shit, I haven't even seen her since I went to Oklahoma. We talked on the phone but I never had much to say. And I didn't really know what to say. But I thought about her. I thought about her all the fucking time. And I would've actually talked to her, made that effort, had I felt worthy of it. I didn't deserve it. It wasn't fair to her. I needed to get my shit together.
When I came back to Washington, I tried to give Raven - and myself - plenty of time. I didn't want to go home right away, I wanted to try to get back into the swing of things. I set up some dates to write and rehearse with Sean and Mike. When that all fell through, I got pretty discouraged. I went from motel to motel, couch to couch, trying to write some of my own stuff. I was pretty much living in my car for that whole week. And I just wrote. A lot. I wrote about everything, but especially her. It felt like I would never stop.
And it hit me that I had freewill. I could just go to her. I could turn on the engine and drive home.
I was sitting in my car that night, trying to get at least a little sleep. But I couldn't stop thinking of Raven. I thought maybe I could get to sleep easier thinking of her. I imagined her next to me, leaning on my
shoulder and pointing at stars through the windshield. Tracing out constellations I've never heard of with her finger.
"Are you sure?" I asked, trying not to sound or feel like a begging dog.
"Just come home, Jer."
I'm not ready. I can't go back. I don't deserve her. I can't break her heart anymore.
Her voice, even over the crackling of the payphone, was soft and tired. But soothing. I could imagine her face, resembling her voice. There was moonlight shining through the window and over her face,
reflecting in her eyes. I pictured her holding the phone in one hand, and with her other hand she twirled and tangled the cord between her fingers.
"I just- I d-don't-" Fuck.
I leaned my head against the steering wheel, hoping the cold leather against my forehead would help me think straight.
I slammed the phone down. What the fuck is wrong with me? I can't even get a full sentence out and I'm completely sober. She wants me home. I don't know what to do. I went back to my car and threw
the door shut.
'Just come home, Jer.'
Her voice repeated in my head. Her soft, gentle voice. Just come home.
I sat back up. Ok, I'm going home.
I sat on the porch steps, waiting in the dark and cold for Jerry. I fidgeted with the frayed edge of the blanket I wrapped myself in, couldn't help but feel nervous. What would I see in front of me when he arrives? Would he look the same? Sound and feel the same? Or would he be completely different? It had only been a year since I'd seen him, but was that normal for a married couple? Maybe it was,
considering our circumstances. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't spend that year worried sick about him. And I'd definitely be lying if I said I didn't miss him. It tore me up to see him the way he was before
he left. And it tore me up to not see him at all.
Over the phone, he tried to make it sound like he didn't need help. If only he knew just how much I can see through his bullshit. I mean, he articulated his emotions very well, he wasn't afraid to show or
tell people how he felt. But in the past few years, there were times when he really shut down. Especially when Layne started to lose himself.
I blamed myself a lot for what happened. I thought if I kept myself calm and collected, Jerry maybe wouldn't have left the way he did. I remember I could physically feel my heart breaking when I watched
him storm out of the door. I know he wouldn't have done that had he not been under so much pressure. He couldn't take anymore of it.
I must have fallen asleep on the porch waiting for him. I jumped awake at the sound of him shutting his truck door. I immediately shivered, noticed it was snowing. Through the flakes, I looked up at Jerry. The fading porch light just barely made him visible.
I remember I called Sean a few hours after Jerry left the house and felt my stomach drop when he said he hadn't seen him. Then he called me the next morning saying he turned up at his apartment,
hungover and soaking wet from the rain. He put Jer on the phone, he told me he was sorry and he was going to leave for a while. Then he told me he loved me and hung up. He didn't let me get a word in.
I was relieved that he was ok. But I was scared, too. And even still, I wasn't sure what of.
"Have you been out here this whole time?" He took a few steps toward me.
His voice. It's him.
I jumped up to my feet and nearly tackled him to the ground. He lifted me up off the ground into his arms. I squeezed as hard as I could, needing to feel him to make sure he was real and that he was ok. I breathed in his scent, the usual old spice and tobacco.
"Come on." He held me close to him and carried me inside.
"I missed you," He whispered into my hair and hugged me tight. "I'm sorry for everything."
I don't know what came over me but I just couldn't let go. I felt a lump in my throat and I didn't bother holding it back, he couldn't see me cry anyway. Not with my face buried deep in his jacket. I could
barely breathe but I didn't care.
He set me down and I grabbed his face before I could even put my feet on the ground. I've been waiting for those words.
"What took you so long?" I could barely get it out, I choked through the words.
"I'm sorry."
I didn't want to go back to that.
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. He said it but why didn't it feel like enough? In the months before he left, I spent more nights alone in bed than I did with him next to me, where he was supposed to be. He
was somewhere else, doing God knows what at God knows where. There were days where I'd be worried sick about him, only for him to show up drunk later that night.
"God, I missed you." She whispered, her voice just barely audible in the quiet of the house.
She didn't let go for a long time, and I just let her. She had to be freezing. I could feel the sting of her cold fingers against my neck as she held onto me. I shut the door behind us with my foot and felt the
warmth of the house envelop us. When I set her down, she pulled away and looked at me. I saw my wife for the first time in a year. And she looked the same. Did I think she'd be different?
"You ok?" Her voice was small, but I could sense her concern.
Her cheeks were red and cold. I didn't even realize I was touching her face until she leaned into my hand. Flecks of white snow dotted her dark curls and I wiped one away from her eyebrow. Even in the
cold winter, the freckles spread across her face were still prominent. Like a beam of sunlight always followed her. I just stared. I felt like a little kid, gawking at a beautiful girl.
I snapped out of whatever trance I was in, just enough to nod and reassure her.
"Ok." She mouthed.
I traced my fingers over his face, his stubble. I smiled to myself, realizing his goatee was gone. He knew I hated it.
"I like this." I told him while holding his jaw.
He chuckled. "Yeah. I know."
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selfship-confession-box · 7 months ago
My wife is so awesome i loce my wife shes soft and beauriful and i love her and shes transgender to me and i support jer so much id get her whatever she wants because shes beautiful and wonderful and amazing and id still lvoe her if she wasnt because shes her and shes thenbest
the emoji combo i chose 🍊🍀 is for clemen-lover because my s/i is clementine and my wifes name si clover because she’s agent four and also four leaf clovers abecause im so lucky to have her and i m going to cry i lvoe her so much ok💔💔💔
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iminaworldofpureimagination · 9 months ago
okay so i dont hate damon thoimightwhenhekillstyler.. but here's my critism with the show and its consantly making characters shrug off everything he does ..
all the writing/friend choices baffle me
damon being friends with caroline mother will always be ehhhh as she never learns that he.. abused/raped her . ..and he's the one to give the eulogy and compliments caroline like yeah thats nice/all but the fact this guy is friends with liz is just weird. her reaction to caroline dating him was. Isn't that guy much to old for you?
and so was him and alaric he killed his wife/turned her into a vampire/heck having sex with her should =no friend zone on its own. plus all the times he killed him/ and he was anti delena in s3 but suddenly hes for it in s4.
damien being buddy with jeremy would be nice/all if he hadnt killed him/ then worked with enzo to kidnap/kill jeremy. also fuck enzo he sucks too.
Elena never learning about the second attempt on jers life i can only imagine was done bec they didnt know how she possibl excuse it and pretened that didn't happen..
Elena deleting her memories of love for damon and it resetting to him killing jeremy shouldn't end with her deciding 3 eps later hey Damon lets work it out. i much preferred when she was like wait i was in love with a man who killed my bro in front of me?? while still caring about if he gets hurt cause.. shes an empathic person.
and as much as i like bamon bonnie saying damon can still be saved after learning he killed a pregs woman bec he feels reomorse is just ew.. this show is way to apologetic of damon treatment of women and i hate it. ..
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dylanshifts777 · 3 days ago
introduction to my vampire diaries dr
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(This perhaps might be my favorite dr of all time.)
Things to note:
- I quite literally changed everything about how the school system works for this dr.
- I’m a junior in high school, but younger than pretty much everyone. Most everyone is 20-21 already.
- A lot of people in this dr are VERY different from canon, looks and all.
- obviously, spoilers for TVD.
Name: Dylan Nicole Forbes (formerly Lockwood)
Age: 19
Birthday: August 23, 1989
Species: witch/werewolf hybrid
Dumbed down version of my family:
I was adopted by the Forbes when I was younger, but was born a Lockwood. Tyler’s dad has a twin brother who went missing with his wife (my mother) a few years after having me. I’ve been with the Forbes since I was 7. Caroline quite literally is my best friend, sister, everything to me. Our parents got divorced a few years ago, and dad moved in with his boyfriend. Care and I stayed with mom.
My s/o is Jeremy Gilbert, the love of my life. (He doesn’t know that yet, everyone else does)
He’s 20 years old, and him and Elena are actually passed off as twins for years. They were born days apart by their parents.
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I work at a café in town, and when I’m not doing that or school I’m usually at home or with Jeremy. Either at his house, the mystic grill (where unfortunately my ex works) or the park not far from the school.
I did gymnastics as a kid, so Caroline is in the process of trying to convince me into being a cheerleader… and it’s working.
I also love singing, baking, spirituality, mythology, animals, space, rocks/crystals, sunflowers.. and I hate seafood. 🫶🏼
One of my favorite things is that Jeremy is in a band, he sings and plays lead guitar. The others are Ethan (singer/rhythm guitar), Justin (drummer and sometimes backup vocals) and Ryan (bass and vocals). They’re so so good and I love them all so much.
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Fun facts:
- I failed my math class last year and had to do summer school to make it up.
- We hate Jeremy’s ex girlfriend Cassie. 🫶🏼
- We hate my ex Ben 🫶🏼
- Alaric looks like James Marsden and Coach Tanner looks like Coach from Teen Wolf. Coach lives 🙂‍↕️
- We hate Carol Lockwood 🫶🏼
- My birthday is an EVENT this year.
- I end up learning magic from Grams with Bonnie.
- My magic comes from my mothers side, a family involved in the Salem witch trials. I don’t learn about this until way later though.
- I have an older brother that for some reason, nobody remembers. My birth mother completely erased the memory of him.
- LEXI LIVES. She has a younger sister named Lili that currently goes to school with us.
- I absolutely love (almost) all of the classes I have this year. I have US history, Astronomy, ASL, Zoology, Creative Writing and Guitar. (If I can script anything I’m scripting classes I can do well in 🙂‍↕️)
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Cute memories:
- Jer and I were baking cookies at my house and the mf THREW FLOUR ON ME AND IT GOT ALL IN MY HAIR and he obviously couldn’t stop laughing.
- Caroline picking outfits for me to try on for the first day of school because I have to look “perfect”. I represent her 🙂‍↕️
- Mom hugging Caroline and I before going to work.
- Being at a party with everyone and the song Take It Off by Kesha started playing. This song is one Caroline and I have been FIXATING on for months and we were dancing, it was so fun.
- Jer was playing a show with his band and I kept doing stuff to try and make him laugh on stage and he kept shaking his head or turning away and once I got him to laugh by screaming “I love you” with the other girls.
- Caroline trying to teach me the cheers and me falling. (I’m clumsy in every reality… it just happens) she laughed.😭
- Smoking in my room with Jer after he quite literally threw rocks at my window at 2 am and woke me up. This man I SWEAR
- Arguing with Jeremy about how the Mac n cheese at the grill is the best thing there. He disagrees with me. He says it’s the chicken. 😤
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