#i love my son roy so much it’s truly an honor to be the father of this dumbass
not-harukal524 · 1 year
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i rushed through this but here’s roy being silly with (the basketball club) floyd
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Eldigan/Eliwood C-S Support
Written by  the-nerdy-alpaca
Eldigan: You are leaving yourself wide open for an attack, you need to practice on your defense, Sir Eliwood.   Eliwood: Oh! My, you started me Sir Eldigan! How long have you…never mind. Yes, I’ve been told of this problem several times… Eldigan: And yet you have done nothing to correct this. You must remember that the Summoner prefers to send you and I into the battlefield often, I cannot be at your side at all times to correct you or protect you.   Eliwood: I never asked for protection, Sir Eldigan. I follow the Summoner’s orders to the best of my abilities, whatever happens to me is the result of my actions. I am fully prepared to take the consequences of my actions, even if it results in the loss of my life.   Eldigan: I can clearly see your loyalty to our Summoner as us knights should be Sir Eliwood. However, even if you are prepared to die, how is it that you could be so loyal and yet take the risk of not protecting yourself? You do realize if you do not correct your defense your loss could result in the loss of our Summoner’s plans. Work on correcting your mistakes. I will not tolerate any hinderance to our Summoner’s plans. Eliwood: Your loyalty is astounding Sir Eldigan, so it seems the rumors of your devotion to your masters are true. But I cannot imagine you would hold that threat against me. For a dead man is worthless to the Summoner’s strategy as you have said. Eldigan: You misunderstand Sir Eliwood. I would not kill you as you already explained to why I would not and cannot do that. I am merely stating I will not tolerate any hinderance to our Summoner’s, my master’s, plans. Therefore, I intend to train you. We work so often together I already know how you fight, so be here tomorrow at dawn.   Eliwood: …Alright, I agree to your terms. I will see you tomorrow Sir Eldigan and may you give it your all.    EldigaIn: I intend to. [Eldigan and Eliwood have reached support rank C.] 
Eldigan: Again! You are being distracted too much Sir Eliwood! Had this been a true duel you would have been dead. Eliwood: *Heavy breathing* Oh trust me Sir Eldigan, I am highly aware. My thoughts keep assaulting me and so has my joy. Eldigan: Joy? If I may ask, over what? Eliwood: The Summoner has summoned my beloved son, Roy. He is a talented young man, far better than me in all my qualities, and I know he will be tremendous for the army. His talent will not be wasted, but I yearn to be with him. He was quite startled to see how young I looked, all I want to do is spend time with my precious boy. Eldigan: I had not heard of your son being summoned, congratulations, Sir Eliwood. Come and sit with me, you need a break before we start again. I wouldn’t mind giving you time to spend with your son only if you answer a question of mine, Sir Eliwood.   Eliwood: What question would that be, Sir Eldigan? Also you may refer to me as only Eliwood, we have been paired as partners after all and I do consider you somewhat as a friend.   Eldigan: Eliwood  then…why is that you avoid answering my question on why it is that you do not protect yourself properly? Eliwood: It was never something I was gifted in, I had adopted the mentality of a close friend of mine, Hector, in focusing on attacking. We often spar and with my enemies I do the same. After all I’ve been told I am not the hardiest of heroes and this is the reason why. Eldigan: I see. Thank you Eliwood. You may refer to me as Eldigan for my hope is that we do become true friends and not just partners that the Summoner has placed us as.   Eliwood: Thank you and I do hope we can find the day we do not speak so formally to one another, Eldigan. But may ask something? Do you have children? Do you too hope to see them? Eldigan: It might be best for you to go see your son, Eliwood. Eliwood: …I understand. I apologize for prying and thank you. [Eldigan and Eliwood have reached support rank B.]
Eliwood: *Door bursts wide open* Eldigan! Are you alright?! Eldigan: And here I was hoping for some peace and quiet. *Sitting up* Eliwood: Enough with the sarcasm! Lay down and rest! Those mages did tremendous damage against you. I thought you had died when you and your horse had fell… Eldigan: I would not die that easily…but it was thanks to you that I am alive. *Lies down* Your ability to shrug off magical attacks is astounding, many in our armies do not have such a gift. Eliwood: I never thought about that, yet again it was useful in defeating the man that murdered my father. But enough about me, Eldigan are you truly alright? Eldigan: Yes my friend, I am fine. Just sore and a bit dazed. Eliwood: May I bring, Ares? He has been tremendously worried for you, I calmed him down, but he wants to see you, Eldigan. Eldigan: …I am not worthy for the compassion of my son. I…failed him.   Eliwood: I try not to pry into your life, Eldigan, for I learned my lesson last time, but please I am sure you are worthy. Eldigan: I am not. In my world, I was so loyal to my country and master that I continued to fight for him despite the cruelty that he was unleashing. I was stuck between following my order to kill my close friend or disregard it. Never have I behaved like this and my sister reasoned with me to speak with my master. For that I was to be executed and I failed my country and my family in that moment. Ares told me my wife was killed so I realized I left my son with nothing but ruin, I deserve no compassion from him. Eliwood: …Eldigan you’re a fool. I understand your reasoning but can’t you see the love that your son has been trying to give to you? He loves you dearly, you’re his hero and you always will be. You cannot let your past stop your future, I believe in you Eldigan, so please, take the steps to be free of your past by speaking to your son. Eldigan: …Alright. Bring him in…and I have noticed he is very fond of you lately. Eliwood: Ha! As my son with you! I believe it is because we are close friends. Eldigan: Maybe…*mumbles* Eliwood: What was that? Eldigan: Oh nothing, wondering if my son and yours can train you. Eliwood: Ha! They would destroy me! But please rest, I will get Ares. [Eldigan and Eliwood have reached support rank A.]
Eldigan: You know when I was summoned, I felt the blade tearing through my neck when I was being executed. Eliwood: I’m so sorry you went through that Eldigan, but why are you telling me this now? Eldigan: Because I realized I never explained why I am so glad and yet so sad that I am alive. I feel like a living testament to my failures, but I wanted to tell you I wish to move forward from that thought. Eliwood: I can’t imagine what you have gone through…Eldigan you have become one of my closet friends and I’m glad you are taking these steps for yourself. Eldigan: For that I wanted to tell you…your opinions are important to me. Eliwood: Eldigan what is it you want to ask me? You’re rigid, I know that’s how you get when you need to say something. Eldigan: I never noticed that, how did you, forget that…if you don’t want to answer then that’s fine but we have talked so much about our pasts these pasts months, but I wanted to know if you ever thought of marrying again? Eliwood: Did someone catch your eye? I’m sure you will win their heart by being yourself but being handsome too is a plus. Eldigan: …Perhaps. I just don’t know how they feel for me. Eliwood: Ah. How long have this gone on? Eldigan: Only recently. But enough with interrogating me, what’s your answer? Eliwood: I never gave it a thought. The death of my wife made it hard for me to think about it. Over the years I had coped with it, but it still hurts and yet I know she would have wanted me to be happy. So it depends on who it is. Eldigan: Then how would you feel if it was me? Eliwood: Excuse me?! I-I wa-wait! Are you infatuated with me? Eldigan: Deeply. You are an amazing man Eliwood. Your care for others, your bravery, your loyalty, but most of all your belief in others. Yet, it was also for your faults I too have come to admire and love. I fell for how you truly are, Eliwood, and for that I wanted to know if I could court you. I want to give you time and be comfortable with this, but I hope you would find me worthy in doing this. Eliwood: …I…I am stunned to be honest. Ha! I can’t help but smile and my cheeks are beginning to hurt. I admired you so deeply Eldigan for everything you do and stand for, but I am so glad to meet you and see that you are just as human as I am. I am honored and yes you can court me. But I believe you are certainly worthy. Eldigan: Thank you, my heart. [Eldigan and Eliwood have reached support rank S.]
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victoriousscarf · 8 years
for the meme: Jason Todd and Slade Wilson
Jason: First impression
Okay I’m reaching back to 2008 for this but I’m pretty sure the first time I ran into Jason was Hush because I read Hush really early. I remember it being my introduction to a lot of characters (including Dick as Nightwing) which is both great because it covers like Batman’s entire rouge gallery and crew but is also awful because it covers everyone and that gets confusing fast hah.
So my introduction to him was Bruce’s overwhelming guilt and rage over his death. That’s a pretty strong impression. I also know I read Under the Red Hood fairly early and liked it enough to get the animated movie the instant it came out. But I don’t remember really LOVING Jason at that stage. Like I liked him but he wasn’t someone I was so into. I’m pretty sure the first time I ever wrote him was Find the Sun. I had Dick and Tim in the first story I ever wrote but I’m pretty sure Jason wasn’t in it.
Impression now
God I can not with this compassionate broken and angry child. He’s brash yet kind, too messed up by his own tenderness and driven to extremes by his anger. Someone hug this boy.Favorite moment
Damn I don’t know. I mean the end of Under the Red Hood when Bludhaven is nuked and he fights Bruce anyway creates this really interesting triangle between Bruce Jason and Dick and tho Dick isn’t there he’s still so much a presence of the screen, the favored son vs the one who messed up and died and Bruce’s panic while finally facing this ghost. I don’t know if I can say it’s my favorite but it fucks me up to this day. I also like him fucking with Black Mask that always gives me a kick. And I really love him first meeting Dick back as Robin (the post zero hour one, not Nightwing Year One).Idea for a storyI’m sure variations have been done but I’d love more about him dealing with the Lazarus pit and how that continues to effect him. Unpopular opinionI really don’t like new 52? Like I’m all for Jason having actual friends and there’s some good in Red Hood and the Outlaws but like that’s never where i go first. Like Roy and Kor almost always are Dicks friends first. I wish Jason had been allowed to keep growing in the pre 52 with maybe some more links to Donna and Kyle and building a life post all the things he had done instead of scrapping the slate back and making him WAY less angry or brutal. Like, I’m glad new 52 reframes his compassion but I really like his compassion held in tenuous balance with his rage. (I feel starved for truly angry characters okay that aren’t just assholes). Pre 52 had some major issues with him too but tbh I’m more in Under the Red Hood territory than Red Hood and the Outlaws. Favorite relationshipYou gonna make me say it??? Really? Okay fine I’m totally into him and Dick. And I don’t just mean I really like making them kiss: I am so fascinated by the possibilities of their relationship in canon: favored son vs second son, and how Jason’s idolization of Dick turns to rage contrasted with Dicks behavior toward Jason starting as Robin, changing to his guilt and missing Jason so much turning to complete disregard for Jason when he comes back which directly contradicts Dicks entire reaction the whole time Jason was dead. Dreaming about him, getting into fights with Bruce, and perhaps most importantly beating the Joker to death with a crowbar when he mocks him about not remembering Jason’s name. (Sure it got fixed almost instantly but like mocking Jason’s death drove Dick, guilt complex almost fell apart when he let someone else kill Blockbuster Dick, to actually /kill the Joker/ which makes him the only member of the batfam who actually avenged his murder at any point??? Does Jason even /know/?) Add on legacy issues (when Dick disappears for a year Jason takes up the Nightwing suit too) and like yeah I’m fucking here man. I mean I love Bruce and Jason and the pain between them, and Jason and Tim starting with rage and moving to actually being friends but like the miasma of whatever the fuck is between Dick and Jason keeps dragging me back. (Come home brother is the only page I want to keep from Battle for the Cowl)
Favorite headcanon
Jason is acting president of all Robin’s have a crush on Dick Grayson club. They’re still trying to figure out where Duke lands but Steph is a member, tho she got the least of it since her stint as Robin covered Dicks mental breakdown era.
Slade:First impression
Damn I don’t remember. I’m fairly certain I ran into him in the teen Titans before anywhere else and he’s always interested me but I can’t quite remember which issue I found him in first. I know I spent a lot of time tracking down Judas Contract since it was out of print at the time and I have like a really early printing tpb from the 80s as a result. And even more time finding the issue where he just strolls into Dicks apartment to tell him he’s in Bludhaven because that issue never was collected in trade, so I was checking every comic store I could find and their back issues.
Impression now
I’m really disappointed he’s become more of a generic villain in a lot of DCs media. Like I loved him under Wolfram, when he was a Merc with an honor code and snarky outlook who was as likely to tutor the Titans as attack them. He almost became an ally a few times. And like I haven’t dug into his post new 52 comics that much but he just seems so bland and like oh ho ho he’s such a badass and that’s all that matters!!! So like I’m still attached to the character I just haven’t paid much attention to his recent canon.
Favorite moment
Hmmm… I mean I really like the time he allies with the Titans and the old squad was just side eying him the whole time while the newcomers where sorta more like eh? Is he so bad? And then Dick rode a goddamn nuke because why not.
But honestly it’s probably him and Dick standing outside the abondoned Titans tower, fighting over their guilt over Joeys death. It’s showcases both of their emotional pain, Dicks temper, and Slade’s strange capacity for compassion.
Idea for a story
Can I have another 80 stories set in Flashpoint with him as a pirate???
Honestly I’d be really here for an actual nuanced story exploring his relationship with his kids. Too often it gets reduced to hate or them being too much like their father and that’s not what I want.
Or! Considering I have no idea what the fuck is happening with DC right now but I just read that Superman and Lois from pre and post new 52 just got combined and have memories from both universes combined Slade dealing with his kids and Dick and sure throw Ollie in here too. The fact he’s both not met Grayson and has spend years intimately knowing Dick and the workings of his mind would be a trip and could be fun, plus his more complicated relationship with Joey and Rose pre new 52. Also Ollie would have a shit of a time figuring out his two lives (as he’s a set of characters that changed by far the most with the new 52) and why not throw Slade at him again too for old times sake? (Hey asshole remember when I crashed your wedding? I’m not even–actually yeah yeah I do you ASSHOLE)
Unpopular opinion
I have no idea??? I honestly don’t know what’s popular and what isn’t with him. So far no one’s bitched at me with anything to do with Slade.
Favorite relationship
While I’m totally here for the respectful turned to hateful rivalry between Slade and Dick (and honestly that’s another relationship that’s been stripped from Dick that drives me MAD) my favorite is actually Slade’s relationship with his kids. He’s distant, moves on a scale as simply a neglectful and not great dad to full on abusive and using his kids for his own ends (like for sure sticking kryptonite in Roses eye is a great idea!!!! But that was also at the height of Slade loosing his morals and mind). But as much as he wasn’t there for Grant, it was Grant’s foolish death and Slade’s pride that sent him on a collision course with the Titans. His guilt over Joey, first with his muteness and later for killing his own son, the fact that as terrible as he was to Rose he wants the person he respects possibly the most (Dick) to take care of his kids, especially her. The fact that when he looks at Rose the emotion the black lanterns see is love. The fact his entire plot in Flashpoint was his quest to save his daughter as the world goes pear shaped into apocalypse. Slade loves his kids he’s just a terrible fucking father and I love it.
Favorite headcanon
He still respects Dick despite everything they’ve done to each other.
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Including CNN's Chris Cuomos Daddy
http://documents.gawker.com/jeffrey-epstein-s-little-black-book-1681447470 http://archive.is/qcJEO Don't forget the CDs in Epstein's safe in his Manhattan townhouse. Those were labeled "Young [name] + [name]." You can bet that those second "[names]" are more than a little worried. Then there is the ranch in New Mexico where the NM attorney general is cooperating with the FBI. There is a lot more to this than just Pedo Island. Dustin Hoffman?!?! OH NO NO NO no no no no!!!!! Hook was a pirate that kidnapped children. Please tell me it wasn't a real story. At least let me believe that Robin Williams was trying to save them. It will be hard but they will make a blind eye to most evidence. Remember, Epstein has everyone by their balls, so like in 2008, either those high profile people start working on getting him an excelent deal, or someone is getting doxed.... Epstein will NEVER have more than 5 years jail, and probably at home or in almost private comfy prison It seems like they've got two types they use in this blackmail operation. The first type is rich, powerful, influential, and easily bought with the second type, young, naive, easily swayed with lies. Both of them are the blackmail targets and both of them get used. The powerful ones get placed into positions where their influence can be leveraged whenever and however it is needed. The young ones get supported and raised into media personalities, anchors, actresses, authors, musicians, whatever they want so long as it serves the desired social ends. If you consider that such an operation could have been ongoing for more than one generation, then the implications get a whole lot weirder than they already were. They basically breed with each other and select each other's most attractive offspring to molest and groom for future generations of the cult. In fact, this would go a long way towards explaining why the cult seems to be too stupid to succeed at controlling the world anymore: too much in-breeding. I have been SAYING ALL ALONG that we will one day find that its not just powerful men who are pedos and rapists, but that all powerful people become warped by easy access to every common hedonistic pleasure. As a result, the truly perverse becomes the final frontier of hedonism and indulgence: pedophilia. Satanism rendered art. Or outright claiming intimate and full ownership over another human. And, look, here we are! Barbara fucking Walters and a host of other up-and-up women right next to their disgusting, guilty male counterparts. Hang them all. Alec Baldwin - Page 6 Sir Anthony Bamford - Page 6 Lord & Lady Baumont - Page 10 Tony Blair - Page 11 David Blaine - Page 11 Mike Bloomberg - Page 11 Richard Branson - Page 12 Jimmy Buffet - Page 13 Prince Pierre d'Arengberg - Page 18 Duchess of York - Page 21 Duke of York - Page 21 Ambassador & Lady Fairweather - Page 23 Princess of Firyal of Jordan - Page 24 Lord & Lady Giliford. - Page 27 Lord & Lady Hanson - Page 28 Elizabeth Hurley (as "Liz Hurley") - Page 32 Michael Jackson - Page 33 Mick Jagger - Page 33 Ted Kennedy Jr - Page 35 Senator Ed Kennedy - Page 35 Christoper Lambert - Page 36 Dr. Henry Kissinger - Page 36 Courtney Love (circled) - Page 38 Cheryl Mills - Page 43 Rupert Murdoch - Page 44 Joan Rivers - Page 51 Jessica Rothchild - Page 52 Hannah Rothchild - Page 52 Duke and Duchess Rutland - Page 53 Edouard de Rothschild - Page 53 Evelyn de Rothschild.- Page 53 Saudi Crown Prince Solman - Page 54 Kevin Spacy - Page 56 Peter Soros - Page 56 Baroness Francesca Theilmann - Page 58 Ivanka Trump - Page 59 Donald Trump - Page 60 Chris Tucker - Page 60 Barbara Walters - Page 61 Lord Weldenfield - Page 62 Serena Williams - Page 63 Prince Michael of Yugoslavia - Page 64 Don't just look up the famous people, some of the non house hold names return very interesting data. Lots and lots of businessmen from London and Israel are in here. It seems London, New York and Israel are the sex trafficking capitals of the world My suggest is not to go through the big names. A lot of the non household names are powerful people and those connections reveal more. Every single person in this document has a Wikipedia page, only a select ultra old rich people don't have much of a trace except foundations and events Nobody cares.  Kids are killed at Disney World/Land due to negligence, people still go. Everyone knows there are pedophiles in hollywood, people still pay to see movies. Everyone knows there is something suspicious about how many Nickelodeon girls turn out to be messed up junkies, people still let their kids watch it. Nobody cares. 1000 British girls were raped by shitskins and there were no lynchings. Why do you think it would happen here? http://documents.gawker.com/jeffrey-epstein-s-little-black-book-1681447470 What is bunk1-5? Also anyone got a txt document that is searchable? someone must have done it by now I'll get a round to it. Bronfman was the ones in on NXIVM. Honorable Charles Pearson >Honorable https://ift.tt/2jM0nSY >Charles Pearson is a Director of The Dickinson Trust Ltd, The Cowdray Estate Trust Ltd and the Cabardunn Development Company Ltd. He is the principal partner in the Dunecht Home Farms Partnership, a farming business operating over 3,000 acres (12 km2) in Aberdeenshire. Enterprises on the farm include cereals, oilseed rape, beef cattle and sheep. Charles Pearson and his immediate family are owners of Dunecht Estates, a diverse rural property based in Aberdeenshire and Kincardenshire. Dunecht Estates extends to 53,000 acres (210 km2) and comprises seven estates - Dunecht Estate, Ramoir and Campfield Estate, Dunnottar Castle, Forest of Birse, Edinglassie Estate, West Durris Estate and Bucharn Estate. Interests on the Estates include farming, forestry, field sports, minerals, let houses, commercial property, tourism and development land. Dunecht House, the Category A listed building that is the centre piece of the Dunecht estate, was sold to the Scottish business entrepreneur Jamie Oag in 2012.[1] BTW, Epstein isn't Trump's only link to pedophile networks. Look into Trump's connection to CIA pedophile ringleader, Roy Cohn.
Anyone have any thoughts on the power outage in NYC being connected to this?
Servers "wiped"?
Accounts "wiped"?
Destruction of documents?
Someone here has to have some better ideas than me.
Jeffery Sachs. Jeffrey David Sachs (/sæks/; born November 5, 1954) is an American economist, academic, public policy analyst and former director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he holds the title of University Professor, the highest rank Columbia bestows on its faculty. He is known as one of the world's leading experts on economic development and the fight against poverty.
Sachs is the Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs and a professor of health policy and management at Columbia's School of Public Health. As of 2017, he serves as special adviser to the United Nations (UN)
I’d say NXVIM and Podesta are the two biggest connections these people will have. we know NXVIM is way way way bigger than we’ve discovered so far since it involves the Bronfman daughter. And Podesta/Alefantis have fallen off the map. we also have it confirmed now that Epstein paid women to bring other kids to him which is what the Smallville girl did in NXVIM. HOT SHIT DONTCHA Podesta probably psych-tortures the kids. NXVIM used to recruit recruiters. Shit is all connected.
Peggy Siegal. 
>The publicist and hostess isn’t just a fixture of New York’s Oscar circuit; she’s the engine that drives the whole thing, organizing lunches and dinners and receptions and screenings that introduce Academy members to the year’s Oscar hopefuls and drive the conversation about every single film in contention. The best way to win an Oscar is to make a great film, but the best way to guarantee it is to get Peggy to shine a light on it.
She is the one you go to, if you want to win an Oscar
Peter Soros, needs no introduction
PETER SOROS lives between London and New York and has managed his family’s investment office since 1998. Their investment activities have been concentrated in a relatively small number of venture capital, private equity and hedge funds, and a broader range of direct investments in the energy, technology, telecom, consumer and financial services sectors. Prior to that period he worked as an investment banker and managed a hedge fund
Leonard Stern
Another (((Philanthropist))) and investment broker.
>Leonard Norman Stern (born March 28, 1938)[2] is an American businessman, investor, and philanthropist.
He is the chairman and CEO of the privately owned Hartz Group based in New York City. The company's real estate portfolio was owned and operated under its Hartz Mountain Industries subsidiary company, of which he is also chairman and CEO
>Stern was born to a Jewish family,[4][5] the son of Hilda (née Lowenthal) and Max Stern.[5] Max Stern was the German-born vice-chairman of the board of trustees of Yeshiva University for whom its Stern College for Women was named. He had emigrated from Weimar Germany to the U.S. in the 1920s after his textile business proved unprofitable, bringing along 2,100 canaries from Germany to sell on the U.S. market. By selling caged birds, bird cages and other pet bird supplies to U.S. pet owners through Woolworth's stores over the next thirty years, Stern's father built up the family business: Hartz Mountain Corporation (HMC), also headquartered in Secaucus, NJ. HMC later grew to become the flagship subsidiary of The Hartz Group. The business was named after the Harz Mountains of Germany. Though Canaries originally come from the Canary Islands the Canaries in trade are the result of selective breeding by farms located at Harz.
I was digging on day one when the emails dropped, from comet to the tunnels to Pegasus to worldcorp to Epstein’s temple to brocks parties...we’ve been blue ballsed with dead ends so many fucking times that it’s hard to get excited but this looks like it could finally be the big one worth digging into and Pandora’s box has only just been cracked open
i published the world corp videos to my bitchute channel CIA CLOWN 
Francesca von Habsburg
Francesca von Habsburg-Lothringen (born 7 June 1958) is an art collector and the estranged wife of Karl von Habsburg, current head of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine. 
The amount of women in on this shit, blows my fucking mind! Me fucking too...me fucking too baka
I hear that fren.. pizzagate fucked me up for a while, I had to take a break cause I couldn’t get a decent nights sleep or stop thinking about the horrors going on and how all these people are involved and covering it up and then the useful idiots on the left helping them cover it up with their TDS and all the border invasion with no one even mentioning the child trafficking going on which is fucking weird why isn’t that every trump and conservative response to AOC and any other leftie crying over child separation. Just drop the child rape sex slavery trafficking stats relentlessly and they’ll shut up fast. But I guess the general public isn’t ready to hear it and have the reality of what’s going on shoved in their faces yet
Governor Charles Turnbull. Governor of the Virgin Islands where Epstein lives at little st james island
If you saw her instagram, you would think she 
was a 22 yearold instagram 'model'. She posts bikini pictures literally all day everyday like shes 20.
I mean she looks great, but its inexplicable to behave that way at her age. its attention whoring of the lowest order.
>pic sorta related
the type of girls she competes for likes with
>The amount of women in on this shit
“Women are wonderful” effect. no one wants to think women, the nurturing motherly caregivers of our children, are capable of the horrors they can commit when they’re emotionally convinced it’s justifed. ask yourself how it’s possible that with modern medical technology and knowledge SIDS is just a totally unexplainable random thing that looks a whole lot like a baby being suffocated in its crib in its sleep in the middle of the night by a frustrated emotional mother. Never find a kid dead from SIDS in the middle of a grocery store at 2 in the afternoon with witnesses around, funny that.
Daisy’s destruction had a female participant that was just as sadistic as the man. Smallville actress was bringing in children for sex slavery. Female child abusers are some of the most sadistic. But nobody ever holds them accountable everyone assumes the man involved forced them to do the things they do
Robert "Bob" Weinstein. Creator or Miramax and Dimension films. Ran Harvey Weinsteins shit
>2 years ago this looked like insane conspiracy by wackos
It’s hard to remember how innocent things felt before the 2016 election....when AJ was just a funny conspiracy nutjob and stuff like this just wasn’t realistic. Even just the alefantis Podesta stuff was like what the fuck. Like AJ sneaking into the bohemian grove and you’re just like oh okay that’s a thing. That’s a thing that actually happens. Eyes wide shut is a thing and everything conspiracy theory around Kubrick and his death and the actors involved in his movies is now a thing and what the fuck rabbit hole is this
Steve Wynn, he runs NUMEROUS casinos in Vegas
Prince Michael of Yugoslavia
The Hillary timeline is a dark one fren. We wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Everything would be censored and shut down. You would have Dem rule forever as she floods the borders with 3rd world illegals while sending legal citizen males off to die in Russia and letting ISIS run wild to kill off the ones that don’t go to war while they all rape and breed the women and all Hillary’s debts to these elite sickos would get fulfilled as the pedo circles expand and get more blatant about it knowing they can’t be stopped
Police, Sergent Robert Goldberg...
All about Israel and the Island Massage parlor
Well hello David Rockefeller!!
just waiting for the connections to most powerful sub-par pizza joint operator in DC.
selling pizza to politicians is evidently enormous business in Washington
jimmy "hit the kids like a comet till they vomit" alefantis
james "enslave the kids in my pizza parlor" alefantis
ole' jimbo "my pizza sauce is made out of ground kids" alefantis
james "scott tenorman is a true story" alefantis
jimmy "dungeons, chains, leather & shipping container human trafficking " alefantis
jimbob "monroe in the front door, never leave, in to the museum behind my house" alefantis
james "live in DC, my museum is the pedo embassy" alefantis
big jim "drop 'em off at my house, chop 'em up in my museum" alefantis
james "just dont talk about my museum" alefantis
jimbo "what pedophile network?" alefantis
james "we don't even have a basement" alefantis
ayyy it's old jimmy "bloodthirsty rage upon the vulnerable" alefantis!!
jimbo "dont eat the hotdogs" alefantis
jimmy "dont even get me started on the punch" alefantis
james "the water in my museum" alefantis
jimmy "somebody poisoned the waterhole" alefantis
jimbo "most of my friends are homosexual pedos" alefantis
jim "after it was discovered my websites contained hidden downloadable content, a criminal destroyed my computers harddrive" alefantis
jimbob "i can help you burn down your island" alefantis
Ohhhhh hoe hoe tay! 
Ask Caroline Orr...how she like living in VA. Sampson Rd, Dahlgren, VA 22448 amirite???
Ask Tommy Christopher how he likes living on Newton Ave, Oaklyn, NJ 08107 and how 
Ellen T Thomas 69 1947
Kathleen J Thomas 39 1978
Matthew J Thomas 45 1971
Megan E Thomas 34 1983
Robert J Thomas 74 1942
Robert S Thomas 53 1964
Ryan R Thomas 34 1983
Dana M Thomas 52 1965
Ethel Thomas 97 1920
Jack C Thomas Jr 54 1963
Jeffery S Thomas 43 1974
Kelly L Thomas 44 1973
Kimberly A Thomas 49 1967
Margaret R Thomas 76 1941
Clara P Thomas 74 1943
John F Thomas 46 1971
Are all doing...tell them hiya from me...will ya 
Ask Oliver A Willis' fat ass how southern MD is. Sweetwood Pl, Waldorf, MD 20602 right? Wait...I ALREADY KNOW HOW IT IS! But, ask him how 
A Wills 46 1971
Ann Wills 48 1969
Beverly L Wills 40 1977
Cheryl D Willis 49 1968
Cheryl M Wills 57 1960
Christopher N Wills 38 1978
Frank Crosson 46 1971
Jane T Thomas 54 1963
Karen A Wills 64 1953
Oliver A Wills 65 1951
Seth T Sahid 37 1980
Sheila Sanders 61 1956
Ricky B Wills 57 1960
Tina L Wills 46 1971
Are all doing XDDDD tell them, suuuuuuuuuuup XD
Wait wait wait...here's his mammy and daddy
Mom and Dad 
Karen And Oliver Willis(Sr.)
Montezuma Dr, Fort Washington, MD 20744 is a shithole XDD
His sister Tina Sahid, Arbory Way, Laurel, MD 20707 Laurel huh??? My ex is from Laurel...blow them a kiss from me, k? 5/10
And don't forget you little bitch...you wanted this
https://thedevilman666.blogspot.com/https://www.facebook.com/groups/qanonreports https://twitter.com/CIACLOWN1 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ciaclown16661/
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artreider · 6 years
Arrow Rewatch S2E1
Running starts lmao
Poor Felicity though that would probably be me as well.
Dun dun dun the mask.
Landmines lmao
Oliver superhero rescue. Another fave olicity stunt. Haha youre really sweaty.
A coconut.. water.
Fresh out of coconuta lol but hes happy to see her beautiful face.
Oliver is so broken here.
These two playing the family card when there is so much more to it lmao.
So how did they get off the island back to starling city.
Haha not so weak anymore huh Slade.
Shado and Oliver are so cute.
Oliver seeing what has become of his city :(
Isabel was on the list Oliver, how did you miss this.
Haha Thea is getting busy.
Roy wanting to do what is right. Oliver is happy with Roy sticking around.
Thea you have choices but those arent it.
Dont use olivers words you copycat.
Dinah laurel lance once again proving she isnt weak, come on writers why did you make her weak to make her black canary.
Poor Quentin being demoted.
Oliver cant help but run into trouble.
Its about time you realize it was a mistake Laurel, you should drop this with Oliver once and for all. Dont act jealous later on down the line no matter who he is with.
Damnit Oliver wake up. Listen to Diggle.
What happened to your parents Roy? I should start a list of things i want to know about Roy ahead of season 7.
QC battle.
Really copycat using his own words against himself?!?!
Felicirt showing shes a badass and hero also yay another olicity stunt. Man we had many recently and i love them all.
Felicity wanting the vigilante to come back to save the city because she knows hes a hero.
Felicity standing up to Oliver is my favorite. She loves this puppy and just wants him to be his true self.
Be nice Oliver, dig ande felicity mean well.
Haha oliver learning a new language and shado teaching him. She was so important to his journey.
Oliver and Moira i love this mother/son duo.
Haha Moira wanting oliver to run the company is so cute. What moira isnt saying..isabel was part of the undertaking aka in the book and was also your fathers mistress.
I love that Moira still sees Walter as family.
So how did Thea revitalize Verdant but not save QC for Roberts memory.
Oliver willing to suit up to save thea.
I love Felicitys improvements haha and keeping the salmon ladder.
Also looking at dig like i told you my future hubby would be back.
Oliver cant get over the improved lair. Haha the new bow created by his love.
Felicity guiding oliver on the other way, ugh shes so important to his journey.
Olivers first rage filled kill in the name of protecting someone he loves.
Thea still loves Moira so much and truly understands that she wasnt complicit in the undertaking bu choice.
Oliver proving he isnt a killer in Tommys name.
Oliver finally learning he and Laurel are truly not meant to be.
Malcolm is the bad guy Laurel not the vigilante.
Moira missing her children. 😭 and feeling like she failed then and left them vulnerable.
This mother daughter scene is so important. I love these two.
The starling city prison visitation is so unlike a real visitation spot.
Walter to the rescue and knowing how Robert would be proud of the man Oliver came.
If its online Felicity can find it. Haha a good friend sure thing.
Oliver found another way yay.
Roy cant give up being a hero.
Enter a dark dressed blonde woman...who will become important to the arrowverse.
Man i love the canary.
Oliver honoring Tommy by becoming a hero in the light. The Arrow is born.
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Eliwood/Camilla C-S support
Written by  datguy7788
Eliwood: Lady Camilla, may I have a moment of your time?
Camilia: Of course, what can I help you with?
Eliwood: I would like to thank you for earlier. If not for your intervention my wounds have been much more severe. If there is anything I can do to help you, you need only ask.
Camilia: *chuckles* My my, what a gentleman. Think nothing of it, I would have done the same for any of my comrades in arms.
Eliwood: True, but I must admit I’m impressed by the way you wield your weapon. It’s like watching a raging storm descend upon the enemy.
Camilia: I guess that is true. When I fight I often think about my family and what I must do to keep them safe.
Eliwood: Ahh, I see. I feel the same way when I fight. Everything I do is for my people and my dear son.
Camilla: If I’m honest, I came to your aid when I saw you charge into the enemy to draw them away from the others. It was quite brave of you.
Eliwood: Please you give me too much praise. I simply do what I feel is right. I wouldn’t want to disappoint my son’s expectations of me.
Camilla: Oh yes, Roy. You must be so proud of him.
Eliwood: I couldn’t be any prouder. However this whole situation is quite confusing. Becauses of complications during childbirth, Roy never knew his mother. It is a topic I do not wish to discuss with him but regardless I wish to spend time with him. He is my son no matter what time or realm he may hail from.
Camilla: You’ll receive no criticism from me. I love all my siblings dearly and would do anything for them. Even if I had to take an entire army by myself just to keep them safe.
Eliwood: *chuckles* I believe you could, Lady Camilla. If you have time Lady Camilla I would love to hear more about your family. I’m often find myself curious about the lives of others outside of my own realm.
Camilla: Well then I would love to tell you over a cup of tea . Shall we?
Eliwood: Of course.
[Several hours later]
Eliwood: Truly, he did not?
Camilla: Yes, he did. Leo was always such a serious child. His face was so red as well! It took everything to not pinch his checks then and there.
Eliwood: Your family is lucky to have such a caring sister, Lady Camilla.
Camilla: Of course…
Eliwood: Is something wrong, Lady Camilla?
Camilla: Nothing you need to concern yourself with. If you have time later, I would love to tell you some more stories. You’re such a good listener.
Eliwood: Of course, Lady Camilla. I’ll be ready to talk once more whenever you’re ready.
Camilla: It’s a date then!
Eliwood: *bluhes* Of course….
[Eliwood and Camilla have reached support rank C.]
Camilla: Of course, I told him I loved him but he wouldn’t stop crying. It broke my heart to see him like that. He got over it after some time but it still brings a tear to my eye whenever I think about that day.
Eliwood: …
Camilla: Oh, is something wrong? You’ve barely touched your tea.
Eliwood: Excuse my rudeness, Lady Camilla but do you think that…. you possibly spend too much time with your family?
Camilla: What? Why would you say that?
Eliwood: I’ve listened to all your stories but never have you told story about yourself. Each story seems to about your family’s problems or mistakes. But what about you, Lady Camilla? Surely you have stories about your own personal life?
Camilla: … My family is my life.
Eliwood: Of course… Please forgive me for overstepping my boundaries. But if it’s not too rude, may I ask a question of you, Lady Camilla?
Camilla: I don’t see why not?
Eliwood: Maybe you should be spending less time with your family.
Camilla: What?! How could you say such a thing?!
Eliwood: Hear me out, Lady Camilla. The reason I say this is for the betterment of your family.
Camilia: Go on.
Eliwood: Of course we should spend time with our loved ones, but too much time could smother them. How is your family going to grow if you hold there hand at every opportunity? I’m not suggesting to abandon them outright, but cutting back on time spent with your family will help them grow. Perhaps you will make your own stories to tell.
Camilla: ….
Eliwood: Forgive me for speaking out of turn, Lady Camilla. If you wish I will not speak of the subject again.
Camilla: You… are not wrong.
Eliwood: What was that, Lady Camilla?
Camilla: People often tell me I spend too much time with my family. That if I don’t let go, they will never grow up. But no matter how I think about it, my heart breaks thinking about them in trouble.
Eliwood: You truly are a kind woman, Lady Camilla. But every bird must leave the nest at some point. If they don’t, how else will they learn to fly?
Camilla: You… have given me much to think about.
Eliwood: Of course. I am more than happy to help.
Camilla: In that case… would you mind hearing a few more stories? Stories about my childhood.
Eliwood: I am also more than happy to listen.
Camilla: Thank you. It all starts with my mother…
[Eliwood and Camilla have reached support rank B.]
Eliwood: Lady Camilla! Are you alright?
Camilla: Yes, yes, I’m alright.
Eliwood: I was watching you during the last battle. The enemy had you surrounded. I’m surprised you were able to get away.
 Camilla: It was hard but I had some help.
 Eliwood: I am happy to see you unhurt then..
 Camilla: *giggles* I must admit, Eliwood. Your concern for me is cute.
 Eliwood: *chuckles* I apologize. After our talk, I began to understand you more and more. At first, I couldn’t believe a mother would treat a child in such a way. To use them like a tool. But I remembered one of my own comrades faced a similar experience at the hands of their mother. I always felt like a father figure to her so when I saw you surrounded…. Something inside of me forced me to check on you to make sure everything was okay.
Camilla: Thank you, Eliwood. Your concern is much appreciated. To be honest, your son helped with my escape. If not for his intervention, I would have suffered far worse injuries.
Eliwood: *chuckles* That sounds like my son. Putting himself on the front line to save the life of another.
Camilla: Like father like son, I see.
Eliwood: Please, you give me far too much credit, Lady Camilla. I am much more impressed with your strength. Which is why… I wish to ask a favor of you.
Camilla: A favor? What would you ask?
Eliwood: As you know, Roy grew up without a mother. He never had a caring shoulder to cry on or look to when things were at there worst. I don’t wish to see Roy spend the rest of his life without such a figure. Which is why I am asking if you could be that person for Roy.
Camilla: … You’re asking me to be his godmother?
Eliwood: Yes. He may be strong but he still needs the love and support of others. He may have comrades he can rely on, but he needs someone looking out for him like you look out for your siblings. I know it’s a lot to ask of you, Lady Camilla, but if you can find room in your heart for my son, I would be most grateful.
Camilla: I would be more than happy to add to my family! Roy seems like a wonderful young man. I’ve been making an effort to let my siblings grow on their own, but if he ever needs a shoulder to cry on, I shall be there for him.
Eliwood: Thank you, Lady Camilla! I can’t begin to thank you enough.
Camilla: I do have a request of you too however.
Eliwood: Ask anything of me and it shall be done.
Camilla: Promise me you’ll stay alive. Roy needs his father and I would hate to see you pass too soon.
Eliwood: I… thank you for your concern, Lady Camilla. I will do my best to stay alive for my son and your sake as well. I also promise to be there for you family as well.
Camilla: Thank you, Eliwood. Maybe one day when this war is over, we can take both of our families and spend an afternoon together drinking tea.
Eliwood: I would love nothing more, Lady Camilla. From this point onward, I will watch your back and you shall watch mine.
Camilla: I wouldn’t have it any other way.
[Eliwood and Camilla have reached support rank A.]
Eliwood: Lady Camilla… may I have a moment of your time?
Camilla: Of course. But you look quite red, Eliwood. Is everything alright?
Eliwood: To be honest, no. Lately I feel like there is a heavy weight on my heart every time I look at you.
Camilla: … Are you saying what I think you’re saying?
Eliwood: I’m sorry, Lady Camilla, but I have fallen for you. Your courage, your patience and your love for your family are all qualities I cannot help but admire. I know we may come from different worlds but…. I consider you more than family now.  
Camilla: *chuckles* So if you’re suggesting what I think you are, that would make me Roy’s mother. Not Godmother.
Eliwood: Yes, that would be the case. I may not be the strongest fighter here but I will prove my love to you every day. This I swear.
Camilla: …
Eliwood: I see… Maybe I read our relationship incorrectly? I must apologize. I will not speak of this subject again.
Camilla: You silly man.
Eliwood: Huh?
Camilla: Of course I’ll marry you. Your quiet strength. The kindness you show to your allies. Your determination to do whatever it takes. I love everything about you.
 Eliwood: Lady Camilla! Your words are a honor indeed. I promise to love you no matter what may come in this world.
Camilla: *giggles* I must admit I never expected to be marrying a man who already has a child. It could be quite scandalous.
Eliwood: Lady Camilla! I…
Camilla: Hush now Eliwood. I’m only jesting my new husband. Now we have a wedding to plan. Of course, my family will be there. Who will be the ring bearer though?
Eliwood: I’m sure we can decide when the time’s come, Lady Camilla.
Camilla: *giggles* Eliwood, if we are going to be married, you don’t need to keep using that title.
Eliwood: Of course… Camilla. It might take some getting used to though.
Camilla: Poor man, your face is so red right now.
Eliwood: Well… I… It…
Camilla: *laughs and pinches Eliwood’s cheeks* I’m sorry, my love, I couldn’t help myself.
Eliwood: *laughs* I love you, Camilla. Never forget that. Well then, shall we inform the others?
Camilla: Nothing would make me happier. I promise to love you from this day until our last. This I swear.
 [Eliwood and Camilla have reached support rank S.]
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